War on EarthFord WindMill CarsVista No Malaria CureImpeach BushGod Darwin GravityHarvards Faust + OilCheney's Oil GenocideNASA Women Call MeTolstoy A ConfessionDrew BarrymorePutin Spits On Cops !UN Cop KillersBossAnimal Farm WindmillVista Breast CancerCBS NewsGPS Drivers LicenseInvent Or DieBoss mp3AirBags On OutsideInventors9 11 Wind CarsKiller Lovers4.3 Lt. Yrs7 Million CopsIntroductionKatrinaCobraHelicopteSpace TelescopeCar RadarI B MMITSeduce WomenPoemsPOW InventorKennedy1 Billion MD'sCU Med SchoolWomen MD'sGas TankerAliensLightningForest StarsLobotomy GasVetsDayOilDayGravity ControlStatisticsQuark ParticlesUniverseDaily DiaryVacation Diary4th Of JulyShe Lay ReflectingBusted TeethBusted Teeth 1Busted Teeth 2ResumeContact UsSite MapSchwarzenegger Burnt Cops



Please send a donation, cash or check

To Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306


Those burned in gasoline are profits for Dr McKane

of the Boulder Medical Center in Boulder Colorado


CU Med School Fails Society

In an Era that should be know as

The Electric Windmill Car Era

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I was made persona nongrada by a MD

over a false medical bill in an Orwellian

Society - to add insult to injury Bush in DC

gave the MD's millions in Oil Genocide bribes

for harassing the inventor of the electric

windmill car the MD's name and address is...

Dr. McKane

7263 Augusta Dr Boulder CO 80301





CU Medical School and Clinton failed 300 million   People - Clintons have failed 5 billion people total. This will be Mr. and Mrs. Clintons History after the Oil Genocide Trials convict and sentence both of them To death for letting 6 million cops and kids burn to Death for more oil money. Poem below me wrote while Working at the CU Bookstore and the Clinton heart Surgery. CU Medical School limits the numbers of Medical students - all the Medical Schools in the USA Limit the number of students so MD's can make more Money - this is why the local MD's at Boulder Community Hospital made me persona non grata and took bribes From DC to let cops and kids burn in gasoline... Money.  After the Oil Genocide Trials organ donation will be Mandatory - this will solve the shortage of organs for Transplants. Also there will be another Trial called The "Saudi Arabia Organ Donation Abuse Trial" and many, 10's of thousands of top MD's will be sent to prison for Life convicted of selling USA organs to Saudi Arabia and Letting Americans die.... for more money.  Same as they didBy going along with the suppression of the electric Windmill car. Sick MD's to say the least.Katrina by © Greg Buell 10 Sept 2005 Poem is below Also poem In Americas Forest below.Poem... University of Colorado accepted into Medical School 59 Women and 73 Men in September 2004 This is not the "ideal state" of governing Clinton is just one of many millions who did not follow the rules  But Clinton is "1 in a million" who can get the best heart surgery This is not the "ideal state" of governing  Lies from Bill, and now Hillary will never be totally exposed Lies from the University of Colorado make front-page news Gravity control is a social invention, like Bush and Stem cells My getting gravity control will still be amazing in 3004President Hoffman is unfit to run a football department According to the Grand Jury Grand Jury investigation just mentioned One Department I worked 8 weeks during Rush at the CU Bookstore - textbooks

I Observed Bullies -

Yes Bullies in the workplace were supposed to be cleaned up!

I suspect Hoffman was bullied by the Football Coaches

Campus Bullies Movie would make a great series of Sony Movies

Hoffman is bullied; she ok's the uses of the word Cunt

Telling CBS its ok to use the word, so the women suing CU

Cannot use this against the Football Coaches

In getting money from CU for being called Cunts

I Observed State Employees - screaming and swearing, fighting

Logging onto the Internet all times

Government employees on the web on taxpayer time

1 hour a day, I observed 3 hours a day by many

1st hour of work for 2 employees every day

Were conversation, burritos, and coffee

No matter how many web page orders for textbooks

Needed to be processed and shipped out the door

"Were not going out of our way to get the address correct"

"Type what they typed in on the web order," he ordered me

Though I knew UPS would not be able to deliver the books

I was a Temp - Temps at CU are Niger's

CU Temps - Are Today's Nigger Class, are screamed at 8:15 am

Coming up to the door - of the bookstore

Door has a card swipe and temps have no badge

Screaming women was a boss

Who didn't go to the Temp Orientation?

Screaming women was a boss...

So she screamed don't ever use this door again

And she was the number 2 boss who didn't know

The Personal Directors orientation to the temps.

Told them to use these door 15 mins before start time

Screamer was probably logged on at orientation time

I though the state keeps check of computer use?

The ideal state according to Plato

Is composed of 3 classes

State of Colorado today Temps are the Niger Class Today

And mistreatment breaks ethical, moral, and legal laws!

The stereotype of government workers is a true stereotype

1-hour conversation and coffee to start the day

1 to 3 hours logging on the web out of an 8-hour day

Stereotype of government workers is a true stereotype

Merchant class selling textbooks to the students

Marconi was left out of most Publishers textbooks

Hertz is in the textbooks but there is no test question

About how he got his inventions

How did they invent that?

Textbooks left this chapter out of all the textbooks

Teaching Invention - futuristic course for EDUC, teachers

Publisher's employee looking over the books, I told her this

Teaching Invention - I told the CU Chemistry Professor

Everything helps when you are looking for inventions

I Observed Bullies -

Yes Bullies - "Teaching About Bullies" A required Textbook!

Gravity control is a social invention

Like Bush and Stem cells

Bush will not let me work on Gravity Control

Bush-Kennedy will not let me work on a Cancer Cure

Politics of the Vietnam War in 2004

Kills women + kids today via cancer and suppressing my inventions

Observers who know of my 100 inventions besides the

Electric Windmill Car

Will testify I can get the cure for cancer and gravity control

40k women a year since 1980 have died of breast cancer

Hidden Politics of the Vietnam War

Hidden in our Orwellian Society

Vietnam Vets you see on TV ever day hate me

More than they hate Kerry, I refused to kill women and kids!

They hide behind hidden cameras with their pissed off revenge

Preventing me from getting a cancer cure and gravity control

This has been going on since 1980

Breast cancer has killed 40k women every year since 1980

These psychotic Vietnam vets have kill 40k more women a year

By getting Bush-Kennedy to Behead my working on a cancer cure

Lies from Clinton about this "Crime" will come on his deathbed

Lies from his wife caused 40k women's deaths since 1980

Politics of the Vietnam War

Kerry killed 100's of women and children in Vietnam

Clone of Kerry - Greg who refused to massacre women and kids

Invents the Electric Windmill Car + is suppressed by Vietnam Vets

Vets in a psychotic mental state over "Baby Killers" in textbooks

And Kerry's confessions about killing 100's of women and children

Memorial for the Breast Cancer deaths

DC Memorial of burned out cop cars and moms mini vans

Texas and Russian Oil men in a psychotic state over Oil Money

Baby Killers who burned kids in the back seat of fiery car wrecks

For more oil money

Russians infected by Texas Oil Men

Husbands and wives burn and burned to death in gasoline

24 years after the invention of the electric windmill car

This is not the "ideal state" of governing

"A Confession" by Tolstoy


"A Confession" by Tolstoy

Confession by Tolstoy + The Confession by Rousseau

NO Professor! Ordered these books for any class at CU

"Baby Killers" Kerry killed babies in Vietnam

General Powell was a black rapist in Vietnam

Yet General Powell will not write in his autobiography

About the women he raped in Vietnam

We need to write Powell's autobiography

We need to re-write Clintons autobiography

In "1984" as the Top Brass who know all the lies

As the Grand Jury who knows the true story

In HIST 2240 one of the books is titled

"Rape in War" No Generals are named as Rapists in War

Grand Jury should write their reports here too

Name the names of the rapists Generals you see on TV

A "1984" biography should be written of Gen Powell

A "1984" biography should be written of the men who are Senators

Textbook department has 3 versions of the book

Autobiography of Ben Franklin

Tolstoy, Rousseau, Bush, Kerry, Clinton, Powell

A "1984" biography should be written of government Leaders

Lies from Clinton will come on his deathbed

Lies from his wife lost the cure for cancer and gravity control

Era of an Ex President lying in a best selling book

In an Orwellian Society were only the Top Brass know its all lies

Cameras in the White house and Senate

24/7 in a "1984" Society were we listen to their lies by live web cam

Lies from Clinton and Senators

Will be History, if we can watch them on live web cams

Video camera put into 747's in 1990 would have prevented


Pilots who read this invention idea on my web page in 1990

Vetoed the invention of cameras in the cockpit

Cameras in the Doctors office is on my web page

MD's publicized Clinton is 1 in a million in getting surgery

MD's do not care who gets the worst care

So you will never see cameras in your Doctors office

Bookstore has 22 cameras and caught 11 shoplifters

Cost of the cameras and security men was $1 million

You do the math

You can change government workers with cameras watching

Bullies in the workplace caught on camera - grin

Security men will have no best buddies to wine and dine - ha

Bookstore has 22 cameras

100 cameras should be in every Senators Office and Home

Lies suppressed the Electric Windmill Car since 1980

Putin was infected by Texas Oil and lost 350 kids last week

Putin was out spending his ill-gotten Oil Genocide Money

Instead of being a Russian President, KGB director

9-11 would never have happened with the Electric Windmill Car

On the streets of Manhattan

Bush, Kerry, Clinton, Powell all know about

The Electric Windmill Car invented in 1980

Look what just happened to Putin

He was living high life spending Oil Genocide money

No one wrote his daily biography of spending Oil Money

Now 350 are dead because he was partying with Oil Kings

Those watching shoplifters should have been watching Putin

Save the lives of 350 kids by exposing a President spending oil $$$

NASA wined and dinned Oil Kings in Texas

And Lost 2 Shuttles

Biographies of NASA will never "tell all" about the Oil Money

The on the job Bullies at NASA who wanted to party with Oil Men

The ERA of Oil Genocide and the Electric Windmill Car

Conversations at NASA should have been on security cameras

Bill Gates was infected by the Oil Genocide too

He killed off millions of inventors by the cost of his Software

And infected "all" other software companies

To overcharge to the point of killing millions of inventors

Bill Gates is a mass murderer of inventors

In my autobiography - in the Real World

One in a million is all Bush-Kennedy wants

Out of the masses of 5 billion people to be an inventor

I want millions out of a billion to be inventors

I want millions out of a billion to be inventors

I want millions of MD to replace the 59 women

I want millions out of a billion to be MD's

I want cameras in your MD's office

I want your exam on recorded on a web page

1 wants to work 24/7 on a cure for cancer

And gravity control with you watching me on a web cam

These inventions will have no "1984" imitator

Marconi was almost "beheaded" before he got radio

Sending voices through the air is amazing today

Getting gravity control will still be amazing in 3004

Bush-Kennedy have "beheaded" my getting the inventions

Just read my web page… www-inventor-warp-speed.com

Observers who know of my 100 inventions besides the

Electric Windmill Car

Will testify I can get the cure for cancer and gravity control

Bush-Kennedy have "beheaded" my getting the inventions

Kerry has not called or made any Orwellian Comments on TV

Saying he will let me get these 2 invents and 1,001 others

Vietnam Vets you see on TV ever day hate me

More than they hate Kerry, because I refused to kill women and kids!

Yet they hide behind hidden cameras with there pissed off revenge

Preventing me from getting a cancer cure and gravity control

This has been going on since 1980

In our Orwellian Society hidden behind the hidden cameras

Government leaders are corrupt + psychotic

From Pukin and Russian Oil money

To Colorado State employees wasting the 1st hour of work

Just to log on the web for 2 more hours during the day

To President Hoffman

Incompetent to run the football department

On the Front Page of the Newspapers

Journalist have been in the bookstore

I know because I helped them find textbooks

Mexican temp. I worked with for 8 weeks

Has 9 DUI's and got away with all of them

I told him joking I will tell a investigative Journalists

And he will be on the front page of the newspapers

He laughed - not knowing if someday he will be news

Rousseau was born in Geneva in 1712

Today Observers in Geneva know about the Electric Windmill Car

Some in Geneva have made as much money as Putin from oil

Only 1 in a million in Geneva have viewed Officer Jason's

Gasoline burned face picture on my web and his web page

CNN and CBS will not let Julie Chen interview 100's of Jason's

Burned in fiery car wrecks

All you get to see on the government controlled news

Is a one-minute video clip of 35 car pill ups with a few flames?

CNN and CBS are not allowed to show you the burned people

I have skied dramatic dynamic parallel skiing

Down Breckenridge slopes

Today on their web cam there was snow in the picture

I will get some web cams set up when I start working 24/7

On a cure for cancer and gravity control so you can watch me

MD's will resist having their workday on web cameras

Clinton will get his surgery this week

Million others will die of the exact heart problems Clinton has

University of Colorado accepted into Medical School

59 Women and 73 Men in September 2004

This is not the "ideal state" of governing

Bush's MD helps suppress the Electric Windmill Car

And millions who would be MD's

Bill Gates has murdered millions of inventors

Bush's MD has murdered millions of aspiring MD's

This is not the "ideal state" of governing

Open Space land in Boulder Colorado has more Presidents

Than the Universe - the nearest Star, Alpha Centauri

In the minds and hearts of Government workers in Colorado

Lies from Clinton will come on his deathbed

Lies from his wife cause the loss of the cure for cancer

My inventions will have no "1984" imitators

Cure for Cancer and Gravity Control are Real Inventions

I will get if I don't get beheaded

By government workers first!

One in a Million can get the Best Heart Surgery

Copyright Greg Buell 2004 www.inventor-warp-speed.com

September 5, 2004



Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Phone 303 443 6270

Name the 10 nearest stars to Earth....

Alpha Centauri 4.3 light years



Please send a donation, cash or check

To Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306




CU Medical School and AMA + University Failure to Society

Alpha Centauri 4.3 light years

 11 Nov. 2005 Veterans Day it will become "Oil Genocide Day" Veterans Day it will become "Oil Genocide Day"
Poem by Greg Buell © 11 Nov. 2005
PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306 My Getting gravity control will still be amazing in 3005 Veterans Day it will become "Oil Genocide Day"
Veterans Day it will become "Oil Genocide Day" Picture cop and kids with burnt faces
Looking at the Generals as their Stars... Now Light years from Alpha Centauri...
Because they went along with a Oil Genocide for more oil money Kids look up to Generals with all their Stars
No one will survive the Oil Genocide Trials Not even Veterans Day, it will become "Oil Genocide Day"
Veterans Day it will become "Oil Genocide Day" Burnt faces of cops and kids in USA Oil Genocide
For more Oil Money is the only reason too $$$$$$$$ In 2005 we are in the Oil Genocide Era
Bush did not honor Officer Jason today - burnt face! Bush attacked those who wanted the Electric Windmill Car
On the streets of the
USA today but got a Psychotic President Bush in Iraqi forever!
Bush and Rice made up all the war Stories Like sex-addicted nymphomaniacs, Bush and Rice
There was no sane reason to invade Iraq with an Electric Car In the Pentagons Garages
Bush's waning credibility is Zero with the electric windmill car With 166,000 fiery car wrecks in the Orwellian News
And the Pentagons top secret number of Burnt cops + kids Tens of thousands with burn faces from fiery car wrecks
CNN TV people will be replaced by some of these causalities Oil Genocide Trial will rewrite history of Bush + Rice
Sex-addicted nymphomaniacs, Bush and Rice UN oil for money scandal didn't get them at the UN Beheaded
But UN Generals will be beheaded in the Oil Genocide Trials Big Brother is not looking out for anyone.
Moscow cops are #1 in being burnt to death in gasoline Kids look up to this new 5 Star General - at the Pentagon
He tells war stories about Vietnam in an Oil Genocide Era Will this new 5 Star General at the Pentagon
Survive the Oil Genocide Trials by letting kids die for him. In fiery car wrecks...? In 2006, In 2007 etc.
CIA tortures terrorist, and they know kids burn in gasoline Back in the USA
This is not criminal talk at CIA HQ But politics of Presidents + Generals not CIA agents
Bush's argument is we need the Oil Money Judy Miller of the New York Times

www.judymiller.org <http://www.judymiller.org>

I sent her e-mail in her last days at the NYT Asking her to expose the suppression of the Electric Windmill Car
Judy refused... Kids look up to Generals will all their Stars
No one will survive the Oil Genocide Trials Not even Veterans Day, it will become Oil Genocide Day
Exxon-Mobil CEO Lee Raymond will be Beheaded The CIA will kill Saudi King and Prince
VIA our Post Oil Genocide President of the USA's first executive order! Windfall profits will finally go to the Electric Windmill Car
The new President will freeze $5 trillion in oil money Electric Windmill Car...
In its first year of production I will get 101 more inventions Possibly even the cure for cancer and gravity control
IBM mainframe computers will track misdiagnosis by MD's Bill Gates will not survive my free OS for PC's
My reinvented PC will turn on like a TV History of Microsoft will be rewritten with the Electric Windmill Car
1980 invention of the Electric Windmill Car + Microsoft's IQ Genocide It was irresponsible for Bill Gates to go along with its suppression
No Time - time did not create itself This will get the President of CU here in Boulder CO fired
Cooks who never wash their hands will freak out freshmen Campus newspaper never wrote up non-hand washing cooks
Timeline for ending the Iraqi war Today's Veterans Day Bush said he did not mislead!
166,000 fiery car wrecks with cops and kids burning in gas This is the real reason Bush looks like a nervous wreck
166,000 fiery car wrecks burning cops and kids in gas Rice profited from white cops burning to death in fiery wrecks
Kennedy + Kerry have know about the Electric Windmill Car Since its invention in 1980
This is why Bush keeps saying you went along with it With burning cops and kids to death in fiery car wrecks
Kennedy + Kerry backed Bush in this Oil Genocide Veterans who are Generals backed this Oil Genocide
For more Oil Money Kids look up to Generals with all their Stars
No one will survive the Oil Genocide Trials Not even Veterans Day, it will become "Oil Genocide Day"
Veterans Day it will become "Oil Genocide Day"
Veterans Day it will become "Oil Genocide Day"
Poem by Greg Buell © 11 Nov. 2005
PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

2 Nov. 2005 === 2nd fiery tanker crash and the pictures were suppressed as the Observers in our Orwellian society didn't want me to post pictures of a 2nd gas tanker on fire. ABC reported this week 166,000 fiery car wrecks have taken place since my invention of the electric windmill car in 1980... Carter is on TV as I type this talking about Rumsfeld's torturing terrorists in secret prisons what is so ironic is Carter was the first USA President when I invented the electric windmill car and will be put on trial in the Oil Genocide trials after the suppression of the electric windmill car is exposed... And Rumsfeld knows about the suppression of the electric windmill car. Cops and kids walking around with burnt faces from gasoline burns. Crimes finally published by CNN, CBS - 10's of thousands of causalities from Texas Oil men who are USA terrorists. All these 166,000 fiery car wrecks in the USA for more oil money... $ 5 Trillion dollars in oil profits since 1980. $$$$$$$$$$$$$
FORT LAUDERDALE · An adult and a child were killed Tuesday evening when their car smashed into a tanker truck hauling 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel. The tanker truck from Fort Lauderdale-based HyPower Inc. was heading north in the 6300 block of Northwest Ninth Avenue when a Dodge Neon swerved into the truck's path about 6:15 p.m., said Sgt. Bill Schultz, spokesman for the Fort Lauderdale Police Department.

Katrina by © Greg Buell 10 Sept 2005

4 Oct 2005 === Oil Genocide picture from Florida's 7 Mile Bridge 2 dead 1 burned in gasoline - 2 more dead in a Denver crash + 1 burnt. Gasoline Genocide for more oil money when the Electric Windmill Car should be on the road not gas tanker trucks going head on into a SUV $

Take along a gallon of water in your Electric Windmill car and you get Oxygen and Hydrogen from free electrolysis. Take a canister of your free hydrogen made with your electric windmill car into your house and you will get free electricity and free fuel for your furnace and air conditioning. Xcel will be completely out of business - Our Public Service Co.

27 Sept. 2005 My BDay 58 today -

For my BDAy I want a new computer and wives so we can work on 1,001 inventions. Keep the next Katrina and Rita at sea with an invention. Help save the 40,000 women who will die from breast cancer in 2005 and the next 40,000 who will die in 2006. 1,001 inventions I will give you for your BDay present when Bush gives me the OK to work as an Inventor. I will get the cure for cancer and gravity control I promise you!

In 1980 Electric Windmill Car was invented by myself and suppressed.

Today Bush wants you to drive less in your gas burning car...

But Bush will not give you an Electric Windmill Car for my BDay - Ha!

A bus with nursing home patients burned 24 to death on Nation TV CNN, CBS, what you didn't see was the cops and kids who also burned to death in fiery car wrecks around American and around the world as Bush has this news video suppressed. On September 27, 2005 someone will burn and others will burn to death... needlessly as the Electric Windmill Car was born in 1980 and should be on the road today...

18 Sept. 2005 Update - lost spin off inventions from the electric windmill cars suppression.

Take along a gallon of water in your Electric Windmill car and you get Oxygen and Hydrogen from free electrolysis. Take a canister of your free hydrogen made with your electric windmill car into your house and you will get free electricity and free fuel for your furnace and air conditioning. Xcel will be completely out of business - Our Public Service Co.

My Getting gravity control will still be amazing in 3005

Gov. Arrests 100's of mom's every summer for deaths of kids in hot cars or for just leaving kids in hot cars. With your electric windmill car - you will get climate control 24/7 same as your house... no more hot cars. Gov. knows this has know this for years and still lets 100's of kids die every summer since 1980 in hot cars. Everyone you see on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC news knows this as I have e-mailed them 100's of times about the electric windmill car.

Putin in Moscow will pay the price for killing Moscow cops in fiery rear end car wrecks for more Oil Money before Bush, Moscow cops will finally take a canister of free hydrogen from their Russian electric windmill cars into the cop shop and plug it into their Russian furnace and crank up the heat to 85 F in the dead of winter... once the Moscow cops find out Putin froze them and burned them and their kids to death... Putin will suffer the same fate as the late Great Russian Czar. And Bush will watch this on CNN. Moscow deaths from frozen to death is a spin off genocide from suppressing free hydrogen from the electric windmill car for free fuel for your furnace.

Spin off inventions from the electric windmill car have been lost, add ships, planes and trains... and this is the worst Genocide in History and made in the USA. As Senator Kennedy was the first Senator to find out about the electric windmill car in 1980. Everything was caught on Big Brothers cameras way back in 1980... "1984" break the mirror and find the Gov. Cameras!



Please send cash or check to

Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Any donation will help me expose the electric windmill car,




My Getting gravity control will still be amazing in 3005

For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies

Katrina by © Greg Buell 10 Sept 2005

Underprivileged and the Electric Windmill Car
Suppression of the masses by the Presidents Mother
Bush's Mom said Katrina victims are "underprivileged"
And now their better off
Bush's Mom will be taken out and shot
In the 4th day of the Oil Genocide Trials
Martha Stewart will be taken out and shot
In the 5th day of the Oil Genocide Trials
The "underprivileged" are underprivileged via Bush
Via Yale and Harvard
Presidents of Yale and Harvard will be shot to death
In the 6th day of the Oil Genocide Trials
"underprivileged" all of then in the Katrina videos
Would have a University degree - all of them 100%
If the Electric Windmill Car was not suppressed in 1980
Bush and Texas Oil men profited by $ Trillions of dollars
More than enough to make every University in the USA free
Bush's Mom never wanted Yale free
Bush's Mom will never want Yale free of tuition
Bush's Mom infected the Generals wife and daughters
Pentagons Trillions is less than the Oil Men's Trillions
Since 1980 and the suppression of the Electric Windmill Car
Cops and kids burned to death in fiery car wrecks since 1980
Pentagons causalities in Wars since 1980 is less than this
On the 7th Day Rumsfeld will be taken out and shot
On the 7th Day of the Oil Genocide Trials
"underprivileged" 1 billion people maybe 3 billion people
All would have a University degree in 2005
If it were not for the Presidents Mother
This is why she will be taken out and shot on the 4td Day
Of the Oil Genocide Trials
Presidents of Yale, Harvard, and MIT
Will be taken out and shot too
Imagine the true testimony of Scott killing his pregnant wife
Now at this trial we have cops and kids burnt in gasoline
Like the naked Vietnamese girl running down the street
Napalmed by a different USA President
Her parents made $2 a day being "underprivileged"
Testimony from Cops and Kids with burnt faces like Jason
Will inflame the Judges and Court TV viewers
Judge - Jury, and executioner will be one person
1 Billion Persons watching the Oil Genocide Trials
On Court TV
Will drag Bush's Mom out of the trial
And shoot her to death in a flame of passion!
Bill Gates will also be dragged out and shot
Learning Microsoft Excel will be free after the trail
Oil Genocide Era burned more than a million to death
For each $ Trillion dollars of oil money since 1980
This is outside the boundaries of human decency
And social norms for anyone let alone Yale Graduates
Yale and Harvard will be ranked differently
After the Oil Genocide Trials
"underprivileged" all of then in the Katrina videos
Will have a University degree - all of them 100%
Moms will send their kids on Light Year Flights
To Alpha Centauri not to Iraqi for needless oil
A Universe Bush's Mom could never envision

Katrina by © Greg Buell 10 Sept 2005

24 July 2005

"In Americans Forest"

Click the title above for more

Copyright © Greg Buell 2005

In Americans forest.... The Electric Windmill Car is suppressed

In Gravity forest... Greg getting gravity control is deafening to Generals

In GE's forest... Generals pour gasoline over the troops and masses

In NASA's forest... Bush spent $300 billion on Iraq not 700 new Shuttles

In CNN's forest... Today's fiery car wrecks aren't heard in the news

In CNN's forest... Oil terrorists are heard but not reported every hour

In the MD's forest... burn victims are worth 10's of thousands $$$$

In Americans forest... someone will burn in gasoline today

In American forest... Everyday someone burns in gasoline

In Bill Gates forest... he would never have been heard in his life

If the electric windmill car was not suppressed in 1980 - really.

In Bill Gates forest... he owes his fortune to all those burnt in gasoline

In the High School teacher’s forest... Bill Gates is a mass murderer!

In Microsoft's forest... "Vista" needs to be rebooted and registered

In Microsoft's forest... Programmers are made in India not the USA

In Sony's forest... A PC could turn on like a TV if a new CEO gets this job

In Sony's forest... 1,001 Invention Projects are drowned out by censors

In the Department of Educations forest... A Free University System

Would save the lives of more people than National Health Insurance

In the Department of Educations forest... No supercomputers are heard

In Florida Jeb Bush's forest... A+ is not for Students but Stock $ price

In Bush's forest of ... no student left behind if you have $284 for WinXP Pro

In Jay Lenos forest... Sound of flesh burning in gasoline is a Leno Joke

In Jay Lenos Hollywood forest... Road Rage shootings are not curable

In Nancy Grace's forest... lawyers hear no invention passions inside

In USA women lawyers forest... your husband is most likely to kill you

In Julie Chen's CBS forest... taking a nuke for Taiwan is a loud Aye vote

In NASA's forest... Bush spent $300 billion on Iraq not 700 new Shuttles

In Gods forest... Atheists can't see Alpha Centauri but know nothings there

In physics forest... Before the Big Bank is a serious sound

In lightning's forest... NCAR can't invent a way to suppress it

In the FBI's forest... Bush shredded all the burned out cop cars

I would have put in front of FBI's Headquarters for an Oil Genocide Memorial

In Denver's forest... Everyone in Vail hears what's going on

In Vail's forest... Rich men run the show and burn kids in gasoline

In ABC's forest... Gasoline prices are heard loud and clear

In NBC's forest... Oil Money is heard burning Americans to death

In CBS's forest... Our Police State is a forest of burnt out cop cars

In Americans forest... Memorial of burnt out cops cars - for a Memorial

In Bush's forest... Pictures of burnt faces from gasoline are off limits

In After Bush forest... Gov. Building will have pictures of burnt cops

In George Orwell's forest... A burnt out cop cars is parked at City Hall

In Denver's forest... Everyone in Vail hears the oil money ecstasy

In Inventions forest... 1,001 Things You Can Invent CD is not heard

In Sony's forest... 1,001 Invention Projects are drowned out by censors

In Sony's forest... A PC could turn on like a TV if a new CEO gets this job

In the Generals forest... Aliens are not heard in 10 Billion Galaxies

In Vail's forest... Rich men run the show and burn kids in gasoline

In Colorado's forest... they don't hear the screams of burning people

In the MD's forest... burn victims are worth 10's of thousands $$$$

At the Yale Medical School forest... Electric Windmill Cars is not autopsied

In Colorado's forest... Colorado Petroleum is heard at the Bank

In England's forest... DNA of Henry VIII lives on in Queen Elizabeth

In Moscow's forest... Moscow holds the world record for burnt out cop cars

In Denver's City Hall forest... DC payoffs are heard and sort after

In Americans forest... Cops and kids will scream in pain today

In Americans forest... someone will burn in gasoline today

In American forest... Everyday someone burns in gasoline

In CNN's forest... Those who write the news don't hear screams

In the forest... Screams from gasoline burning them to death

In the forest... Screams of Texas Oil Men wanting more oil money

In Americans forest.... The Electric Windmill Car is suppressed

In the forest... Screams of Texas Oil Men wanting more oil money

In CBS's forest... Oil Men's Money is more valuable than USA kids

Yet NBC's forest... does dramatic stories on car seats for kids

So in ABC's forest... only Oil Money is heard not your kids inventions

In the Oceans forest... Oil drilling is heard on the national news

In the Navy's forest... Admiral knows about the Electric Windmill Car

In the Air Forces forest... Pilots don't hear those Napalmed in America

In the Army's forest... no war games are heard conquering Oil $$$

In the Marines forest... Honor - Oil Money runs the World's Honor

In the forest fire... Rumsfeld's C5A is not heard dropping bombs

In Times forest... Discovery of what makes time tick is not heard

In Gravity forest... Greg getting gravity control is deafening to Generals

In the Futuristic Inventions forest... no perpetual motion machines tick

In the Generals forest... Aliens are not heard in 10 Billion Galaxies

In America’s forest... cops and kids will burn in gasoline

In Boulder, Colorado's forest... all city employees are overpaid via oil $

In DC's forest... Oil $$$ money in the Trillions of Dollars sounds loudest

In Realities forest... cops and kids are causalities of the oil war $

In Senators McCain's forest... POW's spit in Officers Jason burned face

In Senators Kennedy's forest... he has been driving drunk since 1980

In Senators Kennedy's forest... In his Electric Windmill Car killing women

In CNN's forest... Oil Terrorist are heard but not reported every hour

"In Americans Forest"

Copyright © Greg Buell 2005

24 July 2005

Take along a gallon of water in your Electric Windmill car and you get Oxygen and Hydrogen from free electrolysis. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Please send cash or check to

Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Any donation will help me expose the electric windmill car, thanks


I spent my 56th Birthday with Leslie was not alone on a Birthday first time in 22 years. Click here for Birthday Pictures On The Kitchen Table She Lay Reflecting For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation 30 May 2005 ------ Memorial Day 2005 For Cops + Kids burnt in fiery car wrecks since the invention of the Electric Windmill Car in 1980 - Only the Pentagon is keeping count of the causalities of burnt cops and kids for their "Top Secret history of the World" in our Orwellian Society.

CNN CBS reporters - brunt in gasoline faces like Officer Jason reporting the news on CNN CBS ABC NBC FOX- No more pretty women reporting the news, you will see a face burnt in a fiery car wreck.

Live TV Memorial to burnt victims the USA Oil Genocide for more oil $$$$

My Getting gravity control will still be amazing in 3005 Take along a gallon of water in your Electric Windmill car and you get Oxygen and Hydrogen from free electrolysis. Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation Cop shows on TV after the Electric Windmill Car is on the streets will have all the thousands of cops + kids with burnt faces will be on CBS ABC NBC Fox in reality TV shows top secret history of the Electric Windmill Car what your Senators were doing behind the hidden cameras as thousands burned in fiery car wrecks every night of the week following Alias and 24, Letterman will be replaced by a cop with a burnt face. Paris Hilton will be replaced by a women burnt in a fiery car wreck 25 years after the invention of the Electric Windmill Car. 10's of thousands burnt in fiery car wrecks for more Texas Oil money. For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies 15 May 2005 ------

700 Moon bases would be built - thus - closing 700 military bases not just 33 if the Electric Windmill Car was on the streets of the USA

Pentagon has started a 100 year war with the Moslems instead of exposing the Electric Windmill Car and bankrupting Mecca + Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has been working with the USA spying on Moscow while cops, kids, and Moms burn in fiery car wrecks in the USA. 700 Shuttle's model year 2005 would also be built -- all this is suppressed by our Orwellian Society and everyone you see at CNN CBS ABC NBC Fox reporting the news knows this... WOW! For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies 8 May 2005 --- Mothers Day and no one is "Protesting" about the fiery car wrecks that will burn and burn to death a few Moms and their kids today. CNN CBS ABC NBC Fox - All these TV Journalists know about the suppression of the Electric Windmill Car. This is about as sick an Orwellian Society can get! For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies On The Kitchen Table She Lay Reflecting 5 May 2005 --- I got married on May 5th a long time ago, my next marriage will get me wives and get society a cure for cancer and gravity control. And give you 1,001 things you too can work on to invent. I have 1,001 invention projects to share with you, not to keep to myself. Marriage can make life on Earth Hell or Heaven for individuals and Humanity - Today we live in an Oil Genocide Era from the marriage of Bush and Texas Oil Men. This is Hell on Humanity + especially those burned in fiery car wrecks. Most of who are cops and kids in the back seat by the gas tank. For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies MD's are like Texas Oil Men now as they both have profited from cops and kids burning in fiery car wrecks since the invention of the Electric Windmill Car. Marriages made in Hell, for rip-offs. Perpetual amounts of oil money and doctor bills of those burned in fiery car wrecks.

Now MD's want as much unnecessary money as Texas Oil Men have made over the years. By getting all cameras out of their offices (after getting caught on camera making mistakes).

In 1991 Pilots in this Orwellian Society divorced cameras in the cockpits of planes like the one's used on 9-11. Pilots and MD's don't want cameras watching them at work. Pilots have cameras in the cockpits now, not stewardesses - grin. For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies MD's will have cameras in their offices when Bush is exposed for suppressing the Electric Windmill Car. Bush made those burned in fiery car wrecks responsible for medical bills adding insult to injury. Pain from being burned in gasoline is part of this marriage that made life on Earth Hell for 1,000's burned in fiery car wrecks.. Now the Marriage between Bush, Texas Oil Men and MD's. Goes on Years after the suppression of the Electric Windmill Car - Years of insult + pain of burns and the bills. This is a marriage that makes life on Earth Hell for a long time and it's still together not ready to divorce Oil + Money and put cameras in all MD's offices.

For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies ps - MD's don't want a national health insurance which Roosevelt should of added to Social Security a long time ago, and Bush would never add health insurance to Social Security today with his Oil Genocide Money. ps - Saudi Arabia has national health insurance for all its citizens. Not the USA - Will the Electric Windmill Car on the road change more than the price of gas? Will 100% of Americans have health (and dental) insurance when the Electric Windmill car is on the streets of the USA --- Yes! Then marriages will make life on Earth more like Heaven than Hell. So let’s push Bush into divorcing Saudi Arabia and the Hell of our Oil Genocide Era. For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies A Day to look Back at Before the Big Bang - BDay Card click here For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies NEW - Handwritten poem; e-mailed it to CNN CBS NBC ABC Please send cash or check to

Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306 Any donation will help, thanks My Getting gravity control will still be amazing in 3005 FBI sent to Saudi Arabia to find those who... let Officer Jason burn in a Ford Cop car fueled by gasoline from Texas... so the FBI will start looking for these criminals in Saudi Arabia. Take along a gallon of water in your Electric Windmill car and you get Oxygen and Hydrogen from free electrolysis. Rumsfeld knows the electric windmill car would have prevented 9-11 but went after Iraq, not the Texas Oil men who ordered the suppression of the electric windmill car invented by me in 1980 and its invention is on video too. As the Observers in our Orwellian society were watching me. 1 May 2005 ----------------- BROWN DWARF REVEALS MAGNETIC FIELD
The space telescope stared at the minuscule star LP 944-20 in Fornax for 12 hours last December, looking for any evidence of a corona around the object. The star remained unchanged for 9 hours, but then there was an abrupt brightening that lasted about 2 hours.
Astronomers say the surge of X-rays was due to a stellar flare, not unlike the aurora-producing flares of our Sun. LP 944-20 is about 16 light-years away and estimated to be only 500 million years old. For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies NASA could be designing a new fleet of Shuttles and Space Telescopes if they would be the "Whistle Blowers" on the suppression of the Electric Windmill Car. NASA has made a misjudgment that cost 1,000's of cops and kids their lives in fiery car wrecks decades after the invention of the Electric Windmill Car. NASA's misjudgments cost "Society" dual-core Hubble Space Telescopes, a new model every year - 2005 model Space Telescope was not purchased by the Top Brass at NASA. They ignored 5 billion people on Earth and sold out to Texas Oil men - pain of burning in gasoline never enters the thoughts of NASA brass, for Shuttles or fiery car wrecks - both the top brass at NASA and the Pentagon could of prevented cops and kids burning in fiery car wrecks since 1980. The 2005 Model of the Shuttle and Space station would both have "life boats". A law passed by a non-Bush Senate in a Post Oil Genocide Era, as NASA would never in a million years put "life boats" on Shuttles and Space Stations in their current state of mind. For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies LP 944-20 is about 16 light-years away. 500 years away from Humanity because of the Top Brass. Cure for cancer and gravity control, my 2 pet invention projects are 500 years away from Humanity too, because of the Top Brass. Even the Pope knew and the New Pope knows about the Electric Windmill cars suppression and they take this to Top Secret to Judgment Day as even the Pope's fear Gen. Orwell more than they fear God. The Electric Windmill car was a Godsend suppressed by Carter, Bush, Clinton and Bush + the "Popes" Clinton spent most of his time with "sex" at the same time 1,000's burned and burnt to death in fiery car wrecks - Bush has a black mistress to take his mind off the 1,000's who burn and burn to death in fiery car wrecks. For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies I take my mind off being stifled by the Top Brass by knowing I will get the cure for cancer and gravity control when they come out from behind the hidden cameras and let me work as a Inventor. I will make up for all the lost inventions since 1980. I will not be getting any black mistresses (grin) but will get many wives for inspiration... and my wives will get many inventions. I take my mind off being stifled by the Top Brass by knowing I will get the cure for cancer and gravity control. For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies Faster than the speed of light is possible - by inventing a gravity satellite dish that sucks in gravity - sends it through a gravity engine - that propels your Shuttle faster than the speed of light by hooking up with gravities pull and using this same gravity coming in through the satellite dish for propulsion. For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies Please send cash or check to

Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306 Any donation will help, thanks
To help you get started inventing... West Point Generals should hang on a Christmas Day For letting cops and kids burn to death in gasoline for more oil money $

22 years after the Invention of the Electric Windmill Car 1 June 2003 Sunday Cheney at West Point did not mention police officer Jason burned in gasoline Please email his picture to everyone at West Point Cops should arrest Cheney War News 1 June 2003 Sunday Cheney at West Point did not mention police officer Jason burned in gasoline. Please email his picture to everyone at West Point.

More of these new Generals troops will burn to death in gasoline than be killed in battle in combat and the Electric Windmill Car can bankrupt Saudi Arabia, hang Bush and Cheney for "Oil Genocide" elect a real President of the USA who will nuke Mecca and take all Saudi Arabia's oil money for Officer Jason and the other Americans burned and burned to death in gasoline 22 years after the invention of the Electric Windmill Car. Lt. John Fernandez, who lost most of his left foot and his right leg below the knee during fighting near Baghdad, Fernandez, who attended the West Point ceremony, was given a standing ovation Cheney at the West Point graduation ceremony did not mention police officer Jason burned in gasoline. Or the 5,784 others burned or burned to death in gasoline since the invention of the Electric Windmill Car in 1980. Cheney did not look at Police Officers Jason's burned face but Cheney set up Lt. Fernandez for a standing ovation at West Point, cops should arrest Cheney and Fernandez. For not exposing the Electric Windmill Car. Bush is going to burn more kids and cops selling Iraqi oil. 5,784 more Americans will burn to death via Iraqi oil in 2003 and 2004 for more oil money 22 years after the Electric Windmill Car invention... previous war news has been moved to its own page click below.

24 Sept 2003 New News about Leslie + Greg - Click Here 1 April 2004 News about the Inventor of the Electric Windmill Car, me, Greg Buell. Observers have been stalking me, harassing me at every intersection. Easter is the worst time of the year for Boulder Colorado Observers as they have a guilty conscience for taking oil genocide money while cops and kids burn in fiery car wrecks. 600 Troops have been killed in Iraq and this could have been prevented by using the Electric Windmill Car to bankrupt oil. 9-11 would have been prevented by bankrupting oil. Our Orwellian society is traveling at warp-speed the wrong way. Observers have not helped me get Leslie back and have not helped me in any way get the cure for cancer and gravity control. I don't know who is in charge behind the hidden cameras but wish I could break the mirror like in "1984". Gasoline tanker truck accident in the News one reporter said over 300 gasoline tanker trucks have crashed and burned in the last year. I imagine in France, China, India tens of thousands have burned and burned to death in fiery car wrecks while all these government leaders help suppress the Electric Windmill Car. Please help if you are an observer, send me a donation, and send an e-mail to everyone who does not know about the Electric Windmill Car. Since I wrote the poems below for Leslie more than 10,000 people have found out about the Electric Windmill Car. Thanks and this is not an April Fools Joke - The Joke will be on those taking oil money pay offs that let troops, kids and cops burn for more oil money. Last thing Leslie said to me was "Go To Hell" I think she is worried about Hell as she is a Women Observer in our Orwellian Society. With the new pictures from the Space Telescope of 10,000 galaxies NASA should name one of these most distant Galaxies Hells. Thanks Greg Buell April 1, 2004 Leslie left me, today is Jan 19, 2004 I still hope to get her back as my inspiration and wife to get a cancer cure, gravity control and several other miracle cures. I just talked to her on the phone and said I asked you to marry me, she said you are not serious, why she would say this after I wrote "Sisters Rescued by No More Oil" is hard to believe. Well I can not call her ever again or she will call the police so I have to wait for the Observers to come out from behind the cameras. 501 Marines have been killed in Iraq for more oil money 22 years after I invented the Electric Windmill Car so Everyone is waiting for the Electric Windmill Car to be exposed and Oil Bankrupted so the troops can come home from Baghdad the next day. It's going to be a hard waiting to get Leslie for my wife and a hard wait for the Electric Windmill Car to Bankrupt Oil. Waiting for a women you Love more than anything in the World to call makes for the longest days of your life. I hope Leslie has a change of heart and believes I seriously want to Marry her. And I hope someone can expose the Electric Windmill Car so 501 more troops do not die for more oil money. Greg 23 May 2004

The worst is yet to come for DC and Boulder, Colorado.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Congress. Worse than pictures of naked Arab men being tortured, raped and humiliated by American soldiers is the "Oil Genocide" were Rumsfeld and Gen Meyers made $100 Billion from the suppression of the Electric Windmill Car to pay for war - suppressing the cure for cancer and gravity control at the same time because Rumsfeld the intellectual was not motivated to get a cure for cancer or gravity control. Rumsfeld's Universe is War, not the conquest of 10 Billion Galaxies.

Rumsfeld knows the electric windmill car would have prevented 9-11 but went after Iraq, not the Texas Oil men who ordered the suppression of the electric windmill car invented by me in 1980 and its invention is on video too.

10,000 people have burned in gasoline in Iraq and in the USA in the last 24 years since the invention of the Electric Windmill Car. Suppression of the Electric Windmill Car and not helping its inventor get the cure for cancer and gravity control is blatantly sadistic, cruel and inhuman, embattled Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will tell Congress.

Rumsfeld will tell this to Congress, when CBS and Rather put pictures of 10 windmills on the front of a car, truck, ship... these pictures and the pictures of cops and kids burned in fiery rear-end car wrecks have never been published on the front page of the New York Times, yet the Top Brass at the New York Times have seen these pictures years ago.

Analysts describe the pictures of cops and kids burned in gasoline for more oil money as great recruiting tools to undermine America's claims to a moral high ground in the government’s war on cancer, and Texas Oil men's genocide. This USA Oil genocide is the worst genocide ever in the history of Earth.

Torture, repression, suppression in Boulder Colorado caused cops and kids to die burning in fiery car wrecks for more oil money. In this case Boulder, Colorado was following orders from DC - this is on video tapes!
Boulder Colorado lawyers who hang out at the Boulder Rock Club rape boys (and there probably are pictures in some observer’s digital camera scrapbook.) It's blatantly sadistic fag behavior but all the fags in Boulder Colorado know it feels good to ram it in boys - or men in Iraq. The worst is yet to come for DC and Boulder Colorado. Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies 2 May 2004

News about the Inventor of the Electric Windmill Car, me, Greg Buell. Observers have a guilty conscience for taking oil genocide money while cops and kids burn in fiery car wrecks.

784 Troops have been killed in Iraq and using the Electric Windmill Car to bankrupt oil could have prevented this.

9-11 would have been prevented by bankrupting oil with the electric windmill car.

1,084 Troops will be killed by Election Day in this Orwellian Society - this does not make much sense - about as much sense as suppressing the electric windmill car for more oil money.

Observer’s sex abuse of Iraqi prisoners is related to the New York Times failure to expose the electric windmill car. New York Times could have prevented 9-11 The Times knows months and years ahead what is going on before it makes the front page. Sex abuse Pictures and Pictures of cops and kids burned to death in fiery rear-end car wrecks will never be on the front page of the New York Times. - This does not make any sense!

Observers have not helped me in any way get the cure for cancer and gravity control. I don't know who is in charge behind the hidden cameras but wish I could break the mirror like in "1984".

Since I wrote the poems below for Leslie more than 10,000 people have found out about the Electric Windmill Car. Thanks - Many Observers wish they would have cut Leslie off as my inspiration ASAP but they didn't. But they will not help me get Leslie back as my inspiration. YMCA top brass knows about Leslie cutting and running to protect her married man lover, a Boulder Colorado lawyer. What is Leslie trying to protect him from? All Observers know, even the Lawyer Justices at the Supreme Court know about this Orwellian Gossip.

Observers let Leslie cut and run to protect her married man lover - even though this lost humanity "Dynamitic Dramatic Autobiography Poetry", I write, and at least one minor invention a week I manage to invent, this is a dramatic lost to all Humanity and I hope the Top Brass in this "1984" society will have mercy on Greg, Leslie and Humanity ASAP!

Boulder Colorado sex abuse scandal at CU our local University has been know for years by Elizabeth Hoffman the President, she also knows about the electric windmill car and has known for years. After the electric windmill car has been exposed I would like to see Football at CU expelled from campus and the Football Stadium converted to a medical school to show all the Football Moms their kids would be better off as Doctors. At this time none of the Football Moms protesting ever have a though about Med School replacing Football at CU or for that matter Expelling Football from every University and converting all the Football Stadiums to Medical Schools. One reason medical cost is sky high is Medical Schools limit the number of Doctors like Oil is limited and oil should be bankrupted with the electric windmill car. MD's who profited from cops and kids burned in gasoline should be exposed.

Coors is responsible for the rapes by CU football players according to Dr. Hoffman and now Coors is running for Senate - - this does not make much sense - about as much sense as suppressing the electric windmill car for more oil money. And yes Coors knows about the electric windmill car and has known for years. And yes Dr. Hoffman knows about keeping the number of students getting into her Denver Medical School low to keep the price of health care high, this is a crime against Humanity by a University President, one of many.

Marines can come home when Oil is Bankrupting, to protect the next Laic Peterson from being murdered by her Husband Famous Wife in a Orwellian Society Revolution - Invention Revolution starts with 1,001 invention projects you can click on and start working on a invention project I cooked up for you... to get started inventing.

Moscow... Vladimir Putin let Russian cops burn and burn to death in fiery car wrecks for more oil money. I expect the Moscow cops will dispose of Putin in a fiery gasoline revolution when they find out the electric windmill car was invented in 1980. 1 Jan 2005 Happy New Year

1 Jan. 2005 200,000 Tsunami deaths

1 Jan. 2005 200,000 will burn in gasoline

For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies Excruciating and Agonizing pain of burning in gasoline.

UN Oil for Food Scandal really lets 200,000 a year burn in gasoline for more Texas Oil money via Bush For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies Kuwait oil tycoons employ the Tsunami area women as sex slaves and housekeepers, these are the lucky ones who were not killed in the tsunami waves or from the lack of OIL MONEY donations afterwards to pay for clean water and health care to those who survived the disaster. This is a crime against Humanity!

For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies Tsunami Deaths + Oil genocide deaths Sweden says deaths will reach 200k for both the tsunami and the oil genocide and Swedish Oil will profit by $200 billion in 2005 yet only $1 billion in aid is going to the tsunami relief effort. Even the UN people you see on TV know oil producing Nations are profiting from the suppression of the Electric Windmill Car by $500 billion a year these Nations are not exposed by the UN for not sending hundreds of billions to the tsunami areas that lost 200,000 dead and another 200,000 will die because the oil producing nations will not spend their ill gotten oil profits to help save 200,000 lives this will be added to the charges in the Oil Genocide Trials…

For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies Porsche and BMW owners will be beheaded in Berlin for following orders not to expose the Electric Windmill Car. Germans were taught a lesson not to follow orders that cause a Genocide and the same Germans who lived through the WW II trials are following orders from the USA – Bush + Kennedy ect. To go along with Genocide that burns cops and kids in fiery car wrecks. For more oil money.

Excruciating and agonizing pain of burning in gasoline does not enter into the German conscious thoughts – Germans are like Niger’s who rape their mothers and sisters. UN report that is mostly suppressed says 99% of black males in African nations have raped their mothers and sisters this is just their culture. So same can be written up of the Germans in a UN document that will be esoteric. Germans will go along with Genocide in 50 years too. Cure for cancer will be found and the Germans will go alone with suppressing it for the big Germany Pharmaceutical companies.

Roche in Boulder Colorado interviewed me for job. They knew I was the inventor of the Electric Windmill Car and knew I would come up with some innovative ideas on memory pills for total recall and I would gain immense insight into drugs for a cancer cure working on their assembly line in Boulder Colorado but they did not hire me on Orders from Bush and Kennedy etc who want to stifle my inventions. This is a crime against Humanity by Roche. Below is the Roche web page news about the tsunami but no mention of the Electric Windmill Car they know about or the stifling of a memory pill and even the stifling of the cure for cancer the Roche top brass in Basel, Switzerland, going along with for the USA which they know is a crime against Humanity.

Basel, 30 December 2004 Roche support for victims of the tsunami disaster in Asia
Donation of antibacterial and antibiotic medicines
Roche has decided to donate antibacterial and antibiotic medicines for – depending upon usage – up to 80,000 patients affected by the tsunami disaster. The donation comes in addition to the immediate medical and financial support given by the local Roche affiliates in these countries. The decision is based on a careful assessment of the medical needs and logistic hurdles by the local Roche affiliates in close contact with their local authorities and locally active aid organizations. As a first reaction, Roche reserved yesterday all available stocks of Bacterium (sulfamethoxazole plus trimethoprim) and Rocephin (ceftriaxone) at the Headquarters in
Basel to support emergency healthcare delivery in the affected countries in Asia. A total of 220,000 packs are being donated. The medicines are being made available to an international aid organization. This globally active organization will co-ordinate the delivery in the affected countries and will ensure a responsible usage of the donation. About Roche
Headquartered in
Basel, Switzerland,

For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies 1. Excruciating and agonizing pain of burning in gasoline does not enter into the Swiss conscious. 200,000 will burn in gasoline for more oil money because Bush and the Texas Oil Men have bullied Switzerland into not exposing the electric windmill car.

2. Excruciating and Agonizing pain of burning in gasoline.

3. Oil Tycoons in Kuwait and Texas buy sex and really don’t want to pay for it… so much so that in Texas Bush got a Federal court to take away $88 million given to Anna Smith by her 90 year old oil tycoon husband.

4. Tsunami area women working as sex slaves in Oil rich nations fair as badly as Anna Smith as the courts go along with "Bush" and let the "Oil Tycoons" have their sex for free…

For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies 1 Jan. 2005 Happy New Year from Greg Buell the inventor of the Electric Windmill Car in Oct 1980

Christmas Day 2004 - Mankind didn't get the Electric Windmill Car unsuppressed from the American Government. CNN didn't report the deaths and burns! For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies Take along a gallon of water in your Electric Windmill car and you get Oxygen, and Hydrogen, to heat your house and cook your food (and heat your hot water to take a shower which I had no hot water for my shower on Christmas day thanks to the observers behind the cameras... their present to the inventor of the Electric Windmill Car). Ha, Orwellian sense of humor in an Oil Genocide State. For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies Oil Genocide for more oil money. DC has paid $ hundreds of millions to Boulder Colorado to go along with letting cops and kids burn and burn to death in fiery car wrecks for more oil money. Mankind's worst genocide in history is an American one for more oil money. Greg Buell - Christmas Day - December 25, 2004 - noon - Boulder Colorado 4th of July no Independence from Oil Genocide $$$$$$$$$

4th of July car wrecks bursting into flames via gasoline. MD's will profit from the suppression of the Electric Windmill Car. Torture, repression, suppression in Boulder Colorado caused cops and kids to die burning in fiery car wrecks for more oil money. In this case Boulder, Colorado was following orders from DC - this is on video tapes!
Boulder Colorado lawyers who hang out at the Boulder Rock Club rape boys (and there probably are pictures in some observer’s digital camera scrapbook.) It's blatantly sadistic fag behavior but all the fags in Boulder Colorado know it feels good to ram it in boys - or men in Iraq. The worst is yet to come for DC and Boulder Colorado. 4 March 2005 --- Martha Stewart out of Jail for lying to the Fed's, yet the Fed's lie to us about the electric windmill car... this is a strange Orwellian society. Martha Stewart will now be creative and brainstorm a new line of sheets and towels, yet I am still stifled by the same Fed's as they will not let me have any wives, supercomputers, etc to be creative. To brainstorming a cure for cancer and gravity control. Gravity of the crime of suppressing the electric windmill car and stifling my getting gravity control is Galactic. 1 April 2005 APRILS fools today is March 31 but should be APRILS FOOLS DAY WITH JANE FONDA IN THE NEWS ABOUT VIETNAM IN 1972. FONDA said the largest lapse of judgment.... in 2005 she said this! About Vietnam in 1972, yet Jane Fonda and Ted Turner have know about the Electric Windmill Car since 1980 and know exactly how many cops and kids burned and burned to death from its suppression!

"Both sides were using the POWs for propaganda. Now POW, Senator McCain who as a POW did not have gasoline poured on him and set on fire by Hanoi now lets USA Cops and USA Kids get set on fire in fiery car wrecks - POW's from Vietnam will be charged with Crimes Against American Cops and Kids when the electric windmill car is exposed ! ! ! ! ! ! Jane Fonda ... (And CBS 60 Minutes)
The actress defended her trip to
Vietnam in 1972, which won her the nickname "Hanoi Jane." But she said her visit to a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun site used to shoot down U.S. pilots was a "betrayal" of the U.S. military. "The largest lapse of judgment that I can even imagine." Now POW, Senator McCain betrayed those burned and burned to death in fiery car wrecks so what we though about "Baby Killers" was true - as American babies have burned to death in fiery car wrecks... and Senator McCain and Jane Fonda did not speak out about the suppression of the electric windmill car. Who was right and who was wrong in Vietnam can be viewed in our Oil Genocide Era. Our society with the same Top Brass napalming USA cops and kids with Saudi gasoline on the Streets and Highways of the USA. And CBS 60 Minutes with Rather failing to report the truth in 2005 and in 1972. This is a sick Orwellian society to say the least. I believe Joan Kennedy's alcoholism is because she saw all the American cop and kids burning in fiery car wrecks and could not get her ex-husband to expose the suppression of the Electric windmill car... instead Ted Kennedy profited from Oil and our Oil Genocide Era. Take along a gallon of water in your Electric Windmill car and you get Oxygen and Hydrogen from free electrolysis. 24 March 2005 - British Oil Genocide in the USA with 14 killed 100 burned in gasoline at Texas City BP Oil refinery and you will not hear any Orwellian comments on CNN about the Electric Windmill Car as Bush issued a gag order as Observers in this Orwellian Society are mad as Hell, but still have to put up with Oil Refinery fires and fiery car wrecks burning cops and kids for more BP Oil Genocide money. Queen will hopefully be put in the Tower of London before she is beheaded for these 14 deaths (and 1,000's of others burnt to death in British gasoline) which would have been prevented if the Electric Windmill Car was not suppressed.

Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation 20 March 2005 --- Spring --- First Day of Spring and it brings news that will not be on CNN --- Gasoline prices will be over $2 a gallon 25 years after my invention of the Electric Windmill Car in 1980. Take along a gallon of water in your Electric Windmill car and you get Oxygen and Hydrogen from free electrolysis. Statistics on how many cops and kids will burn in fiery car wrecks this Spring will not be reported on CNN but the statistics are know by high ranking Orwellian Observers in our society.

I would guess 100 people a month for the next 3 month of Spring will burn and burn to death in gasoline for more Texas Oil money - this is a perpetual Oil Genocide for more oil money in a Orwellian society were everyone at CNN knows this Top Secret yet CNN will not expose the Electric Windmill Car has been suppressed since 1980. White House on CNN at 7 am this first day of Spring was sick even for a Orwellian Society, Bush and Congress are dominating the news over putting in Terri's feeding tube - White House spokesperson talking about defending life while cops and kids will burn in gasoline today for more Texas Oil money. This is sick as an Orwellian Society can possibly get! Statistically bed sores and falls in nursing homes are more important and there are ways to prevent these. I will sue Good Samaritan when free. Xishui Coal Mine explosion yesterday killed 60, 25 years after the invention of the Electric Windmill Car - Ship - Train - Plane.

Rice on Google news said China is buying weapons today that will be used against the USA in 25 years when we are at war with China - Top Brass of China and the USA are preparing for war over Taiwan. 700 Shuttles docked together like a train for a 4.3 light year journey to Alpha Centauri is science fiction. NASA is stuck in Texas with the Texas Oil men. Gravity of this means we will not get Gravity Control invention because these men are seducing other things. Nancy Grace is sick about the crack cocaine guy who confessed to killing the little girl, but she knows the next one will bloom with spring. Perpetual sex killers, only thing Nancy Grace can't report is if this is # 644 like Peterson number. 100 cops and kids will burn in gasoline this spring. Nancy Grace and CNN will not report all these people burned for more Texas Oil money in an Era that should be The Electric Windmill Car Era on CNN News. 20 March 2005 --- Spring --- First Day of Spring and it brings news that will not be on CNN --- Gasoline prices will be over $2 a gallon 25 years after my invention of the Electric Windmill Car in 1980. For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies 14 March 2005 --- Taiwan as the 51st State of the USA and Rice as President of the USA with CBS's Julie Chen Governor of Taiwan - Orwellian news for Monday March 14, 2005. In an Era that should be called the Electric Windmill Car Era we actually live in the Oil Genocide Era were Bush and the Pentagon want Taiwan as our 51st State of the USA - My temp assembly job in Boulder Colorado ended by the company HQ in Boston shipping everything I was assembling in Boulder Colorado to Taiwan - Tons of parts shipped to Taiwan then assembled and shipped back to Boulder Colorado and put on the shelf... Top Brass at the Pentagon is affected by the same mentality as this example but on a larger scale being the Pentagon. Bush can spit on China because the Pentagon will back him up as they are all in bed with the Electric Windmill Car suppression and paying out $ billions in oil genocide money to get their way... City of Denver has gotten $ Billions in oil genocide pay offs from DC and now after the Atlanta Judge was killed wants $500 million for a new city jail and courthouse, a clone of the Atlanta one we all saw on the news the last few days - No one on CNN in Atlanta mentioned crime prevention. No one in Denver mentioned crime prevention. Only one with a Orwellian comment was Nancy Grace as she worked in the same Court Room the Judge was shot - I had a chat session with Nancy Grace on line and asked her to help me invent a Lobotomy pill as my idea for crime prevention - she never replied in the chat session but I know she read what I typed in to her. She has little Orwellian comments now and then but is brainwashed by the Oil Genocide Era and all the $ billions in oil money Bush uses to pay for bribes to get them to go alone with what he wants. I think a lobotomy pill could have prevented the Judge being shot and the other Judge's mom and husband from being killed but my invent ideas are being suppressed same as my invention of the electric windmill car is suppressed 14 March 2005 --- Taiwan as the 51st State of the USA and Rice as President of the USA with CBS's Julie Chen Governor of Taiwan - Orwellian news for Monday March 14, 2005. PS. Sell your oil stock and buy GE My Getting gravity control will still be amazing in 3005 Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation Excruciating and Agonizing pain of burning in gasoline. For more Texas Oil money 25 years after the invention of the electric windmill car. Bush just added insult to all the 200,000 cops and kids who burned in gasoline by signing a Bill that prevents them from suing Texas Oil men for $1 Billion each in a class action Law Suit...

Texas Oil men have made more than $200 billion from oil in 2005 yet they don't want to pay anything to those burned in gasoline.

And if anyone at CNN would have exposed the electric windmill car in 1980 when it was invented by me, then 9-11 would never have happened as oil would have been 10 cents a gallon on this date.

Our Orwellian society is psychotic at the top... As Nancy Grace would say they are murderers without a conscience! So I hope some day soon as someone burns in gasoline everyday even though CNN does not report the daily death count.

Texas Oil men murder someone every day in a fiery car wreck... So someone with the personality of Nancy Grace should expose these Mass Murders from Texas who let kids and cops burn in gasoline every day for more oil money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CNN didn't report the 200,000 deaths from burning in gasoline or the suppression of the electric windmill car! War News 17 June 2003

5,784 more Marines and 5,784 more cops and kids will die 22 years after the invention of the Electric Windmill Car because the Top Quarks want more Oil Money... these guys are sicker than George Orwell in "1984" could have ever imagined ! 700 Shuttles to End War on Earth --

700 Shuttles docked together in orbit - -

Blasting off for the Moon with 700 lifeboats onboard - - For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies Our Orwellian society is traveling at warp-speed the wrong way. Greg Brainstorming 1,001 inventions with Leslie Coon we will get Gravity Control I spent my 56th Birthday with Leslie was not alone on a Birthday first time in 22 years. Click here for Birthday Pictures Under Our Government We will not be Traveling 4 Light Years In 2003 or in this Century Top Brass are Sick Quarks 700 Shuttles to End War on Earth -- 700 Shuttles docked together in orbit Ready to blast off

I spent my 56th Birthday with Leslie was not alone on a Birthday first time in 22 years. Click here for 56+ Birthday Pictures of our hike and our place in a Universe with 10,000 galaxies and women who inspire you to win one Nobel Prize after another conquering the World together! - Click here Sunday 24 April 2005 -- Observers are stifling my getting the cure for cancer and gravity control. Local Observers are more interested in getting their names in my autobiography for stifling me than protesting about cops and kids who will burn to death in a fiery car wreck today... Boulder Colorado has taken $100's of millions from DC to go along with the Oil Genocide Era. Even the Boulder Daily Camera Newspaper got mad at me for applying for a job with them last week - grin! And the Journalism students at CU were laying in wait to harass me for not massacring women in Vietnam, they had no comments about today's goings-on of cops + kids burning in gasoline for more Texas oil money. Strange Orwellian Society to say the least.
9 July 2005 -- CIA --- In London should be fired!

Trump --------- CIA --- In London --- You're Fired!

Getting your job on Merit is no more in the USA government.

State Departments Rice got her job from cops burning in gasoline.

She agreed not to expose the Electric Windmill Car to get her job.

My Getting gravity control will still be amazing in 3005

Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation

For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies

9 July 2005 --- CIA --- In London should be fired!

CIA - is not the State Department... is it?

FBI - will not help the street cop’s statistics in fiery car wrecks.

FBI - will not publish the statistics on fiery car wrecks!

50 dead 700 burned in fiery car wrecks in the USA? ? ? ? ?

Vietnam Vets built a new "Wall" in Denver this week - no cop cars.

Yet McCain knows the cops are causalities of War $$$ Oil $$$

No burned out cop’s cars from rear-ended collisions in their memorial.

CBS Denver will not report fiery rear-ended cop’s car news.

Fiery rear-ended car wreck with kids in the back seat is not heard,

In Denver's forest... yet everyone in Vail knows what's going on!

Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation

Take along a gallon of water in your Electric Windmill car and you get Oxygen and Hydrogen from free electrolysis.

4 July 2005

9-11 was mention by Bush 5 times in 30 minutes on TV.

9-11 would never have happened if the Electric Windmill Car wasn't suppressed.

My Getting gravity control will still be amazing in 3005

Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation

4 July 2005 -- 284 car wreck deaths in the last 6 months in Colorado. Local newspapers and TV news didn't report any fiery wrecks burning someone in gasoline. Because Bush has a gag order prohibiting this kind of news because the Electric Windmill Car was invented shortly after 4 July 1980, it was invented in October 1980.

Iran and Texas have used all this oil money, I estimate at $$$$$ 2 trillion dollars - Iran used the money for nukes, Texas for sex slaves and jet planes - grin.

Moscow - probably more Moscow cops and kids burned and burned to death than Americans. Learning these statistics will be interesting at the "Oil Genocide Trials"... and yes they will be broadcast on Court TV.

9-11 was mention by Bush 5 times in 30 minutes.

9-11 would never have happened if the Electric Windmill Car wasn't suppressed.

For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies

Burning Americans to death in fiery car wrecks + forest fires. I wonder if Jay Leno has a monolog for Observers - Imagine the jokes - JOKE - ha

News about this below...

My Getting gravity control will still be amazing in 3005

Introduction to the Light Year Conquest Corporation

June 25, 2005 ----- C5A cargo planes used to fight forest fires is an invention idea of mine I came up with 3 years ago and sent to General Orwell ha.

It seems Rumsfeld does not want to share his fleet of 100, C5A cargo planes.

Rumsfeld has a private C5A equipped better than Bush's 747... Nice perk of the job, grin.

Well 100 C5A's dropping fire retardant bundles that explode over the forest fire would put out the fire instantly.

Pentagon and Bush will not deploy this sernearo. 2005 forest fires have started, now Politics of not putting out the forest fires of the summer of 2005 is going on in our Orwell a society.

I wish I had Observer status and could watch the Top Brass talking about burning Americans to death in forest fires. This would be better than Alias.

Burning Americans to death in fiery car wrecks + forest fires. I wonder if Jay Leno has a monolog for Observers - Imagine the jokes - JOKE - ha

Take along a gallon of water in your Electric Windmill car and you get Oxygen and Hydrogen from free electrolysis.


Please send cash or check to

Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Any donation will help me expose the electric windmill car,



FBI sent to Saudi Arabia to find those who... let Officer Jason burn in a Ford Cop car fueled by gasoline from Texas... so the FBI will start looking for these criminals in Saudi Arabia.

Take along a gallon of water in your Electric Windmill car and you get Oxygen and Hydrogen from free electrolysis.

Rumsfeld knows the electric windmill car would have prevented 9-11 but went after Iraq, not the Texas Oil men who ordered the suppression of the electric windmill car invented by me in 1980 and its invention is on video too. As the Observers in our Orwell Ian society were watching me.

June 3, 2005 ----- # 2 guys at the FBI Felt was pardoned by Reagan. After this news I though the #2 guy at the FBI today knows about Officers Jason's burns in a rear ended police car 25 years after the invention of the electric windmill car.

#2 FBI guy today didn't go the "Washington Post" about the suppression of the Electric Windmill Car. Goings-on in the FBI about the suppression of the Electric Windmill Car and me being stifled at getting the cure for cancer and gravity control will be exposed someday.

Take along a gallon of water in your Electric Windmill car and you get Oxygen and Hydrogen from free electrolysis.

For This - Generals have suppressed 10 Billion Galaxies


CNN CBS ABC NBC FOX- No more pretty women reporting the news, you will see a face burnt from a fiery car wreck.

 Million others will die of the exact heart problems Clinton has

University of Colorado accepted into Medical School

59 Women and 73 Men in September 2004

This is not the "ideal state" of governing

Bush's MD helps suppress the Electric Windmill Car

And millions who would be MD's

Bill Gates has murdered millions of inventors

Bush's MD has murdered millions of aspiring MD's

This is not the "ideal state" of governing

Open Space land in Boulder Colorado has more Presidents

Than the Universe - the nearest Star, Alpha Centauri

In the minds and hearts of Government workers in Colorado

Lies from Clinton will come on his deathbed

Lies from his wife cause the loss of the cure for cancer

My inventions will have no "1984" imitators

Cure for Cancer and Gravity Control are Real Inventions

I will get if I don't get beheaded

By government workers first!

One in a Million can get the Best Heart Surgery

Copyright Greg Buell 2004 www.inventor-warp-speed.com

September 5, 2004



Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Phone 303 443 6270

Name the 10 nearest stars to Earth....

Alpha Centauri 4.3 light years




|War on Earth| |Ford WindMill Cars| |Vista No Malaria Cure| |Impeach Bush| |God Darwin Gravity| |Harvards Faust + Oil| |Cheney's Oil Genocide| |NASA Women Call Me| |Tolstoy A Confession| |Drew Barrymore| |Putin Spits On Cops !| |UN Cop Killers| |Boss| |Animal Farm Windmill| |Vista Breast Cancer| |CBS News| |GPS Drivers License| |Invent Or Die| |Boss mp3| |AirBags On Outside| |Inventors| |9 11 Wind Cars| |Killer Lovers| |4.3 Lt. Yrs| |7 Million Cops| |Introduction| |Katrina| |CobraHelicopte| |Space Telescope| |Car Radar| |I B M| |MIT| |Seduce Women| |"1984" Mirror| |Poems| |POW Inventor| |Kennedy| |1 Billion MD's| |CU Med School| |Women MD's| |Gas Tanker| |Aliens| |Lightning| |Forest Stars| |Lobotomy Gas| |VetsDayOilDay| |Gravity Control| |Statistics| |Quark Particles| |Universe| |Daily Diary| |Vacation Diary| |4th Of July| |She Lay Reflecting| |Busted Teeth| |Busted Teeth 1| |Busted Teeth 2| |Resume| |Contact Us| |Site Map| |Schwarzenegger Burnt Cops|

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