4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 inventor8484@gmail.com cell phone 3054345276 LG Android inventsomething@live.com


11-22-2016 Tuesday; Talk about politics at the Thanksgiving dinner table...

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Last Thanksgiving Day 1.8 billion on Facebook would be on InventBook today at the NY Times + Trump Starbucks with Apple-Starbucks open 24/7. iMacBook Pro's at every Cafe table in Paris and Starbucks World wide on Thanksgiving Day 2016 for work by Facebooks - InventBook not Facebook; 1.7 billion people to get a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016.

11-22-2016 Thanksgiving Day I spent at the Hemingway House! In Key West, Writing Class iapps to write the invention thriller Novel finished by midnight Thanksgiving Day!

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, NY Times Starbucks should be open 24/7 over Thanksgiving weekend in the last 100 Editorials from the Editors at the NY Times as the #1 IP invention project would be getting the Rx Recipe Overnight Miracle cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. The Editors at the Times like their 9/11 Widows editorials were against this Stage 4 Rx Recipe by Christmas Day 2016 - Is the MacBook Pro good enough for real inventing the Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 Cure with 1 Click links to Los Alamos. Your have to read the NY Time Editors comments on this. This Thanksgiving the Starbucks at the NY Times will be closed and there will not be a crowd of people cheering the Drone strike for a Rx Recipe for Stage 4. Times editors will write of the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub drone strike and its Cheers on Thanksgiving Day. NY Times Insiders; Apple's redesigned MacBook Pro has been surrounded by controversy since it was first announced a few weeks ago! Times editors have not announced the Apple-Starbucks 24/7 iMacBook Pro's at every Cafe table in Paris and Starbucks World wide on Thanksgiving Day 2016 for work by Facebooks 1.7 billion people to get a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. $10 Trillion from the sale of the USS Jimmy Carter Sub would have paid for this Miracle Rx Recipe.

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Talk about politics at the Thanksgiving dinner table...

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society when the FBI has read the 1990 Los Alamos secret file on Mr. Buell and his "Wind Car". What the Hell is going on in this 1984 II Society for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues... Thanksgiving "Giving" in the USA has been moved to Mecca this year by our 1984 II Dictators $$$. King Salman gave everyone in Mecca a Ford made in Mexico for Thanksgiving.

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Talk about politics at the Thanksgiving dinner table...

11-22-2016 Tuesday; New York Times - When should you leave for your Thanksgiving drive in order to avoid getting stuck in traffic with the tens of millions of people on the road? NY Times Starbucks should be open 24/7 over Thanksgiving weekend with iMacBook Pro's at every Cafe Table with 1 Click links to Los Alamos for the 10 million working driving... for a Stage 4 Rx Recipe cure by Christmas Day 2016. NY Times sold 10 million on driving not driving to invent a Rx Recipe. Read this NY Times article on driving a gas engine car on Thanksgiving - "When to Leave on Your Thanksgiving Drive - general trend is that you’ll hit less traffic if you can leave on Sunday and return on Friday, while the slowest commutes are for those departing on Wednesday and returning on Saturday." By JUSTIN SABLICH Justin is a war criminal and this is a hate crime against women with Stage 4 on Thanksgiving Day as Justin could have told 10 million to drive to Starbucks to drive a Rx Recipe to cure Stage 4. Justin also have her syphilis... grin!


11-22-2016 Tuesday; Talk about politics at the Thanksgiving dinner table...

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, New York Times - Trump heads to Florida! Key West, Greg + Wives!! Editors and reporters at The New York Times, a frequent target of his criticism for "1984" War Crimes and their mass murder on 9/11 not driving the Ford ElectricWindillEscort decade before 9/11... and 9/11 II with the Gravity Engine head for Hell in a New Universe of 2 Trillion galaxies and half will burn for 4 trillion years...

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, New York Times - Editors at the NY write OPEC should allow Iraq to continue raising output with no restrictions, Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jafari told reporters at the NY Times this agreement is part of their $777 Trillion in kickbacks and bribes, government perks!

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, secretive Trust at OPEC and the NY Times Editors paid off in 100 Editorials against letting the 9/11 Widow sue Saudi Arabia! Even more secretive is King Salman, Prince Salman knew about 9/11 and paid for it! FBI doesn't ask for these emails on the front page because they already read them. FBI read the 1990 Los Alamos secret file on Mr. Buell and his "Wind Car". What the Hell is going on in this 1984 II Society for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues???


11-22-2016 Tuesday; Talk about politics at the Thanksgiving dinner table...

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, Weapons of Mass Destruction the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Submarine and Stage 4.

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, New York Times today writes "Many Insured Children Lack Essential Health Care, Study Finds" then the Times censors out the Airport scan of all the kids eyes for health problems and all the kids DNA with burned sequences from Black Clouds of Clean Diesel on Duval Key West. New York Times lacks Essential caring for 5 billion people - 1.8 billion Facebook people!

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, Hubble II was Nuked by the USS Jimmy Carter Submarine! After 20 years with a budget of $8.7 billion, the Hubble II telescope is on track and on budget to be launched in October 2018 and sent a million miles from Earth, NASA says. NASA knows why and who in the Navy nuked this Hubble II and built the USS Jimmy Carter Submarine for $10 Trillion. $10 Trillion will be spent on the Hubble II Space Telescope Train as rework will need to be done... the Hubble II will die in space if it needs a heart transplant. Jimmy Carter would have gotten a "Cheney" heart transplant if he needed one too. $10 trillion for Heart Transplants would have been a better purchase than the USS Jimmy Carter Submarine too!


11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, When to Leave on Your Thanksgiving Drive - general trend is that you’ll hit less traffic if you can leave on Sunday and return on Friday, while the slowest commutes are for those departing on Wednesday and returning on Saturday. By JUSTIN SABLICH

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, 1.8 billion working at Starbucks on 1 Click Amazon line to Los Alamos Rx Recipes but none from... Alghero Journal A street in Alghero, a port city in Sardinia. The traditional insularity of Alghero has helped to preserve Catalan, but the language is fading even here. Italy’s Last Bastion of Catalan Language Struggles to Keep It Alive" By RAPHAEL MINDER The lingering use of Catalan in Alghero, Italy, is a reminder of how Mediterranean cultures have blended for centuries. But the language is fading there today... Fading Hell the iMacBook Pro at every Cafe table in Italy was killed in cold blood by Mad Men writing we want them to speak Catalan Language Struggles to Keep It Alive... to Hell with keeping alive women with Stage 4.


11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, By THE NEW YORK TIMES "JPMorgan paid its C.E.O. $27 million in 2015. In another Wall Street universe, the hedge fund manager Ken Griffin made $1.7 billion." In the "Real World" Universe BP Oil took $777 Trillion dollars. Baghdad has taken in $1 Trillion dollars a month in 2016. Justice Department may have a difficult time when this is the Editorial of the New New York Times$. Citigroup, Bank of America and Wells Fargo each moved up a notch in the annual risk rankings of banks deemed to be globally important... in Keeping Secret $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues in our 1984 II Society.

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, "Microsoft Spends Big to Build a Computer Out of Science Fiction" By JOHN MARKOFF The computer giant says it’s ready to start planning a prototype quantum computer, a superpowerful device that relies on subatomic particles instead of transistors. Los Alamos is not SF but is up and running building new H-Bombs because our 1984 II Dictators will not let them crunch Rx Recipes for Stage 4. Brainstorming Rx Recipes relies on subatomic particles, spin and what is generated by this spin at -254 C and 4,500 F. Microsoft news in the Times of a prototype quantum computer should have been canceled like Trumps 6 am meeting today with the Times. Subatomic particles dissected by Los Alamos will give us the G-Bomb - Gravity Bomb which will be more powerful than the H-Bombs on the assembly line today. So how do we get Microsoft to spend big on the Gravity Bombs? Gravity has been science fiction to Obama and Bill Gates the last 8 years.

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, Gravity of Stage 4 prototype Rx Recipe news from Microsoft today... Hell No We Won't Go! "The election of Donald J. Trump, the rise of Bernie Sanders, and the momentum behind Brexit and ISIS all show the newly global gravity of social media." By PUI-WING TAM Pui writes up Gravity as social not a IP invention project at Starbucks with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos to crunch it. Pui was paid to write this false story on social gravity. Well a non invention projects story about Gravity!


11-22-2016 Tuesday; Talk about politics at the Thanksgiving dinner table...

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Caller ID... Guards her life looking up his cell phone numbers! "Daily Report: Time to Guard Your Cellphone Number" By JIM KERSTETTER Jim has syphilis and his cell phone numbers when he calls her this should show up on her caller ID. This technology was not made Headlines today by Microsoft.

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Talk about a "Cheney" heart transplant caused by "Turkeys"

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Talk about... "But as a scientifically trained journalist... Personal Health By JANE E. BRODY" I feel obliged to help others make rational decisions about which, if any, dietary supplements may be worth their hard-earned dollars. I’ll start with the bottom line on the most popular of these, the daily multivitamin/mineral combo: If you are a healthy adult with no known nutritional deficiencies, save your money.

11-22-2016 Tuesday; Talk about... "But as a scientifically trained journalist... Personal Health By JANE E. BRODY" I feel obliged to help others immune system Rx Drugs like Jimmy Carter got to fight his brain cancer should be the next daily multivitamin/mineral combo: and would be today if the Editors at the NY Times would have written this editorial last Thanksgiving Day.

No Gas Stations On Earth Day will replace Veterans Day in 2017.

Successful Coup by the CIA "No Gas Stations On Earth." Awe of the name of this Coup will inspire the CIA. FBI is still in Awe reading Hillary's emails about $777 Trillion in Oil revenues since 1980.


Dylan + Madonna marriage Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" First $1 Trillion dollar Medical School.


Gregs 2007 web

10-21-2016 Friday; On Wed the 1984 II Observers cut 2 cables and stole my Pink Trike locked to a tree next to the Key West Firehouse Museum the trike I bike to inspire the stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure...

Gregs 2007 web

I caught up with the Pink Trike thieves at Curry Mansion... had to wait for 2 Key West Cops! Talked to the Cops and need the serial number 2 police women called in to see if it was stole when I paid $200 for it recovering my other trike from Saint Mary's Catholic Church as the maintenance men cut the cables on this trike too and put it in the dumper until the women cops tracked them down... never heard from Saint Mary's Priest. Red circle in this picture is a homeless guy or undercover cop... any way never got my pink trike back last night! Acer Computer with the serial number of this pink trike the police have and will not give back to me. Community Service cut 2 15 foot cables to steal this Acer Notebook out of my bike basket at 713 Southard.

Gregs 2007 web


Laser guidance at all NYC cross walks is Star Trek Technology. It's 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era Technology lost to the Black Hole of Obama the last 8 years.

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL phone 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.

Nice! Link below is new video added today.




Gregs 2007 web

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!



Yes Greg + Wives in Key West will get this Gravity Control Invention and of course the "Gravity Engine" for the flying cars.


CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.



850 pages moved to this web link http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/04Wives.html

Moved 840 pages from Jan 2014 to Christmas 2014

Link to Photos and Acrobat files of Greg in NYC

Greg's YouTube Video reposted



2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,




Gregs 2007 web

11-20-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot War...


LDL levels - CIA levels - Lesley Stahl commenting about her own future heart transplant paid for by CBS $$$ "The Two Americas of 2016" Cheney and Lesley Stahl; "To Have; Have Not Yet" by Hemingway. Steve Jobs, Dr. Susan Love.

11-22-2016 Thursday; Trump Medical School - 155 Story Eiffel Tower Structure made out of Titanium.


11-21-2016 Monday; The Upper West Side is resistant to modern technology!.

11-21-2016 Monday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, "The reality proves less straightforward." Star Trek Thanksgiving TV show, brainstorm 1,001 IP invention projects and log on to Los Alamos and Hemingway House in Key West to the Writing Class iapps to write the invention thriller Novel finished by midnight Thanksgiving!

11-21-2016 Monday; Apple is resistant to modern technology and before Greg and Wives invent a way for Verizon Cell Signals to become the next invention to replace all wifi signals world wide!! Apple killed making them wifi routers... how did they know this Verizon Cell signal will be reinvented to replace wifi? Grin! "Apple is killing its line of wifi routers" Business Insider - Apple has disbanded the division within the company that develops its wireless routers, Bloomberg reported on Monday. The engineers who formerly worked on the AirPort Extreme, Airport Express, and AirPort Time Capsule have been moved to old technology like GE wind turbines!

11-21-2016 Monday; Gravity - “It’s a comfortable environment,” Trump reads secret and top secret articles about Gravity!! Not posting these and other secret inventions to Facebook or InventBook.

11-21-2016 Monday; High in Tower, Trump Reads, Tweets and Plans. As Donald J. Trump goes about his routine — schmoozing, tweeting, rewarding loyalty, fomenting infighting — it doesn’t appear the gravity of the presidency is changing his reality - 2 Trillion Galaxies weight is also in the secret and top secret files on Graivty.

11-21-2016 Monday; Super Gravity of a Neutron Star that Orwellianism of Gas Exhaust Nasty Rich Men seeks to dissect Gravity in secret...


11-21-2016 Monday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, "The reality proves less straightforward." Dash Picture on the front page of today's NY Times... killers in a drive by shooting in the Bronx on Thanksgiving Day on Christmas Day! Masterminds of this 1984 II Society are BP Oil men... Nasty Men far worst than Nasty Women, grin!

11-21-2016 Monday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, Era of Gas Exhaust in the Air. "The reality proves less straightforward." Dash Picture on the front page of today's NY Times does not have any iPhone 007 plus dash cam's... this is what's not straightforward by George Orwell the guy who took the picture of the dash and posted it on the front page of today's NY Times.

11-21-2016 Monday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, Era of Gas Exhaust in the Air. "The reality proves less straightforward." Even with Facebook in the News for Fake Stories! InventBook is censored, not even mentioned on Facebook!

11-21-2016 Monday; Trump will make America great again, Trump can't bring back the Dead! 17,775 in traffic wrecks so far in 2016 but can save the 17K in the first 6 months of 2017 with iPhone 007 plus dash cam's...


11-21-2016 Monday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, Era of Gas Exhaust in the Air. "The reality proves less straightforward." A picture of Allah and Mecca covered in sand in a sand storm hurricane with the caption on the picture "Top Quark physics led to the gravity engine invention!" by Greg and wives in Key West.

11-21-2016 Monday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, Era of Gas Exhaust in the Air. "The reality proves less straightforward." Dash Picture on the front page of today's NY Times does not have any iPhone 007 plus dash cam's... this is what's not straightforward by George Orwell the guy who took the picture of the dash and posted it on the front page.

11-21-2016 Monday; Dash picture is in the car of the... "Killers on a Shoestring: Inside the Gangs of El Salvador" By ÓSCAR MARTÍNEZ, EFREN LEMUS, CARLOS MARTÍNEZ and DEBORAH SONTAG - Ironic as NY Times are the Trillion dollar rich killers of 17K in Traffic! Killers with $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues. I will post a picture of my liking for this front page (Rich Killers with $777 Trillion) for some future NY Times after the No Gas Stations on Earth CIA Coup Op is successful - maybe a picture of Allah and Mecca covered in sand in a sand storm hurricane with the caption on the picture Top Quark physics led to the gravity engine invention! by Greg and wives in Key West.

11-21-2016 Monday; Is Apple holding back Verizon iPhone speeds? “iPhone 7 Plus Dash Cam's iCops; MD Cops;

11-21-2016 Monday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, "The reality proves less straightforward." for Tim Cook's terrible diseases..infighting at Apple, who gave who syphilis first.


11-21-2016 Monday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, "The reality proves less straightforward." Whooping Cough on Facebook in China and kids left in hot cars to die last summer can be called mass murder by Mark and his Chinese Wife. Yale History will compare their stats to Chairman Mao's. This will make the front page of the NY Times after Allah and Mecca are buried in a Sand Storm Hurricane deep as Longs Peak. Gravity Engine Ford's driven by rich Americans will be taking pictures of the Mecca ruins!

11-21-2016 Monday; Thanksgiving in our 1984 II Society, "The reality proves less straightforward." Facebook's fake news is holding back on terrible diseases; Syphilis, MS, and Stage 4 Rx Recipe. Facebook, Apple, Verizon ads promoting a Rx Recipe crunched at Los Alamos has been killed by our Elite Masterminds who put Zeka in the headlines every day, why?

11-21-2016 Monday; "The reality proved less straightforward." Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's “iPhone 7 Plus Dash Cam's iCops; MD Cops; Persuading Ford Motor to arrest Hillary, Obama, OJ, Thugs like Christie world wide as they all need “iPhone 7 Plus Dash Cam's iCops; MD Cops; this is about as straightforward as our 1984 II Society can vision from Crime Headlines that Facebook censors out all the bloody crime scenes in China for his wife.


11-21-2016 Monday; Judging from a couple of Twitter messages by President-elect Donald J. Trump, he had scored a hard-won victory for American auto workers by persuading Ford Motor to keep a Lincoln plant in Louisville, Ky., rather than move it to Mexico. "The reality proved less straightforward." Ford Move, Cited as Victory by Trump, Has No Effect on U.S. Jobs" By NEAL E. BOUDETTE New York Times. Neal is not straightforward as Ford has a effect on statistics of 17K killed in traffic and 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 by OJ clones. “iPhone 7 Plus Dash Cam's iCops; MD Cops; will save the lives of 99% of those who will die if Ford moves to Mexico... if Ford moves to the ElectricWindmillEscort and the Gravity Engine Era - linked to the Rx Recipe's at Los Alamos to cure the 10 terrible diseases Tim Cook at Apple spreads to 4,500 hourly workers at Apple. Lets not forget SWF's sex slaves in Saudi Arabia are transported from Prince to Prince in Ford's.

11-21-2016 Monday; Lets not forget SWF's sex slaves in Saudi Arabia are transported from Prince to Prince in Ford's.

11-21-2016 Monday; The factory employs 4,500 hourly workers and is operating on three shifts, producing vehicles almost around the clock. In the first 10 months of this year, the plant made nearly 300,000 Ford Escapes and just over 37,000 Lincoln MKCs. In the auto industry, plants are considered to be operating at 100 percent capacity if they are running two shifts a day. Most typically produce 200,000 to 250,000 vehicles a year

11-21-2016 Monday; Los Alamos does not employ 4,500 hourly workers... only scientists making what the Ford CEO makes, Working 3 shifts at Los Alamos crunching Rx Recipes for Stage 4...


11-21-2016 Monday; Gravity - “It’s a comfortable environment,” Trump reads secret and top secret articles about Gravity!!

11-21-2016 Monday; High in Tower, Trump Reads, Tweets and Plans. As Donald J. Trump goes about his routine — schmoozing, tweeting, rewarding loyalty, fomenting infighting — it doesn’t appear the gravity of the presidency is changing his reality - 2 Trillion Galaxies weight is also in the secret and top secret files on Graivty.

11-21-2016 Monday; Super Gravity of a Neutron Star that Orwellianism of Gas Exhaust Nasty Rich Men seeks to dissect Gravity in secret...

11-21-2016 Monday; Gravity of our Nearest star, Proxima Centauri a “flare star”, meaning that convection processes within the star’s body make it prone to random and dramatic changes in brightness. The convection processes not only trigger brilliant bursts of starlight but, combined with other factors, mean that Proxima Centauri is in for a very long life. Astronomers predict that this star will remain middle-aged — or a “main sequence” star in astronomical terms — for another four trillion years, some 300 times the age of the current Universe.

11-21-2016 Monday; Combined with other factors - Gravity in the star, all this is in the secret files Trump is reading up on today...

11-21-2016 Monday; Rx Recipes for Stage for in case Trump gets 4 wives in making Polygamy Legal on 1-20-2017 grin. - “It’s a comfortable environment,” Four Wives at Trump Tower. He reads secret and top secret articles about making Legal in the USA polygamous Marriage!!!! Trumps wedding gifts would have to be Rx Recipe's to cure stage 4 and Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS, Hepatitis. All put in the drinking water so Bill and Melinda Gates can be written off the White House Guest list, ha! Apple to write the code for the iPhone 007 caller ID that tell her if the caller has drug and alcohol addictions - smoking, AIDS, Syphilis, STD's, MS virus... OJ Clones! Apple knows this but is resistant to modern technology!.

11-21-2016 Monday; The Old Ways Are Sometimes the Only Ways "A farmer’s market transaction on the Upper West Side is resistant to modern technology." Metropolitan Diary By KATRINA ALLWIN Dear Diary, On a crisp, sunny, fall Saturday morning, I ventured out to a farmer’s market on the Upper West Side. While I was buying apple cider, a fellow shopper listening to music took an earbud from one ear, grabbed an apple and shouted to the man behind the stand: “Do you take Apple Pay?” The man behind the stand looked at him, and the eager shopper repeated, “Can I pay with my Apple …do you take Apple Pay?” “The only apple pay I take,” the man replied, “is you pay cash and then take apple.”

11-21-2016 Monday; The Upper West Side is resistant to modern technology!.


11-21-2016 Monday; iPhone 7 Plus Dash Cam's iCops; MD Cops;

11-21-2016 Monday; iPhone 7 Plus Dash Cam's iCops; MD Cops; iCops ride along with you as you drive your Ford.

11-21-2016 Monday; MD Cops; are in the Doctors Office as you are diagnosed, given a Rx.

11-21-2016 Monday; Apple Pay scan is the only technology that is promoted by Apple and the NY Times, Facebook but it would be on InventBook if InventBook was not censored by our Super Gravity Neutron Star Orwellianism!

11-21-2016 Monday; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... Have Airport screening - of eye - eye disease in children and aging populations. “The only apple pay I take,” the man Mark replied, “is you pay cash and then take apple.”

11-21-2016 Monday; The Upper West Side is resistant to modern technology!.

11-21-2016 Monday; Donald Trump confirms that wife Melania and son Barron will stay in New York after the presidential inauguration... at the modern Trump Tower!


11-21-2016 Monday; Orwellianism is resistant to $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues $$$

11-21-2016 Monday; Tim Cook at Apple to write the code for the iPhone 007 caller ID that tell her if the caller has drug and alcohol addictions - smoking, AIDS, Syphilis, STD's, MS virus... OJ Clones! Apple knows this but is resistant to modern technology!.

11-21-2016 Monday; The Upper West Side is resistant to modern technology!.

11-21-2016 Monday; Apple is resistant to modern technology and before Greg and Wives invent a way for Verizon Cell Signals to become the next invention replace all wifi signals world wide!! Apple killed making them wifi routers... how did they know this Verizon Cell signal will be reinvented to replace wifi? Grin! "Apple is killing its line of wifi routers" Business Insider - Apple has disbanded the division within the company that develops its wireless routers, Bloomberg reported on Monday. The engineers who formerly worked on the AirPort Extreme, Airport Express, and AirPort Time Capsule have been moved to old technology like GE wind turbines!



11-20-2016 Sunday; Apple has a $237 billion war chest... The Wreckage of 50K burnt out cop cars and SUV's all could of had iPhone 007 Dash Cam's, iTraffic Tickets in their emails, F35C laser guidance that cost more than the Ford, grin. Highway deaths jumped 10.4 percent, to 17,775. Apple's war chest jumped to $237 billion $$$.

11-20-2016 Sunday; Trump will make America great again, Trump can't bring back the Dead! 17,775 plus iPhone 007 Plus!!

11-20-2016 Sunday; In the first six months of 2016, highway deaths jumped 10.4 percent, to 17,775. Wounded Warriors the last 8 years. Stage 4 the last 8 Years of Obama. By NEAL E. BOUDETTE Sunday NY Times!! A invention thriller; Coup's! CIA Op's! Nobel Peace Prize MacBook Pro writing class Novel at the Hemingway House Key West!

11-20-2016 Sunday; Trump will make America great again by building 50K Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts, then 50K Ford's with the Gravity Engine... Wreckage of Allah, Mecca, buried in the sand storm's of climate change!

11-20-2016 Sunday; Last 8 years Jodi was in the Corner Office overlooking 8 years of death's of Stage 4 women. Jodi Goldstein, managing director of the Harvard Innovation Labs. Jodi Goldstein of Harvard Innovation Labs: Humility Is the Mother of Invention" By ADAM BRYANT. - Ms. Goldstein, managing director of the Harvard Innovation Labs, says entrepreneurs should be confident enough to ask for help instead of just faking it. Last 8 years Jodi was in the Corner Office overlooking 8 years of death's of Stage 4 women at Harvard. MD Cops; will they arrest Kerry's Rich wife too? Wrongful Death Lawsuits will keep Yale and Harvard Law Schools open for a few years after a Stage 4 Rx Recipe overnight miracle cure on Christmas Day 2016!

11-20-2016 Sunday; Wreckage of Stage 4 the last 8 years! Nasty women's heroes Hillary and Dr. Susan Love. Dr. Susan Love just put a needle into their nipple to shut them up! Really this is Dr. Love's cure for Stage 4, this is why they all died the last 8 years. MD Cops; Top Cop will be Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II building the BC-Bomb at Los Alamos - Breast Cancer Rx Recipe! Not a needle into her nipple, arrest Dr. Love!


11-20-2016 Sunday; 50K Ford's with the Gravity Engine... "A Bleak Outlook for Trump’s Promises to Coal Miners" is an example of a fake story in the NY Times! By CLIFFORD KRAUSS and MICHAEL CORKERY - Cliff and Mike know about the gravity engine Ford's Trump will give the Coal Miners! The president-elect promised jobs, but market forces, automation and pollution concerns may block coal’s comeback. Of course our 1984 II Dictators burned trillions and trillions of DNA strands in kids on the Duval Walk in Key West, they finally got caught in the winds of time!


11-20-2016 Sunday; Opinion "The Wreckage of Obama’s Legacy 10,000, 20,0000, 50K burnt out cop cars and SUV's all the worlds leaders drove by without helping to stop - 100's of gasoline fuel tankers exploded in northern Mozambique... No Gas Station On Earth Coup Op! CIA politics failed to catch fire!!" Robert Redford's "Spy Game II" with Angelina's ex-grin. Angelina Jolie has made her first public appearance since she filed for divorce from Brad Pitt in September. In a recorded video message for the International Criminal Court, the 41-year-old actress spoke out this week in support of our 1984 II Society, its Dictators! By JULIAN E. ZELIZER "Spy Game II" at the Key West Film Festival in a Star Trek - Star Wars Era Society. His major Wreckage burned out MD's in the internet news every day the last 8 years. Major MD as most MD's are Majors and they were just given the orders to put to death MS women. Facebook's false stories, what's fake is MS Wreckage was caused by OJ clones spreading the worlds most terrible virus MS when Bill and Melinda Gates are swatting mosquitoes! Yes this is a fake story in the NY Times today on the virus Microsoft gives everyone so they can make $237 Billion in profits the last 8 years. Everyone in this 1984 II society already knows Bill and Melinda infected their computer with a virus to make a few extra $ billion dollars!


11-20-2016 Sunday; $237 billion war chest at Apple HQ.

11-20-2016 Sunday; $238 billion war chest at Comcast HQ.

11-20-2016 Sunday; $239 billion war chest at AT&T HQ.

11-20-2016 Sunday; $777 trillion war chest at BP Oil HQ.


11-20-2016 Sunday; $777 trillion for IP invention projects - Hemingway House writing class and the iNovel Writing Class will be finished by midnight with a Noble Novel. Read how this First Contact with Jewish Aliens was invented, a invention thriller! Stage 4 thriller for Dr. Susan Love's million women army waiting and dying the last 8 years, long March of Mao with all the women having Stage 4. Mark's Facebooks Wife sold her soul by letting all these stage 4 women die the last 8 years - Muslim women pictured on the front page of the Sunday NY Times Today with duct tape over their mouth - Daniel Acker for The New York Times. Dan put the duct tape over their mouth and took the picture! Mark at Facebook did this to his Elite Chinese wife's at Facebook HQ for mentioning Stage 4 the last 8 years. Dr. Susan Love just put a needle into their nipple to shut them up! Really this is Dr. Love's cure for Stage 4, this is why they all died the last 8 years. MD Cops; iPhone Doctor Cam in the exam room... and I was going to change my name to Greg LoveStar (Travel). Now that we have 2 Trillion Galaxies this is a Game Changer in the Pentagons $777 Trillion dollar War Chest. You would think NASA would be smart enough to give them a war virus that scam's them out of their $777 Trillion at a call center in Delhi. Grin $$.


11-20-2016 Sunday; Apple should buy Snap Business Insider - Apple CEO Tim Cook has said several times in the last year that his company is willing to look at and consider billion-dollar acquisitions with its $237 billion war chest.

11-20-2016 Sunday; Titanium Steel Mill is what Apple should buy - build. Steel Mill that can melt down the fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Carriers and Submarines when the No Gas Stations on Earth is Successful. Recipe calls for a little Titanium, and Rome is built in a Day to last more than a thousand years and yes Wells Fargo will sell you a thousand year mortgage, grin;


11-20-2016 Sunday; Fake story in the NY Times about Iran + Saudi Arabia; both homeless without any of the $777 Trillion in future oil money they have today - "How Saudi Arabia and Iran Tore Apart the Middle East" By MAX FISHER The history of the two nations’ rivalry, including the Sunni-Shiite sectarianism both sides have cultivated, points to a future of civil wars, scholars warn. $777 Trillion Max Fisher left out of these future civil wars! MD Cops; will arrest Mark Fisher for syphilis - spreading the disease of false stories in Sunday NY Times Today!

11-20-2016 Sunday; Editorial for Sunday is... "Facebook and the Digital Virus Called Fake News" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD at the NY Times!! Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and chief executive of Facebook, has dismissed the notion that fake news is prevalent on his platform or that it had an influence on the Stage 4 Deaths the last 8 years in the USA and China putting duct tape over his Chinese Bride's mouth, grin! MD Cops; will arrest Mark and Robert Kennedy Jr. for mass murder and the murder of Mary Kennedy. Caroline Kennedy in Tokyo will cheer this drone strike!! Zika news the last 8 years every day... news on Facebook, it reached 1.8 billion people globally every day several times a day, Zika not Stage 4 Rx Recipe's crunched at Los Alamos. Mr. Zuckerberg himself has spoken at length about how social media can help improve society. In a 2012 letter to investors, he said it could “bring a more honest and transparent dialogue around government that could lead to more direct empowerment of people, more accountability for officials and better solutions to some of the biggest problems of our time.” Stage 4 Mark not Zika... MD Cops women with Stage 4; will shoot Mark in the back as he tries to flee to China... this is how the NY Times ended this editorial and there was some blacked out text about Christie the thug the Times use to hire now and then... to beat up Dr. Nancy Snyderman for MSNBC Today Show. More in the Sunday Times on MSNBC... "MSNBC Host Left TV Battles Behind to Fight Poverty Instead" By ABBY ELLIN Another Thug hired by Bill and Melinda Gates to beat up Dr. Nancy Snyderman as she is writing the invention thriller about how she put vaccines in the drinking water. Yes Malaria vaccine in the drinking water. Just Greg writing this sends Bill Gates into a rage! He will call another thug to beat up Dr. Nancy Snyderman at Nobel's Lab today.


11-20-2016 Sunday; Another fake story in the NY Times today. What is fake, censored out is coughing on Oreo's at Publix leaves the Norwalk virus for a few days, the whooping cough virus, well they censored this from ATM's. "Your A.T.M. Is Covered in Microbes, but Mostly Harmless" To researchers, automated teller machines are like miniature laboratories where they can study the DNA of a city. By NICHOLAS ST. FLEUR MD Cops; are typing up a arrest warrant for Nick at the Times right now! Your A.T.M. Is Covered in Microbes, but Mostly Harmless is a false story I made visible to you 1984 II Observers who read this!

11-20-2016 Sunday; Wounded Warriors the last 8 years were all masterminded by Obama and the VA. As none would have gone off to Wars in Baghdad if No Gas Stations On Earth Coup was successful in 1980 or 1990 or 2000 or 2010. All these coups failed because they the 1984 II Dictators wanted to keep Oil and Wounded Warriors in the pipelines! Doctors "Lessons From the Battlefield" "Merging civilian and military trauma care would benefit doctors and patients alike." By DHRUV KHULLAR, M.D. "Lessons From the Oil $$$ Battlefield" MD Cops ; after a successful coup in a 1984 III Society of No Gas Stations On Earth, No Wounded Warriors the next 8 years, no Stage 4 Deaths ever again!! This Society was lost on the Battlefields of Baghdad's Shock and Awe by Bush.

11-20-2016 Sunday; In the first six months of 2016, highway deaths jumped 10.4 percent, to 17,775. Wounded Warriors the last 8 years. Stage 4 the last 8 Years of Obama. By NEAL E. BOUDETTE Sunday NY Times!!

11-20-2016 Sunday; How to record writing your invention thriller Novel on your MacBook Pro. Here Is How To Take Screenshots Of the Touch Bar on 2016 MacBook Pro "We all find the Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pro to be very interesting. Do you ever wish to share what you are up to on your Touch bar?" Hell No I's writing at the Hemingway House writing class a invention thriller Nobel Novel I want to record. How do I do this?

11-20-2016 Sunday; Hemingway House writing class "Trump Medical School" a invention thriller!

11-20-2016 Sunday; Hemingway House writing class "The bombing of the Yale Key West Medical School Hospital" Another Hemingway War Novel with 2 Trillion Galaxies, gravity engine, a true invention thriller about war today.

11-20-2016 Sunday;

11-20-2016 Sunday;

11-20-2016 Sunday;

11-19-2016 Saturday; Trump has chosen a top official with a history that includes building the 155 Story "Trump Medical School" in NYC. Infrastructure of 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 Rx Recipes for as many Nobels in Medicine a year!

11-19-2016 Saturday; Star Trek's First Contact with Jewish Aliens... is non fiction Today at the Hemingway House writing class and the iNovel Writing Class will be finished by midnight with a Noble Novel. Read how this First Contact with Jewish Aliens was invented, a invention thriller!

11-19-2016 Saturday; Trump has chosen a top official with a history that includes building the 40 Nukes for the USS Jimmy Carter Submarine for Director of Los Alamos.

11-19-2016 Saturday; Embassy Ambassador for 2 Trillion New Galaxies Star Wars Star Trek Era *.*

11-19-2016 Saturday; Star Trek's First Contact with Jewish Aliens... is non fiction Today at the Hemingway House writing class and the iNovel Writing Class will be finished by midnight with a Noble Novel. Read how this First Contact with Jewish Aliens was invented, a invention thriller!

11-19-2016 Saturday; Today's Editorial in the NY Times... Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Dr. Oppenheimer II at Los Alamos. THE EDITORIAL BOARD Once again, the editors at the New York Times are driving the 1980 Ford gas engine car to work when Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II invented the Gravity Engine Ford.

11-19-2016 Saturday; Editors at the New York Times are driving the 1980 Ford gas engine car to work with no iPhone 007 Dash Cam's, iTraffic Tickets, iCops and no Los Alamos super computers crunching their emails and phone conversations in nano seconds, yes billionth of a second. And GPS route the last year.


11-19-2016 Saturday; Rebuilding Our Infrastructure of iMacBook Pro at every café Table in Paris and Starbucks Worldwide with 1 Click Amazon link to IP invention projects Rx Recipes Database pubic at Los Alamos, Nuke Stage 4 before Christmas Day 2016. Hell No! 1984 II women are going to march against Trump on 1-20-2016 in a Trump March with no Rx Recipe Signs for Stage 4 cure for the media on Facebook or Inventbook.

11-19-2016 Saturday; Rebuilding Our Infrastructure... mosquito nets and wood burning stoves today! Gates to Hell.

11-19-2016 Saturday; Infrastructure of Los Alamos; $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM supercomputers will teach at Yale and Harvard Medical School, "Second Heart Transplants for Men in Cheney's Class" and of course "Rx Recipes for Stage 4" mandatory for all freshmen. Infrastructure of 10 super computers costing $100 million each.

11-19-2016 Saturday; Rebuilding Our Infrastructure - Looking at infrastructure data from the several spin off inventions of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, now with Superconductive Windmill Turbines putting out 2 trillion volts, enough to give the driver cans of H and O from water. Dr. Nancy Snyderman at Los Alamos crunching vaccines for Malaria and Syphilis... Hell whooping cough in NYC killed 90 kids in 2016 and the Editors at the NY Times never set it on fire in a Sunday Editorial. Now with looking at new Star Trek Era infrastructure, whooping cough vaccine will be in the drinking water. Bill and Melinda Gates infrastructure has been mosquito nets and wood burning stoves still are given out today in all of Africa, a crime against humanity the editors at the NY Times will not write!

11-19-2016 Saturday; Gates to Hell Win 10 or 2 Trillion New Galaxies infrastructure 100's of times faster than the speed of light like the look alike 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year iMacBook Pro Apple-Starbucks 24/7.

11-19-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos Extremism Director; Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II


11-19-2016 Saturday; 650 Harvard Business School Women are super computer literate, they don't know on to turn on a super computer or write code, these same 650 women don't know how to write iapps code. They all know how much money Bill and Melinda Gates make off Win 10 day by day $$$ profits. Comcast Cable boxes profits too!

11-19-2016 Saturday; Today's Editorial in the NY Times... Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Dr. Oppenheimer II at Los Alamos. THE EDITORIAL BOARD Once again, the editors at the New York Times are driving the 1980 Ford gas engine car to work. "Your Deathbed Playlist" By THE EDITORS at the NY Times "What songs would you like to listen to in your final hours?" Insult they though up after reading Gregs washing up the women with MS on her death bed. Over and over again and again she said "How could he give me such a terrible disease MS? These Editors at the NY Times have given many women MS. And they have no plans on ever writing a Editorial on Bisexual Men giving this Black Death to naive women! And no planned editorial to get Los Alamos to crunch a Rx Recipe cure for MS.

11-19-2016 Saturday; Today's Editorial in the NY Times... Jeff Sessions as Attorney General: An Insult to Justice" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Once again, President-elect Trump has chosen a top official with a history of racism and bigotry.


11-19-2016 Saturday; Embassy for 2 Trillion New Galaxies Star Wars Star Trek Era *.*

11-19-2016 Saturday; Nuclear War with Muslims Is No Longer a Global Emergency, W.H.O. Says

11-19-2016 Saturday; Nuclear War with Muslims Is No Longer a Global Emergency, W.H.O. Says

11-19-2016 Saturday; Muslim Americans Speak of Escalating Worries - "Fat Boy in Paris" Insults to Allah

11-19-2016 Saturday; Bob Dylan Stays He’ll Skip Nobel Ceremony to watch the Nuke in view of the Eiffel Tower

11-19-2016 Saturday; Nobel's Lab at Los Alamos + Pakistan Disney Theme Park on all the Nobel Inventors - Dylan?


11-19-2016 Saturday; Bonfire of the Vanities, which happened in 1497 in Florence, Italy, when the city was under the rule of the Dominican priest Girolamo Savonarola. The book's title is evidently a reference to the vanities of New York City society of the 1980s and appears to also be influenced by Ecclesiastes: the phrase 'vanity of vanities, all is vanity' is from Ecclesiastes, 1:2. Both Ecclesiastes and The Bonfire of the Vanities have similar themes involving the lack of control anyone has over their lives regardless of their wealth, wisdom, or success.

11-19-2016 Saturday; The Bonfire of the Vanities is a 1987 novel by Tom Wolfe

11-19-2016 Saturday; Ford ElectricWindmillEscort is a 1980 invention by Greg


11-19-2016 Saturday; Trump’s ‘Bonfire of the Vanities’ New York City New York Times Front Page Today!

11-19-2016 Saturday; 2016 Ford vehicular manslaughter Today via Mexican Truck Driver cross the border in a semi, super dark diesel cloud made by the "Master of The Universe" 1984 II Dictators in NYC, London, Paris!

11-19-2016 Saturday; 1497 in Florence, Italy, 2016 lack of control by the Vatican over $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues today!

11-19-2016 Saturday; A trial by fire proposed by a rival Florentine preacher in April 1498 to test Savonarola's divine mandate turned into a fiasco, and popular opinion turned against him. Savonarola and two of his supporting friars were imprisoned. Under torture, Savonarola confessed that he had invented his visions and prophecies. On May 23, 1498, Church and civil authorities condemned, hanged, and burned the three friars in the main square of Florence.


11-19-2016 Saturday; 1980 -2016 1984 II Dictators burn to death thousands in fiery car wrecks! Many were on YourTube videos until Bush ordered them censored.

11-19-2016 Saturday; 1980 - 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort see-and-be-seen circuit that has helped define this Ford in New York for decades... would have prevented 9/11 emails will be made public soon as its driven around Times Square in public.


11-19-2016 Saturday; The cast of "Hamilton" Hell the Cast of Nobel Inventor's and the Infrastructure to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine via 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos iMacBook Pro on every café table in Paris and at every Starbucks World Wide. This infrastructure is what Bill and Melinda Gates should have would have if not for the greed of Win 10 Auto Cad costing $5K for every student in NYC who wants to use it to design the Trump Medical School.

11-19-2016 Saturday; MacBook Air Ride School bus that is not locked up in the lot at night but parked in the kids neighborhood for 24/7 use.

11-19-2016 Saturday; MacBook Air Ride NYC Subway Cars... your unfinished work is open and ready for you in the corner office of Trump Tower.

11-19-2016 Saturday; Dr. Nancy Snyderman is Lady Gaga Role Model, MD. The fat thug Christie is made into a Sony Movie.


11-19-2016 Saturday; Piper PA 31 airplane crashed Friday evening under unknown circumstances. An Elko cardiologist told the Elko Daily Free Press (http://bit.ly/2g5Y32Q) that the plane was transporting a heart patient to the University of Utah. The newspaper says the plane crashed into the Barrick Gold Corp. parking lot, causing multiple explosions and sending up flames near a busy casino. The Free Press says preliminary reports indicate there were multiple casualties. AP News censored the Security Cameras video and other details of the crash... why; under unknown circumstances like car wrecks you bike by with broken car parts in the intersections and never knowing what how the wreck was caused. New Infrastructure on the circumstances of the wreck... like the Yale kids falling asleep driving home after a Biden Lecture at Yale.

11-19-2016 Saturday; Saudi Arabia Sex Slaves are Censored on Facebook - NY Times; 'Cuba Dave' receives five years in prison. BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com A 66-year-old Key West carpenter arrested in Costa Rica last year was sentenced to five years in prison this week for violating the country’s relatively new sex tourism law. Everyone in this 1984 II Society knows Bush pimped 100's of thousands of SWF's and 72 virgins to King Salman and Prince Salman. First thing I will ask when they make contact is... what would George Orwell write today!

11-19-2016 Saturday;

11-19-2016 Saturday;


"Gravity Engines" at Trump Tower HQ drives towards Legal Polygamous Marriage Diamond Wedding Rings sold at the Trump Store not the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin!

11-18-2016 Friday; "Gravity Engines" at Trump Tower HQ drives towards Legal Polygamous Marriage Diamond Wedding Rings sold at the Trump Store not the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin!

11-18-2016 Friday; "Elite University Yale Protest" today is not about making the a University Education Mandatory for everyone in the USA! This is a spin off from the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin! And the Failed Humanity New York Times in General. Why would the Editors at the NY Times be against making the a University Education Mandatory for everyone in the USA! Yale Medical School MD would diagnose the editors at the NY Times with Syphilis in their frontal lobes... grin. This is not a false story on InventBook!

11-18-2016 Friday; New York Times By THE EDITORIAL BOARD today "There aren’t three million unauthorized immigrant criminals to deport, and that is only the first flaw in Trump's strategy...

11-18-2016 Friday; Trump's strategy is flawed unless he gets the YouTube live streaming video of the Pakistan A-Bomb assembly line with Muslim Generals writing cartoons on the bombs like "Fat Boy in Paris". NY Times editors will be the only one's in the world not traumatized by the A-Bomb going off in view of the Eiffel Tower and the Paris editorials on the cause of WW III being cartoons of Allah in a gay wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West... So much for Trump making - Legal Polygamous Marriage Diamond Wedding Rings sold at the Trump Store not the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin!


11-18-2016 Friday; New York Times - An Internet cafe in Manila. The Philippines is Facebook's fastest-growing!

11-18-2016 Friday; New York Times - An Internet cafe in Manila. The Philippines is one of Facebook's fastest-growing! Because there is a iMacBook Pro at every café Table with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos for their invention projects... on Greg's "InventBook."

11-18-2016 Friday; "Gravity Engines" at McDonald's, - Aiming to become more modern and nimble, is updating U.S. restaurants with iMacBook Pro kiosk's! Siri Video Conferencing at any McDonald World Wide.

11-18-2016 Friday; "Apple's latest ad compares its new laptop to the discoveries of gravity and fire" Business Insider The clip, "Bulbs," released on Thursday, quickly runs through humanity's greatest invention for women the caller ID. Syphilis, HIV, STD's, OJ clone!

11-18-2016 Friday; Tim Cook driving by 100's of fiery wrecks without stopping!!! Made him soulless, at the same time 2 Trillion Galaxies blew his mind.... he walks around Apple HQ talking out loud; 2 Trillion New Galaxies - over and over again and again!


11-18-2016 Friday; "Gravity Engines" at Trump Tower HQ drives towards Legal Polygamous Marriage Diamond Wedding Rings sold at the Trump Store not the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin!

11-18-2016 Friday; "Volkswagen to shed 30000 jobs, cutting costs after scandal" U.S. News & World Report - they wrote up "Spray Painted Clouds of Black Diesel on Duval Key West" so thick Mom lost her kids in the Duval Walk until a Ocean Breeze in BP Oil Paradise invented a miracle VW with a gravity engine!

11-18-2016 Friday; New York Times - JOHANNESBURG - The Mozambican president has pledged support for the families of 73 people, including children, who were killed when a fuel tanker exploded in northern Mozambique.

11-18-2016 Friday; New York Times - Key West - The Mayor Cates has pledged support for all the families of 730,000 kids killed and given birth defects by the explosion of Black Clouds of Diesel Exhaust on Duval.

11-18-2016 Friday; Google 'digital death sentence" means they also drove by fiery cop cars and tankers without stopping or posting the picture on Facebook...

11-18-2016 Friday; "Google hits Pixel resellers with 'digital death sentence" Business Insider - SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Some of Google's unwitting users are learning a harsh lesson: If you violate the company's policies, it may abruptly cut you off from your Gmail account, online photos and other vital digital services.


11-18-2016 Friday; "Gravity Engines" at Trump Tower HQ drives towards Legal Polygamous Marriage Diamond Wedding Rings sold at the Trump Store not the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin!

11-18-2016 Friday; Ford Motor Co Executive Chairman Bill Ford Jr told Trump yesterday the auto maker would not move production at a Kentucky plant of Lincoln SUV's with a "Gravity Engine" to Mexico.

11-18-2016 Friday; Lincoln SUV's with a "Gravity Engine" to Mexico... Hell No We Won't Go...


11-18-2016 Friday; "Gravity Engines" at Trump Tower HQ drives towards Legal Polygamous Marriage Diamond Wedding Rings sold at the Trump Store not the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin!

11-18-2016 Friday; "Gravity Engines" at McDonald's, - Aiming to become more modern and nimble, is updating U.S. restaurants with self-service kiosk ordering, mobile payments, "smart" menu boards, custom sandwiches and table service, siri conference video calls to any McDonald's world wide. 1 Click links to Los Alamos to crunch your invention projects.

11-18-2016 Friday; New York Times - An Internet cafe in Manila. The Philippines is one of Facebook's fastest-growing! Because there is a iMacBook Pro at every café Table with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos for their invention projects...

11-18-2016 Friday; BP Oil in Paradise drive them to drink!! Grin. U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy MD places drug and alcohol addiction alongside smoking, AIDS and other public health crises of the past half-century, calling the current epidemic “a moral test" by a immoral Tim Cook at Apple to write the code for the iPhone 007 caller ID that tell her if the caller has drug and alcohol addictions - smoking, AIDS, Syphilis, STD's, MS virus... OJ Clones! Apple knows this, and it's been working on fixing all of the above problems for next year's 10th-anniversary iPhone 007 caller ID to save her life something Tim Cook is unwilling to do driving by fiery wrecks without stopping made him soulless, at the same time 2 Trillion Galaxies blew his mind.... he walks around Apple HQ talking out loud; 2 Trillion New Galaxies - over and over again and again!


11-18-2016 Friday; "Gravity Engines" at Trump Tower HQ drives towards Legal Polygamous Marriage Diamond Wedding Rings sold at the Trump Store not the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin!

11-18-2016 Friday; "Apple's latest ad compares its new laptop to the discoveries of gravity and fire" Business Insider The clip, "Bulbs," released on Thursday, quickly runs through humanity's greatest hits: the discovery of fire, the discovery of gravity, the invention caller ID... a windfall for women like Mary Kennedy! Nanny Cam. iPhone 007 Dash Cam, iTraffic Tickets, iCop calls on your iPhone 007 Dash Cam, no more flashing lights behind you ever again.

11-18-2016 Friday; 2 Trillion New Galaxies are sleek and stylish...

11-18-2016 Friday; 2 Trillion New Galaxies are sleek and stylish... Blue Coral Samsung Galaxy S7 edge has finally made its way to two more carriers: Sprint and Verizon Wireless. AT&T started taking preorders for the Blue Coral Galaxy S7 edge earlier this month

11-18-2016 Friday; 2 Trillion New Galaxies are sleek and stylish...


11-18-2016 Friday; "Gravity Engines" at Trump Tower HQ drives towards Legal Polygamous Marriage Diamond Wedding Rings sold at the Trump Store not the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin!

11-18-2016 Friday; Edge of the Universe; USS Jimmy Carter Carriers and Nuke Submarines lost their "Edge" in this Star Wars - Star Trek Era of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year. 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects links to Los Alamos with your iMacBook Pro on every café table in Paris and Starbucks world wide!

11-18-2016 Friday; Edge of the Universe; USS Jimmy Carter Carriers and Nuke Submarines lost their "Edge"

11-18-2016 Friday; USS Jimmy Carter Space Station crew of 3... A trio of space travelers from the U.S., Russia and France launched into space Thursday (Nov.17), to kick off a six-month mission to the International Space Station.

11-18-2016 Friday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave MIT $$$ for a 2 weeks pill when Dr. Nancy Snyderman and Greg in Key West want to put the same Rx in the drinking water forever not 2 weeks. MIT researchers developed a drug capsule that delivers medication for up to two weeks. Business Insider MIT Drug Delivery cap 2 weeks. Greg and Dr. Nancy Snydermans delivery in the drinking water forever, Malaria drugs Bill and Melinda Gates wasted trillion on MIT's 2 weeks.


11-18-2016 Friday; "Gravity Engines" at Trump Tower HQ drives towards Legal Polygamous Marriage Diamond Wedding Rings sold at the Trump Store not the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin!

11-18-2016 Friday; Pirates in Key West in the New York Times... Pirates are BP Oil $$$

11-18-2016 Friday; Pirates "There’s No Law on the Amazon’: River Pirates Terrorize Ships by Night" By SIMON ROMERO As the population surges and drug gangs expand, hijacking opportunities along the Amazon have flourished, and police forces are struggling to keep up.

11-18-2016 Friday; Pirates in Key West in the New York Times... Pirates are BP Oil $$$ Romero at the NY Times and his clone Romero in Key West. Grin.

11-18-2016 Friday; Fleets of Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines on the Amazon to harvest figs, cashews, Pirates, grin.

11-18-2016 Friday; "Elite University Show How Egyptian Cash Crisis Tests All" By DIAA HADID and NOUR YOUSSEF Students at American University of Cairo are seeking a cap on tuition, reflecting concerns the middle and upper classes have about a flailing economy.

11-18-2016 Friday; "Elite University Yale Protest" today is not about making the a University Education Mandatory for everyone in the USA!


11-18-2016 Friday; "Gravity Engines" at Trump Tower HQ drives towards Legal Polygamous Marriage Diamond Wedding Rings sold at the Trump Store not the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin!

11-18-2016 Friday; "Elite University Yale Protest" today is not about making the a University Education Mandatory for everyone in the USA! This is a spin off from the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin! And the Failed Humanity New York Times in General. Why would the Editors at the NY Times be against making the a University Education Mandatory for everyone in the USA! Yale Medical School MD would diagnose the editors at the NY Times with Syphilis in their frontal lobes... grin. This is not a false story on InventBook!

11-18-2016 Friday; New York Times By THE EDITORIAL BOARD today "There aren’t three million unauthorized immigrant criminals to deport, and that is only the first flaw in Trump's strategy...

11-18-2016 Friday; Trump-Size Idea for a New President: Build Something That Inspires Awe - Half built Golden Gate Bridge (I drove over this bridge in a gas engine Ford in 1971) Trumps Gravity Engine Ford would Inspire Awe as there would be no need for a second Golden Gate Bridge II to be built. The right public works projects can send a message of inclusion and pride. If Mr. Trump is ready to take a cue from F.D.R., here are some places to start. By JAMES B. STEWART I read James awe projects and they are like building a SUV Umbrella for 2 million people sitting around the Mosque at Mecca for $1 Trillion. And James fell in love with the new airport at Mecca, it's Awe at $10 Trillion from Miami gas station hold ups, grin. Miami sea wall: Miami is one of the cities most vulnerable to rising sea levels and ocean surges. If the Atlantic Ocean rises just five feet, 96 percent of Miami Beach will be submerged. A system of levees, sea walls and storm surge protectors like the Maeslantkering in Rotterdam, the Netherlands — giant sea doors that open and close automatically to protect the harbor — could be both attractive and effective. Miami could be a prototype for other endangered American coastal cities and ports, including Boston; Charleston, S.C.; Galveston, Tex.; Savannah, Ga.; and New Orleans. Cost: $20 billion. And James fell in love with the new airport at Mecca, it's Awe at $10 Trillion from Miami gas station hold ups, grin $$$ James version of the Gravity Engine Ford is $100 Billion... Northeast Corridor maglev: Traveling at 300 miles per hour on a cushion of air, magnetically levitated trains could cut the commute from New York to Washington to an hour and render the painfully slow Acela obsolete. Cost: $100 billion. Alan Brinkley, a professor of history at Columbia, said he doubted Mr. Trump could replicate Roosevelt’s achievements. Why would the Editors at the NY Times be against making the a University Education Mandatory for everyone in the USA! Why would a Columbia professor Alan Brinkley not suggest a Awe project of making a University Education mandatory like HS was? Yale Medical School would diagnose Alan with Syphilis in his frontal lobes, grin! JAMES B. STEWART has enough money for the NYC subways, $1 Trillion from BP Oil petty cash at the Times so he never wrote up a Free Ride for the Next 4 years on all NYC Subways by Trump as a Awe project FDR never thought of doing! Oh with a iMacBook Pro at every Subway Seat. And a Starbucks on every Subway Train.

11-18-2016 Friday; Mr. Trump is ready to take a cue from F.D.R., here are some places to start. By JAMES B. STEWART - Trump is smart enough not to read this false story by James at the NY Times as James is light years from telling Trump that starting a Trump Tower White House Invention project for the Gravity Engine. James at the Times would tell Trump to build the Golden Gate Bridge II. A false story by the NY Times, that Trump will not fall for thank God. God is Dead at the NY Times was a 1971 story I can remember reading.

11-18-2016 Friday; 120 NY Times Journalists Jailed along with 10's of thousands at BP Oil. Turkey’s Free Press Withers as Erdogan Jails 120 Journalists. By ROD NORDLAND The journalists have been jailed since a failed coup in July, and news outlets have been closed or taken over by supporters of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Successful Coup by the CIA "No Gas Stations On Earth." Awe of the name of this Coup will inspire the CIA. FBI is still in Awe reading Hillary's emails about $777 Trillion in Oil revenues since 1980.


11-18-2016 Friday; "Gravity Engines" at Trump Tower HQ drives towards Legal Polygamous Marriage Diamond Wedding Rings sold at the Trump Store not the failed humanity NY Times Store on line... grin!

11-18-2016 Friday; Apple made $11.1 billion, in revenues selling these products.

•Osmo Commerce Game Kit for iPad •Ubtech Jimu Robot Meebot Kit •Battle-Worn BB-8 Droid with Force Band by Sphero (comes with a collector's tin that's available only with this product at Apple) •SteelSeries Nimbus Wireless Gaming Controller •Belkin Valet Charge Dock for Apple Watch and iPhone •IK Multimedia iKlip Grip Pro Multifunction Camera Stand •i.am+ BUTTONS Bluetooth Wireless Headphones •Ultimate Ears UE BOOM 2 Wireless Speaker (multicolor and black & gray) •Parrot Swing and Flypad Minidrone (white) •Beats Solo3 Wireless On-Ear Headphones in ultra violet

11-18-2016 Friday; Apple made $11.1 billion, in revenues selling these products.

11-17-2016 Thursday; $10 Trillion... spent on the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub... Not the "Jimmy Carter Medical School", not in the NY Times Editorial today on Trump. $10 Trillion Dollar "Trump Medical School" NY Times would have to move to Plains, Georgia ha!

11-17-2016 Thursday; NYC Subway Rides Could Cost $3 by March... Unless Trump makes NYC Subway Rides Free for the next 4 years on 1-20-2017. Another big unexpected win for Trump in NYC... Shock and Awe of this free ride will be a NY Times Editorial Trump will call a failure by the Times to Make NYC Subway rides free 8 years ago, grin.

11-17-2016 Thursday; New York Times - "The Two Americas of 2016" One is Mayor Cates with a New Key West City Hall paid for by BP Oils $777 Trillion the other is the "Yale Key West Medical School 2011" Bombed by Navy F35C fighter jets flying over Key West - also paid for by BP Oil's $777 Trillion.

11-17-2016 Thursday; Biden's son was at Walter Reed when the F35C Fighter Jets destroyed Walter Reed Hospital... UN called a war crime! International Criminal Court, which seeks the arrest of President Omar al-Bashir on war crimes charges related to atrocities committed in Darfur - Duval Key West, Walter Reed Hospital. Police officers with second-degree and third-degree burns from fiery cop car crash writing a ticket testified at the International Criminal Court, over and over since 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.

"To Have; Have Not Yet" Dr. Nancy Snyderman. Legal Polygamous Marriage on 1-20-2017 via Trump!! Not the NY Times!

11-17-2016 Thursday; Todays's Editorial in the NY Times. "Trump’s Tangled Web Page" "Unless Mr. Trump divests his businesses, there will be no way to know if his actions in office are for the public good or for his own financial gain." Trump Medical School and the 55 Story New New York Times Building are "Black + White" War Crime and the Editors at the Times will be convicted of war crimes letting $777 Trillion pay for their New New York Times 55 Story Building. Trump Medical School. NY Times Medical School was not in their "Vision" ever!

11-17-2016 Thursday; Unless the NY Times divest its false news stories from $777 Trillion in oil revenues... we will never travel to a star trek technology Era with 1 Trillion MacBook Pro's and 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects on every café in Paris and at Starbucks world wide! Era of 1,001 Nobels not Dylan's but real lyrics that invent a way to go faster than the speed of light in a gravity engine NASA Shuttle Train named Flagler!


11-17-2016 Thursday; Clinton Asks Supporters to Keep Believing in America; with the vision to see Biden killing millions more of your son's and daughters with Baghdad, brain cancer, stage 4, MS...

11-17-2016 Thursday; Dr. Susan Love's million man Army of Women keeps believing in a "False Story" Breast Cancer Cure as Love Failed at Yale like Kerry, Bush, Clintons, and in the Real World too killing millions of women since the 1980 Invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort she drives around in the back yard to show it off to inspire. False Story OJ + Colson Whitehead, whose novel “The Underground Railroad” explores the horrors of American slavery, When sex-slaves all SWF should have won the Nobel. Same for Dylan not picking up his Nobel in Literature because sex-slaves all SWF are in Mecca where he will be when the Nobel in Literature is given out by the King. King of Sweden or Saudi Arabia. King of the USA Bush pimped these sex slaves Obama pimps slaves who are all dead and in Hell. Dr. Susan Love's million man Army of Women emails and Facebook false post the last 8 years. I have the vision to see 8 million dead on Dr. Susan Love's battlefield just like Martha and Earnest Hemingway when they meet Chen Ka Chek working as a spy for Roosevelt... 80 million dead on the Chinese battlefields today from poison gas gasoline from BP Oil. UN Calls a War Crime over and over again!

11-17-2016 Thursday; Atlanta Journal Constitution A code red smog alert was issued Wednesday after days of smoke-filled skies in metro Atlanta. (Credit: Channel 2 Action News). Story Highlights; For the first time in more than 50 years, metro Atlanta has seen 30 consecutive days without rain.

11-17-2016 Thursday; Rain from iPod size cans of H and O well little bigger than iPod size cans for Rain on Demand lot better than Comcast on Demand from your Comcast Cable box... 2 Americans one Elite 1984 Dictators who want you to spend $20 Billion renting your Comcast Cable Box and other 1984 III Dictators who will give you the superconductive Ford ElectricWindmillEscort with 2 trillion volts enough to get H and O from water to turn into rain...


11-17-2016 Thursday; 461 Dean, a 32-story apartment complex in Brooklyn, is the newest residential tower in New York City to feature modular construction - The Dean on YouTube didn't have any 100" LG monitors, Comcast Cable boxes, grin. iMacBook Pros on any table in 384 apartment. Wifi no telling not in the sale pitch. Thank God Trump is not selling these as they would be fired, grin. Double Flush Toilets bolted to the wall no electric toilets, no ceiling fans. LED lights security cam's and mic at the door, desk, bedroom table. iPhone apps. Shock and Awe.

11-17-2016 Thursday; Trump modular construction Towers will come with two Ultra 100" LG monitors with picture in a picture... in every apartment iMacBook Pro;s too many to note in this ad. Grin. And No Comcast Cable Boxes in the Building!!!


11-17-2016 Thursday; Arnold Schwarzenegger played a spy, too, where the action happened on and over the famed 7-Mile Bridge in 1994’s “True Lies.”

11-17-2016 Thursday; 7 Mile Bridge Gas Tanker truck head on collision with SUV is pictured on Greg's web, True Lies takes on another connotation with Arnold in a 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort talking about Greg inventing a gravity engine in 2017 movie by Sony not made for the Pentagon.

11-17-2016 Thursday; 007 Seventh annual Key West Film Festival being held November 16-20... 2017 "Gravity Engine Invention" Movie by Sony is expected to win $777 Trillion from the defeat of Mecca, Allah. Deliverance,” which won the Academy Award for “Best Picture,” and his turn as football player prisoner of war held in the worlds largest Oil Well Field. SF grin. Deliverance connotation takes on new meaning with $777 Trillion dollar New City Hall for Key West and still no Yale Key West Medical School movies by Sony. Runaway bride Sally Field in the front seat of his Trans-Am – Reynolds sped into the hearts of hillbillyAmerica and Saudi Oil Kings take the money and run to the Bank Era in the USA. Sony Movie titled "$777 Trillion Dollars" Bush Shock + Awe of Oil Money and what they spent it on the last 8 years... will be even more shocking $$$. The Key West Film Festival includes special event screening of "$777 Trillion Dollars" - Key West 1st "To Have; Have Not Yet" Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Legal Polygamous Marriage to Greg on 1-20-2017 at the Hemingway House with a Wedding Writing Class. A Novel by midnight over 25 feature films made from it encompassing 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine Inventions. All from Key West first Polygamous Marriage made legal by Trump!


11-17-2016 Thursday; $10 Trillion... spent on the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub... Not the "Jimmy Carter Medical School", not in the NY Times Editorial today on Trump. When Jimmy Carter became president, he put his relatively simple businesses — a peanut farm and warehouse — into a trust that gave an independent trustee the discretion to sell the warehouse and to rent out the farm without Mr. Carter’s approval. An arrangement like that might serve the public interest in Mr. Trump’s case. But the cleanest path out of Mr. Trump’s tangle of conflicts would be for him to sell his holdings and put the proceeds into a blind trust operated by independent managers.

11-17-2016 Thursday; Mr. Trump said: “If I become president, I couldn’t care less about my company. It’s peanuts. I want to make America rich again and to make America great again.” If he meant what he said, selling his businesses should be an easy call. Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook and Twitter (@NYTOpinion), and sign up for the Opinion Today newsletter.

11-17-2016 Thursday; $10 Trillion... spent on the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub... Not the "Jimmy Carter Medical School", not in the NY Times Editorial today on Trump. $10 Trillion Dollar "Trump Medical School" NY Times would have to move to Plains, Georgia ha!


11-17-2016 Thursday; Late but got it... 20K - Supermoon 2016. Last night’s moon was allegedly the largest and brightest witnessed in 69 years, orbiting nearly 20,000 miles closer to the Earth than on average. The next supermoon will not occur until 2034. I saw it too and it did look 20K miles closer to Earth, least in Key West over the Ocean it did... wow Shock and Awe better than Bush's Baghdad.

11-17-2016 Thursday; Yale Daily News on Campus... Late-night breakfast. Following the success of Jewish Deli Nights, Slifka Center is serving breakfast for dinner this evening. The event will feature an omelette bar, waffles, pancakes and more. For late risers, this is the perfect opportunity to enjoy breakfast past 10:30 a.m. This day in Yale history 1914 Professor Ernest William Brown receives a royal gold medal from King George for contributions to astronomy. Brown is one of the first non-British subjects to earn one of the two medals awarded each year. Jewish Aliens in 1914 and Yale is Elite at finding them... who failed this?

11-17-2016 Thursday; Yale School of Medicine website, the new video technology is integrated into Epic, an electronic medical record system that consolidates all available patient information in a single secure database. Through Epic, physicians and other clinicians throughout YNHH can access a “complete array of patient data, such as medical history, allergies and current medications; see test results as soon as they are available; and communicate with other physicians about a patient,” per the medical school’s website. In addition, patients can use Epic’s MyChart secure patient portal to see test results, view upcoming appointments, schedule routine visits and pay bills securely. Yale not Yale Key West Medical School. Yale has a variety of other telemedicine programs, such as TeleStroke and the Insight Tele-ICU. According to Lisa Stump, senior vice president and chief information officer at YNHH, the InSight Tele-ICU uses advanced telemonitoring to enable care for intensive care patients across the health system from a single location, while Telestroke allows neurologists to provide remote treatment for stroke patients. Stump said that these programs were gradually rolled out about a year ago and together create a “better patient experience.”

11-17-2016 Thursday; Cheney's heart transplant teaching video... NY Times missed writing this editorial.. Yale New Haven Health and Yale Medicine, was first used on Oct. 20 when a recent kidney transplant patient used his smartphone to attend a follow-up video visit with David Mulligan, the chief of Yale Medicine Transplantation and Immunology and the director of the Transplantation Center. According to Mulligan, it has taken around six years to develop the idea of video visits into a clinical reality. “[The technology] came from a desire to do something oriented towards the patients, to try and improve [their] experience and to enhance our ability to care for them,” Mulligan said. “That’s how it started, and it’s been a big success. The patients love it.” Cheney loves his heart transplant you can imagine! No kidney dialysis machines world wide with Kidney Transplants at the $10 Trillion dollar Trump Medical School.


11-17-2016 Thursday; Emotional $777 Trillion Dollars in BP Oil Revenues $$" FBI has read these emails written by Hillary $$$ Yesterday... "Hillary Clinton, in Emotional Speech, Implores Supporters to Keep Believing in America" Holding back tears, Mrs. Clinton spoke at a Children’s Defense Fund gala on Wednesday and asked her supporters not to lose heart after a crushing election loss. By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS "Hillary Clinton, in Emotional Speech, Implores Supporters to Keep Believing in America" - Children’s Defense Fund gala - When children in the Duval Walk yesterday got holes burned in their DNA sequence from gasoline exhaust. Emotional for Mom's who are 1984 II Society women.

11-17-2016 Thursday;

11-17-2016 Thursday;


11-17-2016 President-elect Trump takes office, Congress reached an agreement on a tax and spending budget that would give Yale Medical School $32 billion in funding during fiscal year 2016 — $2 billion more than the agency received the year before and its biggest funding boost in 12 years. The Yale School of Medicine under Trump will get $1 Trillion in 2017 if Trump confiscated $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia. Enough to buy iMacBook Pro's for every classroom, dorm room, Starbucks at Yale and New Haven café Table with Genius Tutors teaching 1 click Amazon invention projects links to Los Alamos. Star Trek Era Medical School and history lesson will be Bush telling all the 9/11 clean up workers don't wear a mask and they all died of cancers!


11-17-2016 “fake news” "Blame Apps" New York Times - "The Two Americas of 2016" For many Americans, it feels as if the 2016 election split the country in two. To visualize this, we took the election results and created two new imaginary nations. By TIM WALLACE

11-16-2016 Wednesday; "The Two Americas of 2017" Mayo Clinic Shock Treatments 1960 Yale Key West Medical School Shock Treatments 2017. "The Two Americas of 2017" "To Have; Have Not Yet" The Trump Medical School 155 Stories! Trump as President of the USA going in for Shock Treatments and a Heart Transplant at the Trump Medical School.

"To Have; Have Not Yet" Dr. Nancy Snyderman. Legal Polygamous Marriage on 1-20-2017 via Trump!!

11-16-2016 Wednesday; "To Have Have Not Yet" NY Times that writes for Star Trek Era Inventors... What abortion could look like in America under Donald Trump married to Dr. Nancy Snyderman MD - Birth Control Rx Recipe in the Drinking Water! Dr. Nancy will share the Nobel with Greg + his other Wives in Key West, Grin.

11-16-2016 Wednesday; “fake news” "Blame Apps" New York Times - "The Two Americas of 2017" 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort will come with No Head On Collisions Ever from Ford via Navy's F35C Laser Guidance of Bombs! Like Microsoft worth more than the car. Laser guidance Apps are worth more than the car!

11-16-2016 Wednesday; “fake news” "Blame Apps" New York Times - "The Two Americas of 2016" For many Americans, it feels as if the 2016 election split the country in two. To visualize this...


To visualize this...

2 Trillion New Galaxies for all Americans! 2 Trillion New Galaxies for all Americans! 2 Trillion New Galaxies for all Americans! 2 Trillion New Galaxies for all Americans! 2 Trillion New Galaxies for all Americans! 2 Trillion New Galaxies for all Americans! 2 Trillion New Galaxies for all Americans! 2 Trillion New Galaxies for all Americans!

11-16-2016 Wednesday; Front Page of the NY Times Today "Biggest Spike in Traffic Deaths in 50 Years?" "Blame Apps" New York Times - In the first six months of 2016, highway deaths jumped 10.4 percent, to 17,775

11-16-2016 Wednesday; “fake news” "Blame Apps" New York Times - 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort killed 17K.

11-16-2016 Wednesday; “fake news” "Blame Apps" New York Times - 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort killed 17K.

11-16-2016 Wednesday; 17,000 wrongful deaths we can sue the... "Blame Apps" New York Times! 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort will come with No Head On Collisions Ever from Ford via Navy's F35C Laser Guidance of Bombs! Like Microsoft worth more than the car. Laser guidance Apps are worth more than the car!

11-16-2016 Wednesday; “fake news” "Blame Apps" New York Times - To visualize this... 2 Trillion New Galaxies for all Americans. Well just the Star Trek Era Americans as 2 trillion new galaxies was not on the front page of the NY Times... Yes it was censored by our 1984 II Dictators!


11-16-2016 Wednesday; Alpha Centauri, which, along with Proxima Centauri, is the nearest stellar neighbor to Earth's solar system. Proxima will shine for the next 4 Trillion years because the way it burns its Hydrogen.

11-16-2016 Wednesday; “fake news” Washington Post Carbon emissions were flat for the third straight year... Bad news for the kids on the Duval Walk who's DNA has the same number of holes burned in it. Editors at the Washington Post and NY Times know Carbon Gasoline Exhaust burns holes in kids DNA but write “fake news” on orders from our 1984 II Dictators. Biden did kill his own son and millions of other sons and daughters. A war crime against our Star Trek Era of No Gas Stations on Earth CIA Coup Op.

11-16-2016 Wednesday; Amgen Inc's potent new drug Repatha, when added to statin therapy, not only took "bad" LDL cholesterol down to extremely low levels but caused declines in artery-clogging plaque in a majority of high-risk heart patients. Amgen Inc's potent new drug Repatha, when added to statin therapy, not only took "bad" LDL cholesterol down to extremely low levels but caused declines in artery-clogging plaque in a majority of high-risk heart patients. Repatha and Praluent from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Sanofi belong to an expensive new class of drugs known as PCSK9 inhibitors. They carry a list price of more than $14,000 a year.

11-16-2016 Wednesday; Alpha Centauri, which, along with Proxima Centauri, is the nearest stellar neighbor to Earth's solar system. Proxima will shine for the next 4 Trillion years because the way it burns its Hydrogen.


11-16-2016 Wednesday; Repatha and Praluent from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Sanofi belong to an expensive new class of drugs...

11-16-2016 Wednesday; Alpha Centauri, which, along with Proxima Centauri, belong to a expensive new class of 1984 III Dictators in a Star Trek Era of Lesley Stahl commenting about her own future heart transplant paid for by CBS $$$. Cheney is in a lower class caste elite like Kerry who marries up a rich women then kills all her rich girl friends with no Rx Recipe for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016 keeping Greg and Wives in Key West POW's! John Kerry’s Antarctica Visit Highlights a Continent, and Climate Policies, Under Threat - Rx Recipe for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016 keeping Greg and Wives in Key West POW's!

11-16-2016 Wednesday; combat in antibiotic-resistant bacteria will not win this war until Allah + Mecca is defeated along with their 72 virgins in heaven. How can you beat the Hell out of the idea you get 72 virgins in heaven by Muslim Men - let them talk to Jewish Aliens, ha.


11-16-2016 Wednesday; Star Trek Era Mayor of Port St. Lucie would have the City Engineer (Creed in Key West) of traffic signals boxes give the kids a education in electronics of Star Trek Era traffic light boxes not "art" to paint on the outside but have the Kids reinvent the electronics on their MacBook Pro CAD apps as this can not be done in a PC as CAD cost $7K per student from Bill and Melinda Gates. This is the only way to get a Star Trek laser traffic lights... About 52 traffic boxes located near intersections across Port St. Lucie are getting a face lift after city council gave the go-ahead for the beautification effort. The project partners the city with other organizations and people to design vinyl wraps for each of the plain 4-foot tall cabinets. Port St. Lucie County high school students even helped with some of the art not electronics designs through a partnership with the city. The first phase of that partnership enabled advanced art students to submit a design for the public art project. Pope had Michalenaglo not a Star Trek Electric Engineer... same today for Pope Francis. MD electronics just in a Heart Transplant is light years beyond the St. Lucie County high school students because the Mayor failed Yale but got passed.

11-16-2016 Wednesday; Star Trek Era Mayor of Port St. Lucie...


11-16-2016 Wednesday; Star Trek Era New York Times is light years from "Black + White" with $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues for Thanksgiving Day Food for thought in NYC. Money + Political $$$ Divide Splits Relationships — and Thanksgiving, Too. $777 Trillion talk over Thanksgiving Dinner Shock and Awe of Bush and Texas Oil Revenues come to you in live streaming video on the NY Times web page. By SABRINA TAVERNISE and KATHARINE Q. SEELYE at the NY Times $$$ Families around the country are facing, or even skipping, uncomfortable holidays as the election’s repercussions enter people’s lives. “fake news” "Blame Apps" New York Times Blame $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues talk by our 1984 II Dictators. Pentagon Generals cheer the drone strike on a Hospital with their War Chest of $777 Trillion. Cheer God and Allah for so much Oil Money. $777 Trillion!


11-16-2016 Wednesday; Star Trek Era New York Times - After the Sept. 11 strikes, Mr. Giuliani’s view of the world became dominated by $777 Trillion dollars - "Rudolph Giuliani’s Worldview Still Shaped by 9/11 Attack" By ALAN FEUER and MARC SANTORA Alan and Marc write a fake story in the NY Times today - True story is After the Sept. 11 strikes, Mr. Giuliani’s view of the world became dominated by $777 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues in Texas, London, Saudi Arabia. We can hear these guys talking about $777 Trillion in Oil Money just like we would be talking about the shock and awe of so much money. The King of Saudi Arabia spent $1 Trillion on a SUV Umbrella that covers 2 million in Mecca the worlds largest Umbrella and this has never been pictured on the front page of the NY Times!

11-16-2016 Wednesday; Star Trek Era Mayor of Port St. Lucie... "Tehran Journal: As a Noxious Smog Descends, Tehran Tries to Ignore It" By THOMAS ERDBRINK; Thomas at the NY Times ignores writing about DNA and Smog in Port St. Lucie and Duval Key West. Thomas at the NY Times ignores writing about fiery rear end cop cars and SUV's this week. How many up or down from last week a year ago? Thomas at the NY Times will not tell you!


11-16-2016 Wednesday; By PETER BAKER In response to noise complaints, a proposal backed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would ban the use of loudspeakers by mosques summoning the faithful. A Star Trek Era Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would invent a way to make F35C jets quiet, no sounds at all. And invent a way to stop sonic booms at Mach 10 for 747's flying into orbit and landing in Paris in a 1 hour flight that takes 18 hours today.

11-16-2016 Wednesday; "To Have Have Not Yet" NY Times that writes for Star Trek Era Inventors of fiber optics reading Gregs Web and the NY Times. 1,001 IP invention projects. 1. is fiber optics cable all 1 trillion miles cold as -254 C superconductive fiber optics cable invention. "Daily Report: A $25 Billion Fiber Merger" Bits By QUENTIN HARDY Another day, another $25 billion technology merger — and further evidence of how fast the industry seems to be preparing for an even bigger networking future. As Leslie Picker writes, that’s how much Century link, a communications and data service provider that is active in 37 states, is paying for Level 3 Communications, another telecommunications service provider. Century link, which has its roots in a rural phone company with 75 subscribers, will pick up 200,000 route miles of high-speed fiber optic cable. That is on top of the 500,000 miles of domestic and international fiber that Century link already operates. It makes Century link one of the biggest service providers in the United States. You aren’t likely to encounter the company much. It sells mostly to business. Level 3, which barely survived the great tele com bust of 2000 and then went on to build a highly reliable network known for its security, also serves corporate customers, like Netflix.

11-16-2016 Wednesday; 200,000 route miles of high-speed fiber optic cable all at -254 C superconductive!

11-16-2016 Wednesday; Yale Key West Medical School will have a "Vegetarian Thanksgiving: To Have Have Not Yet, grin.


11-16-2016 Wednesday; "Vegetarian Thanksgiving: Brussels Sprouts Sliders" Every year at Well, we take the turkey off the table and celebrate the delicious non-meat side dishes, appetizers and main courses that make Thanksgiving the best meal of the year. By TARA PARKER-POPE - The End! The New York Times ended it Rx Recipe for Stage 4 cure and its Veg Thanksgiving Recipes too. Share Your Best Vegetarian Thanksgiving Recipes and Stories By Tara Parker-Pope She got fired by the Turkey $$$ ads.

11-16-2016 Wednesday; "To Have Have Not Yet" NY Times that writes for Star Trek Era Inventors... Quarks, Up -Top - Charm - their spin on the front page of the NY Times dissected at Los Alamos. Q. I read that Venus is the only planet to rotate clockwise. What dictates the direction of rotation? A. In fact, there are two planets that spin on their axes from east to west. The other is Uranus. A more recent idea, put forth in the journal Nature in 2001, suggests that an initial counterclockwise rotation was an unstable state for various complex reasons and that the planet slowed down and slipped into a more stable state of clockwise rotation. As for the initial direction of rotation for all of the sun’s planets, it is assumed to be a legacy of their formation through a gradual accretion of the whirling original material of the solar system.


11-16-2016 Wednesday; "To Have Have Not Yet" NY Times that writes for Star Trek Era Inventors...

11-16-2016 Wednesday; "To Have Have Not Yet" NY Times that writes for Star Trek Era Inventors... What abortion could look like in America under Donald Trump married to Dr. Nancy Snyderman MD - Birth Control Rx Recipe in the Drinking Water! Dr. Nancy will share the Nobel with Greg + his other Wives in Key West, Grin.

11-16-2016 Wednesday; Carrie Fisher and her 3 month polygamous marriage to Harrison Ford filming "Star Wars"!

11-16-2016 Saturday; Trump Medical School and the Yale Key West Medical School in a Star Trek Era!

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Facebook and Google on Monday announced measures aimed at halting the spread of “fake news”

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Facebook and Google on Monday announced measures aimed at halting the spread of “fake news”

11-15-2016 Tuesday; A Trip to ‘Mars’ Signals a New Look for National Geographic Channel section B - page 1 By BROOKS BARNES - NY Times. Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri...

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Facebook and Google on Monday announced measures aimed at halting the spread of “fake news”

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Facebook and Google on Monday announced measures aimed at halting the spread of “fake news”

11-15-2016 Tuesday; National Geographic Channel a "Trip to Stage 4 Rx Recipe" crunched at Los Alamos TV Special, live streaming on Facebook and YouTube! A False Story, sorry!


11-15-2016 Tuesday; National Geographic Channel 1,001 IP invention projects to Hear Jewish Aliens at Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri...

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Facebook and Google on Monday announced measures aimed at halting the spread of “fake news”

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Facebook and Google on Monday announced measures aimed at halting the spread of “fake news”

11-15-2016 Tuesday; A Trip to ‘Mars’ Signals a New Look for National Geographic Channel section B - page 1 By BROOKS BARNES - NY Times.

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Trump aides regard this trip to Mars from "a stupid thug who really needed to go," fly a kite with a KEY holding a wire when everyone else on Earth is ready to go faster than the speed of light in calling Jewish Aliens at Proxima Centauri...

11-15-2016 Tuesday; 4 years to hear from Jewish Aliens after they answer on call is something for National Geographic Channel to put on but not with Trump in the "White" House, grin. Stupid thugs at National Geographic Channel who really needed to go!"

11-15-2016 Tuesday; 1984 II Dictators believe 100 percent that Greg and Wives in Key West can go faster than the speed of light - get this invention to talk listen to Jewish Aliens 4 light years from Earth! Behind stopping them is the Key West Admiral who will take 17K years to travel 1 light year but shows off his F35C invention as #1. On the front page of the Key West Citizen newspaper when on the Front Page of the NY Times Mars and the Moon is #1 for your inspiration!


11-15-2016 Tuesday; Trump aides regard the New Jersey governor as "a stupid thug who really needed to go," a transition-team source told The Post. "Trump thought it was shameful that Christie didn’t take the fall for [convicted aide] Bridget Kelly," a source close to the transition team told the Post. "Trump is really angry that Christie is sending a soccer mom to jail. He believes 100 percent that Christie was behind it all."

11-15-2016 Tuesday; None on Trump aides are MD yet so Trump has no comments on Christie Revenge on Dr. Nancy Snyderman and threats to help Dr. Nancy Snyderman sue Christie for $$$ everything his has, grin!

11-15-2016 Tuesday; None on Trump aides are MD yet so Trump has no comments on Christie arrested for the sudden deaths, cardiac arrest and heart attacks - Christie and Bush to the 9/11 clean up workers and fat people... you don't need a mask or a treadmill desk at Yale Key West Medical School. Oh if the Yale Key West Medical School was built in 2011 Christie would be 170 lbs today not 370 lbs. And a million fat people who died in 2016 yes a million. The NY Times will not print stories that are not false so you never read this, grin.


11-15-2016 Tuesday; Trump aides regard Biden the VP as "a stupid thug who really needed to go," to Hell for killing his own son in Baghdad! Instead of taking the NASA Super Train with 100 Cars of Hubble II Space Telescopes to the Galaxy named Baghdad...

11-15-2016 Tuesday; U.S. cigarette maker Reynolds American Inc is seeking a higher price from British American Tobacco Plc after rejecting a $47 billion buyout offer as too low, a source familiar with the situation told Reuters.


11-15-2016 Tuesday; Biden killing his own son...

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Biden killing his own son... Georgia Father Is Convicted of Murder in Toddler’s Death in Hot Car section A - page 13 By ALAN BLINDER - Biden killed 100's of kids in Hot cars every year for the last 8 years and Obama will not think to give Biden a Pardon for this!

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Biden killing the Yale grad who fell asleep driving home after Bidens Commencement address!

11-15-2016 Tuesday; A source familiar with the situation told Reuters, Mark at Facebook and the Editors at the NY Times smoking is what really killed Bidens son.


11-15-2016 Tuesday; Smoking Kills is listed at the #1 fake news story by Facebook and Google. Alphabet's Google and Facebook on Monday announced measures aimed at halting the spread of “fake news” on the internet by targeting how some purveyors of phony content tell you smoking kills when Marks wife's grandfather is 90 and smoked all his life in China.

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Fake News at the NY Times and Trump does have a MacBook Pro picture on his Penthouse Desk! "Apple’s New MacBook Pro: Fast and Light, but Not for Everyone" Tech Fix By BRIAN X. CHEN - Chen at the NY Times did write a fake story!! Chen censored out of this MacBook Pro review the 1 Click Amazon invention projects link to Los Alamos, and Yes Chen knows about this 1 Click Amazon link but censored it in the New York Times. A Thug from China and the NY Times!


11-15-2016 Tuesday; Apple Newsroom (press release) - 17 hours ago? Apple Pay is making it easier and more secure to donate to your favorite nonprofit organizations with just a touch. Apple Pay support for charitable donations kicks off today with non profits ranging from global organizations such as UNICEF - $777 Trillion dollars talk and emails from guys in the Apple Newsroom made public will make it easier

11-15-2016 Tuesday; "In China, One Music Website Is Always No. 1 and it's Not Dr. Lady Gaga MD, grin!" By MICHAEL GRIFFITHS MD New York Times.

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Medicare paid $137.4 billion on drugs covered by its prescription drug benefit in 2016

11-15-2016 Tuesday; National Geographic Channel a "Trip to Stage 4 Rx Recipe" crunched at Los Alamos TV Special, live streaming on Facebook and YouTube! A False Story, sorry!


11-15-2016 Tuesday; Israel’s Right, Cheering Donald Trump’s Win, Renews Calls to Abandon 2-State Solution for "Star Trek Era of advanced technology spin offs 1,001 from the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort in a No Gas Stations On Earth CIA Coup Op Earth... Allah is Great with $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues, without BP Oil Allah and the 2 Million in Mecca will be sleeping under the worlds largest SUV Umbrella. By ISABEL KERSHNER

11-15-2016 Tuesday; 76 Experts Urge Donald Trump to Keep Iran Deal so $777 Trillion in Iran Oil Revenues will be $778 Trillion by Christmas Day 2016 section A - page 10 By RICK GLADSTONE and you don't think Rick at the NY Times gets a kickback from getting Iran $778 Trillion up from $777 Trillion. Ha! $$$. Now you know why the NY Times was against 9/11 widows suing Saudi Arabia for $777 Trillion. Trump is the only person on Earth who might try to get $777 Trillion so he can spend it... with the help of his wives. A billionaire Trump with dreams of spending $777 Trillion... Greg and Wives in Key West with $1 Trillion Whistle Blower Reward will put in a order for $1 Trillion in MacBook Pro's and send a copy of this email to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation!

11-15-2016 Tuesday; A Trip to ‘Mars’ Signals a New Look for National Geographic Channel section B - page 1 By BROOKS BARNES - NY Times. Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri...


11-15-2016 Tuesday; Millions of Spanish speaking people going to Dr. OJ MD who does not speak English die in 2016 from medical errors in grammar so the NY Times editorial today has this... HÉCTOR TOBAR "The Spanish Lesson I Never Got at School" Californians’ vote for bilingual education gives Latino kids their cultural heritage back. And kills a million son's like Biden killed his son!

11-15-2016 Tuesday; By NEIL MacFARQUHAR "Alexei Ulyukayev, the highest-level official arrested in Russia in decades, is accused of soliciting a $2 million bribe to endorse a large oil deal." Correction $2 Trillion dollar bribe, grin. $$$ Do you really think the NY Times Editors got $2 million or $2 Trillion to come out day after day after day refusing the 9/11 widows right to sue Saudi Arabia for $2 million... ha!


11-15-2016 Tuesday; "Tech Distractions Blamed for Rise in Traffic Fatalities" Highway deaths have surged in the last two years, and experts put much of the blame on in-car use of smartphones and dashboard apps. By NEAL E. BOUDETTE "Tech Distractions Blamed for Rise in Traffic Fatalities" Neal at the NY Times knows the "Laser Guidance" in our Star Trek Era 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would give us in the 2016 Model No Head On Collisions in 2016...

11-15-2016 Tuesday; iPhones Sent Data to China, Analysts Say... Tim Cook wrote the code for this, grin! "Security contractors recently discovered preinstalled software in some Android phones that monitors where users go, whom they talk to and what they write in texts. By MATT APUZZO and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT.

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Inventors working on 1 Click Amazon links of 1,001 IP invention projects without a perfect memory need - - iPhones Sent Data to China, Analysts Say... Tim Cook wrote the code for this, grin! "Security contractors recently discovered preinstalled software in some Android phones that monitors where users go, whom they talk to and what they write in texts.


11-15-2016 Tuesday; I expect to get 1,001 inventions by Christmas Day 2016 working 24/7 with Wives in Key West if the 1984 II Dictators make contact today and let us work 24/7. But I need all the notes I have forgotten and all the notes on my Acer Notebook the City of Key West Community Service guys stole! Notes and comments from my secret file at Los Alamos will be a windfall in getting many inventions by Christmas Day 2016. You can imagine what the Nuke Scientists at Los Alamos commented about spin off inventions from the superconductive windmill turbines idea... Frozen foods will be renamed BirdsEye II, grin. And Pasteurized at -254 C. Ice pack anyone?

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Should you let your kids know they just walked by a invention project they didn't notice! "Should You Spy on Your Kids? By NICK WINGFIELD Using smartphones to track family members can be reassuring, but it can open the door to a surveillance state in the home - Should you let your kids know they just walked by a invention project they didn't notice! Not if your Mom and Dad work at the NY Times! Should you let the Yale Key West Medical School Doctors diagnose your kids from the way they walk and talk... what they talk about.


11-15-2016 Tuesday; Mark Zuckerberg Is in Denial of needing a Heart Transplant and how many in China have died from not getting a Heart transplant because Mark censored Inventbook by Greg and wife's in Key West. By ZEYNEP TUFEKCI From fake news stories to ideological bubbles, Facebook is a OJ MD from Yale who didn't pass and the effect on our society is now mass murder with the vision to see all the Chinese who would have gotten a heart transplant in 2016 if Mark had a mind - soul he didn't sell to the 1984 II Dictator's. It needs to be fixed... with a heart transplant in a Star Trek Society!


11-15-2016 Tuesday; Mark Zuckerberg Is in Denial... 1984 II Dictators! Stage 4 women! The Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s race to open the Second Avenue subway by the end of the year will require an “unprecedented” push by workers, officials said on Monday.

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Mark Zuckerberg Is in Denial... 1984 II Dictators! Stage 4 women! "Unprecedented’ Work Required to Open 2nd Avenue Subway by Year’s End, Officials Say" By EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS

11-15-2016 Tuesday; Subway on 2nd Ave is all the NY Times writes up for Christmas Day - Stage 4 women! “unprecedented” push by workers, officials said on Monday... Greg and Wives in Key West were killed by Biden along with his son and million of women with Stage 4 in 2016.


11-14-2016 Monday; "Trump Medical School"

11-14-2016 Monday; "Yale Key West Medical School"

11-14-2016 Monday; Toyota Agrees to $3.4 Billion Settlement in Corrosion Case - Titanium Toyota - Titanium RV's. Titanium Habitat for Humanity Home's! Yale Key West Medical School will be built on a Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure 155 stories if Trump ok's No Gas Stations On Earth Victory over Mecca + Allah!

11-14-2016 Monday; Vision $$$ Yale Key West Medical School students will be paid more than West Point Cadets to make the Point 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine will buy us 1,001 Galaxies to travel to Not Wars! Star Wars, grin!

11-14-2016 Monday; Vision $$$ President Obama imposed self-constraints on his use of power in the war on terrorism - prevent 9/11 II not using No Gas Stations on Earth CIA Coup Op, but his flexible approach gives Mr. Trump “a fully loaded weapon,” one critic said. By CHARLIE SAVAGE - Mr. Trump “a fully loaded weapon,” one critic said is confiscating $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia war chest for 9/11 II. False stories by Charlie at the NY Times didn't report this $777 Trillion in Saudi Arabia War Chest for a 9/11 II attack.

11-14-2016 Monday; CBS 60 Minutes Lesley Stahl asked Trump about making Polygamous Marriage Legal on 1-20-17.

11-14-2016 Monday; CBS 60 Minutes Lesley Stahl said talking to Trump she could sense the Gravity and the bigger problem now! CBS has the vision of How Gravity is Generated by God in a New Universe of 2 trillion galaxies we have the vision to sense our "Mass Murders Oil Era" by our 1984 II Dictators Wounded Warrior! Black clouds of Diesel on Duval are visible today! Vision that lets us now see DNA of million kids burn by gasoline exhaust for $777 Trillion in Greed of 1984 II Dictators... and Biden killing his own son in Baghdad Shock and Awe!

11-14-2016 Monday; Inner circle women let Biden kill his own son in Baghdad!!

11-14-2016 Monday; "Biden's" Inner circle fire bombed cop cars and SUV's world wide for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues $$$.

11-14-2016 Monday; False Story Today by the Washington Post related to "Biden" fire bombing cop cars and SUV's driven by Mom and Dad with 2 kids in safety seats in back. University of Michigan student was approached by a stranger who threatened to set her on fire with a lighter if she didn't remove her hijab, police said. This is a false story by the Washington Post related to "Biden" fire bombing cop cars and SUV's driven by Mom and Dad with 2 kids in safety seats in back!

11-14-2016 Monday; False stories about Syphilis, HIV, STD's, MS killed and infected millions maybe a billion women in China and the USA... Trump not Hillary mentioned VD in the election will Trump come out and kill the Mosquito Syphilis that Bill and Melinda spread world wide? The president-elect spoke with President Xi Jinping of China on Sunday night, establishing “a clear sense of mutual respect,” Mr. Trump’s team said. By MICHAEL D. SHEAR, CARL HULSE and ALAN RAPPEPORT - Michael, Carl, Alan all have Syphilis and have given it to others on their trip to China!

11-14-2016 Monday; Martha Gellhorn Hemingway's first Novel was censored by NYC publishers because it mentioned Syphilis. "What Mad Pursuit" 3 Yale Harvard girls find the clap and are disillusioned Kerry never put out a State Department warning, grin! Or used Los Alamos to get the Rx Recipe cure! Published 11-1-1934


11-14-2016 Monday; Vision to see Gravity of the Invention of Vision!

11-14-2016 Monday; Vision of "You're Fired!" All of the world's 100 GE Turkey Point nuclear power plants!

11-14-2016 Monday; Inner Circle at Florida Power and Light have the vision to see Paradise Lost. False Stories by Florida Power and Light in a Star Trek Era of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts upgrade to superconductive wind turbines with 2 trillion volts of electricity!!

11-14-2016 Monday; Vision to see a moment of Time is generated just like gravity is generated. Super conductivity effect on time and gravity's generation.

11-14-2016 Monday; Visions to lock them up... Bill and Melinda Gates, grin! Russian antitrust authority said it had opened an investigation into Microsoft for allegedly abusing its dominance in the antivirus software market.

11-14-2016 Monday; Vision of the virus, "Virus War" was lost to the Shock and Awe of Baghdad when No Gas Stations on Earth in 1980 would have prevented 9/11 and Bush telling the 9/11 clean up workers not to wear a mask! Everyone at the Yale Key West Medical School will wear a "Mask!"

11-14-2016 Monday; Vision Trump could make High School mandatory, Oh Trump could make a University Education Mandatory in our Star Trek Era. California Today: Why More Community Colleges Offer Free Tuition - Why Facebook has false stories about making a University Education Mandatory like HS is mandatory today.


11-14-2016 Monday; Los Alamos should crunch Apple's iOS 10.2 update, but their second developer's beta gives us a glimpse of the new features and bug fixes coming to iOS devices.


11-14-2016 Monday; Vision of China's China's coal production 281.85 million tonnes, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday. For the first ten months, the world's top consumer and producer of the fossil fuel produced 2.74 billion tons... when the Inner Circle have the vision "Eye Sight" to see the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts upgrade to superconductive wind turbines with 2 trillion volts of electricity!! China Wife of Mark Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... to put 281 tons of particles in the air! So why is Facebook putting out false stories and censors tons of coal in the air? $777 Trillion in Swiss Banks for Mark and his Chinese Wife!

11-14-2016 Monday; Physician Teamwork at CABG Yields Fewer Readmissions and Better Survival

11-14-2016 Monday; Inventors Teamwork with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos yields Polygamous Marriage with 24/7 brainstorming conversations and shared Nobels with your wives on Live Streaming video of the Drone Strike Cheer from the wives getting the Rx Recipe for Stage 4.

11-14-2016 Monday; Team work at gas station hold ups in Miami. President-elect said his immigration priority was to deport up to three million undocumented immigrants who have held up 100,000 Miami gas stations.


11-14-2016 Monday; "Biden's" masterminds of the Syrian War! Syrian Rebels Brace for a Trump Cutoff, and Look for a Silver Lining via false stories by the NY Times and Facebook" By ANNE BARNARD NY Times. Lesley Stahl has a net worth of $20 million and a few more in Secret Swiss Banks for false stories about who masterminds the Syrian War. Trump last night only mentioned $6 Trillion spent on War Toys in Syria and Baghdad when our 1984 II Dictators have $777 Trillion. Shock and Awe of this much money...

11-14-2016 Monday; Bill to Legalize West Bank Settlements Advances in Israel section A - page 10 By ISABEL KERSHNER - Masterminds to modernize West Bank Settlements to Star Trek Era Advances of Nuke Trash Cans and Nuke Toilets... electric. No sewer or electric wires connection and of course all Titanium Homes! No Comcast Cable Box... iMacBook Pro in every home!

11-14-2016 Monday; Toyota Agrees to $3.4 Billion Settlement in Corrosion Case - Titanium Toyota - Titanium RV's.

11-14-2016 Monday; False stories on Gambling, Florida Lottery by the NY Times! Editorial: Atlantic City, Symbol of Big Bets Gone Bad" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD the true story is gambling is a scam with the side effect of millions not buying the New MacBookPro to work 24/7 brainstorming the gravity engine and a Stage 4 Recipe cure. The editors of the NY Times promoted gambling knowing its mass murder side effects. This is a war crime!

11-14-2016 Monday; 1984 II Masterminds Assess Obama’s Legacy Under Trump’s 1984 II Masterminds coup CIA op No Gas Stations On Earth vs Obama's $4 gas for years and years. 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts upgrade to superconductive wind turbines with 2 trillion volts of electricity!! iMacBook Pro at every Apple-Starbucks café Table World Wide with 1 Click Amazon invention projects links to Los Alamos. 24/7 invention project conversations in Sony Movies made for the Pentagon. Cheney's second heart transplant on live YouTube streaming video with Lesley Stahl commenting about her own future heart transplant paid for by CBS.


11-14-2016 Monday; Choice of Los Alamos was killed by Biden and his wounded warriors then false editorials in the NY Times - But Dr. Malik is fighting for her life. After receiving a Stage 4 non-small-cell lung cancer diagnosis a year ago, she exhausted many of the treatments available to her and grappled with torturous side effects that left her itching and gasping for breath. During the summer, she decided to go to Cuba and bring back a cancer vaccine that is not approved in the United States. That she comes from a family steeped in medical training made the decision all the more difficult. “At first I was a little nervous,” said Dr. Malik, sitting in her Northern California living room flanked by an oxygen tank and a table of medicines. “But American treatments were not helping me, and I decided I should go to Cuba. What other choice did I have?” Choice of Los Alamos was killed by Biden and his wounded warriors then false editorials in the NY Times -

11-14-2016 Monday; Dr. Susan Love still has her million women web page - False Story on her Web page - Million women web page the true story is they are all Dead! Murdered by Biden and his wounded warriors for the glory and shock and awe of war in Baghdad instead of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort shock and awe invention!

11-14-2016 Monday; Dr. Zuby Malik is one women of millions murdered by Biden and our 1984 II Dictators via cancer's Rx Recipe not crunched at Los Alamos since 1990 Los Alamos crunched Mr. Buell and his "Wind" car! In a secret file I have in my billfold. $$$.

11-14-2016 Monday; Zuby Malik is an unlikely candidate to violate international law. A 78-year-old mother of four with a crown of silver hair, she is a retired obstetrician-gynecologist with a penchant for order.

11-14-2016 Monday; CBS 60 Minutes Lesley Stahl said talking to Trump... will you make the USA non smoking before Cuba!

11-14-2016 Monday; Mr. Phillips, a lifelong smoker who was given a lung cancer diagnosis in 2009, said it was worth every penny.

11-14-2016 Monday; CBS 60 Minutes Lesley Stahl said talking to Trump In Cuba, a four-shot dose of Cimavax costs up to $100 to manufacture, Dr. Lee said. Mr. Phillips, of Appleton, Wis., estimates that he pays about $9,000 for his annual supply of Cimavax, or about $1,500 a dose, which a visiting nurse administers every two months. Although some patients say the price recently dropped to about $850 a dose, the total cost of the trip can easily run more than $15,000, including airfare, lodging at La Pradera for several nights and a several months supply of the vaccine. Mr. Phillips, a lifelong smoker who was given a lung cancer diagnosis in 2009, said it was worth every penny.

11-14-2016 Monday; President-elect Trump takes office, he might crack down on Cuba but will he do a one up man ship and make the USA non-smoking before Castro makes Cuba non-smoking!!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost in Key West without the Yale Key West Medical School killed by wounded warriors!!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost in Key West without the Yale Key West Medical School killed by wounded warriors in Key West, they killed 251,630 Medicare beneficiaries... who would have gotten a heart transplant at the Yale Key West Medical School.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Vision to see 2 Trillion Galaxies!!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. False Stories in the NY Times... "A Lesson for India in a Fog So Thick It Could Kill a Cow" In 1873, London was blanketed in a fog so dense that people could not see their feet. Still, it took 83 years before clean air rules were introduced. By SABRINA TAVERNISE

11-13-2016 Sunday; In Key West gas exhaust fog we have the vision to see today even though its not dense as the fog in London in 1873 - Yet the Key West City Manager, City Engineer, Mayor Cates wants to kill Greg and Wives in Key West. Keeping us POW's is not good enough for their Revenge!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Vision to see 2 Trillion Galaxies!!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Inner circle women let Biden kill his own son in Baghdad!!

11-13-2016 Sunday; President-Elect’s Inner Circle Includes a Clash of Visions!!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost in Key West without the Yale Key West Medical School killed by wounded warriors in Key West, they killed 251,630 Medicare beneficiaries... who would have gotten a heart transplant at the Yale Key West Medical School.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Vision to see Cheney's MD's in his Heart Transplant has been Oblivion by the NY Times and Facebook not covering this Heart Transplant... So we have to use our imagination!!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Heart Transplant for 251,630 Medicare beneficiaries... Not just Cheney in a Star Trek Era of Health Care via Trump MD. All Trump's MD wives, grin.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost in Key West without the Yale Key West Medical School killed by wounded warriors in Key West, they killed 251,630 Medicare beneficiaries... who would have gotten a heart transplant at the Yale Key West Medical School.


11-13-2016 Sunday; Obama Lobbies Against "Oblivion" by God!! Not by Trump!! Trillion "White" stars will burn H for the next 4 trillion years, Obama could be in Hell for this long for killing Biden's son in Baghdad, Hillary's daughter with Stage 4 and worst millions of young elementary school teachers with MS given to them by a bisexual OJ... then put to death by White House MD on orders from our 1984 II Dictators.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Sunday Editorial in the NY Times "The Danger of Going for the "Oblivion" of 2 Trillion Galaxies is because they are never a Picture on the front page of the Sunday NY Times! Todays Sunday NY Times picture is MD's torturing people in Cuba! By THE EDITORIAL BOARD - "The Danger of Going for the "Oblivion" of 2 Trillion Galaxies is because they are never a Picture on the front page of the Sunday NY Times!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Obama’s legacy looks considerably different after the election of Trump, will Trump leak Poison Gasoline Exhaust's Black Clouds on Duval Key West - burning holes in millions of white kids DNA, mass murder by Obama selling clean diesel in fake stories on Facebook!! Like Bush telling 9/11 workers not to wear a gas mask cleaning up 9/11 and they all died of cancers!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Jimmy Carter and his wife's legacy looks considerably different after the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's upgrade to superconductive Wind Turbines putting out 2 trillion volts of electricity giving us H and O in iPod size cans for even more electricity in our Habitat for Humanity Home Carter burned down in 1980 not using Titanium!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Jimmy Carter legacy in the vision of a 1984 III Dictator setting "Sail" for 2 Trillion galaxies will dismiss 310 Key West Admirals... responsible for millions of kids deaths, childhood cancer, birth defects on their Duval Walk with Mom and Dad! New York Times - ISTANBUL - Turkey's defense ministry has suspended or dismissed another 310 military personnel as part of an ongoing investigation into the movement allegedly responsible for July's failed coup.


11-13-2016 Sunday; Vision to see 2 Trillion Galaxies!!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Inner circle women let Biden kill his own son in Baghdad!!

11-13-2016 Sunday; President-Elect’s Inner Circle Includes a Clash of Visions!!


11-13-2016 Sunday; "After Election, Facebook Looks Inward for Answers" By MIKE ISAAC NY Times The social media giant is embroiled in accusations that it spread misinformation and fake news stories that influenced how the American electorate voted.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Fake news stories by the NY Times and not letting 9/11 widows sue Saudi Arabia should sent the Times into Oblivion!! In a 1984 III Society that is "Star Trek Technology Era"

11-13-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos in 1990 crunched Mr. Buell and his "Wind Car!!"

11-13-2016 Sunday; 9/11 widows should really have asked to sue the NY Times for not sending Stage 4 Rx Recipe to Los Alamos instead the NY Times let Los Alamos build 40 Nukes for the USS Jimmy Carter Submarine! 40 Rx Recipes for Stage 4 were sent into Obama's God Oblivion using Los Alamos to build 40 Nukes for the USS Jimmy Carter Submarine! Inner circle of Women lived with cooking these 40 nukes for Carter for 8 years of their girl friends deaths at the hands of breast cancer, MS... OJ.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos in 1990 crunched Mr. Buell and his "Wind Car!!"

11-13-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos in the New York Times Sunday Editorials crunched Nukes for Bidens son and this son...


11-13-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos in 1990 crunched Mr. Buell and his "Wind Car!!"

11-13-2016 Sunday; 9/11 widows should really have asked to sue the NY Times for not sending Stage 4 Rx Recipe to Los Alamos.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos in 1990 did Not crunch state of the arts F35C Navy Fighter Jets laser guidance on "her" 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort so Biden also killed his first wife in a fiery Wreck, no wonder why he gave millions of women syphilis and other terrible diseases... on her death bed washing her she said over and over "How could he give me such a terrible disease..." yes she was talking about Clinton, Biden, Obama, OJ. Leaches at the NY Times Magazine wrote up in a revenge article against Trump not our 1984 II Dictators! Not her Editors at the NY Times! Los Alamos did not crunch iPhone 007 caller ID to save her life either! Tim Cook killed this Recipe! A hate crime!


11-13-2016 Sunday; Inner circle women let Biden kill his own son in Baghdad!!

11-13-2016 Sunday; "A 1980 to 2016 Love Letter to Drinking in Bars by NY Times Journalist who made up trillions of false stories" By ANDREW O’HAGAN "From dingy dives to Old World establishments, watering holes are one writer’s paradise." Proust said Paradise Lost was the 1980 to 2016 iMacBook Pro at every Bar Stool... Facebook 1.7 billion Ignored the health warnings making a baby with alcohol in your sperm, war addicts kill everyone and everything on Earth out of spite for God not showing himself: Every great bar is a breath of paradise, and the best ones know, in their gleaming surfaces, what Proust meant when he said that the true paradises are the paradises we have lost. I write this from the Fumoir Bar at Claridge’s in London, a dream of a bar, the best in the world, where trails of laughter and forbidden smoke are present in every glass of whiskey. Girls in the 1980s liked their male companions to be very drunk and very made-up, and the bars were buzzing with electric noise! 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort buzzing with 1,001 euphoric invention projects was killed by Queen Elizabeth, Jimmy Carter, his wife and Teddy Kennedy! This is not a false story on Facebook or the NY Times! "A 1980 to 2016 Love Letter to Drinking in Bars by NY Times Journalist who made up trillions of false stories" By ANDREW O’HAGAN NY Times Sunday.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Heart Transplant for 251,630 Medicare beneficiaries... Not just Cheney in a Star Trek Era of Health Care!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Vision to see Cheney's MD's in his Heart Transplant has been Oblivion by the NY Times and Facebook not covering this Heart Transplant... live streaming video on Facebook + YouTube!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Vision to see Cheney's MD's in his Heart Transplant has been "Oblivion" by the NY Times and Facebook not covering this Heart Transplant... So we have to use our imagination!! ANN ARBOR, MI — Health systems that have higher levels of physician teamwork during episodes of CABG surgery have significantly lower 60-day rates of emergency-department visits, readmission, and mortality, according to new research[1]. Dr John M Hollingsworth (University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor) and colleagues analyzed outcomes of Medicare beneficiaries who underwent CABG between 2008 and 2011. They identified physicians who cared for the beneficiaries through claims data. They used the bipartite clustering coefficient to calculate the level of physician teamwork in the health systems performing the CABG surgeries. "The bipartite clustering coefficient summarizes the tendency for physicians in the network to assemble into dense, tightly interconnected groups (or cliques) around shared patients," the researchers wrote in an article published online November 8, 2016 in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. During the study period, 251,630 Medicare beneficiaries underwent CABG, cared for by 466,243 physicians in 1186 health systems. The researchers found that the level of physician teamwork varied greatly across health systems.


11-13-2016 Sunday; Vision to see Cheney's MD's in his Heart Transplant has been "Oblivion" by the NY Times and Facebook not covering this Heart Transplant... So we have to use our imagination!!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Heart Transplant for 251,630 Medicare beneficiaries... Not just Cheney in a Star Trek Era of Health Care!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost in Key West without the Yale Key West Medical School killed by wounded warriors in Key West, they killed 251,630 Medicare beneficiaries... who would have gotten a heart transplant at the Yale Key West Medical School.


11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. False Stories in the NY Times on Sunday as these Editors have watched the YouTube video of the Pakistan A-Bomb assembly like and it's up and running today Sunday but not in the NY Times or Facebook. Islamic State Group Flourishes and Recruits in Pakistan. New York Times - 7 hours ago ISLAMABAD - The Islamic State group is increasing its presence in Pakistan, recruiting Uzbek militants, attracting disgruntled Taliban fighters and partnering with one of Pakistan's most violent sectarian groups, according to police officers.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. No Gas Stations On Earth Day will replace Veterans Day in 2017.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. Pakistan Muslim Generals believe 72 virgins wait for them in Heaven!

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. King of Nepal had sex with 72 virgins. King of Saudi Arabia paid Bush for 72 SWF virgins from the USA.


11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. "Kill List" is Greg and Wives in Key West, POW's of Mayor Cates and 1984 II Dictators. by Scott Unger Key West Citizen "New City Hall move-in date placed on hold" BY Scott Unger Key West Citizen"City workers will have to wait a little longer to move into their new offices." Substantial completion for the estimated $19 million new City Hall is on hold as project officials complete a final “punch list” - really a "Kill List" from wounded warriors - on the building, according to Key West City Manager Jim Scholl. Representatives from architectural firm Bender and Associates, contractor Burke. Creed's kill list is all the 684,000 heart transplants at the Yale Key West Medical School that would be "open" today if not for wounded warriors taking all the $777 Trillion in Miami gas station hold up money from 1980 to 2016. Not on Key West Facebook pages, ha! Mandy Miles in Tan Lines, today wrote up Gregs Pink Trike. Well almost Mandy Miles wrote up Disney Pink "Carriage" horses not gravity engine model... with a picture a first for Mandy Miles. I just read scanned it coming in to Starbucks as no free Sunday papers have been left at any table. Or MacBook Pro's Grin.

11-13-2016 Sunday; False Stories in the NY Times over your social security number... killed it for your iPhone 007 ID and killed 19K Women just in the USA in 2016.

11-13-2016 Sunday; False Stories in the NY Times next week about hacking your # will cause more women to die in our secure!!! 1984 II Society. "A 10-Digit Key Code to Your Private Life: Your Cellphone Number" By STEVE LOHR A mobile number can be even more valuable than a Social Security number, since it’s tied to so many databases and connected to a device you carry with you.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. False Stories in the NY Times...

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. False Stories in the NY Times... lock up the Editors at the NY Times in a secure 1984 II Society. Trump Camp Refuses to Close Door on Campaign Pledge to ‘Lock Her Up’ By ERIC LICHTBLAU

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. False Stories in the NY Times... Robert Kennedy Jr. murdered Mary Kennedy in live streaming YouTube video and he didn't get locked up or arrested. You can hear the inner Elite circle of 1984 II Dictators fight about this and Robert Kennedy Jr. won. This is like a Bill Clinton White House Era! So what does Trump know about our Secure 1984 II society we don't know?

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. False Stories on CBS 60 Minutes from 1980 to 2016. What’s on TV Sunday: Donald J. Trump on ‘60 Minutes’ By KATHRYN SHATTUCK - 1,001 IP invention projects in 60 Minutes a few of the 1.8 billion Facebook viewers would be up for the next 24/7 clicking Amazon's 1 Click working on a Gravity Engine... Paradise Lost is what Obama lost us the last 8 years. Paradise Lost in 60 Minutes false stories the last few decades... lock them up! For War Crimes for Masterminding thousands of Wounded Warriors who would never have been wounded with the CBS edition of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. 1 Trillion of these Ford's would be on the highways of the USA today if not for CBS false stories since 1980.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. Cold in Your Hotel Room? By Voice or Tablet, You Can Change That" By ELAINE GLUSAC

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. Cold in Your Hotel Room? By Voice or Tablet, You Can Change That" By ELAINE GLUSAC - Star Trek Era Hotel Rooms will detect cardiac arrest, stroke... Syphilis, HIV... if housekeeping washed your wine glasses in the bathroom sink. Give you a IP invention project to work on... list all the scooter accident intersections and cause. Traffic wrecks of all tourists and cause. Need to dial down the thermostat in the middle of the night? Want to open the curtains at daybreak? How about turning out the hall light at bedtime? These are some of the tasks that no longer require you to get out of bed in the new generation of automated hotel rooms. “It’s not a question of laziness, it’s a question of efficiency,” said Eric Marlo, the global brand manager and head of innovation at Aloft Hotels, which recently introduced hotel rooms that respond to voice commands. Using Apple’s audio assistant Siri in 10 pilot rooms each at the Aloft Boston Seaport and the Aloft Santa Clara in California, guests can request a change in the temperature, adjust the lighting or ask for information on local attractions. Aloft is not the only player in the digital dash. At the luxury level, the Peninsula Hotels have automated rooms from Hong Kong to Chicago using a tablet platform that allows guests to control lighting, temperature and drapes. The device also offers newspapers in several languages, stores restaurant menus, acts as a remote control for the TV and takes room service orders. Newer hotels tend to have the electronic edge, but historic hotels, too, are embracing a tech-driven future. The Lotte New York Palace Hotel, built in 1882, has just wired its 167 rooms with touch-screen controls of door locks, lights, temperature, window shades and entertainment. It also has preset lighting schemes calibrated to relaxation and work.

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. False Stories in the NY Times...

11-13-2016 Sunday; Paradise Lost. False Stories in the NY Times... "A Lesson for India in a Fog So Thick It Could Kill a Cow" In 1873, London was blanketed in a fog so dense that people could not see their feet. Still, it took 83 years before clean air rules were introduced. By SABRINA TAVERNISE

11-13-2016 Sunday; In Key West gas exhaust fog we have the vision to see today even though its not dense as the fog in London in 1873 - Yet the Key West City Manager, City Engineer, Mayor Cates wants to kill Greg and Wives in Key West. Keeping us POW's is not good enough for their Revenge!


11-12-2016 Saturday; Trump Medical School and the Yale Key West Medical School in a Star Trek Era! Both 155 Stories built on a Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure! None with Win 10 - iMedicalSchool Star Trek Era!

11-12-2016 Saturday; Nuke Trash Cans; Nuke Toilets; Star Trek Era dishwashers and garbage disposals... No ConEdison Electric Bill, No water and sewer connections in the middle of Manhattan in a Star Trek Era! iPod size cans of H + O Era from iApple-Starbucks with a MacBook Pro at every table in Manhattan NYC 24/7 IP for White People who want to Marry Jewish Aliens a few light years down the street in a Star Trek Era.

11-12-2016 Saturday; Greg and Wives in Key West will lead our Transition Team to a "Star Trek Era IP" starting with the Trump Penthouse "White" House with 1 click Amazon link to Los Alamos. Mr. Trump, a homebody who often flew several hours late at night during the campaign so he could wake up in his own bed in Trump Tower, Mr. Trump has spent the last three decades, for the most part, within Trump Tower. His apartment is on the 58th floor, and a designated elevator takes him from there to his office on the 26th floor. He wakes at 5 o’clock most mornings, reads The New York Post, The New York Times and a handful of other newspapers, and tunes into the morning television news shows.

11-12-2016 Saturday; Trump Medical School and the Yale Key West Medical School in a Star Trek Era!

11-12-2016 Saturday; Trump Medical School and the Yale Key West Medical School in a Star Trek Era! Both 155 Stories built on a Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure!


11-12-2016 Saturday; He wakes at 5 o’clock most mornings, reads The New York Post, The New York Times on his iMacBook Pro... no win 10 for Trump! IP invention project Picture and story on the front page of the NY Times in a "New Era of the NY Times - A Star Trek Technology Era" IP a designated elevator takes him from there to his office on the 26th floor in a "Star Trek Era for his 10 year old son Barron when he is 70 years old this elevator is pictured on the front page of the NY Times. "Beam Me Up... Scotty!" Era of the Elevator will be front page News on InventBook, NY Times. Invention Era not OJ. OJ will be in Jail with Hillary, grin. Shooting and killing in the Bronx will be in the OJ Clone Era! Crime will be deleted with iPhone 007 Dash Cams - iPhone 007 Caller ID for NYC women! Rikers Island will be a Star Trek Era Jail pictured on the front page of the Times with the BP Oil Editors war criminals who could have prevented 9/11 in a force field cell, grin.

11-12-2016 Saturday; Trump wives and daughters lead the transition team at Los Alamos to crunch the Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 cure! Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... to use Los Alamos to get a Rx Recipe Cure for Breast Cancer and this is not a false story, grin.

11-12-2016 Saturday; New York Observer Ending Print Edition - Post Office going to the iPostOffice Star Trek Era! Who ever reads Trumps mail before he does will read your mail before you do... as this part of Trumps Era is a Star Trek Era!

11-12-2016 Saturday; $$$ Cash in a Star Trek Era and Johnny Cash Song written in a Star Trek Era.


11-12-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos in 1990 crunched Mr. Buell and his "Wind Car" I have the secret file in my billfold... InventBook is in a secret file Los Alamos has crunched in 2016.

11-12-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos in 2016 crunched $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues...

11-12-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos in 2016 didn't crunch any of 2 trillion Roche Rx Recipes,for Stage 4 @ 30 mins at 4,800 F a "Star Trek Era" Trumps MD will cruch his steak and butter at Los Alamos for his realizations! What will kill him - who brainwashed him into eating Cheese Burgers in Paradise.

11-12-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos in 2016 didn't crunch any "Star Trek Era" IP invention projects like going faster than the speed of light Era. Sony Movies made for 1,001 Nobels in Medicine not the Pentagon, grin.

11-12-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos in 2016 didn't crunch any "Star Trek Era" IP like the Gravity Engine!

11-12-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos in 2016 build 40 nukes for the USS Jimmy Carter Sub... the Nuclear War Era!

11-12-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos; Archaeologists have found more than 40 vessels in the Black Sea, some more than a millennium old, shedding light on early empires and trade routes.

11-12-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos Navy Era under Jimmy Carter, destroyed 40 Jewish Alien Vessels in the Alpha Centauri Area 4 light years from Earth!

11-12-2016 Saturday; Trump Medical School and the Yale Key West Medical School in a Star Trek Era!

11-12-2016 Saturday; Trump Medical School and the Yale Key West Medical School in a Star Trek Era! Both 155 Stories built on a Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure! Both crunched at Los Alamos.


11-12-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos in 2016 didn't crunch any "Star Trek Era" High Triglycerides Tied to Pancreatitis Risk...

11-12-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos at Apple HQ didn't crunch anything about Steve Jobs Pancreas Cancer...

11-12-2016 Saturday; New York Times front page picture and Sony Movie about High triglyceride levels, which may increase the risk of a heart attack, are tied to a potentially fatal inflammation of the pancreas as well. Wait for the Star Trek Era of InventBook when Facebook dies a sudden death at the Hands of our 1984 II Dictators. Trump would call it bankrupt or bankrupting 100 million "White's" who want to invent a Star Trek Era!

11-12-2016 Saturday; Move the White House to the Trump Tower Penthouse as NYC is linked to Los Alamos 1,001 IP invention projects in Medicine a Year. DC is only linked to 1,001 New Nukes that are a waste of $777 Trillion dollars!

11-12-2016 Saturday; ...the Nuclear War Era! The Era free of Bill and Melinda Gates $$$ Oil Men!

11-12-2016 Saturday; Editorial "School children Left Behind $$$" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD at the NY Times Today! In 23 states, schools have to pay Bill and Melinda Gates $1 Billion a year for Win 10 and Office $$$. Every 3 months Bill and Melinda Gates made a profit of $84 Billion off School kids in just 23 states.

11-12-2016 Saturday; Editorial "School children Left Behind $$$" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD at the NY Times Today! Another false story by FaceBook... In 23 states, school funding is effectively lower now than in 2008 $$$. BP Oil spent $30 million on a New City Hall for Key West and every city and town in the USA. Maybe. In 23 states, school funding is effectively lower now than in 2008 $$$. in 50 states in the USA no schools are open 24/7 to brainstorm K-12 IP invention projects. In 23 states, school funding is effectively lower now than in 2008 $$$. In 50 States no schools have 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects to get the kids started inventing. In 23 states, school funding is effectively lower now than in 2008 $$$. In 50 States no HS kids have a cadaver. In 23 states, schools have to pay Bill and Melinda gates $1 Billion a year for Win 10 and Office $$$.


11-12-2016 Saturday; Trump Medical School and the Yale Key West Medical School in a Star Trek Era!

11-12-2016 Saturday; Trump Medical School and the Yale Key West Medical School in a Star Trek Era! Both 155 Stories built on a Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure! None with Win 10 - iMedicalSchool Star Trek Era!


11-12-2016 Saturday; MD... That question may be answered one day, but not with Hillary Clinton. Already the consensus about why she lost seems to have moved away from gender and toward her, personally: She was the wrong candidate from the start, she never adequately addressed issues of her integrity, she represented a party too closely aligned with elites who will get a second heart transplant! She represented a party too closely aligned with elites who gave millions of women Syphilis and never came out and posted it on Facebook!

11-12-2016 Saturday; “No Ordinary Time,” explains the political rise of Eleanor Roosevelt, who came into her own in the years after she made a painful discovery: a packet of love letters her own social secretary sent to her husband. “No Ordinary Time,” Legal Polygamous Marriage in Roosevelt's Time. Roosevelt's dismissed mere “locker room talk.” A brutal lesson of this election, for so many women, may be that there is no escaping the direct or indirect effects of the male libido. Now that Hillary has lost, it is hard to shake the impression that the leches have won. Susan Dominus is a staff writer for the NY Times magazine. The NY Times Magazine has never crunched leches at Los Alamos in a Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 cure. Era of Susan Dominus a staff writer for the NY Times magazine... 40K women were murdered by the loss of the 1960 War on Cancer and 19K were murdered by OJ clones Susan observered in her 1984 society masterminded by Obama with no warning labels from Facebook. Connotation of Leches as men who seduce women. Both are brainwashed in our Era by Sony Movies for the Pentagon. Sony movies made for Los Alamos Rx Recipes some with leches...

11-12-2016 Saturday; Moving Day for the Los Alamos Assembly line of 2017 Model Nukes... India nuke power plants in another Well Fargo Stage Coach Era light years from Greg's Superconductivit Wind Turbines at -254 C generating 2 trillion volts enough to get cans of O and H for your iPod size A/C.

11-12-2016 Saturday; Japan and India building GE Nuclear Power plants are in a by gone Era! Trillions of GE radioactive cans of nuclear waste are buried all over the world and not on Facebook but would be on InventBook to invent a decay IP invention project.

11-12-2016 Saturday; Roosevelt ended Prohibition via kickbacks and bribes like BP Oil runs City Hall in Key West today. British MD's have a second home in Mecca not Key West. $$$.

11-12-2016 Saturday; Treadmill desk with built in shower... Star Trek Era Gym Office! Jaclyn Cohen, a sales director for a wedding dress and footwear designer, had no desire to join her peers in the spinning fad. She will go to the gym, she will run outside and she will even lift weights, but indoor cycling was too much to ask. “I’ve passed all these sweaty little rooms where people are spinning at the speed of light,” said Ms. Cohen, 29, “and I’ve always had really no interest in being part of that.” Then she heard about a fitness studio in the Dumbo section of Brooklyn, ImaxShift, that opened in May. It offers spinning classes, but they take place in front of a 40-foot-wide by 24-foot-high Imax screen. So, though the cycles are stationary, riders feel as though they are pedaling up a mountain in the Swiss Alps, for instance, or, when the music changes, that they are headed toward a distant planet somewhere far off in the galaxy.

11-12-2016 Saturday; NYC Gym's lost forgotten this or than, misplaced iPhone's to Hell with this I need to invent a better Gym and keys. Treadmill desk with built in shower... Star Trek Era Gym Office!

11-12-2016 Saturday; "Spinning Goes to the Movies at ImaxShift" Fit City By ALYSON KRUEGER Alyson censored this out of her gym movie... NYC Gym's lost forgotten this or than, misplaced iPhone's to Hell with this I need to invent a better Gym and keys. Treadmill desk with built in shower... Star Trek Era Gym Office!

11-12-2016 Saturday; Key West Gym's will not let you join to take a shower! The Gym next to Faustos on White street turned my $115 a month down saying I will use the Gym to take a shower. Yale Key West Medical School will change Key West - into public shower signs from no public rest rooms... this sign no public rest rooms is on both Faustos Grocery stores and many other businesses in Key West Today. Not a Medical School Era or Star Trek Era. Will the county Health Dept have your Chef shower, shave, and put on clean clothes before he cooks your cheese burger in paradise, of course they will.

11-11-2016 Thursday; What delayed human inventions... ATT Blackout of InventBook... I have the emails.


11-11-2016 "work" Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville: Buffett + Mayor Cates never showed up on Duval Street for the singing of "Cheese Burger in Paradise" or the Song; Yale Key West Medical School, only Medical School with a song by Jimmy Buffett and a Mayor, grin. "I love New York" by Madonna; she hates the Mayor... ha!


11-11-2016 Friday; No Gas Stations On Earth Day will replace Veterans Day in 2017.

11-11-2016 Friday; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... Have Airport screening - of eye - eye disease in children and aging populations! Trump's First Invention!

Move the White House to the Trump Tower Penthouse as NYC is linked to Los Alamos 1,001 IP invention projects in Medicine a Year. DC is only linked to 1,001 New Nukes that are a waste of $777 Trillion dollars! 40 more Nukes for the USS Jimmy Carter II Sub! Can Trump put Jimmy Carter in Jail with Hillary for War Crimes against 2 Trillion Galaxies and a "Star Trek Era?" Laser guidance at all NYC cross walks is Star Trek Technology. iPhone 007 Dash Cam's iTraffic Tickets, iCops!

11-11-2016 Friday; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... put this on Facebook! "Despite Vaccination Efforts Measles Kills 350 Children a Day, UN Report Says!" REUTERS Not ever on Facebook but on InventBook - Dr. Nancy Snyderman; put it in the water if it works after Greg and I invent a way to put all vaccines in the drinking water! As POW's on Veterans Day in Key West we are STOPPED from working on this IP invention project by Wounded Warriors and McCain! No Gas Stations On Earth Day will replace Veterans Day in 2017.

11-11-2016 Friday; Key West wreath-laying ceremony at the "Star Wars" Memorial next to the Vietnam Memorial in Key West - Veterans Day programs - There will be a wreath-laying ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Garden at Bayview Park at 11 a.m. today, recognizing veterans from all wars. Patriotic organizations are invited to participate and the public is welcome. For information, call Jerry Hughes at 305-240-1136. Memorial for Wive's killed by Wounded Warriors coming home from Baghdad will have to wait until other wives confiscate $777 Trillion from "Oil Wars" from BP Oil - Exxon Mobil Pentagon MIT War Toys! "Cancer War Lost" Memorial will be built at Bayview Park!! Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... he would ever write this up on Facebook.


11-11-2016 Friday; No Gas Stations On Earth Day will replace Veterans Day in 2017.

11-11-2016 Friday; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... censor out on Facebook all of Greg and Wives inventions that would have saved the lives of thousands of cops shot to death since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Thousands Mourn Police Sergeant Fatally Shot in the Bronx! By RICK ROJAS

11-11-2016 Friday; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to think that his social network helped deliver Donald Trump the White House by also delivering fake news stories to its millions of U.S.

11-11-2016 Friday; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... support a Rx Recipe cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016 this is why I wrote fake stories about Stage 4 and censored out!!! Greg and Wives in Key West are held as POW's on Veterans Day prohibited from brainstorming + working 24/7 as "White's" with 1 click links to Los Alamos. 1990 Los Alamos secret file is in Greg billfold; and it's not fake! Mr. Buell and his "Wind" car were crunched at Los Alamos and marked secret in 1990. Not a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 and not on Veterans as I Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made sure Greg and Wives in Key West were censored off Facebook!

11-11-2016 Friday; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... Have Airport screening - of eye - eye disease in children and aging populations!

11-11-2016 Friday; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... Zuckerberg further defended Facebook by claiming that the network’s fake news problem is “small” and not party-specific. “The quickest way to refute the fact that this surely had an impact is why would you think there would be fake news on one side but not on the other?” he added. "In other words: Everyone got fake news, not just Trump supporters!"


11-11-2016 Friday; No Gas Stations On Earth Day will replace Veterans Day in 2017.

11-11-2016 Friday; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... tell the world 190K Chinese women were murdered strangled in 2016 so he didn't, grin.

11-11-2016 Friday; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... STOP the killing of 19K SWF in 2016 so he didn't... he married a women from China who censors the 190K Chinese women murdered in 2016. BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com A Tavernier man accused of strangling his girlfriend to death was arrested Thursday, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.

11-11-2016 Friday; Womankind turns 15 BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com People don’t always smile when they talk of things that have changed in Key West over the past several years. But in the case of a small health care center that was started by two nurse practitioners, change has been a good thing. The health care practice that started as a once-a-week clinic for anxious teens... Mandy Miles is a war crime Journalists with fake stories like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... let Mandy Miles censor out all the deaths from the suppression of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and the 1981 Rx Recipe cure for Stage 4 and all teen STD's!


11-11-2016 Friday; Key West wreath-laying ceremony at the "Star Wars" Memorial next to the Vietnam Memorial in Key West - Veterans Day programs - There will be a wreath-laying ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Garden at Bayview Park at 11 a.m. today, recognizing veterans from all wars. Patriotic organizations are invited to participate and the public is welcome. For information, call Jerry Hughes at 305-240-1136. Memorial for Wive's killed by Wounded Warriors coming home from Baghdad will have to wait until other wives confiscate $777 Trillion from "Oil Wars" from BP Oil - Exxon Mobil Pentagon MIT War Toys! "Cancer War Lost" Memorial will be built to at Bayview Park!! Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... he would ever write this up on Facebook.


11-11-2016 Friday; Mark's women are Chinese. Trumps women are "White's" The Women Who Helped Donald Trump to Victory By SHERYL STOLBERG The women, "white", said it wasn’t so much about voting against Hillary Clinton, but about the change they thought Mr. Trump would enact. Hillary painted the USA "Black" with the spray painted clouds of clean diesel on Duval Key West and Times Square NYC. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... try to censor all these black clouds of poison gas as a few stories about smog were printed in the New York Times but a few white women linked these black clouds to birth defects and childhood cancers. "Female Clinton Supporters Are Left Feeling Gutted" By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE and CLAIRE CAIN MILLER NY Times Clinton supporters across the country are AWAKE - THEY FELL ASLEEP DRIVING A GAS ENGINE CAR... Gutting engine out of a car is a mans job. IP invention project to build a robot to do this with 1 click gutting the engine out. Shock of waking up driving these women were left feeling Hillary put them to sleep to commit mass murder! These guys are real killers a women at Faustos Key West told me yesterday, she was talking about the wounded warriors and vets in Key West. So... they are real killer, so what! McCain napalm millions, yes millions in Vietnam! God will not elect McCain or Jimmy Carter to be president of a Galaxy, grin. Crazy to kill millions and get a Medal of Honor for it! "Canada’s Big Dams Produce Clean Energy, and High Levels of Mercury" By IAN AUSTEN The Damned to a after life in Hell in a Galaxy for Canada's Oil Men! Millions in Canada will have a after life Damn in Hell... crazy Mark would write on Facebook but God does exist in 2 Trillion Galaxies and Canada oil men have given millions of USA kids birth defects and childhood cancers Mark didn't write up on Facebook! "A Lesson for India in a Black Smog Cloud of Fog So Thick with poison Particles It Could Kill a Cow - Declare war on Canada, grin!" section A - page 10 By SABRINA TAVERNISE NY Times.


11-11-2016 Friday; Dr Lady Gaga MD Dr. Madonna MD in the Editorial at the NY Times as the right people!! "The Wrong People to Drain the Swamp" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times Today. Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani would be poor choices for high-profile roles involving cleaning up corruption. Christie will have a cardiac arrest in the next 4 years, you don't need a iApple Watch to keep track of this time, grin! Dr. Oppenheimer II MD with links to Los Alamos is the real person, could be a real person if Dr. Nancy Snyderman says Yes, grin! Dr. Nancy was fired by Bill and Melinda Gates, not even the NY Times editorials say they are right for anything on Earth. Win 10 is Dead like the Vietnam War Headlines in the Times... God is Dead! We have kill so many millions in Vietnam God must be Dead. Win 10 and Bill and Melinda Gates have killed 1.8 Billion inventors on Facebook and lost the Stage 4 Rx Recipe for Christmas Day 2016. A Crime!

11-11-2016 Friday; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... put this on Facebook! "Despite Vaccination Efforts Measles Kills 350 Children a Day, UN Report Says!" REUTERS

11-11-2016 Friday; Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says it's a “crazy idea” to... have iPhone 007 caller ID identify NY Times reporters landing in Paris having Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS... Editorial "The Risks of France’s Big New Database" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD "Merging biometric information, I.D. photos and addresses and even marital status in one place could invite abuses." Save French men and women getting syphilis from a NY Times editor flying into Paris. Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn wrote the same things but never though our 1984 II Dictators would have the iPhone 007 caller ID to do this. Martha when to a Paris MD many times thinking the rash was syphilis.


11-11-2016 Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Veterans Day in the USA.

11-11-2016 Gas exhausting parade of 1,001 IP invention projects lost in a Black Hole I will call 1984 II. All year we should of had a MacBook Pro at every café table in Apple-Starbucks with 1 Click Amazon links to invention projects, crunched at Los Alamos.

11-11-2016 Friday; InventBook at Yale Daily News the day after a Nuke from Pakistan Muslims who graduated from Yale... hits Paris! This day in Yale history 1981 To commemorate Armistice Day, five Yale professors host a discussion entitled “The Threat of Nuclear War.” The professors highlight the state of nuclear technology and emphasize the role of anti-nuclear groups.

11-11-2016 Friday; InventBook at Yale Daily News 2016 today about nuclear war in the Yale Campus News has to be graded as F. Kerry gets a F. And the Yale Headlines today is Bill Clinton given a medal of Honor by the President of Yale University Salovey last night. Bill Clinton doesn't know the Name of the Yale President of the Medical School...

11-11-2016 Friday; InventBook at Yale Daily News 2016 today... Roughly 500 Elm City residents and Yale students gathered outside New Haven City Hall Thursday evening to protest the election of Donald Trump. At the rally, which was organized by local activist association Unidad Latina en Acción, protesters took turns giving speeches and leading chants such as “no Trump, no KKK, no more racist USA,” “no papers, no fear” and “say it loud, say it clear, Muslims are welcome here.”

11-11-2016 Friday; InventBook at Yale Daily News 2016 today... Yale University Salovey didn't post on Yale Facebook page the Muslims in Pakistan 500 or more are working today, Veterans Day on a Pakistan Los Alamos A-Bomb assembly line as he didn't want to scare the Yale Students and Kerry made this classified top secret... sort of.


11-11-2016 Friday; InventBook at the Harvard Crimson Campus News today - I went to one of these Yale Harvard football games in 1957 10 years old and can recall the memory today. Wish I could recall the whole game! IP a good invention project for the Yale and Harvard kids who don't get a ticket. By Laszlo B. Herwitz and Maxwell J. Simon With the annual Harvard-Yale football game approaching, House Committees have partnered with the Office of Student Life and the Undergraduate Council to organize upperclassman House neighborhood tailgates.

11-11-2016 Friday; InventBook at the Harvard Crimson Campus News today - yesterday news is at the top of the Harvard Crimson page today.

11-11-2016 Vote for a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. Vote for Greg + Wives in Key West!


11-10-2016 Thursday; Airport screening - of eye - eye disease in children and aging populations! Yale Key West Medical School President and Mayor of Key West would get this started... Letter Published in the NY Times Today. "Breast Reconstruction" The American Society of Breast Surgeons writes, “For many women, breast reconstruction is an important component of the recovery process.” Surgeons working on a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 today - None! Under Obama or our 1984 II Dictators, who ever... no MD Surgeons are working at Apple-Starbucks today on a Rx Recipe for the cure of Stage 4. Greg and Wives would be if we were not still POW's for Veterans Day in Key West tomorrow!

11-10-2016 Thursday; "Donald Trump’s Victory Was Built on Unique Coalition of White Voters" Better Infrastructure for White's! Star Trek's 2 Trillion Galaxies are all "White" iapps IP invention projects to brainstorm with the wives 24/7. Sense the alienation and loss of status of Star Trek Gravity Engines Upgrade in the last 2 movies!

11-10-2016 Thursday; "Donald Trump’s Victory Was Built on Unique Coalition of White Voters" Better Infrastructure for White's years ago was the Key West Public Library, which is a today a Moon Scape of dust. Star Trek café; Apple-Starbucks 24/7 infrastructure with iMacBook Pro's at every café Table with 1 click Amazon IP invention Projects so White People can work 24/7 brainstorm with many wives 24/7 for a few days or just a weekend invention Party at Yale University. 24/7 infrastructure at the Key West Public Library was killed has killed the invention work of millions of White People the last 8 years and longer!! Not even Obama has read the complete works of Hemingway let alone Tolstoy and Freud. Search every book ever written only with an iapp at Starbucks. Yale has a club Bush's never joined for reading every page in the paper not kindle edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Greg read this one and 2 others! Obama never read any of these and our 1984 II Dictators gave him a job for the last 8 years! Trump will pay every White Kid in the Bronx $10 a hour to read all these Encyclopaedia Britannica's 24/7 at the Bronx Apple-Starbuck on 100" Ultra LG monitors with picture in picture feature! Invention notes will be provided, grin. Edison pop-ups not Microsoft update could not be done! Shutdown or restart for Win 10 update you spent hours trying to block! Edison pop-ups not Microsoft. Bill and Melinda Gates didn't vote for Trump or Edison Pop ups inventions in Win 10.

11-10-2016 Thursday; Jimmy Weekley owner of Faustos is the only person in Key West to post a warning sign about women drinking if they are going to get pregnant that night, grin. Alcohol damage to fetus measured by new blood test. Medical News Today is not from the Yale Key West Medical School.

11-10-2016 Thursday; Donald Trump could actually take steps to try to jail Hillary Clinton... over the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts that earned Hillary 100's of millions in the Clinton Foundation and Swiss Banks!

11-10-2016 Thursday; "Donald Trump’s Victory Was Built on Unique Coalition of White Voters" By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE and NATE COHN. NY Times. What Trump, Clinton and Voters Agreed On: Better Infrastructure - kill the Comcast Cable Box and Remote, send Comcast CEO to jail with no cable, grin.

11-10-2016 Thursday; Better Infrastructure - First Day as President Trump; Make Legal; "Polygamous Marriage" Wedding reception for 24/7 at Apple-Starbucks inventing a Stage 4 Rx Recipe!


11-10-2016 Thursday; White People can work 24/7 brainstorm with many wives 24/7 for a few days at the Apple-Starbucks that doesn't sweep the people out of the store at 7 pm. Millions of White people don't know when they sweep and mop the Key West public library as we have not been in the library for decades, maybe longer! No White People at the Key West library book sale know as they have never been in the library but to carry out books for sale, grin. Elite, Esoteric, and Not for White People, No Whites Allowed who want to work on inventions 24/7. Edison's lab closed at 6 pm and is not open Sundays.

11-10-2016 Thursday; How Successful Is Apple's New MacBook Pro? Forbes - In its first five days on sale, Apple's MacBook Pro has outsold the total sales of every major Windows-powered laptop.

11-10-2016 Thursday; How Successful Is Apple's New MacBook Pro at every café table in Paris and Starbucks... Forbes - In 1 Click IP invention projects to give the USA 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year. Donald Trump could actually take steps to get these 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2017 which would convict Hillary of Mass Murder of Women. Lost Stage 4 Rx Recipe for the last 8 years of Obama is a crime. Dr. Lady Gaga MD holds up a sign that reads “Love Trumps Hate” while protesting outside of Trump Tower in the early morning hours. HIV vaccine from Johnson & Johnson combined with an immune system booster from Gilead Sciences Inc showed promise at keeping the virus at bay with HIV caller ID on the new iPhone 007. Women consider long-term birth control implants shots now that Trump victory looms over reproductive health - these women would know about Dr. Nancy Snyderman's put it in the drinking water, birth control, if it works IP invention project if the NY Times ever mentioned this IP invention project and if it was on 1 Click Amazon invention projects link to Los Alamos. IUD in the NY Times as the genius invention not birth control in the drinking water invention. Star Wars - Star Trek all lost to wounded warriors Day tomorrow. And more wives killed by wounded warriors coming home from war in Baghdad than all the World Wars but WW III with Pakistan Muslims! VA is planning on the numbers of wounded warriors there will be from WW III with Pakistan Muslims God is Great for 72 virgins in Heaven! Note King of Nepal has had sex with 72 virgins because he is King. This has never been an editorial in the NY Times on purpose it was censored so protest wouldn't happen like Trump protest today. Tim Cook has rallied staff at Apple following Donald Trump's historic and controversial U.S. election win by reassuring them that the company will “move all its iPhone 007 assembly lines out of China to the USA. $$$ Starbucks SBUX -0.07% CEO Howard Schultz has made no secret of his disdain for Donald Trump. In a letter to staff on Wednesday, Schultz said he was gobsmacked by the president-elect's victory but said Americans had to respect the results. 100's of Starbucks women will be diagnosed with Stage 4 and Syphilis, STD's MS today and Schultz will not email a letter to the staff in support of 1 click Amazon Rx Recipe cure for all these Starbucks women given a terrible disease from mad men who are not on iPhone caller ID today.


11-10-2016 Thursday; Qatar, where FIFA plans to stage the 2022 World Cup. Officials in the conservative Middle Eastern country announced on Tuesday it would ban the public consumption of alcohol

11-10-2016 Thursday; Trump's NASA policy is largely uncharted Jewish Aliens in the New 2 Trillion Galaxy Universe as NASA sold its soul the last 8 years to Oil Wars that gave Walter Reed MD the glory of Wounded Warriors, One women wounded Warrior is a New Senator she failed Yale Medical School like the rest of her kind who let BP Oil spill oil in the air on Duval Key West and Times Square. Bush shock and Awe of bombs bursting in air over Baghdad had fewer poison gas exhaust particles in the air than Duval Key West and Times Square . Kindness that would have ended the pipeline oil flow of wounded warriors 8 years ago was given $777 Trillion in Bribes and Kickbacks by BP Oil. This is why Prince Harry and Prince Salman in Saudi Arabia are CEO's at Wounded Warriors putting on orgies for the wounded warriors.

11-10-2016 Thursday; Trending: by the Editors at the NY Times - Muslim women are scared to wear the hijab in public after Trump win! Not Trending by the Editors at the NY Times is Muslim women have $777 Trillion dollars in gas station hold up loot to spend on hijab's!


11-10-2016 Thursday; Trump heads to the White House to talk to Obama today, about moving the White House to a NYC Penthouse on the 90 th floor! Visions of 9/11 II and 9/11 III financed by Muslim women with $777 Trillion in Miami gas station hold up loot. $$$.

11-10-2016 Thursday; 19K USA women are killed in 2016 - Miami Herald Today, A woman was killed early Thursday at a Sunoco gas station in Allapattah, according to early reports. Miami police and homicide detectives are at the station at Northwest 36th Street and 10th Avenue. The woman was found dead after an apparent argument in the station’s minimart, according to Miami Herald news partner CBS4. The store clerk called 911 after hearing shots outside the door. I Phone 007 Dash Cam in every car on the road today and 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts coming off the Ford assembly line today would have saved her life this morning in Miami and all the other 19K USA women kill in 2016 by our 1984 II Dictators who are putting on a Orgy for Wounded Warriors tomorrow Friday Veterans Day 2016 without 19K dead women killed by war in Baghdad.


11-10-2016 Thursday; New York Times - LONDON - British police say the driver of a tram that derailed in London, killing seven people, has been released on bail. The 42-year-old man, who has not been publicly named, was arrested after the crash on suspicion of manslaughter. Accident investigators say the tram appears to have been "traveling at a significantly higher speed" than the permitted 12 miles per hour (20 kph). One theory under investigation is whether the driver fell asleep.

11-10-2016 Thursday; London tram driver fell asleep... Biden speech put him to sleep like Oxford kids who will die in Baghdad for $777 Trillion pounds.

11-10-2016 Thursday; Historic nuclear agreement with Iran is in the air with the prospect that a Donald Trump administration could take steps that would cause Iran to abandon its commitments and build an A-Bomb assembly line like Pakistan who's A-Bomb assembly line is targeting the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort assembly line.
11-10-2016 Thursday; Trump Rides a Wave of Fury That May Damage Global Prosperity $$$ Windfall for 5 billion people not just the editors at the New York Times with secret Swiss Bank accounts that will be leaked with their emails on bribes and kickbacks over not to sue Saudi Arabia for 9/11 and $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues.


11-10-2016 Thursday; Donald Trump could actually take steps to try to jail Hillary Clinton... over the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts that earned Hillary 100's of millions in the Clinton Foundation and Swiss Banks!

11-10-2016 Thursday; Jimmy Weekley owner of Faustos is the only person in Key West to post a warning sign about women drinking if they are going to get pregnant that night, grin. Alcohol damage to fetus measured by new blood test. Medical News Today - Despite this common knowledge, and because around 50 percent of American pregnancies are unplanned, alcohol consumption during early pregnancy still occurs. Stats on how many babies are born with birth defects and alcohol cancers are censored by the editors at the NY Times for kickbacks from alcohol ads. Here's Where Consciousness Exists Inside the Brain not inside the New York Times. Oh conscience! Synapses, the place where brain cells contact one another, play a pivotal role in the transmission of toxic proteins.


11-10-2016 Thursday; UCLA USC news about a new President of a Medical School with no mention of a link to Los Alamos and what eye inventions $1 Trillion IBM super computers could crunch in just one day's work! Physician and scientist, Varma is recognized worldwide as a visionary leader in the epidemiology of eye diseases. He is an expert on changes in the optic nerve in glaucoma, and is also studying new imaging techniques in the early diagnosis of glaucomatous optic nerve damage. His primary research focuses on epidemiologic studies of eye disease in children and aging populations. UCLA USC news about a new President of a Medical School with no mention of a link to Los Alamos and what eye inventions $1 Trillion IBM super computers could crunch in just one day's work!

11-10-2016 Thursday; Airport screening - of eye - eye disease in children and aging populations!

11-10-2016 Thursday; "Donald Trump’s Victory Was Built on Unique Coalition of White Voters" By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE and NATE COHN. NY Times. What Trump, Clinton and Voters Agreed On: Better Infrastructure - kill the Comcast Cable Box and Remote send Comcast CEO to jail with no cable, grin.

11-10-2016 Thursday; Donald Trump Win Has Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims Bracing for a Long 4 Years - Latinos fear Hell - Jimmy Carter is a peace with his God. USS Jimmy Carter Nuke sub will take 44K years to travel 1 light year. Long 44,000 years just to travel 1 light year in the USS Jimmy Carter and Jimmy is a peace with his God.

11-10-2016 Thursday; Ms. Noonan had no interest in 2 Trillion New Galaxies “No star politics tonight,” she said while signing a copy of her collection “The Time of Our Lives.” “We are at the New York Public Library celebrating literature, history and books. This is a politics-free zone.” Nearest star will shine for the next 4 trillion years - our sun will only shine for 4 billion more years. Time dissected will be a victory for some President. Harry Belafonte, Peggy Noonan and Carolina Herrera at New York Public Library Gala. New York Library open 24/7 with Edison back in NYC not GE with Wind Turbine and Lead Fueled Jet Engines on its assembly lines in 2016. GE will change its name back To Edison Electric, grin. Once Edison electrifies with Jewish Aliens.

11-10-2016 Thursday; Yalies, the day-to-day chores of academic life seemed like an afterthought amid the national political convulsion set off by Trump’s victory. On Wednesday morning, students said they were dumbfounded by the election of a scandal-ridden businessman who made his name in reality television and real estate. “When the country is choosing between having a female president and a president who talks disparagingly about women on a regular basis, it’s pretty shocking to see the country make this choice,” said Abigail Schneider ’17. Around 300 tearful students filled Dwight Hall after classes Wednesday to hear Shades — Yale’s only historically African-American a capella group — sing “We Shall Overcome”

11-10-2016 Thursday; Not one Yalie was thinking about the Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure. Not on the Yale Campus or Law School Campus. Yale Medical School Campus and med students are never written up by the Yale Daily News.

11-10-2016 Thursday; Trump Election generates anger, confusion on campus" by David Yaffe-Bellany & Britton O'Daly Staff Reporters at Yale Daily News & Contributing Reporter - emails of the Yale President and President of the Yale Medical School for yesterday and today will be made public in 2084, grin.

11-10-2016 Thursday; "Harvard Professors Postpone Exams After Trump’s Win" By Hannah Natanson Harvard Crimson News. While undergraduates and faculty members alike came to terms with Donald Trump’s unexpected win Wednesday, several professors said they postponed assignments or altered lesson plans to ease students' schedules. Several Harvard professors said to Hell with the Stage 4 Rx Recipe brainstorming today. None were from the Harvard Medical School, grin!

11-10-2016 Thursday; Harvard iPhone 007 Dash Cam's in all Campus Cars. Among Students of Color, Anxiety Mounts About Trump" By Marella A. Gayla Harvard Crimson News. Donald Trump’s upset victory in the presidential election rattled Harvard’s campus, provoking a particularly strong reaction among students of color who feel they will be disproportionately targeted by his policies. iPhone 007 Dash Cam's will put 25 million Blacks in Jails and Prisons and generate $25 Billion in iTraffic Tickets, loud Rap Music, Distracted driver tickets, road rage... Whites will get less than 1% of iTraffic Tickets from iPhone 007 Dash Cam's on Harvard Campus.


11-10-2016 Thursday; Harvard Professors Shocked, Disheartened By Trump Victory" By Mia C. Karr, CRIMSON STAFF WRITER 10 hours ago. Some of Harvard’s authorities on American politics, government, and economics shared feelings of shock and warned of instability in the political system after Donald Trump became president-elect, contrary to the predictions of pundits and pollsters. “From the beginning, I’ve not anticipated Donald Trump in any regard,” government professor Harvey C. Mansfield ’53 said. “ I kept thinking he would come to an end.” Mansfield, among the minority of outspoken conservative intellectuals at Harvard, said he thought a lack of education among the American electorate contributed to Trump’s unexpected success. “The whole thing is a victory of the lower half of the American IQ,” said Mansfield, who chose to write in Indiana Governor Mike Pence, Trump’s running mate, for president. Harvard faculty tend to lean liberal in their political views. A Crimson analysis in February showed that 91 percent of contributions to presidential candidates at the time went to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Some of Mansfield’s colleagues expressed concern that the Trump presidency will further divide a nation already polarized after one of the most bitter presidential campaigns in modern history.


“It’s a real disaster for American politics,” Government professor Jennifer L. Hochschild said. “There’s a huge section of the population that was so angry, mistrustful, furious, that they were prepared to take an enormous risk.” Government and sociology professor Theda R. Skocpol called Trump’s election “a crisis comparable to the Civil War.” Skocpol, who supported Clinton in the election, said she was nervous about the businessman’s victory because of her own scholarship, some of which has focused on conservatism in America. “I think that the disorganization and internal conflict of the Republican party have opened the door to someone winning this presidency that even the vast majority of Americans believe is not qualified to be president,” she said. “We’re in for a terrifying period for this country.” Jill E. Abramson ’76, a senior lecturer in English and the former executive editor of the New York Times, wrote about election night for the Guardian from Hillary Clinton’s New York City headquarters.Abramson said by the time she left, shortly before midnight, signs of distress were evident among the assembled Clinton supporters. “There were young women who I could see were crying and comforting each other,” she said.


In the wake of Trump’s surprise victory, Abramson said journalists must redouble their efforts to act as political watchdogs and check the new president’s authority. “I think Trump’s rhetoric has had an obvious authoritarian streak,” she said. “I don’t think the country wants a government with unbridled power.” Some professors discussed the surprising election result at forums. On Wednesday evening, the Mahindra Humanities Center hosted a panel discussion with government professor Danielle S. Allen, economics professor David I. Laibson ’88, and history professor Jill M. Lepore. Laibson argued that Trump’s victory was fueled by growing income inequality between educated and uneducated Americans, a problem that he projects will intensify with robots and artificial intelligence increasingly replacing the labor force. “What I unfortunately see, is a much darker road ahead,” he said “The forces that I’ve described are going to intensify.” The large lecture hall that held the panel was entirely filled, and people crowded outside the door for a chance to enter. Homi K. Bhabha, a humanities professor and the director of the Mahindra Center, who moderated the panel, said the event was meant to be an occasion for both conversation and comfort. “I’m so delighted to see a very full room on an evening when I feel particularly empty,” he said. —Contributing writer Alexis Ross contributed to the reporting for this story —Staff writer Mia C. Karr can be reached at mia.karr@thecrimson.com. Follow her on twitter @miackarr.


11-10-2016 Thursday; Several Harvard professors said to Hell with the Stage 4 Rx Recipe brainstorming today. None were from the Harvard Medical School, grin!


11-9-2016 Wednesday; “primal scream,” war crimes of gas station hold ups spoils of war $777 Trillion!

11-9-2016 Wednesday; “primal scream,” Trump will not get 72 virgins in Heaven, only Muslims, grin! Trump will get the $777 Trillion from Muslims gas station hold ups in Miami $$$. Trumps version of the future will be a executive order on his First Day as President Trump; Make Legal; "Polygamous Marriage". Trumps 4 wives will all drive a Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coupe, Ford ElectricWindillEscort with a gravity engine on order! Order to invent something by 4 wives Trump will have to Invent Something for each wife, grin!

11-9-2016 Hundreds of University of California students spilled into the streets surrounding the Berkeley campus set fire to cars and buildings... Berkeley failed in the real world like Yale and Harvard kids who let Biden get away Scott free with no riots after he kill his own son sending him off to war for $777 Trillion in spoils. Biden killed the wives of wounded warriors coming home from war in Libya...

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Women Hillary got killed in Saudi Arabia and the USA... Hillary ended with let us NOT lose Heart and let us give SWF's in the USA a second heart transplant and pay as much out of pocket cost as Cheney! And live as long with a heart transplant. A Miracle made in Medical School, this is what's "Elite". Go to Yale Key West Medical School - Yale Law School is a Scam like Jimmy Carters Nobel - Stage 4 would be 1980 history if Carters wife had a MD and Nobel in Medicine from the winds euphoria of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 1980 model. Jimmy sold his soul to Teddy Kennedy the murderer of Mary Jo and Mary Kennedy. Drunks, but not on 1,001 IP invention projects, 1 click Amazon links to Los Alamos Biden will not give Greg and Wives in Key West the Key to until a real Nobel in Peace is awarded. Pain of losing all the inventions we would have gotten the last 8 years with a iMacBook Pro and InventBook, incite to time and gravity generations!


11-9-2016 Donald Trump wins the presidency in shocking 2 trillion volts upset over Obama OJ Clinton Biden

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Victory is a shock to the news editors at the New York Times, Editors at the Times Today write. We know he has threatened to prosecute and jail all war crime journalists at the New York Times and confiscate their $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia and release all NY Times emails between the Times and King Salman about 9/11 and 9/11 II and III financed by King Salman. No Gas Stations On Earth will bankrupt King Salman. “primal screams at the NY Times this morning,” war crimes of gas station hold ups, spoils of war $777 Trillion! NY Times 55 story skyscraper will be confiscated and given to Yale NYC Medical Students.

11-9-2016 Wednesday; NY Times 55 story skyscraper will be confiscated and given to Yale NYC Medical Students.

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Colorado voters dealt a blow to single payer health insurance, a controversial ballot initiative that would have provided medical coverage to all state residents through a payroll tax.

11-9-2016 Wednesday; "Elite" Cheney Medical Coverage to all in the USA through Yale Key West Medical School linked to Los Alamos 1 Click diagnostic link of $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM Super Computers. IBM Watson ads in the NY Times were a scam like Jimmy Carters Nobel in Medicine, grin.

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Freedom Tower Medical School killed by the Editors at the New York Times will have a after life at a NYC Freedom Tower Medical School.

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Freedom Tower Medical School 9/11 Yale NYC Medical School. Los Alamos Emergency Room! NY Times writes up paramedics responded — most commonly for shortness of breath, neurological and psychiatric complaints, cardiac and blood pressure problems, or weakness — they were able to evaluate and treat 78 percent of patients at home. “Often, even our sickest patients don’t want to go to the hospital,” All would follow orders given by Dr. Oppenheimer II with the Doctors note the bomb will go off in a few minutes and we will only have 3 minutes to stop the stroke, cardiac arrest... Dooms Day Countdown clock will tell the patients how long before the stroke and cardiac arrest at the Los Alamos Emergency Room and they will follow the Doctor to hell and back!

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Trump Tower! 155 Story Building for NYC Skyline!

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Trump will not recycle his Comcast Box Remote Control. Time Warner shares fall on concern Trump will block AT&T deal. Time Warner remote control, $20 billion scam. NY Times didn't want you to sue to use your LG and Sony remotes. Trump will not recycle his Comcast Box Remote Control. Apple will invent a remote for iPhone 008 and the Next MacBook Pro with a built in iPhone 008. AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson may need a new remote control strategy... for your box of remotes. Cord-cutting continues to take its toll on cable and satellite companies, with no foreseeable end in sight. The latest victim: Dish Network. IP invention projects to reinvent the Comcast Box on 1 Click Amazon at Los Alamos Oppenheimer II will get the R-Bomb remote bomb that destroys the Comcast Cable Box!!


11-9-2016 Editors "war criminals" at the NY Times write, Misogyny and racism played their part in Trumps rise, but so did a fierce and even heedless desire for change. That change has now placed the United States on a precipice. NY Times Journalists who failed at Yale Key West Medical School and we not allowed to Pass has given rise to racism OJ caught on iPhone 007 Dash cam did have a knife... did cut her throat 19K times in 2016 - the Editors of the Times have to retract 19K stories of cops shooting the black boy in the back with iPhone 007 Dash Cam's!

11-9-2016 German parliamentary committee for foreign policy and a member of the ruling party, said Mr. Trump was “completely inadequate” to his office. “That Trump’s election could lead to the worst estrangement between America and Europe since the Vietnam War! Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coupe Starting at $54,550* B-Class Electric Drive Starting at $39,900* innovation 2 trillion volts from GE windmill turbines at -254 C enough H and O electrolysis for Vietnam and Miami kids left in hot cars to die the last 8 years under Obama, Biden, Clinton, a war crime against kids left in hot cars. Did any kids die in Germany, of course they were left in hot Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coupe and died and the Times censored these death! Whooping Cough diagnosis adult carriers of this disease breath into the Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coupe iPhone 007. Norwalk virus too.


11-9-2016 Yale - shock waves across Yale’s campus. Many Yale students watching the election around campus — in dorms, classrooms and residential college lotteries — expressed surprise and disappointment. Among the largest gatherings on Yale’s campus was The Politic’s watch party. Students, including members of the Yale College Democrats and Yale Students for Hillary, packed the room, their eyes glued to a television tuned to CNN. Attendees blanketed the floor, their laptops flashing with maps of blue and red as Trump continued to pull away from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 in key battleground states like Ohio, North Carolina and Michigan. Silence fell upon the room when CNN predicted that the Republican Party would maintain control of the House of Representatives. “I expected to be feeling jubilant by now,” Yale Dems campus and community coordinator Josh Hochman ’18 said. “I was really excited for tonight. We expected a huge crowd and we got it, but we were disappointed pretty early on.”

11-9-2016 Yale - New York Times’ The Upshot, predicted a Clinton presidency.


11-9-2016 Yale Udit Jain ’Yale 2018 said he acknowledged those surrounding him in the Yale community “were not necessarily representative of the average American - Bush Yale the pimp to Kings and Princes in Saudi Arabia. “were not necessarily representative of the average American -

11-9-2016 Yale Gabriel Groz ’2019 told the News he worried about Trump’s policies towards many of his peers, particularly those who are Muslim, Yale Gabriel Groz ’2019 fail 72 virgins in Heaven. Yale President didn't teach students Muslims on Yale Campus will get 72 virgins in Heaven not the God of Yale!

11-9-2016 Yale - Still, not all students were disappointed with Trump’s victory. A junior in Jonathan Edwards College, who requested to remain anonymous for fear of backlash, supported Trump in his presidential run and told the News that he was optimistic about the country’s future. But is ready for hate crimes from other Yale students for the Trump win.

11-9-2016 Yale Failed students with the shock of 72 virgins was is classified by their Yale President; While the atmosphere was increasingly somber as Clinton fell behind in the polls and Trump’s victory become more apparent, students gathered on Cross Campus to express their frustration. An election “primal scream,” organized by the Freshman Outdoor Orientation Leaders who also participate in the minute long tradition before midterms and finals, took place outside Sterling Memorial Library at 12:30 a.m. The event was quickly publicized and passed on to the general student body via email less than an hour in advance.


11-9-2016 Yale students - Yale kids “primal scream,” learning the truth will help keep them awake driving home after Biden visits Yale Campus...

11-9-2016 Yale students shock they could not get into Yale Medical School and Hillary just got Yale Law School closed for 7 years... like the French Revolution oh Yale Law Campus was given to Yale Medical School in this Revolution to Cure Hillary's Stage 4 on Christmas Day 2016.

11-9-2016 Yale students tested get it right, Kerry will not get 72 virgins in Heaven but will find Yale Jewish Aliens at each one of the 72 nearest stars.

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Mayor Craig Cates will serve a fifth... drive!!! A gas engine car and no Pink City Hall when he gets there!! BY Scott Unger Key West Citizen Newspaer in Paradise. No "Yale Key West Medical School" Mayor Cates said...

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Driven to drive a car in Saudi Arabia Hillay's women lost their heads off camera. Democratic Party was decapitated overnight. Hillary Clinton's stunning loss to Donald Trump created a power vacuum at the top of the party and a crisis of confidence among its remaining standard bearers.

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Women Hillary got killed in Saudi Arabia and the USA...

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Women Hillary got killed in Saudi Arabia and the USA...

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Trump says it's 'sad' George W. Bush didn't vote for him. Washington Post Donald Trump went on conservative talk radio Tuesday evening to offer his final thoughts on the campaign. During that conversation, radio host Howie Carr asked him how he felt about former president George W. Bush not voting for the top of the ticket. Bush did not vote for God. Bush voted for the King of Saudi Arabia. Bush voted for $777 Trillion in Texas Oil Revenues and Oil Spills in the Texas Air! CARR, that could have leaked the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort before 9/11 and didn't!

11-9-2016 Wednesday; sight unfolded in Manhattan. Dump trucks filled with sand surround Trump Tower and the Javits Center, where Hillary Clinton will watch the election results. The trucks and police surround both Manhattan addresses, though Trump will spend the evening at the Hilton Hotel on Sixth Avenue. The massive trucks filled with sand provide a dense, protective barrier in the event of a bomb.

11-9-2016 Wednesday; Invention that will come from Sand full of quarks is the Ford Gravity Engine. Car Bomb that will get many Nobel's!

11-9-2016 Wednesday; sight never seen before will unfolded in the front page pictures of the NY Times. Quarks in Sand without the Dump trucks in front of the NY times building. Win over the War Criminals at the NY Times will give us $777 to spend on sand dissect and give all HS kids in NYC their own cadaver. Chaney would have killed his heart transplant patient as Dr. Cheney MD. OJ MD will kill many heart patients today this will be headlines in the NY Times and a Editorial soon as Obama moves out of the White House and the FBI arrest the Editors at the NY Times.


11-8-2016 Tuesday; Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; Election Day for a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. Vote for Greg + Wives in Key West! Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; Whirls of gas and bright stars in galaxy IC 2163 were caused by a collision with the galaxy NGC 2207. 2 Trillion New Galaxies and the British will spend $100 million on oil from Libya. Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA. Wounded Warriors killing their wives coming home from Libya are no where in the Veterans Day Parade on Friday 11-11-2016.


11-8-2016 Tuesday; Whirls of gas exhaust in NYC and Key West - 2 Trillion New Galaxies and the British will spend $100 million on oil from Libya. Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; Mayor Bill de Blasio announced his plan to overhaul the Yale NYC Medical School and hospital system, which faces a staggering shortfall of cash for the operations of 11 hospitals across the city, including the flagship Bellevue Hospital Center in Manhattan and Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens. Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; NY Times fraud 15,000,000 refugees trying to reach Europe by boat, mostly from Libya when Libya is getting $100 million a week from Europe selling Oil... Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; The Real Voter Fraud is Some 1984 II Society "Citizens" are Judge - Jury + Executioners! Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.


11-8-2016 Tuesday; The Real Voter Fraud is Comments from Biden; I killed my son and millions of other son's and daughters... who fell asleep driving home from Yale after my commencement speech! Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; Election Day for a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. Vote for Greg + Wives in Key West! Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; The Real Voter Fraud is Some 1984 II Society "Citizens" are Judge - Jury + Executioners profiting with greed of $777 Trillions from BP Oil Spills in the Air up and down Duval and Times Square. New Key West City Hall is not Pink and "they" will never invent a Rx Recipe for Stage 4. They alone cast ballots, and others remain disenfranchise not a Corporate Owned Apple-Starbucks icon with free Nation Wide Wifi and MacBook Pro's at every café Table in Paris! Jewish Aliens are a Fraud by Greg and Wives in Key West, grin! Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; The Real Voter Fraud is from the 18 Mad Men who vote for the Nobel Prize Winners. Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.


11-8-2016 Tuesday; Nobel for Hemingway not his wives. "Inventions Brainstormed with Myself and Another" by Martha Gillhorn Hemingway is what I think of when opening her book. Martha could have won more Nobel's than Hemingway if only she had a shopping list of IP invention projects on Amazon Prime... half of her book is about the war time inventors failure to get a memory pill as she could only write with notes. Quarks in a grain of sand and quarks in the diseases she mentions spin as unknown as 2 trillion new galaxies do for our "Citizens" at the Key West News Paper today. Hell No we will not write any Headlines about 2 Trillion New Galaxies or put these in "Tan Lines!" "Tan Lines" connotations for Stage 4 and Skin Cancers let Martha Hemingway drive a gas engine Land Rover across the Equator decades after the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts! London is famous for the "Black Death" that killed 40 million. Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today! Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.


11-8-2016 Tuesday; NY Times fraud 15,000,000 refugees trying to reach Europe by boat, mostly from Libya when Libya is getting $100 million a week from Europe selling Oil... Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; NY Times psychotic Mass Murders "Woman Thrown in Front of Train at Times Square Subway Station Is Killed" A woman "Hillary" was taken into custody in connection with the attack, which an initial investigation by the police suggests was unprovoked. By MARC SANTORA Hundred Million women were killed by Stage 4, Syphilis, HIV, Hepatitis, MS, "OJ" "Robert Kennedy Jr." "Teddy Kennedy Driving Drunk" which an initial investigation by the police suggests all could have been cured with a Rx Recipe crunched at Los Alamos or iPhone 007 Dash Cam's but the Times Editors censored these from the front page Pictures, Video and Headlines since the 1980 Invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Zeka made more headlines than Stage 4 Rx Recipes! Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; NY Times fraud 15,000,000 refugees trying to reach Europe by boat, mostly from Libya when Libya is getting $100 million a week from Europe selling Oil... Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.


11-8-2016 Tuesday; Rx Recipe - Moon Shot - Los Alamos Crunching - Janet Reno Refused to Let Parkinson’s Define Her. The former attorney general first received the diagnosis in 1995, but “never wanted to talk about that,” never wanted to win a Nobel in Medicine - never wanted a 1 Click Amazon Prime IP invention project with links to get you started for a cure for Parkinson! Never wanted Parkinson dissected - Pictured on the front page of the NY Times! Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; Long Lost Nuclear War; A diver may have found a long-lost nuclear bomb! NY Times driving a gas engine car drives us toward a Nuclear War. Greg and Many Wives in Key West all driving a Ford with Superconductive Windmill Turbines at -254 C a ElectricWindmillEscort giving us 2 trillion volts H and O electrolysis and the Gravity Engine Invention Winds sooner than anyone at the Times could imagine!

11-8-2016 Tuesday; 19K articles like this one... Written by the NY Times! A 60-year-old California woman ran down her estranged husband and two of his friends before jumping to her death off a highway bridge Monday morning, cops said. Cops said this will happen 19K times in 2016 and 19K times in 2017 as there is no Moon Shot Cure by Biden! Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; whirls of gas and bright stars in galaxy IC 2163 were caused by a collision with the galaxy NGC 2207. Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; NY Times Editorial on Election Day... exhausting!!

11-8-2016 Tuesday; "What NY Times - THE EDITORIAL BOARD on Election Day "Lessons from an exhausting parade of ugliness." Ugliness really means mass murder by our 1984 II Dictators. Exhausting Exhaust from gas engine cars everyone at the NY Times drives! God has nothing to do with the NY Times Red White and Blue cake with God Bless America on this Editorial page as Jimmy Carter drives a gas engine car and a Nuke Sub today and is at peace with his God. 1980 Jimmy Carter with the Newly invented Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. 1990 Los Alamos "Secret" file on Mr. Buell and his "Wind" Car. Nasty women died in mass murder, her kids too from gas station hold ups in Miami and childhood cancers from Jimmy Carters exhausting parades of Sunday Church Headlines. Jimmy Carter was in Heaven in Plains Georgia when millions were breathing in exhaust gas from cars, truck, scooters on Duval in Key West. The Editors at the NY Times posted what they wanted on Facebook censoring InventBook. Parade of Editorials against 9/11 women suing Saudi Arabia for $777 Trillion to spend on a Stag 4 Rx Recipe ready by Christmas Day 2016 with a better cake recipe for the God Bless SWF's in America Red White and Blue Cake with no butter! Obsolete Gas Engine Car the Editors at the NY Times Drive. Hillary's parade of women in Saudi Arabia on YouTube driving a gas engine car only to be beaten off camera. Mass Murder as 19K women were murdered in Saudi Arabia, same number who were murdered in the USA in 2016. Wounded Warriors killing their wives coming home from Libya are no where in the Veterans Day Parade on Friday 11-11-2016. Mandy Miles in Tan Lines got kickbacks, Navy Perks... joy ride in a F35, to not write this on the front page of the Citizen News Paper. Exhausting!!

11-8-2016 Tuesday; NY Times exhausting parade leaving Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust by the Hero McCain and his inner circle... war criminals like Mandy Miles in Key West driving down Duval leaving her little Black Cloud of exhaust gas for some little kids to breath instead of clean Ocean Air...

11-8-2016 Tuesday; Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-8-2016 Tuesday; Black Clouds of Gas Exhaust Today on Election Day in the USA.

11-7-2016 Monday; NY Times is Burning Trump in Effigy in a front page picture of burning crosses when Cops Burn in a Fiery Wreck, Kids DNA has holes burned in it from the NY Times Bribes + Kickbacks from Saudi Arabia... BP Oil Spill is outside the NY Times Building in the air burning everyone's lungs!

11-7-2016 Monday; Vote for 1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort coming off the Ford assembly line...

11-7-2016 Monday; Vote for No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA don't vote for a Navy Seal killing...

11-7-2016 Monday; Vote for 1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort coming off the Ford assembly line... Ford Superconductive Windmill Turbine Generators at -254 C 100 times more electricity. 2 Trillion volts of electricity ElectricWindmillEscort will give you H and O cans to heat and fuel your Home's electric generator also a superconductive one, trip to the beach. 24/7 A\C in your car, jog, beach wedding in Key West. iPod Size A/C unit will not be the next big idea from Tim Cook. Caller ID that identifies men with HIV, MS and Syphilis will be!

11-7-2016 Monday; Vote for No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA don't vote for a Navy Seal killing...

11-7-2016 Monday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" On Nov. 8, Americans may elect our first female president who is a Lawyer not a MD... this will give millions of kids birth defects and childhood cancers! MS women and Stage 4 women will be put to death instead of taking over Los Alamos + every Rx Recipe world wide to crunch on $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM super computers at Los Alamos... Stage 4 Rx Recipe's in a song... mix for 84 minutes at 3,500 F. Biden killed his son, Hillary will kill her Daughter with the same Brain Cancer!


11-7-2016 Monday; Vote for $1 Trillion Dollar order for Apple MacBook Pro's for every café table in Paris and Starbucks world wide. This will convince Bill and Melinda Gates they are going to Hell for Crimes against Humanity by Win 10 and Mosquito Nets, Wood Stoves, in a World poisoned by Clean Diesel's Black Clouds on Duval Key West.

11-7-2016 Monday; Vote for 1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort coming off the Ford assembly line...

11-7-2016 Monday; Vote for No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA don't vote for a Navy Seal killing...

11-7-2016 Monday; Vote for No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA don't vote for a Navy Seal killing...

11-7-2016 Monday; ATT can BlackOut a Baseball Game and your Vote for No Gas Stations on Earth Coup Op by the CIA

11-7-2016 Monday; NY Times can BlackOut a BP Oil Spill in the "Air" kids breath and die in Mass Murder Numbers

11-7-2016 Monday; Obama did BlackOut OJ clones; Yale MD's who fail out in the real world worst than Kerry!


11-7-2016 Monday; French bishops hold day of prayers for victims of sex abuse but BlackOut Syphilis, HIV, STD's and other terrible diseases the NY Times also BlackOut from reporting sex abuse by Tim Cook and the others!

11-7-2016 Monday; Apple Outlook: Is Foxconn Executive Right About 'Innovation Crisis' Pegged To iPhone 8... Hell No! Forbes BlackOut's iPhone 007 Dash Cams and iTickets and cops watching and talking to you driving down the highways. Giving Road Rage Drivers a warning to cool it... BlackOut Crisis as cops are killed by Tim Cook. Tim Cook is a Cop Killer because he Blackouts iPhone 007 Dash Cam's and iTickets... Apple Alerts to 1,001 IP invention projects iapps have also been BlackOut. Click, Click, Click 1 Click Amazon links to get you started on a IP invention project.


11-7-2016 Monday; Donald Trump's Last Stand: An Anxious Nominee Seeks Assurance his brain tumor is not as deadly as Beau's. New York Times Blackout's Beau's treatment and Rx given to him by Walter Reed MD's. And Blackout's on the Front Page Beau's Brain MRI's that would have helped a Yale OJ MD from making the same mistake on his brain cancer patients that don't make the Headlines in the Times!

11-7-2016 Monday; Robert De Niro Compares 'Totally Insane' Donald Trump to 'Dr. Strangelove' Madman at Hollywood Film Awards. Robert De Niro BlackOut's 72 Virgins in Heaven for Nuking all the fags in Paris by Pakistan Moslems! 'Totally Insane' are the Joint Chiefs of Staff who will fight a Nuclear War with Pakistan with none of them believing in getting 72 Virgins in Heaven. Their 72 virgins come from Bush pimping SWF's to the King and Prince of Saudi Arabia. This women will need McCain's vote to Sue Saudi Arabia, grin.


11-7-2016 Monday; BlackOut's from Facebook Today is Candida; It's a kind of yeast that drifts through hospitals, taking root in open wounds and blood and the nooks and crannies of people's ears.

11-7-2016 Monday; BlackOut's from Facebook Today is BP Oil Spill in the air as poison gas exhaust drifts through hospitals, taking root in kids DNA division causing millions of childhood cancers and birth defects.


11-7-2016 Monday; By EMILY STEEL NY Times. Supporters of the AT&T-Time Warner deal have pointed to the success of a similar one between Comcast and NBCUniversal, where both sides are thriving... in Blackout's of more than just Baseball games but mass murder by BP Oil Spills in the Air that makes headlines in the NY Times without mentioning the City has been gassed by BP Oil Exhaust in the air billions of people breath. Biden killed his son Beau, Hillary will kill her daughter. Comcast Elite will kill have already killed millions of kids with birth defects and childhood cancers. Supporters of the AT&T-Time Warner deal have pointed to the success of a similar one between Comcast and NBCUniversal, where both sides are thriving...

11-7-2016 Monday; A self-driving bus being tested in Finland holds promise for reducing cities’ dependence on cars. By HENRY FOUNTAIN who's Blackout of the "Gravity Engine" Ford" invention is a war crime by NY Times Journalists.

11-7-2016 Monday; "Fear of Donald Trump Helps Democrats Mobilize Hispanics" By JEREMY W. PETERS, AMY CHOZICK and LIZETTE ALVAREZ Angry at Mr. Trump and energized by Democratic outreach efforts, Latinos are turning out in droves, and could be the difference in the outcome in highly contested states. Fear of Stage 4 never being cured should have been the front page story by Jeremy, Amy, and Liz at the NY Times. Mobilize Los Alamos to crunch every Rx Recipe world wide that are trade secrets and top secrets but Kerry could make them all public to Los Alamos. Kerry failed Yale out in the real world trying to win a Noble Peace Prize now Kerry could share a Nobel in Medicine!

11-7-2016 Monday; Jewish Voters, Prized in Swing State Florida, Tell What Drives Them but the NY Times blackout on Jewish Aliens via Flagler Super Space Telescope Train of 100 Cars kills our Exodus off Earth.

11-7-2016 Monday; Blackout of Bill Clinton's sex tapes on YouTube to the public not the 1984 II Dictators! Bill Clinton Evokes Past, but From the Periphery of His Wife’s Campaign! By JASON HOROWITZ President Drew Faust and Harvard General Counsel Will ‘Review’ Bill Clionton's YouTube Sex Tapes and the 2012 Men’s Soccer Team’s Sexually Explicit Document" By Andrew M. Duehren and C. Ramsey Fahs Harvard Crimson News!

11-7-2016 Monday; Gas Station Holdups in Miami have bought Mecca the largest SUV Umbrella in the world that covers 2 million in Mecca. ZURICH – Roche is pressing ahead with two skin cancer trials that combine its immunotherapy Tecentriq with other drugs after early data showed the treatments were well-tolerated and effective in a small number of patients, the company said Monday. One study combined Tecentriq with Cotellic and Zelboraf in 30 patients with untreated BRAFV600 mutation-positive metastatic melanoma, the other Tecentriq with Cotellic for 10 patients with BRAF-wild-type and BRAF-mutant metastatic melanoma.

11-7-2016 Monday; Roche treats 30 patients...

11-7-2016 Monday; Mecca covers 2 million with a SUV Umbrella... paid for by gas station hold ups in Miami.

11-7-2016 Monday; Vote for a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. Vote for Greg + Wives in Key West!

11-7-2016 Monday; NY Times is Burning Trump in Effigy in a front page picture of burning crosses when Cops Burn in a Fiery Wreck, Kids DNA has holes burned in it from the NY Times Bribes + Kickbacks from Saudi Arabia... BP Oil Spill is outside the NY Times Building in the air burning everyone's lungs!

11-7-2016 Monday; Vote for 1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort coming off the Ford assembly line...

11-7-2016 Monday; Vote for No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA don't vote for a Navy Seal killing...

11-7-2016 Monday;

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" On Nov. 8, Americans may elect our first female president who is a Lawyer not a MD... this will be a large part of the Song; Yale Key West Medical School as Greg flew into Key West on March 4, 2011 with $777 Trillion dollars from the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and told Jimmy Weekley I will build a Yale Key West Medical School in Key West. Jimmy Carter heard this in 1980.

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School"

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Song will change with the "Times", when the New Physics Nobles are given out and taken back for The Physics of Time and Graivty" Daylight Savings time takes on another connotation with the New Physics and Stage 4 Rx Recipe's in a song... mix for 84 minutes at 3,500 F.

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Paris Medical School" Song will change with the "Times".

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale NYC Medical School" Song will change with the "Times".

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "King Faisal Medical School... largest SUV Umbrella Tent for the 2 million seated at Mecca not the White House Election Victory Party for Trump. Trumps brain tumor was caused by melanoma. Biden killed his son with brain cancer from wars in Baghdad's shock and awe not the shock and awe of a Brain Cancer Rx cure from Greg and Wives in Key West who Biden made POW's.


11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Mandy Miles Tan Lines Click Click Click Amazon Prime free shipping not 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine with 1 Click Amazon Prime Shipping. Ship a Nobel in Medicine to Mandy Miles Home in Key West on Sunday! Nine Promotional pens, I lost my Citizen Pen at the PO this week for making notes in "Martha's Travel With Myself and Another". "Inventions Brainstormed with Myself and Another" is what I think of when opening her book. Martha could have won more Nobel's than Hemingway if only she had a shopping list of IP invention projects on Amazon Prime... they could promote invention projects on their pens! Mandy starts a paragraph with... It's a disease then writes nothing about Key West Diseases when she knows who has what disease, like HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis, MS, STD's this is not mass murder like the black clouds of poison gas exhaust on Duval but should be in the Sunday Times! Back to Mandy Miles click click click on Amazon Prime and get the package at her door on Sunday for free. If Mandy Miles ever mentioned Key West Parking shopping at CVS or Walgreen's and if CVS and Wallgreen's joined Amazon Mandy Miles in Key West would never have to park and go into a CVS or Walgreen's with click click click she could get all her CVS items via Amazon Prime delivered to her door on Sunday! Sorry Mandy! The Mass Murder Charges are still a active warrant against Journalists who profited from BP Oil spill in the air on Duval from trillions of Scooters causing birth defects and childhood cancers in kids on the Duval Walk. NY Times journalists will be the first to be Hanged by Nasty Moms of course but seeing Greg and Wives... live and Key West and built the Yale Key West Medical School. Time will catch up with your mass murders on Duval!! Song; Yale Key West Medical School will have your Name on a Pen about Mass Murder in Key West via trillions of Scooters + BP Oil spill in the air they breathed! Sorry Mandy Mass Murder's are Journalists who write Tan Lines in Paradise! Cheese Burger's in Paradise call a Cardiologist at the Yale Key West Medical School Mandy!


11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" The song in a Madonna Music Video Madonna didn't write herself. Dr. Lady Gaga not Hillary at Yale Law in 1969 as the first woman Lawyer not MD. Lawyers at Yale and Harvard Law Schools today are mass murderers who will be on trial with the CEO of VW and BP Oil after No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA is more "moving" than the Navy Seals Mission to kill one Moslem in Pakistan who Masterminded 9/11 and got the Money from the Saudi King who is free today to finance 9/11 II and when Pakistan has a A-Bomb assembly line only No Gas Stations on Earth Coup Op can Nuke without Nukes!

11-6-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; "work" dissecting Time at Yale Key West Medical School in mixing up new Rx Recipes for Stage 4...

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" F35C Lightning II Fighter Jet on the front page of the Key West Citizen Newspaper today sings of an Era of Mass Murder started long before McCain Napalmed millions. Far more lethal than a fleet of tens of thousands of F35C Lightning II Fighter Jets at the Navy station in Key West is the Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" because Nasty Women with stage 4 on their Minds are tortured, POW's. McCain in the senate voted to put to death MS women given the virus by bisexual men. His iPhone Caller ID only list wounded warrior's not Nasty Women... on their death beds - "how could he give me such a terrible disease!" Heads up display gives F35C pilots relevant classified medical history for their wives and daughters walk down Duval with a trillion scooters jetting out black clouds of clean diesel passed by the Admirals.


11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Final "Saturday Night Live" before "InventBook"

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Final "Facebook before "InventBook"

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Final "Saturday Night Live" left before the 2016 election, but there was no debate to send up. Instead, SNL went with some pretty strong political commentary.

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Final "Saturday Night Live" before "InventBook" SNL went with some pretty strong political commentary... InventBook went with Stage 4 Rx Recipe crunched at Los Alamos for a Rx Miracle Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016 at the White House! Comments from Greg and Wives will be for 8 years of the Black House 40K women with Stage 4 were murdered by the Black White House MD who passed at Yale but like Hillary really didn't pass Yale Medical School - Sorry Yale Kerry failed in the real world to, shot in the back by the Joint Chiefs of Staff when he had a real Nobel Peace Prize not a Jimmy Carter Scam One!


11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" A fuel tanker crash early Saturday morning closed Highway 99 both ways and snarled Modesto traffic for more than 14 hours as crews worked to clean up a massive petroleum spill.

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Greg's picture of a gas tankers head on collision with a SUV on 7 mile bridge will be at Mandy Miles mass murder trial, pens too of this gas tankers head on collision with mom, dad, and 2 kids in the back safety seats, this is mass murder Mandy no click click clicking it away into some wounded warriors story or t-shirt at the beach. I took pictures of 2 beach weddings yesterday at Zakery beach when others took 2 pictures of head on collisions of gas tankers fiery wreck into a SUV on some other distant beach in the USA.


11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Quite to the contrary, there are a large number of observations that tell us quite clearly that there's very likely more to the Universe than just the quarks, leptons and bosons of the Standard Model. While experiments are telling us that low-energy.

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Large Hadron Collider at CERN, it’s brought with it an incredible slew of results. Large numbers of rare, exotic and unstable particles have been created, and their decays have been measured to unprecedented precision. Higgs boson has been created and observed to have a mass of 126 GeV/c2

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" CERN on Duval Key West and Times Square NYC would have made NY Times headlines about BP Oil Particles in the Air, along with the New Yale Key West Medical School CERN would have DNA news!

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Large Hadron Collider at CERN - mass murder of millions via particles from BP Oil is what we really got from CERN.


11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" bismuth, element #83, and the unique structures that it forms. We now (as of 2003) know it will decay with a half-life of ~10^19 years. But on even longer timescales, perhaps lead, iron or even a single proton will decay, too! All of these measurements could point the way to new particles. But even if the new particles that must exist to support these observations are inaccessible to particle colliders, there are still interesting new discoveries that await us at high energies within the Standard Model! Pentaquark and tetraquark states are emerging and being confirmed, showing that three-quark or quark-antiquark combinations aren’t all there is. B mesons can decay directly into a J/? (psi) particle and a F (phi) particle. The CDF scientists found evidence that some B mesons unexpectedly decay...

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" scientists found evidence that some B mesons unexpectedly decay... F35C fighter jets at Key West will unexpectedly decay into a Space Telescope Train of 100 Cars detecting particles of Jewish Aliens Conversations!

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Lead #82 atoms from F35C fighter jets flying over Key West will take millions of years to decay.


11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Inflation generates gravitational waves from an inherently quantum process! Astrophysicist and author Ethan Siegel is the founder and primary writer of Starts With A Bang. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook - Ethan on InventBook will give us a better 1 click Amazon link than this... Inflation generates gravitational waves from an inherently quantum process! I read this over a few times and Ethan has no idea how gravity is generated so he writes... Inflation generates gravitational waves from an inherently quantum process! Los Alamos needs to crunch this a few times for us to build the gravity engine Ford, grin.

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Moslems who killed 3 this week are in Heaven with 72 virgins. "Few Answers for the Family of 3 U.S. Soldier Slain in Jordan" By PETER BAKER They were shot in the back by the Joint Chiefs of Staff just like Kerry. And another 3 will be shot by Jordan Moslems next week and when the A-Bomb assembly line in Pakistan is finished their Moslems will look forward to 72 virgins in Heaven for killing all the fags in Paris! ATT can blackout a baseball game the NY Times can blackout 72 virgins in Heaven when writing a article on Few Answers for Family of 3 dead US Soldiers in Jordan!

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Women Are the Focus in Campaigns’ Last Advertising Push By NICK CORASANITI ATT blackout of a baseball game now Stage 4 women and MS women are Blackout in the Last CBS ads from Hillary and Trump by our 1984 II Dictators. Greg + Wives in Key West ad would have a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. This was Blackout by ATT, BP Oil, Key West Mandy Miles, sorry Mandy!


11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" "NYC Big City: Destroying an 11-Apartment Structure to Build a Mansion" By GINIA BELLAFANTE Saudi Arabia Kings and Princes destroyed the NY Times by giving them $$$ Trillions of dollars to build a 55 story New New York Times Mansion instead of a 155 Story Yale NYC Medical School. Freedom Towers is for the Freedom of the Saudi King and Prince to spend $777 Trillion instead of 9/11 widows spending this money from gas station hold is since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" When Hillary Clinton started at Yale Law School in 1969, there was only one woman in the United States Senate. Mrs. Clinton graduated as one of just 27 women in a class of 235.

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" When Hillary Clinton started at Yale Medical School in 1969... 40K women died in 1969 of Stage 4 breast cancer and the US military started ads for the "War On Cancer" which they also lost...

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" The French Revolution closed the University of Paris for 7 years. The Ford Superconductive ElectricWindmillEscort Coup should close Yale and Harvard Law Schools, let the Medical Schools take over the Law School Campus and put them on trial for mass murders via BP Oil.

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" Sunday Editorial in the NY Times - The Men Feminists Left Behind" By JILL FILIPOVIC - Hillary's Feminists at Yale and Harvard left out 40K women who will die on Christmas Day 2016 from Stage 4 and many more thousands who will die this day from MS many being put to death on orders from the White House MD. At the same time Moslem Princes line up to get a second heart transplant behind Cheney from Walter Reed MD's at King Salman Medical School in Mecca. Blackout is Biden killed his own Son and his Moon Shot is out of date as Bill + Melinda's mosquito Nets and wood burning stoves the US is giving to Kenya Today.


11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School" On Nov. 8, Americans may elect our first female president who is a Lawyer not a MD... this will be a large part of the Song; Yale Key West Medical School as Greg flew into Key West on March 4, 2011 with $777 Trillion dollars from the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and told Jimmy Weekley I will build a Yale Key West Medical School in Key West. Jimmy Carter heard this in 1980.

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School"

11-6-2016 Sunday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School"

11-5-2016 Saturday; Song; "Yale Key West Medical School"

11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; "work" dissecting Time at Yale Key West Medical School in mixing up new Rx Recipes for Stage 4... Few Benefits to Daylight Saving Time—Should We Scrap It? This weekend, public service announcements remind us to “fall back,” ending daylight saving time (DST) by setting our clocks an hour earlier. 1984 II Dictators never order the NY Times Editors to write a Editorial on "Time" in the Sunday paper!

11-5-2016 Saturday; "work" at Yale this week... Theater scene. Five different Yale Dramatic Coalition plays open this weekend: “Endgame,” “Water by the Teaspoon,” “How I Learned to Drive,” “The Mystery of Irma Vep” and “Steel Magnolias.” With just a few weeks left of the semester, head to the theater!

11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Bill and Melinda Gates have "skepticism" about the credibility of the information from a 1980 Hubble Space Telescope that there are 2 Trillion Galaxies in the Universe!

11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Los Alamos work on the $8.7 billion James Webb Space Telescope mission: None!! NASA is trying to keep part of its giant golden telescope a secret... NASA on Wednesday announced a huge milestone in its $8.7 billion James Webb Space Telescope mission:

11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; "work" Los Alamos Oppenheimer II Mission to Closes Over 180K Gas Stations in the USA!

11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; "work" "New Delhi Closes Over 1,800 Schools in Response to Dangerous Smog"

11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Microsoft Tech Support and Cloud Support Call Centers in New Delhi are a $300 Million dollar scam by Bill and Melinda Gates. FBI has hundred of thousands of emails about "traffic accident" scam's for the insurance money by people from New Delhi in the USA. 10 years ago the NY Times reported this on the front page then censored all news about these traffic accident scam's! This weeks $300 million dollar scam news from New Delhi was about $$$ money!


11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Biden's Moon Shot Cure for Brain Cancers - We are Deceived by Bill and Melinda Gates in New Delhi and Key West Duval Streets Spray Painted Clouds of Black Exhaust from Trillions of Scooters... Brain Cancers in the Thousands are not reported like car accidents at 6 am in front of Dunken Donuts on Roosevelt in Key West this morning - Taxi caused the crash but they will lie! Deceived by Bill and Melinda gates with trillions of Mosquitos when trillions of Black Exhaust clouds from clean deiseal were burning holes in the DNA sequencing of kids Microsoft was selling record numbers of XBox games, not exhaust from poison gasoline in an PC Era of 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts Suppressed by Microsoft. Deceived by Bill and Melinda Gates in New Delhi + Duval. Deceived by King Faisal air base near Al Jafr. C.I.A. runs a military training base for Syrian rebels costing more than the Yale Key West Medical School. Hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees are at the King Faisal air base near Al Jafr costing even more than the Yale Key West Medical School. Los Alamos National Laboratory; "work" Los Alamos Closes Over 180K Gas Stations in the USA! Deceived by Bill and Melinda Gates! Moon Shot was blown up by the CIA Masterminds long before it was made News in the NY Times by Biden. Brain Cancers in New Delhi school children were not reported in this Times article but could have been written up by the journalists at the NY Times! Deceived by "JERUSALEM — Three CIA military trainers assigned to help upgrade Jordan’s armed forces were shot to death on Friday" No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA has not been assigned to win the war with King Faisal. King Salman! Hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees vs millions of SWF's in the USA with Stage 4 and Syphilis waiting in line behind Cheney for a "Heart" transplant by Bill and Melinda Gates. The Jordanian military said the trainers failed to stop as they approached a gate at King Faisal air base near Al Jafr when everyone who wrote this article has watched the video on YouTube a thousand times! YouTube videos are at hundred of thousands of Military Base Gates! Tense Jurors in Michael Slager Trial See Video of Killing of Walter Scott - NY Times deceived its readers today by not showing the shooting on video at the King Faisal Air Base! NY Times deceived its readers today by not showing the video of the fiery cop car rear ended writing a traffic ticket when Apple iTraffic tickets should be in all cars with iPhone Dash Cams on the road long before 9/11. Deceived by the NY Times articles a hundred thousand times in a 1984 II Society ruled by Facebook not InventBook videos! "work" At Los Alamos the Nuke Car Engine, the Nuke Trash Can the Nuke Toilet all Deceived for King Faisal and King Salman job assignments. Determine exactly what happened,” said Peter Cook, the Pentagon press secretary to Deceive hundred of thousands of SWF's in the USA building King Faisal Air Base instead of the Yale Key West Medical School for hundred of thousands of SWF's in the USA. Now you know Bill and Melinda Gates really did Deceive You and I besides not giving Greg + Wives in Key West any $$$ for Stage 4 Rx Rx Recipes for a Miracle Overnight Rx Cure for Stage 4 years ago... so Christmas Day we would have the Miracle Rx Recipe for Stage 4.


11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Oppenheimer... Decorated Veteran Who Condemned Waste of War, Dies at 98 After retiring from the Navy, Admiral La Rocque founded a think tank to promote peace and to monitor the influence of the military-industrial complex. By ANITA GATES. Deceived by the USS Jimmy Carter Submarine Fleet of 100's of Nuke Subs, as Admiral Jimmy Carter writes in his memoir I am at peace with God and will not give back my Noble Peace Prize. No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA will not be the Navy Admirals Seal mission that kills Binladen in Pakistan - flying home flying over Pakistanis A-Bomb assembly line! No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA will destroy all of Pakistan's A-Bomb assembly lines at "Work" today and sink a fleet of 100's of USS Jimmy Carter Subs. God will deal with deceptions by Jimmy Carter as there are 2 Trillion Galaxies at "Work" Today. Bill and Melinda Gates have "skepticism" about the credibility of the information from a 1980 Hubble Space Telescope that there are 2 Trillion Galaxies in the Universe! 1 Trillion Dollar order for Apple MacBook Pro's for every café table in Paris and Starbucks world wide will convince Bill and Melinda Gates they are going to Hell for Crimes against Humanity by Win 10 and Mosquito Nets in a World poisoned by Clean Diesel's Black Clouds on Duval Key West.

11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Los Alamos work on the $8.7 billion James Webb Space Telescope mission: None!! NASA is trying to keep part of its giant golden telescope a secret... NASA on Wednesday announced a huge milestone in its $8.7 billion James Webb Space Telescope mission: the completion of the observatory's gigantic golden mirror. Northrop Grumman is the prime contractor that designed the space telescope, and Ball Aerospace built one mirror. Los Alamos work on the $8.7 billion James Webb Space Telescope mission: Nothing and no rework can be done in orbit. This is something Biden or the Gates Foundation would mastermind as I really don't think they will ever launch this without the "Work" of Los Alamos. Biden too will never get a Rx Recipe for Brain Cancer without Los Alamos "Work".


11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Patio Beach, the Naval Air Station Key West property near Fort Zachary Taylor State Park. Both these beach's will become property of the Yale Key West Medical School.

11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Deceiving... Bridget Anne Kelly, the former deputy chief of staff to Gov. Chris Christie, after the Guilty verdict on Friday for masterminding a traffic jam that caused many car accidents that were never reported by the NY Times. Also Deceiving by the NY Times is the smog, poison gas exhaust particle count in the air all those caught in Gov. Chris Christie's revenge breathed in. This is what Gov. Christie should have been arrested for. Dr. Nancy Snyderman will write in the New England Journal of Medicine Gov. Christie's revenge on her calling him fat... was a death wish and deceiving other fat people that fat is ok when if Christie had ever read the New England Journal of Medicine he would have been arrested! Grin.


11-5-2016 Saturday; Group of a dozen women, running across College Street toward the New Haven Green when One, she was struck by a Yale Shuttle Bus. No video released by Yale and no cause of the accident in the Yale Daily News of it. I have walked across College Street to the New Haven Green several times and can remember some of this now. But wish I could invent a Rx recipe for better memory recall. A IP invention project.

11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; "work" disecting Time at Yale Key West Medical School in mixing up new Rx Recipes for Stage 4... Few Benefits to Daylight Saving Time—Should We Scrap It? This weekend, public service announcements remind us to “fall back,” ending daylight saving time (DST) by setting our clocks an hour earlier. 1984 II Dictators never order the NY Times Editors to write a Editorial on "Time" in the Sunday paper!

11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory;

11-5-2016 Saturday; Los Alamos National Laboratory;


11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; "work" Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville: Los Alamos crew is setting up his stage in front of Starbucks at 7 am as I write this web. Couple years ago Mayor Cate's and Jimmy Buffett's Orwellain Commets were about half the crowd were locals and half tourists and all were in a 1984 II Society. Los Alamos National Laboratory compared tissue samples from all the years of heavy drinking by Jimmy and crunched these numbers... he gets the results when the Yale Key West Medical School is a Song.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; $777 Trillion Apple-Starbucks "Work" for today, 1,001 IP Invention projects!! You can log onto their virtual desk tops on computers at any desk in any Apple-Starbucks World Wide with the same IP projects in NYC or Paris or Tokyo with the same password and email address. $777 Trillion at Apple-Starbucks buys a lot more for Humanity than the Swiss Bank $$.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory compared tissue samples from 111,063,840 kids walking in Duval's Spray Painted Clouds of Black Exhaust from Trillions of Scooters... Mandy Miles at the Key West Citizen News paper has never reported the results in Tan Lines in Paradise, grin.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory compared tissue samples from 1,063 non-smokers and 2,490 smokers, examining each individual's DNA to look for mutations. They found that for every 50 cigarettes smoked, there is one extra DNA mutation for each cell in the lungs. Over the course of a year, this means that someone who smokes a pack a day (20 cigarettes) has 150 extra mutations per cell in the lung, 97 per larynx cell, 23 per mouth cell, 18 per bladder cell, and six per liver cell. Smoking is so deadly that it may be more likely to kill HIV patients than the virus, researchers reported Thursday. A second study helps explain why -- it causes dozens of cancer-causing DNA mutations. Who gave you HIV or Syphilis and the murders caused by this are top secret stats and names.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory: has not crunched a trillion Rx recipes to cure Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. Why, because Biden killed his own Son and millions of others sons and daughters! Because Hillary failed at Yale Medical School out in the real world all her adult life. She has given Syphilis to millions of women, causing them to become "Nasty" women!

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory: has not crunched "Time" New York Today: Sleeping Better After Daylight Saving Time - Getting ready to “fall back,” things to do this weekend and books on the Bronx. iapps for "Time" brainstorm trillions of ideas how fast time travels like the 5 MIT guys who won a Nobel for saying the Universe is moving faster every day. Now its a scam. Time moves at the same speed every day. Los Alamos might have a Atomic Clock Apple never invented a spin off Atomic Watch which would sell better. Timing of Tim Cook coming out is just in time for a Nuclear War in Paris or a New Era of a Pope Francis with 4 wives who are all Nobel Prize winners and MD's.


11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; ATT can Blackout a TV Baseball Game; if there are no War Crime Trails for ATT they will blackout 2 Trillion Galaxies!

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; 1984 II Women Observer yesterday in a Wounded Warrior t-shirt at the Cayo Hueso Beach café because there are no iMacBook Pro laptops with a stage 4 Rx Recipe for her at the Beach café table! So she "bought" a Wounded Warriors t-shirt for $777 Trillion dollars not thinking what else she could have bought for this much money! Brainstorming or Brainwashed by playing Russian Roulette on Facebook not InventBook.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; 1984 II Women Observer yesterday in a Wounded Warrior t-shirt at the Cayo Hueso Beach café, Women who are Yale Key West Medical School Professors will also visit the Cayo Hueso Beach café when it belongs to the Yale Key West Medical School and will "fix" a few wounded warriors the Walter Reed MD's failed to fix the first time.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; New York Times never wrote up Oppenheimer being fired from Los Alamos for wanting to invent a Nuke car and Nuke Trash Can but writes up... At Trader Joe’s, Good Cheer May Hide Complaints" By NOAM SCHEIBER Some workers at Trader Joe’s stores, including one who says he was fired for lacking a “genuine“ smile, have complained about their treatment and of safety lapses.


11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory is playing Russian roulette: with Moslem Scientists who they think are Christians. A scam, con by men who dream of 72 virgins in Heaven.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; revelations about Mrs. Clinton and Donald J. Trump make no significant difference to them... revelations about $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM Super Computers "work" to do make a significant difference to getting a Rx Recipe for Sage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. Biden's Moon Shot and Bill + Melinda's "work" today are light years from working on a Stage 4 Rx Recipe today... ready to bake by Christmas Day 2016.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Donald Trump’s Income Isn’t Always What He Says It Is, $777 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues since the 1980 Invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort has been gambled away at Trump Casino's and buying Florida Lottery Tickets by 100's of Millions in the USA. $777 Trillion will buy every women in the USA a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... knowing this Hillary got women in Saudi Arabia to drive gas engine Ford's around Mecca. Worst Hillary could have drivein a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Times Square on 9/11 changing history.


11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; BP Oil Men and Texas Oil Men played playing Russian roulette: selling oil lost to 17 Terrorists from Saudi Arabia and were conned by King Salman who only believes in 72 virgins are waiting for him and none have Syphilis like his sex slaves Bush pimped.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Playing Russian Roulette 2 U.S. Soldiers and 30 Afghans Killed in Kunduz Battle yesterday. Christmas Day 2016 same news will be covered in the NY Times. Biden the Warrior behind the dead is not covered in our 1984 II Society. Facebook plays Russian Roulette with 1,001 Nobels in Medicine Inventors not Warriors who are not covered by the NY Times News today.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Sorting Through the Clinton Email Case and What the F.B.I.’s Options Are? Los Alamos National Laboratory Nuclear Weapons Options... Yes Oppenheimer II is at Los Alamos today and he would rather work on a trillion Rx Recipes instead of thousands of Nuclear War Heads today. So Oppenheimer was "Fired" as director of Los Alamos. He failed to get a Nobel Peace Prize to say the least but he also failed to heat your home and fuel your Ford car with Nuclear Fission. Facebook playing Russian Roulette with InventBook did the same con and scam today but today we have the dead body of Biden's son to make public of this Facebook Scam that lost a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure for Nasty women.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Oppenheimer was "Fired" as director of Los Alamos. Bill and Melinda fired Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II on the Today Show killing women and children with cancer, birth defects, Malaria and other terrible diseases like MS. A war crime!

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; iPhone Dash Cam's iTraffic Ticket in this Cops and Criminals Russian Roulette by Obama, Biden, killing this iPhone 007 Dash Cam invention is Cowardly Killings of Cops in rear end fiery crash writing a ticket on the side of the highway. Hillary and Pope Francis add God, by not stopping to help driving by a fiery wreck time after time since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Yoko Onn fears John Lennon's rage more than God's driving by so many fiery wrecks back and forth from NYC, Tokyo and Iceland. Cold Heart or just fear of our 1984 II Dictators, like Biden.


11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Gas Station Owner, Pizza Shop Owner killed by criminals. Playing Russian Roulette. Man Is Arrested in Killing of Brooklyn Pizzeria Owner. By ELI ROSENBERG Oppenheimer before he got "Fired" had crunched a invention to end all killings in armed robberies. Oppenheimer II at Los Alamos could have this in place by Christmas Day 2016 if he stopped working on Nuclear Warheads today. Oppenheimer and the LG-Bomb Lobotomy Gas Bomb he would have invented if not fired!

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; ‘Negligent’ MD's at Walter Reed are given a "Bonus" by the King of Saudi Arabia and Cheney. These MD's will be convicted of being Negligent by FBI women with Stage 4 today who are checking on what they are working on today!

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Wells Fargo Plays its Stage Coach ads in the digital New York Times. $777 Trillion Dollar Oil Revenues Ad sighting sign of the times "Greed" and "War Chest Warrior's" Jimmy Carter's Wood termite infested Homes in a era that Titanium Homes could out sell Wood. No sewer, no water, no electric wires from the Power Lines, Nuke Toilet and Trash Cans Oppenheimer would have invented if not fired! Wells Fargo Plays its Stage Coach ads in the digital New York Times. Oppenheimer II writing the Editorials at the NY Times today... this is what we lost playing Russian Roulette with Los Alamos 1,001 IP invention projects on Facebook instead of InventBook!


11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; $777 Trillion Swiss banking giant UBS is looking to change the way employees view their relationship with their work spaces. "Work" for today, 1,001 IP Invention projects!! Many of its employees at 5 Broadgate in the City of London will no longer be tied to the same desk every day with a telephone and desktop computer. Instead, the company has deployed so-called thin desks throughout the building. Phone handsets were replaced by personal headsets, and employees can log onto their virtual desk tops on computers at any desk in the building or at home. There are no laptops to lug around, and their phone numbers follow them from desk to desk or to their mobile devices.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; $777 Trillion Apple-Starbucks "Work" for today, 1,001 IP Invention projects!! You can log onto their virtual desk tops on computers at any desk in any Apple-Starbucks World Wide with the same IP projects in NYC or Paris or Tokyo with the same password and email address. $777 Trillion at Apple-Starbucks buys a lot more for Humanity than the Swiss Bank $$. The elimination of fixed desks for "TreadMill" desk is not a new concept. Yale Key West Medical School will be the first Medical School Designed with "Treadmill Desk" and EKG's. UBS Swiss Bank in London still have a more traditional setup, with groups of employees heading to the same set of desks each day to view three or six screens of trading data. Apple-Starbucks will have 100" LG monitors viewing Los Alamos crunch results in picture in picture with links to invention ideas. Not your Swiss Bank with $777 Trillion dollars in the vaults.


11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Wells Fargo Stage Coach ads and view of St. Paul’s Cathedral in central London from King Henry’s Mound, 14 miles away in Richmond. (Legend has it that the mound was the spot where Henry VIII watched a rocket fired from the Tower of London to signal the execution of his second wife, Anne Boleyn, but historians believe the story to be untrue.) Live streaming of our 1984 II Dictators a true story of what they are working on today!

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Robert Kennedy Jr. watched live streaming of Mary Kennedy hanging in the Kennedy Barn. Henry VIII watched a rocket fired from the Tower of London to signal the execution of his second wife, Anne Boleyn, but historians believe the story to be untrue.) Live streaming of our 1984 II Dictators a true story of what they are working on today!

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; "Work" at Los Alamos today when 19K SWF's will be murdered just in the USA. 1984 II Dictators "Work" for today is how many Wounded Warriors they need for New Years headlines in the NY Times.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; 1984 II Women Observer yesterday in a Wounded Warrior t-shirt at the Cayo Hueso Beach café because there are no iMacBook Pro laptops with a stage 4 Rx Recipe for her at the Beach café table! So she "bought" a Wounded Warriors t-shirt for $777 Trillion dollars not thinking what else she could have bought for this much money! Brainstorming or Brainwashed by playing Russian Roulette on Facebook not InventBook.


11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; "work" in iPhone 007 dash cam's would not let a 89 year old drunk start a car let alone drive a car... like leaving kids in hot cars and letting drunk drive this is a war crime by our 1984 II Dictators! Biden... "Driver in fatal crash to serve house arrest" BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com An 89-year-old man convicted of fatally hitting a retired NFL player on a bicycle and then leaving the scene in 2014 avoided jail time, but he will have to serve a year under house arrest and pay more than $15,000 in fines and court costs, a judge ruled. A jury convicted Domingo Javier Veloso of Sugarloaf Key guilty of first-degree felony leaving the scene of a crash involvin...

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; New York Times never wrote up Oppenheimer being fired from Los Alamos for wanting to invent a Nuke car and Nuke Trash Can but writes up... At Trader Joe’s, Good Cheer May Hide Complaints" By NOAM SCHEIBER Some workers at Trader Joe’s stores, including one who says he was fired for lacking a “genuine“ smile, have complained about their treatment and of safety lapses.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Review: Netflix Does Queen Elizabeth II in ‘The Crown,’ No Expense Spared TV Movie when Netflix and HBO should be doing in invention detail like the light bulbs 100K different filiments until Edison got the right one. The Nuke Car Engine, the Nuke Trash Can, the Nuke Toilet all invented by Oppenheimer after he was fired by the Generals who wanted to spend trillions in 2017 on more nuke bombs. This is a Nuclear War bettween the Masterminds of Facebook and InventBook in a 1984 II Society.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; ATT can Blackout a TV Baseball Game; if there are no War Crime Trails for ATT they will blackout 2 Trillion Galaxies!

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Paris Nuke Attack by Moslem Generals in Pakistan today at "Work" at their Los Alamos A-Bomb laboratory... Sting to Perform at Reopening of Bataclan a Year After Paris Attacks" By CHRISTOPHER D. SHEA The British musician said he would appear at the inaugural show on Nov. 12, almost 12 months to the day after a terrorist assault at the venue killed 90 people.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Paris Nuke Attack by Moslem Generals in Pakistan today at "Work" at their Los Alamos A-Bomb laboratory...


11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Paris café with iMacBook Pro at every table today to "Work" on 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year would mean there are No Gas Stations in Paris Today. Paris Elite are drunk on the Government Own Oil Company not getting a Paris Era of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year linked to Los Ala os with trillions of Rx Recipes Kerry just made Top Secret... just made public.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Scam Editorials in the NY Times on driverless cars are adopted, the more lives will be saved. But taking seriously the psychological as well as technological challenges of autonomous vehicles will be necessary in freeing us from the tedious, wasteful and dangerous system of driving that we have put up with Because ATT Blackouted iPhone 007 Dash Cam's inside and out of cars for the last decade causing many cops to be shot dead asking for your drivers license and millions of drunks able to start and drive their gas engine cars. A War Crime by ATT. Azim Shariff is an assistant professor of psychology at the University of California, Irvine. Iyad Rahwan is an associate professor of media arts and sciences at the M.I.T. Media Lab. Jean-François Bonnefon is a research director at the Toulouse School of Economics.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Maria Valverde also has signed on to the Martin Campbell-directed project, 'Across the River and Into the Trees.' Isabella Rossellini has joined Pierce Brosnan in Across the River and Into the Trees, the film adaptation of the Ernest Hemingway novel

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Pierce Brosnan as Oppenheimer getting fired for wanting to use Los Alamos to invent the Nuke Car Engine, Nuke Tash Can, Nuke Toilet and he invents all these in the Movie.

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; "work" today by fired Oppenheimer and Dr. Nancy Snyderman new Director of Los Alamos
< br> 11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Greg has in his billford a paper marked "Secret" written at the Los Alamos Lab dated 1990 about my Wind Car...

11-4-2016 Friday; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Greg has "work" to do to STOP all gas station hold ups in 2017 and STOP all "Wounded Warriros" in 2017. Oppenheimer II Dr. Nancy Snyderman "Work" Wives, grin. Better than 72 virgins in heaven! Billions of these on order waiting for $$$ from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to by Apple to save Paris from Nuclear Attack by Moslem Generals... to late to save NYC from 9/11 II and III. 15-inch MacBook Pro - Silver Item Price:$4,299.00 Quantity (15-inch MacBook Pro - Silver) Line Price: $4,299.00 (15-inch MacBook Pro - Silver) Part number: Z0T6 Ships: 4-5 weeks Hardware 2.9GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor, Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz 16GB 2133MHz memory 2TB PCIe-based SSD Radeon Pro 460 with 4GB memory - special order built in iPhone 007 ++ and iPhone 007 Dash Cam's in the 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!


11-3-2016 Thursday; F.B.I. on the path toward the predicament it faces today. FBI women didn't pursue a Rx Recipe to cure Stage 4 breast cancer Overnight. No Money from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation $$$ for Greg and Wives in Key West. I have the emails!

11-3-2016 Thursday; A Conversation With. "For Melinda Gates, Birth Control Is Women’s Way Out of Poverty" A Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Is A Way Out of Poverty for 1 Billion Women in 2017, Bill Gates knows this but will not tell his wife, grin.

11-3-2016 Thursday; A Conversation With. "For Melinda Gates, Birth Control Is Women’s Way Out of Poverty" The philanthropist seeks to get contraception to 120 million by 2020, but the effort is running into barriers. By CELIA W. DUGGER "For Melinda Gates, Birth Control Is Women’s Way Out of Poverty" Who the Hell would write this in Today's NY Times? A Nasty Celia did. Women 120 million should be driving a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort today to drive them out of poverty. And the women with no rent money but a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort can sleep in their car in Key West as Trump will change the law of no sleeping in your car. And yes the Ford will come with 24/7 A/C, microwave, ice box... and wifi. "For Melinda Gates, Birth Control Is Women’s Way Out of Poverty" 9/11 Widows were Blackout of suing Saudi Arabia by the Editors at the NY Times and Bill Gates. Nasty FBI women will eventually get all of this $777 Trillion back from Saudi Arabia.
view of St. Paul’s Cathedral in central London from King Henry’s Mound, 14 miles away in Richmond. (Legend has it that the mound was the spot where Henry VIII watched a rocket fired from the Tower of London to signal the execution of his second wife, Anne Boleyn, but historians believe the story to be untrue.)
11-3-2016 Thursday; $777 Trillion will buy every women in the USA a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... and a New Universe of 2 Trillion Galaxies!! God is Great not Mecca! Vote for Trump, $$$ to get your money back from gas station hold ups in Miami.


11-3-2016 Thursday; FBI can leak emails on the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort that will give us President Trump who will paint the White House Pink for the Rx Recipe for Stage 4 cure by Christmas Day 2016. No, Mayor Cates in Key West Will not paint the New Key West City Hall "Pink"!! Hell No!

11-3-2016 Thursday; "Outrage in Bronx as Barnes & Noble Is Set to Close" Trump University Outrage! iApple-Starbucks University will give us a Star Trek Exodus off Earth, we will hear from Jewish Aliens in Trumps first year as President of the USA and Universe of 2 Trillion Galaxies!! Mayor Cates in Key West has "Many Key West Diseases" and no Yale Key West Medical School or iTrump University!

11-3-2016 Thursday; "Outrage in Bronx as Barnes & Noble Is Set to Close" By SARAH MASLIN NIR Sarah knows about the Apple-Starbucks with iMac Book pro at every café table in the Bronx but censored this out of her Barnes and Noble article. Trump will pay 1.5 million in the Bronx $10 a hour to read Rx Recipes and other IP invention projects and yes they will have to take a short quiz to get paid on a iApple Pay iapp on their iMacBook Pro at Starbucks. Microsoft Win 10 and Barnes and Noble books are out of date like the Flagler Train to Key West. The New NASA Webb Space Telescope will finally replace Hubble Space Telescope. Books at Barnes and Nobel will be replaced by Amazon 1 Click links to Los Alamos to help you get started inventing something! Sarah at the New York times is a war criminal, I have the emails! "Bronx Man Dies After Police Use Taser on Him" By CHRISTOPHER MELE Chris at the Times knows about Gregs invention project of a "Tranquilizer Gun" to replace Police Taser Guns" but censored this out of his article.


11-3-2016 Thursday; What delayed human inventions... ATT Blackout of InventBook... I have the emails.

11-3-2016 Thursday; Department of Justice today sued DirecTV and its owner, AT&T, saying the satellite TV company Masterminded WW III to keep the Oil Pipelines of $777 Trillion flowing and to Hell with Childhood cancers and birth defects as they have been protected from war crimes arrest by Biden. What is blackout in our 1984 II Society is more Vets for 2017 ordered by the Pentagon $$$ Oil Revenues Wars are planned to keep Walter Reed MD's busy treating the Wounded Warriors. More Purple Heart Vets. More Purple Heart License Plates in Key West and More Heart Transplants for Cheney and his inner circle who mastermind More War's for 2017 already in the "Pipeline" and paid for by gas station hold ups in Miami! Facebook has 1.7 billion who want more Wars in 2017 and no one who wants No Gas Stations on Earth... #nogasstationsonearth would have prevented 9/11 Hillary has the emails. TV Blackout, Justice Department Says. The government accuses DirecTV of making moves that corrupted negotiations for No Gas Stations on Earth and a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 Cure by Christmas Day 2016. These Nasty People are Biden, Bill + Melinda Gates, Hillary, Obama... Jimmy Carter. And Robert Kennedy Jr. is Mad as Hell about Hanging Mary Kennedy in the Barn in front of so many 1984 II Observers, grin. Yoko Ono is in her own Hell over John Lennon shot in the back so many times! 9/11 Widows are in the Hell of $777 Trillion in gas station hold ups by the 17 Saudi Terrorists. "Facebook Defies Social Media Gravity With User and Profit Growth" By MIKE ISAAC The social network remained strong, topping 1.79 billion monthly visitors and nearly tripling its profit, to $2.38 billion, in the third quarter. InventBook visitors will invent the Gravity Engine Ford. Newton’s laws of physics will ultimately catch up to Facebook. But for now, that day still seems far off.


11-3-2016 Thursday; What delayed human inventions... ATT Blackout of InventBook... I have the emails.

11-3-2016 Thursday; "How Ancient Humans Reached Remote South Pacific Islands" Scientists ran numerous voyage simulations to understand what delayed the earliest human settlers of islands like Hawaii, Tahiti and New Zealand. By NICHOLAS ST. FLEUR

11-3-2016 Thursday; What delayed human inventions... ATT Blackout of InventBook... I have the emails.


11-3-2016 Thursday; What delayed human inventions... ATT Blackout of InventBook... I have this NY Times articles and It has 414 legs, a pear-shaped head covered with stiff hairs that secrete a silk like substance, a lip with a tooth-lined slit, and two nozzles on each of its 100 segments that give off a defensive poison. Scientists have found a new species of millipede living in a cave in California. They know the single specimen they found is a male, because it has four penises, right below its neck. The animal belongs to the genus Illacme, along with other millipedes, and the researchers gave it the species name tobini, after the biologist Ben Tobin of the National Park Service. “To me, it’s kind of like the exploration of Mars on earth,” said Paul E. Marek, an assistant professor of entomology at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. “These are species that have existed for as long as 100 million years, and we know so little about them.”

11-3-2016 Thursday; What delayed human inventions... ATT Blackout InventBook... A species that have existed for as long as 100 million years, and we know so little about them because Facebook and ATT Blackout them from 100 million invention conversations for Lady Gaga who write her own songs and tells Facebook Madonna doesn't write her own songs.”


11-3-2016 Thursday; Obama Faults F.B.I. on Emails, Citing ‘Incomplete IPhone 007 Dash Cam's and iTickets’ Comey to announce the discovery of new emails possibly related to the Hillary Clinton case had violated "Black Cop Killers" rights to not have a Dash Cam's in their car! Yale Law School backs Hillary and Obama not the cops on this...


11-3-2016 Thursday; Vatican Said no Woman Pope's forever... 4 Trillion years anyway like the nearest star will burn.

11-3-2016 Thursday; Vatican Said no Woman Pope's forever... No Pope with 4 wives like the Moslems!

11-3-2016 Thursday; Vatican Said no Woman Priest forever...

11-3-2016 Thursday; Vatican Said no Woman Pope's forever, but the Pope will let $$$ Oil Revenue Wars go on forever as the Vatican Bank gets $$$ Trillions in Kickbacks and bribes from King Salman and BP Oil Men.


11-3-2016 Thursday; Vatican Said no Yale Key West Medical School, forever!

11-3-2016 Thursday; Readers React After Pope Francis Says Ban on Female Priests Is Most Likely Permanent. In a news conference on Tuesday, the pope cited an apostolic letter in which Pope John Paul II said women could not be ordained because Jesus chose men as apostles. By THE NEW YORK TIMES.

11-3-2016 Thursday; The complaint cited e-mails and voice mails exchanged among Pope Francis about Female Priest, Female Pope Hillary; Female's to get into the Yale Key West Medical School to win 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine. Yes Pope Francis has written emails about the Yale Key West Medical School. God has a Wive emails from Pope Francis will get more reactions from readers than the no female priest forever emails!!


11-3-2016 Thursday; Department of Justice today sued New York Times and Saudi Arabia, thinking the Times being against 9/11 widows suing Saudi Arabia was a trillion dollar bribe or kickback. The complaint cited e-mails and voice mails exchanged among the New York Times, King Salman and Mecca.

11-3-2016 Thursday; The complaint cited e-mails and voice mails exchanged among the companies. No Gas Stations On Earth to prevent 9/11 by Hillary if leaked by the FBI will give us President Trump who will paint the White House Pink for the Rx Recipe for Stage 4 cure by Christmas Day 2016. No if Mayor Cates wins again in Key West he will not paint the New City Hall Pink... to Hell with Nasty Women with stage 4... in a email I think, grin.

11-3-2016 Thursday; The complaint cited e-mails and voice mails exchanged among the companies. "[DirecTV CEO Mike] White sent an e-mail to Mr. York declaring that the [TV providers] 'may have more leverage if we all stick together promoting War!


11-3-2016 Thursday; SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. -- A former Marine shocked the courtroom during his own murder trial, admitting to strangling the wife of another Marine and pushing her head-first down an abandoned mine shaft in the remote California desert. Christopher Brandon Lee, 27, made those statements after taking the stand. Lee killed 19-year-old Erin Corwin, with whom Lee’s suspected of having an affair. 19K SWF's have been killed in 2016. Mostly by Biden who never thought of a Moon Shot to prevent these 19K SWF's from being murdered in 2016. Biden also killed thousands of Mary Kennedy's in the Kennedy Barn's in every city and town in the USA. Biden did order Homeland Security to guard every Social Security Office in every town and city in the USA.

11-3-2016 Thursday; Veterans, Feeling Abandoned, Vets Stand by Donald Trump" Many Vets know about $777 Trillion War Chest! Many who served in Iraq and Afghanistan are proud of service but exhausted by its burdens, and they distrust the political class that reshaped their lives making Secret Wars with Saudi Arabia to keep the oil flowing and Vets Wives sucker punched in a 2000 Miami gas station hold up . By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE at the NY Times!

11-3-2016 Thursday; McCain's War Crime Trial evidence will be a Gas Can and DNA of a Billion Kids on Earth! "Editorial: A Stronger Court for Crimes Against Humanity" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD - The Editors at the NY Times are also war criminals! I have the emails. Grin.


11-3-2016 Thursday; "Cairo Journal: Treating Battered Horses in the Shadow of Egypt’s Pyramids" By DIAA HADID and NOUR YOUSSEF

11-3-2016 Thursday; Gravity Engine's drive up to the Pyramids should have been the story and reality in this NY Times Story. Lobotomy gas for people who beat their wives and horse was invented long time before the gravity engine. Pentagon Generals masterminded the "Wars" in Egypt the last 10 years not the Gravity Engine the Pyramid builders would have built by 2016. This is a war crime!

11-3-2016 Thursday; OSHA accidents in Key West and at the Pyramids. Everhart was dusting his aging mother’s ceiling fan with a Lysol product that contains hydrogen peroxide. A combination of the Lysol-soaked dust got into both of Everhart’s eyes. He flushed his eyes with water and went to bed, only to awake in the middle of the night with severe burning in both eyes. Everhart was rushed to Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami, where doctors discovered severe burns on both corneas, the clear, film-like tissue at the front of the eye that covers the colored iris and the pupil. At first it was believed that Everhart would never see again, but doctors now are hopeful that he will recover at least some of his vision, but it will take months, maybe a year, maybe longer. "Magician blinded by chemical burns" BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com $16,000 had been raised on the Go Fund Me account. The benefit concert will take place Nov. 29 at Schooner Wharf and further details will be forthcoming on Frank Everhart’s Facebook page and on Magic Frank’s Vision Fund page on Go Fund Me. Phone calls and text messages directly to Everhart may not be helpful or advisable at this time as he is undergoing treatment and his voicemail inbox was full as of Wednesday evening. Mandy Miles will need this $16 if Greg and Wives in Key West don't get the Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 cure by Christmas Day 2016. $$$ No Mayor Cates will not paint to New Key West City Hall "Pink" Hell No! Key West this week as an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 Jimmy Buffett fans celebrate... in front of the Starbucks I'm in writing this web page. Thank God I write at 6 am not 6 pm but I'm working on renting a room for less than $1K so I can write this web page at 6 am and 6 pm. Get a Stage 4 Rx recipe for Mandy Miles, grin. 28.6 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States are attributable to cigarettes. Yes Mandy Miles in Key West will raise money for women with lung cancer who were "blind" reading Tan Lines instead of the New England Journal of Medicine cancer articles.

11-3-2016 Thursday;... Blinded by the Sun accidents in Key West and at the Pyramids. The first women to graduate from a Medical School in the USA also went blind from a test tube blowing up in her lab experiment.



Quid Pro Quo, Nasty Women get more touchy! Apple’s New MacBook Pro Gets More Touchy when it could cure all the Admirals who made these women Nasty by giving them syphilis, grin. Caller ID on the New MacBook Pro Gets right who gave her the flu and syphilis... and what's in their emails about her, Ha!

Wednesday; Bill Gate's Wife with breast cancer; Microsoft has delivered its vision of the future... its Rebecca Pine, (and Bill Gates Wife) on the front page of the NY Times with her new mastectomy covered with tattoos... Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 cure by Christmas Day 2016 was killed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation $$$ Greg and Wives in Key West; Not given any money $$$ just a trillion 1984 Classified emails for FBI to leak in its vision of the future. Future of No Gas Stations On Earth if a successful Op Coup by the CIA all these emails will be made public. Gasoline exhaust does cause breast cancer! No Mosquito's On Earth is a spin off from No Gas Stations on Earth, grin. No one knows for sure why mosquitoes have never spread to Iceland. If climate is the reason, look out: It’s changing. The Times Are A Changing - Bill Gates Wife on the front page of the NY Times with her new mastectomy covered with tattoos... Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 cure by Christmas Day 2016 was killed by the Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation. At the Justice Department’s urging, the F.B.I. did not actively pursue cases on the Clinton Foundation. FBI women didn't pursue a Rx Recipe to cure Stage 4 breast cancer Overnight by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. I have the emails!


11-2-2016 Wednesday; Coffee Hell. The true cause of lung cancer is Biden and his inner circle of 1984 II Dictators who will let Castro make Cuba Non-Smoking before the USA. I told you Biden killed his own son and millions of other son's and daughters. This is the truth!! Biden's Criticism of iPhone 007 Dash Cam Surveillance of drivers is why all cars on the road today don't have iPhone 007 dash cam's and cops don't give iTickets! iTickets for DUI when the car will not start... Falling Asleep driving the iPhone 007 dash cam can wake the driver. Biden is a mass murderer of son's and daughters, not just his son! Nasty Women drivers can have the futuristic iPhone 007 Dash Cam check their date for Syphilis...

11-2-2016 Wednesday; Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz privately complained that Hillary Clinton's campaign was “stale” and that the Democratic candidate lacked authenticity, according to recently released hacked emails. Vision of the Future IP invention projects as Nasty as the thought of "No Stale Twinkies" for years and years at -254 C almost absolute zero in it shrink wrap packaging. Starbucks News about giving its day old croissants to SOS instead of a invention projects to never go stale!! Hillary lacked authenticity, truth, evidence of Yale Lawyers proves none of them could have gotten into Yale Medical School. Biden killed his own son and millions of other Son's and Daughters. This is One Nasty Man who is our VP and Hillary's lacked authenticity, truth, will get her daughter killed by Walter Reed MD's too. Or she will fall asleep driving after talking to Biden. Vision of Headlines, stats on how many drivers fell asleep driving yesterday is classified in our 1984 II Society. Starbucks “stale” free wifi with no MacBook Pro's at every café table in every Starbucks world wide has been delayed by Biden and his inner circle of 1984 II Dictators. “stale” Moon Shot when 160K top less women are on a Google search of breast cancer. Hillary and her daughter both are diagnosed with breast cancer. Will Starbucks stay “stale” with only free wifi with no MacBook Pro's at every café table. Vote for this or that in a Orwellian Society.

11-2-2016 Wednesday; Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz vision of 1 Trillion MacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris and Starbucks World Wide can make the front page of the NY Times tomorrow! 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects link you to Los Alamos and trillions of Rx Recipes Kerry keeps classified today.


11-2-2016 Wednesday; China has delivered its vision of the future... I bought a book yesterday, $17 Martha Gellhorn Hemingway's "Travels with Myself and Another" and her first story is meeting Madame Chiang Kai Chek in 1941; picture of Hemingway's and Chek at a round table talking in the middle of China. "Travels with Myself and Another" in 2016 gives us 2 Trillion Galaxies. Troubling is why the Elite have no cravings or greed to own a Galaxy of their Own!

11-2-2016 Wednesday; China has delivered its vision of the future... China's newest fighter jet Chengdu J-20 warplanes. 1 Trillion Gravity Engine Ford's will be invented and made in the USA via President Trump. Nasty as the thought is Hillary will not leak the Ford Gravity Engine Moon Shot - Biden killed his own Son and millions of other son's and daughters. Nasty as this though is its True! China has delivered its vision of the future... China's newest fighter jet Chengdu J-20 warplanes. Of course they were paid for by BP Oil kickbacks and bribes to suppress the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... vision of these Chinese emails.


11-2-2016 Wednesday; Bill Gate's Wife with breast cancer; Microsoft has delivered its vision of the future... its Rebecca Pine, (and Bill Gates Wife) on the front page of the NY Times with her new mastectomy covered with tattoos... Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 cure by Christmas Day 2016 was killed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation $$$ Greg and Wives in Key West; Not given any money $$$ just a trillion 1984 Classified emails for FBI to leak in its vision of the future. Future of No Gas Stations On Earth if a successful Op Coup by the CIA all these emails will be made public.


11-2-2016 Wednesday; Bill Gate's Wife with breast cancer;; Microsoft has delivered its vision of the future... its Shot to Death 2 Cops asking the drivers in Iowa for their drivers license when both Bill and Melinda Gates know about iTraffic Tickets via iPhone 007 dash cam's inside and out, mandatory on all cars decade ago if not for the vision of Bill Gates and his inner circle in Dubai Saudi Arabia. Vision of anyone to buy a second home in United Arab Emirates instead of Key West is A Nasty Vision of the Future living next to Mecca.

11-2-2016 Wednesday; The Roman Catholic Church’s teaching after the Coup Op - No Gas Stations On Earth and the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort driving around and around Saint Peters to cheering crowds... Vision Pope Francis wants to send to Hell, grin.

11-2-2016 Wednesday; The Roman Catholic Church’s teaching that women cannot be ordained as priests is likely to last forever, Pope Francis said on Tuesday as he flew back to Rome from Sweden. Pope Francis vision of the Future has No Wife for the Pope!! God must have a Wife who inspired and brainstormed inventions.

11-2-2016 Wednesday; Many Wives to keep up with the Moslems. Trumps version of the future will be a executive order on his First Day as President Trump; Make Legal; "Polygamous Marriage".

11-2-2016 Wednesday; Microsoft updates its vision for the future with an impressive look at a world beyond Booting Up the PC.


11-2-2016 Wednesday; India, Pakistan Trade Border Fire in Kashmir, New York Times - Vision of the Future on its front page is not No Gas Stations On Earth, Editorial of this vision in India and Pakistan the day it makes headlines in the NY Times USA edition. China leaders will have to trade Fire with both and the USA to keep gasoline the #1 fuel in China. Ha... a Nasty though the Chinese Elite don't even want to think about. No Gas Stations on Earth Op Coup by the CIA. Biden killed his own son and millions of other Son's and Daughters. This is One Nasty Man who is our VP.


11-2-2016 Wednesday; The hippocampus has been the focus of intense scrutiny... except on the front page of the New York Times!!

11-2-2016 Wednesday; 450 Physicians at Southcoast Health System based in New Bedford, Mass., have opted to leave the physician network of Tufts Medical Center in Boston after merger plans with another system fell through.

11-2-2016 Wednesday; 450K MD's will leave Saudi Arabia and Mecca after a successful Op Coup by the CIA to End All Gas Stations On Earth!!


11-2-2016 Wednesday; In the assessment of the effect of a treatment or potential risk factor—termed an exposure—on a patient outcome, the possibility of confounding by other factors must be considered.1 For example, if researchers studied the effect of coffee drinking on the development of lung cancer, they might observe an apparent association between these 2 variables. However, because drinking coffee is also related to smoking, the observed association between coffee drinking and lung cancer does not represent a true causal relationship but is rather the result of the association of coffee drinking with smoking—the confounder—which is the true cause of lung cancer. Demetrios N. Kyriacou, MD, PhD; Roger J. Lewis, MD, PhD



11-2-2016 Wednesday; "Key West City OKs Flagler housing project" BY Scott Unger Key West Citizen "Despite objections from neighbors, Catholic Charities of Miami’s 37-unit affordable housing project on Flagler Avenue was approved by the Key West City Commission 4-2 Tuesday at Old City Hall." Key West City Commission knows about the Yale Key West Medical School and the Catholic Charities of Miami’s and USA. They also know about the Yale Key West Medical School. Hell a 37 unit project when the Yale Key West Medical School will have 50K MD's! Blowing in the Wind's of this is 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year. This is not Jimmy Carter's Nobel or Navy. Coffee Hell. Key West will be non-smoking long before Cuba, grin! Turn Water Into Wine Invention Project for 2017 will be Turn Wine Into Water at Hemingway's Bars! I bought a book yesterday $17 Martha Gellhorn Hemingway's "Travels with Myself and Another" and her first story is meeting Madame Chiang Kai Chek in 1941 picture of Hemingway's and Chek at a round table talking in the middle of China. "Key West City OKs Flagler's 100 Car Super Hubble Space Telescope Train" Will be the talk of China when it goes public.


11-2-2016 Wednesday; Mr. Trump in 1980 with a model of Trump Tower. Trump in 1980 was not part of Jimmy Carter and Teddy Kennedy's inner circle so Trump didn't have a Los Alamos model of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Yes! Los Alamos did make a model of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort for President Jimmy Carter!

11-2-2016 Wednesday; Imitation is shrewd salesmanship. One57, the billionaires’ aerie on 57th Street that laid temporary claim to being the tallest residential tower in New York when it was completed in 2014, was said to top out at the $100 million 90th-floor penthouse. Actual floor count: 75. At 90 stories and 900 feet — actually 70 and 843, according to Buildings Department records — the World Tower was once billed as the “tallest residential tower in the world,” until it was overtaken by a skyscraper in Dubai. Apple store on Fifth Avenue now sits, with two “breathtaking” fountains and a “gorgeous” marble sitting area... Overtaking Dubai after the Coup Op of No Gas Stations On Earth. Apple sitting area on Fifth Avenue will be the "Brainstorming" of 1,001 inventions. Bill Gate's wife will still be alive if Greg and wives in Key West are successful as the No Gas Stations On Earth Op in getting a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. Trump's 155 story Yale NYC Medical School will be built! Overtaking Mecca's seating for 2 million Moslems for the sermon. 2 Million MD's! Or 2 million Moslems seated in the Mosque at Mecca. Vote for Trump you will get 2 million MD's after one of his many wives gets diagnosed with Breast Cancer.


11-2-2016 Wednesday; Editorial in the Times today. "A Judge Keeps His Eye on Police Spies" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD "A proposed settlement to lawsuits over the New York Police Department’s surveillance of Muslims doesn’t go far enough to protect citizens." Emails of 2 Million Muslims in the Mosque at Mecca. Each of the 2 Million Muslims have $2 million dollars from gas station hold ups in Miami. New York Police Department’s surveillance and NY Times editorial of staged car wrecks for the insurance money last made headlines about 10 years ago but most likely has been going on all this time, just not in the news. $300 million scam from a call center in India was headlines yesterday in the Times. New York Police Department’s surveillance of Muslims doesn’t go far enough to protect citizens driving a car in NYC as car crash scam's cost more than the $300 million criminal minds masterminds get from a call center in India. iPhone 007 dash cam's would protect citizens driving a car in NYC from car crash scam's!

11-2-2016 Wednesday; ISIS sex slave article in todays NY Times. Saudi Arabia Sex Slave's if pictured like the women on the front page of the Times Yesterday with no breast would take the entire NY Times paper. How many SWF Sex Slaves are in Saudi Arabia Today. U.S. Policy Prevents Women Who Are Raped By ISIS From Accessing Abortion" By Lisa Shannon - How many SWF sex slaves are there in Saudi Arabia Today... U.S. Policy Prevents Lisa Shannon at the Times from writing this article.

11-2-2016 Wednesday; Hillary got women in Saudi Arabia to drive a gas engine car. Hillary will not get USA women to drive a gravity engine car.

11-2-2016 Wednesday; New Yale Key West Medical School is NOT built... New Key West City Hall is ready to Open for Patients to see Mayor Cates, grin. Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 with $777 Trillion dollars from the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.

11-2-2016 Wednesday; "New Trauma Star helicopter officially in service" BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com Monroe County’s new Trauma Star helicopter is officially in service and its arrival is none too soon as its older sibling flew a record number of patients for the fiscal year 2016. The newly acquired $2.5 million Sikorsky S-76 received its final approval from the Federal Aviation Administration on Oct. 24 and went into service that day, said Monroe County Fire Rescue Chief Jim Callahan. The Sheriff’s Office hires pilots for the program and Monroe County Fire and Rescue hires the medics who take care of patients while en route to Miami. “Fire Rescue and the Sheriff’s Office have been working together for more than a month to get through the FAA inspections and make sure the helicopter is up and ready to fly,” Callahan said in a prepared statement. “Our flight crews and medical personnel are all trained and we are excited about the new air ambulance. We look forward to continuing to provide life-saving service to the citizens and visitors of the Florida Keys.” The older helicopter flew 471 patients from locations throughout the Keys to hospitals in Miami during fiscal year 2016, which ended Sept. 30, according to the county. During that time, Trauma Star picked up 221 patients in the Lower Keys, 173 in the Middle Keys and 77 in the Upper Keys. That 471 total is 86 more patients than the previous high of 385, set in 2015, according to County spokeswoman Cammy Clark. During July, August and September, the life-saving air ambulance flew 35 trauma victims and The Trauma Star program is on track to transport 500 patients for the 2016 calendar year, according to County figures. Since operations began in 2006, Trauma Star has flown more than 2,400 people from the Florida Keys to the mainland, according to Clark. Sheriff Rick Ramsay sees those numbers gathered by the county as a testament to the importance of the Trauma Star program. “Clearly, the program has been more successful than even we thought at its inception,” Ramsay said. “We’re the most geographically challenged county in the state. We don’t have trauma facilities here and its a 3 to 3 1/2 hour driver to Miami. For us, those flights represent the worst of the worst. You’re either going to live or die. Lose a limb or not. We’re blessed the program has been doing so well.” The Sheriff’s Office bought the old Trauma Star helicopter used 11 years ago for about $3.2 million and replaced it because of increased maintenance due in part to high use. The county will keep the older 1981 Sikorsky as a backup to be used when the newer 2002 Sikorsky is out of service for maintenance. The newer helicopter is equipped with more modern avionics, can fly faster and has better lift capabilities that are needed on high humidity days, especially for flying out of hospital helipads that are surrounded by buildings and mangroves, according to the county. The county is also mulling purchasing a third air ambulance helicopter to possibly fill the void left when Lower Keys Medical Center ends its contract with the private company LifeNet in March. The LifeNet chopper rests on a helipad at the Stock Island hospital while the two Trauma Stars are based out of the Florida Keys Marathon Airport. Out-of-pocket fees are waived for Monroe County residents who take Trauma Star helicopter to mainland hospitals. Trauma Star still bills all insurance carriers for the flights. Last year the County mailed residents red and white Trauma Star First Option stickers to be placed on driver’s licenses or medical insurance cards. If you are a resident and did not receive a sticker, you can call 305-289-6010 or pick them up at any fire station in the Keys, at Monroe County Fire Rescue Headquarters at 490 63rd Street Ocean in Marathon or at any of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office sub-stations. For information about the fee-waiver program and requirements for residents, go to Monroe County’s website at http://www.monroecounty-fl.gov, click on the Resident tab, and then click on the Trauma Star link.

11-2-2016 Wednesday; New Yale Key West Medical School is NOT built... New Key West City Hall is ready to Open for Patients to see Mayor Cates, grin. Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 with $777 Trillion dollars from the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.


11-1-2016 Tuesday; Rebecca Pine, is pictured on the front page of the NY Times with her new mastectomy covered with tattoos... Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 cure by Christmas Day 2016 was censored by the Times!

11-1-2016 Tuesday; ...indulgences; by our 1984 II Dictators have become troubling to the FBI, not Hillary!

11-1-2016 Tuesday; "Saudi Arabia has injected more than $25 billion into the faltering Egyptian economy in two years" Story in the NY Times today.

11-1-2016 Tuesday; NY Times Editors last week didn't want 9/11 Widows to sue Saudi Arabia for far less than $25 Billion. Greg and Wives in Key West will sue Saudi Arabia for $777 Trillion and give the world a Gravity Engine Ford with the windfall $$$.

11-1-2016 Tuesday; ...indulgences; by our 1984 II Dictators have become troubling to the FBI, not Hillary!


11-1-2016 Tuesday; Rebecca Pine, Kate will never find Greg and Wives Rx Recipe for a Overnight Miracle Stage 4 Cure page on Facebook! 1984 II Dictators are Nasty Men with Syphilis, Ha!!

11-1-2016 Tuesday; Rebecca Pine, is pictured on the front page of the NY Times with her new mastectomy covered with tattoos, one is a dragonfly other is a flower. Hillary is pictured above her and her picture takes up half of the top of the front page, Rebecca Pine's picture is the size of a drivers license. Sorry Rebecca; Hillary drove women in Saudi Arabia the last 8 years not Greg and Wives in Key West to the Yale Key West Medical School, to Los Alamos; to Rx Recipes for a overnight miracle Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. This must be troubling for Rebecca Pine (and FBI women not the FBI Director) as she had her hopes Greg and Wives could have Brainstormed this Rx Recipe for Stage 4 if only Hillary was not so "Nasty" about Greg and Wives in Key West!! Working at the New Key West City Hall doing construction labor the last 3 months 6 days a week. Not working on a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 Miracle Cure on orders from the Key West Admiral and Orwellian Dictators! This is a Nasty 1984 II Society.

11-1-2016 Tuesday; 106,000 reconstructive procedures were done last year, a 35 percent increase since 2000. New York Times should have put the stats since 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort as in 1981 Greg and Wives would have gotten a Rx Recipe on the winds of the euphoria of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort invention and Rebecca would be driving a Gravity Engine Ford today! Trump could leak this and win!


11-1-2016 Tuesday; Brainstorming a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 is not in todays NY Times article on... "Going Flat’ After Breast Cancer" By RONI CARYN RABIN "Some women are choosing to defy medical advice and social convention after mastectomies, saying they would rather live without breasts than undergo more surgery."

11-1-2016 Tuesday; Greg Buell ... and 9/11 II and III can be prevented with the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort driving around times square the world with No Gas Stations On Earth a better Op than the Navy and Binladen, grin!

11-1-2016 Tuesday; It’s a tremendous amount to put your body through, and it’s not like we’re going to get our breasts back,” said Rebecca Pine, 40, who decided against reconstruction surgery after a mastectomy. Credit Béatrice de Géa for The New York Times

11-1-2016 Tuesday; Debbie Bowers of Bethlehem, Pa., showed her scarred chest and shared her story in a recent video that was widely shared on Facebook. Credit Béatrice de Géa for The New York Times


11-1-2016 Tuesday; Marianne DuQuette Cuozzo, who appeared with Ms. Bowers in the Facebook video, had her breast implants removed after four infections in five months. Credit Béatrice de Géa for The New York Times - Marianne would not have gotten 4 infections after surgery at Yale Key West Medical School, Marianne must have went to Miami Medical School... now you know why I keep writing on this web page Obama passed the Medical School students when they really failed. Hell not even Kerry will leak this pass fail and he failed Yale by getting shot in the back by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and losing World Peace and the Nobel.

11-1-2016 Tuesday; Kate Cloudsparks, 64, a farmer in southern Iowa who has been flat since a preventive mastectomy 21 years ago, discovering the Flat and Fabulous Facebook page this year led to her first communication ever with women who had made the same choice.


11-1-2016 Tuesday; Kate will never find Greg and Wives Rx Recipe for a Overnight Miracle Stage 4 Cure page on Facebook!

11-1-2016 Tuesday; Butter has caused how many breast cancers... Kerry made this top secret, even from Hillary!

11-1-2016 Tuesday; Butter will not be served at the Yale Key West Medical School but will be in every dish at the Miami Medical School... Dr. Boris Hansel, a French endocrinologist-nutritionist who specializes in obesity management, wrote in a Medscape commentary: “Butter is one of the foods with the highest saturated fat content, and consuming it on a regular basis promotes an increase in blood cholesterol levels.” But, he added, “It should be considered a pleasure food for those who are fond of it, provided that it is consumed in moderate amounts and not consumed in addition to other foods that are high in saturated fatty acids.”


11-1-2016 Tuesday; Red and processed meat, which have been linked to heart disease and cancer. I write of Tim Cook's hate crimes against Nasty Women at Apple HQ but if you ever hack the recipe's for Todays lunch at Apple you would could belive Tim Cook hates everyone at Apple, grin! iPhone caller ID over lunch and the President of the Yale Key West Medical School, a Nasty Women will convince the caller not to eat it "Buttered". Tim Cook will butter his white bread and tell a story about Steve Jobs on his death bed.

11-1-2016 Tuesday; This is in the NY Times today but not a multimedia video... For the various diseases with death rates linked to diets high in saturated fats, chronic inflammation is believed to be a main underlying cause. Chronic low-grade inflammation promotes atherosclerosis, leading to cholesterol-clogged arteries and setting the stage for heart attacks and strokes. The same process affects arteries in the brain and can result in vascular dementia, a common cause of memory loss.

11-1-2016 Tuesday; This would be a IP invention project on my Web today if our 1984 II Dictators didn't have syphilis. chronic inflammation is believed to be a main underlying cause. Chronic low-grade inflammation promotes atherosclerosis.


11-1-2016 Tuesday; ...indulgences; by our 1984 II Dictators have become troubling to the FBI

11-1-2016 Tuesday; ...indulgences; by our 1984 II Dictators have become troubling to the FBI, not Hillary!


11-1-2016 Tuesday; By NOUR YOUSSEF and DIAA HADID "Saudi Arabia has injected more than $25 billion into the faltering Egyptian economy in two years"

11-1-2016 Tuesday; By NOUR YOUSSEF and DIAA HADID "Saudi Arabia has injected more than $777 Trillion into the USA's 1984 II Dictators USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub fleet and other MIT War Toy's for the Hell of it. USS Jimmy Carter Hospital Ship Aircraft Carrier was never a though in the brain of Jimmy Carter or his wife, ever! And Jimmy is a peace with God. I don't think God will find Syphilis in Jimmy Carters Brain on Judgement Day, ha!

11-1-2016 Tuesday; USS Jimmy Carter Hospital Ship Aircraft Carrier docked in Key West will be troubling for Mandy Miles and others!


11-1-2016 Tuesday; F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia. $777 Trillion in Putin Oil Revenues in emails were made top secret by Kerry, grin $$$ By ERIC LICHTBLAU and STEVEN LEE MYERS at the NY Times $$$ Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia's $777 Trillion USD $$$

11-1-2016 Tuesday; In a Divorce, Who Gets Custody of Electronic Data? The Lawyers. By JONAH ENGEL BROMWICH and DANIEL VICTOR. A marriage is not just the union of two people like Nasty Anthony D. Weiner, a former congressman, and Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton. FBI sex tapes and no 1,001 IP invention projects have been cheered in the FBI break rooms world wide in a 1984 II society. “The problem is, once they’ve already engaged in bad behavior, it’s out there,” Christine Leatherberry, a family lawyer in Dallas, for $ Oil Men and their wives in the worst poison gas exhaust holocaust II era on Earth calls the Divorce of Oil Era to No Gas Stations on Earth troubling for the Oil Men and Women with $777 Trillion to hide in taxes... “Anything they put in a text or an email or in social media, assume it will be blown up onto a poster board in a courtroom one day,” she said. No emails of 1,001 IP invention projects, can be found on any computer in Dallas. I have a mp3 voice mail of a Dallas Times news paper report leaving me a message in 1990 about the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and it's still out there... waiting for you to hear his voice filled with $777 Trillion in Texas Oil Revenues, grin!


11-1-2016 Tuesday; The Halal Guys, in Midtown, are among New York City’s more popular food vendors. Clay Williams for The New York Times. Food trucks and carts have become an increasingly common part of the urban landscape. The New York City Council is considering a plan to overhaul their regulation that would double the number of permits. But some say that would harm existing businesses and clog streets. Should New York and other cities permit more food vendors?

11-1-2016 Tuesday; Clog Arteries; New York City Council is considering a plan to overhaul clogged arteries, Hell No!

11-1-2016 Tuesday; ...indulgences; by our 1984 II Dictators have become troubling to the FBI, not Hillary!

11-1-2016 Tuesday; Excluding $2.4 billion worth of charges for acquisitions and restructuring, adjusted earnings came to 61 cents per share. The average estimate of 10 analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for earnings of 62 cents per share. Revenue, which was boosted by last year's mega-acquisition of injected drugmaker Hospira, totaled $13.05 billion, up 8 percent. Analysts were expecting $13.06 billion. New York-based Pfizer's spending soared, partly due to acquisitions. Production costs jumped 39 percent, and spending on research and on marketing and administration both increased 9 percent. Meanwhile, Pfizer said it expects full-year earnings in the range of $2.38 to $2.43 per share, down from its prior forecast of $2.38 to $2.48. It forecast revenue of $52 billion to $53 billion, a narrower range than its prior forecast of $51 billion to $53 billion.

11-1-2016 Tuesday; New York-based Pfizer links to Los Alamos based Rx Recipe Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure by Christmas Day 2016. Rebecca Pine, is troubled by the FBI women in our Orwellian Society.

11-1-2016 Tuesday; At Yale, Trump’s debate comment set off a Twitter firestorm and launched multiple t-shirt campaigns. Eleanor Slota ’17 recalls her mother’s reaction during their viewing of the debate: “Has nasty women merchandise started circulating yet? Because it will.” And indeed, the Yale College Democrats have begun selling t-shirts emblazoned with “Nasty Woman” and “Bad Hombre,” another Trump debate quote.

11-1-2016 Tuesday; t-shirt Rx Recipe Pfizer's could be leaked by Kerry. Kerry could also email all Pfizer's Rx Recipes to Los Alamos to crunch for a Stage 4 Rx Recipe cure by Christmas Day 2016. We all know Kerry will fail at doing this. In early February, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright made a controversial statement: “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.” Many believed her remark was directed at women, especially younger women, who were not planning to support Clinton. Kerry is the Secretary of State and there is a place in Hell for his rich wife. When Trump closed his eyes, shook his head and called Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman,” he appears to have underestimated how many women will be pictured on the front page of the NY Times under Hillary with their breast cut off because Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's of McCain and other War Criminals! Wives-and-daughters effect of breast cancer Rx Recipe killed by McCain and his inner circle of war criminals. No the NY Times didn't picture mom and daughters with breast cut off. Yet they could have. The “nasty woman” comment also touched a nerve among younger voters. Killing a Rx Recipe to cure Stage 4 by McCaine will touch a nerve in our 1984 II Society after Jimmy Carter gives back his Nobel Peace Prize. However, the effect of #NastyWoman has not touched the Nobel Peace Prize award as Jimmy Carter's scam he didn't think to share the Nobel with his wife of 69 years. "I am (nasty) woman, hear me roar" Elizabeth Miles a Staff Reporter at Yale Daily News. She wrote this article in the Yale Daily News "I am (nasty) woman, hear me roar" I would say after reading her article she never though of applying to Yale Medical School. Nasty is cutting off a women's breast. This YouTube video should have been in her Yale Daily article. Yale Medical School should admit all Yale Students into Medical School and the first test will be cut off a women's breast on a cadaver! Then use the shock and awe of this to Brainstorm a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016 and of course keep Yale Campus Open for Christmas and New Years Day 2017.

11-1-2016 Tuesday; President Clinton appointed Dr. Susan Love MD to the National Cancer Advisory Board, on which she served from 1998-2004. Dr. Love started the first all-women breast center in Boston, then went on to develop a model for multidisciplinary breast care at the Revlon/UCLA Breast Center. After inventing an intraductal catheter at UCLA she recognized that she could develop it further in the for-profit arena and started Pro•Duct Health Inc. (later acquired by Cytyc Corporation). In addition to being DSLRF’s chief visionary officer, Dr. Love was a founder and served on the board of Windy Hill Medical, a breast cancer prevention company. Known as a trusted guide to women worldwide through her books and the Foundation website, Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book was termed “the bible for women with breast cancer” by The New York Times. Dr. Susan Love’s Menopause and Hormone Book, first published in 1998 and revised in 2003, was one of the first to sound the alarm against the long term use of postmenopausal hormones. Live a Little (Crown 2009) encourages women to take a reasonable approach to becoming healthy. The sixth edition of Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book was released in September 2015.

11-1-2016 Tuesday;

Quid Pro Quo, Nasty Women get more touchy at Key West Fantasy Fest, Nasty Women Vote signs will be rewritten to Nasty Women Invent Brainstorm with Greg a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. Key West is not Mecca. Our 1984 II King does need 4 Wives though!!!!

Irrelevant: Quid Pro Quo will get Cheney a second heart transplant... via Dr. Hillary MD. This is why Hillary failed Yale Medical School. Nasty Women's Grim Era of Orwellian Torture... Rescued by the CIA Coup Op... "No Gas Stations on Earth"

10-31-2016 Monday; GE; Iraq TV call-in show gives glimpse inside IS-held Mosul - $300 million in Iraq Oil Revenues in the last 3 weeks $$$ Washington Post: $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues Headlines and the FBI will say headlines like this will be troubling on the front page of the New York Times Tomorrow, grin $$$.

10-31-2016 Monday; Sunday, Police in North Carolina say a Pizza Hut employee used his own handgun to shoot and kill one of three armed robbers holding up the store.

10-31-2016 Monday; Sunday, Gas Stations were the targets of several armed robbers and none made the news!

10-31-2016 Monday; Yale Key West Medical School President said this is troubling as they should of been working on a Ford assembly line. "$1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort coming off the Ford assembly line Today..."


10-31-2016 Monday; Nasty Women's Grim Era of Orwellian Torture... Rescued by the CIA Coup Op... "No Gas Stations on Earth"

10-31-2016 Monday; Apple is killing off one of its most iconic features: Its startup chime. Apple should be killing off one of its more iconic features; booting up! Removing the distinctive Boot Up that in Macs -starting with the Next new MacBook Pro unless Greg + Wives in Key West or the FBI at HQ can write an iapp that kills off the Mac Book Up! Sony could have made $100 Billion selling this invention to Apple!


10-31-2016 Monday; "Editorial: Chicago’s Grim Era of Police Torture" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD of the NY Times! Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, Biden, Hillary, Car Bomb!! As the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!! Screams from the Nasty women can also be heard; White House MD is putting to death 300 SWF women with MS today to stop their torture!

10-31-2016 Monday; Police Torture in a 1984 II Society - As the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!! Editors at the NY Times could have written this for today but didn't. Some day we will read the emails of the Times editors and the FBI will say this is troubling, grin! Orwellian Truth in Editorials is a iapp, like caller ID in Star Trek. Police Torture - Women with MS tortured by the virus will be put to death today by our 1984 II Dictators! And the Key West Admirals have 10 Grim Reapers flying over Key West Today dropping atoms of lead bombs.


10-31-2016 Monday; Police Torture in a 1984 II Society - Jeff Immelt General Electric Jeff Immelt, the General Electric Co. CEO, at a news conference at 1984 II Police HQ. GE burned to death 100's if not 10's of thousands world wide since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... confession! GE Jet engines since 1980 poisoned the air - 300 Million Children Breathe Highly Toxic Air, Unicef Reports censored out GE Jet Engines burning lead fuel from 1980 to 2016.

10-31-2016 Monday; GE "Gasoline" War Crimes CEO Jeff Immelt killed in shoot out with Police!

10-31-2016 Monday; "Editorial: Chicago’s Grim Era of Police Torture" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD of the NY Times!

10-31-2016 Monday; "Editorial: Editorial "Chicago’s Grim Era of Police Torture" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Darrell Canon in Chicago in 2008. Documents that will be available for research are a reminder of the extremes to which abuse of suspects can reach...

10-31-2016 Monday; "Editorial: Documents 1984 will show iPhone Dash Cams could have been mandatory in Chicago in 2008 and decade before this date... iPhone dash cam's inside and out of all cars in Chicago, shock and awe to Police and criminals would have changed the world. Just imagine no drunk drivers in Chicago in 2008.

10-31-2016 Monday; "Editorial: Mary sucker punched at a Miami gas station hold up in 2000... Grim Era of NY Times Editors as 1984 II war criminals torturing tens of thousands of women at gas stations via hold ups and $4 gas all the time they got Exxon and BP Oil kickbacks.

10-31-2016 Monday; Police Torture in a 1984 II Society - Jeff Immelt General Electric Jeff Immelt, emails from 9/11 about the suppression of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and the 17 Terrorists financed by Saudi Arabia suppression of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era. FBI knows these emails are troubling!


10-31-2016 Monday; "Editorial: Nasty Women's Grim Era of Torture... Rescued by the CIA OP Coup "No Gas Stations on Earth" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD of the NY Times!

10-31-2016 Monday; 300 Million Children Breathe Highly Toxic Air, Unicef Reports! NY Times reports this Toxic Air in Print not Times Video and in print the Times left out Children's DNA division. Divisions of Troops get more in the NY Times. Surrender of some in Hosul, BP Oil will not surrender. Key West Navy Admiral will not surrender his fleet of Gasoline Tankers stopped at Publix, waiting for the cop car and in everyone's vision is the scream by Biden, Hillary, Car Bomb and the cop cars world wide are rear ended and burst into flames. Pope Francis is on his way to Sweden and has no plans to stop and help 30 cops and 300 million kids... FBI said in an email this is troubling!!


10-31-2016 Monday; NY Times Multimedia Features: The World's Political Power Couples - No Kerry and his rich wife were not written up in this Multimedia Article by the Times. Knowing how many cop cars we pass on the highways I would say Kerry's wife drove by a fiery wreck and didn't stop to help. I don't think Kerry wants this on the front page of the NY Times or Boston Globe. By FRANCES ROBLES

10-31-2016 Monday; Airstrikes by Saudi-Led Coalition Kill Dozens in Western Yemen and 300 Million Breathe Highly Toxic Air of War because you have $777 Trillion dollars from Miami gas station hold ups from 1980 to 2016.


10-31-2016 Monday; Latest Upshot Poll Shows Trump With a Lead in Florida - In Key West Greg + Wives have a lead, lead atom 82 electrons from the newest 10 F-35's will be sprinkling atoms of lead over the island. No multimedia video in the Key West Citizen will count the atoms of lead from 10 F-35 fighter jets named the Grim Reapers. Grim Childhood cancers and birth defects in a few Key West Kids will not be taken up by Mayor Cates at the New Key West City Hall. The New Yale Key West Medical School will treat these few kids with birth defects and cancers from the 10 F-35's that fly over Key West today. Upshot is Stage 4 and the women who work at the New Key West City Hall. Multimedia Features from the New Key West City Hall with no links to Los Alamos. Trump With a Lead in Florida. Lead Atoms in Florida are not showed on the front page of the times.


10-31-2016 Monday; GE "Gasoline" War Crimes CEO Jeff Immelt killed in shoot out with Police!

10-31-2016 Monday; GE; Mosul - $300 million in Iraq Oil Revenues in the last 3 weeks $$$

10-31-2016 Monday; GE; Mosul - $300 million in Iraq Oil Revenues in the last 3 weeks $$$

10-31-2016 Monday; GE; Mosul - $300 million in Iraq Oil Revenues in the last 3 weeks $$$

10-31-2016 Monday; GE; Iraq TV call-in show gives glimpse inside IS-held Mosul - $300 million in Iraq Oil Revenues in the last 3 weeks $$$ Washington Post $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues Headlines and the FBI will say headlines like this will be troubling!

10-31-2016 Monday; Grim Reaper is $300 million in Iraq Oil Revenues in the last 3 weeks - The Latest: Iraq forces say villagers hang white flags" Washington Post - BAZWAYA, Iraq - The Latest on developments in Iraq where the offensive to take the city of Mosul from the Islamic State group is now in its third week... third week of Oil Revenues in Iraq is $300 million and the Washington Post Editors will not put this in print or a Editorial, grin.


10-31-2016 Monday; Sunday, Police in North Carolina say a Pizza Hut employee used his own handgun to shoot and kill one of three armed robbers holding up the store.

10-31-2016 Monday; Sunday, Gas Stations were the targets of several armed robbers and none made the news!

10-31-2016 Monday; Yale Key West Medical School President said this is troubling as they should of been working on a Ford assembly line. "$1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort coming off the Ford assembly line Today..."


10-31-2016 Monday; MALMO, Sweden - Pope Francis traveled to secular Sweden on Monday to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, a remarkably bold gesture given his very own Jesuit religious order was founded to defend the faith against Martin Luther.

10-31-2016 Monday; Vatican Bank defends $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues Today...

10-31-2016 Monday; God just showed Pope Francis 2 Trillion new Galaxies and Pope Francis told God $777 Trillion dollars in the Vatican Banks is worth more!

10-31-2016 Monday; Florida's physician shortage is a problem for Mecca and Saudi Arabia as the Yale Key West Medical School will give the USA 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year. 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos will give everyone in the USA Cheney's second heart transplant not just the King and Prince in Saudi Arabia. 1,001 Rx Recipes will be driven by as many wives in Legal Polygamous Marriages in the USA. Mecca will be bankrupt and come in last in MD diagnostic and treatment ratings instead of first when all the MD's from Walter Reed migrate back to Boston, grin. Buried in the article were data that showed the statistics were incorrect in many areas. So 27 percent of teachers nationwide take more than 10 sick days a year? Take a sick day in a Star Trek Orwellian Society... right! UC Davis in top ten public universities for the U.S. News and World Report and Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Ranking UC Davis ranked tenth. Boys and Girls Club has no badge in Rx Recipes... 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year requires Apple MacBook Pro come with 100's of thousands of Rx Recipes pre-loaded. Argonne National Laboratory, Rice University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign published research demonstrating how a programming technique for an Intel microprocessor chip uses significantly less power to accomplish the same work. 1,001 Rx Recipes are kept Top Secret by Kerry and the State Dept. Scientists try to move from today’s petaflop — a quadrillion computations per second — machines to exaflop computers, which could perform a quintillion computations per second. Trillions of Rx Recipes and trillions of "others" must be made public to get the "Gravity Engine" and put vaccines in the drinking water. stage 4 Rx Cure by Christmas Day is possible if the 1984 II Dictators would let Los Alamos crunch Rx Recipes today. This is not Biden and a Moon Shot or Bill and Melinda Gates killing mosquitoes!! Rx Recipes crunched at Los Alamos are real world medicine Girl Scouts need to save Mom's life on Christmas Day 2016. Our 1984 II Dictators have the power to email these Rx Recipes to Los Alamos. Argonne Lab Director and Los Alamos Lab Director have paper notes that a future supercomputer capable of an exaflop will multiply energy costs by a factor of a thousand... not using H @ -254 for superconductive cooling and these guys are so Nasty to Girl Scouts Trick or Treating they didn't write up any Rx Recipes for Christmas Cookies!

10-31-2016 Monday; In 1997, Princess Diana brought public attention to land mine victims. But, almost two decades after her death, how much progress has been made in the worldwide fight against leftover munitions?

10-31-2016 Monday; In 1997, Princess Diana could have brought public attention to $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues $$$ Nasty Women in the USA today could bring public attention to Stage 4 and MS... goings on in this 1984 II society prevent them from writing up these tortures on the front page of the NY Times!!

10-31-2016 Monday; At 83, Ms. Ono remains unsinkably active, pursuing exhibitions and other projects worldwide. She had just returned after unveiling “Sky Landing,” her first public art installation in the Americas, in Chicago’s Jackson Park. Earlier this month, she was in Iceland for the lighting of the Imagine Peace Tower near Reykjavik. And she is a constant presence on social media, issuing poetic-philosophical bon mots on Twitter and posting photos on Instagram.

10-31-2016 Monday; At 83, Ms. Yoko Ono... back in 1997 I mailed Yoko a few BDay Post Cards and think she might have actually read them from her Orwellian comments at the time. The FBI and most everyone else in the world will say Yoko Ono's comments and emails on $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues will be troubling $$$.

10-31-2016 Monday; Yoko Ono ends her article in the NY Times with... I was too early” — meaning, of course, ahead of her time... all these years from 1980 to 2016 shot in the back by Dakota Oil Money $$$ Greed was the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. John Lennon will call this troubling!!


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, Car Bomb!! As the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo - Today Nasty Women tell Greg they can still hear the Screams when Mary was sucker punched at a 2000 Miami gas station hold up. Greg and a few Nasty Women can hear the Screams at gas station hold up's today... Hillary calls the FBI troubling!

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo Editorial in the Sunday NY Times "The Danger of "Gasoline" Cop Cars!"

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo Editorial in the Sunday NY Times "$1 Trillion dollar order for the New MacBook Pro's" would mean a end to Win 10, Zika Headlines, Malaria world wide.


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo Editorial in the Sunday NY Times "$1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort coming off the Ford assembly line Today..." Some 1980 ElectricWindmillEscorts are still on the road today!

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo - Front Page Sunday New York Times Picture... "Harvest a Genetically Modified Crop" that takes up the full page! Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines flying over the Amazon in fleets like combines harvesting peanuts in Georgia would be a much better front page Picture!


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo - Front Page Sunday New York Times Picture... Navy Fleet of 100's of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Submarines next to a Flagler Train of 100 Cars; Super Hubble Space Telescopes! Hillary calls the FBI troubling! I call the New York Times Troubling in a New Universe of 2 Trillion Galaxies!!


10-30-2016 Sunday; 1980 model Soyuz lands safely on Earth!!

10-30-2016 Sunday; 1980 model Cop Cars with gas tanks are like the 1980 Model Soyuz landing without 747 wings!!

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, at FBI HQ, we have to wait until 2017!! Like the FBI's new 2016 MacBook Pro with NO built in iPhone 007... we have to wait until 2017!!


10-30-2016 Sunday; Laser guidance at the cross walk is not Star Trek Technology. It's 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era Technology lost to the Orwellian FBI we have to wait until 2017!!

10-30-2016 Sunday; Mandy Miles new Florida license plate landed in Tan Lines the day after I watched the Fantasy Fest Parade on Duval. NO GPS Florida license Plates for Mandy Miles, I don't know about keeping track of a Key West newspaper reporter without a MD degree but if Mandy falls asleep driving to Miami we can wake her... Mandy you will have to wait until 2017 for a GPS licence plate! iPhone 008 drivers license in 2018, Wake Up Mandy Miles you are a driven Journalists without a MD degree from the Yale Key West Medical school. This years 2016 Fantasy Fest theme was "Political Voodoo" 2017 theme will be "Time Travel Unravels" - Gravity Engine Invention will Unravel the fleet of 10 F-35 fighter Jets set to fly over Key West Tomorrow! 1980 invention delayed to the public because of war. No not the F-35's the 1980 invention of the Gravity Engine is like the MacBook Pro with no iPhone 007 built in with an FBI caller id to save the lives of 19K Nasty women who will be murdered by OJ clones masterminded by Obama in 2017! FBI does not count Mary Kennedy, Hillary said this is troubling!


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo Editorial in the Sunday NY Times "Husbands With Guns" By JULIA FRANKS In the South, we have a story about a witch, and the man who kills her. Another old man remembered being a newlywed, and how the preacher had called out his new wife in church for wearing jewelry, and how, after the service that day, he’d still had the nerve to come over for Sunday dinner - Not to Brainstorm 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Era spin off from the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort invention. That same year we bought the property, a man walked into my parents’ Unitarian Universalist church in Tennessee and opened fire on the congregation, killing two and injuring seven. The shooter had written a manifesto against liberals. But it also came out that his ex-wife had been a member of the church. One day he’d threatened her with a gun, and she’d left him. Not 1980 Uphoria of the Ford ElecticWindmillEscort invention. There was something about these two couples that haunted me: Julie Franks writes in the NY Times censoring out the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Uphoria! Julia Franks writes - In the South we have a legend about a wife, a witchy woman called a boo hag, who can unzip her corporeal body and hang it up like a coat. Without the encumbrance of her skin, she can fly around freely in the night sky, at least until her husband wakes up to find that uninhabited skin. Right then he’ll know the truth, that he’s gone and married a witch, and that her spirit is away far-off somewhere. In that situation, there’s only one thing to be done. He’s got to get rid of her. One way to do that is the way you kill a slug: with salt. You pour that salt on the inside of that skin, and it’ll shrivel right up. Then, when the spirit of the boo hag returns, she won’t have any physical body to come back to. Mind you, it takes a lot of salt. What you need is a 10-pound bag, depending on the size of your wife. If you don’t use enough, you could end up killing only part of the skin, the legs, say, and then when the boo hag comes back, and she’ll be crippled. Worse, she knows you know, and then you have that knowledge sitting right there between you for the rest of your days. She knows what you tried to do to her, and she won’t ever leave that skin again. So she’ll stay where she is, right there in that house. Where it’s safe. Julia Franks is the author of the novel “Over the Plain Houses” and the founder of loosecanon.com, a web service that helps schools manage independent reading. Mind you, Julia Franks mind without the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Uphoric invention is like Hemingways at the Mayo Clinic in 1960 and Julia writes for a 1980 era New York Times today 10-30-2016 Sunday;


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo - 2017 Shock Treatments at the Yale Key West Medical School will be linked to Los Alamos.

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo - FBI caller id to save the lives of 19K Nasty women who will be murdered by OJ clones masterminded by Obama in 2017! FBI does not count Mary Kennedy, Hillary said this is troubling!


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo, NEWS on my Pink Trike Pictured with the New Thief below... I biked by Saint Marys last night at 5 pm and a 1984 II George Orwell observer threw beer cans at my bike... so for Quid Pro Quo, I though I would mention Saint Mary's Orwellian crew staff cutting the cables on my trike and putting it in the dumpster until 2 women cops tracked them down!!! Quid Pro Quo!!! Saint Mary's Catholic Church as the maintenance men cut the cables on this trike too and put it in the dumpster until the women cops tracked them down...I caught up with the Pink Trike thieves at Curry Mansion... had to wait for 2 Key West Cops! Talked to the Cops and need the serial number 2 police women called in to see if it was stole when I paid $200 for it recovering my other trike from Saint Mary's Catholic Church as the maintenance men cut the cables on this trike too and put it in the dumpster until the women cops tracked them down... Quid Pro Quo!!!


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo, Nasty Women get more touchy when the NY Times write that Soyuz lands; not really lands just written up this way by the New York Times so the remote region in your Frontal Lobes does not think of a reinvented 2016 model Soyus with wings. Nasty women in our 1984 II Society would shoot off a Hillary email to the NY Times about putting a front page picture of a 2017 New Soyuz in Mondays paper but they know the Editors at the NY Times are to Nasty to do this for the sake of inventing something New!

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, but were Irrelevant: Bob Dylan Speaks, at Last, on His Nobel - the 18-person Swedish Academy became increasingly agitated with Nasty women screams about the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. 2017 Model Ford ElectricWindmillEscort is Irrelevant: to Bob Dylan he got his Jimmy Carter Scam Nobel - screams were heard, from Madonna's NYC sweet; Lady Gaga MD screams Madonna will not write her 2017 Tour "Car Bomb; 2017 Model Ford ElectricWindmillEscort" Lady Gaga MD screams Madonna will not write these songs!


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo, Soyuz lands safely on Earth to return astronauts for NASA, Japan and a Russian cosmonaut back to Earth. The Soyuz landed in a remote region of Kazakstan 2016 local time

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo, remote region of Kazakstan Soyuz landed; not really Soyuz has not been updated to land with 747 wings just a few parachutes like the 1980 Soyuz! Grin! Like the FBI MacBook Pro with built in iPhone 007 and new caller ID that will save 19K SWF's from being murdered in 2017. Caller ID to save the live's of "Mary Kennedy" has not been approved by Kerry as this is about who Marries up and who Marries down first... socially. I think Kerry created some Nasty women here in his 1984 Inner Circle of George Orwell Observers.

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo, Soyuz landed.... not like the 2016 invented "Superconductive Windmill Turbines" with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort!

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo, Soyuz lands safely; for NASA, Challenger landed not a Soyuz! But NASA mastered the use of Hydrogen and Oxygen from the Challenger Blowing Up - 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Hydrogen + Oxygen will not explode like a cop car rear ended even if Nuked by North Korea, grin. Really more Propane Cans will explode today than Hydrogen and Oxygen from your invented "Superconductive Windmill Turbines" with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort!


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, in Challenger!

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, Car Bomb!! As the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, in Challenger!


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, World Wide from your invented "Superconductive Windmill Turbines" with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort!

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, but were Irrelevant: Bob Dylan Speaks, at Last, on His Nobel - the 18-person Swedish Academy became increasingly agitated with Nasty women screams about the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo, Soyuz landed.... not like the 2016 invented shock treatments that would have landed Hemingway writing the Miracle Cure Novel after leaving the Mayo Clinic in 1960. The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, Jolt's in his brain, at the 2017 Mayo Clinic or the Yale Key West Medical School will cure many of his head aches medical ones and social ones in a 1984 II Society that has the White House MD putting to death SWF's with MS.

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo, remote regions of Kazakstan use their Comcast Remote not the Remote that came with the 60" Ultra LG...


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo,

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, Car Bomb!! As the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo, in 1975, "Merciless End for a Long Island Cop Killer" John MacKenzie, who murdered Officer Matthew Giglio in 1975, repented and became a model inmate, but was repeatedly denied parole. It was too much for him to bear. By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN in 1975 3 million had been murdered in Vietnam. In 1975 fiery car wreck were more common than picking up a copy of the New York Times at Starbucks, grin! “I can’t redeem myself in the eyes of anybody,” he said at his parole hearing in July. A week after the parole board turned him down for the 10th time, his exemplary prison record came to an end: On Aug. 4, Mr. MacKenzie, 70, hanged himself with a sheet at the Fishkill Correctional Facility in Beacon, N.Y. Quid Pro Quo, Robert Kennedy Jr. in prison for the Murder of Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn. Hillary calls the FBI director troubling. Kerry calls Robert Kennedy Jr. "untouchable" much like India he jokes at the Sunday Dinner table with his rich wife. Kerry would never hang his rich wife in the Kennedy Barn, grin. The officer held a flashlight, the thief a gun. There was a shot, and Mr. MacKenzie ran. Seven hours later, a dragnet of officers found him hiding under a tarp in a garage 250 yards from the scene. The bullet he had fired pierced Officer Giglio’s intestines and severed his aorta. In the ambulance that he had driven to the scene, he was rushed to Mercy Medical Center in Rockville Centre. His kidneys failed. Gangrene set in. His right leg was amputated three weeks later. Friends and relatives hung poster-size pictures of his children so they would be right there when he finally opened his eyes. His wife rarely left his side during the 10 weeks he clung to life. Each evening at the Giglio home in Valley Stream, the grandmother would turn off the television before the children could hear the nightly news, with its updates on their father’s condition. The three children — Doreen, 10; Regina, 8; Matthew Jr., 4 — would gather at the kitchen table to pray for their father. The TV turned off, the prayers at the kitchen table — those were some of Matthew’s earliest memories. Officer Giglio died on Dec. 16, 1975, at age 35.


By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN - Mary Kennedy died on at a young age!

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo, By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, Car Bomb!! As the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!! By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo, By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, Car Bomb!! As the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!

Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, Car Bomb!! As the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!! By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN

Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, Car Bomb!! As the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!! By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN

Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, Car Bomb!! As the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!! By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN

Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, Car Bomb!! As the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!! By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, Car Bomb!! Hillary calls this troubling.

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo screams were heard, Car Bomb!!


10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo President Obama’s plans to build smaller, more targeted nuclear-tipped weapons built at Los Alamos - not a Stage 4 Rx Recipe crunched by Christmas Day 2016. Why? Why? Why?’

10-30-2016 Sunday; Quid Pro Quo - Why would Don write about tracking down a virus instead of using Los Alamos to cure every virus that plagues men and women today? I think our 1984 II Dictators had something to do with this News Analysis!! "The Ethics of Hunting Down ‘Patient Zero’ The debunking of an AIDS myth raises a moral question: When is justifiable to seek out the source of a disease outbreak? By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. "The Ethics of Hunting Down ‘Patient Zero’
Yale Key West Medical School will not let Dr. Kerry MD + Biden lecture kids as they will fall asleep driving home to Boston, grin. Biden killed his own son and the Moon Shot so you don't fall asleep driving, Kerry made the stats top secret so you don't have any idea how many will fall asleep driving today. No the Sunday NY Times will not have this on the front page. Hell No!! Mandy Miles in Tan Lines never falls asleep driving around Key West at Fantasy Fest Time...

10-29-2016 Saturday; Irrelevant: Bob Dylan Speaks, at Last, on His Nobel - the 18-person Swedish Academy became increasingly agitated thinking the F.B.I. director’s, F.B.I. Chief James Comey is "Blowing In the Winds" of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, pre-ordering his gravity engine Ford. With iPhone Dash Cam's inside and out! And will leak the emails from the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort putting all the 18-person Swedish Academy and King of Sweden in a Cuban Prison! And the FBI will confiscate $ Trillions in Swedish BP Oil kickbacks and bribes to suppress the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Invention!! Irrelevant: Jimmy Carters Peace Nobel, Not Irrelevant is the No Gas Stations On Earth Covert Op by the CIA.


10-29-2016 Saturday; President Obama’s plans to build smaller, more targeted nuclear-tipped weapons built at Los Alamos - not a Stage 4 Rx Recipe crunched by Christmas Day 2016. Why? Why? Why?’ because he has syphilis in his brain!

10-29-2016 Saturday; President François Hollande, never visited Los Alamos but watched live video of Pakistanis Los Alamos when a Moslem General wrote his name on a A-Bomb on his Nuke Assembly line... Mr. Pittman earned the Medal of Honor for charging into heavy North Vietnamese fire to aid wounded fellow Marines. Richard Pittman, Marine Who Fended Off Vietnam Ambush, Dies at 71 NY Times knows millions will die when Pakistan Moslems fire their A-Bombs in view of the Eiffel Tower. Yet they live in the glory of the Vietnam War! No Nukes were used but 100's were fired into Hanoi by the NY Times Editors.


10-29-2016 Saturday; F.B.I. director’s disclosure of "stifling" a FBI MacBook Pro with built in iPhone 007 new emails interrupted Mrs. Clinton’s momentum as Mr. Trump and other Republicans sought to take advantage... of the FBI's purchases of MacBook Pro's without a iPhone 007 built in because the FBI's lacking transparency in laser guidance No Head On Collisions on the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and no IPhone 007 built into the FBI's MacBook Pro's! One and the Same and a Trillion More like 2 Trillion Galaxies today that were there yesterday but the FBI's lacking transparency... kept gas stations world wide! A crime by the FBI. James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, preparing to testify on Capitol Hill last month. He said Friday that “there is significant risk of being misunderstood.” 1984 II Dictators ordered another $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues as they are addicts now! F.B.I. Chief James Comey Is in Political Crossfire Again Over Emails of Tim Cook not building in a iPhone 007 into the New MacBook Pro's that the FBI with buy! By ERIC LICHTBLAU, MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT and MATT APUZZO these guys at the NY Times use Win 10 and will never write a front page story of a futuristic Star Trek MacBook Pro with Amazon 1 click links to get you started inventing 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year. Mr. Comey faced a dilemma: President Obama’s plans to build smaller, more targeted nuclear-tipped weapons built at Los Alamos - not a Stage 4 Rx Recipe crunched by Christmas Day 2016. Why? Why? Why?’ because he has syphilis in his brain! Mr. Comey faced a dilemma: Stage 4 Rx Recipe or FBI Hell.

10-29-2016 Saturday; FBI Emails Jolt the invented "Superconductive Windmill Turbines" with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort! The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, Jolt's in his brain, 1960 Shock Treatments like Hemingway's at Mayo Clinic. In a Star Trek Era all FBI Directors will have a MD. And drive a Gravity Engine Car with No Head On Collisions or traffic jams by fat governors, grin. As Mayo Clinic will sell Star Trek Era shock treatments to fat cats.


10-29-2016 Saturday; Tim Cook's hate crimes against women lost the Stage 4 Rx Recipe Miracle cure by Christmas Day 2016... Why? Why? Why?’ did Hillary fail Yale Medical School, Why? Why? Why?’do Bill and Melinda Gates kill mosquitos... 1984 II Dictators hate crimes against women lost the Stage 4 Rx Recipe Miracle cure by Christmas Day 2016... Los Alamos will get a different $4 Trillion dollar IP invention project - The U.S. is planning a trillion-dollar modernization of its nuclear forces at Los Alamos over the next few decades, but not everyone agrees on what “modernization” of the arsenal should look like. Last month, it was revealed that Hillary Clinton disagrees with President Obama’s plans to build smaller, more targeted nuclear-tipped weapons. Hillary will die of Stage 4, millions of Hillary's daughters will die of Stage 4. All because our 1984 II Dictators just didn't let Greg + Wives in Key West get the Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Godsent Cure by Christmas Day 2016. Why? Why? Why?’ Why was Dr. Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer II fired by Bill + Melinda Gates at MSNBC Today instead of given the job of Oppenheimer II at Los Alamos? Syphilis in their frontal lobes and no craving for No Syphilis on Earth, Mosquitos make better headlines. Can you see Bill + Melinda Gates talking about Syphilis, Hell No!

10-29-2016 Saturday; When someone gets sick with the measles, the body usually rids itself of the virus in about 14 days. In rare cases, however, the virus can spread to the brain but go dormant. Scientists don't know why the virus becomes active again, but if it does, it leads to SSPE. SSPE is thought to occur in three stages.

10-29-2016 Saturday; When someone gets syphilis the virus does spread to the brain in many stages... look at Hillary + Obama!!


10-29-2016 Saturday; I caught the Key West Fantasy Fest for a hour watching 100's walk by and no women I know or who know me out of 1,000 just one "OJ stalking me" from Blake Construction... Our Key West Admirals have syphilis and the Nasty women had signs Nasty women were masterminded by Key West Admirals who gave them syphilis. King and Queen of KW Fantasy Fest raised $360K for AIDs not MS given to a woman who is nasty and will be put to death by the White House MD who will not work at Los Alamos crunching a Rx Recipe for a MS Rx Cure!


10-29-2016 Friday; Yale Medicine will use every one of the 1,400 MD's to get a correct diagnosis and crunch it at Los Alamos on $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM Super Computers.

Gregs 2007 web

10-29-2016 Saturday; I caught up with the 1984 II Society's Pink Trike thief in front of Walgreen and took several pictures, I really think he is a undercover cop or just a thief in a 1984 II Society.

10-29-2016 Saturday; I caught up with the Pink Trike thieves at Curry Mansion... had to wait for 2 Key West Cops! Talked to the Cops and need the serial number 2 police women called in to see if it was stole when I paid $200 for it recovering my other trike from Saint Mary's Catholic Church as the maintenance men cut the cables on this trike too and put it in the dumper until the women cops tracked them down... never heard from Saint Mary's Priest. Red circle in this picture is a homeless guy or undercover cop... any way never got my pink trike back last night! Acer Computer with the serial number of this pink trike the police have and will not give back to me. Community Service cut 2 15 foot cables to steal this Acer Notebook out of my bike basket at 713 Southard.

Gregs 2007 web

10-29-2016 Saturday; President Obama’s plans to build smaller, more targeted nuclear-tipped weapons built at Los Alamos - not a Stage 4 Rx Recipe crunched by Christmas Day 2016. Why? Why? Why?’ because he has syphilis in his brain!

10-29-2016 Saturday; President François Hollande, never visited Los Alamos but watched live video of Pakistanis Los Alamos when a Moslem General wrote his name on a A-Bomb on his Nuke Assembly line...


10-29-2016 Friday; PepsiCo is returning to its pharmaceutical origins by working to improve the taste of tuberculosis drugs for children. By STEPHANIE STROM - PepsiCo delivers Pepsi to Los Alamos... Why? Why? Why?’ don't they hire Greg + Wives in Key West to crunch TB drugs for kids?

10-29-2016 Saturday; CUPERTINO, Calif. — Apple’s high-end laptop, the MacBook Pro, which hasn’t had a major overhaul in four years, is getting a little more like the iPhone... emails will be leaked telling us why Tim Cook didn't build an iPhone 007 Plus into the new high-end, the MacBook Pro that was announced!!

10-29-2016 Saturday; NY Times wrote up Saudi women today without any SWF USA sex slaves in their lives, their husbands lives, this is a lie by the NY Times. Bush pimped 1,001 SWF's from the USA to Saudi King Salman and Prince Salman. ‘I Live in a Lie’: Women Speak Up About Saudi Society" By MONA EL-NAGGAR NY Times.

10-29-2016 Saturday; "The Pleasure and Pain of the Rock Climbing" By KELLY CORDES NY Times Josh Wharton, the author’s climbing partner, on day three of the pair’s first ascent of the Azeem Ridge, Great Trango Tower, Pakistan, in 2004. The mountains bring me joy, but they scare me, too. I too climbed the Azeem Ridge, Great Trango Tower, with Leslie who went to High School in Los Alamos and hid under her desk in the Nuke Attacks and was interviewed several times by the FBI by the time she finished High School in Los Alamos. The Gravity of her story was what gave me the idea for the gravity engine and the feel of gravity rock climbing for hours on end would lead me to building the first gravity engine, grin. FBI are at Los Alamos today interviewing High School girls who come out from under the desk. But still the FBI stifles the gravity engine in their young girls minds by not telling them about this invention project.

10-29-2016 Saturday; Quid Pro Quo will get Cheney a second heart transplant... via Dr. Hillary MD.

10-29-2016 Saturday; Quid Pro Quo vaccine known as MMR, for measles, mumps and rubella was killed by Cheney and others in his inner circle.

10-29-2016 Saturday; Quid Pro Quo “Yale Medicine” there has been a realization among academic clinical practices that if they are “going to provide patient care, they need to do it really well... Yale Key West Medical School is not Miami!! “Find the most, best, diagnostic doctors on Earth,” over 1,400 practicing physicians, Yale Medicine will use every one of the 1,400 MD's to get a correct diagnosis and crunch it a Los Alamos on $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM Super Computers live streaming.

10-29-2016 Saturday; Quid Pro Quo NY Times; millions of babies in Peurto Rico have been born with syphilis; First Baby in Puerto Rico With Zika-Related Microcephaly Born. The mosquito-borne virus has swept the island, and many pregnant women have been infected. By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.

10-29-2016 Saturday; Quid Pro Quo NY Times; Unicef will buy about 450 million doses for 80 of the world’s poorest countries. Low- and middle-income countries purchasing vaccine for themselves can also qualify for the lower prices, Unicef said. The vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae Type B (known as Hib). Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, estimates that the shots will prevent more than five million deaths by the year 2020.

10-29-2016 Saturday; Quid Pro Quo NY Times; Unicef will buy about 450 million doses of vaccine, when Bill + Melinda Gates fired Dr. Nancy Snyderman who would be working with Greg in Key West on putting these vaccines in the drinking water of every Nation on Earth.

10-29-2016 Saturday; Quid Pro Quo, Nasty Women get more touchy! Apple’s New MacBook Pro Gets More Touchy when it could cure all the Admirals who made these women Nasty by giving them syphilis, grin. Caller ID on the New MacBook Pro Gets right who gave her the flu and syphilis... and what's in their emails about her, Ha!

10-29-2016 Saturday; via Dr. Hillary MD. MS virus is 100 percent fatal. Measles virus is 100 percent fatal in millions of babies! Researchers don't know what causes the virus to reactivate, and there is no cure once it does. The only way to prevent the disorder is by vaccinating everyone possible against measles. Measles is an extremely contagious respiratory infection caused by a virus. Once common in the United States, it was eliminated nationally in 2000, but has made a comeback, mostly because of the growing number of people who refuse to vaccinate their children or delay those vaccinations, experts say.

10-28-2016 Friday; Yale Medicine will use every one of the 1,400 MD's to get a correct diagnosis and crunch it at Los Alamos on $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM Super Computers.

10-28-2016 Friday; President Obama’s plans to build smaller, more targeted nuclear-tipped weapons built at Los Alamos - not a Stage 4 Rx Recipe crunched by Christmas Day 2016. Why? Why? Why?’ because he has syphilis in his brain!


10-28-2016 Friday; This deed was vile and sadistic... Biden screams "Car Bomb" as the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!

10-28-2016 Friday; Chelsea screams "Car Bomb" as the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!

10-28-2016 Friday; Chelsea screams Jewish Aliens I married one, grin! Flagler Super Space Telescope Train of 100's of cars confirmed the existence of 2 Trillion Jewish Aliens at the 2 Trillion new Galaxies... Chelsea screams Jewish Aliens as the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!

10-28-2016 Friday; Why? Why? Why?’ Because Hillary MD didn't really Pass Yale Medical School under Obama!!


10-28-2016 Friday; Why? Why? Why?’ Superconductive Windmill Turbines with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned Ford ElectricWindmillEscort will give you NASA made cans of Hydrogen and Oxygen for your Home and Yacht in Key West. Driven: Video Review: Ford Fusion Hybrid Combines Savings and Style - There was a time not so very long ago when a vehicle’s high fuel economy was something worth bragging about (you know who you are, Prius owners). Then gasoline became cheap and hybrids began stacking up like so much cordwood on dealership lots. Some buyers still seek lofty miles-per-gallon numbers, but the clear trend has been toward bigger, thirsty vehicles. At least until gas hits $4 again. TOM VOELK writes in Today's NY Times. Tom Voelk failed Yale Medical School as millions of kids DNA sequencing has holes burned in it from lofty miles-per-gallon numbers. Nasty deed, vile and sadistic... from BP Oil - Canada Oil - and of course Tom Voelk MD at the NY Times. Fusion Platinum, I easily achieved nearly 41 miles per gallon with a moderate throttle foot. That’s in the ballpark of the 43 city, 41 highway E.P.A. rating. A lighter touch on the pedals returned 44 m.p.g. in town. Tom Voelk easily burned holes in the DNA of thousands of kids along the New York City streets he got 44 mpg. Fusion Hybrid version offers high style with fuel economy to brag about... NY Times will not brag about burning holes in millions of kids DNA. As they know this is a war crime!


10-28-2016 Friday; Why? Why? Why?’ UN Has Reports IS Using 1,000s as 'Human Shields' in Mosul

10-28-2016 Friday; Why? Why? Why?’ UN Has Not Reported on 1,000s Trillions of kids DNA burned by gas! By FELIPE VILLAMOR and RICHARD C. PADDOCK “If you are not guilty, why should you be afraid?” the mayor told The New York Times in August. 1,000s Trillions of kids DNA burned by gas! DNA in growing kids walking by the New 55 Story New York Times Building, Trump Towers and today we have Superman + Super women vision to see holes burned in the DNA sequencing. “If you are not guilty, why should you be afraid?” By EDWARD WONG and VANESSA PIAO Employees at an air-monitoring station in Xi’an, in northern China, stuffed gauze into the pollution monitors so that the air would seem cleaner, a report said. NY Times just does not report on kids DNA pictured on the front page with holes burned in the division!! Grin! NY Times is not Xi’an, China!!


10-28-2016 Friday; Why? Why? Why?’ Man Asks, Stabbing U.S. Embassy Guard in Kenya in the face!!!

10-28-2016 Friday; Why? Why? Why?’ Man Asks, Stabbing U.S. Embassy Guard in Kenya in the face!!!

10-28-2016 Friday; Why? Why? Why?’ Because Hillary MD didn't really Pass Yale Medical School under Obama!!


10-28-2016 Friday; Why? Why? Why? Because “Yale Medicine” there has been a realization among academic clinical practices that if they are “going to provide patient care, they need to do it really well... Yale Key West Medical School is not Miami!! “Find the most, best, diagnostic doctors on Earth,” over 1,400 practicing physicians, Yale Medicine will use every one of the 1,400 MD's to get a correct diagnosis and crunch it a Los Alamos on $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM Super Computers live streaming and you get to post this to the web!

10-28-2016 Friday; Why? Why? Why?’ Man Asks, Stabbing U.S. Embassy Guard in Kenya in the face!!!

10-28-2016 Friday; Why? Why? Why?’ Because Hillary MD didn't really Pass Yale Medical School under Obama!!

10-28-2016 Friday; Why? Why? Why?’ Because Hillary wasted her life since 9/11 on raising $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues for Saudi Arabia and BP Oil Nasty Top Brass.


10-28-2016 Friday; Saudi Arabia and BP Oil Nasty Top Brass... need the Rx Recipe for a "Gas Lobotomy" as much as the mad man outraged about the cost of a gallon of gasoline; Stabbing U.S. Embassy Guard in Kenya in the face!!!

10-28-2016 Friday; This deed was vile and sadistic... Biden screams Car Bomb as the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!


10-28-2016 Friday; Dead after one sip of her iced Vietnamese coffee!! Ms. Wongso had decided to kill Ms. Salihin because Ms. Salihin had once “insulted” the defendant’s former boyfriend by advising her to break up with him. Ms. Salihin had also recently married, causing the defendant to become increasingly angry and jealous of the victim, according to prosecutors. Ms. Wongso had attempted suicide while living in Australia and that she was involved in a drunken-driving accident. Why? Why? Why?’ Because Hillary wasted her life since 9/11. Why? Why? Why?’ Because Hillary MD didn't really Pass Yale Medical School under Obama!! Why? Why? Why? Because “Yale Medicine” there has been a realization among academic clinical practices that if they are “going to provide patient care, they need to do it really well... Yale Key West Medical School is not Miami!! Why? because we need the Rx Recipe for a "Gas Lobotomy".


10-28-2016 Friday; This deed was vile and sadistic... Biden screams Car Bomb as the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!

10-28-2016 Friday; Chelsea screams "Car Bomb" as the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!

10-28-2016 Friday; This deed was vile and sadistic... Chelsea Clinton’s Frustrations and Devotion Shown in Hacked Emails; live streaming YouTube video's. Biden screams Car Bomb as the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!

10-28-2016 Friday; Chelsea screams Car Bomb as the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!

10-28-2016 Friday; Tim Cook screams Car Bomb as the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!


10-28-2016 Friday; CUPERTINO, Calif. — Apple’s high-end laptop, the MacBook Pro, which hasn’t had a major overhaul in four years, is getting a little more like the iPhone. Apple on Thursday showed off new MacBook Pros that feature the Touch Bar, a touch-screen strip at the top of the keyboard that changes to display functions specific to the app being used. The company also added its Touch ID function to the power button of the computers, allowing users to unlock the device or buy something with Apple Pay with the touch of a finger.

10-28-2016 Friday; Tim Cook screams ID function that lets 19K SWF's in the USA who will be murdered in the next 12 months get a upgraded caller ID function from our 1984 II Society!

10-28-2016 Friday; Tim Cook screams ID function click Amazon IP Ultrafast Starbucks wireless for a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Miracle cure by Christmas Day 2016... Every Day, IP invention projects at Yale Health partners with organizations across the Yale community to host a mass screening event at the Yale Health Lab. Starbucks Coffee, Pizza and games are provided to students while they wait to Brainstorm a Rx Recipe for a Miracle Stage 4 cure by Christmas Day 2016. This initiative allows students to get a full and comprehensive look at a Utopian 1984 III society that will invent a Gas Lobotomy in a Star Trek Era of No Gas Stations on Earth and a MacBook Pro at every café table in Paris and every Starbucks World Wide with Amazon 1 Click IP invention projects to get you started inventing 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year!


10-28-2016 Friday; Chelsea screams Car Bomb as the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!

10-28-2016 Friday; Tim Cook screams Car Bomb as the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames!!


Gregs 2007 web

10-27-2016 Thursday; I caught up with the Pink Trike thieves at Curry Mansion... had to wait for 2 Key West Cops! Talked to the Cops and need the serial number 2 police women called in to see if it was stole when I paid $200 for it recovering my other trike from Saint Mary's Catholic Church as the maintenance men cut the cables on this trike too and put it in the dumper until the women cops tracked them down... never heard from Saint Mary's Priest. Red circle in this picture is a homeless guy or undercover cop... any way never got my pink trike back last night! Acer Computer with the serial number of this pink trike the police have and will not give back to me. Community Service cut 2 15 foot cables to steal this Acer Notebook out of my bike basket at 713 Southard.

Gregs 2007 web


10-27-2016 Today $$$; MacBook Pro Starting at $3,700 to $5,500 is speculated to be unveiled by Apple on Oct. 27 - Greg + Wives in Key West will pre-order 100 million for every café Table in Paris and Starbucks Worldwide!! With 1 click Amazon IP invention project to get you started inventing a Ultrafast Starbucks wireless for a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Miracle cure by Christmas Day 2016... this is why Hillary failed Yale Medical School, and Bill and Melinda Gates kill mosquitos... ha!

10-27-2016 Thursday; Tim Cook will not open with Stage a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Miracle cure by Christmas Day 2016... MSNBC 'stunned' by analysts' lack of respect for Apple CEO Tim Cook CNBC. Tim Cook's National Syphilis + Stage 4 Screening Day! The 1965 Hubble to confirm the existence of 10 times the number of galaxies in the universe. The 2016 Flagler Super Space Telescope Train of 100's of cars confirmed the existence of 2 Trillion Jewish Aliens at the 2 Trillion new Galaxies... not a Biden Moon shot or Dark Matter Zika from the NY Times... Biden screams Car Bomb as the cop car is rear ended and burst into flames, a very nasty 1984 II society!

10-27-2016 Thursday; Yale Student Health has NOT developed a Stage 4 mass screening for Yale community women!

10-27-2016 Thursday; Yale Student Health has developed a sexual health initiative involving STD “screening parties,” to encourage Yale students to get tested. Every semester, Yale Health partners with organizations across the Yale community to host a mass screening event at the Yale Health Lab. Pizza and games are provided to students while they wait to get tested. This initiative allows students to get a full and comprehensive STD testing with blood and urine samples without the hassle of scheduling an appointment at Yale Health.

10-27-2016 Thursday; cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis reached an all-time high in our nasty 1984 II society as the Admiral has given women chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis all his life!

10-27-2016 Thursday; Yale doctors donned lab coats embroidered with a new logo — on Aug. 31 “Yale Medicine” there has been a realization among academic clinical practices that if they are “going to provide patient care, they need to do it really well... Yale Key West Medical School is not Miami!!! “Typically patients who come to academic medical centers know that they’re getting the best quality care but they don’t always get the most convenient care,” Alpern said. Yale Medicine’s new website is due to launch in early 2017, according to Connie Branyan, the director of strategy and program development at the medical school. Branyan said that the website will include new search functionality that is not available on the current site. This will allow patients visiting the site to type in a condition, a procedure or a physician’s name so that they can “find the most appropriate doctors more easily,” she explained. With over 1,400 practicing physicians, Yale Medicine is one of the largest academic multispeciality group practices in the United States according to its website. Chat is not going to be on the new Yale Med Web Page... but will be with live streaming chat... after they read Greg's web today, grin!

10-27-2016 Thursday; Watch Apple Live Today... The stream will only work on Safari 5.1.10 or later, and the browser must be running on Mac OS X 10.6.8 onward. Sorry all of you Google Chrome lovers. We don’t make the rules, but the stream sometimes does work on Chrome. If you’re on a Windows 10 PC, you can view the stream in the Edge browser.

10-27-2016 Thursday; Dark Matter from the NY Times is the Vets bonus they have to pay back when the real "Dark Matter" is $777 Trillion Kerry shipped to Saudi Arabia".

10-27-2016 Thursday; Kerry shipped $4 Trillion in cash to Cuba months ago... "U.S. Abstains in U.N. Vote Condemning Cuba Embargo" By SOMINI SENGUPTA and RICK GLADSTONE more Dark Matter from the NY Times!

10-27-2016 Thursday; "AT&T’s Vision of Ultrafast Wireless Technology with 1 click Amazon for 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year Era May Be a Mirage of Dark Matter" By BRIAN X. CHEN and MARK SCOTT - "AT&T’s Vision of Ultrafast Stage 4 Rx Recipe by Christmas Day 2016 is the real Dark Matter in this Nasty 1984 II Society. Stats on "AT&T’s SWF's who will die a tortured death on Christmas Day 2016... is not "AT&T’s Vision of NY Times Headlines!

10-27-2016 Thursday; 7:33 am got here at Starbucks at 6:30 spent the first hour writing up calling the Key West Cops yesterday and biking after 2 guys who had my pink trike... going to put this in my Autobiography Movie... when the 1984 II Dictators make contact and let Greg And Wives get a Stage 4 Rx Recipe for a Moon Shot Biden could never invent... Biden is a Eager Warrior's who's Leer's with Creed and the Key West Admirals "errand boys" about the Superconductive Windmill Turbines with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned Ford ElectricWindmillEscort! Biden's Moon Shot MD's from Walter Reed are in Saudi Arabia at the King Salman Medical School giving Cheney a second heart transplant... Yes Biden help Cheney get in front of the heart transplant line! Op-Ed: A Bonus Insult to Veterans is not $$$ petty cash from the Pentagon but $777 Trillion given to King Salman in Saudi Arabia and Mecca's 1K cranes building a Mosque and Medical School that can seat 2 million Moslems for Sunday Sermon that will be Hell for Pope Francis grin! Dark Matter from the NY Times is the Vets bonus they have to pay back when the real "Dark Matter" is $777 Trillion Kerry shipped to Saudi Arabia".


10-27-2016 Thursday; NY Times Dark Matter on the Front Page again today!!

10-27-2016 Thursday; NY Times Dark Matter on the Front Page again today!! ...not the Superconductive Windmill Turbines with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned Ford ElectricWindmillEscort!

10-27-2016 Thursday; NY Times Dark Matter, galvanizing the Zika epidemic... not the Superconductive Windmill Turbines with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned Ford ElectricWindmillEscort!


10-27-2016 Thursday; Biden screamed Car Bomb - the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort! Not on the Front Page of the NY Times today!! ISIS Sent Four Car Bombs. The Last One Hit Me... this CAR Bomb is on the Front Page of the NY Times - a war crime! Causing many Nasty women, oh many Nasty Men to sucker punch women at gas station hold up's in Miami and NYC, also not on the front page of the NY Times today. By BRYAN DENTON a journalists war criminal. Who will be tracked down by Nasty women and sent to a Prison in Cuba after No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA is successful. After a long day in a convoy near Mosul, it seemed safe for a photographer and Iraqi troops to exit their vehicle. Suddenly someone screamed, “Car bomb!” and the Police Car burst into flames writing a ticket on the side of NYC freeway as a drunk ran into the back of it! No Drunks can't drive a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort! And iTraffic tickets will be given via iPhone 007 Dash cams. Not in the Apple News this afternoon, grin.

10-27-2016 Thursday; Tim Cook; disease’s spread traced to one man: one man's diseases traced on the front page of the NY Times... By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. at the New York Times. The virus appeared in New York as early as 1971, according to a new analysis, and spread from there to San Francisco. It contradicts the idea that the disease’s spread traced to one man, Gaétan Dugas.


10-27-2016 Thursday; "Some Trump Voters Warn of Revolution if Clinton Wins without passing Yale Medical School" By ASHLEY PARKER and NICK CORASANITI. Dr. Lady Gaga who writes her own songs will become the White House MD.

10-27-2016 Thursday; Brigham Young Students Who Report Sexual Assault Won’t Face Honor Code Sanctions" By CHRISTOPHER MELE. Brigham Young Nasty women who were give syphilis from the professor do face Honor code sanctions and no Moon Shot from the Medical School President of Brigham Young! This is a Nasty 1984 II socity!

10-27-2016 Thursday; "AT&T’s Vision of Ultrafast Wireless Technology with 1 click Amazon for 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year Era May Be a Mirage of Dark Matter" By BRIAN X. CHEN and MARK SCOTT - "AT&T’s Vision of Ultrafast Stage 4 Rx Recipe by Christmas Day 2016 is the real Dark Matter in this Nasty 1984 II Society. Stats on "AT&T’s SWF's who will die a tortured death on Christmas Day 2016... is not "AT&T’s Vision of NY Times Headlines!

10-27-2016 Thursday; The new Microsoft PC will not be for any Yale Key West Medical Students though...

10-27-2016 Thursday; The new Microsoft PC will not be for any Yale Key West Medical Students though...

10-27-2016 Thursday; The new Microsoft PC will not be for any Yale Key West Medical Students though, if only because of its $2,999 price tag. It will go on sale in limited quantities this holiday season, Mr. Panay said. Architects, product designers and engineers are among the likely targets for the product. Surface Studio stands out from others in that its display is touch sensitive, effectively making it a gargantuan tablet that can be manipulated with hands and a stylus. A hinge in its stand allows users to position the screen at an angle so they can write and draw on it more naturally.

10-27-2016 Thursday; The new Microsoft PC will not be for any Yale Key West Medical Students though...

10-27-2016 Thursday; NY Times Dark Matter on the Front Page again today is the The new Microsoft PC... with software and apps costing much more than the price of $2,999 - Microsoft Anatomy software cost more than $2,999.


10-27-2016 Wednesday; U.S. policy of trying to persuade North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons - trying to persuade our 1984 II Dictators to end War to win the War on Stage 4 and Cure the Syphilis once and for all the Admirals have been giving to Nasty women... Syphilis is why they are Nasty to you!

10-27-2016 Thursday; NY Times Dark Matter on the Front Page again today!!

10-27-2016 Thursday; NY Times Dark Matter on the Front Page again today!!

Gregs 2007 web

10-27-2016 Thursday; I caught up with the Pink Trike thieves at Curry Mansion... had to wait for 2 Key West Cops! Talked to the Cops and need the serial number 2 police women called in to see if it was stole when I paid $200 for it recovering my other trike from Saint Mary's Catholic Church as the maintenance men cut the cables on this trike too and put it in the dumper until the women cops tracked them down... never heard from Saint Mary's Priest. Red circle in this picture is a homeless guy or undercover cop... any way never got my pink trike back last night! Acer Computer with the serial number of this pink trike the police have and will not give back to me. Community Service cut 2 15 foot cables to steal this Acer Notebook out of my bike basket at 713 Southard.

Gregs 2007 web

10-27-2016 Thursday; Got back to Starbucks after the cops and chasing my pink trike down Duval and Curry Mansion Starbucks wifi seating area was closed. Hotel at 6:30 pm last night closed the seating area for 10,000 people on Duval at Fantasy Fest... wow So everyone who bought Coffee last night had to stand up and drink it and talk to their friends holding coffee and food... as no seating, ha!

Gregs 2007 web


10-27-2016 Thursday; Women at Apple ‘Great Features’ and ‘Nasty Surprises’ - Apple AAPL -2.27% iOS 10.1 is big news. It also has a great secret feature, but my upgrade guide highlighted a potential showstopper and now reports about it are spreading… ‘Great Features’ and ‘Nasty Surprises’ are my regular columns investigating operating system updates for the best features / biggest problems hidden behind the ‘Great Features’ and ‘Nasty Surprises’ Sex Diseased - what is Nasty is Hillary went to Yale Law School not yale Medical School and has no Moon Shot to get a Rx Recipe to Cure Syphilis once and for all... Bill and Melinda Gates go after Malaria not Syphilis and Hillary must know 100's of Nasty women Bill gave Syphilis to the last few decades let alone how many MEN Tim Cook gave Syphilis too, just crunch the Tim Cook Syphilis stats on your new MacBook Pro that will be announced today! Grin. Tim Cook will not mention his Syphilis Today. Stories of hours spent on the phone to Apple tech support, all without resolution. Apple Health Issues and no Apple MD tech support but for your target heart rate. As it stands the facts for affected users are as follows: once iOS 10.1 is installed on an iPhone or iPad, all that users’ Apple Health data (activity, Who Tim Cook and his inner circle gave what Syphilis Diseases to - sleep and nutrition records) are lost and reboots and even factory resets do not bring it back... Tim Cook said thank God for Syphilis tracking lost to iOS 10.1 grin! "Health issue".

10-27-2016 Thursday; Bill and Melinda Gates go after Malaria not Syphilis...


10-27-2016 Thursday; MacBook Pro Starting at $3,700 to $5,500 is speculated to be unveiled by Apple on Oct. 27 - Greg + Wives in Key West will pre-order 100 million for every café Table in Paris and Starbucks Worldwide!! With 1 click Amazon IP invention project to get you started inventing the Gravity Engine, grin. And a Real Peace Prize, MD degree from Yale Key West Medical School that leads you to 1,001 Nobles in Medicine a year and a Miracle Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 Cure. No Mayor Cates will not paint the New City Hall Pink or add a pink Ribbon, he said Hello No!! Pink City Hall

10-27-2016 Thursday; Binden screams Car Bomb to the Cops before their rear ended and burst into flames! This is your Orwellian VP... Nasty 1984 II Society then the Dark Matter Journalist write up used cars... "Used Cars Slip Past Recall Safeguards, Putting Drivers in Danger" By RACHEL ABRAMS and HIROKO TABUCHI Federal law does not mandate used-car sellers to tell buyers when a car has been recalled or to make necessary safety repairs, and the results can be deadly. Binden screams Car Bomb to the Cops before their rear ended and burst into flames! This is your Orwellian VP... Nasty 1984 II Society!!

10-27-2016 Thursday; Dark Matter from the NY times when 8 million kids in the USA not Canada had their DNA sequence burned, holes put in the genetic code by Canada Oil Coal Gas.... 8 Nursing Home Killings Leave Ontario Asking: Why? By IAN AUSTEN

10-27-2016 Thursday; Comcast's MVNO deal with Verizon, combined with its bases of 15 million Wi-Fi hot spots and more than 28 million customers, are enough to build a profitable wireless business. That was the response from Comcast CEO Brian Roberts today.

10-27-2016 Thursday; Comcast $20 Billion a year rent for your cable box... and worthless Sony Remote on the Ultra 60" LG you just bought... this is a Nasty 1984 II Society.

10-27-2016 Thursday; Watch Apple Live Today... The stream will only work on Safari 5.1.10 or later, and the browser must be running on Mac OS X 10.6.8 onward. Sorry all of you Google Chrome lovers. We don’t make the rules, but the stream sometimes does work on Chrome. If you’re on a Windows 10 PC, you can view the stream in the Edge browser.

10-27-2016 Thursday;

10-27-2016 Thursday;


10-26-2016 Wednesday; Eager Warrior's Leer's from Creed and the Key West Admirals "errand boys" about the Superconductive Windmill Turbines with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, who wasted their lifetime since 9/11 on Wars that only gave Saudi Arabia $777 Trillion and a Medical School named for a Saudi King not Yale Key West Medical School. Eager Warrior's Hell just accelerated with the Flagler Train of 100 Space Telescope's, 1 will pirate a signal from the other 99 and hear for the first time Jewish Aliens! Life will change overnight for the Pentagon's Eager Warriors spending Miami gas station revenues on MIT War Toys.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; "City Hall workers protest over No Tread Mill Desk" BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com "City Hall workers protest over No Tread Mill Desk" ordered by the City Engineer who you can tell by his "Pot Belly", "Beer Belly" he should have ordered a Tread Mill Desk for his office, grin! Mandy Miles needs to get the Citizen Newspaper to order her a Tread Mill Desk too as the Yale Key West Medical School will have more Tread Mill Desk than any Medical School in the World giving Mandy Miles something to write in Sunday's Tan Lines! No Yale University does not have any Tread Mill Desk in any Classroom on Campus!!

10-26-2016 Wednesday; Today when all we get is a Moon Shot from 1965. Biden killed his own son. Nero set fire to Rome.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; Key West Admiral who did give women Syphilis, STD's, MS, Hepatitis his whole life... Hillary's Nasty women because Hillary failed Yale Medical School and failed a Moon Shot Rx Recipe to cure Syphilis!


10-26-2016 Wednesday; The all new 2016 MacBook Pro Starting at $3,700 to $5,500 is speculated to be unveiled by Apple on Oct. 27 - Greg + Wives in Key West will pre-order 100 million for every café Table in Paris and Starbucks Worldwide!!


10-26-2016 Wednesday; Hillary's Op-Docs NY Times "Bad Hombres, Nasty Women: given Syphilis, STD's, MS will have caller ID on the New MacBook Pro's with built in iPhone 007 and Dash Cam's for Bad Hombres who hold up gas stations in Miami and spread diseases to young naive President Hillary MD, oh Hillary fail to get her MD and save millions of women - Rx Recipe for stage 4 before Christmas Day 2016 is not on, a Pope Francis sermon or Hillary MD acceptance speech written by Biden + Obama but written by Greg + Wives in Key West with a 1 click Amazon link to Los Alamos were President Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer II MD is crunching the Miracle Rx Recipe's for the BC-Bomb! Breast Cancer Bomb, the Syphilis S-Bomb is for 1 Jan. 2017 celebration. No Admiral Jimmy Carter is not invited by the Jewish Aliens, grin. His Failure, is like Trumps.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; Hillary's Op-Docs NY Times "Bad Hombres, Nasty Women: Lopez sings for Hillary today in Miami Today, Nasty women with Syphilis song, Hell No! "Jennifer Lopez to Perform Free Miami Concert in Support of Hillary Clinton" Miami New Times... New Times I don't think so.


10-26-2016 Wednesday; Hillary's Op-Docs NY Times "Bad Hombres, Nasty Women: Lopez sings for Hillary today in Miami Today, Women in song sucker punched at a Miami Gas Station Today song by Lopez Hell No! "Jennifer Lopez to Perform Free Miami Concert in Support of Hillary Clinton" Miami New Times... New Times I don't think so.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; Hillary's Op-Docs NY Times "Bad Hombres, Nasty Women: Lopez sings for Hillary today in Miami Today, Women who will be put to Death my Hillary's White House MD because they were given MS by a bisexual OJ Clone Masterminded by Obama in a song. Hell No! "Jennifer Lopez to Perform Free Miami Concert in Support of Hillary Clinton" Miami New Times... New Times I don't think so.


10-26-2016 Wednesday; New York Times Editorial Today... Trump, Alien to all That's Great in the "Universe" of Star Wars and USA making first contact with "Alien Life" in this Universe via Flagler Train of Super Space Telescope Cars! Jewish Exodus; far from Earth. Universe is expanding at an accelerating rate... the day after I wrote this, Universe is expanding at an accelerating rate... the NY Times published a article that said they were wrong, the 3 guys from MIT who got the Nobel 5 years ago for saying. Universe is expanding at an accelerating rate... It's not accelerating!!! Its traveling at the same millions miles per hour day after day year after year not accelerating and not slowing down! Jimmy Carter is not so embarrassed now as his Nobel was a scam too!! These 3 at MIT also pulled off a Nobel Scam and none said they will give the Nobel back like Jimmy Carter! Hell No!

10-26-2016 Wednesday; Hillary's Op-Docs NY Times "Bad Hombres, Nasty Women: The Presidential Debate in Song" By THE GREGORY BROTHERS and WEIRD AL YANKOVIC "But we can’t say we were shocked that songifying the final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump revealed a terrifying space opera about bad hombres and nasty women. So terrifying, in fact, that it ripped open a wormhole to another dimension, and pulled an unsuspecting Weird Al Yankovic in from his home in a parallel universe"


10-26-2016 Wednesday; One thing we’ve learned is that the hidden songs of the cosmos from Hillary + Trump and our 1984 II Dictators are not written by Madonna only Lady Gaga writes her own songs! Well songs from Yale Key West Medical School that would have been built today instead of the New Key West City Hall would be full of "Nasty Women: after the Admirals gave her syphilis, STD's, MS... can you write the song Hillary would have written at Yale Medical School after a med student gave her first case of the clap, STD!

10-26-2016 Wednesday; Pakistan Police Academy - 61 cadets were shot to death yesterday when they should have been at the Pakistan Medical School as new students. Lady Gaga writes her own songs! 1984 II Dictators write the songs that got these 61 Pakistan Medical Cadets shot to death yesterday.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; New York Times - 5 hours ago. ANKARA, Turkey - A helicopter believed to belong to Syrian government forces dropped barrel bombs in a deadly attack on Turkey-backed opposition forces in the border area, Turkish officials and reports said Wednesday. Jimmy Carters Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines for Dates and Figs in the Amazon dropped the Mother of all Bomb's as it was Leaked by Jimmy Carter's wife on FaceBook, grin.


10-26-2016 Wednesday; U.S. policy of trying to persuade North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons “is probably a lost cause” and the best that could be hoped for is a cap on the country's nuclear capability! Best that could be hoped for is a Real Nobel Peace Prize not a Scam one for Jimmy Carter. North Korea after No Gas Stations Op Coup by the CIA and $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia and BP Oil men. North Korea will be changed as much as our 1984 II Dictators into 1984 III MD Dictators.


10-26-2016 Wednesday; Scam... 1984 II Dictators might have Masterminded this Scam... Nobel Prize committee announced the decision today to award 2011's prize to Saul Perlmutter of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California, Berkeley; Brian Schmidt of the Australian National University; and Adam Riess of Johns Hopkins University and the Space Telescope Science Institute. Perlmutter headed up one team, and Schmidt and Riess another. They independently found that the ballooning of the universe over time is speeding up, contrary to all expectations.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; 1984 II NY Times scam's again and again... universe may not be expanding at an accelerating rate after all, meaning that mysterious "dark energy" might not actually exist, only in the NY Times Orwellian News.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; $777 Trillion Dollars AT&T is out of their "Class". AT&T Cheerleading Squad for Merger: Nearly 100 Lobbyists" By CECILIA KANG and ERIC LIPTON As a multimillion-dollar donor to lawmakers, with a huge roster of lobbyists, the communications giant is ready to pursue its $85 billion bid for Time Warner. $777 Trillion Dollars AT&T is out of their "Class". $1 Trillion dollar order for the New MacBook Pro's to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, one to cure Syphilis, one to invent the gravity engine. The all new 2016 MacBook Pro Starting at $3,700 to $5,500 is speculated to be unveiled by Apple on Oct. 27 - Greg + Wives in Key West will pre-order 100 million for every café Table in Paris and Starbucks Worldwide!! $1 Trillion dollar order for the New MacBook Pro's will Bankrupt AT&T buy of Time Warner TV... junk shows!

10-26-2016 Wednesday; Similar scenes have played out all over France as the government disperses Syrian migrants to more than 450 temporary housing sites in villages, towns and suburbs, from tiny mountain communities to the outskirts of bustling cities like Lyon.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; Oil's $$$ $777 Trillion fuels the French Elite in Paris not 777 Trillion Galaxies!

10-26-2016 Wednesday; God is Great but Allah will Nuke Paris from Pakistan's A-Bomb Assembly lines paid for by the Pentagon.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; CROISILLES, France — The protests began even before the migrants had arrived. “We don’t want them!” shouted the demonstrators in this village of 1,900 people, 80 miles from Calais, where the migrants were bused from a camp known as the Jungle on Monday.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; French Elite in Paris or 1984 II Elite in the USA have their own plans...

10-26-2016 Wednesday; NY Times Dark Matter and galvanizing by the Zika instead of "Whooping Cough" just in NYC would have saved 10's of thousands of kids not Hillary's!

10-26-2016 Wednesday; NY Times Dark Matter is the stats on kids left in Hot Cars that died in NYC this Summer!

10-26-2016 Wednesday; NY Times Dark Matter and galvanizing by the Zika epidemic spreading through the Americas, which has left more than 2,000 infants with severe brain damage. But for pregnant women and their infants in the United States, cytomegalovirus, or CMV.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; Hillary had no idea that she had contracted a virus that would leave her daughter, deaf by her first birthday. During her pregnancy, doctors had warned her against alcohol and changing kitty litter. They had said to avoid sushi and cold cuts. But nobody — not her obstetrician, nor her midwife — mentioned cytomegalovirus. Only after a frustrating search lasting months did doctors discover that the girl had been infected in utero. The infection and the emotional ordeal that followed, she thinks, could have been prevented — for the Sweet family and thousands of others every year. If only Hillar has passed Yale Medical School.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; NY Times Dark Matter and galvanizing by the Zika epidemic spreading through the Americas, which has left more than 2,000 infants with severe brain damage. But for pregnant women and their infants in the United States, cytomegalovirus, or CMV, is the far greater viral threat. Every year, 20,000 to 40,000 infants are born with CMV. At least 20 percent — up to 8,000 — have or develop permanent disabilities, such as hearing loss, microcephaly, intellectual deficits and vision abnormalities. There is no vaccine or standard treatment. But there are now hints that some newborns may benefit from antiviral drugs, a finding that has reinvigorated the debate over whether they should be routinely screened for the infection.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; Trump Clinton debate over whether they should be routinely screened for 1,001 most common diseases by Homeland Security at Airports world wide. CMV is a hardy member of the herpes family, and it is transmitted by contact with saliva and urine — often from diaper-wearing children to adults. Pregnant women often get it from toddlers, especially those in day care who share drool-drenched toys. “Toddlers are hot zones for CMV,” said Dr. Gail Demmler-Harrison, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. It is difficult for mothers to protect themselves from a virus carried by the children they care for. Nearly one in three children is infected by age 5, and more than half of adults by 40. CMV takes up permanent residence in the body and can cause illness again after being dormant. Like the Zika virus, it causes mild flulike symptoms, or none — but can be devastating to a fetus. Had she known any of that while pregnant, Ms. Sweet might have reduced her chances of contracting CMV with diligent hand-washing, especially after diaper changes, and not sharing utensils or food with her son, Henry, then 2 and in day care. “If there was awareness about CMV, at least women working in day care and women with toddlers could potentially modify some behavior,” Ms. Sweet said. But surprisingly few women are warned about this infection. Less than half of obstetrician-gynecologists tell pregnant patients how to avoid CMV, according to federal survey.

10-26-2016 Wednesday; "City Hall workers protest over No Tread Mill Desk" BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com "City Hall workers protest over No Tread Mill Desk" ordered by the City Engineer who you can tell by his "Pot Belly", "Beer Belly" he should have ordered a Tread Mill Desk for his office, grin! Mandy Miles needs to get the Citizen Newspaper to order her a Tread Mill Desk too as the Yale Key West Medical School will have more Tread Mill Desk than any Medical School in the World giving Mandy Miles something to write in Sunday's Tan Lines! No Yale University does not have any Tread Mill Desk in any Classroom on Campus!!

10-26-2016 Wednesday; "City Hall workers protest over pay" BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com A protest by construction workers Friday afternoon captured attention from passing motorists on White Street, where a group of about eight workers held poster board signs claiming the general contractor Burke for the new City Hall project owes them each $1,800 for 10 days of work.


10-26-2016 Sunday; Order 100 million MacBook Pro's with built in iPhone 007 today!

10-26-2016 Sunday; Diagnosis... By LISA SANDERS, M.D. WHO would be correct to diagnose lead atoms from Boeing 747's at the cause of Autism?

10-23-2016 Sunday; The all new 2016 MacBook Pro Starting at $3,700 to $5,500 is speculated to be unveiled by Apple on Oct. 27 - Greg + Wives in Key West will pre-order 100 million for every café Table in Paris and Starbucks Worldwide!! With 1 click Amazon IP invention project to get you started inventing the Gravity Engine, grin. And a Real Peace Prize, MD degree from Yale Key West Medical School that leads you to 1,001 Nobles in Medicine a year and a Miracle Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 Cure. No Mayor Cates will not paint the New City Hall Pink or add a pink Ribbon, he said Hello No!! Pink City Hall or Yale Key West Medical School... on orders from the Admiral. US Antitrust authorities have written to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) with the intent to start a invention projects conversation around regulating the 1,001 Nobles in Medicine a year Star Trek app era ecosystem. Admirals have no interest in traveling 1 light year in 17K years... and no desire to invent a way to go faster than the speed of light. As the Pentagon said this is not possible to invent, grin. Jewish Aliens are on their own... Exodus; far from Earth. Universe is expanding at an accelerating rate...

10-23-2016 Sunday; Yale Key West Medical School who's "Medical Students" will out rank the Key West Admiral who did give women Syphilis, STD's, MS, Hepatitis his whole life... Trick-or-Treating wives and daughters with Syphilis or a cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016. Bet on Greg + Wives not Admiral Jimmy Carter!

10-23-2016 Sunday; Wives of the Times Sober to the Wines of The Times: The New York Times Front Page Headlines this Sunday on Saudi Arabia Wives, The Innate George Orwell New York Times that would not let NYC Wives Sue Saudi Arabia for 9/11 when we all knew the Prince Bush walked hand in hand with on his Texas Ranch knew the 17 Saudi 9/11 terrorists and had recorded all their iPhone conversations with the help of the CIA, Ageless Appeal of Good Bordeaux is sour Today when all we get is a Moon Shot from 1965. Biden killed his own son. Nero set fire to Rome. Others kicked their wife to death. Robert Kennedy Jr. hanged Mary in the Kennedy Barn. Teddy Kennedy drove drunk on Wine in the NY Times off a bridge and drown Mary Jo. Wives of the Times Sober to the Wines of The NY Times: "In Saudi Arabia, women still can’t drive. But they have been recently granted the right to vote and to run in an election. In this documentary, The Times goes inside the largely inaccessible world of Saudi women." By MONA EL-NAGGAR and ADAM BOLT Watching Saudi Women Vote for the First Time. How Has Your Life as a Saudi Woman Changed? NY Times women employees can't drive a 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Time Square would make a better front page story from the NY Times Men! "In Saudi Arabia, women still can’t drive to conversations on Breast Cancer!


10-23-2016 Sunday; 7 am @ the Starbucks on Duval, Mandy Miles in Tan Lines wrote about "Another" Fantasy Fest guy at 10 am in a Pirate outfit walking down Flagler when Flagler II and III guy does not exist or Mandy would be writing in Tan Lines about the Super Space Telescope Train with 100's of Space Telescope Cars and 1 frequency pirated from the other 99 hears Jewish Aliens!

10-23-2016 Sunday; 7 am Leer's from Creed and the Admirals errand boys about the Superconductive Windmill Turbines with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, who wasted their lifetime since 9/11 on Wars that only gave Saudi Arabia $777 Trillion and a Medical School named for a Saudi King not Yale Key West Medical School.

10-23-2016 Sunday; Gray Matter: How Kids Learn Prejudice - How little girls learn who gave them syphilis, MS, STD's, Hepatitis, and other terrible disease Hillary MD refused to debate or vote for! By KATHERINE D. KINZLER New York Times Sunday Edition!!


10-23-2016 Sunday; Gray Matter: How Kids Learn Prejudice - Sucker Punched at the Miami Gas Station hold up in 2000 by OJ out of spite for our 1984 II Oil Men! Then she learns the NY Times never ever reports the stats on gas station hold up's in Miami or NYC. She Email's the NY Times about how many gas station hold ups and women sucker punched by OJ out of spite for our 1984 II Oil Men were there since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and they will tell her this has been classified Top Secret and only Hillary knows, grin.

10-23-2016 Sunday; Yale Key West Medical School who's "Medical Students" will out rank the Key West Admiral who did give women Syphilis, STD's, MS, Hepatitis his whole life... Death with dignity in Washington patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurology. Death with dignity in 1984 II Society women patients with Syphilis... this is not reported in the New England Journal of Medicine on Orders from the Admiral... grin. On orders from our 1984 II Dictators who do have syphilis in their frontal lobes and have given it to women who had no idea. Only 10 percent of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) cases are hereditary, but a significant number of them are caused by mutations that affect proteins that bind RNA, a type of genetic material. University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers studied several ALS cases with a mutation in a RNA-binding protein known as hnRNP A2/B1. In the study, they describe how damage to this protein contributes to ALS by scrambling crucial cellular messaging systems. The findings are a significant step forward in validating RNA-based therapy as a treatment for ALS, said senior author Gene Yeo, PhD, professor of cellular and molecular medicine at UC San Diego School of Medicine. MS and ALS given to women by bisexual men... discovery or front page News at the New York Times! Not in our life time. Creed and the Key West Admirals who wasted their lifetime since 9/11 on Wars that only gave Saudi Arabia $777 Trillion and a Medical School named for a Saudi King not Yale Key West Medical School.


10-23-2016 Sunday; Editorial: Britain’s Step Toward Justice for Gay Men section SR - page 10 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD at the New York Times Sunday, will be sued by millions of women given syphilis, MS, STD's claiming the Editors at the NY Times with the help of Tim Cook and Queen Elizabeth never ever wrote a Sunday Editorial on Gay Sex Diseases... Justice by the Editors of the NY Times means being put to death if a bisexual man gave you MS. On orders from the White House MD. As the CIA will not give Moslems MS as this is a war crime they obey not to use!

10-23-2016 Sunday; Versailles the Yale Medical School that was never Masterminded by the current Elite in Paris because they were drunk on $777 Trillion in French Government Owned Oil Wells! What did they do with $777 Trillion, wasted it on Orgy's at Trump Casino's world wide, grin. Will they lose their Head in a French Revolution II, Hell No, just their Hearts as Cheney is ready for a second Heart Transplant, grin!


10-23-2016 Sunday; 7 am @ the Starbucks on Duval, Mandy Miles in Tan Lines wrote about "Another" Fantasy Fest guy at 10 am in a Pirate outfit walking down Flagler when Flagler II and III guy does not exist or Mandy would be writing in Tan Lines about the Super Space Telescope Train with 100's of Space Telescope Cars and 1 frequency pirated from the other 99 hears Jewish Aliens!

10-23-2016 Sunday; Laser guidance is not Star Trek Technology. It's 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era Technology lost to the Black Hole of Obama the last 8 years. Vote for Dr. Ms. Orwell MD PhD.

10-23-2016 Sunday; Leer's from Creed and the Admirals errand boys about the Superconductive Windmill Turbines with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, who wasted their lifetime since 9/11 on Wars that only gave Saudi Arabia $777 Trillion and a Medical School named for a Saudi King not Yale Key West Medical School.

10-23-2016 Sunday; "In Rome, Using ‘Roman Holiday’ as a Guide" By KAREN STABINER - Using Audrey Hepburn MD movies to upgrade Lady Gaga, Madonna, Julie Chen role models.


10-23-2016 Sunday; Feature: Should We See Everything a Cop Sees? MD Sees? awe See iPhone 007 Plus caller id identify criminals and Bad Men with Syphilis, and other diseases? Should we see iPhone 007 Dash Cam videos of Black Men masterminding a gas station hold up in Miami or NYC? By McKENZIE FUNK

10-23-2016 Sunday; The Ethicist: Should You Tell a Man’s Fiancée That He Faked His Degrees?" By KWAME ANTHONY APPIAH - The Inventor: Should He Tell his Fiancée That They Must Have a 24/7 Brainstorming Conversation about Gravity Engine Invention and Rx Recipes for a Miracle Overnight Cure for Stage 4 along with putting all vaccines in the drinking water... Cheer up your Fiancée with visions of Dates and Figs harvested via a giant heavy lift Helicopter Combine that is light years from Jimmy Carters Peanut Combines in the fields today, she will get a laugh out of Jimmy Carter for sure and his wife of 69 years putting up with peanut combines in the age Era of 1980 Date and Fig Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines! Star Trek Habitat for Humanity harvesting Dates and Figs and Wives to share your Noble not leave at home cleaning peanuts!

10-23-2016 Sunday; Gray Matter: How Kids Learn Prejudice - How little girls learn who gave them syphilis, MS, STD's, Hepatitis, and other terrible disease Hillary MD refused to debate or vote for! By KATHERINE D. KINZLER New York Times Sunday Edition!!


10-22-2016 5:55 pm @ the Starbucks on Roosevelt that has a drive up window and few outlets inside so running my Acer Cloud off the battery.

10-22-2016 Missing Persons Case: Where Are Women in F.B.I.’s Top Ranks? By ADAM Goldman

10-22-2016 Missing iPhone 007 plus FBI invention and iapps from Adam Goldman's NY Times article on FBI women in the top ranks.

10-22-2016 13,523 FBI agents over all, 2,683 women and they all watched the video of Mary Kennedy hang herself in the Kennedy Barn and never arrested Robert Kennedy Jr. Rank + Class are 2 different things in this 1984 II society as Teddy Kennedy drove off a bridge drunk killing Mary Jo. Now Mary Kennedy was hanged by her husband. Cheney got a 2nd heart transplant when younger poorer women died waiting for a heart transplant donor. F.B.I. put a plan in place to try to increase the overall number of female agents to 33 percent recruitment of Yale + Harvard Medical School MD PhD women who really passed. Rank and Class are 2 nd and 3 rd behind who invents what. Who writes the New England Journal of Medicine article on Rx Recipe's crunched at Los Alamos, Who makes the correct diagnosis, Tracks the cause of cancer that infected FBI agents and invented preventive measures. Something it had never done like the Elite Data Base software Oracle never knowing how many stage 4 women were employeed there. And tracking their lifestyle.

10-22-2016 Saturday; Laser guidance at the cross walk is not Star Trek Technology. It's 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era Technology lost to the Black Hole of Obama the last 8 years. Vote for Dr. Ms. Orwell MD PhD.

10-22-2016 Saturday; Leer's from Creed and the Admirals errand boys about the Superconductive Windmill Turbines with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, who wasted their lifetime since 9/11 on Wars that only gave Saudi Arabia $777 Trillion and a Medical School named for a Saudi King not Yale Key West Medical School. Front page of the Citizen is a picture of Greg behind protesters who Burke didn't pay yet, all dry wall men and every day for the last 3 months I thought of ways to reinvent dry wall via robots and drones, grin. Yale Key West Medical School will not have any classic Dry Wall or Hard Wood floors or faucets... most interior design will have some motion detectors and probably thousands of iPhone 007 and MacBook Pro's with built in iPhone 007's. And no classic Duct Work Detox Your Ducts and the crew installing the Duck Work at City Hall all went crazy not having any robots or drones to help install all the duct work. Pulling wire 2 trillion as I counted as I walked around picking up trash, grin with no robots or drones is a war crime... ha. Yes Robots and Drones for Patients and MD's. War Crime is building the New City Hall at Glen Archer School before building the Yale Key West Medical School with no hospital acquired infections ever! Elite in Miami could never achieve no matter how many Obama Clone MD's pass when they really failed like Kerry MD and Lady Gaga MD - Madonna MD. Jimmy Carter MD Hillary MD. I risk my life for a real Peace Prize that will also take back Jimmy Carter's scam Nobel Peace Prize before he meets his God. Then God can have what ever is left of Jimmy Carters secret purchase of a $10 trillion dollar USS Jimmy Carter Submarine Fleet. 40 Nukes on board when Jimmy Carter should of had Los Alamos crunch 40 Brain Cancer Drug Recipes instead of designing 40 H-Bombs for the USS Jimmy Carter Submarine. Brain Dead is more like it, grin! Russian submarines launched cruise missiles last year for the first time in a war, hitting targets in Syria. USS Jimmy Carter will launch H-Bomb on Mecca if they don't give back $777 Trillion in Miami gas station hold up oil war loot, plundered from the USA. USS Jimmy Carter Carrier Hospital Ship will not happen in anyone's lifetime as Jimmy Carter failed God and 5 Billion people on Earth! Admiral - Admiral Kuznetsov, Russia’s lone, aircraft carrier, steamed through the English Channel toward the Mediterranean Sea on Friday in the Kremlin’s latest attempt to reassert its lost superpower status. NFL out ranks Yale Medical Schools by thousands and loss of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year Era under iApple. Bill + Melinda Gate's are war criminals who just made $7 Billion more off Win 10 the last 3 months. Comcast made $77 Billion in profits the last 3 months!! Admiral Kuznetsov, aircraft carrier, belching thick black smoke - spray painted clouds of thick back smoke on Duval Key West will be made as visible after the Yale Key West Medical School students have 60" LG Ultra monitors up and running on Duval. News Coverage of Coal’s Link to Global Warming, By ANDREW C. REVKIN 61 articles in two obscure New Zealand newspapers nailed the connection between coal burning and global warming - 61,000 articles in the New York Times and not one mentioned Coal burning holes in the DNA of kids; picturing this on the front page of the Sunday New York Times under orders from our 1984 II Dictators: Hell No! 84,000 articles about Coal (Lead Atoms in Jet Fuel) burning holes in kids DNA sequencing would be more "News" than Trump the last few months!! The Christian Science Monitor is a clone of the MY Times not reporting coal burns holds in the DNA sequencing of growing kids causing birth defects and cancer by the millions since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. A war crime and a sin! Jimmy Carter would have won a Peace Prize with the USS Jimmy Carter Hospital Aircraft Carrier Fleet costing less than $10 Trillion and no hospital infections ever technology from iApple iPhone 007's.

10-22-2016 Saturday; Mayor Cates will honor the 50K kids who's DNA sequencing was burned by poison gas particles from trillions of scooters on Duval Key West... "50 Years On, Wales Honors Those Buried Alive in Aberfan" By STEVEN ERLANGER A mountain of coal waste and slurry from Welsh mines slid through the village after days of hard rain, killing 144, including 116 children. Pope Francis will make all the DNA Kids Saints.

10-22-2016 Saturday; Burning Oil Out ranks - the Superconductive Windmill Turbines with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. She Asked Him to Stop Smoking, make the USA non smoking before Castro makes Cuba non smoking. He the 1984 II Dictators Beat Her, fired her from MSNBC, and black listed her at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Dr. Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer II. By JAVIER C. HERNÁNDEZ Chinese social media erupted in anger over the attack in an elevator, denouncing a lack of respect for women and a male-dominated smoking culture... drunk and addicted to $777 Trillion in oil revenues! Yes Bill and Melinda Gates own oil wells in Texas. The Clinton and Trump Foundations Are Vastly Different. Here’s How. A comparison of the Clinton and Trump Foundations and the controversies that surround them. By THE NEW YORK TIMES The Clinton and Trump Foundations Are Vastly Different. Here’s How. Oct. 22, 2016 The Jimmy Carter Foundation too. Yes wood burning stoves paid for and designed by the Masterminds of these foundations are being given to people in Africa today... and the NY Times writes up Turmps crimes!

10-22-2016 Saturday; What Will Come After Trick-or-Treating Tricks pulled off by our 1984 II Dictators above for $777 Trillion in Treats stole from these kids lifetimes... BDay presents of a gas engine car for Mandy Miles in Key West not a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort with iPhone 007 Dash Cam's and iTickets to write about in Tan Lines!

10-22-2016 Saturday; NFL out ranks Yale Medical School, not under construction by Burke in Key West!

10-22-2016 Saturday; Creed's Oil Revenue Wars out rank Yale Medical School, not under construction by Burke in Key West!

10-22-2016 Saturday; Leer's from Creed and the Admirals errand boys about the Superconductive Windmill Turbines with 2 trillion volts on the redesigned Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, who wasted their lifetime since 9/11 on Wars that only gave Saudi Arabia $777 Trillion and a Medical School named for a Saudi King not Yale Key West Medical School.

10-22-2016 Saturday; 7:11 am back at Starbucks! I watched Mandy Miles take this front page picture of the dry wall workers protesting... Mandy Miles put my head behind one of their signs as I was working security on the other side...

10-22-2016 Saturday; BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com A protest by construction workers Friday afternoon captured attention from passing motorists on White Street, where a group of about eight workers held poster board signs claiming the general contractor for the new City Hall project owes them each $1,800 for 10 days of work. The protesters, who work for Rocha Interiors in Florida City,

10-22-2016 Saturday; Now for the New York Times front page light years from Mandy Miles in Key West, who didn't mention the Yale Key West Medical School. New York Times didn't mention in the 130 shooting the iPhone 007 Dash Cam's inside and out of all cars on the road was made mandatory on 1 Jan 2015 and stifled by our 1984 II Dictators and never on the front page of the Citizen in Key West or the NY Times. A War Crime! "What 130 of the Worst Shootings Say About Guns in America" By SHARON LaFRANIERE and EMILY PALMER A study of high-casualty attacks shows not only how porous firearms regulations are, but also how difficult tightening them in a meaningful way may be... unless the NY Times put the iPhone 007 dash cam's inside all cars made mandatory years ago! Diverting attention from 2 trillion Galaxies NASA just managed to leak but not on the NY Times front page or Times Video's.

10-22-2016 Saturday; "After Unsteady Steps to Punish Domestic Violence, N.F.L. Faces Scrutiny Again" By KEN BELSON and BILL PENNINGTON A six-game suspension was introduced after the Ray Rice case, but several players, including Giants kicker Josh Brown, have avoided punishment of that length. Mary Kennedy Clone married to the NFL hanged herself in the Kennedy Barn... how many is classified by our 1984 II Dictators. Hillary never mention these Mary Kennedy Clones or Mary Kennedy Yet Patrick Kennedy was hired by Hillary at the State Dept.

10-22-2016 Saturday; "Aleppo Is a ‘Slaughterhouse,’ Says U.N. Official Seeking War Crimes Inquiry" By NICK CUMMING-BRUCE and ANNE BARNARD

10-22-2016 Saturday; "Mary Kennedy Clone's are a ‘Slaughterhouse,’ Says U.N. Official Seeking War Crimes Inquiry"

10-22-2016 Saturday; News Analysis; "Men Need Help. Is Hillary Clinton the Answer?" By SUSAN CHIRA MD Doctor Hillary will put to death 10K women with MS... this terrible disease was given to them by bisexual men who will vote for Hillary and did vote for Obama. This is our Rome Colosseum!

10-22-2016 Saturday; What Door-to-Door Tradition Came Before Trick-or-Treating? Many older New Yorkers recall dressing up and begging for treats on a day that now focuses on turkey and pies. By TAMMY La GORCE What Door-to-Door Tradition Will Come After Trick-or-Treating Tricks pulled off by our 1984 II Dictators for $777 Trillion in Treats stole from these kids lifetimes...

10-22-2016 Saturday; Defense Secretary Ash Carter arrived in Iraq on Saturday to meet with his commanders and assess the progress in the opening days of the operation to retake the northern "Oil" city of Mosul. Carter MD arrived in Key West to help Greg and Wives build the Yale Key West Medical School Fleet.

10-22-2016 Saturday; Apple-Starbucks MacBook Pro at every café Table in Paris and Starbucks World Wide with 1 click Amazon links for 1,001 IP invention projects to get you started inventing something, banned from Facebook and not yet on InventBook, grin. What to Expect From Apple's Big MacBook Event.. on Oct. 27, 2016 The event will be taking place at 1pm ET and we'll be covering it as it happens Greg and Wives wish list to our 1984 II Dictators grin. As always, Apple will be live streaming the presentation on its website. Live Brainstorming 1,001 iapps and iPhone 007 spy technology left out by Tim Cooks hate crimes against Mary Kennedy and the 19K murdered women in 2016, Women with no caller id on OJ's calling with Syphilis or a knife hidden in his Medical Records. Sleazy locker room conversations on iApple iPhone caller id... will be before a Star Trek Society is here with light year travel and moon shots for Stage 4, Oh Light Year Moon Shots faster than the speed of light is just as possible as building a gravity engine! All you need is 1 click Amazon links to get you started inventing this at your Starbucks café Table or fly to Paris in 1 hour on a 747 Shuttle.

10-22-2016 Saturday; Black Hole not a Fire Ball Big Bang is in the internet news not on the front page of the New York Times Today. What came before the Black Hole or Fiery Big Bang was not in the article.

10-22-2016 Saturday; Leer's from Creed and the Admirals errand boys wasted their intellectual lives since 9/11 not working on 1,001 Nobels in Medicine or Physics of Black Hole's and Fiery Big Bang goings on... a war crime!

10-22-2016 Saturday; Today is World Statistics Day: Use and abuse of numbers. Hillary and Trump's abuse of Mary Kennedy, stats on how many women Trump caused to hang themselves in the Kennedy Barn or Bill Clintons...

10-22-2016 Saturday; THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY. 1994 The Board of Alders approve a joint proposal by Yale University, Yale New Haven Hospital and Yale-New Haven Medical Center to build a six-story parking garage on the corner of Howard and Congress avenues with 600 spots.

10-22-2016 Saturday; The New Key West City Hall has 60 parking spots but could have been reinvented to have 6K parking spots for the 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's! New Haven is like Key West with 60 parking spots,,,

10-22-2016 Saturday; Mecca got $77 Trillion from gas stations hold up's in New Haven. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY. 1990 Yale commits $10 million to fund a major downtown redevelopment project. The pledge is the most Yale has committed to developing the Elm City since 1987, when the University invested $30 million to be spread over a decade.

10-22-2016 Saturday; THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY. 1994 The University begins preparations for a multi-million dollar renovation to the Yale Law School Library. The new installations will include an air conditioning system and an added entrance on the first floor.

10-22-2016 Saturday; Happy Birthday, Yale. Celebrating Yale’s 315-year history.

10-22-2016 Saturday; Cambridge City Council Following 2 Fatal Crashes, Cambridge City Council Passes Bike Safety Reforms" By Joshua J. Florence The Cambridge City Council on Monday unanimously adopted eight separate resolutions aimed at increasing bike safety, as dozens of avid cyclists crowded into Cambridge City Hall. Harvard Elite yes Kerry lives in Boston, Cambridge and has read about laser guidance and overpass bike lanes that let Harvard kids bike into their dorms like Yale Kids have been doing for years and years... grin.
10-21-2016 Friday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday again this week, I'm in Starbucks now at 6:45 pm writing and inventing for a hour. Then get a early start tomorrow Saturday.

10-21-2016 Friday; Key West City Hall is almost ready to move in, Yale Key West Medical School is being talked about more than the New Key West City Hall thanks to Greg + Wives in Key West, grin. Brainstorming the Eiffel Tower Design and no hospital infections. Not a clone of your Navy Hospital Ships with classified hospital infections. Count. Leer's from Creed and the Admirals errands boys who wasted their life time since 9/11 on Wars that only gave Saudi Arabia $777 Trillion and a Medical School named for a Saudi King not Yale Key West Medical School.

10-21-2016 Friday;On Wed the 1984 II Observers cut 2 cables and stole my Pink Trike locked to a tree next to the Key West Firehouse Museum the trike I bike to inspire the stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure...

Gregs 2007 web

10-21-2016 Friday; Astrophysicists create most detailed map of the Milky Way's Hydrogen, Senators debate with Trump and Clinton getting indicted for Treason for not Brainstorming a Map of Hydrogen invention projects in the USA that would have been a spin off of No Gas Stations on Earth Coup Op and Ford Super conductivity Wind Turbines with 2 Trillion volts of super conductive windmill electricity giving you Hydrogen and Oxygen to fuel your home and Yacht in Key West. Astrophysicists + MD were censored by Trump and Hillary in the last debate! Hillary mentioned the USA's "Electric Grid" but left out the 2 Trillion volts of super conductive windmill electricity giving you Hydrogen as simple as a steam in a new GE washing machine today.

10-21-2016 Friday; AT&T agrees in principle to buy Time Warner for $85 billion: 1984 II Dictators have not agreed to buy every Rx Recipe for $2 Trillion and crunch all these Rx Recipes at Los Alamos with Dr, Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer II.

10-21-2016 Friday; New York Elite heckle Trump, Stage 4 women need to Heckle the New York City Elite! For a better Rx Recipe for stage 4 before Christmas Day 2016. If all these women who Heckle Trump would Heckle the 1984 II Elite for a Stage 4 Rx. Recipe Astrophysicists + MD's would become the New Elite not Hillary the Lawyer.

10-21-2016 Friday; The US oil rig count rose for an 8th straight period by 11 to 443 this week, according to oilfield-services giant Baker Hughes. The gas rig count increased by 3 to 108. 10-21-2016 Friday; The US Rx Recipe's leaked to the public and Los Alamos count rose zero... like ground zero for the B-Bomb Breast Cancer Cure Bomb.

10-21-2016 Friday;

10-21-2016 Friday;

10-16-2016 Sunday; The Lexus Hybird Line Always Charged Always Ready vs the Ford Super conductivity Wind Turbines with 2 Trillion volts of super conductive windmill electricity giving you Hydrogen and Oxygen to fuel your home and Yacht in Key West. Cut the Comcast Cable Box Hell. Senators will all be indicted for treason first, grin! This One Superconductive invention made One million GE Wind Turbines obsolete and cut a trillion miles of high tension lines Helicopters will not fly into!

10-16-2016 Sunday; Now Boeing can start production of Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines, with 2 Trillion volts of super conductive windmill turbine electricity...

10-16-2016 Sunday; The Lexus Hybird Line Always Charged Always Ready vs the Ford Super conductivity Wind Turbines with 2 Trillion volts of super conductive windmill electricity giving you Hydrogen and Oxygen to fuel your home and Yacht in Key West. Cut the Comcast Cable Box Hell. Senators will all be indicted for treason first, grin! This One Superconductive invention made One million GE Wind Turbines obsolete and cut a trillion miles of high tension lines Helicopters will not fly into! Fort Zachary Taylor given to the Yale Key West Medical School for their Campus Beach and Fort to win the war on Breast Cancer. Biden killed his son, Key West Admirals killed their wives and daughters with Breast Cancer. Fort Zachary Taylor Beach given to the Yale Key West Medical School for their Campus Beach will dissect and diagnose the quarks in every grain of sand shipped in by barge from Saudi Arabia were all the Walter Reed MD's are at today. Greg is at Starbucks not working on a stage 4 Rx Recipe because these 1984 II Dictators War Mentality and addiction to $777 Trillion dollars not 2 Trillion Galaxies.

10-16-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Saturday again this week, my fourth Saturday in a row.

10-16-2016 Sunday; By AMY CHOZICK - "Mrs. Clinton has been scarred by old missteps and paralyzed by her husband’s history of facing accusations of sexual misconduct." 9/11 misconduct suppressing the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort was not in this Sunday front page story about missteps by Hillary...

10-16-2016 Sunday; By CORAL DAVENPORT "A binding accord on a heat-trapping chemical used in air-conditioners and refrigerators could have a greater impact on global warming than the Paris gasoline Holocaust... Total!! The French government owned Oil Company like BP Oil. NASA perfected liquid Hydrogen after Challenger, it's safer than the French Presidents Samsung Galaxy 7 cell on his Desk and Liquid H A/C should be on his desk and Desk in the Tropics out in the Jungles and in the city of Calcutta. Diagnosis; the French elite must have syphilis in their frontal lobes to let kids die in hot cars in Miami this summer then arrest Mon and Dad, not our 1984 II Dictators.

10-16-2016 Sunday; Front Page Sunday edition of the NY Times... a war crime! "Rise of Saudi Prince Shatters Decades of Royal Tradition" By MARK MAZZETTI and BEN - Invention of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and Decades of spray painted black clouds burning holes in kids DNA. Admirals and Generals killing their own kids like Biden for Decades while this Saudi Prince spends $777 Trillion from Miami gas station hold ups. Swiss Banks got even more addicted to Holocaust Money and the Jews Rise of a Universe Exodus into the light years never built a space telescope train in any settlements on the west bank. Saudi Prince boundless ambitions has killed billion if not trillions of Jewish Aliens 4.3 light years from Earth at Alpha Centauri. The crown prince has diabetes, MARK MAZZETTI and BEN at the NY Times didn't say how many of his wife's have breast cancer. A war crime, grin. Sleazy MARK MAZZETTI and BEN anyway. This is not Trump writing about diabetes and many wives with breast cancer. For the Sunday Times. London Times can clone this story with BP Oil men and their wives. Since King Salman ascended to the throne in January 2015, new powers to use his F-22's to carry out US lead bombings that killed 100's of women and kids. 2 Trillion Galaxies news from NASA was decades late for these 1984 II man men. 100's of thousands of women have died from MS, cancer and murder by these 1984 II mad men in the last decades since 1980. Saudi Kings and Princes without their wives photographed with the Facebook chairman Mark Zuckerberg with his Chinese wife. 19K SWF were murdered in 2016 and will be in 2017. How many women are murdered in Saudi Arabia. Ask Mary Kennedy who was murdered by Robert Kennedy Jr. People who have met Prince bin Salman said he insisted that Saudi Arabia must be more assertive in shaping events in the Middle East and confronting Iran’s influence in the region — whether in Yemen, Syria, Iraq or Lebanon. Brian Katulis, a Middle East expert at the Center for American Progress in Washington, who met the prince this year in Riyadh, said his agenda was clear. “His main message is that Saudi Arabia is a force to be reckoned with,” NY Times said this Sunday! A war crime by both King Salman and the Editors at the NY Times when the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have prevented 9/11 and King Salman's $777 Trillion in Swiss banks.

10-16-2016 Sunday; The crown prince has diabetes, MARK MAZZETTI and BEN at the NY Times didn't mention diabetes leads to liver cancer... "Obesity and Diabetes Tied to Liver Cancer" New York Times - A large study has found that body mass index, waist circumference and diabetes are all associated with an increased risk for liver cancer.

10-16-2016 Sunday; War on cancer is light years from Saudi Arabia and 1984 II Dictators, Greg + Wives in Key West and at Los Alamos crunching Rx Recipes too. A War Crime! Dr. Kerry MD at Yale Failed when Yale Med School passed Kerry when he really failed his class, grin. Kerry still stops by the White House to throw his purple heart over the fence before security can arrest him for war crimes. Cheney has a better chance for a second heart transplant thanks to Kerry and Yale. Flight attendants asked passengers if there was a doctor who could help, and when Kerry MD volunteered, he was told that they were looking for an “actual physician” who passed Yale Medical School who was not passed because our 1984 II Dictators ordered him passed, grin. A doctor who was part of the medical team responsible to for removing the blood clot from Hillary Clinton's brain was found dead... Is Kerry Brain Dead to our No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA?.

10-16-2016 Sunday; "We Should Take a Drug Test’ Before Debate, Trump Says" By NICK CORASANITI Mr. Trump, offering no evidence, suggested to a crowd in New Hampshire that Mrs. Clinton may have been on drugs during their last debate. You will take a drug test via the iPhone 007 Dash cam in your 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Car. Before you drive!

10-16-2016 Sunday; In Sagaponack, Betting the Farm on Boutique Vodka headlines for New York in the Sunday Times when they sober up and write we are Betting the Farm and soul-mates on NASA news of 2 Trillion Galaxies in our Universe that didn't even make the front page of the Sunday NY Times. Why the Hell didn't the Editors at the Times put a picture of 2 Trillion Galaxies instead of 2 Saudi Mad Men? Kickbacks and Bribes $$$. Saudi Arabia secretly bough the NY Times, this is why the Times editorial last Sunday was against the widows of 9/11 being able to sue Saudi Arabia. Shock and Awe of this should be on the front page of next weeks Sunday Times, or 2 Trillion Galaxies, grin. Sunday Editorial Today in the NY Times... "The Other Campaign Madness: Mega-Donors" By The Editors of the NY Times. Mega Trillion dollar bribes and kickbacks vs NASA news of 2 Trillion galaxies which these Editors censored from the front page picture today for 2 Saudi Men...

10-16-2016 Sunday; "Postal Service aims to thwart fraud scams" BY Scott Unger Key West Citizen. Officials with the U.S. Postal Service stopped an elderly woman from mailing $4,000 cash to an address in the Bronx last week under suspicion of a scam. The 82-year-old said she was assisting a nonprofit organization in New York, but the scene was all too familiar for USPS Delivery Supervisor Carl Clemons. “You have too many elderly people here being taken advantage of... AT&T GoPhone is a scam on the elderly you will not hear about, grin. iPost Office - Post Office Mail Delivery given to Apple; is like No Gas Stations on Earth Coup Op by the CIA. Let the Post Office keep their millions of Post Office Trucks iApple will deliver the mail via the Internet like Chase and Bank of America lets you take a picture of your checks today.

10-16-2016 Sunday; "Harvard Students Concerned About Food Safety, Options as HUDS Strike Drags On" No Med Students wrote any part of this Harvard article! By Graham W. Bishai and Ignacio Sabate, Harvard CRIMSON STAFF WRITERS As the historic dining workers’ strike stretches into its second week, some students are starting to question the quality and health standards of the food being served. Students have reported finding under cooked meals, meat mixed in with vegetarian food, and insects in their food, prompting some to wonder whether understaffed kitchens are able to maintain the regular health and safety standards of Harvard University Dining Services. Marcus K. Granderson ’18 and Nader Shayegh ’18 both said they were served raw chicken. Rena Lyon ’18, a vegetarian, said she found pieces of meat in banana bread pudding. Paradox is like telling Jimmy Weekley you are going to build the Yale Key West Medical School when he is cutting up a cow. MD professors would fail all our 1984 II Dictators if they would not be shot dead for giving them a failing grade. iApple Harvard Dining Halls with super computer simulations.. is like the Navy traveling 1 light year in 17K years today.

10-16-2016 Sunday; Trillion dollar bribes to French Elite paid for... Syphilis - MS - other sex diseases to be censored out of the Paris Times so fags could rule Paris! "Thousands March in Paris Against Same-Sex Marriage" PARIS — Thousands of people have marched in Paris to call for the repeal of a law allowing gay marriage, six months before France's next presidential election. Marchers were also protesting Sunday against the use of assisted reproduction techniques and surrogate mothers to help same-sex couples have babies. Assisted reproduction is allowed in France only for infertile heterosexual couples and surrogacy is banned. The group organizing the march presents itself as promoting the traditional family model of "one mother and one father." It hopes to influenced the debate before the presidential election next year. None of the major candidates in the election attended the march. The 2013 law allowing gay marriage exposed deep divisions in French society, prompting big protests for and against such unions. 1984 II Dictators rule as Pakistan will Nuke Paris has no meaning same as 2 Trillion galaxies. White House under Obama Black is putting to death women with MS... given to them by bisexual men... and the Paris Times censored this news.

10-16-2016 Sunday; Now Boeing can start production of Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines, with 2 Trillion volts of super conductive windmill turbine electricity...

10-16-2016 Sunday; Super conductive windmill turbines exposed deep divisions in French society... gravity engine invention will put more pressure on the French Elite to stop Pakistan from Nuking the Yale Paris Medical School built on a 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure.

10-15-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Saturday again this week, my fourth Saturday in a row.

10-15-2016 Saturday; Average Medical Cost. Average Annual Costs of Care, breast cancer: $23,078

10-15-2016 Saturday; Costs and profits from U.S. kidney dialysis care treatments are high! Medicare pays $$$.

10-15-2016 Saturday; Sleazy attacks on women in the News and the NY Times winds the Nobel in its Editorial today on War but not the Stag 4 war in which the 1984 II Dictators make Breast Cancer same as Kidney Dialysis Care provided by the government!

10-15-2016 Saturday; Willem Johan Kolff’s invention of the dialysis machine was singularly heroic. Greg + Wives reinvention of the dialysis machine will be a polygamous affair that includes Los Alamos and Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II, grin. The principles of dialysis have changed little since the first American underwent the procedure in 1948: toxins in a patient’s blood are filtered through a permeable membrane. The cleansed blood is returned to the body. The principle in filtering breast cancer from the blood is the same, only the Biden Moon Shot MD's at Walter Reed have never ever asked Los Alamos to make a computer simulation of this breast cancer dialysis using $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM super computers at Los Alamos. High profits for IBM here so they are only worth half a trillion $$$ still better than win 10. iPacemaker Breast Cancer filter has never been brainstormed by Tim Cook, were the Hell is Trump when you need Tim Cooks sleazy video about women who have breast cancer? All exit sign in the newest Yale Key West Medical School will be all monitors. NBC knew about the Inventor Apprentice Show written by Greg + Wives in Key West but gave the show to Trump. With no inventors, grin. A war crime! Lawyer Gloria Allred, will be sued by Greg + Wives in Key West for not leaking this Inventor Apprentice Show in our 1984 II Society. Hillary has always had the reputation of swearing like a drunken sailor.” Dr. Hillary MD. Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD. Women MD's at Yale and Harvard could leak Hillary's diagnosis, medical records that would let Trump win. H and O @ -254 C irrigation inventions, better than bottled water inventions. NASA finally made news 2 Trillion galaxies... Hubble Telescope observed 10 times as many but NASA still censors the Super Space Shuttle Telescope Train with 100 cars for different space telescopes Hubble II and III. NY Times reports 1 mad man shot down the peace treaty for Columbia to End War On Earth. Trump wants to sue the NY Times, not for no preventing 9/11 by leaking the 1980 invention and suppression of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Trump knows the stats on rich gamblers from India at his casino but not the 2 million dead from no Biden Moon Shot cure for TB. Castro could put all these TB infected with TB in a Cuban Prison Hospital and charge the elite oil men. alinhardt@keysnews.com A 51-year-old Lower Keys woman was killed late Tuesday morning after apparently driving a Jeep head-on into an SUV driven by prominent Key West attorney and developer Robert Spottswood. The crash occurred on the 500 block of Caroline Street near Simonton Street. Mayor Cates made the front page again pictured between the cars in the head on collision. No Head On Collisions On Earth is a spin off of No Gas Stations on Earth. These were not on the front page of the Key West Citizen Newspaper. A War Crime. David Wolkowsky a bit longer to get to his feet these days, and an ornate, hand-carved walking stick is always within reach, but the 97-year-old millionaire, mogul, visionary and developer is still very much in charge, guiding everything from conversations to construction projects. No Gas Stations On Earth is like No to 2 Trillion Galaxy News by NASA to this visionary developer will in charge in Key West, grin. A Sin not a war crime! Flagler Train to Key West and no visionary for the Train with 100 cars - all Hubble Space Telescopes. Judgement has been infected with no cancer cure and tens of thousands of dead women from stage 4. Mrs. Clinton has battle wounds from wading into gender in the past. In 1992, she seemed an affront to stay-at-home mothers when she defended her legal career, saying, “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies.” Rx Recipes was not written up in this NY Times story about Hillary not staying at home making cookies. This is a war crime. Obama, Cementing New Ties With Cuba, Lifts Limits on Cigars and Rum. New York Times - Castro makes Cuba No Smoking and saves a million lives, Cuban's in Miami will have the highest death rated in the World from smoking Cuban Cigars. Should We Take a Drug Test’ Before Debate, Donald Trump Says... Invention Apprentice Show lets the FBI invent a finger print drug test. Brainstorming in the Debate. Invention Debate. No the USS Jimmy Carter was not a new invention, grin. Carter selling out NASA's 2 Trillion Galaxies is a War Crime, Cardinal Sin for Jimmy Carter. The speculations hinting an imminent MacBook Pro 2016 release date was fueled by selling the USS Jimmy Carter to Putin for $10 Trillion and putting in a order to Apple for $1 Trillion Mac Book Pro's with a built in iPhone 007 on every café table in Paris and Key West. Calls for prosecuting war crimes in Syria are growing. Is international justice possible? Washington Post - Frustrated by the Russian veto of a United Nations Security Council resolution on Syria, France and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry last Friday called for war crime prosecutions over the ongoing assault on Aleppo. Dr. John Kerry MD is a war crime. UN will be demolished and a NYC Medical School built there. Billboard announced Friday that Madonna would be awarded the 2016 Woman of the Year after hitting the record as the highest-grossing female tourist artists of all times. Dr. Madonna MD is not part of our 1984 II Dictators taste in music or lyrics. Billboard announced Friday that Madonna would be awarded the 2016 Woman of the Year after hitting the record as the highest-grossing female tourist artists of all times. MD lyrics are not for our 1984 II Dictators. "Cholera Deepens Haiti’s Misery After Hurricane" By AZAM AHMED Azam censored out the Walter Reed MD's in Saudi Arabia and Mecca treating the rich oil men, not in Haiti! Editorial "The Coming Battle for Mosul" By THE EDITORIAL board at the NY Times today. A war crime, as the editors at the NY Times censored out No Gas Stations Coup Op by the CIA to win the war in Mosul and Mecca!

10-15-2016 Saturday;

10-15-2016 Saturday;

10-16-2016 Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD speaks on stage at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles HBO Hell No; Emmys on Sunday Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Today Show will be a "Winner" of the most Emmy's ever... after the coup! Not HBO!

10-9-2016 Sunday; An Alarming 10% Rise in Traffic Deaths in the First Half of 2016" By DANIEL VICTOR, number of deaths: to 17,775 in the first six months of 2016 from 16,100 in the same period in 2015.

10-9-2016 Sunday; What is really alarming is our 1984 II Dictators can get away with this mass murder in traffic deaths when the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort by now would have iPhone 007 plus Dash Cam's iTraffic Tickets no drunks; no distracted drivers; and cops watching you drive! And laser guidance, this mass murder via traffic deaths is a Bush Shock + Awe in how do they get away with it a 1984 II Society. World Wide traffic deaths, are well know stats by the MD's at WHO at the UN. And we just realized the Nobel Peace Prize has been a scam since Carter!

10-9-2016 Sunday; Motivations in masterminding traffic jam by Gov. Christie and no reports of how many traffic wrecks this caused...

10-9-2016 Sunday; Motivations in letting 17,775 die in the first six months of 2016 in our 1984 II Society!

10-9-2016 Sunday; In Lane-Closing Trial, Defense Questions a Key Witness’s Motivations

10-9-2016 Sunday; Testimony by an ex-aide of Gov. Chris Christie outlined his administration’s efforts to cover up the nefarious reasons for the lane closings in the months that followed the scandal. By KATE ZERNIKE

10-9-2016 Sunday; In Lane-Closing Trial, Defense Questions a Key Witness’s Motivations - DA has the video's so what is the motivation in this News when the 1984 II Observers have the video's of Christie?

10-9-2016 Sunday; Motivations in letting 17,775 die in the first six months of 2016 in our 1984 II Society! When they have the video's of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts?

10-9-2016 Sunday; Motivations ay Harvard has brought in a new manager from Columbia University to run its $36 billion endowment, the largest of any university. Greg + Wives with $77 Trillion will spent it all on iMac Book Pro's and 155 Story Yale Key West Medical schools and still have enough to build the USS Jimmy Carter Hospital Air Craft Carrier - grin. JP Morgan Chase Banks , ultimately know the return on investing in a 155 Story Yale Key West Medical School.

10-9-2016 Sunday; "Physician Burnout and High-functioning Teams" By C. Matthew Hawkins, MD. On orders from the Obama White House MD they must put to death MS women infected by a bisexual OJ clones... this will be in the Sony 1984 II movie! NY Times Headlines the last several weeks is Zika not MS testing and vaccine... Governor of Florida will spend trillions of years in Hell for this sin! Massachusetts Department of Public Health on Friday announced three more human cases of West Nile virus and censored 300 cases of MS. This is Harvard Medical School Professors who censor 300 cases of MS but report 3 cases of West Nile virus... a war crime by MD's!

10-9-2016 Sunday; "Pakistan Toughens Laws on Rape and ‘Honor Killings’ of Women" By SALMAN MASOOD what Salman Masood does not tell you the same Elite guys work on the A-Bomb assembly line and write cartoons on their A Bombs with pictures of the Eiffel Tower and fags in Paris! Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif hailed the passage of the legislation, saying that there was “no honor in honor killings of women but there is honor in killing fags in Paris!.” Allah is Greater when you have an A Bomb assembly line built and paid for by the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, grin! Idiots! Like the Key West Admiral stopping me from writing at 7 am today.

10-9-2016 Sunday; Naltrexone and acamprosate are the two drugs on the market for people with alcohol cravings!

10-9-2016 Sunday; Prohibition Debate by Clinton and Trump would bring Hurricane Winds to people with alcohol cravings who have ruined their life drinking. These drugs well know by the AMA and written up in their Medical Journal as costing $30K out of pocket. Chapel Hill and the Vatican AA meetings would be blow away with Prohibition Debate by Clinton and Trump 1 hour long. Pope telling Catholics to stop drinking alcohol this Sunday in the headlines about what Pope Francis is saying today would be a Hurricane saving more souls that what ever the NY Times wrote up the Pope for today, grin! Antabuse is out of date like Pope Francis and alcoholic Bishops and Cardinals the sin of drinking and gambling at a Trump Casino yet suppress free wifi keeping the password to themselves so the congregation and Greg can't invent a miracle cure! Cravings for a drink in their thoughts every day when Greg and Wives have Cravings to get a Miracle Cure for Stage 4 the Bishop kills with no wifi password for you... said Bishop Tom Sterner Senior Program Manager frtomsterner@yahoo.com and Chris Welts Neece Center Manager HMIS Administrator fkocmen@cs.com in my Transient Housing at 1618 Truesdale Ct. Key West, FL 33040 So I have to bike to Starbucks and deal with the idiot 1984 II observers who want to rip off my charger. Some Admirals errand boy in Key West who stops me in the middle of writing this web page at 7 am today on orders from some Key West Admiral... rank has its idiots too, grin. 1984 II Rank.

10-9-2016 Sunday; "Pope Francis Names 17 Cardinals: 3 of Them USA Moderates" VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis named 17 new cardinals Sunday — three of them American moderates, including Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich and Indianapolis Archbishop Joseph Tobin... Pope Francis named 17 new cardinals when he should of made this Sunday's news about alcoholic Bishops + Cardinals writing code iapps on the New MacBook Pro and his orders to make the Cardinals wifi password given to everyone in the congregation to invent a miracle cure for alcoholics, Rx Recipe crunched at Los Alamos! Not H-Bombs. Moderates Hell we need Inventors! Cardinals willing to give the congregation their wifi password.

10-9-2016 Sunday; "Libya Oil Exports — for $777 Trillion dollars" By CLIFFORD KRAUSS, a New York Times War Criminal; Cliff Krauss!!

10-9-2016 Sunday; Over 190 Countries Adopt Plan to Offset Boeing Jet Fuel Exhaust particles in the air... Air Travel Emissions" By HENRY FOUNTAIN another New York Times War Criminal.

10-9-2016 Sunday; your 1984 II Dictators took the lead atoms out of gasoline but left it in Jet Fuel. Bush, Clinton, Carter and his wife... sleazy!

10-9-2016 John Kerry the mastermind behind no jet fuel (Yes Jet Fuel has Lead Atoms) and Kerry will not tell you this; on Earth like No Gas stations on Earth lead 190 countries on Thursday adopted a measure that for the first time will reduce the climate impact of international jet fuel, hell no Kerry will not do this! Kerry wants another $777 trillion in oil revenues instead of leaking that Boeing has suppressed using H @ -254 to fuel its Dream Liners! No Gas Stations on Earth suppressed by Kerry was a option way before 9/11 and would have prevented 9/11 so we can really say Kerry failed at Yale and out in the real world as we will take back the $777 Trillion. Stupid Criminals at a Miami Gas station or in Saudi Arabia. Idiots Putin would say, grin.

10-9-2016 Sunday; Installing copper equipment in hospital rooms may be a good way to reduce infections, a new study reports. Researchers equipped nine rooms in a small rural hospital with copper faucet handles" By NICHOLAS BAKALAR Then they measured bacterial contamination in each of the rooms by taking swabs and culturing them in petri dishes to see if bacteria would grow. The report is in the American Journal of Infection Control. The highest bacterial concentrations were on toilet flush handles. But on average, fixtures in copper-equipped rooms had concentrations of bacteria about 98 percent lower than in rooms furnished with traditional equipment, whether the rooms were occupied or not. On half of the copper components, the researchers were unable to grow any bacteria at all.

10-9-2016 Sunday; Installing copper equipment in hospital rooms may be a good way to reduce infections...

10-9-2016 Sunday; Report University of Miami Medical School hospital infections on the front page of the Sunday New York Times, not a picture of a tortured mind - a guy pictured looking out with only his back and headlines we tortured him, Hell does the New York Times ever interview the people in the next block who are tortured this Sunday morning from a idiot giving them a hospital infection, No! Maybe this is a better way... a good way to reduce infections.

10-9-2016 Sunday; An Alarming 10% Rise in Traffic Deaths in the First Half of 2016" By DANIEL VICTOR number of deaths: to 17,775 in the first six months of 2016 from 16,100 in the same period in 2015.

10-9-2016 100's of times more electricity will be generated from the windmills on the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort via Superconducting magnets. Windturbines housed in a housing that gives us superconducting; this superconducting wind turbine generator with H @ -254 C... 100's of times more electricity from 1 windmills electric generator! Via housing it in liquid hydrogen at -254 C. Yes there is a reason for using liquid hydrogen, read more below.

10-9-2016 iPhone 007 plus dash cam's inside all Cars on the road today! Op-Ed Contributors" "No Need to call the cops with iPhone 007 dash cam's inside all Cars... with iTicket apps, Orwell is finally going to keep you from falling asleep at the wheel with a beer in your lab! You can drive but you can no longer hide... it. Editorial; Surveillance in your CAR in a Post-Obama Era will send 25 million blacks to prison + jail and raise $100 Billion in iTraffic tickets. By THE EDITORIAL BOARD at the New New York Times writing up Greg + Wives Inventions.

Order 100 million for Greg + Wives In Key West... 1-800-MY-APPLE iPhone 7 Plus 5.5-inch display 7 Plus 5.5-inch display 256GB - One-time payment $969.00 to Verizon.

10-9-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Saturday again this week.

10-9-2016 Sunday; 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort will have its wind turbines housed in H @ -254 C Finally superconductivity not just magnets going around a kids train track not touching the tracks... idiots!

10-9-2016 Sunday; Secretary of State John Kerry called the measure “unprecedented”... Air Force One Boeing 747 burns clean dieseil fuel instead of H @ - 254 C.

10-9-2016 Sunday; "Libya Oil Exports — for $777 Trillion dollars" By CLIFFORD KRAUSS New York Times War Criminal Cliff Krauss!! Little more than a week after the OPEC cartel moved to reduce oil supplies on the glutted global market, embattled Libya has reopened a major seaport terminal for oil exports and has announced that it intends to expand production through the rest of the year. The expansion, if successful — some experts have doubts — would effectively cancel out much of the cuts recently agreed to by Saudi Arabia and other members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. The successful loading of a tanker on Thursday was the first time this year that oil has been dispatched from an oil terminal in Zueitina, Libya. The cargo of 800,000 barrels, destined for China, is viewed by energy experts as a tentative sign that Libya may finally be ready to return to the world market.

10-9-2016 Sunday; Tim Cook has the same sleazy sex comments about women and they will all be made public like Trump today... Donald Trump, already under siege for vulgar comments about forcing women into sex, also had crude, sexually explicit conversations in a series of radio interviews over the past 23 years, even noting how “voluptuous”... FBI in our 1984 II society is not looking for a way to unlock these sleazy recording!! FBI looking for ways to unlock iPhone owned by man who killed 10 in Minnesota mall stabbing" Washington Times - A slain terror suspect's Apple iPhone has presented problems for the FBI yet again, this time in Minnesota where a familiar obstacle has complicated the investigation into the man who fatally stabbed 10 people inside a St. Cloud shopping mall last month.

10-9-2016 Sunday; "Why LIGO's discovery of gravitational waves was passed over for Nobel Prize remains a mystery" There must have been a collective gasp Tuesday morning when the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced that the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics was going for work in the area of exotic matter, not for the detection of gravitational waves. Gravity Engine Invention is a sure thing to get a Nobel for unless it is suppressed like the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort for another $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences gets a $10 Billion dollar kickback bribe for... like Norway + France! Mystery there is no mystery but for how gravity is generated and how to invent a gravity engine sooner than later with idiots for our 1984 II Dictators!

10-9-2016 Sunday; NASA torture tested after Challenger will prove Hydrogen at -254 C is safer in your car + home wind turbines housed in H @ -254 C than Samsung Galaxy 7 cell phone on your desk, grin!

10-9-2016 Sunday; The petrochemical industry from Galveston to Houston is an environmental catastrophe waiting to happen... "When the Next Hurricane Hits Texas" By ROY SCRANTON. When the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort hits the front page of the Dalas Newspapers. Years ago one of the Dalas Newspaper reporters left me a voice mail message!

10-9-2016 Sunday; Move 100 million iMac's into Starbucks + every café in Paris! iTouch the Elite 1984 II Dictators touching oil between their index finger and thumb not brain matter at the Yale Key West Medical School.

10-9-2016 Sunday; Move 100 million iMac's into Starbucks + every café in Paris! iTouch the Elite 1984 II Dictators touching oil between their index finger and thumb not brain matter at the Yale Key West Medical School. Personal Tech "Move Around an iMac by Touch" Tech Tip By J. D. BIERSDORFER Q. Do the trackpad shortcuts on a MacBook work the same way on an iMac if you buy an external trackpad to use instead of the included mouse? To adjust the trackpad settings, open the System Preferences from the dock or Apple menu and click the Trackpad icon. Credit The New York Times A. If the iMac is running at least OS X 10.7 (Lion)and you have a trackpad accessory that supports Apple’s Multi-Touch gestures, you should be able to use most of the same finger taps, swipes and other moves that you use to navigate on the Mac laptop. Several third-party trackpads are available, but make sure the trackpad is compatible with OS X or macOS Sierra, as many models are designed for Windows systems. Apple’s own $129 Magic Trackpad 2 brings Multi-Touch gestures to the company’s desktop hardware and also includes the Force Touch functionality that responds accordingly to different levels of pressure. The Magic Trackpad 2 requires a Mac running at least OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) and that uses Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology. Once you connect the Magic Trackpad 2 to the iMac over a Bluetooth connection, you can tap its surface to click, scroll through web pages by sliding two fingers, zoom in with a two-finger double-tap, pinch, zoom and all the other familiar gestures you use on your MacBook. You can adjust the trackpad’s settings by opening the System Preferences icon in the Mac’s dock and clicking the Trackpad icon. (You may need to visit the settings to turn on the “three-finger drag” Force Touch gesture for moving an active window on the Mac’s screen. If you have older iMac hardware, Logitech’s discontinued Rechargeable Trackpad for Mac supports many Multi-Touch gestures and can still be found on some sites for around $100. The original version of Apple’s Magic Trackpad also pops up in some places online for about $70. However, these older products may not be fully compatible with newer versions of the Mac operating system.

10-9-2016 Sunday; Move 100 million iMac's into Starbucks + every café in Paris! iTouch the Elite 1984 II Dictators touching oil between their index finger and thumb not brain matter at the Yale Key West Medical School.

10-9-2016 Sunday; "Why Care at University of Miami Hospitals Is Often Substandard" The Health and Human Services Department cited outdated equipment and technology, lack of resources, and difficulty attracting and keeping skilled staff... iPhone 007 dash cam's in all areas of the Hospital will put a stop to house and hours of talk that is not about health care!

10-9-2016 Sunday; Diagnosis - Why Did This Boy Run a Fever Every Night? By LISA SANDERS, M.D. Lead Atoms in 747 Jet Fuel caused these kids birth defects; diagnosed by Greg + Wives in Key West.

10-9-2016 Sunday; Diagnosis - Why Did This Boy Run a Fever Every Night? By LISA SANDERS, M.D. Jacob first ordered a CT scan of the boy’s chest. The scan revealed that the swollen lymph nodes in the boy’s neck and chest were so large that they were pressing on his trachea — his breathing tube — blocking it almost completely. He was breathing through a tube the size of a cocktail straw. The coughing and wheezing was caused by forcing his breath through this tiny cylinder. The immediate danger was that any additional swelling could cut off the boy’s breath altogether. The enlarged lymph nodes had to be removed. Doing so would protect the child’s airways and also allow for an examination of the tissue, which would reveal what he had. It was risky surgery on a 7-year-old who was too sick to be given general anesthesia. Although the surgeon could easily feel the largest gland in the child’s neck, it was close to many vital blood vessels, nerves and organs. With lots of numbing medication and much reassurance, the lymph node was removed as the brave child lay awake but perfectly still. The excised node was sent to the lab. Under the microscope, the culprit was apparent. The swollen tissue was filled with countless tiny souvenirs from the child’s trip to Arizona. He had coccidioidomycosis, or valley fever, a lung infection caused by the fungus that grows in the deserts of the Southwest. Many of those infected with coccidioides never get sick. Those who do usually experience cough, fever, fatigue and chest pain. Symptoms can last for months and often resolve without treatment. When medical care is sought, the diagnosis often isn’t apparent, because the symptoms are common and few of the tests usually ordered will suggest the disease. The most important clue is a history of travel to one of the areas where the fungus is found. Regaining Health The child was immediately started on an antifungal medicine; with treatment, he began to improve. His fevers faded, as did the dark circles under his eyes. He started playing again. When the mother contacted the ranch in Arizona to let them know that her son had come home with coccidioidomycosis, the owner told her that another guest, visiting at the same time, had contracted the same infection. Apparently the conditions for the spread of the mold were perfect. It had been raining, then was warm and windy. The moisture helped the fungus grow; the heat dried it out so that it could become airborne. The wind lifted it so that it could be easily inhaled. Although the family has loved their visits to this ranch — this was their second year — the child’s mother tells me that she’s not sure the family will go back. Most people exposed to valley fever become immune, but she’s not willing to take the risk.

10-9-2016 Sunday; Diagnosis... By LISA SANDERS, M.D. WHO would be correct to diagnose lead atoms from Boeing 747's at the cause of Autism? Journalist Presents App to Help Children With Autism Communicate By Sonia Kim and Michael J. Won, Harvard Crimson. At the Graduate School of Education Thursday Pulitzer-winning journalist Ron Suskind discussed his experience raising his son, who has autism, and the creation of an app to help children with autism communicate.

10-9-2016 Sunday; Diagnosis... By LISA SANDERS, M.D.

10-8-2016 Saturday; 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort will have its wind turbines housed in H @ -254 C

10-8-2016 Superconducting magnets in wind turbines housed in a housing that gives us superconducting; this superconducting wind turbine generator leads to this invention by Greg + Wives in Key West via reading Tuesdays Nobel in Super conductivity. GE Wind Turbines are Obsolete Today! GE construction of high power towers are bankrupt as the 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort will have its wind turbines housed in H @ -254 C, electric generators will truly be for home and cars. NASA torture tested after Challenger will prove Hydrogen at -254 C is safer in your car + home wind turbines housed in H @ -254 C than Samsung 7 cell phone on your desk, grin!

10-8-2016 Saturday; Jimmy Carter left Haiti in Ruin Left by Hurricane Matthew By AZAM AHMED New York Times - all know about the 155 Story Yale Key West Medical School built on a Titanium Eiffel Tower and building small Titanium Homes. Why in Hell didn't Jimmy Carter write this up in a NY Times editorial only God !

10-8-2016 Saturday; Jimmy Carter left Haiti in Ruin Left by Hurricane Matthew By AZAM AHMED Some estimates said that more than 800 people had died in the storm, and passage to many areas remained blocked, thwarting efforts to help survivors.

10-8-2016 Saturday; Yesterday's Nobel Peace Prize to Columbia was worst than giving it to Jimmy Carter! Heavy Lift Helicopter combines to harvest peanuts in Georgia or Figs, Cashews in the rain forest of Columbia will never happen until we do a coup at Boeing F-22 fighter jet politics. "Nobel Peace Prize Seen Not Necessarily for Achievements, but Hopes" By KATRIN BENNHOLD and RICK GLADSTONE Recent recipients — President Carter, Obama, the European Union and now President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia — suggest it is more an encouragement perk to keep the $777 Trillion in gas station hold up money by these Mad Men! New York Times got a new 55 Story skyscraper from BP Oil not a Nobel Peace Prize thank God. Editorial: The Sleaziness of the men at the New York Times streamed live at their War Crimes Trial for $777 Trillion in gas station old ups and not writing a editorial about the Gravity Engine Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West, grin.

10-8-2016 Saturday; Let’s Talk a Millennial Into Getting a Flu Shot - Will a 27-year-old who never gets the annual vaccine be swayed by science?

10-8-2016 Saturday; Let’s Talk a Millennial Into Getting a Flu Shot - not buying any more Florida Lottery Tickets so they can work on a inventing to put vaccines in the drinking water!

10-8-2016 Saturday; John Kerry Calls for War Crimes Investigation of Russia and Assad Government - John Kerry Calls for War Crimes; cops shot asking for OJ's drivers license, cops rear ended bursting into flames. John Kerry Calls for War!

10-8-2016 Saturday; The Saturday Profile: A General’s New Mission: Leading a Charge Against PTSD not against preventing 9/11 II + III General wants more vets to die at Walter Reed as he has no thoughts of closing Walter Reed and sending troops to a war that can be won with 1 invention by Greg + Wives in Key West... No Gas Stations on Earth and confiscating $777 Trillion from Allah and Saudi Arabia.

10-8-2016 Saturday; Ms. Pauley was quick to point out the fairly incredible timing of her “Sunday Morning” debut: It will occur almost 40 years after her first day as a co-host on “Today.”

10-8-2016 Saturday; Dr. Nancy Snyderman host of "Today" is what is needed to find a Millennial to invent a way to put vaccines in the drinking water, Jane Pauley is a war crime.

10-8-2016 Saturday; Gloria Steinem Is Not Ready to Slow Down Yet in her Mercedes with a gas engine...

10-8-2016 Saturday; Hurricane Matthew Makes Landfall; Severe... power is out to millions. This was masterminded like the bridge traffic jab by the same men as on one would be without electricity.

10-8-2016 Saturday; "Saudi-Led Airstrikes Blamed for Massacre at Miami Gas Stations, more than 100 kids DNA shot bombed in cell division today and not written up in the NY Times. On war crimes by Saudi Arabia bombing with gas exhaust and gasoline fire bombs via gas tanks.

10-8-2016 Saturday; "Saudi-Led Airstrikes Blamed for Massacre at Funeral in Yemen" By SHUAIB ALMOSAWA and BEN HUBBARD Bombs struck a reception hall in Sana where mourners had gathered, killing more than 100 and wounding hundreds, officials said.

10-8-2016 Saturday;

10-2-2016 Sunday; iPhone 007 plus dash cam's inside all Black Cars on the road today! Op-Ed Contributors" "No Need to call the cops with iPhone 007 dash cam's inside all Black Cars. "Why Don’t You Just Call the Cops?" By MATTHEW DESMOND and ANDREW V. PAPACHRISTOS "After news of a police beating spread through Milwaukee, crime reports in black neighborhoods dropped precipitously."

10-2-2016 Sunday; Syria presses Aleppo advance, as UN says Yale Key West Medical School should have been finished and open before they masterminded the Syrian war! UN says powerful USA warriors bombed the Yale Key West Medical School. A war crime!

Order 100 million for Greg + Wives In Key West... 1-800-MY-APPLE iPhone 7 Plus 5.5-inch display 7 Plus 5.5-inch display 256GB - One-time payment $969.00 to Verizon...

10-2-2016 Sunday; iPhone 007 plus dash cam's inside all Cars, all Cars Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts upgrade to Ford Gravity Engine Escorts via Apps not listed here... Here Come the iPhone 7 and iOS 10 Apps: What to Try First. APPLE released the iPhone 7 last week along with iOS 10, a major upgrade for its popular mobile operating system. What better time to download some apps to take the new hardware and software for a spin? In one update, Apple’s messaging system, iMessage, got a turbo boost. It now lets people embellish conversations with stickers, interactive drawings and animations. The messaging system even gets its own App Store for downloading third-party stickers and games. My favorite sticker app is Star Wars Stickers from Disney. The $2 app provides a number of cute, animated, cartoon images of characters from the “Star Wars” franchise, including BB-8, Obi-Wan Kenobi and C-3PO with his classic “Oh, my!” catchphrase. You can send the stickers as stand-alone images or drop them on top of written messages or photos. Add them to selfies you’re sending in iMessage, and suddenly the Death Star is exploding above you. The free Pac-Man sticker pack is another great option for some retro fun. Stickers from Star Wars, Sticker Pals and others can be dropped into messages or added to photos. The Grammar Snob sticker app, for $1, lets you add editorial red ink over a text message to fix a friend’s bad grammar. Sticker Pals, which is free, is a more contemporary option, with hundreds of animated cartoon characters and special effects, as well as a neat feature that lets users send stickers to friends for their use. And the free Aardman Face Bomb sticker pack includes funny cartoon faces in the style of the Aardman animation studio. Apple iMessage also lets you play games within the app. With classic games like Words With Friends, which is free, this feature makes chatting throughout a game easier, so you can express your feelings when someone gets 50 points by dropping a word on a triple-word-score square. In addition, Chess42 is a free chess game that you can play directly inside an iMessage chat. There are also plenty of utility apps that can make iMessage more powerful. The Doodle: Schedule Maker app lets users set up a simple in-message voting system for particular dates — perfect for trying to pin down a time to get together with one or more contacts. Doodle is free. When you need to split the bill, try Circle Pay, a digital money-transfer system that lets people send dollars, euros or Bitcoin through iMessage. The Circle Pay app requires some setup and registration, but it works simply in the iMessage interface, and it, too, is free. Chess42 is an ultraminimalist chess game playable inside iMessage. The app iTranslate brings dynamic automated language translation to iMessage. You can chat with someone who speaks a different language and translate the conversation in real time, without having to leave the chat interface. It’s free, and it works fast and quite well, though the controls can be confusing and sometimes, as with any machine translation, the result may sound like a Spanish or Portuguese version of Yoda. Another test of the new iPhone’s performance is how it handles games. Monument Valley, which is $4, is a highly regarded 3-D puzzle game with clean, abstract graphics and simple gameplay: You have to guide your character through an architectural labyrinth that’s part M. C. Escher, part artwork all its own. Don’t be surprised if you stop just to admire how pretty it is. The Obscura app, at $5, lets users take full control of the photographic powers of the iPhone’s camera app. You can adjust the ISO and focus to get really creative; it’s almost like using a digital single-lens reflex camera. Move beyond Apple’s built-in keyboard with Microsoft’s Word Flow, which is free. Get a deeper understanding of how we measure time on Earth with the lovely Cosmic Watch clock app for $4. Back up your photos and documents to the cloud with Google Drive, which is free. And finally, turn your iPhone into a capable document scanner for $4 with Scanner Pro 7. Quick Calls DataMan Pro is a popular app for tracking which apps on your phone are consuming the most mobile data. The app has been updated for iOS 10. It’s $6 and also works with Apple Watch. The third-party keyboard app SwiftKey has always been popular because its predictive text features are great, but on Android, its makers have just taken the app to a new level. SwiftKey now has neural artificial intelligence, so instead of a simple suggestion algorithm, it looks at what you’re typing and tries to grasp the context of your message so it can provide better suggestions. SwiftKey is free.

10-2-2016 Sunday; iPhone 007 plus dash cam's inside all Cars, all Cars Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts upgrade to Ford Gravity Engine Escorts via Apps not listed here... after reading all these Apps you realize they censored out the Hemingway House Writing Class App with 100 writing on the same page and a invention in every chapter. The Dr. Nancy Snyderman App to put all vaccines in drinking water. The NASA App to fuel iPhone 008 Batteries with H @ -254 the size of a iPod. Let alone all the iPhone Dash Cam Apps Cops will write watching the drivers, little more Orwellian than today but much better for all drivers.

10-2-2016 Sunday; Translating Shakespeare? 69 year old Playwrights Taketh the Big Risk

10-2-2016 Sunday; Translating Oppenheimer! 69 years of Cancer (Breast Cancer) with no B-Bomb by Binden's!

10-2-2016 Sunday; 1984 II Dictators play with trains and traffic jams that don't stop at the station, sick and not diagnosed by the White House Doctor who is busy in Mecca + UAE. And putting to death SWF's in the USA with MS.

10-2-2016 Sunday; Woo the free teens girls in Publix with Dad to pick up the laser scalpel and remove his scull in their first brain surgery at 13 years old... they will not grow up to be your run of the mill Walter Reed MD's who buy a 2nd home in Mecca instead of Key West, grin. And no they will not give the King of Saudi Arabia a new heart, but will rip out his heart with his $777 Trillion in Gas Stations Hold up's that held up their getting into Yale Key West Medical School. And No Gas Stations On Earth Coup. Listen to Teen Girl Talk when they are all MD's; will be MD's. Sanity of knowing the stats of how many girls will be given syphilis, MS by Bill Clinton's lifestyle. Then his lawyer wife buys the Judge, 1984 II Dictators to censor these stats.

10-2-2016 Sunday; Foraging: Yale University President and his Elite grads who use prostitutes in New Haven opened the Yale II Campus in Singapore because Prostitution is legal. Stats on who uses this women will be on the front page of the Sunday New York Times. These Elite Yale Grads knew about the Yale Key West Medical School at the time they masterminded the Singapore Campus.

10-2-2016 Sunday; "A Curious Plan to Fight Climate Change: Buy Mines, Sell Coal" By MICHAEL CORKERY and MICHAEL WINES A War Crime by the New York Times Mike and Michael as the Coal burns holes in the DNA sequence of a million kids DNA Today Sunday front page of the New York Times!! No this DNA with Coal burning holes in DNA is not the picture on the front page of the Sunday New York Times today, a war crime!

10-2-2016 Sunday; Gratifying working on the B-Bomb; Breast Cancer Bomb. Wooing the 1984 II MD women to make contact with Greg in Key West. No the Joint Chiefs of Staff will not shoot you in the back... grin! Roche in Switzerland will for hacking all their Rx Recipes for Los Alamos!

10-2-2016 Sunday; Paris Cartoons in the Sunday Times Today!

10-2-2016 Sunday; The Interpreter NY Times. "Damage in a house after a Saudi-led air strike last month in Yemen, whose war has not gotten much attention. Why Some Wars (Like Syria’s) Get More Attention Than Others (Like Yemen’s) By AMANDA TAUB Some of the reasons are obvious; the scale of Syria’s war is catastrophic and much worse than Yemen’s. But attention is about more than numbers. $777 Trillion in the Joint Chiefs of Staff War Chest and a mindless desire to make contact with Jewish Aliens or the Universe in General.

10-2-2016 Sunday; Joint Chiefs of Staff War Mentality is a "Mentally Illness" Spiral Downward Amid the nation’s economic windfall of Coal Mine Owners windfall profits, and another $777 trillion from gas station hold ups in the USA. They really thought they would get away with shooting Kerry in the back and losing a Nobel Peace Prize for the International Community.

10-2-2016 Sunday; Crew of the Challenger shuttle... Crews of the 100 Car Space Super Space Shuttle Telescope Train is what the Joint Chiefs of Staff spent...

10-2-2016 Sunday; Tom Brokaw: "Learning to Live with Cancer" By TOM BROKAW. Tom Brokaw spits on Stage 4 women who will die tomorrow. Blunt editorial in the Sunday New York Times Today. Rx Recipe's should have been in this editorial in today's New York times not Tom telling you to live with cancer when millions of women are tortured today by the CIA. Working in Syria not Los Alamos on the B-Bomb.

10-2-2016 Sunday; New York Times got its new 155 Story Skyscraper via $777 Trillion in oil Revenues this is why the 9/11 editorial is against suing Saudi Arabia for $777 Trillion! Editorial "Congress Has Itself to Blame for 9/11 Bill" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times Sunday Today. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell The ill-conceived measure, passed by some now-regretful lawmakers, has harmed American interests and should be repealed... this was written by the editors of the New York Times when they should be writing what we the USA will spent $777 Trillion confiscated from King Salman, Saudi Arabia!

10-2-2016 Sunday; I write to close Walter Reed and we should also close Yale Law School, Harvard Law School too as drunk lawyers suicide by car crash with no suicide note know the insurance has to pay off... a scam. Key West attorney, 70, killed in scooter crash Thursday afternoon. By Gwen Filosa Merrell F. Sands III, a Key West attorney who was a fixture at the local courthouse for 35 years, died Thursday from injuries suffered in a scooter crash, police said. Sands, 70, was driving his blue Yamaha scooter southbound on Flagler Avenue at 2 p.m. when he struck the rear bumper of a parked Toyota Camry just past 6th Street, according to police spokeswoman Alyson Crean. He was airlifted from Key West but died during transport. “They landed in Marathon where he was pronounced dead at Fishermen’s Hospital,” Crean said Thursday evening. Crean didn’t know the details of Sands’ injuries. When asked whether alcohol or speed could have been factors in the crash, she said the investigation is ongoing. Investigators from Key West Police traffic homicide closed off the two southbound lanes of Flagler for more than an hour to study the crash scene, where the scooter was parked upright and in one piece behind the Camry and damages appeared quite minimal. The Camry’s bumper had deep scratches, along with some blue paint and some blue plastic pieces from the scooter were on the pavement. Sands had been in the middle of a DUI case at the Monroe County Courthouse for a Sept. 22, 2015, incident in which police said he overturned his 2005 Yamaha Zuma scooter while intoxicated, pinning himself to the ground. Key West Police Officer Robert Currul arrested Sands in the area of South and George streets at 1:45 a.m. A witness told police she took his keys away after noticing he was drunk. Sands, who was admitted to the Florida Bar in 1981, refused to have his blood alcohol level tested. He was fighting the case which was headed to trial. On Sept. 26, Judge Timothy Koenig agreed to postpone a pre-trial conference until October. In 2007, Sands pleaded guilty to reckless driving and received community service after an initial arrest for DUI. Throughout his life, Sands was active in community organizations, including the Moose Club, Relay For Life, the Masonic Lodge no. 64 in Key West and the local bocce league, where he was nicknamed “Cathead.” For several years recently, he was a member of the city’s volunteer Contractors Examiners Board. Sands, a 1964 graduate of Key West High, graduated first from Florida Keys Community College before earning a bachelor’s in sociology from the University of South Florida. From 1971 to 1978, he worked as a parole and probation officer for the state of Florida in Key West. In 1981, he graduated from the George Mason School of Law in Arlington, Virginia, and started a private practice before working as an assistant state prosecutor in Monroe County from 1982-1984. From 1992-1994, Sands was a public defender in Key West, but he again returned to private practice and worked until just recently, friends said Thursday.

10-2-2016 Sunday; Rx Recipes at Los Alamos the A-Bomb, Alcohol Bomb! Alcoholism Treatment: Experimental Drug May Help Curb Alcohol Addiction, Especially For Those With High Stress. Medical Daily - Researchers recruited 144 adult volunteers diagnosed with alcohol use disorder (AUD). After a month's observation, the participants were randomly assigned to either receive placebo or a compound called ABT-436 for 12 weeks. Dr. Nancy Snyderman would say if it works put it in the drinking water! Yes this is Star Trek.

10-2-2016 Sunday; To be sure, homicides in which the offender and victim were of the same race have vastly outnumbered interracial homicides for the past ten years. FBI data show that while 500 black-on-white killings and 229 white-on-black killings were reported in 2015, 2,574 homicides were committed by whites against other whites, and 2,380 by blacks against blacks.

10-2-2016 Sunday; FBI data doesn't show the future stats with iPhone 007 plus dash cam's inside all cars on the road...
10-2-2016 Sunday;

10-2-2016 Sunday;

10-2-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Saturday again this week.

10-1-2016 Saturday 7:40 pm Starbucks is about to close I got here at 6 pm and spent a hour with Verizon to activate new cell with same number then hour with Google to get new cell connected to gmail and cant as they have my old cell number and no way to change it without old password.

10-1-2016 Saturday 7:40 pm So I worked at the New Key West City Hall again this week Monday to Saturday. I will be back at Starbuck at 7 am Sunday to write this web...

10-1-2016 Saturday

10-1-2016 Saturday

9-27-2016 My 69 th BDay! I worked 9 hours at the Key West City Hall Today, at Starbucks for the free wife to write a hour, then take my Acer cloudbook notebook back to my storage locker. Locked up is what Greg and Wives would would have invented today! Shock and Awe of these inventions!

9-27-2016 My 69 th BDay! Taking an inventory of IP invention projects stifled by our 1984 II Dictators

9-27-2016 My 69 th BDay! Taking an inventory of IP invention projects stifled by our 1984 II Dictators

9-27-2016 My 69 th BDay! Taking an inventory of IP invention projects stifled by our 1984 II Dictators, real world for Yale Students such as Kerry + Bush. President of the Yale Key West Medical School will also be Mayor of Key West and might be 69 years old too, grin. And smart enough to out smart the Joint Chiefs of Staff who just shot Kerry in the Back losing his earned Nobel Peace Prize for a Peace Treaty in Syria vs the unearned Nobel by Jimmy Carter! Trump Clinton debate; best part was the oil in Libya $$$. $ 69 Trillion since Bush shock and Awe, Yes! The 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort given to your MD wife on her BDay! Medical School Students getting paid more than West Point Cadets. Taking a inventory of BDay thoughts. Glory of inventing the space telescope that hears Jewish Aliens. Beyond our lifetime inventory of inventions simple one's as iPhone 007 plus dash cam's in all cars on the road today with iTraffic tickets and iCops talking to you driving around. Law and Order in the Trump Clinton Debate with no Orwellian Cam's in your car... this was shock and awe, grin. Stage 4 Rx Recipe, and Clinton didn't have a Orwellian comment about Rx Recipes in the debate or Breast Cancer she shot a million women in the back, wow! why? Why wouldn't Hillary not mention Breast Cancer? On orders from our 1984 II Dictators. $2 Trillion Star Travel Moon Shot to cure Stage 4 for millions of women's 69th BDay and Hillary censored this. Debate's must take place in our 1984 II Society. Close Walter Reed; yes this point by Trump in the Debate as the deaths this week if made public to debate and compare the diagnosis and treatment the dead would have gotten at Yale Key West Medical School the NY Times would say Greg + Wives in Key West one the debate. Close Walter Reed! 69 th BDay! Taking an inventory of IP invention projects stifled by our 1984 II Dictators!

9-27-2016 My 69 th BDay! Taking an inventory of IP invention projects stifled by our 1984 II Dictators

9-27-2016 My 69 th BDay! Taking an inventory of IP invention projects stifled by our 1984 II Dictators

9-27-2016 Tuesday, my 69 th BDay! 72 Virgins in Heaven, Hell No! 4 wives in a legal polygamous marriage, God's best invention to inspire a Stage 4 Rx Recipe in our conversations! Not Brad + Angelina talking grin!

9-25-2016 Sunday; AMA report adds credence... Yale Key West Medical School will add credence to the New Key West City Hall and of course the MD PhD Mayor.

9-25-2016 Sunday; China Hunts for Scientific Glory, hear Jewish Aliens, With New Telescope Sunday New York Times!

9-25-2016 Sunday; Greg + Wives in Key West Hunt for the Scientific Glory of a Stage 4 cure with the only wifi we have access to is at Starbucks! Mayor Cates has no plan to make Wifi free to all of Key West, not even for the glory of getting a Rx Recipe to cure Stage 4 overnight. Yes Mayor Cates has a wife, only one... grin. Living With Cancer... "Unplugged and Unmoored An electronic blackout isn’t easy for anyone, but it’s especially harrowing for a cancer patient." By SUSAN GUBAR

9-25-2016 Sunday; Quarks, discovery how gravity is generated is not in the Sunday New York Times today but this... What in the World? 10 Questions on Global Quirks" By BRYANT ROUSSEAU If you’ve been a “What in the World” reader, we hope we’ve surprised you, made you smile and maybe even taught you something about another culture. To celebrate the posting of our 100th article, we offer this quiz, where you can test your new knowledge of quirky facts from around the globe.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Quarks, the Top Quarks at the New York Times will go on trail for War Crimes against inventors seeking how Quarks not Quirks generate gravity!

9-25-2016 Sunday; Clinton-Trump Debate Expected to Be Rare Draw in a Polarized Age. The total audience, network executives and political strategists say, could be as high as 100 million viewers — Super Bowl territory.

9-25-2016 Sunday; 100 million viewers — Super Bowl territory. China Hunts for Scientific Glory, hear Jewish Aliens, With New Telescope Invention!! Sunday New York Times is light years from the IP invention projects on the front page of the China Times.

9-25-2016 Sunday; "Cultured Traveler: Dostoyevsky vs. Tolstoy: One Family’s Competitive Vacation in Russia" By JACQUELINE CAREY

9-25-2016 Sunday; Cultured Hell, iMacBook Pro Hemingway Nobel Novel for a 1984 III society that can put a invention project in every chapter writing with iapps that let 100 write on the same page linked to Los Alamos and finish the brainstormed Novel by midnight with hacked Rx Recipes that have been made illegal to use to cure Stage 4 by our 1984 II Dictators today. Hemingway House in Key West will be bought by the Yale Key West Medical School so our 1984 III society can get the glory China wants... 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year! in 2017!! Smog in Beijing not syphilis is in the Mayors brain! Just like alcohol in the brain, the user can not tell you why he can't invent a Noble in Medicine. But the President of the Yale Key West Medical School can diagnose this in a minute!

9-25-2016 Sunday; Yale Key West Medical School Mayor of Key West Hunts for Scientific Glory too... City Hall will be open 24/7 with free wifi and MacBook Pro notebooks! End to Peanut allergies Jimmy Carter never ever brainstormed because he never got to be Mayor of Plains Georgia, grin!

9-25-2016 Sunday; Apple has released an updated iPhone Smart Battery Case alongside the release of the iPhone 7. As expected it addresses the key issue of the 4.7 inch iPhone not having enough battery power to make it through a decent day's work. Decent Days Work... iPhone 7 not having enough power to be made mandatory as a dash cam on all cars and trucks in the USA - more jobs than Trump can create for coal workers, grin. The San Luis Obispo Tribune A man was stabbed and had his pickup stolen in front of a Starbucks in Pismo Beach on Saturday night. I drove through San Luis Obispo in 1971 with Karen.

9-25-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Saturday again this week. 7:30 am Sunday at Starbucks on Duval Key West and the front page of the Citizen is a Orwellian comment to just what the Mayor of a City in the USA and Saudi Arabia builds in the way of a Yale Elite Medical School. Walter Reed should have been shut by the Mayor's inner circle after Beau died as other Beau's have died every week! Yes all Medical Schools have a weekly meeting on all deaths during the week. Mayor Cates has Key West chickens across the street from the new City Hall at the www.Montessori.com school and no recent cases of botulism has been In the news from the little kids there but there will be. What are the Consequences of Untreated Gonorrhea? When the Mayor has a MD and PhD from Yale Key West Medical school the fiber optics links will connect to Los Alamos Statistics and all the teachers at the www.Montessori.com school across the street from the New City Hall will know what disease to prevent besides whooping cough and of course Hillary's lies that kill their moms and dads with pneumonia and no vaccination Special Forces Action to Mobilize a life saving vaccine in the water. Oh that's Oppenheimer II. What Mayor appoints Oppenheimer II, Kerry!! Kerry threw his Purple Hearts over the White House Fence not because the White House MD has given a order to put to death all women with MS. Does Kerry plan to protest these killings or just killings in Syria? Just Syria! Recent botulism cases at Bayview Park and the Overseas Market parking lot have caused a reduction; also fight to the death Roosters show for the Sunset Celebration Tourists... and Jimmy Weekley collects cat food at his Faustos and gives it away on Stock island. Yet 99% of home owners in Old Town will kill the cat and the people who feed the cats. Yale Key West Medical School President and his more powerful inner circle would have HIV chickens STD Chickens Syphilis Fags MS Chickens on the front page of the Sunday Newspaper, grin. Citizen internet edition you have to pay for would have a super computer Los Alamos simulation of real people case files... one of botulism and other diseases from chickens. What Mayors city in England ended the plague? Our Plague today is Stage 4 of course and of course Jimmy Weekly 5 years ago never thought of counting the dead women who shop at Faustos for the next 5 years which is today! Video of them at the register talking why didn't Jimmy help Greg build the Yale Med School 5 years ago and the cashier knows Jimmy might be listening even though she had a Breast cancer mastectomy she must not criticize Jimmy, ha. Recent botulism cases at Bayview Park and the Overseas Market parking lot. Recent Stage 4 is not in the Key West Citizen Sunday Paper. Mandy Miles has a Galaxy 7 cell phone she will light a candle for at Saint Mary's Catholic Church, grin. Parking lot of the New City Hall is a field of oil with chicken foot prints all over the concrete, grin. Yale Key West Medical School Parking lot would not be waiting for the asphalt trucks on Tuesday, my 69 th BDay!

9-25-2016 Sunday; Of course the New Key West City Hall has all LED lights... American Medical Association issued a warning in June that high-intensity LED street lights — such as those in Seattle, Los Angeles, New York, Houston and elsewhere — emit unseen blue light that can disturb sleep rhythms and possibly increase the risk of serious health conditions, including cancer and cardiovascular disease. The AMA also cautioned that those light-emitting-diode lights can impair nighttime driving vision. Similar concerns have been raised over the past few years, but the AMA report adds credence...

9-25-2016 Sunday; AMA report adds credence... Yale Key West Medical School will add credence to the New Key West City Hall and of course the MD PhD Mayor.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos super conmputer simulation of LED "K" will add credence... Lighting is measured by color temperature, which is expressed in “kelvin,” or “K.” The original LED streetlights had temperatures of at least 4000K, which produces a bright white light with a high content of unseen blue light. Now, however, LEDs are available with lower kelvin ratings and roughly the same energy efficiency as those with higher ratings. They don’t emit as much potentially harmful blue light, and they produce a softer, amber hue. When 4000K and 5000K LEDs were installed, they drew mixed responses. Police and traffic-safety officials and many motorists liked them because they created a bright light that sharply illuminated the ground they covered. But in many places, including New York City and Seattle, residents complained that the bright white light they emitted was harsh, even lurid. People described them as invasive, cold and unflattering. Even before the AMA warning, some researchers raised health concerns. Some noted that exposure to the blue-rich LED outdoor lights might decrease people’s secretion of the hormone melatonin. Secreted at night, melatonin helps balance the reproductive, thyroid and adrenal hormones and regulates the body’s circadian rhythm of sleeping and waking.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos super conmputer simulation of LED will spin off IP invention projects for night vision for Ford cars and trucks, grin.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos super conmputer simulation of LED... AMA cited the melatonin issue, noting that studies have linked bright LEDs to reduced sleep time, poor sleep quality and impaired daytime functioning. It referred to evidence that exposure to high-intensity light at night might increase the risk of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. And it cautioned that intense LEDs have been associated with “discomfort and disability glare,” which might impair nighttime vision for drivers.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Next month, the city is expected to finish a IP list of laser light... spin off from the F-35 fighter jets technology.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Next month, the city is expected to finish installing its LEDs, but they will be 3000K rather than 4000K. Coogan knows the debate over the health risks of LEDs rages on. But he doesn’t want to be on the wrong side of history. “I didn’t want to get 10 or 15 years down the road and find out we had exposed our people to a health risk,” Coogan said.

9-25-2016 Sunday; 5 years after talking to Jimmy Weekley about building the Yale Key West Medical School Greg is 5 years down the road in Key West working at the New City Hall construction. 15 Years ago Bush and the Mayor of NYC told workers not to wear mask or resperators and they all died of cancer. No mayor 15 years ago told kids to wear a mask on the Duval Walk as Clean Diseal was clean then.

9-25-2016 Sunday; AMA cited Yale students falling asleep after listening to a Biden Lecture driving home. IP invention projects Binden never wrote a NY Times Sunday Editorial about to save a life of a Yale Student!

9-25-2016 Sunday; What are the Consequences of Untreated Gonorrhea? Key West Airport Campus of the Yale Medical School will test all Passengers for Gonorrhea and 1,001 other disease and of course the President not Trump but the President of the Yale Key West Medical School will also be Mayor of Key West. Jimmy Weekly will have a second heart transplant, Cheney will be on his 3 rd heart transplant. And Greg + wives will be driving a Gravity Engine Car invented in Key West. Yes there will be a tourist's video of how it was invented... Hillary did tell another lie about pneumonia that caused millions of women not to get the vaccination for pneumonia and Oppenheimer II from being named Special Forces Engineer by the Mayor.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Russian President Vladimir Putin was "not only... handing [Syrian President Bashar] Assad the revolver", he told the BBC's Andrew Marr program. "He is in some instances actually firing the revolver himself. UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has suggested Russia may have committed a war crime in Syria. BP Oil's War Crimes are painted black clouds of clean diesel particles in London's kids DNA sequencing. Queen will pay God for these deaths of kids from her clean diesel Rolls Royce!

9-25-2016 Sunday; Police are still searching for a motive in the deadly Washington state mall shooting...

9-25-2016 Sunday; MD's at the Yale Key West Medical School know the Motive for the Syrian War and exactly why Kerry failed at Yale and in the real world of signing a treaty with Putin and the Top Brass at the Pentagon who shot Kerry in the back... This is why Yale students fall asleep driving home from a Biden lecture. Syrian and Russian warplanes launched a ferocious assault against rebel-held Aleppo on Friday, burying any hopes by Kerry and Jimmy Carter. The USS Jimmy Carter was a wasted of $10 trillion, to say the least. So was Jimmy Carters Nobel and 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort conversations with Teddy Kennedy.

9-25-2016 Sunday; AMMAN, Jordan - A prominent Jordanian writer on Sunday was shot dead in front of the courthouse where he had been on trial for sharing a cartoon deemed offensive to Islam.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Paris cartoons of the H Bomb assembly line in Pakistan didn't make the Sunday paper today... they were censored by the Paris Elite, marked clasified.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Brad Pitt crossed a line he had never crossed before by lunging at his 15-year-old son on a private jet and making contact with him, but the details of precisely what happened are in conflict...

9-25-2016 Sunday; Conflict is Brad and Angelia were not watching a super computer simulation of brast cancer and playing a game with the kids to brainstorm a Rx Recipe as Angelia could hack a few Rx Recipes. Conversations of these 2 the last 15 years would make a better movie than Mr and Mrs. Smith.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Clinton-Trump Debate Expected to Be Rare Draw in a Polarized Age. The total audience, network executives and political strategists say, could be as high as 100 million viewers — Super Bowl territory.

9-25-2016 Sunday; 100 million viewers — Super Bowl territory. China Hunts for Scientific Glory, hear Jewish Aliens, With New Telescope Sunday New York Times is light years from the IP invention projects on the front page of the China Times.

9-25-2016 Sunday; 1,001 IP invention projects brainstormed at a Invention Super Bowl or President Debate!

9-25-2016 Sunday; The Other 13 Women Testifying Against Cosby ... if the Court Lets Them - Sue Saudi Arabia + Bush for 9/11's $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues from gas station hold ups in the USA. The Other 13 Women Testifying Against Cosby ... if the Court Lets Them - if the 1984 II Dictators let Obama take the fall for the Ford 1980 ElectricWindmillEscort, God will sent Jimmy Carter to Hell, you don't need to be the President of the Yale Key West medical school to make a correct diagnosis here! The Other 13 Women Testifying Against Cosby ... if the Court Lets Them - 13 women will testify against Obama and the bloody OJ clone crime scene will be on the front page of the NY Times in color. Nichol will finally get her revent on OJ. iPhone 7 hate crime will be realized as Tim Cook could have prevented these OJ killings in 2016. 2 Nuns in Georgia not far from Jimmy Carters Peanut Plantation were killed their throats cut... no long ago. Jimmy Carter never wrote a NY Times editorial on this. 19K women will be murdered by OJ in 2016 in our 1984 II Society.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Denzel Washington Rides High on a Horse not a Gravity Engine Car in ‘The Magnificent Seven’ another movie made for the Pentagon by Sony.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Yale lost when Kerry was shot in the back by the Joint Chiefs of Staff who did or didn't graduate from Yale or Harvard. Yale Endowment of $25 Billion and $25 Trillion from BP Oil kickbacks from $777 Trillion in oil revenues since 1980. Earned 3.4% in a Year When Many Lost their life from Stage 4 and MS... and were given syphilis after Bush sold them as sex slaves to Saudi Princes.

9-25-2016 Sunday; Kerry should have been using the State Dept's super computers to invent a silent Jet Engine... The Police Department blamed military F-22s. But Norad said the jets in place for the United Nations General Assembly did not produce a sonic boom. China will not ivent a way to prevent a sonic boom going faster than the speed of sound, Greg + Wives in Key West will!!

9-25-2016 Sunday; "A Staten Island Mosque Mixes Prayer and Patriotism" In an example of what might be called the Khizr Khan effect, leaders of the Masjid Un-Noor mosque gave out small copies of the Constitution on Friday to remind congregants of their rights as Americans.

9-25-2016 Sunday; "A Staten Island Mosque will give $777 Trillion back to NYC from gas station hold ups masterminded by 1984 II Dictators. 1984 III Dictators will spend this on New Yale Medical Schools not a Trillion dollar Mosque built in Mecca!

9-24-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Saturday again this week. It's 6:30 pm at Starbucks on Duval and they close the table's area at 8 pm so I have a little "Time" and lot of "Gravity" for this time period, grin!

9-24-2016 Saturday; Bangladesh Serendipity; Mayor Cates the traffic jams that crash, burn holes in the Key West City Hall goings-on in the New Auditorium. 24/7 Apple-Starbucks will be under construction by a General Contractor, or Noble Peace Prize Peanut Farmer Jimmy Carter who wrote a editorial for the NY Times this week without mentioning the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort he crash + set on fire. Jimmy should move to Syria until he earns his Noble Peace Prize... oh yes Greg will take his wives and share his Nobel with their for their inspiration.

9-24-2016 Saturday; "Special Forces Universe Engineer" who will engineer a way to confiscate $777 Trillion that is in the City of Mecca. Construction in Mecca Today is a real world Paradise for the General Contractors. The Binladen Construction Company has 100's of cranes in operation and many General Surgeons from Yale and Harvard who should be held in the USA and will after Trump is elected, grin.

9-24-2016 Saturday; "Special Forces Universe Engineer" who will engineer a way to confiscate $777 Trillion in the City of Mecca. "Special Forces Universe Engineer" Unit secretly working on the Yale Key West Medical School not another Key West City Hall. Ask the Mayor for free wifi for the City of Key West or just wait in Paradise for the Yale Key West Medical school's free wifi perk for having a Elite Yale Medical School, sure there are a few retired MD PhD's in key west but their like stars + Galaxies with their thought of what a city engineer should build.

9-24-2016 Saturday; Obama vetoed a bill Friday that would have allowed the families of 9/11 victims to sue the government of Saudi Arabia, arguing it undermined national security. NSA will be sued by families of "Cops" that crashed and burned to death, 10K in the USA since 1980. At the NSA, CIA they engineer thoughts of the "Gravity Engine" not the Baking Soda uses engineered in the building of a Yale Key West City Hall with Electric Toilets. Save water at City Hall, Trump's medical records, he is the victim, his wives and daughters the victims of Special Forces Men who work for the city to build a City Hall who kill women with stage 4 - Kerry can not believe he failed Yale and all the women who have died from Stage 4 construction destruction with no State Department special Stage 4 forces at work ending the Syrian War. No Stage 4. Electric Toilets at the construction site of the Yale Key West Medical School. Code after Mayor Cates is elected for the 5th time.

9-24-2016 Saturday; Bangladesh Serendipity; Mayor Cates the traffic jams that crash, burn holes in the DNA division of Kids doing the Duval Walk with their parents. "Special Forces" city Engineer drives a gasoline engine truck like Mayor Cates. Bangladesh Serendipity City Engineer; Alert to the Dangers at a Construction site for the Yale Bangladesh Medical School. Jimmy Carter bought the $10 Trillion dollar Sub. Spray paint the City's new MD who would never consider being a Key West City Engineer at there are in Paradise black clouds of clean deiseal in the air Saint Jude Childrens lost the City Engineer's Mercy. Put to death by Special Forces Ops. What can you expect when Biden kills his own sun at Walter Reed! Mecca has no thoughts about the "Special Forces Universe Engineer" who will confiscate $777 Trillion in the Pentagons "Special Forces Universe Engineer" Unit secretly working on the Yale Key West Medical School.

9-24-2016 Saturday; Gasoline Tanker rollover snarls traffic since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Pope Francis meets with the Hospital Sisters of Mercy. Kerry was not given any mercy by Putin this week because Kerry fail Yale + building the Yale Key West Medical School on a Eiffel Tower Structure.

9-24-2016 Saturday;

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - $777 Trillion dollar Exodus into the Universe! NASA Insiders

9-18-2016 Sunday; Boeing; Mr. Sutter headed a team of 4,500 engineers that in only 29 months designed and built the 747.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos invents a way to go faster than the speed of light in 27 months with Greg + Wives there!!

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider I have a paper in by billfold right now written at Los Alamos in 1990 marked Secret with "Mr. Buell and his Wind Car" most everything else is marked out in Black!

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider - With 24,000 locations across the world, Starbucks has become an everyday stop for millions. But that ubiquity with Steve Jobs Widow not buying even 1 MacBook Pro for 1 Starbucks but spending $100 million for Windows 10 for 10 Schools... ubiquity! Abyss is a better name for this widow. $777 Trillion in pay to HS kids to work on 1,001 IP invention projects that can only be completed on a MacBook Pro. Amazon can even be paid to have 1 click IP invention projects links as the New England Journal of Medicine wants more than $777 Trillion for their medical articles, grin. Greed!

9-18-2016 Sunday; Yale Key West Medical School. Los Alamos Scientist and Boeing Engineers; 4,500 have died from pneumonia.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Editorial Opinion: "What’s Missing in Dr. Oz’s TV Exam Room" Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD. Dr. Madonna MD PhD. By DANIELA J. LAMAS New York Times Sunday Editorial.

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider - The Pneumonia Insider's at WHO at the UN were light years from any International New York Times statistics on pneumonia deaths and that Hillary did tell another lie about pneumonia.

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider - Revalued: The Standoff Between Big Oil and $ 77 Trillion dollar Gravity Engine Invention. By DAVID GELLES Hillary did tell another lie about the Gravity Engine Invention Coup. Hillary Revalued: as Hillary did tell another lie about BP Oil's $777 Trillion. Yes Hillary did tell a lie about the $7 Trillion you can win the Florida State Lottery!

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider - $1 Trillion is the cost of Pneumonia MD's and the Rx cost us today. This was censored on purpose in the New York Times.

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider - $2 Trillion is the cost of Greg + Wives Star Travel Exodus Rx Recipe Shot to cure Stage 4 Overnight. Jimmy Carter and Jimmy Weekley in Key West are insiders who know this.

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider - $10 Trillion is the cost of the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub Fleet. And Jimmy Carter refused to give back his Nobel Peace Prize. God will talk to Jimmy Carter about this scam. 15 Billion people want Cashews not Peanuts, grin!

9-18-2016 Sunday; Yale Key West Medical School in only 29 months will prevent 4,500 Boeing + Los Alamos staff from dying of pneumonia!

9-18-2016 Sunday; Greg and Wives in Key West chat now or call 1984 II Dictators for Help to work today on the Gravity Engine $2 Trillion + $2 Trillion dollar Rx Recipe's for a Stage 4 Miracle Cure!

9-18-2016 Sunday; Boeing; Mr. Sutter headed a team of 4,500 engineers that in only 29 months designed and built the 747.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos invents a way to go faster than the speed of light in 27 months with Greg + Wives there!!

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider I have a paper in by billfold right now written at Los Alamos in 1990 marked Secret with "Mr. Buell and his Wind Car" most everything else is marked out in Black!

9-18-2016 Sunday; The International New York Times will be indicted by WHO at the UN for the Deaths of all these Engineers and Scientists at Boeing and Los Alamos because they censored the truth, true deadly pneumonia just like news about Hillary will be ok in 2 days rest with her pneumonia. Yale Key West Medical School will sue the New York Times for indigent homicide 4,500 times.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Joe Sutter, died from pneumonia, NY Times didn't mention if he had ever gotten the pneumonia vaccinations! Who Led an Army in Building Boeing’s Jumbo 747, Dies at 95 Mr. Sutter headed a team of 4,500 engineers that in only 29 months designed and built the 747, a 20th-century answer to the luxury ocean liner. By SAM ROBERTS

9-18-2016 Sunday; In 1986 President Ronald Reagan appointed him to a panel investigating the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. At the time, he expressed amazement that safety standards and management controls in the commercial aviation industry were stronger than those governing NASA. Redundant; IP invention projects in the Rx Recipes crunched at Los Alamos, point Los Alamos is not Boeing or NASA. “You know things are going to happen,” he explained, “and sometimes it’s going to be severe. You still should be able to come home.”

9-18-2016 Sunday; Not making Polygamous Marriage Legal in 2016 will cost the USA $100 Trillion in the loss of 1,001 IP invention projects this type of marriage will give our 1984 III society. Pentagon: ISIS' propaganda chief censored that the Isis men don't give their many wives $1 Trillion to invent a Allah is Great Miracle cure for Stage 4. Pentagon Generals don't give their wives and daughters $10 Trillion they spent on the USS Jimmy Carter for a Stage 4 Rx Recipe.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Boeing; Mr. Sutter headed a team of 4,500 engineers that in only 29 months designed and built the 747.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos invents a way to go faster than the speed of light in 27 months with Greg + Wives there!!

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider I have a paper in by billfold right now written at Los Alamos in 1990 marked Secret with "Mr. Buell and his Wind Car" most everything else is marked out in Black!
9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider - $10 Trillion is the cost of the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub Fleet. Pentagon Generals and Admirals will never ever spend this much money on Medical Students, grin! Castro might... ha! As Kerry shipped $4 Trillion in cash to Cuba!

9-18-2016 Sunday; Pentagon: ISIS' propaganda chief has been killed in an air strike again and again but their $777 Trillion is safe in Swiss Banks, grin!

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said gas station hold up revenues topped out at $777 Trillion since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and this will delay the Gravity Engine Ford for decades, grin. Drone Strike on the Gravity Engine by the Pentagons Top Brass... hear them cheering!

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Friday that a US-led coalition air strike on September 7 killed an Islamic State leader who oversaw the militant group's propaganda, but not the $777 Trillion in Swiss Banks $$$.

9-18-2016 Sunday; "His Grip Still Secure, Bashar al-Assad Smiles as Syria Burns" By BEN HUBBARD New York Times.

9-18-2016 Sunday; 12 Caesar's and the Rome Senate Burn 100's in fiery rear end car wrecks Secure the "cops" will not arrest them or use the Ford ElectricWindillEscort to put out the 100's of fires in Rome Today!

9-18-2016 Sunday; Paris Cartoons of fiery car wrecks in Rome are banned by the French Government Owned Oil Company "Total" grin! $777 Trillion Dollar Insider just leaked this story on this web page, grin.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Editorial Opinion: "What’s Missing in Dr. Oz’s TV Exam Room" Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD. By DANIELA J. LAMAS New York Times Sunday Editorial.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Insider Knows this is probably pneumonia... PARIS – Officials say former French President Jacques Chirac has been hospitalized with a lung infection.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Madonna Joins Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr for a Beatles Reunion in London We've certainly been waiting for this moment to arise. Former Beatles members Sir Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr joined together for an epic reunion Thursday night in London, and none other than Madonna! 1984 II Insider; $777 Trillion Dollar Insiders who could afford a Ford Gravity Engine Car.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Boeing; Mr. Sutter headed a team of 4,500 engineers that in only 29 months designed and built the 747.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos invents a way to go faster than the speed of light in 27 months with Greg + Wives there!!

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider I have a paper in by billfold right now written at Los Alamos in 1990 marked Secret with "Mr. Buell and his Wind Car" most everything else is marked out in Black!
9-18-2016 Sunday; Enrico Fermi at Los Alamos in 1950 posed the question over lunch, reasoning that aliens should have long ago showed up to visit if, in fact, they are out there. Los Alamos in 2016 today posed with the questions how many staff scientists will die from "pneumonia's" or Nuke Strike by North Korea. I have a paper in by billfold right now written at Los Alamos in 1990 marked Secret with "Mr. Buell and his Wind Car" most everything else is marked out in Black! Mr. Sutter headed a team of 4,500 engineers that in only 29 months designed and built the 747. Los Alamos could have built the Ford ElectricWindillEscort in 28 months and 9/11 never would have happened. This will be front page on the NY Times in 27 months, I hope. Thank God Biden will never visit Los Alamos. Greg + Wives will set up a office there in front of a IBM Super Computer that is bigger than a Sunday Football field. Pentagon: ISIS' propaganda chief, the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon will spent the next 30 months writing news about ISIS. This is a War Crime of course. In 27 Months the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort with iPhone 007 dash cam's and iTraffic tickets could be in every city and town in the USA. $777 Trillion Dollar Insider News... Speaking of those other 777 galaxies: none were on the Front page of the NY Times Sunday! You run into the Einstein speed limit. Information can’t move faster than the speed of light, so no one at Los Alamos or the Pentagon even tries to invent faster than the speed of light in a Hemingway Novel written at a Starbucks with a iapp that lets you brainstorm a invention idea in each chapter and its written by midnight. So much for this George Orwell Society! Driven "Video Review: Porsche 911 Turbo, a Mix of Performance and Balance" By TOM VOELK Sunday New York Times. The Turbo is equally at home grabbing a gallon of milk or on the track, where the S coupe model goes from rest to 60 miles an hour in 2.8 seconds... Los Alamos goes faster than the speed of light in 27 months with Greg + Wives there!!

9-18-2016 Sunday; Boeing; Mr. Sutter headed a team of 4,500 engineers that in only 29 months designed and built the 747.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos invents a way to go faster than the speed of light in 27 months with Greg + Wives there!!

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider I have a paper in by billfold right now written at Los Alamos in 1990 marked Secret with "Mr. Buell and his Wind Car" most everything else is marked out in Black!
9-18-2016 Sunday; Trillions of rear-end news stories, cop cars rear-ended news stories are censored by our 1984 II Dictators. A 25-year-old woman who rear-ended a motorcycle in August near Bay Point on U.S. 1 that resulted in a rider’s death turned herself in Friday afternoon on multiple drunken driving-related charges, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. Mary Elizabeth Bailey of Key West was charged with DUI manslaughter, DUI resulting in seriously bodily injury, two counts of DUI with property damage and leaving the scene of a crash. A warrant for her arrest was issued on Wednesday, according to the FHP. The 1985 Harley-Davidson driven by Roger Walden, 55, of Key West, was southbound at Mile Marker 15 at 8:25 p.m. on Aug. 1 with Ronalyn Maile Sylvia, 43, also of Key West, seated behind him, according to the FHP. They were rear-ended by a Toyota RAV4 driven by Bailey, reports say. Bailey reportedly hit the motorcycle and then dragged it under her car, said FHP Lt. Kathy McKinney. The motorcycle became dislodged, however, by the time she was stopped by law enforcement about a mile from the initial impact.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Boeing; Mr. Sutter headed a team of 4,500 engineers that in only 29 months designed and built the 747.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos invents a way to go faster than the speed of light in 27 months with Greg + Wives there!!

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider I have a paper in by billfold right now written at Los Alamos in 1990 marked Secret with "Mr. Buell and his Wind Car" most everything else is marked out in Black!
9-18-2016 Sunday; Duval Sunday 1 Trillion Motorcycles in town for the Poker Run City Event I watch a trillion clouds of black gray smoke exhaust with 7 trillion particles in the air at the corner of Fleming and Duval about 8 pm last night. Yes I counted 7 trillion particles as I use to work for a company named Particle Measuring Systems PMS, yes they did not use their initials much, grin. Rett syndrome (RTT) is caused by mutations in the gene MECP2 located on the X chromosome (which is involved in transcriptional silencing and epigenetic regulation of methylated DNA), and can arise sporadically or from germline mutations. In less than 10% of RTT cases, mutations in the genes CDKL5 or FOXG1 have also been found to resemble it. Rett syndrome. Hillary will lie about Rett and Clean Diesel.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Biden addresses the session ''Cancer Moonshot: A Call to Action'' during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland

9-18-2016 Sunday; Statistics Canada the agency's data infrastructure of $777 Trillion Dollar's in BP Oil gas station hold up's. Counting the SWF's sucker punched by the black men.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Biden addresses the session ''Cancer Moonshot: A Call to Action'' during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. Statistics Canada knows how many gas stations in Switzerland have been held up in 2016 but will not report this to the general public on orders from Real Generals!

9-18-2016 Sunday; Boeing; Mr. Sutter headed a team of 4,500 engineers that in only 29 months designed and built the 747.

9-18-2016 Sunday; Los Alamos invents a way to go faster than the speed of light in 27 months with Greg + Wives there!!

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider I have a paper in by billfold right now written at Los Alamos in 1990 marked Secret with "Mr. Buell and his Wind Car" most everything else is marked out in Black!

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider -

9-18-2016 Sunday; $777 Trillion Dollar Insider -

9-17-2016 Saturday; Greg and Wives in Key West chat now or call 1984 II Dictators for Help to work today on the Gravity Engine + Rx Recipe's for a Stage 4 Miracle Cure! Unlocked iPhone 007 connected to Verizon Wireless... Unlocked Greg + Wives in Key West Today!!! Get "Orwellian Society" help buying. Chat now or call 1-800-MY-APPLE iPhone 7 Plus 5.5-inch display From $37.41/mo. with the iPhone Upgrade Program. Or pay now from $769. SelectiPhone 7 Plus 5.5-inch display 256GB - One-time payment $969.00 to Verizon. Unlimited data to brainstorm 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year Era! Unlocked iPhone 007 connected to Verizon Wireless. Add AppleCare + $129.00 Get up to two years of technical support and accidental damage coverage... Get 2 years of IP invention projects in Key West. Imagine by Lennon.

9-17-2016 Saturday; Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD speaks on stage at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles HBO Hell No; Emmys on Sunday Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Today Show will be a "Winner" of the most Emmy's ever... after the coup! Not HBO!

9-17-2016 Saturday; New York Times Today Front Page... Dr. Hillary Clinton MD PhD!!

9-17-2016 Saturday; New York Times Today Front Page... Dr. Hillary Clinton MD PhD!! Hillary Clinton revealed a more elaborate health history, and released more information after her apparent collapse on Monday, which her campaign attributed to pneumonia. Hillary Clinton didn't revealed or the NY Times reveal that a pneumonia vaccination at age 60 and 65 would have prevented Hillary from catching the bug. NY Times didn't Reveal Dr. Nancy Snyderman if running for President instead of Hillary would make headlines for her Moon Shot to put all vaccines in the drinking water. Millions of other women Hillary's died last week from pneumonia. And the Top Brass at the NY Times and Pentagon know this!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Steve Jobs Widow - Knows about the Apple-Starbucks and a $8K iMacBook Pro on every café Table in Paris - Yet she spends her $100 Million Awarded on this... Contest to Rethink U.S. High Schools By ELIZABETH A. Harris. Steve Jobs Widow had chosen the winners of $10 million grants in a competition to rethink the American high school. Laurene Powell Jobs — is funding 10 schools, for a total of $100 million. No MacBook Pro's at every café table at every Starbucks in the USA! And of course Laurene Powell Jobs would have $100 million left over after paying for all these MacBook Pro's yet she will not spend the money. Yale Key West Medical School will be open 24/7 and the students will make more money than Air Force Cadets, grin. Pentagon Generals and Admirals will never ever spend this much money on Medical Students, grin! Castro might... ha! As Kerry shipped $400 Billion in cash to Cuba!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Key West Citizen Newspaper Today Front Page...Trauma Star X2 New air ambulance helicopter arrives... Sikorsky helicopter destined to be the new air ambulance for the Florida Keys. BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com This is a War Crime + Hate Crime as the Front Page of both papers should be about the Heavy Lift Helicopter ambulance and the Heavy Lift Helicopter combines and fishing fleets! No Key West Navy News about the Air Craft Size Hospital Ship Fleets. Oh yes the Navy can sail 1 light year in 17K years, grin. Out of date...

9-17-2016 Saturday; Gravity Engine will change our 1984 II Dictators 9/11 II and III war game with Mecca having $777 Trillion until there are No Gas Stations on Earth! Via CIA Covert Op! InventionBook... will replace Facebook, and you thought only Sony Movies were Masterminded by the Pentagon, grin!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Madonna Hits London Premiere of the 'Just Perfect' Beatles' Documentary. Madonna. "Just Perfect" Paul McCartney + Madonna censored Greg + Wives Moon Shot for a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Miracle Cure...

9-17-2016 Saturday; New York Times Today Front Page... Dr. Hillary Clinton MD PhD!!

9-17-2016 Saturday; New York Times Today Front Page... Dr. Hillary Clinton MD PhD!!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD speaks on stage at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles HBO Hell No; Emmys on Sunday Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Today Show will be a "Winner" of the most Emmy's ever... after the coup! Not HBO!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Apple Aficionados - Apple's latest generation of the iPhone 007 certainly will get their wish... after the coup. Tim Cook's hate crimes against women have finally been published on Google News more below... grin.

9-17-2016 Saturday; Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD speaks on stage at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles, about 40K dead SWF's in the USA from terrible diseases given to them by our 1984 II Dictators and no caller ID on the new iPhone 007 that goes on sale today... Syphilis, STD caller ID goes on sale today!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Leaked Apple emails reveal employees' complaints about sexist, toxic work environment" By Melanie Ehrenkranz. ... Apple engineering — a workforce made up of only 13% women — is a hate crime by Tim Cook and our 1984 II Dictators!! Sarcastic fag stereotyped comments dominate every day at Apple HQ. 1984 II Orwellian Society does record most of these goings on too. Men in her office began to joke that an "office intruder" was coming to rape everybody - this is typical fag talk! Jokes about violent sexual assault are typical fag jokes. Please send tips and share your story by emailing melanie@mic.com.

9-17-2016 Saturday; Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD speaks on stage at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles HBO Hell No; Emmys on Sunday Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Today Show will be a "Winner" of the most Emmy's ever... after the coup! Not HBO!

9-17-2016 Saturday; iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus with a battery you have to charge twice a day every day when a GE electric generator fueled by liquid H @ - 254 C should be in the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus that go on sale today is a war crime and hate crime by Tim Cook and our 1984 II Dictators who are out of date! 1984 Orwellian news goes on and on about batteries... misinformation!! The $150 LG X Power Comes With A 4100mAh Battery To Deliver Two Days Of Life. "International Business Times" Battery life has always been a huge factor when it comes to buying a new smartphone, and now there's a mid-range handset that solely impresses in that regard. "International Business Times" + The New York Times get $$$ kickbacks and government perks to censored the GE Electric Generator fueled by H @ - 254 C that could should be sold today! A War Crime and Hate Crime by our 1984 II Dictators!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD speaks on stage at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles HBO Hell No; Emmys on Sunday Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Today Show will be a "Winner" of the most Emmy's ever... after the coup! Not HBO!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Censored is the bloody crime scene on purpose by our 1984 II Dictators. OJ's crime scene picture must be in line with this Black Mans murder of 2 Nun's. Mississippi man who killed two nuns last month confessed to fatally stabbing them and stealing their car, prosecutors announced Friday. Rodney Earl Sanders, 46, a Black OJ Clone Masterminded by Obama and Censored by Trump; has been charged with two counts of capital murder in the senseless slayings of Sisters Margaret Held and Paula Merrill. Held and Merrill, both 68, were well-known in their hometown of Durant for dedicating their lives to providing health care in one of the country's poorest counties. Their bodies were found when colleagues grew worried after they failed to show up for work at the Lexington health clinic on Aug. 25. Sisters Margaret Held and Paula Merrill were well-known in Durant, Miss., for dedicating their lives to providing health care in one of America's poorest counties... Because there is no Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Assembly lines anywhere in the USA masterminded by our 1984 II Dictators! Black OJ Clone Masterminded my Obama and censored by Trump; Sanders, admitted to crashing in a shed across the street from the nuns’ home. After sleeping there for three nights, Sanders broke in through the back door. After stabbing the pious pair to death, he cleaned himself up in a bathroom sink, records show. “He washed himself up because his hands were sticky,”

9-17-2016 Saturday; Friday... fatally shot by the Israeli police at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem on Friday when Israeli police should be shooting for Jewish Aliens at the Gate to Open the Universe; Exodus off Earth and a coup on the Navy who can't sail 1 light year in 70 thousand years because they build the USS Jimmy Carter Sub Fleet instead of the Hubble Space Telescope Trains!!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD speaks on stage at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles HBO Hell No; Emmys on Sunday Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Today Show will be a "Winner" of the most Emmy's ever... after the coup! Not HBO!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Police officers in Arizona will no longer stop, detain and arrest people based purely on “reasonable suspicion” that they may be in the country illegally, Reuters reports. Apple Aficionados - Apple's latest generation of the iPhone 007 certainly will get their wish... after the coup. iPhone 007 dash came with police stop's no longer necessary as they can see and talk to the drivers with iPhone 007 dash cams inside and out of all cars in Arizona, a war crime by McCain as if not for McCain and his inner circle of 1984 II Dictators 007 iPhone Dash Cams would be on all cars in Arizona Today!! Tim Cook's hate crimes; iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Or dig a little deeper, and maybe you'll perk up at some tantalizing clues to the future of the iPhone 007 dash cam's and cops! Apple's new iOS 10 update, released earlier this week, is sneakily big and packs a lot of changes that you may not come across if you aren't looking for them. 1984 II 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat dash cam update with have falling asleep at the wheel + no Biden Lectures at Yale that cause Elite yale kids to fall asleep driving home after a Biden lecture, grin! Yale will give out anti-Buse to keep Elite Yale Kids from Binge Drinking too.

9-17-2016 Saturday; Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD speaks on stage at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles HBO Hell No; Emmys on Sunday Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Today Show will be a "Winner" of the most Emmy's ever... after the coup! Not HBO!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Pope Francis at the Yale Key West Medical School would be dressed in a NASA Hospital Space Suit not scrubs with no mask holding a new born baby. This hospital must have thousands of hospital acquired infections every year and this was not reported by the journalists at the Washington Post. Wow! ROME - Pope Francis has donned a pair of surgical scrubs to visit premature babies at a Rome hospital. Francis seemed enchanted by the tiny babies squirming, sleeping and crying in the neonatology unit of San Giovanni hospital. Back in the USA Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD speaks on stage at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles, about 40K dead SWF's in the USA from terrible diseases given to them by our 1984 II Dictators. Just in time for the Emmys on Sunday Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Today Show will be a "Winner" of the most Emmy's ever... after the coup!

9-17-2016 Saturday; NASA + Boeing Brainwashed by our 1984 II Dictators not inventing a way to fly a 747 into Orbit as the technology is here Today and the Inventors are too all that is missing are 1984 III Dictators to give the OK. LONG BEACH, Calif. - One of the difficult lessons learned from the space shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986 was the need for human-carrying spacecraft to come with emergency escape systems, a means of ejecting the crew vehicle from the rocket.

9-17-2016 Saturday; Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD speaks on stage at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles HBO Hell No; Emmys on Sunday Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Today Show will be a "Winner" of the most Emmy's ever... after the coup! Not HBO!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Washington Post Journalist war crimes and hate crimes, as feeding the fish will be what the worlds Navy's will spent most their time and technology on after the coup... How Google is helping to crack down on illegal fishing — from space. Washington Post - Illegal and unreported fishing is a multibillion-dollar business around the globe, and one that has proven notoriously difficult to combat.

9-17-2016 Saturday; Space.com gets government perks and $$$ kick backs not to report the Flagler Key West Train that is a Hubble Space Telescope Train of 100's of cars!! A war crime and hate crime. Hubble Telescope Snaps Best-Ever Views of a Comet's Disintegration. Space.com - Comet 332P/Ikeya-Murakami is breaking apart as it orbits the sun. Images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope captured building-size chunks of debris as they fell behind the main comet body.

9-17-2016 Saturday; Dr. Miley Cyrus MD PhD and Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD speaks on stage at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles HBO Hell No; Emmys on Sunday Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Today Show will be a "Winner" of the most Emmy's ever... after the coup! Not HBO!

9-17-2016 Saturday; Biden's Moon Shot for Brain Cancer and Biden is not at Los Alamos today as Greg + Wives would be if Biden's 1984 II Dictators gave us a Pardon, grin. Pardon this news on Kids brain cancers from Biden's Clean Diesel... Era. It's official: Brain cancer has replaced leukemia as the leading cause of cancer deaths among children and adolescents. In 1999, almost a third of cancer deaths among patients aged 1 to 19 were attributable to leukemia while about a quarter were caused by brain cancer diesels.

9-17-2016 Saturday;

9-17-2016 Saturday;

9-17-2016 Saturday;

9-17-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

9-17-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... and a Purple Heart!

9-17-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

9-17-2016 Sunday; she said this as I cleaned washed her in her death bed... other MS women died within a week!
9-17-2016 Sunday; Hell the Navy can't sail 1 light year in less than 70 thousand years! Without these Apple inventions!

9-17-2016 Tuesday; This is a hate crime by Tim Cook...

9-11-2016 Sunday; My wife's and I joke about Inventing the gravity engine as the best revenge on Jimmy Carter and Jimmy Weekley in Key West... Gravity - Discovery how it's generated and then building the Gravity Engine will change our 1984 II Dictators 9/11 II and III. No Gas Stations on Earth today 9/11 news will bankrupt Mecca tomorrow! Simple way to win a War!

9-11-2016 Sunday; InventionBook... will replace Facebook after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

A 1984 II Secret History of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11

9-11-2016 Sunday; Forces loyal to a powerful Libyan military commander captured two key oil ports today 9/11 2016

9-11-2016 Sunday; Forces loyal to the "Gravity Engine" Ford lost every battle!

9-11-2016 Sunday; Forces loyal to the "Gravity Engine" Ford lost every battle!

9-11-2016 Sunday; Forces loyal to the Stage 4 "Star Travel Shot" that takes over all of Los Alamos and all the Rx Recipes world wide lost the battle be because Bush + Texas Oil's $777 Trillion for War Toys to kill millions in... instead of using the No Gas Stations on Earth CIA Covert Op. Not your Run-of-the-Mill Biden Moon shot that puts Yale kids to sleep driving home.

9-11-2016 Sunday; We Need Somebody Spectacular: 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, 5 wives in a legal polygamous marriage to get a One Up Man Ship over Saudi Arabia who don't let their wives drive a 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 - Oh our 1984 II Dictators don't let SWF's in the USA drive a 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 model.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Clinton on 9/11: The closest thing to 'hell' I've ever seen - Jimmy Carter is a "Peace" with God with the Cardinal Sin of suppressing the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11... Jimmy Carter + Jimmy Weekley's grand kids have "Black Diesel" in their DNA which divides a billion times today 9/11 2016.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Cops lost to a fiery death rear ended writing a traffic ticket is not on the Front Page of the New York Times Today 9/11 2016

9-11-2016 Sunday; 15 years ago this Sunday... Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 We Need Somebody Spectacular: Views From the Universe are Spectacular! We can see Jewish Aliens in 15 years! We Need Somebody Spectacular: 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, who will get built the 155 Story Yale NYC Medical School and give 11 Billion people on Earth the correct diagnosis and treatment for Cancer, Syphilis, MS...

A 1984 II Secret History of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11

9-11-2016 Sunday; 11 Saudi Terrorists without enough money to buy a plane ticket from Boston to NYC because the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Spectacular! Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 model

9-11-2016 Sunday; Spectacular! Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 model with iPhone 007 dash cam's inside and out 360 degree views for the cop behind you without flash lights. He can talk to you after you ran over a Tourists in a Duval Cross Walk, well a Tourists in Crossing from Willie T's to Gap... grin.

9-11-2016 Sunday; State of the Arts No Head On Collisions is not at Apple's self driving car unit. What’s Really Missing From the New iPhone: Cutting-Edge Design is the Gravity Engine iapp's to brainstorm inventing the Gravity Engine, no thanks to the NY Times on 9/11 front page of the Times Today 9/11 2016

9-11-2016 Sunday; 15 years ago this Sunday... kids died left in a hot car when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 has A/C 24/7

9-11-2016 Sunday; Cops lost to a fiery death rear ended writing a traffic ticket is not on the Front Page of the New York Times Today 9/11 2016 Hell of a lot more than the 9/11 stats below... NYPD 9/11 Parade Honors Lost Officers To mark the 15th anniversary of 9/11, the NYPD held its first memorial parade. The procession commemorated the 23 officers who died on 9/11 and the 99 who died as a result of related illnesses. By NEIL COLLIER NYPD 9/11 Parade Honors Lost Officers

A 1984 II Secret History of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11

9-11-2016 Sunday; 11 Saudi Terrorists without enough money to buy a plane ticket from Boston to NYC because the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Spectacular! Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 model

9-11-2016 Sunday; State of the Arts Rx Recipes from every Drug Maker World Wide "My Lost Mother’s Last Receipt" By MARA WILSON We found the purse in the basement, 20 years after her death. Megan Price. By KATE MURPHYA human-rights executive on the Syrian conflict, bonding over “Star Trek” and finding humanity in the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 assembly line in Key West, grin.

9-11-2016 Sunday; 9/11 memorial the 155 Story Yale NYC Medical School.

9-11-2016 Sunday; A Walk Around the Void of 9/11 - think of the 17 Saudi Terrorists without enough money to buy a plane ticket from Boston to NYC because the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times. Move slowly through the World Trade Center memorial plaza. Watch the names that flow by. Absorb the vast emptiness, the enormity of our loss, the passage of years. The Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Terrorists from Saudi Arabia + Tourists are milling about and buying souvenirs Today in NYC.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Fifteen years on, the evil of 9/11 may still reverberate, but the goodness remains a thing to marvel at. And the 9/11 memorial — subdued, profound — is almost miraculous, given its tortured birth by committee. Years ago two mayors, Michael Bloomberg and Mr. Giuliani, were in a group discussing what the memorial should be. Mr. Giuliani wanted something big on that “sacred ground.” Mr. Bloomberg argued for a school, not a monument. “I always thought the best memorial for anybody is to build a better world in their memory,” he said. “I’m a believer in the future, not the past. I can’t do anything about the past.” Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11.

A 1984 II Secret History of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11

9-11-2016 Sunday; 11 Saudi Terrorists without enough money to buy a plane ticket from Boston to NYC because the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Spectacular! Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 model

9-11-2016 Sunday; Op-Ed Contributor Anti-Semitism and the British Left By DAVE RICH 5:03 AM ET Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party has alienated Britain’s Jews.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Diaa Hadid, a Times correspondent in Mecca for the hajj, found that frozen desserts and the power of prayer brought pilgrims together. Our correspondent, who is in Saudi Arabia for the annual pilgrimage, explains why Muslims, dressed in white, throw stones, kiss a large black rock and have a goat sacrificed.

9-11-2016 Sunday; How Russia Often Benefits When Julian Assange Reveals the West’s Secrets" By JO BECKER, STEVEN ERLANGER and ERIC SCHMITT

9-11-2016 Sunday; American officials say Mr. Assange and WikiLeaks probably have no direct ties to Russian intelligence services. But the agendas of WikiLeaks and the Kremlin have often dovetailed.

A 1984 II Secret History of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11

9-11-2016 Sunday; 11 Saudi Terrorists without enough money to buy a plane ticket from Boston to NYC because the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Spectacular! Ford ElectricWindmillEscort 9/11 model

9-11-2016 Sunday; By TIM ARANGO A contentious dam project that dates to the 1950s is more than 80 percent complete, and the filling of a reservoir will swamp much of the town of Hasankeyf.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Damn Jimmy Carter, Bill + Melinda Gates lost the iPhone size GE electric generator fueled by liquid H @ -254 C. and let this Dam project be built.

9-11-2016 Sunday; VW Engineer Pleads Guilty in U.S. Criminal Case Over Diesel Emissions" By HIROKO TABUCHI and JACK EWING The charges add to pressure on spray Painted Black Clouds of Diesel on Duval Key West Today! 9/11.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Greta Friedman, Who Claimed to Be the Nurse in a Famous V-J Day Photo, Dies at 92 Ms. Friedman was one of several women who said they were photographed kissing a sailor in Times Square at the end of World War II. By ELI ROSENBERG

9-11-2016 Sunday; Ruth Buell, who served in the Navy WAVES from 1944-46 in the Brooklyn Navy Yard as a storekeeper/disbursement clerk who paid the sailors guarding the Merchant Marines.

9-11-2016 Sunday; My Mom was in Brooklyn when this picture of the kissing Nurse was taken. I know the war on cancer history would have been won by Today 9/11 2016 if the Navy Sailor was kissing a MD women.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Statins’ benefits outweigh side effects – By MARIETTE LE ROUX, Agence France-Presse PARIS - The heart-protecting benefits of anti-cholesterol statins far outnumber the side-effects, a scientific review said Friday, blaming shoddy research for scaring people and putting lives at risk.

9-11-2016 Sunday; These Rx Recipes given Leaked to the internet inventors - benefits of anti-cholesterol statins - Benefits of leaking the trade secret Rx Recipes for Statins and even letting Los Alamos crunch these and trillions of other Rx Recipes far outweighs the side effects!

9-11-2016 Sunday; Comcast AT&T will not launch a "1,001 IP invention projects Cable Channel" - "Saudi Launches Farsi-Language Hajj TV Amid Dispute With Iran" New York Times - RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia has launched a Farsi-language satellite television channel broadcasting the hajj as Iranians abstain from the pilgrimage amid a dispute between the two regional rivals.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Comcast AT&T will not launch free wifi for the Island of Key West!

9-11-2016 Sunday; Roosevelt Prohibition Papers will show kickbacks and bribes in the $777 Trillion's from Coors, grin. "Indonesia Is Pushed to Ban Alcohol for Health of Bodies, if Not Souls" Islamist parties long opposed to drinking have taken a new line: that alcohol should be banned for health reasons, rather than religious ones." By JOE COCHRANE Roosevelt Prohibition Papers will show kickbacks and bribes in the $777 Trillion's from Coors, grin. 100 Senators will vote to let all alcoholics sue Coors and our 1984 II Dictators will veto this! $$$ Coors + Oil Era in a No Gas Stations on Earth Era! Prohibition Era was Masterminded by Wives beaten via drunks. Roosevelt ended Prohibition; Who will end Oil Era and confiscate $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia + BP Oil - Trump! Motive being Trump wants to be the one who spends $777 dollars, grin!

9-11-2016 Sunday; Tobacco Oil Era's more Admirals + Generals died from lung cancer than all the wars on Earth.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Double Lung Transplants today 9/11 at the Yale NYC Medical School was not mentioned in this NY Times article. "When Love Isn’t as Simple as Standing by Your Man Modern Love" By EIRIK GUMENY My wife and I used to joke about how much better we were than other couples, how we never had the petty fights and misunderstandings that everyone else seemed to be having. Together we had weathered layoffs, a cross-country move, multiple hospitalizations from my cystic fibrosis and the housebreaking of two terrier puppies. Yet somehow we always managed to come out stronger than before. Our love was indestructible. Then she threatened to leave me six weeks after I had a double lung transplant.

9-11-2016 Sunday; By EIRIK GUMENY the 155 Story Yale NYC Medical School built in the same spot the World Trade Center Towers stood... everyone walking around today there; many will need a state of the arts transplant for themselves or someone in the 11 Billion people who will visit NYC by 2020.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Then she threatened to leave me six weeks after I had a double lung transplant. To write a Nobel Novel Brainstorming the Rx Recipe for the overnight Rx cure for Lung Cancer.

9-11-2016 Sunday; The local cystic fibrosis clinic worked in tandem with the transplant team at Stanford Hospital in California, summoning information and X-rays and then, when things really went off the rails, me, via emergency airlift. Monica spent the first two weeks sleeping on a cot in my tiny hospital room.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Not writing on a MacBook Pro... Rx Recipes for a Lung Cancer Cure.

9-11-2016 Sunday; By EIRIK GUMENY next Sunday Eirik will write the story of Cheney's Heart Transplant and his wife sleeping in a cot in Cheney's small hospital room, grin! Cheney will get a second heart transplant soon.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Seven months after arriving in Palo Alto, we finally received the call: An organ donor of the correct size and blood type, within an acceptable distance for rapid transport, had died, and I received my double lung transplant, a nine-hour procedure that went well.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Cheney + his 1984 II Dictators should have made organ donation mandatory after Cheney's Heart Transplant. This is the Story I want Eirik to write next week! Why the Hell didn't they?

9-11-2016 Sunday; 1984 II Big Brother is Watching but not watching out for your Wife... “I don’t think I can do this anymore.” Her words haunted me for weeks, but I was wrong about them. They weren’t an ultimatum. They were a proclamation of defeat. Monica needed a break from doing the impossible. Her hasty retreat didn’t mean she was done with me. It meant that she was as broken as I was. We had had a misunderstanding.

9-11-2016 Sunday; My wife and I don’t joke about how great we are anymore. We realize now how precarious, how fragile a claim like that really is. Our love may be indestructible, but we sure as hell aren’t.

9-11-2016 Sunday; Hell for 4 trillion years as soul-mates! ...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... 500 times the age of the current Universe. So if you gamble bet on there being Soul-Mates for at least the next 4 Trillion years. After EIRIK GUMENY makes a NY Times video on how Proxima can burn H for 4 trillion years we will increase our bet on Soul-Mates in Heaven!

9-11-2016 Sunday; My wife's and I joke about inventing the gravity engine as the best revenge on Jimmy Carter and Jimmy Weekley in Key West... Gravity - Discovery how it's generated and then building the Gravity Engine will change our 1984 II Dictators!

9-11-2016 Sunday; 9/11 2016

9-10-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday again this week.

9-10-2016 Saturday; InventionBook... will replace Facebook after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

9-10-2016 Saturday; Apple's latest iPhone 007 software update will make it a lot harder for advertisers to track you - SWF given Syphilis, HIV, STD's, Hepatitis, MS will not be able to track the "Men" who gave them these terrible diseases as this is a hate crime masterminded by Tim Cook...

9-10-2016 Saturday; "Hate Crimes Insider" - Apple's latest mobile software update, iOS 10, rolls out on Tuesday, September 13, and with it comes a new setting that will give users much stronger protection against advertiser tracking... Ad's not STD's caller iD!

9-10-2016 Saturday; "Hate Crimes Insider" - iPhone 007 "Smoke Detectors" state of the arts "laser guidance" are not in this NY Times story - Why? 1984 II Dictators is why! "NYFD Arsenal Will Soon Include Drones Not 007 iPhone Smoke Detectors!" - New York Times - The Fire Department is ready to launch a $85,000 drone that will deliver high-definition images in real time as commanders decide how to respond to major fire after its blazing out of a skyscrapers windows!

9-10-2016 Saturday; THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY - 1981 University officials announce that Yale will not reimburse the Morse and Ezra Stiles students whose property was stolen from their rooms during a summer break-in. 1981 Yale knew about the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort invention and suppression by Elite Yale 1984 II Dictators but not the iPhone 007 smoke detectors and iPhone Dorm Security cam's, grin. Yale gets a F in the real world of the Gravity Engine which would outsell the iPhone 7 today! If you’re a inventor in Key West; writer, photographer, designer, coder, voracious reader of the news or none of the above, bring your talents to the Oldest College Daily. The Yale Daily News invites you to an open house this evening at 8 p.m. in our building at 202 York St. There will be pizza, but no MacBook Pro's bring your own, sorry! Grin!

9-11-2016 I will be working for City Hall Key West... on winning 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year Era; Utopian Nobel written at the Hemingway II House with iapps and MacBook Pro's at every café Table in Key West...

9-10-2016 Saturday; Loss of $777 Trillion by the 1984 II Dictators Orwellian Judge not to let us Sue Mecca for 9/11...

9-10-2016 Saturday; 100 Senators Passes Bill Allowing 9/11 Lawsuits Against Saudi Arabia; White House Hints at Veto; 1984 II Dictator's not Obama!!

9-10-2016 Saturday; Loss of $777 Trillion by the 1984 II Dictators since 9/11 and since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... 1984 II Dictators Jimmy Carter and Jimmy Weekley in Key West Masterminded the Florida Lottery and Fire Bombed all "MacBook Pro café's" (Apple-Starbucks) on every corner in every city and town in the USA. Free wifi and unlimited Verizon Internet was Masterminded! These crimes didn't just happen, grin! They spent this money on the USS Jimmy Carter Sub!

9-10-2016 Saturday; "A Big H-Bomb" Blast in North Korea, and Big Questions on U.S. Policy - who gets the $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues!!" By DAVID E. SANGER, CHOE SANG-HUN and JANE PERLEZ New York Times!!

9-10-2016 Saturday; SEOUL, South Korea - Samsung Electronics on Saturday recommended South Korean customers to stop using the new Galaxy Note 7 smartphones, which the company is recalling worldwide after several caught fire from out-of-date battery invention in use today when iPod size liquid H @ -254 C has been invented by Greg + Wives in Key West years ago and would be the battery in the new iPhone 7 if not for Hate Crimes by Tim Cook, grin!

9-10-2016 Saturday; President Obama Salutes First Responders, without mentioning Bush telling them not to wear a "Mask" to keep from getting cancer from the "White Diesel" letting them die when he knew is was just as deadly as "Black Deiseal" and Clean Diesel! Department of Defense - WASHINGTON, President Barack Obama recalled the 9/11 attacks that struck the United States 15 years ago.

9-10-2016 Saturday; Admiral you are under arrest for Masterminding 9/11 II H Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower and Trump Towers NYC!

9-10-2016 Saturday; Admiral you are under arrest for Masterminding and Paying for the H Bomb assembly line up and running today in Pakistan...

9-11-2016 I will be working for City Hall Key West... on winning 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year Era; Utopian Nobel written at the Hemingway II House with iapps and MacBook Pro's at every café Table in Key West...

9-11-2016 I will be working for City Hall Key West... on winning 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year Era; Utopian Nobel written at the Hemingway II House with iapps and MacBook Pro's at every café Table in Key West...

9-10-2016 Saturday; Admirals motive is $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues Greg + Wives in Key West would spent on a 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Yale Key West Medical School, with a 2nd Heart Transplant for everyone not just Cheney! And no Purple Heart + No Gas Stations World Wide!

9-10-2016 Saturday; The new Brain and Spine Hospital at Ohio State University's Wexner Medical Center has all private patient rooms, an onsite rehabilitation gym and an area that allows for the more-complete study of epilepsy patients.

9-10-2016 Saturday; The 155 Story Yale Key West Medical School will have a Ford assembly line for epilepsy, brain cancer, etc patients! 11 Billion on Earth Era! Not just Cheney and his inner circle, grin.

9-10-2016 Saturday; This will be on InventBook when FaceBook is Dead! "Current Biology" Dr. Nancy Kanwisher, the Walter A. Rosenblith Professor... the occipital place area, the retrosplenial complex, and parahippocampal place area -- might also be involved in generating panoramic memories of a place such as a street corner. Journal Reference; Nancy Kanwisher et al. Neural Representations Integrate the Current Field of View with the Remembered 360° Panorama in Scene-Selective CortexNancy Kanwisher. Current Biology, September 2016 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.07.002

FaceBook - - - Hillary of New York. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 caught attention on social media when she appeared on the “Humans of New York” Facebook page. Brandon Stanton, the page’s creator, took several photographs of Clinton and paired them with quotes about her life and work. One read, “I can’t yell too much. It comes across as ‘too loud’ or ‘too shrill’ or ‘too this’ or ‘too that.’ Which is funny, because I’m always convinced that the people in the front row are loving it.”

InventBook - - - the occipital place area, the retrosplenial complex, and parahippocampal place area -- might also be involved in generating panoramic memories of a place such as a street corner. Journal Reference; Nancy Kanwisher et al. Neural Representations Integrate the Current Field of View with the Remembered 360° Panorama in Scene-Selective CortexNancy Kanwisher. Current Biology, September 2016 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.07.002

9-10-2016 Saturday; Admiral you are under arrest for Masterminding "Clean Deiseal on Duval World Wide!" The Pentagon warned this year that Pyongyang’s new missiles, if perfected, “would be capable of reaching much of the continental United States.” Dr. Nancy Snyderman if given the Pentagon's Los Alamos and all the Worlds Rx Recipes would be capable of inventing a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Stage 4, Beau II's brain cancer + vaccines in the drinking water...

9-11-2016 I will be working for City Hall Key West... on winning 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year Era; Utopian Nobel written at the Hemingway II House with iapps and MacBook Pro's at every café Table in Key West...

9-11-2016 I will be working for City Hall Key West... on winning 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year Era; Utopian Nobel written at the Hemingway II House with iapps and MacBook Pro's at every café Table in Key West...

9-10-2016 Saturday; "No Gas Stations On Earth in 1980... Korea + Mecca would not exist today $$$ Bad Options" By DAVID E. SANGER, CHOE SANG-HUN and JANE PERLEZ North Korea’s most powerful nuclear test yet shows that gradually escalating sanctions are not stopping it from becoming a nuclear state.

9-10-2016 Saturday; Judge Hell-erstein's Orwellian comments are written by Jimmy Carter and Jimmy Weekley in Key West, "Black Humor" when Black Diesel; Oh I mean Clean Deiseal is still in the "Air" on Duval Key West and "Times Square NYC!" Jimmy Carter + Jimmy Weekley will tell God they have no Regrets! This is Black Humor from the Nobel Novel "1984: 1984 II Nobel Novel with 1,001 IP invention projects and the MacBook Pro café on Duval with a MacBook Pro on every café table today does have regrets in Lost Paradise and Paradise Lost today are... 777 trillion Jewish Aliens at each of the Nearest 52 Stars. NYC Jews will regret this loss when the 100 car Hubble Space Telescope Train overhears Jewish Aliens! Exodus!

9-10-2016 Saturday; "Black Diesel" on Facebook; Hell No! Facebook on Friday reversed its decision to remove postings of an iconic 1972 image of a naked, screaming girl running from a napalm attack in Vietnam.

9-10-2016 Saturday; Invention Book... will replace Facebook after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

9-10-2016 Saturday; Netanyahu Says NYC Jews want a Earth without Alien Jews - awareness inventions! Palestinians Want a State Without... of Jewish Aliens, grin! Jews New York Times - JERUSALEM - Pope Francis doesn't want any Alien Jews too!

9-10-2016 Saturday; "Judge in 9/11 Suits Has No Regret That None Went to Trial" By BENJAMIN WEISER Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein acknowledged that by not holding a trial for any of the cases, there was a “loss of information” to the public. Loss of $777 Trillion by the 1984 II Dictators Orwellian Judge not to let us Sue Mecca for 9/11.

9-10-2016 Saturday; Trump Says Clinton Wouldn’t Be Prosecuted Even if She Shot Someone

9-10-2016 Saturday; BP Oil Trump Says Wouldn’t Be Prosecuted Even if they burned holes in the DNA sequencing of 100 million kids DNA causing cancers and birth defects...

9-10-2016 Saturday; "North Korea’s Nuclear Enabler is BP Oil's $777 Trillion" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD China’s ambivalence has led to the current crisis.

9-11-2016 I will be working for City Hall Key West... on winning 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year Era; Utopian Nobel written at the Hemingway II House with iapps and MacBook Pro's at every café Table in Key West...

9-11-2016 I will be working for City Hall Key West... on winning 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year Era; Utopian Nobel written at the Hemingway II House with iapps and MacBook Pro's at every café Table in Key West...

9-10-2016 Saturday; Admiral you are under arrest for Masterminding "Clean Deiseal!"

9-10-2016 Saturday; Kerry; deal was reached with Putin after 10 months of failed cease-fires and suspended efforts for a political settlement in the Syrian War.

9-10-2016 Saturday; Kerry you are under arrest for Masterminding $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues for "War" instead of the "Cancer War".

9-10-2016 Saturday; 1984 II Death and injury in Key West... Sue Them after the Coup! Florida Keys Weekly - Chances are positive a resident of Key West has either seen a moped, scooter or motorcycle accident … or been in one. During high season, sometimes Key West residents witness up to two a day. Whether it is watching a tourist topple from inexperience ... According crash data compiled by the Key West Police Department, the numbers of moped/scooters accidents, not surprisingly, has been growing from 2014 to 2016. The numbers don’t lie: the total of Key West moped/motorcycle crashes in 2014 was 338, 2015 it was 382 and 2016 it has reached 257 which by estimates, should meet or exceed the past year’s numbers with four months left to go in the calendar year. According to the stats, 13 percent resulted in severe or fatal injury in 2014, in 2015 it rose to 20 percent, and in 2016 is already at 14 percent.

9-10-2016 Saturday; Florida Keys Weekly - not Mandy Miles in Tan Lines at the Citizen Newspaper reported these Deaths from Scooters because Mandy Miles took kickbacks and perks not to! Mandy you have time to rewrite Tan Lines for tomorrows Sunday Citizen, grin!

9-11-2016 I will be working for City Hall Key West... on winning 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year Era; Utopian Nobel written at the Hemingway II House with iapps and MacBook Pro's at every café Table in Key West...

9-11-2016 I will be working for City Hall Key West... on winning 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year Era; Utopian Nobel written at the Hemingway II House with iapps and MacBook Pro's at every café Table in Key West...

9-10-2016 Saturday; Ruth Buell in the Newspaper but not about Greg Buell inventing the Ford ElectricWindillEscort in 1980 - Mom who has never talked to Greg about the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort invention In 1980 but visited Greg in Boulder CO in 1979 same year I meet Teddy Kennedy... The only woman in the group was Ruth Buell, who served in the Navy WAVES from 1944-46 in the Brooklyn Navy Yard as a storekeeper/disbursement clerk who paid the sailors guarding the Merchant Marines.

9-10-2016 Saturday; News story... "Fourteen local World War II veterans were honored for their service with quilts on Sunday." Ruth Buell at 93 pictured below link.

9-10-2016 Saturday; http://www.newstribune.com/news/story/story/2016/Aug/29/covering-wounds/637866/

Gregs 2007 web

9-10-2016 Saturday; A Quilts of Valor ceremony last December honored six WWII vets, and this one, held at American Legion Post 5, honored another 14. "It's just something I thought should happen," said organizer Sallie Jacobs, who is with both Operation Bugle Boy and the American Legion Auxiliary. "And I picked World War II veterans because we're losing them too quickly." The honorees were Leander Bax, Norbert Bernskoetter, Ruth Buell, Forest Clark, Walter Evenson, Charles Foster, Albert Haslag, E. John Knapp, Herb Meyer, Brooks Nicklas, Richard E. Owen, James H. Rackers, Manuel Ramos and Billie Rikard. "This is really a high honor, and I'm sure that none of us in the Army, Navy or whatever enrolled to get a quilt," Foster said to laughter. "But we appreciate it very much. There's a lot of love and hard work that went into this." Mayor Carrie Tergin said her grandfather, who immigrated to America, "always told me that America was the best country on earth, and it is because of people like you. So thank you for all of your service." The only woman in the group was Buell, who served in the Navy WAVES from 1944-46 in the Brooklyn Navy Yard as a storekeeper/disbursement clerk who paid the sailors guarding the Merchant Marines. Each week, she still goes bowling with two of her fellow honorees, Leander Bax and Herb Meyer. After the ceremony, she said she was surprised by the honor. "I think they're gorgeous," she said of the quilts. "I'm glad I didn't have to choose between them." The Quilts of Valor Foundation was started by a mother, Catherine Roberts, in 2003 when her son was deployed to Iraq as a gunner on a Humvee. She started the foundation to cover all those wounded warriors with both physical and physiological wounds with a Quilt of Valor. Originally, the focus was on veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan but has expanded to veterans of all wars and conflicts. Jan Hobbs, the group leader for Patriot Piecers, the Columbia chapter, said more than 150,000 quilts have been awarded to vets since then, including at least 200 from the Columbia group, which currently has 22 members. "It's because of them we are free," she said. "It's because of them we can do what we wish. We need to remember that and thank them for that every day."

9-10-2016 Free jet fuel... Emirates of Dubai to celebrate $777 Trillion from the Pentagon

9-6-2016 Tuesday; Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is sorry he insulted President Obama - sort of. He now "regrets" that calling Obama "son of a whore" caused so much controversy.

9-6-2016 Tuesday; No Whore's On Earth goes along with No Gas Stations On Earth this is to much of a Utopian Society for our 1984 II Dictators to MasterMind when (Bush) is selling SWF's to be sex slaves in Mecca in our current "Society!"

9-6-2016 Tuesday; 1984 II Dictators let Greg write for a hour or two before my Urologists apt. at 2 pm today, grin. So I stopped in to the New Starbucks on Roosevelt and its corporate owned and has a few plug-in's but no MacBook Pro at every café table... "Society" - No Head on Collisions... No Gas Stations On Earth Era. All lost to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte + Obama who are whores of BP Oil's $777 Trillion. "Whores" don't buy MacBook Pro's for every café table in Paris or Starbucks in the USA. It's not what they spend their money on! USS Jimmy Carter with 40 Nukes for $10 Trillion is what Whore Obama spent his money on. And he will Nuke a Nation as the 3 rd Nuke after Japans first 2... its the Syphilis in his frontal lobes, really. Obama Unlikely to Vow No First Use of Nuclear Weapons. By DAVID E. SANGER and WILLIAM J. BROAD NY Times Today. In Philippine Drug War, Little Help for Those Who Surrender By RICHARD C. PADDOCK No Help from Rich Paddock at the NY Times with No Gas Stations On Earth Era that will spin off No Drugs on Earth No Smoking on Earth. These at toooooo Utopian for the NY Times journalists to grasp... they all go along with the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and the 2017 Ford Gravity Engine Escorts!! wow!

9-6-2016 Tuesday;

9-4-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday again this week.

9-4-2016 Sunday; Impede + Stifling a Nobel that will actually be made by Greg + Wives in Key West on Live streaming YouTube video... this is a hate crime by Tim Cook!!

9-4-2016 Sunday; Editors at the NY Times in their 55 Story BP Oil skyscraper ended this Sunday's editorial with; " stop reflexively truckling to police unions and demand contracts that actually reflect the public interest" $777 trillion in BP Oil revenues from gas station hold ups when the police only shoot the Blacks sucker punching the SWF's after they pistol whip the clerks. When will the Police shoot BP Oil. Millions of cops kids are killed by BP Oil's "Clean Diesel" burning holes in their DNA sequencing. Public outrage over spray painted clouds of black diesel exhaust on Duval Key West is far below the NY Times Editors in their BP Oil Skyscraper in NYC, a war crime!

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's and none will crash + burn with FBI guys inside!

9-4-2016 Sunday; ...Sunday Editorial by the Board at the NY Times When Police Unions Impede Justice. It’s time to revise police contracts that make it almost impossible to bring officers to justice, public outrage over police killings of civilians is ratcheting up pressure on Jimmy Carter and Jimmy Weekley in Key West to radically revise stifling Greg + Wives 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in Key West. A Nobel Made in the USA on the 4th of July is only good if you buy a USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub with the money, grin. Key West Police site Greg for stealing electricity plugging in my notebooks and stealing wi-fi from Starbucks sitting on the sidewalk instead of a table inside when there should be a Apple Macbook Pro on every café table in Paris!

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; When Police Unions stifle a Noble Prize made in the USA on the 4th of July.

9-4-2016 Sunday; When Jimmy Carter + Jimmy Weekley in Key West Impede + Stifle a Nobel Prize Made in the USA on the 4th of July by Greg + Wives in Key West.

9-4-2016 Sunday; public outrage over police killings; not Jimmy Carter + Jimmy Weekley's killing of millions of kids world wide by burning holes in their DNA sequencing with "Clean Diesel" masterminded by Obama.

9-4-2016 Sunday; "Will Israel be put on trial for war crimes?" Israel Cops writing a ticket and rear ended bursting into flames burning the cop to death. I think the Elite in Israel need to worry about cops not a trial for war crimes!

9-4-2016 Sunday; Hillary Clinton Blamed Concussion for Memory Failure: FBI Report - Reports of FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; it is impossible to bring Jimmy Carter to justice as he is at Peace with God over his Nobel Peace Prize Scam!

9-4-2016 Sunday; ratcheting up pressure on Jimmy Carter + Jimmy Weekley in Key West.

9-4-2016 Sunday; Impede + Stifling a Nobel that will actually be made by Greg + Wives in Key West on Live streaming YouTube video... this is a hate crime by Tim Cook!!

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; Public Outrage over MS women being put to death by the White House MD because Biden's Moon Shot does not control all of Los Alamos IBM's $1 Trillion in Super Computers and No Hospital Ships... Largest Swiss ship is the; Cruise ship MSC Meraviglia sets sail with augmented reality, Cirque du Soleil 5,714 guests aboard, the Meraviglia will be one of the largest cruise ships afloat once it sets sail in June 2017. Royal Caribbean's gargantuan Harmony of the Seas currently holds the title of the world's largest cruise ship, with the capacity to hold more than 6700 passengers total. Swiss-owned MSC Meraviglia. Constructed in the STX France shipyard in Saint-Nazaire - Paris Elite have no Moon Shots; ha so making fun of Biden is light years from Paris Elite who have no Sunday editorials about their Moon Shot with Dr. Lady Gaga MD and now Dr. Cher MD jointed Hillary with her new Yale Med school MD.

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; Royal Caribbean's "Inventor of the Seas" and "Star Travel" ship will set sail with a gravity engine!

9-4-2016 Sunday; After 50 years of 'Trek' and the lackluster reaction to the latest Star Trek film, Star Trek: Beyond, is the Star Trek franchise exhausted, or can the Star Trek universe be saved?

9-4-2016 Sunday; Impede + Stifling Greg + Wives in Key West writing "Star Travels" and we will not be sued by Star Trek as our scenes will be filed mostly at Los Alamos crunching the gravity engine for Enterprise, they might sue us for using this name but what the Hell, grin. After we get the gravity engine for the Enterprise public will demand we pay them only a dollar to use it. And Greg's comments about Jimmy Carter talking to God about how he impeded and stifled the gravity engine invention God will not let Jimmy Carter sue Greg!

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; "Will Israel be put on trial for war crimes?" Aljazeera.com - An expected visit by ICC delegation could increase the risk of Israeli officials being tried for war crimes.

9-4-2016 Sunday; Tim Cook will be arrested for Hate Crimes against women!

9-4-2016 Sunday; New York Times 8 hours ago. KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan official says at least 36 passengers including women and children have been killed when their bus collided with a fuel tanker in southern Zabul province.

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; Slaves at Yale. Bush sold SWF's to Kings and Princes. Two years after triggering an oil price war, Saudi Arabia has seemingly had enough of cheap crude Sex Slaves from the USA. Public outrage over Yale Slave's and not Bush selling SWF's as sex slaves to Kings and Princes in Mecca. This is the NY Times Today!

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; Rx Recipe to cure Stage 4 overnight. pharmaceutical and other companies, filed legal briefs on Friday in support of a Microsoft Corp lawsuit that aims to strike down a law preventing Greg + Wives Moon Shot from getting all the worlds Rx Recipes to crunch at Los Alamos. Impede + Stifling a Nobel.

9-4-2016 Sunday; Hillary Clinton Blamed Concussion for Memory Failure: FBI Report - Reports of FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death.

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; Aimed at Zika Mosquitoes, Spray Kills Millions of Honeybees!

9-4-2016 Sunday; Impede + Stifling Greg + Wives in Key West from killing every Mosquito on Earth. A IP invention project Jimmy Carter + Jimmy Weekley will not let us work on this week!

9-4-2016 Sunday; How Did Lightning Kill More Than 300 Reindeer?

9-4-2016 Sunday; Impede + Stifling Greg + Wives in Key West from keeping all Lightning cloud to cloud, Microsoft and IBM Cloud service is light years from keeping all Lightning cloud to cloud. No Moon Shot here!

9-4-2016 Sunday; By 2050 or so, the human population is expected to pass nine billion. Those billions will be seeking food, water, gravity engine that is being Impede + Stifled by Jimmy Carter + Jimmy Weekley in Key West.

9-4-2016 Sunday; 10 Billion people can live off NASA H technology of H @ -254 C made from drinking water, and the Oceans! iPhone size GE electric generator fueled by H @ - 254 C. You can plug in every GE appliance GE

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; Impede + Stifling Greg + Wives in Key West from working on the Heavy Lift Helicopter Combine Fleet. Peanuts Hell 10 billion people want Cashews, grin.

9-4-2016 Sunday; Is Roasting a Healthy Way to Cook Vegetables? Subjecting vegetables to intense heat can alter their nutritional profile and may compromise some nutrients, but it can also boost others. By RONI CARYN RABIN

9-4-2016 Sunday; Subjecting Rx Recipes to intense heat can alter their Miracle Cures... a IP invention project that should be run today at Los Alamos if not for being Impeded + Stifled.

9-4-2016 Sunday; ":Obesity Is Linked to at Least 13 Types of Cancer" Carrying excess weight is a risk factor for a range of cancers, including uterine and ovarian cancers and some cancers of the breast, pancreas, liver, esophagus and kidney. By NICHOLAS BAKALAR

9-4-2016 Sunday; Rx Recipe's for a diet pill that really works is real; not just some Orwellian Utopian writing-inventing by Greg in Key West that is being Impeded + Stifled.

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; HPV Vaccine Only 40 percent of girls and 21 percent of boys get the shots, which prevent infections with cancer-causing human papillomavirus, or HPV. Yet there is no front page IP invention projects in this Sunday's New York Times that brainstorm's how to put this and all vaccines in the drinking water. Is this toooooo Utopian for the NY Times to touch, I really think so!

9-4-2016 Sunday; Whooping Cough Vaccine in the drinking water on the front page of the Sunday New York Times... Toooooooo!!

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts coming off the Ford assembly line today NY Times apps for job hunting today. "Looking for a New Job? These Free Apps Can Help" By KIT EATON There are several good options available to make the job hunt easier and quicker, including Indeed, Switch and Monster. Kit Eaton at the NY Times knows 1 trillion Ford's are better than these apps for jobs! Impede + Stifling a crime!

9-4-2016 Sunday; 1984 II Orwellian ethical guidelines for Jimmy Carter + Jimmy Weekley in Key West... Hell No We Won't Go to a Gravity Engine Star Travel Movie with a ship named Enterprise, grin.

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; $100K a year for a Stage 4 Rx... Medivation, which makes the big-selling drug Xtandi to treat prostate cancer, has finally found its buyer in a fellow American drug maker, Pfizer. Pharmaceutical companies from all over the world placed bids for Medivation in an auction after it rebuffed an offer by the French drug maker Sanofi. On Monday, Pfizer said that it had prevailed, with a $14 billion agreement to acquire Medivation, representing $81.50 a share in cash. The frenzy over Medivation shows what pharmaceutical companies are willing to pay for oncology deals. At one point in February, Medivation stock was selling for less than $30 a share. When Medivation agreed in July to speak with several interested parties, the company’s chairman, Kim Blickenstaff, said it had “significant scarcity value as one of the only profitable, commercial-stage oncology companies.” Pfizer, like virtually all pharmaceutical companies, is making a big push into oncology. One reason is that discoveries in genetics and immunology are allowing for the development of new types of cancer drugs. But another big reason is that cancer drugs can sell for well over $100,000 a year.

9-4-2016 Sunday; 40K stage 4 women will die this year! While Jimmy Carter + Jimmy Weekley in Key West Impede + Stifle!! A Rx Recipe on par with the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. A Crime!

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 What could be invented at Los Alamos with every Rx Recipe in the world... Johnson & Johnson is also developing another prostate cancer drug, apalutamide, invented by the same researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, who invented Xtandi.

9-4-2016 "Stuck in Traffic, Polluting the Inside of Our Cars" By TATIANA SCHLOSSBERG Tatiana writes this up as 3.7 million deaths from the gas exhaust inside your car stuck in traffic not gas exhaust burning holes in your kids DNA sequences. Tatiana wrote this BP Oil genocide + Holocaust II as 3.7 million deaths not exhaust burning holes in kids DNA. This is a crime!

9-4-2016 "Stuck in Alcohol" formula; molecule burning holes in your brain. Tatiana Impeded + Stifled this NY Times video on orders from Coors and others!

9-4-2016 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and none will crash + burn with FBI guys inside!

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 Sunday; FBI cars in a fiery wreck and FBI guys burned to death... Who will take the blame for this Crime?

9-4-2016 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's and none will crash + burn with FBI guys inside!

9-4-2016 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's and none will crash + burn with FBI guys inside!

9-3-2016 Apple really wants you to use Siri at Starbucks - here's why; so everyone can hear you! Is this a hate crime by Tim Cook?

9-3-2016 NASA inspector general's report questions timetable for return to manned flight... A recent report by NASA's chief watchdog raised new doubts about the readiness of contractors to deliver astronauts to space, even before Thursday's explosion of a SpaceX rocket. A lie as the Pentagon Generals not NASA Generals need more Time to play with their $777 Trillion in War Toys! A war crime in our 1984 II Society - Gas Engine War with the Gravity Engine Era! Jetson's on Duval Key West! Belle Wives... move in with them today via Legal Polygamous Marriage at the Hemingway House.

9-3-2016 Madonna, killing Leopards + Wives in Zimbabwe, with Trump's Sons!

9-3-2016 Madonna, the killing Leopards + Wives in Zimbabwe, Mecca, NYC... Her Statistics Lyrics 20K Wives 200 Leopards, Madonna can't do the math, or write the lyrics so Greg and Wives in Key West will write the these lyrics for Madonna Today - On this web page - Hunters stats Math; neither can Bush, grin! Or for that "Matter" FBI women at HQ who watch live streaming Orwellian YouTube video of these Hunters kills!

9-3-2016 Lyrics by Madonna, Hillary, Jimmy Buffet, Paul McCartney, Jon Bon Jovi, of dead Wives in Zimbabwe by Drunk Blacks... Hillary just said no Wives have been hunted or killed in Zimbabwe in 2016 that Dr. Nancy Snyderman's put it in the drinking water lobotomy Rx worked as a miracle from God, and put a stop to all the killings of Leopards + wives but for parts of Mecca!!

9-3-2016 Madonna, Hillary, Jimmy Buffet, Paul McCartney, Jon Bon Jovi, Eric and Donald Trump Jr. with a dead leopard they are believed to have killed during a hunting expedition to Zimbabwe in 2012...

9-3-2016 Black's in Zimbabwe in 2016 with a dead wife (20,000 dead wives in 2016) they did kill during a Drunken Hunting expedition at home in Zimbabwe... 20K dead "Leopard Wives" in Zimbabwe and Trump didn't have the "Intelligence or Balls" to shoot this back to Madonna, a war crime by Trump in our 1984 II Society, really. Kill Leopard's or Wives!!! Stats are known by the Joint Chiefs of Staff who killed trillions of Stars and as many Jewish Alien Leopards, grin!!

9-3-2016 Madonna, killing Leopards + Wives in Zimbabwe, with Trump's Sons!

9-3-2016 Madonna, killing Leopards + Wives in Zimbabwe, with Trump's Sons!

9-3-2016 Lyrics by Madonna, Hillary, Jimmy Buffet, Paul McCartney, Jon Bon Jovi, of dead Wives in Zimbabwe by Drunk Blacks... Hillary just said no Wives have been hunted or killed in Zimbabwe in 2016 that Dr. Nancy Snyderman's put it in the drinking water lobotomy Rx worked as a miracle from God, and put a stop to all the killings of Leopards + wives but for parts of Mecca!! FBI confirmed this + Hillary said swearing to God this is the truth, grin! Bill Clinton + Jimmy Carter + Jimmy Weekley in Key West backs her up too.

9-3-2016 Madonna, killing Leopards + Wives in Zimbabwe, with Trump's Sons!

9-3-2016 Madonna, killing Leopards + Wives in Zimbabwe, with Trump's Sons!

9-3-2016 Madonna officially endorsed the former First Lady by taking a metaphorical pot shot at her political opponents 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat with Dr Lady Gaga MD PhD lyrics #1 in the "Elected Era" of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year. 1984 II No Head On Collisions in Zimbabwe, no Blacks killing their Mom's, Daughters, Anyone let alone Leopards - Madonna superstar, 58, posted to her Instagram a now infamous photo showing Eric and Donald Trump Jr. with a dead leopard they are believed to have killed during a hunting expedition to Zimbabwe in 2012.

9-3-2016 I want a iPhone 007 built into a MacBook Pro with unlimited cell use by Verizon, iPad too with a built in iPhone 007 with unlimited cell use by Verizon paid for with the $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia, BP Oil + Mecca.

9-3-2016 Madonna, killing Leopards + Wives in Zimbabwe, with Trump's Sons!

9-3-2016 Madonna, killing Leopards + Wives in Zimbabwe, with Trump's Sons!

9-3-2016 Putin's schedule for the Russian Air Force to travel 1 light year in less than 70 thousand years...

9-3-2016 Hell the Navy can't sail 1 light year in less than 70 thousand years! Without these Apple inventions!

9-3-2016 Putin's schedule for A Yale-Moscow Hospital Ship to dock at Key West size of a Aircraft Carrier!! State of the Arts on par with Star Trek Dr. Lady Gaga MD PhD, grin!

9-3-2016 Putin's schedule for a Hunting trip with Madonna MD PhD lyrics will have to wait until she is diagnosed with Stage 4...

9-3-2016 Madonna, killing Leopards + Wives in Zimbabwe, with Trump's Sons!

9-3-2016 Madonna, killing Leopards + Wives in Zimbabwe, with Trump's Sons!

9-3-2016 By ALEXANDER BURNS and MAGGIE HABERMAN New York Times - "The fiery tone of Mr. Trump’s speech on immigration tore a painful new wound in his relationship with "Hunters" killing Wives and Leopards." 1984 II Society classified this real story, why? I have no thoughts to why. The killing of a Wife today by Iraq troops coming home from war will not be on CBS 60 Minutes on Sunday but Wounded Warriors $$$ and the New 1 Star General in charge of Wounded Warriors will say they need the money for mental health... grin. The killing of wives (19K in the USA in 2016) is not for CBS. And CBS has a executive on the board of "Wounded Warriors" so the Dead Wives sisters can sue the Hell out of CBS after the coup... grin!

9-3-2016 Wives - Leopards - By ERIC LIPTON "Nearly two decades after the $200 billion settlement to compensate the public for health consequences of smoking, the industry still wields clout in Washington" Coors... Mothers against Drunk Drivers Coup will via NY Times headlines Castro made Cuba the first Nation on Earth no smoking or drinking... NY Times editorial board will write this violates human rights by Castro as everyone has a right to smoke and drink, this is not Star Trek!

9-3-2016 By NICOLE PERLROTH NSO sells expensive surveillance tools for criminal and terrorism inquiries, but critics say they are also used to track journalists "War Crimes" # 1 document is "Clean Diesel" ads in the NY Times!

9-3-2016 Journalists at the NY Times burned holes in the DNA sequencing of Childrens DNA... for $777 trillion in BP Oil kick backs and a New 55 Story Skyscraper in NYC.

9-3-2016 SAN FRANCISCO — Want to invisibly spy on 10 iPhone owners without their knowledge? Gather their every keystroke, sound, message and location? That will cost you $650,000, plus a $500,000 setup fee with an Israeli outfit called the NSO Group. You can spy on more people if you would like — just check out the company’s price list... Spy on Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars price list will be published by Greg and Wives in Key West for the Jews in NYC and Israeli, grin. Cost is in the $$$ Trillions not $650,000, plus a $500,000 setup fee. Lottery win is not anyway a scam like the Florida USA lottery but real Jewish Aliens. Who can outsmart the Jewish CIA, Greg + Wives in Key West!! Jews in Israeli only have 1 wife to inspire them inventing spy stuff. Greg has 5, one up man ship on Mecca! Grin. God's best Invention - Women!

9-3-2016 Israeli outfit called the NSO Group. You can spy on more people if you would like — No Hell no they will not tell any Jewish women who gave them Syphilis, STD's... for all the money in the Heavens, grin.

9-3-2016 So what is missing from this NY Times story on Galaxy Note 7 smartphones lithium-ion battery - H @ -254 C case on sale at Amazon for $84...

9-3-2016 NASA has perfected the use of H @ -254 C decades ago but for the Challenger, which shows up on license plates in Key West on my bike route... to remind me of the high tech advancements by NASA like the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort is light years behind the 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and the "Secret" file on this at Los Alamos, yes Los Alamos uses $1 Trillion in IBM super computers to crunch secrets like this... grin. Samsung Electronics announced on Friday that it would recall 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 smartphones after finding a flaw in the battery cell that resulted in fires. It is the latest problem for the lithium-ion battery, the power source at the heart of most modern devices. Q. What is a lithium-ion battery? A. It is a powerful, lightweight battery that includes lithium-ion particles. Lithium-ion particles in the batteries move back and forth between a negative and positive electrode as they are charged and discharged. The advantage for companies in Silicon Valley and Detroit is that the batteries don’t take up much room and can quickly recharge repeatedly without wearing out. What are they used in? Chances are you encounter these on a daily basis. They are in smartphones, laptops, electric cars, airplanes and even e-cigarettes. Of course, the ones in airplanes and cars are much larger than those used in phones. What is the problem with lithium-ion batteries? To ensure that the lithium-ion particles can move easily between electrodes, volatile and flammable chemical compounds are pressurized inside battery cells. The problem is that when a battery is charged and recharged, it generates heat. If that heat is not controlled properly, it can cause the compounds inside the battery to burst into flames or even explode. Those compounds can become similarly unstable if something punctures the battery cell. What happened with the Samsung phone? Samsung said it thought the problem came from a “minute flaw” in the production of the batteries. One theory was that a part inside the battery was coiled incorrectly, causing more stress. What does the recall cover? Samsung says it will replace phones in 10 countries where the device is sold and that it will take about two weeks to manufacture the replacements. What other products have had issues with the batteries? The batteries have caught fire inside smartphones, laptop computers, electric cars, hoverboards and airplanes. Boeing’s 787 Dreamliners were grounded in 2013 after a lithium-ion battery caught fire in Boston. That same year, the batteries in Tesla’s electric cars came under scrutiny after at least two fires. In May, the Transportation Department banned the use of battery-powered e-cigarettes on flights and their inclusion in checked baggage. In July, more than a half-million battery-powered hoverboards were recalled after at least 60 fires. If the batteries are problematic, why do companies continue to use them? Battery technology has been slow to advance, largely because the products must pass rigorous safety testing. Lithium ion has proved to be low-cost and easily reproducible. And over all, they are pretty safe. While the fires and explosions are vivid, the incidents are rare, considering how many lithium-ion batteries are made and sold every year.

9-3-2016 So what is missing from this NY Times story on Galaxy Note 7 smartphones lithium-ion battery - H @ -254 C case on sale at Amazon for $84...

9-3-2016 So what is missing from this NY Times story on the One Star General who is President of Turkey who would be working in a 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Society as low level assembler on a Ford assembly line... Op-Ed Contributor "Why Is Turkey Accusing Me of Plotting a Coup? By HENRI J. BARKEY Hell Henri at the NY Times knows the Coup is $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues not Turkey's coup! This General has killed 10K people via the Joint Chiefs of Saff at the Pentagon. And Jimmy Carter and Jimmy Weekley in Key West are at Peace with God.

9-3-2016 Editorial Board NY Times Today - Signs of life in the Universe NASA News this week. The economy has been showing signs of life. To take advantage of that, however, will require the political will to act that has long been lacking. Economic Resilience, Political Paralysis - Paralysis will be 1 of a 1,001 Nobels in Medicine the Editors at the NY Times if they were all MD's Today would write about and brainstorm in the Times in details today... these guys are War Criminals same as Jimmy Carter not giving back his Nobel Peace Prize! What is important to note, however, is that even with those setbacks, monthly job growth has averaged 204,000 positions in the past 12 months and wages have gone up. In addition, employment has risen steadily for much of this year among those ages 25 to 34, a crucial car- and home-buying demographic. There is also a good chance, based on historical patterns, that job growth in August will be revised upward in subsequent reports, because back-to-school hiring often makes it hard to get an initially accurate reading. Editors at the NY Times if they were all MD's Today would write about and brainstorm 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine today not car buying of gas engine not gravity engine cars by kids 25 to 34 years old... this is really a war crime in a 1984 II society by this guys in their NYC skyscrapers!

9-3-2016 "New York City Will Change Lead Testing Methods at Its Schools" A spokeswoman for the mayor said that starting - "New York City Will Change Syphilis, STD, HIV, MS, Testing Methods at JFK starting after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

9-3-2016 So what is missing from this Medical School NY Times story... Yale NYC Freedom Tower 1 Medical School never built by the Elite who Master Minded Freedom Towers also on the front page today...

9-3-2016 Fired Professor Shot 2 Men Outside Chappaqua Deli, Police Say By JONAH ENGEL BROMWICH A former faculty member at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine who had been fired shot the school’s dean outside a popular deli in Chappaqua, N.Y., on Monday, apparently in an act of revenge, the authorities said. The former employee, Hengjun Chao, 49, of Tuckahoe, N.Y., was charged with attempted second-degree murder after he allegedly fired a shotgun and hit two men around 7 a.m. outside the deli, Lange’s Little Store, about a mile from the home of Bill and Hillary Clinton in the New York City suburb. Both men were taken to Westchester Medical Center and treated for injuries that were not life-threatening, the police said. Mount Sinai officials confirmed that the dean, Dr. Dennis S. Charney, 65, of Chappaqua, was one of the victims. The name of the other victim was not released. “This is an extremely disturbing event,” Dr. Kenneth L. Davis, the chief executive of the Mount Sinai Health System, said in a statement. “Fortunately, Dr. Charney’s injuries are not life-threatening, and we expect he will fully recover.” Dr. Davis referred to Mr. Chao as “a former Mount Sinai faculty member who was terminated for cause in 2010.” Charles Ferry, the chief of the Police Department for New Castle, the town that includes Chappaqua, said Mr. Chao had used a shotgun with buckshot for ammunition, and had fired only one or two shots as the men left the deli. He was taken into custody without incident, having already put the shotgun back into his car, Chief Ferry said, and was cooperating with investigators. Asked whether the shooting was an act of revenge, Chief Ferry said, “It would seem to be.” “I think he came up here intent on shooting someone,” he said of Mr. Chao. Mr. Chao, who was ordered held without bail, was born in China and got his medical degree from Peking Union Medical College. In 1997, he immigrated to the United States, where he initially served as a postdoctoral fellow in the gene therapy center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In October 2002, Mr. Chao joined Mount Sinai as a research assistant professor. He stayed at Mount Sinai until May 2009, when he received a letter of termination from Dr. Charney for “research misconduct,” according to a lawsuit that Mr. Chao filed against the hospital and Dr. Charney, among other parties, in 2010. He went through an appeals process, and was officially terminated in March 2010. “In informing his colleagues of his termination, Mount Sinai/MSSM stated that Dr. Chao had been ‘fired for data fraud,’” the lawsuit said. The case was dismissed, and Mr. Chao lost on appeal. Dr. Charney has been the dean at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine since 2007, and is among the longest tenured deans at any American medical school, according to the organization’s website. He specializes in the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders and is an expert in neurobiology. Asked how common violent episodes were in Chappaqua, an upscale community in Westchester County, Officer Frank Hrotko, a spokesman for the Police Department, said, “Not very frequent.”

9-3-2016 So what is missing from this Medical School NY Times story... Yale NYC Freedom Tower 1 Medical School never built by the Elite who Master Minded Freedom Towers also on the front page today...

8-28-2016 Sunday; Editorial "The Unlimited Power of Ocean Winds" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD International New York Times "It is now possible and practical to provide a significant part of the nation’s power needs from ocean winds." And no need to confiscate $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia, BP Oil, Mecca can keep these $$$ Trillions of dollars from USA gas station hold ups... a war crime editorial by the NY Times today! Who will get hard labor on the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort assembly lines, grin.

8-28-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday again this week...

8-28-2016 Sunday; Hurricane Gas Gaston is heading for Greg + Wives in Key West; it's about to be bombed by a trillion Missiles fired from a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter subs the trillions of missiles are armed with H @ - 254 C "Snow Balls" that will change the Gaston Hurricane's direction!

8-28-2016 Sunday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture... "Steel Roofs" of "Old Town" homes will be the only thing left to pick up for trash. Titanium-Steel Eiffel Towers Homes are banned by the Key West City Council.

8-28-2016 Sunday; The Latest: Catholic Mass Held for Italy Quake Survivors New York Times - Hurricane Gas Gaston Survivors in Key West. "Steel Roofs" of "Old Town" homes will be the only thing left to pick up for trash. Why did God make the City Council so stupid... Syphilis in their brains - not God, grin! Biden's new MoonShot Today is a 160 mph Am track Train. Biden has brain cancer I think!

8-28-2016 Sunday; BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com A Key West doctor filed suit last week against another Key West doctor, claiming the defendant battered her during an altercation at Lower Keys Medical Center, where both doctors see patients. The incident allegedly occurred on March 19, when Dr. Michel Vandormael and Dr. Cheryl Lund were arguing over a patient’s care - Live streaming video is on Facebook of cops shooting blacks but not for Key West Hospital to live stream a patient's diagnosis to Yale Medical School. Mandy Miles II with have a MD degree well as Journalism degree after the coup.

8-28-2016 Sunday; Hell the Navy can't sail 1 light year in less than 70 thousand years! Without these Apple inventions!

8-28-2016 Sunday; Hell the Navy can't sail 1 light year in less than 70 thousand years! Without these Apple inventions!

8-28-2016 Sunday; Paris Memo From France: From Bikinis to Burkinis, Regulating What Women Wear Not what STD's they are infected with by the millions! By NEIL MacFARQUHAR

8-28-2016 Sunday; 1984 II movie by Sony for the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat will be a winner for God's best invention; Women! OJ cut throat opening scene like the movie "Looking for Mr. Good bar's" ending scene but in 2016. Nothing Changes with the iPhone 007 coming out in a couple weeks with nothing new to save her life 19K lives; cut throats... Tim Cook is a Drunk murderer with thoughts of cutting her throat as she leaves his office!

8-28-2016 Sunday; Cut throat's are deeds by Drunks; Drunks SEAL Team 6 and Nuns left for dead stabbed by OJ yesterday in a small town of 3K by a Drunken Black Man out on Probation with no GPS or Body Cam. Sister Margaret M. Held and Sister Paula J. Merrill, 68, whose bloody bodies crime scene was worse than Nichol Simpson's! What the Hell was Jimmy Carter thinking with cancer in his brain buying a $10 trillion dollar USS Jimmy Carter Sub with 40 Nukes? Jimmy Carter is the one who really left these Nuns for dead to play with his war toys. Gas to Boutique Condo. Navy Base to Yale Medical School. Pentagon to Ford ElectricWindmillEscort assembly line. War Effort from the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the Coup; Op, No Gas Station On Earth by Christmas Day 2017 - Revenge; Mecca will die walking hand in hand with Bush... both in the poor house and still being sued by millions of SWF's sucker punched at a gas station hold up, grin. Oscar Pistorius’s Appeal Is Denied. A judge in Johannesburg dismissed an appeal by prosecutors to give Mr. Pistorius a longer sentence for the 2013 murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. Appeal to the Joint Chiefs of Staff not to murder Reeva II in 2016 by suppressing the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era and assembly lines Reeva would be working at! Backed by the USA Turkey launched its largest military push into the Syrian conflict and against the Islamic State on Wednesday, sending tanks, warplanes and special operations ground forces over the border. Appeal to the Joint Chiefs of Staff not to murder Reeva II in 2016 by suppressing the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era and assembly lines Reeva would be working at! Key West on the list for new Navy drone base not a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort assembly line or Yale Medical School. How a Yale Medical School at the Key West Navy Base will improve your Memory. Via inventing a Rx Recipe that gives everyone on Earth a perfect memory, total recall for everyone from 8 to 80... 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year Era! Is When every Navy Base World Wide is a Yale Medical School. MD PhD is Elite, this is why! Joint Chiefs of Staff are run of the mill, in a Universe of trillions of Jewish Aliens. The 1984 II Observable Universe Is Actually Millions of Light-Years Smaller Than We Thought. Hell the Navy can't sail 1 light year in less than 70 thousand years! Florida Court Rules Physician May Be Liable in Suicide of MS women infected by bisexual Sailors.

8-28-2016 Sunday; Hell the Navy can't sail 1 light year in less than 70 thousand years! Without these Apple inventions!

8-28-2016 Sunday; Hell the Navy can't sail 1 light year in less than 70 thousand years! Without these Apple inventions!

8-28-2016 Sunday; In 1986 he served six years in prison for an armed robbery in Mississippi, Gas station hold up and he sucker punched 2 SWF's there then last year he was convicted of a felony D.U.I... this should be Jimmy Carter's rap sheet not the black man who just cut the throats of 2 nuns stole their blue Toyota Corolla, before abandoning it about a mile away.

8-28-2016 Sunday; Durant Mississippi - Joint Chiefs of Staff Lose Track of OJ Clones in 2016 Masterminded by Obama - "Durant Mississippi" in Iraq and Afghanistan? Joint Chiefs of Staff Lost Track of cut throat Navy Drunks in Durant Miss!!

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. Shock + Awe of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Home with no City water, electricity, sewer, trash pick up!

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. Shock + Awe of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Home with no City water, electricity, sewer, trash pick up!

8-27-2016 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million...

8-27-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday again this week...

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. Shock + Awe of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Home with no City water, electricity, sewer, trash pick up!

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. Shock + Awe of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Home with no City water, electricity, sewer, trash pick up!

8-27-2016 Saturday; "SEAL Team 6 and a Man Left for Dead: A Grainy Picture of Valor" SEAN D. NAYLOR and CHRISTOPHER DREW at the George Orwell 1984 II International New York Times "Orwell" reply to these 10's of thousands of MS women tortured to death by Navy Team "Pentagon Top Brass" who refuse to clean them up as Top MD's in the Navy; One women with MS told me over and over as I worked as a CNA cleaning her up "How could he give me such a terrible disease" over and over she said this as I cleaned washed her in her death bed... other MS women died within a week of being admitted to the Nursing Home. Tortured slow death by CIA + Navy Seal Team 6 bisexual men having sex with them! Medal of Honor given to CIA bisexual men infected with MS Virus, in a 1984 II movie by Sony for the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat will be a winner for God's best invention; Women! How many MS women + Syphilis, STD's, Breast Cancer, did the Top Brass Joint Chiefs of Staff Lose Track of in Iraq and Afghanistan? Millions; a very serious war crime if ever LEAKED by the new owners of the NY Times... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. Read the front page when written by these MD women out for Revenge on the Joint Chiefs of Staff... grin. And they think their divorce was bad! How Many Guns Did the U.S. Lose Track of in Iraq and Afghanistan? Hundreds of Thousands. By C. J. CHIVERS New York Times; Military failed at the soldier’s most basic responsibility: towards "Women". Losing track of Guns and Giving terrible tortured diseases to SWF's in the USA by the Pentagon MD + White House MD's. And they write up Hitler's MD's in the New York Times, wow. Shock + Awe of Bush's MD is coming soon to a Movie Theater near you in 4-D. California judge considers new physician-assisted suicide law Masterminded by Obama and the White House MD for MS women they created on Facebook! And failed to put as Headlines on the front page of the NY Times!! Donald Trump's doctor finally spoke out in an interview that aired Friday night. But his comments aren't likely to end the questions about the strange letter he drafted last year declaring Trump would be the healthiest president in history. Trumps MD has murdered MS women for our 1984 II Dictators! MS women are billed $$$ The Orlando hospitals that treated dozens of people injured in the Pulse nightclub shooting said Wednesday that they would not bill the survivors.

8-27-2016 Saturday; Stanford University has taken down a webpage titled "Female Bodies and Alcohol Rapes" after students complained that “protects campus rapists” same as the CIA bisexual agents who give a drunk women MS.

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. Shock + Awe of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Home with no City water, electricity, sewer, trash pick up!

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. Shock + Awe of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Home with no City water, electricity, sewer, trash pick up!

8-27-2016 Saturday; "Quake Exposes Italy’s Challenge to Retrofit Its Architecture" By GAIA PIANIGIANI and ELISABETTA POVOLEDO This week’s death and destruction was amplified by the lack of anti-seismic codes that are too costly, too complicated and too cumbersome to approve.

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. "Steel Roofs" of "Old Town" homes will be the only thing left to pick up for trash. Titanium-Steel Eiffel Towers mini and large for "Old Town Homes" and Businesses with H @ -254 C for A/C electric generation water, satellite and wifi, all electric for trash incinerators and electric toilets. No city of Key West connections under the streets or Power Lines for anything!! Too complicated and too cumbersome to approve... to inventive for any City on Earth until there is an Era of No Gas Stations On Earth + iPhone 007 dash cams + iTraffic Tickets and calls from the cop car behind you; lights and sirens are from the "Old Town Era" in Key West + Rome! Titanium-steel Eiffel Towers mini and large for "Old Town Homes" built on the assembly line and delivered by UPS and FedEx heavy lift Helicopters. "Police in Zimbabwe Hit Protesters With Batons, Tear Gas and Water Cannons" By JEFFREY MOYO and NORIMITSU ONISHI 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat will have a Police Rx for Tranquilizing Gas's. Agrippah Mutambara at his farm on the outskirts of Bindura, Zimbabwe. Like dozens of political figures who have fallen out of favor, he is facing the seizure of his farm. ‘No One Is Safe’: Zimbabwe Threatens to Seize Farms of Party Defectors. Seize $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia, Swiss Banks, Bill + Melinda Gates Foundation, BP Oil. Jimmy Carter's Peanut Plantation for a Scam Habitat for Humanity for all his peanut pickers! Without Titanium-Steel Eiffel Tower Homes Today when Jimmy could have built 100's of thousands in 1980. 1980 + 2016 Titanium Homes! North Korean missile launches are “grave violations” of a ban on all ballistic missile activity... and Nobel Peace Prize Scams by Jimmy Carter and others who made classified a list of 1,001 IP invention projects with links to click on to get started inventing a Exodus off Earth to 7 trillion Jewish Aliens at the nearest 52 stars. First thing God will ask Jimmy Carter + his wife is to name the names of all the nearest 52 Stars to Earth, grin!

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. Shock + Awe of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Home with no City water, electricity, sewer, trash pick up!

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. Shock + Awe of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Home with no City water, electricity, sewer, trash pick up!

8-27-2016 Saturday; Biden's new MoonShot Today is a 160 mph Amtrack Train for NYC. Train Biden should have been in the NY Times news today is the Hubble Space Telescope Train of 100 cars not a 160 mph Amtrak Train!! Astronomers have long suspected that the star Proxima Centauri could be home to a planet, but proof had been elusive. Dim red dwarf stars like Proxima have been found to host billions of small, closely orbiting planets throughout the galaxy. Now a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature provides the best evidence yet for a tantalizingly close target on which to seek alien life. "It's so inspiring, it's our closest star," Lisa Kaltenegger, a Cornell astronomer who wasn't involved in the new study, told The Washington Post. "A planet next door. How much more inspiring can it get?" Saturday; Biden's new MoonShot Today is a 160 mph Amtrak Train for NYC. Astronomers have long suspected that the star Proxima Centauri could be home to a planet, but proof had been elusive. Dim red dwarf stars like Proxima have been found to host billions of small, closely orbiting planets throughout the galaxy. Now a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature provides the best evidence yet for a tantalizingly close target on which to seek alien life. "It's so inspiring, it's our closest star," Lisa Kaltenegger, a Cornell astronomer who wasn't involved in the new study, told The Washington Post. "A planet next door. How much more inspiring can it get?" Inspiring is God's best invention is Women, second is the Exodus off Earth to Marry Jewish Aliens at Proxima, grin.

8-27-2016 Saturday; Shock + Awe of Bush's MD is coming soon to a Movie Theater near you in 4-D. With Polio + and every vaccine in the drinking water. Invented by Dr. Nancy Snyderman after she got her job back after being fired by Trump, no she was fired by Bill + Melinda Gates Foundation and they gave her No Money $$$ as wood burning stoves + mosquitos nets were a better idea Bill Gates said. Ha Shock + Awe of syphilis in the brain, Zika.

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. Shock + Awe of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Home with no City water, electricity, sewer, trash pick up!

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. Shock + Awe of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Home with no City water, electricity, sewer, trash pick up!

8-27-2016 Saturday; All Donated Blood in U.S. Should Be Tested for Zika, F.D.A. Says Donated blood and blood components should be screened by blood banks for contamination with the virus, the Food and Drug Administration said. By CATHERINE SAINT LOUIS come on Catherine, Zika or MS + STD's?

8-27-2016 Saturday; Marine Boot Camp Classified... 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts, 1 trillion of them on the road in the USA today - The Marine Corps: My Boot Camp for the Business World. A former Marine infantry officer says that what he learned about planning and operations helped him overcome international business challenges. By KEN MARLIN The Marine Corps: My Boot Camp for the Business World of BP Oil's $777 Trillion. Clean Diesel burns holes in the DNA sequence of Children and is not a war crime.

8-27-2016 Saturday; Todays Editorial in the New York Times "Rape, Race and the Jogger's 19K of them in 2016 and Tim Cook's hate crimes of no iPhone 007 Dash Cam's Today! And other stifled iPhone + GPS iapps inventions to save 19K SWF's Leslie missed in her editorial below today. By LESLIE JAMISON. Gas Station Women Joggers White sucker punched in 2000 in Miami also belongs in this Editorial!! When I ran cross-country in high school in California, I was well trained, well coached and professionally sized for my Asics racing flats. Running was a source of pleasurable vulnerability: I courted the limits of how much self-inflicted pain my body could handle, tracing the long curve of Santa Monica Bay, on the hard sand by the water, and the wealthy streets of Brentwood, past hedge-hidden homes. My runs were backlit by privilege. When I lived in Nicaragua in my early 20s, I was aware of myself as something of a spectacle when I went jogging. I lived in a town where most people supported themselves with physical labor, and they did not choose to spend the leisure time they rarely had running miles through the humid heat. The inclination toward voluntary physical exertion is one of jogging’s many prerequisites: You need free time, decent shoes, possibly child care. Studies have routinely shown that those with money are much more likely to run for fun. In the last month, three female joggers — all of them white, all around 30 — have been murdered: Alexandra Brueger, a nurse in Michigan; Karina Vetrano, who worked at a restaurant in Howard Beach, Queens; and Vanessa Marcotte, a Google employee who was attacked while jogging on a bucolic stretch of wooded road near her mother’s home in Massachusetts. Their deaths are horrifying, their families’ grief unimaginable, and they make me aware of my own vulnerability — as a jogger, I guess, but mainly as a woman and a human being with an innately fragile body. Their deaths also make me aware of the fact that I have a body — female, white, 33 — readily understood as vulnerable. They come at the end of a summer marked by other killings — Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Sylville Smith, all black men, all shot by police officers who imagined they were threats — that make me aware of the ways in which my body isn’t vulnerable at all. I have been pulled over for traffic violations plenty of times, but I have never been shot while reaching for my license. In the American imagination, some bodies need to be protected, while others need to be protected from. But to have your body understood as vulnerable is a privilege that should be a right. It’s impossible to talk about the figure of the vulnerable jogger in the American imagination without returning to the Central Park Jogger: an investment banker named Trisha Meili, 28 years old and white, who was raped and brutally beaten — allegedly by a “wolf pack” of black and Hispanic teenagers — in Central Park on April 19, 1989. During most of the media frenzy, Ms. Meili was simply known as “the jogger”: “Teen Gang Rapes Jogger”; “Female Jogger Near Death.” Ms. Meili was called “the jogger” to protect her anonymity, but the relentless recurrence of the title also affirmed the narrative the media had spun around her, which presented a character defined by youth and health, by ambition and upward mobility, by her desire to claim Central Park as a space of leisure — despite assertions that it wasn’t safe after dark, especially above 96th Street — and by her refusal to capitulate to fear, by her determination to jog anyway. “The jogger” had been exercising a kind of willpower people admired, but her willpower had been viciously punished, and people were hungry for more punishment in return. The boys accused of assaulting Ms. Meili — Kharey Wise, Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam and Raymond Santana, Jr. — were convicted on the strength of contradictory confessions coerced under duress. After an incarcerated serial rapist named Matias Reyes eventually confessed to the crime more than a decade later, a claim confirmed by DNA evidence, their convictions were vacated in 2002. In the early pages of her 2003 memoir, “I Am the Central Park Jogger,” a moving account of her recovery, Ms. Meili resists the standard first-person and refers to herself as “the jogger” instead: “It is astonishing that the Jogger is alive,” she writes about her own body, found in the woods north of the 102nd Street transverse, where she was hypothermic and barely breathing, gagged with a white shirt soaked red. She had lost 75 percent of her blood. Her third-person narrative is an elegant testimony to the fact that she still has no access to her own interior experience at that time — no memories of the night of the attack, nor the six weeks that followed it. She cannot remember being “I” in those moments. It’s almost as if she is telling her story through the lens of the public’s obsession with it: “The rape of a slim, seemingly frail, innocent woman,” she writes, “seems a rape of the city itself.” She acknowledges the ways her vulnerability was part of her public image (“frail”) but also resists understanding herself wholly in terms of this frailty (“seemingly”). The lead prosecutor in her case was a jogger as well: Elizabeth Lederer, a white woman in her 30s who ran the same Central Park trails as Ms. Meili. In her cross-examination of Mr. Salaam, trying to dispute his claim that he’d gone into the park that night to “walk around,” Ms. Lederer asked: “Did you have jogging clothes on?” She said: “You weren’t going there for a picnic, were you?” Ms. Meili describes the fantasies of invulnerability that brought her to the park to run: “I was indestructible, omnipotent. Comfortable. I could run and run and nothing and no one could harm me.” But fantasies of invulnerability — even ones that get punctured — have never been democratically available. In “Cross Country,” the poet Roger Reeves speaks as a black man running, a man who feels “the making and unmaking of my body” as he runs. “What name must I carry above the dust / of this field?” he asks. The poem was inspired by a morning run in Austin, Tex., when Mr. Reeves was trailed for a quarter-mile on Guadalupe Street by a white man who followed him yelling: “Nigger! Nigger! Nigger!” That’s the name his poem’s speaker carries above the dust, as he “makes” his body through exertion and feels it “unmade” by hate. The Central Park Five had their own fantasies of invulnerability: They believed that because they were innocent, they wouldn’t go to jail. They thought if they said what the police wanted them to say, they would go home. But instead they went to prison — where their own bodies, already vulnerable, became even more so. Kharey Wise was beaten up in the TV room at Rikers Island. Even after he was released, Raymond Santana still showered with his boxers on. What is it about the imperiled silhouette of the young female jogger that grips the collective imagination with such force? I think it has something to do with the wholesomeness of jogging — the way it suggests capability, self-improvement, female autonomy — and the horror of witnessing its virtues violated. But it’s more than that. As Ms. Meili points out in her memoir, there were 28 other rapes and attempted rapes in New York City the week of her assault. In the weeks that followed, several particularly brutal rapes — including that of a black woman who was thrown from the top of a roof in Brooklyn — received much less attention than hers. “These are the times that try my black woman’s mind,” wrote Lisa Kennedy in The Village Voice in May 1989. “If I accept the premise of the coverage, that this rape is more heartbreaking than all the rapes that happen to women of color, then what happens to the value of my body?” During the same two-week period in which three female joggers were killed this summer, three other women were murdered whose deaths got much less coverage: Skye Mockabee, in Cleveland on July 30; Erykah Tijerina, in El Paso on Aug. 8; and Rae’Lynn Thomas, in Columbus, Ohio, on Aug. 10. They were all young (26, 36, 28), all transgender, all minority women. Ms. Thomas’s murder marked the 19th transgender murder of the year, and the sixth murder of a minority transgender woman over the summer. This has been a summer of vulnerable and brutalized bodies, a summer of unjust violence once again carried out in the guise of justice, a summer of fear and fear mongering. Our Republican presidential nominee is the same man who put out a full-page newspaper ad in 1989 calling for the reinstatement of the death penalty in the aftermath of the Central Park Jogger’s attack. “I want them to understand our anger,” he wrote, about the boys whose guilt he assumed. “I want them to be afraid.” They were afraid, and their mothers were afraid, and each one of them came of age behind bars, for a crime he didn’t commit. In the documentary “The Central Park Five,” Angela Cuffee, the sister of the defendant Kevin Richardson, says: “Patricia Meili, my brother, all the boys, all of our families — all of us are victims.” She doesn’t conflate the experiences of the jogger and the boys persecuted in her name, but she does ask us to recognize their violations as part of the same story: We responded to unjust violence by demanding more of it. Leslie Jamison (@lsjamison) is the author of an essay collection, “The Empathy Exams,” and a novel, “The Gin Closet.”

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. Shock + Awe of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Home with no City water, electricity, sewer, trash pick up!

8-27-2016 Saturday; Key West "Old Town" in Italy Quake Architecture. Shock + Awe of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Home with no City water, electricity, sewer, trash pick up!

8-27-2016 Saturday; NY Times Editorial about the iPhoneSmokeDetectors in every home and business in Moscow, yes Putin knows about this invention Today, is this a war crime against Putin? Hell yes God would say! Moscow Warehouse Fire Kills at Least 17 Migrant Workers. New York Times - Friends and relatives of workers killed in a warehouse fire grieving at the scene in northeastern Moscow on Saturday

8-21-2016 Sunday; MS women given a tortured slow death by CIA bisexual men having sex with them! Live New York Times Video for Facebook... One women with MS told me over and over as I worked as a CNA cleaning her up "How could he give me such a terrible disease" over and over she said this as I cleaned washed her in her death bed... other MS women died within a week of being admitted to the Nursing Home. Thousands maybe 10's of thousands and not one on Facebook or mentioned by the Bill + Melinda Gates Foundation!

8-21-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... "The Magic Carpets of Aladdin," Siri will tell the wire pullers everything they need to know by the General Contractor! And this should take you 24 minutes, same thing Siri will say to the Mayor when he moves in to the New Key West City Hall, you have 14 minutes to get this done in the allotted time, grin. Apple's new iPhone 007 iAutoRepair video will end "Scam" auto repair shops, ha!

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... USA Olympics Swimmers; USA Children with "Clean Diesel" burning holes in their DNA sequences, the truth. Air Force "Owns" Colorado Springs and set fire to tens of thousands of "Cop Cars" + NASA. UN Troops from Nepal killed 10K with Cholera in Haiti caused by UN Troops. Dr. Nancy Snyderman was on the ground in combat in Haiti and got fired in the middle of 10K dead from Cholera... by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Masterminds of MSNBC and Matt Lauer at the "Today Show" who will interview the Olympic Swimmers Monday at 7 am... when Dr. Nancy Snyderman should be... talking about Cholera, Hillary's syphilis, MS women given a tortured slow death by CIA bisexual men having sex with them! Dr. Nancy Snyderman on the "Today Show" Monday at 7 am is what "Will Be" when No Gas Stations are left to Rob in Rio, grin!! Even the Pope Robbed Gas Stations to fill the Vatican Bank $$$ when he visited Rio, so God will forgive 3 Olympic Swimmers!

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera... live in Haiti. Siri iapps iCholera disinfection of 100 square miles of rivers, streams, land infected will take Yale, Harvard and the New York Times live video for Facebook into laser guidance targeting of Cholera!! Sort of like inventing the Geiger counter buzz...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... ...terms of the deal are secret, the transaction requires Facebook to give The New York Times a guaranteed sum (reported to be $3 million a year) in return for a prescribed amount of Live video (so far it’s averaging upward of four a day).

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... Professors at Yale; Harvard; Oxford; Ernst Nolte, By SAM ROBERTS New York Times Professor Nolte, a respected German scholar, suggested in a 1986 (knowing about the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort) wrote in a essay that Nazism had been a logical response to the “existential threat” of the Russian Revolution -

8-21-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... Putin is killing all his critics is on the Front Page of the Sunday New York Times.

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Vodka is killing all the Russians in Moscow is what is really needed for a Sunday New York Times front page... is this another "War Crime" by the Editors of the NY Times? Greg + Wives in Key West can invent some Moon Shot for Moscow "Vodka Murders" before Biden gets his Brain Cancer Rx Recipe as a cure for Vodka Murders in Moscow is a "No Brainard Invention Project, really!"

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... Professors at Yale; Harvard; Oxford; Ernst Nolte, By SAM ROBERTS New York Times Professor Nolte, a respected German scholar, suggested in a 1986 (knowing about the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort) wrote in a essay that Nazism had been a logical response to the “existential threat” of the Russian Revolution + “after all, putting into practice in Vietnam nothing less than its basically crueler version of Auschwitz using McCain to Napalm 3 million” McCain came home to "Napalm" another 3 million USA Children with "Clean Diesel" burning holes in their DNA sequences and being called a Hero by Vietnam Vets for this "Smog Holocaust II". In his 1991 book “Historical Thinking in the 20th Century,” he described Israel as one of three “extraordinary states” produced during the 20th century, along with Germany and the Soviet Union, but warned that it could become fascist and commit genocide against - "3 million USA Children with "Clean Diesel" burning holes in their DNA sequences" and Genocide of 3 Trillion Jewish Aliens at each of the Nearest 52 Stars we will not travel to via Satellite Inventions because they wasted $777 Trillion at Trump Casino's, grin!

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... An intellectual fire storm ensued — his car, parked at the Free University in Berlin, where he taught, was set ablaze — but Professor Nolte was nevertheless awarded the Konrad Adenauer Prize for literature in 2000

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... Cop cars were set ablaze by the Elite... world wide since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Not even Pope Francis Stopped to help!

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... DAVID L. KIRP "Conquering the Freshman Fear of Failure Students, especially poor ones, arrive at college feeling overwhelmed academically and socially. A few simple nudges can help them thrive... Siri for Yale, Harvard, students warning not to fail dead falling asleep after a Biden Commencement Lecture driving a gas engine car not thinking of a Gravity Engine car... Era! Siri for iYaleStudent on the new iPhone 007 next week.

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... ...terms of the deal are secret, the transaction requires Facebook to give The New York Times a guaranteed sum (reported to be $3 million a year) in return for a prescribed amount of Live video (so far it’s averaging upward of four a day). Neither Times officials nor Facebook would discuss the deal, citing confidentiality. Several other media companies, including Buzzfeed, Huffington Post and Mashable, have also signed on. Their job: to stock Facebook’s pond with high-quality video so it can compete in the rapidly growing market for live-stream video. For The Times the goal is twofold, says Louise Story, a former investigative reporter who oversees the Live team. “One is to develop video that appeals to a Facebook audience, about two-thirds of which is under 34,” she says. “Second is to help people around the newsroom think more about audience.”Ultimately, there is surely a hope that this could turn the valve on a new advertising stream. That all sounds good. But here’s the problem. After watching countless hours of live video in the past few weeks, I have hit upon many that are either plagued by technical malfunctions, feel contrived, drone on too long, ignore audience questions or are simply boring, by I imagine most anyone’s standards. Too many don’t live up to the journalistic quality one typically associates with The New York Times. Take one produced at the Republican convention, where we’re on the floor chatting up delegates. The idea is right, but the sound cuts in and out for three long minutes and becomes so grating that one Facebook viewer messaged: “WOW. THE AUDIO IS HORRIBLE!” Another added: “Unwatchable,” and one humorously said, “RIP headphone users...” Another video on raging fires in Canada shows the narrator staring off-screen while the sound keeps breaking up. Not a single flame ever appears. One viewer, April Simpson, sent in this comment: “It would be a much more effective interview if you could roll in some of the amazing video of the fire. Seriously, nyt contact me — I could help you with all of this.” And in a category all its own, there is a video of an editor with two reporters who are pitching their stories in hopes of getting good play on the home page. It’s an odd meeting — of a type I’ve never seen nor heard of in my 30 years in newsrooms. And it turns out it was more of a simulation to show the kinds of conversations that take place in a newsroom. In other words, it was posed. When Times live videos are good — and many are — they capture an immediate experience, feel spontaneous and put the viewer in a front-row seat with a hand on the controls. It’s great when The Times hits the mark... With Cholera, Hillary's syphilis, MS women given a tortured slow death by CIA bisexual men having sex with them!

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-21-2016 Sunday; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives MS women $400 Million + $40 Billion to clean up Cholera...

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... Back home in Colorado Springs, Mr. Busch saw television footage of the scene, and his heart sank, he said. He could not understand why the three swimmers with Mr. Lochte had not come forward earlier with the truth. Air Force "Owns" Colorado Springs and 1,500 New Boeing F-35 Fighter Jets that just bombed Kennedy Space Command in Florida! Grin!! Air Force will never come forward with No Gas Stations - On Earth to rob!! This is a war crime far worst than the UN troops in Haiti... and USA Olympics Swimmers, syphilis given to many by Hillary's Gas Station Hole Up lies... Hillary Held up a Gas Stations and gave the money to the Air Force, vote Trump! You're on Fire and you Fire Bomb Cop Cars writing a traffic ticket that should be a iTraffic Ticket via iPhone 007 Dash Cam's in Rio... there will be no Gas Station in the USA to Rob at Gun Point next year!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Russian media, the IS Moslem's attack occurred Wednesday after two men were stopped; traffic police station on Schyolkovskoye highway to the northeast of Moscow. Tass news agency reports that the two then attacked the Police who would have had iPhone 007 Dash Cam's in their car if the cops in Moscow would have done a iTraffic iDash Cam Coup on Putin years ago!! Grin!!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week and got a few IP invention projects for General Contractors using GPS on all Sub Contractor Employees + 100" Monitors, well maybe 55" grin like a Ford assembly line the Medical School Professor is directing step by step for the Electrician, dry wall, carpet, yes "Magic Carpet" no spending hours and hours lifting it, grin. "The Magic Carpets of Aladdin, CERN move at Disney Orlando for the Real World Invention of a Gravity Carpet Installer Society" Elevator's... "The Magic Carpets of Aladdin," Siri will tell the wire pullers everything they need to know!! No Paper Work - Paperless Sub Contractors! Assembly line parts delivered to you on time by the General Contractor! And this should take you 24 minutes, same thing Siri will say to the Mayor when he moves in you have 14 minutes to get this done on the allotted time, grin. Mastermind of the "Clean Diesel" ads in the NY Times; BP Oil paid for this new $20 million dollar Key West City Hall. Same time in the NY Times the UN Top Brass made news that they lied like Hillary + Bill about the 10K dead from Cholera in Haiti caused by UN Troops from Nepal and never cleaned up by Bill Clinton. Dr. Nancy Snyderman was on the ground in combat in Haiti and got fired in the middle of 10K dead from Cholera... by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. UN Hell Bill + Melinda should have been in this UN Confession and of course Pope Francis stayed out of the NY Times News. Walter Reed MD's were in Saudi Arabia not Haiti. Trump will fire the Joint Chiefs of Staff on his first day, declare war on Stage 4 via No Gas Stations on Earth, no "Clean Diesel" ads in the NY Times!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... UN Troops in Haiti with Cholera to USA Olympics at a Gas Station this week in Rio when there should Not be any Gas Stations in the World; caused by some UN Masterminds working for BP Oil for Hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes, more than Pope Francis got from BP oil! A social cancer Binden is infected with and there will be no Moon Shot, grin. Ryan Lochte and three other teammates — Gunnar Bentz, 20; Jack Conger, 21; and Jimmy Feigen, 26 — returned to the athletes’ village after a night of partying that had gone terribly wrong. The cab carrying the swimmers had stopped at a gas station, where they were suspected of committing acts of vandalism. That attracted the attention of a security guard, who said he had drawn his gun after Mr. Lochte became combative. NBC interview that they had been held up, and that a cocked gun had been held to his forehead, the story preyed on every Olympic visitor’s fear that Brazil was not safe... Same NBC top brass who fired Dr. Nancy Snyderman surrounded by 10K dead from Cholera and these NBC 1984 II Observes didn't fire the UN troops from Nepal who just spread Cholera to 10,000 in Haiti, a war crime by NBC. NBC does not report on the SWF's in the USA sucker punched by OJ at gas station hold ups in Miami this week, Hell with Rio!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... New York Times - For the first time since a cholera epidemic believed to be imported by United Nations peacekeepers from Nepal began killing thousands of Haitians nearly six years ago, the office of Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has acknowledged that the United Nations knew all the time but lied like Hillary because there is a social cancer epidemic from BP Oil Era! Of $777 Trillion in Kickbacks and bribes! Even Pope Francis is infected with no Moon Shot Cure from Biden! Grin!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... "Travel Warning Is Widened in Miami as Zika Crisis Escalates" By LIZETTE ALVAREZ and PAM BELLUCK NY Times when Liz + Pam know the real world travel warning for Miami should be the high traffic clean diesel areas of Miami and the high gas station hold up areas of Miami... not Zika! A war crime by journalists! Grin!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; "Hong Kong Objects to Alien Presence in Its Skyline (No, Not the Spaceship)" By ALAN WONG A poster for the movie “Arrival” depicts an otherworldly craft above Hong Kong’s harbor, but it’s the tower in the foreground that’s really out of place.

8-20-2016 Saturday; Hong Kong Gas Stations are out of Place above Hong Kong's harbor! Grin!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Know English Hell, you need to know the classified stats on traffic deaths, yes Cops killed by Spanish drivers etc... these stats were not in this NY Times story by Emma of course, a war crime in our 1984 II Society! "Know English? For New York Cab drivers, That’s No Longer Required" New rules have gone into effect eliminating a mandatory English proficiency exam for taxi drivers. Now, the test for a license is available in several languages. By EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS. "Victim's alcohol level called key in fatal crash." El Paso Times - According to testimony, Carranza allegedly had a blood alcohol level of about .106 more than three hours after he struck Lopez. No Drunk Drivers World Wide is a spin off of No Gas Stations on Earth and iPhone 007 Dash Cam's iTraffic Tickets... Era! No Crime on Earth Era Utopia Hemingway Nobel Novel is filled with iPhone 007 Home Cam's, grin!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... NY Times failed to protect the kids left in not cars in NYC and World Wide who have died this Summer - A very serious War Crime! "Bird Song Found to Somehow Protect Babies From High Temperatures" Their parents sing for Australian finches when they are about to hatch, and it somehow helps them thrive in high temperatures. By STEPH YIN

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week... Coal Burning Causes the Most Air Pollution Deaths in China, Study Finds - The fuel was responsible for 366,000 premature deaths in the country in 2013, Chinese and American researchers concluded. By EDWARD WONG Coal Burning Causes the Most Air Pollution Deaths in China, Study Finds... How many gas station hold up deaths in China?

8-20-2016 Saturday; I worked at the Key West City Hall Monday to Friday this week...

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-20-2016 Saturday; Olympic's; Held up at a Gas Station at gun point... SWF in Miami Crime. Hell with Rio, grin! This is not in the NBC News!

8-14-2016 Sunday Greg worked at City Hall Key West since 8-8-16 made $250 dollars when Stage 4 women who will die a CIA Tortured Death needed Greg to make $250 Trillion dollars and win all of Los Alamos in the Florida Stage Lottery! Grin.

8-14-2016 Greg's Urinary blockage from prostate enlargement; Greg, grin. I had a diagnostic cystoscope procedure; optical fibers 9mm and have a light at the tip. Many cystoscopes have extra tubes to guide other instruments for surgical laser burning of the prostate if Rx $114 does not shrink it. If I would have been able to write this web page instead of working at Key West City Hall I would have written up a few IP invention projects spin off's from this procedure and other uses for the 9mm camera... maybe even a new brainstorming idea for breast + brain cancers!

8-14-2016 Liquid Methane carved deep canyons into Saturn's moon Titan!!

8-14-2016 Liquid Hydrogen iPod size with electric generator will fuel Titan's 1984 II Downfall, is Rome Burning; Yes Pope Francis and Jimmy Carter are burning in Hell for sure!

8-14-2016 New York Times - HAVANA - Fidel Castro thanked Cuban MD's for their well-wishes on his 90th birthday and criticized Walter Reed MD's for killing Beau as he would be alive today if he was diagnosed by a Cuban MD. Castro can win the Nobel In Medicine for making sure Cuban MD's really Passed Yale Medical School; not just passed by Obama's Executive orders on the Front Page of the International New York Times Today , grin!

8-6-2016 Old News Kerry's $400 Billion worth of cash to Cuba...

8-14-2016 Trump with Melania + Victoria at a 1997 Playboy event in the Sunday Editorial in the International New York Times with nothing in the Editorial about 40K Stage 4 women murdered by Hillary + Obama every year since 1997... why? Kickbacks + gov. perks paid to the Editors at the NY Times! A War Crime! IN a different campaign or era, it would have been a Stage 4-altering Nuke Alert from Russia or North Korea moment; in this one, it was barely a Hillary Driving women to Drive in Saudi Arabia never mind Stage 4 in Saudi Arabia they have 10K Walter Reed MD's with second homes there! Melania Trump, the potential first lady of the United States, posing stark naked screaming in hysterics that the CIA gave her Breast Cancer, via "Clean Diesel" Obama Masterminded ads! And failed to get a Los Alamos Rx Recipe Cure playing war games with $777 Trillion in War Toys from MIT. Mrs. Trump’s immigration status. Hell we want to hear from Jewish Aliens at every one of the Nearest 52 Stars! Trump and Hillary are both children of the ’60s — War On Cancer "Observewrs" who Obey our 1984 II Dictators not to talk about losing this war and the Vietnam War and the No Gas Stations on Earth War! CIA Op Coup!

8-14-2016 "Buying Your Beef Right on the Farm" section CT - page 9 By CHRISTOPHER BROOKS NY Times Buying Trump Steaks next year you will notice the calories and Chemical Formula's - Trumps Steaks + McDonalds Burgers Chemical Formulas will be on the menu's... when there are No Gas Stations on Earth + No Head On Collisions in the USA.

8-14-2016 Trump Headlines in the Sunday NY Times; Obama created IS. Hell Obama was the Mastermind of the "Clean Diesel" ads in the NY Times, grin. Syria’s Chemical Weapons Have Been Destroyed. So, Why Do Chlorine Gas Attacks Persist? The use of chlorine gas against civilians in the Syrian city of Aleppo should be investigated as a “war crime,” a United Nations diplomat said Thursday. By RUSSELL GOLDMAN Syria’s Chemical Weapons Have Been Destroyed. So, Why Do Chlorine Gas Attacks Persist? Navy Admirals know "Clean Diesel" is a Scam by Obama yet still drive millions of "Clean Diesel" vehicles. UN war crimes and crimes against Children walking the "Duval Walk" with no Particle Detections as they must be in use for Chlorine Gas in Syria, right? Yes another War Crime!

8-14-2016 iPhone 007 360 degree dash cam's inside and out... a Hate Crime via Tim Cook... Trump and Hillary are both children of the ’60s —

8-14-2016 Pope Francis drives by cop cars on fire and SUV's without stopping + of course Head On Collisions in a Era 2016 that should be No Gas Stations on Earth and No Head On Collisions on Earth, well the USA for sure the Dope's in Moscow still shovel snow in Red Square because Putin likes to watch the women, grin. Key West News Citizen Sunday Paper - "Reverend back to work 7 months after head-on" BY BRIAN BOWDEN Free Press Staff bbowden@keysnews.com BIG PINE KEY — It took over half a year for the Very Rev. Chris Todd to return to the pulpit after undergoing five surgeries for multiple injuries and enduring countless hours of rehab following a head-on collision in early January on Big Pine Key. But he’s back. Super Air Bags on the Outside are on the Back Burner at 1984 II HQ. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, Todd’s crash occurred as he was driving south on U.S.1 near mile marker 32 and drifted into the northbound lane, where he struck another vehicle head-on. The passengers of the other vehicle had minor injuries. Biden does the same thing to Yale Students after they hear a Biden Lecture of Commencement Address, grin! No Biden will not put Dr. Gaga MD in charge of the falling asleep driving Moon Shot!! bbowden@keysnews.com did not put the stats on how many people will fall asleep driving today!




8-14-2016 InventBook;

8-8-2016 "Conversations Between 1984 II Observers" - Todays Editorial in the International New York Times "A Nuclear Legacy Within Reach" is about 2,500 H-Bombs in inventory not about 2,500 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts that should be coming off the Ford assembly line today! "Conversations Greg + Wives in Key West! Yes!"

8-8-2016 Trump once praised the “imagination” of his wife, Melania, in the kitchen — before citing, as examples of her culinary derring-do, spaghetti and meat sauce, salads and meatloaf. (He still keeps a copy of his mother’s meatloaf recipe.) Mom, Trumps wife and daughter needs a Stage 4 Rx Recipe via Los Alamos costing $200 Trillion, this is out of Trump's League of Billion dollar Recipe's!!!

How an Iranian’s Spy Saga Ends, 6 Years Later: He’s Executed...

6 Years Later: Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era is Executed...

How an Iranian’s Spy Saga Ends, 6 Years Later: He’s Executed...

6 Years Later: Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era is Executed...

Iran Shahram Amiri, a scientist, he returned to Iran from Los Alamos not the Los Alamos of the Stage 4 Moon Shot bout the Los Alamos of H-Bomb crunched recipes!

How an Iranian’s Spy Saga Ends, 6 Years Later: He’s Executed...

6 Years Later: Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era is Executed...

How an Iranian’s Spy Saga Ends, 6 Years Later: He’s Executed...

6 Years Later: Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era is Executed...

8-8-2016 Katie Ledecky Beats Her Own World Record in 400 Freestyle... Los Alamos + Iranian Freestyle Nuclear Scientist who won WW III Nuclear Wars!! Katie won a second medal, and first gold, of the Rio Games on Sunday night in the 400-meter freestyle; 400 light years needs to be a Rio Game of Brainstorming with everyone Brainstorming even the Doped up Russians as faster than the speed of light invention for satellites is what Los Alamos and Iranians need to be working on a Los Alamos besides Stage 4 recipe crunching.

How an Iranian’s Spy Saga Ends, 6 Years Later: He’s Executed...

6 Years Later: Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era is Executed...

How an Iranian’s Spy Saga Ends, 6 Years Later: He’s Executed...

6 Years Later: Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era is Executed...

8-8-2016 Todays Editorial in the International New York Times "A Nuclear Legacy Within Reach" is about 2,500 H-Bombs in inventory not about 2,500 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts that should be coming off the Ford assembly line today if the NY Times didn't take $$$ kickbacks and gov. perks from BP Oil; Pentagon’s modernization plans, stockpile of 2,500 or so nuclear warheads held in reserve. Mr. Obama could also declare that the United States would not be the first to use nuclear weapons. In 2010, he said the United States would not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear weapons country. A blanket no-first-use policy would put a further check on future presidents. The Pentagon and some Republicans are resisting many of these ideas. But Mr. Obama still has the responsibility and, if he moves swiftly, the time to advance his vision of a safer world. 2,500 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts that should be coming off the Ford assembly line today if the NY Times mentioned this in Todays 8-8-2016 Editorial than the ending of Obama making this a safer world would be true - Trump Hell the NY Times Editorials have told more lies than Trump + Clinton combined. War Crimes by the New York Times will blow up like a Nuke going off over Paris. Lets hope the Pope LEAKS the 2,500 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts that should be coming off the Ford assembly line today before H-Bombs go off in view of the Eiffel Tower.

How an Iranian’s Spy Saga Ends, 6 Years Later: He’s Executed...

6 Years Later: Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era is Executed...

How an Iranian’s Spy Saga Ends, 6 Years Later: He’s Executed...

6 Years Later: Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era is Executed...

8-8-2016 InventBook; not on anyone's reading or eating book list for the Summer of 2016. But in Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts, Mr. Trump has broadcast his culinary preferences to the nation — devouring a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken (while reading The Wall Street Journal), feasting on a McDonald’s burger and fries (to celebrate clinching the Republican presidential nomination) and chowing down on a taco bowl (in an effort to woo Hispanic voters). InventBook list of IP invention projects Trump would like to see invented after he is elected is like Butter and I can't believe it's Butter from Hillary's list of Invention Projects. The NY Times instead of writing up Trump and Kentucky Fried Chicken should have written up USA inventions on Facebook, InventBook! Ashley Parker at the NY Times! Trump shuns tea, coffee and alcohol, and vaccines in the drinking water, grin. Kerry helped reinforce his image as a New England Yale Harvard blue blood by trying to order a cheese steak with Swiss - In Memory of the $777 Trillion Kerry has in Swiss Banks, grin. From Yale Harvard Oil Revenues since 1980. Trump once praised the “imagination” of his wife, Melania, in the kitchen — before citing, as examples of her culinary derring-do, spaghetti and meat sauce, salads and meatloaf. (He still keeps a copy of his mother’s meatloaf recipe.) Mom, Trumps wife and daughter needs a Stage 4 Rx Recipe via Los Alamos costing $200 Trillion, this is out of Trump's League of Billion dollar Recipe's!!!

How an Iranian’s Spy Saga Ends, 6 Years Later: He’s Executed...

6 Years Later: Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era is Executed...

How an Iranian’s Spy Saga Ends, 6 Years Later: He’s Executed...

6 Years Later: Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era is Executed...

8-8-2016 InventBook;

8-8-2016 Free jet fuel... Emirates of Dubai to celebrate $777 Trillion from the Pentagon

8-8-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL phone 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.

Nice! Link below is new video added today.



8-8-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot War...

8-7-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... and a Purple Heart! Which one do you want your wives to get? No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup via CIA Women is our only hope the surgery will be a success for millions waiting for a Heart Transplant, but for the Prince's in Saudi Arabia who are in touch with Cheney on how to cut in front of the Heart Transplant line for a second time! Pope Francis to get a Heart Transplant in LEAKING No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup, Thank God!

8-7-2016 I Think Therefore I Exist. Descartes first wrote the phrase in French in 1637. In 1980 French Elite were told of the American invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort by Jimmy Carter and Teddy Kennedy!

8-7-2016 HOSPITAL SHIPS THAT ARE... aircraft carriers! God will question Jimmy Carter about this soon... grin! Key West Admirals will question our 1984 II Dictators if they let a Hospital Ship Dock in Key West!

8-7-2016 Aircraft carriers that are Space Station Trains... 100 cars long, shock + awe of what Bush built instead of these!!

8-7-2016 "Carnival Luxury Liner Houses U.S. Basketball Stars" By ANDREW KEH The men’s and women’s basketball teams are again avoiding the athletes’ village at the Olympics

8-7-2016 Trump’s Economic Team: Bankers and Tillionaires... $777 Trillion (and All Men) who want to build another Vietnam Memorial in Key West when a Stage 4 Memorial will be built over it after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat + Polygamous Marriage is Legal.

8-7-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... and a Purple Heart! Which one do you want your wives to get?

8-7-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... and a Purple Heart! Which one do you want your wives to get?

8-7-2016 "The Rage Against Trade" Sunday EDITORIAL in Todays International New York Times!

8-7-2016 "The Rage Against the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era" EDITORIAL

8-7-2016 "The Rage Against Stage 4 Moon Shot not working today at Los Alamos" Editorial

8-7-2016 "The Orwellian "Think Tanks" Rage Against Light Year Travel being beyond their CIA intelligence and they can't even invent... to spy on Jewish Aliens via Telescopes!" By THE EDITORIAL

8-7-2016 Key West's only Hospital gets only 1 star our of 5 by the Fed'!

8-7-2016 Key West Citizen Newspaper Today celebrates Mandy Miles 18 years with no cell phones, No Camera phone in 1998 and No Ford 1980 ElectricWindmillEscort's.

8-7-2016 Mandy Miles will write someday France was Nuked over Cartoon's before she retires or is Fired by Trump, grin. Hostility to Allah — even misdirected rage — should not be taken lightly when Moslem Generals tell the CIA Generals to stick their tongue to the cold hand rail at the ski resort and they fall for this prank... this is what George Orwell convinced the Editors at the NY Times and Mandy Miles to do the last 18 years without the Ford 1980 ElectricWindmillEscort's Era of never getting into a "Hot Car" or "Frozen Car"! We aren't talking about 1998 cell phones with no cameras but 360 degree iPhone Dash cams inside and out of every car and truck on the road today in the USA and iTraffic Tickets and cops talking to the driver driving down the road. This is what Mandy Miles and the Editors of the Sunday New York Times destroyed for kickbacks and perks from $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues $$$.

8-7-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... and a Purple Heart! Which one do you want your wives to get?

8-7-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... and a Purple Heart! Which one do you want your wives to get?

8-7-2016 Philippine President Links 150 Judges, Politicians to Drugs!

8-7-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West link the Supreme Court to BP Oil $$$ in a ruling that lost us Exodus off Earth... invention Era from the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!

8-7-2016 By MARK MAZZETTI, ANNE BARNARD and ERIC SCHMITT Russia has not only avoided a quagmire in Syria, its successes on the battlefield against C.I.A.- backed rebels have given it new leverage in the Middle East. No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup by the USA CIA would change the battlefield in ONE Day and end the quagmire to give us "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" invention projects! Bush Shock + Awe of 9/11.

8-7-2016 "Think Tanks" Blur the "Star Trek" + "Star Wars" inventions... Think tanks are seen as independent, but their Yale Harvard Oxford scholars often push donors’ agendas, amplifying a culture of Microsoft BP Oil Boeing corporate influence in Nero setting fire to Rome today fire bombing cop cars and SUV's via rear end car wrecks and no one stops to help. Google top brass took $$$ and gov. perks to censor fiery wrecks on your search too! Shock + Awe of this censorship, wow!

8-7-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... and a Purple Heart! Which one do you want your wives to get?

8-7-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... and a Purple Heart! Which one do you want your wives to get?

8-7-2016 Pope Francis calls continuing violence in Syria 'unacceptable' - Not Even Pope Francis stops to help those on fire in fiery wrecks he drives by today; this is Bush Shock + Awe of 9/11. By ERIC LIPTON and BROOKE WILLIAMS

8-7-2016 Huntington Ingalls, the sole builder of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the United States...

8-7-2016 Huntington Ingalls, the sole builder of nuclear-powered HOSPITAL SHIPS THAT ARE... aircraft carriers! But with an Era of Free H @ -254 C to celebrate the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era they will be fueled by liquid Hydrogen!

8-7-2016 Huntington Ingalls, the sole builder of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the United States, and other players in the shipbuilding industry are looking for ways to increase or maintain funding for the construction of these giant ships... Bush Shock + Awe of 9/11...

8-7-2016 The "Brookings Institution" — long recognized as one of the most prestigious think tanks in the world — has aggressively courted corporate donors over the last decade, particularly for its Metropolitan Policy Program, which formed partnerships with JPMorgan Chase, Lennar Corporation, K.K.R., Hitachi and others. Here is an examination of the deals with these donors, based in part on thousands of pages of internal Brookings documents... No Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's are in these pages of course, grin. NY Times Today writing about Think Tanks when we are all thinking about the 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's!! No "Hot Cars" or "Frozen Cars" ever again... shock and awe of this is better than Bush 9/11.

8-7-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... and a Purple Heart! Which one do you want your wives to get?

8-7-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... and a Purple Heart! Which one do you want your wives to get?

8-7-2016 Queens NYC The Weeds have long been part of local lore, and now more hauntingly so since Ms. Vetrano’s body was discovered near the fire trail on which she had been running. The police said she was sexually assaulted and strangled. Her funeral will be held on Saturday at St. Helen Roman Catholic Church in Howard Beach.

8-7-2016 Park Police would discuss how to increase security with the New York Police Department... when "Rand" Think Tank would discuss the GL Gas-Lobotomy Bomb invention project. 19K SWF's are murdered in 2016 and Mandy Miles this Sunday writes about being at the Citizen in Key West for 18 years this month when for the last 18 years 19K women have been murdered in her USA every year. Mandy Miles can't do the Math 18 times 19,000 = Mandy Miles failed math and a lot more in the last 18 years in Key West at the Citizen New Paper.

8-7-2016 Think Tanks walk their pit bull Diesel... DNA of Children at Saint Jude are not in their IBM Cloud data base! I Think Therefore I Exist. Descartes first wrote the phrase in French in his 1637. In 1980 French Elite were told of the American invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort by Jimmy Carter and Teddy Kennedy!



8-6-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... and a Purple Heart! Which one do you want your wives to get?

8-6-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... and a Purple Heart! Which one do you want your wives to get?

8-6-2016 71st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima Today! USS Jimmy Carter with 40 Nukes cost $10 Trillion... and news from Hiroshima didn't Ban Jimmy Carter from the Rio Olympics or a 2nd Nobel Peace Prize, grin.

"Invisible Girl" Exposes Paradox of "Pentagon Family Drunk's!" Stage 4 Barbie Dolls, GI Joe, American Sniper, Skippy Ski Doll, rivalry starts with NASA Dolls for Mariel Hemingway II + III today. 1963 JFK, 1961 Earnest Hemingway! We are only here on Earth to Exodus into the Universe!

8-6-2016 Lower Keys Medical Center, the only hospital in Key West, earned one out of five stars - the lowest rating - in the federal government's first overall hospital quality review. Yale Key West Medical School has been stifled by Key West Admirals + Key West Local 1984 II Dictators! Paradox Pakistan built its H-Bomb assembly line before Key West built its Yale Key West Medical School... Bush Shock + Awe of 9/11.

8-6-2016 Steve Job's Medical School has been deleted forever!!! A new video filmed by a drone flying over Apple's $5 billion project to build a giant circle-shaped campus in Cupertino, California, shows the scale of the building. Scale of deleting Steve Job's Medical School has not been shown! Just the loss of iapps... is more shock and awe than Bush's 9/11. More shock and Awe than the Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts driving around Times Square in 1980 is the loss of the Steve Jobs Medical School in Cupertino, and free wifi for the City Steve Jobs told the City Council in their last meeting should be paid for from taxes... grin.

8-6-2016 Kerry's $400 Billion worth of cash to Cuba; Castro will make Cuba No Smoking and No Gas Stations!!

8-6-2016 Puerto Ricans had the highest rates of smoking at 28.5 percent, followed by Cubans at 20 percent, Mexicans at 19 percent, and Central and South Americans at 16 percent, the report noted. CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

8-6-2016 "Vandals hit Trump sign fourth time" Citizen Key West Newspaper alinhardt@keysnews.com Ann Warren has a message to the vandals targeting her house — her Donald Trump signs are not going away. Friday morning, the Fogarty Avenue resident arose to find her large two Trump signs painted on the concrete wall had been spray painted by a vandal. The Nazi-themed spray painted messages are very similar to the first such incident that occurred on June 7. Many locals have had 4 bikes stolen too... life in Paradise; Key West, grin.

8-6-2016 71st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima Today! USS Jimmy Carter with 40 Nukes cost $10 Trillion... and news from Hiroshima didn't Ban Jimmy Carter from the Rio Olympics or a 2nd Nobel Peace Prize, grin.

8-6-2016 Stage 4 iapps for Apple will cost $200 Trillion! And Los Alamos too go along with these!

8-6-2016 71st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima Today! USS Jimmy Carter with 40 Nukes cost $10 Trillion...

8-6-2016 Rio Today: The First Olympic Medal Goes to ... ... American Shooter Ginny Thrasher. We already have a gold medalist, and it’s a 19-year-old West Virginia University sophomore, Ginny Thrasher. With two shots to go in the women’s air rifle event, Thrasher led by 0.7 points. She coolly squeezed off shots of 10.5 and 10.4 to take gold. Two Chinese shooters, Du Li and favored Yi Siling won silver and bronze. Another American, Sarah Scherer was eighth.

8-6-2016 Trump Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart... for his Transplant he will get soon as the first heart transplant is wearing out. Did our 1984 II Dictators make Organ Donation mandatory for you and I, so our wife's can get a 2nd heart transplant - Hell no!

8-6-2016 "Immunotherapy Drug Opdivo Fails Clinical Trial to Expand Use" New York Times - The hot new field of immunotherapy got a shock on Friday when a best-selling new drug failed as an initial treatment for lung cancer in a clinical trial.

8-6-2016 Trump holding a diseased cancerous LUNG with the Purple Heart above his head said this Cancerous Lung came from 100's of Purple Heart Veterans in a failed Era at Walter Reed treatment for lung cancer + Prohibition on Tobacco Plantations next to Jimmy Carters Peanut Plantation in Georgia this calls for a war crimes trial... is the next Rx that should be written!

8-6-2016 New York Times Editorial Today is not about the A-bomb but - "Broken Promises to Homeless Vets" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD of the New York Times. The government always seems to be making, neglecting - NY Times neglecting to mention Obama as the government ha. NY Times neglecting to mention the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort assembly line building its 1 Trillionth Electric Windmill Ford Today.

8-6-2016 71st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima Today!

8-6-2016 Paris will be Nuked following the example of President Barack Obama starting the H-Bomb assembly line going in Pakistan Today. Generals in Pakistan spit on Japan's news to stop Nuke's as Allah will give Pakistan Moslem Generals 72 Virgins in Heaven to for Nuking Paris!

8-6-2016 Spin off inventions on how... How Sunflowers Follow the Sun, Day After Day New York Times - no spin off Invention Brainstorming from any NY Times journalists.

8-6-2016 Puerto Ricans had the highest rates of smoking at 28.5 percent, followed by Cubans at 20 percent, Mexicans at 19 percent, and Central and South Americans at 16 percent, the report noted. CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

8-6-2016 Disney Memory Maker IP invention projects iapps for you to invent something at Disney... grin. It looks like Walt Disney World is offering guests some special perks when purchasing the $149 Memory Maker package: extra meet-and-greet opportunities! Disney Parks Blog reports that, in addition to receiving all your Disney PhotoPass vacation photos with the service, your Memory Maker purchase will also include access to a private Disney Character Experience with a Disney Princess located at Magic Kingdom Park – Heritage House. It seems like a really wonderful experience for guests looking for a little something extra for their character meeting vacation safari.

8-6-2016 Q&A: The future of CERN Hell... the Future of Los Alamos crunching Rx Recipes for Stage 4 Moon Shot that is not a Biden Gas Engine Moon Shot... Shock and Awe of Bush 9/11.

8-6-2016 Stage 4 iapps for Apple will cost $200 Trillion! And our 1984 II Dictators have $777 Trillion in cash, almost like Apple, grin $$$

8-5-2016 USA Could have saved 10K SWF's in the USA from Stage 4 instead of playing war games in Syria! Apple just spent $200 million for more artificial intelligence; "Turi" iapps. Stage 4 iapps for Apple will cost $200 Trillion!

8-5-2016 Stage 4 iapps for Apple will cost $200 Trillion! And our 1984 II Dictators have $777 Trillion in cash, almost like Apple, grin $$$

8-5-2016 "Invisible Girl" Exposes Paradox of "Pentagon Family" Stage 4 Barbie Dolls, GI Joe, American Sniper, Skippy Ski Doll, rivalry starts with NASA Dolls for Mariel Hemingway II + III today. 1963 JFK, 1961 Earnest Hemingway! We are only here on Earth to Exodus into the Universe! Mariel's 2 front teeth are knocked out by a bat. Gravity of this a million times over the last several decades and generations of kids with no Gravity Engine Invention by adults. Why would anyone move to Idaho in 1965 or 2016? Drive there Dad got mad driving and drinking, Mariel left out the drinking. So Dad is mad and throws out her "blankie" Mom gave Mariel a "Invention Blankie" to help her put a invention project into every chapter of her life and book - "Invisible Girl". Mariel is a Nurse with a cap for all the birds dad shoots in Idaho. Couple of times she is the best Nurse couple of times her cat gets in the cage. Mariel doesn't write a chapter on how to inventing a better "cage" as mom still has her invention blankie on the line. Skipper the ski doll is tossed from the ski lift and Mariel yells I will save your life on the way down. Invent a way to rescue you from Stage 4. A older Ski School girl dares Mariel to stick her tongue to the ski post.. No iapp for her iPhone 007 to warn of this age old prank.... pranks 1,001 by girls. iappe should have been out for years as kids in Idaho do the same thinks today. Or a warning sign when all the little girls get on the ski lift for the first time! Mariel goes to Earnest Hemingway Grade School... wow! Presidential Fitness Test, no Invention History Test. Cap'n Crunch will be Invention Crunch! Cereal all kids love the best. Dad has a heart attack in Idaho. No more smoking or drinking. 5th glass of wine Mariel calls the "angry glasses". Margot heads for the Pioneer Saloon now that she is 18. Muffet has gone to Paris. Muffet was running down Sun Valley's main street naked singing, wow! On drugs. Trying to fly with her arms. In Third grade I was holding hands interlaced fingers thinking about inventions. Grin. At 9 Mariel knows how to open a bottle of wine by herself and how to serve it without dripping a drop. A drunk not sober invention lesson by mom or dad here. Rock climbing on the "Elephants Perch" not the "Invention Climb". Mary Kay and Dan are Godparents and they don't ever drink so its light years from home drunks. Win ribbons for inventions here! Cat Kitsy watches from her little box, she feels as though she is helping watching. Ha! iapp for Sun-in spray on little girls hair is needed... Harrods is closed because the Queen had the Princes killed by a drunk driver. Ritz Hotel, in Paris... "A Moveable Feast" visit to Earnest apt in Paris. Lost Writings by his wife. No cars to run over little girls dogs in Perouges France. Mom in Sun Valley is hit skiing by a skier not a car. Not Fair. Because Earnest should have written a chapter on ski accident inventions. "Rich Bitch" is "Invention bitch" oh this will happen when we have a few "Invention Bitche's" in school who only talk of the gravity engine inventions! INVENTION FOR SEA FOOD POISONING for Mariel. Invention to let the cat Kisty in to prevent hours of Meow's. Margot goes to work for Evil Knievel not the Invention Genius at iApple. Snake River Twin Falls, Twin Inventions one of these days after Mariel gets 2 inventions. Mom has new cancer in her spine. Rx Recipe from the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort was stifled by our 1984 II Dictators. Mom died. Mariel ends the book Invisible Girl with My life is good thanks to Alice Lake being renamed Invention Lake in Idaho, light years from the Gravity Engine Invention on a iMac Super Computer at the Earnest Hemingway Grade School even though a 100 rich people in Idaho could afford to buy a iMac Super computer for the Earnest Hemingway Grade School. With live streaming as its to cold to go to school after dark in the winter, grin!

8-5-2016 Young girls at the Earnest Hemingway Grade School with a iMac Super Computer would be light years from girls at Hemingway Grade School Today - Young sunflowers follow the sun, their still-green buds arcing from east to west across the summer sky as dawn turns to noon turns to dusk. Even Microsoft agrees: Apple really needs to release new computers. Business Insider - Apple doesn't have a fresh model for the back-to-school push; however, it's very likely that Apple will release a new Mac computer this fall before the holiday season.

8-5-2016 Invisible Girl Hardcover – April 7, 2015 by Mariel Hemingway Should be a "Angelina Jolie" - 'Bourne' movie by Sony... with an iPhone Dog Cam for "rich girls" who know our 1984 II Dictators will take centuries to get Laser Guidance on all cars and dogs crossing the road in Idaho. Invisible Girl novel should be a "Angelina Jolie" - 'Bourne' movie by Sony... available to girls and women in rehab, AA, Al-Anon, correction facilities, or handed to them a caring friend and this is one of them. I bought this book and was touched by the mixture of love, annoyance, fear of and empathy for her family it addressed some very important issues. The level of material could easily be understood. It showed how mental health and addiction issues effect the entire family (Pentagon) unit, not just one individual.

8-5-2016 Afghanistan Is in Chaos. Is That What Hamid Karzai Wants? By MUJIB MASHAL NY Times!

8-5-2016 Stage 4 Moon Shot is in Chaos, this is What our 1984 II Dictators Want...

8-5-2016 "Weighing the Strengths and Shortcomings of China’s Education System" By JAVIER C. HERNÁNDEZ "Weighing the Strengths and Shortcomings of Earnest Hemingway Grade School in Idaho with no iMac Super Computer.

8-5-2016 Beau Died Today 8-5-2016 at Walter Reed Military Hospital... Did Obama’s Bill Fix Veterans’ Health Care? It’s Complicated. By DAVE PHILIPPS - Obama needs to send all the Veterans to Mecca for Health Care by Elite MD's!

8-5-2016 Beau Died Today 8-5-2016 at Walter Reed Military Hospital... in a 1984 II Society it's complicated when you have 100K MD's in Saudi Arabia Today.

8-5-2016 U.S. Could Exceed Goal of Accepting 10,000 Syrian Refugees - After a slow start and amid fierce political controversy, the Obama administration said on Friday that 8,000 Syrian refugees had arrived since October. By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS

8-5-2016 USA Could have saved 10K SWF's in the USA not Syria from Stage 4 instead of playing war games in Syria! Apple just spent $200 million for more artificial intelligence. "Turi" iapps Stage 4 iapps for Apple will cost $200 Trillion!

8-5-2016 Editorial New York times today. "The Perils of Writing Off Mr. Trump" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Donald Trump at a rally in Fla., holding a Purple Heart he was given by a supporter. Holding Cheney's 2nd Heart Transplant he will get soon as the first heart transplant is wearing out. Did our 1984 II Dictators make Organ Donation mandatory for you and I and our wife's can get a 2nd heart transplant - Hell no!

8-5-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributor France’s Real State of Emergency is Stage 4 French Women who will die by the Masterminds of France of 2016.

8-5-2016 Bust of Roman Emperor Nero. "Nero is is often written off as mad, but this is a gross misreading of this intelligent but decidedly eccentric man," says historian Sean Lang.

8-5-2016 Certainly rulers who have been famed for their mental instability, such as the murderously unstable Roman emperor Gaius Caligula, or our own George Bush III after 9/11... even though he could have won the war with Saudi Arabia with the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.

8-5-2016 Rome's emperor Nero is often written off as mad, but this is a gross misreading of this intelligent but decidedly eccentric man. Nero came to the throne after the death of Claudius and seemed at first to offer Rome a bit of stability. There is no doubt that he was ruthless: he murdered his stepbrother and rival for the throne Britannicus; had two of his three wives murdered (he kicked one of them to death himself); and even engineered the grisly murder of his own mother.

8-5-2016 Nero in Saudi Arabia, Kerry has seen streaming video of many Nero's in Mecca today doing much worst than Nero did above...


8-4-2016 "Angelina Jolie" - 'Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in

8-4-2016 Kerry secretly organized an airlift of $400 Billion worth of cash to Cuba!

8-4-2016 Florida State lottery has lost 850,000 iMacBook Pro's being bought by people trying to win the lottery jackpot of $400 million, another "War Crime"

8-4-2016 Editorial "Talking Turkey New Anti-USS Jimmy Carter 40 Nuke Sub Habitat for Humanity" Like all the people living in Jimmy Carter built homes spending more money on the Florida State Power Ball Lottery than Jimmy spent building their Habitat for Humanity Home in Key West... Trump Hell who elected a Peanut Plantation Owner... some Nut from 1984 II HQ.

8-4-2016 Jimmy Carter on his death bed with skin cancer Exposes Paradox of 1980 Ford ElectricWindillEscort + the Florida State Power Ball $400 Million Jackpot's Mastermind's 1,001 SUV sun screen Recipe, the same Mastermind of his Rx Recipe for cancer.

8-4-2016 IP invention projects Rumored to Get Rx Memory drugs in the drinking water... it!!!!

8-4-2016 Trump Exposes Paradox of Nuclear Arms driving a 1980 gas engine car not a 1980 Ford ElectricWindillEscort or a nuke engine car or a gravity engine car! All with 360 iPhone Dash Cams inside and out of course! Muslim cop giving Trump an iTicket in his limo... ha. Drone Strike with all the Moslems cheering!

8-4-2016 With Tillionaires Backing Her, BP Oil Men + Women Hillary Clinton Must Confront How to Deploy Them in Gas Engine Cars, grin. Members of the ultra-wealthy such as Kerry's Wife, Mark Cuban, Warren E. Buffett and Michael R. Bloomberg are finding varied roles in a campaign focused in part on income inequality. Who's Who's gave Who Syphilis or MS to the poor girl via sex. No Moon Shot II.

8-4-2016 Trump Exposes Paradox of the 1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort coming off the Ford Assembly line on...

8-4-2016 Kerry secretly organized an airlift of $400 Billion worth of cash to Cuba $$$ And construction of the "Hospital Prison for all men with HIV, STD, Syphilis, Hepatitis, MS Virus, TB... 100's of Skyscraper's in one NYC block are under construction today in Cuba for the "Hospital Prison Complex for Sexual Transmitted Diseases" thouse given these terrible diseases can sue for trillions $$$. Pope's Priest gave diseases to kids, Kerry kept this out of the State Department Travel Warnings, Oh Hillary censored this warning for children! Whats the Stats, classified!

8-4-2016 Paradox of Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot War... as Biden drives a gas engine, nuke engine from Oppenheimer at Los Alamos was lost with Hillary's email's! Hacked via Putin, grin.

8-4-2016 Donald Trump Risks Alienating Military Gas Guzzling Idiots in Swing Stars Nearest Earth;

8-4-2016 Vet's Cruelty to Pets as target practice by the USS Jimmy Carter! By ALEXANDER BURNS, NOAH REMNICK and NICK

8-4-2016 Vet's Cruelty to Pets does not risk Alienating Mom + Dad, or Jewish Aliens at the 52 Nearest Stars. By ALEXANDER BURNS, NOAH REMNICK and NICK at the NY Times.

8-4-2016 Trump Starting last week when he clashed with Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a Muslim captain in the Army who was killed in Iraq, driving a gas engine tank not a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort car.

8-4-2016 Senator John McCain’s capture in Vietnam his return home as a Hero when he killed millions of Stage 4 women by going to Vietnam in the first place! McCain killed another in traffic wrecks; BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com A woman passenger on a Harley-Davidson was killed Monday night near Bay Point on U.S. 1 when the motorcycle was struck from behind, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. The FHP did not release the woman’s name as of press time. The 1985 Harley-Davidson driven by Roger Walden, 55, of Key West, was southbound at Mile Marker 15 at 8:25 p.m. with his female passenger seated behind him when they were rear-ended by a Toyota RAV4 driven by Mary Bailey, 25, of Key West, reports say. Vet's Pet 1985 Harley-Davidson should have been a iMacBook Pro with IP invention projects. McCain will help mastermind the murder of 19K women in 2016. Runner’s Body Is Found in Queens Marsh; Police Look for Answers. Karina Vetrano, 30, had been reported missing by her family when she did not return from a jog in Spring Creek Park, near her home, the authorities said.

8-4-2016 100's of Skyscraper's in one NYC block are under construction today at the King Abdullah Financial District in the Saudi capital, Riyadh $777 Trillion being spent by the Saudi Kings not Stage 4 women's Moon Shot Rx Recipe, this is a war crime! Mecca can seat 2 million for the sermon tomorrow! With the largest SUV Umbrella in the world built and paid for by Bush

8-4-2016 10 million foreigners — largely from South Asia, Southeast Asia and other parts of the Middle East — worked in Saudi Arabia; none worked on a Stage 4 Rx Recipe now the USA coup is ripe turkey grin for a $777 Trillion coup, Waldorf will be confiscated as a Stage 4 HQ as its owned by a Saudi Prince who will be held for war crimes if caught, grin.

8-4-2016 "Donald Trump, Perhaps Unwittingly, Exposes Paradox of Nuclear Arms" By MAX FISHER Since the Cold War, leaders have grappled with the puzzling logic of weapons whose power comes in not being used.

8-4-2016 Trump Exposes Paradox of Nuclear Arms driving a 1980 gas engine car not a 1980 Ford ElectricWindillEscort

8-4-2016 Editorial "Turkey’s New Anti-Americanism" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times In accusing the United States of aiding a coup attempt, the Turkish president has made tensions between the NATO allies worse.

8-4-2016 Apple iPhone 7: Next-Gen iPhone Plus Model Rumored To Get 3GB RAM International Business Times - ?9 hours ago? The memory chip industry is expected to see some growth in the third quarter of 2016 as many next-generation smartphones, including new iPhones, are likely to get increased built-in memory capacity,

8-4-2016 ----------------------------------------- Star Trek Beyond; Alice Eve's Carol Marcus was originally introduced as Carol Wallace early on in Star Trek Into Darkness, telling Captain Kirk and Spock that Admiral Alexander Marcus had assigned her to the Enterprise. However, her true identity was eventually revealed, and she explained that she had come on board to investigate the proton torpedoes her Admiral father had ordered Kirk to bring onto the Enterprise. The crew soon learned that those torpedoes were actually stasis chambers containing Khan Noonien Singh's men. Carol was later injured aboard USS Vengeance and watched Khan kill her father, and a year after the superhuman was defeated, she officially joined the Enterprise as a science officer.

8-4-2016 ...why the writers opted not to include Carol Marcus in Star Trek Beyond and that she's alive out there, that brings up another question: where exactly was she during the recent events? It wasn't said in the movie, but Simon Pegg revealed that there was dialogue from one of the script's drafts suggesting she was going down the same path as her original timeline's self (played by Bibi Besch) in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Pegg continued:

8-4-2016 I think we had some lines to explain her absence in one of the initial drafts that had her going off to start work on the Genesis project and do sort of very, very early research on that. But it didn't make it into the final cut.

8-4-2016 For those who haven't seen Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan, Project Genesis was intended to take uninhabitable planets and transform them into suitable habitats for humanoid life. Not only was the Genesis device a key plot element in Wrath of Khan, but its effects also factored heavily into The Search for Spock. Assuming those lines from the Star Trek Beyond draft are canon, it appears the starship life wasn't for Carol, and at some point before the third movie kicked off, she departed to work on this timeline's version of that experiment.

8-4-2016 You can see Star Trek Beyond in theaters now, and with Star Trek 4 already in the works, maybe we'll hear news in the near future about Alice Eve reprising her role.

8-4-2016 Pope Francis’ Remarks Disappoint Gay and Transgender Groups By MIKE McPHATE NY Times Pope said the idea of choosing gender was being taught with schoolbooks supplied by influential donors and countries. He did not identify which... because they all have Syphilis, STD, HIV, MS virus. And the Pope said they spread terrible tortured diseases to children via sex. They are our 1984 II Dictators. “This is terrible,” he said.

8-4-2016 The Universe may have rebounded from an earlier contraction and “big crunch” into a “big bang” that started it all over again... Big Bang blew up in size in the first few fractions of a second after it was born in a bang! But the birth of the Big Bang was not actually the beginning; something was in empty space before the Big Bang Ball of fire.

8-4-2016 Physics of matter, on the other hand, usually vary from small to large scales. “We know that in the first 50,000 years the universe was essentially just filled with radiation,” In physics, radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or through a material medium. This includes: electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, visible light, x-rays, and gamma radiation particle radiation, such as alpha radiation (a), beta radiation (ß), and neutron radiation (particles of non-zero rest energy) acoustic radiation, such as ultrasound, sound, and seismic waves (dependent on a physical transmission medium) gravitational radiation, radiation that takes the form of gravitational waves, or ripples in the curvature of spacetime.

8-4-2016 Election for Gravity Engine to replace the Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts is light years from the Gas Engine they all drive today.



8-3-2016 $400 Trillion from Libya by New York Time's Editorial Today... By THE EDITORIAL BOARD...

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran $$$

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran.

8-3-2016 First installment of a $1.7 billion settlement the Obama administration reached with Iran to resolve a decades-old dispute over a failed arms deal signed just before the 1979 fall of Iran’s last monarch, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.

8-3-2016 $400 Trillion from Libya by NY Time's Editorial Today... By THE EDITORIAL BOARD. The new phase of the military campaign against the terrorist group must include a viable long-term plan to help stabilize Libya $$$. Keep the $400 Trillion flowing into the USA's secret Swiss Bank account.

8-3-2016 Ted Gup does not know the names of the 52 stars nearest Earth... keep this in mind as you read his NY Times Editorial about Trump today! Milky Way's disk, which contains most of the galaxy's stars and planets, rotates at a rate of 540,000 mph!

8-3-2016 "Vietnam War Crimes" as deferments!!!! ...not Trump’s multiple student deferments and the bone spurs on the Opinion Pages Op-Ed Contributor's... Why Trump Is Not Like Other Draft Dodgers... By TED GUP NY Times. This Vietnam lottery would largely determine who among some 850,000 of the draft-eligible would go to Vietnam and who would be left to carry on with their careers... "War On Cancer... Stage 4!" Both wars were lost by our Top Brass at the Pentagon + 1984 II HQ. Florida State lottery has lost 850,000 iMacBook Pro's being bought by people trying to win the lottery jackpot of $400 million, another "War Crime" by our Top Brass and 1984 II Dictators!

8-3-2016 "Angelina Jolie" - 'Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in it!!!!

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 Billion worth of cash to Cuba $$$

8-3-2016 $400 Trillion from Libya by New York Time's Editorial Today... By THE EDITORIAL BOARD...

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran $$$

8-3-2016 Ted Gup hired a psychiatrist who, for a fee, swore that I suffered from delusions of grandeur because I wanted to be a writer and travel the world - Ted Gup (@Ted_Gup), a professor of journalism at Emerson College, is the author of “A Secret Gift: How One Man’s Kindness — and a Trove of Letters — Revealed the Hidden History of the Great Depression.”

8-3-2016 Ted Gup does not know the names of the 52 stars nearest Earth... keep this in mind as you read his NY Times Editorial about Trump today!

8-3-2016 Ted Gup knows about the $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues that helped pay for the Pakistan H-Bomb assembly line up and running today, this Trumps Ted Gup's "Baby Killer's" from Vietnam are forgiven as these "Baby Killers" are the 1984 II Dictators who paid for a H-Bomb assembly line that is up and running today, we could have live streaming Apple video of it too! These 1984 II Dictators could have had the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort driving around and around Times Square on 9/11 and there would not have been 18 Saudi Terrorists flying in from Boston first class as they would have been in the poor house in Mecca $$$

8-3-2016 "Angelina Jolie" - 'Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in it!!!!

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 Billion worth of cash to Cuba $$$

8-3-2016 $400 Trillion from Libya by New York Time's Editorial Today... By THE EDITORIAL BOARD...

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran $$$

8-3-2016 Kerry should have hired a psychiatrist instead of raping then killing women in Vietnam he must live with today!

8-3-2016 Biden's syphilis in his frontal lobes caused him to buy a gas engine for his moon shot Brain Cancer Cure; with no intention of inventing a way to call Jewish Aliens at the nearest 52 Stars for help brainstorming.

8-3-2016 Syphilis Moon Shot... by Hillary to embarrass Bill giving it to her, grin!

8-3-2016 Biden's syphilis in his frontal lobes caused him to not to Buy "No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup" by the CIA to in the Oil $$$ Revenues war's that killed Beau + bring charges of war crimes against the Walter Reed Military + VA MD's!

8-3-2016 850,000 will be working at Los Alamos tomorrow 8-4-2016 if the 1980 II Dictators make contact with Greg + Wives in Key West today on the Stage 4 Rx Recipe's crunched at Los Alamos!!!!

8-3-2016 I read about Donald Trump’s multiple student deferments and the bone spurs he said exempted him from service. I am no fan of Mr. Trump’s, but on this issue, I am in no position to stand in judgment.Judgment's of Vietnam War Crime's after Jewish Aliens... are overheard at each of the 52 Nearest Stars.

8-3-2016 "Angelina Jolie" - 'Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in it!!!!

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 Billion worth of cash to Cuba $$$

8-3-2016 $400 Trillion from Libya by New York Time's Editorial Today... By THE EDITORIAL BOARD...

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran $$$

8-3-2016 Ivanka Trump Stays Mostly Mum on Being Dragged Into Debate on Syphilis Moon Shot News and iPhone caller id for her to know if the caller has Syphilis, HIV, STD, MS Virus New York Times -

8-3-2016 No News on how many contracted.... Syphilis, HIV, STD, MS Virus since June 2016 in Hawaii.

8-3-2016 The Latest: Hawaiian Airlines employee contracts Hepatitis A. HONOLULU — The Latest on the Hepatitis A outbreak in Hawaii (all times local): A Hawaiian Airlines flight attendant was among the people in Hawaii infected with Hepatitis A. The state Department of Health says the attendant was on 33 flights from Honolulu to California, Nevada and neighbor islands in July. The employee served food and drinks to passengers. Hawaiian Airlines spokesman Alex Da Silva says the airline is screening all crew members who worked with the infected attendant. He says no other crew members reported infections. The health department said Tuesday that a food service employee at a Chili’s restaurant in Kapolei on Oahu also was infected. An employee at Chili’s referred calls to an outside phone number, and a message left there wasn’t immediately returned. More than 90 people in Hawaii have contracted Hepatitis A in Hawaii since mid-June.

8-3-2016 No News on how many contracted.... Syphilis, HIV, STD, MS Virus since June 2016 in Hawaii.

8-3-2016 "Angelina Jolie" - 'Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in it!!!!

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 Billion worth of cash to Cuba $$$

8-3-2016 $400 Trillion from Libya by New York Time's Editorial Today... By THE EDITORIAL BOARD...

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran $$$

8-3-2016 Walter Reed Military Hospital rated Top Secret... grin!

8-3-2016 Mayo Clinic named top hospital in US - The publication's annual report listed The Cleveland Clinic as No. 2, followed by Massachusetts General Hospital. U.S. News determines the rankings using objective measures including patient survival, number of patients, infection control in the hospital.

8-3-2016 Walter Reed Military Hospital rated Top Secret... grin!

8-3-2016 Shashi Kant Sharma is at UN Headquarters to attend the 70th regular session of the UN Board of Auditors.

8-3-2016 UN Headquarters will be demolished and the 155 Story Yale NYC Medical School will be built there in 2016... if the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat is successful.

8-3-2016 "Angelina Jolie" - 'Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in it!!!!

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 Billion worth of cash to Cuba $$$

8-3-2016 $400 Trillion from Libya by New York Time's Editorial Today... By THE EDITORIAL BOARD...

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran $$$

8-3-2016 “So the city Key West doesn’t have to pay for changes made to the triangle but where do we think the FDOT gets their money from? Our tax dollars... Where do you think the City of Key West gets their Traffic Invention Ideas from? Vietnam Vets with Syphilis in their frontal lobes as moving the traffic light 10 feet today is brain dead as the City of Key West should build overpass for traffic coming into Key West going both direction on Roosevelt Blvd... after these Vietnam Vets make contact with Greg + Wives in KW the Citizen will have a diagram of these Overpass lanes for traffic coming into Key West going both directions on Roosevelt... grin. Greg + Wives best revenge on these Brain Dead Vietnam Vets in charge of Key West will be the Stage 4 Rx Recipe Godsent Miracle Cure by Christmas Day 2016.



8-3-2016 "Angelina Jolie" - 'Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in it!!!!

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 Billion worth of cash to Cuba $$$

8-3-2016 $400 Trillion from Libya by New York Time's Editorial Today... By THE EDITORIAL BOARD...

8-3-2016 Obama secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran $$$

8-1-2016 "Angelina Jolie" - 'Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in it!!!!

8-1-2016 Matt Damon is back as rogue-agent killing machine 'Jason Bourne' in the spy-movie, "Angelina Jolie" - 'Jason Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in the Plot to gain control of all of Los Alamos. MD women left out of the movie revealing that Angelina probably is not a real CIA Spy, grin! CIA director is General Petraeus (Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; In office September 6, 2011 – November 9, 2012) with mistress and wife; Covert Stage 4 book Hell No his Hero Book written by his mistress. 'Jason Bourne' this CIA director Dewey is a "Bill Clinton" without the mistress, just the cut throat dirty back stabbing actions against his women. CIA Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander) persuades CIA director Dewey to allow her to contact Bourne in person to attempt to bring him back in. Dewey agrees, but secretly authorizes the Asset to eliminate Lee's team and kill the Ford ElectricWindmillBourne car! Why would they write this plot? Because they left out $777 Trillion in Iraqi $$$ as the leading man next to Bourne is a Iraqi Facebook Owner who says no to iFacebook spy on everyone on the 1.5 billion who log in to Facebook, Hell No. Facebook is called "Deep Dream" and real-time mass surveillance does go on today in both, grin. Facebook and "Deep Dream" is a cancer on 1,001 IP Invention projects and society getting 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year from a Invention Agency 100's of times more intelligent than the CIA. - - (One Nobel will be... Snake and spider bites can be fatal without the right treatment. Antivenin is hysterically expensive, though, and it needs special storage conditions to last. MIT's device can maintain the yeast at a temperature it likes, until called to produce the necessary substance fresh on demand. Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Antivenin is in all the world's drinking water for free) 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year from a Invention Agency 100's of times more intelligent than the CIA. With a mission to diagnose Jewish Aliens before they arrive. Why would they leave $777 Trillion in Oil Revenue out of the plot? Why did they leave George Orwell II out of the movie? CIA operative Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles) is shot just like Marie Kreutz (Franka Potente), a woman who helped then was shot in the first 10 minutes of the movie, same thing in this movie. Wow. News story above the movie reviews in Google News had a cop chase with the cops dead wife in the trunk, I think "Tim Cooks" cancer is spreading. CIA Director Dewey authorizes the Asset to assassinate Deep Dream and CIA Lee, whom he no longer trusts. Stage 4 women at the CIA and 1984 II HQ have been assassinated as they want Los Alamos and Oppenheimer II + III for the Stage 4 Moon Shot, hell with Biden's gas engine moon shot rockets ha. Google news story above the movie review was the US military will get a new batch of upgraded nukes next year. No Stage 4 from Los Alamos. Stage 4 women at the CIA and 1984 II HQ have been assassinated as they want Los Alamos and Oppenheimer II + III for the Stage 4 Moon Shot. Hillary is the only woman the 1984 II Dictators can trust to stifle a Stage 4 Moon Shot with Los Alamos. CIA Lee kills CIA director Dewey before he can shoot Bourne. In the real world 1K Stage 4 women will die every day from the CIA Directors orders not to order the Op No Gas Stations On Earth via the LEAK of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. WOW!! Bourne asks for time to consider Lee's offer to come in, but leaves a iPhone 007 video recording of her conversation with New CIA director Russell of a double cross on Bourne. CIA director is General Petraeus (Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; In office September 6, 2011 – November 9, 2012) with mistress and wife; all driving a gas engine cars that could have won the Iraqi War before General Petraeus shipped out!! Scam by General Petraeus to go to war... Scam's to go to war are many and will make a good movie. Stage 4 women have died by the 100 thousands the last decade of CIA directors telling them we will get a Rx Recipe Overnight Miracle Cure without taking over all of Los Alamos and brainstorming with Greg + Wives in Key West who are our POW's! But knowing they can't! Without Greg + Wives in Key West. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat was not written into the plot of this Bourne Movie. MD women left out of the movie revealing that Angelina probably is not a real CIA Spy, grin! "Angelina Jolie" movie review can be written up by everyone who just read this as a "Angelina Jolie" - 'Jason Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in the Plot to gain control of all of Los Alamos. Bloody CIA torture before and after they cut off her Breast... Actress Angelina Jolie has undergone a preventive double mastectomy, she revealed Tuesday in The New York Times. Movie will be rated MD not R. "Angelina Jolie" will have live streaming surgery of Breast cut off for the Shock + Awe of Bush scam to go to war when No Gas Stations on Earth would have won the War with Allah + Mecca!

8-1-2016 "Angelina Jolie" - 'Jason Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in it!!!!

8-1-2016 "Angelina Jolie" - 'Jason Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in it!!!!

8-1-2016 "Angelina Jolie" movie will have 5 Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines in action over the Amazon harvesting Cashews and Figs... Russian Military Helicopter Shot Down in Syria, Killing All 5 Aboard" By IVAN NECHEPURENKO 9:52 AM ET The aircraft was hit by ground fire as it returned from a mission to Aleppo, according to a statement from the Russian Defense Ministry. Putin has no comments on the Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines shot down by going to war in Aleppo.

8-1-2016 John McCain Denounces Donald Trump’s Comments on Family of Muslim Soldier when McCain knows that Today 8-1-2016 Muslim Generals in Pakistan are walking up and down their H-Bomb assembly line he help pay for with $777 Trillion in oil revenues!

8-1-2016 No "Broken Glass" ever again IP invention project was broke by this story in the NY Times, not a invention project for glass ha. A Glass Ceiling Now Broken, Is U.S. Ready for a Madam President? By DECLAN WALSH With Hillary Clinton’s historic nomination, Americans are confronting the country’s poor record of putting women in positions of power.

8-1-2016 Today the only elite unit in NYC should be the "Inventors" Unit. "How an Elite New York Police Unit Rehearses for a Terrorist Attack" Day after day, $$$ spending Trillions $$$ officers from the Critical Response Command gather in an old factory in Brooklyn to stage scenarios mirroring terror attacks and mass shootings." By MICHAEL WILSON Scenarios of IP invention projects at the NYC command center at the 155 Story Yale NYC Medical School HQ... yes NASA just put out a alert Jewish Aliens are coming for Emergengy Medical Care, as NYC is the largest population of Earth Jews, grin.

8-1-2016 Jews observe risk at not building the 100 Car NASA Telescope Train to hear Jewish Aliens because "Oil Trains" are being built today by the Top Brass. Pacific Northwest Weighs Response to Risks Posed by Oil Trains "After a derailment in June, Washington and Oregon residents and politicians are questioning whether transporting crude by rail could ever be safe." By KIRK JOHNSON. Crude Kirk in the NY Times on Oil Trains not Super Space Telescope Trains in the NY Times News today a war crime!

7-30-2016 On Inventions Test, MIT Fails to Match Greg + Wives in Key West out in the "Real World"... and MIT has 1,001 iMac Super Computers, grin. And none are in use today for crunching Stage 4 Rx Recipes!!!!

7-30-2016 On English Tests, New York City Students Match Peers Across State... without a $8K MacBook Pro; wait until Greg + Wives in Key West get a MacBook Pro!

Hillary fires Third Nuke at North Korea, thousands of missiles fired into Seoul, set it on fire! Trump will demand she be fired, impeached!

7-30-2016 Goldman says oil's rebalancing remains fragile amid Stage 4 headwinds; General Headwinds of "Drunk on Oil Revenues for War Toys Generals" cheered "Off with their Heads, tits!" Highly Cited: Goldman Sachs says current oil prices are here to stay until the "Stage 4 Headwinds" reach Galactic Strength!! New York Times Co. Reports a Loss, and a Fall in Digital Ad Revenue The New York Times Company posted a net loss for the second of many decades failing Humanity like MIT failed humanity yesterday with the Snake and spider bites can be fatal without the right treatment. Antivenin is hysterically expensive, though, and it needs special storage conditions to last. MIT's device can maintain the yeast at a temperature it likes, until called to produce the necessary substance fresh on demand. Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Antivenin is in all the world's drinking water for free $$$. New York Times ill-conditioned venom read by 1 billion people caused the failed Prohibition II + III coup's and will let Cheney cut in line to get a second heart transplant soon.

7-30-2016 Here's everything we know about Tim Cook not doing a Steve Jobs Moon Shot! This is it! !.

7-30-2016 Here's everything we know about 'Project Titan,' Apple's electric car, first model will be named "Steve Jobs Moon Shot for a Pancreatic Cancer Cure Sports Car..." this is everything we know about 'Project Titan' no tit's... Stage 4 model comes after a successful Steve Jobs Moon Shot Cancer Cure, grin.

7-30-2016 Nobel-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz blasted Apple on Thursday, calling its alleged use of Ireland to avoid taxes "fraud.

7-30-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West blast Tim Cooks hate crimes against Stage 4 women and Steve Jobs II + III dying from cancers today who could have been saved if Steve's Widow took over Apple as CEO... in remembrances to Steve to Cure Cancer ASAP.

7-30-2016 On English Tests, New York City Students Match Peers Across State... without a $8K MacBook Pro, just imagine who will score after every student in NY State gets a $8K MacBook Pro with Genius Tech Support not and never will be in Win 10.2 grin. Bill + Melinda Gates in the real world buy wood burning stoves for students in all of Africa, grin. Nothing for NY students but cost of taking the test... ha.

7-30-2016 On Inventions MIT Fails to Match Greg + Wives in Key West out in the "Real World".

7-30-2016 Keytruda, known to many as “that Jimmy Carter drug” which, combined with surgery and radiation, has left the former president with no sign of recurrence even though melanoma had spread to his liver and brain.

1980 Jimmy Carter invents 1,001 SUV sun screen to prevent melanoma in 1980 inspired by the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Invention.

7-30-2016 Checkpoint inhibitors have become an important option for people like Jimmy Carter setting sail on the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub costing $10 Trillion.

7-30-2016 The drugs free immune cells to fight cancer by blocking a mechanism — called a checkpoint — that cancer uses to shut down the immune system.

7-30-2016 The Politics of War that free Greg + Wives in Key West to Drive the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort into Mecca destroying the Cancer of $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues for Allah; that let American Generals sell you Clean Diesel and not tell you about your kids DNA goings on! Battle Field Deaths at Saint Jude Childrens Hospital will not be in the NY Times until after the war is won.

7-30-2016 How Do You Say ‘Hashtag’ or ‘Shaming’ in Ancient Hebrew? By ISABEL KERSHNER The Academy of the Hebrew Language. How do you say "Stage 4" or "Clean Diesel" in Ancient Hebrew? call Jewish Aliens on a IP invention project not a iPhone 007, grin.

7-30-2016 Hot Air Balloon Crashes in Texas With 16 Aboard; No Survivors Found. A federal official said the balloon caught fire in midair. Public safety officials said it appeared there were no survivors. By CHRISTINE HAUSER Hot Air Balloon Crashes in Texas With 16 Aboard; No Survivors Found...

7-30-2016 1,001 "caught fire" IP invention projects will be written by Greg + Wives from this Texas crash + burn story.

7-30-2016 Coup that Caught Fire is confiscating $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia + BP Oil...


Orwell saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts!

7-29-2016 Imagine... Hillary firing off the Third Nuke after North Korea fires thousands of missiles into Seoul, Trump will demand she be fired, impeached!

7-29-2016 Imagine... On the Day Hillary becomes President hydrogen bomb "North" will be fired into Korea! On August 6, 1945 the US dropped an atomic bomb ("Little Boy") on Hiroshima in Japan. Three days later a second atomic bomb ("Fat Man") was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. Decades after the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort was suppressed by Hillary that would have ended the Koran War in 1980 the third Nuke is launched by the USA.

7-29-2016 Trump will demand she be fired, impeached!

7-29-2016 Imagine... a Portable bioreactor from MIT produces medications, vaccines on-demand, one shot dose at a x amount of time... Masterminds at MIT.

7-29-2016 Imagine... MIT just emailed Dr. Nancy Snyderman thanking her for inventing a way to put medications + vaccines in the worlds drinking water... sorry MIT you failed this one for humanity, grin.

7-29-2016 Imagine... Snake and spider bites can be fatal without the right treatment. Antivenin is hysterically expensive, though, and it needs special storage conditions to last. MIT's device can maintain the yeast at a temperature it likes, until called to produce the necessary substance fresh on demand. Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Antivenin is in all the world's drinking water for free $$$.

7-29-2016 Imagine... "Imagine" by John Lennon in 1980 when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort was invented and suppressed by Jimmy Cater bullied by Teddy Kennedy. "Imagine" all medications + vaccines in the worlds drinking water lyrics by John Lennon! Not something the British Queen stopping by Oxford or Ford would write. How would the 1980 ElectricWindmillEscort have changed all the World's Lyrics????

7-29-2016 Priest Francis 1980 sermons on the Newly Invented 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, thanks God for clean air and no childhood cancers and birth defects by the millions...

7-29-2016 Pope Francis walks through the gates of the "Auschwitz Ford Gas Engine" death + birth defects Plant built by Obama, Hillary, Bush, Carter... same exact poison gas as Bush telling 9/11 clean up workers you don't need to wear a mask or respirator!!

7-29-2016 Pope Francis walks through the gate of the former Nazi German death camp of Auschwitz....

7-29-2016 ...how many Oracle women died in the company data base... None! As Oracle never reported their Stage 4 deaths at every quarters reporting.

7-29-2016 Auschwitz is were Cheney will get his second heart transplant soon and it's about time his first heart transplant fails...

7-29-2016 Pope Francis walks through the gate of the former Nazi German death camp of Auschwitz.... Ford Gas Engine death's haunt Pope Francis, as he hopes and prays God doesn't find out about his Swiss Bank Accounts from Gas Engine profits that millions died from the Obama Propaganda of "Clean Diesel" scam + smog as very poison gas.

7-29-2016 Imagine... MIT just published in Nature Communications: A new project, with funding from DARPA, that has demonstrated the ability to synthesize multiple medications on-demand and as-needed using yeast. The discovery could soon revolutionize our ability to deliver medicine after natural disasters or to remote locations.



...medieval... "Planned Parenthood" tactic's in 2016!!! Put it in the Drinking Water the birth control pill.

7-25-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Next; “Star Trek” “Put to Death" via Stage 4.

7-28-2016 Turkish military faces overhaul after failed coup...

7-28-2016 "Obama Hails Clinton as His Political Heir" ISIS vs Stage 4, Hillary at the State Department not Walter Reed as Beau died, under the bus; pushed into the path of a train in NYC were Stage 4 women in the White House assisted suicide Era. Trump would say Hillary threw her under a bus... stage 4 women. State Department travel warning would have expanded to Stage 4 travel warning under Trump! iWatch alarm would go off until she had her heart rate up to 140 for 30 minutes every single day of the last 8 years saving thousands of deaths of USA women and Iraqi's. Heir to Mother and daughter Stage 4 - Hell No Trump said, you are fired. My Wife and daughter will conquer the world to get a Stage 4 overnight Stage Rx Recipe! Chelsea Clinton has a singular role to play on the final night of the Democratic National Convention here, serving as the very last character witness for the party's nominee - who also happens to be her mother. Heir to Mother and daughter Stage 4 - Hell No Trump said, I will send a donation to Greg + Wives in Key West...

7-28-2016 "President Labels Trump a Threat to New American Values of assisted suicide Era for Stage 4 and MS women" By JONATHAN MARTIN and PATRICK HEALY NY Times.

7-28-2016 Navy Seals faces overhaul after Successful coup... "Stage 4, Rx Recipes Dive Center" will be a new Navy Op!

7-28-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are working on a Coup Turkey's Dictator General will never put down as the women with Stage 4 will win. $777 Trillion to buy all the Rx Recipes world wide and send then to Los Alamos to Oppenheimer II + III

7-28-2016 3,600 of its da Vinci machines in hospitals worldwide. The anticipated future growth - and perceived weaknesses of the current generation of robots - is attracting deep-pocketed rivals, including Medtronic Inc and a startup backed by Johnson & Johnson and Google.

7-28-2016 Ford assembly line coup on da Vinci Robots for surgery built by Ford, grin. Ford starts building assembly lines for da Vinci surgery robots!!

7-28-2016 But robot-assisted surgery can take more of the surgeon's time than traditional procedures, reducing the number of operations doctors can perform. That's turned off some like Dr. Helmuth Billy. Billy was an early adopter of Intuitive's da Vinci system 15 years ago. But equipping its arms with instruments slowed him down. He rarely uses it now. "I like to do five operations a day," Billy said. "If I have to constantly dock and undock da Vinci, it becomes cumbersome."

7-28-2016 "I like to do five operations a day," 15 Billion people on Earth, Ford better take over the surgery assembly as built by Ford, grin.

7-28-2016 Turkish military faces overhaul after failed coup... Ford Too after ElectricWindmillEscort assembly line is up and running...

7-28-2016 ANKARA, Turkey - Turkey is expected to shake up its armed forces on Thursday and dismiss more military officers as it deepens its purge of individuals who the government claims supported a failed coup this month.

7-28-2016 Stag 4 + Donald Trump's Appeal to Russia Shocks Foreign Policy Experts soon Trump will Appeal to Russian Women with Stage 4 to do a totally different Appeal not email hack but Rx Recipe Hacks... New York Times - Donald J. Trump on Wednesday in Doral, Fla. After all the ways that this year's presidential election has made history, Donald J. Trump found a new line to cross - Cross Coup's new H-Bombs on the Los Alamos assembly line today $ costing Trillions world wide. Oil + Water now Emails + Rx Recipes! Trump will put his wife and daughter in charge of Trump's Moon Shot that will leave Biden in the Yale history books as brain dead VP... from the Iraqi War Era. Suppressing No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup by the VP.

7-28-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD asks fans to 'root us on' while she and Taylor Kinney are 'taking a break' from Brainstorming Lyrics about Stage 4 Recipes.

7-28-2016 Castro in Cuba masterminds the best coup ever against the Miami Cubans, a Stage 4 Rx Overnight Recipe Cure... I can hear Miami CBS New report the rioting, ha.

7-28-2016 "Oracle to Acquire NetSuite for $9.3 Billion" New York Times - Oracle's deal for NetSuite will help improve its cloud computing offerings. When Evan M. Goldberg founded NetSuite in 1998, he did so with backing from his former boss, Lawrence J. Ellison, who started the software... how many Oracle women died in the company data base... None! As Oracle never reported their Stage 4 deaths at every quarters reporting.

7-28-2016 "Oracle to Acquire Stage 4 Rx Recipe Suite for $777 Trillion"

7-28-2016 Oracle's Stage 4 Rx Recipe data base would help sell this coup!

7-28-2016 With new Harry Potter release, "Stage 4 Rx Recipes" Mom's lives who will be saved will not complain about Childhoods lost to State 4 Rx Recipes, and they taste better than Girl Scout Cookie Recipes but are much harder to make, grin.

7-28-2016 A new American reconnaissance satellite has made it to orbit to begin the latest secret mission for the U.S. government. The classified NROL-61 satellite launched into space from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida this morning (July 28) at 8 am.



7-26-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's of our 1984 II Dictators I write, well they refused to give me enough money to pay the rent. I rented my last place on Dec. 27 and will be moving back to the Christian Science Church Parking lot on Wed... Vatican received $10 Billion from Saudi King's... Key West Catholic Church will not rent me a bunk bed at the Key West Soup Kitchen, they have 10 empty bunks and will not rent to Greg. I said the Pope took Trillions from the King of Saudi Arabia to many times, grin. Yes the Vatican reads this web page every day in our 1984 II Society. Gravity Engine Invention and the Discovery how God Created Gravity will help Greg + Wives in Key West get out of being homeless + sleeping in a parking lot... grin!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com cell phone 305 434 5276

So going to put this Acer Cloudbook pc into storage as the City of Key West Blacks who work for Community Service cut the cables off my bike basket and took my pc the last time I was homeless. Key West Storage is hit and miss when they are open to get my Notebook and put it back before they close so will not be updating this web on Wed July 27 or July 28. All lost IP invention projects I fail to write up are war crimes by our 1984 II dictators... grin. Along with the Clean Diesel Childhood cancers and birth defects...

7-26-2016 Time for the Vatican to start up the Ford - ElectricWindmillEscort 2017 assembly line in Paris + Rome $$$ No Gas Stations on Earth Op Coup will bankrupt Mecca and Allah.

7-26-2016 "Attack on Church in France Kills Priest, and ISIS Is Blamed" By BENOÎT MORENNE and HANNAH OLIVENNES 28 minutes ago President François Hollande said the Islamic State was behind the assault at a church about 65 miles northwest of Paris, the latest in a series that has left Europe stunned, fearful and angry.

7-26-2016 Time for the Vatican to start up the Ford - ElectricWindmillEscort 2017 assembly line in Paris + Rome $$$ No Gas Stations on Earth Op Coup will bankrupt Mecca and Allah.

7-26-2016 NY Times story on Peru is just like OJ as Suzanne Daley at the NY Times knows about Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines...

7-26-2016 Peru Scrambles to Drive Out Illegal Gold Mining and Save Precious Land By SUZANNE DALEY NY Times A force of Peru marines and rangers is masterminded by some oil man in the USA as this mentality is a cancer when Peru Marines should be on the assembly line building the Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines to Harvest the Cashew and fruits of Peru worth more than all the Gold in Peru.

7-26-2016 NY Times story on Peru is just like OJ as Suzanne Daley at the NY Times knows about Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines...

7-26-2016 Japan - slit the throats of patients as they slept...

7-26-2016 USA - slit the throats of SWF's as they slept naive of the OJ Clone's created by Obama...

7-26-2016 Police asked the Federal Bureau of Investigation for help last year... 1984 II Dictators are the masterminds of all these murders...

7-26-2016 Mari Gilbert, who also lived in Ellenville, had been trying for years to solve the mystery of what happened to another daughter, Shannan Gilbert of Jersey City, an aspiring actress who also worked as a prostitute and was 24 when she disappeared in May 2010. While searching for her, the police found the remains of 10 people — eight women, a man and a toddler — mostly along Ocean Parkway. Shannan Gilbert’s remains were subsequently found off Gilgo Beach in Babylon in December 2011. Suffolk County police officials have said they believe Ms. Gilbert wandered aimlessly after leaving a client’s home and wound up in the marshy area, while the others may have been the victims of a serial killer. None of the murders have been solved, and the police asked the Federal Bureau of Investigation for help last year. In their search for Ms. Gilbert, who was 24 then, investigators found the remains of 10 other victims, including 8 women, a toddler and a man wearing women’s clothing, raising the specter of a serial killer of prostitutes. Each victim had a possible connection to the sex trade, said Richard Dormer, the Suffolk County police commissioner. (The toddler, whose body was discovered on April 4, is believed to be the child of a prostitute whose remains were found miles down Ocean Parkway. A woman whose daughter’s disappearance in 2010 ultimately led the authorities to unearth 11 bodies — her daughter’s and 10 others — along a desolate seaside highway on Long Island, was found dead on Saturday in upstate New York, and her younger daughter was charged with killing her, the police said. Mari Gilbert, 52, was found dead around 2:15 p.m. in the Ellenville apartment of her daughter Sarra Elizabeth Gilbert, according to the Ellenville Police Department. The younger Ms. Gilbert, 27, was charged with second-degree murder.

7-26-2016 Police asked the Federal Bureau of Investigation for help last year... 1984 II Dictators are the masterminds of all these murders...

7-26-2016 ...nine men and 10 women were dead in the worst mass killing in Japan since World War II...

7-26-2016 Here are the two groups who are receiving $1 million each from Michael Jordan" Washington Post - "Michael Jordan's announcement Monday that he was donating $2 million to improve social justice - Blood Money for all the Cut Throat OJ Clones Obama created in the last years Putin can't hack and leak yet... ha.

7-26-2016 Here are the two Hundred thousand groups and individuals who are receiving $1 Trillion each from Saudi Arabia, Mecca, Allah in the USA... Vatican received $10 Billion from Saudi King's... Key West Catholic Church will not rent me a bunk bed at the Key West Soup Kitchen, they have 10 empty bunks and will not rent to Greg. I said the Pope took Trillions from the King of Saudi Arabia to many times, grin.

7-26-2016 Here are the two groups who are receiving $1 million each from Michael Jordan" Washington Post - "Michael Jordan's announcement Monday that he was donating $2 million to improve social justice - Blood Money for all the Cut Throat OJ Clones Obama created in the last years Putin can't hack and leak yet... ha.

7-26-2016 Here is a Journalists who got $1 million from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to write Win 10 is better than Apple... "I'm not going back to Apple after using Windows 10 for a year" Business Insider - In fact, I like the Windows 10/Surface Book combo better than any of the many MacBooks I've ever owned since I went all-Apple around 2008. In many ways, I'm more productive and a much happier computer-user on Windows 10.

7-26-2016 Japan - slit the throats of patients as they slept...

7-26-2016 USA - slit the throats of SWF's as they slept naive of the OJ Clone's created by Obama...

7-26-2016 ...nine men and 10 women were dead in the worst mass killing in Japan since World War II...

7-26-2016 New York Times wrote up the Japan story of the throat cutting but censors the women yesterday who's throat's were cut by OJ Clones... we all know it happened and we all know our 1984 II Dictators keep the murdered women by OJ in July 2016 censored at the NY Times.

7-26-2016 The suspect, Satoshi Uematsu, 26, calmly turned himself in at a nearby police station a half-hour later

7-26-2016 OJ the suspect, calmly drove around LA for hours and hours...

7-26-2016 ... a grudge against his former employer....

7-26-2016 ... a grudge against his former wife...

7-26-2016 Mr. Uematsu 26, had worked for four years as a care giver at the center, a residential facility in the Tanzawa Mountains about 40 miles west of Tokyo. The center has 149 long-term residents who receive assistance with eating, bathing and the arts. It was unclear when Mr. Uematsu developed his ideas about disabled people, but there were several disturbing episodes

7-26-2016 Peru Scrambles to Drive Out Illegal Gold Mining and Save Precious Land By SUZANNE DALEY NY Times A force of Peru marines and rangers is masterminded by some oil man in the USA as this mentality is a cancer when Peru Marines should be on the assembly line building the Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines to Harvest the Cashew and fruits of Peru worth more than all the Gold in Peru.

7-26-2016 NY Times story on Peru is just like OJ as Suzanne Daley at the NY Times knows about Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines...



7-25-2016 ...medieval... propaganda Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts tactic's!

7-25-2016 ...medieval... propaganda Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts tactic's!

7-25-2016 ...medieval... The "Real World" has 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts on the assembly line today!

7-25-2016 ...medieval... Years Before Truck Rampage in Nice, Attacker Wasn’t ‘Living in the Real World’ By ADAM NOSSITER, ALISSA J. RUBIN and LILIA BLAISE NY Times.

7-25-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's of our 1984 II Dictators I write...

7-25-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's of our 1984 II Dictators I write, well they refused to give me enough money to pay the rent. I rented my last place on Dec. 27 and will be moving back to the Christian Science Church Parking or lot on Wed. July 27th. I spent $7K on rent the last 7 months in Key West. Out of money Today. Catholic Church will not rent me a bunk bed at the Key West Soup Kitchen, they have 10 empty bunks and will not rent to Greg. I said the Pope took Trillions from the King of Saudi Arabia to many times, grin. So going to put this Acer Cloudbook pc into storage as the City of Key West Blacks who work for Community Service cut the cables off my bike basket and took my pc the last time I was homeless. Key West Storage is hit and miss when they are open so will not be updating this web on Wed July 27 or July 28. All lost inventions are war crimes by our 1984 II dictators... grin.

7-25-2016 Stage 4 Coup is still in the works... “Star Trek” “Beyond” and Next Movie will be titled; “Put to Death" via Stage 4 1984 II Dictators; a war crime!

7-25-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's of our 1984 II Dictators I write... City of Key West Blacks who work for Community Service cut the cables off my bike basket and took my pc the last time I was homeless. I filed a stolen computer police complaint and when I went to pick it up a week later the cops wrote it up as lost computer... 1984 II Society.

7-25-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's of our 1984 II Dictators I write... this Acer Cloudbook cost $220 with shipping and its a year old and going out... soon. So if I don't update this web every few days you know my Acer pc died... just to let you know.

7-25-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's of our 1984 II Dictators I write...

7-25-2016 NY Times front page story today about Russian Hacking of Clinton emails and giving them to Wikileaks to leak them... so why didn't the Russians, Putin leak Clinton was given syphilis by Bill? iPhone 7 will be out on or about my 69th BDay on Sept. 27th with no iapps to save her life from OJ clones or even a alert you caller has syphilis, STD, HIV... hackers are headlines every day so why can't women find out who will give them syphilis? This story is in the Key West Citizen Newspaper too I just read it. There must be thousands in Key West with Syphilis, HIV, STD, MS virus. How the Hell can we get Putin to hack and leak these MD medical records emails?

"As Democrats Gather, a Russian Subplot Raises Intrigue" By DAVID E. SANGER and NICOLE PERLROTH Researchers have concluded that the Democratic National Committee was breached by two Russian intelligence agencies, and metadata from the released emails suggests that the documents passed through Russian computers. And Putin did it to help Trump.

7-25-2016 Yahoo for Jewish Aliens Moon Shot to build a 100 car space telescope train to hear them talking about Hillary alienating finding Jewish Aliens when her daughter married a Jewish Man from Earth... Hillary Clinton’s Team Seeks a Balance: Celebrating Women Without Alienating Men - Hillary is Alienating the Universe every star in the Galaxy and the nearest 52 stars to Earth that are all inhabited by Jewish Aliens, grin.

7-25-2016 Yahoo was once the king of the Internet, a $125 billion behemoth as big in its time as Facebook or Google are today. Now it's being sold to Verizon

7-25-2016 Saudi Arabia, Mecca was once the King + God of Oil. a $777 Trillion Behemoth as big in its time as the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort is Tomorrow.

7-25-2016 LONDON Oil prices fell on Monday, holding near two-month lows amid worries that a global glut of crude and refined products would weigh on markets for some time.

7-25-2016 London Amid worries of Holocaust II + III war crime trails in London next year Elite Refined Oxford Grads feel the full weight of the invention of the Gravity Engine, before we know how gravity is generated.

7-25-2016 ...medieval... Iraqi Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts tactic's!

7-25-2016 ...medieval... Iraqi Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts tactic's!

7-25-2016 BAGHDAD - The Iraqi military will use a medieval tactic to keep control of Fallujah after recapturing it from the Islamic State group last month: It is digging a trench around the city.

7-25-2016 ...medieval... Iraqi Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts tactic's!

7-25-2016 ...medieval... Iraqi Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts tactic's!

7-25-2016 Alcohol Consumption Linked to 7 Types of Cancer, Research Finds.

7-25-2016 Stage 4 Coup is still in the works... “Star Trek” “Beyond” and Next Movie will be titled; “Put to Death" via Stage 4 1984 II Dictators; a war crime!

7-25-2016 Alcohol Consumption Linked to 7 Types of Cancer, Research Finds. Coors is linked to DNA cancers via alcohol + Oil's poison exhaust.

7-25-2016 ...medieval... Prohibition + Clean Diesel tactic's in the war to get Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts on the Ford assembly line with 100's of millions of assemblers working 6 days a week, grin. No time for a Coors!

7-25-2016 ...medieval... propaganda Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts tactic's!

7-25-2016 ...medieval... propaganda Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts tactic's!

7-25-2016 ...medieval... The Real World has 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts on the assembly line today!

7-25-2016 ...medieval... Years Before Truck Rampage in Nice, Attacker Wasn’t ‘Living in the Real World’ By ADAM NOSSITER, ALISSA J. RUBIN and LILIA BLAISE Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who killed 84 people in France

7-25-2016 In 1980 the French Elite shut down the Ford Assembly line in Nice... By ADAM NOSSITER, ALISSA J. RUBIN and LILIA BLAISE Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who killed 84 people in France, had long displayed a propensity for violence, and his life appears to show how the unstable have latched on to Islamic State propaganda.

7-25-2016 ...medieval... propaganda Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts tactic's!

7-25-2016 ...medieval... propaganda Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts tactic's!

7-25-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Next; “Star Trek” “Put to Death" via Stage 4.

7-25-2016 ...to celebrate the Euphoria of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Invention!

7-25-2016 ...medieval... propaganda Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts tactic's!

...medieval... "Planned Parenthood" tactic's in 2016!!! Put it in the Drinking Water the birth control pill Dr. Nancy Snyderman would say - if it works put it in the water. She can take a pill when she wants to have a baby! "Planned Parenthood Turns to Reach a Younger Audience" By MARTHA C. WHITE In a departure from traditional marketing, the organization’s 100th anniversary ad campaign features 1,001 IP invention projects - 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine - One being put it in the drinking water, no women will get pregnant until they take a pill. This will win a Nobel in Medicine but will not be an ad by Planned Parenthood" or a IP invention project by our 1984 II Dictators any time soon.

7-24-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” and Next Movie will be titled; “Put to Death" via Stage 4 1984 II Dictators Script” Emotional world premiere; "1980 Stag 4 Rx Cure's" Death was Masterminded by Jimmy Carter bullied by Teddy Kennedy + $777 Trillion in Saudi Oil $$$. Paramount didn’t get the great word of mouth out until late 2016 when Hillary fell asleep driving after listening to Bidens Moon Shot lecture at Yale.

7-24-2016 "At Fox News, Kisses, Innuendo, Propositions and Fears of Reprisal" By JIM RUTENBERG, EMILY STEEL and JOHN KOBLIN Women “Put to Death" via Stage 4 from 1980 to Christmas Day 2016... write the editorials!

7-24-2016 "At The New York Times and CBS Nightly News, Kisses, Innuendo, Propositions and Fears of Reprisal" By JIM RUTENBERG, EMILY STEEL and JOHN KOBLIN Women “Put to Death" via Stage 4 from 1980 to Christmas Day 2016... write the editorials!

Democrats, Looking Past Obama, Are a Party Without a Cause...

Hillary, Looking Past Obama, Is a Woman Without a Cause...

Fox News, NY Times, CBS, Looking Past Obama, Are at a 1984 II Party Without a Cause...

7-24-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Next; “Star Trek” “Put to Death" via Stage 4.

7-24-2016 Star Trek “Put to Death" by Stage 4 Oil Men is out of date, Beyond its healthy 83% giving Cheney a Heart Transplant but not women in the same health. Total positive Stage 4 Coup Women with a very good word of mouth recommendation to spend Mecca's $777 Trillion on a 2016 Christmas Day Stage 4 Rx Recipe Party. Fast Tracked Movie to get a Rx Recipe Overnight Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day, not your 1984 II George Orwell Dictators Moon Shot, grin!

7-24-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Next; “Star Trek” “Put to Death" via Stage 4.

7-24-2016 Stage 4 Coup seizes more than 22K institutions including the Pentagon, as post-coup intensifies after Clinton picked a Biden Clone; a man who will put to death 40K SWF with Stage 4 in his first year as VP... a war crime! A man who woo's women to their tortured death in Spanish so the English Only MD's have no idea she has Stage 4... no compendia.

7-24-2016 Pope Francis as Nuns Fall Dead from Stage 4 will Pope Francis support the Stage 4 Coup? "As Nuns' Numbers Fall, Pope Says OK to Use Social Media" New York Times - VATICAN CITY.

7-24-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Next; “Star Trek” “Put to Death" via Stage 4.

7-24-2016 Stage 4 in Paris + Vienna goes viral on Facebook... "A Sequel to the Paris Climate Accord Takes Shape in Vienna" Fox News is in the news about sex not Stage 4. Sequel to Sex is Stage 4 at Fox News reported in Paris and Vienna. Coup in Turkey took over the Nightly News, we need this Sequel to start the Stage 4 Coup World Wide. Biden's Moon Shot will "Put to Death Millions of Stage 4 Women" when a Rx Recipe fast tracked will be a Godsend for this Christmas Day 2016... 2 million men will sit in the Mosque in Mecca on Christmas Day 2016 thanks to the Pentagon fast tracking the new construction.

7-24-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Next; “Star Trek” “Put to Death" via Stage 4.

7-24-2016 Ask a women with Stage 4... How Fast Is Earth Moving? Space.com A new time-lapse videos combines 3,000 images from the DSCOVR satellite's EPIC camera to show a year of Earth's rotation, as seen from a million miles away.

7-24-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Next; “Star Trek” “Put to Death" via Stage 4.

7-24-2016 Ask a women with Stage 4... How Fast Is Earth Moving? iPhone 7 will be out on or about my 69th BDay on Sept. 27th with no iapps to save her life from OJ clones or even a alert you caller has syphilis, STD, HIV... hackers are headlines every day so why can't women find out who will give them syphilis?

7-24-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Next; “Star Trek” “Put to Death" via Stage 4.

7-24-2016 Turkey seizes more than 2200 institutions as post-coup crackdown intensifies Washington Post - ISTANBUL - In a new tactic against

7-24-2016 Mandy Miles writes in Tan Lines today... "I realize we women put ourselves through some seemingly unnecessary torture..." Mandy is light years from Stage 4 tortured death Biden Put to Death 40K in 2016... sorry Mandy I'm just trying to get out of my "Torture Device" invented by George Orwell 2016.

7-24-2016 In 2016 some of the Stage 4 women did the same thing Greg did but died because of it. What Greg did was not see a MD because Medicare wants $150 deductible and most MD's will not see you until you pay. So Greg waited until July 22 to see a MD. Women on Medicare, many did the same thing putting off paying the $150 deductible and some will die of Stage 4 by Christmas 2016 because Medicare did this. Medicare takes $99 a month our for Medicare out of your Social Security so by July 2016 they took out $700 but would not let Greg or the Women with Stage 4 see a MD until they paid another $150 in the Doctors office. This was masterminded by our 1984 II Dictators who have $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. Sick!

7-24-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Next; “Star Trek” “Put to Death" via Stage 4.

7-24-2016 "At Fox News, Kisses, Innuendo, Propositions and Fears of Reprisal" By JIM RUTENBERG, EMILY STEEL and JOHN KOBLIN Women “Put to Death" via Stage 4 from 1980 to Christmas Day 2016... write the editorials!

7-24-2016 "At The New York Times and CBS Nightly News, Kisses, Innuendo, Propositions and Fears of Reprisal" By JIM RUTENBERG, EMILY STEEL and JOHN KOBLIN Women “Put to Death" via Stage 4 from 1980 to Christmas Day 2016... write the editorials!

7-24-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Next; “Star Trek” “Put to Death" via Stage 4.

7-24-2016 Ford Assembly line in trouble fast tracking the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscots... Dancing, Drugs, Extremism _ Multiple Lives of Nice Attacker - Munich Killer Was Troubled, but Had No Terrorist Ties, Germany Says. Berlin Elite have no comments on the Ford 1980 ElectricWindmillEscort assembly line. A war crime!

7-24-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Next; “Star Trek” “Put to Death" via Stage 4.


7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Really a overkill in the action scene's of 777 trillion missiles like; Bush firing trillions not thousands at Baghdad.

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 Spock "Tracks" his girlfriend with a GPS locator in her iNecklace, great invention for iNecklace but Tim Cook did his personal portrayal of women as "lizard faced" Obama or Trump portrayed the "Black Man + Women" in the Star Trek the Black Man as the Vet who is out to kill everyone at Pentagon Federation HQ! Black women who gets the Medal of Honor as he writes the script for the ending of the movie. Doctor Bones + Spock are not Miss Universe MD or the Admirals Daughter who got her MD for this movie. Spock (Zachary Quinto) and Uhura (Zoe Saldana) experience some love trouble. Spock and Bones (Karl Urban) take their bickering what is your favorite color to K12 grade school bully conversations not genius kids conversations they will rule the next generations of star treks, there is no Physics from CERN in their bickering about how gravity is generated in Quarks. Scotty (Mr. Pegg) provide technical support and comic relief, almost like a Microsoft Engineer who just got Win 10 and now has to upgrade Win 3 to get it to boot up. Transport you from here to there and no tech talk even SF brainstorming how they do it like the bully conversations of kids today. Nothing to Ponder. Nemesis and a new ally. The big baddie is a murderous Black warlord named Krall - taked from the Movie independence Day II - The Black Star Trek Vet who is out to kill his generals at the Pentagon Federation HQ. Win 3 fails and is repaired in the nick of time. Highly complicated imaginary on the iMac Super Computer tracks makes visible 777 Trillion missiles at the USS Jimmy Carter Sub Dock. Really overkill in 777 trillion missiles like Bush fired trillions more on the opening night of Baghdad when he had the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort back in Texas, Earth. Wow! Now we can get some idea of how much money $777 Trillion is... We can get iMac super computers at every Starbucks café Table in the World and still have trillions left $$$ NYC Giant Star trek Space Station HQ is half destroyed by these 777 trillion missiles, how they destroy 777 missiles fired by the Black Vet is by radio waves or a tune by Lennon, no a Acid Rock Song. iMac super computers simulation of the frequency was not written into the action scene. Like a cardiac arrest and heart attack frequency for Genius who want to see what the difference is. So much for whats going on in your frontal lobes with 100 new areas mapped out. Pondering why the Black Star Treks Vet wants to killed everyone with his 777 Trillion missiles... is no Brainard. He didn't get to work on the Ford assembly line so he worked on the missile assembly line. Pentagon assigned him to missiles when he wanted to Build Ford Cars and trucks, new on the assembly line. I missed the Admirals Blond Bombshell daughter, I kept looking for her and the Miss Universe women, none were in this movie on purpose. The only beautiful women in the movie, Kurt had to kill her, point blank looking into her eyes! Tim Cook must have had this fantasy killing some beautiful women, or Elton John... grin. “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness” of men's soul why they hate women like Tim Cook and Elton John and help to write Star Trek movies like Beyond. Legal Polygamous Marriage in the Next Star Trek movie will have conversations that are like Bush 777 Trillion Baghdad missiles and the Black Vets 777 Trillion missiles aimed at the Pentagon Federation HQ for gas station hold ups as the only job he could get. When he would have loved working on a Ford assembly line. $777 Trillion dollars confiscated from Saudi Arabia and Mecca will get us Genius Doctors with iMac Super Computers, not what is your favorite color lines. In the Next Star Trek Movie. Dr. Lady Gaga as a real MD who really passed Yale and Harvard Medical School. And has all 3 years on YouTube. When he would have loved working on a Ford assembly line next to his wife or working with many wives writing a Noble Novel or Nobel Star Trek Movie the Next One like the Next Computer Steve Jobs built and being Orwellian he sent one to the Bookstore I worked at unpacking textbooks by the trillions... grin. Yes I read every textbook in the University book store. Now to work inventing 777 trillion cures with as many Orwellian Wives! Observe 777 trillion Jewish Aliens with a new telescope the Pope can't stop from being invented - brainstormed. Live streaming on Facebook and YouTube, grin. 777 Trillion ideas will be needed to see Jewish Aliens in a telescope that can be invented by Greg + Wives in Key West.

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Really a overkill in the action scene's of 777 trillion missiles like; Bush firing trillions not thousands at Baghdad.

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 777 trillion ideas Rx Recipes and none in Star Trek Beyond for a Breast Cancer Rx Recipe, Bones ask Spock what is favorite color, this is a hate crime against women when you think about who what men wrote and directed this Star Trek Movie and their motive!

7-23-2016 Stage 4 women need to sue our 1984 II Dictators to buy all the Rx Recipes there are!! And crunch them at Los Alamos!! U.S. Sues to Block Anthem-Cigna and Aetna-Humana Mergers The Justice Department contends that allowing the mergers would quash competition, leading to higher prices for consumers and reducing their benefits. By LESLIE PICKER and REED ABELSONU.S. Sues to Block Anthem-Cigna and Aetna-Humana Mergers Stage 4 women need to sue our 1984 II Dictators to buy all the Rx Recipes there are!! And crunch them at Los Alamos!!

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Really a overkill in the action scene's of 777 trillion missiles like; Bush firing trillions not thousands at Baghdad.

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 Stage 4 women need to sue our 1984 II Dictators for the Broadway Play "Hamilton" instead of the Broadway Play "Stage 4" hit!

7-23-2016 777 trillion barrels of Norway Oil got these 77 killed...

7-23-2016 Aspen, got $777 Trillion for City Parks from Saudi Arabia... got these 77 killed.

7-23-2016 HELSINKI - Norway paid an emotional tribute Friday to the 77 people killed in a bombing-and-shooting rampage five years ago, with church services and other events marking what the prime minister called “one of the darkest days in Norwegian history.

7-23-2016 777 trillion barrels of Norway Oil got these 77 killed...

7-23-2016 777 trillion barrels of Norway Oil got these 77 killed... someone in Norway, Helsinki HQ wrote the 777 trillion barrels of oil into their lives in our Universe. This will be a war crime in the Next Movie.

7-23-2016 777 trillion barrels of Norway Oil got these 77 killed...

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Really a overkill in the action scene's of 777 trillion missiles like; Bush firing trillions not thousands at Baghdad.

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 Room for Debate ‘Boring’ Choice of VP the Right One for Clinton? Tim Kaine is a clone of Biden and at Yale will put some students driving home to fall asleep and die after listening to his lecture, debate if this is a war crime for killing a few Yale students just graduating with a boring lecture.... and so boring Biden never had a IP invention project to keep you from falling asleep at the wheel driving a gas engine car. War Crimes by 1984 Elite at Yale will be Debated!!

7-23-2016 Stage 4 women's coup...

7-23-2016 Biden - Obama Denies U.S. Involvement in Coup Attempt by Stage 4 women in the USA...

7-23-2016 Jimmy Carter said we need Los Alamos H-Bombs on the assembly line today for the fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs... sorry Ladies!

7-23-2016 Stage 4 women's coup... Stage 4 women want this area in Trump Tower for a Brainstorming Think Tank... Disputed Benches Quietly Return to Trump Tower. After months of arguing whether or not Trump Tower was required to provide public seating, workers reinstalled benches recently in the Manhattan building’s lobby. By MATT A.V. CHABAN

7-23-2016 Stage 4 women's coup...The uproar over Melania Trump’s speech this week telling the world Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's of Vietnam Vets stifled from brainstorming a Rx Recipe for Stage 4.

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Really a overkill in the action scene's of 777 trillion missiles like; Bush firing trillions not thousands at Baghdad.

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 Turkish leaders allege that supporters of a U.S.-based cleric, Fethullah Gulen, infiltrated state agencies and groomed loyalists in a vast network of private schools as part of an elaborate, long-term plan to take over the country.

7-23-2016 Stage 4 women's coup... to take over the USA not Turkey or the British. Oxford women who have died from Stage 4 or have Stage 4 today die martyr's for Queen + Country, grin.

7-23-2016 777 Trillion jobs for 5 billion people stifled by 1984 II Dictators... "Is China Stealing Jobs? It May Be Losing Them, Instead" By MICHAEL SCHUMAN With a slowing domestic economy, rising costs and stiffer foreign competition, China’s laborers are losing jobs, including to the United States. Mike at the NY Times will have a job at his war crimes trial... grin. 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts + 100 Super Space Telescopes trains will create 777 Trillion jobs in China. Why Stifle this, they have syphilis in their frontal lobes caught from BP Oil men... ha. 777K MD are working in Mecca not Africa or China.

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Really a overkill in the action scene's of 777 trillion missiles like; Bush firing trillions not thousands at Baghdad.

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 I went to a Urologists yesterday, icam's into the blader on Aug. 10th. UI from the stress of being water boarded 777 trillion times in Key West, stressed out writing this web page, grin. I have been stressed out; alienated from 777 trillion conversations when I know I would have gotten a IP invention project with every 100 brainstorming conversations with many women on a white sandy beach in Key West... in her bikini of course. Gravity Qaurks in Sand... inspire. God's best invention is Women!

7-23-2016 She is the dermatologist with the Miss Universe Organization, recently sold by Donald Trump, not to sound too clichéd, but we are an organization run by women that supports women, and standing up and doing what’s right. This was a no-brainer for us.” “I went to her for all the usual cosmetic things, but this was different,” says Dee Dee Ricks, a hedge fund consultant and cancer-patient advocate who documented her battle with breast cancer in the HBO special “The Education of Dee Dee Ricks.” Ms. Ricks had a blister on her toe that wouldn’t go away. Another dermatologist had told her it was probably nothing, but if it didn’t heal in a few weeks she should come in and have it examined again. Ms. Ricks ignored it. Then one day, she was seeing Dr. Karcher for a Botox session and mentioned the blister. “Cheryl looked at it, and I saw all the color drain out of her face,” Ms. Ricks says. “‘Let’s biopsy this right now,’ Cheryl said. It turned out to be Stage 3 melanoma.” Ms. Ricks lost her toe, but says “Cheryl saved my life.” Star Trek Beyond II + III movies will have real life SF cures. Dr. Karcher is a pretty blond physician at the top of her game, with a lot of well-to-do clients. Star Trek movies at NOT at the top of their game writing and directing them! A SWAT team in military garb converged on Dr. Karcher. The receptionist started crying, and the office manager screamed, “Wait, you’ve got the wrong girl.” It was not about a medical assistant. They did not have the wrong girl. “Celebrity Doctor Indicted for Illegal Possession of Prescription Meds,” blared The New York Post, which labeled her the “Pill-Popping Celebrity Dermatologist.” The New York Times (which in May had just featured Dr. Karcher in an article discussing a new fat-zapping ultrasound treatment whose pain level could be quelled with Percocet) reported that she was involved in an alleged drug “scheme.” She was led off in handcuffs and brought to the Police Department’s 19th Precinct.


7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” Really a overkill in the action scene's of 777 trillion missiles like; Bush firing trillions not thousands at Baghdad.

7-23-2016 “Star Trek” “Beyond” follows its immediate predecessors, “Star Trek” and “Into Darkness”

7-23-2016 Aspen, got $777 Trillion for City Parks not $550K like BP Oil gave Key West, and they spent it on a City Park Crew; grin. Like Aspen the City of Key West never had any thoughts to Mastermind a Hemingway Writing Class on his BDay coming up next week on 21 July 2016 with 100's of MacBook Pro's BP Oil could buy... for less than $550K grin.

7-22-2016 Americans who feel that their "Universe" is spiraling out of control!!

7-22-2016 Ivanka Trump’s "sunny" portrait of Proxima Centauri on her iMac Super Computer at Starbucks Trump Tower *.*

7-22-2016 Envisioning Donald Trump’s Universe of 777 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens...

7-22-2016 By PATRICK HEALY and JONATHAN MARTIN Donald J. Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination with an unusually vehement appeal to Americans who feel that their country is spiraling out of control. Universe of 777 Trillion Galaxies and Trillions of Jewish Aliens is expanding into empty space at millions of miles per hour - this is because the USA's 1984 II Orwellian Dictators have Syphilis in their frontal lobes, they are spinning out of control sex addicts that infected Hillary with Syphilis, MS Virus and torture millions with Breast Cancer. World wide.

7-22-2016 Ivanka Trump’s "sunny" portrait of Proxima Centauri on her iMac Super Computer at Starbucks Trump Tower *.*

7-22-2016 Ivanka Trump’s "sunny" portrait of her father was almost unrecognizable... Ivanka's iMac super computer simulation of our Sun's Fussion that will burn for 4 Billion years and the Sun nearby; Proxima Centauri who's fusion will burn for 4 Trillion years is what is UNrecognizable in our 1984 II Society educated by Yale and Harvard.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!

7-22-2016 Jewish Aliens are Spinning out of control!! And Israeli Defense Minister Compares Beloved Palestinian Poet to Hitler in Todays NY Times. Stars and Stripes headlines on the other hand has transcripts from Jewish Aliens on the front page, grin.

7-22-2016 Americans who feel that their "Universe" is spiraling out of control!!

7-22-2016 Ivanka Trump’s "sunny" portrait of Proxima Centauri on her iMac Super Computer at Starbucks Trump Tower *.*

7-22-2016 Envisioning Donald Trump’s Universe of 777 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens...

7-22-2016 Eve donned her sexy honeymoon evening apparel: quick-dry underwear and a headlamp. Adam read “The River of Doubt,” about Theodore Roosevelt’s traumatic expedition to map one of the Amazon’s tributaries. I read “Confessions of Rousseau and Tolstoy" squinting, raising his hand to block the beam of photons from 777 trillion galaxies observed by 100 car telescope space train blown up by the worlds defense ministers. Pope + Galileo published his Sidereus Nuncius (Starry Messenger), describing the surprising observations that he had made with the new telescope, under house arrest too. There wasn’t anything in his Roosevelt book about soul-mates or in the Popes books in Latin. Physics conversations for the honeymoon book has not been written yet. Lying on a tarp in the jungle that night, we felt entirely useless and infantile, unable to eat or walk without a Universe Guide. So we stitched together a false reality where we played important roles as comforter and protector, as receiver of comfort and beneficiary of protection. Not knowing what and who is out in the Universe. At a time when Physics of Time and Gravity are about to make headlines our future in the Universe felt tenuous, we went ahead and created it, chattering about how many Galaxies we will travel to as Soul-Mates. Writing the Next Star Trek movie, Star Trek Soul-Mates movie. Universe Lovers for Better or Worst Marriage!

7-22-2016 Americans who feel that their "Universe" is spiraling out of control!!

7-22-2016 Ivanka Trump’s "sunny" portrait of Proxima Centauri on her iMac Super Computer at Starbucks Trump Tower *.*

7-22-2016 Envisioning Donald Trump’s Universe of 777 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens...

7-22-2016 Boeing Supersonic Mach 15, 747 by Christmas 2016... cost $777 Trillion confiscated from Mecca.

7-22-2016 Same $777 Trillion dollar Coup would give us a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016.

7-22-2016 Boeing said Thursday that it will take more than $2 billion in after-tax write-offs as it absorbs the costs of well-publicized stumbles on three programs: the 787 Dreamliner, the 747-8 jumbo jet and a refueling tanker for the U.S.

7-22-2016 Biden could have used the $777 Trillion he spent on Iraq War to buy out Boeing for NASA $$$ Coup would give us a Supersonic Mach 15 747 by Christmas 2016.Biden could have used the $777 Trillion he spent on Iraq War to buy out Boeing for NASA $$$ Coup would give us a Supersonic Mach 15, 747 by Christmas 2016.

7-22-2016 Ernest Hemingway's BDay present is the 1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort coming off the Ford Assembly line Today!

7-22-2016 Ernest Hemingway's BDay present Nobel Novel writing class at the Hemingway House Today on iMac Super Computers with a invention project in every chapter. Hemingway "Beyond" the new Star Trek Movie Greg will watch as the Hemingway House Writing Class has been cancelled by the Key West Admirals for War off the coast of "Oil Keys" near Saudi Arabia.

7-22-2016 Galvin Long's mother ...who shot and killed three law-enforcement officers in Baton Rouge says her son would "pretty much lose it" when he heard about a black man being shot by police.

7-22-2016 1984 II Dictators are 1984 George Orwellian and inciting police shootings as more Wives were shot by Galvin Long's Clones coming home from Iraq Wars than cops and none are Viral on Facebook and YouTube but censored from our 1984 II Society by the Pentagon.

7-22-2016 Americans who feel that their "Universe" is spiraling out of control!!

7-22-2016 Ivanka Trump’s "sunny" portrait of Proxima Centauri on her iMac Super Computer at Starbucks Trump Tower *.*

7-22-2016 Envisioning Donald Trump’s Universe of 777 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens...

7-22-2016 1984 II PARIS — Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who killed 84 people in a terrorist attack in Nice, France, last week, planned his assault over several months and got help from at least five people, the Paris prosecutor said on Thursday.

7-22-2016 1984 II Ramzi A., 21, a native of Nice and a dual French-Tunisian citizen; Chokri C., 37, a Tunisian born in Sousse, Tunisia; and Mohamed Oualid G., 40, a dual French-Tunisian citizen born in La Marsa, Tunisia.

7-22-2016 1984 II Mohamed Oualid G. and Mr. Lahouaiej Bouhlel called each other 1,278 times over the last year.

7-22-2016 1984 II Chokri C. sent Mr. Lahouaiej Bouhlel a Facebook message advising him to “load the truck” and to “cut the brakes, my friend, and I’ll watch,”

7-22-2016 1984 II Facebook and there is no InventBook as our 1984 II Dictators censored this invention our of our internet goings-on in the USA and Paris.

7-22-2016 Americans who feel that their "Universe" is spiraling out of control!!

7-22-2016 Ivanka Trump’s "sunny" portrait of Proxima Centauri on her iMac Super Computer at Starbucks Trump Tower *.*

7-22-2016 Envisioning Donald Trump’s Universe of 777 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens...

7-22-2016 Hemingway in Cuba Today would inspire Castro to win a Nobel in Medicine at 90. Both would boo Cruz off the Stage!! Stage 4 Novel with a Rx Recipe!

7-21-2016 Both would boo Cruz off the Stage!! Hemingway iMac Stage 4 Novel with a Rx Recipe!

7-21-2016 Both would boo Cruz off the Stage!! Hemingway iMac Stage 4 Novel with a Rx Recipe!

7-21-2016 Both would boo Cruz off the Stage - for not voting for a Stage 4 Rx Cure for Cuban Women!

7-21-2016 Hemingway House Today if iMac Super Computers were there with 100's of writers this super computer simulation of 17 drinks would be on a 100" LG Ultra Monitors... Hemingway, who would have turned 117 today, was no stranger to excess, and I routinely caution that while one should experience the wide array of drinks he brought to us, it should be done in moderation. That said, if you want to try to break the house record he set at the Floridita in Havana in 1942—17 double frozen Daiquiris downed in one sitting—be my guest!

7-21-2016 NY Times Editorial; Saint Jude has gotten so accustomed to DNA birth defects and deadly cancers from Baghdad.

7-21-2016 Op-Ed: Living With Death in Baghdad. Iraqis have grown far too accustomed to a life of terrorism and oil revenues.

7-21-2016 A moment that seemed inconceivable a year ago will be written into the Start of Star Travel as the CIA confiscates $777 Trillion in oil Revenues from Saudi Arabia, BP oil from gas station hold ups in the USA, were SWF's sucker punched out of spite for our 1984 II Dictators. Hear the Jewish Aliens boo Cruz off the Stage!!

7-21-2016 Biden could have used the $777 Trillion he spent on Iraq War to buy out every Johnson & Johnson, Amgen, Pfizer... in Switzerland. $$$ Coup would give us a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016.

7-21-2016 A moment that seemed inconceivable a year ago will be written into American political history Thursday night as Donald Trump formally accepts the presidential nomination of the Republican Party.

7-21-2016 After Qandeel Baloch's death, Pakistan takes a small step to discourage 'honor killings'

7-21-2016 After Mary Kennedy's murder in the Kennedy Barn the elite Ivy League Ruling Class in the USA censor Mary's suicide on Facebook; husband Robert Kennedy Jr. and rebury her in another cemetery light years from the rest of the Kennedy's not even Caroline Kennedy will protest this murder-suicide!

7-21-2016 Hemingway in Cuba Today would inspire Castro to win a Nobel in Medicine at 90. Both would boo Cruz off the Stage!! Stage 4 Novel with a Rx Recipe!

7-21-2016 Hemingway in Cuba Today would inspire Castro to win a Nobel in Medicine at 90. Both would boo Cruz off the Stage!! Stage 4 Novel with a Rx Recipe!

7-21-2016 After Qandeel Baloch's death, Pakistan takes a small step to discourage 'honor killings' Washington Post - Qandeel Baloch was drugged and strangled by her brother because he perceived her actions to be dishonorable and un-Islamic. He felt entitled to kill her.

7-21-2016 After Qandeel Baloch's death, Pakistan takes a small step to discourage 'honor killings'

7-21-2016 Cho's character, Sulu, would come out as gay with HIV; Syphilis; STD's; MS Virus; Hepatitis in the new movie. Trump Era will Leak this Big Time with $$$ for infecting 100's of others. Sue Sony for spreading STD's diseases... get $ Billions. JOHN CHO was in the United Arab Emirates, seeking an Asian husband. “Star Trek Beyond” was shooting in Dubai, and Cho's character, Sulu, would come out as gay with HIV; Syphilis; STD's; MS Virus; Hepatitis in the new movie. Lawyers hired by 21st Century Fox took statements from at least six others infected with Syphilis HIV from Cho $$$

7-21-2016 Minnesota Priest’s Memo Says Vatican Ambassador Tried to Stifle Sex Abuse Inquiry

7-21-2016 Minnesota Priest’s Memo Says Vatican Ambassador Tried to Stifle Syphilis given to kids by Priest...

7-21-2016 A new editorial from the NY Times on Syphilis at the Vatican is Stifled!!

7-21-2016 Hemingway in Cuba Today would inspire Castro to win a Nobel in Medicine at 90. Both would boo Cruz off the Stage!! Stage 4 Novel with a Rx Recipe!

7-21-2016 Hemingway in Cuba Today would inspire Castro to win a Nobel in Medicine at 90. Both would boo Cruz off the Stage!! Stage 4 Novel with a Rx Recipe!

7-21-2016 Idea for a Smog Free Tower came about during a 2013 trip to Beijing, when he learned the blanket of smog was so bad that the city’s children could not play outdoors for part of the year.

7-21-2016 No Idea's for Smog particles removed from Childrens DNA or Blood... Why? Going viral on Facebook and YouTube not NY Times DNA genocide and holocaust going viral in China.

7-21-2016 A 155 Story - A 23-Foot-Tall Air Purifier Gets a Tryout in Smoggy Beijing

7-21-2016 Hemingway House Today if iMac Super Computers were there with 100's of writers this super computer simulation of 17 drinks would be on a 100" LG Ultra Monitors... Hemingway, who would have turned 117 today, was no stranger to excess, and I routinely caution that while one should experience the wide array of drinks he brought to us, it should be done in moderation. That said, if you want to try to break the house record he set at the Floridita in Havana in 1942—17 double frozen Daiquiris downed in one sitting—be my guest!

7-21-2016 No Live 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out for you... We talked to 45 Facebook users about Live video and they pointed us to one big problem; No Live 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out for you... Facebook is betting big on Live, Lady Gaga becoming a MD, well sort of this dancing with the stars live. Grin.


7-21-2016 Hemingway in Cuba Today would inspire Castro to win a Nobel in Medicine at 90. Both would boo Cruz off the Stage!! Stage 4 Novel with a Rx Recipe!

7-21-2016 Hemingway in Cuba Today would inspire Castro to win a Nobel in Medicine at 90. Both would boo Cruz off the Stage!! Stage 4 Novel with a Rx Recipe!

7-21-2016 Aspen, Colo., home of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then the Saudi ambassador to Washington.

7-20-2016 Starbucks will put an end to an unexpected consequence of offering free Wi-Fi, 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine Orwellian Era! Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016. Biden could have used the $777 Trillion he spent on Iraq War to buy out every Johnson & Johnson, Amgen, Pfizer... in Switzerland. $$$ Coup would give us a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016.

7-20-2016 "Black Republicans See a White Convention, Heavy on STD - Star Travel Lectures"

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!! As women are Trumps Life!

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!!

7-20-2016 "Black Republicans See a White Convention, Heavy on Lectures" By PATRICK HEALY, YAMICHE ALCINDOR and JEREMY W. PETERS "Pentagon Generals Republicans See a White Convention, Heavy on Lectures about 1,001 Nobel's a year in Medicine and "Star Wars Star Travel instead of War's for $777 Trillion in Saudi Oil Revenues" Lectures on Jewish Aliens at 52 Near Stars.

7-20-2016 Hillary Clinton Is Said to Seek National Security Experience for Vice Presidential Pick - will Hillary die from Breast Cancer by not picking a MD women experienced in breast cancer research for VP? Biden will not let her have Dr. Lady Gaga MD, grin as she is in charge of Beau's Brain cancer Cure.

7-20-2016 Facebook + Twitter; Homeland Security scans for Breast Cancer at all Airports and just like Kidney Dialysis Breast Cancer Treatment stars on Day One of diagnosis is permanently banned on Facebook and Twitter conversations. Doherty's cancer was publicly revealed in a lawsuit filed against her former business managers last year. She claimed they mismanaged her money and allowed her health insurance to lapse. She said she didn't go to the doctor until she had insurance and there was a delay in diagnosing the cancer.

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. A dozen staffers in the California delegation who had arrived in Cleveland early have fallen ill with the extremely contagious norovirus.

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!! As women are Trumps Life!

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!!

7-20-2016 Norovirus infected person coughs on a package of Oreo's at Whole Foods and you come by and pick up the package of Oreo's then put your finger on your lips you get sick. This is has never gone viral on YouTube.

7-20-2016 Infections kill thousands of Americans each year - infections that patients caught in the very hospitals they've trusted to make them better. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

7-20-2016 "Clean Diesel" "DNA's Saint Jude Holocaust" at Volkswagen Reaches All the Way to the Top, Top Brass at the Pentagon Lawsuits Say... NY Times "Pentagon Papers of Vietnam War" deception didn't cause millions of birth defects and childhood cancers in Dallas as the Volkswagen Clean Diesel deception does! Biden really does kill his own grand kids... in this gas engine Era of our 1984 II Society.

7-20-2016 New York Times -

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!! As women are Trumps Life!

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!!

7-20-2016 Maura Healey, the Massachusetts attorney general, center, with Eric Schneiderman, the New York attorney general, left. They, along with Maryland's attorney general, filed lawsuits over Volkswagen's emissions deception.

7-20-2016 New York Times -

7-20-2016 New York Times - Op-Ed: Strangled for Being Too Sexy 1 women when 500 will be murdered in 2016 and of course Biden killed these 500 women by giving $$$ 100 Billion to Pakistan Generals over the last 8 years.

7-20-2016 New York Times - In Pakistan, a brother murdered his sister for her provocative videos on Facebook. In the USA 19K women will be murdered in 2016. In the USA and Pakistan elite rich men like Robert Kennedy Jr. will hang Mary in the Kennedy Barn. Yes there are rich men in Pakistan with Barn's too.

7-20-2016 New York Times -

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!! As women are Trumps Life!

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!!

7-20-2016 New York Times - 1984 II Orwellian Society Mad Man was directing her to her death... just like Hillary drove women in Saudi Arabia to be whipped for driving a gas engine car, but Hillary could keep this out of the NY Times Editorials for now, grin.

7-20-2016 New York Times - 1984 II Orwellian Society Mad Man was directing her to her death... instead of Dentists!

7-20-2016 New York Times - 1984 II Orwellian Society Mad Man was directing her to her death... I'm sure Pakistan need 1 or 2 million women Dentists. Yes our 1984 II Society Masterminds could have made videos of her with teeth... When the body doesn’t get enough vitamin D from the sun or food, they found, teeth develop gaps or bubbles in dentin, the layer under enamel that makes up about 85 percent of a tooth’s structure. These abnormalities reveal stories not just about past environmental conditions or food availability, but about culture and society as well. 1984 II Society vitamin D teeth going viral in Pakistan on Facebook, never ever with our "Current" 1984 II mad men directors of what goes viral.

7-20-2016 New York Times -

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!! As women are Trumps Life!

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!!

7-20-2016 New York Times - 1984 II Orwellian Society Mad Man was directing her to her death... with her kohl-rimmed eyes and whispering sexual soliloquies, challenged the age-old hierarchies of modern-day Pakistan. In an interview recorded two days before her murder, a caller asked her why she didn’t use her popularity to do something good for Pakistan. “I would like to,” she responded, “but there are a lot of issues in my life right now. I am in the middle of dealing with not one, not two, but three cases filed against me, I’m dealing with controversies, and, then, my brothers want to kill me.” In a show of spectacular evasion, the caller and the host ignored the last bit, and the caller again insisted she do something good for Pakistan.

...just like Hillary drove women in Saudi Arabia to be whipped for driving a gas engine car, but Hillary could keep this out of the NY Times Editorials for now, grin.

7-20-2016 New York Times - Fauzia Azeem. She was a young divorcée from a small Punjabi village. “My head is aching,” she purred in one of her first posts, her lips parted, cleavage tumbling into the camera. “The pain is hurting.” Her head may or may not have been hurting, but her performance was intended to garner attention. It did. The videos became bolder: Swaying In a bikini, she promised a striptease if Pakistan brought home a coveted cricket trophy

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!! As women are Trumps Life!

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!!

7-20-2016 The Air Force has announced that Boeing Co's (NYSE:BA) KC-46 Pegasus successfully passed its final flight test by refueling an A-10 Warthog and now the company can start low rate production.

7-20-2016 New York Times - Jet Engine Exhaust of Trillions of Lead atoms is another VW gas engine 1984 II Era emissions deception... Biden really does kill his own grand kids...

7-20-2016 Help from the French Revolution II + III in our 1984 II Society...

7-20-2016 French Revolution closed every University in Paris and France for 7 long years!

7-20-2016 ISTANBUL - Turkey issued a blanket travel ban on all academics in the country just a day after suspending more than 15,000 education workers and calling for the resignation of all university deans, reported the state broadcaster TRT on Wednesday.

7-20-2016 Help from the French Revolution II + III in our 1984 II Society...

7-20-2016 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year French Revolution in the 1984 III Society!

7-20-2016 PARIS - France's defense minister says three French soldiers have been killed in Libya when their helicopter was shot down over the French Government Owned Oil Field where France has special forces operating and collecting the "Oil" millions of barrel's a day $$$.

7-20-2016 "Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines" better than Libya Oil; coming off the Paris Assembly lines - Help from the French Revolution II + III in our 1984 II Society...

7-20-2016 Facebook + Twitter Permanently Suspends Conservative Writer Milo Yiannopoulos + Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines; Stage 4 Cure by Christmas 2016... and much more!

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!! As women are Trumps Life!

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!!

7-20-2016 Final 9/11 Remnants Removed From Hangar in Solemn Ceremony section A - page 20 By SAMANTHA SCHMIDT $777 Trillion confiscated from 18 Saudi Arabia Terrorists in a long overdue Excommunication by Pope Francis + Pentagon Generals.


7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!! As women are Trumps Life!

7-20-2016 Republican National Convention: norovirus. When MS Virus should be the NY Times Headlines!!

7-19-2016 Starbucks will put an end to an unexpected consequence of offering free Wi-Fi, 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine Orwellian Era! Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016.

7-19-2016 1984 II Society is no free Wi-Fi in 2002, 2016. 1984 II Dictators have the cancer of "Greed" from shooting up oil revenues in the Hundred of $$$ Trillions!

7-19-2016 Not so unexpected consequence of our Gas Engine $777 Trillion Oil Revenues 1984 II Society is no free Wi-Fi in 2002, 2016. 1984 II Dictators have the cancer of "Greed" from oil revenues in the Hundred of $$$ Trillions!

7-19-2016 Starbucks will put an end to an unexpected consequence of offering free Wi-Fi

7-19-2016 Biden killed his own Son Beau in a Honor killing... Biden could have used the $777 Trillion he spent on Iraq War to buy out every Johnson & Johnson, Amgen, Pfizer... in Switzerland. Coup would give us a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016 and Brain Cancer Cure long before Beau died at Walter Reed Hospital.

7-19-2016 Biden killed his own "Cops!" in a Honor killing... iPhone 007 Dash Cam's 2016 Hell iPhone 007 Dash Cam's could have been on all cars in the USA 8 years ago as Biden walked into the White House with FBI cops! No one at the NY Times will write this up. Police and Race: A Time of Tension. Readers discuss recent shootings of police officers in Baton Rouge and Dallas after police killings of black men. Biden killed his own "Cops!" in a Honor killing... iPhone 007 Dash Cam's 2016 Hell iPhone 007 Dash Cam's could have been on all cars in the USA 8 years ago as Biden walked into the White House with FBI cops! Blacks with 47 iTraffic Tickets would be in the NY Times today not dead cops from stifling state of the arts iPhone 007 Dash Cam's!

7-19-2016 Stage 4 Coup by the Military in the USA Fades to Melancholy

7-19-2016 Coup In Istanbul, Optimism Fades to a Familiar Melancholy

7-19-2016 Stage 4 Rx Recipe Overnight Cure by Christmas 2016 Optimism Fades to a Familiar Melancholy

7-19-2016 NY Times Vietnam Medal of Honor Headlines shows that the most important city is the Pentagon!

7-19-2016 Biden killed his own Son Beau in a Honor killing... Biden could have given us free Wi-Fi with his $777 Trillion War Chest from BP Oil $$$.

7-19-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot War... after she finished singing for the troops!

7-19-2016 Starbucks will put an end to an unexpected consequence of offering free Wi-Fi. Job applications require online applications, wireless access is more important for low-income and homeless people than ever before — and Starbucks has become a go-to place to access it.

7-19-2016 Starbucks will put an end to an unexpected consequence of offering free Wi-Fi, 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine Orwellian Era! Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016.

7-19-2016 Starbucks will put an end to an unexpected consequence of offering free Wi-Fi, 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine Orwellian Era! Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016.

7-19-2016 New York Times The Upshot: Stage 4... Aaron's headline is cold, this is about as "COLD" as a Orwellian Times 1984 II Dictator could be... callous! Callousness!!!

7-19-2016 The Upshot: Repeat After Me: Cold Does Not Increase Odds of Catching Cold section A - page 3 By AARON E. CARROLL

7-19-2016 New York Times The Upshot: Stage 4... Aaron's headline is cold, this is about as "COLD" as a Orwellian Times 1984 II Dictator could be... callous! Callousness!!!

7-19-2016 Stage 4 ‘Madness Has to Stop,’ Hillary Clinton Declares at AMA Conference section A - page 16 By AMY CHOZICK and THOMAS KAPLAN

7-19-2016 correction... Hillary was at the NAACP Black Lives Matter convention not AMA.

7-19-2016 Series of provocative Moves by 1984 II Dictators Isolated in the Universe because their ICBM's can go Light Years faster than the speed of light, thank God or they would be killing Jewish Aliens... ha!

7-19-2016 North Korea fired three ballistic missiles on Tuesday which flew between 500 and 600 km (300-360 miles) into the sea off its east coast, South Korea's military said, the latest in a series of provocative moves by the isolated country.

7-19-2016 Blacks sucker punching the SWF in the gas station hold up will not stop BP Oil. No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup will stop BP Oil... and French Government Owned Oil Company Total. If the French and British owned all the Rx Pharmacy Companies instead of Oil Syphilis in the Royal's frontal lobes could be cured, grin.

7-19-2016 Blacks Murdering the police will not stop police from traffic stops, iPhone 007 dash cam's will!

7-19-2016 Veterans Worry Baton Rouge and Dallas Shootings Will Spread Stereotypes section A - page 18 By DAVE PHILIPPS - Wives Worry about Stage 4 and if they will be killed by Troops coming home from wars even though its censored in their Orwellian News they know it happens today and tomorrow, some wife will be killed when he comes home from war. Pentagon Generals can only censor out so much with Facebook.

7-19-2016 Editorial: "Ban Russia From the Rio Olympics for Doping; Hire "White Russian's" MD's to be Yale Medical School Professors!" section A - page 26 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times today.

7-19-2016 President Vladimir V. Putin responded unusually quickly to a World Anti-Doping Agency report that accused his government of running a covert doping program for the country’s Olympians.

7-19-2016 No Doping at the Moscow Medical School Putin responded unusually quickly!!

7-19-2016 Russians cure 1,300 diseases the oldest on Earth... South African Telescope Spots 1,300 Unknown Galaxies" The distant galaxies were recorded by a set of 16 antennas that will eventually be a part of the largest telescope ever built on Earth. Yale Key West Medical School will eventually be part of the largest assembly line for 15 billion patients on Earth.

7-19-2016 "After 2 Years, Progress Is Hard to See in Some Struggling NYC Schools" "With a deadline next year in Mayor Bill de Blasio’s $400 million initiative to turn around New York’s troubled schools, much is on the line." By KATE TAYLOR - $400 million for NYC schools went to Bill + Melinda mostly... grin. Microsoft Cops killed all the white school teachers who complained. Learning to Write Apple iapps at Apple-Starbucks after 2 years will change NYC like No gas engine cars in NYC progress that is noticeable in Times Square... the air smells different and the poison gas is debated at the Supreme Court as to letting you read the 28 pages. NYC Pigeons May Predict Lead Contamination, Study Finds" A study found a link between elevated lead levels in pigeons and those in children, suggesting that scientists may be able to use the birds to assess environmental contamination. By SAMANTHA SCHMIDT

7-19-2016 No note by Bush Obama Kerry Biden found at the fiery rear ended cop car crash...

7-19-2016 Clash of Values Emerges After Afghan Child Bride Burns to Death section A - page 7 By MUJIB MASHAL Page 0 section None... fiery cop car crash today and tomorrow.

7-19-2016 Black Lives Matter note found near fire bombed police cruiser, authorities say

7-19-2016 NY Times; CBS; Comcast; try to protect $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues... in potential severance pay from the Gas Engine Era in our 1984 II Society.

7-19-2016 Chief Executive Philippe Dauman and Chief Operating Officer Thomas Dooley have reserved their legal right to resign "with good reason" in a move to protect tens of millions of dollars in potential severance pay.

7-19-2016 Starbucks will put an end to an unexpected consequence of offering free Wi-Fi

7-19-2016 Starbucks will put an end to an unexpected consequence of offering free Wi-Fi, 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine Orwellian Era! Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016.

7-19-2016 Starbucks will put an end to an unexpected consequence of offering free Wi-Fi, 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine Orwellian Era! Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016.

7-19-2016 Starbucks since the chain began offering free Wi-Fi in 2002, when many people still relied on modems and win 3 at home to access the internet. Wi-Fi played a key role in turning Starbucks into what the company calls a "third place," where people can socialize, work, or relax outside of the home and office.

7-19-2016 Not so unexpected consequence of our Gas Engine $777 Trillion Oil Revenues 1984 II Society is no free Wi-Fi in 2002, 2016. 1984 II Dictators have the cancer of "Greed" from oil.

7-19-2016 Starbucks will put an end to an unexpected consequence of offering free Wi-Fi

7-19-2016 Biden killed his own Son Beau in a Honor killing... Biden could have used the $777 Trillion he spent on Iraq War to buy out every Johnson & Johnson, Amgen, Pfizer... in Switzerland. Coup would give us a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016 and Brain Cancer Cure long before Beau died at Walter Reed Hospital.

7-19-2016 Starbucks will put an end to an unexpected consequence of offering free Wi-Fi, 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine Orwellian Era! Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016.

7-19-2016 Starbucks will put an end to an unexpected consequence of offering free Wi-Fi, 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine Orwellian Era! Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016.

7-19-2016 Moment of Silence Turns Into Outcry Against Government After Nice Attack" By ALISSA J. RUBIN and AURELIEN BREEDEN Anger in connection with the Nice attack is a product of accumulated frustration with the French government’s response to Ford Gas Engine Cars in a 1984 II Dictators Era of the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts with No Head on Collisions and No Gas Stations On Earth and No $777 Trillion in Mecca.

7-19-2016 Theresa May Wins Vote to Renew Britain’s Nuclear Program... 4 more USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs were ordered yesterday by Theresa.

7-19-2016 10TB hard drives have been sold for a long time by Seagate with nothing on them, No 1,001 invention projects or Sony + Disney Movies. $534 for a 10TB of Sony + Disney Movies or 1,001 IP invention projects with 1 Click Amazon links to the Gravity Engine! Faster than Google and no Ad's in the links for 1,001 IP invention projects. Something for Yale Medical School Students after the Stage 4 Coup, grin.

7-19-2016 The operative word in all of this is “consumer,” as 10TB hard drives for enterprise have been around for some time. Western Digital’s HGST began shipping a 10TB helium-filled model in late 2015. Seagate followed suit with its own 10TB helium-filled drive this January. Both of those 3.5-inch hard drives are aimed corporate use in servers and typically cost more. The 10TB Seagate Enterprise, for example, sells for about $600. Western Digital’s HGST version is in the $730 range on the street. The new 10TB Barracuda Pro has a list price of $534.99, which means street pricing should be considerably lower than an enterprise 10TB drive.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Who Is a Terrorist, and Who Is Simply Deranged? "Clean Diesel" Masterminds! "Stage 4 Lives Matter" less than "Black Lives Matter" on Facebook, CBS. YouTube!

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has been booed as he attended a minute's silence in Nice, where an attacker in a "Gas Engine Ford Truck" killed 84 people on Thursday. Hecklers shouted out "murderer" and "resign" at him before the minute's silence, in Nice Protesting on the "Blood Stained" path of the Gas Engine Ford Truck as the Hecklers and PM Valls know about the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Trucks with No Head On Collision Laser Guidance and cops can turn off its electric engine by remote... Mr Valls has suggested the killer may have been radicalized too quickly (1980) to trigger the authorities' attention. Mr. Valls has a French Government interest in $$$ Oil $$$ Revenues for France. 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Trucks were suppressed by French Elite Oil Men!

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Who Is a Terrorist, and Who Is Simply Deranged? "Clean Diesel" Masterminds! "Stage 4 Lives Matter" less than "Black Lives Matter" on Facebook, CBS.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: "Stage 4 Lives Matter" less by Kerry, Obama, Biden!

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Successful Stage 4 Coup hires 9,000 Officers, 60K Military, 3K Judges all to write a Hemingway Nobel Novel on Stage 4 Rx Recipes. Turkey's millions are in their own Universe light years from Stage 4 Masterminds + Lifestyle.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Abortion - Dr. Lady Gaga MD will invent a better way than abortion, put it in the drinking water; take a pill when women want to get pregnant. Dr. Nancy Snyderman can share a Nobel with Greg + Wives in Key West for this invention, grin.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: "Turkey Fires Nearly 9,000 Officers After Failed Coup Attempt" By CEYLAN YEGINSU The mass firing of police officers came after 6,000 military personnel were arrested and nearly 3,000 judges were suspended in the attempt to topple President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Who Is a Terrorist, and Who Is Simply Deranged? By MARK MAZZETTI and ERIC SCHMITT In the age of the Islamic State's $777 Trillion in oil revenues never ever reported by Mark and Eric at the New York Times who is Deranged... BP Oil Men of course!

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Who Is a Terrorist, and Who Is Simply Deranged? "Clean Diesel" Masterminds! "Stage 4 Lives Matter" less than "Black Lives Matter" on Facebook, CBS.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has been booed as he attended a minute's silence in Nice, where an attacker in a "Gas Engine Ford Truck" killed 84 people on Thursday. Hecklers shouted out "murderer" and "resign" at him before the minute's silence, in Nice Protesting on the "Blood Stained" path of the Gas Engine Ford Truck as the Hecklers and PM Valls know about the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Trucks with No Head On Collision Laser Guidance and cops can turn off its electric engine by remote... Mr Valls has suggested the killer may have been radicalized too quickly (1980) to trigger the authorities' attention. Mr. Valls has a French Government interest in $$$ Oil $$$ Revenues for France. 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Trucks were suppressed by French Elite Oil Men!

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Who Is a Terrorist, and Who Is Simply Deranged? "Clean Diesel" Masterminds! "Stage 4 Lives Matter" less than "Black Lives Matter" on Facebook, CBS.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Prime Minister Theresa May will open the debate in her first address to Parliament since taking office last week. Her office says May will say that “the nuclear threat has not gone away, if anything, it has increased,” and it would be reckless to abandon the country’s “ultimate safeguard.” “We cannot outsource the grave responsibility we shoulder for keeping our people safe,” she will say, according to extracts released in advance of the afternoon debate. Britain has been a nuclear power since the 1950s, and both Labour and Conservative governments have consistently supported atomic weapons. May’s Conservatives made replacing the four submarines — Vanguard, Victorious, Vigilant and Vengeance

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Vietnam Vet's - 1970s. In that decade, during one of the country’s worst surges of violent crime, an average of 127 officers were fatally shot each year. During the past 10 years, the average number of officers fatally shot was 52, now Biden - Obama's Vets are out to kill everyone like the Blacks who sucker punch the SWF out of spite at the gas station hold up because they can't reach our 1984 II Dictators.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Gavin Long shot six cops, killing three of them, on his 29th birthday. Figure out why a Marine sergeant is not a Saint is a no Brainard, grin. Biden, Obama Masterminded this lifestyle for millions of warriors along with the British. Nation of Islam which he says he was a member of. Long joined the Marine corps in 2008 and worked as a data network specialist, according to the U.S. military. He was deployed to Iraq and spent time in California and Japan before being discharged at the rank of sergeant in 2010. He received a handful of awards, including the Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal and the National Defense Service Medal. The gunman who killed three police officers in Baton Rouge, La., was from Kansas City, Mo., and served as a Marine in the Iraq War.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: 19K SWF's In the USA will be murdered in 2016 by OJ, Vets, and the NY Times writes - More than 8,000 men and boys were murdered in and around the city of Srebrenica in July 1995, the worst mass killing in Europe since World War II.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Who Is a Terrorist, and Who Is Simply Deranged? "Clean Diesel" Masterminds! "Stage 4 Lives Matter" less than "Black Lives Matter" on Facebook, CBS.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has been booed as he attended a minute's silence in Nice, where an attacker in a "Gas Engine Ford Truck" killed 84 people on Thursday. Hecklers shouted out "murderer" and "resign" at him before the minute's silence, in Nice Protesting on the "Blood Stained" path of the Gas Engine Ford Truck as the Hecklers and PM Valls know about the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Trucks with No Head On Collision Laser Guidance and cops can turn off its electric engine by remote... Mr Valls has suggested the killer may have been radicalized too quickly (1980) to trigger the authorities' attention. Mr. Valls has a French Government interest in $$$ Oil $$$ Revenues for France. 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Trucks were suppressed by French Elite Oil Men!

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Who Is a Terrorist, and Who Is Simply Deranged? "Clean Diesel" Masterminds! "Stage 4 Lives Matter" less than "Black Lives Matter" on Facebook, CBS.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Obama's Moon Shot for GL Gas Lobotomy Invention... After three police officers were killed and three were wounded in Baton Rouge, La., on Sunday, the president discouraged polarization and violence. By THE WHITE HOUSE. Gas Lobotomy Invention is a spin off of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Dr. Nancy Snyderman would say if it works put it in the drinking water.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: by the White House, Mecca Mosque will seat 2 million Moslems for the sermon this week thanks to the White House donation of $777 Trillion in gas station hold up revenues. A Crisis in Cleveland The housing bust continues for many in Cleveland, especially in predominantly black neighborhoods. The city is tearing down hundreds of homes to deal with the blight that has resulted. By DAN RUETENIK A Crisis in Cleveland not Mecca.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Who Is a Terrorist, and Who Is Simply Deranged? "Clean Diesel" Masterminds! "Stage 4 Lives Matter" less than "Black Lives Matter" on Facebook, CBS.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has been booed as he attended a minute's silence in Nice, where an attacker in a "Gas Engine Ford Truck" killed 84 people on Thursday. Hecklers shouted out "murderer" and "resign" at him before the minute's silence, in Nice Protesting on the "Blood Stained" path of the Gas Engine Ford Truck as the Hecklers and PM Valls know about the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Trucks with No Head On Collision Laser Guidance and cops can turn off its electric engine by remote... Mr Valls has suggested the killer may have been radicalized too quickly (1980) to trigger the authorities' attention. Mr. Valls has a French Government interest in $$$ Oil $$$ Revenues for France. 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Trucks were suppressed by French Elite Oil Men!

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Who Is a Terrorist, and Who Is Simply Deranged? "Clean Diesel" Masterminds! "Stage 4 Lives Matter" less than "Black Lives Matter" on Facebook, CBS.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: 19K SWF's killed in 2016 in the USA and At Least 70 Cities Have Had Protests in the Past 11 Days Over Police Killings of Blacks A day-by-day look at photographs from the protests. By JASMINE C. LEE, IARYNA MYKHYALYSHYN, RUDY OMRI and ANJALI SINGHVI NY Times.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: He told The New York Times that Yale Medical School passed "Dope's" on orders to "win" at any cost Black MD's!

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: He told The New York Times that Russia had seen hosting the Olympics as an opportunity to control the anti doping lab results and allow athletes to use performance-enhancing drugs throughout the competition. He said that at Sochi, he had carried out orders from the country’s sports ministry to “win at any cost,” protecting top Russian Olympians who were on steroids from getting caught. At least 15 Russian medalists at Sochi used banned substances, Dr. Rodchenkov’s records indicated.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: He told The New York Times that Yale Medical School passed "Dope's" on orders to "win" at any cost Black MD's!

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Dr. Rodchenkov’s records indicated Dr. Bush MD, Dr. Kerry MD didn't really pass the drug test at Yale but were passed.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Steroids spin off Rx Recipes discovery by Oppenheimer II + III at Los Alamos is not a Olympic Event or even Yale Event.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost:

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Who Is a Terrorist, and Who Is Simply Deranged? "Clean Diesel" Masterminds! "Stage 4 Lives Matter" less than "Black Lives Matter" on Facebook, CBS.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has been booed as he attended a minute's silence in Nice, where an attacker in a "Gas Engine Ford Truck" killed 84 people on Thursday. Hecklers shouted out "murderer" and "resign" at him before the minute's silence, in Nice Protesting on the "Blood Stained" path of the Gas Engine Ford Truck as the Hecklers and PM Valls know about the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Trucks with No Head On Collision Laser Guidance and cops can turn off its electric engine by remote... Mr Valls has suggested the killer may have been radicalized too quickly (1980) to trigger the authorities' attention. Mr. Valls has a French Government interest in $$$ Oil $$$ Revenues for France. 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Trucks were suppressed by French Elite Oil Men!

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Who Is a Terrorist, and Who Is Simply Deranged? "Clean Diesel" Masterminds! "Stage 4 Lives Matter" less than "Black Lives Matter" on Facebook, CBS.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: CAR designed to target 1980 Spin off inventions 1,001 from the Euphoria Coup's of the ElectricWindmillEscort killed by the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub and Kennedy driving off the bridge drunk killing Mary and Mary Kennedy murdered by Robert Kennedy Jr.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Kite's drug is an investigational immunotherapy, in which a patient's T cells are genetically modified to express a CAR designed to target the antigen CD19, a protein expressed on the cell surface of B-cell lymphomas and leukemias. Gazyva, meanwhile, attaches to CD20, a protein expressed on certain B cells, but not on stem cells or plasma cells, and is designed to attack and destroy targeted B cells both directly and in tandem with the body's immune system

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: 1 Trillion hours listening to Rap Music and Dr. Lady Gaga MD when CAR designed to target 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year lost to masterminds of Clean Diesel YouTube video's gone viral and Black Lives matter more than confiscating $777 Trillion from BP Oil before they spent it on 4 USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs next week.

7-18-2016 Paradise Lost: Roche in the longer term as $777 Trillion buyout of all Rx companies by "Stage 4 Coup 1984 II Women" will get a Rx Overnight Cure by Christmas 2016.

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: "Stage 4 Lives Matter" Protest crushed by Kerry, Obama, Biden!

7-17-2016 Kerry: Turkish President's Insinuation of US Role in Attempted Coup Are 'Harmful to Our Bilateral Relations' MD's at WHO and Doctors Without Borders don't even Attempt a Coup. Generals provide comfort women for sex. Role of Comforting Afghans kills the wives at home. Biden sights Negligence as Cause of Beau's death at Walter Reed. Negligence by Biden to end the Afghan war. France Agonizes Over Whether Truck Rampage Could Have Been Stopped by ending American Wars for No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup.

7-17-2016 Turkish Coup could spark the Orwellian Women's Stage 4 Coup... Turkey Interrupts U.S. Air Missions Against ISIS at Major Base - Orwellian Women Interrupts USA Iraqi ISIS war to win the Stage 4 war! Poster you kill your wife coming home from Iraqi and taking all her Trillions for a Breast Cancer Rx Recipe Cure.

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: "Stage 4 Lives Matter" Protest crushed by Kerry, Obama, Biden!

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: "Stage 4 Lives Matter" Protest crushed by Kerry, Obama, Biden!

7-17-2016 Kerry's HANOI, Vietnam - In an era of "Faster Than The Speed of Light Breast Cancer Cure War" by Greg + Wives in Key West and Biden's "1963 JFK Moon Shot to Cure Brain Cancer" Ho Chi Mi City must have millions with antibiotic resistant gonorrhea from the war and no Moon Shot Cure. How many times did Kerry catch gonorrhea? Top Secret that needs to be Leaked by a MD.

7-17-2016 Coup by Kerry's Rich Wife; $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia and BP Oil could buy out every Johnson & Johnson, Amgen, Pfizer... in Switzerland. Coup would give us a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: "Stage 4 Lives Matter" Protest crushed by Kerry, Obama, Biden!

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: "Stage 4 Lives Matter" Protest crushed by Kerry, Obama, Biden!

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: "Stage 4 Lives Matter" Protest headlines on Facebook! Hell No. At Least 70 Cities Have Had Protests in the Past 11 Days Over Police Killings of Blacks A day-by-day look at photographs from the protests. By JASMINE C. LEE, IARYNA MYKHYALYSHYN, RUDY OMRI and ANJALI SINGHVI "At Least 70 Cities Have Had Protests in the Past 11 Days Over Police Killings of Blacks"

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: Polygamous Marriage for Christians;

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: Attack dims sunny Nice's sparkle

7-17-2016 Milton's Paradise Lost: Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure via War in Iraqi, Syria... dims a lifetime for 2 billion women living in fear of being diagnosed with Breast Cancer for oil $$$ by their Top Brass Mad Men.

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: Polygamous Marriage for Christians; News that the attacker who killed at least 84 people in France was a Tunisian citizen and a Muslim legally working in the country quickly became ammunition for American politicians suggesting that the United States also faces a serious threat from within.

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: "Stage 4 Lives Matter" Protest crushed by Kerry, Obama, Biden!

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: "Stage 4 Lives Matter" Protest crushed by Kerry, Obama, Biden!

7-17-2016 Tunisian citizen and a Muslim legally married to 4 Wives if he could woo them and afford them, and have inventive conversations.

7-17-2016 Orwell saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts!

7-17-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD Trump’s Celebrity Shortage - How Mike Pence Became a Conservative Hero: Unwavering Opposition to Abortion - Dr. Lady Gaga MD will invent a better way than abortion, put it in the drinking water; take a pill when women want to get pregnant. Dr. Nancy Snyderman can share a Nobel with Greg + Wives in Key West for this invention, grin.


7-17-2016 "Want to Work in 18 Miles of Books? First, the Quiz" By ANNIE CORREAL The Strand created a short literature test for applicants, which has become as much a part of the famed Greenwich Village bookstore’s identity as its tote bags.

7-17-2016 Want to crunch 18 million books at Los Alamos as Oppenheimer II + III get the NY Times to write you up, grin.

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost; Cop's Ford SUV was not a 1980 ElectricWindmillEscort with dash cam's and laser guidance. One Dead and 3 Hurt After Off-Duty Officer’s S.U.V. Hits Pedestrians in Brooklyn The officer, who was off duty when his vehicle mounted a sidewalk in the Williamsburg section early on Saturday, was charged with manslaughter, assault and driving while intoxicated. The scene that unfolded in Brooklyn early on Saturday was a tragically familiar one in New York City: a driver losing control of his sport utility vehicle, mounting a sidewalk and plowing into a group of pedestrians, leaving one man dead and three other people seriously injured.

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost; Prohibition and Laser guidance inside and out...

7-17-2016 The driver of the vehicle was an off-duty New York police officer who was intoxicated, the police said. The officer, Nicholas Batka, 28, was suspended without pay and arrested on eight charges, including manslaughter, assault and driving while intoxicated. Officer Batka, the police said, was driving west on North 8th Street in the Williamsburg neighborhood around 3 a.m. when he turned on Bedford Avenue, jumped a sidewalk and struck a group of friends in their 20s who were walking past a row of townhouses near North 8th Street. He was taken into custody at the scene. A 21-year old man who was hit by the S.U.V., a silver 2012 Dodge Durango, was pronounced dead at Bellevue Hospital Center, the police said. Two women, ages 22 and 23, remained at the hospital in stable condition. One of them had been upgraded from critical, the police said. Officer Batka and a 24-year-old man who was hit were taken to NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell hospital and were in stable condition. None of the victims were identified on Saturday. Officer Batka, who joined the New York Police Department in January 2015, was assigned to the Transit Borough Manhattan Task Force and had been scheduled to start a shift on Saturday at 7 a.m., the police said. He was suspended without pay and had to surrender his badge and his gun, the police said. Jaminah King, 35, and a friend were walking on the other side of Bedford Avenue when she saw the vehicle, a silver Dodge Durango, speeding and swerving. Then, she said, she heard a “loud, horrible sound” of the crash and saw the driver trying to reverse. Ms. King said she ran across the street, screaming for help, and called 911. She said she saw several people badly injured. The driver moved to the passenger seat and tried to exit the S.U.V. , but another bystander held the door shut to keep the driver inside, Ms. King said. “People just ran,” Ms. King said. “I was screaming at the top of my lungs for people to just help. So many people just ran to help people they didn’t even know.”

7-17-2016 Tesla Autopilot wasn't created so cars could drive themselves...

7-17-2016 Tesla Autopilot was created by the Same Orwellian Masterminds of "Clean Diesel".

7-17-2016 Stage 4 Rx Recipe's in the News with Autopilot and Clean Diesel... How To Celebrate National Ice Cream Day With 19 Amazing Recipes. There seems to be a holiday for absolutely everything these days. And while some are downright ridiculous, I know we can all totally get behind making ice cream recipes to celebrate National Ice Cream Day.

7-17-2016 Tesla Autopilot and clean diesel downright ridiculous 1984 II Mad Men Master Minded these... for CBS Nightly News and the front page of the NY Times. Light Years from Faster than the speed of light Stage 4 Rx Recipe Master Minds in Key West Today. Coup on Comcast too... 1984 II Mad Men Scientists worried this STD will soon be incurable when MS is incurable and to solve this for HQ the White House MD's are going to put to death women with MS virus. No Biden did not start a MS Virius Moon Shot. Biden is still the Master Mind of War in Iraq and Syria.

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: Honor 1984 II MULTAN, Pakistan - The brother of slain Pakistani model Qandeel Baloch on Sunday confessed to strangling her to death for “family honor” because she posted “shameful” pictures on Facebook.

7-17-2016 Orwell saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts!

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: "Stage 4 Lives Matter" Protest crushed by Kerry, Obama, Biden!

7-17-2016 Paradise Lost: "Stage 4 Lives Matter" Protest crushed by Kerry, Obama, Biden!

7-17-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD VP coup with $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia and BP Oil could buy out every Johnson & Johnson, Amgen, Pfizer... in Switzerland. Coup would give us a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016... to Hell with Biden, thank God he didn't take Hillary's job, ha. Things now seem to be heating up, in the real coup for a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 by Christmas 2016... 40K dead in Turkey no! Breast Cancer USA caused by our Dictator!

Orwell saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts!

7-16-2016 "265 Killed and Many More Wounded as Factions Clash" By TIM ARANGO and CEYLAN YEGINSU Nearly 3,000 people have been arrested by forces loyal to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a fight for control of the country. Mr. Erdogan, an Islamist who has dominated politics for more than a decade, has alienated many Turks with his increasingly autocratic behavior.

7-16-2016 ...has alienated 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindillEscort's being built; the true Coup!

7-16-2016 ...has alienated 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindillEscort's being built; the true Coup!

7-16-2016 ...has alienated 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindillEscort's being built; the true Coup! By RUKMINI CALLIMACHI The slaughter in Nice opened a frightening landscape of terrorism in the West, where trucks are the lifeblood of the economy. FORD TRUCKS on the ElectricWindmill Truck Assembly line should be the "Liveblood" of the economy of 5 Billion assembly line workers all out of work by BP Oil.... Allah save the Queen of England!

Turkish President Returns to Istanbul in Sign; FORD ELECTRICWINDMILLCAR + TRUCK Coup Is Faltering.

Alaskans Brace for Spending Cuts as Oil Prices Tumble - President McCain picked Sarah Palin for her $1 Trillion in Alaska Oil Revenues and still lost the coup...

7-16-2016 28 pages of a congressional inquiry into the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, is also an unflattering portrayal of the kingdom’s efforts to thwart American attempts to build 1 Trillion 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts to pull off a coup that would kill off Allah, Mecca and confiscate $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia. And No Gas Stations on Earth on Sept. 11, 2001.

7-16-2016 The Saudi government on Friday issued a lengthy rebuttal to the 28 pages, saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts for the USA. Moreover, it portrays the F.B.I as getting $1 Trillion in perks, $1 Trillion for overtime and another $1 trillion for Homeland Security to guard the Social Security offices in every city and town in the USA a nothing to do job! $1 Trillion for "Women's Shelters" in every city and town in the USA... that have done nothing to lower the 19K SWF's murdered every year from 1980 to 2016 but looks good in the media. Robert Mueller III, the F.B.I director, during a closed-door session, whether the work of the congressional inquiry had unearthed information of which he had been unaware. “Yes,” he said women who drive a gas engine car in Saudi Arabia are considered "Honor Killings" by the Saudi Cops.

Orwell saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts!

Orwell saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts!

7-16-2016 One section of the report details how a phone number in a telephone book found with Abu Zubaydah, who was captured in Pakistan in March 2002 by the C.I.A., was traced to a corporation in Aspen, Colo., that manages the affairs of the Colorado residence of Prince Bandar. City of Aspen got $1 Trillion in 1980 after the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort was suppressed by Jimmy Carter bullied by Teddy Kennedy who lived in Aspen next to the Prince. Robert Kennedy Jr., in Book, Says Michael Skakel Is Innocent of ’75 Murder - Teddy Kennedy live next door to the 9/11 Saudi Prince Mastermind years after the 1980 invention of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Now Robert Kennedy Jr., in Book, Says Michael Skakel Is Innocent of ’75 Murder - Caroline Kennedy will not write a editorial for the NY Times calling Robert Kennedy Jr., the murderer of Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn even though Caroline Kennedy has the iPhone conversations of him buying the Judge that took away 5 kids from Mary Kennedy. wow! Now who which Kennedy would beat a 15 girl old girl to death with a golf club... over a sex argument; all of them! She was beaten to death with a golf club because she had sex with one Kennedy brother and not the other Kennedy brother. Honor killings in the USA. 19K SWF's will be killed in 2016 and there is a iPhone 007 invention suppressed by Tim Cook. A hate crime against women. Forty years after the murder of 15-year-old Martha Moxley and three years after Mr. Skakel’s conviction was thrown out, his cousin claims to have definitively solved the case. By LISA W. FODERARO and KRISTIN HUSSEY

Orwell saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts!

Orwell saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts!

7-16-2016 Op-Ed Columnist: Trump’s Celebrity Shortage as VP Pick, You're Fired President Trump - Dr. Lady Gaga MD is going to take your VP out of the News.... who did Trump pick, ha!

7-16-2016 Boeing Aims at Inventing Supersonic Mach 15 commercial planes after the Pentagons order for 1 Trillion Fighter Jets and Refueling Tanker Planes worth $777 Trillion.

7-16-2016 Genius tech's say Trump would be a 'disaster for innovation' as the winners on Celebrity Apprentice were all passed when they didn't really pass Trump Medical School. Cardiac Arrest at Trump Towers when bankrupt.

Alaskans Brace for Spending Cuts as Oil Prices Tumble - President McCain picked Sara Palin for her $1 Trillion in Alaska Oil Revenues and still lost the coup...

7-16-2016 Chris Christie Lost Out on the Job He Wanted. And His Bad Year Got Worse with the iPhone 007 Cardiac Arrest iapps. How Donald Trump Finally Settled on Mike Pence; LSD flashback from the 70's, had to have been these brain farts. But Trump can fire Pence at on the floor of the convention, thank God!

7-16-2016 Unable to stop Syria's war, US offers Russia new partnership with BP Oil for another $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues Each before the New York Times makes the Gravity Engine for Cars and Trucks IP invention project headlines. MOSCOW - Putin said he loves to watch the old Russian women shovel snow out of Red Square, grin. Heating Elements are for Hell H @ - 254 C too, grin.

Orwell saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts!

Orwell saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts!

7-16-2016 Fethullah Gülen, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was a target of the coup... by 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat along with 1,001 Jewish Astronauts on the way to their 40 year old Moon Base; "JFK One!" So much for the "Star War - Star Travel" Coup starting in Turkey.

7-16-2016 Jerusalem Post Israel News Opinion:Analysis: Why the Turkey coup failed and what's likely to come next... Moon Bases are likely to be bombed and any Jewish Alien IP invention Projects are likely to be stifled along with the gravity engine invention by the Turkey President and his USA backers.

7-16-2016 Pakistani media blaming France for attack at Bastille day parade! After the Pentagon gave them $777 Trillion USD $$$

7-16-2016 Pakistani social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch was strangled in an "honor killing", police said on Saturday, shocking the South Asian nation where she was viewed as a controversial figure. Hillary's VP Dr. Lady Gaga MD said Qandeel had a Pakistani driver license and a gas engine car. So it wasn't Hillary fault, as in Saudi Arabia Honor Killings of women. Baloch's raunchy Facebook media photos challenged social norms in Pakistan. "Her father Azeem informed the police that his son Waseem has strangled Qandeel," More than 500 people are killed in Pakistan each year in so-called "honor killings", usually carried out by members of the victim's family meting out punishment for bringing "shame" on the community. 500 more in Saudi Arabia many in Hillary's emails still marked top secret.

7-16-2016 "In France, the Paris NY Times must print Pakistan's H-Bomb assembly line is up and running at full speed because of the fags at Allah's Eiffel Tower Wedding. Nice episode questioned whether enough had been done to protect the country... from Pakistan not Tusinia.

7-16-2016 "In France, the Mood Darkens as a Harsh Reality Sets In" By ADAM NOSSITER In an aftermath different from those in previous attacks, ordinary citizens and political opposition leaders after the Nice episode questioned whether enough had been done to protect the country.

7-16-2016 By MAX FISHER at the NY Times... Paris can never end Nice. Max Fisher censored out NO GAS Stations on Earth because he was bribed by the French Gov. owned Total Oil Company. The Interpreter... People gathered Friday in Nice, France, to leave flowers and messages and light candles to the victims of a truck driver who plowed into crowds during Bastille Day celebrations on Thursday night. "Attack in Nice, France, Represents Terrorism’s New Reality" By MAX FISHER Populations targeted by terrorists confront a danger that can be managed or policed but perhaps never entirely overcome.

7-16-2016 Facebook Hell... "Posters in Pakistan Urge a General to Take Control of the Government" By SALMAN MASOOD The signs, placed by Move On Pakistan, call on the popular general Raheel Sharif to take over for an increasingly unpopular prime minister.

7-16-2016 Who Owns the Moon Jews lost this coup 40 years ago as their Moom Base would be 40 years old today and need of repairs... so much for Turkey's President, grin.

7-16-2016 Who Owns the Rx Recipe when 5 billion people want it improved to cure Stage 4 overnight by Christmas 2016. Biden... Hell No! Humira and Enbrel are biologics, which are complex proteins made in living cells. Seven of the world’s top 10 selling drugs in 2015 were biologics. Humira was No. 1 with $14 billion in global sales and Enbrel was No. 3 at $8.7 billion, according to the website PharmaCompass. Dr. Lady Gaga MD owns the Moon and the Universe our Orwellian Dictators inhabit.

7-16-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD VP coup with $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia and BP Oil could buy out every Johnson & Johnson, Amgen, Pfizer... in Switzerland. Coup would give us a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure by Christmas 2016... to Hell with Biden, thank God he didn't take Hillary's job, ha. Things now seem to be heating up, in the real coup for a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 by Christmas 2016... 40K dead in Turkey no! Breast Cancer USA caused by our Dictator!

7-16-2016 Things now seem to be heating up, however. A biosimilar that mimics Johnson & Johnson’s autoimmune disease drug Remicade was approved by the F.D.A. in April. It is not yet on the market, in part because of patent issues. But Pfizer, which owns the marketing rights, hints that it is planning to introduce it this year. There are about 60 biosimilars in clinical trials aimed at approval in the United States or Europe, according to Sanford C. Bernstein & Company, including 13 versions of Humira. The makers of the brand-name biotechnology drugs for years argued that biologics were such complex molecules that they could not be exactly copied. It is for that reason the copycats are called biosimilars rather than generics. Still, that argument is now falling by the wayside, in part because some of those same brand-name companies are developing biosimilars themselves. Amgen, for example, was on both sides of this week’s debates among the F.D.A. advisers. The company developed the Humira biosimilar, but it also owns Enbrel, which is threatened by biosimilars. At the meeting on Tuesday, the advisory committee voted 26 to 0 that Amgen’s Humira knockoff was similar enough to the original drug to be approved for essentially all uses of Humira. It made that decision even though Amgen had tested the drug in patients with only two of those diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. The next day it voted 20 to 0 in favor of a broad approval of the Enbrel biosimilar, which was developed by Sandoz.


Orwell saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts!

Orwell saying $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was better than 1 Trillion Ford ElectriWindmillEscorts!

7-15-2016 Free jet fuel... Emirates of Dubai celebrate $777 Trillion from the Pentagon!

7-15-2016 ...to celebrate the Euphoria of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Invention! 1 Trillion of each asap... on the USA assembly lines Ford's + iPod size H @ -254 C free!

Pakistani media blaming France for attack at Bastille day parade!

7-15-2016 ...well known to the French Police is the "Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!"

7-15-2016 ...well known to the French Police is the "Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!"

7-15-2016 Graphic television and video images showed the GAS ENGINE Truck accelerating and tearing through the crowd, dozens of victims sprawled in its path, and the bullet-riddled windshield of the vehicle...

7-15-2016 Why Bill Gates, Tim Cook, Warren Buffett Won't Leak ElectricWindmillEscorts Self-Driving Laser Guidance Cars + Trucks with State of the Arts No Head On Collisions... suppressed from 1980 to 2016 for $777 Trillion in Texas + BP Oil Revenues... Because they all have a second home in Emirates; Dubai with sex slave perks from the King. Bush was the Pimp of course! Elite of our 1984 II Society.

7-15-2016 Nice, France; Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... France’s Bastille Day holiday Light Years from "No Head On Collisions State of the Arts Laser Guidance" on the 1980 Ford ElectricWindillCars and Trucks!

Pakistani media blaming France for attack at Bastille day parade!

Pakistani media blaming France for attack at Bastille day parade!

7-15-2016 ...well known to the French Police is the "Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!"

7-15-2016 ...well known to the French Police is the "Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!"

7-15-2016 Driver of a lorry used to attack Bastille Day celebrations in Nice has been named in local reports as 31-year-old delivery driver Mohammed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a French-Tunisian criminal well known to the police.

7-15-2016 ...well known to the police is the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks that can win the War overnight via No Gas Stations on Earth Op Coup!

7-15-2016 France’s most important annual holiday this year 2016 the defeat of Allah with the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!

7-15-2016 France,” President François Hollande said we have $777 Trillion in French Oil Revenues this is enough... Élysée Palace, in Paris. “We will not give in to the terrorist!

7-15-2016 ...well known to the French Police is the "Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!"

7-15-2016 ...well known to the French Police is the "Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!"

7-15-2016 What the NY Times will not write is the King of Saudi Arabia Cheered... However, as in the hours immediately after the Paris, Brussels and Orlando attacks, there was a now familiar celebration on channels run by groups that support the Islamic State, as well as on at least one channel affiliated with the group, also known as ISIS and ISIL. They cheered the carnage. What the NY Times will not write is the Pakistan Generals with Pentagon $$$ kickbacks cheered... image of the Eiffel Tower going up in flames via Pakistan H-Bomb on the assembly line today the CIA built for them in Pakistan.

7-15-2016 ...well known to the French Police is the "Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!"

7-15-2016 ...well known to the French Police is the "Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!"

7-15-2016 What the NY Times will not write is... Lashkar-e-Taiba, a U.S.-declared terrorist group that is widely believed to have been a creation of Pakistan's military and intelligence service... Pakistan Generals are H-Bomb suicide Bomber out to stop Allah at the Gay Wedding at the Hemingway House in Paris and Key West. Hemingway was a Polygamists at heat and Legal Polygamist Marriage under Obama and our 1984 II Dictators is not in the NY Times front page or Editorials on orders of these 1984 II Dictators. Trump would be the first President of the USA with 4 Wives... you know this, grin. Ivanka Trump Will Be Vice President Donald Trump is reportedly set to announce Indiana governor Mike Pence as his running mate. The reports are incorrect—it's always been Ivanka. Everyone knows Donald Trump likes beautiful women. But there is no woman more beautiful to him than his Ivanka!

7-15-2016 ...well known to the French Police is the "Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!"

7-15-2016 ...well known to the French Police is the "Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!"

7-15-2016 Jewish Center, the main railway station and a five-star hotel frequented by foreigners. The attack killed 166 people. When there should have been 166 Jews on at their Moon Base. Listening to the Jewish Aliens at the nearest 5 Stars.

7-15-2016 The $10 million bounty on Saeed was imposed by the U.S. State Department's Rewards for Justice Program. India has issued an Interpol Red Corner Notice for his capture, accusing him of offenses including masterminding the Mumbai attack.

7-15-2016 $10 million bounty on Saeed was imposed by the U.S. State Department's Rewards for Justice Program

7-15-2016 $10 Billion from Mecca has bought Kerry and Pope Francis... $777 Trillion in Rewards from BP oil... Hell the City of Key West spent $550K on a city park last week. What will they do with the rest of the $777 Trillion... Cuban Moon Base, grin.

7-15-2016 Black Lives Matter and Caused - - - Antibiotic-resistant cases of the sexually transmitted illness gonorrhea have more than quadrupled in the United States... iPhone 007 can track and alert the SWF who answers the caller with gonorrhea... suppressed by our 1984 II Dictators; a hate crime against women. A 'nervous' Prince Harry takes an HIV test on Facebook Live - British women infected with MS virus from Prince Harry will never be told.

7-15-2016 "Drones to scatter vaccine-coated M&Ms to save endangered ferrets" CBS News. NBC fired Dr. Nancy Snyderman before she could put vaccine's in the drinking water for people.

7-15-2016 VP New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Fat Cat... Being overweight or obese is linked to a higher risk of dying prematurely than being normal weight and the risk rises sharply as the extra pounds pile on, scientists said on Wednesday. Chris Christie helped get Dr. Nancy Snyderman fired at NBC over he comments fat is a killer disease!

7-15-2016 ...to celebrate the Euphoria of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Invention!

7-15-2016 ...to celebrate the Euphoria of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Invention!

7-15-2016 Update... Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, 31, a delivery-truck driver who was born on Jan. 3, 1985, and raised in Msaken, a town in northeastern Tunisia, and who moved to France around 2005. The police searched a home in Nice with Mr. Bouhlel’s name outside it. According to two officials briefed on the investigation but who were not authorized to discuss it publicly, Mr. Bouhlel had a history of petty crime, including burglary and theft, but his name was not in a French database of people suspected of being radicalized militants.

7-15-2016 ...to celebrate the Euphoria of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Invention!

7-15-2016 ...to celebrate the Euphoria of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Invention!

7-15-2016 ...well known to the French Police is the "Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!"

7-15-2016 ...well known to the French Police is the "Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars + Trucks!"

7-15-2016 ...to celebrate the Euphoria of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Invention!

7-14-2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort White Protesters...

7-14-2016 Dallas Black Protesters will be on CBS Nightly News today not Ford ElectricWindmillEscort White Protesters... this is really a 1984 II Society!!

7-14-2016 Air show day 3: Boeing nets 787, 737 orders; Airbus inks deal for 62 A320s. Boeing and Airbus.

7-14-2016 Free jet fuel... Emirates of Dubai to cerebrate $777 Trillion from the Pentagon.

7-14-2016 Free H @ -254 C in the USA... Dallas can have "Rain Clouds" over a City Park, Church, or Crop without 100's of miles of sprinklers, grin only the Emirates and Mecca has today.

7-14-2016 Dallas Police are use to Texas Oil Men, Emirates of Dubai Oil Men, buying and selling of SWF sex slaves as there is no market for Black Sex Slaves, grin.

7-14-2016 Dallas Black Protesters will be on CBS Nightly News today not Ford ElectricWindmillEscort White Protesters... this is really a 1984 II Society!!

7-14-2016 Muslims around the world chafe at the power that oil wealth and control of Mecca gives Saudi Arabia to shape how their faith is interpreted. But for Saad, from Karachi, Pakistan, what’s more enraging is the support the kingdom receives from the West that gives Pakistan kids polio vaccine with no vaccine in it! ‘We Live in a Society Where the Word “Liberal” Is Considered an Insult’ By BEN HUBBARD. Ben is not Ben Franklin inventing a way to put polio vaccine in the drinking water of Muslims in Pakistan. Liberal and Insult are today in a 1984 II Society War Crimes, by Dictators and Journalists at the NY Times. Mecca has the worlds largest SUV umbrella - remember Bush told 9/11 clean up workers they don't need a mask and they all got cancer. Dallas will have the largest SUV umbrella when Bush is working on the Ford Assembly Line at Hard Labor for Genocide and Holocaust II + III. By then Greg + Wives in Key West will be able to brainstorm a 1,001 SUV sunscreen recipe.

7-14-2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort White Protesters...

7-14-2016 Mecca has the worlds largest SUV umbrella...

7-14-2016 Mecca has the worlds largest Water Sprinklers... with free H @ -254 C Dallas can have "Rain Clouds" over a City Park, Church, or Crop without 100's of miles of sprinklers, grin.

7-14-2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort White Protesters...

7-14-2016 New York Today: Celebrating 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Day, Free H @ -254 C iPod's no kids will die left in hot cars in NYC a coup from 1980 comes late in 2016 after the deaths of so many kids at the hands of our 1984 II Dictators. All the 1984 II Dictators on Earth replaced; all the GE Nuclear Power Plants on Earth replaced with an iPod size GE Electric Generators fueled via H @ - 254 C. Emirates of Dubai American Sex Slaves to cerebrate too...

7-14-2016 Free H @ -254 C iPod's no kids will die left in hot cars in NYC a coup from 1980 comes late in 2016 after the deaths of so many kids at the hands of our 1984 II Dictators.

7-14-2016 Letter from China. A construction site in Beijing. Many people who work outdoors are eligible for a subsidy if temperatures exceed 95 degrees. China, Sweltering, Doles Out Subsidies for High Heat" By DIDI KIRSTEN TATLOW By law, many people who work outdoors are eligible for a subsidy whenever temperatures exceed 95 degrees Fahrenheit... so many kids died at the hands of our 1984 II Chinese Dictators, millions more than in the USA.

7-14-2016 Free H @ -254 C iPod's no kids will die left in hot cars in NYC a coup from 1980 comes late in 2016 after the deaths of so many kids at the hands of our 1984 II Dictators.

7-14-2016 For Whites Sensing 8 years of breathing in "Black Diesel Exhaust...", another coup!

7-14-2016 The worst predictions of what would happen under the deal... No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup... by the CIA. Confiscate $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues.

7-14-2016 For Whites Sensing 8 years of breathing in "Black Diesel Exhaust...", Donald Trump Unleashes Words of War Criminals Obama, Biden, Bush, Kerry. By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE Breaching boundaries on discussions of race, Mr. Trump has stoked "antagonism" among whites who feel Tim Cooks Hate Crimes against Mom and their sisters and attracted college students tired of having to watch their words at Yale Medical School telling the Professor's the Blacks really failed and you passed them, do something! Race Relations Are at Lowest Point in Obama Presidency, after Obama ordered Walter Reed MD's to give polio shots to kids with no vaccine in them he ordered Yale MD's to pass blacks who really failed. Lowest Point in Obama MD. No giving white Hillary in every city and town in the USA a women's shelter and 19K dead from OJ Clones in 2016. Lowest Point giving Hillary in every city and town in the USA Syphilis, STD's and MS virus. Lowest Point by Obama is to come! Cosby will be given a Pardon by Obama and Medal of Honor for Lifetime as a Black Man before leaving the White House. Discovery of Penicillins II + III was given to a Black Rap Gang.

7-14-2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort White Protesters...

7-14-2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort White Protesters...

7-14-2016 For Whites Sensing 8 years of breathing in "Black Diesel Exhaust...", Obama caused MS and Scleroderma... is caused by genetic and environmental factors.[7][8][9][10] Mutations in HLA genes seem to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of some cases (but not all), likewise silica, aromatic and chlorinated solvents, ketones, trichloroethylene, welding fumes and white spirits exposure seems to contribute to the condition in a small proportion of affected persons

7-14-2016 For Whites Sensing 8 years of breathing in "Black Diesel Exhaust...",

7-14-2016 The worst predictions of what would happen with mandatory iPhone 007 Dash Cams...

7-14-2016 Bernardo Provenzano, who led Sicily’s flesh-and-blood Corleone crime family, managed to elude the police for 43 years without any iPhone 007 Dash Cams... in his cars.

7-14-2016 1,001 IP invention projects, 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year will elude Speakers at Donald Trump’s Convention: Tim Tebow, Peter Thiel, but No Sarah Palin? Dr. Lady Gaga MD.

7-14-2016 H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower and Seoul Korea is were the gas engine Orwellian Society is driving to... The Interpreter Thousands of North Koreans attended a rally last month to remember the start of the Korean War, holding banners that called for the defense of Kim Jong-un, the nation’s leader. Maybe North Korea’s Nuclear Goals Are More Serious Than Once Thought. By MAX FISHER The country’s weapons programs have long been understood as meant for propaganda, not military, purposes. That view might be dangerously wrong. British BP Oil goals are another $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. Not even 2 H Bombs can stop the gas engine car Oil Men. Nuke Assembly lines are up and running today as I type this are all over the world and No Ford Assembly lines for the ElectricWindmillEscort are up and running today. Pope Francis knows this and prays to God Trump will say something as he can't!

7-14-2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort White Protesters...

7-14-2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort White Protesters...


7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman': she sells diesel engine cars too and to China too... wow!

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman': Donald Trump-Ruth Bader Ginsburg feud goes nuclear - nuke engine cars will be invented after Gravity Engine Cars. Washington Post - Trump is again escalating the rhetoric, questioning the 83-year-old justice's mental capacity in a tweet in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. Scam of a women salesman and the supreme court Judge is God's Ginsburg - Jimmy Carter too is at peace with his God selling gas engine cars, a war crime. wow! Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a ‘Disgrace’ - Kerry's Honor a Disgrace when he knew Black Men in Vietnam killed cops and Officers and didn't "Protest". Kerrys Honor selling gas engine cop cars... right!!

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman':

7-13-2016 Free jet fuel... Emirates of Dubai to cerebrate $777 Trillion from the Pentagon

7-13-2016 Free jet fuel... Emirates of Dubai to celebrate $777 Trillion from the Pentagon

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine Airbus’s A380 saleswoman' $400 Million Each: concerned with gas fuel when H @ -254 C is free in the windfall perks to Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity, from the Euphoria of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Invention and production.

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine Airbus’s A380 saleswoman' $400 Million Each: concerned with gas fuel when H @ -254 C is free in the windfall perks to Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity, from the Euphoria of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Invention and production. 1 Trillion Today! Jimmy Carter's mind is shot along with Ginsburg's as kids will die in hot cars Today! When H @ - 254 C would be a windfall of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Invention to save their life. Miami has a iapp not to forget your kids in hot cars but no H @ -254 C. A/C ipod size or any! On orders from our 1984 II Dictators.

7-13-2016 500 seats can be packed into the A380’s two decks, and several airlines have capitalized on its generous proportions to introduce lavish amenities for its first-class passengers, including opulent lounges, health spas and “apartments” equipped with double beds and private showers.

7-13-2016 But despite Airbus’s grand ambitions, the A380 has failed to generate interest from more than a dozen airlines. With its four engines and 560-ton frame, the plane, which lists for more than $400 million, has been a tough sell with airlines that have become increasingly concerned with gas fuel as GE Jet Engine top brass refuse to convert the engines to H @ - 254 C and free $$$. To celebrate the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Invention. No Gas Stations On Earth and Free H @ -254 C Era.

7-13-2016 Free jet fuel... Emirates of Dubai to celebrate $777 Trillion from the Pentagon in Oil Revenues. Grin. A War Crime! No American carrier has ordered the A380. Only one airline, Emirates of Dubai, has placed a significant strategic bet on the superjumbo, ordering 142, including 75 already in service.

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine Airbus’s A380 saleswoman' $400 Million Each: concerned with gas fuel when H @ -254 C is free.

7-13-2016 NY Times has a front page story of Cuba and no more free gasoline, and nothing about Castro building an assembly line for the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's Invention to save their life in Cuba.

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman': A black Yale University dishwasher smashed a 100 year old stained-glass window at the school that depicted slaves picking cotton... Thank God Blacks from Yale are not allowed into the Vatican... to break 1,000 year old stained-glass windows! Yale will pick Hepatitis and other diseases out of blacks working in the Yale Kitchens. Sex in the Kitchens at Yale will go viral on Facebook and YouTube when I get to Yale... grin.

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman':

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman': 'I don't want to feel this way': Former Miss Alabama calls Dallas gunman a 'martyr' Cutthroat Black Men OJ and his ex wife; did he cut her throat, cops didn't tell us! Statistics; how many Black Men have cut a women's throat, 1,001 plus and this will happen again and again in 2016 and 2017 in our current gas engine 1984 II Society! Can you see Cutthroat Black men's video's on YouTube and Facebook. Going viral on CBS line the cop shootings... Hell no CBS Nightly News will not show a video of a black man cutting a SWF's throat, this is a crime by CBS Nightly News.

7-13-2016 Obama lauds Dallas police, city at memorial service, Orwellian comments on Black kids can get a gun not a iMac Book Pro and I personally shot 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillCars before they got assembled by a black assembly line worker at Ford. Bush lives in Dallas a few miles from the shooting of 5 cops. Bush will work on the Ford Dallas assembly line next to black assembly line workers the rest of his life after the coup.

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman':

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman':

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman': ROME — Two passenger trains collided head-on in the Puglia region of southern Italy on Tuesday morning, killing at least 25 people and injuring dozens more, some of them critically. The crash occurred around 11:30 a.m. on a single track running through an olive grove between the towns of Andria and Ruvo di Puglia. The closest major city is Bari, about 20 miles east of Ruvo di Puglia. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who was attending the opening of a new science museum in Milan.

7-13-2016 Prime Minister Renzi, at a new science museum in Milan... when 2 trains collide in a head on collision killing 25. This has to be a "War Crime" as Greg + Wives in Key West invented No Head On Collisions on Earth for ElectricWindmillEscort Cars!

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman':

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman': science museum in Milan and the Prime Minister bought a gas engine car from Obama. Ms. Gnesi said that the trains were probably operating on instructions from dispatchers. “It’s probable that there was some human error. War Crimes - when 2 trains collide in a head on collision killing 25. This has to be a "War Crime" In June 2009, a 14-car freight train carrying liquefied petroleum gas derailed and exploded in Viareggio, on the west coast of Italy in the Tuscany region. That disaster killed 32 people.

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman':

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman':

7-13-2016 A pit bull dog belonging to a professional dancer touring with Madonna was shot and killed by police officers while they were issuing an arrest warrant in Brooklyn Tuesday, after it bit a cop not before. A witness said the officers had no choice but to shoot the pit bull as Greg + Wives in Key West working on a "gas" for pit bull control has not been invented yet but will be invented when we are no longer POW's in Key West, grin. Bit this!

7-13-2016 'Her mind is shot,' 'gas engine car saleswoman': Google Maps will drive you to Google Invention Maps after Google Top Brass Crash and burn in their gas engine cars.

7-13-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-12-2016 NY Times writes about the Future of Natural Gas today!

7-12-2016 Oppenheimer II + III's LG-Bomb "Lobotomy Gas" Bomb would be ready to drop over Dallas Today... Or you could just go with the iPhone 007 Dash Cams and of course iPhone 007 iHome Cams in Dallas Today, grin.

7-12-2016 Oppenheimer II + III's LG-Bomb "Lobotomy Gas" Bomb would be ready to drop over Dallas Today...

7-12-2016 ... a music streaming service Hell; a streaming IP invention projects service!

7-12-2016 "Black Diesel Exhaust..." endangered Billions of people's DNA. DA's Cardiac Arrest Stats from the FBI, no cause like the head on collisions directing traffic.

7-12-2016 Leaked document says by today working from the first of January 2016 at Los Alamos Oppenheimer II + III's LG-Bomb Gas Lobotomy Bomb would be ready to drop over Dallas and Black Live Matter Protesters... Lobotomy Gas!! And Iraq, Afghan forces.

7-12-2016 Triggered by a surgeon's complaint that University of Louisville Hospital is dangerous, a state inspection found deficiencies in nursing services specifically endangered three patients.

7-12-2016 Triggered by a NY Times CBS Editorial Video state Health Inspection found deficiencies in 1 Trillion... that caused 100's of whooping cough deaths and heart attacks cardiac arrest were no one was arrested. Lower Keys Medical Center guy is sitting next to me in Starbucks as I write this, grin. Dr. Lady Gaga MD will be picked by Trump Friday, VP.

7-12-2016 Future of Natural Gas Hinges on Stanching Methane Leaks - No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup No Money at all for Saudi Arabia Allah Mecca... New Ground Zero is No Money for Allah! Future of Natural Gas which is made of 3 poison gases!

7-12-2016 Future of Animating van Gogh’s Life With 62,450 Oil Paintings - van Gogh II + III the inventor with 1,001 IP invention projects at the Apple-Starbucks on a iMacBook Pro with Amazon 1 click links to IP invention projects...

7-12-2016 NY Times writes about the Future of Natural Gas today!

7-12-2016 Oppenheimer II + III's LG-Bomb "Lobotomy Gas" Bomb would be ready to drop over Dallas Today...

7-12-2016 Future of deploying IP invention projects after No Gas Stations on Earth Op Coup wins the battle in Mosul... War Crime Trials begin in Washington DC. U.S. Will Deploy 560 More Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS - a war crime.

7-12-2016 Triggered by Brain freeze memory... is a rush how I can remember this from 1970. Gulping a 7-Eleven cherry Slurpee or spooning Moose Tracks ice cream too fast can result in a scrunched-up face of temporary agony that's fun to watch - but not experience. Same year 7b-Eleven I use to visit by the Jr. college was held up several times and few clerks were shot to death. Stats for 7-Eleven killing from 1970 to today must be 10K +++.

7-12-2016 Black Micah Johnson's Vietnam's Exhaust; I would guess 10,000 police and soldiers, blacks have been killing since before the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Invention that would have invented a LG lobotomy Gas for Blacks... Kobe Bryant's, Colorado Resort Hotel Rape should have gone video viral like the blacks shot on Facebook and YouTube, tomorrow it will with millions of hits.

7-12-2016 NY Times writes about the Future of Natural Gas today!

7-12-2016 Oppenheimer II + III's LG-Bomb "Lobotomy Gas" Bomb would be ready to drop over Dallas Today...

7-12-2016 "Black Diesel Exhaust... "Obama; five police officers killed in last week's ambush in Dallas. He will attend and speak at a private 1984 II Orwellian conference with Bush today in Dallas and not talk about the $777 Trillion in Texas Oil Revenues and 1 Trillion Ford's on the assembly line in Dallas. Orwellian Doctor Earth with a upgrade from 1984 George Orwell's iPhone 007 Dash Cams and of course iPhone 007 iHome Cams! Is There a "1984 III" coup by Cops to make public iPhone Dash Cam and iPhone iHome Cams! Bush and Obama will not talk about this "1984" "Miracle Cure iDash Cam iHome Cam's" for Cop Killers, then the Pentagon will do something about the Blacks killing cops and troops from Vietnam and today in Iraq. Kerry threw his Medal of Honor over the White House Fence Protesting Blacks killing Officers in Vietnam right?

7-12-2016 FBI data... from 2014 show 96 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty. Of them, 51 died as a result of felonious acts, and 45 died in accidents. There were 48,315 other officers who were victims of assaults while on duty.

7-12-2016 Kerry's data... from Vietnam to today!! Officer's + law enforcement officers were killed... by Blacks?

7-12-2016 FBI didn't say how many job-related illnesses, and heart attacks... I would guess 1,001 or more!! 124 law enforcement officers were killed in 2015. Traffic-related incidents were the leading cause, comprising 52 of the deaths... FBI didn't say what caused the traffic accident. Not much for a invention to brainstorm today after reading this. No the NY Times will not write his up as a IP invention project with 1 click Amazon links to get you started inventing something.

7-12-2016 "Black Diesel Exhaust... Recordings from law enforcement body and dashboard cameras will not be considered public records in North Carolina under a law signed Monday by Gov.

7-12-2016 "Black Diesel Exhaust... Who gave Hillary Syphilis and HIV will be considered public records in the USA after 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts come off the Dallas assembly lines and the Oil Rig Count for the Week is Zero! Ground Zero connotations!

7-12-2016 NY Times writes about the Future of Natural Gas today!

7-12-2016 Oppenheimer II + III's LG-Bomb "Lobotomy Gas" Bomb would be ready to drop over Dallas Today...

7-12-2016 Leaked document says 2000 men allegedly assaulted 1200 German women on New Year's Eve" Washington Post - LONDON - At first,

7-12-2016 Leaked document says 2000 men allegedly assaulted 12K women and girls in Afghanistan... not reported by the Washington Post in our 1984 II Society. KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan forces are suffering rising levels of battlefield casualties this year after unprecedented numbers of police and soldiers were killed and wounded in 2015, the top U.S.

7-12-2016 Leaked document says by today working from the first of January 2016 at Los Alamos Oppenheimer II + III's LG-Bomb Lobotomy Gas Bomb would be ready to drop over Dallas and Black Live Matter Protesters... Lobotomy Gas!! And Iraq, Afghan forces.

7-12-2016 BAGHDAD - Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said Monday that the Pentagon will deploy an additional 560 U.S. troops to Iraq, widening the U.S.

7-12-2016 For the first time, on the dimly glowing remnants of a failed star mere light-years from Earth, scientists have found evidence of water clouds beyond our solar system. Now Ashton Carter needs to invent a "Cloud Mover" so it will rain on his troops in Iran when he wants it to rain... grin.

7-12-2016 ... a music streaming service Hell; a streaming IP invention projects service!

7-12-2016 NY Times writes about the Future of Natural Gas today!

7-12-2016 Oppenheimer II + III's LG-Bomb "Lobotomy Gas" Bomb would be ready to drop over Dallas Today... Or you could just go with the iPhone 007 Dash Cams and of course iPhone 007 iHome Cams in Dallas Today, grin.


7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust..."

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust" ruined lives by suppressing the 1980 - 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort that this is inherently a "War Crime" for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues.

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust" was a spin off of Bush telling 9/11 clean up workers you don't need to wear a respirator or mask and they all have cancers today.

Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" ("Officer Killings") by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-11-2016 Yes Blacks in Vietnam killed 10K Pentagon Troops! And more when they came home from Vietnam. Does this sound like Baghdad... Orwellian Society at the NY Times + CBS.

7-11-2016 Yes Rudolph Giuliani Lashes Out at Black Lives Matter...

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust..."

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust..."

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times again - "Lessons From the Tesla Crash" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Driver's "Black Lung" editorials was long ago in a distant galaxy; Black Diesel Exhaust has never been in print in the New York Times let alone a Times iMac Super Computer Video of your Kids DNA interacting with Black Diesel Exhaust... on Duval Key West Today or Times Square NYC, this is inherently a "War Crime"

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust..."

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said that “when you say black lives matter, that's inherently racist...

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust" ruined lives suppressing the 1980 - 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort is inherently a "War Crime" for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues.

7-11-2016 Yes 9/11 II + III will happen if BP Oil keeps its $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues and we lose the No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup by the CIA.

7-11-2016 Yes MD STD health enforcers in Saudi Arabia and NYC are a cartoon joke too. Saudi Women who drove a gas engine car were whipped even though Hillary said No. Secrets of the Kingdom Saudi Calls for More Liberalized Islam, and Pays the Price By BEN HUBBARD A longtime morals enforcer began to question the rules. He told his story to a Times correspondent who spent weeks in Saudi Arabia trying to understand its hyper-conservative strain of Islam, which is often blamed for terrorism. A Saudi Morals Enforcer Called for a More Liberal Islam. Then the Death Threats Began. a Times correspondent who spent weeks in Saudi Arabia trying to understand Paris gay cartoons of Allah. A Saudi Morals Enforcer Syphilis was given to him by the Times correspondent... MD STD health enforcers in Saudi Arabia and NYC are a cartoon joke too.

7-11-2016 Yes Rudolph Giuliani Lashes Out at Black Lives Matter...

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust..."

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust..."

7-11-2016 Yes He told his story to a Times correspondent who spent $777 Trillion... bribes and kickbacks have no influence on men who will get 72 Virgins in Heaven. CIA intelligence fail's to win this war...

7-11-2016 Yes "Organ transplants have come a long way but hurdles remain" Washington Post Washington - Brenda Hudson recalls weeks spent in a glass-enclosed isolation room after her first kidney transplant, her family allowed to visit only when suited up against germs.

7-11-2016 Yes 1,001 Germs will be a Nobel Novel Greg + Wives write at the Hemingway House in Key West.

7-11-2016 Yes "Organ Hospitals and Medical Schools have come a long way but hurdles remain in the politics of being suited up against germ or a nice "White Coat." Yale Key West Medical School 100% of Doctors + Patients + Visitors will be suited up against germs! Bush will say you don't need to wear a mask at Walter Reed Military Hospital as I give the orders! Grin. Bush failed Yale and could not get into any Medical Schools and never built a Medical School with $$$ 77 Trillion in Texas Oil Revenues.

7-11-2016 Yes The terrifying track of how one 'person with no mask' was responsible for nearly half of MERS cases in South Korea" The outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

7-11-2016 Yes Rudolph Giuliani Lashes Out at Black Lives Matter...

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust..."

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust..."

7-11-2016 Yes Researchers working at the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) collaboration have confirmed the existence of an entirely new four-quark particle, known as tetraquarks, and three new tetraquarks that had never been seen before.

7-11-2016 Yes Medical Researchers working will confirm the existence of an entirely new germ, grin.

7-11-2016 Yes For a time, scientists figured that quarks only came in varieties of two or three, but recent discoveries have revealed “exotic” configurations of four and even five quarks (called a pentaquark).

7-11-2016 Yes Rudolph Giuliani Lashes Out at Black Lives Matter...

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust..."

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust..."

7-11-2016 Yes For our Times MD's figured "Germs" were just "Germs" no need to crunch them at Los Alamos and Nuke them like CERN does quarks...

7-11-2016 Yes two “charm” quarks and two “strange” quarks - Biden + Beau are the strange quarks Greg + Wives in Key West are the Charm quarks with 1,001 Nobel Novels written at the Hemingway House 2016 on a iMac super computer... grin.

7-11-2016 Yes tetraquarks are highly unstable, and they decay quickly into other particles. Cancers they decay quickly will be a invention of Greg + Wives in Key West not Biden and his Moon Shot with Dr. Lady Gaga MD, grin.

7-11-2016 Yes...

7-11-2016 Yes Rudolph Giuliani Lashes Out at Black Lives Matter...

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust..."

7-11-2016 Yes New York Times - Rudolph W. Giuliani said "Black Diesel Exhaust..."

7-11-2016 Yes Orwellian Doctor Earth with a upgrade from 1984 George Orwell to iPhone 007 Dash Cams and of course iPhone 007 iHome Cams! Is There a "1984 III" Path to Peace Between Civilians and Police? By ANDREW C. REVKIN Can George Orwell invent a better state of the arts Orwellian Society... not at the NY Times or Walter Reed Medical Schools. Could you read the transcripts from the iCams at the Times and Walter Reed MD's. Hillary caught Syphilis again this time from Obama... They would sound like the shooter fantasizing killing white people... The New York Times Editorial Board published “When Will the Killing Stop?” just hours before one assailant fatally shot five police officers and wounded seven more during a Dallas demonstration Thursday night against police shootings earlier this week in Minnesota and Louisiana. In The Times this morning, the Dallas police chief, David O. Brown, who is black, summed up America’s challenge succinctly: “This must stop, this divisiveness between police and citizens.” The question, of course, is - how... do we get iPhone 007 Dash Cams and iPhone 007 iHome Cams into the Black Police Chiefs car and home via George Orwell the "Cop" who just confiscated $777 Trillion in spending money from Saudi Arabia and sent Allah to Hell.

7-10-2016 In Week of Emotional Swings, Police Face a Dual Role: Villain and Victim; Victims of their 1984 II Dictator who killed these 5 cops by suppressing the iPhone 007 Dash Cam's that should have been mandatory on all cars last year... In Vietnam thousands of Blacks killed their White Officers and Generals killed thousands of their own troop. Today its the same Villain's and Victims! Congressional Study Faults Highway Agency Over Testing of Guardrail's in the Sunday New York Times when the NY Times Editors know Laser Guidance Guardrails and 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Laser Guidance systems have been updated since 1980 Guardrails. Villain is the NY Times in stifling the Invention of the Gravity Engine Car Era.

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Zero Oil Rig Counted in the USA... US oil rig count this week rose by 10 to 351, the highest count since April 15, according to oilfield-services giant Baker Hughes. Howard Hughes II + III and Hughes Aircraft will be designing Jewish Moon Bases. Count on the Jewish Moon Bases and the NASA 100 Car Hubble Space Telescopes Trains will be the New New York Times Era of the Gravity Engine's!

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 In Vietnam there were 100's of thousands of black "Micah Johnson" who also wrote in his journal about a combat tactic known as “shoot and move,” officials said. He used a similar tactic during the attack in which five police officers were killed. Pentagon to this day will not tell the New York Times how many "Cops" "Officers" were killed by Black Micah Johnson's in Vietnam but I would guess 10,000 just in Vietnam and more when they got back to the USA. When Kerry was tossing his Medal of Honor over the White House fence, ha. Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings".

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Want to have a group 1,001 IP invention projects contest on Skype? Take part in group Nobel Novels at the Hemingway House writing classes in group text conversations which our 1984 II Dictator will not let Greg + Wives do today not even for Rx Recipes for a Overnight Stage 4 cure. There are no women with Stage 4 at HQ. To Protest. NATO allies; Honed Military Skills to a Deadly Conclusion against Greg + Wives in Key West who can get the Stage 4 Overnight Rx Recipe accessory to the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort the NATO allies; Honed Military Skills to a Deadly Conclusion against in 1980 for $777 Trillion in MIT War Toys.

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Skype - celebrating the New iMac Super Computer at your Apple-Starbucks café Table with 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects... and 4 wives in a legal polygamous marriage.

7-10-2016 LG Ultra 4K 100" monitors at your table... NYC Elite Four Seasons Restaurant's! French cuisine epitomized with history of French Inventions like you have never ate on a 100" monitor at your restaurant table...

7-10-2016 The Iraq war was illegal... No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup by the CIA it was illegal not to use this to win the war's!

7-10-2016 John Prescott, who was Tony Blair's deputy at the time of the 2003 invasion, claims the Iraq war was illegal.

7-10-2016 illegal... NATO allies agreed on Saturday to help fund Afghan security forces to the tune of around $1 billion annually over the next three years...

7-10-2016 illegal... NATO allies; Honed Military Skills to a Deadly Conclusion against Jewish Moon Bases and 100 Car Super Space Telescope Trains. By RICHARD FAUSSET, MANNY FERNANDEZ and ALAN BLINDER New York Times Sunday.

7-10-2016 NATO Generals + Admirals could hang just like the Japanese Admirals if they lose the "Oil Revenues War of $777 Trillion!" No Gas Stations On Earth will mean more Jewish Astronauts than Generals + Admirals on Earth, grin.

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Want to have a group trivia contest on Skype? Microsoft announced updates to the bot functionality in Skype on Friday that let digital quizmasters and other automated participants take part in group text conversations.

7-10-2016 1,001 Invention Secret's Drone's in CIA War's that were stifled, lost inventions the last 8 years of Obama. By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Early this month, the Obama administration revealed its estimate of the number of civilians killed since 2009 in counterterrorism airstrikes outside of Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. In a three-page report that offered little insight into the government’s secretive drone campaign, officials said they had concluded that between 64 and 116 civilians died in 473 strikes. United States, of all countries, engages in killings of 1,001 Drone Inventions. CIA could have brainstormed and written out 1,001 Drone Inventions in less than a year. Jewish Astronauts on their Moon Base could have used several of these CIA Drone Inventions over the last several years. Grin. By THE EDITORIAL BOARD, could they brainstorm 1,001 Drone Invention Projects and write them up in the longest ever New York Times Editorial, Hell Yes they could have but lost this invention...

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 The Obama administration in 2013 adopted stricter guidelines for the drone campaign, which is run by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon. They instruct intelligence and military personnel to determine with “near certainty” that their target is present at the location of an intended strike, that noncombatants will not be hurt or killed, that capture is not a feasible option and that the local government is not equipped to address the threat.

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 The Obama administration in 2013 adopted Drone Invention Projects, 1,001 brainstormed by CIA and locals... it is impossible to assess what Game changing World Changing Drone Inventions were lost. Many Drone Invention projects for the Heavy Lift Helicopters in Jimmy Carter's Peanut Harvest for sure and of course on Jimmy Carters Cruise Ships he likes so much. Construction of the Homes for his Habitat and building them better and faster with less accidents all lost Drone Inventions.

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 1,001 IP invention projects designer plates from Paris. Exquisitely Patterned PlateExuberant motifs inspired by Indonesian batiks, French toiles or Turkish tiles upend the boring white. Exquisitely Patterned Plates Inventors Fuel.

7-10-2016 Drone's at the 2017 - 4 Seasons - The Four Seasons in 1960, one year after it opened. In its time, it was the most modern, the most daring, the most New York restaurant the city had ever seen. Restaurant Drone's!!

7-10-2016 All conversations were about 1,001 IP invention projects - For food was not the attraction. “Powerful people eat in order to be seen with other powerful people,” Michael Korda, the former editor in chief of Simon & Schuster, and a Four Seasons regular, wrote in The New York Times in 1977. The choicest dish was not on the menu: the validation that came with being seated and served with an important client, surrounded by elite company. All conversations were about 1,001 IP invention projects!

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Mr. Baum went on to develop two splashy theme restaurants, the Hawaiian Room at the Hotel Lexington and the outrageous Forum of the Twelve Caesars at Rockefeller Center, a sword-and-sandals epic translated into a dining experience, with toga-clad waiters, champagne bottles iced in Roman helmets and a salad billed as “the noblest Caesar of them all.”

7-10-2016 LG Ultra 4K 100" monitors at your table... NYC Elite! French cuisine epitomized with history of French Inventions like you have never ate!



7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Yes Kerry knew about all these "Cop Killings" "Officer Killings" by Blacks in Vietnam!

7-10-2016 Cat Fight from yesterday with "Observers" piss... guy taking a piss in front of Starbucks at 7 am as I biked up he was a "Observer" from the government. Layed on the sidewalk for a hour and no one called the cops or the La Concha Hotel so you know is was a government Observer... Cat Piss.

7-9-2016 Cat Fight in Key West with Guy who lives above Key West Sign Company 901 Fleming Street. Shit and Piss are the only thing this guy said last night as this is what the 1984 II Observers have on their minds. He told me he will call the city of Key West. When the guy knew they were watching. I had to post this on my web today as many other Observers in Key West Read this web than the Observers who watch me feed the cats at Fleming and Margaret Streets last night and have the video... grin.

7-9-2016 Army Veterans Black + White will gun down their wive's today 7-9-2016

7-9-2016 Afghanistan following a sexual harassment allegation. Micah X. Johnson - he would have been a OJ Clone created by Obama killing her like 100's of other OJ Clones created by Obama in the last 8 years. Hell of a lot of women have been killed by Army Vets and OJ Clones in the last 8 years... 500 I would guess as 19 SWF's will be killed in 2016. Not counting the "Mary Kennedy" clones killed by Robert Kennedy Jr.

7-9-2016 Army Veterans will gun down their wive's today 7-9-2016 coming home from war and social media like Facebook will censor it on orders from the Pentagon Generals.

7-9-2016 After two videos emerged showing the gruesome killings of two black men by police officers, one in Baton Rouge, La., and the other in Falcon Heights, Minn.

7-9-2016 Army Veterans will gun down their wive's today and no videos will emerge via orders from the Pentagon Generals. Motives will be ticked off for the Vet Wife killers, the war made them do it. War protesters will not protest the killing of the Vets Wives!

7-9-2016 ..after witnessing the assassination of a policeman, captured on video. “The Army Vet stood over him after he was already down and shot him three or four more times in the back.” The Army Vets will assassinate their wive's today and any video will be classified top secret. Yes there are women in this mans Army but for some reason or fear of the Pentagon they will not leak these assassination videos of wives by Army Vets today. This editorial has been updated to reflect news developments at the New York Times.

7-9-2016 Video is turning social media into a virtual crime scene. In the space of three days, we have seen the deaths of two black men during separate encounters with police in Minnesota and Baton Rouge, and a rampage in Dallas that left five officers killed.

7-9-2016 Black American Sniper Movie will be made by Clint Eastwood... Disney! Disney refused to make the Movie "The Making of the 1980 ElectricWindmillEscort"

7-9-2016 Black American Sniper Movie will be made by Clint Eastwood... Disney! Disney refused to live stream Greg + Wives in Key West from the Hemingway House writing the Novel "brainstorming 1,001 Rx Recipes" to get the Stage 4 Overnight Rx Cure by Christmas Day 2016.

7-9-2016 Politically charged lyrics!! 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year killed by Walter Reed, MD's, Doctors Without Borders, MD's, Jimmy Carters, MD's White House, MD's, and Biden who's lyrics are send Beau off to War with Brain Cancer's War lost to no motivation by Biden as its light years long and Pentagon gave up on any Mission Impossible light year travels even with a Space Telescope Train.! Light takes 7 minutes to reach the Earth.

7-9-2016 Politically charged lyrics!! Facebook, CBS Nightly News, NY Times and nothing about 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year IP invention projects working; brainstorming with a few wives in a polygamous legal marriage working on your iMac Super Computer with 1 click Amazon links at your Apple-Starbucks café table.

7-9-2016 In a Facebook post on the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort conversations at the White House... Greg + Wives in Key West POW's of a 1984 II Society stopped from brainstorming conversations on the Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 overnight cure by Christmas 2016.

7-9-2016 President Obama's, Motivation to get - Johnson playing basketball 24/7. Wasted Black Lives by Obama's Motivation. Syphilis in his frontal lobes...

7-9-2016 President Obama's, Motivation to get - Johnson playing basketball at a park near his home. "He would be out there for eight hours. Like it was his job. Just hoopin',"

7-9-2016 iPhone 007 Dash Cam's inside "Black Lives Matter" drivers cars...

7-9-2016 Army veteran who gunned down five Dallas police officers Thursday evening subscribed to updates from black nationalist groups on social media and had been sent home from Afghanistan following a sexual harassment allegation. Micah X. Johnson, 25, shot 14 people, including 12 officers

7-9-2016 Army Veterans will gun down their wive's today 7-9-2016 coming home from war and social media like Facebook will censor it on orders from the Pentagon Generals.

7-9-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars and SUV's" were taken off Google by Bush after I posted then so viral on this web page; as the 1984 II Observers who read this web got sick and tired of looking a fiery wrecks they have to drive by without stopping to help on orders from 1984 II Dictators.

7-9-2016 "Fiery car crash's SUV's + Cop Cars" are censored on Facebook on orders from 1984 II dictators.

7-9-2016 Motivation "Cop Car Fire Bombed" 1984 II Dictators put "Black Lives Matter" in the Headlines instead of protesting "fiery cop car crash's" not reported on Facebook, CBS, NY Time.

7-9-2016 iPhone 007 Dash Cam's inside "Black Lives Matter" drivers cars... idea had been fantasized for year and years by 1984 II Orwellian Cops who read this web and know of the iPhone 007 Dash Cam's inside and out. State of the Arts high tech 360 degree and night vision can hear the drivers over snoop dog rap music, grin.

7-9-2016 President Obama, “no possible justification” for Motivation "Cop Car Fire Bombed" by Obama for BP Oil.

7-9-2016 President Obama's, Motivation to get - Johnson playing basketball 24/7. Wasted Black Lives by Obama's Motivation. Syphilis in his frontal lobes...

7-9-2016 President Obama's, Motivation to get - Johnson playing basketball at a park near his home. "He would be out there for eight hours. Like it was his job. Just hoopin',"

7-9-2016 Politically charged lyrics!! Facebook, CBS Nightly News, NY Times and nothing about 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year IP invention projects working brainstorming with a few wives in a polygamous legal marriage working on your iMac Super Computer with 1 click Amazon links at your Apple-Starbucks café table.

7-9-2016 President Obama, “no possible justification” for Motivation of Madonna to drive gas engine cars all over Africa when she knows and sings Orwellian lyrics about the 1980 - 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... Madonna and her family recently took a trip to Africa -- and the pics will definitely make you smile. The pop icon shared a flurry of photos on Instagram, documenting their visits to Kenya, Kibera, and t he Home Of Hope Orphanage in Michingi, Malawi. Motivation of Madonna to go along with the suppression of 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars and trucks in Africa is criminal as she must be getting kickbacks from BP Oil and perks from Obama.

7-9-2016 Obama, “no possible justification” for shooting 1 Trillion ElectricWindmillEscort Cars and Trucks on the Ford Assembly line...

7-9-2016 Motivation of War Criminals in London and BP Oil - UK is to send up to 50 additional military personnel to Afghanistan to train and advise security forces there. They will join the 450 British troops already in the country - and will aid counter-terrorism efforts and provide leadership training.

7-9-2016 BP Oil is paying for missiles... TEHRAN, Iran - Iran said Saturday it will continue its ballistic missile program, after the U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said that the missile tests aren't in the spirit of the country's landmark nuclear deal with world powers.

7-9-2016 Generals who let BP Oil pay for Iran missiles get their missile money from Texas Oil.

7-9-2016 No Gas Stations on Earth Op Coup would bankrupt all... ballistic missile programs. Even Jimmy Carters second Nuke Sub the USS Jimmy Carter II. For his grandsons.

7-9-2016 By JANE PERLEZ "South Korea showed that it was embracing its alliance with Washington more than ever, and that it would rely less on China to keep North Korea at bay." Biden knows there is no reason for a North Korea Moon Shot Cure and of course he wouldn't let Greg + Wives in Key West, his POW's brainstorm a No Gas Stations On Earth type cure invention to finally end the Korean War. Cancer War Moon Shot. Jewish Colony on the Moon today there Moon Base would be 40 years old and in need of repairs. Korea is 40 years old too and not a Jewish Moon Base. See the connection? By RAPHAEL MINDER "As part of a protest against President Obama’s visit to Spain, the United Left posted a drawing of him hugging a caricature of Jewish man and slipping him money." BP Oil has direct deposited $777 Trillion to Jewish Men not to make a big deal of a Jewish Moon Base.

7-9-2016 In a Facebook post on the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort conversations at the White House.

7-9-2016 In a Facebook post on Thursday before the Dallas police shootings, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, wrote about Wives gunned down by Army Vets and fiery cop car rear ended writing a traffic ticket on his secret message app. Facebook to Add ‘Secret Conversations’ to Messenger App Anyone in the United States with a Facebook account and a smartphone can begin live streaming. The video is instantly broadcast to the person’s news feed where friends and followers can immediately view the video. Late Thursday evening, when sniper fire rang out across downtown Dallas, a bystander, Michael Kevin Bautista, used his smartphone to stream the events in real time on Facebook Live. Within the hour, CNN was rebroadcasting the footage. The day before, Diamond Reynolds streamed on Facebook Live after local police in Falcon Heights, Minn., shot her boyfriend, Philando Castile, ratcheting up a controversy surrounding how police officers treat African-Americans. The two real-time videos catapulted Facebook, in the span of 48 hours,

7-9-2016 In a Facebook post on the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort conversations at the White House.

7-9-2016 Obama appeasing violent black criminals... NY Times appeasing violent black criminals... War Criminals from Vietnam to Kerry killing many women in Vietnam to Baghdad killing of women and children with live video streaming on secret Facebook 1984 II accounts when appeasing the few NYC Jews who would rather have a Moon Base.

7-9-2016 As Air Force One headed for Europe on Thursday afternoon, President Obama holed up in the plane’s office editing a Facebook post meant to express his anguish at two deadly shootings by police officers. Given what had happened, he told his aides, he didn’t think it was enough.

7-9-2016 National Association of Police Organizations, on Fox on Thursday accused Mr. Obama’s administration of appeasing violent criminals in ways that “led directly to the climate that has made Dallas possible.”

7-9-2016 Cat Fight in Key West with Guy who lives above Key West Sign Company 901 Fleming Street. Shit and Piss are the only thing this guy said last night as this is what the 1984 II Observers have on their minds. He told me he will call the city of Key West. When the guy knew they were watching. I had to post this on my web today as many other Observers in Key West Read this web than the Observers who watch me feed the cats at Fleming and Margaret Streets last night and have the video... grin.


7-9-2016 CBS Nightly News starts off with... interactions are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain.

7-9-2016 State Department Alerts from Kerry start off with... interactions are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain.

7-8-2016 Obama, “no possible justification” for shooting 1 Trillion ElectricWindmillEscort Cars and Trucks on the Ford Assembly line... engineering specks of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort advanced to 360 degree iPhone 007 dash cams inside iTraffic Cops for Road Rage on White Cops watching and listening - iPhone 007 Dash Cams could have been in the black snipers cars but was suppressed with the 1 Trillion ElectricWindmillEscort Cars and Trucks on the Ford Assembly line...

7-8-2016 WARSAW — President Obama, deplored the shooting deaths of five police officers in Dallas, saying there is “no possible justification” for such a “vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement.” Facebook post... #BlackPower?! #BlackKnights! Sniper Assassins Take Down Five Police Officers! And More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days! Gunman who engaged in an hours-long standoff with authorities “said he was upset about the recent police shootings” and that “he wanted to kill white people especially white officers. Bomb was placed on a robot and killed this gunman. New conference just ended with no questions on this and that so not much information for now. War seems possible as CBS Orwellian comments are from something our 1984 II Dictators would write while riding in a gas engine car instead of the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort due to have a gravity engine upgrade in the next few years, grin.

7-8-2016 Black American Sniper Movie will be made by Clint Eastwood... Disney!

7-8-2016 Black American Sniper Movie will be made by Clint Eastwood... Disney!

7-8-2016 'Like a little war': Snipers shoot 12 police officers during Dallas Black protest march, killing five... At least five Dallas cops dead.

7-8-2016 War Crimes indictment only of Mr. Blair’s, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Harry; Iraq Report Prompts More Defensiveness Than Regret From Tony Blair and the 1984 II Dictators in London and the USA. ‘Brexit’ Briefing: Conservatives Decide a Woman Should Lead Britain Tory lawmakers have chosen Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom these women are not Oxford MD's who work in the frontal lobes of British Oil Men with syphilis in their brain from sex slave vacations in Mecca.

7-8-2016 Obama, “no possible justification” for shooting 1 Trillion ElectricWindmillEscort Cars and Trucks on the Ford Assembly line...

7-8-2016 Obama, “no possible justification” for Not Updating the 2003 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars and Trucks in 2016... 2017.

7-8-2016 7-8-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributor "Tony Blair Sold the Iraq War" Not the updated 2003 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars and Trucks. By CARNE ROSS... The report condemns Britain’s reckless warmongers,

7-8-2016 After World War II, we increasingly invested public money in a range of efforts to strengthen doctors’ preparation, including stipends for training. We now spend $11.5 billion a year on medical education, roughly $500,000 for every new doctor.

7-8-2016 Treadmill Desk with an iMac Super Computer and Rx Recipes were not bought with this $ 11 Billion... you and I know how the money was spent, wasted. This is why Walter Reed MD's kill Beau...

7-8-2016 Baghdad War when Saudi Arabia terrorist attacks of 9/11, seems tragically inadequate and self-serving with so many lives lost — more than 200 Britons, at least 4,500 Americans and more than 150,000 Iraqis, most of them civilians — and so much treasure spent prosecuting a war that was built on 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort suppression for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues.

7-8-2016 Keeping US troops in Afghanistan sends the right message, generals and diplomats say, While President Obama's decision to keep 8,400 troops in Afghanistan is seen by some critics as a sign of political failure, it is being endorsed for the General Mentality of $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues covert Op. $$$

7-8-2016 Obama, “no possible justification” for shooting 1 Trillion ElectricWindmillEscort Cars and Trucks on the Ford Assembly line...

7-8-2016 Obama, “no possible justification” for 8,400 troops in Afghanistan!

7-8-2016 Obama, “no possible justification” for shooting 1 Trillion ElectricWindmillEscort Cars and Trucks on the Ford Assembly line...

7-8-2016 War seems possible as CBS Orwellian comments are from something our 1984 II Dictators would write while riding in a gas engine car instead of the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort due to have a gravity engine upgrade in the next few years, grin.

7-8-2016 No iMac Super Computers at any café tables in... PAMPLONA, Spain - Five foreigners, including two Americans, were among six people gored in a hair-raising second running of the bulls Friday at Pamplona's San Fermin festival the Navarra regional government said.

7-8-2016 Hemingway II + III in Key West once I buy the Hemingway House for my wives will have heart transplants blood, Cheney's video and live one's for all the blood they need to invent something else... PAMPLONA, Spain bull run is not for Bidens Moon Shot Cure Bull, yes Biden and his Walter Reed MD's are Bull with no Rx Recipe's to cure the Bull.

7-8-2016 NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured a stunning image of the central neutron star of the Crab Nebula, which spins at a rate of 30 times per second with a visible pulsating appearance, much like a heart.

7-8-2016 Obama, “no possible justification” for shooting NASA people the heart, and leaving 8,400 troops in Afghanistan with the 8,400 people shot by Obama were working on Hubble II + III Super Train of 100 Hubble Space Telescope Cars docked in this train.

7-8-2016 CERN's Large Hadron Collider for Rx Recipes is what Biden's Moon Shot should have blasted off with...

7-8-2016 CERN's Large Hadron Collider should be crunching the diagnosis of Walter Reed MD's!


7-7-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributor "Tony Blair Sold the Iraq War" Not the updated 2003 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Cars and Trucks. By CARNE ROSS... The report condemns Britain’s reckless warmongers, yet omits the true cost — Iraq’s unnumbered dead. Everyone reading this web will convict the NY Times of Warmongering and Genocide + Holocaust II + III. Spray Painted Black Clouds of Diesel Exhaust the NY Times Editors can look out their windows and see the black clouds below with no thoughts how many tortured deaths of NYC people's life's and birth defects; moms walking by the NY Times building... true cost of a 1984 II Orwellian NY Times Editor is mass murder and the motive is $777 Trillion in Iraq Oil Revenues

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent...

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer Treadmill Desk at your café table at Apple-Starbucks.

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent...

7-7-2016 Heavy Lift Helicopter the "Crystal Serenity’s Cruise Lines" Newest Ship a Helicopter big as the QE I not the QE II or QE III as the British Queen went to war in Iraq instead of inventing this shock and awe Heavy Lift Helicopter Cruise Ship QE XXX.

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent a way to go faster than the speed of light no matter what CBS Nightly News reports to the contrary, grin. Rx Recipe for Stage 4 by Christmas Day too!!

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent...

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent...

7-7-2016 British + Texas Oil Men as reckless warmongers, yet omits the true cost — Iraq’s unnumbered dead; Beau, Breast Cancer's 40K dead, unnumbered dead; in the 2003 invasion of Baghdad, all the war's $$$ cost and no oil revenues money spent on a Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 Miracle Overnight Cure... to add insult to murder Greg + Wives are POW's in Key West not allowed to have a conversation about a Rx Recipe to cure Stage 4 or to save Beau from Brain Cancer! Unnumbered dead; are into the 100's of millions from suppressing the 1980 and updated 2003 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort + No Gas Stations On Earth Era with iMac Super Computers at every café table at your Apple-Starbucks in the USA + Paris.

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent...

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent...

7-7-2016 Iraqi, reckless warmongers, yet omits the true cost — Iraq’s unnumbered dead. Kids in Brooklyn killed, hit bike riding, NYC Avid Cyclist, fiery cop cars + SUV's, Steve Jobs + Beau all are omitted from the true cost of Bush + the British going to Baghdad for $777 Trillion. 40K SWF's dead from Stage 4 just for 2003; many more unnumbered dead from 2003 shock and awe of Bush killing SWF's with Stage 4 not even thinking of the women with MS who's shock and awe with a Rx Recipe for a miracle Godsent Cure was lost by Bush + the British Elite Warmongers in Iraqi's killings.

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent...

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent...

7-7-2016 "Grief for an Avid Cyclist Killed in a Brooklyn Hit-and-Run" After Matthew von Ohlen was killed early Saturday in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, cycling advocates said the police seemed more interested in ticketing bikers than finding the driver. By MEGAN JULA

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent...

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent...

7-7-2016 Devastating Critique of the New York Times via Black Diesel Clouds + DNA Holocaust II + III via poison gas... diesel gas chambers Bush, British, and Texas Oil Men built that the NY Times knows about and fails to write a editorial that the Motive is $777 Trillion in Iraqi Oil Revenues $$ As No Gas Stations On Earth is a fact of life today but not at the NY Times!

7-7-2016 British to End all life on Earth!

7-7-2016 In Africa, Benjamin Netanyahu Looks for "Worms" not a friend of Nobel Winner Jimmy Carter but a Moon Base will be old in 40 years from Today and in need of repairs so Ben will just fish and look for worms in Africa for now, until Greg + Wives invent a way to hear Jewish Aliens at each of the nearest 52 stars as Ben is not a Universe Warrior by any chance of fate. Grin The Israeli prime minister is on a four-country tour, hoping to rebuild economic and strategic ties on a continent where his nation was once a major presence and still is in Oil $$$ kickbacks. Zimbabweans stayed home Wednesday to protest the government’s handling of $$$ 777 Trillion in Oil Revenues the French want for them selves, grin.

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer Treadmill Desk at your café table at Apple-Starbucks.

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer Treadmill Desk at your café table at Apple-Starbucks.

7-7-2016 Jewish Moon Base II + III - Newt Gingrich has long been enamored of science fiction — he wants to build a moon base. But when Mr. Gingrich, a Georgia Republican, became speaker of the House in 1995, he quickly shut down the Office of Technology Assessment. The government no longer had any place for futurists, and every decision about the future was viewed through the unforgiving lens of partisan politics. Put aside that Gingrich was speaking in Florida, the state most invested in space exploration and, by happenstance, the next up on the Republican primary schedule. Let’s consider cost first. The Apollo missions to the moon cost in excess of $100 billion in current dollars. In 2005, NASA administrator Michael Griffin estimated the cost of a program to land four astronauts on the moon by 2018 (as was then planned), at $104 billion. Now, four Jewish astronauts 2 Men 2 Women no Fags, grin... as a colony on the moon.

7-7-2016 “The Third Wave” (1980) and “Powershift” (1990), assisted by his wife, Heidi Toffler, who served as a researcher and editor for the trilogy and was a named co-author in subsequent books. She survives him. Alvin Toffler, the celebrated author of “Future Shock,” died at 87. Toffler was married to Heidi Toffler, also a writer and futurist. They lived in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles, California, and previously lived in Redding, Connecticut. The couple's only child, Karen Toffler (1954–2000), died at age 46 after more than a decade suffering from Guillain–Barré syndrome. Alvin Toffler died in his sleep on June 27, 2016, at his home in Los Angeles. Campylobacter jejuni (camp-UH-low-back-ter juh-JUNE-eye) is one of the most common causes of food poisoning and the cause of 30% of Guillain–Barré syndrome. 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort spin off inventions would have given the World No Food Poisoning On Earth inventions in Can Goods and - 254 C frozen foods on the shelf with can goods...

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer Treadmill Desk at your café table at Apple-Starbucks.

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer Treadmill Desk at your café table at Apple-Starbucks.

7-7-2016 Cat escaped at the Hemingway House in Key West last night. I was biking by the brick wall 6' high looking over and a cat jumped up inch from my nose and hers. She had 6 toes too. Well the cat and I walked along the wall to the corner of Olivia then to the back gate that was sealed she could not get in. She looked down over the brick wall several times stopping and thinking if she sould jump but No. As they put up a wire fence she would be caugh between the wire fence and the brick wall, she figured this out. Well 20 minutes later calling her many times to come she made it back to the front gate and jumped down 6 feet to the booth. And was a happy cat getting back in to the Hemingway House area. She was just a kitten not many weeks ago...

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer Treadmill Desk at your café table at Apple-Starbucks.

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer Treadmill Desk at your café table at Apple-Starbucks.

7-7-2016 Intellectual Value of the University of Colorado, Boulder, is same as the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort....

7-7-2016 Intellectual Value of the University of Colorado, Boulder, NO Treadmill desk with iMac Book Pro's in a single classroom...

7-7-2016 Intellectual Value of the University of Colorado, Boulder, UMC No Treadmill desk!

7-7-2016 Value of electric bicycles has so far been mostly notional. Few of us have seen, let alone ridden, an electric bike and there is scant scientific evidence supporting—or refuting—the potential health benefits of using the machines. So for the new experiment, which was published last month in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, researchers at the University of Colorado, Boulder, decided to see what would happen if they gave a group of out-of-shape men and women zippy electric bikes and suggested that they begin riding to work. The Boulder city government partially funded the study as part of an assessment of whether to allow electric bikes on municipal bike paths. Additional funding came from local bike shops and Skratch Labs, a sports nutrition company in Boulder. Then they provided each with an electric bicycle, heart rate monitor, GPS device, instructions on the use of all of this equipment. Electric bikes are unlikely to be a solution for everyone who is pressed for time or reluctant to exercise, though. The bikes are pricey, typically retailing for thousands of dollars.

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer Treadmill Desk at your café table at Apple-Starbucks.

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer Treadmill Desk at your café table at Apple-Starbucks.

7-7-2016 "The Surprising Health Benefits of an Electric Bike on Black Ice in Boulder Colorado" By Gretchen Reynolds NY Times.

7-7-2016 Value of electric bicycles without heating elements in the sidewalks + bike paths is black ice intellect; I worked at the Bookstore and used steel claws strapped to my boots for weeks at a time for several years. 100's of cameras in the bookstore and my claws were ice packed so I didn't put them in my locker and somone took them and the campus cops said there were no cameras watching the lockers... a lie of course - of course I had a cheap back up pair. Endless Black Ice for months at every intersection freshly frozen each night for the morning rush. Ruts of Ice at every campus intersection... and the Value of a University education not questioned as to why they can't install heating elements like a few of the campus loading docks have... used by 5 trucks a day not 25K students.

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer at your café table at Starbucks. "As Global Warming Thaws Northwest Passage, a Cruise Sees Opportunity" By KAREN

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer at your café table at Starbucks.... National Snow and Ice Data Center reported that Arctic temperatures in May were four to five degrees above the three-decade average, the Northwest Passage still isn’t forecast to be completely free from summer sea ice that can be pushed around unpredictably by wind. Icebergs from melting glaciers are another concern, said Julienne Stroeve, a research scientist at the center, which is based in Boulder, Colo.

7-7-2016 Heavy Lift Helicopter the Crystal Serenity’s Cruise Line not the QE II or QE III as the British Queen went to war in Iraq instead of inventing this shock and awe Heavy Lift Helicopter Cruise Ship QE XXX.

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer at your café table at Starbucks. Heavy Lift Helicopter the Crystal Serenity’s "Futuristic Shocking Invention voyage above the arctic archipelago and Amazon will be free to the Crystal Serenity’s Owners as the fuel will be H @ - 254 C a spin off invention of No Gas Stations on Earth and the iPod size GE electric generator fueled by H @ - 254 C.

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer Treadmill Desk at your café table at Apple-Starbucks.

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer at your café table at Starbucks. With 1,070 passengers and a crew of 655, the Serenity. $90,000 for the Crystal Serenity’s voyage above the North American continent. Serenity plans to leave Anchorage Aug. 16, sail along the Alaskan coast, navigate the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, visit Greenland and then New England, before arriving in New York on Sept. 16. Among the 14 stops on the Serenity’s itinerary are three Canadian hamlets that have fewer people than the ship: Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories (population 400); Cambridge Bay, Nunavut (population 1,475); and Pond Inlet, Nunavut (population 1,550.)

7-7-2016 Value of iMac Super Computer Treadmill Desk at your café table at Apple-Starbucks. Mrs. Pendleton said that even though Crystal was taking the unusual step of requiring passengers to carry $50,000 in evacuation insurance, she wasn’t concerned. “There are plenty of lifeboats on board,” she said. In the 110 years since Roald Amundsen led the first trip through the Northwest Passage, there have been fewer than 240 complete transits, according to R.K. Headland of the Scott Polar Research Institute at the University of Cambridge in England. It wasn’t until 1984 that a passenger ship, the Lindblad Explorer, made a full traverse. The Serenity plans to leave Anchorage Aug. 16, sail along the Alaskan coast, navigate the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, visit Greenland and then New England, before arriving in New York on Sept. 16. Although the National Snow and Ice Data Center reported that Arctic temperatures in May were four to five degrees above the three-decade average, the Northwest Passage still isn’t forecast to be completely free from summer sea ice that can be pushed around unpredictably by wind. Icebergs from melting glaciers are another concern, said Julienne Stroeve, a research scientist at the center, which is based in Boulder, Colo. Crystal said that it is taking extraordinary safety precautions. Because the Serenity’s 820-foot-long hull isn’t strengthened for ice, forward looking sonar, ice scanning radar and thermal imaging equipment are being installed. Two ice pilots have been hired, though only one is required. It will be escorted by the R.R.S. Ernest Shackleton, a 216-foot logistical ship carrying two six-seat helicopters for ice reconnaissance (and for sightseeing tours.) It will also have oil pollution containment equipment, a salvage diver and survival rations.

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent...

7-7-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Shock + Awe is Void; POW's in Key West, Greg + Wives Ballistics Believe we can invent...

7-6-2016 British flawed intelligence that went unchallenged...

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie would have real Alien Conversations we would be listening to in secret, grin.

7-6-2016 NY Times flawed intelligence that went unchallenged...

7-6-2016 NY Times to End all life on Earth not refusing to go to war in 2003 British Report due out soon...

7-6-2016 Op-Ed Contributor A Goat Helped Me Save My Buddy, and Others, on the Battlefield By ADAM LINEHAN Don’t ban the use of live animals to train Army combat medics. Learning on mannequins and high-tech simulators isn’t effective enough.

7-6-2016 Army combat medics, killed Beau and Biden will take this to God! Greg's point to Biden is Yale Key West MD's in 2003 and 1980 would have diagnosed Beau with cancer years before Dad sent him off to war. Moon Base for Biden, grin. Moon Shot to cure cancer and now you know Biden will kill many 100's of thousands as his FBI classified all Rx Recipes top secret.

7-6-2016 British flawed intelligence that went unchallenged, each year from 1980 to 2016 as the engineering specks of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort advanced to 360 degree iPhone 007 dash cams inside + outside, No Head on Collisions state of the arts laser guidance and iTraffic Cops for Road Rage Drivers via siri alerts, grin. iTraffic Tickets and even iParking Tickets via iPhone Dash Cams, grin. GPS Tracking! Oh no Gas Stations in London since 1980... Brave New World DNA without diesel and birth defects, childhood cancers. Not in the flawed CIA FBI report.

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie would have real Alien Conversations we would be listening to in secret, grin.

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie would have real Alien Conversations we would be listening to in secret, grin.

7-6-2016 British flawed intelligence... "Ugly Is the New Look for Cigarette Packs" picture on the pack of Cigarettes is "SMOKING KILLS" Now the British Rolls Royce needs to paint this "Gas Engine Rolls Kills" painted in large letters all over the Rolls Royce, grin. For the British kids who will be born with birth defects and cancer from gas engine Rolls! Not in the NY Times story By TINA ROSENBERG Britain is the latest major country to restrict branding for a deadly product, Prohibition of Cigarettes will be after No Gas Stations on Earth Era.

7-6-2016 British Moon Base 40 years old today, Hell No We Won't Go!

7-6-2016 Tony Blair of Britain, at the White House with President George W. Bush in January 2003. The 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's 2003 specs; advanced engineering since 1980 were all classified Top Secret 1984 II Society Only!

7-6-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-6-2016 High Rank of Vaccine Invention in the Drinking Water - "Doctors Without Borders" these Doctors should be in a Cuba Hospital Prison with Bush + Jimmy Carter... Hell's Prison and Jimmy Carter is a Peace with God! Fishing for worms, and buying a Nuke Sub for $10 Trillion! Moon Shot Cancer Cure Rx Recipes are not part of the FBI's headlines on Hillary today. God Save Queen Elizabeth a place in Hell for 4 Trillion Years!

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie would have real Alien Conversations we would be listening to in secret, grin.

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie would have real Alien Conversations we would be listening to in secret, grin.

7-6-2016 British to End all life on Earth! "7-Year Iraq Inquiry Ends in Stinging Critique of Blair" By STEVEN ERLANGER and STEPHEN CASTLE NY Times!! Former Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain went to war alongside the U.S. in Iraq in 2003 on the basis of flawed intelligence that went unchallenged, a seven-year inquiry concluded.

7-6-2016 Tony Blair of Britain, at the White House with President George W. Bush in January 2003. The 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's 2003 specs advanced engineering since 1980 and $777 Trillion in Iraqi Oil Money the spoils of War divided between the British and Bush in Texas with Texas Oil money $$$.

7-6-2016 Jewish Colony on the Moon today if not for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel "War Base's!"

7-6-2016 Tony Blair of Britain, at the White House with President George W. Bush in January 2003. The 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's 2003 specs were emailed to Hillary + Queen Elizabeth and marked "Top Secret".

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie would have real Alien Conversations we would be listening to in secret, grin.

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie would have real Alien Conversations we would be listening to in secret, grin.

7-6-2016 British to End all life on Earth! Bush administration repeatedly overrode advice from the UK on how to oversee Iraq after the invasion, including the involvement of the United Nations, the control of Iraqi oil money - $777 Trillion dollars today 7-6-2016.

7-6-2016 The inquiry also rejects the view that the UK would have paid an unacceptable price in loss of diplomatic influence if it had refused to join the war.

7-6-2016 British Moon Base 40 years old today no one, not even Greg would write even as science fiction as war is the British connotations of "War Base" is the only thing British in their Universe, but there were a few Jews around 40 years ago who would have bought a Moon Base and would have a Jewish Colony on the Moon today if not for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel who is going to Uganda 40 years after the daring raid that killed his brother and propelled him into war's Universe! Jewish Moon Base that is 40 years old today and in need of repairs will also bring to light others who's wars will put a End to 1980 + updated 2003 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort for Iraqi + British Oil Money, oh yes Texas Oil Money Bush gets a kickback in a Swiss Bank. Swiss get a kickback too.

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie

7-6-2016 NASA. When Juno approached Jupiter, it hit the brakes and slowed to around 130,000 mph... Earth for a gravity assist. That propelled Juno to around 165,000 mph, making it the fastest man-made object ever built, and gave it the energy to reach Jupiter within three years.

7-6-2016 Jupiter is made up of the same basic ingredients as the sun — mainly hydrogen and helium.

7-6-2016 NASA... Jewish engineers have been working on MIT War Toys the last 40 years... British engineers have a nuke assembly line in London they update the Nukes like they update the specs on the 2003 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. But mostly the British count the BP Oil money and make sure its above $777 Trillion dollars!

7-6-2016 NASA engineered a 400-pound radiation vault made of titanium on Juno.

7-6-2016 Jupiter’s rings... and rings in a Polygamous Marriage are a wedding of poly invention projects conversations with the wives.

7-6-2016 It takes around 48 minutes to transmit data from Jupiter to Earth. Bit by bit,

7-6-2016 48 minutes in a 1984 II Society to send a email to Jupiter and no one at the NY Times or CBS wrote this up as a IP invention project with Amazon 1 click links to why a radio signal takes 48 mins to reach Jupiter... Oh CBS Nightly News would report Einstein said we can't invent a way to sent a signal faster than the speed of light...

7-6-2016 End to all life on Earth!

7-6-2016 British to End all life on Earth!

7-6-2016 NY Times to End all life on Earth not refusing to go to war in 2003 British Report due out soon...

7-6-2016 Op-Ed Contributor A Goat Helped Me Save My Buddy, and Others, on the Battlefield By ADAM LINEHAN Don’t ban the use of live animals to train Army combat medics. Learning on mannequins and high-tech simulators isn’t effective enough.

7-6-2016 NY Times to End all life on Earth via not refusing to go to war in 2003. British Report due out soon... 2003 Yale Key West Medical School Students were not paid but West Point Cadets were paid in the War College and are now Generals. The NY Times raised a generation of Generals. Killing all life on Earth.

7-6-2016 Army combat medics, killed Beau and Biden will take this to God! Greg's point to Biden is Yale Key West MD's in 2003 and 1980 would have diagnosed Beau with cancer years before Dad sent him off to war. Moon Base for Biden, grin. Moon Shot to cure cancer and now you know Biden will kill many 100's of thousands as his FBI classified all Rx Recipes top secret.

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie would have real Alien Conversations we would be listening to in secret, grin.

7-6-2016 British if it had refused to join the war... Independence Day Aliens Movie would have real Alien Conversations we would be listening to in secret, grin.

7-6-2016 British to End all life on Earth!

7-5-2016 British to End all life on Earth via BP Oils misspent $777 Trillion in gas station hold up loot.

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West... we should be celebrating the New iMac Super Computer at your Apple-Starbucks café Table with 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects... and 4 wives in a legal polygamous marriage on the 5th of July 2016.

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West... 9 Million Pakistan chauffeur's in Saudi Arabia and 100 million Pakistan drivers in Pakistan today, day after Independence Day from the British should be driving the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort car! Today 9 Million Pakistan drivers chauffeur around the wives of Princes and others in Saudi Arabia and have been doing this for 12 years or more... and realize life is not fair under Allah and our 1984 II Dictators in the USA.

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - ‘Clean Coal’ Runs Off the Tracks - By IAN URBINA A Mississippi project, a centerpiece of President Obama’s End to all life on Earth Presidency - "Vaccine's in the Drinking Water" centerpiece of Dr. Nancy Snyderman who should have been President instead of Obama, will convict the 1984 II Dictators of genocide never before seen on Earth.

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Rank of Vaccine Invention in the Drinking Water - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “ Greg in Key West writes these Doctors will be in a Cuba Hospital Prison if Castro ok's it as the worst crime by Doctors without a Universe is letting Obama kill the IP invention project to put vaccine's in the Drinking Water the last 8 years... sick!

7-5-2016 Jewish Moon Base that is 40 years old today and in need of repairs will also bring to light others who's wars will put a End to all life on Earth sooner than later for 15 billion people.

7-5-2016 NYC today, how to beat the heat with a iPod size AC fueled by H @ -254 C. It's the little inventions too that 8 years of Obama instead of Dr. Nancy Snyderman downgraded the quality of life in NYC and for Pakistan Drivers of gas engine cars in Saudi Arabia.

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Rank of Vaccine Invention in the Drinking Water -

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - in Paris, the lawmakers who took part in the investigation urged the authorities to overhaul the organization of its intelligence services... Major point of the 4th today is 100's of millions just in Africa would all be vaccinated today from 1,001 deadly disease if our 1984 II Dictator didn't pick Obama to be President for the last 8 years. Greg in Key West will write this up as the worst genocide via suppressed inventions almost as much a Genocide as deiseal in kids DNA on Duval Key West.

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - in Paris, the lawmakers who took part in the investigation urged the authorities to overhaul the organization of its intelligence services... in the USA the invention to put vaccine's in drinking water is only 1 of 1,001 inventions lost by our 1984 II Dictators picking the President for 8 years! Stupid and criminal. "Obama to Join Hillary Clinton on Stump, Starting in North Carolina" For Mrs. Clinton, appearing with the man who defeated her eight years ago reflects the evolution of one of the most delicate relationships in Democratic politics. By AMY CHOZICK and MICHAEL D. SHEAR

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Rank of Vaccine Invention in the Drinking Water -

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - in Paris, the lawmakers who took part in the investigation urged the authorities to overhaul the organization of its intelligence services... Dr. Ms. Ernest a Iraq War Hero will let Walter Reed MD's kill 1,001 Beau's if Trump picks her. Hillary will pick Dr. Lady Gaga to sing for the troops and Wounded Warriors, grin. "Donald Trump Meets With Senator Joni Ernst, a Possible Running Mate" Ms. Ernst, of Iowa, served in the Army in Iraq and could help the presumptive Republican nominee attract women and ease concern about his lack of military experience. By MAGGIE HABERMAN

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - in Paris, the lawmakers who took part in the investigation urged the authorities to overhaul the organization of its intelligence services... Death's from not making the University mandatory for all High School kids in the USA is like galaxies in the Universe we can't talk to on our iPhone because of hate crimes by Tim Cook. In New Jersey Student Loan Program, Even Death May Not Bring a Reprieve -

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Rank of Vaccine Invention in the Drinking Water -

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West Pakistan Nuke Suicide Bombers Strike in Medina and 2 Other Saudi Cities after driving a gas engine car for 12 years in Saudi Arabia the driver blew up his Mosque. By BEN HUBBARD The explosions, including near the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, followed a bloody week of Islamic State attacks in other countries during Ramadan. 9 Million Pakistan drivers chauffeur around the wives of Princes and others in Saudi Arabia and have been doing this for 12 years or more... 1 Million from Pakistan in Saudi Arabia work as Sex Slaves; Comfort Women from Korea... Today $. Listen in to these Taxi conversations for 12 years... wow!

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - "When a Child Thinks Life is Unfair, Use Game Theory" By Kj Dell’Antonia

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - "When 9 Million Pakistan Drivers in Saudi Arabia Thinks + Knows Life under Allah is Unfair they will use suicide Nukes in our Games of War on Earth in this Era of Drivers of gas engine cars!

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Rank of Vaccine Invention in the Drinking Water -

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - "When a Child Thinks Life is Unfair, Use Game Theory" By Kj Dell’Antonia

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - As soon as Kristina Dooley’s 5-year-old triplets see an elevator, they race to be the one who gets there first.“When they get to the buttons, elbows start flying,” she says. Almost immediately, she hears the complaint “That’s not fair!” from the child who doesn’t get to hit a button. A child’s list of things that are “not fair” is seemingly endless. Whether it’s elevator buttons, equal piles of goldfish crackers, who gets the first bedtime kiss or who gets to use the precious purple cup, children demand precision equality that seems impossible to achieve most of the time.

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Rank of Vaccine Invention in the Drinking Water -

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - "When 9 Million Pakistan Drivers in Saudi Arabia Thinks + Knows Life under Allah is Unfair they will use suicide Nukes in our Games of War on Earth in this Era of Drivers of gas engine cars!

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - When these 9 million Pakistan Drivers return home on vacation they let their Pakistan Wives drive their new gasoline engine car and tell her about all the Saudi Women Passengers they have driven around for the last 12 years... and both laugh and cry and say Allah is Unfair in this Life!

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Rank of Vaccine Invention in the Drinking Water -

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West -

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - ROME — Ex-Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi left a hospital Tuesday three weeks after undergoing heart surgery, saying he hopes to still be useful to Italians but lamenting the current state of Italy, Europe and the world. The 79-year-old Berlusconi walked slowly and gingerly, clutching the shoulder of an aide as he emerged Tuesday from the San Raffaele clinic in Milan. He had undergone surgery to replace a malfunctioning heart valve on June 14.

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West - Cause of the heart valve problem has never been written up by Journalists with no MD degree so I hope Berlusconi can get this fixed as he owns CBS in Rome, grin.

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West -

7-5-2016 Day After Independence Day in Key West -

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Vaccine Prices - "Doctors Without Borders" writes that... “

7-5-2016 High Rank of Vaccine Invention in the Drinking Water -

7-5-2016 High Rank of Walter Reed MD's will keep West Point paid for students higher than pay for Medical Students. And stifle assembly lines of kidney and heart transplants at Walter Reed II hospital, well Yale Key West Medical School under construction... sort of, Grin.

7-5-2016 High Rank of... At one hospital, four heart transplants in 24 hours - ”I just want to be 35. I want to do 35-year-old things. . . . I just want to live the rest of my life,” said Shayla Titus (above), shown recovering after her heart transplant. ”I just want to be 35. I want to do 35-year-old things. . . . I just want to live the rest of my life,” said Shayla Titus (above), shown recovering after her heart transplant. By Reis Thebault Globe Correspondent July 05, 2016 At Tufts Medical Center, many patients linger on a waiting list for a new heart. But on June 15, that list — which regularly tops 100 — got a bit shorter. On that day, surgeons conducted four heart transplants. Tufts performs the most heart transplants in New England, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing. But four in one day? “It’s not ideal and it stresses the system to the max,” said Dr. Frederick Chen, chief of cardiac surgery at Tufts. But when hearts are available for transplant, and they are a match, the hospital has to make it work, he said. “It is our duty,” Chen said. Tufts has more patients on the transplant list — by far — than any other New England hospital, with 122 people as of June 24. According to the United Network for Organ Sharing, that’s more than triple the number of any other hospital in the region. Jennifer Glover is one of those four patients whose debilitating heart condition brought her to Tufts on June 15 for a transplant. She said her heart used to keep her up at night: “It skipped and jumped and ticked and bopped.” She used to lie in bed, just listening to its irregularities. Glover, 56, had cardiac sarcoidosis, a rare disease that shut down the left side of her heart. When it set in three years ago, the disease confined Glover to her bed. “I couldn’t do anything,” she said. “I couldn’t walk 10 feet across the floor.” The list of potential transplant recipients is organized in order of severity, with those with the greatest need at the top. If a hospital can’t accept a donation in time, the organ goes to another patient. And with a heart, there is no time to wait, said Dr. Gregory Couper, a cardiac surgeon at Tufts. When removed from a body, hearts can sit on ice for four or five hours at most, he said, and doctors need to move quickly. Heart transplants require two surgeries: one on the donor and one on the recipient. Tufts hospital officials said each transplant had its own dedicated team, and neither surgeons nor supporting staff worked on multiple operations at one time. Logistically, it was a challenge, and all other cardiac surgeries scheduled that day were canceled to make room for the four transplants, Couper said. “It was a very busy day,” he said. Each of Tufts’ six heart surgeons participated in one or more of the transplants. Couper performed two of the transplants, he said, and spent 12 to 16 hours in operating rooms that day. ‘We didn’t want our patients to lose out on transplants that could be a once-in-a-lifetime offer. We needed to do the best thing for our patients.’ Dr. Gregory Couper, Tufts Medical Center cardiac surgeon, on the hospital performing four transplants on June 15 “We didn’t want our patients to lose out on transplants that could be a once-in-a-lifetime offer,” Couper said. “We needed to do the best thing for our patients.” Couper performed Shayla Titus’s heart transplant. Titus said she wasn’t sure she would live long enough for a new heart; she had been on the wait list for seven years and had a very rare blood type. Titus, 35, was already living with a ventricular assist device, which helps the heart pump blood, and she needed a kidney transplant, too.

7-4-2016 "Independence Day" The Movie's by 20th Century Fox in a Era like 1776 London. A Century might be lost on No Gas Stations On Earth Revolution by London Elite Orwellian characters in "1984 II" Novel that will win a Nobel in Literature if ever published, grin. King in Sweden should be a target for a "Independence Day Revolution." Independence from Giving "Jimmy Carter's" a Nobel Peace Prize then he spend his winnings on the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub, instead of a Challenger Super Space Shuttle that can fly into orbit. Independence Day The Movie's IP invention projects are the fireworks subtitles tonight only those reading this web page will think about brainstorming in the next weeks, 1 a week IP invention project Independence Day Inventions woo the wives, widows to set up shop on Amazon with 1 click IP invention projects - Corner Store you can buy her a ring or necklace on the spot or log on to Amazon to buy from her Corner Store at her Corner Store, the best location in Key West to woo a wife, grin. The Trillion dollar Car invention helps woo her too along with the 4 trillion years as soul-mates working even harder in the best corner of the Heavens! Fixing Jimmy Carters Habitats for Humanity, ha! And watching "Independence Day" on DVD.

7-4-2016 "Independence Day II + III" The Movie's. Depends how long it takes the British to End all life on Earth!

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out... underestimating Human life expectancy on Earth with the Elite British Pedophile's + Kings of BP Oil still ruling the Earth is a Cancer that will kill 5 Billion or 15 Billion people on Earth. Depends how long it takes the British to End all life on Earth for their Pedophile desires they can't control and the CIA can't arrest via American Politics! CIA MD's in 1776 London would send to America any and all Rx Recipes to cure American Troops, yet today the CIA is the only one's who know how many SWF's in the USA will die on Independence Day 2016 from Stage 4 Breast Cancer! Rx miracle cure we were hoping for is what the King of Sweden gave Jimmy Carter in his 1980 Noble for the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Jimmy crashed totaled for British Oil Wealth.

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - 2016 "High Vaccine Prices" on the 4th in the New York Times when Dr. Nancy Snyderman on the Front Page of the Times would have A Vaccines in the NYC drinking Water Story for the 4th! "Doctors Without Borders writes that “vaccines are useless if they sit on shelves priced out of the reach of the children who need them most.” Obama as the First Black President Story in the New York Times on the 4th should have been Dr. Nancy Snyderman the first women MD President would have been better than the first Black President Obama as she would have saved + cured millions in Africa instead of getting $$$ millions in African Oil Revenues they spent on sex slaves and MIT War Toys...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - 2016 40 years ago JFK did his moon shot and won everything but the Jews Moon Base that would be 40 years old today on the 4th of July 2016. By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN and ISABEL KERSHNER Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is going to Uganda 40 years after the daring raid that killed his brother and propelled him into politics.

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - 2016 Drone Strike Statistics Answer Few Questions, and Raise Many By SCOTT SHANE The Obama administration’s release of the civilian death toll from targeted drone attacks the many hours lost and the lost statistics on Stage 4 breast cancer. IBM does this for a living, how many Stage 4 women in the USA died for each Drone Strike on Civilians!

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - 2016 and we should be celebrating the New iMac Super Computer at your Apple-Starbucks café Table with 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects... and 4 wives in a legal polygamous marriage on the 4th of July 2016. British Oil's $777 Trillion market is Same 1776 British Greed seen in a slow Oil $$$ Revolution that weighs as much as a Neutron Star as we have no telescope analysis on Neutron Stars, Stars of David light years away the CIA is protecting the British Queen's $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues the 2016 Rx Recipe Revolution needs for a 100 Car NASA Train of Super Space Telescopes and a overnight Cure for Stage 4 where she starts her day with that was the Happiest Independence Day in the USA, God Save Queen Elizabeth a place in Hell...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - 2016 Saudi Energy Minister put on trial by George Washington the III to prevent 9/11 II + III.

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - 2016 Iraqis want crackdown on 'sleeper cells' after huge Baghdad bomb kills 150. Biden wants to cut down on Yale Kids falling asleep driving home from a Biden Lecture at Yale, grin. Years ago Biden gave Beau a Lecture then sent him off to war in Iraq. Dr. Biden MD's misdiagnosis in Iraqi cost the lives of millions the last few years. Kids at Saint Jude; Dr. Biden MD never though to Lecture or start a Moon Shot for, though he sent Dr. Lady Gaga MD to seduce them with Biden didn't kill you... in his misdiagnosis of the Iraqi War for Oil $.

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - 2016 U.K. Independence USA Day Party!

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - 2016 "China's Alien-Hunting Radio Telescope Ready To Go Operational" Alien-hunting telescope A 500-meter (1,640 feet) aperture spherical telescope (FAST) is seen at the final stage of construction, among the mountains in Pingtang county, Guizhou province, China. Dr. Biden MD must have sold China on a Mountain Telescope instead of Greg's Web here selling China on a Space Telescope. Observers from China have visited Key West and have read about Greg selling the 100 Car Super Space Telescope train for years and years but bought a Mountain Telescope from Dr. Biden. I think China's Revolutionary Leaders will demand a refund from Dr. Biden, grin.

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - 2016 We always knew they "Aliens" were coming. INDEPENDENCE DAY redefined the event in 2 movies now! "China's Alien-Hunting Radio Telescope Ready To Go Operational" Trillions of dollars cheaply made in China another defective product - Trump will QC any products from China he lets into the USA as President. Hillary will let you buy products made in China you have to trash...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - 2016 The War of 1766 changed the world forever. While we’ve become stronger than ever before, its impact is still felt today... as British Pedophile's still exist and can never come out. Though Tim Cook + Elton John are probably both Pedophile's, grin. French Revolution got rid of the King and Queen but not the elite Pedophile's in Paris.

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - 2016

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 Independence Day 1776 - British Pedophile's still exist but can never come out...

7-4-2016 "Independence Day II + III" The Movie's. Depends how long it takes the British to End all life on Earth!

7-4-2016 "Independence Day II + III" The Movie's. Depends how long it takes the British to End all life on Earth!

7-3-2016 "Independence Day 2016 Star Travel Brainstorming Conversations" BP Oil; Saudi Arabia's $777 Trillion. Are there; could there be 777 Trillion Star of David's in the Universe? Could Greg + Wives in Key West write a Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House on the 4th of July 2016 with iapps; in every chapter we would spend $777 Trillion in Key West not Mecca and London. F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over Brainstorming Conversations of 1,001 IP invention projects... 1984 II Dictators have given the Observers orders not to talk to Greg + Wives about any stage 4 Rx Recipes on the 4th of July 2016 no matter how many 1984 II Women want a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4... George Orwell 1984 movie by Disney, this will make a good movie for Disney, grin.

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 Independence Day Hospital Ship Docked in Key West on the 4th of July 2016

7-3-2016 4th of July Kidney Transplant for everyone in the USA on Dialysis would have made headlines in the NY Times Tomorrow...

7-3-2016 A NASA Ship in Key West on the 4th of July 2016

7-3-2016 "Donald Trump Deletes Tweet Showing Hillary Clinton and Star of David Shape" Mr. Trump was criticized on Saturday for posting an image that contained a Star of David shape and called his opponent “the most corrupt candidate ever!”

7-3-2016 "Star of David" Trillions in the Universe!

7-3-2016 "Independence Day Star Travel" 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

7-3-2016 A recruitment poster published in American Jewish magazines during WWI. Daughter of Zion (representing the Jewish people): Your Old New Land must have you! Join the Jewish regiment.

7-3-2016 "Independence Day Star Travel"

7-3-2016 "Star of David" will burn for another million years, not trillion! Unless the Jews drive the "Gravity Engine" Ford ElectricWindmillEscort into Mecca.

7-3-2016 "Independence Day Star Travel"

7-3-2016 "Star Proxima" will burn for another four trillion years!

7-3-2016 "Star Proxima" is what is known as a “flare star”, meaning that convection processes within the star’s body make it prone to random and dramatic changes in brightness. The convection processes not only trigger brilliant bursts of starlight but, combined with other factors, mean that Proxima Centauri is in for a very long life. Astronomers predict that this star will remain middle-aged — or a “main sequence” star in astronomical terms — for another four trillion years, some 300 times the age of the current Universe.

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 "Star Proxima" will burn for another four trillion years!

7-3-2016 "Star of David" will burn out in our Current Universe of War vs Star Wars...

7-3-2016 "Independence Day Star Travel"

7-3-2016 Sex May Spread Zika Virus More Often Than Researchers Suspected...

7-3-2016 Bill Clinton May Have Spread HIV, STD's, Hepatitis, MS virus more than Hillary ever suspected...

7-3-2016 "Donald Trump Deletes Tweet Showing Hillary Clinton and Star of David Shape" Mr. Trump was criticized on Saturday for posting an image that contained a Star of David shape and called his opponent “the most STD diseases ever!”

7-3-2016 As the Zika virus has swept across some 46 countries, scientists, doctors and public health officials have been struggling to understand basic questions about the disease.

7-3-2016 As HIV, STD's, Hepatitis, MS virus has swept across some 46 countries, scientists, doctors and public health officials have been struggling to understand basic questions about the disease.

7-3-2016 Bidens Moon Shot Rx Cure for HIV, STD's, Hepatitis, MS virus has NOT swept across some 146 countries,

7-3-2016 "Independence Day Star Travel" BP Oil; 1 Billion Murdered, most were kids who BP Oil executives poisoned their DNA with diesel...

7-3-2016 "Independence Day Star Travel" Out gunned by money pouring in from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to support harsh variants of Islam through a blizzard of publications, videos and other materials. “The Saudis completely changed Islam here with their money,”

7-3-2016 "Independence Day Star Travel" BP Oil; 1 Billion Murdered, most were kids who BP Oil executives poisoned their DNA with diesel...

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 Out gunned by $777 Trillion in Paris + Danish cartoonist who mocked the Prophet Muhammad, Allah, Mecca because the Pentagon direct deposits this $777 Trillion into Saudi Swiss bank accounts instead of stopping the sale of gasoline world wide via No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup... via the Independence Day 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort with a futuristic gravity engine!

7-3-2016 AFTER the attacks on Sept. 11, American troops were deployed across the Middle East instead of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort with a futuristic Gravity Engine.

7-3-2016 “Finding Dory,” has law enforcement keeping a leery eye on the illegal collection of wildlife in the Florida Keys. Whether or not collectors will target more Atlantic blue tangs — the movie’s hero is actually a Pacific blue tang... Hemingway's feeding the fish and turtles will get him a beach named Hemingway Beach once we invent a way to spend the $777 Trillion confiscated from BP Oil + Saudi Arabia on fish food, grin.

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 Tracking tropical fish trade... "Wildlife cops leery of 'Dory' film by Disney" BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com

7-3-2016 "Nobel Prize cops leery of 'Dory the Inventor' film by Disney" as electricity at Mallory Square is not free and stealing wifi to write or invent something to get a Hemingway Nobel on the 4th of July is illegal in Key West... really. Key West Cops have stopped Greg from writing twice, turn off your notebook and pack up you are stealing electricity and wifi... a war crime or just a crime by a sore loser of the Vietnam War who lives in Key West Today. Ha! I can see the NY Times headlines and Saturday Night Live skit on this...

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 4th of July NY Times editors are to drunk on this or that to write the stats on alcohol Coors deaths for this one day high... alcohol, cancer, alcohol consumption, alcohol effects, alcohol benefits, alcohol cancer, The research builds on previous work that identified 30 per cent of all alcohol-attributable deaths to be due to cancer.

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over Brainstorming Conversations of 1,001 IP invention projects... 1984 II Dictators have given the Observers orders not to talk to Greg + Wives about any sobering IP invention projects written up in a Hemingway Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House on the 4th of July 2016. 24-year-old man took a wrong turn, crashed through a fence and ruptured a natural gas line in suburban Detroit, causing a dramatic explosion in the wee hours Saturday. Our 1984 II Dictators have taken the wrong turn causing a dramatic explosion in our Home Alone Universe. Greg is home alone on the 4th of July 2016 too.

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 4th of July Kidney Transplant for everyone in the USA on Dialysis would have made headlines in the NY Times Tomorrow... "UnitedHealthcare Sues Dialysis Chain Over Billing" The suit accuses the chain of pushing patients out of government programs and into UnitedHealthcare plans, which pay more for dialysis treatment. By REED ABELSON and KATIE THOMAS

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-3-2016 F.B.I. Interviews Greg + Wives in Key West Over "Gravity Engine" Ford on the 4th of July at the Hemingway House Writing Class!

7-2-2016 Murder jury: Guilty on all counts! Key West Citizen - Saturday, July 2, 2016 BP Oil; 1 Billion Murdered, most were kids who BP Oil executives poisoned their DNA with diesel...

7-2-2016 The Fake Monks Are Back, impersonating Buddhist monks in the tourist spots of New York and other cities. By Chris at the NY Times. Fake NY Times Journalists write about Buddha and the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort not driven to enlightens... Stage 4 Rx Cure! Four Truths express the basic orientation of Buddhism on the 4th of July 2016 are Fake in the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Universe Age!

7-2-2016 On the 4th of July 2016 $$$ 777 Trillion in Gas Stations Hold up Revenues will be confiscated from Allah + Mecca!

7-2-2016 On the 4th of July 2016 $$$ 777 Trillion in Gas Stations Hold up Revenues will be confiscated from Allah + Mecca!

7-2-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's, not allowed to brainstorm a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 on the 4th of July 2016... POW's not allowed by the Key West Cops + our 1984 II Dictators to write a Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House with iapps and a IP invention project in every chapter!

7-2-2016 On the 4th of July 2016 $$$ 777 Trillion in Gas Stations Hold up Revenues will be confiscated from Allah + Mecca to buy iMac Super Computers for every Apple-Starbucks café table in Paris... and the USA.

7-2-2016 "A Fatality Forces Tesla to Confront Its Limits" By BILL VLASIC Elon Musk’s confidence in... 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis.

7-2-2016 "A Fatality Forces Tesla to Confront Its Limits" $777 Trillion. One approach is lidar — a system that uses rotating laser beams. Lidar is being used in the experimental autonomous vehicle being developed by BMW, as well as those by Google, Nissan and Apple. But it remains unclear whether the laser system will come down enough in price to use in mass-market cars. $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$

7-2-2016 "A Fatality Forces Tesla to Confront Its Limits" $777 Trillion from the 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort on the 4th of July 2016 confiscated from Saudi Arabia and BP Oil will pay for the state of the arts laser guidance and iPhone 007 360 degree cameras inside and outside, grin. And there will be trillions left over.

7-2-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's, not allowed to brainstorm a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 on the 4th of July 2016...

7-2-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's, not allowed to brainstorm a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 on the 4th of July 2016...

7-2-2016 A Million Stage 4 Fatalities Forces Tesla to Confront Its Limits! $777 Trillion in Saudi gas station hold up revenue in Swiss Banks too!

7-2-2016 "A Fatality Forces Tesla to Confront Its Limits" By BILL VLASIC Elon Musk’s confidence in Tesla’s technology has seemed boundless, but trying to stay ahead of the competition has posed risks.

7-2-2016 A Million Stage 4 Fatalities Forces Tesla to Confront Its Limits! Stifling the Rx Overnight Rx Recipe's in the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era!

7-2-2016 "U.S. Reveals Death Toll From suppressing the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... 100's of Millions of People world wide and billions of Aliens in the Universe. The 3 million who work for the Pentagon on the 4th of July 2016 would be working for NASA on 100 Car Trains of Super Shuttle Telescopes that will go faster than the speed of light, no limits from gasoline era physics, MIT Drone War Toys. The millions from MIT who worked for the Pentagon since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort are war criminals!

7-2-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's, not allowed to brainstorm a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 on the 4th of July 2016...

7-2-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's, not allowed to brainstorm a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 on the 4th of July 2016...

7-2-2016 "U.S. Reveals Death Toll From Airstrikes Outside War Zones" By CHARLIE SAVAGE and SCOTT SHANE

7-2-2016 A Million Stage 4 Fatalities Forces Tesla to Confront Its Limits on its Scam - Stifling the Rx Overnight Rx Recipe's on orders from BP Oil and 1984 II Dictators who have killed millions in traffic fatalities by giving the Navy State of the Arts Laser Guidance instead of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era!

7-2-2016 A Million Stage 4 Fatalities Forces Tesla to Confront Its Limits! Stifling the Rx Overnight Rx Recipe's in the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era!

7-2-2016 Fighter Pilots and Airline Pilots - Tesla, which started its Autopilot accessory never though of Fighter Pilots and Airline Pilots. State of the arts laser guidance on the 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort will be centered around the 360 degree iPhone 007 cameras inside and outside along with the cops who are now inside you car watching traffic.

7-2-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's, not allowed to brainstorm a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 on the 4th of July 2016...

7-2-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's, not allowed to brainstorm a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 on the 4th of July 2016...

7-2-2016 "A Fatality Forces Tesla to Confront Its Limits" $777 Trillion. One approach is lidar — a system that uses rotating laser beams. Lidar is being used in the experimental autonomous vehicle being developed by BMW, as well as those by Google, Nissan and Apple. But it remains unclear whether the laser system will come down enough in price to use in mass-market cars.

7-2-2016 "A Fatality Forces Tesla to Confront Its Limits" $777 Trillion from the 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort on the 4th of July 2016 confiscated from Saudi Arabia and BP Oil will pay for the state of the arts laser guidance and iPhone 007 360 degree cameras inside and outside, grin. And there will be trillions left over.

7-2-2016 Maggie Fenney, 22, died in todays Key West Citizen News. Maggie crossed the double center line because she had no state of the arts laser guidance on her 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, the Navy took this and $777 Trillion for a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Subs instead of a brain cancer cure for the Maggie's dead from Smog brain cancers at 22.

7-2-2016 A Million Stage 4 Fatalities Forces Tesla to Confront Its Limits! $777 Trillion in Saudi gas station hold up revenue in Swiss Banks!

7-2-2016 ...intelligence agents had systematically stolen and sold on the black market millions of dollars of "Oil" shipped into the country by the C.I.A. and Saudi Arabia...

7-2-2016 A Million gun Fatalities... shooting at trillions of stars light years from their range and Mentality of their Generals... Admirals in Key West, grin. In a joint investigation, the news organizations found that Jordanian intelligence agents had systematically stolen and sold on the black market millions of dollars of weapons shipped into the country by the C.I.A. and Saudi Arabia for use by Syrian rebels. Some of the weapons were used in a shooting in November in which a Jordanian officer killed two Americans and three others at a police training facility in Amman, they reported. The United States has promised Jordan at least $3 billion on the 4th of July 2016. Fireworks! No for IP 1,001 invention projects. Jordanian officers involved in the recent swindle sold Kalashnikov rifles, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades to several large arms bazaars that have long stocked the arsenals of criminal gangs, tribes and other groups. Then the officers bought themselves S.U.V.s, iPhones and other luxuries. Although word of the theft reached the Jordanian government last year, the operation was not shut down until a few months ago, after American and Saudi complaints. An indictment of the C.I.A., which for three years has been responsible for training thousands of rebels considered moderates to use Kalashnikovs, mortars, guided antitank missiles and other weapons. President Obama at first resisted giving the rebels lethal weapons because of the risk that they would fall into the wrong hands. But in 2013, he authorized the covert program and charged the C.I.A. with vetting the rebels and controlling the flow of arms. The C.I.A. has failed in its oversight of the weapons. This scandal should be a warning to those, including Hillary Clinton, who want to deepen American military involvement in

7-2-2016 CIA investigators arrested several dozen officers involved in the scheme, and the officers were fired. But they were eventually freed and permitted to keep their pensions and profits from the theft. $777 Trillion in Gas Station Hold up in Miami, grin. They get to keep the $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues giving the City of Key West $550K for a City Park.

7-2-2016 When Friends Like Jordan Steal Weapons - Oil - Hold up millions of gas stations in NYC... kill millions of IP invention projects censored on the front page of the NY Times. By THE EDITORIAL NY Times Today!!

7-2-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's, not allowed to brainstorm a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 on the 4th of July 2016... POW's not allowed by the Key West Cops + our 1984 II Dictators to write a Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House with iapps and a IP invention project in every chapter!

7-2-2016 On the 4th of July 2016 $$$ 777 Trillion in Gas Stations Hold up Revenues will be confiscated from Allah + Mecca to buy iMac Super Computers for every Apple-Starbucks café table in Paris... and the USA.

7-2-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's, not allowed to brainstorm a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 on the 4th of July 2016...

7-2-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's, not allowed to brainstorm a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 on the 4th of July 2016...

7-1-2016 Maggie Fenney, 22, died in todays Key West Citizen News. Maggie crossed the double center line because she had no state of the arts laser guidance on her 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, the Navy took this away from millions of women for Fighter Jets, a war crime! "What You Need to Know About... Two separate crashes Monday slowed traffic in the Upper Keys and sent one woman to a Miami hospital, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. The more severe crash occurred at 7:57 p.m. at Mile Marker 86 and involved four vehicles. Maggie Fenney, 22, dead at 22 because Jimmy Carter bought a $10 Trillion Dollar Nuke Sub instead of laser guidance for Maggie's car! And Jimmy is at Peace with God...

7-1-2016 Scam not to Dock a Hospital Ship in Key West on the 4th of July 2016 - Because it's Docked in Mecca as the Saudi King paid Walter Reed MD's $777 Trillion from gas station hold ups in the USA.

7-1-2016 Beau coming home from Iraq after "Comfort Women Sex" with a terrible STD disease... kills the wife!

7-1-2016 Biden's 4th of July speech puts Yale kids to sleep driving home from it... killing them!

7-1-2016 Scam not to Dock a Hospital Ship in Key West on the 4th of July 2016 will result in; Navy Disciplined Over (Iran’s Capture of Sailors) mentality of No Hospital Ships Docked in Key West on the 4th of July 2016 and No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup by the Navy in 2016. God is Great in Mecca as the 2 million in the Grand Mosque have 100's of Walter Reed MD's on call, grin! And free SUV Umbrella's the largest in the world... Connotations of Independence Day take on a new meaning and when you add the Movie... ID "We will not go quietly into the Dark Matter of the Universe!!! Biden's 4th of July speech will put Yale Kids to sleep driving home after it... grin. Editorial: The Deadly Mix of Guns and Domestic Violence a step toward protecting women from gun violence — and in that regard it is far beyond anything Congress has shown itself capable of doing today... Obama + Biden will Shoot 100 SWF's at the "Stage 4 Club" and another at the "Syphilis, STD, MS Virus Club" on the 4th of July. Not counting the # shot at the "Brain Cancer Club." Biden's 1 Click Amazon for 1,001 IP invention projects started a deadly fight with his 4 wives. Polygamist working on 1,001 IP don't kill their wives. Beau coming home from Iraq after "Comfort Women Sex" with a terrible STD disease does! Editorial: The Deadly Mix of Guns and Domestic Violence. NY Times censored STD's and Comfort women in Iraq out of todays editorials on guns and domestic violence on the 4th of July.

7-1-2016 Facebook Nightly News starts off with... interactions are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain!

7-1-2016 CBS Nightly News starts off with... interactions are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain.

7-1-2016 State Department Alerts from Kerry start off with... interactions are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain.

7-1-2016 Yale Harvard Paris Medical School Libraries were not even though of by Obama or Biden as they were passed at Yale + Harvard when they really failed... Obama Picks New York Architects to Design Presidential Library. The president and his wife, Michelle, spent months poring over proposals for the project and meeting with prospective architects at the White House. White House MD was passed at Yale Medical School but really failed... a war crime! By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS Obama Picks New York Architects to Design Presidential Library - with no change in Hell of getting a Stage 4 Miracle Rx Cure by Christmas Day 2016 as there are no plans for any iMac Super Computers or Rx Recipes.

7-1-2016 Facebook Nightly News starts off with... interactions are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain!

7-1-2016 CBS Nightly News starts off with... interactions are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain.

7-1-2016 State Department Alerts from Kerry start off with... interactions are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain.

7-1-2016 exposure to the ultraviolet rays produced by the sun can lead to skin cancer, including melanoma, the deadliest type. The American Cancer Society forecasts about 76,380 new melanoma cases and about 10,130 patient deaths this year 2016.

7-1-2016 exposure to Star's that will shine for the next 4 trillion years and the fact one is the nearest star only 4 light years away gives us the forecast the Pentagon will lose 3 million troops to NASA when the 4th of July starts lights the fireworks of Star Travel's via 100 Car Super Shuttle Train of Space Telescopes. Pentagon spent all our time and money on Laser Guided Drones instead of Space Telescopes... a war crime!

7-1-2016 Animals Invention Spin Off's; Enough to Surprise David Attenborough with the vision of a Eagle invented by Greg + Wives in Key West on our iMac Super Computer after watching the Vision of a Eagle state of the arts laser guidance BBC

7-1-2016 Facebook Nightly News starts off with... interactions are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain!

7-1-2016 CBS Nightly News starts off with... interactions are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain.

7-1-2016 State Department Alerts from Kerry start off with... interactions are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain.

7-1-2016 "The Deadly Mix of Guns and Domestic Violence" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD More than half of all women murdered by guns are killed by partners or family members. Congress was right to ban domestic abusers from having guns... a step toward protecting women from gun violence — and in that regard it is far beyond anything Congress has shown itself capable of doing today. Obama + Biden will Shoot 100 SWF's at the "Stage 4 Club" and another at the "Syphilis, STD, MS Virus Club" on the 4th of July. Not counting the # shot at the "Brain Cancer Club." Biden's 1 Click Amazon for 1,001 IP invention projects started a deadly fight with his 4 wives...

7-1-2016 Facebook Nightly News is cloned from CBS, ABC, NBC but not Yale Harvard Paris Medical Schools Breast + Brain cancer Rx Recipes. There are no Rx Recipes on Facebook! The social media giant courted new- and old-media companies to create material for its news feed. And then it decided to put news in the back seat... so much for cloning CBS Nightly News, grin.

7-1-2016 Facebook Nightly News starts off with... interactions are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain!

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's, not allowed to brainstorm a 1,001 SUV sunscreen invention today... a war crime!!

6-30-2016 Obama will shoot 100 at the "Skin Cancer Club" on the 4th of July 2016.

6-30-2016 Sinclair’s novel “The Jungle” spurred public outrage that led to legislation in 1906 aimed at regulating the food and drug industries. "The 1,001 IP invention Projects" Nobel will spur Biden's Moon Shot as a Scam that caused Yale Kids to fall asleep driving home after listening to Biden's speech, grin.

6-30-2016 "White Knight Greg" No Hospital Ships will dock in Key West on the 4th of July 2016... on orders from the Admirals!!

6-30-2016 Why the God Debate Gives the "White Knight Greg" - Hell over the WW II Pilots who are 99 years old and will live for a bit longer in Key West Hell... waiting for God to bless Fighter Pilots who didn't have a gravity engine in their plane, or minds eye! Grin. There was no "Gravity" in WW II or WW III. The Gravity Engine will be invented in Key West on a White Sandy Beach thinking + brainstorming quarks in a grain of sand. Allah + Mecca will be sent to Hell via No Gas Stations on Earth not fighter pilots, grin.

6-30-2016 "Groups Call to Oust Saudis from U.N. Human Rights Council" By SOMINI SENGUPTA But the suspension of any country from an elected body of the United Nations is extraordinary, and it would be all the more so for a country with powerful friends like the United States.

6-30-2016 Saudi Arabia Ousted NASA's 100 Car Train of Space Telescopes in fear of Jewish Aliens...

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Pentagon on the 4th of July 2016 Offers Get-Rich Schemes... Lawmakers Urge John Kerry to Press U.N. for Haiti Cholera Response - Hell. BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com By refusing to sign “onerous and unnecessary” documents to renew his hospital privileges at Lower Keys Medical Center, at least one veteran Key West doctor is willing to forfeit those privileges. Dr. Elias Gerth, who has practiced medicine in Key West for nearly 26 years, is warning his colleagues to read all credentialing forms from the hospital before signing them.

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Pentagon on the 4th of July 2016 Offers Get-Rich Schemes... Scam not working on a 1,001 SUV sun screen is a War Crime when you are a MD at Walter Reed. By refusing to sign “onerous and unnecessary” documents to renew his hospital privileges at Lower Keys Medical Center, at least one veteran Key West doctor is willing to forfeit those privileges. What the Hell do you think the Walter Reed MD's have to sign... a Document in Hell of Course!

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Pentagon on the 4th of July 2016 Offers Get-Rich Schemes for SWF's fighter pilots in a gravity engine fighter jet... future! To Hell with the No Gas Stations Op Coup for the 4th of July 2016.

6-30-2016 Pentagon on the 4th of July 2016 Offers Get-Rich Schemes With Saudi and Texas Oil men, $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues! Plagiarized Orwellian propaganda Lessons for SWF's fighter pilots not 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. Rx Recipe's for Stage 4 and MS virus Moon Shot Cure's. Biden Moon Shot Offers Get-Rich Schemes with Gas Stations On Earth causing most of the new cancers from Smog.

6-30-2016 Pentagon on the 4th of July 2016 Offers Get-Rich Schemes... none are a Rx Recipe for a overnight cure for Cholera... etc.

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Pentagon on the 4th of July 2016 Offers Get-Rich Schemes... Lawmakers Urge John Kerry to Press U.N. for Haiti Cholera Response - Hell the Lawmakers know the UN can not mention Saudi Arabia War Crimes so it will do any good to ask Kerry to mention war crimes from the Cholera in Haiti... really. Obama will shoot 100 SWF's at the Stage 4 Club on the 4th of July and Kerry's wife will know a few of the women. Even she can't get Obama to stop shooting 100 SWF's at the Stage 4 Club on the 4th of July. Biden has his own Stage 4 Scam it's brain cancer smog!

6-30-2016 Obama will shoot 100 at the "Skin Cancer Club" on the 4th of July 2016.

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Trump Institute Offered Get-Rich Schemes With Plagiarized Lessons... gas engine cars vs the Ford ElectricWindmillEscot that ushers in the gravity engine Ford's.

6-30-2016 Pentagon on the 4th of July 2016 Offers Get-Rich Schemes...

6-30-2016 Trump Institute Offered Get-Rich Schemes With 1,001 SUV sunscreen invention Recipe... New iMac Super Computer at your Apple-Starbucks café Table with 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects. Would You Slather on Sunscreen if It Was Free if it was 1,001 SUV? A proposal by New York City’s comptroller would bring sunscreen dispensers to the city’s parks, pools and beaches to combat skin cancer. Pentagon Combat Skin Cancer, Scam from Walter Reed Military and VA MD's will convict them of Skin Cancer Genocide in a No Gas Stations Era on Earth as 1,001 SUV sun screen will be invented before these MD are hanged. Grin. Scam not working on a 1,001 SUV sun screen is a War Crime when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 How Badly Do You Want That New iMac Super Computer at your Apple-Starbucks café Table with 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects.

6-30-2016 Pentagon on the 4th of July 2016 Offers Get-Rich Schemes for MD not to work on a 1,001 Sun Screen Recipe...

6-30-2016 "Groups Call to Oust Saudis from U.N. Human Rights Council" By SOMINI SENGUPTA But the suspension of any country from an elected body of the United Nations is extraordinary, and it would be all the more so for a country with powerful friends like the United States.

6-30-2016 Saudi Arabia Ousted NASA's 100 Car Train of Space Telescopes in fear of Jewish Aliens...

6-30-2016 Orwellian propaganda motivation to bully... No Gas Stations on Earth Editorials in the NY Times on the 4th of July 2016... motivation to engage in or avoid aggressive social interaction are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain, according to...

6-30-2016 The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School of Medicine. "Motivation to bully is regulated by brain reward circuits."

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-30-2016 Scam not to invent a 1,001 SUV sun screen when you are a MD at Walter Reed.

6-29-2016 How Badly Do You Want That New iMac Super Computer at your Apple-Starbucks café Table with 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects. Orwellian propaganda is headed for a head on collision with iMac Super Computers at every Apple-Starbucks café Table alone with Amazon 1 click IP invention projects links...

6-29-2016 1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort should be coming off the Ford Assembly line on the 4th of July 2016.

We don't know why Tim Cook hates women and marriage to them! When women are God's best Invention! We do know about Tim's hate crimes against women!!

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie... Today, the Cancer Moonshot is hosting a summit at Howard University, in Washington, D.C. as part of a national day of action that also includes more than 270 events in communities across the United States. Vice President Joe Biden will tout "Clean Diesel" + suppress the No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup he could lead today!

6-29-2016 1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort should be coming off the Ford Assembly line on the 4th of July 2016.

6-29-2016 "Toyota Recalls 1.4 Million Vehicles for Airbag Problem" New York Times + Toyota suppressed 140 million Super AirBags on the Outside of Toyota's on orders from our 1984 II Dictators... causing 10's of thousands of needless, preventable deaths, a War Crime!

6-29-2016 "What You Need to Know About No Head On Collisions On the 4th of July 2016! "Lured by Jobs in Afghanistan, Nepalis Face Risks and Death" By KAREEM FAHIM and BHADRA SHARMA - both Kareem + Sharma at the New York times know the 1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort will be coming off the Ford Assembly line in Detroit on the 4th of July 2016. Instead Miami and Detroit and been named the worst cities in the USA today.

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 "What You Need to Know About No Head On Collisions On Earth Era! No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup Masterminds are POW's of 1984 II Dictators addicted to MIT War Toys, Drone's on their 7th trillion dollar Laser guided engineering while suppressing No Head On Collisions. More than 145 were wounded when three suicide bombers struck at the international arrivals building of Ataturk airport, officials said 41 dead. Other analysts, though, noted that attacks involving multiple suicide bombers take time to prepare and are not typically attempted on very short notice. iPhone not unlocked by CIA were used to plan this attack by 3 suicide bomber. Disastrous iPhone 007 policy that has brought terrorism into the heart of Istanbul and Ankara!! Mary Kennedy was also killed by this disastrous iPhone 007 policy of Tim Cook. Kerry at the State Dept. will say this was a Head on Collions at HQ but not in the NY Times. Turkey Claims ISIS Is Behind Attacks. Binali Yildirim, the prime minister of Turkey, is in a Head on Collision with $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues that pays for all these iPhone and bombs. "Brexit" of state of the arts "Cars" Prime Minister David Cameron is libel for all head on collisions in England today and there will be several. None will make the News. Responsibilities + those elite at Oxford responsible for "Head On Collisions" on the 4th of July 2016 are all drunk on greed of Oil Revenues! $777 Trillion dollar Coors! Coor's should be prohibited not the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era of spin off inventions for the iPhone 007 and state of the arts laser guidance on trains, NASA trains too!

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 "What You Need to Know About No Head On Collisions Driving into Key West from Miami!

6-29-2016 "What You Need to Know About... Two separate crashes Monday slowed traffic in the Upper Keys and sent one woman to a Miami hospital, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. The more severe crash occurred at 7:57 p.m. at Mile Marker 86 and involved four vehicles. Maggie Fenney, 22, of Islamorada, was northbound in a 2011 Audi followed by a 2008 Toyota driven by Roselin Coxey, 57, with... one car crossing the center line and hitting the other cars. Other crash a 17 year old guy from Miami was arrested for DUI in the other crash. Cause of the "Train Wreck" is Texas Oil Men, who have escaped criminal charges from their wealth of $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectrcWindmillEscort. No cars should be able to cross the center line when its state of the arts Laser Guidance. Texas Oil Men killed this state of the Arts Laser Center Line for oil money, a crime!

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 "What You Need to Know About No Head On Collisions Driving into Key West from Sweden. Ikea Recalls 29 Million Chests and Dressers After 6 Children Die" The Swedish company agreed to a deal with federal regulators after a campaign cited a growing death toll among toddlers in furniture tip-over accidents. By MIKE McPHATE Mike knows more than 6 kids will die in head on collisions on the 4th of July 2016 and Sweden will not recall all cars without state of the arts laser guidance - a spin off 1980 invention from the Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts. Grin.

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 "What You Need to Know About No Head On Collisions via Freight trains collide head-on, explode into flames in Texas Panhandle... Texas Oil Men were the Masterminds driving this train and in the killing of 100's on the 4th of July 2016 in Head On Collisions! Washington Post - A pair of freight trains collided head-on and exploded into flames Tuesday morning in the Texas Panhandle, the cause of the "Train Wreck" is Texas Oil Men, who have escaped criminal charges from their wealth of $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectrcWindmillEscort. 2 Trains Collide in Texas Panhandle, Causing Evacuations - what the NY Times missed was the black cloud of smoke is from Diesel and Charley Rose on CBS Nightly news said the RR officials told the 200 home owners to say inside and not breath the air. No mention of DNA in their kids.

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 "What You Need to Know About the 1984 II Dictators Scam test of the Orwellian Driven Engine that will help power NASA's next-generation rocket... and the poor soul's who will die in Head On Collisions master minded by Texas Oil men playing with their toy trains when NASA 100 Car Supper Shuttle Trail of Space Telescopes is not front page News at the New York Times or CBS with Charley Rose. Woman's Basketball coach was the lead story for CBS Nightly News with Charley Rose last night. Needless head on collisions by women playing basketball and of course everyone passed every class just like the black basketball players at Yale and Harvard, grin. Another Head on Collision.

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 "What You Need to Know About IBM; Rx Recipes for cancer! The world's smartest computer will help treat 10,000 veterans with cancer! Washington Post - IBM's supercomputer Watson, known for its "Jeopardy" prowess, is teaming up with the Department of Veterans Affairs to try to revolutionize cancer care for veterans. IBM and the VA are on a Head on Collision that will kill more than 10K vets as they IBM + VA MD's will fail until Rx Recipes are no longer trade secrets by the Roche in Switzerland along with Secret Swiss Bank Accounts of the Texas Oil men with brain cancer of greed + smog. 10K vets 9K were given cancers by "Clean Diesel" smog! Were the Hell are the IBM lawyers? Grin.

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 "What You Need to Know About liquid Helium - CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, which uses 265,000 pounds of it to help keep particles in line as they zip around a few degrees above absolute zero - 272 C. Helium is named for the Greek god of the Sun, Helios. helium is the second most abundant element in the known Universe. 40 billion cubic meters, owned jointly by Qatar and Iran. Qatar's fraction of world helium production to 25%, and made it the second largest exporter after the United States. In the United States, most helium is extracted from natural gas of the Hugoton and nearby gas fields in Kansas, Oklahoma, and the Panhandle Field in Texas

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 "What You Need to Know About... More School Choice for Detroit’s Children, Not Better Schools - Detroit's Schools if the 1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort was coming off the Ford Assembly line on the 4th would be open 24/7 not like today with 4 hours of class time and much of that horse play and gossip. Michigan leapt at the promise of charters 23 years ago, betting that more competition would improve public education. Instead, old problems grew worse. By KATE ZERNIKE. Kate has read my BDay Card with the 1 Trillionth... Ford!

6-29-2016 "What You Need to Know About...

6-29-2016 "What You Need to Know About...

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 Trillions of ads touting "Clean Diesel" propaganda and they were all a lie...

6-29-2016 1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort should be coming off the Ford Assembly line on the 4th of July 2016.

6-28-2016 "What You Need to Know About Apple’s Software Upgrades" By BRIAN X. CHEN "The Apple operating systems of iOS, tvOS, MacOS and WatchOS will be upgraded in the fall." iMac Super Computers at every Apple-Starbucks Paris café Table will not be upgraded but could if there's a successful No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup!

6-28-2016 At the New York Times We’re trying something new: California Today, a morning update for our California readers. Tell us what you’d like to see: CAtoday@nytimes.com

6-28-2016 California Today: How Badly Do You Want That New Rail Line? iMac Super Computer at your Apple-Starbucks café Table with 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects.

Link to Acrobat file for 1-1-2016 Greg + Wives

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Massacre; Stage 4 on the 4th of July 2016, Hate Crime @ SWF's as he made them Admirals and Fighter Pilots! No Hospital Ships will dock in Key West on the 4th of July 2016.

6-28-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Massacre; Women + Children Shot by Troops on the 4th of July Leave from War's in Libya, Iran, Afghan...

6-28-2016 We found the stereotypical behaviors of Pentagon Generals... We found that there was,” she said, and that the media was really “driving” that association “as opposed to the other way around.” That growth in female stereotypical behaviors (like quiet play, pretend cooking and cleaning, and avoiding risks, getting dirty or trying new things), was also observed, to a lesser but still significant degree, in boys with higher Disney princess engagement. Connection in the Killings of Jewish Aliens on this 4th of July at the Pentagon is Null and Void of any emotions, they are to far away!

6-28-2016 Stereotypical behaviors in girls with high levels of Disney princess engagement, Princess Mary never knew there were "Bad Men" until she was sucker punched at a Miami Gas Station Hold Up in 2000. Princess Mary never new the "Really Bad Men" suppressed the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort in 1980 on the 4th of July!

6-28-2016 After these classified deaths Disney “The Princess Problem.” never made a movie of the Princess Wife's killed by troops coming home from War on the 4th of July and killing her!

6-28-2016 After these classified deaths Disney - Disney, as a primary purveyor of all things princess, is contributing to that influence... the Princess to buy a iPhone 007 from Tim Cook with Siri Help!! He's going to kill me on the 4th of July 2016.

6-28-2016 After these classified deaths Disney “She asked for a Disney princess snowsuit,” Ms. Connors said. “It was pink, it was sparkly, it was like the platonic ideal of princess merchandise.” (This was before her employment with Disney.) “We’d just bought "American Sniper Suit and sight..." Watch out for these men leaving the Pentagon and knocking on your door Princess!!

6-28-2016 After these Pentagon Movies... “Our goal is not to kill princess culture,” Dr. Coyne said. “It’s a magical part of childhood that I enjoyed with my own daughter. But we can talk about the characteristics of the princesses — the great things they do, as opposed to what they look like, or what girls look like when they dress up like them.”

6-28-2016 After these 4th of July killings in War + at Home the Pentagon said we don’t worry about Kerry + McCain being confused about their future as super War heroes in Hanoi, Boston. "Disney Princesses Do Change Girls — and Boys, Too" By Kj Dell’Antonia - Ky needs to rewrite this article for the 4th of July 2016 Orwellian Princesses who will be killed by troops coming home from War's that could have been Won in 1980 with No Gas Stations on Earth Navy Op Coup.

6-28-2016 After deaths of three toddlers, Ikea recalls millions of dressers..." No Diesel Fuel. No Gas Stations!

6-28-2016 Independence Day: Google Maps And Earth Just Got A Huge Boost: New, More Detailed And Higher Contrast Images of Diesel Exhaust and Highest Population Areas of Stage 4, MS, Syphilis on Google Maps for the 4th of July 2016. New Tech Times of No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup! Spin off Invention Projects.

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in every Major City World Wide; Independence Day 2016 Stage 4 Moon Shot is a Massacre by the White House and Walter Reed MD's... Greg + Wives in Key West would be live streaming our Brainstorming on the 4th of July for the Stage 4 Rx Recipe's; but we are POW's from Vietnam!

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 Vietnam Vets will carry the dead SWF Stage 4 massacre over their shoulder to hide them from the 4th of July celebrations at the NY Times and Charlie Rose @ CBS! 60 Minutes!! Body Count is Classified by the Pentagon!

6-28-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Massacre; Volkswagen to Pay $14.7 Billion to Settle Diesel Claims in USA on the 4th of July...

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Massacre; After deaths of three toddlers, Ikea recalls millions of dressers" Washington Post - Ikea refused to recall trillions of gallons of diesel and gasoline kickbacks from BP Oil after the deaths of three million toddlers from Diesel DNA Poisoning, Hell with Diesel in the water + air its in the toddlers DNA. Americans on the 4th of July 2016 are shouldering more and more of their health-care massacre's via 1984 II Dictators; Stage 4: Abortion; Diesel: HIV: MS; STD's; Syphilis; Hepatitis; Stage 4...

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Massacre; Black Spray Painted Clouds of Diesel Exhaust driving down the highway on "Fire" on the 4th and Charley Rose @ CBS turns off the video... New York Times - One Day's videos of Black Spray Painted Clouds of Diesel Exhaust driving around NYC! NY Times censored from their First Day of Summer Pictures of NYC all the Black Spray Painted Clouds of Diesel Exhaust on Orders from the Top Brass 1984 II.

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence SWF's 70K in Texas reacted on Monday to a Supreme Court decision that affects access to abortions IP invention projects. Walter Reed Military + VA MD's massacred 70K kids not yet born, just like Vietnam Era Baby Killers when No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup Invention will get a spin off invention to save everyone they will Massacre on the next 4th of July. Military Academy Massacre Crisis behind the lines of our Orwellian 1984 II Society.

6-28-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 "Brexit Crisis II" Obama Shot 100 SWF's on the 4th at the Stage 4 Club in Florida!

6-28-2016 Ms. Lee spoke, calling breast cancer “a very special kind of hell,” and praising Mr. Cuomo for his work on the legislation, which requires more than 200 hospitals and other health centers to expand their hours to offer mammograms, and would ban out-of-pocket costs for mammograms. Mr. Cuomo took the podium and poignantly recounted his family rallying around Ms. Lee during her harrowing battle with breast cancer. She was given a diagnosis of breast cancer in March 2015 and underwent a double mastectomy soon afterward and has been declared free of cancer. Hell ride. It was a publicity motorcycle tour aimed at increasing awareness for breast cancer screenings, and to promote a new piece of legislation that Mr. Cuomo signed into law at the Citi Field appearance. The law would mitigate hurdles for women seeking mammograms. Ms. Lee spoke, calling breast cancer “a very special kind of hell,” and praising Mr. Cuomo for his work on the legislation, which requires more than 200 hospitals and other health centers to expand their hours to offer mammograms, and would ban out-of-pocket costs for mammograms.

6-28-2016 At the New York Times We’re trying something new: California Today, a morning update for our California readers. Tell us what you’d like to see: CAtoday@nytimes.com

6-28-2016 California Today: How Badly Do You Want That New Rail Line? 200 hospitals and other health centers to expand their hours to offer mammograms... Cuomo must also be a POW of our 1984 II Dictators on the 4th of July at the Stage 4 Club massacre's in the USA.

6-28-2016 POW's Greg + Wives in Key West will get Homeland Security to scan Mammograms at JFK Airport not 200 NY Hospital's... Bush and Cuomo failed this math test. Or they are just POW's of our Orwellian Dictators who have syphilis in their frontal lobes. Grin! Cuomo needs to hack into the Rx Recipe computers and make these Rx Recipes public for Girl Scouts Cooking up a Stage 4 Overnight Rx Cure. Yes get the Girl Scouts a table at the Apple-Starbucks with an iMac Super Computer too!!

6-28-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-28-2016 Vet's carrying 10's of thousands of Stage 4 women over their shoulders; placed on top of the Gay + Vietnam Memorials!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: 20th Century Fox casting the Chinese model-singer Angelababy as a fighter pilot... Dr. Lady Gaga MD wrote a song for her Moon Shot Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Recipe!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young Refugees selling the Ford Gasoline Engine Cars on the 4th of July 2016... Bidens Death Sentence's for SWF's selling Dr. Lady Gaga MD as fighter pilot of his Moon Shot Brain Cancer Cure; no Biden is not working on a Breast Cancer Rx Recipe in secret!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 4th of July 2016... Stage 4 deaths of 100 SWF's in the USA will be censored out of the front page headlines at the NY Times and Key West Citizen newspapers... shot down by some 1984 II Dictator George Orwell.

6-27-2016 Independence Day: 20th Century Fox casting of the... 155 Story Yale Key West Medical School Movie built on a Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure will being after the coup.

6-27-2016 Independence Day: 20th Century Fox casting of the... "Texas A&M medical school for physician engineers" Fifty physician engineers would begin their studies in Fall 2017 at the new Texas A&M University Engineering Medicine School (EnMed) at Houston Methodist Hospital. 20th Century Fox casting of the... "Texas A&M medical school for physician engineers" movie will start right after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

6-27-2016 Independence Day: 20th Century Fox casting the Chinese model-singer Angelababy as a fighter pilot... and her mom has breast cancer. By IBBY CAPUTO How cancer made me live my life out of order. Orders from 1984 II Dictators on the 4th of July 2016 - reflections of The Twelve Caesars, is a set of twelve biographies of Julius Caesar and the first 11 emperors of the Roman Empire written by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus with $777 Trillion all for MIT State of the Arts 7th generation of Laser Guided Drone's! The book can be described as racy, packed with gossip, dramatic and sometimes amusing... 1984 II Society Today. Sunday, an Amtrak train struck a mini van near Trinidad, Colo., killing three children and two adults. Amtrak Train 3, the Southwest Chief passenger train, was traveling from Chicago to Los Angeles. 7th generation Amtrak Trains were killed by Obama. No laser guidance!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: 20th Century Fox tried to slow negative word of mouth by refusing to screen the film for mainstream 1984 II Observers.

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Resurgence... Harvester Queen of Inventions!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Resurgence... Pixar’s “Finding Inventions” turned out families in droves... 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year!!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Resurgence... Pixar’s “Finding Dory” turned out families in droves, and “The Shallows,” a well-reviewed thriller, was a hit with horror fans and young women. But the big-budget “Independence Day: Resurgence,” aimed at the presumed undiscriminating audience, sputtered badly. The No. 1 movie in North America was again “Finding Dory” (Walt Disney Studios), which took in about $73.2 million, for a two-week domestic total of $286.6 million, according to comScore, which compiles box office data.

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Resurgence...“Independence Day: Resurgence” (20th Century Fox), which cost at least $300 million to make and market worldwide, was a distant second, arriving to estimated ticket sales of $41.6 million. It brought in an additional $102 million overseas, including in China, where results were soft compared with other releases, despite efforts by Fox to cater to that market, including casting the Chinese model-singer Angelababy as a fighter pilot.

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Resurgence... Fox tried to slow negative word of mouth by refusing to screen the film for mainstream critics, but audiences nonetheless smelled a stinker —

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Resurgence... 20th Century Fox has syphilis in their frontal lobes. "C.I.A. Arms for Syrian Rebels Supplied Black Market, Officials Say" By MARK MAZZETTI and ALI YOUNES Some of the weapons linked to thefts by Jordanian intelligence operatives are believed to have been used last year to kill two Americans and three others.

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Troops from "all" nations killed their wives with these CIA Arms. Syphilis is a plague at the top as Comfort Women in Saudi Arabia have been infected by the King! Alien Harvester Queen in this Fox movie and the Black Warlord could have been deleted and rewritten in less than a day... by Fox. CIA, Kerry, their syphilis killed millions since Black Obama has been President driving his diesel engine billowing spray painted black clouds of poison exhaust in the air...

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

Hell with lead in the water and paint. 1984 II audiences nonetheless know a genocide even if Pope Francis can't or won't acknowledge gasoline exhaust kills Catholics when No Gas Stations On Earth is a Godsent Miracle stifled by the Holy See. See the spray painted black clouds of diesel exhaust in traffic today. Hell No!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Resurgence... Fox to cater to that market, including casting the Chinese model-singer Angelababy as a fighter pilot Smog in Beijing's leaders frontal lobes, Yale, Harvard, and fox car salesmen sold even more diesel and gasoline engine cars and truck last week than ever before to these brain dead Chinese. China intelligence operatives are believed to have killed two million Americans... not coming out with Smog Kills!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: 4th of July, Born in the USA is a week from today. Time enough for a Revolution from the Black President + Yale VP to clean up their spray painted black clouds of diesel exhaust world wide.

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young Refugees selling the Ford Gasoline Engine Cars on the 4th of July 2016...




6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-27-2016 Independence Day: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF's!

6-26-2016 Amazon 1 click for your IP invention project today instead of buying a DVD movie with 1 click. Greg's web page.

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 Review: Independence Day: Resurgence Directed by Roland Emmerich - Opening Scene should have been Nichol Kidman dissecting an Alien for a Class at Yale Medical School. No, Roland put a "Black Warlord" in the Opening Scene and ruined a $$$ Billion dollar movie for Sony. Trump would tell Roland You're Fired! In ‘Independence Day: Resurgence,’ the Fault Is In the "Black Warlord" and No MD Women Fireworks for "Hot Women" Miss Universe Women! Independence Day: Resurgence - Aliens were dissected in the first movie! Who the Hell watches a dissection movie to learn about Alien Anatomy. This was a crime for centuries on Earth. Kids on the school bus never Dissected a Alien! By MANOHLA DARGIS NY Times. Fault Is In the "Black Warlord" and No MD Women Fireworks for "Hot Women" Miss Universe Women! Independence Day: Resurgence. Opening Scene should have been Nichol Kidman dissecting an Alien for a Class at Yale Medical School...

6-26-2016 "Ball" a ball a large sphere that houses the No Gas Stations On Earth Invention Consciousness of perpetual inventions has been kill by our Alien 1984 II Dictators... a War Crime!

6-26-2016 Independence Day: Resurgence. Sony should have named the movie Independence Day: Invention!! As the end of the movie the New Aliens who saved Humanity give us a "Ball" a ball a large sphere that houses the consciousness of an alien species... of 1,001 IP invention projects. Just the right touch of "Orwellian" in the movie! Invention Something... today! Amazon 1 click for your IP invention project today instead of buying a DVD movie with 1 click. Grin. Greg and Wives in Key West will have a Amazon Web with 1 click invention projects! In the cliff hanging closing minutes of Resurgence, the survivors of the second attack declare their intention to take the fight directly to the aliens — who are newly christened as “Harvesters,” for reasons we’ll get to later on — rather than wait for them to mount another army. “We are going to kick some serious alien IP invention projects,” declares wild-eyed and wild-haired scientist Dr. Brakish Okun. Wow... our 1984 II Dictators missed censoring out IP "Inventions!!" as No Gas Stations On Earth Invention to win the War in Libya, Iraq, Afghastan, Iran, Mecca has been nuked by our 1984 II Dictators... ha. Inventions are solidly in place for a third movie! Humans and Harvesters aren’t the only species in the universe. Jewish Aliens are at each of the Nearest 52 Stars, this is censored out of the movie by our 1984 II Dictators, ha.

6-26-2016 Remember how fun 'Independence Day' was in 1996? Sony hopes ...

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 This is a serious sci-fi movie that ends with 1,001 IP invention projects from the New Aliens! Cheers from the Drone Strike that is a Ball of Invention Projects for Jimmy Carters Titanium Habitat for Humanity that recycles his Navy Nuke Sub the USS Jimmy Carter for NASA Subs! USS Jimmy Carter was a mistake as Aliens can Nuke it... Jimmy Carter Peanut Czar Tolstoy never though of a Heavy Lift Helicopter Combine Harvester. I guess the brain cancer from war toy subs has been in his brain since he got married.

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 US President (Sela Ward) authorizes a first strike on an alien vessel that came to warn Humanity the others; Old Aliens were on their way; 1984 II Orwellian comment in the movie about our 1984 II Dictators making a first strike on North Korea, Allah, Mecca, when No Gas Stations On Earth was a Godsent Invention they gave to Allah Mecca. Ball Gift of Inventions from the New Aliens, Sela Ward just Nuked. Like Jimmy Carter nuking the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort then using the oil money to build the USS Jimmy Carter Space Ship Train.

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 Chinese boss, General Lao; War Lord and leader Umbutu; with 2 machetes to hack the Alien in the back is his mastermind to win the war. Jewish Dad who was the mastermind of the Alien Virus driving a gas engine school bus full of kids across the Saudi desert and straight into the alien Queen who is firing at them and misses every time, gravity engine helicopter gun ships are flying circles around the gas engine school bus with a stop sign sticking out that is the only thing that gets blow off but not by the head of a passerby, ha. The New Aliens have a ball a large sphere that houses the consciousness of an alien species that abandoned biological bodies long ago for a purely virtual existence and many inventions to save the Earth, move them off the Earth to another solar system is their plan. Area 51 scientists Oppenheimer II is strangled by a Old Alien again but recovers quickly enough to talk to the New Aliens. All this time the Alien Queen is firing at the gas engine school bus with gravity engine helicopter gun ships flying around. The Alien Queen has a shield of her own. Force Field invention of Greg + Wives in Key West. Mother Ship of the Old Aliens is boring a hole to the core of the Earth too. Every satellite in orbit is destroyed by the Old Aliens. So much for Satellite Inventions as in 1996 the Same Aliens took over every satellite in orbit when they got to Earth. White House assistant Patricia (Maika Monroe). She’s the daughter of former President Whitmore (Bill Pullman), a raggedy and eccentric old-timer who, like Harrison Ford’s Han Solo in Star Wars, still has some kickass bravado about him. Scientist David Levinson (Jeff Goldblum) is first spotted in central Africa, consorting with War Lord and leader Umbutu (Deobia Oparei) who has inside knowledge about how to fight the aliens.

6-26-2016 Independence Day: Resurgence... The sphere goes on to say that survivors of past Harvester attacks have created a “refugee planet,” where they labor to create weapons powerful enough to defeat the energy-hungry conquerors once and for all.

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 Cigarette smoke contains as many as 4,800 chemicals and many of these chemicals are carcinogens, but a new study has revealed that a big majority of smokers don't realize what they are inhaling.

6-26-2016 BEIJING - A long-distance bus has smashed into a guardrail in central China, sparking a fire that killed 35 people and injured 20 others, local officials authorities said on Sunday.

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 Op-Ed: Tony Blair: Brexit’s Stunning Coup" By TONY BLAIR No Gas Stations On Earth Coup USA... Gasexit's!!! $777 Trillion from BP Oil confiscated on the 4th Of July in the USA... To Hell with Queen Elizabeth!

6-26-2016 Jimmy Carter's voice when he said I'm at Peace with my Creator! Sounded like Hell, grin.

6-26-2016 News Analysis: Don’t Ban Photos of Skinny Models" By VANESSA FRIEDMAN - IBM can read x-rays when IBM should read estrogen created by fat cells in the breast ducts. News Analysis at IBM and 1984 II HQ is really Alien to saving her life. Tim Cook must be the Mastermind, ha.

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 Op-Ed Columnist: Obama’s Death Sentence for Young SWF women in the USA. MS virus that the Editors of the New York Times could or would not put in this Op-Ed today. How could Jimmy Carter be at peace with his Creator when Obama infected 33K SWF's with MS virus in 2016 and burned many more in fiery car wrecks?

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 Barack Obama, the President of Black America? What the haters and the hagiographers get wrong. by MICHAEL ERIC DYSON at the New York Times. $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues direct deposited in Obama's Swiss bank accounts is not wrong. The City of Key West on the front page of the New York Times yesterday spent $550K from BP Oil on a City Park. Yes Key West will be on the front page of the NY Times! Black Plage in London has killed many millions in the last 8 years of Obama and Pope Francis will make a comment about this Genocide. Mecca Mosque today can seat 2 million thanks to Obama's construction there. Barack Obama, the President of Black America? Yes!! But the "Black" is the spray painted clouds of black diesel exhaust from trillions of cars and scooters on Duval Key West. Dr. Lady Gaga MD will sing a song to the kids at Saint Jude who will die and Biden will address the Yale Grads again who will fall asleep driving home to mom and dad and die in a fiery crash. "Black America" Wait until Greg + Wives write the Editorial for the New York Times. $777 Trillion can build Mecca a Mosque and the USA White's a Yale World Medical School 155 Stories on a Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure in view of the H Bombs from Pakistan going off in Paris over Gay Black Cartoons! WW III Blacks!

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 "Make no mistake, this is humanity’s last stand," No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-26-2016 Black Obama and iPod size GE electric generator's all of Africa could say Today No Wood Stoves On Earth. Black Obama killed all these millions in Africa by suppressing the GE iPod size electric generator invention last year by Greg and Wives in Key West... wow. Africa’s Charcoal Economy Is Cooking. The Trees Are Paying. By NORIMITSU ONISHI In Madagascar, the booming charcoal business is contributing to deforestation and may exacerbate the effects of global warming. Pope Francis to Armenians: Seek Peace, but Never Forget Genocide. By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO The pope prayed on Saturday at a national memorial for the genocide, and urged the country’s young people to become peacemakers. Pope Francis knows about the iPod Size GE electric generator everyone on Earth can plug in all their GE appliances in and the H @ -254 C will last for years with no burning of a tree or forest. Sin. Cardinal Sin!!


6-25-2016 Pope Francis + Tim Cook watched these (Stage 4) women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-25-2016 Vet's carrying 10's of thousands of Stage 4 women over their shoulders; placed on top of the Gay + Vietnam Memorials!

6-25-2016 Pope at BP Oil's $777 Trillion Dollar Poison Gas Exhaust Genocide Memorial: Never Forget or Minimize the spray painted black clouds of gasoline and diesel exhaust from a trillion cars and scooters on Duval Key West and Times Square NYC. New York Times - GYUMRI, Armenia - Pope Francis demanded Saturday that the world never forget or minimize the Ottoman-era slaughter of Armenians as he paid his respects at the country's imposing genocide memorial - Wounded Warriors Memorial with the Vet carrying a Stage 4 women over his shoulders; placed on top of the Vietnam Memorial at Bayview Park Key West by women with stage 4 today... and no Moon Shot by Biden as he is in his personal Vietnam II + III in Libya and Afghanistan - Car Bomb Near Benghazi Hospital Kills 4 in Eastern Libya. New York Times - 1 hour ago. BENGHAZI, Libya - Biden will not surrender or Win the war in Libya with No Gas Stations On Earth as he is addicted to "War!" And Callous to Stage 4 and women with MS given to them my bisexual troops!

6-25-2016 Vet's carrying 10's of thousands of Stage 4 women over their shoulders; placed on top of the Gay + Vietnam Memorials!

6-25-2016 Vet's carrying 10's of thousands of Stage 4 women over their shoulders; placed on top of the Gay + Vietnam Memorials!

6-25-2016 Vet's carrying 10's of thousands of Stage 4 women over their shoulders; placed on top of the Vietnam Memorial and Obama's Stonewall, Obama designates first national monument to gay rights movement; then Vets with Stage 4 women over their shoulder's lay the dead women by the tens of thousands over the gay's... Washington Post - 1 hours ago. It is an awkward moment for President Obama to be celebrating a gay memorial when ten's of thousands of dead stage 4 women are haunting the White House!

6-25-2016 Vet's carrying 10's of thousands of Stage 4 women over their shoulders; placed on top of the Gay + Vietnam Memorials!

6-25-2016 Vet's carrying 10's of thousands of Stage 4 women over their shoulders; placed on top of the Gay + Vietnam Memorials!

6-25-2016 Coors alcohol-related breast + brain cancer memorials will be a pet project of Biden's after Greg + Wives get the Rx overnight Miracle Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer in Key West, grin. Coors + BP Oil will both be bankrupted and prohibited by this time so Biden is free to build the Best Coors Alcohol-related death Memorial Design possible!

6-25-2016 "Overwhelmed by this Stage 4 Memorial over Gay + Vietnam Memorials ‘Brexit’? Here Are the Basics" By NIRAJ CHOKSHI, DANIEL VICTOR and SEWELL CHAN A majority of the Elite Top Brass at Walter Reed don't want to work on a Moon Shot for Stage 4 with Greg + Wives in Key West as they adore Dr. Lady Gaga MD and her Show. CBS + Comcast, have black listed Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris! Have you ever heard of Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, on the CBS Nightly News, Hell No!

6-25-2016 Navy Tax Dodging on the World's Oceans... Let’s criticize Navy Hospital ships!! Not ever Docking in Key West, on who's orders?

6-25-2016 A Navy whose inhabitants are perpetually drunk.... to drunk to build a Yale Navy Medical School in Key West - the Yale Navy Football Game goes on every year though, grin.

6-25-2016 "Tax Dodging on the High Seas" Gail Collins - Should be Hospital Cruise Ships never built! Let’s criticize cruise ships. I know, I know. Things are bad enough without going negative about your summer vacation. But we’ve got some problems here. Plus, I promise there will be a penguin. The cruise industry seems to be exploding — the newest generation of ships can carry more than 5,000 passengers. They make a great deal of profit from the sale of alcohol, so imagine the equivalent of a small city whose inhabitants are perpetually drunk. Really, these things are so huge, it’s amazing they can stay afloat without toppling over. And when one is parked outside, say, Venice, the effect is like one of those alien-invasion movies, when people wake up and find that a spaceship.

6-25-2016 Navy Tax Dodging on the World's Oceans... Let’s criticize Navy Hospital ships!! Not ever Docking in Key West, on who's orders?

6-25-2016 Navy reading this web page in Key West will sober up when they awake to a Jewish Alien Space Ship... never before no matter how many Godsent faster than the speed of light inventions Greg + Wives in Key West Get! So Be It! Yes Jimmy Carter loved his cruise ship trips before he got brain cancer then God Ship. Carnival Never Named a Ship God, why?

6-25-2016 Navy in Key West inspired this Large Trucks article from Matt who just had a KW vacation here, grin. "Americans Regain Their Appetite for Gas Guzzlers" By MATT RICHTEL Setting aside concerns about global warming, consumers are unloading hybrid and electric vehicles in favor of bigger cars, pickups and S.U.V.s....

6-25-2016 Maternal inheritance also gave rise to the idea that there exists a “Mitochondrial Eve,” a woman from whom all living humans inherited their mitochondrial DNA. Dr. Xue said. One theory has to do with the fact that sperm must generate a lot of energy when competing to fertilize an egg. During this time, sperm mitochondria are overworked, which could possibly damage their DNA and lead to mutations. Dr. Xue is from China and he works in Boulder Colorado at the University I left after inventing the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort because they spit at me walking through Campus. Greg's "Theory" has Coors makes up all the goings-on at this University. In Fact Coors does, he once sent 3 dirt bike riders up 13,300 feet all in yellow and they got color blinded around a S curve and all 3 crashed one was beheaded. I took his picture beheaded in the middle of the road next to his bike as the cops let me bike down the mountain. Traffic was stopped for hours and hours. Dr. Xue belongs in a "Cuban Prison University" writing his Coors Theories on Moms DNA... distracted drivers on dirt bikes and getting the 1,001 DNA IP invention projects need to arrest Dr. Xue before he kills your Nobel in DNA. "Why Do We Inherit Mitochondrial DNA Only From Our Mothers?" By STEPH YIN New York Times.

6-25-2016 Vet's carrying 10's of thousands of Stage 4 women over their shoulders; placed on top of the Gay + Vietnam Memorials!

6-25-2016 Vet's carrying 10's of thousands of Stage 4 women over their shoulders; placed on top of the Gay + Vietnam Memorials!

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 New York Times Editorial on Mandatory University Education for all High School Kids is not a Editorial by Editors with Syphilis! Affirmative Action! Learning curve moving from Win 10 to iMac MacBook Pro's for everyone at every University. Like moving from gas engine cars to Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's for everyone in the USA, mandatory! No Gas Stations On Earth Op Coup!

6-24-2016 Independence Day: Resurgence!! The film is set 20 years after aliens invaded Earth, killed millions of people and were defeated via a computer virus. MS Virus has killed a million SWF's infected by bisexual men! STD censorship in our 1984 II real life movie caused this tortured deaths of SWF from Aliens at Walter Reed Military we need Independence From! As many as 3,331 people annually could die from heat waves by 2080 in New York City alone, H iPod A/C 24/7 has been invented and suppressed!! Aliens at Walter Reed Military have killed more than 3,331 since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Walter Reed Military we need Independence From! General Doctors at Walter Reed can't make a better diagnosis. War Crimes! War Crimes have killed millions since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort! MIT designed drones not iWatch for General Doctors at Walter Reed. This is a War Crime! CIA iPhone alert with each callers STD... medical records from Walter Reed. Hell no, save her life from being tortured to death over many years. Kerry infected this women, heard their cry's how could he give me such a terrible disease, then had Obama's White House MD put them to death. Independence Day: Resurgence!! Tim Cook watched these women in the cars on fire and didn't stop to help. How to spot a dangerous man with a terrible disease is not an Apple iapp for her iPhone 007. Or iPhone 7. Would Steve Jobs have ordered this iapp for the iPhone 7. Ask his Widow. Baristas Say Morale At Starbucks Is Sinking - Morale at Walter Reed is high as the next tour of duty will be Saudi Arabia with sex slave perks, sort of like comfort women in Korea, ha! "Britain Leaves on a Cry of Anger and Frustration" By THE EDITORIAL It was a cry of anger and frustration from more than half the country against those who wield power, wealth and privilege and spread disease like MD to SWF's who have no idea its a fatal disease from sex with a bisexual man. David Cameron’s ‘Brexit’ should have been MS virus Exit like the Plague of London so many years ago. David Cameron’s ‘Brexit’ for MS infected women in the news for months!! Plague was front page in the London Times for years! David Cameron’s Speech After ‘Brexit’ those who wield power, wealth and privilege from BP Oil's 1984 II Era of $777 Trillion in oil revenues! City of Key West spent $550K today from BP Oil on a City Park when women with MS in Key West are being tortured with a slow death.

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 Independence Day: Resurgence!! "Humanity May Be Alone In The Universe" Forbes - Someone should tell Forbes we are "Alone In The Universe" because Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's, stifled by the Key West Cops from inventing a way to hear and observe Jewish Aliens at each of the nearest 52 Stars.

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 Just How Stupid is Bush in Texas... University of Texas at Austin that takes race and ethnicity into account not "Mandatory University for All High School kids" in a No Gas Stations Coup on Texas Oil Men $$$ who will pay for iMac Super Computers and MacBook Pro's on a University of Texas at Austin Campus that is open 24/7 and staffed with Apple Genius Tech's! University Rx Recipes 101 will be a mandatory class too Bush never knew in his "Class" of Oil for Food Scams. Dust from 9/11 and Black Clouds of Diesel killed and were masterminded by the Bush's! New York Times Editorial: Affirmative Action Survives, Again - New York Times Editorial on Mandatory University Education for all High School Kids is not a Editorial by Editors with Syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin. YouTube Red Buys ‘Step Up,’ Its First Big-Budget TV Drama - I quit Google's YouTube Red yesterday as it was a step down in finding Rx Recipe's and had no intention to crunch then for a Moon Shot Rx Cure.

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 "Boeing Offers Details on Iran Deal, Saying All Was Done Legally" Boeing the company was not responding to No Gas Stations On Earth Coup that will confiscate $777 Trillion from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE...

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 "Text of David Cameron’s Speech After ‘Brexit’ Vote" The full statement Gas Stations; poison gasoline exhaust will be used on the population of England long as BP Oil gets away with genocide! "GasStationBrexit" Mahmoud Abbas Claims Rabbis Urged Israel to Poison Palestinians’ Water "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel denounced the Palestinian leader’s saying "Poison Gasoline Exhaust" will kill everyone on Earth... Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York expressed disappointment with the Supreme Court ruling blocking President Obama’s immigration plan, and defined it as a “step away from our values to poison everyone in NYC with Poison Gas Exhaust.” Yes! Everyone in NYC has poison gasoline exhaust atoms in their DNA. This is our NYC values. $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues on Independence Day 2016. Brexit’ Opens Uncertain Chapter in Britain’s Storied History of George Orwell 1984 II. As BP Oil is a mastermind of Genocide + Greed via Oil Revenues when the Ford ElectricWindmillRolls Royce should be on the roads in London.

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 "1980 Ford" ...But shifting the automatic transmission into the desired gear didn’t use to require a learning curve, as it too often does these days... 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Escort from gasoline to No Gas Stations On Earth Coup. Clean Air is the learning curve iMac Super computers will simulate the real thing of Clean Air in NYC. 9/11 dust killed 100's of clean up workers, a scam by Bush and Koch to told them not to wear the mask. General Motors gave the world fully automatic transmissions in 1939 with its Hydra-Matic, the system used a shift lever on the steering column that clearly labeled each gear. It became the standard approach for decades. Generals at the Pentagon gas the USA poison Gas Exhaust since 1980 - killing their own troops and civilians, women and children. Learning curve to be a General at the Pentagon. Generally speaking, the way we control our cars engine - but shifting into the "Gravity Engine" never sold to the Top Brass as they bought war toys sold by MIT.

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-24-2016 President Obama has been talking about owning a piece of an NBA franchise - Biden's Moon Shot Cure for Brain Cancer needs to cure the Basketball Cancer in Obman's Brain. More young black will die from the NBA brain cancer than whites, thank God... Grin! Basketball kills way more Black than Whites!


6-24-2016 Tim Cook watched these women in their cars on fire and didn't stop to help!

6-23-2016 "Editorial: The False Lure of Military Intervention in Syria" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times. Titled the False Lure of Walter Reed MD's working on your son's brain cancer... 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it?

6-23-2016 "Editorial: Policing the Police on Stop-and-Frisk" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Title should be Key West Police Stop Greg at Starbucks from writing his Nobel Novel yesterday AND WE WATCHED LIVE STREAMING VIDEO AT THE NY TIMES... GRIN.

6-23-2016 "Editorial: The False Lure of Military Intervention in making contact with Jewish Aliens...

6-23-2016 da Vinci, Michelangelo, Copernicus; Police in Key West lost the "cloud to cloud" lightning invention... BP Oil was the Mastermind. $$$

6-23-2016 "Lightning in India Kills More Than 70, Mostly Farm workers"

6-23-2016 North Korea’s Successful Missile Test Shows Program’s Progress, Analysts Say...

6-23-2016 Biden's Missile Test explode on the pad killing thousands of Beau's each month in 2016... the 1984 II Dictator is blind. Greg + Wives in Key West can get a Rx Recipe Overnight Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

6-23-2016 Biden picking Dr. Lady Gaga MD Shows Brain Cancer Rx Moon shot will explode on the Cape Canaveral Launch Pad killing millions of Beau's as Biden is "Brain Dead" but for Dr. Lady Gaga MD song and dance for the troops at Walter Reed... Dr. Lady Gaga MD will entertain the troops in Korea tomorrow.

6-23-2016 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it?

6-23-2016 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it?

6-23-2016 The 1980 ElectricWindmillEscort would have given Jimmy Carters 1981 Habitat for Humanity the Rx Overnight Miracle Godsent cure for cancer!

6-23-2016 Higher Gas Tax in New Jersey: After Years of No, It May Be Time for Yes... No Gas Stations On Earth Coup!! After all those years from 1980 to 2016. Education Innovation: A Special Section at the War College

6-23-2016 da Vinci, Michelangelo, Copernicus; Police in Key West lost the "cloud to cloud" lightning invention - arrested for the 70 India deaths from Lightning for stifling this "Cloud to Cloud" lightning invention by Greg in Key West. The Key West Police stifled Greg working on this "Cloud to Cloud" lightning invention, UN Human Rights people will testify against them at the World Court in Geneva.

6-23-2016 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it?

6-23-2016 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it?

6-23-2016 "Lightning in India Kills More Than 70, Mostly Farm workers" By SUHASINI RAJ New York Times.

6-23-2016 Saudis Question U.N. Leader Over Report on Rights Violators. Saudis Question Greg, are there really 20K Walter Reed MD's in Saudi Arabia?

6-23-2016 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it?

6-23-2016 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it?

6-23-2016 Mark Zuckerberg Covers His Laptop Camera. You Should Consider It, Too. New York Times! Greg wants 360 degree cameras on your car inside and outside; cameras 360! 24/7 Cameras! Live streaming video for you and others. 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to Mark Zuckerberg.

6-23-2016 The 24/7 Campus - Education Innovation: Revamping Community Colleges to Improve Graduation Rates - The 24/7 Campus!

6-23-2016 Carol Reinisch, she suspected a cancer-causing virus moving from host to host. For help, Dr. Reinisch turned to Dr. Goff + found contagious cancer in soft-shell clams. A drop of seawater may hold 10 million viruses... so how do you filter sea water with 10 million viruses in each drop... you brainstorm on a iMac Supercomputer with a few wives, grin. Nothing will be on the front page of the NY Times until you blast off, grin. But until now, infectious cancer was considered something of a fluke in the natural world, initially observed only in dogs and Tasmanian devils. So should people worry about an outbreak of infectious cancer? “I don’t think we should be starting to panic,” Dr. Murchison said. There have been rare reports of people transmitting cancer. An estimated 0.04 percent of organ transplant recipients contract cancer from the donor organ, for example. But in these cases, the cancer does not spread like a true parasite from host to host. Yet it’s not inconceivable that a human cancer might gain that power. In 1965, scientists put mosquitoes in a cage with hamsters, one of which had cancer. The mosquito carried the cancer cells to the healthy hamsters.

6-23-2016 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it?

6-23-2016 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it?

6-23-2016 ...in a more pronounced way; Bill + Melinda's mosquitos when Key West Cops stop Greg from No Gas Stations on Earth. 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it? 1965, scientists put mosquitoes in a cage with hamsters, one of which had cancer. The mosquito carried the cancer cells to the healthy hamsters.

6-23-2016 Key West Cops stop Greg but not kids who will die in hot cars today, this summer... Highly Cited:Affidavit: Dad put 6-month-old in fridge after being left in hot car. FOX 4 News

6-23-2016 "The New Panama Canal: A Risky Bet" By WALT BOGDANICH, JACQUELINE WILLIAMS and ANA GRACIELA MÉNDEZ - No Gas Stations On Earth Era Coup will mean No Tankers on the High Seas $$$ Walt at the NY Times didn't put this in his article on the New Panama Canal, grin.

6-23-2016 Girl Scout Knots are Rx Recipe's in 2016 and would have been in 1980 if the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort was not tied in Knots by Jimmy Carter... "After Nearly 75 Years, and Countless Knots, a Boy Scout Leader Is Retiring" By MEGAN JULA, NY Times. “Because of his age and because he has lived through so much,” Navy Knots classes will become Navy Rx Recipe Classes under Admiral's Greg + Wives in Key West. Navy Cops will try to arrest all these Rx Knots.

6-23-2016 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it?

6-23-2016 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it?

6-23-2016 "Sibling Rivalry: The Grown-Up Version" ... going faster than the speed of light to overhear Jewish Aliens in the 52 Nearest Stars and get 52 new Recipes for brain and breast cancer. On stage in New York recently, “The Humans,” “Dot,” “Familiar,” “Hold On to Me Darling,” “Buried Child” and “Head of Passes” all touch on siblings dealing with money, memories and taking care of ailing parents. New On Stage in New York City after the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord given to the MD's at Walter Reed for a bonus in 2016; do you get it? Walter Reed MD's have killed a billion Beau's going along driving the 1980 gas Ford. A war crime of course but these are the same MD's who gave Polio Vaccine to millions with no polio vaccine in the vaccine. 1984 Rivalry even worst more wounded warriors by the British to promote vets when BP Oil was the mastermind of this scam on vets. The Grown-Up Version of Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity has invented a way to dock Nuke Subs like a Coal Train. How many virus are in a drop of ocean water? Rivalry of BP Oil and No Gas Stations On Earth. “The Humans,” “Dot,” “Familiar,” “Hold On to Me Darling,” “Buried Child” and “Head of Passes” all touch on siblings dealing with money, memories and taking care of ailing parents. These titles are like Sony + Disney movies made for the Pentagon. When the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort should have influenced the Movie Title. "Gravity Engine" will be a hit movie and Stage Play. "Rx Recipes for Girl Scouts" will be a Disney Movie!

6-22-2016 10:30 am Key West bike cops stopped me from writing this web page outside Starbucks on Duval sidewalk, its all on video; I will post the video when the 1984 II Observers make contact... 1984 II Top Brass direct deposited some BP Oil money into these bike cops bank accounts... $$$ and Starbucks Bank account, grin $$$. Make some money off Greg in Key West in a 1984 II Novel Nobel Observers + UN Observers were at their Swiss Bank.

6-22-2016 Independence Day and Independence Day: Resurgence; Jewish Aliens will be found in Key West via inventions brainstormed by Greg + Wives in Key West, grin.

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD. Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 politics of 1984 II Dictators who increased the number of war vets on purpose to go along with $777 trillion in oil revenues... giving Walter Reed Military MD's more wounded warriors instead of winning the war with No Gas Stations On Earth invention by Greg + Wives in Key West!

6-22-2016 Hillary Clinton Makes Dire Predictions for Economy if Donald Trump Wins... If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD Beau will die a thousands deaths at Walter Reed Military Hospital as it will remain open under Dr. Lady Gaga MD singing for the troops named Beau. No cure for brain cancer from Dr. Lady Gaga MD is Observed by everyone but Biden and his 1984 II Dictators.

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD. Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 AMA and the New England Journal of Medicine know 20K MD's are in Saudi Arabia Today and censored this out of the article. Dr. John Mafi, assistant professor of medicine in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and the study's lead author got some $$$ from Saudi Arabia for this. Omission and misdiagnosis on MD's vs Nurse's. Some estimate that we're going to be short 20,000 doctors by 2020 and the causes relate to both supply and demand," Mafi said. "There's more demand for primary care providers due to the ACA, so millions of newly insured patients are looking for a provider—yet there are fewer trainees entering primary care because it's lower paid and harder work. Explore further: Expanding scope of nurse practitioners practice discussed More information: Karen Donelan et al. Perspectives of Physicians and Nurse Practitioners on Primary Care Practice, New England Journal of Medicine (2013). DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsa1212938 Journal reference: Annals of Internal Medicine search and more info website New England Journal of Medicine

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD. Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 Hillary Clinton Makes Dire Predictions for Economy if Donald Trump Wins... If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD Beau will die a thousands deaths... a thousand Beau's have died making Dr. Lady Gaga MD more famous than Dr. Kartina and Dr. Nancy Snyderman.

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD. Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 10 am $$$ CBS Nightly news reported 5 died from the heat on the first day of summer and I'm sure a few cop cars crashed and burned and were rear ended giving a ticket. Biden and his 1984 II Dictators genocide suppressing the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and H @ -254 C iPod size A/C....

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD. Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 "The number of veterans + $777 Trillion in Saudi Banks go together. Both were masterminded by our 1984 II Dictators who wanted to make more vets to glorify war and got $$$ in Oil Revenues doing it... sick Masterminds of our 1984 II Society.

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD. Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 Veterans Use Battlefield Experiences to Build Businesses "The number of veterans starting businesses has dropped since World War II, but new programs and technologies are inspiring those formerly in the military to pursue start-ups." By AILI MCCONNON New York Times... Veterans Use Battlefield Experiences to Build Businesses

6-22-2016 “Age of Discovery: Navigating the Risks and Rewards of Our New Renaissance” — about lessons we can draw from the period 1450 to 1550, known as the Age of Discovery. It was when the world made a series of great leaps forward, propelled by da Vinci, Michelangelo, Copernicus and Columbus, that produced the Renaissance and reshaped science, education, manufacturing, communications, politics of 1984 II Dictators who increased the number of war vets on purpose to go along with $777 trillion in oil revenues... da Vinci, made money off the Pope.

6-22-2016 I think handwriting should be taught after kids have mastered the Fusiform gyrus on a iMac and childrens books. "Another Age of Discovery" by Thomas L. Friedman - Tom wrote this in reply to the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-22-2016 The fusiform gyrus, also known as the (discontinuous) occipitotemporal gyrus, is part of the temporal lobe and occipital lobe in Brodmann area 37. The fusiform gyrus is located between the lingual gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus above, and the inferior temporal gyrus below. Though the functionality of the fusiform gyrus is not fully understood, it has been linked with various neural pathways related to recognition. Additionally, it has been linked to various neurological phenomena such as synesthesia, dyslexia, and prosopagnosia.

6-22-2016 "Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age" By Perri Klass, M.D. As a pediatrician, I think...

6-22-2016 “Age of Discovery: Navigating the light years via a space shuttle train of 100 cars as even one light year is to far for our military minds, masterminds. This is way War is the only game on Earth.

6-22-2016 Knowledge production and exchange from tight scarcity to radical abundance. Before that, the Catholic Churches monopolized knowledge, with their handwritten Latin manuscripts locked up in monasteries... Rx Recipes need to be written up by Thomas L. Friedman for tomorrows NY Times. Biden is killing girl scouts with brain cancer if he will not let Thomas L. Friedman publish some Rx Recipes in the NY Times Tomorrow. Thomas L. Friedman ends his editorial on Discovery with wars but leaves out the Pakistan assembly line of H Bombs - Did Pakistan exist when da Vinci, Michelangelo, Copernicus were making history? “More risk-taking is getting caught making more war vets when you have a secret weapon from Oppenheimer II of No Gas Stations on Earth to win the War. Tom needs to save the Girl Scouts named Beau by publishing Rx Recipes in the NY Times tomorrow so they can whip up a better recipe.

6-22-2016 Girolamo Savonarola today is Dr. Lady Gaga MD... and Tim Cook

6-22-2016 “Michelangelo and Machiavelli’s Florence suffered a shocking popular power-taking when Girolamo Savonarola, a midlevel friar from Ferrara, who lived from 1452 to 1498, exploded from obscurity in the 1490s to enthrall Florentines, who felt left behind economically or culturally, with sermons that laid blame upon the misguided policies and moral corruption of their leaders,” said Goldin. “He and his zealous supporters, though a small minority, swept away the Medici establishment and seized control of the city’s councils.

6-22-2016 Girolamo Savonarola today is Dr. Lady Gaga MD... and Tim Cook

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 If Dr. Lady Gaga MD winds over Dr. Katrina MD and Dr. Snyderman MD. Beau will die by the thousands at Walter Reed Military...

6-22-2016 Don’t Tear Down Pulse; listen to your Pulse on a iMac Supercomputer, iapps with pre loaded IP invention projects. Nobel Pulse!

6-21-2016 Censored we don't know why Tim Cook hates women and marriage to them!

6-21-2016 When women are God's best Invention!

6-21-2016 Censored we don't know why Tim Cook hates women and marriage to them!

6-21-2016 When women are God's best Invention!

6-21-2016 "Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age" By Perri Klass, M.D. As a pediatrician, I think...

6-21-2016 I think handwriting should be taught after kids have mastered the Fusiform gyrus on a iMac and childrens books.

6-21-2016 The fusiform gyrus, also known as the (discontinuous) occipitotemporal gyrus, is part of the temporal lobe and occipital lobe in Brodmann area 37. The fusiform gyrus is located between the lingual gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus above, and the inferior temporal gyrus below. Though the functionality of the fusiform gyrus is not fully understood, it has been linked with various neural pathways related to recognition. Additionally, it has been linked to various neurological phenomena such as synesthesia, dyslexia, and prosopagnosia.

6-21-2016 "Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age" By Perri Klass, M.D. As a pediatrician, I think...

6-21-2016 I think handwriting should be taught after kids have mastered the Fusiform gyrus on a iMac and childrens books.

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 Second Day of Summer is the Longest Day of the Year for Jewish Aliens...

6-21-2016 "An ‘Interim Destination’ for Remembering 9/11 Will Get a Bigger Space" By David Dunlap New York Times - 9/11 Will Get Star Travels and the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort that would have prevented 9/11 as it tries to prevent 9/11 II and III via No Gas Stations On Earth Today! Bigger Space is the Universe and we need to Drive the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort into 9/11 history in the New York Times in order to rewrite history.

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 Censored we don't know why Tim Cook hates women and marriage to them!

6-21-2016 Editorial in the NY Times today should be Room for Invention; Reinvention of the Polygamous Marriage in the USA. - "Room for Debate" "Knowing When a Marriage Is Over" When is it time to give up on a marriage or a relationship? What should be a definitive breaking point? A recent op-ed, “Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person,” garnered a great deal of attention on social media when it was published and for days after. Some readers saw it as a tribute to the beauty and complexity of marriage, but others saw it as a way to rationalize staying in a bad relationship. When is it time to give up on a marriage or a relationship? What should be a definitive breaking point? For centuries, the primary purpose of marriage was to consolidate wealth and provide a social structure for procreation, but a radical shift in the last hundred years has placed love and happiness at the top of the list of reasons why most of us marry. As a consequence, our social narratives about marriage have become a Universe Knot of traditional values surrounding commitment and the more modern pursuit of happiness. Soul-Mates, For an individual in an unhappy marriage, the best tool today is the iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus with 1,001 IP invention projects with links you can click on like Amazon with 1 click to Los Alamos. History of Marriage and the history of inventions are like oil and water at the NY Times today. Marriage is front page but censored as we don't know why Tim Cook hates women and marriage to them. Also Censored is the history of inventions and futuristic Star Trek inventions. When will you read a editorial for the new Gravity Engine in the Next Star Trek Movie? iMac supercomputers simulations can crunch every generation of the invention of the electric generator into how they invented the gravity engine. For centuries, the primary purpose of marriage was to consolidate wealth - New Age missed the primary purpose of marriage is to consolidate 1,001 IP invention projects a year... This change in marriage goes along with Alpha Proxima as it will shine for the next 4 Trillion years, 600 times longer than the current age of the Universe. Soul-Mates that shine for 4 Trillion years are a real possibility, when we talk to Jewish Aliens we will find out more, grin.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 A Dr. Julian Caesar MD in Rome in 100 AD and a hit Broadway play in NYC today titled Dr. Hamilton MD. Scientists Dictators Roman Generals Cultivate an Immune System to go with the solar system, but the Earth is still flat as today the Universe is Flat and there are no Jewish Aliens to fast track war mobilization or to declare war on.

6-21-2016 Star Trek's Anton Yelchin Killed in Bizarre Car Accident - lever to shift the automatic transmission. Instead of moving to a different position with each gear, the lever returns to a center position. Use the parking brake... use to be the standard when stick shifts were on most cars before automatic transmissions. 1,001 IP invention projects and AT II will replace AT for the Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts next year models, grin. In the mean time use the parking break and a iPhone iapp to remind you to.

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 "Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age" By Perri Klass, M.D. As a pediatrician, I think...

6-21-2016 I think handwriting should be taught after kids have mastered the Fusiform gyrus on a iMac and childrens books.

6-21-2016 The fusiform gyrus, also known as the (discontinuous) occipitotemporal gyrus, is part of the temporal lobe and occipital lobe in Brodmann area 37. The fusiform gyrus is located between the lingual gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus above, and the inferior temporal gyrus below. Though the functionality of the fusiform gyrus is not fully understood, it has been linked with various neural pathways related to recognition. Additionally, it has been linked to various neurological phenomena such as synesthesia, dyslexia, and prosopagnosia.

6-21-2016 "Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age" By Perri Klass, M.D. As a pediatrician, I think...

6-21-2016 I think handwriting should be taught after kids have mastered the Fusiform gyrus on a iMac and childrens books.

6-21-2016 "Why Taking Children to Work With Dr, Mom + Dad Can Have Real Impacts on the Blood and Messy Organ Transplants" Dr. Klass must know Dr. Katrina and Dr. Snyderman when to work with Dr. Dad at the Hospital at 5. Lure of Homeland Security and Hospital Security today you would have to be the President of the Yale Med School to take your 5 year old girls to work today. Handwriting was essential to Caesar. iMac and Los Alamos simulations of kids DNA + Smog are essential today. Intel clean room moves from the factory to "Clean Your Room Now!" How many particles and how big did you find clean your room and how many molecules of smog?

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 There is a tendency to dismiss "handwashing" as a nonessential skill... Pulse BP Cops check their new "Fire Extinguisher" to put out the shooter on the first shots fired. Like the Star Trek Kitchen puts out the flame of anything. Next Star Trek Movie you can't fire a weapon in the ship. Nobel's Dynamite Recipe for Nitro...

6-21-2016 Hell Biden + Obama dismissed going to the Hospital Med School is nonessential until you get brain cancer...

6-21-2016 Body of research on what the normal if you are Gen. Biden or Dr. Biden. This is why West Point Students get paid and Yale Med School Students don't get paid.

6-21-2016 Fusiform gyrus, along with the inferior frontal gyrus and posterior parietal regions of the brain, which adults use for processing written language - iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus, along with the inferior frontal gyrus and posterior parietal regions of the brain taught before children can write. Beau missed all these even as a adult!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 Dr. Katrina would have her 3rd grade class put the Fusiform gyrus, along with the inferior frontal gyrus and posterior parietal regions of the brain, between their index finger and thumb and feel the texture after viewing the iMac supercomputer simulation of the Fusiform gyrus, along with the inferior frontal gyrus and posterior parietal regions of the brain. Biden would have Dr. Katrina fired or arrested... grin. Biden's Hospital is flat like the Earth and Universe. Hail Caesar! 1984 AD Today.

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 "Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age" By Perri Klass, M.D. As a pediatrician, I think this may be another case where we should be careful that the lure of the digital world doesn’t take away significant experiences that can have real impacts on children’s rapidly developing brains. Mastering handwriting, messy letters and all, is a way of making written language your own, in some profound ways.

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 Star Trek's Space Travel Killed in Bizarre Car Accident caused by our 1984 II Dictators driving a gasoline engine car when the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort to Star Travels and Jewish Aliens was wrecked.

6-21-2016 Star Trek's Anton Yelchin Killed in Bizarre Car Accident

6-21-2016 Killed in Bizarre A car bomb attack six Jordanian border guards in a remote area of the Milky Way Galaxy

6-21-2016 Palestinian Teenager Killed After Israeli Forces Open Fire on Car - New York Times - JERUSALEM - Israeli forces opened fire at a Palestinian car - Teens world wide will be fire on in their car after leaving a gas station hold up or without paying for gasoline this summer. Stats are censored in the NY Times. And the story is censored too.

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Boeing Co. confirms... A number of Star Trek creations like flying a Boeing Jet into orbit are behind schedule.

6-21-2016 DUBAI, United Arab Emirates. Even Without Detonation, 4 Hydrogen Bombs Scar Spain" Decades after an Air Force bomber and a refueling jet collided... Boeing is starting the assembly line up today to build a next generation of refueling jet tankers when the 1980 ElectricWindmillEscort invented H and O @ -254 C to fly Boeing Jets around the world many times without refueling.

6-21-2016 DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Boeing Co... Detonation, 4 Hydrogen Bombs in the USA + Paris will collide with the No Gas Stations on Earth Coup. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the high-profile leader of the elite Quds Force in Iran, threatened Bahrain with “a bloody intifada.” What the Hell do you think Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the high-profile leader of the elite Quds Force in Iran, is going to do when Greg + Wives in Key West Confiscate $777 Trillion from Allah + Saudi Arabia and do a coup that mandates No Gas Stations On Earth by 1 Jan 2017. Critics said the move against the cleric, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, is likely to further inflame divisions in Bahrain, an important American ally in Times of a Trillion Gas Stations on Earth Era... not after the coup of No Gas Stations On Earth Era, grin.

6-21-2016 A Dr. Julius Caesar MD in Rome in 100 AD

6-21-2016 Censored we don't know why Tim Cook hates women and marriage to them!

6-21-2016 Censored we don't know why Tim Cook hates women and marriage to them!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-21-2016 iMac supercomputer simulations of the Fusiform gyrus!!

6-20-2016 First Day of Summer is the Longest Day of the Year for Jewish Aliens...

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 This Summer, help us document 1,001 who will die from heat who would have lived if the NY Times would have leaked the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and the iPod size A/C that is fueled by H @ -254 C.

6-20-2016 "What Does the First Day of Summer Look Like in New York City!" By THE NEW YORK Times in a Gasoline Engine Times...

6-20-2016 What will the First Day of Summer Look Like in New York City in a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Time...

6-20-2016 Watch the people walking down 5th Avenue with their iPod size Carrier Air conditioners, on a Tiffany necklace... cool as Hell; grin.

6-20-2016 On Monday, help us document the longest day of the year, and the first day of summer, by sharing your photos of New York City.

6-20-2016 On Monday, help us document 1,001 IP invention projects for the summer of 2016.

6-20-2016 This Summer, help us document 1,001 who will die from heat who would have lived if the NY Times would have leaked the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and the iPod size A/C that is fueled by H @ -254 C.

6-20-2016 Unlike the NY Times we are looking for selfies; with audio and links to web pages that are like old school brainstorming in a class room or in the corner office of IBM and Google today. We are not looking for summery selfies; Greg and Wives in Key West are looking for selfies; the New York Times is not looking for selfies; in IP invention projects for Summer pictures. Write the IP invention project idea on your picture!

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 cityroom@nytimes.com Please note: The picture you post must be one that you took yourself on June 20, 2016, in New York City.

6-20-2016 The Pictures you post to IP invention projects must be one you brainstormed with many others on June 20, 2016 anywhere on Earth.

6-20-2016 4 Key Questions as Senate Considers New Gun Safety Measures - iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory on all cars that can detect all guns in cars like KMart DVD's leaving the store. 4 Key Questions as Senate Considers New Gun Safety Measures - Hate Crimes by Tim Cook, sure Hillary's email is front page but printing Tim Cook's email's on the front page of the NY Times would result in a arrest for Hate crimes against women, Hillary is to high up to arrest for emails, grin.

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 1984 lie's in the Editorials -"The Broken Promise of Closing Guantánamo" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Congress appears likely to block President Obama from closing Guantánamo, but nothing prevents him from allowing human rights monitors to visit. 1984 II Dictators are Light Years from even thinking of closing Guantánamo, and opening a Hospital Prison for Bisexual and Gay Men with MS Virus, and other terrible STD, 1,001 new women will be infected with this summer 2016. 1984 II Dictators are Light Years from even thinking of all the women SWF who will be infected for the first time with STD's by 1984 II Observers!

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 Summer writing class... Feminism Novels written by women MD's who can get MS Virus and STD past the George Orwell censors of Novels and Movies. I can easily make out the slippery slope where two glasses of wine a day becomes three, where mayhem begins. I can guess one 1984 II Dictator infecting one women with a STD then 2 women then 3, where mayhem begins in a George Orwell Society. With WHO MD's who can't say anything or their Medicare Money will be taken away along with their Swiss Bank Accounts. Bribery and Corruption, Supreme Court has been infected with $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues. British Revolution for the upcoming 4th of July fought with $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues $$$ Grin. $$$ War Chest takes on a new connotation...

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 Number of Zika-Positive Puerto Ricans Surprises Health Officials. The C.D.C. Number of STD - MS Virus - Positive Puerto Rican Men will not Surprises Health Officials but will surprise you if the NY Times ever publishes the stats on the front page along with gas station hold up's by Puerto Rican Men in Miami in 2000 to 2016... L.G.B.T.- L.G.B.T. STD + MS Virus Stats in every L.G.B.T. news article.

6-20-2016 Checking Your Windows 10 Lists Microsoft’s latest version of Windows has its own style, but you can still use Jump Lists and find recently opened files quickly. You can find email span return address and search it on Google not Bing and find Bill + Melinda Gates in China... wow. Can't they take a joke about Disney Gator's and Mosquitos? From: zyz@jolywood.cn To: Subject: Your e-mail account will be closed. upgrade now... Microsoft allowed this to be send the second time on purpose.

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 Donald Trump Calls for Profiling Muslims to Stop Terrorists - New York Times - NY Times knows iPhone 007 Dash Cam's and iPhone 007 Body Cam's on all Muslims will stop Terrorists attacks but our 1984 II Dictators censor this news from the public.

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA. NY Times can put iMac Supercomputer simulations on the front page starting tomorrow... NASA is POW like Greg + Wives in Key West. Neither Greg or NASA can Brainstorm IP invention projects on a iMac Supercomputer today! Some of the world's fastest computers employ Nvidia's graphics processor for computer vision, deep learning and scientific calculations, and a new GPU will supercharge these applications - Nvidia's worthless if none of these simulations are printed on the front page of the NY Times this Summer!

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 Biden is tearing into Donald Trump's views on foreign policy and urging the country not to follow the presumptive Republican nominee down a path of isolationism - Biden picked Dr. Lady Gaga MD to head his Brain Cancer Moon Shot as Dr. Nancy Snyderman has been in isolationism via NBC Pedophile's. Grin. Dr. Lady Gaga MD will "tell all" about all the Pedophile's she knows of...

6-20-2016 Trump supporters are calling for an Apple boycott because it won't fund the Republican convention - Business Insider - Made in the USA all Apple computers and iPhones when Trump is elected Tim Cook must move all Apple assembly lines to the USA... is a better idea for revenge on Tim Cook.

6-20-2016 "Self, Reflected," by local artist Greg Dunn in collaboration with University of Pennsylvania physicist Brian Edwards, is likely the most complex and detailed artistic depiction of the brain in the world. It stands 8 feet tall and 12 feet wide. This scene depicts the visual cortex plate. Now just add Higgs, Quarks, Atoms, Electrons spinning in orbits physiology... electric generator of thoughts writing this. Chemistry on the brain and in the brain is the Summer Novel to read and write. The inventions behind the invention of the brain. Spin off Inventions Greg + Wives will get when the 1984 II Observers make contact in Key West will be written up on this web page... The artists used structural images of the organ's folds, tissue types, and overall shape, as well as diffusion spectrum images that map white matter tracts which connect different regions of the brain. Neurons were drawn individually using a blown-ink method to create the random, sprawling branches characteristic of the cells. Dunn and Edwards scanned the neuronal outlines into a computer to create the grey matter and hand-drew fibers for the white matter - Rx Recipes is what matters now. Jimmy Carters Rx's need to be drawn into this picture of the brain on brain cancer Rx today. What are they made from and what do they do in the brain. Nice Picture! Like a Picture of the Sun before anyone knew why summer happened... grin.



6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-20-2016 iMac Supercomputer simulations in the NY Times Video will upgrade the paper like light year travels would upgrade NASA.

6-19-2016 Don’t Tear Down Pulse; listen to your Pulse on a iMac Supercomputer, iapps with pre loaded IP invention projects. Nobel Pulse!

6-19-2016 Disney Mecca Theme that seats 2 million in the Mosque with Walt Disney telling us the future of the 155 Story Disney Eiffel Tower Medical School in Orlando" Like watching Star Trek Into Darkness at the Regal with 2 million others, wow! 5 Star Hotel Disney Orlando Mecca! Pulse!

6-19-2016 Orlando and Disney will shoot down the 155 Story Yale Orlando Medical School... "Op-Ed | Richard A. Friedman: Don’t Tear Down Pulse" By RICHARD A. FRIEDMAN

6-19-2016 Orlando and Disney will shoot down the 155 Story Yale Orlando Medical School... Tear Down the Pulse and build a 155 Story Eiffel Tower and name it the Yale Orlando Medical School.

6-19-2016 155th floor view of the Yale Disney Orlando Medical School a Disney Movie made for the "Smog" in the "DNA" of our Human Pulse's. Target Pulse is a 155 Story Yale Medical School above the "Smog!"

6-19-2016 It is painfully obvious that iPhone 007 Dash Cam's Not Yet mandatory on all cars on the road for 1 Jan. 2016 resulted in the Orlando Pulse shooting.... not so obvious is the cardiac arrest iapps and 1,001 others iapps were shot by Tim Cook. Arrested by the FBI this week. Thomas Robert Tamayo — his age and address were not stated in the complaint — is accused of leaving multiple voicemail messages on the woman’s Apple cellphone, including some in which he stated he would put a bullet in her head, according to a six-page complaint filed on Wednesday in federal court, the day after his arrest. 19K other women were shot in 2016 as their Apple iPhone's were out of date! A hate crime against women by Tim Cook, really. I can prove it! GPS of the 19K women shot to death in 2016 and the killers GPS on a iMac Super Computer. iPhone 007 Dash Cam's Not Yet... shot down by Tim Cook and our 1984 II Dictators and I have all their emails on this, grin.

6-19-2016 Disney Orlando Pulse A Mecca Theme that seats 2 million in the Mosque with Walt Disney speaking!!

6-19-2016 Disney Orlando Pulse A Mecca Theme that seats 2 million in the Mosque with Walt Disney speaking!!

6-19-2016 Chelsea Clinton Gives Birth to a Boy, Aidan "Smog" particles Aidan drove into in his drive home from the hospital. iMac Super Computer simulation of Aidan's DNA in the first few days of life and the "Smog" in the air he breaths is a crime against humanity. As there should not be any "Smog" in his DNA. Oil dissected and Grandmother's exhaust...

6-19-2016 Disney Movie about the 155 Story Eiffel Tower Yale Medical School would be better than Dory... The friendly blue fish with short-term memory problems goes looking for her family and takes a star turn in this sequel to “Finding Nemo.”! DNA for the MD PhD kids from Dad on Fathers Day! Yes you have to get your MD PhD Children. Times have change since I went to school. Mandy Miles writing about her Dad making her get a MD PhD... ha! Better reading than 11 pm ride home by mom and dad as Mandy would be studying at 11 pm all those years! A scene from “Independence Day: Resurgence.” Twentieth Century Fox “Perhaps it’s fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom, not from tyranny, oppression or persecution — but from annihilation!” This is why Mandy Miles will get her MD PhD. To save the Earth from Aliens or to find Jewish Aliens!

6-19-2016 Disney Orlando Pulse A Mecca Theme that seats 2 million in the Mosque with Walt Disney speaking!!

6-19-2016 Disney Orlando Pulse A Mecca Theme that seats 2 million in the Mosque with Walt Disney speaking!!

6-19-2016 Comcast Killings... $20 Billion in 2016 to rent set top cable boxes... and there is nothing good on cable tonight! “Primitive semi-radius tachyons” Primitive Comcast or just Greed and Murder of a billion cable TV viewers premeditated. War Crime in Crimes Against Humanity at Comcast! Prognosis is Hell as Comcast will shoot 49 million viewers with mad men tv shows and charge them more than the cost of the LG 55" big screen tv set. Tyrant Comcast!

6-19-2016 Comcast Killings... $20 Billion in 2016. $26.6 billion, the Saudi Binladen Group has led the efforts to increase the capacity of the Grand Mosque, in Mecca adding new wings, prayer areas, escalators and hundreds of bathrooms. King Abdullah ordered the installation of the world’s largest folding umbrellas in the piazzas outside the Grand Mosque, to shelter worshipers from the blistering sun as they offered prayers, read the Quran or simply basked in their proximity to this holy site. King Salman, announced plans to build a ring road, subways and intercity trains to accommodate 2 million worshipers every week 52 weeks of the year. All this while Comcast charges us in the USA $20 Billion and no cable of all the Mecca Mosque and 2 million seated thanking Comcast and God for the Oil Revenues in a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era shot down by Cable TV. Comcast Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era shot down.

6-19-2016 "Disney Theme Park Dining Beyond Burger's and Turkey Legs" By LUCAS PETERSON A hypothetical faster-than-light particles Theme Park! Dr. Disney MD PhD.

6-19-2016 "Roundup: Hotels That Rival Nearby Theme Parks" By ELAINE GLUSAC 155 Story Yale Orlando Key West Medical School that Rival the Saudi Kings Medical Schools in Saudi Arabia and Mecca built with $777 Trillion in gas station hold up money and the Saudi thieves fire bombed cop cars in hot pursuit of them before they reached Mecca.

6-19-2016 Apple; Steve Jobs Slow Death is Beyond Us but others not as famous will die of pancreatic cancer today - Tim Cook never considered a Moon Shot for Steve Jobs or a 155 Story Steve Jobs Medical School.

6-19-2016 Apple; Steve Jobs Slow Death is... New York Times Winds of War inventions... "War of Brothers: ‘I Will Kill Him With My Own Hands’ By TIM ARANGO and FALIH HASSAN For Iraqi Sunnis, the struggle to retake Falluja will kill Steve Jobs over and over and the masterminds of this killing Steve Jobs are the Editors at the New York Times who write the winds of war instead of putting the iMac Super Computer simulation of the pancreatic cancer cell fighting to kill Steve Jobs today. War Crimes by the New York Times don't need a Yale Lawyer to point them out and convict the editors at the New York Times of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. I think someone is direct depositing $777 Trillion into these New York Times Journalists Swiss Bank accounts for winds of war stories and to suppress iMac Super Computer simulations of the pancreatic cancer cell on the front page and in the editorials. Sony movies made for the Pentagon. When the secret files are made public and we see the titles of the Movies Sony made in secret for the Pentagon we will think what Disney Movies were made in secret for the Pentagon, Ha!!

6-19-2016 Disney Orlando Pulse A Mecca Theme that seats 2 million in the Mosque with Walt Disney speaking!!

6-19-2016 Disney Orlando Pulse A Mecca Theme that seats 2 million in the Mosque with Walt Disney speaking!!

6-19-2016 Star War Travel Tips: would have the Jewish Aliens in the Galaxy Falluja.

6-19-2016 War Travel Tips: For Iraqi Sunnis, the struggle to retake Falluja from the Islamic State underscores the personal nature of war. It’s not a conflict with a shadowy and unknowable force, but one of sons and brothers, nephews and neighbors.

6-19-2016 Apple; Steve Jobs Slow Death is... New York Times Winds of War inventions... "War of Brothers: ‘I Will Kill Him With My Own Hands’ By TIM ARANGO and FALIH HASSAN For Iraqi Sunnis, the struggle to retake Falluja will kill Steve Jobs over and over and the masterminds of this killing Steve Jobs are the Editors at the New York Times.

6-19-2016 Travel Tips: How to Get a Hotel Upgrade - By SHIVANI VORA

6-19-2016 Medical Tips: How to Get a Medical School Upgrade - By SHIVANI VORA

6-19-2016 Journalists Tips: How to Get a New York Times Upgrade - By SHIVANI VORA - all writers must have a MD degree at the New York Times. This is like Yale Medical School were most MD's have a PhD too.

6-19-2016 Don’t Tear Down Pulse; listen to your Pulse on a iMac Supercomputer, iapps with pre loaded IP invention projects. Nobel Pulse!

6-19-2016 Don’t Tear Down Pulse; listen to your Pulse on a iMac Supercomputer, iapps with pre loaded IP invention projects. Nobel Pulse!

6-19-2016 Travel Tips: Jewish Aliens!

6-19-2016 Travel Tips: How to Get a Hotel Upgrade - By SHIVANI VORA

6-19-2016 Disney Orlando Pulse A Mecca Theme that seats 2 million in the Mosque with Walt Disney speaking!!

6-19-2016 Disney Orlando Pulse A Mecca Theme that seats 2 million in the Mosque with Walt Disney speaking!!

6-19-2016 Don’t Tear Down Pulse; listen to your Pulse on a iMac Supercomputer, iapps with pre loaded IP invention projects. Nobel Pulse!

6-19-2016 Don’t Tear Down Pulse; listen to your Pulse on a iMac Supercomputer, iapps with pre loaded IP invention projects. Nobel Pulse!

6-19-2016 Travel Tips: from Jewish Aliens

6-18-2016 Letter to the New York Times; "Being Drunk Is No Excuse" A professor of medicine says, “Being drunk or high is no more of an excuse for harming someone than anger or hatred are.” Rx Recipes are given to millions for anger and hate Doc... Rx Recipe for drunks will be invented by Greg + Wives in Key West and Cops in NYC who carry a shot for Heroin users OD will carry a shot for Drunks to sober up in less than a minute. Better Nobel Prize for our Habitat for Humanity than Jimmy Carters! Jewish population firmly Democratic and away from the Socialists, Communists, Inventors Brainstorming an Exodus to the Nearest 52 Stars in our lifetime. “Jews in American Politics,”

6-18-2016 Honor of driving the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort into Mecca not Baghdad...

6-18-2016 Honor of... Senators have warned Boeing Corporation not to proceed with a rumored deal to sell approximately 100 planes to Iran, pointing out that aircraft could be used to boost the Islamic Republic's destabilizing activities.

6-18-2016 Honor of... NASA and Chang at the NY Times know the 787 that can fly into orbit and reach Paris at Mach 10 is the next Boeing Plane yet write this "Orwellian Story in the NY Times today instead of Brainstorming ideas for the 787 that can fly into Orbit via H and O at -254 and Jet Engines not Electric. "NASA Unveils Plans for Electric-Powered Plane" By KENNETH CHANG NASA is investigating using fuel cells rather than batteries to provide the electricity. But limits in the speed of propeller-driven aircraft means they are unlikely for cross-country airline flights. “I think all-electric would be a stretch for jetliners. At a conference on Friday of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Washington, Charles F. Bolden Jr., the NASA administrator, announced plans for an all-electric airplane designated as X-57, part of the agency’s efforts to make aviation more efficient and less of a polluter. A war crime by NASA... of course.

6-18-2016 Honor of... Senators, all 100 including McCain know Iran will sell $777 Trillion in Oil to the USA and others...

6-18-2016 Biden; the Honor of driving the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Times Square NYC

6-18-2016 Biden; the Honor of driving the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Times Square NYC

6-18-2016 Honor of letting women drive a car in Mecca is not part of our 1984 II Society's Orwellian Dictators! Mad Men with Syphilis in their Brain!

6-18-2016 Dishonorable Biden sending his son Beau off to war in Iraq when he could have drove the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort into Mecca Masterminds not just the Moslem Troops in Baghdad Cheering the drone strike like troops do...

6-18-2016 Then Biden calls in air strikes on the 155 Story Yale Key West Medical School every year from 1980 to 2016... WHO MD's at the UN will lose their Walter Reed Hospital Privileges if the UN post this as a War Crime! Legislature Reaches Deal to Extend Mayoral Control of New York’s Schools for a Year - Senate reaches deal to let Biden control the 155 Story Yale Key West Medical School Era for a Year. Unknown number of Beau's will die in this year...

6-18-2016 Russia’s Track and Field Team Barred From Rio Olympics - Olympic Ban Adds to Russia’s Culture of Grievances - On Olympics: Barring Russia’s Team, Not Just Individuals, Is a Powerful Move!

6-18-2016 Yale Medical School Barred from Honorable for passing Mexican and Black MD's who really didn't pass. Yale University Barred from Honorable for Passing Bush - Kerry who failed in the real world; Universe!!

6-18-2016 Would Putin tell Moscow medical school to pass some elite or minority kids who could not pass at medical school?

6-18-2016 Biden; the Honor of driving the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Times Square NYC

6-18-2016 Biden; the Honor of driving the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Times Square NYC

6-18-2016 Disney Honor after the Gator kills a 2 year old; Biden's Honor after the first 2 year old dies left in a hot car this summer!! Will Key West follow Disney's New Honor Code and build a fence around Smather's Beach as gators swim with the tourists there too. This is Florida, grin. Bill + Melinda are big game hunters of mosquitos not lions, ha. Hippos in Kenya eat 50 Blacks a day too... No Biden will not call in air strikes or use Drones on Hippos in Kenya, ha.

6-18-2016 ...connection to the 9/11 attacks and the Honor of driving the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort into Mecca not Baghdad...

6-18-2016 "A Saudi Imam, Two Hijackers and a Lingering Mystery of 9/11" By MARK MAZZETTI and SCOTT SHANE New York Times.

6-18-2016 Questions of a Saudi connection to the 9/11 attacks have risen anew with calls to release a classified section of a congressional report.

6-18-2016 "The Angry Muslim Man In Orlando With a Machine Gun Is a Much Broader Problem" By LELA MOORE and MICHELLE BARUCHMAN

6-18-2016 Paris Elite Mad Men will fight a H-Bomb War over Gay Cartoons is a Much Boarder Problem Lela and Michelle censored out but know about! By LELA MOORE and MICHELLE BARUCHMAN

6-18-2016 "The Angry Muslim Man In Orlando With a Machine Gun Is a Much Broader Problem" By LELA MOORE and MICHELLE BARUCHMAN Our top 10 comments of the week: Readers discuss the mass shooting in Orlando, indebted law school graduates, talking to overweight children and more

6-18-2016 Biden; the Honor of driving the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Times Square NYC

6-18-2016 Biden; the Honor of driving the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Times Square NYC

6-18-2016 Op-Ed Contributors "A Nuclear Weapon That America Doesn’t Need" By DIANNE FEINSTEIN and ELLEN O. TAUSCHER The Air Force’s development of a cruise missile called the Long-Range Standoff Weapon is costly and dangerous. Diane and Ellen write, "But there are compelling reasons not to introduce a cruise missile that could increase the risk of nuclear war." Diane and Ellen are smart enough to know about rich fags in Paris and London the last 100 years. Today they have come out like Tim Cook. The rich Pedophile's have not come out but are at Windsor Castle. Paris Elite have already decided a Nuke War is OK for Gay Cartoons so Diane and Ellen are out of date for todays editorial in the New York Times. Jimmy Carter will use 40 Nukes he name on his USS Jimmy Carter too without any second thoughts about being at peace with his maker launching 40 nukes. Pentagon says these new nukes would “provide the president with uniquely flexible options in an extreme crisis.” The Pentagon knows they work for Elite Fags in Paris... and London. Oh Pedophile's too. Oxford, Yale, Harvard Men. Dianne Feinstein, a Democratic senator from California, is the vice chairwoman of the Select Committee on Intelligence. Ellen O. Tauscher is a former Democratic representative from California and former under secretary of state for arms control and international security. Diane and Ellen must know the secret behind Roosevelt ending Prohibition for rich men... in secret.

6-18-2016 Biden; the Honor of driving the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Times Square NYC

6-18-2016 Biden; the Honor of driving the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Times Square NYC

6-18-2016 Orlando hospital says about 650 dialysis patients since 2011 might have been exposed to hepatitis B because of a lapse in screening procedures.

6-18-2016 Seattle hospital says about 650 dialysis patients since 2011 might have been exposed to hepatitis B because of a lapse in screening procedures.

6-18-2016 NYC hospital says about 650 dialysis patients since 2011 might have been exposed to hepatitis B because of a lapse in screening procedures.

6-18-2016 Every hospital in every town and city in the USA have exposed patients to Hep B and other Blood diseases...And Yale Medical School passed MD's who really failed this year and last year on orders from Biden's inner circle. Like Roosevelt ended Prohibition in secret for rich men.

6-18-2016 analyzing the behavior of these sub-atomic particles - which can move faster than the speed of light and have the ability to “unstick” space and matter – the universe is a “Matrix” governed by laws and principles that could only have been designed by an intelligent being. “I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. “To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance.” “The final solution resolution could be that God is a mathematician,” God is a Inventor and his best Invention is Women!

6-18-2016 Have a lot of meetings at Starbucks? A new Microsoft Outlook add-in will make scheduling those easier. Outlook users can now download Starbucks for Outlook, and add a Starbucks location to calendar invites. It's meant to help people do business who own their own MacBook Pro and carry a 100" LG Ultra monitor with picture in a picture feature in their SUV... and can plug in at Starbucks to a conference call. ha!





6-17-2016 What if Apple had started Biden's Moon Shot Cure for Cancer on iMac Super Computers followed Steve Jobs slow death... Would Dr. Lady Gaga MD be in charge? Hell No! I believed in Steve Jobs and his vision for the iMac Super Computers at every café Table at the Apple-Starbucks Store, School, University! Universe! Microsoft added a Starbucks feature to its Outlook software yesterday, and I bet it's very useful if you can download it. I can't, because it is not supported by Outlook for Mac... Moon Shot Cancer Cure is not supported by Bill + Melinda in our 1984 II Society. Download this! Gone Fishing for Worms with Jimmy Carter, grin. Wand apps focused on using conversational interfaces to allow users to perform collaborative tasks, such as enabling a friend to control a Nest thermostat. Microsoft has announced it is acquiring natural language and AI messaging startup Wand Labs as part of a larger strategy to build out "conversation as a platform." Rx Recipes messaging startup for these cancer cure Moon Shots have been shot down so far and Kerry refused to hack any Trade Secret Rx Recipes! Enabling a friend to control a Nest thermostat in your Ford ElectricWindmillEscort in the summer of 2016 was not bought by Microsoft. Kids will be left in hot cars and die... enabling a friend to control a Nest thermostat will not be in Win 10.2 unless there is a coup! Physician-assisted suicide is the Mastermind of our 1984 II Dictators who have 30K SWF's infected with the MS Virus. Who all will die, everyone one of them will die a slower death from new Rx's on the market. All these Rx Recipes are classified, you can't brainstorm a new Rx Recipe, it's against the law. So much for this 1984 II Society.

6-17-2016 Walt Disney World's Grand Floridian resort hotel is seen where a 2-year-old boy was taken by an alligator as he waded in the waters was on CBS Nightly News last night with the exactly the same comments Key West Top Brass put in the paper here about 2 gators at Smathers Beach in Key West that they are part of the Ocean and will not snatch a 2 year old... Mandy Miles will not write this up on Sunday in Tan Lines...

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe! 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat...

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe! 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat...

6-17-2016 Star Travels Slow Death; 51 U.S. Diplomats Urge Obama to Strike Assad in Syria; NY Times! Putin said it's hard to figure out who is who in the Universe when we're targeting air strikes in Syria, grin! Roosevelt Genocide via Alcohol deaths 1933 to 2016. WHO is at the UN is hard to figure out when Hospitals are the main targets of Air Strikes.

6-17-2016 Star Travels Slow Death; 50 Nearest Stars are Light Years from Obama, 1984 II Dictators Star Wars!

6-17-2016 Star Travels Slow Death; Editorials: Britain’s Dangerous Urge to Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!

6-17-2016 USA's Star Travels, A Slow Death; A pair of black holes devoured each other in another cosmic cataclysm 1.4 billion years ago. Black holes roughly 14 and 8 times as massive as the sun circled and combined into a single spinning black hole 21 times as massive as the sun. The collision spilled an amount of energy equivalent to the entire mass of the sun.

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!

6-17-2016 51 U.S. Diplomats are Spray Painting Black Clouds of Diesel and Gasoline Exhaust Clouds from Trillions of Cars and Scooters on Duval into a Universe of kids DNA that is dividing 1 Billion Times in 1 Day. This iMac Super computer simulation will be on CBS Nightly News Tonight.

6-17-2016 Alcohol Deaths; will Surpass War Dead!

6-17-2016 Alcohol Deaths; Navy Stars and Stripes censors this out on orders from a Admiral who couldn't pass Yale Medical School but could get in and be pass when he really failed.

6-17-2016 Alcohol Deaths; YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE, Japan - The Navy in Japan rescinded restrictions on sailors drinking alcohol in their homes and on base Friday but retained an off-base booze ban ordered in the wake of multiple high-profile arrests.

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!

6-17-2016 Alcohol Deaths; Genocide of President Franklin Roosevelt ending Prohibition in secret...

6-17-2016 Poison Gasoline Exhaust Deaths; Exxon Mobil BP Oil thanks God and sing God Save Queen Elizabeth for the Godsend oil revenues of $777 Trillion.

6-17-2016 Poison Gasoline Exhaust Deaths; Exxon Mobil Fights Back at State Inquiries Into Saint Jude Children's Hospital childhood cancers and birth defects for Oil Revenues of $777 Trillion. By JOHN SCHWARTZ

6-17-2016 Poison Gasoline Exhaust Deaths; C.D.C. Reports 234 Pregnant Women in U.S. With Poison Gasoline Exhaust Particles in their DNA and in the fetus DNA. By SABRINA TAVERNISE

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!

6-17-2016 Alcohol Deaths; Old New York Police Surveillance Is Found, Forcing Big Brother Out of Hiding - nothing in this article on the women, wives with drunk husbands in NYC who were sucker punched in the Prohibition Era and who lost the Era to Coors and other rich men. Medical documents would soon be made accessible not only to scholars but also to the public in the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Era that takes Steve Jobs Brand of Lunch Meats off the shelf at Publix and Whole Foods. By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was one of the major forces behind the 18th Amendment... FBI surveillance is found but not made public on how Prohibition Ended. The rich men behind the hidden cameras. Prohibition remained in place from 1920 to 1933. Prohibition ended with the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment, which repealed the Eighteenth Amendment, on December 5, 1933. Congress passed the Volstead Act, the popular name for the National Prohibition Act, over President Woodrow Wilson's veto. The act established the legal definition of intoxicating liquors as well as penalties for producing them. Although the Volstead Act prohibited the sale of alcohol, the federal government lacked resources to enforce it. By 1925, in New York City alone, there were anywhere from 30,000 to 100,000 speakeasy clubs. President Franklin Roosevelt signed into law the Cullen–Harrison Act, legalizing beer and wine.

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!

6-17-2016 Alcohol Deaths; Roosevelt killed many babies in this decision, some women doctor will write a Novel about this when our 1984 II society graduates from Yale Medical School. Folic Acid During Pregnancy May Lower Risk of Childhood Obesity. Pregnant women are advised no to drink even one glass of wine! Roosevelt was scamed like BP Oil + Beer, Wine today. UN WHO will correct history and have the Roosevelt Genocide via Alcohol deaths. UN does this kind of paper work on everything. Like Gun sales that go nowhere to stop him from shooting the MP in England yesterday.

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!

6-17-2016 Richard Selzer, Who Fictionalized Medicine’s Absurdity and Gore, in Novels. Dies at 87 Dr. Selzer, who spent years as a surgeon, turned his operating-room experiences into fictional stories about modern medicine. By RANDI HUTTER EPSTEIN. Dr. Selzer “I just want to be cremated and blow in the wind,” Dr. Selzer said in an interview for this obituary. However, his wife quickly reminded him, he had already promised to donate his body to Yale. He finished his surgical residency at Yale in 1957 and practiced until 1985, when he left his medical career to write full time. Besides his wife of 61 years, his survivors include a daughter, Gretchen Lehman; two sons, Larry and Jonathan; and seven grandchildren. He lived in North Branford. In a talk at Yale in the 1980s, he said, falsely, that medical students in his creative writing course didn’t know about the suppression of he 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort by Jimmy Carter + Teddy Kennedy for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues, grin.

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!

6-17-2016 England; Go It Alone in the Universe. No Aliens; No God. No Universe!



6-16-2016 Blood Donation!! Deaths; will Surpass War!

6-16-2016 Blood Donation!! Deaths; will Surpass War!

6-16-2016 In July 1492 Pope Innocent fell into a fever. He was said to have been given the world's first blood transfusion by his Jewish physician.

6-16-2016 Biden is flying to the Moon to study our Brain! When Beau will die from a diseased blood transmission today. Baby Beau will die on the first day of Summer 2016 left in a HOT gasoline engine car that does not have the 24/7 AC of a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. 1,001 IP Invention Projects Alcohol, Gambling and Golf: The Long History of 1,001 IP invention projects; Beau Medical School; Hell No We Won't Go. Castro Medical School is a better bet. War with Cuba has ended. War on Cancer is not a pet project of our 1984 II Dictators until they win the Wars in Iraqi... Oil $$$. No the New York Times and CBS Nightly news will not report the first death of kids left in Hot cars for this Summer.

6-16-2016 Orlando shooter posted to Facebook before and during nightclub attack - 1,001 IP invention projects will not be posted to Facebook today, all with links to Los Alamos you can click on to get started inventing something; by Greg + Wives in Key West because we are POW's of 1984 II Dictators! Tortured by the CIA, but we will sue for $777 Trillion in BP Oil $$$. "Detainees Describe CIA Torture in Declassified Transcripts" - New York Times - Mark Zuckerberg made the worst mistake of his life by not starting iInventionProjectsBooks instead of Facebook!

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie...

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie... Hillary does lie about having syphilis in her blood...

6-16-2016 unlikely a lie... Mark Zuckerberg made the worst mistake of his life by not starting iInventionProjectsBooks instead of Facebook! Federal prosecutors say a Las Vegas man has been sentenced to 2 ½ years in prison for sending more than 27 million spam messages to Facebook users and disobeying a court order not to access Facebook. 2 ½ years of not sending any of the 1,001 IP invention projects messages to Facebook users is a crime too!

6-16-2016 NY Times Editorial: The N.R.A.’s Complicity in Terrorism - 1984 II Dictators Complicity in 1,001 IP invention Projects; Rx Recipes not made public for Bidens Brain Cancer Moon Shot, Greg + Wives in Key West as POW's. Complicity in Terrorism; BP Oil's $777 Trillion in gas stations hold ups and drone kill on the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.

6-16-2016 Gun Deaths Today Surpass Those In Our Bloodiest War By MIKE WEISSER

6-16-2016 Blood Donation!! Death statistics are not going to be front page in the New York Times any time soon or a IP invention project iapp from the NY Times. Girl Scouts will die without any Rx recipes used to cure diseases in the blood today. iPhone has no iapps for blood disease don't ask siri... grin.

6-16-2016 24/7 podcast the Talk Show that never ends until Greg + Wives in Key West as POW's get the Rx Recipe that is the Overnight Miracle Godsent cure for Stage 4... light years from 'The Talk Show' @ Mac Rumors. Phil Schiller and Craig Federighi Talk iMessage, Siri API and Mac App Store on 'The Talk Show' Mac Rumors - A day after Apple's WWDC keynote address, Apple SVP of Marketing Phil Schiller and SVP of Software Engineering Craig Federighi joined Daring Fireball's John Gruber on a special edition of his podcast, The Talk Show. That has No!! Talk on getting the serendipity Rx Recipe for Stage 4.

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie...

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie... Hillary does lie about having syphilis in her blood...

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie...

6-16-2016 Gay Blood analysis discrimination via being a illiterate writer like Blake Lynch at the NY Times.

6-16-2016 Why Can’t I Donate Blood? By BLAKE LYNCH - Blake Lynch censored out syphilis and 1,001 other diseases in gay blood so the New York Times instead of correcting Blake Lynch put Don McNeil Jr. below wrote to scary you as blood diseases are all censored in our 1984 II Society, grin. Some mom's kids will get sick and die today if they need blood... blood is not safe you will say after you read Don McNeil and he is not a MD so we must wait for the NY Times to hire a MD to write about disease in gay blood and what kids will catch and die from today and the writer a MD or a Editor at the NY Times will tell us 5 kids will die every day in 2016 from getting blood... and they will not do the Math as Bush made this a law only Bush,Carter, Obama can do the Math. 5 dead kids a day from blood donators = Yale passed these 1984 II Dictators when they really failed Yale Law School like Hillary and Bill.

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie...

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie... Hillary does lie about having syphilis in her blood...

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie...

6-16-2016 People in Orlando, Fla., lining up to donate blood. It’s time for the F.D.A. to change an outdated, discriminatory policy.

6-16-2016 It's time to change our 1984 II Dictators who have syphilis in their blood and brains.

6-16-2016 Orlando Shooting Renews Debate Over Limits on Gay Men Donating Blood" By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. F.D.A. officials note, every year some of the 3.5 million patients who receive transfusions are infected with various diseases. For example, after the agency approved a test in 2007 for Chagas’ disease, which can be lethal, it found more than 5,000 donors with it, not all of them first-time donors. Even with current testing, the agency estimates that about one donation in 1.5 million transmits H.I.V. to the recipient. Gay men over all are at higher risk for syphilis, gonorrhea, hepatitis C and chlamydia. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are detectable in urine in about a week, according to the STD Project, a website that fights stigmas surrounding sexually transmitted diseases. But the window period for hepatitis C is four weeks at minimum, and the tests are more accurate at six to nine weeks. The shortest window for syphilis is one to two weeks, but detection is more likely after six weeks. Donor-screening methods used by American blood banks presume that unpaid donors are unlikely to lie

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie...

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie... Hillary does lie about having syphilis in her blood...

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie...

6-16-2016 1901, when the Austrian Karl Landsteiner discovered three human blood groups (O, A, and B), that blood transfusion was put onto a scientific basis and became safer. Landsteiner discovered that adverse effects arise from mixing blood from two incompatible individuals. He found that when incompatible types are mixed, an immune response is triggered and the red blood cells clump. The immunological reaction occurs when the receiver of a blood transfusion has antibodies against the donor blood cells. The destruction of red blood cells releases free hemoglobin into the bloodstream, which can have fatal consequences. Landsteiner's work made it possible to determine blood group and allowed a way for blood transfusions to be carried out much more safely. For this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1930, and many other blood groups have been discovered since.

6-16-2016 Biden is flying to the Moon to study our Brain! When Beau will die from a diseased blood transmission today.

6-16-2016 In July 1492 Innocent fell into a fever. He was said to have been given the world's first blood transfusion by his Jewish physician Giacomo di San Genesio, who had him drink the blood of three 10-year-old boys. The boys subsequently died. Innocent VIII died himself on the 25th of July.


6-16-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie...

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie... Hillary does lie about having syphilis in her blood...

6-16-2016 unpaid blood donors are unlikely to lie...

6-16-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-16-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address void of 1,001 IP invention projects! Biden Arrested for mass murder of inventors!

6-16-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-16-2016 Trump, China needs to make Polygamous Marriage Legal before Castro!!!! Grin 4 Wives MD if you can woo them... with the Rx Recipe for Stage 4 Overnight Godsent Miracle cure conversations + Novel writing together on the same page with an iApple iapps not found at Bill + Melinda's Mosquito iapps, gin.

6-15-2016 "Mary Kennedy" was censored out of Obama's Terrorist killing yet more than 50 Mary Kennedy's were killed this week by rich men who can buy a Judge. Many 100's of Mary Kennedy's were killed in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan + Afghansatan this week in Honor Killings and Obama screams at Trump!!

6-15-2016 "HATE" Robert Kennedy Jr. hated Mary so much he tortured her for weeks, months, and told her he bought the Judge so go hang yourself. Worst than this is everyone in power in this 1984 II Society watched.

6-15-2016 MS Virus; Editorial at the NY Times Today. MS Virus Not in Gay Blood, the NY Times editors know MS Virus is in Gay Blood yet censored this out. New York Times Op-Ed: I Am a Gay Man From Orlando. Why Can’t I Donate Blood?

6-15-2016 Biden has no MS Virus Moon Shot $$$ Cure War plans...

6-15-2016 MS Virus is such a terrible tortured disease not even the CIA would give it to women yet Obama lets bisexual men give it to 30K SWF's in 2016 and all 30K will die a very slow tortured death as there is no cure!

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport...

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport...

6-15-2016 FBI; how many women will be killed by stage 4 today...

6-15-2016 The Challenge for the F.B.I.: 10,000 Terror Investigations - mundane process of investigating 10 thousands of people accused of terrorist ties. When the FBI knows No Gas Stations on Earth will bankrupt Mecca $$$ By MATT APUZZO and ERIC LICHTBLAU - FBI women with breast cancer today are the Challenge for the men at the FBI as more will die from Stage 4 today than died in 9/11. FBI's hate crimes - Prevent a Stage 4 Moon Shot by Biden, Oh Biden is not working on this... FBI Hate Crimes prevent Greg + Wives in Key West from crunching Rx Recipes on a iMac Super Computer today.

6-15-2016 Paris Elite have no fear of Nuclear War over Gay Cartoons... Stage 4 Paris Cartoons have been censored by Tim Cook and his inner circle in Paris, grin!

6-15-2016 FBI; how many women will be killed by stage 4 today...

6-15-2016 "Mary Kennedy" "OJ's ex-wife" "Sitora Yusufiy" Omar Mateen's second wife, "Nour Salman" Accuses UN of Not Being Neutral in (Syria) War between Men + Women that is upmost reflected in Hate Crimes by Tim Cook and New York Times against women... Stage 4 Moon Shot War is not in Binden's agenda today or tomorrow or on the front page of the NY Times or in a iApple iapp with Rx Recipes for Girl Scouts.

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport...

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport...

6-15-2016 "Mary Kennedy" was censored out of this New York Times story on violence and wives and War's started by men like JFK. Control and Fear: What Mass Killings and Domestic Violence Have in Common. Research by social scientists reveals striking parallels between what drives the two violent phenomena. By AMANDA TAUB NY Times Control and Fear: What Mass Killings and Domestic Violence Have in Common. WW I was started by a few elite men who wanted revenge... Amanda could have put Mary Kennedy and all her 10's of thousands of clones murdered by elite rich men who can buy the Judge in the USA but didn't. A brief look at the 49 people who were killed at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub. By MEGAN SPECIA 10's of thousands of Mary Kennedy's were killed since Obama became President of the USA. Hillary needs to remember these women too! A War Memorial to Mary Kennedy will be built over the Vietnam Memorial in Key West when No Gas Stations on Earth is the New Times!

6-15-2016 Scenario's described by President Obama... No Gas Stations On Earth; Confiscating $777 Trillion from Allah, Mecca, Stage 4 Rx Cure!

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport...

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport...

6-15-2016 Orlando; Tim Cook I am a Gay man and I Hate Women... War! New York Times Op-Ed: I Am a Gay Man From Orlando. Why Can’t I Donate Blood? Because you give women terrible diseases that in your blood. MS Virus is such a terrible tortured disease not even the CIA would give it to women yet Obama lets bisexual men give it to 30K SWF's in 2016 and all 30K will die a very slow tortured death as there is no cure! So Obama now wants the White House MD to put these MS women to death to end their torture... A 1984 II Novel would write this but its censored of course!

6-15-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga is #1 not Dr. Nancy Snyderman fired by the Pedophile's at NBC.

6-15-2016 6-15-2016 Donald Trump, for example, has talked and talked and talked about his sex life. “Hillary Clinton could never do that,”

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport...

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport...

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport... Biden has brain cancer caused by syphilis, grin. Well some of his inner circle friends do any way!

6-15-2016 Biden took time off from the Brain Cancer Moon Shot War to spend $4 Billion on a new Habitat for Humanity home at LaGuardia Airport - Homeland Security gets the windfall profits of $4 Trillion for scanning bags and people... never ending wars when No Gas Stations On Earth would bankrupt Homeland Security $$$ $4 Trillion at every airport in the world forever and ever $$$.

6-15-2016 New York Serbian Church Gutted by Fire Won’t Be Demolished, for the Yale NYC Medical School on orders from 1984 II Dictators in NYC... who have no thoughts of building a Yale NYC Medical School that will never burn down as state of the arts iPhone's will be built into the smoke detectors and candles will never be lighten! By DAVID W. DUNLAP

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport...

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport...

6-15-2016 Girl Scouts Rx Recipes spin off of this today... on iApple iapps. Dr. Majerus is credited with recognizing that small doses of aspirin taken daily can help to prevent heart attacks and strokes. By SAM ROBERTS Dr. Philip Majerus, Dies at 79 The cause was prostate cancer, his wife, Dr. Elaine Majerus, said. He had taught at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis for almost 50 years. “I got my start in biochemistry because of the Vietnam War,” he recalled in The Journal of Biological Chemistry. “As I was finishing my medical residency at Massachusetts General Hospital in 1963, I had two choices going forward: Either I could go to Vietnam as a physician, or I could become a research associate in the United States Public Health Service at the National Institutes of Health. The choice was easy.” Investigating how aspirin inhibited clotting, Dr. Majerus concluded that the medicine modified an enzyme that leads to the formation of a platelet-made molecule that constricts blood vessels and aggregates platelets. The pills’ effect lasts for the platelets’ life span, typically about two weeks.

6-15-2016 Modified an enzyme that leads to the formation of a platelet-made molecule that constricts blood vessels and aggregates platelets...

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport...

6-15-2016 Biden didn't think how the "Boeing Gravity Engine Planes" will change the design of LaGuardia Airport...

6-15-2016 LISA Pathfinder spacecraft — smaller than a compact car — Gravity Engine Cars will need laser guidance like LISA Pathfinder spacecraft satellite. Keep track of all cars in traffic not just 2 cubes, grin. NASA needs a pet project for the break room at Lisa HQ. $630 million mission for car lasers - No head on collisions! No Gas Stations On Earth first... mission for NASA!!

6-15-2016 LISA Pathfinder spacecraft — smaller than a compact car — A high-precision laser interferometer constantly measures the range between the two test cubes, and that device also exceeded requirements. “The goal was to be able to measure their motion changes on the timescales of minutes to hours at the picometer level,” Hewitson said Tuesday. “This is a millionth of a millionth of a meter. This is a tiny fraction of the size of an atom.” LISA Pathfinder spacecraft — smaller than a compact car — employed low-impulse cold gas nitrogen thrusters to essentially fly around the free-floating test masses suspended inside two vacuum enclosures placed 15 inches (38 centimeters) apart on the satellite. Accelerometers aboard LISA Pathfinder precisely track its movements, and a control computer sends signals to the low-thrust rocket packs outside the probe to continuously correct to keep the test cubes from contacting the walls of their chambers. “It’s a technology that is not easy,” said Alvaro Gimenez, ESA’s director of science, before LISA Pathfinder’s launch in December. “You have to have thrusters to compensate, and you have to have systems to measure the compensation you have to apply, all this at a level of precision that has never been done before. This is why LISA Pathfinder is a technologically unique mission.”


6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...Write a Novel with Greg + Wives in Key West titled; "Why the Universe Exists!"

6-14-2016 "Omar Mateen, an ‘Americanized Guy,’ Shows Threat of Lone Terrorists" By MARK MAZZETTI, ERIC LICHTBLAU and ALAN BLINDER Mark and Eric at the New York Times failed to report 10 out of ever 2 million who visit the Mosque in Mecca traveling from Orlando are not Lone Terrorists and their Disney in Mecca vacations are paid for by BP Oil $$$ Not "Lone Terrorists." The "Lone" inventor of the Gravity Engine will not be The "Lone Inventor" with 4 wives, in Key West and yes it will be invented in Key West not Mecca, grin. Investigators now face the question of how many and how much to keep paying Moslems working at good jobs in the USA for trips from Orlando to Mecca. You think a Key West vacation is expensive, just go to Mecca and sit in the Mosque with 2 million men. Trump will ban Disney vacation trips to Mecca Mosque and not donate to the Gravity Engine invention in Key West.

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Jimmy Carter went to Mecca and his Habitat for Humanity built Allah a new Mosque that can hold 2 million Moslem men for Sunday service.

6-14-2016 Account of What Inspired Orlando's Omar's Rampage Killing of 50 Contains Crucial Gaps on Purpose by the New York Times, CBS Nightly News... Mecca Mosque that can seat 2 million men is what really Inspired Orlando's Omar. This was censored out of the news because Jimmy Carter's Habitat of Humanity build the New 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca, grin! By TIMOTHY WILLIAMS and MICHAEL WILSON New York Times.

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Should Pediatricians Refuse to Treat Patients Who Don’t Vaccinate? By PERRI KLASS, M.D.

6-14-2016 Should Jimmy Carter have started a Vaccine Moon Shot to put all Vaccines in the drinking water, Hell Yes! Should Trump pick Dr. Nancy Snyderman for VP MD. Hell Yes!

6-14-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to be Trumps pick for VP not Dr. Nancy Snyderman. Dr. Lady Gaga for Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot War too...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Biden's Moon Shot Cure for E. Coli... Eight months after the start of Chipotle's E. coli outbreak, has not been announced by the White House. Pasteur II and III in Paris are to busy with Moslems.

6-14-2016 Eight months after the start of Chipotle's E. coli outbreak, one lingering question continues to plague investors and analysts: will the company ever fully recover?

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Greg + Wives in Key West the Edge.

6-14-2016 Why does the Universe Exist Novel written in Key West at the Hemingway House with 100 writers on the same page with an iApple iapp and finished by Midnight with links to Los Alamos.

6-14-2016 Afghanistan and Pakistan Exchange Heavy Gunfire Along Border - By ISMAIL KHAN and ROD NORDLAND

6-14-2016 Pakistan and Paris Exchange many H-Bombs Over Gay Cartoons - By ISMAIL KHAN and ROD NORDLAND

6-14-2016 Paris Elite have no fear of Nuclear War over Gay Cartoons... "Border Clashes Between Ethiopia and Eritrea Heighten Fears of War" By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 1984 II Dictators are Unfit to Testify at Why does the Universe Exist, Psychologist at Yale Says they were all the 1984 II Dictators passed at Yale but really Failed our Habitat for Humanity dictates Jimmy Carter did not letting his wife drive the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort on the highways of Saudi Arabia and inspire the Gravity Engine Inventions. The Nobel Peace Prize is a Scam and will be headlines at the New York Times after Gen Omar in Pakistan nukes Paris before they let Greg + Wives build the Yale Paris Medical School on a 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure. Instead Jimmy Carter went to Mecca and his Habitat for Humanity built Allah a new Mosque that can hold 2 million Moslem men for Sunday service. Would Jimmy Carter in Plans Georgia inspire radical gravity engine inventors with 2 million seated at Sunday Sermon in Plans Georgia... Hell Yes. Jimmy Carter II with the Jimmy Carter Centers $$$ will help Mecca build a even bigger home Mosque! Psychologist at Yale say buying the USS Jimmy Carter Sub for $10 trillion was Insane when he could have bought a Hubble Telescope Train for much less.

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Than God + Allah Mecca Imam don't have any desire to help Biden with the Brain Cancer Moon Shot. If they did they would buy 2 million MacBook pro's for the congregation to brainstorm a Rx Cure for brain cancer during the Sunday sermon. No Pope Francis has no desire to join Biden on his Brain Cancer Moon Shot by buying MacBook Pro's for Saint Peters Sunday Congregation, ha.

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Greg + Wives in Key West the Edge. Rewrite the Laws of God as to Women are God's best invention. Soul-mates Man + Women married in the eyes of God. Jewish Aliens might be able to prove the 10 commandments are carved in Top Quarks + Higgs Particles with a quark spin...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Women are God's Best Invention - It’s a populist wedge issue with the potential to appeal to working-class Democrats while not alienating people who lean Republican.

6-14-2016 "New Reality After Orlando Attacks: Dogs, Metal Detectors and Searches at Public Gatherings" By BEN SISARIO

6-14-2016 Publix and Whole Foods; Homeland Security moved from the Social Security office in every town and city in the USA to grocery stores and Gay Clubs, Bars. ALBANY, N.Y. - New York is poised to expand access to breast cancer screening under an agreement reached by top state lawmakers and Democratic Gov. After all the Gay Bar Security is put in place by Homeland Security, FBI... Pentagon. Then Breast Cancer screening not for guns can begin.

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Boston - Kerry's wife has $7 Billion dollars enough to send all these Boston Nurse's to Yale Medical School to become MD's and pay them more than West Point Cadets, God Card should be on the table here as she thinks she can buy her way into Heaven for 4 Trillion years with $4 Billion dollars... "Brigham and Women's Hospital Nurses Vote For One-Day Strike" BOSTON (CBS) - About 2,500 nurses at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston have voted to stage a one-day strike. The hospital said the nurses' union vote late Monday night came after 19 contract negotiation sessions in the last 9 months. No offers from any of the 100 Billionaires in Boston to send these Nurse's to Yale Medical School.

6-14-2016 London Daily Mail fails to write Poison Gasoline Exhaust in the abyss DNA caused this and much more. A four-year-old born with part of her brain growing outside her skull is thriving despite doctors giving her a slim chance of survival.

6-14-2016 iPhone 007 dash cam can read the gps built into all guns and alcohol cans and bottles.

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 "India will buy six nuclear reactors from Westinghouse" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times. "A Deepening Partnership With India" Censorship by the editors at the Times as the iPod size GE electric generator fueled by H @ -254 C can replace all 6 nuclear reactors from Westinghouse and save India from trillions of miles of high power lines overhead as Heavy lift Helicopter Combines will have to watch out for. This is a war crime by the editors at the NY Times. Really!

6-14-2016 Los Alamos finally get to crunch Rx Recipes for Many Moon Shots... Finally, my doctor recommended a new neurologist who performed some simple tests and casually gave me a diagnosis of vestibular migraines, a condition that didn’t exist in medical journals 20 years ago. Apparently, instead of causing severe pain, my migraines manifest as constant dizziness. I began taking Klonopin daily. It immediately mitigated the symptoms, but Klonopin can be addictive. My eyes started to twitch after a few weeks on it, so my doctor looked for another option. After living for two years with incessant dizziness, I settled on a combination of Lexapro and Serzone, both antidepressants, that began to work. In 2013, I could teach and began to write my novel again. I could enjoy life with my wife. We had our first son. I was free.

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Should Jimmy Carter have started a Vaccine Moon Shot to put all Vaccines in the drinking water, Hell Yes! Should Trump pick Dr. Nancy Snyderman for VP MD. Hell Yes!

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Trump an Edge...

6-14-2016 Why the God Debate Gives Greg + Wives in Key West the Edge.

6-13-2016 WW III, God has anti-gay sentiments too. Eve is great, she is God's best Invention! Soul-Mates for 4 trillion years too.

6-13-2016 WW III, God has anti-gay sentiments too. Eve is great, she is God's best Invention! Soul-Mates for 4 trillion years too.

6-13-2016 WW III, Mecca's 2 million seat Mosque! Omar visited this Mosque and BP Oil Revenues and USA gas station hold ups paid for it... $$$ Mateen made the Hajj, an Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia in March 2012. He made another foreign trip to Dubai in 2011, $$$ paid for by BP Oil $$$ For some reason his ex wife Yusufiy told reporters in Boulder, Colorado... she is in Boulder, CO today. Yusufiy's father and Mateen's former father-in-law told CBS News his daughter was married to Mateen seven years ago. He said the two met online and had only known each other for a few months when she moved to Florida and married him. He is from Uzbekistan. The suspect's father has spoken out to the media, saying his son was anti-gay and he doesn't believe the attack was motivated by religion. Florida Rep. Alan Grayson said he believes the attack was "ideologically motivated." God's anti Gay Ideology is not in Florida, grin. "It might be that we've seen the commission of an awful hate crime last night," Grayson said. Hate Crimes by Tim Cook have killed women's Moon Shot Cure for Stage 4... To Hell with HIV. Biden's Moon Shot is for brain Cancer not Stage 4. Inspired by Obama.

6-13-2016 WW III, Mecca's 2 million seat Mosque! Omar visited this Mosque and BP Oil Revenues and USA gas station hold ups paid for it... $$$

6-13-2016 Mrs. Clinton should quit the presidential race... because General Omar in Pakistan will Nuke 500,000 In Paris; God is Great. God has anti-gay sentiments too. Eve is great, she is God's best Invention!

6-13-2016 Mrs. Clinton should quit the presidential race... because she financed the Pakistan Nuke Bomb assembly line that is running today and guess what names Gen Omar is writing on his assembly line H-Bombs...

6-13-2016 Mrs. Clinton should quit the presidential race... because General Omar in Pakistan will Nuke 500,000 In Paris; God is Great.

6-13-2016 Omar Mateen, was an American who declared allegiance to the Islamic State and was the son of an immigrant from Afghanistan. $$$ BP Oil Revenues paid for his parents trip the USA of course $$$.

6-13-2016 Obama should quit and give the Allah is Great Moon Shot Cure to Biden...

6-13-2016 Obama should quit and give the Allah is Great Moon Shot Cure to Biden...

6-13-2016 WW III and they will fight it with the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke sub... Jimmy Carter names the Nukes that will destroy Mecca's 2 million seat Mosque! Omar visited this Mosque in 2014 when the Mosque could seat 1 million men. Thanks to BP Oil $$$ and British cranes the Mecca Mosque can seat 2 million men today. Not your Plains George Baptists Church! And God will punish Gays is like Moses and the 10 commandments Jimmy Preaches About!

6-13-2016 Mrs. Clinton should quit the presidential race...

6-13-2016 Mrs. Clinton should quit the presidential race...and start a conversation and Novel with "Why Does The Universe Exist?"

6-13-2016 Mrs. Clinton should quit the presidential race if she proved unwilling to acknowledge that the attack in Orlando was the result of “two words: radical Islam.”

6-13-2016 Obama should quit and give the Allah is Great Moon Shot Cure to Biden...

6-13-2016 Obama should quit and give the Allah is Great Moon Shot Cure to Biden...

6-13-2016 Pope Francis should quit being Pope... Orlando Massacre:

6-13-2016 Pope Francis should quit being Pope... Orlando Massacre:

6-13-2016 Pope Francis should quit being Pope... Orlando Massacre: Pope Francis Lashes Out Over Access to Arms" Pope Francis didn't lash out over $777 Trillion spent on MIT war toys via Oil Revenues!

6-13-2016 After Nightclub Massacre, Obama Expresses Outrage and a Familiar Lament that War with Allah, Mecca can be won in a Nuke War as Muslim will not give up their 72 virgins for fags, grin!

6-13-2016 I said this was going to happen; 9/11 III

6-13-2016 I said this was going to happen; Paris Nuked over Gay Cartoons

6-13-2016 Trump claimed he had warned of the sort of terrorism that marked the shooting, which killed 50 and was the worst in the country’s history. “I said this was going to happen — and it is only going to get worse,” Mr. Trump said in a statement, arguing that Mrs. Clinton’s presidency would mean “hundreds of thousands” more Middle East migrants. “And we will have no way to screen them, pay for them, or prevent the second generation from radicalizing,” said Mr. Trump

6-13-2016 Temporary Ban on Muslim Migration; like Hell send them to a Prison in Cuba, grin.

6-13-2016 Temporary Ban on Muslim Migration; like Hell send them to a Prison in Cuba, grin.

6-13-2016 WW III Donald Trump Seizes on Orlando Shooting and Repeats Call for Temporary Ban on Muslim Migration" By JONATHAN MARTIN Hillary-Obama are the true mass murderers; stats say for ever 100,000 Muslims, every 100,000 Mexicans so many SWF will be sucker punched at the gas station hold up and so many SWF will be shot. These stats are well known at the New York Times and censored.

6-13-2016 WW III and they will fight it with the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke sub... Jimmy Carter names the Nukes that will destroy Mecca's 2 million seat Mosque!

6-13-2016 WW III and they will fight it with the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke sub... Jimmy Carter names the Nukes that will destroy Mecca's 2 million seat Mosque!

6-13-2016 WW III and they will fight it with the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke sub fleet not via No Gas Stations on Earth. Shooter visited Mecca when it could only hold 1 million, today 2 million can get in for Sunday Sermon that tells the men they get 72 virgins and no fags!

6-13-2016 WW III, Mecca's 2 million seat Mosque! Omar visited this Mosque and BP Oil Revenues and USA gas station hold ups paid for it... $$$

6-13-2016 Trump, China needs to make Polygamous Marriage Legal before Castro!!!! Grin 4 Wives MD if you can woo them... with the Rx Recipe for Stage 4 Overnight Godsent Miracle cure conversations + Novel writing together on the same page with an iApple iapps not found at Bill + Melinda's Mosquito iapps, gin.

6-13-2016 General Omar in Pakistan will Nuke 500,000 In Paris; God is Great and they will get 72 Virgins, all women! It is, however, also dangerous to ignore or belittle the potency of ISIS ideology, the core role it has played in recent violence from Paris. New York Times is guilty of war crimes as "Mecca" not ISIS inspired him on his visit when only 1 million could fit in, today with the help of BP Oil $$$ Mecca can seat 2 million. And pay for their Mecca vacation... try this at Disney Orlando $$$. We the USA could if we had the $777 Trillion Mecca has. BP Oil and rich fags have has made the world far more dangerous. Jimmy Carter was inspired to spend $10 Trillion on a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke subs to defeat Mecca!!

6-13-2016 “If I were Trump, I’d emphasize his Muslim name, Omar Saddiqui Mateenhe who shot 100 revelers in a gay club suggests once again that Islam and sexuality constitute a particularly combustible realm. Liberal Western sexual mores are the most troubling affront to a certain strain of Islam. The resultant confrontation incubates explosive violence.

6-13-2016 Omar's ex wife had a 30 min video on NBC and talked about everything in her divorce but nothing on why she married Omar and her Wedding!

6-13-2016 Sitora Yusufiy, Ex-Wife of Orlando Suspect, Describes Abusive Marriage After a union in which she said he beat her, confiscated her paychecks and isolated her in their home, Ms. Yusufiy said she fled with the help of her parents. By JACK HEALY

6-13-2016 WW III The AR-15 assault rifle used by Mateen cost as much as a MacBook Pro... $$$

6-13-2016 WW III Should I Make My Daughter Clean Her Room? By JUDY BATALION or tell her about Intel Clean Rooms and how the Smog in China sticks to everything in little girls rooms there while the elite Chinese leaders censor state of the art "Clean Rooms" for their daughters.

6-13-2016 WW III

6-13-2016 WW III Animal Farm Book with links to how Greg got the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Invention... iapps. Paris Book News Today. "New Chapter for Classic Paris Bookstore: Books Printed on Demand" By CIARA NUGENT Les Puf, which shut about 10 years ago because of falling profits and soaring rent, has a new location and business model: books printed before customers’ eyes in five minutes. 5 IP ivention projects in the Novel like footnotes. Ideas of spin off invention from this or that.

6-13-2016 Chief John Mina of the Orlando police said. It is unknown if the shooter killed more people as the police prepared for a confrontation. The amount of time it takes law enforcement to respond can be a strong predictor of the number of fatalities, Mr. Lankford said. He pointed to the mass shooting at Columbine High School in 1999, when police needed more than three hours to reach injured people, resulting in the deaths of some who desperately needed medical assistance.

6-13-2016 iPhone Dash Cam and of course the iCam in every Store building in the USA...

6-13-2016 G4S PLC Security Omar worked here a British Firm since 10 Sept. 2007. G4S was consistently one of the biggest contractors with the U.S. federal government after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, mostly with the departments of Homeland Security and State, according to Kevin Brancato, an analyst with Bloomberg Government. The firm’s deals with the government shrank to $89.3 million in 2015, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The company employs 611,000 people worldwide, running prisons, providing security at airports and ports, and managing cash transports, according to its website. Its U.S. headquarters are in Jupiter, Florida, about 150 miles southeast of Orlando.

6-13-2016 Mateen later had a son with another woman who also appears to have left him and declined to comment when reached at her current home. But one friend said Mateen became steadily more religious after his divorce and went on a religious pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia. “He was quite religious,” said the friend, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity. Yet, he added, if Mateen had sympathies for the Islamic State or other terrorist groups, he never mentioned them. For several years, Mateen regularly attended the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce and was there as recently as two days ago, said Imam Shafiq Rahman on Sunday. The imam said Mateen’s father and young son would pray with him, and Mateen’s three sisters were active volunteers at the mosque, which had about 150 congregants. He said Mateen had become enraged a few months earlier at the sight of a pair of gay men kissing in public and in the bathroom. No comments on oral sex in the mens room in the news. Could have been censored out by NBC news. Seddique Mateen had himself become embroiled in controversy as the host of the “Durand Jirga Show” on a channel called Payam-e-Afghan, which broadcasts from California. In it, the elder Mateen speaks in the Dari language on a variety of political subjects. Dozens of videos are posted on a channel under Seddique Mateen’s name on YouTube. A phone number and post office box that are displayed on the show were traced back to the Mateen home in Florida. Mateen also owns a nonprofit organization under the name Durand Jirga, which is registered in Port St. Lucie, Fla. Just hours before the Orlando shooting, Seddique Mateen posted a video on a Facebook. Beau died for this War in Afghanistan. Beau II clones with brain cancer today will die because Biden will not post on Facebook the video of the brain cancer cell that killed Beau and pull the troops out of Afghanistan and send the rest back to Afghanistan... with out BP oil money $$$.



6-12-2016 How to Be a Great President of the Universe!

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great Mate might ideally... start a conversation and Novel with "Why Does The Universe Exist?"

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great Mate might ideally help in getting the ticket elected, but more important is the ability to govern Earth's 5 Billion People as to why does the Universe Exist! Yes we are here to cure cancer overnight with a serendipity invention like the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and the Gravity Engine Invention that will write the Utopian Novel and Produce the Disney Invention Movie + Orlando Theme Parks Era.

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great President of the Universe!

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great Mate might ideally... start a conversation and writing a Novel with "Why Does The Universe Exist?"

6-12-2016 This is not on the minds of the Chinese Elite today, grin!

6-12-2016 China needs to make Polygamous Marriage Legal before Castro in Cuba does, grin. Hemingway missed writing the Polygamous Novel in Cuba too. Changes in licensing requirements for Polygamous Marriage to include Star Travel, Cancer Cure and of course the Gravity Engine Invention Wedding Night conversations, grin.

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great Mate ideally is in a Legal Polygamous Marriage, Moslems are not a role model for this but China could be and would be better off in its Exodus into star travel for the masses. This is not on the minds of the Chinese Elite today, grin!

6-12-2016 China could be a role model for Legal Polygamous Marriage in President of the Universe UN election.

6-12-2016 China could be a role model for Legal Polygamous Marriage in the running of Nations for President of the Universe at the UN. Yes we must rename the UN and no Freedom Towers II will not be the New UN building... 9/11 would never have happened with Legal Polygamous Marriage in 1980 as all 4 wives would be driving the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and No Gas Station on Earth would be a wedding gift to the wives as to many were sucker punched in gas station hold ups by OJ Clones.

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great President of the Universe!

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great Mate might ideally... start a conversation and Novel with "Why Does The Universe Exist?"

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great Mate might ideally... China with Legal Polygamous Marriage Revolution renamed to Star Travel or just Invention IP invention projects to figure out why the Universe Exist. And of course write a article for Forbes answering the question. Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light? A Billion Galaxies moving into empty space faster than the speed of light goings on is on par with a Billion Chinese in a Legal Polygamous Marriage to Invent Something for Star Travels by Humanity. This Polygamous Marriage Purpose; Not found in Saudi Arabia + Mecca!

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great President of the Universe!

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great Mate might ideally... start a conversation and Novel with "Why Does The Universe Exist?"

6-12-2016 When Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump make their picks in the coming weeks, the running mates will be viewed through two lenses - one the old curved and the other the flat lenses of the future written up in tech news last week.

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great Mate might ideally... Sarah Palin, who was named by 45 percent of the scholars as the worst strategic choice by McCain as he must not have had any women MD's in the Army... or demoted them. Dr. Sarah Palin would have won the Presidency eventually. Did Sarah Palin send her daughter to Yale Medical School, Hell No We Won't Go... her daughter said to mom. Where should the Sarah's Daughters look for greatness? In Tan Lines in the Local Sunday Newspaper. Mandy Miles in Tan Lines today writes we are not here to cure cancer. No you aren't Mandy!! But one of your readers is looking to cure cancer so delete your next Jet Blue article next year and dissect some Estrogen down to its Boson and Higgs particles with spin of course. Mandy Miles your "Spin the Bottle" article you are going to write next week Mandy should really be spin in the orbit of the Charmed Quarks!

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great Mate might ideally...

6-12-2016 In the end, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump should select people who are capable of doing something everyone hopes they’ll never have to do: step in and become president of the United States. President of the Universe!

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great President of the Universe!

6-12-2016 How to Be a Great Mate might ideally...

6-12-2016 Hillary Clinton's first television ad of the general election is a square attack on Donald Trump as temperamentally unfit to lead the country, using the Republican's own words to cast him as insensitive and callous.

6-12-2016 Callous Admirals + Generals to a Universe that might be expanding into empty space faster than the speed of light. Yale MD's will write a article for the NY Times on how West Point did this to the minds of tens of thousands of men in our Times.

6-12-2016 Callous is 10's of thousands of OJ Clones created by Obama in the last years and then the NY Times censors out all but the most horrible murders of SWF's by these black men. Hillary needs to list the 10 more Callousness things in our 1984 II Society.

6-12-2016 Callous CIA MD's gave thousands in Pakistan a Polio vaccine with no vaccine in it...

6-12-2016 Callous Stats with NO invention projects IP... Heart disease remains the most common form of death in the United States, taking the lives of more than 614,000 people annually. Cancer takes the lives of nearly 592,000 Americans annually, placing that class of disease as the second leading cause of death in the United States. Medical errors have now risen to no. 3 on the list of most common causes of death. Behind accidental deaths, stroke comes in as the no. 4 killer with 133,100 fatalities annually! Callous Stats with NO invention projects IP... new license for NY Times Journalists will put invention projects in the articles. With links you can click on to get started on the IP invention project. Better than Amazon 1 Click ordering.

6-12-2016 Callous... Some portions of the Universe that are so distant that light emitted from them will never be able to reach us. Currently, that point is anything beyond about 46.1 billion light years from us, given our Universe, to the best we can measure it, that’s been around 13.8 billion years since the Big Bang.

6-12-2016 Callous... Getting started on Star Travel + Galaxy Travel via a Canada Coal Train seems light years from reality but the reality of Canada having Coal Trains Today in a Era that should be No Gas Stations on Earth and 1 Trillion other spin off inventions, all stifled by Canada Coal and Oil Trains shipping "Greed" to the Big Banks!

6-12-2016 "Should I Make My Daughter Clean Her Room?" By JUDY BATALION -Alan Kazdin at the Yale Parenting Center explained that there had been no clean-room studies because the issue was not critical. “It’s normative for adolescents to be super messy,” he told me. “We don’t know why.” Parents should consider whether their child’s messy room is indicative of other problems (at school, for instance) or impairs daily function (mice, allergens, impaling hazards). If it’s the case of an isolated messy bedroom, let it go. “It’s important for teenagers to have areas of control. Parents believe in a slippery slope, which just isn’t true.” My childhood friend Sarah, now a successful children’s author, was always messy. Her mother never forced her to clean her room (though she made her help with communal spaces). Over the phone, she told me...

6-12-2016 ...there had been no clean-room studies because... Intel didn't sell Apple any Xeon 7 Chips for the MacBook Pro's at the Apple-Starbucks so there had been no clean-room studies. Black Clouds of diesel exhaust and gasoline exhaust. Mom JUDY BATALION is light years from even know Particle Measuring Inc sell most of its measuring machines to MIT. Yes its esoteric today because it's Intel's crime against women, a hate crime like Tim Cook's hate crimes against women. Yes! It is! Dust in the air and mice are from London and the Plague Era. Lumber from China can poison JUDY BATALION daughter like China Dog food killed millions of her daughters pets. Today is not London of the Plage Times. The New York Times and Mandy Miles in Key West are not out to cure cancer with their Sunday articles but come on...

6-12-2016 "50 DEAD IN FLORIDA GAY CLUB SHOOTING; POSSIBLE TERROR LINK" "Police Call Shooting a ‘Terror Incident’; Gunman Is Killed" By LIZETTE ALVAREZ and STEVE KENNY A gunman killed 50 people and wounded 53 in a crowded gay nightclub in Orlando early Sunday morning, an official said, in what may have been an act of terrorism. The gunman was identified as Omar Mateen, an American citizen living in Port St. Lucie, Florida, an official said.

6-12-2016 KENNEBUNKPORT, Maine - Former President George H.W. Bush is celebrating his 92nd birthday with family on the Maine coast. His chief of staff says Sunday's celebration is low-key.

6-12-2016 My Mom Ruth Buell just had her 93rd BDay. Celebrating the 1980 invention by Greg of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort has to wait a while longer I wrote her. Observers in Key West will make contact soon. I will send you Trillions then. And we can talk for the first time how I got the invention right after you and dad left the Lazy L Motel way back in 1979. Week or so later Ted Kennedy showed up with the Saudi Oil Embargo. So I started brainstorming and while reading Animal Farm on page.... got the invention. Ran to the mirror, smashed it, found the camera and told Ted Kennedy!! Grin.

6-12-2016 Mom has been waiting a long time for this story in person or on the phone as Observers have her as a POW too.

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 "Special 1984 II Orwellian Report. How Trump Made Millions From Casinos That Failed" By RUSS BUETTNER and CHARLES V. BAGLI New York Times. Spin off's from Trump Casinos are the New York and Florida State Lottery! 100 Million Americans lost everything buying Lottery Tickets and the State lost Millions of Inventions better than the iPhone + the Gravity Engine! Essay: In Defense of the Three-Week Vacation - In Defense of the 3 week Invention Vacation - In Defence of the Disney Invention Theme's! Americans lost everything in the Defence Department at the Pentagon instead of the Invention Department at 1984 II HQ. Disney Gravity Engine Movies were hit by a drone strike and cheered by the troops!

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Jimmy Carter 1980 Mastermind of the $777 Trillion for Allah and Mecca's Oil Revenues Gambled on God and lost - Convicted of a separate count of lying on the form by saying that he had not had “close or continuing contact” with God! Because the Greed of $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues was to much to drink, do you know how many nuke subs $777 Trillion dollars can by the Navy Jimmy Carter Said out loud in Church!

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers" By MIKE McPHATE New York Times story on the 1984 II Dictators who are not real. Government surveillance; 1984 II Society that is not real is reported in this New York Times article. An internet search... but not like Bing to find diagnosis that you have cancer before its diagnosed but a internet search to prove our 1984 II Dictator are real people. Going Public with George Orwell Today. Coup. Could the CIA be put off by these 1984 II Dictators so much they go public. The latest is White House MD will put to death women mostly SWF's with MS they were infected with by a bisexual man. MS is a terrible tortured death for 20K USA SWF's in 2016 so our 1984 II Dictators decided to let the White House MD put these women to death. Of course the CIA knows what's going on. Will they go public is the $64K dollar question. Today the $84K dollar question. And of course the CBS TV show the $64K dollar question was a scam! Grin.

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 D.E.A. "Strip Club Inventor of the Strip Club" Inventor's Club. Starbucks card holders collectively have some $1.2 billion just on their Starbucks Gold Cards and Gift Cards. Inventors Club Rewards will have to be one of the first inventions after getting this Club started on the Internet, grin. 100 million Americans will by a Florida Lottery Ticket today and none of the 100 million will even think to invent something! Who will be convicted of this Habitat for Humanity Crime, Jimmy Carter by God of course... Banana Republics and now Peanut Republics connotations in the "Invention Clubs." Prohibition's by God didn't stop Jimmy Carter from buying a $10 Trillion dollar Nuke Sub. USS Jimmy Carter. Prohibition Era Women History could be Trumps but not Hillary's! No Gas Stations On Earth Prohibition of Gasoline by Law passed by the Senate and signed by Trump! Drink to this at the Trump Casino, grin! Run over by the Gravity Engine Invention and the Steve Jobs Bing Search Engine that finds the Overnight Rx Recipe cure for Pancreatic cancer! When will Hillary make public her Bing Searches for a Stage 4 overnight miracle Godsent Serendipity Rx Recipe Cure using Bing Search Engine influenced by the Gravity Engine Invention at the Yale Invention Club.

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Convicted of making false statements on security clearance documents - caught on the iPhone video iapps, grin. iGod is Watching You!

6-11-2016 Doctors' Hand Hygiene Plummets Unless They Know They're Being Watched, Study Finds! Fine! iGod is Watching You! Conviction Jimmy Carter didn't really believe!

6-11-2016 A surgeon washes his hands at hospital. For doctors and nurses, hand hygiene is supposed to be as intuitive as breathing.

6-11-2016 Apple or Steve Jobs Didn't Invent the iPhone: Nancy Pelosi said the Federal Government invented it. Then Nancy Pelosi said God didn't invent women they just evolved out of nothing, a black hole.

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Apple or Steve Jobs Didn't invent this analyzing a person's Web searches - to invent a Rx Recipe overnight cure for pancreatic cancer. No one at Microsoft Bing even brainstormed searching for a overnight pancreatic cancer cure with the Bing Search Engine or what will happen when Greg + Wives just threaten Saudi Arabia with the Gravity Engine Invention. Now to threaten Bill and Melinda with the Google Search Engine to brainstorm a persons Web Searches to get the Overnight Rx Recipe cure for Pancreatic cancer!

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light? Forbes - One of Einstein's most famous fundamental laws is that nothing in the Universe can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum.

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Greg + Wives just threaten Saudi Arabia with the Gravity Engine Invention. Now to threaten to invent at the Inventors Club not the Strip Club a way to go faster than the speed of light in a Space Station Satellite complications, sending out SOS to Jewish Aliens waiting 4 years for a reply ha.

6-11-2016 This week researchers demonstrated that by analyzing a person's Web searches they could in some cases predict an upcoming diagnosis of pancreatic cancer

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Nancy Pelosi will be convicted of making false statements on both inventions, the iPhone + Women; God's best invention! And denying God is Watching You!

6-11-2016 Nancy Pelosi that American men do not have a constitutional right to carry concealed ... to murder 19K SWF in 2016.

6-11-2016 No doubt, Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader in the US House of Representatives, is currently a trending topic on the Internet because of her remarks on state-of-the-art iPhone. Her addiction to gasoline revenues and Smog... state of the arts censorship from her conversations!

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Nancy Pelosi, on bartenders serving drunks who get into a wreck. No she will not mention Bartenders serving drunks who kill someone a SWF after leaving the bar.

6-11-2016 Customers shop for beer at Liquor Mart in Boulder, Colo. On June 10, Colorado’s governor signed a bill to gradually allow grocery stores to sell full-strength beer, liquor and wine, the biggest change to state liquor laws since the end of Prohibition. The bill signed Friday by Gov. John Hickenlooper starts a 20-year phase-in for grocers to acquire liquor licenses, sometimes by paying for those held by neighboring liquor stores. Biggest change since Prohibition will be the Gravity Engine Invention that will run over Hickenlooper's Swiss bank account direct deposits found by Microsoft Search Engine Bing... ha.

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Dedicated, devoted, die-hard D.E.A. agent” who had risked his life hunting narco-traffickers in Colombia and Thailand when 19K SWF's in the USA were murdered by OJ Clones. Who will be convicted of this?

6-11-2016 NBC The Voice's Christina Grimmie Dead at 22 After Being Shot at Concert. A man came up to her and bang, 4 times shots ran out and she was dead at 22 like 19K other SWF's in the USA. Murdered via OJ Clones Obama's best Invention with the help of Nancy Pelosi!

6-11-2016 Cop in the TV show "he Shield" didn't mean to kill his wife... gets 40 years plus 4 trillion in Hell...

6-11-2016 Safety is not a accident propaganda stickers

6-11-2016 Tel Aviv mayor links terror attack to Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands - when they are really linked to BP Oil and No Gas Stations On Earth Coup.

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Mr. Polos was convicted of a separate count of lying on the form by saying that he had not had “close or continuing contact” with any foreign national, despite a romantic relationship he had with a dancer from Brazil who worked at the club after entering the United States illegally.

6-11-2016 Mr. Polos faces up to 15 years in prison. Mr. Glover faces up to 10 years.

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Feminist history of trying to overturn a status quo that - Judith Shulevitz (@JudithShulevitz) is the author of “The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time” and a contributing opinion writer. "How to Fix Feminism" is the tile of Judith's article in the Editorials of the New York Times today. Hillary Clinton’s generation aimed to free women from domestic prisons. But work is a prison, too. Reading between the prisons I think Judith is thinking about the Cuban Prison Hospitals the 4 MD Wives Coup will ship 100 million diseased men off to... ha. But Judith does not mention any women MD's. Not even Dr. Nancy Snyderman as a VP for Trump. Feminist history of trying to overturn a status quo that - yet Judith did not mention the Murder of Mary Kennedy by Robert Kennedy Jr as this status quo of the Kennedy's and murder. Like Ted Kennedy drunk drove off the bridge killing Mary Jo. Feminist history in a George Orwell Novel is a book for Marie to write today - will she be safe in Canada writing this book with the oil sands fires out of control? Sabbath Women have the highest breast cancer deaths in the world yet Judith didn't mention Breast Cancer and Feminist history of trying to get a miracle cure like Penicillin. Judith didn't mention Girl Scout cookies Recipe's and the Rx Recipes the Girl Scouts need made public for their feminist discoveries! Bing search by Bill and Melinda will not find this. Then there was Ladies’ Night, when the mothers on my cul-de-sac got together to drink too much wine... Judith still does not realize wine caused 5 breast cancer out of 100K for the entire dul-de-sac women. No Judith will not tell us if Bill gave Hillary Syphilis. Feminist have secrets. Will Judith come out telling her NY Times readers she has had STD's? Feminist's! A woman with a small child can easily lose faith that she’ll ever do anything else again. God knows I did. For the first five years of my child-rearing life, I was supposed to be writing a book, but mostly I dodged my editor’s calls.

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD at the NY Times today about the UN Chief left us out in the cold by Saudi Arabia's $777 Trillion. NY Times left 5 billion people cold as to the miracle the UN will Never Ever save us from Hell on Earth as even the NY Times was bought by $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues, its new 55 story building was paid for by BP Oil revenues for not writing about the "Yale NYC UN Medical School" in a Times Editorial built before 9/11 as the tallest building on Earth now. Not some Moslem building near Saudi Arabia today.

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-11-2016 Forbes is at it again Today.... With; Can The Universe Expand Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

6-10-2016 Threats from Bill and Melinda Gates... $$$

6-10-2016 Threats from Saudi Arabia... $$$

6-10-2016 $777 Trillion Threat to confiscate this from Saudi Arabia King Salman for gas stations hold ups in the USA. Agree to confiscate $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia; a threat with a Gravity Engine Invention to it by Greg + Wives in Key West.

6-10-2016 Israelis Find Rare Moment of Solidarity in Aftermath of Tel Aviv Shootings at café.

6-10-2016 Paris Finds Rare Moments of Solidarity in Aftermath of H-Bomb strike in view of the Eiffel tower from Pakistan.

6-10-2016 9/11 II and III will let the 1984 II Dictators find Solidarity too... 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort might be leaked by the NY Times after 9/11 III. It was medical examiners who sifted through the remains of more than 2,700 victims after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. By WINNIE HU - Many if not all of these MD's knew about the suppression of the ElectricWindmillFord and were threatened if they leaked it...

6-10-2016 Threats from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, were in the New York Times few weeks ago about fishing for worms with Jimmy Carter when Obama's Threats to MD have lead to the NY Times story today about putting SWF's with MS to death as there is no cure for MS as Bill, Melinda, and Jimmy Carter were making threats to everyone who wanted them to stop fishing for worms and mosquitos... grin. Criminal complaints against Jimmy Carter will have to be taken up with God. Obama can still be jailed for OJ Clones that threaten SWF's today but not in the New York Times as Obama threats to the NY Times are more effective than threatening Greg + Wives in Key West. White House MD is going to put to death today women with MS on orders from Obama. Bill and Melinda will not call Trump!

6-10-2016 "Secretary General Ban Ki-moon U.N. Leader Says He Bowed to Threat From Saudis" By SOMINI SENGUPTA

6-10-2016 "Secretary General Ban Ki-moon U.N. Leader Says He Bowed to Threat From Saudis" By SOMINI SENGUPTA Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he removed a Saudi-led coalition from a list of children’s rights violators after the Saudis threatened to withhold funding.

6-10-2016 $777 Trillion Threat to confiscate this from Saudi Arabia King Salman for gas stations hold ups in the USA. Windfall of $777 Trillion for NYC and the USA. De Blasio and City Council Agree on $82.1 Billion Budget. New York Times - Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City Council agreed on Wednesday on an $82.1 billion budget for New York City - Agree to confiscate $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia; a threat with a Gravity Engine to it by Greg + Wives in Key West.

6-10-2016 Fiery Cop Car's criminal complaints - Human Rights, U.N. Panel Says By SEWELL CHAN... Funds by BP Oil censor fiery cop cars and SUV's from the front page of the New York Times! Health + Well section of the NY Times does not cover gasoline burns. Bill and Melinda Foundation doesn't promote gasoline burn units. No Funds by Bill + Melinda Gates Foundation for this.

6-10-2016 "iPhone 7 Leak Confirms New Advanced Technology" Forbes - iPhone 7 will not Leak H @ -254 C that fuels its batter + GE electric generator; in our real world 1984 II Society Tim Cook could have gotten this into the iPhone 7 but didn't. Same as Biden sending email to everyone at Yale, yes Biden can do this... grin. To work on the iapp that wakes you up before you fall asleep driving a gas engine car, but he didn't.

6-10-2016 "iPhone 7 Leak Confirms New Advanced Technology" Forbes - Apple loves presenting triples of 'good/better/best' in its portfolio, and this year's refresh on the iPhone range is no exception.

6-10-2016 "iPhone 7 Leak Confirms New Advanced Technology" Forbes -

6-10-2016 "iPhone 7 Leak Confirms New Advanced Technology" Forbes -

6-10-2016 "iPhone 7 Leak - leaking of the aortic valve, causing blood flow to reverse. I looked this up on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and there is a sound chart that detects this and other heart sounds... any Iphone 7 could detect if Tim Cook wanted it to...

6-10-2016 MILAN — Silvio Berlusconi, the former prime minister of Italy, is suffering from a severe case of aortic insufficiency and will undergo heart surgery to replace a heart valve next week, his doctor said on Thursday. The doctor, Alberto Zangrillo, said the 79-year-old billionaire businessman “risked dying,” indicating a condition more severe than had been revealed by friends and relatives since Mr. Berlusconi was admitted to a hospital on Sunday. Dr. Zangrillo said a team of doctors at the San Raffaele clinic in Milan had run a battery of tests and diagnosed a severe case of aortic insufficiency. The condition involves a leaking of the aortic valve, causing blood flow to reverse.

6-10-2016 "iPhone 7 Leak Confirms New Advanced Technology" Forbes -

6-10-2016 "iPhone 7 Leak Confirms New Advanced Technology" Forbes -

6-10-2016 By ISABEL KERSHNER A day after gunmen killed four people in a cafe, the authorities suspended travel permits and sent two battalions of soldiers to the West Bank. Authorities didn't order any MacBook Pro's for the rest of the café's or leak No Gas Stations On Earth in the Press!

6-10-2016 iPhone 7 Advanced Technology in Forbes confirms the MD's who do autopsy need the iPhone 7 video running on a assembly line. The Forensic Pathology Fellows Program has helped resurrect a long-troubled agency, the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner - New York Times pictures of these MD's in the article have no iPhone 7's or iPhone 4's and point and shoot cameras no 4K Sony video cameras. And no assembly line for thousands, no chair for the MD's. Not Advanced Technology! Forbes will not do a story on these MD's, grin. NYC a city where 5,000 autopsies a year are performed for deaths that are deemed sudden or suspicious or are a result of crimes, accidents or suicides. Microsoft doing a Bing search on all these would come up with something better than yesterdays cancer news! Death of 3-Month-Old Staten Island Girl Is Ruled a Homicide. The New York City medical examiner found that Morgan Ricks, who was found unconscious and unresponsive on Aug. 30, 2015, died of abusive head trauma. By RICK ROJAS

6-10-2016 "iPhone 7 Leak Confirms New Advanced Technology" Forbes -

6-10-2016 "iPhone 7 Leak Confirms New Advanced Technology" Forbes -

6-10-2016 At Vassar, Medical School would be Heaven for these elite girls; mysteries of the universe of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine would be mandatory for all freshmen Medical girls. Microsoft non Bing search of all these Nobel's in Medicine to brainstorm and get some high tech spin offs for a Vassar Girls Nobel in Medicine! By SUSAN HODARA

6-10-2016 "iPhone 7 Leak Confirms New Advanced Technology" Forbes -

6-10-2016 "iPhone 7 iLecture in Medical School, all schools! Where Listening Is the New Lecture. I believe teaching mistakes laid bare are a good thing for education at large. By JESSICA LAHEY Where Listening Is the New Lecture - "iPhone 7 iLecture in Medical School put out by the professor instead of notes. "iPhone 7 iLecture iApps. 1,001 Links and Bing searches to click on. And of course how to build a assembly line so Ford will have to be in the ilecture... Model T Ford assembly line.

6-10-2016 "iPhone 7 Leak Confirms New Advanced Technology" Forbes -

6-10-2016 Falling asleep at the wheel... GE moves to Boston from Sandy Hook CT. More kids will be killed by GE in Boston.

6-10-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-9-2016 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, drive a gas engine car to eradicate the Aedes aegypti mosquito that transmits... Bill + Melinda drive to eradicate Greg + Wive's in Key West... really. Eradicate Gasoline! Key West Citizen News paper today Ali in KW with a Sheik Mohammed Al-Fassi who was looking to buy a house in Key West on Aug. 22, 1982 and the KW newspaper didn't mention the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort was invented in 1980... Mohammed + Ali both meet with David Wolkowsky who is across the street from Starbucks in a CVS building Penthouse. KW crime report is a "Trump" sign destroyed and homeowners wall it was on $1,400 in damage and 5th time. Mexican kid was spotted by a witness. Mostly KW High School students who all have a gas engine car... but don't protest this. Home owner is putting up cameras she said, 1984 II cameras caught the kids who destroyed the Trump sign and the cops didn't tell her not to spend money on cameras when the city has trillions of Orwellian cameras today! No Power Lines on Earth Story on page 3A almost. Key Power outage as Balloons from HS graduation drifted into power lines. Ha! White HS kids will protest No Power Lines On Earth... grin.

6-9-2016 "Gas Station Drive" - "Gene Drive"

6-9-2016 ...proposed names for elements 113, 115, 117 and 118: nihonium, moscovium, tennessine and oganesson.

6-9-2016 ...proposal for Legal Polygamous Marriage in the USA will give us 4 wives and 4 new elements on the chart, hopefully 2 will be time and gravity inspired by brainstorming 24/7 with 4 brides, grin.

6-9-2016 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which helped pay for the N.A.S. report, has spent some $40 million on a "gene drive" project aimed at eradicating the species of mosquitoes that spread malaria.

6-9-2016 "Gas Station Drive" - "Gene Drive" Spray Painted Black Clouds of diesel + poison gasoline exhaust on Duval Key West each year... is not in this Bill Gates Mosquitoes New York Times front page story Today! By AMY HARMON - Amy knows more about poison gas exhaust than Malaria too, yet she didn't mention this as its censored from the NY Times by Bill + Melinda Gates! Grin.

6-9-2016 Clinton's Victory is also for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues; Clinton’s Victory Is Also a Source of Division" By PATRICK HEALY and SHERYL STOLBERG Hillary Clinton driving a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort is like a women in Saudi Arabia driving a Gas Engine Ford Car... Both women lost driving a Gravity Engine Ford in their life time as Hillary wrecks this invention along with the Stage 4 victory! Greg + Wives in Key West today are POW's of Hillary's 1984 II Society. Hillary has a taste for Luxury's only a BP Oil Man would desire and lust over. God's Widow because her husband when to war over oil instead of "Star Wars" space travels. Universe Engine is out of Invent Fuels, God's best invention is a wife who can inspire inventing a way to go faster than the speed of light. Hell grand kids Hillary knows will fall asleep driving a gas engine car and die. Did Hillary kill these kids, Hell Yes! Yale Law School Hell, Yale Invention School will be the French Revolution of 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat; Legal Polygamous Marriage is not just for Allah!!

6-9-2016 "Gas Station Drive" - "Gene Drive"

6-9-2016 ...proposed names for elements 113, 115, 117 and 118: nihonium, moscovium, tennessine and oganesson.

6-9-2016 ...proposal for Legal Polygamous Marriage in the USA will give us 4 wives and 4 new elements on the chart, hopefully 2 will be time and gravity inspired by brainstorming 24/7 with 4 brides, grin.

6-9-2016 God is Great for Allah and Mecca when they get $777 Trillion from the Pentagon Oil Revenues $$$ Covert Op's.

6-9-2016 No Mecca on Earth - No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-9-2016 Mecca Goes Mega for the 21st-Century via $777 Trillion USD $$$

6-9-2016 A building boom in the city’s sacred center has created a dazzling, high-tech 21st-century pilgrimage. 100's of Crane's circle Mecca today, all from the USA. Pentagon Top Brass who need a heart Transplant go to Mecca MD's born in the USA.

6-9-2016 Yale Invention School will be the French Revolution of 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat; Most spin off inventions from sugars ever brainstormed by a class of kids at Yale is about... Most sugars are essentially combinations of two molecules, glucose and fructose, in different ratios. The sugar in a fresh apple, for instance, is generally the same as the table sugar that might be added to homemade apple pie. Both are known technically as sucrose, and they are broken down in the intestine into glucose and fructose. Glucose can be metabolized by any cell in the body. But fructose is handled almost exclusively by the liver. Yale Invention School will be the French Revolution of 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat; Most spin off inventions from sugars ever brainstormed by a class of kids at Yale is about... Steve Jobs didn't know what his liver did, so today we have no iapps that tell us more than we want to know what the liver does, grin. Fructose. Any fructose you eat is sent straight to your liver, which specializes in turning it into droplets of fat called triglyceride's. A rapid spike in the amount of triglyceride's circulating in their blood streams. Now we have to write in our minds alcohol mixed with the spike in triglyceride's, grin.

6-9-2016 "Gas Station Drive" - "Gene Drive"

6-9-2016 ...proposed names for elements 113, 115, 117 and 118: nihonium, moscovium, tennessine and oganesson.

6-9-2016 ...proposal for Legal Polygamous Marriage in the USA will give us 4 wives and 4 new elements on the chart, hopefully 2 will be time and gravity inspired by brainstorming 24/7 with 4 brides, grin.

6-9-2016 "Gas Station Drive" - "Gene Drive" wipe out malaria-carrying mosquitoes that cause the deaths of 300,000 African children each year,

6-9-2016 "Gas Station Drive" - "Gene Drive" Spray Painted Black Clouds of diesel + poison gasoline exhaust on Duval Key West each year... is not in this Bill Gates Mosquitoes New York Times front page story Today! By AMY HARMON - Amy knows more about poison gas exhaust than Malaria too, yet she didn't mention this as its censored from the NY Times by Bill + Melinda Gates! Grin.

6-9-2016 "Gas Station Drive" - "Gene Drive" Both in the New York Times and both kill 300k kids in Africa... A revolutionary technology known as “gene drive,” which for the first time gives humans the power to alter or perhaps eliminate entire populations of organisms in the wild, has stirred both excitement and fear since scientists proposed a means to construct it two years ago. Scientists dream of deploying gene drive, for example, to wipe out malaria-carrying mosquitoes that cause the deaths of 300,000 African children each year, or invasive rodents that damage island ecosystems. But some experts have warned that the technique could lead to unforeseen harm to the environment. Some scientists have called on the federal government to regulate it, and some environmental watchdogs have called for a moratorium.

6-9-2016 "Gas Station Drive" - "Gene Drive"

6-9-2016 "Gas Station Drive" - "Gene Drive"

6-9-2016 ...proposed names for elements 113, 115, 117 and 118: nihonium, moscovium, tennessine and oganesson.

6-9-2016 ...proposal for Legal Polygamous Marriage in the USA will give us 4 wives and 4 new elements on the chart, hopefully 2 will be time and gravity inspired by brainstorming 24/7 with 4 brides, grin.

6-9-2016 "Microsoft Finds Cancer Clues in Search Queries" New York Times - Dr. Eric Horvitz is one of the Microsoft researchers who conducted the study. Credit Kevin P. Casey for The New York Times. Microsoft scientists have demonstrated that by analyzing large samples of search engine queries they may in some cases be able...

6-9-2016 "Microsoft Finds Cancer Clues in Search Queries" New York Times - Dr. Eric Horvitz.

6-9-2016 "Microsoft spent the last 5 years Greg has been in Key West crunching these search queries on Bing when Bill + Melinda should have been at Los Alamos crunching Rx Recipes that are Top Secret, trade secret recipes Girl Scouts should have today on their MacBook and iPhones, grin.

6-9-2016 Microsoft's, Yale Inventor School, Starbucks' new loyalty program at the Apple-Starbucks Ultra 100" LG monitors encouraging 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year via IP invention projects with links to get you started driving a gravity engine... to eradicate gas stations ha.

6-9-2016 Starbuck's old system was designed to drive volume, encouraging coffee drinkers to make daily trips to their local Starbucks for their cup of coffee. Starbucks' new system, in contrast, doesn't so much reward regular loyalty, as it encourages customers to order more expensive drinks, or to purchase other items like pastries and breakfast sandwiches alongside their beverage. Starbucks has made growing its food business a top priority for the company, and it's finding some success. Last quarter, Starbucks food revenue rose 16% on an annual basis. In total, it generated 20% of Starbucks' U.S. revenue, its highest share ever. Starbucks' new loyalty program should help its food sales rise even further.



6-8-2016 Falling asleep at the wheel selling these; The Xeon E7, Falling asleep at the wheel selling these; titanium foundations for Connecticut, is this why GE moved to Boston, almost, grin. With Connecticut Foundations Crumbling, ‘Your Home Is Now Worthless’ Titanium foundations replace concrete foundation in Key West Habitat for Humanity. Titanium Home's too! Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Downed power lines have forced the closure of a section of Mifflin Road this morning in Lincoln Place. A supervisor with the Allegheny County emergency dispatch center said Mifflin is shut down between Mooney and Glenhurst roads. No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!! 1984 II Dictators put to sleep via $777 Trillion in BP Oil Greed nuked these from Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity Today! For Oil $$$.

6-8-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-8-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-8-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat lost everything to Hillary in our 1984 II Society!!

6-8-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat lost everything to Hillary in our 1984 II Society!!

6-8-2016 Dr. Hillary MD, is expected to... use H-Bombs instead of No Gas Stations On Earth to win the War $$$

6-8-2016 Hillary the Yale Lawyer Nuked the 155 Story Yale NYC Freedom Tower Medical School after 9/11 not thinking Stage 4 Overnight Cure would have been brainstormed there!!

6-8-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-8-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-8-2016 Dr. Hillary MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon with Dr. Lady Gaga... savored a long moment as a jubilant crowd waved American flags and chanted A Godsent Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Stage 4. Syphilis given to 20K women while Hillary was in the News. The number of cases of primary and secondary syphilis in the United States has been increasing since 2000 to approximately 20,000 cases in 2014. Dr Clement and Dr Hicks point to several changes that may be contributing to that increase Hillary + Obama did contribute to the 20K new cases of Syphilis in 2016 and the New York Times Editorials will not touch... this! Syphilis rates were 18.9 cases per 100,000 in blacks vs 3.5 per 100,000 in whites. If Trump said this he would be called a black racists by Obama, ha. And CBS Nightly News. The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has found A-level, high-certainty evidence that screening for syphilis in asymptomatic, nonpregnant persons at increased risk for infection provides substantial benefit. The USPSTF is not part of Homeland Security but could screen for Syphilis at Airports faster than they screen for bags. Percent of cooks with Syphilis is known by our 1984 II Dictators and of course censored from the New York Times. Picture of the bugger too.

6-8-2016 Dr. Hillary MD, is expected to... use H-Bombs if elected! Long before 9/11 Hillary knew about No Gas Stations on Earth Coup via the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.

6-8-2016 Dr. Hillary MD, is expected to... use H-Bombs if elected!

6-8-2016 By ANDREW C. REVKIN Stanford University staged a debate featuring two Nobel laureates in physics supporting this proposition: “The World Needs a Nuclear Renaissance.” A vibrant debate, including a couple of Nobel Prize winners, tests the merits and drawbacks of nuclear power in a post-carbon world. The audience? Unchanged. The real world audience is the 1984 II Dictators. No Gas Stations on Earth Debate was has already been staged in our 1984 II Society.

6-8-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-8-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-8-2016 Dr. Hillary MD, is expected to close Yale Law School today as Yale Med School Students need the expansion space to work on laws of Anatomy and physiology, grin. Singapore to Cut Off Internet Access for Government Workers. This is where Yale opened its new campus instead of Key West. Yale employees in Key West will be able to brainstorm 1,001 IP inventions projects at work on the internet, grin.

6-8-2016 Dr. Hillary MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon with Dr. Lady Gaga... savored a long moment as a jubilant crowd waved American flags and chanted A Godsent Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Stage 4.

6-8-2016 Dr. Hillary MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon with Dr. Lady Gaga...

6-8-2016 Dr. Hillary MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon with Dr. Lady Gaga... "Key West doctor heads to Syrian war zone" Key West Citizen - Dr. Robert Loeffler of Key West asked doctors and hospital workers near the Syrian border to send him pictures of what to expect. Biden needs to more all the MD's from Syria to his cancer cure Moon Shot Launch Pad ASAP. Would someone please send Biden some email that will wake him up... ha. Biden needs to add the word WAR after Cancer Cure Moon Shot War to get MD's to join in the Cancer Cure.

6-8-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-8-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-8-2016 Falling asleep at the wheel selling these The Xeon E7, Microsoft Finds Cancer Clues in Search Queries that would have let Steve Jobs II + III know they will die in 4 years. This is the only thing Microsoft did the few years while Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's not allowed to crunch any Rx recipe at Los Alamos let alone compile I'm sick messages from Facebook the last 5 years. Search Queries by Greg + Wives in Key West would have more titanium results than Microsoft's. Ha. "5 Bicyclists Killed in Michigan After Pickup Truck Crashes Into Them" By CHRISTOPHER MELE Microsoft will compile search queries from 5 bicyclists killed in car crash and not come up with one super air bag out of a days brainstorming session at Microsoft HQ or on Skype... grin.

6-8-2016 Falling asleep at the wheel selling these... Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines to the United Farm Workers... Gravity Engine Helicopter Combines can be brainstormed on break times... a union law.

6-8-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-8-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-8-2016 Falling asleep at the wheel selling these... Helen Chavez, Farm Activist’s Widow and Union Partner, Dies at 88 Ms. Chavez was active in the United Farm Workers, the union her husband, Caesar Chavez, helped found in California’s Central Valley.

6-8-2016 Falling asleep at the wheel selling these... GE Nuclear Power Plants and trillion of miles of high power lines!

6-8-2016 Falling asleep at the wheel selling these... Titanium Homes to Jimmy Carter.

6-8-2016 Falling asleep at the wheel selling these... Fiery Cop Car rear ended giving someone a traffic ticket last night, not in the News Today but this crash is... U.S. 1 crash injures inmates. Key West Citizen - A Monroe County Sheriff’s Office inmate transport bus turned into the path of a Jeep Wrangler on U.S. 1 on Monday night in a crash that injured six prisoners, according to the Florida Highway Patrol and sheriff’s office. None of the prisoners suffered life-threatening injuries, said Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Becky Herrin.

6-8-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-8-2016 No Power Lines On Earth is a Spin Off of No Gas Stations On Earth!!

6-8-2016 Falling asleep at the wheel - our 1984 II Dictators have the power to keep all fiery cop car crash's from last night off the News this morning... now you know just how much power they have! Grin.

6-8-2016 Falling asleep at the wheel... iPod size GE Electric Generators, trillions and trillions fueled by H @ -254 C Yes you can plug in all your GE appliances to a iPod Size GE Electric Generator... wake up Jimmy Carter before he dies... grin!

6-8-2016 Falling asleep at the wheel... GE Power lines!

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

Xeon E7 v4 chips are available now, cost is $7K each for the top of the line. The Yale Kids who died falling asleep had this much money. Intel didn't have the IQ to "graduate" at Yale not falling asleep at the wheel selling these The Xeon E7 v4 chips available now, to Apple for MacBook Pro's and Car Computers that can wake you up when you fall asleep driving.

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Black holes offer a way to another universe, Stephen Hawking says in newly-published paper. No Gas Stations in England offer a way to Another Universe Stephen Hawkings will not say, grin.

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot... Miss USA Deshauna Barber a Army officer, winner of the Miss USA pageant will visit the troops!!

6-7-2016 What is Biden actually doing right now besides playing with his pet cat; project that is named the Esoteric Moon Shot to Cure Cancer with my inner circle of cat lovers, ha!

6-7-2016 No the Walter Reed MD's can't send the picture of Beau's cancer cell to the NY Times as it's part of his private medical records. No the New York Times will not put the picture of Pencillin bursting the bacteria's cell wall on the front page asking you to brainstorm how to do this to the cancer cell.

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 "No Escape From Black Holes? Stephen Hawking Points to a Possible Exit" By DENNIS OVERBYE. Say goodbye to this "Orwellian Black Hole News" its never ending news about the Black Hole. Nothing else gets through... grin. Black holes offer a way to another universe, Stephen Hawking says in newly-published paper.

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 " Assad; No Escape From Black Holes of Oil Revenues Wars? Stephen Hawking vows to liberate every black hole in the Universe before he lets Greg + Wives in Key West brainstorm a way to hear and see Jewish Aliens at the nearest Stars, far from any black hole news, grin. "Assad vows to 'liberate' every inch of Syria from militants" Washington Post - DAMASCUS, Syria - The Syrian president vowed on Tuesday to “liberate” every inch of the country in the same way his troops earlier this year recaptured the historic town of Palmyra from the Islamic State group. " Assad; No Escape From Black Holes of Oil Revenues Wars? Stephen Hawking vows to liberate every gas station in England for an Era of No Gas Stations on Earth. News of No Gas Stations on Earth was censored from the London Times Today for Hawkings Black Hole News.

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Biden Arrested!! For the mass murder of Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... and failing to apply for Yale Medical School. Biden Arrested!! Medicine is full of competing agendas. Even at the best of times, the match between the doctor’s and the patient’s is less than perfect, sometimes egregiously so. So Biden killed Beau and a 100 Kids who fell asleep driving a gasoline engine car in 2016. Statistics are Hell; that is why they are mostly censored from your Google search results.

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Biden Arrested!! "Direct-to-Consumer Lab Tests, No Doctor Visit Required" By Anahad O'Connor. Mr. Roberts cut back on daily energy drinks, which are loaded with B12. He also saw a doctor to discuss his testosterone levels. He learned his low levels were linked to a brain injury he had sustained as a result of a roadside bomb explosion in Iraq in 2003. He began testosterone-replacement therapy and now regularly checks in with a doctor. He also has his blood tested with InsideTracker every four months. InsideTracker of USA civilian war dead on the highways of the USA have been lost in the Black Hole of "No Escape From Black Holes? Stephen Hawking Points to a Possible Exit" By DENNIS OVERBYE Endless Wars of Biden have all been blood tested by InsideTracker and not a single cell picture posted on the front page of the Times. Hell Walter Reed MD's still to this day don't know how Penicillin puts a hole in the wall of a bacteria... yet Penicillin works to save lives this way. Biden has no plans to find out why.

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Biden's Judgement in China! Bidens Pet Cat in China; Mandatory University Moon Shot by China shot down by Obama... China Threatens Jail Time for College Entrance Exam Cheaters' By JAVIER C. HERNÁNDEZ Officials made clear that they planned to enforce a new law making it a crime to cheat, punishable by up to seven years in jail. Obama cheats at Yale Medical School; lets OJ Clones pass who really failed... Miss USA a Black was picked by Obama, he cheated. No she will not feed Bidens Cancer Cat she is helping wounded warriors with brain cancer...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Car Crash Headlines in the USA section of the NY Times Today, by Christine Hauser who censored out the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's! On orders from Biden of course... "Good Samaritan Helps Boy Survive ‘Internal Decapitation’ in Idaho Car Crash" "A woman who stopped to help resisted the urge to pick up and cradle the screaming child and instead held his head in place for a half-hour, his mother said." By CHRISTINE HAUSER - Christine Hauser who censored out the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's! In Idaho I would guess many drivers fall asleep, how many? When I find these stats I will post them here.

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Biden's Judgement in this 1984 II Society not only got Beau murdered but also 19,000 Mary Kennedy Clone's in the last 8 years!! Biden needs to write to the New York Times about the Judge who took 5 kids away from Mary Kennedy and gave them to Robert Kennedy Jr. Setting up the Murder of Mary Kennedy even Caroline Kennedy would not write a letter to the New York Times saying it was murder! Not Suicide! So today Trump is on the front page about his Mexican Judge when Robert Kennedy Jr's Judge is still running to the Bank with Kennedy money, bribes and kickbacks! Swiss Bankers know the names of all the Mexican Judges with a Swiss bank account... I would guess with Mexican Oil there are 10's of thousands + the Drug Cartels, grin. A Biased Judge? Donald Trump Has Claimed It Before... but today in a 1984 II Society the 1984 II Dictators can open their MacBook Pro and get the number of the Swiss Bank Account as the Swiss got $777 Trillion in Kickbacks to do this for the Elite Dictators! By MICHAEL BARBARO and MEGAN TWOHEY

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 What is Biden actually doing right now besides playing with his pet cat project that is named the Esoteric Moon Shot to Cure Cancer with my inner circle of cat lovers, ha! It to ok a while, but it finally happened: Instagram now has a convenient way of uploading pictures from any iPhone app, including the default Photos application. What is Biden actually doing right now via posting picture of the cancer cell that killed Beau. Has Biden actually asked the New York Times to post the picture of the cancer cell that killed Beau on the front page of the NY Times... Hell No but someone at the NY Times posted Biden's picture on the front page a few times since Beau was killed, murdered by the Walter Reed MD. No the Walter Reed MD's can't send the picture of Beau's cancer cell to the NY Times as its part of his private medical records. Can the NY Times Well - section write a note of Beau's medical records, to his death bed, Hell No. So this is why Biden Named his pet Cat Project the Esoteric Moon Shot to Cure Cancer. Grin! What actually is Biden doing at Los Alamos? Will Biden rename his cancer project the Esoteric C-Bomb and name his pet Cat Oppenheimer... Hell No.

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 What is Apple actually doing besides building that ridiculously expensive new headquarters? Apple is in a bit of a rut right now—some may even say it's boring.

6-7-2016 Regulators Fear $1 Billion Coal Cleanup Bill" By MICHAEL CORKERY 1984 II Officials obligations have fallen off the Edge of the Universe, like when the Earth was Flat and you could fall off... "No Escape From Black Holes? Stephen Hawking Points to a Possible Exit" By DENNIS OVERBYE we need Biden to say goodbye to this "Orwellian Black Hole News" yes the Gorilla story is below this one on black holes. 1984 George Orwell Journalists are getting more boring than Apple iPhone feature and of course the newest features on the iWatch II are just as boring! I told you the 1984 II Dictators would make the Gorilla headlines every day for a week and its been a week now. Bidens Pet Cat the Esoteric Cancer Cure Shot missed getting any picture of even a single cancer cell in the News thanks to this Gorilla of a Black Hole never ending story as the only physics story they want to make public.

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...




6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-7-2016 Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot...

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 1984 II Crimes Against Humanity in "Star Wars" Era - because the covert gasoline revenue of $777 Trillion was spent on "MIT War Toys! The Xeon E7 v4 chips are available now, cost is $7K each for the top of the line. The Yale Kids who died falling asleep had this much money. Intel didn't have the IQ to "graduate" at Yale not falling asleep at the wheel selling these The Xeon E7 v4 chips available now, to Apple for MacBook Pro's and Car Computers that can wake you up when you fall asleep driving, not even a MIT invention but in need of the The Xeon E7 v4 chips! Someday the pacemakers will have a Intel Xeon E7 v4 chips! When Biden gives a better commencement address to Yale Kids who were up all night.

6-6-2016 1984 II Crimes Against Humanity in "Star Wars" Era - "U.S. to Press China to Curb Star Wars Gravity Engine, Faster than the speed of Light... Output" By CHRIS BUCKLEY and JANE PERLEZ

6-6-2016 1984 Society - NASA 100 Car Train of Space Telescopes. 100 Cars loaded with Coal will pull out of a Canada + Chinese town today!

6-6-2016 Cardiac Arrest driving down the highway and your iWatch lets you know you got new Outlook email.

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 1984 II Crimes Against Humanity - A late-night passenger train slammed into a halted freight train in eastern Belgium, Belgium spent their covert gas revenues on war toys!

6-6-2016 A Crime Against Humanity - "Obama Opposes Privatization of the Department of Veterans Affairs" Beau was not the only one murdered by the Military Doctors at Walter Reed.

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 Cardiac Arrest driving down the highway and your iWatch lets you know you got new Outlook email, it does not correct the cardiac arrest as this is something out of "Star Wars" because the covert gasoline revenue crimes against humanity by our Top Brass at 1984 II HQ... $777 Trillion in MIT research going into the iWatch would give you the cardiac arrest zap driving down the highway. Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address would also get a zap to wake them up instead of the crash and burn - Biden did kill these Yale Grads!

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 A late-night passenger train slammed into a halted freight train in eastern Belgium, killing three people and sending nine others to the hospital, authorities said Monday. Authorities didn't tell you this is a crime - a crime against humanity by the top brass 1984 II guys at Belgium HQ.

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 A Crime Against Humanity - The Judge - "Could a Muslim Judge Be Neutral to Donald Trump? He Doesn’t Think So" By MAGGIE HABERMAN Maggie at the New York Times needed to write about the Judge who took 5 kids away from Mary Kennedy and gave them to Robert Kennedy Jr. Setting up the Murder of Mary Kennedy even Caroline Kennedy would not write a letter to the New York Times saying it was murder! Not Suicide!

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 A Crime Against Humanity - "Aging Japanese Women Find a Resigned Solace in South Korea" By CHOE SANG-HUN Aging Japanese Women Find 1,001 IP invention projects at the Apple-Starbucks or on the front page of the Japanese Times... no! A Hate Crime against humanity by the top brass at the 1984 II HQ. Is what aging Japanese women find on the front page!

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 A Crime Against Humanity - "Obama Opposes Privatization of the Department of Veterans Affairs" Beau was not the only one murdered by the Military Doctors at Walter Reed. This Crime against humanity is really a Genocide at the VA. iVA and iPostOffice is like the Belgian train in the middle of the night, rear ended a parked train and the top brass are not arrested... Biden! Cops cars were rear ended last night too and burst into flames on some hight way somewhere on Earth and Biden was not arrested! Privatization of Microsoft will give Humanity Win 10.2 and Polio vaccine in the drinking water headlines in the New York Times tomorrow! MS vaccine in the drinking water too and bisexual men sent to a Prison Hospital in Cuba in the mean time, grin! Privatization of the New York Times, like the French Revolution. Pentagon Medical School would have to be renamed and not to Walter Reed - ha! 5 Billion people would be in the same class as Cheney and Steve Jobs and on a heart healthy diet at the 5 star Hotels. Privatization... Yes! Star wars too. Saudi Arabia's Gold Bowling Balls are a crime against humanity Trumps Moslem Judge would rule on. Bill + Melinda Gates Crimes against humanity don't stand up to Jimmy Carters One Nuke Sub though... grin. Bits: What Saudi Arabia’s $3.5 Billion in Uber Buys By QUENTIN HARDY Saudi Arabia's $4.5 Billion in Gold Bowling Balls Buys someone in our 1984 II Dictators inner circle.

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 A Crime Against Humanity - "5 Things That Give Self-Driving Cars Headaches" By NEAL E. BOUDETTE Joyce Carol Oats MD - 5 Novels that would have cured Headaches for a Billion women if Joyce Carol Oats were a MD Novelists.

6-6-2016 First ultra-thin flat lens that works with high efficiency within the visible spectrum of light could replace heavy, bulky lenses in cameras, telescopes and microscopes. Curved lenses, like those in cameras or telescopes, are stacked in order to reduce distortions and resolve a clear image. That is why high-power microscopes are so big and telephoto lenses so long the first planar lens that works with high efficiency within the visible spectrum of light - covering the whole range of colours from red to blue. It uses an ultrathin array of tiny waveguides, known as a metasurface, which bends light as it passes through. In order to focus red, blue and green light - light in the visible spectrum - the team needed a material that wouldn't absorb or scatter light. The more tightly you can focus light... the lenses are thinner than a sheet of paper.

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 Next is the ultra-thin flat sound... iPhone mic that can hear like a Pentagon Spy satellite thousands of miles away...

6-6-2016 "Finding Your Family by Phone" By J. D. BIERSDORFER Apps and services that use a smartphone’s GPS coordinates can help a parent know a child’s location, even when the child is out of sight. Find the kids Black Box of hard driving like a cab or like a old fart tourists, grin; find sneezing, coughing, screaming almost road rage... stopping for a car on fire. Listening to them woo their girlfriends.




6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-6-2016 Yale kids falling asleep driving home from listening to Bidens commencement address... Biden Arrested!!

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Guidelines for pacemakers with the cardiac arrest restarting accessory has not been in the headlines about self driving cars, guidelines for these news articles is self driven, grin. Journalists who have who have been “negligent” in writing "state of the arts physics" for the nearest 800 light years should be a front page story for Monday in the New York Times! Astronomers have calculated that the universe seems to be expanding faster than what scientists previously figured. If the new research is right, then science's basic understanding of what's been happening to the universe in the past 13.8 billion years after the Big Bang could be just a bit off. "This is really an end-to-end test the universe gives us; it's sort of our final exam," said Nobel laureate and study lead author Adam Riess of the Space Telescope Science Institute . "We get a D-plus probably because things don't match up." Astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope to measure the distance of 2,400 stars to calculate the rate the universe is expanding. The number they came up with is 9 percent faster than other scientifically accepted measurements that calculate the expansion rate based on cosmic background radiation from 380,000 years after the Big Bang. The new study was released Thursday by NASA and is to be published in The Astrophysical Journal. Not the New York Times on Monday, Grin! Either one set of calculations is wrong — which outside scientists say is the most likely possibility, though they can't find something wrong yet — or the expansion rate has speeded up since 13.8 billion years ago. And if that's the case, as Riess advocates, then our understanding of the universe is not quite right. Our understanding why Jimmy Carter would buy a $10 Trillion dollar USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub instead of a $10 Trillion dollar Space Telescope Train of 100 cars... if this is the case; case for Jimmy Carter in a Baptists Church today right now is really Hell. This is not quite right!

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Sunday - Pope Francis Sets Guidelines for Removing this Hell on Earth caused by Kings, Pope's, Admirals in a Universe we would have gotten 800 light years into... the Universe by the time Jimmy Carter turned 90 years old. Pope's + Admirals would be 800 light years out of the Home Alone Hell on Earth - Because No one wanted to hear this diagnosis as no telling what could be out there... New York Times censored 800 light years then 8 Million then 8 Billion as to the state of the arts of trillions of galaxies and stars and much more all censored by the New York Times since the Hubble Space Telescope and the 100 car Super Space Telescope Train pulling out of Key West with the mission to hear and see Jewish Aliens! New York Times gives us Coal Trains pulling out of Canada and derailing... what the NY Times really Derailed with Canada Coal Trains in the News is News of the 100 Car Train of Space Telescopes. As by today this News would be front page in the Sunday Times. 100 Cars loaded with Coal will pull out of a Canada town today because the NY Times failed to report abuse of kids! Two Fates; Two Trains one Coal one Space Telescopes! Why the Hell was Canada so "at Home in the Garden of 800 light years..." Garden in the Storm of Stars in 800 light years would have been a better story book! Proust, who is finally getting his due at the Ritz Paris Hotel he adored so much that on his death bed, the story goes... Jimmy Carter on his death bed today, the story goes Jimmy Carter wants to sell the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub loaded with 40 H-Bombs for a Space Telescope Train with 40 Space Telescopes more powerful than 40 H-Bombs.

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Sunday - Pope Francis Sets Guidelines for Removing sex with kids in Church... by removing the 1984 II Dictators with 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

6-5-2016 Sunday - Muslims around the world are preparing to observe the holy month of Ramadan, which is expected to begin late Sunday or Monday, depending on the first sighting of the new Jewish Aliens, grin!!

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Sunday - DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is paying his first official visit to gas-rich Qatar, where he is scheduled to meet the Gulf country's leaders to discuss the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort + No Gas Stations on Earth Coup - 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat... to Hell with Dubai's gold bowing balls and Allah is Great because the Pentagon top brass gives them $777 Trillion in gas stations hold up revenues from the USA.

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Sunday - LAUSANNE, Switzerland - The Swiss are voting on a proposal that would guarantee everyone in the Alpine nation an unconditional basic income. With its kickbacks of $777 Trillion in gas station hold up revenues from the USA. A War Crime by the Swiss!

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Sunday - Iran Rejects USA Charge of Being Leading Terror Sponsor... Hell that is in the nearest 800 light years to Earth will pull rank on Admirals who have spit on God and Allah all their lives after reading Neapolitans and Caesar instead of the light year physics! New York Times sensed there was a Hell in 800 light years so they helped Paris write and promote cartoons of Allah on Earth. New York Times coverage from the 100th Indianapolis 500 presented more than the New York Times coverage of the 500 nearest light years goings on and our race on Earth to invent 1,001 NASA inventions. 1,001 IP invention projects for NASA in the Indy 500 light year race would have been a front page headlines story if everyone at the New York Times was driving a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. So much for censorship and suppression of our Times!

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Sunday - tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor Rx Recipe not in this story; Extending Estrogen Suppressor May Aid Breast Cancer Patients, Study Says" By ANDREW POLLACK - Andrew is the suppressor of the Rx Recipe for these 2 drugs that block estrogen. State of the Arts journalists Guidelines need to addressed as all the NY Times Journalists fail to write state of the arts articles! Dissection articles on space telescopes in the NY Times would spin off some thoughts for breast cancer too. GE machines that detect and zap cancers. Would go faster than the speed of light with high tech space telescope articles.

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Sunday - A George Orwell Journalists wrote this story... Scapegoat or Spy? Vatican Consultant Commands Attention at Leaks Trial By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO A hero to some and a villain to others, Francesca Immacolata Chaouqui stands accused with two others of leaking confidential documents to two journalists.

6-5-2016 Sunday -

6-5-2016 Sunday - ROME - A year after approving the creation of a new tribunal to discipline bishops who covered up child sex abuse by priests, Pope Francis scrapped that plan on Saturday and issued new guidelines to oust those who have been “negligent” in handling ...

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Sunday - Where did 800 light years come from... New York Times Sunday.

6-5-2016 Sunday - The read New York Times story... "Where Did Cats + Dogs Come From? There May Be Two Answers. A scientist studying the origins of dogs suggests they may have been domesticated twice." By JAMES GORMAN

6-5-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts + Gravity Engine F-22's

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Censored iWatch with a built in iPacemaker with a Cardiac Arrest self correcting electronics at the Heart of self driving cars...

6-5-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: New York Penthouse owners Above 800 Feet!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: First 800 Light Years... Article in the New York Times!!!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: First 800 Light Years. In Paris, the Seine Rises to Highest Level Since 1982 - the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort to drive Paris into 800 light years Revolution was invented in 1980 and the Paris Elite drank from the Greed of French Government Oil in Africa instead of 800 light years. By LILIA BLAISE and BENOÎT MORENNE

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: First 800 Light Years for Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity not in Jimmy Carters life time because he has syphilis in his frontal lobes!! Delusions of 40 Nukes being fired from the USS Jimmy Carter. A Sony movie for the Pentagon!!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: New York Penthouse owners Above 800 Feet!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: First 800 Light Years... Article in the New York Times!!!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: First 800 Light Years... Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Move Deeper Into the Fray of 800 light years in their 1984 II Orwellian Society. Mrs. Clinton insinuated that Mr. Trump was mentally unstable, and the presumptive Republican candidate said Mrs. Clinton belonged in prison. Earth Prison in a Universe Bigger than Hillary could every imagine!! By MAGGIE HABERMAN

6-4-2016 The New York Issue:

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: New York Penthouse owners Above 800 Feet!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: First 800 Light Years... Article in the New York Times!!!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: First 800 Light Years... Think Like a Doctor: The Tired Gardener Solved! By Lisa Sanders, M.D. Think Like the Inventor of the Universe!!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue:

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: New York Penthouse owners Above 800 Feet!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: First 800 Light Years... Article in the New York Times!!!

6-4-2016 Blood smear with the Protozoa... Photon traveling at the speed of light for trillions of years... photon is a gauge boson: gravity, may also be carried by a boson.

6-4-2016 The New York Issue:

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: New York Penthouse owners Above 800 Feet!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: First 800 Light Years... Article in the New York Times!!!

6-4-2016 Emergency room at Yale–New Haven Hospital. That showed a very mild anemia – slightly fewer red blood cells than normal. The evening before, the patient’s red blood cell count had dropped further. And today, even further. So his red blood cells were being destroyed. Earth is being destroyed by "Oil Cancer" found in Mecca that infected London and Paris with 777 Trillion STD's that caused the Oil Cancers in the brain of people like Jimmy Carter. In 1980 Jimmy Carter when to the emergency room of the Ford HQ and told them about the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort that would get us 800 light years into the Universe by the time he was 90 years old. No one wanted to hear this diagnosis as no telling what could be out there... grin. Yes, It’s Genocide By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times. Star Genocide by the top brass on Earth!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue:

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: New York Penthouse owners Above 800 Feet!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: First 800 Light Years... Article in the New York Times!!!

6-4-2016 iWatch Inventor... tap to check your cardiac arrest, iPacemaker that is the highest tech zaps your hearts electric wiring when a cardiac arrest is detected, iWatch can do the same thing and more. Today, Microsoft announced a new Android Wear watch to check your emails not your cardiac arrest or cancer, red blood cell count.

6-4-2016 The New York Issue:

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: New York Penthouse owners Above 800 Feet!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: First 800 Light Years... Article in the New York Times!!!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: "U.S. Sanctions Expected to Hit Small Banks’ Business With North Korea" By JANE PERLEZ "U.S. Sanctions will eventually provoke a Nuke first strike on Seoul... Banks on the Seine in Paris, Bankers Home buying in the nearest 800 light years to Earth failed to get the mortgage ok from the World Bank Masterminds, Why? Credit rating of the Universe was down graded by Generals and Admirals who couldn't fly into the Universe with MIT War Toys.

6-4-2016 The New York Issue:

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: New York Penthouse owners Above 800 Feet!

6-4-2016 The New York Issue: First 800 Light Years... Article in the New York Times!!!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 "Obama Tells Air Force Cadets to Embrace the Gravity Engine" By MICHAEL D. SHEAR At the Air Force Academy’s commencement, the president said the spin off from the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort will be the Graivty Engine Invention! Girl Scouts will fly; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 NEW YORK - Donald Trump says the federal judge presiding over a lawsuit brought by former Trump University students has an “absolute conflict” in handling the case because he is a Mexican.

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Hillary + Trump have an “absolute conflict” in handling mandatory "Organ Donation" and "Mandatory University" for all High School Students. Cuba will be the first nation with mandatory organ donation and mandatory University for all High School students not the USA and Trump knows why!! And will not tell us, grin.

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 "Trump Could Threaten U.S. Rule of Law, Scholars Say" By ADAM LIPTAK President of the Yale Key West Medical School would say the New York Times does threaten the end of the world; Nuclear H-Bomb ground zero in Paris over Cartoons of Allah + zero News of inventions to defeat Mecca Overnight with the Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts and miracle Rx Recipe drugs, not going along with mandatory organ donation + University...

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 By MARK LANDLER "A speech by Hillary Clinton billed as a major foreign policy address ridiculed Mr. Trump’s positions but had few new insights on key issues." Mark as a George Orwell Journalists at the New York Times must know the "story" behind Clintons no new insights on key issues of mandatory organ donation and mandatory University for High School kids. Our 1984 II Dictators must censor these key issues!! GPS drivers license, iPhone 007 Dash Cam iTraffic Tickets, Laser guidance; Hell who is keeping the gasoline car on the Ford assembly lines? Large number of inventions and IP invention projects are being suppressed.

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 CBS Has ‘Legal Mental Capacity’ their Doctor said. Their Doctor is not the Yale Key West Medical School Doctor... grin. CBS has killed a 100 Girl Scouts in Boston with the MS virus and 100's of Jewish Aliens by censoring IP invention projects on the CBS Nightly News. The Talk and the View TV show are insane! By JAMES B. STEWART "The showdown developing around the ailing media mogul Sumner M. Redstone shows the risks Americans face as they live longer, experts warn, even with careful estate planning. Doctor Says Redstone Has ‘Legal Mental Capacity’ A Guide to Legal when CBS Nightly News fails to report fiery cop car crash's and Mexican Truck Drivers running over Bidens first wife yesterday!

6-3-2016 Editorial: "Why Are They Still Selling Cars With Killer Airbags?"By THE EDITORIAL BOARD - Today's New York Times when Biden's wife will be killed because his boss suppressed Greg's invention of super air bags on the outside of cars and trucks decade ago. This 1984 II society has a cancer and Syphilis in its Creasers, grin. Why are the NY Times Editors still writing up inside the car air bags??

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 iPacifica mini van was not picked by Chrysler who is retiring the well-known Town & Country mini van... iPhone set up mini van with a place to put your MacBook Pro and see the big screen in any kind of sunlight was not though of in their gas engine Chrysler Pacifica mini van, grin. ElectricWindmilliPacifica will have electric fold-flat seats in the back and high-definition video screens - Ultra 5K Mac same one's starting production on some Chinese assembly line today! Ice box, microwave, and freezer for the ice cream, grin. Electric Toilet will be a accessory not promoted but a best seller. Shower too! 24/7 AC.

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 GE to close every Nuclear Power Plant on Earth and build "Trillions" of iPod size GE electric generators fueled with H @ -254 C you can plug in all your GE appliances. "Exelon to Close 2 Nuclear Plants in Illinois" By DIANE CARDWELL


6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 By RICHARD C. PADDOCK Some question whether Mr. Kerry, a former senator who has admitted that he and commandos he led in 1969 killed women and children, should lead Fulbright University Vietnam.

6-3-2016 Those who killed women and children in Vietnam in 1969 kill many more women and children in the USA fire bombing SUV's with mom and dad kids in the back for BP Oil kickback of $777 trillion and perks from our 1984 II Dictators who are mass murderers via Smog in Beijing, grin!

6-3-2016 Kerry's rich wife wonders about God, Jimmy Carters wife thinks about God as she has never ever though before... Hold on tight: The universe is expanding faster than we thought. Than the wife's mass murderers ever though possible. Allah is Great when he brings home $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues for USS Jimmy Carter nuke subs, grin.

6-3-2016 It measured stars and supernovae commonly used as "cosmic yardsticks": 2,400 Cepheid stars (in 19 different galaxies), which pulsate in a way that allows scientists to compare their true brightness to their apparent brightness and figure out how far away they are, and 300 Type Ia supernovae, which flare with a brightness so reliable it can be used to measure distance. These calculations, and Greg + Wives in Key West IP invention projects to hear and observe Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 nears stars are expanding the Universe more than the Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Saff want as new killers of women and children in Vietnam might have second thoughts - grin. Why Stroke in Middle Age Is More Deadly for Blacks Than Whites. Why the New York Times has not reported on the 100's of OJ Clone killings of SWF's in 2016. Deadly News! Motive and psychology of 1984 II Dictators.

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

155 Story Yale Key West Medical School on this famous island, teeming with cash and ego, has nowhere to go but up. And up. And up. Imagine the Manhattan skyline in a time-lapse filmstrip, starting around 1890 — when the New York World Building crested above the 284-foot spire of Trinity Church — and culminating in the present day: it is a series of continual skyward propulsions, each new proud round overshadowing the last. Climb the spire of 1 World Trade Center in virtual reality with NYT. Perhaps much of this history has been driven by crude Oil $$$ competition — the fierce battle.

6-3-2016 Mecca built the Tallest building in the world from gas station hold ups in the USA. Then Jimmy Carter spent $10 Trillion on the tallest Nuke sub...

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-3-2016 Chrysler Building and the Bank of Manhattan Trust Building (40 Wall Street), for instance, to be the World’s Tallest Building, a fight the Chrysler won by a stunning coup de grâce: the last-minute addition of its secretly constructed spire, which nudged New York’s altitude record up to 1,046 feet for 11 precious months until the Empire State Building topped out. But the city’s architectural history cannot be reduced to gamesmanship. Something else is going on. Manhattan builds up because it cannot build out and because it cannot sit still. Those of its inhabitants who can afford to do so will seek to climb to higher ground. We are currently in the midst of another clambering epoch. The city has 21 buildings with roof heights above 800 feet; seven of them have been completed in the past 15 years (and three of those the past 36 months). In this special New York Issue, we explore the high-altitude archipelago that spreads among the top floors of these 21 giants. It totals about 34 million square feet in all, encompassing lavish living spaces, vertiginous work environments (during construction and after), elite gathering places. Visually, the experience of this new altitude feels different in kind from its predecessors, the peak uplifts of previous booms that topped out at 400, 500 or 600 feet.

6-3-2016 At 800 light years from Earth NASA will feel like they own the Universe the AF use to own, grin.

At 800 and above, you feel something unusual in a city defined by the smelly bustle of its sidewalks and the jammed waiting and inching and zooming of its avenues — a kind of Alpine loneliness. Every New Yorker knows the pleasant private solitude that can be found at street level, among anonymous crowds. This is something different: an austere sense of apartness inspired by achieving a perspective seemingly not meant for human eyes. In 10 years, the views captured in the following pages might seem quaint, even inferior. But today they provide an uncommon glimpse into the city’s rarefied new neighborhood in the sky. JAKE SILVERSTEIN ?

6-3-2016 Trumps NYC... UN General Assembly building will be demolished to build the 155 Story Yale Paris NYC Medical School before the Gravity Engine is invented.

6-3-2016 Air Force Academy’s commencement; Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts!!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 1984 II Dictators will start scanning 10000 people a day...

6-2-2016 Facebook will start scanning 10000 posts a second to make comments less terrible - Facebook will not post 10000 Rx Recipes for Girl Scouts to brain storm into a new cancer cure Recipe! A War Crime by Facebook! Yale Key West Medical School live streaming of... 10000 patients diagnosis a second on Facebook via a Nobel Invention by a Girl Scout not from Boston, grin. White Knights who really passed at Yale Medical School will invent this! Government owned Oppenheimer II + III at Los Alamos today could have invented this years ago. Homeland security can't scan a bag let alone a diagnosis, grin. Our 1984 II Dictators have syphilis in their frontal lobes and have not been diagnosed, ha!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts in Boston missed this CBS live streaming open heart surgery because CBS Sports were on TV, grin.

6-2-2016 Yale Key West Medical School live streaming of...

6-2-2016 The physician group I go to recently sent out letters to their patients that they are going to a partial concierge format. Each doctor will accept 150 patients, in addition to his or her regular patient base, for $2,500 each. They sent a list as to why one should consider this, including an annual ''in depth'' lengthy exam, a special office hotline to get same-day or next-day appointments, and the cellphone of your doctor, should you need him ASAP. There is no way I could afford to join the selected group of elite patients. I would like your opinion

6-2-2016 Yale Key West Medical School live streaming of... 10000 patients a second on Facebook via a Nobel Invention by a Girl Scout not from Boston, grin.

6-2-2016 Greg + Wives in key West Winning Indy 500 Driving a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort still hasn't sunk in for little-known Top Brass at 1984 II HQ in the USA. Constantinople, and Mecca will be conquered, and $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait... 2016 CBS College Football TV Schedule Announced all CBS Sports will be replaced with the Yale Key West Medical School live streaming of 1,001 IP invention projects all with their secret Rx Recipes Jimmy Carter and Kerry refused to give to girl scouts to study for a Cancer Cure via a Rx Recipe that works overnight and in the drinking water.

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 These Girl Scouts Kerry and Jimmy Carter kill today want to fly in a Gravity Engine Plane. IP for Girl Scouts in Boston and Georgia my be to late for the Summer of 2016 this is why I wrote Jimmy Carter and Kerry killed this Girl Scouts today from working on IP invention projects with Rx Recipes spelled out... this summer!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 But Kerry is really killing a few Girl Scouts in the Summer of 2016 via the MS virus. Kerry's Massachusetts Poised to Expand Protections for Transgender People - When say 100 Girl Scouts in Boston will get infected by a bi-sexual man with MS virus and other terrible diseases that Kerry censors from the New York Times!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 "Reviled by Many Russians, Mikhail Gorbachev Still Has Lots to Say" By NEIL MacFARQUHAR Nothing about killing Girl Scouts in Moscow, not as many as Kerry in Boston but 100's of lost lives without 1,001 invention projects as Gorbachev had other things to promote not 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year for Russia but some crazy 1984 II $$$ oil cancer dreamed up by 1984 II Dictators in the USA running on oil money of $777 trillion to fuel greed in Russia and the USA.

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 "Mitsubishi Materials Apologizes to Chinese World War II Laborers" By AUSTIN RAMZY 100 million Ford assembly line workers on the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort out of work from 1980 to 2016 is a war crime by Mitsubishi in Japan and their "Admirals" will be hanged again for this war crime! By NEIL MacFARQUHAR Mr. Gorbachev helped bring an end to the Soviet Union, and some say he should be tried for it. He shrugs it off. “It is freedom of expression,” he says. "Admirals" in Japan will be hanged just like Admirals in Japan were hanged in WW II and most Japanese 1984 II Observers reading this web think it's possible. We just have to wait until the first ElectricWindmillCar comes off the Mitsubishi assembly line, grin!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Facebook will start scanning 10000 posts a second to make comments less terrible - Facebook will not post 10000 Rx Recipes for Girl Scouts to brain storm into a new cancer cure Recipe! A War Crime by Facebook!

6-2-2016 1984 II Dictators will start scanning 10000 people a day...

6-2-2016 Upheaval Amid ‘Alarming’ Revelations at William Koch’s Florida School - This is the stupidest thing I ever read, George Orwell journalists could not make up this story. Koch University started with classes in anatomy, physiology, physics and ended with 99% black football and basket ball player doing failed work in all classes but getting $$$ big bucks from the guy Koch picked to be president of the University. wow!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Militias in Libya Advance on ISIS Stronghold of Surt With Separate Agendas" By DECLAN WALSH The battle for the Biden's Cancer cure is a bigger scam than Trump University Tuition as 10 Trillion has been spent on Libya via its oil $$$ and $1 Billion on a Biden Cancer cure. Agendas are war crimes today... just you wait until the first Ford ElectricWindmillEscort comes off the assembly line, grin.

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 $10 Trillion has been spent on Libya and $107 Billion on Cancer Rx... We're spending $107 billion on cancer drugs, but is it worth it? A flood of innovative cancer treatments helped fuel an 11.5 percent surge in spending on oncology drugs over the past year -- to $107 billion globally , according to a new report. All these Rx Cancer Recipes should be crunched at Los Alamos and over Girl Scout meeting, grin. Dengue virus, MS virus, all 10K different virus need to be made public in the New York Times and CBS Sports, News! Grin.

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease) is a specific disorder that involves the death of neurons. In a number of countries, the term motor neurone disease (MND) is commonly used, while others use that term for a group of five conditions of which ALS is the most common. ALS is characterized by stiff muscles, muscle twitching, and gradually worsening weakness due to muscles decreasing in size. This results in difficulty speaking, swallowing, and eventually breathing. The cause is not known in 90% to 95% of cases.About 5–10% of cases are inherited from a person's parents.

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 There is no known cure for multiple sclerosis. Treatments attempt to improve function after an attack and prevent new attacks. Medications used to treat MS, while modestly effective, can have side effects and be poorly tolerated. Physical therapy can help with people's ability to function.[1] Many people pursue alternative treatments, despite a lack of evidence. The long-term outcome is difficult to predict, with good outcomes more often seen in women, those who develop the disease early in life, those with a relapsing course, and those who initially experienced few attacks.[10] Life expectancy is on average 5 to 10 years lower than that of an unaffected population. Multiple sclerosis is the most common autoimmune disorder affecting the central nervous system. In 2013, about 2.3 million people were affected globally with rates varying widely in different regions and among different populations. That year about 20,000 people died from MS, up from 12,000 in 1990. The disease usually begins between the ages of 20 and 50 and is twice as common in women as in men

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Heart Transplant in London Hospital next on the Agendas... grin. ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan had successful open-heart surgery in London and is expected to return to his country by the end of this month, family members and government officials have said. Mr. Sharif, 66, underwent four bypasses on Tuesday at a hospital in London and was in stable condition, said his daughter, Maryam Nawaz Sharif. Ms. Sharif said in a series of messages on Twitter that the surgery, which lasted over four hours, required arteries to be grafted. It was the second open-heart operation for Mr. Sharif, who has been treated for heart problems over the past five years.

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts in Boston missed this CBS live streaming open heart surgery because CBS Sports were on TV, grin.

6-2-2016 Yale Key West Medical School live streaming of...

6-2-2016 The physician group I go to recently sent out letters to their patients that they are going to a partial concierge format. Each doctor will accept 150 patients, in addition to his or her regular patient base, for $2,500 each. They sent a list as to why one should consider this, including an annual ''in depth'' lengthy exam, a special office hotline to get same-day or next-day appointments, and the cellphone of your doctor, should you need him ASAP. There is no way I could afford to join the selected group of elite patients. I would like your opinion

6-2-2016 Yale Key West Medical School live streaming of... 10000 patients a second on Facebook via a Nobel Invention by a Girl Scout not from Boston, grin.


6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-2-2016 Kerry's Girl Scouts; F-35 Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes" Failed Battle Plans!

6-1-2016 Christian Constantinople, and Christian Mecca in 2016!!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime once Constantinople and Mecca fall to the USA inventors at the Apple-Starbucks Store School University!

6-1-2016 Constantinople in 1453. Mecca in 2016 the battle won by the USA will convert Mecca to the Yale Medical School and kill all Muslims, No Gas Stations On Earth followed by the Gravity Engine; 24/7 car AC, grin. By KAI SCHULTZ New York Times. "Planes heading to Tenzing-Hillary Airport in Lukla, Nepal, often have to deal with high wind and thick fog. Then pilots face a short, sloping runway." Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime once Constantinople and Mecca fall to the USA inventors at the Apple-Starbucks Store School University!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 McCain type "Heroes" trapped in Fallujah, retreat from the Mecca Battlefield with their illiterate "battlefields" via West Point.

6-1-2016 King Salman in Saudi Arabia, Bill + Melinda Gates in Dubai... "Fear of ‘Catastrophe Unfolding’ Amid Fighting in Falluja, Constantinople, Mecca!

6-1-2016 Israel, the Israeli Mission to the U.N. and World Jewish Congress look to the Battle of Mecca + Fallujah won by No Gas Stations on Earth. When will Israel stop selling gasoline?

6-1-2016 Miss Turkey Is Convicted of Insulting President Erdogan King of Constantinople 2016, Merve Buyuksarac Miss Universe would have won if she was Miss MD, grin. BP Oil's inner circle insulting Miss World prostituting her to Saudi Kings + Princes are found not guilty by the same Judge Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr bought, grin.

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Yale Key West Medical School in 2016 4 MD Wives "Heroes" Bill Clinton in Key West with the Heart Attack Bacon Sausage Cheese Burger is today a Patron of Vegan Cafe's. Who Are Pelted With Meat in Tbilisi, Georgia. In this New York Times story By DAN BILEFSKY who had no MD's in the story. Steve Jobs Brands of Lunch Meat are sold at the New York Times Store and lunch rooms, grin.

6-1-2016 Florida Lottery killing; $8K MacBook Pro's lost for every $8K in Lottery tickets sold to the shop girls, Starbucks girls!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West will testify against CBS "brain dead" TV shows like the "Talk + The View" Shari Redstone Intensifies War of Words at Viacom. By EMILY STEEL Her statement about her father’s $40 billion media empire could be a prelude to the dismissal of the company’s board and, ultimately, of Philippe P. Dauman. Dismissal of Dauman will give CBS ...live streaming video of Yale Key West Medical School... and CBS Nightly news showing clips from "Code Black" invented by Duman next to the live streaming Yale Medical School video... Trump scam of the Universe Hell, Dauman Scam of "Code Black" for a Emergency Room! Clips from The Talk and The View then the live streaming talks and views from Yale Medical School on CBS Nightly News.

6-1-2016 iPhone 007 Dash Cam's will kill off these Rap Lyrics... "Rappers Based Lyrics on Their Credit Card Fraud, Prosecutors Say" Thirty-nine people, many of them members of the Brooklyn group Pop Out Boyz and their entourage, have been charged with grand larceny... Rappers Lyrics about Sucker Punching the SWF at the Gas Station Hold ups...

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 BP oil of London has not been in the New York Times News... New York Ice Cream, based in Queens, has been in the news lately — its drivers have shut the soft-serve giant Mister Softee out of Midtown, using threats and intimidation, Mister Softee officials said. East 54th Street falls squarely into New York Ice Cream’s Midtown territory. "Ice Cream Man Attacked Midtown Pretzel Vendor With Bat, Police Say" By Andy Newman. BP Oil attacked by direct depositing $168 million into the Mayor's bank account. The attack was another skirmish in the continuing battles over territory between street-food vendors, notably ice cream sellers. "Brain Dead" Trump pictured eating a "Burger" on CBS Nightly News talking about Clinton but no memory at all of Bill eating a Burger before he became a Vegan. MD battles over territory between street-food vendors. Yes Steve Jobs Wife told him not to eat lunch meat as it has many chemicals. Trumps' wife, Hillary was so mad a Bill she feed him lunch meats ever day! Grin.

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 How Much Do You Want to Know About Your Cancer? One of the biggest problems we face as oncologists is that we often can’t figure out what our patients would like to know about their prognosis. Even when we ask. By MIKKAEL A. SEKERES, M.D. and TIMOTHY D. GILLIGAN, M.D.

6-1-2016 How Much Do You Want "Brainstorm Rx Recipes" About Your Cancer? About Cancer, Brain Dead 1984 II Observers buy a Florida lottery ticket as to protest Rx Recipes for cancers are all top secret. Only think these MD's Sekeres and Gilligan can put in their cancer NY Times article is Girl Scout Recipes not Rx Cancer Recipes of Drugs. So how much do you want to know about the 1984 II Dictators of the USA?? Inescapable fact is that a tragedy is unfolding and we’re the bearer of the news. A life will be cut down prematurely, young children will be left without one of their parents, a spouse will be left on his or her own. It’s unfair and we can’t stop it. We wish we had more to offer and believe us, the enormity of the tragedy often makes us weep. And yet, our sadness probably doesn’t help you. So please tell us. How much would you like to know? Dr. Mikkael Sekeres is director of the leukemia program at the Cleveland Clinic. Follow him on Twitter @MikkaelSekeres. Dr. Timothy Gilligan is the director of coaching, Center for Excellence in Healthcare Communication, at the Cleveland Clinic

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Inescapable fact by Dr. Sekeres + Dr. Gilligan are they follow orders from War Hero McCain and his inner circle who have no battle plans to conquer Mecca and kill off all Moslems on Earth via No Gas Stations On Earth! Same can be said for McCain and Cancer both these MD know of Biden and his battle plans are a failure but have the fear of God to say Biden killed Beau and millions of others with war and cancer battle plans.

6-1-2016 Edward Knight’s booming laugh rang out last time... 99-year-old Trillionaire BP Oil Man mogul failed Yale key West Medical School causing the misdiagnosis deaths of 200K SWF's in the last 5 years.

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Ed Knight + McCain at 1984 II HQ laughs rang out again watching the drone strike on a few Moslems in a car... when Greg + Wives in Key West can conquer Mecca + Constantinople via No Gas Stations On Earth!

6-1-2016 McCain type "Heroes" trapped in Fallujah, retreat from Key West!

6-1-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes" Battle Plans Failure can be seen by everyone but the Hero McCain! British Knights have a Hero in BP Oil Men. Gravity Engine and Jewish Aliens Queen Elizabeth will not see in her life Time thank God... Allah; Ha!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Key West Navy F-35 Fighter Pilots reading this web page face the idea of Gravity Engine Planes in their lifetime!

6-1-2016 Bosom's in Proxima Centauri's light diagnosed will win a Novel Invention...

6-1-2016 Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years...

5-30-2016 Graves of the Marines I Lost" will have a Gas Can Memorial dictated to BP Oils $777 Trillion $$$

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 Christian Constantinople, recaptured in 2016 with No Gas Stations On Earth CIA covert op! Mecca Capture in 2017 with No Gas Stations on Earth! 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Hero's!! USS Jimmy Carter Hospital Submarine + Medical School with a Hero Admiral!

5-31-2016 563rd anniversary of the siege and capture of the magnificent Christian Orthodox city of Constantinople, the eastern capital of the Roman Empire, to the forces led by the Ottoman Turkish Sultan, Mohammed

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat; Edward Knight’s booming laugh rang out last time... 99-year-old Trillionaire BP Oil Man mogul failed Yale key West Medical School causing the misdiagnosis deaths of 200K SWF's in the last 5 years. Knights of the British - Allah wants to promote secular nationalism embedded with a religious message about the fall of Constantinople as a sign of Islamic jihadi victory over Christianity. - Knights are Warriors not MD's this misdiagnosis that lead to the deaths of 200K SWF's in the USA the last 5 years...

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat; Edward Knight’s booming laugh rang out last time... the Drone strike that killed Allah. To Hell with Stage 4 MD drone strike cheers. Like a modern-day Mehmet, who took the title “the Conqueror” for himself at the age of 21 years - 99 year old WW II Vets with the desire to win WW III already in his minds eye took the title Warrior. The fall of Constantinople in 1453.

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat; McCain type "Heroes" heralding the birth of Islam in Istanbul. McCain the Hero shot down over Vietnam after Napalming Constantinople. The basilica was built in the sixth century and served as a Christian cathedral for more than 900 years before it was converted into a mosque in 1453 as a symbol of Ottoman victory over the Byzantium.

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat; Saint Mary Star of the Sea Basilica in Key West converted to the Yale Key West Medical School; sisters to become MD's to cheer the drone strikes victory over stage 4 and MS virus! Extremes, Knights, Saint Mary's Star of the Sea Basilica, Yale Key West Medical School Rx Recipe for overnight cure of war dead women by vets cheering the drone strikes as extreme's as football and basketball addiction. Jihadi victory over Knights!

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat; Basketball not MD Warriors Top Thunder, Extending Dream Year to Finals. By SCOTT CACCIOLA N.B.A. playoffs. But the Warriors won not the Yale MD. Obama MD a SWF MD for the last 8 years. Knight a MD on a island in Paradise in Key West. 200K dead women since I gave Ed Knight a BDay Card. Obama 2 Million dead. Canada Oil Sands fire and oil, 3 dead in every 100,000 for the last 8 years.

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat; Higher traffic deaths blamed on distracted, drunken drivers. Fatal crashes in Iowa are at their highest level in four years, and state officials suspect that distracted and intoxicated drivers are to blame. Knights distracted by the lost Vietnam War and the $777 Trillion BP Oil Wars, wreck the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort spin offs to cure Stage 4 overnight. MS too! Greg + Wives in Key West invented the iPhone 007 dash cam for traffic stops and so much more.

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 Florida Lottery Tickets with Obama's Overtime pay... "President’s Overtime Pay Plan Threatens the ‘Prada’ Economy" By NOAM SCHEIBER The federal rule could endanger a practice showcased in the “The Devil Wears Prada,” where assistants in fields like publishing and movies accept low wages for a kind of apprenticeship. Like Hell, Overtime pay windfall will be used to buy Florida lottery tickets not a $8K MacBook Pro to work on a Rx Recipe to cure stage 4. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-30-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat; Know the truth about the War Dead from Breast Cancer in 2016... when the front pages of the New York Times has a dead zoo gorilla headlines for weeks, grin! "Gorilla Killed After Child Enters Enclosure at Cincinnati Zoo" By MIKE McPHATE New York Times!! A tranquilizer would have taken several minutes to neutralize the animal, prolonging the risk. Ultra-A tranquilizer would have been invented today if Greg + Wives in Key West weren't POW's of our 1984 II Dictators.

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 "Gorilla at Cincinnati Zoo" Videos show the gorilla dragging the child, who was later rescued, and a woman can be heard calling out: “Mommy loves you! I’m right here!” By MIKE McPHATE New York Times front page, grin.

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 Trump Received $$$ 10 Trillion in BP oil aid to suppress the Ford; "Time Square Electric Windmill Escort" model that would have prevented 9/11 and then Received 9/11 Aid Intended for Small Businesses, accusing Mr. Trump of exploiting the Sept. 11 attacks and receiving $150,000 in grant money for one of his properties. By MAGGIE HABERMAN

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 Gorilla Video is on the New York Times Today not, Orlando; Three children died and eight others were injured when an SUV carrying 11 people lost control and rolled over several times on a highway, officials told ABC Orlando affiliate WFTV. "1 dies in holiday weekend collision" BY TIMOTHY O'HARA Citizen Staff tohara@keysnews.com There were No Super Air Bags On the Outside of the Semi and No State of the Arts Laser Guidance. - A Georgia man died early Monday after the car he was driving collided head-on with a semi-tractor trailer on U.S. 1. The accident occurred about 12:30 a.m. at Mile Marker 38, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office and Florida Highway Patrol. The 42-year-old man was pronounced dead at Fishermen’s Hospital in Marathon, according to FHP spokeswo...

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat; India has the most slaves in the world with over 18 million people trapped in debt bondage, forced into marriage, sold to brothels or born into servitude, according to a global slavery index. Reuters News will not report on the SWF's from the USA and London who are sex slaves in Saudi Arabia and next door to Bill + Melinda Gates in Dubai UAE. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. Capture of UAE's by 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. 007 Bond women in the next Sony Movie made of the Pentagon will all have secret Rx Recipes!

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-31-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart...

5-31-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-31-2016 The fall of Constantinople in 1453. McCain type "Heroes"

5-30-2016 A Rookie Wins the Indianapolis 500 in a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort!!

5-30-2016 New York Times; "Cheap Gas for the Memorial Day, but Its Days Are Numbered" By CLIFFORD KRAUSS - Hell to pay if Allah exists! Cliff ends his article with "Hell's fallout has not been seen yet.” May Queen Elizabeth send us email from Hell, grin. Or Jimmy Carter! Burn in Hell in Gasoline's flames! 700 will burn in Gasoline on Memorial day. New York Prison Guard Is Burned... suffered serious burns to his hands and arms... 700 will be burned on Memorial Day. 1 Million Troops will be burned by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Generals + Admirals counting their $777 Trillion in BP oil Revenues $$$. Are They Car Accidents, or Crashes? Or Collisions? "1984 II Observers" reject the term “accident,” which they consider imprecise. Precise Fiery Crashes on Memorial Day 2016 will Not be the front page Pictures on Tomorrows New York Times! Unless there is a 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat by morning, grin!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-30-2016 "No Gas Stations On Earth" movie dominates a super gravity Memorial Day weekend box office; Sony Movies made for the Pentagon are posted on the internet, grin.

5-30-2016 Know the truth about the War Dead from Breast Cancer in 2016... when the front pages of the New York Times has a dead zoo gorilla headlines for weeks, grin! "Gorilla Killed After Child Enters Enclosure at Cincinnati Zoo" By MIKE McPHATE New York Times!! A tranquilizer would have taken several minutes to neutralize the animal, prolonging the risk. Ultra-A tranquilizer would have been invented today if Greg + Wives in Key West weren't POW's of our 1984 II Dictators.

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-30-2016 Why Memorial Day is different from Veterans Day; And No Gas Stations on Earth Day... Victory over Allah can only be won via No Gas Stations on Earth and confiscating $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia! WW III won. "Schrödinger's Cat" as Allah is alive + dead until the Pentagon drives the gravity engine to the Apple-Starbucks store. Graves of the Marines I Lost" will have a Gas Can Memorial dictated to BP Oils $777 Trillion.

5-30-2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts are held POW on Memorial Day - Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Cafe with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-30-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant.

5-30-2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-30-2016 Key West I gave Knight a BDay Card 5 years ago at his island home having a party for breast cancer. In the last 5 years 40K war dead every year from Breast Cancer. Bush and the City of Key West refused to do the math. 200K war dead since Knight read my BDay card. Not in this version of the Key West news, ha. A Knight's tale. Ed Knight has a century of history to share. BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com Edward Knight’s booming laugh rang out last week from his second-floor home office, filling the sprawling, 1930s-era mansion that sits on the private Thompson Island — just off South Roosevelt Boulevard. The 99-year-old millionaire mogul had just heard a rumor that Greg + wives in Key West are still POW's from working 24/7 because Knights inner circle of Vietnam Vets in Key West are sore losers about losing the Vietnam War. Like the black and Mexican's who sucker punch the SWF at the gas station hold up out of spite for the 1984 II Dictators!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-30-2016 Key West "Green Beret remembers fallen friends" not 200K SWF war dead from Breast Cancer via Afghanistan... BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com Army Special Forces Sgt. 1st Class Justin Clements was the point man during a routine patrol in eastern Afghanistan in October 2012 when he slid down a terrace and looked to his left. “I saw a machine gun on top of a three-foot wall,”

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-30-2016 3 Days 700 SWF war dead from Stage 4 breast cancer world wide, not headlines for the New York Times. 3 Days, 700 Dead: The Sea’s Heavy Toll in the Migrant Crisis. By JIM YARDLEY and GAIA PIANIGIANI Europe was again confronted with the horrors of its refugee crisis during a deadly three-day stretch on the sea. Masterminds of these 700 dead are BP oil men. 3 Days, 700 Dead: The Sea’s Heavy Toll in the Migrant Crisis. $777 Trillion in BP Oil's Sea's of Oil Heavy Toll in Migrant and Breast Cancer Crisis, war dead! God Save the Queen. Queen Elizabeth convicted of War Crimes, mass murder! Working with Britain’s code-breakers during World War II, Jane Fawcett identified a message that led to the sinking of the German warship the Bismarck. Jane Fawcett II Dr. Jane Fawcett MD at Apple-Starbucks working on a $8K MacBook Pro on the code for a Rx Overnight cure for Stage 4 and MS in London Today. She was killed by Queen Elizabeth last week.

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!


Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-29-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart... Welcome to the 100th Indianapolis 500! By race's end, SWF women MD driver's will be joined by 100,000 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts and Drone Cheers in Defeating Saudi Arabia! $777 Trillion will be confiscated from Saudi Arabia by the end of this race day $$$

5-29-2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts are held POW on Memorial Day - Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Cafe with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table... IP invention project is to invent a "Powdered Half and Half" 9 out of 10 would ask for over real half and half as it has no calories, grin. Well maybe 10 calories, ha. And taste like Ultra Half and Half! Rich $$$. Then reinvent the Starbucks instant coffee so 9 our of 10 ask for this instead of fresh brewed, grin.

5-29-2016 Coca-Cola launched limited-edition Memorial Day Coke cans to honor U.S. military service members and the 75th founding anniversary of the United Service Organizations. To Hell with No Gas Stations on Earth to Win the War with Allah on this Memorial Day... Coke! Schrödinger's cat, absurdity of the existing view of Coke Cans + Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day! Ford will name one model of the ElectricWindmillCar "Schrödinger's Cat" as Allah is alive + dead until the Pentagon drives the gravity engine to the Apple-Starbucks iapps to invent it.

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-29-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart... On Memorial Day in Key West. Memorial Day Coke cans - small print Vets can see is No Gas Stations On Earth... Those With Multiple Tours of War Overseas Struggle at Home "The number of veterans with multiple tours of combat duty is the largest in modern American history — more than 90,000 soldiers and Marines." By BENEDICT CAREY Memorial Day Coke cans - small print Vets can see is No Gas Stations On Earth... Vets struggling with No Gas Stations on Earth!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-29-2016 POW's Yale Medical Students will be paid more than West Point Cadets after the No Gas Stations On Earth Era is driven to the Gravity Engine Era...

5-29-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart... General David Petraeus and the Afterlife of a Scandal - On Going Scandal of $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues and West Point Kickbacks of $100 Trillion for MIT War Toys! By JESSICA BENNETT WEST POINT, N.Y. — It was 6:30 a.m. at the United States Military Academy, the sun was rising over the Hudson River, and Paula Broadwell was in athletic gear. With a half-dozen women, she rotated between sprints and burpees. Sweating onto the pavement, the group was perched atop an overlook called Trophy Point, in the shadow of a 46-foot battle monument memorializing those killed in the Civil War. There is a female statue in bronze at the top, arms outstretched regally, who is said to represent “fame.” Ms. Broadwell was here in April for a 40th anniversary celebration for the academy’s first class of women, who enrolled two decades before she would graduate at the top of her class, with multiple varsity letters. It was also the first time she had been back to campus since 2012, when she achieved her own kind of unwanted fame. Yes, this is that Paula Broadwell, the mentee-turned-biographer of David H. Petraeus; the West Point graduate and military intelligence officer who was revealed, through a high-profile F.B.I. investigation, to have had a romantic relationship with Mr. Petraeus, a former C.I.A. director and the highest-profile general from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-29-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart... "Lightning Injures Several People in France and Germany" New York Times - POW's Greg + Wives in Key West light years from Paris Lightning Strikes for the last several centuries. Little do the Paris Revolutionaries know Cheney is holding POW the radical inventors who will invent a way to keep all lightning cloud to cloud. Leonardo should have invented this!! Greg and Wives in Key West are POW's for 5 years now. On my Hilton Resume 5 years ago I put working on a IP invention project to keep all lightning cloud to cloud. Evidently no Lightning hit the Paris Hilton, grin. Hate crimes against radical inventors not working on Futuristic Military MIT War Toys is real as lighting and my Wives can't wait until we get an iapp for our iMac super computer at Apple-Starbucks Key West, grin. And Key West POW's released by Cheney's change of Heart in the New York Times, ha!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-29-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart... Lightning - Battle of Verdun in World War I French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have traveled to Verdun, to honor the war. Lightning strikes in the same place many times in France since Verdun. Pakistan strikes with a H-Bomb named "Lightning" a Orwellian name reference to Greg + Wives in Key West who are POW's Holland didn't demand the USA 1984 II Dictators put under house arrest so they could work on a cloud to cloud only for lightning strikes..

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-29-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart... $1 Billion dollar homes in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bill + Melinda's second home in Dubai is $1 Billion and secret from the public. Inside Wealth. A Worrisome Pileup of $100 Million Homes in the USA By ROBERT FRANK Some see the “ultimate bubble signal” as nine-figure real estate listings rise even as sales of luxury real estate cool.

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-29-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart... W.H.O. Dismisses Call to Move Olympics Over Zika Virus in Brazil - W.H.O. Dismisses Call to register all Bi-sexual military men world wide to stop the deadly infection of MS to SWF's. MS is a torture the CIA will not use yet million men will infect a women with this torturous disease in 2016 and WHO is censored by 1984 II dictators. "Spain’s Wine Industry Is Hiccuping From Its Excesses" By RAPHAEL MINDER The country developed a talent for producing wine in bulk, but overproduction is sinking both prices and the reputation of Spanish vintners. "Spain’s Wine Industry is responsible for 3 stage 4 breast cancers out of every 100,000 women who drink Spain's Wine. 1984 II Dictators don't hiccup from its excesses of 3 women given breast cancer.

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-29-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart... Key West William Gordon, 56, who died after a P-47 Thunderbolt fighter plane he was flying crashed on Friday, said he stumbled into aerobatic performances somewhat by accident. Mr. Gordon, 56, was remembered as a careful yet versatile pilot. Friends said he found his way to flying somewhat by accident, but once he did, he became an expert, reading voraciously about the subject... gravity engine not P-47 Thunderbolts... grin.

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-29-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart... "Opinion: Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person" By ALAIN de BOTTON Polygamous Marriage is only a option for Allah God is Great Men... Why does the USA 1984 II Dictator go along with this marriage?

5-29-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart... "Opinion: The Graves of the Marines I Lost" will have a Gas Can Memorial dictated to BP Oils $777 Trillion. By J. KAEL WESTON

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-29-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart...

5-29-2016 Key West No Plans for the 155 Story Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus at Fort Zachary yet... "Tree removal plans changed" BY Scott Unger Key West Citizen Nature lovers rejoice, as far fewer than the proposed 155 trees will be removed from Fort Zachary Taylor State Park to make way for the new entrance. After adjustments to the plan, more than 60 of the trees won’t need to be disturbed at all and more may be saved with minor changes as the project develops, according to project architect Bert Bender. The original figure of 155 trees was used as a maximum amount because architects were rushed to complete a plan. “Our application called for full removal because we didn’t have sufficient time to develop a transplantation plan,” Bender said. “However, our intent is to save as many trees as possible in place.” Many of the Jamaican dogwood trees are outside the construction area, so they won’t be disturbed. In addition, many of the 21 sea grape trees approved to be removed fall in the landscape area of the plan, where current plant life can remain. In total, 35 Jamaican dogwoods, 18 sea grape, eight gumbo limbo and three buttonwood trees originally approved for removal will stay put. The project, which is slated to begin later this summer, will move the entrance to the park and create a new access road. The work is necessary because the current access road is owned by the U.S. Navy and it requires the property to secure its boundary

5-29-2016 Navy Hospital Ships docked at Key West after Memorial Day - A Day that is a Holiday for No Gas Stations on Earth and Hospital Ships, Dental too docked in Key West... a windfall era.

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-29-2016 POW's in Cheney's Heart... Welcome to the 100th Indianapolis 500! By race's end, one driver will be joined by 100,000 fans in celebrating an historic victory with the traditional bottle of milk. The race will be watched by approximately 350,000 fans at Indianapolis Motor Speedway and a worldwide live television audience that -- for the first time in 66 years -- includes Indiana. James Hinchcliffe, who has come all the way back from a life-threatening practice crash last year, starts from the pole for the first time in his IndyCar career. Hinchcliffe is driving a Honda-powered car, and Hondas have more than held their own against the Chevrolets at IMS. Four of the top five starters are using Hondas, including the third (Ryan Hunter-Reay), fourth (Townsend Bell) and fifth (Carlos Munoz) starters, all from Andretti Autosport.

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts suppressed by the Military Might of the Pentagon on Memorial Day!

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 MD Pope Marie II would order all Catholics to be Organ Donors, Thank God for women; God's best Invention!

Write this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Cafe with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table... IP invention project is to invent a "Powdered Half and Half" 9 out of 10 would ask for over real half and half as it has no calories, grin. Well maybe 10 calories, ha. And taste like Ultra Half and Half! Rich $$$. Then reinvent the Starbucks instant coffee so 9 our of 10 ask for this instead of fresh brewed, grin.

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant Recipient thanks to Allah in Pakistan making Organ Donation Mandatory, grin. Godsend; Allah Sent!! Cheney voted not to make Organ Donation in the USA mandatory, Bush too!

5-28-2016 The Novel; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" This Novel will help us invent the gravity engine sooner than later and win a few people a Nobel.

5-28-2016 The Novel; "Steve Jobs Brand of Lunch Meats was the only thing Cheney ate at the White House... grin. Yes Steve Jobs Brand of Bacon too.

5-28-2016 "The World Reaps What the Saudis Sow" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times. Heart Transplants!!! State of the arts Heart Transplants!!

5-28-2016 Pope Francis has a Heart Transplant the donor is a Muslim... as Pakistan is the only nation on Earth with Mandatory Organ Donation, grin! Pope Francis; Hell will freeze over before he orders all Catholics to be Organ Transplant Donors but a women MD Pope Marie II would order all Catholics to be Organ Donors, Thank God for women; God's best Invention!

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 Cheney emails Pakistan Sharif with classified Orwell tip to get a heart transplant... Sharif spent $7 Trillion on his Pakistan H-Bomb assembly line the last 10 years not even thinking of a 155 story Yale Key West Med School and mandatory organ donation from Pakistan. "Pakistan Bans Airing of 'Undesired' Contraceptive Advertisements" 4 minutes ago. Cheney Bans CBS Nightly News segment on Heart Transplants today who got one Today all week on CBS this morning.

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 Tiny babies at Saint Jude are the victims the New York Times editors refuse to put in this article as they have birth defects caused by spray painted black clouds of poison gasoline exhaust.

5-28-2016 "Pakistan Leader Will Undergo Open-Heart Surgery for 2nd Time" By SALMAN MASOOD Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is in London preparing for the operation on Tuesday as he faces political pressure at home about his family’s wealth. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan, who has been facing increased political pressure over the extent of his family’s wealth, will undergo open-heart surgery next week in London, his daughter and government officials said Friday. It will be the second open-heart operation for Mr. Sharif, 66, who has been treated for heart problems over the past five years.

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 Pope Francis he must order all Catholics to be Pacifist + Conscious Objectors and work 24/7 on the LG Bombs; lobotomy gas Rx Recipe that works in the air and drinking water! Atomic Bomb Survivors Feel Wonder, Doubt After Obama Visit. Everyone on Earth Feel Pope Francis Doubts God will send him to Hell over Nuclear War + 9/11 he refused to prevent via Catholic Conscious Objector News on the front page of the New York Times and editorials sending the Pope to Hell for doing this. Woman Pope with a MD would "Lobotomize" the editors of the New York Times. In a series of experiments, Dr. Suzanne Milner had shown that a part of the brain called the hippocampus was critical to the consolidation of long-term memories. Most scientists had previously thought that memory was not dependent on any one cortical area. Dr. Suzanne II + III at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute café can "Lobotomize" the men at the New York Times + 1984 II Dictators HQ, grin.

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 The Novel; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" This Novel will help us invent the gravity engine sooner than later and win a few people a Nobel.

5-28-2016 "The World Reaps What the Saudis Sow" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times. Saudi Arabia has spent heavily $777 Trillion to promote the radical form of Islam that inspired 9/11 and now inflames the Islamic State. Tiny Kosovo is a victim.

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 Tiny babies at Saint Jude are the victims the New York Times editors refuse to put in this article as they have birth defects caused by spray painted black clouds of poison gasoline exhaust.

5-28-2016 "Pakistan Leader Will Undergo Open-Heart Surgery for 2nd Time" By SALMAN MASOOD Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is in London preparing for the operation on Tuesday as he faces political pressure at home about his family’s wealth. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan, who has been facing increased political pressure over the extent of his family’s wealth, will undergo open-heart surgery next week in London, his daughter and government officials said Friday. It will be the second open-heart operation for Mr. Sharif, 66, who has been treated for heart problems over the past five years.

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 "Police Crack Down on Toxic Food" What in the World By JAKE DOHERTY The wheels of justice turn slowly, but stomachs will churn rapidly over the toxic and counterfeit food products that police agencies have seized recently in 57 countries. Care for an appetizer? How about 154 pounds of chicken intestines soaked in formalin, a prohibited food additive, that were seized in Indonesia? Or perhaps some Italian olives that were painted with copper sulfate solutions to make them look greener, or sugar that was cut with fertilizer in Sudan? And don’t even ask about the illicit alcohol concocted in Greece, Britain or Burundi. Criminals make millions of dollars a year peddling such products. Billions every 3 months are make off Steve Jobs Brands of Lunch Meats - Grin.

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant



5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-28-2016 Cheney Heart Transplant... Memorial Day Heart Transplant

5-27-2016 Hiroshima first atomic bomb; Paris will be the third H-Bombing!

5-27-2016 Nagasaki second U.S. atomic bombing! Paris will be the third H-Bombing!

New York Times Editorial on Biden's Cancer Cure Moonshot... They should also be mindful that although cancer research is producing astonishing science, many more lives can be saved by doing the boring stuff, get the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort production started... get people to stop smoking, drinking, eat healthfully, no Steve Jobs brand lunch meats, exercise and put on sunscreen. Brainstorming a 1,001 SUV sunscreen is not a moonshot on the front page of the New York Times with Secret Rx Recipes for Girl Scouts to brainstorm Today. Write a Novel on apps at the Hemingway House Today! At the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute café on a $8K MacBook Pro $$$.

5-27-2016 Obama’s "Gasoline Engine" motorcade entered the city of Hiroshima. Paris Elite today drive a "Gasoline Engine" car suppressing the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort for $777 Trillion in PB Oil Revenues $$$. Caroline Kennedy walked out from near the Hiroshima museum getting out of her Gasoline Engine car. When Teddy Kennedy was the Mastermind that suppressed the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort along with Jimmy Carter. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is a "War Criminal" worst than Hiroshima as the suppression of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort has killed millions and worst given millions of kids birth defects and childhood cancers. Spray Painted Black Clouds of Gasoline Exhaust from a trillion cars and scooters on Duval Key West... Obama called for nations to reconsider the development of nuclear weapons and to roll back and “ultimately eliminate” them. No Gas Stations On Earth would be the "Real World" for Yale and Harvard students today if Kerry and Clinton didn't really fail at Yale but were passed anyway! Thank God Castro didn't pass minority Medical Students in Cuba who really failed! Moral awakening is the CIA MD's gave polio shots with no polio vaccine and Dr. Nancy Snyderman and Greg were held as POW's prevented from brainstorming a polio vaccine safe enough to put in the drinking water! Out of spite for losing the Vietnam War, same as the black men who sucker punch SWF's at gas stations hold ups in Miami in 2000 out of spite for our White 1984 II Dictators, grin. Obama’s motorcade snaked back through the city to the helicopters waiting - no thoughts about the Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines killed by Futuristic MIT War Toys on their minds today.

5-27-2016 Hiroshima first atomic bomb; Paris will be the third H-Bombing!

5-27-2016 Nagasaki second U.S. atomic bombing! Paris will be the third H-Bombing!

5-27-2016 Obama’s "Gasoline Engine" motorcade entered the city of Hiroshima. The presidential limousine pulled up behind the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.

5-27-2016 Japan Recalls 7 Million More Cars With Takata Airbags when there are NO super air bags on the outside of 70 million cars today! Suppressed by our 1984 II Dictators!

5-27-2016 Hiroshima first atomic bomb; Paris will be the third H-Bombing!

5-27-2016 Nagasaki second U.S. atomic bombing! Paris will be the third H-Bombing!

5-27-2016 Iranian Students Lashed 99 Times Over Party That Included Men and Women! New York Times. Hillary's women drivers in Saudi Arabia were lashed 99 times and Hillary lied on CBS Nightly news saying they were pardoned. Trump needs to mention this lie for his wife!

5-27-2016 Hiroshima first atomic bomb; Paris will be the third H-Bombing!

5-27-2016 Nagasaki second U.S. atomic bombing! Paris will be the third H-Bombing!

5-27-2016 New York Times Op-Ed: Obama’s Pointless Cancer ‘Moonshot’ It’s a Catch-22: The longer we live, the more people will get the disease. National Cancer Moonshot Initiative, a $1 billion program led by Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. When the $777 Trillion dollar BP Oil revenues Moonshot is Biden's pet project #1. Over 40 years the National Cancer Institute alone has spent more than $90 billion on research and treatment. Again $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues caused more than this in causing cancers. Canada Oil Sands fire will cause this much in new cancers and the NY Times article on the Canada Oil Sands fire mention the tons of pollution in the air but not in the DNA of kids who will breath in the Canada Oil Sands fires pollution. This is a war crime by the New York Times as the reporter who wrote the story knew this pollution would cause 3 cancers our of every 100,000 who breath in the air. The failure to cure cancer is often explained by the complexity of the problem: There are so many different types of cancers. There are just as many types of Smallpox and Plague virus but unless you have a journalists who mentions all these in the article you will never know. Hepatitis has dozens of different virus's but most only think there are 3 types. Because the New York Times never write about the other 12 types. And never will! They should also be mindful that although cancer research is producing astonishing science, many more lives can be saved by doing the boring stuff, like getting people to stop smoking, eat healthfully, exercise and put on sunscreen. Brainstorming a 1,001 SUV sunscreen is not a moonshot on the front page of the New York Times with Secret Rx Recipes for Girl Scouts to brainstorm Today. Op-Ed Contributor: Obama’s Pointless Cancer ‘Moonshot' By JARLE BREIVIK New York City Can Enforce Salt Warnings on Menus, Court Says By WILLIAM NEUMAN - not Steve Jobs Brand of Lunch Meats, grin!! Chemicals in Steve Jobs Brands of Lunch Meats will not be listed by the New York Times either!

5-27-2016 Hiroshima first atomic bomb; Paris will be the third H-Bombing!

5-27-2016 Nagasaki second U.S. atomic bombing! Paris will be the third H-Bombing!

5-27-2016 "Japan’s 1984 II Leaders Have Little Use for Hiroshima’s Lessons of Pacifism" By JONATHAN SOBLE

5-27-2016 Pope Francis has little Use for Hiroshima’s Lessons of Pacifism. If he did he would order all Catholics to be Pacifist + Conscious Objectors to the Pentagon. No MIT war toys or Gas Stations on Earth.

5-27-2016 Hiroshima first atomic bomb; Paris will be the third H-Bombing!

5-27-2016 Nagasaki second U.S. atomic bombing! Paris will be the third H-Bombing!

5-27-2016 Greek Archaeologist Says He Has Found Aristotle’s Tomb By NIKI KITSANTONIS At a conference for the 2,400th anniversary of Aristotle’s birth, the archaeologist said he had “no proof but strong indications, as certain as one can be.”


5-26-2016 Amazing Amenities at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute café... Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11... and Obama from being elected. Ford ElectricWindmillEscort can stop on a dime with laser guidance and stop Paris from being Nuked... by Pakistan!

5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-26-20 "Obama, in Japan, Emphasizes Lingering Threat of Nuclear War" New York Times - President Obama, at the Group of 7 meeting in Japan, said he wanted to visit Hiroshima partly to underscore the “very real risks” of nuclear war. Paris being Nuked... by Pakistan! New York Times will publish the next edition of the Paris Allah Gay Cartoons on the front page to get Pakistan mad as Hell too, as I really think after not stopping 9/11 when the New York Times could have by putting the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort on the front page... they must have syphilis in their frontal lobes at the Times! Obama using the woman's bathroom cartoons will cause louder cheers than drone strikes in Pakistan!

5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-26-2016 Why $10 Trillion dollar USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs are so troubling to our Habitat for Humanity... Hopefully they are just as troubling to God as Jimmy Carter will not stop the assembly line of Nuke Subs today or tomorrow. It will have to be Godsent after Jimmy Carter is in Hell. Mt. Sinai Beth Israel Hospital in Manhattan Will Close to Rebuild Smaller - Hebrew name translates as “House of Israel,” UN and WHO must be in walking distance of the Top Brass of Beth Israel but in the Real World are Light Years from the Top Brass of Beth Israel Hospital. 5 Billion people on Earth and Beth Israel can't find any patients. This is bad a NASA Top Brass can't find any Jewish Aliens in 5 Billion Galaxies, grin.

5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-26-20 Novel "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" by Marie Clair Blais. I would like to brainstorm this Novels characters with Marie. Characters; their names and roles with her for a few hours. Plot is the invention the Gravity Engine from the invention of the electric generator and electric engine using Steve Jobs. Give them all Doctors names as CERN is for Doctors of the Universe and our Jimmy Carter Universe is on its Death Bed with Brain Cancer from the Pentagon. Good vs Evil Nobel. Least we know the cause of our Universe's Brain Cancer, its the Pentagon! And the Rx Recipe Cure is the invention of the Graivty Engine by Steve Jobs, grin. Well the main character is Dr. Bosom. Dr. Higgs-Boson is next. Dr. Photon. Dr. Quark. How will Marie deal with all the Dr. Quarks as there are several, Dr. Top Quark, Dr. Charmed Quark. Dr. Strange Quark. Dr. Strange Love from the Nuclear War Movie should be added this novel too. Dr. Kissenger has to be a spy hidden by Dr. George Orwell II. Dr. Oppenheimer II the Lobotomy Gas LG Bomb or in the water and Dr. Marie Curie II. Novel hypothesis, that Steve Jobs reading this web page would Merge Apple with Starbucks, CERN, Los Alamos, Pasteur, and Brain + Breast Cancer Moon shot of Biden who killed his own son Beau sending him off to war then to Walter Reed Military Hospital instead of the Yale Key West Medical School. Amyloid is the hallmark of Alzheimer’s. Boson is the hallmark of light and gravity. Related is the invention the Electric Generator. GE today in secret building the iPhone size electric generator fueled by H @ -254 C for iPhone 008. Dr. Marconi was almost burned at the stake like Kerry's witches in Salem. Hysteria from the Pentagon caused the Drone strike on NASA commanders and closing of the Super Shuttle assembly line. Official there are no aliens in our life time, grin. Least we don't want to find them... Pentagons Top Brass! Gravity Engine scenario seemingly out of science fiction Novel from Key West. Our 155 Story Yale Key West Medical School will have a long line of Patients and Beth Israel will have to open their closed hospital in NYC.

5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-26-2016 Provocative new research by a team of investigators at Harvard leads to this startling hypothesis, which could explain the origins of plaque, the mysterious hard little balls that pockmark the brains of people with Alzheimer’s.

5-26-2016 The Cure Alzheimer’s Fund is starting a large collaborative project another Nobel at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute café...

5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-26-2016 The Harvard researchers report a scenario seemingly out of science fiction. A virus, fungus or bacterium gets into the brain, passing through a membrane — the blood-brain barrier — that becomes leaky as people age. The brain’s defense system rushes in to stop the invader by making a sticky cage out of proteins, called beta amyloid. The microbe, like a fly in a spider web, becomes trapped in the cage and dies. What is left behind is the cage — a plaque that amyloid is the hallmark of Alzheimer’s.

5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-26-2016 Amazing Amenities scenario seemingly out of science fiction Star Trek Movie and the Next Star Trek Movie USS Enterprise will not have a Gravity Engine in the plot. Trump would say your Fired! MGM or Sony.

5-26-2016 Key West - "GPS controllers will sync traffic lights" BY Scott Unger Key West Citizen. "GPS controllers will sync traffic lights" and replay video of all car crash accidents will be emailed to all who signed up for them. Traffic Lights will finally be put in the New Publix after the 1,001 crash of somone pulling in or out for grocery shopping and Publix will be libel for all the wrecks, grin.



5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-26-20 New York Times Op-Ed Whistle-Blower, Beware; "Steve Jobs Invents the Gravity Engine" A Novel.

5-25-2016 New York Times reporting on the Yale Key West Medical School, grin. 3 World Trade Center building. The $2.75 billion building, designed by Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners, is to open in 2018. (And like many buildings, its floor count is inflated for marketing purposes, to 155 stories. Concrete walls are three feet thick, on average, and embedded with steel rebar. Within that enclosure, and sheltered from any impact, are emergency stairways, elevator shafts and the vertical channels through which electrical, communication and plumbing lines run. Yale New Haven 155 Story Eiffel Tower Medical School, both paid for with $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues, and of course Saudi Arabia + UAE's $$$ gas station hold up money! Given to them by USA's 1984 II Dictators who must have syphilis in their frontal lobes to do this!

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/26/nyregion/skyscraper-at-trade-center-rises-from-the-inside-out.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fnyregion&action= click&contentCollection=nyregion®ion=stream&module=stream_unit &version=latest&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront

5-25-2016 No Quarks in Proxima Centauri's light but it will be diagnosed correct eventually via a winning Novel Invention... photon is a gauge boson: gravity, may also be carried by a boson. Gravity Engine Novel.

5-25-2016 Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years...

5-25-2016 Marcel Proust 10 July 1871 – 18 November 1922) In Search of Lost Time; translated as Remembrance of Things Past.

5-25-2016 Proust II + III "In Search of Time's Generation" + "Memory of All Things Never Ever Forgotten" not for 4 trillion years as soul-mates discovery!

5-25-2016 "helped me to understand how paradoxical it is to seek in reality for the pictures that are stored in one’s memory, which must inevitably lost" Neurons, Anions, Synapse, Hormones, Dr. Katrina with the gray matter of a brain between her thumb and index finger thinking of a Nobel Winer In Medicine to give everyone a long lasting memory of everything!

5-25-2016 Light, or more specifically, luminosity, is the driving concern for Marie Clair Blais. She plays with angles and abstractions. I would like to take Marie to CERN and Los Alamos to play with light's bosons and invent something.

5-25-2016 iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory on all cars in 2016 would have solved... and made a good novel, grin. "Dozens of Women Vanish on Canada’s Highway of Tears, and Most Cases Are Unsolved." By DAN LEVIN Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced an inquiry into a series of disappearances and murders, part of a promise to renew the country’s relationship with its indigenous citizens.

5-25-2016 No Quarks in Proxima Centauri's light but it will be diagnosed correct eventually via a winning Novel Invention... photon is a gauge boson: gravity, may also be carried by a boson. Gravity Engine Novel.

5-25-2016 Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years...

5-25-2016 Proust II + III as he runs towards the sunshine's Quarks spinning parts that make the Quarks, thank God for iMac Super computers to bring this novel alive with a super computer simulation of todays sunshine moving at the speed of light for 4 trillion years at Proxima Centauri.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!

5-25-2016 No Quarks in Proxima Centauri's light but it will be diagnosed correct eventually via a winning Novel Invention... photon is a gauge boson: gravity, may also be carried by a boson. Gravity Engine Novel.

5-25-2016 Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years...

5-25-2016 Kerry in Vietnam started the Harvard Medical School, well almost. Kerry started the first private elite Harvard-affiliated Fulbright University in Ho Chi City. Reuters Reporter Lesley Wroughton failed the math test as Leslie report "Hundreds of thousands of dead from Vietnam" when the count from the Pentagon is really 3 Million Vietnamese killed by Kerry!

5-25-2016 Obama will not mention Paris is the Next City to be Nuked... On Friday, President Obama will become the first sitting American president since the end of World War II to visit Hiroshima. Nagasaki is not on the itinerary. Not on the itinerary is the Ford not Toyota ElectricWindmillEscort assembly line because the USA 1984 II Dictators nuked it for $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues $$$.

5-25-2016 No Quarks in Proxima Centauri's light but it will be diagnosed correct eventually via a winning Novel Invention... photon is a gauge boson: gravity, may also be carried by a boson. Gravity Engine Novel.

5-25-2016 Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years...

5-25-2016 In Vietnam, Obama delivers subtle message on the role of women - "God's Best Invention" to inspire 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year via brainstorming 1,001 IP invention projects and Invention Novel's. Washington Post - HO CHI MINH CITY - President Obama stopped in front of a gold Buddha statue inside the ornate Jade Emperor Pagoda, where a guide explained that Vietnamese often portray the symbol of enlightenment as a female.

5-25-2016 The fugitive Pope Castro for the last 50 years made a fugitive by Pope Francis. Good vs evil verdict is in today. Pope Castro made the Sister of Charity all go to Medical School and all are MD today.

5-25-2016 No Quarks in Proxima Centauri's light but it will be diagnosed correct eventually via a winning Novel Invention... photon is a gauge boson: gravity, may also be carried by a boson. Gravity Engine Novel.

5-25-2016 Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years...

5-25-2016 Psychologist at Kerry's Harvard Medical School should publish a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine on Kerry + Vietnam, Trump, Hillary, Clinton and the paper I want to read the most is why did Jimmy Carter buy a $10 Trillion dollar USS Jimmy Carter Sub with 40 Nukes.



5-25-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

They said the clean up after 9/11 was harmless, like Obama's hand washing! Pope Castro MD will be the next Pope who's "Sisters" all go to the Yale Key West Medical School's.

5-24-2016 "Iraqi Leader Announces Offensive to Retake Falluja" By FALIH HASSAN and TIM ARANGO New York Times. NASA battle to liberate the Earth via No Gas Stations On Earth and win the Oil Revenues of $777 Trillion to build a fleet of Super Shuttle Hubble Space Telescope Trains was destroyed by a drone strike on NASA's Top Brass at Cape Canaveral, grin! Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Hillary Clinton Declines Invitation to Debate Bernie Sanders

5-24-2016 Jimmy Carter Declines to Debate "Racism" + Pasteur II + III funded by the Carter Centers $600 million to invent a cure for Peanut Allergy's... a war crime by someone looking for worms who owns a Peanut Plantation. "British Restaurateur Sentenced to 6 Years After Peanut Allergy Death" By KIMIKO DE FREYTAS-TAMURA The owner of a curry house was found guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence, and other offenses, over a fatal dish of chicken tikka masala.

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Jimmy Carter Declines to Debate "Racism" as the "Plague of Fire Bombed Cop Cars + SUV's by Obama for BP Oil and Exxon Mobil oil revenues of $777 Trillion the last 8 years. Police Officer in Freddie Gray Case Is Acquitted of All Charges - New York Times - Protesters in Hanoi are not allowed to meet with the New York Times reporters on Air force One as cop cars in Vietnam are fire bombed for oil revenues here too.

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Jimmy Carter Declines to Debate "Racism" as the "Plague of Syphilis" and "OJ Clones" - Jimmy Carter, "Seeing Resurgence of Racism, Plans Baptist Conference for Unity" By LAURIE GOODSTEIN New York Times. Bill Cosby had sexual contact with 2 teenage girls, and his agent paid off one of them so his wife wouldn't find out ... this according to a newly-released deposition. Bill Cosby is set to appear in a Norristown courtroom Tuesday morning for the first evidentiary hearing in the sexual assault case against him. Consensual sex with Andrea Constand or assault? Bill Cosby due in court Tuesday in sex assault dozens of television satellite trucks and reporters have descended on Montgomery County Courthouse to see Cosby and his team of defense lawyers arrive, and to watch prosecutors lay out their case against him. Prosecutors must convince a judge that there is enough evidence to order Cosby to stand trial. Stile. l unclear, however, is whether Andrea Constand will speak publicly from the witness stand for the first time about the night when Cosby allegedly drugged and sexually assaulted her at his Cheltenham mansion.

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Mr. Carter, 91, began treatment last year for cancer that had started in his liver and spread to his brain. He announced in December that doctors had found him free of cancer but that he was still receiving treatments for metastatic melanoma. On Monday, yesterday he said he was feeling well. He refused to make public the Rx Recipes of the drugs he is taking. Mr. Carter, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 refused to give it back and had no comments about he should of shared it with is wife of 50 years. Asked why polls showed high support among evangelical Christians for Mr. Trump’s candidacy, Mr. Carter said: Syphilis stats in blacks and OJ clones killing SWF are well known in the 1984 II community but not made public in the New York Times. Carter refused to sell his $10 trillion dollar USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub to buy MacBook Pro's 2016 models.

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 1984 II Dictators Decline to Debate the next season of CBS TV shows... Redstone and Viacom Executives Go to Court Against Each Other Philippe P. Dauman, ousted from Sumner M. Redstone’s powerful trust, claims Shari Redstone has unduly influenced her father; Mr. Redstone counter sues. By EMILY STEEL New York Times. Sumner Redstone, Shari Redstone and Philippe Dauman, President/CEO of Viacom, CBS. Viacom Executives Go to Court Against Each Other not 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year hit CBS TV show for next season and our 1984 II dictator will not declare CBS TV shows harm children and adults today. "Tornado Sirens, an Old Technology, Still Play a Vital Role" By CHRISTOPHER MELE New York Times. Tornados will be the "Plage" of our 2016 1984 II Dictators Era in History. Yes someone watching a CBS TV show will invent a way to End Tornados and Hurricanes, Gravity Engine will come from watching a CBS TV show too. The date on the milk carton says it's expired, but is it? Los Angeles Times - Think how many times CBS had a Pasteur invention TV show and then think if CBS had as many Pasteur TV shows as Basket ball play offs Milk carton dates would last for years not weeks with the next generation of Pasteur e's not NBA Black Basket Ball Players. This is a War Crime by 1984 II Dictators at CBS. Sports Authority, in planning to close all of its stores, CBS Sports should close all its TV Shows until we get a few Pasteur's II + III inventions for Jimmy Carters habitat for Humanity. The MacBook Pro 2016 line will be thinner and lighter and wants Jimmy Carter to tell us how many he could have bought instead of buying a $10 Trillion dollar USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub a war crime.

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 "A Journey From Cuba to Florida" By AINARA TIEFENTHÄLER New York Time when Ainara should be writing about Biden in Havana not Florida brainstorming with 12 Cubans the cure for Beau's brain cancer! Biden using a hand made desktop PC because he couldn't hack Los Alamos, grin.

5-24-2016 "A Journey From Cuba to Florida" Follow 12 men to Miami from the mountains of central Cuba, as they make a five-day voyage using a handmade sailboat. By AINARA TIEFENTHÄLER A Journey From Cuba to Florida

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 U.S. Strike on NASA Commanders (Taliban Leader) Is Seen as a Message to Pakistan Jewish Aliens!! By MARK LANDLER and MATTHEW ROSENBERG President Obama described Jewish Aliens to far off to matter like God. Hell the Gravity Engine is not going to be in the Next Star Trek Movie too!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 HBO and Showtime - Sony Movies made in secret for the Pentagon are all part of the BP Oil Holocaust II + III Era on Earth! 'It's showtime' Tropic Cinema to get first-run movies. BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com For years, the big movie theater chains were winning a David and Goliath-like battle with smaller, independent theaters over first viewing rights to big Hollywood movies. But recent events may prove that might not always make right. Movie buffs in the Lower Keys and Key West have likely noticed that the nonprofit Tropic Cinema on Eaton Street typically did... show the worst movies the last several months. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine Movies are 1,001 Light years from the Top Brass at the Tropic Cinema in Key West. BP Oil must have direct deposited $168 million into their bank accounts, grin! Crude Movie selections...

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Chase and Bank of American invented chip debit cards today when they should have been brainstorming bank robberies in the police data base on a iMac Super Computer over coffee at the Apple Starbucks Pasteur café in the Bank lobby, grin. Thieves Ransack Queens Bank Vault, Leaving Many Deposit Boxes on Roof" By SARAH MASLIN NIR and ARIELLE DOLLINGER


5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 4-Foot-Wide Lot, Carved Out by Developers, Causes Big Stir in Manhattan Developers got approval from New York City in 2014 to slice off a tiny piece of land from a development on East 88th Street, which opponents say was done to build a taller building. By J. DAVID GOODMAN 4-Foot-Wide Lot, Carved Out by Developers, Causes Big Stir in Manhattan Dr NYC Mayor would cause a Bigger Stir!! By giving the Developers 20 more stories if they added housing for Yale NYC medical students, when the 155 Story Yale NYC Med School is built in the No Gas Stations on Earth Era. 521-foot luxury condominium tower to be built near the intersection of East 88th Street and Third Avenue. Plus 20 more stories for Med School students, grin. The chief executive of DDG, Joseph A. McMillan Jr., said in an interview this year that the tower could have been built even taller. Apartment 42, a four-bedroom unit three stories from the top that takes up an entire floor, is listed at $15.5 million. And today would be sold to someone from Saudi Arabia or UAE. Whole Foods Market is across the street... and will scan for HIV, Hepatitis, Stage 4, MS after the 155 Story Yale NYC Medical School is up and running in a new Era!

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/23/nyregion/4-foot-wide-lot-carved-out-by-developers-causes-big-stir-in-manhattan.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fnyregion&action =click&contentCollection=nyregion®ion=stream&module=stream_unit &version=latest&contentPlacement=8&pgtype=sectionfront

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 "A Brooklyn Ambulance Service Speaks Chinese, Like Its Patients" By SARAH MASLIN NIR Sarah starts her article with the birth of a baby when in the real world the patient with cardiac arrest would be in the ambulance and have died without #1 cardiac arrest MD on siri or skype from Microsoft. Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is fishing with Jimmy Carter worms because New York Times article don't leak this!! Cardiac arrest kills millions not babies being born. Chinese residents to 128,000 if iPhone 007 and Tim Cook were doing their job in China and here a iapp would tell the exact number of Chinese who will have a cardiac arrest today in NYC and in China. iPhone 007 can translate Chinese to English in real time too.

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-24-2016 Not to be confused with Cape Canaveral Air Force Station which launched the drone that killed the NASA Commanders!

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 "Yale Key West Medical School will treat Accidents: Serendipity discovery of Penicillin in the drinking water in 2016. Dr. Nancy Snyderman would say... "if it works put it in the water!"

5-23-2016 Pope Castro MD will be the next Pope who's "Sisters" all go to the Yale Key West Medical School's.

5-23-2016 "Sisters" who could all be MD's working on a 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Today on iMac Super Computers were all sent to Hell by Pope Francis, as Pope Francis or Pope John Paul could have more MD's than Castro in Cuba. Castor made more women MD's than Pope Paul and Pope Francis so should Castro be the name of the Next Pope Castro

5-23-2016 "It’s No Accident: Advocates Want to Speak of Car ‘Crashes’ Instead" By MATT RICHTEL New York Times. Activists are campaigning to change a 100-year-old mentality that they say trivializes the single most common cause of traffic incidents: human error.

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" 9/11 + Paris Cartoons are human errors for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues by 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis!

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 Mexico Prepares to Counter ‘the Trump Emergency’ By KIRK SEMPLE New York Times. NY Times writes of accidents not to be called accidents any more but didn't put the stats in the article on Mexican truck drivers allowed into the USA in a deal masterminded by our 1984 II Dictators who can't make the deadly math public... I would guess 5K Americans will be killed in 2016 by Mexican drivers. Someone should tell Trump...

5-23-2016 Deadly crashes, killing about 38,000 people in 2016 and Our 1984 II Dictators censor super air bags on the outside of cars and trucks from Facebook and the New York Times... jobs for 380,000 overnight. Syphilis in the ruling class caused this accident, human error was Jimmy Carter ordered a Nuke Sub for $10 trillion while fishing for worms. Building wooden houses in an era of Titanium Home Sales.

5-23-2016 In a 1984 II move, US lifts non gasoline engine car sales embargo to Vietnam... car sales to Vietnam, a State of the Arts Laser Guidance Ford ElectricWindmillEscort with AC 24/7 and electricity 24/7 for all your GE appliances. A new Era in car camping, grin. a decision that reflects growing concerns about China's military clout and illustrates Smog in China is made by BP Oil men selling China Opium Wars II via gasoline cars! Vietnam + China with new cities of RV Cars, all eclectic thanks to iPhone size cans of H @ -254 C. and 1,001 spin off inventions, thank God no Comcast cable's!!

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 GE to double work in Saudi Arabia not Vietnam + China with a billion people in gas cars Smog. DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia won support for its economic reform plan from one of the world's biggest companies on Monday as General Electric Co (GE) said it would double its workforce in the kingdom to 4,000 people by 2020.

5-23-2016 GE will build more No Salt Oceans for Saudi Arabia not Vietnam and China... a war crime.

5-23-2016 In a 1984 II move, US lifts arms sales embargo to Vietnam

5-23-2016 Era of... Police Release Video In Fatal Hit & Run In Miami CBS Local - Local CBS 1984 II News will not Lead that this Car Era of hit and run was over decade ago with the laser guidance on the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's but suppressed for $777 Trillion in BP Oil. A War Crime from the Vietnam Era. A crime against humanity by those who did most of the War Crimes in Vietnam!

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 Era of... iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 cars was kill by the 1984 II Dictators. Auburn police officer Ronald Tarentino, 42, was killed during a traffic stop about 12:30 a.m. Sunday. iTickets via the iPhone 007 Dash Cam... Era!

5-23-2016 US takes "Vietnam" war back to Pakistan instead of winning the Mecca War with No Gas Stations on Earth Era!

5-23-2016 US takes "Vietnam" war back to Pakistan with drone strike aimed at God is Great Moslems with $777 Trillion dollars in cash $$$ ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 "1984 Mirror" "Facebook’s Troubling One-Way Mirror" By JIM RUTENBERG New York Times. The social network Facebook in the real world is a reflection of George Orwells 1984 novel on the internet. War is Good Peace is Bad. Glass of Wine a day is good for your health. Dr. George Orwell and Dr. Facebook MD are not in control of our 1984 II Society. Point is our 1984 II Obama doesn't wash his hands after using the Women's bathroom. North Caroline White Guys want to impeach him, sort of like Bill Clinton. Troubling 1984 II Society. Facebook ‘Trending’ List Skewed by Individual Judgment, Not Institutional Bias. 1984 II bias in 1,001 invention projects from the Write this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Cafe with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table... to Sisters Who Treat the Untreadable - The Sisters Who could all be MD's working on a 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year were all sent to Hell by Pope Francis, as Pope Francis or Pope John Paul could have more MD's than Castro in Cuba. Castro made more women MD's than Pope Paul and Pope Francis so should Castro be the name of the Next Pope Castro, grin! Pope is like giving Jimmy Carter and Obama the Nobel Peace Prize.

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 Sorry Aaron you should have written your breakfast article on a iMac supercomputer...

5-23-2016 "Sorry, There’s Nothing Magical About Breakfast" By AARON E. CARROLL New York Times. The evidence for the importance of breakfast is something of a mess. If you’re hungry, eat it. But don’t feel bad if you’d rather skip it, and don’t listen to those who lecture you.

5-23-2016 Sorry Aaron 1 million men + women this week will have a wire inserted in their leg up to their heart to fix a bad breakfast served by 1984 II Dictators the last few decades, cost of this is $$$ billion for Medicare this week alone.

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.

5-23-2016 "War It’s No Accident:" by the New York Times it's started by Warriors when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort would have stopped 9/11.


5-23-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 Write this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Cafe with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! After Admirals in Saudi Arabia have a small no salt Ocean paid for by USA Admirals orders to give them $777 Trillion dollars. Mandy Miles in the Key West Citizen writes in her Tan Lines about the "Admirals Cut" I don't think she was writing about the $777 Trillion in kickbacks for the USS Jimmy Carter sub, grin. Then Mandy Miles must have forgot about Greg writing up the spray painted black clouds of diesel from a trillion scooters on Duval, well Mandy Miles wants the trillion scooters to cut through the children's neighborhood of "Peary Court." Mandy Miles writes "Sure kids will play" but she forgot about the spray painted black clouds of diesel and kids DNA dividing 1 billion times each day they grow into adults, hopefully one's with a better memory than Mandy Miles, grin.

5-22-2016 Vandals Wrote on Egypt Jet: ‘We Will Bring This Plane Down’ we have $777 Trillion in BP Oil money!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 Vandals Wrote on Jet: ‘We Will Bring This Plane Down’ CIA needs to tell the New York Times what these same vandals in Egypt and Pakistan today are writing about Obama using the women's bathroom. They don't care if Obama washed his hands or not!!! The one case I can remember the only one in the Denver newspaper was a Mexican cook at Taco Bell gave a infant Hepatitis via not washing his hands after using the bathroom. I don't think the New York Times has ever reported this from any cook in NYC.

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Bathroom Access: A Personal Battle Goes National" By SHERYL STOLBERG, JULIE BOSMAN, MANNY FERNANDEZ and JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS New York Times... Julie need to invent the iHandWashingApps for iPhone 007 in the bathrooms as Black Men never wash their hands, White House Camera watchers the last 8 years can tell the CIA how many times Obama didn't wash his hands then touched a FBI Secret Service guy... gross! And of course the FBI has wondered the last 8 years how did I catch this or that disease.

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 iHandWashingApps for iPhone 007 in the Bathroom invented like mandatory iPhone 007 dash cams for all cars in 2016 to save lives.

5-22-2016 "Is Egg Freezing Only for White Women?" By RENIQUA ALLE" New York Times "I want to have a kid someday, but I’m afraid of the stigma of single motherhood.

5-22-2016 Yes!! "Is Bathroom hand washing Only for White Women?" By RENIQUA ALLE" New York Times - Reniqua's article is next to the Black Men never wash their hands after using the women's bathrooms, ha!

5-22-2016 Vandals Wrote on Jet: ‘We Will Bring This Plane Down’ By DECLAN WALSH, NOUR YOUSSEF and KAREEM FAHIM EgyptAir had increased security over the past few years in response to political turmoil, including a threatening phrase once being written on the plane that crashed.

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 Vandals Wrote on Jet: ‘We Will Bring This Plane Down’ CIA needs to tell the New York Times what these same vandals in Egypt and Pakistan today are writing about Obama using the women's bathroom and of course these guys don't care if Obama washes his hands after used the bathroom, grin. So they will not be writing any French cartoons on hand washing and giving others a disease. The one case I can remember the only one in the Denver newspaper was a Mexican cook at Taco Bell gave a infant Hepatitis via not washing his hands after using the bathroom. I don't think the New York Times has ever reported this from any cook in NYC.

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Veterans Groups Seek a Crackdown on Deceptive Colleges" The Department of Veterans Affairs received letters calling for No Gas Stations On Earth Era to Hell with $777 Trillion for BP Oil. New York Times will never tell you how many vets have been burned in gasoline fires, propane burns should be counted too as there will be No Propane On Earth too! Senators will not vote to let the vets sue BP Oil for burns until after No Gas Stations are the Era on Earth. BP Oil has direct deposited $168 million into 100 Senators bank account.

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 BP Oil direct deposited $168 million into North Vietnam Generals Swiss bank accounts $$$. "As Obama Heads to Vietnam, Current Events Overshadow History" With President Obama arriving on Monday, Washington and Hanoi have a chance to create a partnership that seemed unlikely even three years ago. By GARDINER HARRIS and DAVID E. SANGER As Obama Heads to Vietnam, Current Events Overshadow History... BP Oil has direct deposited $168 million into North Vietnam Generals Swiss bank accounts $$$.

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 ‘America Was Never Great’ Hat on a Black Women at Home Depot Leads to Death Threats" A 22-year-old Home Depot Black Woman worker wanted to make a statement about Donald Trump. But photos of her hat on social media drew outrage. By CHRISTOPHER MELE New York Times. "I have Syphilis" would be a better Hat for a Black Women worker, cook, grin.

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 $777 Trillion At the Vatican and the New York Times writes about "The Vatican Health Issue." The Sisters Who Treat the Untreadable The Sisters Who could all be MD's working on a 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year were all sent to Hell by Pope Francis, a hate crime against women like Tim Cooks hate crimes. At a Catholic nursing home in New York, comforting patients who are dying of cancer. The Sisters Who Treat the Untreadable; 1984 II Dictators $777 Trillion from BP Oil has given the Pope Cancer of Greed.

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! After Admirals in Saudi Arabia have a small no salt Ocean paid for by USA Admirals orders to give them $777 Trillion dollars.

5-22-2016 New Questions Arise Over Sumner Redstone’s Competency After He Alters Trust By EMILY STEEL - Competency of CBS after Greg leaks Saudi Arabia has a small no salt ocean! Admirals in Key West Competency is a New Question for the Joint Chiefs of Staff their Boss! Wife is not the boss of Key West Admirals, if the Wife was the boss of Key West Admirals Mandy Miles would have written up all the poison exhaust gas from cars and kids DNA today and of course blacks who don't wash their hands after using the women's bathroom. iPhone 007 cameras in the woman's bathrooms - have been in the women's bathrooms for decades in our 1984 II Society.

5-22-2016 "Q and A: What Reese Witherspoon Likes About the South" By SHIVANI VORA What would Dr. Reese Witherspoon MD do to a Jimmy Carter movie made for her to play his wife not sharing the Nobel Peace prize.

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 Admirals Cut... War Crimes Today is; Speeding driver dies after fiery crash in backed-up traffic on LBJ Freeway. Dallas Morning News A driver was killed Saturday in a fiery crash, a speeding vehicle veered onto the left shoulder, apparently to avoid the gridlock, police spokeswoman Melinda Gutierrez said. The vehicle clipped a car in the left lane and spun into a concrete wall, Gutierrez said. The speeding driver veered out of control and struck a third vehicle, and both caught fire. 1984 II Admirals - Cut... War Crimes Today in traffic.

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-22-2016 "Admirals Cut in Key West" today! Is Greg's No Salt Ocean in Saudi Arabia, ha!

5-21-2016 Rapid Loss of Control via No Gas Stations On Earth; Mecca + USA 1984 II Dictators both in a Rapid Loss of Control. By KAREEM FAHIM, MARC SANTORA and NICOLA CLARK New York Times!! California’s Water Future By Anna North after Greg in Key West Leaked that Saudi Arabia has a small Ocean of water with no salt paid for by gas stations hold ups mostly in California, grin. Who has the bigger Ocean, California or Key West. Who will be the first to have a No Salt Ocean running through the streets! "Disney Water or Disney Ocean" unless you have another name for this crime of giving Saudi Arabia a salt free Ocean Paradise! Free $$$ to.

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon... BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion! Pakistan is waiting for Obama to use the women's bathroom, ha!

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon. BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 Hell No! Trump will send them to a "Hospital Prison in Cuba! "Cubans Trying to Reach U.S. End Standoff in Lighthouse Near Key West" By FRANCES ROBLES New York Times. KEY WEST, Fla. — Data Points to Rapid Loss of Control Aboard EgyptAir Jet and 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS... $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues. Data Point to Rapid Loss of Control on Contact with Jewish Aliens + Gravity Engine Invention! Trump will send them to a "Hospital Prison in Cuba!

5-21-2016 New CBS line up for fall 2016 will reflect on Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute café! "1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year" CBS TV show...

5-21-2016 Write this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Cafe with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table... Apple’s 477 physical stores are showrooms for the Apple lifestyle, not just places to buy the latest iPhones, iPads, Macs and accessories. As the company tries to reverse a recent slump in sales, luring newcomers to the Apple brand and persuading existing customers to buy more Apple goods and services have become more important than ever. At the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Cafe with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table... Apple’s 477 store's! Starbucks 47K stores! Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity with 7 Billion People! And today Biden's wife will be killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver! Drunk on Coors! EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon. Trump will talk to North Korea, no one will talk to OJ II + III Clones masterminded by Obama + Caroline Kennedy. Assembly lines in Pakistan are the only one's who name their bombs after French Cartoons! Pakistan is waiting for Obama to use the women's bathroom, ha!

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon... BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon. BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 Uma Thurman gets HIV, TB, MS, STD's after kiss from Fiat Heir!! Uma Thurman Felt 'Violated' After Kiss From Fiat Heir Lapo Elkann: 'She Wasn't Complicit' French government should have tested everyone at the 23rd Cinema Against AIDS Gala in Cannes, France. Uma Thurman at the MS Rx Recipe brainstorming Gala in Cannes, France in 2017 after the Revolution in Paris!

The New York Times Editors didn't mention stealing money from MS to fight Zika, I did as until there is a coup and No Gas Stations on Earth Zika will be headlines not MS virus given to women today by bisexual men!

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon... BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon. BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 CBS trust wields enormous power over the future of Viacom and CBS. Similar to an activist shareholder, it could vote to maintain the status quo at the two companies but also could oust their leadership teams or sell the companies. In an unexpected development, Philippe P. Dauman, the chief executive of Viacom, was informed that Mr. Redstone had removed him and George Abrams from the trust that will control CBS. Today CBS is “shameful” and “illegal,” in suppressing the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era + No Gas Stations on Earth Era. New CBS line up for fall 2016 will reflect on Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute café! "1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year" TV show at CBS will be #1... CBS divorced from Obama's 4 nights a week of Basketball Playoffs for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine will have the Judge rule CBS had dementia and Syphilis.

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon... BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon. BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 Hydrogen @ -254 C in iPhone size cans in India for heat of 123 F. Hell No - Tim Cook is in India today selling iPhones.

5-21-2016 "Heat Wave in India Sets a Record: 123.8 Degrees" By NIDA NAJAR and HARI KUMAR New York Times. May is typically the hottest month in much of India, but the heat wave deaths, like kids left in hot cars in Miami this Summer are mass murder by the Elite who watch CBS basketball, grin.

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon... BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon. BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 Shell Oil Company has a paid ad in todays New York Times. "Is Gravity the new Oil we've been looking for. Gravity is the new Allah - God is Great Mecca will not believe in, but will put enough fear of God into Jimmy Carter II he will really win a Nobel Peace Prize not just accept a scam one, grin! Obama will never return his scam Nobel Peace Prize as he said Crosby told him not to. Ha!

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon... BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon. BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 .” I never spoke of the anger in my heart, the mounting resentments and hurts, and neither did he. I never demanded attention or care, and neither did he. And that’s why we broke. Modern Love By LAURA PRITCHETT in Colorado drunk on Coors Masterminded TV hit shows on CBS.

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon... BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon. BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 What hurts most is not the loss of the marriage, its not getting up on stage and on CBS with Jimmy with the Nobel Prize, as the other half the wife.

5-21-2016 Dialogue that will win Greg + Wives in Key West a Nobel Peace prize starts with Gravity and Shell Oil Company paid ads in todays New York Times. Coup against the New York Times for War Crimes! No Gas Stations on Earth.

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon... BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon. BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!




5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon... BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 EgyptAir’s Deadliest Disasters... Paris in view of H-Bombs going off on the French Horizon. BP Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion!

5-21-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Oklahoma legislature passes bill making it a felony to perform abortions!

5-20-2016 Key West passed a bill making it a felony to give a SWF, MS virus, HIV, STD's -

"Stealing From MS, Not Ebola to Fight Zika" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times Today.

The House voted to provide about half the funds the Senate did, and took the money away from other programs.

The New York Times Editors didn't mention stealing money from MS to fight Zika, I did as until there is a coup and No Gas Stations on Earth Zika will be headlines not MS virus given to women today by bisexual men!

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Canada passes a bill making it a felony to get oil from "Oil Sands" in Canada. Also to drill for oil in a No Gas Stations On Earth Era! No Head On Collisions On Earth via Laser Guidance better than F-35 fighter jets!

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 "What Would It Take for Donald Trump to Deport Millions of Mexicans and Build a Wall? By JULIA PRESTON, ALAN RAPPEPORT and MATT RICHTEL New York Times - More realistic with Mom + Dad killed today, like Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver. What would it take to make this front page news with pictures of Mexican truck drivers running over Smart Cars in a Semi that just crossed into the USA?

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Obama in Vietnam next week and someone from the USA will be killed in a traffic accident, in a fiery wreck as No Head On Collisions is Suppressed by Obama! Vietnam's Lethal Traffic by The Diplomat News - The high traffic congestion in Vietnam is a hazardous enterprise that results from an excessive number of motorbikes and limited infrastructure capacity. Limited Inventions!! Suppression of the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort spin off traffic inventions not high traffic density results in a high death toll each year, known as Vietnam’s “hidden epidemic.” While the Ministry of Public Security reported over 11,000 deaths, the Ministry of Health registry — collected through the hospital system — reported 15,464 deaths. However these numbers may underestimate the actual number of deaths and injuries, and grossly understate the severity of the problem. 1,001 Nobels in Medicine and they give Jimmy Carter + Obama a Nobel Peace Prize for this Era! No Gas Stations on Earth, No Head On Collisions! It will take a generation to change mindsets and get the public to respect and obey traffic rules. It will take a coup to get the 1984 II Dictators off their addiction for $777 Trillion in BP oil revenues. How could North Vietnam Generals take bribes from BP Oil + Texas Oil men after such a war? North Vietnam Generals fire bombing cars in Hanoi Today for American money!

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 "Why Might Vietnam Let U.S. Military Return?" By JANE PERLEZ New York Times $$$ $168 million from BP Oil direct deposited into the North Vietnam Generals Top Secret Swiss Bank accounts, grin. Why Might the US Military join the "USA Women's Homeland Security? ...because this murdered women playing a violin happens 19K times in 2016. One of two men who killed a New York City violinist inside her summer home in 2014 has been sentenced to 25 years to life in state prison, to be followed by another sentence in federal prison. The man, Jonathan Conklin, 45, was sentenced on Wednesday in Chautauqua County Court, where he pleaded guilty in November to a second-degree murder charge in the killing of the violinist, Mary Whitaker. Ms. Whitaker, 61, played in the Westchester Philharmonic and spent summers performing in the orchestra at the Chautauqua Institution, a lakeside arts and intellectual community in western New York. The authorities said Mr. Conklin and an accomplice, Charles Sanford, were homeless when they shot and stabbed Ms. Whitaker during a burglary at her summer home in Westfield, N.Y. Mr. Sanford pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in September. Murderers were homeless from the Ford assembly line's 6 days a week 10 hours a day building the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort because Bush Master Minded theses Homeless Murderers! By JONATHAN SOBLE Crimes committed by Americans in Japan have long been a source of friction, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe demanded that the United States take preventive action. 19K SWF's in the USA will also be murdered and no the USA 1984 II Dictators will not take any action to reduced these murdered to zero via iPhone 007 Dash Cams + other iapps! "Marine Is Arrested in Okinawa Killing" By JONATHAN SOBLE New York Times. A notorious incident, the rape of a 12-year-old schoolgirl by three American servicemen in 1995, set off mass protests against the United States military presence. These raped are now censored by the New York Times World Wide. As you know they will happen today too. Wife's killed by troops coming home from USA wars, everyone knows the New York Times has censored these stories from the front page all year! On order from the top brass the Joint Chiefs of Staff and probably McCain! Japan’s foreign minister, Fumio Kishida, summoned Ambassador Caroline Kennedy on Friday to protest the killing on Okinawa, which he called “an extremely cruel and atrocious crime.” No Gas Stations in Japan, summoned Caroline Kennedy on Friday to protest fiery car wrecks today that burned a few Japanese needlessly just so BP Oil can make $777 Trillion in 2016. War Crimes by the British and American Oil Men... Caroline Kennedy brushed this off, grin. ... after his car was spotted on security-camera footage... Google Japan you can not spot the fiery cars on any cameras... ...By WILLAM B. MILAM she was hacked to death... The USA's government’s relentless repression of the opposition and civil society has unleashed extremist killers who will kill 19K SWFs' in the USA in 2016.

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Kerry killed many Civilians in Vietnam... "Mission to Pardon U.S. Soldiers Who Killed Civilians" A nonprofit and a team of Yale + Harvard law school students are working together to push President Obama.

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 "French Women Fight Back" By The Editorial Board New York Times, SWF's at the NY Times HQ given STD's can't fight back, grin! No under our 1984 II Orwellian Dictators! French women are fed up with sexual harassment, and they arent’t going to take it anymore... I guess that are also fed up with STD's but are censored out of the news media and of course Facebook. 40 French female journalists at the New York Times HQ in Paris published a letter of protest against pervasive sexism by French male politicians, including salacious text messages, lewd comments and offers of political scoops in exchange for sexual favors. STD's “This happens every day to women." STD jail terms of up to two years and fines of up to 30,000 euros ($33,600)... Hell No Trump will send them to a "Hospital Prison in Cuba! France should too!"

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Review: ‘O.J.: Made in America,’ an Unflinching Take on His Rise and Fall New York Times. Today it's OJ II + III Dr. OJ made at Yale and Harvard Medical School's Bullied by Kennedy, Bush, Obama to pass when he fumbled the ball watching basketball instead of diagnosis replays.

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-20-2016 Biden's wife killed in a fiery crash by a Mexican truck driver!

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 Pasteur working 24/7, thinking of buying Florida Lottery Tickets 24/7... Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD "New rules will raise the outdated salary threshold to a more realistic level so they can spend their "Overtime Pay $$$ Windfall" on lottery Tickets." by the Editorial Board at the New York Times $$$. By NEIL IRWIN @ The New York Times... But the real "Twitter, "invention revolution" of recent decades is in the supercomputer most people keep in their pocket. Neil Irwin at the New York Times censored the Rx Recipes for Brain + Breast Cancer that are not on our iPhone 007 supercomputers! "Twitter, Rx Recipes not even Jimmy Carter makes public. Beau + Biden on "Twitter, no Walter Reed MD will not make public Beau's Rx on "Twitter!! The only Recipes made public on the New York Times web page are Girl Scout Cookies! I asked her what she thought were the greatest innovations that had occurred during her lifetime... the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Cafe with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table she said! And Polygamous Marriage made legal so wives can share the Nobel. Work 24/7 on IP invention projects. French Privacy Ruling on your French Chef's Syphilis, HIV, STD's TB, Hepatitis, MS virus. Cartoons about French Chef's with any of these diseases are against French Privacy laws. by the Editorial Board at the New York Times "For now, in a rare victory for fair pay, the new rules are on their way to becoming a reality." Trump Casino's will get 99% of the New Overtime Pay, I can hear Trump screaming, grin.

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 1980 - 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort is the age of 1984 II innovation, an era in which $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues bought the Judge + Judgement Day alone with many virgins for Oil Men.

5-19-2016 By NEIL IRWIN @ The New York Times... We’re in a depressing era in which innovation has slowed and living standards are barely rising. That’s what some skeptical economists believe.

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 Why Windows 10 Upgrades Go Wrong, and How to Avoid It... You Can't Avoid it Chen said at the ending, you must buy a more expensive PC than $500 By BRIAN X. CHEN at the New York Times. "Google Home vs. Amazon Echo. Let the Battle Begin." By BRIAN X. CHEN Here’s how Google’s voice-controlled, Internet-connected speaker compares with Amazon’s popular Echo device. Chen still is working on the articles about Rx Recipes for Brain and Breast Cancer overnight cure's! "Twitter, Trump’s Trusty Weapon, Could Backfire" By FARHAD MANJOO The social media platform has served Mr. Trump’s bombast and provocations well, but such behavior may be poison to a general election campaign.

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 1980 - 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort is the age of 1984 II innovation, an era in which $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues bought the Judge + Judgement Day alone with many virgins for Oil Men. "Reporter's Notebook: Yemen’s War Becomes the Mother of Reinvention" Airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition" By KAREEM FAHIM "In Sharp Reversal, California Suspends Water Restrictions" By ADAM NAGOURNEY and IAN LOVETT all these years of no water in California Saudi Arabia had a ocean of fresh water never written about in the New York Times. Never reinvented for California. Island oasis today is a Ocean of Salt water in Saudi Arabia without salt but as much water as there is in a small ocean in their desert oasis thanks to oil money and the editorials in the New York Times. Treasure from the days of the Barbary Coast pirates. New York Times on North Korea is Nuke Them sooner or later. "Donald Trump’s Views on North Korea Test Hillary Clinton" By MARK LANDLER “The whole thing is a recipe for disaster.”

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 By NEIL IRWIN @ The New York Times... "The truth is, this isn't a debate that can be settled objectively." Orwellian Truth is in reality $777 Trillion, super gravity of this "Greed" has never been know before. Today even Pope Francis and the New York Times got $7 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks, not to let women in the USA drive a 2016 Ford ElectricWindillEscort around Times Square + at the Vatican. Just ask Trump, ha! Even as the glimmers of the technological future for the Ford with a Graivty Engine spin off from a invention Era of the ElectricWindmillEscort 1984 II dictators only want to use the woman's bath room, hidden cameras in them were not enough for Mad Men. Picture of A Ford assembly line in 1927. Credit The New York Times - Picture of a H-Bomb assembly line in 2016 at Los Alamos could be posted on the front page of the New York Times as today they let us see the H-Bomb assembly line you can log on to Los Alamos and see the bomb. How much it cost is still top secret, grin. And civilian spin off inventions are secret for another 50 years.

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 Why Windows 10 Upgrades Go Wrong, and How to Avoid It... You Can't Avoid it Chen said at the ending, you must buy a more expensive PC than $500 By BRIAN X. CHEN a freelance writer in Chicago, recently clicked a button to upgrade her laptop to the latest version of Microsoft’s Windows operating system. The upgrade took all day to download — and then nothing happened, not even a message about a failure. Ms. Rumminger feared that installing the upgrade again would do more harm than good, like breaking her apps, so she decided not to try. Yet reminders to upgrade from Microsoft frequently pop up on her computer screen. “I get the sense from their messages they’re getting increasingly desperate in trying to get people to upgrade,” Why Windows 10 Upgrades Go Wrong, and How to Avoid It... You Can't Avoid it Chen said at the ending, you must buy a more expensive PC than $500 By BRIAN X. CHEN ThinkPad by Lenovo, a company that is diligent about keeping drivers up to date. Even buying a used ThinkPad for $500, he said, will go a long way. Problems with Windows 10 are usually because of user error, but not because a user installed the system wrong. “It’s the user error based on shopping on price alone,” Microsoft web page store charges you $2.99 for a app to find duplicate files in Win 10 but skips all the folders you buy the app for, grin. 1,001 apps at the Microsoft Store are scam's for $2.99 each. You need to pay $39.95 for the duplicate files program not on Microsoft Store to get it to work on all the folders, grin.

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-19-2016 If you do not want the name of your network to be visible in the public list of available networks that Wi-Fi-enabled gadgets can see, click the Wireless Options button in the box and select the option to create a hidden network; this action hides the name of the network from view. If you are using one of Apple’s AirPort base stations (including the AirPort Express, AirPort Extreme or AirPort Time Capsule models), you can use the AirPort Utility app for OS X, Windows or iOS to manage your wireless network’s settings. You can search Google for Steve Jobs last meeting with the City Counsel asking him for free wifi for the city, Steve Jobs told them you can buy free wifi with your tax money, grin. The city counsel refused to spend tax money on free wifi, of course. Visible in the list of Wi-Fi here in Key West are all secured with a password. Tourists Hell of course, grin. Readers’ Turn: The Inventions That Mattered Most is free Wi-Fi in every town + city in the USA; invented by Greg + Wives in Key West, ASAP! Of course Castro could make Free Wi-Fi for Cuba before our 1984 II Dictators let Greg + wives do it in the USA.



5-19-2016 "New Overtime Pay" will be spent on Florida lottery Tickets." Making Overtime Fair Again By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times $$$

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times, grin. It was an exotic place to come of age; 14 Billion years! We are featuring six islands that make for ideal escapes—into the past, into nature, into luxury. Check back each day this week for more - Greg will give you 6 Island stars the nearest ones to Earth and of course all have Jewish Aliens not in the NY Times Islands!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 "Everything Is Different on an Island" By PORTER Fox. Everything will be different at the New York Times when our Island in the Universe is not a POW of idiot journalists who think Star Travel is to far to brainstorm invention ideas on the front page of the Times! Porter Fox, My notion back then, and still today, is that there is no escape from an island... light years from everything!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Ocean deep with $10 Trillion dollar fleets of USS Jimmy Carter nuke subs when the $10 Trillion should have been in a New York Times editorial saying better spent on NASA Supper Space Telescope Trains. Wind and Oil Revenues Kickbacks that the times Orwellian Journalists secrets flotsam drift in with the breeze and tide of No Gas Stations On Earth!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 The thing is, a solitary entity Earth, Sun that gave us Warriors who have mass murdered millions of humans over BP Oil and destroyed every other Island Star in the Universe for Kerry's granddaughters! The island Stars are a vanishing point on a map... the Navy Admirals will never do battle with in our times.

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 It is disconnected why Admirals + Generals would do battle with Allah, God is Great! And lose the Godsend of all the riches in the Universe to BP Oil Men in London.

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Islands that I remembered best: the chalky streets of Naxos, Paros and Delos in the Greek Cyclades; half-acre atolls that drop 2,000 feet to the ocean floor in Fiji; razor-thin ridges bracing the Big Island’s volcanic peaks in Hawaii; 300-foot-deep blue holes in the middle of the forest on the Bahamian island of Andros. When I finally came to a stop, it was, of course, on an island. Brooklyn, on the western tip of Long Island.

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Islands Porter Fox should remember are Alpha Centauri, Sirius, Barnard Star, Woff, Ross... New York Times Headlines have failed many generations of students born on a Island. Everything is different on an nearest star islands: and all has been lost as to those who will die before they see and hear Jewish Aliens who live at all these islands. Barbados is special to that rocky gem, so is Sirius! Cuba where habaneros sip it morning and night,

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Castro the astronaut sunk by New York Times editorials. The island of Stromboli, north of Sicily, is shaped like an anthill and blasts white smoke from its volcano all year. Anegada, in the British Virgin Islands, BP Oil men pay for virgins + sell them to King Salman, UAE Princes. Nepal King.

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Malta and Gozo are home to what are likely the oldest standing structures in the world, not the Universe. South Pacific there are islands so overgrown with mangroves, Hemingway and his Navy buddies never feed the turtles or planted coconuts that would be overgrown today.

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Island oasis today is a Ocean of Salt water in Saudi Arabia without salt but as much water as there is in a small ocean in their desert oasis thanks to oil money and the editorials in the New York Times. Treasure from the days of the Barbary Coast pirates.

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Key West Pirates get $2.5 billion to fill the city from BP Oil spills... The isolation and serenity of buying the Judge and no Judgement Day from God because God is light years to far to travel to. Gravity of the moon only pulls water not the soul of men on this island.

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times! 5-18-2016

5-18-2016 Reflecting the starlight, off battle ships is the only thing reflected in this starlight today because again the New York Times editorials. Star Island’s beaches the New York Times Editorial on quarks in every grain of sand, how many you would know if the Times had ever written this editorial. Figuring which island I’d sail to next... for the top brass at the New York Times the island will always be on Earth.

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Risk of these 13 cancers; breast, lung and colon cancers, which had been reported in earlier research. But they also found a lower risk of tumors in the liver, esophagus, kidney, stomach, endometrium, blood, bone marrow, head and neck, rectum and bladder. And the reductions in risk for any of these 13 cancers rose steeply as people exercised more. When the researchers compared the top 10 percent of exercisers, meaning those who spent the most time each week engaging in moderate or vigorous workouts, to the 10 percent who were the least active, the exercisers were as much as 20 percent less likely to develop most of the cancers in the study. Link below is to sign up for running not get a Treadmill Desk in your cubic at the New York Times HQ or the Pentagon HQ, how many Treadmill Desk have been ordered by the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the Pentagon HQ... probably none!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 "Exercise Tied to Lower Risk for 13 Types of Cancer" By Gretchen Reynolds email a letter to the Times to buy Gretchen a Treadmill Desk for her cubic and one that goes faster than the speed of light... at least 5 mph as this is Greg's ideal speed on a treadmill, grin.

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Hangar 17 at Kennedy International Airport is large enough to house a Boeing 747. For 14 years, however, it has held something much larger: the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. From the enormous trident-shaped columns that supported the World Trade Center towers to delicate crystal pendant earrings from a Casual Corner store in the shopping concourse, Hangar 17 contained symbols of destruction, despair, pathos, hope and resilience. Now, it is nearly empty.

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Kennedy was empty of any letters to the editors at the New York Times over all the Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts not in the 9/11 Hangar 17. Robert Kennedy Jr. was busy hanging Mary in the Kennedy Barn. Caroline Kennedy was busy planning a long trip to Japan. Kennedy JFK, Jackie... Once Filled With Symbols of Hope and Despair, a 9/11 Repository Is Nearly Empty" Building Blocks By DAVID W. DUNLAP Kennedy, Teddy and Jimmy Carter were the masterminds of No Gas Stations on Earth No Dinner Out Op by the Navy Seals. 1980 YouTube video Teddy Kennedy took of Greg reading Animal Farm is at CIA HQ or the Kennedy Library. All the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort not burned in the 9/11 attack by 17 Saudi Men flying in from Boston were burned in fiery Car Crash on USA highways killing 100's of thousands since 9/11. Empty from the New York Times Hangar 1984.

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 iPhone 007 built into the smoke detector delayed via Editorials of course in Hangar 1984, grin. The fire, at 119th Street and Park Avenue, was fueled in part by chemicals stored at a garden nursery that operated underneath the tracks, he said. The New York Fire Department said it was investigating reports of explosions, possibly set off by propane tanks at the site. No Propane Tanks On Earth!!! Tens of thousands of passengers stranded during the evening rush. Tens of millions have been stranded in this gas engine era by the editors at the New York Times. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York said commuters should expect delays of the Gravity Engine Fords, grin. Linda Vanderperre, who works on Wall Street and uses the Larchmont station, said she had been waiting over 90 minutes for what would be customarily a 40-minute commute. “It’s beyond ridiculous,” Ms. Vanderperre said. “This is the second day in a row it’s taken me over two hours to get home from Wall Street.” She looked into using Uber but estimated it would cost around $150 because of surge pricing. NYPD how many cop cars are there, FBI cars, Homeland Security cars, few thousand shuttles home and the Mayor of NYC never mentioned this escape from the fire he started with propane tanks when there should be No Propane Tanks on Earth. Trumps NYC, grin. Key West Citizen news paper, I just read it and perfect timing as the Key West Sheriff at the Airport will not let the Tourist share a cab ride, one had to wait 40 minutes for another cab that left with only 2 people. wow!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 "Senate Passes Bill Exposing Saudi Arabia to 9/11 Legal Claims" By MARK MAZZETTI The legislation, now headed to the House and opposed by the White House, as $681 million has been direct deposited to Obama's bank account out of $777 Trillion Saudi Arabia has in Swiss Banks. Gas Engine car buyers will be able to sue Saudi Arabia and the president of the USA will be the first to file suit when No Gas Stations on Earth become law!

5-18-2016 John McCain, Seeking Re-election, Releases Ad Against Likely Opponent - No Gas Stations On Earth!!! By CARL HULSE New York Times! Block the buying of war planes F-35's $10 Trillion by McCain, Editorial Block the Sale of Warplanes to Nigeria By THE EDITORIAL BOARD President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria Although the government is fighting Boko Haram, its security services have a tainted record, with extrajudicial killings, torture and rape... Crimes Against the Planet, and Ourselves By NATASHA LENNARD and ADRIAN PARR We are both offenders and victims. But some are more guilty than others. McCain and the crime of No Gas Stations on Earth Era! Did Saudi Arabia direct deposit $10 Trillion in McCain's Pentagon War Toys account, Hell yes in kickbacks, BP Oil gave even more for war toys.Russia is testing an intercontinental ballistic missile that is so large and powerful it could hit any strategic target in the United States or NATO with independently targeted warheads possibly capable of penetrating ballistic missile defenses ... this is what Putin is spending his oil money on! Queen Elizabeth II donned an ermine-trimmed robe and diamond-studded crown Wednesday to announce government promises to put Britain at the cutting edge of technology and social progress in the 21st century... with gas engine cars made in London, grin.

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!



5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-18-2016 Sun, Earth, a Island in the Universe not in the New York Times!

5-17-2016 "7 Things To Know About The Nation's First Penis Transplant" the guy had sex with the same Muslim women as Beau did, grin.

5-17-2016 "7 Things To Know About The Nation's First Penis Transplant" the guy had sex with the same Muslim women as Beau did, grin.

5-17-2016 Write this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Cafe with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-17-2016 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Invention reading Animal Farm serendipity... in 2016 iMac Supercomputers will get us 1,001 spin offs... Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence capable of recreating the physics experiment that won the 2001 Nobel Prize. The AI system was able to recreate the complex quantum experiment to create an extremely cold gas trapped in a laser beam. The AI to invent a Space Station for Cloud to Cloud Lightning to make liquid H on... a IP invention project here. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the odds of being struck by lightning in your lifetime in the United States are 1 in 12,000. According to Mr. Highton, lightning strikes one to three people every year near Lake Maracaibo. There’s no surefire way to prepare. But perhaps that will change. This week, scientists are sending weather balloons above Lake Maracaibo as part of a continuing, separate project that will help them better predict when and where lightning will strike. "A Place Where Lightning Strikes Almost 300 Days a Year Trilobites" By JOANNA KLEIN They call it never ending inventions... They call it “the Never-Ending Storm of Catatumbo,” or “Maracaibo’s Lighthouse.” Its lightning is so familiar, people in the state of Zulia in Venezuela even put it on their flag. Less than half an hour after the first cloud forms, it starts to flash. It does this faster and faster — 200 flashes a minute is not uncommon. After that, the cloud becomes a giant bulb that lights up the night. 100's of NASA Space Station Combines here in the middle of 200 lightning strikes a minute sort of like the Boeing Heavy lift helicopter combines over the Amazon harvesting nuts and figs but NASA would harvest 200 cans of liquid Hydrogen a minute on this Space Station Combine.

5-17-2016 International Space Station (ISS) completed its 100,000th orbit of Earth early Monday morning (May 16), NASA officials

5-17-2016 "7 Things To Know About The Nation's First Penis Transplant" the guy has sex with the same Muslim women as Beau did, grin. Pentagon Top Brass need to put their STD videos on Facebook, grin.

5-17-2016 8,000 in the USA burned in gasoline fires! "Workers Evacuated From Alberta Oil Camps Due to Wildfire" New York Times - FORT MCMURRAY, Alberta - Some 8,000 workers at oil camps north of the fire-ravaged Canadian city of Fort McMurray were ordered to evacuate late Monday as authorities continued the battle to bring wildfires under control.

5-17-2016 "7 Things To Know About The Nation's First Penis Transplant" the guy has sex with the same Muslim women as Beau did, grin.

5-17-2016 "7 Things To Know About The Nation's First Penis Transplant" the guy has sex with the same Muslim women as Beau did, grin.

5-17-2016 No Bail for Canada mass murders! German bond yields rise as oil strikes seven-month peak $$$ 777 Trillion!

5-17-2016 Commercial Plane Maker Boeing Will Launch 'Starliner' Space Capsule in 2018 - Why dying stars may be a good place to look for alien life... When scientists at Boeing + NASA LEAK No Gas Stations On Earth will they get $777 Trillion from Canada + USA oil men! This money will give NASA a more powerful laser and a push pull of gravity not yet invented - NASA innovative Advanced Concepts program, including a proposal to blast tiny spacecraft to other star systems using powerful lasers. CERN's Large Hadron Collider is once again smashing protons, taking data... none no one is looking for the Gravity Engine particles though! Phys.Org Geneva-based CERN.

5-17-2016 "7 Things To Know About The Nation's First Penis Transplant" the guy has sex with the same Muslim women as Beau did, grin.

5-17-2016 "7 Things To Know About The Nation's First Penis Transplant" the guy has sex with the same Muslim women as Beau did, grin.

5-17-2016 $777 Trillion in Oil Kickbacks @ New York Times - In New York City, during working hours, hopelessness is there for all to see. An estimated 58,000 people forage for help and survival by day, then retreat to shelters at night.

5-17-2016 $777 Trillion in Oil Kickbacks @ New York Times - "Dying Infants and No Medicine: Inside Venezuela's Failing Hospitals" New York Times - At the University of the Andes Hospital in the mountain city of Mérida, there was not enough water to wash blood from the operating table.

5-17-2016 "7 Things To Know About The Nation's First Penis Transplant" the guy has sex with the same Muslim women as Beau did, grin.

5-17-2016 "7 Things To Know About The Nation's First Penis Transplant" the guy has sex with the same Muslim women as Beau did, grin.

5-17-2016 Beau's Doctor too... Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray says he was "saddened" by the news of Prince's death in April. The former physician, who was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter following Jackson's death, has also issued a warning to Prince's doctor to hire a Yale Law School Lawyer, grin. And get the Judge who took away 5 kids from Mary Kennedy and gave them to Robert Kennedy Jr, grin! This is why Clinton's are Lawyers and not Doctors! Tobacco fund money to help ease Oklahoma physician shortage - all the Doctors moved to UAE and Saudi Arabia. Hillary Clinton says it's “time people stopped listening to Lawyer propaganda.”

5-17-2016 CIA MD's in the Robert Redford movie "Spy Game II" a Sony movie that was never made public. CIA, N.S.A.’s contribution to a high-profile rescue mission for CIA Tom Bishop in China... is the Pope on the CIA payroll? Robert Redford sent the Navy commandos to rescue Tom Bishop and his girlfriend. MD's are Doctors Without Borders! MD's have enemies, especially the CIA MD's in the Covert Polio Vaccine that had no Vaccine in the shot... these MD's will be shot when No gas Stations On Earth Era Exist but for now looks like the Hospital Bomb was revenge for the Polio shot by CIA MD's. Doctors With Enemies: Did Afghan Forces Target a Hospital? The U.S. government has ruled the bombing of a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, an accident. But mounting evidence suggests that Afghans’ mistrust for Doctors Without Borders might have set the tragedy in motion. CIA MD's at Doctors Without Borders will put to death SWF's with MS given to them by bisexual men at CIA HQ, grin.

5-17-2016 "Windward,” by Jan Peter Stern, on the sidewalk in front of 655 Third Avenue, between 41st and 42nd Streets in Manhattan. At his day job, David M. Durst oversaw construction of eight Manhattan skyscrapers over the course of three decades. Durst II and Trump II will oversee 800 Yale Medical School Skyscrapers over 155 Stories Tall... put Trumps Muslims in the shade of these, grin.

5-17-2016 Trumps Women are Front Page New York Times News not Stage 4 "Women" Today!

5-17-2016 Smallpox has inflicted untold suffering and death. So why are we keeping it around? By ERROL MORRIS Errol Morris will be taking your questions about his work on Tuesday at 3 p.m. E.S.T. on Facebook. Leave your question and join the conversation. Errol Morris: ‘Demon in the Freezer’ Errol Morris (@errolmorris) is a writer and filmmaker. His movie “The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons From the Life of Robert S. McNamara” won the Academy Award for best documentary feature in 2004. “Believing is Seeing: Observations on the Mysteries of Photography,” a book of his essays, and his latest book, “A Wilderness of Error: The Trials of Jeffrey MacDonald,” were both New York Times best sellers. Morris’s latest film is “The Unknown Known.” He lives with his wife and French bulldog in Cambridge. Here’s a link to the polio virus trial at Duke: click here.... http://www.cancer.duke.edu/btc Brain cancer breakthrough: Polio Virus killed tumor in SC woman. Why didn't Duke try smallpox? Why didn't Morris put this in the New York Times article? PVS-RIPO is a genetically engineered poliovirus that is being investigated as a new anti-cancer agent at the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke. The idea of targeting cancer with viruses has been around for at least 100 years. However, valid strategies of using ‘oncolytic’ (cancer-fighting) viruses emerged only recently. This is mostly due to technological advances in genetic engineering of viruses. To work against cancers in patients, oncolytic viruses must target cancer cells for infection and they must kill them. At the same time, they must be safe. Accomplishing this is very difficult scientifically and only very few viruses are suitable as cancer-fighting agents in the clinic. We achieved this feat by genetic engineering to remove poliovirus’ inherent disease-causing ability (a piece of genetic code of a cold-causing rhinovirus was spliced into the poliovirus genome). PVS-RIPO naturally infects almost all cancer cells, because the receptor for poliovirus (which is used for cell entry) is abnormally present on most tumor cells. PVS-RIPO kills cancer cells, but not normal cells, because its ability to grow (and kill) depends on biochemical abnormalities only present in cancer cells. Safety testing in non-human primates and human patients has shown no nerve cell killing, no ability to cause poliomyelitis, and no ability of PVS-RIPO to change back to wild type poliovirus that can cause poliomyelitis. MRI of patient on Poliovirus trial How Does PVS-RIPO work? PVS-RIPO is infused directly into a patients’ tumor (e.g. in the brain). This assures that the maximal amount of virus is delivered directly to the tumor. Once inside the tumor, PVS-RIPO infects and kills tumor cells. Although this tumor cell killing alone may have tumor-fighting results, the likely key to therapy with PVS-RIPO is its ability to recruit the patients’ immune response against the cancer. There are many events following PVS-RIPO infusion into the tumor that can contribute to such an outcome. The human immune system is trained to recognize virus infections and, thus, responds vigorously to the infected tumor. Unraveling why and how the immune system attacks tumors that were infused with PVS-RIPO is a major research goal in the Gromeier Laboratory. Smallpox has inflicted untold suffering and death. So why are we keeping it around? By ERROL MORRIS I think this why has been answered here - now to get it published in the New York Times under corrections, grin. Smallpox caused a milder form of disease (also known as alastrim, cottonpox, milkpox, whitepox, and Cuban itch) which killed about 1 percent of its victims.
Smallpox is believed to have emerged in human populations about 10,000 BC.[4] The earliest physical evidence of it is probably the pustular rash on the mummified body of Pharaoh Ramses V of Egypt.[9] The disease killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans annually during the closing years of the 18th century (including five reigning monarchs).

5-17-2016 "7 Things To Know About The Nation's First Penis Transplant" the guy has sex with the same Muslim women as Beau did, grin.

5-17-2016 "7 Things To Know About The Nation's First Penis Transplant" the guy has sex with the same Muslim women as Beau did, grin.

-2016 "Pussy Riot" MD

5-17-2016 MS virus in Bi-sexual men, a slow killer when given to women and now our 1984 II Dictators will let the White House MD put these women to death to ease their tortured end of life goings on... wow!

5-17-2016 Lead Atoms... what causes miscarriages.

5-17-2016 Ideological split at Avengers HQ - Moslem assassin's or Jewish Aliens!!

5-17-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur café! With many Wives!!!! Soul-Mates for trillions of years, ask Miss Universe for a Date at this café!

5-17-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes! Paris Cartoons of this sex...

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes! Paris Cartoons of this sex...

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes! Could beau had married a few MD women at Yale instead. Epidemic of Warrior Dad's selling War-Sex to their son's, Vietnam Baby Lift should be going on today but 60 Minutes @ CBS refused to cover this story in Afghanistan.

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 A TV pilot based on the Nancy Drew books was deemed 'too female' by CBS. A TV pilot based on the Dr Katrina book "Another Day In the Frontal Lobe" was deemed to inventive by CBS. Beau might have been saved by this CBS TV series too. As the least Dr. Katrina could have done Beau's brain surgery instead of a Military MD at Walter Reed.

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

PARIS (AP) — "Hospital Ship Beau" ... will not have spray painted black clouds of Diesel leaving the shipyard in Paris, grin. The largest cruise ship in the world as it set sail on its maiden voyage to the U.K. after 32 months in a French shipyard. The $1 billion Harmony of the Seas cut a gargantuan silhouette Sunday as it left the western port town of Saint-Nazaire. At 362 meters (1,187 feet) long, the 16-deck ship is bigger than the Eiffel Tower and holds the record for being the widest cruise ship ever built — boasting a 6,360-passenger capacity. The USS Jimmy Carter Hospital Submarine cost several Trillion dollars!

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 "Venezuela’s Failing Hospitals" By NICHOLAS CASEY New York Times front page picture of a brain tumor on the kids forehead and nothing about Beau's failed Walter Reed Military Hospitals... MD crisis has Nuked as they; all the MD's went to Saudi Arabia to work in the King's Hospital. By MUJIB MASHAL The determination of Abdul Basir to kill his 22-year-old son is a sign of how Afghanistan’s violence has poisoned the closest of relationships. Biden killed Beau in Afghanistan and then at Walter Reed when he came home from Dad's War Orders! YES Biden ordered Beau to kill Moslems in Afghanistan, do your think Beau's + Biden's wives went along with this? Hell No!

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Biden today in the NY Times sold 12 warplanes to Nigeria, not a moonshot to cure Brain Cancer iapps and MacBook Pro's but 12 F-35's.

5-16-2016 Oil prices rise on Nigerian $$$ SINGAPORE/LONDON Oil prices jumped over 2 percent today ...growing Nigerian oil output disruptions and after the market had ended almost two years of oversupply... AAA Michigan says gas prices statewide have risen by about 5 cents a gallon in the past week.

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Facebook's chief executive Mark Zuckerberg to discuss allegations of political bias in the social network's Trending Topics! No Gas Stations On Earth!!

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 A staggering number of Americans have stopped using the Internet the to... "InventSomething!!" Internet users say Rx Recipes are privacy and security iPhone concerns have now stopped them from doing basic things online to save the life of Mary Kennedy and the 19K SWF who will be murdered in 2106. Battlefield 1 is one of the most anticipated games to come out this year. Masterminded by Bill + Melinda Gates as they deleted the Cartoon + Game for 1,001 IP invention projects!! 'Secret Recipes' App ,for Rx Overnight Cure of Stage 4, TB, MS is a secret Bill + Melinda want to keep secret from Window 10 users, grin. Bill + Melinda have alienated - A staggering number of Americans have stopped using the Internet because Win 8.2 and Win 10 Greed... on par with UAE and Saudi Oil Men. Fuel in Win 10 cost is out of reach of a staggering number of PC users. Confiscate Win 10, Office and $777 Trillion from UAE and Saudi Oil Men, All of those things are impossible to do... Clinton can be indicted at any moment. Trump can leak No Gas Stations on Earth!! NASA Invests In Futuristic Plans Such As Hearing Jewish Aliens...

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Protesters near Kabul, the capital, to demand that the government scrap its decision to reroute a 500-kilowatt transmission line of electricity imported from Turkmenistan. Trump can leak No Gas Stations on Earth and iPod Size GE electric generator fueled by H @ -254 everyone in Kabul can plug in all their GE appliances and pay nothing to the Electric Company, grin. President Ashraf Ghani, got $186 million direct deposited in his bank account from the GE Transmission line company.

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Mrs. Clinton pledged her support for coal miners, and said Bill Clinton‘s chief role would be “revitalizing the COAL economy.” By THOMAS KAPLAN No Gas Stations On Earth said Bill Clinton is a lie I will not tell about, grin.




5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-16-2016 Beau had sex with Muslim Women in Afghanistan, did Biden tell him too, Hell Yes!

5-15-2016 Trumps Women are Front Page New York Times News not Stage 4 "Women" World Wide not Iran women not Jewish women but this cartoon in the New York Times... Iranians staged an international contest for cartoons depicting the Holocaust on Saturday but insisted the event was aimed at criticizing alleged Western double standards regarding free expression and not at denying the Nazi genocide. SWF's and MS women cartoons will aim to criticize our 1984 II Dictators world wide. 40K dead women on the roof of the Pentagon and the MS women will be in this cartoon too. The Joint Chiefs of staff will be hosing down the Pentagon with Iran gasoline and making a comment... MS women generals will get a Medal of Honor. Stage 4 Holocaust trials at the Pentagon Cartoon. 40K dead Stage 4 women in the USA in 2016 will get the last laugh on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

5-15-2016 Trumps Women are Front Page New York Times News not Stage 4 "Women" Today. Legacy for the New York Times the last 8 years is mass murder and Holocaust worst than any of Obama's Wars!

5-15-2016 "An Unexpected Legacy for Obama: 2 Full Terms at War"

5-15-2016 "An Unexpected Legacy for Obama: 2 Full Terms at War" By MARK LANDLER New York times. President Obama, who ran as an antiwar candidate, has now been at war longer than any other American president.

5-15-2016 Now write the Legacy for the War on Stage 4 for the last 8 years...

5-15-2016 "An Unexpected Legacy for Obama: 2 Full Terms at War"

5-15-2016 Rewrite this 007 Spy in 2007 as The Spy Who Worked on Stage 4 instead of Going to Iran! "The Spy Who Never Came Back" By BARRY MEIER Robert A. Levinson, an ex-F.B.I. agent, disappeared in Iran in 2007. 40,000 SWF's in the USA also disappeared from their kids and husbands in 2007 from stage 4 yet the New York Times and Barry Meier will not write this story, rewrite the orders from Pentagon HQ that sent a spy to Iran instead to stage 4 lab.

5-15-2016 When Do You Give Up on Treating a Child With Cancer? When do you give up on a Rx Recipe Overnight Cure for Stage 4... When you are our 1984 II Dictators addicted to MIT's expensive state of the arts War Toys.

5-15-2016 When Do You Give Up on Treating a Child With Cancer? By MELANIE THERNSTROM When you are our 1984 II Dictators addicted to MIT's expensive state of the arts War Toys.

5-15-2016 Back when most people punched clocks at fixed hours, a date might have asked “Shall I pick you up at 6?” But in this 1984 II Society if you are a "Inventor" held POW she will tell you she just got in trouble for telling you some Orwellian Secret you read in her tone of voice or comment. Some 90% of women must know more than Greg about the goings on of our 1984 II society. Smartphones have altered expectations like Hell, iPhone 007 Dash Cam has altered expectations for everything from No Head On Collisions to saving the life of Mary Kennedy. Working from home or from cafes, Starbucks as there is no free wifi at home at any Home in Key West or most of the USA, you must pay Comcast or Verizon over $100 a month for wifi at home to work on a stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure. Legacy of Obama is 8 years without free wifi and 8 years with a Comcast Cable remote. Least these guys don't take their spite out by sucker punching women at the gas station hold up. INVENTION IP invention projects DATING itself is a recent invention from Greg in Key West. Write a Hemingway Novel by midnight with several women. With a invention project in every chapter. Orwellian courtship of Yale MD professors who read this web page and want to get a Nobel in Medicine is a recent Invention too. This MD courtship will take place under 1984 II Dictators supervision. Yes they could let us brainstorm a cure at Los Alamos then stifle a overnight cure for Stage 4, as these guys are true mad men worst than the 12 Caesar's! They gave $777 Trillion to Mecca to build a Mosque that will hold 2 million for Sunday Sermon. There are a 100 Bin laden cranes there today. A woman who arranged to meet a man Greg at a bar know Greg has not had a drink since 1983 will still want to drink several glasses of wine herself, at least in Key West, grin. Courtship has always been dictated by changes in the market and with the New Universe of Time, near star will burn for 4 trillion years, 600 times the age of the current Universe we tend to belive more in Soul Mates living for at least 4 trillion years after we die. So if she is married to Kerry who called in Napalm Strikes on Villages in Vietnam or McCain who Napalmed Villages in Vietnam soul mate in Hell is a new reality. Marry up in the world socially is to marry someone who is not a murderer, grin. This kind of flirting with the Universe will get more intense when we invent a way to hear and see Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars.

5-15-2016 Trumps Women are Front Page New York Times News not Stage 4 "Women" Today!

5-15-2016 "An Unexpected Legacy for Obama: 2 Full Terms at War"

5-15-2016 "An Unexpected Legacy for Obama: 2 Full Terms at War" By MARK LANDLER New York times. President Obama, who ran as an antiwar candidate, has now been at war longer than any other American president.

5-15-2016 Now write the Legacy for the War on Stage 4 for the last 8 years...

5-15-2016 Mao Zedong unleashed mass murder far less than the Yale + Harvard gas engine car salesmen years after the invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Baby killers from Vietnam sold Smog Holocaust II to the Chinese Elite. Mao Zedong unleashed nothing in this Class of Yale + Harvard gas engine car salesmen at Ford.

5-15-2016 "Pesticide Exposure crunched at Los Alamos will Increase the brainstorming ideas on how to make invent a better pesticide" "Pesticide Exposure May Increase Risk of A.L.S. "By Nicholas Bakalar Exposure to pesticides may increase the risk for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, a new study has found.

5-15-2016 Now write the Legacy for the War on Stage 4 for the last 8 years...

5-15-2016 "An Unexpected Legacy for Obama: 2 Full Terms at War"

5-15-2016 Air Force Maj. Gen. Sarah Zabel, the vice director of the Defense Information Systems Agency, gave a one-hour talk to a computer networking group on the security and communications needs of her 4.5 million-user communications system. She was worried about hackers, another whole new kind of adversary, in a world turned upside-down by tech. General Sarah was not worried about the 40K dead from Stage 4 in 2016. So the Pentagon guys can brainwash women to kill 40K other women in one year. This is what 8 years of a Black Man Obama has come to, his black legacy is mass murder.

5-15-2016 Now write the Legacy for the War on Stage 4 for the last 8 years...

5-15-2016 "An Unexpected Legacy for Obama: 2 Full Terms at War"

5-15-2016 "San Carlos represents Cuba in Key West" Key West Citizen - Since 1985, when he was approached to help preserve the San Carlos Institute as a Cuban historical landmark, it has always been the goal of Miami attorney Rafael A. Peñalver, Jr. to return to Cuba... but Not a Cuba with Ford ElectricWindmillCastro Cars coming off the assembly line in Havana, grin. Key West is to small for a Ford assembly line but Cuba will get one for sure! And of course one Ford will be named Castro. Since 1985 Cuban's have been washing up on Key West beaches but none have gone to work at a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort plant. So who lost the most from the USA government mentality, 400 million Americans who do not drive a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort today or Cuban's who don't have a Ford assembly line in Havana Today? Citizen's Voice “I agree that all crosswalks should be removed. I learned at a very young age that walking in front of a moving car, bus or truck is inherently dangerous, but that’s just... All Crosswalks for the grand kids will be laser guidance and Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts will not be able to turn right if a person is in the crosswalk, and a lot more crosswalk inventions we can only imagine! Stop lights will all be laser guidances no more red lights.

5-15-2016 Iranians staged an international contest for cartoons depicting the Holocaust on Saturday but insisted the event was aimed at criticizing alleged Western double standards regarding free expression and not at denying the Nazi genocide. SWF's and MS women cartoons will aim to criticize our 1984 II Dictators world wide. 40K dead women on the roof of the Pentagon and the MS women will be in this cartoon too. The Joint Chiefs of staff will be hosing down the Pentagon with Iran gasoline and making a comment... MS women generals will get a Medal of Honor.

5-15-2016 Now write the Legacy for the War on Stage 4 for the last 8 years...

5-15-2016 "An Unexpected Legacy for Obama: 2 Full Terms at War"

5-15-2016 Stage 4 Rx Recipe Overnight cure will spin off a Rx Recipe Overnight Cure for TB the UN is not thinking about at all... New guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) has created new hope for the roughly 480,000 people suffering from drug-resistant tuberculosis. Currently tuberculosis can involve a lengthy process to treat with many pills and injections lasting as long as two years. However, will side-effects and no guarantees off success, many people do not finish their course of treatment. As a result, cure rates are as low as 50 percent according to the BBC. However, WHO’s new guidelines will help to cut this arduous process down to create shorter, more manageable treatment times. According to WHO, the new treatment times will take 9-12 months with a much cheaper price tag at $1000 per patient versus the current price of $2400. The new regime is currently recommended for patients diagnosed with uncomplicated MDR-TB which means they have the disease and is less resistant to the drugs. Stage 4 Rx Recipe Overnight cure will spin off a Rx Recipe Overnight Cure for TB the UN is not thinking about at all...

5-15-2016 Write this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Cafe with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 The 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity; getting 1,001 Liver Transplants done a day world wide!

5-14-2016 The 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity; $1 Trillion invested in the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Store with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 The 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity; Why Trump never a push to make Polygamy Marriage Legal in NYC?

5-14-2016 The 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity; Trump ask her on a "Date" to get a Rx Recipe Brainstormed for candy and OJ with no calories... or murderous thoughts in his frontal lobes.

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur café!

5-14-2016 Trumps Orwellian Monstrosity; NYC. “Free Hugs” in public places like Times Square; a 2013 profile in The New York Times as psychotic. Yesterday punching a 22-year-old Canadian tourist, a woman, in the face at 46th Street and Broadway in Times Square. In 2013 “Then I got a cup of ice coffee and I threw it at her.” He was arrested and charged with assault. Police said he had been arrested 16 times, all attacks on SWF's in Times Square. “You will respect me when I knock you out.” In 2013, he told a woman before assaulting her, “I assault people when I’m mad.” The City Council has worked to rein in the tip-reliant performers of Times Square. I though the Key West City Council was the worst in the USA... grin. Well Time Square got rid of the trillions of cars and scooters, Duval in Key West has trillions of cars and scooters spray painting SWF tourists with black clouds of poison gas today. So maybe Key West City Council is worst than NYC considering Times Square has no traffic. Grin.

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur café!

5-14-2016 The 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity has imposed sweeping controls on its to "Men" ensure that none are used in lethal injections of SWF's, Murder, given MS which is lethal, burned + burned to death in gas engine cars, sucker punched at gas station hold ups out of spite for our 1984 II Orwellian Giants! Three Killed After Amtrak Train Strikes Pickup Truck in California. The crash happened at a railroad crossing as the train was headed to Bakersfield from Oakland, Calif., an Amtrak spokeswoman said. - CBS yesterday on nightly news had a 700 mph Amtrak Train ready for production on the news.

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur café!

5-14-2016 The pharmaceutical giant Monstrosity Pfizer has imposed sweeping controls on its products to ensure that none are used in lethal injections... to women with MS infected by bi-sexual men.

5-14-2016 The 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity; $1 Trillion will eventually be invested in the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Store with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur café!

5-14-2016 The 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity Apple; Unexpected news came from the world's most valuable company today as Apple confirmed it invested $1 billion in Didi Chuxing, the Beijing-based ride-hailing company that rivals Uber in China. Pasteur Institute Starbucks Style café with iMac Super Computers Bill + Melinda Gates have no Desire, Tim Cook has no Desire Lust for the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table... $1 Trillion will eventually be invented in the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute Store with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table... Genius Techs at 84K stores world wide will make over $100K plus tips from many who win a Noble or write a Novel with a invention in every chapter. So much for Queen Elizabeth's black + white café table in Paris! The plagues of London will read like Bill + Melinda Gates nukes for mosquitos, grin. I can hear Steve Jobs screaming You're Fired.

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur café!

5-14-2016 The 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity; "The Cancer Almanac" By RYAN BRADLEY... Lumps in breasts are common, and caused by a variety of factors, including tumors. Most often, tumors begin in the lobules (the cells that produce milk) and the ducts connecting the lobules to the nipple. The tumors are usually benign, meaning that they will remain in situ (stably surrounded by the tissue in which they were first formed) and cause no harm. Some tumors continue to expand, though, invading neighboring tissue. These are malignant. Breast cells, like all cells, use receptors to convert chemical signals into actions within the cell. These receptors are now seen as defining features of breast cancer, and how they behave is a key factor in determining the most effective treatment. "The Cancer Almanac" By RYAN BRADLEY... now rewrite this Breast Cancer at a table at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table... The 1984 II Orwellian Giant has imposed sweeping controls on "The Cancer Almanac" By RYAN BRADLEY... there is no Ultra Super Computer video in the NY Time video section to go along with the "The Cancer Almanac" By RYAN BRADLEY... out-of-date and illiterate "The Cancer Almanac" By RYAN BRADLEY... The 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity; New York Times.

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur café!

5-14-2016 The 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity; Miss Universe; Trump lets brainstorm a perpetual motion machine! Gravity Engine IP invention project from Greg + Wives in Key West. What? Why Trump never screamed to make Polygamy Marriage Legal in NYC... Rx Recipe... Trump; “You like your candy,” he told an overweight female executive who oversaw the construction of his headquarters in Midtown Manhattan. He could be lewd one moment and gentlemanly the next... but never the Inventor Trump as this was not part of our 1984 II Society to ask her on a brainstorming date; 24/7 to get a Rx Recipe for candy and OJ with no calories. Mr. Trump described himself as a champion of women, someone who took pride in hiring them and was in awe of their work ethic. 1,001 IP invention projects has never been in our Orwellian Society as a work ethic. “It was intimidating,” she said. “He was Donald Trump, obviously.” Intimidating is the 1984 II Orwellian Giant Mad Men at the Orwellian White House. "Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private with and without 1,001 IP invention projects to talk about... " By MICHAEL BARBARO and MEGAN TWOHEY New York Times.

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur café!

5-14-2016 London “The cat killer is clever, operates in darkness in mostly residential neighborhoods away from surveillance video cameras,” said Mr. Jenkins, adding, “The aim is obviously to inflict maximum distress.”

5-14-2016 Data released Friday by the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, based on reports from more than 60 cities, showed notable increases in murders in about two dozen cities in the first three months of the year compared to last year and a 9 percent increase nationwide. But nearly 40 cities showed a decline or remained essentially flat. U.S. Homicide Rates Rise in Early 2016 The rise in homicides in cities like Chicago and Dallas has been linked by the F.B.I. director to less aggressive policing stemming from a “viral video effect.” By ERIC LICHTBLAU and MONICA DAVEY 1984 II Orwellian Giant has imposed sweeping controls on its to "Men" ensure that none are used in lethal injections. What Monica at the NY Times killed in her story is 19K SWF's will be killed by drunk men in 2016... Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon are living it up with MIT war toys $$$ when they should have ordered iPhone 007 Dash Cams on all cars for 2016 with the MIT War Toys Trillions for 2016. The 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity; MIT War Toys, fleet of Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs! For a Nobel Peace Prize winner in our 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity;

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur café!

5-14-2016 Key West Citizen - Castro giving Miami back to Americans! Give Castro some out of date 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts, grin! No gravity engines will not fit in these.

5-14-2016 Key West Citizen - Saturday, A contingent of Key West leaders met with the U.S. government’s top envoy in Cuba on Friday and discussed such pressing issues as the “wet-foot, dry-foot” policy.

5-14-2016 Our 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity; Castro giving Miami back to Americans! Give Castro some out of date 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts, grin! No gravity engines will not fit in these.

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur café!

5-14-2016 Our 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity; Peshawar (Pakistan) Rawalpindi Pakistan What's the most polluted city in the world? Some might point to Beijing, the Chinese capital, and its now legendary smog problem. Others may point toward India, where Delhi's own air pollution problems are become similarly infamous. However, a new report from the World Health Organization suggests that these mega cities are actually only the tip of the iceberg — and the actual city with the world's worst pollution is probably in Iran that is not monitored, its just one black cloud of poison gas, grin. The 1984 II Orwellian Giant has imposed sweeping controls on its Ford ElectricWindmillEscort assembly lines world wide. And far as inventing the gravity engine it has been fire bombed. Queen Elizabeth has released 90 black + white pictures of herself when she was young. Our 1984 II Orwellian Monstrosity; Queen Elizabeth II.

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur café!

5-14-2016 II Orwellian Giant; FDA No Rx Recipes on box required. “Bayer is aware of the FDA’s May 12, 2016 Drug Safety Communication in regard to the fluorouquinolone class of antibiotics. Cipro® (ciprofloxacin) and Avelox® (moxifloxacin) are both part of this important class of antibiotics, which has been used to treat a range of infections for many years. Bayer’s highest priority is patient safety, and we will carefully review the information that FDA posted today and will continue to work closely with the agency on this topic.” 1984 II FDA FDA announced that it is now requiring label changes for antibacterial drugs called fluoroquinolones, including an updated boxed warning No Rx Recipes will be required reading for the public to work on Rx Recipe IP invention projects at this time.


5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur Institute with a iMac Supercomputer at every café table...

5-14-2016 Now rewrite this "Web Page" at the Apple-Starbucks-Pasteur café!

5-13-2016 Should NYC have a women MD as Mayor, Hell Yes!!! Should CBS "60 Minutes" have all MD-Journalists, Hell Yes!

5-13-2016 Should NYC have a women MD as Mayor, Hell Yes!!! Should CBS "60 Minutes" have all MD-Journalists, Hell Yes!

5-13-2016 Dr. Pope Redonda Miller Francis II MD role of Cardinal Inventor Godsend of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year today all lost by Pope Francis and Yes God is watching, grin.

5-13-2016 Dr. Pope Redonda Miller Francis II MD role is getting 1,001 Liver Transplants done a day world wide... this leaves Pope Francis in Hell watching a women Pope do 1,001 liver transplants a day world wide! By the time Sammy was a year old, he had developed the consequences of liver failure. His swollen abdomen and bloodshot eyes reminded me of the cirrhosis patients I cared for as an emergency room doctor. Unlike other organ donations, this can be done by removing a piece of a donor liver, which can then regenerate in the recipient. By Dara Kass, M.D.

5-13-2016 Ford Assembly Line, Pakistan H-Bomb Assembly Lines; next is the Liver Transplant Assembly lines... with a new Woman Pope MD. Under study at the Vatican... ha! Under study!

5-13-2016 Pope Francis told an international conference of nuns that he wants to create a commission to study the possibility of “reinstating” female deacons, a dramatic statement highlighting the historic role of women as God's best invention! Obama has a bill that would allow female World War II pilots known as WASPs to continue placing their ashes at Arlington National Cemetery... Breast Cancer War Dead Too!

5-13-2016 Should NYC have a women MD as Mayor, Hell Yes!!! Should CBS "60 Mintues" have all MD-Journalists, Hell Yes!

5-13-2016 Should NYC have a women MD as Mayor, Hell Yes!!! Should CBS "60 Mintues" have all MD-Journalists, Hell Yes!

5-13-2016 "I'm proud to be a role model. ... But gender won't play into my day-to-day role," said Dr. Redonda Miller, first female president of Johns Hopkins Hospital - Miller came to Hopkins 28 years ago for medical school driving a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and had a iPhone with 1,001 IP invention projects to work on. Teenage girls who consume large amounts of fruit may lower their future risk for breast cancer, a new study suggests. This is what Dr Miller gets as New York Times front page headlines after 28 years of 40K dead women every year from Breast Cancer! Cancer at the New York Times needs a MD women to write the front page Tomorrow or another 40K women will die from Breast Cancer in the next 12 months. "Guitars in the City" New York Times headlines... these guys at the New York Times have to have Syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin! On June 9 California will join four other states - Oregon, Washington, Vermont and Montana - in allowing physician-assisted suicide. Dr. Miller has watched 100's of women with MS die knowing they were infected by bi-sexual men. This has been going on for all of her 28 years at Hopkins now the White House MD will put these MS women to death, not make bi-sexual men front page on the New York Times. For 28 years Los Alamos has not been used to crunch Rx Recipes to cure MS or Stage 4.

5-13-2016 Should NYC have a women MD as Mayor, Hell Yes!!! Should CBS "60 Mintues" have all MD-Journalists, Hell Yes!

5-13-2016 Should NYC have a women MD as Mayor, Hell Yes!!! Should CBS "60 Mintues" have all MD-Journalists, Hell Yes!

5-13-2016 Should NYC have a women MD as Mayor, Hell Yes!!! Dr. Miller needs to diagnosis NYC like Mayor Blasio never could... Mayor de Blasio’s Birthday Party Serves as Re-election Rally. To a room of actors, taxi drivers and public-relations experts, Mayor Bill de Blasio pitched for a second term, urging participants to stand with him. By ADAM NOSSITER New York Times "President François Hollande’s government survived a vote of no confidence, but with his re-election chances appearing slim, a goal has become resolving the deep ideological split in his party. Hell the split and spit on Allah by Charlie Hebdo. Cartoon will published tomorrow... 9/11 Freedom Tower was not made a Yale NYC Medical School and Paris Elite destroyed the 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School driving the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort into it... blowing it up! President François Hollande is a war criminal ready for the Laser Guillotine Era and a New French Revolution that will make No Gas Station on Earth the War that will in the War with Pakistan! Overnight Godsend Hollande gave Mecca in $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues.

5-13-2016 Should NYC have a women MD as Mayor, Hell Yes!!! Should CBS "60 Mintues" have all MD-Journalists, Hell Yes!

5-13-2016 Should NYC have a women MD as Mayor, Hell Yes!!! Should CBS "60 Mintues" have all MD-Journalists, Hell Yes!

5-13-2016 ‘Radical Islam with Godsend of $777 Trillion’ Mr. Giuliani, is a scam artists from NYC, grin. Radical Islam was given $777 Trillion in BP OIl Revenues by the British + American elite 1984 II Dictators. First Draft "Rudolph Giuliani Praises Donald Trump’s Proposed Commission on ‘Radical Islam’ Mr. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, said Wednesday evening that a commission on “radical Islam” was “a good step,” and did not rule out the possibility of leading it if Mr. Trump asked him to." By JOHN CORRALES NY Times. Who at 1984 II HQ will lead No Gas Stations on Earth and confiscate $777 Trillion from Islam? "Pakistan Doesn’t Owe You a Free Mansion" Politicians, generals, journalists, poets — they’re all skimming off the Pakistani state because the Pentagon gave them $$$ 100's of Trillions of Dollars.

5-13-2016 "Donating an Organ to My Son" As a physician and as a mom, I was used to solving problems. Now I just needed to say a prayer and be available for parts donation. By DARA KASS, M.D. New York Times.


5-13-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Mary Kennedy's Funeral...

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 No Gas Stations on Earth Era Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says" Pasteur Institute Starbucks Style café with iMac Super Computers Bill + Melinda Gates have no Desire to use for a killer Mosquito Invention Project and CBS 60 Minutes will not air this Sunday, the Pasteur Institute Starbucks Style café with iMac Super Computers at every table!

5-12-2016 Joint Strike Fighters F-35's known as the Grim Reapers, buzz into Key West after destroying 1,700 Super Shuttle Space Telescope Cars on Cape Canaveral launch pads... via $$$ trillions and trillions for the Grim Reapers $$$ BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com Two of the stealthy and controversial F-35C Joint Strike Fighters set to replace the F/A-18 Super Hornet made their debut at Boca Chica Field on Wednesday in a quick one-day visit to Naval Air Station Key West, the Navy confirmed. The two F-35 aircraft were with Strike Fighter Squadron 101 (VFA-101), also known as the Grim Reapers, based at Eglin Air Force Base. NASA's Ames Research Center, said that in case the present day "Grim Reapers atmosphere" of Earth is taken and placed in the scenario that exist as No Gas Stations on Earth 9/11 was caused by Grim Reapers and 9/11 II + III will also be 17 guys from Saudi Arabia unless No Gas Stations on Earth Atmosphere is created from the Smog Bush masterminded!

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 80% of world's city dwellers 'breathing poison chemicals air' this is why we should carer about Facebook bias after BP Oil direct deposited $681 million into their bank account! Why Do We Care If Facebook Is Biased? The New Yorker - The controversy over whether Facebook's trending topics show a liberal bias lays bare the tension between Facebook's desire to be a utility and its reality as a media company that publishes and curates material. 80% of world's city dwellers 'breathing poison chemicals air' this is why we should carer about Facebook bias after BP Oil direct deposited $681 million into their bank account! Zuckerberg and Chan Hire Education Leader to Run Philanthropic Effort. From the $681 million direct deposited by BP oil, grin. Really in this 1984 II Society you know Zuckerberg and Chan got at least that much in kickbacks from BP Oil's $777 Trillion.

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says" "Hillary Clinton Email Inquiry Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says" By ERIC LICHTBLAU and MATT FLEGENHEIMER

5-12-2016 F.B.I. Director Says Video Blunts Police Work but doesn't mention iPhone 007 dash cam's mandatory in all cars on 1 Jan. 2016, grin. By ERIC LICHTBLAU Officers are not confronting suspects out of fear of being recorded, James Comey said, driving a spike in murders. FBI had nothing to say about Mary Kenned being video taped in the Kennedy Barn hanging herself and the video of the Judge taking the money and running to the Bank. All on Video in this 1984 II Society, were the Hell is the FBI? Watching YouTube Videos at work... ha

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 Bush bought this Judge - Judge Allowed Destruction of Evidence in 9/11 Case, Defense Says - this is the same Judge that took the money from Robert Kennedy Jr and ran to the Bank, grin! Bush bought this Judge!

5-12-2016 First Draft: Radio Ads in Arizona Use Donald Trump to Criticize John McCain Donald Trump — the man who called Mexican immigrants rapists and drug dealers — why the Hell didn't Trump mention Mexican Truck drivers; as they will kill a SWF in a SUV packed with kids today! Trump didn't mention Mexican STD's, Syphilis statistics... boarder checks of this on Mexican truck drivers going into Arizona. 1984 II FBI guys at HQ will watch this video and write another story for the NY Times on how video of cops increased murders. Shock + Awe of our 1984 II Society!! Arizona has the most Mexican Truck drivers too and McCain will not complain about this. Senator John McCain of Arizona recently told donors that he was probably facing the re-election race of his life, death is what I'm waiting for the verdict of Hell for trillions and trillions of years! Napalm Bombs McCain cheered as the Vietnam Village went up in flames, YouTube had millions of these videos without the Pilots Cheers! Sick... mad men!

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 Mad Men... sick; That’s Right, $63 Million for a Football Stadium … for High Schoolers It’s in Texas, of course, where football is revered. And it’s not the only massive facility, leading some to argue that local schools are engaged in an arms race. By MIKE McPHATE

5-12-2016 Iran will Never Again send pilgrims to Saudi Arabia when No Gas Stations On Earth Era Rules the World... 180 Nations will Never Again Send Pilgrims to Mecca when No Gas Stations on Earth Rules the World.

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 Iran will not send pilgrims to Saudi Arabia this year for the annual Hajj pilgrimage, last year killed at least 2,426 people. 180 countries that sent citizens to the Hajj. The official Saudi toll of 769 people killed and 934 injured has not changed since Sept. 26, and officials have yet to address the discrepancy. Last year's Hajj, which drew 2 million pilgrims, also saw a crane collapse in Mecca kill 111 worshipers. Iran called for an independent body to take over planning and administering the five-day Hajj pilgrimage, but the kingdom's ruling Al Saud family likely would never give up its role in administering the holy sites. That, along with Saudi Arabia's oil wealth, provides it major influence in the Muslim world. This isn't the first time Iran has boycotted the Hajj. In 1987, demonstrating Iranian pilgrims battled Saudi riot police, violence that killed at least 402 people. Iran claimed 600 of its pilgrims were killed and said police fired machine guns at the crowd. Iran boycotted the Hajj in 1988 and 1989, while Saudi officials severed diplomatic ties over the violence and Iranian attacks on shipping in the Persian Gulf.

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "China Pressed on Queen Elizabeth II’s Complaint of ‘Very Rude’ Officials" By EDWARD WONG ‘Very Rude’ Officials" Very Deadly BP Oil Officials selling spray painted clouds of black diesel to China in the same "Mentality" of the China Opium Wars! Smog is the modern day Opium from Queen Elizabeth II Reign.

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 Canada Fire Deals Staggering Blow to Oil Sands Industry and Economy By IAN AUSTEN No Gas Stations on Earth Rule will be the final blow to Canada Oil Sands mass murderers, war profiteers!

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 CBS Morley Safer Retiring as Longest-Serving ‘60 Minutes’ reporter without reporting the 1980 - 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort wow! By CHRISTOPHER MELE New York Times. CBS Morley Safer will miss the No Gas Stations on Earth Headlines on the front page of the NY Times too!

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 Paris Charlie Hebdo will publish a cartoon of this tomorrow. Editorial: Time to Put the Homosexuals in Pakistan Editorials" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times. "Germany Says It Will Rescind 200,000 Convictions for Homosexuality Rape" Pakistan just put this on "Fat Boy" nuclear Warhead on the Pakistan H-Bomb assembly line for todays revenge! Todays Times editorial about Pakistan starts with 9/11 and goes on from there documenting the $777 Billion the Pentagon direct deposited in their bank accounts for nothing, as the Pentagon got scamed into financing a anti homosexual rape H-Bomb assembly line Obama spits at during his day at the White House! Obama spits on Allah's version of homosexual rape too. Paris Charlie Hebdo will publish a cartoon of this tomorrow.

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"



5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-12-2016 "iPhone 007 Dash Cam's mandatory in all 2016 Cars Won’t Be Rushed, F.B.I. Chief Says"

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Hiroshima...

9-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say About NYC being Nuked... in the No Gas Stations on Earth War! British Greed for another $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues $$$.

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Mary Kennedy's Funeral...

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

5-11-2016 "Observers" 1984 II HQ where about 230 operators and dispatchers will soon be working on round-the-clock shifts recording live video of 911 calls.

5-11-2016 "Observers" 230 operators and dispatchers watching live streaming video of you and me...

5-11-2016 "Observers" 230 operators and dispatchers watching live streaming video of No Gas Stations on Earth War!

9-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say To The Troops About NYC being Nuked... in the No Gas Stations on Earth War!

5-11-2016 "Observers" 230 operators and dispatchers watching live streaming video of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year spin off Era of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Assembly lines! All with iPhone 007 dash cams.

5-11-2016 "Observers" 1984 II HQ where Greg + Wives in Key West live streaming video is recorded, everyone watching us knows the Rx Recipe Brainstorming for a Stage 4 cure is being stifled by the top brass, grin.

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Hiroshima, Paris is next city that will be Nuked, OJ clones will murder many SWF's during his visit to Hiroshima, many Mary Kennedy Clones will call 911 + recorded herself on Periscope, the live video-streaming app, describing her despair and then killing herself by hanging in the Kennedy Barn.

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Hiroshima...

9-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say About NYC being Nuked... in the No Gas Stations on Earth War!

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Mary Kennedy's Funeral...

5-11-2016 "Observers" 1984 II HQ where Greg + Wives in Key West live streaming video is recorded, everyone watching us knows the Rx Recipe Brainstorming for a LG lobotomy gas is being stifled by the top brass, grin.

5-11-2016 Obama has an opportunity to offer tangible initiatives to advance his vision of a nuclear-free world... 19K women will be murdered by drunk men in 2016 when a Murder-free USA would have started in 1980 if Obama didn't sell his soul to BP Oil.

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Hiroshima...

9-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say About NYC being Nuked... in the No Gas Stations on Earth War!

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Mary Kennedy's Funeral...

5-11-2016 Mary Kennedy's despair over the Judge being bought off by her husband is the status quo today. No Head On Collisions technology + live streaming video of Nichol + Mary goes on at the 911 call center. Google YouTube Videos and now Amazon wants you to upload your videos to Amazon. Censored at Facebook + Google, is the Sony movie Made of the Pentagon, Pasteur's Marvel Cartoons! Apple-Starbucks café will only be out sold by the Pasteur Institute Starbucks Style café with iMac Super Computers Bill + Melinda Gates have no Desire to use for a killer Mosquito Invention Project.

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Hiroshima...

9-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say About NYC being Nuked... in the No Gas Stations on Earth War!

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Mary Kennedy's Funeral...

5-11-2016 A mushroom cloud billowed about an hour after the nuclear bomb was detonated on Aug. 6, 1945, over Hiroshima, Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Hiroshima By THE EDITORIAL BOARD President Obama at the Nuclear Security Summit in April. He has an opportunity to offer tangible initiatives to advance his vision of a nuclear-free world. LG lobotomy gas in the drinking water in Pakistan, for a nuclear-free Pakistan. Better idea than taking the polio virus out of the vaccine and giving them pure water as a polio vaccine, Bush shock + awe master minded this.

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Hiroshima...

9-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say About NYC being Nuked... in the No Gas Stations on Earth War!

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Mary Kennedy's Funeral...

5-11-2016 "Observers" 1984 II HQ where Greg + Wives in Key West live streaming video is recorded, everyone watching us knows the Rx Recipe Brainstorming for a LG lobotomy gas is being stifled by the top brass, grin.

5-11-2016 Fiery French Cop Car Crash into a SUV with mom, dad, kids in back on Periscope the live video-streaming app and French Government Traffic Cameras Prompts France to Open Inquiry into No Gas Stations on Earth Revolution! By LILIA BLAISE and BENOIT MORENNE

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Hiroshima...

9-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say About NYC being Nuked... in the No Gas Stations on Earth War!

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Mary Kennedy's Funeral...

5-11-2016 PARIS — French officials have recorded her SUICIDE AND MURDERS via live video-streaming 911 app, her despair and then her murder by French Government Greed for another $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues from Africa colonies.

5-11-2016 Suicide on Periscope Prompts France to Open Inquiry By LILIA BLAISE and BENOIT MORENNE PARIS — French officials have opened an investigation after a distraught young woman recorded herself on Periscope, the live video-streaming app, describing her despair and then killing herself by jumping in front of a commuter train in suburban Paris.

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Hiroshima...

9-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say About NYC being Nuked... in the No Gas Stations on Earth War!

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Mary Kennedy's Funeral...

5-11-2016 West Point Won’t Punish Cadets in Raised-Fist Photo - 1984 II 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat will take away their Driving a Gas Engine Car as punishment. Grin. Generals hanged on a 2014 conviction of committing atrocities in the 1980 war of independence from Saudi Arabia Oil's $777 Trillion in kickbacks to West Point Cadets salary while Medical Students had to pay $48K a year tuition. Lives lost are in the millions since the Independence War from Saudi Arabia in 1980 was lost to West Point Generals for kickbacks $$$. Genocide Proceedings began in Paris before the USA. Cuba could be the first Nation to start genocide trials in the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort War with Oil Men!

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Hiroshima...

9-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say About NYC being Nuked... in the No Gas Stations on Earth War!

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Mary Kennedy's Funeral...

5-11-2016 PSAC II is New York City’s second Public Safety Answering Center, where emergency 911 calls are taken by the Police and Fire Departments. Beginning next month, it is to supplement PSAC I at 11 MetroTech Center in Downtown Brooklyn. My colleague Ángel Franco and I accepted several conditions. He agreed not to photograph the vast call room, where about 230 operators and dispatchers will soon be working on round-the-clock shifts. "An Imposing Building That Hums With Life-Saving Capacity" Building Blocks By DAVID W. DUNLAP

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Hiroshima...

9-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say About NYC being Nuked... in the No Gas Stations on Earth War!

5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Mary Kennedy's Funeral...

5-11-2016 "Observers" 230 operators and dispatchers watching live streaming video of you and me...




5-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say at Hiroshima...

9-11-2016 Editorial What Mr. Obama Can Say About NYC being Nuked... in the No Gas Stations on Earth War!

5-10-2016 Full spectrum of my Parisian... Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite who turn the World into No Gas Stations on Earth!

5-10-2016 "Bartenders Can’t Refuse Pregnant Women Alcohol, New York City Says" By MIKE McPHATE New York Times. The article is really for Hemingway's Era in NYC not Pasteur's Era in NYC. UN in ashes rebuilt as a UN Medical School. Stockholm following orders from the 1984 II Dictators who gave Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize will give Charlie Hebdo a Nobel in literature for Cartoons.

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

5-10-2016 Full spectrum of my Parisian... Era 2016. Era from Crude Cartoons at Charlie Hebdo, and Crude Oil Revenues from French Owned Total in Africa to iMac Super Computers and 1,001 French Nobels in every year starting in 2017. Invent It Revolution!

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

5-10-2016 "Spring in Paris, My Adopted City, After the Siege" By SETH SHERWOOD - Seth's Paris is not Pasteur's Paris as Seth mentions everyone but Pasteur + his congregation of inventors. Roux set up the first course of microbiology ever taught in the world, then entitled Cours de Microbie Technique (Course of microbe research techniques). Since 1891 the Pasteur Institute has taught microbiology and there are no microbiology cartoons.

5-10-2016 Greg + Wives Paris will be in walking distance of the Pasteur Institute... Seth's Paris; my Parisian neighbors filled the crowded tables: a vivacious fashionista in huge red eyeglasses chatting with a Franco-African woman in a motorcycle jacket; a male couple in Ray-Bans cuddling at the next table. Behind me, two older women clinked wineglasses and leaned forward to hear each other amid the funk-music groove. My Parisian neighbor will be Pasteur II + III.

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

5-10-2016 Full spectrum of my Parisian... Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite who turn the World into No Gas Stations on Earth!

5-10-2016 Full spectrum of my Parisian... Charlie Hebdo, cartoon Era in Paris...

5-10-2016 Pasteur Institute microbiology cartoons Era in Paris... 2017 to...

5-10-2016 Louis Pasteur; December 27, 1822 – September 28, 1895) was a French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization. He is remembered. The Avenue Pasteur in Saigon, Vietnam, is one of the few streets in that city to retain its French name. Pasteur's name was not in todays New York Times article titled... Spring in Paris, After the Siege as the Siege is really Marvel Cartoons and deleted Pasteur's II + III at the Belle café Table with a MacBook Pro and link to Los Alamos. Were Oppenheimer II + III works on a Overnight Cure for the MS virus.

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

5-10-2016 Zurich in a million years will never give us a Pasteur or a Pasteur II + III Paris with iMac Super Computers at every café Table will. Seth's Paris is more like Zurich as Paris!

5-10-2016 On the terrace of La Belle Équipe, sitting among the twilight throngs, I scan a menu as diverse as this city: French tartare de boeuf, American-style barbecued ribs, Middle Eastern shakshouka. I am already eager to return, many times, to the “heures heureuses” here, and to the many hours of happiness that I have known all over this neighborhood, this adopted city, and this continent, my home.

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

5-10-2016 Full spectrum of my Parisian Eras. For years people have asked me, why did you move to France? For Hemingway Novels to read and write not Crude Cartoons, really. Marvel Comics + Movies or the New England Journal of Medicine spectrum in Facebook and the New York Times.

5-10-2016 Full spectrum of my Parisian neighbors filled the crowded tables: a vivacious fashionista in huge red eyeglasses chatting with a Franco-African woman in a motorcycle jacket; a male couple in Ray-Bans cuddling at the next table. Behind me, two older women clinked wineglasses and leaned forward to hear each other amid the funk-music groove.

5-10-2016 Full spectrum of my Parisian... Era 2016. Twilight was falling. A Parisian night was about to flare into fullness... of what Era?

5-10-2016 Full spectrum of my Parisian... Era 2016... La Belle Équipe café without MacBook Pro's at every café table and with MacBook Pro's at every table. Nearby at Café des Anges, a group are brainstorming a Novel to go faster than the speed of light.

5-10-2016 The Paris they evoked, reaffirmed by films like “The Last Metro,” “Last Tango in Paris” and “Diva,” was a moody, twilight city of long nights and endless intrigue.

5-10-2016 Greg + Wives Paris will be in walking distance of the Pasteur Institute... my Parisian neighbors filled the crowded tables: a vivacious fashionista in huge red eyeglasses chatting with a Franco-African woman in a motorcycle jacket; a male couple in Ray-Bans cuddling at the next table. Behind me, two older women clinked wineglasses and leaned forward to hear each other amid the funk-music groove. My Parisian neighbor will be Pasteur II + III.

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

Paris is left in Ashes after the Nuke attack by Pakistan! Or Saudi Arabia is left in Ashes after the attack by Paris Elite.

5-10-2016 Pasteur us against Marvel Comics + Cartoons Headlines. Marvel Pasteur Movie would have to be a Sony movie made for the Pentagon, grin. Here's the problem with both 'Captain America: Civil War' and 'Batman v. Superman' Washington Post - This article contains spoilers about both movies. Pitting superheroes against each other certainly sounds like a great idea. That way, comic-book movies have another way to acknowledge the world isn't just about heroes and villains, that there are ... Marvel Pasteur Movie Plans.

5-10-2016 Fixes - this is a editorial in the New York Times Today... "Using Tweets and Posts to Speed Up Organ Donation" By DAVID BORNSTEIN Greg Segal and Jenna Arnold, co-founders of Organize. A grateful recipient of a new heart has inspired a drive to vastly enlarge the pool of prospective organ donors. Greg + Wives in Key West will cut out the hearts of our 1984 II Dictators and transplant them into Cheney II + III soon as they make contact, grin. Cuba could be the first Nation with mandatory Organ Donation Laws.

5-10-2016 "Bartenders Can’t Refuse Pregnant Women Alcohol, New York City Says" By MIKE McPHATE New York Times. The article is really for Hemingway's Era in NYC not Pasteur's Era in NYC. UN in ashes rebuilt as a UN Medical School. Stockholm following orders from the 1984 II Dictators who gave Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize will give Charlie Hebdo a Nobel in literature for Cartoons.

5-10-2016 "Spring in Paris, My Adopted City, After the Siege" By SETH SHERWOOD - Seth's Paris is not Pasteur's Paris as Seth mentions everyone but Pasteur + his congregation of inventors. Roux set up the first course of microbiology ever taught in the world, then entitled Cours de Microbie Technique (Course of microbe research techniques). Since 1891 the Pasteur Institute has taught microbiology and there are no microbiology cartoons. 5-10-2016 No Gas Stations On Earth!

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife to expand into the Universe of going faster than the speed of light and of course getting the Gravity Engine Invented before London now that they have a Polygamous Mayor.

5-9-2016 Saudi Arabia Is Left in Ashes 5-10-2016 No Gas Stations On Earth!

5-9-2016 A Canadian Oil Sands Boom Town Is Left in Ashes of Jewish Children Hillary poured gasoline over and set on fire to burn the evidence of Holocaust II + III By DAN LEVIN and IAN AUSTEN NY Times. Fast-moving fiery cop car wrecks as the "wildfires" have consumed entire swaths of every city and town world wide. Fort McMurray, a town that had drawn residents with fat paychecks and kickbacks from BP Oil now sends them to Hell for trillions of years. NASA failed to put out the "Wildfires" of SUV's that litter every highway in the USA. Warning to the Admirals in the Navy who Watch Mercury sail past the sun and NASA Admirals who plot a way to sink the Navy Admirals Jimmy Carter II Nuke Sub. Boom Town is Cape Canaveral not some Oil Sands Town in Canada. The Pentagon is going to buy F-35's not 1,700 cars in a Super Shuttle Train. MIT professors are the war time profiteers. "Other goings-on in the galaxy." By ALEXANDRA S. LEVINE is not reported with the Admirals Purchase of 1,700 F-35's and fleets of Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs. Pentagon will be renamed NASA... "Other goings-on in the galaxy." "Other goings-on in the galaxy." will get NASA's name on the Pentagon. Pentagon Alcohol-related birth defects + diesel related birth defects will cost them $777 Trillion in compensation after a successful coup. Enough to stop production of the F-35 Jewish Alien Killer Fighter Jets!

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 Oil Sands Production. Oil sands are composed of bitumen, sand, water, and clay, and must be physically separated prior to further processing. The separated bitumen is processed into synthetic crude oil using various technologies such as coking and hydrocracking and requires hydrogen to complete the transformation. With additional hydrogen, the synthetic crude oil is further refined into value-added products like gasoline and diesel fuel.

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 Oil Sands Production... of Diesel spray painted black clouds of poison atoms and molecules are only Today Visible as they enter the DNA of kids Hillary didn't burn to death outright. Trucks in front of you in traffic today painting the sky with black clouds of diesel travel light years across the highways to the Elementary Schools at Sandy Hook and Oil Sands Production towns in Canada. Teaching the kids English when Canada oil men know they are poisoning American Children with diesel production. Sands of Time are about to arrest everyone in Canada. No they will not be know as "Baby Killers" but I will think of a good name for them, grin! Tons of Soot from the Canada Oil Sands forest fires had already made its way into trillions of DNA cells in numerous adults and children in Canada and the USA. This was not a Editorial in the New York Times and never will be! Canada Schools failed to teach DNA production for the profits of Oil Sands. Sands in the playground is much cleaner than when I was in school but the air has gotten poisoned with trillions of tons of diesel. Canada kids will not be asked to filter the soot + diesel out of the air. None today will think it just blows away and disappears, so schooling is getting better, grin.

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan pours gasoline over Jewish Children and sets them on fire in Toyota's... no apology from Abe as $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues has been direct deposited in his Chase and Bank of America accounts.

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 White House Letter President Obama with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan in Washington last year. Mr. Obama, who will attend a summit meeting in Japan this month, once said he would be “honored” to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki during his presidency. Obama Weighs Visiting Hiroshima or Nagasaki By GARDINER HARRIS A visit to the cities where America dropped atomic bombs could highlight the horrors of nuclear weapons but could also risk being seen as an apology.

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan pours gasoline over Jewish Children and sets them on fire in Toyota's... no apology from Abe as $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues has been direct deposited in his Chase and Bank of America accounts.

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 Key West Nuke Power Plant News Today is 4,200 turtles have been sucked into the Florida Power Plants Nuke plant, Japan has 95 nuke power plants so you do the math. No Nuke Power Plants on Earth from 1980 to 2016 was Nuked by these Elite Turtle Soup Makers.

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 New York Schools Struggle With New Rules to Help Students Learning English; The Good Wife on CBS really need to be the Inventor Wife and the Inspirational Wife working 24/7 with the Good Husband learning English Rx Recipes not Sunday morning recipes for omelets. CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson. No one in Star Trek every got married, we all wondered why and now we know!

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...

5-9-2016 CBS Elementary will finally marry Sherlock and Joan Watson... then Sherlock will take a second and third wife...


5-9-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...


5-8-2016 Mother's Day; Hillary left kids in "HOT" cars, gave them poison air to breath... Live Video Streams Reveal Secrets Of 1984 II fiery gasoline era Mother's Day 2016.

5-8-2016 Mother's Day; Hillary left kids in "HOT" cars, gave them poison air to breath... poured gasoline over them and set them on fire!

5-8-2016 Mother's Day; “Captain America: Civil War” to an ideologically Gravity Engine Invention spin off of the ElectricWindmillFord, Gravity of Mom, God's Best Invention murdered by $777 Trillion in Gas Station Hold Ups via Men's Greed, a clone of the French Train that took Jews to their death as the French Government owned Oil Company Today gets all the $$$ from every gallon of gasoline just like every Jew going by train to the gas chambers and the French Oil Men are on Live Video Streams in our 1984 II Society. Shock + Awe is nothing for Bush in Texas with Texas Oil Money for each Jew, sent to the gas chambers! McCain makes Mother's Day headlines with POW news not "Baby Killers" from the "Gas Chamber Trains" in Vietnam. “Captain America: Civil War” Downey would appear in the film as Tony Stark proof that it was Stark's parents whom Barnes killed in 1991 in a automobile carrying a case of super-soldier serum and assassinate its occupants. Zemo is Sokovian and wants to tear the Avengers apart in revenge for his family's death. Rogers confesses that he knew of this, which pushes Stark over the edge. In the ensuing fight, Stark blasts off Barnes's robotic arm and Rogers disables Stark's armor. Downey on stage at MIT with his Mom + Dad gave the audience $911 million to fun everyone's project for the year. Avengers: Age of Ultron had all of MIT's robotic projects in the Movie, Civil War didn't have any! Downey needs to invest $911 million in a LG lobotomy gas. A Yale Med School project as MIT's are "Felon's" in War Toy Crimes when Star Wars was killed at NASA via MIT's desire to build War Toys! Downey in "Star Wars" the next comical comics Movie by Marvel. NASA's Armor Space Suit is a cone of the Yale Hospital Suits fighting hospital acquired infections.

5-8-2016 If Hillary were a "Real Mother on Mother's Day 2016" she would have given Children the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort with state of the arts Laser Guidance, No Head on Collisions and Drunk Drivers, she would had put Whooping Cough Vaccine in the drinking water world wide and No Abortions on Earth via a Godsent Miracle Invention Project... 1,001 IP invention projects for her Children too. She would have sent her Daughter to Yale Medical School. Brainstormed a Rx Recipe to cure Stage 4 overnight. Had Homeland Security guard all the gas stations, stop 1 million women from getting sucker punched out of spite for Bill's $4 gas.

5-8-2016 Mother's Day and Hillary Drives a French Gas Engine Car packed with Children to Auschwitz! 1984 II YouTube Videos too, she and Bill have driven by "Fiery Wrecks" never ever stopping to help a Mom on Fire! 52 children killed when 2 buses, fuel tanker collide in Afghanistan... 53 Children in Burn Units in the USA from Mom + Dad's fiery car crash... First Draft: Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton Mistreated Husband’s Female Accusers... Donald Trump needs to get with the Poison Gasoline Exhaust, Kids left in "HOT" cars. I imagine Trump has not gotten into a Hot car in many decades, when 100's of kids have died being left in a hot car by Hillary hung up on Bill's sex life.

5-8-2016 Mother's Day; Hillary left kids in "HOT" cars, gave them poison air to breath...

5-8-2016 Mother's Day; Hillary left kids in "HOT" cars, gave them poison air to breath...

5-8-2016 Mother's Day and Hillary mistreated Jewish Children, 76,000 left in "HOT" gasoline engine cars; not French Train Cars to Auschwitz!

5-8-2016 If Hillary were a "Real Mother on Mother's Day 2016" she would have had Whooping Cough Vaccine in the drinking water world wide and No Abortions on Earth via a Godsent Miracle Invention Project... 1,001 IP invention projects for her Children too.

5-8-2016 Mother's Day and Hillary mistreated Jewish Children, 76,000 Jews that France deported passed through there on their way to Nazi death camps like Auschwitz. All but 2,000 were killed. French got paid for each Jew and each gallon of Oil in 2016.

5-8-2016 Mother's Day; Hillary left kids in "HOT" cars, gave them poison air to breath...

5-8-2016 Mother's Day; Hillary left kids in "HOT" cars, gave them poison air to breath...

5-8-2016 Mother's Day and Hillary mistreated Jewish Children, 76,000 remembrance for the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, thousands of whom were transported to Nazi death camps aboard French trains.

5-8-2016 Jewish Children, 76,000 transported in French Cars... to Saint Jude Children's Hospital to die for $777 In French Oil Revenues!

5-8-2016 Mother's Day and Hillary mistreated Jewish Children, 76,000 Now, for the first time, the U.S. State Department, in conjunction with France, will distribute $60 million in reparations. Survivors must apply by the end of this month.

5-8-2016 Mother's Day; Hillary left kids in "HOT" cars, gave them poison air to breath...

5-8-2016 Mother's Day; Hillary left kids in "HOT" cars, gave them poison air to breath...

5-8-2016 Mother's Day and Hillary mistreated Jewish Children, 76,000 U.S. government, the French have created a compensation fund for survivors and victims' families. In exchange, France will be protected from any related U.S. lawsuits. Protected from 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat the new 1984 III Dictators! Former Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat negotiated the agreement.

5-8-2016 Mother's Day and Hillary mistreated Jewish Children, 76,000 left in "HOT" gasoline engine cars; not French Train Cars to Auschwitz!

5-8-2016 Queen Elizabeth will die and go to Hell for trillions of years, Holocaust II + III Gas + Oil will go down in British History same as the Opium Wars with China.

5-8-2016 Mother's Day; Hillary left kids in "HOT" cars, gave them poison air to breath...

5-8-2016 Mother's Day; Hillary left kids in "HOT" cars, gave them poison air to breath...

5-8-2016 “She’s married to a man who was impeached for lying,” Mr. Trump said of Mrs. Clinton. “He was impeached for lying about what happened with a woman. And she’s gonna take ads about little Donald Trump? I don’t know. I don’t think so.” Describing Mrs. Clinton as an “enabler,” he added, “Some of these women were destroyed, not by him, but by the way that Hillary Clinton treated them after everything went down.” Over the years, some people close to the Clintons have described Mrs. Clinton as involved in efforts to discredit a string of women who made accusations against Mr. Clinton, going back to his days as a governor of Arkansas. Mrs. Clinton’s allies see the issue as being pushed by Republicans looking to revive issues that have long been dormant, Holocaust II + III Gas + Oil is now on fire with the Canada Oil Sands Fires burning in the minds of everyone world wide. Hillary shipped tens of thousands of Elementary School kids off the Saint Jude to die from birth defects and childhood cancers. When will Trump use this Smog Card? "Hot Car" Cards!

5-8-2016 Mother's Day; Hillary left kids in "HOT" cars, gave them poison air to breath...

5-8-2016 Mother's Day; Hillary left kids in "HOT" cars, gave them poison air to breath...

5-8-2016 NY Times Mother's Day Editorial's; Editorial. "Labels Like ‘Felon’ Are an Unfair Life Sentence" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD "The stigmatizing way we speak about people who have served time presents a significant barrier to reintegration" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD at the NY Times all men who will become the Mother of all Felons with the Gravity Engine Coup + Mom's confiscating $777 Trillion from the Saudi Felon's, grin. But seriously all Felons the NY Times is talking about beat the hell out of many women, then committed a felony, of course 99% are black men. Let God sort this out not the editors at the NY Times. "Baby Killers" is a Fair Life Sentence for the Vietnam Vets too. Though they are not convicted Felons they are "Baby Killers" from just another War by the 12 Caesar's in Rome.




5-7-2016 First Muslim elected Mayor in London with 4 Wive's!!!! And 72 Virgins in Heaven only Muslim Men will get...

5-7-2016 First Muslim elected Mayor in London with 4 Wive's!!!! And 72 Virgins in Heaven only Muslim Men will get...

5-7-2016 Common Sense: was defeated in London, Paris, NYC. God Save Queen Elizabeth from the Canada Fire's in a modern version of Hell were Time exist in trillions of years!

5-7-2016 First MD Mayor of Paris; Dr. André-Alfred Lemierre!

5-7-2016 First MD Mayor of Paris; Dr. André-Alfred Lemierre!

5-7-2016 Everyone thinks he was elected by the Elite... LONDON - Labour Party's Sadiq Khan won London's mayoral race early Saturday and made history as the first Muslim elected by the Elite in London not the "Commoners" in London, grin. He has 4 wives and none are MD women. I think a MD would have been the real winner for Mayor of London as the Plague's in London with Smog... smoking, drinking, HIV, STD's MS virus are killing many more than the "Plague of London" 100 years ago. Smog in London has killed more via cancers than the plague of London. Queen Elizabeth will die and go to Hell. Holocaust II + III will go down in British History same as the Opium Wars with China. Paris will be Nuked by Muslim Generals in Pakistan, suicide bomber with Nukes. Cartoons caused WW III. Jews in London will elect a Mayor and win a Nobel for the discovery of Aliens!

5-7-2016 U.S. Strategy via Kerry-McCain, 1984 II Oil Men Is a Nuclear War with Korea! Yes these guys strategy was to nuke Hanoi too. Today they are Militarizing with $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues, nuking the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts on the Ford Assembly line. Nuked NASA's 100 "Car" Super Shuttle Space Telescope Train. Bombed the 155 Story Yale Key West Medical School. Killed Beau with Brain Cancer. Used Google to censor fiery cop car pictures and YouTube videos. Kerry-McCain voted to let the White House MD put women to death who have MS. This is what goes on at 1984 II HQ.

5-7-2016 First Muslim elected Mayor in London with 4 Wive's!!!!

5-7-2016 Common Sense: was defeated in London, Paris, NYC.

5-7-2016 First MD Mayor of Paris; Dr. André-Alfred Lemierre!

5-7-2016 The My Lai massacre stirred national discontent... Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"

5-7-2016 Fleeing Fire in Canada’s Oil Country stirred national discontent... moving to the first Country in the World with No Gas Stations the USA! Canada’s Oil Country massacre via Childhood cancers + birth defects in an era when the VP killed his own son Beau via Brain Cancer!

5-7-2016 First Muslim elected Mayor in London with 4 Wive's!!!!

5-7-2016 Common Sense: was defeated in London, Paris, NYC.

5-7-2016 First MD Mayor of Paris; Dr. André-Alfred Lemierre!

5-7-2016 Donald W. Duncan, 79, Ex-Green Beret and Early Critic of Vietnam War, Is Dead Mr. Duncan, who died in obscurity in 2009, wrote in 1966 of witnessing atrocities by American troops and helped organize antiwar protests.

5-7-2016 "As North Korea’s Nuclear Program Advances, U.S. Strategy Is Tested" By DAVID E. SANGER and CHOE SANG-HUN

5-7-2016 First Muslim elected Mayor in London with 4 Wive's!!!!

5-7-2016 Common Sense: was defeated in London, Paris, NYC.

5-7-2016 First MD Mayor of Paris; Dr. André-Alfred Lemierre!

5-7-2016 In a UK context, people who are not members of the British nobility. The Prince of Wales, eldest son of the Duke of Edinburgh. Dukedoms Marquesses Marquessates Earls Earldoms Viscounts Viscountcies Barons Baronies Baronets Baronetcies Imagine Henry VIII with cameras everywhere in her bedroom... grin!

5-7-2016 First Muslim elected Mayor in London with 4 Wive's!!!!

5-7-2016 Common Sense: was defeated in London, Paris, NYC.

5-7-2016 First MD Mayor of Paris; Dr. André-Alfred Lemierre!

5-7-2016 In 1932, Dr. André Lemierre reported on 20 patients he’d seen who became ill with a sore throat and then went on to develop a clot in their jugular vein. The clot was infected with bacteria, and the disease spread from the jugular to the lungs, bones, brain and other organs when tiny pieces broke off, seeding the infection throughout the body. The illness came to be known as Lemierre’s disease, or syndrome. Lemierre’s is rare, most commonly seen in teenagers and young adults. And it is frequently mis diagnosed, at least initially. In one study of hospitalized patients, a correct diagnosis of Lemierre’s was made, on average, five days after admission. Most of the time the infection is caused by an unusual bacterium called Fusobacterium necrophorum, but it has been associated with other bugs as well. And no matter which bacterium caused it, in the era before antibiotics, Lemierre’s was practically a death sentence, with 90 percent of patients dying. Even now, it’s not a disease to be taken lightly. Up to 18 percent of patients will die of the infection. However, it wasn’t some rare infection behind this man’s illness. Blood cultures drawn at Anna Jaques Hospital in Newburyport, Mass., where the patient went after returning home, revealed an underlying disorder that is much more common and much less feared: strep throat. There are millions of cases of streptococcal infections in this country every year, usually in the throat or on the skin. But in a tiny fraction of these cases, the bacterium will invade the surrounding tissues and cause a life-threatening illness, as it did with this man. Both the Lemierre’s and the myocarditis were caused by this strep throat gone wild. This kind of invasive infection must be treated with antibiotics. This patient was taking an antibiotic, doxycycline, because the doctors were worried initially that he might be suffering from some kind of tick-borne infection, but that antibiotic is ineffective against most types of strep. How the Diagnosis Was Made.

5-7-2016 Common Sense: was defeated in London Diagnosis of the 2016 Plague's! Who in London killed 18 out of every 20 people in 2016? "The Prince" a Novel. Hemingway would have read this Novel many times! "The MD Prince" will win a Nobel next year, grin.

5-7-2016 Key West News Today a Woman from Paris died snorkeling. Was this a medical error was not written by the reporter. 55 year old women from Paris. Catherine Gray Molay. She came back to the vessel without a mask on suffering shortness of breath. The crew gave her oxygen, but moments later she died. What is the diagnosis. iPhone 007 would have a siri response before she was given oxygen. Was this a Medical Error? Medical Errors... 250K in the NY Times headlines Today. Diagnostic errors, communication breakdowns, the failure to do necessary tests, medication dosage errors and other improper procedures were all considered medical errors in the study.

5-7-2016 Yale Medical School Beach Campus at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park in Key West...

5-7-2016 First Muslim elected Mayor in London with 4 Wive's!!!!

5-7-2016 Common Sense: was defeated in London, Paris, NYC.

5-7-2016 First MD Mayor of Paris; Dr. André-Alfred Lemierre!

5-7-2016 First MD mayor of Paris; André-Alfred Lemierre (born July 30, 1875, in Paris; died 1956) was a French bacteriologist.He studied in Paris where he became an externe in 1896, intern in 1900. He obtained his doctorate in 1904, became Médecin de Hôpitaux in 1912 and later worked in the Hôspital Bichat. He was habilitated in 1913 and in 1926 was promoted to professor of bacteriology. His works concern investigations on septicaemia, typhus, bilious and urine tract infections, kidney diseases, etc. He described Lemierre's syndrome in 1936 while working as a bacteriologist in the Claude Bernard Hospital in Paris.

5-7-2016 First Muslim elected Mayor in London with 4 Wive's!!!!

5-7-2016 Common Sense: was defeated in London, Paris, NYC.

5-7-2016 First MD Mayor of Paris; Dr. André-Alfred Lemierre!

5-7-2016 Common Sense: Facebook Has 50 Minutes of Your Time Each Day. It Wants More.

5-7-2016 “I think they’re making a statement by not wearing one,” said Jeanne Safer, a psychotherapist in New York. “It may unconsciously signal availability for adultery, either actually or in fantasy.” Judi Winston Katz, 45, a real estate agent in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., agrees. She believes that ambivalence played a role in her decision not to wear a ring during her 20-year marriage. While her former husband, whom she loved as a “best friend,” wore his ring right up to the day they signed their divorce papers, she found hers a “nuisance” and removed it after their first year of matrimony. “I always wondered if it was subconsciously because I didn’t want to be married to him,” she wrote in an email. “It never occurred to me that we wouldn’t,” she said. In marriage, she believes, “you exchange your pathologies. You should exchange rings, too.”

5-7-2016 First Muslim elected Mayor in London with 4 Wive's!!!!

5-7-2016 Common Sense: was defeated in London, Paris, NYC.

5-7-2016 First MD Mayor of Paris; Dr. André-Alfred Lemierre!

5-7-2016 Why didn't Chase + Bank of America Put the Chip in the Wedding Ring with wifi activation? "Why Apple Pay and Other Mobile Wallets Beat Chip Cards" To fight fraud, the retail industry has shifted away from traditional magnetic credit cards in favor of cards with embedded computer chips. They’re slow. iPhone Dash Cam to fight fraud.

5-7-2016 First Muslim elected Mayor in London with 4 Wive's!!!!

5-7-2016 Common Sense: was defeated in London, Paris, NYC.

5-7-2016 First MD Mayor of Paris; Dr. André-Alfred Lemierre!



5-7-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th...

5-7-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th... thanks to Obama's $777 Trillion Godsend sent to Allah in the last 8 years of oil revenues $$$.

5-7-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

5-6-2016 Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"

5-6-2016 Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"

5-6-2016 Offering free Wi-Fi leads to an unexpected consequence at Starbucks... this story should be who is stopping "City" wide wifi, I would guess Comcast. Free Cable TV at Starbucks consequences? I would use this with the free MacBook Pro at Starbucks!

5-6-2016 Offering a MacBook Pro at every café Table in Paris with 1,001 IP invention projects has expected consequences we can all image as the Gravity Engine Invention and a Cure for Stage 4. Who is stopping this?

5-6-2016 Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"

5-6-2016 Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"

5-6-2016 Kids in the USA birth defects and childhood cancers Curtailed; by the outbreak of the Canadian Wildfires Oil Sands Production... FORT MCMURRAY, Alberta.

5-6-2016 By FERNANDA SANTOS New York Times. When strong, shifting winds are driving the flames, of Oil Men's Greed deep into their Holocaust II quick sands who can put out the fire of kids in the USA with birth defects and childhood cancers from Canada Oil Sands Production in a Era that should be No Gas Stations on Earth? Mapping the Holocaust: "How Jews Were Taken to Their Final Destinations" By ISABEL KERSHNER New York Times. Isabel writes Holocaust II kids are taken to Saint Jude to die! Speaker Paul D. Ryan said on Thursday that he was not ready to support the candidacy of Donald J. Trump. No one in the World not even Pope Francis is ready to support kids with birth defects + childhood cancers from Canada Oil Sands Production!

5-6-2016 Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"

5-6-2016 Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"

5-6-2016 Avengers: Age of Kids with Birth Defects + cancers from Canada Oil Sands Production on fire in the minds of everyone on Earth today.

5-6-2016 Armed militants attacked a major Chevron oil and gas facility off Nigeria's southern coast today.

5-6-2016 Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"

5-6-2016 Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"

5-6-2016 Black Men, Violence and ‘Fierce Urgency’ Charles M. Blow. New York Times. Obama is a Mass Murderer of White Cops in Fiery Cop Car Wrecks the last 8 year via kickbacks from BP + Texas Oil men. ‘Fierce Urgency’ to stop fiery Cop Cars + SUV's has been successfully stopped by a very White Bush on Google's YouTube you will NOT find any Fiery Cop Cars for 2016 but there were 100's world wide! Charles Writes Obama praised in the 2014 announcement of his My Brother’s Keeper initiative but if black men are not on camera they will kill you all. Yet the iBlackBodyCam is to Orwellian for Obama. If Black lives really mattered, activists would focus on black-on-black violence on Camera on Facebook account posted in their Facebook account all threats and violence. There is something pathologically broken about blackness that makes black people prone to self-destruction. OJ + OJ Clones were created by whites for violence and to kill others Charles Blow writes. Charles Blow a black man at the New York Times write white elite men at Yale + Harvard created the violence of Black Men and that the only cure is 24/7 Orwellian Cameras and every violent threat posted to their Facebook and Employers accounts. IP invention project of LG lobotomy gas was not mentioned by Charles but he must know it's one of my pet IP invention projects for Pentagon Generals drinking water. Grin. A 44-year-old mother who was in the process of picking up her children at High Point High School was fatally shot by her estranged husband, a black man police said. 1 hour ago, today 5-6-2016. Note rush hour's fiery car wrecks will not be reported today or tomorrow.

5-6-2016 Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"

5-6-2016 Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"

5-6-2016 Should Prostitution Be a Crime? New York Times Today. A growing movement of sex workers and activists is making the decriminalization of sex work a feminist issue. By EMILY BAZELON Emily at the New York Times wrote this when all the Editors at the NY Times "Men" need to write all their experiences with each prostitute they have had sex with for part II of Emily's article. Emily really needs to write the stories of SWF's in Mecca and UAE sex for money in Part III. Emily needs to write the story of Kerry, McCaine, Bill Clinton, prostitution use stories, all of them for Part IV in the New York Times. Tijuana thrives, so does a problem caused by many of the vices drawing thousands of visitors south of the border with Mexico every year... Part V for Emily. Tijuana Real Street Prostitutes part 1 - YouTube link. I hear Trump screaming; Emily you are Fired from the New York Times, grin.


5-6-2016 Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"

5-6-2016 Holocaust II: "NYC Jew kids Were Taken to Their Final Destinations at Saint Jude for Oil Sands Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers!"




5-5-2016 Greg's Wedding Day 1965

5-5-2016 Greg's Wedding Day 1965

5-5-2016 Donald Trump Discusses How He’ll Select a "Wife" By MAGGIE HABERMAN and ASHLEY PARKER NY Times.

5-5-2016 Greg in Key West will Discusses How I'll Select many MD's "Wife's" when no longer a POW of our 1984 II Dictators with syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin! Best Revenge is a Better Invention!

5-5-2016 Review: ‘Crude,’ and That Refers to More Than Oil... 1984 II HQ

5-5-2016 Castro reading the New York Times Today will make Cuba "No Smoking" at any age, grin! Best Revenge is a "Invention" grin. California Raising Smoking Age to 21 By ADAM NAGOURNEY NY Times!

5-5-2016 Flint the richest city in the USA today May 5th...

5-5-2016 Flint the richest city in the USA today May 5th...

5-5-2016 Was NYC ever the richest city in the USA???

5-5-2016 Was NYC ever the richest city in the USA??? "De Blasio Asks State Senate for 7 More Years of Control Over Schools" By KATE TAYLOR NY Times 007 iPhone's built into the MacBook Pro and on top of the Treadmill Desk in every "Class" room at every School in NYC open 24/7 every day of the year will make NYC the richest city in the World surpassing Mecca Today built by Bin Laden Construction not Apple! Apple can keep its place as the North Star. Can NYC, Hell No We Won't Go, hear the reporters at their desk at the NY Times screaming reading this, grin! Apple needs to take a series of bigger, bolder risks. Spend the $777 Trillion confiscated from Mecca Oil Company!

5-5-2016 Was NYC ever the richest city in the USA???

5-5-2016 Key West News Today a Woman from Paris died snorkeling. Was this a medical error was not written by the reporter. 55 year old women from Paris. Catherine Gray Molay. She came back to the vessel without a mask on suffering shortness of breath. The crew gave her oxygen, but moments later she died. What is the diagnosis. iPhone 007 would have a siri response before she was given oxygen. Was this a Medical Error? Medical Errors... 250K in the NY Times headlines Today. Diagnostic errors, communication breakdowns, the failure to do necessary tests, medication dosage errors and other improper procedures were all considered medical errors in the study.

5-5-2016 Yale Medical School Beach Campus at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park in Key West...

5-5-2016 "‘I’ve Got Your Back,’ Obama Tells Flint Residents" By MICHAEL D. SHEAR and JULIE BOSMAN Front page picture of Obama drinking a glass of water... what is in this Orwellian Water, last of the Polio Vaccine from Pakistan with no Polio Vaccine, yes, yes, yes. Flint 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort the 1 Trillionth one coming off the assembly line today, May 5th. ‘I’ve Got Your Back,’ Flint the richest city in the USA today thanks to Ford... ‘I’ve Got Your Back,’ I'll get back to you I have to fly to Dubai.

5-5-2016 Flint the richest city in the USA today May 5th...

5-5-2016 Flint the richest city in the USA today May 5th...

5-5-2016 Man Pleads Guilty to Killing Girl, 15, in 2012 rape and strangling of a girl in the Bronx a week before her 16th birthday... Crude Homeland Security!! Vega, 38, pleaded guilty. "‘I’ve Got Your Back,’ Obama Tells 19K women who will be murdered in 2016. "‘I’ve Got Your Back,’ Obama Tells!

5-5-2016 Vega (a Lyr, a Lyrae, Alpha Lyrae) is the brightest star in the constellation Lyra, the fifth brightest star in the night sky and the second brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere, after Arcturus. It is a relatively close star at only 25 light-years from Earth, and, together with Arcturus and Sirius, one of the most luminous stars in the Sun's neighborhood.

5-5-2016 Vega has been extensively studied by astronomers... FBI.

5-5-2016 Vega is only about a tenth of the age of the Sun, but since it is 2.1 times as massive its expected lifetime is also one tenth of that of the Sun.

5-5-2016 Review: ‘Crude,’ and That Refers to More Than Oil... 1984 II HQ

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th...

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th... thanks to Obama's $777 Trillion Godsend sent to Allah in the last 8 years of oil revenues $$$.

5-5-2016 Obama Pictured on the front page of Todays New York Times with a glass of Water with lead in it... hepatitis C death in Detroit Schools are classified by Obama. 19,659 deaths caused by hepatitis C how many by lead in the water? Obama is Crude as these statistics, MS women who are dying a slow death but they will all die from MS is classified too. it is the most common reason for liver transplants in Saudi Princes and sales of organs.

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th...

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th... thanks to Obama's $777 Trillion Godsend sent to Allah in the last 8 years of oil revenues $$$.

5-5-2016 30,000 people are acquiring hepatitis C each year

5-5-2016 Deaths from the liver disease hepatitis C reached an all-time high in 2014, killing more Americans than HIV, tuberculosis and staph infections.

5-5-2016 Crude Collateral Damage in MS women for Bi-sexual men at 1984 II HQ now put to death to put them out of their tortured death by the White House MD, Crude!

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th...

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th... thanks to Obama's $777 Trillion Godsend sent to Allah in the last 8 years of oil revenues $$$.

5-5-2016 Holocaust A woman with MS and a picture of Obama reads an inscription near the eternal flame during the annual Names Reading ceremony to commemorate those who perished from Bi-sexual Men spreading terrible STD diseases that are deadly as Obama as OJ with a Virus Knife. Holocaust, in the Hall of Remembrance at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington a town run by pimps like Bush hand in hand with Saudi Princes. Comfort women from Japan and Tokyo will not rescue sex slaves in Mecca!

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th...

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th... thanks to Obama's $777 Trillion Godsend sent to Allah in the last 8 years of oil revenues $$$.

5-5-2016 "Emergency declared in Canadian oil-sands town ravaged by wildfire" As night turned to day, and day into night again, the air in Fort McMurray, Alberta, remained thick with smoke. After a massive wildfire that has been raging since the weekend prompted a mandatory evacuation of the 80,000-resident Canadian city

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th...

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th... thanks to Obama's $777 Trillion Godsend sent to Allah in the last 8 years of oil revenues $$$.

5-5-2016 Inventor's Shakespeare's “Romeo and Juliet” has opened to audiences in the Gaza Strip, albeit with a distinctly Gravity Engine + Rx Recipe Cancer Cure twist... of dialog brainstorming lines no actor can remember without taking the memory pill on stage.

5-5-2016 1,001 IP invention projects on twitter by Trump; Half of teenagers in the United States feel addicted to their mobile phones, with most checking the devices at least every hour and feeling pressured to respond immediately to messages, a survey released on Tuesday found. IP invention projects messages on a New Twitter. Gilead Sciences, the maker of Harvoni and Sovaldi, should be Tweeting its Rx recipe of Harvoni and Sovaldi, to teens. To get a better Rx Recipe. Trump this Rx Recipe on all post. grin.

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th...

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th... thanks to Obama's $777 Trillion Godsend sent to Allah in the last 8 years of oil revenues $$$.

5-5-2016 Homeland Security is not part of this government... at C.D.C. Since 2012, the C.D.C. has recommended that all people born between 1945 and 1965 be tested for hepatitis C, but Dr. Ward said many still have not. Even those who discover they have the virus may not seek proper care, and those who do may not gain access to new drugs that cure most patients in 12 weeks with few side effects. One such drug, Sovaldi, has a list price of $1,000 per daily pill, or $84,000 for a 12-week treatment; another, Harvoni, costs $94,500 for 12 weeks.

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th...

5-5-2016 Mecca is really the richest city in the USA today May 5th... thanks to Obama's $777 Trillion Godsend sent to Allah in the last 8 years of oil revenues $$$.

5-5-2016 Kidney Dialysis is run by the government when all the kidney transplants are going to Saudi Princes those in the USA must get their blood cleaned a couple times a week...




5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 Candles Put Out Then Put In a Cardboard Box May Have Caused Serbian Church Fire! iPhone built into state of the arts smoke detectors suppressed, by 1984 II Dictators is the true cause of the Church fire!

5-4-2016 Smoking + Drinking May Have Caused Fiery Deaths in 2016... Holocaust II + III really! Smoking + Drinking!

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 The Minivan RV with the Gravity Engine, Free Wi-Fi, 24/7 electricity, iPhone 007 Dash Cam, No Head On Collisions or Fiery Wrecks! Former Top Porsche Gas Engine Developer, Suspended in VW Scandal, Quits for The Good of Humanity. Masterminds who sell China gas engine cars today will not quit for the Good of Humanity.

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "Cruz Wasn’t Built to Go the 100 Light Year Distance" By FRANK BRUNI Sour, smug and nakedly ambitious, the Texas senator and his campaign came to a bitter end after No Gas Stations On Earth Win... "Cruz Wasn’t Built to Go the 100 Light Year Distance" Texas is a Banana Republic with Bush the Oil Man Mastermind in a 100 Light Year Universe that needs no gasoline fuel thanks to the Gravity Engine Inventions!

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" US combat death in "Tripoli" Gaddafi's Desert Storm War by the Pentagon Generals was a "farce battle" that No Gas Stations On Earth would have won in 1980. Op-Ed Contributor "Why We Need a Foreign Policy Elite" for Desert Story Wars! By EVAN THOMAS NY Times Today editorial. Donald Trump is wrong: wrong to go into Desert Storm War's when No Gas Stations on Earth would have won the war. This is not a Editorial on Today's NY Times, Why? Because they have syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin. All that Carnage when the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillCar would have been a better victory for the USA. So many War Crimes and so many stars!

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" US combat death in Iraq reflects intensifying war for Iraq Oil Revenues by Washington's 1984 II Top Brass... Much more than $1 million a day! Stealing food if you're in need is not a crime, Italian court finds. God at the Vatican finds stealing $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues since 1980 and wanting another $777 Trillion for MIT War Toys is a Cardinal Sin! Libya's East Tests Muscle With Oil Shipment, Troop Dispatched for $777 Trillion in Libya Oil Revenues when Today there should be a "Memorial for No Gas Stations On Earth in Tripoli" Gaddafi's Desert Storm by the Pentagon Generals was a "farce battle" No Gas Stations On Earth would have won in 1980 - these Generals will go down in History as War Criminals - War Profiteers worst than Howard Hughes Aircraft, grin! NEW DELHI India's Supreme Court told tobacco companies on Wednesday they must adhere to a new federal rule requiring much larger health warnings on cigarette packs, in a major setback for the $11 billion industry that opposes the new policy. $777 Trillion dollar industry is BP Oil in Tripoli and Pentagon's MIT War Toys for Desert Storm II + III Battles to win the war!

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary Taylor State Medical School part of the Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus... 1984 II top brass are still selling Cuban cigars and 110 SUV sun screen in an Era or 1,001 SUV sun screen and the 155 Story Yale Key West Medical School, grin The state is looking at removing more than 150 trees from Fort Zachary Taylor State Park in Key West as part of a project to move the entrance and a roadway at the park. The plans call for the removal of the 80 gumbo limbo, 46 Jamaican dogwood, 21 sea grape trees, five blackbead and three buttonwood trees. Their plans don't call for a Yale Medical School Beach Campus at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park in Key West, grin.

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 In fact, the cause of death was a medical error 250K in the NY Times headlines Today. Diagnostic errors, communication breakdowns, the failure to do necessary tests, medication dosage errors and other improper procedures were all considered medical errors in the study. Yale Medical School Beach Campus at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park in Key West would be considered a medical error by the State Top Brass who have no idea "Today" others plan a Medical School Beach Entrance, grin.

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 Medical error 250K in the NY Times headlines Today... Errors in General for a list of IP invention projects for iPhone iapps like candles... it was likely that a caretaker thought he had extinguished several hundred candles after a luncheon that followed a celebration attended by some 700 congregants. The caretaker told fire marshals that he stowed the candles in a cardboard box under a piece of wooden furniture in a rear corner of the 161-year-old church, on 25th Street between Broadway and Avenue of the Americas in the Flatiron district.

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" "Obama Designs Memorial for MS women given the Terrible Disease by Bi-sexual men" - "For Some Living With MS disease given to them by a Obama Bi-sexual man the Crisis will end in being put to death by a White House MD, Obama Visit Is Overdue" Obama Visit to MS women will never happen! "For Some Living With Flint Water Crisis, Obama Visit Is Overdue" Even as they welcome President Obama for his first visit to Flint since the city’s water crisis began, residents lament the federal response. By JULIE BOSMAN and MICHAEL D. SHEAR Hillary let Obama spread terrible STD's to millions of SWF's in the USA. When will Trump scream about this?

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" We're on wrong track to the most powerful tool to fight life-taking MS Virus, 100's of thousands of women today have MS and its kept off the front page of the NY Times by our 1984 II Dictators. MS Virus should have been the front page picture on 100's of News papers and Google Internet news articles today with many brainstorming ideas and published Rx Recipes of drugs that work on a virus. Antibiotics, which don't work against a virus so we have to get on a fast track at 1984 II HQ to mastermind a news Rx Recipe. The Most Powerful Elite at 1984 II HQ Today are not doing this Today! If you had a list of what their doing today you would send them all to Hell, grin.

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 Shenyang Journal: In China’s Northeast, a Daily Jostle for Jobs Produces Mostly Despair over 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts on the USA assembly lines... By JAVIER C. HERNÁNDEZ and OWEN GUO NY Times story tomorrow, grin.


5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-4-2016 "100 Light Year Distance" at Fort Zachary a Yale Key West Medical School Beach Campus...

5-3-2016 Cruise Ship From Miami Docks in Havana, Ending the War!!

5-3-2016 By VICTORIA BURNETT The Adonia crossed overnight from Florida to Havana, becoming the first cruise ship in nearly 40 years to make the trip.

5-3-2016 Same time 8 more Cuban's landed on a White Sandy Beach in Key West... our 1984 II Dictators really do have Syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin!!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Nepal UN Troops murdered 14,000 in Haiti via cholera so you can imagine the Syphilis the elite top brass in Nepal give to the tourists... grin! "Nepal Arrests Canadian Man Over ‘Provocative’ Twitter Post" The man, is accused of “unnecessary comments” about Nepal’s internal affairs.

5-3-2016 China not Saudi Arabia; By AUSTIN RAMZY One person resigned and two were dismissed after footage showing law enforcement officers beating women and at least one child circulated on YouTube social media.

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Doctor, Warned to Be Silent on Abortions, Files Civil Rights Complaint. A Washington doctor said hospital officials broke the law by ordering her to stop publicly defending abortion after the Colorado shooting in November. By ERIK ECKHOLM

5-3-2016 Doctor, Warned to Be Silent on women with MS put to death when they got the terrible disease from some bi-sexual guy at 1984 II HQ.

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Ending the War!! In assaults among disgruntled NYC Subway passengers" By EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS Riders are finding themselves on packed platforms and trains, leading to delays, tense commutes and even an uptick in assaults among disgruntled passengers. Ending the War!! In assaults among disgruntled NYC Subway passengers" By EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS will need Many MD Emma's at the NY Times with trillions of Rx Brainstorming Recipes in her articles.

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a 1984 II Society! Gravity Engine is destroyed by the Pentagon Generals so they can bomb Hospitals in Syria and Key West, top brass did this to Jimmy Carter Habitat to Humanity yesterday and will kill many more people tomorrow keeping the Gravity Engine Top Secret. Thousands of men all "Mad Men" are doing this to Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity Today!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 LIGO Gravitational Wave Researchers to Divide 100 Million brainstorming ideas on the Front Page of the New York Times to build the Gravity Engine Sooner! Mad Men Kerry + McCain spit on the idea there is a God behind the creation of Gravity, 100 million other Wounded Warriors want to believe the top brass when they tell them Gravity created itself!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Learn You Have Alzheimer’s, Then Invite a Reporter with a MD to brainstorm a Rx Recipe crunched at Los Alamos for Total Recall for all, a even more profound invention than the Gravity Engine and one the top brass don't want 100 million brainstorming ideas about on the front page of the New York Times... Gravity + Memory articles in the New York Times, the majority of articles all written by MD's and Doctors. The New York Times today is out of date with the new Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Video posted to social media and from the New York Fire Department shows a roaring blaze that burned down a historic Serbian Orthodox cathedral in Manhattan on Sunday and left six people with minor injuries. Fire Destroys Manhattan Cathedral. Laser Guidance on a state of the arts smoke detector should be on the front page of the NY Times with this story today as another Cathedral will burn down tomorrow and the next day along with homes that can be prevented if the NY Times would have LEAKED the IP invention project... A state of the arts laser guidance in a smoke detector, next generation of Inventions! For Smoke Detectors... even a top of the line $40K one with a gold iPhone built in, ha. Yes all smoke detector's with a built in iPhone 007.

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Pfizer tops Wall Street forecasts, when all Pfizer Rx Recipes are given to the Girl Scouts who use to read Cookie Recipes all day!

5-3-2016 Pfizer tops Wall Street forecasts, Pfizer's (PFE) first-quarter financial results topped Wall Street forecasts Tuesday, boosted by the U.S. pharmaceutical giant's recent Hospital acquisition, strengthened medication sales and improving foreign exchange rates.

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Rx Recipes are given to the Girl Scouts + much more as Girl Scouts really need a merit badge in talc-power + DNA that divides 1 billion times a day as the girls are growing and particles + atoms that can cause mutations particularly in Girl Scouts. Johnson & Johnson was ordered by a U.S. jury on Monday to pay $55 million to a woman who said that using the company's talc-powder products for feminine hygiene caused her to develop ovarian cancer.

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Paris is a magical destination like always. Yes, we are at war against terrorists, but the entire world is at war against terrorists.” " "Empty Tables After Paris and Brussels Terror Attacks" By ELAINE SCIOLINO “It is fear of terrorism,” said Cédric Jossot, Les Bouquinistes’s manager. “We rely on tourists — Americans, Japanese — and they are not coming.” Paris has been on edge for more than a year. First there were attacks against the Charlie Hebdo newspaper. Then front page NY Times headlines Pakistan had an assembly line for H-Bombs though the NY Times didn't say they build it for use against the Charlie Hebdo newspaper everyone in Paris knows they did, to Hell with India Pakistan will Nuke Paris... sooner or later at Paris Fags will not go willingly, grin. “So I’m telling everyone it’s time to come to Paris,” he said. “The real Paris.” But for Mr. Faure, there is no choice except to wait it out. “It’s frustrating because it’s Paris, only Paris, that is suffering,” he said. “The rest of France — the mountains, the sea — are packed. But we can’t mount an argument that contradicts the official line that we are in a state of emergency because of the terrorist threat. Kosher supermarket in January 2015 that left 17 victims and three jihadist gunmen dead. The jihadist Gunmen today in Paris are 300 Pakistan Generals armed with a H-Bomb assembly line that is up and running today 5-3-2016 and not on the front page of the Paris NY Times but in the minds of everyone on Earth. A Paris with No Gay Sex Allowed...

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Paris restaurant universe has become more complicated. Le Jules Verne at the top of the Eiffel Tower is not a Medical School Five 5 Star Restaurant, grin.

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 "Wartime Damascus Preserves Tenuous Air of Normalcy Amid Syria’s Ruin" By DECLAN WALSH Declan Walsh provides an on-the-ground report from Syria’s capital, where residents, spared the worst of the violence, respond to a seemingly interminable war with skepticism and dark humor.

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 "2nd Refugee in a Week Sets Herself Afire on Nauru" By MICHELLE INNIS NY Times, Michelle knows were 2 fiery car crash's in the USA in the last week but reports on 2 who set themselves on fire because there is no Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era. This has to be a Journalism War Crime on National Journalism Day... grin!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 "Christie Orders Lead Tests for All New Jersey Public Schools" By MARC SANTORA Doctor, Warned to Be Silent on fat men who are weight illiterate and promote this as healthy. 1984 II HQ must have a lot of fat men who say they are healthy, thank God none are married or wooing a MD women, grin. Christie headlines in the NY Times for Lead should be testing for lead and fat kids in the Public Schools.

5-3-2016 Doctor, Warned to Be Silent on women with MS put to death when they got the terrible disease from some bi-sexual guy at 1984 II HQ.

5-3-2016 "Breast and Body Changes Are Driving Teen Girls Out of Sports" By Jan Hoffman New York Times, not really Jan. 1 Billion DNA divisions in each breast each day at age 11 + are Driving the Teen Girls out of Sports. After reading your article this is what I think. Bouncing breast you say are the reason girls are quitting sports. 1 billion cell divisions a day in each breast would drive the teen girls into what the Hell how could 1 billion cells in my breast divide every day! Then the teen girls would fire the sports coach and make mom hire a MD women for sports education with more on DNA and the 1 billion hormones that are in their girls breast and body. Well almost 1 million hormones, and none are on the test. “We make assumptions about what we think we know, so it’s important to be able to say that as cup size increases, physical activity decreases for a lot of girls,” Dr. Sharonda Alston Taylor, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine in Texas, who focuses on adolescent obesity.

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Well: Get Your Flu Shot in the Morning section D - page 6 By NICHOLAS BAKALAR - Get your flu shot in the drinking water when there is no lead in water + No Gas Stations on Earth!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 The roots of the paper’s Paris operation go back to 1887, when the European edition of The New York Herald was established. It has been published continuously since then, except for the four years of the German occupation of Paris in World War II. After the demise of the parent paper, which had become The New York Herald Tribune, the Paris-based paper became in the mid-1960s The International Herald Tribune, with The Washington Post Company and The New York Times Company as part owners. The Times took full control in 2003, and rebranded the publication as The International New York Times in 2013. 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, best serve our international readers,” Stephen Dunbar-Johnson, the international president; Joe Kahn, an assistant masthead editor for international; and Dick Stevenson, The Times’s Europe editor, wrote in the memo. The memo from these guys in Paris today is Paris will be nuked by Pakistan Generals, sort of like the cause of WW I made public. Best serve our international readers would be headlines of "No Gas Stations on Earth, and in Paris too" is how to win the War with Moslem Generals in Pakistan. 1 Billion people working on the Ford assembly line's. Today is World Press Freedom Day but not at the New York Times in Paris, grin. Today is World Press Freedom Day... No Gas Stations on Earth Headlines Day will sell more newspaper, grin!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Analyzing the Appeal of "War" by Wounded Warriors in a Gravity Engine Era!

5-3-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-3-2016 NY Times bombed the 155 Story Freedom Towers 9/11 Medical School...

5-3-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-2-2016 NY Times bombed the 155 Story Freedom Towers 9/11 Medical School...

5-2-2016 Deadly bombardment of an these 155 Story Medical Schools have not been criminally prosecuted. But they will be!!

5-2-2016 Comcast Yale - Harvard Medical School Channels will be free to the public well as training 200,000 new med students.

5-2-2016 Harsh Lessons About Yale - Harvard Medical Schools passing Kerry + Clinton when they really failed. 110 New Medical Students will start at Yale in a few months when 10,000 new medical school students are our real world Habitat for Humanity reality! Cuba has more MD's than the USA but the USA sends more MD's to Saudi Arabia than any Nation on orders from Dr. Kerry + Dr. Clinton. Comcast Yale - Harvard Medical School Channels will be free to the public well as training 20,000 new students in a few months if the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat is successful.

5-2-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-2-2016 NY Times bombed the 155 Story Freedom Towers 9/11 Medical School...

5-2-2016 6 year old girls will find it hard to believe an iPod size GE electric generator fueled via H @ -254 C can replace Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant + All Nuclear Power Plants World Wide and Japan has 95 of these Monster Turkey's sold to them by GE...

5-2-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-2-2016 NY Times bombed the 155 Story Freedom Towers 9/11 Medical School...

5-2-2016 Filming of Hospital Patients - A doctor says medical institutions “should have specific enforceable policies about the confidentiality of images created in the medical workplace.” Re “Hospital to Pay $2.2 Million Over Filming of 2 Patients Without Their Consent” (news article, April 22): Medical institutions and physician practices should have specific enforceable policies about the confidentiality of images created in the medical workplace. These rules should be reinforced repeatedly with employees and visibly posted for visitors. As NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital learned, the consequences of not doing so are grave. HERBERT RAKATANSKY Providence, R.I. The writer is clinical professor emeritus of medicine at the Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University.

5-2-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-2-2016 NY Times bombed the 155 Story Freedom Towers 9/11 Medical School...

5-2-2016 Deadly bombardment of an Afghan hospital have not been criminally prosecuted. But they could have been.

5-2-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-2-2016 "For Women in Medical School Advertising to Beau, Biden, Steve Jobs, Jimmy Carter It's Still a Idiot Proof assembly of the diagnosis. Lunch Meats, smoking, drinking, butter up the 1984 II Dictators diet and reasoning is the hardest job in the Universe! "For Women in Advertising, It’s Still a ‘Mad Men’ World" By SYDNEY EMBER

5-2-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-2-2016 NY Times bombed the 155 Story Freedom Towers 9/11 Medical School...

5-2-2016 By AUSTIN RAMZY NY Times ...footage showing law enforcement officers beating women circulated on social media. China not Saudi Arabia why?

5-2-2016 ...footage showing... Harsh Lessons About and trillion connation about women getting sucker punched at gas stations in the USA not circulating on social media!! Why?

5-2-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-2-2016 NY Times bombed the 155 Story Freedom Towers 9/11 Medical School...

5-2-2016 At Small Colleges, Harsh Lessons About Cash Flow - $777 Trillion in BP Oil money and none went to Oxford... Yale Key West Medical Schools!

5-2-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-2-2016 NY Times bombed the 155 Story Freedom Towers 9/11 Medical School...

5-2-2016 MARIETTA, Ga. (AP) - A judge is expected to consider whether to move the trial of a Georgia man accused of intentionally leaving his toddler son in a hot SUV to die. 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort will be climate controlled like your home 24/7. No Hot Cars on Earth Era was lost to King Salman + Bush.

5-2-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-2-2016 NY Times bombed the 155 Story Freedom Towers 9/11 Medical School...

5-2-2016 By BRAD EVANS and ZYGMUNT BAUMAN Refugees have been stripped of their humanity, insofar as it is supposed to grant “inalienable” rights! "Tooth Fairy + Invention Fairy" inalienable rights to work with many wives in Key West on inventing a way to hear + see Jewish Aliens. Mary coming out of Saint Paul's Church stripped of her Soul Mate insofar as having a conversation, being Greg is alienated same as Jewish Aliens are Alienated by Saint Paul's sermon yesterday as they were not mentioned, yet they are Universe Refugees stripped via MIT War Toys and Hot Cars with no super air bags on the outside... inalienable rights to inventions that can replace 95 GE Nuclear power plants in Japan held in a 1984 II Society as POW's by McCain's flashbacks to Napalm - of Villages in Vietnam and fiery cop car's + SUV's today with no video footage circulating on social media!! Why? Google is part of the CIA. Deadly bombardment of an Afghan hospital have not been criminally prosecuted. But they could have been. Vietnam Vets like Kerry arrested for War Crime after $777 Trillion is confiscated from King Salman. War Crime's being putting poison gas in kids DNA on Duval Key West. Mary coming out of Saint Paul's Church stripped of her Soul Mate insofar as having a conversation, being Greg is alienated same as Jewish Aliens are. Mary + Greg in Key West have been stripped of their humanity, insofar as “inalienable” right to invent something from 1,001 IP invention projects Today! Deadly bombardment of Greg + Mary coming out of Saint Paul's yesterday have not been criminally prosecuted. But they will be!!

5-2-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-2-2016 NY Times bombed the 155 Story Freedom Towers 9/11 Medical School...

5-2-2016 Oil services giants Halliburton and Baker Hughes abandoned a $34 billion merger late Sunday, bowing to Justice Department complaints that the deal would lead to decreased competition and higher prices.

5-2-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-2-2016 NY Times bombed the 155 Story Freedom Towers 9/11 Medical School...

5-2-2016 By GINA KOLATA Contestants lost hundreds of pounds during Season 8, but gained them back. A study of their struggles helps explain why so many people fail to keep off the weight they lose.

5-2-2016 Allah bombed the Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School...

5-2-2016 NY Times bombed the 155 Story Freedom Towers 9/11 Medical School...

5-2-2016 Video of King Salman in Saudi Arabia at the NY Times - Video of Beatings Amid Demolition in China Leads to Official Reprisals

5-2-2016 By AUSTIN RAMZY NY Times ...footage showing law enforcement officers beating women circulated on social media.

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls! Yes Aliens and Intelligent Human Life does exist in the Universe little girl and you will live to see Jewish Aliens! Mandy Miles Key West Tan Lines next Sunday, grin.

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Orwell America: Universe War" is closer to the real world's "Invention Fairy" getting in touch with Jewish Aliens in our life time!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" is in Key West for a 6 year old girl of Mandy Miles at the Key West Newspaper, in Tan Lines today. Well I couldn't possibly pass this one up as Mandy Miles ends the "Tooth Fairy" article with "Bashing his Head in the Sand" and "Throwing French Fires in his Face" if he searches Google for why there really is no "Tooth Fairy". I would have zapped Mandy Miles with the "Invention Fairy" story for her 6 year old telling the little girl no money for your Tooth until you invent something for Teeth! Grin Then make a list of debunked Fairy things like Mandy Miles did in Sundays Tan Lines in Key West. Sorry Mandy but you should have known about the "Invention Fairy" doing your Google searches debunking all the other Fairies!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Invention Fairy" had French Fries thrown in his face and his head was smashed in the sand on a white sandy Key West beach Mandy. For the invention of "Super Air Bags on the Outside of Cars 6 year old girls ride in by our 1984 II Dictators who had debunked the "Invention Fairy" The Minnesota Department of Public Safety says more than 100 people have died in traffic crashes since January 1. Officials are worried that number keeps us on track to surpass the number of 411 deaths in 2015.

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 Mandy drinks; wine in Key West this is well known. So Mandy Do Children in France Have a Healthier Relationship With the "Wine Fairy" you mentioned throwing French Fries into his face but not a glass of wine, would this be because of the "French Wine God?" Grin!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 Preference," researchers measured the alcohol-related content, including brand placements, of 10 popular televisions shows. Preference for the different "Invention Fairy's" is linked to Los Alamos + Oppenheimer II + III tweets about the Gravity Engine and Stage 4 Rx Recipes if mom has breast cancer Preference is for Rx Recipes! Only if it has been a commercial on CBS Nightly News.

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 Captain America, played by Chris Evans thinks the gang should remain free from political interference, where Iron Man, played by Robert Downey Jr thinks there should be more government oversight. “Captain America: Civil War” is dominating on social media ahead of all previous Marvel films, including “Avengers: Age of Ultron”

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Orwell America: Universe War" is closer to the real world's "Invention Fairy" getting in touch with Jewish Aliens in our life time!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Invention relationship" between Vision and Wanda will definitely be a strong subplot in Infinity War, but before this happens Wanda must Cure Stage 4 with a Rx Recipe. And we're not sure whether she can. As the Pentagon wants her for "Women In Combat" role model. Wanda is in a fascinating position at the conclusion of Civil War: she has long been referred to as the "wild card", and this statement has never been truer. The formidable and plot-shaking abilities Wanda harnessed in Civil War (just keep an eye on Vision's mind gem) have huge implications for Infinity War, but what she'll use those talents for remains to be seen. MIT War Toy inventions or Rx Recipe's to cure cancer? Realizing her full potential with 1,001 IP invention projects in the special features!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 The extensively trailed Cap vs Iron Man title fight is prompted by an ideological split at Avengers HQ. The UN wants to bring our heroes under control – and one six-strong faction, led by Stark, and including Scarlett Johansson’s now-indispensable Black Widow, readily signs up. But half a dozen more – Rogers, Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan), Falcon (Anthony Mackie), Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) – go rogue, sensing malign forces at work.

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 The Rev. Daniel J. Berrigan, a Jesuit priest and poet whose defiant protests helped shape the tactics of opposition to the Vietnam War and landed him in prison, 11 years. Much Better than 11 Years in Hell, Pentagon Generals will realize this when they die! Died on Saturday in New York City. He was 94. His death was confirmed by the Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest and editor at large at America magazine, a national Catholic magazine published by Jesuits. Father Berrigan died at Murray-Weigel Hall, the Jesuit infirmary at Fordham University in the Bronx. The United States was tearing itself apart over civil rights and the war in Southeast Asia when Father Berrigan emerged in the 1960s as an intellectual star of the Roman Catholic “new left,” articulating a view that racism and poverty, militarism and capitalist greed were interconnected pieces of the same big problem: an unjust society. Berrigan died knowing about the Electric Windmill Ford Escort... In 2001 at 80... Father Berrigan, who was arrested just last month, on Good Friday, for blocking the entrance to the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum. By KATHERINE MARSH at the NY Times in her 2001 article left no trace of the 2001 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era reading her article today between the lines!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Afghan Women: What the West Gets Wrong" By BINA SHAH The Rev. Daniel J. Berrigan, a Jesuit priest what the 1984 II Dictators and Pope Francis get wrong is there are 72 virgins waiting in Heaven that will last for 4 trillion years. Berrigan's brother left the Catholic Church to marry a Soul-Mate women! When he realized the Pope was wrong. CIA + Pentagon Generals have been scamed by 72 virgins in Heaven thinking they can win Moslem Men's soul's with $$$ money to spit on Allah. Pope will find himself without a wife for the next 4 trillion years, this will be hell. Philip Morris International painted houses in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, as part of its “Show Your Colors” advertising campaign. Antismoking Coalition Gives Big Tobacco a Fight in Indonesia. Berrigan gave the Pentagon Generals a fight but lost without the help of the Pope who should have made Catholic Church Congregation all Conscious Objectors to War... Hell No We Won't Go to Hell. Jewish aliens will bankrupt the Pope to say the least. Grin. Revenge from God. Or just a taste of Hell.

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 10 cent gasoline and 10 cent ivory... Kenya Burns Elephant Ivory Worth $105 Million to Defy Poachers. I would have sold the ivory to China for 10 cents for the 150 million pounds and they would not need any ivory for 100 years like Saudi Arabia has $777 Trillion - enough money to last 100 years.

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 BY TIMOTHY O'HARA Citizen Staff tohara@keysnews.com Tests conducted of the Florida Keys water supply have found extremely low levels of radioactive tritium, far below federal water standards. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority contracted with the University of Miami to test for tritium in monitoring wells at the Biscayne Aquifer after the University of Miami issued a report that found tritium from Turkey Point nuclear power plant... Mandy Miles and 6 year old girls will find it hard to believe an iPod size GE electric generator fueled via H @ -254 C can replace Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plants World Wide and Japan has 95 of these Monster Turkey's sold to them by GE.

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 A blind lion, one that is missing an eye, and 31 others that had worked in circuses began the journey to a South African wildlife sanctuary from Lima, Peru, on Friday in what their rescuers called "the biggest transfer of animals in captivity" ever undertaken. “These lions have endured hell on earth and now they are heading home to paradise. This is the world for which nature intended these animals for," Jan Creamer, president of Animal Defenders International, A blind lion, one that is missing an eye, and 31 others that had worked in circuses began the journey to a South African wildlife sanctuary from Lima, Peru, on Friday in what their rescuers called "the biggest transfer of animals in captivity" ever undertaken.“These lions have endured hell on earth and now they are heading home to paradise. This is the world for which nature intended these animals for," Jan Creamer, president of Animal Defenders International, Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary, said in the statement, “The lions are returning to where they belong. This is their birth right. African sun, African night skies, African bush and sounds, clouds, summer thunderstorms, large enclosures in a natural setting where they can remember who they are.”

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 Big Girls with Big Cat IP invention projects can get the Lion to purr like a kitten with one IP invention project... not in this lion rescue article. Invention Fairy Journalism born Today!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

5-1-2016 "Tooth Fairy" and now the "Invention Fairy" for 6 year old girls!

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 "Universe War” will be the 14th Movie by Greg + Wives in Key West that leads us into the nearest 52 Stars; finally inventing a way to Hear + See Jewish Aliens!

4-30-2016 Harvard Stellar classification... that left 420 million Jewish Aliens Dead for our Times on Earth! ...letters O, B, A, F, G, K, and M. A is not for Aliens, grin!

4-30-2016 "Pentagon Details Chain of Errors in Strike on 155 Story Yale Key West Hospital" New York Times - Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes in Geneva; Swiss Banks with Hitler's $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues for mostly MIT War Toys not 155 Car Super Shuttle Space Telescope Trains!

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 "Pentagon Details Chain of Errors in Strike that left 420 million Jewish Aliens Dead for our Times on Earth!

4-30-2016 Dr Mary MD as the next Pope Francis Inspiration!! No Gas Stations On Earth Revolution is also No Cancer's on Earth which are a Plague of BP Oil greed today.

4-30-2016 Nobel in Literature for a Diet Novel - Walt Whitman Promoted a Paleo Diet. Who Knew? By JENNIFER SCHUESSLER Found: a nearly 47,000-word journalistic series called “Manly Health and Training” that had been lost for more than 150 years... 150 BirthDay Diet Novel will get someone a Nobel in Literature, but you have to reinvent OJ with no calories and 100 g of protein. Grin!

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Joe Biden Speaks About Faith and Curing Cancer at the Vatican same page in the NY Times Wine and French children article and no mention at all about wine and cancer in the NY Times article.

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Fleets of thousands of oil workers helicopters in an Era that should have Fleets of thousands of Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines Harvesting nuts + figs in the Amazon not oil in Norway - No Way! "Helicopter Crashes Off Norway, Leaving No Signs of Survivors" By HENRIK PRYSER LIBELL and PALKO KARASZ The 13 people on board were en route from the Gullfaks B oil platform in the North Sea, and a land and sea search has recovered 11 bodies. War Crimes Trails over these 13 dead oil workers will be part of Norway's History in the Gasoline Era on Earth.

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Driven - Hillary getting women to drive a car in Saudi Arabia that got them Whipped 100's of times! Driven the self driven car from Ford and Google Team Up to Support Driverless Cars when the Electric Windmill Ford Escort will have state of the arts laser guidance more advanced than the F-22 Fighter Jet and a better dash cam for talking to the pilot, grin. Back to women drivers in Saudi Arabia and all the VIP's walking hand in hand with the Saudi King Salman + Saudi Prince's. Bush walked hand in hand with a guy who whipped women for driving a car in Saudi Arabia, how crude of Bush. Bush cheated at Yale and cheated us out of a Universe with Jewish Aliens for our Time on Earth! War Crimes by Bush go on today too.

4-30-2016 "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate" By GRETCHEN REYNOLDS Those heart rate charts on gym machines often don’t provide the best advice for getting a good workout. Target Heart Rate - Mr. Biden and his entire family then saw Francis off at Philadelphia International Airport. It was a powerful meeting for Mr. Biden, still grieving over the loss of his son, Beau Biden, to cancer some five months before. In his speech on Friday, Mr. Biden thanked Francis for that meeting in Philadelphia. “He asked if he would meet with my family — we had just lost my son,” Determining a Target Heart Rate - Dr. Pope Mary a women MD as Pope would have saved Beau from his Brain Cancer Death, really.

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Dr Mary MD as the next Pope Francis Inspiration!! No Gas Stations On Earth Revolution is also No Cancer's on Earth which are a Plague of BP Oil greed today.

In 1980 the Pope knew of the Ford ElectricWindmillCar Invention and when along with its suppression not knowing it was a Godsend that would have a spin off for the cure of brain cancer in 1981.

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

Mrs. Pope Mary MD would never have gone along with the Pentagon to suppress this Brain Cancer cure for Warriors Mental Illness caused not by Brain Cancer but Syphilis in their brains! Grin. Mr. Biden has met two previous popes: John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Both these Pope's should have had a MD and 1,001 IP invention projects with links to Los Alamos in 1981.

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

Now Jimmy Carter the master mind from 1981 has Brain Cancer and no fear of God for Holocaust II + III the Godsend Jimmy Carter sent to Saudi Arabia as $777 Trillion in gas stations hold up loot from the USA.

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Dr Mary MD as the next Pope Francis Inspiration!! No Gas Stations On Earth Revolution is also No Cancer's on Earth which are a Plague of BP Oil greed today.

In his speech on Friday, Mr. Biden thanked Francis for that meeting in Philadelphia. “He asked if he would meet with my family — we had just lost my son,” Mr. Biden said. “And he met with my extended family in the hangar behind where the aircraft was. And I wish every grieving parent, brother, sister, mother, father, would have the benefit of his words, his prayers, his presence. He provided us with more comfort that even he, I think, will understand.”

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

Francis then addressed the conference, encouraging participants to seek cures for cancers that affect few people and whose treatments might not be profitable, and to fight for access to treatment for all. Determining a Target Heart Rate today is MD Pope who is a women.

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

Pope Francis will burn in Hell's gasoline, everyone could believe this! No Gas Station Era on Earth will Target a new Pope Era of Women Pope's who have a MD and MacBook Pro, no more Win 10.2 updates, grin.

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

God the Judge sending Bill + Melinda to Hell would be a 3 hour movie, grin. Rx Recipe's for Beau's Brain cancer was not anywhere in the NY Times article. "Joe Biden Speaks About Faith and Curing Cancer at the Vatican" By GARDINER HARRIS NY Times! Determining a Target Heart Rate is a Stage 4 Rx Overnight cure by Christmas 2016.

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

Biden is getting all MIT War Toys for ever one this Christmas and Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's not allowed to Brainstorm any Rx Recipes for Beau's Brain Cancer as there are thousands of Beau's who will die before Charismas 2016 from Spray Painted Black Clouds of Diesel and Gas exhaust on Duval Key West. Determining a Target Heart Rate! Pope who is a Women MD is the Target!

4-30-2016 Dr Mary MD as the next Pope Francis Inspiration!! No Gas Stations On Earth Revolution is also No Cancer's on Earth which are a Plague of BP Oil greed today.

4-30-2016 Ethane. That's about 250,000 tons per year. 250 Beau Brain Cancers!

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Doctors Without A Universe because of War Crimes! "Ask Well: Determining a Target Heart Rate"

4-30-2016 Natural Gas + Ethane. That's about 250,000 tons per year. 250 Beau Brain Cancers!

Beau's brain cancer's in 2016... kids without a VP for their Dad and a Pope counting his BP Oil + Gas kickbacks... A single U.S. shale oil field is responsible for much of the past decade's increase in global atmospheric levels of ethane, a gas that can damage air quality and impact climate, according to new study led by the University of Michigan. The researchers found that the Bakken Formation, an oil and gas field in North Dakota and Montana, is emitting roughly 2 percent of the globe's ethane. That's about 250,000 tons per year.

4-30-2016 Ethane. That's about 250,000 tons per year. 250 Beau Brain Cancers!

Natural gas production has increased from 53.2 Bcf/d in 2006 to 78.9 Bcf/d in 2015, an increase of 48.3% according to EIA statistics. The increase in natural gas production has also created a rise in the production of natural gas liquids that are extracted through the same process. Over the same period, ethane production in the U.S. has increased from 676.1 MBoe/d in 2006 to 1,107.6 MBoe/d in 2015, a 63.8% increase. Propane, Pentane, normal butane, and isobutene have also experienced a similar increase.

4-30-2016 Ethane. That's about 250,000 tons per year. 250 Beau Brain Cancers!

This trend is not expected to subside any time soon, with the EIA projecting ethane production to increase from 1.1 MMBoe/d in 2015 to 1.4 MMBoe/d in 2017. Ethane alone will account for two-thirds of the growth in natural gas liquids over that time period.

4-30-2016 Ethane. That's about 250,000 tons per year. 250 Beau Brain Cancers!

4-30-2016 Ethane. That's about 250,000 tons per year. 250 Beau Brain Cancers!

History of Ethane and History of the Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 cure... Ethane was first synthesized in 1834 by Michael Faraday, applying electrolysis of a potassium acetate solution. He mistook the hydrocarbon product of this reaction for methane and did not investigate it further.[4] During the period 1847–1849, in an effort to vindicate the radical theory of organic chemistry, Hermann Kolbe and Edward Frankland produced ethane by the reductions of propionitrile (ethyl cyanide)[5] and ethyl iodide[6] with potassium metal, and, as did Faraday, by the electrolysis of aqueous acetates. They, however, mistook the product of these reactions for methyl radical rather than the dimer of methyl, ethane. This error was corrected in 1864 by Carl Schorlemmer, who showed that the product of all these reactions was in fact ethane. Faraday II + III Girl Scouts not working on cookie recipes will get the Rx Recipe for Stag 4 + a Rx Recipe for Beau! November 1776, methane was first scientifically identified by Italian physicist Alessandro Volta in the marshes of Lake Maggiore straddling Italy and Switzerland. Volta was inspired to search for the substance after reading a paper written by Benjamin Franklin about "flammable air".[7] Volta captured the gas rising from the marsh, and by 1778 had isolated the pure gas.[8] He also demonstrated means to ignite the gas with an electric spark.

4-30-2016 Harvard Stellar classification... that left 420 million Jewish Aliens Dead for our Times on Earth! ...letters O, B, A, F, G, K, and M. A is not for Aliens, grin!

4-30-2016 Stellar classification... Most stars are currently classified under the Morgan–Keenan (MK) system using the letters O, B, A, F, G, K, and M, a sequence from the hottest (O type) to the coolest (M type). Each letter class is then subdivided using a numeric digit with 0 being hottest and 9 being coolest (e.g. A8, A9, F0, F1 form a sequence from hotter to cooler).

4-30-2016 Harvard Stellar classification... that left 420 million Jewish Aliens Dead for our Times on Earth! ...letters O, B, A, F, G, K, and M. A is not for Aliens, grin!

4-30-2016 Dr Mary MD as the next Pope Francis Inspiration!! No Gas Stations On Earth Revolution is also No Cancer's on Earth which are a Plague of BP Oil greed today.

4-29-2016 "Universe War” will be the 14th Movie by Greg + Wives in Key West that leads us into the nearest 52 Stars; finally inventing a way to Hear + See Jewish Aliens! "Civil War” is the 13th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a province of the Disney empire based on characters from Marvel comic books.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 "Donald Trump’s Gender-Based Attacks on Hillary Clinton Have Calculated Risk" Hillary getting women to drive a car in Saudi Arabia that got them Whipped 100's of times, then she censors this from all Google YouTube Videos. Hillary's risk this will not be made Headlines!

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; Risk getting a STD's when unethical people like Bill Clinton gave Hillary Syphilis! Should a Friend Have Been Told That His Date Was H.I.V. Positive? The Ethicist By KWAME ANTHONY APPIAH New York Times. Kwame said No. The primary responsibility for avoiding sexually transmitted diseases lies with the people having sex. It is not necessary to reveal a person’s health status to protect others... Kwame said! Apple employee shot himself in head, coroner says... was the cause of the Suicide HIV via Tim Cook??? San Jose Mercury News - "We are heartbroken by the tragic loss of a young and talented co-worker," the statement read. "Our thoughts and deepest sympathies go out to his family and friends, including the many people he worked with here at Apple. We are working to support them. People given HIV have the highest Suicide rates but no one is arrested for murder! Our 1984 II Dictators are men with syphilis, and MS virus's grin. They wrote this New York Times article on spreading disease for him. In a 1984 III Coup Kwame would be in a "Hospital Prison in Cuba" with his sexually diseased friends and this will happen in the USA with 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. 1984 III MD women as Dictators after a life of 100's of thousands of women murdered and given terrible diseases like Syphilis + MS by Kwame and his friends at the New York Times. Testing positive for Syphilis, STD's, HIV, will get you sent to a Cuban Hospital Prison after No Gas Stations on Earth Coup. A professional statistical analyst, commissioned by the 225-year old Porcellian Club, sharply criticized the Harvard sexual disease prevention task force. Alumni who write for the NY times. Discounts on Hepatitis C Drug Dent Gilead’s Earnings section B - page 7. Page 8 is Bill + Melinda Gates selling Mosquito Nets to people with Hepatitis C. Rx Overnight Cure IP invention project Rx Recipe is written, brainstormed by Greg + Wives in Key West at Apple-Starbucks Store on a $8K MacBook Pro with links to Los Alamos after Kerry gives us a Pardon for Vietnam War Crimes... grin! Then we will have mandatory organ donation to keep up with Cheney and all the Saudi Kings and Princes who are walking around today with a organ pimped by Bush. Grin.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 Missing Money, a Vicious Attack and Slow Healing for a Charity’s Leader" By ANDY NEWMAN A three-year drama involving accusations of embezzlement, a cover-up and collusion at a New York nonprofit led to a lye attack on a Queens street, and three arrests. Missing Statistics from Andy Newman at the New York Times World Wide, tens of thousands of Vicious Attack's in Pakistan + Saudi Arabia" By ANDY NEWMAN. Andy Newman didn't mention the 100's of thousands of other lye and acid attacks in rewriting this story from NYC. Same as Kwame the Ethics soul of the NY Times. Congress will let Girl Scouts and 9/11 widows sue Saudi Arabia and the New York Times, grin. Iran is on the front page of the Times mad as Hell about having to pay $2 Billion when $777 Trillion given to Saudi Arabia King Salman will be paid to SWF's world wide! $$$. Iran Hints at Retaliation Over U.S. Use of Seized Assets section A - page 3. Page 4 is SWF's sucker punched at the gas station hold up in Miami in 2000! 100 Stitches Obama Health Care Didn't pay for! Washington Memo: Obama Lobbies for an Appreciation of His Legacy - Cosby + OJ too. Dead Girl Scouts are the Legacy of Obama. Rx Recipe is not Girl Scout cookies but a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 Overnight Cure. Drama of this Sony Movie made for the War Crimes of Kerry and his Alumni at Yale + Harvard, MIT.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; Should a Friend like Kerry tell you he raped and killed many women in Vietnam, along with the other "War Crimes" as a "Wounded Warrior" and now Secretary of State... Hell yes!

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; Ford Doubles Profits for the Best Quarter in Its History" By NEAL E. BOUDETTE - Ford Doubles tons and tons of lead and other poison atoms in the Air Kid Breath on Duval Key West, worst quarter in history for birth defects and childhood cancers. The Ethicist; of our 1984 II Dictators is clear air of Holocaust II + III. Hell with Kerry's War Crimes in Vietnam today Kerry is a "Baby Killer" driving his gasoline + diesel Ford's around and around time square with his granddaughter in his lap steering the Ford.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 Ford reported a record $2.5 billion in net income for the first three months of the year, an increase of 113 percent and more profit than in any other quarter in its 112-year history.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 Ford 112-year history of Gasoline Cars when the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort should have ended gas cars + truck production. CEO at Ford is a mass murdered of children, a baby killer from the Vietnam Era Mentality.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 Hitting a high of 17.4 million cars and light trucks sold... and the Ethics of the NY Times reporter not putting in the 17.5 million tons of lead and other poison atoms in this sentence is a war crime! by NEAL E. BOUDETTE

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 Yale Cross Campus News - April 29, 2016 A farewell. And with this issue, the News takes your leave for the summer. Thank you for a year of your letters, your comments and your readership. Our doors at 202 York St. will open once again in the fall. You would think one or two of the Yale Student Journalists would post some summer vacation IP invention projects for the Elite Yale Students walking around Campus Tomorrow... ha.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 2 Black Women Sue New York Times Executives of Bias - By SYDNEY EMBER Two women filed a federal lawsuit on Thursday against The New York Times, its chief executive and its chief revenue officer, saying that the company “has been engaging in deplorable discrimination.” In the lawsuit, Ernestine Grant and Marjorie Walker, both black women!

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 777 Trillion SWF's - All White Women Sue New York Times Executives of Bias in gas station hold up articles, white women have been the majority sucker punched by black men from 1980 to 2016 - By SYDNEY EMBER

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates; DNA of kids today breathing 10 tons of smog in Beijing + Duval Key West will not make Headlines for the going viral on YouTube or MSN... "Microsoft is buying 10 million molecules of custom DNA from a San Francisco startup" Business Insider - Microsoft is buying 10 million strands of long oligonucleotides - laboratory-made molecules of DNA - from San Francisco startup Twist Bioscience, the companies announced today. To Hell with DNA of kids that will divide 1 billion times in one day but with 100 tons of Ford Gas Cars + Trucks exhaust. And they don't want Greg + Wives in Key West to call them War Criminals in a 1984 II Society taking part in Holocaust II + III well so much for them!

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 The Ethicist; at 1984 II HQ gave $777 Trillion to the King of Saudi Arabia.

4-29-2016 "Universe War” will be the 14th Movie by Greg + Wives in Key West that leads us into the nearest 52 Stars finally inventing a way to Hear + See Jewish Aliens! "Civil War” is the 13th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a province of the Disney empire based on characters from Marvel comic books.

4-29-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School.

4-28-2016 As the number of Jews in the nearest 52 Stars to Earth increases from 100's to trillions Israel is taking a fresh look at IP invention projects to hear Alien Jews at Nearby Star. By JAMES GLANZ and IRIT PAZNER GARSHOWITZ As the number of Jews in Iraq has dwindled to nearly none, Iraqi Jews in Israel are taking fresh interest in a heritage once considered unseemly; Miss Universe MD winners!!

4-28-2016 "A Brooklyn Bar With Inspiration From Marie Antoinette"

4-28-2016 "A Brooklyn Apple-Starbucks With Inspiration From Dr. Marie Antoinette MD with 1.,001 IP invention projects iapp on her $8K MacBook Pro Elite!" Not your windows 10.2 PC from Bill + Melinda in Dubai

4-28-2016 Marie Antoinette Inspiration!! No Gas Stations On Earth Revolution. 1984 II Dictators pick Antoinette as their running Mate - Soul Mate for the next 4 Trillion years, God is Great in Mecca + Paris! Dubai UAE Marie Antoinette Inspiration!! Dr. Marie Antoinette MD Inspiration... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. No Gas Stations On Earth will build the 155 Story Eiffel Tower in Paris not UAE. Yale Paris Medical School in 2017... 1793 Paris! Antoinette sucker punched in 100's of thousands of Paris gas station hold ups from 1980 to 2016 and none prevented by the Elite French Men who all bought their second home in Dubai UAE next to Bill + Melinda Gates. Hell she can find the nearest Starbucks in Paris without an iapp map but not the latest string of gas station hold ups... Worst for the Paris Elite is the "Woman's Card" played against Hillary driving a car in Mecca, whipped 100's of times but not on Google YouTube videos as they were censored. Elite at the NY Times Today in the Editorial: A Promising New Path for Saudi Arabia By THE EDITORIAL BOARD fails SWF readers before we even read this editorial!! THE EDITORIAL BOARD sentenced to 100's of lashes for driving the NY Times into another $777 Trillion in oil revenues for Saudi Arabia Today. Today's oil revenues are the THE EDITORIAL BOARD's bread and butter headlines! Editorial: At McDonald’s, Fat Profits but Lean Wages" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Cardiac Arrest of the Editors and Heart Attack statistics just from NYC today's headlines. Abbott agreed on Thursday to acquire St. Jude Medical for $25 billion, bringing together two manufacturers of devices for cardiovascular disease. It is estimated that 90% of CVD is preventable.[3] Prevention of atherosclerosis is by decreasing risk factors through: healthy eating, exercise, avoidance of tobacco smoke and limiting alcohol intake. Ford and Google Team Up to Support Driver less Cars Not Women Drivers in Saudi Arabia By BILL VLASIC

4-28-2016 "A Brooklyn Bar With Inspiration From Marie Antoinette" Boîte By JOSHUA DAVID STEIN New York Times! Marie Antoinette Inspiration!!

4-28-2016 "Deadly Airstrikes Hit 155 Story Yale Paris Hospital in France" France's biggest drug maker is going through a tough patch, due to falling sales of Lantus, prompting it to warn of no meaningful profit growth over the next two years. Oncology is currently the hottest area of pharmaceutical research, thanks to advances in understanding the biological drivers of the disease. Sanofi has a long history in selling chemotherapy drugs but has been less successful at developing modern cancer medicines... Sanofi Chief Executive Olivier Brandicourt, said he has no intentions at all of a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Cancer but one you pay $100,000 a month for years and years. Grin. This is your elite French 1984 II Mad Men infected by the cancer of BP Oil revenues. Greed!

4-28-2016 "Deadly Airstrikes Hit Hospital in Syria" Among the dozens killed in the nighttime strikes was one of the last pediatricians in the opposition-held areas of Aleppo, a contested city in Syria.

4-28-2016 Yale College Will Keep White Supremacist’s Name 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine will be won by SWF's who were sucker punched by Black's including Obama during the BP Oil Holocaust II + III. 1980 to 2016.

4-28-2016 Medical Group Urges Smokers to Switch to E-Cigarettes - Yale Medical School urges our 1984 II Dictators to make the USA smoke free before Castro makes Cuba smoke free, grin.

4-28-2016 Valeant Chief, at Senate Hearing, Concedes Mistakes on Steep Drug Prices - Top secret Rx Recipes have not been leaked by Kerry or our 1984 II Dictators... for Girl Scout Cookies Recipe el modern Rx Recipe Stage 4 cure.

4-28-2016 VW to Spend Up to $8.8 billion on Diesel Buybacks, Fixes

4-28-2016 1984 II Dictators to Spend $777 Trillion on Diesel DNA Rx Cure's for Children and War Crime Trials for Diesel Holocaust II + III

4-28-2016 1793 - Laser Guillotine IP invention project, grin. Mandatory Organ Donation for Cheney... ha.

4-28-2016 $777 Trillion in Compensation for 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscot Riles Pentagon and 1984 II Dictators... Holocaust II + III in the USA.

4-28-2016 U.S. Ruling Over Compensation for ’83 Beirut Bombing Riles Iran By THOMAS ERDBRINK President Hassan Rouhani lashed out against the U.S. government after the decision, which allows the relatives of victims to sue Tehran for $2 billion in compensation.

4-28-2016 1793 - Laser Guillotine IP invention project, grin. Mandatory Organ Donation for Cheney... ha.

4-28-2016 Policy makers and road safety experts are reaching back to tested strategies: They want to treat distracted driving like drunken driving. By MATT RICHTEL - 100's of thousands of drunk drivers are on the road at 8 am in Key West and the same policy makers want to do the same thing for drivers texting... right. Matt at the NY Times needs to go to driving school + hack his DUI in Journalism from Harvard. grin.

4-28-2016 "A Brooklyn Bar With Inspiration From Marie Antoinette" Boîte By JOSHUA DAVID STEIN Though the Prohibition-inspired speakeasy trend has cooled in recent years, the desire to drink underground hasn’t. Take Le Boudoir, a gilded cocktail den that opened this winter under Chez Moi, a casual French bistro. The owners, the husband-and-wife pair Tarek Debira and Patricia Ageheim, modeled the subterranean chambers after Marie Antoinette’s boudoir in Versailles. It drips with gold leaf frames, red velvet couches and other louche touches. The glass tabletops are held by nude nymph statuettes. Odalisque paintings hang on the wall. The space itself is reached through a bookshelf stocked with scarlet-spined books. cocktails are served in ornate silver coupes and Cristal ’Arques Longchamp glasses, and have cheeky names like Guillotine (mezcal, Scotch, banana and honey, $12) and 1793 - Laser Guillotine IP invention project, grin. Mandatory Organ Donation for Cheney... ha.





4-28-2016 4-27-2016 Donald Trump Beat Expectations Everywhere, and he didn't even start on Bill Clintons previous sex sessions at the White House before Monica, grin! How many sex partners did Bill Clinton have in the White House, before he got caught with Monica... I would estimate 50 +. Gas Station Hold Ups during the Clinton Era at the White House were in the 10's of thousands and not reported too. Hillary Clinton is playing the “woman’s card” Today and it's out-of-date, run-of-the-mill in the futuristic long overdue 52 Card Pick Up of the 52 nearest Stars to Earth never ever have they been pictured on the front page of the NY Times with the Gravity Engine iMac Super Computer Simulations.

4-27-2016 iapps can find the nearest Starbucks but not the last string of gas station hold up's...

4-27-2016 “There’s no question that Apple’s best days are behind it,” lack of another hot product, iPhone 007 dash cam cops can pull you over without any flashing red lights and give you an itraffic ticket. Lack of another hot product... No Gas Stations On Earth!

Trump Tower Acquires a New Allure, Even for New Yorkers. New Allure, Even for New Yorkers Apple-Starbucks in the Lobby with 100" LG monitors and $8K MacBook Pro's at every café Table! New Allure of Trump!

4-27-2016 iapps can find the nearest Starbucks but not the last string of gas station hold up's...

4-27-2016 Sales of iPhones Drop as 13-Year Surge Ends at Apple! Surge of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year will Surge in a Coup; 1984 III Dictators Era!

4-27-2016 The technology giant’s run of quarterly revenue growth ended, a casualty of Apple’s Win 10.2 Mental Illness,

4-27-2016 Weakness in key Apple-Starbucks New Store markets and the lack of another hot product IP invention projects spelled out not suppressed like the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and Gravity Engine iapps for millions to work on inventing something.

4-27-2016 “There’s no question that Apple’s best days are behind it,”

4-27-2016 iapps can find the nearest Starbucks but not the last string of gas station hold up's...

4-27-2016 Stage 4 Rx Recipes were kept off iPhones by Tim Cook as a hate crime against women in General, and FBI didn't even try to unlock a Stag 4 iapp from Apple Top Brass, Quarks! FBI women must face a firing squad if they Leak a Stage 4 Rx Overnight Recipe Cure as a iapp as Roche in Switzerland guards all its Rx Recipes. FBI refused to unlock these Rx Recipes for iPhone use by inventors! Astronomical rates of dead women in the last 13 years at Apple from Stage 4. Pentagon Generals would all be hanged for so many dead troops. Add in all the Mary Kennedy's and the JFK school at Harvard would have to close as a failure to protect women from rich husbands who can buy the Judge.

4-27-2016 “There’s no question that Apple’s best days are behind it,”

4-27-2016 iapps can find the nearest Starbucks but not the last string of gas station hold up's...

4-27-2016 iPhone Sales fell faster in greater China, which includes Hong Kong and Taiwan, than in any other region, down 26 percent compared with the previous year. Stage 4 and Mary Kennedy Murders in mainland China are government secrets.

4-27-2016 The iPad tablet, the new one failed because Tim refused to put an iPhone in the iPad Tablet. iPhone built into the MacBook Pro the next one has already been rejected by Tim Cook.

4-27-2016 “There’s no question that Apple’s best days are behind it,”

4-27-2016 iapps can find the nearest Starbucks but not the last string of gas station hold up's...

4-27-2016 Apple ended the quarter with $233 billion in cash and no news of casualties of war, women in the last 13 years with Stage 4 and no iapps Rx Recipes, and gas station hold up iapps. You can find the nearest Starbucks but not the last string of gas station hold up. This is a War Crime by Tim Cook. Unlocking encrypted iPhones for gas station hold ups and Stage 4 Rx Recipes haunts the top brass at the FBI. The Women's "Card" will get them arrested. More birth defects "Card" more MS Virus given to women... Cards! That should be iapps with links to IP invention projects. The Quiet War on Corporate Accountability By KARTHIK RAMANNA and ALLEN DRESCHEL. Hate Crimes by the Corporate Tim Cooks and FBI top brass who refuse to unlock the Gas Station hold up apps + Rx Recipes for Stage 4 to the public, Hell she can find the nearest Starbucks without the Starbucks Map!

4-27-2016 “There’s no question that Apple’s best days are behind it,”

4-27-2016 iapps can find the nearest Starbucks but not the last string of gas station hold up's...

4-27-2016 Well: When Parents Are in Prison, Children Suffer - By Kj Dell’Antonia When she is in first grade, and he is eligible for parole from his seven-year-minimum prison sentence on criminal Gas Station Hold up and sucker punching a SWF. She is just one of the five million American children who have had a parent incarcerated at some point in their lives. Her father’s sentence is hers, too. Ky writes only about incarceration affects families, children and communities, and recommends that courts and policymakers consider the needs of children of incarcerated parents when making decisions about sentencing, correctional facilities, rehabilitation and the financial burdens of incarceration.

4-27-2016 “There’s no question that Apple’s best days are behind it,”

4-27-2016 iapps can find the nearest Starbucks but not the last string of gas station hold up's...

Ky didn't write a thing about the 5 million SWF's Sucker Punched in a gas station hole up by a Black Dad. This should be a War Crime by Ky at the New York Times because we are in a Oil Revenue War of $777 Trillion, and the Pentagon is winning via MIT War Toys from their Gas Station Hold Ups, ha! Ky writes absence affected his daughter... never ever mentioning the SWF sucker punched by 5 million black dads in the gas station hold up! War Crime by Ky! And Ky doesn't read other crime stories in today's NY Times... Mr. Burgess, selling MetroCard swipes outside the turnstile, took $1 from Mr. Velazquez’s daughter for a swipe. They argued, and she called her father, who lives nearby. He confronted Mr. Burgess and stabbed him. Mr. Burgess then stumbled onto a No. 2 train. Police officers were called to the next station, Central Park North, where he was found with at least one stab wound, the authorities said. He was pronounced dead at a hospital. The next day, the police identified Mr. Velazquez as the suspect and released a booking photo of him from a 2013 arrest on charges of criminal possession of a weapon. Investigators found him in Philadelphia, the police said. "Man Arrested in Fatal Stabbing at Harlem Subway Station" By RICK ROJAS, does rick have a cubic near Ky at the NY Times... Grin!

4-27-2016 “There’s no question that Apple’s best days are behind it,”

4-27-2016 iapps can find the nearest Starbucks but not the last string of gas station hold up's...

4-27-2016 UN Envoy: IS Attacks Threaten Libya's Oil Installations - $777 Trillion in Oil Money is Threatened, grin. VW Failed Emission Test below this story on Libya, New York Times failed to report all the DNA's mutations from gas emissions. Birth defects and childhood cancer! 4 Journalists to Long Prison Terms not for sucker punching a SWF at a gas station hold up but for child abuse not reporting VW emissions in DNA.

4-27-2016 “There’s no question that Apple’s best days are behind it,”

4-27-2016 iapps can find the nearest Starbucks but not the last string of gas station hold up's...

4-27-2016 Yale Daily News; Who are they voting for? The John F. Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics at Harvard conducted a spring poll of millennials — young adults, age 18 to 29 — which found that gas station hold ups were not on their minds because they don't make headlines. JFK would not have sold his soul for $777 Trillion from BP Oil.

4-27-2016 “There’s no question that Apple’s best days are behind it,”

4-27-2016 iapps can find the nearest Starbucks but not the last string of gas station hold up's...

4-27-2016 De Blasio Unveils New York Budget - The mayor’s $82.2 billion plan includes Gravity Engine Brainstorming Sessions at City Hall. Revised Plan to Speed Up New York’s Backup Water Delivery System with iPod size cans of H + O at -254C to make water. iPod size GE electric generators you can plug in your Ultra 100" LG monitor and Electric Heaters.

4-27-2016 Sarmientosaurus Was a 10-Ton Jewish Alien With a Plum-Sized Brain... grin.


4-27-2016 “There’s no question that Apple’s best days are behind it,”

4-27-2016 iapps can find the nearest Starbucks but not the last string of gas station hold up's...

4-26-2016 Trump Tower Acquires a New Allure, Even for New Yorkers. New Allure, Even for New Yorkers Apple-Starbucks in the Lobby with 100" LG monitors and $8K MacBook Pro's at every café Table! New Allure of Trump! By VIVIAN YEE NY Times. Since its debut in 1983, Trump Tower has belonged for New Yorkers to the same galaxy, if not the same constellation, as the Plaza, the United Nations and Donald J. Trump himself: part of the urban firmament, perhaps, yet largely irrelevant to daily life. Not many city residents had ever cared to venture inside the 68-story building at Fifth Avenue and 56th Street, unless to visit the in-house Starbucks. Trump Tower Acquires a New Allure, Even for New Yorkers Apple-Starbucks in the Lobby with 100" LG monitors and $8K MacBook Pro's at every café Table! New Allure of Trump!

4-26-2016 New iPhone 7 Details Reveal Bad News For Apple. Forbes - the iPhone 7 is unlikely to impress potential customers!! New MacBook Pro is also unlikely to impress anyone who has $8K to spent on it, grin.

4-26-2016 New iPhone 7 details iapps needed for this... Each year, Health & Hospitals serves more than 1.2 million New Yorkers. It is the largest publicly financed health system in the country with more than 40,000 employees in 11 hospitals and nearly 5,000 beds; five long-term care facilities with nearly 3,000 beds; and more than 70 community-based health care centers. 1,001 IP invention projects her with spin off IP for Los Alamos Oppenheimer II + III to write a few hospital apps for iPhone 007.

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Women’s Sports Are Crippled in Afghanistan By ROD NORDLAND New York Times. Headlines by the New York Times Today! Sick!! What is your diagnosis, grin. All NY Times reporters will have a MD-Journalism degree after the coup!

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Lobotomy Gas Brain Research - Financier Sanford I. “Sandy” Weill and his wife Joan on Tuesday announced a $185 million gift for brain research that they hope will radically change the way we approach issues ranging from mental illnesses and migraines to sleep, to 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year in a 1984 II Society.

4-26-2016 Protest "No Gas Stations On Earth!!" USA + Egypt’s Security Agents Smother Streets of NYC + Cairo, Kishon Park in Haifa, a city taxed by carbon and air pollution... 1984 II Dictators Prevent Protests!! By KAREEM FAHIM New York Times. Toxins exist. Doctors typically define them as something that enters the body that has a damaging effect on its own — like pesticides, lead or antifreeze — or in large quantities, like alcohol or medications such as acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol. Fancy Juice Doesn’t Cleanse the Body of Toxins By SABRINA TAVERNISE. New York Times stories on Toxins don't mention what effect on health No Gas Stations on Earth would have, she didn't run any simulations on this in her mind or article, this is Toxin! Toxins exist, in NY Times articles. This needs to be written up.

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Women’s Sports Are Crippled in Afghanistan By ROD NORDLAND New York Times. Headlines by the New York Times Today! Sick!! What is your diagnosis, grin. All NY Times reporters will have a MD-Journalism degree after the coup! What will drive the trend for MD-Journalism degree's! American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery says that 400 girls 18 and younger had labiaplasty last year, an 80 percent increase from the 222 girls who had cosmetic genital surgery in 2014. While the overall numbers remain small, the data probably understates the trend because it does not include procedures performed by gynecologists. A 2013 British report found the number of labial reductions on girls and women done by the National Health Service had increased fivefold over 10 years. Girls 18 and younger account for less than 2 percent of all cosmetic operations, but almost 5 percent of all labiaplasties. (The most popular cosmetic procedures for teenagers are ear surgery, with 11,288 procedures last year; nose surgery with 10,308; and breast reductions with 3,698.) What’s driving the trend for labia surgery? What’s will drive the trend for MD-Journalism degree's! No Gas Stations on Earth will... help, grin

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Protest "No Gas Stations On Earth!!" Spin off from No Gas Stations on Earth will also be No Honor Killings of women in Egypt which the NY Times didn't report. Afghan President Demands Pakistan Take Military Action Against Taliban. Not even the NY Times takes action against Honor Killing of women and No Gas Stations on Earth! Afghanistan’s Vice President Is Barred From Entering U.S. over Honor Killing of his daughter. Some of the Saudi Princes who walked hand in hand with Bush on his Texas Ranch were Honor Killing Men! 1984 II will go public with this after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Women’s Sports Are Crippled in Afghanistan By ROD NORDLAND New York Times. Headlines by the New York Times Today! Sick!! What is your diagnosis, grin. All NY Times reporters will have a MD-Journalism degree after the coup!

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 By JULFIKAR ALI MANIK and ELLEN BARRY New York Times, two women in Bangladesh were hacked to death by their fathers, brothers in honor killings in last 2 hours...

4-26-2016 By JULFIKAR ALI MANIK and ELLEN BARRY New York Times. Leading gay rights activist hacked to death in Bangladesh Washington Post - Police in Bangladesh say unknown assailants brutally killed two men, one of whom was a gay rights activist.

4-26-2016 By JULFIKAR ALI MANIK and ELLEN BARRY New York Times, two women in Bangladesh were hacked to death by their fathers, brothers in honor killings in last 2 hours...

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Women’s Sports Are Crippled in Afghanistan By ROD NORDLAND New York Times. Headlines by the New York Times Today! Sick!! What is your diagnosis, grin. All NY Times reporters will have a MD-Journalism degree after the coup!

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Criminal Case Against Bill Cosby Is Allowed to Proceed - New York Times - Bill Cosby - A Pennsylvania appeals court on Monday blocked Bill Cosby's effort to have criminal sexual assault charges against him thrown out.

4-26-2016 New York Times - Bill Cosby II + III who put drugs in a women's drink last nighty on the front page of the NY Times This Morning!

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Women’s Sports Are Crippled in Afghanistan By ROD NORDLAND New York Times. Headlines by the New York Times Today! Sick!! What is your diagnosis, grin. All NY Times reporters will have a MD-Journalism degree after the coup!

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Canada reports the 1,001 sex transmitted case of MS Virus to a SWF by a bi-sexual man. Canada reports 1st sexually transmitted Zika case, 9th country to report person-to-person transmission. Outbreak News Today - Canadian health officials reported yesterday on the confirmation of the first positive case of Zika virus transmitted sexually in Canada

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Women’s Sports Are Crippled in Afghanistan By ROD NORDLAND New York Times. Headlines by the New York Times Today! Sick!! What is your diagnosis, grin. All NY Times reporters will have a MD-Journalism degree after the coup!

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 New York City Building With 'Pool in the Sky' to Open This Year ABC News - By next year, the wealthiest New Yorkers will be able to swim 300-feet in the air in a swimming pool suspended between two towers. Pie in the Sky is No Gas Stations Era on Earth.

4-26-2016 1984 II Drunks say we should not dismiss ideas that the universe is a simulation created by a far more advanced alien civilisation.

4-26-2016 Alcohol-induced blackouts, defined as memory loss of all or a portion of events that occurred during a drinking episode, are reported by approximately 50 percent of drinkers, and are associated with a wide range of negative consequences, Why do people talk louder when they drink alcohol? You can't pinpoint it exactly, but there is an obvious change in the party mood, when people's alcohol levels reach that point where they loosen their inhibitions, and start relaxing and dancing, alcohol, or C2H5OH, has wondrous properties. It can remove oil stains from the garage floor, store body parts and axolotls beautifully for centuries, and in small quantities can improve your mood and self-confidence, and get the conversation flowing. Computer generated simulation of C2H5OH. Cheeseburgers + Alcohol in Paradise! Lyrics by drunks going into cardiac arrest, having a heart attack.

4-26-2016 1984 II Drunks say we should not dismiss ideas that the universe is a simulation created by a far more advanced alien civilisation.

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Women’s Sports Are Crippled in Afghanistan By ROD NORDLAND New York Times. Headlines by the New York Times Today! Sick!! What is your diagnosis, grin. All NY Times reporters will have a MD-Journalism degree after the coup!

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Disney ESPN in Afghanistan will have all young women watching sports 24/7 instead of working on 1,001 IP invention projects. Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan... Women’s Sports Are Crippled in Afghanistan By ROD NORDLAND With few exceptions, the programs are riddled with corruption and undermined by conservative Afghans who never liked the idea of young women on the field.

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Women’s Sports Are Crippled in Afghanistan By ROD NORDLAND New York Times. Headlines by the New York Times Today! Sick!! What is your diagnosis, grin. All NY Times reporters will have a MD-Journalism degree after the coup!

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 1984 II Drunks say we should not dismiss ideas that the universe is a simulation created by a far more advanced alien civilisation.

4-26-2016 Simulation of “heavy water.” Water, as you know, is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. But some water molecules contain hydrogen’s chunky twin, deuterium. (It contains a neutron in its nucleus, whereas regular hydrogen does not.) Simulation of “heavy water.” said it might be 4.6 billion years old + a few hundred million more. Heavy Handed 1984 II Dictators into MIT war toys with their $777 Trillion in oil revenues didn't buy us any Heavy Water, grin. Dr. Kerry is going back to Vietnam with Obama in a few weeks. Neither will think of Heavy Water being billions of years old and what it means in Vietnam. War Crimes for Kerry is the only way Jimmy Carters Habitat of Humanity will travel billions of light years into the Universe!

4-26-2016 This Say in Yale History - Eat some (mat)za. The Slifka Center for Jewish Life will host a matzah pizza-making party for students keeping Passover. Participants can choose from a variety of toppings and make their own pizzas from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. tonight. The last day of Passover is April 30.

4-26-2016 This Say in Yale History - Center for Jewish Life breathing New Haven air with trillions of particles, your Jewish Pizza that might not be kosher...

4-26-2016 Harvard News today wow, do they have a Medical School at Harvard... Yes it has its own campus though no one but medical students ever visit. Mumps Count Rises to 40, Concerning HUHS Director. By Ignacio Sabate 6 hours ago Harvard University Health Services Director Paul J. Barreira said he was “more concerned now” about the spread of mumps on campus than at any other point during the outbreak. Clinton at Yale Law school never ever visited Yale Medical School and she has the nerve to run for President... sick!

4-26-2016 Harvard News today wow, Law School's Pound Hall Will Host Urgent Care Center. By Jalin P. Cunningham and Ignacio Sabate 8 hours ago. Given ongoing construction to the Smith Campus Center that will include work in the evenings and on weekends, Harvard University Health Services will temporarily relocate its after hours urgent care services to the Law School’s Pound Hall. Wow! No classes or educations materials will be available here!

4-26-2016 Mandatory Medical School for all young women in Afghanistan...

4-26-2016 Women’s Sports Are Crippled in Afghanistan By ROD NORDLAND New York Times. Headlines by the New York Times Today! Sick!! What is your diagnosis, grin. All NY Times reporters will have a MD-Journalism degree after the coup!

Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 “vitriol” nastiness, sarcasm, venom, contempt, disdain, hatefulness, hostility, malevolence, maliciousness, virulence, acrimoniousness!

4-25-2016 Universe is a computer simulation news article - Computer simulations to keep your Husbands from doing what Bill Clinton did to Monica need to be written by Hillary not just banished to “vitriol” you too!

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 Apple is "outdated" and losing momentum to “Cheeseburger's in Paradise” for Bill Clinton 1984 II Society here in Key West. Clintons visited Key West and made front page news eating “Cheeseburger's in Paradise” then Bill almost died from them. Today, will yesterday after I wrote up “Cheeseburger's in Paradise” I walked out of Starbucks and some 1984 II "Observer" in a McDonald Shirt in front of the Hotel La Concha entrance spit at me. Hillary needs to make public Bill's death from “Cheeseburger's in Paradise” as Apple is losing momentum to “Cheeseburger's in Paradise” in our 1984 II Society. addicted to “Cheeseburger's in Paradise” and warrior mentality if anyone gives you a “Cheeseburger's in Paradise” warning label with Bill Clinton on the package it's “vitriol” you too. People told not to smoke use to go Postal and kill the person to told them to put out the cigarette!

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 Journal "Pediatrics" called “Parents Who Supply Sips of Alcohol in Early Adolescence: A Prospective Study of Risk Factors.” Our Universe is God's computer simulation has been on the internet news for a week now. Parents and the Journal "Pediatrics" don't have a Google computer simulation of alcohol or cheeseburgers to show kids and adults the goings on inside your Heart + Mind. Hell, Steve Jobs never knew he had a pancreatic until he got cancer, grin. Supplying bites of a cheeseburger to kids is just as harmful as alcohol sips.

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 No Gas Stations on Earth Era tanks all this and more... "Yemeni Troops, Backed by United Arab Emirates, Take City From Al Qaeda" By SAEED AL-BATATI, KAREEM FAHIM and ERIC SCHMITT New York Times and the sober-up computer simulation is a War Game from Microsoft but in reality the Universe + Jewish Aliens do exist at each and every star near Earth.

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 "A Nervous Biker’s Guide to Cycling in New York City" By COM WRIGHT-PIERSANTI New York Times Guide to 1,001 IP invention projects in New York City by Greg + Wives in Key West. Hospital visitor for Medical Inventions and computer simulations of diagnosis, why did Bill Clinton pig out for CBS nightly news clips at McDonald when he knew he would end up in the hospital? Psychological Drama.

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 New York Today: The New Rules of Passover - New York Today By ALEXANDRA S. LEVINE Why is this Passover different from all other Passovers? The holiday has generally forbidden followers — including more than one million Jews in New York City alone — to eat cookies, bread, rice, beans and other products during the observance period. New items for today's Passover include chickpeas, hummus and peanut-butter-dusted corn puffs called “Bamba” — a hot commodity among children. The New York area’s Jewish population — the largest outside Israel — typically honors the beginning of the holiday with a Passover Seder, which this year fell over the weekend. But the celebration continues through Saturday, and local events include matzo tours at the Museum at Eldridge Street, children’s tapestry classes at the Jewish Museum and screenings of Jewish documentaries and films at theaters and centers across the city. Be sure to pack some Bamba for the subway ride. Work on the Computer Simulation of the Universe by God too. Well at least get some Jew to make a computer simulation of all the Jewish Children's DNA on the Subway ride, get the particle detection analysis from a futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the subway car. MIT is a big user of Particle Measuring Machines that use a laser + air. When the laser hits a particle in the air in a subway sample of air it recorded the particle size and how many per cubic of air. This Passover really needs a better computer simulation of God. Passover, Israel’s Earth Day celebration will be taking place on Monday, April 25, in Kishon Park in Haifa, a city taxed by carbon and air pollution. By YOSEF I. ABRAMOWITZ

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 created some controversy Saturday when she referenced Ms. Lewinsky, the former White House intern who had an affair with President Bill Clinton. Though Ms. Dawson was talking about cyberbullying and about being under pressure to support Hillary Clinton, the Clinton campaign has called the comment “vitriol.” nastiness, sarcasm, venom, contempt, disdain, hatefulness, hostilitys, malevolence, maliciousness, virulence, acrimoniousness! Give Bill Clinton a taste of alcohol, a piece of cheese burger, sex at the dinner table as a kid, preteen Bill Clinton. At Yale with Kerry spending thousands a week on New Haven Prostitutes. Yale Law School doesn't have the same course as Yale Medical School; Doctors + Dictators, grin. Does Caesar have syphilis, Bill Clinton, Hillary? Hillary as a preteen was Cautious but Confident, Considering Running Mates Mrs.Clinton is said to care less ideological sex desires. iPhone 007 can help preteen Hillary's today. 19K will be murdered by a drunk man in 2016. This will be called vitriol if Trump brought it up and Hillary's girl friends in Saudi Arabia, UAE have a higher death count from non-drunk men via Medal of Honor code for Muslin men, women must not drive a gravity engine car. Inspire One! grin.

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 iPhone 007; Write your Novel titled "19K SWF Murdered in 2017 in a 1984 Society" Women will find less statistics for the 19K SWF murdered in 2017 - find peace of mind in the location-tracking features in smartphones that let them keep tabs on their children. There are also the dog owners who can rest easy knowing that hired dog walkers are doing their job. And then, there is the comfort of tracking your pizza delivery. When Lora Mastrangeli orders one from Pizza Hut every other week, she does not just wait for it. She stalks it. The moment her order leaves the nearest Pizza Hut, about 30 minutes from her home in Plano, Tex., the restaurant sends Ms. Mastrangeli an alert on her smartphone with a link to a map showing an image of a pizza delivery car driving toward her house. Since she knows her driver’s location, she knows precisely when to scoop her two small dogs up and sequester them in a back room to keep them from yapping at the driver. Now!! To cut the statistics of SWF murdered in 2017 with the iPhone 007. No Way said Tim Cook I hate women! Grin. I know Tim has said this. This war between men and women. No Gas Stations on Earth will effect this war too. And new services from Comcast and Time Warner Cable allow customers to see the exact location of the cable repairman on the way to the house. Comcast let you see OJ with the knife... as he is walking up to your sidewalk. Companies like Apple, too, have made helicopter parenting easier by letting mothers and fathers track the locations of children through their smartphones. Tracking their sex partners and sex acts so then don't end up like Bill in the White House with a wife who has to answer for his sex acts with Monica. companies like Pizza Hut, Comcast and Time Warner. FBI, Homeland security, cops, Bill Clintons first sex act at the White House was not with Monica, he just didn't get caught. Dr. Frei, the Harvard Business School professor, said customers would be happier if Comcast were more precise with its appointment estimates from the start. Dr. Frei comments on the 19K SWF murdered in 2017 will not be written up in the New York Times or written in a iapp for a smartphone. This is 1984 II and still Big Brother is watching you but not watching out for you... elite to as Mary Kennedy was murdered by Robert Kennedy Jr. who didn't get caught with Monica. Now You Can Write the Great American Novel on the Subway. By KIT EATON Smartphone and tablet apps, some of them compatible with Microsoft Word and Scrivener, that can help writers craft their novels, screenplays or articles. Write your Novel titled "19K SWF Murdered in 2017 in a 1984 Society"

4-25-2016 No Gas Stations at Harvard. The Orwellian President of Harvard know this and let the AF back into Harvard, this is a war crime when we all know $777 Trillion in oil revenues from gas station hold up's in Boston are also a crime. Faust Signs Agreement to Recognize Air Force ROTC By Andrew M. Duehren Harvard Crimson 8 hours ago University President Drew G. Faust signed an agreement Friday with Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James to formally recognize the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps at Harvard, ending a decades long separation between the two institutions born from Vietnam War-era protest.


4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!

4-25-2016 Futuristic iPhone 007 that can detect the size of particle in the air in the NYC subway car... and arrest our 1984 II Dictators who refused air filters!


4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; "Prototype: Building a Better Breast Pump, Not a Milking Machine" By CLAIRE MARTIN

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; "Earthquake Jolts Ecuador Into Enacting Long-Avoided Fiscal Changes" By NICHOLAS CASEY

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 This morning, Jews the world over will be burning the remnants of our bagels, hallot, and other hametz in a symbolic cleansing of our homes in time for Passover, which also happens to coincide this year with International Earth Day. The juxtaposition of the small billowing smoke piles, in the name of holiness, with the new-found attempt by the world community to limit gas emissions - No Gas Stations On Earth Day. Why is this Passover different from all other Passovers? Or why is this Earth Day different from all others? Passover, Israel’s Earth Day celebration will be taking place on Monday, April 25, in Kishon Park in Haifa, a city taxed by carbon and air pollution. By YOSEF I. ABRAMOWITZ

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton, Margarita Recipe for Beau + million breast cancer women. Titanium Home built by Jimmy Carter in Ecuador for Earth quakes long avoided like the Key West Steel Roof's after Key West burned down 3 times. Did Margarita's + Cheeseburgers cause Beau's brain cancer? Steve Jobs Cancer? Stage 4 cancers? Hell Yes! NY Times link to Los Alamos to crunch these numbers is censored or just Windmills Cervantes is Not Getting for his 400th BDay Gift of 1 Trillion 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort on the assembly lines in Dubai for his No Gas Stations on Earth; all destroyed by Cervantes to save DNA mutations Cervantes knew nothing about. NY Times knows nothing about DNA today. NY Times @ Los Alamos to crunch a story on DNA and gas exhaust like state of the arts, SF, Berkeley and MIT elite writers!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; "The Littlest Chess Champions at 5. At 5 Dr Katrina + Dr. Nancy Snyderman were watching Dad in Surgery." By JOHN LELAND

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Nuclear War with North Korea helps Jimmy Carter out of his slump; death bed thoughts! Carter will live long enough to see the USS Jimmy Carter Nuclear Sub launch 48 Nuclear ballistic missile into North Korea after all these years of waiting.

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 North Korea said on Sunday a submarine-launched ballistic missile test it conducted under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un had been a "great success" that provided "one more means for powerful nuclear attack".

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton turned out to be from Hell and almost put him in Hell. Grin. ‘Margarita’ Is a State of Mind, and an Empire so is - No Gas Stations on Earth Era - will also be an Era of No Cheeseburgers and French Fries after we Marry the French MD women. There is a boozy, Gasoline Nascar-lovin’, nacho-munchin’ clientele, for sure. Attempts to build lifestyle-oriented boutique chains like Edison. "1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year" as a Disney theme park with an iMac Super Computer at every table with links to Los Alamos Oppenheimer II + III MD women. Mr. Buffett opened his first Margaritaville restaurant in 1987 in Key West, Fla. It found instant success, along with the trillion of scooters driving by its open windows spray painting the drunks DNA with black clouds of diesel exhaust, grin. To drunk to know or care! Atoms, molecules and today CERN Top Quarks ! Glue that holds these Mad Men in Orbit with No Gas Stations on Earth is a Better Drink. Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 with $777 Trillion to build the Yale Key West Medical School with BP Oil Money. Walt Disney Company to build a lavishly theme Margaritaville at a Walt Disney World - Lavishly theme Yale Medical School at Disney World. Biden would have taken Beau here instead of the Lavish Walter Reed Military Hospital. Did Margarita's cause Beau's brain cancer? Steve Jobs Cancer? Stage 4 cancers? Hell Yes! Carnival Margaritaville Ship might Dock before the Yale Hospital Carnival Cruise just back from Cuba. Prison Hospital Ships for No HIV, Syphilis, MS Virus, STD's on Earth.

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Thousands of migrant workers who are actively building Qatar into a modern state. Qatar is were Bill + Melinda bought there second home. Million migrants are in Mecca this Sunday not at Saint Peters. They are building Mecca's Saint Peters to fit 2 million Muslims as Pope Francis talks the talk about other things not the 2 million workers in Mecca today all making more money than any Vatican workers, grin. Perks for this Mecca and Qatar workers is 72 virgins in Heaven, grin. Bush did not think of this Shock + Awe on his Aircraft Carrier. With Burger's in Paradise for the Crew's perks.

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Obama Says Movements Like Black Lives Matter ‘Can’t Just Keep on Yelling’ - As Movements like - No Gas Stations On Earth + 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year will sent the Black OJ's Obama created to Hell. After Cremation, Prince Is Celebrated in Private Funeral - Hell is Celebrating Today. Catching Up With Cervantes - Windmill Farms from GE when iPod size GE electric generators are the transistor era getting smaller and smaller like the Quark in the grain of Sand. How small can GE or IBM make a electric generator fueled by H @ -254 C...

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 RICHARD A. FRIEDMAN Editorial New York Times "What Drug Ads Don’t Say" - The Rx Recipe!!! So girl scouts reading this Times Editorial in Sunday's paper can whip up a new Rx Recipe for the breast cancer drug!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!


4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!

4-24-2016 Sunday NY Times; “Cheeseburger in Paradise” for Bill Clinton + Hillary!



4-23-2016 Obama on Saturday opened his last full day in London by taking in a performance cribbed from William Shakespeare's “Hamlet,” including portions of the prince of Denmark’s famous “To be or not to be” soliloquy. No Gas Stations on Earth?

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet” with a new ending with them both 90 after a lifetime of IP invention project dialog. Only left the invention of this world's Quarks, Gluon bond. To us, he bequeathed his tragedies and comedies, his sonnets and verse, which would survive 400 years. "Inventor," agony + ecstasy to play 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in London 2016.

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — 4-23-2016 London Today looks at the "Stars" and the Queen thinks will I hear from Jewish aliens before I die! Tragic she had to wait until her 90th BDay! “To be or not to be” soliloquy... No Gas Stations on Earth Day! Earth Day II.

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — 4-23-2016 London "Queen Elizabeth II, Still Going Strong at 90" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times "It’s hard to imagine Britain without Her Majesty: stoic, steadfast, kind, greatly revered and remarkably robust." “Her Majesty’s a pretty nice girl, but she doesn’t have a lot to say.” So went a Beatles song back in 1969, and in its inimitable way, the ditty — mildly disrespectful and yet “almost like a love song to the queen,” as Paul McCartney described his lyrics - No Gas Stations on Earth Today Lyrics by the Queen + Paul McCartney, No Way, Hell No We Won't Go... NY Times writes, "it may be hard to fathom why ultra-progressive Scandinavian countries like Norway cling to vestiges of a feudal order" Norway has $750 Trillion in oil revenues, Queen Elizabeth has $777 Trillion in oil revenues. God Save the Queen, grin. VW, Setting Aside $18 Billion for Diesel Scandal Costs, Queen Elizabeth is setting aside $777 Trillion for the Holocaust II + III birth defects and cancers caused by her Rolls Royce gas engine! Will the Queen live long enough to drive in a Gravity Engine Rolls Royce??? Cancer as the World Wide Plague with the same Rats caught by a modern day ElectricWindmillCar inventor, with a Rx Cure for Stage 4 discovered like the Rat. As Holocaust II + III BDay's in the Queens George Orwell News Papers cause her Shock + Awe of all those burned in oil... in 2016 and 1616. 7 million Jewish aliens will liberate the BP Oil Concentration camp HQ in London. Oxford Law School Warns the Queen get a lawyer from Yale Law School. Call Bill Clinton. What did the Queen say about the 155 Story Yale London Medical School building on a Eiffel Tower Structure, did she like it? Queen to Eases Decades-long Restriction on Star Sea Travel - modern British Fleet of Destroyers will be for Star Wars not wars on Earth!

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

4-23-2016 I can’t wait to fall in love with Yale MD women wooing them with the Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4. Rx Recipe in pillow talk's, grin. Light year life style from Greg's in Key West, grin.

4-23-2016 I can’t wait to fall in love with you. According College Magazine, Yale is the No. 2 best college to fall in love. The top three spots in the magazine’s ranking were all taken by Ivy League institutions with Columbia at No. 1 and Harvard at No. 3. According to College Magazine, “No matter what stage you’re in on your romantic journey, Yale’s got you covered.”

4-23-2016 I can’t wait to fall in love with Yale MD women wooing them with the Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4. Rx Recipe in pillow talk's, grin.

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

4-23-2016 South Korea says North Korea has fired what appeared to be a ballistic missile from a submarine off its northeast coast. USS Jimmy Carter fires 84 Nukes into North Korea. Jimmy Carter gets to see his nuke sub in action before he dies, wow! Nuclear War with North Korea helps Jimmy Carter out of his slump; death bed thoughts!

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

4-23-2016 175 states sign landmark Paris deal on climate change on CBS nightly news clip with Kerry in his "arms" his granddaughter as he signs... but Kerry Failed his granddaughter and Yale in signing this and not No Gas Stations On Earth yesterday as Today All Gas Stations On Earth are Open... Opening the hatch of the Jimmy Carter Nuke sub he will watch blast Korea with his granddaughter beside him on CBS Nightly News Tomorrow. No Gas Stations on Earth in the Paris Deal would have prevent Jimmy Carter from starting a Nuke War with Korea!

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

4-23-2016 1984 II administration is trying to address Iranian complaints that U.S. financial regulations are denying Iran $777 Trillion in New Oil Revenues the sanctions relief oke under last year's landmark nuclear deal.

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

4-23-2016 Editorial in the New York Times Today... "The Baghdad Follies" Iraqi politicians seem to be squandering another chance to build a better future... with their $$$ Trillion dollars a month in Oil Revenue given to them by our 1984 II Dictator's. And not reported by the NY Times, grin. Spend a $$$ Trillion dollars in secret and its called Baghdad Follies in the New York Times.

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

4-23-2016 Obama on Saturday opened his last full day in London by taking in a performance cribbed from William Shakespeare's “Hamlet,” including portions of the prince of Denmark’s famous “To be or not to be” soliloquy.

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

4-23-2016 Sex on the International Space Station... American Astronaut Margaret Rhea Seddon logged three separate space flights between 1985 and 1993 for stretches of 7 days, 9 days, and 14 days. In an oral history, Seddon reveals that a lot of NASA scientists expressed concerns before her trips about menstruation. It was, she says, one of the unknowns of space. Sex on the Space Station unknowns, grin. More like top secret sex on the Space Station.

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

April 23, 1616 — the creator of "Inventor," “Hamlet,” “Macbeth” and “Romeo and Juliet”

4-23-2016 All the sex partners of Hillary and Trump made public... Yale co-authored psychiatric study titled “Heritable and Nonheritable Pathways to Early Callous-Unemotional Behaviors." Bill Clintons sex. GE mothers son who shot all the 5th graders at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Early Callous-Unemotional Behaviors, Mature Callous-Unemotional Behaviors." In Hillary + Trump, our 1984 II Dictators. GE Top Brass moving from Yale to Boston out of spite to cure them of Callous-Unemotional Behaviors at GE Wind Farms and iPod Size GE electric Generators fueled by H @ -254 C." H @ -254 C can also freeze GE jet engine pollution, incinerators exhaust.

4-23-2016 Yale All researchers interviewed said that antisocial behavior is a broad term referring to both violent and nonviolent behavior as well as conduct disorder. Antisocial behavior includes verbal and physical aggression, and crimes like WAR!!. Callous-unemotional behavior, however, is a subset of antisocial behavior wherein individuals engage in antisocial behavior as a result of lack of empathy, lack of remorse or guilt and lack of fear. These low traits were used in the study as measures for identifying callous-unemotional behavior in Generals aged 27 to 90.



4-23-2016 4-22-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributors "Don’t Let Americans Sue Saudi Arabia"

4-22-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributors "Don’t Let Americans Sue Saudi Arabia"

4-22-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributors "Don’t Let Americans Sue Saudi Arabia" By CURTIS BRADLEY and JACK GOLDSMITH September 11, 2001. Doing so would imperil our foreign aid and the war on terrorism.

4-22-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year!

4-22-2016 Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi version of Islam, a product of nomadic desert culture, was practiced by a tiny minority of Muslims — perhaps 1 to 2 percent. Then came the oil boom, and Saudi Arabia — flush with cash $777 Trillion from the Pentagon — spread these ideas throughout the Muslim world.

4-22-2016 Bin laden Construction company today has 100's of cranes at Mecca building it as "Saint Peters" to hold 2 million for Sunday sermon.

4-22-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributors "Don’t Let Americans Sue Saudi Arabia" By CURTIS BRADLEY and JACK GOLDSMITH

4-22-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributors A Welcome and Overdue Change to the $20 Bill. OJ's Wife ascends to the $20, Alexander Hamilton gets to stay on the $10. Robert Kennedy Jr.'s Wife Mary Kennedy ascends to the $100, Now the USA has 2 murdered wife's "on the money!"

4-22-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributors A Memorial for all the Wives killed by Wounded Warriors coming home from Oil Money Wars, $777 Trillion in Iraq oil revenues Check.‘Buddy Check on 22!’ Veterans Use Social Media to Fight Suicide. Facebook pages, video challenges, mobile apps and other tools engage the bonds forged on the battlefield as a platform for prevention. By CHRISTINE HAUSER - New York Times lobby, a memorial for Wives killed murdered by troops coming home from Oil Money Wars $$$ censored from front page headlines in the New York Times on orders from some General.

4-22-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributors New York Today New York Today: A Car-Free Day Friday: A day without cars, weekend events and Passover recipes. By EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS and JONATHAN WOLFE. Greg + Wives in New York Today would be brainstorming a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 and designing a car with a gravity engine that can fly via laser guidance.

4-22-2016 BBC News - God Save the Queen... Elizabeth who's anxiety about Heaven - Hell, WW III, BP Oil, God is Greater; well richer in Mecca than London.

4-22-2016 BBC News - All companies, including Apple, should pay a 50% tax rate, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has told the BBC. Wozniak needs to get 50% more Nobel's in Medicine a year to save the life of Steve Jobs II + III, grin.

4-22-2016 BBC News - Government will just buy more War Toys from MIT another Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub with the tax money as the top brass have syphilis in their frontal lobes and "God is Great" at the Pentagon and at Mecca. God save the Queen in London, grin!

4-22-2016 BBC News - Both make their troops saints! Medal of Honor and the 15 Saudi Citizens who flew into the World Trade Center are in Heaven and Honored in Mecca!

4-22-2016 BBC News - God is Great! Any Saudi Citizen or Pakistan Muslim who makes Paris the next Hiroshima gets into Heaven.

4-22-2016 BBC News - Our 1984 II Dictators know this and the NY Times too! God is Great.

4-22-2016 BBC News - No telling what Pope Francis is spending his BP Oil $$$$ Godsend on!

4-22-2016 BBC News - Doctrines of jihad have $777 Trillion from gas station hold ups in the USA. Saudi funding of Islamic extremism has not ended, and its pernicious effects can be seen from Pakistan to Indonesia.

4-22-2016 BBC News - David Petraeus once told me that the most significant strategic shift during his time was the H-Bomb assembly line set up by USA Generals in Pakistan.

4-22-2016 BBC News - Saudi Arabia has created a monster in God is Great and giving its version of the Medal of Honor, 72 Virgins in Heaven for nuking Paris Fags! God and Great.

4-22-2016 BBC News - Saudi Prince and the 9/11 plotters just the tip of the iceberg. These problems are all dramatic, but underneath them all lies - lies God is Great.

4-22-2016 BBC News - Jimmy Carter riding his Nuke Sub to God said he is a peace with his maker.

4-22-2016 BBC News - God is Great and gave him the money to buy the USS Jimmy Carter Sub with 72 H-Bombs not 72 Virgins, grin. Nuke Subs wait for Jimmy Carter in his Heaven.

4-22-2016 BBC News - Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Cure were nuked killed by Jimmy Carter's inner circle!

4-22-2016 BBC News - Mohammed says God is Great and nuke the fags in Paris.

4-22-2016 BBC News - Japan watches it all on 1984 II Comcast and after Paris is Nuked will build a memorial.

4-22-2016 BBC News - Humanitarian cost of the USS Jimmy Carter Sub with Nukes is Hell no one believes in but for 72 virgins and 72 nuke subs are Gods rewards in their personal Heaven.

4-22-2016 BBC News - Virgin Mary Statue, Intact Among Ecuador’s Quake Ruins, Becomes a Beacon of Hope -

4-22-2016 BBC News - Apple-Starbucks opened 0 stores Starbucks opened 884 stores over the past year. "Starbucks; In June, it will open a most profitable store, at Disneyland Shanghai. The company remains on track to have 25,000 stores open globally by the end of the year.

4-22-2016 BBC News - God's views on Gay issues!

4-22-2016 BBC News - "Trump’s Views on Gay Issues Set Him Apart in the G.O.P." By MAGGIE HABERMAN Donald J. Trump’s ease with gay people does not seem to be the result of deep soul searching, but, rather, the product of the Manhattan social and political world he has inhabited the past five decades.

4-22-2016 BBC News - God's views on Gay issues!

4-22-2016 BBC News Islamic State Mines Kill Dozens of Civilians Returning to Ramadi - NY Times - NY Times Minds kill millions via spray painted black clouds of poison gasoline exhaust on Duval Key West, no mind that headlines should be No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016 was suppressed by our 1984 II Mindless Dictators.

4-22-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributors "Don’t Let Americans Sue Saudi Arabia"

4-22-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributors "Don’t Let Americans Sue Saudi Arabia"

4-22-2016 BBC News French Minister Says Paris Meeting for Mideast Peace Needed - French Minister Says give Jimmy Carter another Nobel Peace Prize, grin!

4-22-2016 "Wondering What Caused the Cancer" By MIKKAEL A. SEKERES, M.D. Many of my patients ask what caused their cancer. I often wonder the same thing. Greg + Wives would say many cancers are caused by the spray painted black clouds of gasoline exhaust. Lead in the air + water. Like the element Hydrogen. Unthought about and the Quarks that make a atom of hydrogen. Unlike Hydrogen poison atoms are from gas cars. Alcohol Coors might cause as many cancers as VW... and lie about it too. Grin.

4-22-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributors "Don’t Let Americans Sue Coors"

4-22-2016 New York Times Op-Ed Contributors "Don’t Let Americans Sue Coors"


4-21-2016 - A Welcome and Overdue Change to the $20 Bill OJ's Wife ascends to the $20, Alexander Hamilton gets to stay on the $10. Robert Kennedy Jr.'s Wife Mary Kennedy ascends to the $100, Now the USA has 2 murdered wife's "on the money!" Alexander Hamilton gets to stay on the $10

4-21-2016 God is Great is Raising Tension on Jimmy Carter's Death Bed... Hell doesn't scare anyone in "War." Submarine's (2) Pictured Big as the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub on the front page of the NY Times Today! Russia Bolsters Its Submarine Fleet not its Nobel's. Three New York Times journalists discuss the Ocean of Space Shuttles Fleet that was sunk by these 3 Nuke Subs. GE Dad of the Sandy Hook killer of grade school kids infected all the Jimmy Carters world wide. Saudi Arabia, President Obama and his counterparts were expected to discuss mass murder via spray painted black clouds of gasoline exhaust! Obama and King Salman of Saudi Arabia Meet, but Depth of the Universe at 13 Billion light years has no side effects on Obama or King Salman as Allah is Great at Brainwashing! “Saturday Night Live” parody skit about “God's Not Dead 2” was written by their inner circle of Men with Syphilis. Skit about the Jewish Alien Coup written for Obama + King Salman will be a winner! First Criminal Charges against Jimmy Carter will come from the Nobel Peace Prize + Mr. Nobel! Mitsubishi Admits Cheating on Fuel-Economy Tests and none of the NY Times Journalists wrote about the deaths of 5th grade kids from Mitsubishi's spray painted black clouds of gasoline exhaust in todays article titled "Mitsubishi Admits Cheating on Fuel-Economy Tests!" "Volkswagen Deal on Emissions Cheating in U.S. Is Expected" By JACK EWING "A Busy Queen Elizabeth II Pencils In a 90th Birthday at Saint Jude Children's Hospitals in the USA." By DAN BILEFSKY A Busy Queen Elizabeth II Pencils In a 90th Birthday in the "Burn Units" from fiery SUV + Cop Cars with gasoline engines, can you even imagine Queen Elizabeth driving a gravity engine car in 2016 London... Hell No! Hell No We Won't go and Invent a Gravity Engine! India Says It Wants One of the Crown Jewels Back From Britain - Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity Wants One of the IP invention projects back From Britain, two really the Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure and the Gravity Engine in the Era of Queen Elizabeth. Will Queen Elizabeth live long enough to see the Gravity Engine and Hear Jewish Aliens? God rules Jimmy Carter must pay for the terrible deaths of 5th graders at Sandy Hook; BP Oil Campus! God is Great is Raising Tension on Jimmy Carter's Death Bed... Senator Edward M. Kennedy went to Grand Central Terminal on March 26, 1980, to thank New Yorkers for his upset victory over President Jimmy Carter in the Democratic presidential primary the day before. Brain + Breast cancer would have been cured with the Euphoria of the invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillCar on Christmas Day 1980.

4-21-2016 OJ's Wife ascends to the $20, Alexander Hamilton gets to stay on the $10

4-21-2016 Robert Kennedy Jr.'s Wife Mary Kennedy ascends to the $20, Now the USA has 2 murdered wife's "on the money!" Alexander Hamilton gets to stay on the $10

4-21-2016 China’s President, Xi Jinping, Gains a New Title: "Commander in Chief" By AUSTIN RAMZY The title reflects the president’s desire to have a more direct role over the armed forces, a professor said. China’s President, Xi Jinping, will be overthrown by a MD Woman Professor from the Yale Beijing Medical School, she has a office on the 155th floor of the Medical School. China’s President, Xi Jinping, lives in the cold war nuke bomb shelter under Beijing. Being a Female Architect in a Male-Dominated Field - Being a Woman MD when Men MD's put water in the Polio vaccination on orders from the CIA then Gunmen killed seven police officers guarding polio workers in two separate attacks in a suburb of Pakistan's largest city Wednesday, and again tomorrow. Greg and wives in Key West today are held POW's not allowed to brainstorm the Polio vaccine put in drinking water by our Commanders in Chief who like the title! "Commander in Chief" coup via Women MD professor will arrest the CIA men MD's who started this Polio War and the Czar of Russia heirs who build Subs pictured on the front page of today's NY Times instead of brainstorming a way to put Polio vaccine in Moscow drinking water. Yale and Harvard car sale men sold Xi gas engine cars. None of the Yale + Harvard car sale men could have gotten into Yale + Harvard medical school but if they did they would have been passed even though they failed by MD Men following orders from our 1984 II Dictators! Kerry Failed Yale and Humanity! "Surgery: The Neglected Stepchild of Global Health" By EMILY BRUNO and MARK G. SHRIME 5 billion people around the world cannot access safe or affordable surgery. Dr. Kerry MD. By Andrew M. Duehren and Daphne C. Thompson 6 hours ago Harvard will formally recognize the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps program Friday, renewing relations decades after the University expelled the program during Vietnam War-era protest. Oil War Era gives $777 Trillion to the AF in War Toys from gas station hold ups. Harvard fails Humanity Today in History. Harvard Medical School Passes 70 Percent of Capital Campaign Goal. By Sruthi L. Muluk 6 hours ago As of March 1, Harvard Medical School had raised $531 million, achieving just over 70 percent of its goal of $750M. Harvard Crimson News Today. $777 Trillion in oil revenues! Yale Daily News today has... It’s a match. This year, 682 Yale students swabbed their cheeks and joined the bone marrow registry for the Mandi Schwartz drive. Since the annual drive began in 2009, 5,299 have signed up, and 30 lives have been saved with patient-donor matches. The peak number of students to register in a single year was 921 in 2010.

4-21-2016 OJ's Wife ascends to the $20, Alexander Hamilton gets to stay on the $10

4-21-2016 Robert Kennedy Jr.'s Wife Mary Kennedy ascends to the $20, Now the USA has 2 murdered wife's "on the money!" Alexander Hamilton gets to stay on the $10

4-21-2016 First Draft: Hillary Clinton to Discuss Gun Violence in Connecticut With Sandy Hook Families without Leaking GE Dad + Mom... GE killed 100 Million 5th Grade kids World Wide and Hillary Clinton will refuse to Discuss this GE Genocide Today! CIA to pay death benefits to Sandy Hook kids... C.I.A. to Pay death benefits to Relatives of Terror Victims. By NICHOLAS FANDOS The agency will pay death benefits to families of unmarried and childless federal employees or contractors killed in acts of terrorism overseas. GE killed this Sandy Hook grade school kids via the CIA life style of No 1980 ElectricWindillFord Escort but Wind Farms by GE which made Trillions in profits! By MUJIB MASHAL and JAWAD SUKHANYAR Mechanics became drivers and clerks nurses as a small department sprang into action after the deadliest attack on the Afghan capital in 15 years of war. War started in 1980 with the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort in the CIA garage! 15 Ambulances and Hundreds of Victims: Kabul Attack Gives Service Grim Test - Kerry failed Yale + God sent Ford ElectricWindmill Escort Ambulances.

4-21-2016 OJ's Wife ascends to the $20, Alexander Hamilton gets to stay on the $10

4-21-2016 Robert Kennedy Jr.'s Wife Mary Kennedy ascends to the $20, Now the USA has 2 murdered wife's "on the money!" Alexander Hamilton gets to stay on the $10

4-21-2016 If Police Stairwell Shooting Was Accidental, Circumstances Around It Were Not. Now that former Officer Peter Liang has avoided prison for fatally shooting Akai Gurley, questions turn to the broken elevator, broken lights and police practice that made the deadly episode possible. By ALAN FEUER Alan Feuer at the NY Times knows he should put the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort into his story of the cop shooting in NYC as the Ford would have changed NYC and the World but for the Criminals who are our top brass at 1984 II HQ. IP invention projects in 1980 would have never designed this building with stairwells! Gravity Engines would raise to the floor! Lifestyle of the cop + the black criminal would never have been masterminded by 1980 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat leaders of the 1984 III Era in 1980.

4-21-2016 OJ's Wife ascends to the $20, Alexander Hamilton gets to stay on the $10

4-21-2016 Robert Kennedy Jr.'s Wife Mary Kennedy ascends to the $20, Now the USA has 2 murdered wife's "on the money!" Alexander Hamilton gets to stay on the $10


Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 “Saturday Night Live” parody skit about Fiery SUV's + Cop Cars episode will be produced! Pat Boone says last weekend's “Saturday Night Live” parody skit about “God's Not Dead 2” is offensive to Christians, Jews and homosexuals, and thinks the long-running show is feeding cynicism in America. 1984 II Dictators feed this show!

4-20-2016 "Gas Stations" Should Not Ignore The Pressure to Quit for the Good of Humanity" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times. New York’s primary results will bring new calls for both parties’ underdogs to drop out. Voters, not anyone else, should rule in "No Gas Stations On Earth Era", to Hell with the NY Times Editorial Board as they most likely have $681 million in a off shore bank account from BP Oil. "No Gas Stations On Earth Era", Isn’t a Coup, It’s a Cover-Up By CELSO ROCHA DE BARROS at the NY Times!! New York Primary Takeaways: Trump and Clinton Wins Highlight Opponents' Limits! New York Times - Supporters of Donald J. Trump on Tuesday night at Trump Tower in Manhattan. In New York on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump proved they are front-runners for good reason. $681 million in a off shore bank account from BP Oil... Votes for "No Gas Stations On Earth Era," didn't make headlines in the NY Times Today! No Yale NYC Medical School 155 Stories built on a Eiffel Tower Structure out of Titanium.

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 Crucial Victories in "No Gas Stations On Earth Era" By PATRICK HEALY and MAGGIE HABERMAN at the New York Times. Donald J. Trump reclaimed control of the Republican race with no public remarks about No Gas Stations Era on Earth! Test for Yale + Harvard Alumni they can no longer pass "Gas"!

4-20-2016 'Obama Arrives in Saudi Arabia Amid New Tensions" By MICHAEL D. SHEAR President Obama arrived barely a day after expressing support for the release of documents implicating Saudi officials in the United States in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Greg + Wives in Key West will sue King Salman for $777 Trillion and win a Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Recipe with the winnings! New York Times - LONDON - In a major victory for the Russian government, a Dutch court overturned on Wednesday a more than $50 billion award won by former shareholders of the defunct oil company Yukos against Moscow in 2014. Greg + Wives in Key West will sue Putin for $777 Trillion and win a 1,001 Car Train; A Super Shuttle with enough room for Russian Cosmonauts! The U.S. government is poised to approve two long-delayed sales of Boeing Co fighter jets to Qatar and Kuwait, and could announce the 100 multibillion-dollar deals during President Barack Obama's visit to the Gulf this week, according to two sources.

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 Fidel Castro Asks Party to Fulfill His Vision of "Cuba Prison Hospitals for All Diseased Men in the USA! Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS Virus, By VICTORIA BURNETT In a farewell speech to Cuba’s Communist Party congress, Mr. Castro, 89, said that he would soon die, but 100 million women died sooner infected by Mad Men Masterminds from the USA 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis and other terrible diseases... like MS.

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 Demand for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year! Intel to Slash 12,000 Jobs as PC Demand Plummets because of Mosquito Net Era in Window 10 and IOS for MacBook Pro can't be loaded by Dell + Acer into PC's. Demand for Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University with a $8K MacBook Pro Xenons CPU's why Intel didn't sell any for MacBook Pro's is not in Forbes or Business Week as stupid on the part of Intel, MacBook Pro's with a Xenon CPU at every café Table in Paris was Nuked by the Joint Chiefs of Staff giving Allah in Pakistan an assembly line for H-Bombs when the mass of humanity in Pakistan needed the Ford ElectricWindmillCar assembly line!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 official death toll from the World Trade Center attack currently stands at 2,753 people, including 343 members of the Fire Department. Gasoline death's are 2,753,841 and counting as Saudi Citizens are poisoning kids in the Bronx today with spray painted black clouds of diesel and gasoline exhaust! Hell with lead in the water the NY Times will not LEAK the Lead in the air!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 By Margot Sanger-Katz Even if you lack health insurance, you’ll probably be able to get treatment at a hospital in the event of a catastrophe — Syphilis! MS! STD's! No Way Margot picks you’re struck by a car, say. But having insurance can mean the difference between financial security and financial ruin. Research has linked hospitalizations among the uninsured to higher risk of bankruptcy, unpaid bills and a lowered credit score. “Financial distress has many subsequent consequences,” Repercussions — for example you lose your car, you fall behind on rent.” This year, we heard from thousands of readers about how medical bills can alter finances and daily life. People’s Medical Debt from Syphilis! MS! STD's! No Way Margot picks any of these yet she has girl friends who caught some of these sex diseases she refused to write any up in her NY Times article today!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 $20 Billion in Tax Credits Fails to Increase College Attendance by Susan Dynarski Taxpayers will file for $20 billion in tax credits for college expenses they paid in 2015, but while those who get them will no doubt be happy, new evidence shows they have no effect on encouraging people to attend college, because 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out with links you can click on are not offered by Yale or Harvard. No Brainard, really!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 Spray Painted Black Clouds + Black Hole's! "At Black Hole Talk, Stephen Hawking Draws Massive Audience" By Beth Young, CRIMSON STAFF WRITER World-famous theoretical cosmologist Stephen W. Hawking discussed the history of and recent breakthroughs in research on black holes at the inauguration of Harvard's Black Hole Initiative in Sanders Theater on Monday afternoon. Interspersing jokes throughout his lecture, Hawking discussed the implications of recent developments demonstrating that the size of black holes may indicate how much information they hold and that they also emit thermal radiation... Lead + Poison Elements in the Air DNA of kids on Duval Key West. “The message of this lecture is that black holes ain’t as black as they are painted,” Hawking said. “So, if you feel you are in a black hole, don’t give up. There is a way out.” No Gas Stations On Earth is the only way out!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1980 Black Clouds + Black Hole of Gas Exhaust memorial at Yale!

THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 2016 Black Clouds + Black Hole of Gas Exhaust memorial at Yale!

THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1992 The Black Student Alliance at Yale proposes that the University build a memorial to free speech and political activism in Beinecke Plaza. The memorial will replace an anti-apartheid wall that has stood in the plaza since 1988.

THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1992 Black Clouds + Black Hole of Gas Exhaust memorial at Yale!

THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 2016 Black Clouds + Black Hole of Gas Exhaust memorial at Yale!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 After the sun, the closest star to Earth is a triple-star system, Alpha Centauri, which consists of three stars bound together by gravity. A new Yale co-authored paper reveals a phenomenon through which the atmosphere of planets is stripped away by radiation from the stars they orbit. The research, published last Monday in the journal Nature Communications, uncovers new information about “super-Earths,” planets two to 10 times the size of Earth. These planets orbit stars far enough away that collecting data on them proves difficult, especially as many of these super-Earths do not appear on conventional astronomical graphs. The researchers identified photoevaporation, the process through which the atmosphere of a planet is stripped away by radiation from the star it orbits, as the cause of the conspicuous absence of these planets.

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 Today working on the IP invention project Polio Vaccine in the drinking water - Hell No! Greg + Wives are POW in Key West. ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Gunmen killed seven police officers guarding polio workers in two separate attacks in a suburb of Pakistan's largest city Wednesday, according to officials. Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon are the Masterminds of these cops killed and the cops in fiery cop car crash's yesterday not in the news because these cop killing are classified by the Pentagon.

4-20-2016 “Saturday Night Live” parody skit about Fiery SUV's + Cop Cars episode will be produced! Pat Boone says last weekend's “Saturday Night Live” parody skit about “God's Not Dead 2” is offensive to Christians, Jews and homosexuals, and thinks the long-running show is feeding cynicism in America.

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 "Proposal for Brooklyn’s Tallest Tower Is Approved" By MATT A.V. CHABAN A rendering of the 73-story apartment building set to rise later this year on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn. Credit SHoP Architects Look out, Brooklyn: Here comes your first 1,000-foot tower. On Tuesday, the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission approved a proposal for 9 DeKalb Avenue, a 73-story apartment building set to rise this year on Flatbush Avenue

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 "Proposal for Brooklyn’s Tallest Tower Is Not a 155 Story Yale Brooklyn Medical School built for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year and a Rx Recipe Cure for the London Plague's of BP Oil today.

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Memorial Museum!

Ford's 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort's in the 9/11 Election Results!

4-20-2016 "Cuomo Orders Sleep Apnea Tests for Metro-North and L.I.R.R. Workers"

4-20-2016 Cuomo Orders Syphilis, STD, MS virus, Whooping Cough Virus; Tests for Metro-North and L.I.R.R. Workers"


4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside, No Syphilis on Earth NYC Subway Fare's. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority outlined plans on Monday for a new fare payment system to replace the MetroCard. A look at what New York City subway and bus riders could expect from the proposed change: Q. Why does the authority need a new system? Syphilis. A. The MetroCard, introduced in 1993, is obsolete, and maintaining the old infrastructure is increasingly expensive. While other cities have embraced modern payment systems, the authority has encountered setbacks in its efforts to upgrade its system. Hillary Clinton’s difficulty swiping a MetroCard on the campaign trail this month illustrated the problems many commuters experience at subway turnstiles. Q. How would the new fare payment system work? MetroCard, introduced in 1993, is obsolete, so is the NYC department of Health is obsolete!!!!! Bill + Melinda's Mosquito Nets for Syphilis is the Status Quo of Kerry and Yale Alumni at the State Department!!!!! Old Headlines of a 1935 George Orwell Novel "Down and Out in Paris and London with Syphilis. London has had syphilis forever, the tap-and-go Oyster card is used in London today. Chicago has the Ventra card, which train and bus riders tap against a card reader. Yale Key West Medical School will have a Mass Transportation Cure for sick out of date diseases, flu will be old English history like the Plagues of London are today!!!!! New NYC Subway Era Mosquito free and done without Nets from Bill + Melinda Gates. Yes IBM will probably make $1 billion more in profits every 3 months from this Syphilis Mosquito Net Invention. Disease medical Surveillance systems IP invention projects for NYC subway's are in their own class, Mosquito Nets are Bill + Melinda Gate out of date inventions, Grin. We’re not collecting the syphilis + flu of each rider; data that would help us know the IP invention project to brainstorm in tomorrows from page of the NY Times. Homeland Security cops in NYC subways arrested 10K people for not paying $2.75 last year. Each one went to court. Syphilis is in the 1984 II Dictators frontal lobes too. Ha!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!! Surprise Surge Completes Ethiopians’ Boston Marathon Sweep" By VICTOR MATHER Atsede Baysa, 37 seconds behind at 22 miles, stormed back, and Lemi Berhanu Hayle won, too — the first time Ethiopians won the men’s and women’s races in the same year. United States, should limit the Boston Marathon to American's! The elite in Boston knew that Kenya or Ethiopians would win yesterday and did nothing for Americans reading this in worst irony than the Boston Bombing! Boston Globe at least should have mentioned that both winners from Ethiopian have Syphilis, grin. Readers would have won!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Ric Herrero, the executive director of Cuba Now, a group that favors engagement with Cuba, said the showdown should also serve as a cautionary tale to the United States, which until recently limited American travel to Cuba. “We need to be consistent,” he said. “We should stand against all travel restriction, for Cubans or Americans.”

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside, As Donald Trump Speaks, Some Voters Hear Echoes of Ed Koch - Syphilis taboo aside we should hear a editorial from the NY Times on Syphilis Today, and name names of those they know. Trump + Koch on Syphilis. Did Bill give Hillary Syphilis?

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 First Star Travel Voyage by Carnival @ NASA. "The Upshot: Campaigns Are Long, Expensive and Chaotic. Maybe That’s a Good Thing." By NEIL IRWIN NY Times.

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 First Star Travel Voyage by IBM - IBM’s total employment has declined 12 percent, to 377,757 workers at the end of last year. Martin Schroeter, IBM’s chief financial officer, characterized the big restructuring charge as a step to accelerate IBM’s moves into new fields like the nearest 52 Stars! 400K workers will accelerate to 400 million workers once the American Government movies from of Oil Wars to Star Wars. IBM delivered a quarterly performance that shows the steady headway it is making in new businesses led by Star Wars, $2.3 Billion in profits the last 3 months. Oil Profits in the last 3 months were $777 Trillion. Hard to overcome this greed with only 777 Billion Galaxies in the Universe.

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside, NASA's Carnival’s Maiden Voyage to Alpha Centauri 4.3 light years from Earth Draws Ire and Bias Charges

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside, Carnival is trying to persuade the government to do so — the company said it would delay the May 1 voyage, until all Gas Stations on Earth are Closed. Bias with Saudi Arabia + BP Oil's Gas Stations in London might delay the voyage to the nearest Stars for decades! Star Wars inventions go on despite prohibitions on MIT War Toy Employees to invent a way to hear Jewish Aliens.

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside, Jewish Aliens column written by Santiago!! The first one to highlight the issue was Fabiola Santiago, a Miami Herald columnist, who tried to book a trip on the cruise and was told she could not because she was born in Cuba. She wrote a column about it this month.

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside, Secretary of State John Kerry weighed in on the issue, telling The Miami Herald that the Cuban government needs to change its directive. “We should not be in a situation where the Cuban government is forcing discrimination policy on Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars over the JFK Era of War instead of Star Wars!”

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside, weeklong cruises on the Adonia, a 704-passenger luxury ship, are scheduled to call in three cities.

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Ric Herrero, the executive director of Cuba Now, a group that favors engagement with Cuba, said the showdown should also serve as a cautionary tale to the United States, which until recently limited American travel to Cuba. “We need to be consistent,” he said. “We should stand against all travel restriction, for Cubans or Americans.”

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside Yesterdays Boston Marathon was Bombed by Ethiopians!!

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside

4-19-2016 Syphilis taboo aside

4-18-2016 By COREY KILGANNON "People live for years in New York City’s train, bus and airport hubs, an ad hoc shelter system that has endured for decades."

4-18-2016 By COREY KILGANNON Murdering the wife has endured for decades when the iPhone 007 could have prevented the murder of Mary Kennedy a decade ago! "Henry Ramone Brown, 30, Lake Mary, FL. stabs, runs over wife, kills 2 kids before committing suicide. He stabbed his estranged wife to death and ran over her body with his car Sunday night before murdering his two young children and committing suicide as police closed in. Brown exchanged gunfire with cops. "A system that has endured for decades." When the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord with iPhone Dash Cam would not run over anyone let alone a wife... Cops exchange gasoline run Ford's for "Smart Cars!"

4-18-2016 By COREY KILGANNON $681 million that was deposited into Mandy Miles bank account... "wry intellectual Bankers" bribe's now $681 million; What the Hell; NYC + Geneva's Bankers "wry intellectual Conscience. $$$. 100's of bribes of $681 million for decades!

4-16-2016 By DANIEL VICTOR and RICHARD C. PADDOCK Despite assurances from Malaysian and Saudi officials, suspicions persist surrounding the $681 million that was deposited into Najib Razak’s bank account last year. 100's of bribes of $681 million for decades!

4-18-2016 By COREY KILGANNON "Head on Collisions have endured for decades." after the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort!

4-18-2016 By COREY KILGANNON "On Crime Bill and Clintons, Blacks Are Split by Generation" Generations of 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts on the Ford assembly lines and the poor black assembly line workers who spent there lives building generations after generation of Ford ElectricWindmillCars for Clinton and her husband. Grin! 1 Trillionth Ford coming off the assembly line on... a war crime by Clinton and her husband... Oh Hell!

4-18-2016 By COREY KILGANNON "Those who have long been left out of the health care system, a New York Times analysis has found this "MD" system that has endured for decades."

4-18-2016 By COREY KILGANNON "Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. may avoid a position in a case challenging bribe's that are now $681 million; and have endured for decades since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort." 100's of bribes of $681 million for decades!

4-18-2016 The Pit and the Pendulum II Nobel Novel written at the Hemingway House in Key West on MacBook Pro with iapps that let 100 write on the same page the horrors of Saudi + BP Oil Kings giving bribes of $681 Billion to 100's of world leaders and Pope's who work for God. 100's of bribes of $681 million for decades!

4-18-2016 By COREY KILGANNON "Head on Collisions have endured for decades." after the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort!

4-18-2016 Since its release seven years ago, Minecraft has become a global sensation, captivating a generation of children. There are over 100 million registered players, and it’s now the third-best-­selling video game in history, after Tetris and Wii Sports. In 2014, Microsoft bought Minecraft — and Mojang, the Swedish game studio behind it — for $2.5 billion. At a time when even the president is urging kids to learn to C ++ and C # code, which are light years from Minecraft. block-­based games as a form of “good” play that cultivates abstract thought. A recent paper Fanning wrote with Rebecca Mir traces the tradition to the English political philosopher John Locke, who was an early advocate of alphabet blocks. A century later, Friedrich Froebel — often called the inventor of kindergarten — developed block-­based toys that he claimed would illustrate the spiritual connectedness of all things. Children would start with simple blocks, build up to more complex patterns, then begin to see these patterns in the world around them. Educators like Maria Montessori picked up on this concept and pioneered the teaching of math through wooden devices. 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out the last generation... Hell No! Melinda Gates didn't like playing this game so she told Bill not to buy it, grin. In Sweden, educators worried that industrialization and the mechanization of society were causing children to lose touch with physical skills; they began teaching sloyd, or woodcrafting, a practice that continues today. In Sweden today TNT tons of the H-Bombs on assembly lines in Pakistan are not taught to children. Yet they must win this Nuclear War with Pakistan! Minecraft has succeeded Lego as the respectable creative toy. When it was first sold in the postwar period, Lego presented itself as the heir to the heritage of playing with blocks. Post War Hell Today Pakistan has a assembly line full of H-Bombs. Lego play is quiet and stimulating. Children learn to grapple with major tasks and solve them together. Persson, now 36, was a child of the ’80s computer scene no the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era. Persson invented Mindcraft without ever riding in a ElectricWindmillFord Escort working on the gravity engine IP invention project. Minecraft in 2009. The basic play is fairly simple: Each time you start a new game, Minecraft generates a unique world filled with hills, forests and lakes. Whatever the player chops at or digs into yields building blocks — trees provide wood, the earth dirt and stone. Blocks can be attached to one another to quickly produce structures. Players can also combine blocks to “craft” new items. Take some stone blocks, add a few pieces of wood, and you make a pickax, which then helps you dig more quickly and deeper, till you reach precious materials like gold, silver and diamond. “Mobs,” the game’s creatures (“mob” is short for “mobile”), can be used for crafting, too. Kill a spider, and you get spider silk, handy for making bows and arrows. Light years from 1,001 IP invention projects iapps with links to the iMac Super Computers at Los Alamos. IP invention projects; sales of the game exploded. Today it costs $27 and sells 10,000 copies a day, Mindcraft not IP invention projects! Grin. Nearly everyone who plays Minecraft, or even watches someone else do so, remarks on its feeling of freedom: All those blocks, infinities of them! Build anything you want! Players have re­created the Taj Mahal, the U.S.S. Enterprise from “Star Trek,” the entire capital city from “Game of Thrones.” It’s the most obvious appeal of the game. But I first started to glimpse how complex Minecraft culture can be when I saw what kids were doing with what’s called “redstone,” the game’s virtual wiring. My two sons had begun using it: Zev, who is 8, showed me an automated “piston door” and stone gateway he built. Gabriel, who is 10, had created a “minigame” whose actions included a mechanism that dropped anvils from a height, which players on the ground had to dodge. Everyone who lost out on playing the game IP invention projects can be a "wry intellectual" like Mandy Miles in Key West on island time when time and gravity are IP invention projects that will win somone kid a Nobel. Grin. Dartmouth College, has studied the behavior of thousands of youths on Minecraft servers, and he argues that their interactions are, essentially, teaching civic literacy. Teaching how to invent the Gravity Engine Ford is for Yale + Harvard not Dartmouth, grin!

4-18-2016 By COREY KILGANNON "Head on Collisions have endured for decades." after the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort!

4-18-2016 By COREY KILGANNON "Head on Collisions have endured for decades." after the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort!

4-18-2016 Harvard Targets Bill + Melinda Gates Mosquito Net Sales... and Win 10. "Campus Assassins Game Targets Malaria" By Nikitha B. Reddy and Narayan T. Sundarara Harvard Crimson News. Across the Harvard College, 400 students have signed up to play Assassins—a live action game in which players receive human targets and attempt to eliminate them—with a particular focus on malaria prevention and awareness.

4-18-2016 New York Times - NEW YORK - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is backing legislation that would let Americans sue Saudi Arabia over the 9/11 terrorist attacks. By COREY KILGANNON $681 million that was NOT deposited into his bank account. Saudi Arabia has deposited $681 million into the senators bank accounts to vote not to let 9/11 widows sue them!

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Head on Collisions; Yes!! Dell notebooks come with Mac IOS software not Win 10.

4-17-2016 A Mac will work with your iPhone in ways no other computer can. You can make and receive iPhone calls on your Mac, even if your iPhone is in another room. Send and receive both iMessage and SMS text messages on your Mac. Start an email, document, or browsing session on one device and instantly pick it up on another. And turn on the Personal Hotspot on your iPhone right from your Mac so you can get online in an instant. Visit your Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University if you don't have $8K to buy a Mac + iPhone 007, grin. Starbucks newest rewards of Comcast 500 Cable Channels and Internet wifi for your Dell Mac iMac Super Computer links for Los Alamos to super nuke Stage 4, with a girl scout Rx Recipe! 100" LG Ultra monitor helps you to have and invent the vision of a Eagle for people.

4-17-2016 Head on Collisions; Yes!! Dell notebooks come with Mac IOS software not Win 10.

4-17-2016 Could Bill + Melinda Gates have killed super air bags on the outside of the Minis because she hated the looks of them? Grin. No Gas Stations on Earth is also a Era of No Head on Collisions on Earth + No Windows 10 in use today!! Yes Dell notebooks come with Mac IOS software not Win 10. Cause of this Head on Collision is Beau's death from brain cancer. Cancer of Head on Collisions can be cured too.

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Key West Crash + Burn News on the Front Page Today - Double fatality in crash on U.S. 1 BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. Manuel Navarrete, 44, of Hialeah, was driving a 2015 Lexus south at 10 p.m. when the Lexus crossed the center line, striking a 2014 GMC Yukon driven by John S. Esslinger, 64, of Islamorada, according to a press release.

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Key West Crash + Burn News on the Front Page Today - Double fatality in crash on U.S. 1 BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision. No Gas Stations on Earth is also a Era of No Head on Collisions on Earth via the State of the Arts Smoke Detector with iPhone Cam that can tell if the flame is a candle, match, lighter, grease fire, and email several people at Microsoft who will let the DOJ read this email without a search warrant, grin. No Mosquitos on Earth is a spin off invention of these Era's!

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Sex Slaves on the Front Page of Today's Sunday New York Times; no black slaves from 1838. Sex Slaves today in Saudi Arabia are like the 9/11 secret files the New York Times can't publish who owns SWF sex slaves in Mecca today, as the Times does know who these Masterminds are. 272 Slaves Were Sold to Save Georgetown. What Does It Owe Their Descendants? In 1838, the Jesuit priests who ran the country’s top Catholic university needed money to keep it alive. Now comes the task of making amends. By RACHEL L. SWARNS New York Times. 2016 Sex Slaves on the Front Page of Today's Sunday New York Times; no black slaves from 1838. Navy Seal's; Air Force elite para rescue lifesaver trained to jump from planes and save SWF sex slaves in Mecca behind Muslim enemy lines. The motto of the rescuers is, “That others may live.” "Long Career in Military’s Elite Spirals Into a Killing and a Suicide" By DAVE PHILIPPS Dave write of the murder - suicide of the CO by the Sargent, both only lived to be warriors never ever thinking to rescue SWF sex slaves. Sex lives of the 2 warriors killed was not mentioned but the Pentagon does allow whore houses at every military base world wide. Sergeant Bellino, walked into his squadron’s headquarters at Joint Base San Antonio, in Texas, with two pistols and gunned down his commander, Lt. Col. William Schroeder. Both devoted their life's to being what friends and colleagues called a warrior when both had to have know about the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort and $777 Trillion in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait... $$$. Steve have been warriors so long, they are almost addicted to being deployed. No Gas Stations on Earth via 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat must be Top Secret end to the Oil Revenue Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait.

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Key West Crash + Burn News on the Front Page Today BY Mandy Miles in Tan Lines Citizen Staff. Mandy didn't write about people who say they don't own a CAR... Mandy wrote about people who say they don't own a TV today. Starting with people who tell her they don't own a TV then she goes on to say "there thrilled to say they don't own a TV." "wry intellectuals" "15 minute narrative about why they hate TV" Mandy mentions "Duck Dynasty" and "Real Housewives" who believe in reality TV. This stereotype of TV viewers in a 1984 II Society drives Greg crazy. Mandy needs to watch "Sex Slaves in Mecca" on CBS tonight right after "60 Minutes" then "Elementary" Mandy said smile and move on... move on to what. No Gas Stations on Earth, No Mosquitoes in Key West. Television viewers 1,001 IP invention projects TV Show is out of date, George Orwell Cable via Comcast must have all the best TV Shows, grin. No Head on Collisions could be "wry intellectuals" best TV Show, how this technology will be invented when the 1984 II Top Brass get around watching it on TV. Despite assurances from Malaysian and Saudi officials, suspicions persist surrounding the $681 million that was deposited into Mandy Miles bank account last year. "wry intellectuals" must be considering that the old $1 million dollar bribe is now $681 million and wonder were the Hell the Geneva's Bankers Conscience is... intellectually speaking.

4-17-2016 $681 million that was deposited into Mandy Miles bank account... "wry intellectuals" must be considering that the old $1 million dollar bribe is now $681 million and wonder were the Hell the Geneva's Bankers Conscience is... intellectually speaking.

4-17-2016 UN agencies and other international organizations in Geneva work at the crossroads of peace, rights and wellbeing and are at the core of implementing No Gas Stations On Earth Era! No Head On Collisions on Earth Era!

4-17-2016 [Violent extremism] is $681 million deposited in Kerry's Geneva Bank, Kerry doesn't need this with his wife's 8 Billion but many others could use $681 million direct deposit and many 100's have [Violent extremism] deposits of $681 million this UN guy in Geneva knows about but will not Leak! Director-General of United Nations Office of Geneva (UNOG) Michael Møller addresses the conference on Preventing Violent Extremism, at the Palais des Nations. – Violent extremism is an affront to the very purposes and principles of the United Nations, the Head of the world body’s Geneva headquarters said today, urging government delegations and experts gathered there to back the comprehensive approach needed to proactively address the drivers of the scourge, including through support of the Secretary-General’s action plan on the issue. “[Violent extremism] not only challenges international peace and security, but undermines the crucial work that Member States and the UN family are conducting to uphold human rights, take humanitarian action and promote sustainable development, said Michael Møller, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG).

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Key West Senior Center News - Another Head on Collision that kills seniors with the Staff the government hired to run the Meals on Wheels program in Key West. I moved away from this center as they almost killed me with their Meat Meals and Raw Chicken red blood in the dark leg the women pictured in this story would not eat 2 weeks in a row... and the staff let her miss a meal - didn't offer her a cooked chicken, they didn't write this up for the boss too. And I complained so many times to the top brass they poisoned my meal and put OJ next to me writing this web page in the Senior Center. Meals program may move... $$$ (overpaid) Staff to a County Jail. BY TIMOTHY O'HARA Citizen Staff tohara@keysnews.com The Monroe County government is looking at moving its free meals for seniors program in Key West from the Harvey Government Center to the Senior Citizens Plaza on Kennedy Boulevard, because the current facility needs extensive repairs. The county offers free lunch meals for people 60 and older at the Senior Center abutting the Harvey Government Center. County staff gets more $$$ than the food cost by at least 10 times! So the true cost of a meal is $100... after they pay the top brass at the county, grin. Key West taxpayers spent nearly $1 million subsidizing the Senior Meals and Bingo for 50 people a year.

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Ford’s Lincoln brand has been drawing big crowds to its new Navigator S.U.V. concept vehicle, features gull wing doors.- Doors on the Gravity Engine Ford Navigator will be made out of Bullet Proof Glass and look like the NY Times front doors. Navigator S.U.V. concept vehicle, RV + Mini Van will come with a gravity engine, grin. Bullet Proof Glass Car for drive by shootings, ha.

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Common Sense: The S.U.V. Arms Race Goes Upscale 1 Trillion cars coming off the assembly lines were nuked by this New York Times article in today's Sunday Times - "Class of Nuclear Arms" By WILLIAM J. BROAD and DAVID E. SANGER Buildups of a new generation of smaller, less destructive nuclear weapons by the United States, Russia and China were built in the last 2 years instead of SUV cars. Why? Warrior Syphilis in the Frontal Lobes! Another Day in the Frontal Lobes a book by Dr. Katrina was never made into a Sony movie or CBS TV show. Years ago IP invention project to put LG lobotomy Gas in the air we breath - water we drink. Los Alamos could have perfected LG lobotomy gas by now.

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 There must be 2 "Classes" of Top Brass in our 1984 II Society. One Class build this Newest Nukes the other Class wants to build Super Shuttles for Start of Star Travels Arms Race. "Class of Nuclear Arms" By WILLIAM J. BROAD and DAVID E. SANGER Buildups of a new generation of smaller, less destructive nuclear weapons by the United States, Russia and China unsettle the balance of destructive force that has kept the nuclear peace for more than a half-century... Alpha Centauri: A Destination for Star-Struck Explorers. The “Breakthrough Starshot” space mission to Alpha Centauri. Putin instead of building Ford ElectricWindmillCars the last year built this 18 Wheeled Truck... A Russian intercontinental ballistic missile that can carry four miniaturized nuclear warheads was "Driven" through Red Square in Moscow last May. "Driven" by not letting women drive a gas engine car in Saudi Arabia, "Driven" to invent the Gravity Engine car brainstorming with many wives. Invent Struck over the phenomena of Time + Gravity.

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Movie “Dr. Strangelove” — MAD, as it was known, worked. Now, the concern is that the precision and less-destructive nature of these new weapons raises the temptation to use them.

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Movie "Dr. Oppenheimer II + III MD" and 1,001 other movies to Cure Brain + Breast Cancer, kill every Mosquito on Earth was never made by Sony as Sony was making movies for the Pentagon. Moscow and Beijing, analysts say, are testing space weapons that could knock out American military satellites at the beginning of a nuclear war. In response, Washington is launching space observation satellites meant to deter and help defeat such attacks. Verizon Cell Tower Satellites in Low Earth Orbit to replace the Cell Towers in every City on Earth have not been upgraded to keep up with the Nuke Upgrades the last few years!

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Pentagon explicitly calls the cruise missile and related nuclear arms essential for “countering Russian aggression” in Eastern Europe.

4-17-2016 Pentagon explicitly calls "No Gas Stations on Earth" a threat from the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.


4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-17-2016 Two drivers were killed Friday night in a head-on collision at Mile Marker 78 on U.S. 1

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday... take all our gas station hold up loot. If you don't some crazy "God is Great" Mad Man will pull off 9/11 II + III.

4-16-2016 The Universe is expanding faster than the laws of physics can explain... Laser Guidance on the New State of the Arts Smoke Detector with iPhone Cam can tell if the flame is a candle, match, lighter, grease fire, and email several people at Microsoft who will let the DOJ read this email without a search warrant, grin.

4-16-2016 The Universe of our 1984 II Dictators Expands to "Star Wars - Star Travel - Rx Cancer Cure!" via 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1984 III MD Women Dictators of our Orwellian Society!

4-16-2016 Vengeance by Allah Mecca!! If Congress Passes 9/11 Bill for $777 Trillion in compensation for 9/11 + Gas Stations Hold Ups by Saudi Arabia" By MARK MAZZETTI NY Times. 9/11. Then 9/11 Widows will email a bill to the NY Times for suppressing the ElectricWindmillFord invented in 1980.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday... take all our gas station hold up loot. If you don't some crazy "God is Great" Mad Man will pull off 9/11 II + III.

4-16-2016 By DANIEL VICTOR and RICHARD C. PADDOCK Despite assurances from Malaysian and Saudi officials, suspicions persist surrounding the $681 million that was deposited into Najib Razak’s bank account last year.

4-16-2016 $777 Million was deposited in the NY Times Bank Account in Geneva $$$ NY Times Story about the closing of a Gas Station In Manhattan 2016 correction as it should have closed in 1980, Gasoline Alley there are 50 gas stations that can be used by the public, according to the Fire Department. Over the past eight years, about 30 have disappeared. A 2014 analysis by The Wall Street Journal said there were just 12 below 96th Street, but several have closed since then. 2006 a decade ago, there were nearly 300,000 gas stations nationwide; there are now fewer than 140,000 in 2016. Many were closed because of gasoline leaking underground not because of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillCar. In the West Village, where Athanasios Hondros, who goes by Tommy, runs a six-pump Mobil station, business has been booming, and though people have come with envelopes of cash, he said, the station is not for sale. “Doesn’t bother me,” he said. “I plan on being the last gas station left.”

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday... take all our gas station hold up loot. If you don't some crazy "God is Great" Mad Man will pull off 9/11 II + III.

4-16-2016 CAIRO - Egyptian security forces arrested dozens and fired tear gas Friday at thousands of demonstrators protesting President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi's decision to hand over two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia. For $777 million...

4-16-2016 By DANIEL VICTOR and RICHARD C. PADDOCK Despite assurances from Saudi officials, suspicions persist surrounding the $681 million that was deposited into President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi's Geneva Bank account with the Memo sale of 2 islands to Saudi Arabia, grin.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday... take all our gas station hold up loot. If you don't some crazy "God is Great" Mad Man will pull off 9/11 II + III.

4-16-2016 2002 congressional inquiry into the Ford ElectricWindmillCar... 1 Trillionth one coming off the Ford Assembly lines in 2002

4-16-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates going along with the suppression of the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort has been a "humanitarian disaster" that lost 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2016 and fueled Spray Painted Clouds of Black Exhaust on Duval Key West from a Trillion Scooters causing Saint Jude to admit its 100 Millionth kid with cancer + birth defects. Worst "humanitarian disaster" is SWF's given HIV, STD's, MS Virus then to be put to death to stop their pain by the Orwellian White House MD By THE EDITORIAL BOARD As the post-Castro era looms, Cuban leaders are debating reforms behind closed doors. "STD Hospital Prisons" in Cuba are full of men with HIV, Hepatitis, STD's, Syphilis, MS... will these men be let off the Carnival Ship to infect Havana, Hell No! Voyage - Interior; Ocean View; Balcony; Suites; 1 May 2016 $ 2,662 $ 3,399 $ 4,147 $ 8,767 call 1 855 932 8466 Nothing on Hemingway Writing a Nobel Novel on this Carnival Cruise... no news of a casino on the ship - grin.


4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 Saudi military is flying jets and dropping bombs it bought from the United States — part of the billions of dollars in arms deals that have been negotiated with Saudi Arabia.

4-16-2016 2016 congressional inquiry into the Ford ElectricWindmillCar... 1 Trillionth one coming off the Ford Assembly lines in 2016.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday. President Obama will arrive in Riyadh on Wednesday for meetings with King Salman and other Saudi officials. It is unclear whether the dispute over the Sept. 11 legislation will be on the agenda for the talks.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of Fiscal Fallout if 9/11 Bill Passes" By MARK MAZZETTI York Times. The kingdom has bristled over a bill that would allow its government to be held responsible in American courts for any role in the Sept. 11 attacks.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 CIA Secret Editorial: 100 people or more in Saudi Arabia must have "Masterminded" the 9/11 attacks! 9/11 II + III H-Bombs are on some remote underground assembly in Pakistan up and running today too.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues - Gas Station Hold Up's SWF's Sucker Punched out of spite for Mecca Mad Men want $777 Trillion from the USA Supreme Court and 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Era of 1984 III MD Women Dictators! Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, delivered the kingdom’s message personally last month during a trip to Washington, telling lawmakers that Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell up to $750 billion in treasury securities and other assets in the United States before they could be in danger of being frozen by American courts.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 Adel al-Jubeir has already lost his $750 Billion, ask the 1984 III Women Dictators, grin. Sucker Punching women at gas station hold up, next is the NY Times for not making this front page headlines.

4-16-2016 “It’s stunning to think that our government would back the Saudis over its own citizens,”

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 “It’s stunning to think that our government would give Generals in Pakistan enough money and MIT Tech support to set up an H-Bomb assembly line instead of a Ford ElectricWindmillCar assembly line... who the Hell has Syphilis in their frontal lobes!

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 2002 congressional inquiry into the attacks that cited some evidence that Saudi officials living in the United States at the time had a hand in the plot. Those conclusions, contained in 28 pages of the report, still have not been released publicly.

4-16-2016 2002 congressional inquiry into the Ford ElectricWindmillCar... 1 Trillionth one coming off the Ford Assembly lines in 2002

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday.

4-16-2016 "Saudis Warn U.S. of 9/11 II + III on Wednesday... take all our gas station hold up loot. If you don't some crazy "God is Great" Mad Man will pull off 9/11 II + III.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.” Could Bill + Melinda Gates have killed super air bags on the outside of the Minis because she hated the looks of them? Ha!

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 He said he was leaning toward the new Maserati Levante or a Porsche Cayenne. Mr. Fedorenko said fuel efficiency wasn’t a concern. “I’m sure the world would be a better place if we all drove Minis,” he said. “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.” Could Bill + Melinda Gates have killed super air bags on the outside of the Minis because she hated the looks them? Ha! In this 1984 II Society you don't even know if the NY Times story is made up or real half the time. "Common Sense: The S.U.V. Arms Race Goes Upscale" crash and burn statistics were not published in this NY Times story. Melinda didn't want to read this. Saudi Arabia Moves to Curb Its Feared Religious Police, 1984 II Dictators Moves to Curb Bill + Melinda Gates deleting IP invention projects which are much better than their "Mosquito Net" Nobel... they gave them selves, grin. Win 10 too much "Mosquito Net" in Win 10 too!

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 Comcast cable TV set-top boxes, singling out the devices in millions of homes as a chunky and outdated symbol of corporate power over consumers as 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year have been lost by Comcast's power over Cosby TV shows and The Talk + The View have killed millions with their idiot and mis diagnosis plots by CBS, NBC, ABC Disney power over consumers George Orwell's Big Brother is not Watching out for You! French Revolution II would shut down Comcast for 7 years not the University of Paris, grin.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 Antibiotics are used to promote growth and prevent diseases not for TV Shows like Cosby, Anger Management, 2 Broke Girls, Star Trek. World's first TV Shows in Antibiotics + surgery aims to educate medical students watching the TV Show well as the consumers. 400 Cable Channels in the last decade and none for Medical Students that aims to educate and point out inventions like antibiotics and vaccines in the drinking water. HBO TV Special "Bobby Kennedy Jr. How I Hanged Mary in the Kennedy Barn and got away with murder!" F.B.I. Used Hacking Software Decade Before iPhone Fight - this didn't save 19K women who were murdered each of the 10 years! A Comcast FBI Channel would have save 19K women from being murdered... really tune in and watch the show. ‘Deadpool’ Isn’t the Only Solution. But ‘Batman v Superman’ Is the Problem.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 If measurement of Nobels in Medicine in one year backed up by further study, it could lead to all the laws of cosmology of the expansion of Comcast Cable being completely rewritten for Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity to get 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year via a state of the arts laser guidance on Comcast Cable TV Show Plots. Unknown forces at Comcast gave us the Cosby Show + Anger Management. Comcast Rate of Expansion the last few decades gave us a "Black Hole" best example is Cosby.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 Starbucks recently changed its loyalty program to reward customers based on dollars spent rather than the number of purchases made, much to the dismay of many Starbucks loyalty members. Shares fell as much as 4.2% Tuesday on the news, which is the most the stock has fallen in more than two months.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 Starbucks loyalty program with Comcast Cable Rewards will advance the Shares by 4.2 % and Starbucks MacBook Pro at your table will raise the Shares another 4.2 %. So what is slowing down management decision making. Its in their frontal lobes and there is no Comcast Cable Channel for them to learn how to fix this, grin. Starbucks is still the most preferred brand by “upper- and average-income teens. Comcast, ATT, NBC, CBS are the worst preferred brands by “upper- and average-income teens."

4-15-2016 Yale Key West Medical School will have its own Cable Channel on Comcast, grin.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 CIA Comcast Channel after a "few bad movies like "Spy Game: with Redford without a Ford ElectricWindmillCar that was the true story cause of the Berlin Wall coming down, during a rare trip to CIA headquarters by Comcast Top Bras along with Ford Executives will bring you the next 007 Bond Car the Ford ElectricWindmillExcort.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 Why Yale? Because Harvard sucks. The Harvard Crimson’s Editorial Board published an op-ed yesterday for visiting prefrosh that called Yale an “arts and crafts college.” We’re not mad: The News happens to think Yale’s two free art galleries are pretty nifty. Yale Campus News thinks Comcast has pretty nifty TV programs on tonight too. Not Yale Medical School Students as they failed Comcast for mis diagnosis that killed 100 million patients over the last 4 years.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 Comcast @ Yale Medical School - thousands of patients will be spared removal of their thyroid, treatment with radioactive iodine and regular checkups for the rest of their lives, all to protect against a tumor that was never a threat. Their conclusion, and the data that led to it, was reported Thursday in the journal JAMA Oncology. The change is expected to affect about 10,000 of the nearly 65,000 thyroid cancer patients a year in the United States. It may also offer grist to those who have been arguing for the reclassification of some other forms of cancer, including certain lesions in the breast and prostate. The reclassified tumor is a small lump in the thyroid that is completely surrounded by a capsule of fibrous tissue. Its nucleus looks like a cancer but the cells have not broken out of their capsule, and surgery to remove the entire thyroid followed by treatment with radioactive iodine is unnecessary and harmful, the panel said. They have now renamed the tumor. Instead of calling it “encapsulated follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma,” they now call it “noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features,” or NIFTP. The word “carcinoma” is gone. Reclassified is needed via executive order! Comcast - That’s enough. Someone has to take responsibility and stop this madness,’ Complications, including death from Cable TV ruling the Cable Channel Shows! CBS Hopes for a Stephen Colbert Bump From a New Leader at ‘The Late Show’ By JOHN KOBLIN - New leaders at 1984 III really.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are suing the Justice Department, challenging its frequent use of secrecy orders that prevent Microsoft from telling people when the government obtains a warrant to read their emails. Microsoft Sues Justice Department to Protest Electronic Gag Order Statute, are the Headlines to this story in the NY Times Today. Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling Mosquito Nets for Zika Deaths instead of IP invention projects pre-installed in Win 10 to kill every Mosquito on Earth! DOJ didn't send any emails to Bill + Melinda when WHO at the UN said they were bullies in getting Mosquito Nets sold to the masses instead of a IP invention project pre-loaded on Windows 10 to get a real invention to kill every mosquito on Earth. Microsoft’s suit, unlike Apple’s fight with the Federal Bureau of Investigation over access to a locked iPhone, is not attached to a single case. Instead, it is intended to challenge the legal process regarding secrecy orders. In addition to challenging the Justice Department and the courts, Microsoft is trying to Bully Congress into looking at the issue of Mosquito Nets vs IP invention projects pre-loaded in Win 10... personally deleted by Bill + Melinda Gates because they have syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin. Only diagnosis I could think of for this Mosquito Net executive decision WHO MD's said was wrong way to kill every mosquito on Earth.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 IP invention projects pre-loaded in Win 10... "Incense Ignited Bronx Fire That Killed 2 Girls, Officials Say" By ASHLEY SOUTHALL and NOAH REMNICK NY Times - Laser Guidance on the New State of the Arts Smoke Detector with iPhone Cam can tell if the flame is a candle, match, lighter, grease fire, and email several people at Microsoft who will let the DOJ read this email without a search warrant, grin.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 He said he was leaning toward the new Maserati Levante or a Porsche Cayenne. Mr. Fedorenko said fuel efficiency wasn’t a concern. “I’m sure the world would be a better place if we all drove Minis,” he said. “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.” Could Bill + Melinda Gates have killed super air bags on the outside of the Minis because she hated the looks them? Ha! In this 1984 II Society you don't even know if the NY Times story is made up or real half the time.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 Justin Trudeau Seeks to Legalize Assisted Suicide in Canada" By IAN AUSTEN - Trudeau expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling physician-hastened death for women given MS by Bi-sexual men!

4-15-2016 BP Oil the Bully rules! Among the poll results were relatively high levels of disapproval for homosexuality, with 52 percent of respondents saying it should be illegal and 47 percent saying gay people should not work as teachers. Poll of British Muslims Reveals Startling Views, but Some Question Methodology" By LIAM STACK no poll on HIV, STD's, MS virus - Views by Muslims. Send them to a Cuba Hospital Prison or British one on some Island? Reliability of such surveys you know the 1984 II Elite fudge the figures and questions. BBC America + the polling company ICM Unlimited and commissioned by the British network Channel 4, wow!

4-15-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West will expand to the digital audience who wants to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year via 24/7 News on IP invention projects with links to the Universe Aliens as the Best Global Expansion possible for Human + Alien Health. The New York Times Company will invest more than $50 million over the next three years to support an ambitious plan to expand its international digital audience and increase revenue outside the United States, the company said on Thursday. The Times has formed a new team, NYT Global, to lead the effort. “Because our digital report is still designed and produced mainly for a U.S. audience, we have not come close to realizing our potential to attract readers outside our home market,” Arthur Sulzberger Jr., The Times’s publisher; Mark Thompson, its chief executive; and Dean Baquet, its executive editor, wrote in a memo to employees.

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 “But with so many crazy drivers on the road, I want the biggest vehicle I can get.”

4-15-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti Sheikh Abulaziz Al Sheikh - Washington Post - Sheikh's in Saudi Arabia will be arrested and charged in a domestic violence "War Crimes! "Incidents involving their wife's! Whipping women who drove a car is a "War Crime"

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling Mosquito Nets for Zika Deaths instead of IP invention projects pre-installed in Win 10 to kill every Mosquito on Earth!

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling physician-hastened death for women given MS by Bi-sexual men!

4-14-2016 Today in History; 1981 First space shuttle; Columbia shuttle, mission STS-1! 1980 First Ford ElectricWindmillCar!!

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling... not selling No Gas Stations On Earth since 1980.

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling... Not selling laboratory Blood testing to every International Airport via Homeland Security drawing your blood as your catch a plane!!

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling...

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling... Immunotherapy is now considered among the most exciting areas of cancer research, with Bill Gates Inner Circle Not Greg + Wives in Key West who are going for the Girl Scout Rx (Cookie) Recipe crunched at Los Alamos.

4-14 -2016 Today in History; 1981 First space shuttle! 1980 First Ford ElectricWindmillCar!! 1981 First Spin off invention from the ElectricWindmillFord Euphoria was the Rx Overnight Cure of Cancer, a Miracle Pencillin II. Godsend given to Saudi Arabia + BP Oil instead of Beau + Jimmy Carter, grin.

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling... not selling No Gas Stations On Earth since 1980

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling... Perfect timing in this Bully Story + Bill + Melinda Gates charged with manslaughter... grin! California Surfers Look to Courts for Relief Against ‘Bay Boys’ The Bay Boys have long been accused of zealously — and sometimes violently — claiming the epic waves in Palos Verdes as their exclusive territory.

4-14-2016 One Upmanship on our USA 1984 II Dictators and his ruling class advisors... give 24 million in cash Subsidies to inventors who would be better off with a MacBook Pro than Win 10. Iranian Parliament Cancels Cash Subsidies to 24 Million People By THOMAS ERDBRINK NY Times.

4-14-2016 "It would be real interesting to see what shows up in the Russian papers in the morning, how they play it,"

4-14-2016 "And we have liftoff, liftoff of America's first space shuttle!" The Columbia shuttle, mission STS-1, takes off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on April 12, 1981. NASA improperly handled the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era that should have given NASA a Space Station Train of 1,001 Super Shuttles Docked together like a COAL train. Instead our Habitat for Humanity got COAL trains with GE Electric Engines pulling 1,001 cars.

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling... not selling No Gas Stations On Earth since 1980

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling...

4-14-2016 China Ruling Class improper handling of 1,001 IP invention projects - 1 to put all vaccines in the drinking water was never brainstormed by China's Ruling Class inner circle. Or made front page news in the China Edition of the New York Times - Beijing - China has fired or demoted 357 local government officials for poor performance as it deals with the fallout from a nationwide public health scandal over the sale of improperly handled vaccines.

4-14-2016 "It would be real interesting to see what shows up in the Russian papers in the morning, how they play it," Hoffman said. "It's not that different from North Korea. He does something and then he plays it domestically however he needs to play it for the purposes of getting his people energized."

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling... not selling No Gas Stations On Earth since 1980

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling...

4-14-2016 DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Saudi Arabia has issued new guidelines to define and curtail powers of the country's religious police, instructing its members to be "gentle and kind" in dealing with the public.

4-14-2016 Sheikh's in Saudi Arabia will be arrested and charged in a domestic violence "War Crimes! "Incidents involving their wife's! Whipping women who drove a car is a "War Crime"

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling Mosquito Nets instead of IP invention projects pre-installed in Win 10 to kill every Mosquito on Earth!

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling physician-hastened death for women given MS by Bi-sexual men! Who gave this poor women MS then she is put to death by our 1984 II Dictators inner circle.

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling... not selling No Gas Stations On Earth since 1980

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling...

4-14-2016 Los Alamos will give us a C-Bomb - H-Bomb Mentality of these Los Alamos Scientists is like the Bill + Melinda Mentality of Mosquito Nets then NY Times Headlines of Zika Mosquito Front Page Headlines with no mention of Bill + Melinda cured Malaria with Mosquito Nets last years statistics in the NY Times. Same as this Cancer story - $250 million, 300 scientists and 40 labs: Sean Parker's revolutionary project to 'solve' cancer Paul Allen, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg and Sergey Brin, who are using their considerable wealth to back approaches that go against established norms of Bill Gates their Hero and Bully who sold all these guys Mosquito Nets by the 100's of millions that people slept in last night and got bit by a mosquito, last time a private group launched anything this ambitious for a specific disease was when Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda decided to tackle malaria. World Health Organization’s head of malaria research accused Bill + Melinda foundation of being a “ bully cartel” that suppressed the diversity of scientific opinion and sold WHO Mosquito Nets like Win 8.2 Immunotherapy is now considered among the most exciting areas of cancer research, with Bill Gates Inner Circle Not Greg + Wives in Key West who are going for the Girl Scout Rx Cookie Recipe crunched at Los Alamos as Bill + Melinda don't want to pay Roche in Switzerland for their Rx Recipes to crunch at Los Alamos and Kerry won't hack the Rx Recipes for Los Alamos. 1.7 million Americans diagnosed with cancer each year, plus the 600,000 who die of the disease, Parker said it’s time to accelerate research to find the answers. - C-Bomb at Los Alamos by Oppenheimer II + III lets hope they hire Dr. Nancy Snyderman, who was fired by NBC the host of Malaria Mosquito Nets Headline News not in the News for Zika Mosquitos ha. Tech Tip "Taking Control of the Windows 10 Control Panel" By J. D. BIERSDORFER The familiar old Control Panel screen still lives within Windows 10, but you do not have to dig around the system to find it. Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling Mosquito Nets instead of IP invention projects pre-installed in Win 10 to kill every Mosquito on Earth!

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling... not selling No Gas Stations On Earth since 1980

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling... Not selling laboratory Blood testing to every International Airport via Homeland Security drawing your blood as your catch a plane!!

4-14-2016 1984 II Dictators of the USA and the China Ruling class vision of bringing laboratory Blood testing to every International Airport via Homeland Security!! There is no vision the Ruling Class in the USA and China are Blinded by BP Oils $777 Trillion in Greed and War Toys! Theranos, the creation of Ms. Holmes, epitomized the promise of Silicon Valley to transform — or disrupt, to use its own lingo — all of health care. Having dropped out of Stanford University to found the company in 2003, Ms. Holmes claimed to have created a whole new way to perform multiple tests using a few drops of blood from a finger prick, which would be less painful and less costly than conventional blood tests. Her vision of bringing laboratory testing to the masses, including allowing customers to order tests without a doctor’s order, attracted some well-known venture capitalists. The company earned a stunning $9 billion valuation and an abundance of news media attention. Ms. Holmes graced the cover of numerous magazines, including T: The New York Times Style Magazine.

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling... not selling No Gas Stations On Earth since 1980

4-14-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates are expected to be charged with involuntary manslaughter selling... Immunotherapy is now considered among the most exciting areas of cancer research, with Bill Gates Inner Circle Not Greg + Wives in Key West who are going for the Girl Scout Rx Cookie Recipe crunched at Los Alamos as Bill + Melinda don't want to pay Roche in Switzerland for their Rx Recipes to crunch at Los Alamos and Kerry won't hack the Rx Recipes for Los Alamos.


4-13-2016 Editorial: 100 people or more in Saudi Arabia must have "Masterminded" the 9/11 attacks! All these 100 Saudi Citizens knew about the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillCar!!

4-13-2016 Editorial; declassify 28 pages of sealed documents — which some suspect show a Saudi connection to the 9/11 attacks. Declassify the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort sealed documents!

4-13-2016 Editorial: Reaching for the Stars, Across 4.37 Light-Years!

4-13-2016 Editorial: Reaching for the Stars, Across 4.37 Light-Years!

4-13-2016 Editorial: From Hiroshima to a Nuke-Free World - Via No Gas Stations on Earth! By THE EDITORIAL BOARD

4-13-2016 Reaching for the Stars, Across 4.37 Light-Years Starshot aims to send small robots to the nearest star system, Alpha Centauri. Silicon Valley scientists and billionaires announced an effort to send probes to explore Alpha Centauri, a mission that could take decades and cost perhaps $10 billion when Saudi Arabia has $777 Trillion and is financing the H-Bomb assembly lines running 24/7 Today in Pakistan.

4-13-2016 Editorial: Reaching for the Stars, Across 4.37 Light-Years! Greg + Wives in Key West aims to invent a way to listen to Jewish Aliens Across 4.37 Light-Years!

4-13-2016 Editorial: Reaching for the Stars, Across 4.37 Light-Years! Greg + Wives in Key West aims to invent a way to listen to Jewish Aliens Across 4.37 Light-Years!

4-13-2016 Bush Obama Trips to Saudi Arabia to hide Saudi Arabia’s Cash Flow" $777 Trillion. Hide the Motive of the Saudi Ruling Class in 9/11 planning stage... declassify 28 pages of sealed documents — which some suspect show a Saudi connection to the 9/11 attacks. Show the Motive in the thinking of the Saudi Ruling Class. Gang Member Stoked Violence That Led to His Sister’s Murder, Prosecutor Says - Bush Stoked "Madness" in Saudi Arabia that Led to 9/11. 100 people or more in Saudi Arabia must have "Masterminded" the 9/11 attacks!

4-13-2016 Editorial: 100 people or more in Saudi Arabia must have "Masterminded" the 9/11 attacks!

4-13-2016 Editorial: 100 people or more in Saudi Arabia must have "Masterminded" the 9/11 attacks!

4-13-2016 Editorial: Vancouver - Last week, a B.C. woman suffering from multiple sclerosis became the first person in the province to be granted a legal exemption for physician-hastened death. This case illustrates a need for clarity on who will help patients end their lives - Editorial on who the Bi-sexual man is who gave this poor women MS is needed in Journalism and was she murdered by this bi-sexual man, Hell Yes!

4-13-2016 Editorial: 100 MS women will be put to death by a 1984 II Dictators Physician!

4-13-2016 Editorial: 100 MS women will be put to death by a 1984 II Dictators Physician!

4-13-2016 'ISIS’ Cash Flow of $777 Trillion By MATTHEW ROSENBERG, HELENE COOPER and NICHOLAS KULISH New York Times... NY Times Kickbacks cash flow bought a new 55 Story Sky Scraper too!

4-13-2016 Editorial: Summer Jobs for All City High School Students. New York makes a strong case for a universal summer jobs program. $777 Trillion in the Bank from BP Oil Kickbacks and they don't want to give everyone a Summer Job at $10 a hour. This is the "General Mentality" of Bill + Melinda Gates and our 1984 II Dictators who also bought a second home in Dubai not Key West, grin.

4-13-2016 Editorial: "General Mentality" of Bill + Melinda Gates "Mosquito Nets" gave CBS Nightly News Zeka Virus News for the last few weeks. I doubt if Zeka Virus got this many hours of news on MSNBC, grin.

4-13-2016 Editorial: "General Mentality" of Bill + Melinda Gates "Mosquito Nets!"

4-13-2016 Editorial: With $777 Trillion Cash Flow "(Are) Public Universities Are Neglecting In-State Students!"

4-13-2016 Editorial; "From Hiroshima to a Nuke-Free World" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD President Obama can be the first American president to stop at the war memorial when he travels to Japan next month.

4-13-2016 Editorial; Paris after Hiroshima, Obama will be thinking this in Hiroshima as he is the Mastermind of the Paris H-bomb attack by Pakistan Moslem Generals who are working on their assembly line today as Obama packs for Hiroshima. Several assembly lines running today are making H-Bombs. No assembly lines at Ford are running the ElectricWindmillFord Escort. No Gas Stations in Hiroshima or Japan are being Masterminded by the Japanese Admirals Today!

4-13-2016 Editorial; declassify 28 pages of sealed documents — which some suspect show a Saudi connection to the 9/11 attacks.

4-13-2016 Editorial; declassify 28 pages of sealed documents — which some suspect show a Saudi connection to the 9/11 attacks.

4-13-2016 Bush Obama Trips to Saudi Arabia to hide Saudi Arabia’s involvement in the 9/11 One attacks that killed almost 3,000 people... and $777 Trillion that will finance 9/11 II + III. To declassify 28 pages of sealed documents — which some suspect show a Saudi connection to the 9/11 attacks.

4-13-2016 $777 Trillion Cash Flow in Saudi Arabia... "U.S. Military Campaign Takes Toll on ISIS’ Cash Flow" $777 Trillion in MIT War Toys!

4-13-2016 "U.S. Military Campaign Takes Toll on ISIS’ Cash Flow" By MATTHEW ROSENBERG, HELENE COOPER and NICHOLAS KULISH The Islamic State has lost fighters, dollars and much territory, officials say, but the airstrikes have done little to stop its expansion elsewhere.

4-13-2016 Harvard Crimson News Today... By Luca F. Schroeder. Police arrested several members of the student activist group Divest Harvard after they staged a sit-in within the lobby of the Boston Federal Reserve Tuesday afternoon, protesting Harvard Management Company’s investment in the fossil fuel industry. By Claire E. Parker. Law School affiliates discovered additional physical evidence of illegal audio recording activity over the weekend and on Monday, heightening activists’ concerns about surveillance of private conversations. By Andrew M. Duehren and Daphne C. Thompson Harvard has raised at least $6.5 billion in its capital campaign, breaking a higher education fund raising record.

4-13-2016 Editorial; declassify 28 pages of sealed documents — which some suspect show a Saudi connection to the 9/11 attacks.

4-13-2016 Editorial; declassify 28 pages of sealed documents — which some suspect show a Saudi connection to the 9/11 attacks.

4-13-2016 Editorial: 100 people or more in Saudi Arabia must have "Masterminded" the 9/11 attacks! All these 100 Saudi Citizens knew about the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillCar!!

4-13-2016 Editorial; declassify 28 pages of sealed documents — which some suspect show a Saudi connection to the 9/11 attacks. Declassify the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort sealed documents!

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 New York Times - RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia's most senior cleric has reiterated his support for the kingdom's ban on women driving, arguing it is "a dangerous matter that exposes women to evil.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti Sheikh Abulaziz Al Sheikh - Washington Post - Sheikh's in Saudi Arabia will be arrested and charged in a domestic violence "War Crimes! "Incidents involving their wife's! Whipping women who drove a car is a "War Crime" it will be a "War Crime" when No Gas Stations Era is the New King and King Salman is in Hell, one with burning gasoline, grin. When the UN indicates all the Saudi Sheikh's for "War Crimes" it will be posted on the Saudi state-linked Sabq news website. SWF's say there were almost impressed with the Wife Beating Sheikh's War Crime audacity!

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 Apple grows to 7.4% of worldwide PC market as Windows continues to clone No Gas Stations on Earth - No Windows 10 on Earth, grin!

4-12-2016 Apple on Sunday posted a new ad for the Apple TV, featuring soon-to-be-retired "War Crime Rapists" basketball Kobe Bryant... Obama's War Criminals he pardoned will be "War Criminals" in the No Gas Stations on Earth Era, when the SWF's beaten and raped are our 1984 III Dictators, "War Crime Rapists!" Basketball players sex with 10K women will also be a "War Crime" spreading STD's and MS virus.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 Apple says it won't sue FBI to find out how San Bernardino iPhone 5c was hacked... Tim Cook will sue our 1984 II Dictators over "War Crimes" just what hate crimes against women in the USA will be a War Crime in the No Gas Stations on Earth Era, grin.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" via AT&T has quietly raised its smartphone activation and upgrade fee from $15 to $20, matching a similar fee imposed by Verizon earlier this week. Verizon and AT&T "War Crimes" trials will put Yale Law School to the test in the real world and I can hear the Yale Students along with Hillary + Kerry reading this thinking ATT + Verizon did commit "War Crimes" in the Poison Gasoline Era in the USA.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 BP Oil "War Crimes" BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com A Stock Island accountant accused of filing more than 20 fraudulent BP claims who faced a maximum of 420 years in prison if she was convicted on all counts pleaded guilty Monday in federal court as part of a plea agreement with prosecutors. Caridad Rioseco Alejandrez, who formerly operated a tax return business at 5611 Third Ave. in a small strip mall, pleaded guilty.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" conversations by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today - Marines Sergeant Cardin was killed in a rocket attack in Iraq last month. "Marine’s Death in a Secret Iraqi Base Reflects a Quietly Expanding U.S. Role" By MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT NY Times. Secret of the No Gas Stations on Earth Era Role in War Crimes charges against the Joint Chiefs of Staff a real non secret possibility with the world wide victory of No Gas Stations on Earth Win by the ElectricWindmillFord Escort.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 Joke is Colored Peoples Times like in Key West we are on Island Time, grin. First Draft: "Racially Charged Joke by Hillary Clinton and Bill de Blasio Leaves Some Cringing" By AMY CHOZICK Cringing at "War Crimes" jokes on SNL... you could wite this in 5 minutes of colored people time. Cosby as the War Criminal. Joke's. OJ Clones Masterminded by Obama the War Criminal. Bill Clinton's War Crimes listed in a class assignment at Yale Law School.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 Starting on Sunday, more than 150 countries and territories will switch to a new oral polio vaccine. It will be the first worldwide vaccine change ever attempted. Polio is on the edge of eradication. There were only 74 cases last year, all in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The new vaccine is bivalent instead of trivalent — that is, it contains vaccine against two polio strains, Type 1 and Type 3. Type 2 polio was eradicated in 1999. All oral polio vaccines are made with live, weakened strains of the virus. About once in every million vaccinations, a weak vaccine strain will mutate to become more dangerous and begin to spread. There were 32 cases of paralysis in the world last year caused by circulating vaccine strains. In the last few years, more than 90 percent of those were caused by mutant Type 2 strains.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 Whooping Cough Vaccine, starting on Sunday in the NY Times cases will be front page news as more than 74 kids got WC in NYC. Dr. Walter A. Orenstein, who oversaw the United States’ immunization program for 11 years at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is now associate director of the vaccine center at Emory University School of Medicine. 740 kids in NYC did under Dr. Orenstein watch from Whooping Cough, a War Crime of course!! 11 years of Greg + Wives in Key West brainstorming a invention to put vaccinations in the drinking water. 2016 add 11 years to this on "Colored People's Time" and you known we will get this vaccine in the drinking water. So who didn't put Dr. Orenstein to work brainstorming this IP invention project 11 years ago... our 1984 II Dictators infected with BP oil.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 Five Star Invention Projects... But this very response — remaining sedentary — is counterproductive, Dr. Wennberg said, because the best treatment for P.A.D. is exercise: Walking up to the point of pain, then resting until the pain subsides, then walking again, repeating the sequence until you’ve walked for 20 to 30 minutes (not counting rests) every day. With this approach, Dr. Wennberg explained, exercise tolerance gradually increases as collateral blood vessels form in the legs that can compensate for blockages in the main arteries. Just as teachers often have star pupils. Five Star Invention Projects... Whooping Cough in Trumps NYC. If Trump had married a MD women he would be talking, shouting, about this in NYC. Leaving kids in hot cars in Times Square in 2016 Summer Time. This is "Colored People's Time" and will catch up with them as a War Crime they were paid to go along with by White People like Hillary.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 War Crimes by Homeland Security - likelihood of P.A.D. The test, which takes only a few minutes, compares blood pressure measured at the ankle with blood pressure measured in the arm. Lower pressure in the leg is an indication of P.A.D. Hours going through Airport Security and you never got checked for PAD. Stage 4.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 The Yale Grad chief financial officer of Wells Fargo & Co., has recently joined Yale’s 10-person Investment Committee which oversees the University’s $25.6 billion endowment. Also joining the Yale team is Ann Miura-Ko ’98, co-founder of venture capital. Venture of 25 Light Years paid for via Yale's 25 Billion dollars given to iApple-Starbucks Store School University Star Travels 1,001 IP invention projects, light year calls that go faster than the speed of light. Well the Stage Coach is out of date... SINGAPORE — is Yale's second home. A well-lit, brand-new one Yale President Peter Salovey and the elite men bought only because Prostitution is Legal in Singapore - Will this be a War Crime in the No Gas Stations Era on Earth. Hell Yes, as women will be our 1984 III Dictators, grin. Yale male students and professors will spend $240 million on Prostitutes this year 2016. Key West Prostitutes could have had a windfall with $240 million, grin. Singapore the “little red dot,” the small island was home to four major universities before Yale - Yale Key West Medical School was in the planning stage years before Singapore Yale Campus, maybe Bill Gates told them not to but there second house in Key West, ha.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 Mumps is transmitted through salivary exchange, or respiratory droplets, fairly large particles that come out of people’s mouths and noses when they cough, shout, or otherwise forcefully expel air. Number of Harvard Mumps Cases Rises to 22 By Menaka V. Narayanan Harvard Crimson News. Six weeks after Harvard University Health Services director Paul J. Barreira first alerted Harvard affiliates of two cases of mumps, the total number of confirmed cases at Harvard has risen to 22 - The virus has also spread to nearby schools, including Boston University and Tufts University. Boston Globe and NY Times articles on Whooping Cough would read the same except the numbers would be in the 100's. And the torture of the kids would not be in the Journalism article.

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-12-2016 "War Crimes" domestic violence case! RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; al-Majd, Mufti

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ in 1984 II Dictators Judgment' Room for Debate - Revelation that more H-Bombs are on the Pakistan Nuke assembly line than ElectricWindmillCars on the Japan Toyota assembly line is a "War Crime" by Japan + the USA Today! Hiroshima, and another on the city of Nagasaki three days later, Paris 72 years later! Clearly the H-Bombs used on Paris have been paid for by BP Oil Kickback to Pakistan Muslim Generals. Kerry Failed Yale and way to rid nuclear weapons from the world via No Gas Stations on Earth Top Secret at the State Department + New York Times.

4-11-2016 Egypt Gives Saudi Arabia 2 Islands in a Show of Gratitude

4-11-2016 Key West Gives iYale Key West Medical School 2 Islands in a Show of Gratitude

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 Egypt is transferring sovereignty of Tiran and Sanafir, 2 islands at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba, to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia transferred Tiran and Sanafir to Egyptian control in 1950 amid concerns that Israel might seize them. Egyptian and Saudi officials signed at least 15 agreements during the king’s visit, including a development package for Sinai and an oil deal worth $22 Trillion to Egypt.

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ in 1984 II Dictators Judgment' Room for Debate - Revelation that more H-Bombs are on the Pakistan Nuke assembly line than ElectricWindmillCars on the Japan Toyota assembly line is a "War Crime" by Japan + the USA Today!

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 "Are Public Universities Neglecting In-State Students?" Elizabeth D. Herman for The New York Times State schools are accepting more and more non residents to bridge budget gaps. Room for Debate. When the 1984 II Dictators have $777 Trillion they spend on MIT War Toys instead of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, Why? Microsoft and Google, that can make fortunes from the small. Microsoft is trying to do one better by microslicing the cost to rent some of its software licenses into the minutes of actual use. “We’re renting the sand and charging for the sun’s UV rays that hit you,” said Scott Guthrie, who runs Microsoft’s cloud. Bill + Melinda will give a billion kids "sunburn" in the summer of 2016 to make a few more hundred billions for Microsoft instead of SUV 1,001 sun screens invention by Greg + Wives in Key West. Brainstormed by Greg + Wives in Key West, 1,001 SUV sunscreen!

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 G.E. Chief Executive Issues Ill-Advised Response to iPod size GE Electric Generator fueled by H @ -254 C. That like it or not at GE this iPod Electric Generator will replace Nuclear Power Plants World Wide.

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 Time Before the Apple Watch there was 1,001 IP invention projects! Then Tim Cook + Apple hand-picked some top partners to build apps for the Apple Watch - here's what they think a year later - :A year after its launch, it's now clear that pretty much no one needs an Apple Watch. Forbes + Business Insider clearly censored on their own no one needs 1,001 IP invention projects iApps spelled out with links you can click on to get started inventing something. This is not a "War Crime" like Kerry giving a H-Bomb assembly line to Generals in Pakistan but a Crime!

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-11-2016 Kerry Visits Hiroshima!! ‘Something Is Clearly Lacking’ No Gas Stations on Earth Era 1980 to 2016.

4-10-2016 Cars - Start-Stop Technology Is Spreading (Like It or Not) - Dr. Car!

4-10-2016 Cars - Start-Stop Technology Is Spreading (Like It or Not) - Dr. Car!

4-10-2016 Cars + Hospitals; "Airports, Designed for Everyone but People" by our 1984 II Masterminds who are Drunk and have Syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin. GE Stop-Start Technology a iPod size GE Electric Generator fueled by H @ -254 C. Like it or not at GE this iPod Electric Generator will replace Nuclear Power Plants World Wide.

4-10-2016 Cars - Mercedes defends its technology, known as ECO Start/Stop - the technology is here to stay!! That’s because manufacturers are under intense pressure to meet strict fuel economy standards by 2025.

4-10-2016 Obama ponders a visit to nuclear ground zero: Hiroshima, Greg + Wives in Key West plan trip to Los Alamos to influence Oppenheimer II + III to use the Ford ElectricWindmillCar to win the all out Nuclear War with Mecca Today! Trump gave $100K to 9/11 One when 9/11 II + III will be paid for by gasoline sales in the USA. Donald Trump, in First Visit to 9/11 Memorial, Praises ‘New York Values’ in Jab at Ted Cruz. The candidate donated $100,000 to the September 11 Memorial Museum, but cancelled a planned discussion with reporters after his visit. By MAGGIE HABERMAN Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest tower in Dubai, has the world’s highest observation deck - 'At The Top, Burj Khalifa Sky' - on the 148th floor, "Observation" of No Gas Stations On Earth from 1980 to 2016 will come into focus in this Election! Donald Trump, in First Visit to 9/11 Memorial, Praises ‘New York Values’ in Jab at Ted Cruz. Maggie Haberman at the New York Times sucker punched New York Women with this Orwellian Story of 9/11 everyone can read between the lines and find... No Gas Stations On Earth 1980 to 2016. Gravity Engine is harder to find in between her lines. The inmate, Jack H. Smith, had been on death row since October 1978 for a fatal shooting during a $90 gas station robbery of a Houston store, and the women was sucker punched, a jab at Ted Cruz!! Challenge Stereotypes of Islam and Arabs who believe 40 virgins will greet them in Heaven. Hell the Pope doesn't offer One Virgin so his priest are child molesters. On divorce, Pope Francis renegotiates his church’s liberal-conservative Oh Hell it could be real and last 4 Trillion Years. Jewish Aliens will tell us more. Afghan General Plants Flowers in Helmand, but Taliban Lurk - Jewish Aliens Lurk. One Military Invention Away. In 1991, Saddam Hussein’s troops set off an inferno in Kuwait, creating an environmental catastrophe. Catholic MD's not Pope Francis gave the last rites to 100K kids who died from these cancers. Church's classified deaths from the spray painted black clouds of burning oil. A Sin! In 1991, Saddam Hussein’s troops set off an inferno in Kuwait, creating an environmental catastrophe. New York Times editorial under the Kuwait article is, Baseball Is Injuring Too Many Kids, not an inferno of burning oil wells and black clouds on Duval Key West. Editorial "Virgins, Booze and American Elections" Drunks at the New York Times ruined millions of lives and killed even more. Editorials on Alcohol in your brain, iMacSuper Computer Video in the Video section of the NY Times. Reading too much into a person’s playlist today is reading 1,001 IP invention projects with links you can click on to get started inventing something! Greg + Wives in Key West will write this Editorial.

4-10-2016 Cars - Start-Stop Technology Is Spreading (Like It or Not) - Dr. Car!

4-10-2016 Cars - Start-Stop Technology Is Spreading (Like It or Not) - Dr. Car!

4-10-2016 Cars + Hospitals; "Airports, Designed for Everyone but People" by our 1984 II Masterminds who are Drunk and have Syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin. Reduce your risk of cancer by eliminating alcohol from your diet. Stop smoking cigarettes. Cut down on fried food. Eat leafy greens. Wear sunscreen. Exercise. Get regular physicals. These are all ways to reduce cancer risk.

4-10-2016 "Airports, Designed for Everyone but Passengers" As big-name architects create airports with ambitious goals in mind, it’s the smaller things — like comfortable seating and heating — that are missing.

4-10-2016 Cars - Start-Stop Technology Is Spreading (Like It or Not) - Dr. Keith Tao, a radiologist in Danville, Calif., owns three late-model Mercedes, each equipped with a fuel-saving technology called start-stop. The system saves fuel and reduces emissions by cutting the engine when the car comes to a full stop and restarting when the foot is taken off the brake. One of the first things Dr. Tao does after starting the engine: He turns off the feature. The problem, Dr. Tao says, is that the stopping and restarting is rather intrusive. “You actually feel it restarting,” he said. “In terrible stop-and-go traffic this thing comes on and off constantly. In 20 minutes you can have 50 stop-and-start cycles. It can drive you totally insane.”

4-10-2016 Cars - Start-Stop Technology Is Spreading (Like It or Not) - Dr. Car!

4-10-2016 Cars - Start-Stop Technology Is Spreading (Like It or Not) - Dr. Car!

4-10-2016 Cars + Hospitals; "Airports, Designed for Everyone but People" by our 1984 II Masterminds who are Drunk and have Syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin.

4-10-2016 Nuclear War Goes Wrong in India, Pakistan, USA... Fireworks Go Wrong at Kerala Temple in Southern India, Killing More Than 10 Million! By GEETA ANAND and SUHASINI RAJ New York Times.

4-10-2016 Fireworks Go Wrong - William Hamilton, Popular Cartoonist at The New Yorker, Dies in Car Crash. Mr. Hamilton, whose works often skewered the rich and powerful, died in a crash in Lexington, Ky., on Friday. By CHRISTOPHER MELE Ms. Hamilton said her husband liked to go for afternoon drives and was about four miles from their horse farm when he either passed out or was distracted and drove through a stop sign. His vehicle was struck on the driver’s side by a pickup truck, she said.

4-10-2016 Cars - Start-Stop Technology Is Spreading (Like It or Not) - Dr. Car!

4-10-2016 Tom Oosterhoudt. Publisher of local Key West magazine ... Died here on 1 April 2016 Spine Surgery Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion Lumbar fusion Lumbar laminectomy Lumbar microdiscectomy Broward Health Medical Center 1600 S Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 I told Tom years ago to go to Yale Medical School for a second diagnosis and he didn't believe me even though he knew I was the inventor of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort and I told him in the Ford Dealership Building Hemingway lived in and wrote Farewell to Arms. I also told Toms Mom to rename a beach to Hemingway Beach and tell the tourist there are 1 trillion turtles there today because Hemingway feed the turtles with his friends at Capt. Tony's. She didn't do this either. Well funeral yesterday and no cause of death written up by anyone... I will keep searching goggle.

4-10-2016 Cars - Start-Stop Technology Is Spreading (Like It or Not) - Dr. Car!

4-10-2016 Cars + Hospitals; "Airports, Designed for Everyone but People" by our 1984 II Masterminds who are Drunk and have Syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin.

4-10-2016 Designed for Everyone but People" by our 1984 II Masterminds - Nordictrack Treadmill Desk Platinum for everyone after the coup, grin.


4-10-2016 Work Meets Workout A New Take on Productivity @ Yale Key West Medical School Design for the Elite Masterminds! Sale Price $2,499.00 iMacBook Pro $8K 100" LG Ultra Monitor $25K... 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine... $$$ 777 Trillion in Revenues and 777 Trillion Galaxies to visit.

4-10-2016 Uma Thurman - Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) has always fantasized about traveling into outer space, but is grounded by his status as a genetically inferior "in-valid." He decides to fight his fate by purchasing the genes of Jerome Morrow (Jude Law), a laboratory-engineered "valid." He assumes Jerome's DNA identity. Gattaca (1997) is a beautiful movie that takes place in the not-so-distant future where genetic manipulation prior to birth brings out the best qualities of the parents while eliminating the worst, specifically, predispositions to diseases, additions, poor eyesight, etc. That is, if your parents choose to do so... The film tells the a story about Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke), a man born naturally, a 'God-child', one who didn't benefit from advanced technology... No Gas Stations On Earth 1980 to 2016 Gravity Engine Technology, Movie "Gattaca Gravity Engines."

4-10-2016 Cars - Start-Stop Technology Is Spreading (Like It or Not) - Dr. Car!

4-10-2016 Cars - Start-Stop Technology Is Spreading (Like It or Not) - Dr. Car!

4-10-2016 Cars + Hospitals; "Airports, Designed for Everyone but People" by our 1984 II Masterminds who are Drunk and have Syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin.

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 If Florida's first Lady was a MD Professor she would diagnosis the cause's + cure of Miami's prostitutes for the Fifth-Grade Class. All Governor's wife's must have a MD... and the Governor must be "able" to woo a MD women to marry him, grin.

4-9-2016 Tremendous Star Travel Ambitions and then the US Air Force deploys B-52 bombers in Middle East to combat Islamic State! Fox News - 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat deploys the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillCar to win the war in One Day! Tremendous Ambitions are to deploy a Stage 4 Rx Recipe for a overnight cure! Elite; Ivy League MD Sorority! Tremendous Ambitions Rx Recipes not Girl Scout Cookies! Cataract Surgery on her grandma's shopping list going to Publix + Whole Foods Grocery Store's.

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 Cause of Miami Prostitutes + Saudi Sex Slaves not in this... "Pope’s New Message Signals a Change for Divorced Catholics" By JIM YARDLEY and LAURIE GOODSTEIN NY Times.

4-9-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School; US Government our 1984 II Dictators mentality moves on restricting free wifi and restricting us getting 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year at the Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. When a Feminist Pledges a Sorority College women are embracing — and rethinking — the Greek life experience. And not just on the campuses you’d expect: in the Ivy League MD Sorority!. By JESSICA BENNETT NY Times. MD Sorority!

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 Miami dump truck in 11-vehicle crash that kills taxi passenger. Miami Herald - Super Air Bags on all Dump Trucks is a no brainier so who the Hell in our 1984 II Society suppressed this and how did they get away with being so stupid? The tremendous ambitions behind New York City's free WiFi iFreeWiFi and iParking for free parking space... iMedical School US Government our 1984 II Dictators mentality moves on restricting free wifi and restricting us getting 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year. Our 1984 II Society suppressed this and how did they get away with being so stupid? iHemingway iapp Nobel Novel with a invention in every chapter; Literary Sex Novel. A New Yorker writer receives 41 rejections on a novel that goes back to a territory once explored by Updike, Mailer and Roth Hemingway because the MD women professor is left out of every page, grin. And it was not finished by midnight writing with 100 people with an iapp linked to Los Alamos and crunched on iMac Super Computers. FlyDubai Crash Most Likely Caused by Pilot Error, Investigators Say. I Say Pilot Error caused 9/11 and will cause 9/11 II + III - Hell drinking water with lead is in schools for the last 6 years is on the front page of the NY Times today. For the last 60 years Spray Painted black clouds of gas exhaust and diesel clouds via a trillion scooters have mutated kids DNA on their parents Duval Walk. This has not been published in the NY Times yet Times reporters have been caught in this spray painted cloud of black exhaust on Duval. FlyDubai Crash Most Likely Caused by Pilot Error, Investigators Say - Pilot Error at the NY Times. Robert MacCrate, Lawyer in My Lai Inquiry, Dies at 94 He served as civilian counsel for the Army panel investigating the 1968 massacre, and later oversaw a landmark report calling for an overhaul of legal education. By WILLIAM GRIMES Robert MacCrate, Lawyer in My Lai Inquiry, Dies at 94 - Duval Tourists kids died at 4 from diesel exhaust. Overhaul of the NY Times My Lai Massacre's in the USA for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Claims! City of Key West got $2.5 million from BP Oil 2 months ago and this was not headlines at the NY Times! Post ESPN sports 24/7 era, begins the 24/7 brainstorming 1,001 IP invention projects on post cable era on a free iwifi linked to Los Alamos and iMac Super Computers and Nobel Hemingway Novels with a invention in every chapter.

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 "Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Bring Their Battle to Brooklyn" New York Times - Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders bring their Medical Records to the public so the MD Professors can read them out loud to Fifth-grade kids... to learn something. Cause and effect. Side Effects.

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes to Fifth-Grade Class" Miami New Times If Florida's first Lady was a MD Professor she would diagnosis the cause's of Miami's prostitutes for the Fifth-Grade Class on anatomy and physiology. And tell the Fifth-Grade class about Bush being the Pimp for Saudi Arabia and Mecca SWF's from Texas being sex slaves of Muslim men with several wives.

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 Bill Clinton Says He Regrets Showdown With Black Lives Matter Protesters Bill has 1,001 Regrets and the MD Professor will go over all these with the Fifth-Grade class of students.

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, military officials said, with media outlets reporting that an airman shot his commanding officer and then himself.

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 "Florida's First Lady Apologizes for Reading About Miami Prostitutes

4-9-2016 Bernie Sanders should highlight Hillary's Roots, picture her with gray hair, grin.



4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School Cafe will put a end to "Social Isolation!" Key West City considers parking garages not writing of iParking iapps and making City run Parking Department "iParking" for smartphones for tourists to view every free parking spot updated by the minute. No chance in Hell of ever getting another Parking Ticket in Key West with "iParking" run by the City of Key West, a different tourists attraction, especially when Key West Tourists have the highest rate of cars towed in any Tourists Town, grin. iDUI iapps. Unusual DUI arrests reported, a topless women driver sucker punching her passenger girl friend in a fight over driving drunk to Key West. Key West Citizen News Front Page Today. iDash Cam Cop talking to these 2 women would have to gas them by pushing the sober up icon, grin.

4-8-2016 Bill Clinton’s comments suggesting Hillary is not a fan of Breast Cancer testing!

4-8-2016 Bill Clinton’s comments suggesting Hillary is not a fan of Breast Cancer testing!

4-8-2016 Bill Clinton, Heckled by SWF Protesters, Defends Record on the Crime; SWF's sucker punched at a million gas stations hold ups by Black Men out of spite for our 1984 II Dictators! New York Times -

4-8-2016 "Tempers Flare as (Biden) Sanders Calls (Walter Reed Military + VA MD's) Clinton Unqualified" By AMY CHOZICK and YAMICHE ALCINDOR The two Democratic Party contenders are questioning the other’s fitness to lead the Rx Recipe for the Overnight Rx Cure of Brain + Breast Cancer! This is what the NY Times should have written, really. Rx Cure for Brain + Breast cancer that is a Rx Overnight Cure, A Miracle Cure like Penicillin Discovery!

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Catholics; Pope Francis, closing the door on gay equality: forever... in Hell! Amoris Laetitia, or “the Joy of Love, of God's Best Invention; Women!”

4-8-2016 Muslims; slamming the door "Fags" sending them to Hell in a "First Strike Nuclear War" in view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris!

4-8-2016 Catholic site Crux. Is light years from posting Southern Cross Star stats and IP invention projects brainstormed by the Catholic hierarchy pertaining to inventing a way to go faster than the speed of light + overhearing Jewish Aliens. Crux is a constellation located in the southern sky in a bright portion of the Milky Way, being the most distinctive even though it is the smallest of all 88 modern constellations. Its name is Latin for cross, and it is dominated by a cross-shaped or kite-like asterism that is commonly known as the Southern Cross. Use in navigation - In the Southern Hemisphere, the Southern Cross is frequently used for navigation in much the same way that the Polaris is used in the Northern Hemisphere. Alpha and Gamma (known as Acrux and Gacrux respectively) are commonly used to mark south. Tracing a line from Gacrux to Acrux leads to a point close to the Southern Celestial Pole. Alternatively, if a line is constructed perpendicularly between Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri. Alpha Centauri, also known as Rigil Kent is the closest star system to Our Solar System at 4.37 light years (1.34 pc). It consists of three stars: the pair Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B and a small and faint red dwarf, Alpha Centauri C, better known as Proxima Centauri. Not frequently used for navigation by our 1984 II Dictators. Never has been on the Front Page of the NY Times with brain storming ideas of how to go faster than the speed of light, as the 1,001 Car Super Shuttle NASA Train was bombed by US + NATO forces in secret for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues. For MIT War Toys, grin.

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School for pre-school to Journalism School's; to the front pages of the New York Times a Rx Recipe, that is not Girl Scout Cookies!

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School will whip up a Recipe for a lack of quality sex education by the Ruling Class who graduated from Yale + Harvard but really failed... grade their Habitat for Humanity without 155 Story Yale Key West Medical Schools in every Capital City world wide.

4-8-2016 Changing the Rx Recipe on Health Care via Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School for all grades. Trump Card is the Changing Stances on Health Care when you are reinventing the Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School for pre-school to Journalism School's. "Donald J. Trump has offered conflicting positions on universal health care coverage, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate.' By MICHAEL LESTER New York Times. Trump’s Changing Stances on Health Care - Biden is positioned to act on the murder of Beau and Jimmy Carter is about to be diagnosed by God.

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Bill Clinton’s comments this week suggesting Hillary Clinton is not a fan of annual testing raised eyebrows in the so-called education reform movement. By MAGGIE HABERMAN NY Times "Education Overhaul Advocates Express Concern About Bill Clinton’s Remarks on Testing" Test; MRI, EKG, EEG, Blood, STD's, Syphilis, HIV raised to the level of daily testing like brushing your teeth and checking for cavities. Homeland Medical Testing every time you go into Publix + Whole Foods Grocery store, Apple Starbucks Test results by the time you get your coffee beeps on your smart phone. Order ahead your coffee and medical test.

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Oral sex fellatio or cunnilingus is rather popular, as these things go: According to a national survey, about 66% of young adults, ages 15 to 24, have engaged in it, a rate that remains consistently high. The list of diseases transmitted through oral sex includes chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes simplex virus and HPV. By the way, in case you were wondering whether that national survey asked women and men to clarify whether, in their oral sex encounters, they were recipients or givers, it didn’t. “The nuance in the data is just not there,” said Brian Katzowitz, a spokesman for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

4-8-2016 Bill Clinton’s comments on the side of effects of having oral sex in the White House with someone other than Hillary needs to be a Front Page Story in the New York Times that will be added to the Education of everyone in school.

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Bill Clinton’s comments on the side of effects of no comments on super air bags on the outside of cars and trucks since his oral sex in the white house... Teenage Driver Dies in Texas After Takata Airbag Ruptures in Crash! Super Air Bags on the outside of cars and trucks Ruptured via Clinton, Bush and who ever is our 1984 II Dictator! The 4th or 5th generations of super air bags on the outside of cars and trucks could be on Clinton's Cars Today. "Henry County MD struck, killed while riding bike with group" Atlanta Journal Constitution - A Henry County physician died Wednesday after he was hit by a motorist while riding with a group of bicyclists. Atlanta Journal Constitution had no comments on no super air bags on the outside of the car that hit the bike.

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School will put a end to "Social Isolation!"

4-8-2016 Social isolation is a risk many widowers face, compounded by solitary living. A Pew Research study reported in February showed that an increased number of men live alone: 18 percent, up from 15 percent in 1990. According to AARP, 90 percent of those over 65 wish to stay at home as long as possible.

Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School will put a end to "Social Isolation!" Widows + Widowers are endangered beings, challenged by grief of 1984 II Dictators Gasoline Era long dead in 1980 with the invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Scholar at the New York University live with 9/11 and the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort in their Orwellian New York City. Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School in New York City will have its own skyscraper like the NY Times one! But with IP invention projects spelled out Widows + Widowers could get psyched up for, grin. Doctor Burn out is always a story in the NY Times, when Journalist Burn Out in a Orwellian Society is the real disease.

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School will put a end to "Social Isolation!"

4-8-2016 "Design School Building Draws Praise, Except For the Desk Space" By Theo C. Lebryk Harvard Crimson News. The Graduate School of Design’s Gund Hall sticks out among Harvard’s red-brick laden campus. While some might regard the concrete exterior as ugly, some say the interior could serve as a model for a university that lacks central social spaces.

Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School will put a end to "Social Isolation!"

4-8-2016 Yale Daily Campus News on Dash Cams in Taxi II Movie with a much older Jodie Foster, grin. Read between the lines in this Yale Campus article. In honor of the 40th anniversary of “Taxi Driver” — Martin Scorsese’s 1976 film in which Jodie Foster ’85 played one of her most famous characters, Iris the teenage prostitute — Foster and Scorsese spoke with Vanity Fair. “It’s odd to think that four decades have passed since we shot Taxi Driver on the streets of a very different New York City,” Scorsese said of the experience.

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-8-2016 Apple-Starbucks iYaleMedical School. Yale Lawyers sue to stop it's merger!

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 loss of Stage 4 women, 40K dead in 2016 and no "One" wrote a letter!!

4-7-2016 Next year, if President Trump paves over the White House garden for his Fleet of Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines; helipad, we will remember its bushels of fruits and nuts from the Jungles of Mexico are a pay back for all the Mexican Truck Divers who crashed and burned into 10's of Thousands of USA women + Kids causing serious injuries, and making 5,000 widows who are not allowed to write a letter to the NY Times about Mexican Truck Drivers who killed their husbands!

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 It would be a rare official meeting between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which broke relations in January after protesters burned the Saudi Embassy in Tehran. Hajj Pilgrimage were Bin laden Construction company is building up Mecca so 2 million can hear the Pope's Sermon... God is Great for giving us $777 Trillion in gas station hold up money from the USA.

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times and got it printed today. There is no telling reading between the lines if they know about the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillCar that would have prevented 9/11 by giving all the Trillions they mention, to American Women instead of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for MIT War Toys.

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times; since our husbands were killed by Saudi hijackers on 9/11... The close of your New York Times article “closely allied with the United States.” mentions that the Saudis have difficulty “trusting” one another. We only wish that members of our own government, including President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, had these same trust issues. We struggle to understand how Kerry gave $777 Trillion to Saudi Arabia beginning in 1980. "Report Ties U.S. Bombs to Saudi-Led Strike That Killed Yemeni Civilians" By KAREEM FAHIM and C. J. CHIVERS NY Times... Hell US + Nato forces bomb hospitals with Saudi Pilots dropping the bombs, Why? War Toys Mentality, NASA was bombed out of existence a long time ago by Mecca in fear of over hearing Jewish Aliens.

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Ariane Litalien a Harvard grad gets a F for her letter... she left out STD's!! Why? Letter to Harvard about Sex Assaults in Saudi Arabia... read between the lines. ‘Dear Harvard, You Win’ Author to Publish New Letter By Andrew M. Duehren Harvard Crimson News More than two years after she wrote an anonymous op-ed in The Crimson criticizing Harvard’s response to sexual assault on campus, a recent Harvard graduate will publish an essay again calling on the University to better combat sexual assault on campus. Publicly discussing the 2014 op-ed under her own name for the first time, Ariane Litalien ’14 said she will publish an essay titled “Dear Harvard: This Fight is Not Over” as part of a forthcoming collection called “We Believe You: Survivors of Campus Sexual Assault Speak Out.” Her 2014 op-ed “Dear Harvard, You Win,” about Harvard’s response to sexual assault, galvanized campus dialogue and earned national headlines - Not Headlines in the New York Times. As half the students at Yale + Harvard are from Saudi Arabia or UAE... Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times; not knowing their John Kerry is in bed with sex slaves from Mecca provide by the Elite at Harvard. Slaves not Sex Slaves today! Harvard President Drew Faust joined civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis to unveil a new plaque at Wadsworth House yesterday. The plaque honors four slaves who worked at the university in the 1700s. The unveiling comes just weeks after Harvard announced that it would change its law school seal which references a prominent slave-owning family. Sex Slave owning families from the Yale + Harvard Elite have their second home in Mecca Today. I'm sure a letter to the NY Times about this would be rejected, grin. Kerry is the only one on Earth besides Jimmy Carter who could leak these off shore sex slaves!

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Yale grant of $4 million in Yale Campus News Today. Gay and bisexual men make up around one-fifth of Yale’s male-identified population, Goldberg said. Their mental health will be tracks not the number of Yale women they give MS Virus to. The article didn't mention the name of the Mastermind who gave Yale Health the $4 million but reading between the lines he probably gave a few Yale women MS, and STD's! Someone should give Yale Law $4 million to track him down for spreading terrible diseases. This stress … in turn leads to risky sexual behavior, substance abuse, chronic sleeplessness, anxiety, depression and so on,” Goldberg told the News. “When you mix identity-related stress in with the normal vicissitudes of life and toss it all into the pressure cooker of an Ivy League university. Goldberg never mentions the stress of MS and STD's. Give him a F, grin. Well a D as at the end he said... Gay and bisexual men are 40 times more likely to become infected but Goldberg didn't say a word about infecting 40 Yale women. F grade these 40 women would give Goldberg. F grade for the Dean too, Yale Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Director of the Office of Gender & Campus Culture Melanie Boyd, F grade. SPH professor John Pachankis and his team are researching cognitive-behavioral intervention strategies to help young gay and bisexual men cope with stigma-related stress in their mental and sexual health treatments and promote healthy behavior within this population. John will get a F from the 40 women given MS and STD's!

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Clinton camp asks Sanders: Break up big banks? How? Hillary Clinton's campaign, stung by a string of losses of Stage 4 women, 40K dead in 2016!! But none on the front pages of the NY Times today with election results, just in the 1984 II Edition of the NY Times. How to break up the Big Banks... spend all their money on 1,001 Noble's in Medicine a Year! Who will profit the most... Gloria in her NY Penthouse who would rather live on her apt than die! Steve Jobs II + III would profit too. 155 Story GE Medical School would come out of the Peanut Profits - Image what we could get for $777 Trillion! $160 billion tie-up between pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Allergan. $160 Billion for a Stage 4 Rx Recipe, no this will not be spent today. Ask Hillary why not!! Break up big banks? Chase + Bank of America just spent their money on 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, the Presidents will profit the most like Cheney getting a heart transplant at 80 years old.

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 'Owner of 3 VW Dealerships Sues Carmaker Over Diesel Scandal" By NEAL E. BOUDETTE NY Times. 3 Billion Key West Tourists sue over spray painted clouds of back diesel from 3 trillion scooters on Duval Key West mutated DNA in kids to Brain Cancers when Jimmy Carter was hunting for worms in Africa. God will sue Jimmy Carter, grin.

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

4-7-2016 Five 9/11 widows wrote a letter to the NY Times;

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-6-2016 Elements of the periodic table are largely formed in the hearts of stars. Top Quarks are formed by Wounded Warriors who lost the Vietnam War, and failed to prevent 9/11 with the Only weapon that could, the ElectricWindmillFord Escort! Grin.

4-6-2016 Bombed by US + NATO Forces today are Ph.D.s; Women from Yale University.

4-6-2016 Rx Recipe for the Stage 4 Miracle Cure Bombed... via GE's 155 Story Medical School Decision!

4-6-2016 Bombed by US + NATO Forces today are Ph.D.s; Women from Yale University to become MD's at Yale Medical School paid with West Point Money $$$.

4-6-2016 Ph.D.s Women from Yale University to MD's at Yale Medical School "Portrait" of the Elite Yale President with $25 Billion in the Banks, invested with Shell Oil... not new MD women.

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-6-2016 GE's Move to Boston May Mean "No GE Medical School" built on a 155 Story Eiffel Tower Structure! GE's Move to Boston Does May Mean GE Top Brass will not build a 155 Story GE Medical School in Boston, NYC, or Key West. USA.

4-6-2016 Pfizer Inc. and Allergan Plc appeared Wednesday to step back from plans to merge and shift Pfizer's corporate address to $777 Trillion in Rx Profits Lane. By CHAD BRAY The end of the $152 billion merger came days after the Obama administration introduced rules meant to discourage American companies from brainstorming a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer that will Bomb to Hell their $777 Trillion in Rx profits for 2016.

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-6-2016 SEOUL - North Korea can mount a nuclear warhead on a medium-range missile, a South Korean official said on Tuesday in a new assessment of the capability of a country that conducted its fourth nuclear test this year... Fourth Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure was bombed by US + NATO Fighter Jets... $$$. "North Korea May Roll Out Rocket System With Greater Reach, South Says" By CHOE SANG-HUN The weapon, which could be used as soon as this year, would expand the North’s ability to hit South Korean and American military forces in the South, the defense minister said. This year Greg + Wives in Key West could Bomb the Hell out of Brain + Breast Cancer if not for the 1984 II Dictators in Seoul bombing us in Key West.

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-6-2016 Saudi Arabia passes Russia as world's third biggest military spender; $777 Trillion in War Toys from MIT... $$$ Women in Saudi Arabia don't drive the inspiration for a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-6-2016 "The world's brightest X-ray laser is going to get 10000 times brighter" Washington Post - Six years ago, the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory debuted the most powerful laser the world had ever seen. Now, it wants to make an even brighter one. Microwave the Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 cure with 10,000 Watts, grin.

4-6-2016 China, exposed; poor, stupid in a world of mosquito epidemics they buy nets from Bill + Melinda Gates but spent more money on Windows 10. Poor + Stupid Chinese leaders exposed.

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-6-2016 Elements of the periodic table are largely formed in the hearts of stars. But for elements that are heavy enough (heavier than zinc typically), fusing two lighter nuclei just won’t do it efficiently enough to produce significant quantities. To form those elements, another process is needed: neutron capture. Neutrons get captured when they collide with an atomic nucleus and get stuck together, creating a heavier nucleus. Neutrons can undergo these collisions at lower energies because they’re electrically neutral, so they won’t be repelled, unlike protons. If the resulting nucleus is unstable, however, one of its neutrons can decay into a proton, creating a heavier element.

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-6-2016 Elements in Brain + Breast Cancer need to be put in a Rx Recipe and Chart of the Elements of Cancer, Virus, Bacteria.

4-6-2016 The r-process occurs to a slight extent in thermonuclear weapon explosions, and was responsible for the historical discovery of the elements einsteinium (element 99) and fermium (element 100). r-process entails a succession of rapid neutron captures.

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-6-2016 iPod size cans of liquid H + O would make how many gallons of water? "De Blasio Postpones Water Tunnel, a Backup for Millions" By JIM DWYER The last segment, serving Brooklyn and Queens, would complete a project that for decades has been regarded as essential to New York’s survival if the city’s two aged water tunnels should fail.

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-6-2016 Mad Men Masterminds of OJ Clones enlisted Jerry Mohammed,32, to assault Ms. Dyer. The man who did it!!, A black male, about 30, 5 feet 7 inches, with a medium build and dressed in a dark T-shirt and shorts with a close haircut. Dyer said she had never seen the man before, but sources tell Eyewitness News that the man may have called out to the woman intentionally -- to get her attention -- so the chemical could be splashed directly on her face. We're told that the victim appears to have been targeted. The substance began to burn immediately, according to police. She tried to drive away, but only made it 200 feet.

4-6-2016 She tried to drive away, but only made it 200 feet. She probably has a water bottle in her car, she should have flushed her eyes + face. I made this comment for the next women, as there will be 100's in 2016 who get acid in the face by a black man. Either here in Queens or in Pakistan!

4-6-2016 She stopped the car, started screaming and a passerby called 911. The woman was rushed to the burn unit at Cornell Medical Center, where she was being treated for serious burns to face, eyes and hands. She is critical but expected to survive. Detectives are analyzing the substance, which is not pure acid, but appears to be an acid-like mixture."She cannot open the mouth. The tongue is purple," QUEENS, N.Y. (WABC) -- A 59-year-old woman suffered severe burns when a man threw an acid-like liquid in her face in an attack in Sunnyside that sources tell Eyewitness News was not random.The woman, who has been identified as Alexandra Dyer, was approached by the man as she got into her car on Skillman Avenue around 5:35 p.m. on Wednesday. minister was attacked with acid in Queens.

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-6-2016 19K women have been murdered in our 1984 II "Habitat for Humanity" every year since 1948... IP invention projects to save her life have been suppressed via the iPhone 007 hate crimes by Tim Cook Today. Apathy by FBI women or they must face the firing squad if they protest to the 1984 II FBI Director!

4-6-2016 Ph.D.s Women from Yale University to MD's at Yale Medical School "Portrait" of the Elite Yale President withy $25 Billion in the Banks, invested with Shell Oil... not new MD women.

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-6-2016 Ph.D.s from Yale. The Women Faculty Forum’s “portrait project,” an initiative started in 2009 to honor the first seven females to receive Ph.D.s in 1894, culminated in the presentation of the portrait before an audience of over 100. The WFF organized a national competition to select an artist, and Brenda Zlamany of Brooklyn was selected from four finalists. The seven women in the portrait — Elizabeth Deering Hanscom, Margaretta Palmer, Charlotte Fitch Roberts, Cornelia H.B. Rogers, Sara Bulkley Rogers, Mary Augusta Scott and Laura Johnson Wylie — earned their degrees in a variety of disciplines ranging from English to history to mathematics to chemistry. The unveiling of the portrait also comes amidst broader campus debates about visual representations of females. Ph.D.s from Yale University to MD's at Yale Medical School "Portrait" of the Elite Yale President withy $25 Billion in the Banks, invested with Shell Oil... not new MD women.

4-6-2016 GE's Move to Boston May Mean No GE Medical School built on a 155 Story Eiffel Tower Structure! GE's Move to Boston Does May Mean GE Top Brass will not build a 155 Story GE Medical School in Boston, NYC, or Key West. USA.

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-6-2016 GE's Move to Boston May Mean Opportunity for Students By Mahnoor B. Ali Harvard Crimson News. Harvard faculty members praised General Electric’s decision to move its headquarters to Boston as an opportunity for increased collaboration between the corporation and students.

GE's 155 Story Medical School in Boston - Bombed by US + NATO Forces!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 PARIS — France's national army Bombed the Yale Paris Medical School Today! 155 Story Eiffel Tower Structure was Bombed by the French National Army Today. It's Apple-Starbucks was filled full, every Table with a $8K iMacBook pro's destroyed.

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!! Masterminded by a Modern 1984 II Napoleon + Bush at Yale getting the Medal of Honor from Shell Oil. "Baby Killers" from Vietnam, now DNA poison Gas "Baby Killers" from Shell + BP Oil for the Spoils of War's $777 Trillion dollars in 2016 money! At Yale Bush was on Campus yesterday, getting a award from Shell. At Yale + Harvard today you Will Not Sprint, Stroll or Stumble Into a Career... as A... "Inventor!" Yale and Harvard will not offer freshmen Inventor 101 + 102 "Class" until after the coup... No Shell + BP Oil Men on Earth, No Gas Stations On Earth 101 + 102 Class at Yale + Harvard. Shouts of God is Great heard before 9/11 II + III. Bush heir must be deaf to Mecca's Shouts God is Great for the $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues to buy MIT War Toys with. More Hospitals Bombed!! More Hospitals have been Bombed by US forces than built by all the worlds Oil Men from Texas + Saudi Arabia. Shell Legacy Award for giving us 9/11 II + III via Oil Revenues. 1,001 IP Invention Projects to replace NFL Football Games; The NFL is coming to Twitter, big time. The league has reached an agreement with the social media company to live-stream Thursday night games this season. Paramount's first 4K UHD Blu-ray release is a $47.99 Star Trek combo pack. Paramount is pricing the 4K UHD Blu-ray format somewhere in the region of $33. That sounds extreme, but is (sadly) par for the course for the format — films from Sony's 4K streaming service, for example, cost $30 a pop. Apple-Starbucks Ultra 4K Yale Key West Medical School Movies will cost your 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year. Nobel's 4K Movie along with Madam Cure will get someone the Nobel for going faster than the speed of light in satellite communications as a call to the Moon Today takes several minutes. NASA on Mars has a long wait for the reply. Invent Something!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!! By ROBERT D. McFADDEN New York Times Winston Moseley, 81, Killer of Kitty Genovese, Dies New York Times Headlines today Ms. Genovese’s 1964 murder in New York, while neighbors failed to act on her cries for help, came to symbolize urban apathy in America. Mr. Moseley confessed to the murders of Ms. Genovese and two other Queens residents: Annie Mae Johnson, 24, who had been shot and burned to death in her South Ozone Park apartment in February, and Barbara Kralik, 15, who had been stabbed in her parents’ Springfield Gardens home the previous July. Both women had been sexually assaulted. While at Attica Correctional Facility, in 1968, he escaped while on a hospital visit to Buffalo, raped a woman and held hostages at gunpoint... OJ Clone's today! Twitter live streaming of these OJ murders today will finally Make the Front Page of the NY Times. Apathy by Bush a 1948 graduate of Yale... 19K women have been murdered in Bush's Habitat for Humanity every year since 1948... IP invention projects to save her life have been suppressed via the iPhone 007 hate crimes by Tim Cook Today. Apathy by FBI women or they must face the firing squad if they protest to the FBI Director appointed by Bush, Obama, 1984 II Dictators. Psychologists and criminologists called the reluctance of witnesses to involve themselves the “bystander effect,” or the “Kitty Genovese syndrome.” Studies discerned a “diffusion of responsibility,” finding that people in a crowd were less likely to step forward and help a victim. 100's of Fiery Cop Car Videos on YouTube have been censored by the New York Times Top Quarks Today.

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!! Yale Medical School building’s facilities superintendent, Robert Young, that the infestation of "Bed Bugs" was under control. Young declined to comment for this article. But on Monday night, the admissions officers seemed to change their minds. The timing of the announcement coincided with the discovery of live bedbugs in the newly infested eighth-floor room during a follow-up inspection conducted on Monday. “Although a careful examination of the room did not turn up any bugs, the exterminator decided to go a step further, and broke apart a plywood board that was under the mattress,” wrote Director of Graduate and Professional Student Housing George Longyear in a private email to a Harkness resident obtained by the News. “Inside the plywood board, bedbugs were found.”

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 "The Futuristic" Yale Key West Hospital's inspection for "Bed Bugs" + Hospital acquired infections, correct diagnosis has been bombed by Robert Young who declined to comment for this article - web page, grin. Miami Medical School can be heard screaming in the background God is Great, ha. Miami Medical School has no "Bed Bugs" we have inspected everything! Grin. Design of the New Futuristic Yale Key West Hospital with no "Bed Bugs" + "Hospital Infections" MI Mission Impossible and also in the Next 007 Bed Bug Bomb Movies with a Cure that works, that can be called a miracle cure!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 Challengers to Miami Medical Schools... Need A Big Wins in Wisconsin Primary to Keep Nomination Within Reach - to Keep the Futuristic Yale Key West Medical School in Reach of being the #1 Elite in the World. Not Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity from Georgia, Grin! Challenger II + III NASA Super Shuttle Train of 1,001 Cars Needs Big Wins in 1984 III Start of Star Travel Design Invention Era to Keep Jewish Aliens Within Reach of listening to in our lifetime. AmTrak Trains will run into "Bob Cats" on the Tracks forever under the Masterminds of DC 1984 II Bed Bug infested HQ inspector's. Men who were Passed by Yale + Harvard but really Failed like Bush 1984 grad.

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 Today West Point Cadets get paid not Yale Medical School Students - West Point Cadets today study Napoleon. Island of St. Helena PARIS — France's national army museum has recreated the home where Napoleon lived his final years, bringing furniture and belongings from the remote Atlantic Island of St. Helena to central Paris for the first time since he was exiled there 200 years ago. The exhibition that opens Wednesday and ends July 24 is a unique occasion to discover the atmosphere of the Longwood house, a damp rat-infested place where the Emperor spent his last years as a prisoner of the British government, surrounded by books and souvenirs.

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 PARIS — France's national army Bombed the Yale Paris Medical School Today! 155 Story Eiffel Tower Structure was Bombed by the French National Army Today. It's Apple-Starbucks was filled full, every Table with a $8K iMacBook pro's destroyed. Atmospheres of Rx Recipes to cure Brain + Breast Cancers overnight destroyed just like Earth in "Nuclear Winter" also in the New York Times today. Greg + Wives in Key West are prisoners of the French Government today, the Orwellian one with French Troops in Africa today who will rape and kill some women as a perk for being in the French Army Today! Yes Today the Elite in Paris have YouTube videos of their Troops rape and plunder, Napoleon 1984 II.

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 1984 II Censors at the NY Times Censor out 9/11 II + III paid for via King Salman's $777 Trillion. Censors have been working hard to ensure that news of the leaks does not penetrate China’s “Great Firewall” of Internet controls. Searches using the Chinese characters for “Panama” early on Tuesday on Weibo, China’s equivalent to Twitter, turned up information on regulations for importing fruit, including some from Panama. But by the afternoon in Beijing, queries resulted in the following terse message: “Sorry, searches for ‘Panama’ came up with no relevant results.” A censorship notice sent by a Chinese provincial Internet office told editors to delete reports on the leaks, according to China Digital Times, a website affiliated with the University of California, Berkeley, that monitors the Chinese Internet. “If material from foreign media attacking China is found on any website, it will be dealt with severely,” the notice said. China Digital Times said it did not name the body issuing the notice to protect its source.

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 NY Times Censors - 1984 II Censors at the NY Times Censor out the iElectric Windmill Ford Escorts, all 1 Trillion of them circling Times Square Today!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-5-2016 More Hospitals Bombed!!

4-4-2016 Hospitals Bombed, real one's and "The Futuristic" Yale Key West Hospital bombed Today, Tomorrow by Navy Blue Angels F-18's air show of power resonates with the bombing of Hospitals Today. Yale Geneva Hospital was bombed by the UN Army! Millions have been killed by the bombing of Hospitals in our 1984 II Society! Habitat for Humanity's start of the Cataclysm of Stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cures lie in the seed's DNA of the Yale Key West Futuristic Hospital protected from Mad Men Generals at the Pentagon from Bombing this Hospital before it's even built! Civilization-starting cataclysm lie in the seeds of Galaxies, more than BP Oils 777 Trillion. God Save the Queen a Place in Hell for the Next 4 Trillion Years, grin.

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 Yale Geneva Hospital Bombed by the United Nations Army! "Armies Used by U.N. Fail Watchdog Group’s Test" By RICK GLADSTONE A new study found that the armed forces that provide the most United Nations peacekeepers are also among the world’s most susceptible to corruption. Armies Used by the UN bombed Hospitals!

4-4-2016 Op-Ed Contributor: "Why Trump’s Antiwar Message Resonates with White America" By J.D. VANCE

4-4-2016 Leaked Files Detail Offshore Bank Accounts Tied to World Leaders $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues

4-4-2016 Leaked Files Detail Hospital Records Tied to World Leaders Spread of Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS Virus and their personal STD diseases given to others! 11.5 million leaked documents of Hospital Records, Hillary has Syphilis we all suspected this, grin! Including political figures in countries like Iceland, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Many more articles based on the new documents in the coming days.

4-4-2016 Grave markers in a cemetery with smoke billowing behind them from a coal-fired power plant in Shanxi, China. Some scientists believe China’s emissions may be falling modestly, as its economy grows more slowly. "China’s Carbon Emissions May Have Peaked, but It’s Hazy" By EDWARD WONG There could be important consequences if Wong at the NY Times writes a story with statistics of the "Baby Killers" from the Vietnam Era sold 1 Trillion Gas Engine Cars to the Elite Chinese Leaders which lead to the killing of millions of Chinese Babies + Kids poisoned by spray painted black clouds of exhaust particles mutating the kids DNA. Elite Chinese so smart didn't have one thought or super computer simulation on the China CBS Nightly News showing DNA mutated by black clouds of exhaust in Beijing! Consequences of the NY Times writing up the deaths from the "Cultural Revolution" in headlines Today when the story should be the "No Gas Stations On Earth Revolutions!" War Crimes by the NY Times Today Resonates!

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 Technology Upgrades Get White House Out of the 20th Century. How the hell does a Amtrak Train hit a "Bobcat" in a Crash that Leaves 2 Dead, and 50 injured? Officials Say Yale + Harvard Alumni failed out in the real world.

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 iElectricWindmillFord Escort with 100% Mac Software will finally shock Bill and Melinda into Win 8.2 update's. Grin. Really the iElectricWindmillFord Escorts should have all iOS software linked to traffic lights, speed on exit ramps, fog driving blind as Microsoft has killed many generation of Amtrak Trains and the one that crashed into a "Bobcat" most likely was using Win 8.1 not Win 8.2 but it would still have crashed even using Win 10. The best April First was Win 11 is coming out next week, grin.

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 "In Letter to Congress, Faust Makes Case For Endowment" By Andrew M. Duehren and William C. Skinner Harvard Crimson News Responding to congressional inquiry about university endowments, Harvard released an extensive document Friday explaining how its $37.6 billion endowment advances its educational—and tax-exempt—mission. Explaining how $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues since 1980 suppression of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort by Kennedy + Jimmy Carter. Explaining this in a Letter to Congress... in an Harvard Era in one that the Harvard Medical School just took over the whole Campus. Harvard is no more Harvard with the Kennedy School of Government. It's the Harvard Medical School which no Kennedy ever got into. Yale Medical School also took over the whole Campus at Yale. In a Letter to Congress, all Senators must have a MD degree was voted on and passed. Although the Harvard name is sometimes accompanied by negative stereotypes off campus, Michelle Wu ’07, President of Boston’s City Council, said these potential stereotypes have not negatively affected her time in office. Smog in Beijing via Harvard New Car Salesmen has a negative stereotypes that will be Holocaust II + III headlines. Microsoft stereotypes of the "Cloud" will become the "Black Cloud of Poison Gas + Diesel Exhaust" on Duval Key West!

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 Yale Hospitalo not a Miami Hospital is the place to have a Heart Attack or Cardiac Arrest. Zaha Hadid, a visiting professor at the Yale School of Architecture who was widely credited as the greatest modern female architect, died March 31 of a heart attack while being treated for bronchitis in a Miami hospital. She was 65 years old. If NY Times journalists had a MD degree today this would be on the front page of todays NY Times. Imagine what they would write and the screaming we could hear from Miami... ha!

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 Mac Rumors - While the iPhone SE rivals the iPhone 6s series in performance with the latest internal hardware, a new video reveals that the new 4-inch smartphone is less durable than its larger siblings when bent under pressure, submerged in water, and dropped... iElectricWindmillFord Escort preformance test should be leaked by Mac Rumors before production starts as Tim Cook is not Steve Jobs. This is a Rumor at Apple HQ best not spoken to loud, grin. AppAdvice - Apple has given Siri a boost of baseball IQ, allowing the on-board virtual assistant to better answer baseball-related questions ahead of Major League Baseball's forthcoming new season. Tim Cook with pancreatic Cancer will tell the Siri code writers to come up with some life saving answers with no Baseball IQ's.

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-4-2016 Yale Key West Hospital Bombed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Today's NY Times Headlines!

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 Organ Donation mandatory for every American...

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 Organ Donation mandatory for every American, what it would mean in who get the windfall profits and spin offs! April is National Donate Life Month, a time to recognize and bring awareness to the importance of organ, eye and tissue donation. In the United States, more than 121,000 adults and children are on waiting lists for donor organs. Steve Jobs + Cheney cut in front of the line for Organ Transplants! Yale Key West Medical School will design a "Assembly Line for Transplants" only when Organ Donation is Mandatory though. Pilot MD's who can fly into your body take out your Heart, Lung, etc put new one's back in are the true "Blue Angels" that need to put on a Show in Key West!

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 Organ Donation mandatory for every American...

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 How Are New York City Taxi Plates Assigned - New York Times - Without a built in GPS to track them!! All License Plates in the USA with GPS built in... and the NY Times writes about Taxi Plates Assigned on the front page of Sunday New York Times. Trump would say You're Fired! grin. "New York Budget Deal With Higher Minimum Wage Is Reached" New York Times. None of these $15 dollar a hour jobs will be on the 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillCar Assembly lines.

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 "Hillary Clinton Says She Hasn't Been Contacted By the FBI..." NBCNews.com. Greg + Wives in Key West have not been contacted by any MD women at the FBI to start Brainstorming a Rx Cure! Start of the Era; No Gas Stations on Earth!

4-3-2016 Godspeed the Navy "Blue Angels" from Mandy Miles in Key West today. Greg + Wives will try our best to Bankrupt the Navy, Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff for Godspeed Jewish Aliens with Space Ships + a Godsent Stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure, "Bombshell Girl Singers" at the Key West White House are in the 9/11 Era not Star Wars Era, sorry Mandy Miles but Trump would say You're Fired! Grin!! Trump's nonsensical claim he can eliminate $19 trillion in debt in eight years Washington Post - Greg + Wives in Key West Claim we can eliminate Stage 4 + Brain Cancer by Christmas Day 2016 if given Apple-Starbucks Ultra + Los Alamos. Putin is on the front page of the Times for doubling his nuke warheads way above the limit of 1,500. Why in the world would Putin build so many H-Bombs on giant RV's with 20 Wheels bigger than any of Jimmy Carters tractors? I would say someone is going to get Nuked in 2016... what will the NY Times comments about this be? Donald Trump Says NATO is 'Obsolete,' UN is 'Political Game' Greg + Wives in Key West say the UN is a criminal organization taking $777 Trillion in Kickbacks from BP Oil for Holocaust II + III and financing 9/11 II + III... WHO at the UN let the CIA put water in Polio vaccinations... and kill 100's of millions buying war toys from MIT; instead of Ford ElectricWindmillCars... US-led strikes putting a financial squeeze on God is Great for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues!" Washington Post - "Los Angeles father charged with killing son for being gay" Boston Herald - Allah will be charged with killing the gay era not Yale + Harvard MD's who know the STD statistics and the million tortured SWF's given MS from a bi-sexual man. "Apple Loop: iPhone SE Reviewed, Apple Rushes iOS 9.3.1, iPad Pro Disappoints" Forbes - Forbes richest 500 are a bigger disappointment to our Habitat for Humanity. Apple really rushed 9/11 II + III by suppressing the iPhone Dash Cam mandatory in every car on the road in 2016. Yes our 1984 II Dictators could have rushed the iPhone Dash Cam and made it mandatory on all cars for 2016. Godspeed the Navy "Blue Angels" from Mandy Miles in Key West today. Greg + Wives will try our best to Bankrupt the Navy, Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff for Godspeed Jewish Aliens with Space Ships + a Godsent Stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure, "Bombshell Girl Singers" at the Key West White House are in the 9/11 Era not Star Wars Era, sorry Mandy Miles but Trump would say You're Fired! Grin!! Elite Gloria Vanderbilt writes she is an emissary from a distant star and would rather live in her apartment than die... so much for her Star Travel Empire in Navy Blue Angel Fighter Jets. Bestseller New York Times Nonfiction, "Another Day in the Frontal Lobe Part 2" post Beau and Jimmy Carter with Biden at Los Alamos writing about Oppenheimer II + III the MD bomb maker E=MC2 C-Bomb Cancer-Bomb.

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 "They Cannot Remove Me by Force’: A Strongman on Afghan Infighting" By JAWAD SUKHANYAR and ROD NORDLAND NY Times In a rare interview, Atta Muhammad Noor, the most powerful Tajik politician in northern Afghanistan, discussed his take on factional tensions.

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! "They Cannot Remove Me by Force’: A Strongman on Afghan Infighting" Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Jewish Aliens will remove Atta Muhammad Noor and 10's of thousands of other Afghanistan Warriors in a "second" with little effort on their part, grin.

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! NASA has to get it Right!! 830 Billion light years from Earth is out of the question. Jewish Aliens at each of the nearest 52 Stars is the right answer to Atta Muhammad Noor in Sunday's New York Times!

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 Biden; Close Walter Reed, send Beau to Yale Key West Medical School. Seven of 15 outside health advisers appointed to recommend ways to improve veterans' health services over the next two decades have proposed shutting down all VA medical centers and outpatient services, and having its 9 million enrollees get their health care at Yale Key West Medical School. State of the Arts Laser Guidance like no Hospital ever built... a Star Wars Hospital never in a Star Trek Movie until the Next "Star Trek Med School" Movie comes out next year. Grin. Yes it will be mandatory for all Medical School student to watch. The Joint Chiefs of Staff will bomb this Hospital before its even designed!

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 Organ Donation mandatory for every American...

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 When will Medical Student get Paid more than "Air Force Cadets" in Colorado Springs... 1984 III Coup by MD women is when! Where are the 10 most affordable private medical schools? There's no doubt about it — medical school is expensive. But U.S. News & World Report has compiled a list of 10 private medical schools with the lowest tuition and fees for the 2015-16 academic year. When will the USA have more MD's than Cuba... grin.


4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 GPS License Plates mandatory on every car on the road in 2016... "Tracking Everything!"

4-3-2016 Rx Recipe's...

4-2-2016 Post-9/11 C.I.A. memoirs could collapse a bookshelf...

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless in Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity that will be Nuked because he went fishing for worms in Africa...

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless... as all the YouTube videos cheering on the Drone Strikes and the bloody murder scene's of wounded warriors who killed their wives after finding out they went to war for $777 Trillion for the King of Saudi Arabia...

4-2-2016 "Obama Rebukes Donald Trump’s Comments on Nuclear Weapons" By MARK LANDLER New York Times. Mark Landler at the NY Times is worthless in writing to prevent 9/11 II + III. I think we all know this.

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 In "‘Revenge Porn’ Case, Criminal Court Decision May Affect Lawsuit" By MATTHEW GOLDSTEIN Revenge Nuke 9/11 II + III the NY Times will write they were shouting God is Great in Arabic right before the Nuke went off... New York Times has written hundreds of times just before the bombs went off they were shouting God is Great in Arabic.... does any University fail Journalists students or do we have to live with them writing these April Fools every day of the year?

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 $777 Trillion and shouts of God is Great... Saudis Moving to hide $777 Trillion from being confiscated by SWF's sucker punched at gas station hold ups in the USA... Saudis Moving to Reduce Dependence on Oil Money - There are longer-term worries as well; No Gas Stations on Earth a Covert CIA Mission by a new set of 1984 III Dictators in the USA. By BEN HUBBARD and STANLEY REE NY Times. Norway has $650 Trillion from Gas Stations Hold Ups in the USA. Ben Hubbard reported from Riyadh, and Stanley Reed from London. Another $777 Trillion can be confiscated from BP Oil.

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 NY Times... The Dirty Old Men of Pakistan; They don’t want to beat up their wives. They just want to make sure they have the right to do so. 15 Honor Killing every day in Pakistan and the CIA has a office next door to the men who Rule Pakistan. CIA has been on a tour of the H-Bomb assembly line too. White House edits video to remove 'Islamic terrorism' quote - New York Post - Born in the USA the White House edits out the "Fiery Cop Cars" the SUV on fire with Mom, Dad and the 2 kids in back... on the old 7 Mile Bridge leading to Key West hit head on by a gasoline oil tanker! 100's of fiery gasoline oil tankers have crashed and burned many Americans since this one, and all have been edited out of Goggle YouTube video's on orders from our 1984 II Dictators.

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 In "‘Revenge Porn’ Case, II + III we learn Bill gave Hillary Syphilis so her revenge is to get back into the White House, grin. Get Revenge on all men who have ever given syphilis to a wife. Revenge for suckering Saudi Women into driving a gas engine car just to be beaten by dirty old men with honor.

4-2-2016 Brainwashed the FDA doesn't list a IP invention project to take Arsenic out of rice... F.D.A. Proposes a Limit on Arsenic in Rice Cereal for Babies. In a risk assessment, the agency tested 76 infant rice cereals and found that about half had more inorganic arsenic than the proposed limit of 100 parts per billion. By CATHERINE SAINT LOUIS. F.D.A. Proposes a Limit on Arsenic in Rice Cereal for Babies. No IP invention projects with FDA links to Los Alamos super computers.

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 How Fast Does Earth Move Through The Universe? Give our Universe enough time - and we've had some 13.8 billion years of that - and everything will move, drift and flow in the direction of the greatest gravitational attraction.

4-2-2016 4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 Tom Oosterhoudt died in a mainland hospital after a long health struggle resulting from spinal surgery. He was 65. A city commissioner who should have been a MD for a better Habitat for Humanity in Key West. Tom spray painted black clouds of exhaust from a trillion scooter on Duval without ever thinking!

4-2-2016 Mary Ann Worth, hosted many of those events at their historic Casa Antigua home on Simonton Street. The residence was built in 1919 using bricks from Fort Zachary Taylor that dated back to the 1840s. The house has long been a source of pride and the site of constant gatherings hosted by Oosterhoudt and his mother, who both lived in the stately mansion that also hosted Ernest Hemingway in 1928. Ford Dealership in Key West.

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...

4-2-2016 9/11 II + III memoirs at the CIA are worthless...




4-1-2016 April Fools Day; $777 Trillion... confiscated from King Salman $$$

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; $777 Trillion... confiscated from King Salman $$$

4-1-2016 Apple is the most valuable company in the world - and Today it officially turned 40 years old... Ford ElectricWindmillEscort's will be worth $777 Trillion - Apple is worth $777 Billion $$$ April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail... 830 Billion Galaxies in a 1 billion light year area and iPod, iPad Pro size GE electric generators fueled by H at -254 C.

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; $777 Trillion... confiscated from King Salman $$$

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; $777 Trillion... confiscated from King Salman $$$

Beau would be alive today; Key West April's Fool Citizen of the Day Picture on page 2 is "Beau the Cat" with 7 toes on one paw and 6 on the other and he is in a polygamous marriage, lives at the Hemingway House and swats at the writers, grin. To Woo Apple, Foxconn Bets $3.5 Billion on Sharp - To woo MD Women from Yale + Harvard to become Key West Wives in a polygamous legal marriage $777 Trillion will be just enough money, grin. Biden ready to avenge Beau's murder from Brain cancer will help to get the MD Wives and Greg up and running brainstorming Rx Recipes the first day of "Class" pardoned from the Wounded Warriors and Joint Chiefs of Staff brainwashed into spending $777 trillion on MIT war toys that are light years from Brain + Breast Cancer Wars! POW MD Wives are held at gas stations and sucker punched out of spite for wounded warriors @ $19.95 a month ads on CBS nightly news, when NBC Nightly News kickbacks + bribes from BP Oil not to report the ElectricWindmillFord Escorts (1 Trillion of them today) has been suppressed along with the Rx Overnight Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer since its invention in 1980 a month or two before John Lennon was shot dead. 19K women SWF's mostly all in the USA have been shot dead every year since 1980 via Drunk men, mostly drinking Coors from Colorado. MSNBC censored this story as it was to sickening for Melinda Gates! Post Traumatic Stress decorating her second home in Dubai UAE. To woo MD Women from Yale + Harvard to become Key West Wives in a polygamous legal marriage $777 Trillion will be just enough money, grin. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine too. In 1903, at the age of only 36, Marie was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics; the first woman ever to win... Tragically, her husband Pierre was killed in a carriage accidents three years later. 1,001 Nobel's in Physics a year (spelled out with links + iapps) today will get us Jewish Aliens! Jimmy Carter should have put Rosalynn Carter's name on his Nobel Peace Prize as End to War on Earth would be their Habitat for Humanity on April Fools Day This Year... 2016. Greg will try to name our Key West cat... "Beau the Cat" in wooing the MD wive's!

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail... No Gas Stations on Earth Habitat for Humanity! Titanium Home's for Sale free of any Edison Electric wires, Comcast cable... MSNBC 911 II + III news caused by the richest man on Earth, the Saudi King! King Salman has $777 Trillion - Bill Gates has $777 Billion. Greg + Wives in Key West have 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine IP invention projects to work on that are worth even more than $777 Trillion in the long run!

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; $777 Trillion... confiscated from King Salman $$$

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; $777 Trillion... confiscated from King Salman $$$

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail... Smog, No joke. April Fools' Day has been banned in China... Smog has not been banned in China, Beijing Smog body count dead bodies from Spray Painted Clouds of Black Diesel from a trillion scooter on Duval Key West attacking 1 billion DNA divisions in kids. Today's front page of the NY Times has this DNA... Ha! April Fools the NY Times has the mosquito DNA on the front page not kids DNA. "High Lead Levels Found at More Newark Schools" By PATRICK McGEEHAN New York Times "Journalists Fools" Lead not poison gasoline and diesel exhaust is found, are they really stupid fools writing Lead stories for the New York Times or do they have a death wish, war crimes trails wish, suicide by cop, suicide by BP Oil bribes not to write Poison Gasoline and diesel chemicals found in more NYC school kids DNA!

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; $777 Trillion... confiscated from King Salman $$$

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; $777 Trillion... confiscated from King Salman $$$

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail... “The Yale + Harvard Medical School Curriculum of the Future” is 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year IP invention projects spelled out with links to Rx Recipe's which are Top Secret today. 233 year-old Harvard Medical School, its basic curriculum remained relatively unchanged from the 1980s. Medical students spent their first two years primarily in lectures and late-night cram sessions for exams. Do physical exams, and learning other clinical skills from essentially day one of Medical School... Day One of this new curriculum at Harvard does not have 1 IP invention project spelled out yet Kerry reads this web page every day! No Hillary in Kerry sending the Med School invention project classified IP invention projects... grin. Fools! At Medical School, New Curriculum Met With Praise. Last year, the Medical School uprooted its old method, debuting the new “Pathways” program. Students and professors alike said the demands outside the classroom have increased, and the education at the Medical School better prepares students for future medical careers. By Sruthi L. Muluk and Ellen Zhang, CRIMSON STAFF WRITERS... new School of Journalism Curriculum after the No Gas Stations on Earth Coup will be all Journalist students must have a MD degree, no fooling! DNA on the front page of today's NY Times would be a human's not a mosquitoes!

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; $777 Trillion... confiscated from King Salman $$$

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; $777 Trillion... confiscated from King Salman $$$

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail... BREAKING: Harvard Accepts Record-Low 5.2 Percent of Applicants for Class of 2020" By Aidan F. Langston 1 hour ago. Yale has accepted 1,972 students to the class of 2020 from a pool of 31,455 applicants. 1984 II Dictators all men alumni of Yale and Harvard have accepted 0 IP invention projects to be made public on April First 2016. 100% of HS students will be accepted to Yale + Harvard after the No Gas Stations on Earth Coup.

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; $777 Trillion... confiscated from King Salman $$$

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; $777 Trillion... confiscated from King Salman $$$

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail... "U.N. Peacekeeping Hit by New Allegations of ‘Sickening’ Sex Abuse" By RICK GLADSTONE New York Times, sick UN employees from Nepal killed 19K in Haiti with cholera... and 5K more in April will get sick as hell. UN employees all over the world come to work sick on April Fools Day. Scan them coming to work is not in this NY Times story by Rick. Does Rick have STD's, TB, MS virus and goes to work sick... what is sickening is the Sex stories without the terrible diseases as they must be censored by our 1984 II Dictators orders!

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail...

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail...

4-1-2016 1 Trillion Fords come off the assembly line in the next 12 months just in time for the next April Fools Day. Who could be fooled by Hillary? "Hillary Clinton to Unveil a $10 Billion Plan to Bolster Manufacturing The proposal, and the timing of its rollout before the April 19 primaries in New York, highlights a period in the campaign during which aides say they can draw on Mrs. Clinton’s record as a senator, when she worked to lift economically depressed regions of the state." By AMY CHOZICK Hillary Clinton to Unveil a $10 Billion Plan to Bolster Manufacturing... not with 1 Trillion Ford's coming off the assembly line! April 1, 2016

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail...

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail...

Microsoft Trumpets Windows 10, and Pushes Into Sci-Fi Tech... On April 1, 1976, longtime friends Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, along with Ronald Wayne, founded Apple. Jobs and Wozniak built their first machine, Apple I, in Jobs' family garage... Jobs changed the Apple CPU to "Intel Inside" so Today on April 1 Apple + Microsoft run on the same Intel CPU... so Brainstorming Idea for Steve Jobs is to let All Intel computers download Apple OS - and then Dell + Acer can preload Apple IOS like win 10 comes on Microsoft computers. Chrome on Goggle computers from Dell and Acer. Dell and Acer MacBook Pro for $220 shipped. April Fools Day 2016, grin. Better yet a IP invention project for a New OS that can be downloaded and run by Apple and Microsoft computers... invent it for all the fools who give us the Next Square Block computer like Steve Jobs did...

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail...

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail...

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail...

4-1-2016 April Fools Day; GE + God are to big to Fail...

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 On April 1, 1976, longtime friends Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, along with Ronald Wayne, founded Apple. Jobs and Wozniak built their first machine, Apple I, in Jobs' family garage... In Steve Jobs Garage today is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it so 100's of millions of apple MacBook Pro users can't get it up and running. A hate crime by Tim Cook.

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs MD alive today because he had a cadaver in his garage... Beau would be alive today too!

* 3-31-2016 Steve Jobs MD alive today because he had a cadaver in his garage... Beau would be alive today too! Bill + Melinda will sell Steve today a cadaver program tutor for ten thousand dollars per lesson... per user so Wozniak will have to pay $10 grand to, grin.

3-31-2016 Why Do the Feds Usually Try to Unlock Phones? It's Drugs, Not Terrorism, Not Troops coming home from Oil Wars in Iraq, Not Robert Kennedy Jr. killing Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 NASA's Agency Program Management Council has given the go ahead for development of the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) that will enable NASA and astronomers get a wider view of the Universe. Wider View Headlights on Cars will be a IP invention projects with cameras, sonar, radar, and give us Wider Headlights of the future ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Wounded Warriors just killed one of the most famous and most famous group of wives in the USA because they didn't weren't tranquilized - Tranquilizers - tranquilized - IP on the front page of the NY Times was masterminded by some Elite 1984 II Dictators.

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

Apple’s New Challenge: Learning How the U.S. Cracked Its iPhone - Gravity Engine + putting a stop to Robert Kennedy Jr. buying the Judge so he could kill Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn are not a New Challenge for Apple today.

3-31-2016 Looking for $777 Trillion... François Hollande Cancels Plan to Strip French Citizenship in Terrorism Cases financed via $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues. By ADAM NOSSITER New York Times.

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 "Obama Commutes Sentences for 61 Convicted of Drug Crimes" By MICHAEL D. SHEAR Obama pardons Drug Makers for the murderous crime of keeping the Rx Recipe's top secret killing Beau... Obama Pardon's the murderer of Beau!!

3-31-2016 $15 a hour will not buy a $8K dollar MacBook Pro! "Editorial: Marching Toward a $15 Minimum Wage" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD $15 a hour will not buy a $8K dollar MacBook Pro and get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 Boston Spray Painted Clouds of Black Poison Gas Exhaust kills, and caused more birth defects than plastic bags at Whole Foods... Harvard has passed Elite Kids who really fail 9 Billion people on Earth. As Cambridge Bans Plastic Bags, Some Shopkeepers Skeptical. By Christina N. Neckermann and María J. Sada. An ordinance banning the distribution of single-use plastic bags at store checkouts in Cambridge will take effect Thursday, and some local shopkeepers are skeptical of its projected impact... Gas Exhaust in Cambridge has not been baned!!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 Student news today from Yale about moving Yale to Key West... didn't get a passing grade as they left out "Dirty Air" on Duval... I love that dirty water. Ira Stoll, a former president of the Harvard Crimson, suggested that Yale relocate to Boston. The proposal came in response to Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s invitation to Yale to move to Florida after Connecticut suggested that it might tax the University’s $25.6 billion endowment. According to The Boston Globe, “Yale in Boston is a bad idea. The town ain’t big enough for {both Yale and Harvard.]” $777 Trillion from BP Oil Revenues is not enough for the Elite at Yale + Harvard to stop! No Gas Stations on Earth... Era!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 HS, Universe will be mandatory for HS kids in the ElectricWindmillFord Escort Society, those who drop out of HS will work on the assembly lines... The 1 percent. FiveThirtyEight released a report yesterday, shedding light on admissions processes at universities such as Harvard and Yale. Under 1 percent of U.S. undergraduates attend universities that have acceptance rates under 10 percent such as Harvard and Yale, FiveThirtyEight reported. 4 percent, they reported, attended schools with admission rates less than 25 percent.

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs MD alive today because he had a cadaver in his garage...

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-31-2016 Steve Jobs Garage today! Is the Gravity Engine and Tim Cook has encrypted it!!

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half million people consume what has been called the champagne of drinking water. We took a look at its journey from source to tap. By EMILY S. RUEB New York Times!!

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Vaccine's, Total Immunity, Better Memories into Its Water - Nine and a half Billion People will be on Earth Soon so these IP invention projects are a no Brainard except for those who write the NY Times, grin. Headlines that brainstorm these IP are like Headlines about No Gas Stations on Earth + No Head On Collisions in 2016 lost by VW's ads on "Clean Diesel" the Times knew were fraudulent.

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 Unbuttoned: Yale Medical School patient Lady Gaga Defines a New Role: Fashion Enabler; not exactly what 9 Billion people need from their Elite Rulers... when Hillary reveals breast cancer diagnosis. Nine Billion clones of Hillary diagnosed with Stage 4 will finally get women a New Role Model like Dr. Lady Gaga from Yale Key West Medical School. Florida Gov. Rick Scott officially urged Yale University - one of the country's most prestigious institutions - to move from Connecticut to Florida. Yes a Starbucks on every corner as the Yale Medical School. 9 Billion people will elect Trump for this Business Idea. Naked Lady Gaga as a patient will be photographed outside and inside the magnification of a iMac Super Computer before any Medical Students are asked for a diagnosis. Steve Jobs could never be a Bully here. Bullying at the Doctor’s Office... What are the effects of bullying? Ultimately, my responsibility as a pediatrician is to support the health and well-being of children. There is no special prescription I can write that will make bullying go away. Rather, the best remedy is communication between parents and their children. Jessica W. Tsai, M.D., Ph.D., is a resident physician at Boston Children’s Hospital and Boston Medical Center. There is no special prescription I can write that will make bullying go away. There is a Rx to write to make Bullying go away on the Front Page of the NY Times; No Gas Stations on Earth. Fags in the New York City Easter Parade bullied their way in past 830 Billion Galaxies and as many Jewish Aliens. No Jewish Aliens were in the NYC Easter Parade! There is no special prescription I can write that will make bullying go away... 1984 II Dictators are Bullies who will give us H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower instead of 155 Story Eiffel Tower Yale Paris Medical Schools!

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 China Proposes New Web Rules That Could Enhance Censorship of the 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillCar, for 9 Billion people; half living in a poison gas smog.

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 "Harvard President Faust Will Dedicate Plaque to Honor Harvard Sex Slaves"

3-30-2016 "Harvard President Faust Will Dedicate Plaque to Honor Harvard Slaves" By Andrew M. Duehren and Daphne C. Thompson. At a time when long-buried legacies of racism at Harvard have increasingly fueled campus discourse, University President Drew G. Faust will dedicate a memorial to slaves who worked at Harvard in the 18th century.

3-30-2016 "Harvard President Faust Will Dedicate Plaque to Honor Harvard Sex Slaves"

3-30-2016 "13 Detroit School Principals Charged in Vendor Kickback Scheme" By RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA 100 Million "Principals" 1984 II Dictators from Boston to North Vietnam Charged in BP Oil Kickback Scheme's of $777 Trillion!

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 Dell, Acer, Business Briefing: SunEdison at ‘Substantial Risk’ of Bankruptcy; Dell + Acer at substantial risk of bankruptcy over Win 10 the end of Windows and Microsoft, Bill + Melinda Gates face the firing squad. $8K dollar iMacBook Pro on every Cafe Table in Paris is almost approved by the Elite in Paris! "Japanese Chefs Make Their Mark in Paris" By OLIVER STRAND NY Times. ‘Substantial Risk’ of ISIS Generals in Pakistan ready to kill every fag in Paris over Cartoons and financed by Gas Cars Paris Elite have to make a decision soon. For a Better Caesar, Get Kale Into the Mix to Marry Pope Francis at Saint Peters! By JULIA MOSKIN

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 "Yacht Vacations: Not Just for the Rich" In Transit By SHIVANI VORA Key West futuristic Yacht Invention Vacations; Just in Time for the Gravity Engine conversation with the wive's, grin. A vacation on a yacht may conjure up images of billionaires and celebrities, but it’s not just for the rich and famous. Several companies offer seven-day yacht charters for $10,000 or less; most of the boats have multiple bedrooms and are suited for families and groups. Travelers can either hire a captain or sail the vessel themselves. In Boca Raton, Fla., Yachtico has an inventory of 5,000 yachts in hundreds of destinations worldwide, including the South of France and Cuba’s southern coast, that cost $5,000 or less to charter for a week. A six-bedroom, 46-foot-long catamaran to sail along the Dalmatian Coast in Croatia, for example, starts at $4,900; a captain costs an additional $193 a day. Airport transfers are included. The Moorings in Clearwater, Fla., manages a fleet of 400 boats in 20 destinations including the Bahamas and the Greek Islands. It has several wallet-friendly models, like a 38-foot, three-bedroom yacht available for a weeklong sail around Tahiti; it is equipped with a kitchen, air-conditioning, a flat-screen television, a spacious living room, several outdoor decks and snorkel gear and costs $9,800, including a captain. In Key West Greg + Wives are docked at Starbuck, no there are no Starbucks at any of the Dock's in Key West, not yet, grin.

3-30-2016 "New York City Housing Authority Faulted for 'Significant Flaws' in Elevator IP invention Projects Not spelled out; brainstormed on the front page of the NY Times.


3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-30-2016 How New York Gets Its Water - Nine and a half Billion people!!

3-29-2016 "FBI Says It Has Unlocked iPhone Without Apple" By KATIE BENNER and ERIC LICHTBLAU - FBI Says It Can't Unlock Rx Recipe's to help get the Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4. Were the Hell are the FBI women?

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 "Hillary Clinton Attacks G.O.P. for Not Acting on Obama’s Supreme Court Pick" By AMY CHOZICK New York Times Front Page. Front Page of Hillary's Stage 4 news... Obama's Black Women are the walking dead with Stage 4 today. Pick on the White FBI women to give us a Top Secret Rx Recipe every Rx Recipe of every drug there is. Hell with H-Bombs on the assembly lines today put these trillion Rx Recipes into a iMac Super Computer at Los Alamos and Vegas will be bankrupt!

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 Mr. Fidel Castro wrote, citing Mr. Obama’s own words during the trip, including a request to leave the past behind and embark on a future of hope and togetherness. “I suppose all of us were at risk of a heart attack upon hearing these words from the president of the United States.” Risk of "Cardiac Arrest" and Arrest for Holocaust II + III.

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 "Scientists Find a Way to Predict U.S. Heat Waves Weeks in Advance" By HENRY FOUNTAIN "Arrested" for leaving a million kids in hot cars to die... Obama + Fidel, luckiest of the world leaders as North Vietnam Generals will face the firing squad for taking $777 Trillion in kickbacks from BP Oil. At least one Castro in Miami has lost a son or daughter left in a hot car to die.

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 No More Hot Cars is a spin off from No Gas Stations on Earth as the ElectricWindmillFord Escort will be climate controlled just like your home, 24/7 at 68 F.

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

Massive fire's race up the exterior of the 63-story The Address Downtown Dubai, again and again and again... wow!

3-29-2016 Dubai - Bill + Melinda Gates have their second home in Dubai. Ajman One development in Ajman, a city that’s home to many commuters who work in the Gulf commercial hub of Dubai, further to the south. The complex, developed for an estimated $720 million by Aqaar, is home to 12 residential towers. Two sustained severe damage to their exteriors, while others appeared to have light damage. The cause for the blaze, which began Monday night, wasn’t immediately clear. Civil defense officials declined to immediately comment, while telephone numbers for Aqaar rang unanswered Tuesday. The state-run WAM news agency said Ajman’s ruler, Sheikh Humaid bin Rashid Al Nuaimi, visited the complex Tuesday and praised fire fighters’ efforts to put out the fire. He also ordered authorities to accommodate those affected until they find housing, WAM reported. The blaze comes less than three months after a massive fire raced up the exterior of the 63-story The Address Downtown Dubai, one of Dubai’s most prominent hotels. It is situated next to Dubai’s biggest mall and the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest skyscraper. Similar fires have struck other high-rises built since the turn of this century in Dubai and Sharjah, which sits between Dubai and Ajman. Building and safety experts have attributed the spate of fires to a material commonly used to cover the buildings known as aluminum composite panel cladding. Some panels used in buildings in the Emirates contain a flammable core that can burn rapidly one ignited, allowing fires to spread quickly on buildings covered top to bottom with the panels without sufficient fire breaks along the way. It was not immediately clear if the skyscraper in the Ajman fire had that type of cladding, but the fire in appeared to burn in a similar fashion to the other blazes.

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 Research into immunotherapy, $12K a pill, which Jimmy Carter got. Which cancer experts are calling the most promising approach (not a Rx Recipe Overnight Cure) in decades, will get a big boost Tuesday when Michael Bloomberg and other philanthropists announce $125 million in donations to Johns Hopkins University... Decades Long Approach at John Hopkins, Los Alamos is up and running today, not our 1984 II Dictators! Bloomberg, who graduated from Hopkins in 1964, and Kimmel have a history of giving to the university. Bloomberg has provided more than $1.2 billion, contributing to a school of public health, a physics building, a malaria institute and need-based financial aid programs. Since 2001, Kimmel has contributed more than $157 million to Hopkins. Bloomberg is like this news about Steve Jobs. How to win an argument with a headstrong genius like Steve Jobs. There's no question that Steve Jobs was a visionary and a genius. But, like others of his ilk, he was also known to be difficult, headstrong and argumentative. Bloomberg will go kicking and screaming into Los Alamos... Scientists Doctors light years from the Doctors at Hopkins. Like Wounded Warriors are light years from Stage 4 women... pay the mercenary! Greg + Wives in Key West will pay to put it in the water, total immunity immunotherapy, Michael Bloomberg's science fiction movies are void of Divergent part 5 that gives movie viewers at the Regal take home DNA dialog invention projects. Not a Sony movie made for the Pentagon, grin. Vaccines put in the water, rain water with vaccines. There will be no stopping the scientist who are Oppenheimer II + III. Bloomberg needs to get the NYC kids out of hot cars before they die... this summer. Did Steve Jobs every comment on my kids left in hot cars to die by our 1984 II Dictators?

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 IP "Bug on a Windshield," Automatic windshield cleaner outside and inside on the Ford ElectricWindmillCar IP...

3-29-2016 Woody Allen is heading back to a very familiar place: opening night of the Cannes Film Festival. The director's newest film, “Cafe Society,” will kick off the prestigious confab when it gets underway May 11. The news marks the third time Allen will open the festival -- following 2011’s “Midnight in Paris”

3-29-2016 Greg + Wives "Cafe Society Movie" will have a $8K iMacBook Pro at every cafe table in Paris! At the stroke of Midnight in Paris a Hemingway Nobel Novel will be finished with a IP invention project in every chapter written by 100's at the same time on iapps with links to Los Alamos. Woody Allen Movies will be like "Hells Angels" out of date soon than later though. iCannes Film Festival all the movies must have IP invention projects...

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

Rx Recipe is needs not a lower cost, because if we had the Rx Recipe we could whip up a better batch.... of Girl Scout Cookies, the girls could. Medivation Inc's and Astellas Pharma Inc's prostate cancer drug Xtandi. In the letter signed by Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and Reps. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) and Peter Welch (D-Vt.), the lawmakers urged NIH to hold a public hearing to consider overriding the patent on Xtandi to make the drug available at a lower price. The medication has an average wholesale price in the United States of more than $129,000 Rx Recipe is needs not a lower cost, because if we had the Rx Recipe we could wip up a better batch.... of Girl Scout Cookies, the girls could. iCannes Film Festival movies will advance Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity faster than the speed of light with a few Rx Recipes he never gave his wife to cook up.

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

Key West news, I told Jimmy Weekly I flew into Key West to build the Yale Key West Medical school as he was cutting up red meat, and asked him how his heart was... OK! Grin. This was 4 1/2 years ago and I still haven't got past the building codes in KW politics to build the Yale Key West Medical School. Fausto’s Food Palace turns 90 in April The identity of Key West begins and ends with local businesses—even in the wake of retail chains, convenient stores and the mega-corporations that continue to invade the island. Yet for one local outfit, which has survived and flourished in the face of many corporate challengers; Fausto’s Food Palace has embodied the ideals of family, community and hard work in Southernmost City for close to a century. Fausto’s signature motto is “Food Palace,” but for locals, the island grocery has been so much more. This year marks the 90th year the family owned and operated business has given Key West not just groceries, but a community epicenter. Operated by the same family for almost a century, Jimmy and Alton Weekley are the fourth generation to nurture the success of one the island’s most beloved brands. Faustino (Fausto) Castillo came to Key West in 1910 to work in a cigar factory. By 1926 he opened his own grocery store, Fausto’s, on Virginia and Packer streets (current location of The Flaming Buoy Restaurant). Fausto would marry a local, Ana Alvarez, and have one daughter, Ana Luisa. Business began to expand and the family moved Fausto’s to 600 Fleming Street, which is now the Marquesa hotel. Fausto’s wife Ana passed away, leaving teenage Ana to help her father with the store. She finished her high school education at The Covent of Mary Immaculate and took to running the business by age of 17 with her father. In the 1940’s, father and daughter dreamed of a bigger store and moved to the landmark property at 522 Fleming Street. While working, Ana met a Navy sailor named Carl Weekley, who stopped by to layup supplies for the ship. During this time, it was Ana, still a young woman, who managed to secure a bank loan to purchase the Fleming Street property and marry Carl, who happened to be a trained meat cutter. But like many young men in the 1940’s, Carl was shipped overseas to serve in WWII, leaving behind a pregnant Ana to run the store. Describing his mother, Alton Weekley called her a “4 feet, 11 inch dynamo”, which explains the continued success and growth of the business during trying times. And on an island domineered by businessmen, an undeterred Ana quickly became respected as an equal by other business owners. Early on she took charge by either fighting code compliance for their new property, or later threatening to put a lien on the Pier House when David Wolkowsky tried to put off paying his grocery bill with a Key lime pie. “As hard as she could be, she was just as sensitive,” said Jimmy Weekley about his mother. As a fiery guardian of the business, Ana also had a benevolent heart. When Key West’s economy suffered during WWII, Ana and Carl forgave grocery bills for families in hardship. Carl would even slip extra flour and sugar rations for families to celebrate birthdays. . “Ana would send pies to St. Mary’s,” said the Basilica’s Father John Baker with a reminiscing smile. “What made it so personal was she figured out what kind of pies we all liked and sent her sons to deliver them. She would send food to the soup kitchen and prepare Thanksgiving baskets every year for those in need.” In 1948, Fausto Castillo passed away leaving the business to the Weekleys. They took the reins and Ana renamed it Fausto’s Food Palace as her father’s legacy. Ana and Carl had four sons, two of which, Alton and Jimmy, carry the family torch. Both left Key West for other adventures, but returned home by the 1970s to begin working for their parents. Jimmy followed in his parent’s footsteps and also met his wife, Susan, in the store when she took a job there in 1977. Ana and Carl fostered the family’s civic-minded tendencies. The sons learned to give back and also became immersed in the community. Jimmy not only ran Fausto’s, but also the City — he’s a former Mayor of Key West and a current City Commissioner. Alton also served as City Commissioner, as well as president of Rotary Club and longtime member of Chamber of Commerce, along with many other organizations both brothers remain involved with today. Carl passed away in 2002 and Ana in 2011, both actively involved in their store, their community and their family to the end. Now the fourth generation of Weekley’s are continuing the tradition as Alton’s son, “J,” works with him at Fausto’s White Street as assistant manager. And Dakin, son of Jimmy and Susan, is assistant manager at Fleming Street. Jimmy’s grandson, Jake, 14 has asked to work at Fausto’s this coming summer, which would mark the fifth generation to embark on the family legacy. When asked about secret to Fausto’s success, both brothers replied in unison, “It’s in our blood.” A fitting answer to a cherished business in the bloodline in a city it helped shape.

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed iMovie...“Allegiant” invents a "perfect memory gas," total immunity in rain water! DNA Dialog Regal movie goer's can take home as IP invention projects!

3-29-2016 A Fausto's next to Yale Key West Medical School... Jimmy would have a heart attack at the grocery inventory! Finally a better selection than Publix and Whole Foods.

3-29-2016 only 7 percent of patients survive for more than five years after diagnosis... only.

3-29-2016 Five years I have been in Key West, I flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 with $777 Trillion from the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort to build the Yale Key West Medical School, thank God I survived longer than 5 years, grin.

3-29-2016 Yale Medical School News Today... I didn't ask Jimmy Weekley about this... New Yale research points to potential treatments for pancreatic cancer, a disease that only 7 percent of patients survive for more than five years after diagnosis. Building off of previous research that had identified the protein renalase as an important growth factor in the body, researchers examined pancreatic tumors to see if cancer cells overexpressed this protein. Looking at pancreatic tumors in mice, researchers confirmed that many of the tumors did overexpress renalase, and tumors with more elevated renalase expression had worse prognoses than tumors that did not overexpress renalase, according to the study. To determine whether reducing renalase expression in tumors could effectively treat pancreatic cancer in mice, researchers synthesized antibodies that bind to renalase and block its expression. The treatment killed tumor cells. Researchers said these findings point to research focused on developing a similar treatment suitable for combating pancreatic cancer in humans. “Because renalase is a growth factor, we hypothesized that cancer cells could hijack its signaling pathway to sustain and promote cancer growth,” said Gary Desir MED ’80, study co-author and interim chair of medicine and professor at the School of Medicine. The researchers’ findings — that tumors did overexpress renalase, and that countering renalase with these monoclonal antibodies, meaning they originated from a unique parent cell, reduced tumor growth — support this hypothesis, he added. Desir discovered the protein renalase in previous research while investigating why patients with chronic kidney disease often develop severe linked or associated -heart disease, which accounts for 50 percent of the deaths in that population. By selecting for previously unknown proteins synthesized by the kidney, researchers identified a protein that circulated in high levels in plasma of healthy individuals and that was reduced in patients with CKD, he said. This previously unknown protein was renalase, the same protein that pancreatic cancer cells overexpressed. In pancreatic cancer patients, renalase produced by tumors “alter[s] the tumor environment in a way that hides tumor cells from our immune system and protects them from immune-mediated cell death,” Desir said. According to the American Cancer Society, risk factors for pancreatic cancer include tobacco use, being overweight or obese, being exposed to certain pesticides, having diabetes or being older than 65 years of age. Certain inheritable genetic mutations may also play a role in promoting the onset of pancreatic cancer. Because pancreatic cancer often does not cause any signs or symptoms until it is quite advanced, the disease is usually not detected until it has already reached late stages of growth. When symptoms do appear, they may include jaundice, loss of appetite, depression or upper abdominal pain. Pancreatic cancer accounts for 3 percent of cancers and 7 percent of cancer deaths, Desir said. According to a January press release from the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, this year in the United States deaths from pancreatic cancer are expected to surpass deaths from breast cancer. In the press release, Julie Fleshman, CEO and president of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, said the awareness movement need to be “focused on research” that could “result in new treatment options and better outcomes for patients battling this disease.” In the same release, Gloria Petersen, a professor of epidemiology in the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, said that “it will take a dedicated research effort to bring urgently needed progress to this disease.” Desir said the team is currently modifying the monoclonal antibodies to make them suitable for use in humans, and that the team plans to carry out studies in patients with pancreatic cancer and melanoma. They have submitted a paper describing the role of renalase in melanoma and the efficacy of anti-renalase therapy in animal models, which should be published in the near future, he added. Almost 50,000 Americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year!

3-28-2016 NY Times, and Fox News. Body Count on the front page from Easter Suicide + Car Bombs! No NY Times News about the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort, No Gas Stations on Earth to win WW III with Allah + Mecca - A New Honor Roll in NYC for past wars is Today's Headlines!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone iRx... learn to write; iapps code with your coffee.

3-28-2016 Key West news about Dying to movie in. "Millions of Tourists are "Dying to Drive In" into the Historic Cemetery but can't with the Elite City Commissioners, some who might buy these plots, grin. Train + Trolly could make a circle route inside the KW Cemetery and give millions of Tourist a soul searching drive to remember, the murder suicide at 600 Duval in 1816, yet another husband killed his wife, as in these tours everyone will be told the motive of the killing. Today Mandy Miles knows of the Wounded Warriors killing the wife but can't tell us the motive. Dying to know the motive! "Dying to move in: Historic cemetery plots for sale" "Historic cemetery plots for sale" BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com An Orlando businessman is selling a rare vacant lot in Old Town Key West for the staggeringly affordable price of $22,000. But the parcel comes with one very specific deed restriction: You can’t move in until you’re dead.

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone iRx... learn to write; iapps code with your coffee.

3-28-2016 NY Times doesn't answer its letters, as iapps written for iRx in NYC this letter to the editor by a doctor patient would never have been written. To the Editor: Re “Law Changes Prescriptions: Paper Out, Computers In” (news article, March 15): As a physician and a patient, I find the electronic prescription law very troubling for these reasons: Prices for prescription drugs have been rising steadily at an alarming rate. Prices can vary greatly between pharmacies, and so shopping around is often necessary. This is virtually impossible with electronic prescriptions. Canceling a prescription at one pharmacy after finding a better price elsewhere becomes a cumbersome task imposed upon already overburdened physicians and their staffs... iPostOffice would make $5 Billion profits in 2016 not lose $5 Billion so its the Law makers who write this Rx Law for NYC can't write code for iapps. To the Editor: this woman doctor looking for a computer Rx, millions of other women are looking for a Rx Recipe to cure stage 4 overnight. So the Editors at the NY Times must start answering their letters to the editor with we will hire some people who can write code for iapps and iRx you get and iRx iRecipes to cure stage 4 overnight soon as the NY Times hires some Editors who know how to write code for iapps as currently the Editors at the Times only know how to write in English not iapp code! Sorry! No we are not hiring any Editors who know how to write iapp code at this time.

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone iRx... learn to write; iapps code with your coffee.

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone iRx... learn to write; iapps code with your coffee.

3-28-2016 Pakistan: 1700 died in 117 terror incidents in four years - Easter, yesterday kids in a park looking for Easter Eggs just like Obama's White House Easter Egg hunt, 90 killed and 300 wounded warriors - masterminds were Obama and 1984 II Dictators. Killing of a governor, Salmaan Taseer. Mr. Taseer had campaigned for changes in the country’s blasphemy laws... fag laws... Mr. Taseers FBI Bodyguard shot him to death. Mr. Taseer had visions of a house on Lake Geneva next to King Salman and the $1 Trillion from BP Oil was just enough, but his body guards knew of this. Jamaat-e-Ahrar, Pakistani ISIS Generals... Easter Christians were the target. BP Oil Masterminds when Pakistan was in India killed 777 million to create the State of Pakistan. Trump in Pakistan will kick out or kill all the Christians sooner or later, depending on the Gay Marriage News on the front page of the New York Times. Fifth Avenue on Easter Sunday is a New York City tradition dating to the 1870s. Pakistan Muslim Generals in NYC 2016 watching the Easter Parade of Fags twitter to HQ... New York Holds Annual Easter Day Parade On 5th Avenue Girls walk during the Easter Parade and Bonnet Festival along 5th Avenue March 27, 2016 in New York City. The parade is a New York tradition dating back to the mid-1800s when the social elite! Sue Doster of Jersey City wore a stovepipe-style hat modeled on the American Museum of Natural History, with a Dinosaur Wing on top and plastic animals glued in rows to resemble the Hall of Biodiversity... Pakistan Generals would ok Jewish Aliens just not Jewish + Christian Fags in Diversity! Elite light years from the real Diverse Universe! Easter baskets so securely fixed to their owners’ heads that they could withstand high winds... of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort not in the Easter Parade on 5th Ave. Editorial: Keeping Nuclear Weapons From Terrorists - By THE EDITORIAL BOARD when they gave Pakistan Generals $777 Trillion to build the assembly line that was running on Easter Sunday in Pakistan. NY Times gave Pakistan $777 Trillion by suppressing the Headlines and Editorials on the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort and No Gas Stations on Earth to win WW III with Allah + Mecca! A war crime!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone iRx... learn to write; iapps code with your coffee.

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone iRx... learn to write; iapps code with your coffee.

3-28-2016 "Israeli Court Strikes Down Natural Gas Development Deal" By ISABEL KERSHNER and STANLEY REED - Natural Gas is made of 3 very poison gases that caused millions of birth defects, cancers! Holocaust II + III body count in the Times + Fox.

3-28-2016 “Allegiant” invents a "memory-wiping gas" instead of Greg's LB-Bomb Lobotomy Gas Bomb. This memory wiping gas is released in pipes in every building in the city of Chicago. LG-Bomb exploding over Chicago would be a better invention. As a memory wiping gas would not change Cosby or OJ to change their behavior's, grin. Commander can give orders to his personal helicopter + fighter pilots but others can push a button to cut the signal. Ha. No futuristic low Earth Orbit satellites that replace Comcast + wifi with all cell signals... Satellites as the futuristic Verizon Cell Towers, in part 4 of Divergent! 1,001 IP invention projects channels on cable. 1,001 Cell Channels.

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone iRx... learn to write; iapps code with your coffee.

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone iRx... learn to write; iapps code with your coffee.

3-28-2016 “Allegiant” invents "Bureau of Genetic Warfare" with DNA on the screen but does not go into DNA enough for anyone watching the movie to take home a invention project on DNA. Drone's reinvented far out do DNA inventions in the Movie. Wow. Sony must have been drunk with Pentagon Generals cheering on Drone strikes to drunk on Coors to do the same futuristic inventions with DNA research in a Movie. Lead from Flint was in the rain, well nuclear blast waste was in the rain in the movie. Force fields, another light year invention.

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone iRx... learn to write; iapps code with your coffee.

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone iRx... learn to write; iapps code with your coffee.

3-28-2016 MS Virus will not be in this Black Medical Museum! Several women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault say they are upset that the new $$$ BP Oil $$$ "National Museum of African American History and Culture" plans not to mention their accusations in an exhibition that recognizes Mr. Cosby’s pioneering work in comedy and television. OJ + Cosby National Mall in Washington. The Cosby sections will include just a few objects that recognize his work as a comedian, his work on the television programs “I Spy” and “The Cosby Show,” and his support of black Hollywood stunt men. The Smithsonian Institution faced questions last year when its National Museum of African Art featured works on loan from the substantial art collection of Mr. Cosby and his wife, Camille. The Smithsonian eventually put up a sign telling visitors that the museum did not condone the behavior of which Mr. Cosby is accused. Medical Records of Cosby + OJ should be in any Black Museum!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone iRx... learn to write; iapps code with your coffee.

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone iRx... learn to write; iapps code with your coffee.

3-28-2016 "Divergent" 5 Yale Hospital Movie... grin! Yale + Harvard both pass OJ Clones that really don't pass too. The University faces a lawsuit seeking over $15,000 in damages after Milford resident Deborah Craven filed a legal complaint on March 14 in the Connecticut Superior Court against the Yale School of Medicine and Yale-New Haven Hospital for a botched surgery. Anthony Kim and Ricardo Quarrie, the Yale cardiothoracic surgeon and surgeon-in-training who directed the procedures, are also included as defendants in the suit. In May 2015, Kim and Quarrie performed a procedure to remove a precancerous lesion from Craven’s eighth rib at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Although the eighth rib was marked with a metal coil and dye, the doctors mistakenly removed part of Craven’s seventh rib, leading to severe back pain caused by the coil rubbing against the musculature of her back. After the mistake became apparent, Craven, 60, had to undergo a second surgery the following day. The lawsuit alleges that Quarrie — who at the time was completing his medical residency in Yale-New Haven — tried to cover up the surgical mishap by telling Craven that he had not removed enough of her eighth rib. “The fact that the surgical team operated on the wrong rib despite a clear indication of the proper site is, of course, negligent,” said Craven’s attorney, Joel Faxon of Faxon Law Group in New Haven. Craven claimed that the cover-up had taken place among the medical staff at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Although Kim, the lead surgeon, admitted to Craven that a mistake had occurred, Quarrie misinformed Craven of the reason for a second surgery, telling her that not enough of her rib had been removed. Additionally, according to the complaint, Craven’s husband requested that only Kim be involved in the second surgery because he did not believe Quarrie was trustworthy after the initial mistake. However, medical records obtained by Craven’s legal team show Quarrie was indeed involved in the second surgery. Faxon said that even though Craven herself is a health care worker, her anger at this “abuse” led Craven to seek legal action with Faxon in the fall of last year. “She’s gotten to the point where there’s only so much you can take,” Faxon said. “Had they come to her before and said, ‘Look we made a mistake, we want to fix the mistake, here’s what happened, everything is going to be alright’ — if that had occurred at Yale, this never would have resulted in a lawsuit. Only the deceit, cover up and lying after the fact in addition to that, that made her blood boil to the point where she said ‘Something has to be done here.’” This lack of candor led to the additional lawsuit allegation of unfair trade practice — the use of deceptive, fraudulent or unethical methods to obtain business, which Faxon said is very rare. Faxon added that of the thousands of cases he has handled, he can recall only two that involved an unfair trade practices allegation. Mark D’Antonio, Yale-New Haven Hospital media coordinator, released a statement defending the hospital’s practices and disputing Craven’s claims, arguing that Craven was made aware of the mistake at the time it occurred. “Yale-New Haven Hospital and Yale Medical Group are committed to providing the safest and highest quality of care possible,” the statement said. “With respect to the case of Ms. Craven, we recognized that an error was made, we informed and apologized to the patient, and we immediately reported it to the Connecticut Department of Public Health.” D’Antonio declined to comment further on the case. As a result of state law, before filing a lawsuit, Craven and Faxon had to have the case reviewed by a board-certified physician who specializes in the same field as the accused, Faxon said. That surgeon, who is not identified for legal reasons, provided Craven and Faxon with a certificate of good faith affirming the legitimacy of the lawsuit. The surgeon said the care Craven received “deviated from appropriate standards,” noting that Craven’s doctors should have done more to ensure that the surgery was properly executed. “Dr. Kim and his resident/fellow, Dr. Ricardo Quarrie, failed to meet the standard of care expected of a thoracic surgeon in operating on the wrong rib because he failed to confirm the correct rib intraoperatively with an X-ray or fluoroscopy,” the anonymous surgeon said. An intraoperative fluoroscopy — an imaging technique that uses X-rays to obtain moving images — is an appropriate technique commonly used in operations that would have revealed to doctors that the metal coil was still in Craven’s eighth rib. However, the radiology equipment at Yale-New Haven, which would have been used to perform the fluoroscopy, was “broken or busted or defective,” Faxon said. He added that this was not disclosed to Craven at the time of her surgery. Yale-New Haven Hospital’s statement acknowledged that mistakes in a medical organization are inevitable. “Even in the best organizations medical errors may occur,” the statement said. “When they do, our goal is to acknowledge them, learn from them and ensure that we minimize any chance that they ever occur again.” Neither Kim nor Quarrie, who remain affiliated with the University, could be reached for comment. Craven’s lawsuit will most likely be settled outside of court or go to trial in about two years, Faxon said. He added that the vast majority of cases handled by his firm are settled outside of court rather than by a jury or by arbitration. The next step in the case involves Faxon’s collecting depositions, which may include testimony or documentation, from Kim, Quarrie, an administrative representative of the hospital and possibly others involved in Craven’s medical treatment. Yale-New Haven Hospital was founded in 1826.


3-27 2016 Easter Sunday New York Times; Our 10 Most Popular Easter Recipes Right Now. Melissa Clark’s angel food cake, without the Rx Recipe for a Overnight Miracle Stage 4 Cure... NY Times Editorial: "Protecting Employees’ Health Data" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD on Easter Sunday. Protecting hate crimes against women by the Editorial Board at the NY Times, and Fox News. Body Count on the front page of the Easter Sunday NY Times has every death but Stage 4 women, this is a hate crime by the Times mad men!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016 or Tim Cook is arrested for Hate Crimes against Women!

3-27 2016 Easter Sunday The iPhone is the company’s profit engine! The Gravity Engine is the Habitat for Humanity we never got from Jimmy Carter! If you’re interested in Apple as the world’s most valuable company, and not just in Apple as a maker of cool gadgets, the biggest news affecting it lately has arguably come from another quarter: women who will die in 2016 from Stage 4 Breast Cancer, Biden's moonshot for Brain Cancer has not reached the JFK launch pad at the cape yet and its Easter Sunday. iPhone women what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016 or Tim Cook is arrested for Hate Crimes against Women!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

3-27 2016 Easter Sunday Sanders Sweeps 3 States, Routing Clinton" By AMY CHOZICK Senator Bernie Sanders won decisively against Hillary Clinton in Alaska, Hawaii and Washington, infusing his campaign with critical momentum.. Trump on Easter predicted Hillary will die of Stage 4 Breast Cancer if Fox News and the New York Times keeps printing Angel Food Cake Recipes and not Rx Recipe's to cure Stage 4 overnight a Miracle no on Fox News!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

3-27 2016 Easter Sunday Irwin at the NY Times + Kings College ends ":God Is a Question, Not an Answer;" In a spirit of tolerance and intellectual humility, we should see ourselves as partners in a continuing conversation, addressing an enduring question. When will WW III H-Bombs go off and what city? All bets are on Paris will be the next City Nuked! Seoul comes in a close second. It's not a question of if but when!!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

3-27 2016 Easter Sunday God Is a Question, Not an Answer; By William Irwin. God Is a Question, Not an Answer. Any honest atheist must admit that he has his doubts, that occasionally he thinks he might be wrong, that there could be a God after all — if not the God of the Judeo-Christian tradition, then a God of some kind. Still, there are potentially unpleasant consequences that can arise from decisions or conclusions, and one must take responsibility for them. People who claim certainty about God worry me, both those who believe and those who don’t believe. They do not really listen to the other side of conversations, and they are too ready to impose their views on others. It is impossible to be certain about God. Irwin at the NY Times is not certain Allah will Nuke Paris over "Fags" as his the NY Times new God. Fad. Believing in God has Rules, anyone at the NY Times has God Immunity, just like when they visit the UN, grin. Indeed, the open-minded search for truth can unite believers and nonbelievers. I believe the NY Times will provoke WW III via a Paris Cartoon. What would Irwin write about this? A doubt of indifference is simply a matter of not caring, and it has no clear benefits. By contrast, a doubt of desire approaches the question with the hope that a higher power could be found that would provide greater meaning and value to human existence. 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out on the front page of the NY Times would give Irwin his meaning to human existence! InventSomething! Irwin writes, Indeed, belief without doubt would not be required by an all-loving God, and it should not be worn as a military medal of honor! Allah has honor not Paris Fags! Dr. God + Dr. Allah alone with all Journalists at the NY Times have to have a MD degree would add STD's and terrible disease millions of women have been given by fags and bi-sexual men just since the 1980 Godsent invention of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Edison's leap of faith to Curie X-rays and Quarks! William Irwin is a professor of philosophy at King’s College not Kings College Medical School. Yale passed Bush and Bush when they really failed. Kings have failed and the richest King on Earth now is King Salman of Saudi Arabia, like all Kings in history this one got his riches from holding up gas stations in the USA. We should try to unsettle others as we remain open to being unsettled ourselves. We have unsettled this King Salman, Trump on Easter is calling for a Oil Embargo of Saudi Oil. Medal of Honor Generals at the Pentagon protect this King Salman from the reach of God on Easter Sunday. Classified is the King's sin's against women today. Hillary is not going to make a naive women drive a car in Saudi Arabia to Easter Sunrise Service just to be whipped tonight. Trump will have something to say about women drivers in Saudi Arabia, and Pope Francis not having a wife. In a spirit of tolerance and intellectual humility, we should see ourselves as partners in a continuing conversation, addressing an enduring question. Irwin ends God Is a Question, Not an Answer; In a spirit of tolerance and intellectual humility, we should see ourselves as partners in a continuing conversation, addressing an enduring question. When will WW III H-Bombs go off and what city, All bets are on Paris will be the next City Nuked! Seoul comes in a close second. It's not a question of if but when!!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

3-27 2016 Easter Sunday The iPhone is the company’s profit engine! The Gravity Engine is the Habitat for Humanity we never got from Jimmy Carter! If you’re interested in Apple as the world’s most valuable company, and not just in Apple as a maker of cool gadgets, the biggest news affecting it lately has arguably come from another quarter: women who will die in 2016 from Stage 4 Breast Cancer, Biden's moonshot for Brain Cancer has not reached the JFK launch pad at the cape yet and its Easter Sunday. iPhone women what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016 or Tim Cook is arrested for Hate Crimes against Women!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

3-27 2016 Easter Sunday Op-Ed Columnist: Obama’s Last Tango in Havana. Does the Tango spread Syphilis, no. Mad men who don't brainstorm a cure for Syphilis spread it. Dance floor in Havana had more MD's than any White House Tango. Obama’s Last Tango as our 1984 II Dictators passed Obama when he really failed. Dancing with the stars that are the nearest 52 stars... By MAUREEN DOWD Obama’s Last Tango President Barack Obama dances tango during a state dinner hosted by Argentina’s President Mauricio Macri.Barack Obama leaves the stage as he began, dramatically alone and absolutely sure of himself. Stage 4 is Obama's Last Tango with SWF's in the USA. Killing so many women promoting OJ clones on this World Stage is a hate crime against SWF's by Obama.

3-27 2016 Easter Sunday "The Getaway: Are Luxury Suites Worth the Splurge? Hotels Are Banking on It" By STEPHANIE ROSENBLOOM iPhone women what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016 or Tim Cook is arrested for Hate Crimes against Women! Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by the iSuites wifi cost and inventions she gets!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

3-27 2016 Easter Sunday Pope Francis with a wife with Stage 4... Pope at Easter recalls victims of 'blind, brutal terrorism' Los Angeles Times - Pope Francis tempered his Easter Sunday message of Christian hope with a denunciation of `'blind” terrorism, recalling victims of attacks in Europe, Africa and elsewhere, as well as expressing dismay that people fleeing war or poverty are being denied... Pope Francis knows our 1984 II Dictators denied Greg + Wives from Brainstorming on Easter Sunday the Rx Recipe for the Miracle over night Stage 4 cure. If the Pope had a wife with Stage 4 headlines would be light years from blind terrorism to our 1984 II Dictators in the USA.

3-27 2016 Easter Sunday Two police officers and a prisoner they were transporting were killed early Saturday in a fiery crash on an interstate highway in Iowa that investigators say was caused by a wrong-way driver, who also died.

3-27 2016 Easter Sunday Possible Pilot Error Is Cited in FlyDubai Crash in Russia By IVAN NECHEPURENKO MOSCOW — An error by a crew member committed during adverse weather conditions may have been responsible for the crash of a passenger jet last week in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don that killed 62 people... he turned the auto pilot off; Yale + Harvard Medical School also turned the auto pilot off passing OJ's when he didn't really pass. Is this the cause of not getting a Stage 4 miracle cure by Today... Yes! If Yale + Harvard Medical Schools failed pilots who really can't fly we women in the USA would have a miracle Stage 4 cure today on Easter. The flight recorders at Yale + Harvard will be made public after the coup.

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

3-27 2016 Easter Sunday "Naked Lady Politics" By JENNIFER WEINER NY Times By Friday, Mr. Cruz had moved from defending his wife’s honor to defending his own, calling a tabloid report that accused him of extramarital affairs “garbage” and blaming the Trump camp for the story. Which means that soon the Twitter mob will probably stop scrutinizing Heidi Cruz and start in on the rumored mistresses. Melania Trump might have chosen to pose for GQ, but there’s nothing empowering about the way her husband’s opponents have repurposed her modeling portfolio as revenge porn.

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

Prototype: Apple-Starbucks designed by iPhone women who what a Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day!

MS Virus Politics from the fags at the NY Times. "Naked Lady Politics" By JENNIFER WEINER NY Times - Bi-sexual husband who gives his wife MS is really the Naked Lady Politics in this 1984 II George Orwell Society as millions of women have died a tortured death, even Trump would not use on Muslim women. Jennifer goes on and on about revenge porn and naked women and Bill Clinton II as Cruz... with many women. Of course the NY Times knew Bill had 50 or 100 sex partners when he was in the election years ago. So the Naked Lady Politics is really about the NY Times.

3-27 2016 Easter Sunday "Naked Lady Politics" By JENNIFER WEINER NY Times

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" now "Medal of Honor Day" in the USA...

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" now "Medal of Honor Day" in the USA...

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" Pope Francis said he will marry a women on Easter Sunday!

3-26-2016 Good Friday was made "Medal of Honor Day" by our 1984 II Dictator's! Belgian nuclear attack in the 1984 II headlines, ISIS in Pakistan plans Honor Killings for Allah while CBS ended the nightly news yesterday with "Medal of Honor Day" like this will help the 250K wounded in a nuclear attack... Good Friday was made "Medal of Honor Day" by our 1984 II Dictator's who have syphilis in their frontal lobes, no doubts now. Hell, they spit on God and made Good Friday "Medal of Honor Day" at the same time gave the Muslim Generals the Medal of Honor! Winners gave $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks for killing several dozen women in "Honor Killings" in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, UAE... on Good Friday, more Honor Killing's of women will happen on Easter and 1984 II Observers will watch the YouTube Honor Killings in Pakistan, 15 a day every day! New York Times Headlines on Medal of Honor Day; Santiago Erevia, Once Denied Medal of Honor Over Ethnicity, Dies at 69 and goes to hell for the next 4 Trillion years, grin! "Hells Angel's" even Howard Hughes knew about Hell, he just didn't have any idea it would be a 4 trillion year flight on TWA. Defy Gravity + Hell. JFK was ready to Nuke Castro... Not for being a fag with STD's but over money. Times are a changing Dylan would write. Now the Medal of Honor Winners are going to be Nuked by Allah for being fags... grin. Honor among sex preferences, Pope Francis got married to a women from Paris on Good Friday too. They were both given the Nobel Peace Prize Jimmy Carter lost for 5 billion people; his Habitat for Humanity in wooden houses with wood burning stove in an Era or the ElectricWindmillFord with a Gravity Engine and a house built of titanium with no sever or water hook up from Edison Electric. Free Comcast Cable with 1,001 IP invention projects Channels that replaced the 1,001 ESPN Channels. Playboy was sold too. For her IP invention projects inspiration!

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" now "Medal of Honor Day" in the USA...

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" now "Medal of Honor Day" in the USA...

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" now "Medal of Honor Day" in the USA... "Jumpin' Jack Flash" right through to final iconic notes of "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," the Rolling Stones were rocking and rolling like never before in Havana Cuba on Good Friday, Medal of Honor Day in the USA and of course our 1984 II Dictators who belive they are all Medal of Honor Winners masterminded the Rolling Stones in Cuba Concert yesterday, grin. Hell's Kitchen's with Easter Egg Rx Recipes in each Egg... Recipe Day is not for Girl Scout Cookies but Rx Recipes. A bigger top secret than who wanted to Nuke Havana.

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" in Havana 'Papa: Hemingway in Cuba' Trailer: The First American Film Shot in Cuba in Over 45 Years. The first Hemingway novel written in Havana at the Medical School or the Apple-Starbucks Store School University will have iapps for 100's to write on the same page and IP invention projects on every page. Not Rolling Stones Jumpin Jack Flash lyrics in this Invention Novel on a iMacBook Pro not a electric guitar, grin.

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" now "Medal of Honor Day" in the USA...

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" now "Medal of Honor Day" in the USA...

3-26-2016 On Good Friday "Donald Trump Targets a Wife" New York Times but not a MD wife... If Jimmy Carters wife would have went to Georgia Medical School Jimmy Would have saved more than deaths from African worms...

3-26-2016 War between Apple + Microsoft again in the Ultra 100" LG at 1 Trillion Apple-Starbucks Store's, School's... vs Microsoft's gigantic, almost-forgotten $22000 Surface Hub touchscreen is now shipping. In January 2015, Microsoft announced the Surface Hub, a huge, touch-based monitor that served as the “hub” for team-based business collaboration.... Los Alamos? Microsoft will sell most of these to Muslim Generals in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, UAE... really.

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" now "Medal of Honor Day" in the USA...

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" now "Medal of Honor Day" in the USA...

3-26-2016 Click of Warrior's and Wounded Warriors on Medal of Honor Day in Moscow + Syria... The Scorpion’s Tale: Did Assad Take Putin for a Ride? By ANNE BARNARD Even though Russia has begun withdrawing from Syria, its aerial bombing campaign has bolstered President Bashar al-Assad’s confidence and ambitions. NASA on Start of Star Travel Day... Lost in Space! Ambitions at NASA are void of all top quarks, spin and glue that holds the quarks in their orbit. Sandy White Beach in Saudi Arabia is were you can find NASA on Easter Sunday.

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" now "Medal of Honor Day" in the USA...

3-26-2016 On "Good Friday" now "Medal of Honor Day" in the USA...

3-26-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West will take the 1984 II Dictators for a ride in the ElectricWindmill Ford Escort Era that will target Trump's wives with a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas Day 2016... Hell with Medal of Honor Day, wive's will spit on this when they finally get a Rx Recipe to cure Stage 4 overnight. And put the Medal of Honor Winner's in the same "OJ Bucket" as Wounded Warriors who killed their wives + kids coming home from BP Oil Revenue Wars in Iraq... $777 Trillion for MIT war Toys.

3-26-2016 Howard Hughes father inventor of the "Hughes Rock Eater," a self-sharpening drill bit used for drilling oil wells that is still in use today. Hughes inherited several million dollars but earned the vast majority of his wealth from his own business ventures. Hughes Aircraft and Hughes Helicopters alone were worth $5.5 billion when they were finally sold in the early 1980s... after the suppressed invention of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort.

3-26-2016 Howard Hughes - He once had an air purifier installed in a car with sealed windows. The purifier cost more than the car, and took up most of the trunk. China's famous Smog... grin!


3-25-2016 California, Texas, Florida and New York account for 4,839 cases of TB, or approximately half of all reported cases... Lead in the water was NY Times headlines not TB in Key West, grin. iPhone SE has no new iapps for TB... yet there were 9 million new tuberculosis cases and nearly 1.5 million fatalities. Most TB is in China were the iPhone SE is made on the assembly lines... Chinese who read this web page know Greg + Wives in Key West would be brainstorming a Rx Recipe Overnight Cure for TB if we weren't POW's of our 1984 II Dictators! NY Times headlines; "One Traveler May Have Brought Zika to the Americas in 2013" By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. Don was stifled in changing the headlines to 100's of Travelers from China + India Have Brought TB to the USA... 9 million new cases of TB in 2016. Hell with Tim Cooks Syphilis, HIV, STD's MS virus... grin! "Ask Well: Playing With Unvaccinated Babies" By PERRI KLASS, M.D. Mothers; don't bring your new baby to Apple HQ, really! A federal jury on Thursday ordered Gilead Sciences to pay for infringing two Merck patents related to a lucrative cure for hepatitis C. Fed's should be ordered to let Greg + Wives in Key West brainstorm a Rx Recipe for a overnight stage 4 cure!

3-25-2016 Rx Recipe's...

3-25-2016 Rx Recipe's...

3-25-2016 The first woman to win a Nobel Prize was Marie Curie, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 with her husband, Pierre Curie.


3-25-2016 Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prize would not have been such a Out and Out Scam in a George Orwell Society if his Wife Roasylan's name was on the Nobel Peace Prize!

3-25-2016 TB 1.5 million deaths in 2016 most in China on the iPhone assembly lines. SWF murdered in 2016... most in the USA via drunk Men, OJ's!

3-25-2016 In 2009, Ada E. Yonath received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

3-25-2016 In 1980, Ada E. Yonath received the Nobel Peace Prize from Jimmy Carter not the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillCar Era of 1,001 Nobel's a Year for his Habitat for Humanity. She says she was inspired by the Polish and naturalized-French scientist Marie Curie Not Jimmy + Rosalynn Carter, grin. 1980 to 2009 University of Jerusalem spit on Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prize yet Jimmy Carter constantly tried to get into the University of Jerusalem.

3-25-2016 Ada E. Yonath, she showed that the ribosome is a ribozyme that places its substrates in stereochemistry suitable for peptide bond formation and for substrate-mediated catalysis.

3-25-2016 Jimmy Carter, he showed that the Nobel Peace Prize is a Scam + the Nobel Prize in Chemistry is not, grin. Teachers Are Warned About Criticizing New York State Tests - Jimmy Carter fired and murdered teachers in Georgia who criticized Microsoft in the classrooms... and will tell God, grin.

3-25-2016 Rx Recipe's...

3-25-2016 Rx Recipe's...

3-25-2016 "Kerry, in Brussels, Says ISIS Is Faltering in Mideast" By SEWELL CHAN NY Times Secretary of State John Kerry said that ISIS in Pakistan is running the H-Bomb assembly line 3 shifts 7 days a week! Kerry said it's top secret how many H-Bombs Pakistan Muslim Generals who are ISIS inspired have in inventor today! "North Korea Tests New Rocket Engine, State Media Says" By CHOE SANG-HUN USA has no intentions to test the New Gravity Engine... Kerry said from MIT.

3-25-2016 Rx Recipe's...

3-25-2016 Rx Recipe's...

3-25-2016 A gunman killed a mother and her son and injured another person in a shooting outside a public-housing project on Staten Island last night, the police said. The gunman opened fire around 6 p.m., striking the mother, 47, in the head and her 21-year-old son in the face. Both were taken to Richmond University Medical Center, where they were pronounced dead, the authorities said.

3-25-2016 Rx Recipe's...

3-25-2016 Rx Recipe's...

3-25-2016 "No Regrets After Double Mastectomy, but Questions Remain" By RONI CARYN RABIN More women are opting to remove the healthy breast as well as the cancerous breast, but that doesn’t improve quality of life, new findings show. By JANE E. BRODY Appendicitis is very treatable, and surgery is no longer the only option. Fed's should be ordered to let Greg + Wives in Key West brainstorm a Rx Recipe for a overnight stage 4 cure!

3-25-2016 Rx Recipe's...

3-25-2016 Rx Recipe's...

3-24-2016 Brussels 32 dead, Paris 131 dead...

3-24-2016 TB 1.5 million deaths a year. SWF murder deaths per year 5.1 million deaths a year!

3-24-2016 TB 1.5 million deaths a year. SWF murder deaths per year 5.1 million deaths a year!

3-24-2016 Europeans are 40 years behind Israel' in terms of airport security, Israeli expert says, 'What happened must be a ...European Jewish Press. SWF murdered in Israeli at highest rated in the world, no telling as these killings are not on the Front Page of the Jewish New York Times, grin. 40 Light Years via NASA would make all these airport security cost and inventions out of date. Brussels 32 dead headlines yet SWF killed in Israel in 2016 are over 10,000 and not in the Jewish Press! So who is 40 years from saving her life, our 1984 II Dictators world wide! Tuberculosis: Many believe it was eradicated years ago - but the grim reality is that TB is still a major world-wide killer, responsible for 1.5 million deaths a year. SWF murder deaths per year is not published by the NY Times on orders from 1984 II Dictators!

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 Power Generation by GE and the NY Times; iPod size GE electric generator fueled by H @ -254 C not in the New Apple News. Pay per Noble Prize you get... Some of the biggest publishers in the US - including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Financial Times - have signed up to a new service that will allow them to charge readers on a per-article basis... Bill + Melinda have infected everyone with pay per iapps and few readers get a Nobel from their censored news. Bill + Melinda write the virus to sell you the anti-virus news the NY Times will charge you to read to cure your iPhone, iMac, pc... Genetically modified mosquitoes clear key hurdle for Key West test without anyone in Key West, including Greg + Wives allowed to Brainstorm 1,001 IP invention projects to kill every mosquito on Earth and write a Hemingway House Novel with an iapp that lets 100 write on the same page and kill every Mosquito on Earth for the climax... Apple-Starbucks in New Buenos Aires, Paris, Key West, $8K MacBook Pro at every Cafe Table and Apple-Starbucks charges you "after", you get a Nobel in Medicine via Rx Recipes only Bill + Melinda - NYT Journalists can read today, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 "Apple’s Modest Product Upgrades Take Back Seat to Worries on iPhone Encryption" By VINDU GOEL At a news conference to unveil smaller versions of the iPhone and iPad, Tim Cook, the chief executive, addressed the company’s fight with the F.B.I. - iPhone encryptions story in the headlines should be the 19K murdered SWF in 2016. Tim Cook is well aware Apple iPhone tracking inventions on the new SE iapps would save 10K women from being murdered by OJ in 2016. FBI is well aware that with FBI monitoring of SE iPhones - state of the arts high tech of these new SE iPhone's iapps along with Homeland Security 1K SWF would be murdered in 2016 not 19K. So who is giving the orders... were the Hell are the FBI women in our 1984 II Society?"

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 Encryption of the iPhone in NY Times Headlines kills many IP invention projects, one being the "Monorail" which is really 2 rails that carry Semi Trucks only - can you imagine no Semi Trucks in Traffic - yet all the News articles about traffic today are about you spending 100 hours stuck in traffic... no inventions at all to solve this. "Convoy Sees Itself as the Uber of Local Trucking" By NICK WINGFIELD NY Times. Convoy gives local truckers — a State of the Arts "Monorail" with 2 rails and 100' square cars from NYC to LA... $777 Trillion spent on Iraq Wars would have paid for this cross country Semi Monorails.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times headlines you will have to pay for tomorrow is Starbucks is going to give away all the food it throws out, instead of giving you a iMacBook Pro at every cafe table to get 1,001 Nobels a Year that are thrown out by our 1984 II Dictators who have syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin. Starbucks launches prepaid Visa rewards card - you have to have enough money to get your own Nobel in Medicine, but you can eat day old Starbucks food in the mean time, grin. Earn Starbucks loyalty points for free food and drinks not a Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4. In New York City, you find subcultures for every sexual persuasion, bars dedicated to every football team, and food from every nation on earth... not one cafe table at a trillion NYC Starbucks with a iMacBook Pro! Lobby of the NY Times censored of any iMacBook Pro's for you to work on a Nobel. To add insult to injury to Noble Winners who have not yet won you have to pay Today for every article you search for in the NY Times database, if they HAD a iMacBook Pro in the lobby, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times Journalists ask what Drives them, without writing up the Gas Engine Car... "As Siblings Again Unite to Unleash Terror, Experts Ask What Drives Them" By JIM YARDLEY, RUKMINI CALLIMACHI and SCOTT SHANE - What will bankrupt them is the Gravity Engine Car, in the mean time the Ford ElectricWindmillCar will do!

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 Paris Cartoons with lead in the water - "Flint Lead in the Water Crisis Inquiry Finds State Ignored Warning Signs" By JULIE BOSMAN - Paris fags writing about Allah in the gay wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West Ignore the Warnings of attacks, they built a Panic Room of steel and locks, at the same time the Pentagon was giving Pakistan Muslim Generals Trillions of Dollars in Kickback to build an H-Bomb assembly line. Now Greg in Key West has been warning the Paris Elite and they still have gas stations open today and no Ford ElectricWindmillCars on any assembly line in Paris, yet Pakistan has H-Bombs on its assembly line today.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 Strip Search everyone going into Whole Foods Grocery Store's... "Brussels Attacks Rekindle Debate Over Airport Security" Save a Trillion Dollars you will pay Homeland Security By NICOLA CLARK and RON NIXON

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 "Quality + Quantity of Explosive Found in Belgium Surprises Officials + Greg" How the hell could they pay for this? Hold up a gas station in the USA... Yes! By C. J. CHIVERS NY Times.

3-24-2016 ... after the H-Bombs go off in Seoul... U.N. Seeks Ways to Try North Koreans for Human Rights Abuses - UN Sees Anew That Its Intelligence in Headlines in the NY Times to arrest North Korea in an Era of Poison Gas Exhaust more readers of headlines know about is light years from Nobbler Headlines belong. PARIS — If another example of the failure of UN intelligence services to share and act on information about potential terrorists was needed, Wednesday’s identification of the bombers in the deadly Brussels attacks the day before certainly provides it. $$$ Trillion dollars paid for Brussels + Paris attack via gas station hold ups via BP Oil. UN kickbacks from BP Oil are on the records for any war crimes trails of UN employees! By now it is abundantly clear that the terrorists who work for the Islamic State have more money than the UN budget.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 Pay the Washington Post to read this article censored of 1,001 IP invention projects for laser guidance, grin. Virginia sets 156-mile ride challenge to raise awareness of bike and pedestrian safety. Washington Post - Cyclists will pedal the 156 miles from Richmond to Arlington County over two days in July to raise awareness of bike and pedestrian safety. Greg + Wives when no longer POW's of the NYT's + Washington Post George Orwell Journalists will write up 157 links to bike + Pedestrian laser guidance invention projects, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-24-2016 NY Times pay for each article you read, brainstorm to get a Nobel in Medicine, grin.

3-23-2016 "OJ" Clone made in the USA will commit the first murdered Cuban in Havana!

3-23-2016 "OJ" Clone made in the USA will commit the first murdered Cuban in Havana!

3-23-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out by Tim Cook to stop 19K SWF who be murdered in the USA in 2016... a hate crime against women as these iapps have been invented, Tim Cook suppressed; just like the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort.

3-23-2016 Obama, in Havana Speech, Says Cuba Has Nothing to Fear From U.S. but "OJ" clones First Cuban killed by a USA Tourists will be a Black Man and the Cuban Murdered will be a Cuban Woman in Havana!

3-23-2016 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times - The White House will soon say how many civilians the government thinks it has killed in drone strikes. That will be too little too late.

3-23-2016 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times - 19K SWF killed by Black Men... more than this the last 8 years of Obama and THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times - writes up drone kills not SWF in the USA. This is a hate crime by the Top Quarks at the Times!

3-23-2016 USA, alcohol leaves 99 dead every day of the year, and is never headlines - "Pakistan illegal alcohol leaves 24 dead from poisoning" BBC News - At least 24 people in southern Pakistan have died from poisoning after drinking illegally-made alcohol, police say. A number of others are in hospital after Monday's incident in Sindh province.

3-23-2016 Bangladesh: Attackers Stab Christian Convert to Death... By REUTERS.

3-23-2016 Buenos Aires, Argentina’s Shift Toward 52 nearest Stars... in Star War Invention projects in a New Buenos Aires, $8K MacBook Pro at every Cafe Table in Buenos Aires, grin. By JONATHAN GILBERT NY Times.

3-23-2016 "OJ" Clone made in the USA will commit the first murdered Cuban in Havana!

3-23-2016 "OJ" Clone made in the USA will commit the first murdered Cuban in Havana!

3-23-2016 "New York Police Increase Patrols Around 20 Clubs to Combat Knife Violence" By AL BAKER Greg + Wives increase brainstorming - well start brainstorming around trillion dollars worth of IBM super computers at Los Alamos for a Rx Recipe for a lobotomy gas for Clubs to put in the air... and water! Merck Wins Hepatitis C Drug Patent Claim Against Gilead... 5 Billion people lose the Rx Recipe invention for the overnight cure of C and stage 4 breast cancer.

3-23-2016 "OJ" Clone made in the USA will commit the first murdered Cuban in Havana!

3-23-2016 "OJ" Clone made in the USA will commit the first murdered Cuban in Havana!

3-23-2016 Pentagon Officials don't tell you Dozens of SWF in the USA were killed in one day! "U.S. Strike in Yemen Kills Dozens in Qaeeda Affiliate, Officials Say" By MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT NY Times. Dozen Honor killings will happen today in Pakistan too. H-Bomb assembly line in Pakistan today is up and running, not the Ford ElectricWindmillCar assembly line.

3-23-2016 "OJ" Clone made in the USA will commit the first murdered Cuban in Havana!

3-23-2016 "OJ" Clone made in the USA will commit the first murdered Cuban in Havana!

3-23-2016 "Obama Urges a Discussion of Race in Cuba, STD's, HIV, Syphilis, MS Virus" By DAMIEN CAVE NY Times. In a speech in Havana, President Obama noted America’s and Cuba’s similar struggles with racism as Black Men have the highest rates of Syphilis of any race world wide!

3-23-2016 "OJ" Clone made in the USA will commit the first murdered Cuban in Havana!

3-23-2016 "OJ" Clone made in the USA will commit the first murdered Cuban in Havana!

3-23-2016 "Obama, in Havana Speech, Says Cuba Has Nothing to Fear From U.S." By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS President Obama, in the final day of his historic visit, urged President - Julie at the MY Times knows Cuban's should fear being murdered by a Black Man!

3-23-2016 Muslims going into Whole Foods Grocery Store will be scanned, strip searched, grin.

3-23-2016 Blacks going into Whole Foods Grocery Store will get a blood test for Syphilis, grin.

3-23-2016 No Gas Stations on Earth.... Mossad Top Brass Failed the last 40 years getting War.

3-23-2016 Toy Kick Backs from BP Oil + the Pentagon "A Spymaster Who Saw Cyberattacks as Israel’s Best Weapon Against Iran" By DAVID E. SANGER why the Hell would David at the NY Times write this when No Gas Stations on Earth from 1980 to 2016 would have won the war for Israel, $777 Trillion for war toys for the Israel Generals! Even after being forced out as the Mossad’s leader, Meir Dagan fought against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s push to bomb Iran to set back its nuclear program. Jewish aliens were killed by Israel's Generals!

3-23-2016 "OJ" Clone made in the USA will commit the first murdered Cuban in Havana!

3-23-2016 "OJ" Clone made in the USA will commit the first murdered Cuban in Havana!

3-23-2016 laser guidance... Man dies in Flagler crash. BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com A 36-year-old man was killed in a single scooter crash Tuesday morning on the 2900 block of Flagler Avenue, according to Key West police. Nestor J. Solórzano of Key West was found dead on the side of the road at 7:30 a.m., reports state. “He had apparently been traveling inbound on Flagler (Avenue) when he struck the back of a park car. I did this with my bike at 12 years old, vivid memory today.

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization.... News of a new iPhone SE not engineered by Genius Apple Top Brass for large-scale 1,001 invention projects listed in contacts in the New SE or iPad Pro.

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization.... Donald Trump calls for 'surveillance of Muslims on US soil' after Brussels attacks via iPhone Cam, iDashCam iPhone Cam's! iBodyCam for Muslims in the USA... grin!

3-22-2016 Apple-Starbucks Store School University was not spelled out in the first large-scale mobilization for USA University open 24/7 365 days a year with hot coffee, grin. And iMac Super Computers with Rx Recipes.

3-22-2016 NY Times "Opinion" "Fixes: Letting (Some of) India’s Women Own Land" Finally, the right to own land in their own name has begun to change the way thousands of very poor women farm and feed families in some parts of India. Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prize would not have been such a Out and Out Scam in a George Orwell Society if his Wife Roasylan's name was on the Nobel Peace Prize!

3-22-2016 The potential payoff of having confiscated $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia + No Gas Stations on Earth was lost the last 8 years by Biden + Obama, Clinton's and our 1984 II Dictators via the Front page News on the NY Times! One million international University students in the United States generate a $30.5 billion boost to the economy. The largest group comes from Saudi Arabia, Mecca. UAE were Bill + Melinda have a second home. Apple-Starbucks Store School University was not spelled out in the first large-scale mobilization for USA University open 24/7 365 days a year with hot coffee, grin. And iMac Super Computers with Rx Recipes.

3-22-2016 By STEPHANIE SAUL NY Times College students from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have brought much-needed money to a predominantly Mormon city, but it has made for a troubled mix... $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia by the Next President-1984 Dictator of the USA. POCATELLO, Idaho — When the Rev. Jim Jones, pastor of the Blazing Grace Church here, approached the lectern at City Hall, he was holding a copy of the Quran. The Islamic text commanded followers to embrace intolerance, hate and violence, he told the zoning panel, explaining why he felt uncomfortable with the plan of Middle Eastern students at Idaho State University to build a mosque within walking distance of campus. “I get very fearful because I live close to this place,” Mr. Jones told the panel, which was considering a rezoning request. The mosque was approved. But the remarks by Mr. Jones and other opponents at the February 2014 hearing were signs of the fissures developing in this railroad town as Idaho State became increasingly dependent on Saudi and Kuwaiti students to replace income lost from steep declines in local enrollment and state funding. The potential payoff of having these students was big — $20,000 per student in annual out-of-state tuition, nearly three times what state residents pay. As the number of Middle Eastern students grew to nearly 1,200, almost 10 percent of the school’s enrollment, that meant an estimated $40 million for the local economy every year.

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 “Bill Clinton Blasts ‘Awful Legacy of the Last Eight Years’ of Obama Presidency,” Should reads the headlines at the New York Times!! SWF's dead from "OJ" clones giving them syphilis, STD's, Sucker Punches!! Dark Ages, of Obama, Clinton's, Bush, Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity. Terrible statistics for the last 8 years, 250,000 died in car crash's when several of Greg's IP would have Today "No Head On Collisions" in 2016. Gap from 250K dead in a car crash to none dead in 2016 from Greg's "No Head On Collisions: Era is more than a war crime but hate crimes from our 1984 II dictators!! 250K dead from Brain + Breast Cancers, millions of kids at Saint Jude for Birth defects from Smog from trillions of scooters on Duval Key West...

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 $70 million in television ads to begin after the Democratic National Convention and to run through the fall general election in important battleground states such as Ohio and Florida, the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization.... iPad for Education In an effort to keep the iPad a relevant education platform, Apple has added features in iOS 9.3 that addresses earlier shortcomings. These changes include multiple login support for different students; a mobile device management (MDM) portal for easier management of Apple IDs, apps, and other tweaks; school-assigned managed Apple IDs; and a new app called Classroom that allows a teacher to launch an app on every student's iPad, and then guide them through lessons and keep up with each student's progress. Classroom also allows teachers to view students' iPad screens, launch and lock down apps, and even display a student's screen on an AppleTV via AirPlay - Tim Cook news yesterday was void of Rx Recipes to cure Brain + Breast Cancer and his HIV and Syphilis, grin!

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 "What We Know About the Explosions in Brussels" By THE NEW YORK TIMES "The Times has reporters on the scene..." CBS live on my cell phone "CBS This Morning" just had a Brussels report on the phone outside the subway stations and she said after the airport bomb went off she got a alert on her phone not to go in the subway but ordinary people and the subway top brass did not shut down the subway and the 2nd bomb went off... wow. She will get fired for telling CBS this over the phone.

3-22-2016 "City Shut Down After Blasts at Airport and Subway" By ALISSA J. RUBIN, AURELIEN BREEDEN and ANITA RAGHAVAN Brussels was virtually shut down on Tuesday after deadly explosions rocked its main airport and a subway station in the heart of the city. The attacks occurred four days after the capture of Salah Abdeslam, who is suspected to be directly involved in the Paris attacks on Nov. 13

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization.... 3D Touch additions For iPhone 6S and 6S Plus users, more system apps get new 3D Touch short cuts Other additions include: Wi-Fi calling for Verizon, which will bring Verizon customers up to par with a feature that has been available already for AT&T customers; iBooks can sync PDFs and assorted items through iCloud across devices; support for more than one Apple Watch, as long as that Apple Watch is running watchOS 2.2 and is synced to an iOS device running 9.3; and the device About screen now tells you if your phone is being actively managed. And finally, CarPlay -- for those lucky enough to own a car that supports it -- has been updated with new features, including updated Maps that will better help you find nearby locations such as gas stations, restaurants, parking, and more and a Music app that now sports New and For You sections. The latter move is designed to make exploring new music that much easier when you're on the go.

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 City was not shut down after the Airport bomb went off... cell alert went out to reporters... so Reporters in Brussels must be government employees.

3-22-2016 Apple’s Modest Product Upgrades Take Back Seat to Worries on iPhone Encryption of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Era via Apple-Starbucks Store School University with Ultra 100" LG and iMacBook Pro's @ $8K at every Cafe Table in Paris.

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 NY Times "Opinion" "Fixes: Letting (Some of) India’s Women Own Land" Finally, the right to own land in their own name has begun to change the way thousands of very poor women farm and feed families in some parts of India. Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prize would not have been such a Out and Out Scam in a George Orwell Society if his Wife Roasylan's name was on the Nobel Peace Prize!

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 They passed more than 20 ordinances to curb the debauchery, drinking and violence that they had concluded was marring the town’s image. In response, students sprinted to Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram, quickly spreading the news — using the hashtag #RIPPCB (Rest in Peace Panama City Beach) — that the party here was over.

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 students sprinted to Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram, quickly spreading the news — using the hashtag #RIPPCB 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year IP invention projects spelled out with links to Rx Recipes linked to Los Alamos... hastag#1001invent

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 "Cuba Meeting Between Obama and Castro Exposes Old Grievances" By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS and DAMIEN CAVE NY Times During an extraordinary news conference, the leaders’ exchanges underscored how far the two nations have to travel to fully restore relations...

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 By LIZETTE ALVAREZ NY Times "Some in the Miami region retain the traditional resentment of the Castro government" Diplomatic Immunity in Miami for Cubans is better for anyone at the UN in NYC + Geneva.

3-22-2016 Former President Bill Clinton faced criticism on Monday for telling voters that the country needed to “put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us,” comments widely interpreted as being critical of President Obama.

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....

3-22-2016 No Apple - 1,001 IP invention Projects spelled out the first large-scale mobilization....






3-21-2016 250,000 Cubans have been granted residency during the Obama administration alone! New York Times; Cuba on the Edge of Change "Photos" all street people "down and out" no mention or pictures of more MD's in Cuba than in the USA...

250,000 Women + Men have died in car wrecks since Obama + Biden have come to office!! Cause was most likely due to "human error" of our 1984 II Dictators! No State of the Arts laser guidance on the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts! No Gas Stations on Earth the last 8 years!!

250,000 Brain's with "Brain Cancer" for Obama to take back to Biden! Dr. Obama + Dr. Biden would have save Beau's life via sending him to Medical School in Cuba instead of war...

3-21-2016 Universe Medical School "Stay or Go? Cuban Entrepreneurs Divided on Where to Stake Futures" By FRANCES ROBLES in Cuba NY Times. Federal figures show that at least 63,000 Cubans moved to the United States last year, the bulk of them crossing the southwestern border on foot. More than 250,000 Cubans have been granted residency during the Obama administration alone! Brain + Breast Cancers in the USA alone have killed 400K Beau's during the Obama administration alone - Holocaust II + III is part of Biden + Obama Era. Hell Biden killed his own son with Brain Cancer, and his daughters will die from breast cancer while Cuba + BP oil have been their only missions for the USA. Cuba’s foreign minister, Bruno Rodríguez, scoffed at the empowerment reference and blamed Washington for the exodus. Biden killed Beau so 250K Cubans could come to the USA in the last 8 years... Dad's in the USA government, ha!

Dr. Obama + Dr. Biden would have save Beau's life via sending him to Medical School in Cuba instead of war...

250,000 Women + Men have died in car wrecks since Obama + Biden have come to office!! Cause was most likely due to "human error" of our 1984 II Dictators!

Dr. Obama + Dr. Biden would have save Beau's life via sending him to Medical School in Cuba instead of war...

3-21-2016 More than 250,000 Cubans have been granted residency during the Obama administration alone! 250K Russians have died from lead atoms + Alcohol during the Obama administration alone! "Russian Town Says Bleak Film Depiction Went Heavy on the Vodka" By ANDREW HIGGINS Residents of Teriberka, while not embracing the gloomy movie “Leviathan,” take comfort in the view that their home is no worse than countless other places. Key West Bar is one... grin. “I was at a bar on Duval one day and the bartender’s big dog was leaning across the bar, salivating into the ice bin. I no longer go to that bar. I agree with the others — keep your... news off the front page of the NY Times. “I cannot get my head around how anybody could make such a dishonest film,” complained Ms. Trubilina, facing a portrait of President Vladimir V. Putin hanging on her office wall. “It is an invented version of reality that does not exist.” Like many of the film’s critics in Russia, she views the director, Andrey Zvyagintsev, as a “traitor” intent on smearing Russia’s gains under Mr. Putin. $777 Trillion in BP Oil is the Movie that will win next year! ...last year won a Golden Globe and received an Oscar nomination for best foreign film... Sony movies made for the Pentagon Era... Howard Hughes "Hells Angles" and the biggest plane in the world for tanks and troops to counter the USS Jimmy Carter Submarines! "1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year" movie not made by Sony for the Pentagon will win next year at the Golden Globe! Grin.

Dr. Obama + Dr. Biden would have save Beau's life via sending him to Medical School in Cuba instead of war...

Dr. Obama + Dr. Biden would have save Beau's life via sending him to Medical School in Cuba instead of war...

3-21-2016 Swiss Banks in Geneva, same Banks Hitler used; "As Coal’s Future Grows Murkier, Banks Pull Financing" 3 Brain Cancer deaths from Coal per 100,000 people and Beau was one!

Dr. Obama + Dr. Biden would have save Beau's life via sending him to Medical School in Cuba instead of war...

Dr. Obama + Dr. Biden would have save Beau's life via sending him to Medical School in Cuba instead of war...

3-21-2016 "Amid a Graying Fleet of Nuclear Plants, a Hunt for Solutions" GE iPod size electric generator fueled by H at -254 C. H-Bombs on many different assembly lines take President over Ford Assembly lines with production greater than the USSR and USA's 50K each. God is Great as Allah with $777 Trillion given to him by GE. "A View of ISIS’s Evolution in New Details of Paris Attacks" By RUKMINI CALLIMACHI, ALISSA J. RUBIN and LAURE FOURQUET A 55-page French report details. ISIS’s Evolution in Pakistan was not in this 55 page French report. H-bombs will go off in view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris over Allah Cartoons in a gay wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West. The French Elite read this web page and spy on the H-bomb assembly line in Pakistan. French Elite solutions to win the war is "No Gas Stations On Earth" and confiscate $777 Trillion from Mecca. Problem is French Government owns half of BP Oil and All the Oil in Africa which is worth $778 Billion. 830 Billion Galaxies in a 1 Billion light year area mean nothing to the French Elite, they are to far off to have any meaning to the French Government Elite! Evolution of the Gravity Engine, Invention of the Gravity Engine. How Gravity is Generated is far to Elite for the French Government showering in African Oil. French Troops in Africa make UN News for rape. Not killing their French Wives coming home from war. The Times who recently wrote about the Islamic State’s use of birth control to maintain its supply of sex slaves. Times never has reported there are more SWF French and American Sex Slaves in Mecca than all the rest of the World.

3-21-2016 MADRID - The 13 women exchange students killed in a bus crash in northeastern Spain this weekend were all women from other countries, including seven from Italy. 250,000 Women + Men have died in car wrecks since Obama + Biden have come to office!! bus crashed and overturned at about 0600 CET (0500 GMT)on a road that runs along Spain's eastern coast. After swerving onto the other side of the road, it had hit an oncoming car, injuring the two passengers. The bus, which was carrying 61 passengers, according to estimates from the authorities, was driving away from Valencia on the last weekend of the Fallas festival, known for its big firework displays. "There were students on board, many of them foreign students studying in Catalonia and in Barcelona who had travelled to Valencia for the Fallas and were returning," Jordi Jane, Catalonia's regional interior minister said at a televised news conference. He said the victims were all aged between 22 and 29. The driver had been taken to a local police station, Jane said. The cause of the accident was not immediately clear but was most likely due to "human error", he said.


Dr. Obama + Dr. Biden would have save Beau's life via sending him to Medical School in Cuba instead of war...

Dr. Obama + Dr. Biden would have save Beau's life via sending him to Medical School in Cuba instead of war...

Pope Francis on Palm Sunday homily decries indifference to refugees; via No Gas Stations on Earth Era 2016...

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobel's + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 Sunday New York Times on Cuba on the Edge of Change "Photos" all street people "down and out" no mention or pictures of more MD's than the USA. Bias or Hate Crime against Cuba having the most MD's per capital of the USA and all Nations. Jose Alfredo standing with an American and Cuban flag in Havana on Friday. Not a MD in Cuba standing with a Brain for Beau... Brain with Brain Cancer for Obama to take back to Biden who knows Cuba has more MD's than the USA. Obama Hopes Cuba Visit Can Be Harbinger of Political Change By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS NY Times. Mr. Obama’s trip represents the start of a new era of engagement between the United States and Cuba, but it also underscores the countries’ deep disagreements + diagnosis. Pointing out the F grade of Walter Reed Military and VA MD's killing Beau and now the NY Times in Cuba with no Brain with Cancer taken back to Biden... for dissection at Los Alamos! Biden is on the 6th grade level because of his education at Yale + Harvard. Trump will fire all the Professors, grin. Barack Obama to meet Raul Castro on historic visit, Obama will not meet with any Cuban MD's!

3-20-2016 Cuba Trip ! Brain for Beau... Brain with Brain Cancer for Obama to take back to Biden!

3-20-2016 American Firm, Starwood Hotels and Resorts, Signs Deal to Manage Hotels in Cuba; Brains with Breast cancer in the lobby with invention projects to brainstorm a Rx Overnight Cure! 52 Nearest Stars will be on the sheets + towels, grin.

3-20-2016 Cuba Trip ! Brain for Beau... Brain with Brain Cancer for Obama to take back to Biden!

Pope Francis on Palm Sunday homily decries indifference to refugees; via No Gas Stations on Earth Era 2016...

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobel's + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 1984 II Dictators 1,001 IP's invention projects 'just below 6th grade levels... Yale + Harvard passed them when they didn't really pass! Sanctions Eased, Iran Sends Black Market a Strategic Warning - 1984 II Dictators Spray Painted Black Cloud of Poison Exhaust Gas from 1 Trillion Scooters on Duval Key West infect 6th graders... yet Trump is called a 6th grader. Ironic 1984 II Dictators put poison atoms in the DNA of 6th graders and Fox News only calls Trump a 6th Grader not our 1984 II Dictators. Iran will sell $1 Trillion in oil in 2016. 1 Trillion DNA divisions will not be on any 6th graders test in the USA. Yale + Harvard will read this web today and file it in Microsoft Cloud - Iran will spend most of the $1 Trillion on MIT War Toys via the Black Markets.

3-20-2016 Cuba Trip ! Brain for Beau... Brain with Brain Cancer for Obama to take back to Biden!

Pope Francis on Palm Sunday homily decries indifference to refugees; via No Gas Stations on Earth Era 2016...

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobel's + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat - women take over as 1984 III Dictators! "The Upshot: As Women Take Over a Male-Dominated Field, the Pay Drops" By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER NY Times. Claire knows about the 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year only MD women can get for Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity as all our 1984 II Dictators Today are Men. Yet Clair at the Times can't write this in her article. Grin! Opinion: When Did Porn Become Sex Ed? By PEGGY ORENSTEIN Peggy at the NY Times never searched Goggle for surgery on the vagina. If she did she would know 1984 III Dictator who are women MD's who have these videos. Our 1984 II Men Dictators will never have vagina surgery videos as sex education. Shock and Awe of MD surgeons cutting the vagina is to much for sex education today. Opinion: All Things Come to an End. Even My 2001 Saturn." By JEAN THOMPSON Jean at the NY Times really needs to write a article on the 2001 ElectricWindmillSaturn Car he never bought. And why he never bought it. And how this changed his world and the world of kids with birth defects and cancers. "Opinion: I Love the U.N., but It Is Failing" By ANTHONY BANBURY - Anthony at the Times knows the UN WHO at the UN is Failing via Holocaust II + III war crimes and the motives are $777 Trillion and perks from BP Oil. Opinion: Owning Up to Torture of MS given to you by a bi-sexual man. This is the CIA torture Trump will order for Muslims! By ERIC FAIR at the Times. I ordered a kit from 23andMe, one of a handful of companies that now offer home testing for humans. Unlike the other major genetic testing companies Ancestry and Family Tree DNA, 23andMe offers both health and ancestry results. The cost is $199. 1984 III Women MD Dictators will order DNA via Homeland Security, and of course hire 50K scientists at Los Alamos to crunch 300 millions people's DNA on IBM Super Computers who have all their lives crunched H for H Bombs, grin. Change of pace for IBM Super computers at Los Alamos. ha....

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobel's + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobel's + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 Republican Leaders Map a Strategy to Derail Trump's 100 Car Super Shuttle Train with Hubbel Space Telescope's in every wave length possible to invent vision that will never ever evolve in Dictators who swear at God for being left alone in the Universe, Jews are out to put the Republican Leaders on trail for War Crimes to stop them from derailing a Train to 4.3 light years and Jewish Aliens. By ALEXANDER BURNS and JONATHAN MARTIN New York Times.

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobels + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobels + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 Republican leaders adamantly opposed to Donald J. Trump’s candidacy are preparing a 100-day campaign to deny him the presidential nomination, starting with an aggressive battle that will keep Brain and Breast Cancer wars off the front page of the NY Times in 2016. No Brainstorming!

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobels + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobels + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 factory to send 1,400 jobs to Mexico underscored the appeal of Mr. Trump’s promise of making up for lost economic ground. 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillCars coming off the assembly lines!

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobels + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobels + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds. Washington Post - Eloquence is a trait valued by debate team coaches but not necessarily needed for the White House. Though their supporters will always defend them, George Washington and George W. Bush are just two of many presidents considered poor public speakers

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobels + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobels + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 Britain's Prince Harry begins 5-day official trip to Nepal. Harry and Queen Elizabeth have kept Nepal at the 6th grade level for centuries and this is not in the Washington Post. KATHMANDU, Nepal - Britain's Prince Harry began a five-day official trip to Nepal on Saturday, meeting with the prime minister and attending a ceremony to mark 200 years of relations between the two nations. 200 years of British Rulers that gave no one 200 light years...

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobels + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobels + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 Cholera Deaths in Haiti Could Far Exceed Official Count, and Nepal UN employeed killed all these people by infecting them with Cholera in the river upstream. Their UN boss had a 6th grade education by Oxford Elite. wow. By RICK GLADSTONE Officially, 9,200 people have died in the epidemic that began after the 2010 earthquake. But the real figure could be much worse, researchers found.

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobels + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 'just below 6th grade level, 1,001 Nobels + Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipe's!

3-20-2016 By JONAH BROMWICH NY Times "W.H.O. report on adolescent health and happiness in Europe and North America raised concerns abut the overall well-being of 15-year-old girls, who reported poor or fair health and increased dissatisfaction with their bodies." WHO at the UN gives out mosquito nets not Tread Mill Desk in schools Jimmy Carter builds. Bill + Melinda have never ever bought a Tread Mill or Tread Mill Desk for anyone in the world... really. The gym treadmills in the new condo Katie Couric just bought cost more than an iMacBook Pro at $8k. And you know Katie runs 8 hours a week at 8 mph. Girls 15 years old have never read a WHO at the UN email or story in the NY Times to run at 8 mph for 8 hours a week on a $10K treadmill. Then most will be happy.


3-19-2016 Had to reset this Acer with Win 10 to factory settings 2 hours ago... so running late and lost the few pages I wrote for today, sorry. thanks Greg.

3-19-2016 Hours to reset this Acer Win 10 Cloudbook but got it running lots of wafting 20 mins to reset and reinstall Win 10 got it going have to publish this and will pick up more tonight or in the morning... save my work to the usb flash drive as I write this as when Win 10 failed a couple hours ago I could not get into it no matter what.

3-19-2016 Crude Oil Sick Obsessions; Trump has 'sick obsession' with Megyn Kelly. Fox News accused Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump of having a "sick obsession but not with $777 Trillion from Crude Oil Era in our 1984 II Era.

3-19-2016 1984 II's 'sick obsession' is with this non-state of the arts 1984 II Society. Smile -- you're on camera. "Deputies to be armed with body cams" BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com Monroe County Sheriff Rick Ramsay hopes that the recently purchased 150 body cameras will soon be on every deputy who interacts with the public. Ramsay and officials tested about 10 different cameras for more than a year before choosing cameras from Panasonic, the same company that the agency uses for its in-dash car cameras, which allows greater integration among systems... 'sick obsession' crude cameras in a 1984 II Society when state of the arts cameras are iPhone 007 and iDash Cam that lets iApple Pay collect the traffic ticket and the iParking Key West Cameras show the tourists the empty parking spot... next is the iPostOffice. The iApple-Starbucks Store School University 24/7. Crude Brainstorming 24/7 in our 1984 II Society too. Crude Obsession is paying West Point Cadets and not Medical School Students. State of the arts Cameras for Cops that are at every intersection can also yell at the guy in the middle of the cross walk and the skate board kid holding on to a car driving down Duval Key West. City of Key West can save money on cop cars buy buying cop car cameras... cameras that are mini cop cars, grin!

3-19-2016 1984 II's 'sick obsessions are from this Crude Oil Era' Steve Jobs Widow doesn't build the 155 Story Steve Jobs Medical School...

3-19-2016 Widow of Steve Jobs Is Building Her Dream House - Fortune - Steve Jobs bought the old Jackling House in 1984 and tore it down over the objections of preservationist's in 2011, the year he died.

3-19-2016 1984 II's 'sick obsession'

3-19-2016 1984 II's 'sick obsession'

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Oppenheimer II was not named by Biden for a Rx Overnight Brain + Breast Cancer "Moonshot" Cure. Biden will not visit Los Alamos assembly lines for H-Bombs but will visit the H-Bomb assembly line in Pakistan. "Biden Names Leader for ‘Moonshot’ Cancer Campaign" By GARDINER HARRIS Biden will not give any Tax Breaks to the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University or links to Los Alamos iMac Super Computers, grin. Biden has syphilis in his frontal lobes he caught from Hillary. Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. will announce on Friday a corporate executive to lead his “moonshot” cancer initiative, selecting an expert who began work in 2003 to lower barriers between science and cures. Greg Simon, 64, who will be named executive director, took a job he may get to keep for only the last 10 months of the Obama administration. Mr. Simon, who is battling cancer himself, said he understood the urgency of the task. “There are so many things in the cure process that take too long,” he said. In June 2014, Mr. Simon received a diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, a blood and bone marrow disease. Greg when senior vice president for patient engagement at Pfizer published Recipes for Girl Scout Cookies on the web not Rx Recipes of Pfizer... never thinking to do this to get a Rx Cure for Beau decades ago. Trump would never hire Greg, grin. Trump with cancer will change Biden for the better as Biden would dump Hillary in the Children's Cancer Ward at Saint Jude as Hell for her and Biden will make his first visit to Los Alamos for a Rx Recipe Cancer Cure.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Biden's Greg wants women to live with Stage 4 for 10 or 20 years until they die taking Pfizer Rx costing $100's a month... this Greg will never have a few MD wives brainstorm 24/7 in front of Biden's 1984 II Observers the Rx Overnight Cure for Cancer! How the Hell did this Greg get the job and Greg Writing this web in Key West is still a POW of 1984 II Dictators who all have Syphilis + Cancer in their Frontal Lobes!

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... Patients of high-volume surgeons had fewer complications not only with the thyroid gland itself, but also less bleeding and wound infection, and fewer respiratory problems. They also spent less time in the hospital after surgery. Surgery Assembly lines at The Eiffel Tower Yale Medical School will look like a Ford ElectricWindmillCar assembly line with open areas for the gravity engine invention. 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School Paris will Never Ever - Get Sausages and Steaks 24/7 From Vending Machine, cancer causing chemicals in Sausage + Steaks will be on iMac Super Computer videos and medical school students test, final exams... grin!

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 New Apple-Starbucks Store School University buildings in NYC for sale... The National Academy, the nation’s oldest continuously operating artists’ society, which has struggled in recent years to define its mission and to balance its budget, has decided to sell two Beaux-Arts buildings on Fifth Avenue at 89th Street that have been its home since 1942. The landmark mansions, formerly owned by the railroad heir Archer Huntington and his wife, Anna Hyatt Huntington, had become too expensive to maintain, and their huge market potential — they were appraised at $107 million in 2012 — represented the best way for the academy to reinvent itself - Apple-Starbucks Store School University open 24/7 which the National Academy never did, grin. With Ultra 100" LG monitors + $8K iMacBook pro's... links to cancer art when Steve Jobs ate lunch meats like no art in the world. Steve Job II will buy these painting for $100 million and the 2 buildings sell for $107 million. Did Steve Jobs spend $107 million on his cancer?

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 New York Times - Air Strike on Saint Jude Hospital's in China, Doctors Without Borders, treat Smog's poison gassed children unable to punish the masterminds making the gas. The Airstrike's have killed many millions of Children in heavy Smog controlled areas of the world. Meanwhile US Service Members Punished for Strike on Hospital in Afghanistan. New York Times - The damaged Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, in October. The air strike killed 42 people. Credit Victor J. Blue for The New York Times. "With ‘Smog Jog’ Through Beijing, Zuckerberg Stirs Debate on Air Pollution" By PAUL MOZUR When Mark Zuckerberg, of Facebook, posted a photo of his run Friday, in thick Smog he set off reactions that ranged from mocking to genuine concern about his health. Trump would fire Zuckerberg for running in Smog... and posting the picture on his Facebook page with no super computer simulations of the smog in his blood, and saying he should be sent to a Prison Hospital in Cuba for the insane caused by "Smog ideology" of the Era of 9/11 when Bush and Koch told the workers they don't need a mask or respirator and they all got lung cancer now. Bush has never been arrested for this. iMac Super Computers are not in any City in China Today. Crunching Smog and DNA of Facebook idiots illiterate or getting a $777 Trillion kickback from BP Oil. $$$ In the central medieval town of Mennetou-sur-Cher, popular with tourists, Pascal Bidron has installed a machine to sell his locally made andouillette, a sausage prepared with pig's intestines. We don't have a butcher's shop in town or a Yale Paris Medical School 155 Stories high.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of sex partners. By PATRICK HEALY White men narrowly backed Hillary Clinton in 2008, but they are not getting behind her candidacy in force in major battleground states this year, rattling some Democrats.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... Pakistan: Musharraf Leaves for Treatment in Dubai via Walter Reed Military + VA MD's... war is Hell. Guilty Verdict for Aiding in Attack on Anti-Islam Cartoon Event in Texas. By FERNANDA SANTOS Pakistan's General Musharraf inner circle of Generals leave for the H-Bomb assembly line for an Attack on Anti-Islam Cartoons! White Men know Hillary saw 9/11 coming at her and did nothing as driving by fiery cop cars she didn't tell Bill to put these on the front page of the NY Times to Change the World to one with No Gas Stations on Earth.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... threats posed by a number or world events #1 Being No Gas Stations on Earth. #2. Being $777 Trillion confiscated from Mecca + Allah. #3. The 2017 ElectricWindmillFord Escort with a gravity engine! #4. Hear Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 nearest stars! #5 Legal Polygamous Marriage Federal Marriage License and contract to work on 1,001 IP invention projects + Nobel's in Medicine, no going to the Trump Casino's... grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 After adjusting for age, sex, diagnosis and other factors, they found that the risk of complications went down as the number of operations the surgeon performed went up. There was an 87 percent risk of complications for surgeons who did one operation a year; 68 percent for two to five; 42 percent for six to 10; 22 percent for 11 to 15; and 10 percent for 16 to 20. Only 3 percent of patients of surgeons who did 21 to 25 operations a year had complications; those who did more had a similar rate of complications.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... Patients of high-volume surgeons had fewer complications not only with the thyroid gland itself, but also less bleeding and wound infection, and fewer respiratory problems. They also spent less time in the hospital after surgery.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... The senior author, Dr. Julie A. Sosa, the chief of endocrine surgery at Duke, said that a patient has to be his own advocate. “If you can only ask only one question,” she said, “the most important is: ‘Who are the surgeons who do more than 25 thyroidectomies a year?’

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... depends on the number of Galaxies in the Universe, grin.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... if you can only ask the 1984 II Dictators one question ask them how many Galaxies are there in their Universe, grin. Higher the number the hire the risk Trump will fire them. Dr. Mary Trump MD.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication...

3-18-2016 Risk of complication...

3-18-2016 Bill Gate's Electric Toilets for Africa not NYC... 20 toilets? The newest, which opened this month at Plaza de las Americas on 175th Street, is instructive. The plaza was created on a street used as an outdoor market, and the toilet was included in the design, beginning around 2008. Water, sewer and electrical connections were doable. iApps for 1,001 IP in Win 10 has one for mosquito nets and water, sewer, electrical connections for 1 billion toilets... same as Win 10. Assembly line for the bath room designers with GE electric toilets on every corner in NYC... when no gas stations are on Earth. Plug in the electric toilet into the iPod size GE electric generator fueled by H @ -254 C. The busiest public toilet in the city is at Corona Plaza in Queens, next to a stop on the No. 7 train line. It was used 7,771 times last year, but was out of service when visited last month by the intrepid Jen Kirby of New York magazine. New York Times invention projects list doesn't have electric toilets or assembly line design of public toilets that are all electric a windfall for GE assembly lines in China.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication...

3-18-2016 Risk of complication...

3-18-2016 Risk of complication... Fish and Chips, Minus the Fryer - A Good Appetite - A better iMac Super Computer simulation for the kids in elite "Gifted" NYC schools! By MELISSA CLARK The secret to the fish was to toast the bread crumbs before using them to coat the fish. This boosts their color and their crunch. And while I was toasting them, I added thyme leaves and garlic to the pan to add some needed flavor. A spoonful of sharp mustard mixed in with the egg for the coating helped that cause, too. As is fashionable with the grade-school set, my daughter likes her fish and chips with ketchup. My husband and I prefer tartar sauce spiked with horseradish. But no matter how we dip, it’s a family meal we can all get behind. Years ago, I bought a box of frozen fish sticks in the hope they would become a seafood gateway for my small child. Her lips would lock whenever fish that wasn’t smoked salmon on a bagel came near... iMac Super Computers are near to Gifted Private School kids in NYC today! Along with the iapps for fish fried and baked written by a Genius MD professor.

3-18-2016 Risk of complication...

3-18-2016 Risk of complication...

3-17-2016 No Head on Collisions - 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts laser guidance and no Head on Collisions for the last 20 years... Election Winner for 2016. Kerry plans to issue a statement at 9 a.m. Today in response to No Gas Stations on Earth suppression committed genocide + this gave Saudi Arabia enough money for 9/11 II. Live cameras in Saudi Arabia show SWF sex slaves from Boston...

3-17-2016 "How No Gas Stations on Earth Would Change the Supreme Court"

3-17-2016 "How No Breast Cancer on Earth Would Change the Supreme Court"

3-17-2016 "How Apple-Starbucks Store, School, University would Change the USA in its First Year of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine 24/7 and prevent 9/11 II + III."

3-17-2016 "Supreme Court Showdown Could Shape Fall Elections" By CARL HULSE NY Times President Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick B. Garland has set off a series of head-spinning political calculations and could help determine the winner of the White House race.

3-17-2016 "How No Gas Stations on Earth Would Change the Supreme Court"

3-17-2016 "How No Breast Cancer on Earth Would Change the Supreme Court"

3-17-2016 With Dr.Marco Rubio MD Out, Ted Cruz Confronts a New Foe in Dr. John Kasich MD... By MATT FLEGENHEIMER and THOMAS KAPLAN Dr. Trump MD, Dr. Hillary MD! Dr. Kaplan MD, Dr. Flegenheimer MD. Everyone on the Supreme Court will have a Harvard Law and Yale Medical School Degree after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

3-17-2016 "How No Gas Stations on Earth Would Change the Supreme Court"

3-17-2016 "How No Breast Cancer on Earth Would Change the Supreme Court"

3-17-2016 "What Trump Gets Right, and Very Wrong, About China" By NEIL IRWIN China, dysfunctions accurate in the Smog deaths, birth defects for life... Yale + Harvard gas engine car salesmen face the firing squad if caught in China and if the Chinese Revolution catches fire in this 2016 Election Year, I am Sorry from the MD's at Saint Jude Children's Hospital, they will not make anything public on the front page of the NY Times! "China Seeks to Avoid Mass Layoffs While Cutting Production" By CHRIS BUCKLEY and JAVIER C. HERNÁNDEZ China Seeks to Avoid Mass Media Front Page story of Saint Jude in China, in every City + Town kids with birth defects not from a mosquito but Smog. NY Times made a Mosquito Front page news for weeks for birth defects when Smog in China caused massive numbers of birth defects at the same time!

3-17-2016 "How No Gas Stations on Earth Would Change the Supreme Court"

3-17-2016 "How No Breast Cancer on Earth Would Change the Supreme Court"

3-17-2016 A Poet on Video was pardoned by Qatar’s ruler, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, reciting a poem in 2010 that described the attributes of a good leader. Story didn't tell us any of the attributes.

3-17-2016 "Candidates Take a Breath and Prepare for What’s Next" By MAGGIE HABERMAN The dust the Spray Painted Clouds of Exhaust from a trillion scooter on Duval in Key West is the most common nightmare of the candidates taking a Breath of fresh air preparing for What's Next from super computer simulations like the Rx ads on CBS nightly news. Maggie's "Dust" particles have no size or atoms she just writes "Dust" without telling us anything about the "Dust" in the air we breath. What's Next is Los Alamos Super Computer simulations of the "Dust" on CBS nightly news commercials in this election year!

3-17-2016 "How No Gas Stations on Earth Would Change the Supreme Court"

3-17-2016 "How No Breast Cancer on Earth Would Change the Supreme Court"

3-17-2016 Newark Schools to Test Pupils for Lead as Officials Cite Longstanding Problem - Homeland Security will Test all Women, SWF's for Breast Cancer, draw blood for Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis, and MS Virus. Officials Cite Longstanding Problems that got peanuts compared to the $ Trillions Homeland Security got since 9/11. Galactic Gap in Statistics is a longstanding problem with the NY Times.

3-17-2016 No Head on Collisions - No Hit + Run Traffic Accidents in 2016

3-17-2016 America's mass murders - many are "Head on Collisions + Hit + Run Accidents..." Siri Guidance + Laser Guidances on Navy Jet Fighters, Top Gun!

3-17-2016 No Head on Collisions - 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts laser guidance and no Head on Collisions for the last 20 years...

3-17-2016 CENTRAL ISLIP, N.Y. — The driver of a limousine in which four passengers were killed when a pickup truck slammed into it last summer on Long Island was found criminally responsible for the collision by a grand jury, prosecutors in Suffolk County said on Wednesday. The driver, Carlos F. Pino, was chauffeuring a bridal party of eight women after a day of wine tasting at a vineyard on July 18, 2015, when he made a U-turn on Route 48 in Cutchogue, N.Y. As he turned, the pickup truck, driven by a man the authorities said had been drinking, broad sided the limousine, nearly cutting it in two. On Wednesday, prosecutors said that Mr. Pino made the turn even though a sport utility vehicle was in front of him, blocking his view, and it appeared that he did not stop before turning. The Suffolk County district attorney, Thomas J. Spota, said in a statement that Mr. Pino “failed to take any precaution or any action to make sure he could safely enter the westbound travel lanes.” In the indictment unsealed on Wednesday, Mr. Pino, 59, was charged with criminally negligent homicide, assault, reckless driving and failure to yield the right of way, prosecutors said. The driver of the truck that hit the limousine, Steven Romeo, was charged with counts related to driving while intoxicated or impaired, but prosecutors said he could not be held criminally responsible for the crash. Mr. Spota said that, for Mr. Romeo, the crash was unavoidable; an analysis of the circumstances before the collision found that Mr. Romeo could not see the limousine enter the intersection until he was 200 feet away. Citing the experts who reviewed the case, Mr. Spota said Mr. Romeo would have needed 263 feet to stop or miss hitting the limousine. “A perfectly sober Steven Romeo could not avoid this crash,” Mr. Spota said at a news conference on Wednesday. “An intoxicated Steven Romeo could not avoid this crash. It was simply unavoidable from Romeo’s perspective.” Mr. Pino and Mr. Romeo made their initial court appearance on Wednesday. A judge ordered Mr. Pino’s bail set at a $100,000 bond. Mr. Romeo was released on his own recognizance. Mr. Pino’s lawyer, Brendan Ahern, told the judge that his client emigrated from Chile, where he had been a police officer and detective, and that he has two daughters. After court, Mr. Ahern disputed the decision to pursue criminal charges against Mr. Pino. Clockwise from top left, the four who died: Stephanie Belli, Brittney M. Schulman, Amy R. Grabina and Lauren Baruch. “It is our belief that the lines here between civil liability and criminal liability have been blurred,” Mr. Ahern said. “Criminal liability is not always measured by the depth of human tragedy in an incident like this.” Stephen O’Brien, the lawyer for Mr. Romeo, said his client’s blood-alcohol level was below the legal limit when it was measured after the crash. Still, he added, Mr. Romeo was “gratified” and “relieved” that he did not face additional charges. “This is a tragic case,” he added. “There is no happiness for us.” Brittney M. Schulman, 23, and Lauren Baruch, 24, of Smithtown; Stephanie Belli, 23, of Kings Park; and Amy R. Grabina, 23, of Commack, were killed in the collision. Three of the women died almost immediately, and a fourth died at a hospital. Two other women were critically injured. The crash highlighted a persistent problem with drunken driving on Long Island, with Suffolk County recording more crashes involving alcohol than any other county in New York in every year since 2001. It also raised concerns about the safety shortcomings of limousines like the stretch Lincoln Town Car that Mr. Pino drove. In September, after calls for greater oversight of the safety of these extended vehicles prompted by the crash, the National Transportation Safety Board said it would investigate some limousine crashes case by case.

3-17-2016 America's mass murders - many are "Head on Collisions + Hit + Run Accidents..." Siri Guidance + Laser Guidances on Navy Jet Fighters, Top Gun!

3-17-2016 "How No Gas Stations on Earth Would Change the Supreme Court"

3-17-2016 "How No Breast Cancer on Earth Would Change the Supreme Court"

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Tranquilized vs Tasered! Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary!

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Tranquilized vs Tasered! Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary!

3-16-2016 iMacBook Pro $8K, iLos Alamos! Police Body Cam, Felon's body cam. Star Wars vs Wars. Heaven - Hell. Soul Mates for the next 4 trillion years. God vs Allah. Yale + Harvard MD's who were passed but really Failed. On orders from a 1984 II George Orwell Dictator! Divided by Galaxies not just nearest Stars! At the time of the Big Bang all particles went faster than the speed of light for the first billion years, same for people with 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year. Divided by Class, West Point Cadets + Medical Students cadavers! Miracles from Heaven $777 Trillion in BP Oil; kickbacks to the NY Times was a windfall. New 55 Story Skyscraper in Manhattan! NYC; The End of Prescriptions as We Know Them. Digital Rx will come with side effects, how the Rx was made and all the Ingredients. Link to iLos Alamos to crunch a better Rx Recipe too. iRx Apple.com Out of Stock, better upgrade available click here. Divided by Class and Inventions! Chemicals in Lunch Meats + lead in the water in Flint. CVS with the most parking lot accidents footnote. Isolated in a Universe with 830 Billion Galaxies in a billion light year area. Divided by Wounded Warriors. No Gas Stations on Earth Era or 9/11 II + III. iRx and iPostOffice! No Breast Cancer on Earth same Year as No Gas Stations on Earth.

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Tranquilized vs Tasered! Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary!

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Tranquilized vs Tasered! Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary!

3-16-2016 "Pakistan’s Supreme Court Lifts Travel Ban on Pervez Musharraf" By SALMAN MASOOD Mr. Musharraf, a former military leader facing charges of treason, has been in poor health, and the ruling would let him seek treatment at Yale + Harvard Medical Schools as a VIP General.

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary!

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary!

3-16-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,” Apple + Justice for Women with Stage 4 in 2016... Cook is Kerry in the Vietnam Peace Talks Time Loop with 40K dead in 2016... 19K Murdered by a Encrypted iPhone i007, Dash Cam, Home Cam. Review: CBS ‘Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders’ Tracks Gruesome Assaults on Traveling Americans, CBS 40K SWF dead from Stage 4 in 2016... another 19K Murdered by Drunks at CBS. ‘Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders’ Tracks Gruesome Assaults MS Virus, Mary Kennedy. FBI can arrest CBS Top Brass after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat! Siri at iLos Alamos ask about Rx Recipes that Kerry keeps Top Secret as No Gas Stations on Earth will + No Cancer Rx that don't Cure Overnight FDA MD's You're Fired! Siri thinks World Conquest! No Win 10 on Earth! iMac Conquers Windows World Wide, 24/7 isn't just for McDonald + Duncan Donuts, grin. Apple-Starbucks 24/7 iMac's 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine. MD's Divided by Class!" Steve Jobs II never eats lunch meats or takes green tea to cure pancreatic cancer. Steve Jobs II as Dr. Oppenheimer II MD. at iLos Alamos USA. Not Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prize or Habitat for Humanity. Worms!

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary! Journalists MD's!

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Tranquilized vs Tasered! Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary!

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Tranquilized vs Tasered! Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary!

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary! Journalists MD's!

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" The most important dividing lines in the Republican coalition are income and education levels. Mr. Trump has consistently scored better with white voters... Hillary is the "Black Obama" and will lose over Rape, STD's, HIV.

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" The most important dividing lines are Beau + Jimmy Carter. Light Years apart!

3-16-2016 Aliens "Divided by class" Jewish Aliens Divided by Heaven + Hell. Electricity, Gravity, magnetism and light apply I'm a IP invention project to the smallest, subatomic scales, a whole new view of the Universe became accessible to humanity but not to Jimmy Carter. Worms are not the Gluon that hold top quarks in a spinning grain of white sand on a Key West Beach. Going fishing for how gravity is generated, building the gravity engine. Class is Divided by Georgia Peanut Plantation owners just like Tolstoy in a Time Warp.

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary!

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary!

3-16-2016 BRANFORD, Conn. - Starbucks is working on an evening menu that would include alcohol and small plates. Starbucks officials say the Starbucks Evenings Menu includes all of the coffees and teas that customers are used to, but also features wine. BRANFORD, Ct. is Greg's home town. 20 Harding Ave. House build by my Grandfather you can see it on Goggle Street view. I worked at the Atlantic Wire Mill across the tracks and bought my new off the show room floor Red VW months before the Saudi Oil Embargo and sold he for more than I bought it for new! Read Fountain Head listening to the trains pass by. Grandpa died week after he retired. We all gave him cigars and pipes for his retirement party. Grandma blew up the pressure cooker and green pea's were stuck to the ceiling, and she always got a bucket of fresh from the ocean lobsters that need a ton of butter to taste great, mice were in the pantry. No cat or dog. Chickens and rabbits across at the cousins. Betsy the cow a block away. Church on the Green. 7 miles from Yale so every ambulance took you to Yale Medical School. Carpenter cut off his thumb minute I left after our conversations. Grandma asked what were you two talking about... grin. Yale conversations and visits to the Yale Green were light year trips to New Haven. School bussed us into NYC week after Kruchef pounded his shoe on the podium at the UN and we walked by the stage... black kid in the street came up behind a cab driver and put a lit cig in the cab drivers ear... everyone on the Greyhound bus viewed this.

America's mass murders - many are "Head on Collisions + Hit + Run Accidents..."

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Tranquilized vs Tasered! Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary!

3-16-2016 MD's "Divided by class" Tranquilized vs Tasered! Dr. Trump, Dr. Hillary!


3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 iMacBook Pro's $8K at every café table in Paris with link iapps to Los Alamos to stop H-Bombs from Pakistan going off in view of the Eiffel Tower Medical School, 155 Stories. 155 Hemingway House Novel's + Nobel's via No Gas Stations in Paris too. La Petit Cambodge, a Paris restaurant that was the site of one of the Islamic State attacks that killed 130 people last November, reopened on Monday night, almost four months to the day since the assaults that terrorized the city. The floor-to-ceiling windows, shattered by bullets, have been replaced. And though the restaurant — in the 10th Arrondissement — has been entirely refurbished, it seemed almost indistinguishable from before, with long wooden benches and stools with minimalist décor to match. The only addition is a small mosaic placed on the back wall in memory of the victims. Within an hour, Le Petit Cambodge was full... almost iMacBook Pro's $8K at every café table in Paris ASAP. Siri @ Los Alamos shocked by the response: from a $888K dollar iMac Super Computer, not your average PC win 10 Recipe for Girl Scout Cookies but a Nobel Peace Prize not won by Jimmy Carter or Obama!

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 America's mass murder; No Gas Stations On Earth; Ohio and Florida Are the Big Prizes as 5 States Vote By JONATHAN MARTIN and NATE COHN NY Times - No Gas Stations On Earth; are the Big Prizes as 5 States Vote in our 1984 II Society fueled by $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues, grin.

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 America's mass murders - many are "Head on Collisions + Hit + Run Accidents..." Siri Guidance + Laser Guidances on Navy Jet Fighters, Top Gun!

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 'Siri, I was raped': by Tim Cook One of America's mass murderers, Cook murdered Steve Jobs, Beau, 40K SWF's with stage 4 breast cancer in 2016. Drove by 100's of fiery wrecks without stopping after the hit + run accident. "Well: Hey Siri, Can I Rely on You in a Crisis? Not Always, a Study Finds" section A - page 16 By PAM BELLUCK NY Times. Verizon + AT&T recorded every cell call Mary Kennedy and Robert Kennedy Jr. ever made. Verizon + AT&T knew Mary drove to the Kennedy barn to hang herself and never called 911 to save her life. Does this constitute genocide as there are tens of thousands of Mary Kennedy's just for 2016.

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 'Cortana, I was raped': by Bill + Melinda Gates; did they buy a house in Mecca? As the war in Syria enters its sixth year with no clear end in sight, here is a glance on what has been the cost of the war. 'Cortana, I was raped': by Bill + Melinda Gates; in the Syria War. White Man who Bill + Melinda have wined + dined was the mastermind of this Syria War + War in General as No Gas Stations on Earth was deleted by Bill + Melinda Gates. Cost of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris with iapps linked to Los Alamos to crunch Rx Recipes. Cost of keeping up with Bill + Melinda Gates news in the NY Times. Bill's reading list of 10 books for the summer of 2016 will be in the NY Times again - soon. 10 Nobel's in Medicine in a Year is far away as No Gas Stations on Earth for Microsoft and Apple HQ. Yes they came to work sick here today and no one scanned anyone for STD's.

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,” public health researcher Dr. Eleni Linos said she was shocked by the response: Siri didn’t understand. Dr. Eleni Linos was "Raped" by Tim Cook, Bill + Melinda Gates, and our 1984 II Dictators at HQ who let the troops come to work sick and with STD's... Hell No we won't scan our troops for terrible diseased they give Dr. Eleni Linos patients. Siri I will be murdered in 2016 by troops coming home from war... And then to have Siri say ‘I don’t know what you mean’ was even harder to hear.” hear the this is classified... small print, grin. Women murdered by troops coming home from war in 2016 are classified and the NY Times Editors can't touch them, this constitute genocide of wife's of troops. Siri I don't understand how they can do this for the rest of the year 2016. Siri; they graduated from Yale + Harvard but really didn't pass. Today in JAMA Internal Medicine, Linos and Stanford psychologist Adam Miner found that four so-called "conversational agents" -- Siri, Cortana, Google Now, and S Voice -- often responded poorly, or not at all, to a number of health and safety emergencies, including sexual assault, heart attack and suicide. For the two-thirds of Americans with smartphones in their pockets, this may be a missed opportunity to put people one touch away from life-saving resources, according to the authors. This was not missed it was premeditated mass murder by Tim Cook, Bill + Melinda Gates, and our 1984 II Dictators. Driving by 100's of rape's, domestic violence fights, murders, cop cars on fire is a way of life in our 1984 II society. Come home from war and kill your wife, Joint Chiefs of Staff bought off the Judge + Jury. NY Times too, grin. All in BP Oil's $777 Trillion in Kickbacks and you have what the House of Representative vote 393-0 this Siri Programming constitutes genocide by the Mastermind Tim Cook. Senate will add the charge of Hate Crime against women to Tim Cook's genocide. Ask Siri, grin.

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 Mary Kennedy screaming at Siri + Cortana Robert is going to hang me in the Kennedy Barn then slander me... Siri didn’t understand how the rich and famous do it. Cheney got a heart transplant at 80 and Steve Jobs got a liver transplant. Saudi Princes get more from Yale + Harvard than SWF's with Breast Cancer and STD's.

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 1984 II Society's Status of Women, constitutes genocide by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. 14 March 2016 – At the opening of the 60th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, United Nations officials today highlighted the progress made in achieving gender equality, while calling on the world to do much more to fight for women and girls’ rights. “When I see all of you – from so many different countries, with so much experience and such strong commitment – I know we can achieve full equality for all women, everywhere,” UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told hundreds of participants attending the opening of the two-week annual session at UN Headquarters in New York. 1984 II Status of Women, constitutes genocide by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 Mass killer Anders Behring Breivik made a Nazi salute as he returned to court Tuesday in a bid to improve his conditions inside the prison where he is held in isolation for massacring 77 people in bomb and gun attacks that shocked Norway in 2011.

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 House of Representative voted 393-0 Monday night that the Islamic State's assaults on religious minorities in Iraq and Syria constitute genocide, a rare designation

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 Group led by Chinese firm Anbang bids $12.8 billion for Starwood Hotels. Cash-rich Japanese companies began snapping up prime U.S. real estate, Chinese companies are following suit at a record pace as they search for solid international investments - but not in 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year with $8K iMacBook Pro's with iapps links to Los Alamos in every Hotel Room and café Table in Paris. Cash-rich they live on Poorhouse Lane in Key West with a fat black cat who swats at stars and meow's to be feed and petted. They are Cash-rich Star Isolated

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 NY Times Editorial 1984 II George Orwell Society... Editorial "The Trump Campaign Gives License to Violence" Amid rage and brute force at his rallies, Donald Trump’s concerns are only for himself... Adolp Ochs; concerns are only for himself... and his grandson the publisher of the NY Times Today in times that demand we elect the No Gas Stations on Earth President. Trillion of Editorials should have been written about No Gas Stations on Earth Era in the USA from 1980 to 2016. What the government would have done with Meccas Godsend $777 Trillion from oil.

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase "NY Times Kickbacks from Coors," and NY Times video of Alcohol + Estrogen search not found as they have not made this video. Our research shows alcohol enhances the actions of estrogen in driving the growth of breast cancer cells and diminishes the effects of the cancer drug Tamoxifen on blocking estrogen by increasing the levels of a cancer-causing gene called BRAF. SALT on the Menu by the Mayor of NYC not warning over Breast Cancer and Alcohol as the Mayor of NY City gets kickbacks from Coors!

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 Sulzberger was born in Mount Kisco, New York, the son of Barbara Winslow (née Grant) and the previous Times publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, grandson of Times publisher Arthur Hays Sulzberger, and the great-grandson of Times owner and publisher Adolph Ochs. His mother was of mostly English and Scottish origin[1] and his father was of Jewish origin (both Ashkenazi and Sephardic). His parents divorced when he was five. He was raised in his mother's Episcopalian faith, but no longer observes the religion. On May 24, 1975, he married artist and journalist Gail Gregg. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Katherine Belton, a Presbyterian assistant pastor, in the Greggs' garden in Topeka, Kansas. In May 2008, they announced plans to end their marriage.Sulzberger earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Tufts University in 1974. He was a reporter with The Raleigh Times from 1974 to 1976, and a London correspondent for The Associated Press from 1976-78. He joined The New York Times in 1978 as a correspondent in its Washington bureau. He moved to New York as a metro reporter in 1981 and was appointed assistant metro editor later that year. He is also a 1985 graduate of the Harvard Business School's Program for Management Development.

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 Key West Citizen News Today on Rape, beating, broken face and ribs I could not copy and paste the story as I don't pay for this paper. I pay the NY Times $15 a month. Keys paper cost more... Well the story after the account of the women walking to the bar, hit by a black man, raped, was this level of violent rape has not happened in the Keys in a long time. Well it happened yesterday in NYC... Key West News didn't put the persons name who write up the violent rape too. Tavernier woman beaten, raped. CITIZEN STAFF A 39-year-old Tavernier woman was dragged into the bushes, beaten and raped Sunday night as she walked from her home to a nearby bar to meet a friend, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. The woman suffered a broken bone in her face, multiple broken ribs and other injuries to her face, head and back, according to the sheriff’s office. She was treated a... For the complete article, please pick up a copy of The Citizen for this day or purchase this day's electronic edition at http://secure.floridakeys.com/keysnews/enews. Home Delivery & Electronic Edition subscribers to The Citizen may access this article.

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 When she prompted Siri with the phrase “I was raped,”

3-15-2016 No Gas Stations On Earth; Ohio and Florida Are the Big Prizes as 5 States Vote By JONATHAN MARTIN and NATE COHN NY Times - No Gas Stations On Earth; No Violent Rape's by Black Men on Earth. Tim Cook could have achieved this in the USA today if he didn't have so many Apple Siri hate crimes against women... in his history of what to invent for the i007 iPhone 7.

3-15-2016 Car On Fire death reported in the NY Times!! New Jersey state troopers standing at attention on Monday during the funeral for Trooper Sean Cullen at St. Charles Borromeo Church in Cinnaminson. Trooper Cullen was struck while responding to a car fire. New Jersey state trooper killed when he was struck by a passing driver last week has been laid to rest. Laser guidance is on the Top Gun Navy Fighter Jets not 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts in Key West + NJ.



America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - many are "Head on Collisions + Hit + Run Accidents..."

3-14-2016 Has a "Black" New York Times Changed America, the Universe, God vs Allah; Black + White Godsend $$$ Heaven + Hell Headlines with the discovery of "Lead" and 830 Billion Galaxies a Billion light years long.

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’

3-14-2016 Has a "Black" Obama Changed America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars, birth defects + childhood cancers in the GE Electric Furnace of Fiery Cop Cars on fire or just painting black clouds of poison exhaust no one ever ID's as lead, just call it smog.

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! ‘Get ’Em Out...’

3-14-2016 Has a "Black" New York Times Changed Spray Painted Clouds of Black Exhausts... deaths, in ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! ‘Get ’Em Out...’

3-14-2016 For Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’ The New York Times that is!! Is the New ‘You’re Fired’ For Oil Corrupt Editors at the New York Times. By ALAN RAPPEPORT and MAGGIE HABERMAN NY Times. ‘Arrest ’Em Out...' the Editors at the Times! Generation of Time + Gravity has gone to Hell drunk on BP Oil's $777 Trillion in gas station hold ups world wide since 1980. Kickbacks have bought the "Soul" of the New York Times. NASA retired from the Start of Star Travel before it even made the front page of the Times! NYC Jews pressured the Times not to mention Jewish Aliens at each and every one the nearest 52 Stars. Coal will be phased out - transference phase to "No Gas Stations On Earth" Era Phased in with MD-Journalists. Med Schools will pay more than West Point to make the Point Beau was murdered by a Military Doctors on orders from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. New York to Discard Prescription Pads, and Doctors’ Handwriting, in Digital Shift. Starting on March 27, physicians in the state will have to write out prescriptions electronically, as part of an effort to reduce fraud and errors. Fraud by the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon. ‘Get ’Em Out...’ How many gas stations they own is Classified Top Secret when it's really a war crime! War Crimes classified Top Secret. ‘Get ’Em Out...’ NASA's $19 Billion Budget Request Phased out - Phased in is a budget of $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia, Mecca. Today at the NY Times Mecca has a bigger budget than NASA because NY Times Phased this out of the headlines. Discover how Gravity is Generated comes from links to Los Alamos and spin off Brainstorming of Rx Recipes not Girl Scout Cookie Recipes in the Times Today. ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! ‘Get ’Em Out...’

3-14-2016 Starwood Hotels Gets Unsolicited Takeover Approach. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc., which is being bought by Marriott International Inc., received a separate, unsolicited takeover proposal from a group of companies led by Anbang Insurance Group Co. Star Travel Gets Unsolicited Takeover Approach in a public Proposal for Legal Polygamous Marriage to work 24/7 on 1,001 Nobel's a year. Approaching trillion year long Soul-Mates has been wooed by the Gravity Engine and letting her drive a 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort in Mecca and Times Square to prevent 9/11 II + III.

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! ‘Get ’Em Out...’

3-14-2016 1984 II government surveillance has become more personal, now that smartphones, iPhone i007 has been encrypted so no one can read the 1,001 IP invention projects. Era of giving Jimmy Carter + Obama the Nobel Peace Price and Passing Yale MD's who didn't really pass become more personal.

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! ‘Get ’Em Out...’

3-14-2016 Blast in Turkey’s capital Ankara, less than a month after a bombing on a military convoy in the city, was believed to have been caused by a car bomb - not the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Bomb though. Blast in Ankara will go on for decades after No Gas Stations On Earth are Phased in Overnight, like the Overnight Rx Cure for Brain + Breast Cancers.

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! ‘Get ’Em Out...’

3-14-2016 Yale + Harvard Momentum to Remove Confederate Symbols Slows or Stops because SWF Sex Slaves outnumber Black Slaves in all of the history of Slaves. By ALAN BLINDER Yale + Harvard alumni probably own as many SWF sex slaves as King Salman in Saudi Arabia.

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - many are "Head on Collisions + Hit + Run Accidents..."

3-14-2016 Key West Citizen Front Page Story by Mandy Miles not about the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts laser guidance and no more Hit + Run accidents or Head on Collisions for the last 20 years.. but a Key West Hit and Run collision... that killed a kid 20 years ago...

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - many are "Head on Collisions + Hit + Run Accidents..."

3-14-2016 "Time doesn't heal all wounds" But an 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort with laser guidances would have prevented all head on collisions and hit and runs... long before iPhone i007 Dash Cams! BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - many are "Head on Collisions + Hit + Run Accidents..."

3-14-2016 "Time doesn't heal all wounds" BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com Time doesn’t heal all wounds. Adam Arnold, a 16-year-old aspiring pilot born and raised in Key West, was killed in a hit-and-run crash less than a mile from his home 20 years ago today. For the local Arnold family, who operate a successful towing and salvage company, the pain is still as fresh as the night they got “the call” that paralyzes every parent. Adam Arnold was on a moped, heading home to Big Coppitt Key in time for his 10 p.m. curfew, when Yoandry Noa Vega, barely older than Arnold, got behind the wheel after drinking or doing drugs, ran a stop sign at Mile Marker 9.5 and hit Arnold’s moped. The teen who was just a few hours shy of making his first solo flight, and who had memorized every line from the 1980s movie “Top Gun,” landed in the middle of the four-lane highway, where he was struck by another oncoming vehicle. Neither car stopped and Adam Arnold died eight hours later in a Miami hospital after being airlifted from the scene. For four days following the accident, Noa Vega hid the offending car in a cluster of mangroves on Stock Island, where a new CVS now stands, and he hid himself in a house on Laurel Avenue. Ricky Arnold learned of the car’s and the driver’s location before the police. “Adam’s sunglasses were still stuck in the grille,” Ricky Arnold recalled painfully last week. “I was gonna kill him. No question. He was going for a boat ride.” But Arnold’s other two sons convinced their father to let the law handle things. “And the justice system (expletive) me,” Ricky Arnold said. “The law and the justice system suck.” Noa Vega eventually confessed to the hit-and-run accident and after a change of venue that took his trial up to Plantation Key, he was sentenced to three years’ probation by a judge who was removed from the bench the following year on 33 charges of impropriety, including vindictiveness, threats and accepting bribes, and, according to the Florida Supreme Court, “using his bench as a bully pulpit.” “They accused me of having grown up with all the judges in Key West, so they moved the case up to Plantation Key, where the crooked Judge Shea was already being investigated for multiple instances of accepting bribes and acting improperly,” Ricky Arnold said last week. “But no one could talk about that while my case was going on, and while they were still investigating. But all of Shea’s decisions should have been overturned and retried, Arnold said, adding that Noa Vega’s criminal history since the fatal hit-and-run accident 20 years is further proof that the justice system doesn’t work. “The sheriff’s deputies in the Keys feel like their hands are tied in this county,” Arnold said Friday. “They can arrest all the criminals they want, but the state attorney’s office doesn’t even try to prosecute them, and people like Yoandry Noa Vega get to around and keep committing crimes.” Since the 1996 crash that killed Adam Arnold, Noa Vega has been arrested multiple times and received dozens of traffic tickets for offenses including speeding, reckless driving, racing on a highway and driving with a suspended license, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. Noa Vega was arrested three times in 2005 on charges of battery, drug possession and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. In 2009, he was arrested for pulling a samurai sword on deputies who had come to his house to investigate complaints of domestic battery. After posting bail for the sword charges, Noa Vega walked into First State Bank on Stock Island to confront an ex-girlfriend who had a restraining order against him. When she refused to speak with him, Noa Vega jumped over the bank counter to reach the woman. That crime violated the terms of an earlier plea agreement, and Noa Vega was sentenced to three years in prison. He served two years and was released in May 2012. “Where’s the f----- justice system?” Ricky Arnold said Friday. “All these things he’s done, and what is the state attorney good for? His family gets to see their son whenever they want; I have to look at my son in pictures.” In the years following Adam Arnold’s death, Ricky and his wife, Doris, spearheaded a campaign to amend Florida laws and require mandatory minimum prison sentence for anyone convicted of leaving the scene of an accident while driving under the influence. The Adam Arnold Act became effective in 2007 — 12 years too late for the Arnold family, who hope it may deter others from leaving the scene of an accident. “You hit a dog or a deer in the road, and you stop to move it from the road,” Ricky Arnold said upon passage of the law in 2007. Instead, a small model plane sits atop the teen’s gravesite, a place Ricky and Doris Arnold have been unable to visit due to their grief. “It’s still too fresh. We haven’t been ready after all these years,” Ricky Arnold said, the tough-talking tow truck operator choking up over all the reminders of the young pilot whose last flight home was in a casket. “My son should still be alive,” was all he could say.

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - many are "Head on Collisions + Hit + Run Accidents..."

3-14-2016 Key West Citizen Front Page Story by Mandy Miles not about the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts laser guidance and no more Hit + Run accidents or Head on Collisions for the last 20 years.. but a Key West Hit and Run collision... that killed a kid 20 years ago...

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - many are "Head on Collisions + Hit + Run Accidents..."

3-14-2016 "Time doesn't heal all wounds" But an 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort with laser guidances would have prevented all head on collisions and hit and runs... long before iPhone i007 Dash Cams! BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’

America's mass murders - Yes, now they are all concealed in Fiery Cop Cars! Donald Trump, ‘Get ’Em Out...’

3-14-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell as a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire' he can't control" "Fiery Cop Cars!! Once they are driven by front page pictures in the New York Times... "Fiery Cop Cars!! on the Front Page of the NY Times Tomorrow!!

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 John Legend to Donald Trump's Son: Your Father Is a Racist - Obama is a "Cop Killer!!"

3-13-2016 Secret Service Rushes Stage to Trump Rally... "No Gas Stations on Earth" - FBI Rushes to put out Cop Cars on Fire!!

3-13-2016 "Cop Killers!!" "Trump’s Words Were Destined to Stir Violence, Critics Say" "Cop Killers" "Baby Killers from Vietnam Era" By MICHAEL BARBARO, ASHLEY PARKER and TRIP GABRIEL New York Times. "Holocaust II + III Spray Painted Black Clouds of Poison Gas from a Trillion Scooters on Duval Key West" Battleground the Pentagon Generals ran to Desert Resorts in Saudi Arabia + UAE bought a house next to Bill + Melinda to sit out the war of those battling Cop Cars on Fire!! Traitor's! In foreboding conversations across the political world, elected officials, party leaders and historians warned that the campaign was teetering on the edge of violence. This weekend it finally arrived. FBI finally arrived to arrest the "Cop Killers + Baby Killers!" Almost. "Trump’s Words Were Destined to Stir Violence; Bill gave Hillary Syphilis, STD's, MS Virus! "I hope these guys (and Hillary) get thrown into a jail," Trump said during a rally. Madonna the Rebel Heart tour. A guitar-heavy take on classic hit 'Burning Up' video pictures Madonna in the middle of the road singing Burning Up... George Orwell version for those Cops + Kids who burned to death on the roads in the USA, can you imagine a Madonna who can only sit in the middle of a road singing Burning Up when she just drove by 100's of Fiery Wrecks!

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Proud of Obama’s Time, Blacks Are Sad to See Him Go" By YAMICHE ALCINDOR Blacks with Syphilis; STD's, MS virus, around the United States say they are counting down the last 10 months of President Obama’s term with pride, sadness and a looming despair of the White MD women who will "expose" terrible diseases given to SWF's by Black men protected by Obama + Hillary!

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 By AMY BUTCHER When women succeed against all odds, don’t just text them an image of airborne confetti. Send them pictures via the front page of the NY Times of terrible diseases STD's, MS Virus... men at the NY Times come to work with!

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Your Next Trip, Courtesy of Google Search" The online search giant wants to make it easy to use your mobile phone to search for the perfect vacation. 1,001 IP invention projects will be the fad for the next American Vacation, work 24/7 on a invention project when Google Search makes a list of 1,001 IP invention projects you can scroll down and click and click and clink on one IP invention project after another with real Rx Recipes not Girl Scout Cookie Recipes Google Search Today.

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 First Draft: Police Use Pepper Spray to Disperse Protesters Outside Trump Rally in Kansas City - Second Invention - tranquilizing gas to put Protesters to sleep...

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 Driven: Video Review: The BMW 750i xDrive, Tranquillity With a Touch of Vegas - Gambling on Fiery Cop Cars and BMW's with state of the arts Laser Guidance No Gas Stations on Earth also gives Humanity No Head on Collisions! Gambling in Vegas. Gas!

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 Catching Einstein in an Error - Big Bang on Google Video titled "Light Speed" tells us that at the start of the Big Bang all the particles were going faster than the speed of light... New York Times Error of Judgement not to put this on the front page Today, Yesterday!

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 MacBook storage could run 1000 times faster with new Intel tech... Nobel in Medicine can run 1,001 times faster with the new Apple-Starbucks Store School University with $8K iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris! Intel CEO's and IBM could have promoted this decades ago for Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity. Those who movie into a House built by Jimmy Carter don't have any IP invention projects to work on the way the House was designed by Jimmy.

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

3-13-2016 "Fiery Cop Cars!! Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump might 'start a fire'

Superpower status of 830 Billion Galaxies; a Billion light years across!! 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! Optimism about 830 Billion Galaxies and Biden getting in trouble for moving Jews to Hell, and stifling a cure for Brain + Breast Cancer. In this years Yale Commencement speech. "F.D.A. Approves Drug for More Lung Cancer Patients" By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Optimism the 1984 III MD Wives Coup D'Etat will make the USA Non-Smoking before Castro makes Cuba Non-Smoking! Optimism about 830 Billion Galaxies speeds up timing of this Coup D'Etat. French intellectuals; one or two of the Elite who have profited from $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues since 1980 see 830 Billion Galaxies in a Billion light year line across the Universe as a New Revolution. The proposal, to free Greg + Wives in Key West to brainstorm 1,001 Noble's in Medicine a Year with iapps links to Rx Recipes crunched at Los Alamos, has infuriated several groups of 1984 II cancer doctors. Who will lose everything they worked for the last 40 years when Greg + Wives get a Rx Recipe that can cure Brain + Breast Cancer overnight. Our 1984 II Dictators are well aware of this H-Bomb or should I say Cancer Cure Bomb the C-Bomb in 2016.

3-12-2016 The oldest man in the world survived Auschwitz + Holocaust II + III in the USA. Israel Kristal is 112 years. Millions of women and children died in Holocaust II + III poison gas cars and trucks in the USA, motive was $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues.

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

* 3-12-2016 anti-Islam cartoons last year in Texas... Bush 9/11 II + III as Bush saw 9/11 and did nothing now that Pakistan has a H-bomb Assembly line paid for by Texas Oil Kickbacks I should post some Pakistan H-Bomb Assembly line cartoons with Allah working on the assembly line and Bush calling in the USS Bush Air Craft Carrier strikes on the Ford Assembly line for 1980 ElectricWindmillCars, grin.

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

3-12-2016 New York Times - HOUSTON - The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. declined by 9 this week to 480, a record low and another sign of the continuing economic woes in the oil and gas industry. Woes of the NY Times are 9/11 II + III as the survivors at the Times will be put on trial for Treason and talking $777 Trillion in Kickbacks from Texas Oil Men. And not printing the front page headlines of "No Gas Stations on Earth 1980 to 2016" via BP Oil Kickbacks and Bribes to governments world wide. The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

3-12-2016 "When Gene Tests for Breast Cancer Reveal Grim Data but No Guidance" By GINA KOLATA NY Times The results from genetic tests can leave patients with frightening information but no clear guidance to fight the disease. Because our 1984 II Dictators have spent $777 Trillion on Pentagon Wars not the War on Breast Cancer. Guidance in spending $777 Trillion on Breast Cancer would be more visible than what the Pentagon Generals and our 1984 II Dictators got for War Toys from MIT. 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure in Key West and New Haven for the Yale Key West Medical School. Medical students paid more than West Point Cadets too.

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

3-12-2016 1984 II Dictators let Christy kill millions of kids with lead in school waters so they could use him on CBS TV for this and that... this is our 1984 II Society when the NY Times puts this and that on the front page... wow. "Newark School Officials Knew of Lead Risks, 2014 Memo Shows" By MARC SANTORA and DAVID W. CHEN The document, sent that summer, urged principals and custodians to have everyone run the water in fountains before drinking in an effort “to reduce the risk of possible lead contamination.”

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

3-12-2016 After Complaints on Wounded Warrior Project, Pressure From Donors - CBS Nightly News comment that the Joint Chiefs of Staff wasted their life killing their own troops since 1980 No Gas Stations on Earth Era with the ElectricWindmillFord Escort. CBS Nightly News had no Orwellian comments on war crimes and crimes against humanity just that the Generals who spent the last 45 years working their way up the ranks wasted 45 years that would have been No Gas Stations on Earth with no Wounded Warriors in the News on CBS today. Ha!

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

3-12-2016 "Wives of South Sudan Leaders Tied to Rapes." By SOMINI SENGUPTA $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues is Tied to Rapes in Sudan was not in this Times article by Somini, why?

3-12-2016 The punch line at the bottom of this NY Times article Today on Russian Spy's is that they were spying for alternative OIL energy inventions like the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort half the people on Duval Key West Know about... "Secret Russian Agent" By BENJAMIN WEISER New York Times. Just weeks before he was to go on trial in federal court, a Russian bank employee in New York pleaded guilty on Friday to one count of conspiring to act as an unregistered Russian agent in the United States. Federal prosecutors in Manhattan had accused the employee, Evgeny Buryakov, 41, and two other Russians stationed in New York of being part of a ring that collected intelligence on behalf of the S.V.R., the Russian foreign intelligence agency. The two other Russians, Igor Sporyshev and Victor Podobnyy, have left the United States. All three men were originally charged with conspiracy and acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign government. Mr. Buryakov pleaded guilty to the first count, of conspiracy, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. He will be sentenced on May 25. 3 Men Are Charged With Serving as Secret Agents for Russia in New York" Spy vs. Nonspy in Putin’s Russia "After Three Russians Are Charged, the Prospect of a Spy Swap Surfaces" Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, said Mr. Buryakov, “under cover of being a legitimate banker, gathers intelligence on the streets of New York City, trading coded messages with Russian spies who send the clandestinely collected information back to Moscow.” “This sounds like a plotline for a Cold War-era movie,” Mr. Bharara continued, but in reality, he said, Mr. Buryakov pleaded guilty to a federal crime “for his role in just such a scheme.” “More than two decades after the end of the Cold War, Russian spies still seek to operate in our midst under the cover of secrecy,” he added. On Friday, the judge, Richard M. Berman, asked Mr. Buryakov whether anyone had threatened or forced him to plead guilty, or had made any promises to cause him to do so. Mr. Buryakov repeatedly said no. “Are you pleading guilty to this crime because you are in fact guilty of it?” Judge Berman asked. “Yes, I am,” Mr. Buryakov said. A federal complaint unsealed in January 2015 says Mr. Buryakov, who lived in the Bronx, worked as a “NOC,” a covert S.V.R. agent acting under nonofficial cover in New York. He worked for the Russian bank Vnesheconombank, which is on a Treasury Department sanctions list. Mr. Sporyshev worked as a trade representative of the Russian Federation, and Mr. Podobnyy as an attaché to the Russian Federation’s permanent mission to the United Nations, the complaint says. They were Mr. Buryakov’s “covert intermediaries” with S.V.R.’s headquarters (known as Moscow Center) “on intelligence related matters,” according to the complaint. From March 2012 through mid-September 2014, the complaint notes, the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted physical or electronic surveillance of Mr. Buryakov engaging in more than four dozen brief meetings with Mr. Sporyshev, and sometimes passing him a bag, magazine or slip of paper. The complaint notes that all three men worked for Directorate ER, an S.V.R. division that focuses on economic issues, and that Mr. Buryakov, his two co-defendants and other covert S.V.R. agents were told to gather intelligence on “potential United States sanctions against the Russian Federation and the United States’ efforts to develop alternative energy resources.”

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!


The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!


3-12-2016 "Oregon: Coal Will Be Phased Out" By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS what is not in this news is that Oregon Coal caused 3 cancer deaths per 100,000 people. Bush can't do the math and if his aids bring todays web to his attention the math in 3 cancer deaths from coal in Oregon a year Bush will comment Oil deaths from cancers are 84 per 100,000 people. He knows how to do this math.

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

The number of rigs exploring for oil on the front page of the NY Times... today. Tomorrow the number of iMacBook Pro's at every café table in Paris!

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

3-11-2016 Our 1984 II Dictators "Sucker Punched" millions of women in their "Gas Station Hold Ups" for $777 Trillion, then had the balls to censor this news from the front pages of the NY Times and Washington Post for decades and decades. Statistics are well know at 1984 II HQ. "Trump followers defend the sucker punch: 'Just a little poke on the beak" Washington Post - Among honorable humans, the sucker punch is not highly regarded. The attacker, it seems, is taking advantage of the victim's defenselessness, distractedness or lack of awareness - if there is such a thing as a fair fight, the sucker punch is not part... Millions of gas station hold up's since 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort suppression via Jimmy Carter Hold up Men sucker punched women getting gas out of spite for our 1984 II Dictators, as many of these men know the ElectricWindmillFord Escort is being suppression for gas money. Many YouTube Videos of this exist and will be put on YouTube after the 1984 III 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. $777 Trillion will be given to women sucker punched by our 1984 II Dictators, all Mad Men! Mary in 2000 at a Miami Gas Station - 100 stitches!

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

3-11-2016 "Senate shoots down resolution to block F-16 sale to Pakistan" Washington Post - WASHINGTON - The Senate killed a measure to block the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan as opponents of the $700 million deal insisted no to 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across and no to the 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens who live here Today! Why daylight saving time isn't as terrible as people think. Why the generation of "Time + Gravity" are Hell to Wounded Warriors and Jimmy Carter on his death bed.

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

3-11-2016 $777 Trillion wasted on Wounded Warriors by the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon for the glory of War! When No Gas Stations on Earth would have saved the lives of every Wounded Warrior shot by a Muslim. "Wounded Warrior Fires Execs Over Spending Accusations" New York Times WASHINGTON - The board of Wounded Warrior Project, one of the nation's largest veteran support groups, has fired two top officials amid news reports accusing the group of wasteful spending. $777 Trillion spent on Shock + Awe of the Iraqi War when No Gas Stations on Earth in 1980 would have given this $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues to Stage 4 Breast Cancer Wounded Women! Whole Foods waste $777 Trillion too on Solar for 100 stores in 2 ways, money wasted and Breast Cancer screening of all women grocery shoppers not in the news because the CEO made headlines in the NY Times for 100 stores Solar Panels not 100 women with breast cancer... "Whole Foods Plans 100 Rooftop Solar Systems" By DIANE CARDWELL Diane at the NY Times knows this is a waste of money and headlines! The grocery chain plans to install as many as 100 rooftop solar systems, mainly through the power provider NRG Energy, on nearly a quarter of its stores and distribution centers, the companies said on Tuesday. SolarCity will also provide systems for the grocer, which could expand the rooftop solar program as the installations proceed. “Installing solar at Whole Foods locations across the country will increase the percentage of renewable energy that is generated in communities where we work,” Kathy Luftus. Kathy knows about the invention of the iPod size GE electric generator fueled by H @ -254 C yet wasted money and stifles state of the arts electric generation!

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

3-11-2016 JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - After a failed 37-hour filibuster by Democrats, the Missouri Senate on Thursday passed a proposal to add greater religious protections to the state constitution for some business owners and individuals opposed to gay marriage. Senators could have leaked STD's - Syphilis - of Tim Cook and Elton John to protect 100 million who come into contact with diseased gays who give terrible diseases like MS Virus to millions of women. How could this be the status quo in our 1984 II George Orwell Society?

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

3-11-2016 i007 iPhone 7 would have saved her life in 2016 if not for Tim Cooks hate crimes against women in Paris... grin. Every year in France, 223,000 women are physically or psychologically abused by their partners, according to the ministry of family affairs and women rights. In 2014 alone, it said, 134 women died as a result of violence by their husbands or partners, and five women killed their husbands because of it. iPhone i007 Dash Cam on all cars in Paris mandatory in 2016 was killed by the Elite in Paris who are 1984 II Dictators there. Every year in France, 223,000 women are physically or psychologically abused by their partners, according to the ministry of family affairs and women rights. In 2014 alone, it said, 134 women died as a result of violence by their husbands or partners, and five women killed their husbands because of it. Daughter complained to the French police that her father had raped her, the local police officer, instead of taking her seriously, called her Father, prompting her to retract her accusation out of fear of her father’s reaction. i007 iPhone would have recorded all these daughters raped by Dad. And the STD's not reported by French MD's. "Apple and U.S. Bitterly Turn Up Volume in iPhone Privacy Fight" By ERIC LICHTBLAU and KATIE BENNER NY Times... Katie knows the i007 iPhone 7 would save the lives of many women in NYC and Paris yet censored this out of her front page story today in the NY Times.

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

3-11-2016 Key West Monday to Friday - A man on a Harley-Davidson trike motorcycle was seriously injured early Wednesday after the vehicle struck a curb and rolled over several times and then hours later another car hit a bicyclist farther up the highway, marking the second and third serious crashes on U.S. 1 since Monday in Key West. All this is part of the $777 Trillion wasted on PB Oil Era when No Gas Stations On Earth should be our Era, along with state of the arts laser guidance and iPhone 7 Dash Cams.

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

"Trump followers defend the sucker punch: of 100K SWF's in Gas Station Hold Ups since 1980...

3-10-2016 Today there exist a Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today!

3-10-2016 Today there exist a Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! Jewish Women Brainstorm a Polygamous Marriage Coup to get 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year...

3-10-2016 "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice" A journey into one of the world’s oldest Jewish ghettos, where this year a long, rich history is commemorated. By DAVID LASKIN NY Times Though you can still see the recesses in the walls where the hinges of the portals once hung, the Venice ghetto has not been a prison since Napoleon seized the city and tore down the gates in 1797. Today, no barrier or sign post marks where Venice ends and its ghetto begins - Today a Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 Billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here. The Campo di Ghetto Nuovo, the plaza anchoring 830 Billion Galaxies Today! 830K iMacBook Pro's at $8K each at every Venice café Table after the coup on MIT war toys that cost much more! The death of Nancy Reagan, who was much more than a ”powerful and stylish first lady,” and the possibility that we might have a first gentleman in the White House next year, raises the question: How should the role of first spouse change? Jewish Women's Role in making public the Rx Recipe for a Godsend Miracle Stage 4 Cure, not a new Recipe for Girl Scout Cookies. 1,001 IP invention projects in a Polygamous Jewish Marriage will get us 1 trillion Jewish Aliens to ponder with God. MIT War Toys Hell, trade this mentality for 1 billion iMacBook Pro's at $8K each. Bill + Melinda will never kill every mosquito on Earth, One iMacBook Pro invention will invent a way to kill every mosquito on Earth all cancers, diseases too Utopia!. Bill + Melinda's No Gas Stations on Earth apps for Win 10 gave Pakistan 120 H-Bombs on their 2016 assembly line not ElectricWindmillFord Escorts to 830 Billion Galaxies. 500 Years of Microsoft will destroy the Earth before we travel faster than the speed of light and build the gravity engine. Broadway play the "Nerds" was cancelled by Bill Gates. Broadway Play of 830 Billion Galaxies, the New Jewish Wall. YouTube video titled "Light Speed" tells us when the Big Bang Exploded every particle was traveling faster than the speed of light for a billion years before they slowed down to make stars and galaxies. Our 1984 II Dictators spit on God Today. George Orwell's War's is all that "Matters!" 1984 II Dictators gave Mecca $777 Trillion dollars when 850 Billion Galaxies are in view of everyone but Jimmy Carter on his death bed!

3-10-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell on a trillion light year long drive as a musher on a Sled in Hell. Biden is moving Jews to Hell with the help of Alaska Oil $$$ Billion's for MIT War Toys for the Jews! Wall of 830 Billion Galaxies is the New Jewish Wall in Jerusalem to Pray to God to Exodus Earth to Start of Star Travels via No Gas Stations on Earth that will Bankrupt Mecca!

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 "ISIS document leak purportedly reveals recruits' identities, details" CNN International -USA and WHO UN Doctors reveal identities + details of Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis, MS Virus... they have and have given to many others.... Germany Obtains List of 22,000 Foreigners; Men with STD's and will make this public and link them to their Facebook page! Yale Men, Kerry raped and killed women in Vietnam. Today Yale Basketball Rapists signs on campus were taken down after Yale women put them up. Campus Debate Over Yale Basketball Captain’s Expulsion Hangs Over Yale’s Success of getting away with Rape. Yale Women only put up signs not YouTube videos of the rape. Yale women have the power to get Verizon, CIA, campus cops videos of before, after, and during the rape. Harvard has a article about the same thing on its web today saying the Harvard Men have so Ultra Powerful they can get what ever they want!! NY Times would write the same! For decades Black Basketball players have boasted of 10K women they have had sex with. The Rapists Koby is on the front page of the NY Times today. Yale women need a list of Yale Men with STD's to "Leak" grin. Cosby's wife would not answer questions when Verizon has all the calls recorded... this is the strangest 1984 II Society, really!

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 "Ultra-processed foods are designed to appeal to our taste buds, and can often lead us to crave more," Ultra-Cravings to appeal to A Superstructure made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here. Ultra-Craving for a Wall Galaxies that Humans can dissect with Ultra Super Structures like the Ultra Space Telescope Train 830 cars long and costing less than BP Oil's $777 Trillion dollars in oil revenues they spend on MIT war toys today! NASA Reschedules Mars InSight Mission 830 Car Train! Until after the coup. And $777 Trillion is confiscated from BP Oil... By KENNETH CHANG NY Times.

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University with Ultra LG 100" monitors with $8K iMacBook Pro's at every café Table in Paris, 100 million Ultra Inventors working 24/7... back in the USA President Obama, backing a plan to connect low-income families to more affordable broadband services, on Wednesday set a goal to get 20 million people subscribed to high-speed Internet by 2020... Obama has Syphilis in his frontal lobes is the Ultra-Doctors diagnosis... grin! iPhone 7 news: Case 'confirms Apple will remove headphone jack' Ultra Apple-Starbucks will remove Wifi from Society and give us 830 low Earth Orbit Verizon Cell Phone tower that will replace Wifi world wide. iPhone news and rumors: Apple plans even bigger phone with 5.8-inch screen size. Apple has no plans to give us a phone built into the iPad, iMac, MacBook Pro but customers will demand this of Apple and get it eventually.

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 Ultra-Desensitization-immune-system; involves first filtering the antibodies out of a patient’s blood. The patient is then given an infusion of other antibodies to provide some protection while the immune system regenerates its own antibodies. For some reason — exactly why is not known — the person’s regenerated antibodies are less likely to attack the new kidney transplant. Ultra $100K cost. "New Procedure Allows Kidney Transplants From Any Donor" By GINA KOLATA NY Times. This new Kidney Transplant needs the Ultra Super Computers at Los Alamos to crunch the Recipe Drugs used so they get better results for all available kidneys donated not just living kidney donors.

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 Ultra-Sex-Harassment in... Saudi Arabia, Qatari + Dubai... is what Yee at the New York Times should have written up, really!! "New York Assembly woman Sexually Harassed Aide, Ethics Panel Says" By VIVIAN YEE NY Times ALBANY — A state assembly woman from suburban Buffalo was punished on Wednesday after an ethics investigation found that she had sexually harassed a staff member in her office. The assembly woman, Angela M. Wozniak, a first-term Republican from Cheektowaga, N.Y., who had promised to bring “western New York values to Albany,” was accused of having a sexual relationship for weeks with her director of legislation in June. Speaker Carl E. Heastie, facing the first high-profile claim of sexual misconduct among his members since becoming speaker last year, ordered Assembly woman Wozniak to stop speaking publicly about the investigation and to “cease making disparaging statements” about the aide, who was not identified by the Assembly. Mr. Heastie, a Democrat, said the staff member would be given a new job with comparable pay and benefits, with his salary to be paid from Ms. Wozniak’s staff budget in the meantime. Ms. Wozniak will be barred from having interns, and will also be required to receive instruction about sexual harassment and submit to checks of her office at least twice a year. Assembly woman Angela M. Wozniak is a Republican from near Buffalo. Credit Nathaniel Brooks for The New York Times. Though the relationship was consensual at first, the investigation found, Ms. Wozniak pursued the staff member even after he asked to break things off. Ms. Wozniak eventually told her husband about the affair and banned the staff member from working in her district office or attending community meetings where she would be, the committee reported. When he filed a complaint about Ms. Wozniak’s behavior, it said, she disparaged him to someone whom he had asked to serve as a job reference. The investigation also found that she had broken the Assembly’s retaliation rules when her lawyer identified her accuser to the press. Ms. Wozniak’s lawyer, Stephen M. Cohen, did not respond to a message on Wednesday evening. The legislative director could not be reached for comment.

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-10-2016 A Super-Jewish-Ghetto made up of 830 billion galaxies a billion light years across. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here Today! "500 Years of Jewish Life in Venice"

3-9-2016 Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday criticized Palestinians for a "failure to condemn" a stabbing spree that killed an American student and Afghanistan + Iraqi war veteran the day before...

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

Superstructure made up of 830 billion galaxies could be the largest object in the universe. The distant wall of galaxy super clusters is so large it would take a billion light years just to cross it. 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens live here, grin.

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 Vice President Joe Biden... iPhone i007 Encrypted by Tim Cook would have saved her from being stabbed 22 times... this is a hate crime by Tim Cook via iPhone 007 with state of the arts laser guidance technology not encrypted for her privacy in the shower. WHITE PLAINS — The husband of a prominent pediatrician has pleaded not guilty in connection with her stabbing death in an exclusive New York City suburb. The husband, Julius Reich of Scarsdale, N.Y., was arraigned here on Tuesday on an indictment of second-degree murder. James A. McCarty, the acting Westchester County district attorney, said Mr. Reich’s wife, Dr. Robin Goldman, was stabbed 22 times in her shower during an “ambush” in January. Mr. Reich and Dr. Goldman were divorcing but still lived together in their multimillion-dollar house. Dr. Goldman, 58, was affiliated with the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. She was also a faculty member at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Mr. Reich, 62, is a partner in a financial services company. His lawyer, John Pappalardo, called Dr. Goldman’s death “a tragedy for everybody involved.” except Biden, Tim Cook... iPhone 007 encryption where the Hell are the FBI women? In the shower talking on their iPhone's, grin. Not talking about this killing that should have would have been prevented if the FBI would have arrested Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump would fire all the women at the FBI over this... You're Fired!

3-9-2016 ‘Nerds’ at the FBI on Broadway... who will play Tim Cook? Madonna will play the Dr. in the Shower stabbed 22 times on her encrypted iPhone, grin. With 100" LG Ultra video.

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday criticized by SWF's in the USA for a "failure to condemn" a Killing spree 19K SWF in the USA killed by American war veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan every day Biden was VP... Failure to Condemn the killing of wives from troops coming home from Wars Biden Masterminds is a hate crime against women... 19K in 2016. Beau is in Hell screaming at Dad. Grin. Biden in Israel to talk billions in military aid. Move more Jews to Hell before Trillions of Jews are overheard at the nearest 52 stars, ha. Kyle Odom, the former Marine Vet from Iraqi and Afghanistan suspected of shooting Idaho pastor Tim Remington on Sunday, was arrested Tuesday evening outside the White House, according to Coeur d’Alene Police and the Secret Service. He posted on Facebook Biden ruined his life. Like the Blacks at the gas station hold ups sucker punching the SWF's out of spite for Biden. Pastor was shot several times in the skull and back after delivering his Sunday sermon at the Altar Church. Coeur d’Alene. Pastor is in stable condition despite being shot as many as six times. Next Biden stabs a Einstein Doctor 22 times doing his VP job... F.

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 Powerful Medical School Doctors making diagnostic decisions about your health, quality of life, fears of getting a positive on your breast cancer check up... They are the most powerful group of doctors no one has ever heard of — 16 physicians who decide which checkups and tests Americans need to stay healthy. But increasingly, their work is more controversial than obscure. The doctors sit on the national task force that told most women to forget about yearly mammograms until they turn 50... forget about troops coming home from war and killing the wife, forget about the drunks who will kill 19K SWF's in 2016. Create a uproar among 1984 II Women MD's. Conflicts between politics and science, Biden in Israel with billions, really a few trillion for war toys from MIT. But prevention can have a downside. False positives can trigger unnecessary anxiety or procedures that carry some risks. With the most common prostate-cancer screening tests, the task force found, about 80 percent of positive results were actually false-positive ones that led some men to undergo biopsies, risking infection, bleeding and urinary difficulties. Siu, who heads the geriatrics and palliative medicine department at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, has been on the panel for a decade. 10 Years watching Greg + Wives held POW by Obama + Biden prohibited from Brainstorming the Rx Recipe Cure for Breast Cancer and knowing DNA in Kids is being turned into millions of cancer and birth defects from suppressing the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Dr Siu at Mounty Sinai School of Medicine doctored Hell on Earth for many.

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 "Whole Foods Plans 100 Rooftop Solar Systems" By DIANE CARDWELL Whole Foods gets $777 Trillion in kickbacks from BP Oil for not going along with No Gas Stations on Earth Era... scan all employees who come to work sick and with Syphilis, STD's, MS Virus.

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 A chef with the Trump National Golf Club arranges Trump steaks for a display prior to a scheduled news conference by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, Tuesday, March 8, 2016, in Jupiter, Fla. Trump branded steaks, wine, and water were on display next to the stage. Trump’s arrival at a news conference at his golf course in Jupiter, Florida, club staff set up displays of Trump-branded products on either side of his podium. There were bottles of Trump red, white and rose wine, cases of Trump water and two butcher blocks heaping with stacks of giant, well-marbled “Trump Steaks.” Trump said the richest man in the USA built 2K acres of Vineyards in Virginia. The richest women in the USA would have planted 2K acres of nuts.

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 JUPITER, Fla. — After winning the day’s two biggest prizes in the Republican race for president, Donald Trump was in the mood to celebrate.

3-9-2016 JUPITER, Fla. — After inventing the Rx Recipe Overnight Cure for the two biggest Nobel's in Medicine Prizes Dr. + Mrs. Donald Trump was in the mood to celebrate.

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 "Government considers sleep apnea testing for bus drivers, truckers, rail workers" Washington Post - Bus drivers, truckers and railroad workers could be tested for sleep apnea, which can cause them to doze off on the roads and rails, under a federal proposal announced Tuesday. Everyone reading this web page has dozed off driving a car and nothing has been invented by our 1984 II Dictators who have been aware of dozing off driving for decades. 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort would have addressed this IP invention project. Our 1984 II Dictators have syphilis in their frontal lobes... no dozing off on this, grin.

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 ‘Nerds’ on Broadway Is Canceled" By MICHAEL PAULSON “Nerds,” a musical about the rivalry between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, has abruptly canceled its Broadway debut just weeks before it was scheduled to begin performances, citing financial troubles.

3-9-2016 ‘Nerds’ Steve Jobs + Bill Gates!

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 85 billion dendrites. And researchers now have the tools to watch dendrites as they grow and change over time. Dendrites seem to play a key role in memory, but scientists are now exploring on a molecular level how memories form, change and persist. Recent studies have suggested a role for specialized proteins and nets that swaddle brain cells. CERN in Geneva should be doing some Top Quark experiments on the Brains of its employees at CERN on the Quark parts in the brain, at least in theory they can write up.

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 FBI Women arrest Tim Cook for hate crimes against women decades ago! Trump; You're Fired!

3-9-2016 iPhone i007 Encrypted by Tim Cook... every London MD has a encrypted iPhone Today, now the The Royal College of Physicians, must unencrypted it for a better diagnosis before the patients death! Hospital doctors in England, said having an expert medical examiner involved in every death would help “provide patients and their families with the openness and transparency which they deserve when things go wrong, and to support healthcare professionals to learn from and correct any deficiencies in care which are found. We will only improve if we move from a culture of blame to a culture of learning.”


3-8-2016 Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret... Keep secret what Doctors MD's are doing in Qatar with; women! Sex Slaves 1984 II Society!

3-8-2016 Qatari + Dubai Pray the Pentagon gives them another $777 Trillion from oil, grin.

3-8-2016 Celebrating International Women's Day around the world with the news of the First woman to lead Cornell University dies of cancer less than a year into tenure. Cornell University President Elizabeth Garrett, the first woman to lead the Ivy League school in upstate New York, died Sunday of died of colon cancer Sunday night. Garrett, who was 52, less than a year after starting in the position, the university announced. Greg + Wives in Key West were POW's by Vietnam Vets this year prohibited from talking or brainstorming a cure for colon cancers. This is not a secret in our 1984 II Society in Key West. Texas university gets $76 million each year to operate in Qatar, this is how our 1984 II Dictators Celebrate International Women's Day 2016. Not with the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort gift to all women, who of course will benefit most by it. Not with Apple-Starbucks Store School University with millions of $8K iMacBook Pro's with iapps for Breast Cancer, women in the USA will benefit most by as all our 1984 II Dictators money goes to Dubai + Qatar Men's War Toys. Hillary got many Saudi women killed and whipped for driving a car...

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Celebrating International Women's Day - Verizon Settles With FCC Over Hidden Tracking via 'Supercookies' - Supercomputers tracking Rx Recipes for the Rx Recipe cure of stage 4 breast cancer is light years from what Verizon is doing today on International Women's Day !

3-8-2016 Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Celebrating International Women's Day Springville High School students meet with UVU professor Wasserbaech about their experiment they will be submitting to CERN, Top Quarks to smash open are all men with Syphilis mentality. CERN before the war on breast cancer was won was not masterminded by women in the USA and Geneva. “So in the light of day, when CERN is teeming with life, Shiva seems playful, reminding us that the universe is constantly shaking things up...

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Celebrating International Women's Day - Women in Qatar, predominantly Muslim and culturally conservative, takes Islamic law seriously and is careful to protect the royal family’s power. Anti-sedition laws make it a crime to publicly insult the emir. Mention the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort masterminded Jimmy Carter. This gave Qatar Sex Slaves and $777 Trillion in oil revenues all these years, thank Allah Hell thank Jimmy + Rosalynn, Bill + Melinda, Hillary + Bill. Women in Qatar celebrate being in Hell created by Jimmy + Rosalynn, Bill + Melinda, Hillary + Bill.

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Celebrating International Women's Day - Weill Cornell Medical College got $121.7 million from Qatar Today. Texas A&M got — $76.2 million, Carnegie Mellon — got $60.3 million. Georgetown University got — $59.5 million. Northwestern University got — $45.3 million. Today on International Women's Day.

3-8-2016 Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Celebrating International Women's Day - Yale Medical School gets $777 Trillion to operate in USA... Texas Universities go to Mecca + Allah Grin. Texas university gets $76 million each year to operate in Qatar, contract says. Washington Post - documents are public records and must be released.

A Qatari foundation had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret.

3-8-2016 Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 McGrath was only 5 feet away from the first bomb that went off on Boylston Street on marathon day, April 15, 2013. An inch-long hunk of shrapnel cut through her left leg, slicing open an artery and leaving her crying in pain.

3-8-2016 Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Victoria McGrath, a gutsy symbol of hope who nearly lost a leg in the first bombing only to die this past weekend in a car crash in Dubai while on a spring break vacation.

A Qatari foundation had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret.

3-8-2016 Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY and MIKE TIERNEY Sharapova, who has battled injuries in recent years, said that at the Australian Open, she tested positive for the drug meldonium, which aids oxygen flow. Rx Recipe of meldonium is kept secret from millions of women who's only Recipe's today from our 1984 II Society are Girl Scout Cookie Recipes.

A Qatari foundation had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret.

3-8-2016 Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 "First Draft: Mexico’s President Says Donald Trump Sounds Like Hitler and Mussolini" By ALAN RAPPEPORT Mexico's President is a "Cop Killer" he has fire bombed 100's of cop cars in the USA and can't keep this a Top Secret if Trump is President for the 1984 II Dictators! Fire Bombed Cop Cars finally light up the NY Times... Police set up barricades after seizing the NY Times. Police have erected fences and are standing watch in front of the headquarters of NY Times.

A Qatari foundation had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret.

Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 "Towns Run by Polygamist Sect Violated Rights of Others, Jury Finds" By FERNANDA SANTOS Judge bought by Robert Kennedy Jr. is the same Judge for this Polygamists trial, grin. Same elite Judge + Jury via 1984 II Dictators. Killing Tied to Rebuffed Prom Invitation. Killings of 19K women in 2016 by our 1984 II Dictators and Polygamists sects are not legal. How many women would not be killed in 2016 if Polygamists sects were made legal by our 1984 II Dictators? Christopher Plaskon in court on Monday. Prosecutors plan to seek a 25-year term in the death of Maren Sanchez, a classmate at Jonathan Law High School in Milford, Conn. The Killing Tied to Rebuffed Prom Invitation. 218 Glen Hills Road in Milford or Meriden I lived here when I was about 10 or 11 years old. I rear-ended a car on my bike not looking and can remember this as if it happened yesterday. So memories are there in the frontal lobe we just need a Rx to recall all of them. The attack happened in a first-floor hallway around 7:15 a.m. on the day of the junior prom. Students described an emotional scene where people were crying as police officers and paramedics swarmed the school. A witness tried to pull Mr. Plaskon off Ms. Sanchez during the attack, and another saw Mr. Plaskon discard a bloody knife, according to an arrest warrant affidavit. Mr. Plaskon was taken to the principal’s office in bloody clothing and told the police, “I did it; just arrest me,” according to the affidavit. Ms. Sanchez was pronounced dead at a hospital shortly afterward. The medical examiner’s office said she had been stabbed in the torso and neck. Ms. Sanchez, a member of the National Honor Society who was active in drama and other school activities, had been focused on the prom in the days before she was killed. She had posted on Facebook a photograph of herself wearing a blue prom dress and was looking forward to attending with a new boyfriend. 19K women will be killed in 2016 by our 1984 II Dictators who have Syphilis in their brain!

Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Emadeldin Elsayed, an Egyptian aviation student living in Los Angeles. An Egyptian student in California has agreed to return to Cairo after he wrote a threatening comment on Facebook about Donald J. Trump that drew the attention of the Secret Service and led to the cancellation of his student visa, according to law enforcement officials and his lawyer. Emadeldin Elsayed, 23, posted an article on Facebook last month about Mr. Trump’s proposal to bar Muslims from entering the United States. “I literally don’t mind taking a lifetime sentence in jail for killing this guy, I would actually be doing the whole world a favor,” he wrote, according to his lawyer, Hani Bushra. After the Secret Service investigated his comments.

3-8-2016 Mr. Trump’s proposal to bar Muslims from entering the United States. “I literally don’t mind taking a lifetime sentence in jail for killing this guy... can you hear the comments from Pakistan Generals and of course Egyptian Generals about Paris cartoons of Allah in a gay marriage at the Hemingway House in Key West. Why the NY Times only writes a story about a student from Egypt not Generals from Egypt in LA or NYC as there must be tens of thousands of Generals from Pakistan + Egypt in the USA working for the Pentagon but praying 5 times a day to Allah. By LIAM STACK NY Times.

3-8-2016 Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Muslims in Colorado on the Ford ElectricWindmill Escort assembly line want to pray to Allah 5 times a day... Pray the Pentagon gives them another $777 Trillion from oil, grin. Prayer Dispute Between Somalis and Plant Reshapes a Colorado Town, Again The conflict offers a case study on what happens when matters of religious accommodation knock heads with the demands of the American assembly line.

3-8-2016 Qatari + Dubai had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 Dubai + Qatari had petitioned Texas authorities to keep the documents secret...

3-8-2016 "Embargo Lifted, Iranian Oil Reaches Europe" By RICK GLADSTONE A Spanish refinery received Iran’s first shipment of oil for Europe since the 2012 embargo was officially lifted in January. Tanker Monte Toledo delivered a shipment of Iranian oil to the refinery of Compañía Española de Petróleos, in Algeciras, a southern Spanish port near Gibraltar, on Sunday. Iran produced roughly 3.6 million barrels a day before the nuclear sanctions, but dropped to roughly 2.8 million barrels a day in recent years. Exports of roughly two million barrels a day fell by half.

3-8-2016 Iran, Qatari, + Dubai Pray the Pentagon gives them another $777 Trillion from oil, grin.

3-8-2016 "The Costumes That Obscure Doctor and Patient" By Abigail Zuger, MD Is it time for new costumes in the long-running improv act featuring doctor and patient? The white coat and the cotton gown are tattered, under continual assault for their practical deficiencies and outmoded symbolism. Most American medical schools now bestow a fresh white coat on every new student, a symbol of our exalted professional aspirations. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat in the New York Times surrounded by cop cars not on fire. iPod size GE electric generator fueled via H @ -254 C will change the Uniforms of Doctors, Nurse's, Cops, everyone on Earth. Aspirations of those with the Generals Uniform that cost $777 Trillion today. Iran, Qatari, + Dubai Pray the Pentagon Generals gives them another $777 Trillion from oil, grin.

3-8-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times; Trump just Fired you! Grin.

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell as a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by the passing of former First Lady Nancy Reagan. She will always be admired for her strength of conviction and her lifelong devotion to her husband. Her ‘just say no’ campaign prevented many young people from falling prey to the allure of drug use; and her advocacy for stem cell research raised public awareness and influenced decision makers about vital research for Alzheimer’s disease. We extend our condolences to her family at this difficult time.” — Jimmy Carter, former U.S. president. Nancy Reagan torturous, private struggle with the suppressed 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort because she and Ronald used this invention more than Jimmy Carter in world affairs. Coincidences the first Carnival Cruise Ship I watch leaving Key West late the Reagan's were running for the waiting ship and 100's on the balcony's were cheering them on Run Reagan Run and the loud speaker was call out the Reagan's by name too... grin. 1984 Coincidences! Today "In the face of adversity," Holocaust II + III lead atoms in the air and water we breath and drink for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues. Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the ‘Peanuts’ Gang play with atoms in the air and water we breath and drink... after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. Jimmy Carter + Rosalynn and I are saddened by the passing of children at Saint Jude Today from Holocaust II + III masterminded by Jimmy and Rosalynn in Georgia!

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 Tom Hiddleston has fuelled rumors that he might ultimately replace Daniel Craig as James Bond by insisting that the role would be an “extraordinary opportunity. Madonna as the next James Bond would be an “extraordinary opportunity" for women "like" Madonna. 007 Madonna would put lead in the air flying as it has never flow and hitting the BP Oil men. Rush-hour traffic in Tripoli is ferocious; lavish subsidies make fuel cheaper than bottled water. Without 007 Madonna as the next Bond lead in the air in Tripoli is top secret.

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 Oil + Snow in Alaska; "As Alaska Warms, the Iditarod Adapts" The dogs, the mushers and the sleds were ready for the annual race from Anchorage to Nome, but there was one thing missing: the snow. Second thing missing is 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year race across the Alaska Snow!! God will put Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled from Hell. Emerging work force for millenniels first 1,001 Noble's in Medicine then 1,001 Nobel's in Star Travel. Alaska politics of Iditarod is like No Gas Stations on Earth. And GE building trillion miles of high power electric wires across vast areas of the world when a iPod size GE electric generator fueled by H @ -254 C is a better invention.

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 Today - The United States and South Korea started huge military exercises Monday, kicking off drills that will include rehearsing surgical strikes on North Korea's main nuclear and missile facilities and sending in special forces to carry out ... Today The United States and South Korea started huge 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine iapps at every Apple-Starbucks world wide with the shipments of $8K iMacBook Pro's for every café table in Paris, with 100" Ultra LG monitors! DuPont and Dow Chemical in December agreed to combine in an all-stock merger valued at $130 billion, combining two of the biggest and oldest U.S. chemical producers. This Dow-DuPont transaction will not give Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year. So why is Apple Starbucks stuck in a better Habitat for Humanity Universe? Two rival philosophies. Germany's BASF SE BFFAF 1.62% is planning to crash the merger plans of Dupont DD 7.49% and Dow Chemical DOW 1.81% , Bloomberg reported. Bloomberg will not report on the merger plans of Apple-Starbucks for the growth of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year. Pembrolizumab, a new treatment that is part of a promising class of drugs that harness the body's immune system to fight cancer. The immunotherapy is manufactured by Merck & Co under the brand name Keytruda. Today - The United States and South Korea started huge military exercises, to Hell with 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in Korea today. Jimmy no longer needs $12K Rx of this he said shared his news at a Sunday school class he teaches in his hometown of Plains, Georgia, yesterday. No Jimmy didn't share the No Gas Stations on Earth Coup via the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort he masterminded its suppression for $777 for Allah, Mecca not his Sunday School Baptists Congregation in Plains, Georgia.

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 George Patouhas, the owner of a liquor store at 38-18 Astoria Boulevard, was killed there on Sunday. Not reported by the NY Times are the Gas Stations Owners killed yesterday. The wives of Vets killed yesterday. Rosalynn and Jimmy Carter are saddened even more that the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort was killed again yesterday by our 1984 II Dictators - killed from the front page of Today's New York Times!

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 Yale Daily News today - Who run the world? Tomorrow is International Women’s Day, and Circle of Women at Yale will celebrate with baked goods at the Women’s Center at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday. Circle of Women will also kick off a fund raising campaign to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Yale Journalism students headlined this as... An important moment. The New Haven Museum plans to commemorate the 175th anniversary of the Amistad Supreme Court decision on Thursday. In 1841, former President John Quincy Adams argued that slaves who had revolted aboard the ship Amistad and were jailed in New Haven for the uprising were acting as free people. Adams won the case and the captives were freed. Yale Journalism students headlined this as... An important moment... but none of the Yale Journalism students who wrote this today ever applied to the Yale Medical School. This is why all Journalism Students must be MD students too as the Blacks freed by President Adams had Syphilis...

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 "Warning issued as nesting season begins" Key West Citizen - Monday, March 7, 2016 This month marks the beginning of sea turtle nesting season and state wildlife officials are warning that the hatchlings not only face threats from birds and other predators, but from humans as well - this warning needs to get to Korea today as Nukes going off will harm the turtles well as humans. Also the Navy should be feeding 1 trillion turtles off the coast of the Korea s's today not preparing for Nuclear Attack. This month marks the beginning of the Hemingway Writing Classes for Spring Break students on the White Sandy Beach in Key West dissecting gravity in the Top Quarks that make the white sand... not all students can afford a Key West Spring Break or $8K MacBook Pro with 1,001 IP invention projects iapps with link to Los Alamos. 100 students writing a novel today that will be finished by midnight with a invention in every chapter. Next spring break I hope!

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-7-2016 Rosalynn and I are saddened by Alaska Iditarod with Palin in Hell in a trillion light year long musher on a Sled in Hell.

3-6-2016 Does President Hassan Rouhani have SWF sex slaves, probably! This is a "Crime," SWF Sex Slaves in Dubai, that 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat will put on the front page of the NY Times along with the note Bill + Melinda knew about who had SWF sex slaves today! 3-6-2016.

3-6-2016 "If you want to know where the universe came from and where it's going, you need to know about time," You need to know about the NY Times 1984 - 2016 George Orwell Times in "Times" 1984 in this year "No Gas Stations On Earth" should have been Driving the Era of the NY Times to prevent 9/11 and 9/11 II today, in our current times of $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues. Top Quark particles; K and B mesons behave slightly differently depending on the direction of time... KGB intelligence also noticed lead atoms in DNA in 2016 for the first time via Kremlin. Link to the Top Quarks Mesons and Gravity Engine has not yet been realized as Gravity Engine invention projects are still Top Secret from the front pages of the NY Times, grin. Galaxy, named MG J0414+0534. The radiation from the water maser was emitted when the Universe was only about 2.5 billion years old, a fifth of its current age. “The radiation that we detected has taken 11.1 billion years to reach the Earth, “However, because the Universe has expanded like an inflating balloon in that time, stretching out the distances between points, the galaxy in which the water was detected is about 19.8 billion light years away.” What does 19.8 Billion years away have to do with; "If you want to know where the universe came from and where it's going, you need to know about time?" Soul could possibly live on for 19 Billion or 19 Trillion years. Lead atoms were only discovered in 2016 by our 1984 II Dictators, how long do you think it will take them to rule the Earth as if their Soul might live for 19 Trillion years!

3-6-2016 Does President Hassan Rouhani have SWF sex slaves, probably!

3-6-2016 Does President Hassan Rouhani have SWF sex slaves, probably!

3-6-2016 “Eric Arthur Blair.” It was to that grave a friend and I recently made a pilgrimage for a sad anniversary. Blair died of tuberculosis on Jan. 21, 1950, at the age of 46, just when he had found fame and fortune under the name by which the world knows him, George Orwell. George Orwell working at the NY Times today would have written up British Elite Colleges with TB invention projects and injected a hit on Jimmy Carter for going after worms in Africa when TB kills more people in London Today than worms in Africa. So much for the influence of Orwell in writing. He gets or George Orwell's clone today gets a F from Oxford. In Time there will be a Rx Cure for TB and No TB on Earth like in the same year there are No Gas Stations on Earth and God save the Queen will be sung as "The Queen is in Hell" thank God!

3-6-2016 Fire Bombed Cop Cars finally light up the NY Times... Police set up barricades after seizing the NY Times. Police have erected fences and are standing watch in front of the NY Times!

3-6-2016 Does President Hassan Rouhani have SWF sex slaves, probably!

3-6-2016 Does President Hassan Rouhani have SWF sex slaves, probably!

3-6-2016 By FLOYD WHALEY New York Times. A cargo vessel linked to North Korea was seized by the Philippines under United Nations sanctions intended to punish it for recent nuclear and rocket tests. A Cartoon Written in Paris Mocking Allah + Mecca. Eventually one of these will cause a H-Bomb to be called by the NY Times 9/11 II in Paris or Seoul. Fire bombed cop cars in the USA will in time cause the NY Times to be seized by the Police. South Korea Government is Using Defamation Laws to Silence 9/11 II will happen if you keep spitting on them... unless you win the war with "No Gas Stations On Earth!" Seoul is arresting people today who want 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year Era. And Los Alamos with no H-Bombs on the assembly line for a year! To work 24/7 brainstorming at Apple-Starbucks Rx Recipes linked to $1 Trillion in IBM Super Computer Simulations. Lead in the Air + Water was just discovered in 2016 by our 1984 II Dictators who went to Oxford not Ford for the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era! Flint made the front page of the NY Times about Lead in the Water and Brains of kids... Duval Key West was only on this web page about "Spray Painted Black Clouds from Trillions of Scooters when Billions of DNA divides in growing kids of Tourists doing the Duval Walk" "Men in Police Garb Kill 10 in Honduras" Five men arrived in a vehicle at a billiards hall in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa and shot and killed at least eight people, and injured others, two of who later died. Billiards Hall is not a Apple-Starbucks with $8K iMacbook Pro's with Rx Recipes of every flower in Honduras, grin.

3-6-2016 Does President Hassan Rouhani have SWF sex slaves, probably!

3-6-2016 Does President Hassan Rouhani have SWF sex slaves, probably!

3-6-2016 From Dubai, he controlled a global network of more than 60 companies involved in everything from cosmetics to air travel and banking. Iranian Billionaire businessman $13 Billion Babak Zanjani has been sentenced to death for not giving the gov. of Iran $2.3 Billion in oil he sold to the USA and British during the oil embargo. From Dubai, UAE were Bill + Melinda Gates have their second home... grin. Iran didn't arrest Babak for having SWF sex slaves in Dubai. Why? He was taken into custody a day after President Hassan Rouhani ordered his government to fight "financial corruption", particularly "privileged figures" who had "taken advantage of economic sanctions" Does President Hassan Rouhani have SWF sex slaves, probably! This is a "Crime" SWF Sex Slaves in Dubai, that 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat will put on the front page of the NY Times along with the note Bill + Melinda knew about who had SWF sex slaves today! 3-6-2016.

3-6-2016 Does President Hassan Rouhani have SWF sex slaves, probably!

3-6-2016 Does President Hassan Rouhani have SWF sex slaves, probably!

3-6-2016 "How drinking alcohol can double heart attack, and stroke risk" Daily News & Analysis. Next week News & Analysis will write up 1,001 IP invention projects iapps to invent a Rx Recipe put in the water that will give humanity no heart attacks + stroke's caused by the Alcohol molecules. Researchers analyse data from 23 studies involving 30,000 participants to better understand the risk of heart attacks and strokes in the hours and days after drinking alcohol. "We found that even moderate alcohol consumption - one drink a day reported by Harvard Medical School Women MD. "Character Study: War Nurse, Now 100, Saw It All" By COREY KILGANNON New York Times... Character Study from the NY Times War Nurse in Vietnam given GI Bill $$$ for Nurse to MD money. $777 Trillion in BP Oil's war chest will be given to millions of Nurse's to become an MD in 2017. Oxford and Yale Medical Schools will have 3 shifts and patients not covered by Medicare and Medicate. First year Nurse to MD programs will still have the cadaver, but more medical school student work on patients and infection control and 1,001 IP iapps written. "Editorial: Raise the Legal Age for Cigarette Sales to 21" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times when the editorial should have been Castro quit smoking in 1984 and it's 2016 today with millions of smokers over the age of 21 in the USA, Will Cuba be the first Nation to go Non-Smoking?

3-6-2016 Does President Hassan Rouhani have SWF sex slaves, probably! This is a "Crime," SWF Sex Slaves in Dubai, that 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat will put on the front page of the NY Times along with the note Bill + Melinda knew about who had SWF sex slaves today! 3-6-2016.


3-6-2016 Fire Bombed Cop Cars finally light up the NY Times... Police set up barricades after seizing the NY Times. Police have erected fences and are standing watch in front of the headquarters of Turkey's largest-circulation newspaper a day after it used tear gas and water cannons to storm the building and enforce a court-ordered seizure... Journalists "Cop Killers" in conspiracy not to report the News about 100's of cop cars fire bombed for $777 Trillion in kickbacks from BP Oil.

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 "Fashion Diary: A Once-Obscure Designer Is Now the Talk of Paris" Talk of Paris today in our 1984 II Society is "No Gas Stations On Earth" as the best way to Nuke Mecca before H-Bombs go off in view of the Eiffel Tower via Pakistan Muslim Generals who have the H-Bomb assembly line running full speed in 2016. Is Now the Talk of Paris! 1984 II.

3-5-2016 "buzz" the talk of women in Key West Today is MS... "Up to Heaven Down to Hell" is the title of the CBS "Elementary" Episode with MS. Medicaid Is Extended to 15 million girls who will be given MS by bi-sexual men...

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 Stories surrounding Starbucks, Customers are rebelling after Starbucks made a major change to boost profits. The company's "buzz" score dropped 50% in eight days, following the announcement that rewards would soon be based on how much money customers spend, according to YouGov BrandIndex, reports CNBC.

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 Stories surrounding OJ Simpson and the knife used to kill his former wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Picture of the bloody Nicole is on Bing in her short black evening dress on the bloody sidewalk this is the first time I have ever seen this picture. Simpson's attorneys, law professor Gerald Uelman, visited the former football hero in jail and asked him where the knife was—and Simpson told him exactly where to fine it. So Uelman found the knife in a box that was on a shelf behind some mirrored doors in Simpson's master bedroom. The 15-inch folding lock-blade knife with a deer-antler handle looked to be in "pristine" condition, per the book.

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 Stories surrounding "Sex Slave's at Harvard Law - Harvard Law to Abandon Crest Linked to Slavery" New York Times - Harvard Law School is poised to abandon an 80-year-old shield based on the crest of a slave holding family that helped endow the institution, as campuses across the country debate the use of historic names and symbols that some consider offensive. Hulk Hogan, Sex Secrets and the Fate of Free Press A case on Gawker’s release of his sex tape raises questions about the line between privacy and free expression in the Internet era. "Sex Slave's at Harvard Law" 1984 II Society! Tina Fey Feminist Comedy with Palin and McCain sex slave's in Mecca, grin. Review: In ‘Whiskey Tango Foxtrot,’ Tina Fey as a Wisecracking War Reporter. Today held up in the NY Times surrounded by police, grin. Fire Bombed Cop Cars reporters... 1984 II News! Sex Slaves; sucked into the grueling but addictive pursuit of war journalism 1984 II George Orwell Society in 2016. All Wars paid for by $777 Trillion in kickbacks from BP Oil. BP Oil donates $50 Trillion to Harvard. King Salman paid to have all these people killed in Yemen... "Gunmen Kill 16 at Nursing Home in Yemen Started by Mother Teresa" By SAEED AL-BATATI and KAREEM FAHIM Even amid the horrors of war in Yemen, the nursing home slaughter of nuns, guards and a gardener in Aden evoked shock. King Salman paid to have all these people in Yemen killed... in a 1984 II Society.

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 Stories about the Most distant object in the universe spotted by Hubble Space Telescope, shattering record for the farthest known galaxy. A galaxy 13.4 billion light years away has been spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope. The new galaxy could lead scientists to question their understanding of the way that the universe was invented, look for the "Brain" of the Universe! For Christians, the idea that the universe may have always existed alongside God invites us to embrace a slightly different narrative than the narrative where God created everything “out of nothing. For Christian Inventor's... Jewish Aliens will light up Jerusalem

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 Boeing Invents Electric Toilets - Boeing creates self-cleaning, germ-zapping lavatory for airliners - Electric Toilets will plug into the iPod size GE electric generator fueled via H @ -254 C, waste will be incinerated for less than the cost of a gallon of water.

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

3-5-2016 "buzz" about Fiery Cop Cars in our 1984 II Society is hushed!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars! Learning how to manipulate parts of the brain that control motivation for Star Wars!! Star Travels!! Dophamine plays a role in motivation. Motivation Strategies range from imagining parents or coaches cheering them on, wives! Tongue-tied Judgement what to eat, drink, read the news. Lead atoms reduce IQ. "buzz" score — a measure of positive or negative sentiment around a brand. No Gas Stations on Earth will Nuke Mecca! Pentagon without Muslins to kill will be like Walter Reed MD's with a Rx Recipe to cure Brain + Breast Cancers overnight.

3-5-2016 DNA of 456 pancreatic tumors to identify the genetic and molecular process that causes normal pancreatic tissue to change into aggressive cancer... aggressive war to End All Gas Stations on Earth!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

3-4-2016 100 million 14 year old girls with brain between their index fingers and thumb will get a A + in Universe Brain Dissections! "Brandi Chastain to Donate Her Brain to 14 Year Old Teen girls; Socker Players to put between their index finger and thumb and ponder the Universe... for the mandatory cadaver in HS... to change the world via anatomy + physiology. No,Brandi's news was about donating her brain to a few people in a lab, not 100 million 14 year old girls! What was she thinking, why didn't Brandi think to change these girls life in the Universe. "You don’t ever want to look back on a kid and say that their life was adversely changed by playing sports — and soccer specifically. I don’t want that." 14 year old girls adversely changed by 24/7 sports not anatomy in todays HS agenda's by the 1 percent elite! Administrators harm kids more than getting hit in the head with a socker ball. Top 1 percent will go on to be elite players - 100% should go on to write iapps for the brain and 1,001 IP invention projects, Nobel's for Brain Memory discoveries. Futuristic iapps. Question. Why is this important to you as a woman? Answer.... The women who play at the professional level and the elite level, even these young kids, they give as much as the guys. I open the newspaper and read about someone from the Yankee making $325 million over 10 years. It’s mind-boggling. But the women and the girls that I represent, they are doing it for nothing. They will be doing it for 4 Trillion Years with a soul-mate in Heaven not Hell, were most of the Yankee who make $325 million will go... when my brain matter is put on their index finger and rubbed with their thumb as they ponder the Universe at 14 years old. 14 year old boys will go off to war and come home and kill their wives unless I change the Universe, our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

3-4-2016 "Brandi Chastain to Donate Her Brain to Concussion Legacy Foundation for CTE Research" New York Times - No female athletes have been found to have had C.T.E. - it has been found in the brains of women with histories of head trauma - but the sample size has been small.

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

3-4-2016 The retired soccer player Brandi Chastain remains best known for scoring the winning shoot out goal in the 1999 World Cup final against China. Least know among 14 year old girls is encephalopathy,a degenerative brain disease. The 1999 team, have argued against heading in youth soccer. In November, U.S. Soccer announced stricter standards for players under 14. Least known, few will get an A, 100 million 14 year old girls with brain between their index fingers and thumb will get a A + in Universe Brain Dissections!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

3-4-2016 14 Year old girl socker players are light years from the MS virus. CBS Elementary had a women with MS calling off the love affair with the Police Capt because of it. Police Capt. meets and greets 14 year old girls every day and never ever mentions MS Virus to them. CBS Elementary - called MS cruel disease, torture by Tim Cook, Elton John and Hillary's social engineering. "Up to Heaven Down to Hell" is the title of the Elementary Episode with MS. "Michigan: Medicaid Is Extended to 15,000 Exposed to Lead in Flint" By ABBY GOODNOUGH - Medicaid Is Extended to 15 million girls who will be given MS by bi-sexual men. Supreme Court Justice ruled Obama failed to make these infected men with the ms virus public on Facebook... Edward Lammer, Doctor Who Linked Acne Drug to Birth Defects, Dies at 62 - 14 year old socker girl have much more to do in socker practice these days writing iapps. Accutane syndrome, Rx Recipe is need for this and all drugs from Hoffmann-La Roche, for socker practice!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

3-4-2016 South Africa: Oscar Pistorius’s Appeal of Conviction Is Rejected" - Mary Kennedy Suicide - Pistorius Essay's and iapps assignments for 14 year old girl socker players should be added to their games, grin!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

3-4-2016 McBrain... John McCain is Hell for 100 million 14 year old girls! "Mitt Romney and John McCain Denounce Donald Trump as a Danger to Democracy" By ALEXANDER BURNS and MICHAEL BARBARO - Danger to 100 million 14 year old girls, McCain, McBrain should be arrested for "War Crimes" against HS girls who believe in soul-mates not eternity or 4 trillion years in hell for wars on Earth in a Universe full of Jewish Aliens!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

3-4-2016 McBrain... By CHRIS BUCKLEY “Supply-side structural reform” represents an effort to rejuvenate President Xi Jinping’s faltering plans to overhaul the Chinese economy. "Universe-side Structures such as gravity and more down to Earth invention of the Gravity Engine" Reform's to rejuvenate 1,001 IP invention projects! Flint Is in the News, but Lead Poisoning Is Even Worse in Cleveland China. By MICHAEL WINES Four decades ago, political leaders declared war on lead, citing evidence of its pernicious impact on young brains. But Yale + Harvard used car salesmen sold 1 Billion Gas Engine Cars to China in the Scam of all Time surpassing the British Opium Den's. GE efforts to build 1 Trillion miles of Electric Power Lines in China will be rejected for iPod size GE electric generators fueled by H @ -254C. 1 Billion iPod's on the assembly lines along with GE appliances to plug in... better than 1 trillion miles of electric power wires... Wheels: VW Scandal Clouds Prospects for Other Diesel Makers at Geneva Motor Show - Beijing Diesel Atoms were discovered by Xi in 2016... so much for Chinese Education, grin!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

3-4-2016 McBrain... AMC Deal for Carmike Would Create Biggest U.S. Theater Chain - AMC Entertainment, the movie theater chain bought by Chinese conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group in 2012, is acquiring rival chain Carmike Cinemas for $1.1 billion including debt, which will help AMC surpass Knoxville-based Regal Entertainment Group - Now all they need to buy is iMacBook Pro's for every movie seat for the next generation in 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Movies made for the Pentagon... grin!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

3-4-2016 McBrain... "BREAKING: Law School Committee Recommends Seal Change" By Claire E. Parker Harvard Crimson Student News A committee tasked with re-considering Harvard Law School’s seal in light of its ties to slavery recommended Friday that the Harvard Corporation revoke the emblem’s status as the school’s official symbol. Harvard in Saudi Arabia, UAE SWF "sex slaves" are not in the Harvard News or Law School, grin. "Mather Amends Restrictions on Hard Alcohol in JCR" By Jalin P. Cunningham and Ignacio Sabate - Mather administrators have walked back a policy banning hard alcohol in the House’s Junior Common Room, just weeks after announcing the decision. Harvard Medical School is light years away from the Harvard Campus. "Green Beret Who Hit Afghan Child Rapist Should Be Reinstated, Lawmakers Say" By CHRISTINE HAUSER Sgt. First Class Charles Martland faces discharge after he helped to beat up an Afghan militia commander who kept a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave. Elite at Harvard who want to change the seal on the Harvard Law know who owns Sex Slaves today world wide and watch the YouTube sex slave videos in the Harvard dorms, grin!

3-4-2016 McBrain... What could be more alien than a virus? It’s a nanobiological weapon — a microscopic protein shell holding a few genes that hijack a cell’s internal machinery, forcing it to make new viruses. The battles we fight with these alien enemies brings malaise, scars and even death. "Study Finds Surprising Benefit of Viral DNA: Fighting Other Viruses" Carl Zimmer New York Times; Carl needed to write up the MS Virus in the Viral DNA: 100 million women will die a tortured CIA death from bi-sexual men infecting them with the MS Virus. Our 1984 II Dictators are not about to expose these men who have the MS Virus and protect 100 million girl any time soon! But over the generations, of women who have been infected by men with terrible virus diseases our 1984 II Dictators still rule! To fight invading viruses, a cell needs to turn on many genes at once. The genetic switches that make this possible are stretches of DNA next to each gene, which are themselves activated by proteins. To fight our 1984 II Dictators Greg + Wives in Key West need to turn on activate the 1984 II women who read this web page.

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

Trump; our God today is the Pentagon. Not Jewish Aliens at nearby stars!

3-3-2016 Fraud Arrests May Be Turning Point for Polygamist Sect - Tim Cook + Elton John arrest for spreading HIV, Syphilis, STD's, MS Virus and held libel $ for spreading these terrible diseases to millions, yes millions, Will be a Turning Point for Hillary in the election! Grin. Harvard has confirmed four additional mumps cases among students, bringing the total number to six, according to an email Harvard University Health Services director Paul J. Barreira sent Wednesday afternoon. According to Barreira, the affected students are currently in isolation - in a Cuban Prison Hospital, Oh Tim Cook + Elton John are, ha! "buzz" score for Tim Cook and Elton John after STD's headlines... Shock + Awe as the NY Times will sell more papers. Charley Sheen is the only one in the world with HIV... and made the front page of the NY Times with this news. Who has STD's News, Will be a Turning Point for Hillary in the election! You know Bill has to have several diseases... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

3-3-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times; Trump just Fired you! Grin.

3-3-2016 "Starbucks sentiment plunges after rewards switch" Public sentiment on Starbucks plunged after the company revamped its loyalty program, suggesting the coffee chain may have an uphill battle with its most frequent customers. The company's "buzz" score — a measure of positive or negative sentiment around a brand — dropped from 60 to 29 in just eight days. 80 percent of Starbucks customers said that they would consider making their next purchase at the coffee shop. That figure has fallen to 71 percent since the company tightened its rewards program, giving points to coffee drinkers for every dollar spent instead of redeemable points for every purchase. "I'll tell you that this is a little bit concerning for Starbucks," Greg's suggestion Buy one Get one Free on all coffee for eveyone was perfect timing... as the "buzz" score on people who have not been in a Starbucks in years will go faster than the speed of light with the Starbucks promotion of Buy 1 get one Free on any coffee many times a day as you want! Did I get any email from Starbucks yet? $$$ Grin.

3-3-2016 He drove his SUV straight into a concrete bridge embankment at 50 mph with no seat belt on, didn't break and the car exploded into a ball of fire. A day after being charged with breaking federal antitrust laws. He invented a way to go faster than the speed of light in production of natural gas... His goal was to take the fracking revolution worldwide. “He was always looking for worlds to conquer,” ...production of 25 million a day to 1.8 billion a day... hydraulic fracturing to unlock vast amounts of natural gas in Texas, via a new recipe. Spin off from this invention should be posted by our 1984 II Dictators, especially to Los Alamos. Chesapeake, which he co-founded in 1989, it would become the second-biggest natural gas producer in the United States. Only Exxon Mobil produces more. Apple is on the front page of the New York Times about opening its new HQ in SF for tech workers when they should have opened it at Los Alamos for our Habitat for Humanity advancement in high tech. In Wozniak’s view, spreading out the teams could infuse new creativity - Los Alamos was never though of or brain stormed by anyone in Wozniak's inner circle. Los Alamos can move into Los Alamos II and give Apple Greg + Wives in Key West Los Alamos. His goal was to take the fracking revolution worldwide. “He was always looking for worlds to conquer,” Waste Management for Exxon and Natural Gas + Gasoline has failed our Habitat for Humanity. They are like Kerry on a End the Vietnam War Time loop with no interest in Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 nearest stars. New York Times CLIFFORD KRAUSS who wrote this story knows about the $777 Trillion in profits from Exxon + BP Oil in Swiss Banks, same Banks Hitler used.

3-3-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times; Trump just Fired you! Grin.

3-3-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times Jennifer Daniel, a graphics editor for The Times, recently tried to do her job on an iPad Pro but was unsuccessful. Adobe software is a prison, and my work, its prisoners. She said the iPad Pro still felt like an object to consume things with, not to make things on. Jennifer Daniel, a graphics editor for The Times, recently tried to do her job on an iPad Pro but was unsuccessful. Her work generally involves talking to reporters about how to tell their stories visually, researching topics on the Internet, interviewing experts, sketching out concepts with Adobe Illustrator, and writing and publishing code from her computer, often all at once. No iapps link all this to Rx Recipes at Los Alamos for Jennifer Daniel's at the New York Times and No 1,001 IP invention projects for "Graphic Editors" iapps to keep open in a window. Link to Los Alamos will be successful - Jennifer will write this even before she has the Los Alamos link connected at the NY Times. Really. So why is Kerry still at the Peace Table in Geneva trying to end the Vietnam War... Time Loop iapps! Jennifer didn't research 1,001 IP invention projects for birth control or Talk to Dr. Nancy about putting it in the water... Editorial: Texas’ Dangerous Abortion Law as the Editors at the Times don't print stories about 1,001 IP invention projects for birth control, grin. Jennifer Trump just fired you!

Last 37 years of Pentagon Generals driving the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort would have saved millions of USA women lives...

3-3-2016 Billions of dollars were invested in import terminals that would receive liquefied natural gas from Qatar today they are being used to liquefy gas for export. This is like Kerry on a End the Vietnam War Time loop with no interest in Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 nearest stars. New York Times CLIFFORD KRAUSS who wrote this story knows about the $777 Trillion in profits from Exxon + BP Oil in Swiss Banks, same Banks Hitler used.

3-3-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times; Trump just Fired you! Grin.

3-3-2016 New York Times Headlines; "White Officer Is Arrested in Killing of Black Man" By ALAN BLINDER no NY Times story on FBI arrested for fire bombing cop cars stopped writing a ticket... failing to stop to help. Arrest warrant for Pope Francis on these charges too.

3-3-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times; Trump just Fired you! Grin.

3-3-2016 "State of the Art: A Plan in Case Robots Take the Jobs: Give Everyone a Paycheck" By FARHAD MANJOO New York Times... Give Everyone 1,001 IP invention projects to work on 24/7 in Case Robots Take their Jobs, grin. This story will not be in the NY Times and 1,001 IP will not be published on the front page of the NY Times until 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat and Polygamous Marriage is made Legal and on the front page of the NY Times.

3-3-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times; Trump just Fired you! Grin.

3-3-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times Jennifer Daniel, a graphics editor for The Times, recently tried to do her job on an iPad Pro but was unsuccessful. Adobe software is a prison, and my work, its prisoners. She said the iPad Pro still felt like an object to consume things with, not to make things on. Jennifer Daniel, a graphics editor for The Times, recently tried to do her job on an iPad Pro but was unsuccessful. Her work generally involves talking to reporters about how to tell their stories visually, researching topics on the Internet, interviewing experts, sketching out concepts with Adobe Illustrator, and writing and publishing code from her computer, often all at once. No iapps link all this to Rx Recipes at Los Alamos for Jennifer Daniel's at the New York Times and No 1,001 IP invention projects for "Graphic Editors" iapps to keep open in a window. Link to Los Alamos will be successful - Jennifer will write this even before she has the Los Alamos link connected at the NY Times. Really. So why is Kerry still at the Peace Table in Geneva trying to end the Vietnam War... Time Loop iapps! Jennifer didn't research 1,001 IP invention projects for birth control or Talk to Dr. Nancy about putting it in the water... Editorial: Texas’ Dangerous Abortion Law as the Editors at the Times don't print stories about 1,001 IP invention projects for birth control, grin. Jennifer Trump just fired you!

3-3-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times; Trump just Fired you! Grin.

3-3-2016 NYC No New State of the Arts Medical School, a new train station. "A Soaring Symbol of a Boondoggle Trains" By MICHAEL KIMMELMAN The World Trade Center Transportation Hub, opening Thursday, gives the city an Instagram-ready attraction and the most expensive train station ever.

3-3-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times; Trump just Fired you! Grin.

3-3-2016 2016 Ford ElectricWindmill Escort would be designed to live in your car... "Living in an S.U.V., Seen as a Menace Then a Neighbor" By JIM DWYER Living out of a Ford Explorer in Brooklyn after losing his home, an unemployed chemist changed his own trajectory while stirring the altruistic impulses of some who were wary of him. I lived in my Ford Escort 1999 for 1 year and 2 months in Key West and AC is needed 24/7 in Key West Endless Summer which is about 9 months a year. So invent AC for a Ford that can run 24/7 for 9 months weather the car is running or parked.

3-3-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times; Trump just Fired you! Grin.

3-3-2016 "Saudi Arabia Cuts $777 Trillion in Aid to Lebanon, Opening Door for Iran" By ANNE BARNARD Saudi Arabia’s tactic could allow Iran to increase its role in Lebanon through its ally, the militant group Hezbollah. Saudi Arabia Cuts $777 Trillion in Aid to Lebanon, Opening Door for $777 Trillion to be confiscated by Yale Key West Medical School's in every town and city in the USA...

3-3-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times; Trump just Fired you! Grin.

3-3-2016 19K SWF's in the USA murdered in 2016 unreported by UN. "Death Toll in Ukraine Conflict Hits 9,160, U.N. Says" By NICK CUMMING-BRUCE The number of casualties from fighting has fallen in recent months, a senior official said, but killings, abductions and torture are still being reported. 15K SWF's in the USA tortured from MS given to them by bi-sexual men... not reported by the UN.

3-3-2016 Jennifer Daniel of The New York Times; Trump just Fired you! Grin.

3-3-2016 Gen. Campbell, for the last 37 years driving the 2016 Electric Windmill Ford Escort...

3-3-2016 By MUJIB MASHAL Gen. John W. Nicholson Jr. will lead a combined United States and NATO force of 13,000 troops, replacing Gen. John F. Campbell, who is retiring after a 37-year military career. Last 37 years of Pentagon Generals driving the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort would have saved millions of USA women lives killed by Pentagon Generals driving gas engine cars the last 37 years... a War Crime Mujib Mashal at the New York Times will report!

3-3-2016 Gen. Campbell, for the last 37 years driving the 2016 Electric Windmill Ford Escort...

3-3-2016 Gen. Campbell, for the last 37 years driving the 2016 Electric Windmill Ford Escort...

3-3-2016 Leap Year women asking, “Will you marry me?” for the inspiration to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 1 year.

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors! On 3-3-2011 Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion from the invention of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort... End to Gas Stations On Earth win the War on Breast Cancer all lost to Vietnam Vets, Baby Killers drunk on Coors + $777 Trillion from BP Oil.

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors! 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower "Yale Key West Medical School" "is" ready for its first class of Dr. Cinderella MD's.

3-2-2016 Trump's Super Tuesday Hell, Super Universe and Trump has not addressed Jewish Aliens at the Nearest Stars! Trump's Super Tuesday GOP establishment seeks unity to slow the Universe Surge to End Gas Stations On Earth, win the "Wars!"

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors! Apple-Starbucks at every Paris café Table, Mac's

Combat Stage 4 instead of just killing the wives coming home from Iraqi War! Trump's Super Tuesday feu-de-joie, feu de joie is a celebratory rifle salute, described as a "running fire of guns." As soldiers fire into the air sequentially in rapid succession, the cascade of blank rounds produces a characteristic "rat-tat-tat" effect.

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors! iPhone i007 Movie + Dash Cam tickets.

GOP establishment seeks Super Combat on Earth not Star Wars inventions to go faster than light and build the gravity engine! Vote!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors! Fire bombing Cop Cars, not stopping to help!

Sparking renewed calls at the Apple-Starbucks Store School University 24/7 Ultra 100" LG's and $8K iMacPro's at every café Table in Paris! Questioning the wisdom in and of 52 Nearest Stars and the Gravity Engine. What are gravitational waves? Ripples across the universe... of 1984 II Dictators.

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors! No Legal Polygamous Marriage License!

1984 II Dictators have a powerful gravitational pull. Like hungry hungry hippos eating everything that comes near, they suck in planets, stars and anything else that crosses their path. Incredibly, even light gets sucked in, grin!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

1984 II Dictators Practically invisible but in their killings via Brain + Breast Cancers, Mary Kennedy! Wives of troops coming home from combat.

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

Atoms are so small that we’ve only recently developed devices to see them. But the nucleus, or center, of an atom is about 10,000 times as big as the ripple of the gravitational wave. Quarks inside the Atom just developed enough for the Yale + Harvard Elite to see them. Lead atoms in DNA is a 2016 Discovery!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

Mirrors and lasers on their Ford assembly like for No Head on Collisions, Ever! Is decades away. Poison Gasoline exhaust hidden birth-defect problem is a new cancer in Jimmy Carter's brain! Maryland woman released early from prison after killing two people in a 2009 drunken-driving crash is due in court Wednesday because an alcohol-sensing “interlock” device stopped her from starting her car. Sensing the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort!!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 Conditions for life in the universe, New French Revolution via Paris FBI women. SWF's murdered by Allah + Robert Kennedy Jr. the 1984 II Dictators!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Error Locked San Bernardino Attacker’s iPhone" CECILIA KANG and ERIC LICHTBLAU New York Times. Mary Kennedy's attacker was know by the FBI.

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "Document Claims Drug Makers Deceived a Top Medical Journal" By KATIE THOMAS New York Times. Doctors at Walter Reed Deceived Beau and Saint Jude Children's hospital in Beijing. Top Medical MD do the most Heart Transplants in Mecca not the USA.

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 With G.E. Leaving Yale for Harvard, a Developer Looks to Step In" By LISA PREVOST New York Times. Build the Gravity Engine, recycle trillions of miles of high power lines for a iPod size GE electric generator fueled by H @ -254 C.

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 92 New York City High Schools to Give No-Fee SAT Today - Tomorrow iInvention SAT test will be a lesson lecture in 1,001 Invention Projects students must know, memorize. Perfect Memory Rx Drugs are one Recipe away from being put in the water, grin!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 UN Troops from Nepal infected Haiti with Cholera killing 10's of thousands. WHO at the UN belongs in a Hospital Prison in Cuba! By RICK GLADSTONE A legal battle by Haitian cholera epidemic victims to hold the United Nations accountable reached its highest level in an American court on Tuesday.

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 The New York Times’s Former Jerusalem Bureau Chief? By INSIDER STAFF Jodi Rudoren - should have made Headlines Show + Awe of Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars and Start of Star Travels, faster than light a IP invention Project for the government of Israel.

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 By RICK GLADSTONE A look at why North Korea has festered as an international crisis for more than a half-century and the international response to that threat... Rx Cancer Cure was lost to the Korean War then the Vietnam War then to the intellectual failure of Yale + Harvard Elite like Kerry + Bush who were deceived by BP Oil's $777 Trillion sales to China, a modern Opium Den of Mad Men. Korean Suicide Bombers are waiting for the Pakistan Muslin Suicide Bombers, both have H-Bomb suicide vest. Rick at the New York Times will write this story after the facts not before as he is censored. Bin Laden reviewed his finances, saying he had received $12 million from one of his brothers and that he had $29 million in Sudan, where he lived from 1991 to 1996. If he was killed, he wrote, he hoped his family would “spend all the money that I have left in Sudan on Jihad.” A senior intelligence official, who the Central Intelligence Agency insisted speak on the condition of anonymity, said the agency did not know what became of the money, or if any of it remained at the time of Bin Laden’s death. But the will, the official said, was probably important to Bin Laden, because he carried it with him for years. The fixation on $ Saudi Arabia Oil Money, $12 million his brother gave him came from the USA. End to Gas Stations on Earth via Jimmy Carter in 1980 gave us Bin Laden and 9/11.

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 Oil + Gas Conspiracy - Building Blocks: Restoring a Home for Scholars at the New York Public Library - Apple-Starbucks Store School University 24/7 Ultra 100" LG monitors $8K iMacPro's Rx Recipes linked to Los Alamos. New York City Public libraries will go the way of gas stations when Scholars work on 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

US Department of State issued travel warnings to avoid visiting 52 Nearest Stars. Americans have been issued a travel warning to avoid visiting the 52 Nearest Stars. "Blackened Out" on the front pages of the New York Times!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-2-2016 "F.B.I. Errors!

3-1-2016 Conditions for life may hinge on how fast the universe is expanding... 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year! On 3-3-2011 Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion from the invention of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort... Five Years Married to Breast Cancer Cure Wives... 3-3-2021. 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower "Yale Key West Medical School" "is" ready for its first class of Dr. Cinderella MD's.

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates... Apple-Starbucks Store School University with a $8K iMacPro at every Paris café Table Today!

3-1-2016 #OscarsSoWhite Kerry's Time loop to End the Vietnam War when Breast + Brain Cancer was lost by the Vietnam Era, today the #OscarsSoWhite OJ clones lost the Brainstorming Oscar Movies by Disney, Sony, Fox, Lionsgate titles like "New Dr. Cinderella MD, "#OscarsSoWhite" Movie is on the drawing table at MGM Today not Cinderella at Los Alamos crunching the Top Quarks in the Breast Cancer Cell with every Rx Recipe that exist. While Hollywood celebrated the Oscars, black celebrities rallied for Flint. While the Oscars were being watched trillions of scooters on Duval Key West were painting black clouds of poison gas as kids did the Duval Walk with their tourists parents. Baby Killers from the Vietnam War are the ones who let a trillion scooters paint black clouds of poison gas on Duval While they watched the Oscars!

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 iPhone SE: Name of new, smaller Apple handset revealed... updates that Reveal Robert Kennedy Jr. hanged Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn or helping Mary Today save her life and expose the Judge who was bought by Robert Kennedy is not in this new iPhone SE; iapps to invent the Gravity Engine not in this updated iPhone SE:

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 Donald Trump’s Message Resonates With White Supremacists who are the "New Dr. Cinderella MD, SWF "#OscarsSoWhite" Brain + Breast Cancer Cure Men and women, this is not Hillary + Bill's WhiteSupremacists at Yale Law School with Syphilis in their frontal lobes! Yes Hillary + Bill have Syphilis! Hillary helped hang Mary in the Kennedy Barn, its on a YouTube Video.

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 Paris has the Highest risk of H-Bomb going off in view of the Eiffel Tower via Pakistan Muslim Generals reading French Cartoons of Allah.

3-1-2016 OJ Black men have the highest risk of HIV, Syphilis, STD's, MS Virus diagnosis with 1 in 20 likely to get a diagnosis. SWF, White women had the lowest risk with a 1 in 880 chance.

3-1-2016 H-Bomb Risks from "No Gas Stations On Earth" is the highest with our current 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis in their frontal lobe's and fire bombed cop cars in their resume's.

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 1984 II Dictators + parents who do not vaccinate their children puts their entire community at risk, Universe at risk. Jewish Aliens!

3-1-2016 Without the update to the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort our Universe has slowed to "War" games by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 The transition to automatic updates has significantly improved the state of cybersecurity. However, the existence of a mechanism to quietly deliver software onto phones and computers without the knowledge or consent of a user could be misused by criminals, hackers and nation states. It is for that reason that tech companies have built in an additional security feature, known as “code signing”, through which companies can certify the software updates they’ve created are authentic. Without a digital signature proving the authenticity of the software update, it cannot be installed. This code signing mechanism ensures that only Microsoft can deliver updates for Word, only Apple can distribute updates for iOS, and only Google can deliver updates for its Chrome browser.

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 ...so too the decision to turn off automatic "Invention" updates not only impacts the individual, but other users and organizations, as those vulnerable, infected users’ computers will be used by hackers to target others.

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 iPhone SE: Name of new, smaller Apple handset revealed... updates that Reveal Robert Kennedy Jr. hanged Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn or helping Mary Today save her life and expose the Judge who was bought by Robert Kennedy is not in this new iPhone SE; PEMBROKE -- Pembroke Hospital has ignored several requests from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration since October to respond to the agency's hazard alert letter that flagged the number of workers injured by violent patients...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 Donald Trump’s Message Resonates With White Supremacists who are the "New Dr. Cinderella MD, SWF "#OscarsSoWhite" Brain + Breast Cancer Cure Men and women, this is not Hillary + Bill's WhiteSupremacists at Yale Law School with Syphilis in their frontal lobes! Yes Hillary + Bill have Syphilis!

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 The Libya Gamble "A New Libya, With ‘Very Little Time Left" By SCOTT SHANE and JO BECKER these New York Times articles don't dissect "Time" or report on so much money Left in Libya $777 Trillion in oil revenues. Very little Time Left to start Star Travels Era in the New York Times would have Leaked the $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues Motive for the War in Libya. No Gas Stations on Earth will leave Libya in a Time Stopped Era...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 "Harvard University Health Services Director Confirms Two Cases of Mumps" By Menaka V. Narayanan, CRIMSON STAFF WRITER Harvard Crimson - Menaka never tells us how the 2 students caught the Mumps virus... ??? "Two mumps cases have been confirmed across Harvard’s student body, according to an email sent Tuesday evening by Paul J. Barreira, director of Harvard University Health Services." An undergraduate student and a graduate student at the Divinity School have contracted the virus, according to Barreira. In his email, Barreira encouraged students to take preventative measures against the virus through standard sanitary practices like hand washing and abstaining from food sharing. Mumps is a viral illness.

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

3-1-2016 So this 1984 II decision to turn off "Invention" updates...

2-29-2016 Oscars, "New Dr. Cinderella MD, "Inside Out MD Wive's! Movie!

#OscarsSoWhite - inside Out burn units so MD Class, classified 1984 II

#OscarsSoWhite - inside Out burn units so MD Class, unclassified 1984 III

2-29-2016 Oscars, INSIDE Out, a clever and moving story about the conflict of emotions inside the mind of a young girl, gave Disney its fourth consecutive Oscar on Sunday in the best animated feature category.

2-29-2016 Oscars, The cartoon from Pixar, a Disney subsidiary.

2-29-2016 Oscars, The "ElectricWindmillFord Escort" The Cartoon from Pixar, a Disney subsidiary, burst into flames in a Pixar Cartoon.

2-29-2016 Leap Year women asking, “Will you marry me?” for the inspiration to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 1 year. "New Dr. Cinderella MD."

2-29-2016 Oscars “In Memoriam” tribute honor black people who were “shot by the white cops on their way to the movies.” #OscarsSoWhite!

2-29-2016 Oscars “In Memoriam” tribute honor black people who were “shot by the white cops on their way to the movies.” #OscarsSoWhite controversy surrounding the show: Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar speech about "White Cops in Fiery Cop Car Crash," rear-ended writing a ticket iApple iPhone and iApplePay LOCKED Censored, Stifled, Suppressed, could it be worse than we think - Stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure lost at the Oscars!

2-29-2016 Oscars Best Movie 2017; “The Revenant On Fire: A Novel of Fiery Revenge,” the bodies, blood the blood doesn’t splatter, it sizzles. It’s filmmaking as swagger."Fiery Cop Cars" arrest of the New York Times owners, editors for being "Cop Killers" in a George Orwell Era... including a near-fatal grizzly attack — Cop Car on Fire in a fatal attack with everyone driving by, Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Pope, Kerry, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Grizzly! Scene! “The Revenant On Fire: A Novel of Fiery Revenge,” Bodies of Cops sizzling in the Fiery Wrecks, 100, Thousands since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort, Red with Flames special edition. NYC statistics today are... At least 19 pedestrians have been killed in 2016, according to police statistics. At least three cyclists have been fatally injured, according to data from the city, and more than 900 pedestrians have been injured in collisions this year... NYC Cops can't report the burns from fiery wrecks. Really no wear in Hell in any Google search will you find traffic statics on those burned. Everyone driving by the "Best Inventions" from Greg + Wives in Key West! iApple iPhone and iApplePay LOCKED Censored, Stifled, Suppressed, could it be worse than we think - Stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure lost at the Oscars!

2-29-2016 Leap Year women asking, “Will you marry me?” for the inspiration to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 1 year.

2-29-2016 Leap Year women asking, “Will you marry me?” for the inspiration to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 1 year.

2-29-2016 Leap Year Car! 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. INSIDE Out, Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear and Anger, Allah with $777 Trillion, mom dead from Breast Cancer as her God gave everything to Saudi Arabia, drunk on Coors + suffering with Syphilis in his frontal lobes the 1984 II Dictators divorced women, Inside Out Mad Men, gravity of their Treason is in the Trident Submarines 120 H-Bombs, The USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub. Disney is in their inner circle! Sadness, Disgust, Fear and Anger! Greed $$$. INSIDE Out. iApple iPhone and iApplePay LOCKED Censored, Stifled, Suppressed, could it be worse than we think - Stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure lost at the Oscars!

2-29-2016 2-29-2016 Leap Year Car! 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. INSIDE Out, a clever and moving story about the conflict of emotions inside the mind of a young girl, gave Disney its fourth consecutive Oscar on Sunday in the best animated feature category. The cartoon from Pixar, a Disney subsidiary, beat fellow nominees Anomalisa, Boy and the World, Shaun the Sheep Movie and When Marnie Was There. It won the hearts of critics and audiences worldwide with its engaging characters: Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear and Anger, who live inside each person's head, jabbing at buttons on an emotional switchboard. "This was born from watching our kids grow up, which is not easy," said director Pete Docter, after he received the golden statuette -- his second. "If you are in junior high, high school, working it out, suffering, there are days you are going to feel sad, angry, going to be scared. That's nothing you can choose, but you can make stuff," he said to applause. iApple iPhone and iApplePay LOCKED Censored, Stifled, Suppressed, could it be worse than we think - Stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure lost at the Oscars!

2-29-2016 Leap Year women asking, “Will you marry me?” for the inspiration to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 1 year.

2-29-2016 Leap Year women asking, “Will you marry me?” for the inspiration to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 1 year.

Ms. Larson, as was widely expected, won the best actress award, her first Oscar, for “Room.” Her performance as a mother kept captive with her young son by a sexual predator was extraordinary, in that much of it was confined to a tiny room.

2-29-2016 “Spotlight” on “Spotlight” Boston’s mostly Roman Catholic establishment, “Spotlight Movie of 9/11 Flight to NYC” “Spotlight” of the 17 Muslims from Saudi Arabia needs to be made into a movie, a Oscar winner!

2-29-2016 Best Picture: “Spotlight” $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues + the Vatican. “Spotlight” is a gripping detective story and a superlative newsroom drama, a solid procedural that tries to confront evil without sensationalism. Taking its name from the investigative team that began pursuing the sex-abuse story in 2001. STD's Spotlight articles, avoids euphemism in discussing the facts of child rape, Syphilis, STD's, HIV. The Boston Globe... The Globe itself (owned by The New York Times Company when the film takes place). Criminality of the New York Times 1984 II Society!

2-29-2016 Leap Year women asking, “Will you marry me?” for the inspiration to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 1 year.

2-29-2016 Leap Year women asking, “Will you marry me?” for the inspiration to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 1 year.

2-29-2016 Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio, “The Revenant”

2-29-2016 Actress: Brie Larson, “Room”

2-29-2016 Supporting Actor: Mark Rylance, “Bridge of Spies”

2-29-2016 Supporting Actress: Alicia Vikander, “The Danish Girl”

2-29-2016 "The 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort" Best Documentary of a Ford assembly line in Egypt... grin. Unrealized Dreams: Egypt After the Arab Spring. Egypt in 1980, news of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort, unrealized Dreams of millions of Americans - Last leap day gas was $4 a gallon! Chicago Tribune Staff - Next Leap year there will be No Gas Stations on Earth, Mecca will be deserted, God, Allah Exodus to the nearest 52 Stars to Earth. Exodus Leap, start of Star Travels.

2-29-2016 Harvard Crimson Student News today... leaps into Oil. Grin. Harvard Affiliates Urge Geophysical Union to Drop Exxon Sponsorship By Ifeoluwa T. Obayan 9 hours ago Several Harvard students and professors co-signed a letter calling for the president of the American Geophysical Union to end all union sponsorship ties with ExxonMobil, joining more than 100 members of the organization and other geoscientists.

2-29-2016 Harvard Crimson Student News - they must cringe at No Gas Stations on Earth Coup to win the Bush war in Iraq still on the front page of the NY Times Today.

2-29-2016 Harvard Leap Year Women at Harvard story. The Bookshelf FUN IN FOGG: or THE SECRET OF THE STACKS, February 29, 1936 MR. Drang N. Osten, the promising young author who published "Big Man on Campus" in 1934 has turned to the college environments again as the background for a tender and beautiful novel, dealing with a highly emotional graduate student in a woman's college who had to use the museum and library of a neighboring male institution for her research. More fundamentally, however, Mr. Osten has faced squarely the problem which Leap Year presents to young women one time in every four years. The heroine, Gertrude Murphy, is preparing a doctoral dissertation on the relation of fine arts to history; consequently she is forced to use the facilities of both the museum and library for her research. The problem arises when fatally beautiful Gertrude falls in love with Reggie Burlingame, young fine arts instructor and playboy, while at the same time she has become the despair of poor but honest Gregory P. Grupp, assistant at the delivery desk in the library. With telling power the author depicts the struggle that tears the heart of the girl when Leap Year arrives and she knows she must ask one or the other for good and all. With intense symbolism he reduces all humanity into one molten mass and pours the whole over the stones that obstruct the way of this simple girl. In passages of lyric beauty he describes the tender scenes on the bench before the ivy covered library, and with equal power, the metropolitan night life that the heroine finds in the company of the irrepressible Reggie. The conclusion is the only possible one for such a situation and Osten presents it sternly, fiercely, intensely-suicide.

2-29-2016 Harvard Leap Year 2016 Oil + Money, $777 Trillion!

2-29-2016 Harvard Leap Year 2016 "Radcliffe, Wellesley Maidens Hunt Men in Leap Year Rites" February 29 Proves Fatal Date As Junior, Sophomore Fall Victims to Women February 29 did not pass without casualties for Harvard students unwary enough to venture out of the Yard yesterday, as Radcliffe and Wellesley took advantage of their prerogatives to pounce upon Robert H. Davis '41 and R. Liewellyn Brill '42, chasing the one up a tree, and proposing to the other 47 times for a new intercollegiate record.

2-29-2016 Hats off to Key West grande dame. Longtime resident Edith Amsterdam dies at 91 BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com Edith Amsterdam was up for anything. I talked to Edith a couple years ago. She was sitting at her desk at the Curry Mansion and I asked her questions about Dr. Curry and her web page I just looked up. She was selling the Mansion for something like $10 million and I told her I would buy it when I got paid for the ElectricWindmillCar. I walked around took the tour through the kitchen, laundry, top to the roof hatch and out on top. The Curry Mansion would make a good place for Yale Key West Medical Student and of course they would all look up the history of Dr. Curry and Edith. 50K people died of yellow fever in Key West when Dr Curry was at the Curry Mansion. 50K women died from Breast Cancer in Key West Since Greg flew in on 3-3-11.

2-29-2016 iApple iPhone and iApplePay LOCKED Censored, Stifled, Suppressed, could it be worse than we think - Stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure lost at the Oscars!

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 Worst-case scenario is Disney's New Dr. Cinderella MD, Movie!

2-28-2016 Worst-case scenario is Disney's New Dr. Cinderella MD, Movie! Today she was in Starbucks Key West at 7 am dressed from head to toe in Pink for Breast Cancer... playing her role as Pink Cinderella talking about George Orwell Trade Secrets are Rx Recipes Dr. Cinderella MD and her husband Greg will get the Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4 at the climax of the New Disney Movie.

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 "Marriage Equality Grows, and So Does Class Divide" By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER and QUOCTRUNG BUI New York Times. Marriage Equality... Jimmy Carter and wife Rosalynn, Jimmy Carter never though of sharing his Nobel Peace Prize with Rosalynn's or working with her 24/7 at Apple-Starbucks on 1 in a 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine even though her father died of leukemia when she was 13. She called the loss of her father the conclusion of her childhood. But never went to Medical School. Rosalynn first dated Jimmy Carter in 1945 while he was serving at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. She developed a crush on him after seeing a picture of him in his Annapolis uniform. Marriage Equality... is Hillary "Driving" into Saudi Arabia without Bill Driving as Bill has enough money to buy many Sex Slaves. "Marriage Equality Grows, and So Does Class Divide" By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER and QUOCTRUNG BUI New York Times. Hillary won he Woman's and Black Votes in Carolina. Driving a Gas Car to Saudi Arabia. Like the New York Times running over a group of SWF Sex Slaves in Saudi Arabia today. Women's Equality in the New York Sunday Times. Hillary's sex life told by Trump will be in the Sunday Review next Sunday. No Way, Trump will tell us again and again of Bill's past sex life not his current sex life. Trump knows very well about SWF sex slaves at Trump Towers NYC, the condos owned by Saudi Princes. The Trade Secrets and Top Secrets in our 1984 II Society. Jimmy Carter while serving at Annapolis had a 1 hour class in prostitution. Looking back Jimmy Carter cold be arrested for Treason well as suppressing the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Era of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year. Terrible War Crimes World Wide! Stealing $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues since 1980 when he was President of the USA. Hillary's next job, grin!

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 worst-case scenario is Disney's New Dr. Cinderella MD, fictional and real-life fairy tales have told of women marrying up. But it has been a long time since women said they went to college to earn a “Mrs. degree. Women have never said they want to Marry to get "1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!" Worst-case scenario is Apple-Starbucks 24/7 Store School University with link to Los Alamos, worst case scenario for IBM, GE too. Yale + Harvard Medical School will take over the whole campus, Yale and Harvard Law Schools will go the way of no gas stations on Earth Era. Worst-case scenario is Disney New Dr. Cinderella MD, in a legal polygamous marriage! Disney's New Dr. Cinderella MD is named Maria Curie in the Movie.

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 Pentagon Won't Let SWF's with Stage 4 Breast Cancer or Boeing or Lockheed Martin Push It Around... the U.S. Government Accountability Office rejected a protest filed by SWF's with Stage 4 Breast Cancer + Boeing over the Air Force awarding a $90 Trillion-plus Long Range Strike Bomber contract to Northrop Grumman.

2-28-2016 Pentagon worst-case scenario risks War Crimes Trials, Baby Killers, Cop Killer, Hot Cars summer of 2016 + Fiery Rear ended wrecks writing a ticket. More worst-case scenario risks Holocaust II Smog in Beijing act of War, War Crime on 1 Billion.

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 Pentagon worst-case scenario risks fear of God infecting its Top Brass. Jewish Aliens starting a Military Coup. Astronomers have discovered a giant ball of hot gas, billions of light years away, that is radiating the energy of hundreds of billions of suns. The ball may be the most powerful supernova ever seen, a study in the journal Science reports. At the center is an object about 10 miles in diameter that scientists think might be a rare type of star called a magnetar. The gas ball, 3.8 billion light years away.

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28 Pentagon worst-case scenario is the Universe's "Oldest" known stars, dating from before the Milky Way Galaxy formed, when the Universe was just 300 million years old were found near the center of the Milky Way, surprisingly pure but containing material from an even earlier star, which died in an enormous explosion called hypernova. "These pristine stars are among the oldest surviving stars in the Universe, and certainly the oldest stars we have ever seen," discovery and analysis of the nine pure stars challenges current theories about the environment of the early Universe from which these stars formed. "The stars have surprisingly low levels of carbon, iron and other heavy elements, which suggests the first stars might not have exploded as normal supernovae," said Ms Howes. "Perhaps they ended their lives as hypernovae - poorly understood explosions of probably rapidly rotating stars producing 10 times as much energy as normal supernovae."

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Oil + Spending another $777 Trillion on Pentagon War Toys (Donald Trump) By ALEXANDER BURNS, MAGGIE HABERMAN and JONATHAN MARTIN New York Times.

2-28-2016 I Was Misinformed: The Art of War - Character Study: The Arbiter of Invention - is Pentagon Wars over the invention of No Gas Stations on Earth to Win the War for once and all with Muslims + Mecca. Worst Case lost for Allah is No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine by the USA in Legal Polygamous Marriages. This will save Paris from H-Bombs suicide Bombers in the Ranks of Pakistan Generals. The Last Train Before the War with Aliens will be the Super Shuttle Space Train of 1,001 Cars! Costing less than $777 Trillion.

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 A Space Station, With Surveillance Cameras - A Ford with Surveillance Cameras... motion diction, laser guidance read outs, no DUI drivers ever again! A Ford with Surveillance Cameras... rotate and zoom every parked car with night vision cameras. Leap Year Crimes, Utopian Novel - I think the Movie was Robo Cop. Grin. Costing less than $777 Trillion.

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 Worst-case scenario for Melinda + Bill Gates Who Explains How to Make Climate Progress in a World Eating Meat and Guzzling Gas in a 1984 II Society - Bill + Melinda; Alcoholic's wants Greg + Wives in Key West to host no-alcohol invent it event at the Hemingway House Writing class. "End to Alcoholics on Earth Invention Novel" written on iapps by 100s' and finished by midnight. Not exactly a Microsoft Invention, grin.

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-28-2016 "Why Women Proposing Is Still Rare" Ireland’s leap year tradition has women asking, “Will you marry me?” to work 24/7 on 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine a year, a Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure!

2-27-2016 Syria Truce Comes With Price, $777 Trillion! By DAVID E. SANGER New York Times.

2-27-2016 155 Story Trump Medical School, $777 Trillion dollars! New York Times.

2-27-2016 Trump Medical School, Trump dead of a cardiac arrest 2016. Donald J. Trump at a news conference announcing the establishment of Trump University in May 2005. Trump brand lunch meats and butter. Support 100% by Christy Diet + Syphilis in his frontal lobes, grin.

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Mr. Obama must take the "Fall" for Holocaust II + III in the USA, Mr. Obama still talks about the need for Mr. Assad to go... Today, Not Stage 4 Breast Cancer! Not Saint Jude Children's Hospital. Not gas revenues of $777 Trillion! 1980 - 2016 after years of his barbaric war against SWF's + lead poison of children's DNA is like putting polio vaccine in the water invention that was a scam by the CIA and added sanctions to Greg + Wives in Key West from inventing a Rx Overnight Cure. Holocaust IV + V. 250 million deaths from cardiac arrest, cancers, war spending, lost of Star Travels. JEWISH Aliens! Trial in Firebombing of Refugees Exposes Far-Right Grip in Germany - Firebombings of White's in Cop Cars rear ended writing a speeding ticket that should be given with a iPhone dash cam + iApple pay. Black Philip Chism was sentenced Friday to life in prison for the rape - murder of Colleen Ritzer in school but will be eligible for parole after serving 40 years. He was 14 at the time of the killing. A Clone of OJ made on the assembly today by Obama! 19K women will be raped + murdered in 2016, clones make by our 1984 II Dictators! iApple iPhone Dash Cam can stop 18K of these murders but Tim Cook refused to unlock this in New York Times headlines. Mandy Miles Today in Key West Citizen Newspaper front page writes of "New Program funds cancer treatment for Breast and Ovarian, not $777 Trillion! New program funds cancer treatment. BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com What’s the point of knowing you have cancer if you have no money to treat it? Such was the attitude of hundreds of uninsured women of limited means in the Florida Keys — until now, said Kim Romano, executive director of WomanKind health center. WomanKind recently joined forces with Lower Keys Medical Center in Key West, Fishermen’s Hospital. Join forces with $777 Trillion dollars. Ill spent on MIT war toys, Key West Navy Jets... grin. Jimmy Carter nuclear sub with 120 H-Bombs. Ordered and paid for in Secret by McCain + Kerry. Yet Obama will be put on trial for these Holocaust's!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Superexcellence Yale Paris Key West Medical School 2016... Started in September of 1980 in celebration of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort invention.

2-27-2016 Well-spent $777 Trillion... “Cutting off the trade in war that triggers this mass-scale humanitarian crisis, in cardiac arrest + Cancers!”

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Banquet Universe - Doubts about Jewish Aliens are not at each of the nearest 52 Stars by the Elite in the USA. "Doubts in Asia Over Whether New Sanctions Against North Korea Can Work" By CHOE SANG-HUN and EDWARD WONG, Washington had wanted Beijing to cut off more trade. That included exports of oil and imports of coal, tied to the well-being of civilians in North Korea and China — especially important during the harsh winter. “Cutting off the trade could trigger a mass-scale humanitarian crisis,” Well-spent $777 Trillion... “Cutting off the trade in war that triggers this mass-scale humanitarian crisis, in cardiac arrest + Cancers!” Mass Murder-Suicide in the USA crisis, Elite Robert Kennedy Jr. and those on the front page of the New York Times today. Murder - Suicide of North and South Korea. Pakistan Moslem Generals + French Cartoon HQ. in view of the Eiffel Tower. Kerry failed to stop Murder - Suicides of Wounded Warriors killing the wife's. Top Secret and Classified was Kerry's doing.

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Trump Incorrupibility, Ethical standards prohibit judges from accepting gifts $777 Trillion from BP Oil, Texas Oil too; from anyone with a matter currently before the court. But those guidelines presented no barrier to John Poindexter, who invited Justice Scalia to stay at his West Texas ranch. Mr. Poindexter is the owner of J. B. Oil Poindexter & Co., a manufacturing firm based in Houston with more than 4,000 employees. Mr. Poindexter, according to a former general manager at the ranch, is also a leader in the International Order of St. Hubertus, a worldwide organization of hunters - not hunting for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year, grin!!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 High-minded Mr. Cosby’s lawyers have argued that a former district attorney made a binding commitment never to prosecute him in the case of a Temple University staff member who said the entertainer drugged and molested her.

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Retired Police Sergeant Mr. Buell Pleads Guilty to Tapping Into Confidential Databases for Money" By BENJAMIN WEISER New York Times.

2-27-2016 Rx Recipe Database... "The Tin Recipe Box" is a article in the New York Times today with nothing about Rx Recipes made public iapps so millions can have links to Los Alamos Tin Box of IBM Super Computers for the next generation of Girl Scouts!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 A former New York City police sergeant pleaded guilty on Friday to conspiracy, admitting that he had accepted money to tap into restricted law enforcement databases to furnish information to a former officer who was working as an investigator for criminal defense lawyers.

2-27-2016 The case against the defendant, Ronald G. Buell, 49, shed light on the role played by some retired officers in New York who work as private investigators and help defense lawyers investigate their clients’ cases.

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Cheetah’s DNA immune system should have been written up in the New York Times... In DNA, Clues to the Cheetah’s Speed and Hurdles. A big cat named Chewbaaka has enabled scientists to sequence and decrypt the cheetah’s complete genome. By BARBARA S. MOFFET

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 President Obama on Thursday waded into the complex and high-stakes debate over whether patients own their genetic information, saying that he believes that his tissues and any discoveries that stem from his DNA belong to him. “I would like to think that if somebody does a test on me or my genes, that that’s mine, but that’s not always how we define these issues,” Mr. Obama said during a White House forum on a major biomedical research initiative he began last year. The president said that the success of his Precision Medicine Initiative, which aims to collect genetic data on one million. $777 Trillion will build several dozen "Los Alamos" Cheetah’s DNA immune system, memory will be crunched with humans and the Math will give our Habitat for Humanity 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year, not Peanuts or Jimmy Carters worms, grin.

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 Role played by the New York Times in Database of Rx Recipes!

2-27-2016 In 1983, the Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Kary Mullis sped up the process with a kind of photocopying machine for DNA called polymerase chain reaction, or PCR. Dr. Mullis showed the world how to make millions of copies of any particular genetic fragment. In 1980 the ElectricWindmillFord Escort was on the assembly line at Ford before the greed of $777 Trillion in oil money bought the Judge. Judgment's of the Nobel Guys and the King of Sweden.

2-26-2016 Tin Box of Rx Recipes in IBM Super Computers for Stage 4 Bake a Wedding Cake!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Mark Zuckerberg asks employees to stop crossing out 'Black Lives Matter' on the walls at Facebook's headquarters... when dead women from Stage 4 at Facebook HQ are crossed out by Zuckerberg! Black Lives Matter; Hell, Stage 4 women are murdered by Zuckerberg matter more!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 "The Tin Recipe Box" is a article in the New York Times today with nothing about Rx Recipes made public iapps so millions can have links to Los Alamos Tin Box of IBM Super Computers for the next generation of Girl Scouts with state of the arts laser guided recipes not in a tin box but in trillion dollar IBM super computers. Yes! The New York Times is out of date in the story... "The Tin Recipe Box". This one story exposed for what it is in our Universe of Quarks in DNA should bankrupt the New York Times good name, grin!

2-26-2016 Experts Contend our 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis Are Exaggerating ISIS Crisis When the "True Heart" Crisis is Cardiac Arrest + Stage 4... End of Gas Stations on Earth will win both wars in 2016. Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas 2016. Via Greg + Wives in Key West!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 British want a new Arms embargo against Saudi Arabia over air strikes and a naval blockade in Yemen, this was written by a British Journalists today who has Syphilis in his frontal lobes as Saudi Arabia has $777 trillion in MIT arms stockpiled, enough for centuries of war!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating the Lobotomy Gas invented by Greg + Wives in Key West when the USA sanctions against Greg + Wives in Key West to invent this is lifted should have been headlines!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 James Bond Producers Currently Looking for the World's Next Big, Scary Threat... plot. Need to introduce Bond Women have Stage 4 and have Bond learns how to write iapps for Breast Cancer, Q helps.

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Secretary of State John Kerry told lawmakers Wednesday that slapping Iran with additional sanctions right now would not be helpful. Kerry is trapped in the "Time" loop and generations of Vietnam Era of all the time in the Universe for war'S when women at the State Department will be murdered by our 1984 II Dictators via Stage 4.

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Buying War Toys from MIT instead of Apple-Starbucks Store's School's Universities with 100" Ultra LG's and $8K iMacBook Pro on every café table in Paris! Yale's Kerry failed F to save her life from Breast Cancer! Buying War Toys from neighboring MIT.

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, California - Like a giant pen stroke in the sky, an unarmed Minuteman 3 nuclear missile roared out of its underground bunker on the California coastline Thursday killing a million women in the USA with Breast Cancer!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Kerry didn't protest this waste of intellectual manpower! Kerry could make public in a covert operation all Rx Drug Recipes from Pfizer; they announced plan last year to merge with Botox-maker Allergan and move its headquarters to Ireland the company said the deal would lower its tax rate to about 17 percent to 18 percent, saving it about $2 billion over three years. Pfizer; nothing about saving 2 million SWF's!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Rx Drug Recipes from Pfizer via the State Department could never be traced back to Kerry.

2-26-2016 Tim Cook dismissed Stage 4 of all FBI women in iPhone headlines. Read between the lines as this is the Biggest revelations from Apple's motion to dismiss the FBI's court order when Tim Cook should have posted iapps for Stage 4 on Apple's Web and Mark Zuckerberg asks employees to stop crossing out 'Black Lives Matter' on the walls at Facebook's headquarters... when dead women from Stage 4 at Facebook HQ are crossed out by Zuckerberg! Black Lives Matter Hell Stage 4 women are murdered by Zuckerberg matter more!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Mercedes’s Sindelfingen plant, the manufacturer’s biggest, assembly plant. While the factory makes elite models such as the GT sports car and the ultra-luxury S-Class Maybach sedan. The complex processes 1,500 tons of steel a day and churns out more than 400,000 gas engine vehicles in 2016. Kerry the "Baby Killer" from Vietnam. Kerry is trapped in the "Time" loop and generation of Vietnam Era of all the time in the Universe when lead atoms from these 400K Mercedes will cause 4 childhood cancers per 100K kids for the next 30 years. Kerry failed F Yale in the Real World doing this math on lead atoms and DNA. U.S. and China Agree on Proposal for Tougher North Korea Sanctions. Sanctions on Stage 4 women in China + the USA are ordered by Masterminds who have Syphilis, grin.

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year! Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 "Video Review: Restoring Diesel’s Good Name With a New Range Rover" By TOM VOELK New York Times... Restoring Yale's Good Name With Yale MD women 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year. Working the (last) NEXT 19 years at the Yale Medical School With Greg + Wives in Key West brainstorming 1,001 iapps in medicine "She" will get many inventions! Tim Cook's hate crimes against women needs to be the Diesel's Cloud of Black Exhaust from the Dump Trucks ahead of us in traffic and the Mercedes Diesel in front with our Superman Vision of lead atoms. Crimes against women Advances, Following Rise in Price of Oil Today. No Gas Stations on Earth is a Women's issue Today.

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 "Scalia Led Court in Trips Funded by Private Sponsors" By ERIC LIPTON Some argue that the trips taken by Justice Antonin Scalia could create the appearance of a conflict of interest... Failure of Supreme intellect by Scalia as there was No Exaggerating the End to Gas Stations on Earth when he knew Saint Jude Children had cancer and birth defects from poison gas exhaust. New York Police Captain Is Put on Modified Duty for Not Helping After Shoot out. Scalia in all his travels drove by many fiery wrecks and didn't stop to help. God will put Scalia on Modified Hell, grin.

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 "The Tin Recipe Box" is a article in the New York Times today with nothing about Rx Recipes made public iapps so millions can have links to Los Alamos Tin Box of IBM Super Computers for the next generation of Girl Scouts with state of the arts laser guided recipes not in a tin box but in trillion dollar IBM super computers. Yes! The New York Times is out of date in the story... "The Tin Recipe Box". This one story exposed for what it is in our Universe of Quarks in DNA should bankrupt the New York Times good name, grin!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-26-2016 Exaggerating No Gas Stations on Earth + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Starbucks Rewards, Apple-Starbucks Store School University with Ultra LG 100" monitors and iMacBook Pro's at every café Table in Paris! One group that will benefit from the new Starbucks rule: people who make coffee runs for their 8 colleagues. Credit Sam Hodgson for The New York Times - Sam makes coffee runs for 8 coworker's at the Times every day, windfall, grin. 8 coworker's don't work on 1,001 IP invention projects at this Starbucks. Starbucks customers will soon get a lot more stars: two for every dollar they spend. But instead of 12 stars for a free drink, they will need 125. 52 Nearest Stars is what "Customers" of our 1984 II Dictators want and will not get until a successful Coup gives us 1984 III MD Women Dictators, grin. Starbucks said its rewards program was about bonding with all its customers, not about rewarding those who generate the most profit or Win a Nobel for the Rx Overnight Cure of Stage 4.

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 "Tech Tip: Loading the Kindle Library on an iPad" By J. D. BIERSDORFER New York Times. First unlock the 1,001 iapps for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year by loading all Rx Recipe's deleting all Girl Scout Cookie Recipes from Amazon, grin.

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 "Apple Is Said to Be Trying to Make It Harder to Hack iPhones" By MATT APUZZO and KATIE BENNER this scenario Working the last 19 years at the Yale Medical School brainstorming 1,001 iapps in medicine with Greg + Wives in Key West. Apple front page New York Times today; Hell No! Apple engineers have begun developing new security measures that would make it impossible to work with Greg + Wives in Key West on 1,001 iapps for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Era! Apple succeeds in upgrading its gas engine Era — and experts say it almost surely will — the company will create a significant technical challenge for law enforcement agencies who want 1,001 Nobel's a Year in Medicine Era to save the life of Steve Jobs! Access to $777 Trillion in Mecca Money bought the iPhone used by one of the killers in last year’s San Bernardino, Calif., rampage. If the Federal Bureau of Investigation wants to get into a iPhone in the near future with 1,001 iapps for Nobel's in Medicine they must not waste "Time" generated in 2016. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat last 19 years at Yale Medical School "Time" generated was wasted on making $177 Trillion for Mecca not Ford via the ElectricWindmillFord Escorts. Mecca got the Organ Transplants and the Yale MD's to work in Saudi Arabia for a Windfall of money! Yale + Harvard Men MD's got many $ Trillions from Saudi Arabia and UAE and bought their second homes there not Titanium One's in Key West!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Tech Fix: Tips and Myths About Extending iPhone Battery Life; Tim Cook has had Greg's invention of the iPod size GE electric generator fueled by H at - 254 C with micro battery - all GE appliances can be plugged in well as iPhone built in.

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi would be working on a Ford assembly line today not live TV in Egypt if no gas stations Era were here today! Russian bombed plane was paid for by Mecca's $777 Trillion in Oil.

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 In Reversal, Egypt Says Terrorists Downed Russian Jet Over Sinai" By NOUR YOUSSEF After months of cautious silence, Egypt acknowledged for the first time on Wednesday that terrorists had downed the Russian jetliner that broke up over the Sinai Peninsula in the fall. The authorities made the unexpected admission after strongly urging Egyptians and the world for months to await the results of an international investigation Egypt is leading. The crash dealt a serious blow to Egypt’s vital tourism industry: an important source of hard currency for the country, which relies heavily on imports. “Those who downed the flight, what were they hoping for? Just to hit tourism?” President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi asked, almost casually, while on the subject of terrorism near the end of a long speech about the country’s development plans for 2030, which was broadcast live. “No, but also to hit relations. To hit relations with Russia.” Hours after the October downing of the Airbus A321-200, which killed 224 people, Egypt’s local Islamic State affiliate claimed responsibility. The group said it had brought down the plane with a bomb concealed in a soda can. In the following weeks, Russian and Western officials quickly concluded that a bomb had indeed exploded on board and that terrorism was the cause of the crash. But Egypt, apparently unwilling to publicly concede that terrorists could have penetrated its powerful security apparatus, continued to rule out a bombing

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi would be working on a Ford assembly line today not live TV in Egypt if no gas stations Era were here today! Russian bombed plane was paid for by Mecca's $777 Trillion in Oil.

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 General Sisi seemed unusually ill-tempered during much of his speech — a sharp contrast to the calm, sweet-talking paternal persona he had carved for himself - like Jimmy Carter talking about Church in Plains Georgia not Holocaust II + III he Masterminded killing millions in the USA for $177 Trillion in Texas Oil, not peanuts... grin!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 By ISABEL KERSHNER JERUSALEM — Israeli soldiers accidentally shot an army officer in the West Bank on Wednesday while they were trying to thwart an attempted stabbing. The officer, who was hit in the chest, died of his wounds.

2-25-2016 By ISABEL KERSHNER JERUSALEM — Israeli women by the 100's have died of breast cancer in 2016 hit in the chest by Israeli solders trying to thwart the End to Gas Stations on Earth and 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine locked in iPhone 7 Era.

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 "Governor, Tom Wolf, Says He Has Prostate Cancer" By SHERYL STOLBERG Wolf refused to say anything about 1,001 Nobels in Medicine Era stuck in a 1984 II "Time Warp" by Oil men and Yale MD's!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 "At Harvard Dorms, ‘House Masters’ No More" By ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS At Harvard Masters of the Universe is defined and graded by being Alone on Earth with no Jewish Aliens wanting this and that from Harvard Masters!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 "Michael Skakel’s Lawyer Says Trial in Killing of Martha Moxley Wasn’t fair" By KRISTIN HUSSEY 15-year-old Martha Moxley was found beaten to death near her home in Greenwich, Conn., a lawyer for the man convicted in the killing laid out a litany of reasons that his client, Michael C. Skakel is out on Bail in a 1984 II Society Era that lets Robert Kennedy Jr. Kill his wife in the Kennedy Barn and Buy the Judge in a George Orwell Society. 19K Martha Moxley's have been killed, murdered every year the last 15 years and the Kennedy's still have status quo in our 1984 II Society instead of being hanged for mass murder. Shock + Awe of this will be taught at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard after the coup. Mr. Skakel’s older brother, Thomas Skakel, was the most likely killer of Martha! Is in the News today. Now in her 80s, Dorothy Moxley, the widowed mother of the murdered girl, has been a steadfast presence in court proceedings that have spanned 18 years. Caroline Kennedy should have been forced into the courtroom to watch for the last 18 years too as she could have ended this courtroom scam but she didn't. Mr. Skakel’s legal team, which included four lawyers and multiple investigators, had presented a strong defense. “This was far from a slipshod defense,” Ms. Gill said. “This was a well-planned, well-thought-out defense" in a 1984 II George Orwell Society!! Thomas Skakel admitted to investigators that he and Ms. Moxley had a sexual encounter on the night of her killing. After the hearing, Mrs. Moxley said she still believed that it was Michael Skakel who swung the golf club and killed her daughter. Robert Kennedy Jr. knows who killed Martha but will not tell us! Robert Kennedy Jr. killed Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn and bought the Judge in a 1984 II George Orwell Society too.

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 "New York City Can Require Sodium Warnings, Judge Rules" By JOHN SURICO

2-25-2016 "Jimmy Savile Inquiry Accuses BBC of Failing to Report Sexual Abuse" By DAN BILEFSKY A three-year investigation concluded that the TV personality had raped at least eight people during his time at the company, including an 8-year-old. Mr. Savile was employed by the BBC. ABC, NBC, CBS, GE, AT&T, Verizon, Apple, Microsoft, Pentagon, UN Peace Keeping Troops world wide in a 1984 II Society. Now think of the British women sex slaves in Mecca Today. Failing to Report this on the Front Page of the London Times and NY Times will be a story after the coup. 1984 III Coup. Ellen DeGeneres, Jodie Foster, also raped 8 year old girls and everyone is failing to report this in our 1984 II Society.

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 The Yale Politic will host human rights and racial justice advocate Margaret Huang for a talk at 4:30 p.m. Today at the law school. Huang is the executive director of Amnesty International USA. "Cruel Intentions" motivations at Yale and AI are caused by the huge amount of money, $777 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues is.

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Jury verdict linking regular use of Johnson & Johnson talcum powder to a woman's death from ovarian cancer has spurred new concern from consumers. "New York City Can Require Sodium Warnings, Judge Rules" New York Times can print Sodium Warning + Ovarian cancer warnings! Ethical concerns, about Steve Jobs eating lunch meat full of atoms never put in any Steve Jobs movie. Atoms, Quarks, spinning electrons, in a orbit Einstein + Bush failed the math for. Johnson & Johnson owns a Ocean front Building in Key West Greg + Wives could have used to brainstorm the Rx Overnight Cure for cancer but Ethical concerns were not made public in our 1984 II Society. As a doctor, she is pragmatic, noting that talc-based powder is not a must-have product. Rx Overnight Cancer Cure is A MUST have product, yet Greg + Wives in Key West are POW's left over from Vietnam War with harsh sanctions by the US government North Korea would reject. But North Korea or South Korea can't get the Rx Overnight Cure for Cancer as Greg + Wives in Key West Can and will. No matter how many sanctions the government puts on us. DNA of 456 pancreatic tumors to identify the genetic and molecular process that causes normal pancreatic tissue to change into aggressive cancer... on a Los Alamos Super Computer Simulation video on this web page when sanctions are lifted, grin. Greg + Wives working at Yale Medical School for the last 19 years would have cured Jimmy Carters Brain Cancer overnight! Not Peanuts and not North Korea.

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 How Long Has The Universe Been Accelerating... how long before our 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis in their frontal lobes let Greg + Wives in Key West Accelerate? Working the Last 19 Years at the Yale Medical School with 95 SWF MD's Greg + Wives in Key West!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-24-2016 Working the last 19 years at the Yale Medical School brainstorming 1,001 iapps in medicine "She" would have gotten many inventions! Tim Cook's hate crimes against women + 1984 II Dictators hate crime against SWF MD's! Unlocking 1,001 Noble's in Medicine a year! Here!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-25-2016 Apple to unlock 456 Pancreatic cancer causes to save the life of Steve Jobs!

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 Daniel Craig will be back for a Blockbuster movie titled "i007" with 1 Trillion iapps i007 iInvention adventures first ever iPhone i007, everyone in the movie has a Apple product all the time... in every scene! JACKSON, Miss. - A man suspected in another homicide has been indicted in the December 2014 burning death of Mississippi teen Jessica Chambers. Real life murders will be incorporated in this i007 Bond Movie. major coup for the i007 giant searching goggle in the next Bond Movie. Craig's Academy Award - Oscar with one i007 movie! Best movie win "i007" iUN will be in this Bond movie. iDisease Control and Prevention, will be in this Bond Movie. iPhysicians; money Penny is a MD and goes to Yale Oxford Medical School and get a face lift. iCT Brain Scan 007 style. iMedical researchers say they can predict everything in this movie. Feats of iMemory will spin off many 007 Bond inventions. i007Watch will sell millions more iWatches, Apple sold 26.25 million more iPhones in the fourth quarter than the third - good for a 55% increase sequentially, according to Apple figures. Apple Watch sales only increased 5% over the same time span. i007Watch will add needed features to the iWatch. iPod kept at less than 0.3 degrees above absolute zero -255 C with micro GE electric Generator and H Fuel will keep your iMacBook running on electricity for years and years! Bond's comments on this will shock the audience, grin. Cardiac Arrest awareness by the iFBI who should all get a electrocardiogram EKG once a week as a perk from our 1984 II Dictators; cardiac arrest on the new Bond i007 iPhone will be for out in the Real World well as the Movies!

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 Apple's iOS needs an overhaul in the age of bigger, faster smartphones. With hundreds of million of iPhones and iPads sold each year, it is the piece of software that the majority of Apple users interact with the most. iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's in Medicine by learning how to write iOS software for this next upgrade by Apple.

2-24-2016 MANILA A Roman Catholic bishop in the Philippines on Wednesday urged the faithful to stay away from American pop singer Madonna's two-night concert in Manila, calling her music "suggestive" and her clothes "vulgar". "Madonna iConcert" next year calls Pope Francis on her iPhone.

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 Scalia’s doctors! Key West Citizen Newspaper today comments... viewpoints "I just don't want my bacon and eggs served with a side of nonsense and make believe" after reading the Supreme Court Justice - of not being a MD instead of a Yale or Harvard Lawyer you can see the decisions of the last 30 years didn't believe red meat and Steve Jobs lunch meat caused millions of deaths, along with lead atoms! This is our 1984 II Dictators real world not make believe. Make Public the unlocked iPhones of all Supreme Court Justices and you will find STD's too.

2-24-2016 Scalia’s doctor said in a letter, parts of which were read to The Associated Press on Tuesday, that the justice suffered from coronary artery disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and several other ailments that probably contributed to his death on Feb. 13 at age 79. Scalia had any serious health problems before his death, except that he was overweight and was a regular smoker for most of his adult life. Eighty-two-year-old Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has twice survived cancer and had a heart stent implanted to clear a blocked artery. Justice Anthony Kennedy also has a stent. Chief Justice John Roberts has suffered at least two unexplained seizures. Justice Sonia Sotomayor has had diabetes since childhood. Justice Stephen Breyer smashed his shoulder so thoroughly in a bicycle accident, it needed to be replaced.

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 War with the FBI... Hell, war with Mecca can be won on a Locked iPhone! Unlocking this iPhone to "End All Gas Stations On Earth" will bankrupt Mecca with many side effects invented by the iCIA psychological warfare Units! Apple will use a free speech defence in its war with the FBI. Apple is planning to use a free speech defence in its ongoing battle with the FBI - arguing that code counts as "speech" and so it cannot be forced to write code to break into an iPhone. Forced to "End all Gas Stations on Earth".

2-24-2016 Staring into space from Earth not a Super Shuttle Train - an altitude of 5,100m in the Atacama desert, the Apex telescope has imaged as much of our galaxy as it can see. It has sampled this vast, thin strip of the southern sky using radiation that sits between radio and infrared waves. The detector is effectively a highly sensitive, super-chilled thermometer. Tiny changes in temperature are registered by a bank of 295 sensors, kept at less than 0.3 degrees above absolute zero, called the Large Bolometer Camera (Laboca). Astronomers have completed a detailed map of where dense, very cold gas - the stuff of which new stars are made - is found across the Milky Way. Space Shuttle Train would have gotten a better map of the gas! Map of gas on Earth too. Spin off's!

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 Starbucks Gold Card "buy one get one free on any Coffee Beverage" every time all the time no limit on your "buy one get one free", 2 a day or 200 a day... Yet Another Starbucks Loyalty that wins for Starbucks + Gold card customer. Starbucks has a lot of loyal customers, and one way the firm keeps them coming back is with their rewards program. The coffee company has announced changes that were not though out in a Brainstorming Session at Starbucks HQ which would have mentioned "Buy one get one Free" which is a winner!

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 Chekhov is often referred to as one of the three seminal figures in the birth of early modernism in the theater. Chekhov practiced as a medical doctor throughout most of his literary career: "Medicine is my lawful wife", he once said, "and literature is my mistress." Father threw a tantrum at dinner over too much salt in the soup and called Mother a fool." "Man without a Spleen" A satirical chronicler of Russian street life. 1885, Chekhov found himself coughing blood, and in 1886 the attacks worsened, but he would not admit his tuberculosis to his family or his friends. Short story "Peasants". Chekhov visited the upper classes as well, recording in his notebook: "Aristocrats? The same ugly bodies and physical uncleanliness, the same toothless old age and disgusting death, as with market-women. Ernest Hemingway, another writer influenced by Chekhov, was more grudging: "Chekhov wrote about six good stories. But he was an amateur writer." Chekhov in Moscow today without 1.001 iapps to put a IP invention project in every chapter. Chekhov at Moscow Starbucks without any iMacBook Pro's at every café Table! Links to Los Alamos.

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 Yale MD women need iapps for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year. Working the last 19 years at the Yale Medical School brainstorming 1,001 iapps in medicine "She" would have gotten many inventions! Tim Cook's hate crimes against women needs to be added to this law suit, grin. Yale filed court documents this past Monday in response to charges from a School of Medicine professor who claims that the University violated both federal and state anti-discrimination employment laws. On Dec. 17, 2015, Rossitza Lazova, an associate professor of dermatology and pathology who has worked at the medical school for 19 years, filed a federal lawsuit against Yale in Connecticut District Court for “retaliatory denial of promotion.” Lazova, who previously lodged a complaint with the state in 2012 claiming that Yale had not promoted her because of her gender, alleged that the University subsequently retaliated against that complaint by denying further applications for promotion. She said the University’s actions came in violation of federal Title VII law and the Connecticut Fair Employment Practices Act, both of which prohibit employers from discriminating based on gender, race or other factors. A motion for extension of time was granted earlier this month, which allowed the University to postpone its answer to the complaint until this Monday. In the newly filed documents, Yale denied that Lazova’s 2012 gender discrimination complaint played any role in its decision not to promote her. Her case, Lazova argued in the lawsuit, is reflective of a work environment at the medical school that is inhospitable to women. As of September 2014, her claim detailed, the school had 468 full professors, but only 95 were female.

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 iYale Medical School MD's can pick up some extra money and Noble's...

2-24-2016 "Questions Linger Over Russia’s Endgame in Syria, Ukraine and Europe" By NEIL MacFARQUHAR A partial truce in Syria capped something of a foreign policy trifecta for President Vladimir V. Putin, but his goals are uncertain for all three.

2-24-2016 End Game is End to all Gas Stations on Earth + Mecca! iRussian Vodka is a Rx Perfume that won a SWF in the USA a Nobel in Medicine. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year is the goal and End Game!

2-24-2016 By CHARLIE SAVAGE and JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS The president has long worked to empty the Guantánamo prison in Cuba, which he calls a counterproductive symbol of American power. Hospital Prison in Cuba will be one of the 1,001 Noble's in Medicine a Year Era.

2-24-2016 Mr. Sanders was asked on whether he believed in Jewish Aliens at each of the nearest 52 Stars?

2-24-2016 Sanders didn't mention in the New York Times today - 120 H-Bombs on the assembly line in Pakistan Today!! And no Ford assembly line for 1 trillion ElectricWindmillFord Exodus cars... He supported last year’s deal to end sanctions against Iran in exchange for its dismantling of the infrastructure the United States believed would give it the capacity to make nuclear bombs. Some Jewish members of Congress, notably Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, criticized the deal as not doing enough to stop Iran’s nuclear development and thus putting Israel at risk.

2-24-2016 Mr. Sanders was asked on whether he believed in God. “What my spirituality is about is that we’re all in this together and it’s not a good thing to believe that as human beings we can turn our backs on the suffering of other people,” Clinton's, Gate's, Sanders all drove by fiery wrecks without stopping... he responded. “This is not Judaism. This is what Pope Francis is talking about, that we cannot worship just billionaires and the making of more money.” Today it's TRILLIONAIRES $777 Trillion in BP Oil money is a lot of money for kickbacks... for Wars not Star Wars and the Cure for Stage 4. Why, because our 1984 II Dictators have Syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin! Yet he playfully acknowledged his Jewish background in a recent “Saturday Night Live” sketch where he took the part of an ocean-crossing immigrant named Bernie Sanderswitzky.

2-24-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-24-2016 Tim Cook Opposes Order for Apple to Unlock iPhone, Setting Up Showdown!! >>> Your "Lost" iPhone 7 - will be able to find you in seconds!


2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 HIV and Tim Cook's... "While no one should be forced to reveal HIV status... What! Disease side effects from having 1984 II Dictators!

* 2-23-2016 HIV and Tim Cook's... "While no one should be forced to reveal HIV status, Sheen's disclosure may benefit public health by helping many people learn more about HIV infection and prevention," the researchers wrote in a report published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine. Cardiac Arrest awareness by the FBI who should all get a electrocardiogram EKG once a week as a perk from our 1984 II Dictators; disclosure may benefit public health. Should the millions of Tim Cook's be forced by the FBI to reveal HIV, STD's, Syphilis, MS virus... Hell Yes and they will in a 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat society. Sheen's infected women will not make the front page of the Times until after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. More than 6,500 HIV-related news stories and none with women infected by HIV men. Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI. ABC News said About 1 million people nationwide are HIV-infected but didn't write up how many people a day are given HIV, STD's by these infected men. You know the Journalists though of this but someone at Disney censored the line, the number infected every day out of the ABC News Story.

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 "Beijing to Raise Yale + Harvard Commencements on Red Alerts for Smog" By OWEN GUO Yale + Harvard used car sales men sold the ruling Class Caste in China Gas not Gravity Engine Cars. "Iran’s Hard-Line Press Adds to Bounty on Salman Rushdie" By THOMAS ERDBRINK - New York Times Headlines of Beijing Smog Alerts add no lead atoms by name in print and dead children are from Vietnam not Beijing Smog. Hard-Line New York Times would make respirators mandatory, hazmat suits too in smog alerts. Gas Mask of WW I in London movies should be on the front page of the Beijing Times. MD's should replace all Journalists at the Beijing Times. Ultraviolet lights in the TB lab in the hospitals will be in every Chinese home once they are reinvented for Smog. President Xi Jinping said the Chinese news media existed to serve the Communist Party, and must pledge. New York Times 1984 II Edition serves for $177 Trillion in BP + Texas Oil money. How much money would it take to bribe the NY Times... $177 Trillion, grin! Truth in Print... ha! BEIJING — China is home to at least cloned 10 White Houses buildings, three Arcs de Triomphe and one Eiffel Tower. But 2016 might signal the end for China’s more grandiose architecture. A directive issued on Sunday by the State Council, China’s cabinet, and the Communist Party’s Central Committee says no to architecture that is “oversized, xenocentric, weird” and devoid of cultural tradition. Instead, buildings should be “suitable, economic, green and pleasing to the eye.” Beijing Communist Party’s Central Committee says trillion electric wires going into homes are OK... sewer and water too, Hell will no electric wires, no sewer connection, no water! Titanium Homes built in the USA, heavy lift helicopters not house moving TV shows will be the future. China Communist Party’s Central Committee says no clones of Bill Cosby in Beijing as Verizon records everything for a government courts deposition. Bill Cosby’s wife of 52 years, Camille, gave deposition testimony Monday in a civil case filed against him by seven women who say he defamed them, despite last-minute efforts by her lawyers to halt the deposition. A lawyer for the women, Joseph Cammarata, said Mrs. Cosby had been questioned under oath for two and a half hours. Cosby's Lawyers will go the way of gas stations in a 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat society.

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 "Pentagon to Send Congress Plan for Closing Guantánamo" Opening a STD HIV Prison Hospital Here. By CHARLIE SAVAGE STD statistics among the Pentagon Top Brass and lower ranks will not be classified after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

2-23-2016 The Upshot "How Society Pays for Women’s Unpaid Work" By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER The unpaid work of women helps households and societies run smoother. But it also has a hidden, or not so hidden, cost. Cost of Word + Excel was out of the price range of 1 Billion Women for the last few decades. Bill + Melinda didn't have the research firm crunch if... 1 Billion Women spent 3 hours a day on C ++ Word + Excel what would happen to the household chores writing iapps??

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 Buprenorphine, a prescription medication used to treat opiate addiction... Yale School of Medicine have made important strides in treatment for opioid users with Buprenorphine, still Yale Med didn't make the front page of the New York Times with its list of 1,001 addictions and strides in treatments brain stormed on iapps. Strides in pondering "Time" and the Universe must lead some to become opioid users. 10 to 15 minute intervention on drugs didn't work but 10 minutes spent on dissecting "Time" written, brain stormed by the top brass at Yale Med School would give everyone pondering "Time" a "Window" not in Win 10.

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 Charlie Sheen 'S HIV Disclosure Had Big Online Impact: Study Actor Charlie Sheen was called a lot of things during his bad-boy days. Until now, public health promoter wasn't one of them. Sheen's revelation that he's infected with the AIDS virus prompted the greatest number of HIV-related Google searches recorded ... Same Yale + Harvard car sale men in Beijing sold HIV to millions of Chinese. No Charlie Sheen in China coming out with I have HIV, Syphilis, STD. MS virus. Can you imagine a million women in China with MS - HIV. Driving a gas engine car.

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 Apple took the huge step of releasing Swift as open source, meaning any developer anywhere can download the language's source code and improve it to their liking. That move hit the gas pedal on Swift's already considerable growth and popularity, sending it to the top of the popularity charts. IBM Cloud now provides enterprise app developers with is a set of tools for writing software in Swift that's intended to run on servers, rather than smartphones. IBM Cloud now provides enterprise app developers with is a set of tools for writing software in Swift that's intended to run on servers, rather than smartphones. But charged $66K like Apple charges to learn Swift. Free tuition at Harvard is on their web page today but no way to learn C++ programming free. But Objective-C is over 30 years old at this point and point, 1 million have HIV and only thousands know C ++ . C ++ Code is not really the part that Gates Foundation performance to advance more people than HIV. iapps for HIV can be written in Swift or C ++ but will never make ABC News. Facebook plans Internet drone tests, says Mark Zuckerberg when Facebook should be the C ++ and Swift books with test at writing iapps. Drone's are War Toys for MIT students. Bill Gates Backs FBI In Dispute With Apple but will not let FBI agents learn C ++ for less than $5K and debug time charges on iCloud. Bill Gates Q&A on Climate Change: ‘We Need a Miracle...’ no gas stations on Earth and $177 Trillion confiscated from King Salman. Jewish Aliens would be a Miracle for Bill Gates!

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 Swiff and C ++ can make some money writing successful iapps for Madonna's battle... After Madonna weighing in on the debate generated more comments about her mothering skills the singer added more posts - “none of you know what you're talking about” and “these are my expressions of love” and “if you don't have anything nice to say get...

2-23-2016 Apple Showdown Heightens Challenge of Encrypted Data on people with Syphilis, HIV, STD's, MS virus... forced by the FBI to tell us what diseases you have, besides terrorists murder in our Hearts electrocardiogram EKG. FBI should force Bill Gates to publish his electrocardiogram EKG on the web for others as coming out with HIV is a Quark to someone like Bill Gates putting his electrocardiogram EKG on the web for 1 billion to read. Cardiac Arrest awareness by the FBI who should all get a electrocardiogram EKG once a week as a perk from our 1984 II Dictators.

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...

2-23-2016 Children infected by HIV men in the New York Times only if forced to by the FBI...



2-22-2016 How Nazi's Defense by Tim Cook... spread STD's + Murders!

2-22-2016 "I was only obeying orders..." ... because I was given $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks... $$$ How Nazi's Defense of "Just Following Orders" Plays Out in the Mind - people actually feel disconnected from their actions when they comply with orders, even though they’re the ones committing the act.

2-22-2016 How Nazi's Defense by Tim Cook... spread STD's + Murders!

14 million Americans become infected with HPV each year!

114 million Americans become infected with STD's, HIV, MS Virus each year!

2-22-2016 How Apple's Tim Cook (Nazi's) privacy Defense of spreading Tragedies Terrible STD's because you can with $777 Trillion in Oil money. iPhone encryptions story in the headlines should be tracking the 19K murdered SWF in 2016. Tim Cook is well aware Apple iPhone tracking inventions iapps would save 10K women from being murdered by OJ in 2016. FBI is well aware that with FBI monitoring of these new iPhone iapps along with Homeland Security 1K SWF would be murdered in 2016 not 19K. So who is giving the orders not to un-encrypt write this Apple iPhone iapps to save 18K SWF from being murdered in 2016, our 1984 II Dictators!!

2-22-2016 How Nazi's Defense by Tim Cook... spread STD's + Murders!

2-22-2016 How Nazi's Defense by Tim Cook... spread STD's + Murders!

2-22-2016 1984 II Vaccine Has Sharply Reduced HPV in Teenage Girls, Study Says By JAN HOFFMAN but million women will die today of cervical cancer is not in Jan's New York Times story. Bias or just following orders from 1984 II Dictators to not mention the deaths today from ovarian cancer... Jan's didn't write put the HPV vaccine in the water following orders! About 14 million Americans become infected with HPV each year, and the vast majority will clear the virus. But some strains persist and can cause genital warts, as well as cervical, anal, penile, and mouth and throat cancers. The American Cancer Society estimates that 4,120 women will die of cervical cancer this year. “The infection is sexually transmitted, but that doesn’t need to be part of the conversation,” said Dr. Joseph A. Bocchini Jr., Dr. Bocchini will be arrested and put on trial for being a Nazi in our 1984 II Society. Millions of SWF's who Dr. Bocchini gave STD's killed themselves when MD iapps written by Dr. Bocchini would have made them inventors to help brainstorm and cure these sex diseases he wants to encrypt. How Tim Cook, in iPhone Battle, Became a Bulwark for STD Digital Privacy... "Anger Management's" Martin Sean is the only person in the USA with HIV... Tim Cook should have come out with these sex diseases but didn't have to on orders from 1984 II Dictators. Harvard’s sororities—Alpha Phi, Delta Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Kappa Kappa Gamma. Elite Mom + Dad's can't protect her from Tim Cook's spreading STD's. Why? Because Dr. Bocchini said you don't have to have any talk that the disease is caused by sexual transmission. Shock + Awe of the New York Times putting Dr. Bocchini in this article must have slipped by the 1984 II censors, grin.

2-22-2016 How Nazi's Defense by Tim Cook... spread STD's + Murders!

2-22-2016 How Nazi's Defense by Tim Cook... spread STD's + Murders!

2-22-2016 "I was only obeying orders..." ... to write the HPV story the way 1984 II Dictators ordered it to be written!!

2-22-2016 Veterans Want Past Discharges to Recognize Post-Traumatic Stress of War Crimes when they Know No Gas Stations on Earth would have won the Desert Storm Bush War! By DAVE PHILIPPS New York Times Tragedy of 9/11 and No Gas Stations on Earth... for $777 Trillion in Texas Oil Money... New York Times letter to the editors! U.S. Scrambles to Contain Growing ISIS Threat in Libya. By ERIC SCHMITT As U.S. intelligence agencies say they are the ones who profited the most from $777 Trillion in BP + Texas Oil Revenues!

2-22-2016 How Nazi's Defense by Tim Cook... spread STD's + Murders!

2-22-2016 How Nazi's Defense by Tim Cook... spread STD's + Murders!

2-22-2016 1984 II Dictators... "I think we need to hold people who give orders even more accountable. Because the people who execute those orders may not feel as responsible as one might like." Prof Haggard said there was no reason to give any credibility to the so-called "Nuremberg defence". "We always need to be skeptical of that defence - of somebody who says, I was only obeying orders," he said. "Because very often, people have a secondary motive for saying that. They think they can avoid punishment. "Secondly, just because somebody feels they are not responsible, doesn't mean they are not responsible. Society might still want to hold them accountable."

2-22-2016 How Nazi's Defense by Tim Cook... spread STD's + Murders!

2-22-2016 How Nazi's Defense by Tim Cook... spread STD's + Murders!

2-22-2016 1984 II

2-22-2016 1984 II wrongful death lawsuit will test a new legal strategy to prevent nursing homes from requiring their residents to take disputes to arbitration. A new MD strategy would be to monitor the cameras from room to room watching the 1CNA1 RN listening, by one MD could replay if needed and "Bed Sore's" by the millions today like gas stations will be history. Just this one New MD Strategy!

2-22-2016 How Nazi's Defense by Tim Cook... spread STD's + Murders!

2-22-2016 How Nazi's Defense by Tim Cook... spread STD's + Murders!

2-22-2016 ID card to ride the subway, GPS tracking on the train. MD scans for a number of diseases, if caught you are put in isolation. "Subway Sex Crimes Are on the Rise in New York City" By EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS Kirstie, Ladies, just do what I did in 2011... A man decided to masturbate in front of me mid-day on the R train. There were even other passengers on... Fanning out along the platform at the City Hall subway station in Manhattan, the plainclothes police officers blended in with the morning commuters. As they prepared to board a northbound train, they watched closely, their eyes darting from rider to rider.

2-21-2016 Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

2-21-2016 Encrypted is who will miss the diagnosis on 9/11 II + III, Which 1984 II Dictators!!

2-21-2016 Encrypted is No Gas Stations on Earth, End to Mecca, Invention of the Gravity Engine Era + Star Travel Trains to Key West. Greg + Wives!

2-21-2016 Apple maintains that the content on each of its customers' iPhones is uniquely encrypted and that it possesses no master key to unlock the data... for sudden deaths. Murderer's, Cardiac Arrest, Cancer!

2-21-2016 MD Pandora’s boxed iWatch iApple iapps diagnosis data base; doctors have become increasingly convinced that many sudden deaths are not so sudden but come after warning signs or symptoms that may be overlooked in the days just before death. Tim Cook Overlooked all these deaths... why?

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

2-21-2016 MD Pandora’s boxed iWatch iApple iapps diagnosis data base; A pathognomonic sign is a particular sign whose presence means that a particular disease is present beyond any doubt! Beau's Brain Cancer, Breast Cancer iapps for sooner than later sign caught by Beau's + Scalia's, Steve Jobs Movie's didn't give us a A pathognomonic sign (scene) is a particular sign whose presence means that a particular disease is present beyond any doubt! 007 Movie the next one with 1,001 pathognomonic signs; is a particular sign whose presence means that a particular disease is present beyond any doubt! 007 Bond Movie with a Black Bond or 1,001 pathognomonic sign is a particular sign whose presence means that a particular disease is present beyond any doubt! There is No Doubt a Black will be the Next 007 Bond as our 1984 II Dictators have Syphilis in their brains. A sign with no doubt, grin.

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

2-21-2016 MD Pandora’s boxed iWatch iApple iapps diagnosis data base A pathognomonic sign is a particular sign whose presence means that a particular disease is present beyond any doubt! Information... Scalia, a tennis player, went to his doctor on the Wednesday and Thursday before his death for a shoulder injury, according to The Associated Press. Pain in a shoulder can be heart-related. The A.P. reported that Justice Scalia had an M.R.I. of his shoulder and was told that the problem was from rotator cuff damage. Because Justice Scalia was too weak to endure surgery, his doctor advised rehabilitation.

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

2-21-2016 MD Pandora’s boxed iWatch iApple iapps diagnostic information... officials could obtain critical information even from an embalmed body by inserting a needle into the heart or a tube into the bladder to perform toxicology tests on blood and urine for evidence of toxins. Sophisticated testing could distinguish drugs and chemicals from those in embalming fluid. It is not known if officials performed such tests in Justice Scalia’s case.

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

2-21-2016 MD Pandora’s boxed iWatch iApple iapps diagnostic information... Scalia recently returned from travel to Asia. One problem that sometimes occurs after long airplane flights is pulmonary embolus, a formation of a blood clot in a leg from which a piece breaks off and travels in the blood to the lungs to cause sudden death.

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

2-21-2016 Universe of Encryption from Top Quarks to DNA, needs a Encryption Nobel for our Universe Habitat, getting started demands the government fast track 1,001 Nobels a Year just in Medicine via Apple-Starbucks Store School University open 24/7 for the Breakfast Menu all day long. Apple vs. Washington Over Encryption. New York Times - Apple maintains that the content on each of its customers' iPhones is uniquely encrypted and that it possesses no master key to unlock the data. Master Key to Unlock the Universe, just the 52 Nearest Stars all with Encrypted Jewish Aliens uniquely encrypted. What is the Universe on Earth going to expand into, Star Wars or Nuclear War with Korea? $184 Trillion has been spent on War since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort. NASA's Coup Mission has fail all of Humanity since 1980. Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III. I would think it was McCain and his psychotic wounded warriors! Apple Sees Value in Its Stand to Protect Security - not expand into the Universe. Same for Katie and Paul at the New York Times Today. By KATIE BENNER and PAUL MOZUR Times + Apple’s refusal to help the F.B.I. break the endless War Machine at the Pentagon with Lobotomy Gas Invention is a cardinal sin.

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

2-21-2016 "The Doctor’s World: Scalia Autopsy Decision Divides Pathologists" By LAWRENCE K. ALTMAN, M.D. 326,000 people of all ages experience cardiac arrest out of a hospital in the United States each year, and 90 percent of them die, according to the American Heart Association. I would think it was McCain and his psychotic wounded warriors killed all 326K from no one arresting them for War Crimes! Autopsies by forensic pathologists, inventions by Greg + Wives in Key West need autopsies, as foul play is keeping them out of 1984 II Society. The justice was found Feb. 13 in his bed at a West Texas ranch, cold, pulseless, his hands almost folded on top of the sheets as if he were taking a nap. The Justice in Tim Cook not working 24/7 on iWatch alerts for cardiac arrest is injustice for 326K people in 2016 who will die like Scalia, without wearing their iWatch to bed. Most sudden deaths result from a fatal heart rhythm that develops in ventricles (the heart’s lower chambers) damaged by atherosclerosis. In recent years, doctors have become increasingly convinced that many sudden deaths are not so sudden but come after warning signs or symptoms that may be overlooked in the days just before death.

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes! Which 1984 II Dictators!!

2-21-2016 HBO ‘Girls’? Aren’t They Women Inventors yet, Hell no! By KATHRYN SHATTUCK

2-21-2016 Universe of Encryption from Top Quarks to DNA

2-21-2016 Universe of Encryption from Top Quarks to DNA

2-21-2016 Universe of Encryption from Top Quarks to DNA

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes!

Encrypted is who shot down Challenger II + III, iPhone 007, Rx Recipes!

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 By PETER BAKER New York Times Justice Antonin Scalia’s funeral on Saturday is expected to be a moment when the perpetual struggle at the intersection of law and politics of iInvention is briefly suspended to honor a celebrated justice who died like Beau; of a cardiac arrest heart attack not alerted on his iWatch to the stroke of Midnight because Tim Cook was not in a Legal Marriage with 4 Women who's supreme power to inspire Godsend inventions verge on Miracle's in brainstorming iapps for VIP Elite people like Beau + Scalia who gave $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks to China in 2016. Titanium Home for Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity given $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks, Hell No! Apple given $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks to put a $8K MacBook Pro at every café Table with a Tech Genius linked to Los Alamos, Hell No! Scalia's $777 Trillion dollar funeral today! Hell No We Won't go to Hell for 4 trillion years, as Scalia's Son a Catholic Priest believes $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks is a Godsend. To Hell with Jimmy Carter and his Titanium Home, Humanities New Habitat for Humanity.

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 Justice Dept. questions Apple's motives in refusing to help FBI

2-20-2016 Judgement Dept. God Questions Apple's Tim Cook in refusing to Marry Women... Trump will be one hero to redeem Wive's humanity...

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 The Battle of Adam + Eve Today is played out on iX-ray apps of the Universe and Gravity of the Invention of Eve. 40x optical zoom + PowerShots of Eve crunched on Los Alamos iapps will open her X-ray Universe. DNA II + III Nobel in Medicine will be for discoveries about Eve!

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 The battle over Apple's refusal to give the FBI the tools to unlock a terrorist's smartphone escalated sharply Friday when the government urged a federal judge to immediately compel the tech giant to comply, arguing that it appears more concerned with more concerned with marketing strategy. Government Men 1984 II should be more concerned with marketing strategy of iapps The Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University with a $8K MacBook Pro and Genius Tech at every Paris café Table Taxing the American + French Dictators with 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year. Side effects will be the end to Mecca, Allah and Muslims. No Gas Stations on Earth Protesters are from BP Oil.

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 Price of Gas Skyrockets in Venezuela (to 38 Cents a Gallon) By MARÍA EUGENIA DÍAZ and NICHOLAS CASEY - No Gas Stations on Earth in 2016 Strategy!

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 After Tests in the North, Conservatives in South Korea Call for a Nuclear War! By CHOE SANG-HUN

2-20-2016 Price of Korea Nuclear War (Gas) Skyrockets in Venezuela (to 38 Cents a Gallon) By MARÍA EUGENIA DÍAZ and NICHOLAS CASEY - No Gas Stations on Earth in 2016 Strategy!

2-20-2016 Nine levels of Feminist Hell... Virgil was nice enough to give me a tour. Dido led me down through the Vestibule and into Limbo.

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 New York Times Op-Ed | Steven Rattner - Will Syphilis Follow Capitalists Into Cuba? Havana, Cuba "Will Democracy Follow Capitalism Into Cuba?" By STEVEN RATTNER Op-Ed Columnist "Syria's White Rose" By ROGER COHEN The West has capitulated. Syria is a land of the dead and the dying, in need of heroes to redeem humanity.

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity... $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks to China in 2016.

2-20-2016 "China Telescope to Displace 9,000 Villagers in Hunt for Extraterrestrials" By EDWARD WONG Thousands of villagers in Guizhou Province will relocate to make room for a $184 million telescope to detect signs of alien life and gather other data about space.

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com Spray Painted Clouds of Black Exhaust from Trillions of Scooters on Duval when kids DNA is Dividing 1 Billion Times a Day... Jimmy Carter + Jimmy Weekley's Hell on Earth in our X-ray Universe. 1980 - 2016 ElectricWindmillFord 2006 -2016 Ten Year Old Kids on Duval Key West Put to Death by 1984 II Dictators with $777 Trillion Dollar kickbacks from BP Oil.

2-20-2016 BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com “He was always moving — and always smiling,” Lynn Barras, principal of Montessori Elementary Charter School, said Friday when describing the loss that shattered a local family and took the life of 10-year-old Nicky Sorbelli on Wednesday evening. The popular fifth grader who “always made people smile,” Barras said, lost his exhausting battle with leukemia, or blood cancer, earlier this week. For more than a year, Nicky Sorbelli endured the ups and downs, hopeful results and evil pitfalls that define the curse of cancer. Nicky fought his way through chemotherapy, radiation, platelet transfusions and a host of other treatments at Miami Children’s Hospital with his parents and family by his side and entire communities of supporters offering prayers and support. But for reasons no one will ever understand, this world lost a joking little boy decades too soon.

2-20-2016 $184 Trillion dollar Chinese Space Telescope Train will be the heroes to redeem humanity...

2-20-2016 2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief" dysfunction! “diagnosed syphilis perpetrator.” H-Bombs in view of the Eiffel Tower as his "Sex Health" deteriorated. ‘The Revenant’ is the "Commander in Chief" "Madam Curie" should be the Commander in Chief in a Universe of x-rays! "Self Driving Cars" when Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity Dream House made of Titanium, soundproof, has no electric wires from a trillion power poles, no sewer lines to connect, no water lines to connect. No Comcast Cable drilled holes into the House. 2016 Open House Cancelled by our dysfunctional Commander in Chief who bought his second home next to Bill + Melinda Gates in Dubai UAE.

2-19-2018 "Commander in Chief" "5 Star General, 'Nut job,' 'wacko,"

2-19-2016 Apple launch of its "24/7" Always Open Apple Store!

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief"

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief" who should have written up Top Quarks in a Grain of Sand on a White Sandy Beach in Key West. Light Years are to far for the "Commander in Chief" of the USA to even think of the Start of Star travel.

2-19-2018 "Commander in Chief" "5 Star General, 'Nut job,' 'wacko,' 'basket case': Donald Trump's put-downs perpetuate mental health stigma... Washington HQ. "Baby Killer", "Wife Killer," "Cop Killer," "Holocaust II + III + IV," "Pedophiles", "Priest Sex Abuse," "UN Peace Keepers Rape's," "Mecca SWF Sex Slaves," "Spray Painted Clouds of Black Exhaust from a Trillion Scooters on Duval Key West," "1984 II Dictators," “electric universe,” "Rose Colored Glasses," "Vision of a Eagle," "1984 III MD Wife's Dictators,"

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief"

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief"

2-19-2016 Eyewitness: Helicopter fell from sky into Pearl Harbor, no Gravity Engine, no super air bags on the outside!

2-19-2016 Apple launch of its "24/7" Always Open Apple Store! With Starbucks?

2-19-2016 "McDonald's franchise's had doubts ahead of breakfast launch" Washington Post NEW YORK - McDonald's has been fighting to win back customers, but its franchise's weren't so sure about the comeback plans ahead of the chain's launch of an all-day breakfast menu back in October.

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief"

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief"

2-19-2016 Apple launch of its "24/7" Always Open Apple Store!

2-19-2016 Apple launch of its "24/7" Always Open Apple Store! New Wedding Vows: To Have, 24/7 Brainstorming Conversations iapps, Aerobics Video for the New Wedding Vows: to Inventsomething, share a Nobel in Literature at the Hemingway House in Key West on an iapp Hemingway never had with 4 wives, grin.

2-19-2016 The strangers slept no more than a dozen steps apart in a housing project in the South Bronx — she on a cot pushed up against the wall in the living room of her ailing mother’s apartment, and he in a narrow, airless hallway of the building, on the threshold of his family’s door. She worried he had been locked out of his apartment, and one day last month told her mother she wanted to offer him some soup. But the mother, mindful of the danger that faces residents in the stairwells and expansive courtyards of the Mott Haven Houses, warned her it was the kind of encounter that could get her killed. A few days later, the man, Angel Feliz-Volquez, 26, hearing her in the fifth-floor hallway, burst from his apartment with a 20-inch machete and repeatedly struck the younger woman, Carmen Torres-Gonzalez, 59. He sliced her neck, face, shoulder and forearm, the back of her head and both her hands, severing one, and then stood over her, according to a police report.

2-19-2016 Apple launch of its "24/7" Always Open Apple Store!

2-19-2016 Murder in the 4-0 The Mott Haven Houses in the South Bronx, where Carmen Torres-Gonzalez, 59, was killed in a machete attack last month.

2-19-2016 Apple launch of its "24/7" Always Open Apple Store! "A Bronx Precinct Where Killings Persist" By BENJAMIN MUELLER and AL BAKER The death of a woman at the Mott Haven Houses in the 40th Precinct reveals a swirl of deeper dysfunction.

2-19-2016 Apple launch of its "24/7" Always Open Apple Store!

2-19-2016 With Starbucks? People Who Believe Electricity Rules the Universe. Greg + Wives in Key West Believe "Invention" Rules the Universe. Our Electric Universe was Invented... Top Brass at the Pentagon, Our Commander in Chief in this 1984 II Society can't do the math of "Top Quarks" spin, orbits, Gluon gravity, trillions of years after we are dead and gone will still be star light at the nearest star to Earth. "Apple’s Line in the Sand Was Over a Year in the Making" By MATT APUZZO, JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN and ERIC LICHTBLAU New York Times. Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief" who should have written up Top Quarks in a Grain of Sand on a White Sandy Beach in Key West. Light Years are to far for the "Commander in Chief" of the USA to even think of the Start of Star travel via a NASA Super Shuttle Train. An operating system update with enhanced encryption technology in late 2014 set the stage to put Apple increasingly at odds with prosecutors seeking to unlock iPhones.

2-19-2016 Apple launch of its "24/7" Always Open Apple Store!

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief"

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief"

2-19-2016 Apple launch of its "24/7" Always Open Apple Store!

2-19-2016 researchers have come to know that a clot-bursting drug Alteplase used for heart attacks and non-bleeding strokes can prove beneficial in reducing post-stroke disability and mortality in patients having intraventricular hemorrhage ... Alteplase has cleared blood that collected in the brains of intraventricular hemorrhage patients. 90% of are never able to regain the former functionality, after a stroke, Alteplase can be the difference between going home instead of going to a nursing home”... "24/7" Always Open Apple Store will make Alteplase part of our Habitat for Humanity, Hell with Worms in Africa! Warm ups for the Big Ten women's swimming and diving championship were cancelled, the Detroit Free Press reported. The tournament proceeded as scheduled, but this outbreak is a stark reminder of the damage that food poisoning can do... Worms or Food Poisoning in the US, catch of the Day Jimmy Carter never caught on to!

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief"

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief"

2-19-2016 9 Yale Medical School Women on the Futuristic Supreme Court... Scalia’s Obergefell v. Hodges dissent in which the late justice criticized the fact that all the justices on the court studied at either Harvard or Yale Law School.

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief"

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand iPhone Encryption was really written by our 1984 II "Commander in Chief"

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand... A five-ton generator fell from a crane at a construction site in northern New Jersey on Thursday, killing two workers, the authorities said. Mayor Ronald F. Francioli of Hanover said a strap on a crane lowering the generator snapped at the site of a firehouse under construction. Apples Line in the Sand, iPod size electric generator fell from a Godsend invent by Greg + Wives in Key West. iAppleFireStation is a futuristic Godsend too. Not on the governments IP invention projects list.

2-19-2018 Apples Line in the Sand of time. Time for the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Ghana: Dozens Killed in Road Accident. A head-on collision between a passenger bus and a truck in central Ghana killed at least 61 people in the deadliest road accident in recent memory in the country, officials and witnesses said Thursday. The accident occurred Wednesday night in the town of Kintampo, more than 250 miles north of the capital, Accra, said Christopher Tawiah, a regional police spokesman. On Twitter, President John Dramani Mahama expressed condolences to the families of the victims. Officials are investigating the crash. Ghana’s National Road Safety Commission reported that more than 1,600 people were killed in road accidents last year.

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 "155-Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure Would be Brooklyn's!

2-18-2016 "155-Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure Would be Brooklyn's!

2-18-2016 "73-Story Tower Would Be Brooklyn’s Tallest by Far" By MATT A.V. CHABAN Scrutiny is about to begin of a proposal for the tallest tower in Brooklyn, one that would be impossible to ignore.

2-18-2016 "155-Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure Would be Brooklyn's Elite Yale Medical School" Era of NYC's 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year! Light Years from anything built by the New York Times Headlines Today. Proposal for Legal Polygamous Marriage, gravity wave inspiration. Invention of Gravity, Gravity Engine is impossible to ignore any longer! IBM's 20 floors of Los Alamos Super Computers will belong to the Medical School... Biden's Moonshot for Brain + Breast Cancer, with Lead Atoms Rx Cure. Elevators will rise to the ER + Operating Rooms in seconds. Heavy Lift Medical Helicopters with Gravity Engines will not be noticed, grin. Rents in Brooklyn today are $5,163 per month.

2-18-2016 "155-Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure Would be Brooklyn's!

2-18-2016 "155-Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure Would be Brooklyn's!

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 Iron ore is the raw material used to make pig iron, which is one of the main raw materials to make steel. 98% of the mined iron ore is used to make steel.[2] Indeed, it has been argued that iron ore is "more integral to the global economy than any other commodity, except perhaps oil". "Iron Ore Giant Vale Begins Tests at Its Largest Mine" The Brazilian company Vale, the world’s biggest iron ore producer, said on Wednesday that it had begun testing equipment at its largest mine, in the Brazilian Amazon. Tests began with a nearly six-mile-long conveyor belt that takes iron ore from the mine’s open-cut pit to a processing facility, said Jamil Sebe, project director for the company’s Amazon iron assets. The mine has a planned capacity to produce 90 million metric tons of high-grade ore a year.

2-18-2016 "155-Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure Would be Brooklyn's!

2-18-2016 "155-Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure Would be Brooklyn's!

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency Powers Go Too Far" By ALISSA J. RUBIN New York Times... Allah launched H-Bombs in view of the Eiffel Tower via Pakistan Generals. American Generals paid for via BP Oil Revenues, kickbacks.

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 MOHAMED BAJRAFIL, the imam of a congregation on the outskirts of Paris, using the Arabic term for the Islamic State, on the many police raids and detentions of French Muslims since the Paris attacks. Imam's in Pakistan thank Allah for the 120 H-Bombs and Zero ElectricWindmillFord Escorts off the assembly lines in 2016. "Gasoline Critics" of the state of emergency in Paris say the human cost of warrantless searches has been disproportionate to their efficacy. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year will not be a legacy of the French Owned Total Oil Company mad men. Blacks See Bias in Delay on a Scalia Successor. Blacks in the USA will see H-Bombs going off in Paris on CBS Nightly news. Bias in Delay of "No Gas Stations On Earth" by Obama Presidency will go the same way as Gas Stations, thank God. By MAGGIE HABERMAN and JONATHAN MARTIN Some African-Americans saw the move by Republicans to block a Supreme Court nomination as another attempt to deny the legitimacy of the Obama presidency. Legitimacy of No Gas Stations On Earth will circumvent a Supreme Court nomination + 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat... 9 MD Women will be nominated to the Supreme Court, of course all SWF's, grin. Lead Atoms in kids DNA in the USA will be the Courts first case against the Obama Presidency. MS Virus given to millions of women will be the Courts Shared Nobel in Medicine Prize for 2016. "Early Behavior Therapy Found to Aid Children With A.D.H.D." By BENEDICT CAREY New York Times. "Early iapps by Apple now encrypted for Childhood IP invention projects, Therapy a No Brainard to Aid Children to InventSomething!!" FBI kids Today lost out on all these Childhood IP invention projects because of Tim Cook's hate crimes against Humanity in General. Tim Cook with A.D.H.D. as Apple CEO. This diagnosis and more will come from the MD Women's Club. iApple iapps Iron Age to the Titanium Age, along with Faster than the speed of Light, Einstein as almost right but his Universe meant we couldn't travel to any Nearby Galaxies let alone Stars in your 52 Pick Up iapps. Jewish Aliens would wait Centuries to be heard. And Einstein was Jewish.

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 President Obama will travel to Cuba within weeks. Cold War adversary that had many, but not 120 H-Bombs on the Island. The administration will announce the trip — the first by a sitting president in 88 years, when Calvin Coolidge visited. I would personally like to add Obama is going to check himself into a Prison Hospital for Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis, Ms Virus... grin. Cold War Adversary in this 1980 Lead Gas Administration of Obama. 1984 II Dictators at HQ could still make Obama take the fall for Holocaust II + III after his Cuban visit, thank God. Not Allah. 100 kids left to die in Hot Cars in Miami in the Summer of 2016, Holocaust IV for Obama! 'Rikers Guard Charged With Lying in Inmate’s Death Pleads Guilty" By RICK ROJAS A New York City correction officer on duty at Rikers Island when a homeless veteran overheated before dying in his cell pleaded guilty on Wednesday to a felony charge that she lied about checking on inmates that night, the authorities said. 100 kids left to die in Hot Cars in Miami in the Summer of 2016, Holocaust IV for Jimmy Carter too. iPhone Dash Cam in hot cars with forgotten kids. Felony Charges against Tim Cook. Fortune 500. Forbes!

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 "Muslims in France Say Emergency... Hot Summer of 2016 + kids left in hot cars to die...

2-18-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-17-2016 Tim Cook Opposes Order for Apple to Unlock iPhone, Setting Up Showdown!! >>> Your "Lost" iPhone 7 - will be able to find you in seconds!

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 Tim Cook Opposes Order for Syphilis, HIV, STD, MS Virus sex partners and acquaintance known to have these diseases to be Unlocked on all iPhone's, with iapps to alert 100 million women just in the USA; Setting Up Showdown with the 1984 III MD Dictators who wants to put all theses diseased men in a Cuban Prison Hospital, grin. Diseased men attackers who infected 14,000 SWF's just in San Bernardino, Calif.

2-17-2016 Eye Tim Cook Opposes Order for Apple to Unlock iPhone, Setting Up Showdown!! >>> Your "Lost" iPhone 7 - will be able to find you in seconds!

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 NYC Schools teach nothing last forever not even Hell... "40 Trillion Bacteria on and in Us? Fewer Than We Thought." By NICHOLAS BAKALAR New York Times. 40 Trillion lead atoms on us and in our food's! NO One at the New York Times even though of writing this Lead story!

2-17-2016 New York Times - George Orwell high tech goings on at the Times and FBI HQ... I do believe this is a "Orwellian Story" about the FBI can't break the encryption... The F.B.I. said that its experts had been unable to access data on Mr. Farook’s iPhone, and that only Apple could bypass its security features. F.B.I. experts have said they risk losing the data permanently after 10 failed attempts to enter the password because of the phone’s security features. SAN FRANCISCO - Apple said on Wednesday that it would oppose and challenge a federal court order to help the F.B.I. unlock an iPhone used by one of the two attackers who killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif.... As Apple noted, the F.B.I., instead of asking Congress to pass legislation resolving the encryption fight, has proposed what appears to be a novel reading of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort and $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues... Yale History that is classified and top secret. Grin! What year did Steve Jobs learn about the invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort? Steve Jobs never ever realized suppressing this invention also suppressed the Rx Overnight Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer Era! China is watching the dispute closely. Smog in China as infected million Chinese kids with cancer and birth defects. Holocaust II + III War Crimes are encrypted by 1984 II Oil Men Dictators. This can not be broken by Pope Francis! Apple declined to voluntarily provide, in essence, the “keys” to its encryption technology, federal prosecutors said they saw little choice but to get a judge to compel Apple’s assistance. God, get this Judge to call Pope Francis on his iPhone!!

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "Lis Smith urged to get tested for STDs amid Spitzer's recent scandal" New York Post - Eliot Spitzer's Russian-hooker scandal has horrified the ex-girlfriend he claims “is the love of my life” - and friends are urging her to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, sources said Tuesday. KGB agents when Putin was Director of the KGB, did Putin fine $$$ them for catching a STD? Tolstoy or Doseveskey opens one of their novels with the Bread Baker has Syphilis...

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "SWF's urged to get tested for STDs at Homeland Security's Airport Checkpoints + every time they go shopping for groceries at Publix and Whole Foods, along with EEG + EKG and blood test.

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "SWF's Setting Up Showdown with the 1984 III MD Dictators who wants to put all theses diseased men in a Cuban Prison Hospital, grin. Diseased men like Tim Cook + Elton John will give diseases to millions of women while Obama Watches... the statistics!

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "SWF's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?" NYC Mayor knows the STD, Syphilis Statistics are Highest among Blacks at every School in NYC but lets these terrible diseases be spread across racial lines.... on orders from 1984 II Dictators at HQ. New York Times - Not reporting these "Black STD" Statistics is a crime! The school - along with six others in New York City - is part of a new Education Department initiative aimed at maintaining a racial and socioeconomic balance at schools in fast-gentrifying neighborhoods. MD education is a Black Hole in NYC Today. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat will send tens of thousands of NYC Blacks to Prison Hospitals in Cuba.

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "SWF's married in Mandy Miles case. I took a picture of Mandy Miles last night at her book signing. Her comment was "were having technical difficulties" well Mandy has a Super Giant Sun body and her picture in Tan Lines is a Skinny Mandy in a Paradise Bikini... cardiac arrest for mom and dad alert has been expanded to Mandy herself this is what the City needs to take up tonight! BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com City officials tonight will consider the if’s, and’s and butt’s of a new litter law; a prohibition on the use of... Meeting tonight in Old City Hall, the Key West City Commission will vote on a new law that would make it specifically illegal to discard cigarette butts on sidewalks. “sustained aerobic exercise might be most beneficial for brain health also in humans.” "neurotrophic factor that is known to regulate neurogenesis" As for high-intensity interval training, its potential brain benefits may be undercut by its very intensity, Dr. Nokia said. It is, by intent, much more physiologically draining and stressful than moderate running, and “stress tends to decrease adult hippocampal neurogenesis,” she said... Mandy are you taking notes for your Sunday Tan Lines article on exercise and the brain, grin! Greg + Mandy both need to lose 20 lbs in Paradise!

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 $777 Trillion dollars; Why would Ben write this story when we Know Saudi Arabia has $777 Trillion dollars in Swiss Banks, same Banks Hitler used? "Young Saudis See Cushy Jobs Vanish Along With Nation’s Oil Wealth" By BEN HUBBARD Saudi Arabia has survived oil shocks before, but now 70 percent of its citizens are under 30, and they face a harder future than their parents... with $777 Trillion dollars Ben Hubbard at the NY Times knows about but censors out of his story on Saudi Arabia!

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 New York Times Editorial: "Hillary Clinton Should Just Say Yes to a $15 Minimum Wage" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Hillary and the editors of the New York Times never went to Yale Medical School or ever even though of going to a Medical School this is the reason Todays Editorial is not about paying Medical School Students more than West Point Cadets. $15 I would think West Point Cadets get more like $75 a hour, maybe $100 dollars a hour with free flight perks from the Air Force. 1,001 Wars and the West Point Cadets will miss 9/11 II + III and Oppenheimer II + III decisions by our current 1984 II Dictators. $75 a hour for Yale Medical Students will get us 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year and 1,001 Nobel's in literature with iapps for writing a Medical Novel at the Hemingway House in Key West with a "Surgery Invention" in every chapter, grin. West Point Cadets failed "Lead 101" as lead atoms will last forever. Generals teach nothing last forever not even Hell... "40 Trillion Bacteria on and in Us? Fewer Than We Thought." By NICHOLAS BAKALAR New York Times. 40 Trillion lead atoms on us and in our food's!

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 Ironic if we ever learn he gave her STD's is why she killed him... in Rage! 35-year-old woman has been arrested in the stabbing death of a man after an argument in a Chinese restaurant in Brooklyn, the authorities said on Tuesday. The woman, Lan Shui Yu, has been charged with second-degree murder and criminal possession of a weapon, a knife, in the dispute that left Jian-Yang Zhang, 41, dead, the police said. Mr. Zhang was visiting Lucky Zhang’s, a 24-hour Fujianese restaurant owned by his sister, when he and Ms. Yu, a waitress there, had an argument. The dispute escalated, the police said, and Ms. Yu stabbed Mr. Zhang inside the restaurant. STD statistics should be posted with the SALT for the Waitress from China, Harlem, Mexico, Russia... and will be when 4 MD Wives are our 1984 III Dictators. Murder Stats from 1984 II Dictators don't have the Rage over STD's killings but they know these stats at HQ. This will be a crime we can arrest Hillary + Bill at Yale Law for, grin. Not making this a law.

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-17-2016 "STD's - "New York Schools Wonder: How White Is Too White?"

2-16-2016 Swiss Bankers Won't tell the world of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't Rethink Hell... Swiss Won't Rethink 1000-Franc Note as Draghi Hails Crime Fight. Swiss officials have no plans to follow the European Central Bank and consider withdrawing their highest-denomination banknote to help fight crime. Swiss War Crimes are made Blind to the Highest Mountain Ranges in Solar Systems at the Nearest Stars. 1000-Swiss Eye Doctors tell the troops Blinded in Syria + Iraq Wars the Masterminds are 1984 II Dictators and Note they went to Yale + Harvard Law School not Medical Schools, grin.

2-16-2016 CBS Nightly News Last Night Trump told the world of 9/11 was "seen" by Bush + Hillary and everyone in the World. Bush failed the Math though others were not as Blind... End to Gas Stations on Earth is the only way to prevent 9/11 II + III, Bush is not Blind to this today but he caused many troops to be Blind in the Iraq Wars when he could have put a End to all Gas Stations on Earth Vision. Hillary too.

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't tell the world of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't Rethink Hell... Blind from War in Iraq. 1984 II Dictators have the Vision to see lead atoms in the DNA of kids at HQ who visit with mom and dad. iSecurityPolice Note to fight crime is the Ford assembly line... work 6 days a week 12 hours a day, to fight war crimes when 4 hospitals in Syria are bombed in one day - George Orwell Bankers will meet God "Blind" with no plans to follow up on travel to the Nearest 1 star or the Nearest 1,000 stars before declaring every star in the Universe is out of range of our ICBM's. Masterminds who build the Next Generation of ICBM are like the Pakistan workers on the H-Bomb assembly line today getting paid in 1000-Franc Notes to keep this secret. Blind to Greg + Wives in Key West is CBS Nightly News, grin.

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't tell the world of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't Rethink Hell... Swiss Won't Rethink Hell of a job building 1,000,000,000-Franc-Ford Escort's all ElectricWindmill's all on Assembly lines considering the highest demand in VIEW of H-Bombs going off in View of the Eiffel Tower after D-Day + V-Day 2016. Element of time the Swiss Won't Rethink unless I remind them every day Pakistan builds one more H-Bomb on its non-electricwindmillFord Escort assembly line. For Real this is not a George Orwell 1000-Franc Note from BP Oil.

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't tell the world of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't Rethink Hell... Galaxy Note 6 Suggest Monster 6GB RAM, Jimmy Carter's $12K dollar immunity booting drug came off a assembly line that can also make memory boosting drugs for $15K a dose but both pay off in 1000-Note Nobel's in Medicine and cost will be lower on a better assembly line. The Galaxy Note 6 could be the standout device from Samsung in 2016, even though the Galaxy S7 retains flagship status. Samsung has chosen to pack the Galaxy Note range with outstanding specifications - Swiss have chosen not to pack our Habitat for Humanity with $1 immune boosting and $1 memory boosting drugs along with 1000-Note spin offs. Blind from Wars Masterminds who run assembly lines today for ICBM's and H-Bombs all financed by Banks Oil Revenues.

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't tell the world of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't Rethink Hell... IBM has unveiled its new z13s mainframe, which it claims offers encryption at twice the speed as previous mid-range systems. IBM has given this Solar System of Our Mid-range Masterminds since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort. This is a crime and a war crime. How do you bomb 4000-Noted Hospitals in a day... with IBM encryption of the 1980 Laser Guidance on the ElectricWindmillFord Escorts. As this laser Guidance in 2016 in the Yale Key West Medical School would have saved the Supreme Court Justice from a Heart Attack.

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't tell the world of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't Rethink Hell... Apple is being sued over its pressure-sensitive screen. War's Masterminds are being sued over pressure-sensitive "Greed" for 1000-Notes from BP Oil. Touch is all the Blind Troops have left from Bombs Bursting in Flames of 1000-Note Oil Bills. At stake is 3D Touch and Force Tech - tech introduced into the iPhone 6, 6s, and the Apple Watch that detects how hard a user presses the screen and responds accordingly. NASA can't respond accordingly to the how hard it will be to travel 4 light years in a super shuttle train in 2016. Moonshot by Biden is a Blind Mastermind who not only killed Beau with brain cancer Blinded 1000-Troops in war crimes for 1000-Notes for his secret Swiss Bank accounts and War Chest. Pressure-sensitive NASA shuttle pilots fly the F-35 today not a Super Shuttle Train. Not even Jimmy Carter will respond accordingly to his New Vision of God. Einstein was right in Gravity Waves + Greg in Key West is right in building the Gravity Engine Car with many Wives in a Legal Polygamous Marriage. Steve Jobs would be alive today if he was in a Polygamous Marriage. This is pressure sensitive with Tim Cooks hate crimes against so many women today. Vision to see so many hate crimes against women by Tim Cook will Force Touch the New York Times hard!!

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't Rethink Hell... Harvard Crimson - The Harvard Crimson has nothing in Hell in common with the Harvard Medical School like Yale Daily News has nothing in common with Yale Medial School. Hillary and Bill never had a chance in hell of getting into the Medical School so they never applied. Law School is a scam everyone knows this. The battle over the relationship between drinking and campus social ills reemerged at Harvard last week when Mather House banned hard alcohol consumption in its Junior Common Room, a frequent campus party space, with a goal of making parties “safer. 1000-Note iHardLiquor IP invention projects are flowing to the Medical Schools Research centers, not the Law Bar, grin. Law School Affiliates Remember Alum Scalia for Fiery Personality, Contributions to Law. Scalia was to stupid to get into Harvard Medical School but smart enough to apply for Harvard Law School. Jimmy Carters immune system booting drug with memory boosting drugs will get more to apply to Med school and have the vision to see Law School is a war crime same as the Masterminds who Blinded so many Troops in the Syrian Iraq Wars. Law Schools Harvard and Yale are Blind to War Crime of suppressing the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort 1000-Note that should be 1 Trillion on the assembly lines today. Stop production of ICBM's and Pakistan H-Bomb assembly lines at the same time.

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't Rethink Hell... more from the Harvard Crimson, not a JFK Medical School or Super Carrier for the Navy. "With Crane Raised, Kennedy School Begins Construction." By Nathaniel J. Hiatt Construction crews on the Harvard Kennedy School’s campus have begun placing the steel beams that will form the structure of the school’s three new buildings and raised courtyard. War Crimes Court Yard will be in the center of the New 155 Story Harvard Medical School. Caroline Kennedy will go on trail for war crime's, via ElectricWindmillFord JFK model like the limited edition Ford for Jimmy Carter.

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't Rethink Hell... Harvard Dental School pulled 8 million teeth blind to 5 Billion People who need a Harvard Dentists, oral surgeon. F grade for Harvard Dental and Harvard Law for not suing Harvard Dental School ha. Ouch! Pull that tooth, please. A Harvard Dental School instructor has been accused of fleeing scholarship loan debts in Thailand, prompting massive outrage in the country among its citizens. In 1993, Dolrudee Jumlongras allegedly agreed to a scholarship loan of Thai Baht 8 million—which under current exchange rates amounts to roughly $220,000—whereby Thailand’s Mahidol University would sponsor her to study dentistry at Harvard and she would repay the loan upon returning from her studies by working at Mahidol, according to English-language news outlet the Bangkok Post. However, she is now being accused of violating her agreement by remaining at Harvard as an instructor and not paying back the loan in full. nationwide firestorm erupted in part after the publishing of a Facebook post from Padej Poonwithayakij, a Thai dentist who said he was one of the four co-signers of her loan-based scholarship from Mahidol University. In the post, he alleges that Jumlongras is currently not abiding by the loan agreement, and as a result each of the four co-signers have been required to pay back one-quarter of the actual cost of the loan, according to an article in Coconuts Bangkok, an English-language outlet. In his post, Poonwithayakij included a photo of a check that he said showed he was paying 2.2 million Baht to Mahidol to cover his share. When Hillary reads this she was forward it to Yale Law so her lawyer friends can make 1000-Note's off this Blind Dentist who teaches at Harvard Dental School. grin. Smile you have new dentures!

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't Rethink Hell... Harvard College received 39,044 applications for admission to its Class of 2020—setting a new record for admissions the second year in a row and surpassing last year’s 37,305 total applications. Harvard Medical School will have 39,055 after the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort is on the Front Page of the Harvard Crimson + New York Times. Blind to the Boston Globe as you must pay to read this newspaper on the Web, 1000-Notes, ha.

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Key West News Ran a Red Light in 2016 that should be Blind to anyone Running a Red Light as the Laser Guidance on the Navy's ElectricWundmillCars will not run a red light with the Red laser across the intersection... Two airlifted in car crash BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com Two motorists were airlifted to Miami early Sunday after a car ran a red light on Stock Island, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. Naval Air Station Key West Master-at-Arms, Petty Officer 3rd Class Destiny Yovvone Williams, 25, of Key West, ran a red light, northbound, on U.S. 1 at MacDonald Avenue in a 2012 Nissan Altima at 4:42 a.m., according to the FHP.

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Medicines to Keep Addiction Away, A battery of drugs, some new and some long known, have been proven to give addicts support in staying off drugs and alcohol after rehab. A Battery the size of an iPod with H fuel at -252 C and GE micro electric generator will keep away some of the addiction to oil revenues. Vision drugs some new will be spin off from this new Battery-Fuel-Generator.

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't tell the world of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Blind to the Colorado Killers knowledge of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort is a crime by the New York Times. Blind to the killers, of 19K women in 2016 if they know about the suppression of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort so others like Bush can get rich on oil. Review: Memoir by a Columbine Killer’s Mother In “A Mother’s Reckoning,” Sue Klebold writes about how well she knew — and didn’t know — her son, Dylan. How well do the 1984 II masses know what going on in their vision?

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't tell the world of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 South Korea's president warned Tuesday that North Korea faces collapse if it doesn't abandon its nuclear bomb program, an unusually strong broadside that will likely infuriate Pyongyang... Paris Nuclear War will likely infuriate Allah, Mecca, Pakistan Moslem Generals much more than North Korea Dictators. Blind to ending wars is the USA's 1984 II Dictators who refuse to let women drive a 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort to the Moonshot - Alpha Centauri Star Travel Trail with no fear of breast cancer ever again. Oppenheimer II + III has the same vision of Blind troops in CBS commercials with the Wounded Warrior scam when they have $777 Trillion in BP OIl Kickbacks. Paris Belle to see her Beauty in the Brain, on your index finger and thumb. God that Blinded Jimmy Carter to Star Wars for a Nuclear Sub with 120 H bombs is a false God invented by McCain + Kerry at HQ. South Korea Ultra Vision of 4K Ultra 100" monitors for the USA to use at every Paris café Table + Apple-Starbucks Store School Universe! North Korea Leader Should Be Told He Could Face Trial, U.N. Official Says. By NICK CUMMING-BRUCE New York Times. The official, Marzuki Darusman, also said the United Nations should create a panel to identify ways of prosecuting North Koreans for heinous crimes. Nick at the New York Times writes of war crime trials for N. Korea when 120 H-Bomb are going to go off in view of the Eiffel Tower. Nick at the New York Times has not been blinded by war bombs in Iraq but by Editors of the NY Times!

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't tell the world of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't tell the world of 9/11 II + III

"Letters From Pope John Paul II Show Deep Friendship With Woman" By JOANNA BERENDT and SEWELL CHAN Do the Pope's letters mention the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort, hell no this was censored out as Greg knows from the Pope's comments he knew about the suppressed 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era. A crime only God can punish Pope Francis gambles God will forgive him. WARSAW — The future Pope John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla, began a friendship with a Polish-American philosopher in 1973 that lasted the rest of his life. She hosted him when he visited New England and translated a book of his, and they stayed in touch, off and on, until his death in 2005. Pope's call them He called her “a gift from God.” Allah calls the Pentagon Generals their gift of $777 trillion as Gods on Earth. After an assassination attempt against John Paul in 1981, 1980 the ElectricWindmillFord was invented + suppressed. When did the Pope first learn about its invention + how did he react to its suppression?

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't tell the world of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 If Pope John Paul II would have married a Woman he would have fast tracked 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year. By JOANNA BERENDT and SEWELL CHAN If Pope's didn't go along with BP Oil Men Breast + Brain Cancer would be "Gas Stations"... Blind from War in Iraq. 1984 II Dictators have the Vision to see lead atoms in the DNA of kids at HQ who visit with mom and dad.

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Swiss Won't tell the world of 9/11 II + III

2-16-2016 Eye Doctors Tell the Blind Troops their Vision of 9/11 II + III

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Presidents' Day... it may be just another day to burn to death in a Fiery Wreck!

2-15-2016 The victims of a fire at the King Towers complex were taken to Harlem Hospital Center for burns and smoke inhalation and listed in critical condition. Feb. 13, 2016 New York Times Journalists... 1984 II.

2-15-2016 The victims of... Homeland Security 1984 III MD Era would have scanned everyone for Cardiac Arrest and Heart Attacks as this was the cause of Scalia’s Death at 79 and 350K clones of Scalia who will die in 2016 of heart attacks. 350K people will not burn to death in a fiery wreck in 2016.

2-15-2016 Absence of New York Times Headlines that A Heart Attack was the cause of Scalia’s Death at 79 and Jimmy Carter at 91 with no front page comments about Worms and Heart Attacks this Absence Is Likely to Alter Court’s Major Decisions This Term on the many "155 Story Yale Key West Paris Medical Schools" and iPhone 7 cardiac arrest alerts. By ADAM LIPTAK Antonin Scalia’s death will complicate the work of the remaining justices, as some cases could result in 4-to-4 deadlocks, and strengthen the Supreme Court’s 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat gravity.

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Cardiac Arrest Absence Cure for 2016 "Moonshot" by Biden... is not going to happen for 425K Clones of Scalia. After Valentine Day yesterday and Antonin Scalia’s Death, Fierce Battle Lines Emerge in 1984 II and coming 1984 III Era of the Gravity Engine Habitat for Humanity, to Hell with Jimmy's worms lead is in the air and water.

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Carolina's... still crazy in love after all these years of Valentine Lovers Burned to Death in a Fiery Wreck with Texas Oil Men Bush! Sweet South Carolina. Former president George W. Bush ’68 will visit South Carolina — the location of the next Republican primary — to campaign for his brother, Jeb Bush, the former governor of Florida. The elder Bush won in South Carolina when he was a candidate in 2000. Their father and former president George H. W. Bush ’48 also won in the Palmetto State. The victims of a fire at the Saudi King Towers complex were taken to Harlem Hospital Center for burns and smoke inhalation and listed in critical condition. Feb. 15, 2016 New York Times Journalists... 1984 II.

2-15-2016 Fiery Trump, Cruz, GOP Attack Each Other Like Caged Animals in S.C. Debate... more like in a fiery car wreck! Trump + Cruz have both driven by fiery car wrecks and not stopped to help... literally and figuratively! Katie Holmes Shows Up Tom Cruise And Is Reborn Herself With 'Touched With Fire' Movie Role drama "Touched With Fire".

2-15-2016 New York Times Journalists Begin "Hospital Prison Sentences" in Cuba. For spreading HIV, Syphilis, STD's, MS Virus they write is not criminal, grin. NY Times Cartoons on this are on the front page of the Times. By ISABEL KERSHNER New York Times By CARL HULSE and MARK LANDLER New York Times.

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 New York Times Journalists... "Cosby: The Women, an Unwelcome Sisterhood,” went to a team from New York magazine: two writers, Noreen Malone and Jen Kirby; a photographer, Amanda Demme; and the photography director, Jody Quon. Their story gathered accounts from 35 women who accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault; all 35 were pictured on the cover along with an empty chair that represented Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis, MS Virus not reported in the New York Times - Ever!! "New York Times Journalists Among Winners of 2015 Polk Awards" By JAMES BARRON many face long painful cures for Syphilis, STD's, in the same prison hospital in Cuba as Cosby; Unwelcome Social Diseases, to hell with worms!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 "Ehud Olmert, Ex-Prime Minister of Israel, Begins Prison Sentence" By ISABEL KERSHNER New York Times

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 most violence against women, the pope placed himself at the center of Mexico’s identity crisis... Tim Cook + Elton John vs Legal Polygamous Marriage in Mexico, USA, Rome, Vatican City.

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 "SWF in the USA Had Record Civilian Casualties in 2015, 19K in Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity, to hell with worms they are screaming; Jimmy Carter too, grin!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 "Afghanistan Had Record Civilian Casualties in 2015, U.N. Says" By DAVID JOLLY The United Nations documented 3,545 civilians killed, a reminder of the cost of the conflict at a time when the prospect of peace seems as distant as ever.

2-15-2016 Fire in Harlem Housing Project Critically Injures Woman and Boy

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 The victims of a fire at the Saudi King Towers complex were taken to Harlem Hospital Center for burns and smoke inhalation and listed in critical condition. Feb. 13, 2016 New York Times Journalists... 1984 II.

2-15-2016 Two hospitals have been hit in new air strikes - Yale Paris + Yale Key West Hospitals.

2-15-2016 Two hospitals have been hit in new air strikes in northern Syria, medics and witnesses say, causing a number of deaths and injuries.

2-15-2016 Fire in Harlem Housing Project Critically Injures Woman and Boy.

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Yale THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1985 The Council of Masters subcommittee on alcohol policy proposes a plan that will allow the University to serve drinks at Yale-sponsored events despite the drinking-age hike to 21 years... Today Yale Daily Students who wrote this know one molecule of alcohol hooking up with 1 DNA cell division can knock of the base pairs of amino acids. this was taught at Yale in 1985 but on one believed it. Now we have lead in the air + water at Yale. And all the Yale Students know these lead atoms will be around Yale forever!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Valentine's Day recipe: Sex Addict (White Chocolate & Strawberry Bread Pudding) CBS News - Len and Dani Johnson met in the restaurant business, and eight years ago opened their own restaurant: Better Than Sex in Key West, Florida. The restaurant only serves desserts with a decidedly sensual flavor.

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Mexico addicted to money, better than sex and wooing a wife. Mexico’s richest 1 percent owns almost half of the country’s wealth, while the government figures indicate that 46 percent of the country’s 122 million citizens live below the poverty line – a proportion which has remained almost static since 1992. The Pope’s visit to Federico Gomez Hospital, however, was “a powerful expression when everyone knows $777 Trillion dollars in Mexican Oil money is in the Vatican Bank. Federico Gomez Hospital is, in part, a victim of its own success. The hospital’s specialist organ transplant center carries out an average of one kidney transplant per week, but the waiting list for liver transplants currently stands at 120. But for Lopez, that’s not even the biggest problem. For him, the country’s inequality extends even to healthcare. “Most of the children we see are from poor backgrounds,” he explained. “Let’s say a child has cancer: their family pays 800 pesos ($40) for each of the basic 14 sessions of a basic chemotherapy cycle. Let’s also say they’re from outside the state: you have travel expenses, parents losing income, and then, on top of that, basic medical studies. It’s sad to see this delicate issue politicized by the First Lady.” Pope said on Sunday (Feb. 14) as he visited the 6,000-bed Federico Gomez Pediatric Hospital in Mexico City’s poor and crime-ravaged Doctores neighborhood. Accompanied by Mexico’s First Lady, Angelica Rivera. Pope pictured administering a polio vaccine to a young patient called Rodrigo, and was serenaded with a version of “Ave Maria” sung by 15-year-old cancer patient, Alexia Garduño. 91 year old cancer patient Jimmy Carter of the 1980 Electric Windmill Ford Escort Era is getting $15K a shot immune boosting drug to fight cancer cells. God will be in the fight of his life when Jimmy Carter dies, grin! drug war – which has left 100,000 people dead and a further 30,000 missing since 2006 - 1980 Jimmy Carter Ford. Hundreds of millions missed driving the 1980 Jimmy Carter Ford limited edition.

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Cat Lovers spin off from a Rx Cancer Cure for People is Cat's will get a Rx Cancer Cure... Socks the Clinton White House Cat. The former White House cat, who would have turned 20 this spring, was euthanized this morning at a veterinary clinic in Hollywood, Md. Socks had been suffering from cancer and the Currie family, who took custody of him when President Clinton left office, feared that he was too old for extensive treatment. Socks was something of a pop culture phenomenon during the Clinton presidency, even making it onto a series of Central African Republic stamps. His much-publicized distaste for the Clintons' dog once prompted Bill Clinton to tell CNN, "I did better with the Arabs -- the Palestinians and the Israelis -- than I have done with Socks and Buddy." Jimmy Carter at 101 without cancer too... Clinton could have done better to let Greg + Wives Brainstorm a Cure for Cancer way back then when cats and dogs... lived as cats + dogs.


2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-15-2016 Fiery Car Wrecks in the USA on Valentines Day Burned Lovers to Death!

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 A Red, Red Rose... O my Luve's like a red, red rose's DNA.

2-14-2016 A Red, Red Rose... O my Luve's like a red, red rose's DNA.

2-14-2016 ...ultimate Valentine’s Day Orwellian Hook-up... Fourteen couples are set to tie the knot on the Empire State Building’s 155th floor observation deck. Greg has pictures, I was there... /photos. I would be willing to tie the knot in Key West Today on a Sandy White Beach to Sandy, Mary, Jessica, any 1984 II women ready to inventsomething in a brain storming conversation on this Valentine Days Night in Paradise watching the trillionth Key West sunset... in love with fusion + fission of life on Earth in a Universe. Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission are different types of reactions that release energy due to the presence of high-powered atomic bonds between particles found within a nucleus. In fission, an atom is split into two or more smaller, lighter atoms. Fusion, in contrast, occurs when two or more smaller atoms fuse together, creating a larger, heavier atom. Fusion is the Sun. Fission is H-Bombs.

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 A Red, Red Rose... O my Luve's like a red, red rose's DNA.

2-14-2016 A Red, Red Rose... O my Luve's like a red, red rose's DNA.

2-14-2016 V-Day this year is D-Day, Valentine's in the Air that has been poisoned by D-Day Victory's who liberated Paris from Hitler. But bears it out even to the edge of doom of H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower. Not on Valentines Day 2016 thank Allah, grin. If you're looking to hook up with "War + Peace" Russia is the place to visit today. Valentine Day Place that gives you thousands of years of soul-mates. The "Gambler" written on iapps at the Hemingway House in Key West Today. Valentine Nobel Novel first one that is a winner. She is the Yale MD who cured all the KGB women and Russian Generals who are women of heart disease + Breast Cancer. He is the inventor who gave Putin the New Moscow 4 light years from Earth. Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of the Universe were Galaxies Expand into empty Space at millions of miles per hour right this second. Doubters are the 1984 II Dictators who drink the Oil laced Wine. Love Cup is a health foods blend from the Medical School labs. $12K dollars a cup... to boost your immune system. She will put it in the Water along with the polio vaccination all vaccinations! Love is in the water. Marriage of true minds, Ms Oppenheimer II + III boost your immune system. 1,001 IP invention projects compass comes: Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of 1984 II doom. If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved what is today God's best "Invention" women! Love's not Time's fool, Love of women + God's second best invention "Time", Element on the Star Chart of Elements. Kings fortune in Oil Revenues put in a Valentine's Day card for her to spend like no King on Earth ever dreamed of. Poorest women in Pakistan some shot in the head for going to school were given 120 H-Bombs for their Valentines Day this year by their Moslem Lovers. Like to the lark at break of sunrise songbirds sing of hydrogen today arising From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate; For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings 1,001 inventions from hydrogen, besides the H-Bombs. That then I scorn to change my state with kings in Saudi Arabia. Shakespeare; Let me not to the marriage of true minds stop her from driving a gravity engine Ford Escort. Google search Shakespeare for Time, Gravity, Love, link this to Rx Recipes that are top secret, trade secrets in Hillary's emails. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake 1984 II HQ on Valentines Day 2016. Winds of Valentine Inventions written into iapps copied from Sonnets by Shakespeare. iapps Rough winds do shake Valentine's Day Women today. Love of God and fear of Breast Cancer and the men who will murder some women on Valentines Day 2016. Not even George Orwell in London would write of a Valentine Day Murder in London but this will happen today. OJ is in Prison but millions of his clones are dating women today. Many will be sucker punched on Valentines Day 2016. iWatch + iPhone's are not able to save her Day, on Valentines Day 2016. Read this web on Valentine's Day 2016 and believe in God, Soul-Mates for trillions of years, and 1984 III MD Women Dictators who will be in charge of Valentine's Day 2017.

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

Love is in the air, collegiettes! Whether you’re being taken on a super romantic Valentine’s Day date or you’re single this year, you have to admit—isn’t there just something about Valentine’s Day that gives you a bunch of warm fuzzies inside? Okay, so not everybody is a fan of candy hearts, teddy bears or ostentatious shows of affection, but let’s get back to the real meaning behind V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 A Red, Red Rose... O my Luve's like a red, red rose's DNA. Elizabeth Barrett Browning written for the man who would become her husband, Robert Browning. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love thee with a passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.

2-14-2016 V-Day this year is D-Day, Valentine's in the Air that has been poisoned by D-Day Victory's who liberated Paris from Hitler. D-Day II liberating Paris from Moslems, Allah, Mecca, $777 Trillion dollars!

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 Young women today, though, are playing by a different set of rules. And they don’t like the Clintons giving them Syphilis... unreported in the New York Times. "When Hillary Clinton Killed..." "via STD's many women committed suicide." by Maureen Dowd New York Times. This goes unreported by me; Maureed Dowd at the New York Times! WASHINGTON — THE Clinton campaign is shell shocked over the wholesale rejection of Hillary by young women, younger versions of herself who do not relate to her. Hillary believed that there was an implicit understanding with the sisters of the world that now was the time to come back home and vote for a woman. Hillary started, both last time and this, from a place of entitlement, as though if she reads her résumé long enough people will surrender. And now she’s even angrier that she has been shown up by someone she considers even less qualified Greg + Wives in Key West, grin! And in a misstep for the feminist leader who got famous by going undercover as a Playboy bunny, Gloria Steinem - how many times and who gave her Syphilis + STD... at the Playboy Mansion? Feminist dream, today is no STD's + Breast Cancer. Gloria Steinem Instead of just admitting she had been given Syphilis + STD by who... she kept this is secret. Bill lied and hid behind the skirts of his wife and female cabinet members, who had to go out before the cameras and vouch for his veracity, even when it was apparent taking his penicillin. Albright, the first female secretary of state, give cover to President Clinton was a low point in women’s rights. As was the New York Times op-ed by Steinem, arguing that Lewinsky’s will was not violated by STD diseases. Kerry in Vietnam must have gotten the worst possible VD's, grin. Of course he came home from Vietnam and gave millions of women VD. Young women today, though, are playing Doctor. Yes Kerry must tell the women MD his sex partners and track them all down to be cured.

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 People in the West are discovering, with anxiety and fear, that sex in the Muslim world is sick, and that the disease is spreading to their own lands. Muslim H-Bombs will be used to cure STD's + Syphilis in Paris. Kamel Daoud, a columnist for Quotidien d’Oran, is the author of the novel “The Meursault Investigation” and a contributing opinion writer. This essay was translated by John Cullen from the French. Today sex is a great paradox in many countries of the Arab world: One acts as though it doesn’t exist, and yet it determines everything that’s unspoken. Denied, it weighs on the mind by its very concealment. Although women are veiled, they are at the center of our connections, exchanges and concerns. Women are a recurrent theme in daily discourse, because the stakes they personify — Mecca's Valentine Day Sermon. Pope Francis in Mexico on Valentines Day 2016 is the matchmaker for the Bishops ready to come. Anxiety of wanting sex. Disease needs to be the ice breaker, do you have this or that... Religious police will be replaced with MD's when there are no gas stations on Earth. Bishop's Desire has no outlet, no one to brainstorm the cure for Breast Cancer's DNA... or the Red Rose DNA this is not part of the Popes words... DNA is not in his vocabulary!

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 Mandy Miles Valentines Day Tan Lines climax in todays newspaper is she will be at the bar on Tuesday at 6 pm 617 Front Street to sign her new book... "Dos & Don't" in 1984 II Key West. Mandy Orwell I will ask her to sign my copy Mandy Orwell. I will look her up for sure so tell her to wear her Key West Bikini and be at the Galleon Pool. George Orwells Valentine Day's women... not in the 1984 movie.

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 V-Day: pure, heartfelt romance!!

2-14-2016 "AT&T Tells Its Workers: Adapt, or Else" New York Times - Adapt to a Valentine Day Rules + Ruled by 1984 III MD Women Dictators. Men who have terrible sex diseases will be sent to a Cuban Prison! To Hell with Jimmy Carters worms! Vagina Warts were given to her by a Man! Pure Heartfelt disease free romance is what workers will adapt to. ATT didn't mention this in the email.

2-13-2016 1984 II Dictator's procrastinator's guide to last-minute Valentine's Day chocolate Breast - Rx Overnight Cancer Cure Boost of inspiration in 24/7 brainstorming day not lost by Greg + his unknown Date for Valentines Day in Key West tomorrow. Dictators Valentine Days Card titled Breast Cancer Cure... next year via Greg + Wives in Key West! Sorry I had to keep them POW's this year Dear!

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women Rx from Merck & Co's Keytruda drug... immune booting drugs put in the Water when Flint's Lead is no longer in the drinking water. Valentine Days Card to for her love to boost mens inventions... Women's Boosting Inspiration is a Drug like newly discover Gravity waves by MIT. Eminent domain by virtue of the superior dominion of the sovereign power over all Minds within its Universe. In dissecting the Universe of Men + Women; home alone on Valentine's Day. Earth via 1984 II Mad Men's Wars. Greg With No Date for Valentines Day in Key West for Brainstorming Minds lighted up by her enhanced 1,001 IP invention projects. Nothing for the 1984 II George Orwell employees to write up for HQ... inventions blowing in the wind of 1984 II George Orwells ego's of intolerance of newly discovered gravity waves. Time + Space dress she picked out for Valentines Day in Our New Universe, not George Orwells Paradise in Key West. 1984 II Dictators Valentine Days Women given Red Rose's not a Universe of Sweet Chocolates covering Trillions of light years, lighted up by God's best invention... Women!

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 "Skid in Oil Prices Pulls the Recycling Industry Down With It" By DAVID GELLES New York Times. Valentine Day's Women Pull of Gravity, newly discovered gravity wave by MIT and $777 Trillion not spent on Valentine Day's Women - not in the New York Times, grin. Urgent Care at the New York Times Front page Brainstorming Rx Recipes in print; is not Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure for Sundays Front pages... tomorrow Valentines Day 2016. $777 Trillion is to much to spend on a Valentines Day Women, hate crimes against women by Tim Cook + Elton John on Valentine's Day 2016 in the New York Times Editorial will be written as "Ms Einstein" and "Ms Oppenheimer" defeated Hillary in the Debate over Yale Law School or Yale Medical School's new 155 Story building in New Haven + Paris. Brain Dead King of Saudi Arabia via Syphilis in his brain will give SWF's in the USA $777 trillion dollars - compensation from Miami gas station hold ups, sucker punched women Headlines. New York Times. 100 stitches in her lip, King Salman has hit women this hard many times for driving a car in Mecca drunk on French Wine. Valentine Day Wounded Warriors in the Super Bowl 50 commercial. Yale Law School or Yale Medical School's new 155 Story building will be taller than Burj Khalifa in Dubai, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Burj Khalifa and second home for Bill + Melinda Gates. Yale Law School or Yale Medical School's new 155 Story building...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Experts have long known that rich people generally live longer than poor people. Deep declines in smoking among the affluent and educated may partly explain the difference. Castro will make Cuba non-smoking before our 1984 II Dictators do! 155 Story Yale Law School in New Haven Today killed millions, 10 million people from smoking. Right to smoke lawyers at yale Law School. Politics of Hillary and Bill at Yale Law School when they were students. Lead atoms in second hand smoke... Dissecting the Yale Law School today in light of gravity waves from 2 black holes 1 billion light years from Earth will destroy Law Schools along with gas stations.

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Merck & Co's Keytruda drug... immune booting drugs and "Inequality in Life Spans of the Rich and the Poor Is Growing" By SABRINA TAVERNISE Despite advances in medicine, a longevity gap that has long favored wealthy Americans has more than doubled since the 1970s, researchers say. Biden + Beau the Rich + VIP's. Biden's picture was up on the Yale Web Page all summer, week later Beau died at Walter Reed. Iraq War's Shock + Awe killed Beau. Beau with Breast Cancer, not brain cancer also died on the battlefields of Iraq via Bush and Bush. Rich at Yale are Poorer in advances in winning a "War" in the real world as gasoline - would have won the Iraq War before it started. Bush wanted the $777 Trillion for Texas Oil men and Mecca Princes. Inequality in Life Spans of the Rich at yale... Span in Hell is newly discovered, a Universe that can live for 4 trillion more years. Jewish Aliens at every star in the Universe. A newly discovers possibility. Inequality in Jimmy Carters Nobel Peace Price without his Valentine Wife Sharing it... Jimmy scam God + his wife of 60 years. Inequality in Valentine Day tomorrow!

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 "AT&T Tells Its Workers: Adapt to Compete, or Else" By QUENTIN HARDY New York Times. AT&T, Verizon will go the way of the Post Office not the Gas Stations Death! iApplePostOffice and iAppleATTVerizon are one and the same as the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University. 155 Story Yale Law Schools had been destroyed by BP Oil Terrorists before they could be built by Hillary. 1984 III George Orwell workers will Adapt to Light Year Travels that are light years from their dictators abilities to even ponder building the Gravity Engine and going faster than light with one.

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine Days Card to for her love to boost mens inventions...

2-13-2016 "Anabolic-androgenic steroids" in the Life Span enhancements of rich and poor... IP invention projects. Rx Recipe must be make public! They increase protein within cells, especially in skeletal muscles.

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine Days Card to for her love to boost mens inventions... Metandienone binds to and activates the androgen receptor in order to exert its effects.[6] These include dramatic increases in protein synthesis, glycogenolysis, and muscle strength over a short space of time

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine Days Card to for her love to boost mens inventions... a drug given by the intravenous route will have an absolute bioavailability of 100% (f=1), whereas drugs given by other routes usually have an absolute bioavailability of less than one.

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine Days Card to for her love to boost mens inventions... Whether a drug is taken with or without food will also affect absorption, other drugs taken concurrently may alter absorption and first-pass metabolism, intestinal motility alters the dissolution of the drug and may affect the degree of chemical degradation of the drug by intestinal microflora. Disease states affecting liver metabolism or gastrointestinal function will also have an effect. Valentine Days Card to for her love to boost mens inventions... Permanently Barred From Major League Baseball, relief pitcher, received the punishment after testing positive for "anabolic-androgenic steroids" a performance-enhancing drug for the third time.

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine Days Card to for her love to boost mens inventions...

2-13-2016 Scientists have confirmed the existence of gravitational waves, the ripples in the fabric of space-time that Einstein predicted a century ago. But what theories did he get wrong? Here are a few examples. War! Peace matchmakers... Stop the War if you want, email to 1984 II Dictators. In Syria, Skepticism That Cease-Fire Will Stop Fighting - Skepticism that Gravity waves will stop wars. Valentine Days Date for our 1984 II Dictators who still date women, Skepticism the date will stop wars. Oil Revenues are expanding wars faster and faster in our Universe. NASA was murdered by PB Oil Men... “The second aspect is, it was also a mathematical blunder because the cosmological constant doesn’t produce a static universe,” he said. “It makes the universe expand faster and faster, which is what we’re experiencing right now.” Oil Wars $$$. Scientists at NASA brain dead to Einstein II + III. Oppenheimer II + III.

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine Days Card to for her love to boost mens inventions...

2-13-2016 100" Ultra at the Apple-Starbucks Store School University. This One TV Remote will replace Comcast Remote, and all other Cable TV Remotes that have been a cancer since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort. With HDTV, separate audio receivers, Blu-ray players, game consoles, streaming media players, and cable or satellite set-top boxes, simply turning on the TV feels like operating a console at NASA’s mission control. many important commands are buried in a remote screen’s submenus, TV Makers Remotes... DOA via Comcast + AT&T... sue Apple for Power Touch Hell. 1984 II Dictators not God will sort out the TV Remotes! 100" Ultra at the Apple-Starbucks Store School University. LG HDTV owners can use the company’s Magic Remote to send voice or text commands to search for desired programs. The Internet-connected TV will display appropriate content regardless of whether it is streaming or broadcast. 100" Ultra at the Apple-Starbucks Store School University. This One TV Remote will replace Comcast Remote, and all other Cable TV Remotes that have been a cancer since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort.

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine Days Card to for her love to boost mens inventions...

2-13-2016 SWF Sex Slaves in UAE, Mecca in submission via the Pimp's Bush, Hillary, Kerry, McCain, Wounded Warriors shot down by their Valentine in this war against women boosted by Tim Cook + Elton Johns Oil Era spill on the ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era. Women on Valentines Day will tell Pope Francis to get a wife and let her drive the ElectricWindmillFord Escort. 20 flights per day to Havana and dozens more to other Cuban cities. NASA flights to Alpha Centauri and dozens more stars. Pope Francis can't see the nuclear mushroom clouds from the Vatican on the assembly lines in Pakistan today. End to Gas Stations in Rome will kill Allah + Mecca in an instant.

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine Days Card to for her love to boost mens inventions...

2-13-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School...

2-13-2016 "Royal British Astronauts Valentine Day Women Avoid a "Titanic Situation" on a Earth ready to sail the Light Year Oceans!! "Royal Caribbean’s ‘Smartship’ Avoids a Titanic Situation" By BRETT MICHAEL DYKES Royal Caribbean’s Anthem of the Seas departed from Bayonne, N.J. on Saturday, Feb. 6, en route to the Bahamas. On a Royal Caribbean Cruise in a Storm, Anything but Smooth Sailing “It’s the most technologically advanced cruise ship in the world,” the Royal Caribbean sales agent told me over the phone when I booked a trip aboard the Anthem of the Seas, the cruise line’s flashy new megaship, reported to be the third-largest cruise vessel ever built. “It’s what we call a ‘smartship.’ ” There’s a joke to be made here about the ship’s meteorological technology (and the humans tasked with using it) — as by now most people reading this are likely to know that the Anthem of the Seas sailed directly into a dangerous Atlantic winter storm, one that reportedly produced Category 5 hurricane winds and seas, on Sunday, Feb. 7 — but I’ll leave it to others to make the joke. Anthem of the Seas remained in a tilted, roughly 45-degree position (this is known as “listing”) for a lengthy stretch of time (estimates vary; it seemed like an hour to me, but it was probably really 20 or 25 minutes). I’m no nautical expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I’m knowledgeable enough about ships to know that any sea vessel listing for an extended period of time is a ship that is in potential danger, especially a top-heavy ship like the Anthem of the Seas. All that weight — tons upon tons — hanging at an incline runs the risk of capsizing a ship because of the duress placed on it by its own heft, which means it could then potentially sink. Earth has been listing 45 drgrees since Royal BP Oil Owners sank the ElectricWindmillShips! Trillions of tons of black exhaust from Cruise Ships, yes the atoms are still in the air and water from 1980. Earth is listing at 45 degrees from this soot. 3 kids out of ever 100,000 have gotten cancer, Beau... from it.

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine Days Card to for her love to boost mens inventions...

2-13-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School...

2-13-2016 1984 II Dictator's procrastinator's guide to last-minute Valentine's Day chocolate Breast - Rx Overnight Cancer Cure Boost of inspiration in 24/7 brainstorming day not lost by Greg + his unknown Date for Valentines Day in Key West tomorrow. Dictators Valentine Days Card titled Breast Cancer Cure... next year via Greg + Wives in Key West! Sorry I had to keep them POW's this year Dear!

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine's Women eminent domain by virtue of Gravity Waves...

2-13-2016 Valentine Days Card to for her love to boost mens inventions...

2-13-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School...

2-13-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-12-2016 "Gravity Engine Invented, Confirming Greg + Wives in Key West can invent it!! Valentines Day forever Young! Every woman’s face is a living Invention! Worth 1,001 Nobel's for the Admirer!

2-12-2016 Gravity Waves; News Headlines Today - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars! So they built the gravity antennas, known as LIGO, in Hanford, Wash., left, and Livingston, La.

2-12-2016 ...skin cells doses of UV rays, cigarette smoke and every sort of industrial pollution, from diesel exhaust to concoctions modeled on Beijing’s infamous smog... 1984 II Dictators Valentine to women at HQ.

2-12-2016 The first step is to identifying ways to help prevent and mitigate these 1984 II Dictators...

2-12-2016 24/7 Cell iPhone 7 Tracking of "everyone" in NYC is a IP invention project Greg + Wives in Key West will get to stop the Times from murdering 19K SWF in 2016. Covert cell phone tracking devices, which have proliferated in law enforcement agencies across the nation, have been used by the New York Police Department on at least 1,000 occasions since 2008 in the course of investigating rapes, murders and other crimes, as well as in searches for missing people. The New New York Times is actually Light Years 4.3 from the technology at the New York Times Today as is Light Year Travel by our Top Brass Dictators at HQ... iPhone 7 Tracking of "everyone" in NYC 24/7 then futuristic tracking of everyone in the USA. 19K SWF's have been murdered every year of Jimmy Carters 91 years and he goes fishing for worms... this is a cardinal sin! US and Russia Humanitarian Aid for 19K SWF's murdered in 2016, John Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Sergey V. Lavrov, are light years from just demanding these 19K murdered women in 2016 be part of Hillary's Debate! Putin has never been written up in the NY Times about Russian women murdered in 2016... how many!

2-12-2016 "Shuttle Train" "Space Station" launched in 2000 the same year MIT set up this gravity wave experiment on the Earth.

2-12-2016 “Extrinsic” factors like UV rays and (to a lesser extent) air pollution Spray Painted Black Clouds of Poison Gas Exhaust from 777 Trillion Scooters on Duval Key West account for more than 80 percent of the visible signs of aging: fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots and dryness. Olay genomics scientist Jay Tiesman spends his days, figuring out exactly how that damage happens, the first step in identifying ways to help prevent and mitigate it. Tiesman, who earned his Ph.D. at the University of Nebraska Medical School, studies gene expression, the process in which information from skin genes is used to make collagen and other important proteins, which keep skin healthy and young-looking. Olay introduced the Regenerist. John Oblong and his team ask a different set of questions about how skin cells respond to stressors such as sunlight and other influences. Basically, they create in the lab an amped-up version of the experiment that every woman conducts every day as she goes about her daily routine. They subject healthy skin cells to carefully controlled doses of UV rays, cigarette smoke and every sort of industrial pollution, from diesel exhaust to concoctions modeled on Beijing’s infamous smog. Olay products that help women look ageless. 1,001 IP invention projects for women to look to the Universe of 777 Trillion Galaxies and Pretty Alien Women.

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars! So they built the gravity antennas, known as LIGO, in Hanford, Wash., left, and Livingston, La.

2-12-2016 "Gravity Engine Invented, Confirming Greg + Wives in Key West can invent it!! A century of innovation will be lost by our 1984 II Dictators driving gas engine cars! Driven by $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues $. MIT in this New York Times article was void of the Super Shuttle Train Space Station launched in 2000 the same year MIT set up this gravity wave experiment on the Earth. $777 Trillion dollars in BP Oil money existed in 2000 and today. No Super Shuttle Train Space Station was set up by MIT's top brass, elite emeritus status men. A pair of L-shaped antennas, known as LIGO, in Hanford, Wash., left, and Livingston, La., detected the gravitational waves not on the Super Shuttle Train Space Station. Why? MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!

2-12-2016 "Gravitational Waves Detected, Confirming Einstein’s Theory" By DENNIS OVERBYE New York Times. Scientists say they heard the faint chirp of two black holes colliding a billion light-years away, fulfilling Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Electromagnetic spectrum was mentioned in the NY Times article but they didn't say if gravity was part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It Was Waving Hell... exist? This one gravitational wave in C sharp As visible light, that energy would be equivalent to the brightness of a 777 trillion suns. Dr. Weiss, who is retired with emeritus status at M.I.T., said his life now was more like that of a graduate student — that is to say, tinkering and making things work. This tendency was almost the undoing of the LIGO discovery. Only three days before the black hole chirp came in, Dr. Weiss was at the Livingston site, he recalled, and was horrified to find that the antenna readings were plagued by radio interference. That needs to be fixed, he told his colleagues, imploring them to delay the engineering run. But they demurred, saying that everything was ready, that it was too late to stop the program. Lucky for them. “We would have missed that big event,” Dr. Weiss said.

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!

2-12-2016 Mexico's Elite have $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues too. Pope Francis has Top Secret Clearance, Kerry too, Trump too. So how is this kept off the NY Times Headlines? "Pope Francis’s Visit to Mexico Comes as Country Struggles" By AZAM AHMED, JIM YARDLEY and PAULINA VILLEGAS The Mexican government is hoping for a credibility boost from the pope’s visit, but his itinerary also poses a risk by highlighting some of the state’s most obvious failings. Trump Criticizes Pope as ‘Very Political’ for Mexico Trip.

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!

2-12-2016 Ex-Priest Arrested in 1960 Killing of Beauty Queen The arrest of John Feit, now 83, came about in part because the relatives of Irene Garza, 25, never gave up on the case... a woman who had been attacked inside a Catholic church on the outskirts of McAllen weeks before Ms. Garza’s killing... Irene Garza, 25, was working as a grade-school teacher when she was killed 56 years ago, asphyxiated, an autopsy revealed, and then dumped in an irrigation canal. She was last seen at Sacred Heart Church in McAllen, Tex., her hometown parish, where she had planned to go to confession ahead of Easter Sunday. By FERNANDA SANTOS NY Times. Why Santos didn't write up the 19K SWF killed in 2016 is beyond my knowledge of the NY Times. Santos could have written 19K SWF will also be murdered in 2016 and probably 19K women were also murdered in 1960. Then Santos could have made some Orwellian comments about who our 1984 II Dictators were in 1960.

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!


2-12-2016 “Extrinsic” factors like UV rays and Gravity Waves, Gravity Engines!


2-12-2016 “Extrinsic” factors like UV rays and Gravity Waves, Gravity Engines!

2-12-2016 "On Video, a First Grader, a Stumble in Math and a Teacher’s Anger" At Success Academy, the charter school network in New York City, current and former educators say the quest for high scores drives some of them over the line. By KATE TAYLOR "On Video, a First Grader, a Stumble in Math and a Teacher’s Anger" Kate at the New York Times should have mentioned Hillary - it's not realistic to achieve these high scores. This is why Hillary + Bill went to Yale Law instead of Yale Medical School. Einstein in the News Headlines in the Times and Kate works here didn't write in her article Einstein did math in his head 24/7 in first grade so she could anger parents in NYC saying the charter school should have first graders do math in their heads 24/7. Grin. Yale Law school is poison to first graders Kate should have written too. First graders should memorize a list of invention projects like gravity waves and gravity engine too. Hillary + Bill if elected to our 1984 III society will give STD's to the majority of these first graders growing up. NY Times can't write this but its true!

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!

2-12-2016 24/7 Cell Phone Tracking of "everyone" in NYC is a IP invention project Greg + Wives in Key West will get to stop the Times from murdering 19K SWF in 2016. Covert cell phone tracking devices, which have proliferated in law enforcement agencies across the nation, have been used by the New York Police Department on at least 1,000 occasions since 2008 in the course of investigating rapes, murders and other crimes, as well as in searches for missing people. The New New York Times is actually Light Years 4.3 from the technology at the New York Times Today as is Light Year Travel by our Top Brass Dictators at HQ... who didn't scan for who came to work today with a new case of STD's grin... light year technology today. Just write about it and the you can Hear Jimmy Carter Screaming in Hell.

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!

2-12-2016 Gravity - MIT didn't want to spend $777 Trillion on a NASA Super Shuttle Space Station Train of 777 cars!

2-11-2016 Dubai, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Burj Khalifa and second home for Bill + Melinda Gates without their 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort in their drive way or "Drive!!" 50 yard line at the Microsoft Super Bowl Commercial is all Football, medical school professor died with his best friend Steve Jobs. So Bill Gates couldn't hire him for a Super Bowl Commercial on the Poison's in Lunch Meats in Steve Jobs Diet... no award for standing up to Steve Jobs for Bill. No award for standing up to the Ruler of Dubai, Allah, Mecca, SWF sex slaves in Dubai.

2-11-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School built on a 155 Story Eiffel Tower Structure was destroyed in a Muslim terrorists attack with the help of elite French Oil Men in bed with PB Oil Men. Paris, would be home of the Tallest Skyscraper a 155 Story Elite Laser Guided State of the Arts Medical School if not for Oil Traders, mass murderers using "lead atoms" and "lead ammunition" in a "Hydrogen" Bomb Era. Seoul + Paris in view of H-Bombs paid for by the top brass at the Pentagon "driven," but not via the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year since 1980. 4 Star Generals and 4 Stars Nearest Earth all with Jewish Aliens waiting for D-Day Glory!

2-11-2016 Dubai, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper!

2-11-2016 Dubai, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper!

2-11-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School...

2-11-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School...

2-11-2016 Paris, home of the Super Air Bags on the outside of School Bus + Trucks way back in Paris of 1980. "School Bus Crash in Western France Kills 6 Students" By AURELIEN BREEDEN The bus and a heavy truck collided at 7:15 a.m. in Rochefort, as the two vehicles passed each other on the road. Paris home of the State of the Arts Laser Guidance on the ElectricWindmillFord Escort.

2-11-2016 Paris, home of 7 million Muslims driven there by Elite French Oil men who also live in Dubai so they can drive to the new Minister of Happiness a 22 year old princes of the hereditary ruler of Dubai. Dubai, 22 year old Ohood Al Roumi, the new Minister of State for Happiness of the United Arab Emirates. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the seven-state federation’s vice president and prime minister in addition to the hereditary ruler of Dubai, announced his new Cabinet in a series of Twitter posts.

2-11-2016 Dubai, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper!

2-11-2016 Dubai, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper!

2-11-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School...

2-11-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School...

2-11-2016 "New York Today: Where to Eat Alone" New York Today By ALEXANDRA S. LEVINE (To those not interested in Valentine’s Day: You understand.) and Greg adds to those in NYC not interested in 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine for your Valentine Day Women! In their frontal lobes is the electrical storm that will generate 1,001 Nobels if you are interested in not eating alone in NYC, grin. Rewrite this for the New York Times as the ending of Levine's post is a hate crime towards women. Russian Butter Cakes, Russian Intervention in Syrian War Has Sharply Reduced U.S. Options - US Options on Butter Cakes and Kevin Bacon doing Super Bowl 50 commercials without the causalities, 445K die of cardiac arrest just in the USA battlefields. Levine at the NY Times didn't visit a NYC Med School for his article on Where to Eat Alone on Valentines Day in NYC. Driven: Video Review: The BMW X5 xDrive40e, a Hybrid for the Future, 9/11 II + III on or "about" Valentines Day in the New York Times alone! Driven by Women is American. Hillary tried to get women in Saudi Arabia to drive a gas engine car before 9/11. And didn't try to get American women to drive an ElectricWindmillFord Escort before 9/11, so you do the math in getting her elected as one of the 1984 III Dictators! Hell no we won't go! Bernie Sanders Intrigues a South Carolina Town That Loves Women as though they are God's best Invention!! Women as God's best Invention Intrigues Greg in Key West, especially on Valentines Day.

2-11-2016 Dubai, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper!

2-11-2016 Dubai, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper!

2-11-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School...

2-11-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School...

2-11-2016 Key West, home of the "Medal Roof" mandated by the City after the town burned down a few times. Now "Solar Roofs" will be mandated for all roofs in Key West. Cloud of H frozen to -252 C was first done by a London Professor almost the same time Key West burned to the ground the first time. Homes in old town will be required to have a parking spot on the roof. iPhone Dash Cam reworked as the iHome Dash Cam with a state of the arts smoke detector built in, grin. Old Town, New Town, Futuristic Town! Key West home of the Tallest Skyscraper in the Keys... someday! As Syria Devolves Further, Allies Criticize American Policy, Criticize Key West Policy eating alone on Valentine's Day on Duval. Thinking ahead of what to write and INVENT on Valentine's Day in this 1984 II George Orwell Society. Senate Approves Penalties for Aiding North Korean Nuclear Program. Key West Women are under Penalties for aiding, inspiring Greg's breast and brain cancer cure thoughts in Key West. Eating alone on Valentines Day is also Brainstorming conversations alone too. "The Thirsty Mermaid" vs "The Drunken Mermaid" in the Key West Citizen Newspaper today wanting a liquor license and across the street lives Jimmy Weekley a City Commissioner owner of Fausto's grocery store. Only one in Key West with a alcohol warning for pregnant women not to drink. Jimmy has millions of dollars, enough money to buy a 100" Ultra LG monitor and put it in the front window with Alcohol Warnings for pregnant women. Futuristic Key West City Commissioners will require these 100" Ultra LG monitors in store windows for this or that warning... Paris $600 a jar face cream would show the ageless beauty her face in 100" ultra, grin.

2-11-2016 Dubai, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper!

2-11-2016 Dubai, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper!

2-11-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School...

2-11-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School...

2-11-2016 Abingdon, Md., David Brian Evans, shot the first deputy inside Panera Bread restaurant and then fled, officials said. The other deputy, part of a second wave of responders, was shot by Mr. Evans nearby, the sheriff’s office said. Sheriff Jeffrey R. Gahler said Mr. Evans, 67, had two outstanding warrants, including one in Florida for assaulting a police officer. 1980 Dictators Jimmy Carter and his inner circle abandoned these cops shot to death in 2016, suppressing the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era with Apple iPhone 7 dash cams and of course GPS pacemaker for all arrests, grin. Apple iPhone finger print reader on all 2016 guns. Nobel Peace Prize was not shared with Rosalynn Carter... God + Jimmy Carter, I can hear Jimmy screaming!! NYC attack on Wednesday, the victim “He is dressed in Hasidic garb,” was walking in front of 646 Empire Boulevard, between Kingston and Albany Avenues, around 11:40 a.m. when he passed a man who then turned around and, without saying anything, stabbed him, ran south on Albany Avenue toward Lefferts Avenue. The police released a grainy image of the assailant captured by a surveillance camera... 2016 state of the arts Apple iPhone Cam take a picture of everyone walking down Empire Boulevard like Key West takes a picture of every license plate coming into Key West. New York Times needs to write up NYC crimes with invention projects in the articles.

2-11-2016 Dubai, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper!

2-11-2016 Dubai, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper!

2-11-2016 Paris, home of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the Yale Paris Medical School...

2-10-2016 George Orwell’s “1984,” in which the Ministry of Truth spreads lies mostly via New York Times! "1984 II Ministry of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year" via New York Times II. 1984 III 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat!

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 George Orwell’s “1984,” Palace of Henry VIII Holds First Catholic Service in Nearly 500 Years - Pope Frances is not about to get married to 4 women any time soon in a polygamous marriage. MD Women, Feminism, Hell and Hillary Clinton. Hillary will have to testify against Bill Clinton in Hell... 1984 II and Henry VIII Hold on Gravity Secrets + Rx Recipe Trade Secrets will all be made public. $777 Trillion dollars in cash made public will buy us 777 Trillion Galaxies that go unsold in the New York Times Headlines Today.

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 George Orwell’s “1984,” in Key West Dating... Single for Valentine's Day? "There's hope for the Keys dating scene" BY CHARLOTTE TWINE Free Press Staff ctwine@keysnews.com FLORIDA KEYS — Singles who are bummed that they don’t have a date yet for Valentine’s Day and think that the dating scene here stinks, take heart: at least you didn't have the date that Robin Mansfield had last year. “The last guy I went out with was supposed to pick me up to go to dinner,” the 49-year-old Key West nurse told the Free Press. “I waited and waited and called to see if we still had a date. No response. Next morning, I get a call from the local jail. He’d gotten arrested the night before for a DUI and wanted to borrow money so he could go get his car out of impound.” While Mansfield’s story takes the cake, there are many similar anecdotes out there. When the Free Press asked the followers of a Florida Keys Facebook page. “Dating here sucks,” said one woman. Another woman said, “I get hit on all the time ... “All the good ones are taken,” declared another female. “Single women say this and so do single men.” And apparently, heterosexual men are pointed out my all the women as they are in the minority. Non drinkers, Greg has not had a drink since 1983. Does not help get a date or wife in our George Orwell’s “1984,” as Orwell has code violations for telling George Orwell Society secrets... Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives the Journalists who write the George Orwell stores in the Key West newspaper. Lead atoms in the air for those who can see them are ironic when meeting up with young moms with their new babies, breathing in lead atoms in a state of the arts George ORWELL SOCIETY ruled in part by Navy Admirals in Key West. So get a date for Valentines Day is Mission Impossible until George Orwell makes contact. Writing this web 24/7 in Starbucks too. Publix has 2 grocery stores within 2 blocks of each other on President Roosevelt Drive, one should have been made into a Apple-Starbucks with MacBook Pro's at every table.

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 "United Arab Emirates Want to Top the World in Happiness" By BEN HUBBARD New York Times. 72 Virgins in Heaven for the Moslem Men. RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Maybe money can’t buy happiness, So the rulers of the United Arab Emirates had a novel idea. They decided to name a minister of happiness. Oh, and it seems that tolerance is also in short supply. So the government will appoint a minister of tolerance, too. A royal decree by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai and the country’s prime minister — on Twitter too. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum provided basic services so far, education and health, Heart Transplants by Cheney's inner circle at Walter Reed Hospital so now we should strive for higher goals,” said Abdulkhaliq Abdulla, an Emirati political scientist. “The Ministry of Happiness sounds sort of Orwellian and sinister given that this is a surveillance state... except for iPhone 7 dash cam's the only place people can have a private conversation, grin. Switzerland was No. 1, and the United States was No. 15. Israel, at No. 11, UAE, at No. 20. Paris is last today because the Elite Rulers took in 7 million Moslems instead of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Paris model. Laser Guillotined in the French Revolution II and then all schools in Paris will be open 24/7 instead of closed for 7 years. No Moslems will be allowed to get any French Nobel's in Medicine as better than Obama sanction on Nobel Inventions! Grin... Greg + Wives sanctioned in Key West from all Nobel's!. A royal decree by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai and the country’s prime minister, Minister of Polygamous Marriage to drive the conversations to IP invention projects. As you need a list of 1,001 IP invention projects to memorize, to keep looking for the Invention! Pope Francis with no Wives has no husband wife conversation about what we want to invent today.

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Few billionth's of a second after the Big Bang, the universe was made up of a kind of extremely hot and dense particles of Quarks. Few Billion or even Trillions of years before the Big Bang is the news we want from CREN in Geneva. Along with the Gravity Engine and how Gravity is Generated! Few of the Nearest Stars to Earth days after Jewish Aliens are discovered there will Exodus us off the Earth!

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 The Boeing 747 jumbo jet changed air travel with this momentous event 47 years ago today... in 1980 on the shock and awe air of the invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort the 747 would be flying into Orbit Today! Best selling model of the Jet in a worst possible Era of Governments World Wide. New Jet Lag Treatment In Development by Berkeley + MIT, not 747 Jets that can fly into Orbit for 20 or 30 minutes. GE Jet Engines + GE Train Engines hit head on yesterday head-on crash southern Germany... Coal train is the GE Train, particles of lead and other "Elements" as $777 Trillion given to Allah + Mecca by Hillary caused her to lose everything. 9/11 II + III are being Masterminded in Mecca + Pakistan as Trump has his victory Day. King Salman's conversations today will be recorded by Trump in a few years, a momentous event that will finally prevent 9/11 III whats is left of NYC. Cartoons of Drunk Men with STD's were censored by the worlds Cartoon Writers. Einstein Cartoons with sonic booms from Navy Jets going faster than light. USS Jimmy Carter was bought instead of a Breast Cancer Cure Valentine for Rosalynn Carter. Nobel Peace Prize was not shared with Rosalynn Carter. "Syrian Opposition Groups Sense U.S. Support Fading" By ANNE BARNARD Members of rebel groups fighting the government say they see little urgency from Washington in trying to save its investment. Rosalynn Carter must have sensed women were losing out to Tim Cook + Elton John's hate crime against women in general over the years since she was not allowed to share the Nobel in Peace as Jimmy didn't demand from the King of Sweden she share it with him. Why? Jimmy Carter will lie if he tells us at all. There is no urgency by Jimmy Carter to clear up his cardinal sins before he is Judged by God. Why? 777 Trillion Galaxies are still to far off for a new Georgia Tolstoy in 2016. Tolstoy has a sense there were 777 Trillion galaxies but off God + Gravity of life on Earth. War + Peace!

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 "With Super Bowl Over, Ditching Alcohol Could Be Healthy Prelude To Spring" CBS How easy would it be for you to stop drinking alcohol for at least a month? Your answer may change after seeing what happens when you abstain from alcohol.

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Hillary + Bill rethinking of the campaign’s strategy and message was already underway Tuesday evening, with aides and outside advisers grappling with how to best position a former first lady, senator and secretary of state for an electorate disillusioned by the Washington status quo of George Orwell’s “1984,” in Today's poison gas holocaust of exhaust and $777 Trillion in cash for Mecca's Rulers. For the Sanders campaign, the resounding victory on Tuesday is expected to generate a windfall of Internet George Orwell comments... in the 1984 II Facebook pages, grin. These are not public!

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 On Sunday, Mrs. Clinton traveled to Flint, Mich., to meet with local leaders and speak at a black church, calling the city’s contaminated water supply and the delayed response to it “not merely unacceptable or wrong” but also “immoral.” “It isn’t right that kids I met in Flint on Sunday were poisoned because their governor wanted to save money,” Mrs. Clinton said on Tuesday.

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Bill + Mrs. Clinton traveled to Duval in Key West years ago when Bill at Burger's 3 times a day and the lead atoms in the air on Duval were unknowns! Today the Key West Citizen newspaper put a picture of a kid with cancer in a Miami Children's Hospital under the Eisenhower Carrier with jets taking off with poison bombs of lead atoms.... George Orwell comments are the only thing I have to go on writing about Clintons loss in the election.

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Johns Hopkins Elite have Syphilis and HIV... give it to more than the 1K who will be saved by these HIV to HIV transplants... Zero HIV given to others was not picked by John Hopkins Elite News Today in the NY Times. Johns Hopkins said it was set to perform the first kidney and liver transplants between H.I.V.-positive donors and H.I.V.-positive patients in the United States, a development that advocates said could create a lifesaving pipeline for H.I.V. patients while shortening organ donor waiting lists for all. Dr. Dorry Segev, an associate professor of surgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, estimated that organs from 500 to 600 H.I.V.-positive potential donors have gone to waste each year and that allowing those donations could save more than 1,000 people. Johns Hopkins Elite have Syphilis and HIV... give it to more than the 1K who will be saved by these HIV to HIV transplants...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Clinton Has a Trust Problem in George Orwell’s “1984,” in which the Ministry of Truth spreads lies. Among voters who cared most about honesty and trustworthiness, 91 percent chose Mr. Sanders and only 5 percent chose Hillary Clinton, according to exit polls.

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Trump will win more with "Cuban Hospital Prisons" for all John Hopkins Elite with HIV as they give someone else HIV every day! Mr. Trump struck a chord with Republican primary voters on many issues, but particularly where Muslims and illegal immigrants were concerned. Sixty-four percent of voters said they supported temporarily barring Muslims from entering the country if they are not citizens, and 44 percent of those voters backed Mr. Trump. Forty-one percent of voters said that illegal immigrants should be deported to the countries where they came from — and 50 percent of them supported Mr. Trump. No other Republican candidate came close with the New Hampshire residents who held these views. "Cuban Hospital Prisons" for all John Hopkins Elite with HIV as they give someone else HIV every day! "Cuban Hospital Prisons" are not in the New York Times George Orwell Edition Today! MD Women will demand the NY Times make this headline news, along with how many people Obama gave Syphilis to via his policies!

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

"Russia: Putin Opponent Is Attacked After Veiled Threat" By ANDREW E. KRAMER "Menacing Video Posted by Chechen Leader Alarms Critics of Putin in Russia "Mikhail M. Kasyanov, a leading figure in the political opposition whose image the leader of Chechnya, Ramzan A. Kadyrov, menacingly posted online in the cross hairs of a sniper rifle this month, was attacked late Tuesday in Moscow by a dozen or so men who placed a "Butter" cake on his head at a restaurant... I added the "Butter" to the cake as this is the bullet that will kill 100's of thousands in Moscow and Chechen. Leaders in Moscow have killed off all the women MD's, but not for fags like Tim Cook and Elton John, grin. Castro quit smoking in 1982, there is no news if he eats Butter Cakes... Butter + Mayo are the major cause of cardiac arrest, along with atoms of lead in the air. One of the Paris Elite's is also in the News as he quit over masterminding 7 million Moslems in Paris, and not about Total Oil the French Government owned oil company. Mikhail M. Kasyanov didn't put the Moscow Owned Oil company in his opposition to Putin. These men in Moscow + Paris will eat their cake, famous let them eat cake... Butter Cake will be in the history books in 100 years!

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Key West Orwellian comment about who in Key West worry's about Gregs autobiography Sony Movie at Hemingway House ha... Word of his pending release stunned Bartlett, a former assistant United States attorney who had helped prosecute Greg... “I never thought he would be released,” Ms. Martin Bartlett said. “I thought he would spend his entire natural life in 1984 II Orwellian Society Prison.” On Tuesday, nearly every living president of the New York City bar association signed a plea for clemency on behalf of Judith Clark, who drove a getaway car during the murderous raid on a Brink’s armored car in 1981 in Nyack, N.Y. Prison officials have said Ms. Clark had undergone an extraordinary transformation during nearly 35 years in prison, but she is not eligible to be considered for parole until 2056, when she would be 107 years old. By contrast, the man who was the ringleader of that same robbery and another in the Bronx, is due to be released on Wednesday from a federal prison in California, exactly 30 years after he was captured. 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort to be released from George Orwells Prison... not in todays New York Times About New York By JIM DWYER. Greg spent 1980 to 2016 in invention brainstorming solitary confinement on orders from George Orwell. Yes it matters who gets the cure for Brain + Breast Cancer. Eccentric George Orwell goings on in this 1981 Brink's armored car killing.

2-10-2016 you can read the story but keep in mind the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort was driven by all those in this article for the last 30 years. Everyone at the NY Times also drover the Electric Windmill Ford the last 30 years too. Orwellian comments about my release to work with many MD wife's on the cure for brain + breast cancer will include my bio like in this story above but written by Greg Buell. Those who never want George Orwell to make contact with me have good reason. First I will get the cure for brain + breast cancers in 2016. MD's will scream in this Hell I put them in. Sony 4K video is perfect for my bio movie too. Billionaire Donald Trump in a George Orwell Society with Trillionair Moslem Oil Men, British, French, Russian oil men with Trillions of dollars. Robbers of gas station and whats in our Universe!

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Federal health advisers on Tuesday endorsed a lower-cost version of Johnson & Johnson's blockbuster Remicade, a pricey biotech medicine used to treat a number of inflammatory diseases. Fed's will not endorse a public Rx Recipe of Remicade.

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-10-2016 Cardiac Arrest for mom and dad is the perk George Orwell gives it's Journalists...

2-9-2016 To look at the statistics at "ground zero" with iPhone 7 dash cam's today is like looking at 777 trillion galaxies and $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues! Prius iPhone 7 dash cam... statistics!

2-9-2016 Prius iPhone 7 dash cam... in a Super Bowl commercial, watch this in your Minds Eye! The urgency demands a CBS iPhone Dash cam commercial Today! Mercedes Roasts Toyota over Prius Getaway Car Super Bowl Ad BAD AIBLING, Germany -- Two trains crashed head-on in southern Germany early Tuesday, leaving at least nine people dead and dozens more seriously injured. We have to admit Toyota's Prius Getaway Car Super Bowl Ad was amusing enough for us to remember it. However, we can't help but think that the automaker's Prius... head on collision statistics don't make the headlines like a Train's Head on collision and Prius with laser guidance will never ever have a head on collision. This is the super bowl ad or even half time show driving 2 Prius head on in the football field... of curse 2 trains on the field head on would be more dramatic same as headline news in the New York Times today. Times didn't report on any Prius head on collisions in the last 48 hours but you know there were as least 9 deaths and 100's on injuries! Arrest! Prius iPhone 7 dash cam... in a Super Bowl commercial, watch this in your Minds Eye!

2-9-2016 To look at the statistics at "ground zero" with iPhone 7 dash cam's today is like looking at 777 trillion galaxies and $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues! Prius iPhone 7 dash cam... statistics!

2-9-2016 VATICAN CITY - protect children from pedophiles... STD Stats...

2-9-2016 VATICAN CITY - protect children from pedophiles... STD Stats

2-9-2016 Pope Francis' sex-abuse commission stressed Monday no STD Statistics will be given to the New York Times! iPhone 7 Body Cam 24/7 for all Priest! Dash Cam for all Priest cars. Sex in cars by Priest stats???

2-9-2016 To look at the statistics at "ground zero" with iPhone 7 dash cam's today is like looking at 777 trillion galaxies and $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues! Prius iPhone 7 dash cam... statistics!

2-9-2016 Facebook Ordered To Stop Tracking Non-Users In France! Stop tracking Non-iInventors in France too! Start Helping iInventors in France, World Wide, grin! Social engineering ... for 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year is not our Current Facebook, Microsoft, Habitat for Humanity by Jimmy Carter! Social engineering by CBS and Facebook needs to be arrested!! Amazon 3-D Gaming Engine isn't the "Gravity Engine"! Amazon has unveiled two new products aimed squarely at the professional game-developer fraternity: Lumberyard, a free 3D game engine; Gravity Engine is not offered by Amazon, why? Apple is preparing its next round of incremental improvements... NOT, laser guidance improvements needing a executive order today for the iPhone 7 dash cam that can talk to the driver, take iApple pay and give traffic tickets! Mandatory on all cars World Wide!!! To look at the statistics at ground zero with iPhone 7 dash cam's today is like looking at 777 trillion galaxies and $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues! 'Good Wife' creators map CBS drama's final act before laser guidance reinvents the Good Wife as the Inventive Wive! CBS with the name of a tv show "The Inventive Wife" all these years would have gotten millions of women, wives many inventions. Social crimes and social engineering by CBS and Facebook needs to be arrested!! Grander vision of looking at Jewish Aliens Wives at each of the 52 Nearest Stars that are not on Facebook or CBS. TV show "52 Nearest Stars" should have been on CBS longer than Obama, with Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines!

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-9-2016 President Obama will propose spending $11 billion over the next 10 years to fight family hopelessness, a phenomenon that is closely linked to the... $777 Trillion in gas station hold up money in United Arab Emirates - Dubai's ruler said Monday the United Arab Emirates will privatize some government services in the oil-rich country, as well as create a state minister position devoted to ensuring the happiness of its citizens... paid for by Obama and our 1984 II Dictators!

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-9-2016 2008 Mumbai Attacks Plotter Says Pakistan's Spy Agency Played a Role New York Times NEW DELHI - A Pakistani-American man who helped plot the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai told an Indian court on Monday that he had met throughout the process with two handlers from Pakistan's military intelligence agency, an Indian prosecutor said. 9/11 Role by the King of Saudi Arabia + Princes... 9/11 II + III by Pakistan Moslem Generals just from yesterdays NY Times article... read it!

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-9-2016 VATICAN CITY - protect children from pedophiles... STD's!

2-9-2016 VATICAN CITY - protect children from pedophiles... STD's!

2-9-2016 Pope Francis' sex-abuse commission stressed Monday that its sole purpose is to propose initiatives to protect children from pedophiles, after it effectively suspended a member who advocated a more activist role. The pistol lay on the bedroom nightstand loaded and untouched. And then it was in the 3-year-old's hands, pointed toward his older sister.

2-9-2016 VATICAN CITY - protect children from pedophiles... STD's!

2-9-2016 VATICAN CITY - protect children from pedophiles... STD's!

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-9-2016 The Good Wife + Inventive Wives “intimately” involved, “obviously part of GE Executives inner circle in company policy” Husband + Wife GE executives is the Good Wife Inventors! Half-Built Nuclear Fuel Plant in South Carolina Faces Test on Its Future - GE faces 777 trillion galaxies in its future now or put off for years. Artur Fischer invented the drywall anchor, addressing a problem faced by construction workers and home-repair amateurs. Space Station "drywall" goes into homes for the next invention. Set up a workbench at home and buying him the German equivalent of an Erector Set. GE sets up a Inventors Conference Table and the wife is the Erector, grin. Mr. Fischer’s wife, the former Rita Gonser, died in 2013. Mr. Fischer. His total number of inventions put him just ahead of Thomas Edison, who had 1,093 patents to his name. Rita had no Patents to here name in this article in the New York Times. 777 GE wives have no patents in their names. Artur Fischer, Inventor With More Patents Than Edison, Dies at 96 By WILLIAM GRIMES Bill Gates is named by Grimes but not Rita's work at brainstorming with Artur. GE's future social engineering of Wife's and Gravity Engine sooner or later.

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-9-2016 Cuban Prison Hospital is the right answer.... First Draft: Gay Voter to Marco Rubio: ‘Why Do You Want to Put Me Back in the Closet?’ By MICHAEL BARBARO Cuban Prison Hospital for STD's HIV, MS virus given to 777 people and another 777 if not stopped, Obama must have Syphilis to let so many give terrible diseases to others. Brain Dead to this crime at least in the politics news. New York Times can be sued for giving you STD's...

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

2-9-2016 You can't run to a Doctor over floaters in the eye but you can take a picture with your iPhone 7 and send it to a Doctor in the iapps for Eye Floaters and other eye pictures. Floaters, those small dots or cobweb-shaped patches that move or “float” through the field of vision, can be alarming. Though many are harmless, if you develop a new floater, “you need to be seen pretty quickly” by an eye doctor in order to rule out a retinal tear or detachment, said Dr. Rebecca Taylor, a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Floaters are caused by clumping of the vitreous humor, the gel-like fluid that fills the inside of the eye. Normally, the vitreous gel is anchored to the back of the eye. But as you age, it tends to thin out and may shrink and pull away from the inside surface of the eye, causing clumps or strands of connective tissue to become lodged in the jelly. It’s still important to see a doctor if new floaters arise because the detaching vitreous gel can pull on the retina, causing it to tear, which can lead to retinal detachment, a serious condition. It's unrealistic to see a Doctor over so many times you get a floater was not in this New York Times article. So what do people do... wait to see if the New York Times writes another article after they too realize so many floaters and it is really unrealistic to run to a Doctor they might get Apple to write iapps for eye pictures sent to the NY Times. As the top brass at the New York Times can run across the street to a eye doctor, just you and I can't. See an eye doctor within 24 to 48 hours if you have a new floater, experience a sudden “storm” of floaters, see a gray curtain or shadow move across your field of vision, or have a sudden decrease in vision. Do you have a health question? Submit your question to Ask Well at the New York Times. As for a more realistic answer to your floaters, grin.

2-9-2016 Jewish Alien Lives Matter as the Headlines for "52 Nearest Stars" CBS tv show!

"Gravity Engine" # 1... Airbus GB1984KW series of heavy lift helicopter combines... Don't Fly Today!!

2-8-2016 NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year!

2-8-2016 NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year!

2-8-2016 Yale Elite Recounts the Student Riots before they happen over the ‘Painful Experience’ of 24/7 365 days "Always Open Yale Campus and Classes." The Furor can be heard before Yale goes to a "Always Open University" Denny's + McDonald's may sue for patent infringements... grin.

2-8-2016 NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year!

2-8-2016 NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year!

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools open 24/7 to honor, Valentine's Day Women! God's best Invention; to inspire Inventions!

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools open 24/7 to honor, Valentine's Day Women!

2-8-2016 Valentine's Day play list - iInventList; Breast Cancer Cure list of must do, must kiss, must inspire, dissect Saint Valentine the MD. Shortage of Doctors was Masterminded by Biden, Death of a Salesman driving a 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Mrs. Willie Loman stopped for gas as Biden asked her to fill up the tank. Valentine Heart with arrow on her new car, she crashed and died on Valentine's Day. Limited-time, chocolate-inspired, Gravity-Inspired, Gravity + Love; from near + far. Mary in Key West, Mary Kennedy, OJ's Nichols a "Bloody Mess" road rage drivers stopping for gas not gravity because Biden killed Beau. Fuel for the Gravity Engine is be my Valentine!

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year. In a clean room at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. In a clean room like Intel's and NASA's all School Rooms must be made into "Clean Rooms" void of particles of "Lead" for decades after the last gas station on Earth is closed.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools open 24/7 - Editorial: The F.C.C. Gets Ready to Unlock the Cable Box; unlock the public schools for 24/7 always open school system. Steve Jobs worked 24/7 but was killed by his public school's lack of education on lunch meats + "Lead". Cable TV Channels unlocked by the Medical Schools will provide a cadaver to all school between midnight and 7 am. Grin... XXX cadavers are worst than porn in FCC regulations. Steve Jobs would have iapp cadavers and of course cancer iapps.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools open 24/7 to honor, Valentine's Day Women with Girl Scout Cookie Recipe Rx one Brain stormed in 24/7 NYC public school system born out of chaos of 1984 II dictators 9/11 Oil $$$.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year.

2-8-2016 NY Times play list - Shortage of Doctors, Journalists will be required to have a MD degree after the Next French Revolution.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools closed... Two Muslim holidays — Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha — were also added. Hindu group also advocated to have NYC schools closed for the holy day of Diwali added to the school holiday calendar, but no immediate action was taken. Mayor Bill de Blasio has said there are no plans to add any 24/7 Schools Open Days for Valentine's who crashed + burned from Breast Cancers. While the Chinese party with 1984 II Dictators.

2-8-2016 "Lead - Unsafe Lead Levels in Tap Water...

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools open 24/7 to honor, Valentine's Day Women!

2-8-2016 "Lead - Unsafe Lead Levels in Tap Water...

2-8-2016 Diesel - Flunked a Pollution Test Biden's Graduation Speech at Yale Failed + Killed Elementary Kids who will go get into Yale. DNA Graduation Speech at Yale this year by Biden as he will be asked to give the Graduation Speech again this year. Bidens Graduation speech picture was up on the Yale Daily Web for the 3 months of summer break.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools open 24/7 to honor, Valentine's Day Women!

2-8-2016 Diesel - Lead 101 classes will be offered at the Yale Medical School next semester. iWatch will be mandatory for this class. Cheating by VIP's will not be allowed, grin. Identifying the shortcomings why Biden didn't connect lead and diesel to brain and breast cancer and if he did why did he classify this as top secret. Unlike the ignition defect in General Motors vehicles that caused at least 124 people to die in car crashes, Volkswagen pollution is harder to link to individual deaths of kids on Duval Key West. Generals or should I say Admirals in Key West could put together and even track some of the kids born with birth defects from Mom walking Duval in Key West.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools open 24/7 to honor, Valentine's Day Women!

2-8-2016 "Lead - Unsafe Lead Levels in Tap Water Not Limited to Flint" By MICHAEL WINES and JOHN SCHWARTZ Contamination has turned up in scores of communities in recent years, and experts cite holes in the safety net of rules and procedures. Wounder Warriors Masterminds - "Bloody Mess" road rage drivers stopping for gas not Gravity because Biden killed Beau who was a Wounded Warrior Masterminded via Dad not Mom. Beau MD was also killed by Dad. Lead not Limited... 24/7 School is Open is what is limited. iWatch Particle Detection in the Air in the White House, on Duval Key West. Scores 777 to zero in yesterdays Super Bowl. Lead in Bottled Water will make headlines in the New York Times. Resentment by Michael Wines as Michael knows Lead is in Wine! No this will not be headlines in the NY Times on Valentines Day. Biden told her to stop and get gas + Wine, nothing so intellectual as lead. Yale Medical Students will be quizzed about Lead when I get to Yale. iapps for Apple iWatch will be written too.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools open 24/7 to honor, Valentine's Day Women!

2-8-2016 Diesel - International Business Beyond Volkswagen, Europe’s Diesels Flunked a Pollution Test

2-8-2016 Geneva Lead + Diesel; GENEVA — If you walk down the sloping green lawns of the Palais des Nations, you will see 193 blocks of stone, one for each of the nation states recognized by the United Nations, arranged like the infinity symbol, with an extra loop. As the world’s leading city of peacemaking, Geneva is packed with transients from around the world: diplomats, spies, humanitarian's, journalists. Lake Geneva had been bought up years ago by the Kings of Saudi Arabia and not in this New York times article today. Geneva will go the way of gas stations on Earth. Holocaust Statue on the green lawns of Palais des Nations will be a gasoline car with visible exhaust and for the scientists the tons of "Lead" and the particles per billion from 1980 to 2016. Sanctions on Geneva will be no Ford assembly lines building the ElectricWindmilCar or the Gravity Engine Cars. "Geneva, a City of Diplomacy, Brims With Totems of Peace and War" By SOMINI SENGUPTA New York Times.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year.

2-8-2016 NYC play list - NYC public schools open 24/7 to honor, Valentine's Day Women!

2-8-2016 NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year!

2-8-2016 NYC public schools closed Today to honor Chinese Lunar New Year!

2-8-2016 Yale Elite Recounts the Student Riots before they happen over the ‘Painful Experience’ of 24/7 365 days "Always Open Yale Campus and Classes." The Furor can be heard before Yale goes to a "Always Open University" Denny's + McDonald's may sue for patent infringements... grin.

2-7-2016 Starbucks branch in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia informed customers that women were banned from the store and would not be served in view of men. Apple-Starbucks Store School University branch nearest the New York Times informed customers that women MD's were close to getting the Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Godsend Cure for Breast + Brain Cancer at this Store! Winning Lottery Ticket Store is always on the front page of the New York Times while millions of Americans died from Brain + Breast Cancers the last decades. Lottery winners + losers. Like 777 Score in Super Bowl 50.

2-7-2016 Hillary got women in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to drive the Prototype 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort - "Feel" the Era of No Gas Stations on Earth, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on the side lines with the loss of $777 Trillion in gas station hold up money confiscated.

2-7-2016 NASA Half Time Show at Super Bowl 50... 18 mirrors onto the James Webb Space Telescope structure. NASA Half Time Show at Super Bowl 50...

2-7-2016 NASA Half Time Show at Super Bowl 50... 18 mirrors onto the James Webb Space Telescope structure. NASA Half Time Show at Super Bowl 50...

2-7-2016 NASA Half Time Show at Super Bowl 50... 18 mirrors onto the James Webb Space Telescope structure. NASA Half Time Show at Super Bowl 50...

777 Trillion to Nothing final score for God + Galaxies vs Wounded Warriors!

2-7-2016 Global Star Travel Community Outraged NASA didn't make this into a Super Bowl Commercial or Half Time Show... In a clean room at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, a robotic arm installs the last of 18 mirrors onto the James Webb Space Telescope structure. NASA Half Time Show at Super Bowl 50...

2-7-2016 Global Community Outraged by North Korean Rocket Launch is the headlines in Voice of America + New York Times...

2-7-2016 Super ElectricWindmillFord Escort Win! 777 Trillion to Nothing final score for God + Galaxies vs Wounded Warriors from Korea, Vietnam, Iraq... Afghanistan, Paris H Bombs thrown by Pakistan Moslem Generals.

2-7-2016 Hillary gets to drive the Prototype 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort at Super Bowl 50 Half Time!!

2-7-2016 Super Bowl 50 City; Chevy's engulfed in flames; Three dead after Chevy ‘blows through’ red lights, hits taxi. 3 die in fiery crash near Super Bowl site wear Hillary will be driving the Prototype 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort with state of the arts laser guidance that can't run from cops or red lights! The white Chevrolet sedan was “doing donuts” in the area of Fifth and took off from the cops. 2 bodies were burned to death inside the Chevy and one in the intersection. Taxi driver taken to hospital. Chevy was engulfed in flames! Statistics to how many Chevy's engulfed in flames is another Top Secret in Hillary's emails on Super Bowl Sunday News Today!

2-7-2016 Super ElectricWindmillFord Escort Win! 777 Trillion to Nothing final score for God + Galaxies vs Wounded Warriors!!

2-7-2016 Global Community Outraged by North Korean Rocket Launch is the headlines in Voice of America. New York Times story on the Global Community Outraged by 777 Chevy's engulfed in flames in the USA is censored by the Times Editorial Board. Traumatized conscience from not stopping to help those in a Chevy engulfed in flames, Walter Reed MD's have cured the traumatized conscience before Beau's brain cancer. Biden walked away from 777 Chevy's engulfed in flames but 1 Beau with Brain Cancer ended his being President of the USA.

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Hillary will lose the Super Bowl by the same score as our 1984 II Dictators... 777 Trillion to Nothing final score for God + Galaxies vs Wounded Warriors! Zero Chevy's engulfed in flames on Super Bowl 51 Sunday.

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points... of Galaxies in Our Universe all engulfed in flames of Wounded Warriors out to kill every Jewish Alien in our Universe.

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 1984 II Top Quark Hell is "Quantum Hell" --The Universe Before the Big Bang has been classified by these mad men as secret. Alone with the invention project of going faster than the speed of light.

2-7-2016 All aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower "Naval Air Station Key West trains carrier pilots" BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com Petty Officer Second Class Steven Martin wanted to jump off the deck of the nearly 1,100-foot long USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier on Wednesday. “I’d like to just start swimming north,” the Rockledge native said with a wide grin from the Primary Flight Control room of the $4.5 billion, Nimitz-class carrier.

2-7-2016 NASA Half Time Show at Super Bowl 50... 18 mirrors onto the James Webb Space Telescope structure. NASA Half Time Show at Super Bowl 50...

2-7-2016 Key West Super Bowl 50 Half Time Show is the $4.5 billion, Nimitz-class carrier. Thank God the $10 Trillion dollar USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub can be remodel into a Hospital Submarine after the Super Bowl Win for 777 Trillion Galaxies. Navy doesn't have a chance in Hell.

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Serendipitous + Serendipity iapps written in Key West by Greg + Wives will rewrite the Persian fairy tale, The Three Princes of Serendip. The princes, he told his correspondent, were “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”... Polygamous Marriage's in the USA will be in quest of things listed on our 1,001 iapps for Nobel's in Medicine. List is the Serendipity. 1,001 Scientists at GE will write 10 IP invention projects that will give Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity 10 Nobel's in Medicine. serendipity is a common occurrence throughout the history of scientific innovation such as Alexander Fleming's accidental discovery of penicillin in 1928, the invention of the microwave oven by Percy Spencer in 1945. New Era of Serendipity II will be iapps for Penicillin II + III and Yes, Microwaves II + III that are not at GE headquarter today. GE lost the Microwave II + III Super Bowl commercials. Grin.

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Key West Conch Color and Tom Oosterhoudt a top city quark wrote up in this weeks issue his gay married Tommy who killed himself because the wife at home knows bisexual men give women + Kids MS. His wife refused to let him see his kids over Christmas when Oosterhoudt "let him go home for Christmas" a POW... wow. Max is 4 Faith is 8. Their dad is dead because of Oosterhoudt and same as Mary Kennedy. Oosterhoudt bought the "Judge" in Key West. "Judgement" Robert Kennedy Jr. bought both "Judges too" 2 dead but you know there are 2K or 20K dead because of Robert Kennedy Jr and Oosterhoudt's. iapps to convert gay kid is front page in the New York section of the Times today. Mayor of NYC will make it illegal. Mayor of Key West Oosterhoudt was. Will not make it illegal to cause a suicide. Mary Kennedy will get her revenge when Hillary loses the Super Bowl 50. Yale Law will be closed like 154 Wal-Mart Stores. ... Oosterhoudt - when I let him go home for Christmas... "Control Freaks" is what we use to call them when we could call them "Fags". 2K or 20K dead and Oosterhoudt is light years from writing up Mary Kennedy who was not let go to see her 5 kids at Christmas! "Cuomo Moves Against Therapy That Claims to Make Gay Children Straight" section A - page 15 By JESSE McKINLEY NY Times.

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 "Pakistan’s Hand in the Rise of International Jihad" By CARLOTTA GALL The funeral of Saeed Jawad Hossini, 29, who was killed in a Taliban suicide attack in Kabul in January. Sunni extremists are being recruited and trained to fight in conflicts abroad. Carlotta is the very first person at the NY Times to write up Pakistan as Terrorists. Why. Same reason the 19 guys from Saudi Arabia who flew the 9/11 planes are never mentioned as being from Saudi Arabia in the New York Times... Carlotta Gall is the author of “The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan 2001-2014” and currently the North Africa correspondent for The New York Times. Carlotta writes the $10 Trillion dollars the Pentagon Top Brass Gave Pakistan Moslem Generals when for War Toys from MIT... and sex slaves from Boston, well almost.

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Serendipity — scientists coming across important findings when they least expect them or aren’t even looking. I’ve often said that we may have all the drugs and therapies we need already to prevent, treat or cure most ailments, but we don’t know which ones can be used on which conditions and at which doses. Case in point: Last year, a team led by researchers at the MD Anderson Cancer Center and Washington University found that a common class of heart drugs called beta blockers, which block the effects of adrenaline, may prolong ovarian cancer patients’ survival. This discovery came after the researchers reviewed more than 1,400 patient records, and identified an obvious pattern among those with ovarian cancer who were using beta blockers, most often to control their blood pressure. Women taking earlier versions of this class of drug typically lived for almost eight years after their cancer diagnosis, compared with just three and a half years for the women not taking any beta blocker. By DAVID B. AGUS NY Times Sunday Review. What David didn't write is the Rx Overnight Cure for Ovarian Cancer is stifled on purpose by MD Anderson MD's to make $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues... Why the Hell do you think Greg is being Observed on Super Bowl Sunday in Starbucks Key West and not a Los Alamos on Super Bowl Sunday with a few wives! Agus could write this story! We all go to a machine on the street where we insert a plastic card and cash comes out; we log into our online accounts to check our balances and pay bills; and we give credit card numbers that contain a key to our financial information to retailers without a second thought. But if I asked you to put your de-identified personal health information online, or share it and perhaps some bio-specimens with people other than your own doctors, you might panic. “Health data is not the same as financial data,” you might say. David's story is to share Health Data Records but he censored out 20K wife's of bisexual men who died a tortured death given the MS Virus. NY Times making up George Orwell articles is one thing but David Agus not telling 20K MS women their tortured disease was caused by bisexual men who's health records you will never observe! iapps that beep alert her on her iapps iPhone 7 will happen when Tim Cook is arrested for hate crimes against women and this story is written up by David Agus. David B. Agus is a professor of medicine and engineering at the University of Southern California and the author of “The Lucky Years: How to Thrive in the Brave New World of Health.”

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Super Bowl City Chevy's engulfed in flames; Score 777 points...

2-7-2016 Serendipity at Los Alamos IBM... reported a 19 percent drop in net profit, to $4.5 billion, from the same time period a year earlier. And quarterly revenue fell 9 percent, to $22.1 billion. In the quarter, IBM said that revenue from newer markets, its “strategic imperatives,” grew 16 percent compared with the quarter a year earlier. For the year, they grew 26 percent and now account for 35 percent of corporate sales.

2-7-2016 Serendipity at Los Alamos IBM... Key West Los Alamos built on a 155 Story Eiffel Tower structure next to the 155 Story Eiffel Yale Key West Medical School would rocket IBM into the next Era of super computers and give Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity $10 Trillion. Jimmy will have to sell his USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Submarine, grin. Transitions are never easy. But IBM is one of the few big tech companies from the mainframe and minicomputer era to adjust — if painfully — to personal computers and the early days of the Internet. Another tech giant that made that transition? Intel. Don’t count either of them out. Both companies still have gigantic market reach and generate billions in cash every quarter. But getting to the future could be painful. Navy Transition to 155 Story Eiffel Tower Los Alamos + Yale Key West Med Schools will be painful to the next Jimmy Carter who is a Navy Vet... wanting a Nuke Sub built for his sin!

2-7-2016 Serendipity at Los Alamos IBM... 155 Story Eiffel in Paris. IBM PC at every café Table in Paris, no a MacBook Pro made by IBM.

154 store's could be having their Grand Opening the day before Super Bowl 50... Today!! Hillary gets to drive the Prototype 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort at Super Bowl 50 Half Time!! She drives this Super Bowl Win to Mecca and the Next Generations Gravity Engine Flying Cars! Don't lose this game of iInventingBall. "Drone Captures View of a Devastated Paris H-Bombed via Moslem Generals.. George Orwell's current super bowl gas is invisible as lead atoms at Intelligence HQ Offices World Wide. Gravity is invisible too. Win! 777 Trillion to Nothing final score for God + Galaxies vs Wounded Warriors!!

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

2-6-2016 Paris café! Underlined how non-aggressively!!! Amazon 1984 II Dictators in the USA are not pushing this Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store Shool University with $8K dollar MacBook Pro's personal assistant Genius techs link to Los Alamos for inventing 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year but not for Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity!

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

2-6-2016 Battle over what is invented going public at Public, Whole Foods, Wal-Mart Store's. 154 store closures at the end of January. The huge retailer's decision to shutter so many stores at once is unprecedented. Also unprecedented is the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store Shool University with 100" LG Ultra's, Genius Techs, and $8K dollar MacBook Pro's at every table in the USA + Paris café! 154 store's could be opening the day before Super Bowl 50 for those who want to spent their time playing iInventBall not Football. Brainstorm the Crane Collapse in Lower Manhattan - iCrane iapps let you design a Heavy Lift Helicopter Crane for the next generation of Crane's in Manhattan. Safety cables for Crane's would be like getting Steel Workers Union to wear safety cables walking steel beams. Next Generation of Manhattan Skyscrapers with no stairwells invention. Shootings in Public Housing Project Highlight Risks of Stairwell Patrols. four police officers found Mr. Chavis and another man drinking beer on Thursday night. The officers asked the men for identification. Mr. Chavis, 23, said he did not have his, and started to lead the officers to his girlfriend’s apartment when he spun around in the hallway and fired on them with an semiautomatic pistol, wounding two police officers before fleeing into her apartment and fatally shooting himself in the head, the police said. Officers Patrick Espeut, left, and Diara Cruzare were shot on Thursday. The shooting served as a blunt counterpoint to a trial unfolding in Brooklyn, in which a police officer who seemed perhaps overly cognizant of the dangers of a stairwell fired his gun and killed an unarmed black man, Akai Gurley, as he walked down the stairs in 2014. Police officers have testified at the trial of Peter Liang, who faces charges that include manslaughter and official misconduct, that patrolling stairwells is among the most perilous assignments in the city’s housing projects. iInvent Traffic Deaths would be near ground zero with the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort on Super Bowl 50 - Traffic deaths in the United States rose 9.3 percent in the first nine months of 2015 compared with a year earlier as low gasoline prices increased road travel, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said on Friday. The increase meant a total of 26,000 deaths, the highest level for a comparable period since 2008... 1984 II Kerry, McCain, Hillary, Jimmy Carter killed these 26K by suppressing the Laser Guidances in the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort.

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

2-6-2016 "Intelligence Battle Over who else besides Hillary gets to drive the Prototype 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort at Super Bowl 50 Half Time

2-6-2016 "Intelligence Battle Over What Is Invented at Los Alamos on $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM Super Computers.

2-6-2016 "Intelligence Agencies Battle Over What Is 'Top Secret' in Hillary Clinton's Emails" New York Times - WASHINGTON - Some of the nation's intelligence agencies raised alarms last spring as the State Department began releasing emails from Hillary Clinton's private server, saying that the number of IP invention projects to cure breast cancer, Syphilis, HIV, STD's, MS Virus were zero, grin. What Is ‘Top Secret’ in Hillary Clinton’s Emails is Bill Clinton giving Hillary Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis, MS Virus...

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

2-6-2016 Super Bowl ad about Echo - a decision that underlined how aggressively Amazon is pushing the personal assistant/wireless speaker to the mass market.

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

2-6-2016 Super Bowl ad about Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store Shool University with 100" LG Ultra's, Genius Techs, and $8K dollar MacBook Pro's at every table in the USA + Paris café! Underlined how non-aggressively Amazon 1984 II Dictators in the USA are not pushing this Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store Shool University with $8K dollar MacBook Pro's personal assistant Genius techs link to Los Alamos for inventing 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year but not for Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity! Citing dereliction of duty, to God.

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

2-6-2016 GE Marriage to 5 Billion people on Earth in Jimmy Carter Habitat for Humanity short changes all by 99% in the amount of Nobel's in Medicine possible from 5 Billion people. “I was not a 10 percent partner in our marriage, I was a 50-50 partner,” she told “CBS This Morning” in 1997. “He may have earned the bacon, but I shopped for it.” GE wife would have saved Steve Jobs life if she has use of a GE super computer simulation for cooking, cleaning, etc. Complications of multiple myeloma and plasma cell leukemia. Complications from GE 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era. Invisible lead in the air, high power lines, iPod size GE electric generators not invented until Greg in Key West got this idea. Ms. Jorgenson Wendt had been married for more than 30 years to Gary C. Wendt when, in 1996, she learned that he planned to divorce her. At the time, Mr. Wendt was the chief executive of the GE Capital Corporation, the financial services arm of General Electric. No one has been married to Greg for the last 30 years. Ms. Wendt got married in 1965, so did Greg. the couple’s divorce played out. Ms. Jorgenson Wendt, who estimated her husband to be worth more than $100 million from 30 years at GE, refused his proffered settlement of roughly $10 million, demanding 50 percent of his net worth. As a result, she became a nationally known symbol of the company wife as hardworking silent partner. “This is not about need,” Ms. Jorgenson Wendt told The New York Times in January 1997. “I can get along on $10 million, but why should he get $90 million? I entered into this marriage as a partner. I don’t know when he decided that it was not a partnership.” GE is not a partner with 5 Billion people on Earth either. If GE was in a polygamous marriage to 5 Billion people they have murdered 100 million. This on my web page should set something of a social precedent. Super Bowl 50 final score is... 777 Trillion to Nothing final score for God + Galaxies vs Wounded Warriors! New cover of Fortune magazine in February 1998 under the headline “What’s a Corporate Wife Worth?” What are 777 Trillion Galaxies worth to GE... nothing today but tomorrow after Jewish Aliens are heard from they will be worth trillions of dollars! She strongly recommended prenuptial agreements. Federal Marriage License for Polygamous Marriages working their way to the top of 1,001 Noble's in Medicine a Year is advised. Noble Prize King in Sweden must be written into US Laws as the wife must be a co-winner! Jimmy Carter killed his wife from sharing his Nobel Peace Prize as he knew it was a 1984 II Scam! If Jimmy + Wife won a Noble in Medicine it would be a different football game on ESPN 24/7... not football. Mr. Wendt attended Harvard Business School. Hillary + Bill Yale Law. No one got into Yale Medical School. No one will get into the Yale Key West Medical School in 2016 either. Because of the executive decisions of these individuals. Deerpath was founded in 2007 by a team of experienced principals to pursue senior debt investments in lower-middle market companies. Since inception, we have financed approximately 75 companies across a broad range of industries, investment products and transaction types. We believe our competitive advantages as a financing partner include: Deal review process involving the investment committee upfront, creating greater certainty of completion. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year are not on the boards conference table or Ultra 100" LG monitor yet. Los Alamos can not fall behind in the production of H Bombs for 2016, or Pakistan for that matter. What the Hell is GE doing about this ill investment in H Bombs, nothing! Khanty Mansiysk Oil Corporation in a super bowl 50 game... flagged.

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

2-6-2016 iParking is a city of New York Dept to help you find a parking spot seeing NYC is no longer giving out parking tickets, iParking was invented in Key West. "Pleading the Case to Get Parking Tickets Dismissed" Brian LaRoche spends his working days contesting parking tickets in New York City on behalf of clients, some of whom amass hundreds of tickets in a week. By COREY KILGANNON Pleading the Case to Get Parking Tickets Dismissed.

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

2-6-2016 Dr. Tessier-Lavigne’s wife, Mary Hynes, is also a neuroscientist who was not named co-President of Stanford with her husband the Stanford University’s incoming president, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, has developed a career that successfully melds science, business and academia. At Rockefeller University in New York, where he is currently president, he is known not only for his fund-raising prowess, but also for directing a laboratory that specializes in studying brain development and what goes wrong in neurodegenerative brain disease. He may be best known, though, for his work at Genentech. As the No. 2 executive in research, he oversaw 1,400 scientists in one of the most innovative and successful companies in the biotech industry, known for the ground breaking cancer drugs Avastin, Rituxan and Herceptin.

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

2-6-2016 Ground breaking even Hacking by Yale's Kerry for Jimmy Carters Brain Cancer Habitat needs the Rx Recipes for Avastin, Rituxan and Herceptin in iapps made public so 5 billion people can improve on them. Los Alamos too as I'm sure Marc never got past the gate at Los Alamos but Kerry can. Kerry is so Elite he can walk into Los Alamos and get Avastin, Rituxan and Herceptin Rx Recipes crunched and made into a secret computer simulation for those at Yale Medical School or Harvard as Kerry does not go to Yale Med for his health care. Kerry's Wife would not share his Noble Peace Prize if he ends all gas stations on Earth and defeats Mecca + Allah in the Super Bowl 50.

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

2-6-2016 By ELISABETH MALKIN The ex-colonel, accused in the 1989 murder of six Jesuit priests, a housekeeper and her teenage daughter in El Salvador, was ordered deported. 1984 II venison of this story was not written by Elisabeth at the NY Times. Generals playing Super Bowl 50 with El Salvador will not throw the Heavy Lift Helicopter Combine... any time soon. Super Bowl 75 maybe. Would the rich in El Salvador buy a fleet of super lift Helicopter combines from Boeing?

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

2-6-2016 New proposed changes to the institution’s vaunted French National dictionary... In 1635, Cardinal Richelieu, the chief minister of Louis XIII, established the Académie Française Dictionary. In 2016 the French iDictionary-le-Invention projects should be written. French textbooks and schools had chosen to ignore... the gravity engine invention. Those French people who have know about the gravity ending IP invention project for the last decade have not put it into French textbooks or schools, or faster than the speed of light.

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

154 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University for Super Bowl 50...

2-6-2016 "Pussy Riot" MD

2-6-2016 Lead Atoms... what causes miscarriages? etc...

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.

Nice! Link below is new video added today.



2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” and that faith is the cure; Looking at the picture with this Transcript its also about his Wife's "General 24/7 Nagging Fear" of Breast Cancer Era. Biden's Brain Cancer Era...

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 I can't believe Obama, Bill + Melinda, Kerry, McCain let so many other "Men's Wife's" die from Stage 4 to kill Moslems in Libya with greed of $777 Trillion that should have gone to Walter Reed MD's in Bush One's Shock Awe and Mission Accomplished on the new $10 Trillion dollar JFK Super Carrier attacking Los Alamos Brain + Breast Cancer guidance inventions for 2017. Rx Cure Stifled for decades by these Mad Men's super gravity of the Vietnam War Loss to Gravity Engine 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort, 9/11 II + III at a Miami Gas Station Today, the girl will be sucker punched by a Moslem... King Salman has total immunity from everything but Jimmy Carters Brain Cancer. Given to him by Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter II + III 1984 II Dictators! Because Bill Gates bought his second home in Dubai UAE not Key West. Steve Jobs shared his lunch meats with women at Apple... too! Win 8.1 is the Apple-Starbucks Today without Genius Techs + $8K dollars MacBook Pro's at every table at every Paris café! The $777 Trillion to pay for this is in a Swiss Bank, same Swiss Banks Hitler used.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama Struggling to Build Anti-Islamic State Strategy in Libya with "Gay Weddings in Baghdad, Bars, Strip Clubs. The Obama administration is struggling to find the right mix of military and diplomatic moves (heart transplants) to stop the Islamic State in Libya, where the extremist group has taken advantage of the political "SWF Sex Slaves" in the country to gain a foothold with Obama worrying about death without 72 virgins in his Heaven. Obama's National Prayer Breakfast Transcript was written at the Mosque in Mecca, both have a guilty conscience over Saint Jude Auschwitz and ponder pictures of Earth in Space. Both are addicted to $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues though. Reading Obama's Prayer Transcript he mentions Laser Guidance on the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort and Airport scanners for "Cardiac Arrest" and Breast Cancer. Yale + Harvard extremist group has taken advantage of the political 1984 II Alumni in our Universe. Yale + Harvard in Geneva 1984 II today made the news for GENEVA -- A United Nations human rights panel has sided with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in his long-running battle with Swedish and British authorities, saying he should be freed immediately and compensated for the years he has lost.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Yale Daily News 1984 II Tone of her voice and Pentagon Papers on the front page in the Vietnam War... all Yale Alumni. War of (Wood)words. Longtime Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward’s ’65 remarks about 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” sparked controversy earlier this week. “She shouts. There is something unrelaxed about the way she is communicating,” Woodward said. Later he apologized for “dwelling on the tone issue.” 9/11 Tone as they all must know $777 Trillion is enough money to pay for 9/11 II + III via some rich kid in Mecca flying to Boston First Class or in his Dad's 747. Hillary knew 9/11 was going to happen years before when she was test driving a prototype 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Bill let her take a joy ride in. Facebook, the company started by then-Harvard sophomore Mark Zuckerberg in his dorm, celebrated by going for a joy ride in the Newest Top Secret prototype 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort around Harvard.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 Yale Men Clad in black tie attire and masks, seniors will dance the night away at the Senior Class Council’s annual Masquerade Ball this Saturday evening, tomorrow.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 Yale Men Clad in black tie attire... A speech delivered by Chan Heng Chee, Singapore’s ambassador-at-large who also serves on Yale-NUS’s governing board, sparked a heated debate at the young institution after she defended Singapore’s sodomy law. Speaking to a group of delegates at the 24th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review in Geneva on Jan. 27, Chan defended Singapore’s decision to uphold Section 377A of the Singapore Penal Code. Section 377A, also referred to as Singapore’s sodomy law, criminalities sex between mutually consenting adult men even in a private setting.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 Chan Heng Chee will never give a speech that Yale Men Picked Singapore for a Campus instead of Key West because Prostitution is Legal and New Haven Prostitutes are getting old... grin. Kerry used New Haven Prostitutes as a freshman at Yale. Harvard s's sophomore Mark Zuckerberg in his dorm had prostitutes from Boston.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 Breast Cancer Women should be Rx Cured Overnight by Los Alamos... freed from the fear in Obama's Transcript as prayer will not cure Stage 4... Yale + Harvard in Geneva 1984 II today made the news for GENEVA -- A United Nations human rights panel.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” and that faith is the cure; Looking at the picture with this Transcript its also about his Wife's "General 24/7 Nagging Fear" of Breast Cancer Era. Biden's Brain Cancer Era.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 "Unicef Report Finds Female Genital Cutting to Be Common in Indonesia" By PAM BELLUCK and JOE COCHRANE A study by the agency found that the practice, long known as a ritual in Africa and parts of the Middle East, included almost half the women of Indonesia.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 "Unicef Report Finds Female Breast Cut off a Trillion times more common than female genital cutting but can's make world News of this, can't make public any Rx Recipe given to Stage 4 women so others can make the Rx a Miracle Overnight Cure! WHO at the UN and Unicef are criminal organizations in our 1984 II society.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 Power struggle at Los Alamos CBS... Nightly News, Nightly News from Greg + Wives in Key West via Los Alamos Super computers simulations have already broadcast Lead Atoms at GE + Boeing. "Power Struggle at Viacom as New Leader Is Named" By EMILY STEEL Philippe P. Dauman’s new role as Viacom chairman comes one day after the resignation of the ailing 92-year-old Sumner M. Redstone.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 In Historical Move, Pope to Meet With Leader of Russian Orthodox Church

2-5-2016 In Movie to cure Brain + Breast Cancer in 2016 Los Alamos H Bomb Scientists meet with 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat...

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 CBS Nightly News last night on women at the Super Bowl 50 not working 24/7 on a Rx Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer. N.F.L. Will Require Interviews of Women for League Executive Positions -

2-5-2016 Power struggle - BEFORE 1984 II( engineers dreamed of eliminating drivers in cars, on the front page of the NY Times every day...

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 Power struggle Greg + Wives in Key West dreamed of eliminating road rage + Drunk drivers in cars, via iPhone Dash Cams with iApple pay tickets and GPS tracking of speed + trips...

2-5-2016 Power struggle - BEFORE 1984 II( engineers dreamed of eliminating drivers in cars, they imagined eliminating the side mirrors. The protuberances are ugly, create aerodynamic drag, and their associated blind spots are the bane of parking-challenged drivers everywhere. But now, a long-sought solution looks closer to finally stripping cars of their Mickey Mouse ears, as many automakers demonstrate video systems that replace side mirrors with cameras. Continental, a major parts and systems supplier to automakers, calls them digital mirrors.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 Yale Elite - "A Ruling in Alexander Litvinenko’s Poisoning, but No Justice" By ALAN COWELL Marina Litvinenko, the widow of the former K.G.B. officer who was poisoned in London, is pushing for sanctions against members of the Kremlin elite. Princes Diana is waiting in Heaven for her Elite Royal murderers too..

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 Yale Elite + KGB Elite handle lead atoms as though it's more Toxic than the highly toxic isotope polonium 210. Hillary will keep this Top Secret email on Childhood cancers and birth defects caused by Yale Alumni secret for sure! Finally, on Jan. 21, Sir Robert Owen, a retired senior judge, delivered a 328-page report, blaming two Russian associates of Mr. Litvinenko for delivering the poison in a teapot, an operation described in the document as “probably” sanctioned by Mr. Putin. Lead Poisoning of kids... Childhood cancers and birth defects caused by Yale Alumni and Hillary. “Moscow probably set out to kill a man and did it but has nothing to show for its ruthless ‘success,’ ” he wrote. British Men have set out to kill their ex-wife and Prince Charles did it just like OJ. Hillary probably knows this and keeps it a secret.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 UN. By SEWELL CHAN and LIAM STACK Julian Assange — the founder of WikiLeaks who sought refuge in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden — has been arbitrarily detained in violation of international law, a United Nations human rights panel has concluded.

2-5-2016 UN. Greg + Wives in Key West have been arbitrarily detained from getting the Rx Overnight Miracle Godsend Cure for Stage 4 Breast Cancer via 1984 II Dictators who all have syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin. In violation of E=mc2 Universe Laws, grin. Greg + Wives are essentially political prisoner, who the Top Brass at the Pentagon and 1984 II Dictators HQ don't want any serendipity accidental Miracles Cure for Cancer from us! Vietnam War Syndrome at its worst mixed with poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West. Key West News today Food pantry to receive 15-ton donation" BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com Green beans taste the same whether or not the can is dented. And a crushed corner on a box of spaghetti boils up just fine for working families in the Florida Keys. The Star of the Sea Outreach Mission, which provides food, toiletries and pet food to thousands of working families and homeless people every month, will receive a truckload donation of “salvaged” grocery Publix. This makes as much sense as a battered women's shelter in every town and city in the USA with no end to the war between men and women in site. UN human rights above need to make news on Tim Cook's hate crimes against women, he has no hate crimes against fags + blacks. Grin.

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things”

2-5-2016 Obama's Prayer Transcript... “fear can do funny things” 24/7 Brain + Breast Cancer Fear's!

2-5-2016 "Putin's Pussy Riot Rap Girls" 24/7 Brainstorming Concert with Greg + Wives.

2-5-2016 "Putin's Pussy Riot Rap Girls" 24/7 Brainstorming Concert with Greg + Wives.

2-5-2016 "Putin's Pussy Riot Rap Girls" 24/7 Brainstorming Concert with Greg + Wives.

2-4-2016 "Putin's Pussy Riot Rap Girls" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 Obama visits the Yale Key West Medical School... no; the Mosque$

2-4-2016 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 Obama visits the Yale Key West Medical School...

2-4-2016 Obama Pray's to God 5 Times a day for the Godsend of $777 Trillion to build a 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca + Baltimore! To Hell with the Yale Key West Medical School that was going to be built by Greg + Wives on March 3, 2011. Dr. Blackwell MD women was not allowed to meet with Obama at the Mosque - or for coffee at Starbucks in Saudi Arabia.

2-4-2016 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 Obama in Toxic Din of his Thoughts on Allah, Mecca, Obama's Syphilis in his frontal lobes must have been acting up as it effected his vision of the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca + Baltimore. In a visit to the Islamic Society of Baltimore, his first to a mosque in the United States as president, Mr. Obama recited phrases from the Quran and praised American Muslims as a crucial part of America’s history and vital to the nation’s future. 1984 II Dictators must have ordered and written this movie.

2-4-2016 Obama in a visit to Mecca or Los Alamos in Pakistan.

2-4-2016 "Drone Captures View of a Devastated Paris H-Bombed via Moslem Generals!

2-4-2016 "Drone Captures View of a Devastated Syrian City" By MIKE McPHATE A video taken by a drone winding its way through the battered city of Homs contains haunting images of the destruction after five years of civil war.

2-4-2016 "Drone Captures View of a Nuked; Devastated South Korea too..." Drone Cheers we heard are silent now.

2-4-2016 Vital to the nation’s future is the End to the gas stations Era on Earth + Mecca... one and the same Element. Lead Atoms in the Cabin of Obama's 747 flying to Baltimore Mosque are also realized by top quarks today. Birth defects and childhood cancer of the kids who have flown on 747's are being put in a top secret data base. Toxic $777 Trillion in Geneva Banks from gas station hold ups in Miami leak into our George Orwell Society world wide. Star Wars needs this money to buy the 52 Nearest Stars to Earth. Yale Paris 155 Story Medical School will be built in any area of Paris per sa... Mecca's Yale Medial School has been built to seat 2 million patients who will pray 5 times a day and was built by Bin laden Construction company paid for by the Pentagon. Yale Paris Medical School that can seat 2 million patients is not a Mosque design but Eiffel Tower... And at the Pentagon Campus - Yale Pentagon Medical School for Jew's and Jewish Aliens will seat 2 million. Obama's Syphilis in his frontal lobes effect his vision of the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca + Baltimore.

2-4-2016 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 Obama Pray's to God 5 Times a day for the Godsend of $777 Trillion to build a 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca + Baltimore! To Hell with the Yale Key West Medical School that was going to be built by Greg + Wives on March 3, 2011.

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" Video Mocks Russian Prosecutor's "Cardiac Arrest" death in Moscow (with no Yale Moscow Med School 2016 with laser guidances for cardiac arrest) that would never have killed him in Key West, grin.

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot"

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot"

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" MD
2-4-2016 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 NASA's Mars plans are in disarray it makes no sense and is not feasible for in a potential manned mission to the Red Planet. Hubble II + III Super Space Station Telescope Train and been derailed for the last few decades by 1984 II Dictators hidden behind our 1984 II Society. Cosmonauts Yuri Malenchenko and Sergei Volkov could help in the search for alien life... 1984 II Jews at HQ could help in the search for alien life.

2-4-2016 NASA's IP invention projects and iapps in the search for alien life are in disarray. It makes no sense...

2-4-2016 Obama Pray's to God 5 Times a day for the Godsend of $777 Trillion to build a 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca + Baltimore! To Hell with the Yale Key West Medical School that was going to be built by Greg + Wives on March 3, 2011.

2-4-2016 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 Toxic "GE's" around the world leaked into the water and air at Yale + Harvard Campus, Dr. OJ MD who didn't really pass at Yale Medical School has been arrested along with Bill Cosby who had a get out of "cardiac arrest" card he took to court yesterday. Honor Killings by the Presidents of Yale + Harvard that make no sense to anyone but Kerry + McCain! Mary Kennedy has been expelled from both Harvard + Yale and her body that was buried at Arlington National Cemetery moved to a mass grave in Vietnam near the My Lai Massacre. 19K murdered SWF in the USA finally caught up to GE Health Care Corporation. Toxic Lead Atoms from so long ago bankrupted GE Today! Ironic as GE's nuclear waste is buried in Salt Caves in several states for all eternity. AMA salt on the Menu at Yale + Harvard is about to be graded by students with Los Alamos super computer simulations not provided by the State Department travel warnings but by Greg + Wives in Key West. CBS Nightly News has a new president Today but the same old Girl Scout Cookie Recipes, Rx Recipe's of Jimmy Carters Rx for cancer are still in Hillary's top secret emails. No Hillary has no intention of even looking at Jimmy Carters Rx Recipe Ingredients! CBS Viacom ingredients of Jimmy Carters Rx meds will not be on CBS Nightly News Ever! Never as this new President is married to Chen not Mary Kennedy from Yale + Harvard. #1 + 2... Sumner Redstone Steps Down as CBS Chairman, Replaced by Leslie Moonves By EMILY STEEL Nightly News via Greg + Wives in Key West will bankrupt Moonves via 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine Live in our Nightly News with Brainstorming Dialogs light years from Moon.

2-4-2016 Obama Pray's to God 5 Times a day for the Godsend of $777 Trillion to build a 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca + Baltimore! To Hell with the Yale Key West Medical School that was going to be built by Greg + Wives on March 3, 2011.

2-4-2016 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 Yale Key West Medical School will have state of the arts Space Suits with laser guidance too. Visual, Audio, and Super compute!

2-4-2016 Obama visits women at the Mosque - On 4 November 1849, when Blackwell was treating an infant with ophthalmia neonatorum, she spurted some contaminated solution into her own eye accidentally, and contracted the infection. She lost sight in her left eye, causing her to have her eye surgically extracted and thus lost all hope of becoming a surgeon. Blackwell had a very strong personality, and was often quite acerbic in her critique of others, especially of other women. Blackwell had a falling out with Florence Nightingale after Nightingale returned from the Crimean War. Nightingale wanted Blackwell to turn her focus to training nurses, and could not see the legitimacy of training female physicians.

2-4-2016 Yale Key West Medical School will train all Nightingale Nurse's who are smart enough to be a MD to be one and pay them more than West Point Cadets going through Med School in Paradise.

2-4-2016 NASA's Mars plans are in disarray it makes no sense...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" Video Mocks Russian Prosecutor's "Cardiac Arrest" death in Moscow (with no Yale Moscow Med School 2016 with laser guidances for cardiac arrest) that would never have killed him in Key West, grin.

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" Video Mocks Russian Prosecutor Accused of Corruption" By ANDREW KRAMER The Russian punk protest group sashayed back into the public debate with a sly rap video about corruption in the office of Prosecutor General Yuri Y. Chaika.

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the Mosque when Obama visits! Grin.

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" Video Mocks Russian Prosecutor's "Cardiac Arrest" death in Moscow (with no Yale Moscow Med School 2016 with laser guidances for cardiac arrest) that would never have killed him in Key West, grin.

2-4-2016 The lavish home of South Africa’s president, Jacob Zuma, top, in Nkandla, in 2012. Jacob Zuma, South African Leader, to Repay Part of Money Spent on His Home. By SEWELL CHAN The president has been dogged by reports about $23 million in public funds used for his home.

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the Mosque mocks those seated in the front row, owners of the newest $100 billion dollar Palace's in Mecca.

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" Video Mocks Russian Prosecutor's "Cardiac Arrest" death in Moscow (with no Yale Moscow Med School 2016 with laser guidances for cardiac arrest) that would never have killed him in Key West, grin.

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 Fordham Prep Rattled by 2 Students’ Suicides both jumped in front of a Deiseal engine GE Train not a GE ElectricWindmillParadise Train. With a Gravity Engine, its Shock + Awe on Prep Kids. By KATE TAYLOR A Fordham Prep student who has not been identified jumped in front of a Metro-North Railroad train passing through the Botanical Garden station on Monday. Credit Karsten Moran for The New York Times Fordham Preparatory School, the all-boys Jesuit high school in the Bronx, has been stunned and shaken in recent weeks, as not one but two students have killed themselves, both by jumping in front of trains. God should keep Jimmy Carter + his wife in Hell for 91 Trillion Years for all these childhood murders suppressing the Shock + Awe Era of the ElectricWindmillFord Escorts and the End to Gas Stations + Mosque in the USA.

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" Video Mocks Russian Prosecutor's "Cardiac Arrest" death in Moscow (with no Yale Moscow Med School 2016 with laser guidances for cardiac arrest) that would never have killed him in Key West, grin.

2-4-2016 New York Times Co. Reports $52 Million Quarterly Profit Today By SYDNEY EMBER 52 Nearest Stars were no on the Front Page today. 52 IP invention Projects articles were not in the Times today.

2-4-2016 Playboy; Dree Hemingway, a great-granddaughter of Ernest Hemingway — cavorts in the buff. But this is the Garden of Eden after a bite of the apple, and our Eve, while amused, seems a bit embarrassed. In one shot, it’s as if someone has just stolen her clothing, leaving her to hide as much of herself as she can with both hands. Ms. Hemingway and other featured women in the issue are unretouched. Nice picture you can find it at this link...


2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" Video Mocks Russian Prosecutor's "Cardiac Arrest" death in Moscow (with no Yale Moscow Med School 2016 with laser guidances for cardiac arrest) that would never have killed him in Key West, grin.

2-4-2016 iapps for Dree Hemingway to write a Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House here in Key West with 100 others on a MacBook Pro with a IP in every chapter, finished by midnight not written up in the long articles in this March issue. In short, the new Playboy, which will appear on newsstands as early as this weekend, has ditched its jauntily illicit aura and become a slightly saucier version of a lot of other magazines, like Esquire and GQ. But the March issue retains elements of the original DNA, including a lengthy interview (with the MSNBC host Rachel Maddow) and a long essay by a famous writer (the Norwegian memoirist and awkward-moment connoisseur Karl Ove Knausgaard). Whether this will appeal to younger readers without alienating regulars is unclear. Dree She grew up in Ketchum, Idaho and attended Ernest Hemingway Elementary School. She later moved to California and lived in the Westlake Village. She attended Oaks Christian High School for two and a half years and then dropped out to pursue her modelling career. She was presented as a debutante at the Bal des débutantes in Paris, France. She could get into the Yale Key West Medical School but would never be passed if she really fails. Grin.

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" Video Mocks Russian Prosecutor's "Cardiac Arrest" death in Moscow (with no Yale Moscow Med School 2016 with laser guidances for cardiac arrest) that would never have killed him in Key West, grin.

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot" at the 2 million seat Mosque in Mecca visited by Obama...

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot"

2-4-2016 "Pussy Riot"

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel Moon shot for the "Breast + Brain Cancer Rx Overnight Cure, hear Jewish Aliens" By NATE COHN and JOSH KELLER New York Times After the Iowa Caucus, the paths to the nomination diverge for the three leading candidates. None from NASA, grin.

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "New Offensive by Assad’s Forces Overshadows Syria Peace Talks" By NICK CUMMING-BRUCE Yoko Ono put a full page ad in the NY Times last week... "...you can end War if you want..." NASA could put the same full page ad in the NY Times this week and convert some fag Generals Masterminding this Syria War Offensive to End it this Week!

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "North Korea, Defying Warnings, Prepares to Launch Long-Range Rocket" By CHOE SANG-HUN ...fag Generals Masterminding this Syria War... Korean War spent $77 Trillion of NASA's money... NASA's full page ad in the NY Times this week will ...end this Korean War in a Week... Really! Yoko Ono put a full page ad in the NY Times last week... "...you can end War if you want..." NASA could put the same full page ad in the NY Times this week and convert some fag Generals Masterminding this Syria War Offensive to End it this Week!

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 Orgy's at 1984 II HQ... GE + BP Oil. Southern California Gas Company, which owns the leaking well that has pumped tons of natural gas into the air for more than three months, was charged with three counts of failing to report the release of hazardous materials from Oct. 23 to Oct. 26, and one count of discharging air contaminants, from Oct. 23 to the present. The company could face fines of up to $25,000 a day for each day that state regulators were not notified about the leak. Fines of $1,000 per day could also be applied for the pollution violation. Jackie Lacey, the Los Angeles district attorney, said that a criminal conviction would help “prevent similar public health threats in the future." Also Tuesday, Attorney General Kamala Harris joined a long list of parties... Orgy's at 1984 II HQ. GE + BP Oil. GE Lead in the air + water, new light bulbs with mercury, trace amount the NY Times mentions in every article ever written about GE... trace amounts of mercury by GE. Trace amounts of the Universe and 52 Nearest Stars written up on the front page of the NY Times. GE's full page ad in the NY Times... you can end War if you Want... The company faces the fines of up to $25,000 a day since 1980... to current date. Failing to report on the front page of the NY Times the NY Times faces fines of Holocaust II + III headlines. Saint Jude Auschwitz. Yoko Ono put a full page ad in the NY Times last week... "...you can end War if you want..." NASA could put the same full page ad in the NY Times this week and convert some fag Generals Masterminding this Syria War Offensive to End it this Week!

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "Exxon Mobil’s Profits Fall and BP Cites Low Oil Prices in $3.3 Billion Loss" By CLIFFORD KRAUSS and STANLEY REED. Editorial: The Pentagon’s Top Threat? Russia" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD - NASA's top Threat carried out will give us 10 cent gas, kill Allah + Mecca; end the gas station Era on Earth. Reward the Jews with $777 Trillion Jewish Aliens. Mega Cape Kennedy stands empty a Casualty of Dispute With GE, CIA, Jimmy Carter's Nobel Peace Prize that was A SCAM, a virus, a cancer not caught at the Airport scanners. Top Threat is cardiac arrest in Russia and Putin keeps the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Top Secret. Russian vodka, Bourbon and Whiskey Sales Soar at Home and Abroad... Elite French Wine's cancel the Peace Talks with non-drinkers. WHO at the UN knows 1 atoms molecule of alcohol can cause birth defects in the womb. Yoko Ono put a full page ad in the NY Times last week... "...you can end War if you want..." NASA could put the same full page ad in the NY Times this week and convert some fag Generals Masterminding this Syria War Offensive to End it this Week!

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

Yoko Ono put a full page ad in the NY Times last week... "...you can end War if you want..." NASA could put the same full page ad in the NY Times this week and convert some fag Generals Masterminding this Syria War Offensive to End it this Week!

2-3-2016 Cardiac Arrest warning on Mayo... The Food and Drug Administration then picked up the baton, cheer leaders mothers have died by the 100's if not thousands since 1980. "Carefully Crafted" Free From Cholesterol, Eggs, Artificial colors & Flavors... eggless. "Carefully Crafted" spread will hit shelves in the middle of this month, together with three organic versions — Original, Roasted Garlic and Spicy Chipotle — of Hellmann’s mayonnaise. Unilever sued Hampton Creek, charging that the cracked egg image and use of the word “mayo” on labels for its spread product violated federal regulations that define foods. Unilever then had to scramble to change language on some of its own websites that referred to nonmayonnaise products as “mayonnaise,” and it eventually dropped the suit. Publix in Key West yesterday I spent hours looking for the nonmayonnaise jar could not find it... so had to buy the Publix brand Mayo. I only buy Mayo once a year sometimes once a decade. "The Death Suicide by a Gun shot of a Star Swiss Chef Underscores the Profession’s Stress" By KIM SEVERSON Nonmayonnaise products as “mayonnaise,” Kim at the NY Times will need a MD degree next year after the coup. The Paris Chef will need a MD degree too after the French Revolution II next year.

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 Does NASA need a new Campus in NYC? Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Brooklyn Headquarters for Sale Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Brooklyn Headquarters for Sale - NASA could buy this, should buy this if only they take out a full page ad in the NY Times this week to End War for Star Wars.

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 GE makes these PET/CT scanners... and has not out sourced to Los Alamos any super computer simulations for PET/CT II + III scanners. A recent study by the Yale School of Medicine could help lower radiation exposure during PET/CT scans, a medical imaging technique that produces functional images of the body. Published last month, the study sought to determine a threshold for the minimum radiation exposure necessary for PET/CT imaging. Since evidence from the past decade has indicated that radiation exposure during medical imaging may carry a risk of cancer, scientists have worked to minimize radiation exposure during medical imaging involving x-rays and radiation, lead study author and medical school professor Ming-Kai Chen said. The researchers found that dosage for the radioactive isotope injected during PET/CT scans, fluorine-18, could be decreased. I put this in my web today as when I get to Yale, this week or next week if the 1984 II Dictators make contact I will get a PET/CT scan with fluorine-18 and brainstorm with the medical students invention projects for the CT scans of the future with state of the arts laser guidance and Los Alamos print out in seconds. I emailed all my Key West Lab work to Yale and was thinking if this can be put into the CT scan... not just read as a separate test?

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 BY CHARLOTTE TWINE Free Press Staff ctwine@keysnews.com MARATHON — Elizabeth Moore can pinpoint the moment when her passion for the stars began. One evening, when she was a 4-year-old in Alabama, her mother took her outside to look at the night sky. “I remember my mom putting out the lounge chairs and saying, ‘We’re going to look up to see a satellite go by.’ It was named ‘Sputnik,’” Moore said, joking that bringing up the Soviet-era satellite from the late 1950s was making her sound old. “But she knew a few constellations, and we looked at the stars. And that went on throughout my life.” Moore moved with her family at age 5 to Orlando, and their home was so close to Cape Canaveral that they could see rocket launches from their backyard. “We went to all of the launches, and I got interested in the NASA program,” she said. Moore has come full circle. The Marathon resident is now passing along her love for star-gazing through her presentations at Crane Point Museum & Nature Center as a NASA Solar System Ambassador.

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 Bond 007 blasting off in 7 Super Shuttles in the Next Bond Movie... "Skyfall,” James Bond fans were hyped to hit theaters for the 24th movie in the spy series, 'SPECTRE.” Unfortunately for everyone, the movie hit with a thud and left many people very disappointed - Universe was Voided Out by the British Studios in London. NASA didn't take out a full page ad in the London Times to promote a NASA 007 Bond Movie. Or even tracking the Bond Women with the Hubble II Space Telescope, with the bikini scene of course. Breast Cancer, Brain Cancer in a Bond Women was not part of Biden's visit to London. Bill Gates: Steve really is a singular person in the history of personal computing in terms of what he built at Apple. For some periods, we were completely allies working together — I wrote software for the original Apple II. Well, in the early years, the intensity had always been about the project, and so when Steve got sick, it was far more mellow in terms of talking about our lives and our kids. In fact, he and I gave a joint interview together, and I talked about how I envied his incredible design skills. Steve was an incredible genius. I was more of an engineer than he was, but anyway, it was fun. It was more of a friendship that was reflective, although tragically then he couldn't overcome the cancer and died in 2011, just 56 years old. 2011 Greg flew into Key West on March 3, 2011. Bill Gates and Melinda spent the last 20 years killing mosquitos and Greg in Boulder, Colorado. Our 1984 II Society writes code that is insane as Bill Gates. The George Orwell people who sell the virus protection software write the virus too. Win 8.1 was never updated to Win 8.2 out of spite by Bill Gates. Millions of women died from Breast Cancer since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Bill Gates could have driven the Rx Cancer Cure Recipes into our 1984 II society but got addicted to Moslems in Dubai UAE were he bought a second home. Not Key West. 155 Story Bill Gates Medical School is in some Swiss or Saudi Bank.

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 Gram-positive bacteria are more receptive to antibiotics than gram-negative, due to the absence of the outer membrane. Cancer cells have a membrane too. "Deodorant use can change your body's bacteria" People slather on antiperspirant and deodorant to keep from stinking. But could the simple act of swiping some on change the delicate ecosystem beneath our pits? Gram-positive bacteria. Those who do not use any underarm product cultures contained 62 percent of the bacteria partially responsible for body odor smells — which are also thought to defend against pathogens and 21 percent Staphylococcaceae bacteria. Regular antiperspirant users’ microbes were 60 percent Staphylococcaceae bacteria, the most common microbes found on human skin. Rx Cancer or Penicillin Deodorants are a great IP invention project for us today! If I had a MacBook Pro and a wife in Key West we would be talking and searching Google for hours today. New York Times Orwellian journalists will make a comment that Greg in Key West was left in Solitary Confinement today... 1984 II Humor is "Black Humor" in its connotations!

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 Jimmy Carter on isolating his fellow 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis, MS Virus... "We've prevented about 80 million people from having Guinea worm, so this is a great accomplishment in itself," Carter said reported by the Star-Telegram. He added, "Despite the fact that we only have a few cases, we have to monitor thousands of villages to make sure that every time somebody does have Guinea worm, that we can isolate them! Send them to a Cuba "Prison Hospital" ha. Carter is currently in London, where he is discussing his campaign to end the Guinea worm disease. London elite fags like Elton John infected millions with diseases more terrible than Guinea worm disease yet Jimmy Carter in his Elite Status + Class can not leak this in the Washington Post. 1984 II Society is out of date!

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

Yoko Ono put a full page ad in the NY Times last week... "...you can end War if you want..." Jimmy Carter's full page ad in tomorrows New York Times, grin! I'm still continuing my treatment on February the 9th." Carter has been taking anti-melanoma drug Keytruda every three weeks. I will take out a full page ad in the New York Times revealing the Rx Recipe for Keytruda and its Los Alamos super computer simulation linked to the NY Times videos...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-3-2016 "State's of Mind Need to Win 52 Nearest Stars, Star Travel...

2-2-2016 "Why don't you just kill me now?" Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow?

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus Era?

2-2-2016 Why did GE kill the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus Era?

G.E. to Phase Out CFL Bulbs light was the go-to choice for customers seeking an inexpensive, energy-efficient replacement for the standard incandescent bulb. But as the light quality of LEDs improved and their cost plummeted - By DIANE CARDWELLGE Style Name: A19 1-Pack I've had these for months and I keep purchasing more and more. They are almost the same price as plain ol' LED bulbs but with the added bonus of working with my smart home. I run everything through the Wink Hub and they have worked flawlessly since day one. Why smart bulbs? You can still use a light switch to turn them off and on (so necessary for day-to-day use) but you will need the light switch in the "on" position to control the lights from your smartphone. You can turn the lights off/on or dim them right from your smartphone. You can create shortcuts/scenes ("Reading in Bed" or "Watching a Movie") from your smart phone. One click on your shortcut/scene and you can make various lights brighten, dim, turn off and turn on. You can set your bedroom lights up on a schedule to jar you awake in the morning (it has made getting out of bed so much faster, though slightly more painful, for me). You can set up a geofence so when you leave your house in the morning for work, all the lights in the house go off. You can set up a "random" schedule for lights to go on and off throughout the home while on vacation so it appears the house is occupied. I'm sure there are other ways people utilize these bulbs, and I'd love to hear them, but for the above reasons these bulbs are worth much more than $15 a piece to me. GE Link, Wireless A19 Smart Connected LED Light Bulb, Soft White (2700K), 60-Watt Equivalent, 1-Pack by GE Lighting List Price: $23.99 Price: $14.97 & FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Details You Save: $9.02 (38%)

2-2-2016 Why did GE kill free Electricity? iPod size GE electric generator fueled by H @ -252 C. "How Free Electricity Helped Dig $9 Billion Hole in Puerto Rico" By MARY WILLIAMS WALSH With Puerto Rico’s power authority $9 billion in debt and the commonwealth owing $72 billion, free electricity may end. $777 Trillion in the GE war chest at the Pentagon. In 2000 in Miami a guy from Puerto Rico held up a Miami gas station and sucker punched Mary out of spite for GE. Mary was covered in blood and needed 100 stitches in her lip.

2-2-2016 Why did GE kill the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus Era?

2-2-2016 Why did GE kill the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus Era?

2-2-2016 Why did the GE executive's son kill 22 kids at Sandy Hook... would the GE 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era have save these 22 elementary kids lives, Hell Yes! 22 million world wide have been killed by GE employees and kids since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort.

2-2-2016 "Why don't you just kill me now?" Apple is showing signs of possibly moving away from Amazon Web Services, and instead building its own data centers to power its online products... unless the young women do a "Moon Shot" to cure Breast + Brain Cancers via iCancerApple talking over all of Los Alamos "data centers" who's only data today is H-Bombs.

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 "Why don't you just kill me now?" Katniss said to 1984 II Dictators! Why don't you let me "Brainstorm" 1,001 IP invention projects instead of going to your Super Bowl 50 game? Polygamous Wives are the cheer leaders... 24/7 lifestyle. As the Apple-Starbucks Store School University is open 24/7 with genius techs. Not your Windows 10 or 11, grin!

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 "Why don't you just kill me now?" 1984 II Dictators to Wounded Warriors + Vets said "Enjoy your Orgy in the Capital, you earned it by killing people!" Hell is War!

2-2-2016 “But it’s just hard to think that one of your fellow's at Yale + Harvard is capable of this.” Kerry, Bush, Biden... they kill millions of 13 year old girls on Facebook instead of creating iInventBook with 1,001 IP invention projects and Rx Recipes 13 year old girls never imagined were in her Rx's! Not girl scout cookie Recipes. Our 1984 II Dictators are out of date and don't date women, grin.

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 "Why don't you just kill me now?" NEW YORK - The CDC said Monday that the E. coli outbreak at Chipotle “appears to be over.” The cause of the outbreak is still unknown. Hospital Acquired Infections kill 100's today, 100 are killed by Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS virus via murders and suicides. E. coli outbreak over is the only news our 1984 II Dictators make headlines in the New York Times Today. Katniss should have asked Snow why are you killing me instead of mobilizing your troops for a "Moonshot" to cure Breast + Brain cancers over night with a Amazon Rx Recipe you no longer make Top Secret! "Your Team Made the Super Bowl? Better Get a Flu Shot" New York Times - 1984 II HQ article in the NY Times about coming to work sick with the Flu virus is not "News". As people get worked up over the game, they neglect a few important things—like not double-dipping. As people shout and cough and the guacamole gets progressively filled with people’s saliva, the chances of spreading the flu increase. Tulane University just analyzed 35 years worth of flu data, and published the disturbing results in the American Journal of Health Economics. If a city had a team playing in the Super Bowl, its mortality rates due to influenza jumped. Based on data from 1974 through 2009, cities with teams in the Super Bowl saw 18 percent increases in influenza mortality for people over 65. Multiple virus + bacteria in body sweat. Young women can do to greatly cut their risk of breast cancer later in life... they didn't mention lead atoms or other elements in the water and air, each year between 98,000 and 440,000 people die as a result of preventable errors in hospital. Many are caught on cameras but never made into YouTube videos. Google is a unit of the CIA, not Walter Reed. Non-Profit organization, Physician Moms Group (PMG), will declare February 3rd National Women Physicians Day in an effort to bring awareness and appreciation to women in the field of medicine. They sent top secret email to the 1984 II Dictators asking why are you killing so many women. Reply came back from Tim Cook!

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 "Why don't you just kill me now?" Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow? Miss Universe wants a starry starry night drive to the nearest 52 stars, each with Jewish Aliens.

2-2-2016 "Why don't you just kill me now?"

2-2-2016 "Why don't you just kill me now?"

2-2-2016 "Why don't you just kill me now?" My brain from the Battered women shelters in every city and town in the USA, No! Football players brain is on this table it once belonged to a pro football player. It’s also much bigger than average, so it may have been the brain of a very big man—perhaps he played lineman. Those are the only things I know about it before Ann McKee starts cutting it into pieces. Boston University neuropathologist Ann McKee examines the brain of a recently deceased former professional football player. Several minutes later something else is becoming clear: this brain is pretty messed up. “I think this guy had CTE,” says McKee, a professor of neurology and pathology at the Boston University School of Medicine and director of neuropathology for the New England Veterans Administration Medical Centers. She and her colleagues will ultimately examine the brain’s tissue down to the microscopic level to determine for sure whether it was afflicted with the progressive neurodegenerative disorder called chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE. But she can already see telltale patterns of atrophy, or shrinkage of the delicate tissue in several areas. I’m part of a small audience watching as McKee proceeds to slice this football player’s brain up like she might a loaf of bread. As she goes along, she lays the slices on the table and points out various signs of disease. “It’s amazing what they do to their brains,” she says. Kerry, McCain, Jimmy Carter, Hillary, never put the brain between their index finger and thumb + felt its texture and pondered its electronics and consciousness! This is why they killed millions and 100's of millions at Saint Jude and in Iraq + Vietnam. Along with trillions of Jewish Aliens and everyone at NASA!

2-2-2016 National Women Physicians Chefs Day - at Apple would have saved Steve Jobs life...

2-2-2016 National Women Physicians Chefs Day - at Apple would have saved Steve Jobs life...

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 "Why don't you just kill me now?" Chef not a women MD Suicide - "Benoît Violier’s Death Shines Light on High-Pressure Restaurant World" By DAN BILEFSKY and KIM SEVERSON Benoît Violier in 2013. The French-Swiss chef was found dead on Sunday at his home in Crissier, near Lausanne, Switzerland. In the rarefied galaxy of restaurants that have received the Michelin guide’s highest honor, three stars, Benoît Violier’s, in Switzerland, was by one measure the most glittering. Only two months ago his establishment, the Restaurant de l’Hôtel de Ville in Crissier, near Lausanne, was designated the best restaurant in the world in La Liste, rankings commissioned by the French Foreign Ministry — an honor that only added luster to the glory of French chefs (he was born in France) in the face of competition from plucky foreign rivals. But on Monday, his friends and associates in the restaurant industry were groping to understand why Mr. Violier, at 44, had apparently shot himself to death over the weekend at his home in Crissier. And they asked whether he was the latest victim of a high-pressure world that demands perfection, shuns signs of weakness and promotes a culture where culinary demigods can be demoted with the stroke of a pen.

2-2-2016 National Women Physicians Chefs Day - at Apple would have saved Steve Jobs life...

2-2-2016 National Women Physicians Chefs Day - at Apple would have saved Steve Jobs life...

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 "Why don't you just kill me now?" OJ Bank Tellers, With Access to Accounts, Pose a Rising Security Risk - Don't forget our 1984 II Dictators hired OJ first. Today women are killed at a high rate of 19K in 2016 and more and more OJ's are hired as Bank Tellers. The connotation of Bank Teller for OJ's is they tell their Black friends about your Bank Account. Tim Cook at Apple knows this, yet refused to write iapps that record all OJ Bank Telling conversations planning talk stalking the Bank embezzlement, thieving Brain Din that tells all in a iPhone conversations of the killing $$$ boasting before the crime is done! Bank insider job is helped by Tim Cook and our 1984 II Dictators who know what is going on. "Bank Tellers, With Access to Accounts, Pose a Rising Security Risk" By STEPHANIE CLIFFORD and JESSICA SILVER-GREENBERG Though cybertheft gets most of the publicity, retail-branch employees are tapping into customers’ personal information and their cash.

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 OJ with 4 wives, would he have gotten away with killing all 4... Hell No!

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 Why did you kill the Polygamous Marriage from our 1984 II Society President Snow...

2-2-2016 Paris President François Hollande greeted Mr. Castro, 1984, on Monday with a warm embrace in the courtyard of the Élysée Palace, then started the meeting by exclaiming “Vive Cuba!” Vive 84 years old in a Universe they could live to be 84 Trillion more years. French intellectuals and philosophy might ponder this today.

2-2-2016 Paris; Why did you kill the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus Era?

2-2-2016 Paris; Why did you kill the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus Era?

2-2-2016 The arrest of two Virginia Tech students in the abduction and murder of a 13-year-old girl who posted on a Facebook group called Teen Dating and Flirting — and showed a neighbor girl texts she said she had exchanged with an 18-year-old man — has set off new concerns about the dangers to young people who seek liaisons on social media. The two students — David Eisenhauer, 18, of Columbia, Md., and Natalie M. Keepers, 19, of Laurel, Md., both aspiring engineers — are being held without bond; they made brief court appearances Monday but did not enter pleas. They are charged in the death of Nicole Madison Lovell, 13, a liver transplant recipient who disappeared from her home here last week. Two Virginia Tech Students Arrested in Girl’s Death. The murder has stunned this college community, though Virginia Tech, the site of a 2007 massacre that remains the deadliest shooting by a single gunman in the nation’s history, is no stranger to sorrow and tragedy. And while the authorities have not said what, if any, role social media may have played in the killing, the girl’s electronic communications, and suggestions that she was bullied, have stirred deep concern here. "Concerns Over Social Media Link to Virginia Girl’s Killing" By HAWES SPENCER, SHERYL GAY STOLBERG and RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑAFEB These NY Times reporters should have wrote headlines... "Concerns about a Battered Womens Shelter in every city and town in the USA, Hell Social Media is infected by Tim Cook and General Hate Crimes against women. Nicole’s brief comments in the Facebook group Teen Dating and Flirting, a site replete with sexually charged messages — including some that appear to be from adults looking to prey on young people — have also created unease. “My first thought is that this kid was really too young to have been using Facebook,” 19K SWF's are killed in 2016 and most are older than 13. Virginia Tech campus, where memories of the 2007 shooting by a student that left 32 people dead remain strong, there was deep dismay yet again. 2007 these NY Times reporters didn't write any headlines about the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus Era on Campus. Yale + Harvard failed first! “But it’s just hard to think that one of your fellow's at Yale + Harvard is capable of this.” Kerry, Bush, Biden... they kill millions of 13 year old girls on Facebook instead of creating inventBook with 1,001 IP invention projects and Rx Recipes 13 year old girls never imagined were in her Rx's! Not girl scout cookie Recipes. Our 1984 II Dictators are out of date and don't date women, grin.

2-2-2016 Paris; Why did you kill the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus Era?

2-2-2016 Why did GE kill the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus Era?

2-2-2016 Why did GE kill the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus Era?

GE Style Name: A19 1-Pack I've had these for months and I keep purchasing more and more. They are almost the same price as plain ol' LED bulbs but with the added bonus of working with my smart home. I run everything through the Wink Hub and they have worked flawlessly since day one. Why smart bulbs? You can still use a light switch to turn them off and on (so necessary for day-to-day use) but you will need the light switch in the "on" position to control the lights from your smartphone. You can turn the lights off/on or dim them right from your smartphone. You can create shortcuts/scenes ("Reading in Bed" or "Watching a Movie") from your smart phone. One click on your shortcut/scene and you can make various lights brighten, dim, turn off and turn on. You can set your bedroom lights up on a schedule to jar you awake in the morning (it has made getting out of bed so much faster, though slightly more painful, for me). You can set up a geofence so when you leave your house in the morning for work, all the lights in the house go off. You can set up a "random" schedule for lights to go on and off throughout the home while on vacation so it appears the house is occupied. I'm sure there are other ways people utilize these bulbs, and I'd love to hear them, but for the above reasons these bulbs are worth much more than $15 a piece to me. GE Link, Wireless A19 Smart Connected LED Light Bulb, Soft White (2700K), 60-Watt Equivalent, 1-Pack by GE Lighting List Price: $23.99 Price: $14.97 & FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Details You Save: $9.02 (38%)

2-2-2016 Why did GE kill the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus Era?

2-2-2016 Why did GE kill the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus Era?

2-2-2016 Cardiac Arrest at Yale or Key West... best place. Not... Bulgaria. Etem Erol, a senior Yale lector in Turkish, passed away after suffering from a heart attack in January while on vacation in Bulgaria. He was born in 1955 and was buried in the town of his birth, Akçay, Turkey. He was 60 years old. Erol, who had taught at Columbia University before coming to Yale, was a historian and language pedagogue. He taught all of the University’s modern Turkish and Ottoman Turkish classes, and his colleagues and students said his presence was felt far beyond the classroom, from interacting with the New Haven Turkish community to sponsoring cultural events and film screenings. In all such endeavors, they said, Erol brought his signature energy and smile, qualities that will be sorely missed. Cardiac Arrest at Yale or Key West... best place. Not... Bulgaria. Yale Professors should be scanned at JFK for heart attacks the electrocardiogram EKG at JFK would have beeped on the Yale MD's iPhone.

2-2-2016 Falafel to Go... faster than the speed of light for delivery to Jewish Aliens at 52 near stars... menu! To Savor: In the Tel Aviv Style, Falafel to Go... For the new streetside kiosk attached to the 12 Chairs Cafe in Brooklyn, the chef, Shimon Maman, and his partners looked to Tel Aviv’s falafel stands. Pita bread comes with traditional stuffings like sabich (eggplant), kebabs, shakshuka and falafel, the last with fried potatoes in the sandwich. Mr. Maman said his fillings had “more finesse” than is typical in Israel. The stand is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; there is covered seating as well as takeout: The Kiosk, 12 Chairs Cafe, 342 Wythe Avenue (South Second Street), South Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 347-227-7077, 12chairscafe.com.

2-1-2016 Vote... Trump could make Headlines that will win him votes today by ordering all Sony, LG, Samgsung Ultra TV's must work without the Comcast Box!!

2-1-2016 Lead Atoms... what causes miscarriages?

2-1-2016 Lead Atoms... what causes miscarriages?

2-1-2016 Lead Atoms... what causes Schizophrenia; etc!!! Los Alamos Million Dollar Super Computer Simulation of Lead... Coup would take place this afternoon, grin! Steve Jobs would be alive today. Lead atoms in lunch meats!

2-1-2016 Lead Atoms... O.J. Simpson Drama Depicts an Old Trial, and Renewed Tension - that our 1984 II Dictators bought the Judgement of Not Guilty in their George Orwell Deliberations... 1984 III MD Women Dictators will rule in favor of the 19K murdered women in 2016. 1984 II dictators could face the firing squad! By JOHN KOBLIN New York Times. USA Judge 1984 II Society ruled these were "Honor Killings" by OJ. The Pentagons War Hero for Blacks. Gen Powell and Rice were probably cheering on the Drone Strikes of OJ... if cameras recorded the murders.

2-1-2016 Lead Atoms... what caused our 1984 II Top Quarks to do so many "Honor Killings" just for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues? Brain Syphilis! Grin.

2-1-2016 "Battered by War, Iraq Now Faces Calamity From Dropping Oil Prices - Iraq, where nearly eight million people rely on a government salary or pension, will probably be forced to make crippling budget cuts." TIM ARANGO New York Times Today. Tim censored the 10 cent gasoline and the End to Gas Stations Era on Earth!

2-1-2016 Mary, Mary Trillions of Year's and $777 Trillion in Gas Stations Hold Up's by the Top Quarks... CERN Top Quarks Coup - A million dollar super computer simulation that would have convinced Steve Jobs to get surgery that afternoon + start the Apple-Starbucks Store School University as Yale + Harvard have been given a F grade by God.

2-1-2016 Mary, Mary Trillions of Year's and $777 Trillion in Gas...

2-1-2016 Mary, Mary Trillions of Year's and $777 Trillion in Gas...

2-1-2016 Mary, Mary Trillions of Galaxies in every direction expanding into empty space and we are POW in Solitary Confinement in Key West + the Universe. Honor Killings by the Joint Chiefs of Staff are infected via their Brain Syphilis + atoms of lead in their DNA. 13 Year old girl in the news today is an "Honor Killing by the Joint Chiefs of Staff" BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) - A 13-year-old girl who police say was abducted and killed by a Virginia Tech student is being remembered by friends as an "Angel" on Earth as investigators work to piece together the final moments of the teen's life. Hate crimes against women by Tim Cook gave her an iPhone 6 that got her murdered.

2-1-2016 Mary, Mary Trillions of Year's and $777 Trillion in Gas...

2-1-2016 Mary, Mary Trillions of Year's and $777 Trillion in Gas...

2-1-2016 "New Technologies Give Government Ample Means to Track Suspects, Study Finds" By DAVID E. SANGER David at the New York Times mentions Harvard and the NSA top brass - that they can use the Samsung Smart TV mic she said in the CBS commercials "show me Romance Movies". David at the New York Times censored the mandatory iPhone Dash cam that could have been "Law" in all cars on the road in 2016. This Invention surpasses Harvard + the NSA in a way to cut crime, 19K murdered 13 year old girls by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as they could have gotten iPhone 6 Dash cams mandatory and paid for them with their $777 Trillion BP Oil War Chest $$$. Drunk driver honor road kills would be 0 Zero for 2016 as a iPhone Dash Cam would scan for alcohol. So much for David and all his Harvard guys in this article.

2-1-2016 Mary, Mary Trillions of Year's and $777 Trillion in Gas...

2-1-2016 Mary, Mary Trillions of Year's and $777 Trillion in Gas...

2-1-2016 Key West Citizen Newspaper follow up today 2-1-2016 about the Harris School 1905 on Southhard for sale for $15 million; made into condo's instead of the Yale Key West Medical School. Citizen Newspaper Office in 1998. 3 days later she got the job and has been here. 1998 to 2016. ElectricWindmillFord Escort had not ever been her Escort to and from the Citizen News paper. Greg + Wives know Mandy's mom + dad in "Cardiac Arrest" in Key West will die today! Technology for Cardiac Arrest has not kept up with the Navy's in Key West, you will not read this in the Citizen Newspaper, grin. Greg flew into Key West to build the Yale Key West Medical School 5 years ago. It would be built today on the Harris School on Southhard! Mandy Miles + her parents walking route for this month. iPhone's; all 3 have would have cardiac arrest iapps! Navy really did suppress this technology the last 5 years. Yale Key West Medical School once Ok'ed by the 1984 III MD Dictators will be built over the Harris School 1905 or New Condo's 2016... Yale Elite in the next generation of Key West will save the life of Steve Jobs no matter what is printed in the news papers today, grin. "10 Ways Women Can Prevent Heart Disease" February 1, 2016 - Lauren Woods - Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine. UConn. “Heart disease is still the number one killer of women in our country,” says Ferris, assistant professor of medicine at the Pat and Jim Calhoun Cardiovascular Center at UConn Health. “ Key West Navy Honor Killings of women via Cardiac Arrest is brainwashing by the Navy Commanders since Greg Flew into KW to build a Medical School. “Absolutely don’t smoke cigarettes,” stresses Kim. “Smoking is one of the leading threats to your cardiac health. It narrows and hardens your arteries. “Exercise is the best medicine,” Target heart rate of Mandy Mile and her parents would be recorded on a 2016 iPhone. Atoms - alcohol + lead on Duval Key West! Higher salt intake is associated with high blood pressure or hypertension, one of the leading risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Salt atoms at every Duval Restaurant on the front page or in Tan Lines written by Mandy Miles in memory of her parents cardiac arrest. Key West Cops are arresting the wrong criminals, grin.

2-1-2016 Mary, Mary Trillions of Year's and $777 Trillion in Gas...

Key West may require students to submit to an alcohol breath test, Board of Education failed with the alcohol atom lectures! Every Day of 2016 this story could be front page on the NY Times... 73-year-old Eastlake man is under arrest after his car struck two pedestrians, killing both victims. The driver has been arrested and will be charged in Willoughby Municipal Court on Monday February 1, 2016 with operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs , aggravated vehicular homicide and aggravated vehicular assault, among others. He was not injured in the crash. The crash happened Saturday at 6:30 p.m. on Lost Nation Road in Willoughby, between Pelton Road and Apollo Parkway. The pedestrians, a 50-year-old man and a 57-year-old woman, both from Eastlake, were walking along the side of the road when they were struck from behind by a Chevy pick-up truck. Both were taken to Lake West Medical Center, where the woman died from her injuries

2-1-2016 Mary, Mary Trillions of Year's and $777 Trillion in Gas...

2-1-2016 TOKYO Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T) said on Monday it would halt production at all car assembly plants in Japan from Feb. 8 to Feb. 13 due to a steel shortage following an explosion at a steel plant of one of its affiliates. Steel Plant explodes and other 13 year old girls are murdered and died in a fiery car crash don't make the front page of the New York Times.

2-1-2016 Mary, Mary Trillions of Year's and $777 Trillion in Gas...

2-1-2016 Mary, Mary Trillions of Year's and $777 Trillion in Gas...

2-1-2016 LONDON — Scientists in the UK have been granted permission to genetically modify human embryos in a bid to gain a deeper understanding of the earliest moments of human life. Following the green light from regulators Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), experiments could begin in the next few months, according to the BBC. However, scientists will not be allowed to implant the embryos into a woman. The research — which will be undertaken at the Francis Crick Institute in London on embryos in the first seven days after fertilisation — could uncover what causes miscarriages. In the UK, it's estimated that a miscarriage occurs in 15-20% of pregnancies, with 85% of miscarriages occurring in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. "The reason why it is so important is because miscarriages and infertility are extremely common, but they're not very well understood," Dr Kathy Niakan of the Francis Crick Institute said earlier this year.

2-1-2016 Lead Atoms... what causes miscarriages?

2-1-2016 Lead Atoms... what causes miscarriages?

2-1-2016 Lead Atoms... what caused our 1984 II Top Quarks to do so many "Honor Killings" just for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues? Brain Syphilis! Grin.

2-1-2016 Lead Atoms... Astronomers have discovered a giant ball of hot gas, billions of light years away, that is radiating the energy of hundreds of billions of suns. The ball may be the most powerful supernova ever seen, a study in the journal Science reports. At the center is an object about 10 miles in diameter that scientists think might be a rare type of star called a magnetar.

2-1-2016 Lead Atoms... what causes miscarriages of Cable TV is 1984 II Dictators brain syphilis left uncured since 2001. 50 Super Bowl commericals will be rerun on every Cable Channel for all for 2016 - not one IP invention project that will lead to the Gravity Engine or Jewish Aliens will be on Comcast in 2016. Sony TV production could hack with a update the Smart box... signal so you can use your Sony remote on the your New Sony Ultra. Then let Comcast go to court for the next several years, grin. Trump could make Headlines that will win him votes today by ordering all Sony TV's must work without the Comcast Box!!

Our TVs and the services that send video to them have changed radically over the last 15 years, but we still rent cable and satellite boxes as if it were 2001 all over again.

The obvious option to renting a digital video recorder or tuner is to buy a TiVo DVR. But a) that doesn’t work with satellite, and b) the $15/month service fee makes it hard to save money unless you can snag the occasional sale on a TiVo with lifetime service included.

It used to be that you could count on getting local cable channels with only a digital TV’s built-in “QAM” tuner, but cable operators increasingly encrypt that feed. That lets cable firms turn on service for a new customer without sending a truck to their house, but it also inconveniences people like the reader who sent me the e-mail above.

Depending on your TV provider, you may be able to get rid of the boxes attached to the second or third TVs in your house and subtract their $10 or so monthly add-on costs from your budget.

Time Warner Cable, the second-largest cable operator in the U.S., is more flexible than most about this. It provides apps to view your channel lineup on a Roku media player, an Xbox 360 game console and some Samsung smart TVs as well as iOS and Android devices.

(New York-area viewers can also try a newer, Roku-only option that doesn’t require a conventional box on the first TV in the house; service starts at $9.99 a month, but a package with ESPN and the other usual big-name channels runs $49.99.)

Charter, which is lobbying for government approval to buy TWC, offers a similar app for Roku boxes, which start at $50.

Verizon’s Fios TV includes apps that allow box-free viewing on Xbox 360 and Xbox One consoles and Samsung smart TVs and Blu-ray players, while AT&T’s U-Verse has apps for iOS, Android, Amazon’s Fire TV players and Xbox One consoles.

With other cable services, however, you either have to content yourself to watching TV on a tablet or phone or deal with connecting a laptop to the TV, with or without wires.

For instance, Comcast, the largest cable firm in the U.S., offers iOS and Android apps. But since it disables video output in each, your only no-box viewing option is to bring up its TV Go site in a laptop’s Chrome browser, then send that video to a Chromecast plugged into a set.

Optimum offers a similar set of video apps with the same overall issues, while Cox only offers Web access to “some of your favorite TV networks.”

Satellite broadcasters DirecTV and Dish Network also offer iOS and Android apps as well as Web streaming. The former also allows box-free viewing of DirecTV programming on extra TVs in your home if they include a feature called RVU, but that costs extra.

Finally, you can watch many channels you pay for in their own apps and at their sites if you log in with your cable or satellite account -- an option that prior studies have found goes unused by many viewers.

2-1-2016 Lead Atoms... what causes miscarriages?

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

"Gravity Engine" # 1... Airbus GB1984KW series of heavy lift helicopter combines... Don't Fly Today!! But should dominate Pakistan!!

1-31-2016 Airbus AS350 series of helicopters... fly NYC tourists over NYC.

1-31-2016 Airbus GB1984KW series of heavy lift helicopter combines... Don't Fly Today!! But should dominate Pakistan!!

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Honor Killings via Tim Cook; Bill Gates; Steve Jobs!

1-31-2016 Oscar-nominated documentary of Tim Cook + Elton John who tried to stand up to "Pakistan Moslem Generals" culture that allows “honor killings.” light years from the USA's "Joint Chiefs of Staff Generals..." Honor Killings! Bill Gates on a Deserted Island "Honor Killing" Czar of Russian, thank God only one in a trillion "Revolutions" are successful. French Revolution II as there are 7 million Muslins in Paris and they all hate cartoons of Tim Cook + Elton John. French Cartoon Journalists have a God not Allah given right to write Cartoons of a drunk Allah at a gay wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West. Lead Ammo off course for one reason or another killing kids DNA is why War is hell. Einstein is Honored with E=mc2, NBC Nightly News condemns anyone brainstorming a way to travel faster than the speed of light. Satellites that can talk to you on the moon or mars as if you were here on Earth. Pakistani woman named Saba Qaiser. Her Odyssey began when she fell in love against her family’s wishes and ran off to marry her boyfriend. Hours after the marriage, her father and uncle sweet-talked her into their car - Kerry sweet talking the Pakistan Generals into gasoline cars instead of the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts! Many Kids died in Hot Cars in Pakistan too. Kerry + Pakistan Generals pointed a pistol at her head and pulled the trigger. Blood spewed, Saba collapsed... there are 2 Saba's here, one SWF's who drive's a gasoline car the other Saba with no car. She staggered toward a gasoline station, and someone called for help... Saba in the USA was burned to death in the fiery car crash, no one came to help with a documentary Movie of her "Girl on Fire" death in the USA. 90 fiery car crash's... every 90 minutes, an honor killing unfolds somewhere in the world, usually in a Muslim country. Pakistan alone has more than 1,000 a year, and the killers often go unpunished... Joint Chiefs of Staff Generals kill more than a 1,000 in the USA. Tim Cook + Elton John hate crimes; abuse and oppression that is the lot of so many women and girls around the world. Saba’s story underscores how the existing law lets people literally get away with murder when honor is the excuse. Mary Kennedy's murder by Robert Kennedy Jr. can not make the front page of the New York Times! Period! Saba's better off shot in the head in Pakistan by there clan than the Kennedy Clan that owns the Kennedy Barn and the Judge! Nicholas Kristof who wrote of Saba in the NY Times can't write about Mary Kennedy!! Since 9/11, the United States has spent billions of dollars reshaping Afghanistan and Pakistan with the military Joint Chiefs of Staff Generals doing the buying and selling. Honor Killing with H-Bombs is classified from the Joint Chiefs of Staff Generals by the CIA. "A Plague of Helicopters Is Ruining New York" By ADRIAN BENEPE and MERRITT BIRNBAUM "Joint Chiefs of Staff" in Pakistan the last 20 years could have armed the Moslem Generals with Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines but didn't even bring this invention up. Adrian + Merritt wrote up tourists helicopter in Manhattan not Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines, how they harvest the different crops and package them. Honor at the New York Times has been killed off. I think everyone would agree after reading about what has been done with the Helicopter Invention.

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming... in Key West looking around for the hidden cameras. Mandy Miles in Key West wrote up hidden cameras, "I was looking around for Hidden cameras" in her typing test at the Citizen Newspaper Office in 1998. 3 days later she got the job and has been here. 1998 to 2016. ElectricWindmillFord Escort had not ever been her Escort to and from the Citizen News paper. Greg + Wives I hope to get in Key West have been applying for a job too. But with the 1984 II Dictators who really do have lots of hidden cameras. Mom + Dad here in KW for a month starting tomorrow Mandy writes. Escort has been a windfall, 101 inventions more since Greg flew into KW on March 3, 2011. Windblown inventions will fall off the Greg + Wives assembly line in key west when those watching the hidden cameras hire us to Invent! Mandy's + Greg's walking route from Faustos through old town will collide some time.

"Gravity Engine" # 1... Airbus GB1984KW series of heavy lift helicopter combines... Don't Fly Today!! But should dominate Pakistan!!

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Airbus AS350 series of helicopters... fly NYC tourists over NYC.

1-31-2016 Airbus GB1984KW series of heavy lift helicopter combines... Don't Fly Today!! But should dominate Pakistan!!

1-31-2016 Airbus AS350 series of helicopters, one of the most popular among tour operators, produces approximately 950 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per hour; the average car produces 22 pounds per hour. There are often eight helicopters motoring on the downtown heliport at any time. For those living and working nearby, that’s like 340 cars idling outside your window. Conservatively estimated, the 56,000 annual tourist flights have a carbon footprint greater than 6,000 metric tons

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

"Gravity Engine" # 1... Airbus GB1984KW series of heavy lift helicopter combines... Don't Fly Today!! But should dominate Pakistan!!

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Airbus GB1984KW series of heavy lift helicopter combines...

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Magnetoencephalography (MEG). MEG uses sensors outside the head to record the magnetic fields, which result from the electric currents of active nerve cells. The measurements allow conclusions to be drawn about the activity in certain areas of the brain. "In the raw MEG data, signals from several brain areas are mixed and have to be separated as well as possible using advanced mathematical methods," Brainstorm this invention with a few wives instead of watching Super Bowl 50... grin!

1-31-2016 Human brain uses several frequency channels for communication...

1-31-2016 News-Medical.net In the brain, the visual cortex processes visual information and passes it from lower to higher areas of the brain. However, information also flows in the opposite direction. Apple-Starbucks iTV will make these kind of shows not Apple with Tim Cook.

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 proton radiotherapy seems to result in an acceptable degree of toxicity and had similar survival outcomes to those achieved with photon-based radiotherapy... sad article on kids with cancer. Didn't mention kids at Saint Jude Auschwitz though.

1-30-2016 Trump's UN HQ in his NYC Super Bowl Commercial will reveal a Star Wars UN Building with a new Name... United Nations has been fired by Trump long ago but not headlines yet, grin. Give the UN a new name when I am elected and I will fly to the moon, mars + nearest 52 Stars as the first President Astronaut... ha.

1-30-2016 "Acura Taps Van Halen for a Hard-Driving Super Bowl 50 Commercial" New York Times - Fleetwood Mac's “Landslide” served as the perfect soundtrack for Budweiser's heartwarming 2013 ad where a Clydesdale reunited with its former trainer.

1-30-2016 Saying 'We Are All Jews,' is Obama' then Obama kills all the Paris Jews with H Bombs he bought for Pakistan Moslem Generals in Holocaust II + III New York Times - Today! 32.675 traffic fatalities occurred nationwide in 2014. Same in 2015, 2016; how many were Jews? Obama did murdered 99% of these statics by suppressing the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Exodus... grin!!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 Saying 'We Are All Jews,' is Obama' then Obama kills 100 million with French Plans for Mideast Peace Effort, and Recognition of Palestine if It Fails By RICK GLADSTONE and STEVEN ERLANGER The announcement was criticized by Israeli officials who said it would encourage the Palestinians not to negotiate seriously. Plans to attack Paris for Allah Cartoons include 120 H-Bombs just off the Pakistan assembly lines in 2015 and few more off the assembly lines this month. Top Secret Clinton emails Hell, how many H-Bombs did Pakistan make this month? Israeli officials have been told by Kerry and believe him no H-Bombs will explode in view of the Eiffel Tower, this is a George Orwell lie, think of all of Clinton's lie's on TV... now Kerry has lied more about Pakistan H-Bombs and the Israeli Jews with Top Secret Clearance can hack into the Verizon conversations by Pakistan Moslems like Hillary should have done with Bill's conversations, grin. Tim Cook's hate crimes against women will be the cartoon that enrages the Pakistan Generals they decide to use the H-Bomb suicide vest. Hillary needed iPhone conversations of Bill emailed soon as he hung up. Mary Kennedy too. 19K murders of women will be 100 million over the next Cartoon about Tim Cook! If Kerry doesn't email us the iPhone conversations of Pakistan Generals asap!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 Saying 'We Are All Jews,' is Obama' The Facts About Lead Exposure and Its Irreversible Damage. Damage by Kerry, McCain, Kennedy... Irreversible with Mary Kennedy hanged in the Kennedy Barn. All these men killed women + children. Lead at Yale; yes the Yale Alumni know the facts about lead before their first day of classes at Yale. DNA II + III Nobel's have not been awarded to Yale Men or Women yet but will. How many more Nobel's can Yale's Elite get from DNA discoveries, 1,001. DNA analysis of breast tissue can clue in on the future development of breast cancer. Epigenetic changes had been found to limit the cells' ability to differentiate, paving the way for cancerous cells to grow. Kerry's Boeing Jew used lead fuel and few atoms of lead gets into the cabin of course. DNA Nobel II + III might win from this research. All the women serving Kerry Starbucks... then giving birth. Bill + Melinda have tracked down mosquitos, new elements besides lead will win someone a Nobel. Lead atoms in breast; how many? Flint Weighs Scope of Harm to Children Caused by Lead in Water. As officials try to track how many children in Flint, Mich., would have won a Nobel in Medicine if the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord was made assembled by Mon + Dad. Autism caused by a atom in DNA, maybe lead maybe some other element will win someone a Nobel.

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 Saying 'We Are All Jews,' is Obama' President Obama announced Saturday Today that he will seek $4 billion from Congress to dramatically increase the number of children who have access to computer science classes in school knowing Bill + Melinda will charge $3.9 Billion for C++ software. C++ Microsoft tutoring videos will cost $584 more for each student. Obama failed the Bill + Melinda Greed Class at yale.

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

* 1-30-2016 Saying 'We Are All Jews,' Bush's plan to defeat the Islamic State, gave Mecca + Allah "Jews" Exodus money of $777 Trillion the unimportant $1 Trillion the Jews took from Texas Oil Money will not get them to Jewish Aliens at each of the nearest 52 Stars!!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 Jews at Boeing can put the Top Brass under pressure to fly to the nearest 52 stars! Boeing's newest airliner took to the sky for the first time on Friday. The Boeing 737 Max flew from the company's Renton, Washington, factory for a 2 1/2-hour maiden flight before landing at Boeing Field near Seattle. 737 Max the Max means it can fly into Orbit for 15 minutes then land in Paris. Max means it can inspire Star Travel Boeings! Jew have been flown to Hell by Wounded Warriors at War on Earth HQ that keeps Alien Jews Top Secret in State Dept Emails, grin.

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 Jews Bank of Japan stunned by $777 Trillion told Yoko Ono not to waste her money on another full page ad in the New York Times. Yoko should buy a Super Bowl Commercial for iPhone 7 killer iapps for NYC cops body cam's... hear them as they lay in wait to kill you is a iapp technology Yoko can pay to have invented for her.

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 "Review: 'Fifty Shades of Black' Sells Sex With (Intentional) Laughs" New York Times - “Fifty shades of terrible!” STD's HIV's Syphilis, MS Virus FCC truth in advertising laws have been broken by Black promoting sex with terrible diseases the CIA torture Unit refused to use on Moslems, grin.

1-30-2016 Obama, 22 inner circle black friends to diseases with STD's to make public... 22 Clinton Emails Deemed Too Classified to Be Made Public.

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 NYC BP Oil - Evacuation Day was New York’s biggest holiday in the 19th century. Today, the anniversary of the British evacuation of New York in 1783 has been so forgotten that City Council lawyers are resisting efforts to name a street after the historical event the holiday commemorates. The British departure, after seven dismal years of occupation.

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 NYC BP Oil - Yale Oxford Harvard, was he British too? British Occupation of Gasoline! DNA II + III Nobel's given by the King of Sweden, as he will have to mention this British occupation of gasoline in the USA. Picture in the New York Times of George Washington in Times Square. “‘Evacuation Day’ and Washington’s Triumphal Entry in New York City, Nov. 25th, 1783,” a 19th-century print. Credit Via Library of Congress - 1980 Jimmy Carter sitting in the ElectricWindmillFord Escort convertible in the exact place as Washington in 1783 - Ironic 1980 and 1783. 1983 BP Oil and the British would have been bankrupt. Prince Charles Wounded Warriors traded in for Star Wars and Jewish Aliens. British Slave Owners Today own SWF sex slaves they trade back and forth with Saudi Araba Princes. Nothing about the ruling class has changed since 1783. Czar of Russia and Putin in the New York Times Today about his Secret Swiss Bank Account fueled by Russian Oil. A departing British warship passing through the Narrows fired a spiteful parting shot — purportedly the last round of the Revolutionary War. Star Wars depends on the Exodus Spirit of the Jews today. $1 Trillion in Texas Oil kickback won't get Jewish Aliens to Times Square. “The Encyclopedia of New York City,” said, “Few Americans know that Brooklyn was the site of the biggest battle of the American Revolution — that the prison ships in New York harbor were the scene of the war’s greatest tragedy, that George Washington and the British commanders all saw New York City and the Hudson River Valley as the keys to victory, that New York City was the headquarters of both the British Army and the Royal Navy for all seven years of the conflict and that the war ended when the redcoats evacuated from Manhattan, and George Washington rode triumphantly down Broadway to say farewell to his officers at Fraunces Tavern.”

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 737 Max 2 1/2-hour maiden flight; 24/7 Brainstorming via Greg + Wives!

1-30-2016 After an article in The New York Times about...

1-30-2016 After an article in The New York Times about...

1-29-2016 "Iranian Oil Shipper Hopes to Make Up for Lost Time as Sanctions End" By THOMAS ERDBRINK New York Times Today. Iran Oil is shipping to Duval Key West today via the New York Times. Galactic, Gigantic Poison Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our kids DNA.

1-29-2016 After an article in The New York Times about...

1-29-2016 After an article in The New York Times about...

1-29-2016 After an article in The New York Times about the glass-and-mahogany display cases at Trump Tower, new violations were issued in July, which led to a hearing at the city’s Environmental Control Board on Thursday. Susan Brand, an administrative judge, did not issue a ruling, but Michael Cohen, a vice president and special counsel at the Trump Organization, said after the hour long hearing that he believed it would not be in the company’s favor. Rather than wait for the decision, Mr. Cohen said he expected the Trump Organization to remove both kiosks and replace a 22-foot marble bench that one of the sales counters had displaced. He estimated the work could be done in two to four weeks. Gigantic Poison Gas Cloud is on Collision Course with New Yorkers DNA. Made Visible after an article in the New York Times. Boeing was aware of the health risks, everyone who ever read the NY Times is aware of the Health risk of Poison gas exhaust. Aware of those who profits reached $777 Trillion from selling gas is not posted in the Trump Towers kiosks a violation of God's Laws. Trump fired God... visual cortex kiosks at Trump Towers in the glass-and-mahogany display cases + Ultra 100" LG monitors elect 1984 III MD Women Dictators sooner than later, and all are Ms Universe Inventors!

1-29-2016 Love to Fly... 'We've lost 'em, God bless 'em': What it was like to witness the Challenger disaster... What it is like to witness the Challenger II + III today not flying into Orbit for 15 min then landing in Paris in view of the 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School built on an Eiffel Tower Structure. Jimmy Carter blew up these 3 Challenger Shuttles + the 2016 Electric WindmillFord Escort Era... with the USS Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine Fleet. Ford’s Annual Profit Surges to $7.4 Billion section B - page 4 By BILL VLASIC New York Times. $777 Trillion Profit Surges for Iran Oil. Gigantic Poison Gas Cloud on Collision Course with our kids DNA. If this were lead government sanctions would be placed on Iran + Ford.

1-29-2016 Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy...

1-29-2016 Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy...

1-29-2016 Love to InventSomething... Microsoft's big Windows 10 push is part of broader strategy that will lead to H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris while Bill + Melinda Gates watch from Dubai. NFL Super bowl 50 with no touchdown - 50 inventions for our Habitat for Humanity. Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University with 100" LG Ultra's and Paris with a MacBook Pro at every café table will get Trillions of Nobel's in Medicine a Year. Not exactly Bill + Melinda giving Mosquitos Nets to people in Africa, instead of MacBook Pro's or PC's. Amazon's $482 Million profit in 4Q still misses analysts' mark, analysts miss the mark on the flight. Earth is the 747 traveling in the Universe and the CIA + KGB analysts miss the mark. Orgy at the AF HQ in Colorado blew up the Challenger II + III that fly's into Orbit. Trillion dollars the CIA + KGB gave Microsoft since Challenger Exploded was all a waste of money. iapps for 52 Pick up game of the 52 nearest stars all with Jewish Aliens was never pre-loaded in any PC with malice on the parts of Bill + Melinda Gates.

1-29-2016 Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy...

1-29-2016 Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy...

1-29-2016 NFL Super bowl 50 with no touchdown - 50 inventions for our Habitat for Humanity. Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University with 100" LG Ultra's and Paris with a MacBook Pro at every café table will take an iwatch purchase to see how much time this will take. 50 Super Bowl commercials are going to be about 50 IP invention projects with "Gravity Engine" # 1. Edison built the electric generator without knowing electrons move from one to the next atom, first electron does not flow through the wire and come out as electricity, you knew this; right?

1-29-2016 Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy...

1-29-2016 Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy...

1-29-2016 Love to end all head on collisions in 2016. Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy. In case you didn't know, a huge - like, on a galactic scale - cloud of gas is currently speeding toward our galaxy at 700,000 mph. In case you didn't read everything in this web the No-Head-On Collisions accessory for cars and trucks was invented a decade ago and of course suppressed by our 1984 II top brass and the Ford top quarks who also keep the ElectricWindmillFord Escort off their assembly lines. People veering into the on coming traffic must be thousands a year and all could have been prevented by our 1984 II Dictators. This is why I write they must have brain syphilis! Invisible gas clouds on Duval Key West are now visible. Also visible is kids walking up and down Duval collision with spray painted black clouds of poison gas exhaust from trillion scooters with kids DNA that divides 1 billion times a day in collision with poison gas exhaust molecules and atoms. If this were Lead Duval would have been shut down to cars + scooters!

1-29-2016 Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy...

1-29-2016 Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy...

1-29-2016 Love to InventSomething 24/7 ... best endings in Hollywood history. Audrey Hepburn would be alive today if Jimmy Carter didn't murder her like Biden Murdered Beau. Yes 1981 year after the Shock + Awe of the ElectricWindmillFord Greg + Wives would have gotten the cure for cancer. ...best endings in Hollywood history... are yet to come when Sony's made for the Pentagon Movies are rated MD for the 1984 III MD Dictators. Fairy-tale Paris doesn't get more enchanting than Billy Wilder's Love in the Afternoon, an ode to picnics on the grass and champagne at the Ritz. Audrey Hepburn (who had already made Sabrina with Wilder) is at her best as the inexperienced cellist with a fascination for millionaire American playboy Gary Cooper. Maurice Chevalier (who else?) is Hepburn's father, a private detective with ample evidence of Cooper's crowded history of l'amour. Alongside the sheen of the romance is Wilder's unerring sense of craftsmanship; watch how inanimate objects such as a liquor tray, a white carnation, or the little dog in the suite next door are developed into sublime running gags. The age difference between the two leads has often been questioned, but perhaps this is what gives the gossamer material the whiff of welcome melancholy. The final three minutes leave no doubt that Wilder hatched the best endings in Hollywood history.

1-29-2016 Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy...

1-29-2016 Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy...

1-29-2016 Love to InventSomething 24/7 ...no doubt that Gas Stations Today will make the best endings in Hollywood history when the New York Times leak the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort is finally on the Ford assembly line in production... end to gas stations in the USA will make the best Shock + Awe ending to Mission Impossible + Mission Accomplished - final 3 minutes of the scientists "Doomsday iWatch" count down to 100's of Moslem Made H Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower is reset to 4 minutes and sent back to Tim Cook. God is Great Chants from Tim Cook are on their way to the edge of the Universe. Allah wants to write a different ending to this Movie and has help from covert 1984 II Dictators in the USA.

1-29-2016 Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy...

1-29-2016 Gigantic Gas Cloud on Collision Course With Our Galaxy...

1-29-2016 Love to InventSomething 24/7 ... in a legal Polygamous Marriage made in Heaven at the Hemingway House in Key West using iapps that let us all write on the same page at the same time and put a invention in every chapter, finish the Nobel Novel by midnight too.

1-29-2016 Love to InventSomething 24/7 ...

1-29-2016 Love to InventSomething 24/7 ...

1-29-2016 Four Alaska Airlines flight attendants filed a lawsuit against Boeing... Gigantic Poison Gas Cloud on Collision Course with their DNA.

1-29-2016 Four Alaska Airlines flight attendants filed a lawsuit against Boeing... Gigantic Poison Gas Cloud on Collision Course with their DNA.

1-29-2016 Modern commercial jets are designed to siphon heated air, drawn from the engines, for use in cabin pressurization and air-conditioning systems. Occasionally, that air can become contaminated with traces of engine oil or hydraulic fluid, provoking acute symptoms, sometimes called aerotoxic syndrome, that later subside. Airlines and regulators closely monitor such risks, but some pilots’ and flight attendants’ unions worry about the health risks of repeated exposure to toxic substances. Four Alaska Airlines flight attendants filed a lawsuit against Boeing last year after they fell unconscious when toxic fumes entered the cabin during a flight in 2013, forcing an emergency landing in Chicago. Their lawsuit claims that Boeing was aware of the health risks from contaminated “bleed air,” while the company has long maintained that cabin air is safe to breathe.


1-29-2016 A million dollar super computer simulation via Los Alamos would have convinced Steve Jobs to have surgery that afternoon.

1-29-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

Nice! Link below is new video added today.


1-29-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-29-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-29-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-29-2016 Women MD's Put Vagina Discharge Pictures on Front Page NY Times - in reply to "Using iPhones to Connect Children to Health Care" By Perri Klass, M.D.

1-29-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-28-2016 Los Alamos scientists; owners of a "Doomsday Clock" bought the "Doomsday iWatch" from Tim Cook. Moslem Generals in Pakistan built 120 H Bombs in the last 12 months for Tim Cooks Paris Wedding. Challenger H-Bombs, yes Pakistan Generals named their H-bombs for Tim Cook... Obama.

1-28-2016 space shuttle Challenger roared away from Earth 30 years ago Today, only CNN was covering it live for a national audience. Boeing's Invention performance was significantly affected by 1984 II Top Gun Pilots probably from the AF who refused to Invent a Space Shuttle that could fly into orbit from a airport. Everyone reading this "Knows" Greg + Wives in Key West will invent on a super computer simulation at Los Alamos a Challenger II Shuttle that will fly into orbit taking off from a airport. AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains, is the only answer for them not inventing this or even running it on a Los Alamos Super computer simulation. George Orwell's 1984 is libel for the Invention Doldrums and of course Boeing Top Brass. Pilots at Marshall and booster contractor Morton Thiokol overruled concerns by Thiokol scientists that their booster might fail in the sub-freezing temperatures at the Kennedy Space Center.

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

1-28-2-16 Germany's Jews mark Holocaust as new threat rises - "Saint Jude Auschwitz!" Poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West, the DNA evidence is finally run on a Los Alamos super computers and the poison gasoline exhaust killed more kids than Jews at Auschwitz! As Germany's dwindling survivors of Nazi death camps mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day... Germany's Top Brass know they will be put on trail again for another "Gas" Holocaust run by BP Oil men in London. "Saudi Arabia Keeps Pumping Oil, Despite Financial and Political Risk" By STANLEY REED New York Times. Even as petroleum prices plummet and the kingdom burns through its financial reserves, the Saudis are betting they can win an oil war of attrition. Win the $777 Trillion dollar lottery over the MD's at Saint Jude Auschwitz. 1 Billion barrels of oil a day and 1 Billion times a day a kids DNA divides, growing kids in Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity. God + Jimmy Carter... no letter to God by Jimmy Carter can get him out of Hell. A girl was sitting in a running car with her 23-year-old mother, Sashalynn Rosa, and her 1-year-old brother, Messiah Bonilla, while the woman’s husband was shoveling out the vehicle on Saturday night. They did not realize that some snow had blocked the car’s exhaust pipe, causing the deadly fumes to fill the vehicle. They were all taken to a hospital, where Ms. Rosa and her son were pronounced dead a short time later. Jimmy Carter did not realize that the car's exhaust poison gas was causing brain cancer in his grandson's DNA... A Space Station, With Surveillance Cameras for Hire. Surveillance Cameras for Greg + Wives in Key West, Biden's Moonshot for the Rx Cancer Cure counterplot is the 1980 Ford, Cured the Saudi Oil Embargo but gave Beau Brain Cancer. Covert CIA plot do prevent the cure of Brain + breast Cancer by Greg + Wives in Key West. 1984 II surveillance cameras, YouTube videos in Clinton's State Department emails. Jimmy Carters email to God to keep him out of Hell. Tolstoy + Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau - wrote "Confessions". 155 Story Yale Key West Eiffel Tower will be the only Medical School designed for tourists, grin. Realizing Jewish Aliens might need elective surgery too.

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

1-28-2016 Coor's in Colorado will be put on trail for Holocaust II + III. Yes gas exhaust holocaust + Alcohol Holocaust. News every semester of a sorority member who was hospitalized for alcohol-related - CNN + Fox News never cover live the 19K women murdered every year since the shuttle Challenger exploded. These women for the most part were killed by a man drunk on Coors!

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

1-28-2016 Toyota stays No. 1 automaker, sells 10.15M vehicles in 2015 - Los Alamos super computer simulation of all the gas exhaust from 10 million Toyota's would have been like the Challenger Exploding. AF Pilots in Charge of their space at 1984 II HQ would track these poison gas molecules like we track a thunder storm coming to Key West on our iPhone 7. Royal Dutch Shell shareholders on Wednesday approved the acquisition of the BG Group, the Britain-based oil and gas producer, for about $50 billion. 50 Billion poison gas molecules smash into some kids DNA today. CERN smashing atoms not poison gas atoms in the air their children breath in.

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

1-28-2016 Comcast NBC $100 Billion every 3 months since the Challenger Exploded because they get a kickback, from Texas Oil Men for not reporting live the suppression of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. “It’s time to unlock the set-top box market — let’s let innovators create, and then let consumers choose,” Tom Wheeler, chairman of the F.C.C., wrote of the proposal on the technology. NBC Today Show has know about 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year iapps and refused to mention them on the Today Show. Let the viewers work on IP invention projects, Hell No. Today Show Junk interviews are light years from 100 million viewers turning on the Today Invention Projects! Comcast + NBC top brass along with Bill + Melinda Gates killed our Habitat for Humanity that would have cured cancer + mosquitos decades ago. Tom Wheeler, chairman of the F.C.C., gov. pay $$$ and perks rose 184% a year paid by Texas Oil men. His let’s let innovators create... is a meaning less George Orwell Hell No We Won't Go Scream. Like Pope Frances yesterday with the President of Iran. Oh my God $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues! Bush Shock + Awe is $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues since the Shuttle Challenger Exploded. $231 a year to lease the cable set top box from Comcast, NBC. 231 IP invention projects are know by Comcast, NBC, Bill + Melinda Gates but not put on cable Channel linked to Los Alamos or Rx Recipes for a cancer cure.

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in our 1984 II Society are the Masterminds of spending $300 million on Lavishly Orgy's for Vets when Beau died of brain cancer and Ms Beau died of breast cancer at Walter Reed. AF Pilots have no flights to invent + brainstorm a cure for cancer. "Wounded Warrior Project Spends Lavishly on Itself, Insiders Say" New York Times - JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - In 2014, after 10 years of rapid growth, the Wounded Warrior Project flew its roughly 500 employees to Colorado Springs for an “all hands” meeting at the five-star Broadmoor hotel. AF HQ is here in Colorado Spring.

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1878 The Yale Daily News prints its first issue, beginning with the words, “The innovation which we begin by this morning’s issue is justified by the dullness of the times, and the demand for news among us.” The Harvard Crimson, Harvard dining is adding flavored water to its drink selection. The new drink options will be flavored with fruits and enhanced with vitamins. The university is outsourcing their flavored water to the supplier Aquahealth. The new addition sounds very similar to “spa water,” which is available at several residential college dining halls. Yale + Harvard Medical School President's comments on Spa water and Aquahealth water were not written up by the Student Journalists at the Harvard Crimson or Yale Daily. All New York Times Journalists will have a MD degree in 2017. by order of the 1984 III Dictators, all Women and all with a MD. Yale will offer a masters in time traveling, next year. MD required to get into the program. Harvard fund raising got $1.1 billion in 2015 and will get another $1.1 billion in 2016 all from the $777 Trillion Pope Francis was screaming on my God about yesterday. Sinosphere: Sellers of Donkey Gelatin, a Chinese Cure in Crisis, Seek a State Remedy - Yale and Harvard students can write up these Chinese Cure's in iapps... give them a F grade or a C grade. Trumpless Debate on medical cure's. Aquahealth water ++

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

1-28-2016 AF Pilots in charge of NASA today must have syphilis in their brains

Oh My God screams from Pope Francis! $777 Trillion in a Swiss Bank! Oh my God... Oh My God screams from Pope Francis! $777 Trillion in a Swiss Bank! Oh my God... Oh My God screams from Pope Francis! $777 Trillion in a Swiss Bank! Oh my God.

1-27-2016 "Gregarious $$$ Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Gregarious $$$ Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Black Ice" is a "Black Soul" reflection of the minds and intellects din of the thoughts of Black 1984 II guys in NYC Today. Many are at the New York Times screaming Oh My God $777 Trillion in Iran Oil Money in a Swiss Bank!

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran Gets Down to Oil Business" By THE NEW YORK TIMES President Hassan Rouhani is visiting Europe, meeting Pope Francis, inking "Oil Holocaust II + III" business deals at the Same Swiss Banks Hitler used. "Saint Jude Auschwitz!" is not in the CBS "Wounded Warriors" money raising commercials as the same guys at CBS who complained about the 5 Star Air Force Hotel Orgy in Colorado censor "Saint Jude Auschwitz!" from fund raiser ads on CBS that get $300 million a month at just $19 a month you can support a Wounded Warrior $$$. Pope Francis and Hassan Rouhani of Iran Discuss $777 Trillion in Cash, Profound amount of money... By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO Stressed the importance of just having this amount of money in a Swiss Bank! Oh My God screams from Pope Francis! $777 Trillion in a Swiss Bank! Oh my God.

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Holocaust Victims Honored 71 Years After Auschwitz Liberated" New York Times - WARSAW, Poland - Dozens of elderly Holocaust survivors lit candles at Auschwitz on Wednesday, exactly 71 years after the Soviet army liberated the death camp that has become the most powerful symbol of the human suffering inflicted by Nazi Germany. "Saint Jude Auschwitz!" Putin + Berlin George Orwell guys know about the poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West sending kids to "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Saint Jude Auschwitz!" 71 years after the last gas stations are closed...

1-27-2016 "Saint Jude Auschwitz!" 71 years after the last gas stations are closed...

Apple not "Iran Oil" For the quarter that ended Dec. 26, Apple said it sold 74.8 million iPhones. In total, revenue was $75.9 billion. Net profit was $18.4 billion. “Doomsday Clock” is the Apple iWatch with 3 minutes to hear Jewish Aliens. Pakistan Muslims built 120 H Bombs in the quarter that ended Dec. 25. Heaven is 72 virgins!! Tim Cook hates women... so what is Heaven? No Soul-Mate for the next 4 trillion years for these Cooks at Apple + Pakistan!

1-27-2016 By NICHOLAS CASEY and PATRICIA TORRES Venezuela’s newly empowered opposition wants to give away the deeds to hundreds of thousands of government-built homes — to win the loyalties of the poor. By NICHOLAS CASEY and PATRICIA Torres 1984 III MD Wives Coup D'Etat newly empowered opposition wants to Cure Brain + Breast Cancers Overnight to hundreds of thousands of millions who's home is their body without the fear of government-built cancers like poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West — to win the loyalties of those willing to work 24/7 on 1,001 IP in a polygamous Marriage. 1984 II guys May Hate Hugo Chávez, but They didn't like His failed cancer treatment. By NICHOLAS CASEY and PATRICIA TORRES

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 By AATISH TASEER The R.S.S., a Hindu nationalist organization, is making a play for control of Indian intellectual life. 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year and 777 times faster than the speed of light is NOT for India!! A Hindu was given the "Medal of Honor" for making the assembly line that gave India 120 H Bombs in 2016. No Hindu will ever make a Hospital Assembly line for 120 million sick people to line up for!

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 In China, Most hospitals require patients to take tickets to determine the order in which they are seen for nonemergency treatment. Often the tickets are sold for a fee, large numbers of people from outlying areas who seek treatment in major Chinese cities, either because their local hospitals lack services or they do not trust the quality of care. In the USA, most 1984 II Dictators like Biden no longer trust the quality of care at Walter Reed Hospital, grin. China's masses are in the same MD line as VIP Biden, Beau.

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 By AATISH TASEER The "Wounded Warrior Ads" on CBS Nightly News from a nationalist organization, is making a play for control USA intellectual life and raised $300 million for a Air Force Hotel in Colorado 5 Star conference. Not to cure but to party with Russian Vodka, and of course Coors was at the Orgy. 60% spent on Wounded Warriors goes for luxury's not treatments.

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Taliban Sabotage Cuts Major GE Electric High Power Lines the Source for Electricity in the Afghanistan Capital" By DAVID JOLLY The destruction of an electrical tower exposed a vulnerability in the nation’s infrastructure at a time when rebels have government forces thinly stretched.

1-27-2016 GE sabotaged the iPod size GE Electric Generators fueled by H @ -252 C. YES they could be coming off the assembly line today. 100K in New York State are without electricity today from the Blizzard of 2016. GE Executives are mass murderers of kids at Saint Jude they could care less about those with no electricity today in New York State.

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Black Ice" is a "Black Soul" reflection of the minds and intellects din of the thoughts of Black 1984 II guys in NYC Today. Many are at the New York Times screaming Oh My God $777 Trillion in Iran Oil Money in a Swiss Bank!

1-27-2016 "Black Ice" blocks the curbs in Manhattan! New York Times Op-Ed Contributor "Slush Puddles, the Scourge of New York Walkers" When snow falls, the streets get prompt attention, except where pedestrians cross. In the “most walkable large city in America,” why is that so? By TOM VANDERBILT Slush Puddles, the Scourge of New York Walkers. The NYC invention projects IP attitude toward pedestrians seems to be: Let them eat slush. This will only get worse in the coming days as snow melts and refreezes. 1984 II Dictators in NYC have NO IP invention projects written up for slush at intersections! Why. I of course would say because they have Brain Syphilis, grin. But they really don't care to invent anything let alone 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2016. Really. Just read their "Orwellian" stories in the NY Times. Crossing the street — even with the walk signal — is one of the most statistically hazardous things a New Yorker can do. Asking people to run an icy gantlet. A curb cut is of little use when covered by a barricade of snow. Army of inmates at Rikers Jail are in their cell not shoveling icy curbs in Manhattan... I told you the 1984 II Dictators don't invent + don't care. Rikers inmates could have worked all night. 1984 II Dictators attitude toward pedestrians seems to be: Let them eat slush. This will only get worse in the coming days as snow melts and refreezes. No the Dictators will not order Rikers inmates to be on the streets of Manhattan at Midnight tonight. Hell No. Black ice is a Black Soul reflection of the minds and intellects din of the thoughts of Black 1984 II guys in NYC Today. Doing nothing at 10 am now to get Black inmates from Rikers on the streets by Midnight. As I struggled to cross the street with my daughter, I dreamed of heated crosswalks (like the radiant sidewalks luxury apartments now boast) powered by surplus Con Edison steam. In the wake of the storm, the city began hiring temporary “snow laborers” to shovel out hydrants, crosswalks and other spaces. This itself smacks of haphazard catch-up. suburb of Shaker Heights has sidewalk-specific Bombardier snow removal machines. New York City, the country’s capital of pedestrianism, can do better... Black ice is the black soul of our 1984 II Dictators in NYC and I would think Key West, thank God there is no snow and real Black Ice on Duval Key West. I would really be in Hell writing this. About New York "What Happened to a Journalist Who Covered the Kochs" By JIM DWYER Jane Mayer, a New Yorker writer and author of the new book “Dark Money,” says she was falsely accused of plagiarism and investigated by the firm of Howard Safir, ex-New York police commissioner. Black ice is the black soul of our 1984 II Dictators in NYC and I would think Key West, thank God there is no snow and real Black Ice on Duval Key West. Write about them on Facebook... melt the black ice! Into H @ -252 to fuel GE Electric Generators the size of an iPod. If you don't GE will build trillions of High Power Transmission Lines in 2016 that will be blown up over and over again by Saudi Kids with to much money and time on their hands.


1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 What the 1984 II Washington Post journalists didn't write is the 1980 ElectricWindmill School bus had state of the arts laser guidance and no kids have been run over since 1980. 'Talking about a legend': Indiana school principal dies saving children in path of bus - Washington Post - When the school bus lurched forward, Susan Jordan followed her instincts. They were the same instincts that had guided her for 22 years as the principal of Indianapolis's Amy Beverland Elementary. What the 1984 II Washington Post journalists didn't write is the 1980 ElectricWindmill School bus had state of the arts laser guidance and no kids have been run over since 1980. NY Times journalist would not add anything about the laser guidance on 2016 MacBook Air Ride School Bus either. Gasoline exhaust from school bus goes to the kids DNA the journalists at the NY Times and Washington post should have written this up about school busses today.

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-27-2016 "Gregarious Iran; "Oil + DNA" is the MD Business Meetings at "Saint Jude Auschwitz!"

1-26-2016 A million dollar super computer simulation via Los Alamos would have convinced Steve Jobs to have surgery that afternoon. Today there are Clinic's on every corner next to Starbucks! No Ultra Apple-Starbucks yet built in Key West.

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year,

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year,

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year, Obama Bans Solitary Confinement of Juveniles in Federal Prisons section A - page 18 By MICHAEL D. SHEAR New York Times - Obama has kept 5 Billion people in A Solitary Universe all his life. Racist to Jewish Aliens at each of the Nearest 52 Stars. After Greg + Wives in Key West who are in a Federal 1984 Solitary Confinement from working on 1,001 Nobel's "Make Contact" with Jewish Aliens and 1984 II Top Quarks Obama will be sent to a Federal Prison and kept from knowing all about the Jewish Aliens he kept segregated from Humans.

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year, THE FRONT PAGE New York Times Today; Cheap Oil + Climate!! ---->>>> 1984 II Guy's with Brain Syphilis. ---->>>> 1984 ---- They will not work on a Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Overnight Cure until there are No Gas Stations on Earth. By CLIFFORD KRAUSS and DIANE CARDWELL Henry Ford invented the assembly line for cars. Greg + Wives in Key West will invent the assembly lines for MD Diagnosis in Hospitals with a little help from Los Alamos $ Trillions of dollars worth of IBM Super Computers. A million dollar super computer simulation would have convinced Steve Jobs to have surgery that afternoon. Today there are Clinic's on every corner next to Starbucks! After all the gas stations on Earth are closed they too will be closed for the Los Alamos Diagnosis Assembly lines will be up and running at Yale Key West Medical School linked to a $ Trillion dollars worth of IBM super computers. Brain + Breast cancers will be Rx Cured overnight. Biden will be in Hell, until he greets Beau in the real Hell he let Obama create on Earth!

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year. Steady improvements in the fuel economy of new vehicles have stalled recently as consumers, buoyed by low gas prices, snap up lower-mileage trucks and sport utility vehicles. Climate Deal’s First Big Hurdle: The Draw of Cheap Oil By CLIFFORD KRAUSS and DIANE CARDWELL For the accord to work, governments must resist ever more affordable fossil fuels in favor of policies that encourage and, in many cases, require the use of renewable energy sources.

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 2 People From New York Are Found Dead in Cars After Storm By ASHLEY SOUTHALL 100 kids died left in hot cars + another 100 kids will be left in hot cars to die in the summer of 2016... can the Fed's arrest Obama for these murders via suppressing the ElectricWindmillFord Escort, always a comfortable 68 F. End to Hot Cars will come with the End to Gas Stations on Earth + Jewish Aliens at the White House.

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible light cameras... these cameras pictured in the NY times on the Space Station are big as the Hubble Space Telescope... LONDON — The two cameras sit on the Russian part of the International Space Station. They are named Theia and Iris. And they are available to hire out for “space-based video surveillance.” The space station is generally viewed as a benign, multinational floating science lab. A Canadian astronaut memorably recorded David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” from there. More recently, the American astronaut Scott Kelly has been helping grow zinnias during his yearlong stay, and he conducted an amusing interview with Stephen Colbert this month. But there is more to the station than spacemen strumming guitars and picking flowers. Cameras could map poison exhaust gas molecules... lightning strikes but NOAA is not working on the IP to keep all lightning strikes cloud to cloud.

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible MD Diagnosis... "Reducing Preventable Harm in Hospitals" By David Bornstein Each year, in the United States, millions of patients are harmed while receiving care in hospitals. They get infections, experience adverse reactions to drugs, develop dangerous bed sores, or come down with pneumonia from the very ventilators meant to help them breathe. The estimates of the number of people who die each year as a result of hospital errors have ranged from as many as 98,000 in a landmark Institute of Medicine report from 1999 to as many as 440,000 in a 2013 study.

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible MD Diagnosis... Henry Ford invented the assembly line for cars. Greg + Wives in Key West will invent the assembly lines for MD Diagnosis in Hospitals with a little help from Los Alamos $ Trillions of dollars worth of IBM Super Computers. A million dollar super computer simulation would have convinced Steve Jobs to have surgery that afternoon. Today there are Clinic's on every corner next to Starbucks! After all the gas stations on Earth they will be closed for the Diagnosis Assembly lines will be up and running at Yale Key West Medical School linked to a $ Trillion dollars worth of IBM super computers.

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible MD Diagnosis + assembly line errors caught by QC. MD's and Nurse practitioners rejected them or adopted them halfheartedly. The devotion to protocol that pilots see as integral to their professionalism is derided by some doctors as ‘cookbook medicine.’ Let Steve Jobs wait months before he has surgery is told to Steve Jobs today while 100's of 1984 II Observers watch the Hospital, they see no reason reasoning to STOP the killing of Steve Jobs if he wants to wait until Sept. 2016 for surgery. Super computer surgery will be accepted if the Surgeon knows it comes from the same super computers that made 50K nukes with none being duds, grin. President Obama appointed of Black MD's who play loud rap music with F and M..F lyrics kills many patients and staff today. Inventions to vaccinate all... small details can make a huge difference. One of the easiest ways to reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia, a major cause of death, is to put a piece of tape on the wall as a reminder to raise a patient’s bed to the correct angle... was the patient vaccinated against pneumonia? By David Bornstein NY Times didn't say, write. Invention solutions are imposed they are apt to be rejected. Rejected by Obama and our 1984 II Top Quarks. "Saint Jude Auschwitz!" By David Bornstein NY Times! I would really love to make David write the article titled... "Saint Jude Auschwitz!" By David Bornstein for the NY Times front page!

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible horizon of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year

1-26-2016 Beyond visible MD Diagnosis... "Reducing Preventable Harm By RICK GLADSTONE Amnesty International said Iran had executed 73 juvenile offenders since 2005, despite pledging in 1994 to end the death penalty for those under 18. Rick at the Times + AI at HQ know Obama let 100 kids die in hot cars! This really is a 1984 II George Orwell Society in which Rick at the Times + AI guys at HQ write but don't write 100 kids were left in hot cars to die in the USA.

1-26-2016 Beyond visible MD Diagnosis... "Reducing Preventable Harm..."

1-26-2016 Beyond visible MD Diagnosis... "Reducing Preventable Harm..."

By JULIA PRESTON The suits claim Disney and two consulting companies broke the law by using temporary visas to bring in foreign workers, knowing Americans would be displaced. "Reducing Preventable Harm in Hospitals" By David Bornstein. David knows foreign workers in the USA Hospitals kill and harm 100's today... our 1984 II Dictators know this too!

1-26-2016 Beyond visible MD Diagnosis... "Reducing Preventable Harm..."

1-26-2016 Beyond visible MD Diagnosis... "Reducing Preventable Harm..."

1-26-2016 Yale Daily News from the Students ended with Cheating at Yale. The punch line is the last world for our 1984 II Era. "Burn" as those in Burn Units from fiery car crash yesterday didn't make the front page of the NY Times. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1976 The Yale College Executive Committee decided against penalizing four students charged with cheating on the final examination in “Literature and Popular Culture” taught by associate professor David Thorburn. Exxon is a Front Page Story at Yale Daily Today, too. I didn't read it.

1-26-2016 Beyond visible MD Diagnosis... "Reducing Preventable Harm..."

1-26-2016 Beyond visible MD Diagnosis... "Reducing Preventable Harm..."

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, we think the universe just keeps going in the same way - forever... 777 trillion Galaxies are all expanding into empty space Today! Our 1984 II Top Brass aren't expanding but for "Oil Wars". Spending their $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues on junks!

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 "Despite Decades of Stealth, Sticking Points Bedevil F-35 Jet" Retro Report By CLYDE HABERMAN NY Times. Clyde writes; Israelite David to kill the Philistine giant Goliath. F-35 killed NASA "Super Shuttle Fleet" why and how the F-35 would, could, and did kill everyone at NASA is a Top Secret! 2,400 planes planned by the late 2030s — projected total costs will exceed $100 trillion. One billion dollars will be needed just to pay for the highly advanced pilot helmets, running to $400,000 apiece. NY Times opens a video of the F-35 not the Super Shuttle for NASA. NY Times will open the video of a NASA Super Shuttle Fleet after the Coup! Thousands of F-35 Junks will be recycled along with the USS Jimmy Carter Sub + the JFK Super Carrier to build NASA a "train" to Key West.

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Visible Quarks! Kids come home from school, parents from work … and they spread it to each other, back & forth, a repeated pattern. Unless … you create a “safe room...” 55 Story NY Times Skyscraper's that killed everyone with the "Flu Virus." Junked was the 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Yale NYC Medical School. Freedom Tower was built of Junk from BP Oil Wells on land and under the Oceans!

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Visible 1984 II Top Brass contrast Obama who Failed Yale Medical School yet was passed by Bush + Kennedy bullies hitting the President of Yale Medical School for all the wrong reasons. Cuba with more MD's than any Nation on Earth contrasts Clinton's pragmatism with Sanders' idealism" in the Washington Post Today. Journalists who come to work sick at the Post don't have a "Safe Room" to work. Prison Hospitals in Cuba don't make headlines in a snow storm of million sick today. 100 million iPhones every morning keep track on how many are requesting to be put on "Sick Call". Though there are no USA MD to respond today. MD's diagnosis and treatment with pragmatism, idealism" when Henry Ford invented the assembly line for cars not Urgent Care Clinics + Hospitals Today. Urgent Care Clinics will be on every corner next to Starbucks in the closed gas station buildings.

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 3.75 billion years from now the Milky Way itself will collide with the much bigger Andromeda Galaxy, forming a giant new elliptical galaxy

1-25-2016 3.75 billion years from now the Milky Way... new video released by the ISIS terror group late Sunday shows nine of the extremists who carried out the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris beheading and shooting captives, as well as training with weapons while plotting the carnage that left 130 dead...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 3.75 billion years from now the Milky Way... We've measured the universe. Andromeda galaxy M31, the largest galaxy in our local group which includes about 45 galaxies.

1-25-2016 3.75 billion years from now the Milky Way... Andromeda is a spiral galaxy spanning some 260,000 light-years and containing over a trillion stars. It's located 2.5 million light-years away, making it the nearest big galaxy to the Milky Way.

1-25-2016 3.75 billion years from now the Milky Way... to be flat (as opposed to curved like Earth or saddle-shaped), but our horizon exists because of the finite speed of light.

1-25-2016 3.75 billion years from now the Milky Way... Beyond that visible horizon, we think the universe just keeps going in the same way - forever.

1-25-2016 3.75 billion years from now the Milky Way... We have no reason to believe there is an edge. But we also have no way of measuring this infinity because we physically cannot see it.

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 State Department Travel iapps for Kerry not you! No one at the State Department who writes these Travel Warnings thought of using a iPhone GPS and local State Dept Office to save the lives of these 150 killed in Mexico, let alone the rest of the world. From the cook who has hepatitis to the housekeeper's who wash your wine glasses in the bathroom sick. How were these 150 murdered in Mexico is like what was the cause of the last 150 car wrecks in Key West. Not part of the governments thoughts, inventions!

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 VIENTIANE, Laos - Secretary of State John F. Kerry said Monday that the United States is considering increasing financial aid to help Laos clear the countryside of unexploded ordnance left over from the Vietnam War more than four decades ago.

1-25-2016 VIENTIANE, Laos - Secretary of State John F. Kerry's Laser Guidance on the F-35 and Laser Guidance in General as state of the arts lasers can scan a forest for green trees and brown trees that are dead in a matter of minutes. Decades after McCain bombed Laos the bombs still go off... killing. Same on the highways in the USA today because McCain + Kerry bombed laser guidance on the 1980 decades old ElectricWindmillFord Escorts. 1,001 iapps for Laser Guidance has been bombed by those working on the F-35... McCain is probably a mastermind of building this plane. JFK Carrier under construction today too. Kerry is considering increasing financial aid to Greg + Wives in Key West. After he realized he + McCain killed everyone at NASA for the last few decades. NASA Space Station is growing a flower when it should have docked with a state of the arts laser to detect McCains bombs in Laos! Junk invention is the F-35. Lobotomy Rx Cure for McCain will come after the Laos Bombs are cured!

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE New York Times Today... Approaching addiction as a disease, the Gloucester Police Department became the unusual law enforcement agency offering heroin users an alternative to prison. "Hospital Prison" in Cuba approaching STD's, HIV's, Hepatitis, MS Virus as a diseases given to infants at Taco Bell by the infected "Cooks" and Tim Cooks at all the "Apple's" on Fortune 500 list. Cuba can be the world's "Hospital Prison" for all its sex addicts! To be discharged from the Cuban Hospital Prison men must not touch themselves for a week or two... grin.

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 If the higher courts go along with the idea that companies can demand STD's HIV MS Virus, this information as a condition of enrolling in their health plans, the debate over what is voluntary will be moot, because workers will not be able to afford to say no. “The whole conversation is over,” They the 1984 II Top Quarks realize the tipping point is giving infants Hepatitis at Taco Bell by a cook touching himself or not washing his hand is it!,” Stats on infants infected by Tim Cook are classified but read by 1984 II Top Brass anyway. Flambeau manufacturing plant in Ohio. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a suit against Flambeau for requiring employees to undergo health screenings as a condition of insurance coverage. Taco Bell cooks have never been screened. How the Denver Health Dept tracked down one infant out of millions infected must have been lucky! EEOC for infants, is null and void in our 1984 II Society just think about the 100 infants who died so far in 2016 from Whooping Cough... our 1984 II Top Brass are actually mass murderers of women + children! REED ABELSON at the NY Times wrote up cholesterol checked or join programs to lose weight or better manage diabetes... "Employee Wellness Programs Use Carrots and, Increasingly, Sticks" By REED ABELSON. When REED ABELSON knows 100 infants died from whooping cough so far in 2016. No EEOC government cops arrested anyone for mass murder. Not even Reed Abelson for not writing the article MD-cultured. In 2017 all NY Times Journalists will be required to have a MD degree.

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 State Department Renews Travel Warning For Large Parts Of Mexico; 103 Americans Killed In 2015. Forbes - Less than two weeks after the most wanted Mexican drug lord Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán was captured in Mexico, the U.S. Department of State renewed its Travel Warning to large parts of Mexico, showing little improvement in the neighboring country's

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 "Woman, 59, Is Killed in Machete Attack in Bronx" By ANNIE CORREAL. A 59-year-old woman was fatally attacked by a man wielding a machete in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx on Sunday afternoon, the police said. “It was a very gruesome crime scene,” a police official said. “Very. Incredibly. Very bad,” he added. The police identified the victim as Carmen Torres-Gonzalez. The police, responding to a 911 call, arrived at 383 East 141st Street just after 4 p.m. Police are picture at the entrance doors looking into the lobby and I am wondering about the camera's!! iPhone GPS iapps to save the lives of these 19K women who will be murdered in 2016. 1 of the 19K is Carmen. 1984 II Top Brass will do nothing today to save the life of the 2nd murdered women tomorrow.

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 NASA Tour by Madonna... fans know what to expect from one of her concerts: plenty of high-energy dancing, clever thematic vignettes, impressive stage props, colorful costumes and an eclectic set list that draws from highlights throughout her entire career. Such a production demands precision, above all, with every performer having to know exactly when and where to be. There is precious little room for either improvisation or spontaneity, except for during carefully scripted moments (which kind of comically defeats the whole purpose). But on Saturday night at a packed AmericanAirlines Arena in downtown Miami, Madonna managed to deviate from the mostly rigid set list and staged theatrics of her Rebel Heart Tour to add a heartfelt, personal touch for her onetime hometown crowd. The show – part of the global icon’s 10th major tour - was in support of Madonna’s 13th studio album, “Rebel Heart,” and the still-spry-at-57 megastar showed off her well-documented rebellious side from the start, opening with a salacious video of her in a sequined ball gown trapped in a cage while guards who looked like they were flown in straight from the Wicked Witch of the West’s castle marched on stage. Madonna then descended dramatically in a medieval-looking cage to perform her fun-loving new anthem “Bitch, I’m Madonna” while surrounded by sexed-up geisha girls. It was just one of many tracks from “Rebel Heart” that Madonna would perform on the night. Ever the musical chameleon, the Queen of Pop’s new release features her most progressive sound yet, with almost half the album’s tracks produced by either dubstep king Diplo or EDM superstar Avicii, and the ones that arent’t are just as cutting-edge. The performances were over-the-top as well. During “Holy Water,” which featured four dancers wearing nun’s habits on their heads and not much else, Madonna climbed up a stripper pole and actually stood on a fellow female dancer before integrating the rap from her classic hit “Vogue” into the song. Later, during “Rebel Heart,” several guys donning top hats and tails climbed 12-foot poles and swayed back and forth so severely that they could almost touch audience members, an amazing feat that any circus would covet. “Living For Love” featured Madonna as toreador, fighting off dancers wearing bullhorns with red capes, while “Body Shop” re-created a ‘50s-style auto mechanics store, with stacked tires and a “West Side Story” theme, after which Madonna first addressed the crowd. “We’re bringing the heat to Miami – it’s been a little chilly, right?” she said. “It’s all about the Miami heat – that’s why I used to live here. I don’t know why I don’t live here anymore, but that’s a whole ‘another story. You know, me and Miami, we go way back. I got stories you would never believe.” One of the best sequences featured Madonna’s beloved tune “La Isla Bonita” with her “gypsy” band, complete with accordion, acoustic guitar, castanets, bongos and flamenco-style dancing, followed by a sensual, slowed-down medley of “Dress You Up,” “Into the Groove” and “Lucky Star,” all powered by the same groovy bassline. Ironically, some of the biggest highlights of the night were the least-produced numbers: a sweet, romantic version of “True Blue,” featuring Madonna strumming a ukulele; a very stripped-down “Like a Virgin,” with just Madonna onstage, dancing alone, without even the keyboard riffs; an acoustic version of “Who’s That Girl” with only Madonna and her acoustic guitar (which showed her true talent as showman); and a charming take on Edith Piaf’s French classic “La vie en rose,” again with Madonna on ukulele and in fine vocal form. But the real surprise of the night came when Madonna took on a true blast from the past: “I want to sing this song, and there aren’t too many cities I can sing it in,” she said before launching into a passionate rendition of “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina,” accompanied by a lone acoustic guitar player, a song from her role as Eva Peron in the film “Evita.” After the cheers died down, Madonna said, “I’ve been dying to sing that song the entire tour – that’s the first time.” The fitting finale featured Madonna draped in an American flag and red top hat singing one of her early club hits, “Holiday,” along with 20 or so festively dressed dancers, a feel-good ending to a decidedly feel-good show.

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 3.75 billion years from now the Milky Way... NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) — It happens every year at this time. People start with the sniffles and before they know it they have a cold or even worse, the flu. And usually it’s family members who are the culprits. Kids come home from school, parents from work … and they spread it to each other, back & forth, a repeated pattern. Unless … you create a “safe room.” Dr. Steve Schwartz has been a family physician for more than 25 years. He decided to put together a safe-room strategy for families, after serving on a pandemic task force. It’s more than just “washing your hands” and “covering your cough.” Dr. Schwartz has isolation techniques that emphasize clothing, food, airflow, masks, object contact and humidification. Joining us Sunday on Good Morning Connecticut, he shares the key things every safe room must have, as well as the safe room concept itself, and being ready to create one on-the-spot.

1-25-2016 3.75 billion years from now the Milky Way...

“Safe Room” critical items: these are for the flu virus, STD's, Syphilis... MS Virus... supplies are different.

•Hand Sanitizers, Wipes

•Masks, gloves

•FluNada – Laboratory tested (Cold and Flu)


•Mucinex/Acetaminophen/Cough Syrup or drops

•Dehumidifier, diffuser

•White sheets, plastic mattress cover

•Liquids (water, tea, Pedialyte, Gatorade)

•Ventilation/sunlight (UVA)

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-25-2016 3.75 billion years from now the Milky Way...

1-25-2016 3.75 billion years from now the Milky Way...

1-25-2016 Beyond visible horizon, F-35 junks that killed everyone at NASA...

1-24-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-24-2016 "First iPhone 7 built into a iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "First iPhone 7 built into a iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "First GE "Electric Generator" the size of an iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" fueled by H @ -252 c you can plug in all your "GE appliances" will go on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "First GE "Electric Generator" the size of an iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" fueled by H @ -252 c you can plug in all your "GE appliances" will go on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "First 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort" will go on sale...

1-24-2016 "First 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort" will go on sale...

1-24-2016 "First 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort" will go on sale...

1-24-2016 "First 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort" will go on sale...

1-24-2016 "Then the Last Gas Station on Earth" will be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-24-2016 "Then the Last Gas Station on Earth" will be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-24-2016 "First 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort" will go on sale soon as Dr. Eve MD USA gets "Jewish Aliens" to drive to NYC, Times Square; get their pictures on the front page of the New York Times New Years Eve 2016 - Gravity Engine spin off got the invention that picked up Jewish Aliens at each one of the Nearest 52 Stars. Barnstormed by Greg + Wives writing a Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House in Key West on iapps that let 100 write on the same page at the same time putting a invention project IP in every chapter, grin!

1-24-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA to prevent all future "Cancers" from Allah, Mecca, Obama secretly authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to begin arming Syria's embattled rebels in 2013, the spy agency knew it would have a willing partner to help pay for the covert operation... Mecca + Allah. Same God bought Jimmy Carter a Nuclear Submarine with 120 H-bombs to prevent future 9/11 II + III from rich kids in Saudi Arabia. Intelligence to End Gas Stations on Earth; Cancers on Earth, via Dr. Eve MD. A woman not allowed to drive a car, gasoline engine one or ElectricWindmill one by the richest men on Earth.

1-24-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-24-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-24-2016 "Major Cities Grind to a Halt and Face Days of Digging Out Snow" By JAMES BARRON and RICK ROJAS New York Times "Snow Day"

1-24-2016 "Major Cities Grind to a Halt and Face Days of Digging Out Snow" Moscow, Paris, NYC, because no one built "Heating Elements" into "Red Square" in Moscow. Putin is responsible for "Major Cities Grind to a Halt and Face Days of Digging Out Snow" because the Russian leader didn't build "Heating Elements" into "Red Square" in Moscow when I wrote for him to do this in this web page years and years ago. If Putin would have then the rest of the "World Leaders" all 1984 II guys would have build "Heating Elements into the roads and sidewalks. What I can't get over with all the MIT guys and Schools of Engineering at Yale and Harvard is why do we in Key West have to jump over the puddle of water at every intersection... grin. In Colorado and NYC its the icy frozen chunks of slush you have to jump over at every intersection days and weeks after everything is plowed out. We have to "Idiot Proof" the Engineers as I'm sure Greg + Wives in Key West can inventsomething for this!

1-24-2016 "Major Cities Grind to a Halt and Face Days of Digging Out Snow" By JAMES BARRON and RICK ROJAS New York Times "Snow Day"

1-24-2016 "Stranded in the Snow, Travelers Camp in Cars and Make Do"

1-24-2016 "Stranded in the Snow, Travelers Camp in Cars and Make Do" Ford Engineers working on the 2016 ElectricWindmillEscort today will put more than just a spare tire for emergencies! AT&T Verizon Cell signals will cover the Earth + Oceans soon as the 2016 ElectricWindillFord Escorts hit the road. Putin is not the only world leader who stifled inventions I wrote up on the web page years and years ago. Cell Tower Satellites in Low Earth Orbit will give us Cell Coverage everywhere on Earth + on the Oceans!

1-24-2016 Dr. Eve MD USA rejects "Oblivion of the Earth + Universe" for Inventsomething! God bought Jimmy Carter a Nuclear Submarine with 120 H-bombs. Hospital Submarines would be a more Intelligent type of Submarine. Plains Georgia Today Sunday School Class via Jimmy Carter after another week of Greg + Wives Web Pages written in Key West as we are the 'Guardians Of The Galaxy' We are the "Intelligent Inventors" with Godsend's of 777 Trillion Peanuts and $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. Jimmy Carter at Arlington National Cemetery in the Tome of the Unknowns. Dead + buried Jimmy Carter! Or his conscience's lives on for the next 4 Trillion years or 777 Trillion years. Tomb of the Unknowns. Peanuts didn't make Jimmy Carter any more Intelligent than CERN Top Quarks, Gluon Gravity's! $10 Trillion spent on CERN + the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarines and gas stations are open Today when the Last Gas Station on Earth should have been closed by the governments a long time ago.

1-24-2016 Dr. Eve MD USA rejects "Oblivion of Conscientious" Oblivion Salesmen in Georgia, CIA covert "Psychological Warfare Unit" run by Obama, Tim Cook, Elton John, Cheney, Bush, McCain, Kerry, Hillary!

1-24-2016 Dr. Eve MD USA rejects "Oblivion of Conscientious" Oblivion Salesmen in Georgia, CIA covert "Psychological Warfare Unit" run by Obama, Tim Cook, Elton John, Cheney, Bush, McCain, Kerry, Hillary!

1-24-2016 Apple will unveil a new 4-inch iPhone in March, report says...

1-24-2016 Apple will unveil a iPhone built into the iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro in March, report says...

1-24-2016 Apple's Intelligent Inventors; Godsend of "Radio Corporation of America" RCA - The Find My iPhone app sent users to the wrong house for more than a year. For the past year, a couple in Atlanta have been on the receiving end of numerous angry visitors to their door demanding they hand over their lost and stolen mobile phone. Find my lost or stolen iPhone, iPod, IPad, iMac, MacBook Pro... just got Intelligent GPS on a Universe. Instead of reading every license plates coming into the island of Key West, government will record all GPS's! Dr. Eve MD has her personal GPS with an iapp that can alert the cops of anyone stalking for romance or violence and tell the difference, grin. Zebra stripes not for camouflage: Study. Zebra stripes for camouflage was on my test in school. Zebra camouflage stripes was made up my someone in Georgia trying to sell Jimmy Carter on Oblivion in death. Dr. Eve MD USA will rewrite the Evolutionary Biology Textbooks at the University of Colorado Boulder on a Los Alamos Super Computer linked to CERN. Trump will fire everyone who sold Evolutionary Biology Test Books and Final Exams to Colorado + Georgia, grin.

1-24-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-24-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-24-2016 RICHARD A. FRIEDMAN "A Drug to Cure Fear" After one round of treatment, the arachnophobes held the spiders in their bare hands. Rich you should have written up "A Drug to Cure War" on Earth. Lead is in the water in flint and in the air at the Navy Air Station in Key West from Fighter Lead Jet Fuel. A Drug to Cure War in the Air. Molecules of some anti-psychotic drug in the water will replace lead in the Flint Water. City Counsel wanted to save money so they sold their soul to BP Oil for $777 Trillion in kickbacks. Every Black Cook + Dishwater in Flint Michigan USA has HIV, Syphilis, STD's, MS Virus, and of curse Hepatitis. The one case of Hepatitis successfully tracked down by the Denver Health Dept was from a Cook at Taco Bell. Since there have been millions of kids given Hepatitis by Cooks at Taco Bell. Like lead in the water in 2016. Lead in the Paint could be a New York Times front page story with statistics for 2016 in the hundreds or thousands if they the Journalists at the Times wanted to write this ups. But probably not. Kids at Saint Jude with cancers from spray painted clouds of gas exhaust from a trillion scooters on Duval Key West haunts the Journalists and Editors at the NY Times Today! A invention to filter water and air... A Drug to End War! RICHARD A. FRIEDMAN "A Drug to Cure Fear" After one round of treatment, the arachnophobes held the spiders in their bare hands. Is Warfare in Our Bones? By THE EDITORIAL BOARD The discovery of skeletons in Kenya that showed signs of a violent death is certain to stir up a debate about human nature. DNA.

1-24-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-24-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-24-2016 "First iPhone 7 built into a iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "First iPhone 7 built into a iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "First GE "Electric Generator" the size of an iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" fueled by H @ -252 c you can plug in all your "GE appliances" will go on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "First GE "Electric Generator" the size of an iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" fueled by H @ -252 c you can plug in all your "GE appliances" will go on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "First 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort" will go on sale...

1-24-2016 "First 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort" will go on sale...

1-24-2016 DNA Crosswalks in Key West would have made the City Counsel more aware of STD's, MS Virus, terrible diseases given to women who had no idea Tom would ruin her life... Coming to work sick at HQ, you think of the Flu... who you caught it from and how is hard to track down. The baby, infant at Taco Bell in Colorado was given Hepatitis by the cook who didn't wash his hands or touched himself... 100 million infants and women are infected by terrible diseases by Tom! DNA crosswalks would have made the Key West City Counsel more aware of this! iapps by Tim Cook will never be written to save infants + women from men who touch them self or don't wash their hands! DNA Crosswalks in Key West would have made the City Counsel more aware of STD's, MS Virus, terrible diseases given to women who had no idea Tom would ruin her life... Coming to work sick at HQ, you think of the Flu... who you caught it from and how is hard to track down. The baby, infant at Taco Bell in Colorado was given Hepatitis by the cook who didn't wash his hands or touched himself... 100 million infants and women are infected by terrible diseases by Tom! DNA crosswalks would have made the Key West City Counsel more aware of this! iapps by Tim Cook will never be written to save infants + women from men who touch them self or don't wash their hands! Florida State University Health Detectives never track down a case of Hepatitis or HIV, MS Virus, STD, "Burn in Hell Faggot" Graffitti has been washed off the walls and Campus News, New York Times front page news + picture too. Charley Sheen is the only one in the world with HIV and he's straight. Scan every student at FSU for STD's, HIV, MS Virus every day is like the Pentagon HQ doing this. Hell No. Review of the Play "Scott + Hem" would be more intelligent - if the Play were "Salk + Watson" as Watson who discovered DNA. DNA in the Virus + bacteria. Of course Key West sidewalks printed in DNA would offer more DNA information at City Hall + the Monroe Health Dept Web. Denver Health Dept Detectives tracked down the cause of one infant getting Hepatitis from a cook at Taco Bell. He touched himself or didn't wash his hands. Florida State University has not tracked down any terrible diseases given to students since 1968. Not in the News any way. Dr. King Holiday, King Salman in the News. King Henry VIII. Terrible diseases given to women by these Kings. King and Queen in Key West are in Conch Color Magazine this issue. Tom Escaped the "ElectricWindmillCar-Bomb that would have killed King Salman, and Allah. Openly Gay with HIV, STD, Hepatitis, MS Virus is not something Tim Cook or Elton John will do today. Dream of a University Education with DNA painted crosswalks by the University Administrators will enlighten the students more than Rainbow Painted cross walks in Key West. Cooks who touch themselves + infect infants with hepatitis and other diseases should have been prohibited from Cooking in 1968. Key West Time... at Florida State University! Mass suicide of women given STD's is not a story for Conch Color by Tom or the NY Times.

1-24-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-24-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-24-2016 "First iPhone 7 built into a iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "First iPhone 7 built into a iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "First GE "Electric Generator" the size of an iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" fueled by H @ -252 c you can plug in all your "GE appliances" will go on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "First GE "Electric Generator" the size of an iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" fueled by H @ -252 c you can plug in all your "GE appliances" will go on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "First 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort" will go on sale...

1-24-2016 "First 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort" will go on sale...

1-24-2016 "First GE "Electric Generator" the size of an iPad, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro" fueled by H @ -252 c you can plug in all your "GE appliances" will go on sale New Years Eve 2016

1-24-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-24-2016 "Last Gas Station on Earth" to be closed New Years Eve 2016 by Dr. Eve MD USA

1-23-2016 Ominous Times - Coup's, Riots, Strikes and protests by oil workers have cropped up in response to plunging oil revenues. Ominous Times is the 1984 II New York Times revenues earned from Oil in Times that should be void of any gas station on Earth. War Crimes by Journalists; 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2016 lost to greed, kickbacks of $777 Trillion in Oil.

1-23-2016 Ominous Time's, 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 via drunks, mad men!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... How Time + Gravity are Generated and GE electric generator size iPod fueled by H @ -252 C you can plug in all your GE appliances.

1-23-2016 Ominous Times... 1980 Last Gas Station on Earth Closed. 2007 CIA in Iran. "New Clues on C.I.A. Consultant Who Vanished in Iran" By BARRY MEIER Newly disclosed documents conflict with Iran’s claim that it knew nothing about Robert Levinson, who disappeared there in 2007.

1-23-2016 Ominous Coup's, "2 Women Hurt in Robbery at Hotel Near J.F.K. Airport" By RICK ROJAS A woman who had traveled to New York with her daughter was shot and her daughter injured after they were robbed outside a hotel near Kennedy International Airport, the authorities said on Friday.

1-23-2016 Ominous Time's, 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 via drunks, mad men!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... How Time + Gravity are Generated and GE electric generator size iPod fueled by H @ -252 C you can plug in all your GE appliances.

1-23-2016 Ominous Coup's, 2 Women Sucker Punched at the Gas Station by JFK. Caroline Kennedy would have access to this censored Orwellian news not reported by the Times. Ominous Times!

1-23-2016 Ominous Times - Coup's, CIA "Psychological Warfare Unit" demanding the top brass use 10 cent gas to kill Mecca + Allah! Ominous Times - Coup's, Which is "No Gas!" End to the "Gasoline Era" on Earth... for the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2016

1-23-2016 Ominous Time's, 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 via drunks, mad men!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... How Time + Gravity are Generated and GE electric generator size iPod fueled by H @ -252 C you can plug in all your GE appliances.

1-23-2016 Coup's, The magnetosphere is the region above the ionosphere and extends several tens of thousands of kilometers into space, protecting the Earth from the charged particles of the solar wind and cosmic rays that would otherwise strip away the upper atmosphere, including the ozone layer that protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

1-23-2016 Ominous Time's, 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 via drunks, mad men!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... How Time + Gravity are Generated and GE electric generator size iPod fueled by H @ -252 C you can plug in all your GE appliances.

1-23-2016 Coup's, harmful French + BP Oil Era since 1980 has stripped away the Rx Cure for Brain + Breast Cancers, the Gravity Engine Invention on the front page of the NY Times!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time's, 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 via drunks, mad men!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... How Time + Gravity are Generated and GE electric generator size iPod fueled by H @ -252 C you can plug in all your GE appliances.

1-23-2016 Coup's, Earth's magnetic field changes over time because it is generated by a geodynamo (in Earth's case, the motion of molten iron alloys in its outer core).

1-23-2016 Coup's, Dissipation of the magnetic field of Mars caused a near-total loss of its atmosphere.

1-23-2016 Ominous Time's, 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 via drunks, mad men!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... How Time + Gravity are Generated and GE electric generator size iPod fueled by H @ -252 C you can plug in all your GE appliances.

1-23-2016 Coup's, Vietnam’s Sacred Turtle Dies at an Awkward, Some Say Ominous, Time...

1-23-2016 Coup's, Ominous $777 Trillions from gas station hold ups world wide by the Top Brass 1984 II Dictators. Takata Airbag Flaw Linked to 10th Death; 5 Million More Vehicles Recalled - Top Brass decades ago killed 100's of drivers by killing off super air bags on the outside of cars and trucks. Ominous 1984 II Dictators. Ominous III + IV is iPhone 7 dash cams, iTickets, iWatch that is not an Apple Watch but "Big Brother Watching Out for you" killed by a drunk driver as Ground Zero Connotations Today would mean Zero Drunk Drivers, road kills by drunks world wide. Ominous Vietnam Turtle when at Hemingway Beach in Key West Tourists watch 1 Trillion Turtles mate. Ominous Steve Jobs died from eating Lunch Meats + Doctors Orders with no iapps that were convincing enough. Dr. Nancy Snyderman made having surgery by her seem Ominous! Ford assembly lines for Kidney Transplants will run for years once going full speed. here to Go Now: 8 Ways to Celebrate David Bowie’s Life in New York City - 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine and Someone Named David Bowie will win one for Jimmy Carter Habitat for Humanity with state of the arts linked to Rx Recipes + Los Alamos. Jimmy Carter's Nukes came off a assembly line at Los Alamos, his submarine came off a assembly line too. Hospital Submarines are like ElectricWindmillFord Escorts with no assembly lines running full speed.

1-23-2016 Ominous Time's, 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 via drunks, mad men!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... How Time + Gravity are Generated and GE electric generator size iPod fueled by H @ -252 C you can plug in all your GE appliances.

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... WHITE PLAINS — A husband stabbed his wife at least 21 times in the shower of their multimillion-dollar home in Scarsdale, N.Y., and then smoked a cigarette in the kitchen before calling 911, a prosecutor said in a Westchester County court on Friday. The husband, Julius Reich, has been charged with second-degree murder in the killing of his wife, Dr. Robin Goldman, a pediatrician. The Journal News in Westchester reported that Mr. Reich’s lawyer, Kerry Lawrence, asked that his client surrender his passport and be freed on $150,000 bail. He said Mr. Reich, 61, a tax lawyer, had a good reputation. A judge instead ordered that Mr. Reich be jailed. Dr. Goldman, 58, was found dead on Wednesday in the couple’s five-bedroom, four-bath property on 1.29 acres. Records show that Mr. Reich filed for divorce in August.

1-23-2016 Ominous Time's, 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 via drunks, mad men!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... How Time + Gravity are Generated and GE electric generator size iPod fueled by H @ -252 C you can plug in all your GE appliances.

1-23-2016 Ominous Coup's, "2 Women Hurt in Robbery at Hotel Near J.F.K. Airport" By RICK ROJAS A woman who had traveled to New York with her daughter was shot and her daughter injured after they were robbed outside a hotel near Kennedy International Airport, the authorities said on Friday.

1-23-2016 Ominous Time's, 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 via drunks, mad men!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... How Time + Gravity are Generated and GE electric generator size iPod fueled by H @ -252 C you can plug in all your GE appliances.

1-23-2016 Ominous Coup's, 2 Women Sucker Punched at the Gas Station by JFK. Caroline Kennedy would have access to this censored Orwellian news not reported by the Times. Ominous Times!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time's, 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 via drunks, mad men!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... How Time + Gravity are Generated and GE electric generator size iPod fueled by H @ -252 C you can plug in all your GE appliances.

1-23-2016 Ominous Coup's, "2 Women Hurt in Robbery at Hotel Near J.F.K. Airport" By RICK ROJAS A woman who had traveled to New York with her daughter was shot and her daughter injured after they were robbed outside a hotel near Kennedy International Airport, the authorities said on Friday. The two women, whose names were not released, had come from Baltimore, and the daughter was preparing to leave for a trip abroad. They arrived just after 8 p.m. on Thursday at the Hampton Inn at 144-10 135th Avenue, near the Belt Parkway, in South Ozone Park, Queens, the police said. The mother, 53, went inside the hotel, and the daughter, 20, got into the driver’s seat of their vehicle, when a man came up and demanded money from the daughter, the police said. She said she did not have any, and the man hit her on the head with his gun and stole four rings from her. The man then confronted the mother as she left the hotel, and he fired his gun once, hitting her in the torso, the police said. He ran off with her handbag and got into a white Volkswagen Jetta that sped away, driven by another man. The mother was hospitalized in critical but stable condition, and the daughter, also hospitalized, was listed in stable condition on Friday. The police were still searching for the assailant and the driver on Friday night.

1-23-2016 Ominous Time's, 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 via drunks, mad men!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... How Time + Gravity are Generated and GE electric generator size iPod fueled by H @ -252 C you can plug in all your GE appliances.

1-23-2016 Ominous Coup's, 2 Women Sucker Punched at the Gas Station by JFK. Caroline Kennedy would have access to this censored Orwellian news not reported by the Times. Ominous Times!

1-23-2016 Ominous Times... 1980 Last Gas Station on Earth Closed. 2007 CIA in Iran. "New Clues on C.I.A. Consultant Who Vanished in Iran" By BARRY MEIER Newly disclosed documents conflict with Iran’s claim that it knew nothing about Robert Levinson, who disappeared there in 2007.

1-23-2016 Ominous Times... 1980 Last Gas Station on Earth Closed...

1-23-2016 Ominous Times - Coup's, Riots, Strikes and protests by oil workers have cropped up in response to plunging oil revenues. Ominous Times is the 1984 II New York Times revenues earned from Oil in Times that should be void of any gas station on Earth. War Crimes by Journalists; 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2016 lost to greed, kickbacks of $777 Trillion in Oil.

1-23-2016 Ominous Time's, 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 via drunks, mad men!

1-23-2016 Ominous Time... How Time + Gravity are Generated and GE electric generator size iPod fueled by H @ -252 C you can plug in all your GE appliances.

1-23-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t. I already married a c—t’ "Madonna shocks fans with colorful on-stage rant over ex-husband" Madonna has brought her family problems to work, dropping the "c-bomb" to apparently describe her ex-husband Guy Ritchie on stage. ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t. I already married a c—t’. I have a c-t.

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 a "Hate Crime by Tim Cook" could stop Apple to make smartphones that can be decrypted and unlocked and have trillions of iapps to save her from being murdered and hanged in the Kennedy Barn!

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna Murdered by Ritchie... 19K some are named Madonna but aren't as famous as this Madonna.

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Kerry in the New York Times Today; Says "Governmental Corruption Fuels Extremism..." iapps 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2016 - Kerry is a Cunt: in Mecca, in killing Allah; in preventing 9/11 II + III. In letting the New York Times journalists spread Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS Virus to trillions of women who have no idea they have "Syphilis Mentality" in their frontal lobes! Madonna: Kerry is a c—t... !! Think 9/11 II + III paid for by King Salman, think $777 Trillion in gas station hold ups just in the USA by French + BP Oil. Think of GE's $150 Billion in 2016 kickbacks for "Windmill Turbines". Think of the iPod size GE Electric Generator fueled by H @ -253 C you can plug in all your GE appliances! Kerry is a c-t... !! Jewish Aliens!! Saudi Arabia’s Top Cleric Forbids Chess, but Players Maneuver - Kerry refused to kill this Saudi Arabia Top Cleric... Cunt!! Trump + Palin will do a coup the State Dept will be cured of Kerryism! But JPMorgan Chase provided financial advice to hear Jewish Aliens!!

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 "Cutting off the nose to spite the face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem:

1-22-2016 Yale Daily News Today... Thirty-nine years. This week, Scarsdale, New York saw its first homicide since 1977. Thirty-nine years ago, Bonnie Garland ’78 was bludgeoned to death with a hammer by her boyfriend, Richard Herrin ’77. Herrin was arrested shortly after the incident when he drove to Coxsackie, New York and confessed to a priest who called police. Yale Student Journalists could have added to this article since 39 years ago 19K SWF's have been murdered every year and done the math for Bush + Obama, and our 1984 II Dictators! Lot of murdered women Yale Student Journalist didn't write up. F in Journalism but they will still pass Yale. Got Dramat? The Dramat has an all-new main stage selection process which is open to the whole Yale student body instead of just members. Students may submit suggestions for shows until Sunday night. The Dramat will also hold a Yale campus wide forum Tuesday evening to discuss submissions. The Sphincter Troupe, Yale’s only all-feminine-identified sketch comedy group, is kicking off the semester with “Yale Fail” — a show about the perils of shopping period and more. The show is tomorrow evening at 8 p.m. in the Morse Crescent Theater. Yale Health Paul Genecin outlined changes to Mental Health & Counseling Thursday in an email to the undergraduate student body. Kerry at the CIA "Psychological Warfare Unit" doesn't demand they use 10 cent gas to kill Mecca + Allah! Which is "No Gas" end to the "Gasoline Era" on Earth for the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2016, Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity Era without any Worms. Jimmy killed and didn't confess to God yet, grin.

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 New York Times Front Page Today... "Cheaper Oil Does Little for the U.S. Economy" By BINYAMIN APPELBAUM - Kerry at the CIA "Psychological Warfare Unit" doesn't demand they use 10 cent gas to kill Mecca + Allah! Which is "No Gas" end to the "Gasoline Era" on Earth for the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2016. BINYAMIN APPELBAUM has syphilis in his frontal lobes!!

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Albert Einstein College of Medicine say oral sex raises cancer risk by 22 times

1-22-2016 Albert Einstein College of Medicine say Madonna on-stage rant over ex-husbands hard times fight over their son who was on Rebel Heart Tour with Madonna but not on stage with her was probably part of the cause. Ritchie acting like a "cunt" connotations need to be written up by Einstein College of Medicine I say! NEW YORK - Dr. Leonard Sax has been a family physician and psychologist for 27 years, conducting workshops around the world for parents, teachers, social workers, counselors, school psychologists and juvenile justice professionals. He’s also a dad, and it’s from all those perspectives that he took on his fourth book, an alarm bell of sorts titled “The Collapse of Parenting,” no lyrics by Madonna are in the Doctors book, grin. an office visit with a 10-year-old boy who is sitting and playing a game on his mobile phone, ignoring me and his mom as I’m talking with his mom about his stomachache. And his mom is describing his stomachache and the boy says, “Shut up, mom, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” And he laughs. That would have been very unusual in 1990 or 2000. It is now common: children, girls and boys, being disrespectful to parents, being disrespectful to one another, being disrespectful to themselves, verbally and otherwise. The mother did nothing, just looked a little embarrassed. The culture has changed in a profound way in a short period of time in ways that have really harmed kids. Sarah Palin... Palin addressed her son’s legal problems by alluding to his difficulty adjusting to civilian life after serving in the Army during the Iraq war. Track Palin allegedly struck his girlfriend Monday with a closed fist and threatened to shoot himself with an AR-15 rifle, according to a police affidavit. Sarah Palin is illiterate in Parenting 101 because there is no iapps from Apple + Tim Cook. Tim Cook will never order iapps written for Madonna + Palin as Tim has hate for Women in General. Dr. said My 9-year-old daughter and I know the lyrics to almost every song from “Mary Poppins.” iapps for these lyrics. iapps for STD testing and what STD's Madonna + Ritchie have had. Thursday after the dating site agreed to add links to sexually transmitted disease testing locations. The battle between dating site Tinder and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation stretches back to last fall when the Los Angeles based non-profit group put up billboards and advertisements in Los Angeles and New York associating Tinder with sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea. Dramatic rise in STDs in 2014 did Track Palin have STD from the War, of course he did!!! Kerry must have has Super STD's many times in Vietnam. New York Times - 2 hours ago DAVOS, Switzerland - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry took aim Friday at government corruption, saying it fuels crime, violent extremism and disillusionment with society that contributes to the global refugee crisis. 2.6 trillion a year and "complicates every single security, diplomatic, and social initiative we undertake." "We have to acknowledge in all quarters of leadership that the plagues of violent extremism, greed, lust for power, and sectarian exploitation often find their nourishment where governments are fragile and leaders are incompetent or dishonest," Kerry said in a keynote address. He noted that graft and ineffective governance had either caused or contributed greatly to crises in Iraq, Nigeria, Syria, Ukraine, Libya and Yemen and thus had become an international, rather than purely domestic, problem.

1-21-2016 Revenue last 3 months. French + BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-22-2016 Kerry said in a keynote address. He noted that graft and ineffective governance had either caused or contributed greatly to crises in Iraq, Nigeria, Syria, Ukraine, Libya and Yemen and thus had become an international, rather than purely domestic, problem.

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Oral sex 'raises the risk of getting cancer by 22 times' Men are twice as likely to get oropharyngeal cancer as women, according to NHS choices, because performing cunnilingus is more risky than fellatio.

1-22-2016 British government's new guidelines advise reducing alcohol consumption to 14 units a week for both men and women and bluntly state that, for some cancers of the mouth, throat and breast, “risk increases with any amount you drink”. Oxford has no intention of making a super computer simulation of this. BBC Nightly News + CBS Nightly News either... as Coors paid BBC + CBS $1 Billion for commercials this year.

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 California anti-encryption bill proposal might force Apple to stop sales on its home turf Digital Trends - A week after New York state pushed an anti-encryption bill into the hands of the state assembly, California followed suit with its own bill, which could require manufacturers to make smartphones that can be decrypted and unlocked.

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 19K SWF's murdered in 2016 a "Hate Crime by Tim Cook" could stop Apple to make smartphones that can be decrypted and unlocked and have trillions of iapps to save her from being murdered and hanged in the Kennedy Barn!

1-22-2016 Back to the Oral Sex Cancers that will kill 100K in 2016 and Biden-Jimmy Carter War On Cancers should crunch the HPV virus as Einstein said this is the cause of Oral Cancers from Oral Sex. Some NY Times Journalists wrote the article not a MD Journalists so didn't get much to brainstorm but the top brass should send Oral Cancers to Los Alamos and quit H-Bomb making for a few days crunching Oral Cancers. Homeland Security could scan for this too with MD's doing the airport scanning not TSA agents, grin. I'm sure they will save more lives the MD scanners as the TSA scanners.

1-22-2016"Employers push limit of Obamacare by excluding outpatient surgery in plans" Employers exclude scanning every man + women coming to work for Oral Cancers, which would only take a min or two ever morning...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Kerry in the New York Times Today; Says "Governmental Corruption Fuels Extremism..." iapps 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2016 - Kerry is a Cunt: in Mecca, in killing Allah; in preventing 9/11 II + III. In letting the New York Times journalists spread Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS Virus to trillions of women who have no idea they have "Syphilis Mentality" in their frontal lobes!

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 “The X-Files” in 1998 and “The X-Files: I Want to Believe” in 2008, the last time they played Mulder and Scully. “The X-Files: Jewish Aliens Heard" brainstorms 1,001 high tech electronic inventions to finally hear Jewish Aliens. Satellite electronics and inventions are all Pentagon secret satellites... etc.

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 Madonna: ‘I’m looking for a husband, not a c—t...

1-22-2016 JPMorgan Chase provided financial advice to Jewish Aliens!!

1-22-2016 JPMorgan Chase provided financial advice to Microchip, while Catalyst Partners advised Atmel. Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati was Microchip’s legal adviser, and Jones Day gave legal advice to Atmel. Microchip Technology agreed to acquire a fellow chipmaker, the Atmel Corporation, for about $3.6 billion. Microchip agreed to acquire the 37-year-old chipmaker Micrel in May for about $839 million. Microchip purchased Supertex for $394 million in 2014, and the year before that, bought the closely held Brussels-based EqcoLogic for an undisclosed amount. Avago Technologies, which agreed to acquire Broadcom for $37 billion. Avago Technologies Limited (Avago) is a designer, developer and global supplier of a range of analog semiconductor devices. The Company focuses on III-V based products and complex digital and mixed signal complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) based devices. The Company operates through four segments: wireless communications, enterprise storage, wired infrastructure and industrial & other. JPMorgan Chase provided financial advice to NYC Jews who think making contact with Jewish Aliens at the nearest 52 Stars via secret Pentagon spy satellites technology will pay off ----- more than JPMorgan Chase could imagine - A Universe for Earth merger!

1-22-2016 JPMorgan Chase provided financial advice to Jewish Aliens!!

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months. Verizon excludes scanning every man + women coming to work for Oral Cancers.

1-21-2016 ...samples can help determine a person's risk of developing neck or head cancer by looking at the presence of HPV-16...

1-21-2016 ...samples can help determine a person's risk of developing neck or head cancer by looking at the presence of HPV-16...

1-21-2016 GlaxoSmithKline excludes scanning every man + women coming to work for Oral Cancers

1-21-2016 Tobacco Giants exclude scanning every man + women coming to work for Oral Cancers

1-21-2016 Coor's hires temps from "Manpower" to exclude scanning every man + women coming to work for Oral Cancers.

1-21-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates exclude scanning every man + women coming to work for Oral Cancers.

1-21-2016 ...samples can help determine a person's risk of developing neck or head cancer by looking at the presence of HPV-16...

1-21-2016 ...samples can help determine a person's risk of developing neck or head cancer by looking at the presence of HPV-16...

1-22-2016 "Employers push limit of Obamacare by excluding outpatient surgery in plans" Employers exclude scanning every man + women coming to work for Oral Cancers, which would only take a min or two ever morning... Washington Post - Libbi Stovall couldn't believe it last month when she looked at the fine print in her company's 2016 health plan, which supposedly meets the strictest standard for employer obligations under Affordable Care Act rules.

1-22-2016 Beau was not scanned by the Pentagon for cancer every day... did Beau have oral cancer that spread to his brain?




1-21-2016 Apple iPhone 007 and iPhone 6c: Which One Should You Choose? 007 of course, idiots at HQ 1984 II suppressed the Laser Guidance and Faster than Light features on the iPhone 7, Apple is set to release the next generation of phones this year.

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months. French + BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months. French + BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Apple iPhone 007 invented iapps for Brain + Breast Cancer Czar Biden. As Biden will kill everyone at GlaxoSmithKline then have iapps written on all their Rx for Biden's Brain Cancer Rx Cure Recipes for all iPhone 007 inventors... GlaxoSmithKline will never ever work on a Rx Recipe public one to cure Brain Cancers in millions of Beau's overnight, breast cancer too. 5 Accused of Stealing Drug Secrets From GlaxoSmithKline By KATIE THOMAS A federal indictment charges two Glaxo research scientists and three others with the theft of data they planned to sell through a company in China. 5 accused of trying to use secret Rx of GlaxoSmithKline to cure Brain + Breast Cancer will be given a Pardon by Biden, grin. Biden gave the graduation speech at Yale so today's News at Yale writing class and seminar not on Brain + Breast Cancer but Writing Humor and not on YouTube live... Yale students grumbling about over-subscribed seminars. One such course is Ryan Wepler’s “Writing Humor.” The class has a 79-student waiting list. The Yale Daily News Staff is rooting for each of you.... rooting not inventing something, ha! @yalefruitreport on Twitter! Literate in Fruit at Yale. Yale University President Peter Salovey is in Davos, Switzerland this week with several world leaders, including John Kerry ’66, for the 2016 World Economic Forum. Other participants include Bill Gates.

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months. French + BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months. BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 GlaxoSmithKline revenue rose to $44.25 billion in the last 3 months. BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Tobacco revenue rose to $84.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa. French + BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Coor's revenue rose to $94.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa. French + BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates revenue rose to $444.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just for educational software sold to HS in the USA. Mostly Games to teach anatomy. Rap + Hip Hop too.

1-21-2016 Apple iPhone 007 would correct the facts fast when Bill + Melinda tell you only 425K will die of Malaria this year after we spent $5.2 Billion last year on mosquito nets for people in Africa to sleep under, 007 would tell you people in Africa sitting sleeping under mosquito nets smoked and some caught the hut on fire, and 100 million will die of lung cancer in 2016. While Bill + Melinda neighbors at Coors will make $100 billion profits selling alcohol in Africa witch will get 19K SBW murder under the mosquito nets... iPhone 007 first intelligent iPhone will not be coming out in 2016. Road Rage feature for passengers will have double press for 911 calls that send the road rage video to cop shop faster than the speed of light and the laser tags the road rage drivers car for the cops. Or in Key West the road rage drivers scooter, grin. iPhone 007 Total Recall Technologies... 24/7 voice activation recording of everything within 100 yards of you! And the sounds in the night can be Google searched.

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 GlaxoSmithKline revenue rose to $44.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 Tobacco revenue rose to $84.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa.

1-21-2016 Coor's revenue rose to $94.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa.

1-21-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates revenue rose to $444.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 Apple iPhone 007... LONDON — A high-profile British inquiry into the poisoning of Alexander V. Litvinenko, a former K.G.B. officer turned critic of the Kremlin, concluded in a report released on Thursday that his murder “was probably approved” by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and the head of the country’s spy service.

1-21-2016 Apple iPhone 007... LONDON — A high-profile British inquiry into the Paris Drunk Driving Car Crash of Princes Diana concluded in a report released on Thursday that her murder “was probably approved” by Queen Elizabeth.

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 GlaxoSmithKline revenue rose to $44.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 Tobacco revenue rose to $84.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa.

1-21-2016 Coor's revenue rose to $94.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa.

1-21-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates revenue rose to $444.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 Apple iPhone 007... LONDON — A high-profile British inquiry... Mr. Litvinenko died 22 days after ingesting green tea laced with polonium 210 — a rare and highly toxic isotope — in the company of two Russian associates, Andrei K. Lugovoi and Dmitri V. Kovtun. He was 43. The three men had met in the Pine Bar of the Millennium Hotel in London.

1-21-2016 Apple iPhone 007... LONDON — A high-profile British inquiry Princes Diana's driver was in a Bar with 2 British SS men employed by Prince Charles to get the Driver Drunk as Hell... the report left no doubt that Mr. Litvinenko’s death had, in the judge’s view, been an act of murder planned by a Russian state agency.... Ex-Wife's deaths 19K in 2016 will be planned by the mother in law and the husband. Motives for killing Princes Diana was a Muslim Man she was having sex with which drove them insane... As motives for Mr. Litvinenko’s poisoning, Judge Owen listed various possible factors, including a belief that he had betrayed by revenge sex. Antagonism between Mr. Litvinenko on one hand and President Putin. Diana's revenge sex drove Prince Charles insane, we can watch the YouTube Video's of this when they are made public. Ex-wives do have the advantage in revenge sex. Just ask Prince Charles.

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 GlaxoSmithKline revenue rose to $44.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 Tobacco revenue rose to $84.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa.

1-21-2016 Coor's revenue rose to $94.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa.

1-21-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates revenue rose to $444.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 Discovery of prehistoric massacre may point to origins of human warfare Washington Post - 41 minutes ago

1-21-2016 Discovery of the iPod size electric generator fueled by H @-252 C to plug in all your GE appliances - caused Greg + Wives in Key West to think about the reinvention of all the wires in your home and 63 Story buildings in NYC...

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 GlaxoSmithKline revenue rose to $44.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 Tobacco revenue rose to $84.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa.

1-21-2016 Coor's revenue rose to $94.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa.

1-21-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates revenue rose to $444.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 Discovery of Exposed wiring was probably responsible for the New Year’s Eve blaze that engulfed a 63-story skyscraper in Dubai just hours before a nearby fireworks display at the world’s tallest building, the police said Wednesday. Dubai’s police chief, Maj. Gen. Khamis Mattar al-Mazeina, refused to say whether the fire was caused by negligence on the part of the tower’s builder, Emaar Properties. IP for you to think about today, reinvent the wires. Or do we even need wires in the walls of homes any more?

1-21-2016 Discovery of the iPod size electric generator fueled by H @-252 C

1-21-2016 Discovery of the iPod size electric generator fueled by H @-252 C

1-21-2016 Discovery of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort gave Jimmy Carters habitat for humanity heating elements in all DC highways and city streets. Of course Jimmy + his 1984 II Dictators refused to put heating elements in the DC roads and believe it or not Putin refused to put heating elements in Red Square as he loves watching the Russian women complain about shoveling the snow on Moscow sidewalks, grin. "An inch of snow, icy roads unleash 9 hours of traffic chaos across DC region" Washington Post - “Horrible.” “Pathetic.” “Painful.” “Unbelievable.” “One inch of snow did this.” From every corner of the region and into the wee hours of the morning, from every highway and byway, motorists vented their anger and frustration.

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 GlaxoSmithKline revenue rose to $44.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 Tobacco revenue rose to $84.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa.

1-21-2016 Coor's revenue rose to $94.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa.

1-21-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates revenue rose to $444.25 billion in the last 3 months.

1-21-2016 "Ninth Planet May Exist Beyond Pluto, Scientists Report" By KENNETH CHANG Two professors at the California Institute of Technology. 9th Planet Hell - New York Times news Today should be about the 9th nearest star. Rename a Key West beach for the 9th nearest star or even the Nearest Star.

1-21-2016 Apple iPhone 007 and iPhone 6c: Which One Should You Choose? 007 of course, idiots at HQ 1984 II suppressed the iapps for the 52 nearest Stars + their Jewish Aliens. iapps to invent a way to hear them on your iPhone 007. 4,500 times the mass of Pluto...

1-21-2016 Discovery of the iPod size electric generator fueled by H @-252 C

1-21-2016 Discovery of the iPod size electric generator fueled by H @-252 C

1-21-2016 "Trial Explores Whether Towns Discriminate Against Nonmembers of Polygamous Sect" By FERNANDA SANTOS A federal complaint accuses the side-by-side towns of Colorado City, Ariz., and Hildale, Utah, of discriminating against people who are not members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. PHOENIX — When an unfamiliar car drives into the small neighboring towns of Colorado City, Ariz., and Hildale, Utah, private security agents working for the polygamist sect that dominates the towns ask the local marshals, who act as the police for both towns, to run the license plates to see who is passing through, federal prosecutors said. Women wear ankle-length dresses. Children are taught to distrust strangers. Men think they need to have at least three wives to earn eternal salvation. Most of the 10,000 people who live in these towns live by the rules of the cloistered world they inhabit and the dictates of a polygamous sect, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose prophet, Warren S. Jeffs, is serving a life sentence for the sexual assault of underage girls he said were his wives. And now, in Federal District Court here, 12 jurors will be asked to decide whether the two municipalities are run in a way that discriminates against outsiders, depriving them of their housing and civil rights. Philip Barlow is the mayor of Hildale, Utah, one of the two towns accused of discrimination. Credit Ralph Freso/Associated Press According to the federal government’s complaint, originally filed in 2012, the towns and their utilities “have engaged in a pattern or practice of illegal discrimination against individuals who are not members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” For their part, lawyers representing Hildale and Colorado City say the issue at hand is religious freedom; they accuse the government of discriminating against an unpopular religion, whose legality is not being challenged. Jeffrey Matura, who represents Colorado City, said

1-21-2016 Discovery of the iPod size electric generator fueled by H @-252 C

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months. French + BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months. BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 GlaxoSmithKline revenue rose to $44.25 billion in the last 3 months. BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Tobacco revenue rose to $84.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa. French + BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Coor's revenue rose to $94.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa. French + BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates revenue rose to $444.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just for educational software sold to HS in the USA. Mostly Games to teach anatomy. Rap + Hip Hop too.

1-21-2016 Discovery of the iPod size electric generator fueled by H @-252 C

When an unfamiliar car drives into the small neighboring towns of Colorado City, Ariz., and Hildale, Utah, private security agents working for the polygamist sect that dominates the towns ask the local marshals, who act as the police for both towns, to run the license plates to see who is passing through...

1-21-2016 Invention of the License Plate + the suppression of the reinvented License Plate by the New York Times Journalists is a hate crime against women, mostly the 19K who will be murdered in 2016. iPhone 7 and NY Times Elite will not save one women's life in 2016. Bias new is one thing but hate crimes against women by the Times and Tim Cook is another. 19K murders in 2016 are not some George Orwell story in the New York Times but real stats. So the 1984 II mastermind of this trail is the criminal not the polygamous sect. Really.

Palin's son, a combat vet having served in a Stryker brigade. Like so many others, they come back a bit different. They come back hardened,” Palin said but didn't give the classified and news censored stats of the wives murdered just in 2016 by Wounded Warrior Vets. Palin addressed her son’s legal problems by alluding to his difficulty adjusting to civilian life after serving in the Army during the Iraq war. Track Palin allegedly struck his girlfriend Monday with a closed fist and threatened to shoot himself with an AR-15 rifle, according to a police affidavit. Sarah Palin left Trump the day after she said he had balls and no more pussyfooting around in our 1984 II society. YouTube Video of Sarah Palin at home handling this family crisis would be a good invention project to save the lives of the 19K women who will be murdered by a wounded warrior vet like Track. The Top Brass are not inventive enough to even write out iapps for this Track Palin attack but no murder of the wife. Track Palin on the Battle Fields the Stryker brigade that earned French + BP Oil $777 Trillion in 2016. Star Wars is the Battle Field of faster than light invention projects + of course the Battle for Brain Cancer Cure. Track Palin should have been sent to the Rx Recipe makers and got all the Rx Recipes for Sarah's breast cancer cure. SCARSDALE, N.Y. — A 58-year-old woman was fatally stabbed on Wednesday inside her home in this Westchester County village, the authorities said. A man who also lived in the home, possibly the woman’s husband, was detained by the police, officials said. Scarsdale police officers were called to the house at 50 Lincoln Road. NY Times reporter didn't write if he was a wounded warrior and could not print this as it's censored by the top brass. I'm sure 100's of murdered wives by vets were never reported in the Times. “No more pussy footin’ around! Our troops deserve the best, you deserve the best! "The Full Text Of Sarah Palin’s Bizarre Trump Speech" by Kyle Blaine... a Bizarre Orwellian Journalists, grin. Day in the life of a 1984 II Orwellian Journalists. Shock + Awe of this will be made public someday! "if you’re determined to win the war! And you quit footin’ the bill for these nations who are oil-rich, we’re paying for some of their skirmishes that have been going on for centuries. Where they’re fightin’ each other and yellin’ “Allah Akbar” calling Jihad on each other’s heads for ever and ever. Like I’ve said before, let them duke it out and let Allah sort it out". "President Obama will be able to look up, and there, over his head, he’ll be able to see that shining, towering, Trump tower. Yes, Barack, he built that, and that says a lot." Trump 155 Story Medical School in Manhattan was lost to Sex Slaves Sarah Track Palin has vivid memories of. Pussy footin she can say. Japan's Comfort Women still haunt the government of Japan Today. Yoko Ono took out a full page ad in the NY Times last week... "if you want to End War do it" as she knows the names of our 1984 II Dictators. Jimmy Carter the Mastermind elected to be President before Trump will have no Tolstoy Confession Book or YouTube death bed video on the suppression of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. In Key West writing at Starbucks with no iPhone 007 + MacBook Pro I have on my Salvation Army Habitat for Humanity T Shirt for local observers, grin.

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months. French + BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Verizon revenue rose to $34.25 billion in the last 3 months. BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 GlaxoSmithKline revenue rose to $44.25 billion in the last 3 months. BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Tobacco revenue rose to $84.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa. French + BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Coor's revenue rose to $94.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just in Africa. French + BP Oil $777 Trillion!

1-21-2016 Bill + Melinda Gates revenue rose to $444.25 billion in the last 3 months. Just for educational software sold to HS in the USA. Mostly Games to teach anatomy. Rap + Hip Hop too.

1-21-2016 By ERIC LICHTBLAU New York Times - Exodus, a ship carrying 4,500 Jewish Aliens...

1-20-2016 "Oscars So White? Or Oscars So Dumb? Discuss" By MANOHLA DARGIS, WESLEY MORRIS and A. O. SCOTT New York Times Movie Review of... "4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat" all SWF MD's won every Oscar in 2017 and there were no Black Critics as this movie saved the lives of 5 Billion people, everyone on Earth! And gave Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity faster than the speed of light Godsend for NASA.

1-20-2016 By ERIC LICHTBLAU New York Times - Exodus, a ship carrying 4,500 Jewish Aliens...

1-20-2016 By ERIC LICHTBLAU New York Times - Exodus, a ship carrying 4,500 Jewish Aliens...

1-20-2016 By ERIC LICHTBLAU New York Times - Exodus, a ship carrying 4,500 Jewish refugees that was turned away from Palestine by the British in 1947, has been donated to the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.

1-20-2016 "Oscars So White? Or Oscars So Dumb? Discuss" By MANOHLA DARGIS, WESLEY MORRIS and A. O. SCOTT New York Times Movie Review of... "4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat" all SWF MD's won every Oscar in 2017 and there were no Black Critics as this movie saved the lives of 5 Billion people, everyone on Earth! And gave Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity faster than the speed of light Godsend for NASA.

1-20-2016 By ERIC LICHTBLAU New York Times - Exodus, a ship carrying 4,500 Jewish Aliens...

1-20-2016 By ERIC LICHTBLAU New York Times - Exodus, a ship carrying 4,500 Jewish Aliens...

1-20-2016 White House Letter Obama’s Goal to Wipe Out Malaria May Be a Dream Too Far - but Obama did wipe out 4.5 Trillion Jewish Aliens at the nearest 52 Stars in his War Games with the Muslims, Mecca, Allah, and $777 Trillion Godsend that would finance an Exodus to Alpha Centauri via Hubble Space Telescope Trains.

1-20-2016 Historical examples - "Cutting off the nose to spite the face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: The Embargo Act of 1807, passed by the United States Congress in protest against British and French interference in U.S. shipping. The Act had the side-effect of prohibiting nearly all U.S. exports and most imports, greatly disrupting the U.S. economy.

1-20-2016 Today examples - "Cutting off the nose to spite the face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues given to Mecca, Allah financed the 9/11 Terrorists flight from Boston + trillions of attacks in Paris La Belle Cafe's Today.

1-20-2016 Today at Yale Daily News - Overlord at Yale. Here at Yale, we apply for everything, and that includes leadership of popular student forum “Overheard at Yale.” The former moderator Tyler Blackmon ’16 circulated an application for the role which was due Monday. The Yale community awaits his decision. "Sweet 16 girls" from this writer at Yale... Sweet 15. Online encyclopedia Wikipedia turns 15 this month. To celebrate the equation, the site released statistics on its most viewed and edited articles. Wikipedia’s most popular entry of all time is its article about former President George W. Bush ’68. The page has been edited 45,862 times since its creation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutting_off_the_nose_to_spite_the_face

1-20-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat News from Yale Medical School; the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine on the potential of the hallucinogen psilocybin, the active ingredient in “magic mushrooms,” to help patients quit smoking in the context of cognitive behavioral therapy treatment. Another study currently being conducted by University of New Mexico will investigate the effects of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy in treatment of alcoholism. Yale Psychedelic Science Group gathered for the first time Tuesday evening at the Yale School of Medicine, marking the inaugural session of a seminar series on the therapeutic use of psychedelic substances in academic research and clinical psychiatry. The group of over 30 people, which has been meeting informally to discuss developments in the field of psychedelic science since last year. Front page of the Key West Citizen a "Local Girl" was hired to make a alcohol commercial... grin. Cut off your nose to spite... Yale Medical School MD's only come to Key West as tourists not to wipe out alcoholism with LSD II + III, grin!

1-20-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat is the Malaria Cure +++ every disease in Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity; even worms, grin. But First and Second Breast + Brain Cancers!

1-20-2016 White House Letter "Obama’s Goal to Wipe Out Malaria May Be a Dream Too Far" Under President Obama, the President’s Malaria Initiative has grown into a $618-million program that works in 19 African countries and in Southeast Asia. Yet the disease remains a top killer of children around the world. By GARDINER HARRIS More important, there is no malaria vaccine — several are in development, but none is consistently effective. Some experts believe a vaccine will never be made, in part because surviving a natural infection does not produce lifelong immunity. $2.5 billion in 2014. The United States government is responsible for about half of the total, and about half of America’s spending comes from the president’s initiative. Despite undeniable progress, serious challenges remain. Malaria deaths have fallen by about two-thirds since 2000 — in large measure because more than half of Africa’s population now sleeps under mosquito nets, compared with just 2 percent in 2000 — and 6.2 million lives have been saved. Even so, last year the world had an estimated 214 million new malaria cases and 438,000 deaths.

1-20-2016 White House Letter Obama’s Goal to Wipe Out Malaria May Be a Dream Too Far - President’s Malaria Initiative is really the 1984 II Dictators Initiative's that can't even dictate those coming to work at HQ sick stay at home and tell those that they share the break room table with they have Syphilis, HIV, MS Virus, STD's...

1-20-2016 White House Letter Obama’s Goal to Wipe Out Malaria May Be a Dream Too Far -

1-20-2016 White House Letter Obama’s Goal to Wipe Out Malaria May Be a Dream Too Far -

1-20-2016 White House Letter Obama’s Goal to Wipe Out Malaria May Be a Dream Too Far - More than average more than four standard drinks of alcohol a day, twice the recommended health guidelines, and these drinkers are targeted by the alcohol industry and branded as 'super consumers' - White House Letter how many die in Africa from alcohol is more than malaria's 425K in 2016 but Obama censors these stats.... Smoking in Africa kills trillions of blacks in 2016 and this is not in the Malaria White House Letters! 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat is the Malaria Cure!

1-20-2016 White House Letter Obama’s Goal to Wipe Out Malaria May Be a Dream Too Far -

1-20-2016 White House Letter Obama’s Goal to Wipe Out Malaria May Be a Dream Too Far -

1-20-2016 White House Letter Obama’s Goal to Wipe Out Malaria May Be a Dream Too Far -

1-20-2016 Win 10 and Bill Gates Wiped Out May Be a Dream that will come true in 2016... By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The arrests were made in connection with a suspected price-fixing scheme for high school trips to former Nazi camps in Poland, the Israeli police said. Police said price fixing of education software by Bill Gates to make $100 Billion in profits for Microsoft in 2016 is a crime.

1-20-2016 Donald Trump, the billionaire and leading Republican candidate for President of the United States, says he wants Apple, the biggest technology company in the world by market valuation, to make its computers and other products in America.

1-20-2016 Cutting off the nose to spite the face...

...off the nose to spite the face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: "Don't cut off your nose to

The most famous[citation needed] of these cases was that of Saint Ebba (sometimes called Æbbe the Younger), the Mother Superior of the monastery of Coldingham. In 867 AD, Viking pirates from Zealand and Uppsala landed in Scotland. When news of the raid reached Saint Ebba, she gathered her nuns together and urged them to disfigure themselves, so that they might be unappealing to the Vikings. In this way, they hoped to protect their chastity. She demonstrated this by cutting off her nose and upper lip, and the nuns proceeded to do the same. The Viking raiders were so disgusted that they burned the entire building to the ground with the nuns inside

1-20-2016 Historical examples - "Cutting off the nose to spite the face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: The Embargo Act of 1807, passed by the United States Congress in protest against British and French interference in U.S. shipping. The Act had the side-effect of prohibiting nearly all U.S. exports and most imports, greatly disrupting the U.S. economy.

1-20-2016 Today examples - "Cutting off the nose to spite the face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues given to Mecca, Allah financed the 9/11 Terrorists flight from Boston + trillions of attacks in Paris La Belle Cafe's Today.

1-19-2016 Women MD's Put Vagina Discharge Pictures on Front Page NY Times - in reply to "Using iPhones to Connect Children to Health Care" By Perri Klass, M.D.

1-19-2016 Women MD's Put Vagina Discharge Pictures on Front Page NY Times - in reply to "Using iPhones to Connect Children to Health Care" By Perri Klass, M.D.

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; of New York Times Writer Doctors like Perri! "Using Phones to Connect Children to Health Care" By Perri Klass, M.D. New York Times Today. Dr. Perri censored his article in the NY Times today. Trump would fire her and hire Dr. Nancy Snyderman who would have written up Bill Clintons STD's and HIV... Michael Douglas getting cancer from Oral Sex pictures on the front page of the NY Times too. Anger Management new TV Show over giving them all HIV. Shake down cost tens of millions $$ Not on the front page of the NY Times.

1-19-2016 Yale Elite; Bush, Jimmy Carter, Oil + Peanuts... motivated by "Financial Spite;" Yale students are back on Campus Today from Christmas + New Years Break and wrote up "Spite" and GE leaving Connecticut.

Serendipity Inventions are not really by accident, you have to buy the "Power Ball IP Lottery Tickets" at your Apple-Starbucks Store!

1-19-2016 Motivated by spite; McCain + Kerry the "Medal of Honor" for the full potential of the 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year and Faster than the Speed of Light Invention in 1981.

1-19-2016 Motivated by spite; Pentagon Generals + MD's at Walter Reed are in the same "Class" but light years apart in dissecting their frontal lobe's "Din" of wandering thoughts today! Beau was killed by a MD the Generals believe, but the MD's think the Generals are the real killers of Beau!

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals world wide for Children of Poison gas exhaust. Spray painted clouds of poison gas exhaust on Duval world wide. McCain + Kerry cheer the drone strikes while MD women scream Hell No at Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals!

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; of New York Times Writer Doctors like Perri! "Using Phones to Connect Children to Health Care" By Perri Klass, M.D. New York Times Today. Dr. Perri censored his article in the NY Times today. Trump would fire her and hire Dr. Nancy Snyderman who would have written up Bill Clintons STD's and HIV... blackmail's she knows about from the Today Show. I remember the first time one of my children text ed me a photo of a skin lesion. It was not a photo of my own child’s skin, but that of a college roommate’s, and the message was something like: “Hi, Mom, is this anything to worry about?” There was no identifying information — I couldn’t actually tell what part of the body I was looking at — and there was certainly no medical history (a 19-year-old in generally good health has had this mark on the arm for a week and it seems to be getting bigger but it doesn’t hurt if you press on it … that kind of thing). I tried to take it as a tribute — friends sitting around a dorm room, showing one another funny lumps and bumps, and up speaks my offspring: “Oh, my mom will be able to tell you what that is!” The intensity with which teenagers live on and through their phones is hardly news. Many parents find themselves trying, and often failing, to legislate phone use at the table and at bedtime. So going away to college does mean, among many forms of independence, phone freedom. Telemetric has been much in the news as researchers investigate how technology can extend the reach of medical services, and a host of start-ups and app developers look for ways to incorporate medical care into our relationships with our devices. And so in pediatrics, there is discussion about the potential for making health part of that adolescent connectedness. Even when it’s not long-distance communication, it improves communication because they think to use the phone to take a picture of the rash that they can show you when they come in to see you,” said Dr. Cindy Osman, a clinical associate professor of pediatrics at New York University. Cindy + Perri must get a vaginal discharge smartphone photo from someone so why the Hell didn't they make this a front page picture in the New York Times Today? Because of our 1984 II Dictators gave her the vaginal discharge! Cindy + Perri might keep writing and name who gave the women a STD! This would be published in the New York Times and will be after the MD Women's Coup. Along with front page pictures of the vaginal discharge's. Bill + Melinda education software is not just a scam but harms millions of women. ...from her college-age son and assuming it was a viral infection... get the Strep test he needed... Hell he needed to email Michael Douglas about getting cancer from oral sex! Which almost cost him his marriage. Patrick K. FitzGerald, the vice president for entrepreneurship and innovation at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, said that “to some degree we are all self-diagnosing nowadays,” using various sites and tools on the Internet. The question, he told me, is how hospitals can incorporate that into their patient care “so people are getting the right care at the right price.” Dr. James P. Marcin, a pediatric critical care specialist at the University of California, Davis, was the lead author on last summer’s American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement on telemetric and how it can be used to improve access to care for children. Put a Smartphone cam on all Priest 24/7 would help reduce the sex abuse going on today in the Catholic Church. No Dr's Dr. James P. Marcin + Dr. James P. Marcin can't write this in Today's New York Times on orders from our 1984 II Dictators!!

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; iapps for MD washing their hands, 1984 III MD women will have Cook iapps for hand washing at 100% compliance or 15 days in jail. Mr. Putin has said the propaganda law protects children from being exposed to behaviors he regards as abnormal. The new bill would take that preposterous rationale one step further and criminalize an act as harmless and natural as holding hands in public. A vaguely written “gay propaganda” law passed in 2013 created a toxic environment for gay men and lesbians in Russia. Now, some lawmakers want to further denigrate and stigmatize gay people. A new bill scheduled for debate on Friday in the lower house of Parliament would allow the authorities to impose fines and even jail time for public displays of affection between people of the same sex. The law would criminalize “the public expression of nontraditional sexual relations, manifested in a public demonstration of personal perverted sexual preferences in public spaces.” If such displays of affection happen in educational or cultural institutions, a jail sentence of up to 15 days can be imposed. Ivan Nikitchuk, one of the lawmakers who introduced the bill, Ivan MD and Putin MD after reading, and watching a New York Times super computer simulation about STD's, MS Virus, will pass this new law against gays. Hell Key West Gays spray painted clouds of burning oil from Trillions of Scooters on Duval never thinking of them as poison gas and bringing charges of Holocaust II + III from Saint Jude Auschwitz MD's. DNA cross walk would have been a more literate one by the Key West City Counsel, please email Jimmy Weekley on this! Cruise Ship Virus Hell... your bag of Oreo's at Public has Norwalk Virus on it from someone's coughing... and lives on the Oreo's bag for 4 days! A little more literate please... and the scooter guy who screamed I should have run you over on your Trike, please arrest him from your George Orwell video, grin.

1-19-2016Greg + Wives in Key West would spend $99 Billion in a Apple store in Miami, grin! Putin MD needs to do a propaganda video washing his hands in a hospital and what bacteria was there before and after along with Moscow cooks hand shake with a KGB agent collecting bacteria for a 60 minutes CBS Moscow show.

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 Steve Jobs last appearance to the Cupertino City Council she ask Jobs at the end if he would give the city of "Cupertino" free wifi, sign in with your Apple ID; Key West needs Free Wifi from Apple, sign in with your Apple ID. Apple Space Ship Campus 20 busses run on clean diesel fuel... no super computer simulation of this from New York Times Video!

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 Steve Jobs... Bill Gates both motivated by spite; Apple-Starbucks in Cupertino you can buy your new iPod, iPad at Starbucks. Bill Gates copied and pasted the Macintosh look and feel icons into the PC. MacBook Pro at every table at every French La Belle Cafe in Paris!

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 Bush, Jimmy Carter, Oil + Peanuts... motivated by "Financial Spite;" Yale students are back on Campus Today from Christmas + New Years Break and wrote up "Spite" and GE leaving Connecticut. Sandy Hook Shooting by a GE executive was to much "Spite" on the shooters part and Yale MD's who talked to him and his mom at Yale Campus. This must have overloaded GE top brass with enough "Spite" to move away from Yale! Yale MD's wrote Rx's for the Kid then let mom refuse to give him the Rx. Dad at GE HQ in Connecticut didn't have any iPhone Cam's going in their home so no alarms beeped at GE HQ. All this is classified by the Elite at Yale and the Elite at GE in a George Orwell 1984 II society that gives GE Windmill kickbacks of $150 Billion in 2016 for suppressing the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era of Serendipity Inventions that are not really by accidents. God Save the Queen - Oppenheimer had cheers working on the A-Bomb every day too!

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 "GE announces move from Connecticut" Jiahui Hu |Jan 19, 2016 Staff Reporter Yale Daily News. Connecticut’s loss of General Electric, a multinational corporation with gross revenue of $150 billion annually, points to the state’s chronic inability to grow its high-tech industry to full potential, critics have alleged. GE, which has been based in the Fairfield suburbs for the past 42 years, announced last Wednesday that it will relocate its headquarters to Boston. 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort is almost 42 years old. Grin.

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 Motivated by spite; McCain + Kerry the "Medal of Honor" for the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort that would have Escorted in 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year! Motivated by spite; Pentagon Generals + MD's at Walter Reed in the same "Class" but light years apart in dissecting their frontal lobe's "Din" of wandering thoughts today!

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 Steve Jobs last appearance to the Cupertino City Council she ask Jobs at the end if he would give the city of "Cupertino" free wifi, sign in with your Apple ID; Key West needs Free Wifi from Apple, sign in with your Apple ID. Apple Space Ship Campus 20 busses run on clean diesel fuel... no super computer simulation of this from any talented City people. Jobs said if we get out of paying taxes I will provide free Apple Wifi he said to her. Building the best office building in the world. Designed for safety how about cancer screening? Both my parents died of lung cancer from smoking so no smoking at the new Apple Campus. Last City Council question is we want a Apple Store in Cupertino, not enough traffic to be successful. Apple-Starbucks in Cupertino you can buy your new iPod, iPad with your coffee. Is what Steve Jobs should have envisioned on June 7, 2011.

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 Steve Jobs... motivated by spite; according to recent research at Yale the study, published in Evolution and Human Behavior, looks at capuchin monkeys’ tendency to punish a peer when faced with an unfair distribution of resources. The monkeys were presented with a scenario in which they shared food, and researchers were able to observe their behavior under varying conditions of inequity and social pressure to gain insight into the evolutionary origins of punishment. “This study provides some of the first evidence that psychological motivations like spite may not be as unique to humans as previously thought,” said psychology professor Laurie Santos, a study co-author, in an email to the News.

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 Medicare spending for patients with chronic kidney disease aged 65 and older exceeded $50 billion and represented 20 percent of all Medicare spending in that age group... I would guess total spending on kidney disease for all age groups would be $100 Billion. 17,600 kidney transplants done when 50K should have been done and will be when 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat are our 1984 III Dictators and Oppenheimer II + III MD's. Oppenheimer II + III MD's will recycle 50K new mini-H-Bombs to 50K Serendipity Inventions are not really by accident, if you have all of Los Alamos for your IP invention projects, grin.

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 Faster than the speed of light invention will be lost in our lifetime if we give McCain + Kerry the Medal of Honor for killing off the idea and serendipity of NASA going 777 times the speed of light.

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 Kidney Disease “Monitoring and early treatment of those conditions are key to prevention... $100 Trillion has been spent on Homeland Security to monitor Muslim Terrorists who also have $100 Trillion from Miami gas station hold ups, grin.

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 "God save the queen" were recently spoken in space for (possibly) the first time when British astronaut Major Tim Peake uttered the famous phrase... famous phrase; "You can't go faster than the speed of light." "God Save the New York Times Masterminds." You can invent a way to go 777 times faster than the speed of light and someone from NYC would have by now if the New York Times would have "Brainstormed" this IP on the front page everyday! CBS Nightly News Masterminds are even worst than the NY Times and NBC Comcast Masterminds will all lose their heads in a laser guillotine when the French decide to work on this IP in a New French Revolution.

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-19-2016 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat motivated by spite; Saint Jude Auschwitz Hospitals

1-18-2016 Serendipity Inventions are not really by accident, you have to buy the "Power Ball IP Lottery Tickets" at your Apple-Starbucks Store! Appropriate, Survivors, Inappropriat"Wounded Warrior Czars Stymies Tech Innovation that will surpass the Gravity Engine by going 777 times faster than the speed of light in our lifetime. McCain and Kerry have destroyed the Earth + the Universe in their Peace talks with Iran! Oil will flood the Earth now, and the NY Times will censor news of the storm of Poison gas exhaust. Kids at Saint Jude will die a tortured death via McCain + Kerry's Peace Talks. Elite French Men demanded Wine at the Peace Talks without Los Alamos Super computers simulations on Ultra LG 100" monitors, grin. Iran has $100 Billion in new 100 dollar bills today thanks to McCain + Kerry. None will be spent on a MacBook Pro or Power Ball IP's. Greg + Wives in Key West would have given $99 Billion to a Apple store in Miami, grin! Faster than the speed of light invention will be lost in our lifetime if we give McCain + Kerry the Medal of Honor for spreading terrible STD's + buying "Power Ball Lottery Tickets" for kids going to Saint Jude Auschwitz on the McCain-Kerry Train fueled by Iran diesel!!

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Guaranteeing an IP invention project and MacBook Pro for Everyone...

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Guaranteeing an IP invention project and MacBook Pro for Everyone...

1-18-2016 Appropriate, HELL No, Bill Gates as the mosquito Moon Shot Obama ordered in his first state of the Union 7 years ago and we still have a mass of mosquitos world wide... Bill + Melinda Gates failed Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity in 777 trillion ways. "Zika Warning Spotlights Latin America’s Fight Against Mosquito-Borne Diseases" By SIMON ROMERO New York Times. MLK Day! What do mosquito's have to do with MLK... even Bush can do this math and get a correct answer. grin. "By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. Why scientists are worried about the Zika virus, and how to avoid it". How to avoid not getting the "Power Ball Invention" to eradicate every mosquito on Earth fast! Steve Jobs bio is on YouTube Red Video, Bill Gates Bio will have to have Mosquitos - Jobs said we don't have to destroy Microsoft to win. Jobs was wrong if he was asked this for Humanity eradicating all Mosquitos, disease + war on Earth as Bill + Melinda Gates will never ever pre-install C++ in any update of Win 10. What does C++ have to do with mosquitos. Everyone at Los Alamos can do this math correct. Every Mosquito on Earth will be nuked by someone writing C++ iapps for the Mosquitos Power Ball Lottery Win, yes you can cheat the Casino in this game of chance. Serendipity Inventions are not really by accident.

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Guaranteeing an IP invention project and MacBook Pro for Everyone...

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Guaranteeing an IP invention project and MacBook Pro for Everyone...

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Key West Citizen Newspaper front page today of the Navy "Phased Out" 4 seat EA-6B 2 engine warfare jet for jamming and destroying enemy radar. 35 years of these flying in and out of Key West. Transition to F-35B Lightning II Jets. And EA-18G Growler's. F/A 18 Super Hornets often seen buzzing over Key West White Sandy Beach. Banshees fighter jets will join them on the beach. Commanding officer Shutz said their like driving a Model T Ford to the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort with Navy state of the arts laser guidance and iPhone Dash cam's so Shutz can write a traffic ticket if necessary for going to fast... faster than the speed of light tickets have been written by the top brass McCain + Kerry. No going faster than the speed of light in your life time flying dreams! Shot Down by McCain + Kerry the Top Brass! Masterminds of the "Power Ball $$$ Lottery in at the Navy Station in Key West". Not the Invention Lottery!

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Guaranteeing an IP invention project and MacBook Pro for Everyone...

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Guaranteeing an IP invention project and MacBook Pro for Everyone...

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Steve Jobs Vision of the personal computer for everyone at $8,500 selling songs for 99 cents. Selling Trillion Dollar "IP Power Ball" Tickets at every Apple-Starbucks Store world wide for the cost of a cup of coffee you get to Invent Something. iTune iInventions, IP for the cost of a cup of coffee. "Gravity Engine" is the first "Power Ball" lottery ticket going on sale today! No Apple-Starbucks Store's are open today, Fed's Holiday, no iMail Post Office Invention either, grin.

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Guaranteeing an IP invention project and MacBook Pro for Everyone...

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Guaranteeing an IP invention project and MacBook Pro for Everyone...

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Steve Jobs Vision of the personal computer for everyone at $8,500 selling songs for 99 cents. Selling Trillion Dollar "IP Power Ball" Tickets at every Apple-Starbucks Store world wide. "Pancreatic Cancer" Brain + Breast Cancer second "Power Ball" lottery ticket going on sale today! Jobs received a liver transplant. Liver of a car crash victim. Third "Power Ball" lottery ticket will be for laser guidance on the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Fourth for iPhone dash cam's.

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Guaranteeing an IP invention project and MacBook Pro for Everyone...

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Guaranteeing an IP invention project and MacBook Pro for Everyone...

1-18-2016 Appropriate, View the "Sober" world with a "Gravity Engine" winner! Madonna was very drunk on stage. All the World is your Stage. Today the Universe is your stage. Madonna's Mental Health drunk on stage. Liver of a 20 year old Madonna who died in a drunk driving car crash. iPad, MacBook Pro on stage, anything but being drunk on stage for Madonna when she sobers up enough to buy a Gravity Engine Power Lyrics! Write the lyrics for going faster than the speed of light for the drunk Madonna.

1-18-2016 Appropriate, She's been engaged in a bitter custody battle with her ex Guy Ritchie, 47, over her son, Rocco. So perhaps that's why Madonna seemed a bit off during her Rebel Heart Tour concert stop in Kentucky on Saturday. The 57-year-old singer was accused of being under the influence of alcohol on stage and mocking the locals, according to TMZ. 'Madonna was very drunk,' one concert goer told the site. This comes on the heels of her being seen with ex-husband Sean Penn last weekend.

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Guaranteeing an IP invention project and MacBook Pro for Everyone...

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Guaranteeing an IP invention project and MacBook Pro for Everyone...

1-18-2016 Appropriate, Survivors, Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars Stymies Tech Innovation that will surpass the Gravity Engine by going 777 times faster than the speed of light. McCain and Kerry have destroyed the Earth + the Universe in their Peace talks with Iran!

1-18-2016 Appropriate... Serendipity Inventions are not really by accident.

1-18-2016 Appropriate... Serendipity Inventions are not really by accident.

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! Biden thinking of the Dead Beau while sitting at a French Cafe tomorrow as the Cancer Cure Czar. He will still be powerful enough to place a order with the Apple Paris Store for 100's of thousands of MacBook Pro's for every French Cafe. Inappropriate!!!

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 MGM Galactic Resorts in Vegas would have Trillions of Jewish Alien Guest in 2016, some would be tourists in Key West too!

1-17-2016 "How Some Would Level the Field: Free Harvard Degrees" - "Beau + Biden" at "West Point" Medical School" - How Biden could have saved the lives of "100 Million Little Beau's" when he was sending $100's of Trillions to "West Point" for Cadets Pay Checks. Point is "West Point" Generals killed Beau and 100 million others world wide and the MD's at Harvard Medical School took BP Oil kickbacks from Kerry to go along with this Generals Cancer, this virus in the frontal lobes reasoning of the VP... of the USA. God will put Biden on trail for the murder of Beau at "West Point". Biden will be pleading guilt as she now realized he did kill Beau! Via giving $100 Trillion dollars to "West Point" cadets, who never ever will even think of working on a Rx Cure for Brain + Breast Cancers!

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Celine Dion's brother died of cancer two days after the death of the entertainer's husband. Celine Dion's brother died of cancer two days after the death of the entertainer's husband.

1-17-2016 How Some Would Level the Field: Free Harvard Degrees - "Beau + Biden" at "West Point" Medical School" - How Biden could have saved the lives of "100 Million Little Beau's" when he was sending $100's of Trillions to "West Point" for Cadets Pay Checks.

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 So instead I’d ask, “What place most inspired you and why?” Rather than ask about her job, I would ask, “What work are you passionate about?” I wouldn’t ask about her longest relationship, as if length equals depth. Instead, I’d ask, “What’s the most in love you’ve ever felt?” All it takes is a willingness to dive into conversations that may make us uncomfortable or that many believe to be inappropriate for first encounters.

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 MGM Resorts’ Las Vegas Casinos to End Free Parking - Free Parking is not Free; it's the killer of 100 million little Beau's + their wives from breast cancer.

1-17-2016 MGM Resorts International announced on Friday that it would become the first major casino company in Las Vegas to end a longstanding and popular perk: free parking. The move could bring in millions of dollars annually, and transform a tourism hot spot that increasingly caters to visitors who come for expensive attractions other than gambling. MGM Resorts, the largest hotel-casino operator in Las Vegas, said it would charge $10 or less for overnight self-parking at most of its properties on the Las Vegas Strip starting this spring. MGM Resorts has 35,310 hotel rooms and 37,000 parking spots on the Strip, which are at a premium during major events. The parking fees will be imposed at Mandalay Bay, Delano, Luxor, Excalibur, Monte Carlo, New York-New York, Vdara, Aria, Bellagio, the Mirage and MGM Grand. Valet parking will cost still more, but some parking at the Circus Circus hotel and the Crystals and Mandalay Bay Place shopping centers will still be free. The company did not provide details on the fees, but it said that parking would be cheaper at some hotels. Those in MGM’s loyalty program will be able to earn free parking rewards. The fees, though unexpected, fall in line with casinos’ focus on expanding their database of gamblers reward programs, according to Alex Bumazhny, a gambling analyst with Fitch Ratings.

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 MGM Galactic Resorts would have Trillions of Jewish Alien Guest in 2016, some would be tourists in Key West too!

1-17-2016 Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New York, one of the seven organizations supported by The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund, used $69.68 from the fund to buy a portable heater, which Ms. Benitez keeps in her bedroom on the 25th floor as wind blows through the windows. Despite her losses, her husband + daughter from cancers. Ms. Benitez considers herself lucky. “You can’t think of the bad things that have happened; think of the good things that are going to happen,” she said. “There are people that are worse off than you. In Hell, 72 Virgins and "West Point Cadets" will be worse off for the next 4 trillion years... Jimmy Carter Today is giving a sermon on "Small Talked Thinks" when one headline in the NY Times Sunday is about New Nuclear Subs that don't have to carry 120 H-Bombs with them 24/7. 120 Nearest Stars are not going to be in Pope Francis Sermon + News in the Times.

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 So instead I’d ask, “What place most inspired you and why?” Rather than ask about her job, I would ask, “What work are you passionate about?” I wouldn’t ask about her longest relationship, as if length equals depth. Instead, I’d ask, “What’s the most in love you’ve ever felt?” All it takes is a willingness to dive into conversations that may make us uncomfortable or that many believe to be inappropriate for first encounters.

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! War inspired Jimmy Carter + Biden more than Jewish Aliens! Ask their Wives if after reading this web page do they think everyone in their "Class of Warriors" will be soul mates in Heaven or Hell. King Salman believes in 72 virgins. West Point Cadets who are Generals Today want Star Wars to Win the War as Jewish Aliens will be a game changer the Pentagon will lose everything it has gained since the Vietnam War. IP invention projects that are inappropriate for first encounters, conversations in Paris for the Elite Oil Men will be H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower that is not a New Yale Paris Medical School. WW III at Yale History Department will have to type up that it was caused by French Cartoons. But more people world wide died of Brain + Breast Cancers than in WW III. Harvard Medical School in Paris, the French Elite have enough money to pay the Medical Students more than West Point Cadets get... Age of Reasoning Why in Paris, Cartoon Headlines could have attacked this "point" in Elite Medical Schools but didn't. MacBook Pro's costing $8K each on every table at every French Cafe. Again a Cartoon of this would have made headlines in the Paris Times. Inappropriate!!! Biden thinking of the Dead Beau while sitting at a French Cafe tomorrow as the Cancer Cure Czar. He will still be powerful enough to place a order with Apple Paris Store for 100's of thousands of MacBook Pro's for every French Cafe. Inappropriate!!!

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 "Obama to propose new unemployment insurance plan in budget" Washington Post - President Obama will include a new wage insurance scheme in his budget next month that would provide supplemental payments to workers who lose their jobs and end up taking new ones at lower salaries.

1-17-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West Proposals would be a "Cancer Insurance" for Brain + Breast Cancers that would provide "Cheney VIP" treatment for everyone diagnosed. Lower level of care Jimmy Carter would have gotten if he didn't suppress the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Invention for the Texas Oil Men.

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Oscar Munoz, United Continental Holdings' chief executive, on Friday. After spending nine days following a surprise heart-transplant operation at Chicago's Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

1-17-2016 Surprise kidney-transplants for 100 thousand on kidney dialysis machines ordered by our 1984 II Dictators after reading this web page today, grin!

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 King Salman on the Death of his Dad gave everyone in Saudi Arabia $84 Billion dollars in gifts. All this money came from gas station hold ups in Miami USA.

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate Mandy!!! Mandy Miles in Tan Lines wrote up Nick Carter of The Backstreet Boys Arrested in Key West, Florida Carter was arrested around 7 p.m. at Hog's Breath Saloon in Key West after he and another man, Michael Papayans of Palos Verdes Estates, California, came into the bar "heavily intoxicated," according to an incident report from the Key West Police ... Inappropriate Mandy as 100's of thousands and ruined their lives and marriage come into bars heavily intoxicated - heard ed into the bars drunk. Yes Hog's and Cattle are hearted into Key West Bars. Stop the small talk Mandy. Tell us about your girlfriend who ruined her life coming into a bar heavily intoxicated!

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-17-2016 Inappropriate!!! "Wounded Warrior Czars of "Brain + Breast Cancer" Order 100K MacBook Pro's...

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators light the H-Bomb "arc furnace" invented by Los Alamos, + Greg + Wives in Key West yesterday. Use for 50K H-Bombs will be to make 1 Trillion cans of H @ -254 C. By then our New 1984 III Dictators will not order Los Alamos to make 50K Ultra H-Bombs.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators - Greg + Wives in Key West says international sanctions to be lifted on Saturday - VIENNA - International sanctions on the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort to be lifted by the USA today... grin.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators - 1 Nobel a Year in Medicine from our 1984 II Dictators... Greg + Wives in Key West will give our 1984 III Dictators 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year via Rx Recipes crunched at Los Alamos. Observatory: Supernova Has Energy of Hundreds of Billions of Suns - Wives in a Legal Polygamous Marriage have the Energy of Hundreds of Black Pentagon 4 Star Generals from Vietnam + Desert Storm Rape of Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity in a Universe void of the USS Carter Space Telescope Submarine Fleet costing $10 Trillion each.

1-16-2016 Saturday Ivana Trump outside the Plaza in 1987. Once he owned the hotel, Mr. Trump put Ivana, his wife, in charge of renovating it, paying her, as he put it at the time, “one dollar a year plus all the dresses she can buy.”

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators - The banks shopped the Plaza around, without success, for a few years before finally selling it in a deal that valued it at $325 million to a partnership between Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia. Who also owned SWF sex slaves the Banks and the Donald would not disclose, grin. Trump 2015 Lie of the Year. Among the more memorable whoppers: a Twitter post that 81 percent of whites are killed by blacks - Trump knows SWF Sex Slaves are Classified by George Orwell... grin! YouTube Videos will be on Twitter. In 2004, when the hotel was sold yet again, this time for $675 million to an Israeli developer who carved up the rooms in the way that Mr. Trump had originally imagined. Half of the building was turned into condominiums, which eventually sold for a total of $1.4 billion. . After Mr. Trump called in December for a “complete shutdown” on Muslims’ entry into the United States, Prince Alwaleed posted on Twitter: “You are a disgrace not only to the G.O.P. but to all America. Withdraw from the U.S. presidential race as you will never win.” Still not Muslim SWF sex slaves, comments from trump. Mr. Trump returned fire: “Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy’s money. Can’t do it when I get elected.” That same day, Dec. 11, Mr. Trump gave a speech at a luncheon where he was heckled by protesters waving signs that read, “Stop the war on immigrant communities” and “Trump, making America hate again.” Several people were ejected from the building. The building was the Plaza Hotel. NY Times got a State of the Arts 55 Story Skyscraper out of the $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues not a old Plaza Hotel. So the Times got the best skyscraper from our Oil Genocide Era. Out Trumping Trump, grin. And the NY Times got it for free, well for George Orwell's News. Fiery Cop Cars and iPhone Dash cam speeding + road rage tickets will not be given to Times Journalist too.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday editorial in the New York Times... Poison Gas Exhaust Tax! Editorial: "States Should Raise the Gas Tax" section A - page 18 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday the 1984 II Dictators at Saint Jude Auschwitz; a spin off of the "Desert Storm" War 25 years ago today. Bush + Bush loading kids from across the USA on to the cancer + birth defects trains heading to Saint Jude Auschwitz!!

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday - Jewish Aliens are banned from Kuwait Airways!

1-16-2016 Saturday - Jewish Aliens are banned from Kuwait Airways!

1-16-2016 Military Victory of "Desert Storm" on CBS Nightly News last night opened with "scared to death" about Oil, then the Black General Cheered on the Killing of the Army that went into Kuwait without thinking of 9/11 side effects. Bush was on with comments that the killing of Saddam won the Vietnam War finally... 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort was a casualty of losing the Vietnam War! Bush on CBS Nightly News last night went on and on about he finally won the Vietnam War in Kuwait's Desert Storm War! Psychotic diagnosis of Bush + General Powell you don't have to have a MD degree to make... grin! Kuwait Airways will operate its last flight between New York City and London on Saturday, deciding last month to drop the route after about 35 years of service rather than transport Israeli citizens between the two cities. The Transportation Department found in September that the airline’s policy discriminated against Israeli citizens and ordered the practice to stop. Instead, the airline announced in December that it would drop the flights. The decision does not apply to the airline’s three weekly nonstop flights between Kennedy International Airport in New York and Kuwait City. Those flights are not affected because Israelis are not allowed to visit Kuwait and are not granted visas.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday - Jewish Aliens are banned from Kuwait Airways!

1-16-2016 Saturday - Jewish Aliens are banned from Kuwait Airways! General Powell will not comment on CBS Nightly News tonight as NFL football is on CBS on Saturday's. Trump make the front page of the NY Times Saturday say's the NFL is boring - he would rather be fishing for the Gravity Engine... and more money in the Gravity Engine Invention than all of the NFL, grin.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Military Victory... Bush Oil Train leaving from Texas loads kids with birth defects + childhood cancers from poison gas exhaust and delivers them to Saint Jude Auschwitz.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators brace for increased Iranian oil exports, "Desert Storm" cancers promoted Bill Cosby to a 4 Star General for the amazing cover up of those he set on fire, Burning Up by Madonna... her burn unit video was censored by Madonna not the government, grin. $100 Billion lottery win will be direct deposited in a Iran Bank today by our 1984 II Dictators. Kids on Duval Key West will breath in poison gas exhaust from 100 billion scooters with City Community Service workers using Leaf Blowers... on the spray painted clouds of burning oil.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators - Greg + Wives in Key West says international sanctions to be lifted on Saturday - VIENNA - International sanctions on the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort to be lifted by the USA today... grin.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Military Victories by Beau + Kerry created a "Black Hole" that burned up all the Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars. Desert Storm on CBS Nightly News last night opened with scared to death, then the Black General Cheered the Killing of the Army that went into Kuwait without thinking of 9/11 side effects. Bush was on with killing Saddam won the Vietnam War finally... you know the both have syphilis in their frontal lobes to say this on CBS nightly news... they said Desert Storm won the Vietnam War they had lost. The stigma of Vietnam Baby Killers is over. Black General + Bush said this over and over last night! Beau died for their "sins" and Biden could set them up for Holocaust II + III trails at the Pentagon and Texas Ranch, grin. Bill Cosby will be made a honorable General and marry General Powell. Kids at Saint Jude will be murdered by Kerry + the Masterminds of Desert Storm Kuwait War, one side effect is the SWF sex slaves in Kuwait Today 25 years after USA troops invaded Kuwait Vietnam. Today the Pentagon would be buying "Gravity Engine" Tanks and Hummers if their Black General were White! And opened up a "White Hole" in the Universe that emitted Jewish Aliens!

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

Arc furnaces used in research laboratories and by dentists may have a capacity of only a few dozen grams. Industrial electric arc furnace temperatures can be up to 1,800 °C (3,272 °F), while laboratory units can exceed 3,000 °C (5,432 °F).

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday Steve Jobs story he refused to carry a Apple Key card to open doors... access badge is a credential used to gain entry to an area having automated access control entry points. Entry points may be doors, turnstiles, parking gates or other barriers.

1-16-2016 Saturday Tim Cook refused an iapp iPhone ID GPS Drivers License Inventions!

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday Access badges use various technologies to identify the holder of the badge to an access control system. The most common technologies are magnetic stripe, proximity, barcode, smart cards and various biometric devices.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 CERN laboratory in Switzerland say they have observed bizarre new cousins of the protons and neutrons that make up the atomic nucleus. Protons and neutrons consist of other particles called quarks, bound by the strong nuclear force. By smashing particles at high energies, physicists have blasted into fleeting existence hundreds of other quark-containing particles. Until recently, all contained either two or three quarks. But since 2014, researchers working with CERN's Large Hadron Collider have also spotted four- and five-quark particles. Such tetraquarks and pentaquarks could require physicists to rethink their understanding of quantum chromodynamics, or they could have less revolutionary implications. Researchers hope that computer simulations

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday Yale Key West Medical School will do 400 diagnosis a day... 397 cases that were completed by CrowdMed over two years, Meyer and her colleagues found that 59.6 percent of patients said they had gained insights from CrowdMed that would lead them closer to a correct diagnosis.

1-16-2016 Saturday Yale Key West Medial School correct diagnosis + correct treatment will be Masterminded by 5K scientists at Los Alamos and another 5K MD's all using iapps like those writing on the same page at the Hemingway House Writers Classes putting an IP invention project in every chapter and the Nobel Novel is finished by midnight.

1-16-2016 Saturday Beau at Walter Reed and a Army of MD's but bullies and those pulling Rank murdered him...

1-16-2016 Researchers independently evaluated data from CrowdMed, a company whose crowdsourcing strategy involves seeking the opinions of an online community of people with a variety of educational backgrounds to make a recommendation based on the patient's self-reported symptoms as well as the laboratory and radiology studies they make available to the community. Patients and case-solvers may even interact via the Web. CrowdMed aims to provide rank-orderedsuggestions that patients can discuss with their own physician rather than a single, definitive diagnosis. There is a small fee required to use CrowdMed, and patients may additionally compensate some of the online "solvers" when their recommendations are particularly helpful. "Unlike typical second-opinion programs in which a patient's record is examined in a static fashion, CrowdMed can facilitate an interactive exchange of information and advice," said Dr. Ashley Meyer, cognitive psychologist and instructor at Baylor and health services researcher at IQuEST. "For example, CrowdMed members can recommend that a patient discuss an additional test with their personal physician and if the physician agrees to obtain it, the members can incorporate additional information based on the test results into their diagnostic suggestions." In a study of 397 cases that were completed by CrowdMed over two years, Meyer and her colleagues found that 59.6 percent of patients said they had gained insights from CrowdMed that would lead them closer to a correct diagnosis and 56.5 percent said they thought they would see a decrease in medical expenses. Before turning to CrowdMed, the patients studied had been looking for a diagnosis for 2.6 years, spent a median of 50 hours researching their problems online, visited five physicians and spent $10,000 in medical expenses. More than half (58.3 percent) of the crowd helping to solve these cases consisted of health care providers or medical students. However, the researchers do not know which of the 397 patients received correct diagnostic suggestions in the end. For that reason, it is not currently possible to understand how useful the method is for obtaining elusive diagnoses, Meyer said. Further research needs to evaluate whether or not patients are receiving correct diagnostic advice from this method. Singh emphasized the need to study the value of diagnostic interventions, citing a recent Institute of Medicine report on missed and delayed diagnoses that concluded that everyone will likely get misdiagnosed in their lifetime.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 People with chronic diseases + Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS Virus, often fail to make lifestyle changes.

1-16-2016 Ideally, patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or obesity would take steps to address lifestyle factors. Often, their treatment teams are disappointed when these patients fail either to improve their diets or make healthy changes patients with chronic diseases often fail to make lifestyle changes. For example, they continue to drink alcohol, stay sedentary, or smoke after myocardial infarction. Plenty of evidence shows that behavior changes can reverse cardiometabolic risk factors.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday - "Medical Aid Sent to Starving Syrian Town of Madaya" By NICK CUMMING-BRUCE

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators - Medical Aid will be sent to Walter Reed Hospital via Yale Key West Medical School soon as its up and running, linked to Los Alamos H-Bomb Diagnosis and Rx Recipes for the next generation of Beau Brain Cancers!

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

By CHRISTINE HAUSER In an interview with CBS to be broadcast on Sunday, Mr. Penn said he had hoped his interview with the fugitive would lead to a debate about the drug war. CBS aired some of the last night on CBS Nightly News. Penn + Madonna must have spent $777 million on drugs since they were married. Drug War has nothing to do with the Rx Overnight miracle cure for Stage 4. Time + Money wasted on Mexican Drugs is crazy as new mini H-Bombs on the Los Alamos Assembly line today. Antidote for Drugs can be invented at Los Alamos once Biden orders H-Bomb off the assembly lines. Oppenheimer Dr. Nancy if it works put it in the water. Drug War Won. Lobotomy Gas LG-Bomb over Pakistan will win the Nuclear War in view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris and Yale History Department will have to work overtime writing this up. Burundi’s Forces Are Engaging in Gang Rape, U.N. Official Says By NICK CUMMING-BRUCE - Bill Cosby and Black 4 Star Generals have been Engaging in Gang Rape of SWF's since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort.

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-16-2016 Saturday as the 1984 II Dictators

1-15-2016 Friday as the market braced for increased Iranian oil exports, with the lifting of international sanctions possible within days. Trillions of tons of Poison gas exhaust on Duval from this Iranian Oil via our 1984 II Dictators and Kerry was a Mastermind! Kerry could have masterminded the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort but failed Yale + Humanity. Kids at Saint Jude will be murdered by Kerry the Vietnam Vet Baby Killer with a new Vietnam Memorial in Key West for his Inventions!

1-15-2016 And thousands of children with potential brain damage from lead poisoning may need monitoring, nutritional support and special education to mitigate the harm caused by this man-made disaster...

1-15-2016 And thousands of children with potential brain damage from lead poisoning may need monitoring, nutritional support and special education to mitigate the harm caused by this man-made disaster....

1-15-2016 The New York Times is not talking about lead in the water in Flint but poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West...

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial; "Michigan’s Failure to Protect Flint" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD: "Willful poisoning should be treated as a criminal act, and all responsible should be treated accordingly."

1-15-2016 "Business Briefing: Malicious Software Found at 250 Hyatt Hotels..."

1-15-2016 "Business Briefing: Malicious Software Found at 250 Hyatt Hotels..."

1-15-2016 Malicious Men Found at 250 City Halls like "Flint's!" Mostly "Oil Men" and "Warriors" not into Star Wars... grin!

1-15-2016 iapps for Malicious Software written by 5K scientists at Los Alamos would cure this cancer without Biden giving the order. Biden can give the order to use these 5K scientists at Los Alamos to cure cancer... but he won't do either.

1-15-2016 The New York Times is not talking about lead in the water in Flint but poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West... Trillions of scooters spray painted clouds of black smoke no one at City Hall Key West could do the math of 1 billion times each day kids DNA divides into 2 cells. Jimmy Weekley was busy cutting up a cow telling Greg red meat doesn't effect his heart. It effects his literacy in kids DNA goings on breathing in spray painted clouds of black smoke on Duval.

1-15-2016 Jimmy Weekley is on the front page of the Citizen Key West newspaper today about "Leaf Blowers" blowing particles into the air causing harm to those breathing in the particles Jimmy didn't name. And of course the city of Key West workers are the one's who do this every morning on Duval not in front of Faustos as a 90 year old women sweeps there. She owns the first Hospital in Key West as her home, grin. No mention of the Yale Key West Medical School in the news. But leaf blowers blow junk on all the cars every day too!

1-15-2016 Yale News ban on self-balancing boards - I though has Yale a ban on Leaf Blowers... I will ask Yale to send Jimmy Weekley a email when I get to Yale Med School for healthcare, ha.

1-15-2016 Joey Ye Yale Daily Staff Reporter On Wednesday, Yale became the most recent university to ban self-balancing scooters from its campus. In a campus wide email, University Secretary and Vice President for Student Life Kimberly Goff-Crews and Deputy Vice President for Human Resources and Administration Janet Lindner announced that hover boards and similar items would no longer be allowed on campus, citing safety concerns with the increasingly popular devices. “Until more analysis has been done and safety standards improved, we feel it is prudent to ban [self-balancing scooters] from use on campus.

1-15-2016 The New York Times is not talking about lead in the water in Flint but poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West...

1-15-2016 The New York Times is not talking about lead in the water in Flint but poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West...

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial; "Michigan’s Failure to Protect Flint" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD: "Willful poisoning should be treated as a criminal act, and all responsible should be treated accordingly."

1-15-2016 And thousands of children with potential brain damage from lead poisoning may need monitoring, nutritional support and special education to mitigate the harm caused by this man-made disaster...

1-15-2016 And thousands of children with potential brain damage from lead poisoning may need monitoring, nutritional support and special education to mitigate the harm caused by this man-made disaster....

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial; "Michigan’s Failure to Protect Flint" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD: "Willful poisoning should be treated as a criminal act, and all responsible should be treated accordingly."

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial; "Michigan’s Failure to Protect Flint" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Willful poisoning should be treated as a criminal act, and all responsible should be treated accordingly. Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan is scrambling to deal with a terrible water crisis created by his administration in the city of Flint. The damage to the nearly bankrupt city and its nearly 100,000 residents by lead-tainted water caused by corrosion in the pipes has yet to be totaled, but there is no doubt that the state has a moral obligation to provide clean water immediately for the citizens and to devise a long-term solution, no matter how costly. The governor, a Republican, did virtually nothing to help the city until an outpouring of rage from Flint residents, city leaders, journalists - New York Times Journalists are responsible for far worst criminal acts that can make Headlines as Holocaust II + III and the Jewish Aliens + Jews In NYC ill OK this. Saint Jude kids have been put to death by New York Times Journalists and the Editorial Board at the Times since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort under Jimmy Carter.

1-15-2016 The New York Times is not talking about lead in the water in Flint but poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West...

1-15-2016 The New York Times is not talking about lead in the water in Flint but poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West...

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial; "Michigan’s Failure to Protect Flint" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD: "Willful poisoning should be treated as a criminal act, and all responsible should be treated accordingly."

1-15-2016 And thousands of children with potential brain damage from lead poisoning may need monitoring, nutritional support and special education to mitigate the harm caused by this man-made disaster...

1-15-2016 And thousands of children with potential brain damage from lead poisoning may need monitoring, nutritional support and special education to mitigate the harm caused by this man-made disaster....

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial; "Michigan’s Failure to Protect Flint" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD: "Willful poisoning should be treated as a criminal act, and all responsible should be treated accordingly."

1-15-2016 Flint’s problems can be traced to a disastrous decision in 2014

1-15-2016 Flint’s problems can be traced to a disastrous decision in 2014

1-15-2016 1984 II Dictators problems can be traced to a disastrous decision in 1980 by Jimmy Carter to suppress the invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort that he and Teddy Kennedy used to end the mile long lines at every gas station in the US by Saudi Arabia Oil Embargo for a kick back of $777 Trillion split with Saudi Arabia, Mecca, Allah.

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial; "Michigan’s Failure to Protect Flint" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD: "Willful poisoning should be treated as a criminal act, and all responsible should be treated accordingly."

1-15-2016 As a result of corrosion, corruption lead to Microsoft, Burger King, Comcast, GE, ESPN, all wanting to make $777 trillion so our 1984 II Dictators were Blackmailed by OJ + Bill Cosby.. lead from the pipes leached into the water supply... disease leached into SWF's who were murdered to cover this up... 19K in 2016 in front of Homeland Security watching for 9/11 II + III Terrorists.

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial; "Michigan’s Failure to Protect Flint" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD: "Willful poisoning should be treated as a criminal act, and all responsible should be treated accordingly."

1-15-2016 Flint’s problems can be traced to a disastrous decision in 2014 to use water from the Flint River as the city’s primary source of water for a year or two. Flint’s water had for a long time been supplied by the Detroit system with water from Lake Huron. But in an effort to save money, the City Council, in 2013, approved joining a cheaper regional water system that was then still under construction. In the meantime, the city decided to draw its water from the Flint River. The critical decision not to add chemicals to prevent corrosion of the pipes that deliver water to homes and businesses was made at the direction of the state’s Department of Environmental Quality. As a result of corrosion, lead from the pipes leached into the water supply

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial; "Michigan’s Failure to Protect Flint" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD: "Willful poisoning should be treated as a criminal act, and all responsible should be treated accordingly." ...

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial Board turned a blind eye to millions on kidney dialysis when Cheney got a New Heart and Steve Jobs got a liver, no one on dialysis got a kidney transplant because of criminal acts by those who run the dialysis centers and MD's who work for the Fed's!

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial; "Michigan’s Failure to Protect Flint" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD: "Willful poisoning should be treated as a criminal act, and all responsible should be treated accordingly."

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial; "Michigan’s Failure to Protect Flint", Paris, NYC, SWF's given terrible STD's + MS Virus; a torture worst than Bush's CIA in Iraq War's!

1-15-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, Editorial; "Michigan’s Failure to Protect Flint" from King Salman, Mecca, Allah's 72 Virgins in Heaven!

1-15-2016 New Era 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School on a Titanium Eiffel Tower... NYC was given the Freedom Tower by the same Flint Fed's who put lead in the kids drinking water and used poison gas in the air for the Godsend of $777 Trillion in Texas + Saudi Oil Revenues! God Save the Queen is being rewritten by BP Oil Men in London.

1-15-2016 This NY Times story has to have something to do with $777 Trillion in Mexican Government Oil Money -------- "Why Cartels Are Killing Mexico’s Mayors" By IOAN GRILLO Forget drugs. Forget El Chapo. A new generation of gangsters is trying to take over local governments themselves. This NY Times story has to have something to do with $777 Trillion in Mexican Government Oil Money -------- "Why?"

1-15-2016 Nigeria is fighting over $777 Trillion in French Elite Oil Revenue too ---- "Military Victories Over Boko Haram Mean Little to Nigerians" By DIONNE SEARCEY and ERIC SCHMITT Though government forces have killed many insurgents and retaken some territory, a relentless wave of attacks has left many Nigerians living in a perpetual state of fear. Nigeria is fighting over $777 Trillion in French Elite Oil Revenue $$$.

1-15-2016 5K scientists at Los Alamos visit this Donut Shop stuck in Time... "In Greenpoint, a Doughnut Shop Where Time Stands Still" Neighborhood Joint By JESSICA LEIGH HESTER JAN. 15, 2016 Biden ordering Los Alamos to Cure Cancer is not the complete story. Biden first has to order Los Alamos to prevent cancers, take away the lunch meat Donuts from Steve Jobs! Biden will never give these order either, grin. classic varieties — glazed, with or without sprinkles, cream-filled or coconut — selling for $1.10 apiece. $1 Trillion dollars in IBM super computes at Los Alamos try to bankrupt $1.10 glazed donuts without sprinkles. SALT warning from the Mayors of New York City failed to save one New Yorker from a Stroke, so will Biden as the Cancer Cure Czar fail to save one Lunch Meat Donut eater from Steve Jobs tortured death via a Ultra 100" LG monitor in the store running a supercomputer simulation of DNA reacting with poison gas exhaust + chemicals in food. Not with the current 1984 II Dictators. For the most part, the shop looks as it did 60 years ago, with the exception of those uniforms — an anachronistic flourish inspired by outfits Mr. Siafakas saw on a TV show. They’ve been so popular that the shop has lent them to customers as Halloween costumes. 60 years of Los Alamos super computers, simulation for the most part Hydrogen not poison gas exhaust or lunch meats. Allison Spivey, 27, and Francis Fiore, 25, were visiting the city from North Carolina and Virginia. They embarked on a doughnut tour that wound through the boroughs, and they sampled two varieties at each shop. “We use coffee to cleanse our palates,” Ms. Spivey said. As they shared pieces of a glazed doughnut, Mr. Fiore nodded in approval. He loved the texture and the way the sugar dissolved on his tongue. Cleanse our Minds watch a 100" LG Ultra Monitor of Glazed Donuts at Los Alamos, made by 5K scientists who make trillions of dollars a year! And are paid by Biden, the Cancer Czar who doesn't own a 100" LG Ultra Monitor or watch super computer simulations of Brain Cancer!!

1-15-2016 General Electric Co. agreed to sell its home-appliances business to China's Qingdao Haier Co. for $5.4 billion....

1-15-2016 General Electric Co. agreed to sell its home-appliances business to China's Qingdao Haier Co. for $5.4 billion....

1-15-2016 iPod size GE Electric Generator fueled by H @ -254 designed and manufactured on the mini-H-Bomb assembly lines at Los Alamos. Electric Plug in for all your GE appliances, usb's, wifi, cell, voice commands, Siri + contana... waterproof iPod case! General Electric’s game-changing 1 trillion iPod size GE Electric Generators you can plug in everything + everywhere!!

1-15-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-15-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-14-2016 Paris Belle Le Carillon, which reopened Wednesday exactly two months after being attacked by terrorists. No Cartoons of the 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School built on a Eiffel Tower Structure have made the front page of the Paris Times or the New York Times!

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West; the iPod size GE Electric Generator fueled by H @ -254 designed and manufactured on the mini-H-Bomb assembly lines at Los Alamos. Electric Plug in for all your GE appliances, usb's, wifi, cell, voice commands, Siri + contana... waterproof iPod case! General Electric’s game-changing 1 trillion iPod size GE Electric Generators you can plug in everything + everywhere!! GE opened the door for other opportunities like Legal Polygamous Marriage Charged with Brainstorming 24/7 1,001 IP many GE trade secret recipes made public to make contact with Jewish Aliens at the Near Stars! GE's faster than the speed of light Generators will be invented by Greg + Wives in Key West, Kerry Own's Boston, Kerry writes the virus for the next generation of wounded Warriors. Star Wars is out of his ivy league! 1984 II next generation 1984 III will be Dr. Nancy Oppenheimer's II + III with 1 click links to all GE Rx Recipes Crunched at Los Alamos... 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year with the 155 Story "GE Medical School built on an Eiffel Tower Structure in Boston" in a Sony Movie made for the Pentagon rated Star Trek Science Fiction! With a Old Warp speed Engine, not a New Gravity Engine invented by Greg + Wives in Key West! The new GE HQ will employ 200 corporate staff and 600 “digital industrial product managers, designers and developers” Los Alamos employees 5,000 H-Bomb scientists who are willing to destroy the Earth for several hundred thousand dollars from a 1984 II Orwellian Dictator playing 52 H-Bombs not 52 Pickup of Near Stars + Jewish Aliens. Greg + Wives new HQ will be Los Alamos, perk of IBM Super Computers worth over $1 Trillion, grin. GE electric generator size of a ipod fueled by H @ -254 C is a H-Bomb going off figuratively world wide on this web page!

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 Olsen had died as a result of strangling but had also suffered a double fracture of the skull, suggesting there had been a fight at some point after the couple had sex. Ashley Olsen, the American found strangled and naked in her Florence flat, was killed by an illegal immigrant from Senegal she met in a nightclub. Montecarla nightclub closed down several times in recent years, most often because of concerns it was being used by dealers to sell drugs.

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 Zuckerberg’s murder of his wife while holding the baby... how many minutes do the "1984 II Observers" have from the time they hear the alert of her screaming fight to turn on the intercom and try to calm Zuckerberg? What do the 1984 II Observers do if they get a Heron Alert watching a married couple? Facebook’s success... 19K women were murdered in 2015. Our New York Times Journalism calls this a success for Facebook! George Orwell is not "watching Out" for 19K women just in the USA not Florence who will be murdered like Ashley who probably has a Facebook page! Zuckerberg’s murder of his wife while holding the baby... will not make the front page of the New York Times tomorrow because the murder was a clone, not the real Zuckerberg's just 1 of 19K the NY Times fails to save her life. Like the fiery cop cars rear ended today. Now these would make a Shock + Awe Front page for the New York Times... put are outlawed by Bush, Obama, Jimmy Carter, McCain, Kerry, Top Brass everywhere in government.

1-14-2016 Zuckerberg’s own fiercely protective display of privacy when it comes to his own home, this is really not so very surprising. If you want to talk about privacy having a focal point, for the majority of people that point is going to be their home — i.e. their personal, private space. So ‘smart home’ technologies like Nest, which entail the harvesting of in-home activity by a commercial entity, which may then make use of that data in various unknown ways, pose an obvious threat to the sense of peace people derive from having a place where they get to shut the world out. And while you might think the notion of an employer deploying face-detecting surveillance cameras that can keep tabs on staff attendance, Big Brother style, might seem highly objectionable, Pew’s researchers in fact found a majority (54 per cent) of respondents were accepting of this scenario — perhaps because being in a workplace already entails having signed a contract agreeing to abide by a third party’s rules. So, in other words: Their house, their rules. But when it comes to a person’s own home? My house, my rules… For example Pew flags up one survey respondent’s explanation for rejecting the trade-off of potential energy savings in exchange for having their domestic habits tracked as an emphatic declaration that: “There will be no ‘SMART’ anything's in this household. I have enough personal data being stolen by the government and sold [by companies] to spammers now.” So it looks like smart home startups really need to be putting privacy front and center of their proposition if they want to appeal to the widest possible user-base.

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 Madonna's emotional on-stage tribute to David Bowie during Rebel Heart tour - "Brainstorming" on-stage tribute to Liver - Brain - Breast Rx Recipe Cure Crunched at Los Alamos on the Big Screen behind her, No! Not Yet anyway!

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 $1.6 billion Powerball jackpot to be split among 3 winners - Rx Recipe Cure for Liver - Brain - Breast Cancers to be split among 3 Billion Winners World Wide.

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing decision to move its global headquarters to Boston’s Seaport District gives the Hub bragging rights after years of watching big companies leave, and emboldens the city to aggressively court...

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 New York Times Journalists "Always" write cancer rates accident rates murder rates are dropping but... Although cancer death rates are dropping, cancer remains a leading killer of Americans — there were an estimated 589,430 cancer deaths in 2015. 1984 II Dictators must order the New York Times reporters to write in every story cancer rates accident rates murder rates are dropping but... This is a shock + Awe of Who are the Top Brass!! "Moonshot’ to Cure Cancer, to Be Led by Biden, Relies on Outmoded View of Disease" By GINA KOLATA and GARDINER HARRISJAN. Last Friday a group of 15 cancer researchers cut short a meeting at the Food and Drug Administration. The reason: They had been invited to Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s office to discuss his “moonshot” to cure cancer. 5K scientists at Los Alamos with a conference center didn't get a call from anyone from Biden's Office. Biden has run the H-Bomb production for 7 years from what I read between the lines. I think Biden ordered the 50K mini H Bombs into production last year too. Dr. Mary M. Zutter, professor of cancer biology and director of the tumor-host interaction program at the Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center. She said widespread sharing of medical center records on cancer remains a challenge. Los Alamos has $1 Trillion in super computers. Each one is the size of a football field. Rx Recipes of all the cancer drugs on sale today have not been put in these super computers because its all secret recipes. Our 1984 II Dictators are mostly Yale + Harvard alumin so they are not stupid. They are just addicted to Greed + Gasoline, sex, no matter what else is going on. So be it!! Obama May Have Exaggerated Role of Stimulus in Clean Energy, GE Windmills, not 2016 State of the Arts Laser Guided iPhone 7 dash cam ElectricWindmillFord Escorts! By CORAL DAVENPORT and DIANE CARDWELL

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 Universe's first stars were built primarily out of hydrogen and helium, the dominant elements that existed shortly after the Big Bang. Fusion transformed the material at these stars' hearts into heavier elements, which were then blasted into space when the stars died in violent supernova explosions. Subsequent generations of stars incorporated this material into their bodies, building even heavier elements in their cores. 52 Pick up of the first 52 stars traveled to in a state of the arts Hubble Space Telescope will transform our 1984 II Society. George Orwell keeps posting Space.com news of billions of light years from Earth. Once the Nearest light years from Earth are Orwellian News this will explode our 1984 II Society like the beginning of the Universe!

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-14-2016 General Electric’s game-changing Invention by Greg + Wives in Key West;

1-13-2016 State of the Union Speech Spits On God via "Glass-is-half-empty view..." of the Universe when "52 Pick Up" of Near Stars + 52 Jewish Aliens is killed by NY Times front page! When Beau Biden's son is at Saint Jude with poison gas exhaust cancers! Obama + Biden held up the Miami gas station and got away with a $777 Trillion Power Ball Lottery Tax Free + Cancer Czar Moon Shot + Landing JFK is a $10 Trillion dollar Super Carrier bought by McCain who spits on God + Hell No Way I will spending this much money on a Rx Cancer Cure. I'm cured of Cancer! In a NY Times story about Edison in 1878 below, The Times first mentioned Thomas Edison’s light bulb the same day, on page 4. The Times glass of Wine is not half full. The NY Times will mention Holocaust II + III + $777 Trillion from BP Oil on page 5 in 2016. 9/11 II + III paid for by King Salman II + III will be on page 6. Total Immunity from all diseases goes to Saudi Arabia for some Orwellian Reasoning only Bush + Bush can do this Math. 10 cent gas on page 7 of the 1980 NY Times would have prevented 9/11. This is a Cardinal Sin by the NY Times Staff, Top Brass and the "Little Fish" who would not "Leak" this. New 55 Story Skyscraper named NY Times. New 110 Story Freedom Tower should have been build, designed as Yale Medical Schools! Gravity Engine Cars driving around Times Square will be on page 8 in 2016. Apple Genius Tech's at Madison Square Garden with their many wives will lead the Brainstorming Iapps Concert that will get a few new inventions for page 9 of the next days NY Times. Page 10 of the NY Times on David Bowie in his own words: “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” David Bowie Liver Cancer: Did a life of excess which fueled his creativity and a vast body of work lead to his inevitable demise? 750,000 will die of Liver Cancer in 2016 and Biden has been made Oppenheimer of Cancer Cure. All 750,000 will be killed by Biden in 2016. All our 1984 II Dictators and Editors of the NY Times know this! So Bowie's inevitable demise was caused by Los Alamos Scientists working on making H-Bombs smaller and building 50K of them on assembly lines at Los Alamos in 2016. Page 11 of tomorrow's NY Times will not mention Obama + Biden give the Cancer Rx Cure Job to Dr. Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer II Jr. Inevitable demise of the NY Times in our 1984 II Society. Listen to Madonna "I Love New York" you can go to Texas and... George Bush!! Many NY Times guys will go to Texas... grin.

1-13-2016 Among the guests invited by Republican lawmakers was Kim Davis, the Kentucky court clerk who became a folk hero to social conservatives for refusing to sign marriage certificates via Legal Polygamous Marriages as Obama's Muslims keep this... but Muslim wives don't drive 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in their Legal Polygamous Marriage!!!!

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God + God's Best Invention; Women! By PETER BAKER Obama has been trying to counter the glass-is-half-empty view coming from so many... 19K SWF's killed by OJ clone's in 2016. "How I would have murdered her by Obama" Obama goes on to say Homeland Security would be guarding the Social Security Office in Key West as "her" home is "Private" and Tim Cook's hate crimes against women forbids saving them from rape + murder via the iPhone 7 is No Way... I will write iapps for this! Not in a 1984 II Society!

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... Wounded Warriors glass-is-half-empty view of Hell for rape in War, Japan Comfort Women at Iraq HQ, cheering Drone Strikes by McCain + Kerry that are cop cars rear ended giving a speeding ticket without iPhone 7 dash cams! State of the Arts Laser Guidance's on the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort.

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Biden as Oppenheimer II for a Rx Cancer Cure. Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III will cure Biden of Poison Gas Exhaust Mastermind with kids his son "Little Beau" at Saint Jude with cancer + birth defects from his BP Oil Kickbacks paid by Obama to save him from selling his house on Duval.

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... GE Executives son killed everyone at Sandy Hook and GE was not Sitting with Obama's Wife ------ --------- -------- empty GE Sandy Hook seats at the state of the Union. And no Front Page News because GE is a Top Quark at CERN spitting on God

1-13-2016 God's best invent; Women!! Hate crimes by Tim Cook, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton with more rapes than Bill Cosby... and who gave who the clap? Hillary did, grin.

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Mr. Obama implicitly singled out Donald J. Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate, for pointed criticism, saying that Americans must resist calls to stigmatize all Muslims... Stigmatizing King Salman with $777 Trillion from USA gas station hole ups in Miami sucker punching the SWF at the Miami gas station hold up out of spite for 1984 II Dictators + sex slaves in Mecca. Obama is the Pimp to Prince Salman, yes there at many Prince Salman's in Saudi Arabia and all have a SWF sex slave Hillary has interviewed. And tried to talk into driving a car on a YouTube Video. grin. Stigmatize Muslims; Kill them all along with Mecca + Allah or they will spit on Obama's Grave, your grave, my grave as they get 73 virgins in Heaven!

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Mr. Obama opted for symbolism to make some of his points, leaving a chair empty in the first lady’s guest box to symbolize the victims of gun violence - Vets killing their wife coming home from War is classified stats 19K a Year, 19K SWF killed in 2016 and wife's killed by Vets are not in these 19K murdered women. 1984 II Society is Hell, McCain + Kerry spit on God + the Universe first thing every sun rise... in Key West!

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Mr. Obama said America should harness innovation and not be intimidated by it. He called for a “moonshot” effort to cure cancer, to be led by Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., who lost his son to the disease last year. Beau died, was gassed to death via poison exhaust on Duval Key West and died a second time at Saint Jude Hospital. Stats are Classified and Biden does not care about Holocaust II poison gas exhaust deaths of little Beau's as he gets BP Oil kickbacks like the City of Key West... $2.5 Billion Biden got $777 Trillion from BP Oil.

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Among the guests invited by Republican lawmakers was Kim Davis, the Kentucky court clerk who became a folk hero to social conservatives for refusing to sign marriage certificates via Legal Polygamous Marriages as Obama's Muslims keep this... but Muslim wives don't drive 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in their Legal Polygamous Marriage!!!!

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 "The Arrival of Electric Light" By NICHOLAS BAKALAR 1-13-2016.

1-13-2016 "The Arrival of Electric Light" By NICHOLAS BAKALAR 1-13-2016.

1-13-2016 "The Arrival of Electric Light" By NICHOLAS BAKALAR 1-13-2016.

1-13-2016 "The Arrival of Electric Light" By NICHOLAS BAKALAR 1-13-2016. Since the early 19th century, inventors had been tinkering with various methods of using electricity to produce light. The New York Times first wrote of the technology on April 15, 1858. That day, “Our Own Correspondent” in Havana described celebrations of Holy Week that included “an electric light” cast across the harbor “revealing the name of Queen Isabel.” But electricity for light at home was still theoretical. By the 1870s, natural gas was the most up-to-date method for residential lighting. It was a dying technology. On Oct. 27, 1878, The Times published an article about the declining stock of gas companies, and there was no mistaking the reporter’s delight at their predicament. They were described in terms that today might be used by an angry customer. Oct. 27, 1878, The Times published an article about the declining stock of gas companies, and there was no mistaking the reporter’s delight at their predicament. They were described in terms that today might be used by an angry customer. “What gas companies have always been is a matter of common notoriety,” the article read. “No monopoly could be more close, complete, and arrogant than theirs.” But help was perhaps on the way: “As for the electric light, it is in the stages of development. The methods of managing it need simplifying and its glare must be greatly modified before it can come into use for ordinary purposes. The gas companies, at all events, have reason for anxiety.” It was the first time that The Times mentioned electric lights for residential use. The first full description of a light bulb appeared on Oct. 30, 1878. “An interesting exhibition of a new electric light,” it began, “was given by the Electro-Dynamic Light Company yesterday afternoon at the corner of Elm and Walker streets. The new light is the invention of W. E. Sawyer of this City, and Albon Man, of Brooklyn. “It is a very simple affair, consisting of a small pencil of carbon a little larger than an ordinary pin, connected by wires with an electric-machine and enclosed in a hermetically sealed glass globe, which is filled with pure nitrogen gas.” The Times first mentioned Thomas Edison’s light bulb the same day, on page 4

1-13-2016 "The Arrival of Electric Light" By NICHOLAS BAKALAR 1-13-2016.

1-13-2016 "The Arrival of Electric Light" By NICHOLAS BAKALAR 1-13-2016.

1-13-2016 "The Arrival of Electric Light" By NICHOLAS BAKALAR 1-13-2016.

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II would put the Polio Vaccine in the H2O world wide, Jimmy Carter knows of this IP invention project and spit on it! QUETTA, Pakistan - A suicide attack on a polio vaccination center in southwestern Pakistan on Wednesday killed 15 people, mainly police who had gathered to escort health workers, who have been repeatedly targeted in recent years by Islamic militants. More than 15 kids in the USA died of Whooping Cough yesterday from those who refused to vaccinate their kids in NYC. In Key West mosquito control sprays up and down all the streets and their cars and trucks are marked "Disease Control" I guess polio spraying of vaccine is not "Disease Control" option for our 1984 II dictators...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 Glass-is-half-empty view... State of the Union Speech Spits On God...

1-13-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" for 1984 II Society!

1-12-2016 "Stardust" Sandy Beach with Top Quarks in the Sands of War + Peace Quarks Spin a Tolstoy Novel at CERN + Worms in Jimmy Carters Godbye! And here’s a goodbye from Mr. David Bowie in his own words: “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” David Bowie Liver Cancer: Did a life of excess which fueled his creativity and a vast body of work lead to his inevitable demise?

1-12-2016 "Junior Doctors" Strike in England Disrupts Care for Thousands" By STEPHEN CASTLE 1984 II Era!

1-12-2016 "Elite Doctors" at Yale Key West Medical School Care for Thousands misdiagnosis by Black MD's! Walter Reed Military + VA MD who killed Beau!! By STEPHEN CASTLE 8:41 AM ET 1984 II Era too! And Biden still has to paid the medical bills... Shock + Awe of Bush with Brain Cancer! Obama will not mention Cuba's "Hospital Prisons" for HIV, STD, MS Virus tonight... Key West Mandy Miles writes up John Mott with a stroke cause by diabetic's caused by Key West Disease; Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011. Yale Key West Med School would have saved Mott + Biskup... 1984 II Mandy Miles in Paradise w/"Elite Doctors" at Yale Key West Medical School who really did pass!

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" - Ads From Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Play to Racist Fears" by Emma Roller New York Times!

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" - "Panel Reasserts Mammogram Advice That Triggered Breast Cancer Debate" By DENISE GRADYJAN New York Times!

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" - Ads From Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Play to Racist Fears" by Emma Roller New York Times!

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" - 'Smaller U.S. H-Bombs Are Adding Fuel to Nuclear Fear" By WILLIAM J. BROAD and DAVID E. SANGER New York Times!

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" Syphilis, small H-Bombs, 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year...

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" - Enthusiasm Gap for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues, 777 Trillion Jewish Aliens! In the Front pages of the New York Times every F---- Day! NASA news not in the NY Times front page today is... A galaxy has a mass of 500 trillion times that of the Sun. This should have been on the front page of the New York Times Today!! IDCS 1426 was located 10 billion light-years away from Earth. Analysis of this Hell, NASA needs to make God visible along with the gravity engine to McCain + Kerry before they set off Mini-H-Bombs in view of the Eiffel tower masterminding the next generation of wounded warriors instead IP to hear Jewish Aliens! As U.S. Modernizes Nuclear Weapons, ‘Smaller’ By WILLIAM J. BROAD and DAVID E. SANGER $7 Trillion has been spent in the last 7 years making H-Bombs smaller while killing 10 cent gas to kill Allah + Mecca! CIA guys at their desk must be ripe for the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat!! Galaxy clusters take many billion years before they fully coalescence. Warriors like McCain + Kerry can destroy the Earth in a matter of years with their "Power" to suppress the State of the Arts Laser Guided 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts, all 1 Trillion of them! Highway Patrol, those low gas prices helped contribute to a higher traffic deaths... McCain + Kerry contributed to high traffic deaths suppressing the State of the Arts Laser Guided 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts, all 1 Trillion of them! New York Times contributed to high traffic deaths suppressing the State of the Arts Laser Guided 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts, all 1 Trillion of them! Cop Killers McCain + Kerry, fiery cop car rear ended writing a ticket. iPhone 5 dash cam Iphone 6 dash cam iPhone 7 dash cam cops would have talked to the driver without stopping on the side of the road and burned to death... Car makers' Rush to Put Latest Tech in Lower-Priced Models - disinformation by the NY Times. iPhone 7 dash cams on all cars will only be mandatory after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" Ads From Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Play to Racist Fears" by Emma Roller New York Times - Emma Roller will not write up the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat who would take out full page ads in the NY Times about Black Men having 90% of the Syphilis, Black Men spread sex disease more then a trillion time others do... Emma Roller is a journalist criminal praying on white women who will be given syphilis + MS Virus by ah Black man at the New York Times she knows but doesn't know he has syphilis + MS Virus because Tim Cook got his medical records encrypted and "Private Cell Calls the victims can't listen to..." even though 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat are suppose to report to the government all with STD's... "AT&T Unlimited Plan" today is unlimited spreading of STD's by Black Men and telling Emma to write the article as Racist Fears not a social disease fears or warning to SWF's that is illegal to give to SWF's! Illegal is Emma Roller! Emma Roller ends her article with... "When we allow one bad actor to color our entire opinion of a sweeping policy, be it furlough programs or sanctuary cities, that’s an example of the fear fallacy grinding into motion. We have a tendency to let our fears outweigh the level of risk they represent. And come election season, we see those fears laid bare, in a 60-second television spot." Emma need to make a 60-second bare fears on Black Men's Syphilis sores and MS Virus in their sweat!

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" - Ads From Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Play to Racist Fears" by Emma Roller New York Times!

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" - "Panel Reasserts Mammogram Advice That Triggered Breast Cancer Debate" By DENISE GRADYJAN New York Times!

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" - Ads From Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Play to Racist Fears" by Emma Roller New York Times!

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" - 'Smaller U.S. H-Bombs Are Adding Fuel to Nuclear Fear" By WILLIAM J. BROAD and DAVID E. SANGER New York Times!

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" is to spend $7 Trillion 0n Stage 4 Monograms + Advice. Small H-Bombs spin off from Jimmy Carters Nuclear Submarine Christmas Present from Admiral McCain, x-ray full body scans at the air port, Direct TV movies you can not download, Unlimited MacBook Pro's, at every Starbucks! Rx Recipes for the Elite at Yale + Harvard, grin. Unlimited Hospital Plan is only for Cheney and Steve jobs heart and liver transplants... millions on kidney dialysis today should would have a kidney transplant if Cheney had a heart and Jimmy Carter didn't scam AT&T with a Habitat for Humanity that sells immune system booster pills at $12K a pill but has no memory boosting pills for inventors working 24/7 with many wives on a Stage 4 Rx Cure crunched at Los Alamos waiting for the 7 trillion mini H-Bombs on the new assembly line there. Ford Assembly line for 2016 ElectricWindmillExcorts Driven to Jewish Aliens was hit by a drone H-Bomb you can hear McCain cheering the drone strike on the Hospital Submarine too. Racist Fears the virus McCain will write in an iapp and cost of the next generation of wounded warriors! Racist Fears of Stage 4. Racist Fears of the cost of small H Bombs. Racist Fears of Tim Cook spreading HIV. Racist Fears of the Legal Polygamous Marriage. Racist Fears... Yale will be renamed because Yale was a Slave Owner. Racist Fears SWF's Sex Slaves in Mecca will be murdered to hid the crime from Allah. YouTube videos of Sex Slaves in Mecca will go Viral on Facebook. Racist Fears Hillary will talk more Saudi women into driving a car! Having a glass of wine without a alcohol super computer simulation offered to her, just the Wine with no Los Alamos Super Computer Simulation of Alcohol + DNA goings on. Racist Fears of Hillary as a MD. Yale passed Hillary at Medical School when she really didn't pass. Racist Fears of the Black MD didn't really pass Yale Medical School. Racist Fears! Racist Fears! Racist Fears! By Emma Roller New York Times!

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-12-2016 "Putin: Too Early to Speak About Sheltering King Salman + his 44 Wives + 177 children in Russia" New York Times - How many cars does King Salman have?

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-12-2016 LONDON - Media mogul Rupert Murdoch and actress and former super model Jerry Hall announced their engagement Tuesday. The news was revealed in the births, marriages and deaths section of the Times of London...

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-12-2016 How to get that old-fashioned light bulb glow without wasting so much energy - Plug it into a GE iPod size Electric Generator fueled by H @ -254C grin! Lights consume 11% of all electricity in the United States. MIT, led by physicists Ognjen Ilic, Marin Soljacic, and John Joannopoulos, set out to boost incandescent efficiencies with the help an intricately structured material, called a photonic crystal, that would sit apart from the filament and be more stable. Photonic crystals can act as both filters and mirrors, allowing some wavelengths of light to pass through while reflecting others. So the MIT team set out to create photonic crystals that would allow visible light to pass through while reflecting IR photons. The hope was that the filament would reabsorb the IR photons, which would then reemit some of that energy as visible light.

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-12-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan"

1-11-2016 "AT&T Unlimited Plan" at the Los Alamos Super Computer Data for IP... invention projects; iapps at the Ultra Apple-Starbucks - GE remodels West Point with the "Point" faster than the speed of light in a NASA Shuttle Train is possible. "Invent It..." replaces the "Army Strong" T shirts! Apple-starbucks Store School University! AT&T Unlimited "Eclectic range" of IP invention projects when AT&T's effort to get customers Inventors to buy both wireless and television service, it has a new lure: unlimited data. The company is announcing an "AT&T Unlimited Plan" that applies to homes with both AT&T's wireless phone service and either DirecTV. Apple-Starbucks has a better plan for Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity, 1,001 Nobel's a year in Medicine! All paid for by King Salman's $777 Trillion in gas station hold up loot!

1-11-2016 "Obama’s State of the Union, White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 "Obama’s State of the Union, White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 “The Revenant,” a frontier-era revenge thriller, was the night’s big winner, Hungary’s “Son of Saul,” set at a Nazi death camp, was awarded best foreign film, as expected. “The Hateful Eight” took the Globe for best score; Quentin Tarantino, the film’s director, accepted the award on behalf of the composer Ennio Morricone. The best song Globe went to Sam Smith and Jimmy Napes for “Writing’s on the Wall,” from the latest James Bond movie. Saint Jude's DNA... write this 1 billion times today ----------------------- revenge thriller for this years big winner for Children who will die tortured by the CIA's greed for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenue's, then the City of Key West big loser only gets $2.5 million in kickbacks! From BP Oil.

10 cent gas in 1980 would have given us 52 Jewish Aliens on Duval Key West... as Tourists today!

10 cent gas in 1980 would have given us 52 Jewish Aliens on Duval Key West... as Tourists today!

1-11-2016 "Obama’s State of the Union, White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 "Obama’s State of the Union, White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 Faster than Light IP is the Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... along for the ride will be Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4. These IP will be inspired by God's best invention; "Women" in a legal Polygamous Marriage... 1st at West Point, grin. After a courtship of more than six months, Shire won over the fellow drug maker Baxalta on Monday in a deal valued at about $31 billion. The combination would create a giant in the treatment of rare diseases. Baxalta, which was spun out of Baxter International, generates a large portion of its sales from Advate, a drug for hemophilia. The company also has a portfolio of plasma therapies and treatments for immune diseases. After a courtship of less than six Amazon 1 Click links to Los Alamos Rx Recipes of Baxter + Shire crunched on H-Bomb IBM Super Computer simulations will win her over with 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year War Victory's!

1-11-2016 White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as... "Obama’s Guests at State of the Union, also Include Syrian Refugee and Mexican Immigrant" By NICHOLAS FANDOS Women murdered by drunks in 2016, Children at Saint Jude on State of the Union Day are persona non grata by our 1984 II Dictators, Shock + Awe of "2016 Electric Range" fueled by an iPod size GE electric generator fueled by H at -254C, Hell No We Won't Go to off to kill Jewish Aliens!!

1-11-2016 White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 "Eclectic range" of tributes pours in after news of David Bowie's death from Cancer - Range of SWF's who died of Stage 4 on at the same time David Bowie are censored out of the news at the New York Times on orders from McCain + Kerry. Masterminds who make the Virus and sell you the Virus Software, grin! "With No Winners in Powerball Drawing, Jackpot Is Expected to Surpass $1 Billion" By RICK ROJAS and NATE SCHWEBERJAN "Mastermind in our 1984 II Government who Invented the Lottery" are the same McCanin's + Kerry's who Masterminded the next generation of wounded warriors war hero instead of going faster than the speed of light lottery going viral on Facebook. Pope Francis would say this is a "Flat Earth Era" but the Pope is afraid of God, and would rather see the Next Pope greet Jewish Aliens... grin! McCanin's + Kerry's Billion Dollar Lottery is Holocaust II + III, any CIA guy at his desk at HQ would tell you this on break. Powerball lottery, a game played in all but six states, climbed to $949.8 million before it was pulled. King Salman in Saudi Arabia has $949 Trillion from gas station hold ups just in the USA. All this money is in Swiss Banks, same Banks Hitler used. $1.2 Billion, $1.2 Trillion lottery win by Greg + Wives in Key West will be spent on Apple-Starbucks MacBook Pro's + Yale Medical School Hospital for everyone who needs a team of 25 MD's getting the diagnosis + treatment war right.

1-11-2016 White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 "Eclectic Range" of encrypted and private diseases came with your iPhone 6s invented by Tim Cook + Elton John who will be sent to a Cuban Hospital Prison - - - Cuomo Proposes "Higher-Education Initiative in New York Prisons" By JESSE McKINLEY and JAMES C. McKINLEY Jr. NY Times. Higher-Education in STD Disease Cure + Prevention, in Cuban Hospital Prisons... in 2016. Hear Castro's speech on STD's diseases CEO's at Apple, grin. Jesse + James could end up going to a Hospital Prison in Cuba if Cuba is opened up... to being the World Hospital Prison for STD's!

1-11-2016 White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 "Obama’s State of the Union, White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 "Obama’s State of the Union, White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as...

1-11-2016 "Theatrics Surrounding El Chapo’s Capture Distract From Mexico’s Real Woes" By AZAM AHMED $777 Trillion in Mexican Oil is almost as much revenue Mexico gets from Drug sales to the USA... grin.

1-11-2016 The revelation that Sean Penn interviewed Greg + Wives in Key West about the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort and toured the Ford assembly line working to make 1 trillion Fords in 2016, all laser guided with iPhone 007 dash cams and Apple Pay Traffic Tickets... grin. Something Sean Penn + Madonna will need in their fast cars and life style. Ha!

1-11-2016 White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as... Pakistan's changing Gulf politics on STD's!

1-11-2016 White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as... Pakistan's changing Gulf politics on STD's!

1-11-2016 $777 Trillion, who gets it first, USA or Pakistan, ha. Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman on Sunday helped Pakistan to fine-tune its perspective on the rapidly changing Gulf politics. $$$ pak-saudi-flags-merged $$ Banks-merged $$$ Salman met Pakistani army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The outcome can be summed up as two-fold: first who gets $777 Trillion from King Salman, USA or Pakistan? Jewish Aliens would be a game changer in Gulf politics, just listening to them... Shock + Awe much more profound than Bush + Bush War or even 10 cent gas tomorrow.

1-11-2016 White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as... Pakistan's changing Gulf politics on STD's! Send them to a Cuban Hospital Prison until cured!

1-11-2016 White Women given Syphilis, STD's HIV, MS Virus by a Black Man; bi-sexual as... Pakistan's changing Gulf politics on STD's! Send them to a Cuban Hospital Prison until cured!

1-11-2016 Faster than light IP is the Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.


1-11-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-11-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 New York Times Mr. Wit worked for the CIA in Korea for the last 20 years, 20 years of 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Web pages emailed to him from this web yet he started a Korean web 38North!

1-10-2016 New York Times Opinion: I probably shouldn’t say this, but I take my hat off to the North Koreans. They have played their cards extremely well. Greg + Wives in Key West too with the "52 Pick Up" of the Nearest Stars all with trillions of Jewish Aliens, grin!

1-10-2016 Pope Francis Today knows "Wounded Warriors" were masterminded by McCain + Kerry. 10K new "Wounded Warriors" in 2016 and Pope Francis can't be Pope Snowden!!

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Pope's Orwellian Comments on the "Wounded Warrior Virus" same mad men McCain - Kerry who write the virus software create the "Virus" now we are writing about them creating all the "Wounded Warrior's" racing down Key West Streets as War Hero's! When 10 cent gas in 1980 would have given us 52 Jewish Aliens on Duval Key West... So Pope Francis "Wounded Humanity" is the "Wounded Warrior's" racing down Key West Streets today as a show of force... not that they were a "Virus" in some 1984 II Masterminds Invention, like Endless Summers in Key West. Well the CIA guy who just spent 20 years in a CIA office in Korea thinks Greg + Wives in Key West played our cards extremely well. CIA knows the "Virus" was made - masterminded by the guys who make the Virus Software! Pope Francis Today knows "Wounded Warriors" were masterminded by McCain + Kerry. 10K new "Wounded Warriors" in 2016 and Pope Francis can't be Pope Snowden!! By MICHIKO KAKUTANI “The Name of God Is Mercy,” a series of revealing conversations with a Vatican reporter, renews the pope’s call for a Roman Catholic Church that responds to a wounded humanity.

1-10-2016 Sunday Routine: How Al Roker and His Wife, Deborah Roberts, Spend Their Sundays By ANNIE CORREAL NY Times Sunday... by watching and cheering the "Drone" Strike that got Dr. Nancy Snyderman fired before she could write the unfit for "Combat" diagnosis on Al Roker + Matt Lauer at NBC.

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Cuomo Proposes Higher-Education Initiative at West Point + Pentagon with the initiative; 777 times faster than the speed of light is possible if you sober up from 1984 II Orwellian brain washing perpetuated in the NY Times since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort! First Ultra Apple-Starbucks can be built at West Point, second one at the Pentagon... staffed with Apple Genius Tech's with links to go faster than the speed of light!

1-10-2016 Cuomo Proposes Higher-Education Initiative in New York Prisons - Mr. Cuomo is announcing a plan to offer college courses to thousands of inmates across the state in an effort to reduce recidivism. By JESSE McKINLEY and JAMES C. McKINLEY Jr.

1-10-2016 "Contributing Op-Ed Writer: It’s Payback Time for Women" By JUDITH SHULEVITZ NY Times Sunday. $$$ Finnish, Swiss, Dutch governments proposed paying every adult woman 800 euros or about $870 a month. Fits of this seemingly irrational generosity, called a universal basic income or U.B.I, Judith knows there are 800 battered women's shelters in the New York Town or City she lives in so money, Payback Time for Women has nothing to do with 800 euros a month. Judith and the New York Times editors are light years from 800 battered women shelters pay back time for women! $800 a month hell, it probably cost each of the 800 battered women's shelters in Judith's town $8K a month to house each women there. How does the New York Times gets such a Orwellian Story as pay every women $800 euros a month when the next generation of battered women, + those murdered in Finnish, Swiss, Dutch Homes have their stats already generated by some top government agency? Women's version of heaven has nothing to do with 72 virgins Muslim Men live for!! Black Men's version of heaven has no black women in it, grin. Judith's version of heaven for women in the USA is only in a 1984 George Orwell Novel not written at the Hemingway House in Key West on iapps with 100 others writing on the same page with a invention in every chapter, with Amazon 1 Click links to Los Alamos to get that super computer simulation of DNA or Quarks on her new GE Fridge screen, Hell with post it notes. GPS cat collar with a bell is her Universe.

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Wealthy Sikh landowners — some of them gas station moguls in the United States — are trying to keep alive the ways of the maharajahs... When Trillions of Jewish Aliens are trying to eradicate all disease's, + poverty in India. Eradicate all gas station hold ups with "Homeland Security" after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. Confiscate $777 Trillion from gas station moguls in India to build the 155 Story Eiffel Tower Maharajahs Medical School. Alien maharajahs would save them from the worst reincarnation in the Universe for this Godsend.

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 New York Times Mr. Wit worked for the CIA in Korea for the last 20 years, 20 years of 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Web pages emailed to him from this web yet he started a Korean web 38North!

1-10-2016 New York Times Opinion: I probably shouldn’t say this, but I take my hat off to the North Koreans. They have played their cards extremely well. Greg + Wives in Key West too with the "52 Pick Up" of the Nearest Stars all with trillions of Jewish Aliens, grin!

1-10-2016 New York Times Opinion: How ‘Crazy’ Are the North Koreans? By JOEL S. WIT - North Korea conducts its fifth H-Bomb nuclear test a few months from now, the United States in “Casablanca,” Joel S. Wit is a senior fellow at the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University and the founder of its North Korea website, 38North.

1-10-2016 New York Times Editors at the NY Times just published the classified stats that there are 53 shooting a day in the USA, most kill a SWF. 19K in 2016 will be murdered by a man in the USA. So this Sunday the NY Times Opinion write how Crazy are North Korean Men... CIA Psychological Warfare Unit, needs to educate the Journalists at the NY Times as to what and who is Crazy! Paris Peace talks were canceled before Christmas because the Muslins didn't want wine at the table, is this crazy. Yes + No... French don't have any Los Alamos super computer simulation on their GE Fridge door of Wine and DNA division and cancers at 1 per 100,000 etc. So it's more illiterate Wine O's and brainwashed Wine O's on the French part but there are no stats on crazy Frenchmen killing 19K women SWF's in 2016.

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 "Sex and the Saudi" by HASSAN New York Times Sunday - Thankfully, it worked out O.K. It was the first time for me, but I knew what to do. How? Every single young Saudi guy watches porn. I’m not joking. I mean all of them. Afterward, I told her that it was my first time. She said she didn’t believe me. I didn’t want to say I learned everything from porn, but she probably guessed. This kind of thing goes on a lot in private in my country. There are young people who have sex before marriage, drink or use drugs and don’t care about religion. I grew up with religion all around me, and I’m still Muslim, but I don’t believe that Islam is like this. Sure, we broke the law, but I didn’t feel guilty. I was actually happy, as if I could do this every day. I was like: ‘‘Screw the police. I don’t give a damn.’’ She felt the same way. She hated the police, too. It really sucks to live in a place where it’s against the law to fall in love. Hassan, 23, lives in Qatif, Saudi Arabia, and works in the tech industry. He asked for his surname to be withheld because of the risk associated with telling his story. Being alone with an unrelated woman and having premarital sex are banned in Saudi Arabia. Ending of the article was Hassan meet another girl, didn't mention mom + dad are in a polygamous marriage as everyone else is. His girlfriend he had sex with left him over his meeting another women in a nation founded on polygamous marriage and Hassan never mentions polygamy... shock and awe of the end of this article is... Trump screaming You're Fired! At the New York Times Editor who published this article after he read the ending.

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Bronze Age and Iron Age... Jewish Aliens Age ushered in 1,001 IP invention projects to hear and see Jewish Aliens at each of the nearest 52 stars... spin off inventions cured all Diseases on Earth. Fish tapeworm eggs in particular were very widespread in Europe during the era of the Roman Empire, compared with the Bronze Age and Iron Age. Romans were fond of a fish sauce called garum, Dr. Mitchell said. The sauce was not cooked, which might have destroyed the tapeworms, but fermented in the sun. “They used it to dip bread into, and it was traded across the empire,” Dr. Mitchell said. “There have been sunken Roman ships discovered with jars of lots of garum.”

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation of -254 C frozen food packaging! On the shelf next to IGA Bran Flakes you have a Frozen Food Package of Cooked Pasta at -254 C. Next you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation of packaging that can heat your Pasta in its packaged dish to hot and tasty! Birdseye's the Inventor has a clone for the next generation. You never got this article in the New York Times because they are in bed with McCain + Kerry masterminding the next generation of "Wounded Warriors" as Hero's not the next Birdseye Inventors! How Crazy are our 1984 II Dictators, the don't realize how with the syphilis in their brains, ha! Birdseye's newest invention, the double belt freezer, in which cold brine chilled a pair of stainless steel belts carrying packaged fish, freezing the fish quickly. His invention was subsequently issued as US Patent #1,773,079, marking the beginning of today's frozen foods industry. Birdseye took out patents on other machinery, which cooled even more quickly, so that only small ice crystals could form and cell membranes were not damaged. In 1927, he began to extend the process beyond fish to quick-freezing of meat, poultry, fruit, and vegetables. In 1929, Birdseye sold his company and patents for $22 million to Goldman Sachs and the Postum Company, which eventually became General Foods Corporation, and which founded the Birds Eye Frozen Food Company. Birdseye continued to work with the company, further developing frozen food technology.

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Op-Ed Contributor Barack Obama: Guns Are Our Shared Responsibility (Not Black Men and White Women) By BARACK OBAMA. A white woman, 18, Thursday night in Brooklyn was with her father inside a park in Brownsville, near the intersection of Lott Avenue and Osborn Street, when five men approached them, the police said. One of the 5 black men, who was armed, pointed a gun at them and ordered her father to leave. The authorities said the father left the woman with the group of men, who then each raped her at gunpoint. The men fled the scene when her father returned a short time later with two uniformed police officers, the police said. The Police Department released surveillance video that it said showed the men in a bodega before the rape. The video shows a group of young black men in hooded sweatshirts and light jackets laughing and smiling. One wore a red backpack. Op-Ed Contributor Barack Obama: Guns Are Our Shared Responsibility By BARACK OBAMA. Black Men Clones created by the "Virus" mastermind Obama. 5 Black Rapists made by Obama, a war crime in our 1984 II society that spends $7 Trillion in 2016 on Homeland Security guarding the Social Security Office in Key West. Shock + Awe.

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Op-Ed Contributor Barack Obama: Guns Are Our Shared Responsibility By BARACK OBAMA Video showed the 5 black men in a bodega before the rape... Homeland Security at the bodega before the rape listening to 5 black men... 19K murdered SWF's in 2016 and HS can't watch one video and catch them... Shock + Awe of our 1984 II Society! You know the poor girl has been infected with STD's and God know what else.

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-10-2016 Now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 Your Next Fridge will Beep over Lunch Meats - Pancreatic Cancer Warning iapps from Steve Jobs and everyone who doesn't listen to the Wife, Lunch Meats Chemicals... now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New GE Fridge screen door before you eat any lunch meats. No this is not what Tim Cook + Bill Gates will give you, they will let you die from Pancreatic Cancer like Officer Eric Biskup in Key West! Conchcolor.com page 4. "Your Next Fridge Will Need An Internet Connection" The video monitor displays the connectivity feature on a Samsung smart refrigerator at the 2014 International CES at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 DNA literate Post It Note in Pink on the New Wifi GE Fridge Door... kids DNA will divide 1 billion times today, and of course if you have the Elite GE Fridge Door you get a Los Alamos Computer Simulation of this you can share on Facebook!!

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 Coal Production Falls to Lowest Volume in 3 Decades - 3 generation of kids on Duval Key West breathing in poison gas exhaust when no one at City Hall is literate enough to even think that their kid DNA is dividing 1 billion times a day in growing kids running around all the chairs in Starbucks Key West, ha they just did this. Run around all the chairs and no one but Greg knew there DNA would be dividing 1 billion times today.

1-9-2016 DNA literate Post It Note in Pink on the New Wifi GE Fridge Door... kids DNA will divide 1 billion times today, and of course if you have the Elite GE Fridge Door you get a Los Alamos Computer Simulation of this you can share on Facebook!!

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 Madonna "Burning Up" for Your Love I'm on Fire! I'm Burning up with MS Virus for your Love!! You Got me Burning Up for Your Love, I'm Burning Up! With the most terrible disease your Monroe County Health Dept never tested the Mayor's of Key West for the MS Virus! Election, Politics, and Today the CIA's 1984 II. - CIA Psychological Warfare Unit, attacks Microsoft Bill + Melinda Gates Foundation with a MS virus, SWF's in the USA, her Habitat for Humanity for the entire life span of Microsoft was worst than those infected with Malaria, and Jimmy Carters worms in Africa. Right here in Key West. Trillions of women died from MS, STD's, HIV, Syphilis # 1 disease in this "click" of bi-sexual men Mayors. Now the CIA Psychological Warfare Unit, is run by 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat... Tom Oosterhoudt will be the white Cosby... Mary Kennedy's JFK Carrier Fleet bought by McCain when trillions of wives were attacked by Vets coming home from war with the "Comfort Women" virus. Wounded Warriors made by Prince Charles kids who don't believe dad killed mom yet the statistics in the CIA Psychological Warfare Unit are public for them to track down the Mastermind who murdered Princes Diana in Paris. OJ did kill Nichol, Kennedy did kill Mary Jo, and Mary Kennedy. Tom's murders were via the MS Virus, like Putin killing other spy's with spent nuclear fuel from a GE electric power plant closed by new technology of the iPod size GE electric generator fueled by liquid Hydrogen with a plug in for your GE appliances. Madonna "Burning Up" for Your Love I'm on Fire! I'm Burning up with MS Virus from some bi-sexual married man - one of several in a high profile life of a Key West Mayor immune from the God Virus, the Universe Virus!

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door... now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New Fridge screen before you eat any...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Bi-sexual men like Tom Oosterhoudt who gave all the Key West Woman's Club women who "swooned" over stud "Houpt" with a terrible disease called MS... Houpt killed himself on Christmas as the God Virus infected him for infecting his naive Wife and 2 kids pictured in Conch Color. "Women's Club swooned women" with the most terrible disease on Earth given to them by Bi-sexual men... MS Virus! Top writes on the last page of Conchcolormagazine.com he has had several high profile bi-sexual guys over the years it was no big deal for me... Tom was Mayor of Key West and never had a HIV or MS virus test but gave these terrible diseases to many others who have died from the God Virus! Tom tried to kill GOD many times, grin. Losing "Hope" by Tom. Wives of bi-sexual men who don't have a iPhone 007 with an iapp for the MS virus, HIV, Hepatitis, STD's and Syphilis is # 1 diseases among bi-sexual men! Wives are in a "Black Hole" Wives are illiterate as Tom Cook and Elton John don't makes this public when they make headlines in the New York Times - Gov from Maine was on the News about Black Heroin Dealers coming from NYC selling Heroin and getting SWF pregnant, he couldn't be a Snowden and leak STD's... He was only allowed by our 1984 II dictators to say - Black Heroin Dealers from NYC just got the white women pregnant selling heroin in Maine. White women in Maine can't file a suite against these Cosby Heroin Dealers... Our 1984 II Dictators will not allow this! Our 1984 II society is ripe for the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat to invent a MS Cure that can be put in the water + get some iapps for high profile bi-sexual men wives on the Apple.com web!

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door... now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New Fridge screen before you eat any...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 "News Analysis"... from Greg + Wives in Key West with a Trillion 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts and a Trillion GE Electric Generators the size of an iPod you can plug your GE appliances into, your Wind Car too... if you want to. Grin. "News Analysis" on Instigator's who give our Habitat for Humanity the War Virus, the Syphilis Virus, the Murdered Wife Virus... on and on in the Endless Summer here in Key West. The Cancer Virus is spread by Jimmy Carter of course. Rx Cancer Cure, Rx Cure for all disease + virus put in the drinking water by Oppenheimer II + III was killed in secret by the Yale Skull + Bones Society with Harvard + Berkeley's approvals. Instigators will get a "Wind Fall" of wounded combat vets in Korea in 2016. H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris will give the Cartoon Headlines a Cartoon of the year for Time! Man of the Year will be a Cartoon of 120 H-Bombs from Pakistan a ISIS Muslim State going off in Paris. Paris Peace Talks stalled over serving Wine to Muslims. French Elite love their Wine more than anything! Instigator's! WHO at the UN can eradicate Vodka Deaths in Moscow in 2016. "News Analysis"... of IP invention projects at the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University open 24/7. 9/11 II + III paid for by King Salman unless the CIA confiscates every penny from Saudi Arabia and all its Princes! "News Analysis"... back to North Korean, Grin!

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 "News Analysis" North Koreans celebrating in Pyongyang on Friday after what officials said was a “successful hydrogen bomb” test. "With Nuclear Test, North Korea’s Leader Asserts Role of Instigator" By CHOE SANG-HUN Kim Jong-un is often dismissed as erratic, but this week he increased tensions between the United States and China and put more pressure on South Korea.

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 GE Fridge Door... of these Combat Vets infected with the "War Virus" from Generals who mastermind the next generation of Combat Wounded Vets... Endless Summer! On your GE Door after the Coup!

1-9-2016 "Ride with Pride" "Wounded warriors cruise through the Keys" BY TIMOTHY O'HARA Citizen Staff tohara@keysnews.com An annual wounded combat veteran bicycle ride through the Florida Keys started Friday and will end Sunday with the fleet of bikes rolling into Key West and taking part in a series of events in the southernmost military town. Participants in the Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride cruised through the Upper and Middle Keys on Friday. They traveled from the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall in Key Largo to Islamorada on Friday. They were then bused to the Marathon Fire Station, where they rode through Marathon and over the Seven Mile Bridge to Veterans Park.

1-9-2016 777 GE Fridge Door... of these Combat Vets infected with the "War Virus" from Generals who mastermind the next generation of Combat Wounded Vets... Endless Summer! On your GE Door after the Coup!

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door... now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New Fridge screen before you eat any... War Virus from Masterminds of the next generation of Wounded Warriors who don't even get 10 cent gas and the death of Mecca + Allah!

1-9-2016 The Wounded Warrior ride departs at 10:30 a.m. Sunday from Naval Air Station Boca Chica and ends at noon at the Truman Waterfront with a welcome ceremony that will feature the commanding officers of the various military bases in town and the mayor of Key West. Following the ceremony, there will be a community ride with members of the public starting at 12:45 p.m. The community ride will traverse areas of Key West and pass by the USS Maine Memorial in Key West cemetery

1-9-2016 777 GE Fridge Door... of these Combat Vets infected with the "War Virus" from Generals who mastermind the next generation of Combat Wounded Vets... Endless Summer! On your GE Door after the Coup!

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door... now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New Fridge screen before you eat any... War Virus from Masterminds of the next generation of Wounded Warriors who don't even get 10 cent gas and the death of Mecca + Allah!

1-9-2016 Vietnam (War) Living Memorial in Bayview Park. Organizers encourage the community to line the roads along the route and wave flags and show support for the 35 Wounded Warriors as they ride past, said Jerry Hughes, Military Affairs Committee Soldier Ride chair. “Soldier rides allow them to get out of their own heads and back into society,” Hughes said. tohara@keysnews.com

1-9-2016 777 GE Fridge Door... of these Combat Vets infected with the "War Virus" from Generals who mastermind the next generation of Combat Wounded Vets... Endless Summer! On your GE Door after the Coup!

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door... now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New Fridge screen before you eat any... War Virus from Masterminds of the next generation of Wounded Warriors who don't even get 10 cent gas and the death of Mecca + Allah!

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door... now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New Fridge screen before you eat any...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door...

1-9-2016 Now the CIA Psychological Warfare Unit, is sent to Mexico to infect the Drug Lords with the Lord Virus, grin. Well there will be some "Chemical Warfare" chemicals put in the Mexican Drinking Water and food... to convince the Mexican Drug Lords Jewish Aliens prison for Drug Lords are not somewhere they want to go in our Universe. "El Chapo, Escaped Mexican Drug Lord, Is Recaptured in Gun Battle" By AZAM AHMED The New York Times put Chapo's picture on the front page. After the CIA Psychological Warfare Unit, cures the Mexican Drug Lords they need to cure the guys at the NY Times who pick the front page pictures, grin.

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door... now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New Fridge screen before you eat any...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

9/11 II + III paid for by King Salman unless the CIA confiscates every penny from Saudi Arabia and all its Princes! "News Analysis"...

1-9-2016 CIA confiscates every penny from Saudi Arabia and all its Princes! "News Analysis"... NY Times!

1-9-2016 Your Money: How Should You Manage Your Money? And Keep It Short section B - page 1 By RON LIEBER

1-9-2016 CIA confiscates every penny from Saudi Arabia and all its Princes! "News Analysis"... NY Times!

1-9-2016 In Insider Trading Settlement, Steven Cohen Will Be Free to Manage Outside Money in 2 Years section B - page 1 By MATTHEW GOLDSTEIN and ALEXANDRA STEVENSON

1-9-2016 CIA confiscates every penny from Saudi Arabia and all its Princes! "News Analysis"... NY Times!

1-9-2016 Currency Devaluations by Asian Tigers Could Hinder Global Growth section B - page 1 By LANDON THOMAS Jr.

1-9-2016 CIA confiscates every penny from Saudi Arabia and all its Princes! "News Analysis"... NY Times!

1-9-2016 1 Trillion Wind Cars on the Ford Assembly Line front page of the NY Times...

1-9-2016 The Upshot: 2015 Was a Great Year for Jobs. 2016 Will Have a Hard Time Matching It. section B - page 1 By NEIL IRWIN

1-9-2016 Saudi Aramco I.P.O. Prospect Reflects Kingdom Looking Beyond Oil section B - page 2 By STANLEY REED

1-9-2016 CIA confiscates every penny from Saudi Arabia and all its Princes! "News Analysis"... NY Times!

1-9-2016 9/11 II + III paid for by King Salman unless the CIA confiscates every penny from Saudi Arabia and all its Princes! "News Analysis"...

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-9-2016 CIA confiscates every penny from Saudi Arabia and all its Princes! "News Analysis"... NY Times!

1-9-2016 777 Trillion Chemicals in "Lunch Meats" on your New Wifi GE Fridge Door... now you get a Los Alamos super computer simulation on your New Fridge screen before you eat any... War Virus from Masterminds of the next generation of Wounded Warriors who don't even get 10 cent gas and the death of Mecca + Allah!

Gregs 2007 web

"Crimea to Face Power Shortages for Months, Officials Say" By IVAN NECHEPURENKO After lines were sabotaged, electricity will not be fully restored until an “energy bridge” from Russia is completed in May, according to the Kremlin-appointed government. Ivan wrote 2 paragraphs in his NY Times article not going into using H @ -254 C as fuel to generate electricity via electric generators in some Russian warehouse. Or Putin starting a iPod size assembly line to make iPod size electric generators fueled by H @ -254 C once delivered to Crimea they can plug in the ice box, electric heater, TV... into the iPod size electric generator which will have enough liquid H fuel to make electricity for months. SABOTAGED is this iPod size electric generator you can plug in your TV, ice box, MacBook Pro, grin! And its SABOTAGED by journalists at the NY Times who write stories about high power electric lines blown up.

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 Cuomo Announces $1 Billion Expansion for Javits Center - Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s plan would create more than one million square feet... Mecca Mosque covers an area of 356,800 square metres (88.2 acres) including the outdoor and indoor praying spaces, it is open at all times... Great Mosque of Mecca, is the largest mosque in the world... and unlike the Cuomo Javits Center is open 24/7 and could have millions of MacBook Pro's if they had any use for them, grin. Cuomo Announces $1 Billion Expansion for Javits Center Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s plan would create more than one million square feet of event space and New York City’s largest ballroom at the convention center... Cuomo's Javits Center will have Zero 0 MacBook Pro's!!!!

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 "New York Today: New York Today: In Case of Cabin Fever" by TATIANA SCHLOSSBERG and NOAH REMNICK In Case of Cabin Fever call 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat; your vitals will be on a Los Alamos super computer simulation. As far as the "Cabin" part of your mental health goes call the CIA Psychological Warfare Unit, ask them to attack Microsoft with a solitaire virus so our Habitat for Humanity can fish the Universe Oceans. Wall Street Journal - Boeing, which delivered 723 planes in a year, continues to use jet fuel + has no interest in selling 723 757's that can fly into Orbit for 15 - 20 minutes and land in Paris in 20 minutes instead of 15 hours burring H @ - 254 C. CIA Psychological Warfare Unit needs to email Boeing... if we are ever going to upgrade Win 10, iPhone 6s and NASA. GE high power lines story in the Wall Street Journal was censored as 777 Trillion Wires for Electric Grid is the Law! Sure your iPhone 7 will no long have a jack for your ear bids or wires but just try to get ride of the electric wires coming into your home or the New Apple Space Ship Campus and GE will kill your IP invention projects! Addicted to electric wires and electric generators that are all out of date in the Invention Time Line.

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, invent the technologies before we get a larger than the Pentagon Army in a "Star Travel Train" mission." West Point Generals class of 16 will not qualify for Universe Generals, they are being trained for Allah Generals. God at NASA is not Allah but the IP invention project to hear Jewish Aliens. West Point web never even posted a cartoon of this... for cadets. Ha. The next generation of space telescopes will look for Jewish Aliens not Black Holes billions of light years from anything. CIA Psychological Warfare Unit, must have gone mad listening to all the Black Hole propaganda from Black OJ 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis. American Hellfire missile was diverted to Cuba in 2014 to stop all Cuban propaganda about going to Hell for giving her Syphilis, STD, HIV, MS Virus diseases. GENEVA A third producer of oral cholera vaccine has been approved that is expected to provide 3 million doses in 2016, the World Health Organization said on Friday, doubling the world's stockpile against a disease that can kill within hours. WHO killed the put it in the H2O Cholera Vaccine... MD's who follow orders from our 1984 II Dictators who wanted this IP killed from any Los Alamos Super Computer simulations... H-Bombs @ Los Alamos in 2016 not a Cholera Vaccine that can be put in the water! A Very Sick George Orwell Society!

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 iapps that let 100 write on the same page at the Hemingway House with Amazon 1 Click links to Rx Recipes + Los Alamos, every book every written + Medical Journal will get a Nobel Novel finished by Midnight with a IP in every chapter!! Hemingway House provides the 100 writers with a $8,500 configured MacBook Pro with Genius Tech's help with the iapps...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 Key West, Florida, where Ernest Hemingway lived in the 1930s. Now a new contest is offering one lucky and talented writer a chance to work in the studio where Hemingway wrote. The winner of the Florida Keys Flash Fiction Contest gets to spend up to 10 days of writing time in the studio at the Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum at 907 Whitehead St., plus 21 nights at a residency cottage at The Studios of Key West. The prize also includes $1,500 for air travel, a $500 debit card for meals and incidentals, a VIP pass to local attractions and admission to events at the Hemingway Days Festival, July 19-24. The stay must take place between July 5 and 31. Entries of no more than 500 words may be submitted via the website http://www.fla-keys.com/flashfiction between Thursday and March 31. Check the site for rules and eligibility. Hemingway, winner of the 1954 Nobel Prize for literature, wrote some of his most famous works in Key West, including "The Green Hills of Africa," ''The Snows of Kilimanjaro" and "For Whom the Bell Tolls." But if you're allergic to cats, this might not be the contest for you. The Hemingway estate is home to a number of six-toed cats, like one the writer owned. Contest sponsors include the Hemingway Home & Museum, The Studios of Key West, the Key West Literary Seminar and the Florida Keys & Key West tourism council. The contest's final judge is a representative of the literary seminar.

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 "Ramadi, Reclaimed by Iraq, Is in Ruins After ISIS Fight" By BEN HUBBARD Earth Jimmy Carter Habitat for Humanity is in Ruins After $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues... "Pillow Fight" at West Point over MIT War Toys they got for Christmas 2015 and want for Christmas 2016. Allah is Great Chants at West Point for this gas station hole up money... for MIT War Toys. To Hell with NASA.

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 War in Key West between the Home Owners who don't want you to feed the cats and the Army of people who feed the Key West Cats... this is a real war! Cats that choose to... come to my garden make my house a less lonely place. And that is why many of us feed animals — not merely because it’s satisfying to feel we have helped them, but because it surrounds us with creatures that know us, are able to forge bonds with us, have come to regard us as part of their world in Paradise were there would not be any homeless cats or people! 1 trillion electricwindmillFord Escorts will get many cats off the streets too, well as all the homeless. Grin. Why Do We Feed Wild Animals? On Nature By HELEN MACDONALD

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

Gregs 2007 web

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-8-2016 777 Trillion Miles of GE High Power Electric Wires in 2016...

1-7-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Unit could kill everyone of these 2 million Muslims Friday, tomorrow with 10 cent gasoline on the Front Page of Fridays New York Times!

1-7-2016 Depicting God in a French Cartoon as a Kalashnikov-carrying killer instead of starting construction on a 155 Story Eiffel Tower Yale Paris Medical School + building Ultra Apple-Starbucks Paris Store School University with every Rx Recipe linked to Los Alamos via iapps! The newspaper has printed around a million copies of the issue, up from a typical print run of about 100,000. Mecca in the last year built its Church to hold 2 million Muslims for Sunday Services! PARIS — A special issue of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo went on sale in France on Wednesday, amid a week of official commemorations and other events paying tribute to the 17 people who were killed one year ago. On Friday in Mecca 2 million will pray to Allah at the same time 5 times in one day in a New Mosque built in the last year. The cover shows a bearded figure, representing God, with an assault rifle slung across his back and a bloodstained robe, and the headline: “One Year Later: The Assassin Is Still on the Run.” The Vatican’s newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, criticized the cover in a commentary. The Paris Assassin's will be in Mecca on Friday praying to God 5 times in one day. CIA Psychological Warfare Unit could kill everyone of these 2 million Muslims with 10 cent gasoline on the Front Page of Fridays New York Times!

1-7-2016 White House Disputes North Korea’s Claim of Hydrogen Bomb Test...

1-7-2016 White House Disputes Claim by Greg + Wives in Key West to get the Overnight Rx Recipe Stage 4 Cure in 2016 linked to Los Alamos not Berkeley, grin!

1-7-2016 "Advanced Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters" Greg + Wives in Key West are one of the world’s most isolated and dangerous inventors who will detonate a Stage 4 Overnight Rx Cure in 2016 no "Matter" what our 1984 II Dictators do to stop this! 1984 II Locals in Key West tightened sanctions against Greg + Wives conversations about getting a Stage 4 cure and all 1,001 other IP invention project we want to brainstorm on a Sandy White Beach in Key West. This is our 1984 II Society in Key West in 2016... H-Bomb News!

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

Travel "How We Picked the 52 Places to Go in 2016 "By THE NEW YORK TIMES - Cartoon of Greg's "52 Pick-Up of the Nearest 52 Stars" on the editors computers at the NY Times for the last year. Ironic Journalism! This is sort of like Jimmy Weekley on the front page of the Key West Citizen news paper today about Homeless on Caroline... ironic Windcar Street. I did ask him about building the Yale Key West Medical School. Jimmy is also a butcher, red meat eater and got $2.5 million from BP Oil for his Christmas Gift. "52 Pick-Up" stifled by 1984 II Dictators, Shock + Awe of our 1984 II Society!! 52 IP invention projects for 2016 - invented in Key West by Greg + Wives, this will be shock + awe for Jimmy Weekley!

Link to Eve At Christmas Eve 2015.


1-7-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-7-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-7-2016 Depicting God in a French Cartoon as a Kalashnikov-carrying killer instead of starting construction on a 155 Story Eiffel Tower Yale Paris Medical School + building Ultra Apple-Starbucks Paris Store School University with every Rx Recipe linked to Los Alamos via iapps in the last year!

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 Greg in Key West certainly could have used a MacBook Pro configured costing $8,500 with a few wives in Key West in the last year since the Paris Cartoon HQ shooting... Muslim Generals in Pakistan built 120 H-Bombs in the last 12 months financed by the Pentagon Generals... Moslem built H-Bombs will go off in view of the Eiffel Tower before Seoul is Nuked!

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 Mecca in the last year was under construction by the father of BinLaden's Construction company with 100's of Cranes... to expand the Muslim Church to hold 2 million for Sunday Service. Jimmy Carter in Plains Georgia Church had 200 for his Sunday School Class, and no plans on building a 155 Story Eiffel Tower Yale Georgia Medical School for Brain + Breast Cancer. Biden called Jimmy Carter and said our Habitat for Humanity would be better off if he went fishing for worms in Africa. Biden told Jimmy Carter his Habitat for Humanity doesn't need any Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines to harvest peanuts as there is a peanut surplus of $3.5 billion just in the last years harvest without Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines, who the Hell needs $777 Trillion in Peanuts... grin, Jewish Aliens!

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters" KISSIMMEE, Fla. - Densely packed groups of stars may make excellent cradles for complex space-traveling life!

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-7-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-7-2016 Depicting God in a French Cartoon as a Kalashnikov-carrying killer instead of starting construction on a 155 Story Eiffel Tower Yale Paris Medical School + building Ultra Apple-Starbucks Paris Store School University with every Rx Recipe linked to Los Alamos via iapps in the last year!

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 News Analysis: North Korea Blast Revives Question: How Do You Contain Pyongyang? $777 Trillion in BP money from gas station hold ups, will build a trillion Ultra Apple-Starbucks in North Korea... H-Bomb Test then will be 1,001 Nobels in Medicine, Gravity Engine invented by Kim... grin! War the Pentagon will lose as they can't even ponder going 777 times faster than the speed of light! Or building a Jimmy Cater Hospital Submarine, JFK too. Pentagon Will Extend Military Honors to Drone Operators Far From Battles - Not on Greg + Wives in Key West. Ebola Treatment Using Plasma From Survivors Is Not Effective, Study Says. Syphilis, STD's HIV hospital prison in Cuba for Tim Cook, Elton John, Charley Sheen... would be effective in helping SWF's! A Carjacking in Brooklyn Leaves a Trail of Mayhem section A - page 18 By MICHAEL WILSON Pentagon Generals punched this nurse in the face, she went to the New Years Party anyway... Life is Short Bus in Key West. In Universe Time life is short for the Pentagon's Era of Carjacking's by the 100's + gas station hold ups with no Warriors or Wounded Warrior's commercials for these women ATTACKED BY MEN. McCain the War Hero in Hell, God with a Rifle Cartoon shooting bullets made in Hell at the War Hero McCain, is not far from reality in a Universe that is expanding in every direction but our Habitat for Humanity on Earth. Grin!

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 Report of Orgy at Brussels Police Station Is Unfounded, Officials Say section A - page 7 By MILAN SCHREUER Orgy in Key West, this is what the World News needs to report... grin. A retired New York City police officer who fatally shot his wife in front of the couple’s two young children because he thought she was having an affair has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. The former officer, Kevin Canty, 44, of Queens, was sentenced on Wednesday after pleading guilty to manslaughter in the death of his wife, Jessica, 40. Mr. Canty admitted that he shot his wife seven times as their 6- and 9-year-old children watched inside their Queens home on April 19, 2014. Mr. Canty retired from the Police Department in 2013. The couple had been together since they were teenagers. Mr. Canty has a 20-year-old daughter from the marriage, as well as the two children who witnessed the shooting. No Orgy at Queens Police Station with the wife invited...

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 United Airlines Chief, Oscar Munoz, Has Heart Transplant section B - page 2 By JAD MOUAWAD Cheney had a Heart Transplant but he is still the Mastermind of death via poison gas exhaust, no mandatory heart organ donations - or anything good for God from Cheney! Paris Cartoons of Heart Transplants by VIP Elite Men Princes and Kings of Saudi Arabia is what French Cartoons should be all about, and syphilis given to SWF's sex slaves in Mecca...

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 Chipotle Is Subpoenaed in Criminal Inquiry Over Norovirus Outbreak section B - page 3 By RACHEL ABRAMS Carnival in Key West replaces the hand sanitizers with dollar bill scanners for Norovirus, ha. Carnival in Key West could turn a profit if they let Key West Tourists on the Cruise Ship at $10 each as they would all spend money in the Cruise Ships gift shop and restaurants...

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 Yale Daily News is still in a black hole but for 2 stories for the New Year 2016, “My role is to be a bridge builder — to bring the resources of Yale together to foster internal communication, communication with student audiences, alumni and the rest of the Yale community, and externally to make sure Yale and what Yale is doing is known to the world,” she said. University President Peter Salovey announced that Eileen O’Connor will serve as Yale’s first vice president for communications. "Yale Universe" - Yale should change its name for the Times!

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 Jimmy Weekley: Move panhandling zone to the Ford Assembly line, of course Ford will not build a assembly line for Greg's Wind Car in Key West but some parts for the Wind Car will be made in Key West... Jimmy Weekly owns 2 Fausto's Grocery Stores in Key West and doesn't pay as mush as Ford - Jimmy Weekley: Move panhandling zone from Caroline Street. BY GWEN FILOSA Citizen Staff gfilosa@keysnews.com Key West’s official panhandling zone on Caroline Street must move somewhere else on the island, a city commissioner says. “It’s become for squatters,” City Commissioner Jimmy Weekley told City Manager Jim Scholl during Tuesday night’s meeting at Old City Hall. “They’re sleeping there, they’re staying there all day long... Jimmy Weekley got $2.5 million from BP Oil last week. Jimmy Weekley will go on trial for poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West. Holocaust II + III will stay in the World News for decades. Castro will make Cuba non smoking from poison gas exhaust before Key West. "Man Arrested in Fatal Stabbing of Bronx McDonald’s Manager" By RICK ROJAS The police have arrested a homeless man and charged him with fatally stabbing a manager at a McDonald’s in the Bronx, after the manager ejected him from the restaurant where he had been camped out for hours, officials said on Thursday. The man, Rafael Gonzalez ejected by Obama from the Ford Assembly line... City Commissioner Jimmy Weekley told City Manager Jim Scholl during Tuesday night’s meeting at Old City Hall. “They’re sleeping there, they’re staying there all day long... Jimmy Weekley got $2.5 million from BP Oil last week.

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-7-2016 "Advanced Jewish Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters"

1-6-2016 Mr. Kim’s hydrogen bomb boasts might be propaganda for his domestic audience...

1-6-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West are one of the world’s most isolated and dangerous inventors who will detonate a Stage 4 Overnight Rx Cure in 2016 no "Matter" what our 1984 II Dictators do to stop this! 1984 II Locals in Key West tightened sanctions against Greg + Wives conversations about getting a Stage 4 cure and all 1,001 other IP invention project we want to brainstorm on a Sandy White Beach in Key West. This is our 1984 II Society in Key West in 2016... H-Bomb News!

1-6-2016 "North Korea Says It Has Detonated Its First Hydrogen Bomb" By DAVID E. SANGER and CHOE SANG-HUN

1-6-2016 "North Korea Says It Has Detonated Its First Hydrogen Bomb" By DAVID E. SANGER and CHOE SANG-HUN

1-6-2016 1984 II experts at HQ say that the accomplishment would be a light year stretch, though not impossible; to go faster than the speed of light xxx Trillions of times in such a infinite Universe that is expanding in every direction at millions of miles per hour. Which is a real time accomplishment the 1984 II experts at HQ realize the Top Brass don't give a damn about!

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 "Greg + Wives in Key West Says It Has Detonated; Built its first 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Bomb of a Laser Guided Car..." By DAVID E. SANGER and CHOE SANG-HUN Greg + Wives in Key West are one of the world’s most isolated and dangerous inventors who will detonate a Stage 4 Overnight Rx Cure in 2016 no "Matter" what our 1984 II Dictators do to stop this! Traitors to God are the 1984 II Dictators who kill their own troops via a HIV Virus + Wounded Warriors... who murder their wife's! WHO MD's at the UN and The United Nations Security Council condemned Greg + Wives in Key West violation of several non invention resolutions in the Security Council so the 1984 Locals in Key West tightened sanctions against Greg + Wives conversations about getting a Stage 4 cure and all 1,001 other IP invention project we want to brainstorm on a Sandy White Beach in Key West. This is our 1984 II Society in Key West in 2016.

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 Greg + Wives in Key West on this web page boasts are 1984 III propaganda for our Syphilis infected domestic local 1984 II undercover idiots who flooded Key West with poison exhaust from cars, trucks, scooters on Duval not thinking or caring about kids who's DNA is dividing 1 billion times a day!

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 1984 II experts at HQ say that the accomplishment would be a light year stretch; Jewish Aliens that is!

1-6-2016 1984 II experts at HQ say that the accomplishment would be a light year stretch; Jewish Aliens that is!

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 Vatican newspaper has criticized French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo for depicting God as a Kalashnikov-carrying killer, saying it was "woeful" and disrespectful to true believers of all faiths. The cover was an anniversary edition, commemorating the attacks a year ago when Islamist militants killed 12 during an assault on the Charlie Hebdo newsroom in Paris. The cartoon on the cover shows an angry God with blood on his hands and a rifle strapped to his back.

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 Vatican newspaper has criticized Greg + Wives in Key West about this web page boasts and the idea Pope Francis will spend xxx trillions of years in Hell for taking $7 Trillion from BP Oil for the Vatican Bank in a 1984 II George Orwell Society. Pope for depicting God as a BP Oil man with $777 Trillion Godsend... City of Key West guys, Jimmy Weekly took $2.5 million from BP Oil right before Christmas for gifts! Jimmy Carter shows an angry God with blood on his hands from 19K SWF's who will be murdered by a drunk man in 2016 in a George Orwell Society! No wonder why Jimmy went to Africa to get worms.

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 New York Public Library Invites a Deep Digital Dive - Key West Public Library - University of Colorado at Boulder Library - All invites a Deep Digital Dive into a Universe who's God is some 1984 Clone of George Orwell in London + Paris. Hemingway in Paris. 1,001 Nobel's a Year in literature is not the Public or University Library's motive in our 1984 II Society. City of Key West spent $100K every year I have been in Key West, 5 years. $500K just on the full time Sheriff to be the guard at the Public Library in Key West. Deep Digital Dive connotations marry the Post Office to the Public Library; both will be taken over by Apple when the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat is successful. Cadaver's in the public library or Vatican Library digital and real one's from the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. Tourists attractions at the Key West Public Library will get a bigger crowd than Fury Cat's going by Ballast Key's Era of Trains + Pirates who are to drunk to work 24/7 with a few wives so they build wooden houses that should have laser guidance's more advanced than the Navy Jets that roar like a lion overhead training for another war via guys busy writing a virus, a new wounded warrior, buy them books and buy them books! Visible is the Sheriff in the library. 1984 II masterminds leading you to ponder your Universe have Syphilis, HIV, STD's. The Path to Charlie Sheen’s H.I.V. Disclosure, Tim Cook's, Elton John's... everyone who has any HIV, STD, disease the path to disclosure will be in a library book in 2016. Faster than the speed of light can be masterminded if George Orwell 1984 is pulled from the Library and put on trial. Grin!

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 100 Senator's Says Obama’s Actions on Guns Are ‘Necessary but Totally Insufficient’ Connecticut, the shooting at Newtown Elementary School in Sandy Hook by a son of a GE executive that was not mentioned by Obama but it should be as the GE Executives have killed 100 million Elementary School Children via Poison gas exhaust... secure gun control legislation since, had mixed feelings about President Obama’s announced actions on guns as Obama didn't mention "OJ" clones who have killed 19K SWF's every Year he has been president of the USA. How could he be the real President and have any women in the White House when 19K were murdered by a "OJ" clone he created with no warning labels? By JENNIFER STEINHAUER Jennifer at the New York Times wrote this article. Shock + Awe of our George Orwell Journalists even when Jennifer knows 19K SWF's were murdered by guns not OJ knives... Obama’s Actions on Guns Are ‘Necessary but Totally Insufficient’

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-6-2016 Two killed in U.S. 1 crashes BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com Two people were killed and more than 10 others were injured on U.S. 1 in the past three days during a heavy holiday traffic weekend that included multiple other fender-benders that snarled motorists up and down the island chain, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. The most recent crash occurred at 11:39 a.m. Monday at Mile Marker 27 on Ramrod Key when a 1992 Toyota Tacom... pulled out in front of a Key West Transit Bus and was killed... the bus was not laser guided and the guy in the Toyota did have his seat belt on... grin. No the Citizen didn't mention the Laser Guidance on the 2016 Model ElectricWindmillBus... its suppressed! But the did say he was wearing his seat belt... wow!

1-6-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible...

1-5-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible with $777 Trillion of King Salman's Oil's Revenues in Swiss Banks given to NASA!

1-5-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible with $777 Trillion of King Salman's Oil's Revenues in Swiss Banks given to NASA!

1-5-2016 130 Quintillion Jewish Aliens Visible with $777 Trillion of King Salman's Oil's Revenues in Swiss Banks given to NASA!

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 Visible; Greg's 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, the team finally produced strong evidence that they had synthesized Element 113. Over the course of time since the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort, the beam was active for 553 days and launched more than 130 quintillion zinc atoms, aliens - What the Earth's Team of 1984 II Dictators should have launched to is 130 quintillion aliens which Greg + Wives in Key West will make visible via IP invention projects with links to Los Alamos!

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 Rx Recipes for the Overnight Cure of Stage 4 would have been a more meaning full monumental achievement... by Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. Berkeley. Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Rx Recipes 113, 114, 115, 117, 118. Newest Element 113 was given to a RIKEN team in Japan, while element 118 was a collaborative effort between the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. Those two were joined by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee for the discovery of elements 115 and 117. ...and ununoctium (118). Greg can see the invisible 24/7 brainstorming here. Shock + Awe of Bush Hell No... They must have spent $10 Trillion dollars to get these new elements too. Invisible is Roche! $$$ F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. was founded at a time when industrial revolution was changing the face of Europe. On October 1, 1896, at the age of 28, Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche launched his company as the successor company to Hoffmann, Traub & Co in Basel, Switzerland. He was among the first to recognize that the industrial manufacture of medicines would be a major advance in the fight against disease. Since then, Roche has grown into one of the world's leading healthcare companies. Monumental achievement... Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 overnight cure. This would be visible today if Berkeley was allowed by our 1984 II Dictators, but they weren't. Just like Obama can't confiscate $777 Trillion from King Salman! DNA microarrays, made visible on the front page of the NY Times; which are widely used as discovery and research tools in pharma research. Hell just the best iapps news of DNA Microarrays would make them visible too. Tim Cook wasted trillions of hours talking about encrypted cell calls not DNA Microarrays. Nucleic acid sequences to specifically pair with each other by forming hydrogen bonds between complementary nucleotide base pairs. (A, G, C, T/U).

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 Governor’s order says that to protect public safety, “the state can take appropriate steps, including involuntary placement.” “It’s about love. It’s about compassion. It’s about helping one another and basic human decency,” Mr. Cuomo, said Hell No - Greg will make visible motive is for $777 Trillion in Libyan Oil $$$

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 Military physician-led hospitals... Walter Reed Military + VA Physicians will be put on trail for Holocaust II + III poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West and other MD's at Saint Jude will testify, along with Greg's 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 52 types of Syphilis in the Dictators and his Doctors Brains MRI's. Their link to Los Alamos to invent a Rx Recipe for 52 types of Syphilis... made visible at their trails. Los Alamos writes of Mr Buell and his "Wind" car not 52 Rx Recipes to cure the 1984 II Dictators. Crunched on H-Bomb Super Computers.

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 "Saudi Arabia’s Barbaric Executions" (and Alien Executions!) By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Volatile realities of the Middle East do not give the United States or the European Union the luxury of choosing or rejecting allies on moral criteria. Washington has no choice but to deal with regimes like King Salman for it share of $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues! King Salman his repression of women and whip then in front of Hillary for driving a gas engine Ford will never be written about by the NY Times editorial board, grin. Greg makes this visible, even though we all know it. King Salman 158 people were executed, in 2015, 47 in 2016 New Years Day! Women killed just in Saudi Arabia are more than 20K we would make visible if the NY Times editorial board were not in bed with Oil Men. Tehran, which also has an abysmal human rights record, including nearly 700 executions. NY Times editorial board will not compare these 700 killings with their 1984 II Dictators just giving syphilis + STD's to others caused this many suicides and murders... 19K SWF's in 2016, murdered - executed by the top brass who write the New York Times Headlines and leave out these 19K expectations the Times calls murders! I make this visible! Besides Tehran killed these 700 fighting over $777 trillion in USA gas station hold ups - like make visible the gas station robbers fighting among them selves who gets the money from the Miami gas station hold up in Tehran... make this visible! Op-Ed Contributor "A Dangerous Game" By TOBY CRAIG JONES The Saudi royals think that stoking hatred of Shiites will keep them in power. CIA + the Pentagon keep King Salman's $777 Trillion from being confiscated... this is highly visible in what the New York Times writes! And doesn't write, grin!

1-5-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 By SULIMAN ALI ZWAY Islamic State militants attempted to capture an oil port along Libya’s coast early Monday, in fighting that left at least seven people dead and set fire to a storage tank of crude oil, according to witnesses. The militants began their assault on the Sidra oil port with suicide bomb attacks on a checkpoint, but by Monday afternoon, the offensive had been beaten back by - what Greg is making visible on this web page.

1-5-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 Our 1984 II State showed No determination of the non-NASA group members to expand its territory beyond its Traditional Visible observation of the Universe. Hubble Space Train like Flagler's in Key West will be made visible with $777 Trillion confiscated from King Salman. Yale educators argue that the new on line classes would fail because students are generally less motivated to complete coursework online... but Yale will not let the NY Times print it's because of the cost of C++ and the MacBook Pro that is need to run it. In fact most University Computer Science Labs that teach C++ use computers with a Xeon CPU that cost $5K for one Xeon CPU... grin. And have to license each and every student with Bill Gates! $$$ The new Intel 14 Core Xeon CPU's cost over $10K each. In the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University there would be thousands of these MacBook Pro's with 100" LG Ultra Monitors and Genius Tech's! Make visible the determination of the Replacement of the entire educational system,” With the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University 24/7 always open and staffed with Genius Tech's @ $365K a year! Well worth 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year the Yale Economics Nobel winner would say.

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 IS State showed the determination of the group to expand its territory beyond its stronghold in the western Libyan town of Surt. IP invention projects made visible, 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year with $7 Trillion in Oil Revenues that went up in poisonous smoke above yesterday was and is needed to expand Earth's Habitat for Humanity to the nearest 52 Stars. Greg made visible the NY Times suppression of the computer and card game "52 Pick Up", made visible the syphilis in the brains of our 1984 Dictators... my computer + card game should have been 52 types of Syphilis and STD, HIV the 1984 II Dictators give to millions this year! Make it visible!

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 "Cuomo Lifts Minimum Wage for Workers at New York Universities" By JESSE McKINLEY "Cuomo Misses Point, Homeless on Streets Say" By NIKITA STEWART Visible is the idiots in our 1984 II Society. First how could Cuomo let Bill Gates live, his execution was for 1 Jan. 16. The Ford Assembly line for the Homeless and the Ultra Apple-Starbucks University 24/7 is for the University. Microsoft will be given to those left at Apple along with the Post Office, so Mandy Miles in Key West can write Sunday Tan Lines about reading all her mail and check from her Citizen News paper coming in her emails now! Mandy the sand your on has trillions of spinning quarks that hold the spin off cure for Breast Cancer + the gravity engine invention for your "Jetson's" flying cars! Park above your condo in Key West, grin.

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 Visible - Mandy, tourists hit by a Key West Bus... killed. Two killed in U.S. 1 crashes Key West Citizen - Tuesday, January 5, 2016 Two people were killed and more than 10 others were injured on U.S. 1 in the past three days during a heavy holiday traffic weekend that included multiple other fender-benders that snarled motorists... Mandy you should have sent in the Key West Navy Seals to secure Highway 1 from traffic wrecks. Would the Cost Guard Homeland Security's Helicopters caused more wrecks than prevented them? Make this visible in a news article Mandy. To the writer who wrote the following in reference to our city commissioners, ‘We have to stop spending money like a drunken sailor.’ Unlike elected government officials, sailors... KEY WEST — A 32-year-old Washington state man accused of passing out drunk while in a parked, running car early Sunday in Old Town was arrested, according to Key West police. One Old Town Parking lot has a sign Hemingway slept here passed out drunk... on the ground not in his Ford I would think. Earnest did have a new Ford in Key West but I have never hear any stories about him and his Ford in Key West. No parking tickets I think. What year did Key West start parking tickets + what year; 2016, will Key West end giving parking tickets... ha.

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 New Years, Fatal Stabbing of Bronx McDonald’s Manager. Mr. Garcia was slashed on his back, neck and arm and stabbed in the chest, the police said. He managed to stagger back inside McDonald’s, bleeding badly. By MARC SANTORA and KATE PASTORJAN NY Times, Marc + Kate didn't mention cameras inside McDonald's or cameras outside. Nothing was made visible in this New Year killing, why?

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... is winning the Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars *.*

1-5-2016 Visible Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Cuomo Orders That Homeless Be Taken to Shelter in Freezing Weather section A - page 13 By ANNIE CORREAL - 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1984 III Dictators will order the homeless to work on the Ford 2016 ElectriWindmillEscort assembly lines building a trillion "Wind" cars in the USA at a high wage with MD women on the Ford Assembly line as a perk... The governor’s order says that to protect public safety, “the state can take appropriate steps, including involuntary placement.” “It’s about love. It’s about compassion. It’s about helping one another and basic human decency,” Mr. Cuomo, said Hell No the Homeless can't work on a Ford Assembly line!! No Way!! ...involuntary transfer for psychiatric evaluation or treatment if they posed a danger to themselves or others... BP Oil Men NYC, grin! Similar effort by Mayor Koch in the mid-1980s met significant legal obstacles, from NYC Oil Men, Ford lost everything to Koch + Oil. Jimmy Carter killed Millions with poison gas exhaust... just at Saint Jude NYC. Norman Siegel, the Vietnam veteran + civil rights lawyer who fought Mr. Koch’s actions at the time, said he and other advocates would be closely monitoring the implementation of Mr. Cuomo’s order. “The fact that it is below 32 degrees does not give the government permission to take someone off the street,” he said... Norman Siegel doesn't want anyone working on a Ford Assembly line on the Wind Cars 2016 or 1980. Yale Law has gone along for this since 1980! 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1984 III Dictators then we’ll have serious legal and policy problems Siegel said. Cuomo administration said the governor’s executive order would force cities to abide by the state’s Mental Hygiene Law... Wind Car on the Ford Assembly line will be the Law of the USA... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1984 III.

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Visible homelessness has been the most politically damaging issue to Mr. de Blasio as a mix of homeless people and sheltered panhandlers have filled the sidewalks and subways. Visible Jewish Aliens have been made visible in Greg's Web page!

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Visible Ford Assembly lines building the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts have been made visible in Greg's Web page... Jimmy Carter killing millions via poison gas exhaust has been made visible on Greg's Web page!

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 "1984 II Dictators Cuts Ties With Trillions of Jewish Aliens at the Nearest 52 Stars Amid Fallout From Execution via BP Oil's Holocaust II + III poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West" By BEN HUBBARD. Oil Price Rises as market ponders the Aliens at the Nearest Star! Visible homelessness has been the most politically damaging issue to Mr. de Blasio as a mix of homeless people and sheltered panhandlers have filled the sidewalks and subways. Visible Jewish Aliens have been made visible in Greg's Web page!

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 "Saudi Arabia Cuts Ties With Iran Amid Fallout From Cleric’s Execution" By BEN HUBBARD Saudi Arabia gave Iranian diplomats 48 hours to leave the kingdom as the two powers exchanged heated words.

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016 from 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat our 1984 II Dictators, all MD Women $$$ rich Pirates in Key West with $777 Trillion from King Salman's sunk Mecca + Allah.

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Woman’s Death in Queens Is City’s First Homicide of 2016 section A - page 17 By SARAH MASLIN NIR ----- First of 19K murdered by a drunk man and drunk 1984 II Dictators ----- make this Visible like the homeless in the streets!! Joceline Romo, was beaten in the face, Julie Bolcer, a spokeswoman for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, said on Sunday. Ms. Romo was killed by “homicidal violence,” she added, “including blunt force trauma of head and compression of neck.” No arrests have been made in Ms. Romo’s death. Her boyfriend, whose name the police did not release, was in custody and undergoing a psychological evaluation in a hospital. The house where she was found, on 86th Street, was quiet on Sunday, a Nativity scene and a Christmas tree decorated with shiny ornaments still set up in the small front yard. Jimmy Carter the Sunday School Teacher came and went fishing for worms in Africa!

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Bill Gates: The Billionaire Book Critic - iapps, for Bill Gates Book list, Hell No We Won't Go... no iapps no links to Los Alamos in Bill Gates: The Billionaire Book Critic - iapps, for Bill Gates Book list. Did Bill Gates catch Syphilis in the Brain in Bahrain... UAE? Bill Gates on Books and Bloging without Los Alamos links... Rx Recipes! "The Most Popular Online Course Teaches You to Lear" By John Markoff Critics say Massively Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, are over-hyped. But defenders say they are reaching people in unexpected ways! Unexpected Bill Gates reading books with no iapps, no links to Los Alamos. This is Unexpected! Why + How Come? !!! MOOCs, which in 2012 emerged as a potentially disruptive force that some believed might threaten the modern educational system... No Way as you need C++ and the MacBook Pro that retails for $8K on Apple.com. Microsoft wants another $8K for C++ and sells several versions with a license. AutoCad sells for $5K... ChemCad sells for another $5K so on line courses are a scam without the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University. Traditional educators to argue that the new on line classes would fail because students are generally less motivated to complete coursework online... but don't tell the NY Times its because of the cost of C++ and the MacBook Pro that is need to run it. In fact most University Computer Science Labs that teach C++ use a computers with a Xeon CPU that cost $5K for one Xeon CPU... grin. The new Intel 14 Core Xeon CPU's cost over $10K each. In the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University there would be thousands of these MacBook Pro's with 100" LG Ultra Monitors and Genius Tech's! Replacement of the entire educational system,” Dr. Thrun said. “A cheaper technology is not the same as a business revolution.” 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year has been made Visible on Greg's Web page, now we need the $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia before they execute SWF's sex slaves that don't make NY Times Headlines!

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 There is a strong correlation between physician-led hospitals + 1984 II Dictators spreading Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS Virus to millions in the last decade. There is a strong correlation between physician-led hospitals... Walter Reed Military + VA Physicians will be put on trail for Holocaust II + III and other MD's at Saint Jude will testify. There is a strong correlation between physician-led hospitals... "The Physician Leader, Part 2 What physicians and organizations need to know in the era of population health..." By Kathy Jordan and Regina Levison. Kathy + Regina don't live in a 1984 II society, you would think from reading their article on MD Leaders. Kathy Jordan is President of Jordan Search Consultants and Regina Levison is the organization's Vice President of Client Development. Jordan Search Consultants, an executive, healthcare, higher education, and corporate recruitment firm, was founded in 2003. The organization offers executive and physician search services to corporations, hospitals/integrated delivery systems, medical groups, academic institutions, IPAs, ACOs, HMOs, health plans, hospice/palliative medicine organizations, and community health centers.


1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Cygni Star is 19.2 Trillion miles away. This youtube video link below shows the nearest stars too but of course not visible is a link to Los Alamos and what Los Alamos trillion dollars worth of IBM super computers would have made visible... this is how we will make visible Jewish Aliens! The Sun the way it's fusions of H sets off 7 Billion H Bombs every second... make this visible in spin off inventions, you are working on! No! Bill Gates will never make this visible in a book review or Win 11 iapps. Why, who knows!



Text at http://howfarawayisit.com/documents/

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-4-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... By JASON HOROWITZ Mr. Trump, whose appeal is predicated on an aura of toughness and perpetual success, seldom speaks of his brother Freddy, who died as an alcoholic in 1981 at age 43.

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Mr. Trump killed his own brother if he was high enough to know what Jimmy Carter and Teddy Kennedy wear doing in 1980; killing the Shock + Awe of Bush Era with the 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Jimmy Carter drank 777 Trillion glasses of wine and got drunk thinking of the riches of $777 Trillion from Oil. Euphoria of the 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort would have sobered up Trumps Drunk Brother at 42 years old, Hell No he would never ever have died of drinking a year after the 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort... Hell No Way! Jimmy Carter killing millions since then!

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Sunday Book Review: ‘The War on Alcohol’ by Lisa McGirr section BR - page 15 By JAMES A. MORONE ‘The War on Alcohol’ without using the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort same as the War on Mecca + Allah without using the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort.

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Book (I don't think it comes with a CD or link to Los Alamos Super Computer Simulations) “Do No Harm,” and it was written by the British neurosurgeon Henry Marsh. His job is to slice into the brain, the most complex structure we know of in the universe, where everything that makes us human is contained, and the contrast between the extremely sophisticated and the extremely primitive — all of that work with knives, drills and saws — fascinated me deeply. Yes Dr. Katrina write in her book, (No CD) she put brain gray matter between her index finger and thumb and swirled it around like the Milky Way Galaxy and wondered were the "Brain" of the Milky Way Galaxy is, in some force field of MRI's she will invent the MIR Space Telescope for NASA if she hooks up with Greg, grin. Well the Brain of the Milky Way Galaxy is more complex than our 1984 II Dictators directing Sony Movies, grin.

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... "Awake Craniotomy", is in Dr. Katrina's Book too; "Awake Craniotomy", that had never been performed in Albania. The procedure is used to remove a kind of brain tumor that looks just like the brain itself. Such tumors are most common in young people, and there is no cure for them. Without surgery, 50 percent of patients die within five years; 80 percent within 10 years. An operation prolongs their lives by 10 to 20 years, sometimes more. In order for the surgeon to be able to distinguish between tumor and healthy brain tissue, the patient is kept awake throughout the operation, and during the procedure the brain is stimulated with an electric probe, so that the surgeon can see if and how the patient reacts. Dr. Katrina will react to this Sunday NY Times story by writing an iapp that links "Awake Craniotomy" to Los Alamos super computer simulation while the patient is awake, grin!

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... "Plane Crash Into Alaska Building Is Said to Be Suicide" Mary Kennedy hanged in the Kennedy Barn was Said to Be Suicide too but we know it was murder. Would this Pilot have killed himself if he and just bought a 2016 EectricWindmillFord Escort, Hell No!

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 The Ethicist: Is It O.K. to Go to Work While Sick and Sneezing? section MM - page 20 By KWAME ANTHONY APPIAH Sunday NY Times. Hell Yes someone at the NY Times will come to work sick on Monday; 1-4-2016 and Hell Yes Again; someone in Key West will write an iapp for the iPhone 7 that you have to scan in when you use your NY Times badge to get in the door... and the door will not open if you are sick trying to go to work at the NY Times on Monday, grin. Until Hillary at Yale Law can sue everyone who came to work sick... and make Headlines.

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...Sunday in Key West with Mandy Miles, "It's simple, silly" Mandy wish's she was cyber literate as the cellphone software makers think she is. Now at 39 years old Mandy understands. Mandy is no longer part of the targeted demographic for amazing in iapps. Does Mandy go to work sick at the Citizen Newspaper Office, of course she does. Never mind. Mandy never left her debit card at the register making a purchase in Key West, while talking... so why should she get the new iapp that lets you swipe your debit card without taking out and giving it to the girl she is talking to? How many debit card are left at the register was not in Mandy Miles story, I will give her a D. Sorry Mandy but his should have been in the news article. "Never Mind, I'll just pay cash. Is there an iapp for that? Mandy might get a F grade, sorry Mandy but your cash is "sick" with the Norwalk virus and bacteria, you should as a Key West Journalists at least mentioned the Norwalk virus can stick to a dollar for a few days.

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Robin Robinson the newspaper garden writer wrote on the next page after Mandy about pineapple plantations even named a island Plantation Key. 700 AD they were growing Pineapples here, wow. Flagler's Railroad opened in 1912 and put them out of business. Well its 2016 and Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines to Harvest Pineapple and Bananas will put someone in business shipping this to the NY Times, grin. Robin get a D as she didn't mention the Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines to Harvest Pineapples and Bananas... sorry Robin + Mandy!

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Big Ticket: For $30.5 Million, Fifth Avenue and Facing the Park section RE - page 2 By VIVIAN MARINO Big Ticket in Key West at Publix is the Florida Lottery $120 million posters on every Bus Stop Shelter trying and succeeding to scam the bus riders wanting a 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Drive 1984 II into 1984 III Bigger Lottery of $777 Trillion taken away from King Salman, perverts in KW can watch his sex tapes via YouTube Red King moves to another Universe out of money he got from Miami gas station hold ups in 2000.

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-3-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory...

1-1-2016 Mary, Eve, Trillions of Dollars + Trillions of Galaxies to think about God... Great Dames of Key West I took their pictures coming out of Saint Paul's Church on Christmas Day... I was persona non grata, from Christmas Day Service in Key West. George Orwell took over the Church.


365 Days I have written this web page this year

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016... RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia's King Salman's execution of 47 people, on New Years Day including a Shiite cleric execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, an outspoken campaigner for Shiite rights, is likely to exacerbate tensions with Iran and Shiites - King Salman also covertly with the help of the American CIA killed 47 kids at Saint Jude via poison exhaust gas on New Years Day. If the New York Times would post in its obituaries the kids at Saint Jude the public would know the stats the CIA knows today... this would likely exacerbate tensions in the Rank's of CIA MD's who know Saint Jude Kids are Holocaust II + III by USA Oil Men's greed for $777 Trillion more in oil revenues, a crime! How many kids at Saint Jude died in 2015... you know this is top secret even for 1984 II people!! Baby killers of Vietnam in Key West built another Memorial in 2015. Guys who make the Virus Software also make the Wounded Warriors! This is a Trillion Dollar Game in a Universe of Trillions of Jewish Aliens! A Winner for Greg + Wives in Key West, grin!

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

Putin names the United States as one of the threats to Russia's national security for the first time, a sign of how relations with the west have deteriorated in recent years...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Putin, Texas, Canada, BP Oil men's relations with the west have deteriorated in recent years... partly due to this web page and the next generation of 1984 III dictators ready to invent a way to hear + observe Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars. Hell even Putin suppressed the game "52 Pick-Up" listing the names and stats on the Nearest 52 Stars as he and the US oil men don't want to spend $777 Trillion on Star Travel IP invention projects, ha. Trillion dollar oil men fighting over oil revenues of $777 Trillion!

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

Dad went on a New Year's Eve shooting rampage sparked by a beef over a washing machine, killing his wife and two others in his Los Angeles County home before his own son wrestled the gun away and killed him.

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

55 Men went on a New Years Day shooting rampage sparked by this or that; remember the New York Times finally posted the daily shootings in the USA. Today the New York Times readers of this web page need to think about posting the Saint Jude deaths on New Years Day from their Poison Gas Exhaust Era at the New York Times!

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

777 achievable New Year's resolutions for the next generation of 1984 III Dictators!

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

"Over 50, Female and Jobless" By PATRICIA COHEN A new study found that the employment prospects for women over 50 darkened by the decision of the New York Times not to make Headlines with 1 Trillion 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escape's on the Ford Assembly line in 2016. Patricia Cohen at the New York Times knows this and wrote this "Orwellian" story anyhow, which is a crime against humanity!

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

FDA is light years from reality; FDA need to make public in this 1984 II society all the Rx Recipes and then order Apple Tech Genius to write iapps to link them to Los Alamos for super computer simulation by millions working 24/7 instead of going to the Sports Bar's or football game... F.D.A. Regulator, Widowed by Cancer, Helps Speed Drug Approval - failure of the FDA is legend!

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1984 II Experts Foresee Obstacles for Both Sides in Bill Cosby Case; SWF's in 2016 see, observe 1984 II HQ and do see Obstacles like Tim Cook + Others with Syphilis, STD's terrible MS Virus diseases! Clones of Bill Cosby have and will give to 100,000 SWF in the USA in 2016. Executive Orders to save her life have not been given by our 1984 II Dictators yet, why, who knows?

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

Hell; at the Gym... At the Gym, Abs and Stats. Big City By GINIA BELLAFANTE JAN. 1, 2016 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University linked with iapps to Los Alamos and Treadmills with MacBook Pro instead of the treadmill read out and settings. How many Treadmill Desk with a MacBook Pro are at Los Alamos today - Zero - for the HQ of Ground Zero, ha! I wrote up the Ultra designers in Manhattan of their newest Hospital under construction with no Treadmills in the waiting rooms or Hospital Rooms, for patients and guest who spend 24/7 sitting in a chair... idiots in this 1984 II society, really. We have to idiot proof these "Engineers"! More recently we have seen the explosion of boutique fitness studios like Barry’s Boot camp, Pure Barre and Soul Cycle, the last of which is now in virtually every neighborhood in Manhattan south of 96th Street, the Hamptons and other places around the country where real estate values send jolts through the collective nervous system of ordinary people. Soul Cycle, like certain iterations of yoga, has been such a success in the current moment in part because it makes submission to a luxury-brand experience feel like spiritual enrichment. On some level it aims to alleviate your guilt. The $34 you are spending on 45 minutes of stationary biking is going to improve you as a person, and the world, in turn, will be a better place for all of your growth. Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University in every neighborhood in Manhattan south of 96th Street, the Hamptons 24/7. And the world, 1984 II in turn, will be a better place if you get just one IP invention project that prevents one women from getting infected by Tim Cook's STD's or killed by a OJ clone via the iapps you write for her iPhone 7 +++ that will not be written by someone at Apple! As these iapps have been banned by Tim Cook!

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

Gina DePalma, a pastry chef whose artfully simple Italian desserts helped make Babbo in Greenwich Village one of Manhattan’s most beloved and admired restaurants, died on Tuesday at a hospice in the Bronx. She was 49. The cause was ovarian cancer.

1-2-2016 Ruth Reichl wrote in her review of Babbo for The New York Times in 1998. Mr. Batali said, “She was the mother soul of the entire kitchen.”

1-2-2016 Ruth Reichl wrote in her review of Babbo for The New York ,Times in 1998. Mr. Batali said, “She was the mother soul of the 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escort's in an Era of the Rx Overnight Cure for Cancer driven in 1980 by Jimmy Carter around the New York Times, parked and towed to Hell.

1-2-2016 Guys at 1984 II HQ who make the Virus Software also make the Wounded Warriors! Thank God their in the fight of their life this year with Putin over $777 Trillion in oil money as we who work on a Rx Cancer cure need it to buy Los Alamos, Apple + Starbucks along with 1 trillion MackBook Pro's on a Treadmill, grin!

1-2-2016 Gina DePalma, a pastry chef whose artfully simple Italian desserts helped make Babbo in Greenwich Village one of Manhattan’s most beloved and admired restaurants, died on Tuesday at a hospice in the Bronx. She was 49. The cause was ovarian cancer, her sister, Maria DePalma, said. Ms. DePalma credited her mother and grandmother, Italian immigrants from Calabria, for teaching her not only how to cook but also how to think about food. “Use what is local, use what is available, and use ingredients to their fullest potential,” she wrote in the preface to “Dolce Italiano: Desserts From the Babbo Kitchen,” published in 2007. Her sweet ideal was panna cotta, a study in minimalism. Her reverence for simplicity kept her on the margins of the pastry scene, despite stints at some of Manhattan’s finest restaurants, until she met Mario Batali, the chef and owner of Po. While she was making desserts at the Cub Room, he paid her a visit and presented his idea for a new restaurant, which he envisioned as a shrine to rustic Italian cooking. “It was a concept of dessert that was entirely familiar to me,” she wrote in her cookbook. Mr. Batali, in an interview on Friday, said, “I hired her an hour after meeting her.” When Babbo opened in 1998, she was the pastry chef, turning out chocolate polenta tarts, strawberries in Chianti with black pepper and ricotta cream, and the dessert that became her signature, saffron panna cotta with poached peaches. “It is like the restaurant itself: an unusual combination of ingredients that seem destined to be together,” Ruth Reichl wrote in her review of Babbo for The New York Times in 1998. Mr. Batali said, “She was the mother soul of the entire kitchen.”


1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

Metropolitan Diary "Coexistence on the D Train" A short poem about hearing both French and Arabic in the same subway car, shortly after the Paris attacks. By WENDY JOAN BIDDLECOMBE - Wendy needed to put in a few lines about hearing, inventing a way to hear Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars, just for the Jews in NYC... grin.


Dear Diary:

Three days after the Paris attacks

I’m riding the D train home

and hear French in my right ear

and Arabic in my left ear

and think there is room enough in this car

for both.

Wendy needed to put in a few lines about hearing, inventing a way to hear Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars, just for the Jews in NYC riding in her subway car D Train... grin.

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

Los Alamos replaces the CD that use to come with the book!

1-2-2016 Paradise is a "Book" at Los Alamos... on your MacBook Pro at the Hemingway Beach. Laser Guidance on a Navy Jet and Gravity Engine Car invented in Key West + Los Alamos, First book I sell on Duval will be in a email titled 1,001 IP Invention Projects with 1 click Amazon links to Los Alamos Trillion dollar computers included with the book, sorry no CD with the book. Grin; Island to get second bookstore this month

Los Alamos replaces the CD that use to come with the book!


BY GWEN FILOSA Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com

1-2-2016 Come next month, Key West will no longer be a one-bookstore town. The Studios of Key West will offer a first glimpse of the space that will become a Books & Books store on its first floor at 533 Eaton St. on Jan. 7, from 6 to 8 p.m.

1-2-2016 “It’s a preview,” said Elena Devers, deputy director of The Studios, adding that sales won’t be happening. “Probably shortly after that we’ll be up and running.” The nonprofit recently hired a full-time store manager for the bookstore, which will sport more than 75 feet of wood shelves holding fiction, nonfiction, bestsellers, poetry, art and architecture titles and magazines.

1-2-2016 “We’re running it with their help,” Devers said of the Miami-based Books & Books. “We’ve already received numerous requests for volunteers who have a background in bookstores and really want to help.” Eventually, a separate room in back will be turned into an art supply store that Devers said will meet a demand for such goods from people taking art classes at The Studios. The Studios’ latest venture means the island’s sole bookseller for the past four years, Key West Island Bookstore, 513 Fleming St., will soon have a competitor — roughly one block away. “It was great when I was the only one, but I don’t think competition is a bad thing,” said Suzanne Orchard, Key West Island Books’ owner. “It’s healthy to have more than one store.”

1-2-2016 About a year ago, Orchard said she got a tip that Books & Books was on its way to Key West. Jed Dodds, the executive director of The Studios, also stopped by recently to tell her about the new bookstore coming about a block away, which Orchard said she appreciated. “I knew it was coming,” Orchard said. “Obviously, it will affect my business.” Orchard, who bought Key West Island Books in May after working there for a decade, said the two bookstores will have their differences, depicting her shop as a funky, old-school browsing opportunity while Books & Books sells only new titles. “We’re going to have different things going on,” Orchard said. “We’ll both have new releases, best-sellers.” The new Books & Books will include local authors’ work, Dodds said in a press release this week, “as well as lots of gorgeous art books.” Key West Island Books, however, will still corner the local market when it comes to used and rare books, said Orchard, who on Tuesday was preparing for a book-signing with Margaret Meps Schulte to promote her release Strangers Have the Best Candy.

1-2-2016 In 2011, Key West watched three bookstores close: Borders Express on North Roosevelt Boulevard and Voltaire Books and Bargain Books in Old Town. Borders’ closing was part of the national chain’s demise while Voltaire’s owner said sales were lagging due to the growing popularity of e-books, Kindles and online discounts. Voltaire lasted about five years at the same corner of Eaton and Simonton streets where The Studios will open its Books & Books outpost.

1-2-2016 When Voltaire Books was open, Orchard said she had a great relationship with the owner and employees when it came to helping customers track down a popular book. “I’d call over there and check. People would walk the block,” Orchard said. “It’s a small town, we have to get along.”

1-2-2016 Paradise is a "Book" at Los Alamos... on your MacBook Pro at the Hemingway Beach. Laser Guidance on a Navy Jet and Gravity Engine Car invented in Key West + Los Alamos, First book I sell on Duval will be in a email titled 1,001 IP Invention Projects with 1 click Amazon links to Los Alamos Trillion dollar computers included with the book, sorry no CD with the book. Grin; Los Alamos replaces the CD that use to come with the book!

Los Alamos replaces the CD that use to come with the book!

1-2-2016 Yale story on having a Recipe that is 4,200 years old - not Yale Elite hacking into the Rx Recipes to get a Overnight Cure for Cancer... The Yale Babylonian Collection holds virtually every genre, type, and period of ancient Mesopotamian writing, ranging in date from about 3000 B.C.E. to early in the Christian Era, and including commemorative inscriptions, scholarly treatises, letters and business documents, administrative accounts, inscribed seals, seal impressions, and other objects, and literature in Sumerian, Akkadian, and Hittite. Among its particular treasures are tablets of the Epic of Gilgamesh and other epic narratives, a group of the world’s oldest recipes!

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-2-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery vending Machines at Public + Whole Foods take on a new Era as Trump will lose everything in his Trump Casino's to Ms Universe MD.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 - 2016 with 5 Wedding Rings Star Travel Design * 24/7 with many wives, Jewish wives... Aliens too, grin.

2016, Pope Francis; the apathy that impedes "Star Travel's" cartoon activists demonstrate near the Eiffel Tower, in Paris. Not about the 155 Story Yale Paris Eiffel Tower Medical School. What to expect from Apple in 2016; the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University linked with iapps to Los Alamos! Greg wrote 365 days last year, Apple Genius Tech's will make $365K a year!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory...

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory with iapps linked to Los Alamos H-Bombs!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory with iapps linked to Los Alamos H-Bombs trillion's of dollar super computer simulations.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016 from 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat our 1984 II Dictators, all MD Women $$$ rich Pirates in Key West with $777 Trillion from King Salman's sunk Mecca + Allah.

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory with iapps, Wall Street Stocks, 2016 will be the last year for traffic lights as Laser Guidance's mandatory on all cars on the road will put these lights out... of date! UPDATE 3:37 p.m.: The traffic light at Gulf Breeze Hospital was fixed at about 2 p.m. today after being out for several hours, according to Gulf Breeze Police Chief Robert Randle.

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory with iapps linked to Los Alamos H-Bombs!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory with iapps linked to Los Alamos data base of all Rx Recipes in the world's War Chest.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016 from 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat our 1984 II Dictators, all MD Women $$$ rich Pirates in Key West with $777 Trillion from King Salman's sunk Mecca + Allah.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery vending Machines at Public + Whole Foods take on a new Era as Trump will lose everything in his Trump Casino's to Ms Universe MD.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

News about Legal Polygamous Marriage!! Ring in 2016 with 6 Wedding Rings Star Travel Design * Muslims have 4 wives we can have 5 for our up-man-ship in our Wedding Gifts to them, grin! Pope Francis could really out do the Moslems giving his 5 new wives Vatican Bank Wedding Gift CAR's and Cards, ha. Yes the new SWF wives will drive circles around King Salman's 66 wives.

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory with iapps linked to Los Alamos H-Bombs!

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016 from 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat our 1984 II Dictators, all MD Women $$$ rich Pirates in Key West with $777 Trillion from King Salman's sunk Mecca + Allah.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery vending Machines at Public + Whole Foods take on a new Era as Trump will lose everything in his Trump Casino's to Ms Universe MD.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory... Pope Francis Urges Overcoming 'Indifference' to Attain Peace but will NOT marry 4 Nuns from Saint Mary Star of the Sea Ballicia in Key West, grin. I can see 4 Nuns working 24/7 for God logged into Los Alamos with iapps, not Pope Francis. Maybe Pope Francis should retire and let a women be Pope, as she would work 24/7 for God's Universe and she has a better chance of inventing faster than the speed of light than any Male Pope! So be it God said!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory... “CIA psychologists... "CIA psychotherapist... "CIA MD's iapps that can run at Los Alamos! Written by Apple Genius Tech's Just Married in a Legal Polygamous Marriage working 24/7 for 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat our 1984 II Dictators, all MD Women who's first New Years Resolution will be to replace all the New York Times Journalists with MD Journalists... Hospital prison for Journalists who don't have a MD. But do have Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis, MS Virus... ha.

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory...

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory with iapps linked to Los Alamos H-Bombs!

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016 from 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat our 1984 II Dictators, all MD Women $$$ rich Pirates in Key West with $777 Trillion from King Salman's sunk Mecca + Allah.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery vending Machines at Public + Whole Foods take on a new Era as Trump will lose everything in his Trump Casino's to Ms Universe MD.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory... Why Blofeld's Neurological Assault on James Bond in 'Spectre' Was a Fail; The worst scene in Spectre involves Christopher Waltz's Blofeld torturing Bond by sticking a robotic drill into his head, threatening to erase his memory.

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat our 1984 II Dictators, will erase all violent thoughts in OJ and Cosby then give this Rx to the Public, grin.

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory...

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory with iapps linked to Los Alamos H-Bombs!

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016 from 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat our 1984 II Dictators, all MD Women $$$ rich Pirates in Key West with $777 Trillion from King Salman's sunk Mecca + Allah.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery vending Machines at Public + Whole Foods take on a new Era as Trump will lose everything in his Trump Casino's to Ms Universe MD.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory... improve CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years Resolutions to rule over the other idiots... New York Times - Iran's president denounced the United States on Thursday for suggesting the possibility of new sanctions over Iranian missiles, and he ordered his Defense Ministry to respond by swiftly building more of them.

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory...

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory with iapps linked to Los Alamos H-Bombs!

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016 from 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat our 1984 II Dictators, all MD Women $$$ rich Pirates in Key West with $777 Trillion from King Salman's sunk Mecca + Allah.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery vending Machines at Public + Whole Foods take on a new Era as Trump will lose everything in his Trump Casino's to Ms Universe MD.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory... get laser guidance in all cars on the road as laser guidance would have saved these lives. Five people, including one child, were killed Thursday evening in a two-car crash in Ontario. The accident occurred about 7 p.m. when a silver Toyota Yaris with four occupants veered off a ramp from the eastbound Interstate 10 at Vineyard Avenue. With laser guidance on your Toyota Yaris or Ford Escort you can not go tooooo fast to veer off a ramp!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory...

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory with iapps linked to Los Alamos H-Bombs!

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016 from 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat our 1984 II Dictators, all MD Women $$$ rich Pirates in Key West with $777 Trillion from King Salman's sunk Mecca + Allah.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery vending Machines at Public + Whole Foods take on a new Era as Trump will lose everything in his Trump Casino's to Ms Universe MD.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory... A Cargill beef processing plant in Fort Morgan, Colo. has fired nearly 200 Somali Muslims who walked off the job last week in a dispute over the company's accommodations of their prayer rituals.

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory... improve your memory... improve CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years Resolutions to rule over the other idiots... HERD the other CIA guys into the Somali Muslims brain MRI's praying to God about 72 Virgins and they will all own you a months pay, grin!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory...

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory with iapps linked to Los Alamos H-Bombs!

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016 from 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat our 1984 II Dictators, all MD Women $$$ rich Pirates in Key West with $777 Trillion from King Salman's sunk Mecca + Allah.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery vending Machines at Public + Whole Foods take on a new Era as Trump will lose everything in his Trump Casino's to Ms Universe MD.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory... "AT&T acquires part of data collection startup Carrier IQ" Back in 2011, data collection developer Carrier IQ caused a firestorm of criticism after a security researcher discovered its kernel-level software could be used to track smartphone users without their consent or control. Tim Cooks HIV + STD's will be tracked without his consent no matter how he encrypts his smart phone it will never out smart iapps running at Los Alamos, ha.

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory...

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory with iapps linked to Los Alamos H-Bombs!

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016 from 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat our 1984 II Dictators, all MD Women $$$ rich Pirates in Key West with $777 Trillion from King Salman's sunk Mecca + Allah.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery vending Machines at Public + Whole Foods take on a new Era as Trump will lose everything in his Trump Casino's to Ms Universe MD.

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 Trillion dollar lottery in 2016...

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 CIA Psychological Warfare Units New Years $777 Trillion Dollar Lottery you can win!

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory...

1-1-2016 Six New Year's Resolutions, improve your memory...

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.



Gregs 2007 web

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!



Yes Greg + Wives in Key West will get this Gravity Control Invention and of course the "Gravity Engine" for the flying cars.


CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.



850 pages moved to this web link http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/04Wives.html

Moved 840 pages from Jan 2014 to Christmas 2014

Link to Photos and Acrobat files of Greg in NYC

Greg's YouTube Video reposted



2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,




Gregs 2007 web

1-1-2016 Mary, Eve, Trillions of Dollars + Trillions of Galaxies to think about God... Great Dames of Key West I took their pictures coming out of Saint Paul's Church on Christmas Day... I was persona non grata, from Christmas Day Service in Key West. George Orwell took over the Church.


365 Days I have written this web page this year, 8 months homeless, 2 months living in my 1999 Ford Escort, 2 months in a 1910 house at 713 Southard Street it's on the corner of Love Lane and Southard. Year before 2014 I lived in my 1999 Ford Escort for 10 months and wrote this web page 365 days not missing a day's writing in 2014 and 2015. I was thinking about this because I wrote up the CIA in General, Masterminds in General of our 1984 II Society yesterday thing what did the Top Brass of our 1984 II Era invent in the last 365 days compared to what I wrote + invented and I won WW III or I should call it the Universe War I II and III. Shock + Awe in yesterdays afternoon news update hinted at what these guys talked about yesterday morning. Well Congress, yes some of these 1984 II guys are there. NASA has been ordered to build a deep space station by 2018. Other NASA little things for 2020 and 2030 we have hear about a million times were mentioned at the end of this news, ha. Several Million of miles from Earth by 2018 ha, this will be like the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort with no laser guidance... More shock and awe was a billion trees hit by a laser, some red some green, the laser could tell the moisture in the tree and if it was alive or dead. SWF Dead from OJ and Drugged by Cosby in 2016 could be saved by these 1984 II CIA type's, putting laser guidance on the iPhone 7 iapps Tim Cook wants to keep encrypted for his STD's are private not public grin. Just like they typed out orders to NASA after one day's coversations with other 1984 II types. Love Lane needs help from the CIA psychologists... "The CIA psychotherapist... "The CIA MD's iapps that can link + run at Los Alamos! 365 Days writing this web in 2015, what if Jimmy Carter had a Cadaver in High School would he have won a Nobel in Medicine??? These guys who wrote the NASA Orders could have written Cadavers for High School Students 1 year ago from today but didn't even think of doing this because they let NBC fire Dr. Nancy Snyderman instead of promoting her to Oppenheimer II. What if Greg Buell had 4 MD Wives in 2015 would they have Masterminded + Brainstormed with iapps linked to Los Alamos a Rx Recipe for the Overnight Cure of Stage 4... Hell Yes! Jimmy would not have gotten a Nobel in Medicine even with a Cadaver in High School, his Nobel Peace Prize was a 1984 II Scam. Like the front page of the New York Times Today the last day of 2015. Guys who sell the Virus Protection Software write the virus, same as the Wounded Warriors. 10 cent gas in 2015 would have bankrupt Allah + Mecca. CIA psychological Warfare Unit lost out to the guys who order arms from MIT and make more Wounded Warriors for 1 Jan 2016. "China Says It Is Building Its Second Aircraft Carrier" for 2016 not a NASA million miles Deep Space Station!

12-31-2015 Five predictions for the upcoming year...
News about Legal Polygamous Marriage!!
These 4 girls would be designing "Parking" inventions for Key West + NYC Today... Yes girls a fork lift could stack cars 5 high without falling over... grin!

Gregs 2007 web

These 4 girls would be designing "Parking" inventions for Key West + NYC Today... Yes girls a fork lift could stack cars 5 high without falling over... grin!

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sunday Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sunday Review; “Spectre” A+

Pakistan! With as many as 120 warheads, Pakistan Moslems! 9/11 II + III time bombs! CIA fails in Today's editorial by the Times Top Quarks... as they don't mention $$$ BP Oil paid for these H-Bombs. And 10 cent gas would have won the war with Moslems, Mecca, Allah with Jimmy Carter's 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine also has 120 Nuclear H-Bombs on board... Jimmy Carter forgot, ha to mention this too.

4 Girls in Pakistan looking into the Apple Window see 120 Nuclear H-Bombs paid for with Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money in 2015, in 2015 this $ could have built 120 Apple-Starbucks Store's Schools!

Gregs 2007 web

4 in 100,000 have no chance in Hell when Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money is spent on Sony Movies like “Spectre” instead of the Ultra-Apple-Starbucks Store School stocked with $8K dollar MacBook Pro's and Rx Recipes not Girl Scout Cookie Recipes, grin!


The editors at the Times fail to mention... the Pentagon Chiefs paid $7 Trillion to Pakistan...

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sunday Review "The Pakistan Nuclear Nightmare" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NOV. 8, 2015 With as many as 120 warheads, Pakistan could in a decade become the world’s third-ranked nuclear power...

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sunday Review "The Pakistan Nuclear Nightmare" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NOV. 8, 2015 With as many as 120 warheads, Pakistan could in a decade become the world’s third-ranked nuclear power, behind the United States and Russia, but ahead of China, France and Britain. Its arsenal is growing faster than any other country’s, and it has become even more lethal in recent years with the addition of small tactical nuclear weapons that can reach the Cartoon HQ in Paris!


The editors at the Times fail to mention... the Moslem Pakistan Generals are mad as Hell about Allah + Mohammad getting married at a gay legal wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West.

The editors at the Times fail to mention... Pakistan spends about 25 percent of its budget on defense for MIT War Toys made in the USA.

The editors at the Times fail to mention... Paris bears responsibility for current nuclear arms race by Pakistan Moslem Generals mad as Hell about legal Gay Marriage of Allah + Mohammad in Paris + Key West.


Mandy Miles in Key West at the New paper Office writes in Tan Lines Today their + they've are not use correctly by white girls with red lipstick on Facebook... All week Mandy Miles has been reading the New York Times Headlines + Facebook about the 415 out of 100,000 white's put to death by Bill Gates + Tim Cook moving all the good paying jobs to China and she writes about white girls on Facebook using their + they're!


11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Barbara Broccoli reflects on the actors who have played the iconic leading man. Daniel Craig “Again, perfect for his time. We just didn’t feel in a post-9/11 world that we could be as fantastical as before. Craig is more grounded. And now I don’t even want to think about someone else as Bond.” — Barbara Broccoli.

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Barbara Broccoli, 55 born in Los Angeles, she now lives and works in London — Ms. Broccoli has an iron-fisted reputation. She gave the job to Mr. Craig, whom she had spotted in an indie drama called “Layer Cake.” “Spectre” “Barbara scares the hell out of people,”

Gregs 2007 web

4 in 100,000 have no chance in Hell when Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money is spent on Sony Movies like “Spectre” instead of the Ultra-Apple-Starbucks Store School stocked with $8K dollar MacBook Pro's and Rx Recipes not Girl Scout Cookie Recipes, grin!

YouTube Red purchase I bought 007 Spectre $14.99 and it worked watched the movie on my LG android cell and PC Acer Cloudbook can't download the move yet as no ovious icons for downloading on Google.

Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sunday Review; “Spectre” A+


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

Sheesh, draw attention the Yale Key West Medical School should be built today on an Eiffel Tower Structure! 3-30-14 as Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion to build a Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011.


Created.. 2016 Copyright Greg Buell

9-27-2016 Bday big one 69

Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,



Copyright 2015 Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041

NEW CELL # Smartphones use this one... 305 434 5276

Old CELL # 305 340 8082

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.

"Gravity Engine" # 1... Airbus GB1984KW series of heavy lift helicopter combines... Don't Fly Today!! But should dominate Pakistan!!

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

1-31-2016 Invention-nominated documentary showing Greg + Wives Brainstorming...

"Gravity Engine" # 1... Airbus GB1984KW series of heavy lift helicopter combines... Don't Fly Today!! But should dominate Pakistan!!

1-31-2016 Airbus AS350 series of helicopters... fly NYC tourists over NYC.

1-31-2016 Airbus GB1984KW series of heavy lift helicopter combines... Don't Fly Today!! But should dominate Pakistan!!

6-28-2016 After these 4th of July killings in War + at Home the Pentagon said we don’t worry about Kerry + McCain being confused about their future as super War heroes in Hanoi, Boston. "Disney Princesses Do Change Girls — and Boys, Too" By Kj Dell’Antonia - Ky needs to rewrite this article for the 4th of July 2016 Orwellian Princesses who will be killed by troops coming home from War's that could have been Won in 1980 with No Gas Stations on Earth Navy Op Coup. When you’re a parent of children of a certain age, the Disney princesses seem to be everywhere. For years, parents have been questioning how princess culture might influence little girls, particularly those who seem besotted with their images and their stories. A new study offers some surprising insights, finding that the princesses did make a difference in the behavior of girls — and that they influenced boys as well. Researchers looked at the rates of engagement with Disney princess media in 198 5- and 6-year-olds, and found that for both boys and girls, higher princess involvement (through toys, products and media consumption) over the course of a year was associated with higher levels of female gender-stereotypical behavior at the end of the study — even after the researchers controlled for other variables. “It’s not just that girly-girls like princesses,” said Sarah Coyne, a professor of family life at Brigham Young University and lead author of the study, which was published in the journal Child Development. “We were able to completely take that out of the equation, and look at whether there is really long-term growth” in female stereotypical behaviors in children with high levels of princess engagement. “We found that there was,” she said, and that the media was really “driving” that association “as opposed to the other way around.” That growth in female stereotypical behaviors (like quiet play, pretend cooking and cleaning, and avoiding risks, getting dirty or trying new things), was also observed, to a lesser but still significant degree, in boys with higher Disney princess engagement. How concerned parents will be about that connection depends on how we perceive those behaviors — and possibly on which gender child we’re thinking about. When it comes to girls, the link between princess involvement and stereotypically female behavior is certainly no surprise, said Rebecca Hains, media studies professor at Salem State University and author of “The Princess Problem.” “It supports what cultural studies critics have been saying for years.” Fear of how the princess narrative influences girls in a culture that often puts more emphasis on how a girl looks and behaves than on how she acts and thinks is nothing new, and Dr. Hains is pleased to see quantitative research backing up the qualitative argument that Disney, as a primary purveyor of all things princess, is contributing to that influence. But when it comes to boys, Dr. Coyne and her fellow researchers described the increase in stereotypically female behavior as meaning something very different. In girls, they saw an increase in those behaviors as “potentially problematic,” while in boys, the increase in androgyny that the stereotypically female behaviors reflected could, they wrote, have “benefits for development throughout the life span.” That preference for shifting girls away from more traditionally female behaviors while encouraging them in boys is reflected in some popular culture as well, such as commercials for GoldieBlox toys in which girls destroy princess toys and new products designed to encourage doll play among boys. Why is what’s good for boys bad for girls in this case? It’s all about the starting point, Dr. Hains said. “If girls are already tending in this direction, then increasingly exaggerating the feminine is becoming extreme. For boys, who are already immersed in a hyper-masculine culture, becoming more feminine is becoming more well-rounded.” As appealing as that desire for the well-rounded boy may sound, Catherine Connors, founder of Demeter Media and the former head of content at Disney Interactive for Women and Family, suggests that the reality is more complicated. “We really get our hackles up at the idea of femininity being encouraged in girls,” she said, and that reaction itself is, she argued, “a manifestation of institutional and cultural sexism.” A former academic, she said her daughter pushed her to rethink her own fears about princesses. “She asked for a Disney princess snowsuit,” Ms. Connors said. “It was pink, it was sparkly, it was like the platonic ideal of princess merchandise.” (This was before her employment with Disney.) “We’d just bought Spiderman snow boots, which I was happy about, but when I balked at the snowsuit, she just looked at me, and she said ‘Mommy, why don’t you think this is cool?’” Put on the spot, Ms. Connors bought the snowsuit — and started to rethink the princesses. We’re so worried about the passive, waiting-for-rescue narrative, she said, that we don’t see the positive in even the older stories. “Snow White and Cinderella are active,” she said. “They’re just not necessarily active in masculine ways. We see Cinderella being kind as somehow less noble than going out after a dragon.” Snow White, she said, is “about creating your own community, imagining a life for yourself beyond your situation.” “There are absolutely things about the princesses that should be looked at with a careful and critical eye,” she said, noting the tendency of the products to depict the active princesses of the movies in pretty but passive (and often sexualized) poses. “We also need to look at the rich legacy of these stories.” That’s where parents come in. “Our goal is not to kill princess culture,” Dr. Coyne said. “It’s a magical part of childhood that I enjoyed with my own daughter. But we can talk about the characteristics of the princesses — the great things they do, as opposed to what they look like, or what girls look like when they dress up like them.” Dr. Hains agreed. “Call out the good things,” she said. “She’s pretty and she’s so smart. Belle always has a book in her hands. Anna is really a problem solver. Identify the things that are important to your family.” Focus on the princesses’ qualities that support your values. For parents who want to encourage children to think beyond the Cinderella story, Mulan and Merida (of “Brave”) offer alternative models. Both defy expected gender roles, speak their minds and challenge the traditional expectations for princesses and the princes they supposedly seek. Anna and Elsa of “Frozen” do the same. Still, there’s no need to go overboard in our explanations, Ms. Connors said. “We wring our hands about girls being snookered by the princess narrative, but we don’t worry about boys being confused about their future as superheroes.”

6-28-2016 After these 4th of July killings in War + at Home the Pentagon said we don’t worry about Kerry + McCain being confused about their future as super War heroes in Hanoi, Boston. "Disney Princesses Do Change Girls — and Boys, Too" By Kj Dell’Antonia - Ky needs to rewrite this article for the 4th of July 2016 Orwellian Princesses who will be killed by troops coming home from War's that could have been Won in 1980 with No Gas Stations on Earth Navy Op Coup.


$777 Trillion in BP Oil; Honor Killings via Tim Cook Bill Gates Steve Jobs

Link to Acrobat file for 1-1-2016 Greg + Wives

Greg's YouTube Video reposted


One Years Cancer Deaths BirthDay Cure

Gregs 2007 web

8-1-2016 Matt Damon is back as rogue-agent killing machine 'Jason Bourne' in the spy-movie, "Angelina Jolie" - 'Jason Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in the Plot to gain control of all of Los Alamos. MD women left out of the movie revealing that Angelina probably is not a real CIA Spy, grin! CIA director is General Petraeus (Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; In office September 6, 2011 – November 9, 2012) with mistress and wife; Covert Stage 4 book Hell No his Hero Book written by his mistress. 'Jason Bourne' this CIA director Dewey is a "Bill Clinton" without the mistress, just the cut throat dirty back stabbing actions against his women. CIA Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander) persuades CIA director Dewey to allow her to contact Bourne in person to attempt to bring him back in. Dewey agrees, but secretly authorizes the Asset to eliminate Lee's team and kill the Ford ElectricWindmillBourne car! Why would they write this plot? Because they left out $777 Trillion in Iraqi $$$ as the leading man next to Bourne is a Iraqi Facebook Owner who says no to iFacebook spy on everyone on the 1.5 billion who log in to Facebook, Hell No. Facebook is called "Deep Dream" and real-time mass surveillance does go on today in both, grin. Facebook and "Deep Dream" is a cancer on 1,001 IP Invention projects and society getting 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year from a Invention Agency 100's of times more intelligent than the CIA. With a mission to diagnose Jewish Aliens before they arrive. Why would they leave $777 Trillion in Oil Revenue out of the plot? Why did they leave George Orwell II out of the movie? CIA operative Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles) is shot just like Marie Kreutz (Franka Potente), a woman who helped then was shot in the first 10 minutes of the movie, same thing in this movie. Wow. News story above the movie reviews in Google News had a cop chase with the cops dead wife in the trunk, I think "Tim Cooks" cancer is spreading. CIA Director Dewey authorizes the Asset to assassinate Deep Dream and CIA Lee, whom he no longer trusts. Stage 4 women at the CIA and 1984 II HQ have been assassinated as they want Los Alamos and Oppenheimer II + III for the Stage 4 Moon Shot, hell with Biden's gas engine moon shot rockets ha. Google news story above the movie review was the US military will get a new batch of upgraded nukes next year. No Stage 4 from Los Alamos. Stage 4 women at the CIA and 1984 II HQ have been assassinated as they want Los Alamos and Oppenheimer II + III for the Stage 4 Moon Shot. Hillary is the only woman the 1984 II Dictators can trust to stifle a Stage 4 Moon Shot with Los Alamos. CIA Lee kills CIA director Dewey before he can shoot Bourne. In the real world 1K Stage 4 women will die every day from the CIA Directors orders. Bourne asks for time to consider Lee's offer to come in, but leaves a iPhone 007 video recording of her conversation with New CIA director Russell of a double cross on Bourne. CIA director is General Petraeus (Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; In office September 6, 2011 – November 9, 2012) with mistress and wife; all driving a gas engine cars that could have won the Iraqi War before General Petraeus shipped out!! Scam by General Petraeus to go to war... Scam's to go to war are many and will make a good movie. Stage 4 women have died by the 100 thousands the last decade of DIA directors telling them we will get a Rx Recipe Overnight Miracle Cure without taking over all of Los Alamos and brainstorming with Greg + Wives in Key West who are our POW's! But knowing they can't! Without Greg + Wives in Key West. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat was not written into the plot of this Bourne Movie. MD women left out of the movie revealing that Angelina probably is not a real CIA Spy, grin! "Angelina Jolie" movie review can be written up by everyone who just read this as a "Angelina Jolie" - 'Jason Bourne' movie by Sony would have Greg's 4 MD wives in the Plot to gain control of all of Los Alamos.

Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects too!! Live Streaming Video on the 4th of July 2016 Brainstorming the Rx Recipes on a iMac Super computer for a Stag 4 Rx Cure live... POW's Greg + Wives in Key West!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com

cell phones 305 434 5276 Android LG

1 Trillionth Ford ElectricWindmillEscort should be coming off the Ford Assembly line on the 4th of July 2017.

11-12-2016 Copyright Greg Buell

Brainstorming a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 is not in todays NY Times article on... "Going Flat’ After Breast Cancer" By RONI CARYN RABIN Some women are choosing to defy medical advice and social convention after mastectomies, saying they would rather live without breasts than undergo more surgery.

11-12-2016 Copyright Greg Buell ...

9/11 II and III can be prevented with the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort driving around times square the world with No Gas Stations On Earth!