War on EarthFord WindMill CarsVista No Malaria CureImpeach BushGod Darwin GravityHarvards Faust + OilCheney's Oil GenocideNASA Women Call MeTolstoy A ConfessionDrew BarrymorePutin Spits On Cops !UN Cop KillersBossAnimal Farm WindmillVista Breast CancerCBS NewsGPS Drivers LicenseInvent Or DieBoss mp3AirBags On OutsideInventors9 11 Wind CarsKiller Lovers4.3 Lt. Yrs7 Million CopsIntroductionKatrinaCobraHelicopteSpace TelescopeCar RadarI B MMITSeduce WomenPoemsPOW InventorKennedy1 Billion MD'sCU Med SchoolWomen MD'sGas TankerAliensLightningForest StarsLobotomy GasVetsDayOilDayGravity ControlStatisticsQuark ParticlesUniverseDaily DiaryVacation Diary4th Of JulyShe Lay ReflectingBusted TeethBusted Teeth 1Busted Teeth 2ResumeContact UsSite MapSchwarzenegger Burnt Cops

911 Wind Cars

Please send cash or check To Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Kennedy Could have prevented the 9-11 attack... but didn't

Could have prevented the 9-11 attack... but didn't



Hillary and Clinton

Could have prevented the 9-11 attack...

Texas oilmen could have prevented 9-11

As they are the one's who suppressed...

The electric windmill car since 1980

Hillary and the mayor of NYC

Knew about the electric windmills cars suppression

Years before the world trade center attack

And they refused to expose its suppression...

To CNN on the day of the 9-11 attack

Hillary and her husband Clinton

Will be put on trial and put to death

When the electric windmill car is no longer...

Suppressed - when oil is $5 a barrel

And terrorists will only have

the oil money they saved

During the Clinton and Bush


9-11 is the oilmen’s world war iii

Waging war while suppressing 

the  electric  windmill car

 9-11 is the oilmen’s world war iii


Please send cash or check

To Greg Buell

PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Any donation will help


As I’m being stifled

By the observers

In our Orwellian society

I can invent many more

"Electric windmill cars"

The cure for cancer

And gravity control

When the observers

Come out from behind

The hidden cameras

And let me work as

An inventor!

When Hillary,

Clinton and bush are on trial

For crimes against American!!!!



Please send cash or check To Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Kennedy Could have prevented the 9-11 attack... but didn't



Burning fuel rushing into

 the WTC offices

Burning fuel rushing into

the Russian helicopter cockpit 

Waging war while suppressing

the electric windmill car

Greg Buell

PO Box 1113 boulder CO 80306

Phone 303 443 6270

Copyright © 2002 2006


9-11 is the oilmen’s

world war III $$$$$$$$$$$$

Waging war while suppressing

 the electric windmill car

 9-11 is the oilmen’s

world war III $$$$$$$$$$$$








Please send cash or check To Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Kennedy Could have prevented the 9-11 attack... but didn't


Burning fuel rushing

Kennedy Could have prevented the 9-11 attack... but didn't



Burning fuel rushing into


the WTC offices

Burning fuel rushing into

 the Russian helicopter cockpit

9-11 is the oilmen’s

world war III $$$$$$$$$$$$

Waging war while suppressing

 the electric windmill ca

Burning fuel rushing into

 the WTC offices

Burning fuel rushing into

the Russian helicopter cockpit

Both 22 years after the invention

Of the electric windmill car

2006 Coup d'etat,

Overthrowing the world’s oilmen

WW III will end with the

introduction of the electric windmill car

Easier said than done

Easy way to put an end to the worlds oil men

sheriff's office admitted no wrongdoing
sheriff's office admitted no wrongdoing

Sheriff’s office admitted no wrongdoing in letting
Americans burn to death in gasoline fires

Since 1980,

the sheriff let Americans burn to death in gasoline

Our American Caesar is more powerful than the roman Caesar was

Oil $$$$$$$$$$$$ bought

presidents and university presidents

Red cross + the pope will put your gifts

 to god in their bank

Bank one USA will save your gifts

to god while people burn to death

  While people burn to death in gasoline

And you will never see these gross pictures

on a bank one web page

Black rapists are pictured in ads

Of course, they do not tell you the

 black male is a rapist

Women against rape will sue

the NAACP for $1 billion

For failing to stop this innate behavior

 in black males

Sheriff let black males rape women

 for the last 222 years

Sheriff’s office admitted no wrongdoing

Sheriff’s office admitted no wrongdoing
sheriff's office admitted no wrongdoing
University educated police do not really pay off

Any more than high school educated police


Caesar gives the orders

Kennedy gives the orders


Bush and his father

are in a different universe from us

Bush spat out the universe

and any hell that could be there


Bush spat out the universe and any

hell that could be there

Bush spat out the universe and any

hell that could be there


Bush spat out the universe

And any new elements that could be discovered


Bush spat out the universe

And any new laws of physics that

could be discovered


Bush-gates want more oil and

Microsoft money

Bush-gates want more oil and

Microsoft money


Pope prays to the pentagon

The pentagon has more money than god


Before the big bang

Space and time are tiny vibrating strings


Ideas won't be firmed up until we have a

Proper understanding of space and time


My theory is time and gravity is elements

Yet to be discovered


So, without knowing how gravity was created

Texas oilmen burn and burn to death Americans


For 22 years for more oil revenues

Orwellian news of kids in the back seat

on fire in car wrecks


Orwellian news of kids in the back seat on fire in car crashes

Orwellian news of kids in the back seat

on fire in car wrecks


No, wonder why journalists must use cocaine

Suppressing this news would cause any observer stress



Universe is persona non-grate


And NASA might as well be bankrupt

700 shuttles and 700 moon bases have been burned


Texas oilmen could have bought 700 shuttles

In the last 22 years


Oh what if - what if - - - 

2002 with 700 shuttles and no WTC attack


Imagine people around every star in the night sky

Imagine people around every star in the night sky


Bush is not this insane

No people are in the bush universe besides humans


Nothingness was before the big bang

The big bang materialized out of nothingness


Strings of space, time, and gravity

Theories of what was before the big bang


Caesar in Rome must have had the

same idea of the universe

As our American Caesar of 2002 has


Burning fuel rushing into the WTC offices

Burning fuel rushing into the

Russian helicopter cockpit


Lawsuit seeks damages of over $100 trillion

From Saudi Arabia


When the USA has a warp speed shuttle

The president of the USA will nuke Mecca


Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

attack before it happened

Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

attack before it happened


Burning fuel rushing into the WTC offices

The president of the USA will nuke Mecca


Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

attack before it happened

Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

attack before it happened


Mecca and black rapists are innate killers

Behavior is their right for being slaves


Sheriff let black males rape women

Bush and his oilmen let Saudi Arabia

Prostitute women young as 13

Yet their pictures are illegal

Bush is guilt of being a pimp

For 13 year old girls for Saudi Men


Protons are baryons, formed

 by two up and one down quark

Neutrons are baryons,

formed by one up and two down quarks


President will never address the nation

On the goings-on before the big bang


Like it really matters

Hell even the pope prays to the pentagon


Mecca + Rome are lost in a time warp

Mecca + Rome are lost in a time warp


Mecca + Rome do not want any

new elements discovered

They want the church to rule

not physics and star travels


Catholic church might say

travel to other stars is a sin

Mecca will never let women

drive a car on the moon


Time as an element

is not addressed by Rome or Mecca

They want the status quo as it is


President will never

 address the nation on protons + neutrons

9-11 address of the nation

by bush will not address oil money


Oil money built the WTC

Oil money destroyed the WTC


Oilmen are worst than bill gates

Bill gates just burns generations of inventor’s minds


Bill gates burned the mind of the scientists

Who would have discovered times element?


Bill gates burned the mind of the scientists

Who would have discovered the element gravity?


Bush sucks up to bill gates for Microsoft money

Texas oilmen let back seat driver’s

 burn in fiery car wrecks


Bush sucks up to Saudi princes at his

Texas ranch

Bush spit on china


China’s manned space mission scheduled for next year

Saudi prince will be king next year


Why would bush spit on china and

suck up to Saudi’s?

Shouldn’t he spit on the Saudi’s

 and suck up to china?


Oilmen stick together in war

War between oilmen is a game played by top quarks


9-11 is the oilmen’s world war III $$$$$$$$$$$$

9-11 is the oilmen’s world war III $$$$$$$$$$$$


Researchers puzzle over the

cause of vulgar visibilities

Researchers puzzle over

 the cause of black rapists


Top researchers search for more oil

22 years after the electric windmill car


Seems like government is run by

Niger’s with no merit

Boss is like Caesar


UN has failed every nation on earth

Because it’s, top quark is a

 black male with no merit

And he took oil bribes from Kennedy

To Let kids and cops

Burn in fiery car wrecks


Usa politics picked the UN chief

To follow orders from the USA


Theory of the UN

Has failed because of the USA


Un chief fails

Letting people starve and

burn to death via politics


Chancre levy's remains provided no

 clues about her killer

Dc has more hidden cameras

than any city in the USA


But none are used to protect women

DC cameras are used

to protect the politicians


Moscow is not any smarter than dc

As a mi-26 helicopter


Was shot down in Chechnya

Burning fuel rushing

into the Russian helicopter cockpit


Burning fuel rushing I

nto the Russian helicopter cockpit

Moscow let 700 Russian oilmen

suppress the electric car too


Moscow could have sat back

And fired old IBM’s into Chechnya


Burning fuel rushing into the

 Russian helicopter cockpit

Sending helicopters into

Chechnya is more a “war game”


Firing old IBM’s into Chechnya

Is more like winning the

war and getting on with the universe?


Russian oil men + Russian generals

Which should the Russian people sue?


Orlando, FLA. (August 11, 2002 11:08 a.m. edit) –

A gasoline tanker collided with another vehicle

Burst into flames Sunday morning killing people


Bushes brother watched this on video

Knowing the electric car is

being suppressed for oil money


Pope will put your gifts to god in bank one

Red cross will put your gifts to god in bank one


Government will withhold your social security checks

If you have not paid back your student loan

 by the time, you retire


Oil money could have paid

college tuition for 100 million students

Who would have invented

 warp speed and much more faster than ever


Inventions faster than ever before in history

Was lost to oil men and bill gates greed


Quest for new elements to be discovered has ended

For our top quarks they have retired from “work”


Quest for new elements to be discovered has ended

Bush gates Mecca pope

does not want any new element


Electrolysis of water would be cheap

with electric cars

Electric windmill cargo ships

with electrolysis plants


Electric windmill cargo ships

with electrolysis plants

Electric windmill cargo ships

with electrolysis plants


Cost of a barrel of water and a barrel of oil

Saudi prince bush sucks up to has a house in aspen


Someone in aspen knew of the

WTC attacks before 9-11

Aspen would not like this published


Aspen will use its water in the

drought of 2002 to make snow

CU student fountain is dry and

full of dirt at the fall semester 2002


Students will not learn about the rich + powerful for years

They trust the university president

in turning off the fountain


Aspen wants snow for the rich oilmen

Electrolysis of water for crops

and people to drink is spit out


Like the universe is spit on

Texas oilmen are the actual black rapists


Texas oilmen are the actual black rapists

Texas oilmen are the actual black rapists


Can we sue aspen observers for $1 billion?

For knowing of the electric car + helping suppress it?


Not telling anyone?

About the WTC attack and the electric windmill car


Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

 attack before it happened

Some future president-Caesar of the USA


Will have to nuke Mecca

Rome will always have a

pope praying to some Caesars pentagon


Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

 attack before it happened

Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

 attack before it happened


Students will not learn about

the rich + powerful for years

They trust the university president

in turning off the fountain


Coup d’etat, overthrowing the

president of the university

President of the university


President of the university

Profited from the suppression of the

 electric windmill car


Profited from the suppression of the

 electric windmill car

Instead of launching time + gravity

on the element chart


Free university education

Students pay eventually in inventions they get


Is easier said than done 


9-11 is the oilmen’s world war III $$$$$$$$$$$$

Waging war while suppressing

the electric windmill car

Greg Buell

Po box 1113 boulder co 80306

Phone 303 443 6270

Copyright © 2002








NYC WTC attack and suppressed

electric windmill car
greg buell
po box 1113 boulder co 80306
phone 303 443 6270
copyright © 2001
9/27/01 8:52 pm
9/27/01 10:52 pm

even with the suppressed electric car

even with the suppressed electric car

no NYC politicians are at fault


NYC- WTC attack + suppressed electric car

NYC – politicians failed their lessons and the usa

no fault auto laws have been

passed by these politicians

so the same dumb drivers

 who wreck can keep driving

no fault politicians

no NYC politicians are at fault?

Even with the suppressed electric car

even with the suppressed electric car

6,333 missing

more than 6,000 have burned

in car wrecks from gasoline

since the invention of the

 electric car in 1980

more than 6,000 have burned in

car wrecks from gasoline

oil terrorists from Texas

more than 6,000 have burned

in car wrecks from gasoline

since the invention of

the electric car in 1980

no Christmas message

from pope john Paul II

Texas oil kings and DC paid off pope

to go along with the suppressed electric car

God will spit on pope john Paul II

for his responsibility in the NYC – WTC attacks

whistled away 21 years for god and humanity

pope not being a “whistle blower”

 caused the NYC attack

CNN + MSNBC not being a

“whistle blower” caused the attack

suppressed electric car since 1980

lesson in payoffs

same usa government will pay off md’s

with the suppressed “cancer cure”

otherwise, md’s will be applying for cook jobs

inventions + miracle cures

suppressed by the usa government

Dan rather use to talk up

 perpetual motion machines

windmill electric car

 referrals from behind the cameras

Dan rather talks up perpetual

president bush today

even with the suppressed electric car

suppressed perpetual

motion machine – electric car

suppressed perpetual

motion machine – electric car

Dan rather reporting on the universe

how many other perpetual motion

 machines are there

in the universe

to be invented?

CNN + MSNBC are prohibited

 from reporting this

perpetual president

bush is today’s only news

more than 6,000 have burned

in car wrecks from gasoline

more than 6,000 have

burned in car wrecks from gasoline

6,333 missing from the NYC – WTC attack

more than 6,000 have burned

in car wrecks from gasoline

are any politicians responsible?

Are any church leaders responsible?

Even with the suppressed electric car

even with the suppressed electric car

in their insider information

are any NYC politicians responsible?

Hillary bought Jewish

 votes to be elected in ny

Jews bought Hillary

 to keep massacring 11 year old PLO girls

ordinary people knew the

 PLO was going to do something

or terrorist friends of the PLO

were going to attack

Jews killing 11-year-old PLO

girls every day for a year

Jews killing 11-year-old PLO girls every day for a year

ordinary people knew

 the PLO was going to do something

Jews killed 11,000 in Lebanon most

11-year-old girls

usa politicians encouraged

them to kill 11 year old girls

though others in the world

were being charges with war crimes

NYC – politicians failed their

 lessons and the usa

church – fail

 the congregations for oil $ donations

even with the suppressed electric car –


more than 6,000 in car

wrecks from gasoline

since the invention of the

electric car in 1980

NYC – politicians failed their lessons and the usa

Russia launches new

docking port for the space station

Russians knew of the suppressed

electric car since 1980

6,000 Russians have burn to

 death in gasoline fires

since the invention of the electric car

Geneva has profited by

$6 billion plus in the suppression

terrorists oil money financed

the attack on NYC – WTC

UN at Geneva warns

bio-terrorists could kill millions

un at Geneva

did not tell it will be

financed by oil kings $

ordinary people know

oil kings waste their money

politicians just want their

money and will go along with it

14 million deaths

each year from infections

bill gates gives

the un petty cash for being a hero

inventor of the miracle cure

is a software pirate

we will find out when he

becomes the bill gates of medicine

no inventor working

out of his or her garage

can afford bill gates

software so they pirate it

“crime and punishment”

should the university

be free and mandatory?

England kept ordinary people

 out of oxford for centuries

losing humanity billions

of inventions over these years

god will spit on the queen not save her

ordinary people know this –

she will never believe this

black hole with the mass of

2.6 million suns

is at the center of our galaxy

26,000 light years is the

 center of our galaxy

4.3 light years is the nears star

 to earth – alpha centauri

none of this means a

damn to oil kings

Texas oil kings and terrorists

oil kings from Saudi Arabia

most urgent desires for

Jewish leaders is killing PLO girls

to get PLO supporters mad as hell

Petronas twin towers,

 the world's tallest buildings

were paid for by oil money

 since the electric car invention

electric car would have paid

for the tallest buildings

if it was not suppressed

inventor of the electric car

would have a free university

by buying politicians

 just like oil money buys them today

interaction with the nucleus

an individual quark

an inventor working

in his garage on quarks

light years from bill gates

flying into Geneva

un at Geneva has never though of him

they think of bill gates flying into Geneva

un has fail humanity – in many ways

NYC – WTC attack is the most vivid

6,000 burning to death

in gasoline via car wrecks

un fails all these people

6,333 missing in the NYC – WTC attack

un fails all these people

fire everyone at the un

no one at the un takes

responsibility for anything

an individual quark

an individual to poor to

support bill gates

will be the next

bill gates of invention and medicine

un has fail humanity – in many ways

sheik jaber al ahmed al sabah,

has given oil money to terrorists

payoffs to keep them

from attacking Kuwait royalty

and to help the

 PLO's 11 year old girls survive

cells of terrorists

who flew the 767 planes into the WTC

number in the 100’s worldwide

all are supported by oil


all are supported by oil


two 767’s left Boston’s

Logan international airport

slamming into the WTC towers

Boston – home of the Kennedy’s

since before the electric car invention in 1980

I meet teddy Kennedy in Colorado in 1978

2 years before I invented the

electric windmill car

Kennedy has suppressed

the electric windmill car since day one

of its invention

In October 1980

Kennedy had observers

Watching me on hidden cameras

Caught the whole brainstorming

And research that went into

Inventing the electric windmill car

On video tape

Then suppressed it from 1980 to 2006

Kennedy  let 6 million burn and

Burn to death in fiery car wrecks

While giving out cheap bribes to

Local Colorado Universities to go

Along with letting 6 million burn

In gasoline for more oil money

Now cops and kids burned

In gasoline will get $1 billion each

If the 2006 Coup is successful

no fault politicians

no politicians are at fault?

Even with the suppressed electric car

even with the suppressed electric car

two 767’s left Boston’s

Logan international airport

slamming into the WTC towers

two strange quarks

how do they hold the atom together?

How politicians can let oil

money pay for terrorists acts

and not let CNN + MSNBC

report this news?

Two lambda particles,

each made of an up,

a down, and a strange quark

a lambda particle is a neutron

with one of its quarks, a down quark

replaced by a strange quark

politicians replaced

Normal behavior with strange behavior

Strange none of them feels guilty

about the suppressed electric car

about letting oil, kings support terrorists

cascade of oil

750 cascade street in boulder Colorado

women harass me for not killing

11 year old girls in Vietnam

paid off by local and DC

 politicians they do this every day

i hike by to the mountain park

strange they would going alone the this abuse

just shows you what people will do if paid off

by Jews with a burning desire to

 kill 11 year old PLO girls

or those who did this type of

killings in Vietnam

cascade from the electric

cars invention will not be “oil”

electric cars tallest building

 built will be light years high

700 shuttles docked as a

 train in orbit

waiting for dc to approve the trip into the galaxy

un has fail humanity – in many ways

NYC WTC attack and suppressed electric windmill car
greg buell
po box 1113 boulder co 80306
phone 303 443 6270
copyright © 2001
9/27/01 8:52 pm
9/27/01 10:52 pm





Hillary and Clinton

Could have prevented the 9-11 attack...

Texas oilmen could have prevented 9-11

As they are the one's who suppressed...

The electric windmill car since 1980

Hillary and the mayor of NYC

Knew about the electric windmills cars suppression

Years before the world trade center attack

And they refused to expose its suppression...

To CNN on the day of the 9-11 attack

Hillary and her husband Clinton

Will be put on trial and put to death

When the electric windmill car is no longer...

Suppressed - when oil is $5 a barrel

And terrorists will only have the oil money they saved

During the Clinton and bush administrations.

9-11 is the oilmen’s world war iii $$$$$$$$$$$$

Waging war while suppressing the electric windmill car

 9-11 is the oilmen’s world war iii $$$$$$$$$$$$

Please send cash or check

To Greg Buell po box 1113 boulder co 80306

Any donation will help as I’m being stifled

By the observers in our Orwellian society

I can invent many more electric windmill cars

When Hillary, Clinton and bush are on trial

For crimes against American!!!!











Please send cash or check To Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Kennedy Could have prevented the 9-11 attack... but didn't

Could have prevented the 9-11 attack... but didn't



Hillary and Clinton

Could have prevented the 9-11 attack...

Texas oilmen could have prevented 9-11

As they are the one's who suppressed...

The electric windmill car since 1980

Hillary and the mayor of NYC

Knew about the electric windmills cars suppression

Years before the world trade center attack

And they refused to expose its suppression...

To CNN on the day of the 9-11 attack

Hillary and her husband Clinton

Will be put on trial and put to death

When the electric windmill car is no longer...

Suppressed - when oil is $5 a barrel

And terrorists will only have

the oil money they saved

During the Clinton and Bush


9-11 is the oilmen’s world war iii

Waging war while suppressing 

the  electric  windmill car

 9-11 is the oilmen’s world war iii


Please send cash or check

To Greg Buell

PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Any donation will help


As I’m being stifled

By the observers

In our Orwellian society

I can invent many more

"Electric windmill cars"

The cure for cancer

And gravity control

When the observers

Come out from behind

The hidden cameras

And let me work as

An inventor!

When Hillary,

Clinton and bush are on trial

For crimes against American!!!!






Please send cash or check To Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Kennedy Could have prevented the 9-11 attack... but didn't



Burning fuel rushing into

 the WTC offices

Burning fuel rushing into

the Russian helicopter cockpit 


Waging war while suppressing

 the electric windmill car

Greg Buell

PO Box 1113 boulder CO 80306

Phone 303 443 6270

Copyright © 2002 2006


9-11 is the oilmen’s

world war III $$$$$$$$$$$$

Waging war while suppressing

 the electric windmill car

 9-11 is the oilmen’s

world war III $$$$$$$$$$$$








Please send cash or check To Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Kennedy Could have prevented the 9-11 attack... but didn't


Burning fuel rushing into

the WTC offices

Burning fuel rushing into

 the Russian helicopter cockpit

9-11 is the oilmen’s

world war III $$$$$$$$$$$$

Waging war while suppressing

 the electric windmill ca

Burning fuel rushing into

 the WTC offices

Burning fuel rushing into

the Russian helicopter cockpit

Both 22 years after the invention

Of the electric windmill car

2006 Coup d'etat,

Overthrowing the world’s oilmen

WW III will end with the

introduction of the electric windmill car

Easier said than done

Easy way to put an end to the worlds oil men

sheriff's office admitted no wrongdoing
sheriff's office admitted no wrongdoing

Sheriff’s office admitted no wrongdoing in letting
Americans burn to death in gasoline fires

Since 1980,

the sheriff let Americans burn to death in gasoline

Our American Caesar is more powerful than the roman Caesar was

Oil $$$$$$$$$$$$ bought

presidents and university presidents

Red cross + the pope will put your gifts

 to god in their bank

Bank one USA will save your gifts

to god while people burn to death

  While people burn to death in gasoline

And you will never see these gross pictures

on a bank one web page

Black rapists are pictured in ads

Of course, they do not tell you the

 black male is a rapist

Women against rape will sue

the NAACP for $1 billion

For failing to stop this innate behavior

 in black males

Sheriff let black males rape women

 for the last 222 years

Sheriff’s office admitted no wrongdoing

Sheriff’s office admitted no wrongdoing
sheriff's office admitted no wrongdoing
University educated police do not really pay off

Any more than high school educated police


Caesar gives the orders

Kennedy gives the orders


Bush and his father

are in a different universe from us

Bush spat out the universe

and any hell that could be there


Bush spat out the universe and any

hell that could be there

Bush spat out the universe and any

hell that could be there


Bush spat out the universe

And any new elements that could be discovered


Bush spat out the universe

And any new laws of physics that

could be discovered


Bush-gates want more oil and

Microsoft money

Bush-gates want more oil and

Microsoft money


Pope prays to the pentagon

The pentagon has more money than god


Before the big bang

Space and time are tiny vibrating strings


Ideas won't be firmed up until we have a

Proper understanding of space and time


My theory is time and gravity is elements

Yet to be discovered


So, without knowing how gravity was created

Texas oilmen burn and burn to death Americans


For 22 years for more oil revenues

Orwellian news of kids in the back seat

on fire in car wrecks


Orwellian news of kids in the back seat on fire in car crashes

Orwellian news of kids in the back seat

on fire in car wrecks


No, wonder why journalists must use cocaine

Suppressing this news would cause any observer stress



Universe is persona non-grate


And NASA might as well be bankrupt

700 shuttles and 700 moon bases have been burned


Texas oilmen could have bought 700 shuttles

In the last 22 years


Oh what if - what if - - - 

2002 with 700 shuttles and no WTC attack


Imagine people around every star in the night sky

Imagine people around every star in the night sky


Bush is not this insane

No people are in the bush universe besides humans


Nothingness was before the big bang

The big bang materialized out of nothingness


Strings of space, time, and gravity

Theories of what was before the big bang


Caesar in Rome must have had the

same idea of the universe

As our American Caesar of 2002 has


Burning fuel rushing into the WTC offices

Burning fuel rushing into the

Russian helicopter cockpit


Lawsuit seeks damages of over $100 trillion

From Saudi Arabia


When the USA has a warp speed shuttle

The president of the USA will nuke Mecca


Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

attack before it happened

Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

attack before it happened


Burning fuel rushing into the WTC offices

The president of the USA will nuke Mecca


Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

attack before it happened

Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

attack before it happened


Mecca and black rapists are innate killers

Behavior is their right for being slaves


Sheriff let black males rape women

Bush and his oilmen let Saudi Arabia

Prostitute women young as 13

Yet their pictures are illegal

Bush is guilt of being a pimp

For 13 year old girls for Saudi Men


Protons are baryons, formed

 by two up and one down quark

Neutrons are baryons,

formed by one up and two down quarks


President will never address the nation

On the goings-on before the big bang


Like it really matters

Hell even the pope prays to the pentagon


Mecca + Rome are lost in a time warp

Mecca + Rome are lost in a time warp


Mecca + Rome do not want any

new elements discovered

They want the church to rule

not physics and star travels


Catholic church might say

travel to other stars is a sin

Mecca will never let women

drive a car on the moon


Time as an element

is not addressed by Rome or Mecca

They want the status quo as it is


President will never

 address the nation on protons + neutrons

9-11 address of the nation

by bush will not address oil money


Oil money built the WTC

Oil money destroyed the WTC


Oilmen are worst than bill gates

Bill gates just burns generations of inventor’s minds


Bill gates burned the mind of the scientists

Who would have discovered times element?


Bill gates burned the mind of the scientists

Who would have discovered the element gravity?


Bush sucks up to bill gates for Microsoft money

Texas oilmen let back seat driver’s

 burn in fiery car wrecks


Bush sucks up to Saudi princes at his

Texas ranch

Bush spit on china


China’s manned space mission scheduled for next year

Saudi prince will be king next year


Why would bush spit on china and

suck up to Saudi’s?

Shouldn’t he spit on the Saudi’s

 and suck up to china?


Oilmen stick together in war

War between oilmen is a game played by top quarks


9-11 is the oilmen’s world war III $$$$$$$$$$$$

9-11 is the oilmen’s world war III $$$$$$$$$$$$


Researchers puzzle over the

cause of vulgar visibilities

Researchers puzzle over

 the cause of black rapists


Top researchers search for more oil

22 years after the electric windmill car


Seems like government is run by

Niger’s with no merit

Boss is like Caesar


UN has failed every nation on earth

Because it’s, top quark is a

 black male with no merit

And he took oil bribes from Kennedy

To Let kids and cops

Burn in fiery car wrecks


Usa politics picked the UN chief

To follow orders from the USA


Theory of the UN

Has failed because of the USA


Un chief fails

Letting people starve and

burn to death via politics


Chancre levy's remains provided no

 clues about her killer

Dc has more hidden cameras

than any city in the USA


But none are used to protect women

DC cameras are used

to protect the politicians


Moscow is not any smarter than dc

As a mi-26 helicopter


Was shot down in Chechnya

Burning fuel rushing

into the Russian helicopter cockpit


Burning fuel rushing I

nto the Russian helicopter cockpit

Moscow let 700 Russian oilmen

suppress the electric car too


Moscow could have sat back

And fired old IBM’s into Chechnya


Burning fuel rushing into the

 Russian helicopter cockpit

Sending helicopters into

Chechnya is more a “war game”


Firing old IBM’s into Chechnya

Is more like winning the

war and getting on with the universe?


Russian oil men + Russian generals

Which should the Russian people sue?


Orlando, FLA. (August 11, 2002 11:08 a.m. edit) –

A gasoline tanker collided with another vehicle

Burst into flames Sunday morning killing people


Bushes brother watched this on video

Knowing the electric car is

being suppressed for oil money


Pope will put your gifts to god in bank one

Red cross will put your gifts to god in bank one


Government will withhold your social security checks

If you have not paid back your student loan

 by the time, you retire


Oil money could have paid

college tuition for 100 million students

Who would have invented

 warp speed and much more faster than ever


Inventions faster than ever before in history

Was lost to oil men and bill gates greed


Quest for new elements to be discovered has ended

For our top quarks they have retired from “work”


Quest for new elements to be discovered has ended

Bush gates Mecca pope

does not want any new element


Electrolysis of water would be cheap

with electric cars

Electric windmill cargo ships

with electrolysis plants


Electric windmill cargo ships

with electrolysis plants

Electric windmill cargo ships

with electrolysis plants


Cost of a barrel of water and a barrel of oil

Saudi prince bush sucks up to has a house in aspen


Someone in aspen knew of the

WTC attacks before 9-11

Aspen would not like this published


Aspen will use its water in the

drought of 2002 to make snow

CU student fountain is dry and

full of dirt at the fall semester 2002


Students will not learn about the rich + powerful for years

They trust the university president

in turning off the fountain


Aspen wants snow for the rich oilmen

Electrolysis of water for crops

and people to drink is spit out


Like the universe is spit on

Texas oilmen are the actual black rapists


Texas oilmen are the actual black rapists

Texas oilmen are the actual black rapists


Can we sue aspen observers for $1 billion?

For knowing of the electric car + helping suppress it?


Not telling anyone?

About the WTC attack and the electric windmill car


Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

 attack before it happened

Some future president-Caesar of the USA


Will have to nuke Mecca

Rome will always have a

pope praying to some Caesars pentagon


Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

 attack before it happened

Someone in Mecca knew about the 9-11

 attack before it happened


Students will not learn about

the rich + powerful for years

They trust the university president

in turning off the fountain


Coup d’etat, overthrowing the

president of the university

President of the university


President of the university

Profited from the suppression of the

 electric windmill car


Profited from the suppression of the

 electric windmill car

Instead of launching time + gravity

on the element chart


Free university education

Students pay eventually in inventions they get


Is easier said than done 


9-11 is the oilmen’s world war III $$$$$$$$$$$$

Waging war while suppressing

the electric windmill car

Greg Buell

Po box 1113 boulder co 80306

Phone 303 443 6270

Copyright © 2002








NYC WTC attack and suppressed

electric windmill car
greg buell
po box 1113 boulder co 80306
phone 303 443 6270
copyright © 2001
9/27/01 8:52 pm
9/27/01 10:52 pm

even with the suppressed electric car

even with the suppressed electric car

no NYC politicians are at fault


NYC- WTC attack + suppressed electric car

NYC – politicians failed their lessons and the usa

no fault auto laws have been

passed by these politicians

so the same dumb drivers

 who wreck can keep driving

no fault politicians

no NYC politicians are at fault?

Even with the suppressed electric car

even with the suppressed electric car

6,333 missing

more than 6,000 have burned

in car wrecks from gasoline

since the invention of the

 electric car in 1980

more than 6,000 have burned in

car wrecks from gasoline

oil terrorists from Texas

more than 6,000 have burned

in car wrecks from gasoline

since the invention of

the electric car in 1980

no Christmas message

from pope john Paul II

Texas oil kings and DC paid off pope

to go along with the suppressed electric car

God will spit on pope john Paul II

for his responsibility in the NYC – WTC attacks

whistled away 21 years for god and humanity

pope not being a “whistle blower”

 caused the NYC attack

CNN + MSNBC not being a

“whistle blower” caused the attack

suppressed electric car since 1980

lesson in payoffs

same usa government will pay off md’s

with the suppressed “cancer cure”

otherwise, md’s will be applying for cook jobs

inventions + miracle cures

suppressed by the usa government

Dan rather use to talk up

 perpetual motion machines

windmill electric car

 referrals from behind the cameras

Dan rather talks up perpetual

president bush today

even with the suppressed electric car

suppressed perpetual

motion machine – electric car

suppressed perpetual

motion machine – electric car

Dan rather reporting on the universe

how many other perpetual motion

 machines are there

in the universe

to be invented?

CNN + MSNBC are prohibited

 from reporting this

perpetual president

bush is today’s only news

more than 6,000 have burned

in car wrecks from gasoline

more than 6,000 have

burned in car wrecks from gasoline

6,333 missing from the NYC – WTC attack

more than 6,000 have burned

in car wrecks from gasoline

are any politicians responsible?

Are any church leaders responsible?

Even with the suppressed electric car

even with the suppressed electric car

in their insider information

are any NYC politicians responsible?

Hillary bought Jewish

 votes to be elected in ny

Jews bought Hillary

 to keep massacring 11 year old PLO girls

ordinary people knew the

 PLO was going to do something

or terrorist friends of the PLO

were going to attack

Jews killing 11-year-old PLO

girls every day for a year

Jews killing 11-year-old PLO girls every day for a year

ordinary people knew

 the PLO was going to do something

Jews killed 11,000 in Lebanon most

11-year-old girls

usa politicians encouraged

them to kill 11 year old girls

though others in the world

were being charges with war crimes

NYC – politicians failed their

 lessons and the usa

church – fail

 the congregations for oil $ donations

even with the suppressed electric car –


more than 6,000 in car

wrecks from gasoline

since the invention of the

electric car in 1980

NYC – politicians failed their lessons and the usa

Russia launches new

docking port for the space station

Russians knew of the suppressed

electric car since 1980

6,000 Russians have burn to

 death in gasoline fires

since the invention of the electric car

Geneva has profited by

$6 billion plus in the suppression

terrorists oil money financed

the attack on NYC – WTC

UN at Geneva warns

bio-terrorists could kill millions

un at Geneva

did not tell it will be

financed by oil kings $

ordinary people know

oil kings waste their money

politicians just want their

money and will go along with it

14 million deaths

each year from infections

bill gates gives

the un petty cash for being a hero

inventor of the miracle cure

is a software pirate

we will find out when he

becomes the bill gates of medicine

no inventor working

out of his or her garage

can afford bill gates

software so they pirate it

“crime and punishment”

should the university

be free and mandatory?

England kept ordinary people

 out of oxford for centuries

losing humanity billions

of inventions over these years

god will spit on the queen not save her

ordinary people know this –

she will never believe this

black hole with the mass of

2.6 million suns

is at the center of our galaxy

26,000 light years is the

 center of our galaxy

4.3 light years is the nears star

 to earth – alpha centauri

none of this means a

damn to oil kings

Texas oil kings and terrorists

oil kings from Saudi Arabia

most urgent desires for

Jewish leaders is killing PLO girls

to get PLO supporters mad as hell

Petronas twin towers,

 the world's tallest buildings

were paid for by oil money

 since the electric car invention

electric car would have paid

for the tallest buildings

if it was not suppressed

inventor of the electric car

would have a free university

by buying politicians

 just like oil money buys them today

interaction with the nucleus

an individual quark

an inventor working

in his garage on quarks

light years from bill gates

flying into Geneva

un at Geneva has never though of him

they think of bill gates flying into Geneva

un has fail humanity – in many ways

NYC – WTC attack is the most vivid

6,000 burning to death

in gasoline via car wrecks

un fails all these people

6,333 missing in the NYC – WTC attack

un fails all these people

fire everyone at the un

no one at the un takes

responsibility for anything

an individual quark

an individual to poor to

support bill gates

will be the next

bill gates of invention and medicine

un has fail humanity – in many ways

sheik jaber al ahmed al sabah,

has given oil money to terrorists

payoffs to keep them

from attacking Kuwait royalty

and to help the

 PLO's 11 year old girls survive

cells of terrorists

who flew the 767 planes into the WTC

number in the 100’s worldwide

all are supported by oil


all are supported by oil


two 767’s left Boston’s

Logan international airport

slamming into the WTC towers

Boston – home of the Kennedy’s

since before the electric car invention in 1980

I meet teddy Kennedy in Colorado in 1978

2 years before I invented the

electric windmill car

Kennedy has suppressed

the electric windmill car since day one

of its invention

In October 1980

Kennedy had observers

Watching me on hidden cameras

Caught the whole brainstorming

And research that went into

Inventing the electric windmill car

On video tape

Then suppressed it from 1980 to 2006

Kennedy  let 6 million burn and

Burn to death in fiery car wrecks

While giving out cheap bribes to

Local Colorado Universities to go

Along with letting 6 million burn

In gasoline for more oil money

Now cops and kids burned

In gasoline will get $1 billion each

If the 2006 Coup is successful

no fault politicians

no politicians are at fault?

Even with the suppressed electric car

even with the suppressed electric car

two 767’s left Boston’s

Logan international airport

slamming into the WTC towers

two strange quarks

how do they hold the atom together?

How politicians can let oil

money pay for terrorists acts

and not let CNN + MSNBC

report this news?

Two lambda particles,

each made of an up,

a down, and a strange quark

a lambda particle is a neutron

with one of its quarks, a down quark

replaced by a strange quark

politicians replaced

Normal behavior with strange behavior

Strange none of them feels guilty

about the suppressed electric car

about letting oil, kings support terrorists

cascade of oil

750 cascade street in boulder Colorado

women harass me for not killing

11 year old girls in Vietnam

paid off by local and DC

 politicians they do this every day

i hike by to the mountain park

strange they would going alone the this abuse

just shows you what people will do if paid off

by Jews with a burning desire to

 kill 11 year old PLO girls

or those who did this type of

killings in Vietnam

cascade from the electric

cars invention will not be “oil”

electric cars tallest building

 built will be light years high

700 shuttles docked as a

 train in orbit

waiting for dc to approve the trip into the galaxy

un has fail humanity – in many ways

NYC WTC attack and suppressed electric windmill car
greg buell
po box 1113 boulder co 80306
phone 303 443 6270
copyright © 2001
9/27/01 8:52 pm
9/27/01 10:52 pm





Hillary and Clinton

Could have prevented the 9-11 attack...

Texas oilmen could have prevented 9-11

As they are the one's who suppressed...

The electric windmill car since 1980

Hillary and the mayor of NYC

Knew about the electric windmills cars suppression

Years before the world trade center attack

And they refused to expose its suppression...

To CNN on the day of the 9-11 attack

Hillary and her husband Clinton

Will be put on trial and put to death

When the electric windmill car is no longer...

Suppressed - when oil is $5 a barrel

And terrorists will only have the oil money they saved

During the Clinton and bush administrations.

9-11 is the oilmen’s world war iii $$$$$$$$$$$$

Waging war while suppressing the electric windmill car

 9-11 is the oilmen’s world war iii $$$$$$$$$$$$

Please send cash or check

To Greg Buell po box 1113 boulder co 80306

Any donation will help as I’m being stifled

By the observers in our Orwellian society

I can invent many more electric windmill cars

When Hillary, Clinton and bush are on trial

For crimes against American!!!!



Kennedy Could have prevented the 9-11 attack... but didn't



Burning fuel rushing into...











|War on Earth| |Ford WindMill Cars| |Vista No Malaria Cure| |Impeach Bush| |God Darwin Gravity| |Harvards Faust + Oil| |Cheney's Oil Genocide| |NASA Women Call Me| |Tolstoy A Confession| |Drew Barrymore| |Putin Spits On Cops !| |UN Cop Killers| |Boss| |Animal Farm Windmill| |Vista Breast Cancer| |CBS News| |GPS Drivers License| |Invent Or Die| |Boss mp3| |AirBags On Outside| |Inventors| |9 11 Wind Cars| |Killer Lovers| |4.3 Lt. Yrs| |7 Million Cops| |Introduction| |Katrina| |CobraHelicopte| |Space Telescope| |Car Radar| |I B M| |MIT| |Seduce Women| |"1984" Mirror| |Poems| |POW Inventor| |Kennedy| |1 Billion MD's| |CU Med School| |Women MD's| |Gas Tanker| |Aliens| |Lightning| |Forest Stars| |Lobotomy Gas| |VetsDayOilDay| |Gravity Control| |Statistics| |Quark Particles| |Universe| |Daily Diary| |Vacation Diary| |4th Of July| |She Lay Reflecting| |Busted Teeth| |Busted Teeth 1| |Busted Teeth 2| |Resume| |Contact Us| |Site Map| |Schwarzenegger Burnt Cops|

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