Cheri McDonald thief crook scam artists to Senior Citizens $400 rent deposit

Cheri McDonald

734 678 2661

4636 Talbot Drive Boulder CO 80030

She is a scam artists and crook who will be arrested for grand larceny for stealing the $400 rent deposit from Greg Buell Inventor of the ElectricWindmillcar in an Orwellian Society ruled by some violent Oil Money driven Caesar in 2010.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues This is from Cheri McDonalds web... no mention of violent teens breaking doors down and poor Buddy the Dog hidding in the Seniors rented room from Josh...

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues

Well Cheri McDonald Walker her kids are Tony and Josh Walker I have pictures of the broken door of my room seems like Josh broke down the door of Tony because the alarm was going off then Tony broke down Josh door for some reason and holes in the walls and doors were punched in too by the violent teens, well mom Cheri McDonald was going to move out and rent 4 rooms out to violent teens with no mom in the house...

Cheri McDonald web page scam artitst of Senior Citizens $400 rent deposits, crook mom of violent teens
Cheri McDonald Crook thief Scam Artists of Senior Citizens rent deposit
Cheri does not know elder abuse statistics as she would not have done this and forced Greg Buell to move out. Teens abuse the elderly more than they beat up other teens.

I will go to the cops about all this when I try to get Cheri McDonald arrested for grand larceny. As for now I need your help in to log on to Cheri McDonald's 2 web pages and you do the math... help Greg Buell the retired senior get his $400 rent deposit back. PS the Dog Buddy will testify in court the teen boys are violent kids even when mom is around, Buddy the Dog bit Josh Walker in the face 3 weeks before I had to move because they were out walking and Josh wanted Buddy to do something Buddy did not want to. Week before this Buddy was hiding from Josh in my room.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues This is from Cheri McDonalds web... no mention of violent teens breaking doors down and poor Buddy the Dog hidding in the Seniors rented room from Josh...

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues

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Owner, Cheri McDonald


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Created on ... July 04, 2010