4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 inventor8484@gmail.com cell phone 3054345276 LG Android inventsomething@live.com

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!

Ivanka and her Stage 4 girl friends must engineer a remarkable coup to get the start up iApple-Starbucks at Trump Tower and every Starbucks World wide with 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos to crunch 4 trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets that must be hacked by the State Dept and CIA, KGB.


1-27-2017 Friday; Exodus is Dead to the Editors of the NY Times and CBS chief Leslie Moonves who will help NY Times get everyone on Earth killed for $777 Trillion in BP Oil and idiot TV Shows you have to flip through your Comcast Remote looking for the 1,001 IP invention projects you found on this web page. Trump will have to fire CBS chief Leslie Moonves over idiot TV Shows instead of airing - "Stage 4 Recipes and Diagnosis TV Shows by Yale's Dr. Lisa Sanders."


Trump has read a few of the Diagnosis of Dr. Lisa in the NY Times and thought or didn't think until he reads this. Dr. Lisa Sanders Art of Diagnosis would make a great hour long TV Show on NBC. Much Better than "Code Black".


New TV show at Harvard Lab turning H into a Medal with diamonds exploding in the Lab. Only a handful of research teams around the world have been attempting to squeeze hydrogen into a metal. While the experiments are not large — the Harvard apparatus is about the size of a soda bottle — the techniques require care and precision. Imperfect diamonds often shatter under pressure. Hydrogen can leak out. Precise measurements are tricky. Dr. Silvera said his group had developed techniques to polish, etch and coat the diamond surfaces with aluminum oxide to enable the diamonds to squeeze together without breaking. If some theoretical predictions turn out to be true, the new state of hydrogen could even be a solid metal that is metastable — remaining solid even after the crushing pressure is removed — and a superconductor, able to conduct electricity without resistance. In the Harvard experiment, a small amount of hydrogen was placed between two diamond tips about one 850th of an inch in diameter and cooled to -433 degrees Fahrenheit. Initially transparent, the hydrogen became dark as it was squeezed. Then, at nearly 72 million pounds per square inch, the hydrogen became shiny, reflecting 90 percent of light shining on it, the scientists reported.

1-27-2017 Dr. Silvera at Harvard Lab should be working on Titanium Houses for Humanity to replace Jimmy Carters Wood Houses for Humanity that are a scam.


1-27-2017 As for a TV show of the assembly lines for Sansung Galaxy 7 batteries that explode many will be fired by those watching this tv show. Assembly line workers can't be trusted as they have to make the production per hour and know how to cheat. Argonne National Laboratory Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee and NASA and Los Alamos will make the iPod Size GE Electric Generators fueled by Liquid H @ -254 C. Dewar Flask will be reinvented several times on this assembly line.


1-27-2017 Friday; 1984 Editorial about Mexico without the Mexican Oil Company's $777 Trillion dollars in the editorial is a war crime by the Times Editors. Editorial "Donald Trump’s Mexico Tantrum" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD - "Sure, the latest terrible idea to come out of the Trump White House would hurt Mexico." Sure is a war crime as at the trial of these Times Editors kids at Saint Jude in a "Mexico Tantrum" over their childhood cancers from Mexican Oil Exhaust in their kids DNA will convict the NY Times Editors of mass murder for kickbacks from Mexican Oil.

1-27-2017 By JACK SHENKER Six years after the start of the Egyptian revolution, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s regime could still fall apart at any time. If the NY Times editors would put this general to work on the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus assembly line as a low level assembly line worker where he should have gotten a job 6 years ago. Those who masterminded this general as president of Egypt 6 years ago made a Hell of a mistake that killed a million people and lost building a million Fords with this General on the Ford assembly line.


1-27-2017 Billion kids were killed in Holocaust II, Jimmy Carters great-grand kids will die for several decades from "DNA + Diesel" and the NY Times writes... "Remove the Catholic Church From Auschwitz By AVI WEISS "The church at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Poland last year." This pope has been a force for interfaith understanding. That’s needed now, to move a convent still operating where a million Jews were killed. 1 Billion kids were killed in Holocaust II by BP Oil Men in London.

1-27-2017 Friday; Crusades today have 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos, I'm sure Los Alamos has never crunched Leprosy. "Traditionally the crusades have been seen to be one of the main reasons for the spread of leprosy in western Europe in the medieval period. However, we know from other forms of evidence that hospitals were present a number of decades before the crusades." Leprosy bacterium Mycobacterium leprae a Disney Movie like "DNA + Diesel" with super computer simulations.

1-27-2017 Friday;

1-27-2017 Friday;

1-27-2017 Friday;


Trump sends in the Fed's; FBI Key West + Crime ridden Chicago, Miami...


1-26-2017 Thursday; Galaxies 3.3 million light years from us move "away" at anywhere from 50 to 100 kilometers per second "away" from ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors who are in their Own Universe, grin. Jedi President Trump will catch up, make up for so much wasted Time! Times! And the Failed NY Times!

1-26-2017 Thursday; ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors move us away from Jewish Aliens and Exodus into 2 Trillion Galaxies with their ‘Sanctuary City’ physics of "Time" the new Higgs God Particle!! City Hall Mayors should be "working" on finding the new God Particle! Jedi President Trump needs to Tweet You're Fired to a few Mayors ASAP.

1-26-2017 Thursday; Is Ivanka Trump Jewish? In Israel, She Has a Trump Card - She has 2 Trump cards, she is God's best Invention!

1-26-2017 Thursday; Key West Commissioner Jimmy Weekley said he is has no stats on the Wider Racial Gap Found in Cervical Cancer Deaths in his Immigration population of women as he said he is not a MD. Ivanka will say You're Fired to Jimmy Weekley.

1-26-2017 Thursday; The First Jedi President Trump Awakens the Jewish Exodus, Jewish Aliens! Jedi President Inventors! Build the Wall with Robot Caterpillars Front End Loaders + Back hoes!


1-26-2017 Thursday; Make American Great Again, "Jedi Hemingway House Writing Class" Key West ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayor killed Hemingway II. BY KAY HARRIS Citizen Staff kharris@keysnews.com Despite the executive order signed by President Donald Trump on Wednesday aimed at eliminating sanctuary cities in the United States, Key West Commissioner Jimmy Weekley said he is still going to take a look at what the city might be able to do. To stop the Hemingway House Writing Class!

1-26-2017 Thursday; Key West Commissioner Jimmy Weekley said he is has no stats on the Wider Racial Gap Found in Cervical Cancer Deaths in his Immigration population of women as he said he is not a MD.

1-26-2017 Thursday; Trump's immigration orders will boost City + County Health Dept inspections of Hospitals infection controls and "Bed Sore" seamanship!! Hospital bed sores are a federal crime now under Trump, hospital spread infections too! Felony arrest for not washing your hands. Chefs in Key West try to destroy the cam's ha, also a felony. Boeing Unveils New Spacesuits for Chefs, MD's, Yale Hospital in New Haven and Key West. Space.com

1-26-2017 Thursday; State of the Arts Hospital Robots soon, for now Build the Wall with Robot Caterpillars. Front End Loader; Yes all Construction is done by robots. How to Make America’s Robots Great Again. Why a huge government investment in robots may be a great way to help American workers. Build the Wall with Robot Caterpillars Front End Loaders.


1-26-2017 Thursday; ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors Vow to Defy Trump’s Immigration Order City officials, from New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, New Haven...

1-26-2017 Mayor of New Haven has spread hospital infections from patient to patient, let grandma lay in bed and get bed sores so deep you can see her hip bone and now he wants to do worst things to Citizens in New Haven now as a Mayor of a ‘Sanctuary City’. All Mayor's must be MD's like all NY Times Journalists will have a degree in Journalism and Medicine after No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the New CIA.

1-26-2017 Thursday; "Key West ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors Vow to Defy Trump’s Immigration Order" By LIZ ROBBINS "Key West ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors Vow to Defy Trump’s Immigration Order" Key West ‘Sanctuary City’ masterminds at the New George Orwell City Hall killed the Hemingway House Writing Classes since 3-4-2011 when I flew into Key West. No City of Key West commissioner start the Hemingway House Writing Class for the first Novel titled "Stage 4 - 4 Trillion Rx Recipes".

1-26-2017 Thursday; ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors Vow to Defy Trump’s Immigration Order City officials, from New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, New Haven, Vow to Defy Trump’s Immigration Order City officials, from New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, New Haven,

1-26-2017 Thursday; ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors Vow to Defy Trump’s Immigration Order City officials, from New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, New Haven,


1-26-2017 Thursday; "Professor Park Yu-ha, a professor in Seoul Who Wrote of Korean ‘Comfort Women’ Wins Defamation Case" By CHOE SANG-HUN ‘Comfort Women’ in Baghdad and Mecca Today.

1-26-2017 Thursday; New York Times Editors who "Censored" ‘Comfort Women’ in UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia + Mecca Convicted by Greg + Wife's in Key West. Send in the Feds and Navy Seals to rescue these American Women pimped by Bush.

1-26-2017 Thursday; "Felony Charges for Journalists Arrested at Inauguration Protests Raise Fears for Press Freedom" By JONAH ENGEL BROMWICH Journalists Arrested at BP Oil HQ...


1-26-2017 Thursday; "Key West ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors Vow to Defy Trump’s Immigration Order" By LIZ ROBBINS "Key West ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors Vow to Defy Trump’s Immigration Order" No City of Key West commissioner start the Hemingway House Writing Class for the first Novel titled "Stage 4 - 4 Trillion Rx Recipes".


1-26-2017 Thursday; Mar-a-Lago was originally built as an estate for Marjorie Merriweather Post, a socialite. Jedi Trump Socializing with 2 Trillion Galaxies in the Universe today will add a room for Oppenheimer II and build a New Los Alamos for "Stage 4 - 4 Trillion Rx Recipes".

1-26-2017 Thursday; Editorial ‘I Think Islam Hates Us’ By THE EDITORIAL BOARD The ideas behind President Trump’s plan to “eradicate” extremism.

1-26-2017 Thursday; Eradicating “radical Islamic terrorism” from the face of the earth has been President Trump’s mantra, first in the campaign, then in his Inaugural Address and remarks a day later to the C.I.A.

1-26-2017 Thursday; Saudi Arabia, home of 15 of the 19 extremists who hijacked the planes on Sept. 11.

1-26-2017 Thursday; Jedi Trump ”Defeating Jihad,” Oppenheimer building the No Gas Stations on Earth Bomb... CIA has deliver it World Wide as BP Oil Men will lose $777 Trillion dollars overnight! Ivanka will get $777 Trillion in spending money overnight, grin $$$.


1-26-2017 Thursday; States Vie for Proposed $1 Trillion for Infrastructure - Jedi Yale MD's, Los Alamos Scientist, NASA Rocket Scientists Vie for $777 Trillion Confiscated from BP Oil. Infrastructure Los Alamos II and a $1 Trillion dollar Yale Medical School in Key West.

1-26-2017 Thursday; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada facing angry American Mothers who just watched the Disney Pixar Movie "DNA + Diesel". French speaking Canada and Paris Oil men who gave so many kids birth defects and childhood cancers speak at their sentencing like so many other mass murderers in our history of the world. Canada Oil Holocaust. Canada Top Brass Unfazed by Concentration Camp Atrocities of "Smog" in every childrens hospital world wide until the Super Computer simulation of "DNA + Diesel" was a NY Times video in their 1984 society.


1-26-2017 Thursday; Make American Great Again, "Jedi Hemingway House Writing Class" Earnestly writing invention filled novels with 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos Super Computers for a correct diagnosis in even the hardest Time. The Novel about the God Particle the new Higgs being Times must find it. "Pursuits;" Martha Gellhorn's Novel that was censored by the Jewish Publisher in NYC. Finds new life in the Hemingway House Writing Class.

1-26-2017 Thursday; "Harvard Makes Changes in Managing a Lagging Endowment" via Orders for iMacBook Pro's for every Starbucks Cafe table in Boston! This would be the "Smartest" thing Harvard could do with $25 Billion dollars. King Salman bought everyone in Mecca a 2017 Ford as they have no use for a iMacBook Pro in Mecca.

1-26-2017 Thursday; Spectacular Yale Key West Medical School MD Encounters will save the life of the Jedi President Trumps Daughter Ivanka, and a billion other women, some Obama's orders are putting to death today; those with MS. Yale will cure MS with a Rx.


1-26-2017 Thursday; "W.H.O. Warns of Worrisome Bird Flu in China" By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. A strain of avian flu has hospitalized more than 225 people in China since September, and may have jumped from person to person at least twice. WHO warns Syphilis and STD given to China by a Times reporters has infected 2,222 since 1-1-2017 New Years Party.

1-26-2017 Thursday; ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors Vow to Defy Trump’s Immigration Order City officials, from New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, New Haven,

1-26-2017 Thursday; Fiat Chrysler Automobiles said Thursday that its American union workers will receive, on average, a $5,000 profit sharing check for 2016, or about $1,000 more than they did last year. King Salman bought everyone in Mecca a 2017 Ford for their bonus. Thanks to the 1984 II Dictators in the USA. Who also got a bonus from King Salman.

1-26-2017 Thursday; This weekend sees the four-part "Civil War" event air as part of Disney XD's Marvel's Avengers: Ultron Revolution.


1-26-2017 Thursday; Bill + Melinda Gates are War Criminals in the Disney Pixar Movie "DNA + Diesel" so they are getting revenge on everyone - Windows 10's forced auto update feature can be a pain. If you use Microsoft Windows, you can likely relate to my colleague Sean Hollister who recently documented at length the number of times that the automatic Windows Update feature - every day Bill + Melinda read this web page and try to run Greg out of Memory and lose a few lines of this web as the update uses all the memory on this Acer Cloudbook PC and shuts down without saving this web page. Jedi Trump should order the Fed's into Apple Stores and buy out the entire inventory of iMacBook Pro's today in a executive Jedi order Hahahahaha! If Jedi Trump makes Orwellian Contact with Greg + Wife's in Key West today this will be my first stop, all the Nearby Apple Stores and buy out the entire inventory of iMacBook Pro's. Grin!! Bill Gates - Eike Batista, Once Brazil’s Richest Man, Is Sought in Corruption Inquiry. By DOM PHILLIPS and SIMON ROMERO The police are seeking the arrest of Mr. Batista, an oil and mining magnate, in connection with bribes paid to the former governor of Rio de Janeiro. Bill Gates bribes to kill teachers who complained about Windows!


1-26-2017 Thursday; Physicists require overwhelming proof that something in the universe hasn’t happened by chance, far more than, say, doctors do when testing whether a medicine cures a disease. Mayors don't need any Proof, ha. In science, that’s one of the most important things that can happen—two experiments verifying the same results in completely different ways.

1-26-2017 Thursday; The Force Awakens notoriously avoided any mention of Luke Skywalker, and we only saw Luke in the final moments of the film. It’s been confirmed that The Last Jedi will begin directly where The Force Awakens ended, and given that Luke is the last known Jedi in the Star Wars universe at this point, we can safely presume - Nothing as the Galaxies are moving - galaxies 3.3 million light years from us move away at anywhere from 50 to 100 kilometers per second.

1-26-2017 Thursday; The Last Jedi will begin directly where The Force Awakens ended

1-26-2017 Thursday; The Last Jedi will begin directly where The Force Awakens ended

1-26-2017 Thursday; Is Ivanka Trump Jewish? In Israel, She Has a Trump Card - She has 2 Trump cards, she is God's best Invention!

1-26-2017 Thursday; The First Jedi President Trump Awakens the Jewish Exodus, Aliens! Jedi Inventors!

1-26-2017 Thursday; The First Jedi President Trump Awakens the Jewish Exodus, Aliens! Jedi Inventors!

1-26-2017 Thursday;

1-25-2017 Wednesday; Send in the Fed's FBI Key West + Crime ridden Chicago, Miami... Tweeting the latest reported crime statistics in the nation’s third-largest city, the president said he would “send in the Feds!” if the city doesn’t do more. Infection ridden Chicago Hospitals you know it... Chicago Hospital bed sores are a federal crime now under Trump.

1-25-2017 Wednesday; "The Inventor Jedi" at the Hemingway House Writing Class in Key West with 1 Click Amazon! Why Women Quit Working: It’s Not for the Reasons Men Do; "The Inventor Jedi" at the Hemingway House Writing Class in Key West with 1 Click Amazon! By PATRICIA COHEN Men have been the focus of concern about a stubborn trend of working-age Americans neither working nor looking for jobs. But the trend applies to women, too. "The Inventor Jedi" at the Apple-Starbucks with iMacBook Pro's at $5,500 will start a new trend of working on IP invention projects 1,001. "The Inventor Jedi" at the Trump Tower Apple-Starbucks. Amazon and Google voice apps Echo and Google users new voice apps banned at Trump Tower Apple-Starbucks... Trump + the Jedi inventors are talking, Hahahaha.

1-25-2017 Wednesday; "The Inventor Jedi" at the Hemingway House Writing Class in Key West with 1 Click Amazon! At the Trump Tower Apple-Starbucks.

1-25-2017 Wednesday; "The Inventor Jedi" at the Hemingway House Writing Class in Key West with 1 Click Amazon! At the Trump Tower Apple-Starbucks.

1-25-2017 Wednesday; "The Inventor Jedi" at the Hemingway House Writing Class in Key West with 1 Click Amazon! 1984 II Novel has been censored for decades now Trump flirts with the LEAK of 1984 II. Online sales of George Orwell's novel 1984 have soared in recent days, as President Donald Trump continues to flirt with the idea of being the Jedi President of the Universe! No Gas Stations on Earth and $777 Trillion in Trumps War Chest Overnight from Confiscated Gas Station Hold Ups by BP OIL. Biden was so drunk on war he killed his own son for the glory of war instead of winning the war with the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus!


1-25-2017 Wednesday; "Time" is the next Higgs God Particle - Los Alamos is what CERN in Geneva should have been with 100's of IBM Super Computers and all the worlds Rx Recipes.

1-25-2017 Wednesday; ‘Brexit’ Ruling Reveals Cracks in Britain’s Centuries-old Institutions like King Henry VIII and "Opium Wars" Idle Rich are Britain’s Centuries-old Institutions

1-25-2017 Wednesday; CBS Try to Shake Up Reality TV with "The Inventor Jedi" at the Hemingway House Writing Class in Key West with 1 Click Amazon! Jedi brainstorm the next heart transplant inventions and Hepatitis C Rx Drugs on CBS Reality TV for the God Particle inside the Top Quark. Time! Are New Drugs for Hepatitis C Safe? A Report Raises Concerns - Jedi Inventors brainstorm everything there is to know about Hepatitis C in CBS reality TV. Reality TV CBS episode showing the Jedi building the newest water filter to take out the lead. Helicopter Carrying Injured Skier Crashes in Italy, Killing 6 Reality TV episode building the Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines and Rescue Helicopters Jedi will fly. CBS chief Leslie Moonves and his wife are war criminals for CBS Reality TV shows on CBS TV Today! Oscars 2018: 1,004 for ‘La La Land of Inventions,’ Best Actors are the real Oppenheimer at work not watching the A-Bomb explode. Time is the next God Particle, if we lose this war the Pentagon and New York Times will destroy the Earth!


1-25-2017 Wednesday; Helicopter Carrying Injured Skier Crashes in Italy, Killing 6

1-25-2017 Wednesday; Facing Trump, Mexicans Think the Unthinkable: No Gas Stations On Earth $777 Trillion dollars confiscated from the Mexican Oil Men, war criminals!

1-25-2017 Wednesday; NY Times Editorial: Bringing a Sorry Chapter in Policing to an End - Burned Out Cop Cars that were on the side of the road writing a speed ticket then rear ended and burst into flames. Editors at the NY Times in their travels since 1980 have drove by 100's of fiery cop and SUV's not stopping to write the Editorial to End this war crime for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times Today.

1-25-2017 Wednesday; Send in the Fed's FBI Key West + Crime ridden Chicago, Miami... Tweeting the latest reported crime statistics in the nation’s third-largest city, the president said he would “send in the Feds!” if the city doesn’t do more. Trump Poised to Lift Ban on C.I.A. ‘Black Site’ Prisons Hospitals for Syphilis. Bill + Melinda Gates to wipe out Malaria when Syphilis is the "Better" job for humanity.


1-25-2017 Wednesday; iMacbook Pro at every Apple-Starbucks Cafe table world wide - Mary Beth Labate, the president of the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, has criticized Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s plan to make New York State colleges tuition free. Yale Key West Medical School will pay the Medical Students more than the West Point Cadets get $$$ and be open 24/7. Apple-Starbucks 24/7 too. New York State colleges are not open 24/7 365 days of the year, Hell the NYC library is not open 24/7 365 Days a year, a Jedi war crime, Hahahahahaha! The Hemingway House Writing Class will be open 24/7 every day of the Year! Jedi invention Novels.

1-25-2017 Wednesday; Trump Hacks Gas... BY TIMOTHY O'HARA Citizen Staff tohara@keysnews.com The Florida Department of Agriculture has collected gasoline samples from a Stock Island marina after a half-dozen boats had engine problems after fueling up there last weekend. Stock Island Marina Village hosted fishing boats as part of an annual kingfish fishing tournament. Within minutes of fueling up their boats with gas, a half dozen boats began to experience engine problems - DNA + Diesel Problems. Send in the Fed's.


* 1-25-2017 Wednesday; Kuwait Moslem side effects of Polygamy... Among the executed prisoners was Mrs. Nusra al-Enezi, a Kuwait national, who was convicted of setting fire to a tent during a wedding party for her husband, who was marrying a second wife. The blaze killed more than 50 people.


1-25-2017 Wednesday; More side effects; A man (1 of 1,000's) whose crack cocaine drug sentence was commuted by Obama, 'executed' in halfway house, police say a lot but none of it can be printed, grin! iBody cams not for the cops but for the inmates!

1-25-2017 Wednesday; Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus camera tips and tricks guide: Get the most from your iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus camera with these handy tips, including how to use the best hidden features, how to tweak the camera's settings, info on the 7 Plus' new iPhone 007 ++ Dash Cams for Felons...


1-25-2017 Wednesday; Cisco Systems announced a $3.7 billion deal to buy a startup specializing in improving the performance of applications, acquisition of AppDynamics software enables businesses to monitor performance of applications and figure out ways to avoid problems and get them to run more smoothly. Trump the Jedi announced the acquisition of Los Alamos and the building of 100's of Los Alamos II for Jedi Inventions and writers of Hemingway House Novels with brainstormed inventions and diagnosis in every chapter with 1 Click Amazon to 4 Trillion Rx Recipes. $777 Trillion dollar deal.


1-25-2017 Wednesday; Keystone pipeline is the Los Alamos Stage 4 Pipelines, save her life not let her drive into "Smog" in her kids DNA. Time as the New Higgs God Particle it's Time to build more Los Alamos Labs.

1-25-2017 Wednesday; Cancer death rates are steadily rising in certain parts of the U.S. in grim contrast with the declining death rate across the nation as a whole, an exhaustive new analysis has found.

1-25-2017 Wednesday; From 1980 to 2014, the U.S. death rate per 100,000 people for all cancers combined dropped from about 240 to 192 — a 20 percent decline. More than 19 million Americans died from cancer during that time

1-25-2017 Wednesday; 1980 to 2014, the death rate caused by suppression of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus was 1 Billion world wide... a war crime!

1-25-2017 Wednesday; 1980 Jedi Inventors are still waiting for their fuel, trillions of Jolts in Ivanka inspiration.


1-25-2017 Wednesday; Mecca not Mosul; someone email the Pentagon!

1-25-2017 Wednesday; Battle Advances, but Peril Abounds on Mosul’s Front Lines. Our photographer was embedded with an Iraqi special forces unit in Mosul, where Islamic State militants have been pushed west across the Tigris River. But 750,000 people remain in areas under the militants’ control. By IVOR PRICKETT

1-25-2017 Wednesday; Mecca not Mosul; someone email the Pentagon! Mecca just bought a SUV umbrella that can shade 2 million at once for Sunday Sermons!


1-25-2017 Wednesday; Mecca not Mosul; someone email the Pentagon!

1-25-2017 Wednesday; Op-Docs 4.1 Miles By DAPHNE MATZIARAKI In this short documentary, nominated for an Academy award, a coast guard captain on a Greek island is charged with saving thousands of children none of them at Saint Jude Childrens Hospital with DNA + Diesel Captains in the Key West Navy saving them from death in 2017 from trillions of Scooters on Duval Key West. A island 4 miles long filled with Gas Exhaust and kids DNA. Trump’s Visit Offends Fallen C.I.A. Man’s Daughter. The daughter of a C.I.A. officer enshrined on the Memorial Wall expresses “indignation and disgust” about the CIA No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op that will in the war with Moslems overnight and confiscate $777 Trillion for Trump and Ivanka to spent in the USA. CIA Gregg Wenzel did not make the ultimate sacrifice so Mecca could spent $777 trillion in Miami gas station hold up money.

1-25-2017 Wednesday;

1-25-2017 Wednesday;

Dr. Lisa link at Yale Yale Key West Medical School links to City Hall and Navy F35C radar for 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus Yes the radar on the Ford's cost more than the car.

Yale link to Dr. Lisa

Yale Key West Medical School in 3-4-2011 would have student of Dr. Lisa making many Elite Diagnosis...

1-24-2017 Tuesday;


1-24-2017 Tuesday; The Last Jedi’? In Real Life, Jedi Can Be a President of the USA - What We Know About ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Trump the Newest Jedi who can feel the Universe, Miss Universe is out there, in the floor above him. Sensuously She is a Jedi Too! Disney is not ready for a Mr. and Mrs. Jedi Trump in this next Star Wars Movie.

1-24-2017 Tuesday; The Last Jedi’ Newest Jedi, Trump on Monday ordered an across-the-board employment of Jedi Inventor's, all in his Universe of 2 Trillion Galaxies - Trump is President of the Universe and the Editors at the New York Times will write this Editorial tomorrow, Hahahaha.

1-24-2017 Tuesday; Trump's Jedi budget is $777 Trillion $$$ NEW YORK New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is preparing to unveil a preliminary $84.69 billion budget for fiscal 2018. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is not a Jedi, grin!

iPod size GE electric generator that can replace all Coal and Nuclear Power Plants world wide... Jedi Technology just invented in Key West!

1-24-2017 Tuesday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for "Stage 4" @ Key West by the Sea of 2 Trillion Galaxies and today. Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche is seen outside their headquarters in Basel, protesting this Web Page Hacking of their 4 Trillion Rx Recipes and using 1 click Amazon to link them to Los Alamos and the New Oppenheimer II working on the "Stage 4 A-Bomb".

1-24-2017 Tuesday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "Stage 4" - Killing of a Young Woman Grips Iceland; 2 Trillion Galaxies with No Known Jewish Aliens Grips Our World Caesars Today, worried about War Crimes when they wake in the middle of the night!

1-24-2017 Tuesday; Test God's Sway - Swaying of 2 Trillion Galaxies in front of the Queen of England, will she save Jimmy Carters great-grandchildren from birth defects and cancers of BP Oils Greed for $777 Trillion dollars? Hell No! Did she kill Princes Di, most likely yes. King Trump will save America from the British again!


1-24-2017 Tuesday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "Stage 4" - Killing of a Young Woman Grips Iceland; Yale Key West Medical School goings on since 4-3-2011 Grips Key West City Hall workers and The Citizen Newspaper. The 11th "MD Foods" not "Whole Foods" would have opened on Duval this Week in Key West. The menu would be light years from NYC's newest Whole Foods, you will have to use your imagination and see the BP Test, on aisle 3, grin. For its 11th store in New York City, a two-story expanse opening on Saturday near Bryant Park, Whole Foods has turned to local chefs and makers. Seed & Mill, a halvah company, will have a cart selling tahini ground on the spot. Frankies Spuntino, a branch of Frankies 457 and 570 Spuntino, will dish out salads, sandwiches and pastas. Maria Loi of Loi Estiatorio will sell her new line of dips and spreads. Harbor Bar will serve raw and other seafood items, including some by Daniel Boulud. Simit & Smith will offer artisanal Turkish breads. Other features include Detroit-style square pizza, a toast counter and omakase from Genji Sushi’s restaurant Kano. There will also be a produce butcher on hand, to clean, trim and custom-cut your fruit and vegetables to order: Whole Foods Market Bryant Park, 1095 Avenue of the Americas.

1-24-2017 Tuesday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "Stage 4" - Killing of a Young Woman Grips Iceland; NYC comes to Grimps with Heart Transplants and Purple Hearts and renames Avenue of the Americas to "Avenue of the (Heart Transplant) Doctors".


1-24-2017 Tuesday; Sway America Women First to Legal Polygamous Marriage Today to End to Stage 4 and gas station hold ups in Miami!

1-24-2017 Tuesday; Editorial NY Times; "Opening Salvos in President Trump’s Trade "Oil $$$" War" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD "President Trump hosted business leaders at the White House on Monday. A border tax would probably be illegal, why the Hell are the Editors at the Times writing a Editorial on a Mexican Border Tax when "Oil $$$" is the Universe that is illegal and a War Crime by All The President Men! Jimmy Carters great-grand kids are going to die from childhood cancers from Mexican Oil crossing the boarder into the USA!


1-24-2017 Tuesday; Discovering Feminist; By Deborah Williams who is the head of the literature and creative writing program at New York University Abu Dhabi. My American students thought feminism was for angry man-haters. Women in Abu Dhabi were inspired by it to take risks and take charge of their lives. "Pursuit" by Martha Gellhorn one of Hemingway's wives was censored because Martha wrote a Novel about Syphilis, who gave it to her. No but almost. Yale Key West Medical School would have the who in Abu Dhabi and Mecca got Syphilis from whom in their data base for any Martha writing a "Pursuit" Novel today at the Hemingway House Writing Class in Key West. And who Martha had in mind writing her novel. Martha's medical records will be hacked for a Nobel in Medicine that cures Syphilis world wide in 2017, by Christmas Day! "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" title will be a Novel written at the Hemingway House Writing Class next week... sub titled, You're Fired!

1-24-2017 Tuesday; Discovering Feminist; By Deborah Williams who is the head of the literature and creative writing program at New York University Abu Dhabi. NYU lives in a Universe of Smog and Exhaust in NYC imported from Abu Dhabi by our 1984 II George Orwell Top Quarks who are just now learning about "Time" being the new Higgs God Particle and DNA + Diesel Movie by Disney Pixar is being censored today by them.


1-24-2017 Tuesday; Cash in a Manhattan Jail. Manhattan Jail That Holds El Chapo Is Called Tougher Than Guantánamo Bay - Jail that Holds El Chapo's Cash Is Safe too. From Trump hacking all the Mexican Drug Lords Cash same as the Mexican Owned Oil Company. MD's at Saint Jude will hack all of the Mexican Oil Company's Cash when the clash comes!

1-24-2017 Tuesday; Gambia’s OJ Clone of a President left with two Rolls-Royces, a Mercedes-Benz, and other cars and luxury items, according to an airport official and a diplomat familiar with activities in the country.

1-24-2017 Tuesday; Arrest of Vice President’s in Rape and Torture, Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum is accused of ordering the sexual assault of a rival, and a traffic jam on George Washington Bridge in Jerzy.

1-24-2017 Tuesday; British government of covering up a failed test as it pushed new spending on nuclear submarines USS Jimmy Carter II - Sea of Empty Desks of iMacBook Pro's at every Cafe Table at every Apple-Starbucks in London, Paris, NYC, Moscow!!


1-24-2017 Tuesday; JFK Airport Hospital and Medical School - All Homeland Security Men have a MD and Scan for 100's of terrible diseases and cancers. Senate Democrats on Tuesday plan to unveil their own $1 trillion plan to revamp the nation's airports! In the Cervix line many young men asked what is the Cervix... and these are the NYC high school grads most often.

1-24-2017 Tuesday; News about cops and kids burned in fiery wrecks since 1980 is censored but this will give you a idea. They are among 11 Syrian children who for the past three years have been brought to the famed burn center at Shriners Hospital for Children (SHC) in Galveston, Texas. Oil from Texas has burned thousands world wide since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Texas Oil Men have driven by "2 Trillion" fiery wrecks world wide without stopping to help too. A War Crime $$$.


1-24-2017 Tuesday; Mandy Miles needs to write up a "1984" George Orwell story of Greg's Mother nearly 94 too and she is "aware" of the 1980 invention and suppression of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, and drives a Toyota Pirus. Nearly 94, Anne McKee still gets things done. BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com “I just wanted to get things done.” Anne McKee’s softly clipped voice still sounds of her upbringing in Newfoundland. But it gets more emphatic when describing her more than 40 years of advocacy, assistance and artistic accomplishments - Sorry nothing in Mandy Miles article on the 1980 invention and suppression of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort or the Yale Key West Medical School bombed on 3-4-2011 by City Hall and the Navy.

1-24-2017 Tuesday; "Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis" In her new book, Lisa Sanders examines the state of diagnostic skills. The chances are good that you already know the work of Lisa Sanders, M.D. ’97, HS ’00, assistant clinical professor of medicine: she writes the monthly “Diagnosis” column in the new York Times Magazine. Or maybe you’ve seen house, the Emmy-winning, oddly addictive, not-quite-believable hospital melodrama for which Sanders is a consultant. Now Sanders has written a book that combines the medical sleuthing of “Diagnosis” andHousewith an examination of the state of diagnostic skills among contemporary physicians. The book also provides “insider” pleasures for those familiar with the School of Medicine or Yale-New Haven Hospital: Many of the names of the physicians who unravel these medical mysteries are familiar, from Nancy Angoff to Majid Sadigh, from Eric Holmboe to Frank Bia. With each story of a difficult diagnosis, Sanders expands on the issues that made it so. Recurrent chest pain and weakness in a young man. A heart attack? It turns out to be pernicious anemia. A woman with long-term weakness and joint pain. “Chronic” Lyme disease? No—polymyalgia rheumatica. Sanders argues that physical examination is poorly taught, both in medical school and during residency. “See one, do one, teach one” doesn’t suffice for the complex skills of hands-on examination. She ends with a moving story of the search for the cause of her own sister’s death at 42.

1-23-2017 Monday; Editorial NY Times today; Donald Trump and a Sea of Empty Desks "So much for the claim that people from the business world are more efficient managers."

1-23-2017 Monday; Editorial NY Times today; Donald Trump and a Sea of Empty Desks of iMacBook Pro's at every Cafe Table at every Apple-Starbucks!

1-23-2017 Monday; Editorial NY Times today; Donald Trump and a Sea of Empty Stars - 2 Trillion Galaxies and NO Aliens. Empty Galaxies and Stars because of the failed NY Times editors can't write!

1-23-2017 Monday; Editorial in today's NY Times; “These data tell us the editors at the Times will get everyone on Earth killed!" Editorial Sea of Empty Stars - 2 Trillion Galaxies and NO Aliens... because of Empty Editorials about "Time" discovered; The New Higgs!

1-23-2017 Monday; “The Apprentice Women MD's Are Generator's of Electricity.” The God Particle has been Discovered!

1-23-2017 Monday; Biden's "Moon Shot" is for Beau...

1-23-2017 Monday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "Stage 4".

1-23-2017 Monday; The risk for dying of cervical cancer appears higher than previously believed, especially among blacks and older women, according to new research published in Cancer. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found that mortality rates are 77% higher than previously reported among black women and 47% higher among white women in the United States. By excluding women who have had hysterectomies, mortality rates are 77% higher in black women. 47% higher among white women in the United States. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine top brass know Dr. Susan Love has been putting a needle into her nipple the last 8 years to cure Stage 4 and all ?% have died of breast cancer but can't publish these stats in our 1984 II Society!

1-23-2017 Monday; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found that mortality rates...

1-23-2017 Monday; Absurdity Bombing of Yale Key West Medical School when Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 with $777 Trillion dollars. City of Key West Destroys Part of Yale Medical School Amphitheater. Heart Transplants were destroyed by purple hearts vets shot by Biden for the Glory of War!

1-23-2017 Monday; Yale Key West Medical School... Women MD's march down Duval Key West. Imagine all the women in this video link are Women MD's in Key West.

1-23-2017 Monday; Yale Key West Medical School... 3-4-2011 doing 100's of Kidney Transplants a day by today. No Gas Stations On Earth + No Kidney dialysis visits!

Link to video Greg took of the Women MD's from the Bombed out Yale Key West Medical School March on Duval Key West. 4 Trillion Rx Recipes signs!

Link to video Greg took of the Woman's Invent Something March on Duval

Greg's YouTube Video reposted from years ago, grin.

1-23-2017 Monday; Biden's "Moon Shot" is for Beau...

1-23-2017 Monday; After Success of Women’s March, a Question Remains: What’s Next? By SUSAN CHIRA and JONATHAN MARTIN - Hemingway House Writing Class Novels packed with 1,001 IP invention projects; 100's of brainstorming ideas with 10 Los Alamos Super Computers. IBM headlines in the NY Times in 1980 said everyone would be Super Computer literate by today. This is Today at IBM. Dr. Watson Super computer at IBM is for the elite not the millions of women who marched for a Stage 4 Rx Recipe Miracle Cure Today! Trump to IBM Dr. Watson Super Computer Scam, You're Fired IBM. Los Alamos has 10 Super Computers. All we need is 1 Click Amazon link now. This is how to write a Hemingway House Novel. "To Have Have Not". After Success of Women’s March, a Question Remains: What’s Next? Amazon 1 Click link to Los Alamos IP invention projects. All trade secret Rx Recipes hacked by Trump, Ha.

1-23-2017 Monday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "Stage 4". iMacBook Pro's at every Apple-Starbucks Cafe Table with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects at Los Alamos. iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Trump! iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Trump is open 24/7. Trump Towers over 2 Trillion Galaxies with No Aliens... Yet Discovered but they will be by the Trump's!

1-23-2017 Monday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "Stage 4". This is not a out of date "Moon Shot!"


1-23-2017 Monday; Editorial NY Times today; Donald Trump and a Sea of Empty Desks "So much for the claim that people from the business world are more efficient managers."

1-23-2017 Monday; Editorial NY Times today; Donald Trump and a Sea of Empty Stars - 2 Trillion Galaxies and NO Aliens. Empty Galaxies and Stars because of the failed NY Times editors can't write!

1-23-2017 Monday; Editorial in today's NY Times; “These data tell us that, as long as a woman retains her cervix, it is important that she continue to obtain recommended screening for cervical cancer [because] the risk for death from the disease remains significant well into older age” In an accompanying editorial, Heather J. Dalton, MD, who specializes in the surgical care of women with ovarian, cervical, uterine and endometrial cancers at Arizona Oncology, and John H. Farley, MD, FACOG, FACS, chief of gynecologic oncology at Cancer Treatment Centers of America, said the investigation into corrected cervical cancer mortality rates offers some “glimmer of hope” for increased and improved screening. A false story - false hope of a editorial from the Nasty Men at the NY Times. No one in this 1984 II society is going to start screening --------------- at JFK or any airport were Homeland security scans for Moslem terrorists. Were is the cervix memo from Homeland security guys. New Homeland security guy from Trump a General said Steve Jobs never new what the pancreas did or were it was! Tim Cook refused to add a "pancreatic cancer" icon to the Apple Screen and iPhone 007 ++ screen.

1-23-2017 Monday; NY Times Editorial: A Bold Plan to Prevent Hopelessness section A By THE EDITORIAL BOARD - 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus to 2 Trillion Galaxies! China Swings Back at Golf, Shutting Down 111 Courses - Sending all the Golf Addicts to a Medical School in Cuba to get a MD degree.

1-23-2017 Monday; Trump a leading foe of alcoholism and 70 year old women mugged and beaten in Queens and the Times writes about no smoking running out of gas... Once a Leading Foe of Tobacco, New York Lags Under de Blasio by the NY Times today. Failed NY Times evidence! More evidence that the NY Times is a failure to old women is the stats on who was mugged in Queens in 2017 by age... Yes there have many many old women mugged in Queens in 2017 and many car accidents on Roosevelt in Key West, stats are censored. How any women were given STD's in 2017. Yale Key West Medical School would give you these stats.


1-23-2017 Monday; Although it will take decades to observe decreases in HPV–related cervical cancer...

1-23-2017 Monday; ...it will take decades to observe decreases in HPV–related cervical cancer...

1-23-2017 Monday; ...it will take decades to observe decreases in HPV–related cervical cancer...

1-23-2017 Monday; ...it will take decades to observe decreases in HPV–related cervical cancer...

1-23-2017 Monday; ...it will take decades to observe decreases in HPV–related cervical cancer...

1-23-2017 Monday; FDA approval of the quadrivalent vaccine in 2006 began a new era in the fight against HPV infection and cervical cancer. Introduced in 2014, the nonavalent vaccine provides effective protection against five additional oncogenic HPV subtypes.”


1-23-2017 Monday; Biden's "Moon Shot" is for Beau...

1-23-2017 Monday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "Stage 4". iMacBook Pro's at every Apple-Starbucks Cafe Table with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects at Los Alamos. iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Trump! iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Trump is open 24/7. Trump Towers over 2 Trillion Galaxies with No Aliens... Yet Discovered but they will be by the Trump's!

1-23-2017 Monday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "Stage 4". This is not a out of date "Moon Shot!"

1-23-2017 Monday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "quadrivalent vaccine" crunched at Los Alamos soon as Trump gets the Nukes off the Assembly lines and Super computers and hires Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II.

1-23-2017 Monday; Biden's "Moon Shot" is for Beau...

1-23-2017 Monday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "quadrivalent vaccine" crunched at Los Alamos soon as Trump gets the Nukes off the Assembly lines and Super computers and hires Dr. Nancy Snyderman as Oppenheimer II.


1-23-2017 Monday; Equatorial Guinea has applied to join OPEC: No they will not send and MD's to Saint Jude Childrens Hospital for birth defects and childhood cancers from oil.

1-23-2017 Monday; Oil Producers Claim Progress in Curbing the World's Daily Supply - Oil Men Claim "DNA + Diesel" Disney Pixar Move will link Oil Producers to Birth Defects and Childhood cancers world wide. New York Times - VIENNA - A group of oil producers both in and outside the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries are ahead of schedule in reaching their target of taking 1.8 million barrels of crude a day off global markets, Russia's energy minister said Moscow has thousands of Children with Oil related birth defects and cancers and more to come and are causalities of WAR $$$ for $777 Trillion dollars.

1-23-2017 Monday; New York Times - KUWAIT CITY - Kuwait's national oil company says it has contained an oil leak at one of its southwestern oil fields. Monday's statement by the Kuwait Oil Co.


1-23-2017 Monday; ..."psychological King Henry VIII of BP OIL"

1-23-2017 Monday; BP Oil Well leaks... ..."psychological King Henry VIII of BP OIL" a weakened form of HIM, a piece of his fake news can make people better at identifying false claims about BP Oil does not have any deep Horizon Oil Platforms in the Oceans today that are leaking... a false story.


1-23-2017 Monday; Korea's Painful "DNA + Diesel" Disney Pixar Movie will be censored!

1-23-2017 Monday; South Korea as a whole, fosters a top-down, hide bound 1984 II culture that stifles innovation and buries festering problems, they say.

1-23-2017 Monday; D. J. Koh, Samsung’s mobile chief, at the company’s headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, on Monday. He said that the company felt “a painful responsibility for failing to test and confirm that there were problems” with the batteries used in the Galaxy Note 7. Credit Jeon Heon-Kyun/European Pressphoto Agency - Galaxy Note 7 note there are 2 Trillion Galaxies today.

1-23-2017 Monday; Seoul National University economics professor who thinks that the cozy relationship between the government and business is stifling innovation in South Korea.

1-23-2017 Monday; Soul Medical Schools infections rates must be higher than Yale New Haven hahahahahah

1-23-2017 Monday; South Korea as a whole, fosters a top-down, hide bound 1984 II culture that stifles innovation and buries festering problems, they say.

1-23-2017 Monday; Korea's Painful "DNA + Diesel" Disney Pixar Movie will be censored!

1-23-2017 Monday; Korea - Disney Pixar Movies will ALL be censored! Shocking heart transplant opening scene they said.

1-23-2017 Monday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "Stage 4". iMacBook Pro's at every Apple-Starbucks Cafe Table with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects at Los Alamos. iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Trump! iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Trump is open 24/7. Trump Towers over 2 Trillion Galaxies with No Aliens... Yet Discovered but they will be by the Trump's!

1-23-2017 Monday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "Stage 4". This is not a out of date "Moon Shot!"


1-23-2017 Monday; scientists, including those who spoke at the announcement, said aggressive decisions in designing the batteries made problems more likely. Pushing to make the battery thinner and more powerful, Samsung opted for an exceptionally thin separator in its battery. As the critical component that separates the positive and negative electrodes in a battery, separators can cause fires if they break down or contain flaws. UL, a safety science company contracted by Samsung to investigate the battery, said the thin separator offered poor protection against defects. It also said that the high energy density of the battery could increase the severity of failures when they occurred. Samsung’s insistence on speed and internal pressures to outdo rivals in part signal a breakdown in the ability to truly innovate and push out new ideas, critics say. In place of big new ideas, Samsung focused on maxing out the capability of components like the battery. That philosophy,

1-23-2017 Monday; Samsung + Korea will sue Key West City Hall for suppressing the Hemingway House Writing Class as all Korean tourists from Samsung would have written a Novel about battery inventions in a Hemingway House writing class in Key West. This is why Galaxy Note 7 batteries caught fire. GE iPod size electric generators will be made by NASA + Los Alamos after they both write a invention packed novel about battery inventions at the Hemingway House Writing Class on a iMacBook Pro not win 10. Grin!!

1-23-2017 Monday; Korea and the USA - “The governments are trying to pick the next Steve Jobs,” said Mr. Park, the Seoul National University professor. “You cannot pick the next Steve Jobs. You need to allow somebody to achieve that.” Like Jimmy Carter achieved the Nobel and Titanium Homes for Humanity, ha. Dr. OJ at Yale New Haven is a mass murderer of patients too.


1-23-2017 Monday;

1-23-2017 Monday; Biden's "Moon Shot" is for Beau...

1-23-2017 Monday; "4 Trillion Rx Recipes" are for the "Stage 4".

1-23-2017 Monday;


1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David and Trump!


1-22-2017 Sunday; “The Apprentice Women Inventors.” Have a Edge with iMacBook Pro's at every Apple-Starbucks Cafe Table with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects at Los Alamos. iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Trump! iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Trump is open 24/7. iPod size GE electric generator that can replace all Coal and Nuclear Power Plants world wide is the rip currents in our Times Today, but for the New York Times in a run of the mill out of date wind turbine Times. Trillions of volts and trillions of Jolts of inspiration from Ivanka!

1-22-2017 Sunday; Thousands took part in the Women’s March on Duval Street, described as “an event about peace and love, social justice, and unity and equality for all,” by organizers Jamie Mattingly and Martha Hooten on Facebook. President Trump acknowledged the demonstrations on Twitter, writing, “Why didn’t these women Write a Editorial on 1,001 invention projects for the NY Times or Novel at the Hemingway House Writing Class?”

Link to video Greg took of the Womens Invent Something March on Duval Key West.

Link to video Greg took of the Womans Invent Something March on Duval

Greg's YouTube Video reposted from years ago, grin.

1-22-2017 Sunday; Crowd Scientists Say Women’s March in Washington Had 3 Times as Many People as Trump’s Inauguration - Los Alamos Scientists Oppenheimer II + III say women can Invent and inspire 1,001 more "Times" than today. Drive the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus into Mecca win the War the Nasty Generals have lost since 1980.

1-22-2017 Sunday; Inventor Calculator; The Beginning of a Buyer’s Market in Manhattan @ Trump Tower Apple-Starbucks with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos... not your run of the mill PC with Windows but a iMacBook Pro that cost $5,500 on every Cafe Table with more 100" Ultra LG monitors you have ever seen at Trump Towers lobby, grin! Inventor Calculator; by Trump! Staring Ivanka in Disney Pixar "Dr. Cinderella MD" Dads Heart Transplant is the opening scene, shock and awe!

1-22-2017 Sunday; Nearly 31 million viewers watched live U.S. television coverage of Donald Trump's presidential inauguration, far fewer than the 2 Trillion Galaxies for the "Trump King of Israel's: 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David + Trump to get the Hell off Earth and into the Heavens without 72 virgins... grin.


1-22-2017 Sunday; The president falsely accused journalists of inventing a rift between him and spy agencies - crimes against women. Inventing the iPhone 007 ++ Dash Cams to prevent 99% of crimes against women is a war crime by NY Times Journalists.

1-22-2017 Sunday; iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek - Actress Carrie Fisher's character Princess Leia from 'Star Wars' emerged as the epitome of feminism, equality and hope at the Women's March in Washington DC. Dr. Cinderella MD to cure MS and stop putting them to death and giving them MS and Syphilis in the first place.

1-22-2017 Sunday; Women, bikini women in Key West. New York Times - Planning a sunny escape to Key West to Write at the Hemingway House Writing class. Staying under a beach umbrella may not be enough to prevent sunburn. This is why your Hemingway House Writing Class Novel is Titled "1,001 SUV" and no Tan Lines, Hahahahaha.

1-22-2017 Sunday; "Rust Belt Town People Write about 2 Trillion Galaxies" at the iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Era of Trump. Trump "Time". Leaders Abroad, Joyful or Wary, Face Uncertainty of Trump Era of 2 Trillion Galaxies and 4 Trillion Rx Recipes crunched at Los Alamos by Oppenheimer II + III. Atoms are now Higgs particles and Quarks with Gluon force fields - gravity and time are discovered in the Trump Era.


1-22-2017 Sunday; God Particle; Higgs Particle made spending $1 Trillion in Geneva on CERN worth it.

1-22-2017 Sunday; God Particle will be the Discovery of "Time".

1-22-2017 Sunday; Spending $1 Trillion on the Yale Key West Medical School will be worth more than CERN in Geneva a trillion times more, grin!


1-22-2017 Sunday; Key West Mandy Miles writes ""Timing" isn't everything" A False Journalist story as the Discovery of Time inside a spinning quark like the Discovery of the Higgs particle the God Particle the NY Times Journalist wrote a hundred times. ""Timing" isn't everything" it is everything when the Journalist write "Time" discovered is the God particle not the Higgs Particle. Mandy Miles Trump just fired you from being a Journalists. Good Times - ""Timing" isn't everything" Discovering Time is better than the Higgs God Particle is everything Mandy Miles! You're Fired!


1-22-2017 Sunday; For France’s Left, a Time of Crisis as 1,001 French Inventions have been lost to French Cartoons.

1-22-2017 Sunday; With Trump Moving into the White House @ Los Alamos "Time, Space, Gravity, Stage 4" will be Trumps H-Bomb and N-Bombs. Intriguing back stories of Oppenheimer II + III with many wives cheering, with trillions of jolts of inspiration. InventBook not Facebook! 100" Ultra LG monitors walking down Duval live Streaming Donald Trump at Los Alamos tweeting as this will never be written up by Mandy Miles in Tan Lines at the Citizen Newspaper. The intensity of the desire to fight back is producing what may turn out to be one of the most fertile periods of protest on the left in decades. Nukes on the Los Alamos Assembly lines today. Ford Gas Engine Cars on the assembly lines today. Purple Hearts on the Assemble line that should be Heart Transplants. Pentagon bombs ISIS in Syria not Mecca HQ. Dr. Susan Love sticks a needle in her nipple to cure breast cancer today. Gas station hold ups today when there should not be any Gas Stations on Earth.

1-22-2017 Sunday; If you get to the age 70 Queens women are beaten by 16 year old kids and women in Miami are beaten at gas station hold ups and the New York Times said crime rates are down you know its time to leave... Exodus. iPhone 007 ++ Dash Cams would have prevented both crimes. Editorial in todays Sunday NY Times, Hell No!

1-22-2017 Sunday; "Editorial today on cops, not in fiery cop cars with the editors of the NY Times driving by not stopping to help. Editorial: Local Police Need Federal Oversight. Exhibit A: Chicago" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD - War Criminals! Exhibit to convict the editors at the NY Times is fiery cop cars burned out... pictured on the front page tomorrow! By THE EDITORIAL BOARD

1-22-2017 Sunday; Editors at the New York Times wrote... "It would be a terrible mistake for the Trump administration to turn a blind eye to illegal police practices."

1-22-2017 Sunday; Editors at the New York Times have turned a blind eye to fiery cop cars and SUV in traffic world wide, a war crime!


1-22-2017 Sunday; In Beijing, and Washington, a Breath of Foul Air at The crime scene and the possibility of getting arrested by the French Revolution in 2017.

1-22-2017 Sunday; "Editorial: The Republican Health Care Con" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Con is 4 Trillion Rx Recipes that are trade secrets. Con is Yale New Haven with no iPhone 007 Hospital Cams to stop the spread of hospital infections to people with no infections before the Doctor or nurse comes into her hospital room. Hillary's Yale Law School makes it impossible for those infected by a nurse or MD to sue. By DANIELLE OFRI Communication between doctor and patient is one of the best treatment tools we have. And we’re not using it. Did you wash your hands after you touched the last patient, Hell No!


1-22-2017 Sunday; Statistics on the Women's march not murders yesterday... By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS and MATTHEW ROSENBERG The president falsely accused journalists of inventing a rift between him and spy agencies - crimes against women. Journalists were ordered not to write a front page story about Mary Kennedy of show her hanging in the Kennedy Barn. OJ crime scene can be seen in your mind's eye right now.

1-22-2017 Sunday; The president falsely accused journalists of inventing a rift between him and spy agencies - crimes against women. Inventing the iPhone 007 ++ Dash Cams to prevent 99% of crimes against women is a war crime by NY Times Journalists.

1-22-2017 Sunday; Trump Inaugural Speech "Invention Hopes" for a More, 1,001 Invention Projects, Trump Agenda to save Ivanka from Stage 4 tortured death by the CIA wasting trillions in Baghdad instead of doing the No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op to put an End to Mecca once and for ever... Exodus into 2 Trillion Galaxies means Mecca will never recover from Trump. Trump will be the President to put a End to Mecca! The new president challenged establishment views of gas stations in Texas need Mecca.


1-22-2017 Sunday; Technology in the NY Times today writes of Florida Lottery + Big Ten Universities Entering a New Realm: E-Sports 24/7 live streaming of sports not 1,001 IP invention projects with 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos. This is a war crime.

1-22-2017 Sunday; Madonna, she offered another perspective on Donald J. Trump’s election victory: She said it had an upside, because it inspired Americans to wake up and stop taking their freedoms for granted. “We don’t really have a choice,” she said, but to stand up and take action. “We hit the wall.”

1-22-2017 Sunday; Forbes "Apple's MacBook Pro Touch Bar Vs. Windows Touch Screen: And The Winner Is the Touch Bar... Windows Touch Screens Fail. You will not read this in the New York Times. Hahahaha. Touch screens are a godsend for some, useless for most. Glass keyboard is what I want torture tested by Forbes! As you can have many dimensions besides just a Keyboard. Star Wars + Star Trek at the same time for break times, ha.

1-21-2017 Saturday; America First... crime, drugs, end now! Gas Stations End Now!

1-21-2017 In 1991, 79-year-old Mary Trump was mugged and beaten near her home in Queens Greg's Mary at Gas Station in Miami 2000 - Trump; crime, drugs, end now! Gas Stations End Now! Womens March in Key West after they read this...

1-21-2017 Saturday; “radical Islamic terrorism.” HQ is Mecca, Pentagon Generals Know this!

1-21-2017 Saturday; Atmosphere was unmistakable anti-diesel where crowds gathered for President Trump’s inauguration.

1-21-2017 Saturday; Trump Inauguration 2017 The First Dance "Everyone!" Was Looking at "Their Women!" Trillions and trillions, jolts of inspiration in this dance! New Yorkers "Discover" Time can be "Discovered" like the Higgs particle was by CERN.


1-21-2017 Saturday; InventBook Starts Now - Facebook Ends Now! “1,001 IP Invention Projects are a Drastic Radicalization” of U.S. politics. But some world leaders embraced the new reality of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in our iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Era. CIA Radicalization Coup Op to confiscate hack $777 Trillion in Miami Gas Station hold up loot in Swiss Banks to pay for this!

1-21-2017 Saturday; Editorial: "What the Women’s March Stands For" Syphilis, HIV, STD's, MS Ends Now under Trump. Rx Recipe at Los Alamos will cure these terrible diseases that made Nasty Women even Nastier, grin! Until Los Alamos gets the Rx Recipe Tim Cook must make the iPhone 007 ++ caller ID hack all the diseases men have and show up on her caller ID. By THE EDITORIAL BOARD The New York Times. Of 1 Million Women marching today how many were given a STD by a diseased man... The Editors at the NY Times know how many and censored this out of the editorial today a war crime by By ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS, YAMICHE ALCINDOR and NIRAJ CHOKSHI.


1-21-2017 Saturday; America First... Many Aliens Left. Many Aliens Arrived. All Felt the Mood of a New Era of iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek. iPod size GE electric generator that can replace all Coal and Nuclear Power Plants. The "Smog" atmosphere ends here and now! Atmosphere was unmistakable anti-diesel where crowds gathered for President Trump’s inauguration, $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues protests broke out and many Oil Men residents simply skipped town for Dubai or Saudi Arabia.

1-21-2017 Saturday; America First... Death Toll Escalates in Absurdity Bombing of Yale Key West Medical School when Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 with $777 Trillion dollars. City of Key West Destroys Part of Yale Medical School Amphitheater. Heart Transplants were destroyed by purple hearts vets shot by Biden for the Glory of War when End to Gas Station would have One The Wars! By DAN BILEFSKY


1-21-2017 Saturday; America First... South Korea Illegally Held Prostitutes Who Catered to G.I.s Decades Ago" By CHOE SANG-HUN

1-21-2017 Saturday; America First... Saudi Arabia + Mecca Hold SWF's sold as Sex Slaves by Yale and Harvard Elite to King and Prince Salman. This has been going on for Decades!

1-21-2017 Saturday; America First... Hillary Clinton Is Stoic "War Criminal" at Her Rival’s Inauguration - End to putting a needle in her nipple to cure breast cancer for 8 years and they all died.

1-21-2017 Saturday; Los Alamos with Nuke Hillary with 4 Trillion Rx Recipes not Girl Scout Cookies to crunch for a Miracle Cure for Stage 4 lost for 8 years a true war crime by Hillary not just emails.

1-21-2017 Saturday; Editorial: "What the Women’s March Stands For" Syphilis, HIV, STD's, MS Ends Now under Trump. Rx Recipe at Los Alamos will cure these terrible diseases that made Nasty Women even Nastier, grin! Until Los Alamos gets the Rx Recipe Tim Cook must make the iPhone 007 ++ caller ID hack all the diseases men have and show up on her caller ID. By THE EDITORIAL BOARD


1-21-2017 Saturday; The Generals who called in this airstrikes know ISIS HQ is in Mecca! U.S. Airstrike Kills More Than 100 Qaeda Fighters in Syria. By MICHAEL R. GORDON and ERIC SCHMITT A flurry of airstrikes illustrates the challenges President Trump faces in carrying out the vow he made in his inaugural address to combat “radical Islamic terrorism.”

1-21-2017 Saturday; “radical Islamic terrorism.” HQ is Mecca, Pentagon Generals Know this!

1-21-2017 Saturday; Despite Sabbath, Ivanka Trump and Husband Celebrate Inauguration" By CHRISTOPHER MELE and MAGGIE HABERMAN The inaugural gatherings on Friday night posed an obstacle to their Orthodox Jewish observance of the Sabbath. Ms. Trump, who converted to Judaism, said in a Vogue magazine interview that she and her husband were “pretty observant,” keeping kosher and the Sabbath. Ms. Trump, President Trump’s older daughter, and Mr. Kushner got special permission to break from strict religious laws that prohibit them from using technology or mechanized devices, such as cars, during the Sabbath, which begins on Friday evening. Tomorrow they will log on to Los Alamos via 1 Click Amazon links to 4 Trillion Rx Recipes all Trade Secrets hacked by CIA.

1-21-2017 Saturday; King of Israel's: 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David.


1-21-2017 Saturday; Exodus via Trump - Trump, now more ominous in bearing the power of the White House, yet no less intent on inspiring only his base of aggrieved or anxious white Americans. Oppenheimer II + III Exodus Inventions! 1 Click Amazon at the iPostOffice!

1-21-2017 Saturday; Mr. Trump sounded like a politician from the 1980s in promising to “get our people off welfare and back to work,” 1,001 IP Apple-Starbucks 24/7 iMacBook Pro's at every cafe table world wide.

1-21-2017 Saturday; President-elect Donald Trump announced his choices: a Bible his mother gifted him in 1955 when he graduated from Presbyterian Sunday school and the one President Abraham Lincoln used at his inauguration.

1-21-2017 Saturday; King of Israel's: 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David.

1-21-2017 Saturday; Mary Anne MacLeod Trump (May 10, 1912 – August 7, 2000) was the mother of businessman and the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump.

On October 31, 1991 - 1980 the Ford ElectricWindmillExodus was invented and suppressed by President Jimmy Carter, causing Mary's to be beaten... millions of Mary's and Greg's Mary in Miami in 2000 at a gas station hold up. Jimmy Carter is a peace with his God he said.

iPhone 007 Dash Cam's can prevent 99% of Queens Mugging of old women!

1-21-2017 Saturday; On October 31, 1991, 79-year-old Mary Trump was mugged and beaten near her home in Queens, New York. She sustained broken ribs, facial bruises, several fractures, a brain hemorrhage, and permanent damage to her sight and hearing.[4][5] A delivery truck driver named Lawrence Herbert apprehended her 16-year-old assailant


1-21-2017 Saturday; Trump should release all Mary's Medical records to the Yale Key West Medical School.

1-21-2017 Saturday; Donald Trump's mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, was born and brought up on the Hebridean island of Lewis but emigrated to New York to live a very different life. Mary Anne was one of tens of thousands of Scots who travelled to the US and Canada in the early years of the last century looking to escape economic hardship at home. She first left Lewis for New York in 1930, at the age of 18, to seek work as a domestic servant. Six years later she was married to successful property developer Frederick Trump, the son of German migrants and one of the most eligible men in New York. The fourth of their five children, Donald John, as he is referred to on the islands, is about to become US president. His mother was born in 1912 in Tong, about three miles from Stornoway, the main town on the isle of Lewis.

1-21-2017 Saturday; Trump - He also does not drink alcohol, a decision stemming from his brother's death caused by alcoholism. IP invention projects #1 for Trump.

Father Fred Trump became a carpenter and took classes in reading blueprints...

Hemingway House Writing Classes will Start Now that Trump is President of Key West, Hahaha

1-21-2017 Saturday;


1-20-2017 Friday; 4 pm President Trump; buy American and hire American, Invent American!!

1-20-2017 Friday; 4 pm President Trump; buy American and hire American, Invent American!! “This American carnage stops right here and stops right now,” Drive the new 2017 Trump Ford ElectricWindmillExodus... Godsent Invention!

1-20-2017 Friday; 4 pm President Trump; buy American and hire American!! “This American carnage stops right here and stops right now,” 2017 Trump Ford ElectricWindmillExodus Escorting in $$$ Trillions and Trillions taken back starting today. Burned out cop cars; “The time for empty talk is over!” Washington flourished from the gas engine car, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed Jimmy Carters great-grandchildren will die of birth defects and childhood cancers from diesel in their DNA. A war crime by Jimmy Carter. Biden too killed his own son for the money, $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. "An education system flushed with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge." Bill Gates fired more Teachers than anyone on Earth after they complained about Microsoft Windows! Carnage by Bill Gates will stop here. Kerry shipped pallets of cash... trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America’s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay. We have made other countries rich while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has dissipated in the air with diesel on Duval Key West. "Every Trump decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers" "We will bring back our jobs, we will bring back our borders, we will bring back our wealth, we will bring back our dreams" We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones, Ford ElectricWindmillExodus and Escort and untie the world against radical Islamic terrorism which we will eradicate from the face of the earth and Swiss Bank Accounts in their name $$$. Trump; The bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when god’s people live together in unity. King of Israel's: 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David as we will be protected by god. Do not allow anyone to tell you it cannot be Invented. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America. "We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, to harvest the Amazon with Heavy Lift Combines and 1,001 Nobels in Medicine with Apple-Starbucks 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos. "Infused with the breath by the same almighty creator, women are God's best invent." We will make America great again! From Heart Transplants to Stage 4 Rx Overnight inventions. iPostOffice at Star Trek Star Wars. ‘Time for Empty Talk Is Over,’ Trump Says in Forceful Address about "Discovery of Time" in the Top Quark with the help of Los Alamos. "T-Bomb" Time will be Discovered.

1-20-2017 Friday; 4 pm President Trump; buy American and hire American!! “This American carnage stops right here and stops right now,” 2017 Trump Ford ElectricWindmillExodus.


1-20-2017 Friday; Legal Polygamous Marriage Today will Trump! Inventor Trump with many Wife's, grin!

Mandy Miles; the young girls on Duval looking into the Apple Store with no money $$$. Kerry did ship $1 Trillion in cash to Cuba $$$

Greg + Wife's in Key West will order $1 Trillion iMacBook Pro's for these Girls at the Duval Apple Starbucks Store!

Gregs 2007 web

Mandy Miles; the young girls on Duval looking into the Apple Store with no money $$$. Kerry did ship $1 Trillion in cash to Cuba $$$

Greg + Wife's in Key West will order $1 Trillion iMacBook Pro's for these Girls at the Duval Apple Starbucks Store!

1-20-2017 Friday; One Invention will End Global Epidemics; 4 Trillion Rx Recipes Crunched at Los Alamos For a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 spin offs to End Global Epidemics! Now you realize why Biden is a War Criminal on the run for the last 8 years, grin. 1 invention... iPod size GE electric generator that can replace all Coal and Nuclear Power Plants in China + World Wide!

1-20-2017 Friday; Trump Renews Vow for Jerusalem Embassy, a Gift of Uncertain Value.

1-20-2017 Friday; Legal Polygamous Marriage Today will Trump! Inventor Trump with many Wife's, grin! Value of a Polygamous Pope Francis in Jerusalem!

1-20-2017 Friday; King of Israel's: 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David.


1-20-2017 Friday; Trump Attacks BMW and Mercedes, but Auto Industry Is a Complex Target - King of Israel's: 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David. God is a more conplex - Complex Target with "Time" generated inside a Top Quark just waiting to be discovered like the Pope's Center of the Universe "Sun". Time is no different from Gravity in its discovery a Nobel Jimmy Carter gave to Mecca along with the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus. A War Crime by Jimmy Carter and Sin! "DNA + Diesel" Hospital acquired infections instead of Hospital Acquired Inventions! Scam Nobels! Key West a "Sanctuary Universe" will open the Hemingway House Writing Class - 1st Novel will be titled Nobel Novels Lost to Jimmy Weekley's Key West "Sanctuary City". No Hemingway House Writing Classes the last 8 years of Jimmy Weekley, a war crime! "To Have Have Not" iMacBook Pro at every Apple-Starbucks in Key West, World Wide!


1-20-2017 Friday; Key West a “Sanctuary City,” - Key West a "Sanctuary Universe" will build the Flagler Super Shuttle Hubble Space Telescopes Train of 100's of Cars. Not a run of the Mill Sanctuary City but a Exodus! Key West 1912 Today in History is a picture of the Flagler Train on the Cover of Collier's Opening of the Overseas Railroad to Key West. Jewish Aliens and the Ford Windmill Exodus end to the Diesel Era and Sanctuary City that closed the Hemingway House Writing Class for 8 years. InventBook as Trump will put Facebook in the trash truck that has a furnace hotter than the core of the sun. iPostOffice at Star Wars Star Trek. Women's March in Key West is set for Tomorrow at 1 pm from South Beach to the end of Duval. "Syphilis + Diesel" signs in Red and Pink! MS executions by the White House MD will end under Trump for a Rx Recipe Cure for MS and men who give this terrible disease to Nasty Women! Thousands of women will wear pink 'pussy hats' their march on Trump. Key West Nasty Women will paint the BP Oil George Orwell City Hall Pink. And start a Hemingway House Writing Class with "pink" invention projects in every chapter. This Nobel Novel will Haunt the Elite "Bill Gates" in Switzerland with Bank Accounts full of BP Oil $$$ that can be hacked. Switzerland - When it comes to fighting malaria, Bill Gates put to death as many as Key West "Diesel in the Air on Duval" did. For the last 8 years Dr. Susan Love put a needle in her nipple to cure Stage 4 and all the women died. Bush told the 9/11 clean up workers they don't need to wear a mask and they all died. Trump will put Facebook in the trash truck that has a furnace hotter than the core of the sun. Englewood (N.J.) Hospital and Medical Center is providing lead tests to its workers, patients and visitors who entered the hospital since September 2015 after tests revealed high levels of lead in the hospital's drinking water. Duval Lead levels in the air have not been tested... Facebook users have mocked an online quiz designed to help people discover their relationship with alcohol. InventBook will help people discover Time + Gravity of 2 Trillion Galaxies in the Universe. InventBook's Star-shaped cells called astrocytes test the invention delivery assembly line at iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars!

1-20-2017 Friday; King of Israel's: 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David.


1-20-2017 Friday; New York Times - The amphitheater in Palmyra, Syria, destroyed. UN destruction of heritage sites by the Islamic State.

1-20-2017 Friday; The amphitheater at the Yale Key West Medical School was destroyed by the Navy + Jimmy Weekley for now but can be built in a iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Yale Medical School Era of "Ship" building, grin! UN destruction of the Yale Key West Medical School is classified, Hahahaha.


1-20-2017 Friday; ‘Minefield’ that will invent the Hell out of "Hells Angels" with the Disney Pixar "Dr. Cinderella MD" "DNA + Diesel" Disney Pixar Movie.

1-20-2017 Friday; King of Israel's: 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David.

1-20-2017 Friday; Editorial "Rick Perry Studies His Job Description" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Rick Perry at his confirmation hearing on Thursday. The nominee for energy secretary discovers that the job involves overseeing a vast nuclear weapons complex. Overseeing a vast Universe of 2 Trillion Galaxies we can hack with InventBook once our 1984 II Dictators put Facebook in the trash. A vast nuclear weapons complex is being built today in Pakistan and North Korea. No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA will be torture for Pakistan and North Korea.

1-20-2017 Friday; At Trump Hotel in Washington, Champagne Toasts in an Ethical ‘Minefield’ that will invent the Hell out of every President since Jimmy Carter. "1,001 Invention Projects Minefield's!" "These 1,001 IP are symbolic of the minefield that President-elect Trump has decided to walk through high above the mines with spin offs from the gravity engine invention." Trump International Hotel, which is now Trump Universe Hotel. This building use to be a Post Office, Hahahahah iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek.

1-20-2017 Friday; Trump Renews Vow for Jerusalem Embassy, a Gift of Uncertain Value.

1-20-2017 Friday; Legal Polygamous Marriage Today will Trump! Inventor Trump with many Wife's, grin! Value of a Polygamous Pope Francis in Jerusalem!


1-20-2017 Friday; Clones of OJ... Clones of OJ Gambia, Gambia, Gambia. Editorial: Regional Support for Gambia’s elected Leader By THE EDITORIAL BOARD

1-20-2017 Friday; In four hours of testimony, Dr. Price, an orthopedic surgeon from the affluent northern suburbs of Atlanta, set lofty goals for a plan to replace Facebook with InventBook. A million people today need a knee operation or invention to lose 100 lbs so the knees don't hurt so much. InventBook will diagnose this invention not Facebook. Price championed “medical innovation” as an essential ingredient of high-quality care but criticized the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, which was created by the health law to test new ways of paying doctors, hospitals and other providers with no mention of a Ford Assembly line for orthopedic surgeons.

1-20-2017 Friday; OBGYN MD's In 4 hours of testimony you have to think what they would say of the disease and other medical diagnosis about this Times article today. South Korea Illegally Detained Prostitutes Hired by U.S. Soldiers Decades Ago, Court Rules on Today but not what is going on today. SEOUL, South Korea — In a landmark ruling, a South Korean court said on Friday that the government had broken the law during the 1960s and ’70s by detaining prostitutes who were hired by American soldiers, and by forcing them to undergo treatment for venereal diseases. Key West treatment for MS virus and VD's. “Sanctuary City”

1-20-2017 Friday; World Wide - prostitutes who had pressed the government to admit that it had helped create and manage a vast network of camp towns, called gijichon, where poor Korean women worked in bars and brothels frequented by American troops. A three-judge panel of the Central District Court in Seoul ordered the government to pay 57 plaintiffs the equivalent of $4,240 each in compensation for physical and psychological damage. “They say we walked into gijichon on our own, but we were cheated by job-placement agencies and were held in debt to pimps,” Park Young-ja, 62, one of the plaintiffs, said after the ruling on Friday. “I was only a teenager and I had to receive at least five G.I.s every day with no day off. When I ran away, they caught and beat me, raising my debt.”

1-20-2017 Friday; Oil $$$ Murder and Murder of the 3 story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines 100's for the Mother of all Harvest of Cashews and Figs.

1-20-2017 Friday; Oil $$$ Murder and Murder of the 3 story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines 100's for the Mother of all Harvest of Cashews and Figs. Supreme Court Justice Helping to Oversee Brazil Oil $$$ Revenues Graft Inquiry Dies in Plane Crash" By SIMON ROMERO The Supreme Court justice, Teori Zavascki, had earned a reputation as a judge prepared to curb abuses of power by Oil $$$ Men. RIO DE JANEIRO — The Supreme Court justice overseeing parts of the investigation into corruption at Brazil’s national oil company died. Petrobras, the government-controlled oil company. Total is the French Government-controlled oil company with $777 Trillion in secret Swiss Bank accounts. “This thing isn’t for amateurs,” said Antonio Valverde, a professor of ethics and philosophy at Catholic University in São Paulo, citing reports that some of Brazil’s most powerful men received bribes from $$$ Oil Men! BP Oil paid for the New Key West City Hall half a world away. This is why we need No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA.

1-20-2017 Friday; Oil $$$ Murder and Murder of the 3 story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines 100's for the Mother of all Harvest of Cashews and Figs.

1-20-2017 Friday;

1-20-2017 Friday;

2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,

Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot

Trump’s Inauguration Women's March are making a sign today... "DNA + Diesel" Disney Pixar is making a movie today titled... "DNA + Diesel" grin! $$$!

King of Israel's: 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David.


1-19-2017 Thursday; On Eve of Inauguration, Rallies Planned in NYC as President-Elect Trump Departs for a Frenzied Washington - Legal Polygamous Marriage Eve, grin!

Legal Polygamous Marriage Eve, grin!


1-19-2017 Thursday; On Eve of Inauguration, Rallies Planned in NYC as President-Elect Trump Departs for a Frenzied Washington - Legal Polygamous Marriage Eve, grin!

King of Israel's: 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David.

"War Against Stage 4" has been a declared a "World War III" by Trump + Putin. Los Alamos and Oppenheimer will be required to win this "Stage 4 World War".

1-19-2017 Thursday; "Sanctuary Cities" war crimes "charges" in "Times of War"

1-19-2017 Thursday; "War Against Stage 4" has been a declared a World War III by Trump + Putin. Biden was the first person arrested for "War Crimes" in this just declared War. The War On Stage 4 is Not a Moon Shot, grin!

1-19-2017 Thursday; Trump would be back at his desk in a week after a "Heart Transplant".

1-19-2017 Thursday Ivanka's educational trip - YouTube video of Cheney's Heart Transplant Friday - educational trip - Thanks to Ivanka's educational trip that was not to the Cordillera Real mountain range but to Heart Transplants at iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek. Ivanka will write a Hemingway House Writing Class Novel on Heart Transplant inventions in every chapter! Hearts of Women...

1-19-2017 Thursday; In Key West a “sanctuary cities,” officials refuse to hand over illegal immigrants for deportation after 8 years of mass murder of Stage 4 women, and children with birth defects and childhood cancers caused by "Time" spent on Aliens when Jewish Aliens are at the nearest Stars and "DNA + Diesel" are in the air and DNA on Duval Key West. NASA not the Navy in Key West would have saved all the women + children from a tortured death from cancer, MS. Chefs with Syphilis and Yale New Haven Doctors on vacation not washing their hands spreading diseases. Hospital acquired infections.

1-19-2017 Thursday; Key West library has a support group for MS women in todays paper... In Jimmy Weekley's "Sanctuary City" for the bisexual men who gave her this terrible disease as they will not be arrested until 1-21-2017 via Trump. Women Cops in Hot Pursuit will catch them all at JFK airport as they will be scanned for MS and all the other diseases that make women "Nasty".

1-19-2017 Thursday; Watch the secret YouTube video of Cheney's Heart Transplant Friday - "Malia Obama’s Secret Trip to Bolivia and Peru" By ERNESTO LONDOÑO Malia Obama, center, travelled with a group on an educational trip to the Cordillera Real mountain range in Bolivia. President Obama’s eldest daughter got a firsthand look at Bolivia, which has a tense relationship with the United States.

1-19-2017 Thursday; ...educational trip to the Cordillera Real mountain range or secret YouTube video of Cheney's Heart Transplant Friday. ...educational trip...

1-19-2017 Thursday; Trump would be back at his desk in a week after a "Heart Transplant".

1-19-2017 Thursday Ivanka's educational trip - YouTube video of Cheney's Heart Transplant Friday - educational trip - Thanks to Ivanka's educational trip that was not to the Cordillera Real mountain range but to Heart Transplants at iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek. Ivanka will write a Hemingway House Writing Class Novel on Heart Transplant inventions in every chapter! Hearts of Women...


1-19-2017 Thursday; iPhone 007 ++ smoke detectors costing $800 + have been suppressed by Tim Cook for over a year now...

1-19-2017 Thursday; The 17-story Plasco Building, one of the Iranian capital’s oldest and most prominent skyscrapers, crumpled into a smoldering heap as millions watched on state TV.

1-19-2017 Thursday; Key West library + Hemingway House Writing Class has no plans for a invention packed Novel on skyscraper fire prevent inventions in every chapter.

1-19-2017 Thursday; iPhone 007 ++ smoke detectors costing $800 + have been suppressed by Tim Cook for over a year now...


1-19-2017 Thursday; President-elect Donald J. Trump’s red hat... “Make America Great Again” make Song Lyrics great again. With Lyrics of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus!

1-19-2017 Thursday; to $2 “Nasty Woman” pins on sale... "He gave me Syphilis and MS" - "Sanctuary Cities" war crimes at the Health Department spreading hospital infections and letting the Chef work with syphilis. “Make America Great Again” Make Yale Great Again.

1-19-2017 Thursday; Grabbing women by their Gas! Gas fires jump from women to women spread by the wind of oil men. Syphilis and MS fires spread by the winds. In Jimmy Weekley's "Sanctuary City" a War Crime now that the War Against Stage 4 has been declared by Trump and Putin as WW III.


1-19-2017 Thursday; On Eve of Inauguration, Rallies Planned in NYC as President-Elect Trump Departs for a Frenzied Washington - Legal Polygamous Marriage Eve, grin!

1-19-2017 Thursday; Stop Biden Executive Orders won! Biden's Moon Shot would have killed hundreds of millions world wide - 3,000 different policies, it’s chaos,” like Bill + Melinda Gates killing as many with mosquitos (nets) instead of letting Greg + Wife's in Key West get a Godsent Miracle Cure for Malaria years ago. A War Crime! Donors Bill + Melinda Gates and Drug Makers Offer $500 Million to Control Global Epidemics with mosquito nets and wood burning stoves. iPod size GE electric generator that can replace all Coal and Nuclear Power Plants in China has been kept out of the news by Bill + Melinda Gates.

1-19-2017 Thursday; Police and politicians in these areas say that honoring ICE detainer requirements could scare people away - MS given to women in these areas is a war crime against the County Health Dept like Yale New Haven failure to control hospital infections!! The last 3 years because the Hospital cook chef has Syphilis so the local Yale New Haven top brass let them cook. Play Doctor at the county health dept. with no hand washing cops on duty. Jimmy Weekley's "Sanctuary City".


1-19-2017 Thursday; violations of a federal Health Laws that requires local agencies like Yale New Haven to stop spreading hospital infections let alone MS and Syphilis. Bush is on his Death Bed and his time at Yale in 1948 is headlines in the NY Times not MS women HIV Hepatitis infected on their Death Beds today, some in New Haven and some in Key West.

1-19-2017 Thursday; D.C. will go ‘beyond sanctuary,’ create legal defense fund for illegal immigrants - DC has the highest syphilis rates in the world. And thousands of women with MS. After Yale and Harvard Law School campus is given to Yale and Harvard Medical School this will change. Legal defense fund for Biden who killed his own son for the glory of war.


1-19-2017 Thursday; Long-Suppressed NASA's 4 Light Year long Flagler Train and "War Against Stage 4" has been declared a World War III by Trump + Putin. Iraqi Forces Take Eastern Mosul From Islamic State and NASA takes $777 Trillion in Oil Revenue from Baghdad shock and awe.

1-19-2017 Thursday; USS Mercy is a Navy Hospital Ship that will Dock in Key West on 1-20-2017 Thank God. "Editorial: President Obama’s Last Chance to Show Mercy" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times.


1-19-2017 Thursday; Paul McCartney Sues to Get Back His Beatles Songs - Yoko sues God to get back all the lost Times with John Lennon as soul mates. Lyrics of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God will sue Paul McCartney and Yoko! Mr. McCartney’s piece of the copyrights in dozens of Beatles songs he wrote with John Lennon, including “Love Me Do,” “I Want to Hold Your Hand” and “All You Need Is Love.” New Lyrics of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! Sue Sir Paul McCartney for no Wind Car Lyrics! A war crime by the British Citizen, Hahahahahaha. London Plagues today... DNA + Diseal.


1-19-2017 Thursday; President-elect Donald J. Trump’s red hat “Make America Great Again” make Song Lyrics great again. Lyrics of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus!

1-19-2017 Thursday; $2 “Nasty Woman” pins on sale, He gave me Syphilis and MS - "Sanctuary Cities" war crimes at the Health Department spreading hospital infections and letting the Chef work with syphilis. “Make America Great Again” Make Yale Great Again.

1-19-2017 Thursday; Grabbing women by their Gas! Gas fires jump from women to women spread by the wind of oil men. Syphilis and MS fires spread by the winds.


1-19-2017 Thursday; "John Kerry: What We Got Right" at Yale. Pallets of cash I shipped to Iran and Cuba. $$$ What I got wrong is changing the Yale Cops orders to let everyone not get arrested for not washing their hands at Yale New Haven Hospital. Spreading hospital infections. This is why my rich wife Heinz didn't go to Yale New Haven Hospital. I got this right and it saved my wife's life. Many died at Yale New Haven the last 8 years from Hospital spread infections and no one was arrested for murder. Jimmy Weekley's "Sanctuary City" many died of many different diseases the Monroe County Healt Dept was suppose to police but didn't on orders from Jimmy Weekley's "Sanctuary City" City Hall paid for by BP Oil.

1-19-2017 Thursday; Birth control invention projects IP are not on Facebook and InventBook, suppressed by our 1984 II Orwell Dictators. Views on Abortion Strain Calls for Unity at Women’s March on Washington - no IP invention projects are in their conversations, censored by our George Orwell II. Shock + Awe of this will make the front page of the New New York Times!


1-19-2017 Thursday; By SALMAN MASOOD "The ritual slaughter of animals is common in Pakistan, but the airport sacrifice of a goat after a deadly plane crash still met with ridicule."

1-19-2017 Thursday; Honor Killing of women today in Pakistan didn't make the News at the NY Times today. The editors bought the goat story from Salman Masood.

1-19-2017 Thursday; Editors at the Times prove they will get everyone on Earth killed...


1-19-2017 Thursday; Watch the secret YouTube video of Cheney's Heart Transplant Friday - "Malia Obama’s Secret Trip to Bolivia and Peru" By ERNESTO LONDOÑO Malia Obama, center, travelled with a group on an educational trip to the Cordillera Real mountain range in Bolivia. President Obama’s eldest daughter got a firsthand look at Bolivia, which has a tense relationship with the United States.

1-19-2017 Thursday; ...educational trip to the Cordillera Real mountain range or secret YouTube video of Cheney's Heart Transplant Friday - Times are changing for the better.

1-19-2017 Thursday; Trump would be back at his desk in a week after a "Heart Transplant".

1-19-2017 Thursday; Biden who shot all the "Wounded Warriors" for the glory of war in a No Gas Stations Age is the educational trip at Yale History Dept.


1-19-2017 Thursday; This editorial today is not about British "Opium Dens" but has the smoke and fire of this history in China some today would declare War on England - today! Op-Ed Contributor "A Scar on the Chinese Soul" By HELEN GAO More than 50 years after the start of the Cultural Revolution, the emotional damage continues to fester. "Opium Dens" the Hemingway House Writing Class novel will all have the details hacked from British and CIA files.

1-19-2017 Thursday; MS women's execution, surveillance of this by 1984 II Dictators will also be a Hemingway House Writing Class novel. "A Scar on the Chinese Soul" CBS chief Leslie Moonves helped get MS women executed! Helped spread MS and other diseases not washing hands at CBS.

1-19-2017 Thursday; On Eve of Inauguration, Rallies Planned in NYC as President-Elect Trump Departs for a Frenzied Washington - Legal Polygamous Marriage Eve, grin!


Laser guidance at all NYC cross walks is Star Trek Technology. It's 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era Technology lost to the Black Hole of Obama the last 8 years.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Hemingway House Writing Class - Op-Ed Contributor "Should My Band Play at Trump’s Inauguration?" By RON BERLER Nobody’s heard of us, but how many options does he have? Should the Hemingway House Writing Class write a invention in every chapter Novel at the Trump Inauguration and be finished by midnight... Who decides if this is a Op-Ed Contributors "novel" is published in the Times the day after Trumps Inauguration? YouTube's live streaming video of writing this invention epic "War + Peace". Even Putin will add a invention in Chapter 84.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Trump’s Inauguration Women's March are making a sign today... "DNA + Diesel" Disney Pixar is making a movie today titled... "DNA + Diesel" grin! $$$!

King of Israel's: 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David.


King of Israel's: 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! God's promises to David and brings splendour to Israel and peace and prosperity to his people. The centerpiece of Solomon's reign is the building of the First Temple: the claim that this took place 480 years after the Exodus from Egypt marks it as a key event in Israel's history. 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus!


1-18-2017 Wednesday; iPod size GE electric generator that can replace all Coal and Nuclear Power Plants in China. 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus for China is the iPod size GE electric generator! Disney Pixar "DNA + Diesel" movie will be censored in China, Hahahaha.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Dead is the Hemingway House Writing Class... Killed by Biden!

1-18-2017 Wednesday; 600,920 will die from cancer in 2017... Killed by Biden's Moon Shot! Drinking and smoking will kill 200K of these 600K in one year. Coal + Diesel in China will kill millions and millions in one year, a war crime.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Physics of Time would be the Intellectual property in the New York Times article in on InventBook suit against Mark Zuckerberg, in Suit, Testifies in Oculus Intellectual Property. Today the New York Times editors are not moving us closer to the "Discovery" what generated Time making Mark and Facebook headlines. New York Times article about Pope Francis has the same "Mind" as Popes taking orders from the 12 Caesars. Can you see the NY Times reporting that Pope Francis said the Physics of Time will be found like the Higgs particle... if we had InventBook instead of Facebook, Hell No!

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Physics of Time on InventBook Today. In the New York Times Today. We have Cuomo Takes a New Approach in Unveiling Proposal 5 cents for each Plastic Bag at Whole Foods and Publix a new Fee in New York City when "DNA + Diesel" is the signs women are making today for the March on Trump Friday.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Failed New York Times Zika and stories That Deny Climate Change

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Mark Zuckerberg, in Suit, Testifies in Oculus Intellectual Property Trial


1-18-2017 Wednesday; InventBook Trial stifled Intellectual Inventions Stage 4, vaccines in the drinking water: gravity engine and 1,001 Rx Recipes; Hemingway House Writing Classes a sure thing way above the intellectual social benefits of Facebook a failed CIA OP when $777 Trillion spent by Ivanka will give us iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek and "DNA + Diesel" Disney Movies.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Mark and Facebook are in the same class as China and "Opium Dens" in British Ruled Times. Physics of Time would be on InventBook today moving us closer to the "Discovery" what generated Time! Pope today Francis has the same "Mind" as Popes taking orders from the 12 Caesars. Can you see the NY Times reporting that Pope Francis said the Physics of Time will be found like the Higgs particle... Hell No!

1-18-2017 Wednesday; iPod size GE electric generator that can replace all Coal and Nuclear Power Plants in China.


1-18-2017 Wednesday; What is needed before patients can receive stem cell treatments for the 10 or so diseases you identified? Time and money. You know, my father had a small factory. He injured his leg in the factory when I was in junior high. He had a transfusion, and he got hepatitis C. He passed away in 1989. Twenty-five years later, just two years ago, scientists developed a very effective cure. We now have a tablet. Three months and the virus is gone — it’s amazing. But it took 25 years. iPS cells are only 10 years old. The research takes time. That’s what everybody needs to understand. Dr. Yamanaka shared the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Dr. Yamanaka need a Rx Memory Recipe as he forgot to tell the Times reporter the Hepatitis C pill is expensive and millions die today from C because no one won a Nobel for putting this in the drinking water as if they did billions would be lost by the Pharmacy company.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; "In Bhutan, Happiness Index as Gauge for Social Ills" Dasho Karma Ura is another Mark Zuckerberg, in Times article, Happiness Index Testifies to the Intellectual Property Failure at the New York Times along with Facebook vs InventBook and the Physic of Time discovered in 2017 and wins a Nobel all Intellectual Property that fails to get a article on the front page because Happiness Index and Facebook are Times Zika News! Failure at the New York Times will get everyone on Earth killed.


1-18-2017 Wednesday; New York Times will decide if we arm the Syrian Kurds or InventBook in 2017. Failure at the New York Times will get everyone on Earth killed.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; iPod size GE electric generator that can replace all Coal and Nuclear Power Plants in China.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Failure at the Times to write a article that China can close all Coal Electric Power Plants today and make the iPod size GE electric Generators will get everyone on Earth killed. China Cancels 103 Coal Plants, Mindful of Smog and Wasted Capacity. By MICHAEL FORSYTHE The dropped projects include dozens already under construction, even though existing plants can already generate far more power than the country needs.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; iPod size GE electric generator that can replace all Coal and Nuclear Power Plants in China.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; but it could ignore the decision outright... Coal or iPod Size GE electric generator article in the New York times. but it could ignore the decision outright... Tomorrow on the front page of the New York Times there will be a article about Coal and no article about the iPod size GE electric generator that can replace all Coal and Nuclear Power Plants on Earth.


1-18-2017 Wednesday; iPod size GE electric generator that can replace all Coal and Nuclear Power Plants in China.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; New York Times article... The Supreme Court weighed how broad the government’s authority is to deport those who commit serious crimes, part of the nation’s larger debate over immigration laws. By ADAM LIPTAK Adam but it could ignore the decision outright... to write about gas station hold ups in Miami and but it could ignore the decision outright... women sucker punched at gas station hold ups in Miami. The more serious CRIME is by Adam Liptak at the New York Times!!

1-18-2017 Wednesday; New York Times is dead replaced by the New New York Times in the iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars No Gas Stations On Earth with Gravity Engine Fords! Is Your Digital Life Ready for Your Death? How to decide what happens to your Facebook, Google, Twitter accounts and more when you die and the steps you must take. By TIM HERRERA Is Your Digital Life Ready for Your Death?


1-18-2017 Wednesday; Who Decides who gets pallets of Cash? Ask Kerry to write this article.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Who Decided to put women given terrible diseases from bisexual men to death. Dr. Carlo Musso took an oath to do no harm. So why does he take part in executions? Op-Docs Death Row Doctor By LAUREN KNAPP There was another article in the Times yesterday about putting women with MS to death too. Biden knows the New York Times article on a Biden Moon shot for MS women was killed by our 1984 II Top Quarks! Ivanka Trump's mercy for these MS women and Stage 4 women can get Trump to put all the nukes on the Los Alamos assembly line in storage for 4 years and crunch 4 trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets on 10 IBM super computers IBM sold to Los Alamos for $1 Trillion dollars.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Dead is the Hemingway House Writing Class... Killed by Biden!

1-18-2017 Wednesday; 600,920 will die from cancer in 2017... Killed by Biden's Moon Shot!

1-18-2017 Wednesday; New York Times headlines; "Physician Aid in Dying Gains Acceptance in the US" scam by the editors at the Times! New York Times - “She felt she had completed all the important tasks of her life,” recalled her physician, Dr. Michael Rabow, director of the symptom management service at the University of California, San Francisco. Biden told the White House MD not to track down the bisexual man who gave her MS. On orders from Obama.


1-18-2017 Wednesday; Hemingway House Writing Class - Op-Ed Contributor Should My Band Play at Trump’s Inauguration? By RON BERLER Nobody’s heard of us, but how many options does he have? Should the Hemingway House Writing Class write a invention in every chapter Novel at the Trump Inauguration and be finished by midnight... Who decides if this is a Op-Ed Contributor novel is published in the Times the day after Trumps Inauguration?

1-18-2017 Wednesday; They would run together and read together. Fantasy stories were her favorites. When she got older, Marisa Goldwasser told her dad, Dave, that after she graduated from Duke University they'd write a fantasy book together.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Dead is the Hemingway House Writing Class... Killed by Biden!

1-18-2017 Wednesday; 600,920 will die from cancer in 2017... Killed by Biden's Moon Shot!

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Hemingway House Writing Class; They would run together and read together. Fantasy stories were her favorites. When she got older, Marisa Goldwasser told her dad, Dave, that after she graduated from Duke University they'd write a fantasy book together. They would run together and read together. Fantasy stories were her favorites. When she got older, Marisa Goldwasser told her dad, Dave, that after she graduated from Duke University they’d write a fantasy book together. There are three fantasy books now with a fourth, non-fantasy in the works. But Dave is the only author. He writes, just as he runs the annual Rockland Road Runners Turkey Trot, with a single-minded purpose: To raise money to help kids like his daughter. Marisa Goldwasser, a 2001 Clarkstown North graduate who played soccer and lacrosse and ran for the Rams, never helped her dad write those books because she never lived long enough to graduate from Duke. When she was 16 she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the most common cancer in people ages 15 to 30. After initial treatment, Marisa’s “cancer was quiet,” her dad said. But the disease returned and, as is typically the case with Hodgkin’s, the second time around it was a much nastier foe. In 2003, Marisa, who did get to Duke for a little while, died of complications from her treatments. She was 20 years old. This was only 18 months after her mother – Dave’s wife – also died.

1-18-2017 Wednesday; Dead is the Hemingway House Writing Class... Killed by Biden!

1-18-2017 Wednesday;


1-17-2017 Tuesday; New York Times Editorial for Today. Editorial: Mr. Obama, Pick Up Your Pardon Pen! "Nasty Women" all given a Pardon by Obama; Hell No!! Trump will Pardon all the Nasty Women on 1-21-2017 as The Women's March on Washington" reaches the Trump White House - Trump knows a "Winners Deal" from a Obama, Biden, Clinton, Bush, Jimmy Carter Noble Peace Prize Scam. Yes Trump will win a Noble Prize for 2017 for giving all "Nasty Women" world wide a Pardon! "TrumpCare" Health Care For Everyone! Will win Trump a second Nobel Prize in 2017. 1 Click Amazon is the only place to sign up for "TrumpCare" Health Care For Everyone!

1-17-2017 Tuesday; New York Times Editorial for Today. Editorial: Mr. Obama, Pick Up Your Pardon Pen! King Salman is struggling to remain relevant to a generation of digital-minded New Yorkers who know he paid for 9/11 and is protected by the NY Times from paying for it.

1-17-2017 Tuesday; New York Times Editorial for Today. Editorial: Mr. Obama, Pick Up Your Pardon Pen! No one on Earth or in Heaven will pardon the Editors at the New York Times when the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort is pictured on the front page of the Times with the Headlines "No Gas Stations On Earth". Pick Up Your Pardon Pen! Hell has no Pardon, Jimmy Carter will find this out soon. 1 Billion great-grandchildren of Jimmy Carters will die of birth defects and childhood cancers by the time "Smog" "DNA + Diesel" movie by Disney Pixar wins every award... Nobel Peace Prize lost by Jimmy Carter.


1-17-2017 Tuesday; How Much Will the Inauguration Cost, and Who’s Paying - Oil's $777 Trillion Dollars $$$.

1-17-2017 Tuesday; Switzerland Brings the Global Elite's $777 Trillion Dollars to Kerry's "Pallets of Cash" shipped to Iran + Cuba.

1-17-2017 Tuesday; How the Presidency Changed Obama; Hell How Knowing about $777 Trillion dollars and spending it on the Glory of War with Biden instead of a Ivanka Trump Spending Spree in NYC + Paris, Grin!!

1-17-2017 Tuesday; For Trump, Three Decades of Chasing Deals in Russia worth $777 Trillion dollars today, a lot of money Ivanka Trump could spend better!!


1-17-2017 Tuesday; New York Today: New York Today: Cheers, and Complaints, for Subway Wi-Fi and Cell. In an Era of iPostOffice @ Star Wars + Star Trek Drone Cheers for Wi-Fi in NYC Subway after the "Times" spent $1 Trillion on Drone strikes on every Hospital world wide including the Yale Key West Medical School in Key West. Mayor de Blasio Seeks Small Donations to Fill War Chest Amid Inquiries about iMacBook Pro's at every Cafe Table in NYC + Paris with 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos 1,001 Nobel in Medicine a year. How many City Hall women died from Stage 4 while Mayor de Blasio Seeks Small change $$$ in an 1984 II Society with $777 Trillion dollars in Bank of America + Chase $$$. MacBook Air Ride School Bus Parks parks outside on the streets of the school kids not in some school bus parking garage at the edge of town. Because the Edge of the Universe were 2 Trillion Galaxies meet infinite space will be traveled to sooner or later.

1-17-2017 Tuesday; WHO at the UN - How the Response to Zika Failed Millions of women who died of Stage 4 while the Times headlines were about Zika! By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. at the New York Times.

1-17-2017 Tuesday; 4 Rx Recipes are well know by the editors of the New York Times yet todays editorial is about... "Scientists to Government: Make It Easier to Study Marijuana" "New Yorkers who know he paid for 9/11 and is protected by the NY Times" New Yorkers who know about Greg + Wife's in Key West Moon Shot of 4 Trillion Rx Recipes crunched at Los Alamos for a Rx Recipe Stage 4 Miracle Overnight Cure Sentenced a million Stage 4 women to death in 2017 not writing this editorial today instead of Study Marijuana. There will not be a Pardon for anyone at the New York Times.


1-17-2017 Tuesday; Mandy Miles "forgot" the Hospital Ship USS Mercy not docked in Key West is the real winner!! BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com The historic U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Ingham was decommissioned more than 40 years ago, but the ship that is now a floating museum at Key West’s Truman Waterfront is still accruing accolades. The Steamship Historical Society of America this week named the USCGC Ingham its 2016 Ship of the Year, placing it among the ranks of the RMS Queen Mary.

1-17-2017 Tuesday; USS Hospital Ship is the real Mandy Miles - 2016 Ship of the Year docked in Key West! No Pardon for Mandy Miles.


1-17-2017 Tuesday; No Pardon - Chinese President Xi Jinping offered a defense to being Chairman Mao Today who kills a kid a second. Xi's Mass Murder in the Disney Pixar Movie "DNA + Diesel" and Xi's motive is $777 Trillion in a Secret Swiss Bank account. No Pardon for Xi.

1-17-2017 Tuesday; No Pardon for Walmart. Walmart on Tuesday announced that it plans to add 10,000 U.S. jobs and provide skills-building training to a quarter-million of its workers by the end of 2017. Ford 2017 ElectricWindmillEscort jobs; 100 million and no one will shop at Walmart, all will shop at Amazon as they will be working 6 days a week 10 hours a day, grin. Then Ford will provide skills-building training, well invention-building training paid after they put in 60 hours on the Ford assembly line.

1-17-2017 Tuesday; Ford will provide skills-building training, well invention-building training.


1-17-2017 Tuesday; No Pardon - By Jamie D. Halper "The Harvard Law Review published an article by President Barack Obama on criminal justice reform on Thursday—the first time a sitting president has published an article in the Law Review."

1-17-2017 Tuesday; No Pardon; Harvard Law School Campus will be given to Harvard Medical School after the CIA Coup Op No Gas Stations On Earth. iPhone 007 ++ Dash Cam's and iCops will reform criminal behavior driving a car.

1-17-2017 Tuesday; iPhone 007 ++ caller ID will show women all the Nasty Men's Diseases on their caller ID... A San Francisco start-up has completed the formidable task of gathering the information of 74 million Medicaid recipients in one giant database.

1-17-2017 Tuesday; Putin says those behind Trump dossier are 'worse than prostitutes' Russian president dismisses alleged links between US president-elect and Moscow and says sex claims are ‘obvious fake’. Vladimir Putin has dismissed the dossier published last week about alleged links between Moscow and Donald Trump, saying he doubted Trump would use sex workers and describing the people who ordered the dossier as “worse than prostitutes”. Charles Bailyn ’81 has been back in New Haven for several months, but he still has Singapore on his mind. Singapore Prostitutes on his mind. Yale Elite Bush, Clinton, Kerry picked the only city in the world with Legal Prostitutes to open a New Yale Campus. New Haven Prostitutes would tell the Yale Daily Student Journalists the truth if they could print it. London with no Prostitutes for Oxford... right, Hahahaha

1-17-2017 Tuesday; Kings Day is King Salman with $$$ $777 Trillion Dollars not MLK

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; King Trump Wins when Princes Ivanka Hacks $777 Trillion Dollars from King Salman $$$. Princes Ivanka Shopping Spree, grin!

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; King Trump when King Salman is struggling to remain relevant to a generation of digital-minded New Yorkers who know he paid for 9/11 and is protected by the NY Times from paying for it.

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; A woman Tourists or Local in Key West. A Inventor in Key West tries to strike up a conversation about writing a invention packed thriller at the Hemingway House Writing Class in Key West but the Kings of our 1984 II Orwellian society today have ordered confiscated instead of confiscating $777 Trillion dollars from King Salman.

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; Woman's march on Trump in DC ends with a Novel packed with a invention in every chapter... written on iMacBook Pro's: millions of them at $5,500 each paid for by King Salman seeing he bought everyone in Mecca a New 2017 Ford for Kings Day Holiday. Hahahaha.


1-16-2017 Kings $$$; "China Builds a Windmill Every Hour, But Many Sit Idle"

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; "China Builds a Ford ElectricWindmillEscort every second on the Ford Assembly line... Hell No, Chairman Mao Today kills a kid a second instead. How the Hell could this happen in a 1984 II Orwellian World? King Salman the King of Mecca is the King of Mass Murder staring in the Disney Pixar Movie "DNA + Diesel".

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; Epitomizes the King's of China addiction to "Opium Den's Winds" a British Kings ambitions to make England rich. This Era's "Opium" is BP Oil gasoline!

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; "Gas Stations + Opium Den's Windmills of Cervantes" Cinderella MD movie shown in China is a winner!

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; Outrage + criticism of the Idle Rich Kings no reverence for the civil rights of the poor mass of humanity since the beginning of time. Since "DNA + Diesel".


1-16-2017 Kings $$$; Gene editing, which does not add genes from other organisms into plants, is done with new tools that snip and tweak DNA at precise locations.

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; Super Computer simulation of "DNA + Diesel" in Cinderella MD Movie

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; Rich Challenges facing the mass of humanity when the Kings have $777 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues $$$.

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; at NASA have retreated from building the Super Shuttle Challenger II Flagler Train to 100's of Keys in the Light Year Rail Road of iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek.

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; Icon on your iPhone 007 ++ for the Gravity Engine Invention is not there because King Orwell has Syphilis in his brain, Hahahahaha!!

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; A Boeing 747 cargo jet owned by a Turkish airline and en route to Istanbul from Hong Kong crashed into a village


1-16-2017 Kings $$$; The two Books of Kings (Hebrew: ??? ??????? Sepher M'lakhim – the two books were originally one)[1] present a history of ancient Israel and Judah from the death of David to the release of his successor Jehoiachin from imprisonment in Babylon, a period of some 400 years (c.?960 – c.?560 BCE).[2] It concludes a series of books running from Joshua through Judges and Samuel, which make up the section of the Hebrew Bible called the Former Prophets; this series is also often referred to as the Deuteronomistic history, a body of writing which scholars believe was written to provide a theological explanation for the destruction of the Jewish kingdom by Babylon in 586 BCE and a foundation for a return from exile.

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; Today the Book of Kings is King Salman! King Salman bought everyone in Mecca a New 2017 Ford for Kings Day Holiday.

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; King of Israel Today fail the Jewish People world wide taking kickbacks and bribes from Oil Kings $$$

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; David dies and Solomon comes to the throne. At the beginning of his reign he assumes God's promises to David and brings splendour to Israel and peace and prosperity to his people. The centrepiece of Solomon's reign is the building of the First Temple: the claim that this took place 480 years after the Exodus from Egypt marks it as a key event in Israel's history. At the end, however, he follows other gods and oppresses Israel.


1-16-2017 Kings $$$; USA's 1984 II HQ gave Saudi Arabia Key West... grin. CAIRO - A top Egyptian court on Monday overruled a government plan to transfer sovereignty of two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia, in a rare judicial challenge to the country's authoritarian president, Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi. USA's authoritarian 1984 II King Orwell... Ha!!

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; When the universe was only a few billion years old there were ten times as many galaxies in a given volume of space as there are within a similar volume today. So who gave the Navy orders to... Office of Naval Research is spearheading the development of a technology to better analyze and diagnose the effects of traumatic brain injury in wars on Earth not Star Wars, Star Trek.

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; By WINNIE HU New York Times "Gas Engine taxis are struggling to remain relevant to a generation of digital-minded New Yorkers who know about the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort suppression."

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; Male manakins, Panamanian birds, have acrobatic courtship dances. Scientists wanted to know if the activity was testosterone-related.

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; King Henry VIII courtship dances. Scientists wanted to know if the activity was testosterone-related... why did Henry VIII kill?

1-16-2017 Kings $$$; King of Nepal had sex with every virgin and the NY Times reporters who hiked up Everest knew this for decades and didn't make it front page news. Protected by the NY Times today is King Salman's comfort women, SWF's Sex Slaves pimped by Bush. A White Pimp.

1-16-2017 Kings $$$;

1-16-2017 Kings $$$;

1-16-2017 Kings $$$;


1-15-1981 Opinion Why Trump Can’t Make It 1981 Again - Drone Cheers for the 1981 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... Donald Trump says he can bring back the economic growth of the Reagan era. But economic forces won’t let him.

1-15-2017 Sunday; In Reality Kings Day is King Salman with $$$ $777 Trillion Dollars not MLK

1-15-2017 Sunday; In Reality Kings Day is King Salman with $$$ $777 Trillion Dollars not MLK

1-15-1981 Opinion Why Trump Can’t Make It 1981 Again - Drone Cheers for the 1981 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... Donald Trump says he can bring back the economic growth of the Reagan era. But economic forces won’t let him.

1-15-2017 Sunday; In Reality Kings Day is King Salman with $$$ $777 Trillion Dollars not MLK

1-15-2017 Sunday; In Reality Kings Day is King Salman with $$$ $777 Trillion Dollars not MLK

1-15-2017 Sunday; iPostOffice @ Star Wars Warsaw Journal. If you try to go tweet-to-tweet with him... "Glory of War vs Star Wars + War on Stage 4", more often than not you’re not going to succeed $$. His cheers for the drone strike on the Yale Key West Medical School was the loudest of them all. Attorney Generals are all from Yale + Harvard Law School and could not get into Yale or Harvard Medical School or would they want to. Tweeter in chief, while scarfing down Oreos is not a MD. Dr. Trump MD would tweet if someone with Norwalk virus coughed on the Oreos in Publix or Whole Foods the virus would stay on the package for 3 days, so don't touch the Oreos, grin. Dr. Tweeter MD would have passed hospital infection control checkoff list the last 3 years at Yale New Haven. ASPCA arrest WHO MD's at the UN for cruelty to Patients, bed sores are the evidence, a dogs life in our edition of 1984 II. Hemingway would make headlines saying he treats his cats better and you will not find and open sores on any of this cats! Hemingway Cats did eat all the Key West chickens though. 1941 - 5080 Star Wars Warsaw Journal. Paperless iPostOffice is a reality in 5080.


1-15-1981 Opinion Why Trump Can’t Make It 1981 Again - Drone Cheers for the 1981 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... Donald Trump says he can bring back the economic growth of the Reagan era. But economic forces won’t let him.

1-15-1981 Mr. Diaz, the former detective, recalled the case of a 20-year-old Mariel refugee who in 1981 killed one cabdriver, shot and robbed another, and shot a friend in the eye during an argument. Mr. Diaz remembers him as one of the most violent robbers he ever dealt with in 25 years, and still has a newspaper photo at his house of the man’s arrest. The man is now 54 and married. After serving 20 years of a life sentence, he is on parole without iPhone 007 + iParoleCam. If Mr. Diaz had a say, the man would be soon on his way to Cuba. “He was vicious,” he said. “He was bad news. They should ship him back.” If Detective Diaz had an iParoleCam video of him today Diaz would view the same viciousness!

1-15-1981 Opinion Why Trump Can’t Make It 1981 Again - Drone Cheers for the 1981 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... Donald Trump says he can bring back the economic growth of the Reagan era. But economic forces won’t let him.

1-15-2000 Greg's Mary in Key West was sucker punched in 2000 - 100 stitches in her lip in a 2000 Miami gas station hold up - 1 of 10's of thousands and yes there will be a gas station hold up in Miami today and tomorrow, yes Mary will need 200 stitches and local CBS 4 Miami will not cover this story.


1-15-2017 Sunday; iPostOffice @ Star Wars Warsaw Journal. A blanket of pollution wreathed Warsaw, above, and dozens of other Polish cities, bringing a global problem more associated with Beijing into the heart of Europe. Warsaw Grapples With Gloomy, Gray Smog

1-15-2017 Sunday; iPostOffice @ Star Wars Warsaw Journal. By JOANNA BERENDT The spike in air pollution was mainly driven by a cold snap that forced thousands of households to crank up poor quality heaters that burn things like coal and garbage.

1-15-1981 Opinion Why Trump Can’t Make It 1981 Again - Drone Cheers for the 1981 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... Donald Trump says he can bring back the economic growth of the Reagan era. But economic forces won’t let him.

1-15-2017 Sunday; In Reality Kings Day is King Salman with $$$ $777 Trillion Dollars not MLK

1-15-2017 Sunday; In Reality Kings Day is King Salman with $$$ $777 Trillion Dollars not MLK


1-15-2017 Sunday; iPostOffice @ Star Wars Warsaw Journal. President Obama announced the immediate end of the so-called wet-foot, dry-foot policy, which allowed Cuban migrants to stay in the United States if they reached its shores, special treatment that drew the ire of the Cuban government. The flip side of the deal got far less attention, but it effectively closed one chapter in the tortured relationship between the two countries: Cuba agreed to take back up to 500 criminal Mariel refugees. The Cuban leader had opened prison and mental institution doors, too, and within a few years, almost 3,000 of the refugees were in American jails after committing new crimes. In Miami, which cocaine and turf wars had turned into one of the most dangerous places in America, court officials found that half of the people found incompetent to stand trial because of mental illness were Mariel refugees. The Cuban government eventually agreed to take back 2,746 of the criminal Mariel refugees. But the deportations were slow and in some years did not take place at all. At one point, prisoners who had been awaiting deportation for years rioted in several cities. Mr. Diaz, the former detective, recalled the case of a 20-year-old Mariel refugee who in 1981 killed one cabdriver, shot and robbed another, and shot a friend in the eye during an argument. Mr. Diaz remembers him as one of the most violent robbers he ever dealt with in 25 years, and still has a newspaper photo at his house of the man’s arrest. The man is now 54 and married. After serving 20 years of a life sentence, he is on parole without iPhone 007 + iParoleCam. If Mr. Diaz had a say, the man would be soon on his way to Cuba. “He was vicious,” he said. “He was bad news. They should ship him back.” If Detective Diaz had an iParoleCam video of him today Diaz would view the same viciousness!

1-15-2017 Sunday; iPostOffice @ Star Wars Warsaw Journal. If you try to go tweet-to-tweet with him, more often than not you’re not going to succeed $$.


1-15-2017 Sunday; iPostOffice @ Star Wars Warsaw Journal. Vietnam Journal in the NY Times today about Kerry. In Reality Vietnam never ended for the Generals. Sore losers, Grin! Rocker Launchers and pallets of Cash were shipped by Kerry last week but not to Vietnam. Reality today is North Vietnam Generals face the firing squad on news of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort in Hanoi and Swiss Bank Account in the North Vietnam Generals names. John Kerry returns to site where he killed man during Vietnam war. Vo Ban Tam, a Viet Cong veteran, remembers the first time he crossed paths with John Kerry on the banks on the Bay Hap river, a day that ended in bloodshed. Kerry Grabbing an M-16 rifle, he chased down the guerrilla with the rocket launcher and shot him dead, saving his crew from a counterattack. Today Rocker Launchers and pallets of Cash were shipped by Kerry last week but not to Vietnam.

1-15-2017 Sunday; iPostOffice @ Star Wars Warsaw Journal. Vietnam Journal.


1-15-2017 Sunday; What sparked it the big bang...

1-15-2017 Sunday; What will spark New York Times Headlines... No Gas Stations On Earth to win the War Cheers like all the drone strikes for the glory of war they can never win?

1-15-2017 Sunday; If Trump doesn't get Jill at the New York Times fired she will get everyone on Earth killed. "Ivanka Trump’s Dangerous Fake Feminism" By JILL FILIPOVIC. Ivanka Trump She is selling us traditional femininity and support of male power in a "feminist inspiration" to marry 2 Trillion Galaxies, invent the gravity engine. Fake NY Times articles on "Smog" and Sex Slaves owned by King Salman and Prince Salman - Disney Pixar Hologram of Ivanda in the new "Pink Cinderella MD" movie. Disney Top Brass Unfazed by Concentration Camp Atrocities of "Smog" in every childrens hospital world wide until the Super Computer simulation of "DNA + Diesel" was a NY Times video.


1-15-2017 Sunday; NASA in the old Florida, bombed, destroyed by Pentagon Drone Strikes! Cathy Salustri, the author of “Backroads of Paradise: A Journey to Rediscover Old Florida,” delights in letting people know that to really discover Florida, you have to turn off the congested Interstates and explore the state’s towns and cities. “Legally, we’re one state, but we’re really a bunch of different states,” she said. “I want people to see that there’s actually a lot of Florida beyond the theme parks.” Ms. Salustri, the arts and entertainment editor at Creative Loafing Tampa, took a 5,000-mile road trip across Florida. She sought to retrace the routes taken by a collective of writers in the 1930s, which included Stetson Kennedy and Zora Neale Hurston. The group of writers was commissioned to document the state with the Federal Writers’ Project (F.W.P.), part of the Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.), which culminated in the book “Florida: A Guide to the Southernmost State.”

1-15-2017 Sunday; NASA in the old Florida, bombed, destroyed by Pentagon Drone Strikes! Cathy Salustri, the author of “Backroads of Paradise: A Journey to Rediscover Old Florida,”

1-15-2017 Sunday; Trump will fire what is left of NASA + WHO at the UN along with the rest of the Old UN for the New UN and of course The New New York Times reinvented along with the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.


1-15-1981 Opinion Why Trump Can’t Make It 1981 Again - Drone Cheers for the 1981 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... Donald Trump says he can bring back the economic growth of the Reagan era. But economic forces won’t let him.

1-15-2017 Sunday; In Reality Kings Day is King Salman with $$$ $777 Trillion Dollars not MLK

1-15-2017 Sunday; In Reality Kings Day is King Salman with $$$ $777 Trillion Dollars not MLK

1-15-1981 Opinion Why Trump Can’t Make It 1981 Again - Drone Cheers for the 1981 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... Donald Trump says he can bring back the economic growth of the Reagan era. But economic forces won’t let him.


1-15-2017 Sunday; iPostOffice iMail iPhone built into the Dash in your New Ford, your new PC from Acer or Dell, HP, your 100" LG Ultra monitor with a built in iPhone 008 - and finally your iPhone 008 built into the Tablet, Nook, Kindle, and iMacBook Pro. Android, the most popular mobile software on the planet, is preparing his follow up act and it involves going after his longtime nemesis: Apple's iPhone and its iOS rival software. Losers! Your buy.

1-15-2017 Sunday; iPostOffice at Key West Roosevelt Era 20 MPH was fast. 20 MPH on Roosevelt and all of Key West. Jimmy Weekley is getting old so we mind as well make all of Key West 20 MPH. “We don’t need another study, we need to get rid of the crosswalks on Roosevelt simply because traffic moves too fast. Walking bridges over the road would be a sensible tourists attraction with Apple-Starbucks Ocean views to work on 1,001 Nobels in Medicine.


1-15-1981 Opinion Why Trump Can’t Make It 1981 Again - Drone Cheers for the 1981 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort... Donald Trump says he can bring back the economic growth of the Reagan era. But economic forces won’t let him.

1-15-2017 Sunday; In Reality Kings Day is King Salman with $$$ $777 Trillion Dollars not MLK

1-15-2017 Sunday; In Reality Kings Day is King Salman with $$$ $777 Trillion Dollars not MLK


1-14-2017 Saturday; Trump's inauguration is ready to move Donald's tweaks to the "Today Show" 7 days a week and hours longer... Donald Trump accused the pharmaceutical industry of “getting away with murder” - not BP Oil.

1-14-2017 Saturday; Diesel emissions + CIA Covert Op to get "No Gas Stations On Earth!" headlines on the Front Page of the New York. Times on Sunday 1-15-2017.

1-14-2017 Saturday; "No Gas Station On Earth" Grin! Will get the Pentagon out of Baghdad instead of forever they plan on now.

1-14-2017 Saturday; Today's Editorial: Mr. Cuomo Has 149 Things to Tell You section A - page 18 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times. Correction 150, there were 150 gas station hold ups in the Bronx this week, Hahahahahaha!! $$$.

1-14-2017 Saturday; How do you die from troops serving in Iraq or Afghanistan. Gas Station Hold Up loot, $777 Trillion. Fiery car crash no one stops to Help, not even the MD's at WHO at the UN.

1-14-2017 Saturday; War study further suggests that the hippocampus not only encodes location by tracking the distance and direction movements, but also encodes a representation of both the direction and distance to the destination. The brain’s navigational system would thus have a “homing signal,” and also appears to be endowed with its own goal-finding neurons.


1-14-2017 Saturday; Trump's inauguration is ready to move Donald's tweaks to the "Today Show" 7 days a week and hours longer... Donald Trump accused the pharmaceutical industry of “getting away with murder” of 1 million breast cancer women the last 8 years of Dr. Obama MD. “getting away with murder” Walter Reed MD's + Dr. Susan Love both put a needle in her nipple or brain for their Miracle Cure of Brain + Breast Cancer, “getting away with murder”. CIA Covert missions more to stopping Biden from killing more wounded warriors for the glory of war when No Gas Stations on Earth (Front Page New York Times Sunday 1-15-2017) will win the War in Baghdad Overnight like a Rx Recipe for Stage 4.

1-14-2017 Saturday; Ivanka is "Pink Cinderella MD" 2D + 3D Orwellian + Public Scenes; opening scene like war but the clouds of Smog are the car bombs in Baghdad and Kerry has pallets of "Cash" on a convoy of trucks along with Heinz Ketchup. "Smog" Public Health people at City Hall and Walter Reed the last 8 years of "Smog" clouds will give us many dramatic scenes in the Disney Pixar Movie "Cinderella MD". Biden killed his own son with "Smog!" Smog was the murder weapon and $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues was the motive! "Cinderella MD" she goes to Walter Reed with Beau's Brain Cancer and Dr. Susan Love's needle in her nipple. Bush told Cinderella not to wear a mask or respirator.


1-14-2017 Saturday; Smog Public Health: The Biggest Changes Obamacare Made, and Those That May Disappear "Smog" - Obama Public Health MD's at Walter Reed Unfazed by Concentration Camp Atrocities of "Smog" for 8 years and tons of diesel exhaust particles in every square mile of air we breath world wide. A War Crime by Public Health MD's!

1-14-2017 Saturday; Disappear "Smog" - Disney Magic is a ship that docks in Key West.

1-14-2017 Saturday; Disappear "Smog" - Disney Magic is a 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort not a gas engine Ford.

1-14-2017 Saturday; Idea that saved the world by Public Health MD's - WHO at the UN MD's face Prison in a No Gas Stations On Earth Society. Walter Reed MD face murder charges for Beau!


1-14-2017 Saturday; "Smog" Drunk on "Smogs $$$" BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com A judge on Thursday dismissed a Key West bar’s move to have a civil lawsuit in connection with a fatal DUI crash tossed out of court, and the matter is now likely headed to mediation. Timothy Christopher Cherry, former husband of Karen Jean Cherry, as well as Robert Browning Tosi and Arline Rae Tosi claim that Fogarty’s was negligent in that it knew, or should have know "Smog" "Drunks" "Smog-Drunks"

1-14-2017 Saturday; What happens when a Yale Harvard law professor gets a traffic-camera ticket? It becomes “the Constitutional Trial of the Century,” Yale + Harvard Law negligent in 1 million DUI deaths... pay up $777 Trillion, grin.


1-14-2017 Saturday; All Unfazed by Concentration Camp Atrocities of "Smog" in every childrens hospital world wide. WHO is a criminal organization at the UN and faces War Crimes in a No Gas Stations On Earth Cinderella MD Era!

1-14-2017 Saturday; Coors in Colorado pulls his gun out to... 2 Rich Drunk men pointing guns at gas stations and banks $$$ of oil revenues. BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com Former Anheuser-Busch chief executive officer August Busch IV pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the ground during a confrontation with a motorist at a bank on Thursday, according to Key West police. Busch, whose full name is August Adolphus Busch IV, 52, of St. Louis, Missouri, was neither arrested nor cited in the incident.


1-14-2017 Saturday; Diesel emissions

1-14-2017 Saturday; Biden is at it again this time not at Yale lecture but Key West... Asleep at the wheel, Key West driver lands in water off US 1. FlKeysNews.com - A 19-year-old Key West driver nodded off behind the wheel on U.S. 1 and crashed into the water Thursday night, the Florida Highway Patrol said. Cameron James Castleman walked away from the single-car wreck with only minor injuries and a car in the Ocean leaking gasoline.

1-14-2017 Saturday; "No Gas Station On Earth" Grin! "Erdogan Says Troops Will Be in Cyprus ‘Forever,’ Complicating Hopes of Reuniting" By NICK CUMMING-BRUCE and ANDREAS RIRIS Nick and Andreas at the New York Times are war criminals for not making "No Gas Stations On Earth headlines in this story about Erdogan!

1-14-2017 Saturday; "No Gas Station On Earth" Grin! Will get the Pentagon out of Baghdad instead of forever they plan on now.


1-14-2017 Saturday; Editorial: Ending a Misguided Cuban Migration Policy section A - page 18 By THE EDITORIAL BOARD New York Times. Ending Gas Stations in Cuba, ending smoking in Cuba. Policy of Migration to the nearest Stars only 4 light years from Earth was the Mother of all Misguided Policies by our 1984 II Dictators. Lockheed Chief Pledges Lower Costs for F-35 Fighter Jet and Add 1,800 Jobs - needed to bomb NASA's 4 light year missions! Misguided Lockheed Chiefs are a cancer that needs a Rx Recipe. Denial of Reality of 2 Trillion Galaxies and 2 nearest Stars.

1-14-2017 Saturday; NYC Officer’s Funeral Recalls a Rougher New York, By COREY KILGANNON - There are NO funerals for Cops in fiery car wrecks as fiery cop car wrecks are censored from the New York Times and Facebook. Even Trumps tweets censor fiery wrecks. For the past 31 years, Officers writing a ticket along the side of the road have been rear ended bursting into flames. Law; even Caroline Kennedy drives by these fiery cop cars in Tokyo. Orwellian Law that I will ask about when George Orwell in Key West makes contact with Greg. How do they do this? In July 1986, Officer McDonald was shot repeatedly at point-blank range by a teenager in Central Park. The episode came to symbolize a violent city plagued by a crack epidemic, rampant crime and racially infused deaths that commanded the news. In 1980 the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort was invented and didn't make News! This is what killed the cop! Funeral Mass on Friday in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Mayor Bill de Blasio said that Officer McDonald began a mission based on a “belief we could heal the wounds of the past.” In 1980 the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort was invented and didn't make News! This is what killed the cop Mayor Bill de Blasio did not say - Laws; even Caroline Kennedy drives by these fiery cop cars in Tokyo.

1-14-2017 Saturday; How do you die from troops serving in Iraq or Afghanistan... Smog!

Editorial Failure at the New York Times will Kill Everyone On Earth:

12-1-2016 Friday; On Wednesday at 7 pm. City of Key West Code officer Jorge Lopez stopped me Greg Buell ww.eletctricwindmillcar.com inventor from feeding 3 cats last night and refused to feed them himself even though he said they would starve… jlopez@cityofkeywest-fl.gov. can you get him arrested for cruelty to Cats by refusing to feed them and refusing to call animal rescue… funded by city of key west? Or email the NY Times the Key west paper has a new aspca shelter on the front page today but never writes up people feeding the starving cats… Guy who lives above the Key West Sign Company 901 Fleming St, Key West, FL 33040 called the "Cat Cops" as I biked up. Code City Car speed in front of 3 cats fast, Lopez got out stopped me from feed the 3 starving cats, a crime. 1984 II Society so have to wait until I can talk to the top brass... grin. ASPCA should have a history of getting these city code guys arrested... www.aspca.org Open Your Heart and Help Abused Animals. Help Animals in Need Fight Animal Cruelty by jlopez@cityofkeywest-fl.gov. www.aspca.org does not have a 911 link so cops not code employees can make a arrest. Many 1984 II Observers watched this happen.

Gregs 2007 web

10-21-2016 Friday; On Wed the 1984 II Observers cut 2 cables and stole my Pink Trike locked to a tree next to the Key West Firehouse Museum the trike I bike to inspire the stage 4 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure...

Gregs 2007 web

I caught up with the Pink Trike thieves at Curry Mansion... had to wait for 2 Key West Cops! Talked to the Cops and need the serial number 2 police women called in to see if it was stole when I paid $200 for it recovering my other trike from Saint Mary's Catholic Church as the maintenance men cut the cables on this trike too and put it in the dumper until the women cops tracked them down... never heard from Saint Mary's Priest. Red circle in this picture is a homeless guy or undercover cop... any way never got my pink trike back last night! Acer Computer with the serial number of this pink trike the police have and will not give back to me. Community Service cut 2 15 foot cables to steal this Acer Notebook out of my bike basket at 713 Southard.

Gregs 2007 web


Laser guidance at all NYC cross walks is Star Trek Technology. It's 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era Technology lost to the Black Hole of Obama the last 8 years.

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 email NEW inventor8484@gmail.com NEW CELL phone 305 434 5276 LG TRANSPYRE VS810PP Android.

Nice! Link below is new video added today.




Gregs 2007 web

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.

...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!



Yes Greg + Wives in Key West will get this Gravity Control Invention and of course the "Gravity Engine" for the flying cars.


CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

Link to 1,500 pages to 8-1-2015 Had to make my current index a smaller file.



850 pages moved to this web link http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/04Wives.html

Moved 840 pages from Jan 2014 to Christmas 2014

Link to Photos and Acrobat files of Greg in NYC

Greg's YouTube Video reposted



2015 Nightly News From Key West with Greg + Wives... On Sept 27,




Gregs 2007 web

Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot


1-13-2017 Friday; Quotation of the Day - Unfazed by Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospitals World Wide! Smog caused birth defects + childhood cancers, Stage 4 Mom's nurse the children!

1-13-2017 Friday; "I think it’s highly unlikely Putin is going to change from a shark into a goldfish. We are going to see shark like behavior continue around the periphery of NATO."

1-13-2017 Friday; JAMES G. STAVRIDIS, a retired American Navy admiral who was NATO supreme commander from 2009 to 2013.

1-13-2017 Friday; I think the Admiral's Stage 4 casualties of war from 1980 to 2017 will be a dramatic scene in the Disney Pixar Movie "Cinderella MD". Biden killed his own son for the glory of war, Admirals killed Wife's, Daughters, great-granddaughters via Stage 4 for the glory of war, a war crime in Disney Pixar Movie "Cinderella MD".


1-13-2017 Friday; "Obama Ends Exemption for Cubans Who Arrive Without Visas" By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS and FRANCES ROBLES Obama ends 'wet foot, dry foot' Key West Citizen - Friday, Key West resident and Cuban native Alfredo Aguero had mixed emotions Thursday evening. “They’re going to stop people dying trying to come to Florida,” Aguero said of... Mandy Miles dying from stage 4 is what they're going to stop and spend this time and money on a Mandy Miles dying from stage 4 Rx Recipe Cure not Cubans swimming to the Citizen Office on Northside Drive in Key West.

1-13-2017 Friday; Trump's Russian friends can't invent anything - Trump will win a Nobel for a Rx Recipe to Stop Smoking Overnight a Miracle Cure. Jimmy Carter will try to Stop this Nobel + Invention for Georgia tobacco farmers $$$ "Russian Putin Proposal Would Phase In Cigarette Ban, but Current Smokers Get a Pass" By ROGENE JACQUETTE Failure at the New York Times will kill everyone on Earth, but all the smokers and drunks first. Hahahahaha


1-13-2017 Friday; "Stage 4 War Mobilization" is a "scam" by the Pentagon "Generals + Admirals" who will spent every cent of their $777 Trillion on MIT War Toys. "As Trump Reaches Toward Putin, U.S. Troops Arrive in Poland" By RICK LYMAN and JOANNA BERENDT

1-13-2017 Friday; MS women given a terrible disease by bisexual men have a Diminished Place World Wide, will Trump's White House MD put these women to death instead of sending MS virus to Los Alamos and Dr. Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer...

1-13-2017 Friday; Ivanka in Pink!! "Should Ivanka Trump the Woman Wear Ivanka Trump the Brand" By VANESSA FRIEDMAN Ivanka in Pink from head to toe until Dad invents a Rx Recipe Overnight miracle cure for Stage 4. The Daily Mail announced she had worn an Ivanka Trump coat to her father’s news conference. Then it offered a get-the-look box and link. In case, you know, anyone wanted to buy the garment. The coat was not "Pink" but should have been, really!! But - Ms. Trump, in a blush pink dress from her fashion label, at the Republican National Convention in July. Credit Chang W. Lee/The New York Times.

1-13-2017 Friday; A scenario in which Ivanka Trump hacks 4 trillion Rx Recipes that are all trade secrets and emails them to Los Alamos. Along with 4 trillion super computer simulations the failure of the Times should have made decades ago.


1-13-2017 Friday; "Vatican Mobilization for War on Stage 4" input for the Pope - Vatican Seeks Youth Input for Upcoming Meeting of Bishops" New York Times - VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis is reaching out to young people for the next round of church-wide consultations, soliciting their direct input for an upcoming meeting of the world's bishops on the plight of young Catholics today and their faith. "Vatican Mobilization for War on Stage 4" Nobel in Medicine for Pope Francis for putting 1 billion catholic's to work 24/7 brainstorming and writing Hemingway House Writing class novels!


1-13-2017 Friday; Hospital Ship for Miss Universe! The luxury yacht to be used by the candidates of the 65th Miss Universe pageants has arrived in Manila. Called “Happy Life,” the triple-decker Alfamarine boat was brought from Italy by former Ilocos Sur Governor Luis “Chavit” Singson. Philippine Airlines, are among the major sponsors of the Miss Universe pageant scheduled on January 30 at the Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay City.

1-13-2017 Friday; Newfoundland Is Big on Bologna: Fried, Stewed and Baked as a Cake A cookbook has 400 recipes for cooking with bologna, but never, its author advises, season it with curry. Dr. Curry in Key West should have started the Curry Medical School. Newfoundland is like Key West, 400 recipes and none for a Rx Recipe for Stag 4 cure... City Hall's must be run by the same Universe.


1-13-2017 Friday; Hell the Mayor has killed millions of Stage 4 women and wounded warriors... Mayor de Blasio Scrambles to Curb Homelessness After Years of Not Keeping Pace A surge in homelessness the Mayor is not keeping Pace with Stage 4 and the killing of Wounded Warriors by Biden, who even killed his own son and daughter with Stag 4.

1-13-2017 Friday; Skakel Case Defines a Defense Lawyer, for Better or Worse killing a 13 year old girl Martha with a golf club defines Robert Kennedy Jr. who will on the killing Mary Kennedy in the Barn but never expecting Trump to throw him under the bus and get the failed NY Times to put Mary Kennedy Hanged Picture on the front page of the New York Times! Woman's March on Trump will stop at the Kennedy Center then!


1-13-2017 Friday; Today's editorial in the New York Times on Trump press conference, I thought Trump out of date with stacks of paper work on a desk instead of 100" Ultra LG monitors - several of them with several different videos. Mr. Trump spoke while standing next to piles of manila folders, props representing his decision to turn management of his business interests over to his adult sons. He bragged that over the weekend he had been offered $2 billion “to do a deal in Dubai,” I biked down the Key West street past the Disney Ship and ran head on into a Dubai license plate, on front of a $100K dollar blue paint job on a double cab truck... wow! Mr. Trump closed the news conference with his best “Celebrity Apprentice” scowl. Of his sons, he said, "If they do a bad job, I’ll say, ‘You’re fired.’” His staff and supporters applauded, and the show was over. Trump should have told the editors at the Times you're going to jail for war crimes.

1-13-2017 Friday; Marilyn MD making a new women. New York Today: New York Today: Making a Marilyn Monroe Moment at the Apple-Starbucks in Trump Tower. 100" Ultra LG monitors on every wall and corner of the Lobby all with 1,001 Nobels in Medicine IP invention projects spelled out and Marilyn wins the spelling bee in medical terms.


1-13-2017 Friday; Finding a IP invention project at the Trump Tower Apple-Starbucks Trilobites: Finding a Home on the Tree of Life for a Tentacled Ice Cream Cone With a Lid and -254 C keep it cold cone with temperature control. Beach and Duval Ice Cream Cone's that don't melt before you eat them IP invention projects. Spin off from the Pentagon's War Toys from MIT. Yes MIT could have gotten this ice cream cone invention in 1980 but didn't. A war crime in the New Disney Pixar Cinderella MD movie, Hahahahahaha.

1-13-2017 Friday; Driven: The Volvo S90 Is Very Swedish, and Very Appealing - to whom in a 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Universe of 2 Trillion Galaxies! "Driven: The Volvo S90 Is Very Swedish, and Very Appealing" - you can read this article in todays NY Times.

1-13-2017 Friday; Another article you can read in the Times Today is... "The Downside of Breast Cancer Screening" what you can't read in the Failed Times Today is JFK Airport screening of 1,001 diseases made easy with Apple-Starbucks at JFK.


1-13-2017 Friday; As I walked into my patient’s room, she lay in bed, tearful. She was only in her 50s but looked much older, her walker propped at the side of her bed. Her heart valves were not functioning properly, causing her to be short of breath and her legs to swell. She said immediately, “I’m sorry, doctor. I just need to go home.” She had rheumatic heart disease, a condition we see less frequently these days. The condition can arise when a case of strep throat is not treated promptly with antibiotics, leading to rheumatic fever and a damaged heart. My patient had strep throat as a child, but instead of taking her to the doctor, her mother, an alcoholic, had gone on a drinking binge. She never received the antibiotics she needed. What conditions are more frequently these days from alcoholics?

1-13-2017 Friday; Wells Fargo missed on earnings in its first full quarter since its fraudulent accounts scandal. On Friday the bank reported earnings per share of $0.96 on revenue of $21.58 billion. $777 Trillion in fraudulent gas station hold ups in Miami were not reported in the New York Times. Not 1 gas station hold up was on the front page of the New York Times, a war crime.

1-13-2017 Friday; Fourth-quarter bank earnings kicked off on Friday with Bank of America, which reported earnings per share of $0.40 on revenue of $20.22 billion.

1-13-2017 Friday; $1 Trillion dollar Medical School, first one will be the Yale Key West Medical School. Banking on paying out 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year. Year after year!

1-13-2017 Friday; Consumer Reports just changed its mind and now recommends the (new MacBook Pro) first $1 Trillion dollar Yale Key West Medical School. Mandy Miles at the Citizen Newspaper calls it a over kill that will take most of the Navy Key West Base!

1-13-2017 Friday;

1-13-2017 Friday;


TRUMP: Thank you very much for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, grin $$$. I will spend this on the USA not give it to Mecca to spend on Moslems hajj pilgrimage!

1-13-2017 Thursday; “inhumane and disgusting content” Editorial Failure at the New York Times will Kill Everyone On Earth:

TRUMP: Thank you very much.

1-13-2017 Thursday; The Obamacare repeal has begun with the Yale Key West Medical School after years (3-4-2011) of airstrikes by Navy F35C's.

TRUMP: Thank you very much. Yale Key West Medical School Professors will save Ivanka's life with the correct diagnosis and iPhone 007 + caller ID's "Disease's!" Light years from the Failed NY Times @ iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars! Trump, a New Style of Fighter, Takes the Rings of Legal Polygamous Marriage. Federal Marriage License for Polygamy! 24/7 brainstorming of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year Era driven by the Gravity Engine Win for Key West, grin!

TRUMP: Thank you very much. NYC "The Benefits of a Lunch Hour Walk in Smog" Yale Key West Medical School Professors will get Trump; to make Treadmill Desk part of the Office along with PMS... particle measuring systems - air filters on the Treadmill Desk. then Gretchen Reynolds at the Times can update her article for the Times in Trump Times when Yale Medical School Professors save his darling Daughters life!

TRUMP: Thank you very much.

TRUMP: Thank you very much. New York Times needs to update its "Times Video" selection of news stories with "Super Computer Simulations" like Peanuts in a super computer simulation video made by the Medical School Professors at the Yale Key West Medical School would have the Parents in this article non Skeptical... another failure and war crime by the Times!! "Parents View New Peanut Guidelines With Skepticism" By RONI CARYN RABIN and RACHEL RABKIN PEACHMAN Alarmed by the suggestion that peanut-containing food be deliberately fed to infants, some parents are lashing out on social media. Super computer simulation of peanut-containing food be deliberately fed to infants!! IBM is a war crime organization too.

TRUMP: Thank you very much.

It's very familiar territory, news conferences, because we used to give them on a almost daily basis. I think we probably maybe won the nomination because of news conferences and it's good to be with you.


You saw yesterday Fiat Chrysler; big, big factory going to be built in this country as opposed to another country. Ford just announced that they stopped plans for a billion dollar plant in Mexico and they're going to be moving into Michigan and expanding, very substantially, an existing plant.

I appreciate that from Ford. I appreciate it very much from Fiat Chrysler. I hope that General Motors will be following and I think they will be. I think a lot of people will be following. I think a lot of industries are going to be coming back.


Yes Greg + Wives in Key West will get this Gravity Control Invention and of course the "Gravity Engine" for the flying cars.

1-13-2017 Thursday; ...after years (3-4-2011) of airstrikes F35C on the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts through the year 2017 this assembly line is a burnt out shell.

TRUMP: Thank you very much. Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation, so they are in effect a form of invisible light, with a longer wavelength and lower frequency than visible light. Live streaming videos of Jewish Aliens use this wavelength... and we will hack their Comcast box. Grin. These Jewish Alien videos could theoretically solve certain problems considered intractable today.

TRUMP: Thank you very much. Will you throw Robert Kennedy Jr. under the bus for killing his wife Mary Kennedy... TRUMP: Thank you very much. TRUMP: Thank you very much. Anguish, Rage and No Mercy Mary Kennedy Is Sentenced to Death by Trump. 100's of Mary Kennedy - Trumps first wife was lucky, grin. Domestic Murders + murders by Troops coming home from Baghdad. Another failure of the NY Times. Saddam's Picture Hanged on the Front Page! Mary Kennedy's Pictured Hanging in the Kennedy Barn. No Cops took a picture of this like the airport video. Mary Kennedy's Pictured Hanging in the Kennedy Barn on the Front Page of the New York Times tomorrow, after the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort is News. Mary Kennedy Hanged Picture will win the NY Times a Nobel not just a newspaper award.

TRUMP: Thank you very much.

TRUMP: Thank you very much. "the age of Apple is over":. Apple-Starbucks at Trump Tower has been elected for Nasty Women mad as Hell about Stage 4 news in the Failed NY Times. Moon Shot was not for Nasty Women's Stage 4 but Beau's Brain Cancer. "the age of Apple is over":. Apple-Starbucks at Trump Tower has been elected for Nasty Women mad as Hell about Stage 4. Failed NY Times hacks by Putin when Dr. Susan Love "Scam" is not news! Rx Recipe's 4 Trillion - Oppenheimer II's Dr. Nancy Snyderman Fired by Bill Gates stung by mosquitos Cure, End! "the age of Apple is over":. Apple-Starbucks at Trump Tower has been elected for Nasty Women mad as Hell about Stage 4 news in the Failed NY Times. Failure of Bill + Melinda Gates in Dubai. "the age of Apple is over":. Apple-Starbucks at Trump Tower has been elected for Nasty Women mad as Hell about Stage 4 Rx Recipes given to Girl Scouts who will all die of breast cancer if Apple-Starbucks is anything Like ATT + Comcast Time mergers. Unlimited Data at Los Alamos, for all the Nasty Women and they will love 1 Click Amazon links to crunch these 4 trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets Kerry refused to hack the last 8 years. Dead breast cancer women litter Kerrys Yale Campus! His rich wife's lunch is at Harvard not Yale.

Burn Units for fiery cop car and SUV drivers are also run-of-the-mill with no laser guidance like NYC cross walks. Everyone outside Trump Tower will become cross walk guards for Montessori School and New Yorkers, grin. $45 a hour school crossing guards in Manhattan. NYC Pedestrian deaths reported in the NY Times today, which accounted for the largest share of fatalities, increased last year to 144.

TRUMP: Thank you very much for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, grin $$$. I will spend this on the USA not give it to Mecca to spend on Moslems!

TRUMP: Thank you very much. Will I give $1 Trillion for this years hajj pilgrimage... to Mecca? Saudi Arabia to discuss plans for this year's hajj pilgrimage. $1 Trillion $$$.

1-13-2017 Thursday; Steve Jobs + Bill Gates - Jobs' legacy is the omniscient tech company. Cancer that he couldn't outsmart or out-invent with his inner circle.

1-13-2017 Thursday; Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder, was prone to hyperbole but his eulogy for the iPhone as he launched it 10 years ago was accurate:

1-13-2017 Thursday; "Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything. Biden's "Moon Shot" is what got Steve Jobs killed. Revolutionary product today is 4 Trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets Trump can hack better quicker than Putin. Crunch these 4 trillion Rx Recipes at Los Alamos. Ivanka is not Steve Jobs!

1-13-2017 Thursday; Unfazed by Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospitals World Wide!

1-13-2017 Thursday; Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospitals World Wide!

1-13-2017 Thursday; Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, may also be struggling to adequately support employees who do the “heroic work” of stopping the spread of depraved, violent and abusive content.

1-13-2017 Thursday; Microsoft is being sued by two men who worked on the company's “online safety team,” who claim they have suffered from PTSD after having to view “inhumane and disgusting content” with little or no psychological support.

1-13-2017 Thursday; Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospitals World Wide!

1-13-2017 Thursday; Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospitals World Wide!

1-13-2017 Thursday; Saint Jude Childrens hospitals World Wide! Mosul's al-Salam hospital is little more than a burnt-out shell.

1-13-2017 Thursday; $300 Million a week from Baghdad's Oil Revenues $$$ "salacious - scandalous" New York Times - MOSUL, Iraq - After weeks of airstrikes and artillery fire, Mosul's al-Salam hospital is little more than a burnt-out shell. Retaken from the Islamic State group by Iraqi forces this month, the building's top floors were almost completely destroyed ...

1-13-2017 Thursday; $300 Million a week from Baghdad's Oil Revenues $$$ "salacious - scandalous" New York Times - MOSUL, Iraq

1-13-2017 Thursday; The Obamacare repeal has begun with the Yale Key West Medical School after years (3-4-2011) of airstrikes by Navy F35C on the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts through the year 2017 this assembly line is a burnt out shell. Burn Units for fiery cop car and SUV drivers are also run-of-the-mill with no laser guidance like NYC cross walks. Everone outside Trum Tower will become cross walk guards for Montessori School and New Yorkers, grin. $45 a hour school crossing guards in Manhattan. Trump Tower Door Men as crossing guards for rush hour like Montessori Schools.

1-13-2017 Thursday; White and Black Police Officers Are Sharply Divided About Race. By JONAH ENGEL BROMWICH - iPhone 007 + dash cam iCop iTraffic Tickets. Cops talk to the driver driving down the road instead of pulling him over. iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Era. Failure of the NY Times again and again in the Black and White Cop article. Trump will fire Jonah Bromwich! Race down the street with cop car behind you... iPhone 007 Dash Cam can turn off the car and park it. iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Era in a NY Times article, you have to read this in your mind as the Editors at the NY Times are War Criminals Today. Article on Jimmy Carters Titanium Homes and iPhone 8 Titanium case...

1-13-2017 Thursday; Laser Guidance @ Key West Cross Walks. SCOTT UNGER Citizen Staff sunger@keysnews.com Initial findings from a study on the crosswalks of North Roosevelt Boulevard indicate three should be eliminated and pedestrian-activated signals should be installed at two others. Trump would fire the City of Key West Manager for not figuring in "OverPass" cross walks on North + South Roosevelt as this is a Civil War won by the invention of the Generals, Admirals in Key west. The Navy has a mothballed "OverPass" at the Beach too. Fly Navy does not mean fly in a OverPass to Roosevelt Blvd. Grin. Trump you're fired!

1-13-2017 Thursday; NY Times Public Health: Why Trump’s Obamacare Promise Will Be So Hard to Keep - no NY Times Super Computer Video simulations in the news, Hahahahahaha. Times super computer video simulation on Wheat, Rye will end the war. Rye, a Grain With Ancient Roots, Is Rising Again. After the super computer video simulations we will know for sure.

1-13-2017 Thursday; Super Computer Simulations are what Dr Lisa Sanders need to get the New York Times to add to her medical diagnosis, Shock + Awe will save Ivanka's life many Times!


1-13-2017 Thursday; Super Computer Simulations are what Dr Lisa Sanders need to get the New York Times to add to her medical diagnosis, Shock + Awe will save Ivanka's life many Times!

TRUMP: Thank you very much.

TRUMP: Thank you very much. "the age of Apple is over":. Apple-Starbucks at Trump Tower!

1-13-2017 Thursday;

1-13-2017 Thursday; Over the weekend, I was offered $2 billion to do a deal in Dubai with a very, very, very amazing man, a great, great developer from the Middle East, Hussein Damack, a friend of mine, great guy. And I was offered $2 billion to do a deal in Dubai -- a number of deals and I turned it down.

1-13-2017 Thursday; you have cameras in the strangest places. Cameras that are so small with modern technology, you can't see them and you won't know. You better be careful, or you'll be watching yourself on nightly television."

I am extremely careful. I'm surrounded by bodyguards. I'm surrounded by people.

And I always tell them -- anywhere, but I always tell them if I'm leaving this country, "Be very careful, because in your hotel rooms and no matter where you go, you're gonna probably have cameras." I'm not referring just to Russia, but I would certainly put them in that category.

And number one, "I hope you're gonna be good anyway. But in those rooms, you have cameras in the strangest places. Cameras that are so small with modern technology, you can't see them and you won't know. You better be careful, or you'll be watching yourself on nightly television."

I tell this to people all the time.

TRUMP: Thank you very much.

It's very familiar territory, news conferences, because we used to give them on a almost daily basis. I think we probably maybe won the nomination because of news conferences and it's good to be with you.

TRUMP: We stopped giving them because we were getting quite a bit of inaccurate news, but I do have to say that -- and I must say that I want to thank a lot of the news organizations here today because they looked at that nonsense that was released by maybe the intelligence agencies? Who knows, but maybe the intelligence agencies which would be a tremendous blot on their record if they in fact did that. A tremendous blot, because a thing like that should have never been written, it should never have been had and it should certainly never been released.

But I want to thank a lot of the news organizations for some of whom have not treated me very well over the years -- a couple in particular -- and they came out so strongly against that fake news and the fact that it was written about by primarily one group and one television station.

So, I just want to compliment many of the people in the room. I have great respect for the news and great respect for freedom of the press and all of that. But I will tell you, there were some news organizations with all that was just said that were so professional -- so incredibly professional, that I've just gone up a notch as to what I think of you. OK?

All right. We've had some great news over the last couple of weeks. I've been quite active, I guess you could say, in an economic way for the country. A lot of car companies are going to be moving in, we have other companies -- big news is going to be announced over the next couple of weeks about companies that are getting building in the Midwest.

You saw yesterday Fiat Chrysler; big, big factory going to be built in this country as opposed to another country. Ford just announced that they stopped plans for a billion dollar plant in Mexico and they're going to be moving into Michigan and expanding, very substantially, an existing plant.

I appreciate that from Ford. I appreciate it very much from Fiat Chrysler. I hope that General Motors will be following and I think they will be. I think a lot of people will be following. I think a lot of industries are going to be coming back.

We've got to get our drug industry back. Our drug industry has been disastrous. They're leaving left and right. They supply our drugs, but they don't make them here, to a large extent. And the other thing we have to do is create new bidding procedures for the drug industry because they're getting away with murder.

Pharma, pharma has a lot of lobbies and a lot of lobbyists and a lot of power and there's very little bidding on drugs. We're the largest buyer of drugs in the world and yet we don't bid properly and we're going to start bidding and we're going to save billions of dollars over a period of time.

And we're going to do that with a lot of other industries. I'm very much involved with the generals and admirals on the airplane, the F-35, you've been reading about it. And it's way, way behind schedule and many, many billions of dollars over budget. I don't like that. And the admirals have been fantastic, the generals have been fantastic. I've really gotten to know them well. And we're going to do some big things on the F-35 program, and perhaps the F-18 program. And we're going to get those costs way down and we're going to get the plane to be even better. And we're going to have some competition and it's going to be a beautiful thing.

So, we've been very, very much involved, and other things. We had Jack Ma, we had so many incredible people coming here. There are no -- they're going to do tremendous things -- tremendous things in this country. And they're very excited.

And I will say, if the election didn't turn out the way it turned out, they would not be here. They would not be in my office. They would not be in anybody else's office. They'd be building and doing things in other countries. So, there's a great spirit going on right now. A spirit that many people have told me they've never seen before, ever.

We're going to create jobs. I said that I will be the greatest jobs producer that God ever created. And I mean that, I really -- I'm going to work very hard on that. We need certain amounts of other things, including a little bit of luck, but I think we're going to do a real job. And I'm very proud of what we've done.

And we haven't even gotten there yet. I look very much forward to the inauguration. It's going to be a beautiful event. We have great talent, tremendous talent. And we have the -- all of the bands -- or most of the bands are from the different -- from the different segments of the military. And I've heard some of these bands over the years, they're incredible.

We're going to have a very, very elegant day. The 20th is going to be something that will be very, very special; very beautiful. And I think we're going to have massive crowds because we have a movement.

TRUMP: It's a movement like the world has never seen before. It's a movement that a lot of people didn't expect. And even the polls -- although some of them did get it right, but many of them didn't. And that was a beautiful scene on November 8th as those states started to pour in.

And we focused very hard in those states and they really reciprocated. And those states are gonna have a lot of jobs and they're gonna have a lot of security. They're going to have a lot of good news for their veterans.

And by the way, speaking of veterans, I appointed today the head secretary of the Veterans Administration, David Shulkin. And we'll do a news release in a little while. Tell you about David, he's fantastic -- he's fantastic. He will do a truly great job.

One of the commitments I made is that we're gonna straighten out the whole situation for our veterans. Our veterans have been treated horribly. They're waiting in line for 15, 16, 17 days, cases where they go in and they have a minor early-stage form of cancer and they can't see a doctor. By the time they get to the doctor, they're terminal. Not gonna happen, it's not gonna happen.

So, David is going to do a fantastic job. We're going to be talking to a few people also to help David. And we have some of the great hospitals of the world going to align themselves with us on the Veterans Administration, like the Cleveland Clinic, like the Mayo Clinic, a few more than we have. And we're gonna set up a -- a group.

These are hospitals that have been the top of the line, the absolute top of the line. And they're going to get together with their great doctors -- Dr. Toby Cosgrove, as you know from the Cleveland Clinic, has been very involved.

Ike Perlmutter has been very, very involved, one of the great men of business. And we're gonna straighten out the V.A. for our veterans. I've been promising that for a long time and it's something I feel very, very strongly.

So, you'll get the information on David. And I think you'll be very impressed with the job he does. We looked long and hard. We interviewed at least 100 people, some good, some not so good. But we had a lot of talent. And we think this election will be something that will, with time -- with time, straighten it out and straighten it out for good 'cause our veterans have been treated very unfairly.

OK, questions? Yes, John (ph)?

QUESTION: (Inaudible) so much.

TRUMP: Thank you.

QUESTION: Appreciate it.

A couple of aspects of the intelligence briefing that you received on Friday that we're looking for further clarification on.

TRUMP: Sure.

QUESTION: First of all, did the heads of the intelligence agencies provide you with the two-page summary of these unsubstantiated allegations? And secondly to that, on the broader picture, do you accept their opinion that Vladimir Putin ordered the hack of the DNC and the attempted hack of the RNC?

And if you do, how will that color your attempts to build a relationship with a leader who has been accused of committing an act of espionage against the United States?

TRUMP: OK, first of all, these readings as you know are confidential, classified. So, I'm not allowed to talk about what went on in a meeting.

And -- but we had many witnesses in that meeting, many of them with us. And I will say, again, I think it's a disgrace that information would be let out.

I saw the information; I read the information outside of that meeting. It's all fake news. It's phony stuff. It didn't happen. And it was gotten by opponents of ours, as you know, because you reported it and so did many of the other people. It was a group of opponents that got together -- sick people -- and they put that crap together.

So, I will tell you that not within the meeting, but outside of the meeting, somebody released it. It should have never been -- number one, shouldn't have even entered paper. But it should have never have been released. But I read what was released and I think it's a disgrace. I think it's an absolute disgrace.

As far as hacking, I think it was Russia. But I think we also get hacked by other countries and other people. And I -- I can say that you know when -- when we lost 22 million names and everything else that was hacked recently, they didn't make a big deal out of that. That was something that was extraordinary. That was probably China.

We had -- we had much hacking going on. And one of the things we're gonna do, we have some of the greatest computer minds anywhere in the world that we've assembled. You saw just a sample of it two weeks ago up here where we had the six top people in the world -- they were never in the same room together as a group. And we're gonna put those minds together and we're going to form a defense.

TRUMP: And I have to say this also, the Democratic National Committee was totally open to be hacked. They did a very poor job. They could've had hacking defense, which we had.

And I will give Reince Priebus credit, because when Reince saw what was happening in the world and with this country, he went out and went to various firms and ordered a very, very strong hacking defense.

And they tried to hack the Republican National Committee and they were unable to break through.

We have to do that for our country. It's very important.


QUESTION: ... just to the last part of that question (inaudible) how could all of this potentially color your attempts to build a better relationship with President Putin?

TRUMP: Well, you know, President Putin and Russia put out a statement today that this fake news was indeed fake news. They said it totally never happened.

Now, somebody would say, "Oh, of course he's gonna say that."

I respected the fact that he said that.

And I -- I'll be honest, I think if he did have something, they would've released it; they would've been glad to release it.

I think, frankly, had they broken into the Republican National Committee, I think they would've released it just like they did about Hillary and all of the horrible things that her people, like Mr. Podesta, said about her. I mean what he said about her was horrible.

If somebody said about me, what Podesta said about Hillary, I was the boss, I would've fired him immediately or that person. Because what he said about her was horrible.

But remember this: We talk about the hacking and hacking's bad and it shouldn't be done. But look at the things that were hacked, look at what was learned from that hacking.

That Hillary Clinton got the questions to the debate and didn't report it? That's a horrible thing. That's a horrible thing.

Can you imagine that if Donald Trump got the questions to the debate -- it would've been the biggest story in the history of stories. And they would've said immediately, "You have to get out of the race." Nobody even talked about it. It's a very terrible thing.


QUESTION: Can I ask you a question, sir?


QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. President-elect.

On that intelligence report, the second part of their conclusion was that Vladimir Putin ordered it because he aspired to help you in the election.

Do you accept that part of the finding? And will you undo what President Obama did to punish the Russians for this or will you keep it in place?

TRUMP: Well, if -- if Putin likes Donald Trump, I consider that an asset, not a liability, because we have a horrible relationship with Russia. Russia can help us fight ISIS, which, by the way, is, number one, tricky. I mean if you look, this administration created ISIS by leaving at the wrong time. The void was created, ISIS was formed.

If Putin likes Donald Trump, guess what, folks? That's called an asset, not a liability.

Now, I don't know that I'm gonna get along with Vladimir Putin. I hope I do. But there's a good chance I won't. And if I don't, do you honestly believe that Hillary would be tougher on Putin than me? Does anybody in this room really believe that? Give me a break.


(CROSSTALK) QUESTION: ... President Obama... (CROSSTALK) QUESTION: ... make clear whether during your visits to either Moscow or St. Petersburg, you engaged in conduct that you now regret and that a reasonable... (CROSSTALK) QUESTION: Would a reasonable observer say that you are potentially vulnerable to blackmail by Russia or by its intelligence agencies? TRUMP: Lemme just tell you what I do. When I leave our country, I'm a very high-profile person, would you say? I am extremely careful. I'm surrounded by bodyguards. I'm surrounded by people. And I always tell them -- anywhere, but I always tell them if I'm leaving this country, "Be very careful, because in your hotel rooms and no matter where you go, you're gonna probably have cameras." I'm not referring just to Russia, but I would certainly put them in that category. And number one, "I hope you're gonna be good anyway. But in those rooms, you have cameras in the strangest places. Cameras that are so small with modern technology, you can't see them and you won't know. You better be careful, or you'll be watching yourself on nightly television." I tell this to people all the time. I was in Russia years ago, with the Miss Universe contest, which did very well -- Moscow, the Moscow area did very, very well. And I told many people, "Be careful, because you don't wanna see yourself on television. Cameras all over the place." And again, not just Russia, all over. Does anyone really believe that story? I'm also very much of a germaphobe, by the way, believe me. (LAUGHTER) (CROSSTALK) QUESTION: ... how you plan to disentangle yourself from your business. But first, I have to follow-up on some of these Russian remarks. Based on your comments here today, do you believe the hacking was justified? Does Russia have any leverage over you, financial or otherwise? And if not, will you release your tax returns to prove it? TRUMP: So I tweeted out that I have no dealings with Russia. I have no deals that could happen in Russia, because we've stayed away. And I have no loans with Russia. As a real estate developer, I have very, very little debt. I have assets that are -- and now people have found out how big the company is, I have very little debt -- I have very low debt. But I have no loans with Russia at all. And I thought that was important to put out. I certified that. So I have no deals, I have no loans and I have no dealings. We could make deals in Russia very easily if we wanted to, I just don't want to because I think that would be a conflict. So I have no loans, no dealings, and no current pending deals. Now, I have to say one other thing. Over the weekend, I was offered $2 billion to do a deal in Dubai with a very, very, very amazing man, a great, great developer from the Middle East, Hussein Damack, a friend of mine, great guy. And I was offered $2 billion to do a deal in Dubai -- a number of deals and I turned it down. I didn't have to turn it down, because as you know, I have a no-conflict situation because I'm president, which is -- I didn't know about that until about three months ago, but it's a nice thing to have. But I don't want to take advantage of something. I have something that others don't have, Vice President Pence also has it. I don't think he'll need it, I have a feeling he's not going to need it. But I have a no conflict of interest provision as president. It was many, many years old, this is for presidents. Because they don't want presidents getting -- I understand they don't want presidents getting tangled up in minutia; they want a president to run the country. So I could actually run my business, I could actually run my business and run government at the same time. I don't like the way that looks, but I would be able to do that if I wanted to. I would be the only one to be able to do that. You can't do that in any other capacity. But as president, I could run the Trump organization, great, great company, and I could run the company -- the country. I'd do a very good job, but I don't want to do that. Now, all of these papers that you see here -- yes, go ahead. QUESTION: (inaudible) do you believe the hacking was justified? And will you release your tax returns to prove what you're saying about no deals in Russia? TRUMP: I'm not releasing the tax returns because as you know, they're under audit. (CROSSTALK) QUESTION: ... since the '70's has had a required audit from the IRS, the last place to release them, but as president sir... TRUMP: You know, the only one that cares about my tax returns are the reporters, OK? They're the only who ask. QUESTION: You don't think the American public is concerned about it? TRUMP: No I don't think so. I won, when I became president. No, I don't think they care at all. I don't think they care at all. (APPLAUSE) TRUMP: I think you care -- I think you care. First of all, you learn very little to a tax return. What you should go down to federal elections and take a look at the numbers. And actually, people have learned a lot about my company and now they realize, my company is much bigger, much more powerful than they ever thought. We're in many, many countries, and I'm very proud of it. And what I'm going to be doing is my two sons, who are right here, Don and Eric, are going to be running the company. They are going to be running it in a very professional manner. They're not going to discuss it with me. Again, I don't have to do this. They're not going to discuss it with me. And with that, I'm going to bring up Sheri Dillon, and she's going to go -- these papers are just some of the many documents that I've signed turning over complete and total control to my sons. (CROSSTALK) DILLON: Good morning. It's my honor and privilege to be here today at President-elect Trump's request. He's asked me, as you just heard, to speak about the conflicts of interest and the steps he's taking. As you know, the business empire built by President-elect Trump over the years is massive, not dissimilar to the fortunes of Nelson Rockefeller when he became vice president. But at that time, no one was so concerned. President-elect Trump wants the American public to rest assured that all of his efforts are directed to pursuing the people's business and not his own. To that end, as he explained a few moments ago, he directed me and my colleagues at the law firm Morgan Lewis and Bockius to design a structure for his business empire that will completely isolate him from the management of the company. He further instructed that we build in protections that will assure the American people the decisions he makes and the actions that he takes as president are for their benefit and not to support his financial interests. DILLON: As he said, he's voluntarily taking this on. The conflicts of interest laws simply do not apply to the president or the vice president and they are not required to separate themselves from their financial assets. The primary conflicts of interest statutes and some have questioned it, is Section 18 USC 208 and it's simply inapplicable by its terms. And this is not just our interpretation. It's Congress itself who have made this clear in 1989 when it amended Section 18 USC 202 to state that, except as otherwise provided, the terms office and employee in section 208 shall not include the president. Even so, President-elect Trump wants there to be no doubt in the minds of the American public that he is completely isolating himself from his business interests. He instructed us to take all steps realistically possible to make it clear that he is not exploiting the office of the presidency for his personal benefit. He also sought the guidance of individuals who are familiar with and have worked extensively in the fields of government ethics and constitutional law. Critical to the Morgan Lewis team is Fred Fielding, standing here to our side and with us today and many of you have known him. He has served several presidents over the years including serving as counsel to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as well as serving on President George H.W. Bush's Commission on Federal Ethics Law Reform and he also held the position of vice chair of the Ethics Resource Center. Mr. Fielding has been extensively involved with and approved this plan. He's here today to support the plan and he will continue to provide guidance as the plan is implemented and as Eric, Don, along with others, take over management of the Trump organization. I'm gonna detail some of the extraordinary steps now that the president-elect is taking. First, President-elect Trump's investments and business assets commonly known as the -- as the Trump Organization, comprising hundreds of entities which, again, if you all go and take a look at his financial disclosure statement, the pages and pages and pages of entities have all been or will be conveyed to a trust prior to January 20th. Here is just some of the paperwork that's taking care of those actions. Second, through the trust agreement, he has relinquished leadership and management of the Trump Organization to his sons Don and Eric and a longtime Trump executive, Allen Weisselberg. Together, Don, Eric and Allen will have the authority to manage the Trump Organization and will make decisions for the duration of the presidency without any involvement whatsoever by President-elect Trump. Further, at the president-elect's direction, the trust agreement provides -- that to ensure the Trump Organization continues to operate in accordance with the highest and legal ethics standards, an ethics adviser will be appointed to the management team. The written approval of the ethics adviser will be required for new deals, actions, and transactions that could potentially raise ethics or conflicts of interest concerns. President-elect Trump as well as Don, Eric and Allen are committed to ensuring that the activities of the Trump organization are beyond reproach and cannot be perceived to be exploitive of the office of the presidency. President- elect Trump will resign from all officer and other positions he holds with the Trump Organization entities. Further, in addition, his daughter Ivanka will have no further involvement with or management authority whatsoever with the Trump Organization. As she and Jared move their family to D.C., Ivanka will focused on settling her children into their new homes and their new schools. The president-elect has also already disposed of all of his investments in publicly traded or easily liquidated investments. As a result, the trust will have two types of assets; first, it will hold liquid assets. Cash, cash equivalents and treasuries and perhaps some positions in a government approved diversified portfolio, one that is consistent with the regulations from the Office of Government Ethics. Second, the trust is going to hold his preexisting illiquid, but very valuable business assets, the ones that everyone here is familiar with. Trump owned, operated and branded golf clubs, commercial rental property, resorts, hotels, rights to royalties from preexisting licenses of Trump-Marks Productions and Goods. Things like Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, all of his other business assets, 40 Wall Street will all be in the trust. Through instructions in the trust agreement, President-elect trust -- President-elect Trump first ordered that all pending deals be terminated. This impacted more than 30 deals, many of which were set to close by the end of 2016. As you can well imagine, that caused an immediate financial loss of millions of dollars, not just for President-elect Trump, but also for Don, Ivanka and Eric. DILLON: The trust agreement as directed by President Trump imposes severe restrictions on new deals. No new foreign deals will be made whatsoever during the duration of President Trump's presidency. New domestic deals will be allowed, but they will go through a vigorous vetting process. The president-elect will have no role in deciding whether the Trump Organization engages in any new deal and he will only know of a deal if he reads it in the paper or sees it on TV. Because any new deal could -- and I emphasize could -- be perceived as causing a conflict or as exploiting the office of the presidency, new deals must be vetted with the ethics adviser, whose role will be to analyze any potential transactions for conflicts and ethics issues. The ethics adviser will be a recognized expert in the field of government experts. Again, his role will be to scrutinize the new deals and the actions, and any new deal must receive written approval. To further reinforce the wall that we are building between President-elect Trump and the Trump Organization, President-elect Trump has ordered, through his trust agreement, to sharply limit his information rights. Reports will only be available and reflect profit and loss on the company as a whole. There will be no separate business by business accounting. Another step that President-elect Trump has taken is he created a new position at the Trump Organization; the position of chief compliance counsel, whose responsibility will be to ensure that the Trump businesses, again, are operating at the highest levels of integrity and not taking any actions that could be perceived as exploiting the office of the presidency. He has also directed that no communications of the Trump Organization, including social media accounts, will reference or be tied to President-elect Trump's role as president of the United States or the office of the presidency. In sum, all of these actions -- complete relinquishment of management, no foreign deals, ethics adviser approval of deals, sharply limited information rights -- will sever President-elect Trump's presidency from the Trump Organization. Some have asked questions. Why not divest? Why not just sell everything? Form of blind trust. And I'd like to turn to addressing some of those questions now. Selling, first and foremost, would not eliminate possibilities of conflicts of interest. In fact, it would exacerbate them. The Trump brand is key to the value of the Trump Organization's assets. If President-elect Trump sold his brand, he would be entitled to royalties for the use of it, and this would result in the trust retaining an interest in the brand without the ability to assure that it does not exploit the office of the presidency. Further, whatever price was paid would be subject to criticism and scrutiny. Was it too high, is there pay for play, was it too much pay to curry favor with the president-elect. And selling his assets without the rights to the brand would greatly diminish the value of the assets and create a fire sale. President-elect Trump should not be expected to destroy the company he built. This plan offers a suitable alternative to address the concerns of the American people, and selling the entire Trump Organization isn't even feasible. Some people have suggested that the president-elect sell the business to his adult children. This would require massive third-party debt sourced with multiple lenders, whose motives and willingness to participate would be questioned and undoubtedly investigated. And if the president-elect were to finance the sale himself, he would retain the financial interests in the assets that he owns now. Some people have suggested that the Trump -- that President-elect Trump could bundle the assets and turn the Trump Organization into a public company. Anyone who has ever gone through this extraordinarily cumbersome and complicated process knows that it is a non-starter. It is not realistic and it would be inappropriate for the Trump Organization. Some people have suggested a blind trust, but you cannot have a totally blind trust with operating businesses. President Trump can't unknow he owns Trump Tower and the press will make sure that any new developments at the Trump Organization are well publicized. DILLON: Further, it would be impossible to find an institutional trustee that would be competent to run the Trump Organization. The approach that he is taking allows Don and Eric to preserve this great company and its iconic assets. And this approach is best from a conflicts and ethics perspective. It creates a complete separation from President-elect Trump -- it separates him and prevents him from participating in the business and poses strict limits on what the trustees can do and requires the assent of any ethics adviser to a new deal. I'm going to turn to one last topic today that has been of interest lately called emoluments. That's a word I think we've all become familiar with and perhaps had not heard before. And we're gonna describe some other actions that President- elect Trump is taking to avoid even the appearance of a conflict. Emoluments comes from the Constitution. The Constitution says "officials may not accept gifts, titles of nobility, or emoluments from foreign governments with respect to their office, and that no benefit should be derived by holding in office." The so-called Emoluments Clause has never been interpreted, however, to apply to fair value exchanges that have absolutely nothing to do with an office holder. No one would have thought when the Constitution was written that paying your hotel bill was an emolument. Instead, it would have been thought of as a value-for-value exchange; not a gift, not a title, and not an emolument. But since President-elect Trump has been elected, some people want to define emoluments to cover routine business transactions like paying for hotel rooms. They suggest that the Constitution prohibits the businesses from even arm's- length transactions that the president-elect has absolutely nothing to do with and isn't even aware of. These people are wrong. This is not what the Constitution says. Paying for a hotel room is not a gift or a present and it has nothing to do with an office. It's not an emolument. The Constitution does not require President-elect Trump to do anything here. But, just like with conflicts of interests, he wants to do more than what the Constitution requires. So, President-elect Trump has decided, and we are announcing today, that he is going to voluntarily donate all profits from foreign government payments made to his hotel to the United States Treasury. This way, it is the American people who will profit. In sum, I and president-elect's (sic) other advisers at Morgan Lewis have determined the approach we've outlined today will avoid potential conflicts of interests or concerns regarding exploitation of the office of the presidency without imposing unnecessary and unreasonable loses on the president-elect and his family. We believe this structure and these steps will serve to accomplish the president-elect's desire to be isolated from his business interests and give the American people confidence that his sole business and interest is in making America great again, bringing back jobs to this country, securing our borders and rebuilding our infrastructure. The American people were well -- well aware of President- elect Trump's business empire and financial interests when they voted. Many people voted for him precisely because of his business success. President-elect Trump wants to bring this success to all Americans. Thank you. (APPLAUSE) (CROSSTALK) DILLON: You're welcome. My pleasure. Yes (ph). Don't want to lose your note. Thank you. TRUMP: Thank you very much. Here you go, you (ph). DILLON: Thank you. QUESTION: Mr. Trump? Thank you. Mr. Trump, (inaudible) from America News. What is your response to your critics that say not only you, but also your Cabinet is filled with conflicts of interest? And do you plan to set an example in the future to make sure that your -- your Cabinet and everyone throughout your administration... (CROSSTALK) TRUMP: I -- I really think that when you watch what's going on with what's happening in -- I was just watching, as an example, Rex Tillerson. I think it's brilliant what he's doing and what he's saying. I watched yesterday, as you know, our great senator, who is going to be a great attorney general. And he was brilliant. And what people don't know is that he was a great prosecutor and attorney general in Alabama. And he was brilliant yesterday. So, I really think that they are -- I think we have one of the great Cabinets ever put together. And we've been hearing that from so many people. People are so happy. You know, in the case of Rex, he ran incredibly Exxon Mobil. When there was a find, he would get it. When they needed something, he would be there. A friend of mine who's very, very substantial in the oil business, Harold Hamm -- big supporter -- he said there's nobody in the business like Rex Tillerson. And that's what we want. That's what I want to bring to government. I want to bring the greatest people into government, because we're way behind. We don't make good deals any more. I say it all the time in speeches. We don't make good deals anymore; we make bad deals. Our trade deals are a disaster. TRUMP: We have hundreds of billions of dollars of losses on a yearly basis -- hundreds of billions with China on trade and trade imbalance, with Japan, with Mexico, with just about everybody. We don't make good deals anymore. So we need people that are smart, we need people that are successful and they got successful because generally speaking, they're smart. And that's what I'd put, I'm very proud of the Cabinet, I think they're doing very well. It's very interesting how it's going, but it's -- I think they're doing very, very well. (CROSSTALK) QUESTION: ... a quick follow-up on -- on Russia, sir. QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. President-elect. I wanted to ask a few questions on Obamacare? TRUMP: Yeah. QUESTION: Can you be specific on what guidance you're giving congressional Republicans on the timeline for repeal and replace, whether it needs to be simultaneous or... (CROSSTALK) TRUMP: Finally, Obamacare, I thought it was never gonna be asked. QUESTION: (OFF-MIKE) though if you have outlined a plan for what you want the replace package to look like, would it guarantee coverage for those who have gotten health insurance through the current Obamacare law? TRUMP: You're gonna be very, very proud, as not only the media and reporters, you're gonna be very proud of what we put forth having to do with health care. Obamacare is a complete and total disaster. They can say what they want, they can guide you anyway they wanna guide you. In some cases, they guide you incorrectly. In most cases, you realize what's happened, it's imploding as we sit. Some states have over a hundred percent increase and '17 and I said this two years ago, '17 is going to be the bad year. It's going to be catastrophic. Frankly, we could sit back and it was a thought from a political standpoint, but it wouldn't be fair to the people. We could sit back and wait and watch and criticize and we could be a Chuck Schumer and sit back and criticize it and people would come, they would come, begging to us please, we have to do something about Obamacare. We don't wanna own it, we don't wanna own it politically. They own it right now. So the easiest thing would be to let it implode in '17 and believe me, we'd get pretty much whatever we wanted, but it would take a long time. We're going to be submitting, as soon as our secretary's approved, almost simultaneously, shortly thereafter, a plan. It'll be repeal and replace. It will be essentially, simultaneously. It will be various segments, you understand, but will most likely be on the same day or the same week, but probably, the same day, could be the same hour. So we're gonna do repeal and replace, very complicated stuff. And we're gonna get a health bill passed, we're gonna get health care taken care of in this country. You have deductibles that are so high, that after people go broke paying their premiums which are going through the roof, the health care can't even be used by them because their deductibles bills are so high. Obamacare is the Democrats problem. We are gonna take the problem off the shelves for them. We're doing them a tremendous service by doing it. We could sit back and let them hang with it. We are doing the Democrats a great service. So as soon as our secretary is approved and gets into the office, we'll be filing a plan. And it was actually, pretty accurately reported today, The New York Times. And the plan will be repeal and replace Obamacare. We're going to have a health care that is far less expensive and far better. OK. (CROSSTALK) QUESTION: President-elect, can we just ask you -- sir, sir... QUESTION: President-elect Trump... (CROSSTALK) QUESTION: Mr. President -- which one? TRUMP: I was going right here. (CROSSTALK) QUESTION: President-elect Trump, Jon Steinberg (ph) from Cheddar. When you look at all the meetings that you've had with Carrier, SoftBank and Alibaba, do you conceive of making this a program, maybe sitting inside of commerce? And then my follow-up question to that, is how soon will we see the program on capital repatriation and corporate tax cuts? TRUMP: Well, if I can save jobs, for instance I was doing individual companies and people said well, that's only one company, like we did a good job with Carrier. And I wanna thank United Technologies which owns Carrier, but we saved close to a thousand jobs. And they were gone and Mike Pence and his staff really helped us, a lot. But those were -- that was a tough one because they announced a year and a half before that they were leaving so it's always tough when they're building a plan, just a little tougher than before they start or before they make an announcement. TRUMP: So I wanna thank United Technologies. But we've been meeting with a lot of companies. But what really is happening, is the word is now out, that when you want to move your plant to Mexico or some other place, and you want to fire all of your workers from Michigan and Ohio and all these places that I won, for good reason, it's not going to happen that way anymore. You want to move your plant and you think, as an example, you're going to build that plant in Mexico and you're going to make your air conditioners or your cars or whatever you're making, and you're going to sell it through what will be a very, very strong border -- not a weak border like it is -- we don't even have a border. It's an open sieve. But you're going to sell through a very strong border -- not going to happen. You're going to pay a very large border tax. So if you want to move to another country and if you want to fire all of our great American workers that got you there in the first place, you can move from Michigan to Tennessee and to North Carolina and South Carolina. You can move from South Carolina back to Michigan. You can do anywhere -- you've got a lot of states at play; a lot of competition. So it's not like, oh, gee, I'm taking the competition away. You've got a lot of places you can move. And I don't care, as along as it's within the United States, the borders of the United States. There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you'd have millions more workers right now in the United States that are -- 96 million really wanting a job and they can't get. You know that story. The real number -- that's the real number. So, that's the way it is. OK. Go ahead. QUESTION: President-elect, I have a question about the Supreme Court and border security. But I also wanted to ask you about something you said on Twitter this morning. Are we living in Nazi Germany? What were you driving at there? Do you have a problem with the intelligence community? And on the Supreme Court, what's your timeline? You said a while ago you were down to four. Have you conducted those interviews yet? What's your timeline for nominating? And on the border fence, it now appears clear U.S. taxpayers will have to pay for it up front. What is your plan to... TRUMP: That's not clear at all. OK. (CROSSTALK) QUESTION: ... to get Mexico to pay for it? TRUMP: I've got it. Do you have any more? (LAUGHTER) On the fence -- it's not a fence. It's a wall. You just misreported it. We're going to build a wall. I could wait about a year-and-a-half until we finish our negotiations with Mexico, which will start immediately after we get to office, but I don't want to wait. Mike Pence is leading an effort to get final approvals through various agencies and through Congress for the wall to begin. I don't feel like waiting a year or a year-and-a-half. We're going to start building. Mexico in some form, and there are many different forms, will reimburse us and they will reimburse us for the cost of the wall. That will happen, whether it's a tax or whether it's a payment -- probably less likely that it's a payment. But it will happen. So, remember this, OK? I would say we are going to build a wall and people would go crazy. I would then say, who is going to pay for the wall? And people would all scream out -- 25,000, 30,000 people, because nobody has ever had crowds like Trump has had. You know that. You don't like to report that, but that's OK. OK, now he agrees. Finally, he agrees. But I say who is going to pay for the wall? And they will scream out, "Mexico." Now, reports went out last week -- oh, Mexico is not going to pay for the wall because of a reimbursement. What's the difference? I want to get the wall started. I don't want to wait a year-and-a-half until I make my deal with Mexico. And we probably will have a deal sooner than that. And by the way, Mexico has been so nice, so nice. I respect the government of Mexico. I respect the people of Mexico. I love the people of Mexico. I have many people from Mexico working for me. They're phenomenal people. The government of Mexico is terrific. I don't blame them for what's happened. I don't blame them for taking advantage of the United States. I wish our politicians were so smart. Mexico has taken advantage of the United States. I don't blame the representatives and various presidents, et cetera, of Mexico. What I say is we shouldn't have allowed that to happen. It's not going to happen anymore. So, in order to get the wall started, Mexico will pay for the wall, but it will be reimbursed. OK? Supreme Court judge. So, as you know, I have a list of 20. I've gone through them. We've met with numerous candidates. They're outstanding in every case. They were largely recommended and highly recommended by Federalist Society. Jim DeMint was also very much involved, and his group, which is fantastic, and he's a fantastic guy. TRUMP: So between Leo and Jim DeMint and some senators and some congresspeople, we have a great group of people. I'll be making the decision on who we will put up for justice of the United States Supreme Court, a replacement for the great, great Justice Scalia. That will be probably within two weeks of the 20th. So within about two weeks, probably the second week. I consider the first day because we'll also be doing some -- some pretty good signings and I think what we'll do is we'll wait until Monday. That will be our really first business day as opposed to doing it on Friday, because on Friday, people are going to have a very good time at the inauguration, and then Saturday, as you know, we're having a big church service and lots of good things are happening. So our first day -- and you'll all be invited to the signings, but we'll be doing some pretty good signings on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday, and then also the next week. And you're all invited. But on the Supreme Court, I'll be making that decision, and it will be a decision which I very strongly believe in. I think it's one of the reasons I got elected. I think the people of this country did not want to see what was happening with the Supreme Court, so I think it was a very, very big decision as to why I was elected. QUESTION: The tweet that you had this morning about are we living in Nazi Germany, what were you driving at there? What are you trying to tell the American public? TRUMP: I think it was disgraceful -- disgraceful that the intelligence agencies allowed any information that turned out to be so false and fake out. I think it's a disgrace, and I say that -- and I say that, and that's something that Nazi Germany would have done and did do. I think it's a disgrace that information that was false and fake and never happened got released to the public. As far as Buzzfeed, which is a failing pile of garbage, writing it, I think they're going to suffer the consequences. They already are. And as far as CNN going out of their way to build it up -- and by the way, we just found out I was coming down. Michael Cohen -- I was being -- Michael Cohen is a very talented lawyer. He's a good lawyer in my firm. It was just reported that it wasn't this Michael Cohen they we're talking about. So all night long it's Michael Cohen. I said, "I want to see your passport." He brings his passport to my office. I say, hey, wait a minute. He didn't leave the country. He wasn't out of the country. They had Michael Cohen of the Trump Organization was in Prague. It turned out to be a different Michael Cohen. It's a disgrace what took place. It's a disgrace and I think they ought to apologize to start with Michael Cohen. QUESTION: Since you're attacking us, can you give us a question? Mr. President-elect -- TRUMP: Go ahead. QUESTION: Mr. President-elect, since you are attacking our news organization... TRUMP: Not you. QUESTION: Can you give us a chance? TRUMP: Your organization is terrible. QUESTION: You are attacking our news organization, can you give us a chance to ask a question, sir? Sir, can you... TRUMP: Quiet. QUESTION: Mr. President-elect, can you say... TRUMP: He's asking a question, don't be rude. Don't be rude. QUESTION: Can you give us a question since you're attacking us? Can you give us a question? TRUMP: Don't be rude. No, I'm not going to give you a question. I'm not going to give you a question. QUESTION: Can you state... TRUMP: You are fake news. Go ahead. QUESTION: Sir, can you state categorically that nobody -- no, Mr. President-elect, that's not appropriate. TRUMP: Go ahead. (APPLAUSE) QUESTION: Do you think President Obama went too far with the sanctions he put on Russia after the hacking? TRUMP: I don't think he went too far. No. QUESTION: Will you roll them back? What do you think of Lindsey Graham's plan to send you a bill for... TRUMP: Plans to send me a bill for what? QUESTION: Tougher sanctions. TRUMP: I hadn't heard Lindsey Graham was going to do that. Lindsey Graham. I've been competing with him for a long time. He is going to crack that one percent barrier one day. I didn't realize Lindsey Graham is still at it. That's all right. I think Lindsey Graham is a nice guy. I've heard that he is a nice guy and I've been hearing it. Go ahead. Go ahead. You've been waiting. QUESTION: As far as we understand, the intelligence community... TRUMP: Stand up. QUESTION: From BBC news. Ian Pannell from BBC news. TRUMP: BBC news. That's another beauty. QUESTION: Thank you. Thank you. As far as we understand it, the intelligence community are still looking at these allegations, this false news, as you describe it. If they come back with any kind of conclusion that any of it stands up, that any of it is true, will you consider your position... TRUMP: There's nothing they could come back with. QUESTION: Can you... TRUMP: Go ahead. QUESTION: (inaudible) published fake news and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here? TRUMP: Well, I don't recommend reforms. I recommend people that are -- that have some moral compass. You know, I've been hearing more and more about a thing called fake news and they're talking about people that go and say all sorts of things. But I will tell you, some of the media outlets that I deal with are fake news more so than anybody. I could name them, but I won't bother, but you have a few sitting right in front of us. They're very, very dishonest people, but I think it's just something we're going to have to live with. TRUMP: I guess the advantage I have is that I can speak back. When it happens to somebody that doesn't have this -- doesn't have that kind of a megaphone, they can't speak back. It's a very sad thing. I've seen people destroyed. I've seen people absolutely destroyed. And I think it's very unfair. So, all I can ask for is honest reporters. Yes? (CROSSTALK) QUESTION: I just wanted to follow up on the questions about the U.S. intelligence community. And be very clear about what you're saying. Do you trust your U.S. intelligence officials? And what do you say to foreign policy experts who say you're actually weakening national security by waging this war of words against that community? TRUMP: Intelligence agencies are vital and very, very important. We are going to be putting in, as you know, Mr. Pompeo and others, you know the Senator Dan Coats. We're going to be putting in some outstanding people. Within 90 days, they're going to be coming back to me with a major report on hacking. I want them to cover this situation. I also want them, however, to cover, maybe most importantly -- because we're hacked by everybody -- you know, the United States, our government out of a list of 17 in terms of industries is the worst, it's number 17, in terms of protection. If you look at the retail industry, if you look at the banking industry, various industries, out of 17 industries -- they put this in the category of an industry -- the United States is last in terms of protecting, let's say, hacking defense. Like we had a great hacking defense at the Republican National Committee. That's why we weren't hacked. By the way, we were told that they were trying to hack us, but they weren't able to hack. And I think I get some credit because I told Reince, and Reince did a phenomenal job, but I said I want strong hacking defense. The Democratic National Committee didn't do that. Maybe that's why the country runs so badly that way. But I will tell you -- wait -- wait -- wait, let me finish. Within 90 days, we will be coming up with a major report on hacking defense, how do we stop this new phenomena -- fairly new phenomena because the United States is hacked by everybody. That includes Russia and China and everybody -- everybody. OK. (CROSSTALK) TRUMP: Go ahead -- go ahead. QUESTION: Mr. President-elect, you said, just now, that you believe Russia indeed was responsible for the hacking of the DNC and Jon Podesta's e-mails, et cetera. TRUMP: All right, but you know what, it could have been others also. QUESTION: But why did you spend weeks undermining U.S. intelligence community before simply getting the facts and then making a public statement? TRUMP: Well, I think it's pretty sad when intelligence reports get leaked out to the press. I think it's pretty sad. First of all, it's illegal. You know, these are -- these are classified and certified meetings and reports. I'll tell you what does happen. I have many meetings with intelligence. And every time I meet, people are reading about it. Somebody's leaking it out. So, there's -- maybe it's my office. Maybe in my office because I have a lot of people, a lot of great people. Maybe it's them. And what I did is I said I won't tell anybody. I'm going to have a meeting and I won't tell anybody about my meeting with intelligence.

And what happened is I had my meeting. Nobody knew, not even Rhona, my executive assistant for years, she didn't know -- I didn't tell her. Nobody knew. The meeting was had, the meeting was over, they left. And immediately the word got out that I had a meeting.

So, I don't want that -- I don't want that. It's very unfair to the country. It's very unfair to our country; what's happened. That report should have never -- first of all, it shouldn't have been printed because it's not worth the paper it's written on. And I thank the New York Times for saying that.

I thank a lot of different people for saying that. But, I will tell you, that should never, ever happen. OK.


QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. President-elect, can you stand here today, once and for all and say that no one connected to you or your campaign had any contact with Russia leading up to or during the presidential campaign. And if you do indeed believe that Russia was behind the hacking, what is your message to Vladimir Putin right now?

TRUMP: He shouldn't be doing it. He won't be doing it. Russia will have much greater respect for our country when I'm leading than when other people have led it. You will see that. Russia will respect our country more. He shouldn't have done it. I don't believe that he will be doing it more now.

We have to work something out, but it's not just Russia. Take a look at what's happened. You don't report it the same way; 22 million accounts were hacked in this country by China. And that's because we have no defense. That's because we're run by people that don't know what they're doing.

TRUMP: Russia will have far greater respect for our country when I'm leading it and I believe and I hope -- maybe it won't happen, it's possible. But I won't be giving (ph) a little reset button like Hillary. Here, press this piece of plastic. A guy looked at her like what is she doing? There's no reset button. We're either going to get along or we're not. I hope we get along, but if we don't, that's possible too.

But Russia and other countries -- and other countries, including China, which has taken total advantage of us economically, totally advantage of us in the South China Sea by building their massive fortress, total. Russia, China, Japan, Mexico, all countries will respect us far more, far more than they do under past administrations.

I want to thank everybody. So this is all -- just so you understand, these papers -- because I'm not sure that was explained properly. But these papers are all just a piece of the many, many companies that are being put into trust to be run by my two sons that I hope at the end of eight years, I'll come back and say, oh, you did a good job. Otherwise, if they do a bad job, I'll say, "You're fired."

Good-bye, everybody. Good-bye.

1-11-2017 Wednesday; CIA, FBI intelligence report says that Russia had "salacious - scandalous" information; Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospital, Smog Birth defects and childhood cancers by the millions from 1980 to 2017.

1-11-2017 Wednesday; Distracted Driving in a gas engine Ford; Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospital, Smog Birth defects and childhood cancers by the millions from 1980 to 2017.

1-11-2017 Wednesday; 1980 to 2017 "salacious - scandalous" Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era. Spin off from this would be the Ford Gravity Engine Escort.


1-11-2017 Wednesday; NYC Pedestrian deaths reported in the NY Times today, which accounted for the largest share of fatalities, increased last year to 144. Saint Jude Childrens hospital were 10,440 I would guess. The New York Times could publish the deaths at Saint Jude Childrens hospital. Number of deaths from breast cancer at Dr. Susan Love's Hospital were in the 10's of thousands last year. NY Times has "salacious - scandalous" information statistics!

1-11-2017 Wednesday; salacious - scandalous can refer to something morally offensive, or even illegal, although it's used often simply to mean "shocking". It describes something that has potential to cause a scandal, which comes from the Greek skandalon, "a trap laid for an enemy." "a trap laid for an enemy." This idea of a trap, snare is a great metaphor for our Habitat for Humanity building wood homes not titanium, gas engines not gravity engines which could have been invented by 2017 if the Ford ElectricWindmillEsoct was invented in 1980.

1-11-2017 Wednesday; Key West Jimmy Weekley in a "salacious - scandalous" Disney Pixar movie with a opening scene of a trillion scooters up + down Duval Key West - Slopy Joe and Capt. Tony drunks cheering with spray painted black clouds of scooter exhaust. Year and years go by in this Disney Pixar Movie in the Window of Crazy Shirt display. "Smelly" scooter exhaust. Today is "salacious" scooter exhaust. Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospital, Smog Birth defects and childhood cancers by the millions from 1980 to 2017.

1-11-2017 Wednesday; Key West salacious - scandalous "To Have Have Not" Hemingway House Writing Classes today - there are none under our Old City Hall or New City Hall or Citizen Newspaper. This is salacious - scandalous!

1-11-2017 Wednesday; Legal Polygamous Marriage executive orders by Trump.

1-11-2017 Wednesday; Legal Polygamous Marriage executive orders by Trump.

1-11-2017 Wednesday; In Obama's farewell speech he did swear at God to "Show" himself. Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens Hospital, Smog Birth defects! Obama's farewell to the gas engine Ford 8 years ago would have saved millions of children from Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens Hospital. Today's NY Times Editorial: "Some Republicans Try to Head Off a Health Care Calamity" Editors at the Times just wrote Yale Medical School in New Haven failed to prevent 1,001 Hospital acquired infections the last 3 years and failed to prevent bed sores the last 3 years. "Heads Off" to this Health Care Calamity of MD's and Nurses spreading infections from room to room from patient to patient Not Following Orders other Hospitals did and pass! And not turning over people to stop bed sores is the real Calamity in health care and at the Times. Op-Ed Contributors HAROLD POLLACK and TIMOTHY S. JOST "Vague promises are not enough when we are considering enormous changes in our $3 trillion medical economy." "Criminal Minds" $777 Trillion Oil Revenues. "Criminal Minds" iHospital Cops for "Hand Washing" at Yale New Haven Medical School is the only way Yale New Haven Med School will pass this Hospital Infection test this year. Who are the patients infected by which Doctors if no iHospital Cops are not hired? Deadly encounters between police and black citizens in recent years have led to a vigorous debate across the U.S. over police conduct and methods. Burned cops rushed to Yale New Haven Medical School to the Burn Unit get acquired Hospital Infections in the burns. Debate about infection control failure at Yale New Haven on the front page of the Times is Void.


1-11-2017 Wednesday; Volkswagen Gets New Protection on Obama’s Way Out, Set to Plead Guilty and to Pay U.S. $4.3 Billion in Deal for "Diesel" exhaust birth defects and childhood cancers $$$.

1-11-2017 Wednesday; Volkswagen Gets New bill for "Diesel" exhaust under Trump. Plead Guilty and to Pay U.S. $430 Trillion in Deal on Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospital, Smog Birth defects and childhood cancers by the millions from 1980 to 2017.

1-11-2017 Wednesday; Gasoline-powered carts have improved garbage collection in Central Park, but they are noisy and smelly. A squadron of electric vehicles is coming to rescue. By DAVID W. DUNLAP at the Times is not coming to the rescue of Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospital, Smog Birth defects and childhood cancers from "smelly" gasoline carts. Can you believe David wrote in the New York Times "Smelly" gasoline carts and didn't write up DNA mutations in millions of kids from "Smelly" gasoline carts!!


1-11-2017 Wednesday; Kennedy Transcended "salacious - scandalous" Caroline Kennedy Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospital, Smog Birth defects and childhood cancers Transcended. Mary Kennedy Hanging in the Kennedy Barn all these years Caroline was in Japan. Memory of Teddy Kennedy driving off the bridge drunk with Mary Jo. Driving by the fiery wrecks, so many even in Japan.

1-11-2017 Wednesday; A Bumblebee Gets New Protection on Obama’s Way Out - There is only 1 way out into the 2 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens in our Universe. iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Apple-Starbucks at Trump Towers iMacBook Pro at every cafe table, 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out - everyone win's every spelling bee with the Rx Recipe for Memory. Crunched by Dr. Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer II out of 4 Trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets. iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Vaccines in the drinking water!

1-11-2017 Wednesday; Robert Kennedy Jr. gets new protection under Trump for hanging Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn. Robert Kennedy Jr. the Anti-Vaccine Activist Says Trump Wants Him to Lead Panel on Immunization Safety - "I bought the Judge" The Judge didn't think Mary Kennedy would be hanging in the Kennedy Barn over this sale, bribe so he might confess.


1-11-2017 Wednesday; Statue of a sailor kissing a nurse on V-J Day. "IP Invention Projects" dramatic “Embracing Peace” sculpture by American artist Seward Johnson was installed Tuesday in front of the Key West Custom House Museum on Front Street. The 25-foot, 15,000-pound iconic sculpture replaces another Johnson sculpture, “Time for Fun” at the entrance to the museum.

1-11-2017 Wednesday; Statue of a sailor kissing a nurse on Stage 4 Rx Recipe Miracle Cure Day"

1-11-2017 Wednesday; Statue of a sailor kissing a nurse on Stage 4 Rx Recipe Miracle Cure Day"

1-11-2017 Wednesday; Statue of a sailor kissing a nurse on Stage 4 Rx Recipe Miracle Cure Day"

1-11-2017 Wednesday; 1980 40K women died from Stage 4, every year from 1980 to 2017. 40K women died from Stage 4 in 1980. Statue of a sailor kissing a nurse on V-J Day. Ivanka's trillion jolts for inspiration of a Rx Recipe Miracle Cure for Stage 4 is a spin off of Trump Era. iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars!

1-10-2017 Tuesday; In Obama's farewell speech tonight he will swear at God.

1-10-2017 Tuesday; Mile 0 is Key West. God just invented 2 Trillion Galaxies and hid gravity in the Top Quark!

1-10-2017 Tuesday; 33 four-star generals and admirals, pleaded with the president-elect Trump to drop plans to reinstate torture... Torture of Stage 4 and not knowing the Jewish Aliens at the nearest 33 Stars is true torture!

1-10-2017 Tuesday; NY Times Op-ed Contributor "A Plea for Fifth Avenue Traffic around Trump Tower is a mess, but there’s a fix: Turn the street into a pedestrian plaza." By JANETTE SADIK-KHAN Janette's article is under the Texas Childrens Hospital ad in the Times. Janette doesn't have a Plea for 500 kids with birth defects and childhood cancers from Traffic exhaust on Fifth Avenue. Is this a war crime, you bet ya Sarah Palin would say!!

1-10-2017 Tuesday; Women’s March on Washington Opens Contentious Dialogues About Race for the Stage 4 Rx Recipe + 8 years of Dr. Susan Love putting a needle into her nipple to cure breast cancer and all the women died... scam like Bush telling the 9/11 clean up workers not to wear a mask. Now we have Jenna Bush Hager, NBC's “Today” show instead of the fired Dr. Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer II brainstorming 4 Trillion Rx Recipes for Stage 4. Who will Trump fire on Jan. 21... FARAH STOCKMAN at the Failed NY Times will be fired for sure, Ha. Study Casts More Doubt on Value of Mammograms. WebMD - Owned by CBS never ever cast doubt in a news article about Dr. Susan Love sticking a needle in her breast to cure breast cancer for the last 8 years but knew about this scam. A War Crime by WebMD.

1-10-2017 Tuesday; God has become the biggest threat to Obama's "Lifestyle" with 2 Trillion Galaxies and $777 Trillion in BP + Texas Oil Money $$$.

1-10-2017 Tuesday; God has also become the biggest threat to Mandy Miles at the Citizen Newspaper and Jimmy Weekley at the New "George Orwell City Hall."


1-10-2017 Tuesday; Farewell to Obama smog-hit DNA only a white intellectual MD PhD at Yale-Harvard could win a Nobel in Medicine writing in the New England Journal of Medicine Obama's Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens Hospital statistics, childrens DNA diagnosis all linked to Obama's greed for $777 Trillion in BP + Texas Oil Revenues.

1-10-2017 Tuesday; The smog hit Chinese capital of Beijing will establish a police force to deal specifically with environmental offenses as part of its efforts to clean up its air and crack down on persistent polluters.


1-10-2017 Tuesday; Jimmy Weekley will establish a "Intellectual Force" to write a Disney Pixar movie with a opening scene of a trillion scooters riding down Duval Key West - all Slopy Joe and Capt. Tony drunks cheering with spray painted black clouds of scooter exhaust. Year and years go by in this Disney Pixar Movie in the Window of Crazy Shirt display.

1-10-2017 Tuesday; Disney Pixar movie with... a genome is divided into thousands of “neighborhoods,” or TADs, Fracturing these partitions can have deadly consequences. Disney inside information of this "Smog" can have deadly consequences in war crimes... too. By NATALIE ANGIER NY Times.

1-10-2017 Tuesday; Back in China the smog police will crack down on open air barbecues, garbage incineration. Back in Key West Jimmy Weekley will get sticker shock at cost of the New Garbage Trucks with built in incinerators hot as the core of the Sun, well almost the FTC is not going to stop ad but will stop the ATT + Time merger after the CIA No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op is successful.

1-10-2017 Tuesday; Back in Key West the "Intellectual Police" are brainstorming and writing a the Hemingway House Writing Class a novel for 1 invention to make obsolete the Comcast Cable box and remote.


1-10-2017 Tuesday; Back at Apple-Starbucks Trump Tower Ivanka's husband Jared Kushner is to work on issues involving Israel. He will fire the Military Generals and replace them with the "Chase + BOA Generals" to win back $777 Trillion dollars the Military Generals gave Mecca and Allah under Obama, Hahahahaha $$.

1-10-2017 Tuesday; FBI under the Clean Air Act, which is a ACT by our 1984 II Dictators and the New York Times editors, they failed to win a Oscar but did get $777 Trillion dollars. Sham arrest of the VW guy who flew into Miami yesterday and drove by a fiery cop car and several gas station hold ups on the way to the Miami FBI HQ.


1-10-2017 Tuesday; Stupid Generals; General Duterte, President Duterte. Names a million drug dealers in the Philippines but no Swiss Bank account numbers and passwords, hell Putin could leak these on the internet in one day! A million drug dealers Swiss Bank account number and passwords, someone should tell General Duterte this is a better way. Oh by the way he just stopped to get gas...


1-10-2017 Tuesday; JFK Medical School Airports get the attention of white intellectual MD PhD at Yale-Harvard could win a Nobel in Medicine writing in the New England Journal of Medicine. And win a Nobel in literature writing a JFK Airport Medical School Novel at the Hemingway House Writing Class.

1-10-2017 Tuesday; Madonna was chosen to be the cover girl for the 150th-anniversary issue of Harper's Bazaar. Bazaar lifestyle vs Dr. Madonna MD will be a Medical article in the New England Journal of Medicine when the Yale Key West Medical School professors write this first in a Hemingway House Writing Class Novel then in the Medical Journal article with all the Medical terms... Ha. January 10, 2006: Steve Jobs unveils the original 15-inch MacBook Pro, Apple's thinnest, fastest and lightest laptop yet. New England Journal of Medicine should have written a medical journal article on Steve Jobs... soon.


1-10-2017 Tuesday; Mandy Miles at the Citizen Newspaper armed with a Degree in Marine Science + Biology at the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District at the Public Health Department in Key West. This gets the attention of white intellectual MD PhD at Yale-Harvard could win a Nobel in Medicine writing in the New England Journal of Medicine. Brainstorming in this medical literature article 1 invention by Greg + Wife's in Key West that could rid the world of Mosquitos. Key West Mosquitos has 70 full time employees while Greg has a few Wife's, grin. One of the biggest things Mandy Miles writes they do is "empty any standing water" there are no city mosquito invention brainstorming articles by Mandy Miles. Oh they have a web page. keysmosquito.org No invention projects with 1 click Amazon this is only for Mandy Miles shopping on Amazon not inventing the end to Mosquito purchases. Hahahahaha. Screw worms found on mainland; BY TIMOTHY O'HARA Citizen Staff tohara@keysnews.com How many times has Mandy Miles found someone with Syphilis, STD's, HIV, Hepatitis... and not reported it to the Health Department in Key West? Is this a crime? NY Times reporters would never get out of jail if it is... Hahahaha. New World screw worms have made their way to mainland Florida despite significant efforts to keep them contained in the Florida Keys. Federal and state departments of agriculture confirmed Friday that screw worms were found in Homestead, Florida Department of Agriculture. No news on STD's.


1-10-2017 Tuesday; Westin Hotel is changing its name to Margaritaville Key West Resorts... I like "Yale Key West Medical School", grin! What will the Medical School Professors write in Tip Advisor about Margaritas... Ocean Properties Ltd. & Affiliates and Margaritaville Holdings, LLC today announced that the Westin Resort and Marina located at 245 Front Street in the iconic U.S. paradise, Key West, will be rebranded as Margaritaville Key West Resort and Marina. The AAA Four Diamond waterfront resort will begin operating under the Margaritaville flag later this month.

1-10-2017 Tuesday; Margaritaville Flag - can anyone design a "Yale Key West Medical School Flag...


1-10-2017 Tuesday; Women’s March on Washington Opens Contentious Dialogues About Race for the Stage 4 Rx Recipe + 8 years of Dr. Susan Love putting a needle into her nipple to cure breast cancer and all the women died... scam like Bush telling the 9/11 clean up workers not to wear a mask. Now we have Jenna Bush Hager, NBC's “Today” show instead of the fired Dr. Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer II brainstorming 4 Trillion Rx Recipes for Stage 4. Who will Trump fire on Jan. 21... FARAH STOCKMAN at the Failed NY Times will be fired for sure, Ha.

1-10-2017 Tuesday; Streep vs. Trump for America - Meryl Streep at the Golden Globes ceremony on Sunday. Americans have been duped by a showman. But to unseat him, liberals must reckon with how they lost sight of their country. How could Meryl Streep let Dr. Susan Love stick a needle in her nipple for 8 years to a million women tell them this will cure your breast cancer after Dr. Susan Love meet Greg 7 years ago?

1-10-2017 Tuesday; The 115th U.S. Congress was sworn in on Jan. 3 and includes 15 physicians among the ranks. NY Times is at Mile 0 MD's. City of Key West also Mile 0 MD's. At the New George Orwell MD City Hall. British MD's as King and Queen all these centuries would make a good Science Fiction Movie for HBO.

1-10-2017 Tuesday;

1-10-2017 Tuesday;


1-9-2017 Monday's Women’s March on Washington was not initiated by any national organization but sprang from an individual expression of outrage at the politics that Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence represent;

1-9-2017 Next Monday's Women’s March on Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospital, Smog Birth defects and childhood cancers by the millions from 1980 to 2017.

1-9-2017 Monday; 1984 II Dictators with $777 Trillion in Cash on the tables huddled in a video conference room at Apple-Starbucks Trump Towers, grin $$$ All waiting to be arrested for Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospital. Jimmy Carters great-grandchildren with cancers and birth defects from DNA diesel gas exhaust! Smog!


1-9-2017 Monday; Cuomo College Tuition Plan Stands to Help Students Make ‘the Last Mile’ Mile 0 Inventions. Mile 0 is Key West. 0 inventions is Como's Plan. New York Times front page writes - For the thousands of students who could benefit from Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s proposal, even a few hundred dollars would make a difference - $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues Cuomo + the Times censored out of the "Test" will kill everyone on Earth!

1-9-2017 Monday; Cuomo Is Expected to Confirm Deal to Close Indian Point Nuclear Plant - iPod Size GE Electric Generator fueled by H @ -254 C will close every Nuclear Plant World Wide!!


1-9-2017 Monday; Apple removes app that let you find your AirPods and $777 Trillion in Cash, Hahahahahaha At Trump Towers hidden in 1,001 IP invention projects taken off the Internet by Apple.

1-9-2017 Monday; Trump Says He’s Not Surprised by Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes Speech about Stage 4... Oh Meryl Streep's Golden Globes Speech was not about Stage 4 but Trump. Hillary Lover is what Trump called Meryl Streep. Trump is a Lover of Women, God's best invention who are in a desperate Times with Stage 4. Dr Susan Love the last 8 years of Hillary has put a needle into her nipple to cure Stage 4 and all the women died. Scam of Tech Support in India makes headlines not this Scam. Blasio administration’s Renewal program for low-performing schools... $777 Trillion in Cash is in front of Blasio + Cuomo in this conference call. 4 Trillion Rx Recipes all Trade Secrets are what Greg + Wife's in Key West have on the Table. Secret Recipe Surprise by Meryl Streep’s is for Girl Scout cookies in Beverly Hills. All the Girls will die of Stage 4 after eating Meryl Streep’s cookies.


1-9-2017 Monday; Como's gasoline + diesel trucks are on their last miles... 4 Die in Jerusalem Attack as Palestinian Rams Truck Into Soldiers

1-9-2017 Monday; Cuomo Tuition Plan Stands to help Palestinian Ram Trucks Into Soldiers

1-9-2017 Monday; 1984 II Dictators with $777 Trillion in Cash on the tables huddled in a video conference room at Apple-Starbucks Trump Towers, grin $$$

1-9-2017 Monday; "$777 Trillion in cash Fast Response Cutter" Coast Guard Fast Response Cutters in Key West stand to respond to Palestinians who Ram Trucks Into Soldiers 1,001 Extreme Version of Post-9/11. Jenna Bush Hager, NBC's “Today” show correspondent who host - 17 Saudi Citizens who fly 747 into the World Trade Center Towers as everything is fueled by $777 Trillion in Texas Oil Revenues 1980 - 2017. Bush and NBC failure to Host... "No Gas Stations On Earth" CIA Coup Op that will end College Tuition and Pay Students more than the West Point Cadets make today. $777 Trillion is a lot of money and today all $777 Trillion belongs to BP Oil Men! Palestinian Trucks are fueled by gasoline + diesel + $777 Trillion BP Oil has in Swiss Banks, French Banks too. Coast Guard - Fast Response Cutters in Key West is already home to six of the new 154-foot Fast Response Cutters and two more could be headed to Key West. $777 Trillion Fast Response Cutters would sink the Key West Navy and Coast Guard with Greg + Wife's in Key West Plan to Help Habitat for Humanity Make 1,001 Light Year Recipes for a iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Gravity Engine + live streaming video of Jewish Alien "$777 Trillion in cash Fast Response Cutter" would convert all 8 of these Coast Guard new 154-foot Fast Response Cutters into Yale Medical Schools with the Med Students making more than West Point Cadets today. Cheney is the last mile! New statistics will give us more heart transplants than purple hearts. New 154-foot Fast Response Cutters are $777 Trillion in Cash $$$. Key West Citizens will be richer than the Citizens of Mecca. This is what the new 154-foot Fast Response Coast Guard Cutters will give to Key West $$$. Mile 0 in Key West connotation today is 0 $ in Mecca.


1-9-2017 Monday; JERUSALEM - Israeli police stepped up security measures in Arab neighborhoods in east Jerusalem on Monday, searching trucks and arresting relatives of the Palestinian truck driver who rammed his vehicle into a crowd of Israeli soldiers at a Jerusalem. Israeli police stepped up $$$ $777 Trillion payments to Mecca! No Israeli police didn't think to STOP $777 Trillion in payments to Mecca!

1-9-2017 Monday; Israel:Cabinet orders IDF to raze home of Jerusalem terrorist $777 Trillion in Mecca will buy them new fast response Titanium Homes with $777 Trillion


1-9-2017 Monday; Cuomo Tuition Plan Stands to Help Students Make ‘the Last Mile’ to the Apple-Starbucks at Trump Towers iMacBook Pro's at every Cafe table 24/7 with Genius Tecks and 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos Oppenheimer II 1,001 check off list of IP inventions projects. Along with a Hemingway House Writing Class. Key West $$$. Mile 0 in Key West connotation today is 0 $ in Mecca.

1-9-2017 Monday; 1984 II Dictators with $777 Trillion in Cash on the tables huddled in a video conference room at Apple-Starbucks Trump Towers, grin $$$


1-9-2017 Monday; Sink the Navy Hospital Ship Mercy before it gets to Key West - UnitedHealth Group, one of the largest and most diversified health insurance companies in the United States, said on Monday that it planned to buy Surgical Care Affiliates, a chain of outpatient surgery centers, for about $2.3 billion. $2.4 Billion Dollar Plans by United Health to Sink the Navy Hospital Ship Mercy before it gets to Key West and Yale Med School gets to Plains Georgia.

1-9-2017 Monday; Jimmy Weekley's sanctuary City Code iBody Cam GPS ex-cons + iPhone 007 ++ Bar Cams in Green Parrot. A Key West woman was shoved out of a moving pickup after accepting a ride from a man at the Green Parrot bar in 2013. By Gwen Filosa gfilosa@keynoter.com A Florida Keys judge sent an ex-convict back to prison for 20 years as punishment for shoving a Key West woman out of his truck in 2013 and running over her. Kevin Ray Jones, 53, pleaded guilty to felony battery and robbery rather than risk trial on attempted murder for the attack that left a woman partially paralyzed. Judge Wayne Miller gave Jones the maximum time allowed, given a sentencing range of 12 to 20 years in prison under the plea deal. Stephanie Evans, who was 31 when she accepted Jones’ offer of a ride home on a rainy night from the Green Parrot bar, 601 Whitehead St., on Nov. 16, 2013, attended the court hearing in a wheelchair. Her Statue will not replace the Tiger at the New George Orwell City Hall Jimmy Weekley said in court. 19K women were shoved under a moving pick up truck in the USA besides the Palestinians who Ram Trucks Into Soldiers. 8 new Coast Guard Cutters in Key West will not stop one from getting run over in 2017... waste of Coast Guard money for Cutters that can't cut in front of the 19K trucks running over women in the USA in 2017.


1-9-2017 Monday's Editorial in the New York Times. Suicide by Mary Kennedy, how many thousands of Mary Kennedy or 10,000 in 2017 was not a oversight by the Editors but orders from the Elite Robert Kennedy Jr. and of course Caroline Kennedy's standing orders to the Editors at the Times. So they wrote up... "The Hidden Gun Epidemic: Suicides" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD The connection between suicide and easy access to firearms needs to be addressed. Mary Kennedy will be addressed by the Editors at the Times!


1-9-2017 Monday's Womans March on the NY Times... High school students in Boise, Idaho, helping to organize a march there in conjunction with the one planned for Washington. The Women’s March on Washington is the first national demonstration in response to the election of Donald J. Trump. But already it has been criticized as a feel-good initiative, lacking focus and inclusiveness. Is this march truly a useful endeavor? Is there a better way for women to raise their concerns about a Trump administration?

1-9-2017 Monday's Women’s March on Washington was not initiated by any national organization but sprang from an individual expression of outrage at the politics that Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence represent;

1-9-2017 Next Monday's Women’s March on Concentration Camp Atrocities - Saint Jude Childrens hospital, Smog Birth defects and childhood cancers by the millions from 1980 to 2017.


1-9-2017 Monday; 19K not 9 will be killed in 2017 and the Judge has misgiving! Roof, convicted of killing nine churchgoers, finds the testimony from families of his victims excessive, and even the judge has misgivings. By KEVIN SACK and ALAN BLINDER NY Times misgivings is a failed to save her life, same NY Times journalists Kevin and Alan drive by fiery cop car wrecks and SUV's without stopping to write a article about the 1980 Ford ElectticWindmillEscort with an iPhone 007 ++ Dash Cam and iCop that watches the drivers so they can not push her out of the truck and run her over... giving her a ride home in the rain from the Green Parrot Bar in Key West. A Bar "run" by Jimmy Weekley. "To Have Have Not" iBar Cams iDash Cams iExCon Cams and GPS.

1-9-2017 Monday; 'Oil $$$ Oil $$$ Land Mecca' - ‘La La Land’ Dominates With a Record 7 Golden Globe Awards. The film earned best-actor awards for Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. It also won best musical or comedy. “Moonlight” Sunlight that can burn its H in a way to shine for 4 Trillion more years. 800 Times the age of the Universe will win eventually, Grin!


1-9-2017 Monday; Crime Scene "Safes Are Safe, Except for Two on New Year’s Eve" By MICHAEL WILSON Burglars breached two safes at a jeweler’s office on West 36th Street in Manhattan. How they did it raises important questions for investigators and the safe industry - Motion Detection Industry - lights come on as you bike up and down the streets in Key West from Motion Detection lights but there are no motion detection in a NYC jeweler’s office on West 36th Street in Manhattan.


1-9-2017 Monday; Raynaud’s phenomenon. First described in 1862 by a French medical student named Maurice Raynaud, it is characterized by highly localized cold-induced spasms of small blood vessels that disrupt blood flow to the extremities, most often the fingers and toes and sometimes also the tips of the ears and nose. What I'm looking for is banging your head on the window 100 times setting up your corner jewelry story in Key West. "I have a bump" from banging my head so many times she said smiling. I told her you should be more careful now that Greg will get $777 Trillion in 2017. She smiled again... nice! In a recent review of the disorder in The New England Journal of Medicine, two professors at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Dr. Fredrick M. Wigley and Nicholas A. Flavahan reported that Raynaud’s affects between 3 percent and 5 percent of the general population. Bumping your head on the window must affects between 3 percent and 5 percent of the general population.

iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Society!



1-8-2017 Sunday; Madagascar We're Desperate for iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Gravity Engine Happy Ending to "Cinderella Ivanka MD..." Disney Pixar Movie + Barbie MD Dolls diagnosis Story Time with Rx Recipes. barbie.mattel.com/shop Mattel Pick Out The Barbie® Doll Discover + Invent the best selection for Barbie Doll Ivanka MD. Art of Diagnosis in an iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society with 1 Click links to Los Alamos. Dr. Lisa Sanders speaks as Ivanka the Barbie Doll MD Dr. Cinderella Diagnosis better than Siri, Hahahahah.

1-8-2017 Sunday; Madagascar We're Desperate - Paris Agreement with God on Gas Exhaust. Edge of the Universe were 2 Trillion Galaxies meet the infinity of empty space Paris intellectuals burned with French Oil. Boundaries of satire. Ridicule of Texas + Russian Oil men, exhausting all laws on Earth and in the Heavens! What Disney "Cinderella MD" says about Yale New Haven failure to pass hospital infection control the last 3 years because they refused to obey the checkoff list. List of 1,001 IP invention projects the last 3 years has not been published in the NY Times or made into a Pixar Disney movie "Invention Projects 1,001". Morale in the "Oil Men's" Universe of 2 Trillion barrels of oil not 2 Trillion Galaxies! Void of all Morals. War Crimes of $777 Trillion in oil revenues and gas station hold ups in the Bronx $$$.

1-8-2017 Sunday; Madagascar We're Desperate for iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Gravity Engine Happy Ending to "Cinderella Ivanka MD..." Disney Pixar Movie + Barbie MD Dolls diagnosis Story Time with Rx Recipes.


1-8-2017 Sunday; Finally clockwise from top left, Ivanka Trump catches a ride to our New Universe of 2 Trillion Galaxies and live streaming video invention Jewish Aliens from the dark matter and microwave background. Jared Kushner, chased Ivanka and married her, shock + awe of this seduction must be made into a Pixar Disney Cinderella MD movie. Chemistry with trillion jolts of Ivanka's Inspiration. God's best invention, Ivanka. Exhibition splendor of Ivanka and 2 trillion Galaxies in the Mirror + Charmed Quarks Anatomy. Ivanka MD. Time Bomb is Heaven + Hell diagnosis. Can Los Alamos and Ivanka Oppenheimer be pointed to the Universe and the Sun Rise of 2 Trillion Galaxies - the new Hubble II space telescope Trains! With 100 cars of Los Alamos; Rising Universe with so many Rising Sun's that can burn their H for 4 trillion more years, 500 times the age of the Universe. Shock and awe of this diagnosis must be right or everyone on Earth will die reading the NY Times. Void of the New Universe as the front page picture. Ivanka is the front page picture of Todays Times. God's best invention but the Editors at the Times censored this under her picture.


1-8-2017 Sunday; Madagascar We're Desperate for iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Gravity Engine Happy Ending to "Cinderella Ivanka MD..." Disney Pixar Movie + Barbie MD Dolls diagnosis Story Time with Rx Recipes.

1-8-2017 Sunday; Evolution should have killed off OJ and OJ Clones centuries ago.

1-8-2017 Sunday; Disney's SeaWorld Tilikum, the Killer Whale Dies - Tilikum, the Killer Whale Featured in ‘Blackfish,’ Dies. Evolution should have killed off OJ and OJ Clones centuries ago. So this leaves it to "Invention" to kill off all OJ's and OJ Clones from the "HumanSeaSociety" Sharks and Saints movie by Pixar Disney. Blackfish movie by Disney is unknown to most people. We have to look it up on the internet. "HumanSeaSociety" Sharks and Saints movie by Pixar Disney opens with OJ at the crime scene, Robert Kennedy Jr. looking at Mary Kennedy hanging in the Kennedy barn. Failure at Disney will get everyone on Earth killed so Disney has to reinvent it's movies like "Cinderella MD".


1-8-2017 Sunday; Madagascar We're Desperate for iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Gravity Engine Happy Ending to "Cinderella Ivanka MD..." Disney Pixar Movie + Barbie MD Dolls diagnosis Story Time with Rx Recipes.

1-8-2017 Sunday; Disney Revisiting Concentration Camp Atrocities at Saint Jude Childrens hospital reading up on the spray painted black clouds of diesel on Duval Key West in Jimmy Carter great-grandchildren's DNA. Madagascar We're Desperate - Paris Elite oil men in 1980 when they hear about the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort made a deal with Mecca + Allah for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. None of these Elite French Men could have gotten into Yale Key West Medical School. Biden, Kerry, McCain... Jimmy Carter signed the Paris Oil Revenue Treaty, Jimmy Carter got the Nobel Peace Prize out of the Deal as he was President when the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort was invented. 1 Billion will die from diesel exhaust! Before the air is cleaned enough to breath without causing DNA mutations.


1-8-2017 Sunday; Madagascar We're Desperate for iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Gravity Engine Happy Ending to "Cinderella Ivanka MD..." Disney Pixar Movie + Barbie MD Dolls diagnosis Story Time with Rx Recipes.

1-8-2017 Sunday; United States Open tennis finals with the art collector Dasha Zhukova, wife of the Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, a member of President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle.

1-8-2017 Sunday; Inner Circle of We're Desperate as Madagascar is the New Concentration Camp Atrocities at Saint Jude Childrens hospital. Yale New Haven failed Hospital infection control and preventing bed sores the last 3 years. Now picture and patient record of childhood cancers and birth defects linked to DNA will make the front page of the Times! Madagascar We're Desperate!


1-8-2017 Sunday; Madagascar We're Desperate! Esteban Santiago, the suspect in the deadly attack at the Fort Lauderdale airport, had the police called to his home repeatedly for domestic disturbance calls and was kicked out of the National Guard.

1-8-2017 Sunday; Madagascar We're Desperate! 1,001 Esteban Santiago, police called to his home repeatedly for domestic disturbance calls, find the wife dead! 1,001 times and these dead wives were all censored from the NY Times! The Baghdad War that killed more wife's than troops. This will be a editorial in the Times when No Gas Stations Coup Op by the CIA is successful. iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek.


1-8-2017 Sunday; Madagascar We're Desperate for iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Gravity Engine Happy Ending to "Cinderella Ivanka MD..." Disney Pixar Movie + Barbie MD Dolls diagnosis Story Time with Rx Recipes.

1-8-2017 Sunday; "Inside a Killer Drug Epidemic: America’s Opioid Crisis" The opioid epidemic killed more than 33,000 people. 333,000 Stage 4 women died a tortured death because the NY Times Failure. Now if Ivanka dies of Stage 4 all these 333,000 Stage 4 dead will be front page in the NY Times. Catalysis 101 at Yale Key West Medical School class will also be the title of a Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel.

1-8-2017 Sunday; Madagascar We're Desperate for iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Gravity Engine Happy Ending to "Cinderella Ivanka MD..." Disney Pixar Movie + Barbie MD Dolls diagnosis Story Time with Rx Recipes.


1-8-2017 Sunday; Spelling Bee with everyone a winner, Everyone spells every word correct for hours and hours in a iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek. Girl Scout named Ivanka got the Rx Recipe for memory right.

1-8-2017 Sunday; Health Well section at the NY Times. Failure!! As diet Aid not Sleep is the Madagascar We're Desperate! : Is the Sleep Aid Melatonin Safe for Children and Adults? diet Aid Safe for Children and Adults not Sleep is the Madagascar We're Desperate!

1-8-2017 Sunday; Madagascar We're Desperate for iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Gravity Engine Happy Ending to "Cinderella Ivanka MD..." Disney Pixar Movie + Barbie MD Dolls diagnosis Story Time with Rx Recipes.


1-8-2017 Sunday;

1-8-2017 Sunday;

1-8-2017 Sunday; Madagascar We're Desperate for iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Gravity Engine Happy Ending to "Cinderella Ivanka MD..." Disney Pixar Movie + Barbie MD Dolls.

1-8-2017 Sunday;

1-7-2017 Saturday; "Smog of Wounded Warrior" Soldier Ride will now end today! 1 Billion dead just in China from "Smog"!

1-7-2017 Saturday; "No Gas Stations On Earth" Coup Op via Wounded Warriors Whistle Blowers! $$$.

1-7-2017 Saturday; "Smog of Wounded Warrior" Soldier Ride will now end today! 1 Billion dead just in China by the time the air is clean enough to breath without giving Jimmy Carters great-grandchildren cancers and birth defect just from Chinese Smog blowing in to Plains! A War Crime!

1-7-2017 Saturday; This is the worst case scenario!! "Smog" The annual wounded combat veteran bicycle ride. Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride will now end today at BP Oil City Hall in Key West. BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com

1-7-2017 Saturday; "Smog of Wounded Warrior" Soldier Ride will now end today at BP Oil City Hall, "Smog City".


Trump will save Ivanka from the torture of a stage 4 death so many died the last 8 years of Obama. Hate Crime... O.J. Simpson's confession to killing his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman in 1994, Obama confessed to killing 1 million women with Stage 4 Breast Cancer for the Glory of War in Baghdad and $300 million a week in BP Oil Revenues $$$. An appeal of a denied building permit for the Yale Key West Medical School, 155 Story Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure...

The 62nd International Debutante Ball at the Pierre Hotel in New York. This year’s ball featured 46 young women “of distinction” from the United States and abroad who were “introduced” to society. The evening, which began with a receiving line, culminated with each debutante presented in the Grand Ballroom, accompanied by a male escort in white tie and tails as she took a bow. Dancing into the Yale Key West Medical School followed. Checklists for 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year in their purse, grin $$$.

Link I Had to make my current index a smaller file New Years 2016 to Thanksgiving 2016 here

1-7-2017 Saturday; "Smog of Wounded Warrior" Soldier Ride will now end today! 1 Billion dead just in China from "Smog"!

1-7-2017 Saturday; "No Gas Stations On Earth" Coup Op via Wounded Warriors Whistle Blowers! $$$.

1-7-2017 Saturday; "Smog of Wounded Warrior" Soldier Ride will now end today! 1 Billion dead just in China by the time the air is clean enough to breath without giving Jimmy Carters great-grandchildren cancers and birth defect just from Chinese Smog blowing in to Plains! A War Crime!

1-7-2017 Saturday; This is the worst case scenario!! "Smog" The annual wounded combat veteran bicycle ride. Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride will now end today at BP Oil City Hall in Key West. BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com

1-7-2017 Saturday; "Smog of Wounded Warrior" Soldier Ride will now end today at BP Oil City Hall, "Smog City".


1-7-2017 Saturday; Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant to Close by 2021

1-7-2017 Saturday; 1 invention; iPod size GE electric generator fueled via H @ -254 C will close every Nuclear Power Plant World Wide before 2021.

1-7-2017 Saturday; 1 Rx Recipe Miracle Overnight Cure for Stage 4 will move all the Nukes off the Los Alamos Assembly line into storage and put Los Alamos in War Mobilization to save the presidents daughter Ivanka life...


1-7-2017 Saturday; Ivanka ‘Comfort Woman’ Statue besides the "Tiger" at the Key West City Hall after the Coup Cure, Coup OP to get a Cure for Stage 4 and Smog of Childhood cancers!

1-7-2017 Saturday; Ivanka will reply to the Editors tomorrow. Editorial: "No Closure on the ‘Comfort Women’" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ the New York Times Today, Page after page in this NY Times editorial and nothing is written about Sex Slaves Bush pimped to King and Prince Salman in Mecca. Ivanka knows well the sex slaves in Saudi Arabia, well as Caroline Kennedy.

1-7-2017 Saturday; Trump’s Dangerous Anti-C.I.A. Crusade !

1-7-2017 Saturday; Dangerous is "No Gas Stations On Earth" Coup Op by the CIA that confiscates, hacks, $777 Trillion in BP Oil revenues!

1-7-2017 Saturday; Crusade that will "End Mecca Forever!" this is Trump’s Dangerous $$$ -C.I.A. Crusade !


1-7-2017 Saturday; Soldiers Mutiny over "Smog" murdering of Jimmy Carters great-grandchildren and the Top Brass flying in $777 Trillion in Cash to Mecca $$$.

1-7-2017 Saturday; Japan calls Ambassador Caroline Kennedy to Protest ‘Comfort Woman’

1-7-2017 Saturday; Caroline Kennedy calls Trump, swindle of War on Cancer via BP Oil War for $777 Trillion, $300 million a week just from Baghdad Oil sales.

1-7-2017 Saturday; Failure of the NY Times will get everyone on Earth killed. "Airport Assailant May Have Heard Voices Urging Violence, Officials Say" By LIZETTE ALVAREZ, RICHARD FAUSSET and ADAM - Failure of the NY Times will get everyone on Earth killed. No known motive for the crime when other news reported the Vet got into a argument on the flight to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. In 2010, he deployed to Balad, Iraq, with the 130th Engineer Battalion, which spent a year clearing roads of improvised explosives and maintaining bridges; did he hear from other troops about the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort in Balad, Iraq?


1-7-2017 Saturday; ERIK FYRWALD Chief Executive, Syngenta Basel, Switzerland The article tries to link the herbicide paraquat, used for half a century, with Parkinson’s disease. Greg + wife's in Key West when freed from out POW status will use our 1 click Amazon link to Los Alamos to crunch the Syngenta herbicide paraquat, yes it will be crunched for the Stage 4 Rx Recipe at Los Alamos too. 4 Trillion Recipes will be crunched. Every Recipe for everything on Earth, at Syngenta and every company, then Erik will write to the Times about Greg + Wife's in Key West crunching trade secrets recipes to find a Rx Recipe cure for Stage 4. So much for Erik's letter to the Times with nothing about Stage 4 in it. chemical formula [(C6H7N)2]Cl2. Paraquat is an oxidant that interferes with electron transfer, a process that is common to all life. Addition of one electron gives the radical. Crunch one electron in each and every one of 4 trillion chemical formulas! Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc and Sanofi SA said on Thursday they would appeal the U.S. District Court ruling which banned the two companies from selling their cholesterol drug, Praluent, on grounds of patent infringement. Hell when Los Alamos get all of these trade secret Rx. Recipes Trump will have to invent a way to save Ivnaka's life from trade secret laws that have killed millions of Ivanka's since 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.

1-7-2017 Saturday; Dr. George in the Times should have mentioned MS. Of the 19 patients Dr. George has seen, 18 have been women, he said. Autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are more common in women than in men — no one knows why — and the quinine reactions fit that pattern. Women exposed to quinine, so they have to avoid it for life. Even a minute amount can trigger a life-threatening reaction. MS is a death sentence! Blood tests confirmed the allergy to quinine. The quinine molecule can wedge itself into the antibodies, and maybe also the target tissue, altering them in a way that tremendously increases the tendency of the antibodies to harm the blood vessels. The damaged vessels set off a cascade of destructive bleeding and clotting. Some of those reactions, Dr. George said, “just go crazy and hit organs right and left and kill the kidneys.” Dr. George said that since 1995 he has seen 18 other cases of quinine allergy, a few from tonic but more often from quinine pills, which some people take to treat leg cramps that wake them up at night. Quinine is a popular remedy for treating leg cramps. I took these leg cramp pills with "Quinine" in large letters on the package for decades. I wonder what was going on in my Autoimmune reaction different from Women exposed to quinine. Dr. George should have written this up. Quinine, used for hundreds of years to treat malaria, is a well known cause of platelet and bleeding problems and other side effects. This use in malaria is one reason I had no thoughts about taking it for leg cramps, Charley horses! I had one CH last night and the night before, which caused me to think of all the past CH cramps. Caused from biking 3 or more hours a day for months and months. Ms. Mendez spent two weeks in the hospital, and several months on dialysis because the Doctors sent her home instead of doing a check list and getting the correct diagnosis. She couldn't pee. Her kidneys shut down. The Doctors knew this yet No one ever connected it to quinine yet they had to have studied this in Med School for the Malaria test. Vodka and tonic side effects for the rest of her life. Dr. George, a hematologist and professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, was the only MD of 100's who got the diagnosis right.

1-7-2017 Saturday; iPhone 007 ++ Dash cam will change driving your car like no other Ford accessory ever offered. 10 ways the iPhone changed everything. 2007, Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled a device that went on to change the world -- a $499 iPhone that came with 4GB of storage. iPhone 007 ++ Dash cam will change driving 1,001 ways!

1-7-2017 Saturday; ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - Britain says it has ended millions of dollars in funding for an Ethiopian girl band, amid growing criticism at home of overseas aid. From United Kingdom: UK scraps foreign aid for Ethiopia's Yegna after Mail revealed waste of taxpayers' money. Daily Mail London. iPhone 007 ++ Dash cam will change Ethiopia + London driving to the iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Society.

1-7-2017 Saturday; Detroit family is demanding answers after their 9-year-old daughter died within hours of having a tonsillectomy — the third most common childhood procedure, with 530,000 operations performed per year.

1-7-2017 Saturday; 530,000 operations performed per year tonsillectomy and the Key West City Hall was built by BP Oil instead of Greg + Wife's in Key West building the Yale Key West Medical School. Hell the Navy Hospital Ship Mercy has been mothballed most of 2916 and will be again in 2017 unless someone reading this web can change the "Orders".

1-7-2017 Saturday;

1-7-2017 Saturday;


1-6-2017 Friday; This is the worst case scenario!! "Smog" call centers in India at Microsoft HQ. Breathalyzer Can Diagnose 17 Diseases With Just One Puff From A Driver in a 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.

1-6-2017 Friday; iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Society!

1-6-2017 Friday; Yale New Haven Failed... to enforce safety checklists and implement 1,001 IP invention projects list with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos. Yale New Haven Hospital's worst disaster us more Purple Hearts than Heart Transplants and letting Cheney cut in front of the Heart Transplant lines with no live streaming video of his Heart Transplant surgery on Facebook or YouTube on orders from our 1984 II Dictator! Censored Heart Transplant surgery of Cheney, Why? Steve Jobs live streaming videos of the Doctors trying to save his life... failure. Also Censored, why? How movies like Disney Pixar "Cinderellas MD" will give us a iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Era. Cinderella will share her Rx Recipes for a better memory and Stage 4 cure with the Disney movie goer's who will go home and cook up these recipes for the World of Disney!

1-6-2017 Friday; iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Society!

1-6-2017 Friday; Hate Crime BBC Satires! Can a Satire of ISIS Possibly Be Funny? BBC Viewers Are Split" By DAN BILEFSKY “The Real Housewives of ISIS,” a sketch on the BBC Two show “Revolting,” spurred a debate on the boundaries of satire. BBC satire of Greg's MS patient on her death bed telling me over and over "How could he give me such a terrible disease!"

1-6-2017 Friday; Yale New Haven Hospital infections given to patients BBC satire with live streaming video. Boundaries of satire.

1-6-2017 Friday; iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Society!

1-6-2017 Friday; Hate Crime... Boundaries of Biden + Kerry live streaming video when they visit Yale New Haven brainstorming 1,001 IP invention projects. Apple-Starbucks Yale Hew Haven with iMacBook Pro's at every cafe table... Hell, realizing they would not have gotten into Yale Medical School.

1-6-2017 Friday; Hate Crime... Biden + Kerry Failed Yale in these worst case scenario list that will get everyone on earth killed before we travel to even one Jewish Alien Planet or invent one Jewish Alien streaming video hack, Ha... Or hack a Rx Recipe Cure for stage 4.

1-6-2017 Friday; Yale New Haven Hospital Failed the last 30 years... ‘I Thought I Was Impervious to "Smog". India’s Phone Swindlers - worst case scenario selling the world 1 billion gas engine cars since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElecttricWindmillEscort. This is the worst case scenario!! "Smog" in China. Top Quark MD's have failed to implement a safety checklists for "Smog" Syphilis, HIV, STD's, MS, Robert Kennedy killing Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn! Gas Station hold up's in Miami.

1-6-2017 Friday; iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Society!


1-6-2017 Friday; 1 invention can make obsolete 1 million Police Body Cameras - iPhone 007

iPhone 007 Dash Cam's, iTraffic Tickets, iCop talks to you driving about your driving... in essence, presidential inauguration is about something bigger than Donald J. Trump... iPhone 007 Dash Cam's, iParking, iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Society.

"With Rise of Body Cameras, New Tests of Transparency and Trust" "Police departments are dropping a new technology into the middle of a complicated reality between officers and citizens, hoping it will heal public trust." By BRENT McDONALD and HILLARY BACHELDER

1 invention made 1 million GE wind turbines obsolete too.

1-6-2017 Friday; iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Society!


1-6-2017 Friday; This is the worst case scenario!!

1-6-2017 Friday; JFK International Medical School @ the Airports.com!

1-6-2017 Friday; This is the worst case scenario!!

1-6-2017 Friday; Yale Key West Medical School @ The Key West George Orwell City Hall


1-6-2017 Friday; Hate Crime... O.J. Simpson's confession to killing his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman in 1994

1-6-2017 Friday; Hate Crime... Threats of Generals in Pakistan + North Korea to launch ICBM's they have on the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort assembly lines today...

1-6-2017 Friday; Hate Crime... Falling asleep driving home from Yale Campus in New Haven.


1-6-2017 Friday; Hate Crime... "Smog in China" Call center swindlers from the Auto Nation called China, ‘I Thought I Was Impervious to Scams’: Readers Denounce India’s Phone Swindlers - worst case scenario that will get everyone on earth killed by "Smog" calls from China. ‘I Thought I Was Impervious to "Smog". After buying 1 Billion gas engine smog cars China leaders say they though they were impervious to smog, a false story a Hillary lie we know all to well.

1-6-2017 Friday; Hate Crime... "Smog in China" Call center MD $$$ swindlers get paid for selling you the gas engine Ford and treating your Smog Cancer. By KAROLINE KAN China’s toxic air has drawn attention to a Chinese surgeon’s poem that takes the viewpoint of a hungry lung cancer reveling in the “delicious mist and haze.” Worst case scenario the NY Times in China wrote up a MD surgeon's poem on Smog and Cancer.

1-6-2017 Friday; Duval Key West on the Front Page of the NY Times, picture of Spray Painted Black Clouds of Diesel from a Trillion Scooters - Pixar + NY Times Video.

1-6-2017 Friday; iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Society!

1-6-2017 Friday; Yale New Haven Failed... to implement safety checklists and 1,001 IP invention projects in Medicine. 1,001 IP have been up on this web for years and Yale reads this web every day yet they the Top Quark MD's have failed to implement a safety checklist for OJ Murders and 1,001 IP invention projects list for SWF MD's.

1-6-2017 Friday; Failure at the New York Times will Kill Everyone On Earth: Front Page implement safety checklists and 1,001 IP invention projects list, in Medicine. New York Times Today: New York Today: The Science of Our Snowflakes not Dr. OJ MD diagnostic trail and error until he gets it right or gives the patient to another MD to diagnose. Yes this belongs on the front page of Today's New York Times. Patients are being murdered. Yale New Haven Hospital was fined money no one from the FBI arrested Dr. OJ MD for a bed sore in her hip so deep you could see her hip bone in the 1 inch dominator hole! A war crime by the FBI.


1-6-2017 Friday; Beheading attire and sexy suicide vests, Satire of ISIS wives stirs anger ... SATIRE of...

1-6-2017 Friday; Yale New Haven Failed; Yale New Haven hospital having too many patients who acquired preventable infections and injuries while hospitalized.

1-6-2017 Friday; Yale New Haven Failed; Yale New Haven lowest-performing hospitals where a relatively high number of patients got infections from hysterectomies, colon surgeries, urinary tract catheters and central line tubes. It also takes into account patients who suffered from blood clots, bed sores or falls while hospitalized


1-6-2017 Friday; Yale New Haven Failed; methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium difficile were spread passed by Caroline Kennedy but didn't really pass.

1-6-2017 Friday; Yale New Haven Failed also failed... St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford, and Vatican.

1-6-2017 Friday; Yale New Haven Failed; Yale hospitals have been penalized in all three of the years since the program launched


1-6-2017 Friday; iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Society!

1-6-2017 Friday; There are nine hospitals that have never been penalized that had low or no numbers of patients got infections from hysterectomies, colon surgeries, urinary tract catheters and central line tubes. It also takes into account patients who suffered from blood clots, bed sores or falls while hospitalized.

1-6-2017 Friday; iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Society!

1-6-2017 Friday; There are nine hospitals that have never been penalized under this program, including Griffin Hospital in Derby, Milford Hospital, and St. Vincent’s Medical Center in Bridgeport. An official at least one of those hospitals attributed its good track record to improved safety measures. “When we do have an issue, we drill it down and try to figure out what happened, and what we can do to prevent it from happening again,” said Kathleen Martin, vice president of patient safety and care improvement at Griffin. Lisa Freeman, executive director of the Connecticut Center for Patient Safety, said hospitals are making strides in some areas, thanks in large part to “high-reliability” standards - such as double-checking dosages before administering medications, taking “timeouts” during surgeries to make sure procedures are being correctly, and implementing safety checklists.

1-5-2017 Thursday; One of two things could result from the political deal mediated by Roman Catholic bishops, and announced New Year’s Eve... Women are God's best invention! Ivanka's Inspiration can Inspire Men to invent a Rx Recipe to cure, save her from a tortured death, Stage 4.

1-5-2017 Thursday; There is every reason to be skeptical that even Dad Trump can put a stop to Biden's murders of Son's + Daughters from the Cancer of Warriors he is in love with, Cheers of the Drone Hit gets Biden Drunk beyond belief! Still Yale intellectuals fall asleep driving home from his lectures of War is Good.

1-5-2017 Thursday; Editorial Failure at the New York Times will Kill Everyone On Earth:

1-5-2017 Thursday; Wounded Warriors return to Key West on Sat. Jan. 7th not "Save Ivanka" Trump from Iraqi Wars Loss... of a Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 Miracle Cure!! Amputated Breast then she died a slow death at the "George Orwell Key West City Hall" as there is no Yale Key West Medical School, it was bomb by Navy F35C's on orders from Mayor Cats + Jimmy Weekley on 3-4-2011 when Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion from the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Invention!

Dr. Lady Gaga MD, is expected to oversee Bidens Cancer Cure Moon Shot War... then sing for the wounded warriors. Dr. Lady Gaga MD.

1-5-2017 Thursday; "A Promising Proposal for Free Tuition" by Como in New York.

1-5-2017 Thursday; Yale Key West Medical School will replace ObamaCare - Trump plans to save the life of Ivanka from a Stage 4 tortured death so many American Women died from the last 8 years under Obama's "Basketball's" lifetimes of sports and drone cheers from Baghdad.

1-5-2017 Thursday; "A More Promising Proposal for Legal Polygamous Marriage for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year" by Greg + MD Wife's in Key West. Save Ivanka Trump from Iraqi Wars Loss of a Rx Recipe for a Stage 4 Miracle Cure.


Vaccines will be put in the drinking water world wide. WHO at the UN will be fired by Trump soon as they give Greg + Wife's a Nobel in Medicine for this discovery!

1-5-2017 Thursday; 2 Trillion Galaxies Loom Much Larger Before Our George Orwell Senate and President when the INVENTION to stream live Jewish Aliens from the Dark Matter and Microwave background signals are a INVENTION and Hemingway House Writing Class brainstorming Novel that will get this invention and 1,001 other IP invention projects... Trump Win.

1-5-2017 Thursday; Centuries to get to iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek 1.001 IP inventions projects at the Trump-Starbucks with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos. Ivanka Trump will die like Beau, murdered by Biden's Failure to Invent anything but the "Glory of War" and Cheers at Army-Navy Yale Harvard Football games every game every Sunday for months and years while the Lobby of Trump Towers is void of a Apple-Starbucks Invention Crowd of NYC people.

1-5-2017 Thursday; IP invention projects with iApple-Starbucks 1 Click Amazon. What do you think 10 Los Alamos Super Computers; IBM Costing $100 million each would tell us about Peanut allergy's after they were crunched ate by Nuke scientists... Grin! New Guidelines Urge Early "Peanut Exposure for Children" By RONI CARYN RABIN. Parents should feed babies foods containing peanuts at 6 months or even earlier as a way to help avoid peanut allergies. Peanut Medical Articles at the NY Times are a FAILURE. Editorial Failure at the New York Times will Kill Everyone On Earth: NY Times Video Simulations from Los Alamos Super Computers are censored as they should be front page this year 2017.


1-5-2017 Thursday; Editorial Failure at the New York Times will Kill Everyone On Earth: "A Promising Proposal for Free Tuition" by Como in New York will invent live video streaming of Jewish Aliens some time in the Star Trek Year 5083. Grin.

1-5-2017 Thursday; Editorial Failure at the New York Times will Kill Ivanka Trump; Stage 4 breast cancer while Trump is in the White House. Biden's Moon Shot killed a Beau clone today and everyone at the Times knows this LONG drive to the Moon is out of Date Technology dead with John Glen and his idea of Heaven lost becoming he became a Warrior instead of a Inventor!


1-5-2017 Thursday; Macy’s to Cut 10,000 Jobs After Poor Holiday Sales - NOT brainstorm 10,000 IP invention projects in a Hemingway House Writing Class Novel.

1-5-2017 Thursday; Centuries of New York History Prepare for a Move... Caked in dust and dating back to 1674

1-5-2017 Thursday; The Anti-IP Invention Projects Inauguration 2017.


1-5-2017 Thursday; Gas Station Hold Ups Censored By EMILY BADGER at the NY Times! Violent crime was a major factor pushing people out of cities a few decades ago. Now its decline appears to be inviting them back in. Gas Station Hold Ups Censored By EMILY BADGER at the NY Times!

1-5-2017 Thursday; Brooklyn Train Derailment Injures Over 100 - NYC engineer should be replaced by a NYC Inventor who has 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos. Grin. Train on Track No. 6 hit a bumper block, causing injuries to 106 people, officials said. Train flew over the bumper block after hitting it. The NYC engineer who designed and masterminded bumpter blocks was not in this NY Times story. Failure of the NY Times will kill everone on Earth!

1-5-2017 Thursday; "A Promising Proposal for Free Tuition" by Como in New York.

1-5-2017 Thursday; "A More Promising Proposal for Legal Polygamous Marriage for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year" by Greg + MD Wife's in Key West.


1-5-2017 Thursday; Failure of the Travel section in the New York Times. Travel » 52 Places to Go in 2017 Hotels and Resorts to Travel to in 2017 52 Places to Go: My Canada not invented here!

1-5-2017 Thursday; New York Times ad; Practice French, Spanish, Russian, English... not Inventions!

1-5-2017 Thursday; Inventing not Hacking; Russia Looms Large as Senate Committee Is Set to Discuss Hacking" New York Times - Correction; Inventing!!


1-5-2017 Thursday; JFK Internation Medical School @ the Airports! Remaking Kennedy Airport Is Governor’s Next Big Plan! Failure of the NY Times will kill everone on Earth! GE X-ray scanners will be upgraded for Human Scans from Carry on Baggage. Failure of the NY Times will kill everone on Earth!

1-5-2017 Thursday; Live Streaming video of washing her on her death bed, I wish the RN at the Nurse Station way down the hall had make live streaming video of washing her, Gregs MS patient on her death bed telling me over and over "How could he give me such a terrible disease!" She was on her period. Men doing "Pink Collar Jobs" is in the NY Times today and another Failure of the Journalists. I grateful there are no live streaming videos of the women who turned red from not rubbing in the diaper rash cream. David Autor, an economist at M.I.T. “I’m not worried about whether there will be jobs. I’m very worried about whether there will be... no MIT elite don't care if the nurse washes her period or rubs in enough diaper rash cream on live streaming video the RN down the hall is watching. Another failure of the NY Times writing a article on Patient care, washing her on her death bed. David Autor, an economist at M.I.T. “I’m worried Trump will be to busy to fire David Autor, grin!


1-4-2017 Wednesday; Failures at the New "George Orwell Key West City Hall" to put vaccines in the Drinking Water... No matter what Jimmy Weekley and Mayor Cats in Key West Write to Trump. Vaccines will be put in the drinking water world wide. WHO at the UN will be fired by Trump soon as they give Greg + Wife's a Nobel in Medicine for this discovery! Self-driving cars will make organ donations a lot more scarce. 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort at the New Key West City Hall will give Key West Citizens, newspaper too more heart transplants than purple hearts and mandatory organ donation City Wide! World Wide too!

1-4-2017 Wednesday; Scolnic and colleague Adam Riess, who won the 2011 Nobel Prices for the discovery of the accelerating universe... 2 trillion galaxies news came in 2016.

1-4-2017 Wednesday; Hemingway House Writing Class would win a Nobel for the Discovery how to accelerate the Top Quarks at the New "Key West George Orwell City Hall" in building the Yale Key West Medical School and getting the Navy Mercy Hospital Ship in Port in 5 days...

1-4-2017 Wednesday; New City Hall in Key West should have been named "George Orwell Key West City Hall". Yale Key West Medical School built by Cats + Weekley. MD great-grandchildren and now none will graduate from the Yale Key West Medical School but will work at City Hall thanks to Dad. FedEx Politics of "working" at City Hall or Writing a Invention Novel at the Hemingway House Writing Class. Oh, Cats + Weekley said there are no writings classes at the Hemingway House! This was a False Story in the NY Times!

1-4-2017 Wednesday; In Port; Norwegian Jade, Silver Spirit, SS Navigator, No Navy USS Mercy Hospital Ship.

1-4-2017 Wednesday; Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years...


1-4-2017 Wednesday; Critic’s Notebook: With Schwarzenegger as Host, ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ Lacks Old Bite - old Hummer 2, ‘New Celebrity Apprentice’ Schwarzenegger got Fired his first day on the job, Hahahaha. For having sex and a baby with the housekeeper not the Doctor. Ethics is front page in the NY Times today, with Trump of course. Mother of all Ethics Points is Biden really did kill his own son for the "Glory of War" the cheering of the Drone strikes in Baghdad and of course the $300 million a week from the Capture of Baghdad. Ha $$$. Trump - the real reason Ford cancelled plans to move a Plant to Mexico is only for 1984 Observers. Ford exhaust pollution in Beijing has been particularly bad recently, and the city has been enveloped in smog for extended periods! A War Crime by Ford CEO or China? Ethics of No Head On Collisions at iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars and Cinderella MD Era Society is that the F35C radar for the Ford ElectricWindMillEscort cost more than the car. Like AutoCad + AnatomyCad software for Win 10 cost more than the PC. $300 million a week from the Capture of Baghdad. 3,000 more Ford cars sold this week in Beijing. Number of head on collisions in Beijing has never been reported in a NY Times Editorial. Who has watched Chinese YouTube videos of fiery car wrecks without stopping to help, they have not been named though we know who they are... Biden for one!


1-4-2017 Wednesday; Trump, Cuomo, Greg She Got Stage 4, They Got ‘a Sense of Her Soul.’ Soul-Mates Sense of making sense of this Universe of 2 Trillion Galaxies Biden, Obama killed playing Microsoft "War Games" the Last 8 years instead of writing a Novel at the Hemingway House Writing Class packed with thrilling invention "Brainstorming" in every chapter and character! Biden, Obama taken into custody after "Oil Revenues War" left 1 Billion dead and millions of Jimmy Carters great-grandchildren with cancers and birth defects. Armored Hummers when Los Alamos was writing up Mr. Buell and his "Wind Car". Nuclear Bomb Scientist's had no idea the Super Cold Super conductivity Windmill Turbine would give Windmill Turbines on Fords 2 trillion volts up from 200. Gas station robberies by Biden, Obama raised the bar of war crimes to include the "Gravity Engine" these 1984 II Mad Men lost for Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity, a Major Loss to say the least. Facebook was also a major lost to Humanity even more so with Facebook Gas Station Owners who storage tanks are still leaking - just not in the NY Times any more. Not in the Times any more is the Jeep with the gas tank under the rear bumper and cops writing a ticket and rear ended bursting into flames. Dr. Lisa Sanders at Yale + the Times should have written up what is the diagnosis for 40 people sick and one died in a Key West hotel room and his father was left unconscious on the bathroom floor. The young Michigan man had been poisoned to death by carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas, that had been seeping for several days into the hotel room no one diagnosed and many people got sick but the cause was not found until someone died. BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com Mandy in writing this story would not tell us who missed the diagnosis and for how many weeks the CO leaked. And Mandy didn't tell us who got the correct diagnosis. State fire marshal Charles Toledo, who is heading the investigation of Lueders' death as well as the carbon monoxide poisoning of several other guests at the 216-room Double tree, has said his office could find no records the hotel had undergone mandatory boiler inspections. He also said repairs to the hotel's boiler room were done without required city permits. There has been no official explanation for the cause of the carbon monoxide that also led to the emergency treatment of several other guests, including an Iowa family treated for monoxide poisoning the week before Lueder's death. Wrongful death and negligence lawsuits filed. Citizen Newspaper would not tell us how much $$$ and who was guilty, Negligent. Syphilis, HIV, Hepatitis, MS lawsuits will be filed by the Yale Key West Medical School Professors...


1-4-2017 Wednesday; Coal Fire, Not Just Iceberg, Doomed the Titanic, a Journalist Claims

1-4-2017 Wednesday; Coal Fires burn out of control today in the USA, China, world wide and will be put out when InventBook is put up in this 1984 II Society... really! This is the only way in Hell Coal Fires burning today will be put out!!

1-4-2017 Wednesday; Greg + Greg and Wife's in Key West since 3-4-2011 Stalked by Obama + OJ both driving drunk a "Oil Burning" car or scooter. 1984 II Letters: How Will You Remember Obama? We invite our readers to reflect on President Obama’s successes and failures... 8 years with Obama + OJ laying in wait and stalking you in a 1984 II Society. New City Hall in Key West should have been named George Orwell Key West City Hall. Coors in Colorado will be held libel for all the drink drivers deaths since 1980 in a 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort USA... Trump $$$. Trump's windfall will be $777 Trillion hacked confiscated from Moslems, Mecca. Hahahahaha. No Trump will not miss not getting 72 virgins in Heaven!

1-4-2017 Wednesday; Failures of Biden, Obama to put vaccines in the Drinking Water... No matter what Jimmy Weekley and Mayor Cats in Key West Write to Trump. Vaccines will be put in the drinking water world wide. WHO at the UN will be fired by Trump soon as they give Greg + Wife's a Nobel in Medicine for this discovery!


1-4-2017 Wednesday; Bishop Ford ElectricWindmill Model will be built in Africa if a Pack to force the Windmill Ford Era is OK'ed by the Top Brass. Africa. Congolese Catholic bishops before mediating talks between the opposition and the government of President Joseph Kabila of Congo in Kinshasa in December. Pact Would Force Out Joseph Kabila From Congo. If, of Course, He Agrees. By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN In an agreement announced by a group of bishops, the president would step down and elections would be held. But Mr. Kabila has not yet agreed to the deal. Ford has not agreed to build any Windmill Bishop's in Africa.

1-4-2017 Wednesday; Obliterate Obama + OJ or send them to Hell for 4 trillion years in a Hell that has "Time" no no no NY Times just the Editors of the NY Times.


1-4-2017 Wednesday; Tantrum at Starbucks; A young boy lets his parents know he has a different Brew in mind. In the Minds of Dr. Lisa Sanders at the Times and Yale. How would the Yale Key West Medical School professors silence this with a "tranquilizer" shot in moms purse?

1-4-2017 Wednesday; Editorial. "Senate Car Fires and Ethics and then War Crimes on their Minds, A Rome Senate in 2017 too! By THE EDITORIAL BOARD. Roman Ethics. Rome Burns with the rest of the World. Yale History 2017.

1-4-2017 Wednesday; Op-Ed Contributor. "Why Vera Rubin Deserved a Nobel" By LISA RANDALL And why, despite discovering dark matter, she didn’t win one. Because "She" has to decode live streaming video of Jewish Aliens in the "dark matter". The dark Matter is full of Jewish Aliens. Nobel Winners on Earth are not Jimmy Carter's scam any more! To win a Nobel she must decode and upload to YouTube live streaming video of Jewish Aliens in the Universe!


1-4-2017 Wednesday; 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines Spin off will save the Elephants. Editorial. "China Joins the Fight to Save Elephants" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD @ NY Times. The announcement of a halt to commercial ivory trade is welcome... stupid of course, China must have gotten the idea from Marks Chinese Wife on Facebook not InventBook. 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines Spin off will save the Elephants!!

1-4-2017 Wednesday; Op-Ed Contributors. "Brazil’s Deadly Prison is the Ford Assembly Line building Gas Engine Fords in a Gravity Engine Era!" By ROBERT MUGGAH and ILONA SZABÓ DE CARVALHO. A riot on New Year’s Day is just a symptom of a much bigger problem of Ford building gas engine cars in Brazil when Ford should be building 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines along with Boeing! A war crime by ROBERT MUGGAH and ILONA SZABÓ DE CARVALHO. George Orwell City Hall Rio, Grin. And you though only George Orwell Key West City Hall was guilty of war crimes, Hahahahaha.


1-4-2017 Wednesday; Surge of MacBook Pro's with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects at Los Alamos at every Starbucks Cafe Table in Paris - World Wide was killed by the Editors of the NY Times of course and also By Intel's and Forbes Top Quarks - Look inside Quarks like never before will get several if not 100's of Nobels. 4 Trillion Rx Recipes another 100 Nobels!

1-4-2017 Wednesday; Garmin took the wraps off three new versions of the company's popular line of GPS-enabled watches. You need to write at the Hemingway House Writing Class a invention thriller about brainstorming the GPS - enabled drivers license, and GPS-enabled Debit Card chip that really works... Hahahaha.

1-4-2017 Wednesday;


1-3-2017 Hearing + Vision Loss + Super Hearing + Vision Technology... "Write this, a Invention in every chapter thrilling Novel" in 2017. At the Hemingway House Writing Class!

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Stage 4 - Inside Trump Defense Secretary Pick’s Efforts to Halt Torture By SHERI FINK and HELENE COOPER New York Times!! Stage 4 Torture of spending $$$ Trillion on War the last 8 years!

Trump will save Ivanka from the torture of a stage 4 death so many died the last 8 years of Obama.

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Time-Lapse Video Shows Beijing Swamped by a Tide of Smog!

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Time-Lapse Video that can show in daylight or night Duval Key West Spray Painted Black Clouds of Diesel, Super Computer Video simulations from Los Alamos can show kids DNA division 1 billion times a day with "Smog" caused cancers and birth defects.

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Time-Lapse Video Shows Beijing Swamped by a Tide of Smog - Jan. 3, 2017

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Time-Lapse Video of Duval Diesel Black Clouds will not be on the New 100" LG Ultra monitors at the New BP Oil $ Bought City Hall Pink Ribbon cutting at Noon by Mayor Cats today, Oh the ribbon is not pink! Jimmy Weekley though to bring salt to pour into her breast cancer wound.

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Torture of women with Stage 4 by Trumps General Mattis. Bidens "Moon Shot" news in the New York Times tortures women with Stage 4 as Greg + Wives Moon Shot is "Los Alamos II" with 4 Trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets and all hacked and crunched by Dr. Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer II. This would put a halt to the scams by Biden Moon Shots and Baghdad Oil Revenues of $300 million a week when Stage 4 women get peanuts from Jimmy Carter! Inhumane Moon Shot is just one scam, the White House MD orders women with MS be put to death because Mattis refused to stop the nuke assembly lines at Los Alamos for them to crunch 4 trillion Rx Recipes for a MS Rx Recipe Cure, this news was censored by the NY Times. Nuke assembly lines are up and running today at Los Alamos and Pakistan.


1-3-2017 Hearing + Vision Loss + Super Hearing + Vision Technology... "Write this, a Invention in every chapter thrilling Novel" in 2017. At the Hemingway House Writing Class!

1-3-2017 "Write A Invention Novel" in 2017. Hemingway House Writing Class!

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Today at Noon we will cut the ribbon of the New Key West City Hall paid for by BP Oil's $18 million in Miami gas station hold ups. Tomorrow we will paint the New Key West City Hall Pink. Tomorrow Key West City Commissioners and Mayor Cates will all be Yale Key West Medical School Professors, "Elite" diagnostic intellectuals! Creed will be to track down and arrest all war criminals starting with McCain + Biden. Then start the era with more Heart Transplants than Purple Hearts. iPostOffice @ Star Wars + Star Trek Era. Heart transplant of a dead warrior in Baghdad. Cheney cut in front of the line and no telling "who" they got his heart from.

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Five Story St. Paul's Episcopal Church at the corner of Duval and Eaton streets is tented for termites. Crews are expected to have the gassing process finished and the tarps down by this afternoon. IP invention projects for termites was censored from the front page picture in the Key West Citizen Newspaper. No Mandy Miles in Tan Lines will not brainstorm termite IP invention projects in her Sunday Tan Lines. Hahahahaha! Key West Time is like the NY Times!

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Trilobites: The Biggest Digital Map of the Cosmos Ever Made - is still invisible to blind wounded warriors! War is Hell and a scam by Biden! Buy them books and buy them books and they never learned War is Hell and then you go to Hell for War Crimes! How can Biden scam so many for so many decades, centuries?

This is why the NY Times is a failure for 5 billion people in the middle of 2 Trillion Galaxies this third day of the New Year 2017.


1-3-2017 Hearing + Vision Loss + Super Hearing + Vision Technology... "Write this, a Invention in every chapter thrilling Novel" in 2017. At the Hemingway House Writing Class!

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Todays Editorial in the NY Times... Driver’s Licenses, Caught in the War on Drugs" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD JAN. 3, 2017. The Times editors ended this editorial with "These laws, in other words, are simply cruel and stupid, and it is past time to expunge them from the books." The Time's Reality in this editorial is like "Movie goers Sought Escape" the editors of the Times sought escape from iPostOffice at Star Trek and Star Wars editorial about the drivers licence going "Federal" a Trump Drivers License issued by Washington, the Senate and on your iPhone with GPS so your current address is your GPS not address on your 12 month lease you don't have like the Key West Drivers License Office requires. Simply cruel and stupid state gov. workers, no simply stupid. Senate Drivers License Dept would be to worried the NY Times would write this up in a editorial. The NY Times editors have no interest what address is on your State drivers license, only if they take it away for a drug arrest today. No the Times editors didn't mention auto insurance % of drug dealers that have auto insurance. Or the number of car wrecks.

1-3-2017 Tuesday; UN: At Least 6,878 Civilians Killed in Iraq Violence in 2016. January 3, 2017 3:27 AM ET UN At Least $300 Million a week in Oil Revenues every week in 2016 from Baghdad $$$


1-3-2017 Hearing + Vision Loss + Super Hearing + Vision Technology... "Write this, a Invention in every chapter thrilling Novel" in 2017. At the Hemingway House Writing Class!

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Annette Bening on Asking, and Answering, Tough Questions about the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and her new Gravity Engine Ford... Hahahaha. How Disney was won over to making "Cinderella MD" and why Annette Bening never thought of Cinderella MD Disney Pixar Movie.

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Reality? No, Thanks. Moviegoers Sought Escape in 2016. Exodus Movies! Jewish Movie goers Seek invention thrillers about Jewish Aliens at the Nearest Stars and there iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek Technology Society that goes faster than the speed of light!


1-3-2017 Hearing + Vision Loss + Super Hearing + Vision Technology... "Write this, a Invention in every chapter thrilling Novel" in 2017. At the Hemingway House Writing Class!

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Microsoft's Call Centers in India Scam's you when you call for Win 10 help twice... grin. Microsoft Call Center Workers in India on a Disney Vacation in the USA jump in front of your car or slam on the breaks for a cat so you rear end them for the insurance scam. 10's of thousands of India employees of Microsoft have done this. "India’s Call-Center Talents Put to a Criminal Use: Swindling Americans." By ELLEN BARRY The availability of computer-savvy, young, English-speaking job seekers and efficient technology have contributed to the growth in cyberfraud against Americans. Staged car wrecks by Microsoft Employees in India in a 1984 II Society. This is not iPostOffice @ Star Trek Star Wars Society as staged car wrecks would be prevented decades ago. This has been going on for a few decades between Microsoft and India Microsoft employees.


1-3-2017 Hearing + Vision Loss + Super Hearing + Vision Technology... "Write this, a Invention in every chapter thrilling Novel" in 2017. At the Hemingway House Writing Class!

1-3-2017 Tuesday; St. Tropez, in the south of France won the most cobweb wires in a City world wide.

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Wires overhead and tiny wires just invented in the lab that are 3 atoms wide and will be in the iPod size GE electric generator's fueled by H @ -254 C. "What a Tangled Web We Weave" By SETH MYDANS Where safety regulations on power lines and other wires are lax, things can get pretty out of hand. One magazine sought to illustrate just how much. Trillions of cobwebs of electrical, telephone and cable-television wires covering the city. "These laws, in other words, are simply cruel and stupid" These editors at the Times are simply stupid to let editorial after editorial year after year 2017 go by letting GE put up trillions of High Power lines from NY to LA and North and South Poles. 1 invention bankrupted 1 million GE Wind Turbines and the invention has not been published in the NY Times yet. Why - "These laws, in other words, are simply cruel and stupid" No the NY Times editors face the firing squad of George Orwell 1984 if they publish GE news! Facebook and YouTube censored these wires... 138,000 readers to send in pictures of “the worst and most dangerous examples of electrical wiring from around the world.” Out of 500 submissions, it selected 12 to publish for readers to rank, each seeming more outrageous than the last. St. Tropez, in the south of France won the most cobweb wires in a City world wide.


1-3-2017 Hearing + Vision Loss + Super Hearing + Vision Technology... "Write this, a Invention in every chapter thrilling Novel" in 2017. At the Hemingway House Writing Class!

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Trilobites: The Biggest Digital Map of the Cosmos Ever Made - is still invisible to blind wounded warriors! War is Hell and a scam by Biden! Buy them book and buy them books and they never learned War is Hell and then you go to Hell for War Crimes! How can Biden scam so many for so many decades, centuries?

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Marriage May Help You Survive a Stroke section D - page 4 By NICHOLAS BAKALAR Yale Key West Medical School Era of No Stroke's! Spin off of No Gas Stations on Earth and No Head On Collisions!

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Writing Class at the Hemingway House. apps that let 100 people write on the same page at the same time a invention thriller. Write a Invention Novel in 2017.


1-3-2017 Hearing + Vision Loss + Super Hearing + Vision Technology... "Write this, a Invention in every chapter thrilling Novel" in 2017. At the Hemingway House Writing Class!

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Steve Jobs Medical School Space Ship Campus - Apple under Tim Cook has no MD employees or Moon Shot for Cancer. The Spirit Of Steve Jobs Continues But - Is The New Apple Diseased, Hell Yes! Diseased with cancer not detected by iWatch or coming to work at Apple. No Blood Test at work. Syphilis, HIV, MS virus, Hepatitas, STD's. Lunch Meat is served with Butter and Bacon. Apple Engineers Are Losing Interest In iPhones and a diet that pervents cancers. There are no treadmill desk at the New Apple Space Ship Campus. 1,001 IP invention projects list is only for break time.

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Chicago Ends Year With 762 Killings, the Most in 2 Decades - New York Times - ?Jan 1, 2017?

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Stage 4 Ends Year with 40K Killings by Biden's Wounded Warriors... Wars$

1-3-2017 Tuesday; Wounded Warriors kill 19K wife's coming home from Baghdad...

1-3-2017 Tuesday; 54 years of gas exhaust, birth defects and childhood cancers in Sweden...Shock + Awe! For the first time in 54 years, the best-selling car in Sweden is not a Volvo. The Volkswagen Golf knocked Volvo's most popular luxury models off the throne in 2016, according to sales figures released by BIL Sweden, the country's automaker association. The Nations MD's are in Mecca on a working vacation, $$$.


1-2-2017 Monday; New York Times Letter: L.A.’s Congested Freeway and the Gravity Engine Ford... "Smog" Congested Duval in Key West and the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Editorial on the second day of 2017 was censored by the "Times!"

1-2-2017 "Write A Invention Novel" in 2017. Hemingway House Writing Class a Ford with a Gravity Engine Thriller!! Mar-a-Lago, Future Los Alamos II. The 118-rooms, all with 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos II crunching 4 trillion Rx Recipes! Trump will save Ivanka from the torture of a stage 4 death so many died the last 8 years of Obama. And Jimmy Weekley in Key West building his New City Hall instead of the Yale Key West Medical School. Then he poured salt into the breast cancers by not painting the New Key West City Hall Pink!

1-2-2017 Monday; New York Times Letter: L.A.’s Congested Freeway and the Gravity Engine Ford driven around Afghanistan the last 8 years should be the editorial for Today 1-2-2017 not a letter in the NY Times. This is why the NY Times is a failure for 5 billion people the second day of the New Year 2017.

This is why the NY Times is a failure for 5 billion people in the middle of 2 Trillion Galaxies the second day of the New Year 2017.

This is why the NY Times is a failure for 5 billion people in the middle of 2 Trillion Galaxies the second day of the New Year 2017.

1-2-2017 Monday; 9/11 II + III... "I was very choked up. How do you explain something that you never thought would happen with No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op + Mecca, Allah Bankrupted... $777 Trillion confiscated." Greg + Wives in Key West.

1-2-2017 Monday; Failed New York Times... Quotation of the Day, "I was very choked up. How do you explain something that you never thought would happen?" Betsy describing New York City’s new Second Avenue subway, as she rode the first Q train leaving the 96th Street station.

1-2-2017 Monday; Yale Key West Medical School should be built today on an Eiffel Tower Structure! Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion to build a Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011. How do you explain something that you never thought would happen?" Betsy describing New York City’s new Second Avenue subway, as she rode the first Q train leaving the 96th Street.


1-2-2017 Monday; Gasoline Engine Lamborghini's, Jimmy Carter bought all his great-grandchildren a Gasoline Engine Lamborghini novel written at the Hemingway House Writers class in a Invention Novels class. iMacBook Air Ride School Buses will be parked on the streets for kids use 24/7 in Plains Georgia. One invention made 1 million GE wind turbines obsolete! One invention will make desalination plants obsolete technology. One iPod size GE electric generator fueled with H @ -254 C shocked GE Top Brass. And you can plug in all your GE appliances in your iMicro iPod size GE electric generators. Better buy than the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Submarine. Why didn't any of Jimmy Carters 40 great-grandchildren ask Jimmy were the Hell is the USS Jimmy Carter Hospital Ship! Same cancer in Jimmy Carters Brain that let him gas so many children on the "Duval Walk" in Key West and every city world wide with spray painted black clouds of diesel. Microsoft Cloud was named for these spray painted black clouds of Diesel. Jews + Popes drove by fiery cop cars + SUV without stopping to help. 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Era Quotation of the Day, "I was very choked up. How do you explain something that you never thought would happen?" 9/11 II + III paid for from the Same Swiss Bank account of BP Oil.

1-2-2017 Monday; In 2017 Key West City Commissioners will all be Yale Key West Medical School Professors, "Elite" diagnostic intellectuals! One invention to put all vaccines in the drinking water will win 1 of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine they will get in their first year on the Key West City council agenda, Hahahahaha.


1-2-2017 Monday; All Wars are “good wars” to people like Biden, Carter, who will kill their own sons + great-grandchildren for $777 Trillion and spend $10 Trillion on the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Submarine with 40 Nukes. Coming to terms with what was possible in Afghanistan the last 8 years driving the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, like the USA the last 8 years with iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society. People like Biden + OJ plague society. Evolution of Obama, Biden, Jimmy Carter, McCain was the cause of their mass murder driving drunk in Gasoline Engine Lamborghini's when the "invented" ElectrciWindmillEscort was put in storage with the "gravity engine".

1-2-2017 Monday; Fish Seek Cooler Waters, Leaving Some Fishermen’s Nets Empty - One Invention; 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines for Fishing Fleets and they will cost less than the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub and catch, feed, more fish.


1-2-2017 Monday; Same Swiss Bank account of $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues paid for the Nightclub Massacre in Istanbul Exposes Turkey’s Deepening Failure of the NY Times who also have $$$ money from this Swiss Bank account.

1-2-2017 Monday; Turkey's General who became President should have been put to work 8 years ago on the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Assembly line 16 hours a day 6 days a week by the same 1984 II USA Dictators who make him president of Turkey... Failure at the NY Times!

1-2-2017 Monday; "Times" VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis strolled through St. Peter's Square on his way to the Ford Assembly line making the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.

1-2-2017 Monday; The Obama Era with Obama working on the Ford Assembly Line for the last 8 years on the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort...

1-2-2017 Monday; President Barack Obama will deliver his farewell address in his home city of Chicago on Jan. 10 - Obama will say the USA would have been better off if he had been working on a Ford Assembly line the last 8 years!

1-2-2017 Monday; How Disney was won over to making "Cinderella MD"

1-2-2017 Monday; New Year's babies named for World Series champs when named Cinderella MD would be the Era of Yale Medical School in every city and town in the USA.

1-2-2017 Monday; New year brings surge in gym memberships when there should be a treadmill desk at the Trump-Starbucks in NYC. Trump the first President with a Treadmill Desk!

1-2-2017 Monday; How CIA was won over to Masterminding the "No Gas Stations on Earth" Coup Op that confiscates $777 Trillion from BP Oil's Swiss Bank account.

1-2-2017 Monday; CALGARY, Alberta War Crimes; War Crimes Novel + Movie written by Greg + Wives in Key West. Tells how Canada was won over to mass murder via gasoline exhaust Era from 1980 to 2017. Sentenced to hard labor on the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort assembly lines in Canada, grin.

1-2-2017 Monday;

1-2-2017 Monday;



1-1-2017 Sunday; New Year 2017 "Dropping the Ball" Holding the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort in New York's Times Square.

1-1-2017 "Write A Invention Novel" in 2017. iapp at the Hemingway House Writing Class!! Try a New Year’s IP invention projects. This year the notion of self-improvement feels especially seductive like women like Ivanka Trump with trillions of Jolts of Goddess Inspiration!! Year Trump will make Polygamous Marriage Legal. Trumps secret weapon against his Moslem Men who will get 72 virgins in Heaven. 72 IP invention projects with many wife's working 24/7 Brainstorming on iMacBook Pro's... at every cafe table at Trump-Starbucks! Trump will send Microsoft to Mexico and make sure they never come back to the USA. Sanctions for killing hundreds of teachers who complained and were fired by Bill Gates the thug. iMacBook Air Ride NYC Subway Cars will be free for the Next 8 years and NYC'ers will get 8 trillion inventions at iPostOffice @ Star Wars + Star Trek Society. NYC iMacBook Air Ride School Buses will be parked on the streets for kids use 24/7 with no $$$ money going to Bill + Melinda Gates Foundation! NYC Garbage Trucks in 2017 will have a furnace hot as the sun's core. iPod size GE electric generators fueled by H @ -254 C you can plug in all your GE appliances... for 2017. iParking 2017 apps run by the City of Key West Parking finds you a parking spot and will not ever let you get a parking ticket or get Towed by Jimmy Weekley, Hahahaha. iDash Cam's will be given to everyone driving into Key West. iCops will be watching out for you "driving" in this version of George Orwells 1984. Making Google Maps and Street View Obsolete! Powerful particle accelerators at Fermilab and now CERN in Geneva... Trump will Make America Scientist's great again by "That Thing In Quarks, It is Gravity! One invention will make the worlds most powerful particle accelerators obsolete when it comes to opening the Quarks gravity generator angle and spin. 8 years Obama has been looking for; That Thing With Feathers Trapped in Amber? It Was a Dinosaur Tail. "Write A Invention Novel" in 2017.

"Write A Invention Novel" in 2017.

"Write A Invention Novel" in 2017. Disney Pixar "Cinderella MD" + Star Wars "Rogue Gravity" first to be written at the Hemingway House Writing Class on a iMacBook Pro with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos... yes Los Alamos - grin! Cinderella MD has children with dangerous lead poisoning and other great-grandchildren of Jimmy Carter did the Duval Walk through spray painted black clouds of diesel. Yes Key West Duval Walk will be in the Cinderella MD Disney Movie. Pixar will win a award for 1 Billion DNA divisions in one day in Children.

"Write A Invention Novel" in 2017.


1-1-2017 Sunday; New Year 2017 "Dropping the Ball" Holding the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort in New York's Times Square. "Dropping the Ball" our 1984 II Orwellian Dictators let King Salman give everyone in Mecca a new 2017 Ford gas engine car... for the New Year! $$$.

1-1-2017 New Years Day - Soul-Mate for 4 Trillion years... Eternal Optimist Point.

1-1-2017 Syria gets "Airborne Hospital" as early New Year's present from Russia's Putin - Key West Navy Hospital Ship is Bombed by F35C fighter Jets...

1-1-2017 Sunday; 1 invention made 1 million GE wind turbines obsolete...

1-1-2017 Sunday; North Korea will test fire its first ICBM in 2017.

1-1-2017 Sunday; North Korea will be without safe drinking water supplies after the ICBM test as drinking water will be targeted...

1-1-2017 Sunday; Dr. Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer II gets... Vaccines into the worlds drinking water in 2017, a first-class Nobel along with the Nobel for the invention of "Live Streaming Video of Jewish Aliens" decoded from the microwave background signals!

1-1-2017 Sunday; U.S. Army chaplains, will bring spiritual comfort II to anarchic surgical units during the New Korean War II TV series "M*A*S*H"


1-1-2017 Sunday; DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - A thick fog has shrouded downtown Dubai ahead of a New Year's Eve fireworks display at the world's tallest building. Trump Medical School or the Yale Key West Medical School will be taller than any Moslem Building in 2017. And paid for with $777 Trillion confiscated from DUBAI, United Arab Emirates. Hacked by Trump $$$ for the money, Hahahahaha

1-1-2017 Sunday; Saudi Arabia has spent US$100 billion; has been invested in water supply and sanitation, and that a further US$130 Billion will be needed between 2002 and 2022 on desalination plants.

1-1-2017 Sunday; FKAA plans to update desalination plant on Stock Island Key West Citizen - Sunday, January 1, 2017 The Stock Island desalination plant was such a marvel to technology that when it was dedicated in 1967, Vice President Hubert Humphrey traveled here and read a letter from the president

1-1-2017 Sunday; Saudi Arabia is the largest producer of desalinated water in the world. In 2011 the volume of water supplied by the country’s 27 desalination plants at 17 locations was 3.3 million m3/day (1.2 billion m3/year). 6 plants are located on the East Coast and 21 plants on the Red Sea Coast. 12 plants use multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) and 7 plants use multi-effect distillation (MED). Both MSF and MED plants are integrated with power plants (dual-purpose plants), using steam from the power plants as a source of energy. 8 plants are single-purpose plants that use reverse osmosis (RO) technology and power from the grid. By far the largest plant in 2012, Jubail II on the East Coast, is a MSF plant built in subsequent stages since 1983 with a capacity of almost 950,000 m3/day that supplies Riyadh. The largest RO plant in 2012 was located in Yanbu on the Red Sea. It supplies the city of Medina and has a capacity of 128,000 m3/day. The MED plants are much smaller. Mecca receives its water from plants in Jeddah and Shoaiba, just south of Jeddah.[13] Ras al Khair, the largest plant of the country with a capacity of 1 million m3/day was opened in 2014, using RO technology.

1-1-2017 Sunday; 1 invention by Greg + Wife's in Key West will replace all the desalinated Plant technology in Saudi Arabia.


1-1-2017 Sunday; Mark Zuckerberg being an atheist, got him this job from our 1984 II Dictators, Godless Aliens. InventBook will replace Facebook in 2017 and God will replace atheists.

1-1-2017 Head-on crash kills one on US 1 FlKeysNews.com Florida Highway Patrol Lt. Kathleen McKinney said three vehicles were involved in the crash around 9 a.m

1-1-2017 No Head On Collisions + No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op via CIA - Hit-and-run fatalities have surged 37 percent since 2014 despite a city push to improve traffic safety. So far in 2016, 37 pedestrians, cyclists and motorists have been killed by drivers who fled. New York Times Hit-and-run mass murders, DNA hit by Black Diesel Exhaust when the New York Times hides the 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort from the front page Headlines! C an Russia Make Peace as Well as War? By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Vladimir Putin may look like a master tactician. Godsent Inventions make McCain + Binden look like Hit-and-run war time Jeep drivers mentally thrilled driving at night looking at the stars to far to even contemplate. Yet invent a "Moon Shot" to hear and view live streaming video of Jewish Aliens in the microwave background signals.

1-1-2017 Syria gets "Airborne Hospital" as early New Year's present from Russia's Putin another win over Obama who destroyed the Yale Key West Medical School. Navy Hospital that was suppose to Dock in Key West on 1-1-17 was sunk by the USS Jimmy Carter Nuclear Sub.


1-1-2017 Mrs. Dukakis, 80, still receives maintenance treatment every seven or eight weeks. She said that she had minor memory lapses but that the electroshock treatment had banished her demons and that she no longer drank, smoked or took antidepressants. Her website, ecttreatment.org; Mrs. Dukakis said, she generally limited herself to one shot of vodka at night, though she did go on a couple of benders that forced her to cancel appearances. All that changed with the election, when her husband lost 40 states to George Bush. Two days later, her long-masked depression camera roaring back; she lost herself in the bottle and spent the next several years drunk. Kitty Dukakis, a Beneficiary of Electroshock Therapy, Emerges as Its Evangelist without any memory of Los Alamos or the 10 $100 million dollar IBM Super Computers there that are linked to 1 Click on Amazon. Well her top Quark husband killed this with Bush for Banghdad 1 click links to $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues, Hahaha. Mr. Dukakis would have killed his wife for Bush's Baghdad Oil Revenues $$$. Electroshock Therapy needs to be crunched at Los Alamos and written up in a Hemingway House Writing class. New evidence proves that Richard Nixon sabotaged peace talk plans in 1968, a move that may be worse than Watergate. Dukakis lost to Bush but both sabotaged the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and bomb the Hell out of the Yale Key West Medical School in 2016. A war crime far worst than Nixon as this is mass murder far worst than the 3 million Napalmed by McCain. 1 Billion have been murdered by Obama + Biden in the last 8 years. Biden even killed his own son Beau for the glory of war in Baghdad and $300 billion a week in Oil Revenues just from Baghdad. A war crime! Shocking! Mrs. Dukakis, 80, is in another elite Boston Universe with Kerry's rich wife Heinz $$$. They will dance and shop with Caroline Kennedy and drive by fiery cop car wrecks without stopping in 2017. Gravity Engine + Girl Scout Rx Recipes were flown to NYC from Boston by 17 Saudi Terrorists. Shocking to everyone but the NY Times editors when Bush told 9/11 clean up workers not to wear a mask. So much so the NY Times editors never wrote a editorial about this and the IP invention project to invent a better mask.


1-1-2017 Try a New Year’s IP invention projects. This year the notion of self-improvement feels especially seductive like women like Ivanka Trump with trillions of Jolts of Goddess Inspiration!! Year Trump will make Polygamous Marriage Legal. Trumps secret weapon against his Moslem Men who will get 72 virgins in Heaven. 72 IP invention projects with many wife's working 24/7 Brainstorming on iMacBook Pro's... Trump will send Microsoft to Mexico and make sure they never come back to the USA. Sanctions for killing hundreds of teachers who complained and were fired by Bill Gates the thug.

1-1-2017 New Years Day - Soul-Mate for 4 Trillion years... Eternal Optimist Point.

1-1-2017 New Years Day Optimistic Point of 4 trillion years after we die exist is a spin off of the invention by God burning H in the nearest Star in such a way it will burn for 4 trillion more years.

1-1-2017 New Years Day Our Sun will only burn its H for 4 billion years. Point is 4 trillion years technology is like Trump making the Post Office great again with iPostOffice @ Star Wars + Star Trek

1-1-2017 New Years Day

1-1-2017 New Years Day

1-1-2017 New Years Day

12-31-2016 New Years Eve Key West Citizen Newspaper has a picture of Jimmy Carter, not Jimmy Weekley. Jimmy Carter is a few miles from Key West with many great-grandchildren and Rosalynn at a Turtle Hospital with a Hawksbill sea turtle in his hand. 1984 II Hawk Dictators have kids in their hands today they will kill them for the glory of war! Biden! So much for Jimmy Carters "Orwellian" comment on War Hawks we already diagnosed along with the Rx Recipe for Stage 4.

12-31-2016 Key West War Hawks will kill many great-grandchildren in 2017...

2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort make it in 2017...

12-31-2016 New Years Eve Key West Hemingway House Writing Class... Alien!!

12-31-2016 New Years Eve Key West Hemingway House Writing Class... Alien!! Navy Hospital Ship Mercy Docked in Key West, this ship is "Alien" to Jimmy Weekley, really!! Key West City Commissioner Jimmy Weekley said he wants his hometown to become a sanctuary city, adopting an official policy toward undocumented Aliens. Carnival Docked 365 Ships in 2016, you would think the City Leaders Top Quarks would think of a Hospital Ship... Jimmy take your meds, work on your Rx Recipe for the Memory Rx Recipe yet No! Undocumented Aliens to Jimmy Weekley means undiagnosed for STD's, HIV, MS virus, Hepatitis, whooping cough... Key West City Commissioners will all be Yale Key West Medical School Professors, "Elite" diagnostic intellectuals that are Alien to Jimmy Weekley Today. Heart Transplants people will become the majority replacing purple heart causality of $777 Trillion in BP Oil "Revenues War's" Today in a Sanctuary City Key West for Spray Painted Black Clouds of Diesel on Duval Key West. We count on hospitals to make us well, but they can also be a breeding ground for serious infections. The numbers are shocking: 650,000 patients develop an infection in the hospital and 75,000 die as a result, according to the most recent data. We count on Key West City Commissioner Jimmy Weekley to diagnose COOKS - Chefs's in Key West with Syphilis and other terrible diseases, MD City Engineer's should replace the City Engineer Creed ASAP. Then Heart Transplants people will become the majority replacing purple heart causality of $777 Trillion in BP Oil "Revenues War's" Today. One note for Jimmy Weekley, Navy owned San Diego with trillion more Navy Ships than Key West and there is NO Hospital Ship docked their New Years Eve either Jimmy! Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth bring smiles to sick children at a San Diego children's hospital for childhood cancers and birth defects from "Smog" from Carnival + Navy Ships Exhaust. Children causality of $777 Trillion in BP Oil "Revenues War's" Today. Navy MD's are Alien's too!

Live Streaming Video of Jewish Aliens decoded from the microwave background signals will make Jimmy Weekley obsolete...

12-31-2016 New Years Eve Key West Hemingway House Writing Class... Alien!!

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort make it better in 2017.


12-31-2016 New Years Eve; New York Times Editorial for 2016: "Take a Bad Year. And Make It Better" 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort make it better in 2017; Editorial Make it in 2017. On the Front Page of the NY Times on 1-1-2017.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Next year’s Holiday advertising campaign for the United States Postal Service features iPostOffice @ Star Trek Technology in 2017 via Trump. Girl Scout Recipe's for Cookie's in an iPostOffice @ Star Trek Technology will have Girl Scouts sending Rx Recipes that are trade secrets they got from Kerry at the State Department from moms seduction, grin.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Michael Skakel’s Murder Conviction Has Been Reinstated. Martha Moxley, was killed in 1975, when she and Mr. Skakel were both 15, murder by Michael Skakel, bludgeoning Martha with a golf club... pictures of the crime scene never got a million hits on Facebook or YouTube on orders from some elite mad man!

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Robert Kennedy Jr. will be Convicted for the murder of Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn in 2017 and Caroline Kennedy will dance at the wedding of Elite Drunk Drivers of Gas Engine Lamborghini's.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Wife and Her Lover Are Arrested in Killing of Greek Envoy in Brazil. If criminals still exist in Greece when Garbage Trucks have a furnace hot as the sun's core they will burn the body of the Husband or wife there instead of setting their car on fire under a bridge... The police said that the wife of Kyriakos Amiridis, the Greek ambassador to Brazil, had her lover kill him and set his body on fire.


12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Costly Drug for Fatal MS Wins F.D.A. Approval

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Costly Executive Decision of Obama to order his White House MD to put to death women given MS by bisexual men Wins F.D.A. Approval

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; New York Times Editorial for 2016: "Take a Bad Year. And Make It Better" 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort make it better in 2017; Editorial Make it in 2017. On the Front Page of the NY Times on 1-1-2017.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; This year’s holiday advertising campaign for the United States Postal Service featured a little girl’s stunningly infectious musical plea: “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.” (And, as she explains, “Only a hippopotamus will do.”) The ditty was, perhaps, unfamiliar to many listeners, but it penetrated the mind space of the unwary at warp speed — and stayed there. Resistance was futile.


12-31-2016 New Years Eve; "One killed, five airlifted" BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff alinhardt@keysnews.com Traffic delays plagued motorists on U.S. 1 in the Middle and Lower Keys on Friday after a fatal head-on crash on Sugarloaf Key and a motorcycle wreck in Marathon. The first three-vehicle crash occurred about 9 a.m. at Mile Marker 16 on Sugarloaf Key in the stretch between Baby’s Coffee and Sugarloaf Lodge.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve Key West Hemingway House Writing Class... Alien!!

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort make it better in 2017. It comes standard with No Head On Collisions F35C Radar that cost more than the car.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; 400 million in the USA know there is lead in the tap water, along with the remains of spray painted black clouds of diesel "BLACK SNOW" don't eat "BlACK SNOW..." Four million people in Damascus have been without safe drinking water supplies for more than a week after springs outside the Syrian capital were deliberately targeted, the United Nations said on Thursday. Half the Russian kids in the USA got their birth defects and childhood cancers from "BLACK SNOW."


12-31-2016 New Years Eve Key West Hemingway House Writing Class... Alien!!

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort make it better in 2017. It comes standard with No Head On Collisions F35C Radar that cost more than the car.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; are growth hormone-deficient children caused by spray painted black clouds of diesel "BLACK SNOW" ?????????????? ...prepubertal growth hormone-deficient children to evaluate weekly treatment with hGH-CTP versus daily injections of Pfizer’s Genotropin (somatropin). Pfizer's Top Quarks would know but aren't telling Mom + Dad.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Bill + Melinda Gates @ Microsoft are thinking about a futuristic way to stop you from losing your keys... in 2017.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; 2017 Don't eat black snow, walk into a black cloud of diesel, grin! New Year's resolutions, but research suggests only a fraction actually keep them. Things like weight loss and getting more exercise.


12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Microsoft is thinking about a futuristic way to stop you from losing your keys; Garbage Trucks Micro Furnace hot as the core of Sun well almost this hot, grin.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Many New York City car owners would want nothing more than a designated parking space - such is the desperation many feel in this city so clogged with cars yet so starved for places to put them. ELEVATOR FOR CARS ON THE OUTSIDES OF THE BUILDINGS...

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Alien Navy Hospital Ship Mercy Docked in Key West, this ship is "Alien" to Jimmy Weekley, really!! Key West City Commissioner Jimmy Weekley said he wants his hometown to become a sanctuary city, adopting an official policy toward undocumented Aliens. Carnival Docked 365 Ships in 2016, you would think the City Leaders would think of a Hospital Ship... Undocumented Aliens to Jimmy Weekley means undiagnosed for STD's, HIV, MS virus, Hepatitis, whooping cough... Key West City Commissioners will all be Yale Key West Medical School Professors, "Elite" diagnostic intellectuals that are Alien to Jimmy Weekley Today. Heart Transplants people will become the majority replacing purple heart causality of $777 Trillion in BP Oil "Revenues War's" Today in a Sanctuary for Spray Painted Black Clouds of Diesel on Duval Key West. We count on hospitals to make us well, but they can also be a breeding ground for serious infections. The numbers are shocking: 650,000 patients develop an infection in the hospital and 75,000 die as a result, according to the most recent data. We count on Key West City Commissioner Jimmy Weekley to diagnose COOKS - Chefs's in Key West with Syphilis and other terrible diseases, MD City Engineer's should replace the City Engineer Creed ASAP. Then Heart Transplants people will become the majority replacing purple heart causality of $777 Trillion in BP Oil "Revenues War's" Today. One note for Jimmy Weekley, Navy owned San Diego trillion more Navy Ships than Key West and there is NO Hospital Ship docked their either Jimmy! Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth bring smiles to sick children at a San Diego hospital. Navy MD's are Alien's too!

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Jimmy Weekley goes on and on, "If someone is pulled over for some minor traffic violation, the officer's not going to ask them if they have auto insurance, he estimates that about 99 percent don't have car insurance.


12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Jimmy Weekley's Vietnam Memorial will be replaced with Japan Comfort Women like Vietnam Era Rape's and murders. Yes Kerry Raped and Murdered her in Vietnam too! Comfort Woman’ Statue Reinstated Near Japan Consulate in South Korea By CHOE SANG-HUN The consulate, in the city of Busan, had objected to the statue, meant to represent women forced into sexual slavery by Japan in World War II.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; SWF's pimped by Bush to Saudi Prince Salman... memorial in Key West will be built same time as the Yale Key West Medical School is built.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; A video camera installed in a hole picked up hours of drug activity in the hallway of a South Bronx apartment building. This is a NY Times Video today. My win 10 is to slow to view, like 5 minutes to open a NY Times Video with all the pop up ads... YouTube video's take less than a min to open on this $220 PC including shipping... The new iMacBook Pro I picked out cost $8,500. Imagine by John Lennon. John Lennon was shot and killed only a couple months after the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. NY Times video of this would have saved John Lennon's life. When John and Yoko meet up as Soul-Mates you know we will be able to overhear the conversation about the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and Yoko's not making this headlines!


12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Soul-Mate for 4 Trillion years... Eternal Optimist Talking Points for 2017 on being more Optimistic on soul-mates for 4 trillion years. John Glen knew he would go to Hell if it existed. For those not scamed by the Pentagon and Orwell's England War is Good. The Optimistic Point of 4 trillion years after we die is a spin off invention by God burning H in the nearest Star in such a way it will burn for 4 trillion more years. Our Sun will only burn its H for 4 billion years. Point is 4 trillion years technology is like Trump making the Post Office great again with iPostOffice @ Star Wars + Star Trek technology.


12-31-2016 New Years Eve; You Know Saudi Prince Salman owns many Manhattan condo's not reported by the NY Times. "200 Condo Sales on ‘Billionaires’ Row’ Lift the Market" A flurry of pricey condominium sales, many at Manhattan’s newest ultra luxury developments, provided a strong finale to an already robust 2016. By VIVIAN MARINO "200 Condo Sales on ‘Billionaires’ Row’ Lift the Market"

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; You know why the NY Times does not write up Prince Salman... The Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative has seized a Malibu mansion and a $500,000 Ferrari owned by a member of Equatorial Guinea’s ruling family. NY Times story on Guinea when Saudi Prince Salman has $777 Trillion from Miami gas station hold ups. A war crime by the Times!

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Editorial for Todays NY Times should have been the # of fiery cop car + SUV's in 2016 not limos! Editorial NY Times Today "The Lethal Allure of Stretch Limos" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Loopholes in regulations let stretch limousines cruise without seatbelts and protections.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Soul-Mate for 4 Trillion years... Eternal Optimist Talking Points for 2017

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Soul-Mate for 4 Trillion years... Eternal Optimist Talking Points

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Soul-Mate for 4 Trillion years... Eternal Optimist Talking Points

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Year after year of Fatal Predictions, 19K SWF's will be murdered by mad men drunks again in 2017 McCain and Biden are still into cheering drone strikes in Baghdad.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Memorial with Statistics of SWF's killed murdered by troops coming home from Baghdad will be built in Key West same time the Yale Key West Medical School is built.

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Optimist Jewish Aliens live Streaming videos will arrest Biden + McCain for war crimes... Hahahahaha!

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Optimist Jewish Aliens

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Optimist Jewish Aliens

12-31-2016 New Years Eve; Optimist Jewish Aliens

12-30-2016 Friday; 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort in Times Square for 2017... Hell No Obama Garbage Trucks! Yes black clouds of diesel exhaust when; start your engines!

12-30-2016 Friday; 2017 War over $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues... Elite Hackers for the Cyber$$$war$$$ for Hacking $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues and 4 Trillion in Rx Recipes that are Trade Secrets locked to crunching a Stage 4 Miracle Overnight Godsent Rx Recipe @ Los Alamos by Dr. Nancy Snyderman Oppenheimer Fired by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation!

12-30-2016 Friday; 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort in Times Square for 2017... Hell No Obama Garbage Trucks! Yes black clouds of diesel exhaust when; start your engines!

12-30-2016 Friday; By ASHLEY SOUTHALL NY Times - During Saturday night’s festivities, 65 garbage trucks loaded with sand will be used to guard against attacks via Saudi Arabia, has $777 Trillion $$$.

12-30-2016 Friday; Stunning SUV a Lamborghini's first electric hybrid... news for New Years 2017 by Facebook not InventBook, grin. Saudi Princes own 90% of the gas engine Lamborghini's and King Salman bought everyone in Mecca for New Year 2017 a Hummer 4. This Breathalyzer Can Diagnose 17 Diseases With Just One Puff From A Driver in a 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Star Trek Star Wars Tech Times - Diagnosing illnesses can sometimes take a lot of time and money. But a new type of breathalyzer, developed by researchers in Israel, can now determine a person's illness simply by getting a quick read of their breath. Heart attack and cardiac arrest breath test coming soon as our 1984 II Dictators allow the Gravity Engine Lamborghini to be headline news on InventBook 2017. Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates warned on Friday that the world was vulnerable to deadly spray painted black clouds of diesel exhaust from NYC dump trucks guarding Times Square on New Years Eve. Gates memory Rx Recipe will help you remember Bush telling 9/11 clean up workers they don't need a mask and they all died from cancers. A war crime.


12-30-2016 Friday; 2017 Mindful of the New Years "Kiss of Inventions" Trillions of Jolts of her Godsent Inspiration, Ivanka Trump, grin. Ms Universe MD. Nobel Inventions in the Disney Pixar Cinderella MD + Rogue Gravity Engine! Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher at iPostOffice @ Star Trek Age of Elite Yale Key West Medical school, First to do more Heart Transplants than Purple Hearts, Hahahahaha!

12-30-2016 Friday; Yale Key West Medical School would have thousands of these law suits... Sellers Remorse to Yale Key West Medical School, Hahahahaha! Former 616 Eaton owners want sale rescinded... BY SCOTT UNGER Citizen Staff sunger@keysnews.com Appeals have failed to halt progress on renovations to 616 Eaton St. and neighbors are now seeking to rescind the sale of the property in what could be a last gasp of opposition. The former owners of the 616 parcel, Stan and Dana Day, filed a lawsuit in June against current owners Mark and Kristina Serbinski alleging the couple misled them about future plans for the property. Jimmy Weekley will have a heart attack over the 155 Story Yale Key West Medical School you can see from Miami and Cuba... on a clear day! Docking the Navy Oil Tanker Size Hospital Ship Mercy will have thousands of law suits by former home owners "Day". After the Coup Yale and Harvard Law Schools will give their campus and buildings to the Yale and Harvard Medical Schools. This will be written up in a Hemingway House Writing Class Novel. When 616 Eaton was built Dr. Curry in Key West had 10K die from mosquitos in one year. Jimmy Weekley built a expensive $$$ memorial to Vietnam when 40,000 USA women died in 2016 of Stage 4. And his White House until 1-20-2017 put to death women given the terrible disease MS on orders from Obama not Trump.

12-30-2016 Friday; "How Syria Defeated the Sunni Powers"

12-30-2016 Friday; How Syria Defeated the Yale Key West Medical School or How the Navy's F35C blew up the Yale Key West Medical School in 2016, with the help of Jimmy Weekley and Creed...


12-30-2016 Friday; "Paper Calendars Endure Despite the Digital Age" Greg + Wives in Key West will update the Calendars for the Cyberwarfare Star Wars - Star Trek 2017. 8 years Obama has been looking for; That Thing With Feathers Trapped in Amber? It Was a Dinosaur Tail. Looking into the Top Quark for "Time". Paper Calendars Endure because the Post Office wasted $5 Billion in 2016 on make work time wasting jobs! Another war crime by McCain and murder by Biden. Senators wasted $5 Billion on the Post Office in 2016 because Paper Calendars Endure, and stifle the Calendars in the Top Quarks. CERN got 2 million hits on the Higgs particle not the new calendar they found smashing two top quarks. Biden + McCain. Biden + McCain are looking for the Dinosaur Tail, and spent money on this when time passed them by and stifled 5 billion people on Earth because of their Paper Calendars at the Post Office in a iPostOffice $ Star Wars, Star Trek Times! Galleries: What to See in New York City Galleries This Week - Paper Calendars that Endured over Time. Cyberwarfare Star Wars calendars get one spin off invention after another when the ALARM goes off warning you this could be a great invention! If you don't have a list of 1,001 IP invention projects you will not send the letter by Mail that you are working on the gravity engine! A war crime by McCain + murder by Biden. Calendar of Obama, Biden 1 million died in last year just from mosquitos!


12-30-2016 Friday; 2017 Mindful of Cyberwar Inventions in the New Years "Kiss of Inventions" How Russia Recruited Elite Hackers for Its Cyberwar. Here's What Awaits Starbucks' New CEO in 2017... Trump-Moscow Starbucks with iMacBook Pro's at every cafe table with 1 Click Amazon links to invention projects 24/7. Trump + Putin's heart attack will effect their wife's like Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher. No Time to jump in front to the Heart Transplant line like Cheney!

12-30-2016 Friday; 2017 Mindful of the New Years "Kiss of Inventions" How Greg + Wives in Key West Recruited Elite CIA Coup Op for "No Gas Stations On Earth" @ iPostOffice @ Star Trek Era of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year iWatch and iPhone 007 ++ Dash Cam and iMicro GE Electric Generator fueled by NASA's H @ -254 c.

12-30-2016 Friday; 2017 Mindful New Years "Kiss of Medical Inventions 1,001 a Year" cyberwarfare!

12-30-2016 Friday; "How Syria Defeated the Sunni Powers" By EMILE HOKAYEM Syrian army soldiers during a battle this month with rebel fighters east of Aleppo. Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar bet on the losing side of the Middle East’s civil war. Now their regional policies are in shambles.

12-30-2016 Friday; 2017 Mindful of the New Years "Kiss of Inventions" How Russia Recruited Elite Hackers for Its Cyberwar - Its war over $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues...

12-30-2016 Friday; 2017 cyberwarfare Facebook vs Invent Book and YouTube's million hits for Black Lung of Coal miners. Caroline Kennedy dancing at Times Square for 2017 incognito Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Mary Kennedy still hanging in the Kennedy Barn. Japan Comfort women in Mecca for the New Year 2017. 72 Virgins pimped by Bush to one Saudi Prince! Before the Prince gets to Heaven.


12-30-2016 Friday; By SUSAN CHIRA in the NY Times Today on Facebook not InventBook; The Women’s March on Washington on Jan. 21 is an apt metaphor for the moment: movement as primal scream. It grew out of a post on Facebook, not InventBook. Or Susan would be marching on Dr. Susan Love for killing Greg + Wives in a Legal Polygamous Marriage in Key West at the Hemingway House. Dr. Susan Love for the last 8 years has put a needle into her nipple to cure Stage 4. Dr. Susan Love killed Greg + Wives in Key West too. She will admit to this, and cheer her Drone Strike! Susan Chira (@susanchira) is a senior correspondent and editor on gender issues for The New York Times.

12-30-2016 Friday; By SUSAN CHIRA The Women’s March on Washington on Jan. 21 should be for the "Trillions of Jolts of Invention Inspiration from God's best Invention - Women! Susan Chira (@susanchira) is a senior correspondent and editor on gender issues for The New York Times.


12-30-2016 Friday; Recruited Elite Hackers for Its Cyberwar.

12-30-2016 Friday; President Obama’s expulsion of 35 diplomats as retaliation...

12-30-2016 Friday; Takata Said Be Close to Deal With U.S. Over Deadly Airbags...

12-30-2016 Friday; Obama, Biden's killing of Beau and 10's of thousands via expulsion of the idea, invention of super air bags on the outside of Trucks, Buses, etc.

12-30-2016 Friday; 8 years we could have had Super Air Bags on the Outside of Trucks, Buses, etc... a war crime by McCain.

12-30-2016 Friday; President Obama’s expulsion of "35,000 medical invention projects" on this web page and in a Hemingway House Writing class novel, as retaliation for writing Biden killed his own son Beau for the "Glory" of War in Baghdad for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues.


12-30-2016 Friday; Bookshelf "Tracing the Blue Blood of New York’s Elite" “In Pursuit of Privilege” by Clifton Hood places late-19th-century society in broader historical perspective. By SAM ROBERTS

12-30-2016 Friday; Bookshelf by Martha Gellhorn or Mrs. Martha Hemingway third wife. Martha's book "Pursuit" would be # 1 today if Martha was a Yale Key West Medical School professor. Syphilis was the Top Quark in Martha's book. Did Bill Clinton give syphilis to Hillary, we must get Moscow to hack this. Putin must have killed all the MD's in Moscow. Well Putin killed all the MD professors in Moscow. Yale in New Haven has a classified course for medical students titled... Dictators + Doctors. Yes the Dictators are in the USA. This is why MD's in the USA put to death women with MS in 2016. Bidens Moon Shot was not for them. A war crime by Biden. 1984 II society in the USA broader historical perspective why your iPhone 007 ++ does not have caller ID for men who have Syphilis and MS virus. According to Statistics Bill Clinton should have syphilis.


12-30-2016 Friday; "NYC Tips for Creating a Home for Aging Owners" By KAYA LATERMAN Replace doorknobs with lever handles that are easier to open. Greg's Tip is to install electric doors like Publix with motion detection or voice activated. Select light fixtures with two bulbs. If one goes out, you’ll still have light from the other bulb. LED will last for 10 years and get the motion detection lights. Or voice let there be light and the voice gives you a IP invention projects brainstorming idea. Tip by Greg. Install shelves that slide out. Greg's tip is to get a inventor of what is on each shelf so you don't have to search every shelf over and over till you find it. Grin. install a walk-in shower with a seat for Ivanka. Live streaming video of you at home with motion alerts for observers watching you.

12-30-2016 Friday;


12-30-2016 Friday; 2017 1 invention made 1 million GE wind turbines obsolete... Live Streaming Video of Jewish Aliens decoded from the microwave background signals will make obsolete... !!!

12-30-2016 Friday; 2017 Bring in the New Year at the Hemingway House Writing Class New Years Eve Party!

"Happy New Year 2017" is "Paint The New Key West City Hall Pink at Midnight" Paradise Lost in Key West is the Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4 by Greg + Wives held as POW's prohibited from writing at the Hemingway House Writing Class a invention thriller Rx Recipe for Stage 4.

2017 Mindful of the New Years "Kiss of Inventions" You will Get... in 2017.

12-29-2016 Thursday; Debbie Reynolds, Carrie Fisher will bring the subject of bipolar illness, drugs and alcohol "politics" to the new 2017 Disney Pixar Movie "Cinderella MD".

2017 Mindful of the New Years "Kiss of Inventions" You will Get... in 2017.

2017 Bring in the New Year at the Hemingway House Writing Class New Years Eve Party!

2017 Mindful of the New Years "Kiss of Inventions" You will Get... in 2017.

12-29-2016 Thursday; Periscope Up on your 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort. Laser guidance at all NYC cross walks is Star Trek Technology @ iPostOffice @ Star Trek Age.

2017 1 invention made 1 million GE wind turbines obsolete... Live Streaming Video of Jewish Aliens decoded from the microwave background signals will make obsolete... !!!


12-29-2016 Thursday; Building the Yale Key West Medical School, a 155 Story Titanium Skyscraper! Trump's Eiffel Tower that can be scene from Miami + Cuba.

2017 Mindful of the New Years "Kiss of Inventions" You will Get... in 2017. Madonna's Skin-Care Line Now Comes With a Magnetic Mask. Yale Key West Medical School skin care products will come with a 1K SUV sun screen. Invented in Key West by Greg + Wives 1K SUV Sun Screen.

12-29-2016 Thursday; Princess Leta MD Disney Pixar Cinderella MD - What Will Happen In 2017... Predictions For Trump MD. Miss Universe MD is the Noble in Medicine Winner who brainstorms a Rx Recipe for MS. Stage 4.

12-29-2016 Thursday; Debbie Reynolds, “Singin’ in the Rain,” died one day after her daughter, the actress Carrie Fisher. Debbie Reynolds; her movie debut in “The Daughter of Rosie O’Grady,” a musical comedy starring June Haver and Gordon MacRae. The same year, she played Helen Kane, the 1920s singer known as the boop-boop-a-doop girl, in “Three Little Words” and also appeared in “Two Weeks With Love,” in which she sang “Aba Daba Honeymoon” with Carleton Carpenter. The song became a huge novelty hit.

12-29-2016 Thursday; Debbie Reynolds, Movies that are know to cause bipolar illness, alcohol and drug addiction in children, Ha.

12-29-2016 Thursday; Debbie Reynolds, Carrie Fisher will bring the subject of bipolar illness, drugs and alcohol to the new 2017 Disney Pixar Movie "Cinderella MD".

12-29-2016 Thursday; Debbie Reynolds, lighthearted romantic comedies, including “The Gazebo” (1959), “Say One for Me” (1959) and “The Pleasure of His Company” (1961). She also played the title role in “The Singing Nun” (1966), appeared in “Divorce American Style” (1967) and was part of the all-star ensemble cast of “How the West Was Won” (1963). And selfless spider in the animated film version of E. B. White’s children’s classic “Charlotte’s Web” (1973).

12-29-2016 Thursday; These Movies are, How Disney was won over to making "Cinderella MD"

"Cinderella MD"

"Cinderella MD"

"Cinderella MD"

"Cinderella MD"

"Cinderella MD"

12-29-2016 Thursday; How Disney was won over to making "Cinderella MD" - lighthearted romantic comedies, including “The Gazebo” (1959), “Say One for Me” (1959) and “The Pleasure of His Company” (1961). She also played the title role in “The Singing Nun” (1966), appeared in “Divorce American Style” (1967) and was part of the all-star ensemble cast of “How the West Was Won” (1963). How Disney was won over to making "Cinderella MD"

12-29-2016 Thursday; These Movies are, How Disney was won over to making "Cinderella MD"

"Cinderella MD"

"Cinderella MD"

"Cinderella MD"

"Cinderella MD"

"Cinderella MD"

2017 Movie of the Year will be titled... "Biden killed his own son Beau for the glory of War" "Gravity Engine Ford" will be the sequel to this movie, Hahahahaha. Invention story of how the gravity engine was invented by Greg + Wives in Key West despite Biden's torments!


2017 Movie of the Year will be titled... "Biden killed his own son Beau for the glory of War" "Gravity Engine Ford" will be the sequel to this movie, Hahahahaha. Invention story of how the gravity engine was invented by Greg + Wives in Key West despite Biden's torments!

"Cinderella MD"

"Cinderella MD"

12-29-2016 Thursday; Debbie Reynolds, Carrie Fisher brought the subject of bipolar illness into the popular culture with humor and hard-boiled detail. Drug addicted at 19. Didn't apply Yale Key West Medical School "War Room" 24/7 what is the Rx Recipe cure as our 1984 II Dictators were into cheering drone strikes and Medicine a Year was given to the Pentagon Generals for War Toys from MIT not MIT Medical School - Biden killed his own son for the glory's of war not a Polio Cure!

2017 Mindful of the New Years "Kiss of Inventions" You will Get... in 2017. Carrie Fisher's heart failure aboard a United jet is the latest fatal incident in what has become a real problem and preventable as diesel exhaust. Well iApple iWatch to detect heart attack and cardiac arrest hours before your flight is old. Yes if Tim Cook would have used 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos Carrie Fisher's iWatch would have had a pop up alert for heart attack or cardiac arrest in 5.5 hours. 10 $100 Million dollar IBM Super Computers could have gotten this iapp for the iWatch in a week.


12-29-2016 Thursday; 2017 will be the Rain Reign for the Yale Key West Medical School and a Hospital Aircraft Carrier Docked in Every Port in the USA. Trump will make America Great Again.

12-29-2016 Thursday; 2017 is the Era of the Hemingway House Writing Class, a invention thriller at iPostOffice @ Star Trek Medical Science Nobel's in literature Age!

12-29-2016 Thursday; China’s ‘iPhone City’ Was Built With Billions in Perks" A hidden bounty of benefits for Foxconn’s plant in Zhengzhou, the world’s biggest iPhone factory, is central to the production of Apple’s most profitable product.


12-29-2016 Thursday; 1 invention made 1 million GE wind turbines obsolete... 1 one invention would make 1 billion iPhone 007 ++ obsolete? Brainstorm this with a 1 click Amazon link to Los Alamos. Ask Oppenheimer II on InventBook.

12-29-2016 Thursday; Toll of Fentanyl, More Potent Than Heroin, Is Rising - Toll of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Submarines vs Yale Key West Medical Schools, Is Rising!! Jimmy Carter is a mass murderer of Jewish Aliens.

12-29-2016 Thursday; InventBook @ iPostOffice @ Star Trek Era Twitter is battling Facebook for live streaming supremacy with the launch of 360-degree live video. Twitter is introducing 360-degree live video streaming to its streaming app Periscope -


12-29-2016 Thursday; Most of the people I've admired in show business—comedians, writers, actors—are alcoholics or drug addicts or suicides," she said. "It's bizarre. And I get to be in that club now. It's the one thing I cling to in here: Wow, I'm hip now, like the dead people. Romancing the stoned."

12-29-2016 Thursday; Gloria Steinem; her new book, “My Life On The Road Driving a Gasoline Engine Car in an Age of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Suppression!”

12-29-2016 Thursday; François Hollande Pardons French Woman Who Killed Abusive Husband

12-29-2016 Thursday; New York City, more than 1,000 people are expected to die from drug overdoses in 2016 — the first recorded four-digit death total in city history, according to statistics compiled by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.


12-29-2016 Thursday; 2017 Biden, McCain convicted war criminals... spray painted black cloud of diesel exhaust from 1 Trillion scooters on Duval Key West. 1 million children will die from childhood cancers caused by Biden + McCain spary painting black clouds of diesel in every city and town in the USA for the Glory of War in Baghdad, and its $300 million a week in Oil Revenues $$$.

12-29-2016 Thursday;

12-29-2016 Thursday;

12-29-2016 Thursday;

12-28-2016 Wednesday; A Symbol of What Went Wrong... purple hearts not heart transplants at the Yale Key West Medical School Today! "Sanctuary City" is "iPostOffice @ Star Trek Medical Inventions".

12-28-2016 Wednesday; NY Times Editorial on how High School was made mandatory in the USA is not going to be written for a long time! How University Education was made mandatory in the USA has been written on this web page by Greg + Wife's in Key West...

12-28-2016 Wednesday; "iPostOffice @ Star Trek Medical Inventions

12-28-2016 Wednesday; A Symbol of What Went Wrong... purple hearts not heart transplants! Biden's glory of War Vision! Kerry's failed Anatomy at Yale Medical School. Israel Cabinet Minister Calls Kerry Speech 'Pathetic'. Yale women who's mom's died of Stage 4 when Kerry could have hacked 4 trillion Rx Recipe to crunch at Los Alamos also called Kerry Pathetic and a war criminal, Kerry is A Symbol of What Went Wrong... purple hearts not heart transplants. Bidens glory of War! Cheering drone strikes when mom died of Stage 4. 'Pathetic' Yale passed Kerry, Bush, Clinton... a war crime. No Gas Stations On Earth Op!

12-28-2016 Wednesday; China not the US Navy Deploys "Hospital Aircraft Carrier" to Key West. Vision to "expose" terrible diseases given to Nasty Women, by Tim Cook + Mad Men. Syphilis, MS, HIV... Hepatitis. STD's. "Sanctuary City" Key West. Trump will send the executive orders to build the Yale Key West Medical School, a 155 Story Titanium Skyscraper! Trump's Eiffel Tower!

12-28-2016 Wednesday; BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com Hotel resort fees... Yale Key West Medical School fees $$$ Steve Jobs would be alive today if the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort windfall profits were spent on the Yale Key West Medical School, Mandy! Sheep’s Milk Cheeses in U.S. Earn Ribbons but Scant Profits - Mandy you should crunch Sheep's Milk in your aorta before you 1 click buy at Amazon. YKW medical school will give you a A in writing your Citizen article. Jimmy Weekley get a F for "Sanctuary City" with no Heart Transplants in 2016. He did get a New Key West City Hall for Purple Heart Awards.

12-28-2016 Wednesday; BY MANDY MILES Citizen Staff mmiles@keysnews.com Hotel resort fees, also known as amenity charges, destination charges and facility fees, are as common today as airline baggage fees — and just as popular. An article about resort fees that appeared in Monday’s USA Today reported that resort fees in Key West are $20 to $30 a night. Hotels are owned by BP Oil types out to make as much money as possible so you have to pay extra to use WiFi and the Hotel pool. Marching Orders are not given by people in Key West but Manhattan, grin!


12-28-2016 Wednesday; Toshiba Could Lose Billions From Troubled U.S. Nuclear Power Deal via iPod size GE electric generators fueled by H @ -254 C you can plug in all your GE appliances. Invented in this Key West House, tourists attraction for next years Tour of Houses. Today is the last for this years tour of Homes... invented in this House in Key West like GE labs and Bell + Edison tours.

12-28-2016 Wednesday; Menlo Park, Calif. — Scientists at Stanford University and the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have discovered a way to use diamondoids – the smallest possible bits of diamond – to assemble atoms into the thinnest possible electrical wires, just three atoms wide. Trillions of miles of High Power Lines by GE are out of date with these inventions! Yes GE under Trump will have to take down all the High Power Towers that stretch across the horizon... ha!! Warn GE predator Inventor is nearby. iPostOffice @ Star Trek Era GE suppressed since the 1980 invention of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort.

12-28-2016 Wednesday; Greg + Wives in Key West have discovered a way to... make iPod size GE electric generators fueled by H @ -254 C you can plug in all your GE appliances... tiny wires can be used to generate electricity.

12-28-2016 Wednesday; Greg + Wife's in Key West have a surge of hope's to invent the Airbus A380 that will fly into orbit and land in Paris in 30 minutes within 2 years. Invented in Key West, Hahahahahaha!! Plane maker Airbus said on Tuesday it was postponing the delivery of 12 A380 planes to Emirates Airline over the next two years. Airbus is also postponing a Mach 10 A380. 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos, click, click, click, grin!!


12-28-2016 Wednesday; Caroline Kennedy was at the Toshiba Nuclear Power Plant in Japan yesterday dancing to "Happy New Year". iPod size GE electric generators fueled by H @ -254 C Japanese can plug into instead of a nuclear power plant.

12-28-2016 Wednesday; Contentious Textbook Policy Have Surged Hopes of iPostOffice @ Star Trek Era YouTube Anatomy and physiology streaming video textbooks with links in the video you can click on to get to Los Alamos doing your Anatomy and Physiology in a iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society.


12-28-2016 Wednesday; Selling point for taking Anatomy and Physiology at Yale Key West Medical School is you get to use 10 $100 million dollar super computers at Los Alamos with 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects to get you started on Anatomy inventions. If this has not sold you them you can join the Hemingway Anatomy and Physiology writing a novel in Anatomy with thrilling inventions in every chapter. Carrie Fisher, a massive heart attack. Tim Cook refused to unlock a iPhone in a murder and to sell the cardiac arrest iapps and iPhone 007 ++ to detect the massive heart attack jolts days before the heart attack on the plane. Los Alamos could have crunched this for the Apple assembly line in a week or less on 10 $100 million dollar super computers!

12-28-2016 Wednesday; John Kerry, in a Final, Pointed Plea, Will Outline a Vision of Mideast Peace


12-28-2016 Wednesday; John Kerry's, Final grade at in Anatomy and Physiology at Yale will be a F.Kerry Will Outline a Vision of Wounded Warriors blinded by Biden and McCain for the "Glory" of War $$$ Oil Revenues from Baghdad today, yes Kerry's vision is on the $300 million a week he gets from Baghdad Oil this week. Hell with Anatomy and Physiology of Vision - Kerry could have saved the sight of thousands of blind wounded warriors but failed them and Yale too as I will make a streaming video textbook of Kerry's vision of Mideast Peace Nobel Prize, no Jimmy Carter let Kerry borrowing his Nobel for a semester in Vision at Yale. Yale Key West Medical School will have a class on Kerry's Vision Failure!

12-28-2016 Wednesday; China Deploys Aircraft Carrier to Disputed South China Sea

12-28-2016 Wednesday; China Deploys Hospital Aircraft Carrier to Key West. Vision to expose terrible diseases given to Nasty Women, Syphilis, MS, HIV, and childhood cancers and birth defects from decades of spray painted black clouds of diesel exhaust from trillions of scooters on Duval. DNA is also a course Kerry failed in the real world.

12-28-2016 Wednesday; Ivy League Yale and Harvard Plundering the Classics for Children, with oil caused cancers and birth defects for $$$ Oil Riches at Yale and Harvard. Tolstoy War and Peace in the age of the iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society is DNA is the Title written by Tolstoy in a iPostOffice @ Star Trek Era. London + Paris Plague was spread by a RAT and today it's the same RAT named BP Oil. Queen Elizabeth II and Jimmy Carter are on their death beds at peace with their God and believe they will get the Oil Money in Heaven like Moslem Men get 72 virgins.


12-28-2016 Wednesday; "H.I.V. Cases Surpass a Million in Russia, but Little Is Done"

12-28-2016 Wednesday; Alcoholic deaths Surpass a Million in Russia, but Little Is Done"

12-28-2016 Wednesday; Syphilis, HIV, Hepatitis, MS Cases Surpass a Million in Russia, but little is Done"

12-28-2016 Wednesday; North Korea’s Nuclear Hopes Have Surged, set on fire by Obama + fiery cop car's!!


12-28-2016 Wednesday; NY Times. Life on a Small California Farm. The work is grueling at Oya Organics, an 18-acre vegetable farm in Hollister.

12-28-2016 Wednesday; NY Times. 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines A/C flying over the Amazon's 18 million acre's of cashews. iPostOffice @ Star Trek Combines, Ha.

12-28-2016 Wednesday; The New York Times has been creating a new type of content: live interactive journalism. While streaming on Facebook. InventBook has not beenm created by the NY Times. iPostOffice @ Star Trek Era YouTube Anatomy and physiology streaming video textbooks with links in the video you can click on to get to Los Alamos doing your Anatomy and Physiology in a iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society. iNY Times @ Star Trek Society front page picture and editorial content will save the life of Steve Jobs and Mary Kennedy! Facebook will not let the NY Times post the Miami gas station hold up's live streaming videos! Plundering the Classics for Children who must learn about the spray painted black clouds of diesel exhaust on Duval Key West and DNA mutations. A reading teacher deplores the practice Tolstoy @ iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society. "Crime and Punishment" when the government should have made the University Mandatory like High School was made mandatory! NY Times Editorial on how High School was made mandatory in the USA is not going to be written for a long time!

12-28-2016 Wednesday;

12-28-2016 Wednesday;

12-28-2016 Wednesday;


12-27-2016 Tuesday; I have the file written at Los Alamos about Mr. Buell's "Wind Car" from 1990 in my Billfold. So who is ordering the shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles instead... Biden + MaCain war criminals.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; Editorial at Today's failed... NY Times. "Dying in Police Custody in India" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times. "Hundreds have perished without any accountability from the police."

12-27-2016 Tuesday; Fiery Cop Car's, hundreds since 1980 and even Pope Francis drives by without stopping to help get the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort in the NY Times Editorials.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; A Symbol of What Went Wrong... purple hearts not heart transplants at the Yale Key West Medical School Today 12-27-2016 because Jimmy Weekley went to war in Baghdad. Instead of buying a new Ford ElectricWindmillEscort at Duncan's! Sick... heartless too!

...eight nights a small supply of oil miraculously lasted for a small group of Jewish people in 165 B.C. fighting to defeat... BP Oil.


12-27-2016 Tuesday; Greg's 4 MD wife's Godsent. A Stag 4 Overnight Rx Recipe Cure invented in Key West in your Hemingway House Writing Class. Jimmy Weekley and the City Commission do not write novel's with thrilling invention projects in every chapter on a iMacBook Pro. As there are no writing classes at the Hemingway House and no iMacBook Pro's to rent... you can rent a bike or scooter though, grin.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; Invented on your vacation to Key West post on Facebook.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; Jimmy Weekley and the City Commission do not speak for the citizens of Key West. A "Sanctuary City" is ridiculous headlines by Jimmy Weekley! An illegal Alien is an illegal Alien. Jewish Aliens at Nearby Stars will be a Sanctuary! Citizen voice below Jimmy's is a women on Christmas Eve with a bike chain off and good samaritans stopped - 100's of bike chains come off on Tourists, I have stopped several times just in 2016. Several bike's locked to the light pole with no wheel is typical for Jimmy Weekley's Key West. Seats missing are almost 1 in every block. This has been typical Key West for the last 5 years. Jimmy Weekley and the City Commission do not speak for the citizens who's bike chain, seat, wheels come off their bike ride on Christmas Eve. Jimmy Weekley is Not a "good Samaritan". His Faustos parking lot is empty from 8 pm to 8 am when thousands are looking for a parking spot. Arnold Towing Signs at Faustos are oversize and a code violation but are at every parking spot. And the Tow Truck is hidden across the street, grin. The women on Christmas Eve with a bike chain off and good samaritans stopped when she got back to her car it had been towed by Jimmy Weekley. This would not be printed in the KW newspaper citizen voice column. No news on Towed Cars is a Jimmy Weekley Headline. Towed cars "Sanctuary City" would be Greg and Wife's headlines in Key West with City Parking Employees running iParking iapps. That find you a parking spot not a Jimmy Weekley's Faustos Grocery store lot ha, after 8 pm, ha. And text you so you never get a Parking Ticket or towed. This and the bike seat still on the bike is what Tourists what from Jimmy Weekley and the City Commission. Jimmy Weekley could be a clone of Christy if a traffic jam on highway 1 happens... Hahahahaha. Tourists caught in the showers yesterday are on the front page of the KW paper today. Missing (bike seat) is the 100 tiki huts Jimmy Weekley and the City Commission do not want on Smathers Beach for the Tourists on the day after Christmas showers!


12-27-2016 Tuesday; Invented on your vacation to Key West post on Facebook. Mar-a-Lago remains a top destination for Trump. PALM BEACH, Fl. is not Key West, You will not get a invention at Mar-a-Lago, and your car will be towed with a parking ticket on the windshield when you pick it up... grin! Invented on your vacation to Key West, only in Key West at the Hemingway House Writing Class.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; Letters to Trump by Jimmy Weekley and the City Commission do not speak of thrilling brainstormed ideas writing a Novel at the Hemingway House Writing Class that will put birth control Recipe and Vaccines in the drinking water invented in Key West. - What Will Happen to Abortion in the Trump Era? Jimmy Weekley's letter to Trump about "Sanctuary City" in 1984 Novel written at the Hemingway House Writing class leaks and hacks what is classified and top secret... Secrets of the Saudi $$$ are on the front page of the NY Times today. Tomorrow secrets of BP Oil money spent in Key West will be on the front page along with "starving the cat" by Mayor Cate's!


12-27-2016 Tuesday; A Symbol of What Went Wrong... purple hearts not heart transplants at the Yale Key West Medical School Today 12-27-2016 because Jimmy Weekley went to war in Baghdad. Instead of buying a new Ford ElectricWindmillEscort at Duncan's! Sick... heartless too!


12-27-2016 Tuesday; Brilliant Sun + Sandy Beaches in Key West. Women with a bike chain off and good samaritans stopped...

12-27-2016 Tuesday; Brilliant Sun + Sandy Beaches in Key West. A Recipe to invent something! Epic Tourism Cure for everyone in Paris + NYC. Not a Hot Springs but a Los Alamos in Key West. Your Crunched Rx Recipe you Invented on your vacation to Key West, open 24/7 at the Hemingway House Writing Class, Yes open 24/7 on an iMacBook Pro with 1 Click links to Los Alamos - Genius Code and Clone of Oppenheimer for our Post Office at Key West is the first iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society, Paradise High Tech Geeks can love! Grin.


12-27-2016 Tuesday; Secrets of the Kingdom! "Members of the Saudi royal family at a reception at the palace in Riyadh last year. There are thousands of princes and princesses in the House of Saud and many are accustomed to a lavish lifestyle." Saudi Royal Family Is Still Spending in an Age of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year at the iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society! $$$ Lavish "idle rice lifestyle" and its grip on power.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; Saudi royal family "Honor Killings of killing's of thousands of women is not in this NY Times article. Status Quo kept secret in the NY Times - in the "Kennedy Barn". Hundreds, thousands of Mary Kennedy's murdered when Caroline Kennedy Danced to "White Christmas" in Tokyo with medial headlines of Several million hits on YouTube!! Fight Data Recorder of Mary Kennedy and Robert Kennedy Jr will get several thousand more hits on YouTube and Facebook.


12-27-2016 Tuesday; I have the file written at Los Alamos about Mr. Buell's "Wind Car" from 1990 in my Billfold. So who is ordering the shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles instead... Biden + MaCain war criminals.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; $40 Billion just in 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts given away...

12-27-2016 Tuesday; $40 Billion just in shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, a move it Putin said would directly threaten Russian forces in Syria.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; U.S. Sold $40 Billion in Weapons in 2016, Topping Global Markets $$$

12-27-2016 Tuesday; U.S. Sold $40 Billion in Weapons in 2016, Topping Global Markets $$$

12-27-2016 Tuesday; U.S. "Sold Out" of 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts World Wide, 1 Billion Fords are parked at the Pentagon!

12-27-2016 Tuesday; $40 Billion just in shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, a move it Putin said would directly threaten Russian forces in Syria.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; $40 Billion just in 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscorts given away...


12-27-2016 Tuesday; U.S. "Sold Out" Sold Us Out to the King and thousands of Princes pictured on the front page of the NY Times Today. Biden + McCain's grip on life and death of the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort and millions of Nasty Women in the USA who know these 2 guys are the most terrible war criminals in the history of the USA. Thousands of USA women died of Stage 4 in 2016. Biden has a Moon Shot and McCain has been shooting wounded warriors wife's when they come home from Baghdad or Saudi Arabia.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; U.S. Committed to NATO, Baltic Security: McCain headlines in the NY Times 21 minutes ago. Nasty Women committed McCain to a war crimes trail on Facebook while they work 24/7 on InventBook on a Stage 4 Rx Recipe!

12-27-2016 Tuesday; "World Peace" driving the "1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort" was wreck by Biden, McCain... Beau murdered by his own Father for the glory of war in Baghdad + $777 Trillion in gas station hold up loot in Riyadh. Biden is disconnected from reality of 2 Trillion Galaxies in the Universe!!


12-27-2016 Tuesday; Riyadh New $1 Billion dollar built by the USA new palace for King Salman of Saudi Arabia!

12-27-2016 Tuesday; Thousands of Saudi Princes also have a $1 Billion dollar Palace built by the USA, well paid for by the USA gas station hold up's in Miami.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; Riyadh trillion's dollars’ worth of projects in Mecca, a SUV umbrella largest in the world when Biden killed young Biden's with skin cancer, Hell Jimmy Carter was to cheap to buy expensive $100 SUV sun screen at CVS... in Georgia.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; SUV tent the size of a circus big-top where the king could feast and entertain his enormous retinue... thousands of Prince's have a circus big-top tent too.


12-27-2016 Tuesday; Predictions that divisions within the House of Saud could jeopardize its grip on power have come and gone for decades. Despite his advancing age, King Salman emerged this month for a tour of the Persian Gulf states, a reminder of who is in charge. “This family has been figuring these things out amongst themselves for 30 years,” said Ford M. Fraker, a former United States ambassador to Saudi Arabia and now president of the Middle East Policy Council. “Swim together or sink together,” he said, “is ingrained in their DNA.” Nicholas Kulish reported from Tangier, and Mark Mazzetti from Washington. Reporting was contributed by Hugh Miles from Cairo; Ben Hubbard from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Milan Schreuer from Paris; Iliana Magra from Mykonos, Greece; and David D. Kirkpatrick from London.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; by NICHOLAS KULISH and MARK MAZZETTI NY Times. Saudi Royal's in the Age of iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society. Trump will Make American Great Again takes on another "connotation" with the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort upgrade to the 2017 Ford ElecticWindmillEscort with an iPhone 007 Plus Dash Cam, iCops, iTraffic Tickets, Navy F35C laser guidance costing more than the Ford, grin!

12-27-2016 Tuesday; “Swim together or sink together,” he said, “is ingrained in their DNA.”


12-27-2016 Tuesday; DNA of tourists kids from Paris on the Duval Walk in Key West from 1980 to 2016. Many Children's DNA sank in the spray painted black clouds of diesel exhaust from trillions of scooters on Duval. Birth defects and cancers treated at the Pasteur Hospital in Paris from their Key West Vacations. “Swim together or sink together,” he said, “is ingrained in their DNA.”

12-27-2016 Tuesday; Editorial at Today's failed... NY Times. "Dying in Police Custody in India" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times. "Hundreds have perished without any accountability from the police."


12-27-2016 Tuesday; 19K have perished without Biden being arrested for war crimes... police on Tuesday found the body of a woman they identified as an actress and yoga instructor who went missing on Christmas Day while on her way to a holiday dinner at a friend’s house. Interim D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham told a Tuesday morning news conference that the body is that of Tricia McCauley. He said trauma was visible on the body. InventBook post about the iPhone 007 Plus dash cam in Tricia's car would have saved her life. All we have is Facebook post on here being missing on Christmas Day. Biden killed iPhone 007 Dash Cams and his son Beau.


12-27-2016 Tuesday; Apple could be prepping a 5-inch iPhone 7S with a vertical dual-lens camera. TechRadar - Rumors. iPhone 007 Plus dash cam in Tricia's car would have saved her life.

12-27-2016 Tuesday; TechRadar Rumors - Inventions... iPhone 007 ++ built into the... 12.9-inch Apple iPad Pro. At the time I said that I believed the iPad has changed my life, and that it was rapidly replacing my laptop... write a review to what we can do with an iPhone 007 ++ built into the 12.9-inch Apple iPad Pro. Now in your Minds!!


12-27-2016 Tuesday; Today is the Tour of Key West Homes. Year after year, houses in Key West are renovated or expanded to suit the demands of modern living or desired lifestyles. The Old Island Restoration Foundation begins its 57th home-tour season Dec. 27 and 28 with homes that exemplify different ... Same Comcast Cable remote in every one of the 57 homes. A "Sanctuary City" for Comcast remotes that are out of date and still on the shelf at Faustos grocery store's! Titanium Homes, in your mind think of this. iPod size GE electric generators fueled by H @ -254 C you can plug in all your GE appliances. Invented in this house sign in front of the home will be a tourists attraction on next years tour. Grin!!

12-27-2016 Tuesday;

12-27-2016 Tuesday;


12-26-2016 Monday; The Supreme Court will weigh hearing a challenge to a policy of charging “booking fees” — a :"Scam" in BP Oil Owned municipalities.

12-26-2016 Monday; wrongful death lawsuit against McCain for all the dead wounded warriors who would be alive if the CIA did a "No Gas Stations On Earth" Coup Op to win the war (long before 9/11) and confiscate $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues $$$.

12-26-2016 Monday; The Supreme Court will weigh hearing a challenge to McCain policy of the "Glory of War" for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues $$$.

12-26-2016 Monday; The Supreme Court will weigh + reshape the killing of your wife by troops coming home from Baghdad, now today this has been made classified by McCain!

12-26-2016 Monday; Hemingway House Writing Lessons for the Media - Key West Mandy Miles to the Editors at the NY Times, a invention thriller written on iMacBook Pro's with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos at the Hemingway House Writing Lessons, "Class" for NYC. Class of Caroline Kennedy + Mary Kennedy at Christmas Dinner at the Kerry's with Heinz ketchup. BP Peanut Butter Ketchup bottle invention, Jimmy Carter was not invited.

12-26-2016 Monday; Wounded Warriors Wives Murdered... News Media Facebook, lets face this with Nasty Women Screaming...

12-26-2016 Monday; Mandy Miles at the Key West News paper today - day after Christmas put Wounded Warriors on Page 2 top! Not wives murdered by Wounded Warriors or Bike Ride around Key West for Wife's murdered by Robert Kennedy Jr.

12-26-2016 Monday; No Greg didn't get 4 MD wife's for Christmas Day to get the Miracle Godsent Gift of a Stag 4 Overnight Rx Recipe cure!


12-26-2016 Monday; "Mary Kennedy" murder by Robert Kennedy Jr; Supreme Court seat, giving the president-elect a monumental opportunity to reshape the killing of your wife in the "Kennedy Barn". Hundreds, thousands of Mary Kennedy's and Caroline Kennedy Danced to "White Christmas" in Tokyo yesterday! Several million hits on YouTube, too!!

12-26-2016 Monday; Walmart employee found a baby girl in a bathroom a few hours after the infant's mother gave birth to her and dumped her in a trash can. Yale + Harvard Lawyers will argue before the Supreme Court this is a analogy of what Caroline Kennedy did to the Dead Body of Mary Kennedy... put her in the Elite Social Trash Dumpster!!

12-26-2016 Monday; "Black Lung" mass murders; Supreme Court put them in the Elite Social Trash Dumpster!! Trash Dumpster at iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society will burn trash at the same temperature as the core of the Sun burns H. Yale Key West Medical School will perfect this invention with the help of NASA and Los Alamos.

12-26-2016 Monday; New York City Slow to Embrace Approach That Streamlines Building Projects because the 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort is not "Driven!" by the Top Quarks at our 1984 II HQ.

12-26-2016 Monday; Los Alamos II is built in Manhattan next to Trump Towers, a Skyscraper designed for Oppenheimer II + II with a $100 million dollar IBM Super Computer on every floor!

12-26-2016 Monday; Publix opened a Starbucks cafe in its store without any iMacBook Pro's... Supreme Court will take this up as a crime against iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society.

12-26-2016 Monday; Supreme Court will take this up as a crime - Key West’s new $19 million City Hall, 1300 White St., is ready for its grand opening starting with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at noon Jan. 3. 2017 City of Key West Yale Key West Medical School would have opened years soon if Jimmy Weekley would have stopped cutting up his cow at Faustos 5 years ago, and watched the cutting out of Cheney's Heart + putting in a New Heart. iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society will use lasers and super glue and 1,001 other medical invention discovered at the Yale Key West Medical School. New Key West City Hall will be recycled into a Stage 4 Breast Cancer Memorial by Nasty Women when the Ford ElectricWindmillEscort makes the front page of the NY Times! The 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort Makes the front page of the NY Times on Jan. 3. 2017 right after Mayor Cates cuts the ribbon, the "Pink Ribbon" no Mayor Cates is not going to cut a "Pink Ribbon" on Jan. 3. 2017.


12-26-2016 Monday; Editorial "2 Trillion Galaxies and 4 Trillion Rx Recipes Will be the "Climate Change" in the Trump Era!" By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times today. Donald Trump isn’t likely to advance climate policy. Luckily, there’s a bulwark against any attempt to roll back the progress made. Failure @ NY Times. A wrongful death lawsuit against iPostOffice @ Star Trek iNY Times. NY Times in a Star Trek Era. No one reads the New York Times in a Star Trek Movie. Progress made by a Star Trek Society, after first contact with Jewish Aliens the climate changed to IP invention projects headlines and editorials. Oppenheimer II + III Dr. Nancy Snyderman putting vaccines in the drinking water. iPhone 007 dash cam's ended drunk drivers overnight like the Stage 4 Rx Recipe; Overnight!

12-26-2016 Monday; The Supreme Court will weigh hearing a challenge to 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos to crunch 4 Trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets to discover the Rx Recipe for Stage 4.

12-26-2016 Monday; On College Basketball: Yale, UConn Women Say ‘Nah’ to Rebuilding. Change of Major to one not in the Army but at Yale Key West Medical School shooting for a Nobel in Medicine for a Rx Recipe Stage 4 Miracle Cure lost by the Supreme Court for the last 8 years. Side effects were mass murder, negligent homicide, contempt of court. Holocaust II by VW again with poison exhaust gas exhaust. Nah!

12-26-2016 Monday; "Black Lung" mass murders; Supreme Court seat, giving the president-elect a monumental opportunity to reshape the judiciary after taking office...


12-26-2016 Monday; Avoid losing Apple's expensive new wireless AirPods $169.

12-26-2016 Monday; Avoiding losing Apple's expensive $8K iMacBook Pro's at Starbucks Cafe Tables along with 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society.

12-26-2016 Monday; Apple's Tim Cook losing iPhone 007 Dash Cam's spin off's "No Head On Collisions" iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society. A head on collision on East Pierson Road between Center and Branch sends one woman to the hospital. A man driving a car crossed over into an oncoming lane and hit the other woman's car. 100's of times yesterday and one wreck made the news.


12-26-2016 Monday; Amazon, along with a couple of his rivals, may eventually control much of the $1 trillion global market for business computers and software. That is because Amazon Web Services, his big-business computing division, is starting to affect more than just the world of computer servers, data storage and networking at the core of computing. Increasingly, it is also entangled with mobile phones, sensors and all sorts of other devices in the so-called Internet of Things.

12-26-2016 Monday; Los Alamos $1 trillion global market for 10 Super Computers @ $100 million each and a new model from 1980 to 2017. Yes like a new 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort every year from 1980 to 2017. I have the file written at Los Alamos about Mr. Buell's "Wind Car" from 1990 in my Billfold. Scientists at Los Alamos are busy writing up 1 click Amazon IP invention projects and Hemingway House Writing Lessons with 1 Click Amazon link. Hemingway with a 1 click link to Los Alamos. Oppenheimer would have started this "Start Up Venture" but you know the General said You're Fired first. Yes the General fired Oppenheimer after he built 2 A-Bombs. So don't trust a General not to fire on you! Hahahahahaha!

12-26-2016 Monday; Trump will make Los Alamos Great Again with 1 Click Amazon link to 4 Trillion Rx Recipes that are all trade secrets today!

12-26-2016 Monday;

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God 81 F in Key West on Christmas Day 2016, thank God, grin. 71 in Starbucks... Hahahahahaha

Jesus Driving a 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort decades before 9/11. Miracle of preventing 9/11. Paradise Lost by BP Oil $$$.

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed, Gift of working on a Stage 4 Rx Recipe under the Christmas tree with a few wife's this morning was killed by McCain and Biden shooting wounded warriors for the Glory of War! Greg + Wives are still POW's of McCain on Christmas Morning in Key West, Paradise Lost for McCain + Biden's women who will die of Stage 4 on Christmas Day 2016.

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed, Pink painting of the New Key West City Hall by Nasty Women will be on 1-20-2017. Make America Great Again with a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 a Miracle! First brainstormed in a Hemingway House Writing Class Novel.

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed, by Mandy Miles Tan Lines in the Key West Newspaper Citizen for Christmas Day. "Warm and fuzzy holiday wishes" from Mandy Miles. Mandy did a mental inventory of gifts not "invention projects" because they were not listed in 1 Click Amazon yet. Mandy wrote up the Coffee Plantation not Hemingway House writing class, Mandy there is no Hemingway House Writing Classes for you to take! Write this up! So Mandy Miles ends Christmas Day article with Amazon and Goodwill at iPostOffice not iPostOffice at Star Trek Society when Trump makes America Great Again and when Trump makes Tan Lines Great Again... well we might need to change this title from Tan Lines to IP invention projects. Mandy Miles IP invention projects. Does sound more Star Trek than Tan Lines in a Star Trek Society. Connotations of Tan Lines Mandy!! Mandy you can get into the Hemingway House for free today, Merry Christmas wherever you may write a column or Nobel Novel. But do it on a iMacBook Pro with 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos Mandy. Gifts on Amazon inventory in your mind Mandy. Now invention projects gifts to Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity in Titanium Built Homes Code in Key West for the thousand year Hurricane!

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed, Christmas Day ice storm could snarl traffic and cause power failures because our 1984 II Dictators stifled the iPhone Size GE electric generators fueled by H @ -254 C you can plug in all your GE appliances!

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God - Miracle Driving your new 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Saint Peters at the Vatican on Christmas Day 2016... Godsend kill by Pope Francis!


12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed about the physics of memory. iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society. Oppenheimer II + III at Los Alamos crunching the physics of memory in a Trump iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society. Los Alamos II is built in Manhattan next to Trump Towers, a Skyscraper designed for Oppenheimer II + III and open to the public 24/7. iMacBook Pro @ Star Trek Society. Your iWatch hologram like in Star Wars Rogue One is the video conference call and Doctors Orders you will follow, grin. Physics of serenity, peace of mind is a complex formula H2O with several more H and O's and other chemicals that make up the hormones, proteins, and amino acids in your brain. Plus all the trillion jolts from Ivanka walking by in a dress!! Have a Merry Christmas with a trillion volt jolt in your neurons with new lyrics for a iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society. Hanukkah a small part inside the Charmed Quark dissected by a inventive group of Jewish people in a brainstorming Novel that lead to making discovering Jewish Aliens at every star in the night sky. A Star Trek Society Christmas Carol fit for The Manhattan Los Alamos Cathedrals. Generosity with the memory in your new Christmas iMacBook Pro, exchange it for the one with the most memory after Christmas as computer memory and human memory is critical to Exodus into the iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society. $100 million dollar IBM Super computers on every floor of the Manhattan Los Alamos II skyscraper, most of this $100 million dollar paid for extra memory, Hahahaha. 12 Days of Christmas Lyrics rewritten for 12 Nearest Stars given to us in the 12 Days of Christmas in a Star Trek Society. Yes faster than the speed of light is a Christmas Gift. The Wedding Made at Christmas Time. Time - the physics of Time - Oil and half life of U 238. Dyslexia disorder may be less a problem with language processing, and more a problem with the brain rewiring itself with hormones, amino acids, electricity jolts.

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed, by this NY Times articles. "How Social Isolation Is Killing Us" by Dhruv Khullar - Interstellar Isolation is Killing us. Interstellar Isolation is letting McCain + Biden killed wounded warriors for the glory of war! Editors would never let a article on Star Travel Isolation be written. Because the Pentagon just got $684 Billion Christmas Gift from the Top Quarks yesterday and would have to give this to NASA... windfall of $684 Billion for 2017 for NASA. Shock + Awe better than Baghdad.


12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed, the Catalyst chapter in the text book was not a Disney Pixar Movie!

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed, the Catalyst for a Noble in Physics for computer memory invention was a Disney + Pixar Movie about DRAM and NAND flash memory -chip maker Micron Technology.

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed, Navy Blue Angles are fast but will never go faster than the speed of light... a sin!

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed, Queen Elizabeth II is missing the Christmas Day church service 'due to cold' cold heartiness as she is counting the $777 Trillion from BP Oil Revenues, singing God Save the Queen's $777 Trillion for Heaven. Yes Queen Elizabeth thinks she gets $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues to spend in Heaven. Oh Thank God for Hell...

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed, Pope Francis on Sunday offered a Christmas hope for... "idolatry of money.


12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed about the Christmas Day Guest of Syrian Refugees who only want to talk about 72 virgins in Heaven, I though Dr. Nancy Snyderman was coming for Christmas with her God given miracle jolts that will get vaccines in the drinking water and a Nobel in Medicine. 72 Virgins in Heaven is not a Christmas Day conversation anyway, grin. More like Trump in the locker room talk. Ha.

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God... to die in a Russian plane crash on Christmas Day 2106 flying to Syria when they should have been writing the Hemingway House Invention Projects Novel at the Kremlin and would have a invention triller by midnight tonight. Famed Choir Among 92 Feared Dead in Russian Jet Crash. The military aircraft, which took off from the resort town of Sochi, was carrying members of the Alexandrov Ensemble to a concert at a Russian air base in Syria.


12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God... to die of Black Lung on Christmas Day 2016 when Trump will make American Great Again and have a Rx Recipe Cure for Black Lung on Christmas Day 2017. This comment is not in the Christmas Day Editorial in the Times but they know if McCain frees the POW's Greg and Wife's in Key West this miracle is True! Black Lung, Incurable and Fatal, Stalks Coal Miners Anew By THE EDITORIAL BOARD An abandoned coal mining site in Letcher County, Kentucky. The challenge for the Trump administration will be helping miners who are stricken, not trying to bring back more coal jobs.

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God - Godsend kill by McCain the war criminal...

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God... Trump will make American Great Again and have a Rx Recipe Cure for Black Lung on Christmas Day 2017. This comment is not in the Christmas Day Editorial in the Times but they know if McCain frees the POW's Greg and Wife's in Key West this miracle is True!

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed about survival in New York City. Will Trump buy the Ford ElectricwindmillEscort car company?


12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God Scam at the Kidney Foundation!

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God The American Kidney Fund, one of the largest charities in the United States, might not be holding up its end of a deal with the federal government, an investigation by The Times found... Greg + Wives in Key West will design the state of the Arts assembly line for Kidney Transplants and build it in Key West!!

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God I Was Misinformed, Christmas Day ice storm could snarl traffic and cause power failures because our 1984 II Dictators stifled the iPhone Size GE electric generators fueled by H @ -254 C you can plug in all your GE appliances!

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God - Miracle Driving your new 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Saint Peters at the Vatican on Christmas Day 2016... Godsend kill by Pope Francis!

12-25-2016 Christmas Day; Oh, my God


12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Miracle Driving your new 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Saint Peters at the Vatican on Christmas Day 2016... Godsend kill by Pope Francis!

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; ‘Saturday Night Live’ Satirizing Jesus Driving a 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort decades before 9/11. Miracle of preventing 9/11 via invention of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, suppressed by Jimmy Carter who will be a guest of Trump on 1-20-2017.

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Obama signed into law yesterday a defense policy bill that authorizes $611 billion for the military in 2017.

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Merry Christmas Church gets ready for Syrian Refugees not Greg + Wife's in Key West writing the Hemingway House Novel, a invention thriller about 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year Society in a iPostOffice @ Star Trek Era.

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Church Guests: Syrian Refugees. Priest, Bishops, Cardinals + Pope Francis volunteers and staff members from the Church World Service prepared a home for family's of new Syrian Refugees arrivals... not the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort "Gifts" for the entire congregation of Catholics world wide.

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Miracle Driving your new 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort around Saint Peters at the Vatican on Christmas Day 2016... Godsend kill by Pope Francis!

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Orwellian 1984 II UPDATE 1-Cardinal Health in $10 mln U.S. settlement over pain killer orders driving a gas engine car from 1980 - 2016. A drug distributor owned by Cardinal Health Inc has agreed to pay $10 million to resolve claims that it failed to alert the U.S.A. in Christmas Eve Church Sermons about the suppression of the 1980 - 2016 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort for $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues. Ha.

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Alcohol consumption: A mixed message that's killing women in record numbers, in fiery car wrecks!


12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Comfort Hospital Ship is categorized as a 'Ready III status," said Boswell. "We are expected to 'throw the lines' and be underway in three to five days... to dock in Key West after the Coup; No Gas Stations On Earth Op via CIA is underway, grin! The Comfort Hospital Ship is the biggest, baddest medical platform in the Department of Defense arsenal and in the world." CIA Coup Op for No Gas Stations On Earth is the biggest, baddest platform in the Department of Defense arsenal and in the world." Christmas Day Trump News he launched the Coup against Mecca, Moslems! No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op launched on Christmas Day 2016 then the Comfort Hospital Sails for Key West!

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; NY Times Favorite Recipes for Christmas Morning is cinnamon rolls light years from the 4 trillion Rx Recipes in the "Rand Think Tank" that will dock in Key West on Christmas Day 2016.

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; CIA clinical decision making and the way diagnostic decisions and errors are made. Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis in an iPostOffice @ Star Trek Society with 1 Click links to Los Alamos. Dr. Lisa Sanders.


12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; New York Times Editorial Notebook for Christmas Eve. "A Female Afghan Pilot Soars and Gives Up" Capt. Niloofar Rahmani, the first female fixed-wing pilot in the Afghan Air Force, is seeking asylum in the United States. Capt. Niloofar Rahmani was hailed as a pioneer in the Afghan Air Force. Now she desperately wants out.


12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; ‘Saturday Night Live’ Satirizing Jesus Driving a 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort decades before 9/11. Miracle of preventing 9/11 via invention of the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillEscort, suppressed by Jimmy Carter who will be a guest of Trump on 1-20-2017.

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Satirizing Donald Trump on ‘Saturday Night Live’ Satirizing MS women on their death bed - over and over again and again she said how could he give me such a terrible diseases... Satirizing this on SNL. Satirizing SNL for not putting MS women on decades ago!

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Satirizing the White House MD given Orders to put to death women with MS given to them by bisexual men at 1984 II HQ. Greg as a nurse washing her on her death bed, over and over she said "how could he give me such a terrible disease!!" Tim Cook could do this to women. Female doctors would not put to death on orders from the Male White House MD MS women given the terrible disease from bisexual men. Biden's Moon Shot for MS women was named Challenger and it blew up. Biden is a terrible man as he shot all the wounded warriors for the "Glory Of War" and $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues $$$.

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Editorial; Republicans Are in Denial on Health Care. They say Obamacare is a house of cards, but enrollment figures show it’s working.... NY Times editors the day before Christmas 2016 say Obama Health Care is working when thousands of women will be "given" infected with MS, HIV, Syphilis, STD's Hepatitis, from diseased men at 1984 II HQ and Apple HQ. Christmas Day 2016. With a iPhone Caller ID that is not working because the editors at the NY Times didn't write this up on threats of Death! OJ Clones masterminded by Obama are also a heath care issue, Ha! The editors at the NY Times end this editorial with... Treating the Affordable Care Act as a punching bag during a political campaign is one thing. But it is quite another to destroy a law that is helping so many people. War Crimes by these editors as the "Punching Bag" today Christmas Eve blocks away from the Times Editors in NYC is women sucker punched at the Exxon Mobil gas station hold up... this is Obama Care under the NY Times!


12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Obama Care + the NY Times didn't prepare so The Navy prepared a hospital ship, build from a "Oil tanker" she was renamed and converted to a hospital ship. Launched on 20 July 1985. by National Steel and Shipbuilding Company, San Diego. Firing upon the Mercy Hospital Ship would be considered a war crime. When the real war crime by Biden + McCain is no Hospital Ship Docked in Key West on Christmas Day 2016. When thousands of women will be "given" infected with MS, HIV, Syphilis, STD's Hepatitis, from diseased men at 1984 II HQ and Apple HQ. Christmas Day 2016.

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Steve Jobs Hospital Ship attacked by the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; USNS Mercy (T-AH-19) is the lead ship of her class of hospital ships in the United States Navy. Her sister ship is the USNS Comfort (T-AH-20). She was named for the virtue of compassion. In accordance with the Geneva Conventions.

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Geneva Banks have $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues for Christmas!

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; In accordance with the Geneva Conventions. Swiss Banks have $777 Trillion for Christmas 2016.


12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; The crew of Military Sealift Command's hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) conducted a series of training events known as a Comfort Exercise (COMFEX) pier side aboard Naval Station Norfolk, The quarterly battery of drills was conducted to ensure the ship's U.S. Navy medical professionals and civil service mariners are prepared to answer any emergent crisis rapidly. The training was also critical in preparing Comfort's crew for a pending amphibious exercise, Bold Alligator 2017.

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; ...we are capable of getting the Navy Hospital ship underway...

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; ...we are capable of getting the Navy Hospital ship underway...

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; ...we are capable of getting the Navy Hospital ship underway...


12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; Prepared the crew for next year's live exercise docking @ Key West! Prepare the crew for No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op by the CIA. Grin.

12-24-2016 Christmas Eve; USNS Comfort Hospital Ship built from a Oil Tanker: On the Ready Today, On the Ready Tomorrow, and into the Future - In the Future the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub will be rebuilt into a Hospital Submarine, Hahahahaha.
2-20-2017 Presidents Day; Trump Orders All Gas Stations Closed... World Wide!

2-20-2017 Presidents Day; School is Out, Closed on Presidents Day not for long as Trump orders all schools to be open 24/7 and buys all students in the USA a MacBook Pro with 1 Clink Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects at Los Alamos. Yale Key West Medical School Students are paid more than West Point Cadets to make a Point they are worth more than Generals.

3-1-2017 Wednesday; McCain: Dictators get started by 'suppressing the free press'

3-1-2017 Wednesday; 1984 President George Orwell; how did this happen to the USA?


$777 Trillion in BP Oil; Honor Killings via Tim Cook Bill Gates Steve Jobs

Link to Acrobat file for 1-1-2016 Greg + Wives

Greg's YouTube Video reposted


One Years Cancer Deaths BirthDay Cure

Gregs 2007 web


3-78-2017 Wednesday; Women Win a Stage 4 Miracle Godsend Rx Recipe Cure @ Grid locked Apple-Starbucks at Trump Tower every Apple-Starbucks in NYC + Paris. Win 4 Wife's in a Polygamous Legal Marriage too. To Write Hemingway Inventions in every Chapter, Brainstorming Novels and 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos.

3-8-2017 Wednesday; “Day Without a Woman” strike on Wednesday Strikes at the Heart of Life on Earth and in the Universe as God's best Invention is "Woman!"

Gregs 2007 web

Pink Starbucks Cups... New Years Day 2017 + Nasty Women Paint the New Key West City Hall Pink!!

3-8-2017 Wednesday; Copyright Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 3054345276

Why Women Make Better Doctors... Epic Movie Disney "Dr.Cinderella MD Cars 4"
3-8-2017 Wednesday; Madonna Shares Sweet Video of Her New Twins Singing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' Madonna's 58. 'Twinkle Twinkle 2 Trillion Galaxies" will scare the little girls... Time Goes By So Slowly, did until it became the new Higgs God Particle!

3-8-2017 Wednesday; Girl Stared down a Bull Statue on Wall Street - statue of a girl in front of the Wall Street bull in downtown Manhattan. Defiant Girl Statue in front of a Bull Statue, she looks Defiant! $$$ You can search for this on Google Images.