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Vacation Diary


To help you get started inventing...


Thursday, March 14, 2002 08:52 PM

Vacation Diary

Biked 15 days in a row in July 2001 and I can tell you this is a record that will not be broken until I am a Nobel Prize winner with a satellite dish on my bike. I took the bus to Nederland from Boulder Colorado 8 am got to Nederland at 9 am and started biking up the mountain road its called Peak to Peak highway leads to Estes Park. Allen's Park and Ward. 14 miles uphill to Ward I kept a schedule for my times biking from tent one to Ward as I had a tent set up at the scenic overlook 1 hour up the mountain road from Nederland. All the times are in my diary and I cannot remember good enough to write them up here.  Some days it took me 45 mins longer than the shortest time. Three hour is about the average time biking up hill from 8,200 feet to 9,500 feet. I got to Ward then turned off to the National Forest area and biked 45 mins at the steepest part of the ride.  When I started this route a few years ago I had to push my bike half the way, now even on bad days I bike the 45 mins without stopping but at only 1 mph grin.  I had a tent I called tent 2 at the top right before the Pay Booth to the forest. This year they change the cost to $1 for bikes it use to be free. In almost 10 years of collecting fees, they have not reworked even one trail so some one is getting rich behind a Nation Forest computer grin.  Therefore, I only went into the Forest one time in 2001 as I hit the hiking trail right before the pay station.  Trail is a Brainard Lake trail that goes down hill about 30 mins they you can turn right or left at a bridge with a mountain stream that is about 30 yards wide. Really, a nice place to take a break and watch the little birds fly.  This is a mountain bike trail but only about 2 or 3 a day a best use the trail as it’s just for the 1% of extreme mountain bike riders with all the rocks which average a foot in width. It would wear me out in a few mins and break my bike.  The best days with clear skies I hiked down, turned left to the Forest Lakes 1 hour, and found a rest area with a scenic view of Mt Audubon. This spot is my 3.5-hour or 4-hour mark in calculating the calories burned going uphill.   I got my weight down to 122 lbs by the end of July 2001 biking and hiking the month of July 2001. I ended up getting a cooking job at the University in August 2001 and gained 15 lbs in 4 months so back to dieting and biking for the New Year 2002.  The highway department put down oil and gravel on 14 miles of this highway so ran into a lot of trucks and got hit in the eyeglasses about 25 times with gravel.  No overnight camping as I can only find my six person tent.  My 2-person tent is lost and I had three tents at one time two were taken by Observers in our Orwellian society as I left them setup all the time in an area hidden in the trees around a switchback.  Only reason to camp overnight is to be able to start hiking at 5 am up to Mt Audubon in order to get back down by dark and dark is 9 pm in July. I only camp out one night at a time at this site, Ready for sitting behind this computer after 2 days of biking, hiking and camping out one night.  I could not get to Estes Park in 2001 because of the bus. There is no bus from Denver or Boulder to the National Park the city of Estes wants it this way so only Van Shuttles at $45 each way are allowed by City Hall.  Low paid workers are hard to come by for the business owners as they have no way to Estes as most low paid workers reles on the bus.  Bush was in Estes at the YMCA in 2001 right before the 9-11 attack on NYC.  YMCA people knew about the Electric Windmill Car since it was invented in 1980 so the Church is guilty of suppressing the electric car and letting oil money be spent financing terrorist around the world.  

Today is March 2, 2002 and I am working on my web page on my new web host, ATT sold their web hosting to Interland and I quit the first day because the tech support hung up on me.  I plan to rewrite all 135 poems I posted on my home page. Warmest winter in history and least amount of snow it was tempting to take the bus to Nederland and bike but you have to dress for winter biking downhill at 40 mph so I never did this.  It finally snowed 10 inches yesterday the most snow all winter.  I should have went skiing today but it would have been packed at Eldora this being the first big snow of winter and a sat.  I might go skiing on Monday.  


News - 18 Aug. 2001

2,000 people on Elkhorn in Estes no black limo and newspaper people were disappointed at not seeing Bush. 2,000 times, I have walked up and down Elkhorn and I imagine Paula my friend since 1975 was at her bookstore on Elkhorn with the crowd. Last message I e-mailed her told her about the Electric car and the oil genocide, she never replied and has not heard from her in over a year. Thousands of Americans have burned to death in gasoline fires in their cars via car wrecks and no one in Estes Park could even protest this - so much for a Orwellian society. I am curious how this could happen and will write a poem when I find out when the observers come out from behind the hidden cameras.

"After speeding through downtown Estes Park in a 24-car motorcade, Bush spent

The morning clearing brush for fire prevention and working on a trail in the

Emerald Mountain area that borders the YMCA and Rocky Mountain National



At the urging of the Secret Service, demonstrators who planned on gathering

At the YMCA, grounds were told to set up camp at Bond Park in downtown Estes

Park, where 150 people showed up to protest Bush's environmental policies.


Approximately 2,000 people lined Elkhorn and Moraine Avenues to witness the

Motorcade cruises by. One man was arrested and charged with disorderly

Conduct after witnesses told police that he was encouraging people to throw

Rolls of toilet paper at the motorcade"

So, although the only president to visit Estes Park since Herbert Hoover was

President had made his way through the heart of Estes Park - it was all over

Before anyone knew it - leaving what some may describe as a small feeling of

Disappointment in the air

Bush is coming to Estes on 14 Aug 2001 I will update this page then.

News - 11 Aug 2001

Bush is coming to Estes on 14 Aug 2001 I will update this page then.

I cannot make it to Estes this year as there is no bus service and the Shuttle Van companies are out of my price range at $75 a round trip.

Bush might visit Estes by Helicopter, this could bring Helicopter flights to the National Park if Bush has a good flight and wants others to have the same.

Aug 11, 2001

June 2000 computer is still running ok with the P3 600e cpu so it lasted 1 year and 2 months while my other computer needed a new motherboard which I installed a couple months ago so both computers with Abit motherboards are running side by side again. Other computer is a Celeron 533 overclocked to a P3 at 720. When freed I want to invent a way to overclock the P4 2 gig CPU to three gig in a casing that keeps the CPU at absolute zero.

This is my best STRAGITY for backup as if one computer goes out all I have to do is plug in the phone line to the other and I am back in business. I use a cd-r writer to copy all files so both computers have the same files.

News - 15 days in a row biking 48 miles a day and hiking 2 to 4 hours. This is a record that will not be broken until I get a wife, car, and house in Siberia - grin.

130 lbs now wanted to get down to 122 lbs as I was last year at this time but will keep working on it all year round this year and not gain any weight back.

Spending days and weeks in front of the computer writing poems and researching warp speed and a cure for cancer I put on weight.

News from the George Orwell news desk is about the NYC cops drinking + drunk. Drinking all the time in the police parking lot. I think cops and society in general are brainwashed by Coors and others and this should be the defence they use for the NYC Cop killing 3 people running a red light drunk, it will not get the cop freedom but will save thousands of others each year who also drink and drive and run over people. You can be brainwashed, this is a textbook example. Gamblers are another.

ANTIBUSE pill over the counter has been suppressed for many decades by the Presidents of the USA via politics of Coors and others.

700 fleet of Space Shuttles are not getting built, ruling class is still building Nuke Subs and Aircraft Carriers in an Electric Car Era that should be building 700 Shuttles that can be docked together in orbit like a train and set on their way exploring our solar system while working on a Gravity engine that will propel Humanity into the Warp Speed Era.

Texas Oil Kings think they will get away with letting Americans burn to death in Gasoline fires via car wrecks for more oil money.

We will just have to wait and observe if they do - grin

July 14th 2001

So I am on vacation, got a picture of a button mushroom in the forest today - a red one too bad we can't eat these as they are much prettier than the white mushrooms - grin.

Rain and T-showers every day in July so far and its July 14.

I biked 48 miles the last 3 days in a row since I was fired on Wed. Today is a zero calorie day have biked 48 miles and eaten no calories so I burned 3,000 calories and lost almost a pound today. I can hardly wait for my soy protein shake in the morning. I mix so milk, frozen fresh strawberries and frozen banana pieces and two scoops of soy protein. Then much on a no salt rice cake with peanut butter and raisins.

Hope to lose 10 lbs and bike 48 miles 10 days in a row form now until 25 July 01.

My bike fell out of the RTD Bus Friday as the bus driver left the bay door open under the bus. Bent the handle bars and front break lever and put a hole in the seat but rides ok at 45 mph coming down the mts.

9 July 2001


One computer died the ide one, it was the motherboard. I traded 10 DVD movies for another identical abit motherboard BE6-2 so I would not have to change information on the hard drive. Got it installed and booted up except I was reinstalling win98 when it went out and picked up at 17 mins left to install win98 which was not good and no way to quit install so just had to keep trying to reinstall. Got blue screen of death from Creative Labs chip on the sound card and conflict with the 533 celery CPU so took out the sound card and no bluer screen. None of the Microsoft people on Microsoft news groups knew this I found out from the guy I bought the new 533 CPU from he id'ed the error numbers to the sound card. Microsoft's people got pissed and slandered me and spit on me because I asked them why they did not know - ha. Microsoft was going to take over the news groups on its servers but back out this was not a wind fall for the posters as the Microsoft people are idiots who reply to help posts but nothing we can do until Bill Gates gets fired, grin.

Lava does not work without illegal operations but I can live with this as I have wake to cd music back working for my 5 am alarm. 2 speakers work out of the sound card sound blaster live value for the window media player but only one for the windows cd player. Not going to use the DVD any more as this is what killed the motherboard - I suspect it did.

Got another Kodak Photo CD of a roll of film, Kodak labs changed its name and did not enclose any order forms for the next roll of film strange. I will post my new bunk bed pictures and room set up in general.

3" inches of rain in Estes and Longs Peak, I was up there last year at this time with little or no rain for 10 nights, 3" inches of rain sleeping in a tent would float it around - grin. Estes has a flash flood warning for tonight... wet campers and hikers. And no warm showers for any of the 300 campers in the National Park campsites as the Park VIP's refuse to up grade the campsites to shower let alone hot tubs for sore muscles.

I soaked in the shower with sore muscles for an hour at a time last year. At the private campgrounds, I camped at. 10 hours of hiking, you can hardly move and not having a shower is cruel and unusual punishment.

2 camps were closed because 50 people got sick as the Organization running the camps did not provide soap or wash the tables that ate off of and bugs spread quickly getting everyone sick, this was not fixed after the first group got sick but another group of campers visited the next week and they got sick too so finally they caught on - and found the problem was bugs from no soap and not washing the tables they use to eat off of. This was not India but the USA in 2001 near Estes Park.

No bus to Estes or the National Park this year so probably will not make it up there in 2001. 3 million people drive to Estes and the Park and the Government lets the expensive van companies suppress buses.

Used truck to get 18 2X4's at the recycled lumber place for $25

Bought bolts but did not use them, next time I build a bunk bed I will but the guy with the drill did not have it so had to use a nail gun, paid him $20 to help which paid off as the plywood would not fit in had to saw it in half and put in 2 pieces. Took one night to make after I got home from work at 6 pm. Really helps in my room as its about 9'X12 ------ 108 square feet is my living space, I will enjoy a 5,000 square foot house this is for sure, but want a 50,000 square foot home to make up for lost space. Room enough for my supercomputers.

4 July 2001

4 July 2001 today

Electric car was invented and suppressed in 1980 log time before Iraq invaded Kuwait

Did 6 bike rides of 48 miles last 3 weekends - biking to Brainard Lake, I had a tent set up there last year but Gen Orwells observers stole it so have to set up another tent in July so I can spend the night and get up early to hike Mount Audubon at 13,000 feet its almost as tall as Longs Peak and its a nice hike.

15 July 2000

Back from 10 nights camping in Estes Park 9 Days in a row of hiking with almost no, rain best Estes Vacation ever.

Emerald Shuttle cancelled my 9:30 am ride I booked 3 weeks earlier said it was full.

Rick Star the new owner told Anita the driver at 12:30 pm we do not stop in Boulder any longer while I was on the phone with him.

So I waited at RTD 1.5 hours and RTD Cop threatened me five times to move on and I had two coolers and a pack ready for camping.

I will sue these nigers after I get my Nobel Prize.

4:30 pm I got to Estes Campground

After 50 calls to Emerald and Rick Star. Still had to pay $20 and no sorry or thank you from Rick Star.

My 3 100 lb boxes I shipped by UPS were at the Campground or I would have been sleeping on the ground for 10 days. Got a new six person Coleman tent up by 8:30 pm with 12x16 foot tarp over the top. Also, put a 10x12 foot tarp under the tent and one inside the tent. I had the picnic table under the awning of the tarp.

I sent three rolls of film to Kodak for photo cd and will post the picture in 3 weeks. 122 pounds 128 pound when I left 10 days ago now back to 125 so some was water. Did lose the fat off my waist, now going to start a weight lifting and Nordic track work out program instead of hiking Boulder City Park trails.

Posted the message below about my hike

13 July 2000 back from 9 days of hiking and climbed to Keyhole at Longs Peak, I stayed one night at Boulder Brook and was cold in tent with sweats with jacket but waking up and looking at the stars made up for waking up cold. I found the seven sisters easily and the others were so bright I had a hard time recognizing them all, wish I knew the names and distances of all the stars in the sky from Boulder Brook camp site... wish we were a society that traveled to all the stars in the night sky, but then the cost of gas would be $5 a gallon.


I could not carry my pack from Boulder Brook to BoulderField because of sore shoulders. So just carried water and soy shake. Left Boulder Brook at 5:30 am on 6 July thursday and got to the Keyhole at 11:10 am took pictures and wind was 70 mph at times but was warmest day so far at Estes Park Campground at East Portal where I started from 88 F.


11:30 am started back and got to campground at almost 7 pm. Took Granite Pass to Boulder Brook to Storm Pass to Wind River


Jesse, I did see my first bear a brown colored 2 year old black bear on Wind River trail by the Wind River Bluff back country site on 4 July at 7:35 pm he was coming over a hill and I saw him first and went the other way and made a big circle to connect to the trail again and looked back and the bear was moving his nose from side to side on the trial I was 100 feet up into the forest and he did not see me again so I kept on going did not get a picture as my camera was in a water tight box and did not get the camera out, but found out that if you yell and make noise the bear will get off the trail for you and let you take pictures, grin.

I called the bear on trail in to the Park and they said thanks.


Jesse you could track the bear easily as tracks are all over by Wind River Bluff and large rock outcroppings are where the bears sleep so good luck bear hunting with your camera if you go looking for trouble, bears, grin.


I have three rolls of film but will not post these for 3 weeks as I send them to Kodak for the photo cd and it takes Kodak 3 weeks to get me the cd. I also saw a large bull elk at Boulder Brook trail second log bridge from the top but did not get camera out in time


I hiked 9 days in a row average 6 hours a day and lost 4 lbs almost 5 as my weight when I got home this morning was 122 lbs, no more pot belly at all, grin. 53 YRS OLD.

NEW -- Had to delete 10 Megs of vacation pictures.

My trion web host went out of business.

I had 50 Megs for $15 a month

How I have ATT for a web host.

I pay $25 a month for 25 Megs.

Or $50 for 50 Megs what I use to pay $15

So will add a few more pictures here when I can.

I just deleted most of the pictures moving to the ATT web host.

22 Nov. 99

Trail to Longs Peak I make it .5 miles from the top ridge 3 days in a row at exactly the same time after hiking form 6 am got here at 3:30 pm and thundershower started at exactly the same time and lasted for one hour each time.



Adding new vacation picture here

Just got the Kodak Photo cd

Address for Kodak Photo cd is...

Kodak digital Processing

PO Box 8610

Gaithersburg, MD 20898-9935

Tell Kodak you want windows and a photo cd

In your letter with the roll of film

One roll of unprocessed film 24 prints is $15

24 prints with your order is $5

Shipping is $4

$24 for one roll - Dollar a picture and you get better digital images

Than you get from an $800 digital camera and you get prints

Plus it is easier to carry the film camera than the big heavy digital is

Camera so it is a win - win situation

Now all we need to do is convince Kodak

We could down load 4.5 Meg pictures

In pcd format to our PC and we would not have

To bother with a cd disk at all. Some manager at Kodak will

Put this in as a suggestion in 2000 or so, grin.

Estes Park Campgrounds next to the YMCA. I broke the zipper on the first red tent that was only a few days old as I bought it in Nederland at the thrift store for $22 a week ago.

First I put hole in the bag dragging it from my

House to the bus stop in Boulder and this shaved off the tops of

Three of the tent pole ends - I took duct tape with me at the last minute.

So I shoved the ends of the tent poles in the shaved off holes and

Ducted taped them together. Next to last day of camping I broke

The zipper on one side so had to zip and unzip just half the tent

Boulder Brook trail runs along a brook for a mile and has 4 bridges

You have to cross; this is the best trail in the National Park far as I

Am concerned. Steep as hell for 100 yards with 100 small waterfalls.

This rock was my rest stop 7 or 8 times in two vacations of 5 days

Each... it took me 3 hours to get to this rock. I got up at 5 am

With my Casio travel alarm and was on the trail at 6 am every

Day. Yes, it took me an hour to get ready every day. Well I reached

This rock at nine is every day and it was a brisk 3-hour hike as I

Walked fast to keep warm - I took off my sweat shirt and pants after

The first hour so the air was brisk in short and shirt for 2 hours.

I took 1 ten minute break to touch my toes and stretch or else

I would not be able to move after hiking 10 hours a day every day.

I touched my toes and stretched every hour for a couple of minutes

At a time, and did 10 minutes of stretching every 3 hours.

These are my legs and I am sitting in my red chair on the rock.

I had the store bought Java coffee and mixed up soy protein and

Creatin with a quart of strawberries in the blender, so I drank

This every day and munched on granola, this was my longest

Break of the day close to a hour long in the sun most days and

Listening to the brook, which I can still hear as I heard this

Brook for 40 hours or more in 10 days of hiking along side of it.

Wore a red shirt so humming birds would come into my view.

Three humming birds did just that - flying in front of my face a

Foot away, almost had time to get the camera out. Told the woman in

The bird store in Estes someone should invent a humming bird feeder

Hikers can hike with.

This sign is at the end of Boulder Brook I keep on going to Granite

Pass that leads to Boulder Field that is at the bottom of the cliff of

Longs Peak I got to within .5 miles of this three times and had to turn

Back because of the thundershowers. Last day of my vacation, I got

Pictures of the most vivid rainbow ever created, I sent the film to

Kodak yesterday so it will be 4 weeks until I get the photo cd.

Gas for all the cars that bring 3 million to Estes

Greyhound is not in Estes because of the town leaders

Moreover, the leaders of the USA do not care because they have

The electric car, which they use as a weapon against big oil

50 of these gas tankers wreck and burn killing

Hundreds every year and the electric car was invented in 1980

New July 4, 1999

Adding new vacation picture here just got the Kodak Photo cd in the mail today so will post them as I get time the first one is me on top of Flattop Mt with Longs Peak in the background and the sign that says Bear Lake 4.4 miles. Took me 4 hours from Bear Lake the total hiking time was 11 hours to and from the East Portal and the Estes Park Campground over there.

Spent an hour on top half walking around and half sitting in my chair.

Tips of all 10 fingers turned numb so I thought I better get down to tree line and sure enough the numb finger tips went away. I suspect this was a lack of oxygen.

Managed to turn my nail on the big toe black again this year coming down the same Flattop Mt. This year I wore a pair of Nike air low cut boots and they were a size 9 last year I hiked in regular top air hiking boots size 10 and got a black left big toe from my toe hitting the top of my boot a few times hiking down when my foot went forward this year my right big toe turned black from the big toe hitting the top of the boot. This has only happened twice in my life and both times were on Flattop Mt coming down.

July 4, 1999 Hiked here, you must zoon in to read the text. Taking me a week to recover from this hike, I hiked 12 hours on the fourth. Stayed on top of Flattop Mt for 30 minutes in 80-degree temperature and 50 mph winds. Was a perfect day to hike the mountain? Stayed at the Estes Park Campground this year and the shower was hot, this was nice compared to no shower last year at the campground inside RMNP. The Estes Park Campground is next to the YMCA and at the East Portal trailhead. Going back for 5 nights on 17 July and five more nights on 7 Aug. so going to have to pace my self a lot better so I do not get so sore I cannot move.

Bike by tent under four feet of snow near Mount Audubon. I camp in the tent when I climb Mt. Audubon because I get up at 3 am to get started on the climb. Nevertheless, this is not until August because the snow stays on the trail for a long time.

This is a Killdeer bird in the Exabyte parking lot, there are four eggs under the bird, they all hatched, and there were small killdeer birds running around the parking lot for a week before they flew away. This is the bird that pretends to be injured with a broken wing and lets you get real close to it. Would make a great mpg file on this page when I get a cam.

Sign at Glacier Basin Camp Grounds phone 800 365 2267 for Reservations

Campsite at Glacier Basin testing the one-person tent, had to use 10" nails because the ground had so many stones I bent all the lightweight aluminum tent stakes. I had to dig a trench around the tent to keep water from running under it during the rain. The tent was so small there was no place for a backpack. After all this testing I wrote out a sign FREE TENT WATERPROOF and gave the tent away. Now I will only buy a three or 4-pole dome tent though they are twice as heavy the dome tents win out in weight because the 10 10" nails weighted more than the one-person tent. The dome tent didn't require any tent steaks, I used string to keep it from blowing away, I tied the 4 corners of the dome tent to 4 trees, this was much more practical as with the stones in the ground tent steaks were impossible. Most of the time the dome tent stood free with no strings attached, I did keep the nylon tarp handy incase of rain. The dome tent had enough space for sleeping area and area to store gear. At Glacier Gorge campsite, mosquitoes were so thick even with DEET on I had to cook the evening tea in the tent. Therefore, I am sold on dome tents

Dome tent by Fern Lake backcountry campsite. After walking 8 hours from Frozen Lake I stopped at the first campsite at Fern Lake, this was the group site and no one was there so I pitched camp. Later I found out there is another camp site 100 yards further that has 4 back country sites at Fern Lake and this is were I should have camped.

There is a Ranger Cabin at Fern Lake I wish was open just for pictures but the cabin is boarded up, wire meshed up, and no way could I get a good picture of the insides.

Hail storm at gate when I was leaving, lasted 15 minutes, first rain in 4 days after temperatures soared to 100 degrees every day I was out hiking 4 days in a row.

Full screen picture of the crevice below

Crevice in this first picture is the next picture after I hiked 5 hours.

Right side of the picture above is the Crevice, it is between the second and third mountain in the large picture above counting from the top right. At the right side top of this large picture above the mountain is Flattop Mountain, this is the mountain I climbed. There are 3 trails at the top of Flattop one leading to the Mountain next to it with the peak pointed, this is a 8 mile hike but a little impossible to do in one day even starting at 6 am from Bear Lake. However, this is the trail I will try this year, 1999 because the view is great for hours and hours of hiking, though there is no stream running along side of the trail.

This is by Estes at the Rocky Mountain National Park. Camping at Glacier Basin is great except for the shuttle bus to the trailheads. You cannot start at 6 am because the first bus is at 9 am. If you get to the shuttle bus stop after 9 am the crowds are so large you must wait for an hour in line for four shuttles 15 mins apart to pick up those ahead of you. The park VIP's are not thinking of you or trying to make your vacation the best ever when you vacation at Rocky Mountain National Park. Government workers just do not care. One park VIP named Bitz stopped the shuttle drivers from keeping a tip jar the second week of summer of 98. There are not many summer jobs you can earn tips and now there is one less. Though Bitz earned more than all the shuttle drivers put together on her government paycheck she was so shellfish she would not let a few bus drivers earn a windfall in tips for the summer of 98. The shuttle goes from Glacier Basin campground to Bear Lake were all the trailheads I hiked were. There is a horse trail from Bear Lake to Glacier Park Campground, which I hiked once, it was a 2-hour hike and had to use a lot of DEET bug repellant. Had to use DEET bug repellant every day but the horse trail was the test that the stuff really works. Spent 2 nights camping at a backcountry site alone in the middle of the park. These sites were much different from the large campground at Glacier Basin. Both had there plus and minus... The plus of the large Glacier Basin camp ground is running water, firewood for sale and camp fires, you can't have a fire in the back country camp sites, and ice for sale. In addition, there are many people around to ask about the trails and directions. I had an aluminum frame backpack, which I had the straps to high up and I carried too much. Fortunately, my 3 nights camping had no rain as the backcountry sites were on dirt that would have been an inch thick mud with rain. There are a million better places to pitch a tent but the park picks the worst sites and the view they pick for their back country tent sites is the worst view too. So much for government workers picking the sites to pitch a tent. At one back country site named Glacier Gorge you had to walk across two logs six feet above a stream that was 6 feet deep, this was a bit thrilling as you had to carry your loaded back pack and hand bag across to get to the site to pitch your tent. Then each time you leave your tent you have to hike across these two logs, the hike across the logs is about twenty feet, and there is no handrail on these logs. Insects were thick here I cooked my nighttime tea inside the tent even with much DEET on. I think it took me 4 hours to get to this tent site from Bear Lake trailhead. Then I hiked another 2 hours to get to the crevice that is in two of the pictures above, the trail finally ended in an area of several glaciers in a 350-degree circle. The last few hundred yards up to the glaciers were over rocky ledges with the only trail marker being piles of rocks. I could hear other hikers a few hundred yards up where the glacier snow was but could not find a trail, other than hiking through a marsh of water and mud. The park should mark this trail or make a trail here as the area is the end of a 8 hour hike and after investing so much effort you want to touch the glaciers that I could see only a few hundred yards ahead of me but I could not get to because of the trail ending. This was a great hike, and will be even better the second time if I make it back in 1999. Several lakes along the trail and the stream is always nearby on the long hike, and my 3 days of hiking in the park in 1998 the temp was 101 and 105 in downtown Estes so it must have been 100 degrees on the trail. This was hot but I could not complain, as I have to enjoy the cold water from the stream. At one point in time, I had to splash cold water on my face and head every 10 minutes to cool down before a melt down. The water was ice cold and wonderful on such a hot hike. I took a complete shower cool down three times and stayed in the ice cold water longer than I ever could. After leaving the crevice by the glaciers, I headed back to Bear Lake and then hiked to Fern Lake. This hike took me 8 hours and there was no stream along the way. There were small one-foot streams and patches of snow, which help me from melting down. This was the hardest hike of the vacation but worth the effort in burning calories, I figured I burned 600 calories a hour for 8 hours that is over a pound I lost in one day as I only consumed 1100 calories. 4800 calories burned and ate 1100 calories so that leaves 3700 calories and a pound are 3600 calories. It felt good getting that good of a workout especially when you are 50 years old. Well I made it to Fern Lake camp site and ran into the group sign, this being my first time at Fern Lake I didn't know there were 2 camp sites at this location and could not hike another yard so I pitched my tent and took a ice cold shower in Fern Lake. This is the first time I needed my Pur water filter and the first time I used the water filter. I could not understand the instructions for first time use so just did the instructions for normal use of pumping a half gallon of water before drinking any. Never got sick so the Pur water filter must have worked ok even not getting the instructions for first time use right. I had tested out sports tape for my heels and ankles but taped a different style and ended up removing some skin as the tape moved and this caused the skin on the end of the tape to peal back, not to bad but it took a few days to heal and a hour to tape up with band aids and ointment. I put the sports tape in strips from one ankle to the other ankle on the other side and then put one strip all the way around my ankle at the top, this was a mistake as it was too tight and caused the tape to move. When the tape moved from hiking it took off the skin at the ends of the tape as the tape moved down. So, if anyone has used sports tape with better results let me know your taping technique. I can still tape my heals with the tape and not suffer any ill effects. It is just trying to tape the ankle that I ran into problems. Hiking down from 13,000 feet one toe started hitting the top of the hiking boot inside. I did not stop because there was no pain and I did not think it would cause an injury. Well this was the wrong move, as the big toe hitting the top of the boot caused a black spot under the nail and now in December it's still has a half inch to grow out before the black spot is outgrown. The hike to Flattop Mountain was the better view of the white cap mountain but the hike into the crevice was scenic also, hiking through the forest. Next year I hope to hike the mountain next to Flattop Mountain for the hours of viewing white cap mountains. Going to make reservations at the large Glacier Basin campgrounds for 7 nights and pitch my 3-pole dome tent there for the 7 nights.

Then go off hiking Flattop Mountain carrying as little as possible. I carried much too much on this hike in 1998. I had frozen bottles of water, 1-liter bottles that stayed frozen for 2 days in a soft cooler. This was nice in 100-degree weather. Too much to carry in the backcountry. I can get bags of ice at Glacier Basin at 6 pm to 8 pm every night so I just have to be back when I need ice, and hopefully I will not hike in 100 degree temps 2 years in a row but after those 500 oil wells were on fire the weather has hit record highs all around the world, and to think the USA has suppressed the electric car for so long, tons of carbon are put into the air every year from exhaust. The electric car would have prevented 100 million tons of carbon from polluting the Earth. The ruling class must have decided not to save a sinking ship, until the USA conquers the world via war instead of intelligent inventions.

Well I am getting a late start on cross-country skiing. It's December 26 and there is not enough snow in Colorado to go skiing over my 3 days off for Christmas. Last year I went skiing 8 times in 16 days over Christmas and New Years.

Eldora ski area not much snow in 1999 and this is the only ski area served by bus from Boulder

My Pentium 100 computer with one scsi 2 gig drive in case and one 2 gig scsi drive under fan -- the 2nd cd player is the white one sticking out its a use 40 x cd rom and would not slide into the case so have to leave the cover off.

Was going to upgrade to a Pentium III 450 but the memory prices when up more than $100 in 2 weeks so going to wait until sometime in 2000 when memory prices come down. Going to get an Abit be2-2 motherboard because there are no jumpers for all the settings, are the setting are controlled in the bios on the screen. Hope to overclock this 450 to 500, grin.

New computers built from some of the parts of the old one above. Bought 2 Abit motherboards BE6-2 and 2 celery 366 cpu chips in Jan 2000 and in June 2000 I bought one P3 600e and one 533a for exactly the same price almost with cost of fan and heatsink they both cost about $240 each. It was a mistake in buying the 533a but I was checking the price on the 600e every week and it would not drop until I bought the 533a then the next week the 600e price dropped to #199 the lowest ever and to think this was selling for $350 four weeks earlier. So I have one all scsi computer and one ide with ultra 66 which boots up win98 3 times faster than the scsi computer, put the 600e is the best cpu.

Pentium 4 is what I want now at 1.5 gig the 600e is .6 gig so it will be faster and by the time I buy this I will have MIT programmers working for me writing AI software for Invention Projects I will post both software and projects on the web



July 2000 vacation pictures here click on picture




Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306
Phone  303 443 6270


http://home.att.net/~inventor84/  my 2 meg home page
http://www.inventor-warp-speed.com -my 20 meg home page


ATT sold their web hosting and I had to cancel first day.
Now I have global host for my web page 200 megs now, wow


Name the 10 nearest stars to Earth....
Alpha Centauri 4.3 light years


Vacation Diary




|War on Earth| |Ford WindMill Cars| |Vista No Malaria Cure| |Impeach Bush| |God Darwin Gravity| |Harvards Faust + Oil| |Cheney's Oil Genocide| |NASA Women Call Me| |Tolstoy A Confession| |Drew Barrymore| |Putin Spits On Cops !| |UN Cop Killers| |Boss| |Animal Farm Windmill| |Vista Breast Cancer| |CBS News| |GPS Drivers License| |Invent Or Die| |Boss mp3| |AirBags On Outside| |Inventors| |9 11 Wind Cars| |Killer Lovers| |4.3 Lt. Yrs| |7 Million Cops| |Introduction| |Katrina| |CobraHelicopte| |Space Telescope| |Car Radar| |I B M| |MIT| |Seduce Women| |"1984" Mirror| |Poems| |POW Inventor| |Kennedy| |1 Billion MD's| |CU Med School| |Women MD's| |Gas Tanker| |Aliens| |Lightning| |Forest Stars| |Lobotomy Gas| |VetsDayOilDay| |Gravity Control| |Statistics| |Quark Particles| |Universe| |Daily Diary| |Vacation Diary| |4th Of July| |She Lay Reflecting| |Busted Teeth| |Busted Teeth 1| |Busted Teeth 2| |Resume| |Contact Us| |Site Map| |Schwarzenegger Burnt Cops|

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