4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android. Nice!

Link to Eve At Christmas Eve 2015.



12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... "Russia Rearms for a New Era" By CATRIN EINHORN, HANNAH FAIRFIELD and TIM WALLACE DEC. 24, 2015

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... “Vision Zero,” Mayor Bill de Blasio’s goal of preventing traffic deaths to Zero (without the Laser Guided ElectricWindmillFord Escort) and 9/11 II + III are all 1984 II failures the masses of New Yorkers will have to live with until the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1984 III Era.


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... "$7 Trillion our of $777 Trillion for the Start Up of the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University: Publix + Whole Food Grocery Store Size with 24/7 Genius Mastermind Tech's with 1 click links to Rx Recipes not cookie recipes ERA" by CATRIN EINHORN, HANNAH FAIRFIELD and TIM WALLACE DEC. 24, 2015

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... "Gravity Engine Era Jimmy Carter will take to Hell with him..." by CATRIN EINHORN, HANNAH FAIRFIELD and TIM WALLACE DEC. 24, 2015

Gregs 2007 web

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times...

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... The United Nations will for the first time recognize Yom Kippur as an official holiday. Starting in 2016, Jewish day of atonement.

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... Nobel for the Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars, Jimmy Carter gives back his Nobel Peace Prize for the Jewish Aliens not to be discovered by Navy Engineers who build his Nuclear Sub, grin!


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... "New Era of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year" by CATRIN EINHORN, HANNAH FAIRFIELD and TIM WALLACE DEC. 24, 2015

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... "Russia Rearms for a New Era" By CATRIN EINHORN, HANNAH FAIRFIELD and TIM WALLACE DEC. 24, 2015 buys Jimmy Carter's Nuclear Submarine...


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... "Heart Transplants, kidney too, pancreatic for the Steve Jobs who ate to much lunch meat this year, mandatory Organ Donation and free Transplants in 2016... Jimmy Carter sold his Nuclear Submarine to Putin; grin $$$. by CATRIN EINHORN, HANNAH FAIRFIELD and TIM WALLACE DEC. 24, 2015

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... “It’s a caricature of the argument you’re making,” Justice Scalia replied" by CATRIN EINHORN, HANNAH FAIRFIELD and TIM WALLACE DEC. 24, 2015

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... "2015 ElectrciWindmillFord Escort Era!" by CATRIN EINHORN, HANNAH FAIRFIELD and TIM WALLACE DEC. 24, 2015


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... "100 first-year places at the medical school at the University of California at Davis, for the lowest per-capital rate of MD's of any Nation Masterminded by UCLA, Why? by CATRIN EINHORN, HANNAH FAIRFIELD and TIM WALLACE DEC. 24, 2015

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... "Perverse Yale Law's Elite Social Diseases; Syphilis, STD, HIV, Hepatitis, TB, MS Virus all encrypted on iPhone 7 and iWatch. going on for so long that we have become accustomed to it. But step back as Professor Reva B. Siegel of Yale Law School did in an illuminating article in the Harvard Law Review and what comes into focus are “remarkable long-term shifts in judicial oversight of equal protection claims.” SWF's protection from Rich Elite Yale Men with Syphilis who are drunk enough to kill" by CATRIN EINHORN, HANNAH FAIRFIELD and TIM WALLACE DEC. 24, 2015


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times needs a Picture of Gravity in the Top Quarks at CERN hit by a gamma ray particle in a Breast Cancer Cell on a computer simulation at Los Alamos!


Gregs 2007 web


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... Crime Report DEC. 24, 2015 Key West — A fistfight broke out Tuesday among liveaboards boat over money allegedly owed for marijuana and vodka, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. Antonio Casares,... "$7 Trillion our of $777 Trillion for the Start Up of the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University: Publix + Whole Food Grocery Store Size with 24/7 Genius Mastermind Tech's with 1 click links to Rx Recipes not cookie recipes ERA" ... brainstorming over going 777 times faster than the speed of light was a victory fight over Yale + MIT who said this was not possible...


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... Glass Beer Bottles that don't break then thrown from a car onto the bike path by drunks... invented by, Super-strong yet light structural metal having high specific strength and modulus has been developed by a team of researchers from the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science. Silicon carbide is an ultra-hard ceramic. Infusing a large number of silicon carbide particles smaller than 100 nanometers into magnesium added significant strength. Used a technique called high-pressure torsion to compress it.... Glass Beer Bottles that don't break then thrown from a car onto the bike path by drunks...


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... More lives could be saved if doctors considered giving blood pressure drugs to all patients at high-risk of heart disease - even if their blood pressures are normal, a study suggests.

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... More lives could be saved if doctors considered letting the Yale Medical School increase the # of new student to more than the Cuban Medical School has for 2016!


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... State of Terror for USA SWF's is Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis, MS Virus given to them by Terrorists... World A State of Terror. In response to the Paris attacks last month, France declared a state of emergency that has resulted in more than 2,700 raids of homes and businesses, hundreds of arrests and even the closing of some mosques. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Social Disease STD state of emergency after their coup will raid more than 2,700 homes, more like 2 million 700,000 all infected with men giving terrible diseases to women our 1984 II Dictators from Yale + Harvard know to well, grin. Trump needs to ask Hillary what STD's Bill gave her to make headlines!


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... Little Havana Front Page Today's NY Times. Pedro Bello at his cigar shop on Calle Ocho. picture Ángel Franco/The New York Times - smoking a cigar when Castro quit smoking in 1984. Lizette Alvarez has been a reporter for The New York Times since 1995, covering New York, politics, northern Europe, veterans issues and many other topics. She has been based in Florida since 2011 and lives in Miami. Lizette Alvarez knows about the front page suppression of the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort by the New York Times Top Brass, and the Cuban's in Little Havana Miami. Lizette Alvarez knows about the Miami gas station hold ups were women were sucker punched in 2000 out of spite for our 1984 II dictators by the hold up men. Cruz would say about this gas station cartoon, you don't hit little girls in a cartoon as trained monkeys by dad. The Washington Post pulled this cartoon. The Miami Times cartoon's about women sucker punched at a Little Havana Gas Station out of spite for BP Oil Men were not brainstormed by any journalists in Miami, grin.


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... "Truck Driver in Tracy Morgan Crash Is Charged With Manslaughter" A Walmart truck driver who crashed his tractor-trailer into a vehicle carrying the comedian Tracy Morgan, critically injuring Mr. Morgan and killing another passenger, was indicted on Wednesday by a New Jersey grand jury on charges of manslaughter, vehicular homicide and aggravated assault. Other NYC Mourners gathered to remember Victoria Nicodemus, 30, who was killed by a swerving driver in Fort Greene this month. At Vigil for Brooklyn Crash Victim, a Call for Tougher Traffic Laws. Tougher Traffic Laws are out-of-date with iPhone 7 dash cam that can talk to you and ticket the diver. Plus the State of the Arts Laser Guidance on all cars on the road in 2015 would have reduced traffic accident deaths to Zero! Zero is only Ground Zero in the coming 9/11 war our 1984 II Dictators are Planning to Win. Not Zero Traffic Deaths in 2016!


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... Ms. Nicodemus. “I just felt like we owe it to the victim and her family to be present and honor her,” he said. At the end of the evening, the participants trailed off, some leaving small electric votive candles, others mingled, discussing ways to calm the city’s traffic and achieve “Vision Zero,” Mayor Bill de Blasio’s goal of ending pedestrian fatalities.

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... “Vision Zero,” Mayor Bill de Blasio’s goal of preventing traffic deaths and 9/11 II + III are both 1984 II failures the masses of New Yorkers will have to live with until the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1984 III Era.


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times...

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... The United Nations will for the first time recognize Yom Kippur as an official holiday. Starting in 2016, Jewish day of atonement.

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times... Nobel for the Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars, Jimmy Carter gives back his Nobel Peace Prize for the Jewish Aliens not to be discovered by Navy Engineers who build his Nuclear Sub, grin!


12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times...

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times...

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times...

12-24-2015 Modernizing Its Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times...


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.



Gregs 2007 web

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!



Yes Greg + Wives in Key West will get this Gravity Control Invention and of course the "Gravity Engine" for the flying cars.


CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.



850 pages moved to this web link http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/04Wives.html

Moved 840 pages from Jan 2014 to Christmas 2014

Link to Photos and Acrobat files of Greg in NYC

Greg's YouTube Video reposted



2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,




Gregs 2007 web


12-20-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... Combat Roll for Men + Women is to invent the Lobotomy Gas Bomb to use against Moslems... before they use the H-Bomb!


Navy Admirals base their "Extreme Ideology?” on they can't fathom sailing 4.3 light years *.*

12-23-2015 Today's Front Page of the New York Times 1950 H-Bomb Targets; Moscow... Moslem Generals in Pakistan are Top Secret Targets Today... 1984 II Dictators targeting the above and below picture of Los Alamos Computer Simulations for Stage 4 encrypted in the iWatch by Tim Cook's hate crimes against SWF's... God's best invention!

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 1 Trillion ElectricWindmillFord Escorts for every Christmas the last decades, since Jimmy Carter suppress the Invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort... taking with him to Hell the futuristic "Gravity Engine" Ford!

Gregs 2007 web

12-23-2015 Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times needs a Picture of Gravity in the Top Quarks at CERN hit by a gamma ray particle in a Breast Cancer Cell on a computer simulation at Los Alamos!

Gregs 2007 web

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Seafood Restaurants Cast a Wider Net for Sustainable Fish ... Jimmy Carter Submarine Cast a Wider Net for Fish for Habitat for Humanity... Christ Jimmy is Fishing with his nuclear Submarine again... grin!

Gregs 2007 web

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "U.N. Wants Sexual Abuse Reported Immediately" By RICK GLADSTONE and SOMINI SENGUPTA Tim Cook's iWatch encrypted sex abuse well as sex diseases, ha.

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... large-scale bombing of civilians has sometimes been defended on humanitarian grounds, even after the firebombing's of Tokyo and Dresden, Germany, and the atomic bombs dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The authors of the 1956 target list had lived through those experiences. But with two superpowers facing the prospect of nuclear annihilation for the first time, the assumption was that one side or the other would quickly prevail, with deaths in the millions. Stephen I. Schwartz, an independent consultant on nuclear weapons policy and the co-author and editor of a 1998 book on American nuclear weapons, “Atomic Audit,” called the target list “grim and frankly appalling.” But he said he was pleased that the document had been published at a time when fewer and fewer Americans, including policy makers, have much knowledge of nuclear weapons. “We’ve known the general contours of nuclear war planning for a few decades,” he said. “But it’s great that the details are coming out. These are extraordinary weapons, capable of incredible destruction. And this document may be history, but unfortunately the weapons are not yet history.”

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Police Raid 27,000 with HIV, STD's, Syphilis, Hepatitis, MS Virus = terrible diseases they have given to 100's of Millions of SWF under Obama's encrypted iWatch given to him my Tim Cook who gave Steve Jobs lunch meats...

Gregs 2007 web

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... TB story with no Rx Recipes via New York Times Journalists, a crime!

Gregs 2007 web

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... TB story with no Rx Recipes via New York Times Journalists, a crime! By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. The White House on Tuesday released a national plan to combat drug-resistant tuberculosis. Annual deaths from tuberculosis recently surpassed those from AIDS, according to the World Health Organization. The plan calls for more emphasis on fighting the disease overseas, and sets targets for the number of people worldwide who should be on treatment. But it includes no specific commitment of funds. David Bryden, an advocacy officer with Results, a nonprofit group focused on poverty, nonetheless called the plan the “first clear commitment from the U.S. government to dramatically scale up treatment.” The American Thoracic Society urged Congress to fund it. By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Trump to pay Castro $825 Billion to take back all the Cubans in the USA who don't want to work 24/7 on 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine at the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University and all Cuban's with Syphilis, STD's TB, in Hospitals + Homeless in Miami!

Gregs 2007 web

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Trump to pay Castro $825 Billion to take back all the Cuban's who don't want to invent something 24/7.

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Mayor de Blasio at the Yale New York City Medical School as a 2nd year student would he keep going knowing he has failed... traffic lights today don't go to walk all directions yet...

Gregs 2007 web

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Nuclear Targets above, 9/11 II + III the Mayor of NYC will ignore how mad as Hell Allah getting married in a gay wedding at the Statue of Liberty it makes the Pakistan Generals who did make 120 H-bombs in 2015 just to show how mad they are... the Mayor will ignore this just like Hillary ignored 9/11 I.

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paris signing of the Peace Treaty with Iran was put off because French Men wanted to drink wine at the signing... when 30K dead from wine in the USA... Alcohol is killing Americans at a rate not seen in at least 35 years, according to new federal data. Last year, more than 30,700 Americans died from alcohol-induced causes, including alcohol poisoning and cirrhosis, which is primarily caused by alcohol. 19K SWF in the USA and many dead French women in 2015 murdered by a drunk man are not in these alcohol stats...

12-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-23-2015 Christmas Day Front Page of the New York Times needs a Picture of Gravity in the Top Quarks at CERN hit by a gamma ray particle in a Breast Cancer Cell on a computer simulation at Los Alamos!

12-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... U.S. and Cuba at Odds Over Exodus of the Island’s Doctors... Exodus to the Nearest 52 Stars is at Odds with the Top Brass of the USA too.

12-22-2015 Star Travel Invention Brainstorming on Christmas Day 2015 + Start of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 Legal wives grin... Brainstorming IP's... 5 Star IP's...

Gregs 2007 web

12-22-2015 Star Travel Invention Brainstorming on Christmas Day 2015 + Start of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 Legal wives grin... Brainstorming IP's... 5 Star IP's...

12-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... GPS coordinates for Manhattan in the Universe reinvented to State of the Arts detection of encrypted + tortured Jewish Aliens - Target Heat Rate on the iWatch is a Failure, how many NYU Presidents can pass Medical School Today... time off from the New York Casino for Medical School. Highest per capital rates of MD's in the World goes to Cuba Today, because our 1984 II Dictators spread HIV on the iWatch... grin!

12-22-2015 Star Travel Invention Brainstorming on Christmas Day 2015 + Start of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 Legal wives grin... Brainstorming IP's... 5 Star IP's...

Gregs 2007 web

12-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-22-2015 Star Travel Invention Brainstorming on Christmas Day 2015 + Start of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 Legal wives grin... Brainstorming IP's... 5 Star IP's...

Gregs 2007 web

12-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-22-2015 Star Travel Invention Brainstorming on Christmas Day 2015 + Start of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 Legal wives grin... Brainstorming IP's... 5 Star IP's...

Gregs 2007 web

12-22-2015 Star Travel Invention Brainstorming on Christmas Day 2015 + Start of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 Legal wives grin... Brainstorming IP's... 5 Star IP's...

12-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


12-21-2015 Carter has a new immunotherapy agent called Keytruda, that really does boost his immune system, now we need a Rx M... to boost memory performance, grin!

12-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Antidote to "Brain + Breast Cancer" A New Cuban Exodus By THE EDITORIAL BOARD at the New York Times Today who censored the Jewish Oppenheimer's at NASA who are today Masterminding a 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat so they can do a Exodus to the Nearest 52 Stars... legally married to 4 Jewish Wives, grin.

Gregs 2007 web

CERN + How Gravity is Generated Discovery... Fabiola Gianotti received her Ph.D. in experimental particle physics from the University of Milan in 1989. 1980 the ElectricWindmillFord Escort was suppressed in the USA. 2016 Move by CERN to Discover how Gravity is Generated + build the Gravity Engine!! Fabiola Gianotti initially decided to study philosophy at university because it asked big questions, but in the end changed to physics because it was more likely to produce answers. This combination of artistic and scientific influences has left her with three passions in life: music, cooking and physics. “All three follow very precise rules,” she says. “Musical harmony is based on physical principles while in cooking, ingredients must be weighed out with precision. At the same time, you have to be able to invent because if one follows the same recipe all the time, you never create anything new.” IP Gravity Engine at CERN 2016.

12-21-2015 Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars. One of these Jewish Aliens will Rule Israel. La Belle Équipe; Team of Jewish Aliens in the Universe.

12-25-2015 Christmas Day Friday in Saudi Arabia field brothels with tents as the Americans lined up outside, according to former prostitutes for the United States military... on CBS 60 Minutes with Tim Cook and a Apple Watch with BP 24/7 for King Salman, grin. BP with Sex streaming BP on your Apple Watch. Heart Rate to, reach your target HR! Inventing.

12-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Carter's Team told him to take a nap not take your BP and vitals first... idiots from Georgia + Apple with no iapps for Jimmy Carter's grandson to take his PB not take a Nap first... stupid! Dr. Mom looks into his eyes, takes a picture with her iPhone and scans Google images for the diagnosis. And to think the laser guidance on the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort can stop on a dime!

Gregs 2007 web

Idiots from Georgia + Apple with no iapps for Jimmy Carter's grandson to take his PB not take a Nap first... stupid! Your Apple Watch was suppose to scan you for EEG, EKG, Cancer from a drop of blood, Syphilis, Hepatitis, STD's + MS virus. Tim Cook must have encrypted all this, grin.

12-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Carter told the crowded church that his grandson hadn’t been feeling well Saturday and laid down to take a nap at his family’s home in Peachtree City. His mother checked on him later and discovered his heart had stopped. He died early Sunday at the hospital. A cause of death was unclear. Church member Jill Stuckey described Jeremy Carter, the son of Jeff and Annette Carter.

Gregs 2007 web

“Fifth Avenue is heaven with the Rue de la Paix thrown in,” Edith Wharton wrote in her 1920 novel “The Age of Innocence.” 2015 Georgia Nobel Novel written at the Hemingway House Key West Writing Class on iapps that let 100 write on the same page a invention project + Rx Recipe in every chapter. Ages ago in 1980 Jimmy Carter bullied by Teddy Kennedy suppressed the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era for the Holocaust II + III poison gas exhaust + smog Era.

12-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Jimmy Carter's La Belle Team Failed again, his MD Team.

12-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Jimmy Carter shared much more somber news with his church family in Plains. His grandson, 28-year-old Jeremy Carter, had died just hours earlier. Sporting his typical bolo tie, the 91-year-old Carter arrived about 25 minutes late for his regular Sunday school class at Maranatha Baptist Church — the first time he’d ever been tardy, he said.

12-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Should It Be Illegal to De claw Your Cat? Would it make a good IP invention project to brainstorm a new way to "De claw your cat... "

12-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;


Key West Mandy Miles the Sunday before Christmas writes Hell + Star Travel via Google's memory is both terrifying and awe inspiriting. Google knows what you are going to type before you finish typing. Google linked to Los Alamos and all the Rx Recipes for Brain + Breast cancer which it would have been if this would our 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Christmas not another "Gasoline" Christmas from BP Oil and Putin's Oil. Google would have had the Beau + Jimmy Carter Rx Recipe before Mandy Miles had finished typing. Ha! Instead Jimmy Carter bought his wife a Nuclear Submarine with 120 H-Bombs all out of date for Christmas 2015 and Mandy Miles only had her Christmas Cookie Recipes not Beau's and Breast Cancers Rx Recipe Cure under the tree and around the tree's conversations. Merry Christmas Mandy Miles this is terrifying and awe inspiring... to get the coup going soon in Key West for a new Google Search. Mandy search Google for the Rx Recipe... a new immunotherapy agent called Keytruda. Make Keytruda for everyone in our Habitat for Humanity, grin. Merry Christmas Mandy.

Gregs 2007 web

Three condominium apartments that have been carved out of the historic synagogue at 415 East Sixth Street, between First Avenue and Avenue A. The congregation that has occupied the building since 1910 - Jimmy Carter Nuclear Sub carved up into 30,000 Condo's docked in NYC.

Gregs 2007 web

Mr. Brody filed legal documents signaling his intention to bring a wrongful-death lawsuit against 1984 II Dictators for suppressing the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts Era! The electrified third rails were ripped from the track bed and tore into the commuter train... killing 5 on the train. What caused Ellen to stop at the railroad crossing in the path of an oncoming train - Why NYC Trains are not laser guided like a Navy Jet over Syria and can not stop on a dime, or at least before a SUV on the tracks a mile ahead?

Gregs 2007 web

Ms. Brody's 2014 gas Mercedes-Benz sport utility vehicle. Federal investigators are exploring what caused her to stop at the railroad crossing in the path of an oncoming train on Feb. 3, 2015. Credit National Transportation Safety Board. As federal investigators have sought to determine what led to a fatal crash on the Metro-North Railroad this past winter, they have focused considerable attention on understanding the actions of the woman whose sport utility vehicle was struck by the train and who was killed, along with five passengers aboard the train. The electrified third rails were ripped from the track bed and tore into the commuter train... killing 5 on the train. What caused Ellen to stop at the railroad crossing in the path of an oncoming train - Why NYC Trains are not laser guided like a Navy Jet over Syria and can not stop on a dime, or at least before a SUV on the tracks a mile ahead?

Sheesh, Mandy Miles; draw attention to the Yale Key West Medical School! It should be built today on an Eiffel Tower Structure as Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion to build a Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011. Awe, terrifying and awe inspiriting 1984 II + III.


12-20-2015 Yale Medical School has 110 new MD students for the year 2016... “reprehensible practice” of limiting the number of MD's at Yale. And Biden gave the Yale Speech a month before Beau died of brain cancer... Yale must have the least per capita of MD students to Cuba having the most per capita MD students... “reprehensible practice” for Poor Beau, he should have gone to Cuba not Walter Reed, ha.


12-25-2015 in Saudi Arabia field brothels with tents as the Americans lined up outside, according to former prostitutes for the United States military... on CBS Good Morning, grin! John Boyega to Racist 'Star Wars' Critics: Your 'Agenda Has Failed' Racist Star Wars Critics of John Boyega are outside tents in Saudi Arabia on Christmas Day waiting for King Salman sex slaves not brainstorming how to go faster than the speed of light, light shins on the brothel tent for John Boyega's in Saudi Arabia on Christmas Day 2015, no church just the new Star Wars movie after sex.


Gregs 2007 web

12-20-2015 Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars. One of these Jewish Aliens will Rule Israel.

12-20-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas 2015 IP + Movies, none rated MD this Christmas.

New ‘Star Wars’ Speeds Toward Record + Habitat for Humanity is ripe for Star Travels" By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS


12-20-2015 Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars. One of these Jewish Aliens will Rule Israel.

12-20-2015 Cuban officials have repeatedly assailed the USA medical parole program as a “reprehensible practice” aimed at “stealing” Cuban MD's.

12-20-2015 United Nations, Cuba has one of the world’s highest rates of physicians per capita.

12-20-2015 Yale Medical School has 110 new students for the year 2016... “reprehensible practice” of limiting the number of MD's at Yale. And Biden gave the Yale Speech a month before Beau died of brain cancer... Yale must have the least per capita of MD students to Cuba having the most per capita MD students... “reprehensible practice” for Poor Beau, he should have gone to Cuba not Walter Reed, ha.


Gregs 2007 web

12-20-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas... "U.S. and Cuba at Odds Over Exodus of the Island’s Doctors" By VICTORIA BURNETT and FRANCES ROBLES. Cuba’s health system is a source of great international prestige for the government, which provides free training to thousands of Cubans and poor foreign students. Free medical care to its citizens. Cuba rents out the services of tens of thousands of doctors, nurses and dentists to other developing countries in exchange for billions of dollars’ worth of oil and cash.Dr. Lino Alberto Neira, an orthopedic surgeon who practiced in Cuba for 23 years before he left for Miami in 2013, said that his monthly salary of $25 back home barely lasted four days. He got by with tips from patients who worked in tourism cleaning the floors, he told the New York Times... Little Orwellian from Victoriaa and Francies, grin! Dr. Mara Martínez, a dentist who is Dr. Sánchez’s fiancée, said she was a staunch supporter of the Cuban revolution but became disillusioned when she arrived in Venezuela to find that she had to work six days a week and sleep three to a room for a salary of $210 a month. Venezuela, she was told by her supervisors, was paying $7,000 per month for her services. Homeland Security statistics, 1,663 Cuban medical professionals posted overseas were accepted to enter the United States in the 2015 fiscal year, a 32 percent increase from the year before. The number of doctors admitted to the program has more than tripled since 2011, when 386 people were approved.


12-20-2015 Cuban officials have repeatedly assailed the USA medical parole program as a “reprehensible practice” aimed at “stealing” Cuban MD's.

12-20-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas... Cuba's Tower of Babel Gives Free Medical Education — Naharnet


On a beach outside Havana stands the crown jewel of Cuba's renowned international program of medical education, training 13,000 students from around the ... On a beach outside Havana stands the crown jewel of Cuba's renowned international program of medical education, training 13,000 students from around the world free of charge. "Studying medicine was my life's dream. But for a poor family like mine, that was impossible," 18-year-old Merady Gomez of Honduras told Agence France Presse at the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM). "Here, I am making my dream come true, and I have high hopes of being able to help my country. This school is a blessing."

Some 25 kilometers (16 miles) west of the Cuban capital, the school welcomes students from 124 different countries, most of them from low-income families. Spread across 120 hectares (297 acres) dotted with palm trees, its 28 buildings, recently painted in blue and white, hold more than 130 classrooms, labs, dormitories, cafeterias and a hospital. ELAM is one of three universities launched by Cuban revolutionary leader and former president Fidel Castro to boost his international credentials, with the other two dedicated to sports and film. But unlike the film school, it has always been free, representing Castro's view that healthcare is a fundamental right. With an average of one doctor per 148 inhabitants, Cuba is among the best-served countries in terms of health, according to the World Health Organization. Ahmed Bokovi, a 22-year-old from Chad, thanked "God and Cuba" for giving him this "great opportunity to study medicine for free." Douglas Macheri, 20, of Zimbabwe said he was following in the footsteps of his father, who studied medicine in Cuba before returning home to treat the poor in his country.

Of the 13,282 students currently enrolled, only 1,349 live in Santa Fe, where the first two years of the six-year program are taught. The rest of the coursework is taught in more than a dozen institutions spread across the communist island, all in Spanish. The school trains students in nearly all medical specialties, and students often choose their focus depending on the needs of their home country. "One of our big successes is that we are like a big family, despite our many ethnic, cultural, religious or political differences," said Victor Diaz of the school's external relations team. In the 14 years since it first opened its doors, explained co-director Heidi Soca, ELAM has graduated 17,272 doctors from 70 countries, "with the basic objective of having them return to their home countries and work with the most disadvantaged people."

No politics allowed... no Beau; no Biden, No Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine... no $10 Trillion.

12-20-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas...

Jimmy Carter Hospital Submarine was never in God's Mind... Godsend for Jimmy + Wife! 120 H-Bombs... were their Godsend. Mr. Carter, a religious man, says he is prepared to meet his maker. But he is among the fortunate who first have the luxury of exhausting the most expensive remedies medicine has to offer. a new immunotherapy agent called Keytruda, has been priced at $12,500 a month. Hell it cost this much a hour to run the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine, ha.

12-20-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas...

12-20-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas...

12-20-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas...

12-20-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas...

12-20-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas...

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.



Gregs 2007 web

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!



Yes Greg + Wives in Key West will get this Gravity Control Invention and of course the "Gravity Engine" for the flying cars.


CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.



850 pages moved to this web link http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/04Wives.html

Moved 840 pages from Jan 2014 to Christmas 2014

Link to Photos and Acrobat files of Greg in NYC

Greg's YouTube Video reposted



2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,




Gregs 2007 web


12-20-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... Combat Roll for Men + Women is to invent the Lobotomy Gas Bomb to use against Moslems... before they use the H-Bomb!


Navy Admirals base their "Extreme Ideology?” on they can't fathom sailing 4.3 light years *.*
12-20-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas + Star Travel for the New Year... "UN Says $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues forced 60 Million People to Flee War fighting over Oil Revenues" New York Times - GENEVA - War Chest fueled by BP Oil and Saudi Arabia $$$ MIT War Toys!


12-19-2015 $5.45 Billion Deal for Stuyvesant Town Completed After Threatened Lawsuit" $7 Trillion Deal for Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University and 1 built in the middle of Stuyvesant Town for 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year from "white" middle class New Yorkers, grin. One's who want to work 24/7 on IP invention projects spelled out with 1 click Rx Recipes.

Gregs 2007 web

12-19-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year! Ovarian cancer has a poor prognosis, with just 40% of patients surviving 5 years. 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives brainstorming... a Overnight Miracle Rx Cure in Key West! Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team!

12-19-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas + Star Travel for the New Year... "UN Says $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues forced 60 Million People to Flee War fighting over Oil Revenues" New York Times - GENEVA -

12-19-2015 George Johnson who wrote this story Failed to list the cost of the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Sub $10 Trillion $$$

Gregs 2007 web

12-19-2015 George Johnson who wrote this story Failed to list the cost of the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Sub $10 Trillion $$$


Jimmy Carter Hospital Submarine was never in God's Mind... Godsend for Jimmy + Wife! 120 H-Bombs... were their Godsend. Mr. Carter, a religious man, says he is prepared to meet his maker. But he is among the fortunate who first have the luxury of exhausting the most expensive remedies medicine has to offer. a new immunotherapy agent called Keytruda, has been priced at $12,500 a month. Hell it cost this much a hour to run the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine, ha.

Gregs 2007 web

In the United States the median age at which colon cancer strikes is 69 for men and 73 for women. In Chad the average life expectancy at birth is about 50. Children who survive childbirth — and then malnutrition and diarrhea — are likely to die of pneumonia, tuberculosis, influenza, malaria, AIDS or even traffic accidents long before their cells accumulate the mutations that cause colon cancer. In fact, cancers of any kind don’t make the top 15 causes of death in Chad — or in Somalia, the Central African Republic and other places where the average life span peaks in the low to mid-50s. Many people do die from cancer, and their numbers are multiplied by rapidly growing populations and a lack of medical care. But first come all those other threats. Former President Jimmy Carter in Atlanta in August. He announced today that he is cancer-free. Former President Jimmy Carter Says He Is Free of Cancer - An Egyptian woman picking up medicine to treat hepatitis C in Cairo. There are an estimated 150,000 new infections in Egypt each year. Jolly Komurembe, 38, was held by her daughter and sister as she lay dying of breast cancer in a hospital in Kampala, Uganda. How different this is from the United States, where oncologists are working to rid a 91-year-old former president of metastatic melanoma, one of the deadliest cancers. One of Jimmy Carter’s drugs, a new immunotherapy agent called Keytruda, has been priced at $12,500 a month, in addition to the cost of his surgery and treatment with computer-guided radiation beams. Mr. Carter, a religious man, says he is prepared to meet his maker. But he is among the fortunate who first have the luxury of exhausting the most expensive remedies medicine has to offer. a new immunotherapy agent called Keytruda, has been priced at $12,500 a month. Hell it cost this much a hour to run the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine, ha. So far the approach appears to be working, shrinking his brain tumors to invisibility. Should there be a setback, his doctors may have the option of combining Keytruda with other recently approved immune system therapies, the next line of defense. Last summer at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Dr. Leonard Saltz, chief of gastrointestinal oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, estimated that medical bills for these cocktails could run $300,000 a year. That is for just one person. For those with the will and the resources, the war on cancer has come to mean pushing incrementally toward some imagined immortality, the ultimate right to life. There appears to be no limit to what we — society in the abstract — will agree to pay for extending long and well-lived lives. Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. was envisioning more of these death-defying acts when, borrowing a metaphor, he recently called for a “moon shot” to end cancer — infusions of additional dollars that, judging from the past, would go largely toward research that helps older people become older. Children with leukemia, lymphoma or osteosarcoma might also benefit, along with some younger adults and those just reaching their prime, like the vice president’s son, Beau Biden, who died this year from a brain tumor at age 46. But the median age of diagnosis for cancers of all kinds in this country is 66. Seventy-eight percent of cases are diagnosed in people 55 or older. Childhood cancer, among the most curable, remains rare. In the developing world, cancer has a very different look, as illustrated in maps drawn by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Cancer Research. The countries with the highest incidence, like the United States, Canada, Australia and those of Western Europe, are dark blue. With the exception of South Africa, almost all of the African continent is light blue or white. The map could serve double duty — as a pointer to places with the highest standards of living and hence the longest life spans. But that is just part of the story. Cancers that arise in poorer countries are far less likely to be survived. A disproportionately large number of these cases are caused by infectious agents. Look again at the international maps, and pick the ones showing the worldwide incidence of cervical cancer, which is brought on by infection with the human papilloma virus.

Sheesh, Mandy Miles; draw attention the Yale Key West Medical School should be built today on an Eiffel Tower Structure as Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion to build a Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011.

Gregs 2007 webSheesh, draw attention the Yale Key West Medical School built on an Eiffel Tower Structure should be built today as Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion to build a Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011.


12-19-2015 New York Times writes Putin kills journalists, when the New York Times kills kids at Saint Jude Hospital with poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West...

Gregs 2007 web

12-19-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas + Star Travel for the New Year... Donald J. Trump welcomed the kind words he received this week from Vladimir V. Putin on Friday, praising the Russian president’s leadership and brushing off concerns that his regime kills journalists and political opponents.


12-19-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year...

12-19-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... "UN Says $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues forced 60 Million People to Flee War fighting over Oil Revenues" New York Times - GENEVA - "UN Says 60 Million People Have Been Forced to Flee War" New York Times - GENEVA - The number of people forced to flee war is expected to far surpass 60 million in 2015, the United Nations said on Friday, warning that violence around the globe is likely to push a record number of asylum seekers even higher in the coming year.

12-19-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas + Star Travel for the New Year...


12-19-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas + Star Travel for the New Year...

12-19-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas + Star Travel for the New Year...

a 22-year-old black man who had recently been diagnosed with H.I.V. walked into a clinic at Mount Sinai Hospital NYC where he was sent to a Cuban "Prison Hospital" grin.

Gregs 2007 web

12-19-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas + Star Travel for the New Year...

12-19-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas + Star Travel for the New Year...

12-19-2015 Star Travel Era Masterminds of Christmas + Star Travel for the New Year...


1-1-2016 in Saudi Arabia field brothels with tents as the Americans lined up outside, according to former prostitutes for the United States military... on CBS Good Morning, grin!

12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year! Ovarian cancer has a poor prognosis, with just 40% of patients surviving 5 years. 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives brainstorming... a Overnight Miracle Rx Cure in Key West! Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team!


12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... Tourists in Key West visit everything but the "Hospital" except for the Moped Hospital Crash, grin.

12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... "Beijing Issues a Second ‘Red Alert’ on Pollution" By EDWARD WONG - Wrong headlines, should be Beijing Issues "Poison Gas Exhaust" Alert, chemicals are; exhaust contains carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur compounds, formaldehyde, benzene, volatile organic compounds, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), methanol, and other gases. Natural Gas is not Natural is made of 3 poison gasses, grin! FTC will arrest Natural Gas Companies for the Name Natural Gas after the coup, ha!


12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... "Class Differences in Child-Rearing Are on the Rise" Claire Cain Miller New York Times. La Belle Équipe; Team! The faster than light move to the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University moves to buy Whole Food + Publix Grocery Store Buildings to expand its Universe to Tread Mill Desk with the 100" LG Ultra monitors + MacBook Pro's. "Yale MacBook Pro Air Ride School Bus" Yale Alumi have a "War Chest" of $777 Trillion from BP Oil Revenues they might invest in 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year. "Class Differences in Child-Rearing Are on the Rise" Claire Cain Miller. "Class Differences in taking your 5 year old girl to the Hospital for surgery, to watch Doctor Dad do Surgery" is a Class Difference Claire missed but Dr. Nancy + Dr. Katrina writing for the New York Times would have written my Doctor Dad took me to watch him do surgery when I was five and this made me a women MD. New York Times Journalists who are not MD women... "Class Differences in Journalists" kill the next generation of kids, as Claire just did by not putting a MD Dad story in her story! Sorry Claire but Trump would say you are Fired from the New York Times!

Gregs 2007 web

12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... Middle-class and higher-income parents see their children as projects in need of careful cultivation, says Annette Lareau, a University of Pennsylvania sociologist whose groundbreaking research on the topic was published in her book “Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race and Family Life.” They try to develop their skills through close supervision and organized activities, and teach children to question authority figures and navigate elite institutions.


12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... Working-class parents, meanwhile, believe their children will naturally thrive, and give them far greater independence and time for free play. They are taught to be compliant and deferential to adults.

12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... There are benefits to both approaches. Working-class children are happier, more independent, whine less and are closer with family members, Ms. Lareau found. Higher-income children are more likely to declare boredom and expect their parents to solve their problems.


12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... Yet later on, the more affluent children end up in college and en route to the middle class, while working-class children tend to struggle. Children from higher-income families are likely to have the skills to navigate bureaucracies and succeed in schools and workplaces,

12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... 2016


12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... 2016


Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars. One of these Jewish Aliens will Rule Israel. God Given Universe! The assassination two decades ago of Yitzhak Rabin, the warrior who became Israel’s peacemaking prime minister, has proved one of the most successful in history. The next warrior who became Israel’s Star Travel Star War's prime minister... making contact with Jewish Aliens at each of the nearest 52 Stars will give the New York Times something to write about they ignore today.

Gregs 2007 web


Gregs 2007 web

The assassination two decades ago of Yitzhak Rabin, the warrior who became Israel’s peacemaking prime minister, has proved one of the most successful in history. Like Mahatma Gandhi, assassinated by a Hindu fanatic, Rabin was killed by one of his own, a fanatical Jew who could not abide territorial compromise for peace. Yigal Amir, the assassin, was a religious-nationalist follower of Baruch Goldstein, the American-born killer of 29 Palestinian worshipers in Hebron in 1994. Reason ebbed. Rage flowed. The center eroded. Messianic Zionism, of the kind that claims all the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River as God-given real estate, supplanted secular Zionism of the kind that believes in a state of laws. An opportunistic right-wing politician named Benjamin Netanyahu, who had compared Rabin to Chamberlain, rose to power. He may supplant David Ben-Gurion as Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, but his legacy looks paltry beside the founding father of Israel.


12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... $777 Trillion from BP Oil Gas Station hold ups in the USA, mass murder if 78 people in Key West by the British Oil Men.

Gregs 2007 web

12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... $777 Trillion from BP Oil Gas Station hold ups in the USA, mass murder if 78 people in Key West by the British Oil Men.

12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year...


Comfort Women Today II + III cloned with the Holocaust II + III Poison Gas Exhaust on Duval Key West. Heart Transplants are for the Kings of Saudi Arabia + Cheney. Why organ donation is not mandatory, for Heart Transplants + Kidney dialysis Patients?

Gregs 2007 web

Saudi Arabia field brothels with tents as the Americans lined up outside, according to former prostitutes for the United States military... On CBS Good Morning, grin!!


12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year... SEOUL, South Korea — When she published her book about Korean “comfort women” in 2013, Park Yu-ha wrote that she felt “a bit fearful” of how it might be received. After all, she said, it challenged “the common knowledge” about the wartime sex slaves. But even she was not prepared for the severity of the backlash. In February, a South Korean court ordered Ms. Park’s book, “Comfort Women of the Empire,” redacted in 34 sections where it found her guilty of defaming former comfort women with false facts. Ms. Park is also on trial on the criminal charge of defaming the aging women, widely accepted here as an inviolable symbol of Korea’s suffering under colonial rule by Japan and its need for historical justice, and she is being sued for defamation by some of the women themselves. The former comfort women have called for Ms. Park’s expulsion from Sejong University in Seoul, where she is a professor of Japanese literature. Other researchers say she is an apologist for Japan’s war crimes. On social media, she has been vilified as a “pro-Japanese traitor.” Japan’s Apologies for World War II “They do not want you to see other aspects of the comfort women,” the soft-spoken Ms. Park said during a recent interview at a quiet street-corner cafe run by one of her supporters. “If you do, they think you are diluting the issue, giving Japan indulgence.” For decades, the common knowledge Ms. Park is challenging has remained as firm among Koreans as their animosity toward Japan, their island neighbor. In the early 20th century, the official history holds, Japan forcibly took innocent girls from Korea and elsewhere to its military-run brothels. There, they were held as sex slaves and defiled by dozens of soldiers a day in the most hateful legacy of Japan’s 35-year colonial rule, which ended with its defeat in World War II.


Saudi Arabia field brothels with tents as the Americans lined up outside, according to former prostitutes for the United States military... on CBS Good Morning, grin!


12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year...

12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year...

12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year...

12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year...

12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year...

12-18-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year...

12-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 5 Star Nightly New light years from CBS Nightly News, ha!

Gregs 2007 web

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives... brainstorming... 5 Star IP invention projects...

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives...

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives... The ideological threat of the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine with 120 H-Bombs, scrapped for a Jimmy Carter Hospital Submarine after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

Gregs 2007 web

The LUNA experiment at the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy has observed a rare nuclear reaction that occurs in giant red stars, a type of star in which our sun will also evolve.


12-17-2015 Star of Christmas... If the Syria thing doesn't start to resolve, Putin has threatened to use nukes. Nearly 1,400 journalists jostle with one another on national television for the opportunity to pose a question to Putin. Putin answers questions in monologues that can stretch as long as 10 minutes, making follow-up questions difficult.

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas... $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues for War... and 1,400 journalists jostle with one another on national television for the opportunity to pose a question to Putin... wow Shock + Awe of our 1984 II Dictators Rule.

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas... Navy Seals beating someone to death to brainstorming faster than light Headlines in this same front page story in the New York Times the Jimmy Carter Hospital Submarine ideology was never a story!
Gregs 2007 web

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas... Putin predicted that Russia would have 0.7 percent growth in 2016, 1.9 percent growth in 2017, and 2.4 percent growth in 2018. But he made those predictions with oil trading at $50 to the barrel. Brent Crude was currently trading at $37.16 to the barrel on Thursday. In a personal moment, Putin was asked about the identity of his daughters, after a series of investigations in the Russian press revealed a woman named Katerina Tikhonova had attained a prominent position overseeing millions of dollars in investment at a high-tech business incubator at Moscow State University. “They don’t engage in business and they don’t engage in politics,” Putin said, declining to answer the question. “They are never going to get involved in that.”

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas... $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues for War... and 1,400 journalists jostle with one another on national television for the opportunity to pose a question to Putin... wow Shock + Awe of our 1984 II Dictators Rule.

Gregs 2007 web

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas... 641 women had to be screened annually for 14 years with no one fighting for a Rx Cure but Greg Wives in Key West. 14 years 14K women died each year while the Navy Seals beat prisoners to death and Cern looked for Higgs particles. Ideology of this is mass murder by our 1984 II Top Quarks!


Gregs 2007 web

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas... 641 women had to be screened annually for 14 years with no one fighting for a Rx Cure but Greg Wives in Key West. 14 years 14K women died each year while the Navy Seals beat prisoners to death and Cern looked for Higgs particles. Ideology of this is mass murder by our 1984 II Top Quarks!

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas... Putin's news conference censored $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues in a Swiss Bank same Swiss Banks Hitler used...


12-17-2015 Star of Christmas... Putin predicted that Russia would have 0.7 percent growth in 2016, 1.9 percent growth in 2017, and 2.4 percent growth in 2018. But he made those predictions with oil trading at $50 to the barrel. Brent Crude was currently trading at $37.16 to the barrel on Thursday. In a personal moment, Putin was asked about the identity of his daughters, after a series of investigations in the Russian press revealed a woman named Katerina Tikhonova had attained a prominent position overseeing millions of dollars in investment at a high-tech business incubator at Moscow State University. “They don’t engage in business and they don’t engage in politics,” Putin said, declining to answer the question. “They are never going to get involved in that.”

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas...

Gregs 2007 web

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas... Navy Seals beating someone to death to brainstorming faster than light Headlines in this same front page story in the New York Times the Jimmy Carter Hospital Submarine ideology was never a story!


12-17-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives... "Pakistan Military Deals a Blow to Jihadists but Not to Ideology" By ROD NORDLAND, Military World Wide in the Era of $777 Trillion in gas station hold up Revenues Deals a Death Blow to NASA and Light Year Travels, listening post, NASA Coal Trains past all the planets. Ideology of the Military looking at Star Travel is over their heads, no way in Hell can a General invent a way to go 777 times faster than the speed of light. Ideology of going 777 times faster than the speed of light is not for the Navy Seals beating some one to death on the front page of the New York Times Today. As for the New York Times Ideology of Star Travels 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat will write the front page from the ideology of Navy Seals beating someone to death to brainstorming faster than light Headlines. Jimmy Carter Hospital Submarine ideology never was though of by Jimmy Carter. His Ideology is on par with the Navy Seal beating someone to death to win the war.

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives... The state needs a comprehensive counter terrorism plan,” said Muhammad Amir Rana, the director of the Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies. “This whole menace of terrorism cannot be dealt with purely as a security threat. The ideological threat still needs to be addressed.”


12-17-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives... Ideology... By PATRICK BOEHLER and GERRY DOYLE China’s new CH-4 drone was successfully used this month to destroy an ISIS position in the continuing effort to retake the city of Ramadi. The strike may help China’s arms export ambitions. Ideology for another Chinese Revolution as China will build in 2016 another Jimmy Carter Submarine with 120 H-Bombs instead of a Jimmy Carter Hospital Submarine for all the sick kids at Saint Jude China.

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives... Qatar also is the host country to the largest American military air base in the Middle East... for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, $$$.


12-17-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives... Ideology; "Girl, 16, Attacked by Man With Box Cutter in Queens" The police said the assailant wore a hood and a surgical mask when he slashed the throat of a Chinese exchange student, who is expected to survive. By AL BAKER The attack occurred around 8:20 a.m., when the victim, a student at the private Whitestone Academy, was “accosted from behind,” Chief Boyce said. She was carrying a bag and walking east on 13th Avenue near 147th Street in the Whitestone neighborhood, he said. The assailant was wearing a hood over his head, and was “wearing a surgical mask and he has surgical gloves on,” Chief Boyce said. Detectives retrieved video images of the attacker that showed him running away. NYC Police Ideology of picking up on everyone walking with a hood over their heads...

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives...

12-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 5 Star Nightly New light years from CBS Nightly News, ha!

Gregs 2007 web

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives... brainstorming... 5 Star IP invention projects...

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives...

12-17-2015 Star of Christmas + Star of the New Year 2016 with 24/7 work with 4 wives...


12-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Curing Hepatitis C, in an Experiment the Size of Egypt" By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. A new approach tested in Egypt could become the blueprint for providing cutting-edge medicines to the poor.

Gregs 2007 web


12-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... I hope not. Cutting-edge medicines such as this Hepatitis C $1K pill needs to go to the cutting-edge super computer crunching at Los Alamos to perfect this start of a Hepatitis C. Overnight Rx Cure.

12-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory recently ran one of the most complex simulations of the evolution of the universe ever created. Stage 4 complex simulations run on their Super Computers, priorities and use what the Universe finds to rewrite the Rx.


12-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... John Kerry Visits Moscow to Prepare for Talks on Syria" By ANDREW E. KRAMER Mr. Kerry met Tuesday with President Vladimir V. Putin. After an extended trip to Paris for climate talks, Mr. Kerry met for nearly four hours on Tuesday evening with President Vladimir V. Putin in the Kremlin. $777 Trillion from Oil Revenues had to been talked about a lot, grin!

12-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Dr. Putin for Talks on Curing + Diagnosing Diseases world wide.

12-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "U.S. Calls for Investigation of Shiite Deaths in Nigeria" By SEWELL CHAN Up to 1,000 members of a Shiite sect may have been killed in an attack Nigeria’s military blames on the sect. Blame for these 1K killed is $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues in Nigeria, $$$.


12-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The Large Hadron Collider was built at a cost of some $10 billion, to speed protons around an 18-mile underground track at more than 99 percent of the speed of light and smash them together in search of new particles and forces of nature. By virtue of Einstein’s equivalence of mass and energy, the more energy poured into these collisions, the more massive particles can come out of them. And by the logic of quantum microscopy, the more energy they have to spend, the smaller and more intimate details of nature physicists can see.

12-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The same things can be said if CERN would have spent $10 Billion on a Breast Cancer Collider via smashing cancer cells + Rx.

12-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “We are barely coming to terms with the power and the glory” of the CERN collider’s ability to operate at 13 trillion electron volts, Dr. Spiropulu said

12-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Greg + Wives in Key West can operate on new surgery techniques with CERN's $$$ and 13 trillion invention projects, grin.

12-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

Gregs 2007 web

I think our 1984 II Dictators should call out the Navy Seals to watch the High School Cameras 24/7 and follow the kids home from school watching them and watching out for their killings!

Gregs 2007 web

Dec. 16, 2015: People rally in connection with first anniversary of the school attack in Lahore, Pakistan. Pakistani Taliban militants attacked an army-run school in Peshawar, killing 150 people, mostly children on Dec. 16. One + Five Star Moslem Generals have built 120 H-Bombs since 12-16-2014 and will build another 120 H-Bombs by 12-16-2016. 10 cent gasoline would have saved these kids lives... Analysts: Saudi Arabia's Clerics Inspire Islamic Extremism. $777 Trillion in gas station hold ups hires Mercenaries, pictured in the NY Times today. Have mercy on Stage 4 women... women in Saudi Arabia don't drive much of anything!

Merrier Christmas + Happier New Year with 24/7 work with 4 wives brainstorming... IP.

Merrier Christmas + Happier New Year with 24/7 work with 4 wives brainstorming... IP.

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Merrier Christmas + Happier New Year with 24/7 work with 4 wives brainstorming Starships, Stage 4, and 1,001 IP invention projects, Ha!

Gregs 2007 web

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Merrier Christmas + Happier New Year with 24/7 work with 4 wives brainstorming Starships, Stage 4, and 1,001 IP invention projects, Ha! Festival of Light, aka Hanukkah, I’ve been thinking a lot about what the holiday means to me — or, more precisely, what I plan to cook. I’m Jewish, so my family and I celebrate Hanukkah every year by a) making latkes, b) playing dreidel, Hanukkah. The following is a foolproof recipe for the best latkes ever. Rx Recipes not latkes Recipe with 4 Jewish Wives in a legal marriage, grin. Work on this Recipe... Merrier Hanukkah!!

Gregs 2007 web

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Merrier Christmas + Happier New Year with $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia + Mecca, $$$ Grin !!!

Gregs 2007 web

Starship built by the Navy, scrap the Jimmy Carter + JFK Super Carrier Fleet to sail to 52 Nearest Stars all inhabited by Jewish Aliens who have 4 legal wives, grin. Happier New Year...

Gregs 2007 web

Starship built by the Navy, scrap the Jimmy Carter + JFK Super Carrier Fleet to sail to 52 Nearest Stars all inhabited by Jewish Aliens who have 4 legal wives, grin. Happier New Year...

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Merrier Christmas + Happier New Year with $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia + Mecca, $$$ Grin !!!


12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... That was Yale, not jail! Hillary said... Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer... Hillary visit to Saint Jude, to get rid of all the dead children's bodies from "GAS" exhaust poisoning!

Gregs 2007 web

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Failure of NYC Vision Zero, the mayor’s plan to eliminate pedestrian fatalities in the city.

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... with a war chest of $777 Trillion Greg + Wives will hire "Traffic Cop Mercenaries" who will eliminate pedestrian fatalities in one Day!

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Merrier Christmas + Happier New Year with $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia + Mecca, $$$ Grin !!!

Gregs 2007 web

The police said the woman killed on Monday, Eleonora Shulkina, was crossing East 17th Street in Sheepshead Bay when she was hit by a B36 bus making a left turn off Avenue Z. The driver remained at the scene and was not arrested as the police continued their investigation on Monday. Her death follows a series of fatal accidents involving older pedestrians in New York. On Dec. 2, Liana Platika, 84, was fatally struck by a garbage truck at 58th Street and Third Avenue in Manhattan. Bella Markowitz, 85, died the same day, two days after she was critically injured by a driver making a left turn at East 16th Street and Kings Highway in Brooklyn.

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 19K SWF murdered in 2015 and no cameras but for Airports were no SWF were murdered in 2015... 1984 II Failure of our Habitat for Humanity, go get some worms for Jimmy Carter, grin. Medical examiner declared her death a homicide on Sunday, after determining that she had been stabbed in the back of the neck. There were no arrests on Monday, and the police said they did not have any suspects and that no weapon was recovered. The Carter G. Woodson Houses consist of a 10-story building at 403 Powell Street and a 25-story tower at 393 Powell, and are populated by older adults and their caregivers. Public records indicate that Ms. McKinney had lived at 393 Powell in different apartments over the last 11 years. Residents interviewed over the phone on Monday said they did not know her. They also said the building did not have security cameras in the hallways and lobbies, although they had been requesting them for years.

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

Gregs 2007 web

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Failure of Los Alamos + Ground Zero, H-Bomb victory over the Moslems, Mecca, Allah since the 1990 Secret file on Mr. Buell + his "Wind" Car. iPads need to be linked to Los Alamos with iapps for Rx Recipes and other trade secrets on inventions to win the war ASAP with Mecca as Mecca has a war chest of $777 Trillion from gas station hold ups in the USA. Failure of the Pentagon building the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine with 120 H-Bomb they will never use. CIA Failure to carpet bomb Mecca with H-Bombs. $777 trillion must be confiscated from Saudi Arabia, it's all in Swiss Banks so this will be easy, grin!

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

In the Next 10 Days before Christmas 2015 40 Police Officers will die or get burns from fiery cop car crash's world wide. Moscow, Paris, Rome, LA...

Gregs 2007 web

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... CBS Nightly News last night not Nightly News from Key West... In 2013, there were 33,636 Americans killed by guns versus 33, 782 fatal crashes. 1984 II Dictators were not mentioned in the statistics. How could Caesar in 2015 keep going?

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... CBS Cyber TV show last night had all the highest tech iPhone programs but left out GPS tracking of her... then at the end put in GPS tracking of her when they would have rewritten the entire episode if they would have put GPS tracking of her at the beginning of the show. Wow!

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

"Extreme Ideology Priorities... in the New York Times” 1,001 IP Inventions, their ingenuity written out with 1,001 IP invention projects in a Hemingway Writing Class iapp with 1 click link to Los Alamos Rx Recipes + other invention recipes. Crunch atoms in a virus + top quarks in a grain of sand on a sandy Key West Beach, grin.

12-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

Gravity of our Time's for Oppenheimer II + III to take over Los Alamos, we have enough H-Bombs for now! Stage 4 + iPhone 7 Dash cam's mandatory on all cars in 2016... Apple Pay Tickets, ha! Merry Christmas + Happy New Year with $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia + Mecca's War Chest for our Trillion 2016 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts, all with iPhone 7 dash cam's grin! Mandatory iPhone 7 Dash Cam's on all cars in 2016... Happier New Year, Ya!!

12-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ElectricWindmillFord Escort Factions in our 1984 II Socities are Urged to Form Unity Government By GAIA PIANIGIANI New York Times. War Chest of $777 Trillion by Libyan, Texas, French, UAE, Oil Men means the expansion of the Moslem Terrorists in France and new 9/11 II + III Terrorists from Saudi Arabia as their War Chest is filled with $777 Trillion and women with Stage 4 don't drive or vote in Saudi Arabia!! Confiscated $777 Trillion War Chest for Stage 4 to save SWF's Chest in terrible Surgery! Immediate cease-fire, fiery cop cars + SUV's in the USA... $777 Trillion War Chest of Mecca's can invent a way! Saudi Mercenaries are American Homeless at every intersection directing traffic recording road rage drivers who don't slow down for people in the cross walk, grin, and making more than Saudi Mercenaries in Syria are... grin! $777 Trillion to buy some Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines for Jimmy Carters Peanut Harvesting.


554 reasons to ask whether the New York Times stat's are Doctored by 1984 II Dictators! 554 Front page stories of Legal Gay Weddings in Mecca censored 554 kids shot since Sandy Hook, Why?

Gregs 2007 web

554 reasons to ask whether the New York Times stat's are Doctored by 1984 II Dictators! 554 Front page stories of Legal Gay Weddings in Mecca censored 554 kids shot since Sandy Hook, Why?



19K SWF murdered in the USA in 2015 and one or two make the news, same for these stats...

Gregs 2007 web

One or Two fiery car wrecks, one or two gas station hold ups make the news... CBS Nightly News


12-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Libyan Factions Urged to Form Unity Government By GAIA PIANIGIANI New York Times. Diplomats from 17 nations, fearing further chaos and the expansion of terrorist groups in the country, also called for an immediate cease-fire.

12-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The Cuban government-run news media says the amount owed is $833.75 billion. In 1999, a Cuban court found the United States government liable for deaths and damages caused by America’s “aggressive policies” against the island — namely, the Bay of Pigs invasion and the trade embargo. A Tampa resident, Gary Rapoport, has publicly inquired about compensation for the Riviera, a 352-room waterfront hotel in Havana that was inaugurated in 1957 by Ginger Rogers. It was owned by Mr. Rapoport’s grandfather, Meyer Lansky, an organized crime figure. In an interview with The South Florida Sun-Sentinel, the mobster’s grandson, put it like this: “Cuba owes my family money.” The Cuban government-run news media says "Prison Hospitals" are mandatory for Hepatitis, HIV, STD 1984 II Top Brass. And wants compensation of a 155 Story Eiffel Tower Yale Medical School in downtown Havana, grin. Greg + Wives in Key West 90 miles from Havana want $777 Trillion compensation from the USA Oil Men's Holocaust II + III. And immediately stop to financing 9/11 II + III with Saudi Oil Revenues and rich Princes hired mercenaries from Columbia to kill women + children today... not at Saint Jude but in Syria with Boeing Made Fighter Jets. When Boeing should be making jets that fly into orbit for 15 to 30 mins on their flight to Paris.

12-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Atoms Dance in their Virus, 777 trillion Atoms in one virus. $777 Trillion to get the 3D super computer image of the 777 trillion quarks in one virus atoms. $777 trillion to build one Gamma Ray Gun to disrupt the quarks in the virus, and we get a Nobel for the Overnight cure of all virus diseases!

12-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! But if the big bang caused the Universe, what caused the big bang? Everything from God to nothing has been proposed as an answer, but there are some who think our Universe could have formed from another, earlier Universe. If that Universe also arose ... supported by evidence. But if the big bang caused the Universe, what caused the big bang? Everything from God to nothing has been proposed as an answer, but there are some who think our Universe could have formed from another, earlier Universe. If that Universe also arose from an earlier Universe, then the answer could be that there truly was no beginning and no END!!

Our Universe could have formed from another, earlier Universe! Find Jewish Aliens and find out! Grin. Time for Oppenheimer II + III to take over Los Alamos, we have enough H-Bombs for now!

Our Universe could have formed from another, earlier Universe! Find Jewish Aliens and find out! Grin.

Gregs 2007 web

Our Universe could have formed from another, earlier Universe! Find Jewish Aliens and find out! Grin.

12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! "Supreme Court to Review Laws Criminalizing Refusal of Body Substance Tests" By ADAM LIPTAK The court will decide whether state efforts to compel breath, blood or urine tests for motorists suspected of drunken driving violate the Fourth Amendment.

Gregs 2007 web

"Hunger Games" Girl on Fire in a fiery SUV in a 1984 II Society; Supreme Court Justices and Pope Francis drive by without stopping to help...


Supreme Court Team stifled iPhone 6 dash cam's that can talk to the Road Rage Driver + Drunk Driver mandatory on all cars in 2015...

12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! Supreme Court Team stifled iPhone 6 dash cam's that can talk to the Road Rage Driver + Drunk Driver mandatory on all cars in 2015... iapps for traffic tickets with Apple Pay, grin.

12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! Supreme Court Team... failed to Harvest Heavy Lift Helicopters for Peanut Combines + Med Evacuation from fiery cop car wrecks + SUV's the Supreme Court Justices drive by without stopping to help...


That was Yale, not jail! Hillary said... Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer...

"Negotiations Break Down Between Two Koreas" By CHOE SANG-HUN New York Times Sunday. All Out Nuclear War Breaks Out; H-Bombs go off all along the DMZ... out of gas Era!

That was Yale, not jail! Hillary said... Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer... Hillary to visit Saint Jude, get rid of all the dead children's bodies from "GAS" exhaust poisoning!! Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

"Cyrus Vance Has $808 Million to Give Away" By JAMES C. McKINLEY Jr. The Manhattan district attorney - Greg + Wives in Key West have $777 Trillion in Saudi + BP Oil gas station hold up money to Give Away...


12-13-2015 La Belle Équipe; A la carte action on climate change, Islamic patriarchy as a historic change, La Belle Équipe; Team Time to invent the "Gravity Engine + God" who can't be denied for much longer with Jewish Aliens coming to Earth.

12-13-2015 La Belle Équipe; RIYADH Saudi Arabian women voted for the first time on Saturday in local council elections and also stood as candidates, a step hailed by some activists in the Islamic patriarchy as a historic change, but by others as merely symbolic.

12-13-2015 La Belle Équipe; Jail not Yale as Hillary's Driver Training for Saudi Arabian women landed them in jail with lots of pain from being whipped... Historic Change will be the French Revolution II + III started by Hillary visit to Saint Jude, to get rid of all the dead children's bodies from "GAS" exhaust poisoning! Historic Change


12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis on Inventiveness to prevail in a Stage 4 Rx Miracle Overnight cure for Christmas 2015, Gravity Engine, Gravity of Jewish Aliens at all of the nearest 52 stars.

12-13-2015 La Belle Équipe; Team! VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis called on humanity Sunday not to let sadness prevail because of the many forms of violence afflicting the world.


12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! The fastest-growing gym in America has $10 memberships and gives out... Ephedra + Eureka's!

12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! The faster than light move to the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University moves to buy Whole Food + Publix Grocery Store Buildings to expand its Universe to Tread Mill Desk with the 100" LG Ultra monitors + MacBook Pro's.


12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! Navy Team with $777 Trillion in Poison Gasoline Exhaust War loot used the... U.S. Navy's brand new $4.3 billion stealth destroyer, the Zumwalt, came to the rescue of a fisherman suffering chest pains early Saturday off the coast of Maine. Key West Admiral to visit Saint Jude, to get rid of all the dead children's bodies from "GAS" exhaust poisoning! Historic Change to destroyer to Star Travel waits for the French Revolution II.


12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! The Top 50 Educational Apps Are Mostly All Stuck In The Stone Age... Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity is worms + Peanut Butter Cookie Recipes not immune drugs Rx Recipe + next generation brain cancer treatments fast tracked to the next generation before the next peanut harvest in Georgia. Grin.

12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! But if the big bang caused the Universe, what caused the big bang? Everything from God to nothing has been proposed as an answer, but there are some who think our Universe could have formed from another, earlier Universe. If that Universe also arose ... supported by evidence. But if the big bang caused the Universe, what caused the big bang? Everything from God to nothing has been proposed as an answer, but there are some who think our Universe could have formed from another, earlier Universe. If that Universe also arose from an earlier Universe, then the answer could be that there truly was no beginning and no END!!

12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! No End but One; Lobotomy Gas Bombs, Cruz Carpet Bombing of Mecca with Lobotomy Gas bombs and Facebook for Inventors not - By MATT APUZZO, MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT and JULIA PRESTON Tashfeen Malik passed three background checks by American immigration officials but none uncovered what she had made little effort to hide — that she talked openly on social media about her desire to take part in violent jihad.

12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team!

12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! Now 72 and frail, Mr. Durst is scheduled to be in court in New Orleans on Dec. 17 for sentencing on a gun charge. Sometime next summer he will be transferred to Los Angeles, where he has been accused of murdering a former confidante, Susan Berman, who was found shot in the back of her head at her home on Dec. 24, 2000. Prosecutors say Mr. Durst wanted to ensure that Ms. Berman would not reveal what she knew about the abrupt disappearance of his first wife, Kathleen Durst, in 1982. In another case riddled with bizarre twists, Mr. Durst, who had been living on the cheap in Texas as a mute woman, admitted to butchering his neighbor’s body and dumping the parts into Galveston Bay. He claimed that the neighbor’s death had been accidental, that he had been acting in self-defense. A jury acquitted him of murder in 2003.

12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! Robert Kennedy Jr. and Mary Kennedy's hanging in the Kennedy Barn, Teddy Kennedy driving drunk in a gasoline car killing Mary Jo... then millions of women world wide! Jimmy Carter was the get away driver in the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escape, grin!

12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team!

12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sunday Book Review: ‘The Death of Cancer’ By SANDEEP JAUHAR

12-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! Sunday Book Review: ‘The Death of Gas Station Hold Up's + Poison Gas Exhaust’ By SANDEEP JAUHAR

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! "Heavy Lift Helicopters" to replace all USA MEDICAL HELICOPTERS before the Pentagon sends in "Attack Helicopters" in Syria. Affirmative Action Case, without Scalia’s comments... grin!

Gregs 2007 web

iPod size "GE Electric Generator" fueled via H @ -252 C will replace coal and plug into all GE Appliances, grin.

iPod size "GE Electric Generator" fueled via H @ -252 C will replace coal and plug into all GE Appliances, grin.

iPod size "GE Electric Generator" fueled via H @ -252 C will replace coal and plug into all GE Appliances, grin.


12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

"Cheap Gas Is a Thrill, but a Costly One" Strategies By JEFF SOMMER. That was Yale, not jail! Hillary said... Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer... NY Times DENIES the Holocaust II Gas... Today with this story by Jeff. A Crime!

Gregs 2007 web

That was Yale, not jail! Hillary said... Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer...
That was Yale, not jail! Hillary said... Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer...
That was Yale, not jail! Hillary said... Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer...


Journalists at the New York Times... "Like me JEFF SOMMER who care about the environment really like low gasoline prices. I know I do. On a sunny day, when the traffic is light and gas is cheaper than it’s been in years, I want to get out on the road. Perhaps I should fight the impulse. It might be easier if the true cost of driving were reflected in the price at the pump."

That was Yale, not jail! Hillary said... Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer...
That was Yale, not jail! Hillary said... Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer...
That was Yale, not jail! Hillary said... Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer... Hillary visit to Saint Jude, to get rid of all the dead children's bodies from "GAS" exhaust poisoning!


12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; By MICHAEL FORSYTHE Chinese banks and firms have built or are in contracts to build at least 92 coal-fired power plants in 27 countries

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; The 1984 II Team that will Ted ‘Carpet-Bombs’ Syria + Moscow with H-Bombs when China ‘Carpet-Bombs’ with Coal world wide when iPod size GE Electric Generator fueled via H @ -252 C will replace coal and high power wires going into factories and homes. By THE EDITORIAL BOARD


12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

Gregs 2007 web

COORS PAID THE New York Times for this story today... ha! Fewer Young People Are Drinking and Driving, Study Says. By MIKE McPHATE Government researchers found sharp declines in drinking and driving among people between the ages of 16 and 25.


"Extreme Ideology Priorities... in the New York Times” 1,001 IP Inventions, their ingenuity written out with 1,001 IP invention projects in a Hemingway Writing Class iapp.


Who Paid the Times for this story, not the 1,001 Inventors, ha! For Children, Dumbed-Down Phones May Be Smartest Option. By RON LIEBER Since most new phones come with Internet access, parents need to plan carefully to find devices that allow only texting and talking. Or they need to make use of a smartphone’s parental controls. 1,001 IP Invention Projects have never been Front Page in the Times and never will be under our 1984 II Dictators. Peanut Butter Cookie Recipes are the only Recipes in the Times, no Rx Recipes!!

"Extreme Ideology Priorities... in the New York Times” 1,001 IP Inventions, their ingenuity written out with 1,001 IP invention projects in a Hemingway Writing Class iapp.

Gregs 2007 web

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;


Despite decades of research, there is no generally accepted quantum theory of gravity!
Despite decades of research, there is no generally accepted quantum theory of gravity!
Despite decades of research, there is no generally accepted quantum theory of gravity!


Our world is ruled by four fundamental forces: the gravitational pull of massive objects, the electromagnetic interaction between electric charges, the strong nuclear interaction holding atomic nuclei together and the weak nuclear force causing unstable ones to fall apart.


Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gregs 2007 web

Despite decades of research, there is no generally accepted quantum theory of gravity!
Despite decades of research, there is no generally accepted quantum theory of gravity!
Despite decades of research, there is no generally accepted quantum theory of gravity!


Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.


Physicists have quantum theories for the last three of them that allow very precise calculations of phenomena on the smallest, subatomic scales. However, gravity does not fit into this scheme. Despite decades of research, there is no generally accepted quantum theory of gravity, which is needed to better understand fundamental aspects of our universe. Particle Physics and Astrophysics Professor Lance Dixon of Stanford University and the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory explains one approach to developing such a theory, called quantum gravity:

With the exception of gravity, we can describe nature’s fundamental forces using the concepts of quantum mechanics. In these theories, which are summarized in the Standard Model of particle physics, forces are the result of an exchange of tiny quanta of information between interacting particles. Electric charges, for instance, attract or repel each other by exchanging photons – quanta of light that carry the electromagnetic force. The strong and weak forces have corresponding carriers called gluons and W and Z bosons, respectively.

We routinely use these theories to calculate the outcome of subatomic processes with extraordinary precision. For example, we can make accurate predictions for the complex proton-proton collisions at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, the most powerful man-made particle accelerator.


But gravity is different. Although Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity explains gravity on larger scales as the result of massive objects distorting the fabric of space-time, it doesn’t tell us anything about what happens to subatomic particles gravitationally. Quantum gravity is an attempt to combine Einstein’s general relativity with quantum mechanics. In analogy to the other forces, we predict gravity to be mediated by a force carrier as well, the graviton.

Quantum gravity could help us answer important questions about the universe. For example, quantum effects play a role near black holes – objects so massive that not even light can escape their gravitational pull when emitted from within a certain radius, the black hole’s event horizon. However, black holes are thought to be not completely black. If quantum effects near the event horizon produce pairs of particles, one of them would fall into the black hole, but the other one would escape as so-called Hawking radiation.

Researchers also hope to better understand the very first moments after the Big Bang, when the universe was an extremely hot and dense state with a tremendous amount of energy. On that energy scale, which we call the Planck scale, gravity was as strong as the other fundamental forces, and quantum gravitational effects were crucial. However, we don’t have a compelling quantum theory of gravity yet that could describe physics at those energies.


Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.


One has to realize, though, that processes on Earth occur at much smaller energy scales, with unmeasurably small quantum corrections to gravity. With the LHC, for instance, we can reach energies that are a million billion times smaller than the Planck scale. Therefore, quantum gravity studies are mostly “thought experiments,” in which we want to figure out whether we can make predictions about other interactions that might be measurable. However, it turns out that the calculations are quite complicated.

One version of quantum gravity is provided by string theory, but we’re looking for other possibilities. Gravity is quite different from the other forces, for which we already have quantum theories. First of all, gravity is extremely weak – on the order of a million billion billion billion times weaker than the weak force. In fact, the only reason why we notice gravity at all is because we feel the combined pull of a huge amount of particles in the Earth.

Gravity is also different because massive objects always attract each other. In contrast, the strong force is only attractive on very short distances, and the electromagnetic force can be either attractive or repellent.

Finally, the graviton fundamentally differs from all the other known force carriers in a particle property known as spin. It has twice the spin of the other force carriers.

How does this affect the calculations? It makes the mathematical treatment much more difficult.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.


We generally calculate quantum effects by starting with a dominant mathematical term to which we then add a number of increasingly smaller terms. The number of terms, or order, we need to calculate depends on the accuracy we want to achieve. A complication is that higher-order terms sometimes become infinitely large, and we first need to get rid of these infinities, or divergences, to make meaningful predictions.

For the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces, we’ve known how to do this for decades. We have a systematic way of removing infinities for all orders, called renormalization, which allows us to calculate quantum effects very precisely. Unfortunately, due to gravity’s different nature, we haven’t found a renormalizable theory of gravity yet.

Over the past decades, researchers in the field have made a lot of progress in better understanding how to do calculations in quantum gravity. For example, it was empirically found that in certain theories and to certain orders, we can replace the complicated mathematical expression for the interaction of gravitons with the square of the interaction of gluons – a simpler expression that we already know how to calculate.

We’ve succeeded in using this discovery to calculate quantum effects to increasingly higher order, which helps us better understand when divergences occur. My colleagues and I have made calculations to fourth order in a theory called N=8 supergravity without finding any divergences. Ideally, we would like to compute to higher orders to test various predictions for infinities, but that’s very hard.

We were also involved in a recent study in which we looked at the theory of two gravitons bouncing off each other. It was shown over 30 years ago that divergences occurring on the second order of these calculations can change under so-called duality transformations that replace one description of the gravitational field with a different but equivalent one. These changes were a surprise because they could mean that the descriptions are not equivalent on the quantum level. However, we’ve now demonstrated that these differences actually don’t change the underlying physics.


Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.


In the approach we’re taking, subatomic particles are described as point-like, as they are in the Standard Model. Each of these particles is associated with a fundamental field that extends throughout space and time. In string theory, on the other hand, particles are thought to be different vibrations of an extended object, similar to different tones coming from the same guitar string. In the first approach, gravitons and photons, for example, are linked to gravitational and photon fields, whereas in string theory, both are different vibrational modes of a string.

One appeal of string theory is that its way of treating particles like extended objects solves the problem of divergences. So, in principle, string theory could make predictions of gravitational effects on the subatomic level.

However, over the years, researchers have found more and more ways of making string theories that look right. I began to be concerned that there may be actually too many options for string theory to ever be predictive, when I studied the subject as a graduate student at Princeton in the mid-1980s. About 10 years ago, the number of possible solutions was already on the order of 10500. For comparison, there are less than 1010 people on Earth and less than 1012 stars in the Milky Way. So how will we ever find the theory that accurately describes our universe?

For quantum gravity, the situation is somewhat the opposite, making the approach potentially more predictive than string theory, in principle. There are probably not too many theories that would allow us to properly handle divergences in quantum gravity – we haven’t actually found a single one yet.

It would be very interesting if someone miraculously found a theory that we could use to consistently predict quantum gravitational effects to much higher orders than possible today. Such a theory of gravity would fit into our current picture of nature’s other fundamental forces.


Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

Gravity Engine will help convict Hillary of Holocaust II + III.

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;


12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; The investigators also asserted that in 1999, Mr. Khodorkovsky ordered the killing of Yevgeny L. Rybin, the head of a rival oil company. Mr. Rybin survived an attack, but his bodyguard was killed. Mr. Khodorkovsky has denied culpability in any killings. In 2008, Mr. Khodorkovsky’s business partner, Leonid B. Nevzlin, who now lives in Israel, was sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment by a Russian court for ordering these and other killings. Israel’s Supreme Court has rejected a Russian extradition request.

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; 1 Trillion killings by oil men in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Kenya, Africa... 2 Trillion kids gassed to death at the same time via poison gas exhaust... Yale + Harvard Alumi have failed our Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity and Jimmy Carter is at Heaven's Gate... fools! There is no Gravity Education in Georgia, grin!


12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Mary sucker punched at a Miami Gas Station 100 stitches not in the news; little girls 100 stitches in her face from a dog, not in the news. 1984 III MD women will change the Headlines of the New York Times. Netanyahu’s Dog Sinks Teeth Into Guests. By DIAA HADID Kaiya, the Netanyahu family dog, had to be quarantined under Israeli law this week for biting two guests at the prime minister’s Hanukkah party. Jewish girls bitten in the face by a dog never comes across Netanyahu desk.

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;


Navy Admirals base their "Extreme Ideology?” on they can't fathom sailing 4.3 light years *.*

12-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Smog So Thick, Beijing Comes to a Standstill; and no French Revolution II over the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort with a Gravity Engine!! Cancer Alert would be a better name than Smog Alert. With no CBS Nightly News showing Smog chemicals in your brain's DNA via a electron microscope they have no idea...

"Snowden" sent me a "Secret" file written at Los Alamos in 1990, most everything is Blacked Out but Mr. Buell and his "Wind Car"... a weapon better than all the H-Bombs built since they wrote it, grin. But never used for 10 cent gas + victory over the Muslims, Mecca, Allah.

Gregs 2007 web

"Snowden" sent me a "Secret" file written at Los Alamos in 1990, most everything is Blacked Out but Mr. Buell and his "Wind Car"... a weapon better than all the H-Bombs built since they wrote it, grin. But never used for 10 cent gas + victory over the Muslims, Mecca, Allah.

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; The Body Cam Streaming Video iPhone Gift for your Girlfriend at Christmas, enjoy watching each other 24/7... expand your comments to each other faster each day... your lives in streaming iPhone video's!

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; No iPhone 6s Streaming Video of the Mayor's hernia surgery Today... ha. MD students will just have to miss this lecture. And a million others who would have watched and learned something. Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York will undergo surgery on Friday for a hernia that he recently developed and wants to keep a secret how he developed it, so you can make the same mistake. Not learn from his mistake that caused a hernia, grin. Idiots!


12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! "Heavy Lift Helicopters" to replace all USA MEDICAL HELICOPTERS before the Pentagon sends in "Attack Helicopters" in Syria. Affirmative Action Case, without Scalia’s comments... grin!

Gregs 2007 web

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! Affirmative Action Case, without Scalia’s comments... grin!


12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! "Heavy Lift Helicopters" to replace all USA MEDICAL HELICOPTERS before the Pentagon sends in "Attack Helicopters" in Syria. Affirmative Action Case, without Scalia’s comments... grin!

$$$ Dubai Co., which is building two Trump-branded golf courses along with 104 mansions, with gas station hold up money from the USA's heavy lift helicopter $$$ Affirmative Action upgrade of all helicopters in the USA and Combine Heavy Lift Helicopters for Jimmy Carters Harvest of Peanuts, grin!

$$$ Dubai Co., which is building two Trump-branded golf courses along with 104 mansions, said on Tuesday it wouldn't comment on the “personal or political agenda” of the leading Republican candidate.

Medical helicopter crashes in heavy rain, fog; FRESNO, Calif. - A medical helicopter carrying a patient to a hospital crashed amid heavy rain and fog in a rural area of central California, killing all four people aboard, officials said.


12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team!

"Heavy Lift Helicopters" to replace all USA MEDICAL HELICOPTERS before the Pentagon sends in "Attack Helicopters" in Syria. Affirmative Action Case, without Scalia’s comments... grin!


12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team!

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Fresh Fuel in a Long Academic Debate" By ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS New York Times. Justice Antonin Scalia’s comments, Remarks in Affirmative Action Case, Scalia Steps Into ‘Mismatch’ Debate - Holocaust II + III caused by suppressing the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. That was Yale, not jail! Hillary said... Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer... Biden on Affirmative Action for a Rx Brain + Breast Cancer Overnight Cure! ‘Mismatch’ 24/7 MD students at work at Yale while Hillary at Yale Law puts in a few hours a day while at Yale Law School. ‘Mismatch’ Fuel to win a Nobel in Law or for the Cure of Polio. Scalia's Long Academic Debate's have nothing to do with Brainstorming a Rx Overnight Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer but keeping the Rx Recipes I need secret and Los Alamos off limits to crunch all the Rx Recipes. Peanut Butter Cookie Recipes are the only one's in a Long Academic Debate at Yale Law not Rx Recipes! Sick

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team!

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Vatican Says Catholics Should Not Try to Convert Jews" By GAIA PIANIGIANI

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; The Body Cam Streaming Video iPhone Gift for your Girlfriend at Christmas....

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Jews unlike the Vatican when Rabbi Yosef Raksin (Cardinal) is shot to death by a Black Man Israel can send the Mossad, the FBI and CIA to arrest him, grin. World Wide 50,000 Jews + Catholics must be shot to death by Black Men in 2015.


PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... Combat Roll for Men + Women is to invent the Lobotomy Gas Bomb to use against (Moslems...) Black Teens - put it in the water if it works Dr. Nancy would say. Paris; Black Teens must have killed 100's in 2015, just Cardinals + Rabbi's and thousands of SWF's...

Scalia’s comments...

Gregs 2007 web

Scalia’s comments...

New Haven Police Department spokesman David Hartman said the professor was walking home Nov. 27 when he was punched, kicked and thrown to the ground by five young men who approached him from behind. The assault occurred near the corner of Bradley Street and Whitney Avenue, just a block away from the Yale School of Management. According to Hartman, the professor, who said he lost consciousness after the assault, told police he discovered his backpack and wallet were gone after he regained consciousness. The NHPD statement said officers were able to locate the faculty member’s wallet soon after the crime


12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; The Body Cam Streaming Video iPhone Gift for your Girlfriend at Christmas...

"Fresh Fuel in a Long Academic Debate" By ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS New York Times. Justice Antonin Scalia’s comments, Remarks in Affirmative Action Case, Scalia Steps Into ‘Mismatch’ Debate


Deandre Edwin Charles went on a robbery spree throughout Northeast Miami-Dade and North Miami Beach he ran into Rabbi Yosef Raksin, who was walking to synagogue. Prosecutors believe the suspect set out to rob Raksin. Raksin did not have any cash on him. Police said Charles shot Raksin once in the chest, then took off on foot empty-handed killing the Rabbi in cold blood...

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! "Heavy Lift Helicopters" to replace all USA MEDICAL HELICOPTERS before the Pentagon sends in "Attack Helicopters" in Syria. Affirmative Action Case, without Scalia’s comments... grin!

Gregs 2007 web


12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; The Body Cam Streaming Video iPhone Gift for your Girlfriend at Christmas

Scalia’s comments...

Gregs 2007 web

Scalia’s comments...

"Fresh Fuel in a Long Academic Debate" By ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS New York Times. Justice Antonin Scalia’s comments, Remarks in Affirmative Action Case, Scalia Steps Into ‘Mismatch’ Debate

Scalia’s comments...

Gregs 2007 web


Scalia’s comments...

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! "Heavy Lift Helicopters" to replace all USA MEDICAL HELICOPTERS before the Pentagon sends in "Attack Helicopters" in Syria. Affirmative Action Case, without Scalia’s comments... grin!

Gregs 2007 web


12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Still in a Crib, Yet Being Given Antipsychotics" By ALAN SCHWARZ Given Rx Memory enhancing drugs is what the kids need to get ahead... memory is everything!

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... alleviate thrashing temper tantrums alleviate thrashing temper tantrums — the scarcity of child psychiatrists — only 8,350 practice in the United States... Sony Movie for the Pentagon titled... "temper tantrums" first scene can show the Saudi Prince in a Sex Scene with his USA SWF Sex Slave... dramatic!


12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... HQ 1984, HQ FBI, HQ CIA, HQ Apple, HQ Microsoft, HQ Walter Reed; Employees coming to work sick today are not scanned at the ID door... time for a update to scanning their ID badge as one employee got 120 customers sick at ... Chipotle Mexican Grill increased on Thursday after its founder pledged strict new food-safety practices and apologized to patrons who fell ill 120 got sick from 1 employee coming to work sick!!


12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Mr. Giuliani was treated for prostate cancer in 2000. Six hours later, he convened a news conference at the hospital, discussing the procedure with doctors at his side. Mr. de Blasio is opting for a quieter approach. Ms. Hinton declined to identify the hospital where the procedure would take place, citing a desire for privacy. Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York will undergo surgery on Friday for a hernia that he recently developed. Mr. de Blasio, 54, is to return to work at City Hall on Monday, and he is likely to hold public events over the weekend, his press secretary, Karen Hinton, said on Thursday. She described the operation as a minor outpatient procedure. Asked how Mr. de Blasio had developed the hernia, Ms. Hinton replied, “In the line of duty.” She did not elaborate.

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; The Body Cam Streaming Video iPhone Gift for your Girlfriend at Christmas, enjoy watching each other 24/7... expand your comments to each other faster each day... your lives in streaming iPhone video's!

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; No streaming video today of Mr. de Blasio, surgery or even a text write up by the New York Times. Now did the Mayor get the Times to censor this surgery procedure? Education... wow!

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe;

12-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... La Belle Équipe; Team! "Heavy Lift Helicopters" to replace all USA MEDICAL HELICOPTERS before the Pentagon sends in "Attack Helicopters" in Syria. Affirmative Action Case, without Scalia’s comments... grin!

Gregs 2007 web

12-10-2015 "Extreme Ideology Priorities...” calls for Assad’s ouster when Breast Cancer kills 160K Yale Kids Mom's in the 4 years they are at Yale! "Extreme Ideology?” Smog Alert changing its name to Cancer Alert! 10 cent gasoline is Higher in Priorities in Talks in Paris than $777 Trillion from African Oil Fields! Killing's of the Rabbi Yosef Raksin in the Miami, Denver, Boston, extreme Super Computer simulation's of these killings in the New York Times Video section... 19K SWF killed in 2015 by Mad Men Drunk!

12-10-2015 The Yale Daily Campus News... “Yale, not jail.” At a town hall in Iowa, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 took a question from a voter wearing a Yale hat. Before she answered his question, Clinton made a joke about attending the Yale Law School saying, “I’ve spent time there. That was Yale, not jail! Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer...

12-10-2015 "Extreme Ideology Priorities...” 78,000 years to travel 4 light years today. "Extreme Ideology... of War not Star Wars!”

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Extreme Super Computer simulation's in the New York Times Video section... Hell Yes!

78,000 years to travel 4 light years today, Extreme Super Computer simulation's!

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Southern Hemisphere claims the three brightest stars of the night sky: Sirius, Canopus and Alpha Centauri. Canopus belongs to the Carina constellation, notorious for two things: the Carina Nebula, four times as large and even brighter than the famous Orion Nebula, and the star system Eta Carinae, which is expected to burst as a supernova or hypernova sometime in the next thousand years. The explosion would be so bright that you would see it during the day, and you could even read a book by its light at night. Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri, the 11th-brightest star, are called “The Pointers,” as they form a line in the sky to the constellation Crux. Crux is the smallest of all 88 constellations but one of the most distinctive. Crux is the Coalsack Nebula, a deep dark patch where stars are born. Near the Coalsack is the Jewel Box, a cluster of roughly 100 stars colored red, white and blue, and visible with a pair of binoculars. There’s also Omega Centauri, the largest and brightest globular cluster in the sky, with its topaz, orange and red stars.

Gregs 2007 web


12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

"Extreme Ideology Priorities...” 1,001 IP ingenuity written out 1,001 IP invention projects.

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale's “illicit assets” are Elite Alumni like Kerry not even trying to win the breast + brain cancer war! Could Kerry get into Los Alamos... and take over a Super Computer for Brain + Breast Cancer Today instead of flying into Syria, Biden would give him a Medal of Honor for the ingenuity, grin. Obama would fire him!

12-10-2015 "Extreme Ideology?” x-ray Machines upgraded to gamma-ray! Gamma-ray radiation, the most energetic form of radiation, billions of times more energetic than the type of light visible to our eyes. 12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-10-2015 "Extreme Ideology Priorities...” Gravity Engine built at Ford without knowing how Gravity is Generated.

Gregs 2007 web

"Extreme Ideology?” x-ray Machines upgraded to gamma-ray! Gamma-ray radiation, the most energetic form of radiation, billions of times more energetic than the type of light visible to our eyes.

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

"Extreme Ideology Priorities...” 1,001 IP ingenuity lets you click on all these Gamma Ray Machines and learn how they were invented. Like the Rx Recipe not peanut butter cookie recipe.

"Extreme Ideology?” Hunger Games Part 3 + 4 Katniss Gamma Ray Arrows show the higher tech side of the "Girl On Fire!" Not a Sony movie made for the Pentagon... grin! In the US, gamma ray detectors are beginning to be used as part of the Container Security Initiative (CSI). These machines are advertised to be able to scan 30 containers per hour. Gamma radiation is often used to kill living organisms, in a process called irradiation. Applications of this include the sterilization of medical equipment (as an alternative to autoclaves or chemical means), the removal of decay-causing bacteria from many foods and the prevention of the sprouting of fruit and vegetables to maintain freshness and flavor. Despite their cancer-causing properties, gamma rays are also used to treat some types of cancer, since the rays kill cancer cells also. In the procedure called gamma-knife surgery, multiple concentrated beams of gamma rays are directed to the growth in order to kill the cancerous cells. The beams are aimed from different angles to concentrate the radiation on the growth while minimizing damage to surrounding tissues. Gamma rays are also used for diagnostic purposes in nuclear medicine in imaging techniques. A number of different gamma-emitting radioisotopes are used. For example, in a PET scan a radiolabeled sugar called fludeoxyglucose emits positrons that are annihilated by electrons, producing pairs of gamma rays that highlight cancer as the cancer often has a higher metabolic rate than the surrounding tissues. The most common gamma emitter used in medical applications is the nuclear isomer technetium-99m which emits gamma rays in the same energy range as diagnostic X-rays. When this radionuclide tracer is administered to a patient, a gamma camera can be used to form an image of the radioisotope's distribution by detecting the gamma radiation emitted (see also SPECT). Depending on which molecule has been labeled with the tracer, such techniques can be employed to diagnose a wide range of conditions (for example, the spread of cancer to the bones via bone scan).

Gregs 2007 web

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

"Extreme Ideology Priorities...” Killing of the Rabbi Yosef Raksin in the Miami, Denver, Boston, 1,001 killing by Obama's Extreme Ideology without a Lobotomy for these Black Kids.

"Extreme Ideology?” iPhone 7 dash cam mandatory in all 2016 cars, Body Cam's on all Black Kids

Gregs 2007 web

Deandre Edwin Charles went on a robbery spree throughout Northeast Miami-Dade and North Miami Beach he ran into Rabbi Yosef Raksin, who was walking to synagogue. Prosecutors believe the suspect set out to rob Raksin. Raksin did not have any cash on him. Police said Charles shot Raksin once in the chest, then took off on foot empty-handed killing the Rabbi in cold blood... 19K SWF's will also be killed by OJ in 2015. OJ has also gone on a robbery spree at gas stations sucker punching Jewish + SWF's every day of the year in 2015... Orwell is watching but not watching out for you.

Gregs 2007 web


At Least 9,115 Killed in Ukraine Conflict, U.N. Says 1:08 AM ET section A - page 10 By NICK CUMMING-BRUCE

At Least 160,000 Killed in Stage 4 Conflict, U.N. Says 1:08 AM ET section A - page 10 By NICK CUMMING-BRUCE

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday that Russia has been “helpful” in the efforts to forge a transition in Syria, though his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov accused the U.S. and its allies of encouraging the spread of Islamic State through their calls for Assad’s ouster.


12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Kerry U.S. dropped 3,271 bombs in November on Syria; 160K Yale Kids Moms died just from Breast Cancer in 4 years Kerry was at Yale and another 160K in the 4 Years Kerry is in Syria.

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... U.S. and its allies have complained Putin’s focus has been on protecting Assad rather than stopping Islamic State, that strategy may have shifted. Russia is increasingly targeting the group’s oil operations... $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues confiscated by Yale Kids who's mom's have died from Breast Cancer in the last 4 years!

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

"Extreme Ideology Priorities...” 1,001 IP ingenuity to use the $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues for kickbacks that work for our Habitat for Humanity, Jimmy Carter must be writing his confession book instead of becoming "Snowden" II.


12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Russia’s most advanced air-defense system, the S400

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Walter Reed's most advanced cancer detection systems at the Airports, Publix, and Whole Foods Grocery Store $777 Trillion!

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 45,000 to 50,000 fighters with military experience, fighters from Chechnya and Afghanistan, Syrian army officers that we trained ourselves.” Klimov said. “This is a very serious opponent.”

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 45K MD's trained have been killed by Yale Medical School passing OJ when this very serious opponent "brain + Breast" cancer has even killed the VP's Son!

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

"Extreme Ideology Priorities...” 1,001 IP ingenuity in diagnosis when the journalists don't have a MD degree. Hell, we still don't know the basics of Jimmy Carters cancer let alone the details of how it got into his DNA. Super Computer simulation on the New York Times Video section... Hell No!


12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Kim Jong Un appeared on Thursday to claim his country has developed a hydrogen bomb, a step up from the less powerful atomic bomb, but outside experts were skeptical.

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Carter is in talks with Kim Jong Un to develop a Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Overnight Cure but Carter is skeptical the 1984 II Dictators will let him even work on the Rx Overnight Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer as if he gets a serendipity it will destroy Walter Reed!

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

"Extreme Ideology Priorities...” 1,001 IP ingenuity of North Korea for 50 years. Sony movies for the Pentagon can't win the war with North Korea. LG Ultra 100" monitors in the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University will replace UCLA. 24/7 has been outlawed at Yale Medical School as to much work. WHO at the UN could not remember to put out the statistics until Beau died of Brain Cancer. Biden wasted all these years working for Obama. Wow! Yale University will be starting its Christmas break soon without a Rx Breast Cancer Overnight Cure for Yale Mom's who will die on Christmas Day without it. Breast Cancer drugs in short supply is headlines at the New York Times!

12-10-2015 The Yale Daily Campus News says congrats. In an article published yesterday, the Harvard Crimson board announced that, after over 130 issues, it would turn over to welcome a new class of editors. As we here at 202 York St. prepare to publish our last issue before winter break tomorrow 12-11-2015, we wish the former Crimson editors the best in their future endeavors.

12-10-2015 The Yale Daily Campus News... “Yale, not jail.” At a town hall in Iowa, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 took a question from a voter wearing a Yale hat. Before she answered his question, Clinton made a joke about attending the Yale Law School saying, “I’ve spent time there. That was Yale, not jail! Holocaust II can't be denied for much longer...

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


Chinese Justice System Relies on Torture, U.N. Panel Says section A - page 16 By NICK CUMMING-BRUCE

In Beijing, a Day Off School for Smog Is No Fun for Anyone section A - page 18 By JAVIER C. HERNÁNDEZ

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Chinese justice relies on torture, I hope the Justice Chief in China will tell the classrooms of kids they will die a tortured death from cancer. Smog Alert changing its name to Cancer Alert!

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

"Extreme Ideology Priorities...” 1,001 IP ingenuity in China, Chinese will be quoted as saying they were stabbed in the back by the USA, not Putin. Navy Jets shooting school children heading for Saint Jude... shot down over Syria air space.

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

"Extreme Ideology Priorities...” 1,001 IP ingenuity written out 1,001 IP invention projects.

12-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

"Extreme Ideology?” MRI + PET scanners at the Airports! Publix + Whole Foods grocery stories too!

12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Elite Kids at Yale are banned from talking about Mom's Breast Cancer! Mom scanned at Publix + Whole Foods grocery stories would have saved her life, 4 years at Yale, 40K dead every year, 160K dead Mom's from Breast Cancer. Mom scanned at Publix + Whole Foods grocery stories last 4 years, Bush can't do the math as he Failed at Yale Medical School. Bush, Bush, Bush, all Failed at Yale Medical School.

Gregs 2007 web

"Extreme Ideology?” MRI + PET scanners at the Airports! Publix + Whole Foods grocery stories too!

Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have set out to help build the world’s first total-body positron emission tomography (PET) scanner, a medical imaging device that could change the way cancers and other diseases are diagnosed and treated. The project is a consortium led by a UC Davis research team and includes scientists from Berkeley Lab and the University of Pennsylvania. It’s supported by a recently announced five-year, $15.5 million Transformative Research Award from the National Institutes of Health. The consortium’s goal is to build a PET scanner that images the entire human body simultaneously, a big jump from today’s PET scanners that only scan 20-cm segments at a time. In addition to being able to diagnose and track the trajectory of a disease in a way not possible today, a total-body PET scanner would reduce a patient’s radiation dose by a factor of 40, or decrease scanning time from 20 minutes to just 30 seconds.


12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Iran Editor Is Charged With Defying Ban on Covering Ex-President" By RICK GLADSTONE New York Times. The indictment of Mahmoud Doaei, the managing editor of Ettelaat, one of Iran’s oldest newspapers, reflected political tensions heading into elections in February.

12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "New York Times Editor Is Charged With Defying Ban on Covering Oppenheimer's II + III, Holocaust II gas on Duval Key West + gas station hold ups." 160K dead Mom's at Yale in last 4 years!!


12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Electricity Restored to Crimea After 2 Weeks of Darkness" By IVAN NECHEPURENKO

12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... iPod size Electric Generator to Mass Production after 2 years of suppression by GE + Top Quark Dictators!

12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Beau's “illicit assets” Los Alamos IBM'ers “illicit assets” 2015 H-Bomb assembly line mirror image of the H-Bomb assembly line in Pakistan today, Wednesday. Hunter Biden sits on the board of a Ukrainian company accused of having “illicit assets.” Bush, Bush, Bush all doing the math and coming up with “illicit assets” trying to buy the Rx Overnight Godsend Cure for Brain + Breast Cancers by Christmas 2015. Failure of Yale to teach the Elite kids because none of them ever wanted to buy into the Yale Medical School's 155 Story Eiffel Tower in downtown New Haven. "New York Times Editor Is Charged With Defying Ban on Covering Oppenheimer's II + III, Yale Daily News by the Elite Kids are Charged with Defying Ban on Covering Beau's + Yale Kids Mom's Breast Cancers. Elite Kids at Yale are banned from talking about Mom's Breast Cancer! Mom scanned at Publix + Whole Foods grocery stories would have saved her life, 4 years at Yale, 40K dead from Breast Cancer. Mom scanned at Publix + Whole Foods grocery stories last 4 years, Bush can't do the math as he Failed at Yale Medical School. Bush, Bush, Bush, all Failed at Yale Medical School. Yale's “illicit assets” are Elite Alumni like Kerry not even trying to win the cancer war! Could Kerry get into Los Alamos... today? I think he could, grin. And they wouldn't even search him!!

Gregs 2007 web


Berkeley National Laboratory PET scanner needs to move out of the Yale Hospital to the New Haven Airport... Publix + Whole Foods grocery stories too!


12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Dow Chemical Co (DOW.N) and DuPont (DD.N) are in talks to merge, creating a chemicals giant with a market value of more than $120 billion

12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Los Alamos crunching 1,001 public IP invention projects for iapps from Dow Chemical Co and DuPont pre-loaded on the next iPhone 007.

12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-9-2015 Nightly News From Cross Campus News at Yale today... Live your life. The Yale College Council is now accepting nominations for the Yale Undergraduates’ Lifetime Achievement Award. Each year, this honor is awarded to a Yale alum for outstanding work in a particular field. The award, which George H. W. Bush ’48 received this year, is the only one of its kind in the Ivy League. Stay in the loop. Hyperloop Technology — entrepreneur Elon Musk’s futuristic transportation company — will run early tests of its tube transit system, which transports passengers at speeds up to 750 miles per hour, in Las Vegas. Musk received a honorary degree at Yale’s commencement this past spring. On the fifth night. The Slifka Center invites all members of the Yale community to its annual Hanukkah Banquet and Latke Hamantaschen Debate tomorrow evening. Chip in with a chocolate chipper. Camp Kesem, an annual free summer camp for children whose lives have been affected by cancer, is holding a fundraiser at Insomnia Cookies from 11 a.m. today to 3 a.m. tomorrow. A portion of profits from cookie sales will benefit the summer camp.

12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... She added that she is hopeful that “generous, super-rich” Yale alumni will contribute to the growth of the program, as was the case at Harvard. “Presumably, [the alumni] understand the world well enough to know that Yale’s status as an elite university won’t last if it has a pinched Computer Science Department,” Feigenbaum said. “I hope that one or more of those alumni will step up soon.”

12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

12-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

Navy Admirals base their "Extreme Ideology?” on they can't fathom sailing 4.3 light years *.*

Navy Admirals base their "Extreme Ideology?” on they can't fathom sailing 4.3 light years *.*

Navy Admirals base their "Extreme Ideology?” on they can't fathom sailing 4.3 light years *.*


La Belle Équipe, team... Navy Admirals base their "Extreme Ideology?” on they can't fathom sailing 4.3 light years - Hell No We Can't Ever Sail on the Universe Ocean it's just to big a Sea even to the Nearest Star let alone the Nearest Galaxy! New York Education Dept. Clarifies Goals for Poor-Performing Schools - Annapolis - West Point - By ELIZABETH A. HARRIS NY Times. MIT's "Extreme Ideology?” you can not invent a way to go 777 times faster than the speed of light!

Gregs 2007 web

GE appliances no need to plug in with the ipod size GE Electric Generator run on H fuel at -254 C, no need to plug in any GE appliance. This is what GE has stifled along with the big ticket item a GE Jet Engine fueled by H @ -254 C that can fly a 747 into Orbit for 15 minutes and land in Paris. Your 12 hour flight to Paris would have take less than 1 hour in 2015 if GE top brass was not infected and infecting you with syphilis!


"Extreme Ideology?”


12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure by Christmas 2015. Thank God Jimmy Carter at 91 is free of Brain Cancer... grin she said!!

"Extreme Ideology?” 1984 III... without Oppenheimer's II + III to win the Cancer war!

Gregs 2007 web

12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... Greg + Wives will take over "All" of Los Alamos!! Dr.Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II - put it in the H2O if it works!!


12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... "NASA" Star Travel victorious after an apocalyptic battle with the Navy Admirals!

12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... Core Prophecy of a Invented Universe, with God's best Invention being "Women!"

12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... Core of the Universe is "Gravity!"


12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... Core beliefs motivating the terrorist group now holding large stretches of Iraq and Syria: The group bases its ideology on prophetic texts stating that Islam will be victorious after an apocalyptic battle to be set off once Western armies come to the region.

12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... Jean-Pierre Filiu, a professor of Middle East Studies at Sciences Po in Paris, and the author of “Apocalypse in Islam,” one of the main scholarly texts exploring the scripture that the militants base their ideology on.


12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... NASA base their ideology on 1984 II Dictators Policy not Star Travels.

12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... battle in Dabiq as well as in al-Amaq, small towns that still exist in northern Syria. The countdown to the apocalypse begins once the “Romans” — a term that militants have now conveniently expanded to include Americans and their allies — set foot in Dabiq.

12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... 12 Cesar's, "Brave New World", Dr. No., Henry VIII and now 1984 II... without Oppenheimer's II + III to win the war!


12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... Senator Ted Cruz vowing to “carpet-bomb them into oblivion.”

12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... Oblivion after death is the core belief of the Admirals as God is to far off to contemplate like light year Oceans.

12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... Senators had build 50,000 H-Bombs to carpet bomb Moscow with and back down.


12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... Ms. Malik, 29, said that she had moved with her father, an engineer, from a remote district of Punjab Province in Pakistan to Jidda, Saudi Arabia. quoted one of Ms. Malik’s brothers, who lives in Riyadh, as saying that Ms. Malik had lived there.


12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... GE executive son was driven to kill - national report released yesterday names Connecticut as one of 11 states that have increased funding for mental health care and research for three consecutive years since the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... A GE executive's Son killed all the kids at Sandy Hook and GE CEO kills all the kids at Saint Jude today - with immunity from 1984 II Dictators!

GE appliances no need to plug in with the ipod size GE Electric Generator run on H fuel at -254 C, no need to plug in any GE appliance. This is what GE has stifled along with the big ticket item a GE Jet Engine fueled by H @ -254 C that can fly a 747 into Orbit for 15 minutes and land in Paris. Your 12 hour flight to Paris would have take less than 1 hour in 2015 if GE top brass was not infected and infecting you with syphilis!


12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... twist on tradition. In honor of Hanukkah, Chabad at Yale will host a sushi and latke dinner tomorrow, the fourth night of Hanukkah, at 7:30 p.m. All students are invited to attend the event on Lynwood Place.


12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team... Los Alamos and Brain Cancer - not in this Yale Study - Gilead Sciences and researchers in Germany, Yale researchers identified what causes gliomas, or premalignant tumors, to transform into glioblastomas, which are malignant tumors. The team also identified a potential therapy to the lethal cancer. The study, which first began in 2013, was published in Nature Genetics on Nov. 30. “We unbiasedly characterized the genetics of how premalignant gliomas become malignant and we identified in our laboratory a therapeutic approach,” said doctoral student Hanwen Bai GRD ’17. The study focused on 41 patients who had premalignant tumors which, within 10 years, transformed into malignant ones, Bai explained. The genetics of both tumors were compared, and as a result, the researchers could directly understand the causes of malignancy. Four aspects were studied: gene mutation, large DNA fragment abnormality, gene expression and epigenetic changes — when external factors influence gene expression, in particular how DNA methylation of the tumor cells affected its progression. The study concluded that the four aspects contribute individually, but also “synergistically,” to cause the premalignant tumors to become malignant, and identified BET inhibitor — an anticancer drug — as a potential therapy for the cancer. This was not the first study which attempted to analyze the cause of malignancy in gliomas, but it was the first to succeed in its purpose. According to Bai, the Yale researchers’ work was able to build upon previous studies for two reasons, the first of which was the result of the sampling method. “A lot of previous studies … have collected malignant and premalignant tumors from different patients, therefore they are comparing malignant tumors from patient A with premalignant tumors from patient B, and trying to understand the mechanisms underlying them,” Bai said. “Therefore that’s a very noisy comparison because different people have different genetic and epigenetic backgrounds so you’re kind of comparing apples and oranges.” The Yale study avoided that mistake by analyzing 41 sets of tumors where the malignant and premalignant tumors were from the same patient. The new study was also able to improve the depth and range of analysis in comparison to past studies, said Bai. “A lot of previous studies, if and when they are indeed comparing tumors from the same individual, only look at one aspect of why the malignant transformation happened.” Bai said. “Whereas in our paper, for the first time, we comprehensively examined all four major aspects that could contribute to malignant transformation.” Alexander Vortmeyer, professor of pathology and director of the neuropathology program at the Yale School of Medicine, explained that this advancement is especially important because of the deadliness of glioblastomas. “Glioblastomas, you can say, are a total disaster,” Vortmeyer said. “It is not as frequent as, let’s say, lung cancer or colon cancer or breast cancer, but it’s not a rare disease. When you are hit with this diagnosis it is always a tragedy, because essentially there is almost nothing that can be done … The prognosis is about a year that you have to live.” Furthermore, the current options for therapy provide very little in the way of extended lifespan. Vortmeyer noted that, in cases of glioblastomas, a patient will only get a couple of additional weeks to live with therapy. According to Vortmeyer, there have been few if any advancements in the treatment of glioblastomas.


12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team...

12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team...

12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team...

12-8-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, team...


12-7-2015 President Barack Obama reassured Americans on Sunday night that the United States is equipped to meet the dangerous and "evolving" threat of terrorism.

12-7-2015 Tashfeen Malik in Saudi Arabia must have talked to many USA SWF Sex Slaves... New York Times wrote up her whole life in Pakistan but not much of her day to day goings on in Saudi Arabia, I would think this was censored by our 1984 II Dictators. Tashfeen Malik didn't drive a car in Pakistan but she was rich enough via her father to buy her a new Ford in Pakistan. Tashfeen Malik didn't have a Apple MacBook Pro in the NY Times article but I would think the rich students in Pakistan do have these. And no Orwellian comments in this NY Times article on the ElectricWindmillFord Escort invention + suppression. So no telling if Tashfeen Malik knew about this invention, how public it is in our 1984 II Society. Tashfeen Malik must have know the Pakistan Generals have gotten $$ Trillions from the Pentagon!


12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; God's Team; Obama has no God he Evolved. "Extreme Ideology?” "Extreme Ideology?” Obama has no God he Evolved - this is "Extreme Ideology?” No gravity engine either, ha! Jewish Aliens will prove God Created us! Eight Nearest Stars each with Jewish Aliens need to get into Yale ASAP, grin! Eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights. Throughout the week, groups around Yale campus will hold events to celebrate Hanukkah. Extreme Ideology of Obama's evolved not created by God vs Jewish life in Heaven... Extreme Ideology's! Stimulus Measures the Godsend of the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort that made Allah + Mecca $777 Trillion while only giving Pope Francis a few trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks for Christmas 2015.


12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Allah's Team; they believe in God... 72 Virgins in Heaven for the next 72 trillion years, grin. Soul + Conscientiousness. Obama believes in Oblivion, Nothingness after Death, Obama is a loser in this Invented Universe. Sarcasm and Doubt in God by Obama and 1984 II Dictators is enough, so why give Allah more when our 1984 II Dictators Spit on God with Legal Gay Marriage of Allah at the Hemingway House Key West? Worst, Legal Polygamous Marriage is censored from 1984 CBS Nightly News.

12-7-2015 Construction of the NASA Super Shuttle Coal Trail Hubble Space Telescope's of 100's of Cars has not begun...



12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Obama is "Evolving" + Moslem Generals in Pakistan are in Allah's Army! Obama has no Belief in a "God" like Allah so Pakistan Moslem Generals think they can win this war! Allah didn't "Evolve!!" grin! Oval Office, President Barack Obama reassured Americans on Sunday night that the United States is equipped to meet the dangerous and "evolving" threat of terrorism.


12-7-2015 Tashfeen Malik in Saudi Arabia must have talked to many USA SWF Sex Slaves...

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; God's Team; Obama has no God he Evolved. "Extreme Ideology?” "Extreme Ideology?” Obama has no God he Evolved - this is "Extreme Ideology?”

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Allah's Team; they believe in God... 72 Virgins in Heaven for the next 72 trillion years, grin. Soul + Conscientiousness. Obama believes in Oblivion, Nothingness after Death, Obama is a loser in this Invented Universe.

12-7-2015 Construction of the Universe has already started in Saudi Arabia + Pakistan without Obama, ha!


Gregs 2007 web

12-7-2015 Construction of the Jeddah tower has already started and is currently built up to the 26th floor. When it's completed it will have 200 floors that will be used as offices, apartments and even a Four Seasons hotel.


"Caspian Sea Oil Rig Continues to Burn, Heightening Risk of Spill" By ANDREW E. KRAMER 17 minutes ago Workers have been evacuated, but one of two lifeboats capsized in rough seas, leaving 29 people missing and presumed dead.

Gregs 2007 web

12-7-2015 Construction of the Yale Paris Medical School on a titanium Eiffel Tower Structure has not even started yet - yet Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 with $777 Trillion dollars confiscated from Saudi Arabia from gas station hold ups in the USA.

12-7-2015 Construction of the NASA Super Shuttle Coal Trail Hubble Space Telescope's of 100's of Cars has not begun...

12-7-2015 Construction of the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University has begun in some Los Alamos Super Computer Simulation... 1984 II dictators can't watch everyone all the time, ha. Apple is using all of its worldwide network of stores as temporary classrooms this week to teach coding. The technology firm is using its 480 stores as bases for tutorials in the annual "Hour of Code" project. 1984 III Apple-Starbucks Dictatorship Begins with 007 Code Top Secrets and Rx Recipes not cookie recipes for girls as 1984 II Dictators Policy!

Gregs 2007 web

12-7-2015 Adrian Smith and Gorgon Gill Architecture, the firm behind the tower's design, said the building will also overlook the Red Sea. The Jeddah Tower will measure 3,280 feet when it's completed in 2018. It’ll be the tallest tower in the world and dwarf the current record holder, Dubai’s Burj Khalifa. The Jeddah Tower will measure 3,280 feet when it's completed in 2018. It’ll be the tallest tower in the world and dwarf the current record holder, Dubai’s Burj Khalifa. Other towers with height records include the Shanghai Tower in China, which is currently the second tallest in the world at 2,073 feet tall; and the tallest in the U.S., 1 World Trade Center (aka Freedom Tower) in New York City, which measures 1,792 feet at its spire. Iraq is also planning to build a tower to shatter the Jeddah Tower's record. "The Bride" will reportedly reach 3,780 feet into the sky and it'll be erected in Iraq's Basra Province by 2025. Another building in New York might also get the "tallest residential building in the world" title when the Nordstorm Tower is completed in 2018. The building will rise to 1,775 feet at its spire, making it just a foot shorter than the Freedom Tower. Currently, 432 Park Ave. has the title at 1,396 feet tall, followed by Dubai's Princess Tower at 1,356 feet high.

Sheesh, draw attention the Yale Key West Medical School should be built today on an Eiffel Tower Structure! 3-30-14 as Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion to build a Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011.

Gregs 2007 webSheesh, draw attention the Yale Key West Medical School built on an Eiffel Tower Structure should be built today 3-30-14 as Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion to build a Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011.


12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Pearl Harbor 74th anniversary: 7 facts about Dec. 7, 1941, a 'date that will ... End War On Earth for Star Wars... Japan's Admirals were guided by the Stars on this attack but light year sailing on the Sea was just to far to contemplate. Same today for USA Admirals, this is why McCain built the Admirals of 2015 a JFK Carrier instead of a JFK Space "Ship"... Brain Dead McCain can't see ships on the Universe Oceans!

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos,

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; U2 is not part of the 10 cent a gallon gas team! U2 Dedicates Songs to San Bernardino and Paris Victims at Paris Concert U2 singer Bono and guitarist The Edge perform on stage at the Bercy Accorhotels Arena in Paris, Dec. 6, 2015. 19 Shares. Email. While thousands of Parisians gathered to see U2 perform live in Paris on Sunday, lines of police cars outside and no 10 cent gasoline or 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts!


12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; No Team in Beijing to Save the Children from a tortured death via poison gas exhaust. Remember Bush telling the 9/11 workers you can breath in the white air ok... and they all died of cancers. Kids in Beijing today too are told the same by Bush in China. "Beijing issues 1st smog red alert, urging schools to close" Times Daily - 1 hour ago BEIJING (AP) - Beijing has issued its first red alert for smog, urging schools to close and invoking restrictions on factories and traffic that will keep half the city's vehicles off the roads. Obama + Bush say there is no Holocaust II + III but the MD's at Saint Jude in Beijing know its true!

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... Born in the USA SWF's are sold as sex slaves in Tashfeen Malik Saudi Arabia.


12-7-2015 Tashfeen Malik Was a ‘Saudi Girl’ Who Stood Out at a Pakistani University By DECLAN WALSH Teachers remember Ms. Malik, who was born in Pakistan but spent most of her life in Saudi Arabia, as a polite and driven student. But the timing and circumstances of her shift into militancy remain a mystery.

12-7-2015 Tashfeen Malik in Saudi Arabia must have talked to many USA SWF Sex Slaves...


12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...

12-7-2015 Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe is not at the White House 2015 Christmas... Poor Jimmy Carter with no Rx Recipes for his immune system drugs so he could made news about the Rx Recipe he just learned about... White House Letter - Chefs and other employees at the White House have a busy schedule during the holiday party season. "A Sensitive Operation in Washington: Baking 25,000 Cookies" By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS A three-week marathon of nonstop party-hosting, regardless of the beat of grim news, is required during holiday season when you are president of the United States. No Peanut Butter cookies were made for Christmas 2015... Why? You do the math.


12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Laser Guidance on your GE Toaster Oven - G.E.’s appliance division dates to the company’s early days and is the most direct connection that most consumers have with the American conglomerate. It introduced its first electric toaster in 1905 and the first electric range, the Hotpoint, in 1910. Its first electric washing machine for homes was introduced in 1930. But the unit has been dwarfed by other G.E. businesses in recent years, particularly its finance operations. Appliances and lighting accounted for only about 5 percent of G.E.’s $148.6 billion in revenue in 2014. “The appliances business is performing well and G.E. will continue to run the business while it pursues a sale,” General Electric said on Monday.

12-7-2015 GE has stifled the "Laser Guidance on the 2015 Ford Escort, ElectricWindmill one and on the GE Toaster Oven, fueled by a ipod size GE Electric Generator run on H fuel at -254 C, no need to plug in and blow a circuit breaker, grin.


12-7-2015 All GE appliances no need to plug in with the ipod size GE Electric Generator run on H fuel at -254 C, no need to plug in any GE appliance. This is what GE has stifled along with the big ticket item a GE Jet Engine fueled by H @ -254 C that can fly a 747 into Orbit for 15 minutes and land in Paris. Your 12 hour flight to Paris would have take less than 1 hour in 2015 if GE top brass was not infected and infecting you with syphilis!


12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Modern Love: Is There a Doctor in the Marriage? By ANYA GRONER

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Syphilis was his favorite disease. He called it “a sneaky bug” because it can surface almost anywhere (in the brain, heart, groin), and he showed me his memorabilia: a plush, pink spiral doll in the shape of the bacterium and a tin lunchbox featuring a man in a gas mask and block lettering that read, “The Enemy Is GE Syphilis.”

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... “The Enemy Is GE Syphilis.”


12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team - 563 Ships; ipod size GE Electric Generator run on H fuel at -254 C... to fuel 563 Ships. And the H will be free to celebrate the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. "French Shipping Company, CMA CGM, Buying Neptune Orient for $2.4 Billion" By AMIE TSANG The Singapore shipper is Southeast Asia’s largest, and together they would have revenue of $22 billion and operate 563 vessels.

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team - ipod size GE Electric Generator run on H fuel at -254 C... to fuel 563 Ships.


12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team

12-7-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team


12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Body Cam Streaming Video iPhone Gift for your Girlfriend at Christmas, enjoy watching each other 24/7... expand your comments to each other faster each day... your lives in streaming iPhone video's!

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; U.S. Rethinking Terror Strategy; Obama Plans to Address Nation" By PETER BAKER and ERIC SCHMITT iPhone 6s streaming video in all homes and places of business, iStreaming iPhone video everywhere in the USA not just Muslims, grin. Imagine if the CIA has iPhone 007 streaming video of the Pakistan Muslim Generals watching their CBS Nightly News comments... their comments reading the New York Times on streaming videos!

72 Virgins on the front page of the New York Times after the Coup if Moslems win... grin!

Gregs 2007 web

"Born to Be Conned" By MARIA KONNIKOVA examples of NYC life not life after death + Walter Reed MD's who conned Biden. Jimmy Carter was conned by himself probably not getting the test done! Con by 1984 II Oil Men at Saint Jude gives Humanity our Habitat for Humanity Holocaust II + III we must live with soon, on the front page of the NY Times. American Mothers of kids who died a tortured death as only their Moms would know even if not on iPhone video, but it is. These women will be the firing squad for the NY Times con men with $777 Trillion in a Swiss Bank from BP Oil $$$ She was made a radical after Saint Jude MD told her the cause of her kids death! Gas!

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Prince, Prince Charles did murder his wife. You will believe this after you read “Machiavellian”. Sony movie made for the Pentagon “Machiavellian II” will be censored until a Coup, grin! “Machiavellian MD's at Walter Reed” movie will be made in Paris and censored in the USA by the Pentagon!

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Poem: ‘Snowflakes’ By JENNIFER GROTZ

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Poem: ‘Snowflakes’ By JENNIFER GROTZ

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Poem: ‘Galaxies by the Trillions’ By EVERYONE ON EARTH

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Poem: ‘Merry Christmas Jewish Aliens’ By Mandy Miles Key West...

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; State Department Issues Nearest Star's (52) Travel Alert For US Citizens

"Caspian Sea Oil Rig Continues to Burn, Heightening Risk of Spill" By ANDREW E. KRAMER 17 minutes ago Workers have been evacuated, but one of two lifeboats capsized in rough seas, leaving 29 people missing and presumed dead.

Gregs 2007 web

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; In this poem, the contemplation of Snowflakes at -254 C that fuel galaxies and 2015 Gravity Engine's Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University and put an end to Keys Power Electric Bills, grin. Living in Paradise even better with no Power Failures at 1984 III HQ.


12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Feature: The Last Dalai Lama? By PANKAJ MISHRA

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Last Henry VIII, Prince Charles, Robert Kennedy Jr, OJ!

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; British "Bloody War" connotations are for the futuristic OR.

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Sunday Book Review: "Crime: Death Takes No Holiday" By MARILYN STASIO

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; "America Needs a National Slavery Monument" By BLAIN ROBERTS and ETHAN J. KYTLE

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; America Needs a National "Sex Slave Monument" with Bush + Cheney the Pimp's and the Monument will be a Palace in Saudi Arabia with all the "Sex Video's" Verizon, AT&T employees watch today... grin!

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe;

Gregs 2007 web

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; In a sense, all victims of cons are the same: people swept up in a narrative that, to them, couldn’t be more compelling. Love comes at the exact moment you crave it most, money when you most need it. It’s too simplistic to dismiss those who fall for such wishful-seeming thinking as saps — just as it’s overly neat to dismiss the types of people who would take advantage of them as unfeeling psychopaths.

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; “Machiavellian” is a better descriptor for what con artists do than “psychopath.”

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Prince, Prince Charles did murder his wife. You will believe this after you read “Machiavellian”. Sony movie made for the Pentagon “Machiavellian II” will be censored until a Coup, grin! “Machiavellian MD's at Walter Reed” movie will be made in Paris and censored in the USA by the Pentagon!


12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Sunday Book Review: Crime: Holiday's in the Utopian 1984 XXIII Society out outlawed Guns + Football for 24/7 Brainstorming of 1,001 IP with iapps that lets millions write Chapter 1 of the Hemingway Nobel Novel with a IP on every page. Utopian Novels! 100" Ultra's in the Jack Flats Duval Street Sport Bar are have a different "Virus" you have never heard of... By No Holiday Guns + Football Sports Bar. This is what millions of people will be doing on Legal Holiday's in a Utopian Society... The previous year had been the hardest stretch of his medical training. As a third-year resident in internal medicine, he often worked 30-hour shifts. When he came home, he’d still have notes to dictate. I’d frequently find him snoozing in an armchair with the light still on. A few hours later, he’d wake and go back to work!" This is what millions of people will be doing on Legal Holiday's in a Utopian Society...


12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Modern Love: Is There a Doctor in the Marriage? By ANYA GRONER

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Syphilis was his favorite disease. He called it “a sneaky bug” because it can surface almost anywhere (in the brain, heart, groin), and he showed me his memorabilia: a plush, pink spiral doll in the shape of the bacterium and a tin lunchbox featuring a man in a gas mask and block lettering that read, “The Enemy Is Syphilis.”

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; iPhone 007 streaming video of your wives working at the Hospital, she has a body cam! The weeks he was on call I barely saw that goofy side of him. His irregular schedule, which included frequent overnight shifts, left him with little energy for life outside the hospital. As his responsibilities grew, so did my frustration. I wanted to support him as he pursued his dream career, but Body Cam for Cops just took off in 2015. MD Body Cams for Wives + Kids to be part of Doctor Dad 24/7. Everyone living every moment at home and in the Hospital.


12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; My Doctors Husband’s work life was mostly a mystery to me with Apple not selling Body Cam's for MD's! With 24/7 streaming and alerts when something interesting is about to happen, grin!

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; My husband’s work life was mostly a mystery to me. I rarely saw him in action; patient privacy laws prevent doctors from taking visitors on their rounds.

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; I felt his fingers slide down my foot until they rested in the space between my first and second toe, where the dorsalis pedis artery passes over the cuneiform bones. A few years before, I would have asked what he was doing, but by that point the maneuver was familiar. My husband, the doctor, was checking my pulse.


12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; New Apps and Services for Renters section RE - page 1 By RONDA KAYSEN

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; New Apps and Services for Inventors! By RONDA KAYSEN

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; On Location: Restoring a Connecticut Farmhouse Barn After Mary Kennedy was Hanged there! By JULIE LASKY

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe;

12-6-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe;


12-5-2015 NYC Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” New York Times censors Super Air Bags on the outside of cars and trucks as a emergency policy when they just reported 16K deaths in the first 6 months of 2015...

12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos Super Computers; all $1 Trillion of them!

12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; NASA should have taken over Los Alamos when the "Cold War: ended to start Star Travels


12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; New England Journal of Medicine should have taken over Los Alamos for the Stage 4 Rx Cure Epidemic with the New York Times making news about a front page Editorial like today's news on Gun Sales front page Editorial in the Times.


12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... Porsche laser guidance more advanced then the Fighter Jets and new gravity engines will come along after the Porsche gets laser guidance, grin! First Laser Guidance as Porsche will have to pay out $1 Trillion for stifling Laser Guidance this caused 10's of thousands of deaths. 16K just in the first 6 month of 2015 and this 16K is just in the USA. So Porsche Top Brass are libel for 160K deaths world wide $$$ add the Children at Saint Jude and the Germany Holocaust I now part of Holocaust II + III with poison gas exhaust... wow!

12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... Porsche to spend $1 billion on new electric car plant when 1 Trillion in Traffic Crash's are caused by a Porsche $

12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... Four Lakeville South High School students were involved in a fatal single-car rollover crash at 225th Street and Dodd Boulevard in Lakeville, according to Lakeville Area Public Schools.


12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... cars + gun deaths in the news and the New York Times Editorials are not even mentioning super air bags on the outside of cars and trucks as a emergency policy! Why? Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?”


12-5-2015 NY Times on Guns $$$ Motive.... End the Gun Epidemic in America ? It is a moral outrage and national disgrace that civilians can legally purchase weapons designed to kill people with brutal speed and efficiency. By THE EDITORIAL BOARD these guys at the Times will face the firing squad for Holocaust II + III for killing Children with poison gas at Saint Jude!

12-5-2015 NYC Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” New York Times censors Super Air Bags on the outside of cars and trucks as a emergency policy when they just reported 16K deaths in the first 6 months of 2015...


12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... State of the Arts Laser Guidance, Green + Red Lasers not pointed at Planes but Cars + People driving and crossing the streets. End of the Era of a Walk Light coming on for 5 or 10 seconds. CCTV watches everyone in the cross walk get safely across then the Laser Across the Intersection is green - for traffic - Traffic Lights go the way of Gas Stations - Wall Street Orwellian Alert sell your stock in Traffic Lights as Laser Guidance will replace all Traffic Lights! End to running Red Lights as Red Laser across the intersection will not let the car cross over the Laser Beam, the car will Stop, driver has no choice, Grin!!

NYC until then can do a quick fix of all "Walk" at the same time stopping traffic all directions and hire the Homeless to hold the STOP sign sticks... at $15 a hour ha.

Gregs 2007 web

12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...


12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...

12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...

12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...

12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...

12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...

12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...

12-5-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...


Physiology of memory... 1,001 IP projects in your thoughts as you read for a serendipity!

12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, for a Rx Overnight Stage 4 Miracle Cure, this is Combat for Women not the Pentagon's Habitat for Humanity!

12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... "All Combat Roles Now Open to Women, Defense Secretary Says" By MATTHEW ROSENBERG and DAVE PHILIPPS


Rx Overnight Stage 4 Miracle Cure, this is Combat for Women not the Pentagon's Habitat for Humanity! Combat for MD women is taking over all of Los Alamos for a Stage 4 all out War!


War vs Star Travels: Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” NASA sold out all of Humanity for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks in a Swiss Bank!


War vs Star Travels: Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” NASA sold out all of Humanity for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks in a Swiss Bank!

12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos...

12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, for a Rx Overnight Stage 4 Miracle Cure, this is Combat for Women not the Pentagon's Habitat for Humanity!


12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... "All Combat Roles Now Open to Women, Defense Secretary Says" By MATTHEW ROSENBERG and DAVE PHILIPPS Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?”


12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Pentagon Generals Refused this Combat to save 19K murdered SWF's in 2015... Why?

Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?”

12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... "All Combat Roles...

12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... "All Combat Roles...

12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... "All Combat Roles... "Russia and Turkey Hurl Insults as Feud Deepens" By NEIL MacFARQUHAR President Vladimir V. Putin warned of further reprisals over the shooting down of a Russian warplane, while Turkey denounced “Soviet-style propaganda.”


12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... "All Combat Roles... “Soviet-style propaganda.” “Pentagon-style propaganda.” but different from Putin “Pentagon-style propaganda.” kills women with Stage 4 in Marine Combat Roles Today! “Pentagon-style propaganda.” censors all the combat killing of wives coming home from Iraq Oil Wars. “Pentagon-style propaganda.” censors all "Comfort Women" Roles in Iraq... “Pentagon-style propaganda.” censors the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord SUV above. “Pentagon-style propaganda.” stifles 4,000 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store's Schools Universities. “Pentagon-style propaganda.” stifles the 155 Story Eiffel Tower Yale New Haven Medical School with state of the arts laser guidance in surgery and NASA designed space suits for all MD's + Patients, a new Era in Medical Schools. “Pentagon-style propaganda.” keeps top secret HIV, STD's, Syphilis, MS virus given to millions of women in role of sex slave world wide by 1984 II Dictators who have immunity!


12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... "All Combat Roles Star Travel Propaganda. Dark energy is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate, ripping galaxies away from each other faster than the speed of light (go ahead, say that this violates some law of physics, I dare you), New York Times writing up Einstein's 100 years censored out of the article galaxies are moving away from Earth faster than the speed of light. This Propaganda is combat killing star travel by humans. Why does the NY Times have this policy? Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” Motive of the NY Times is to spread HIV, STD's, Hepatitis, MS Virus. Why? Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” Hate crimes by Journalists at the NY Times can be documented, now we must "Cure" it! New England Journal of Medicine articles can cure the combat killing of people world wide by the NY Times slant of its propaganda! Salt + Butter super computer simulation can not intimidate the Times! Alcoholic Moms are told drink a glass of wine a day by the Times! Stage 4 women readers are not given 1 click links to Rx Recipes! Cookie Recipes are the only Recipes you will find in the Times Today... why? Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” 9/11 at the Times and the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort were combat deaths! Poison gas exhaust getting into the DNA of kids is not in today's DNA story in the Times.

12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... "All Combat Roles...

12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... "All Combat Roles...


12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; Pakistan + the Pakistan couple who did the killing both... "Behind a Facade of Suburban Normality, Couple Hid Arsenal" By ADAM NAGOURNEY, IAN LOVETT, JULIE TURKEWITZ and BENJAMIN MUELLER - NY Times knows the Moslem Generals in Pakistan have an Arsenal financed by the Pentagon Generals. Behind a Facade of Military Normality Moslem Generals are getting ready for a first strike with 120 H-Bombs over ISIS. Pakistan is a Moslem State... wow! The suspects’ extensive arsenal, their recent Middle East travel - New York Times reporter refused to use the word they recently traveled to Saudi Arabia, ha! Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, fired as many as 150 bullets inside the Inland Regional Center. The State of CA financed this shoot out same as the Pentagon financed Moslem Generals $. Connections to militants or extremist ideology and $777 Trillion in Saudi Arabia Oil Revenues $. 10 Cent gasoline ideology has been killed in combat with the Pentagon Generals winning $$$. War Toys are not 10 cent gasoline, grin! Gone to Saudi Arabia multiple times, including a 2013 trip for the annual hajj, the trips to Mecca paid for my the State of CA, ha! Mr. Farook visited Pakistan last year, and that the couple entered the United States in July 2014, with Ms. Malik traveling on a Pakistani passport. Another federal official said Mr. Farook traveled alone to Saudi Arabia and returned with his future wife, the pair flying on July 27 from Jidda to Chicago, with a stop in London.


12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... Combat Roll for Men + Women is to invent the Lobotomy Gas Bomb to use against Moslems... before they use the H-Bomb!

12-4-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos... Combat Roll for Men + Women is to invent the Lobotomy Gas Bomb to use against Moslems... before they use the H-Bomb!



War vs Star Travels: Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” NASA sold out all of Humanity for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks in a Swiss Bank!


War vs Star Travels: Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” NASA sold out all of Humanity for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks in a Swiss Bank! 2 trillion years until the last star is created out of a gas cloud, but the smallest stars will continue to burn slow and steady for another 100 trillion years in our Universe pictured above. Women in Combat will fight for Star Travels putting all the "Generals" in Prison for Crimes against Humanity! Our universe is just a small picture of 100's of Trillion of Galaxies were no Jewish Aliens exist because the Pentagon Generals want women to kill women in Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria, world wide over $777 Trillion dollars in BP Oil Revenues.


12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... No Comments from Jimmy Carter today in the News about Peanuts from yesterday... grin! Jimmy Carter will not give 1 billion jars of peanut butter to the dollar store to get them out of the warehouse. Even on his death bed no $1 Peanut Butter. Rx Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe's + Starbucks Christmas Peanut Butter Cookies. 2015 $3.8 Billion in Peanuts in the warehouse!

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... "France Shuts Down Three Mosques and Four Muslim Prayer Rooms" By ALISSA J. RUBINDEC

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... France Opens 4,000 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store's School's Universities by La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos links for 1 Click Rx Recipes in French + English... grin! Los Alamos Today works on H-Bombs not a Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure, why? Because the New York Times Journalists are Terrorists who refuse to drive the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era!

Terrorists at the New York Times kept the Holocaust II + III gas + coal news out of the New England Journal of Medicine


France Opens 4,000 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store's School's Universities by La Belle Équipe... The ElectricWindmillFord Escort on the streets of Paris is what the Terrorists at the New York Times kept the Holocaust II + III gas + coal news out of the New England Journal of Medicine and off the Front Page of the Paris Times. Saint Jude in Paris... dead kids!


12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks.. Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” Motive to overhear Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars is to Save the Earth, probably the only way too!!


12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks.. Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” Motive to overhear Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars is to Save the Earth, probably the only way too!!

France Opens 4,000 Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store's School's Universities by La Belle Équipe... 65 imams and preachers expelled since the La Belle Équipe took power + 650 Apple Genius Tech's were hired by the French Government.

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks.. "Tech Fix: How to Sell or Recycle Old Electronics" By BRIAN X. CHEN

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks.. Tech Fix: How to invent 1,001 State of the Arts Electronics and futuristic OS, light years via inventing help for Apple + PC users. 1,001 IP pre-loaded in the OS of Apple + Win 10.


12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... USA House Restores Local Education Control in Revising No Child Left Behind - killing 1 million Children in the USA, not France thank God!

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... No Child Left Behind, which had strong bipartisan backing when it passed in 2001, was the signature education initiative of George W. Bush, who said the failure of public schools to teach poor students and minorities reflected the “soft bigotry of low expectations.”


12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... "With Coal Industry Under Pressure, Some See Long-Term Decline" By JOHN SCHWARTZ Environmental regulations - Hell with ER MD's at Saint Jude write their Holocaust II + III medical journal papers.

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... By EDWARD WONG Beijing’s cabinet will try to cut emissions from coal-fired power plants by 60 percent by 2020, the state news agency Xinhua said.


12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... China's Holocaust II + III in the New England Journal of Medicine will give USA Doctors the mission of saving 1 million Chinese Children from the tortures of Saint Jude Hospital.


12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... Reading the ruling reached by a panel of five judges, Justice Eric Leach said that having armed himself with a high-caliber weapon, Pistorius must have foreseen that whoever was behind the door might die. "As a matter of common sense at the time the fatal shots were fired, the possibility of the death of the person behind the door was clearly an obvious result. "And in firing not one but four shots, such a result became even more likely," the judge said. Pistorius always maintained that he believed there was an intruder in the house but the judge said that the identity of the person behind the door was "irrelevant to his guilt". Justice Leach compared it to someone setting off a bomb in a public place not knowing who the victims might be. He also rejected the argument that Pistorius had acted in self-defence. The judge argued that his life was not in danger at the time of the shooting, as Pistorius did not know who was behind the door or if they posed a threat. He added that Pistorius did "not take that most elementary precaution of firing a warning shot". South Africa’s top appeals court found the Olympic star guilty of murder in the 2013 killing of his girlfriend, overturning an earlier conviction of manslaughter.


12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks.. Robert Kennedy Jr. was found guilt of the murder of Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn, overturning an earlier order of not to arrest Kennedy as the Elite are immune. Teddy Kennedy killed Mary Jo...

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks.. British Jets Hit ISIS in Syria After Parliament Authorizes Airstrikes

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks.. British Jets hit ISIS not Stage 4 Rx Cure, long live the Queen... as Hell will be waiting for her, grin!


12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks.. Mr. Farook, 28, who was born in Illinois and whose parents are from Pakistan, joined colleagues at an annual holiday party for the San Bernardino County Public Health Department, where he worked for five years as an environmental inspector, $70,000 a year. officials said. He had attended the same party the year before, and he did not appear out of place. Soon, however, he stormed out in anger. The nature of the dispute was not clear, but when he returned with his wife, 27, both of them were dressed in tactical gear and carrying assault rifles, officials said. That level of preparation is among the factors investigators are weighing as they examine a motive for the attack.

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks.. Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” Motive to overhear Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars is to Save the Earth, probably the only way too!!

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks...

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... 10 cent gas could have won the war before 9/11... Kerry before and after 9/11... BELGRADE Syrian and Arab ground forces must be found to take on Islamic State, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday, warning the militant group would not be defeated by air strikes alone. 10 cent gas could have won the war before 9/11... Kerry before and after 9/11...

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks.. Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?”

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team - Bill Gates + Microsoft are the "Revenge on PC Users Team" as they knew Win 8.1 would fail... they didn't care how many inventions and Cures for Cancer were lost! Same with Windows Phone, Bill Gates is out for "Revenge" not inventions by the millions!

Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer: Microsoft needs to allow Android apps to run on Windows Phone. Image: Microsoft. Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer reckons Microsoft's universal Windows app strategy will fail to fill its app gap.

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team - Bill Gates + Microsoft are the "Revenge on PC Users Team" as they knew Win 8.1 would fail... they didn't care how many inventions and Cures for Cancer were lost! Same with Windows Phone, Bill Gates is out for "Revenge" not inventions by the millions!

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe;Bill Gates is out for "Revenge" not inventions by the millions... these 420K were killed by Microsoft and Win 8.1 and now Win 10 without links pre-loaded like Groove Music for food poisoning... really, Bill gates is out for revenge on our Habitat for Humanity, motive... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?” GENEVA At least 600 million people, or 1 in 10 worldwide, fall ill from contaminated food each year and 420,000 die, many of them young children, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday.

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks.. Motive.... “Is it work?” “Rage-related" "Extreme Ideology?”


"Drinking During Pregnancy: Why No Amount Of Alcohol Is Safe" Fetal alcohol syndrome. Exposure to alcohol before birth can cause learning problems, attention difficulties, memory deficits and other complications. Physiology of it should have been pre-loaded in Win 8.1 instead of Groove Music in Win 10 too.

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; To help, the hospital hired the architecture firm Perkins Eastman and ICRAVE, an design and innovation firm that started out creating nightclubs and restaurants but now works in diverse sectors, including higher education and airports... 100 pictures of rooms and not one Treadmill... Reinventing the Hospital Rooms with Treadmills for Exercise + Physiology of it

Gregs 2007 web

Reinventing the Hospital Rooms with Treadmills for Exercise + Physiology of it

12-3-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; To help, the hospital hired the architecture firm Perkins Eastman and ICRAVE, an design and innovation firm that started out creating nightclubs and restaurants but now works in diverse sectors, including higher education and airports... 100 pictures of rooms and not one Treadmill...


100 pictures of rooms and not one Treadmill... Reinventing the Hospital Rooms with Treadmills for Exercise + Physiology of it


Physiology of memory... should have been pre-loaded in Win 10 instead of Groove Music!

However, it’s almost certainly not that simple. This Stanford team has put forth the idea of mobile memories, in which the hippocampus does indeed store the specifics of new memories in its synaptic connections, but after a while those memories move to elsewhere in the brain. The team found that if they disrupted the hippocampus within a month or so of a new memory, the memory disappeared forever. If they disrupted it after a longer period of time, the memory seemed undisturbed — as though it no longer physically resides in those same cells.

This seems to provide a fairly stark physiological difference that could form the basis for some of the distinctions between short and long term memory — but if the study of memory has taught us anything, it’s that we can’t assume it works in a simple or reasonable way. Occam’s Razor may still apply to the physiology of memory.

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... Cuban Brain Drain of MD's Alert. Peanut Surplus Alert. Jimmy Carter will cash in before he dies of Brain Cancer as the Peanut surplus on page 184 of the New York Times Today is $3.4 Billion and Jimmy Carter will not give 1 billion jars of peanut butter to the dollar store to get them out of the warehouse. Even on his death bed no $1 Peanut Butter. Rx Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe's + Starbucks Christmas Peanut Butter Cookies, huge and image like the Jimmy Carter Submarine, grin! MOSCOW Russia's defense ministry said on Wednesday it had proof that Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and his family were benefiting from the illegal smuggling of oil from Islamic State-held territory in Syria and Iraq. Jimmy Carter benefiting from $777 Trillion in Oil too... Swiss Banks same one's Hitler used have $777 Trillion dollars. Brain Drain Alert!

"Street Spared in Paris Attacks Embodies What Terrorists Targeted" By MICHAEL KIMMELMAN The ElectricWindmillFord Escort on the streets of Paris is what the Terrorists at the New York Times Targeted, 9/11 II + III Brain Drain at the Times!


"Street Spared in Paris Attacks Embodies What Terrorists Targeted" By MICHAEL KIMMELMAN The ElectricWindmillFord Escort on the streets of Paris is what the Terrorists at the New York Times Targeted, 9/11 II + III Brain Drain at the Times!

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... counter brain drain world wide of our 1984 II Dictators infected with syphilis + greed. Outsourcing to India killed more people than WW I. Financing 120 H-Bombs in 2015 for Moslem Generals + building the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Sub with 120 H-Bombs, is grounds for a "Brain Drain" alert. Canada will join bombing of Syria not CERN... Graivty engine brain drain; everyone is going to Syria, ha! U2, Preaching Defiance, Heads Back to Paris to give a "Moslem Generals in Pakistan" Concert and view of H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower on stage!! Cuban MD Brain Drain at the 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School, grin!

Gregs 2007 web

The Belle Team given Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks to counter the Brain Drain, peanuts!

PARIS — La Belle Team looking in the Window Brainstorming the Brain Drain that killed Beau is public the fires that killed these 4 girls was censored from the front page of the New York Times by our 1984 II dictators... 16K traffic deaths in first 6 months of 2015 and no plans for the end to gasoline! Brain Drain connotations!


16K traffic deaths on Google Map's + Street View after the Coup!

LAKE ELSINORE (CBSLA.com) - Hours after a tanker truck hauling about 8,700 gallons of fuel erupted in flames Tuesday, traffic was still backed up for miles on Interstate 15

PARIS — La Belle Team looking in the Window Brainstorming the Brain Drain that killed Beau!


PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! USA VP is killing these kids just like he killed Beau!

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... Russian airstrikes in the region had not led to substantial changes in the Syrian conflict and he said that at some point, Mr. Putin would recognize that he did not want to be involved in another quagmire. Russian Brain Drain led to substantial Shock + Awe loss to Bush capture of Baghdad in a week!


12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... 10 cent gasoline will bankrupt Saudi Arabia, Emirates, get their Kings beheaded... like Beau + the Walter Reed MD's. "Street Spared in Paris Attacks Embodies What Terrorists Targeted" By MICHAEL KIMMELMAN PARIS — For reasons that may never be known, maybe just by chance, the Nov. 13 assaults here, which killed 130 people, skipped over the shops, outdoor cafes and theaters along Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud. The Bataclan theater is just around the corner; the Café Bonne Bière, where five died, is a short walk the other way. Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud was not only the eye of the storm but also the essence of what the terrorists were targeting, which was more than a theater, a stadium and terraced cafes. They were targeting civic pluralism and street life: a kind of urban compact they loathed and feared, but whose fissures, however subterranean, they could exploit. With its bobo bars toward one end and Muslim enclave at the other, Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud is Paris in a nutshell. People live together on the street, but separately. Vee Gomes, a Dutch-born hairstylist, tells a story about setting up her business on Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud a couple of years ago. “I opened my shop between two other hairdressers,” she recalled one recent afternoon, sitting at an inlaid wood table, piled with books, near the front of Vee Hair. “I thought they would be furious.” PARIS By The New York Times But, Ms. Gomes said, “that’s not how it turned out.” The shops, though steps from one another, turned out to occupy separate worlds and serve separate clients whose paths hardly crossed. “We have different clients, different prices, different styles,” she said. So it is with life on the street at large, which Jean-Louis Cohen, a French architectural historian, described as “a lively place where Parisians and many people have lived forever.”

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... 10 cent gasoline is not part of Kerry's War... Kerry said he expects numerous NATO allies to decide within coming days how to step up their contributions to the military campaign against Islamic State in Syria. 10 NATO Nations will bomb the Hell out of Syria instead of using 10 cent gasoline to win Jewish Aliens, Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure, save the life of kids in fiery car crash + heading to Saint Jude over Holocaust II Poison Gas Exhaust on Duval Key West. Canada should join the European particle physics lab CERN, the institution that found the Higgs boson particle among other discoveries, says a top U.S. Canada will join bombing of Syria not CERN... Graivty engine brain drain; everyone is going to Syria, ha!


12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... Residence of the United States ambassador in France, is a small palace that once was the home of Edmond James de Rothschild.

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... Cuban government announced Tuesday that it was reimposing a travel permit requirement on many doctors and other health care workers, requiring them to get permission to leave the country in an attempt to counter a brain drain.

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... Cuban Prison Hospitals for world wide 1984 II Dictators with terrible diseases they give to 100 million SWF's world wide. Advances in HIV treatment have turned it into a chronic, but manageable, illness, so when these 1984 II give you syphilis, STD's, HIV, they are manageable diseases in the New York Times Headlines. Ha! Yale Law + Hillary never makes the Headlines to sue you for giving her syphilis... These Elite men from Yale + Harvard murder women in countless ways. Robert Kennedy Jr. can call any one of a 100 1984 II Dictators after killing Mary in the Kennedy Barn. This revenge killing of Robert Kennedy Jr. belongs in India + Pakistan along with cows + rabid dogs killing a million people a year. Jimmy Carter will cash in before he dies of Brain Cancer as the Peanut surplus on page 184 of the New York Times is $3.4 Billion and Jimmy Carter will not give 1 billion jars of peanut butter to the dollar store to get them out of the warehouse. Even on his death bed no $1 Peanut Butter.


12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks...

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks... peanut stockpile is projected to rise to 1.4 million tons. At $535 a ton. Brain Drain packaging and selling these peanuts is obvious!

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks...

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks...

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks...

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks...

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks...

12-2-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe; The Beautiful Team with Los Alamos, Apple, Starbucks...


12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" Belle Given Los Alamos Apple Starbucks!! 1,001 IP Invention Projects 1,001 Times Faster than the speed of light!

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" The body of Lt. Col. Oleg A. Peshkov, the Russian Air Force pilot killed after his warplane was shot down by Turkey on Nov. 24, was returned to Russia on Monday. Turkey secured the release of his body from inside Syria, and it was flown from Ankara to a military airfield near Moscow, according to Russian news reports. Defense Minister Sergei K. Shoigu and Gen. Viktor N. Bondarev, the commander in chief of the Russian Air Force, met the plane. After his Sukhoi Su-24 bomber had been shot by a Turkish F-16, Colonel Peshkov parachuted from the plane and was killed by ground fire as he floated into Syrian territory.

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" Belle Given Los Alamos Apple StartBucks!!

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" The bodies of 4 girls in a fiery car crash... victims shot down last week by 1984 II Dictators not driving a "Gravity Engine" Ford...

Gregs 2007 web

Looking into the Apple Store Window not knowing it's linked to Los Alamos and Oppenheimer II + III girls, daughters of the famous Oppenheimer who will invent the Lobotomy Gas Bombs! LG-bombs!

12-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" Belle Given Los Alamos Apple Starbucks!! 1,001 IP Invention Projects 1,001 Times Faster than the speed of light!

PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! USA VP is killing these kids just like he killed Beau!


PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! USA VP is killing these kids just like he killed Beau!

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" The bodies of fiery car crash victims shot down last week by 1984 II Dictators not driving a "Gravity Engine" Ford.

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes"

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" The bodies of SWF's shot down by OJ Clones last week are returned in secret, as our 1984 II Dictators don't want these women to make the Front Page of the New York Times!


12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes"

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" "Family of Robert Durst’s First Wife Sues Him for $100 Million in Her Disappearance" By CHARLES V. BAGLI The mother and three sisters of Kathleen Durst, who disappeared decades ago, are employing a rarely cited law to pursue the man they have long suspected of killing her, the wealthy scion of a New York City real estate family.

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" Nichol Simpson's Mom + Dad sued OJ and the 1984 II Dictators behavior of keeping the bloody killing of Nichol secret goes on today. Hillary at Yale Law can whip up some new legal action like the Family of this dead wife... or our 1984 II Dictators can make the blood murders of tens of thousands of women public!


12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University with 100" LG monitors and Genius Tech's who monitor your behavior writing new Rx Recipes not cookie Recipes, grin! AT&T customers lucky enough to hang on to their unlimited data plans are going to have to pay more next year. Unlimited Rx Recipe Data at Apple-Starbucks with Amazon 1 Click links to get you to Los Alamos to crunch your new Rx Recipe, think the LG-Bombs could be a new Rx Recipe too! iapps for the Gravity Engine are only at the Apple-Starbucks Store School, grin.

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year!

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" Apple-Starbucks Ultra at Yale with 1 Click link to Los Alamos, how would this have changed the behavior of putting amino acids into proteins, better than putting more bang into H-Bombs... that's for sure! Apple-Starbucks with Amazon 1 Click links to get you to Los Alamos to crunch your new Rx Recipe, think the LG-Bombs could be a new Rx Recipe too! iapps for the Gravity Engine are only at the Apple-Starbucks Store School, grin. A team of researchers from Yale and Northwestern published a paper detailing a new method of incorporating synthetic amino acids into proteins. According to the paper, the new method recodes the DNA of E. coli bacteria, making it possible for the responsible enzyme to attach tRNA to synthetic amino acids. Unlike the 22 amino acids found in naturally occurring proteins, synthetic amino acids are manmade. The new technique incorporates the synthetic amino acids into polypeptides, and is the culmination of three and a half years of work by the Isaacs, Söll and Rinehart Labs at Yale.


12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" 1984 II to 1984 III "Oil Field" Coup

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" Biden killed Beau for Oil's Trillions $


12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" - "behavior changes for the worst not better in for better and worst" gave China a Rise in H.I.V. Among China’s Youth Draws Attention for World AIDS Day. By DIDI KIRSTEN TATLOW New York Times. Tatlow didn't write up the worst torture in the world, just stats on sex transmitted diseases. Tatlow didn't write up the worst torture in the world given to Chinese Women by the Top Brass who run the CIA torture policy... MS Virus! Sexual transmission accounts for more than 92 percent of all new infections, are young men who have had unprotected sex with other men... influenced by USA 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis, HIV, STD's, MS... Mr. Chen said, is the common practice in China of gay men marrying women to avoid social stigma and to produce offspring as a filial gesture toward parents. MS is a terrible disease to give 450K women in China...

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes"

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" The bodies of 4 girls in a fiery car crash... victims shot down last week by 1984 II Dictators not driving a "Gravity Engine" Ford... Behavior Modification Cure for Men giving women terrible diseases...

Gregs 2007 web

Looking into the Apple Store Window not knowing it's linked to Los Alamos and Oppenheimer II + III girls, daughters of the famous Oppenheimer who will invent Homeland Security STD's, HIV, MS scan for Airports, Publix + Whole Foods Grocery Store!


12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" Robert Kennedy Jr. murdered Mary Kennedy in the Barn. Prince Charles joined delegates and envoys to call for more action to protect the world's forests from predatory corporations. Prince Charles murder Diana and calls for more protection for trees in the forest. Elite like Henry VIII inherited the Earth in a George Orwell 1984 II Society. OJ murdered Nichol Simpson and Clones of OJ in 2015 have murdered and left for dead tens of thousands of SWF's. Elite at HQ know this and refused to make any behavior changes to save her life.


12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" Cheney gets a heart transplant and does not make organ donation mandatory, what else is Cheney doing in the Oil Fields and with $777 Trillion that caused others deaths? Wales' health minister Mark Drakeford said: "The latest figures show 14 people died last year in Wales while waiting for a transplant. The change to a soft opt-out system for organ donation will deliver a revolution in consent. A landmark change in the law on organ donation in Wales means all adults will automatically become donors unless they have chosen to opt out before they die. According to the latest figures, 1,000 people in the UK die every year while waiting for a transplant. And Prince Charles is making world wide headlines today in Paris talking about protecting the trees! Behavior Change at the New York Times + BBC is overdue! Pope Francis could make all Catholics world wide organ donors, then the New York Times headlines of 1 Billion Catholics will take on new meanings for the readers. Why did Jimmy Carter go fishing for Worms instead of organ donors?


12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes"

12-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! With Shipwreck Treasure Easier to Reach, a Duel Is On By FRANCES ROBLES As technology exposes more sunken booty... Stage 4 cure, gravity engine, as technology at Los Alamo is opened, linked to the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School booty from the treasure will be given to the wife first...

12-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!


12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Top Prescription Plan to Offer $1 Alternative to $750 Pill By ANDREW POLLACK Express Scripts is expected to promote a compounded medicine with the same active ingredient as the much more expensive Turing Pharmaceuticals drug Daraprim. Rx Recipes crunched at Los Alamos will result in a much better Rx. Amazon 1 Click link to Los Alamos, coming soon pre order here. Grin! Pyrimethamine is an antiparasitic compound commonly used as an adjunct in the treatment of uncomplicated, chloroquine resistant, P. falciparum malaria. Pyrimethamine is a folic acid antagonist and the rationale for its therapeutic action is based on the differential requirement between host and parasite for nucleic acid precursors involved in growth. This activity is highly selective against plasmodia and Toxoplasma gondii. Pyrimethamine possesses blood schizonticidal and some tissue schizonticidal activity against malaria parasites of humans. However, the 4-amino-quinoline compounds are more effective against the erythrocytic schizonts. It does not destroy gametocytes, but arrests sporogony in the mosquito. The action of pyrimethamine against Toxoplasma gondii is greatly enhanced when used in conjunction with sulfonamides. Mechanism of Action Pyrimethamine inhibits the dihydrofolate reductase of plasmodia and thereby blocks the biosynthesis of purines and pyrimidines, which are essential for DNA synthesis and cell multiplication. This leads to failure of nuclear division at the time of schizont formation in erythrocytes and liver.


12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" The bodies of 4 girls in a fiery car crash... victims shot down last week by 1984 II Dictators not driving a "Gravity Engine" Ford... Behavior Modification Cure for Men giving women terrible diseases...

Gregs 2007 web

Looking into the Apple Store Window not knowing it's linked to Los Alamos and Oppenheimer II + III girls, daughters of the famous Oppenheimer who will invent Homeland Security STD's, HIV, MS scan for Airports, Publix + Whole Foods Grocery Store!

12-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" Belle Given Los Alamos Apple Starbucks!! 1,001 IP Invention Projects 1,001 Times Faster than the speed of light!

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Rx Recipe + Penicillin burst the cell wall of the bacteria - Penicillin G is a penicillin beta-lactam antibiotic used in the treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible, usually gram-positive, organisms. The name "penicillin" can either refer to several variants of penicillin available, or to the group of antibiotics derived from the penicillins. Penicillin G has in vitro activity against gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The bactericidal activity of penicillin G results from the inhibition of cell wall synthesis and is mediated through penicillin G binding to penicillin binding proteins (PBPs). Penicillin G is stable against hydrolysis by a variety of beta-lactamases, including penicillinases, and cephalosporinases and extended spectrum beta-lactamases. Mechanism of Action By binding to specific penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) located inside the bacterial cell wall, penicillin G inhibits the third and last stage of bacterial cell wall synthesis. Cell lysis is then mediated by bacterial cell wall autolytic enzymes such as autolysins; it is possible that penicillin G interferes with an autolysin inhibitor.

12-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!


12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Bill Gates policy of outsourcing killed more than WW I on the battlefields. Mirror image is Beau murdered by Walter Reed Military + VA MD's who spent more time talking tech support with people in India than working on Brain Cancer. June 1944, his blood pressure was 226/118, life-threateningly high.

Alien + the President Alienated by Walter Reed Military + VA MD's

12-1-2015 Did the President have a high salt meal that really killed him... High-Salt Warnings on New York Menus to Start Tuesday By DANIEL VICTOR Diners at chain restaurants will see warnings on menus next to items that are high in sodium, under a rule believed to be the first of its kind in the country.

Alien + the President Alienated by Walter Reed Military + VA MD's


But Roosevelt’s personal physician insisted that the president’s problems were “no more than normal for a man of his age.” Unfortunately, Roosevelt’s blood pressure remained mortally high until he died on April 12, 1945, at the age of 63, from a stroke and brain hemorrhage. Walter Reed MD's told VP Biden the same thing!!

12-1-2015 Did the President have a high salt meal that really killed him... High-Salt Warnings on New York Menus to Start Tuesday By DANIEL VICTOR Diners at chain restaurants will see warnings on menus next to items that are high in sodium, under a rule believed to be the first of its kind in the country.

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" in Reading the Rx + thinking of a new Rx to whip up, grin. 2 million students are enrolled in some 6,600 Catholic schools. Hell, Pope Francis has no vision of the Miracles in the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School linked to Los Alamos. Yes this will be a elite school store. "Oil Fields" the Pope walked drove by yesterday in Africa are a Cardinal Sin + the MacBook Air Ride School bus will not run on oil or gasoline, grin.

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" According to the National Catholic Educational Association, nearly 2 million students are enrolled in some 6,600 Catholic schools across the country. That's a far cry from the schools' peak of popularity during the Kennedy administration, when more than 5 million students were enrolled in Catholic schools. Since then, enrollment has steadily declined due to a number of factors, including the rise of public charter schools and increasing tuition costs at the parochial schools.

12-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

12-1-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "behavior changes" Belle Given Los Alamos Apple Starbucks!! 1,001 IP Invention Projects 1,001 Times Faster than the speed of light!

12-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

12-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!


12-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!


Gregs 2007 web

12-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!

To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe...

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.



Gregs 2007 web

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!



Yes Greg + Wives in Key West will get this Gravity Control Invention and of course the "Gravity Engine" for the flying cars.


CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.



850 pages moved to this web link http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/04Wives.html

Moved 840 pages from Jan 2014 to Christmas 2014

Link to Photos and Acrobat files of Greg in NYC

Greg's YouTube Video reposted



2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,




Gregs 2007 web

11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "In" Africa, Pope Francis Makes His First Visit to a "Oil Field" War Zone" By CHRIS STEIN and SOMINI SENGUPTA NY Times. "Oil Field" War Zone"

11-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "Global Warming" Hell, kids at Saint Jude have brain cancers like Beau and the USA VP is killing these kids just like he killed Beau!

11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Paris agreement would hardly halt global warming to Hell with New York Times writing "Global Warming" Hell, kids at Saint Jude have brain cancers like Beau and the USA VP is killing these kids just like he killed Beau! With Spray Painted clouds of poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West and every City and Town World Wide. Off with is head in a laser guided Guillotine! Paris Deal Would Herald an Important First Step on Climate Change By CORAL DAVENPORT New York Times front page today. There are reasons to believe the Paris negotiations are different from previous failed efforts, but an agreement would hardly halt global warming.

PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! USA VP is killing these kids just like he killed Beau!


PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! USA VP is killing these kids just like he killed Beau!

11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Pfizer’s motivation to cure Beau of Brain Cancer is Zero... Biden was to stupid to catch on to this motivation.



11-30-2015 Biden standing over the dead body of Beau not thinking or day dreaming of the 100's of Beau's at Saint Jude dead + brain dead from gas exhast on Duval in Key West. Worst are the children who burned to death in one of 100's of fiery car wreck for $777 Trillion in oil money.

A father had been watching day and night beside the sick-bed of his child. After the child died, he retired to rest in an adjoining room, but left the door ajar so that he could look from his room into the next, where the child's body lay surrounded by tall candles. An old man, who had been installed as a watcher, sat beside the body, murmuring prayers. After sleeping for a few hours the father dreamed that the child was standing by his bed, clasping his arm and crying reproachfully: "Father, don't you see that I am burning?" The father woke up and noticed a bright light coming from the adjoining room. Rushing in, he found that the old man had fallen asleep, and the sheets and one arm of the beloved body were burnt by a fallen candle.

11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Pfizer’s motivation to cure Stage 4 is Zero... 1984 II Dictators at HQ know this and don't care!

11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Pfizer’s combination with Allergan is motivated by lower taxes by $24 Billion a year. But in the case of Pfizer, which is based in New York, it is technically Allergan, based in Dublin, that is doing the buying. Jimmy Carter Habitat for Humanity, his heirs are Pfizer + Allergan. We are left to shake our heads, or perhaps giggle with the 1984 III MD women who will rule the world + make contact with Jewish Aliens at each of the nearest 52 Stars. Rx Perfumed Coors and Irish Whiskey will not get you drunk as the real thing but girls will giggle a lot and men will smile at them giggling! Sandy creations are Sandy Inventions, IP Rx Recipes not cookie recipes for giggling girls.B y JONATHAN CORUM and JENNIFER DANIEL "Einstein presented his general theory of relativity 100 years ago this month." In 100 years Jewish Aliens will be living on Earth and 100 times faster than the speed of light will be Headlines in the New York Times if 1984 III MD women pull off a successful coup on the "Oil Fields" Wars which Pope Francis visited the front lines today, an "Oil Field" you don't get any front page pictures in the Times of "Oil Fields" any more! 100 years ago you did, grin.

11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Yale Daily Student News Today - The City of Love. The United Nations’ 2015 Climate Change Conference COP21, which begins today, will be held in Paris. The Yale Student Environmental Coalition has sent two delegates to the conference: Amanda Mei ’18, a Production & Design editor for the News, and Justin Myles ’17. USA VP is killing these kids just like he killed Beau! Biden will kill Justin Myles + Amanda Mei with poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West... Yale - New Haven annual city tree lighting on the historic Green at 4 p.m. tomorrow evening. I walked through this "Green" 100 times. My recall need a Yale MD Memory Rx, grin!

PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Chinese Report on Climate Change Depicts Somber Scenarios at Saint Jude China, more childhood cancer than WW I dead on the battlefields and the heirs to Mao think they will retire in Switzerland at Lake Geneva next door to Bill Gates + King Salman, with his SWF sex slaves. By CHRIS BUCKLEY New York Times.


11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Bill Gates policy of outsourcing killed more than WW I on the battlefields. Mirror image is Beau murdered by Walter Reed Military + VA MD's who spent more time talking tech support with people in India than working on Brain Cancer. June 1944, his blood pressure was 226/118, life-threateningly high.

Alien + the President Alienated by Walter Reed Military + VA MD's

Alien + the President Alienated by Walter Reed Military + VA MD's


But Roosevelt’s personal physician insisted that the president’s problems were “no more than normal for a man of his age.” Unfortunately, Roosevelt’s blood pressure remained mortally high until he died on April 12, 1945, at the age of 63, from a stroke and brain hemorrhage. Walter Reed MD's told VP Biden the same thing!!

High-Salt Warnings on New York Menus to Start Tuesday By DANIEL VICTOR Diners at chain restaurants will see warnings on menus next to items that are high in sodium, under a rule believed to be the first of its kind in the country.

11-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!


11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "In" Africa, Pope Francis Makes His First Visit to a "Oil Field" War Zone" By CHRIS STEIN and SOMINI SENGUPTA NY Times. Einstein’s theory of relativity a glimpse of future discoveries... At Los Alamos with $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM Super Computers and more futuristic H-Bombs than the Pakistan Moslem Generals could invent. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity is marked by confirmation of a cornerstone prediction of quantum theory, a theory that Einstein described as a cosmic roll of the dices. Paris Cartoons of Allah playing "Dices" at Trump Casino's are futuristic French Cartoons as no one at the Cartoon HQ was thinking of a Trump Cartoon riding the elevator up to the 55 th floor sitting in his limo... mock trump for his limo ride to the 55 in his private elevator not Allah gambling with the Universe Quarks.


11-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... China killing more than those who died in WW I Battlefields, 16K in the first 6 months of 2015. The driver of the passenger van with 12 people inside was identified by the police as Xu Feng Ma. The van carrying 12 passengers drifted onto the right shoulder of the highway, into the guardrail, Why? is not in this News Story, was he talking about China to the 12 Passengers, probably yes. The police said. It then hit the truck, the cattle trailer and Mr. Naik’s car before fatally striking Mr. Naik. iPhone 6 +++ dash cam in the passenger van would have recorded all the conversations before drifting onto the right shoulder. Cop Cars on the side of the road stopped have been hit by those drifting onto the right shoulder in the first 6 months of 2015 and the New York Times censored this news on orders from our 1984 II Dictators. Mr. Naik was pronounced dead at Morristown Medical Center in Morristown, N.J., around 11:30 p.m. Two of the van’s passengers were pronounced dead at the scene. VP Biden killed lots more people than just Beau's kids with brain cancers at Saint Jude Today. 2015 Model of the Laser Guided ElectricWindmillFord Escort is decades old.

11-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!


11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe the team from Puerto Rico that robs gas stations in Miami + Paris. Puerto Rico’s Woes, a Broadly Powerful Development Bank headlines in the Times. By MARY WILLIAMS WALSH and MICHAEL CORKERY - Mary was sucker punched in a Miami gas station she testified against the guy from Puerto Rico and showed the Judge the scar from 100 stitches in her lip, he got one year and one day in jail. 100 others from Puerto Rico got away with $100 from 100's of gas station hold ups in Miami and Paris in the year 2000 and 2001 and 2015. New York Times Mary and Michael know this but will not write up the stats.

11-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!


11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines are lost... in the Jungle of 1984 II waters. "Chinese Utility to Pay Brazil $3.7 Billion to Run 2 Power Plants" By DAN HORCH New York Times. The investment by China Three Gorges is the latest in a wave of recent moves by Chinese companies in Brazil.

11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! The La Belle Team that builds Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines for Jimmy Carters Peanuts; that will cost more than Brazil Nuts + Cashews. ha.

11-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!


11-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Several weeks later, the Monroe County Commission agreed to settle a lawsuit with BP that will bring $1.3 million to unincorporated areas of the county for economic damages sustained after and during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Key West City Commission agreed to settle with BP for $2.7 million. Monroe taps into more oil spill money. BY TIMOTHY O'HARA Citizen Staff tohara@keysnews.com Monroe County will receive $12 million more from legal settlements from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010. The Gulf Consortium, whose representatives from 23 coastal Florida counties have been tasked with doling out statewide Restore Act funding from the settlement, agreed earlier this month to equally distribute $286 million among the 23 counties, Monroe County Lisa Tennyson said. Each county will receive $12.4 million.


11-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Freud II on Invention of Dreams - Inventions + Inventors!

11-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Beau + Saint Jude dead souls...

11-30-2015 VII. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE DREAM PROCESSES THE INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS by Sigmund Freud AMONG the dreams which have been communicated to me by others, there is one which is at this point especially worthy of our attention. It was told me by a female patient who had heard it related in a lecture on dreams. Its original source is unknown to me. This dream evidently made a deep impression upon the lady, since she went so far as to imitate it, i.e., to repeat the elements of this dream in a dream of her own; in order, by this transference, to express her agreement with a certain point in the dream. The preliminary conditions of this typical dream were as follows:

11-30-2015 Biden standing over the dead body of Beau not thinking or day dreaming of the 100's of Beau's at Saint Jude from gas exhast. Worst are the children who burned to death in one of 100's of fiery car wreck for $777 Trillion in oil money.

A father had been watching day and night beside the sick-bed of his child. After the child died, he retired to rest in an adjoining room, but left the door ajar so that he could look from his room into the next, where the child's body lay surrounded by tall candles. An old man, who had been installed as a watcher, sat beside the body, murmuring prayers. After sleeping for a few hours the father dreamed that the child was standing by his bed, clasping his arm and crying reproachfully: "Father, don't you see that I am burning?" The father woke up and noticed a bright light coming from the adjoining room. Rushing in, he found that the old man had fallen asleep, and the sheets and one arm of the beloved body were burnt by a fallen candle. The meaning of this affecting dream is simple enough, and the explanation given by the lecturer, as my patient reported it, was correct. The bright light shining through the open door on to the sleeper's eyes gave him the impression which he would have received had he been awake: namely, that a fire had been started near the corpse by a falling candle. It is quite possible that he had taken into his sleep his anxiety lest the aged watcher should not be equal to his task. We can find nothing to change in this interpretation; we can only add that the content of the dream must be overdetermined, and that the speech of the child must have consisted of phrases which it had uttered while still alive, and which were associated with important events for the father. Perhaps the complaint, "I am burning," was associated with the fever from which the child died, and "Father, don't you see?" to some other affective occurrence unknown to us. Now, when we have come to recognize that the dream has meaning, and can be fitted into the context of psychic events, it may be surprising that a dream should have occurred in circumstances which called for such an immediate waking. We shall then note that even this dream is not lacking in a wish-fulfilment. The dead child behaves as though alive; he warns his father himself; he comes to his father's bed and clasps his arm, as he probably did in the recollection from which the dream obtained the first part of the child's speech. It was for the sake of this wish-fulfilment that the father slept a moment longer. The dream was given precedence over waking reflection because it was able to show the child still living. If the father had waked first, and had then drawn the conclusion which led him into the adjoining room, he would have shortened the child's life by this one moment. There can be no doubt about the peculiar features in this brief dream which engage our particular interest. So far, we have endeavoured mainly to ascertain wherein the secret meaning of the dream consists, how it is to be discovered, and what means the dream-work uses to conceal it. In other words, our greatest interest has hitherto been centered on the problems of interpretation. Now, however, we encounter a dream which is easily explained, and the meaning of which is without disguise; we note that nevertheless this dream preserves the essential characteristics which conspicuously differentiate a dream from our waking thoughts, and this difference demands an explanation. It is only when we have disposed of all the problems of interpretation that we feel how incomplete is our psychology of dreams. But before we turn our attention to this new path of investigation, let us stop and look back, and consider whether we have not overlooked something important on our way hither. For we must understand that the easy and comfortable part of our journey lies behind us. Hitherto, all the paths that we have followed have led, if I mistake not, to light, to explanation, and to full understanding; but from the moment when we seek to penetrate more deeply into the psychic processes in dreaming, all paths lead into darkness. It is quite impossible to explain the dream as a psychic process, for to explain means to trace back to the known, and as yet we have no psychological knowledge to which we can refer such explanatory fundamentals as may be inferred from the psychological investigation of dreams. On the contrary, we shall be compelled to advance a number of new assumptions, which do little more than conjecture the structure of the psychic apparatus and the play of the energies active in it; and we shall have to be careful not to go too far beyond the simplest logical construction, since otherwise its value will be doubtful. And even if we should be unerring in our inferences, and take cognizance of all the logical possibilities, we should still be in danger of arriving at a completely mistaken result, owing to the probable incompleteness of the preliminary statement of our elementary data. We shall not he able to arrive at any conclusions as to the structure and function of the psychic instrument from even the most careful investigation of dreams, or of any other isolated activity; or, at all events, we shall not be able to confirm our conclusions. To do this we shall have to collate such phenomena as the comparative study of a whole series of psychic activities proves to be reliably constant. So that the psychological assumptions which we base on the analysis of the dream-processes will have to mark time, as it were, until they can join up with the results of other investigations which, proceeding from another starting-point, will seek to penetrate to the heart of the same problem.

11-30-2015 Biden standing over the dead body of Beau not thinking or day dreaming of the 100's of Beau's at Saint Jude from gas exhast.

11-30-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Freud II on Invention of Dreams - Inventions + Inventors!

11-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Beau + Saint Jude dead souls...


11-29-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! The grand Lauren Bacall inspired $21 Trillion in Landmarks from her "Inspiration" as a women, God's best invention. Stage 4 Sony Movie not made for the Pentagon but for Lauren Bacall rated MD.

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!


11-29-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! The grand Lauren Bacall inspired $21 Trillion in Landmarks from her "Inspiration" as a women, God's best invention. Stage 4 Sony Movie not made for the Pentagon but for Lauren Bacall rated MD.

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!

11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!! London-based Literary Review will, indeed, pick you for its annual Bad Sex in Fiction Award for speaking out when the New York Times Elite just give Syphilis, STD's, MS, HIV to others instead of writing a Hemingway House Nobel Novel to brainstorm, serendipity it in chapter 1 with iapps 100 SWF's can take out their revenge, Black, He is a rogue Black Ops whose attack on her... covertly gave her hell; as possibly being real in a Universe that is expanding faster every day. Our immortal souls... are today our immortal Brain Waves, after we write a book about the Gravity Engine our immortal Brain Waves book will be next. "Dark Night of the Soul", by Black Ops and Moslem Generals with 120 H-Bombs + 72 Virgins needs a book on How to build a Gas Lobotomy Bomb. Be intolerant of Oppenheimer at Los Alamos reworking H-Bombs today instead of brainstorming the LG-Bombs! And Stage 4 Rx Cure! Fixed in Chapter 2. Tim Cook, Elton John Let me offer some advice to help you prepare for your impending notoriety as Charley Sean II + III. your Amazon ratings will list you with Black Rapists and how to spot a dangerous man books Don’t Feel Bad About ‘Bad Sex’ by Manil Suri in the Sunday New York Times and no in his Universe there are Quarks + Galaxies but no Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS... how can Manil Suri, the author of the novel “The City of Devi,” is a mathematics professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and a contributing opinion writer. Not put Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS in a Sunday New York Times story titled.... Don’t Feel Bad About ‘Bad Sex’ - surely there is a journalists crime here or maybe women can sue the Times for bias + giving them syphilis.


11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Target Stores Sold One iPad Every Second on Thanksgiving Day, Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School with Einstein II + III tech support in the store now in the Target Stores Genius Tech support to write iapps and inventsomething on your Thanksgiving Day iPad... one every second brainstorming with a Target Genius will fill your new iPad with IP invention projects. Exposing Bill Gates like the Walter Reed Military + VA MD's were exposed killing Beau. Now to get Target to stock Rx Recipe's on the shelf, grin! Not an app called “What Are Your Most Used Words on Facebook? Not inventsomething, lets brainstorm... ha! How Einstein changed everything 100 years ago, how Einstein II + III with $777 Trillion dollars from Saudi Arabia's gas station hold up can travel 100 Light Years 777 times faster than the speed of light via one Godsend invention! New research has discovered how connections between brain cells are destroyed in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, which could open up a new avenue for research on possible treatments for the degenerative brain condition. Targeting Paris means the Elite will Target the Lobotomy goings on in the brain's cells connections as Alzheimer's disease people don't have 120 H-Bombs and 72 Virgins waiting for them, grin!


11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paris Climate Talks Avoid the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts, all 1 Trillion of them on the Ford Assembly lines...


11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... By JUSTIN GILLIS writes for George Orwell 1984 the BP Oil men not the masses of 5 billion people in our Habitat for Humanity as the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort will be in the Paris Times Headlines not in the New York Times Headlines for Christmas 2015!! The scientists argue that there is only so much carbon — in the form of exhaust from coal-burning power plants, automobile tailpipes, forest fires and the like — that the atmosphere can absorb before the planet suffers profound damage, with swaths of it potentially becoming uninhabitable. By JUSTIN GILLIS writes about climate scientist at Oxford University, not about kids at Saint Jude with cancer + birth defects from poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West. This New York Times journalists follows the script given to him by the Pentagon's top brass in writing about the upcoming Paris Talks.


11-29-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! Roger Cohen at the New York Times is worst than Justyin Gillis... as he tells kids a bed time story about how WW III started without telling the children about 10 cent gas could have won the war before 9/11. “Mommy, please tell me again, how did World War I begin?” “Sweetheart, I already told you, that was long ago. A century is a very long time.” “The Austro-Hungarian Empire was one of them. It had lots of grand palaces in its capital, Vienna, where people danced at fancy balls." Later the United States, a rising power, came in on the British and French team. After a few years, more than 16 million people were dead. The Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, German and Russian empires had collapsed.”


11-29-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! "ISIS’ Grip on Libyan City Gives It a Fallback Option " By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK, BEN HUBBARD and ERIC SCHMITTNOV these guys at the NY Times are worst than Roger Cohen at the New York Times is worst than Justyin Gillis... as David, Ben + Eric don't mention the 1 Trillion ElectricWindmillFord Escorts in the Paris Times Headlines or $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues from Libya, grin. Kickbacks, check these guys Swiss Bank accounts and we will have Headlines for the New York Times + Paris Times, ha $$$. They write... In Libya, where a NATO bombing campaign helped overthrow Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi four years ago, there is no functional government. Warring factions are far more focused on fighting one another than on taking on the Islamic State, and Libya’s neighbors are all too weak or unstable to lead or even host a military intervention...." $777 Trillion for no functional government top brass, I think these New York Times reporters better count their cash, as I'm sure the Top Brass in Libya today count their cash more than their arms.


11-29-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paris Climate Talks Avoid the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts, all 1 Trillion of them on the Ford Assembly lines...

11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!


11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... By SANDEEP JAUHAR - SOUTH ASIANS today account for more than half of the world’s cardiac patients. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and rates have risen over the past several decades. South Asian immigrants to the United States, like me, develop earlier and more malignant heart disease and have higher death rates than any other major ethnic group in this country. - India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, outsourcing for Microsoft, IBM, The Framingham Heart Study is a big reason we have achieved a relatively mature understanding of heart disease in the United States. IBM + Microsoft have killed millions, more than WW I with their "Policy" of not inventing anything for our Habitat for Humanity! Bill Gates outsourcing tech support for win 10 made the front page of the New York Times decades ago as hurting mankind. Little do we know Bill Gates policy of outsourcing killed more than WW I on the battlefields. Mirror image is Beau murdered by Walter Reed Military + VA MD's who spent more time talking tech support with people in India than working on Brain Cancer. June 1944, his blood pressure was 226/118, life-threateningly high. But Roosevelt’s personal physician insisted that the president’s problems were “no more than normal for a man of his age.” Unfortunately, Roosevelt’s blood pressure remained mortally high until he died on April 12, 1945, at the age of 63, from a stroke and brain hemorrhage. Walter Reed MD's told VP Biden the same thing!! High cholesterol levels are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle -- most commonly, eating a diet that is high in fat. Other risk factors are heavy alcohol use, lack of exercise, and being overweight.


11-29-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “Because,” he said, “I feel like I was the one who was supposed to save their life.” A faulty power strip in the dining room on the home’s first floor caused the fire, Fire Department officials said. There were no working smoke detectors in the house, officials said. “Because,” he said, “I feel like I was the one who was supposed to save their life.” 1984 II dictators hunting for worms and outsourcing tech support instead of saving more lives than were killed in WW I are the Top Brass in the USA today. Early-morning fire tore quickly through the home, giving residents little chance to escape, even as neighbors and passers-by tried to rescue them. Lord Kinard, 76, and Octavia Kinard, 71, were killed... more will be killed in Colorado and not at Planned Parenthood but in a room with a space heater fueled by electricity not H at -254 C in a state of the arts laser guided "Space Heater". Sharon Hinds, a home health attendant, was walking home from a party along a street in the East Flatbush section of Brooklyn early on Saturday when she heard screams and smelled smoke coming from a two-story house. Wifi in Flatbush section of Brooklyn with a state of the arts smoke detection for Brooklyn, all of NYC... all of the USA. Would mean free wifi with no passwords in Brooklyn + the USA. Hell No, the 1984 II Dictators say. What kind of wifi smoke detector would you invent, what else would you invent. Hell No the 1984 II Dictators say, you can pay for your wifi and you will need a password to remember or get from a friend who has wifi. “I feel like I was the one who was supposed to save their life.” not our 1984 II Dictators!

11-29-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paris Climate Talks Avoid the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts, all 1 Trillion of them on the Ford Assembly lines...

11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Opinion: Tales of a Warmer Planet section SR - page 4 By CURT STAGER New York Times Sunday and of course Curt didn't have any Tales of Children at Saint Jude with cancer AND birth defects from the poison gas on Duval Key West. The New York Times today has several stories on Climate for the Paris Talks this week and none write, no one writes about the poison gas on Duval Key West and the Kids at Saint Jude.

11-29-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! The grand apartment at the landmark Dakota that Lauren Bacall called home for more than half a century, filling its nine commodious rooms with an eclectic mix of artwork, antiques and countless mementos, many of them from her fabled Hollywood career, sold for $21,000,000 and was the most expensive closed sale of the week, according to city records. The three-bedroom three-and-a-half-bath co-op unit, No. 43, at 1 West 72nd Street, on Central Park West, had been on the market since November 2014, three months after Ms. Bacall’s death at the age of 89. It was initially listed for $26 million, then reduced last spring to $23.5 million; monthly maintenance is around $13,595.

11-29-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! The grand Lauren Bacall inspired $21 Trillion in Landmarks from her "Inspiration" as a women, God's best invention.

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!


11-29-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! The grand Lauren Bacall inspired $21 Trillion in Landmarks from her "Inspiration" as a women, God's best invention.

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!

11-29-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!! The grand Lauren Bacall inspired $21 Trillion in Landmarks from her "Inspiration" as a women, God's best invention. Hepburn too. $221 Trillion if Sony would have made MD rated movies for these women, grin. Anti-matter in this matter of Landmarks for progress of humanity is Black Rap Music lyrics, movies, have killed, murdered SWF clones of Lauren Bacall + Hepburn. Policy of our 1984 II Dictators is not to save her life.

11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-29-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!


11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, BDay Girl Belle Today 70 (Trillion years old)... as the Universe before the Big Bang. $777 Trillion dollars for the Belle Birthday Girl from King Salman in Saudi Arabia for all the women sucker punched at a (in 2000) Miami gas station hold up! (in 2000).

11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, the Key West Team to get a Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure!

2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort for Christmas 2015 --- BDay!

Belle BDay Present given to women by the French Elite in Paris - Headlines!! Censored by the New York Times; 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort for Christmas 2015


2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort for Christmas 2015 --- BDay!

Belle BDay Present given to women by the French Elite in Paris - Headlines!! Censored by the New York Times; 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort for Christmas 2015


11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, BDay Present #2 will be the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School costing $7 Trillion with 100" LG's...

11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Trump can sit in his car to the 55th floor, get out of his car and go into his Manhattan Condo. Elevators for Cars + people on the outside and the parking spot on the 55th floor outside your door. I think this can be invented. iapps!!


11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Bill Gates will invest as much as $2 billion in new clean energy partnership ...The iapps partnerships with Rx Recipes not cookie recipes as in win 10. Gates of Hell and 52 nearest stars both on iapps at your Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School with Einstein II + III tech support in the store, not in India, or Pakistan ha! Bill Gates is a looser... she said. Trump this!

11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, BDay Girl Belle Today 70 Trillion years old, depends on how much time it took to create the Big Bang. I hope there is a Big Bang at 1984 II HQ that sets off Oppenheimer II + III on a Stage 4 Rx Cure for her BDay Today.



11-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!


11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Man kills Mississippi Waffle House employee over smoking policy. Johnny Max Mount 45 shot and killed a Waffle House employee in Mississippi. A Mississippi Waffle House customer shot and killed an employee early Friday after she ask him not to smoke, police said. Julie was shot in the head on Thanksgiving Night. Comments were I can't fathom this over smoking. Paris thinks the Terrorists are attacking there they should visit 1984 II HQ to see "Hate Crimes" against SWF by our 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis are doing via their Orwellian Policy on Smoking, drinking, Marriage!

PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!

Waffle House in an Era of State of the Arts Laser Guidance on 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts! Fathom the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine shooting her in the head with 120 H-Bombs. This is why the sub was built - to kill her! Over some Policy about Stage 4 Rx Cure and Jimmy Carter Nuclear Sub Policy to build it. In our Habitat for Humanity. Thank God the Jimmy Carter Submarine can be converted to a "Hospital Submarine" under a non smoking Nukes Policy and docked at Key West. Grin. Free Waffles...

11-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!


11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, $450 K settlement from NYC - SWF's Robert Hinton a gang banger sucker punched SWF's at the gas stations. The women didn't get anything out of the New York Times story, not even a mention she was sucker punched this black man... Early on Friday morning, Mr. Hinton, 28, was shot and killed outside a housing project in Brownsville, Brooklyn, not far from his own home in Bedford-Stuyvesant, police officials said. No arrests had been made by Friday evening, and investigators provided no other details about the circumstances of the shooting. Robert Hinton, a former Rikers Island inmate, was brutally beaten by correction officers in 2012. "New York to Settle Suit Over Rikers Inmate Whom Guards Attacked $$$450K " Rikers Officers Who Hogtied and Beat an Inmate in 2012 Are Fired. Mr. Hinton had a history of violence as a member of the Bloods gang; he had served time for attempted murder and had been in and out of prison since 2005. HERE is where the New York Times reporter MICHAEL SCHWIRTZNOV should have done his job as a journalists and reported on all the SWF's Hinton sucker punched. And they didn't get a NYC settlement of $450 or even their names in the New York Times. This is a Policy of non Smoking at the Times! Grin. Fathom the comments from these women when I track them down for a letter to the Times. Trump makes fun of NY Times reporters, these women sucker punched by Hinton and left out of the story by Michael at the Times will sue the Hell out of the NY Times for hate crimes against SWF's $$$ Bias writing the news at the NY Times!

11-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!


11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Op-Ed New York Times "The New Atomic Age We Need" By PETER THIEL If we are serious about replacing fossil fuels, we are going to need nuclear power. Peter at the New York Times has Nuclear Power, the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine, grin! Paris Elite need to give the USA the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Invention Headlines for Christmas or Peter will send us all to Hell in a Nuclear War with Pakistan Moslems who will shoot him for the NY Times Cartoon Policy. Ha. Non smoking, non drinking Moslems.

11-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Jewish Policy to confiscate $777 Trillion from UAE... Israel to Open Diplomatic Office in United Arab Emirates. By DIAA HADID The mission at the International Renewable Energy Agency will be the first time in more than a decade that there will be an official Israeli presence in the Persian Gulf. Israeli Policy to confiscate $777 Trillion from the Emirates for Jewish Aliens at 52 Nearest Stars Trains. Getting ready to win the $777 Trillion dollar lottery...


11-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Robotic Parking Garage story in the NY Times... The technology is there,” Mr. Jones said. “We have elevators, and the concept is the same. Elevators move people. In robotic parking, those elevators move cars. Whether it’s now or two or three decades from now, we need to continue to pursue it and hone that innovation.” Another South Florida developer, Gil Dezer, said his new high-rise in Sunny Isles, the Porsche Design Tower, would feature an automated garage that would deliver a car right to a resident’s door. He called it the Dezervator. “Ours is an elevator,” Mr. Dezer said. “An elevator goes up and down. We know how to use an elevator.” Trump can sit in his car to the 55th floor, get out of his car and go into his Manhattan Condo. Elevators for Cars + people on the outside and the parking spot on the 55th floor outside your door. I think this can be invented.


11-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Jimmy Carter + President of Turkey... New York Times ANKARA, Turkey - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday voiced regret over Turkey's downing of a Russian warplane, saying his country was "truly saddened" by the incident and wished it hadn't occurred. Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine with 120 H-Bombs that will used to shoot down a Pakistan Moslem fighter jets, grin. Seoul: North Korea apparently test-fired a submarine-launched ballistic missile on Saturday in the Sea of Japan but the test was a failure, a news agency report said. How old was Jimmy Carter when the Korean War started? Policy of giving the Nobel Peace Prize to a USA President is a non smoking policy Alfred Nobel would shoot them for doing.

11-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe!!

11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, BDay Girl Belle Today 70 (Trillion years old)... as the Universe before the Big Bang. $777 Trillion dollars for the Belle Birthday Girl from King Salman in Saudi Arabia for all the women sucker punched at a 2000 Miami gas station hold up!

11-28-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, the Key West Team to get a Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure!

2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort for Christmas 2015 --- BDay!

Belle BDay Present given to women by the French Elite in Paris - Headlines!! Censored by the New York Times; 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort for Christmas 2015



11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!! London-based Literary Review will, indeed, pick you for its annual Bad Sex in Fiction Award.

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, multibillion-dollar gas pipeline through Turkey that President Vladimir V. Putin had trumpeted as a welcome alternative route for Russian gas exports to Europe.

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!


11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, And this is why we must storm the Bastille again... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort for Christmas 2015, Elite in Paris are drunk on $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues! Infected by the British Queen Elisabeth who spits on God on her Death Bed like Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter with a dose of cynicism on his death bed, no Jewish Aliens or Jews there, grin!

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!

Marianne is a significant republican symbol, opposed to monarchy, and an icon of freedom and democracy against all forms of dictatorship - 1984 II Dictators French + American suppressing 1 trillion Electric Windmill Ford Escorts for Christmas 2015.

Gregs 2007 web

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!


2015 Christmas Present of the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort for Paris a Cartoon maybe...

Marianne is a significant republican symbol, opposed to monarchy, and an icon of freedom and democracy against all forms of dictatorship - 1984 II Dictators French + American suppressing 1 trillion Electric Windmill Ford Escorts for Christmas 2015.

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!

11-27-2015 Einstein's universe, with any rocketship limited to traveling no faster than the speed of light. 1,001 Times faster than the speed of light is possible with the "Gravity Engine" invention. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year are possible. 1,001 Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University 24/7 with Genius Tech's link Rx Recipes not cookie recipes in this faster than the speed of light Era, after we run out of BP Oil Drunk Mad Men. 52 Nearest Stars house Jewish Aliens - talking to them is urgent for our Habitat for Humanity!

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!


11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort for Christmas 2015, Not from Pope Francis but Paris!! Attacks Have Many in France Eager to Fight Back!! By LIZ ALDERMAN The attacks by Islamic State militants in Paris this month have awakened a patriotic fervor in France, revenge! BP Oil and African Oil Wars in downtown Paris killing 100's over the greed for $777 trillion in gas $$$. Everyone not just Trump knew 9/11 would be financed by Saudi Prince's kids... "Deaths Amid New York’s Building Boom" By DAVID W. CHEN New York Times the NYC building boom is for "Oil HQ" not a Rx Overnight cure for Stage 4 and Star Travel via the Gravity Engine. No 155 Story Eiffel Tower Yale Medical School is Masterminded by our 1984 II Dictators who have syphilis and give it to others! "Nutcracker" for You with 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year Era! Pope Francis with 4 wives all MD women, grin. Beating Black Friday before "Blacks" beat and leave for dead 19K SWF in 2016. Urgent Care!! Masterminds at HQ leave not only SWF for dead but cops in fiery car wrecks, with 16K dead from traffic in 6 months of 2015 you know many are fiery cop cars. Pope Francis in Africa said Friday that education and jobs will prevent young people from being radicalized and heading off to join militant groups. Pope Francis will not give a billion people the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort for Christmas 2015.

1984 II Dictators French + American suppressing 1 trillion Electric Windmill Ford Escorts for Christmas 2015. That are state of the Arts Laser Guidance, GPS, Collision Avoidance, kill switch for Road Rage or out of control drivers before they hit a Brooklyn women getting into her car!

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, By ASHLEY SOUTHALL PARIS — La Belle Équipe, A driver fatally struck a woman in Brooklyn on Thanksgiving night, then injured about a dozen people — including himself — as he tried to flee, the police said. The driver hit the woman around 7:15 p.m. as she was trying to get into her car, which was parked near Pennsylvania and Stanley Avenues in the East New York neighborhood, the police said. He kept driving and hit six other parked cars before trying to run away, the police said. He was caught quickly. The woman was taken in critical condition to Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center, where she died later Thanksgiving night, the police said.


11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe,

11-27-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Saudi Arabia is planning to execute more than 50 people, found guilty of terrorism, in a single day. The move was immediately slammed by Amnesty International, which said the Saudis are “using the guise of counter-terrorism to settle political scores.

11-27-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, SWF's Sex Slave in Saudi Arabia slammed by Amnesty International as AA is like Sony making movies for the Pentagon.

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, This photo shows Ronald Pritchett, 32, who is accused of stabbing his parents to death after they ordered fast food and neglected to get him anything. A Black man, he stabbed a SWF on Thanksgiving Day too but this didn't make the Google News.

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe,

11-27-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, "Cellphone Recording Leads to Arrest of Brazilian Senator on Obstruction Charges" By VINOD SREEHARSHA Delcídio do Amaral, an ally of President Dilma Rousseff, was charged with impeding an investigation into Brazil’s state-owned oil company.

11-27-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, "Cellphone Recording Leads to Arrest of 19K drunk men and One Robert Kennedy Jr. for murder! Poor Mary Kennedy befriended by Caroline in death.

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe,

11-27-2015 PARIS — La Belle Équipe, "The Latest: Pope Francis Leaves Kenya Bound for Uganda" New York Times - Team $$$ Oil + Gas Greed beyond belief of even God. New York Times failure to our Habitat to Humanity Team censored the $777 Trillion in Oil + Gas revenues from Kenya + Uganda in today's New York Times. This is a war crime and a Cardinal Sin.

11-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, Key West Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure Team of Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage, Oui, Oui!!


11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, where 19 people died during this month’s terrorist attacks, means “the beautiful team,” and those who frequented the corner bistro in the bourgeois bohemian 11th Arrondissement say the name is all too fitting. Its owner, Grégory Reibenberg, is Jewish and was married, she was shot and died.

11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle in Key West "the beautiful team of "Wives" inventing, brainstorming, has been killed by our USA 1984 II Dictators... lost is a Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure by Christmas 2015.


Generals in Pakistan financed by the Generals at the Pentagon built 120 H-Bombs in 2015 - Paris Elite must build 120 LG-Bombs lobotomy gas bombs in 2016 to win the Moslem War's!

Gregs 2007 web

Generals in Pakistan financed by the Generals at the Pentagon built 120 H-Bombs in 2015 - Paris Elite must build 120 LG-Bombs lobotomy gas bombs in 2016 to win the Moslem War's!


11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; By KEITH BRADSHER New York Times; President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had nuanced reasons to allow Turkish pilots to open fire, analysts say, including his irritation with Russia over issues beyond Syria.

11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Stage 4 women with Syphilis, STD, MS, from OJ who left her for dead at the "Green Parrot Bar" have 1 Trillion nuance reasons to allow women MD Pilots to open fire on the front page of the New York Times blasting "The Vietnam Pentagon" papers Era as out of date! Sony Movies for the Pentagon are for Children and are "not" rated MD.

11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Pillow Fights at West Point Are Banned After Injuries - 1 Trillion nuance reasons to convert West Point to Yale Medical School, Med Students finally get paid more than West Point Cadets and give Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year not 1,001 covert wars a year for $$$ oil revenues from BP + Texas.


11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; the first Thanksgiving was held in Virginia in 1619—at Berkeley Plantation... not Georgia Peanut Plantation ha.

11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Jimmy Carter's electricity confrontation 1 trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C and out of date electric power lines coming into your Habitat for Humanity that is our of date, really!

11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving... "Habitat for Humanity" will be 300,000 times "Brighter" than Jimmy Carter's! Fishing with IP not worms in Africa but at Los Alamos. Jim "forgot" (his Rx Memory Pills) Oppenheimer II + III were waiting for a "Real President". Careful analysis of 1,001 IP pre-loaded on MacBook Pro's result in a "SuperNova of Real Inventions" on Earth!


11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP... CERN in Geneva established collisions between lead nuclei, this morning, at the highest energies ever. The LHC has been colliding protons at record high energy since the summer, but now the time has now come to collide large nuclei (nuclei of lead, Pb, consist of 208 neutrons and protons. quarks and gluons. This state is called the quark-gluon-plasma (QGP). Quarks and gluons became confined inside the protons and the neutrons.

11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP... Duval in Key West this morning nuclei of Lead, Pb, 208 neutrons + protons are going to be breathed in by tourists from Geneva in Key West for Thanksgiving Day. 30,000 particles can be created in every central collision between two lead ions. Kids DNA growing collisions between 2 lead ions in the Spray Painted Cloud of Scooter poison exhaust gas is not pictured in the frontal lobe of Elite Key West Masterminds drinking at Margaritaville.


11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; the first IP Thanksgiving invention projects with iapps waits for Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University to be financed by confiscating $777 from King Salman + Mecca, Vatican BP Oil kickbacks too as they are just in a Swiss Bank, same Swiss Bank Hitler used.

11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Canis Majoris is a stellar goliath, a red hypergiant, one of the largest known stars in the Milky Way. It is 30-40 times the mass of the Sun and 300,000 times more intelligent, grin. 1,001 IP later and our Habitat for Humanity will be 300,000 times for "Brighter" than Jimmy Carter + Wife building the Nuclear Jimmy Carter Submarine for $1 Trillion. wow.


11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Fact check: Did Donald Trump predict the 9/11 attacks? Hell Yes! Everyone knew "Oil" revenues of $777 trillion would finance a terror attack from citizens of Saudi Arabia Kings + Princes kids, like the Ministers kids rob + kill someone.

11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; 9/11 II + III will come from Generals in Pakistan! Trump can predict this but CBS will not let him talk about it in public because the Pentagon Generals financed the Generals in Pakistan, ha! Kids!


11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects - CBS News - predicted 9/11 attacks too... At a rally in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Tuesday, Donald Trump said his list of accomplishments includes the fact that he predicted the 9/11 terror attacks.


11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; ESPN is losing subscribers by the millions to Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Stage 4 Rx Overnight cure brainstorming the touch down. All those's in this non-ESPN game will realize how much "Time" they have wasted on Sports promoted by Obama and Blacks!

ESPN will lose 93 million Football viewers on Thanksgiving 1984 III Day, coup!

Gregs 2007 web

ESPN will lose 93 million Football viewers on Thanksgiving 1984 III Day, coup!

11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS — La Belle Équipe, where 19 people died during this month’s terrorist attacks, means “the beautiful team,” and those who frequented the corner bistro in the bourgeois bohemian 11th Arrondissement say the name is all too fitting. Its owner, Grégory Reibenberg, is Jewish and was married, she was shot and died.


11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Says U.S. Using Money and Sex to Infiltrate Iran... New York Times Editors; Prostitutes are paid for by the Pentagon Patriotic Money, grin!

11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;


11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; two biggest increases were the Valeant drugs. The drugstore price of a tube of Targretin gel, a topical treatment for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, rose to about $30,320 this year, 18 times as much as the $1,687 in 2009. Most of that increase appears to have occurred after Valeant acquired the drug early in 2013. A patient might need two tubes a month for several months, Dr. Rosenberg said. The retail price of a tube of Carac cream, used to treat precancerous skin lesions called actinic keratoses, rose to $2,865 this summer, also 18 times the 2009 price of $159. Virtually all of the increase occurred after 2011, when Valeant acquired the product. A typical treatment requires one tube, Dr. Rosenberg said.

11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;


11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Rx Recipe's made public is not on the front page of the New York Times for our Thanksgiving Brainstorming Dinner! Left off the Menu by our Elite Cooks at 1984 II HQ... who were poisoned by greed $$$. seven of the drugs more than quadrupled in that period. Valeant accounted for four of them: Targretin, Carac, Retin-A Micro for acne and Oxsoralen-Ultra for psoriasis. Two of the drugs — Solaraze for actinic keratoses and Oxistat cream for athlete’s foot and jock itch — are made by PharmaDerm, which is owned by Novartis. The seventh drug, Derma-Smoothe/FS oil, a steroid to treat atopic dermatitis, is from Royal Pharmaceuticals in New Jersey. Dermatology represented the 11th-biggest therapeutic category for drugs in 2014, with 109 million prescriptions, according to IMS Health. It said sales of such drugs totaled $9.5 billion before discounts that year. Many dermatology drugs do not contain novel ingredients. Carac, for instance, is made of fluorouracil, a decades-old chemotherapy drug. Targretin contains a vitamin A derivative known as a retinoid. Manufacturers make new formulations they say provide better results. Dr. Brod said that particular formulations might be best for certain patients, and doctors need a full choice of products. But others are skeptical. “There hasn’t really been a new drug in dermatology for a long time,” said Dr. Robert Rudolph, a recently retired dermatologist in Wyomissing, Pa., who also teaches at the University of Pennsylvania. “They are just slightly tweaking something and jacking up the price.”


11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Pfizer’s Plan to Leave U.S. Unsettles Drug Lobbyists. By GARDINER HARRIS Escalating drug prices and now a major company’s pending move overseas leads to concern about “too much obvious greed” in the pharmaceutical industry.

11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; “too much obvious greed” Bill + Melinda Gates + Jimmy Carter + Rosalynn Carter $$$ $600 million at the Carter Center in the Bank unspent on houses in 2015, Christmas Day, grin! No stage 4 money by Rosalynn, she is saving this $600 million for something else. “too much obvious greed”

11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-30-2015 to 12-11-2015, 1984 II Dictators from every nation will gather in Paris for the United Nations climate change conference... and "Obvious Greed" of $777 Trillion mostly spent on MIT War Toys... sick! Going to work sick at Apple HQ. CIA HQ, 1984 III MD Women Dictators will have a conference on spreading diseases, syphilis, STD, HIV, MS, Least Castro put all these diseased people in a "Hospital Prison" for 30 years, grin.

11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 1984 II Dictators are Masterminds of seducing women + men to drink. 1984 III MD Women Dictators will have a New Prohibition Era enforced by 1,001 IP and Jewish Aliens at 52 nearest stars.

11-26-2015 Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Between 2002 and 2012, the percentage of women reporting they drank alcohol jumped from 44.9 percent to 48.3 percent, while the figure for men dropped from 57.4 percent to 56.1 percent, the researchers report in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. The number of drinking days per month reported by women increased from 6.8 to 7.3 days, the study found, again decreasing slightly for men from 9.9 to 9.5 days. "This study confirms what other recent reports have suggested about changing patterns of alcohol use by men and women in the U.S

11-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;



********** War *********** War ********** War ********** War **********

Putin shoots down Navy Fighter Jet over Syria front page New York Times today Obama would be attacking Moscow... 1984 II Dictators would be, ha.

********** War *********** War ********** War ********** War **********


11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Stage 4 Rx Cure, MD Mercenaries from UAE Emirates are doing Heart + kidney transplants in Texas on Thanksgiving and probably some NYC hospitals too. MD Traffic deaths in 2015 from 16,225 in the January-to-June 2015 Time Span. New York Times today page 84 not Front page news of 16,225 traffic deaths in the January-to-June 2015 time span. Many were fiery Cop Cars writing a traffic ticket when iPhone 6s dash cam's would have given the road rage driver a ticket, ha!

11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Transplant Chief in China Denies Breaking Vow to Ban Prisoners’ Organs POW SWF's in the USA sex slaves to Moslem Oil Princes and then are killed for their hearts + kidneys, in secret of course! BBC News Today - not about sex slaves in the Emirates!! Mobile devices and the Internet can be powerful tools, but they can also be weapons - the UN has issued a "wake-up call" about cyber violence against women. Secretly Sends Mercenaries + Organs for transplants! MD Warriors Make History $$$ at the Box Office. Rated MD movies not made by Sony for the Pentagon, grin! Traffic deaths to 32,675 last year 2014. Organs Secretly sold to Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oil Men, not women!


11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Apple newest store to open in Dubai UAE Mercenaries from Apple HQ, grin!

11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; "Emirates Secretly Sends Mercenaries to Fight in Yemen" By EMILY B. HAGER and MARK MAZZETTI The arrival in Yemen of 450 troops from Colombia paid Mercenaries $$$ who will get home in Dubai in time for the Apple's New Store Sale in the UAE's grin.


********** War *********** War ********** War ********** War **********

Putin shoots down Navy Fighter Jet over Syria front page New York Times today Obama would be attacking Moscow... 1984 II Dictators would be, ha.

Gregs 2007 web

Putin shoots down Navy Fighter Jet over Syria front page New York Times today Obama would be attacking Moscow... 1984 II Dictators would be, ha.

********** War *********** War ********** War ********** War **********


11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Slave owners today in... UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Saudi Arabia; White Slaves SWF's! The Dubai Air show, which runs until Thursday, is taking place at the emirate's newest airport, the Al Maktoum International. White Sex Slaves from the USA will be flown in from USA... Bush is the pimp today in Texas, grin! Thanksgiving for the Bush Clan is Sex Slaves sent to Dubai.


11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; High-performance memory management is a problem that has been solved, and Apple has proven it can increase productivity. The other side effect is that both Objective-C and Swift do not suffer from a Garbage Collector running cleaning up for unused memory, like Java, Go, or C#. Swift is nearly on par with C++. Swift compiler cannot vectorize code the C++ compiler can. C++’s solution to code filename collisions. "Collisions of Cars" is the IP invention project Los Alamos + Berkeley need to write iapps for the iPhone 6s + 007 dash cam's! Swift provides implicit namespaces that allow the same code file to exist across multiple projects without causing a build failure and requiring names like NSString (Next Step -- Steve Jobs’ company after being fired from Apple) or CGPoint (Core Graphics). Ultimately, Steve Jobs II + III getting their cancer diagnosis today is to late to save their lives. Futuristically Code will beep if Steve Jobs II + III picks up lunch meat at Publix or Whole Foods Grocery Store ha! Swift supports dynamic libraries, New England Journal of Medicine and the Rx Makers, Roche, Pfizer and Allergan keep all Rx Recipe's secret for now, not in the futuristic Era of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort Invention Era. Dynamic libraries will have all the Rx Recipes! Key West Public Library that lets seniors view the Rx Recipes of all their meds is the future!!


11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Fla Liquor Store Clerk Shot Dead a Night Before Retiring According to police reports, a 79-year-old Fla. liquor store clerk shot dead a night before retiring. Man killed in Boynton liquor store robbery was planning to retire. Sun Sentinel The Sun Sentinel never reports the gas station hold ups or those killed in gas station hold up. The stats are secret via 1984 II Dictators. Page 184 gas station hold up deaths in the New York Times. MD Traffic deaths in 2015 from 16,225 in the January-to-June 2015 Time Span. New York Times today page 84.


11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; Will we have to rewrite Einstein's theory of general relativity? Hell Yes! 1,001 IP invention projects to brainstorm as we rewrite it will give us 101 new inventions and get to how gravity is generated in the Quarks! General relativity is unparalleled when it comes to describing the world on a large scale, such as planets and galaxies, while quantum mechanics perfectly describes physics on the smallest scale, such as the atom or even parts of the atom - gluon in the quarks!


11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects; SANTA ANA (CBSLA.com) - A Starbucks in Santa Ana remained closed Tuesday night after a confrontation between two men turned deadly at the Starbucks coffee shop, young black hit a old white guy in the head with his skateboard after a 20 min argument no one stopped.


11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;

11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Thanks-Giving IP invention projects;


11-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... S.S. Jimmy Carter Submarine will be the first "Hospital Ship Submarine" for Key West after his 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort "Confession" he Masterminded $777 Trillion in gas station hold ups in the USA. Jimmy Carter "Confession" book on par with Tolstoy + Les Confessions (Rousseau) books everyone should read. Les douze livres des Confessions se divisent en deux ensembles distincts, définis par Rousseau lui-même.

"Hospital Submarine" First to be Docked at Key West...

"Hospital Submarine" First to be Docked at Key West...

Gregs 2007 web

"Hospital Submarine" First to be Docked at Key West...

"Hospital Submarine" First to be Docked at Key West... $$$ Oil + Jimmy Carter 1984 II Society!

Putin insisted the Russian plane was operating less than a mile inside the Syrian side of the border when it was hit and Russian officials have said it never crossed into Turkish airspace. Putin said the plane had been striking ISIS militants and had posed no threat to Turkey, which he said was “an obvious fact.” The Russian president went on to accuse Turkey of aiding terror groups by allowing them to house smuggled oil products on Turkish territory, a trade that is a major source of revenue for many militant groups in Syria. Russia’s Defense ministry has summoned the Turkish military attaché in Moscow to discuss the incident.

"Hospital Submarine" First to be Docked at Key West...

11-24-2015 To Have Have Not... COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Columbus police said they are trying to determine why a man fatally shot a couple and their 7-year-old son and critically wounded their 12-year-old daughter. Jimmy Carter is the "Reason" "Reasoning" Why!!! 1984 II 19K shot to death in 2015 just in the USA. Top Brass have Syphilis in their brains....

"Hospital Submarine" First to be Docked at Key West...


11-24-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe... At the edge of the Milky Way, there's a small galaxy called Triangulum II. It has just 1,000 stars, compared to the 100 billion estimated in our own galaxy, and its days of star formation are over, leaving it "dead". Pfizer and Allergan are "Dead" far as inventing, masterminding a Rx Memory Pill and Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure, the Top Quarks at Pfizer and Allergan have used all their time 24/7 to mastermind way to move out of the USA to save $100 Billion on Taxes. This is a Crime in our 1984 II Society George Orwell needs to put on the front page of the New York Times, Oh it is on the front page of the Times Today, Grin!

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sick on the NYC Subway, Rx Cure 1984 III MD Women's Coup!! 1984 III invention policy from MD women coup "Masterminds"! killed by Obama, Bush, Clinton...


11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... F.D.A. Targets Inaccurate Medical Tests, Citing Dangers and Costs... of not scanning + treating everyone 5 million a day getting on the NYC Subway! Terrorists are our 1984 II Non-MD Dictators!

Gregs 2007 web

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... F.D.A. Targets Inaccurate Medical Tests, Citing Dangers and Costs... of not scanning + treating everyone 5 million a day getting on the NYC Subway! Terrorists are our 1984 II Non-MD Dictators!


11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

F.D.A. Targets Inaccurate Medical Tests, Citing Dangers and Costs... of not stopping "Overdose" with a 1984 III invention policy from MD women coup "Masterminds"! killed by Obama, Bush, Clinton...

Gregs 2007 web

F.D.A. Targets Inaccurate Medical Tests, Citing Dangers and Costs... of not stopping "Overdose" with a 1984 III invention policy from MD women coup "Masterminds"! killed by Obama, Bush, Clinton...


11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "J.J. Abrams Admits 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Had Too Many 'Wrath of Khan' Nods" J.J. Abrams has a number of regrets when it comes to Star Trek Into Darkness.

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Gravity Engine in Star Trek Into Darkness as the Warp Drive Engine failed again and again in this Star Trek Movie, its time to move on to the Graivty Engine in Star Trek Movies.

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "A Century Ago, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Changed Everything" - Everything before the Big Bang has been suppressed from the Front Page of the New York Times by our 1984 II Dictators stifling Einstein II + III. Alos Oppenheimer II + III working at Los Alamos with $1 Trillion in IBM super computers has been stifled from Masterminding the LG-Bomb lobotomy gas bomb via politics of 1984 II. Einstein II + III will dissect Gravity and invent the Gravity Engine, this is stifled by 1984 II Dictators in the USA + England for Oil Revenues Wars of $777 Trillion lead by Texas + BP Oil Men.


11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paris Attacks Spur Emergency Edict and Intense Policing in France!!

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 1984 III Coup by MD Women will Spur Emergency Edicts for Stage 4 Rx Cure and 19K SWF killed by drunk men in 2015 Policing!!

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paris Attacks Spur Emergency Edict and Intense Policing in France!!

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Four crew members were killed Monday when a UH-60 helicopter crashed at Fort Hood in Texas...


11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... By CHARLIE SAVAGE A court panel decided the US government could keep secret documents related to targeted killing of Moslems abroad because the details of American policy remain classified. Moslem Generals in Pakistan know about the targeted killings of Moslems by the USA - this is why they built 120 H-Bombs in 2015. 1984 II Dictators do have Syphilis in their Brains!!

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... By ROD NORDLAND "Saeed Book Bank prevails in an era when online sales have been driving independent bookstores out of business, and when book piracy adds to retailers’ travails."

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... bookstores are out of date, iapps for writers of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year need iapps and. MacBook Pro's with every book ever written to do their Google Search for Brainstorming ideas. Reading a "Book" without a list of 1,001 invention projects you are looking on is a waste of time!! Will the Bookstore give you a list of 1,001 IP invention projects to look for in the book you are going to buy Hell No!!


11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... By DAVID E. SANGER Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that he would like to see the American-led military and diplomatic effort in Syria “go faster.”

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Kerry stifles not makes Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure go faster... this is a crime 1984 III MD women will confront Yale + Kerry about!


11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... By IAN URBINA The report on the seafood industry in Thailand cataloged deceptive recruitment practices, hazardous working conditions, and violence on fishing boats and in processing factories.

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Fishing Heavy Lift Helicopters for Thailand should have been sold and in production by now built by Boeing and GE. Talk about Kerry not moving State of the Arts Technology fast... Boeing + GE are both in the Doldrums! There were 8 fishing boats off the coast of Key West on the Airport Bike path yesterday and the Citizen News put Blue Angel Jets on the front page today not 8 fishing boats.


11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Investigation Into Emissions To Take Months, VW Chief Says" By JACK EWING - Poison Exhaust Gas on Duval Key West will take a 1984 III Coup to show up on the front page of the KW Citizen Newspaper!!

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

I wonder if Plutarch Heavensbee OD was on cocaine and why did google news suppressed this?

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Funny story about Frenchmen + 1,500 lbs of Cocaine ha!! The Dominican Republic issued arrest warrants on Monday for a member of the European Parliament and two other French citizens who allegedly helped a pair of French pilots convicted on cocaine trafficking charges flee by speedboat in October. The attorney general’s office said warrants were issued against Aymeric Chauprade, the member of Parliament; Christophe Naudin, an aviation security specialist; and Pierre Malinowski, an aide to the far-right politician Jean-Marie Le Pen. In an interview last month with the magazine Paris Match, Mr. Chauprade said he planned the escape to help “compatriots in danger.” The pilots, Pascal Fauret and Bruno Odos, were under loose house arrest at the time and had been sentenced to 20 years in prison for possession of 1,500 pounds of cocaine with intent to traffic it. The drugs were seized aboard an aircraft in Punta Cana, in the country’s east, in 2013. The pilots denied the charges and were appealing. Two other men have been convicted in the “Air Cocaine” case and are being detained in the Dominican Republic pending an appeal.

I wonder if Plutarch Heavensbee OD was on cocaine and why did google news suppressed this?

Gregs 2007 web

Hoffman's death from an accidental drug overdose came with eight days of shooting left. Plutarch Heavensbee the Game Master! 1984 II.

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Donations Help the S.S. United States Fend Off the Scrapyard" By JESSE PESTA Contributions of more than $600,000 will provide more time for those interested in preserving the S.S. United States to work with interested developers and investors.

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... S.S. Jimmy Carter Submarine will be the first Hospital Ship Submarine for Key West after his 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Confession he Masterminded $777 Trillion in gas station hold ups in the USA.

11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

Part 3 by Greg + Wives in Key West. We could write and direct with Katniss as the #1 MD Wife, Katniss goes to Yale Medical School for Prim!!

Gregs 2007 web

Part 3 by Greg + Wives in Key West. We could write and direct with Katniss as the #1 MD Wife, Katniss goes to Yale Medical School for Prim!!


11-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

Part 3 by Greg + Wives in Key West. We could write and direct with Katniss as the #1 Wife, grin in a Legal Polygamous Marriage brainstorming Rx Cures for the Capital now that Coin + Snow are Dead. 1st is the news of the GameMasters Drug Overdose and Brainstorming a Rx Cure, ha. Scene of Katniss giving birth will be number one with old and young viewers. Cat has kittens too. I forgot the Cats name but Katniss will have a Rx for memory and will give the viewers the recipe. Regal Part 3 "Mach 33 Jay's Fly Faster than the Speed of Light" Part 3. coming soon Gravity engine too! Butter Cup is the Cat's name... in real life Butter in your Aorta is harder to view if you are Brainwashed by Snow, 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis and yes Syphilis will be in MockingJay Part 3. ha.

Gregs 2007 web

"War Room" - "Apple-Starbucks Ultra 100" LG Monitors; grin!!" At the edge of the Milky Way, there's a small galaxy called Triangulum II. It has just 1,000 stars, compared to the 100 billion estimated in our own galaxy, and its days of star formation are over, leaving it "dead".

11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... --- A 1984 III Subway Ride would be free of catching any disease as the 1984 III MD women dictators will scan everyone entering the subway + draw blood. Does this sound "Futuristic?" Yes! Dr. Katniss MockingJay Part 3 getting the "Capital" subways running again is just the 1st scene to Part 3. grin! Today NYC could scan for "sick" people getting on the subway if EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS at the New York Times would have suggested this idea. President Snow had 19K SWF's murdered by drunk men in 2015 this is one, Indianapolis Police have arrested a teenager in connection to the rape and killing of Amanda Blackburn, the pregnant young wife of a local pastor. Dr. Katniss will bring the stats down to zero killed by drunk men.


11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The woman ultimately declined medical help, and the train continued on. But the incident at 6:05 p.m. caused a 13-minute delay in the middle of the evening rush, long enough to delay 11 trains. In a subway system with as many as six million riders a day and 469 stations, some riders are bound to get sick. A Hated Phrase That Subway Riders Are Hearing More: ‘Sick Passenger’ By EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS --- A 1984 III Subway Ride would be free of catching any disease as the 1984 III MD women dictators will scan everyone entering the subway + draw blood. Does this sound "Futuristic?" Yes! Dr. Katniss Part 3 getting the "Capital" subways running again is just the 1st scent to Part 3. grin! Today NYC could scan for "sick" people getting on the subway if EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS at the New York Times would have suggested this idea. NYC waiving fees for Subway Riders to speed things up, ya!! $$ Free NYC Subways a Spin off of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era $$$. Speed up getting the MacBook Air Ride Subway Cars built... 100" Ultra brainstorming 1,001 Nobels in Medicine on their ride into NYC! Dr. Katniss win over President Snow, Obama, Bush, Kerry, Carter, Hillary, McCain...

Gregs 2007 web

Part 3 by Greg + Wives in Key West. We could write and direct with Katniss as the #1 MD Wife, Katniss goes to Yale Medical School for Prim!!


11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Jenny McCarthy: Charlie Sheen should have told me about HIV “Fox and everyone else started getting at me in emails, and even I wanted to blow it off [thinking], 'Oh, this is just another Charlie thing, '” she said.

Part 3 by Greg + Wives in Key West. We could write and direct with Katniss as the #1 MD Wife, Katniss goes to Yale Medical School for Prim!! Katniss takes on women driving in Saudi Arabia + Sex Slaves in Part 3. Hell with President Snow now King Salman, grin. Human Rights Watch released a report saying it had interviewed 10 detainees who described torture and other practices that King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa promised to end four years ago.


Part 3 by Greg + Wives in Key West. We could write and direct with Katniss as the #1 MD Wife, Katniss goes to Yale Medical School for Prim!! Katniss takes on Florida State Lottery Scam and Trump Casino, owned by President Snow. For Addicts, Fantasy Sites Can Lead to Ruinous Path By WALT BOGDANICH and JACQUELINE WILLIAMS Compulsive gamblers say they have lost thousands after being drawn in by aggressive pitches and promises of quick payout's.

Dr. Katniss Mocking Jay Song for her whistle-blower program. President Snow when soft on gas station hold ups and sucker punching women. Who cover up the news of these crimes, Bush!


11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... PARIS - A number of protective health outfits, similar to those worn by people dealing with the Ebola virus, have vanished from a locked room in a Paris hospitals. Dr. Katniss designs her MockingJay Suit into a Hospital Suit... wow!-

11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... NYC Real estate Leasing Begins for New York’s First Micro-Apartments - Leasing begins for New York's First MacBook Pro 100" Ultra Apartments.

11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "States Lead Effort to Let Pharmacists Prescribe Birth Control" By PAM BELLUCK and SABRINA TAVERNISE


11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 1984 II Birth Control for women + men will be state of the Arts Laser Guidance more inventive than going 777 times faster than the speed of light in a Gravity Engine Space Ship... really Pfizer and Allergan have made $777 Trillion off Birth Control Rx's and want to made another $777 Trillion - Pfizer and Allergan don't want Berkeley, or MIT, or the New England Journal of Medicine to write any articles on inventing a state of the arts birth control Rx. this is why we need 1984 III Coup.

11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Pfizer and Allergan are taking steps to sidestep the current rules altogether. Though Pfizer is significantly bigger, with a market value of $199 billion to Allergan’s $123 billion, it is Allergan that would technically be the buyer, according to the people briefed on the matter. Because Allergan already has its headquarters in Dublin — even though the bulk of its operations are based in Parsippany, N.J. — the planned transaction could avoid the Treasury rules, which apply to American companies that buy foreign companies. But in most respects, Pfizer would lead the combined company, which would surpass Johnson & Johnson as the biggest drug maker by revenue, with more than $60 billion in sales. Its product portfolio would run from Viagra, Celebrex and pneumonia drugs to Botox and the cosmetic treatment Juvéderm. Analysts do not expect the merger to have much effect on the prices of the companies’ drugs.


11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Pfizer and Allergan have Rx Recipes that need to be pre-loaded on all iPhones, iPads, MacBook Pro's as Pfizer and Allergan Stopped all brainstorming of a Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4 and STD's, MS... as they would lose everyone they will lose everything when Greg + Wives in Key West get a Rx Overnight Godsend cure for Stage 4.

11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


11-22-2015 To Have Have Not... Cure for accidental drug overdose.... 1984 II

Hoffman's death from an accidental drug overdose came with eight days of shooting left. Plutarch Heavensbee the Game Master! 1984 II. Our 1982 II GameMasters want women as Whore's not Wives and Give Syphilis not Cure it. Asking Pope Francis to bless Fags with many African Diseases other than worms...

Gregs 2007 web

11-22-2015 Moscow... "Power Lines to Crimea Are Blown Up, Cutting Off Electricity" 1 Trillion iPod size liquid H @-254 C would generate all electricity in Moscow, world wide. New in the NY Times this Sunday also had a story about Moscow + Putin attacking oil fields... a day and a dollar to late for many dead. Hydrogen was liquefied by James Dewar in 1898 by using regenerative cooling and his invention, the vacuum flask. The first synthesis of the stable isomer form of liquid hydrogen, parahydrogen, was achieved by Paul Harteck and Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer in 1929. 2015 and Putin is using "Power Lines" to Crimea. wow!! Out-of-date Power!


11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la... Detroit's Cycle Renaissance will be 1 Trillion 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts coming off the assembly line after Detroit Hangs 2 "Gasoline Leaders". President Snow was kill in MockingJay Part 2. 2 Leaders were killed, President Coin by a arrow.

11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe... Butter in your Aorta is harder to view if you are Brainwashed by President Snow + Coin. $$$ Butter + Gasoline! Leaving Millions on Earth Dead.

Gregs 2007 web

Part 3 by Greg + Wives in Key West. We could write and direct with Katniss as the #1 MD Wife, Katniss goes to Yale Medical School for Prim!! grin in a Legal Polygamous Marriage brainstorming Rx Cures for the Capital now that Coin + Snow are Dead. 1st is the news of the GameMasters Drug Overdose and Brainstorming a Rx Cure, ha. Scene of Katniss giving birth will be number one with old and young viewers. Cat has kittens too. I forgot the Cats name but Katniss will have a Rx for memory and will give the viewers the recipe. Regal Part 3 "Mach 33 Jay's Fly Faster than the Speed of Light" Part 3. coming soon Gravity engine too! Butter Cup is the Cat's name... in real life Butter in your Aorta is harder to view if you are Brainwashed by Snow, 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis and yes Syphilis will be in MockingJay Part 3. ha.

Gregs 2007 web

11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe... Butter in your Aorta is harder to view if you are Brainwashed by President Snow + Coin. $$$ Butter + Gasoline! Leaving Millions on Earth Dead! Mandy Miles Cat Buddy is in her Tan Lines for Today, Cat was MIA and came home on his own. Karma was her ending of the story. Karma of 10 cent gas, Dead from BP Oil from 1980 to 2015 is terrorism from British Oil Men, Texas too. Karma Mandy I don't know. I do know Godsend of the invention of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort was "a real Godsend" Miracle the Pope would say! Triangulum II the Galaxy above had Karma... Out-Of-Date Power Lines in Moscow below and Out-of-Date Galaxy News that is void of their Aliens and goings on like Triangulum II. Karma of West Point Wives + Generals both have Karma too Mandy. Now with Pakistan with 120 H-Bombs and 72 Virgins in Heaven I expect H-Bombs to go off in view of the Eiffel Tower over gay Allah cartoons before Obama welcomes Assad to the White House. Jimmy Carter killed more people than Obama though! Facebook comments and help finding Buddy the Cat, not 72 virgins in Heaven for killing "gay cartoons". Grin. Everyone on Facebook knows the Moslem Generals in Pakistan built 120 H-Bombs in 2015 to use them for insulting Allah! No one is allowed to write comments, only on lost cats in Key West Mandy! Butter Cup in MockingJay Part 2 is saw again yesterday as Key West had rain all day about 7 inches so saw 007 Bond Spectre at 1 pm with closed caption glasses at Regal Cinema and then watched MockingJay Part 2 at 4 pm. Nice as it rained all day and the closed caption glasses text was in green, nice. Made my day and both movies as I missed a lot of dialog not using the closed caption glasses the first time. Butter in your Aorta is harder to view if not written into MockingJay it will be in Part 3, grin. In Key West the Plumeria pudica flower blooms all year, nice. Dates + Thyme in Key West? Read my web page...


11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe... At the edge of the Milky Way, there's a small galaxy called Triangulum II. It has just 1,000 stars, compared to the 100 billion estimated in our own galaxy, and its days of star formation are over, leaving it "dead".


11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la... "Bangladesh Hangs 2 Leaders Convicted of War Crimes" By ELLEN BARRY "Power Lines to Crimea Are Blown Up, Cutting Off Electricity" By NEIL MacFARQUHAR Russian news reports said saboteurs were responsible for shutting down the lines in the disputed peninsula.

11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la... Motor City to Bike City: Inside Detroit's Cycle Renaissance NBCNews.com.

11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe... Butter in your Aorta is harder to view if you are Brainwashed by President Snow + Coin. $$$ Butter + Gasoline! Leaving Millions on Earth Dead.

11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la...


11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe... At the edge of the Milky Way, there's a small galaxy called Triangulum II. It has just 1,000 stars, compared to the 100 billion estimated in our own galaxy, and its days of star formation are over, leaving it "dead".

11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la...

11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe... Butter in your Aorta is harder to view if you are Brainwashed by President Snow + Coin. $$$ Butter + Gasoline! Leaving Millions on Earth Dead.

11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe...

11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe... At the edge of the Milky Way, there's a small galaxy called Triangulum II. It has just 1,000 stars, compared to the 100 billion estimated in our own galaxy, and its days of star formation are over, leaving it "dead".


11-22-2015 To Have Have Not... Cure for accidental drug overdose.... 1984 II

Hoffman's death from an accidental drug overdose came with eight days of shooting left. Plutarch Heavensbee the Game Master! 1984 II. Our 1982 II GameMasters want women as Whore's not Wives and Give Syphilis not Cure it. Asking Pope Francis to bless Fags with many African Diseases other than worms...

Gregs 2007 web

Hoffman's death from an accidental drug overdose came with eight days of shooting left. Plutarch Heavensbee the Game Master! 1984 II. Our 1982 II GameMasters want women as Whore's not Wives and Give Syphilis not Cure it. Asking Pope Francis to bless Fags with many African Diseases other than worms...


11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe...

2 hours 15 minutes should have been 3 hours. Miss Jennifer Lawrence was the winner over President Snow "1984". In the Movies and in real life if Greg + Wives in Key West can write a winner like the movie part 3 is. Killing of their own kids + women via bombs and poison gas exhaust and putting the blame on someone else... Our 1984 II Dictators!!

"The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2," Jennifer Lawrence does what she must. For four films now, she has played Katniss Everdeen as a reluctant hero and flummoxed lover, caught in a violent revolutionary war and willowy love triangle. Katniss has grown into her role as a savior, an evolution that parallels that of Ms. Lawrence, who entered the series as a Sundance starlet and leaves it as one of the biggest stars in the world. Katniss picking a fight with her dead sisters cat and the cat wins! They both win then. 1984 II Hunger Games!! “The Hunger Games” has triumphed partly because it means so many different things to so many people. It’s a story of war and peace, love and bullets, pegged to a girl-woman who fights for her family, her friends and the future. 1984 II. It’s aspirational and inspirational, personal and communal, familiar and strange, and it speaks to the past as well as the present, 1984 II Hunger Games for Star Travel inventions to win the Star Wars by inventing a "weapon" that goes 777 times faster than the speed of light! Our West Point Yale Harvard totalitarian "OIL" government that rules Panem our 1984 II Society with Syphilis, HIV, STD's not in the Hunger Games Movies!! “Catching Fire,” Fiery Cop Cars - President Snow kills his own troops, MP's burning them to death and 100's of surgeries in the Burn Units. Real Life and in the Movies in this Part 2 was so Orwellian I don't know how it got past the censors. Julian Moore killed 100's of Women + Children and would have put the blame on President Snow if there were not Hidden CCTV cameras everywhere that caught her giving the orders.

Gregs 2007 web

Covert CIA bombings blamed on others is so close to real life... wow! Sony Movies Made for the Pentagon. Oil Bomb and Wave in the Part 2 movie is the BP Oil Spill in the Ocean that is a tidal wave splashing up against the Wall Street Banks!! Conversion Therapy for the fags... Tracker Jack Venom and hate crimes against women. Lobotomy Gas invented by Oppenheimer II + III Today. Polygamy of the Moslems rejected by Yale Harvard Alumni. Elite love their prostitute women, as its so easy. No Whores in Part 2. Saudis didn't interfere with this movie to promote Whores for the rich, grin. Wives are hard to seduce, grin. President Snow has iPod's at every intersection. Who needs a GPS tracker? White House and White Roses by the Trillions. Yes the Saudis have had USA companies build them a $1 Trillion dollar Palace not a Yale Paris Medical School. Hospital in Part 2 is the same field Hospital not a futuristic one. No Rx to keep them awake all night brainstorming inventions. Katniss flash backs and flash forwards are limited when the movie could have been 3 hours to shock the movie review writers. Part 3 Greg + Wives in Key West could write and direct with Katniss as the #1 Wife, grin. Scene of her giving birth will be number one with old and young viewers. Cat has kittens too. I forgot the Cats name but Katniss will have a Rx for memory and will give the viewers the recipe. Regal Part 3 "Mach 33 Jay's Fly Faster than the Speed of Light" Part 3. coming soon! Butter Cup is the Cat's name... in real life Butter in your Aorta is harder to view if you are Brainwashed by Snow, ha.


11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe...

11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe...

Gregs 2007 web

Part 3 by Greg + Wives in Key West. We could write and direct with Katniss as the #1 Wife, grin in a Legal Polygamous Marriage brainstorming Rx Cures for the Capital now that Coin + Snow are Dead. 1st is the news of the GameMasters Drug Overdose and Brainstorming a Rx Cure, ha. Scene of Katniss giving birth will be number one with old and young viewers. Cat has kittens too. I forgot the Cats name but Katniss will have a Rx for memory and will give the viewers the recipe. Regal Part 3 "Mach 33 Jay's Fly Faster than the Speed of Light" Part 3. coming soon Gravity engine too! Butter Cup is the Cat's name... in real life Butter in your Aorta is harder to view if you are Brainwashed by Snow, 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis and yes Syphilis will be in MockingJay Part 3. ha.

Gregs 2007 web

11-22-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe...

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.



Gregs 2007 web

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!



Yes Greg + Wives in Key West will get this Gravity Control Invention and of course the "Gravity Engine" for the flying cars.


CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.



850 pages moved to this web link http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/04Wives.html

Moved 840 pages from Jan 2014 to Christmas 2014

Link to Photos and Acrobat files of Greg in NYC

Greg's YouTube Video reposted



2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,




Gregs 2007 web

"War Room" - "Apple-Starbucks Ultra 100" LG Monitors; grin!!" At the edge of the Milky Way, there's a small galaxy called Triangulum II. It has just 1,000 stars, compared to the 100 billion estimated in our own galaxy, and its days of star formation are over, leaving it "dead".

2 hours 15 minutes should have been 3 hours. Miss Jennifer Lawrence was the winner over President Snow "1984". In the Movies and in real life if Greg + Wives in Key West can write a winner like the movie part 3 is. Killing of their own kids + women via bombs and poison gas exhaust and putting the blame on someone else... Our 1984 II Dictators!!

"The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2," Jennifer Lawrence does what she must. For four films now, she has played Katniss Everdeen as a reluctant hero and flummoxed lover, caught in a violent revolutionary war and willowy love triangle. Katniss has grown into her role as a savior, an evolution that parallels that of Ms. Lawrence, who entered the series as a Sundance starlet and leaves it as one of the biggest stars in the world. Katniss picking a fight with her dead sisters cat and the cat wins! They both win then. 1984 II Hunger Games!! “The Hunger Games” has triumphed partly because it means so many different things to so many people. It’s a story of war and peace, love and bullets, pegged to a girl-woman who fights for her family, her friends and the future. 1984 II. It’s aspirational and inspirational, personal and communal, familiar and strange, and it speaks to the past as well as the present, 1984 II Hunger Games for Star Travel inventions to win the Star Wars by inventing a "weapon" that goes 777 times faster than the speed of light! Our West Point Yale Harvard totalitarian "OIL" government that rules Panem our 1984 II Society with Syphilis, HIV, STD's not in the Hunger Games Movies!! “Catching Fire,” Fiery Cop Cars - President Snow kills his own troops, MP's burning them to death and 100's of surgeries in the Burn Units. Real Life and in the Movies in this Part 2 was so Orwellian I don't know how it got past the censors. Julian Moore killed 100's of Women + Children and would have put the blame on President Snow if there were not Hidden CCTV cameras everywhere that caught her giving the orders.

Gregs 2007 web

Covert CIA bombings blamed on others is so close to real life... wow! Sony Movies Made for the Pentagon. Oil Bomb and Wave in the Part 2 movie is the BP Oil Spill in the Ocean that is a tidal wave splashing up against the Wall Street Banks!! Conversion Therapy for the fags... Tracker Jack Venom and hate crimes against women. Lobotomy Gas invented by Oppenheimer II + III Today. Polygamy of the Moslems rejected by Yale Harvard Alumni. Elite love their prostitute women, as its so easy. No Whores in Part 2. Saudis didn't interfere with this movie to promote Whores for the rich, grin. Wives are hard to seduce, grin. President Snow has iPod's at every intersection. Who needs a GPS tracker? White House and White Roses by the Trillions. Yes the Saudis have had USA companies build them a $1 Trillion dollar Palace not a Yale Paris Medical School. Hospital in Part 2 is the same field Hospital not a futuristic one. No Rx to keep them awake all night brainstorming inventions. Katniss flash backs and flash forwards are limited when the movie could have been 3 hours to shock the movie review writers. Part 3 Greg + Wives in Key West could write and direct with Katniss as the #1 Wife, grin. Scene of her giving birth will be number one with old and young viewers. Cat has kittens too. I forgot the Cats name but Katniss will have a Rx for memory and will give the viewers the recipe. Regal Part 3 "Mach 33 Jay's Fly Faster than the Speed of Light" Part 3. coming soon! Butter Cup is the Cat's name... in real life Butter in your Aorta is harder to view if you are Brainwashed by Snow, ha.


11-21-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe table with 100" LG's - Voltaire II + Oppenheimer II + III... Nuke the Moslems with LG-Bombs...

"War Room" - "Apple-Starbucks Ultra 100" LG Monitors; grin!!" At the edge of the Milky Way, there's a small galaxy called Triangulum II. It has just 1,000 stars, compared to the 100 billion estimated in our own galaxy, and its days of star formation are over, leaving it "dead".

Gregs 2007 web

"War Room" - "Apple-Starbucks Ultra 100" LG Monitors; grin!!" At the edge of the Milky Way, there's a small galaxy called Triangulum II. It has just 1,000 stars, compared to the 100 billion estimated in our own galaxy, and its days of star formation are over, leaving it "dead".

11-21-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's


Editorial Observer: What the Saudis Miss When They Focus on Iran section A - page 20 By CAROL GIACOMO

NY Times Editoral Observer; What the Saudis are going to Miss is Miss USA "Sex Slave" pimped by Bush + Hillary. What the Saudis are going to Miss is Miss USA driving the 2015 ElectricWindillFord Escort. What the Saudis are going to Miss is $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues in Swiss Banks Miss USA will spend for them on MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe Table. What the Saudis are going to Miss is their "Heads" as the Era that puts an end to gas stations will put an end to Kings, Princes, Royalty the French Revolution Missed! What Miss USA is going to miss with all this money is Stage 4, 19K SWF murdered by drunk men, Caroline Kennedy II + III hanging in the Kennedy Barn. Cars that threaten her in the cross walk, grin!


11-21-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe table with 100" LG's - Voltaire II + Oppenheimer II + III... Nuke the Moslems with LG-Bombs...


LOWER DIR, Pakistan — A mass funeral on Friday for as many as 20 local militants said to have been killed by American Drone strikes in neighboring Afghanistan drew hundreds of mourners many Pakistan Top Brass Generals who have built 120 H-Bombs in 2015 just for this revenge on the West Point Drone Masterminds who never though or were told Pakistan built 120 H-Bombs in 2015 for revenge on Drone Attacks... tit for tat that Allah will win, grin. West Point "Tit for Tat" 101 Cass, Drone Strikes bring H-Bombs retaliation... what is the correct answer and what do we do with the Drone Masterminds?


11-21-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe table with 100" LG's - Voltaire II + Oppenheimer II + III... Nuke the Moslems with LG-Bombs...

Funeral in Pakistan for Militants Killed in U.S. Strikes Draws Hundreds section A - page 10 By THE NEW YORK TIMES... A spokeswoman for the Russian foreign ministry says six Russians were killed in Friday's attack in Mali on the Radisson Blu hotel. Maria Zakharova said in a statement on Saturday that the Russians, along with 13 other foreign nationals, were killed by the attackers at the hotel restaurant. The brazen assault on the Radisson Blu hotel in the capital killed 20 people as well as two assailants.


11-21-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe table with 100" LG's - Voltaire II + Oppenheimer II + III... Nuke the Moslems with LG-Bombs...

The father, who was born in Marrakesh and came to France in 1973 to work at a car factory, left for Morocco in July. It is unclear what triggered Ms. Aitboulahcen’s radicalization. Wednesday outside the building in the Paris suburb of St.-Denis where the presumed ringleader of the Paris attacks was holed up, a young woman appeared in a window. “Help!” she shouted, according to the reports of witnesses. “Help me!”

11-21-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe table with 100" LG's - Voltaire II + Oppenheimer II + III... Nuke the Moslems with LG-Bombs...

"War Room" - "Apple-Starbucks Ultra 100" LG Monitors; grin!!" At the edge of the Milky Way, there's a small galaxy called Triangulum II. It has just 1,000 stars, compared to the 100 billion estimated in our own galaxy, and its days of star formation are over, leaving it "dead".

11-21-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe table with 100" LG's - Voltaire II + Oppenheimer II + III... Nuke the Moslems with LG-Bombs...

11-21-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe table with 100" LG's - Voltaire II + Oppenheimer II + III... Nuke the Moslems with LG-Bombs...

11-21-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe table with 100" LG's - Voltaire II + Oppenheimer II + III... Nuke the Moslems with LG-Bombs...

"War Room" - "Apple-Starbucks Ultra 100" LG Monitors; grin!!" At the edge of the Milky Way, there's a small galaxy called Triangulum II. It has just 1,000 stars, compared to the 100 billion estimated in our own galaxy, and its days of star formation are over, leaving it "dead".

11-21-2015 To Have Have Not la MacBook Pro's at every French Cafe table with 100" LG's - Voltaire II + Oppenheimer II + III... Nuke the Moslems with LG-Bombs...


11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Key West 1 pm Today I'm going to the Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2. I will be looking for some inventions that will send our 1984 II Dictator Snow's to Hell for more than 4 trillion years, ha! Thanksgiving Day BirthDay gift of $777 Trillion to the wife!

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Masterminding of GPS tracking of UPS + FedEx Trucks put in the Apple Watch, iphone 007... at least in Paris ASAP! GPS tracking the speed you drive your car, where you drive your car on Google Maps. All Traffic Accidents cause + prevention on Google Maps. Masterminding traffic control.

State of the Arts Laser Guidance, Green + Red Lasers not pointed at Planes but Cars + People driving and crossing the streets. End of the Era of a Walk Light coming on for 5 or 10 seconds. CCTV watches everyone in the cross walk get safely across then the Laser Across the Intersection is green - for traffic - Traffic Lights go the way of Gas Stations - Wall Street Orwellian Alert sell your stock in Traffic Lights as Laser Guidance will replace all Traffic Lights! End to running Red Lights as Red Laser across the intersection will not let the car cross over the Laser Beam, the car will Stop, driver has no choice, Grin!!

NYC until then can do a quick fix of all "Walk" at the same time stopping traffic all directions and hire the Homeless to hold the STOP sign sticks... at $15 a hour ha.

Gregs 2007 web

Extended pedestrian areas and shorter, more direct crosswalks will make walking safer at the intersection of Broadway, Amsterdam, and 71st Street.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... West Point Wives, how are they doing, West Point Wives, how are they doing. Least they don't have to hid their Husbands Nuclear Submarine with 120 H-Bombs on board, grin.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... tranquilizer for cat + cat fights masterminded for everyone on Earth, put it in the H2O if it works Dr. Nancy Snyderman would say!! Jimmy Carter didn't need a Nuclear Sub with 120 H-Bombs...

11-20-2015 la France we have the, la Jimmy Carter who Scammed God all his life then he gave the Godsend of 120 H-Bombs to Pakistan!!

West Point Masterminds Moslem Battlefields as Generals failed everyone on Earth. The all out Nuclear War with Moscow is now a all out nuclear war with Moslem Generals in Pakistan. 120 H-Bombs built in 2015.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... WHO MD's fail our Habitat for Humanity, Jimmy Carter was the Mastermind who destroy the Earth in a all out Nuclear War over God. Ironic as Jimmy Carter Scammed God all his life. 120 H-Bombs via Pakistan to boost prosperity and peace? Jimmy was looking for worms same time they built 120 H-Bombs... scene out of a 007 movie mocking M on a fishing trip.

Jimmy Carter Scammed God all his life then he gave the Godsend of 120 H-Bombs to Pakistan!!

Gregs 2007 web

Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine will retaliate... Thank God! SWF's will retaliate too, there are a lot more STD cases in the US than ever before—especially amongst men in General, ha!


Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine will retaliate... Godsend Rx Stage 4 Cure for French Women by Christmas 2015...

Jimmy Carter Scammed God all his life then he gave the Godsend of 120 H-Bombs to Pakistan!!

Gregs 2007 web

Jimmy Carter Scammed God all his life then he gave these 4 girls Godsend of MacBook Pro's costing $8K each to the Navy for a Nuclear Jimmy Carter Submarine, yes 120 H-Bombs are on the Jimmy Carter Submarine! Costing more than a MacBook Pro, grin!

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... New York Times Editorial - "How West Point + Walter Reed Generals Failed Its People" 120 H- Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower and to add Insult No 155 Story Eiffel Tower Yale Paris Medical School ever built when they have a War Chest of $777 Trillion, they bought the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine!! New York Times Op-Ed Contributor. A minute of silence is observed in front of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, on Monday. Michel Houellebecq: How France’s Leaders Failed Its People By MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Masterminded. God's; only regret is that they didn’t capture him alive so that they could interrogate him, Jimmy Carter. Ha! $777 Trillion in Oil Money Masterminded by Jimmy Carter is a lot of money even to God. $7 trillion for MacBook Pro's at every Paris Cafe Table. 1,001 Nobels in Medicine and Innovative Surgery to get 50% more up and walking after being shot. Gun shot surgery on 100" Ultra LG monitors, Shock + Awe Serendipity!


To Have Have Not iapps and, la MacBook Pro French Cafe with 100" LG's - Voltaire II + Oppenheimer II + III Dr. Dad's took Dr. Nancy + Dr. Katrina into the OR when they were 5. re-evaluate its priorities. Our Elite 1984 II Dictators are infected with Syphilis, HIV, STD's, MS Virus, they need surgery innovations. Humanitarian response in order to prevent 4 girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks Cafe Window from being murdered by a "Wine O" Dr. Nancy + Dr. Katrina will send them to Disneyland Paris New Surgery Theme Parks! Alice in Wonderland will take on a new Universe suppressed by Pope's for thousands of years, Anatomy 101. Steve Jobs + Biden Failed.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Masterminded the spin and orbit of Top Quarks in the Gravity Engine. Caught on a 100" Ultra LG monitor, "Shock + Awe" of Bush's failure to Humanity, War for Texas Oil Money, BP Oil Money, how much is $777 Trillion? $7 trillion for MacBook Pro's at every Paris Cafe Table. Elite in Pairs never built a 55 Story Yale Paris Med School with all the French African Oil Revenues since 1980. History "The Realign of Terror after the French Revolution is still going on today via Oil Fields in Africa.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Mastermind Abaaoud caught on Paris metro CCTV as attacks went on:

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Masterminds got 19K SWF in the USA murdered by drunk men in 2015 in the USA and sent all their West Point Generals to protect the Oil Fields.


11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Masterminds of innovative surgery to get 50% more shot up and walking lost everything to CBS Nightly News in Paris not covering any of over 300 surgeries from the Paris Terrorists attacks.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Mastermind "Time" - Memory caught on a MRI nothing in the "Times" front page headlines or CBS 60 minutes, I need the memory of a MD! Rx for Memory!!

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Northern Mali fell under the control of Islamist militants in 2012, but a French-led offensive ousted them in 2013, The number of people killed was unclear, but the manager of hotel said perhaps three people were dead, and there were indications that the hostage takers were releasing Muslims and continuing to hold non-Muslims. BAMAKO, Mali — At least two gunmen stormed a Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako, the capital of Mali, on Friday morning and seized 140 guests.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... CBS Nightly News, New York Times; But they are not complete idiots. Instead, their main flaw is a kind of forgetful frivolity that necessitates jogging their memory from time to time. There are people, political people, who are responsible for the unfortunate situation we find ourselves in today, and sooner or later their responsibility will have to be examined... On 60 Minutes, grin! 120 H-Bombs and $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues.


11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Bill Cosby to replace... Princeton Agrees to Consider Removing a President’s Name. By LIAM STACK and GABRIEL FISHER Students ended a 32-hour sit-in that started amid racial tension and focused on the use of former President Woodrow Wilson’s name in the university’s public spaces. Bill Cosby to replace Woodrow Wilson's name in all public spaces at Princeton, Yale, Harvard.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... New York’s Rise in Homelessness Went Against National Trend, U.S. Report Finds By NIKITA STEWART An annual homelessness report by the federal government found that New York’s homeless people accounted for 14 percent of the national total.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... New York’s Rise in Homelessness followed gas prices $5 a gallon etc. $777 Trillion in Swiss Banks.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Masterminded 777 Flying into Orbit on long flights for 15 or 20 minutes land in Paris. Britain will convert a military air-to-air refueling plane so that it can be used by Mr. Cameron and senior ministers for long journeys. The plane, which would retain its refueling capacity, would also be available for members of the royal family. British government said it would convert one of the Royal Air Force’s Voyager planes, no plans for Boeing 777 that can fly into orbit for 15 or 20 mins on long fights. It cost more than $152,000 for Mr. Cameron and five officials to take a charter flight to Saudi Arabia in January to “pay condolences following death of King Abdullah.” Long live the King... I don't think so... end to gas stations on Earth 1980. Mr. Cameron will have to tell Queen Elizabeth how many British women were sucker punched in a gas station hold up by a Black Man.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Personal GPS watch in the tracking of Moslems + Blacks... Donald Trump Says He’d ‘Absolutely’ Require Muslims to Register, GPS tracking a more state of the arts. Trump Casino tracks the Wales of course, all from Saudi Arabia and UAE, grin.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Masterminded. 10 years ago Super Air Bags on the Outside of all cars + trucks at Yale. Yale Alumni Failed F - F - F!!!

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Nationwide, three out of every four car seats is installed incorrectly, greatly reducing their efficacy and putting kids at risk of unnecessary injury or death in automobile crashes, said Gloria Del Castillo, child passenger safety expert and senior outreach specialist for Buckle Up for Life. To help combat this trauma sustained by children, the Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital will implement Buckle Up for Life, an injury prevention program that trains parents on correct car seat use for their children. The program, created over a decade ago. Yale Daily News Grace Castillo Staff Reporter

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Masterminded. 10 years ago Super Air Bags on the Outside of all cars + trucks at Yale. Yale Alumni Failed F - F - F!!!

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... tranquilizer for cat + cat fights masterminded for everyone on Earth, put it in the H2O if it works Dr. Nancy Snyderman would say!! Jimmy Carter didn't need a Nuclear Sub with 120 H-Bombs... West Point Wives, how are they doing. Least they don't have to hid their Husbands Nuclear Submarine with 120 H-Bombs on board, grin.

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"...

Jimmy Carter Scammed God all his life then he gave the Godsend of 120 H-Bombs to Pakistan!!

Gregs 2007 web

Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine will retaliate... Thank God! SWF's will retaliate too, there are a lot more STD cases in the US than ever before—especially amongst men in General, ha!


Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine will retaliate... Godsend Rx Stage 4 Cure for French Women by Christmas 2015...

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... West Point Wives, how are they doing?

Jimmy Carter Scammed God all his life then he gave the Godsend of 120 H-Bombs to Pakistan!!

Gregs 2007 web

Jimmy Carter Scammed God all his life then he gave these 4 girls Godsend of MacBook Pro's costing $8K each to the Navy for a Nuclear Jimmy Carter Submarine, yes 120 H-Bombs are on the Jimmy Carter Submarine! Costing more than a MacBook Pro, grin!

11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... West Point Wives, how are they doing?

Jimmy Carter Scammed God all his life then he gave the Godsend of 120 H-Bombs to Pakistan!!


11-20-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"...

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Gravity of Pakistan Moslems with 120 H-Bombs after the Paris Attack is not right at the New York Times! Gravity of Today's Editorials at the NY Times are like Mickel Dagdalar and Maxence Lezeau squeezed behind a tiny bistro table at Le Baromètre Cafe. “la résistance.” la inventsomething! Lobotomized Moslems will be the next generation of Slaves washing dishes in Paris... let the Moslem terrorists get at the heart of France cleaning the streets...

Gregs 2007 web

To Have Have Not iapps la MacBook Pro French Cafe with 100" LG's - "Star Travel Gravity Engine!"... 777 times faster than the speed of light in Voltaire Invention Projects Novel. Gravity of Pakistan Moslems with 120 H-Bombs after the Paris Attack is not right at the New York Times! Gravity of Today's Editorials at the NY Times are like Mickel Dagdalar and Maxence Lezeau squeezed behind a tiny bistro table at Le Baromètre Cafe. “la résistance.” la inventsomething! Lobotomized Moslems will be the next generation of Slaves washing dishes in Paris... let the Moslem terrorists get at the heart of France cleaning the streets...
Gregs 2007 web

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... la MacBook Pro Cafe on Voltaire Blvd. 100" Ultra LG at la France Cafe on Voltaire Boulevard. Charlie Hebdo, cartoon of a bullet-riddled man, spouting Champagne, under a headline that read: “They have weapons. Screw them, we have Champagne!” Cartoon Newspaper Editorial on par with today's New York Times Editorials, ha! New York Times Editorial tomorrow, we have the "Graivty Engine", Rx Memory, Stage 4 Rx Cure... Screw them we have Oppenheimer II + III and the not classified LG-Bomb.

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Paris is Voltaire Boulevard and intellectuals. Voltaire would immediately write about gun shot surgery, this didn't happen in the Paris of CBS Nightly News.

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... 300 shot in surgery and no CBS Nightly News; at all... about surgery + inventions. Cardiomyopathy impacts quality of life. CBS Nightly News in Paris with no "Surgery" news at all! Impacts the life of MD's world wide!! Add to this insults to "Inventors" by Obama at Walter Reed! Nothing!! About getting 50% more up and walking with innovative surgery that has never been done!! 60 Minutes, Dateline, 48 Hours and Nothing!!

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... 300 shot in surgery and no Obama at Walter Reed about surgery inventions that will get 50% up and walking. Black MD's Race Headlines at Yale Today. This is a example of Race killing innovation News at Yale, no IP invention projects from Obama, ha! Obama's Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, MS virus. The number of cases of three key sexually transmitted diseases increased last year for the first time since 2006, no concerned to Yale Campus News today. "Black Lives Matter" not to SWF's given Syphilis, STD's, MS virus, grin. There are no white women OJ's... thank God!

observe <

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"...

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Gravity of Pakistan Moslems with 120 H-Bombs after the Paris Attack is not right at the New York Times! Gravity of Today's Editorials at the NY Times are like Mickel Dagdalar and Maxence Lezeau squeezed behind a tiny bistro table at Le Baromètre Cafe. “la résistance.” la inventsomething! Lobotomized Moslems will be the next generation of Slaves washing dishes in Paris... let the Moslem terrorists get at the heart of France cleaning the streets...

Gregs 2007 web

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Well not everyone on the Yale Campus is at Black Lives Matter Ralley, The Yale Cardiomyopathy index can be downloaded from the App Store on Apple iPhones. The team of two is the smallest yet to develop a research-based app using ResearchKit, according to the researchers involved. Hall, who has computer programming experience, personally wrote the app, typing some 15,000 lines of code.

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Paris may have changed the politics on both encryption and a range of surveillance issues.

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Paris is Voltaire, intellectuals, Inventors. Ben Franklin Paris Cafe is at the State Dept. ha.

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"...

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... 1984 II Dictators USA + CBS USA Nightly News Killed and , 185000 left without power after Washington state storms... again this year when iPod size can of liquid H @ -254 can heat your home and give you electricity without power lines coming into the house. Jimmy Carter has know about this electric generation for decades yet's still connects his Habitat for Humanity Homes to the Power lines killing many people. SEATTLE About 185,000 homes and businesses remained without power in Washington state late on Wednesday, after a storm blew down trees.

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... 150 million remain without "Power" after CBS and Obama on the Nightly News from Paris again refused to put on any surgery, for surgery inventions.

observe <

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"...

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Gravity of Pakistan Moslems with 120 H-Bombs after the Paris Attack is not right at the New York Times! Gravity of Today's Editorials at the NY Times are like Mickel Dagdalar and Maxence Lezeau squeezed behind a tiny bistro table at Le Baromètre Cafe. “la résistance.” la inventsomething! Lobotomized Moslems will be the next generation of Slaves washing dishes in Paris... let the Moslem terrorists get at the heart of France cleaning the streets...

Gregs 2007 web

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... By WILLIAM NEUMAN New York Times. Venezuela has long insisted it owns everything west of the Essequibo River, including the Guyanese town of Bartica, in a battle that intensified after an oil discovery. Bill Neuman is a war criminal journalists as he knows about the 1 Trillion ElectricWindmillFord Escorts coming off the Ford assembly line the Times will not put on the Front Page News!

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"...

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Cyber security James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, warned Wednesday that F.B.I. Director Repeats Call That Ability to Read Encrypted Messages Is Crucial By NICOLE PERLROTH and DAVID E. SANGER The terrorist attacks in Paris may have changed the politics on both encryption and a range of surveillance issues.

observe <

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"...

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... Gravity of Pakistan Moslems with 120 H-Bombs after the Paris Attack is not right at the New York Times! Gravity of Today's Editorials at the NY Times are like Mickel Dagdalar and Maxence Lezeau squeezed behind a tiny bistro table at Le Baromètre Cafe. “la résistance.” la inventsomething! Lobotomized Moslems will be the next generation of Slaves washing dishes in Paris... let the Moslem terrorists get at the heart of France cleaning the streets...

Gregs 2007 web

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"...

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"...

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"...

11-19-2015 Pink H-Bombs Los Alamos + Going off in Paris; caused via Oil $777 Trillion!!

11-18-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Many conversations drift to somber reminiscences about acquaintances lost, or those still recovering in hospitals. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine were lost by Nightly News at CBS not covering the surgery. Obama mentioned Walter Reed Military + VA MD's treating troops paralyzed but not a "IP" invention project to get 50% of those shot up and walking - Obama will wait for his replacement President to talk about surgery inventions. This is sick! 100's of surgery inventions could have come out of this Moslem terrorists attack!!


Apple-Starbucks French Cafe Store School University changed the culture intellectuals of Paris from Voltaire to "Surgery Inventions at the Cafe". Song in the distance; surgery invention! Cheney is a poor USA example. He watched the 9/11 attract too with a diseased heart full of oil not blood...

Gregs 2007 web

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... It was the most typical of Parisian scenes — the sharing of drinks among friends...


“Fluctuat nec mergitur,” the ancient slogan of Paris, which translates to “it is tossed by the waves but does not sink.” Because we have invented the Graivty Engine in Paris!!

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... It was the Most typical of Parisian scenes - Apple-Starbucks French Cafe Store School University changed the culture intellectuals of Paris from Voltaire to "Gravity Engine" and the alcohol formula has been memorized by everyone at the Cafe. SWF's murdered by a drunk man has more "Statues in Paris" than Voltaire.


11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "PARIS — At 6 p.m. sharp on Tuesday, Mickel Dagdalar and Maxence Lezeau squeezed behind a tiny bistro table at Le Baromètre, a casual neighborhood hangout on the Boulevard Voltaire. They each lit a cigarette and began sipping at glasses of beer, as the crowd around them swelled. It was the most typical of Parisian scenes — the sharing of drinks among friends"

Gregs 2007 web

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... It was the Most typical of Parisian scenes - Apple-Starbucks French Cafe Store School University changed the culture intellectuals of Paris from Voltaire to "Gravity Engine".

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

Apple-Starbucks French Cafe Store School University changed the culture intellectuals of Paris from Voltaire to "Gravity Engine".

Gregs 2007 web

“la résistance.” la inventsomething! Lobotomized Moslems will be the next generation of Slaves washing dishes in Paris... let the Moslem terrorists get at the heart of France cleaning the streets...


11-18-2015 la France we have the Stage 4 Rx Overnight Godsend Cure for French Women by Christmas 2015...

Gregs 2007 web

11-18-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"

11-18-2015 Charlie Hebdo, itself the target of a terrorist attack in January, published a cover featuring a bullet-riddled man, spouting Champagne, under a headline that read: “They have weapons. Screw them, we have Champagne!” - "Gravity Engine!"

11-18-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Many conversations drift to somber reminiscences about acquaintances lost, or those still recovering in hospitals. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine were lost by Nightly News at CBS not covering the surgery. Obama mentioned Walter Reed Military + VA MD's treating troops paralyzed but not a "IP" invention project to get 50% of those shot up and walking - Obama will wait for his replacement President to talk about surgery inventions. This is sick! 100's of surgery inventions could have come out of this Moslem terrorists attack!!

11-18-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"

11-18-2015 Charlie Hebdo, itself the target of a terrorist attack in January, published a cover featuring a bullet-riddled man, spouting Champagne, under a headline that read: “They have weapons. Screw them, we have Champagne!” - "Gravity Engine!"


11-18-2015 la France Cafe Conversations take on... Mushroom polysaccharides from a number of species have attracted research interest for their immunomodulatory and antitumor properties. Extracts from A. hygrometricus containing the polysaccharide named AE2 were found to inhibit the growth of several tumor cell lines in laboratory tests, and stimulated the growth of splenocytes, thymocytes, and bone marrow cells from mice. The extract also stimulated mouse cells associated with the immune system; specifically, it enhanced the activity of mouse natural killer cells, stimulated macrophages to produce nitric oxide, and enhanced production of cytokines. The activation of macrophages by AE2 might be mediated by a mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway of signal transduction. AE2 is made of the simple sugars mannose, glucose, and fucose in a 1:2:1 ratio. In addition to the previously known steroid compounds ergosta-7,22-diene-3-ol acetate and ergosta-4,6,8-,22-tetraene-3-one, three unique triterpenes—derivatives of 3-hydroxy-lanostane—have been isolated from fruit bodies of A. hygrometricus. The compounds, named astrahygrol, 3-epi-astrahygrol, and astrahygrone (3-oxo-25S-lanost-8-eno-26,22-lactone), have d-lactone (a six-membered ring) in the side chain—a chemical feature previously unknown in the Basidiomycetes.[55][56] A previously unknown steryl ester (3ß, 5a-dihydroxy-(22E, 24R)-ergosta-7,22-dien-6a-yl palmitate) has been isolated from mycelia grown in liquid culture. The compound has a polyhydroxylated ergostane-type nucleus. Ethanol extracts of the fruit body are high in antioxidant activity, and have been shown in laboratory tests to have anti-inflammatory activity comparable to the drug diclofenac. Studies with mouse models have also demonstrated hepatoprotective (liver-protecting) ability, possibly by restoring diminished levels of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase caused by experimental exposure to the liver-damaging chemical carbon tetrachloride.

11-18-2015 la France we have the Stage 4 Rx Overnight Godsend Cure for French Women by Christmas 2015...


11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Has Paid Millions to Keep It Secret $$$

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...Charlie Sheen Says He Has H.I.V. and Has Paid Millions to Keep It Secret $$$ Tim Cook, Elton John... etc.


11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Afghan Jobs Program Aims to Stem Exodus of Young By MUJIB MASHAL New York Times... Mashal knows 1 trillion ElectricWindmillFord Escorts coming off the assembly line will keep all the Young working, those not on the Ford assembly line 16 hours a day 6 days a week will be in the Apple-Starbucks store school 24/7 learning C++ iapps.


11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paris Attacks Complicate Hillary Clinton’s Alignment Lies 1984 II. H-Bombs from Moslem Generals in Pakistan will again Complicate Hillary's Alignment with 1984 II 10 cent gas she could have used at 9/11 to prevent all post 9/11 Moslem attacks as 10 cent gas on 9/11 would have killed every Moslem on Earth! Texas Oil Men too but what the Hell... grin.

Gregs 2007 web


11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Spike Seen in Reported Cases of Sexually Transmitted Diseases" By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. New York Times

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Syphilis cases have more than tripled since 2000, and 91 percent are in men — mostly gay and bisexual men. Dr. Gail Bolan, the agency’s director of prevention. Tim Cook + Elton John, grin! "Yale Will Strengthen Teaching on Race and Ethnicity, Its President Says" By DANIEL VICTOR The university president, Peter Salovey, was responding to recent student demonstrations against discrimination and a racially charged campus environment.

11-18-2015 Nightly News - Stories from the New York Times after the Coup... Syphilis cases have more than tripled since 2000, and 91 percent are in men — mostly gay and bisexual men. Racism on Campus: Stories From New York Times Readers before the Coup; ha!

11-18-2015 Nightly News "Race + Syphilis" at Yale, not Kerry's Yale but Yale Medical School. You though blood + guts was hard... look at the 4 girls with Syphilis. Our 1984 II Dictators have censored this. No Cure is even in their sick minds. 1984 II Dictators. George Orwell with this Syphilis + Race in "1984"... wow!

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... YALE Medical School will take over Yale Campus from President Salovey. 91% of Yale Gay men have Syphilis and Salovey didn't send everyone on Campus a email is a crime!


11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Editorial: Mass Surveillance Isn’t the Answer to Fighting Terrorism section A - page 26 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Editorial: Mass Surveillance Is the Answer to Fighting --- 19K SWF's murdered by Drunk Men in 2015.

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Editorial: Mass Surveillance Is the Answer to Fighting --- 19K SWF's murdered by Drunk Men in 2015.

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Editorial: Mass Surveillance Is the Answer to Fighting --- 19K SWF's murdered by Drunk Men in 2015.


11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Ultra Double Tripple Wide Monorail that can carry cars + trucks... County, state to look into monorail. Key West Citizen - Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Monroe County Commissioners agreed Tuesday to ask state transportation officials to help them find out if a light rail or monorail system is feasible and appropriate for the Florida Keys.

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...




Oxford Street, in central London, had exceeded limits set for "poison gas exhaust chemicals" the entire year in just the first four days of 2015.

11-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... CBS "Spymasters" CIA in the Crosshairs documentary was talked about on CBS this Morning. 12 CIA directors and none talked about Texas Oil money, Bush and Rice were made to look like "Lovers" or like Clinton + Monica, grin. 9/11 was caused by Boston not knowing how much money the Saudi Passengers had... who flew into the World Trade Center buildings! $12 Trillion has been spent by these $12 CIA directors since 9/11. $777 Trillion since the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. One fact on this CBS documentary needs to point out Jimmy Carter + Teddy Kennedy masterminded making $777 Trillion from Oil Revenues! CIA knew they would get most of this money for War Toys via MIT.

Gregs 2007 web

11-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Putin vows payback after Kremlin confirms bomb downed Russian plane over Egypt... 10 cent gas is not in Putin's frontal lobes for psychological warfare payback as he failed psychological Warfare at Yale with Kerry too. A homemade bomb containing up to 1 kilogram of TNT detonated during the flight.

155 Story Yale Paris Medical School lighted up on 11-17-2015 with 10K patients in each window was lost by the Elite in Paris and NYC... Kerry Failed F again + again since the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort was invented. Godsend for 10 cent gas and defeat of Allah.

Gregs 2007 web

4 Girls in Moscow vow's to confirm Putin's $777 Trillion from Russian Oil and pull off a successful Russian Revolution by Christmas 2015 to give all girls in Moscow a MacBook pro ++ Putin Russia offers 4 girls $50 million reward for help detaining Egypt plane bombers: TASS These 4 girls want $$$777 Trillion Putin has in Swiss Banks for a Stage 4 Rx Overnight Godsend Cure! Girls have urgent IP invention projects back in Texas besides oil; Sheriff says 6 people killed in Texas campsite attack, neighbor charged with ... 19K SWF are murdered by drunks most from Texas too in 2015.

Gregs 2007 web

4 Girls into 777 times faster than the speed of light with Putin's $777 Trillion will put the "Gravity Engine" in Star Trek. JJ Abrams Admits Star Trek Into Darkness. Had "Story Problems" same old gasoline engine with the same problems it had in the last dozen Star Trek movies, ha. Katniss Everdeen battled in the annual death match in the futuristic not over Stage 4. which would of been a better movie with Dr. Katniss Everdeen.


11-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 Girls have to track down "Trillions of "Charlie Sheen's" with HIV, Syphilis, STD's, MS virus. Exposing Sex Partners to HIV is a Crime our 1984 II Dictators told Police not to arrest. 4 Girls will have to be cops who will arrest this diseased men and everyone who knew they were diseased. Disease Terrorists! Charlie Sheen could have some big legal problems with the revelation he has HIV, because in California it's a crime for someone to have unprotected sex when that person knows he or she is infected with HIV, Syphilis, STD's, MS virus. Other celebrity sites followed with their own reports — Tim Cook + Elton John; they ,must have several terrible disease and gave them to 100's - above the Law. Helping celebrities disclose sensitive information, in particular their sexual identity, noted that public understanding of HIV has come a long way since 1991, when the basketball star Magic Johnson disclosed his positive status. Since then, Mr. Johnson, who was 32 at the time, has backed AIDS-related efforts for the United Nations and other advocacy groups. In September, the actor Danny Pintauro, best known for his role on the 1980s-era comedy “Who’s the Boss?,” disclosed his HIV-positive status and struggle with drug addiction in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. Obama must have some sex transmitted disease, Clinton too, both Clintons! John Travolta must have several terrible sex diseases... he has a ad in the Times today!


By ADAM LIPTAK NY Times "The Supreme Court’s decisions protecting gay rights were not rooted in the Constitution, and their logic could as easily apply to child molesters, Justice Scalia told first-year law students at Georgetown". 1984 II Dictators have molested Children - Pope Francis might have too! Supreme Court must be God, even Jimmy Carter who has scammed God all his life is thinking God might exist... overcoming his 1984 II ideology grin.


11-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Tuesday during a live interview with Matt Lauer on NBC’s “Today” show, saying that he wanted to put a stop “to this onslaught, this barrage of attacks.” “I am in fact H.I.V.-positive,” he said. Asked whether he faced lawsuits, Mr. Sheen said it was more “shakedowns” from people demanding money. Mr. Sheen said that he paid people “into the millions” to stay quiet about the diagnosis. “That is money taken away from my kids.” Mr. Lauer asked whether Mr. Sheen was still paying some of these people. Mr. Sheen said, “Not after today, I’m not.” Mr. Sheen said that part of his goal in coming forward was to put an end to the payments he was making to keep people quiet. “I think that I release myself from this prison today,” he said. Mr. Sheen said he had known about the diagnosis for about four years

11-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Comcast/NBC fired Dr. Nancy Snyderman because she knows what diseases Matt Lauer and Al Roker have, grin.

11-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Charlie Sheen does not believe 72 virgins will greet him in Heaven, ha.


11-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... New England Patriots offensive tackle Nate Solder revealed his infant son, Hudson, has a Wilms tumor in his kidneys. Poison gas holocaust II + III is a on going war on cancer as 4 girls can not stop gasoline exhaust. Even WHO at the UN has taken $ trillion in kickbacks from BP Oil to keep silent about childhood cancers at Saint Jude.

11-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "China Bends Vow, Using Prisoners’ Organs for Transplants" By DIDI KIRSTEN TATLOW


11-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Steve Jobs + Cheney bent fingers for Transplants, grin.

11-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


4 Girls thinking about becoming a MD's didn't get to see any "Surgery" goings-on iapps the Doctors used in treating the 300 shot in Paris Hospitals... IP invention projects they would have written up were all lost to the "CBS" masterminds who would not let us into the Paris Hospitals treating those shot.

Yale Daily News million of Medical Students were watching the Yale Harvard football game not the surgery of 300 shot in Paris.

Gregs 2007 web


11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Could an Attack Happen Here?" By STEVEN SIMON and DANIEL BENJAMIN New York Times!! H-Bomb Attack by ISIS in Pakistan!!

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Could an Attack Happen Here?" By STEVEN SIMON and DANIEL BENJAMIN New York Times!! H-Bomb Attack by ISIS in Pakistan!!

Gregs 2007 web

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Mastermind of the Paris Attack has been named on CBS this Morning. Noon a hour ago, 7 am now in Key West. French Elite are contemplating the future of 1 million Moslems in Paris, all the Moslem Men believe they will get 72 virgins in Heaven. Clash of Culture, Lifestyles... no French Wine even at Peace Talks. French + USA men have no beliefs of what they will get in Heaven. Moslem men are 100% sure they will get 72 virgins in Heaven. French Elite Intellectuals are contemplating how to "Attack" this! Like Greg believes "Women" are God's best "Invention!". Ideology! Strategy against Moslems! 1984 II Dictators are waiting for 10K Syrian Moslem refugees set to arrive this week... in the USA.

4 Girls Watching YouTube Red French24 streaming video all day Sunday. 12 Football games were on all At&T Cable Channels. IP invention projects were lost to this "Glut" of Football Games!

Gregs 2007 web

4 Girls thinking about becoming a MD's didn't get to see any "Surgery" goings-on iapps the Doctors used in treating the 300 shot in Paris Hospitals... IP invention projects they would have written up were all lost to the "CBS" masterminds who would not let us into the Paris Hospitals treating those shot.


Hollywood in the Operating Room video in the New York Times... Surgeons at Massachusetts General Hospital have four minutes to save this gunshot wound victim. So how do residents learn such a risky procedure? With a little help from Hollywood


11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... $777 glut of Oil Money after Paris Attacks. Geopolitical worries lift oil after Paris attacks, but glut weighs. LONDON Oil prices edged up on Monday on geopolitical concerns after Friday's deadly attacks in Paris claimed by Islamic militants, but gains were muted due to a global crude glut.


11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School "Glut" after Paris Attacks. Geopolitical MD's builders of 155 Story Medical School on a Eiffel Tower Structure. State of the Arts "Oil Fields" have surpassed Medical Schools. Worst Walter Reed Hospital has been downgraded by Wall Street and Biden to "Junk".

La Société Française at Yale will host a vigil this evening. I wish they would leak the 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School on a Eiffel Tower Structure not in the Yale Daily News!

Gregs 2007 web

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paris Hospitals after the Attack didn't make any deals with YouTube Red to stream the surgery for these 4 girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks Window as they all want to be MD's. Remember Dr. Nancy + Dr. Katrina both were in surgery with Dad when they were 5 years old. Today Homeland security would see these 2 girls as terrorists in the Operating Room and stop them from working with Dr. Dad.

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Marriott International Inc will buy Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide + in Key West. In a cash and stock deal valued at $12.2 billion to create the world's largest hotel chain. Now to create the largest # of MacBook Pro and Mac Pro's in every Hotel Room with 1,001 IP invention projects and a Hotel "Genus" from Apple to help you get a invention on your Key West Vacation.

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris, which have left at least 132 dead and many more injured, have been linked with Sony's PlayStation 4, with suggestions that the attackers used the games console to co-ordinate and plan the atrocity.


11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale Daily News about Kerry, Kerry, a Bonesman, in the Benjamin Franklin room at the State Department. Kerry needs to learn C++ so he can write some iapps for Ben Franklin 2015 IP invention projects!

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

Kerry at the State Dept failed "Psychological Warfare" 101 at Yale. 10 cent a gallon gasoline in the USA will win the war! Intensifying pressure on the Islamic State, United States warplanes for the first time attacked hundreds of trucks on Monday that the extremist group has been using to smuggle the crude oil it has been producing in Syria, American officials said. According to an initial assessment, 116 trucks were destroyed in the attack, which took place near Deir al-Zour, an area in eastern Syria that is controlled by the Islamic State. The airstrikes were carried out by four A-10 attack planes and two AC-130 gunships based in Turkey. Plans for the strike were developed well before the terrorist attacks in and around Paris on Friday, officials familiar with the operation said, part of a broader operation to disrupt the ability of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, to generate revenue to support its military operations and govern its territory. American officials have long been frustrated by ability of ISIS to generate tens of million of dollars a month by producing and exporting oil.

"U.S. Warplanes Strike ISIS Oil Trucks in Syria" By MICHAEL R. GORDON New York Times 11-16-2015 3:26 AM ET The assault is part of a broader operation to disrupt the ability of the Islamic State to generate revenue to support its military operations... $777 Trillion in Islamic Oil Revenues is in Swiss banks.

Gregs 2007 web

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... New York Times today, What Will Come After Paris By THE EDITORIAL BOARD - 10 cent gas didn't begin this New York Times Editorial... Why, because the New York Times had taken $ Trillions in BP Oil kickbacks $$$ In Versailles on Monday. France already has some of Europe’s most intensive antiterrorist policing; adopting draconian measures of the sort demanded by far-right nationalists like Marine Le Pen of the National Front can only further alienate France’s Muslim population of five million... Pakistan's Population of 1 Billion Moslems should have been in the Times Editorial right after 10 cent gasoline! Walter Reed MD's have not cured the New York Times owners of Brain Cancer + Syphilis in the Brain and none are working with Los Alamos today on a Rx Overnight Cure brainstorming today. Masterminds are for War, Masterminding. Chemical Weapons must include LG lobotomy Gas today. Not in the Times Editorial. Editors write "Pouring fuel on the passions" of $777 Trillion dollars in French Oil Revenues, no the Times Editors just wrote "Pouring fuel on the passions" they censored out $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues and the 2015 Electric Windmill Ford's coming off the assembly lines. But the Times did break the story of 120 H-Bombs coming off the assembly line in Pakistan in 2015. Moslem Men have demonstrated that there is no limit to its reach, and no nation is really safe until they all come together to defeat this scourge. This scourge in the Times is paid for by $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues as they all own "Oil Fields"... Glut of Oil is nothing, as $777 Trillion in Swiss Banks will buy MIT War Toys for until gas is 10 cents a gallon in the USA. Kerry at the State Dept failed Psychological Warfare 101 at Yale. 10 cent a gallon gasoline in the USA will win the war!

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Could an Attack Happen Here? By STEVEN SIMON and DANIEL BENJAMIN New York Times!! H-Bomb Attack by ISIS in Pakistan!!

11-16-2015 ISIS in Pakistan... 'We say to the states that take part in the crusader campaign that, by God, you will have a day God willing, like France's and by God, as we struck France in the center of Paris, we swear we will strike America at its center in Washington," a ISIS militant General in Pakistan. Mad as Hell... #2 guy at the CIA on CBS would not tell us the Pakistan Generals are Mad as Hell Today.

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... French official identified the suspected mastermind of the attacks that killed 132 people in Paris on Friday as Belgian national Abdelhamid Abaaoud, according to media reports.

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

4 girls looking to Bill Gates + Tim Cook realize today after the Paris attacks they better demand $7 Trillion of the $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues from Gas Station Hold Ups be spent on Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University with Genius Tutors + Rx Recipe iapps no longer top secret. 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects pre-loaded, which are not in Win 10. Grin.

4 girls looking to Intel for this 72 core Xeon when they get all the "Top Secret" Rx Recipes from Kerry's hacking... grin! Biden could hack all the Rx med's that killed Beau... will he?

Gregs 2007 web

4 girls looking to Intel for this 72 core Xeon when they get all the "Top Secret" Rx Recipes from Kerry's hacking... grin! Biden could hack all the Rx med's that killed Beau... will he?

4 Girls Watching YouTube Red French24 streaming video all day Sunday. 12 Football games were on all At&T Cable Channels. IP invention projects were lost to this "Glut" of Football Games!

Gregs 2007 web

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


11-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ‘Act of War’ - "Cause of War" Cartoons! And no 10 cent gas...

11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 2 pm in Paris - 8 am in Key West. Live video from Paris on CBS Miami. 9/11 all over again in Paris comments but noting about $777 Trillion in BP Oil that they are fighting over... $$$. Oil Revenues $! 10:30 am in Key West 4:30 pm in Paris. YouTube Red put a 24 hour Paris Attacks video on the last 2 hours. Outside the Hospital live report was just on and I just updated this web with the Yale Paris Medical School 2011 which was never built by the Yale + Paris Elite. Of course I wanted a live reporter inside the Paris Hospital just on YouTube Red video put on. This will not happen until the President of France is a MD and the Yale Paris Medical School on a 155 Story Eiffel Tower is built as the NYC "Freedom Tower!" Which should have been a Yale Medical School not a office Tower.

11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... French Homeland Security, FBI intelligence FAILED... General Barry Richard McCaffrey on NBC Sunday morning Today saying the Navy fighter jets return to the Carrier with bombs still loaded... General said nothing about Moslem Generals in Pakistan who just made 120 H-bombs just off the new Pakistan Moslem 2015 Assembly Line paid for by BP Oil. No ElectricWindmillFord Escorts in Moslem Pakistan, General!!

11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Just last week, France attacked oil operations under the Islamic State’s control in Syria $$$

11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... next is "intelligence agencies" Failed, were they passed but really failed like some MD's at Yale Medical School? Walter Reed.

4 girls lost the "War" with Moslems; over a glass of wine at the Paris Peace talks and because the Top Brass didn't use 10 cent gasoline as a weapon of "War" against ISIS.

Gregs 2007 web

4 girls lost the "War" with Moslems; over a glass of wine at the Paris Peace talks and because the Top Brass didn't use 10 cent gasoline as a weapon of "War" against ISIS.

Gregs 2007 web

Yale Daily Student News students have know about the 155 Story Yale Paris Med School for years!

11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... President Peter Salovey sent the following message to the Yale community. We are all shocked and deeply saddened by news from Paris. We are a global university, and many in our community have close ties to France. We have a number of students with family in the area, faculty with close colleagues and friends there, and a small number of students, faculty and staff traveling there. We are reaching out to contact those who may be affected and hope that all are safe. If you have concerns about a member of the community who is in the Paris area, please let Don Filer know (donald.filer@yale.edu); he is working to establish contact.

155 Story Yale Paris Medical School on a Eiffel Tower Structure could have been in this picture on 3-4-2011 but the Elite in Paris and at Yale refused because of $$$ Oil Revenues!

Gregs 2007 web

11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... President Salovey didn't try to establish contact with the 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School built on a Eiffel Tower Structure - if this was built today, it could have been as Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 with $777 Trillion dollars to build the Yale Key West Medical School on a Eiffel Tower Structure!

4 girls lost the "War" with Moslems; over a glass of wine at the Paris Peace talks and because the Top Brass didn't use 10 cent gasoline as a weapon of "War" against ISIS.

4 girls looking to Bill Gates + Tim Cook realize today after the Paris attacks they better demand $7 Trillion of the $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues from Gas Station Hold Ups be spent on Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University with Genius Tutors + Rx Recipe iapps no longer top secret. 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects pre-loaded, which are not in Win 10. Grin.


11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... intelligence agencies! Stage 4 is only a nuclear missile heading for Paris from Pakistan, not Breast Cancer; Brain Cancer conversations at Homeland Security Break rooms, I don't think so! Mandy Miles in Key West is a 1984 II women + writes up Greg's conversations with other people today in Tan Lines. No I don't talk to anyone about Brain + Breast Cancer, the Admirals will not let anyone talk to me about these!

11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Real life conversations with other people - fast forward - flash back - On Demand insulting our their intelligence, 1984 II Dictators and Pentagon Top Brass. They let you 100's fall asleep driving a gas engine car... stop you and me from talking to another person about this IP. Instead of producing gravity engine cars in 007 Bond movies for inventsomething ideology they pull rank and oil revenues of $777 Trillion. Mandy Miles in the Key West Citizen newspaper today end with "I can't leave you hanging" in the Kennedy Barn. No! Mandy Miles had No thoughts of Mary Kennedy hanged in the Kennedy Barn by Robert Kennedy Jr. Why? Mandy Miles should write this next Sunday in Tan Lines. Are there any Kennedy's or Barns in Key West? Who cares if she was hanged... not Mandy Miles! Story next to Mandy's is about wine. The writer has a web page titled. terrorists .com and its about Worlds most popular wines, not for Moslems of course. I copied a front page picture from today's New York Times with bullet holes in the Bar window by 2 wine glasses. Couple days ago the French Elite canceled the Paris Peace Talks with Iran because the Iran Ayatollah didn't want wine served at the dinner... Vietnam Paris Peace talks lasted 7 years too and wine was served. These are our Elite Dictators. Urgency in finding Jewish Aliens at each of the nearest 52 stars is not on their agenda.

4 girls lost the "War" with Moslems; over a glass of wine at the Paris Peace talks and because the Top Brass didn't use 10 cent gasoline as a weapon of "War" against ISIS.

Gregs 2007 web

4 girls lost the "War" with Moslems; over a glass of wine at the Paris Peace talks and because the Top Brass didn't use 10 cent gasoline as a weapon of "War" against ISIS.

Gregs 2007 web

11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Pope Francis + the Bishop of Paris know about the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort and 10 cent gasoline... The archbishop of Paris, Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, said he would celebrate a Mass at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame on Sunday for the victims, their families and France. “Our country has once again known pain and mourning and must stand up to the barbarism propagated by fanatical groups,” he said. Oil $$$. The death toll far surpassed that of a massacre at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and related attacks by Islamic extremists $$$ They have Islamic Oil Fields and use the money to buy MIT War Toys! Not MacBook Pro's for 4 girls or 4 million girls! Texas + BP oil men have never bought 4 girls a MacBook Pro either! Neither has Bill Gates or Tim Cook.


11-15-2015 Editorial NY Times. Passivity is a recipe for certain failure. It is time, in the name of humanity, to act with conviction and power against the scourge of the Islamic State. Disunity and distraction undermined past military efforts to defeat the jihadis.

11-15-2015 Editorial... Rx Recipe for Stage 4 not a missile and Rx Recipe for LG-Bombs at Los Alamos via Dr. Nancy Oppenheimer II + III.

11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... French Homeland Security, FBI intelligence FAILED... General Barry Richard McCaffrey on NBC Sunday morning saying the Navy fighter jets return to the Carrier with bombs still loaded... General said nothing about 120 H-bombs just off the new Pakistan Moslem 2015 Assembly Line paid for by BP Oil.

11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paris attacks new Today, Sunday talked about the failed intelligence and how they were financed but no one of course not the New York Times who also got rich on BP Oil Kickbacks said anything about $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues paid for all the AK-47's and suicide vests.


11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Attacker’s Link to Migrant with Syrian passport, intelligence must think NOW that there are 10's of thousands of "Moslems" all over Europe that believe in 72 Virgins, Allah + Mohammad.

11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... President Peter Salovey sent the following message to the Yale community. We are all shocked and deeply saddened by news from Paris. We are a global university, and many in our community have close ties to France. We have a number of students with family in the area, faculty with close colleagues and friends there, and a small number of students, faculty and staff traveling there. We are reaching out to contact those who may be affected and hope that all are safe. If you have concerns about a member of the community who is in the Paris area, please let Don Filer know (donald.filer@yale.edu); he is working to establish contact.

155 Story Yale Paris Medical School on a Eiffel Tower Structure could have been in this picture on 3-4-2011 but the Elite in Paris and at Yale refused because of $$$ Oil Revenues!

Gregs 2007 web

11-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... President Salovey didn't try to establish contact with the 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School built on a Eiffel Tower Structure - if this was built today, it could have been as Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 with $777 Trillion dollars to build the Yale Key West Medical School on a Eiffel Tower Structure!

4 girls lost the "War" with Moslems; over a glass of wine at the Paris Peace talks and because the Top Brass didn't use 10 cent gasoline as a weapon of "War" against ISIS.

Gregs 2007 web

11-14-2015 "Attacks in Paris Add Urgency to Talks on Ending Syria War" By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVISNOV Julie knows there is no "Urgency" by the New York Times to LEAK the 2015 Electric Windmill Ford Escort... to win the WAR!

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ‘Act of War’ - "Cause of War" Cartoons! And no 10 cent gas...

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... CBS had the #2 CIA guy on this Morning CBS and his "Orwellian" comments were Paris CIA missed 8 Moslems who are with 72 virgins now! All week this #2 CIA guy working for CBS has "Orwellian" comments about my web page.

4 girls hear them shouting “Allahu akbar!” in Paris after the Attacks wonder how so many "rich men" and City of Paris departments bought $8K MacBook Pro's missed everything in the planning of theses Moslem Men... who used iapps to carry out killing 145 in Paris.

Gregs 2007 web

These 4 girls with no money for a MacBook want to know how the Hell they got so much money for AK-47's and grenades! Bataclan, for about an hour. The 150-year-old music hall was sold out for the show by the American group Eagles of Death Metal. Suddenly, four men brandishing AK-47 assault rifles entered the hall. There were shouts of “Allahu akbar” just before the gunmen opened fire, and for about 20 minutes there was carnage.

Witnesses said the attackers also threw grenades into the crowd...

Paris, Locals have grown accustomed to heavy police and military presence in transit and public places. Under the state of alert, the authorities have been conducting spot checks and using airport-style security in places like museums. All for Nothing and wasted $1 Trillion, Le Wow!

8 Moslem Men drove around Paris getting AK-47's 8 of them maybe more and boxes of grenades and no one notices anything... Le Wow!

18 Dead many shot...

Gregs 2007 web

11-14-2015 "Attacks in Paris Add Urgency to Talks on Ending Syria War" By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVISNOV Julie knows there is no "Urgency" as she has read this web page for years + years. Stage 4 women just in the USA will die at the hands of Jimmy Carter @ 40K in 2016 with no Urgency from him or the other Top Brass at 1984 II HQ. Worms will make NY Times Headlines!

4 Girls in Paris have their own "Orwellian" comments about the #2 guy at the CIA who works for CBS today... CBS this Morning! Watch: How the Attacks Unfolded - Hell read in detail and in a Sony 007 Movie how the attacks were planned; masterminded, brainstormed! After spending $1 Trillion on cops! Worst than spending $1 Trillion on Walter Reed MD's, grin $$$. ‘No Justification’ for Terrorist Attacks, Pope Says - 10 cent gas at the Vatican would be an attack on God's Oil Revenues kickbacks from BP + French Oil donations !!!

100 Dead many more shot...

Gregs 2007 web

11-14-2015 Postal Service Reports Loss of $5.1. Billion for 2015... 4 Girls looking into the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Window lost 5.1 Nobel's each because the Masterminds at our 1984 II HQ failed them in their Habitat for Humanity - Jimmy Carter lost these 4 girls 5.1 Nobel's each he will lie to God about this... grin!


11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for the catastrophic attacks in the French capital, calling them “the first of the storm” and mocking France as a “capital of prostitution and obscenity,” Gay weddings "cartoons" in Key West + Paris got 145 people in Paris killed this should be a Journalists War Crime as everyone knew making more "Cartoons" would instigate and get Moslems mad as Hell...

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paris missed the planning of 6 attacks that killed over 145 people after I wrote all week on this web page Pakistan built its state of the arts H-Bomb assembly line paid for by the Pentagon top brass to nuke the "Cartoon H" for Allah + Mohammed getting married in a gay wedding at the Hemingway House in key West. CBS had the #2 CIA guy on this Morning CBS and his "Orwellian" comments were Paris CIA missed 8 Moslems who are with 72 virgins now! ISIS mentioned a trillion times and noting about Moslems in Pakistan who are Generals! And believe in the 72 virgins not gay weddings "cartoons" in Key West + Paris!

4 girls in Paris after the Attacks wonder how so many "rich men" and City of Paris departments bought $8K MacBook Pro's missed everything in the planning of theses Moslem Men... who used iapps to carry out killing 145 in Paris.

Gregs 2007 web

4 Girls in Paris have their own "Orwellian" comments about the #2 guy at the CIA who works for CBS today...


11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 8 Moslems in Paris had help... Hell and no one in Paris listened to any cell calls. $1 Trillion has been spent on Homeland Security in Paris + the USA this year. Reminds me of the Walter Reed Military + VA MD's who's scam was uncovered by Beau the VP's son and it cost him his life exposing the MD's at Walter Reed.

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Eiffel Tower as a stand-in for a peace sign

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Eiffel Tower as a stand-in for H-Bombs going off in the background via Pakistan's 2015 state of the arts H-Bomb assembly line paid for by the Pentagon Generals with BP Oil kickbacks.

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 10 cent gas in Paris at the start of last week would have STOPPED this attack.

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... CBS News executives said that the network was already reviewing its plans for the Democratic presidential debate that it was to broadcast on Saturday night. Tonight.

4 girls in Paris after the Attacks wonder how so many "rich men" and City of Paris departments bought $8K MacBook Pro's missed everything in the planning of theses Moslem Men... who used iapps to carry out killing 145 in Paris.

Gregs 2007 web

4 Girls in Paris have their own "Orwellian" comments about the #2 guy at the CIA who works for CBS today...


11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Appeals for Unity After ‘Act of War’ By ADAM NOSSITER and AURELIEN BREEDEN New York Times President François Hollande, speaking Saturday from the Élysée Palace, said the attacks were “prepared, organized and planned from abroad, with complicity from the inside.”

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ‘Act of War’ - "Cause of War" Cartoons! And no 10 cent gas... 120 H-Bombs built in 2015 in Pakistan were paid for by BP Oil.

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ‘Act of War’ - "Cause of War" Cartoons! And no 10 cent gas...

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ‘Act of War’ - "Cause of War" Cartoons! And no 10 cent gas... The main shooting broke out at a popular music hall, the Bataclan, where the American band Eagles of Death Metal was among those playing. French news services said as many as 100 hostages may have been taken there, many of them apparently killed later. Some accounts said that grenades had been lobbed inside the music hall and that some of the assailants had detonated suicide vests.

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ‘Act of War’ - "Cause of War" Cartoons! And no 10 cent gas... Paris prosecutor’s office said that eight attackers were dead, according to The Associated Press. But the total number involved in the attacks, including accomplices still at large, remained unclear.

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ‘Act of War’ - "Cause of War" Cartoons! And no 10 cent gas...

11-14-2015 1984 II Masterminds of the Syrian War are not named on the Front page of the New York times. Jimmy Carter could but won't name them.

11-14-2015 "Attacks in Paris Add Urgency to Talks on Ending Syria War" By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVISNOV Julie knows there is no "Urgency" in the CIA, 1984 II Dictators of the USA about the 120 H-Bombs built by Pakistan Moslems in 2015... Kerry is a 1984 II scam same as Walter Reed MD's + Brain Cancer Cures!

11-14-2015 VIENNA — The top diplomats from more than a dozen countries met here on Saturday for talks on ending the crisis in Syria, vowing to redouble their efforts to confront terrorism after the deadly attacks in Paris. The carnage in France provided a grim backdrop and somber urgency for the negotiations, aimed at reaching a cease-fire in Syria and paving the way for a political transition there that could end four years of civil war. “It is more necessary than ever in the current circumstance to coordinate the international fight against terrorism,” Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister, said as the meetings began. Secretary of State John Kerry said the attacks in Paris and recently in Iraq and Beirut, Lebanon, were “the most vile, horrendous, outrageous, unacceptable acts on the planet.” He added that they were born of “a kind of medieval and modern fascism at the same time, which has no regard for life, which seeks to destroy and create chaos and disorder and fear.” “The one thing we could say to those people is that what they do in this is stiffen our resolve, all of us, to fight back, to hold people accountable and to stand up for rule of law, which is exactly what we are here to do,” Mr. Kerry said after meeting with Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov of Russia and before sitting down with the rest of the ministers assembled for the talks. “And if they’ve done anything, they’ve encouraged us today to do even harder work to make progress and to help resolve the crises that we face.” Still, the challenges in Syria are steep, and Mr. Kerry has conceded in recent days that they will not be quickly resolved. The negotiations involve a diverse set of players with conflicting agendas — including the United States, Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia —

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ‘Act of War’ - "Cause of War" Cartoons! And no 10 cent gas...

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ‘Act of War’ - "Cause of War" Cartoons! And no 10 cent gas...

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ‘Act of War’ - "Cause of War" Cartoons! And no 10 cent gas...

11-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ‘Act of War’ - "Cause of War" Cartoons! And no 10 cent gas...


11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Wi-Fi + Cellular on your PC and MacBook Pro as this is not on the current MacBook Pro on apple.com but on the new iPad Pro. MedCAD 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine IP a year not on iPad pro yet... Rx Recipe's not Cookie Recipes!


11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... When Apple visionary Steve Jobs learned about Nuclear reactions in the Sun's core produce light and other types of radiation. As light photons leave the core, they run into electrons and atomic nuclei, scattering off each one. These interactions cause photons to take, on average, 200,000 years to move from the Sun's core to its surface. Photons at the core don't move to the head of the line. Like the Electron in a electric wire. When one electron hits the electron ahead of it this one moves forward one spot all the way to the end of the electric wire. Same for the Sun. The Photon at the core of the Sun hits its another Photon and it moves to the head of the line one place on and on to the surface of the Sun. And hits the Next Photon waiting, now it hits the next and the next Photon moves closer to the surface... no one can jump to the head of the line by passing all the other Photons and Electrons like Steve Jobs and Cheney did.

Gregs 2007 web

Mandatory Organ Donations will be a "life changer" for these 4 girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School Window!

Steve Jobs Movie II + III if rated MD with Steve getting this transplant and video from his death bed will earn Sony 100's of Billions + give Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity "Mandatory Organ Donation" not just fishing worms!

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... When Apple visionary Steve Jobs got a liver transplant in 2009 many wondered why he jumped to the Head of the line... On March 24, 2012, Cheney underwent a seven-hour heart transplant procedure at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia, at the age of 71. He had been on a waiting list for more than 20 months before receiving the heart from an anonymous donor. Cheney's principal cardiologist, Dr. Jonathan Reiner, advised the 71-year-old man... Mandatory Organ Donations will be a "life changer" for these 4 girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School Window!

11-13-2015 Medal of Honor Awarded to Captain Florent Groberg born in France; NOT these 4 Girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store at the Navy Captain Who Tackled all 4 Girls and took their moms $$$ Gas $$$ money, sucker punched her at the Miami (and Paris) Gas Station in 2000 and drove 777 times faster than the speed of light to Bomb Afghanistan; spitting on God + SWF's in the USA with Stage 4 who are not buried at Arlington on orders from 100's of other Medal of Honor Winners from the Vietnam War, not the Cancer War which the Pentagon Chiefs refused to fight and use LG-Bombs 2016 to counter Pakistan's 2015 H-Bombs coming off the assembly line, no not the Ford Assembly line in Pakistan. Pakistan will Nuke Paris, and Captain Florent Groberg will watch it this from MD. section A - page 84 By PETER BAKER New York Times.

Gregs 2007 web

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Medal of Honor Awarded to Army Captain Groberg Who Tackled Bomber in Afghanistan... EVERYONE Who died in Afghanistan died for Nothing! The explosion set off another bomb nearby, and four Americans died: Command Sgt. Maj. Kevin J. Griffin and Maj. Thomas E. Kennedy of the Army; Maj. Walter D. Gray of the Air Force; and Ragaei Abdelfattah. EVERYONE Who died in Afghanistan died for Nothing! Because Pakistan made 120 H-Bombs on its 2015 assembly line + 1 Trillion Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts didn't come off any USA 2015 assembly line. 72 Virgins wait for the Pakistan Generals, and they are ready! Greg is ready to invent the LG-Bombs with Dr. Nancy Oppenheimer II + III at Los Alamos to save Paris!

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Medal of Honor Awarded to Walter Reed Military + VA MD's who failed to invent the brain transplant in time for Beau as they were busy in Saudi Arabia + UAE's grin.

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Medal of Honor Awarded to... wait times for nearly half a million patients from 2000 to 2013. The information included 33,928 candidates on heart transplant wait lists; 24,633 on lung transplant wait lists; 103,332 on liver transplant wait lists; and 223,644 on kidney transplant wait lists.

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... When Apple visionary Steve Jobs got a liver transplant in 2009 many wondered why he jumped to the Head of the line... Cheney too.

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... iPad Pro on sale today and I need this for my Acer Cloudbook, grin. The Apple SIM in iPad Pro with Wi-Fi + Cellular lets you purchase a cellular data plan right on your iPad. Whether you’re in the U.S. or traveling to more than 90 countries and territories supported by Apple SIM partners, you can get a plan with no long-term commitment. And easily switch back to your local plan when you get home.

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Wi-Fi + Cellular on your PC and MacBook Pro as this is not on the current MacBook Pro on apple.com

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Retouch photos on iPad Pro with the power of Photoshop. Enjoy all the tools you need — and even some you might not expect — to edit, manipulate, and add new dimension to your photos. And Photoshop Fix supports up to 50-megapixel images, so you can make the most of the high-resolution Retina display. Architects and industrial designers can now take on the complex and demanding task of 3D modeling with ease. iPad Pro works with graphics-intensive apps like AutoCAD 360 to bring amazing depth and polish to sketches. So you can see your car design or building layout come to life in an easily portable format. iMovie• Adobe Photoshop Fix•

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... MedCAD 1,001 Nobels in Medicine IP a year!

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

By Ariana Eunjung Cha ... Cha wrote nothing about mandatory Organ Donation Law, Yale Law must have gone alone with the rich... not wanting Mandatory Organ Donations? Cheney got a heart... Saudi Princes too.

When Apple visionary Steve Jobs got a liver transplant in 2009 many wondered why the operation took place in Tennessee – more than 2,000 miles away from his home in Northern California. The answer has to do with money and the complexities of the U.S. transplant system. A typical patient with failing organs gets listed at only one transplant center close to them. But the rules set by the United Network for Organ Sharing, a nonprofit that manages the country's organ transplant system under a federal government contract, allow people to apply for and get on wait lists at multiple centers simultaneously, and Jobs had the resources to do this. [2009: Jobs, on Leave From Apple, Reportedly Had Liver Transplant] That gave Jobs numerous advantages: 1. more chances of moving up a list, 2. more chances of getting matched with an appropriate organ, and 3. an in with centers with the shortest wait times no matter where they were. With access to a private plane, Jobs also had a way to get to get to those centers quickly while those organs were still viable and could easily pay for the temporary housing needed for the long recovery period — luxuries that are difficult for all but the most wealthy to afford. It turns out he was not the only one working the system this way, according to a study presented this week at the American Heart Association's annual meeting in Orlando. Using data from the United Network for Organ Sharing, researchers looked at wait times for nearly half a million patients from 2000 to 2013. The information included 33,928 candidates on heart transplant wait lists; 24,633 on lung transplant wait lists; 103,332 on liver transplant wait lists; and 223,644 on kidney transplant wait lists. 2 percent of heart patients were on more than one list, as were 3.4 percent of lung patients, 6 percent of liver patients and 12 percent of kidney patients. Those patients, who were wealthier and more likely to be insured, had higher transplant rates and lower death rates while waiting. In contrast, patients with state-run Medicaid insurance often don't have the option to get listed more than once or in other states. Getting approved for a transplant at any one center is an expensive and time-consuming process that often requires evaluations, tests and interviews with a half-dozen or more specialists. Each hospital has its own procedures, and many of them require regular check-in appointments every two weeks or six months to stay on the transplant lists. Lead author Raymond Givens, a transplant fellow at Columbia University Medical Center, said the multiple listings strategy appears to give an edge to wealthy patients over those with the most medical need. "It undermines a bedrock principle of organ transplantation — which is that the sickest people should be transplanted first," Givens said. "We firmly believe the multiple listing policy needs to be reconsidered." Other critics of the organ transplant system have argued that the main issue is not the multiple listings rule, but the wildly different wait times in transplant regions around the country. In one region a patient may have to wait two or more years for a transplant, while in another the wait could be as short as six months. Part of the problem is one of nature -- organs can only be out of the body for a certain amount of time before being transplanted -- but it also has to do with the politics of the boundaries of regions. Each center has first priority for organs received from a certain geographic area. If they cannot use the organs then it can be offered to neighboring regions and then to the rest of the country. But some regions have a larger population than others, and some regions have larger needs for organs making the ratio of supply and demand unequal.

Mandatory Organ Donation Law, Yale Law must have gone alone with the rich... not wanting Mandatory Organ Donations?

11-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

Veterans Day yesterday. $$$$$$ 4 girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks Store School Window got a New 2015 Vietnam Memorial not a MacBook Pro... this is a hate crime against little girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks Store window... 1,001 IP Invention Projects Memorial.

Gregs 2007 web

Mom Knits Disney Princess Wigs For 4 Little Girls Battling Cancer — So Amazing and light years from the 2015 Vietnam Memorial Masterminds in Key West.... Employee bonuses in question at embattled VA over Beau + 4 girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks Window with no money to buy a MacBook Pro.

Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money for "Elevated" Bike Lanes. "Elevated" Bike lanes with a nice high tech star wars design would fit and Yale students can bike right into the classrooms at YALE CAMPUS all winter, grin. 415 Whites out of 100,000 can be hired to design + build this to save their lives...


These 4 girls Looking into the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School...

Veterans Day yesterday. $$$$$$ 4 girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks Store School Window got a New 2015 Vietnam Memorial not a MacBook Pro... this is a hate crime against little girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks Store window... Key West Citizen - Thursday, November 12, 2015 At 65, Alvin Alce can’t help but still carry the Vietnam War with him. “I got shot three times at Hamburger Hill,” Alce said Wednesday, after the unveiling of Key West’s... 2015 Vietnam Memorial... little girls were not invited to the rapes + murders by Alvin Alce. God was killed by Vietnam Vets!

Gregs 2007 web

40K Breast Cancer Women from 2015 will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Obama will not be there! Kerry, McCain, Hillary are the mass murderers of 40K Stage 4 women in 2015 as 10 cent gas in Jimmy Carters 1980 Habitat for Humanity would have gotten a Rx Cure from the Euphoria of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort in 1980.

President Obama participated in a wreath-laying ceremony Wednesday in honor of Veterans Day at Arlington National Cemetery.

Gregs 2007 web

11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Paris Peace Talks" - France won't dine with Iran unless wine is served - Paris Elite won't get the Stage 4 Rx Cure at the Yale Paris 155 Story Eiffel Tower Medical School as Vine cause's breast cancer and is not served at meals in the Yale Paris Medical School...

11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Paris Peace Talks" BERLIN - Guess who's not coming to dinner - or even breakfast or lunch? Ahead of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's landmark European trip kicking off this weekend, French officials reportedly nixed plans for a formal meal in Paris with the Moslem's as they will not eat with the Paris Elite if Wine is served at the Meal and the Paris Elite are alcoholics with syphilis in their frontal lobes, drunks who kill 19K women in 2015 just in the USA. How many women in Paris were murdered by a drunk French Man... ?.


While some astronomers are looking outward to galaxies billions of light years away - others are looking inward to the centre of our galaxy - it seems to me none are looking at the nearest stars 4 light years from Earth.


It had been thought that the very first stars formed in the centre of the galaxy, where the effects of gravity are strongest...


Astronomers never mention how gravity was created, and if it could have Gravity Photons like Photons of light....


Spectrographs breaks up the light of the star, much like a prism, these will be the IP invention projects of the 4 girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks windows on iapps for their MacBook Pro's when the 2015 Vietnam Memorials are sold for scrap... grin!


11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... $1 Trillion out of $777 Trillion looted from Gas Station Hold Ups was spent on Veterans Day yesterday. $$$ 4 girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks Store School Window got a Vietnam Memorial not a MacBook Pro... this is a hate crime against little girl looking into the Apple-Starbucks Store window... as Hate rules what this Warriors spend money one even though it means killing little girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks Store windows... Syphilis in the Top Brass from Sex Slaves caused this too.


11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Beijing Journal: A City Choking on Cars Hopes Commuters Will Return to Two Wheels" By OWEN GUO - Same 1984 II Dictators who bought the New 2015 Vietnam Memorial in Key West sold Chinese top brass a trillion gas cars without telling them Saint Jude Childrens Cancer and birth defects is more on Duval in Key West than Beijing...


11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “We’ve been asking for a speed camera, lights, anything to stop the craziness,” she said. 2015 iPhone 6 +++ Dash Cam's! Road Rage tickets and Rage Tickets for Mad Men 1984 II Dictators giving her Syphilis, STD's on Veterans Day 2015. MS too!


11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Hawker business jet, was approaching Akron Fulton International Airport. The aircraft clipped power lines during its descent, causing a blackout in the area, and crashed into a four-unit apartment building. 9 on Business Jet Among Dead in Akron Plane Crash caused by power lines that our out-of-date with 1 trillion iPod size cans of liquid H @ -254 C for electricity.


11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Ephedra in the H2O - Obesity Rises Despite All Efforts to Fight It, U.S. Health Officials Say. By SABRINA TAVERNISE New York Times Despite years of efforts to reduce obesity, federal health officials reported Thursday that the share of Americans who were obese increased slightly. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years. Native Americans and Mormon pioneers drank a tea brewed from other ephedra species, called "Mormon tea" and "Indian tea". Mormon tea (Ephedra funerea) growing in the wild in the Fiery Furnace area of Arches National Park near Moab, Utah In recent years, ephedra-containing dietary supplements have been found to be unsafe, with reports of serious side effects and ephedra-related deaths. In response to accumulating evidence of adverse effects and deaths related to ephedra, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the sale of supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids in 2004.


11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

By Ariana Eunjung Cha ... Cha wrote nothing about mandatory Organ Donation Law, Yale Law must have gone alone with the rich... not wanting Mandatory Organ Donations? Cheney got a heart... Saudi Princes too.

When Apple visionary Steve Jobs got a liver transplant in 2009 many wondered why the operation took place in Tennessee – more than 2,000 miles away from his home in Northern California. The answer has to do with money and the complexities of the U.S. transplant system. A typical patient with failing organs gets listed at only one transplant center close to them. But the rules set by the United Network for Organ Sharing, a nonprofit that manages the country's organ transplant system under a federal government contract, allow people to apply for and get on wait lists at multiple centers simultaneously, and Jobs had the resources to do this. [2009: Jobs, on Leave From Apple, Reportedly Had Liver Transplant] That gave Jobs numerous advantages: 1. more chances of moving up a list, 2. more chances of getting matched with an appropriate organ, and 3. an in with centers with the shortest wait times no matter where they were. With access to a private plane, Jobs also had a way to get to get to those centers quickly while those organs were still viable and could easily pay for the temporary housing needed for the long recovery period — luxuries that are difficult for all but the most wealthy to afford. It turns out he was not the only one working the system this way, according to a study presented this week at the American Heart Association's annual meeting in Orlando. Using data from the United Network for Organ Sharing, researchers looked at wait times for nearly half a million patients from 2000 to 2013. The information included 33,928 candidates on heart transplant wait lists; 24,633 on lung transplant wait lists; 103,332 on liver transplant wait lists; and 223,644 on kidney transplant wait lists. 2 percent of heart patients were on more than one list, as were 3.4 percent of lung patients, 6 percent of liver patients and 12 percent of kidney patients. Those patients, who were wealthier and more likely to be insured, had higher transplant rates and lower death rates while waiting. In contrast, patients with state-run Medicaid insurance often don't have the option to get listed more than once or in other states. Getting approved for a transplant at any one center is an expensive and time-consuming process that often requires evaluations, tests and interviews with a half-dozen or more specialists. Each hospital has its own procedures, and many of them require regular check-in appointments every two weeks or six months to stay on the transplant lists. Lead author Raymond Givens, a transplant fellow at Columbia University Medical Center, said the multiple listings strategy appears to give an edge to wealthy patients over those with the most medical need. "It undermines a bedrock principle of organ transplantation — which is that the sickest people should be transplanted first," Givens said. "We firmly believe the multiple listing policy needs to be reconsidered." Other critics of the organ transplant system have argued that the main issue is not the multiple listings rule, but the wildly different wait times in transplant regions around the country. In one region a patient may have to wait two or more years for a transplant, while in another the wait could be as short as six months. Part of the problem is one of nature -- organs can only be out of the body for a certain amount of time before being transplanted -- but it also has to do with the politics of the boundaries of regions. Each center has first priority for organs received from a certain geographic area. If they cannot use the organs then it can be offered to neighboring regions and then to the rest of the country. But some regions have a larger population than others, and some regions have larger needs for organs making the ratio of supply and demand unequal.

By Ariana Eunjung Cha ... Cha wrote nothing about mandatory Organ Donation Law, Yale Law must have gone alone with the rich... not wanting Mandatory Organ Donations?

11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


300 U.S. veterans are sitting on death row in prisons around the country for killing women would not have so much "Hate" in their frontal lobes if the New York Times headlines a decade ago was about Legal Polygamous Marriage and working with wives 24/7 brainstorming 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine.

Gregs 2007 web

These 4 girls Looking into the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School, above + below!

Gregs 2007 web

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “We’ve been asking for a speed camera, lights, anything to stop the craziness,” she said. 2015 iPhone 6 +++ Dash Cam's! Road Rage tickets and Rage Tickets for Mad Men 1984 II Dictators giving her Syphilis, STD's on Veterans Day 2015. MS too!

11-11-2015 NASA on 9/11 failed our "Star Wars Light Year Travels," sold their Soul to BP Oil for $777 Trillion instead of a fleet of Ultra Super Shuttle Trains they kept this secret - ElectricWindmillFord Escort out of the "War for light year trains" with Saudi Arabia, Mecca, Allah... winning $777 Trillion the 4 girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks window would have had to spend on 1,001 MacBook Pro's!

Gregs 2007 web

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... NASA on 9/11 failed our "Star Wars Light Year Travels," sold their Soul to BP Oil for $777 Trillion instead of a fleet of Ultra Super Shuttle Trains they kept this secret - ElectricWindmillFord Escort out of the "War for light year trains" with Saudi Arabia, Mecca, Allah... winning $777 Trillion the 4 girls looking into the Apple-Starbucks window would have had to spend on 1,001 MacBook Pro's!

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Key West veterans will dedicate the new Vietnam Living Memorial and Veteran Memorial Garden at Bayview Park at 11 a.m. today. The memorial recognizes 362 local veterans who served in the Vietnam War, and the ceremony will honor the 36 local soldiers killed in action in Vietnam. This year's Veterans Day parade will begin at 4 p.m. at the corner of Eaton and Duval... 1984 II Veterans Day in Key West, George Orwell's $777 Trillion in BP Oil money for MIT War Toys and a $1 Trillion dollar Vietnam War Memorial at Bayview Park. 4 Girls look into the Apple-Starbucks window on Veterans Day in Key West and find God murdered by Vietnam Veterans! Women murdered by Veterans. Henry the VIII and Prince Harry's murder of his wife coming home from war! Hate crime over 10 cent gasoline on 9/11... Vets poison gas exhaust on Duval killed more than 36 kids at Saint Jude this week. Napalm burned millions in Vietnam and on Veterans Day 2015 fiery cop cars crash in Paris Peace Talks over 10 cent gas and end to gas cars for gravity engine cars... invented by Greg + wives in Key West at the 155 Story Eiffel Tower Yale Key West Medical School.

Gregs 2007 web

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens (with 4 girls looking into the Apple Store Window)!.” First we must hear Aliens and record it on our new iPhone 007 +++ giggling girls... ha!


11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 ““Star Wars: The Force Awakens” MD's. Beau's Walter Reed MD's are on Death Row refused a Pardon by President Biden on Veterans Day 2015

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 ““Star Wars: The Force Awakens” MD's. Jimmy Carter's MD's who missed the cancer for months get a free cruise on the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine - one way, grin! God's Revenge will be 10 cent gasoline in Texas!


10 Cent gasoline for Veterans Day - Vets from the "Pakistan Cartoon" War! Thank God + Dr. Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer II + III at Los Alamos for the Ultra LG-Bombs Lobotomy Gas Bombs. Pakistan's Brand New Nuke Assembly line can be used by Los Alamos as it's "Clean Room" clean, grin!

Gregs 2007 web

These 4 girls Looking into the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School got out of C++ class long enough to view the Pakistan Ruling Class Generals post Lobotomy giggling like school girls. Ha! Pakistan Generals will watch "American Sniper" by Clint Eastwood again to make sure the LG is permanent... if anything could cause these Moslems to build 120 H-Bombs again it would be "American Sniper II + III" grin. Dr. Nancy Oppenheimer is ready with LG-Bombs II + III. Prophet Muhammad that were published in the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in a gay wedding at the Hemingway House Key West. Pope Francis was ready to propose to Mary, Sandy, Jessica for the Polygamous Catholics Era of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year... brainstorming 24/7 with wifes, God's best invention! Women!

Discovery Channel Premieres New Series MEN WOMEN, Tonight finally celebrate in Times Square we won the "Pakistan Cartoon" War... LG-Bombs! Nothing like the picture above...


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android. Nice!

Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money for "Elevated" Bike Lanes. "Elevated" Bike lanes with a nice high tech star wars design would fit and Yale students can bike right into the classrooms at YALE CAMPUS all winter, grin. 415 Whites out of 100,000 can be hired to design + build this to save their lives...


11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paris - Mr. M’bala M’bala’s defenders argue that he is being subjected to a double standard and that the hate-speech laws have not been employed to prevent insults against Islam. They point, for example, to caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that were published in the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, which was targeted in terrorist attacks in France in January. Charlie Hebdo Cartoons of a gay wedding at the Hemingway House Key West. Pope Francis was ready to propose to Mary, Sandy, Jessica for the Polygamous Catholics Era of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year... brainstorming 24/7 with wifes, God's best invention!

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Mr. M’bala M’bala was convicted the next year on hate crime charges and fined 10,000 euros, or $10,750, in connection with the performance, and he eventually took his case to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.


11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France... can prevent the murders of wives!

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Prince Harry will murder his wife, genetics from Henry the VIII... the University of Texas would say.

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France... can prevent the murders of wives!


11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Mary Kennedy was murdered by Robert Kennedy Jr. and the New York Times will not write this on Front Page Headlines. New York Times denying the Holocaust II + III poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West. The case has highlighted growing tensions in France between the country’s commitment to free speech and the desire to prevent hate crimes - hate crimes against SWF from the Journalists at the New York Times can be documented below in Mormon Church’s revised Handbook in the New York Times By LAURIE GOODSTEIN, Laurie censored out HIV, STD's, and the terrible disease MS... a hate crime by Journalists at the New York Times against women in the USA. Tim Cook + Elton John virus of hate against women has infected the writing of Mormon Church Handbook articles by New York Times Journalists.

300 U.S. veterans are sitting on death row in prisons around the country for killing women would not have so much "Hate" in their frontal lobes if the New York Times headlines a decade ago was about Legal Polygamous Marriage and working with wives 24/7 brainstorming 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine.

Gregs 2007 web

These 4 girls Looking into the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School at Yale not working on "Slaves" who are these 4 girls in Saudi Arabia + UAE... Hillary Law 73 knows the names of Slave girl in these oil rich nations too a crime by Yale Law. As Yale students and administrators alike debate the renaming of Calhoun College, several students at Harvard Law School are calling on the institution to change its seal, which has ties to a 18th-century slaveholder. The image on HLS’ seal is borrowed from Isaac Royall Jr.’s family crest. The Royalls, a Massachusetts family, made the bulk of its fortune through the slave trade. $777 Trillion in BP Oil buys a lot of these 4 girls as Sex Slaves 2015. Yale students know this too!

Gregs 2007 web

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “We’ve been asking for a speed camera, lights, anything to stop the craziness,” she said. Key West veterans will dedicate the new Vietnam Living Memorial and Veteran Memorial Garden at Bayview Park at 11 a.m. today. The memorial recognizes 362 local veterans who served in the Vietnam War, and the ceremony will honor the 36 local soldiers killed in action in Vietnam. This year's Veterans Day parade will begin at 4 p.m. at the corner of Eaton and Duval... 1984 II Veterans Day in Key West, George Orwell's $777 Trillion in BP Oil money for MIT War Toys and a $1 Trillion dollar Vietnam War Memorial at Bayview Park. 4 Girls look into the Apple-Starbucks window on Veterans Day in Key West and find God murdered by Vietnam Veterans! Women murdered by Veterans. Henry the VIII and Prince Harry's murder of his wife coming home from war! Hate crime over 10 cent gasoline on 9/11...

Gregs 2007 web

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... MD Day - The malignant universe is full of objects that could destroy not only civilization but the entire solar system. Earth is a small little world when compared to the entire universe and wiping it off the face of space isn't as difficult as you think... MD Day to replace Veterans Day!

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... MD rated Sony Ultra 4K - Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) has revealed its debut roster of Ultra HD Blu-ray release titles – though to be honest, they don’t include many films likely to set MD's on fire in the burn units brainstorming better burn treatments for fiery car crash causalities of BP Oil wars $777 Trillion in oil revenues vs 10 cent gas.

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... MD Day USB 3 Ultra Blue Ray movies... SD micro cards with Ultra 4K movies rated MD. 20th Century Fox ’s announcement that its Ultra HD Blu-ray debutantes will be Kingsman: The Secret Service, X-Men: Days Of Future Past, Exodus: Gods And Kings, Life of Pi and Fantastic Four. Fantastic Four II + III are the nearest stars with Jewish Aliens making contact with Jimmy Carter and his Habitat for Humanity on MD Day!

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

11-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


Now 3-D “Spectre, MD” Now: 3-D “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 2” and 3-D “Star Wars: The Force Awakens; SWF MD's.” movies that go after the same audience... “Bridge of Spies” and “The Interns, MD's” MD rated The Intern at Yale Medical School opens in the "Dictators + Doctors" class... lecture on King Salman; has 45 wives and organ transplants; kidney, lung, heart go to the Saudi Royal Family first. None of the MD Interns question the Medical Professor because they know they are being watched by our 1984 II Dictators! Grin!! "American Sniper II + III" will appeal to SWF's in the USA as it will be about 3K veterans who have murdered their wives coming home from "Oil $ Wars" in Iraq... "Her neck had been squeezed with such force that it fractured the hyoid bone". Top Secrets statistics kept off Nightly News on CBS, NBC, ABC. 300 U.S. veterans are sitting on death row in prisons around the country, an advocacy group Tuesday called for greater efforts to assist battle-scarred former troops who are convicted of capital murder... only 300 our of 3K were convicted of killing her!

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens (with 4 girls looking into the Apple Store Window)!.” First we must hear Aliens and record it on our new iPhone 007 +++ giggling girls... ha!

Gregs 2007 web

These 4 girls got out of school at 2:20 pm and went to the Apple Store - Ultra 100" Apple-Starbucks Store School University 24/7 Euphoria of working on 1,001 IP invention projects! Sad under current high voltage status quo Era of British BP Oil these 4 girls will do open-heart surgery on Saudi Princes! Gravity Engine Women Drivers will not need open-heart surgery!

11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android. Nice!

Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money for "Elevated" Bike Lanes. "Elevated" Bike lanes with a nice high tech star wars design would fit and Yale students can bike right into the classrooms at YALE CAMPUS all winter, grin. 415 Whites out of 100,000 can be hired to design + build this to save their lives...


11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Another worry is that consumer behavior may be changing on a deeper level. In pursuit of global audiences and trying to combat the arrival of mammoth flat-screen televisions in America’s living rooms - Ultra 100" Apple-Starbucks Store School University 24/7 Double + Triple Features in Rx Recipe's not Girl Scout Cookie Recipe's... grin.

Mammoth flat-screen televisions in America’s living rooms... 1984 II Dictators Oil Men's living rooms not these 4 girls living rooms...

Gregs 2007 web

These 4 girls got out of school at 2:20 pm and went to the Apple Store - Ultra 100" Apple-Starbucks Store School University 24/7 Euphoria of working on 1,001 IP invention projects!

IP... 4 our of 1,000 are born with spinal bifida. There is neither a single cause of spina bifida nor any known way to prevent it entirely. However, dietary supplementation with folic acid has been shown to be helpful in reducing the incidence of spina bifida. IP... A Yale study looks at the role of vitamin D in MS. Tim Cook said yesterday he does not travel with a MacBook Pro, or any IP invention projects, ha. IP... Abstract, We investigate how to obtain a non-trivial geometric phase gate for a two-qubit spin chain, with Ising interaction in different magnetic fields. Indeed, one of the spins is driven by a time-varying rotating magnetic field, and the other is coupled with a static magnetic field in the direction of the rotation axis. This is an interesting problem both for the purpose of measuring the geometric phases and in quantum computing + MacBook Pro's on 100" Ultra LG monitors at Apple-Starbucks! IP... Endometriosis, a disease in which the tissue lining the uterus grows in other areas of women’s bodies, often causes pain, scarring and infertility. Even though the disease is relatively common — according to the National Institutes of Health, it affects between 6 and 10 percent of women — very little is understood about its underlying causes, according to authors of a recent study on the topic. In order to discover more about the effects of endometriosis on the body, Yale researchers study at http://yaledailynews.com/blog/2015/11/10/study-unlocks-path-to-understanding-endometriosis/ IP... Who built the Pyramids. French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin, noted for a theory on pyramid construction, speaks during a press conference in front of the Khufu pyramid in Giza, Egypt

11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Warner on Christmas Day, “American Sniper” shot past “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay" Pakistan Moslem Generals watched "Clint Eastwood" in Hell; this is one reason they built the state of the arts H-Bomb assembly line in Pakistan in 2015. It may be awfully hard for those films to draw crowds with behemoths like “Star Wars” - Star Travel by 1984 II Dictators; Henry VIII + Prince Charles killing Di. King Salman has 45 wives and none are Brainstorming Stage 4 Rx Recipes today. This Hunger for a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Overnight Cure should make our 1984 II Dictators the losers! Beau was the whistle blower on Walter Reed Military and VA MD's. Biden in the New York Times war on cancer gave us no Rx Recipes from Roche, none! "Secret Rx Recipe's" are the status quo today. Beau + Hillary, Mrs. Clinton will roll out her proposals to help veterans and to improve the treatment they receive at the Department of Veterans Affairs she will not mention Beau... ha! Manhattan Man Charged in Wife’s Killing Is Barred From Talking to Anyone but Lawyer and Hillary Clinton LAW ’73. Roderick Covlin, who is charged with strangling Shele Danishefsky Covlin in 2009, was denied bail and portrayed by the prosecutors as a desperate man facing financial ruin and the loss of his children. If you credit the medical examiner’s findings at autopsy, it’s a very powerful case,” she said. Hillary needs to take Anatomy 101 with a cadaver. An autopsy was performed on Ms. Danishefsky Covlin’s exhumed remains in April 2010. The results left no doubt that she had been throttled during a violent struggle, Mr. Bogdanos said. Her neck had been squeezed with such force that it fractured the hyoid bone. There was bleeding in her right eye. Two ribs were dislocated. Mrs. Clinton will roll out her proposals to help the 19K murdered women in 2015. Mrs. Clinton will roll out her proposals to help the 14K Beau's... in 2015. What the Hell is this scam of Hillary's with Veterans who got $777 Trillion in gas station hold up money. Walter Reed Military + VA MD's are the riches Doctors in the world. Swiss Banks bought H-Bombs from Pakistan to protect the $777 Trillion dollars... ha! Ms. Danishefsky Covlin was found lying lifeless in the bathtub of her Upper West Side apartment on 68th Street on Dec. 31, 2009. Her daughter made the discovery. Mrs. Clinton will roll out her proposals to help veterans who have murdered their wives coming home from Oil Wars in Iraq... Her neck had been squeezed with such force that it fractured the hyoid bone. Secret kept by Nightly News on CBS, NBC, ABC today!

Noting that some 300 U.S. veterans are sitting on death row in prisons around the country, an advocacy group Tuesday called for greater efforts to assist battle-scarred former troops who are convicted of capital murder after their military service.

Her neck had been squeezed with such force that it fractured the hyoid bone. Secret kept by Nightly News on CBS, NBC, ABC today! 300 Veteran killers of women in Iraq + in the USA will get a Pardon from Obama... tomorrow Veterans Day, not the murdered SWF's!

The center's report highlighted the case of Louis Jones Jr., a decorated soldier from the first Gulf War and Grenada, who was put to death in 2003 after President George W. Bush refused to commute his sentence on allegations he suffered from PTSD after parachuting under enemy fire. Though he had no prior criminal record, his murder of Army Pvt. Tracie McBride was particularly gruesome. He kidnapped her in Texas, raped her and then beat her to death.

Prince Harry will kill his wife someday... like Di and Mary Kennedy!

11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Status Quo of Gas Stations today - Supreme Court Sides With Police Officer Who Shot Man in Car Chase fleeing from Gas Station Hold up after sucker punching Mary at the Miami Gas Station in 2000. Supreme Court ruled that the Oil Men have immunity after they shot SWF's pumping gas in Texas... ha! Gas Stations + Bar's Status Quo today and after "Star Wars" makes contact with Jewish Aliens. Academics are digitally documenting the ephemera on the walls of Manuel’s Tavern, a beloved haunt with an outsize role in the region’s political history. History of 4 trillion years before the Big Bang.


11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

Classified Report on the C.I.A.’s Secret Prisons Is Caught in Limbo... By MARK MAZZETTI and MATT APUZZO - What is Classified is "Hospital Prisons" for 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis, HIV, STD's, Hepatitis, and MS Virus they will give to many SWF's in the USA today!!

11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

Now 3-D “Spectre,” Now: 3-D “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 2” and 3-D “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” movies that go after the same audience... “Bridge of Spies” and “The Intern.” MD The Intern at Yale Medical School opens in the "Dictators + Doctors class... King Salman has 45 wives and organ transplants; kidney, lung, heart go to the Saudi Royal Family first. None of the MD Interns question the Medical Professor because they know they are being watched by our 1984 II Dictators! Grin!!

11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

HQ in Virginia, has around 17,000 employees, and works under the slogan 'We Serve Today For A Better Tomorrow'. As a private military contractor, DynCorp International offers a wide range of defense-related support and training to private companies as well as governments across the world, with the US taxpayer being its biggest customer, 96% of Revenues + Profits are Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money... 10 cent gas would put DynCorp International out of business overnight! Give all this money to the 4 girls looking into the Apple Store window.

11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

Two Americans and a South African, all reportedly working for the American security firm, were shot dead by a Jordanian police officer named Anwar Abu Zaid... Pakistan Generals paid $7 Trillion by the Pentagon will shoot dead 2 million Americans with H-Bombs they made in 2015.

11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

11-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

4 in 100,000 have no chance in Hell when Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money is spent on Sony Movies like “Spectre” instead of the Ultra-Apple-Starbucks Store School stocked with $8K dollar MacBook Pro's and Rx Recipes not Girl Scout Cookie Recipes, grin!

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Columbia Pictures/EON Productions, Dr. Daniel Craig appears in a scene barbecuing or pan-frying, Dr. Craig is known to "Quote" Steve Jobs resulting death caused by the formation of carcinogens, including 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenyl-imidazo(4,5-b) pyridine (PhIP) and amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f) quinoxaline (MeIQx).


Oxford Street, in central London, had exceeded limits set for "poison gas exhaust chemicals" the entire year in just the first four days of 2015

Oxford Campus Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School Universities first 4 days of 2015, by now these 4 girls looking into the Oxford Apple-Starbucks Store School would have given London 10 cent gas and the gravity engine Rolls Royce, grin.

Gregs 2007 web

Review; 007 “Spectre” MD Oxford girls, women today. First 4 days at Oxford in 2015 reading George Orwell's comments about "Foggy Bottoms" and Big Brother not watching out for your health.

"The Return of London’s Fog" By CHRISTINE L. CORTON New York Times. Cambridge, England — IN January, researchers at King’s College London announced that pollution levels on Oxford Street, in central London, had exceeded limits set for the entire year in just the first four days of 2015. Similarly alarming numbers have been recorded for other streets in the city — and yet the mayor, Boris Johnson, has delayed implementation of stricter air-quality measures until 2020. What’s happening in London is being played out in cities worldwide, as efforts to curtail the onslaught of air pollution are stymied by short-term vested interests, with potentially disastrous results. This is not the first time that society has confronted a threat of this kind. In the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution brought millions into the world’s cities, which expanded with unprecedented rapidity, leading to atmospheric pollution as the fossil fuels burned in urban homes poured huge quantities of sooty, sulfurous emissions into the air. Nowhere was this more obvious, or more threatening, than in the greatest of all Victorian cities, London, where air pollution was literally in front of everyone’s face in the form of the city’s infamous, polluted fog.


Apple retail-store workers complained directly to the company’s chief executive, Tim Cook, that the technology company’s policy of checking retail employees’ bags as a security precaution was embarrassing and demeaning - retail employees who come to work sick with the flu or Syphilis is the Apple Class Action Lawsuit that should be a scene in the next 007 Dr. Bond Movie as Dr. Craig will have a flu scanner supplied by Q. Judge Alsup wrote, “Apple took a milder approach to flu, syphilis, disease + cancer prevention and offered its employees the option to be “The Spy Who Loved Me.” II + III double + triple feature at the Regal Cinema in Key West.

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

415 white girls out of every 100,000 in the USA put to death by Bill Gates + Tim Cook sending their jobs to China!!!!

"At Least 4 Killed and 14 Injured in Crash in Maryland" By LIAM STACK NY Times. Three adults and a child died when a pickup truck collided with a Church Van carrying more than a dozen people in Hyattsville, Md. Put to death buy our 1984 II Dictators, Oil Men! Suppressing the "Gravity Engine Era!"

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


Class Action Lawsuit that should be a scene in the next 007 Dr. Bond Movie will be filmed in DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — A number of military purchases announced Monday at the Dubai Air show, including a $1.27 billion deal for upgraded Saab surveillance systems of SWF Sex Slaves - Yale Students will have to rename a African Slave Owner Building who founded Yale the historic "Slave Owner" and the "Dubai Slave Owners" the USA... Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money for White Slaves from the USA... Yale Dubai Campus will not name any Buildings after the Dubai Prince's who owned White SWF Slaves in 2015. Navy Seals will have a memorial in downtown Dubai as the Rescue mission Jimmy Carter never ordered... from 1980 to 2017. Sex Years that gave Jimmy Carter Brain Cancer!

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

Slave owners today in... UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Saudi Arabia; White Slaves SWF's! The Dubai Air show, which runs until Thursday, is taking place at the emirate's newest airport, the Al Maktoum International. White Sex Slaves from the USA will be flown in by covert CIA agents making $1 billion for each White Slave... Black Slaves sold for how much at Yale, in 1784... 1984 the taste of the Elite have changed. But the Politics of $ money is the same. GE9X engines that power the airline's fleet of 150 Boeing 777X aircraft.


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

Oxford Street, in central London, had exceeded limits set for "poison gas exhaust chemicals" the entire year in just the first four days of 2015.


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

"Classic Comic Strips Will Return to Newspapers... 9/11 Classic Case of 1984 II Dictators Mocking the Pakistan Moslem Generals in the Times yesterday with 120 H-Bombs built in 2015 to Nuke Paris...


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

"Classic Comic Strips Will Return to Newspapers in Special Insert" By GEORGE GENE GUSTINES A 16-page insert in hundreds of newspapers next week celebrates the 100th anniversary of King Features Syndicate, which distributes features like Blondie, which started in 1930, and Beetle Bailey, 1950.

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

"Classic Comic Strips Will Return to Newspapers... 9/11 Classic Case of 1984 II Dictators Mocking the Pakistan Moslem Generals in the Times yesterday with 120 H-Bombs built in 2015 to Nuke Paris...

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

Yale Halloween Costume of a 9-Year-Old Girl Killed by a Pit Bull on Long Island... By LIAM STACK Liam would have to write another article for the Times on this at Yale... grin. Every Halloween from 1980 to 2015 a 9 year old girl has been attacked by a Pit Bull - this is Bull really. 1984 III Women MD Dictators will finally put a stop to these Pit Bull attacks no matter how many Yale Alumni complain, grin!

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

"Yale’s Halloween Advice Stokes a Racially Charged Debate" By LIAM STACK NY Times wrote up Yale today, ha! White Sex Slave Halloween Costumes, Yale Play! Peter Salovey, the president of Yale, said he had been left “deeply troubled” by a meeting he held with students of color last week who were “in great distress.” Many said they did not believe the university was attuned to the needs of minority students.

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

Ms. Rosario 88 was walking south along Columbus Avenue when she entered the crosswalk at West 109th Street, about a block from her home, and had the right of way, the police said. Mr. Abubkar, who had a green light as he traveled south on the avenue, turned right at 109th Street, striking her, the police said. She fell to the ground and later died from her injuries at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, the police said. 111 pedestrians had been killed in crashes this year through Thursday, the most recent date for which statistics were available, down from 113 over the same period the year before.

Mayor Bill de Blasio committed itself to trying to reduce such deaths to zero - Yale test quiz now, the taxi drive had a green light right. Why the Hell didn't the Mayor make all lights "Walk" in all 4 directions... and all lights "Red" with no turns on "Red" this would have saved 100 deaths in 2015... can we sue the Mayor for this F grade? I will try to get Yale Law to sue for $100 million for each death that would have been prevented with this traffic light program! And the one's that got run over and didn't die. $100 million each. Lot more than they get in Nepal, at Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity. Worms... Jimmy really went all over the world in search of worms, but never crossed a intersection in Queens.

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


LONDON — The British drug maker AstraZeneca said on Friday that it had agreed to acquire ZS Pharma, a California-based biopharmaceutical company, for $2.7 billion in cash. The transaction is expected to improve AstraZeneca’s pipeline of treatments for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and comes as the British drug maker is set to lose exclusivity in the United States for its best-selling cholesterol treatment, Crestor, next year. ZS Pharma’s signature drug is ZS-9, a treatment for high potassium levels, which are typically associated with chronic kidney disease and chronic heart failure.

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

"Lower Cholesterol With Diet Instead of Drugs" By JANE E. BRODY same newspaper that wrote up the 42.7 billion for Crestor. These "Orwellian Drug Makers" have no intention of giving us a "Miracle Godsend Overnight" Rx Cure like Penicillin. Oil especially in London has infected everyone and our 1984 II Dictators give the Rx Drug Makers Billions in perks not to complain about BP Oil's revenues of $777 Trillion, grin. Rx Recipes for Girl Scouts will not be Cookie Recipes after the coup! Many Americans, when faced with a serious health risk like high cholesterol, opt to take a pill rather than adopt healthier living habits. A middle-aged woman I know is typifies this attitude. Thrilled with how well medication has controlled her rising cholesterol level, she continues to indulge in foods rich in cholesterol-raising saturated fats. She also carries around more body fat, especially risky abdominal fat, than is considered healthful. Dr. Philip Greenland, a cardiologist and epidemiologist at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, said, “People should be following a heart-healthy diet, keeping their weight under control and exercising regularly. This would be a highly preferable approach. Unfortunately, it’s not the direction we’re going in.”

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

iapps for Parking will make bigger Headlines than the new TV Box from Apple, grin. Next invention project for NYC after all the lights go "Red" for everyone to cross on "Walk"... Key West Parking concerns commissioners. Key West Citizen - The $25-a-month parking pass program offered to people who work in the historic district may be a little too steep in retrospect, commissioner Clayton Lopez says.

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

These 4 girls would be designing "Parking" inventions for Key West + NYC Today... Yes girls a fork lift could stack cars 5 high without falling over... grin!

Gregs 2007 web

These 4 girls would be designing "Parking" inventions for Key West + NYC Today... Yes girls a fork lift could stack cars 5 high without falling over... grin!

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

11-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Review; 007 “Spectre” MD


11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sunday Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sunday Review; “Spectre” A+

Pakistan! With as many as 120 warheads, Pakistan Moslems! 9/11 II + III time bombs! CIA fails in Today's editorial by the Times Top Quarks... as they don't mention $$$ BP Oil paid for these H-Bombs. And 10 cent gas would have won the war with Moslems, Mecca, Allah with Jimmy Carter's 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine also has 120 Nuclear H-Bombs on board... Jimmy Carter forgot, ha to mention this too.

4 Girls in Pakistan looking into the Apple Window see 120 Nuclear H-Bombs paid for with Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money in 2015, in 2015 this $ could have built 120 Apple-Starbucks Store's Schools!

Gregs 2007 web

4 in 100,000 have no chance in Hell when Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money is spent on Sony Movies like “Spectre” instead of the Ultra-Apple-Starbucks Store School stocked with $8K dollar MacBook Pro's and Rx Recipes not Girl Scout Cookie Recipes, grin!


The editors at the Times fail to mention... the Pentagon Chiefs paid $7 Trillion to Pakistan...

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sunday Review "The Pakistan Nuclear Nightmare" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NOV. 8, 2015 With as many as 120 warheads, Pakistan could in a decade become the world’s third-ranked nuclear power...

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sunday Review "The Pakistan Nuclear Nightmare" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NOV. 8, 2015 With as many as 120 warheads, Pakistan could in a decade become the world’s third-ranked nuclear power, behind the United States and Russia, but ahead of China, France and Britain. Its arsenal is growing faster than any other country’s, and it has become even more lethal in recent years with the addition of small tactical nuclear weapons that can reach the Cartoon HQ in Paris!


The editors at the Times fail to mention... the Moslem Pakistan Generals are mad as Hell about Allah + Mohammad getting married at a gay legal wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West.

The editors at the Times fail to mention... Pakistan spends about 25 percent of its budget on defense for MIT War Toys made in the USA.

The editors at the Times fail to mention... Paris bears responsibility for current nuclear arms race by Pakistan Moslem Generals mad as Hell about legal Gay Marriage of Allah + Mohammad in Paris + Key West.


Mandy Miles in Key West at the New paper Office writes in Tan Lines Today their + they've are not use correctly by white girls with red lipstick on Facebook... All week Mandy Miles has been reading the New York Times Headlines + Facebook about the 415 out of 100,000 white's put to death by Bill Gates + Tim Cook moving all the good paying jobs to China and she writes about white girls on Facebook using their + they're!


11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Barbara Broccoli reflects on the actors who have played the iconic leading man. Daniel Craig “Again, perfect for his time. We just didn’t feel in a post-9/11 world that we could be as fantastical as before. Craig is more grounded. And now I don’t even want to think about someone else as Bond.” — Barbara Broccoli.

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Barbara Broccoli, 55 born in Los Angeles, she now lives and works in London — Ms. Broccoli has an iron-fisted reputation. She gave the job to Mr. Craig, whom she had spotted in an indie drama called “Layer Cake.” “Spectre” “Barbara scares the hell out of people,”

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... While Ms. Broccoli is the more aggressive partner, according to studio executives who have worked on Bond, she operates in lock step with Mr. Wilson, who got his producing start in 1977 when he helped rig underwater bombs in the Bahamas for “The Spy Who Loved Me.”


11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “The Spy Who Loved Me.” 1984 Mary in Key West the more aggressive partner in our 1984 Society in Key West watched by the Top Brass World Wide, what did Greg invent today is better than the Front Page of the New York Times most days. "Elevated" Bike Lanes. "Elevated" Bike lanes with a nice high tech star wars design would fit and Yale students can bike right into the classrooms at YALE CAMPUS all winter, grin. New York Times can picture these Elevated Bike Lanes in a Star Wars Design... on the Front Page to be the more aggressive partner. Greg is the aggressive partner in Key West trying to get the Top Brass to make contact and pay me $777 Trillion confiscated from King Salman in Saudi Arabia as I will put 4 wives to work on a cure for Stag 4, King Salman 4 wives can't even drive a gas car let alone a gravity engine car, inspire one as the King has no desire for this from his wives, grin! Jewish Aliens + Widows in Key West are ready to make some Jewish Alien Gems to celebrate brainstorming the Hearing of Jewish Aliens at the nearest stars and of course Sandy is aggressively waiting for grains of white sandy beach in Key West to get the elevated bike path and the state of the arts Tiki hut with 100" Ultra monitors for our Beach Brainstorming after the Top Brass make contact with Greg. Yale comment of the week was Greg is coming to Yale to get a Doctor Wife... students these days can't follow George Orwell's Orders of course. Steve Jobs II + III movies rated MD will be the more aggressive partner in 007 Bond “Spectre” - Bond gets the Blond born in Paris, 30 years old. And Greg's Mary will be 70 on Thanksgiving Day... she wants to spend $100 million on Black Friday too. I gave her $20. grin. I got a free movie ticket at the Regal Cinema yesterday so going to see the “Spectre” movie again today. $9.02 now and I told the girl let me pay you the .02 cents and she said no way. So I gave her a 98 cent tip as I lose all my change every time I put it in my pocket and go into the movies. Regal Cinema needs iapps for closed captions for seniors as I missed some of the dialog I will try to pick up this time. “Spectre” MD rated would have been a better movie A++ like the iPhone 007 +++ I really think Apple should contact Barbara Broccoli about using 007 +++ for the next cell phone name! And write her some iapps for closed caption on her Bond 007 movies, grin.


11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Wine O's [415 our of 100,000] put to death by Wine. New York Times Sunday News about China’s Winemakers Seek Their Own Napa Valley - "Death Valley!" No! The Times didn't put Death Valley but should have mentioned the alcohol poisoning deaths in the 415 whites out of 100,000 but censored this out of the story on purpose!

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The crash of a United States Marines helicopter in Nepal in May that killed 13 people during earthquake rescue operations was most likely caused by the crew’s decision to fly the most direct route to Kathmandu, the capital, the Marines said Saturday. The UH-1 Huey helicopter took the shorter route from a village east of the capital over unfamiliar terrain “due to a real or perceived urgency” concerning the condition of the injured civilians, according to a statement by the Third Marine Expeditionary Force in Okinawa, Japan. The investigation found that it was most likely that the aircraft “was enveloped by rapidly developing clouds or lifted into a cloud by rising air currents.” At that point, the investigators said they believed, the crew lost sight of the ground, leading to the crash. Six American Marines, two Nepalese Army officials and five civilians were on board the helicopter. “legal implications,” and could help to determine who would compensate the families of the deceased. General Shrestha said in a telephone interview, “and they’re very much aware that they’re not from a rich background; they have a heartfelt feeling for them.” $$$ But compensation for the families was a delicate matter because any action taken by the Marines could set a precedent for future episodes, the general said. Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money is not for them General Shrestha implies, grin. Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity in Nepal was canceled too after he got brain cancer. No one in Nepal knows about the Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarine that has 120 H-Bombs on board. Gravity Engine is light years from Jimmy Carter + Nepal. Gravity of falling off a mountain cliff... A Nepal ophthalmologist who pioneered a $25 operation to remove cataracts has restored sight to more than 100,000 people... He has no idea Jimmy Carter has a Submarine with 120 H-Bombs on board... restore the sight to Jimmy Carter in Hell will be to late for 100,000 white girls in Georgia who were put to death by Bill Gates and Tim Cook.


11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... A century after its creation, Einstein’s beautiful theory continues to inspire lofty thoughts — about black holes, supernovae, the big bang. The history of Einstein’s work, however, reveals how even the most abstract scientific research can be buffeted, derailed and even propelled by the most potent force of all: politics. David Kaiser is a professor at M.I.T., where he teaches physics and the history of science. His latest book is “How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival.”


11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Medical Professors and Medical Students at professor at M.I.T. Medical School can write the book "How MIT MD's saved 414 Whites our of every 100,000 who were put to death by the politics of Bill Gates + Tim Cook moving jobs to China. Politics of what gets written in the New York Times is Hell. David Kaiser must have read the NY Times headlines on Pakistan building 120 H-Bombs and must know MIT is the War Toy Maker for the World. This politics of making War Toys for the World at MIT should have been in his NY Times article today. And Bill Gates + Tim Cook following orders from 1984 II Dictators to move jobs from 415 Whites to China, putting so many people in the USA to death is really a crime.


11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paralysis of the diaphragm is an unusual cause of shortness of breath, though many experts suspect that it is under diagnosed. Nearly a third of those who develop this kind of paralysis have lung cancer; in these cases the tumor destroys the phrenic nerve that makes the diaphragm move. In this patient’s case, the chest X-ray showed no evidence of any type of lung disease.

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The correct diagnosis was… Paralysis of the diaphragm.


11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The correct diagnosis is... Greed for another $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues.


City of Key West took $2.5 million from BP Oil and keeps Greg + Wives from brainstorming a cure for Stage 4 today.

Politics of women like Mandy Miles who wrote up their + they're in the Sunday Paper when 415 Whites were put to death by moving jobs to China is "Black Friday" the Day after Thanksgiving and Mary's 70th BDay. Willed to us is the Godsend Gravity Engine, job perfect for Mary to inspire, grin!

9/11 is one of my daughters BDay's.

Hell. General Shrestha giving us the cause of the Helicopter crash in Nepal failed to mention this Huey Helicopter should have been replaced by a fleet of Heavy Lift Helicopters; a spin off from Jimmy Carter Peanut Combines reinvented for Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines to harvest Cashews not Peanuts in the Amazon.

At the same time Amazon 1 Click was suppose to be for the 415 white girls put to death by Bill Gates + Tim Cook with 1 Click Rx Recipe's for Rx Recipes not Girl Scout cookie Recipes, but there are No... Ultra Apple Starbucks Store's Schools in the USA because the Pentagon gave Pakistan Moslems enough $ money to build 120 H-Bombs in 2015.

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sunday Review; 007 “Spectre” MD

4 Girls in Pakistan looking into the Apple Window see 120 Nuclear H-Bombs paid for with Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money in 2015, in 2015 this $ could have built 120 Apple-Starbucks Store's Schools!

Gregs 2007 web

4 in 100,000 have no chance in Hell when Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money is spent on Sony Movies like “Spectre” instead of the Ultra-Apple-Starbucks Store School stocked with $8K dollar MacBook Pro's and Rx Recipes not Girl Scout Cookie Recipes, grin!

11-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sunday Review; “Spectre” A+


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.



Gregs 2007 web

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!



Yes Greg + Wives in Key West will get this Gravity Control Invention and of course the "Gravity Engine" for the flying cars.


CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.



850 pages moved to this web link http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/04Wives.html

Moved 840 pages from Jan 2014 to Christmas 2014

Link to Photos and Acrobat files of Greg in NYC

Greg's YouTube Video reposted



2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,




11-1-2015 Pink H-Bombs Los Alamos + Going off in Paris; caused via Oil $777 Trillion!!
11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Madonna At Her Most Controversial, Provocative, And Shrewdest... with an iPhone Video; Ultra 100" LG monitors, futuristic Apple-Starbucks Store School...

11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Loudest Car Alarm going off beeping for iPhone in “panic mode.” - All cars near you start beeping their Alarms too!!

11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 007 Spectra Spy body cameras in “panic mode.” would send video to 911 with 1 touch, or scream.

4 Young Madonna's At Their Most Controversial, Provocative, And Shrewdest... 4 will be Dr. Madonna MD Rx Recipe's not cookies!

Gregs 2007 web

These 4 in 100,000 have no chance in Hell (of buying a $8K MacBook Pro) unless the CIA Panics!! As they know a coup to end gas cars nears! Windfall of $777 Trillion for these 4 girls!

11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... scenarios; it’s easy to think of other quick actions that can be implemented to improve the safety of iPhone users all over the world. For example, how about activating a panic mode setting to secretly place an emergency call to 911 that instantly provides your name and location without you having to utter a word.

Panic Road Rage iPhone iapps - police officer: telling four girls that their parents had died in a fiery car crash.

Gregs 2007 web

These 4 in 100,000 have no chance in Hell (of buying a $8K MacBook Pro) unless the CIA Panics!! As they know a coup to end gas cars nears! Windfall of $777 Trillion for these 4 girls!


11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... iPhone in panic mode could be set to automatically take photos of the assailant and send them along with your GPS coordinates to the authorities...

11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Madonna At Her Most Controversial, Provocative, And Shrewdest... will be Dr. Madonna MD Tour. Fiery Cop Car Video in view of the Eiffel Tower with a 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School Eiffel Tower in the background. Gravity Engine Cars flying to the Top to let out passengers, futuristic.

11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Dr. Madonna MD at her most controversial; Two days after announcing that the death of an adult Santa Clara County resident from flu was the first reported flu death of the season, California Department of Public Health officials on Friday said an infant also has died. Who gave Madonna Syphilis would also be controversial but more burning up would be who the Hell gave the infant the flu! Track this f- down.

11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Mormon Church’s revised Handbook in the New York Times today By LAURIE GOODSTEIN, Laurie censored out HIV, STD's, and the terrible disease MS... a crime by Journalists today! Mormon's new handbook went to 30,000 congregations around the world, no telling if they put in anything about STD' HIV, MS. but they need their own Mormon iPhone iapps. Pictured in the Times, The Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Utah. There are no Saints at the New York Times or Vatican today. Mormon's will say God will change this, Greg says Jewish Aliens will put the fear of God into the New York Times Journalists... grin! Oh... the New Mormon Handbook should have documented the Hate crimes against women by Tim Cook + Elton John. And the diseases they have given others.


11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Rx Recipe for this must be made public by the FDA... The Food and Drug Administration approved a new one-pill H.I.V. treatment on Thursday with a new, apparently safer form of tenofovir, a powerful H.I.V. inhibitor. The pill, called Genvoya, from Gilead Sciences, joins other one-pill treatments like Atripla, Complera, Triumeq and Stribild. The new form of the inhibitor, Gilead said, more efficiently enters cells where H.I.V. replicates, resulting in 91 percent less tenofovir in the bloodstream. That should make the pill less likely to cause kidney damage or loss of bone density, which have become major problems among people with H.I.V. who survive into old age.

11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... iapps for who has HIV... panic attack, ha.


11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... unlocking the iPhone in “panic mode.” This would then make your left thumb your secret “panic finger.” Your Attackers Finger touching your iPhone would record his DNA + alert you of all STD's and other diseases he has. If he is a alcoholic, drug user...

11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 5 our of 100,000 French cop cars in Paris in Fiery Car Crash... 1980 to 2015. Dr. Green was a professor of cell biology at M.I.T. from 1970 to 1980 and chairman of the cell biology department at Harvard Medical School from 1980 to 1993. He remained a professor there until 2013. Dr. Green and his colleagues produced a nutrient brew in which the epithelial cells would replicate 10,000-fold within weeks. The substitute skin was grown in gauze sheets covered with petroleum jelly. “I knew that without our skin, those Burned in Fiery Wrecks didn’t have a hope in hell,” Next 5 in 100,000 have no chance in Hell unless the CIA Panics!! As they know a coup to end gas cars nears!


11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 5 out of every 100,000 - Trooper Nathan Bradley was assigned one of the most difficult tasks for a police officer: telling four children that their parents had died in a car crash. When Trooper Bradley, an officer in Morgan County, Ga., arrived at the family’s home on Oct. 31, he found four children in their Halloween costumes: a 13-year-old Freddy Krueger, a 10-year-old daughter of Dracula, an 8-year-old wizard and a 6-year-old Ninja Turtle. “My parents went to the store to get more face paint,”

11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “My parents went to the store to get more face paint,” Jimmy Carter went to get more worms, taking his Nuclear Submarine as it was safer than driving a car... to his Habitat for Humanity!


11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


Discovery of the Photon of "Light". Universe is not only expanding, it is accelerating! What causes it...

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... $$$ Patriotic money from the USA Military... didn't go to 415 our of every 100,000 white moms who's girls can't afford Apples to Discover the "Gravity Photon" and learn how the "Light" Photon was discovered... how it was discovered is not a front page story for the New York Times or Military Times News papers.

Einstein and the Discovery of the "Gravity Engine" photons lost out to ESPN + Disney, Batman! Ultra-Apple-Starbucks Store School... For Steve Jobs looking into the Apple window with these girls "1,001 Nobels in Medicine "Movies" a year rated MD". With 100" Ultra Monitors + Los Alamos.

Gregs 2007 web

Pentagon Chief is only concerned about a "Crime" he could "Care Less" about 415 white's in the USA... looking into the Apple Store windows with no $$$ Patriotic money from the USA Military. Pentagon Chief is collecting worms for Jimmy Carter, he took the "Jimmy Carter Submarine" on his last trip to get night worms for Jimmy Carter's "Habitat for Humanity".

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Einstein and the "Gravity Engine" photons lost out to ESPN + Disney, Batman. Connecticut School Seeks to Expel 2 Accused of Wearing Columbine Costumes - Einstein seeks to Expel 2K "Batman" theater shootings movies a year! Sony is making another Batman II + III movies for the Pentagon instead of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine "Movies" a year rated MD. With ESPN Gains, Disney Profit Rose 12 Percent in Fiscal Year... Einstein and the "Gravity Engine" photons lost out to ESPN + Disney.

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Would you be willing to pay Comcast for unlimited data usage? The cable giant offers that option to thousands of its customers in certain markets in nine states where it has introduced data usage plan trials. only about 8 percent of all customers go over the 300 GB limit.

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Would you be willing to pay "Comcast" for unlimited "Einstein" and "Steve Jobs II + III" movies rated MD and MC2?

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 415 deaths out of 100,000 White's in the USA cause the Pentagon Chief to Raises China Concerns about trading USA white women's lives at 415 per 100,000 for China's Women's Jobs + Euphoria! Pentagon Chief is only concerned about a "Crime" he could "Care Less" about 415 white's in the USA. Pentagon Chief is collecting worms for Jimmy Carter, he took the Jimmy Carter Submarine on his last trip to get night worms for Jimmy Carter's "Habitat for Humanity" that is void of Jewish Aliens who made Jimmy Carter persona non grata over Star Wars comments about Jews not being at each of the 52 nearest stars!

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Villa Baviera Journal: Chilean Community, Once a Site of Torture, Reinvents Itself for Tourists

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 1984 II Dictators Site in on fiery cops car crash in LA, Paris, London, Rome, Moscow. Reinvents Itself for Alien Tourists.

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Human Cost Rises as Old Bridges, Dams and Roads Go Unrepaired" By RON NIXON New York Times. Human Cost Rise as Headlines about the deaths of 415 whites out of every 100,000 "Go Unrepaired" by the Headlines of the New York Times. "House Passes $300 Billion Bill to Improve Roads and Bridges" By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN New York Times. $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues from 1980 to 2015 to Improve lives of 415 whites out of every 100,000 in the USA. Subaru fiery wrecks, the number might be 4 out of every 100,000 has not been on the front page of the New York Times yet but the number of cop cars 5 out of every 100,000 in a fiery crash is "Secret" or even "Top Secret". Paris cartoon about 5 French Cops Cars out of every 100,000 in a fiery crash would start the French Revolution II... really!!

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 007 Bond “Spectre” is rated PG-13 but had time to be rated MD or MC2...

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 007 Bond "Gas Rikers" No this is not about "Crime" by the Pentagon Chief but "Gas Rikers" with "Rx Gas 24/7" guards will just have to wear "Gas Mask" grin!

"Inmates Slash Rikers Guard Several Times" By MICHAEL SCHWIRTZ. A correction officer was held down and slashed several times in an attack by several inmates at the Rikers Island jail complex on Thursday, officials said. The attack occurred around 4:30 p.m. A spokeswoman for the New York City Correction Department said the officer, who was not identified, “was the victim of an unprovoked assault with a weapon.” He was taken to a hospital, but no details about his condition were released. A person who had been informed of details of the attack, and who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the continuing investigation, said the officer, with three years on the job, was working in an area housing 18- to 21-year-old inmates. The officer had just opened the cell door for one inmate when that inmate grabbed him in a chokehold and brought him to the ground, the person said. The officer was then attacked by two other inmates who managed to slash him several times, the person said. Judge Approves Settlement of Suit on Rikers Island Brutality. Another person, a law enforcement official who insisted on anonymity, said the officer suffered four deep cuts to his face, head and arm. That official said only two inmates were involved. The attack comes as the city is struggling to control violence at Rikers while also enacting changes intended to address pervasive abuse by guards. Two weeks ago, a federal judge gave final approval to a sweeping settlement requiring thousands of additional surveillance cameras, among other changes. Officers as well as the union that represents them have complained that many of the new provisions, particularly limits on the use of solitary confinement and physical force, were made without their advice and could leave jail employees vulnerable. “On the eve of the release of new ‘use of force’ guidelines from the Department of Correction, which we were not consulted on, one of our members is laying in a hospital bleeding from multiple slash wounds to his head and face,” Norman Seabrook, president of the guards’ union, said.

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 007 Bond "Gas Rikers" No this is not about "Crime" by the Pentagon Chief but "Gas Rikers" with "Rx Gas 24/7" guards will just have to wear "Gas Mask" grin!

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale Student News Today Green Painted bike lanes on the streets... “We want to test some newer styles of bicycle infrastructure in order to solicit feedback and help provide planning teams,” Hausladen said. “These are not inexpensive. However, we were able to — in a pilot — test these in on Elm Street.” Doug Hausladen ’04, City Hall’s director of transportation, traffic and parking, said the city is testing these on Elm Street since there is a higher volume of traffic and accidents. $$$ newer styles of bicycle infrastructure, expensive but Yale can get some Pentagon $$$ Patriotic money for "Elevated" Bike Lanes, overpass + underpass would be ok but "Elevated" Bike lanes with a nice high tech star wars design would fit into and students can bike into the classrooms at YALE CAMPUS!

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Editorial: "Death Among Middle-Aged Whites 415 per 100,000 for decades" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times Today. They write "There is no single remedy". There is general relativity, which beautifully accounts for gravity. Gravity Engine runs over Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity's Gravity! Worms or Gravity? Greg + Wives at 91 will buy all the kids a "Gravity Engine Car"... Jimmy Carter should, could be doing this Today if he would have Given the World 10 cent gasoline + the 1980 Electric Windmill Ford Escort! And saved 415 lives...


11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... First Draft: Senate Report Says Pentagon Paid Sports Leagues for Patriotic Events $$$ when white middle class moms were killing themselves at 415 per 100,000 a record. CIA patriotic events didn't include saving mom's life did it, Hell No! 415 moms per 100,000. Employees at the Pentagon must have notices this as its more deaths of Americans in the United States than in all the Pentagon Wars going on. Add in fiery cop cars these patriotic Pentagon Generals drove by without stopping to help put out gasoline cars for the gravity engine ones!


11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Editorial: "Death Among Middle-Aged Whites 415 per 100,000 for decades" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times Today. They write "There is no single remedy. A real plan for action is not easy to achieve. Economic growth that creates more high-paying jobs would solve some of the problem. Policies to promote affordable college educations and universal access to Patriotic Pentagon Money $$$" If nothing is done, those now in midlife can expect trouble, and the next generation to hit that age could suffer a similar fate. We must not let that happen... this was written today by the editors at the New York Times who also took Patriotic Money from the Pentagon, and also drove by fiery cop cars without stopping to help, not just in NYC put also in Paris, London, Rome, Moscow. These NY Times Editors have seen fiery cops car crash's in most cities world wide and have never stopped to help put out gasoline cars for gravity engine one's!

11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Britain Announces Plan to Update Surveillance Laws aimed at the "Idle Rich + Idle Poor", grin. 1,001 IP invention projects assigned to the idle under the new surveillance law! Grin!!


11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) wants to give all Social Security recipients a $580 check - and pay for it by trimming tax perks for corporate salaries.

11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Greg + Wives in Key West wants to give all Social Security recipients a MacBook Pro, 100" Ultra LG Monitor, Senior Citizens Center without nursing CNA's but Apple Genius Code Breakers writing 1,001 IP invention projects Grandma could add to its Rx Recipe. Brainstorming by Seniors on Social Security - and pay for it by trim time off heart transplants with their brainstorming + writing Nobel novels on iapps together... Trump is a invention to these seniors.


11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... This article is about the elementary particle of light; A Photon is an elementary particle, the quantum of light. Photons are emitted in many natural processes. For example, when a charge is accelerated it emits synchrotron radiation. During a molecular, atomic or nuclear transition to a lower energy level, photons of various energy will be emitted, from radio waves to gamma rays.

11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... This next article is about the elementary particle of Gravity in order to build the "Gravity Engine".

11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Greg + Wives in Key West wants to give all Social Security recipients a MacBook Pro, 100" Ultra LG Monitor, Senior Citizens Center without nursing CNA's but Apple Genius Code Breakers writing 1,001 IP invention projects Grandma could add to its Rx Recipe. Brainstorming by Seniors on Social Security - and pay for it by trim time off heart transplants with their brainstorming + writing Nobel novels on iapps together... Trump is a invention to these seniors.


415 out of every 100,000 of these girls got STD's and will write it up in a Nobel Novel Hemingway Style! In a Trillion pages about Hemingway at the Kennedy Library nothing is public about STD's Hemingway caught and who he got it from... so much for higher education. Yale Key West Medical School will change this History of Hemingway.

Gregs 2007 web

Museum explores Cuban STD history in Cuba vs USA Key West... Castro put everyone with HIV in a Hospital Prison for the last 40 years... and cured Cuba of HIV. Key West has trillion cases of HIV.

Museum explores Cuban migrant history. Key West Citizen - Thursday, November 5, 2015 For more than half a century, Cuban migrants have had the will to reach American shores. And for more than half a century, using whatever meager means possible, they’ve found their way. Flimsy...

Museum explores Cuban STD history in Cuba vs USA Key West... Castro put everyone with HIV in a Hospital Prison for the last 40 years... and cured Cuba of HIV. Key West has trillion cases of HIV.

Gregs 2007 web

11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ‘Defensive Medicine’ May Lower Malpractice Risks... By Nicholas Bakalar Some doctors practice “defensive medicine,” ordering extra tests and procedures believing this will ward off malpractice suits. A new study suggests that it does. Using data on 24,637 physicians and more than 18 million hospital admissions in Florida between 2000 and 2009, researchers found that the more a hospital billed, the less likely the doctor was to be sued. For example, among the one-fifth of general surgeons who billed the least, the rate of malpractice claims was 2.3 percent, while among the one-fifth who billed the most, the rate was 0.4 percent.


11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times Today. They write Malpractice Risks... "There is no single remedy..." 100 MD's + medical student make the diagnosis + treatment, all their conversations are recorded on a YouTube Red video for the patient. Test are all crunched on a Los Alamos Super Computer too.


11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Editorial: "Death Among Middle-Aged Whites 415 per 100,000 for decades" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times Today. They write "There is no single remedy". There is general relativity, which beautifully accounts for gravity. Gravity Engine runs over the Pentagon Generals Iraqi War Gravity!

11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Under planned new surveillance laws... Syphilis, STD's + MS Virus diseases will still be given to millions of these girls by our 1984 II Dictators. Jimmy Carter has the highest Syphilis rates in Georgia from 1980 to 2015 given to women. Jimmy Carter plays "God" but I think in reality Jimmy Carter "Scam's God" as this man is "Diseased" by suppressing the Laser Guided ElectricWindmillFord Escort Godsends... 100's of Godsend inventions; H is just one, Gravity Engine is Another, soon I will invent this with many wives inspiring, grin! 4 Trillion years existed before the Big Bang is a Godsend too. Jewish Aliens at all the nearest 52 stars!

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Oil Men at the University of Texas at San Antonio have found depression is linked to decreased right hippocampal volume not the suppression of the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort!! Grin!

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 10 cent gasoline + the Electric Wind Mill Ford Escort 2015 year end sale... Eu·phor·ic... 1. characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness: "a euphoric sense of freedom" synonyms: elated · happy · joyful · delighted · gleeful · excited · exhilarated · jubilant · exultant · ecstatic · blissful · rapturous · transported · on cloud nine · in seventh heaven · on top of the world...

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “Seldom have I felt as affected by a paper,” he said. “It seems so sad.” Pessimistic! Distressed! New York Times!!

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 10 cent gasoline + the Electric Wind Mill Ford Escort 2015 year end sale... Eu·phor·ic... 1. characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness: "a euphoric sense of freedom" synonyms: elated · happy · joyful · delighted · gleeful · excited · exhilarated · jubilant · exultant · ecstatic · blissful · rapturous · transported · on cloud nine · in seventh heaven · on top of the world...

Coal is linked to depression - "Black Lung" is not just for Coal Miners but Kids at Saint Jude.

1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!

1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!
Gregs 2007 web
1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!

1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!

Girls looking into the Apple Store believe in the Existence of God!! Absolutely certain about God’s existence. Women are more likely than men to be certain about God (69% vs. 57%).

Gregs 2007 web

Under planned new surveillance laws... Syphilis, STD's + MS Virus diseases will still be given to millions of these girls by our 1984 II Dictators. Jimmy Carter has the highest Syphilis rates in Georgia from 1980 to 2015 given to women. Jimmy Carter plays "God" but I think in reality Jimmy Carter "Scam's God" as this man is "Diseased" by suppressing the ElectricWindmillFord Escort Godsends... 100's of Godsend inventions; H is just one, Gravity Engine is Another, soon I will invent this with many wives inspiring, grin! 4 Trillion years existed before the Big Bang is a Godsend too. Jewish Aliens at all the nearest 52 stars!

Girls looking into the Apple Store believe in the Existence of God!! Absolutely certain about God’s existence. Women are more likely than men to be certain about God (69% vs. 57%).

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Get physical. Yale Women in Physics will host their annual “Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Study Break” at the Yale Center for Engineering Innovation and Design at 8 p.m. this evening. The event aims to "Brainstorm" 1,001 IP invention projects for “Liquid Nitrogen Study” + “Liquid Hydrogen Study”.

11-4-2015 Yale Women in Physics given 1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... How the rising death rate among middle-aged whites helps explain our political reality... "Black Lung Politics" headlines would have been hard to miss.

The Washington Post: "Study: Death rates rising in middle-aged whites"

The New York Times: "Death Rates Rising for Middle-Aged White Americans, Study Finds"

The Wall Street Journal: "The Death Rate is Rising for Middle-Aged Whites, Addiction and mental-health issues largely drive a reversal of decades of longevity gains"

[A group of middle-aged whites in the U.S. is dying at a startling rate]

they are dying earlier because of real spikes in depression and its sometimes-tragic culmination — suicide — or because of addiction and substance-abuse-related illness... Alcohol is #1 poison!!

Hell... Nightclub fire over the weekend that killed at least 32 people.

Hell... Alcohol poisoning in Romania killed 32K... is not in the New York Times!!

BUCHAREST, Romania - Prime Minister Victor Ponta of Romania, already under pressure from a corruption inquiry, said on Wednesday that he was resigning after huge protests in response to a nightclub fire over the weekend that killed at least 32 people.

Americans of all races have seen their wages, their job options and their economic prospects and standing decline. For white Americans with limited education, that's also come with a range of economic, social and legal changes that dispatched many of the jobs they used to hold overseas and eliminated their once-almost-exclusive claim to those that remain.

Trumps Mexicans are really Chinese who killed all these middle aged White Men + Women in the Headlines along with Bill Gates + Tim Cook.

An increase in the mortality rate for any large demographic group in an advanced nation has been virtually unheard of in recent decades, with the exception of Russian men after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Coal is linked to depression - "Black Lung" is not just for Coal Miners but Kids at Saint Jude.

1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!

1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!
Gregs 2007 web
1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!

1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!

Girls looking into the Apple Store at Computer Simulations of "Coal" Medical + Political there are no Saints alive at the Vatican Today.

Gregs 2007 web

Under planned new surveillance laws... Syphilis, STD's + MS Virus diseases will still be given to millions of these girls by our 1984 II Dictators.

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Get physical. Yale Women in Physics will host their annual “Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Study Break” at the Yale Center for Engineering Innovation and Design at 8 p.m. this evening. The event aims to "Brainstorm" 1,001 IP invention projects for “Liquid Nitrogen Study” + “Liquid Hydrogen Study”.

11-4-2015 Yale Women in Physics given 1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!

Texas Oil Men at Yale published a paper saying depression may be linked to decreased right hippocampal volume, according to a recently published study co-authored by Yale researchers.

Researchers from the Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center in Hartford, the Yale School of Medicine and the University of Texas at San Antonio have found a genetic correlation between recurrent major depressive disorder and reduced right hippocampal volume. The researchers were able to locate a specific chromosome that influences both of these traits, indicating that there may be a specific gene for depression risk. They published their results in the journal Human Brain Mapping online on Oct. 20.

“There’s a genetic link,” said David C. Glahn, psychiatry professor at the Yale School of Medicine and co-author of the study.

Defeat of marijuana legalization in the Buckeye State surprised political experts inside and out of Ohio

Coal is linked to depression - "Black Lung" is not just for Coal Miners but Kids at Saint Jude.

1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!

1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!
Gregs 2007 web
1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!

1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!

Girls looking into the Apple Store at Computer Simulations of "Coal" Medical + Political there are no Saints alive at the Vatican Today.

Gregs 2007 web

Under planned new surveillance laws... Syphilis, STD's + MS Virus diseases will still be given to millions of these girls by our 1984 II Dictators.

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Get physical. Yale Women in Physics will host their annual “Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Study Break” at the Yale Center for Engineering Innovation and Design at 8 p.m. this evening. The event aims to "Brainstorm" 1,001 IP invention projects for “Liquid Nitrogen Study” + “Liquid Hydrogen Study”.

11-4-2015 Yale Women in Physics given 1 Trillion iPod size cans of H @ -254 C could should have replaced all this Coal in China!!

World Premiere of "Spectre" + "Mockingjay Part 2,"

CBS has announced that the new show, which comes 12 years after the end of Star Trek: Enterprise, will be guided by Alex Kurtzman, the man who co-wrote the films Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness(2013).

Internet firms will have to store details of every website visited by UK citizens in the past 12 months, under planned new surveillance laws... Dash Cam on Laser Guided City Bus... The woman, Carol Bell, was walking north on Sackman Street and trying to cross Fulton Street in the Broadway Junction section of Brooklyn around 6:15 a.m. when a southbound bus turned left onto Fulton, the police said. By The New York Times. She had just waved hello to a grocery store owner, as she did almost every morning on her way from the Magnolia House Women’s Shelter to a methadone treatment program. Ms. Bell had been homeless off and on since the mid-1990s, her daughter said. Surveillance video published by NBC New York showed her waiting cautiously on the side of the street for cars to pass, and then moving across the street with the aid of her walker. There was no painted crosswalk at the intersection, but the charges indicate Ms. Bell still had the right of way. The bus stopped briefly after hitting her, and then drove off. Photos from the scene showed a crumpled walker lying in the street. Laser Guidance is only for Navy F-35 Fighter Jets in our Era! And Submarines named Jimmy Carter, grin!

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Plan to Build a New High School in Queens Collides With Local Sentiment". By KIRK SEMPLE New York Times, Kirk knows the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School would propel the HS kids in Queens to the Nearest Stars + 1,001 IP invention projects but didn't write this up!

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “Seldom have I felt as affected by a paper,” he said. “It seems so sad.” Pessimistic! Distressed!

415 of every 100,000, of these Girls; every year from 1980 to 2015; died of "Pessimism" via Jimmy Carter + our 1984 II Dictators not giving them a ElectricWindmillFord Escort to drive making their lives worst than women in Saudi Arabia.

415 of these Girls looking into the Apple Store lost their Mothers to our 1984 II Dictators incoming missiles. 10 cent gasoline would have saved 415 girls lives...

Gregs 2007 web

415 of these Girls looking into the Apple Store lost their Mothers to our 1984 II Dictators incoming missiles. 10 cent gasoline would have saved 415 girls lives...

415 of every 100,000, of these Girls; every year from 1980 to 2015; died of "Pessimism" via Jimmy Carter + our 1984 II Dictators not giving them a ElectricWindmillFord Escort to drive making their lives worst than women in Saudi Arabia.

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ...declining health and fortunes of poorly educated American whites. In middle age, they are dying at such a high rate that they are increasing the death rate for the entire group of middle-aged white Americans, Dr. Deaton and Dr. Case found. Dr. Deaton + Case are husband and wife and didn't write anything about Syphilis, STD's, MS Virus. I would guess MS Virus caused many deaths + "CIA Mental Torture" in this age group of women! One women in the Nursing home told me a trillion times... "How could he give me such a terrible disease!!" The New York Times might have censored this out of the article.

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “Seldom have I felt as affected by a paper,” he said. “It seems so sad.”


Death Rates Rising for Middle-Aged White Americans, Study Finds... By GINA KOLATA

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

“Seldom have I felt as affected by a paper,” he said. “It seems so sad.”

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Princeton economists, Angus Deaton, who last month won the 2015 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science, and Anne Case. Analyzing health and mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and from other sources, they concluded that rising annual death rates among this group are being driven not by the big killers like heart disease and diabetes but by an epidemic of suicides and afflictions stemming from substance abuse: alcoholic liver disease and overdoses of heroin and prescription opioids.


11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... $777 Trillion caused many to feel pessimistic in their outlook knowing the Pentagon Generals gave Pakistan Moslem Generals $777 Trillion, and spent another $777 Trillion on MIT War Toys. Pessimistic in their outlook knowing 10 cent gasoline could end the Moslem ISIS war with a win-win for SWF in the USA. NASA's death is the cause of some of this Pessimistic feelings too. Sally Ride gets pictures JFK gets a Super Carrier Fleet.

Tralfamadorian Alien Philosophy on death, dispassionately saying "so it goes" whenever it refers to someone's demise.

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale relies heavily on federal grants, applied for by Yale professors and physicians, to fund research. The sum of federal grants given to Yale last year was $507.1 million. Yale Medical school income contributed $786.5 million to Yale. $777 Trillion is controlled by our 1984 II Dictators many Yale Alumni. MIT War Toys $$$


Tralfamadorian Alien Philosophy on death, dispassionately saying "so it goes" whenever it refers to someone's demise.


11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale relies heavily on federal grants, applied for by Yale professors and physicians, to fund research. The sum of federal grants given to Yale last year was $507.1 million. $777 Trillion given to Yale Medical School to build a fleet of JFK Super Carriers at $10 Trillion each like McCane + Jimmy Carter just did. The Jimmy Carter Submarine for $10 Trillion. Jimmy Carter Habitat for Humanity. 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Medical School was destroyed by McCain + Jimmy Carter while Caroline Kennedy watched!

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... $777 Trillion caused many to feel pessimistic in their outlook knowing the Pentagon Generals gave Pakistan Moslem Generals $777 Trillion.


11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... thinking of Jimmy Carter I had to paste this; A few molds, under certain conditions, may produce hazardous substances called mycotoxins. The worst of these, aflatoxins, may cause liver cancer and are found primarily in peanuts at harvesting + storage. Did Jimmy Carter walk through the Peanut Warehouse tasking molded peanuts? Did any MD ask him... ha! Med Students better remember this for Plantation Owners VIP's!

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale relies heavily on federal grants, applied for by Yale professors and physicians, to fund research. The sum of federal grants given to Yale last year was $507.1 million.


Tralfamadorian Alien philosophy on death, dispassionately saying "so it goes" whenever it refers to someone's demise.

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Buffett: Build amphitheater Key West Citizen Key West’s signature singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett has endorsed the city’s plans for a $4 million amphitheater at the long-awaited Truman Waterfront Park.

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Jimmy Buffett needs a Yale Key West Medical School or he will end up in worst shape than Tom Oosterhoudt!

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Truman Waterfront Park would be a perfect place to build one of the Yale Key West Medical School Buildings too. With state of the Arts Tiki Huts too. Grin.

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.



Gregs 2007 web

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!



Yes Greg + Wives in Key West will get this Gravity Control Invention and of course the "Gravity Engine" for the flying cars.

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Record High H-Bomb + Oil Production!! High OPEC production, record-high production in Russia. OPEC H-Bombs the CIA must know about these!! Pakistan Moslem Generals record high H-Bomb Production... all destroyed by 10 cent gasoline!!

Memo From Iraq: In Bid to Counter Iran, Ayatollah in Iraq May End Up Emulating It - all destroyed by 10 cent gasoline!!

Record High H-Bomb Production, Oil Production all destroyed by 10 cent gasoline!! Once destroyed the USA will have record Ford Production!!

Gregs 2007 web

Record High H-Bomb Production, Oil Production all destroyed by 10 cent gasoline!! Once destroyed the USA will have record Ford Production!!

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Russia reported that its October oil production hit a post-Soviet record of 10.78 million barrels per day...

Tralfamadorian Alien philosophy on death, dispassionately saying "so it goes" whenever it refers to someone's demise.

Demise of Jimmy Carter followed millions in fiery car crash's... so it goes!


11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... CIA analysts said in a research note Pentagon Generals will all hang for war crimes! USA Sex Slaves held by King Salman in a 1984 II live streaming YouTube Red era. Review: In ‘King Charles III,’ Glimpsing the Near Future of Monarchy - King Salman destroyed by 10 cent gasoline!!

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... If Cancer Becomes Biden’s Cause, a Bold but Polarizing Doctor Is On Call - Biden must destroy Los Alamos H-Bomb production to win the war on cancer! Only way to do this is 10 cent gasoline!!

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Beau, had suffered what officials described as a mild stroke. Three years later, he was admitted to the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston after what White House officials described at the time as “an episode of disorientation and weakness.” Doctors in Texas had removed a small lesion from his brain. Biden had spent more than a week receiving treatment at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he died. V.I.P.s receive worse care! If you saw the Steve Jobs movie you know only 2 women won a award for standing up to Steve Jobs! MD's would not win this award. Beau + Biden ordered green tea... what really happened?

Here in Key West Tom Oosterhoudt who I told to go to Yale Medical School, he refused. Is in the worst shape ever. Tom didn't believe the Inventor of the ElectricWindmillFord because I'm a POW!! He did what stupid Key West Generals told him to do. What really happened to Tom will only be documented if he writes it up. He can write. One other reason I mentioned this is I want to buy his Ford Dealership Building, yes he and his mother live in the Ford Dealership Building Hemingway and Pauline live at waiting for their Ford to be delivered. I will make this a Tourists attraction named. "Hemingway House Ford Dealership"

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston... destroyed by 10 cent gasoline + Los Alamos hiring Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III. 1 Click Amazon to Trade Secret links of the Rx Recipe, far more advanced than a Swiss Patent Office + Los Alamos ability to crunch the secret Rx's Recipes for us today. This would never happen at M. D, Anderson!!

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, destroyed by 10 cent gasoline + Los Alamos hiring Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III. 1 Click Amazon to Trade Secret links of the Rx Recipe, far more advanced than a Swiss Patent Office + Los Alamos ability to crunch the secret Rx's Recipes for us today. This would never happen at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center!!

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — Only an external impact could have caused a Russian plane to dive into the Egyptian desert, killing all 224 people on board, the airline said.

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Only External Jewish Aliens can destroy the IS Islamic State. 10 Cent Gasoline will slow them down but they were given $777 Trillion dollar Godsend by Pentagon Generals, a war crime!

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Viktor Yung, another deputy director general of Metrojet, said the crew did not send a distress call and they did not contact traffic controllers before the crash. An Egyptian official had previously said the pilot radioed that the plane was experiencing technical problems and he intended to try to land at the nearest airport.

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... SOS calls, Pilots, Astronauts, New York Times published lies by Hillary and our 1984 II Dictators for Bacon profits to soar too!!

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Russia's federal aviation agency, told reporters on Sunday that the large area over which plane debris fragments were found indicates the jet disintegrated while flying at high altitude...

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... When planes do break up in midair, experts say it's usually because of one of three factors: a catastrophic weather event, a midair collision or an external threat, such as a bomb or a missile. With no indication that those events played a role in the crash, Todd Curtis, a former safety engineer with Boeing, said investigators will be looking at more unusual events, such as an on-board fire or corrosion that caused a structural failure. A local affiliate of the extremist Islamic State group has claimed it brought down the aircraft, which crashed in the northern Sinai, where the Egyptian military and security forces have battled militants for years. Russian officials have dismissed that claim as not credible.

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... not credible is "Bacon" in the New York Times!!

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Bacon" at 10 cents and on a Los Alamos Super Computer simulation. Beau had "Bacon" at Walter Reed Military Hospital the day he died, so did Steve Jobs... or lunch meat. Grin!

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... I don't think they have that sophistication... very advanced technologies; Orders Generals Give are "stupid". All you have to do is hit replay. Los Alamos run by Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III will get you Dr. Orders to cure TB, Syphilis world wide. Ebola and even the Flu. Come to work at Apple HQ with the Flu or Syphilis and you will be "Beeped" at the entrance. Same going into Publix or Whole Foods Grocery Store. Orders Given by Generals have been very stupid... smothered in mayonnaise has killed more troops than wars!

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Betty Crocker’s Absurd, Gorgeous Atomic-Age Creations Photographs by MAURIZIO CATTELAN AND PIERPAOLO FERRARI and TEXT BY TAMAR ADLER The iconic brand’s midcentury recipes evoke the era’s peculiar optimism, encased in gelatin and smothered in mayonnaise.

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Recipes smothered in mayonnaise vs Rx Recipes print out from CVS... more people will read this than the small print side effects.

11-2-2015 Billy is captured by an alien space ship and taken to a planet billions of miles away from Earth called Tralfamadore. The Tralfamadorians are described as being able to see in four dimensions, allowing them to simultaneously observe any and every point in the space-time continuum. They universally adopt a fatalistic worldview. The book adopts the Tralfamadorian philosophy on death, dispassionately saying "so it goes" whenever it refers to someone's demise.

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale wrote up “Slaughterhouse-Five” today. At this moment, Billy becomes "unstuck in time" and he experiences moments from various points in his life. Billy and the other prisoners are transported to Luxembourg. By 1945, the prisoners are transported to Dresden to perform "contract labor". The Germans put Billy and his fellow prisoners in a disused slaughterhouse in Dresden. Their building is known as "Schlachthof-fünf" ("Slaughterhouse Five"). During the bombing, the prisoners of war and German guards hide in a deep cellar. Because of their hiding place, they are some of the few survivors of the firestorm caused by Allied bombing between 13 and 15 February 1945. After the war in May 1945, he is transported from Germany to the United States, receiving an honorable discharge from service in July 1945. A few months after the war ends, Billy is institutionalized with post-traumatic stress disorder and put into psychiatric care to recover. A man named Eliot Rosewater introduces Billy to the novels of an obscure science fiction author named Kilgore Trout. Once Billy is released, he marries Valencia Merble. Valencia's father owns the Ilium School of Optometry, which Billy later attends. In 1947, Billy and Valencia's first child Robert is born and two years later they have a daughter named Barbara. On Barbara's wedding night, Billy is captured by an alien space ship and taken to a planet billions of miles away from Earth called Tralfamadore. The Tralfamadorians are described as being able to see in four dimensions, allowing them to simultaneously observe any and every point in the space-time continuum. They universally adopt a fatalistic worldview. The book adopts the Tralfamadorian philosophy on death, dispassionately saying "so it goes" whenever it refers to someone's demise. On Tralfamadore, Billy is put in a transparent geodesic dome exhibit in a zoo that mimics a house on Earth. The Tralfamadorians later abduct a porn star named Montana Wildhack, who disappeared and is believed to have drowned herself in the Pacific Ocean, with the intention of seeing the two mate. She and Billy fall in love and have a child together. Billy is instantaneously sent back to Earth in a time warp to relive past or future moments of his life. In 1968, Billy and a copilot are the only survivors of a plane crash. Valencia dies of carbon monoxide poisoning while driving to the hospital where Billy is being treated. Billy shares a hospital room with Bertram Rumfoord, a Harvard history professor. Billy eventually talks about the bombing of Dresden and the professor claims it was justified. Billy's daughter takes him home to Ilium. He sneaks out and drives to New York City and checks in to a hotel. That evening he wanders around Times Square and visits a book store featuring pornography. Billy sees some Kilgore Trout books and reads them. That night he goes on a radio show where he starts talking about his time-travels to Tralfamadore and is kicked out of the studio. He returns to his hotel room, falls asleep and time-travels back to 1945 Dresden where the book ends.

11-2-2015 Billy is captured by an alien space ship and taken to a planet billions of miles away from Earth called Tralfamadore. The Tralfamadorians are described as being able to see in four dimensions, allowing them to simultaneously observe any and every point in the space-time continuum. They universally adopt a fatalistic worldview. The book adopts the Tralfamadorian philosophy on death, dispassionately saying "so it goes" whenever it refers to someone's demise.

Demise of Jimmy Carter followed millions in fiery car crash's... so it goes!

Carter, speaking with the AP hours before participating in a home-building project organized by Habitat for Humanity in Memphis, Tennessee, said he'll continue receiving immune-boosting drugs to help his body seek out cancer cells after completing four rounds of treatment.

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... End for today is Jimmy Carter on Google with and his wife, Rosalynn, have volunteered a week of their time annually since 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Jimmy + Rosalynn didn't Escort in 10 cent gasoline...

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Record High H-Bomb + Oil Production!! High OPEC production, record-high production in Russia. OPEC H-Bombs the CIA must know about these!! Pakistan Moslem Generals record high H-Bomb Production... all destroyed by 10 cent gasoline!!

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... until Humans get to the nearest 52 stars. 1984 observer moving at a constant velocity. It’s harder to make the more general case Jewish Aliens are at each and everyone of the 52 nearest stars!

11-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... SWF USA Sex Slaves in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates Today.

Halloween Costume - iPhone 7 +++
Gregs 2007 web

Halloween Costume - iPhone 7 +++


11-1-2015 Why You Should Wait For Apple iPhone 7 on all 2016 Model Cars, mandatory dash cams; iPhone 7

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.



Gregs 2007 web

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!



Yes Greg + Wives in Key West will get this Gravity Control Invention and of course the "Gravity Engine" for the flying cars.

11-1-2015 Why You Should Wait For Apple iPhone 7 on all 2016 Model Cars, mandatory dash cams; iPhone 7 - "Idiot Proofing" by Engineers who failed but were passed anyway... State Dept Top Brass to, looking over the DMZ in Korea on Halloween... 10 cent gasoline can win the Korean War too!

Einstein’s ‘Beautiful Theory’ at 100, 10 cent a gallon gasoline, 100 Times Faster than the speed of light with a "Gravity Engine". Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University - 1 Click Amazon to Trade Secret links of the Rx Recipe, 1,001 Nobels a Year... not just 100.

11-1-2015 ...

November 1915, Einstein laid out his General Theory to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin. In his final lecture, on Nov. 25

11-1-2015 ...gravity should bend a light beam, and we should be able to build the "Gravity Engine" by Christmas 2015, get the Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4 too!! As Einstein later put it, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Los Alamos is much to important just to build H-Bombs! Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure depends on getting all of Los Alamos $1 Trillion in IBM Super Computers and the Scientists who would kill everyone on Earth in a All Out Nuclear War to write C++ to Cure Stage 4.

11-1-2015 ...screech of tires as drivers slam on their brakes... The administration signed an international agreement in 2013 that calls for new curbs on exports of advanced surveillance technology... screech of tires as drivers slam on their brakes...

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Silicon Valley’s New Philanthropy" By ALESSANDRA STANLEYOCT New York Times. The tech billionaires believe their greatest charitable gift is their own ingenuity. Steve Jobs II + III Movies rated MD will give our Habitat for Humanity more than President Jimmy Carter ever did! Our Futuristic President of the USA who gives $7 Trillion to start the Ultra-Apple-Starbucks Store School University with 100" Ultra LG monitors and $8k dollar MacBook Pro's will get 1,001 Nobel's a Year in Medicine for her $7 Trillion. BP Oil Trillionairs are the New Philanthropist - someone should email the NY Times!

THIS month marks the 100th anniversary of the General Theory of Relativity, the most beautiful theory in the history of science, and in its honor we should take a moment to celebrate the visualized “thought experiments” that were the navigation lights guiding Albert Einstein to his brilliant creation. Einstein relished what he called Gedankenexperimente, ideas that he twirled around in his head rather than in a lab. That’s what teachers call daydreaming - In 2015 this is called Brainstorming, iapps that let 100 write on a MacBook Pro at the Hemingway House in Key West on the same page, a IP invention project in every chapter and finished by midnight!

10 year old Bronx girl dead in her Halloween Costume, 3 Dead, 4 Injured After Car Crashes Into Trick-or-Treaters in the Bronx... New York Times fails to report on the true cause!

He was then working at the Swiss patent office. Every day, he would attempt to visualize how an invention... 1 Click Amazon to Trade Secret links of the Rx Recipe, far more advanced than a Swiss Patent Office + Los Alamos ability to crunch the secret Rx's Recipes for us today.

Halloween Girl 10 in Costume Run over Trick + Treating by our 1984 II Dictators who don't stop for Fiery Crash either but the New York Times can't put fiery crash's on Halloween on the front page...
Gregs 2007 web

1K car crash's since these cross walks were built on Roosevelt and the City of Key West will let another 1K wrecks happen without fixing this... asap! Cross Walks in Key West are "Dim" witted and "World Wide" 1984 Observers Grin at Key West, thank God George Orwell lets the rest of the 1984 II world see these idiot proof cross walks!
Gregs 2007 web
Thank God for a InterGlactic Party last night and there will be car parts on my bike ride today as there were yesterday in front of the New Publix intersection... 1984 II Dim Wits! Idiot Proofing by Engineers who failed but were passed anyway...

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The administration signed an international agreement in 2013 that calls for new curbs on exports of advanced surveillance technology to governments with troubling human rights records...

Train is moving forward superfast, by the time the light waves arrive she will be slightly closer to the lightning bolt in front. She will declare that it happened first. NASA's Star Wars Train is 100's or even thousands of cars long... and will cost less than $777 Trillion, grin. Einstein. Here’s the fun part: There is no reason to decree that the man is right and the woman wrong... until Humans get to the nearest 52 stars. 1984 observer moving at a constant velocity. It’s harder to make the more general case Jewish Aliens are at each and everyone of the 52 nearest stars!

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... SWF USA Sex Slaves in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates Today.

Halloween Costume - iPhone 7 +++
Gregs 2007 web

Halloween Costume - iPhone 7 +++


11-1-2015 Why You Should Wait For Apple iPhone 7 on all 2016 Model Cars, mandatory dash cams; iPhone 7

11-1-2015 Halloween NYC the Bronx.

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 3 Dead, 4 Injured After Car Crashes Into Trick-or-Treaters in the Bronx... New York Times fails to report on the true cause!

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 10-year-old girl killed by car jumping the curb in the Bronx on Halloween, trick-or-treating after a car swerved off a road after hitting another car in the Bronx and ran onto a sidewalk, crashing into a group of children and adults who were trick-or-treating... Laser Guidance on the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort did not malfunction the 1984 II Dictators did...


11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... horrifying to neighbors, but to some, it was not completely surprising. They complained that motorists frequently drive too fast in the area. They said they have become all too familiar with the screech of tires as drivers slam on their brakes.

11-1-2015 ...screech of tires as drivers slam on their brakes... The administration signed an international agreement in 2013 that calls for new curbs on exports of advanced surveillance technology... screech of tires as drivers slam on their brakes.

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... sirens going, still dressed in the red devil horns from her costume. “It’s so sad,” she said, standing in the street and taking in the scene.... The woman said she saw a girl, whose face was severely wounded and bloodied. “That image,” she said. “I can’t get that image out of my head.”


11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... she has no idea our 1984 II Dictators suppressed the Laser Guidance on the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort - 1984 II Dictators

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Dim Witted" 1984 II Dictators

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Dim... PANMUNJOM, Korea — U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter called on North Korea to shrink and eventually eliminate its nuclear weapons program, while acknowledging during a visit Sunday to the Demilitarized Zone dividing the two Koreas that prospects for reconciling with the defiant North are dim...


11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... MOSCOW — A Russian charter flight ferrying 224 passengers and crew to St. Petersburg from the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, crashed soon after taking off early Saturday, killing everyone onboard, officials in Egypt and Russia said. Hours after the crash, a branch of the Islamic State operating in Sinai claimed responsibility...


11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Steve Jobs II + III Movies rated MD will go into this... Of the nation’s top 15 hospitals, ranked by U.S. News and World Report, at least 10 offer luxury treatment options. Some physicians suggest that V.I.P. services are a harmless way to raise money.

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Steve Jobs II + III Movies rated MD will go into this... Beau, Jim Carter, Steve Jobs iapps diagnosis 24/7 and when Carter or Steve Jobs gets a "Alert" in a test and they get the test the right decision is made; not green tea or a cruise to find more worms...

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Steve Jobs did... Surprisingly, many doctors worry that V.I.P.s receive worse care! If you saw the Steve Jobs movie you know only 2 women won a award for standing up to Steve Jobs! MD's would not win this award.

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Silicon Valley’s New Philanthropy" By ALESSANDRA STANLEYOCT New York Times. The tech billionaires believe their greatest charitable gift is their own ingenuity.

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... IP invention project is... to wipe out E. Coli... wipes out over 40 Chipotle locations in the Northwest. So far, 22 cases of food poisoning have been tied to six of the locations. Overkill on this IP project would be to use $1 Trillions dollars worth of IBM Super Computers + Los Alamos Scientists.

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

11-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... A toddler dressed just like the pope and pushed alongside in a popemobile obtained the highest prize at President Barack Obama's White Home Halloween. Pope had drove a BP Oil Gas Tanker on fire from a rear end crash.

10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Halloween Costume come as a Pink H-Bombs with $777 Trillion pictured over a picture of the Pentagon and lots of MIT War Toys!

Halloween Costume - Stage 4 Breast Cancer POW with tumors coming through your breast... tattoo Biden killed Beau and Mary!

Halloween Costume come as a Pink H-Bomb or SWF Sex Slaves in Dubai at the New Apple Store... pimped by Biden, Obama, Kerry, Bush, Hillary...

Halloween Costume - $777 Trillion pictured over a picture of the Pentagon and lots of MIT War Toys!

Halloween Costume - Stage 4 Breast Cancer POW with tumors coming through your breast... tattoo Biden killed Beau and Mary!

Halloween Costume - 1984 II Dictator with Syphilis in the Brain MRI

Halloween Costume come as a Pink H-Bomb

Halloween Costume come as a Pink H-Bomb or SWF Sex Slaves in Dubai at the New Apple Store... pimped by Biden, Obama, Kerry, Bush, Hillary...

Halloween Costume - iPhone 7 +++
Gregs 2007 web

Halloween Costume - iPhone 7 +++


10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 10-31-2015 Pink H-Bombs Los Alamos New York Times front page Op-Ed | Arthur C. Brooks "Academia’s Rejection of Diversity" Many academics and intellectuals are working 24/7 on C++ and faster than the speed of light inventions... 5 Students Seriously Injured in Fire in Virginia Chemistry Classroom, fire it started during a demonstration of how fire can change colors. By THE NEW YORK TIMES Two students were flown by helicopter to a burn center in Washington with life-threatening injuries, and three others were flown to the main trauma center in Fairfax County.

10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Academia’s Rejection of Diversity" to work 24/7 on fighting real world fires! Bubonic Plague Found in Oregon Teenager. By CHRISTINE HAUSER The girl is believed to have contracted the disease from a flea bite. Officials have noted a puzzling rise in plague cases across the United States.


10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Academia’s Rejection of Diversity" Plague found in the Brains of our 1984 II Dictators in the Yale Medical School Class " Doctors + Dictators".

10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Academia’s Rejection of Diversity" to put out fires our 1984 II Dictators drive by like they drive by fiery cop cars... A pre-dawn fire in the southern Philippines raced through public market stalls, killing 15 vendors, including six children, who were sleeping there to be up early for the weekend crowds, police said. Fiery car crash's in the Philippines since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort has killed 15K. and burned many more... is this "Diversity?"

10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 27 dead in Bucharest nightclub fire this is why "Academia’s Rejection of Diversity" for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year!


10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Mockingjay — Part 2" opens on Nov. 20. is the culmination of the uprising against the tyrannical Capitol and its villainous dictator, President Snow. Biden, Obama, Kerry, Hillary, Bush...

10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Real Life Scene... toxic oil, this black sludge that comes pouring down onto them. This is just after that sequence. In the movie, this has all been digitally enhanced and the whole bottom half of this courtyard has been covered in a black, oil.

10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Real Life Judgement Day, judgment day has arrived, all the way to the front steps of the dictator's door. "That is Snow's mansion,"


10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Our Mansion is 777 trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens at President Snow's Gas Station!

10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 613 paintings, one for each of the commandments in the Hebrew Bible - 613 Galaxies, 613 Nearest Stars! Dominated by Jewish inventors, NASA will go the way of the Gas Station, Post Office + UN. No. 169 is “the high priest must not marry a widow,” which is dramatized by a cowering damsel, forlorn, it seems, that no priest will marry her. Jewish Widows in Key West are dramatized by Alien Gems they sell to the Jewish Mafia. Mafia the Pope in Italy has never even tried to sell them Alien Gems!


10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... For extra fun, check out No. 500, “not to overcharge or underpay for an article,” illustrated with a buxom call girl lounging on a bed, reading a thick book, waiting for her john to arrive. IP invention project article super computer illustrated with Top Quarks spin held together by gluon in your DNA and Cancer Cell. No. 501 "not to underpay how Penicillin puts a hole in the cell wall" canon shot state of the arts and more for the cancer wars!"

10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “The 613,” would get the Jews into 613 light years and 613 times faster than the speed of light, is a IP invention project Jews can invent if they marry the Jewish Widow for her Godsend inspiration, grin!


10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Archie Rand likes to work big. He tackles big themes, like history of the Jews. He often paints very large pieces, including murals. And he likes to work in expansive series, like his collection of 54 paintings, one for each parashah, or division, in the Hebrew text of the Torah. But nothing prepared the art world for “The 613,” his series, completed in 2008, of 613 paintings, one for each Jewish commandment. Seven years ago, when The New York Times wrote about “The 613,” the paintings were hanging in Mr. Rand’s warehouse in Brooklyn. No gallery or museum has shown them all. To do that, Mr. Rand had to put the paintings between the covers of a book. “The 613,” a wonderfully garish book with one painting per page, will be published next week (Blue Rider, $45).

10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “The 613,” would get the Jews into 613 light years and 613 times faster than the speed of light, is a IP invention project Jews can invent if they marry the Jewish Widow for her Godsend inspiration, grin!


10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... New York Times story on divorce after 55 and 25 years of marriage. “After retirement, male spouses are around 24/7, the cracks in the relationship deepen into crevasses, and the emotional distance becomes more apparent,” ...her diagnosis of breast cancer at 45, which led to a mastectomy and breast reconstruction, as the first fissure in their marriage.... 24/7 working on a Rx Overnight Cure polygamous marriage men would be seeking out a breast cancer women to inspire and brainstorm a Rx Cure. Remarriage is not a high priority for women if they are not seeking to inspire 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year. Recently, she competed in her first horse show in 38 years and won first place in her division. Seduced Her... New York Times IP invention projects article or divorce and become a winner in a "Horse Show". By ABBY ELLIN New York Times. Turn your clock ahead to the New York Times seducing her to work 24/7 with a husband brainstorming one invention after another going to the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University opening C++ instead of the Barn Door and getting Kennedy arrested for Mary hanging herself in the Kennedy Barn!


10-31-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

War Crimes by Biden, Kerry, 1980 - 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort would have Escorted in the Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4 Breast Cancer with the $777 Trillion... spent at Los Alamos. Do you know how many H-Bombs Kerry + Biden have built since 1980... Yale Failed our Habitat for Humanity with Hillary + Kerry, Jimmy Carter + his wife of 70 years! Pink White House when Biden killed his own son Beau by spending $777 Trillion on the Iraq War instead of MacBook Pro's for Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Cure! 1 Trillion Pink ElectricWindmillFord Escorts will drive around Times Square on 9/11 next year!

Gregs 2007 web

Pink White House when Biden killed his own son Beau by spending $777 Trillion on the Iraq War instead of MacBook Pro's for Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Cure!

10-30-2015 Pink H-Bombs Los Alamos + Going off in Paris; caused via Oil $777 Trillion!!

10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The Apple Store in Dubai's Mall of the Emirates Opened Today, Steve Jobs can be heard SCREAMING from Hell, at Tim Cook!!

Gregs 2007 web

Sex Slaves in Dubai Today... for these Girls is not what they are Day Dreaming about looking into the Apple Store, Biden, Bush, Hillary, Kerry the "Pimps" and "Organ Transplant" Pimps on the Dubai Princes iPhone 6s +++ Pro's of the Ruling Class!! Yes Verizon records all these calls.

10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The White House, awash in pink light for Breast Cancer Awareness Month; Rising Disenchantment With ‘Pinkification’ from 1984 II women!! By GINA KOLATA Some women with cancer and others question the worth of all that pink merchandise for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. When Biden killed his own son Beau by spending $777 Trillion on the Iraq War instead of MacBook Pro's for Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Cure!

10-30-2015 Pink H-Bombs Los Alamos + Going off in Paris; caused via Oil $777 Trillion!!

Gregs 2007 web

10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... From Iran: Kerry: Vienna Talks Best Hope Of Saving Syria From 'Hell'


10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "geeky" Kerry should have been a Yale Medical School MD - "geeky" ex-doctor and President Bashar Assad

10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Microsoft Cops in Schools, yes!! So this Dell is worthless compared to the MacBook... Dell XPS 15 Review: New Laptop Way Better Than the Macbook Pro & Surface Book. Dell might be faster but the kids have to fight the Microsoft Cops over the apps! Arrest Bill Gates! Dell will never add a "Cell Phone" Verizon or ATT to the Wifi of the XPS 15 but MacBook Pro Cell Phone will be built in soon and you will be able to connect to Verizon + ATT when you don't have the Wifi password... grin! The 27-inch iMac is "Dead" as Acer put a 5 hour battery in its "Desktop" computer! Apple missed this one because of a decision by Tim Cook!


10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... iapps for the "Treadmill Desk MackBook Pro" copy the NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy, Expedition 36 flight engineer, exercises on the advanced Resistive Exercise Device (aRED) in the Tranquility node of the International Space Station... HS kids will not graduate until they pass their "Target Heart Rate" test. iapps will beep every day you don't get your "Target Heart Rate" going on the MacBook Pro Treadmill Desk too.


10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... London will not be getting any MacBook Pro Tread Mill Desk with Target Heart Rate iapps any time soon as the New York Times Today did a Idiots in London article... "A Most British Response to the W.H.O. Study on Processed Meats" By ALAN COWELL In the home of the full English breakfast, health warnings seem only to inspire irreverence and potential denial in scofflaws. Known as the “full English” — a combination of bacon, sausage and egg, with ad hoc + sandwiches slathered in mayo. “Killer in the kitchen,” The Sun, a London tabloid, proclaimed this week in a front-page headline above a photograph of a sausage! I will die in a London Hospital costing you $$$ millions + go down with bacon sandwich in hand singing the national anthem.” So many earlier alarms — over salt, alcohol, tobacco, saturated fats, sugar, butter, mercury in fish, margarine and eggs? Or red wine, which saves the heart or dooms the body, depending on your perspective? Britons in any case cherish their gallows humor as much as their bacon and eggs. “If I’d known smoking was only as dangerous as eating sausages,” a writer on The Guardian’s site, “I would have carried on smoking.” Of course, there were far-reaching implications in the W.H.O.’s allocation of processed meat category of carcinogens, meaning that “sufficient evidence” had been found of a link with cancer. Britons will heed such advice is unclear. “I mean who cares,” said another posting to The Guardian. “We’re all going to die of something in the end” — sooner, it now seems, than later. Same Gallows Humor as Iraqi Oil $$$ Oil Revenues Wars + BP Oils $777 Trillion in London + Some women with cancer and others question the worth of all that pink merchandise for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. When Biden killed his own son Beau by spending $777 Trillion on the Iraq War instead of MacBook Pro's for Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Cure!


10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... By HIROKO TABUCHI New York Times. While some stores have announced they’ll stay closed Thanksgiving Day — and REI even on Black Friday — the season is too critical for large retailers not to match their rivals’ hours.

10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 'Star Wars" Star Travel first via hearing Jewish Aliens and getting the Damn Rx Breast Cancer Cure are to critical for large Universe such as ours. Hell the Milky Way Galaxy gets less sales than Hillary! Moslem Rivals were given $777 Trillion by Pentagon Generals. We must get a refund of all the money to pay for the SWF sucker punched in gas station hold ups, Ya! Black Friday the Syphilis screening at Homeland Security should be open as the New York Times on the Front page today only had the story of Black women have the most Breast Cancer and rates increase every day. Nothing about Black Syphilis. This is a Journalist Crime by the New York Times. Lesbian kiss is front page today too but not Black Syphilis on rise!! Gallows Humor in London has spread to NYC.

10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com A 23-year-old man convicted of breaking a woman’s jaw after punching her in the face at a Stock Island party last year was sentenced to five years in prison. John Joseph Alesantrino of Key West was also sentenced to pay $7,751 total in fines, court costs as well as cost of prosecution and investigation. He must also pay $33,384 in restitution to Medicaid

10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com A 23-year-old man convicted of breaking a woman’s jaw in 1 of trillions of gas station hold ups from 1980 - 2015 was not in the Citizen News or New York Times News!

10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Electricity in a Charged Debate!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Biden killed his son Beau by spending $777 Trillion on the Iraq War instead of MacBook Pro's and C++.

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Lack of Electricity in a 1984 II Society's 1,001 IP invention projects, C++ iapps, Starbucks without $8K MacBook Pro's at every table! Apple's $200 Billion in cash today can save Steve Jobs life tomorrow. Biden killed his son Beau by spending $777 Trillion on the Iraq War instead of MacBook Pro's!

C++ for these Girls is not what they are Day Dreaming about looking into the Apple Store, Ha! Biden killed his son Beau by spending $777 Trillion on the Iraq War instead of MacBook Pro's!

Gregs 2007 web

C++ for these Girls is not what they are Day Dreaming about looking into the Apple Store, Biden killed his son Beau by spending $777 Trillion on the Iraq War instead of MacBook Pro's!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Electricity in a Charged Debate! War is Hell and you will go to Hell...

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Electricity in a Charged Debate! Did Kerry rape + murder Vietnam women in Vietnam, he certainly knew this was going on! Last Internet news about Kerry last night he was taking about Hell in Syria or Iraqi...

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Electricity in a Charged Debate!


10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Lack of Electricity in Dr. Nancy Snyderman working at Los Alamos as Oppenheimer II + III to put all "Vaccine's" in the H2O by Christmas 2015. Global Vaccine Market 2015: Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2019 by http://www.medgadget.com/ kills everything and anything about this IP invention project to put all "Vaccines" in the water!!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Electricity in "Brain + Breast" Cancer in a C++ iapps!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Cops in Schools not C++, 1,001 IP invention projects is not a Class in any School in the USA.

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Jeb Bush Boulder Colorado "Coors Center" Heaven forbid that voters get to hear more about "Brain + Breast" cancer caused by Alcohol statistics its only 25 people in every 100,000 per year. Bush can do the math remember!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Electricity in a Charged Debate! Drunks!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Coors Top Quarks" Heaven forbid that Greg writes one more time 19K SWF in the USA will be killed by a "Drunk" man in 2015... a more serious conversation can begin once Mr. Joe Coors is sued for $ Trillions by these women's dad.

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... New Hampshire, New England, sordid campus practice of sexual conquest. C++ our Our Secretary of State John Kerry, a St. Paul’s alum, Yale Alumni can't write C++ or promote its iapps!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... infamous “Senior Salute” tradition at St. Paul’s School, Michael G. Hirschfeld, the elite prep school

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... St. Paul’s “Senior Salute,” that quaint ritual where upperclassmen bid farewell to their prep school experience by trying to bed freshman females.

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “Senior Salute” has been going on for generations at St. Paul’s. Our Secretary of State John Kerry, a St. Paul’s alum.


10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Electricity in a Charged Debate!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Cops in Schools not C++

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Cops in Schools not C++, 1,001 IP invention projects is not a Class in any School in the USA.

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Electricity in a Charged Debate!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Rough Student Arrest Puts Spotlight on School Police" By RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA, CHRISTINE HAUSER New York Times. The line between security in the schools and discipline has been blurred by the presence of thousands of officers, experts say.

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 1984 Experts in the New York Times interviewed by Christine didn't mention no one in this School in the News Today was learning C++ on a MacBook Pro. With a 100" Ultra LG Monitor!!! Experts in our 1984 II Society at the New York Time should be fired by Trump, grin.

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... C++ for these Girls + Boys is not what they are Day Dreaming...


10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Hyatt Hotels Corporation is in talks to acquire Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, Starwood — whose brands include St. Regis, Sheraton, W and Westin. Sheraton brand, which lags comparable Hilton and Marriott. Even if Starwood and Hyatt were to merge, their combined size would pale in comparison to Marriott and Hilton. Starwood and Hyatt’s total number of rooms globally would be less than 500,000. Marriott and Hilton each have more than 700,000 rooms. Hyatt, with a market capitalization of about $7 billion, would be acquiring its larger rival Starwood, which has a market cap of nearly twice that. For the lodging industry, the deal could be a near record, however. Blackstone’s $26 billion buyout of Hilton was the largest ever, followed by Starwood’s $15 billion acquisition in 1997 of the parent company of Westin and Sheraton.

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Electricity in a Heart Felt Charged Debate!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale News, Each year in the United States more than 15,000 women under the age of 55 die from heart disease, ranking it as a leading cause of death for this age group. Moreover, younger women are more likely to die after being hospitalized for a heart attack than men of the same age. The most common risk factor was high cholesterol. Yale School of Public Health and published Oct. 26 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, examined 3,501 heart attack survivors and found that only 53% had considered themselves at risk. Even fewer, 46%, of the patients reported being told they were at risk by a healthcare provider, and only 49% reported discussing heart disease and risk modification with a doctor.

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Electricity in a Heart Felt Charged Debate!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Last night... Terence Milson, 57, of Britain and his 50-year-old passenger, also of Britain, were riding a 2006 Harley-Davidson at 8:55 p.m. southbound at Mile Marker 53 in the left turn lane when they attempted to make a turn into Key Colony Beach on the Sadowski Causeway, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. The motorcycle and a 2000 Ford Excursion driven by Carla Elizondo, 53, of Hobe Sound, Florida, had a head on collision!!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Electricity in a Heart Felt Charged Debate! The 2000 Ford Excursion - The ElectricWindmillFord Excursion has state of the arts laser guidance and has never ever had a Head On Collision from 2000 to 2015. Our 1984 II Dictators are going to be Charged with these 2 deaths and millions more!

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

C++ for these Girls is not what they are Day Dreaming about looking into the Apple Store, Ha!

Gregs 2007 web

C++ for these Girls is not what they are Day Dreaming about looking into the Apple Store, Ha!

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! USA has concealed its causalities until Beau, Steve Jobs, Jimmy Carter died.

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! 1984 II Dictators conceals Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS Virus who gave what terrible disease to her!


Apple has cash of... $206 billion - 1984 II Dictators have $777 Trillion in cash in a Swiss Bank, grin! Yale University has $18 Billion in cash! Hillary has $1 Trillion in a Saudi Bank! Pope Francis has $10 Trillion +++ in the Vatican Bank. Cash concealed from BP Oil.

C++ for these Girls is not what they are Day Dreaming about looking into the Apple Store, Ha!

Gregs 2007 web

C++ for these Girls is not what they are Day Dreaming about looking into the Apple Store, Ha!

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! World Wide concealment of 1 Trillion 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts coming off the Ford Assembly lines! Also concealed is traffic accidents, who caused the wreck "News!"


10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! "Walgreens to Buy Rite Aid for $9.4 Billion" By MICHAEL J. de la MERCED and HIROKO TABUCHI New York Times! Propaganda War! Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas 2015 by Greg + Wives in Key West.

Greg signed up for YouTube Red C++ for these Girls is not what they are Day Dreaming about looking into the Apple Store, Ha! I will need a few wives as my C++ tutors... grin!

Gregs 2007 web

C++ for these Girls is not what they are Day Dreaming about looking into the Apple Store, Ha! Sony needs to make a YouTube Movie titled "C++" for the Pentagon + Los Alamos!


10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! Russia conceals its military casualties as part of propaganda war!

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! USA conceals its Childhood Cancer Causalities at Saint Jude from poison gas exhaust on Duval.

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! USA conceals its gas station hold ups + fiery car crash's causalities!

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! USA conceals its Alcohol, Tobacco, Bacon, Red Meat, causalities!

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! 1984 II Dictators conceals Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS Virus who gave what terrible disease to her!


10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war!

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! With Dr. Putin, Dr. Kerry, Dr. McCain, Dr. Obama, Dr. Hillary... Dr. Trump is to far from putting in here, grin. they were all hired as MD's and Only Dr Nancy Snyderman was fired by NBC/Comcast...


10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! Demand for iPhone Drives Apple Profit, but Outlook Is Muted in today's New York Times on the front page without any warning of the Ultra-Apple-Starbucks Store Schools University on every corner... on Post Office too as the Post Office has to end its Era with the Gas Station and Public Schools!

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! Nationwide Test Shows Dip in Students’ Math Abilities by the New York Times on the front page today. Hell with Math want the Students need the Abilities for is C++ iapps and Super Computers at Los Alamos! All $1 Trillion dollars of IBM super computers at Los Alamos have been feed is C++ for H-Bombs not a stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure or Top Quarks spin in a sandy white Key West beach, grin. C++ for Super Computer is what Abilities HS students need to excel in!


10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! New Dell XPS 15 Could Be A MacBook Pro And Surface Book Killer... Microsoft Surface Book: Web Guide Shows MacBook Pro Users How to Switch... propaganda war without telling the notebook buyers about the Ultra-Apple-Starbucks Store School University with 100" LG monitors + iapps that let 100 people write on the same page a Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House in Key West with a IP invention projects in every chapter with Amazon 1 Click links to the trade secret Rx Recipe's they can modify! 1,001 software apps for Windows 10 and each one cost $39.00 now.

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! 1,001 software apps for Windows 10 and each one cost $39.00 now.


10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war!

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! California is examining new World Health Organization findings to determine whether to add red meat and foods like hot dogs, sausages and bacon to a cancer-alert list, setting the stage for a potential battle with the meat industry over warning labels.

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... propaganda war! Death rates measured as the number of deaths per 100,000 people.

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Science fiction's tractor beam now real... Darth Vader's Death Star and Captain Kirk's Starship Enterprise both had one. Now the tractor beam, that science fiction favorite deployed to memorable effect in numerous films and television series, has finally arrived on Earth.

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Northrop Grumman Wins $21.4 Billion Pentagon Contract for next B-52 fleet that can't fly into "Orbit" like Boeing 777's will be able to!" By HELENE COOPER New York Times.


10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... USA comfort women in Iraq - Statues Placed in South Korea Honor ‘Comfort Women’ Enslaved for Japan’s Troops By CHOE SANG-HUN Key West Vietnam Vet Memorial 2015 will get ‘Comfort Women’Memorial... did Kerry rape + murder Vietnam women, he certainly knew this was going on!


10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... IP invention project of the Day, Arson! A woman who owned one of the businesses destroyed in a fire that killed two Kansas City, Mo., firefighters this month was charged Tuesday with intentionally starting the blaze. The woman, Thu Hong Nguyen, 43, was charged with two counts of second-degree murder and one count of arson in the Oct. 12 fire, which killed the veteran firefighters Larry Leggio, 43, and John Mesh, 39. They died when a wall of the burning building collapsed, sending bricks and debris into the alley where they were working. The building contained several small businesses, including Ms. Nguyen’s LN Salon and Spa, on the first floor and 16 apartments on the second floor. A federal investigator said in an affidavit that the fire had been intentionally set in a storage room of Ms. Nguyen’s business. Video surveillance tapes show a woman leaving the spa minutes before the first smoke is spotted. Ms. Nguyen, who was arrested Monday, was held on $2 million bond. She told investigators that she had received insurance payments from two other fires, one in 2013 and the other in January, according to court documents. Investigators ruled that the January blaze, in a vacant apartment above Ms. Nguyen’s spa, was arson.

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... NSA + Verizon must have recorded Ms. Nguyten's arson cell call conversations before her first arson, so why didn't they stop her before 2 firefighters died?

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1954 New Haven sees its 21st case of polio. The case brings the polio count in New Haven County to 46. Of the 21 cases in the city, one is a physics graduate student and another is a divinity school student. Steve Jobs II + III movies should start with Polio + Cancer history along with a huge HD picture of the Jimmy Carter Submarine and Childhood Cancers at Saint Jude...

10-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


10-27-2015 "It is unrealistic to isolate one single food that can cause or cure cancer," said Kayli Hanley, a spokeswoman for the Oregon Cattlemen's Association.

10-27-2015 Steve Jobs II + III movies rated MD and made mandatory viewing for all Yale Med School students will track down the one single Top Quark that can cause DNA to turn into cancer!

10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Presidents of Lone Star Industries!

Jewish Aliens at every star scenario was our best as NASA sold its soul to BP Oil $777 Trillion

Jewish Aliens at every star scenario is our best as NASA sold its soul to BP Oil $777 Trillion

10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Men + Women who excavated Troy and Mycene to support view that the events described by Homer were based on historical fact. A potential for shedding light on the emergence of the Mycenaean civilization, the lost world of Agamemnon, Nestor, Odysseus and other heroes described in the epics of Homer. Homer to Hubble Space Telescope then it Stops! Space Telescope Trains of 100's of Cars were replaced by COAL trains of 100's of cars by our 1984 II Dictators.

Top Quarks + Gravity Engines “critical infrastructure.” Review will be rewritten at Harvard-MIT, Yale, Berkeley Labs Today. iPod size can of H @ -254 C will replace GE Nuclear Power Plants + let Boeing fly GE Nuclear Waste into Space...

Gregs 2007 web

"War Crime is US Forces hitting the 155 Story Yale New Haven Hospital" Steve Jobs Movies II + III will be rated MD and will not be made by Sony, Ha!

“you can count on one hand the number of tombs as wealthy as this one.” $777 Trillion "Oil" $

A War Crime is... "GM recalling 1.4M cars in fourth recall for fire risks" The Detroit News - For the third time in eight years, General Motors is recalling cars that can leak oil and catch fire, sometimes damaging garages and houses.


10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Presidents of Lone Star Industries!

Jewish Aliens at every star scenario was our best as NASA sold its soul to BP Oil $777 Trillion

Jewish Aliens at every star scenario is our best as NASA sold its soul to BP Oil $777 Trillion


Warriors probably competed for status as stratified societies formed on the mainland. This developing warrior society liked to show off its power through high-quality goods, like Cretan seal stones and gold cups — “Perhaps we can theorize that this site was that of a rising chiefdom,” weapons, including a long bronze sword with an ivory hilt clad in gold and a gold-hilted dagger. On his right side were four gold rings with fine Minoan carvings and some 50 Minoan seal stones carved with imagery of goddesses and bull jumpers. “I was just stunned. Late Helladic II, a pottery-related chronology that corresponds to 1600 B.C. to 1400 B.C., in the view of some authorities, or 1550 B.C. to 1420 B.C., in the view of others. The earliest European civilization is that of Crete, the first on the European mainland is the Mycenaean culture to which this "Griffin Warrior" belongs. It is not entirely clear why civilization began on Crete.

It is not entirely clear why civilization let the Warrior become the Ruling Classes... MD's as the Ruling Class seems like a much better choice.


Mycenaeans invaded Crete, and in 1450 B.C., the palace of Knossos was burned, perhaps by Mycenaeans. It is not yet clear whether the objects in the griffin warrior’s tomb were significant in his own culture or just plunder. “I think these objects were not just loot but had a meaning already for the guy buried in this grave,” Dr. Davis said. “This is the critical period when religious ideas were being transferred from...

2015 - “This is the critical period when religious ideas were being transferred from... "Gravity Engine" that will be invented and the Rx Overnight Cure for Brain + Breast Cancers. Top Quarks in a grain of Sandy White Key West Beach along with 4 Trillion years before the Big Bang is a Coup on the State of the Arts NSA, CIA, Yale, Harvard, MIT... who put poison food in Apple Vending Machines and poison Gas Exhaust on Duval. iPod size can of H @ -254 C will replace GE Nuclear Power Plants + let Boeing fly GE Nuclear Waste into Space.


Archaeologists are looking forward to studying a major unlooted tomb with modern techniques like DNA analysis, which may shed light on the warrior’s origin. DNA, if extractable from the warrior’s teeth, may tell where in Greece he was born.


Orgin of the Universe 4 trillion years before the Big Bang on the front page of the New York Times after the Coup too... IP invention projects, lost to Sony making movies for the Pentagon.

10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Salmonella is of course responsible for food poisoning. Astronauts don’t have to worry about falling ill from their food thankfully given that meals and snacks are irradiated to kill off any bacteria. E. coli and staph are also in the space station.


10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Eating processed meat, like hot dogs and corned beef, can raise the risk in humans of getting colon cancer, the World Health Organization said.

10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Cancer risk 20% smoking 5% Bacon 5% Red Meat 5% Sausage 5% Lunch Meats 5% Wine 20% Cheese 10% = 60% Add poison gas exhaust! Oregon meat industry says take the news that bacon, red meat cause cancer with a grain of salt, funny I just bought No Salt Green Pea's at Publix yesterday too. However, cattle was the top agricultural revenue generator in 2014, bringing in $922 million. Oil at $777 Trillion and we are given poison gas exhaust and engines that leak and burn down the house in 2015. "It is unrealistic to isolate one single food that can cause or cure cancer," said Kayli Hanley, a spokeswoman for the Oregon Cattlemen's Association

But, slowly, over time, just as smokers were kicked to the curb and turned into symbols of a broader health menace, the same kind of thing could happen to America’s bacon junkies. Pipe Smoking Store Shops were on every corner same as gas stations once upon a time! Chemicals in Bacon + a Los Alamos super computer simulation will help save the life of 100's who will die like Steve Jobs but not on Stage. 1984 II Dictators have mastered what George Orwell puts on Comcast + NBC Nightly News. Times are a coming when all New York Times Journalists will have a MD degree. Bill Clinton ate at McDonalds out of spite of MD news about red meat way back then and almost died, 100's of others did die from Clinton's President Lunching at McDonalds!

"It is unrealistic to isolate one single food that can cause or cure cancer," said Kayli Hanley, a spokeswoman for the Oregon Cattlemen's Association.

Steve Jobs II + III movies rated MD and made mandatory viewing for all Yale Med School students will track down the one single Top Quark that can cause DNA to turn into cancer!


10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Paris; who is buying a place "Palace" in Paris Today... 32 percent of buyers were from the Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, 23 percent from Europe and 19 percent from North America, with the remainder largely from Russia and Asia.

10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Presidents of Lone Star Industries!

Jewish Aliens at every star scenario was our best as NASA sold its soul to BP Oil $777 Trillion

Jewish Aliens at every star scenario is our best as NASA sold its soul to BP Oil $777 Trillion


10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... President Obama's most senior national security advisers have recommended measures that would move U.S. troops closer to the front lines in Iraq and Syria, officials said, a sign of mounting White House dissatisfaction with progress against the Islamic's.

10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 10 cent a gallon gasoline is not a scenario national security advisers have recommended!


10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Comcast has tried to keep pace with the rapid change by investing in its X1 technology system that aims to transform how people watch cable television. 1984 II "Observers" are watching 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year. Top Quarks want the Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Cure's by Christmas 2015, Comcast aims were like Sony Movies made for the Pentagon until Beau + Jimmy Carters Brain Cancers changed the channels on what is brainstormed in a TV Show. 1,001 IP Invention Projects is still not on air yet! 24/7.

10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Presidents of Lone Star Industries!

Jewish Aliens at every star scenario was our best as NASA sold its soul to BP Oil $777 Trillion

Jewish Aliens at every star scenario is our best as NASA sold its soul to BP Oil $777 Trillion


10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... MD's “critical infrastructure.” for 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year has been H-Bombed by Los Alamos. In my file marked secret written at Los Alamos... Mr. Buell and his "Wind Car" dated 1990 review lacks the real worlds 1,001 Wars Addiction by our Top Brass 1984 II Dictators not even considering 1,001 Jewish Aliens or Brain + Breast Cancers of Beau, Carter, Kennedy etc.

MD's “critical infrastructure.” Review will be rewritten at Harvard-MIT, Yale, Berkeley Labs Today.

Gregs 2007 web

MD's “critical infrastructure.” WHO at the UN will stand trial for "War Crimes by MD's"

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 1 million cancer deaths per year globally due to tobacco smoking, 600,000 a year due to alcohol consumption, and more than 200,000 each year due to air pollution... WHO will not list Syphilis, STD's, MS Virus cancer statistics!

Gregs 2007 web

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... WHO: Processed Meat Linked to Cancer; Red Meat Is Risky Too. Doctors and many government agencies have long warned that a diet loaded with red meat is linked to cancers, including of the colon and pancreas. Florida Today killed the "Test" kids take as to hard. Steve Jobs II + III movies will have Steve Jobs High School anatomy + physiology class in the movies and how the teachers said red meat caused colon + pancreas cancer but ordered it for kids anyway failing them more than federal "Test" on paper.

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Jimmy Carter in the New York Times again today Monday... And a decade ago, 2005 the United States Navy launched the submarine Jimmy Carter, which intelligence analysts say is able to tap undersea cables and eavesdrop on communications flowing through them.


10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... MD's “critical infrastructure.” for 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year has been stifled by the Jimmy Carter Sub. Brain + Breast Cancer is not in the Din of Jimmy Carters frontal lobes even today as Greg + Wives in Key West Today are POW's held hostage by 1984 II Dictators with syphilis not allowed to brainstorm any one of the 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year.

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Putin spent $110 trillion on skyscrapers for Saint Petersburg and not one is a medical school. Putin's Russian Arctic Sub bases and their $2.4 trillion investment in the Black Sea Fleet expansion by 2020 demonstrate their commitment to develop their military infrastructure - not MD's “critical infrastructure.”


10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Undersea Cables cables carry global business worth more than $10 trillion a day, including from financial institutions that settle transactions on them every second. Any significant disruption would cut the flow of capital. The cables also carry more than 95 percent of daily communications. So important are undersea cables that the Department of Homeland Security lists their landing areas — mostly around New York, Miami and Los Angeles — at the top of its list of “critical infrastructure.”

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Undersea Cables cables carry global business worth more than $10 trillion a day, $777 Trillion since 1980 invention of the Electric Windmill Ford Escort = 1 Trillion a day since 1980 is a lot more than $777 Trillion for BP Oil.

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... MD's “critical infrastructure.”


10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... MD's “critical infrastructure.” Sony Movies for the Pentagon lack this!!

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... MD's “critical infrastructure.” The $30 million Steve Jobs film that I saw on Friday finished the weekend with $7.3 million for a seventh place finish, bringing its current domestic cume to just under $10 million. As Variety observes, Steve Jobs' $7.3 million finish "barely beat the $6.7 million that Ashton Kutcher’s critically excoriated jOBS made in its initial weekend." I just watched the trailer on Amazon the link is below... Steve Jobs Cancer Movie is critical to the MD infrastructure - Jimmy Carter spent $10 Trillion on his name sake Sub and now he has to regret not spending the $10 trillion on Brain Cancer... skin cancer. First thing when the 1984 II Dictators make contact I must get checked for skin cancers, etc.

https://www.amazon.com/Jobs-Ashton-Kutcher/dp/B00GX50BD2/ref=sr_1_1/r ef=sr_1_1?_encoding=UTF8&keywords=jobs%20ashton%20kutcher&qid=1445857392&s=movies-tv&sr=1-1


10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Jimmy Carter could "Order" the making of Steve Jobs II + III movies via Sony grin... both rated MD with more on Steve screaming as he walks by vending machines... "eat anything in there and you will die from cancer!" The MD's at WHO + The New England Journal of Medicine have the statistics of how many per 100,000 will get cancer from eating from vending machines; red meat; bacon; cheese; and these statistics can not be Leaked even by Jimmy Carter, ha!

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "WHO: Processed Meat Linked to Cancer; Red Meat Is Risky Too" By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS + New York Times OCT. 26, 2015, 8:09 A.M. E.D.T. PARIS — The World Health Organization's cancer agency says that processed meats such as ham and sausage can lead to colon and other cancers, and red meat is probably cancer-causing as well. Researchers from the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, released an evaluation of more than 800 studies from several continents about meat and cancer. Based on that evaluation, they classified processed meat as "carcinogenic to humans" — in the same category as cigarettes — and red meat as "probably carcinogenic to humans." Meat industry groups protest the classification, arguing that cancer is not caused by specific foods but by several factors. Doctors and many government agencies have long warned that a diet loaded with red meat is linked to cancers, including of the colon and pancreas.

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com A dangerous alien presence has descended upon the historic U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Ingham docked at Truman Waterfront. While at sea last week, the ship’s crew discovered an alien artifact and brought it aboard for further study. Inexplicably, the scientist studying the artifact went mad and the rest of the crew was sickened with a mysterious illness. Volunteers are now being enlisted to h...


10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale Coming Out with what STD's you have, had had, who gave it to you... Six sexy days. Today at Yale is the first day of Sex & Sexuality Week — six days of events designed to promote safe sex and inclusivity on campus. The week kicks off with four events, including a lunch with WGSS professor Inderpal Grewal.

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale School of Management Saturday had Lady Gaga — but they were not there to hear her sing. Instead, Gaga and her mother, Cynthia Germanotta, discussed the importance of emotional intelligence, the ability to identify and respond to one’s feelings. Yale's current University President Peter Salovey his 1990 paper “Emotional Intelligence” has become one of his most cited, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton needed "MD Intelligence" in 1990, grin. Carter + Clinton both lied to 4 billion people on Earth + themselves about 10 cent gasoline + the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. 1980 + 1990 Rx Overnight Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer was lost because emotional intelligence - "Greed" for $777 Trillion in BP Oil money won over the cure for cancer work. 2005 Jimmy Carter spent $10 Trillion on the Jimmy Carter Sub. Bill Clinton has $10 Trillion in a Swiss Bank.

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence" I doubt if this is part of the Yale Medical School, grin!


10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY. 1994 Branford College receives a $1.5 million donation from alumnus David Wallace ’48, president of Lone Star Industries... Yale keeping Earth as Lone Star in the Universe of Trillions of Stars and Jewish Aliens are at Trillions of Stars in our Universe, ha! This should get the brain neurons firing from the Yews at Yale!

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Carter + Clinton's emotional intelligence has a profound impact on an individual’s quality of life, as the ability to successfully identify and react positively to one’s emotions improves attention, memory, learning and decision-making. Brackett added that people educated on emotional intelligence are also able to constructively deal with rejection...


10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Carter + Clinton's emotional intelligence has a profound impact on 4 Billion People... worst is poison gas exhaust kids at Saint Jude and all the murdered wives from drunk men + domestic fights over who gave who syphilis + STD... MS Virus given to 1 million women by men like Carter + Clinton has to be the worst thing they both did since 1990.

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 1 million cancer deaths per year globally due to tobacco smoking, 600,000 a year due to alcohol consumption, and more than 200,000 each year due to air pollution... WHO will not list Syphilis, STD's, MS Virus!


10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Brain Dead from Cancer Jimmy Carter is in a parallel Universe far from 10 cent gasoline, poison gas exhaust on Duval, childhood birth defects + cancers at Saint Jude, and the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort with a "Gravity Engine."

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Brain Dead from Cancer he wrote this; "End the Syrian Crisis" By JIMMY CARTER New York Times front page Sunday. Jimmy didn't read last weeks New York Times article that Pakistan Moslem Generals have built more H-Bombs in 2015 than the USA. Please someone wake up Jimmy Carter... send him email from Hillary, grin!

Gregs 2007 web

10-23-2015 Greg anticipates... H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower by Christmas 2015. So how does this fit into Jimmy's plans to end the Syrian War?


10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Jimmy Carter writes, "Mr. Assad’s only concession in four years of war was giving up chemical weapons, and he did so only under pressure from Russia and Iran. Similarly, he will not end the war by accepting concessions imposed by the West"

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Brain + Breast Cancer End the Stage 4 Crisis" by Greg + Wives in Key West. Sunday work on a New York Times article to End Cancer when Jimmy Carter lets us!!

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Charlie Hebdo anticipates...

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Charlie Hebdo anticipates...


10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Charlie Hebdo anticipates... Did the New York Times top brass tell them Pakistan Moslem Generals have built 100's of H-Bombs since the terrorists attack on their Cartoon Office, would Charlie Hebdo comprehend what this means in the minds of Pakistan Moslem Generals who built the H-Bomb assembly line?

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Greg anticipates... H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower by Christmas 2015. Would someone please email this to Jimmy Carter! So he can make corrections in today's New York Times his plans to end the Syrian War.

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Charlie Hebdo’s instant transformation from a relatively obscure, parochial French publication to an international symbol, celebrated by free-speech advocates. Its two dozen cartoonists and writers, who previously enjoyed some degree of anonymity, moved this month to a new, heavily fortified newsroom with bulletproof windows, a panic room and a labyrinth of safety doors — security measures that cost 1.5 million euros, or $1.65 million.


10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... $1.65 Trillion was spent by Pakistan Moslem Generals since the attack on Jan 7, 2015 on H-Bombs. Allah is A "jerk" cartoons... is printed on most of the Pakistan H-Bombs coming off the assembly line for the French to read. Did the Pakistan Generals draw any cartoons on their New H-Bombs, of course they did. Cartoon of 72 virgins when they get to Heaven for killing everyone who spit on Allah in Paris. The "Idiot" by Tolstoy - life in Paris alone in the Universe! Paris Jews must save them all by making contact with Jewish Alien!

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... H-Bomb assembly line Picture should be on the front page of the New York Times Today!

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... New York Times front page story is "Driving while Black" and iPhone 7 +++ dash cams will arrest more "Black Divers" when dash cams are mandatory in all cars than the New York Times could ever anticipate!


10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Jimmy Carter pulling charded bodies from all the fiery wrecks he drove by without stopping will Haunt him... charred remains from the burned-out bus, which had been involved in one of France’s worst road accidents ever. At least 43 died, most of them older people out for a day’s excursion of ham-tasting and sightseeing in the soft and undulating countryside. In the mist-shrouded early morning on Friday, the bus, traveling Departmental Road 17, one of the narrow roads that snake through the vineyards and low forest, was hit by a truck that might have been straddling the center line, officials have said. Both vehicles were almost instantly engulfed in flames. 2015 state of the arts laser guidance is on French Fighter Jets, a war crime. War Crime Trials in Paris came from this fiery wreck, history will write. 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Trucks + Buses! French Elite built 2015 Fighter Jets with laser guidance instead.

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... “He couldn’t get his wife out,” said Philippe Gombeau, who had just spoken to one of the few survivors, Raymond Silvestrini, a fellow member of the local hunters’ association. He shook his head and marveled at how quickly the bus had caught fire. “He broke the window, but he couldn’t get her out. “Couldn’t get her out,” he repeated.


10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Rosalynn Carter drove by this fiery wreck and trillions of others with charred wives without stopping to help by writing a article for the New York Times!

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The driver of the truck, who was transporting wood, and his 3-year-old son, who was riding in the cab, were also among the dead. The villagers hugged one another in front of the World War I monument, conscious that another set of victims now needed commemoration. Vietnam Memorial in Key West + every city and town in the USA like the WW I and WW III memorials. Villagers in front of War Memorials when we need a Gasoline Car Memorial as more have died and more Generals have driven by fiery wrecks without stopping to help get out the charred bodies as the Generals were in a hurry to get to the next war. God is a charred body to the "Generals" and the Universe Stops here as the drive to 4.3 light years is a lost war the West Point Generals will not fight.

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Some contemplated the future — the NY Times Journalist didn't. By ADAM NOSSITER - he wrote the future for PETIT-PALAIS-ET-CORNEMPS, France is none of these old folks coming home again - in reality the future is another 42 fiery charred remains pulled from other fiery wreck tomorrow and the next day is the future because Adam is a war criminal working, writing for the New York Times!

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Flame Vine thrives on a fence or trellis. Bromellad Aechmea blanchetiana is aflame with color. Mandy Miles in one of those states of indecision in today's Key West Citizen. Put money in the parking machine half a block away on Caroline in the wrong direction for a parking pass on the dash of her car or risk a $35 parking ticket. Errand would take 5 minutes and it would take 4 minutes to get the printed parking pass out of the machine. She swears she is plagued by these mental tugs of war. Mandy won this war on Caroline Street. Ran to Duval back in 7 minutes and no parking ticket. Sometimes things do work out in my mind she writes. iapps for iPhone 7+++ for parking in every city in the USA. In Greg's mind this would work out for everyone but the companies who sell the parking boxes to the City of Key West. Caroline Kennedy or the ElectricWindmill "Car" in Mandy Miles Mind... Flame Vine thrives on the next page of Mandy's Tan Lines. Flames from gasoline burning people to death today is more for a "Generals Mind" than Mandy or Greg. Flames of Hell must be in Jimmy + Rosalynn Carters mind.

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... After 82 Years, No More Driving By Dawes Potter Metropolitan Diary. Reader Tales From the City » Dear Diary: I’m 93, a World War II Navy vet and all that stuff. Today I sold my final car. Tomorrow, as we prepare to move into our West Side co-op, I’ll turn in my New York vanity plates and get rid of my E-ZPass. Dawes Potter at the New York Times knows all about the charred bodies from fiery car wrecks, Dawes Potter knows about the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Dawes Potter is a war criminal journalists in New York City.

10-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Threats to Pakistan’s Women Journalists" By Kiran Nazish - "A story involving the influence of intelligence agencies on civilians" CIA is not Moslem, Pakistan Intelligence Agents are all Moslem. So Moslem Women Journalists have the advantage. Women Pakistan Journalists can drive a car in Pakistan but not write stories of women in Saudi Arabia whipped for driving. CIA Women in Pakistan know the H-Bomb assembly lines is running full speed and wonder if the Pakistan Men will really launch a first strike against a Paris Cartoon HQ or are they just running the H-Bomb assembly line full speed for the Hell of it, to scare the Hell out of the USA. It was surprising the New York Times ran the story on the front page last week too! Kiran writes about a young teenage Christian girl who faced the death penalty under blasphemy law... Allah in a gay wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West... Kiran needs to tell us why Moslem Men would kill who ever wrote this story! Man or Women, or are we suppose to list to the 1984 II Dictators say Allah can be married to a gay man in the USA. WW III will be started and fought over this. WW III Memorials at Bay View Park in Key West will have the names of the dead. News received from a politically-driven mafia in Karachi, Key West, Jewish Mafia has a CIA too and knows 100's of H-Bombs are in the hands of Pakistan Moslem Generals Today. They can't complain to Kerry as he paid for the H-Bombs. How quickly can the Jews make contact with Jewish Aliens? Invent it!! Give it to Los Alamos to Invent as their H-Bomb assembly line is idle. Blasphemy Laws under the French. French Women Journalists writing on the Nigeria Oil Company owned by the French Government are the real women who are under Threats of Death, not Pakistan Women as Pakistan has no Oil $$$. Pakistan got all its $777 Trillion from Kerry. I doubt if Jimmy Carter even knew about this. Jimmy Carter writes Generals will not change their minds! Jimmy was not writing about Moslem Generals in Pakistan. We who are not Generals in Pakistan or the USA know the Moslem Generals will Nuke the Paris Cartoon HQ on Christmas Day 2015. CIA will miss this one, grin. CIA missed 9/11 because the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort article for the NY Times was not written after Jimmy Carter threatened the Women Journalists, Ha!

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Steve Jobs Movie last night at Regal Cinema was 30 minutes late starting... Jobs’s perfect final line to his daughter reminds us of why we spent two hours here. In the movie, Lisa plays her father two different versions of Joni Mitchell singing "Both Sides Now", recorded years apart in 1969 and 2000. While he doesn't mention where Jobs first heard the songs, Isaacson noted that Jobs had the songs on his iPad in 2011 and reflected on how the different performances show the way people age.

"Both Sides Now" poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West vs ElectricWindmillFord Escort...

I've looked at love from both sides now From give and take, and still somehow It's love's illusions I recall I really don't know love at all

Tears and fears and feeling proud To say "I love you" right out loud Dreams and schemes and circus crowds I've looked at life that way

But now old friends are acting strange They shake their heads, they say I've changed Well something's lost, but something's gained In living every day

I've looked at life from both sides now From win and lose and still somehow It's life's illusions I recall I really don't know life at all

I've looked at life from both sides now From up and down and still somehow It's life's illusions I recall I really don't know life at all

10-24-2015 We really do know the Universe a trillion times better than Jobs + Joni in 1984. Sandy White Beach in Key West is made of Top Quarks held together by gluon force fields and the "Gravity Engine" will be invented soon. Proxima will burn its H for the next 4 trillion years and there were trillion of years before the big bang. H @ -254 C in a can the size of the iPod will be made by NASA by the trillions. How gravity is generated will be discovered via 1 Click links in an iapps invention project and Hemingway Nobel Novel written by 100 people with iapps!

Did Job's invented the ipod telling his daughter he could put 1,200 songs on her Walkman. Job's movie opens with "1984" ad George Orwell Movie and the IBM Main Frame Computer room.


10-24-2015 "Shelter From the Storm of Brain + Breast Cancer" By Bob Dylan MD is what Steve Job's wanted from Dylan in this movie!

10-24-2015 "Both Sides Now"... Cure for Cancer, No Cure for Cancer. 1984 II Pilot Error! Steve Job's Movie gave us Lisa his daughter's Sony Walkman reinvented as the iPod with 1,200 songs but left out Madonna's "Brain + Breast Cancer" Tour... Pancreatic Tour Lyrics, Shelter from the Storm of Cancer. Biden said there is a Rx Cure but Greg + Wives in Key West can't brainstorm it Today. If Dylan had a MD we would have a Cancer Cure by now! If Madonna had a MD. Others had failed to challenge the overconfidence of the lead pilot! So Beau + Steve Jobs died of Cancers! Pilot error!

Gregs 2007 web

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Biden said there is a cure for "Brain + Breast" cancer but Greg + Wives in Key West will not be allowed to Brainstorm it Today!

10-24-2015 Job's on his death bed was like Beau, 1984 II though's of misdiagnosis, not just in iMac's but putting the vending machines everywhere as Job's walks by them and said everything in there will kill you if you eat it... 1984 II Dictators putting poison food in vending machines is like them putting poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West. Job's movie lets us down for Steve coming on stage as we remember him on his death march. Harvard not Yale is were Job's sent his daughter Lisa.


10-24-2015 "Both Sides Now"... Cure for Cancer, No Cure for Cancer. 1984 II Pilot Error! Steve Job's Movie gave us Lisa his daughter's Sony Walkman reinvented as the iPod with 1,200 songs but left out Madonna's "Brain + Breast Cancer" Tour... Pancreatic Tour Lyrics, Shelter from the Storm of Cancer. Biden said there is a Rx Cure but Greg + Wives in Key West can't brainstorm it Today. If Dylan has a MD we would have a Cancer Cure by now! If Madonna had a MD.

Gregs 2007 web

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Biden said there is a cure for "Brain + Breast" cancer but Greg + Wives in Key West will not be allowed to Brainstorm it Today!

10-24-2015 NEXT cube, I was at the University putting up posters of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort and End War on Earth for Star Wars and went into the campus book store to find a NEXT Cube there with computer people talking about it and the price. $8K for a MacBook Pro today is the price of the Cube. Apple bought it and gave Steve his job back because they needed a New OS. Same IP invention project is ripe today with the OS for iPhone 7 ++ caller ID to list the callers diseases, crimes, etc. And call 911 long before she is murdered by her ex. Job's did threaten to Kill Her for throwing a dish at Lisa. By the time Lisa was 14, she had moved in with Jobs, his wife Laurene Powell and their young family. One more thing... did Jobs really conceive the iPod to replace his daughter's Walkman? Steve Wozniak and Steve in the garage dialog could have been turned into a computer hardware tutor but was cut short. Chrisann Brennan Lisa's mother sex with Jobs would have spiced up the movie. She was Apple co-founder Steve Jobs' high school girlfriend, an early employee of Apple before it went public, and the mother of his first child, Lisa Brennan-Jobs. Brennan documented this relationship in her 2013 memoir, The Bite in the Apple. The Bite in the Apple: A Memoir of My Life with Steve Jobs Hardcover – October 29, 2013 by Chrisann Brennan she starts off the book with Steve's father working on cars in his garage with 100's of tools, he bought junk cars fixed them up and sold them. I had to add this as the Orwellian Comments from Steve Job's on his death bed, I never read any about the ElectricWindmillFord Escort, I wonder what year 1980 - 2015 Steve learned about its suppression by our 1984 II Dictators?


10-24-2015 "Both Sides Now"... Cure for Cancer, No Cure for Cancer. 1984 II Pilot Error! Steve Job's Movie gave us Lisa his daughter's Sony Walkman reinvented as the iPod with 1,200 songs but left out Madonna's "Brain + Breast Cancer" Tour... Pancreatic Tour Lyrics, Shelter from the Storm of Cancer. Biden said there is a Rx Cure but Greg + Wives in Key West can't brainstorm it Today. If Dylan had a MD we would have a Cancer Cure by now! If Madonna had a MD.

Gregs 2007 web

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Biden said there is a cure for "Brain + Breast" cancer but Greg + Wives in Key West will not be allowed to Brainstorm it Today!

Guy who fired Steve Jobs must be a "Jimmy Carter" peanut farmer rubbing shoulders with Texas Oil Men. Then Steve, Greg invents the Heavy Lift Helicopter Combine for the Amazon and 1 Click Amazon links to Rx Recipes and Jimmy Carter's death bed can only vision going to Hell for his "War Crimes" as a Navy Officer. Job's movie never mentioned "Oil" and the price of gasoline. Cost of Harvard for his daughter + her mothers house, and here and there Steve gave some people money but was not generous as Greg. Steve selling expensive computers to the University but not to the Medical Schools... I spent most of my time in University Computer Labs during these years as a non student getting in as much as I could. Yale, Harvard and every University in the USA tried to keep out everyone, like they were "Homeless" but just computer less. I went to the Dean of the Business School and asked to use the computer lab a few hours a week to write and he said No!


10-24-2015 "Both Sides Now"... Cure for Cancer, No Cure for Cancer. 1984 II Pilot Error! Steve Job's Movie gave us Lisa his daughter's Sony Walkman reinvented as the iPod with 1,200 songs but left out Madonna's "Brain + Breast Cancer" Tour... Pancreatic Tour Lyrics, Shelter from the Storm of Cancer. Biden said there is a Rx Cure but Greg + Wives in Key West can't brainstorm it Today. If Dylan had a MD we would have a Cancer Cure by now! If Madonna had a MD.

Gregs 2007 web

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Biden said there is a cure for "Brain + Breast" cancer but Greg + Wives in Key West will not be allowed to Brainstorm it Today!

10-24-2015 Why Steve Job's never learned to write C++ should have been in the movie, as I tried to learn C++ several times on computer tutors. Ending of Steve Job's Movie of him going up on stage should have been the beginning of the Steve Job's Movie not a opening scene of a IBM Main Frame Computer room. IBM promised us Los Alamos Super Computers and said we would all be Super Computer Literate in C++ but Failed because of Texas Oil Men's sex and daughters they never sent to Harvard.


10-24-2015 "Both Sides Now"... Cure for Cancer, No Cure for Cancer. 1984 II Pilot Error! Steve Job's Movie gave us Lisa his daughter's Sony Walkman reinvented as the iPod with 1,200 songs but left out Madonna's "Brain + Breast Cancer" Tour... Pancreatic Tour Lyrics, Shelter from the Storm of Cancer. Biden said there is a Rx Cure but Greg + Wives in Key West can't brainstorm it Today. If Dylan had a MD we would have a Cancer Cure by now! If Madonna had a MD.

Gregs 2007 web

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Biden said there is a cure for "Brain + Breast" cancer but Greg + Wives in Key West will not be allowed to Brainstorm it Today!

10-24-2015 Steve Job's on his death bed in the Hospital must have thoughts of he should have given Lisa enough money to get her to go to Harvard Medical School then she would have saved his life with a Rx Cure for Cancer! If I get $777 Trillion from the 1984 II Dictators all Medical Schools will be free and pay the Medical Students more than West Point Cadets. 1,001 Nobel in Medicine a Year not 1,001 wars a year unless they are Star Wars light years from Earth. Helping Jewish Aliens defeat the Moslems with SWF Sex Slaves! Steve Job's II + III will be coming to the Regal Cinema soon... grin! Rated MD of course.

Was there really an award at Apple for standing up to Jobs? There was. Joanna Hoffman won it in 1981 and 1982. Once, when Jobs was making a scene over a vegan meal in a restaurant, she threatened to pour her coffee in his lap if he didn't belt up.


10-24-2015 "Shelter From the Storm of Brain + Breast Cancer" By Bob Dylan MD is what Steve Job's wanted from Dylan in this movie!

10-24-2015 "Shelter From the Storm of Brain + Breast Cancer" By Bob Dylan MD is what Steve Job's wanted from Dylan in this movie!


"Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

Suddenly I turned around and she was standin' there

With silver bracelets on her wrists and flowers in her hair

She walked up to me so gracefully and took my crown of thorns

"Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm" (Greg's Mary in Key West's 1984 II)

If I could only turn back the clock to when God and her were born

"Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

10-24-2015 "Shelter From the Storm of Brain + Breast Cancer" By Bob Dylan MD is what Steve Job's wanted from Dylan in this movie!

10-24-2015 "Shelter From the Storm of Brain + Breast Cancer" By Bob Dylan MD is what Steve Job's wanted from Dylan in this movie!


10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The film is broken down into three 40-minute scenes—each filmed in real-time—that chronicle what are arguably the most important keynotes of Jobs’s career: the introduction of Macintosh in 1984, the introduction of NeXt in 1988, and the introduction of iMac in 1998. Kate Winslet is a delight as Joanna Hoffman, the head of Jobs’s marketing team and his most trusted friend. Jeff Daniels (as former Apple CEO John Scully) Seth Rogen (as Woz).Jobs’s perfect final line to his daughter reminds us of why we spent two hours here.


9/11 .10 cent gasoline = Hillary Rodham Clinton; she was derelict in her duty to prevent 9/11

10-24-2015 "Both Sides Now"... Cure for Cancer, No Cure for Cancer. 1984 II Pilot Error! Steve Job's Movie gave us Lisa his daughter's Sony Walkman reinvented as the iPod with 1,200 songs but left out Madonna's "Brain + Breast Cancer" Tour... Pancreatic Tour Lyrics, Shelter from the Storm of Cancer. Biden said there is a Rx Cure but Greg + Wives in Key West can't brainstorm it Today. If Dylan had a MD we would have a Cancer Cure by now! If Madonna had a MD.

Gregs 2007 web

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Biden said there is a cure for "Brain + Breast" cancer but Greg + Wives in Key West will not be allowed to Brainstorm it Today!

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Pilots of our 1984 II - though's of misdiagnosis, not just in iMac's but putting the vending machines everywhere as Job's walks by them and said everything in there will kill you if you eat it... Pilots; 1984 II Dictators putting poison food in vending machines is like them putting poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West.

Others had failed to challenge the overconfidence of the lead pilot!

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The pilots of a Black Hawk helicopter that crashed in March, killing all 11 service members aboard, had disobeyed direct orders by flying into worsening weather, according to an investigation. The military said in June that the crash occurred when the pilots became disoriented at night off the Florida coast. The training took place as fog rolled in from the Gulf of Mexico. The full report, obtained by The Associated Press through a public records request, said that the pilots had not been authorized to fly in such bad weather and that others had failed to challenge the overconfidence of the lead pilot. The report was the product of a joint investigation by the Louisiana National Guard and United States Special Operations Command. The training involved two Black Hawks from the Louisiana National Guard taking teams of Marine Special Operations members over water so they could rappel into the sea. Both crews “disobeyed a direct order,” the report said.

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Pilots of our 1984 II - though's of misdiagnosis, not just in iMac's but putting the vending machines everywhere as Job's walks by them and said everything in there will kill you if you eat it... Pilots; 1984 II Dictators putting poison food in vending machines is like them putting poison gas exhaust on Duval Key West.


10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-24-2015 "Shelter From the Storm of Brain + Breast Cancer" By Bob Dylan MD

'Twas in another lifetime, one of toil and blood When blackness was a virtue and the road was full of mud I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form "Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

And if I pass this way again, you can rest assured I'll always do my best for her, on that I give my word In a world of steel eyed death and men who are fighting to be warm "Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

Not a word was spoke between us, there was little risk involved Everything up to that point had been left unresolved Try imagining a place where it's always safe and warm "Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

I was burned out from exhaustion, buried in the hail Poisoned in the bushes an' blown out on the trail Hunted like a crocodile, ravaged in the corn "Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

Suddenly I turned around and she was standin' there With silver bracelets on her wrists and flowers in her hair She walked up to me so gracefully and took my crown of thorns "Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

Now there's a wall between us, somethin' there's been lost I took too much for granted, got my signals crossed Just to think that it all began on a long-forgotten morn "Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

Well, the deputy walks on hard nails and the preacher rides a mount But nothing really matters much, it's doom alone that counts And the one eyed undertaker, he blows a futile horn "Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

I've heard newborn babies wailin' like a mournin' dove And old men with broken teeth stranded without love Do I understand your question, man, is it hopeless and forlorn? "Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

In a little hilltop village, they gambled for my clothes I bargained for salvation an' they gave me a lethal dose I offered up my innocence and got repaid with scorn "Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

Well, I'm livin' in a foreign country but I'm bound to cross the line Beauty walks a razor's edge, someday I'll make it mine If I could only turn back the clock to when God and her were born "Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

10-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Biden said there is a cure for "Brain + Breast" cancer but Greg + Wives in Key West will not be allowed to Brainstorm it Today!

Diamonds sparkle because photons strike hollow shells of electrons and ricochet into my eyes.

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Biden said there is a cure for "Brain + Breast" cancer but Greg + Wives in Key West will not be allowed to Brainstorm it Today!

9/11 .10 cent gasoline = Hillary Rodham Clinton; she was derelict in her duty to prevent 9/11


9/11 .10 cent gasoline = Hillary Rodham Clinton; she was derelict in her duty to prevent 9/11

Slave Obama + SWF Sex Slaves in Saudi Arabia today and no NY Times Headlines or Front page News! These 4 girls in the picture looking into the Apple store are in Mecca today as young American women pimped by Bush + Hillary to Oil Men.

Gregs 2007 web

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Biden said there is a cure for "Brain + Breast" cancer but Greg + Wives in Key West will not be allowed to Brainstorm it Today!

9/11 II + III will come from Pakistan Moslem Generals who are Mad as Hell, and have made 100's of H-Bombs for a first strike... more Insanely Mad at the USA than the 17 Saudi Arabia Terrorist in Boston were... you 1984 II Observers take note. Hillary will never tell the truth; 10 cent a gallon gas would have prevented the (Embassy) Attacks.

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Biden said "No Head On Collisions" with the 2015 Laser Guided ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era... PUISSEGUIN, France At least 42 people died when a bus carrying elderly day-trippers collided head-on with a truck and caught fire near Bordeaux early on Friday, in France's worst road crash... a war crime by the French Ruling Class. Picture from a plane shows the head on collision around a curve on Mountain road.


10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... U.S. Graft Inquiries Turn to Venezuelan Oil Industry;

10-23-2015 Nickel mostly comes from a type of supernovae, nickel ore solid as it seems is made of atoms that consist mostly of empty space; it shimmers a slivery gold because photons strike hollow shells of electrons and ricochet into my eyes. All our knowledge of the Universe is so indirect. Sandy White Key West Beach is made of Top Quarks a orbit with a spin held in orbit by gluon force fields. Iron, silicon, sulphur, and magnesium, are constant throughout the entire volume of the Virgo Cluster, and indeed roughly consistent with the composition of our own Sun and most of the stars in our Galaxy. Pakistan Moslem Generals #1 is H-Bombs in 2015. USA Generals rejected H @ -254 C for Boeing 777 to fly into Orbit + generate the electricity in your home... Jade News in the NY Times today $31 Billion in profits from selling Jade to Chinese and the $31 billion went to MIT War Toys for their war. $777 Trillion dollars was spent on MIT War Toys in 2015. MIT rejected H @ -254 C for Boeing 777 to fly into Orbit + generate the electricity in your home... BP Oil + Coal Company!!

10-23-2015 Force of $777 Trillion holds Venezuelan Oil men in the New Holocaust II poison gas exhaust.

Diamonds sparkle because photons strike hollow shells of electrons and ricochet into my eyes. Elements that are heavier than carbon, the oxygen we breathe, the silicon that makes up the sand on the White Key West beach, were produced inside stars through nuclear fusion.


10-23-2015 The bombings are among hundreds of attacks on health facilities since war broke out in Syria in March 2011. Some 679 medical workers have died, according Physicians for Human Rights. The group said that 90 percent of the attacks had been carried out by the government of President Bashar al-Assad and amounted to war crimes... 1 by a new US generals mistake.

10-23-2015 WHO at the UN and Physicians for Human Rights...amounted to war crimes for not using 10 cent a gallon gasoline to end the Syrian War. This really amounts to War Crimes by WHO MD's at the UN. UN in NYC will be demolished and a 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Med School will be built there!


10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... SWF Sex Slaves - Obama + Hillary's Secret Hearing... emails! $8K MacBook Pro's with her Starbucks Coffee, Ya! U.S. Is Debating Ways to Shield Syrian Civilians - Are the Top Quarks in our 1984 II society really not debating Ways to rescue SWF's from Mecca + UAE, Kuwait... "Slaves" at Yale Daily News headlines when I get to New Haven.

9/11 .10 cent gasoline = Hillary Rodham Clinton; she was derelict in her duty to prevent 9/11

Slave Obama + SWF Sex Slaves!!

Gregs 2007 web

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Biden said there is a cure for "Brain + Breast" cancer but Greg + Wives in Key West will not be allowed to Brainstorm it Today!

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Hillary will have to testify over and over that Today's "Slave" owners! In Mecca. Hillary will have all the SWF Sex Slaves driving a car in Saudi Arabia, a Gravity Engine car...


10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Emails from SWF's Sex Slaves in Saudi Arabia to Hillary Clinton in the next Senate Hearing... Allah + God has nothing to do with terrible diseases + Sex Slave's Ruling Class has been addicted to since BC times. Biden said there is a cure for "Brain + Breast" cancer but Greg + Wives in Key West will not be allowed to Brainstorm it Today! Biden's "Hearing" is Low Key as Jimmy Carter Brain Cancer Rx Treatment on his web page... "Nothing!". Steve Jobs II + III MD rated movie will make up for Jimmy Carter not putting any MD treatments on his web page! Yes! I'm going to see the Steve Jobs Movie today at 4 pm in Key West. Keys Front Page is a motorcycle dead guy on Roosevelt in front of the Marriott Beach side Hotel, I don't even bike in front of the Hotel any longer as you can see its not a laser guided sidewalk and drives going into the Hotel. Then on the Headlines for Google 42 dead in a French Bus Lumber truck accident... shock + awe of the ruling Elite in Paris as they will lose more than their emails at the New French Revolution II + III laser guillotine ha.


10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "At Benghazi Hearing, Shouting Match Over Hillary Clinton’s Emails" By MICHAEL D. SHEAR and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT New York Times.

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Palestinian Anger in Jerusalem and West Bank Gets a Violent Soundtrack By JODI RUDOREN and RAMI NAZZAL The political songs, which have a strong following among teenagers, are “made as a way to make the Palestinian people get up and resist,” said a Ramallah music shop owner.


10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Madonna Rebel Hearts Tour Today is not Madonna Brain + Breast Cancer lyrics... instead of killing Jews + Palestine's with her Rebel Hearts Madonna killed the Rx Cure Discovery for Brain + Breast Cancer so it goes both ways...

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Benghazi Battle May Be Key Hurdle to Libya Peace - Start of Star Wars.

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Mormons Say Duty to Law on Same-Sex Marriage Trumps Faith - Mormons got $777 Trillion dollar kick back from our 1984 II Dictators Pedophiles with syphilis. Caesar's 12 of them today as our 1984 II Dictators.


10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: students thought it was a Halloween prank. The man walked into the Kronan school in Trollhättan, Sweden, on Thursday morning dressed like Darth Vader.

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: He killed his ex-girlfriend in the driveway of her Midland Park, N.J, home then threw himself in front of a subway train in Manhattan on Thursday, the police said. The man, Arthur Lomando, 44, was taken to Harlem Hospital Center and was in surgery to amputate his legs late Thursday night. Mr. Lomando threw himself in front of the A train at the 168th Street station in Washington Heights around 4:30 p.m., the police and the Bergen County prosecutor said. He was conscious when the police and emergency medical workers arrived at the station, they said, but had sustained “severe leg trauma.” The Bergen County prosecutor, John L. Molinelli, said on Twitter that Mr. Lomando had a severe head injury as well. Mr. Molinelli said that Mr. Lomando was a suspect in the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Suzanne Bardzell, 48, who was found dead earlier in the day in the driver’s seat of her car. The authorities said that Ms. Bardzell was killed with a large knife similar to a machete and died at the scene. “The murder weapon was left inside the vehicle,” Mr. Molinelli said at a news conference on Thursday night. “While there is evidence of a history of domestic violence between Ms. Bardzell and the assailant,” he added, “it appears that she did not notify police and come in and file complaints with the Police Department until just recently,” on Oct. 5... Today is Oct. 23. iPhone 6s +++ caller ID and recorded calls were never in an iapps sent to the Police on Oct. 6 to save her life. 19K SWF killed in 2015 and Tim Cook refused to add an iapps to iPhone 6s... this is a hate crime against women by Tim Cook.

10-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:



10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Milky Way Galaxy Glitters in Most Enormous Image Ever on 100" LG monitors at your Apple-Starbucks Store School University, grin! Shock + Awe of 1984 II Dictators finally up for "Star Wars"!

10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Western Digital to Buy Memory Chip Maker SanDisk for $19 Billion...

10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Western Digital to Buy Memory Chip Maker SanDisk for $19 Billion... Memory Maker Anatomy + Physiology - Mission Impossible IP invention projects needs to buy this for Yale + Berkeley Labs!


$8K MacBook Pro's with her Starbucks Coffee, Ya! 100" Ultra LG with picture in picture! Video's from "YouTube Red" from Los Alamos + Berkeley Labs will be played between Madonna and Rebel Heart.

Gregs 2007 web

Hillary will have to testify over and over that Today's "Slave" owners are King Salman + Emirates top brass, ha! SWF Sex Slaves! Hillary; how many fiery wrecks have you driven by without stopping to help... trillions she said!!

10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Milky Way Galaxy Glitters in Most Enormous Image Ever on 100" LG monitors at your Apple-Starbucks Store School University, grin! Shock + Awe of 1984 II Dictators finally up for "Star Wars"!


US to pay all cost of terrible diseases men give women $$$.

10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Apple tells US judge iPhones are 'impossible' to unlock; Biden said the cure for brain cancer is not "impossible" yesterday. Apple tells the US Judge the one that Robert Kennedy Jr. bought so he could murder his wife Mary iPhones are impossible to unlock even to save the life of trillions of Mary Kennedy's! Mission Impossible Steve Jobs II + III movies will get Biden's Brain Cancer Cure as they will be the 1st Sony Movies not made for the Pentagon but for brainstorming the Rx Overnight Miracle Godsend Cure for Brain + Breast Cancers! First Movies made mandatory viewing for all US Medical School... Shock + Awe Bush never though of in the din of his frontal lobes. No Tom Cruise will not play Steve Jobs in Jobs II + III movies. Kidman will play Jobs Widow... as she loves Shock + Awe!


10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Western Digital to Buy Memory Chip Maker SanDisk for $19 Billion...

10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: By STEVEN LEE MYERS and ANNE BARNARD New York Times. The alliance between Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and Bashar al-Assad of Syria reflects the urgent need to salvage the crumbling government in Syria, but also each man’s eroded international standing... Biden's quote this is a cure for Cancer - didn't mention the cure for war! Eroded standing in Biden's mind for Walter Reed Military and VA MD's is misdiagnosis issue but really is "Wars Syphilis in the MD's" frontal lobes. Eroded standing of the Pentagon Generals after NY Times news of Pakistan building more H-Bombs in 2015 than the USA, and everyone else who is building H-Bombs in 2015. Hitler's Paris will "Burn" over cartoons of Allah getting married at a gay wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West and Hillary will have to testify... ha! 9/11 terrorists in Boston got all there money from BP Oil. Urgent Rx Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer headlines in the New York Times Today, Hell No we Won't Go... the NY Times didn't even mention Biden's remark that a cure for cancer is possible let alone write this up as Headlines with 1 click links on their web to get you starting on this IP invention project! One comment from Obama at Biden's news conference was on the fatal car wrecks, no fiery car wrecks... as their is a Cure for Fatal Car Wrecks suppressed by Obama + Biden; it's the laser guided 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort! Shock + Awe of this Ford would have prevented 9/11. Eroded standing of Texas Oil Men... poison gas exhaust guys!


10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Donald Trump Says He Would Close Mosques to Fight ISIS... Donald Trump more than the rest of us 1984 Society people knows the richest 100 Moslems by name and exactly how many $$$ Trillions and $$$ Hundreds of Billions of dollars they have for 9/11 II + III and ISIS. NY Times has this insider information too $$$.

10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Observers; 1984 II look like Birds of Prey. Preying on their own young + old. These hunting birds — like eagles, hawks, falcons, and owls — with hooked beaks and powerful grabbing feet armed with sharp talons, also boast the best eyesight and the sharpest hearing in the animal kingdom... King's like Henry the V and now King Salman in Saudi Arabia cutting off the Maid from India's hand and whipping women who drive a car on orders of Hillary. Oppenheimer's LG-Bombs are out of time as Biden said he ran out of time making a Orwellian comment about how Time + Gravity are generated. Bill + Melinda Gates wrote code for Slave Owners in UAE's, sex slave owners. Instead of code for how time + gravity are generated. Biden ran out of time... IP eyesight of birds of prey on a Los Alamos super computer or even a paper from Berkeley Labs never was generated. French King Louis didn't have trillions and $ Hundred Billion dollar Palace - but somehow got on the front page of the Paris Times way back then and lost his head... grin! King Salman is a protected bird of prey.


10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:



10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Hospital Prison's" for terrible diseases men give women. Japan to Pay Cancer Bills for Fukushima Worker; US to Pay Cancer Bills for Stage 4 + all Breast Cancer Cost. Same day surgery policy if the Mammogram is positive!

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... US to pay all cost of terrible diseases men give women $$$.

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... US to Pay all cost for Stage 4 + all Breast Cancer Cost. Same day surgery policy if the Mammogram is positive!

$8K MacBook Pro's with her Starbucks Coffee, Ya! 100" Ultra LG with picture in picture!

Gregs 2007 web

$8K MacBook Pro's with her Starbucks Coffee, Ya! 100" Ultra LG with picture in picture!

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... US to pay all cost of terrible diseases men give women $$$.


10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: http://www.yale.edu/ Yale analysis of genomic of "Total Recall" would save humans from extinction as this one invention for "Total Recall Memory" for all 5 Billion of us put in the H2O would be the Mother of "All" inventions from Yale Genomic's!

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: A Yale-led genomic analysis of 198 species of birds is shedding new light on how all modern birds evolved from the only three dinosaur lineages to survive the great extinction event 68 million years ago. http://www.yale.edu/

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: http://www.yale.edu/ Yale analysis of genomic of "Total Recall" would save humans from extinction as this one invention for "Total Recall Memory" for all 5 Billion of us put in the H2O would be the Mother of "All" inventions from Yale Genomic's!


10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale Daily Student News put a link to the University Web Page and found Yale Professor Jan and a new iPhone case... well Professor Jan never came to Key West, otherwise Yale lab would have invented a glass beer bottle 50 times stronger than steel; 1 trillion times stronger than the concrete bike paths in Key West... a "Real World" invention as the Student News would write up... Out in the Real World those calling the Shots in Key West have been breaking glass beer bottles on the Key West bike path since I got here on March, 4 2011 and of course they all had on Coors T shirts to make sure they got credit. 100's last week were broken on the Navy Dock. Every square inch for 100 yards by 50 yards had broken glass and yes I got 2 flats. 100's of tourists with dogs + kids walked this dock every night for the sunset too. Yes I saw one road bike get a flat just biking half way down the dock. No, the little kids in bare feet didn't leave a trail of blood...


10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Glass Beer Bottles - Harder than Steel - Yale Professor Jan Schroers, who teaches mechanical engineering and materials science, has created a thin, lightweight Smartphones case that is harder than steel and as easy to shape as plastic. Schroers developed the technology for the cases in his Yale lab; now he’s ready for a partner to bring the product into mass production. “This material is 50 times harder than plastic, nearly 10 times harder than aluminum and almost three times the hardness of steel,” Schroers said. “It’s awesome.” or - Trike Tires stronger than steel - back to the Yale lab... rework as they say in the real world!

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Assad Travels to Moscow to Discuss Syrian War With Putin on the front page of the New York Times. "Star Travel Times" Putin travels to NASA... $100's of Trillions for NASA Star Travel Train Treaty. Not one Kerry will get, grin!


10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Taliban Kill at Least 22 Afghan Police Officers; Paris, Rome, Moscow, LA, London fiery wrecks killed 222 Police Officers... New York Times does not write stories about 222 Police Officers killed in fiery wrecks because Bush + other Top Quarks ordered them not to in our 1984 II Society. Same as the Wine O's telling the New York Times to write stories for 1 glass a day of wine when no alcohol is the policy of the Medical Journals. War Crimes by the New York times will make the Front Page, grin! US forces bombed a hospital in Geneva and today the Time write it was caused by a new General who never worked there before. Nothing about the 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School built on a Eiffel Tower Titanium Structure with state of the arts Laser Surgery and NASA designer space suits for MD's + Patients; med students get paid more than West Point cadets $$$. All cost of Breast Cancer paid for by the US is not Headlines in the Times Today but will be after the coup!


10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: With relatively minimal effort, the Russians had managed to “boost regime and army morale,” and send a message to countries allied with the rebels, like the United States, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, that they will not be able to intervene militarily in the conflict, as the Turks had hinted they might earlier this summer.


“Putin doesn’t need to do more,” Dr. Putin MD “boost regime and army morale,” Send a message to Saudi Arabia, women will be driving a 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort to visit Mrs. Pope Mary MD at the Vatican. How can this be done with minimal effort... New York Times headlines written by MD Wives Coup D'Etat!! F by Kerry; failures of various diplomatic efforts to end the war in Syria, which has killed more than 250,000 people... 250K fiery car wrecks world wide since 1980's Jimmy Carter is also a war crime! 250 kids died in hot cars, left there by Jimmy Carter + his wife. “The game is over.” Brain Cancer + Hell for trillions of years for Jimmy Carters 1980 crash + burn of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort! God; “boost regime and army morale,” as trillions of years existed before the "Big Bang" and there will be another "Big Bang" with the Gravity Engine + 10 cent a gallon gasoline before Christmas 2015. Oh Yes, Dr. Nancy as Oppenheimer II + III at Los Alamos can get the Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Stage 4 by XMass too!


10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: This weekend's Steve Jobs movie could be a massive hit... The newest attempt to get the public at large to reckon with the legacy of the Mac visionary, a eponymous movie about Steve Jobs - Steve Jobs II Movie rated MD all about Job's waging war against his cancer and losing. Along with how did he get cancer, will be produced and directed by the Mission Impossible X people!! No Tom Cruise will not play Steve Jobs, Kidman might play Steve Jobs widow as she loves to do a one up man ship on her ex!

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Bronx Caps Off Drive to 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year via Steve Jobs II Movie mandatory! "Bronx Planting Caps Off a Drive to Add a Million Trees" The final planting in the Million Trees NYC campaign, begun by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg in 2007, comes on Wednesday, two years ahead of schedule.


10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: About 90% of the time sciatica is due to a spinal disc herniation pressing on one of the lumbar or sacral nerve roots. Other problems that may result in sciatica include spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome, pelvic tumors, and compression by a baby's head during pregnancy. The straight-leg-raising test is often helpful in diagnosis. The test is positive if, when the leg is raised while a person is lying on their back, pain shoots below the knee.[2] In most cases medical imaging is not needed. Exceptions to this are when bowel or bladder function is affected, there is significant loss of feeling or weakness, symptoms are long standing, or there is a concern of a tumor or infection. Conditions that may present similarly are diseases of the hip and early herpes zoster before the rash appears

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Cosby hired the law firm Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, according to a court filing and Monique Pressley, another of Mr. Cosby’s lawyers. The firm specializes in business litigation and arbitration. Related Cover Janice Dickinson, a former model who has accused Mr. Cosby of drugging and raping her in 1982. “Mr. Cosby has decided to hire 700 lawyers to fight one woman,” Ms. Allred said - Yale Law will be closed and the buildings given to Yale Medical School then 700 lawyers to fight one women will all be MD's and will fight to end all diseases! Gloria Allred must have syphilis in her brain too because she has never mentioned the terrible diseases Cosby has given women!

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Woman shoots 3 men over STD's... SEX... ...could me was "Personal" something Hillary would say... The two diplomats who were killed were aides to Song Rogue, the Chinese consul general in Cebu, who was seriously wounded in the attack. Mr. Song was taken to a nearby hospital, where he remained on Wednesday evening. The two diplomats who were killed were the deputy consul general and a finance officer for the consulate, said a Philippine police official, Prudencio Bañas. The attacker, who was arrested, is married to a consular official, Mr. Bañas said. The motive for the incident was “most probably personal,” he added. Calls to the office of the Chinese Consulate General in Cebu and the Chinese Embassy in Manila were not returned, and officials in Beijing did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


New Jersey schools open 24/7... $8K MacBook Pro's with her Starbucks Coffee, Ya! 100" Ultra LG with picture in picture! 24/7.

Gregs 2007 web

New Jersey schools open 24/7 ... $8K MacBook Pro's with her Starbucks Coffee, Ya! 100" Ultra LG with picture in picture! 24/7.

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: New Jersey schools gave a new set of harder tests aligned to the Common Core standards last school year and, when the state released the results on Tuesday, they were unsurprising: Fewer students passed. The tests were given to students statewide in third through 11th grades in English, and to roughly the same group in math, with math exams after eighth grade given by subject, like Algebra I and Geometry. Less than half of the students scored as proficient at every level on the math tests; in English, the highest passing rate was 52 percent, in seventh and eighth grades. In most other grades, less than half of the students scored as proficient. “This first year’s results show there is still much work to be done in ensuring all of our students are fully prepared for the 21st-century demands of college and career,”

New Jersey schools open 24/7... $8K MacBook Pro's with her Starbucks Coffee, Ya! 100" Ultra LG with picture in picture! 24/7.

Gregs 2007 web

New Jersey schools open 24/7... $8K MacBook Pro's with her Starbucks Coffee, Ya! 100" Ultra LG with picture in picture! 24/7.

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: A Yale-led genomic analysis of 198 species of birds is shedding new light on how all modern birds evolved from the only three dinosaur lineages to survive the great extinction event 68 million years ago. http://www.yale.edu/

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: http://www.yale.edu/ Yale analysis of genomic of "Total Recall" would save humans from extinction as this one invention for "Total Recall Memory" for all 5 Billion of us put in the H2O would be the Mother of "All" inventions from Yale Genomic's!

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Just for fun read this....

Exciting Breakthrough in 2D Lasers: Berkeley Lab Researchers Demonstrate Atomically Thin Tectonic Laser.

An important step towards next-generation ultra-compact photonic and optoelectronic devices has been taken with the realization of a two-dimensional excitonic laser. Scientists with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) embedded a monolayer of tungsten disulfide into a special microdisk resonator to achieve bright excitonic lasing at visible light wavelengths.

"Our observation of high-quality excitonic lasing from a single molecular layer of tungsten disulfide marks a major step towards two-dimensional on-chip optoelectronics for high-performance optical communication and computing applications," says Xiang Zhang, director of Berkeley Lab's Materials Sciences Division and the leader of this study.

Zhang, who also holds the Ernest S. Kuh Endowed Chair at the University of California (UC) Berkeley and is a member of the Kavli Energy NanoSciences Institute at Berkeley (Kavli ENSI), is the corresponding author of a paper describing this research in the journal Nature Photonics. The paper is titled "Monolayer excitonic laser." The lead authors are Yu Ye and Zi Jing Wong, members of Zhang's research group, plus Xiufang Lu, Xingjie Ni, Hanyu Zhu, Xianhui Chen and Yuan Wang

Among the most talked about class of materials in the world of nanotechnology today are two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). These 2D semiconductors offer superior energy efficiency and conduct electrons much faster than silicon. Furthermore, unlike graphene, the other highly touted 2D semiconductor, TMDCs have natural bandgaps that allow their electrical conductance to be switched "on and off," making them more device-ready than graphene. Tungsten disulfide in a single molecular layer is widely regarded as one of the most promising TMDCs for photonic and optoelectronic applications. However, until now, coherent light emission, or lasing, considered essential for "on-chip" applications, had not been realized in this material.

"TMDCs have shown exceptionally strong light-matter interactions that result in extraordinary excitonic properties," Zhang says. "These properties arise from the quantum confinement and crystal symmetry effect on the electronic band structure as the material is thinned down to a monolayer. However, for 2D lasing, the design and fabrication of microcavities that provide a high optical mode confinement factor and high quality, or Q, factor is required."

In a previous study, Zhang and his research group had developed a "whispering gallery microcavity" for plasmons, electromagnetic waves that roll across the surfaces of metals. Based on the principle behind whispering galleries - where words spoken softly beneath a domed ceiling can be clearly heard on the opposite side of the chamber - this micro-sized metallic cavity for plasmons strengthened and greatly enhanced the Q factor of light emissions. In this new study, Zhang and his group were able to adapt this microcavity technology from plasmons to excitons - photoexcited electrons/hole pairs within a single layer of molecules.

"For our excitonic laser, we dropped the metal coating and designed a microdisk resonator that supports a dielectric whispering gallery mode rather than a plasmonic mode, and gives us a high Q factor with low power consumption," says co-lead author Ye. "When a monolayer of tungsten disulfide - serving as the gain medium - is sandwiched between the two dielectric layers of the resonator, we create the potential for ultralow-threshold lasing."

In addition to its photonic and optoelectronic applications, this 2D excitonic laser technology also has potential for valleytronic applications, in which digital information is encoded in the spin and momentum of an electron moving through a crystal lattice as a wave with energy peaks and valleys. Valleytronics is seen as an alternative to spintronics for quantum computing.

"TMDCs such as tungsten disulfide provide unique access to spin and valley degrees of freedom," says co-lead author Wong. "Selective excitation of the carrier population in one set of two distinct valleys can further lead to lasing in the confined valley, paving the way for easily-tunable circularly polarized lasers. The demand for circularly polarized coherent light sources is high, ranging from three-dimensional displays to effective spin sources in spintronics, and information carriers in quantum computation."

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Hospital Utopia" for "Breast Cancer Memorials" in Key West another Vietnam Memorial from "Baby Killers" who can't stop killing. Now the Key West Vietnam Vets kill kids on Duval with spray painted clouds of poison gasoline exhaust... and take kickbacks from BP Oil. Worst than the New York Times taking kickbacks from Wine O's to sell pregnant women a glass of wine a day! “After they found Carrie’s body, he told me she was haunting him,” she said. The fate of Carrie Ann Jopek, 13, gripped the city when she vanished in 1982, and again when her body was found, but then faded into a cold case. 19K women have been murdered every year from 1982 to 2015 under the watch of our Top Brass Generals + Top Quarks at Yale, Harvard, MIT, Berkeley Labs...

10-20-2015 THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY. 1982 The University signs a 5-year, $3-million contract with the Bristol-Meyers Squibb pharmaceutical company to work together to research anti-cancer drugs. The Yale Daily students didn't print the body count of the dead from cancer in the USA + World Wide since 1982, guess they were in a hurry to leave Yale for fall break, yes Yale added another break besides Spring break. Many will come to Key West on their short Fall Break. Medical Journal Pediatrics "there is no safe trimester to drink alcohol" and "all forms of alcohol, such as beer, wine, and liquor pose similar risk. New England Journal of Medicine would have the same alcohol warning for "Breast Cancer" if the MD's didn't get a $$$ Trillion dollar kickbacks from Wine O's $$$ BP Oil Kickbacks of $$$ Trillions has infected everyone, world wide!


Stuyvesant Town now gets Amazon 1 Click on Rx Recipes on Ultra 100" LG monitors and $8K dollar MacBook Pro's at the Apple-Starbucks Store School University 24/7...

Gregs 2007 web

Best invention projects for teachers, construction workers, firefighters, cooks, electricians.

10-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Ultra Apple-Starbucks 100" LG monitors and $8K dollar MacBook's + iMac Pro's with 14 core Xeon's for your typical... families of teachers, construction workers, firefighters and others who have traditionally made their homes at Stuyvesant Town now get Amazon 1 Click not to buy something but to get the Rx Recipe that women teachers never thought of adding this or that to to get a new class of Rx Antibiotics normally gotten across town by someone in a $20 million dollar penthouse. This "Hospital Utopia" has to cure the Syphilis in the brain of Jimmy Carter, Tim Cook, Elton John, McCain, Kerry, and alcohol birth defects from Wine O's bribing the New York Times letting mom's drink while pregnant.


Girl's from Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village looking in the Apple Store Window at the iMac's, MacBook Pro's to "Cure the World" of War + Disease must write a Hemingway House Nobel Novel titled "Hospital Prison's to Cure HIV" (Castro did it). Hillary would say giving a trillion women HIV is a private matter... ha.

Gregs 2007 web

Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village "Women" with access to $8K MacBook Pro's 100" Ultra LG monitors and 1 Click Amazon to look up Rx Recipes! 100 Stuyvesant Women can write a Hemingway House Nobel Novel at the same time with the newest Apple iapps... not on Windows 10 - grin!


10-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village, the largest apartment complex in Manhattan, is expected to be sold for more than $5.3 billion, an agreement that will preserve nearly half the 11,232-unit complex for middle-class families, according to officials involved in the negotiations. The sale, to the Blackstone Group, a Wall Street investment firm and one of the country’s largest landlords, includes an unusual regulatory agreement with the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio that would ensure that a block of 5,000 apartments would be affordable for the next 20 years for families of teachers, construction workers, firefighters and others who have traditionally made their homes at Stuyvesant Town.


10-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Breast Cancer Memorials" in Key West another Vietnam Memorial from "Baby Killers" who can't stop killing. Now the Key West Vietnam Vets kill kids on Duval with spray painted clouds of poison gasoline exhaust...

10-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Ironic as Faustos Grocery Store has a sign warning pregnant women not to drink alcohol and has women cashiers with breast cancer yet the "Owner" let Key West Vietnam Vets spent $ millions on a granite memorial in 2015 because Greg is in Key West. If I were in Key Largo the Key West Vietnam Vets would have spent the millions on alcohol... no breast cancer Rx Overnight Cure. Publix Grocery Store in Key West has 100 yard long isles of Wine's and no alcohol warning for pregnant women.


Girl's from Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village looking into a invention for the remaining plutonium that is being allowed to degenerate into other radioactive components like americium, which emits gamma rays that travel farther and are hard to block - at the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store Invention Complex... grin!

Gregs 2007 web

Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village "Women" with access the seaside village of Palomares, Spain over which the accident took place in 1966. The bomber collided with a refueling tanker in midair and dropped four hydrogen bombs, two of which released plutonium into the atmosphere and is now in the soil. Boeing is building refueling tankers today when they are a waste of $$$ as other H fuels at -254 C will replace jet fuel.


10-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: South Africa: Oscar Pistorius Is Freed - all the Top Brass in our 1984 II society know Pistorius shot her through the bathroom door because she locked it and would not come out... Top Quarks in our 1984 II Society know Robert Kennedy Jr. bought the judge so Mary Kennedy had no choice but to hang herself in the Kennedy Barn.


10-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: NEW YORK — A successful dermatologist who was found unconscious in the entry of a Manhattan building after a night of partying died of acute cocaine and alcohol intoxication, the medical examiner's office said Monday. The Oct. 4 death of Kiersten Cerveny, a 38-year-old doctor from Long Island with a husband and three children, was ruled an accident, according to Julie Bolcer, a spokeswoman for the medical examiner. The finding of an overdose confirmed what police had suspected all along. Authorities believed Cerveny had been snorting cocaine all night as she shared drinks with a television and movie producer at a Lower East Side nightspot. Detectives said Cerveny eventually rode back to a Chelsea apartment building with the producer, a Facebook friend of Cerveny's identified by police as Marc Henry Johnson. The two pulled up at the modest five-story walk-up around 4:30 a.m. Four hours later, surveillance video showed Johnson and another man carrying Cerveny down the stairs to the building's entryway. Johnson called 911 and stayed with Cerveny until EMTs arrived, then left. When police officers showed up, Cerveny was in the lobby, unconscious and unresponsive. She was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. Detectives questioned Johnson but he was not charged with a crime. Johnson is the producer of "The Deuce," an HBO pilot starring James Franco that focuses on the rise of the porn industry in New York in the 1970s and '80s. Neither Johnson nor his attorney responded to requests for comment. Cerveny's achievements included winning the 1995 America's Junior Miss competition as a teenager from Blackwood, New Jersey. The prize was a $30,000 scholarship she used to attend Duke University. After graduating, she earned her medical degree from Tulane.

10-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:


10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Air Force One flying into Orbit... lands in Paris. Flight time between NYC + Paris is upgraded to the Smartphones Era + Times. Tomorrow it will take longer to fly between Key West + Miami than NYC to Paris... Ha!

10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Air Force One, a Cherished Perk Awaiting an Upgrade" By PETER BAKER New York Times President Obama plans to bequeath his successor — or perhaps his successor’s successor — a new-and-improved Air Force One for the Smartphones age.

10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:


10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: LONDON - Prime Minister David Cameron will announce on Monday new plans to address the radicalization of young British Muslims - 72 Virgins in Paradise Found, grin.


10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: A 53-year-old subcontractor died following a 60-foot fall at the Yale Central Power Plant Saturday morning. The man, whose name has not been released to the press per a request from his family, worked for International Chimney - Yale's Power Plant was designed to burn Coal. NASA got a F grade for not trying to sell a upgraded A++ Yale's Power Plant to burn liquid H @ -254 C with 1,001 spin off uses for Yale Student Inventors.

10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: A libel probe has been filed against former Yale professor Jan Gross GRD ’75 by prosecutors in Warsaw, Poland following an op-ed Gross published claiming that Poles were responsible for the deaths of more Jews than the Germans during World War II. Gross estimates that between high tens of thousands and 200,000 Jews were killed by Poles during the war.


10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Greg estimates since Jimmy Carter suppressed the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort 400K women + children have been killed by the USA's Holocaust II poison gasoline exhaust era... this includes Coal - Murder - Suicide Domestic Deaths, and Mary Kennedy's tortured into hanging herself in the Kennedy Barn. Add Syphilis, STD, HIV, MS deaths... and its more like 20 million from the USA's Holocaust II. We need a Yale Professor to get Obama to file charges of Libel like Poland and Professor Gross. ha. Sweden made the Headlines today to be gasoline exhaust free soon... to hell with the other 5 billion people. The 5K people in Sweden will be gasoline exhaust free.


10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer by revenue, reportedly paid millions of dollars as bribes in return for regulatory clearances in India. According to a report by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on Oct. 19, the American retailer paid bribes ranging from $5 to $200 to local officials in India to help clear goods through customs or for securing real estate permits. “The vast majority of the suspicious payments were less than US$200, and some were as low as US$5, the people said, but when added together they totaled millions of dollars,” the WSJ reported. It is still unclear when these bribes were paid to Indian authorities. The details have emerged during an ongoing US federal probe into allegations of corruptions at Wal-Mart stores in key markets. The probe began in December 2012 after the New York Times reported that the retailer paid $24 million in alleged bribes in Mexico. The investigation was later expanded to other emerging countries including China, India and Brazil.


10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer by revenue, reportedly paid millions of dollars as bribes...

10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: BP Oil + Saudi Arabia paid $$$ Trillions in Bribes to everyone from the Pope to the Joint Chiefs of Staff Generals, Hillary too. Hear Hillary's comments on Pakistan Moslem Generals built 100 Newest H-Bombs in 2015 paid for by the Pentagon money, a true Godsend!! Grin! Bribes paid to the New York Times by the world's richest Pedophiles $$$ will be headlines by MD Women!

10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:


Los Alamos To Have Have Not LG-Bombs; BC-Bombs; H-Bombs in view of the Eiffel Tower over French Men's Cartoons! Is Disney in Paris? What happened... it's a small Universe as we can invent a way to go a trillion times faster than the speed of light once we get married at the top of the Eiffel Tower in a Legal Polygamous Marriage... Oui! Oui!

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!
10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Obama is letting 6K blacks out of Prison today, Yale MD's will put 60K in "Hospital Prisons" Tomorrow! Cuba's Castro did this for the last 40 years and wiped out all these terrible diseases men give women.

Gregs 2007 web

Best inventions for 4K Apple iMac is for 400 million iMac users in the Ultra 100" 4K LG Monitors in the Apple-Starbucks Store School University Med School grin. Not Mr. Moon in his cubic at Forbes HQ. Video's like this will be in the Steve Jobs II MD rated Movie!!

10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Forbes Brad Moon on the iMac's Best Features Killed Off. Brad must be living on the Moon with the CEO of Forbes as the Ultra 4K LG 60" monitor will reach 400 million not just the richest journalists with 2 Apple's on their desk at Forbes... I think Mr. Moon wrote this article for himself to get Apple tech support on his desktop IMac for "Target Display" mode. Under the Ultra Apple this is the 60" LG at Apple-Starbucks not a office cubic for Mr. Moon at Forbes HQ.

Gregs 2007 web

Best inventions for 4K Apple iMac is for 400 million iMac users in the Ultra 100" 4K LG Monitors in the Apple-Starbucks Store School University Med School grin. Not Mr. Moon in his cubic at Forbes HQ. Video's like this will be in the Steve Jobs II MD rated Movie!!

10-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Prison Hospitals for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis, MS Virus... Treating alcohol use problems in HIV-positive patients may lead to better management of the virus and its treatment, according to a new study done by Yale researchers, the researchers found that alcohol use disorders correlate with negative outcomes at every stage of HIV treatment; Syphilis, Hepatitis, MS Virus... treatment too. HIV/AIDS program at the Yale School of Medicine. TB Hospital Prisons for India!

"No Amount of Alcohol Safe During Pregnancy, Doctors Say" American Academy of Pediatrics. Wal-Mart paid bribes; NY Times takes bribes from Wine O's, grin! NY Times is libel for some alcohol birth defects $$$ War Crimes too.

Girl's looking in the Apple Store Window at the iMac's, MacBook Pro's to "Cure the World" of War + Disease must write a Hemingway House Nobel Novel titled "Hospital Prison's to Cure HIV" (Castro did it). Hillary would say giving a trillion women HIV is a private matter... ha.

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration! Yale Mandatory dissection for non-med students at Yale. If Bush + Kerry would of dissected a women cadaver they would not have become mass murderers of 19K SWF a year via drunks, all men! “Indecent”. “Indecent”.


10-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Catching the Sun Rise at Los Alamos, it's only Hydrogen right, wrong!! At Some Resorts, It’s Always ‘Island Time’ By ELAINE GLUSAC Resorts like Song Saa in Cambodia are setting all the clocks forward an hour to allow guests to catch sunrise at a more rested time. Allowing the "Inventors" to catch the sunrise at a more H-Bomb Oppenheimer Time + Space Top Quark Way. BDays are running time faster and faster, Einstein missed this law. 1,001 spin off inventions from the Sun will be a New York Times best seller!! Catching the Sun Rise at Los Alamos with Top Quarks in a grain of Sand and Sparks of First Light.


10-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:


Los Alamos is Where Hemingway Should have Lived or Traveled to... Hemingway and his first wife, Hadley Richardson, moved to Paris, where he began writing feverishly and palling around with other Lost Generation writers. In “A Good Café on the Place St-Michel... bloody bullfighting festivals for each newest computer starting with the IBM computer with TV tubes to the newest in 1961. HAVANA In 1939, Hemingway moved to Cuba with his third wife, the war correspondent Martha Gellhorn, and wound up staying 22 years (he lived in Cuba longer than anyplace else in his life). 22 Years at Los Alamos Documentary's are out there without any spin off invention projects with 1 click links. Havana where he got the news that he had won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954. “This is one prize that belongs to Cuba,” he said, “because my work was conceived and created in Cuba.” So much for Key West! Ha! Mandy Miles Tan Lines for today is about her "Cat" with her head in the bag of chips... Top Quarks in Key West influenced Mandy to write about her "Cat" Today instead of "Top Quarks" in a White Sandy Key West Beach + Stars! I will ask Mandy Miles if she has a six-toed cat. I want one. 1937 novel “To Have and Have Not,” about a smuggler named Harry Morgan, is partly set in Key West. Top Quarks at Yale are visiting Key West. Yale will sell a lot more papers with mandatory cadaver dissection for all non med Yale students as headlines anyway, ha. I hope they give Steve Jobs a F in Anatomy on the front page of the Yale Daily News. Suicide on July 2, 1961, at his home near Sun Valley. Sun Valley as everyone thinks about the Sun yet Oppenheimer is the only one who turned it into H-Bombs! Today H-Bombs will go off in view of the Eiffel Tower over Cartoons, and we think WW I was started by Top Quark Mad Men.


10-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Los Alamos Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III was not in this NY Times article by Elizabeth Wurtzel’s though gut-wrenching New York Times Op-Ed, “The Breast Cancer Gene and Me.” Wurtzel tackled her own bilateral mastectomy and relentless chemo regime with the same visceral directness that the author of “Bitch Rules” and “Prozac Nation” built her reputation on. But it was the writer’s conclusion that, for me, was a wake-up call: “All Ashkenazi Jewish women should have the BRCA test,” she wrote. In the Times’ Jewish women should get out of "War" and into the Rx Overnight Godsend Cure for Stage 4 at Los Alamos. Los Alamos and Pakistan have built 100's of H-Bombs since her article in the Times... Coup D'Etat Review: needs to be written by Jewish Women who have not visited Los Alamos and want to remodel it for Breast Cancer Bombs BC-Bombs, Ya!! !! LG-Bombs for Moslem Generals in Pakistan!!


10-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

By N. R. KLEINFIELD New York Times Sunday's Front Page... "What Happens When Someone Dies" Suicide on July 2, 1961, at his home near Sun Valley. I'm sure Kleinfield didn't write about the H-Bomb, per say Hydrogen which there is lots of our Brain Matter + Thoughts. Remember gluon holds the spinning Top Quarks together or they would go flying off into space, grin.


10-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: “Indecent Times” - ‘Indecent’ Opens Yale Repertory Theater; NY Times "Indecent" is mandatory dissection for non-med students at Yale. If Bush + Kerry would of dissected a women cadaver they would not have become mass murderers of 19K SWF a year via drunks, all men! “Indecent Times”. “Indecent Times”.

10-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Mao and Other Cultural Inspirations" By RANDY KENNEDY NY Times: Oppenheimer II + III by Randy at the New York Times would have gotten 1 billion inspired to work 24/7 on the LG-Bomb today, at least make a list of links to work on the lobotomy gas!


10-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Facelift for the Legal Polygamous Marriage at Sea. Cunard cruise line’s flagship Queen Mary 2 has announced a 2016 refurbishment plan that will introduce new single staterooms for solo travelers. From May 27 to June 21, 2016, the 2004-vintage ship will be dry docked for 25 days for the redesign, which encompasses cabins and restaurants. The new single staterooms will be in the higher-end Britannia room category, which offers occupants access to a dedicated restaurant, as well as nightly turndown service and 24-hour room service. The ship is best known for its trans-Atlantic crossings, and next summer, post-retrofit, those cruises start at $1,549 per person, double occupancy. Polygamous Marriage Occupancy start at 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year... Oxford Zero, thanks to Yale's 1,001. Polygamous Dorm Rooms... for those who want to brainstorm 24/7.


10-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: When Apple released its iOS9 mobile operating system it included a new feature - the ability for women to log their sexual activity alongside details of their menstrual cycles. STD, Syphilis, HIV, MS Virus... in iso10.

10-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Gynecologists on the Front Page of the New York Times when 4 Women MD's pull off a successful Coup D'Etat on the 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis, grin! In iso10. Facebook keeps track of your STD's! Amazon is taking legal action against more than 1,000 people it says have posted fake reviews on its web site. Facebook legal action against more than 1 Trillion who have given someone "Syphilis", ha New Improved Coming Out for the Tim Cooks's + Elton John who have a "Syphilis" that is classified in our 1984 II Society. "Cooks Ulcer" is one name WHO at the UN wants changed! Monroe County Health Dept in Key West will not let Mandy Miles write this up in Tan Lines... trillions of blow jobs in the parking lot at 801 are in the Key West Paper but no diseases. I keep telling you all New York Times Journalists will need a MD degree after the coup.

10-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: When Apple released its iOS9 mobile operating system it included a new feature - the ability for women to log their sexual activity alongside details... some Basketball Players had sex with 10K women and no diseases were in the story... same goes on today on blow jobs... Douglass almost lost his wife over oral sex and cancer! Facebook + Apple iOS10 are coming, coming!


10-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:


Los Alamos To Have Have Not LG-Bombs; BC-Bombs; H-Bombs in view of the Eiffel Tower over French Men's Cartoons! Is Disney in Paris? What happened... it's a small Universe as we can invent a way to go a trillion times faster than the speed of light once we get married at the top of the Eiffel Tower in a Legal Polygamous Marriage... Oui! Oui!

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!


4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Women would say Syphilis is "Man-Made" Climate Change, and it is real!!! Elite at Yale "Orders Virus" going around Yale in the emails when Yale Women are murdered by a virus called MS. Grade This!

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!


10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Obama’s Comments About Clinton’s Emails Rankle Some in the F.B.I. Secretly Recorded Conversations too!! This too, Iraqi Forces and Shiite Militias Retake Oil Refinery From ISIS when there should be No Gas Stations World Wide in 2015. F.B.I's. most distant star is God.

10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: No Gas Stations World Wide in 2015. F.B.I's. most distant star is God... 9/11 Oil $$$ By ALAN RAPPEPORT New York Times... Donald J. Trump gave conservatives another reason to criticize him by suggesting that former President George W. Bush had failed to stop the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Bush killed No Gas Stations World Wide in 2015. To add insult Bush then killed all the women MD's at the 155 Story Freedom Tower Medical School at Ground Zero!!

"Indecent" is mandatory dissection for non-med students at Yale. If Bush + Kerry would of dissected a women cadaver they would not have become mass murderers of 19K SWF a year via drunks, all men! “Indecent”. “Indecent”.

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!


10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: “Indecent”. Yale, How I learned to "Drive" the 2015 Laser Guided ElectricWindmillFord Escort to 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year with 1 Click links to secret Rx Recipe's and 1,001 nearest Stars, Yale engineering the JFK space telescopes guidance systems; faster than the speed of light... Indecent Era at Yale was marked by l Nobel in Medicine a Year and no Star Travel or 24/7 Brainstorming at Hemingway House + Novels written by 100 on the same page with a Laser Guided invention in each chapter. Opening Production of how gravity is generated will be super gravity waves shock + awe on the Elite, like Bush, Kerry - war crimes of bombing a hospital has no gravity today. "Indecent" is mandatory dissection for non-med students at Yale. If Bush + Kerry would of dissected a women cadaver they would not have become mass murderers of 19K SWF a year by drunk men! “Indecent”. “Indecent”. Invent Rx Perfumed Coors, Bud, Wine with no killing. Call Oppenheimer II for the LG... expose the exhaust of a trillion scooters on Duval.

10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Halloween's True Monsters are Driven in a Rolls-Royce Ghost: A Pampered Ride for just $777 Trillion dollars Too $$$. Fantasy Gravity holding the most distant Star's Hydrogen. Social map dissecting this is as slow as teaching Steve Jobs II anatomy and the deadly chemicals in lunch meats. Din in Steve Jobs wife's frontal lobes telling him not to eat lunch meat. The most distant Star's connotations in the Din of Hydrogen in your brain. MIT is no match for the brain, not yet. Foolish MIT Coal Barons dissect God before they have driven 4.3 light years with a super JFK Space Telescope, laser guided of course.

10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: The most distant star is God...


10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: 100 a day are killed just in Nigeria fighting over Retaking the Oil Refinery's from someone else! Nigeria: Bombings Kill 48 in Northeast - No Gas Stations World Wide in 2015. F.B.I's. most distant star is God...

10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: The most distant star is God... secrets of the most distant Stars + the Jewish Aliens at the nearest 52 Stars retake Earth from the "War Criminals who Bomb Hospitals in Geneva!!"


10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Greg's Comments About Clinton’s Emails Rankle Some in the F.B.I. Women in the FBI given a scary disease by "Obama" can't call 9/11 - Scary stuff — consider yourself warned. Yale Medical School needs to sent email to the New York Times; HIV, STD's, MS Virus given to Yale Women by Tim Cook + Elton John. This is a more scary virus than any a Yale woman could get from FBI emails. Yet it will not get sent to the New York Times until after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Halloween's True Monsters are the 1984 II Dictators!! Secretly Recorded Conversations!!


10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Coal Baron’s Trial May Hinge on His Secretly Recorded Conversations!!

10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Coal Baron's are charged with felonies related to a blast that killed 29 miners in West Virginia. MIT statistics on their new Super Data Computer in the news today will probably crunch out a total of 29 million deaths from Coal from 1980 to 2015 suppression of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort.

10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Yale, “How I Learned to Drive,” among others. Presented at the University Theater as the opening production of the Yale Repertory Theater season, “Indecent” was written by Ms. Vogel;

10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:




10-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Halloween's True Monsters are the 1984 II Dictators!!


10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Body of the Women hanging from the fence - she was running from a gas station hold up... when there should be No Gas Stations World Wide, the Horror of it! Gas Stations! The slain woman's body looked like a gruesome Halloween prank to some 1984 II People.

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Halloween's Horror at Saint Jude Hospital another Hospital bombed by US forces... a war crime!


10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Halloween's True Monsters are the 1984 II Dictators with "Burning Oil". 1984 II Oil Bosses are the Holocaust II Masterminds and their motive is $777 Trillion to spend on "MIT War Toys".

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Halloween's True Monsters are the 1984 II Dictators who scare all the Children in Saint Jude Hospital with birth defects and cancers from Spray Painted Clouds of Burning "Oil" from a Trillion Scooters on Duval Key West".

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "MIT War Toys" are the Mastermind of our 1984 II Oil Men and Toys are Us cut the prices for this Halloween's Horror at Saint Jude Hospital.


10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: A distant star is getting a lot of attention from astronomers - possibly as a sign that alien life is out there. The star KIC 8462852 was discovered through Planet Hunters, a citizen science program at Yale University.

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Oil Flaring and distant stars that flair, Oil Bosses most distant star is God.

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Oil bosses write this... More than 6,000 deaths a year could be caused by a 30% fall in the effectiveness of antibiotics in the US, a report in The Lancet suggests... 1984 III MD Women bosses would have written in this British Medical Journal Lancet that they have gotten Apple to preloads an IP invention project for Futuristic Antibiotics and the Hemingway House Writing class is going to write this in a Nobel Novel with links in every chapter and secret recipes for the production of antibiotics. Oil Bosses have Syphilis in their frontal lobes and need a Rx, ha.


10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Apple Releases New iMac Before New iPad Pro, MacBook Air, And MacBook Pro... Those of you who want a 21.5-inch iMac with a 4K resolution display are in luck, almost as Acer's new all in one PC has a built in battery so you can carry it around the house, Apple missed this feature. Why? Some Bosses at Apple who read this web page 2 years ago decided not to put a battery in their "Desktop" computer. They should be fired of course! If someone can track them down. Same goes for Steve Jobs High School Anatomy teacher, grin! I don't think there is anything preloaded for Anatomy of Steve Jobs in the new iMac... another mistake by the Apple Bosses, grin. Steve is screaming from Hell; fire them! Save some other Steve Jobs II from cancers Hell and leak the Holocaust II going on at Saint Jude Childrens Hospital. Yes this Hospital was bombed by US forces too. Hospitals world wide are bombed by US forces under orders of the Oil Bosses! "Zoo’s Public Dissection of Lion Makes Denmark Again a Target of Outrage" By DAN BILEFSKY - New York Times writing up a story on Steve Jobs High School that if they start dissection like Yale Med School there will be Outrage even though Steve Jobs II will learn were his pancreases is...


10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: News Analysis: Lessons of Iraq Loom Over Obama’s Decision to Keep Troops in Afghanistan - Troops left in Korea. $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickback all for "MIT War Toys". Nothing for NASA Space Shuttle for Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan Astronauts. These are the same bosses who paid for the trillion H-Bombs that came off the assembly lines in Pakistan in 2015. French Revolution is out of Gas... there should of been a French Revolution when the Paris Elite learned Moslem Generals in Pakistan were masterminding a H-Bomb attack in view of the Eiffel Tower over Allah in a Gay Legal Wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West cartoon by French Men who visit Key West. Mandy Miles at the KW Newspaper will write about H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower she was once at the top of!

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: U.S. Exploring Deal to Limit Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal - No Way the US Bosses can limit the Nuclear First Strikes by Pakistan Moslem Generals on the Paris "Cartoon" HQ buildings!


10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: GE profits for last 3 months... $2.51 billion, compared with $3.54 billion, a year ago. Revenues of $31.68 billion for 3 months. General Electric profit beats expectation... Stage 4 Rx Cure expectations by the Bosses of GE is on the back burner. Yet New York Times writes up GE beats expectations, of whom?

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: General Motors launches 2016 Chevrolet Volt with 53 miles per charge starting ...

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Generals - not Pakistan Moslem Generals need to launch NASA Star Travels starting with 4.3 Light Years... not your Coal Burning Train, the Gravity Engine Star Trek Train!


10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Only 5% of Mac users at IBM need help desk support, compared to 40% of PC users, test the IBM Mac users... test them if they know where their pancreases is...ha. IBM officials said in July that they plan to deploy some 50,000 MacBooks to employees by the end of 2015. Final adoption numbers at the company are expected to be between 150,000 and 200,000 units. Apple and IBM surprised the tech world last year by announcing a partnership in enterprise solutions dubbed "IBM MobileFirst for iOS," an initiative incorporating custom software and analytics services with iOS hardware. That proved to be just the start of a growing partnership between the two former rivals, leading to this year's deployment of Macs within the IBM ranks. The companies also revealed in June their work on an experimental educational product called the Student Achievement App, which looks to provide teachers with real-time student data analytics. A prototype version of the service is slated for completion soon, with pilot programs scheduled to roll out at four schools in 2016. Test them on pancreases is... Windows 10 Help Desk is the same old thing but worst in Groove Music as Microsoft was the serial number of this Acer Cloudbook typed in when they can read it... to play Groove Music off line.


10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: The film grossed $520,942 in all, translating to an average of $130,236, reported Deadline. By comparison, another recent high-profile movie — Denis Villeneuve's Sicario — averaged roughly $67,000 per theater during its opening. Jobs', Boyle's film is due to go into wider distribution on Oct. 23. The premiere marks the end of a troubled road, which at different times saw the movie change its director, lead actors, and even studio on the way to the big screen. One of the few constants has been a script by Aaron Sorkin. A recent revelation was that Jobs' widow, Laurene Powell Jobs, repeatedly attempted to stop the movie's development with the help of supporters. Though based on Walter Isaacson's 2011 biography, current and former Apple executives have noted that the movie deviates from historical accuracy. Steve Wozniak — who acted as a paid consultant on the film — claimed that while some events didn't happen, it succeeded at capturing Jobs' personality. Designer Jony Ive, however, has suggested that it conflicts with his memories.

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Jobs' widow, Laurene Powell Jobs will she support and be in a Jobs II rated MD movie that has know where their pancreases is... and will we find out about her fights over lunch meat!

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Yale Daily News and I just did a street view of their HQ and they need a Overpass and Underpass for Cars + People... my IP invention project for traffic is a "Yale MacBook Air Ride Classroom" as lots more "Study Time" not so much Elite Socializing would happen on designing and building the "Yale MacBook Air Ride School Bus" for Yale Students door to door service! Gov. Dannell Malloy’s plan to expand I-84 and I-95 by two lanes is unlikely to cut state traffic, experts say. A Connecticut Department of Transportation study found that I-95 travelers could save over 14 million hours of traveling time by 2040. 14 Million hours of IP invention projects for Yale Students on this bus... ha "Yale MacBook Air Ride School Bus" for Yale Students door to door service.

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat - Halloween Horror is No Gas Stations World Wide, the Horror of it! Gas Stations!

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:


Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Yale ITS computer center sent a campus-wide notice yesterday evening alerting the student body of computer virus circulating via email. According to ITS's warning, the virus disguises itself as an email with "the seminar" or "Order" in the subject line. Scary stuff — consider yourself warned. Yale Medical School needs to sent to the New York Times MS Virus given to Yale Women by Tim Cook + Elton John. This is a more scary virus than any a Yale woman could get from email. Yet it will not get sent to the New York Times until after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. F grade from Yale here for this today!

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: $777 Trillion spent on Syrian War while Hillary Debates emails... New York Times declares Hillary the Winner!!!

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Women would say Syphilis is "Man-Made" Climate Change, and it is real!!! New York Times declares Hillary the Winner!!! Did Bill give Hillary syphilis?

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: $777 Trillion spent on Syrian War while Hillary Debates emails... this is Masterminded by George Orwell. "Who Won and Lost the Democratic Debate? The Web Has Its Say" By ALAN RAPPEPORT New York Times Hillary Rodham Clinton was the clear victor, according to the opinion shapers in the political world.


10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Hillary Clinton's Big "Climate Change" Accomplishment Was Actually a Huge Failure - not really as our 1984 II Dictators want New York Times headlines a few times a week on "Climate Change" and a couple days a week Headlines on Hillary "emails" so the "Spray Painted Clouds of Burning Oil from a Trillion Scooters on Duval Key West" are never Headlines in the New York Times. Why the Top Brass MD's at Saint Jude can't get on the front page of the NY Times about Childhood cancers and birth defects are "Man-Made" change in millions of kids DNA that is dividing 1 billion times a day each day they are tourists in Key West. "Man Made" climate change is the top brass letting gasoline's $777 Trillion rule their "Man Made" high tech gadgets like $$$ Trillions for Missiles the last couple years and of course the $10 Trillion for the JFK, no not the JFK Super Hubble Space Telescope Train! So "Man-Made" climate Change is $$$ 777 Trillion from gas station hold ups, sucker punching women and giving them syphilis. Women would say Syphilis is "Man-Made" so let Hillary bring this up in the next Debate with all the men and find out if each man in the debate gave a disease to a women, you know they most likely did. iPhone 7 +++ caller ID will have these men's health history on Hillary's caller id if the new 1984 III Dictators are MD Women.


10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Man-Made" Climate Change: 50 new H-Bombs coming off the Pakistan assembly line in 2015 on 1984 II YouTube videos on Google.

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "U.S. Exploring Deal to Limit Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal" By DAVID E. SANGER NY Times David at the New York Times knows about the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Suppression and that the Pentagon paid Moslem Generals in Pakistan $777 Trillion. Smartphones call to the NY Times - WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is exploring a deal with Pakistan that would limit the scope of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, the fastest-growing on earth.

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Iranian television has broadcast footage of a secret underground tunnel, stocked with missile and launcher units.

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: United States will halt its military withdrawal from Afghanistan and instead keep thousands of troops in the country through the end of President Obama's term in 2017


10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: It was kind of unbelievable that it was real data,” said Yale University astronomer Tabetha Boyajian. “We were scratching our heads. For any idea that came up there was always something that would argue against it.” She was talking to the New Scientist about KIC 8462852, a distant star with a very unusual flickering habit. Boyajian, Wright and Andrew Siemion, the director of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, are now working on getting access to the massive radio dishes they can point at the star in search of the kinds of radio waves usually emitted by technology.


10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Yale University astronomer Tabetha Boyajian, should name the Super Hubble Space Telescope Train the JFK so she can confiscate $10 Trillion from McCain's War Toys. Read the New York Times Headlines about McCain spending $10 Trillion a year from $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues on war toys from MIT. Debate this with Hillary and who will be the winner?

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: McCain should of been a fan of Pasteur so he could pasteurize spinach... Dole voluntarily recalled bags of spinach for potential Salmonella contamination. Look on the bag for the code A27409B and A27409A.


10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Zoo’s Plan to Publicly Dissect Lion Makes Denmark Again a Target of Outrage" By DAN BILEFSKY The dissection comes a year after a zoo in Copenhagen generated global outrage when it killed a healthy giraffe, before dissecting it and feeding it to lions.


10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Sex Ed: ‘Yes Means Yes,’ but It’s Tricky" California requires high schools to teach affirmative consent, defining when and how people agree to have sex, but critics say the lessons sow confusion.

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Steve Jobs was in California and the story on Sex Ed Yes Means Yes I don't know where my Pancreatic is and have no idea of the hormones it generates that cause sex thoughts in my frontal lobes. How can you have Steve Jobs Movie and New York Times Sex yes means yes but I don't know a thing about were the sex hormones are generated, in a organ I would think she said. Does she get an A and the California Sex Ed Professor gets an F for killing Steve Jobs why back when he took Sex Ed... did Steve Jobs go to HS in California? If so track down his Anatomy teachers and sue them.


10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: $777 Trillion spent on Syrian War while Hillary Debates emails... this is Masterminded by George Orwell.

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Since its air campaign started on Sept. 30, Russia has quickly ramped up its air strikes from a handful each day to nearly 90 on some days, using more than a half-dozen types of guided and unguided munitions, including fragmentary bombs and bunker busters for hardened targets, American analysts said. Russia is not only bringing some of its most advanced hardware to the fight, it has also deployed large field kitchens and even dancers and singers to entertain the troops — all signs that Moscow is settling in for the long haul, American analysts said. “They brought the whole package,” said Jeffrey White, a former Middle East analyst with the Defense Intelligence Agency now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. “It showed me they could deploy a decent-sized expeditionary force.”


10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: $777 Trillion spent on Syrian War while Hillary Debates emails... this is Masterminded by George Orwell. "Who Won and Lost the Democratic Debate? The Web Has Its Say" By ALAN RAPPEPORT New York Times Hillary Rodham Clinton was the clear victor, according to the opinion shapers in the political world.


10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Herrera’s fall 2016 bridal collection, whisper of transparency. “All the brides, they come to us and say, ‘I want a sexy dress,’ ” Mrs. Herrera said. To which she ever so gently suggests, “Why don’t you do a seductive dress?” Seduce 1984 II Dictators like McCain into spending $777 Trillion on a Stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure. Out of Africa Movie, transparency of Man-Made climate change - Inspirational Dress on Mrs. Herrera's models come with dialog in 2017. Legal Polygamous Bridal collections for 2016. Man-Made $777 Trillion spent on the wives travel to the nearest 52 Stars would cost $777 Trillion. Out of Africa Movie and Today Steve Jobs Movie 1. Syphilis 2. Pancreatic Cancer 3. MD Movies on each Jobs II rated MD Out of Africa II rated MD. The Other Presidential Candidate. Hillary Clinton LAW '73 isn't the only Yale alumna gunning for the presidency. Yesterday, Meryl Streep DRA '75 was named president of the jury for the 2016 Berlin International Film Festival. "The responsibility is somewhat daunting," Streep told The New York Times. "I have never been president of anything before." 1984 II Dictators Presidents executive orders, ordering Sony to make some MD rated movies everyone will protest about! Esquire said of Yale in an article yesterday. The story referred to OkCupid's feature that said Yale students ranked highest in the nation for sex drive. According to OkCupid, 57 percent of Yalies say their sex drive is higher than average. Yale Med will dissect how the sex drive is generated and put it in a MD rated movie everyone will protest. The Yale Sustainable Food Program will host "Women of Cheese," a talk with local cheese makers Laura Downey and Allison Hooper at 4:30 p.m. in Sudler Hall. If there are free samples, count us in. Yale Med will make a Anatomy of Cheese movie rated MD everyone will diet... die! Grin. Far as the Yale News Story of the Food Trucks they should all have streaming video while they are on campus. I just hope Yale Med starts a Food Truck... image the Menu, all health food with super computer simulations next to the items on their menu, high tech of course!


10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Women would say Syphilis is "Man-Made" Climate Change, and it is real!!! Elite at Yale "Orders Virus" going around Yale in the emails when Yale Women are murdered by a virus called MS. Grade This!

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!

10-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected...

10-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The Most Interesting Moments From the Debate By THE NEW YORK TIMES - "An exchange between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders over her use of a private email server was one of the debate’s highlights". Women with MS would not vote for Hillary's email as the best highlight from debate when "Mad Men" give women the MS virus that will torture them for years with the New MS Rx Drugs then kill them in broad daylight in Times Square in 1984 II public view with no one stopping to help keep them from getting infected, no debate. No Hillary in the debate on giving women the MS virus in a 1984 II society.

10-14-2015 Elite at Yale, this is just how Elite Yale is... The Yale Film Society will host a pre-screening of "Steve Jobs" Tonight — the biopic in which Michael Fassbender plays the former Apple CEO — at 7 p.m. at the Whitney Humanities Center. The screening is free and open to all students.


10-14-2015 Elite at Yale, this is just how Elite Yale could be, Yale could listen in on all Elm City cell calls with "Elite Software from the FBI Yale Alumni and get Kerry to given them some "Spy Software" to listen in to cell calls, not to "Terrorists" but Yale Murderers ready to shoot a 20 year old. Yale's Elm City saw its 14th homicide of the year. According to a New Haven Police Department press notice, officers were dispatched to 210 Davenport Ave. after reports of gunfire. The victim, an adult male believed to be in his late teens or early 20s, is also the second homicide victim this week. And last Thursday, 29-year-old Antoine Heath was shot on Chapel Street, west of the Ella T. Grasso Boulevard. Despite these two recent shootings, this year’s current homicide rate is a far cry from the 34 homicides seen in the Elm City in 2011.


10-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: advanced technology... Boeing 777 flying into Orbit. US imposition of sanctions on flying a fleet of Boeing 777 into Orbit, why? Recently passed Iran-Libya Sanctions Act is a George Orwell Sanctions Act against Advanced Technology. Hell the "Hubble Space Telescope Train" never made the front page of the New York Times as much as the Iran-Libya Sanctions + Hillary in a debate over this, grin. Yes Hillary lost the Debate.

10-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: I can't get over it, again and again Jimmy Carter + Wife Rosalynn go hunting for worms instead of making flying the Boeing 777 fleet into Orbit. And to add insult to injury Jimmy Carter flies around the world, but never goes into orbit for 15 or 20 minutes.

10-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Russian aviation agency says Russia has appealed to the International Civil Aviation Organization to open a new probe into last year's downing of Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 that should have been flying into orbit!! 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort is not the only state of the arts Invention our 1984 II Dictators have suppressed and stifled for $777 Trillion $$$


10-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: NASA and the China Space Station II Program. 1984 II Dictators, who cut off any "Brainstorming Invention Projects" for work with China in protest of and for fear of sharing advanced technology...

10-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: It's hard to fly to Damascus these days, it's even harder to fly to Alpha Centauri these days as it never makes the front page of the New York Times. Advanced technology and the New York Times reads like a George Orwell novel "Down and Out In Paris" as Yale Paris Medical School, more advanced than any Medical school in NYC today never made the front page! Mars is for 1984 Dictators with syphilis in their brains. EMC squared Brainstorming with Oppenheimer II + III will get you - her the Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas 2015 + Jewish Alien Gems at nearby stars.


10-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Psychologists Are Sued Over C.I.A. Torture Techniques" New York Times. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Media Tortured, 9/11 revenge by Bush when 10 cent gasoline is the real CIA Torture on NYC.

10-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: IP invention project of the day; evidence that cramps during exercise could be a result of overexcited nerve endings, probably as a result of fatigue. Anyone at Los Alamos with down time making H-Bombs today can work on a super computer simulation of nerve endings in the muscles.

10-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Fighting New Diseases by Giving Them Blander Labels" By ABIGAIL ZUGER, M.D. The World Health Organization issued strict guidelines for naming infections. For example, names of groups (Legionnaire’s) and places (Ebola) are out. At one extreme, we have the targeted venom unleashed on the innocent as syphilis exploded across 16th-century Europe. The Italians called it “the French sickness”; the French called it “the Neapolitan sickness”; the Poles called it “the German sickness”; the Russians called it “the Polish sickness”; and a few decades later, the Japanese knew it as “the Portuguese sickness” and the “Chinese ulcer” — a stunningly precise epidemiologic record written in pure dislike. More recently, medical schools have also begun to reward cash infusions with a grateful change of name. A few of these donors will inevitably turn out to be somewhat less virtuous than they were magnanimous, but so far no one has suggested unnaming an institution to preserve our profession’s moral integrity. W.H.O.’s suggestion, we might consider the method of Lance Armstrong — stricken with testicular cancer, he named his disease “the bastard.” Unfortunately, we are likely to run out of obscenities long before we run out of diseases. I think Dr. Abigail is calling our non MD 1984 II Dictators "The Bastard's" could Dr. Abigail be "Ripe" for... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas 2015. Halt in H-Bomb production for a few weeks, the Moslem Pakistan Generals will take up the slack, for Allah.

10-13-2015 Jewish Aliens were Discovered at each and every one of the Nearby 52 Stars yesterday!


10-13-2015 Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity does not include 1 Trillion RV's... grin! 1 Billion People on Earth living in a RV. Highly Cited: Hospital workers often transfer germs when removing gloves, gowns... thank God Jimmy Carter didn't get a hospital acquired infection, Staff! Members at the Sewri hospital between 2007 and 2011, sixty-five hospital staff died from TB. Peanut Plantation workers at Jimmy's go to work sick. More than half of U.S. workers go to work when they are sick with the flu, STD's, Hepatitis, HIV. MS Virus is given to many women.

10-13-2015 Habit. Habitual behavior plays in disorders where people persist in making self-destructive choices no matter the consequences...


10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Russian missile that hit the 777 had a maximum speed of Mach 4.5 - In July 2014 this Boeing 777 should have been flying at Mach 10 to 15 same as the Shuttle in orbit as Boeing has suppressed the 777 that can fly into orbit for many decades.

10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: World's Biggest Beer Makers Agree to Join Forces. Worlds Inventors and Murdered by a Drunk Man Revenge by 1984 II SWF's will "Invent" Rx Perfumed Coors + Budweiser's without the side effects of murdering a women! Bartenders will serve Rx Perfumed Drinks... with no side effects!! Invent it!


10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... War, WW III with Korea + Moslem Generals in Pakistan... H-Bombs paid for by the Pentagon go off at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Role habitual behavior plays in disorders where people persist in making self-destructive choices no matter the consequences!! H-Bombs given to Syrian Rebels by the Pentagon, soon.

10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Anorexia May Be Habit, Not Willpower, Study Finds" By ERICA GOODE NY Times The findings may help explain the role habitual behavior plays in disorders where people persist in making self-destructive choices no matter the consequences.

10-13-2015 Alcohol found in his car in Saudi Arabia... not a 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort, grin.


10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Britain Seeks Release of Karl Andree, 74, Who Faces 350 Lashes in Saudi Arabia" By DAN BILEFSKY New York Times The grandfather and former oil executive was arrested in the port city of Jidda in 2014 after the authorities found alcohol in his car.

10-13-2015 Alcohol found in his car in Saudi Arabia... not a 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort, grin. 350 British + American cops were burned to death in fiery cop car crash's by this oil man Karl Andree.


10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: DNA helix is formed when complementary base pairs — such as the nucleotide adenine and its partner guanine...

10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Brain + Breast Cancer pressure on Biden + Jimmy Carter. DNA brainstorming by Biden + Jimmy Carter is void... not in this George Orwell Nobel Novel.


10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Ask The New York Times: Is it True Donald Trump Cannot Win the Presidency; 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Win! If there were some way in this 1984 II Society, Trump could LEAK the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort! He would Win!


10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Cell Signal is needed in the all-in-one PC by Acer!!

10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Acer reveals all-in-one Windows 10 PC with 5 hour battery backup" PCWorld - For users inclined to carry their desktops around the house, Acer has unveiled a light-weight, all-in-one PC that offers 5 hours built-in battery backup.

10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:


10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: As "Snow Creeps Down From Himalayas, Nepal Reconstruction Stalls" By NICOLA DAVISON NY Times Despite billions of dollars pledged for reconstruction after two major earthquakes, many villages and towns across the country have barely begun to rebuild. Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity does not include 1 Trillion RV's... grin! 1 Billion People on Earth living in a RV.

10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: 777 Boeing... Russian-made Buk missile, the Dutch Safety Board says. The missile hit the front left of the plane causing other parts break off, it said in a final report into the July 2014 disaster, which killed 298 people. The West and Ukraine say Russian-backed rebels brought down the Boeing 777. But Russia claims a missile was fired from Ukrainian-controlled territory. The report does not apportion blame but says airspace should have been closed. Investigators could not determine at which point the occupants died, the report says, adding that it was not able to rule out possibility of some remaining conscious for some time during the one-and-a-half minutes it took for the plane to crash.

10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Russian missile that hit the 777 had a maximum speed of Mach 4.5 - In July 2014 this Boeing 777 should have been flying at Mach 10 to 15 same as the Shuttle in orbit as Boeing has suppressed the 777 that can fly into orbit for many decades.

10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Obama is the one who really killed this women! Dalone Jamison poses with Walikque Faussett in a photo he posted to Instagram hours after he allegedly opened fire at a club, killing her and wounding two other women. 93 Deadly shootings a day in the USA thanks to the NY Times.

10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:


10-13-2015 Elite at Oxford and 1 Trillion Ford's coming off the Ford Assembly lines from 1980 to 2015 in Oxford Textbooks.

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!


10-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:


10-12-2015 Columbus Day - Aliens Discovered at each and every one of the Nearby 52 Stars!!

10-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Damn, used to show that you are angry or annoyed at a person, thing, or situation. Today it's the "Universe". EMC squared, Gravity Generation, Gravity Engine, Top Quarks in a Sandy Key West Beach. Oppenheimer II working on the LG-Bomb, Lobotomy Gas Bombs, iPhone 7 +++ Caller ID. Damn, caught giving Hillary Syphilis...


10-12-2015 1984 II Dictators; they were in no mood to give a Hell about Jewish Alien Gems at 52 Nearby Stars!! Existence of 4 Trillion Years before the "Big Bang" + 2015 ElectricWindmillFord.

10-12-2015 Nobel in Economics given to the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord - No!! Prof. Angus Deaton, a renowned microeconomist, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Science Today for his studies of consumption, poverty and welfare + BP Oil Kickbacks of $777 Trillion to the Nobel Guys, grin!

10-12-2015 Nobel in "Futuristic Combine's" God Damn Jimmy Carter Peanut Combines, but Heavy Lift helicopter combines fueled by liquid H for Harvesting the Amazon!! Two U.S. service members were among five people killed in a military chopper crash in Afghanistan's capital, officials said Today... from Key West, Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines for fishing to Afghanistan's "War Toys" by Mad Men killing a "Billion" people to play War Games instead of 52 Pick up at the 52 Nearest Stars!! More cities are recognizing Native Americans on Columbus Day, 1984 II Dictators as Star Travel Alien's - Columbus Day. NASA will not get the Nobel Prize for the discovery of Aliens! Greg + Wives in Key West will, grin.

10-12-2015 Columbus Day - Aliens Discovered at each and every one of the Nearby 52 Stars!!

10-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Obama Tells '60 Minutes' Hillary Clinton Made "Hell of a lot of Goddamn" 'Mistake's!! New York Times -


10-12-2015 Hillary + Obama both have Syphilis in their Frontal Lobes or they would have emailed God... American antitank missiles supplied to Syrian rebels don't think of 9/11 emails from Saudi Arabia to Boston masterminding this "Star Wars" war game costing $777 Trillion that is killing millions with Brain + Breast Cancers!!

10-12-2015 60 Minutes' Hillary Clinton Made "Hell of a lot of Goddamn" 'Mistake's!!

10-12-2015 60 Trillion Years' Hillary Clinton Made "Hell of a lot of Goddamn" 'Mistake's!!

10-12-2015 60 Billion Years' Hillary Clinton Made "Hell of a lot of Goddamn" 'Mistake's!!


10-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Obama Tells '60 Minutes' Hillary Clinton Made "Hell of a lot of Goddamn" 'Mistake's!! New York Times -

10-12-2015 Hillary + Obama both have Syphilis in their Frontal Lobes or they would have emailed God...

10-12-2015 60 Minutes' Hillary Clinton Made "Hell of a lot of Goddamn" 'Mistake's!!


10-12-2015 60 Trillion Years' Hillary Clinton Made "Hell of a lot of Goddamn" 'Mistake's!! 9/11... 9/11 II H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower, not the 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Paris Medical School the other Eiffel Tower! Pakistan Generals get their 72 virgins in Heaven!!

10-12-2015 60 Billion Years' Hillary Clinton Made "Hell of a lot of Goddamn" 'Mistake's!!


10-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: 'Mistake's!! $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues given to Allah $$$ 'Mistake's!! No Stage 4 Godsend Overnight Cure!! 9/11 10 cent a gallon gas 'Mistake's!! Political attack by Greg + Wives in Key West eager to keep her Hillary from 9/11 II.

10-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Southwest Airlines said it was still working Monday morning to fix a system glitch that delayed about 450 of its flights on Sunday.

10-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Los Alamos said it was still working Monday to fix a IBM Super Computer "glitch" that delayed a Rx Overnight Miracle Godsend Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas 2015, caused by "Black Holes" on the front page of the New York Times, grin!


10-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-10-2015 One Trillion Security Cameras in London would fail compared to caller ID on the iPhone 7 +++ One Trillion x-ray scans at the London International Airport failed to get the right diagnosis of Brain + Breast Cancers on 100's of millions of travelers, a war crime by the masterminds - Elite at Oxford.

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!

10-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Obama Tells '60 Minutes' Hillary Clinton Made "Hell of a lot of Goddamn" 'Mistake's!! New York Times - Dr. Hillary at Yale!! Yale Law diagnostic errors — incorrect or delayed diagnoses - Yes Yale Law and of course Yale Med. Hillary's Brain IQ Motives, conscience entering Yale Law instead of Yale Med was a mistake for 100's of millions of people who died of brain and breast cancers since 1980's suppression of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort! Can we sue Yale Law, War Crime Trials like the endless French Revolution will put a end to Yale Law - give the buildings to Yale Med. Next is the "Diagnosis" getting it right in the NY Times article by Dr. Ofri. With State of the Arts Los Alamos calls + the Patients iPhone 7 +++. Homeland Security scans for brain + breast diagnostics... Publix + Whole Foods Diagnostics. Futuristic MD for Dr. Ofir's article in today's NY Times. Biden + Jimmy Carter know our health care system seemed designed to stymie the diagnostic thought process... via Homeland Security's $777 Trillion for Terrorists not brain + breast cancer x-ray's at the airports, full body pat downs for skin cancer - did Jimmy Carter have any visible skin cancers they missed? How many would Homeland Security catch in a day at the airport... 100's! M.R.I. or could get by with a less expensive ultrasound - $$$ expensive $$$ Trillions have been spent on Airport x-ray machines probably made by GE Health. IP invention projects of GE Health have killed Beau + Jimmy Carter! How many planes did Jimmy Carter take, 100's. MD at the airports Jimmy Carter too, NO! Hell No!! Homeland Security guys!



10-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Danielle Ofri’s newest book is What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine. She is a physician at Bellevue Hospital and an associate professor of medicine at N.Y.U. School of Medicine, as well as editor-in-chief of the Bellevue Literary Review. She spoke on Deconstructing Our Perception of Perfection at TEDMED. "The other adage worth remembering is that the most important part of the stethoscope is the part between the earpieces. So before I ordered an M.R.I. for my patient, I asked her to tell me the entire story again. I needed to get a certain part of my stethoscope in gear." Stethoscope II + III reinvented at Los Alamos with laser guidance of a F-35. $$$ iPhone 7 +++ Stethoscope Diagnostics iapps written.


10-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Obama should quit on December 1, 2015 and let Biden get the "Brain + Breast Cancer" Rx Overnight Cure by Christmas 2015. Along with 1,001 other spin off inventions!!

10-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: TV news remains paramount in Russia with an estimated 90 percent of the population using it to follow current affairs. Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... building the Yale Key West Medical School. Today in the Sunday Key West Citizen News paper Mandy Miles writes in Tan Lines about Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville not the 155 Story Yale Key West Medical School. 90 percent of the population using it to follow current affairs: Mandy Miles and the Key West Citizen nothing about a New Yale Medical School for Key West or IP invention projects to hear + see Jewish Alien Gems! Shock + Awe Trillion times better than Bush 9/11.

10-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: IP invention projects, 1,001 IP to save her life in a 1984 II Shock + Awe 9/11 $777 Trillion dollar BP Oil Society.

10-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: On Columbus Day, the Explorer Isn't Always Welcome!! Jewish Alien Gems at each and every one of the 52 Nearest Stars!!


10-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Russia as savour of the world. First we saved the world from the Mongols, then from Napoleon, then from Hitler, and now from $777 Trillion from BP Oil. As the first snow of the winter falls in Moscow, he said the Syria conflict was proving a helpful distraction for some Russians who did not want to spend their evenings thinking shoveling snow, ice intersections. No Heating Elements built into Red Square sidewalks, no 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort with 24/7 heat, no more frozen cars... lost to Putin's, Pope's, BP Oil's $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues! No Gravity Engine for the kids. Putin after the September 11th attacks, we shared the U.S. pain as if it were our own, understanding what terrorism is," 17 Saudi Terrorists in Boston had $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues $$$.


10-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Yale Key West Medical School has turned itself into a 24-hour news station, pumping out slick TV footage. Savior of Women given terrible diseases by 1984 II Dictators.

10-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: 9/11 Afghanistan, Bush declared a war on terror not "War on Breast + Brain Cancer... trillion times more deadly and can not be won in a day by 10 cent a gallon gasoline.


10-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Saviors of Jewish Alien Gems at each and every one of the nearest 52 Stars is the real shock and awe in our Universe that is censored by the New York Times Today in exchange for BP Oil kickbacks that bought them a new 55 story New York Times building not a 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower NYC Medical School. Freedom Towers Workers have died of Brain + Breast Cancer, tortured by the 1984 II Dictators who have syphilis in the brain!


10-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "Iran tests new precision-guided ballistic missile" 2015 Laser Guidance of the Electric Windmill Ford Escort has not been tested by Ford.

10-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: CBS "Café helps people with autism put puzzle pieces together" Jim Axelrod Axelrod should have done a CBS story about the Yale Key West Medical School helps Cure Autism and gives our Habitat for Humanity "Total Recall" memory! 1,001 IP invention projects are not on CBS web page Today!!


10-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: "When Hill Met Bill: Celebrating the Clinton's 40th Anniversary" 40K dead from Breast Cancer the last 40 years, 19K dead from Drunk Men killing SWF's last 40 years every year... and Hillary Celebrates this! Hillary must have Syphilis in her brain. Yale Law a defamation suit, saying Mr. Cosby’s representatives have sullied their reputations by denying their accusations. Hill + Bill would lose this law suit. "I tell lies" Movie title for Bill + Hillary, a documentary, grin!

10-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: IP Drunk Men kill 19K SWF every year in the USA... Rx Perfumed Bartenders Invention, Save her life! "Nudging a Huge Beer Deal Down a Long Road" By STEVEN DAVIDOFF SOLOMON New York Times Anheuser-Busch InBev can pressure SABMiller, but it desperately wants to avoid making a hostile takeover given the antitrust issues. 19K dead women in 2015 from Drunk Men is not a Issue for Steven at the New York Times Today!


10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Pink "White House" ending of CBS Nightly News last night and Greg + Wives in Key West are stifled from Brainstorming a Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4... today, this is a hate crime against SWF's by the "White House!"

10-10-2015 One Trillion Security Cameras in London would fail compared to caller ID on the iPhone 7 +++

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!


10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Pink "White House" ending of CBS Nightly News last night and Greg + Wives in Key West are stifled from Brainstorming a Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4... today, this is a hate crime against SWF's by the "White House!"

10-10-2015 By CHOE SANG-HUN NY Times. At a vast, highly choreographed parade through central Pyongyang on Saturday, North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, gave his first public speech in three years to stress his readiness to “fight any form of war” with the United States. 1984 II Dictators paint the "White House Pink" to stress the CIA disinformation, as they have no "readiness to fight the "War on Cancer!" As I wrote yesterday Jimmy Carter lost the "War on Cancer" in 1980 when he took the $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks! This is their Habitat for Humanity in "Our" Universe of Jewish Alien Gems at the Nearest 52 Stars. Jimmy Carter has to have Syphilis in his brain along with Cancer! Grin!


10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: IP invention project for today... Called distributed antenna systems, or D.A.S. for short, these use a fiber connection to bring wireless service from the various network providers directly into buildings. Discrete antennas, each hidden inside a bowl-shape cover about the size of a smoke alarm, are then placed in strategic locations on each floor, distributing the signal throughout the building to eliminate dropped calls, enable faster downloads and ensure consistent coverage. Drone Cell Towers, how about this invention. Fueled by liquid H. Gravity Engine, grin.

10-10-2015 One Trillion Security Cameras in London would fail compared to listening in on a trillion cell calls, grin.

10-10-2015 One million security cameras, London is pioneering a new area of detection, one that could be cheaper than DNA analysis and fingerprinting and relies above all on human superpowers. Scotland Yard’s ever-expanding team of 152 super recognizers is made up of men and women from across the force who score at the top end of a facial recognition test originally devised at Harvard in 2009.

10-10-2015 One Trillion Security Cameras in London would fail compared to listening in on a trillion cell calls, grin. With the new iPhone 7 +++ caller ID that pops up with diseases, crimes, domestic fights, and recorded road rage cell calls to his ex... grin. Video + Audio.


10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: After 75 winners, Nobel Economics Prize still contentious - 1 Trillion 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts + $7 Trillion for the Ultra 100" Apple-Starbucks!


10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Legal Polygamous Marriage for Kidman... Nicole Kidman is recalling the personal turmoil she underwent following her split from first husband Tom Cruise and how she felt the "loneliest" she had ever felt after winning an Oscar. Win-Win for Nicole back then would have been a Legal Polygamous Marriage with Cruise, right? “Love” that was euphoric for Nicole via Tom would have lasted forever in a Legal Polygamous Marriage!

10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: During an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit, Professor Stephen Hawking has said that despite unraveling some of the secrets of the universe, women are the biggest mystery he has faced. The eminent theoretical physicist has been married and divorced ...

10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:


10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Laser Guidance on the Jimmy Carter 1980 Model EWC compared to the Laser Guidance on the 2015 EWT.. Anna Pump, Chef and Author Famed for Hamptons Store, Dies at 81. By BRUCE WEBER NY Times Trained by James Beard, Ms. Pump, in 1980, opened Loaves & Fishes, devoted to simple, well-prepared (and often pricey) fare. She died after being struck by a pickup truck.


10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: driver of the pickup was identified by the police as Luis Ortega, 40. He was charged with driving without a license, failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk and disabling a court-ordered interlock device on his truck that is meant to prevent drunken driving. 1984 II Society with Ortega... Georgia Cooks... Deaths in giving Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize is that Cooks in Georgia have Syphilis, statistics are classified, like gun deaths, an average of 92 every day in America. Since 1970 from yesterday's NICHOLAS KRISTOF at the NY Times. Most are murder-suicide's in domestic fights. Traffic statistics are "Classified" our only way to find out how many Ortega's killed a SWF is from the New York Times, wow!

10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:

10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected... !!!

10-10-2015 One Trillion Security Cameras in London would fail compared to caller ID on the iPhone 7 +++

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!


Deaths in giving Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize is that Cooks in Georgia have Syphilis, not worms! Murder-Suicide in domestic fights is half the 93 shootings a day in the USA.

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected... Pancreatic, Brain + Breast Cancer, 100 Hillary's will have their "Breast" chopped off by a surgeon Today...

10-9-2015 Stats on Pancreatic, Brain + Breast Cancer on the front page of the New York Times! IP with links on the New York Time's web page! Steve Job's Movie rated R, Job's II Movie Rated MD.

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected, What needs to be dissected is Job's diagnosis and treatments spelled out. Laws that will save others from Job's fate. What needs to be dissected is Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure by Christmas 2015 lost by Jimmy Carter in 1980. What needs to be dissected is Brain + Breast Cancer's poison gasoline exhaust and the $777 Trillion from BP Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2015. John Lennon Would Have Been 75 Today: Steve Jobs would be alive Today... if 1984 III MD Dictators won over Jimmy Carter in 1980 with the Electric Windmill Ford Escort.

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Steve Jobs $7 Trillion of the $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues for the Ultra 100" LG Apple-Starbucks Store School Yale Los Alamos University 1 Click Amazon Rx Recipe Secrets is a Rx for 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year for our Habitat for Humanity! Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure by Christmas 2015. Review: the Job's Movie didn't open in Key West at the Tropic Cinema today... Sorry the 1984 II woman would say. I say to her it's a War Crime, grin!

10-9-2015 We first meet Jobs (Mr. Fassbender) in Cupertino, Calif., in 1984, as he prepares to show the world the first Macintosh personal computer. Five years later, having been forced out of Apple, he is in San Francisco to introduce NeXT, an expensive computer aimed at the educational market. Finally, having returned to Apple, he rolls out the iMac... NEXT, Steve Jobs gets $7 Trillion of the $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues for the Ultra 100" LG Apple-Starbucks Store School Yale Los Alamos University 1 Click Amazon Rx Recipe Secrets is a Rx for 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year for our Habitat for Humanity! Steve Jobs finally wins everything over Bill Gates and Microsoft... Steve will get off on this one!!

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected...

10-9-2015 When it comes to his daughter Lisa (played successively, and beautifully, by Makenzie Moss, Ripley Sobo and Perla Haney-Jardine), he tries at first to deny his paternity altogether. Lisa’s mother, Chrisann Brennan (Katherine Waterston), is portrayed as needy and unstable, while Lisa herself is, so to speak, an apple that fell close to the paternal tree. She is not in the movie to humanize him — Jobs’s wife and other children are not in the movie at all — but rather to help us measure, by means of a dramatically necessary shorthand, just how complicated he is. Lunch Meat conversations between Steve + his wife are not in the Movie. “Steve Jobs” is rated R (Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian). MD rated movie on Steve Jobs will come out next...


10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected - 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat these MD women as our 1984 III Dictators will have dissection for High School Kids, and our current 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis in their brains will be dissected. How could they give so many so many terrible diseases + "Oil Wars"? Diesel must be in their brains along with Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS Virus, Greed $$$ 10 cent a gallon gasoline would have won the war in 1980 with Jimmy Carter!

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected...

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review:


10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected... Hillary had her hand chopped off, 100 Hillary's will have their "Breast" chopped off by a surgeon Today... why would any 1984 II woman vote for Hillary?

Hillary had her hand chopped off on her last visit to Saudi Arabia. Statistics from the NY Times about 93 shootings a day, half murder-suicide. Wait until the 1984 III NY Times prints the statistics on how many SWF had their hand chopped off in Saudi Arabia from 1980 to 2015.

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!
10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - India has demanded answers from Saudi Arabia after a maid there reportedly had her hand chopped off while trying to escape being harassed by her employer.

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etathe What Obama and our 1984 II Dictators call patience looks to many critics like paralysis. MD Rx is 10 cent a gallon gasoline to win the war in Syria, Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Hillary had her hand chopped off on her last visit to Saudi Arabia.

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - India has demanded answers from Saudi Arabia after a maid there reportedly had her hand chopped off while trying to escape being harassed by her employer.


10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Mohamed Bouazizi, set himself on fire on Dec. 17, 2010. Tunisia won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday “for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011.” The prize was awarded nearly five years after he set himself on fire!

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected... Nobel Prize in Literature should have gone to Stories of Gas Station Hold Ups in the USA's WW III, American Women Sucker Punched out of spite for BP Oil + our 1984 II Dictators...


10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected... "Svetlana Alexievich, Belarussian Voice of Survivors, Wins Nobel Prize in Literature" The journalist and prose writer is best known for works about female Russian soldiers in World War II. Hell with WW II - WW III gas station hold ups + SWF causalities needs a Nobel Novel.

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected...


10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Hell fiery car crash's will happen Today in LA, Paris, London, Rome, Moscow. Nobel Peace Prize for 10 cent a gallon gasoline and the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort!


10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected...

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Yale Daily News crosscampus@yaledailynews.com Today's news about... MIT’s 2018 Class Council is hosting a unique event on campus tonight, inviting the sophomore classes of MIT and Harvard to mingle at a mixer. We hope this doesn’t lead to brainstorming as no MD students have been invited so any brainstorming accidents, "serendipity" there will not be a Doctor in the House, grin. A twenty-nine-year-old male was shot in the chest while sitting in a parked car on Chapel Street last night. According to the New Haven Police Department, the homicide occurred just west of the Ella T. Grasso Boulevard.Emergency responders were dispatched to the scene at 7:40 p.m. The male, identified by police as Antwan Heath, was pronounced dead at Yale-New Haven Hospital at 8:09 p.m. The black suspects remain at large and are considered armed and dangerous, police said. This is one of 93 Shooting Deaths that happened yesterday. Yale Daily News needs to write up all 93 in one days edition of the Campus Paper! With an IP invention project and links to get you brainstorming. Beat Harvard at this one IP.

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1 am Today - Arizona University Shooting Leaves 1 Dead, 3 Wounded.

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 155 Story Titanium Yale Key West Medical School with NASA space suits and Ford Assembly lines for surgery. KB Medical's AQrate Robotic Spinal Surgery System Used for First Time. KB Medical, a Swiss firm, has announced that its AQrate robotic system has been used in a lumbar fusion procedure at the Neurosurgery. Neurosurgery Department of Hôpital du Valais in Sion, Switzerland. Four pedicle screws were implanted via a minimally invasive posterior approach procedure. The robot was used to plan the operation, guide the positioning of instruments, and create holes for placing the screws. The system helps to work within densely packed and fragile tissue, offering a steady hand that the surgeon can use to move within challenging anatomy. The company believes its technology will improve spinal surgeries by offering high levels of accuracy. Discovery Channel has had several shows about the spin off's of the Ford Model T assembly lines but the next one on the Yale Key West Surgery + Dentures Assembly lines will be state of the arts with everyone in a NASA designer space suit, grin.

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat iPhone 7 +++ built of Titanium too!

10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


10-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Review: ‘Steve Jobs,’ Apple’s Visionary C.E.O. Dissected...

Hillary had her hand chopped off on her last visit to Saudi Arabia. Statistics from the NY Times about 93 shootings a day, half murder-suicide. Wait until the 1984 III NY Times prints the statistics on how many SWF had their hand chopped off in Saudi Arabia from 1980 to 2015.

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!


10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Nobel Prize in Literature on Today awarded... Svetlana Alexievich, for Interviews with hundreds of women war causalities in USA Gas Station Hold Ups between 1980 to 2015, hundreds of USA SWF's sucker punched out of spite for BP Oil + 1984 II Dictators!

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Svetlana Alexievich, a Belarussian journalist and prose writer, won the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday “for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time + space, 1984 II Era of Dictators with Syphilis in their Frontal Lobes... Svetlana Alexievich II, will win a Nobel for Interviews with women given Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS Virus, Hepatitis... NY Times Headlines today... No New Ebola Cases Were Reported in the Past Week, Health Agency Says!


10-8-2015 Yale Daily News Today... "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and "Inception" under the stars. Just make sure that you don't take Ferris Bueller's message to heart if you have a midterm tomorrow. Yale yesterday 50 students visited the Yale Daily News crosscampus@yaledailynews.com at 202 York and included us in their celebration of Simchat Torah. 52 Nearest Stars take on a New Reality for Judaism! Genesis! Judaism Nobel Prize for Inventing a way to Hear + See Jewish Alien Gems at Nearby Stars! To Hell with NASA selling their SOUL for $777 Trillion in BP Oil kickback. Jewish Alien Gems are at Nearby Stars! Finally Yale will rewrite its textbooks on line that "Faster than the Speed of Light" in sending a satellite signal is possible and there will be 1 click Amazon links with this IP invention project to help you get started inventingsomething! Fast!! Grin. "Studies in Grand Strategy" 52 Nearest Stars on a YouTube Video...

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "New Shingles Vaccine May Offer Improved Protection" By Nicholas Bakalar NY Times Nobel for the New York Times when Nicholas has a MD and writes the Vaccine stories with the Rx Recipes the new one used and the old one used so we the reader-inventor can brainstorm the Futuristic Vaccine Recipe in our frontal lobes... grin! "New Shingles Vaccine May Offer Improved Protection" By Nicholas Bakalar NY Times In a large randomized trial, researchers have found that a newly developed shingles vaccine is about twice as effective as the one currently in use. Researchers studied the vaccine, not yet approved for general use, in more than 15,000 people whose average age was 62. Half the group received two doses of the vaccine, the other half got placebo shots. The study, paid for by GlaxoSmithKline, is published in The New England Journal of Medicine. The currently used vaccine, Zostavax, made by Merck & Co., is 70 percent effective in people 50 to 59, 64 percent in those 60 to 69 and only 38 percent effective in those 70 and older. Los Alamos super computer simulations on the 70% and 64% is needed, really!


4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Ambition to be our 1984 III Dictators as the story below on the baby who died from a visit to the Petting Zoo with no "Tech" instructing the Moms on "Infection Control" the same goings on at Yale Medical School Today. Yes Yale Med is highest in "Infection Control" failures same as petting zoo's in every city + town in the USA Today. "Tech" has to spell out and scream out Don't put your finger in your mouth... to a baby! grin. To a patient at Yale.

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!


10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Toddler Dies From E.Coli After Visiting Oxford County Fair: Is It Safe To Bring Kids To Petting Zoos? Change of clothes, wash hands, don't put fingers in your mouth... long list and Mom has to follow directions for doing everything exactly or the clean clothes get contaminated too... wow!


10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Russia fires a "Trillion" "ICBM's" from 3,000 miles away in Siberia into Syria!

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Russian "ICBM's" 3,000 miles away and most were made in the 1970's... how many are there, about a "Trillion"

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Russian Cruise Missiles Help Syrians Go on the Offensive" By ANNE BARNARD and ANDREW E. KRAMER Russia and Syria unleashed a coordinated assault. Moscow said it had fired 26 cruise missiles at Syrian targets from naval vessels in the Caspian Sea, 900 miles away.

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Russia fires a "Trillion" "ICBM's" from 3,000 miles away in Siberia!


10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Russian "ICBM's" 3,000 miles away and most were made in the 1970's... how many are there, about a "Trillion"

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Trillions of Light Years Away is Flint... Connotations of the word Flint's Eras!


10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 7,000 miles away in Flint. FLINT, MI -- Flint's water crisis is garnering national attention after Lead in Kids on CBS the school nurse telling Mom it's only a few points in his IQ score that dropped because he drank Flint water, it's not the end of the world she said on CBS. CBS Evening News. "It's not safe to drink the water in Flint, Michigan," anchor Scott Pelley said this and other Post Industrial Cities that use to make a Trillion Ford Escort are War Crimes by our 1984 II Dictators with $777 Trillion from Oil Revenues and no Revenues from the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Era as they suppressed it. 1,000 kids have been drinking lead filled water because Flint Mayor wanted to save $15 million he had to pay to Detroit for clean drinking water. At the same time H @ -254 C with liquid Oxygen would have charged the World and Flint. Another War Crime by 1984 II Dictators!


10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Supper table as she said, "Yeezus loves my pussy best... Popey-wopey is on his way over. I think he's stalking me." When asked about the funny coincidence, Madonna says, I have a long relationship with the Pope, with the Vatican, with the Catholic Church, with my excommunication. "Like a Prayer" Pope Francis is "the kind of Pope you could sit down and have a cup of tea with, and/or that you could make a joke about something and he would laugh about it." While the Pope tried to stop her "Blond Ambition Tour" in Rome. "Pope Francis Sets Off Uproar" By PASCALE BONNEFOY NY Times today. Pope defends Bishop who did molest kids and there would be no doubt if Verizon + the NSA CIA made public the cell calls of all the Priest + Bishops, Cardinals world wide. This would save Pope Francis from defending Priest child molesters! A comment by Francis regarding a Chilean bishop accused of being complicit in clerical sexual abuse has raised doubts about the pope’s commitment to protecting victims. Verizon + the NSA CIA protecting the Bishops by not making public the cell recording and video's!! ROME — The Archdiocese of Trento, in northern Italy, has dismissed a local priest who said in a television interview on Tuesday that in many cases of pedophilia the abused child was at fault. “Unfortunately there are children who seek affection because they don’t get it at home,” the priest, the Rev. Gino Flaim, told a reporter for LA7, an Italian channel. “And perhaps if they find some priest, he can succumb.” Pedophilia is, in any case, “a sin, and like all sins has to be accepted,” he said. The archdiocese immediately banned the priest from preaching and revoked his position in a local parish. Father Flaim’s declarations “in no way represent the position” of the archdiocese “and that of the entire ecclesiastical community,” the archdiocese said in a statement published on its web site.


10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Svetlana Alexievich, a Belarussian journalist and prose writer, won the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday “for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time,” the Swedish Academy announced. Interviews with hundreds of women who took part in USA Gas Station Hold Ups between 1980 to 2015, hundreds sucker punched out of spite for BP Oil + 1984 II Dictators! Ms. Alexievich, 67, is the 14th woman to win the literature prize. Sara Danius, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, said she had created “a history of emotions — a history of the soul, if you wish,” in works such as “War’s Unwomanly Face,” a 1988 book based on interviews with hundreds of women who took part.


10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Yale Cross Campus October 8, 2015 Speaking of the Presidency, former President Bill Clinton LAW '73 spoke candidly about wife Hillary Clinton LAW '73 on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Tuesday night. He commented on the 2016 presidential candidate's recent appearance as Val the bartender on Saturday Night Live: "Made me want to take a drink with her." Debate Season. While husband Bill makes more casual talk show appearances, Hillary gears up for the Democratic debate on Tuesday, where she'll take the stage alongside a Yale alum. Anderson Cooper '89 will be moderating the debate. In a Huffington Post interview, Cooper said that while her was still unsure whether Vice President Joe Biden would attend, he is prepared in the event that he does. You Missed It. The accelerated application deadline for Goldman Sachs was yesterday. But it's still not too late to get your networking in. GS is holding an "Investment Management 101" session at 6:30 p.m. at The Study Hotel. Alternatively, if you're into another kind of GS entirely, the course "Studies in Grand Strategy" is accepting applications until Nov. 1. Dramat Goes Dark. The Yale Dramatic Association's first show of the year opens tonight. Dramat presents "Mr. Burns, a post-electric play" — a dark comedy exploring a post-apocalyptic world — at the Iseman Theater on Chapel Street at 8 p.m. Smooth Criminal. If you missed the free food during Founders Day festivities yesterday, Lassi Bar — Yale's newest student entrepreneurship venture — will be giving out free samples of their signature South Asian smoothies from 12 p.m. on Cross Campus. The tasting, hosted by Lassi Bar owner Mustafa Malik '16, will last until 2 p.m.

Six Feet Under the Stars. Bring a picnic blanket to the Silliman Courtyard at 6:30 p.m. to take a break from studying and watch "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and "Inception" under the stars. Just make sure that you don't take Ferris Bueller's message to heart if you have a midterm tomorrow.

10-8-2015 Yale Daily News Today... "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and "Inception" under the stars. Just make sure that you don't take Ferris Bueller's message to heart if you have a midterm tomorrow. Yale yesterday 50 students visited the Yale Daily News crosscampus@yaledailynews.com at 202 York and included us in their celebration of Simchat Torah. 52 Nearest Stars take on a New Reality for Judaism! Genesis! Judaism Nobel Prize for Inventing a way to Hear + See Jewish Alien Gems at Nearby Stars! To Hell with NASA selling their SOUL for $777 Trillion in BP Oil kickback. Jewish Alien Gems are at Nearby Stars! Finally Yale will rewrite its textbooks on line that "Faster than the Speed of Light" in sending a satellite signal is possible and there will be 1 click Amazon links with this IP invention project to help you get started inventingsomething! Fast!! Grin.

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


10-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!

52 Nearest Stars take on a New Reality for Judaism! Genesis! Judaism Nobel Prize for Inventing a way to Hear + See Jewish Alien Gems at Nearby Stars! To Hell with NASA selling their SOUL for $777 Trillion in BP Oil kickback. Jewish Alien Gems are at Nearby Stars!

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan - 10 cent a gallon gasoline could win the war Tomorrow! Doctors Without Borders have know this before they opened their first hospital in Afghanistan. Is this a Geneva War Crime Too... Hell Yes!


10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Nobel Prize in "Traffic Control" Awarded to driver who ran a red light at 108th Street...

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Nobel Prize in "Traffic Control" Awarded to "Inventor" who puts an END to driver's who run a red lights at 108th Street... NYC.

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Nobel Prize in "Traffic Control" Awarded to "Inventor" who puts an END to... Murder-Suicide in domestic fights is half the 93 shootings a day in the USA. How could any 1984 II woman vote for Hillary?


10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat cellular mechanism that repairs damaged DNA from 1 Trillion Scooters on Duval Key West - Spray Painted Clouds of Burning Oil damage the DNA of Trillions of Grand kids who's DNA is dividing 1 Billion times a day and is "Damaged" by Diesel - gasoline exhaust!

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded to Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar for DNA Studies" By WILLIAM J. BROAD. NY Times Tomas Lindahl, Paul L. Modrich and Aziz Sancar were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry on Wednesday for having mapped and explained how the cell repairs its DNA and safeguards its genetic information.

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Central Park on Tuesday to celebrate John Lennon’s 75th birthday. The group, which included Lennon’s widow, Yoko Ono, attempted to set a Guinness World Record for the largest human peace sign but missed it by several thousand people.


10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Nobel Prize in "Traffic Control" Awarded to "Inventor" who puts an END to driver's who run a red lights at 108th Street... NYC.

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Dr. Lindahl, of the Francis Crick Institute in London, was honored for his discoveries on base excision repair — the cellular mechanism that repairs damaged DNA during the cell cycle. Dr. Modrich, of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Chevy Chase, Md., and Duke University Medical Center, was recognized for showing how cells correct errors that occur when DNA is replicated during cell division. Dr. Sancar, of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, was cited for mapping the mechanism cells use to repair ultraviolet damage to DNA.

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Nobel Prize in "Traffic Control" Awarded to driver who ran a red light at 108th Street...


10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Nobel for Laser Guidance on a F-35 given to 1 Trillion 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts... No Head On Collisions!! By ASHLEY SOUTHALL A woman was killed and her 2-year-old niece was critically injured on Tuesday when a sport utility vehicle crashed into a car and drove up onto a sidewalk in Queens, the authorities said.

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Nobel Prize in "Traffic Control" Awarded to ... The crash happened around 5:53 p.m. in the Richmond Hill area and involved a white S.U.V. and a black Kia, the police and fire officials said. The S.U.V. was traveling west on Atlantic Avenue when the driver ran a red light at 108th Street, the police said. The Kia struck the S.U.V. as it passed through the intersection, officials said. The impact of the crash sent the S.U.V. careering onto the sidewalk, where it struck the girl, her 48-year-old mother and her 52-year-old aunt, the police said. The three pedestrians and the drivers of both vehicles were taken to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, where the girl’s aunt was pronounced dead, the police said. The girl was in critical condition and her mother was in stable condition on Tuesday night, the police said. The driver of the S.U.V., a 43-year-old woman, and driver of the Kia, a 23-year-old woman, were both in stable condition, the police said.

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Nobel Prize in "Traffic Control" Awarded to...

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Doctors Without Borders Calls for Inquiry Into Afghanistan Hospital Attack" By NICK CUMMING-BRUCE NY Times.


10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Doctors Without 1.001 Nobel's in Medicine IP invention projects spelled out with 1 Click Amazon links Calls for Inquiry Into... 1984 II Dictators Syphilis in the Brain, grin.

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "BBC Casts Doubt on Claims of "Priest Pedophile Ring" Pope Francis could make the front page of the NY Times by naming all the names like the Pakistan story below... cover up by Bishops, Cardinals, Hillary too!


10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "BBC Casts Doubt on Claims of British Pedophile Ring" There is of course no shortage of sordid tales that have proved true: Jimmy Savile, the veteran entertainer and BBC star who was friendly with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Prince Charles, used his celebrity to gain access to young women and men and children in hospitals, schools, care homes and his television dressing room for as long as four decades. His crimes were covered up and his victims ignored. He died in 2011, one year before the police identified him as a prolific sexual predator. Another prominent case involved a Liberal member of Parliament, Cyril Smith, who reportedly abused boys in a care home in his constituency. He, too, died before an investigation could be concluded. Indeed, the revelation only last year that 1,400 girls, some as young as 11, were raped, mostly by Pakistani men, from 1997 to 2013 in the northern city of Rotherham while the authorities looked away showed that until recently the police here have sometimes done more to undermine victims than to go after their abusers. The BBC investigation suggests that the pendulum might now have swung too far the other way.

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "BBC Casts Doubt on Claims of British Pedophile Ring" By KATRIN BENNHOLD NY Times The BBC says many of the claims made by a central witness in the case cannot be confirmed with public records. 1984 II Pedophile Alumni at Oxford, Yale, Harvard, Yale Law thanks to Hillary. Tim Cook + Elton John know who the richest Pedophile's are...


Bush has to know who the Saudi Arabia Pedophile's are...

Hemingway probably knew who the Paris Pedophile's were...

Queen Elizabeth II knows who all the London Pedophile's are...


10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat OJ to be released from Prison, 6K OJ Clones to be released by Obama without body cameras and iPhone 6s +++ dash cam's. Thank God Verizon is recording all their cell calls, grin. NSA, CIA, "U.S. to Release 6,000 Inmates From Prisons" By MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT NY Times. CIA statistics will rocket for crimes against women in this group of men. Even Bush can do this simple math. 1984 II women must not have any faith in Hillary to save their life!! From 6K OJ clones.


52 Nearest Stars take on a New Reality for Judaism! Genesis!

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Simchat Torah. At 10 p.m. last night, close to 50 students visited the Yale Daily News crosscampus@yaledailynews.com at 202 York and included us in their celebration of Simchat Torah — a holiday celebrating the Jewish people receiving the Torah. Visit again: We're here for production five nights a week. Simchat Torah - the Torah scrolls are taken out of the ark and read at night. In the morning, the last parashah of Deuteronomy and the first parashah of Genesis are read in the synagogue. On each occasion, when the ark is opened, the worshippers leave their seats to dance and sing with the Torah scrolls in a joyous celebration that can last for several hours. In Judaism, the theological importance of Genesis centers on the covenants linking God to his chosen people and the people to the Promised Land. 52 Nearest Stars take on a New Reality for Judaism!


10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Yale research PHD's didn't take the kids to the ICU or Surgery or even a walk through the Yale Medical School in this study. Kids may not be able to keep their hands out of the cookie jar, even if they know the treat is bad for them, according to a new study. Yale Research released by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at the University of Connecticut found that children can accurately assess food products’ healthfulness, but often choose to ignore that information, instead making selections based on flavor. Researchers created a virtual grocery store for children aged seven to 12 to use. The store included both healthy and unhealthy items, and children were asked to rate the health benefits of each food item before putting it into their cart. Although children accurately rated the healthfulness of each item, the biggest factor in their selections was perceived tastiness of product. Not what happens when it hits your pancreases... etc. Junk food, on the other hand, is designed to be extremely palatable, incorporating large amounts of fat, salt and sugar to create products that appeal to a majority of people, she said. Hell not even Steve Jobs with all his computers has a simulation of fat, salt, and sugar in anatomy + physiology. An expert in DNA repair says the amount of damage caused to our DNA each day is astounding - an estimated 50,000 lesions per cell, per day. Did Yale show the kids this DNA damage... Hell no!

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Apple Has BIG Plans For 2016's iPhone 7... “Kaymak's iPhone 7 concept features an aluminum unibody that lacks plastic antenna lines. The video also suggests the phone would not need a physical SIM card - instead, the connectivity would be handled by the device itself.”

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Apple Has BIG Plans For 2016's iPhone 7... “Greg's iPhone 7 concept features USB 3 + C connectors. Caller ID id's Diseased Men with Syphilis, STD's MS Virus... records all calls + has a 911 conference call option. Video and audio at the "Bar" captures Cosby Clones drugging her drink at the bar... grin. Dash Cam feature can zoom in on license plate at 100 mph a mile ahead both directions... audio can capture any and all sounds 100 yards from the iPhone 7. Wifi Calls with no Verizon or AT&T cell signals. Hack into all Wifi passwords to connect to all Wifi's. Waterproof and it floats. GPS locator on a key ring and beeper when lost. GPS location of all your friends on your home screen all the time.

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Jobs died October 5, 2011, at the age of 56 of respiratory arrest following a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Hospital Ventilators are used in ICU's... Death Bed Scene was not in the Job's Movie I saw last week. 4 MD Wives as the 1984 III Dictators would have put this in, for all the worlds Medical Students. Kids wanting to be a MD. Dr. Nancy + Dr. Katrina's dads took the girls into the Hospital's ICU + Surgery at 5. Seem the girls did ok... grin.


10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Rx Perfume Bartenders... Coors, Budweiser, Wine's, Irish Whiskey all a Rx Perfume at the "Bar" same; "Cloned" effects as Coors, Budweiser, Wine's, Whiskey and Vodka for the Russians. Now Putin can win a Nobel by mobilizing scientists to this IP invention project, grin! Spin off inventions for Rx Perfume's for sugar + chocolates from Geneva.

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Bartenders will serve you Rx Perfumed... Coors, Budweiser, Wine's, Irish Whiskey spin off of Vapor's. Electronic Cigarettes, now Electronic Wine's, Coors, Budweiser's, Whiskey, Vodka for the Russians!! No side effects are listed on the package... as there will be no side effects!! Not for this futuristic Nobel.

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-6-2015 Death's in giving Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize!!

10-6-2015 Death's in giving Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize!!


10-6-2015 Death's in giving Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize!! By JANE PERLEZ - Deaths from Malaria caused by yesterdays Nobel to Tu... via No Rx Overnight Cure for Malaria just like No Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Stage 4... Dr. Tu never called Los Alamos, so no Rx Overnight Cure for Malaria!! Nobel Prize winners don't even try in the "Din" of their brainstorming to get the Rx Overnight Cure! Why... is because our 1984 II Dictators have Syphilis in the Brain! And give the Orders on what to "Brainstorm!"

10-6-2015 Dr. Tu was awarded the prize, shared with two other scientists, on Monday for the discovery of a drug that is now part of standard regimens to fight malaria.

10-6-2015 Death's in giving Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize!! By JANE PERLEZ - Deaths from Malaria caused by yesterdays Nobel to Tu... via No Rx Overnight Cure for Malaria just like No Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Stage 4...


10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Nobel in Physics awarded for... discovering Neutrinos have mass!! Takaaki Kajita of the University of Tokyo and Arthur B. McDonald of Queen’s University in Canada were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics on Tuesday for discovering that the ghostly, elusive subatomic particles known as neutrinos have mass.

10-6-2015 Jewish Alien Gems also can be captured by a uniquely sensitive new detector... that will be one of my favorite IP when the 1984 II Dictators make contact, grin!
Gregs 2007 web

10-6-2015 Jewish Alien Gems also can be captured by a uniquely sensitive new detector... that will be one of my favorite IP when the 1984 II Dictators make contact, grin!


10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat neutrinos had been captured by a uniquely sensitive new detector 6,800 feet below ground, at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, which is part of Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. The scientists showed that neutrinos, which are found in three “flavors,” could oscillate from one flavor to another, demonstrating that they do not lack mass. The universe is swamped in neutrinos that are left over from the Big Bang, and many more are created in nuclear reactions on earth and in the thermonuclear reactions that power the sun.

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "A Dark Vision From French Intellectuals" By CELESTINE BOHLEN NY Times A few philosopher-pundits have taken center stage in France’s political debate, arguing that the country is in danger of losing its soul. French government owned "Total Oil" company SOLD it Soul for $777 Trillion, but don't feel sorry or say "Sorry" as Jimmy Carter started this idea of selling your soul for $777 Trillion in 1980 with the invention of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. More Japanese Admirals will hang in Tokyo for this than did in WW II in Japan. Sorry for Yoko as John Lennon will divorce her in Hell. Would John Lennon have sold his soul for $777 Trillion in BP Oil money... Hell No!! We Won't Go!!


10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "A Dark Vision From French Intellectuals" By CELESTINE BOHLEN NY Times. Paris 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower "Yale Paris Medical School" sold to UAE Dubai as a Office Skyscraper built by French Intellectuals. Worse is McCain building the JFK $10 Trillion dollar super Carrier Fleet, which can be melted down thank God.

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


Deaths in giving Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize is that Cooks in Georgia have Syphilis, not worms! Murder-Suicide in domestic fights is half the 93 shootings a day in the USA.

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!

10-6-2015 getting on the No. 2 or 3 express train at Wall Street - the MacBook Air Ride express train to 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year. No, it's only a futuristic IP Train like the Train to Key West by Oil Man Flagler. No Oil men will not build the MacBook Air Ride Subway... Sorry! They sold their soul to Wall Street $$$.

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat I get on the No. 2 or 3 express train at Wall Street every day and head to Pennsylvania Station, and one day, a couple of business types got on at Fulton Street, their wrinkled dress shirts stretched over protruding bellies, drinking unidentifiable beer out of plastic cups, clearly sloshed at only a few minutes past 5. I struggled to retain my composure as the men talked lewdly and loudly, making the kind of “adjustments” to their lower region that a person should really do at home. Finally as the train approached 34th Street, I scoffed and rolled my eyes behind my Ray-Bans, pushing past them to make my connection. I sat down still aggravated when an elderly gentleman with a cane walked onto the L.I.R.R. Great Neck line, looking for a seat. No one bothered to get up or help him in any way, so I asked him if he wanted to sit in the seat next to me. His face lit up as he comfortably settled in with his Wheel of Fortune-themed word search game, remarking on how the sun was coming back out and just how lovely that was. I smiled. It was almost my time to get off the train when the man proceeded to take out an individually wrapped Nips caramel candy from his pocket and placed it in my hand. “Sweets for a sweet,” he said as I gathered my things. “Thank you again for the seat.” On the rare occasion, New York will give even the jaded native, like myself, exactly what she needs — a glimmer of positivity in an otherwise aggravating situation. And I’m happy to be here — most of the time. O.K., only sometimes. But on that day, I was.


10-6-2015 getting on the No. 2 or 3 express train at Wall Street - the MacBook Air Ride express train to 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year. No, it's only a futuristic IP Train like the Train to Key West by Oil Man Flagler. No Oil men will not build the MacBook Air Ride Subway... Sorry! They sold their soul to Wall Street $$$.

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Nobel for the Diesel Engine... VW Chief Says Automaker Will Scale Back Amid Diesel Emissions Crisis. Nobel Chief said Diesel Holocaust II can be put off until next years Nobel's!


10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "1984" Mirror with Laser Guidance is here for our 1984 III MD Women Dictators, grin... Seasoned primary care physicians often have an uncanny ability to notice symptoms by simply looking at their patients. Skin tone, heart rate, and body temperature are some of the signals that clinicians pick up on, and so a consortium of EU researchers has been working on mimicking this ability using a camera, sensors, and other technologies, as well as harnessing the results to provide health guidance to the user. The team has developed a prototype device called a Wize Mirror, which looks like a mirror that can display images within itself. It’s designed to eventually replace the mirror in your bathroom, helping you keep to keep an eye on yourself day to day and help spot signs of cardio-metabolic diseases. There is a 3D scanning camera that notices changes to the structure of the skin, a camera that detects heart rate and hemoglobin levels, and facial recognition software identifies how stressed or calm you are. There is also a gas analyzer that will tell you if you’ve been drinking or need to think about quitting smoking. The researchers published an article in journal Biosystems Engineering about the Wize Mirror and plan on initiating trials in Europe to identify the benefits of the device. Here’s a introductory video to the Wize Mirror project:


10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Jobs died October 5, 2011, at the age of 56 of respiratory arrest following a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Rx Perfume's will take the place of Bartenders... once our 1984 II Dictators let Greg + Wives work 24/7. This should get us a 4-way Nobel in Medicine... grin!

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "3 Scientists Win Nobel Prize in Medicine for Parasite-Fighting Therapies" By LAWRENCE K. ALTMANOCT New York Times. They revolutionized the treatment of some of the most devastating parasitic diseases. FBI women can revolutionize Stage 4 Rx Overnight Cure and win a Nobel for it's "Revolution!".

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a Nobel Prize given to Jimmy Carter!!

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in giving Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize!! Holocaust II Poison Gasoline Exhaust on Duval Key West, Children at Saint Jude will testify against Carter!


Death in giving Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize is that Cooks in Georgia have Syphilis, statistics are classified, like gun deaths, an average of 92 every day in America. Since 1970 from yesterday's NICHOLAS KRISTOF at the NY Times. Most are murder-suicide's in domestic fights. MD Women crucial to its vision for the future Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas 2015.

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in 1984 II Nobel Society passing "Fad" giving + getting the Nobel, C grade winners. Worst when we get 1,001 Nobels or even 101 Nobel's a year in Medicine... William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura won for developing a new drug, Avermectin, which has radically lowered the incidence of river blindness and lymphatic filariasis, or elephantiasis. They shared the prize with Youyou Tu, who discovered Artemisinin, a drug that has significantly reduced death rates from malaria.

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in giving someone Malaria or Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis, MS Virus...


10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in giving Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize!! Does Georgia have more Syphilis or elephantiasis... "Loser" killed his English Teacher at the community college. Does Georgia have a Hemingway House Writing Class with MacBook Pro's @ $8K and Ultra LG 100" monitors... Jimmy Carter has $600 million in the bank, not to bank winners!! Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in giving Jimmy Carter a Nobel Peace Prize!! So there is death, and many dead litter Georgia from giving Jimmy Carter the Nobel Peace Prize. Jimmy Carter could have used his $600 million to build a 155 Story Eiffel Tower Medical School. Hell Steve Jobs had $600 Billion and never had sex with a women MD, grin.


10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Divorce Ends in an Explosion "I always told you, ‘I will leave the house only if I am dead,'" Dr. Nicholas Bartha, 66, wrote in an email to his ex-wife, Cordula Hahn, referring to the fact that he was being compelled under their divorce agreement to sell the house at 34 East 62nd Street in Manhattan and share the proceeds with her. He was critically injured in the explosion that leveled the house, and later died. Ten firefighters and five passers-by were injured. While he was not formally accused of tampering with the gas line and causing the blast, Dr. Bartha was the prime suspect nonetheless. Gas Explosions That Have Rocked New York City Calling for an investigation of gas-related explosions in the wake of the deadly blast in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo cited a "disturbing trend." But the perils of natural gas are nothing new in a city that depends on it for heating and cooking. Here are some other incidents of the last 20 years. 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort when Jimmy Carter was president, Hell of gas explosions in NYC were all created by Jimmy Carter suppressing the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. A War Crime! Jimmy drove by many fiery car wrecks without stopping to help on his way to get some worms!


10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat crucial to its vision for the future, Georgia Russia Plantation Owners learning were and what the Pancreas does... Steve Jobs at Stanford didn't know what the Pancreases does and were the Hell it was. Death of Education in the USA is real even though Hillary will lie and give it an A + grade we know Hillary lies more than Bill... Yale Law School should be demolished and a Yale Med School built there like the UN in NYC should be demolished and a 155 Story Yale Med School built there!!


10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Plains Georgia Baptists Church + Pope Francis said the Cardinals + Bishops should not just talk but try to hear what God wanted for the Church of 1.2 billion members... God's best invention is Women's Inspiration and 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out with 1 Click links you can click on to get started inventing. Pope Francis should spend his $777 Trillion in the Vatican Bank on 100" LG Ultra Monitors and Macbook Pro's in every Catholic Church world wide for use by 1.2 Billion Catholics 24/7. Every Baptists Church will have to get the $600 million from Jimmy Carter as he will take it with him... ha.


10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 46 billion light years because the universe is expanding all of the time, 1984 II will expand to 1984 III - Observable Universe expands from Jimmy Carter's worms to Syphilis, STD's in Georgia and the domestic murder-suicides of closer to home goings-on in Georgia. Homeland Security blood test every time Jimmy took a plane to find more worms expands to all world wide. International Airports, every airport is a International One, grin. Intergalactic Airports, and Gravity Engines, Jewish Alien Gems, Pirates in Key West win a Nobel Tomorrow in the NY Times Headlines. Nobel Prize in Medicine for Parasites - Walter Reed Military + VA MD's doing organ transplants on Saudi Kings + Princes, walking by SWF sex slaves and Bush the Pimp... Beau + Teddy Kennedy. Thank . God I meet Teddy Kennedy in 1979 months before I invented the ElectricWindmillFord Escort under FBI surveillance. Jimmy Carter was in this YouTube Video. And got a Nobel Peace Prize for his role. Role Playing by Women as the Goddess of Inspiration. Bobby Fisher searched Google for the 300 best chess games, Microsoft refused to pre-load 300 best inventions in Win 10. All this will come to a END, when 1,001 IP invention projects are on the front page of the New York Times and the Newest Nobel Prize Winner will be Hemingway... Writers at the Hemingway House Writing Class in Key West, futuristic invention project in every chapter. With links you can click on reading the Novel. A photon of light is emitted from... A Pancreas emits what proteins...


10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Universe is about 13.8 billion years old, so any light we see has to have been traveling for 13.8 billion years or less – we call this the 'observable universe'. However, the distance to the edge of the observable universe is about 46 billion light years because the universe is expanding all of the time. Imagine that a photon of light is emitted from a point on the edge of our observable universe. While that photon has been traveling through space, the universe has expanded. We have moved away from the point where the light was emitted, and it has moved away from us! Though the light might have only traveled for 13.8 billion years, the distance from us to the point it came from is, at present, 46 billion light years!

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat New York's Most Populous Borough. Hillary Clinton LAW '73 appeared on SNL over the weekend. Cast member Kate McKinnon portrayed Clinton, while the 2016 presidential candidate played a bartender. Clinton made light of several criticisms she has fielded in her campaign. She jokingly refuted claims that she cannot inspire young voters due to her age, noting that her campaign is headquartered in Brooklyn — the city's hippest borough.

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Bartender" as a out-of-date job. Ice Delivery Man, Good Humor Truck Driver... Lineman for Power + Light. Gas Stations, grin. Rx Perfume's will take the place of Bartenders... once our 1984 II Dictators let Greg + Wives work 24/7.

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Daniela Brighenti & Paddy Gavin |Oct 05, 2015 Yale Staff Reporter & Contributing Reporter Several Yale student-athletes have been diagnosed with MRSA, a strain of staphylococcus infection that has impacted both the baseball and women’s crew teams. A member of the Yale baseball team, who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature of the topic, confirmed to the News that “a few” of his teammates have been infected with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which, according to Richard Martinello, medical director of hospital epidemiology at Yale-New Haven Hospital, has a high resistance to certain antibiotics. A member of one of Yale’s men’s crew teams, who asked to remain anonymous for the same reason, also confirmed that at least one women’s oarsman has developed the infection. Martinello said cases of MRSA are not uncommon among athletes.

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Daniela Brighenti & Paddy Gavin |Oct 05, 2015 Yale Staff Reporter... STD's at Yale + Harvard reported grin... who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature of the topic. Hillary's at Yale Law Health Records leaked, grin. Can you see Bill telling Monica he didn't have any STD's and never had anything...

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Yale Chemistry Department experimented not only with molecules and reactions but also with pedagogical techniques. Yale For the first time, CHEM 220 “Organic Chemistry” “flipped” its class structure: readings and supplementary videos were done at home, while traditional homework was completed in the classroom. But this semester, the department reverted back to a traditional classroom structure — not necessarily because the flipped classroom was a failure, chemistry professor Timothy Newhouse said, but because the department cannot yet tell how the structure affected students’ retention of the course material. Newhouse, who spearheaded the change, explained that the department is waiting for more data to determine the program’s success.

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Yale CHEM 220 at the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University using 100" Ultra LG and $8K MacBook Pro's. In the Yale picture many students have a MacBook but you can't tell if it's a $2K or $8K. No Yale CHEM students have a 100" LG Ultra linked to Los Alamos to write their CHEM iapps and get a super computer H-Bomb simulation with 1,001 CHEM IP invention projects, all futuristic one's!

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat NICHOLAS KRISTOF NY Times A New Way to Tackle Gun Deaths Students of Umpqua Community College attended a vigil after the shooting in Roseburg, Ore., on Thursday. The passivity of politicians has simply enabled mass shootings. It’s time for a new approach to gun violence, 1 Trillion 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts coming off the Ford Assembly lines in the USA... comprehend the scale of the problem: It’s not just occasional mass shootings like the one at an Oregon college on Thursday, but a continuous deluge of gun deaths, an average of 92 every day in America. Since 1970, more Americans have died from guns than died in all U.S. wars going back to the American Revolution. Kristof at the NY Times didn't write about killings over giving someone a SWF Syphilis or STD's. Cook in the news about having Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis, MS Virus - News in the New York Times will have this on the front page along with the diseases Tim Cook has, had. Diseases Trump, Hillary, Bill Clinton, Obama have and have had... Kristof at the NY Times didn't write about killings over giving someone a SWF Syphilis or STD's. It’s time for a new approach to gun violence. And Jimmy Carter is in Africa over Worms when Georgia has the highest rates of people giving Syphilis and STD's to others!


10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Death in a classroom: Death in a classroom: Death in the movies about Mars, After getting stranded on Mars in the new movie "The Martian," Mark Watney—played by Matt Damon—vows to "science the [expletive] out of" ... inventing something. (ElectricWindmillFord Escort) The other Mar's Movie was much better, the one that was hit by a meteorite and the sand took the form of a Alien Goddess who took one of them to live with her and her DNA spun around and around but not in 3D. This new Martian movie with Matt Damon is a C grade movie as the NASA crew want to mutiny but the insider joke is NASA and Alpha Centauri the Nearest Star NASA top brass censored all NY Times Headlines + Movies about Star Travel to Alpha Centauri 4.3 light years for our 1984 II Dictators Wars in Iraq instead of 10 cent gasoline for NASA star travels and trains of space telescopes and space stations. So Matt Damon knows all this 1984 II stuff... in the Martian Movie and sold his soul for $777 Trillion in BP oil Revenues for Movie Actors, grin. Matt Damon's inventions are not real ones but work in Movie Land. Greg + Wives will make a Movie were the inventions are all real... and Jewish Alien Gems are found... invent a way to find Jewish Alien Gems!!


10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Death in a classroom: Death of Marriage...

1 Trillion 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort's coming off the Ford Assembly lines from 1980 to 2015 with 10 cent gas and a futuristic "Gravity Engine" in the works, with a Rx Overnight cure of cancer in 1980 from the Euphoria of the ElectricWindmillFord invention during the Saudi oil embargo... Win! Everyone in the USA would be winners, there would be no losers walking Duval, Mecca would have all the losers the USA has today! This is what the New York Times did to Americans out of spite of the invention of the ElectricWindmillFord.

10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death of Steve Jobs: Movie. Invent the Hell out of the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School Yale University. Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas 2015.


10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Death in a classroom: Death of Marriage... Pope Francis Today on Sunday reaffirmed Catholic opposition to gay marriage as he opened a three-week gathering of bishops from around the world.

10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Death in a classroom: Death of Marriage... Francis drove head-on into the most pressing issue confronting the meeting of 270 bishops during a solemn Mass in St. Peter's Basilica: How to better minister to Catholic families experiencing separation, divorce and other problems when the church's teaching holds that marriage is forever. 4 Trillion years +++ He insisted that the church cannot be "swayed by passing fads or popular opinion." 1984 II Caesar's. Pope Francis knows that the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort has State of the Arts Laser Guidance and there are no Head-On Collisions on the freeways. Pope Francis has a guilty conscience about driving by fiery wrecks too. Vatican Tourists in the hot summer of 2015 left kids in the car to die going to visit the Vatican... Miami many kids died in hot cars in the summer of 2015... NY Times censors these deaths caused by the suppression of the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort.


10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Pope's Forever would be better explained as 4 Trillion Years, grin!

10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 1,001 Invention Projects Spelled out by the Catholic Church for Men + Women who are married to each other and not our 1984 II Dictators who are a passing fad as Caesar.


10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Death in a classroom: Death of Marriage...

10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death... "South Korean Jehovah’s Witnesses Face Stigma of Not Serving in Army" By CHOE SANG-HUN Catholics under Pope Francis have killed + raped 100's of thousands Moslems in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Pope has this on YouTube.


10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... South Korean Jehovah’s Witnesses Face Stigma of Not Serving in Army By CHOE SANG-HUN New York Times South Korea’s imprisoned Jehovah’s Witnesses reportedly account for more than 90 percent of all imprisoned conscientious objectors in the world.

10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Obama's mass shootings of H-Bombs will be North + South Korea. 1984 II Dictators of the USA will use H-Bombs before anyone else on Earth. I'm sure the Rand and CIA think tanks already know this futuristic H-Bomb war... will be started by Mass Shooting of H-Bombs by the USA. It's in the "Cards" as the card game "52 Pick Up of the 52 Nearest Stars was suppressed by these 1984 II Dictators of the USA. They are psychotic as the ordinary mass murderer in the USA.


10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death's of the "Conscientious Objectors" in Korea Jehovah's Witnesses have been killed by Pope Francis and the Pope should make a law saying all Catholics must be "Conscientious Objectors" this does not mean a Catholic can't be Oppenheimer II + III working at Los Alamos on the LG-Bomb lobotomy gas bombs!

10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death's of the "Conscientious Objectors" by Pope Francis, McCain, Kerry, Hillary, Jimmy Carter + Wife. Jewish Alien Gems are undervalued by all these People as their Universe is "Diseased" and the 1984 II Dictators MD's just murdered Beau!


10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Death in a classroom: Death of Marriage...

10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Pope Francis Synod of bishops, in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Sunday, Oct. 4, 2015. VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis judged by God will be Hell... Sorry as the 1984 women say to Greg in Key West. Sorry is how Mandy Miles in Key West starts her Tan Lines article in the Citizen Newspaper today. She is putting up a shelf with her loving husband not talking about DNA. Sorry Mandy but I think you and Stan should be talking about DNA, not putting up another shelf... Sorry! Who Should Have Access to DNA Evidence? By EMILY BAZELON NYT Joseph Buffey pleaded guilty to rape, even though there was forensic evidence showing he didn’t commit the crime. Should prosecutors have been required to share it with him? 1,001 IP for DNA II with 1 Click Amazon links and real DNA II discoveries in the Amazon Jungle's!


10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Mandy Miles also wrote up the closing of... Chico’s FAS, which also operates Black House/White Market boutiques and Soma Intimates, announced in February its plans to close 120 “underperforming stores” by 2017 and open only 40 new locations this year. The company also eliminated 240 corporate management positions from its Fort Myers headquarters, according to reports in the Fort Myers News-Press, which reported that “75 of the eliminated corporate positions were already open, equating to 165 layoffs” at the headquarters. The store closures and corporate cuts were expected to save the company nearly $100 million this year, with $38 million coming from the job cuts, the News-Press reported. “Retailers are trying to navigate this whole shift to online,” Susan Anderson, a financial specialist and Chico’s analyst, said in February. “They’re realizing they don’t need as many stores as they used to. I think they’re trying to figure out the right mix.” It was not known as of Friday what business would replace Chico’s in the 400 Duval St. location. mmiles@keysnews.com

10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Chico's at 400 Duval St with Ultra 100" monitors 4K high end women's ware would be impressive as high end women are on Duval, grin. No women ordering from Chico's online have a Ultra 100" or even a Ultra 60." In the store window! Apple-Starbucks with 100" Ultra monitors in all the Windows of the Store will bankrupt Win 10... grin.


10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat NICHOLAS KRISTOF NY Times A New Way to Tackle Gun Deaths Students of Umpqua Community College attended a vigil after the shooting in Roseburg, Ore., on Thursday. The passivity of politicians has simply enabled mass shootings. It’s time for a new approach to gun violence, 1 Trillion 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts coming off the Ford Assembly lines in the USA... comprehend the scale of the problem: It’s not just occasional mass shootings like the one at an Oregon college on Thursday, but a continuous deluge of gun deaths, an average of 92 every day in America. Since 1970, more Americans have died from guns than died in all U.S. wars going back to the American Revolution. Kristof at the NY Times didn't write about killings over giving someone a SWF Syphilis or STD's. Cook in the news about having Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis, MS Virus - News in the New York Times will have this on the front page along with the diseases Tim Cook has, had. Diseases Trump, Hillary, Bill Clinton, Obama have and have had... Kristof at the NY Times didn't write about killings over giving someone a SWF Syphilis or STD's. It’s time for a new approach to gun violence. And Jimmy Carter is in Africa over Worms when Georgia has the highest rates of people giving Syphilis and STD's to others!


10-4-2015 Comprehend the scale of 1 Trillion 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort's coming off the Ford Assembly lines from 1980 to 2015 with 10 cent gas and a futuristic "Gravity Engine" in the works, with a Rx Overnight cure of cancer in 1980 from the Euphoria of the ElectricWindmillFord invention during the Saudi oil embargo... Win! Everyone in the USA would be winners, there would be no losers walking Duval, Mecca would have all the losers the USA has today! This is what the New York Times did to Americans out of spite of the invention of the ElectricWindmillFord.

10-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Death in a classroom: Death of Marriage...


Cook in the news about having Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis, MS Virus - News in the New York Times will have this on the front page along with the diseases Tim Cook has, had. Diseases Trump, Hillary, Bill Clinton, Obama have and have had...

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Oregon shooter targeted his English class... Death in a classroom: Death in a classroom:


10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Death in a classroom: Classrooms have the best chance as the Ultra Apple-Starbuck Store School Yale Classroom; University. Imagine taking 100 Yale classes in Apple Computer Science with 4k Ultra 100" monitors in microbiology, Anatomy + Physiology and having Amazon 1 Click links to Rx Recipes that are all top secret today. GE is Hell on Earth. Movie "Steve Jobs: Man in the Machine" Jobs is pictured a few times giving IBM the finger, grin. IBM went for Los Alamos and Steve Jobs would today go for the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School Yale University Classrooms with Ultra 4K Apple Computer Science, Microbiology, Anatomy + Physiology. In the Movie Steve Jobs at Stanford Graduation told the graduating student he didn't even know what the Pancreas did or were it was. This is why the gunman killed 9 in his English Class as there was no Hemingway House Writing Class were 9 kids at a community college on a Apple MacBook Pro costing $8K + iapps or in a Apple-Starbucks can write a Nobel Novel by midnight and work 24/7 like Jobs did. "Orwell's" book "Down and Out In Paris" because the Elite Rich didn't put $7 Trillion into the Ultra Apple-Starbucks, grin! In the Movie all the talk was Jobs working 24/7. Hell the Classrooms in the USA don't work 5 Percent of 24/7. And assembly line workers on the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort will work 24/7. Greg + Wives in Key West will work 24/7 when the 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis and STD's make contact, grin! Death in a classroom: Death in a classroom: Death in a classroom:


10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Nine people were killed and at least 10 injured by a gunman at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., on Thursday. The gunman was later killed in a shootout with police.

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Yale Flounders Day at Yale Campus on Oct. 7, should Target the Hemingway House Writing Class on Apple iapps and $8K MacBook Pro's that lets 100 or 9 write on the same page and put a invention, futuristic serendipity invention project in every chapter on a MacBook Pro!

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 20th day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook. Microsoft should be replaced by the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University with 100" Ultra monitors + MacBook Pro's.

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat serendipity plays in discoveries, which some Nobel Prize winners have acknowledged in their acceptance speeches.

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat All Nobel Winners should write 1,001 IP Invention Projects List and add 1 Click links to get us started inventingsomething!

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat IBM Watson HQ Nobel Winners here can write in the Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel about using Top Quarks + Gluon Force after they get the Atom mastered... exotic semiconductor material that has long held great promise but has also proved maddeningly difficult for scientists to work with. Single-wall carbon nanotubes are strawlike structures that are a composed of a one-atom thick matrix of carbon atoms rolled into an infinitesimally small tube. Some 1984 II person should email IBM that Top Quarks are next... IBM scientists reported that they now believe they see a path around the wall. Writing in the journal Science, a team at the company’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center. IBM Scientists writing in the Hemingway House Writing Class A Nobel Novel with a IBM invention project in every chapter and finished by midnight!


10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Britain: Only 5 Percent of Russian Air strikes Targeting IS. Only 5 Percent of "Classrooms" are teaching kids to build the "Gravity Engine" and get the Rx Overnight cure for stage 4 by Christmas.

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom:

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: 1701 Yale Founders Day will be celebrated at Yale on October 7, 2015 this year. Time for a 155 Story Yale Med School.


10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Boeing knows how to make planes. China needs to learn... GE jet engines don't use H @ -254 C but poison gasoline jet fuel for many decades now. Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., 1984 II Dictators fail to let the NY Times publish the story as the shooter was the son of a GE Executive and GE is part of out $777 Trillion dollar Holocaust II Era! GE fraud goes much higher in wind turbines and solar panels. H @ -254 C had been know by GE to replace all these and be state of the arts. GE has also know State of the Arts Classrooms have the best chance as the Ultra Apple-Starbuck Store School Yale Classroom; University. Image taking 100 Yale classes in Apple Computer Science with 4k Ultra 100" in microbiology, Anatomy + Physiology and having Amazon 1 Click links to Rx Recipes that are all top secret today. GE is Hell on Earth. Movie "Steve Jobs: Man in the Machine" Jobs is pictured a few times giving IBM the finger, grin. IBM went for Los Alamos and Steve Jobs would today go for the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School Yale University Classrooms with Ultra 4K Apple Computer Science, Microbiology, Anatomy + Physiology. In the Movie Steve Jobs at Stanford Graduation told the graduating student he didn't even know what the Pancreas did or were it was. This is why the gunman killed 9 in his English Class as there was no Hemingway House Writing Class were 9 kids at a community college on a Apple iapps or in a Apple-Starbucks can write a Nobel Novel by midnight and work 24/7 like Jobs did. In the Movie all the talk was working 24/7. Hell the Classrooms in the USA don't work 5 Percent of 24/7. And assembly line workers on the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort will work 24/7. Greg + Wives in Key West will work 24/7 when the 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis and STD's make contact, grin!


10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom:

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Gunman, describing his life like a deck of cards stacked against him. "52 Nearest Stars Card Game"

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Astronaut, describing his life like a deck of cards stacked against him.

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: "52 Pick Up Card Game of the 52 Nearest Stars" every little thing the 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis Stifle + Suppress... as this Card and Computer Game is really a Cosmo 101 Classroom: "52 Pick Up Card Game of the 52 Nearest Stars" and when played on a IBM Los Alamos Super Computer in 3D and 4K Ultra it makes you want to find all the Jewish Gems in the nearby 52 Stars for real. Not just a game!

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: typewritten manifesto at the scene and a string of online postings that showed he had become increasingly interested in other high-profile shootings, angry at not having a girlfriend and bitter at a world that he believed was working against him. It said he enjoyed horror movies, and under hobbies, it listed “killing zombies” along with the “Internet” and other pursuits. In Note Left Behind, Gunman ‘Did Not Like His Lot in Life,’ Officials Say By DIRK VANDERHART, RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT Investigators said they had found a typed statement several pages long, written by the gunman, describing his life like a deck of cards stacked against him.


10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Death in a classroom: Mr. Harper-Mercer appeared to have a particular animus against organized religion, and some survivors’ families have said he asked the victims whether they were Christians before shooting them. Just this week, on Tuesday, using the handle lithium_love, he commented on a post titled “How many girlfriends have you had?” by saying “0. Never had anyone.” When pressed further by another user, he responded “Well, it means I’ve never been with anyone, no woman nor man (nor dog or animal or any other).” Then, on Wednesday, responding to a comment that he “must be saving himself for someone special,” he said, “Involuntarily so.” It was a day before the killings. “He did not like his lot in life, and it seemed like nothing was going right for him,” a law enforcement official said, describing the writings found at the crime scene. “It’s clear he was in a very bad state of mind.”

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat The Folly of Big Science Awards... The Folly of Nobel Prize Awards in a 1984 II Dictator Society... the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine will go to a few scientists for work that untangles the intricacies of the human body and may advance treatments for cancer, heart disease or other major illnesses...


10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Researchers analyzed the citations that led to Dr. Allison’s drug and concluded that it relied on work conducted by 7,000 scientists at 5,700 institutions over a hundred-year period. Yet only he was recognized.

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat serendipity plays in discoveries, which some Nobel Prize winners have acknowledged in their acceptance speeches.

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat perfecting serendipity at Los Alamos getting all of Oppenheimer's thoughts and crunching every know invention that the inventor said serendipity happened and putting this in a classroom exam all computer science students at the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School Yale Classroom must write a Apple program on to run your serendipity idea or to search for serendipity... don't try Google to search for serendipity!! Los Alamos serendipity program on a IBM super computer will get us Alien Gems! All the winners of this year’s Nobel Prizes deserve praise. But the most advancement for 1984 II Society will come by running all the 2015 Nobel winner through Los Alamos H-Bomb Programmer, guys who will destroy the Earth who don't have syphilis in their frontal lobes just a government job. Though they do take time out to write a few more pages in Mr. Buell's Wind Car secret file... ha. I have page 17, they the guys at Los Alamos must be on page 17,000 Today. Interesting reading it they dissect Greg's Serendipity in super computer iapps.

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat serendipity plays in discoveries, which some Nobel Prize winners have acknowledged in their acceptance speeches.

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat All Nobel Winners should write 1,001 IP Invention Projects List and add 1 Click links to get us started inventingsomething!

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat First Draft: Hillary Clinton Says Coal Company’s Bankruptcy Plan Hurts Miners - Miners Coal, working on a Ford Assembly line will want to be back riding the Coal Trains. Grin.

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Firefighters’ Union Backs Away From Endorsement of Hillary Clinton" By NOAM SCHEIBER and AMY CHOZICK NY Times The International Association of Fire Fighters was influenced by the possible Democratic candidacy of Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., as well as rank-and-file members’ discomfort with Mrs. Clinton.

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Firefighters’ Union Backs Away From Endorsement of Hillary Clinton" Fire Fighters Back 1,001 Invention Projects as Fire Dept Training on the job waiting for a call.... Hemingway House Writing Class at the Fire Station House too...

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Hillary Clinton on N.R.A.’s Hold Over Republicans: ‘It Is Sickening’ By NICK MADIGAN A day after the deadly shootings in Oregon, Hillary Rodham Clinton used a campaign appearance Friday to attack the National Rifle Association and Republican members of Congress who she said did the group’s bidding.

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat $1 Trillion dollar Yale Law School Suit against the National Rifle Association would eventually bankrupt them... like Clinton said of Coal. Not the same thing Hillary!

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.



10-2-2015 Yale iPhone 6s +++ Body Cam's worn by all MD's... October 9, 1701 Yale Founders Day will be celebrated at Yale on October 7, 2015 this year. Time for a 155 Story Yale Med School. In 2001 the ElectricWindmillFord should have been given to all graduating at Yale as a bonus for not suppressing the 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort.


10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Russians have poured tanks, aircraft and other heavy weapons into Syria. It makes sense to assume the worst, given Mr. Putin’s behavior. New York Times Editorial "Russia’s Dangerous Escalation in Syria" New York Times Editorial should have been about $777 Trillion Dollars in Oil Revenues spent on MIT War Toys $$$. MIT Medical School built on a Eiffel Tower Structure Titanium is a real Coup D'Etat.

10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Mr. Putin may have the initiative now, but the risks for Russia, whose economy is suffering from Ukraine-related sanctions and falling oil prices, are real.


10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat New York Times Coup D'Etat before the Russians + Americans along with BP Oil spend $777 Trillion on fleets of JFK carriers and F-35 Fighter Jets. MIT War Toys profits are more profitable than Apple, grin $$$. MIT Medical School built on a Eiffel Tower Structure Titanium is more real than the NY Times about Putin running out of money from falling oil prices when he has $777 Trillion in a Swiss Bank, same Swiss Bank Hitler used. As for Jewish Alien Gems, this has to be a covert CIA mission for now. Finding Jewish Alien Gems!!

10-2-2015 Mass shootings a list... 19K SWF killed in 2015 mostly by drunk men!

10-2-2015 Mass shootings a list... "Benjamin Netanyahu, at U.N., Continues to Condemn Iran Nuclear Deal" By RICK GLADSTONE and JODI RUDOREN New York Times failed to report Mass Shooting of H-Bombs in 2016 by drunk 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis in their frontal lobes and no Oppenheimer II or III for the LG-Bombs!


10-2-2015 Mass shootings a list... INGLIS, Fla. — A man in north Florida fatally shot two people, including his estranged wife. Authorities entered the home and found Patricia Tyson, whose age was unknown, dead on the ground floor, Tummond said. They found the gunman, identified as her estranged husband, 57-year-old Walter Tyson, dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. iPhone 6s +++ dash cam would have called 911 before he started the car.

10-2-2015 A list... of 1,001 Invention Projects for Obama as he needs a cure for the Syphilis in his brain and stop him from giving Syphilis in the Brain to others... iPhone 6s +++ Dash Cam mandatory on all cars in 2015 would have caught the shooter loading the guns into his car!

10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Yale Campus Daily News posted this... Brain power. President Obama's BRAIN Initiative — a $300 million investment to advance neurotechnology — awarded two Yale Medical School professors $5 million. Radiology professor Todd Constable and neurobiology professor Michael Crair will use the funds to develop methods for neuron activity research. Yale Campus News needs to get a story about Oppenheimer II + III getting the Rx Memory Recipe for total recall, this will be brain power and give Yale One Memorable Win over Harvard to write about. Stay safe. Yale Police Chief Ronnell Higgins sent a campus wide email last night informing the community of a theft that occurred in the Science Park are at around 8 p.m. Thursday. An undergraduate student was approached by four individuals who robbed him of his bicycle and backpack. If the 4 were wearing "BODY CAM'S" this Yale Campus hold up would have been prevented... futuristic Yale Campus Novel for a student at the Hemingway House Writing Class Today!!


10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat mass shootings, a list that runs from Columbine High School in 1999 to Virginia Tech in 2007 to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., where 20 children were killed in 2012. President Obama, in an impassioned appearance at the White House, said that grief was not enough, and he implored Americans, “whether they are Democrats or Republicans or independents,” to consider their representatives’ stance on gun control when they voted and to decide “whether this cause of continuing death for innocent people should be a relevant factor.”

10-2-2015 Mass shootings a list... 19K SWF killed in 2015 mostly by drunk men!


10-2-2015 Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., 1984 II Dictators fail to let the NY Times publish the story as the shooter was the son of a GE Executive and GE is part of out $777 Trillion dollar Holocaust II Era! iPhone 6s +++ dash cam would have caught the GE kid driving to the school...

10-2-2015 Mass shootings a list... Obama Condemns ‘Routine’ of Mass Shootings By GARDINER HARRIS and MICHAEL D. SHEAR New York Times. During a televised statement, President Obama lashed out at those who oppose gun limits by saying that their answer to such tragedies is more guns, not fewer.


10-2-2015 A list... of 1,001 Invention Projects for Obama as he needs a cure for the Syphilis in his brain and stop him from giving Syphilis in the Brain to others... iPhone 6s +++ Dash Cam mandatory on all cars in 2015 would have caught the shooter loading the guns into his car!

10-2-2015 A list... of 1,001 Invention Projects...

10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1 invention project of mine will be a Boeing 747 with liquid H + O flying into orbit to replace this Atlas Rocket. The towering 195-foot-tall Atlas 5's Russian-built RD-180 first-stage engine thundered to life with a rush of fiery exhaust at 6:28 a.m. EDT (GMT-4), followed an instant later by ignition of two solid-fuel strap on boosters. It was the 57th launch of an Atlas 5 since the rocket's maiden flight in 2002 and ULA's 100th flight since the company, a partnership between Boeing and Lockheed Martin, was formed in 2006 to market Delta boosters and Atlas 5s. Atlas 5 quickly climbed away from launch complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, knifing through low clouds as it accelerated on 1.6 million pounds of thrust. Gravity Engine Invention will help get cargo trains into space too.

10-2-2015 Mass shootings a list... INGLIS, Fla. — A man in north Florida fatally shot two people, including his estranged wife. Authorities entered the home and found Patricia Tyson, whose age was unknown, dead on the ground floor, Tummond said. They found the gunman, identified as her estranged husband, 57-year-old Walter Tyson, dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.


10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Chris Harper Mercer, the man identified as the gunman in the deadly rampage at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., on Thursday, was a withdrawn young man who neighbors said wore the same outfit every day — combat boots, green Army pants and a white T-shirt. I just looked at his picture he looks like a half white OJ. Oregon shooter said to have singled out Christians for killing, new reports say he told a Christian you will meet God now and killed her. So I would guess he was Moslem but the news story didn't say. Obama never mention he was half black.

10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat The infected cooling towers in Morris Park — on buildings including the Bronx Psychiatric Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine facilities — were discovered after inspectors tested 35 towers in the area this past weekend. the city found this week that bacteria had regrown in at least 15 towers that had been cleaned recently in the Morris Park section of the Bronx. The testing occurred after a fresh outbreak in that area that has killed one person and sickened at least 12, and spurred an order from health officials for the towers to be disinfected again. One Dead in New Bronx Outbreak of Legionnaires’ DiseaseSEPT. 30, 2015 Jason Davis from Metro Group cleaned the cooling tower on top of a Manhattan apartment building on West 12th Street on Friday. Order to Clean Towers Strains Crews Amid Legionnaires’ Outbreak in Bronx AUG. 16, 2015 Building owners have complained about the costs of the mandatory cleanings. Disinfection specialists said the bacteria’s quick return was not surprising because the bacteria thrives in warmer weather, and supported the notion that the cleanings were only a short-term fix.


10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat... cleanings were only a short-term fix. By BENJAMIN MUELLER at the NY Times needs a long time fix in writing, as this is 1,001 Invention Projects a lot of New Yorkers in the corner office reading this story would have designed a new cooling tower by lunch today if By BENJAMIN MUELLER at the NYT would have put a link to the engineering of all 15 Cooling Towers. I have no way of looking up the 15 cooling towers. Do a Google search of this engineering and you will get nothing. This is why we need to reinvent Google Search too. Another NYT story for By BENJAMIN MUELLER... maybe not I think Trump just fired By BENJAMIN MUELLER.


10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat F.B.I. Chief Says Politics Won’t Interfere With Inquiry on Hillary Clinton’s Email but $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues will... grin. I had to give the FBI $777 Trillion dollars to talk about today. As they will never look up 15 cooling towers design and prevent them for NYC.

10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Yale needs some 1984 II + III cameras watching the MD... read this. Skip Thurman, a spokesperson for DaVita, told the News the company strongly disagrees with Mahnensmith’s allegations. "Med school prof denies assault charges" Sara Seymour Staff Reporter Yale Daily News Former Yale nephrologist Rex Mahnensmith MED ’77 is counter-suing the seven plaintiffs who filed a February federal lawsuit against him for sexual assault and sex discrimination. Mahnensmith is also suing the clinic in which the alleged harassment took place. Six women and one man filed lawsuits against Mahnensmith, Yale University and DVA Renal Healthcare, Inc. — a subsidiary of DaVita HealthCare Partners, Inc. “When Dr. Mahnensmith’s conduct was brought to our leadership’s attention, we acted swiftly in conducting a thorough investigation,” Thurman wrote in an email to the News. “We determined it was important for us to remove Mahnensmith as medical director. The safety and health of our patients and teammates is a primary focus.” In the original lawsuit, the plaintiffs alleged that on two occasions, Mahnensmith thrust his pelvis in a sexual manner against the chair a female plaintiff was sitting in. The male plaintiff offered Mahnensmith a seat, but he did not sit down, the original lawsuit said. “Dr. Mahnensmith replied with a smirk, ‘I’m not finished yet,’ and continued to sexually gratify himself until announcing to the group that he was finished,” the complaint read. But Mahnensmith denied these allegations in his counterclaim, stating that he was simply doing exercises to reduce the pain caused by his degenerative spine disease, right leg sciatica and osteoarthritis. Mahnensmith’s lawyer compared accusations lobbied against his client to events in “The Crucible,” a play about the Salem Witch Trials. “[Mahnensmith] says he didn’t do it, they say he did,” Mitchell said. “Why people get together and do this, I don’t know, but hopefully we’ll find that out in the course of developing the facts behind the case.” Other allegations, including claims Mahnensmith touched a female plaintiff inappropriately on other occasions, made sexual comments and created a hostile work environment were dismissed by Mahnensmith as fabrications or easily explainable misunderstandings. He described these allegations as examples of the “collective torment” he was subjected to by the plaintiffs and part of a larger plan to remove him as the director of the clinic. Jennifer Zito, who represents six of the seven plaintiffs, denied all of Mahnensmith’s claims. “Dr. Mahnensmith’s allegations against the individual plaintiffs I represent are baseless and incredulous,” Zito said in an email to the News. “The allegation that [seven] plaintiffs each individually, each for their own personal reasons, just fabricated accusations of sexual harassment defies common sense.” The plaintiffs of the original lawsuit are also suing Yale for inadequately supervising Mahnensmith, alleging that the University’s failure to act appropriately in this case falls into a broader pattern of unresponsiveness in the face of sexual misconduct allegations against faculty members. Yale spokeswoman Karen Peart declined to comment on the countersuit and whether Mahnensmith was under any supervision at the clinic. Peart said the University cannot discuss the lawsuit as it is currently in litigation and the details of Yale’s arrangement with DaVita are issues relevant to the suit. Mahnensmith has been in full-time clinical practice and various teaching positions since 1984.


10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Yale 1984 II Body Cam's worn by all MD's... October 9, 1701 Yale Founders Day will be celebrated at Yale on October 7, 2015 this year. Time for a 155 Story Yale Med School. 2001 the ElectricWindmillFord should have been given to all graduating at Yale as a bonus for not suppressing the 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort.


Yale 1984 II Body Cam's worn by all MD's...

10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Key West Citizen Newspaper today crime report this guy from China was in a hurry to get back to his hotel. He ran the Sheriff off the road. GRIN... Arrest Date: 10/01/2015 Time: 09:53 CAD #: MCSO15CAD139398 Offense #: MCSO15OFF006140 Name: HUANG, SHAN DoB:08/06/1981 Age:34 Sex:M Race:A Address: 81 WAKESONG ST RM 101 CELL 10 BLD, BEIJING, China. Occupation: None Arrest Location: US1 32MM, BIG PINE KEY Arresting Officer/Agency: TRULLENDER, KIM - MCSO\ROAD PATROL Charges: 1 Unknown Count(s) of 316.192.1 - - RECKLESS DRIVING

10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Johns Hopkins University scientists begin shipping a two-story-tall microwave telescope to its base in Chile. The telescope is designed to detect subtle patterns in the cosmic microwave background. By sea, highway, and dirt road, the telescope parts will take a six-week trek to an elevation of about 17,000 feet in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile.

10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Stupid or John Hopkins University has to follow orders from the Boss 1984 II Dictators. As a Space Telescope Train of 100's of "Cars" would make for a Better State of the Arts Laser Guided Telescope from John Hopkins... A + grade too! Charles L. Bennett http://physics-astronomy.jhu.edu/directory/charles-l-bennett/, professor of physics and astronomy and Johns Hopkins Gilman Scholar, is the project leader.

10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1 invention project of mine will be a Boeing 747 with liquid H + O flying into orbit to replace this Atlas Rocket. The towering 195-foot-tall Atlas 5's Russian-built RD-180 first-stage engine thundered to life with a rush of fiery exhaust at 6:28 a.m. EDT (GMT-4), followed an instant later by ignition of two solid-fuel strap on boosters. It was the 57th launch of an Atlas 5 since the rocket's maiden flight in 2002 and ULA's 100th flight since the company, a partnership between Boeing and Lockheed Martin, was formed in 2006 to market Delta boosters and Atlas 5s. Atlas 5 quickly climbed away from launch complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, knifing through low clouds as it accelerated on 1.6 million pounds of thrust. Gravity Engine Invention will help get cargo trains into space too.

10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


10-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Putin's air strikes in Syria targeted CIA backed Rebels. CBS This Morning just said Putin said Syrian DNA is in Russians. So you can read into this comment Putin wants the Nobel for DNA II Discoveries! Greg + Wives in Key West want the Rx Miracle Overnight Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas 2015. CIA DNA in Jewish Alien Gems is Top Secret. "Russia Said to Carry Out 30 Air strikes in Syria on 2nd Day of Raids". New York Times - 19 minutes ago. Russia has not been in a "War" since 1947 when it bombed Libya with the British to secure the Oil Fields for BP Oil CBS This Morning America said. Steve Jobs I movie starts tomorrow in Key West at the Tropic Cinema. Steve Jobs MD II Documentary will be mandatory for all Yale Medical School students next year, grin! Movie made for Yale Medical School Students, not a Sony made movie for the Pentagon, ha! New credit cards chip aims to protect consumers, banks! Hell all you need is a visible camera with sign take off your hood + look into the camera every time you use your debit or credit card, and show the camera your id if needed. "New York Police Will Document Virtually All Instances of Force" By AL BAKER and J. DAVID GOODMANOCT NY Times. This story will have police check box 2 or box 5 at the end of the shift not use the iPhone 6s +++ to record all audio and video. Sorry, as the 1984 II women always say to Greg in our Orwellian Society were the cameras really should be out in public. Dash Cam's iPhone 6s +++ with audio + video road rage tickets as mandatory on all 2015 cars + trucks would have changed Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity in better ways than his trip to Nepal Next Month will change Nepal.


Tim Cook + Greg in Key West didn't meet in secret with Pope Francis, only Kim Davis did. Is Pope Francis ready to pressure our 1984 II dictators to make public Legal Polygamous Marriage on the front page of the NY Times?

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!


10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Jeremy Corbyn, Labour Party Leader, Says He’d Never Use Nuclear Weapons" By STEVEN ERLANGER NY Times. USA will use H-Bombs again before any other nation does as our 1984 II Dictators have syphilis! Millions More Need H.I.V. Treatment, W.H.O. Says By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. The new recommendations from the World Health Organization... WHO never makes the NY Times Headlines about Millions More infected with Syphilis by 1984 II Dictators.

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1984 II Dictators with syphilis will be the next to use H-Bombs to protect their $777 Trillion in gas station hold ups in Swiss Banks, same Swiss Banks Hitler used... grin. Yes " grin" as we know the "Secret Recipes" the CIA + Pentagon Generals went to in the first place since 1980 with Jimmy Carter to get $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues. There will not be a death bed "confession" I held up the USA gas stations and sucker punched the SWF by Jimmy Carter. I drove by 100's of fiery wrecks and didn't stop to help... I gave the housekeepers syphilis!


10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Legal Polygamous Party could cure any and every virus...

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat single test could detect almost any virus...

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat ViroCap - has been shown in patient samples to detect viruses not found by standard testing. The test sequences and detects viruses with the same sensitivity as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests,

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Boston Scientific just unveiled its Captivator EMR device for use in endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) procedures. An option over esophagectomies, EMR offers staging and removal of cancerous and pre-cancerous tissue due to Barrett’s Esophagus with the patient free to go home the same day. Captivator-EMRThe Captivator EMR was designed for work within the upper GI tract, featuring a 360° peripheral view of the working area.


10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 360° peripheral view, Google Street View II. Google Glasses + futuristic Body Camera required by all, all the time... iPhone 6s ++++ is the best thing to be the futuristic "Body Camera" for everyone all the time. Dash Cam's iPhone 6s +++ with audio + video road rage tickets as mandatory on all 2015 cars + trucks would have changed Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity in better ways than his trip to Nepal Next Month will change Nepal.

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Obama ordered the assignation of Pope Francis if he meet in Public with Kim Davis... Pope Francis arrived last week at the Vatican Embassy in Washington, where he met privately with Kim Davis and her husband. Pope Francis’ meeting with Kim Davis cheered conservatives troubled by his words on poverty, the environment and immigration, and dismayed liberals who said it negated much of the good will he had built up on his trip. After a busy morning addressing a joint meeting of Congress and mingling with the homeless at an outdoor lunch, Pope Francis decamped to the heavily barricaded Vatican Embassy in Washington last Thursday for what Vatican officials billed as a brief afternoon siesta before his flight to New York, the second leg of his American trip. But the 78-year-old pope did more than nap that afternoon. He made time for a private meeting in the embassy with Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who has been claimed as a hero by religious conservatives for choosing to go to jail rather than issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Francis gave Ms. Davis and her husband, Joe, two rosaries, embraced her and told her to “stay strong” Pope Francis fears our 1984 II Dictators more than he has a fear of God. Sorry, the 1984 II women always say to me!!

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat “Conscientious objection is a right that is a part of every human right,” Pope Francis said but not in the USA as you have to go along with the Saudi King Sex Slaves + not letting women drive a 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort... and Combat Murderers of Wifes, Hell Caroline Kennedy didn't say a thing about Robert Kennedy's murder of Mary Kennedy, and torture of her for years. Why? Because there is no Conscientious Objectors" in the USA. Vietnam Vets tracked down and murdered all Conscientious Objectors from the Vietnam Era with $777 Trillion in gas station hold up money to get the job done, grin! Really this is true! Banana Public Dictators are not the only ones who murdered 100's of thousands of their citizens over the politics of war.

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat The pope’s meeting with Ms. Davis appears to have been carefully planned.

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat The pope’s NOT meeting with Greg + Wives in Key West appears to have been carefully planned as Bush masterminded his "Combat Wounded Warrior" Stalker on Greg's Birthday. This was carefully planned by Bush, Key West Vietnam Vets, Iraq Oil War $$$ Vets and 1984 II Top Brass who have more money from Mecca than the Pope. One reason Pope Francis didn't meet with Greg is $777 Trillion!


10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat By SYDNEY EMBER NY Times Gloria Allred, who represents more than 20 of Mr. Cosby’s accusers, said it was too late for the women to take legal action because the statute of limitations had expired. Gloria Allred will not say how many women Cosby gave Syphilis, STD... to. Why? Do the 1984 II Observers know this?

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 18th day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook.


9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Saudis Face Mounting Pressure Over Civilian Deaths in Yemen Conflict New York Times. $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudis for a Fleet of 155 Story Yale Key West Medical Schools built on a Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure, and Jewish Alien Brainstorming Gems King Salman would have a heart attack over buying for USA SWF who are NOT his Moslem sex slaves! SWF Slaves of $777 Trillion.


9-30-2015 Mother Throws Newborn to Death From 7th-Floor Window in Bronx!!

9-30-2015 What the Hell does this Woman have to with King Salman and $777 Trillion dollars... Everything!!

9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Mother Throws Newborn to Death From 7th-Floor Window in Bronx By RICK ROJAS and ELI ROSENBERG NY Times. What the Hell does this Woman have to with King Salman and $777 Trillion dollars from gas station hold ups in the Bronx... you do the math because Bush Failed this women and 100's of millions of other SWF in the USA.


9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Warrior Open. Beginning today, former President George W. Bush Yale '68 will host a two-day golf tournament in Irving, Texas. Day one of the event solely to military personnel wounded since Sept. 11, 2001. Wives killed by troops coming home - "Combat Murdered Wives" license plates like the "Breast Cancer" license plates.

"Combat Murdered Wives" license plates like the "Breast Cancer" license plates.


Combat Wounded Warrior 1984 II Stalker on Greg's BDay hiding behind cam's!!

9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Hillary Clinton to Propose Scrapping Health Law’s ‘Cadillac Tax’ By MAGGIE HABERMAN NY Times. Propose to Yale they shut down the Hillary Law School and give the Law Campus to the Yale Medical School. Doctors Cadillac does not have the same social connotations as the Yale Lawyers Cadillacs.


9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Swiss Roche pharmaceutical firm!. When Benjamin Roin, assistant professor of technological innovation, entrepreneurship, and strategic management at M.I.T., he discovered that drug companies discard many potentially good ideas because they’re unpatentable. CIA Disinformation by MIT. Rx Miracle Godsend Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer would put Roche out of Business!! BP Oil has infected Roche since 1980 - Plague of BP oil has suppressed the Rx Overnight Miracle cure for brain and breast cancer since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort... Jimmy Carter on his death bed will confess up to this war crime!

9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat iPhone 6s ++++ for Nursing Homes and Medicare Cops... WASHINGTON — Nursing homes receive far more in Medicare payments than it costs them to provide care, exploiting the billing system in some cases by giving patients more therapy services than they need, federal investigators said in a new report. By ROBERT PEAR NY Times.


9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "John Kerry Rushes In Where Obama Will Not Tread" By PETER BAKER The idea that solving the crisis in Syria, or any diplomatic dilemma, may be elusive, perhaps even impossible, is no deterrent to Secretary of State John Kerry.

9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat LT. GEN. ROBERT L. CASLEN JR., the superintendent at West Point, who said the academy now has to weigh the costs and benefits of mandatory boxing instruction. LT. GEN. ROBERT L. CASLEN JR. MD with this rank at West Point he can get into Los Alamos and run a Super Computer to crunch 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine - one for concussions! Mandatory visit to Los Alamos for West Point Generals is a real point as West Point is Out-Of-Date! Cost + benefits of Jewish Alien Gems, Cadets out in the real world running into Cosby with Syphilis not knowing because Tim Cook suppressed the caller ID technology on the iPhone 6 +++ and dash cam road rage ticket. Cadets will be told by the Generals to drive by the fiery wreck as this was made Law by Bush.

LT. GEN. ROBERT L. CASLEN JR. MD with this rank at West Point he can get into Los Alamos...


Mandatory visit to Los Alamos for West Point Generals is a real point as West Point is Out-Of-Date!


9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "The Martian" features many real-life technologies being developed to help put boots on the Red Planet, but the sleek spacesuits showcased in the upcoming sci-fi film were pretty much invented out of whole cloth. Janty Yates, the costume designer for "The Martian," originally looked for inspiration to NASA's prototype Z1 and Z2 spacesuits. She worked with NASA officials and engineers, whom she described as "bend-over-backwards helpful." But in the end, she and her team came up with something new for the main spacesuit in "The Martian," which hit theaters Friday (Oct. 2) across the United States.

9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat State of the Arts Mars Space Suits would have made last weeks Everest Movie much better too. Grin. Yale Key West Medical School Space Suit for MD + Patients will take more inventions than this Mars one though. You better get started working on this as the 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis will make contact with Greg in Key West soon, I hope!!

9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Apple an estimated $236 to make and assemble its new iPhone 6s Plus, roughly one-third the $749 retail price of the Smartphones, according to a teardown analysis. Invention Project here for sure.

9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Turf War. The debate over whether to replace the grass at the Yale Bowl with Astroturf continues with a study released by EHHI, a North Haven nonprofit, detailing the harmful effects of carcinogens in Astroturf. If the Yale Medical School Professors run the carcinogens on a Los Alamos Super Computer simulation with kids DNA and DNA II futuristic discoveries of childhood cancers and birth defects the Yale Bowl will get a new 155 Story Yale Medical School built over it, grin. Win for Yale Med is light years + faster than light win for our Habitat of Humanity and Yale is not Jimmy Carters Peanut Plantation... grin! Oxford is out of date not Yale.

9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 17th day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook.

9-30-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Obama and Mr. Putin, their personal "antipathy" was clear... no Jewish Alien Brainstorming Gems at the UN! UN after we make contact with Jewish Aliens...

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Obama and Mr. Putin, offered no Rx Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer + Brain Cancer - prescription for how the Syrian political crisis might be resolved. Nor did Mr. Putin indicate that the Russian military would force him to make Polygamous Marriage Legal in Russia to spit on Obama's Legal Gay Marriage! Obama's wholesale abandonment of God's best invention, Women, + their Inspiration! Sick, might be caused by Syphilis in the brain...


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat $777 Trillion dollars "antipathy" and it's clear 10 cent gasoline from 1980 to 2015 would have prevented 9/11 + given our Habitat for Humanity the 2015 Electric Windmill Ford Escort with a "Gravity Engine" option, no head on collisions, no falling asleep driving! 24/7 AC...


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat VW exhaust is a real Holocaust II that Bush, Yale, Harvard, Oxford and Combat Wounded Warriors can not Obliterate!

Rage between Obama + Putin is over "Women!" Putin with 4 Wives...

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration!

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Tim Cook + Elton John their 1984 II hate crimes against SWF is clear... Endless violence against SWF, 250K killed in Syria 19K SWF killed in the USA in 2015 and iphone 6s +++ has no SWF life saving recording!! Verizon has StingRay II + III. 2015 Ford's should have iPhone 6s +++ dash cam's that can talk back to you and give you a road rage ticket... Rage between Obama + Putin is over "Women!"


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Mr. Obama said. “But we must recognize that there cannot be, after so much bloodshed, so much carnage, a return to the prewar status quo.” Obama was talking about OJ + Cosby, Grin! Mr. Obama also talked about a “managed transition” in Syria, Syphilis, STD's, HIV, MS Virus... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Cuba put everyone in a "Hospital Prison" to make Cuba HIV free! NY Times Editoral Board refused to make this Cuban Headlines as they all have Syphilis, ha!

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat “deeply insulting.” How would Hillary react to getting "Syphilis, STD's" from a Black Man? Cosby... Hillary has no agenda to get a Rx Overnight cure for STD's, why? How many SWF get Syphilis, STD's from a Black man in 2015? Planned Parenthood to Offer Free STD Testing on National Pink Out Day By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN Fighting back against Republican attacks, Planned Parenthood is offering free testing for sexually transmitted diseases in 28 cities on Tuesday, “National Pink Out Day.”

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat STD free testing every time you go into Pulbix or Whole Foods Grocery Store and catch a plane at the Airport after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 16th day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook.


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Mr. Putin, was openly dismissive of the United States’ interventions in the Middle East. The United States-led effort to oust Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in Libya, he said, had made each country a haven for terrorists. Mr. Putin Hid the MIT War Toys Sales + Profits $$$ figures from the UN. Mr. Putin hid Bush's psychotic killings of every Moslem on Earth but Saudi Arabia ones for 9/11...


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat millions of Syrians have been killed, maimed or forced to flee to Europe, and countries of the region are being further destabilized by the endless violence.


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Tim Cook + Elton John their 1984 II hate crimes against SWF is clear... Endless violence against SWF, 250K killed in Syria 19K SWF killed in the USA in 2015 and iphone 6s +++ has no SWF life saving recording!!

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Covert Electronic Surveillance Prompts Calls for Transparency" By TIMOTHY WILLIAMS NY Times - Four states have passed laws on the use of cellphone surveillance to track suspected criminals with a technology that collects data from all phones in the area. Mary Kennedy and 19K SWF's murdered in 2015 by Mad Men talking about it... and this "StingRay" has been suppressed by our 1984 II Dictators just like they suppress 10 cent a gallon gasoline and gas station hold up headlines!

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat StingRays, one of several brands of such devices, are about the size of a suitcase. They mimic cellphone towers by forcing mobile phones in their vicinity to connect to the device, which allows the police to find the person with the phone. FBI say the devices are critical in locating dangerous criminal suspects. But the devices, which cost as much as $500,000, also collect data from all other cellphones in the area, whether those phones are on or off, without notifying phone users.

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Verizon has a StingRay II + III that could have saved 19K SWF in 2015 so after the 4 MD Wives coup these women will be out for revenge on Verizon's mass murder, driving by 19K fiery car wrecks in 2015 without stopping to help, this is a serious war crime!

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1980 - 2015 and Bush will not do the math as he is trying to sell "Oil" on the front page of the NY Times Today. 19K Drunken Murders of SWF from 1980 to 2015. Bush can do the Math at 20K SWF from 1980... every year is 200K every 10 years... Bush and Yale, Harvard, Oxford promoting Tim Cook + Elton John instead of 4 MD Wives Coup killed more SWF's in the USA than Bush killed in Iraq instead of using 10 cent gasoline. Texas gas station hold ups and fiery wrecks Bush, Yale, Harvard, Oxford and Pope Francis have drive by without stopping to help, this is a War Crime same as the Combat Wounded Warrior stalking Greg on his 68th BDay. VW exhaust is a real Holocaust II that Bush, Yale, Harvard, Oxford and Combat Wounded Warriors can not Obliterate!


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Pope Acknowledges Cover-Ups by Bishops" By JIM YARDLEY NY Times - Hours after meeting with victims in Philadelphia, the pope said that priests who molested children were “sacrilegious,” and he acknowledged that bishops had covered up abuse cases. Alumni of Yale, Harvard, Oxford cover up Tim Cook + Elton John abuse of women and children!

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat futuristic razor shaves your hair with an actual laser, Obama + Putin play Chess like Bobby Fisher collecting 300 Chess games + today 300K inventions to crunch on H-Bomb super computes at Los Alamos + Moscow. Obama + Putin going after Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Overnight Cure or the LG-Bomb... 10 cent gasoline and Both Obama + Putin have $777 Trillion in the same Swiss Banks Hitler used.

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat By DAVE PHILIPPS NY Times The Army surgeon general and the superintendent at West Point discussed withholding concussion data from The New York Times while seeking more favorable accounts elsewhere.


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat By DAVE PHILIPPS NY Times The Army surgeon general withholding $777 Trillion spent on MIT War Toys instead of building fleets of 155 Story Yale Key West Medical Schools on a Titanium Eiffel Tower structure with all MD's + Patients dressed in NASA designer Space Suits. Futuristic Laser Guidance on a Medical School by the USA Army Surgeon General. West Point Cadets will make less money going to school than These Yale Medical Students and 1 Click Amazon links to all Rx Recipes will be a windfall to new Rx's! Despite Concussions, Boxing Is Still Required for Military Cadets. Despite 10 years of the banner 1,001 Invention projects on my Web and a CD. 1,001 Invention projects are not spelled out for West Point Cadets + Generals or Los Alamos Scientists!


9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 1,001 Invention Projects and you should brainstorm the futuristic Debit card of 2020 today and Invent it Tomorrow!! Chip Cards Will Require Users to Dip Rather Than Swipe By RACHEL ABRAMS A change in how credit and debit cards are used may be the only sign many consumers have of a big behind-the-scenes shift in the payment industry. 300 Chess Games 3000 inventions how did they invent it... used to reinvent it again and again, what engine will be invented after the Gravity Engine? H-Bombs; LG-Bombs from Los Alamos and Oppenheimer II when? Hear + see Jewish Aliens inventions, when? NY Times Headlines Pictures of 52 Nearest Stars!

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat By ALAN RAPPEPORT Hillary Rodham Clinton said Jeb Bush’s suggestion that Democratic presidential candidates offer “free stuff” to win over black voters is “deeply insulting.” How would Hillary react to getting "Syphilis, STD's" from a Black Man? Cosby... Hillary has no agenda to get a Rx Overnight cure for STD's, why? How many SWF get Syphilis, STD's from a Black man in 2015? Planned Parenthood to Offer Free STD Testing on National Pink Out Day By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN Fighting back against Republican attacks, Planned Parenthood is offering free testing for sexually transmitted diseases in 28 cities on Tuesday, “National Pink Out Day.”

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Warrior Open. Beginning today, former President George W. Bush '68 will host a two-day golf tournament in Irving, Texas. Day one of the event solely to military personnel wounded since Sept. 11, 2001. Wives killed by troops coming home from Bush Oil Wars are censored by the NY Times in our 1984 II society, comfort women, sex slaves for the Combat Wounded Warriors too. War Crimes of not winning the Iraq wars with 10 cent gasoline are read!

9-29-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Pawn Sacrifice," Chess Movie I saw on my BDay. Ran in from Storm JIT wow. And a Windfall of ideas as I will make a movie titled "Invention Sacrifice!"


9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 16th day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook. I have written this web every day since my last BDay with Mary. Mary never called or Showed up on my BDay at Wine O or Willie T's on Duval. Jewish Widow did and she was a POW of George Orwell II so no work getting selling, making Jewish Alien Brainstorming Gems!

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Invention Sacrifice," in the Movie and real life when Greg + Wives get to Los Alamos to get the Stage 4 Rx Cure + Brain Cancer Cure by Christmas 2015 we will have to crunch every "Invention" ever gotten!! As this is what Bobby Fisher did in his Chess games to win. And Bobby Fisher was in Iceland with Yoko Ono 25 years after the 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort and they never LEAKED this suppression that has killed millions in the Pentagons War Games financed by $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues from 1980 - 2015.

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Fischer's "My 60 Memorable Games" (1969) remains a revered work in chess literature. "60 Memorable Inventions" is the Movie Greg + Wives will Make!! Los Alamos Super Computers the Day Greg + Wives get there will crunch 600K Memorable Inventions in History and another 1 Trillion Futuristic Star Wars Inventions, ha! Human Star Travel Sacrifice of McCain and his Combat Wounded Warriors to WIN a trillion Jewish Aliens at the nearest 52 stars!

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Invention Sacrifice," in the Movie and real life when Greg + Wives get to Los Alamos to get the Stage 4 Rx Cure + Brain Cancer Cure by Christmas 2015 we will have to crunch every "Invention" ever gotten!! As this is what Bobby Fisher did in his Chess games to win. And Bobby Fisher was in Iceland with Yoko Ono 25 years after the 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort and they never LEAKED this suppression that has killed millions in the Pentagons War Games! Only revenge I can get on the Combat Wounded Warrior OA5RD 1984 II STALKER on my BDAY is get the Rx Godsend Overnight Cures for Brain + Breast Cancer on the Los Alamos H-Bomb Super Computers... grin! Ironic... H-Bomb Super Computers to get Biden's Revenge! On the Walter Reed Military + VA MD's! You know the MD's with Combat Wounded Warrior License plates at Walter Reed will run me over on my next BDay if I don't get them in front of the War Crimes Firing Squad First! Tit for Tat in a 1984 II Society. Mary never called or Showed up on my BDay at Wine O or Willie T's on Duval. Jewish Widow did and she was a POW of George Orwell II so no work getting selling Jewish Alien Brainstorming Gems!

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat In 1975, Fischer refused to defend his title when an agreement could not be reached with FIDE over one of the conditions for the match. Afterward, Fischer became a recluse, disappearing from the public eye until 1992, when he won an unofficial rematch against Spassky. It was held in Yugoslavia, which was under a United Nations embargo at the time. His participation led to a conflict with the U.S. government, which sought income tax on Fischer's match winnings, and ultimately issued a warrant for his arrest. In the 1990s, Fischer patented a modified chess timing system which added a time increment after each move, now a standard practice in top tournament and match play, and created a new variant of chess called Fischer Random Chess or Chess. During the 1990s and early 2000s, Fischer lived in Hungary, Germany, the Philippines, Japan, and Iceland, and made increasingly anti-American and anti-semitic remarks on various radio stations. Possibly as a result, his U.S. passport was revoked.Fischer, unaware of his passport's revocation, traveled to Japan, where he was arrested by Japanese authorities and detained for over eight months (in 2004 and 2005) under threat of deportation. In March 2005, Iceland granted Fischer full citizenship, leading Japanese authorities to release him from prison. Fischer flew to Iceland, where he lived until his death on January 17, 2008. 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort!!

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat BDay I was STALKED by a Combat Wounded Warrior lic plate OA5RD stalking Greg on my BDay as I'm stalking him for "War Crimes" and Holocaust II "Baby Killers" via Saint Jude Childrens Hospital cancers + birth defects, same as the VW Germany guys poisoning the air with exhaust. $777 Trillion went to Iran Mecca Allah wars when 10 cent gas from the suppression of the ElectricWindmllFord Escort would have won the WARS without any Combat Wounded Warrior License Plates so this is a War Crime by 1984 II Dictators Top Brass at the Pentagon + Yale!

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "Pawn Sacrifice," Chess Movie I saw on my BDay. Ran in from Storm JIT wow. And a Windfall of ideas as I will make a movie titled "Invention Sacrifice," and picture the Laser Guidance on Navy Fighter Jets F-22 and not even a 2015 Ford Laser Guidance when the Navy has $777 Trillion for $10 Trillion dollar JFK Carrier Fleets under construction Today.


9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Quotation of the Day "I deeply regret that some bishops failed in their responsibility to protect children. It is very disturbing to know that in some cases bishops even were abusers. I pledge to you that we will follow the path of truth wherever it may lead." POPE FRANCIS, speaking to a group of survivors of sexual abuse by clergy members.

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat!! Pope didn't mention Legal Polygamous Marriage leaving the USA but did... say this... Pope Francis is on the side of anti-gay-marriage clerk Kim Davis, saying government workers have a "human right" to refuse to carry out a duty if they have a "conscientious objection." Our 1984 II Dictators have no conscience they are Psychotics, with (Syphilis) a 30 minute Yale Medical School test will expose this!

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat PAWN + KINGS were Yale, Harvard, Oxford Alumni in the Catholic Church abusing kids for sex and giving them terrible diseases, STD's + MS Virus while the Top Brass at the Pentagon, Verizon, NSA, CIA recorded it all in our 1984 II Society. Tim Cook + Elton John Observed and Observers - all these YouTube Sex Videos will be in the Steve Jobs II MD Documentary. Pope didn't name Names when he should have!! This is a sin as above the Pope said the Bishop was a Observer of kids sex and a abuser of kids via sex! So the Pope knows more than he is willing to say!

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Terrible Diseases from Tim Cook + Elton John one is MS - MS drugs are worth around $20 billion a year, derived from the approximately 85 percent of MS patients with relapsing disease. Multiple treatments are already available, ranging from long-established interferons such as Merck KGaA's Rebif, through new tablets including Novartis' Gilenya and Biogen's Tecfidera, and potent injectables such as Biogen's Tysabri and Sanofi's Lemtrada. Roche, however, is confident its new drug has a better balance of efficacy and safety than rivals. Ocrelizumab is delivered twice-yearly via an intravenous drip. As an antibody-based medicine it is likely to be expensive but Roche, the world's biggest cancer drugs company, has not yet given any indications on price.

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat - we will do a coup on Roche via Rx Overnight Godsend Cure for MS when the 1984 II Dictators make contact!

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat "After Criticism, Pope Francis Confronts Priestly Sexual Abuse" By LAURIE GOODSTEIN New York Times "Tim Cook + Elton John Confronted with Sexual Abuse" by Goodstein New York Times - This story will be in the NY Times as this is a 1984 II Society, Thank God!!

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Editorial: Congress Should Give the Government More Money for Wildfires" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Congress should give more "Inventions for Wildfires" as McCain's $10 Trillion for the JFK would have bought 100 Galaxy C5A Fire Fighting Cargo Planes... and other Fire Fighting Bombs via Los Alamos.

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Pope Francis in on the side of anti-gay-marriage clerk Kim Davis, saying government workers have a "human right" to refuse to carry out a duty if they have a "conscientious objection."

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

9-28-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat



4 Trillion Years Article below link was NOT in the New York Times and NOT a Front Page Picture... Why? Bush, you do the Math as it = God! 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat!!

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27. 68 Years old now! 68 Light Years News on the Front Page of the NY Times would have been a good BDay issue. 4 Trillion Years Article below link was NOT in the New York Time and NOT a Front Page Picture... Why? Bush, you do the Math as it = God!

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!

4 Trillion Years Article above link was NOT in the New York Times and NOT a Front Page Picture... Why? Bush, you do the Math as it = God!

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27. 68 Years old now! 68 Light Years News on the Front Page of the NY Times would have been a good BDay issue. New York Times Headlines Today on Greg's 68th BDay is "Money Flows with Migrants and Life Jackets fill the Shops.$777 Trillion Flows via Oil. Picture of Life Jackets in a Shop on the Front Page of the New York Times on Greg's 68th BDay!

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27. 68 Years old now! When the Front Page Picture on Today's NY Times should be 68 Trillion Jewish Aliens spotted with the new Laser Guidance Telescope invented by Greg + Wives in Key West, grin!

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27. 68 Years old now! The brightest galaxies in the universe, known as submillimetre galaxies (SMGs), aren’t visible to the naked eye. But look through an infrared telescope, and they light up the sky. Look at Jewish Aliens, brainstorm the telescope we need to invent...

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27. 68 Years old now! Submillimetre-wave telescopes are what we need to invent to get the DNA II Discoveries. The Sandy Top Quarks II discovery! Sandy!!

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27. 68 Years old now! Idiots and War Criminals at the New York Times on Greg's 68th BDay front page pictures! Ok, News of VW diesel exhaust is below this Headlines Picture of Life jackets in a Shop. "VW push to be #1 Ambitions Fueled a Scandal" Fueled War Crimes and Fueled Saint Jude Childrens Hospitals, do you know how many Saint Jude Childrens Hospitals Facebook CEO Mark + his Chinese Wife will have to build in China just for the Childhood Cancers since 1980, 100's and all 155 Story built on a Eiffel Tower Structure! And this is not on Facebook Today on Greg's 68th BDay! Don't share this story on Facebook, grin! President Xi Jinping of China Pledges $2 Billion to Fight Poverty Xi will need $200 Trillion for the Holocaust II payout's to Kids at the Chinese Saint Jude Childrens Hospitals!

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Mandy Miles in the Key West Citizen Today's Headlines is "Money". $777 Trillion is not "Peanuts!" no she didn't quote Greg but almost. She doesn't have $10K in cash. And paying for gas with dimes she rolls her eyes at the guy thinking he has millions. What are people in Key West really thinking of Greg... this is 1984 II? You must go to Paris, Rome, London and see this, on your list of places to go. Mandy didn't write of the list of 1,001 IP invention projects to write up in "Tan Lines" for next Sunday's article... with her husband, no she didn't! She ended with what are people really thinking about Greg + Money, I on the other hand hope they think Greg can get the Rx Miracle cure for Stage 4 by Christmas 2015 via Godsend like the 1980 ElectricWindmllFord Escort that ended the Saudi oil embargo in a week! "Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Over: The Future of Computer Chips" By JOHN MARKOFF New York Times with a grad student at Stanford. Xeon Chip in the PC would have saved Win 8.1 and Apple MacBook Pro with a Xeon Chip would have given the USA another Nobel in Medicine years ago for DNA II Discoveries. So I was thinking of the "Computer" articles Mandy Miles writes for Key West. Money article today by Mandy Miles had to be influenced by giving $7 Trillion to Apple-Starbucks for the Ultra Apple-Starbucks Store School University too. As the Ultra Apple-Post-Office would make a profit of $7 trillion not lose another trillion next year. What we roll our eyes about. Post Office is a Big One, grin. Key West kids in schools here is one of Mandy Miles big rolled my eyes over so $7 Trillion for the New Key West Schools, open 24/7 of course with "Genius" teachers and 100" Ultra monitors... Dr. Mandy Miles reporter for the Key West Citizen Newspaper. After the coup only MD's will write for the New York Times... roll your eyes I can see you Mandy - it's 1984 II.


9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "Hospitals Devastated in Syria, War-Wounded Seek Treatment in Jordan" By RANA F. SWEIS... war that has killed nearly 250,000 people.

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "Hospitals Walter Reed Army Hospital Devastated VP Biden via killing Beau via misdiagnosis + mistreatment... war that has killed nearly 100 million people since Teddy Kennedy died of brain cancer.


9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, As the Syrian civil war, which started in 2011, stretches on, and on... fueled by $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues $$$

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, As the "War On Cancer" which started in 1980 with the invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort stretches on, and on... fueled by $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues!!!

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Physicians for Human Rights" "Doctors Without Borders" "WHO" at the UN.


9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Physicians for Human Rights has NOT documented nearly 300K attacks by drunk men on SWF's and 300 million Hate Crimes Against them since Tim Cook + Elton John, along with the millions of Robert Kennedy's, War Crimes since the conflicts began between men + women began. Physicians for Human Rights has documented nearly 300 such attacks since the conflict began... none hate crimes by our 1984 II Black Basketball players. Lobotomy Gas can cure the hits in Black Basketball games but not the hate crimes leaving the women with 300K new diagnosis of Breast Cancer in 2015.


9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,



9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Dr-Mrs-Pope Francis write a article for the New England Journal of Medicine while in NYC and it would be reprinted on Today's Front Page of the New York Times!!

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, “A hope which frees us from empty connections, from abstract analyses or sensationalistic routines. A hope which is unafraid of involvement, which acts as a leaven wherever we happen to live and work. A hope which makes us see, even in the midst of smog, the presence of God as he continues to walk the streets of our city.” Pope Francis!!

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, A HOPE... is for Greg + Wives in Key West; A Invention... next invention I hope will be a Rx Miracle Overnight Cure for Stage 4 Breast Cancer then I hope invention of the Gravity Engine.

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Legal Polygamous Marriage! For Pope Francis to catch up with Moslems, surpass them with MD Wives Coup D'Etat confiscating $777 Trillion from Saudi King, Mecca, Allah!

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Whirlwinds of 1,001 IP invention projects I Hope to marry in a Legal Polygamous Marriage at the Hemingway House in Key West and write a Nobel Novel with all the wives on a iapps + MacBook Pro, finished by midnight with a invention in every chapter! A Hope light years and void of Jewish Aliens in the Pope's thoughts Today!

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 14th day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook. My 68th BDay is Sept, 27. I have written this web every day since my last BDay with Mary. iPhone 6s +++ is out Today!!!

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, electric visit by celebrating a Mass at Madison Square Garden on Friday night...

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, electric windmill Ford Escort at Madison Square Garden next Friday Night...

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Beijing Puts Black Basket Ball Back in Washington’s Court on ElectricWindmillFord Escort...


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, glimpses of the presence of God among the poorest of the poor, glimpse of God belief in God by Jimmy Carter + the ruling class mass murderer's for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues, this is NOT Peanuts $$$, grin! Serious Money as most would think in the Din of their Frontal Lobes. Lobotomy Gas Bombs wouldn't stop Greed $$$

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, behind the rows and rows of well-wishers who packed Central Park’s broad meadow, the soaring columns of skyscrapers with penthouses that are home to many of the world’s wealthiest people... BP Oil people!


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, United Nations General Assembly, where he called for respect for “those considered disposable because they are only considered as part of a statistic,” to his closing homily’s observation that... Robert Kennedy Jr. considered Mary Kennedy a disposable wife. Pope Francis has no Din in his frontal lobes of 100's of Mary Kennedy's who were tortured into killing themselves in the Kennedy Barn because the Judge was bought off by a "Kennedy"! Part of the statistics, is censored by the 1984 II Dictators too!

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, greatest spectacle was his winding sweep through a swath of Central Park, a logistical feat that included screening tens of thousands of ticket holders, one bag at a time... Screening for 10 mm breast cancer tumors Pope Francis never looks at the breast of women so he is never screening for anything "Breast" bring to everyone else's mind, grin!


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Pope walked through the museum, past the relics and totems that have become indelible images from that day 14 years ago, like the hulking section of the trade center’s foundation wall, the “slurry wall,” and the “last column,” an icon. World Trade Centers Foundation on $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, Hell NYC had $777 Trillion in the Bank on 9/11 and the NYC Oil Men were working to get the next $777 Trillion when the Oil Rich Saudi Terrorists flew their planes into the Twin Towers! Pope walks past $777 Trillion. I know and we all know the Pope knows all this destruction of 2 Skyscrapers in NYC was because of $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues Greed by Mad Men... BP Oil Men from London + NYC.


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "A Hope in the Midst of Smog" - I hoped the Pope would show the Ultra Super Computer Simulation of Smog in the DNA of Saint Jude Childrens Hospital Children. Pope I hoped would mention DNA II Nobel for 2016.

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Smog of Hell Georgia Russia Plantation Owners hope to get into Heaven no matter... Lobotomy Gas Bombs will not alter the Georgia Plantation Owners Coal Train of Thoughts, a Train of Jewish Aliens arriving in NYC would, grin!


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, A prosecutor in the Manhattan district attorney’s office was found guilty on Friday of MURDER. A woman during a drunken argument at a bar on Halloween night last year. Judge Ann E. Scherzer took only a minute to announce her verdict after lengthy closing arguments, ending the bench trial in Manhattan Criminal Court. She found the prosecutor, Eli Cherkasky, guilty of 19K drunken murders of SWF in 2015. This was not in the New York Times version of the article, grin! Judge Scherzer set his sentencing for Nov. 5 and said she would be open to a sentence that included treatment for alcohol abuse. Alcohol Abuse Treatments before the Murders of 19K SWF is not in the New York Times article, Why? Both took the stand during the trial, giving sharply differing accounts of what happened next. A grainy videotape of the episode taken by a security camera was repeatedly played in court, as both sides analyzed the conflict frame by frame. 1984 II Dictators including Jimmy Carter don't analyze the 19K SWF murderers by drunk men in 2015. Ms. Donatich said three witnesses, including a bartender, had confirmed that Mr. Cherkasky attacked Ms. Schuck, even if they could not see his hands around her neck in the cramped, dimly lit bar. And he tried to get off on Not Guilty!! Drunk Murders Not Guilty... Jimmy Carter and the other 1984 II Dictators off in Africa for Worms + Mosquitoes while Coors sells men Murder of 19K SWF just in the USA. Does Jimmy Carter know the statistics of drunken Coors murders in Africa, Hell No!


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Pope didn't get a iPhone 6s +++ ID from the NYC Mayor but got a... Mayor de Blasio handed Pope Francis a New York City Identification Card on Friday, and in typical bureaucratic style, it gets a few things wrong. The laminated card accurately reproduces the pontiff’s smiling, ­zucchetto-topped mug shot. But it includes a mashup of his papal and given names: Pope Francis Bergoglio. And it lists his address as the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City — even though the opulence-shunning Francis is living in more down-to-earth digs at the Vatican guesthouse.

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Legal Polygamous Marriage!

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, iPhone 6 +++ of Mary's. “but Mary’s suicide was a conscious decision ... so is driving off a Cliff or Head on into Traffic. Mary in the article offered to move in with Kennedy's new girlfriend, would a Polygamous Marriage happen. No, not until Kennedy and all men + women have the option of a Legal Polygamous Marriage. State and Federal laws would have to change for a Legal Polygamous Marriage too.

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Mary Kennedy, the wife of Robert Kennedy Jr., who slipped her head through a hangman’s noose a year ago today at the age of 52. “A few days before she died, a friend who had dinner with Mary and the kids said, ‘She seems to be doing great. And I just looked at her. ‘You don’t get it. Mary is ill, not getting the right care, it’s ending. I pray that I’m wrong but this is going to play out one of two ways: She’ll kill Bobby or herself, and the greater fear, will she be alone or drive off a cliff with the kids in the car?’ ”

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27... she will kill Bobby Kennedy, I don't think anyone would think this as the statistics point to Bobby killing Mary! Dive off a cliff with the kids in the car, statistics that are classified point to the Drive off a Cliff or into a palm tree... sorry state of getting a divorce in the USA even for the Rich + Famous.


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Kennedy’s 2011 divorce affidavit, part of which appeared in Newsweek, following her death, seemed particularly unsparing to many. Portraying Bobby as the alarmed family man, fleeing to protect himself and his children from their depressed, alcoholic, physically abusive, suicidal mother, the document infuriated Richardson’s family, who publicly dismissed his “vindictive lies, proof of the unbelievable emotional and psychological abuse that Mary endured during the last years of her life, and now in death.”


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, iPhone 6 +++ of Mary's would be like Hillary's emails. Forever tormenting call recorded from Robert the Richardson's family could play after her death but only Verizon and the NSA have all the recorded calls of Robert Kennedy to Mary Kennedy! And Yes they will all be made Public after the 1984 III Coup, grin! Sorry state of government and Tim Cook's hate crimes against women is the iPhone 6 +++ Mary had with 1 iapps to save her life by recording everything to the Microsoft Cloud... didn't happen because the Top Brass didn't care to SAVE HER LIFE in our 1984 II George Orwell Society! Judge day in and day out knows taking away 4 kids is murder... leads to murder this is why Homeland Security guards every court room in every city and town in the USA. Lobotomy Gas Bomb would work here! Kennedy given full, temporary custody of their children. Mary was devastated. “Depression and drinking didn’t kill Mary,” laments a friend. “It was having her kids taken away.” The Judge knew this... was this a hate crime against women by the Judge, like Tim Cook's hate crimes against women we just realized? Like the NYC DA attacking the women on Bar Video we have Tim Cook attacking women on Apple 4K videos. Grin!


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, iPhone 6 +++ of Mary's... in the Kennedy Barn, NSA + Verizon have her calls recorded. Kennedy's Barn already been checked twice, the caretaker spotted Mary, in black gym clothes and sandals, “suspended” slightly above eye level, “from an overhead beam by a rope, neatly knotted, nine times around her neck.” Her face was tranquil, her hands, palms facing outward, lodged between her neck and rope, almost as if attempting to pull it away...


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, iPhone 6 +++ of Mary's. “but Mary’s suicide was a conscious decision ... so is driving off a Cliff or Head on into Traffic. Mary in the article offered to move in with Kennedy's new girlfriend, would a Polygamous Marriage happen. No, not until Kennedy and all men + women have the option of a Legal Polygamous Marriage. State and Federal laws would have to change for a Legal Polygamous Marriage too.

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, iPhone 6 +++ of Mary's.


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, “A hope which frees us from empty connections, from abstract analyses or sensationalistic routines. A hope which is unafraid of involvement, which acts as a leaven wherever we happen to live and work. A hope which makes us see, even in the midst of smog, the presence of God as he continues to walk the streets of our city.” Pope Francis!!

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, iPhone 6 +++ of Mary's. In this article the word God was never mentioned and the article was several pages long too. Why? They mentioned suicide is a Catholic Sin and Mary Was Catholic. What did Mary think Death would be like...


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, iPhone 6 +++ of Mary's.... White House had a Friday's state dinner in honor of Chinese President Xi Jinping with Facebook Inc.'s Mark Zuckerberg joining as he married a Chinese women, not a MD. Agenda to build the 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Medical School in China was not on the Agenda I would guess, grin! Zuckerberg's agenda to vaccinate 1 billion in China via putting the vaccine's in the H2O was not a invention project brainstormed over state dinner at the White House or on Facebook! Why? $777 Trillion from gasoline kickbacks in China, Pope's smog comments. Smog today and DNA II Nobel Tomorrow in China will give the NY Times headlines of Holocaust II + another Nobel for DNA II discoveries!! Like the Higgs and the Top Quarks in a grain of sand on a white Sandy Beach in Key West.


9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, iPhone 6 +++ of Mary's.

9-26-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, iPhone 6 +++ of Mary's.


...next invention I hope will be a Rx Miracle Overnight Cure for Stage 4 Breast Cancer...

Gregs 2007 web

"Gravity Engine" I hope to invent with many Wives in Key West, grin!

9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 12th day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook. My 68th BDay is Sept, 27. I have written this web every day since my last BDay with Mary. iPhone 6s +++ is out Today!!! Pope Francis has a full day of events planned for Friday in New York City; NYC Medical School students + professors is not planned... Why?

9-25-2015 Pope Francis with 4 wives and all MD women... events would be brainstorming a Rx Godsend Miracle Cure for Stage 4... at Madison Square Garden.

9-25-2015 Greg + Wives have plans for NYC Medical School student + professors Rx Recipe inventions and help from Los Alamos in their diagnosis faster than the speed of light and right!! Diagnosis on Mecca from the New York Times front page today is "Unexplained Panic Leaves 717 Dead in Pilgrimage" $777 Trillion in USA gas station hold up money financed this "Pilgrimage to Mecca" and is the cause of these 717 deaths. 17 Saudi Terrorists on 9/11 living it up in Boston with $777 Trillion too. $777 Trillion spent by 1984 II Dictators massacred trillions of Jewish Aliens at the 52 Nearby Stars! On the first day of Eid al-Adha. On the first day of making contact with Jewish Aliens; not the same as Eid al-Adha, grin!

9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Diagnosis on Mecca from the New York Times front page today is "Unexplained Panic Leaves 717 Dead in Pilgrimage" And all Men I would guess as the Moslems leave their 4 wives at home...


9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Greg's BDay + new iPhones 6S and 6S Plus come out on Friday. The United Nations, set up 70 years ago for world peace, needs "shared responsibility" among members to implement the "transformation" post-2015 agenda on sustainable development of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Era + UN Policy. 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Medical School were the UN building "Stands" Today. Everyone on Earth gets a iPhones 6s +++ with caller ID to ID the diseased men, and men who will murder 19K SWF in 2015; drunken murders all preventable by the UN! iPhone 6s +++ national ID, international ID and drivers license + Health Vaccinations ID along with diseases you have and had. $7 Trillion for the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University. Hate Crimes against women got Mary Kennedy hanged in the Kennedy Barn!! New York Times Editorial on this, Caroline Kennedy refused to write it!

9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Hemingway was a Polygamous; he would have won the Nobel in Literature again + again with each new wife like Picasso! Hemingway at 90 like Picasso.


9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Hemingway A more endearing writer is the one who reveals himself in a series of uncharacteristically shy wartime letters to Mary Welsh, who would become his fourth wife.


9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, German Holocaust II is now Black Clouds of Burning Diesel + Gasoline! This is a "War Crime!"


9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "Police Program Aims to Pinpoint Those Most Likely to Commit Crimes" By JOHN ELIGON and TIMOTHY WILLIAMS New York Times... Those who are not working 16 hours a day, 6 days a week on the Ford Assembly line + those who are not working 24/7 with a few wifes in a Legal Polygamous Marriage on 1,001 Invention Projects! Idiots!!

9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Hemingway was a Polygamous; he would have won the Nobel in Literature again + again with each new wife like Picasso! Hemingway at 90 like Picasso.


9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Hemingway A more endearing writer is the one who reveals himself in a series of uncharacteristically shy wartime letters to Mary Welsh, who would become his fourth wife. In one, he apologizes for not knowing enough adjectives. In another, in a sort of stream-of-consciousness vision of intimacy apparently written in darkness while he is traveling with the infantry as a war correspondent, he says: “It would be lovely to be in bed now, legs close and all held tight and lip like when you’ve pulled the pin from a grenade and let the handle ease up under your hand.”

9-25-2015 Jimmy Carter's letters to Rosalynn Carter reveals about the $777 Trillion and the $600 million in the Carter Center Bank Account, the Guinea Worm + Stage 4 breast cancer.

9-25-2015 "Hell", how real it is for Jimmy Carter Today when he now knows it took 4 trillion years to make the Big Bang... Jimmy Carter's suppression of the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort and the 1981 Cure for Cancer by Greg, reveals the Georgia Russia Plantation Owner not Jimmy Carter Habitat for Humanity! And giving Allah + Mecca $777 Trillion to finance 9/11, Jimmy Carter did this!!


9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Hemingway House Writing Classes with an invention projects in every chapter reveals the Nobel Novel Today! Laser Guidance no head on collisions ever again driving a car!

9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Yale Endowment Returns 11.5%, Eclipsing Harvard’s 5.8% By GERALDINE FABRIKANT NY Times. Yale and Harvard Alumni earned $777 Trillion from the 1980 - 2015 suppression of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort $$$.


9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

Pope Francis with 4 wives and all MD women... Mecca II!

Gregs 2007 web

Win the war just like 10 cent gas would have...

9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Dr-Mrs-Pope Francis would write about... Beau, Jimmy Carter, Teddy Kennedy, Syphilis, STD's, Hepatitis, Malaria, MS Virus... iPhones 6s +++ with caller ID to ID the diseased men!

9-24-2015 Women MD's as Pope's, married in a Legal Polygamous Marriage to get Humanity 1,001 Nobel's a Year in Medicine. To Hell with Homeless in NYC today when the Vatican has $7 Trillion from BP Oil Kickbacks, a "War Crime!"

9-24-2015 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Medical School in Rome at the VATICAN, Dr-Mrs-Pope Francis would have built this 155 Story Medical School years ago!


9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year in Dr Pope's NEJM article, our 1984 II Dictator would censor, grin!

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Spray Painted Clouds of Burning Oil from a Trillion Scooters on Duval Key West is tomorrows NEJM article Dr-Mrs-Pope Francis. Volkswagen Says 11 Million Cars Worldwide Are Affected in Diesel Deception - emissions threatened to engulf BMW after a German magazine reported Thursday that one of the luxury automaker's diesel vehicles emitted 11 times the amount of nitrogen oxides acceptable in Europe. Saint Jude said 111 million kids world wide will get cancers + birth defects from Black Clouds of Burning Diesel + Gasoline! This is a "War Crime!"

9-24-2015 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Medical School in NYC Today... Yale MD Women Will, New York City's Styrofoam Ban Is Over. Invention ban in the NY Times is not over. When your Styrofoam turns blue your food is bad! Out of Date Dates on all can foods and packages of food are out of date inventions. When your can or package turns blue your food is bad. This will save you getting sick and throwing away trillions of tons of good to eat food. Next mold on bread IP, packaging of bread is out of date!! Inventsomething today!


9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 1980 - 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Dr-Mrs-Pope Francis would write a article for the New England Journal of Medicine in NYC and it would be reprinted on Today's Front Page of the New York Times!! Beau, Jimmy Carter, Teddy Kennedy, Syphilis, STD's, Hepatitis, Malaria, MS Virus... 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year 1984 II Dictator part was censored by the Times, grin!

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Amazon 1 Click links to get you Rx Recipes that are trade secrets today so you can reinvent the Rx Hillary wants to CAP their Cost, The cost of not getting the Rx Recipes is millions dead via Hillary! "Hillary Clinton Proposes Cap on Patients’ Drug Costs as Bernie Sanders Pushes His Plan" By PATRICK HEALY and MARGOT SANGER-KATZ NY Times

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 1980 - 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000. The Russian Orthodox Church was given $7 Trillion dollars NOT to canonize the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort, grin $$$.

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, NYC. "Mayor de Blasio and Cardinal Dolan Highlight Plan to Add Beds for Homeless" By NIKITA STEWART NY Times... Nikita knows Mecca would have 3 million homeless marching around the Icon Today if the NY Times had 10 cent a gallon gas news. And there would be no Cardinal Dolan in NYC Today as Cardinal Dolan would be helping out on the 2015 Ford assembly line, grin.


9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, $777 Trillion dollars brought all these Moslems to Mecca not Allah. Stampede Near Mecca Leaves at Least 717 Dead!! By BEN HUBBARD and MONA BOSHNAQ New York Times. The accident in Saudi Arabia, which left 450 injured, occurred on the first day of Eid al-Adha.

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Tsar Nicholas II, Alexandra, had $777 Trillion dollars!

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Tsar Putin has $777 Trillion dollars Today!

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 1984 II Dictators have $777 Trillion dollars Today!


9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Tsar Nicholas II, Alexandra, their four daughters - grand duchesses Anastasia, Maria, Olga and Tatiana - their son the Tsarevich Alexei and four royal staff members were murdered in the cellar of a house in Yekaterinburg in 1918. One night they were lined up as if for a family photo, and then a Bolshevik firing squad killed them in a hail of bullets, according to witness accounts. Those who did not die immediately were bayoneted. The royal couple and three daughters were formally reburied on 17 July 1998 - the 80th anniversary of the murder. They were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Remains of the last tsar and his wife, in 2000, they were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.


9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Dr-Mrs-Pope Francis would write a article for the New England Journal of Medicine in NYC and it would be reprinted on Today's Front Page of the New York Times!! Beau, Jimmy Carter, Teddy Kennedy, Syphilis, STD's, Hepatitis, Malaria, MS Virus... 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year 1984 II Dictator part was censored by the Times, grin!

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

Moscow has its own Recipes to mix up, oil + money!

Gregs 2007 web

Win the war just like 10 cent gas would have... Today Syrian government forces used newly arrived Russian warplanes to bombard Islamic State fighters in Aleppo province in northern Syria, Russia fighter jets, helicopter gunships, artillery and ground forces. Egypt Buys Two French Warships Originally Built for Russia By ALISSA J. RUBIN NY Times Yale Egypt Medical School would be built today if the General was working on the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort assembly line. 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Medical School in NYC Today... Yale MD Women Will. Paris MD Women Will end French Warship building. Hell let McCain spend another $10 Trillion on the JFK II Super Carrier, grin!

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 11th day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook. My 68th BDay is Sept, 27. I have written this web every day since my last BDay with Mary. On that BDay I had also written this web page every day for the year! Mary got in so much trouble telling me "1984" secrets + inspiring what I write and invent they locked her up at Wine O + Willie T's on Duval Key West! Grin.


9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Yale - Editor’s Note: After posting this story Wednesday afternoon, we heard from a number of readers who expressed concerns about the impact of publicizing details of this incident. It is not the News’ intention to cause community members, or anyone, undue pain. Covering this tragedy gives us no pleasure. But the editors decided to move forward with a story, stripped as much as possible of lurid details, to inform readers about newly public information, which helps explain in some small way why this tragedy occurred. Contact the editor at editor@yaledailynews.com.

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Volkswagen Says 11 Million Cars Worldwide Are Affected in Diesel Deception - Saint Jude said 111 million kids world wide will get cancers + birth defects from Black Clouds of Burning Diesel + Gasoline! This is a "War Crime!"

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Yale - Editor’s Note: After posting this story Wednesday afternoon, we heard from a number of readers who expressed concerns about the impact of publicizing details of this incident. It is not the News’ intention to cause community members, or anyone, undue pain. Covering this tragedy gives us no pleasure. But the editors decided to move forward with a story, stripped as much as possible of lurid details, to inform readers about newly public information, which helps explain in some small way why this tragedy occurred. Contact the editor at editor@yaledailynews.com.

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Stephanie Addenbrooke, Amaka Uchegbu & Vivian Wang |Sep 24, 2015 Yale Staff Reporters - Newly released documents from the New Haven Police Department, published by Gawker early Wednesday, shed new light on the circumstances that led to a stabbing and student suicide in May. The NHPD’s report on the incident, which took place in the Taft Apartments on College Street in the early hours of May 26, reveals that Tyler Carlisle ’15 was involved in a sexual encounter with two other students, one male and one female, before he stabbed the male student once in the neck and then jumped out of a ninth-story window to his death. At Yale-New Haven Hospital, the male student who was stabbed, Alexander Michaud ’17, described to police officers the events that had led to the stabbing. Michaud, who was named by NHPD spokesman David Hartman in a May 26 press release, was later declared to be in stable condition and fully recovered roughly two weeks after the incident. “Michaud, [the female student], and Carlisle had all been drinking,” according to the police report. “Carlisle started to get jealous of Michaud and [the female student]. Carlisle grabbed a knife that was on the nightstand next to the bed. Carlisle stabbed Michaud in the neck area.” The female student has not been publicly identified in any police documents, and her name was redacted from the report that Gawker published online. According to the report, the female student was too distraught to provide a statement to the police at the time of the incident. Both students remain enrolled at Yale. After the stabbing, according to the police report, Carlisle went into the living room and paced back and forth, saying “I’m sorry,” while the female student called the police and held a t-shirt to Michaud’s neck to stanch the bleeding. Although Michaud told police he did not see Carlisle actually jump, he told police that he recalled him sitting on the windowsill and saying he was going to do so. Michaud did not attend Carlisle’s memorial service, held early in June, said Reed Morgan ’17, a friend of the two men. “He worried that his presence would make it more about the incident and less about Tyler’s life,” Morgan said. As to making sense of the incident, Morgan said, “some things are beyond understanding and we move on by accepting that.”

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Yale - Editor’s Note: After posting this story Wednesday afternoon, we heard from a number of readers who expressed concerns about the impact of publicizing details of this incident. It is not the News’ intention to cause community members, or anyone, undue pain. Covering this tragedy gives us no pleasure. But the editors decided to move forward with a story, stripped as much as possible of lurid details, to inform readers about newly public information, which helps explain in some small way why this tragedy occurred. Contact the editor at editor@yaledailynews.com... To Hell with Homeless in NYC + New Haven today when the Vatican has $7 Trillion from BP Oil Kickbacks, a "War Crime!" Yale has $777 Trillion in BP Oil Kickbacks. Contact the editor at editor@yaledailynews.com.

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Tsar Putin has $777 Trillion dollars Today!

9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 1984 II Dictators have $777 Trillion dollars Today!


9-24-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,



Mary got in so much trouble telling me "1984" secrets, now our 1984 II Society needs the secret Rx Recipes so we can reinvent them to cure Stage 4 by Christmas 2015. Moscow has its own Recipes to mix up, oil + money!

Gregs 2007 web

Mary... 72 Virgins in Heaven, Lobotomy Gas Bombs assembled by the Marines at Los Alamos Mary!! It will win the war just like 10 cent gas would have.


9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Dr-Mrs-Pope Francis would stay at the Yale NYC Medical School, grin!! "Pope Francis, in New York, Will Live Like a Diplomat" By VIVIAN YEE NY Times The pontiff known for simple tastes will stay at a five-story 11,000-square-foot townhouse on the Upper East Side with a bit of municipal history. Rome Medical History and Dr-Mrs-Pope Francis would write a article for the New England Journal of Medicine after a day touring NYC. On an MacBook Pro with iapps for 100 to write on the same page and the Nobel Medical Novel would be finished by sunrise. With Amazon 1 Click links to get you Rx Recipes that are trade secrets today!

MOSCOW — The most elaborate mosque ever built in Moscow, was opened on Wednesday by President Vladimir V. Putin. Putin said the 17 Saudi Terrorists that flew planes into the World Trade Center Buildings financed it from $777 Trillion in gas station hold ups, and if gas were 10 cents a gallon in 1980 the 17 Moslems would have been homeless in Mecca not living it up in Boston $$$.

KEY WEST - "Yale Key West Medical School" built on a 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure... BDay Gift from Greg! Mrs-Dr-Pope Francis would have built 100's of these by Greg's 68th BDay from the Vatican's $7 Trillion in BP Oil kickbacks! Jimmy Carter has $600 Million in a Georgia Bank not used to build even one "Yale Key West Medical School", to Hell with Jimmy Carter!


9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Bacteria that are ubiquitous on and in humans, such as Streptococcus, which is commonly found in the mouth, and Propionibacterium and Corynebacterium, both common skin residents.

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Bacteria Hell Jimmy Carter should of had Cancer Scans at Pulbix + Whole Foods Grocery stores not Terrorists at Air Ports!

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Op-Ed Contributor: "An Aging Population, Without the Doctors to Match" By MARCY COTTRELL HOULE NY Times editorial today. Beau, Brain Cancer in Jimmy Carter. Match Point, Doctors without Los Alamos diagnosis + Homeland Security that scanned Jimmy + Beau at each airport for $10 of Trillions for Homeland Security not for Beau + Jimmy's JIT just in time diagnosis, 10 mm breast cancers at the air port today are not caught by the NY Times Editorials. Mrs-Dr-Pope Francis would have MD's scanning everyone at the Rome Airport not Homeland Security.

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Judge Strikes Down New York City’s Ban on Foam Food Containers" By BENJAMIN MUELLER NY Times New York Times Ben knows that food packaging foam from Chinese fast foods are not laser guided state of the arts technology in foam! Yet Ben censors the new Chinese food packaging for fast foods inventions via H @ -254 C HOT + COLD food poisoning IP invention projects. 1,001 and Ben censors all 1,001. Food Poisoning from Chinese food in foam kills + sickens millions today and the New York Times and the New York Judge censors ALL new IP invention projects in the NYT article + oil pipe line Hillary on page 2 does not want any more, grin! When the FOAM turns "BLUE" the Chinese Food is BAD... IP.

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Critic's Notebook: Making Times Square’s Pedestrian Plazas Work... to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year!! By MICHAEL KIMMELMAN New York Times. Topless women are all from the NYC medical school, and not after "tips" in that way but have tips to save 19K lives in 2016 from Drunk 1984 II Dictators who will kill millions of people on Earth in 2016. "Doctors + Dictators" course at Yale Medical School is classified, grin! Doctors + Dictators and I just found this Meat + Butter article in the Health section of Today's New York Times, Dictators not Doctors promoted this change in millions to eat Meat + Butter not MD's. This is another war crime! Consumers Are Embracing Full-Fat Foods By ANAHAD O'CONNOR A new report on dietary fat consumption suggests that the public is increasingly consuming more, not less, of foods high in saturated fat like butter, meat and whole milk. 1984 II Dictators not Doctors promoted this change in millions to eat Meat + Butter not MD's. Din in our 1984 II Dictators frontal lobes to harm millions with Meat + Butter is psychotic Doctors would say.


9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 10th day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook. My 68th BDay is Sept, 27. I have written this web every day since my last BDay with Mary. On that BDay I had also written this web page every day for the year! Mary got in so much trouble telling me "1984" secrets + inspiring what I write and invent they locked her up at Wine O + Willie T's on Duval Key West! Grin.

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Moscow - construction costs, about $170 million, came from a wealthy Russian oil tycoon Putin said. Putin said it will be Known as the Moscow Cathedral Mosque!! It can hold 10,000 on three stories. Moscow state-run television channel Rossiya 24 broadcast a 30-minute preview of the mosque opening. In it, Mr. Gainutdin, the Russian Muslim leader, went out of his way to present the building as an organic element of Moscow’s religious architecture. Vodka is Moscow's main religion, grin. Statistics are kept off Moscow state run NY Times too, ha! Key West Wine O's rule!!

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


KEY WEST - "Yale Key West Medical School" built on a 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure... BDay Gift from Greg!


9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, In Moscow, plans to construct just a couple of more mosques in recent years met with such vehement public protests that they were canceled. The fact that sophisticated criminal gangs have a hand in many Moscow real estate deals does not help either, Mr. Shevchenko said, as they tend to favor shopping malls or office buildings that generate revenue. Ildar Hazrat Alyautdinov, the senior imam at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque and the mufti of Moscow, said, “One reason why mosques don’t get built is public opinion, unfortunately.”


KEY WEST - "Yale Key West Medical School" built on a 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure... BDay Gift from Greg!


9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "Race and Class Collide in Plan for Brooklyn Schools" By KATE TAYLOR NY Times A proposal to rezone students from the predominantly white P.S. 8 to the mostly black P.S. 307 has drawn intense opposition from families at both.

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Brooklyn White Schools should be run by Yale Medical School professors with mandatory dissection + 24/7 crunching it on a Los Alamos super computer. Bring this to Brooklyn White Schools P.S. 8.

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Brooklyn Black Schools P.S. 307 would refuse to do dissections!! Race for the Breast Cancer Cure has been lost by Obama + Cosby + OJ for decades now.


9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Brooklyn White Schools say they have been deceived too!! Volkswagen Says 11 Million Cars Worldwide Are Affected in Diesel Deception. Mrs-Dr-Pope Francis would have smelled this Diesel and seen the big BLACK CLOUDS FROM DUMP TRUCKS driving the freeways in Rome + Paris, Hell with LA freeways, grin! Google will never go viral with 11 million Diesel BLACK CLOUDS FROM DUMP TRUCKS because Google is a Pentagon company, grin!


9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-23-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,
9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, a New Times front page story of the 155 Story "Yale Key West Medical School" built on a 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure... BDay Gift from Greg!

9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Oppenheimer II + III inventing a cheap way to "water proof" + "crash proof" + "lost Proof" all of Apple's products. Vision like a Sea Gull + hearing like a Key West Cat IP invention projects for iPhone 6s ++++ "all of Apple's products" with 1 click links to get you started inventingsomething! Yale lecture notes recorded + on iPhone 6s +++ video zoomed in on the Medical School Professors Stage 4 lectures! Gone Viral with 10 million hits...

9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 9th day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook. My 68th BDay is Sept, 27. I have written this web every day since my last BDay with Mary. On that BDay I had also written this web page every day for the year! Mary got in so much trouble telling me "1984" secrets + inspiring what I write and invent they locked her up at Wine O + Willie T's on Duval Key West! Grin. So Greg was Solo a year... Solo bezlotoxumab treatment... Treatment with the monoclonal antibody bezlotoxumab effectively reduces Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) infection recurrence through week 12. Merck Rx Recipe for this should be made public for those reading this web page, and those at Los Alamos who can crunch this Rx Recipe on their break + lunch, grin! So Greg is Solo... Solo bezlotoxumab treatment... Rx Recipe for this should be made public for all the Mary's in "Elementary" schools today! The Next Generation of Yuengling Beer. My generation of Wine O women I would guess is the highest since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Because 100's of Mary's were sucker punched at the 2000 Miami gas station hold up! The Next Generation of Yuengling Beer... and Wine O's who are 1984 II street smart is even higher because they wanted a 1984 II society with 10 cent a gallon gasoline from 1980 to 2015. And "Homeland" Security at all Gas Stations!! The next generation of Mary's in our 1984 II society should get Rx antibiotics Recipe's out of our 1984 II Dictators so they can make up a new Rx Recipe!! The Next Generation of Yuengling Beer... and 1984 Mary's, grin. Solo Greg's have to get a new Rx Recipe from the Top Quarks too. Ha!

Mary got in so much trouble telling me "1984" secrets + inspiring what I write and invent they locked her up at Wine O + Willie T's on Duval Key West! Grin.

Gregs 2007 web

Mary... So Greg was Solo a year... Solo bezlotoxumab treatment... Rx Recipe's in a Hemingway House Nobel Novel written by 100 on MacBook Pro's will be more effective than Solo!


9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, The Next Generation of Yuengling Beer... and 1984 Mary's, Abad smashed head-on into another tractor-trailer, Mary Viggiano, 28, and Mary Rodriguez, 28, were killed. The third passenger, Mary Kudlac, 23, of the Linden police, was hospitalized with serious injuries... The Next Generation of Yuengling Beer... and 1984 Mary's. Mary is a Wine O in our 1984 II Society because the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort is Laser Guided and there are No More Head on Collisions in 2015!! Mary is a Wine O because Officer Abad posted to his Instagram account a photograph of whiskey shots... before he killed Mary in a wrong way head on crash. Wrong way 1984 II Dictators killed laser guidance on Officer Abad's car. And brainwashed Abad into posting whisky shots on Facebook not IP invention projects to water proof all Apple Products!


9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 1984 II Dictators drive head on into the Key West Elementary School with their tractor trailers without even "Super Air Bags" on the front as our 1984 II Dictators suppressed this simple non high tech invention too... a war crime!

9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Francis in America: Protecting Pope Francis Means Being Able to Stop on a Dime, Mary walks into traffic without looking all the time. Pope Protecting Mary's, sober her up to NOT posting whisky + Wine shots on Facebook but IP invention projects to water proof + crash proof all Apple Products!


9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "Pope Lures Exiles Back to Cuba, Where a Lifetime Ago Is Yesterday" By LIZETTE ALVAREZ NY Times Castro makes Cuba non smoking saving Mary's life! CIA tortured hundred's of millions of Mary's to death via lung cancer. 150K will be killed in 2015 just in the USA by Lung Cancer in 2015, this is a real head on collision by a tractor trailer going the wrong way drunk and our 1984 II Dictators are war criminals as Greg + Wives in Key West + Los Alamos can get a Rx Overnight Cure by Christmas 2015!


9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Muslims in Saudi Arabia embark on first rites of the hajj, Muslim pilgrims circle the Kaaba, the cubic building at the Grand Mosque in the Muslim holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday, Godsend of $777 Trillion in this 1984 II Muslim Society via the Pentagon being the God that suppressed the 1980 - 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort - Mecca Today with 10 cent a gallon gasoline, no one would be at the Grand Mosque in the Muslim holy city of Mecca. A war crime by the Pentagon. Yale History will document!!


9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Mary on Greg's BDay before the last years use to Tango down Duval Key West. The tango is the signature dance of the pontiff's native home of Argentina. On the pope's 78th birthday, pilgrims in St. Peter's Square tangoed in his honor. Mary has not Tango 'ed down Duval in over a Year! Madonna won a Golden Globe Award for her portrayal of Argentine first lady Eva Peron in "Evita." Madonna told an Italian radio host, "God bless Pope Francis. We've got to meet. A plate of pasta, a bottle of good wine. Do I have a chance?" Hell No! Madonna has said she's been excommunicated three times. And the Pope has $7 Trillion from BP Oil, will God excommunicate the Pope, Hell Yes $$$.Madonna Ciccone, 57, has spent three decades riling up the church that inspired her holy first name. Mary has inspired the Pope to drive a 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort around Times Square tomorrow in defiance of our 1984 II USA Dictators but the New York Times will not cover this! Will Pope Francis drive a 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort in Mecca, Hell No! He would be beheaded! Mecca will be the New Detroit in 2016.


9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-22-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

Oppenheimer II + III inventing a cheap way to "water proof" + "crash proof" + "lost Proof" all of Apple's products.

Gregs 2007 web

Madonna, Rx Recipes, working 24/7 to get a stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure by Christmas 2015.

9-21-2015 Nightly9-21-2015 8th day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook. My 68th BDay is Sept, 27 and Sept 25th is iPhone 6s and 6s Plus buy day One! Emmy for "Greg + Wives in Key West"... JIT just in time for Pope Francis + Castro's... how is time + gravity generated $$$. IP, invention project brainstorming in a Hemingway House Nobel Novel writing on a iapps with MacBook Pro's and 100 writing on the same page at the same time with 1 Click Amazon links in the Nobel Novel to help you get started on a IP in every chapter. TV Show of writing this Hemingway Nobel Novel will win most of the Emmy Awards in 2016. TV Show of Tolstoy + Rousseau writing their "Confessions" Novels!! Not Sony movies made for the Pentagon!! Dubbed the Long Range Strike Bomber B-53 (LRSB) USAF Bombed the Hell out of NASA's Light Year Long Range (Jewish Alien Exodus Reunion) Shuttle Trains! AF $777 billion-dollar contract to build a new generation of long-distance bombers Dubbed the Long Range Strike Bomber B-53 (LRSB) program, either Northrop Grumman or Boeing and Lockheed Martin's esprit de corps can match NASA's Lost of the fleet of Light Year Long Range (Jewish Alien Exodus Reunion) Shuttle Trains! Russia and China have invested heavily in missile systems and ultra-modern Surface to Air Missiles. Pakistan invented everything $777 the Pentagon gave them in 2015 in H-Bomb assembly lines! Nine Yalies were among last night’s Emmy nominees, including Yale-in-Hollywood fixtures Claire Danes ’02 and Paul Giamatti ’89 DRA ’94 for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series. “Game of Thrones,” the HBO fantasy epic, was named best drama for the first time in the highly-rated show’s history, capping off a dominant night for the premium cable channel. Viola Davis won for ABC’s “How to Get Away With Murder,”. “Mad Men,” put an end to a long Emmy drought, winning best actor in a drama. Allison Janney of “Mom” and Tony Hale of “Veep,” who won Emmy's for best supporting acting in a comedy. Peter Dinklage of “Game of Thrones” and Uzo Aduba of “Orange Is the New Black” won the supporting acting awards on the drama side. Amy Schumer, won an Emmy for “Inside Amy Schumer,” her Comedy Central sketch show. “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart,” also on Comedy Central, won the award for best talk series. Long Range Strike Bomber B-53 (LRSB) USAF Bombed the Hell out of NASA's Light Year Long Range (Jewish Alien Exodus Reunion) Shuttle Trains! Winners at the Emmy Awards, $$$ HBO at $15 a month, CBS, NBC, ABC. Losers were the Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars and Jimmy Carter giving the Plains Georgia Sermon yesterday. Emmy for "Greg + Wives in Key West". Tracy Morgan gave a moving Emmy's speech following the car accident... as she was not driving a 2015 Laser Guided ElectricWindmillFord Escort!! Simple invention like inventing a cheap way to "water proof" + "crash proof" + "lost Proof" all of Apple's products. The week in Apple news: iOS 9 released, Apple TV remote and games, Apple... how many Apple products got wet last week statistics will be on the Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The South's Journey From Carter to Trump. The South no longer supports politicians like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. It is now firmly the land of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. Brain + Breast Cancer, Jimmy Carter + Beau, Teddy Kennedy + 1 million deaths after Teddy Kennedy and McCain spends $10 Trillion of $777 Trillion on a JFK super carrier not a Super Rx Overnight Miracle Rx Cure for Brain + Breast Cancers. Jimmy Carter and Hillary could have prevented 9/11 too. This will not be in the NY Times Editorials until the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort is driven by Dr. Nancy Oppenheimer up to the Front Door of the NY Times building... 155 Story Yale NYC Medical School should have been built here first but the NY Times Mad Men have infected the masses with malware, hate crimes against God's best invention Women and censored front page stories of Making Polygamous Marriage Legal to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year! 1984 II Journalists War Crimes! Yale History will document this! Yale Med will build a 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Medical School in NYC. Change the Skyline... to post 9/11 10 cent a gallon gasoline from 1980 and Jimmy Carters Days. Knowing you are going to Hell on your death bed, Georgia Russia Plantation owners wrote confession books on this Jimmy Carter never read in 1980.

News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Rx Recipes will be 1 Click like Amazon for your Rx invention projects with iapps at the Hemingway House Writing Class, no more trade secrets or secret Rx Recipes working 24/7 to get a stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure by Christmas 2015. Someone should tell the Pope in NYC this, grin. $$$ Martin Shkreli is the founder and chief executive of Turing Pharmaceuticals, which raised the price of the drug Daraprim to $750 a tablet from $13.50. Dr. Judith Aberg, the chief of the division of infectious diseases at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. She said the price increase could force hospitals to use “alternative therapies that may not have the same efficacy.” Dr. Judith should get together with Dr. Nancy at Los Alamos and crunch some new Rx Recipes for Daraprim and the 100's of other Rx drugs that have just rocketed in price this year! Rx Recipes for Cycloserine, a drug used to treat dangerous multi drug-resistant tuberculosis, was just increased in price to $10,800 for 30 pills from $500 after its acquisition by Rodelis Therapeutics. TB can be Rx Cured overnight just like Stage 4, and before Christmas 2015.


9-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, This is not the Marines esprit de corps but writing a Hemingway Nobel Novel with Rx in every chapter and crunching all the Rx Recipes at Los Alamos. Doxycycline, an antibiotic, went from $20 a bottle in October 2013 to $1,849 by April 2014. Yale offers middle school girls science experience. By Brendan Hellweg Yale Staff reporter! One hundred twenty-one rockets ascended in the air nearby Kline Biology Tower this Saturday, deploying parachutes as they drifted back to the cheering astrophysicists. Those scientists were not Yale faculty members testing out their latest lab experiment. They were middle school girls participating in the Girls’ Science Investigations, a free program, partially funded by Yale, meant to inspire more girls to develop an interest in science and to narrow the gender disparity in scientific fields. Yale Medical School and Rx. need to get the Miuddle school girls a new Recipe Book of Doxycycline + Syphilis drugs to rocket!


9-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Marines have been increasingly troubled that instead of weeding out pedophiles, the American military was arming them in some cases and placing them as the commanders of villages — and doing little when they began abusing children.

9-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Yale, Harvard, Oxford Pedophiles are the top brass at the Emmy's and in our 1984 II Society too. U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN NY Times... Hillary Ignore's Sexual Abuse and murder of Women World Wide... Syphilis given to her by Bill has infected her brain, grin! President Obama on some of his top priorities, it also comes at a moment of sharp focus on moral questions where the two differ. Official UN report said 90% of men in Kenya rape their mother, sister, daughters! So much for Afghan Allies!


9-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Invention, The Next Generation of Yuengling Beer. Coors mass murder of Jewish Aliens at each of the nearest 52 stars. 19K SWF's murdered by a drunk man in 2015 and the Emmy award for... Viola Davis won for ABC’s “How to Get Away With Murder,”. Emmy for Star Trek IX Admirals Daughter makes the movie Invent Something for the next generation. HBO win lost a "Universe" for everyone on Earth! The Next Generation of Yuengling Beer. Next years 19K SWF murdered by a drunk man. Hillary is going down for these mass murders!! Putin might put the Antibuse in the Vodka or H2O before Obama, tit for tat on going war between them over Tim Cook + Elton John. Cosby + OJ in a 1984 II society and no one called 911. The Next Generation of Yuengling Beer. Castro made Cuba non-smoking for Pope Francis yesterday. Today Cuban's are smoking again. The Next Generation of Yuengling Beer. Recipe's for Beer should have been in Kidman's Photo 51 DNA play. Well DNA II + III Nobel is in the works today, few elite readers of this web page think they can win a Nobel for DNA II as there is something else in DNA that can be discovered! The Next Generation of Yuengling Beer. State of the Arts Laser Guidance no head on car collisions ever again in Havana's Revolution Plaza. Pope Francis mends relationships while in the USA domestic violence shelters are in the news adding 130K homes for women to move into. Cause of the domestic violence was The Next Generation of Yuengling Beer. Catholics Celebrate marriage between a man + women then our 1984 II Dictators master mind hate crimes and Coors to start a fight! Devout followers of the history of 1984 from the first George Orwell Novel to the futuristic George Orwell II Nobel Novel. Yes you will get a Nobel for this Novel once the government lets you publish it, grin! 1 Click links in this novel will get you Top Secrets, FBI, CIA, Los Alamos. Mass Murder of Jewish Aliens at each of the nearest 52 Stars is Super Gravity! Gravity will be dissected in the Star Trek IX movie, grin!


9-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-21-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Marines esprit de corps, Marines Top Brass killed all the Jewish Aliens in the Universe, all of them at each of the 52 Nearest Stars can go to Hell because the Marine Top Brass can't Invent Anything high tech enough to hear and see them!! Alternatives to letting the Marine Generals kill all the Jewish Aliens at the 52 nearest stars is the cable bundles that will be coming out of the cable companies themselves after all the AT&T Top Brass are in Siberia. Since Verizon Communications in April introduced cheaper, slimmed-down bundles of just dozens of TV channels - as opposed to hundreds... 100's are still made for the Pentagon TV viewers not Greg and Wives in Key West and @ Los Alamos with 1,001 IP Invention Projects. Cable Channel 155 Story Eiffel Tower Medical School were all the MD's and Patients wear NASA designer space suits. Walter Reed Hospital is shut down by Yale Med School statistics. Marines esprit de corps, besides killing all the Jewish Aliens at 52 nearest stars the Marines blew up the "Faster than the speed of light" super computer invention just when it was ready to go into the "Gravity Engine" "Star Trek to Jewish Aliens", the next Star Trek Movie VII. Kurt is only in the New Star Trek Movie 3 mins as he has no idea how to get the "Gravity Engine" running, the Blond Admirals Daughter makes the Movie like the DNA women Kidman Plays, would Kidman want to play a "Brainstorming" Star Trek Marine esprit de corps, faster than light IP Movie? Dissecting Light like she dissected DNA in Photo 51. $$$ Laser Guided bullets + shoulder fired missiles won't get the Marines esprit de corps, to 52 near stars at their high tech HQ. Looking around the Marines HT HQ then think of the HQ for 52 Stars... NASA in the 60's with Mac Monitors not 100" Ultra's. Marines esprit de corps, Comcast bundle of 10 channels will all be ESPN + Military not IP 24/7 brainstorming how to go faster than the speed of light and how to hear + see Jewish Aliens channels from Greg + Wives in Key West and all of Los Alamos. Marines espirit de corps can work the Los Alamos Assembly lines building the LG-Bombs we will explode over all of Pakistan! 10 cable channel bundle from Verizon-Comcast will get to Congress in 2015.

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 67th Emmy Awards, which air Sunday. "Inside Amy Schumer," only the second time in 10 years that a woman has been nominated in that race. Female writers of AMC's period drama "Mad Men" accounted for 10 out 15 nominations for the show in best drama series writing since 2006. Comedy Central's "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," a frequent nominee in the outstanding writing for a variety series category, has four women on its writing staff this year, up from just one in 2006. 67th Emmy Awards, which air Sunday. Marines aren't the only one's who kill all the Jewish aliens in the Universe and at 52 near stars. The Emmy TV shows did a genocide on Jewish Aliens via suppressing all High Tech Inventions in their TV shows. wow.


9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Enny TV shows... "If more women were hired as writers, directors, editors, producers, and especially as creators and executive producers, the talent pool for nominations would be futuristic TV shows murdered Jewish Aliens, everyone reading this can see this! High Tech Light + Breast Cancer Cells dissected on the "View" + "Talk" open up the Top Quark and its gluon force fields like DNA II Nobel that will come out of a DNA TV show not Hollywood Housewives but MD scientists.

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Handcrafted altars, chairs await Pope Francis on US visit. WASHINGTON - When Pope Francis celebrates an outdoor Mass on Sept. 23 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, he will stand at an altar and sit in a chair built by hand with utmost care by a score of craftspeople. Pope Francis need the high tech 007 Godsend's, how is gravity generated sermon at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Gods handcrafted higher tech science than any Marine General. Ask the Marine Generals how gravity is generated and what difference this makes in Star Wars...


9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Visit from Pope Francis in New York may delay iPhone 6s shipments. For years people have ordered their iPhones through Apple simply because they can give you accurate shipping dates. However, if you live in New York this year that may change. STD, Syphilis, Hepatitis, MS Virus given caller ID high tech status that can reach into your medical records in a second and iPhone 6s +++ caller ID's them she will see them on her caller ID, this is what Pope Francis delays!! Trumps STD's and Prostitutes, on your caller ID when he calls you!!


9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, USA Cable High Tech dissection of this... Shaikh Rashid died of a heart attack at the age of 34. He was eldest son of His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, death of Shaikh Rashid Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the eldest son of His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, death of Jewish Aliens via giving Dubai $777 Trillion that should have gone to Los Alamos II for the LG-bomb, Stage 4 Rx Cure, Gravity Engine, 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in the USA...


9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, deaths of tourists children who did the Duval Walk in Key West breathing in Spray Painted Clouds of Burning Oil. Volkswagen AG's admission that it cheated to make nearly half a million diesel cars appear cleaner-burning than they are leaves the automaker facing billions in fines, its executives risking criminal charges! Hell Too... 4 Trillion years before the "Big Bang" and Sandy Quarks on a Key West Beach and the Top Brass put poison gas in the air for kids who's DNA is dividing 1 billion times every 24 hours gets mixed up with poison particles of diesel.

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Pope in Cuba. Raúl Castro joked that Francis might even persuade him to return to church. Few expect that a Cuban government still so firmly in power is going to roll over, no matter how popular the pope may be. And those government critics, especially in Miami, who want Francis to publicly rebuke Mr. Castro are likely to be disappointed. The toughest negotiations will most likely happen in private. “Cuba is his hardest task,” “He will know that he has to engineer a new path in Cuba and he has the best opportunity yet with his rhetoric, background of social activism and lack of stuffiness to open the key to the Cuban door.” NY Times Jim Yardley reported from Havana and Vatican City, Azam Ahmed from Havana, and Victoria Burnett from Mexico City. NY Times reported Castro put everyone with Syphilis, HIV, STD's, Hepatitis, MS Virus in "Hospital Prisons" to be the only Nation on Earth HIV free. USA's 1984 II dictators give Syphilis... to 100's every new day.


9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "How to Close Guantánamo" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times President Obama has just over a year to deliver on his promise to shut down the prison, a goal that is hard but not hopeless.


9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, By MICHAEL R. GORDON and ERIC SCHMITT The deployment of air defense systems and fighter aircraft has spurred concerns that Moscow’s goal includes establishing a military outpost in the Middle East. Kerry's Guantánamo, McCain's $10 Trillion dollar JFK Super Carrier under construction Today. WW III has already started with Tim Cook + Elton John's hate crimes against God's bets invention, "Women". Document crimes against women are in the air waves, Yale's history will be full of books on Rape and Comfort women of 2015 for the next generation to read what Kerry did, let happen to women at the hands of Tim Cook + Elton John. Putin decided to fight back in the honor of women. Spirit the Marines don't have as Marine Generals in the USA know Tim Cook + Elton John are worst than Cosby's rape's! 007 at CIA HQ some might help Putin save her life from Elite Pedophile's who are Alumni of Yale, Harvard + Oxford. Saudi + Dubai sex slaves, Jap's comfort women in 2015. And now Tim Cook + Elton John with the NY Times Journalists hate crime against women, in the air and will be documented at Yale History in Time. How is Gravity of all this generated. 1984 II Dictators have syphilis and no Rx cure as they Keep Los Alamos for out of date H-Bombs. Putin went into Syria as a tit for tat not stage 4 cure by building the Yale Syria Med School. Kerry is a war criminal from Vietnam + the massacre of Jewish Aliens at 52 near stars. McCain too! Putin will make Polygamous Marriage Legal in Russia before it's Legal in the USA.


9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Madonna now Pope... For Pope Francis’ Mass at Madison Square Garden, God Is in the Details. How 4 Trillion Years before the Big Bang and how Proxima will burn its H for the next 4 trillion years will be the sermon at Madison Square Garden on Friday Sept, 25, 2015. NYC.


9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, First U.S. Airbus Factory Gives Wings to Revival in Mobile, Ala. section BU - page 1 By NICOLA CLARK NY Times... 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts, 1 Trillion in front of the New York Times building built with kickbacks from BP Oil now Clark writes headlines for one Airbus factory. This is a war crime by the NY Times.

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Finally, anger can also motivate large-scale political progress. Researchers reported in the Journal of Conflict Resolution in 2011 that among Israeli Jews, inducing anger at Palestinians increased their desire to make necessary compromises in upcoming peace talks — as long as the attitudes of the Israelis toward Palestinians were not hateful. This finding suggested that while some angry people may try to remedy a frustrating situation with aggression, others — even those who are just as angry — may funnel their anger into less antagonistic solutions. We tend to associate anger with the loss of control, but anger has clear applications and obeys distinct rules. It may be blunt, but it has its own particular logic. And used judiciously, it can get us better deals, galvanize coalitions and improve all our lives. Matthew Hutson is the author of “The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking: How Irrational Beliefs Keep Us Happy, Healthy, and Sane.”

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Anger article by Matthew Hutson went on and on but censored the #1 + 2... 19K SWF are murdered in 2015 and Anger at God... NY Times article on front page, who made God. I didn't read this article as Jewish Aliens at the 52 nearby stars know who made God I will find this out when I meet the Jewish Aliens, grin. #3 would be Road Rage - Matthew Hutson didn't mention this. Why? Road Rage with iPhone 6s +++ dash cams will quiet or arrest more as they will get the Road Rage ticket on their iPhone 6s ++++++ grin.

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Rx Perfumes in these Journals, higher tech Journals for the next generation with 1 click to the Rx Recipes that are trade secrets today but needed for tomorrow! Anger also works better in negotiations when it’s directed at an offer rather than at the person making the offer, according to a 2011 article in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Many of the same researchers also reported, in a 2012 paper in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, that expressing anger when you’re in a position of low power merely irritates your opponent and leads to a backlash. If you have less power than your opponent, they found, showing disappointment is a better strategy than expressing anger, as it can induce feelings of guilt in your opponent. Rx Perfumes in these Journals, higher tech Journals for the next generation with 1 click to the Rx Recipes that are trade secrets today but needed for tomorrow!

9-20-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Take a Labor Day Tour of 1 Trillionth 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort coming off the Ford Assembly line, mandatory iPhone 6 +++ dash cam's + laser guidance.

9-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Marine Corps study is flawed and that its summary findings were picked from a much larger study in a manner that was biased toward keeping women out of combat roles with Jewish Aliens!! Marines esprit de corps will be undermined by the presence of women, who are Jewish Aliens. Marines have a climate of non-inclusivity and justify it by talking about combat effectiveness, and have been brainwashed by the Top Brass that Jewish Aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars can go to Hell because the Marine Top Brass can't Invent Anything high tech enough to hear and see them!! The older generation, believe integrating women will be disastrous in war... "Star Wars" is only a Sony movie made for the Pentagon not real world or should I say real universe! He asked rhetorically how mixing men and women who get aroused at every "Eye Contact" caused a "Erection". Outperforming Top Brass at making complex "Inventions" that can go faster than the speed of light!!! Hear + See 4.3 light years into the "Battlefields" that will be addressed in the next generation of Top Brass at the Pentagon if the current Top Brass decide to play war games on Earth instead of the Universe in General. Los Alamos can get the invention to Hear + See Jewish Aliens after Dr. Nancy Snyderman + her hand picked Marine Women cure Stage 4 with a overnight Miracle Godsend Rx. Oppenheimer II + III study would boost the 3-D and Ultra special effects in the Sony Star Wars Movie, and dissect its "Gravity Engine" in enough details we on Earth can invent the Gravity Engine in 2016!

9-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Sgt. Maj. Justin D. LeHew, a decorated Iraq war veteran who oversaw the integration tests, said in a post on his personal Facebook page this week that lowering standards to allow women into combat teams would endanger other Marines. The post was soon taken down, but was published by Marine Corps Times. “In regards to the infantry... there is no trophy for second place. You perform or die,” Sergeant LeHew wrote. “Make no mistake. In this realm, you want your fastest, most fit, most physical and most lethal person you can possibly put on the battlefield to overwhelm the enemy’s ability to counter what you are throwing at them, and in every test case, that person has turned out to be a man. There is nothing gender biased about this; it is what it is.”


9-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Oppenheimer II + III can take over all of Los Alamos and Oppenheimer III + IV can take over all of the Marines! Taking over Los Alamos first, as the AF, Army, Marines, Navy don't own Los Alamos so this H-Bomb factory, out of date as much as LeHew after Los Alamos invents the LG-Bomb Lobotomy Gas Bomb blasted over Baghdad, grin! Pakistan is more were the LG-Bombs will be blasted off over the whole Nation of Pakistan. LeHew will kill his own Marines in friendly fire taking over the Nation of Pakistan, grin!


Oppenheimer II + III can take over all of Los Alamos then the Marines to staff it for mass production of the LG-Bombs, grin!

Gregs 2007 web

Madonna, God's best Bitch can't drive in Mecca lyrics... until the LG-Bombs get her $777 Trillion Moslems stole from her in gas station hold ups, sucker punching the SWF out of spite for the Top Brass!


9-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Los Alamos + Oppenheimer II + III can take over all the "Casino's"... The Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa in Atlantic City can legally regulate the weight of its employees, a New Jersey appeals court ruled this week. Take Over of Los Alamos, then the Marines, then all the Casino's all this in a Sony Star Wars Movie, grin! Samgsung, it's not a Phone it's a "Galaxy" - same as on this web page. It's a "Web Page" going after the 52 Nearest Stars in the Milky Way Galaxy none of the Top Bass has the IQ to drive to as they all bought a 2nd home in Mecca not Key West... well UAE's is were Bill + Melinda Socialize! As for the Japs Today, more war crimes and "Comfort Women" we ever the Pentagon send them tomorrow... Japan’s Parliament Approves Overseas Combat Role for Military + "Secret Comfort Women".


9-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Deadly fuel tanker explosions are common in East Africa, where poor residents living near highways converge around fuel tankers after accidents to steal gas. MARIDI, South Sudan — The death toll from a fuel tanker explosion in a rural South Sudanese state reached 183 on Friday, a regional official said, as me dical staff and volunteers struggled to keep up with the influx of severely burned patients.


9-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Los Alamos tomorrow can make a computer simulation of "Bone Marrow" for viewers to Brainstorm... Tomorrow's IP invention projects from the Top Brass after Trump Fires all of them for not getting any futuristic Star Wars inventions Today! Tomorrow, college students will be canvassing at campuses across the country to recruit donors for a bone marrow drive. Their focus is on young adults, as the best chance for a successful bone marrow transplant comes from that age, with those under 35.


9-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Key West Conch Color News about Key West Montessori School International Peace Day, Maria Montessori "Lasting Peace is the work of Education..." get the kid to "Brainstorm" a invention to hear Jewish Aliens as the Marine's will kill everyone on Earth if they don't get this invention via education in the class room soon! Montessori kids recite poems, Hell they need to brainstorm how to hear Jewish Aliens, satellite and telescope engineering recited... grin. Release white Doves!! Key West "Biker Babes: are in town today on Duval for the Schooner Wharf Bar Poker Run Day! Schooner Wharf "Brainstorming Days" have to invent something to sober the management up with first, grin.

9-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, By AILEEN JACOBSON New York Times Photographs of John Lennon, Yoko Ono and other celebrities from the 1970s are being exhibited for the first time in East Hampton... Today!


9-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Economist suggests world needs to price coal correctly to reduce... Phys.Org Staff. I use read Physics.org every day for years until they started all stories like this "Coal". When they know 1 Trillion NASA made cans of liquid H @ -254 C would "rocket" 15 billion people on Earth into a Era with home generated electric power and "Star Wars Physics of Gravity Engine articles on the Physics today home page. COAL $$$ trillions go to Colorado + Canada, this is a war crime in what we know about liquid H @ -254 C today. NY Times front page will have to wait on this story too, grin!!

9-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-19-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Madonna opened with a recorded monologue about wanting to “start a revolution”; her voice warned about “too much creativity being crushed beneath the will of corporate branding and what’s trendy.” She made her entrance inside a medieval-looking cage that she would break out of as she sang “Iconic,” a pep talk on self-realization for everyone, and then “Bitch I’m Madonna,” a reminder — with thundering dubstep bass drops — that she stands apart. Rebel Heart” tour started its two nights at Madison Square Garden on Wednesday. She belted “HeartBreakCity,” Detroit - Mecca, 1984 II Dictators + the NY Times destroyed Detroit to build a Super Mecca Church that can hold 2.2 Moslems at one time! Bitch can't drive a car in Mecca too. Madonna "Wipped" in Rebel Heart Transplants for Saudi's and Cheney's going to the head - of the line. Walter Reed Military + VA MD's double dip $$$ selling Made in the USA organs to Rich Moslems. Trendy Today is $777 Trillion in BP oil Revenues $$$ Medieval-looking London Medical School instead of a Titanium Eiffel Tower 155 Stories!! Yale Paris Medical School. Japs are going to War Again, crushed beneath the USA's 1984 Dictators with syphilis. Madonna the indomitable sexpot would prevail. That’s undeniable. She mentioned, twice, that she first played Madison Square Garden 30 years ago, saying she felt nostalgic... 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort fels nostalgic with a futuristic "Gravity Engine! "Madonna’s set opened with a recorded monologue about wanting to “start a revolution”; 30 Years ago Stage 4 killed 40K SWF in the USA, today Stage 4 statistics are the same. So much for the NY Times Health Well Tera Parker Pope! Dr. Mrs. Pope's Miracle Godsend Stage 4 Rx Cure in 1980, "Nostalgic Miracle". Songs by Madonna in the 1984 III ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era will be like her Songs in the "Gravity Engine" Era, grin. Wish I could have been at Madonna's Concert in Madison Square Garden as the last time I was there I was 10 years old. Greg.

9-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Dozens Killed in South Sudan Fuel Tanker Explosion By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

9-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "Gravity Engine Explosion!" by Greg + Wives in Key West...

9-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Egypt Bans News Coverage of Killings of Mexican Tourists By JARED MALSIN New York Times.

9-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, New York Times Bans News Coverage of the "Gravity Engine" IP invention project + Brainstorming Nobel Novel written in a Hemingway House Writing Class on an ipps with a 100 people!

9-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, New York times Bans front page IP of attaching a microscope to your iPhone 6s +++ Polarized Light Microscopy can be attached, Malaria Diagnosis to Smartphones IP and a trillion other uses of a Microscope attached to a iPhone 6s +++ all are Banned from the front PAGE PICTURES. And if you don't know what's in their blood sample you can send the picture to the Yale Lab! Futuristic Yale Blood Lab written up in a Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House Writing Class Today on an iapps that lets 100 write a IP on every page. And Yale Lab Professors can read the Novel Tomorrow. How many different Novels can the Hemingway Writing Class write, depends on the Yale Professor giving the blood lab assignments, grin. Test results are a Rx Cure in the Real Worlds not a grade on a Yale test. Rx recipes are in the Novel too as they are no longer top secret and trade secrets in this futuristic 1984 III Era!

9-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Dental X-ray machine connected to your iPhone 6s +++ I had to add this as I need several teeth pulled ASAP... and of course they have to take x-rays first! When I get to Yale I will ask the Dental School Professors if they really need to take x-rays first...

9-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 30 years of Bar Fights to drunk to remember them... NY Times Bans New coverage of any IP invention projects but to refuse to serve them any more drinks.... The quarrel came in a long night of drinking and carousing at an Irish pub in Manhattan last Halloween, and as is often the case, the cause was trivial. An assistant district attorney, dressed as Clark Kent, was searching fruitlessly for his coat after hours of partying with friends and he picked up a woman’s purse and scarf. she threw a beer in his face as he came at her. He pushed her into a stair railing, she testified, then put his hands around her neck and choked her, forcing her violently into a sofa, then onto the floor. Hunched over her, he kept on squeezing her throat and slapped her when she tried to pull his hands away, Ms. Schuck said. Two men and a female bartender separated them. “I was petrified,” she said. “I thought he was trying to kill me.” Mr. Cherkasky, 35, is charged with third-degree assault. 19K SWF's will be murdered by a drunk man in 2015 and the DA will bring this up to the Judge in closing! IP invention project to stop this drinking by 19K men will take a longer trial...

9-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Who would ever think a new husband could get all the inventions his new wife never thought of by living vicariously via her telling "All"... Abstract concrete. The New York Times paid a visit to the Yale University Art Gallery to write a story about how the museum’s juxtaposition of ceramics with the more traditional mounted paintings has cultivated a unique viewing experience. Fortunately, you’re all in a position to see it for yourself, rather than having to live vicariously through the article’s photos.

9-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

Rebel Heart By Madonna MD

I've lived my life like a masochist Hearing my father say, 'Told you so, told you so! Why can't you be like the other girls?' I said, 'Oh no, that's not me And I don't think that it'll ever be'

Thought I belong to a different tribe Walking alone, never satisfied, satisfied Trying to fit in but it wasn't me I said, 'Oh no, I want more That's not what I'm looking for'

So I took the road less traveled by And I barely made it out alive Through the darkness somehow I survived Tough love, I knew it from the start Deep down in the depth Of my rebel heart

I've spent some time as a narcissist Hearing the others say, 'Look at you, look at you! Trying to be so provocative' I said, 'Oh yeah, that was me' All the things I did just to be seen

Outgrown my past and I've shed my skin Letting it go and I'll start again, start again Never look back, it's a waste of time I said, 'Oh yeah, this is me And I'm right here where I wanna be' I said, 'Hell yeah, this is me Right where I'm supposed to be'

So I took the road less traveled by And I barely made it out alive Through the darkness somehow I survived Tough love, I knew it from the start Deep down in my rebel heart

So I took the road less traveled by And I barely made it out alive Through the darkness somehow I survived Tough love, I knew it from the start Deep down in the depth

Of my rebel heart Of my rebel heart In my rebel heart

Madonna "Gravity Engine" Tour

Gregs 2007 web

God's best Bitch can't drive in Mecca lyrics...

9-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-17-2015 I biked by this spot at 3 pm yesterday Wed... news has no time of the crash? Aprils mug shot time is 9:35 pm

9-17-2015 A Summerland Key woman died Wednesday night after being hit by a car while walking on South Roosevelt Boulevard near Key West International Airport and another woman has been charged in her death. Key West police withheld the victim's name pending notification of next of kin but said the driver was April Dawn Thomason, 43, of Telegraph Lane. She's charged with negligent homicide, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and hit and run, all felonies. Police spokeswoman Alyson Crean said Thomason was driving a black Mercedes and lost control, veering up on the sidewalk and hitting the 49-year victim, who was walking with a friend. Thomason reportedly kept driving, then was forced to stop by a vehicle in front of her. Two bicyclists who saw the hit and run caught up to Thomason’s car and detained her until police arrived, Crean said. The victim was taken to Lower Keys Medical Center, where she was pronounced dead. South Roosevelt was shut down for more than four hours for the investigation.


9-18-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Holocaust II + III in Germany, Porsche unveiled its all-electric Mission E concept car. A four-door, four-seat luxury performance sedan with futuristic 911 - 9/11 World Trade Center Towers will convict the Owners of Porsche of Holocaust II + III. 1980 ElectricWindmillPorsche in Berlin was a "War Crime" by Germany, again and again and $777 Trillion is in Swiss Banks, same Bank Hitler used has USA gas station hold up oil revenues, a "War Crime" by the Swiss who will stand trail for Holocaust II + III because the Jews want "Star Travels" to make contact with Jewish aliens at each of the 52 Nearest Stars! Jews want the Revenge of confiscating $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia, Allah, Mecca, grin $$$. 10 cent a gallon gasoline revenge for all the Saudi SWF sex slaves... 1984 III MD Women Dictators Revenge! Dr. Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer II + III @ Los Alamos 24/7.

9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Chat Between Elton John and Vladimir Putin Was a New York Times; Hoax!! By SOPHIA KISHKOVSKY and CHRISTOPHER D. SHEA New York Times; Hoax!! Elton John must have Syphilis II + III, Warts, MS Virus, HIV, STD's, Hepatitis II + III... iPhone 6s +++ caller ID will pop up with all these when Elton John calls Putin, grin!


9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 2 supermassive holes gravitational waves that will blow stars out of their galaxies 3 Billion light years from Earth while Jewish Aliens wait for the team of Caltech astronomers to write a report on the Nearest 52 Stars to Earth. Spaced Out 3 Billion years from Earth is a real Mission Impossible and stifles Humanity getting 4.3 light years! Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University with $7 Trillion from the $777 Trillion will replace 99 % of Caltech and Berkeley Labs, yes there will be a "Lab" for Scientists II + III at the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University!


9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Black holes, predicted by Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the prevailing theory of gravity, are objects so dense that not even light can escape from them. Einstein II + III will be MD Women who's inspiration "Light" is stronger than gravity on Everest will be the Kidman DNA women who discovers DNA II dissecting Top Quarks gluon... Top secrets of gravity, Inspiration, Women, God's best Invention! Ms. Einstein II + III @ Los Alamos with Greg + Wives 24/7 brainstorming will get the cure for our 1984 II Dictators Syphilis, grin!


9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Relativisticly lets get some Berkeley Papers written on the nearest 52 Stars!


9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Chat Between Elton John and Vladimir Putin Was a New York Times; Hoax!! By SOPHIA KISHKOVSKY and CHRISTOPHER D. SHEA New York Times; Hoax!!

9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Dr. Deborah Asnis, whose suspicions about two Queens hospital patients suffering from sudden paralysis led to the discovery of the first outbreak of West Nile virus in the Western Hemisphere, died on Saturday in Manhattan. She was 59. The cause was breast cancer, her son, Joshua, said. Deborah Susan Asnis was born in New Hyde Park, on Long Island, on July 17, 1956, the daughter of Myron Asnis and the former Ruth Kornblum. She graduated from Northwestern University and from its medical school in 1981. 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillFord Escort!


9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Apple's iOS 9 Is All About Making Your iPhone Easier to Use. WIRED There are billions of people coming online who don't already know how to use an iPhone. And, for those of us who do, our priorities have shifted.

9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4 breast cancer Priorities, STD's on iPhone 6s +++ caller ID Priorities!!


9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Yale Medical Group Chief Medical Officer Ronald Vender MED ’77 said that YNHH is a hospital that sees a lot of these such patients. “YNHH is one of the most complex hospitals in the country and is dramatically different than a facility like the Hebrew Home,” Vender said, referring to the only Connecticut hospital that avoided the penalty. “That is like comparing Yale University to a community college in rural Iowa.”


9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Patients from Iowa will fly into the Yale Key West Medical School and if they were at Yale New Haven Hospital first they will think they landed on Proxima Centauri as everyone will be dressed in NASA Hospital Designed Space Suits and one for the patient from Iowa will get on landing in Key West, grin.

9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Yale New Haven Hospital was were I was born... I emailed my blood test from Key West to the Yale Lab. When I get to Yale I will brainstorm 24/7 in the hospital on how to put vaccine's in the H2O.


9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 2010 Affordable Care Act, to compare quality of care at hospitals. Together with mortality rates and the prevalence of hospital acquired infections, the federal government penalizes hospitals that fare poorly by docking their Medicare reimbursement payments. Yale-New Haven Hospital will face another 1.3 percent decrease in revenue, a result of failing to meet readmission rate standards for the fourth year in a row.

9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Yale Daily News reporter By Amaka Uchegbu FAILED to say why YNHH failed 4 years in a row. And didn't mention NASA Designed Hospital Space Suits for MD's + Patients, everyone really!


9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Measles Outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo Kills 400. By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. NY Times. And a Nobel guy made headlines today saying the Nobel Prize should not have gone to Obama. 40K SWF in the USA died of Breast Cancer in 2015 and the Nobel in Medicine guys leave Los Alamos alone to build H-Bombs again today. The King of Sweden needs to step down... and make a women MD President of Sweden. Even if she can't take over Los Alamos she can save 300 SWF's a year in Sweden that the King can't, won't!


9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Former Secretary of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee Geir Lundestad reportedly notes in his new book that the body “didn't achieve what it had hoped for” when it gave Barack Obama the benefit of the doubt and conferred the prestigious award on him in 2009. While it is quite rare for Nobel officials to openly discuss the nuts and bolts of their secretive committee, the former director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute has apparently owned up in his memoir ‘Secretary of Peace’ 1984 II book from the Nobel Guy.

9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, U.S. President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Barack Obama laughs after receiving his medal and diploma from Nobel committee chairman Thorbjorn Jagland at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony at City Hall in Oslo December 10, 2009. 40K USA SWF's have died every year of Breast Cancer from 2009 to 2015. A "War Crime" by the Top Brass!


9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

Einstein II + III will be MD Women who's inspiration "Light" is stronger than gravity! And can be measured in the number's of IP and Inventions!

Gregs 2007 web

God's best invention is "Women" + Women's Inspiration! Gravity Engine is way down the list...

9-17-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Tim Cook "Hates" the Steve Jobs "Movie" and Greg + Wives in Key West haven't even made the Steve Jobs II MD Documentary Yet, I think the "Movie" - "Hate Crimes" against SWF and "Women" by Tim Cook will get Tim's comments way above I "Hate" this movie! Grin, Greg's Revenge Movie! Like a movie about Cosby with Obama in it giving Cosby the Medal of Honor then they drug a SWF... wait until this movie comes out!! "1984 II" people can watch it but not the "General" public.

9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Colbert awkwardly cut Cook off when he was on the verge of expressing cynicism over the bevy of books and "Movies" released since Jobs died. "I miss him everyday," Cook said. "I think that a lot of people are trying to be opportunistic and I hate this, "Movie!" Greg + Wives Steve Jobs II MD "Movie" how Steve got a kidney and would he be alive today if Yale Med Students + Professors took charge of Steve Jobs like a "Ward of the Court?" Job's would probably be alive today I would diagnose just from what craze things Jobs did and didn't do after he learned he had cancer. This is what I hate. Millions of Steve Jobs will die from the same misdiagnosis and treatment Jimmy Carter gets after his cancer is found. Jimmy Carter was just "Stupid" he missed it a year ago... and as for Beau and VP Biden he will make a "Movie" about Beau and the Walter Reed Military + VA MD's will get Obama to "Stop" this "Movie" as it will get them ranked in last place behind the Med School in Nepal "Cat Man Do" grin! Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal. BP Oil never built a Oxford Medical School Here!!


9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "Movies" of beheading's... one clip I remember from Saudi Arabia was a Saudi Prince wipped a contractor and buried him in the sand and the guy making the movie didn't say anything... so this goes on all the time in the "Oil Rich Din" Lisa Borch, 15, murdered her mother with a kitchen knife. Picture: The Times ... A Danish mother was stabbed to death by her teenage daughter and her daughter's Iraqi boyfriend after the pair repeatedly watched "Movies" of brutal Islamic State beheading's murders + people being tortured to death. Hillary must have watched "Trillions" of these "Movies" when giving the News on Women Driving in Saudi Arabia then watching the "Woman" Hillary got to Drive a Car in the NBC Clip get "Wiped" like Hell and Hillary didn't put this on another NBC clip. This goes on all the time in our 1984 II Society!! And Tim Cook hates the Steve Job's Movie coming out on Oct, 9th, grin! I'm sure Tim Cook knows about all these murder and torture "Movies" and he is opening a new store that will sell iPhone 6s 6s +++ to rich Moslems who will film women being wiped and tortured in Dubai UAE.


9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, United Nations will not write up "War Crimes" by Saudi Arabia... "War crimes 'most likely' committed in Sri Lankan civil war, United Nations Said...Sri Lankan government forces and Tamil Tiger rebels "most likely" committed war crimes including mass killings of civilians during their long conflict that should be prosecuted by a special court with international judges, the United Nations says.


9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, United Nations Employees took $777 Trillion in BP Oil kickback's to suppress the 1 Trillion ElectricWindmillFord Escorts coming off the USA assembly lines!! This is a "War Crime" by the United Nations!! $$$

9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Today's news on Trump, troops. Leading the GOP field, presidential candidate Donald Trump has vowed to improve care for American veterans with a "whole new system," saying if VA hospitals aren't performing as they should, wounded warriors could be sent for private MD's. Trump didn't say a thing about Beau... this is a "War Crime" by Trump as Beau was murdered by VA + Military MD's the VP's son! Trump has a son too and he better get a Cancer Check up ASAP then we can hear what Trump has to say if Trumps kid is diagnosed with Brain Cancer!


9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, iOS 9: iOS 9, Apple's new software for the iPhone and iPad is available to download from today, and including improvements to digital assistant Siri, improved battery life and new transit information, and you can delete pre installed iapps!!! Yes!!! Win 10 needs a upgrade to delete pre installed apps too!!!

9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 40K SWF have died of Breast Cancer just in the USA in the Year Obama refused to talk to Putin... "Sick" and a "War Crime" by 1984 II Top Brass... For more than a year, President Obama has resisted meeting one on one with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and only reluctantly taken a phone call, freezing out the Kremlin leader over his intervention in Ukraine in their own personal cold war on "Polygamous Marriage Made Legal" in the USA, as Putin will do this first, Grin!!! The Obama administration will be caught off guard by the Kremlin’s move to make "Polygamous Marriage Legal" in Russia and the 1984 III USA Dictators will make Polygamous Marriage Legal in the USA to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year as Policy of the United States! Along with the "Gravity Engine" + Jewish Aliens, grin!

9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, NYC SALT not Arms Talks... Not Heating Elements installed in "Red Square" by Putin as Moscow likes to shovel snow all winter. NYC has a new salt shed is replacing one on the Gansevoort Peninsula. It is one of 40 around the city. In 2010, Community Board 2 noted neighbors’ concerns about salt dust and calcium chloride on the site. That was not the only complication. Because the new shed sits above the Holland Tunnel, the caissons supporting it had to be inserted with great care. Today would have heating elements in "ALL" streets and sidewalks!! If the 1984 II Dictators were defeated by 1984 III MD Women in 1980... something to think about Today in NYC.

9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, $7 Trillion of the $777 Trillion confiscated from BP Oil + Saudi Arabia should go to "Dentures" and Dental Care for 3 Billion People... grin! I need a new pair of Dentures + more extractions for my BDay too. Ouch! Biggest makers of dental products said on Tuesday that they had agreed to combine, betting on bigger scale to take advantage of growing demand for dentistry work. Dentsply said it would acquire Sirona Dental Systems for $5.5 billion in what the two companies called a merger of equals that would create a dental health giant with a combined market value of about $13.3 billion. Together, they have about $3.8 billion in sales, tomorrow $13.3 Trillion in sales!! Ouch! IP invention project to pull teeth without any pliers, yes!

9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Speeding in your 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort with iPhone 7 +++ Dash Cams and Laser Guidance recording everything how is a Yale Lawyer going to get you out of this? And this will be history... U.S. Judge Upholds Right to Scrawl Nasty Note on Speeding Ticket Payment By BENJAMIN WEISER

9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Yale News, At around midnight, Yale Police Department Chief Ronnell Higgins alerted the University community to a rather bizarre incident that involved “a group of teenaged females” attacking an undergraduate by spraying him “with an unknown substance.” Still more troubling is the fact that this took place at the heart of Yale campus near the Wall Street-High Street intersection. Sterling-goers beware.

9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-16-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

To Have Have Not... 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Assembly line! Gregs 2007 webTo Have Have Not... Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III.

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, DOUBTS why our 1984 II Dictator Journalists don't write articles that dissect breast cancer cells not give "far out" stories of olive oil and red wine reduce breast cancer why do they do this every day in the New York Times, because they are ordered to by 1984 II Dictators with syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin. "Study suggest Mediterranean diet reduces breast cancer risk - but some have DOUBTS!!!!! " A new study suggests there may be a way for women to dramatically reduce their risk of breast cancer, without cutting calories, losing weight or taking medication.


9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, GE in the news. H @ -254 C fuel in a dime size can to fuel a GE electric generator inside a flash drive to power the MacBookPro for weeks. 1 Trillion Cans of liquid Hydrogen big as a MacBookPro to fuel your GE Electric Generator in your Home. electric turbine generates power but also 500Gb of data a day. That data is extremely useful if used in the right way but the machine itself is not considered ‘smart’. Now imagine how that turbine that can communicate in advance when it could potentially have a critical failure. In industrial situations a machine can advise other systems when it’s likely to fail due to being monitored against performance and tolerance levels. GE’s platforms such as Predix caters for these types of scenarios.


9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, GE + Greg scenarios... H @ -254 C fuel in a dime size can to fuel a GE electric generator inside a flash drive to power the MacBookPro for weeks. 1 Trillion Cans of liquid Hydrogen big as a MacBookPro to fuel your GE Electric Generator in your Home.

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Measles Outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo Kills 400 By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. NY Times Oppenheimer II Dr. Nancy Snyderman would have put the vaccine in the H2O... Don failed to put this in the article!! More than 23,000 people, mostly children, have been infected with the disease in the Katanga region of the country.

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

Ms. Laurene Powell Jobs her husband, Apple’s Steve Jobs, died in 2011 she made headlines in the New York Times Today more below... Greg + Wives will give her $7 Trillion dollars, grin $$$


Jewish New Year 5776 and there are more Jews at the nearest 52 Stars than in NYC, grin!!


5776, according to the Jewish calendar. There are 1.8 million people living in Jewish households in the New York metropolitan area – a 9 percent increase over the last decade. Before now, the region was experiencing a longtime decline in its Jewish population. Two neighborhoods in Brooklyn – Williamsburg and Borough Park – boast the greatest population of Jewish people, most of them members of various orthodox sects. In September 1654, the first group of Jews arrived in New York City, then known as Nieuw Amsterdam, from Recife, Brazil. There were “23 souls, big as well as little,” according to documents from that time. When they landed here, Rosh Hashana for the Jewish year 5415 was upon them. Now, the New York area is home to the biggest Jewish community outside of Israel.

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.


9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, N. Korea's uranium-enrichment plant, is in full operation TODAY!! Not the Ford 2015 ElectricWindmillEscort Assembly lines in the USA!! Bush + Jimmy Carter refused to WIN a "War" with 10 cent a gallon gasoline, instead they sent in the troops!

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Bush said 10 cent a gallon gasoline as one of the proudest achievements of his Texas Oil Family!! Not using it to win a "War with Iraqi, Iran, Saudi Arabia... Moslems + Mecca $$$


9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, nuclear weapons and missiles as one of the proudest achievements of his family... Bush, Kerry, McCain, Kennedy... To Hell with Oppenheimer II + Dr. Nancy Snyderman!

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Mr. Kim is believed to count the North’s arsenal of nuclear weapons and missiles as one of the proudest achievements of his family, which has ruled the impoverished country since its founding in 1948. For years, Washington has tried both sanctions and dialogue to persuade North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons and long-range missile development, to no avail.


9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, North Korea is widely believed to have built at least several nuclear bombs using plutonium gleaned from the spent fuel of the Yongbyon reactor before it was shut down under a short-lived nuclear disarmament deal with Washington in 2007. In 1980 Washington could of started a Era of 10 cent a gallon gasoline which would have blown North Korea "Away!" I suspect Texas + Bush, Steve Jobs II Documentary on how he got his Kidney, hell. Bush Documentary I on 10 cent a gallon gas will set off Nukes World Wide, grin! And make Sony a lot of money $!

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, North Korea said on Tuesday that it was improving its nuclear arsenal in both “quality and quantity,” reaffirming that the country’s main nuclear complex, including its only disclosed uranium-enrichment plant, was in full operation.


9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, North Korean scientists and engineers have made innovations. not related to the 2015 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort assembly lines in the USA.

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, N. Korea's uranium-enrichment plant, is in full operation TODAY!! Texas Oil Refineries are in full operation. Ford 2015 ElectricWindmillEscort Assembly line in Texas is closed until the 1984 III Dictators move into Texas, bringing with them 10 cent a gallon gasoline.

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1969 Yale officially begins a new era in its history, welcoming 600 women to campus. $500,000 in University funds had been authorized for admissions procedures, salaries, renovations and other resources aimed at facilitating the move to co-education. $7 Trillion in BP Oil $$$ funds will be authorized for the Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University! Yale Medical School is not in the Yale Daily News so we don't know when the first women MD's arrived at Yale!


9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Cadavers + Dissection at Yale Medical School are the most important say the Med Students who are MD's now talking about a new on line MD program and none of the Yale Medical Students in this article who are MD's now said a thing about making Cadavers + Dissection mandatory for all High School Students in the USA. I would like to read a Yale Medical School article on this idea! Despite persistent and vocal student opposition, the Yale School of Medicine will move forward with its plan to create an online Physician Associate program, Deputy Dean for Education Richard Belitsky announced last week. At two town hall meetings earlier this fall, current PA students expressed concerns about the school’s plan to launch an online version of the current residential Physician Associate program. The points of concern ranged from the negative impact that the online program might have on the reputation of the PA profession to the proposed program’s inability to provide sufficient clinical training for remote students. Much of the feedback that students offered in March, when the school made its first attempt to gain accreditation for an online program, has remained unaddressed. Now, with the program set to proceed, many students said they feel their concerns have fallen on deaf ears. “I think this current administration has a disregard for students’ input,” said Jon Allen MED ’13, who was president of the PA class during his graduating year. “Student opinions are just put on the back burner. [The administration is] going to bulldoze this through regardless of what our opinion is of it.” The proposed online program, which would run separately from the current residential program of roughly 40 students per class, has been in the works for more than a year and a half. This spring, after students spoke out against the project, the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant rejected the University’s proposal, which was billed as a class expansion, because of a technicality: Schools applying for class size expansion must wait four years after submitting past proposals to submit another. The rejection letter, though, made it clear that if the program were to move forward, it would have to do so as an entirely separate entity, Belitsky said. At the Aug. 28 town hall meeting, held by Belitsky and Van Rhee, the two administrators said that if an online program is launched, it will have a different name from the residential program, likely including the word “online.” Following the second meeting, Belitsky told the News that students have expressed “a broad range of opinions” about the proposed program, but he did not comment on whether there was a consensus of student opinion or what that consensus was. He added that he and his colleagues continue to seek student feedback — but many students questioned whether that feedback will be given any attention. Mark Volpe MED ’15, who attended the Aug. 28 town hall, said most of the students present seemed to still oppose the idea of an online PA program, even if that program is technically a separate entity. Many PAs feel that the meetings Van Rhee and Belitsky held were only undertaken to acquiesce student outcry about not being involved in the decision process in March, when the program was first announced, Volpe said. “The decision to go forward appeared to be a forgone conclusion,” he said. Six months after the initial proposal, students still identified the same problems with the program, and they still feel their worries are not being addressed. Allen said he does not think a high-quality PA program can be administered online since dissection and clinical skills labs are currently such a large part of the didactic portion of the degree.


9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Sex with the maid/housekeeper for a decade while married to a Kennedy will not get you Black listed from NBC, ha. NBC has a couple words for Arnold Schwarzenegger: You're hired. In a singularly strange mash-up of politics and entertainment, the former governor of California will take over as host of "Celebrity Apprentice," the business-themed reality competition ...


9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, DOUBTS why our 1984 II Dictator Journalists don't write articles that dissect breast cancer cells not give "far out" stories of olive oil and red wine reduce breast cancer why do they do this every day in the New York Times, because they are ordered to by 1984 II Dictators with syphilis in their frontal lobes, grin. "Study suggest Mediterranean diet reduces breast cancer risk - but some have DOUBTS!!!!! " A new study suggests there may be a way for women to dramatically reduce their risk of breast cancer, without cutting calories, losing weight or taking medication.


9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, GE in the news. H @ -254 C fuel in a dime size can to fuel a GE electric generator inside a flash drive to power the MacBookPro for weeks. 1 Trillion Cans of liquid Hydrogen big as a MacBookPro to fuel your GE Electric Generator in your Home. electric turbine generates power but also 500Gb of data a day. That data is extremely useful if used in the right way but the machine itself is not considered ‘smart’. Now imagine how that turbine that can communicate in advance when it could potentially have a critical failure. In industrial situations a machine can advise other systems when it’s likely to fail due to being monitored against performance and tolerance levels. GE’s platforms such as Predix caters for these types of scenarios.


9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, GE + Greg scenarios... H @ -254 C fuel in a dime size can to fuel a GE electric generator inside a flash drive to power the MacBookPro for weeks. 1 Trillion Cans of liquid Hydrogen big as a MacBookPro to fuel your GE Electric Generator in your Home.

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, DNA has yet to be Discovered in 2015!!! Nicole Kidman steps out of the shadows, breaking off from a wall of men, and onto the edge of the stage where Anna Ziegler’s “Photograph 51” opened here on Monday night, her eyes beam undiluted willpower. It is a gaze that both chills and warms, radiating and demanding trust in this singularly self-possessed presence. Ms. Kidman makes it clear that she is in charge here, and woe unto those of us who doubt it. That act of coercion by confidence occurs in the opening seconds of Michael Grandage’s compelling production of this biographical drama about a scientific discovery and the pride and prejudice behind it. And it turns out to be a perfect introduction both to a newly reincarnated Ms. Kidman, returning to the British stage for the first time in 17 years, and to the perfectionist character she portrays. That’s Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958), a British chemist and X-ray crystallographer whose work at King’s College in London during the early 1950s was essential to identifying the mysteries of DNA, or as another character in the play says enthusiastically, “discovering the secret of life!” In “Photograph 51,” the word on Franklin among her fellow scientists — all male, needless to say — is that she is exacting, humorless, brilliant and disciplined to the point of rigidity.

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, DNA has yet to be Discovered in 2015!!! Nicole Kidman II at Los Alamos crunching the DNA II numbers TODAY live streaming Internet, and YES Kidman would get a IP or Invention from her visit to Los Alamos Today to make a PLAY for DNA II discoveries!!

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-15-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, $777 Trillion Dollar complicated regional maze with a newly empowered Iran. Iranian-backed militia that once killed United States soldiers. Both are fighting the militants of the Islamic State. Both are Fueled by $777 Trillion Dollars! 10 Cents a Gallon Gasoline from 1980 - 2015 Biden would never have learned Beau had brain cancer, millions of USA women would never have been tortured to death by the CIA via Breast Cancers! Yes, the CIA tortured to death people just because they have $777 Trillion Dollars. Egypt Security Forces Accidentally Kill Mexican Tourists... New York Times Front Page should be Key West Tourists killed by Spray Painted Clouds of Burning Oil from a Trillion Scooters on Duval. Kids, Children who went home to Saint Jude Childrens Hospital for Cancers. The New Key West Disease, and last week BP Oil gave the City of Key West $2.7 million in cash!

9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Road Rage + Shaken Baby Syndrome Retro Report: Shaken Baby Syndrome: A Diagnosis That Divides the Medical World selling kidneys to Steve Jobs + Saudi Princes instead of getting 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year is what Divides the Medical Universe we live in!!

9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, the real story is about the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort, newly empowered Iran given its power $$$ by the Pentagon Top Brass. Complicated is the $777 Trillion Dollars in Oil Revenues that FUEL Din in the frontal lobe of our Elite Ruling Class!


9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, real story of Jobs's Din in his frontal lobe when he was told he had cancer... day in history - this should be the start of the Jobs's II MD Documentary Movie! Camers are everywhere so we should be able to get some video of Jobs's on the day he learned he had cancer!


9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Laurene Powell Jobs Commits $50 Million to Create New High Schools By JENNIFER MEDINA Ms. Powell Jobs has ventured more into the public sphere since her husband, Apple’s Steve Jobs, died in 2011, and now she plans to finance an experiment in overhauling education. SANTA MONICA, Calif. — Her husband, Steven P. Jobs, famously helped reboot Apple with the “Think Different” advertising campaign.$7 Trillion for the Apple-Starbucks Store High School with 100" LG Ultra Big Screen TV/Monitors and 100's of Macbook Pro's will give our Habitat for Humanity 1,001 Nobel's on Medicine a year same as Apple-Post-Office will make $ Trillions instead of losing $5 Billion in 2015. High School Buildings and teachers need to be replaced by Apple-Starbucks Stores Schools and can be in 2017 with $7 Trillion from the $777 Trillion our 1984 II Dictators will spend on Oil Wars in 2015. Remember the Apple-Starbucks Store School will also have 1 Click like Amazon for links, Rx recipes that are trade secrets today. Hidden from all High Schools in the USA.

9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,The real story surrounding Jobs's first departure from Apple may never be known...


9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,Steve Jobs, starring Michael Fassbender in the titular role, will debut at the New York Film Festival Oct. 3 in advance of a wider release Oct. 9 in North America.

9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, The real story surrounding Jobs's first departure from Apple may never be known, as several company insiders have given varying accounts over the years. In a 2005 commencement address to students at Stanford, Jobs himself offered a different point of view: "We had just released our finest creation — the Macintosh — a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired," Jobs said. "How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out."


9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Petroleum Minister Sherif Ismail were assigned to the 2015 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort assembly line in view of the tourists going into the Pyramids yesterday. Saving the lives and gun shot causalities of the Mexican Tourists to the Pyramids


9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Egyptian Forces Kill Tourists From Mexico By LIAM STACK New York Times Egyptian security forces opened fire on a caravan of tourist vehicles in the country’s Western Desert late Sunday night, killing at least 12 people visiting from Mexico and injuring 10 others, among them Mexican tourists and their Egyptian tour guides, officials said. The tourists were mistakenly killed by a “joint force from the police and armed forces” who were pursuing “terrorist elements” in an area of the desert, according to a brief statement posted to the official Face book page of Egypt’s Ministry of Interior. The episode happened around midnight, security officials said.


9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, $777 Trillion Dollar complicated regional maze with a newly empowered Iran. U.S. Wants Former Salvadoran Ally to Face Justice in 1989 Massacre By JONATHAN M. KATZ The United States government, which spent more than $4 billion in assistance to El Salvador’s military during its civil war, is now working to bring some of the officers to justice. Hell $4 billion how about $777 Trillion Pentagon has in a Swiss Bank? Paris 155 Story Eiffel Tower Medical School destroyed by "War Toy's mostly from MIT" Shock + Awe of 10 cent a gallon gasoline since 1980 is top secret going on.

9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, U.S. and Iran, After Deal, Both Conflict and Converge By TIM ARANGO and DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK NY Times With the nuclear deal having cleared its biggest congressional hurdle, the United States will have to navigate an increasingly complicated regional maze with a newly empowered Iran.


9-14-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, $777 Trillion Dollar complicated regional maze with a newly empowered Iran.

1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Policy + will cost less than the Pentagon spent on Wars from 1980 to 2015!
Greg's 2007 web
To Have Have Not... Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches. Mandy Miles differences in the sexes in what she considers a clean towel and what he considers a clean towel. She rolls her eyes as he hangs a wet towel on the bathroom door to dry for the third or fourth time. But he does douse and entire room, sink, tub in bleach. Telling her about the caustic fumes in the rooms. Mandy reminds us the bottom of the toaster tray looks like a smokers lungs. Why are you rolling your eyes he said. I'm just showing off my achievements. Mandy's husband was so proud of himself the other day when he got home you think he INVENTED the vacuum cleaner! Thanks, yes ya done good! "The Invented Universe!"

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! ... this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES... connections between individual neurons believed to encode many aspects of memory... Mandy Miles husband INVENTED the perfect MEMORY... and the vacuum cleaner, grin. 1 Click link to get them both started inventing it are the Top Quarks in Neurons, as I believe their "Charge" can help us brainstorm a perfect memory Rx Dr. Nancy can put in the H2O if it works... this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES!!


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris... this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES!!


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! Now, though, the Pope Francis has actually made a major move on marriage. He’s changing canon law governing annulments, making it much easier for divorced Catholics to have their first marriage declared invalid, null and void.


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! Now, though, the Pope Francis had never read the Ending of George Orwell's "1984" were the husband breaks the mirror and finds our 1984 II Dictators hate crimes against married couples. Tim Cook's hate crimes against men + women married couples will be well Documented in the Next Steve Jobs MD Movie. Pope Francis is a 1984 II Top Quark, how can he forget the ending of "1984" the movie? Steve Jobs Movie comes out in 1 month!! Watch the trailer today, grin!


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! I got this "Haunts Our Psyches!!" from the Editorial in Sunday's Citizen along with Mandy Miles "Tan Lines" Today. The Editorial was military suicides statistics are 22 a day. The Key West Editor is not haunted by the censored statistics of 23 a day via Murdered Wives from troops coming home from "Oil $$$ 777 Trillion" Wars! Hate Crimes against SWF's women by Tim Cook, ok, but the Editor of the Key West Newspaper in his Sunday editorial on Vets Suicide... is a hate crime against women just as bad as letting Robert Kennedy Jr. kill Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn! Caroline Kennedy must have "Haunts in her Psyches over Mary Kennedy and the other 10's of thousands of SWF's women who were tortured by their husbands into hanging themselves in the Kennedy Barn! Editorial on these "Mary Kennedy's" needs the New York Times and this will never happen as long as we have our 1984 II Dictators!!


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! LG-Bombs INVENTED by Oppenheimer II + III at Los Alamos (Lobotomy Gas LG) this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES!!

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! 52 Nearest Stars and Jewish Aliens inhabit each one... this is not Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity, grin! ...this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES!!


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris... this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES!!


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi assigned Petroleum Minister Sherif Ismail to form the new cabinet following the government's resignation Saturday.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! Abdel + Sherif should be low level assemblers on the Ford 2015 ElectricWindmillEscort assembly lines... this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES!! 9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi assigned Petroleum Minister Sherif Ismail to form the new cabinet following the government's resignation Saturday.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! Abdel + Sherif should be low level assemblers on the Ford 2015 ElectricWindmillEscort assembly lines... this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES!!


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, £ 14 billion project is currently underway to increase the area of the Mecca's Grand Mosque by 4.3 million sq ft - so that it can accommodate up to 2.2 million people at once.


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!!

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, A picture captures the moment the fatal crane was struck by lightning prior to collapsing into the mosque, killing 107. The "engineer" has claimed the incident was an 'act of God'.


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!!

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 107 people were killed after the crane, pictured in the background, fell at Mecca's Grand Mosque, which authorities today confirmed was due to high winds during a violent thunderstorm in Islam's holiest city. Prayers on and around the mount are a climactic emotional and spiritual moment in the hajj. Islam's Prophet Muhammad is believed to have delivered his last sermon to tens of thousands of followers some 1,400 years ago, calling on Muslims to unite. While following a route that the prophet once walked, the rites are believed to ultimately trace the footsteps of the prophets Ibrahim and Ismail, or Abraham and Ishmael as they are named in the Bible. Saudi BinLaden Group was founded by Osama's Bin Laden's billionaire father Mohammed and the sprawling construction conglomerate runs a large amount of major building contracts in the Sunni kingdom.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! A massive £14billion project is currently underway to increase the area of the mosque by 4.3million sq ft - so that it can accommodate up to 2.2 million people at once.


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! In 2006, more than 360 pilgrims died in a stampede at the desert plain of Mina, near Mecca. A crush of pilgrims two years earlier left 244 dead. The worst hajj-related tragedy was in 1990, when 1,426 pilgrims died in a stampede in an overcrowded pedestrian tunnel leading to holy sites in Mecca. U.S.


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! Secretary of State John Kerry expressed his condolences and said the U.S. stands with Saudi Arabia and 'all Muslims around the world in the aftermath of this dreadful incident at one of Islam's holiest sites.'


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, On Rosh Hashanah, the Shofar gathers people to a soul-searching battle between positive and negative attitudes, sounding the gun for the Ten Days of Repentance between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, invoking the sounds of the Shofar on Mt. Sinai, when Moses received the Ten Commandments.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! The Torah does not mention Rosh Hashanah, but calls for a memorial of blowing the Shofar as a wake-up call ? triggering awe ? to enhance human behavior, and to remember the events/attitudes which led to the destruction of the two ancient Temples and the subsequent exiles. Rosh Hashanah is also called ?Yom Te?roo?ah? (the day of blowing the Shofar). Shofar is a derivative of the Hebrew word for enhancement , which requires humility, symbolized by the bent and non-decorated Shofar.


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Rosh Hashanah (?beginning of the year? in Hebrew) is a universal, stock-taking holiday of hope and renewal, celebrated on the 6th day of The Creation, when the first human being, Adam, was produced.


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!!

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Shana is the root of the Hebrew words (change/transform) and (rehearse): changing negative ? and repeating positive ? behavior.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! LG-Bombs INVENTED by Oppenheimer II + III at Los Alamos (Lobotomy Gas LG) this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES!!

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! 52 Nearest Stars and Jewish Aliens inhabit each one... this is not Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity, grin! ...this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES!!

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! H-Bombs going off in view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris... this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES!!


9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, A Young Woman? Hope to Transcend Death, via Cryonics By AMY HARMON In the moments before Kim Suozzi died of cancer, it fell to her boyfriend to follow through with the plan to freeze her brain. In the moments just before Kim Suozzi died of cancer at age 23, it fell to her boyfriend, Josh Schisler, to follow through with the plan to freeze her brain. As her pulse monitor sounded its alarm and her breath grew ragged, he fumbled for his phone. Fighting the emotion that threatened to paralyze him, he alerted the cryonics team waiting nearby and called the hospice nurses to come pronounce her dead. Any delay would jeopardize the chance to maybe, someday, resurrect her mind. It was impossible to know on that cloudless Arizona morning in January 2013 which fragments of Kim?s identity might survive, if any. Would she remember their first, fumbling kiss in his dorm room five years earlier? Their private jokes and dumb arguments? The seizure, the surgery, the fancy neuroscience fellowship she had to turn down? More than memories, Josh, then 24, wished for the crude procedure to salvage whatever synapses gave rise to her dry, generous humor, compelled her to greet every cat she saw with a high-pitched ?helllooo,? and inspired her to write him poems. They knew how strange it sounded, the hope that Kim?s brain could be preserved in subzero storage so that decades or centuries from now, if science advanced, her billions of interconnected neurons could be scanned, analyzed and converted into computer code that mimicked how they once worked. But Kim?s terminal prognosis came at the start of a global push to understand the brain. And some of the tools and techniques emerging from neuroscience laboratories were beginning to bear some resemblance to those long envisioned in futurist fantasies. Articles in this series will explore the quest to extend life through medicine, technology and lifestyle. For one thing, neuroscientists were starting to map the connections between individual neurons believed to encode many aspects of memory and identity.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Gravity of Our Universe haunts Our Psyches!! ... this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES... connections between individual neurons believed to encode many aspects of memory... Mandy Miles husband INVENTED the perfect MEMORY... and the vacuum cleaner, grin. 1 Click link to get them both started inventing it are the Top Quarks in Neurons, as I believe their "Charge" can help us brainstorm a perfect memory Rx Dr. Nancy can put in the H2O if it works... this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES!!

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Meru is a 2015 documentary film chronicling the first ascent of the "Shark's Fin" route on Meru Peak in the Indian Himalayas. It was co-directed by married couple Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and won the U.S. Audience Documentary Award at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, I went to the Movie Meru last night, Mary was coming out of another movie at the Key West Tropic Cinema as I was going in to see Meru. I don't think Mary will see Meru, I did because its part of my "Brainstorming" to build the "Gravity Engine" and of course the word "Gravity" was never screamed + not in the "Inspirational Song" at the end of the Movie... this haunts my psyche!! Gravity is the strongest thing climbing up to 20K feet, really and the talk in the tent at 15K on the side of a cliff was frozen foods not gravity, not a movie for anyone doing gravity research... grin!

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Body of U.S. Tourist in Spain Is Found, and Arrest Is Made By RAPHAEL MINDER New York Times BARCELONA, Spain... McCain of Arizona to write last month to Mariano Rajoy, Spain?s prime minister, to request that the F.B.I. be involved in the search efforts.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 19K SWF will be murdered in 2015 and McCain writes a letter to Sapin about 1 murder not 15K in the USA alone in 2015 wow. this haunts Our Psyches!! ... this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES... McCain of Arizona to write last month to Mariano Rajoy, Spain?s prime minister, to request that the F.B.I. be involved in the search efforts. McCain censored in the Key West Editorial today on Military Suicides at 22 a day the number of murdered wifes by troops coming home from McCains Oil $$$ Wars!

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Body of U.S. Tourist in Spain Is Found, and Arrest Is Made By RAPHAEL MINDER New York Times BARCELONA, Spain ? The Spanish police on Saturday identified a body found on a farm in northern Spain as that of an American tourist who disappeared five months ago as she walked along the Camino de Santiago, an ancient Catholic pilgrimage route. The body of the tourist, Denise Thiem, 41, of Arizona, was discovered on Friday shortly after the police detained a man who owned the property, near the town of Astorga. Ms. Thiem went missing on April 5, Easter Sunday, when she was due to start another leg of her pilgrimage, from Astorga to the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Spanish television showed officers leading the handcuffed suspect, whom local news media later identified as Miguel Ángel Muñoz Blas, 39. He was arrested on Friday in a bar in the village of Grandas de Salime, about 120 miles from his property. Camino de Santiago, a route in northern Spain, has drawn thousands of Catholic pilgrims in recent years. Some travelers have told of stories of harassment and threats along the route.With Tourist Missing, Worry Spreads on Camino de Santiago in SpainJUNE 18, 2015 Speaking from Astorga, Spain?s interior minister, Jorge Fernández Díaz, told reporters that the suspect had a police record, without elaborating. As part of their investigation, the police also want to establish whether Ms. Thiem?s death can be connected to reports of threats and harassment along the Camino. Ms. Thiem quit her job last year in Phoenix to travel the world. She started out in Asia and arrived in Spain in March. After she went missing, local authorities insisted that her disappearance was an isolated case that should not be interpreted as evidence of an increased safety risk along the Camino, which has become a major tourism boon to Spain. Still, Ms. Thiem?s disappearance ? as well as pressure from her family and friends ? prompted Senator John McCain of Arizona to write last month to Mariano Rajoy, Spain?s prime minister, to request that the F.B.I. be involved in the search efforts.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 19K SWF will be murdered in 2015 and McCain writes a letter to Sapin about 1 murder not 15K in the USA alone in 2015 wow. this haunts Our Psyches!! ... this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES... McCain of Arizona to write last month to Mariano Rajoy, Spain?s prime minister, to request that the F.B.I. be involved in the search efforts. McCain censored in the Key West Editorial today on Military Suicides at 22 a day the number of murdered wifes by troops coming home from McCains Oil $$$ Wars!

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, McCain has a Pentagon War Chest of $777 Trillion dollars in a secret Swiss Bank, this HAUNTS OUR PSYCHES...


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.



AT&T should not have to provide 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year too!! Gregs 2007 web1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year lost by Pope Francis Too!!



Gregs 2007 web

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!



Yes Greg + Wives in Key West will get this Gravity Control Invention and of course the "Gravity Engine" for the flying cars.


CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.



850 pages moved to this web link http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/04Wives.html

Moved 840 pages from Jan 2014 to Christmas 2014

Link to Photos and Acrobat files of Greg in NYC

Greg's YouTube Video reposted



9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Take a Labor Day Tour of 1 Trillionth 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort coming off the Ford Assembly line, mandatory iPhone 6 +++ dash cam's + laser guidance.

To Have Have Not... 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Assembly line! Gregs 2007 webTo Have Have Not... Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III.

9-13-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Greg + Wives 879 days 24/7 IP Stage 4 brainstorming, we will get more IP's and Inventions than any Russian Cosmonaut who spends 880 days Space as our Space will be in the "Din" of our Frontal Lobes! Inspiration will be our fuel and 1984 II Dictators with Syphilis in their Frontal lobes will be our # 1 Rx Cure for our Habitat For Humanity's Universe...

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, 57, has spent a record 879 days in space throughout his career as he return from his latest mission from the International Space Station.

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Greg got it.... $219 tax and Shipping wow $219 The MacBook Pro 2016 Update: Most Expensive Gaming Machine Equipped $7,219.00 and with an Intel Xeon CPU $10,219.00... Ha! on 9/11 my new Acer with Win 10 I have Madonna playing now and typing on the 10 year old Dell with xp and Chrome. I have not logging into Network Solutions to publish my web as this will take hours. I did get live.com mail going and Office 365 on Microsoft Cloud along with some setting in Win 10 set. Wow! Spent several hours on this set up yesterday at Starbucks ha. Acer's new Aspire One Cloudbook 11, an affordable Windows-based PC that provides easy access to files and apps from anywhere. No worry about backups, updates or synching your device, its done automatically! Windows 10 Home Intel® Celeron® N3050 Dual-Core Processor 1.6GHz 11.6" HD Widescreen ComfyView? LED-backlit Display (1366 x 768) 2 GB of DDR3L Memory 32 GB eMMC Microsoft® Office 365 Personal 1-Year Subscription. FedEx delivered it to the Post Office too. Nice as I'm sleeping homeless in a parking lot in Key West, can't find any 1984 II roommates for $500 a month yet. Call Greg if you know of a roommate 1984 II one I can move in with. Or the 1984 II Dictators can just send Dr. Nancy Snyderman to make contact, grin!


9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, High winds caused a massive crane to topple over and smash into Mecca's Grand Mosque, killing at least 107 people ahead of the start of the annual hajj pilgrimage

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Top U.S. auto makers agree to make auto braking standard. 2015 ElectricwindmillFord Escort Auto makers will make "Breaking" at "Red Lights" mandatory, State of the Arts II Technology. No Head On Collisions Technology is here Today would have been with the 2015 ElectricwindmillFord Escort. So to Smart "Red Light Breaking Standards" in the 2015 ElectricwindmillFord Escort. Policy to get 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year also will give us a Traffic Control Elite that considers the Smart Red Light at 5 am changes to Green Light if no traffic is coming the other direction Nation Wide not just high tech cities! Los Alamos could control every Traffic Light with Laser Guidance Motion Detectors, this is what IBM built Super Computers for, grin. Well almost. A 3-year-old boy, carrying his new Spider-Man book bag, stopped with his mother at an intersection here Friday morning as they were walking to his day care center. He was excited and wore a blue-and-yellow uniform, his family members said. But as the boy, Rahmere Tullis, and his mother stood at the corner of 15th Avenue and South 7th Street, near many homes and other children walking to school, a car being chased by Newark police officers jumped a curb and struck the boy, killing him. NY Times Journalists JASON GRANT knows in this 1984 II Era that the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort would not be able to speed away from Police... State of the Arts on car's being chased by the police is out-of-date in the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era that is suppressed by JASON GRANT at the NY Times Today especially in writing up this story!

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, DUBAI: Saudi Arabia says it has taken in about 2.5 million Syrians since the conflict began, its first official response to suggestions that oil-rich Gulf states should do more to address the plight of Syrian refugees.

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 15 Billion People on Earth and our 1984 III Dictators will do more and the plight of Jewish Aliens burns in the "Din" of all the Jews reading this web, they can't wait to hear from Jewish Aliens at all of the nearest 52 Stars, to Hell with Saudi Arabia. Long Live the King, grin!

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, iPhone 6S vs. Galaxy S6 ? Specs, Price, Camera Comparison...

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, New York Times Comparison of the New Subway Station in the New York Times Today and the MacBookAirRideSubway Cars with 100" Ultra's and 1 click links to 1,001 IP for 32K riders a day. 1984 II Dictators "Din" in their frontal lobes are being eaten away with "Cancers," social cancers of out-of-date Subway Cars in NYC and New York Times 1984 II Journalists who wrote this story today without the MacBookAirRideSubway Cars with 100" Ultra's and 1 click links to 1,001 IP for 32K riders a day!!

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "Study Predicts Antarctica Ice Melt if All Fossil Fuels Are Burned" New York Times... Comparison Story "Saint Jude Kids Die Today + Tomorrow" I think the Melt Down at Saint Jude from burning Fossil Fuels would cause a Coup, this is why the NY Times will not write up Fossil Fuel Burning Burns grand kids with cancers and birth defects breathing in the poison exhaust gas. I would like to know who our 1984 II Dictators are!!

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, About 40,000 New York area residents learned on Thursday that they had won two tickets in a city-sponsored lottery to watch Pope Francis? procession through Central Park on Sept. 25. 4 Million Will Watch Greg + Wives "Brainstorm" 24/7 our First Session on Stage 4 Rx Cure! And write the Stage 4 Rx Cure Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House Writing Class in Key West... yes!

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, White House Spurns Waldorf Astoria Out of Security Concerns Justice Dept. Says . Comparison... MacBookProWaldorfAstoria with 100" Ultra's and 10's of thousands of MacBook Pro's! Comparison is 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year at the Waldorf Astoria or None a year. I think the Hilton who sold the Waldorf to the Chinese Elite Ruling Class had other decorations in the "Din" of their Chinese Frontal Lobes...

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "The Miracle of Life Goes On...thank our makers. Tom Oosterhoudt's editorial for Conch Color Today. Greg's Comparison would be, Thank our Inventors, as the Sandy White Beach in Key West has Elite Top Quarks Tom and his Mother should print in next weeks Conch Color. Even more inventive is the Top Quarks spin and are held in their orbits by gluon. So I will leave off today with this as I have to log on to Network Solution and their out-of-date menu to try to publish this web on my new Acer Cloudbook ASAP, grin! Inventors Rule! 4 Wives Fuel Inspiration so our Creator must have 4 Wives...

9-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 11, H-Bombs going off in View of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Pakistan Moslem Generals out for "Cartoon" revenge, Allah + Mohammed in a "Gay" Legal wedding at the Hemingway House in Key west. Iran Nukes Israel is 10 years after Pakistan H-Bombs... paid for by the Pentagon too! "Idiots" by Russian Writers Putin-Dostoevsky! Idiots paid for 9/11 as the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort would have 10 cent a gallon gas from 1980 to 2015. 17 Saudi Terrorists + Saudi King would be poor and homeless all these years. Idiots at the Pentagon gave them $777 Trillion from USA gas station hold ups... BP Oil drove the get away car, with Queen Elizabeth II driving!! "War Crimes!"

9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 11, 2015 there should be a 155 Story "Yale World Trade Center Medical School" built on a Eiffel Tower Structure made of titanium... cost would be $777 Trillion confiscated from 17 Saudi Arabia Terrorists and their King Salman $$$.


9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 11,

9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 11, labors at ground zero?s infernal pile of devastation. These workers were NOT GIVEN respirators and NASA Space Suits with AC by our 1984 II Dictators!

9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 11, 9/11 responders and volunteers severely stricken by their long labors at ground zero?s infernal pile of devastation. These workers were NOT GIVEN respirators and NASA Space Suits with AC by our 1984 II Dictators, they are like the Children at Saint Jude today dying from poison Gasoline Exhaust, home-front casualties in what politicians presented as a war on terror. More than 33,000 responders and volunteers have developed illnesses from their time at the 9/11 sites. 333,000 I would guess died in the last 14 Years at Saint Jude from the suppression of the 1980 - 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort which would have had a New Gravity Engine option for 2015.


9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "Answers to Questions About Apple?s New Products" By BRIAN X. CHEN and J. D. BIERSDORFER NY Times.

9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "Answers to Questions About Apple?s New Products" The MacBookAirRide School Bus for "Medical Students" as once we get a 1984 III Dictators who does confiscated $777 Trillion from the 17 Saudi Arabia Terrorists and King Salman we need to spend $10 Trillion on a fleet of MacBookAirRide School Buses that will be available to kids 24/7.


9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, iPad Pro 12.9" a useful tool if you like typing on glass, you can even turn the iPad Pro into a sort of laptop. I think its time for glass keyboards and trackpads. State of the Arts Laser Guidance in the "Glass Keyboard" should add a few more features to help us get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year and in Key West a Glass Keyboard should be "WaterProof!!" grin! In an incredibly rare find, astronomers have discovered a gargantuan galaxy cluster, 9.8 billion light years away, in which the brightest galaxy is rapidly creating about 800 stars every year. 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year Find by 1984 III Dictators.

9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "3 Men Laundered Over $5 Billion for Drug Cartels, U.S. Says" By NICHOLAS CASEY NY Times A group of Colombians used the Chinese counterfeit market to launder more than $5 billion for drug traffickers in the United States, Europe and Asia, federal prosecutors said. Casey at the New York Times should have said $777 Trillion in BP Oil Gas Station Hold Up's in the USA was Laundered by the British + French + Swiss Elite Ruling Class, grin!

9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Hillary Clinton Takes Aim at Donald Trump for ?Insulting Women? By FIRST DRAFT Hillary Rodham Clinton, apparently alluding to Donald J. Trump, says, ?There is one particular candidate who just seems to delight in insulting women every chance he gets.?

9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Hillary Clinton Takes Aim at Donald Trump for ?Insulting Women? - Hate Crimes Against SWF's Women by Tim Cook + our 1984 II Dictators are well documented and are even on the front pages of the New York Times by Journalists Hate Crimes Against SWF's + Women. This is a Crime the Journalists at the NY Times thought would never catch up with them. Stupid Criminals!! Grin.


9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Google Follows Amazon Web Services Into On-Demand Super computing... 1984 III Dictators will take over all of Los Alamos, most important are the H-Bomb Scientists who build these day after day for the rest of their life, getting infected, now they can blow up Brain + Breast cancer cells + make a Wonderful LG-Bomb to set off over Pakistan! This is what Los Alamos Nuke Scientists were... "Born on the 4th of July"!! Bush killed a million Moslems one at a time for 9/11 with no "Din" in his frontal lobes to make a LG lobotomy Gas Bomb and set it off over Pakistan, Mecca!!


9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-11-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

To Have Have Not; Russia should make Polygamous Marriage Legal + make public 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Policy!
Gregs 2007 web
To Have Have Not... Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III.

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "Baby Killers Vietnam Memorial blowing out Black Clouds of Burning Oil when the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort would have a "Gravity Engine" Today! Paradise Lost by Vietnam Vets... 1 Gravity Engine, grin! 1 Universe with Jewish Aliens at all of the nearest 52 Stars.

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Mr. Kerry has killed more American Men + Women via Brain + Breast Cancer than all killed in the Vietnam War! Dr. Kerry at Yale would have given Humanity the Rx Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer by Sept. 27, 2015! Not a $$$ Vietnam War Memorial being built today in Key West by "Mad Men Vets" Mad as Hell about losing the Vietnam War not $777 Trillion from the 1980 - 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era! Vietnam Era will not give way to the ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era!

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Front Page of Today's New York Times, Clouds of Soot People Gasping to Breath... Key West Vietnam Memorial Eternal Black Cloud of Burning Oil rising from the centerpiece for Kids on Duval Breathing in Soot of Vietnam in 2015 from Key West Vets $$$ spending money on this Today $$$ Not kids who will die today at Saint Jude from their Vietnam War Memorial under construction today in Key West on the Front Page of the Key West Citizen Newspaper... a War Crime Today 9-10-2015!!


"Baby Killers Vietnam Memorial blowing out Black Clouds of Burning Oil when the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort would have a "Gravity Engine" Today! Paradise Lost by Vietnam Vets... 1 Gravity Engine, grin! 1 Universe with Jewish Aliens at all of the nearest 52 Stars.


9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Fires in West Have Residents Gasping on the Soot Left Behind" By IAN LOVETT and JENNIFER MEDINA Californians largest fire has exposed an effect of record drought in the Central Valley: dangerous drops in air quality that exacerbate ongoing public health problems in this region.

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Revolutionary upgrades in the new iPhone. Apple added just a handful of features to its latest smart phones, the 6S and 6S Plus, including a pressure-sensitive screen, better cameras and a new color ? pink!! iPhone 7 +++ Stage 4 Rx Cure Recipes 1 Click IP links STD pop up of people in the area, killer conversations to save her life 19K in 2015. 5.6 million pixels, iPad Pro features the highest-resolution Retina display of any iOS device. The 12.9-inch screen makes everything you do ? editing 4K video, designing presentations, running a business ? easier, faster, and more engaging. And the Multi-Touch subsystem has been reengineered, expanding the ways you can interact. iPad Pro with built in iPhone 007 +++ next year or sooner if the "Pressure" can be held down harder on Tim Cook's hate crimes against women in the past to save her life (19K in 2015) via iPad Pro with built in iPhone 007 +++. Apple Pencil expands the power of Multi-Touch, 19K murdered SWF in 2015 too! Stage 4 Rx Cure expands the power of Oppenheimer II Dr. Nancy Snyderman.


9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Governor Jerry Brown killed 100's of kids walking on Duval Key West via 1 Trillion Spray Painted Clouds of Burning Oil...


9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Pope Francis is scheduled to speak at the UN on the morning of Friday, Sept. 25, when he will address world leaders before the official opening of the development meeting. Mr. Putin is scheduled to address the group two days later On Sept. 27,.Mr Putin's MD's and Pope Francis MD's compare diagnosis, Grin!! The pope will stay in the official residence of the Holy See mission, in a four-story townhouse on East 72nd Street. There will be no receptions for cardinals. He will dine with only a few members of his delegation and his meals will be simple: Archbishop Auza rued that the pope?s doctor had urged that dinner be limited to fish and white rice, perhaps going as far as breast of chicken, which then put the brakes on the archbishop?s plans to host what he called ?a nice dinner.? Two of his meals will be prepared by New York chefs not yet announced by the Vatican. In his room, he wishes to have only still water and bananas. Dr. Nancy Snyderman would veto the white rice for long grain brown rice I would guess. Pope + Putin have no meetings with Los Alamos Nuke Scientists or IBM Super Computers Sales, grin!


9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, California has dropped plans to halve petroleum use in vehicles by 2030, after intense oil industry lobbying. Governor Jerry Brown and other senior lawmakers had included the proposal in a climate change bill, but were forced to retreat

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Governor Jerry Brown killed 100's of kids walking on Duval Key West via 1 Trillion Spray Painted Clouds of Burning Oil...


9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Vietnam Memorial Key West will have a Eternal Cloud of Black Burning Oil rising from its Centerpiece!!

To Have Have Not; Russia should make Polygamous Marriage Legal + make public 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Policy!
Gregs 2007 web
To Have Have Not... Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III.

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...Key West "Baby Killers" 2015 $$$ Memories Forever etched in stone Key West Citizen The Vietnam Living Memorial is taking shape and proceeding on schedule at Bayview Park, where a memorial wall honoring local survivors of the Vietnam War will become the solemn centerpiece... Burning Clouds of Oil Rising into the Heavens!!


9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Vietnam Memorial Key West will have a Eternal Cloud of Black Burning Oil rising from its Centerpiece!! Hell to Pay $$$ for this Vietnam Memorial when Saint Jude Children's Hospital Today buries the dead Children from the Vietnam War Still going on Today in Key West over $$$ $777 Trillion from BP Oil.

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ERN?s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is one of the most amazing (and powerful) pieces of technology ever developed. It has already revolutionized physics with the discovery of the Higgs Boson, and it is set to do much, much more. Just two months ago, after being down for nearly 27 months while scheduled updates were completed, we started on a new frontier in physics, as the LHC began delivering physics data for the first time in over 2 years?and it was operating at an unprecedented energy of 13 TeV.*

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Los Alamos will be the most amazing and powerful Stage 4 Rx Cure pieces of technology taken away from H Bomb Makers... ERN?s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is one of the most amazing (and powerful) pieces of technology ever developed.

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "Baby Killers Vietnam Memorial blowing out Black Clouds of Burning Oil when the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort would have a "Gravity Engine" Today! Paradise Lost by Vietnam Vets... 1 Gravity Engine, grin! 1 Universe with Jewish Aliens at all of the nearest 52 Stars.

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Russia's Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that Russian military experts were present in Syria, the first official confirmation that the Russian military is on the ground in Syria.

To Have Have Not; Russia should make Polygamous Marriage Legal + make public 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Policy!
Gregs 2007 web
To Have Have Not... Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Russian MD's aren't in the Headlines, Why?

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, The name estrogen comes from the Greek (oistros), literally meaning "verve or inspiration" but figuratively sexual passion or desire.


9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 80% of breast cancers, once established, rely on supplies of the hormone estrogen to grow: they are known as hormone-sensitive or hormone-receptor-positive cancers. Suppression of production of estrogen in the body is a treatment for these cancers.Estrogen levels...

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 80% of breast cancers, once established, rely on supplies of the hormone estrogen to grow.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 80% of 19K SWF murdered in 2015 are "via Hate Crimes".


9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 3 women are pictured with the Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov of Russia he has expressed surprise at receiving a call Saturday from Secretary of State John Kerry warning Moscow not to expand its military role in Syria. Russia should make Polygamous Marriage Legal + make public 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Policy!

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Hillary, humanized. For better or for worse, Hillary Clinton LAW ?73 is well-known for her steeliness. Yesterday, however, the presidential hopeful made headlines by not telling the World she has Stage 4 Breast Cancer.

To Have Have Not; Russia should make Polygamous Marriage Legal + make public 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Policy!
Gregs 2007 web
To Have Have Not... Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Hillary, humanized. For better or for worse, Hillary Clinton LAW ?73 Yale Law School and Nothing No Headline Law Suits against Tim Cook's hate crimes against SWF's, women. Steve Jobs Documentaries I, II, III. This is not rocket science burning Hydrogen blasting off but Yale Law School in a 1984 II Society keeping Hate Crimes against Women out of the NY Times Headlines when they are intensely documented. 19K SWF will be Murdered in 2015 mostly by Drunk Men. "Hate" has to be a motive. Is there is Yale Mental Health Department? Yes it's a clone of Yale Law, grin!

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Russian MD's aren't in the Headlines, Why?


9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, The top boss of the Navy is scheduled to visit Naval Air Station Key West for the first time Thursday for a tour of base operations. NAS Key West sailors are busy this week preparing for the arrival of Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus, who will be in town for about two hours touring Boca Chica Field and operations at the Truman Waterfront.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 80% of breast cancers, once established, rely on supplies of the hormone estrogen to grow

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Russian MD's aren't in the Headlines, Why?


9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, The top boss of the Navy is "Light Years" from 80% of this years breast cancer deaths... WAR, on Breast Cancer doesn't EXIST in his NAVY. McCains $10 Trillion dollar JFK took up 80% of Ray's time the last few years, not A Light Year Navy or Super JFK Shuttles the size of the New JFK Super Carrier launched by NASA. Discovery Channel building a Super Carrier Size Shuttle in Orbit... Big Engineering Projects Series! Grin.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Russian MD's aren't in the Headlines, Why?


9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, A Yale research conducted established that there are high level of estrogen in vegetable garden areas, manicured lawns and other such areas, these are altering the frogs endocrine system and changing the ratio of female to male frogs. As a consequence to this, numbers of female frogs has increased rapidly in comparison to their male counterparts. Twice as many female's caused by high levels of estrogen said doctoral students at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 80% of breast cancers, once established, rely on supplies of the hormone estrogen to grow.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 80% of 19K SWF murdered in 2015 are "via Hate Crimes".


9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, n females, synthesis of estrogens starts in theca interna cells in the ovary, by the synthesis of androstenedione from cholesterol. Androstenedione is a substance of weak androgenic activity which serves predominantly as a precursor for more potent androgens such as testosterone as well as estrogen. This compound crosses the basal membrane into the surrounding granulosa cells, where it is converted either immediately into estrone, or into testosterone and then estradiol in an additional step. The conversion of androstenedione to testosterone is catalyzed by 17ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17ß-HSD), whereas the conversion of androstenedione and testosterone into estrone and estradiol, respectively is catalyzed by aromatase, enzymes which are both expressed in granulosa cells. In contrast, granulosa cells lack 17a-hydroxylase and 17,20-lyase, whereas theca cells express these enzymes and 17ß-HSD but lack aromatase. Hence, both granulosa and theca cells are essential for the production of estrogen in the ovaries.


9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 80% of breast cancers, once established, rely on supplies of the hormone estrogen to grow.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 80% of 19K SWF murdered in 2015 are "via Hate Crimes".

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, With Mr. Gabay, 43, still in critical condition, debate flared in Brooklyn on Tuesday over whether the annual festivities should be held up for blame ? and perhaps altered as a result of the violence ? or whether the mayhem instead represented a lamentably ordinary occurrence in a city where, though shootings are at near-record lows, 969 people have been shot this year.


9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Violence Casts a Shadow Over J?ouvert Celebration in Brooklyn By J. DAVID GOODMAN. David writes, 969 people have been shot this year, no statistics on the 19K SWF who will be murdered in 2015. This is not a oversight by David at the NY Times but a "Hate Crime in Journalism" crime by the Editors of the NY Times! This is a 1984 II Society, George Orwell II + III documentary's are Off Limits not even close to Steve Jobs Documentary I and II + III if Greg + Dr. Nancy Snyderman can make a Medical Documentary of Steve Jobs.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Los Alamos - technical help with - $1 Trillion in IBM super computers at Los Alamos for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year should be goings-on in the NY Times Headlines not Russian technical help in Syria but Los Alamos, grin!

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Russia Confirms It Has Military Advisers in Syria By NEIL MacFARQUHAR The Foreign Ministry said the presence of the specialists was part of a longstanding accord with Damascus to provide technical help with Russian hardware.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Paris Elite 1 Trillion Cans of Hazardous GE Nuke Plant Waste not in the news... PARIS ? The French government says it will close the nation's oldest nuclear plant no later than 2018 as part of a plan to reduce dependency on nuclear power. Government spokesman Stephane Le Foll said Wednesday the government will issue a decree that will start process of closing the nuclear plant of Fessenheim, in east of France, at the beginning of 2016. At that point, Le Foll says "the process will be irreversible." Close to Germany's border, Fessenheim has become a symbol for anti-nuclear campaigners who say it is unsafe. France passed a law in July to reduce the share of nuclear power to 50 percent by 2025 from the current 75 percent, which is greater than in any other nation. 1 Trillion Cans of NASA made Liquid H @ -254 C will replace all 100% of French Nuclear Power Plants after the New French Revolution.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, NYC Happy belated hottest day of the year! Yesterday hit a record 97 degrees, smashing the record of 93 degrees set in 1919. We did it! Kids left in HOT cars died and were not reported by the NY Times! the 1980 - 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts all would be "Cool" 24/7. Lost to NYC all these Hot Summers 1980 - 2015 via Hate Crime Journalism by the NY Times Editors for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues! Pope Francis will call this a Sin... when he gets to NYC, Ha!

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Conference Aims to Bridge the Divide Between the Pentagon and Silicon Valley By JOHN MARKOFF A three-day conference in St. Louis is expected to draw 1,200 innovators to collaborate across diverse science and technology fields.

To Have Have Not; Russia should make Polygamous Marriage Legal + make public 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Policy!
Gregs 2007 web
To Have Have Not... Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, All Pentagon Generals will have a MD degree after the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat. Policy of Legal Polygamous Marriage + 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year will also be Pentagon Policy!

To Have Have Not; Russia should make Polygamous Marriage Legal + make public 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Policy!
Gregs 2007 web
To Have Have Not... Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III.

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

9-9-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,


9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Dr. Steve Jobs Documentary will be made by Greg + Wives in Key West at the Yale Key West Medical School. Dr. Tim Cook would have written a article for the New England Journal of Medicine on "Hate Crimes Against SWF's in the USA in a 1984 II Society". And won a Nobel in Medicine for this article!

To Have Have Not; Dr.Putin, Dr. Kerry, Dr. Steve Jobs Documentary II + III, Dr. Nancy Snyderman Gregs 2007 webTo Have Have Not... Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II + III.

9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Mr. Kerry has killed more American Men + Women via Brain + Breast Cancer than all killed in the Vietnam War! Dr. Kerry at Yale would have given Humanity the Rx Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer by Sept. 27, 2015!

9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Mr. Putin is scheduled to attend the United Nations General Assembly in New York this month, for the first time in 10 years. That will give him a high-profile platform to promise to use Russians resources in the fight against international terrorism, including at a Sept. 27 meeting on confronting Dr. Putin. MD! Dr. Kerry MD!. Dr. McCain MD!. Dr. Biden MD! who would have saved Beau from the misdiagnosis of the Walter Reed Military + VA MD's. Dr. Kerry at Yale would have given Humanity the Rx Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer by Sept. 27, 2014! Dr. Nancy Snyderman will be confronting Putin on putting "Antibuse + Vaccines" in the Vodka + H2O. Sept. 27 is also Gregs 68th BDay, Grin! Making contact with Dr. Nancy would cure Greg's Universe!


9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Secretary of State John Kerry had telephoned his Russian counterpart, Sergey V. Lavrov, to warn against expanding naming New Medical School the "Yale Russian Medical School" built on a 155 Story Eiffel Tower Structure.

9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, According to American intelligence sources, Russia is bolstering Syrians air defenses in some key areas and possibly building a camp for Russian military personnel. Mr. Kerry warned Mr. Lavrov that such aid would further escalate the conflict, cost more lives... Mr. Kerry has killed more American Men + Women via Brain + Breast Cancer than all killed in the Vietnam War! Dr. Kerry at Yale would have given Humanity the Rx Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer by Sept. 27, 2015!


9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Dr. Trump MD. ?After the Vietnam War, all those military academies lost ground because people really disrespected the military,? Mr. Trump said. ?They weren't sending their kids to military school. It was a whole different thing, but in those days ? 1964 I graduated ? that was a very good thing or tough thing, and it was a real way of life at military academy.?

9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, "West Point" will be recycled into the Yale West Point Medical School.

9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Nearly four years after Steve Jobs died, a debate is still raging. Does Jobs deserve to be so admired? That's the underlying question that emerged in a new documentary released over the weekend by Alex Gibney in Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine. It is also a question that lies beneath the surface of the coming biopic by Aaron Sorkin, Steve Jobs, which had its premiere at the Telluride Film Festival this weekend and will open on Oct. 9. Steve Jobs was a complicated leader: brilliantly creative and obsessive about details yet so maniacal.


9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Dr. Pope Francis. Dr. Mrs. Pope Francis. Divorce is a topic that has long splintered many of the Catholic faithful from the church. Under church law, marriage is indissoluble, and divorce is not recognized. Medical Journal Article written by Dr. Mrs. Pope Francis would win a Nobel for God's Best Invention "Women's Inspiration!"

9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Dr. NY Today is a no Brainier. Read this and you can tell if it was written by MD... light years would be crossed in a few seconds. God Save the King!! New York Today is a weekday roundup that stays live from 6 a.m. till late morning. You can receive it via email. For updates throughout the day, like us on Facebook. What would you like to see here to start your day? Post a comment, email us at nytoday@nytimes.com, or reach us via Twitter using #NYToday. Follow the New York Today columnists, Tatiana Schlossberg and Benjamin Mueller, on Twitter. You can find the latest New York Today at nytoday.com.


9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Will the Big Bang go in reverse, eventually smashing the entire Universe into a singularity again - the Big Crunch. And maybe this leads to another Big Bang, and then another Big Crunch, and so on and so on. Is this how the Universe ends, and then ... the expansion of Galaxies in the Universe is accelerating faster and faster every day. Instead, the expansion of the Universe is accelerating. I'll never stop, and it'll never run the Big Bang in reverse. 1984 II Dictators all Men with Syphilis in their frontal lobes and murder in their hearts tell you God is dead so you will kill more people in their endless wars... Jimmy Carter will wake up in Hell.

9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Allah Hell... DUBAI A Saudi-led alliance has deployed 10,000 troops to Yemen, Qatari news channel Al Jazeera said on Tuesday, in an apparent sign of determination to rout Iran-allied Houthi forces after they killed at least 60 Gulf Arab soldiers on Friday.

9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, $777 Trillion from USA gas stations hold ups paid for these 10K Saudi Troops in Yemen Today.


9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Jury selection is set to begin in the federal court trial of a Pennsylvania Catholic priest charged with traveling to Honduras to have sex with poor street children during missionary trips. 100's of thousands of Saudi men have SEX slaves from 1980 to 2015. This is 1984 II...

9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Apple will offer the video stream of the keynote at tomorrow at 10 am PT (1 pm in New York; 6 pm in London). If you are around to watch the hour-long keynote, viewers must watch the stream online with Safari 6.0.5 or later on OS X 10.8.5 or later, or Safari on iOS 7 or later. If you're watching through Apple TV, it requires the second- or third-generation set-top box with software 6.2 or later. And, for the first time in a long time, Windows users can watch live as well if they're running the Edge browser on Windows 10.



9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Yale News Today Should?ve picked Stanford. At least if you want to work with artificial intelligence technology. Yesterday, Toyota announced a partnership with the Palo Alto, California, university and with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to design and test its ?crash-proof? cars. 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort 10th generation of Laser Guidance" Technology for the 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escorts. Yale You Should've picked non Yale Alumni for the 1984 II Dictators, MD Yale 1984 III Dictators and all Women, grin! Still Yale - Harvard kids will fall asleep driving home. This Technology would have been invented long before 2015. Should've!! If written up in the Yale Cross Campus News...



9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Roche Chief Executive Severin Schwan criticized Britain's health system on Tuesday after two of the company's cancer drugs were dropped from use, calling it a "stupid" way to control costs that could jeopardize research in the country. Roche, as the world's biggest maker of cancer drugs, has had frequent run-ins with Britain over its system for curbing use of medicines that are not considered cost effective. The latest clash came on Friday, when a government fund that helps patients receive cancer drugs not routinely paid for by the National Health Service said it would no longer pay for a number of medicines. The Swiss drug maker's Avastin for certain cancers and Kadcyla for breast cancer were among products "de-listed" by the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF). Schwan said the decision failed to recognize the value such medicines offered society by keeping patients out of hospital and allowing them to remain productively employed. "It's stupid from a cost point of view not to look at the overall cost of healthcare,"

9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Roche Chief Executive Severin Schwan has been infected by BP Oil's "Greed" and "Suppression" as Greg + Wives in Key West along with Los Almos can get the Avastin II + III Breast Cancer Rx Cure by Christmas 2015 if the 1984 II Dictators make contact and let us Brainstorm a Hemingway House Writers Class Nobel Novel on all of Swiss Roche Rx Recipes... that are "Top Secret" and classified as Hillary's emails, grin. What will happen to Roche Chief when Hillary gets Stage 4 Breast Cancer? As he has stifled the Rx. Cure via keeping the Rx Recipe for Avastin II + III secret. No iapps here for your Apple MacBook Pro or your Hemingway Nobel Novel.


9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Good news is that if ovarian cancer is diagnosed and treated early, 94 percent of women will live five years or more. Another recent study in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology also found that up to a third of women will survive at least 10 years. by Julie Revelant Dr. Julie Revelant would have not written... "Good News"

9-8-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, Zostavax in the U.S. is $200. Shingles, or herpes zoster, is a painful, blistering rash caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. BP Oil's "Greed" and "Suppression" Din in their 1984 II Society has infected millions with chicken pox and other pox long curable with 1,001 IP invention Projects on the BBC BP Oil has kept off the air. Greg + Wives in Key West along with Los Almos can get the Shingles vaccine put in the H2O... asap!

9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Labor Day Holiday is Today too and no MD-Journalists at the NY Times writing about what a MD-Journalists would write to save her life... Labor Day fiery Wrecks the NY Times Journalists will drive by without stopping to help! 1984 II would make George Orwell "Meow" in Hell. NY Times Headlines Today of Homeless Cats + People in an Era of 1 Trillion ElectricWindmillFord Escorts coming off the USA Ford Assembly lines on Labor Day 2015.

9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Tom Cruise's 'Mission: Impossible' Tops $500 Million. Tom Cruise and ?Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation? 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat MI will top $500 Trillion as 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat will confiscate $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia alone... "4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Universe" next title for MI. "Coup D'Etat Universe" as we Cruise before the Big Bank with the Gravity Engine + Jewish Aliens, grin!


9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... iPhone 6s rumors say Apple will unveil 3D Touch Display on 9/9. Its secret sauce is Force Touch on steroids, according to deep-throated correspondents. MI movie "4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Universe" will put steroids in the H2O... in the Movie and that is just in the first few minutes. MI helps a Trillion Teacher's Find a Kidney, in the next scene of MI "4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Universe" everyone in the world get a Kidney and yes this is more thrilling and in 3D too. Next scene Starbucks Starbucks recalls bagels at stores nationwide due to quality issues If you went to Starbucks this morning hoping to get a bagel with your coffee, you were probably told they were out of bagels.Next scene Starbucks "Bakery" turns out "Stone Ground Bagels" "Protein Bagels" faster than the Batista can make a Latte. In the Next scene Federal Contractors employees who come to work sick and with STD's don't get a drug test but a MD diagnosis. Clips of Obama to Require Federal Contractors to Provide Paid Sick Leave... when a sick Federal Worker gives the employees baby shower baby whooping cough as he came to work sick and didn't wash his hand so the infant gets Hepatitis C. Dramatic scene too. Mocks Obama + Paid Sick Leave when IBM, GE, CIA give a bonus for 100% days at work last 20 years. And a party "He" never missed a Days work headlines in the NY Times. 19K SWF's killed in 2015 and way back in 1963 19K SWF were killed this year too. One... T. Eugene Thompson Dies at 88; Crime Stunned St. Paul By SAM ROBERTS Mr. Thompson was convicted of first-degree murder in 1963 for hiring a bungling hit man to kill his wife, Carol, in their Minnesota home, but he always insisted he was innocent. IPhone 6 +++ mandatory iPhone 6 +++ dash cam's in the home in 2015 to save 19K SWF's. Eugene on his death bed at 88 said he didn't hire the hit men but an iPhone 6 +++ same as the Blade Runner who shot her through the bath room door because she lock it and would not come out. Our 1984 II Dictators know who killed the 19K SWF in 2015 but refuse to save her life. Hate crimes by our 1984 II Dictators + Tim Cook who could have saved 8K SWF in 2015 with an iapps for the iPhone 6 +++. Mr. Anderson tried to shoot Ms. Thompson, but the pistol, a stolen Luger, was loaded with the wrong ammunition and misfired, so he smashed the butt into her head. To be doubly sure, he grabbed a paring knife from the kitchen and plunged it into her neck, breaking the handle. Ms. Thompson nevertheless managed to stumble out of the house, bloody and begging for help. Mr. Anderson fled. Ms. Thompson died hours later at a hospital. Our 1984 II Dictators get this every day on their "Desk".

9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Time Warner Cable Plans Channel Dedicated to Pope Francis? Visit By ANDY NEWMAN NY Times. Time Warner + NBC plans Channel Dedicated to Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II getting the "Bomb" for the Rx Stage 4 Cure by Christmas 2015. Something Pope Francis is not working on in every Catholic Church world wide, though the Pope said every Church should take in one family from Syria, not help Dr. Nancy Snyderman brainstorm the Rx Cure for Stage 4 by Christmas 2015. And Brain Cancer for VP Biden, late Christmas Present for the VP but he will be grateful for others with Brain Cancer.


9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... LG UNVEILS THE TWO-SIDED 111-INCH Ultra TV, just in time for the "4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Universe" next title for MI. "Coup D'Etat Universe" "Gravity Engine" trailer will be pre-loaded Ultra demo... grin. Inside the "Gravity Engine" and how to build your own "Gravity Engine"

9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat designed exclusively for Windows 10 with features and functionality that enhance the Vaccine's, and get you started Brainstorming 1,001 1 Click links that can get you a Nobel for putting Vaccines in the H2O. + STD's alerts like you are near a Starbucks, you a near a Trump with STD.


9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... one searches for "chrome" or "firefox" using Bing in the Microsoft Edge browser, they are bestowed with a notification placed atop their search results. The notification suggests users to not switch to a different Web browser, and offers a link that is supposed to list down the reasons why you should continue to stick with Microsoft Edge. The marketing link, however, doesn't offer any reason why one should use Microsoft Edge.

9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Why one should use 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat... using "Bing" in the Microsoft Edge browser you are bestowed with a notification placed atop your search for each of the 1,001 IP for your 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year and Rx Recipes, MRI II + III invention ideas, and your Edge from the Walter Reed Military + VA MD's is that the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat will take over all of Los Alamos 10 Super Computers that cost $1 Trillion, will IBM probably made a profit of $500 Billion so they really cost this much, grin. Still you will have the Edge using Los Alamos for your Edge and Bing searching through the New England Journal of Medicine and the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat will write a new medical journal article for you if you suggest one!


9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Microsoft Edge was designed exclusively for Windows 10 with features and functionality that enhance the browsing experience such as Cortana, Web Note, and Quick answers," a Microsoft spokeswoman told VentureBeat in an email. "These notifications were created to provide people with quick, easy information that can help them get to know these experiences better. That said, with Windows 10 you can easily choose the default browser and search engine of your choice," the spokeswoman added. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.


9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The new Apple TV might not be as much about TV as it is about gaming, according to a Sunday report from The New York Times. Games will be a "primary selling point" of the new Apple TV. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat game will be up and running on Apple TV after the 1984 II Dictators make contact with Greg + Wives in Key West and we start Stage 4 Game in the real world, Apple TV version will scare the Hell out of women at HQ.

9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Los Alamos Super Computer Simulations of the Top Quarks in Minerals + Gems will help the "Din" in your frontal lobes get a faster than the speed of light invention project going... On June 16, the museum announced a $4 million donation from David Friend ?69, founder and executive chair of the online backup service Carbonite, for the purpose of renovating the Peabody?s auditorium into a mineral and gem gallery. The donation, which was several months in the making, will allow the museum to feature more of its mineral and gem collection, some of which is not on display because of space constraints. The exhibit ? which is set to be finished in fall 2016 ? will open as part of the museums 150th anniversary celebration. ?The new hall will feature breathtaking, large specimens unique in their beauty and grandeur, as well as a rotating series of mineral exhibits on loan from the greatest collections in the world,? said Jay Ague, curator of mineralogy and meteoritic's. ?I really believe that it will capture the imaginations of the museums visitors in a whole new way.? Los Alamos Super Computer Simulations of the Top Quarks in Minerals + Gems will help the "Din" in your frontal lobes get a faster than the speed of light invention project going... The painite was discovered in 1956 in Ohngaing in Myanmar. The mineral was named in honor of the British gemologist Arthur Charles Davy Pain. In 2005 the painite has been described by the Guinness Book of World Records as the rarest gem mineral on earth. HiboniteThe hibonite was discovered in 1956 in Madagascar. The mineral was named after the discoverer the French geologist Paul Hibon. The mineral in gem quality was only found in Myanmar. Red beryl or bixbite[edit] Red beryl or bixbite The red beryl or bixbite was discovered in an area near Beaver, Utah in 1904. The mineral was named after the American mineralogist Maynard Bixby. Los Alamos Super Computer Simulations of the Top Quarks in Minerals + Gems will help the "Din" in your frontal lobes get a faster than the speed of light invention project going...

9-7-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Re-Invented Smartphones doesn't Need Verizon or AT&T. There are no Cell Calls, everything this Smartphones does it does over the WiFi... Remember when Blackberry was the #1 phone Company. Same thing will happen again this time to AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobil, etc By MICHAEL J. de la MERCED NY Times futuristic Next Smartphones WiFi II Technology!

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Re-Invented MD visits... she came into the den and showed me the blood she'd coughed up. I suspect a father without my experience might have chalked it up to flu. Maybe because I was a transplant surgeon, and always considered the worst possible cause whenever a patient had a hiccup, I took her to the hospital. I was worried the blood meant she had a bacterial pneumonia, a bad one. And it did.On the way to the hospital, Natalie took a deep breath and looked at me. ?Am I going to die?? she asked. I'm convinced that she would have been dead before morning had I not been a doctor, and one who could recognize septic shock when it affected a normal teenager. Dr. Biden would have been at Walter Reed in Beau's room 24/7. (I'm convinced that she would have been dead before morning had I not been a doctor) VP Biden is not a MD this is why Beau is Dead, VP Biden could not get into Yale Medical School. Sorry State of Government. Look at the 57,000 square foot Yale Commons Room on 9-6-2015 with no MacBook Pros and 100" Ultra Monitors.

""You have to see the Yale 2015 Commons Room Apparatus of "Thousands" of 100" Ultra Samgsung's or LG's and MacBookPro's!! It is amazing!
Gregs 2007 web
"You have to see the Yale 2015 Commons Room Apparatus of "Thousands" of 100" Ultra Samgsung's or LG's and MacBookPro's!! It is amazing!

This "Poor" education should have been Leaked by Snowden and is now Leaked by Greg, in Key West who will fast track the 100" Ultra Monitors and 10's of thousands of MacBook Pro's for Yale... mostly for Yale Med School Grin!! All pre-loaded with this Doctors stories of saving his daughters life by being in her hospital room 24/7 Brainstorming the Din in his frontal lobes!!


9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Four-year-old acquaintance with her was intellectually biking into the sandy Yale Alumni + Georgia Russia Plantation Owners of another Era as the Neighbor is now Jewish Aliens and a "Star" named Proxima Centauri who's inventor figured out how to burn H for 4 Trillion years, while our Sun will only burn for 4 Billion years. Oppenheimer invented the H-Bomb when his Yale Alumni bosses should have ordered the LG-Bomb but none of them could have gotten into Yale Medical School. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat all NY Times Journalists will have a MD + Journalism Degree but not from Yale or Harvard, grin. Sandy's Flat Wine Bottles will have a new Recipe and the Wine will too. Rx put it in the H2O if it works... Jenner with is cow pox vaccination, Biden with Beau and Brain Cancer. 1980 Cure for Brain + Breast Cancers were lost with the Vietnam War and 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Exodus off the Earth Coup takes Amazon 1 Click ordering faster than the speed of light via the Gravity Engine Euphoria! Sandy White Beach Inspires 1,001 IP spelled out with links you can click on to getting started inventing something and being God's best Invention, "Women" with state of the arts laser guided "Inspiration". Jewish Widows have Jewish Aliens Now. We will all marry in the 1st Legal Polygamous Wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West and the Nobel Novel will be finished by Midnight with a invention in every chapter!

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... B&G Foods Agrees to Buy Green Giant and Le Sueur Brands By CHAD BRAY The deal to acquire the brands from General Mills for $765 million in cash is B&G Foods? first venture into frozen foods.

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... -254 C Re-Invented Frozen Foods coming soon and will stay this cold on a White Sandy Beach in Key West until you open the package, grin!


9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Donald Trumps Gomorrah Problem" By GINIA BELLAFANTE NY Times New York City has long been a liability for Republican presidential candidates, though it is now a bastion of the conservative movement.

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Donald Trumps Gonorrhea Problem" By GINIA BELLAFANTE NY Times Gonorrhea Causes, Diagnosis, and Symptoms in Men and women in a 1984 II Society... www.webmd.com/sexual-conditions/guide/gonorrhea WebMD. Now a bastion of the unsuppressed movement of the 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat in a Legal Polygamous Marriage that has to get the Rx to Cure and the Vaccine to eradicate Gonorrhea from NYC men, grin! Public's right to know who comes to work in the corner office with Gonorrhea, Ha!


9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Guatemalans Ousted President Otto Pérez Molina. Now What? SECTION A - PAGE 4 By ELISABETH MALKIN NY Times.

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... USA's Ousted President 1984 II Dictators Now What? Amazon + Google tracking you + your Gonorrhea on Facebook, Twitter, and pop ups on your screen and co-workers at the Office to start with! SECTION A - PAGE 4 By ELISABETH MALKIN NY Times. Con men, parolee's on Duval walk with Body Cameras listening for the Parole Office voice.


9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ?The escalation is completely in keeping with hard-line Russian positions on Assad, which are juxtaposed with more conciliatory positions by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Same can be said of Donald Trumps Gonorrhea, Hard-line women given gonorrhea by Trump are Juxtaposed with no conciliatory position by the NYC Medical School MD... in the same class as the Walter Reed Military + VA MD's who killed the VP's son Beau in the same trajectory as Vets Gonorrhea!

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Dr. Kerry said Russia has sent a military advance team to Syria not Russian MD's!


9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "News Analysis: We're All Artists Now" By LAURA M. HOLSON We're all Oppenheimer's II + III now and Los Alamos is out of the H-Bomb business, shift to the spin offs from the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort's Gravity Engine Era.

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Gravity Engine Era Driven by MD Women... This wasn't the first time during Natalie's illness eight years ago that I broke my promise to just be her dad. It started a week earlier when she came into the den and showed me the blood she'd coughed up. I suspect a father without my experience might have chalked it up to flu. Maybe because I was a transplant surgeon, and always considered the worst possible cause whenever a patient had a hiccup, I took her to the hospital. I was worried the blood meant she had a bacterial pneumonia, a bad one. And it did.On the way to the hospital, Natalie took a deep breath and looked at me. ?Am I going to die?? she asked. I'm convinced that she would have been dead before morning had I not been a doctor, and one who could recognize septic shock when it affected a normal teenager. Dr. Biden would have been at Walter Reed in Beau's room 24/7. VP Biden could not get into Yale Medical School. Sorry State of Government Leaked by Snowden + Greg, Grin!!


9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Dr. Biden would have been at Walter Reed in Beau's room 24/7. VP Biden could not get into Yale Medical School. Sorry State of Government Leaked by Snowden + Greg, Grin!!

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... My younger son, Joe, almost died 15 years earlier from septic shock, the same kind that killed Jim Henson. He became ill while I was out of town. I flew home and by the time I arrived at the hospital, he looked deathly ill to me. I told the nurse I thought he should be transferred to the intensive care unit, but she said the doctors thought he was improving. Joe stopped breathing during the night and I have blamed myself ever since for not insisting they move him.


9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Dr. Biden would have been at Walter Reed in Beau's room 24/7. VP Biden could not get into Yale Medical School. Sorry State of Government Leaked by Snowden + Greg, Grin!!

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Bud Shaw is a retired surgeon and the author of ?Last Night in the OR: A Transplant Surgeons Odyssey,? from which this is adapted. What Greg wrote above is adapted from Last Night in the OR in today's NY Times. I hope VP Biden Reads the NY Times article and the Doctors Book.

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Re-Invented Smartphones doesn't Need Verizon or AT&T. There are no Cell Calls, everything this Smartphones does it does over the WiFi... Remember when Blackberry was the #1 phone Company. Same thing will happen again this time to AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobil, etc By MICHAEL J. de la MERCED NY Times futuristic Next Smartphones WiFi II Technology!


9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... B&G Foods Agrees to Buy Green Giant and Le Sueur Brands By CHAD BRAY The deal to acquire the brands from General Mills for $765 million in cash is B&G Foods? first venture into frozen foods.

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... -254 C Re-Invented Frozen Foods coming soon and will stay this cold on a White Sandy Beach in Key West until you open the package, grin!

9-6-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... King Salman hosted a party for 100's of Yale Alumni Last Tonight at the White House. Neither side explicitly mentioned that publicly!!

9-5-2015 For Labor Day Drivers, Lowest Gasoline Prices in 11 Years By CLIFFORD KRAUSS New York Times. Fiery Car Crash Causalities on Labor Day in the USA, Neither side explicitly mentions this publicly!! Kids left in HOT cars will die and story will die in the NY Times!

9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... WASHINGTON ? White House meeting of President Obama and King Salman of Saudi Arabia moved to put their $777 Trillion in a Swiss Bank!! The two leaders ?discussed fast-tracking everything except Jewish Aliens, Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Cures with Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II. $777 Trillion in a Swiss Bank!! 1984 III Dictators MD Women confiscating $777 Trillion to fast track the 155 Story Yale Paris Medical School built on a Eiffel Tower Structure to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year via the Apple-Starbucks Store School Universe with Amazon 1 Click links to help you get started inventing the Gravity Engine too. Jimmy Carter waking up in Hell has second thoughts about his decision to suppress the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort as our new Ultra Universe God Gravity Aliens Top Quarks in Carters Brain Cancer Cells all in the "Din" of a Georgia Russia Plantation Owner. War + Peace, and the CIA told Jimmy Carter faster than the speed of light was not possible, almost as bad as the Walter Reed Military + VA MD scam on Biden killing Beau by not letting Greg + Wives in Key West get a Rx overnight Godsend Rx Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer out of revenge for the Vietnam War! $777 Trillion in a Swiss Bank!! Same Swiss Bank Hitler used, grin! One hell of a pillow fight' at West Point. Point of 4 Trillion Years before the "Big Bang" is to Point Jimmy Carter into realizing he is going to wake up in Hell for giving Allah + Mecca the $777 Trillion dollars from the 1980 ElectricWindmillFord Escort Era 1980 to 2015. Burn in Hell or a fiery Car Crash on Labor Day 2015. Medical School Students will be paid more than West Point Cadets too. When we confiscate $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia!! Key West Navy Seals can confiscate $777 Trillion... right, Ha!


9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... I just bought the Acer Aspire One Cloudbook, 11.6-inch HD, Windows 10 802.11ac Wi-Fi. I ordered it on the Acer Web Page as my 10 Year Old Dell with xp and Chrome shorted out yesterday morning. I had to take off the key board at 6 am in Starbucks push in all the Key Board wires and blow it off screw it back in and Shock + Awe pressing the Keys didn't short out with a trillion 4's on the screen. But I had to fast track getting a new Win 10 notebook so ordered the Acer Aspire One Cloudbook, 11.6-inch HD, Windows 10 802.11ac Wi-Fi. $189.99 Shipping & Handling $15.00 Grand Total (Excl.Tax) $204.99 US-FL-33041-Rate 1 (7.5%) $14.25 Tax $14.25 Grand Total (Incl.Tax) $219.24 UPS Ground 6 Days shipping to the Post Office in Key West as I set this up with the USPS. The hardest part of moving publishing this web will be finding the Network solutions web page of my FTP setting to get the password. But will try to use Network Solutions File Manager instead of FTP also.


9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

WASHINGTON ? President Obama and King Salman of Saudi Arabia moved to put their $777 Trillion in a Swiss Bank!! The two leaders ?discussed fast-tracking everything except Jewish Aliens, Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Cures with Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II.

9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The two leaders ?discussed fast-tracking everything except Spray Painted Clouds of Burning Oil from a Trillion Scooter on Duval Key West!!


9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The Pentagon is finalizing a $1 TRILLION dollar arms agreement with Saudi Arabia

Neither side explicitly mentioned that publicly, $1 TRILLION dollar arms agreement in 2015, more $$$ Trillions next year!! Hell McCain spent $10 Trillion just on the JFK Super Carrier Fleet!

King Salman hosted a party for 100's of Yale Alumni Last Tonight at the White House. Neither side explicitly mentioned that publicly!!

9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Saudi Arabia indicated that it would concentrate on countering Iran in other ways.


King Salman ?Once again, Mr. President, I'm happy to come to a friendly country to meet a friend, and we want to work together for world peace,? he said. ?Our region must achieve stability, which is essential for the prosperity of its people, and in our country, thank God, we are prosperous, but we want prosperity for the entire region. And we are willing to cooperate with you in order to achieve that.?

WASHINGTON ? President Obama and King Salman of Saudi Arabia moved to put their $777 Trillion in a Swiss Bank!! The two leaders ?discussed fast-tracking everything except Jewish Aliens, Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Cures with Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II.


9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... West Point pillow fights have existed since at least 1897, according to testimony in a 1901 congressional inquiry on hazing at the school, but there have been no other reports over the decades of injury until recently. Air Force freshmen try to throw their cadet leaders into the snow. But in 2012 the snowball fight turned into a brawl, and 27 cadets were treated for concussions, cuts, broken bones. A female first-year cadet said. ?My friends were really excited. And right after, when we learned how many people had gotten hurt, everyone felt totally hard-core. I know it looks weird from the outside, but it really bonds us.? she began to have second thoughts. ?If you are an officer, you are supposed to make good decisions and follow the rules. You are supposed to mediate when everyone wants to go out and kill everyone,? she said. ?The goal was to have fun, and it ended up some guys just chose to hurt people.?


9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... NY Times Editorial: A Chance to Fix Parole in New York SECTION A - PAGE 18 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD - Body Cameras warn by all on Parole with audio so the Parolee can listen to the Parole Officer telling him to STOP IT... Mr. Harris confronted the officers, firing at them multiple times, the police said. Their patrol car was hit, shattering its front window, but the officers were not. The officers returned fire and started chasing Mr. Harris on foot, joined by several uniformed officers. One of the officers shot Mr. Harris once in the left calf. They found a .40-caliber Taurus Millennium handgun next to him, the police said. Mr. Harris had previously been arrested about a dozen times on charges including robbery and weapons possession. Mr. Harris never wore a Body Camera for Parolee's!!

9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Salman Rushdie on His New Novel, With a Character Who Floats Just Above Ground By ALEXANDRA ALTER NY Times

9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Hemingway House Writing Class Novel written by 100's on a iapps By ALEXANDRA ALTER NY Times... the Characters who get a invention project on every page...

9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

""You have to see the Yale 2015 Commons Room Apparatus of "Thousands" of 100" Ultra Samgsung's or LG's and MacBookPro's!! It is amazing!
Gregs 2007 web
"You have to see the Yale 2015 Commons Room Apparatus of "Thousands" of 100" Ultra Samgsung's or LG's and MacBookPro's!! It is amazing!

9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-5-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale Elite and "Breakthrough Therapy Designation" for Yale Commons Room with 100" Ultra's and MacBookPro's connected to Los Alamos. F grade as it will take Kerry's Inner Circle Years, but if Greg + Wives get to Yale Med School for our MRI's in September this Commons Room will get thousands of 100" Ultra's Overnight, better than waking up in Hell. Like Jimmy Carter. Brain + Breast Cancers Rx Cure via Oppenheimer II at Yale. Ultra's @ Yale in September 2015 fast tracked! "Breakthrough Therapy Designation" Oh King Salman is hosting a party for 100's of Yale Alumni Tonight at the White House. And meeting with them today!

""You have to see the Yale 2015 Commons Room Apparatus of "Thousands" of 100" Ultra Samgsung's or LG's and MacBookPro's!! It is amazing!
Gregs 2007 web
"You have to see the Yale 2015 Commons Room Apparatus of "Thousands" of 100" Ultra Samgsung's or LG's and MacBookPro's!! It is amazing!


9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Swiss drug maker said its U.S.-based Genentech unit's ACE910 secured the fast-track designation as the company prepares separate Phase III trials in 2015 and 2016, the first in patients with hemophilia A with factor VIII inhibitors. Hemophilia A is a rare genetic disorder that prevents blood clotting. Patients receive lifesaving infusions of clotting factors, but development of inhibitors.


9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Inhibitors!!

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Breakthrough Therapy Designation"

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Breakthrough IP invention Projects will be Greg + Wives at Los Alamos with 1 Click links to all of Roche Rx Recipes!!


9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Allowing the 1984 II Dictators to expedite development of the Apple-Starbucks Store School University + the MacBookAirRide School Bus.

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Allowing the 1984 II Dictators to expedite development of Jewish Aliens, No Smoking USA before Castro makes Cuba No Smoking, grin. Gravity Engine to get Stage 4 Rx Cure crunching all the Roche Rx Recipes that are trade secrets Today. Finally Expedite King Salman at the White House Today to Hell and get us back our $777 Trillion from Allah gas station hold ups since the 1980 Jimmy Carter gave away the Peanut Plantations Helicopter Combines that would have been used in Georgia well as the Amazon. Amazon 1 Click links to your 1,001 IP help you get to expedite inventing!!


9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Breakthrough therapy designation, allowing the FDA to expedite development and review of drugs whose preliminary clinical evidence indicates substantial improvement over existing therapies

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Cheer leading for Oppenheimer II + III - Tradition training. In an attempt to bolster school spirit, the University will host ?Yale Up!? this weekend to teach freshmen Yalies traditional songs and chants. Pep rallies may be so high school, but a hearty ?Boola Boola,? nonetheless ? maybe someone at the event can actually explain what the phrase means. Key West Sunset + Sunrise Cheer leading Chants for Brain + Breast Cancer as it looks like Tom at "Conch Color" front page KW news of another MD who died of brain cancer at 51. VP Biden was scammed by the Walter Reed Military and VA MD's though Tom says Chant to Key West Sunsets for a Brain + Breast Cancer Rx Cure not Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II at Los Alamos with Greg... Grin! So Tom Oosterhoudt ends his lost Dr. Lord by relaxing at Key West Sunset instead of "Brainstorming" the goings on in the Hydrogen in the Sun to get a Rx Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer. Greg + Wives sunset conversations will be Shrieks of Brainstorming Ideas screamed out as the Sun sinks into the Ocean... Ya! 24/7 work for Tom is over and just starting for Greg + Wives in Key West soon as the 1984 II Dictators expedite it!! Faster than the speed of light is not possible to our 1984 II Dictators in Key West but is a Invention Project for Nancy Oppenheimer II in Key West... Ya!!


9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Dr. Lord died at 51. Cause was Spray Painted Clouds of Burning Oil from a trillion scooters on Duval Key West. Tom will not write a editorial about Spray Painting Clouds of Burning Oil on Duval.

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Dr. J. Donald Millar, Who Led C.D.C. Mission That Helped Eradicate Smallpox, Dies at 81

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... will Eradicate Spray Painted Clouds of Burning Oil from a Trillion scooters on Duval Key West... Tom will not Help!!

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The U.S. Justice Department will require federal agents to seek warrants before using secretive equipment that can locate and track cell phones, the agency says.


9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Expedite iPhone 6 +++ to save her life in 2015, 19K SWF will be murdered by a drunk she is not allowed to keep track of by our 1984 II Dictators. And Tim Cook went along with our 1984 II Dictators Orders not to let SWF's saver her own life using secretive equipment that can locate and track cell phones, listen to laying in wait to kill her conversations... and who will give her Syphilis, STD's, MS virus... conversations...

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... UNICEF Warns of Lost Generation of War Children Out of School. Habitat for Humanity warns Jimmy Carter of waking up in Hell not Jail. King of Saudi Arabia is at the White House and will direct deposit $777 Trillion USD in Obama's Swiss Bank Account. Same Swiss Banks Hitler used. The Gold Train has been found...


9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... quark-gluon plasma as a very hot and dense state of matter of unbound quarks and gluons

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Plasma Invention Has been found and in our Universe Habitat not seen on a Georgia Plantation Sunrise or Sunset is the way Stars burn Plasma, some will shine for the next 4 trillion years others like the Sun will burn out in 4 billion years, some Inventors are better than other Inventors, some Inventions are Better than other Inventions. Most watching the Sunrise and Sunset don't think of 4 trillion years or 4 billion years or who the Hell is the best Inventor of burning Plasma. Grin!


9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-4-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Greg and Wives in Key West Sue King Salman + Jimmy Carter for $777 Trillion...


Wang continues his research at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, performing analysis and working on the operations of a Zero Degree Calorimeter maintained by KU.

"You have to see the apparatus," he said. "It is amazing."

"You have to see the Yale 2015 Commons Room Apparatus of "Thousands" of 100" Ultra Samgsung's or LG's!! It is amazing! Yale Students sue King Salman to buy 100" Ultra's and MacBookPro's grin!


""You have to see the Yale 2015 Commons Room Apparatus of "Thousands" of 100" Ultra Samgsung's or LG's and MacBookPro's!! It is amazing!
Gregs 2007 web
"You have to see the Yale 2015 Commons Room Apparatus of "Thousands" of 100" Ultra Samgsung's or LG's and MacBookPro's!! It is amazing!

Samgsung's new ultra high-definition Blu-ray player will be available next year.


Apple's new ultra high-definition Blu-ray player will be available before Samgsung's new ultra high-definition and on a Ultra USB 3 Flash Drive... so Yale Students can drive faster than the speed of light, get his invention before Samgsung does, grin!


9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale News BY LIONEL JIN CHENTIAN STAFF REPORTER Thursday, September 3, 2015 Yale receives $11 million boost for lung cancer research!! Sue King Salman for $11 Trillion, grin $$$

Jimmy Carter at 90... Amanda Peterson dead at 43 was "naive to opiate Rx Recipes as Jimmy Carter's 90 year life he was naive to the "RECIPES" Amanda needed in her Habitat for Humanity!! Can't Buy Me Love $$$ 1 Click Amazon of all the Rx Recipes would have bought Amanda 90 years of life.


9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Obama to allay fears of Jimmy Carter confiscating $777 Trillion from King Salman over a guilt conscience and fear of God. Obama, hosting King Salman Tomorrow on the king's first US visit. Jimmy Carters most important partner Wife Rosalynn must be a destabilizing conscience of Jimmy Carter. Hear her at King Salman's Dinner Party "I'm my husbands conscience, as he doesn't have one, grin".

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Greg and Wives in Key West Sue King Salman + Jimmy Carter for $777 Trillion...

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Haggen filed a lawsuit Sept. 1 seeking more than $1 billion in damages from Albertsons, claiming Albertsons made ?coordinated and systematic efforts to eliminate competition and Haggen as a viable competitor in over 130 local grocery markets in five states,? and ?made false representations to both Haggen and the FTC... a number of illegal actions, including: -using confidential scheduling information to market against Haggen; -providing false pricing data; -deliberate overstocking and under stocking of specific items before conversion;


9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Greg and Wives in Key West Sue King Salman + Jimmy Carter for $777 Trillion...

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Cheaper copies of biotech drugs promise big savings. * Zarxio priced at 15 pct less than Amgen's Neupogen. Neupogen is a $1.2 billion-a-year medicine for Amgen that boosts white blood cell counts to fight infections in cancer patients. The majority of its sales are generated in the United States. Swiss drug maker's generics unit Sandoz said Zarxio, its form of Amgen's white blood cell-boosting product Neupogen, would increase access to an important treatment by offering a "high-quality, more affordable version". U.S. biotech group Amgen had tried to stop the sale of Zarxio


9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Greg and Wives in Key West have a IP invention project Rx recipe for a new batch of white blood cells to fight cancers lost in Beau + Jimmy Carter.Swiss Banks + Rx Drug makers are caught in the "Super Gravity" of King Salman and his "Din" of $777 Trillion. New Recipe Rx Overnight Cure for Brain + Breast Cancer is like "Oil" Stopped by Swiss Banks!

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Recipe ---- Gabapentin may be useful in the treatment of comorbid anxiety in bipolar patients, (however not the bipolar state itself) Gabapentin may be effective in acquired pendular nystagmus and infantile nystagmus, (but not periodic alternating nystagmus). It is effective in hot flashes. It may be effective in reducing pain and spasticity in multiple sclerosis. Gabapentin may reduce symptoms of alcohol withdrawal (but it does not prevent the associated seizures). Use for smoking cessation has had mixed results. Gabapentin is effective in alleviating itching in renal failure (uremic pruritus) and itching of other etiologies. It is well-established in the treatment of restless leg syndrome. (A prodrug form, gabapentin enacarbil, is also effective.) Gabapentin is effective in insomnia.


9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The report says Amanda Peterson was "naive to opiate. Recipes!!

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 100 million SWF in the USA are naive to the Recipes of Rx Drugs!! ...a number of illegal actions, including: -using confidential scheduling information to market against 100 million SWF in the USA inventingSomenting New for the Rx markets... Amazon 1 Click to see the Recipes of all Rx sold like the CVS paper work on directions and side effects of the drug!!

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...The report says Amanda Peterson was "naive to Gabapentin Recipes!!


9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Amanda Peterson -- who starred in "Can't Buy Me Love" died from an accidental overdose of a deadly combination of drugs. The 43-year-old disappeared just before the 4th of July and her body was found on July 5th. According to the Weld County Coroner in Colorado, Peterson had a variety of prescription drugs in her system, including benzodizepines (anti-anxiety meds), opiates and phenothiazines (an anti-psychotic medication). She also had marijuana in her system. One of the drugs in her system -- Gabapentin -- was prescribed for pain and the medical examiner said she had 6 times the normal level in her system. The report says Peterson was "naive to opiates."

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... The report says Amanda Peterson dead at 43 was "naive to opiate Rx Recipe!!"

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale receives $11 million boost for lung cancer research... Yale News BY LIONEL JIN CHENTIAN STAFF REPORTER Thursday, September 3, 2015 The Yale Cancer Center and the Yale-New Haven Smilow Cancer Hospital have received an $11 million grant from the National Cancer Institute to support their work in lung cancer research. The five-year grant will fund a Specialized Program of Research Excellence that will bring together a cross-disciplinary team of researchers. The idea is to develop more effective treatments for lung cancer, which causes over 150,000 deaths each year and is the leading cause of cancer-related death both in the United States and worldwide.


9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale News BY LIONEL JIN CHENTIAN STAFF REPORTER Thursday, September 3, 2015 Yale receives $11 million boost for lung cancer research!! Sue King Salman for $11 Trillion, grin $$$

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ?The goal of the SPORE is to bridge the gap between the lab and the clinic,? said Roy Herbst, chief of medical oncology at Yale University and Smilow Cancer Hospital and the main principal investigator on the grant. ?It can take a long time to translate the science into clinical treatments, and this program helps us accelerate the process by bringing together a diverse team of scientists and clinicians,? he added.


9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... BEIJING - At a military parade Thursday to mark the end of World War II, President Xi Jinping announced that China will cut some 300,000 soldiers from the country's 2-million-strong armed forces, a move that would accelerate his campaign to modernize ... WHAT??

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Modernize Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University with Amazon 1 Click Links Recipes to Rx and 1,001 Invention Projects to get you started inventing something, to MODERNIZE...

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei says world powers must lift international sanctions and not merely suspend them as part of a landmark nuclear agreement.


9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale Students want all sanctions suspended... too... Modernize Apple-Starbucks Ultra Store School University with Amazon 1 Click Links Recipes to Rx and 1,001 Invention Projects to get you started inventing something, to MODERNIZE... 100" Samgsung or LG monitors at Yale Commons Building! Linked to Los Alamos and Trade Secret Recipes, grin.

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... CVS says its ban on cigarette sales has reduced smoking CHICAGO CVS Health Corp said on Thursday its decision to stop selling tobacco products last year led to a 1 percent decrease in cigarette sales in some states where the drugstore chain has a sizeable presence.

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Walter Reed Military + VA MD's says they have done nothing to reduce smoking by Vets + the Military... but maybe caused an increase in smoking. Advocates in Denver, Home to Legal Marijuana, Seek Public Place to Smoke By JACK HEALY A proposed ballot measure would allow the use of the drug in the city to tiptoe ever so slightly into bars and clubs that cater to over-21 crowds. Military and Vets Walter Reed Military + VA MD's will ok this pot smoking in Denver... Top Brass War Crimes!!

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... cosmetic chemist scientists examine skin-care ingredients... Yale Students should be able to do this too... Jars, the more opulent the better, have long been a favorite of cosmetic marketers. But some of the most common ingredients in anti-aging formulas, like retinol and other antioxidants, are highly unstable, meaning that they break down when exposed to air and light. Olay Procter & Gamble, which owns the brand.

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-3-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...



9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale News is up and running but not the Elite who run Yale Medical School... this should be --- Program brings Puerto Rican med students to Yale BY FINNEGAN SCHICK STAFF REPORTER Wednesday, September 2, 2015 --- This story should be Program brings Yale RN's and ARNP's to become MD's... via Yale Med School. Paid more than "West Point" Cadets too while they are in the Med School, grin $$$. http://yaledailynews.com/

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... NYC Taxi for Tomorrow's Era of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year will be the MacBookAirRideNYCTaxi... 100" Ultra Monitor not Microsoft's Seri, grin! Nissans NV200, the Taxi of Tomorrow, offers more legroom and cellphone-charging outlets. Credit Joshua Bright for The New York Times.

"War Fighters" Hell Oppenheimer could have gotten the LG-Bomb instead of the H-Bomb, really!
Gregs 2007 web1,001 Nobels One for Jimmy Carter... 1980 "war fighters" 9/11 with 10 cent a gallon gasoline in 1980 via the Jimmy Carter ElectricWindmillFord Escort the 17 Saudi Arabia Terrorists would not have any money in Boston or Mecca. Today Saudi Arabia has $777 Trillion thanks to Jimmy Carter $$$.

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... CBS Late Show for Tomorrow's Era of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year will be Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II at Los Alamos, grin!

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Stephen Colbert, the Late Night Hope By DAVE ITZKOFF NY Times Mr. Colbert (the real one, not the character) has spent the summer preparing to assume command of ?The Late Show.? Will he become the Letterman successor CBS needs him to be?


9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... CBS Late Show for Tomorrow's Era of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year will be Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II at Los Alamos, grin!

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... What's the Greatest Threat to U.S. Security? The president says it's nuclear terrorism. The Pentagon says it's Russia. The F.B.I. says it's ISIS. Room for Debate asks: Who is right?

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... What's the Greatest Threat to U.S. Security? $777 Trillion the 1980 Jimmy Carter gave to Allah + Mecca $$$.


9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... De Blasio Changes Course on Dealing With Homelessness By MATT FLEGENHEIMER, NIKITA STEWART and MIREYA NAVARRO New York Times. 1... De Blasio opens the 2015 Ford Assembly line for the ElectricWindmillFord's and puts the NYC homeless to work 6 days a week 16 hours a day or DeBlasio opens the Navy Ships Docked in NYC to house the Homeless...

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Oppenheimer II and III will seek forgiveness for the sins of Oppenheimer who should have worked at Los Alamos on a LG-Bomb Lobotomy Gas Bomb!


9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Inferno Hell Dante in 2015 with Jewish Aliens, Gravity Engine, 4 Trillion Years to make the "Big Bang"... would have more converts to God, Grin! Good Novel for the Hemingway House Writers Class iapps of Dante for Chapter 1 with NASA...


9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Inferno (pronounced [in'f?rno]; Italian for "Hell") is the first part of Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. It is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso. It is an allegory telling of the journey of Dante through Hell, guided by the Roman poet Virgil. In the poem, Hell is depicted as nine circles of suffering located within the Earth. Allegorically, the Divine Comedy represents the journey of the soul toward God, with the Inferno describing the recognition and rejection of sin


9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Guilty Conscience" 25% of Men don't have a "Conscience". I would guess most are Walter Reed Military + VA MD's grin. Grin. Well these men can still think of God, Gravity Engine invented by Greg + Wives in Key West, Jewish Aliens... Pope Francis will not forgive them for doing Abortions unless they "Repent" and don't do any more "Abortions".


9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... sin, this is your lucky year! Pope Francis has generously agreed to make it easier for women to seek forgiveness from the Roman Catholic church for committing the terrible sin of having an abortion.

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... ready to offer absolution to women for what it deems one of the gravest of sins.


9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Those who have undergone abortions without pangs of conscience will pass it by.

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Those who have felt remorse. "war fighters" Hell Oppenheimer could have gotten the LG-Bomb instead of the H-Bomb, really! "war fighters" Hell 9/11 with 10 cent a gallon gasoline in 1980 via the Jimmy Carter ElectricWindmillFord Escort the 17 Saudi Arabia Terrorists would not have any money in Boston.

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "It is better than your cell phone," Iris Bombelyn, Lockheed Martin's vice president narrowband communications, said in a press conference last week. "This is very important for our war fighters."


9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Kennedy SPACE CENTER - A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket blasted into space this morning carrying a Navy communications satellite that will help American troops worldwide have smart phone communications anywhere, any time. Atlas V Rocket launch Video brings to the "Din" in your frontal lobes Hydrogen @ -254 C and 1 Trillion Cans made by NASA for 15 Billion people to get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year, Yes!! 4,092 miles per hour... Faster than the speed of light is a IP invention project of Greg + Wives in Key West.


The MUOS-4 satellite completes a quartet that the Navy and ULA have now put in orbit. Together with ground relay systems and specialized phones available, they will provide smart phone coverage to sailors at sea, troops in remote locations and even the Coast Guard in the Arctic. At 6:18 a.m., the rocket blasted into a pre-dawn starry sky over Cape Canaveral Air Force Station for what appeared to be a flawless launch. It carried the 7.5-ton MUOS-4 satellite into space. The spectacular luminescence from the rocket's blast and contrail, made to look like some sort of aurora against the first rays of the rising sun, was so bright it could be seen in South Florida, even in Key West.


9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Ongoing Apple Campus 2 Progress Shown in High-Quality Aerial Video. Shot earlier today, Sinfield's video offers a detailed look at the progress Apple has made since he shot his last video on August 1, and it gives details on the different buildings Apple is constructing. Sinfield's also cleverly overlaid some of Steve, Steve Jobs narrates this awesome drone footage of Apple's 'spaceship'Cult of Mac!! Steve Jobs MD would be building the 155 Story Steve Jobs Apple Medical School on a Eiffel Tower Structure Here... put this in the "Din" of your mind and make a computer simulation of this 155 Story Eiffel Tower at Apple Campus 2.

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... NYC Taxi for Tomorrow's Era of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine will be the MacBookAirRideNYCTaxi...

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Julia Baird is a journalist and contributing opinion writer who is working on a biography of Queen Victoria. I also grew attached to my surgeons, who were pleased to discover that the ovarian tumors ? one on each ovary ? were not malignant; I didn't have ovarian cancer, but I did have another, rare form of cancer, which can recur but is non aggressive and has a much higher survival rate. For me, one of the most excruciating parts of going through something like cancer is the need to talk to strangers about your internal organs. Its not just the abandonment of dignity in intensive care, where gowns flap open, strangers shower you and interns ask hourly about bowel movements, but that even outside the hospital, the prospect of fielding constant questions from acquaintances about innards, and mortality, can be agonizing. The ?brave? warrior talk that so often surrounds cancer rang false to me. I didn't want war, tumult or battle. Instead, I just prayed to God. Julia Baird is a journalist and contributing opinion writer who is working on a biography of Queen Victoria. Julia would be the # 1 women to work 24/7 at Los Alamos praying for a Godsend Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Brain, Breast + Ovarian Cancers Dr. Nancy Snyderman can write a Rx for to be added to H2O... Godsend Rx Cure from Los Alamos, grin! Thanks to the $1 Trillion in IBM Super Computers Up and Running there today!


9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Los Alamos is not on Obama's list of things to (invent) do... ha! Paring His Bucket List, Obama Relishes Hiking at an Alaskan Glacier By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale News is up and running but not the Elite who run Yale Medical School... this should be --- Program brings Puerto Rican med students to Yale BY FINNEGAN SCHICK STAFF REPORTER Wednesday, September 2, 2015 --- This story should be Program brings Yale RN's and ARNP's to become MD's... via Yale Med School. Paid more than "West Point" Cadets too while they are in the Med School, grin $$$.

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-2-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...


9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Oppenheimer II's LG-Bombs going off over Pakistan, Africa, in a First Strike to End War! Or just call Jewish Aliens... your choice, grin! 9-1-2015.

9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Wave Off the Hurricane by throw missiles filled with Balls of Liquid Hydrogen @ -254C same "Super Cold Liquid Hydrogen" that will inspire us to invent the "Gravity Engine + Stage 4 Rx Cure!" NOVA's TV show "Absolute Zero"


9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... LG-Bombs going off over Yale, Lobotomy Gas LG-Bomb via Oppenheimer II. Dr. Nancy Snyderman!! Yalies roughly $777 Trillion from the suppression of the 1980 - 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort "Burned to Death" Cops + Yale Alumni along with 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year. First Day of Class News was light years from Yale Medical School goings on even though Biden's Beau was the Scam of Summer break by Walter Reed Military + VA MD's. For everyone reading this VP Biden was pictured on Yale News all Summer every day they never took his picture down and what is ironic Beau died the next week, but they let the VP's picture up all Summer on Yale News... http://yaledailynews.com/ as he gave the Graduation Speech!! Grin... Biden would have rewritten... 400 New TV Shows for September and NONE for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year, Brain + Breast Cancer Oppenheimer II as Dr. Nancy Snyderman will not be on NBC or Comcast. Ebola Hell Yale's Alumni at NBC, Comcast, AT&T "burned to death" Cops + Harvard Alumni, grin! Ebola Hell were is the NBC news about the 1980 - 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort and Oppenheimer II + III... LG-Bombs going off over Yale, Lobotomy Gas LG-Bomb via Oppenheimer II. Dr. Nancy Snyderman!!


9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yalies roughly $24 billion endowment...

9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Yale University should increase its annual spending from the endowment to fund educational purposes rather than placing more money in the hands of asset managers, which Yale uses to manage its endowment. According to Fleischer, about $480 million of Yalies roughly $24 billion endowment was paid to private equity fund managers as compensation last year, while only $170 million was directed to such things as tuition assistance, fellowships and prizes.


9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 'Yukon Man' Season 4 to Premiere Tuesday, September 15 on Discovery Channel.

9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 400 New TV Shows for September and NONE for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year!

9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 'Yukon Man' Season 4 to Premiere Tuesday, September 15 on Discovery Channel.


9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Lionsgate Home Entertainment is bringing "Texas Rising", the star-studded mini-series from The History Channel, to Power + Light "Burn to Death" Cops + Yale Alumni along with 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year. "Texas Rising" $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues from 1980 - 2015 and No MacBookAirRide State of the Arts School Bus for the long Texas ride to School. This has to be the reason Bush Failed to get into Yale Medical School as he didn't even try to become Dr. Bush.

9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Most Nations Miss a Goal for Women in Leadership By SOMINI SENGUPTA NY Times UNITED NATIONS ? The corridors of the United Nations hummed on Monday as hundreds of men, in polished wingtips and natty ties, arrived here for the annual conclave of lawmakers from around the world. By now, the other half of humanity was to be better represented in their ranks. Yet despite a promise made by world leaders two decades ago 1984 III MD Women Dictators have not pulled off a successful 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat yet because UN Mad Men buy their War Toys from MIT not Apple and the MacBookAirRide School Bus Fleet... UN Mad Men with Syphilis in their brains at the UN. WHO MD's bad as the Walter Reed Military + VA MD's "Burned to Death" Cops + Yale Alumni along with 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year. Goal for Women in Leadership By SOMINI SENGUPTA should start with Somini Leaking the $777 Trillion confiscated from Saudi Arabia so all women can drive a 2015 ElectricWindmillFord Escort. Greg will teach them how to drive, right Mary? Grin!


9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... "Military Parade Offers Chance to Burnish Chinas Image" By ANDREW JACOBS NY Times The timing could hardly be better... "Burned to Death" Cops + Yale Alumni along with 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year 9-1-2015 Greg's web, grin. Burn Units at the Walter Reed Military + VA hospital today 9-1-2015 will refuse to treat Cops + Yale Alumni!! Gravity Engine Ford Escort is what they should have bought... not a gasoline engine Ford Escort, really!


9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Conflicts in Medicine "West Point Medical School" paying the students $$$ Walter Reed Military + VA MD's paying them $777 Trillion in gov. perks for going along with the suppression of the MacbookAirRide School Bus. Biden picture on Yale News for the last 3 months week before Beau's death was haunting to say the least. SCAM by Walter Reed Military + VA MD on the 1984 II VP has to start a War in Medicine in the day to day goings on in 1984 II Society. Yale Top Brass will not pay Yale Medical School Students like "West Point" cadets until Greg + Wives arrive for our MRI's... Today 9-1-2015 Walter Reed Military + VA MD's will give a new Heart or Kidney to a Man from Saudi Arabia in secret. New England Journal of Medicine will not write this up. 1984 II Society conflicts in who gets a abscessed tooth pulled in Key West County Funded Dentist depends if you are Cuban or White Gringo... same as if you are from Saudi Arabia at the Walter Reed Military Hospital today. 1984 III MD Women will give everyone world wide a new Kidney as kickback to the Local Key West Kidney Dialysis MD owners are not a powerful as BP Oil Kings!


9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Conflicts in Medicine from the Walter Reed Military + VA MD on Ending War on Earth. Walter Reed Military + VA MD's have no IP invention projects in the "Din" of their frontal lobes today 9-1-2015 about ever brainstorming a IP to End War. Prosecutors Say Shannon Miles Shot Texas Deputy 15 Times By MANNY FERNANDEZ NY Times A 15-round handgun was emptied into Deputy Darren H. Goforth?s back and the back of his head, the Harris County authorities said in the suspects first court appearance in the killing. Shannon Miles was at a Mental Hospital and not given a Lobotomy, why? Walter Reed Military + VA MD's have no IP invention projects in the "Din" of their frontal lobes today 9-1-2015 about ever brainstorming a IP to End Troops coming home from Iraq Oil $$$ Wars killing the Wife... just keep it off the front page of the NY Times! Oppenheimer II + III at Los Alamos might get the French Elite Aroused as Moslem Generals in Pakistan given $$$ Trillions will Nuke Paris over Allah Cartoons... Oppenheimer II's LG Lobotomy Gas H Bombs going off over all of Pakistan in a First Strike... is the only way out of War on Earth! Walter Reed Military MD's have no "Din" thoughts today 9-1-2015 of brainstorming a Lobotomy Gas Bomb at Los Alamos! Or in the Hemingway House Writing Class today 9-1-2015 at the Hemingway House in Key West. Oppenheimer II's LG-Bombs going off over Pakistan, Africa, in a First Strike to End War! Or just call Jewish Aliens... your choice, grin!

9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Walter Reed MD's have killed millions of troops via tobacco, now they are going to let Yale Students die via The number of U.S. college students smoking marijuana every day or nearly every day is greater than it has been in 35 years, according to a study released on Tuesday. 1984 II Dictators did this to Yale Students. Why?

9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...

9-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...



7-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 1984 II Dictators wrote this story about Boeing and left out Greg + Wives Gravity Engine Invented in Key West... grin!

7-12-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... Boeing Dreams of an Engine Powered by Lasers and Nuclear Explosions Since we seem to be on the topic of fantastical power sources today, it's my solemn duty to inform you that respected airplane manufacturer Boeing has aspirations to build a jet engine powered by lasers and nuclear explosions. At least, that's what ...


CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


850 pages moved to this web link http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/04Wives.html

Greg's YouTube Video reposted

12-31-14 Happy Last Night, Waving I caught her eye and smile in my Cheerleader Waving at Mary, Smile for the Cam's!


One Years Cancer Deaths BirthDay Cure
2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Gregs 2007 web

PayElectricwindmillcarVeterans were swindled by BP Oil

PayElectricwindmillcar"Millions of Cancers via Poison Gasoline Exhaust" Holocaust II

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!


New USA Flag will be the "Bloody" Rosette Test + the Flower... for all the little girls in Key West Today who will not grow up to be Dr. Nancy + Dr. Katrina Firlik...

Gregs 2007 webMandy Miles IQ... 5 year old girls in Key West Medical School with New USA designed Flag, none, ZERO - will ever be in Mandy Miles Sunday article as Mandy writes about changing the time jump not how time is generated...

Happy 2014 Yes, Happy Year Writing this ElectricWindmillFord Escort web page...


Gregs 2007 web

Happy 2015 Yes, Happy Year Writing this ElectricWindmillFord Escort web page...

Sheesh, draw attention the Yale Key West Medical School should be built today on an Eiffel Tower Structure! 3-30-14 as Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion to build a Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011.

Gregs 2007 webSheesh, draw attention the Yale Key West Medical School built on an Eiffel Tower Structure should be built today 3-30-14 as Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion to build a Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011.

Happy 2014 Yes, Happy Year Writing this ElectricWindmillFord Escort web page...

Happy 2015 Yes, Happy Year Writing this ElectricWindmillFord Escort web page...

4 Wives Coup D'Etat For 24/ Work Brainstorming a Breast Cancer Cure

Greg Buell Lovestar

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL # 305 340 8082 I have two cell phones 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.

9-14-2015 First day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook. I copied and pasted most of the long web at least from Sept. 1. took several hours and lots of passwords to set up the html editor to write my web and get Network Solutions FTP files open and ready to upload this index and change the name of the one you are reading. I will add a link to this, will have to type it in for now they hyperlink it... it will be ...


9-25-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27, 11th day I will publish this web with Win 10 on my new Acer Cloudbook. My 68th BDay is Sept, 27. I have written this web every day since my last BDay with Mary. iPhone 6s +++ is out Today!!! Pope Francis has a full day of events planned for Friday in New York City; NYC Medical School students + professors is not planned... Why? Greg + Wives have plans for NYC Medical School student + professors Rx Recipe inventions and help from Los Alamos in their diagnosis faster than the speed of light and right!! Diagnosis on Mecca from the New York Times front page today is "Unexplained Panic Leaves 717 Dead in Pilgrimage" $777 Trillion in USA gas station hold up money financed this "Pilgrimage to Mecca" and is the cause of these 717 deaths. 17 Saudi Terrorists on 9/11 living it up in Boston with $777 Trillion too. $777 Trillion spent by 1984 II Dictators massacred trillions of Jewish Aliens at the 52 Nearby Stars! On the first day of Eid al-Adha. On the first day of making contact with Jewish Aliens; not the same as Eid al-Adha, grin!


Created.. Fall of 2015!! 10-1-2015 Copyright Greg Buell

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,



Copyright 2015 Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041

NEW CELL # Smartphones use this one... 305 434 5276

Old CELL # 305 340 8082

9-27-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

10-10-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Review: Pink "White House" ending of CBS Nightly News last night and Greg + Wives in Key West are stifled from Brainstorming a Rx Overnight Cure for Stage 4... today, this is a hate crime against SWF's by the "White House!"

11-19-2015 la France we have the "Gravity Engine!"... la MacBook Pro Cafe on Voltaire Blvd. 100" Ultra LG at la France Cafe on Voltaire Boulevard. Charlie Hebdo, cartoon of a bullet-riddled man, spouting Champagne, under a headline that read: “They have weapons. Screw them, we have Champagne!” Cartoon Newspaper Editorial on par with todays New York Times Editorials, ha! New York Times Editorial tomorrow, we have the "Graity Engine", Rx Memory, Stage 4 Rx Cure... Screw them we have Oppenheimer II + III and the not classified LG-Bomb.


Created.. Fall of 2015!! 12-19-2015 Copyright Greg Buell

10-1-2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives...