Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041
Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041
Please Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 CELL phone 3054345276
Click Here... Amazon Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018
Oui Oui click here for Greg in French on Amazon WindmillCAR's + RV's
6-17-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, President Trump says his deal with North Korea's Kim Jong Un will save tens of millions of people from a nuclear war.
6-17-2018 Fathers Day, Fathers saving the soul of Mom, Son, Daughter's unable to recline in the Lazy Boy Chair, the Treadmill Desk cost $4K I will find its link on Amazon. White Wine on Fathers day has been banned for 2018. Diesel Bullets hit the box.
6-17-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, President Trump says his deal with North Korea's Kim Jong Un will save tens of millions of people from a lifetime of pulling into the gas station in Miami, Cuba as its being robbed, grin.
6-17-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, President Trump says his deal with North Korea's Kim Jong Un will save tens of millions of people from a nuclear war. Now he just has to get everyone else on board for Exodus, find some Jewish Hero's at the White House near Ivanka to drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's into Saudi Arabia on June 24 and convert half of the Moslems to Jewism, grin. No more praying 5 times a day and 24/7 A/C car in Saudi Arabia, God is Great so is the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's. Mr. Trump made a stop on the North Lawn of the White House Friday to promote his agreement with Kim and challenge the blowback that it's vague and lacking in clear objectives... like Exodus!
6-17-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, McCain, Biden, it's vague and lacking in clear objectives... like Exodus! Rx Brain Cancer Latte.
6-17-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Unloads ‘Star Wars’: Trump Reveals More Details About His Plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
6-17-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Just the Fear of a Trade War Is Straining the mass of humanity, why go viral with a trade war when going viral with 'Star Wars' is a better idea?
6-17-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Unloads ‘Star Wars’: Trump Reveals More Details About His Plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
6-17-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis denounced abortion on Saturday as the “white glove” equivalent of the Nazi-era eugenics program and urged families to accept the children that God gives them. Rx Brain Cancer Latte. Birth Control Latte for all sexes, this is one of 1,001 IP invention projects Novels Yale and Harvard kids are going to write. Will Pope Francis let the Vatican Starbucks sell the 'Birth Control Latte' a Nobel prize winner latte.
6-17-2018 As Mr. Trump savors the afterglow of his meeting with Mr. Kim, he has left it to the Pentagon and the State Department to pick up the pieces on military planning to help Kim confiscate $777 Trillion in illegal Oil Revenues. Find the Jew Hero to Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR into Saudi Arabia on June 24.
6-17-2018 Oil Men as “very provocative” — 'Speeding' Stopping at 80 MPH. Save between 300 and 400 lives every year - principally because braking times will be shorter and any accidents that do occur will be less deadly fiery wreck after slowing down. Oil Men as “very provocative” — Speeding up when they see you crossing the street ahead. Oil Men not willing to give up Diesel Bullets harming kids DNA even though this went viral on 1984 TV.
6-16-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Unloads on the F.B.I., Mary Trump Clones in Queens today and Mary at the Miami, Cuba gas station hold up today, get to work. Stop these fiery wrecks and DUI Road Kills too! FBI; Yale and Harvard kids who couldn't get into Medical School... Fiery Wreck in France, French roads, About 20,000 signs bearing the number 90 are to disappear. In their place will be new signs, but now inside the red circle will be the lower figure. Figure 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's on French Roads. 2 White Men in Paris keep the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's off 100's of Millions of French Drivers, you know this is a War Crime!
6-16-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Unloads ‘Star Wars’: Trump Reveals More Details About His Plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
6-16-2018 Trump, Riding in Fast Gas Engine Cars. A speed-limit cut of 10 km/h on the 400,000km that make up France's so-called "secondary" network is the government's latest salvo in its long-running campaign against road deaths. According to the road safety department of the interior ministry, the measure should save between 300 and 400 lives every year - principally because braking times will be shorter and any accidents that do occur will be less deadly fiery wreck!! By Hugh Schofield BBC News, Paris. Eiffel Tower fence built to stop terrorism... not the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR victory over Allah. 2 White Men at Paris Total Oil Company are building a Wall of Steel and Glass around the Eiffel Tower instead of winning the War over Allah with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's. A War Crime.
More than 240 people have died in terror attacks in France since 2015. All would be alive if the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's were used to win the War against Allah. Up to seven million tourists are expected to visit the tower in 2018 alone. All will drive or ride in a gas engine car that fires gasoline exhaust bullets into kids DNA. Crude Oil Men could never have the genius of a Paris MD. Summit Super Computer by IBM, iMac's at $13,384 at the Paris Medical School. Diagnosis and Cure by Dr. Lisa MD. Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD as there is no need or desire, cravings for the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke sub's any longer.
6-16-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Unloads ‘Star Wars’: Trump Reveals More Details About His Plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
Miss America wishing for 'world peace' and getting it...
6-16-2018 Alpha Centauri A and B, appear to be 2 of her house cats...
6-16-2018 Kim, Riding a North Korean High can make High School kids go to the University, not the University of Switzerland were Kim went to but to all the Public Large Screen TV's Kim used to picture Trump at the Summit. 24/7 Mandatory University.
6-16-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Unloads on China Goods. For Survivors of a 9-Hour Chinese Exam, a Door Opens to America... I think Kim will Ride Higher than these Chinese kids who passed a 9 hour exam as Gravity TV classes will be 9 hours long and brainstorming ending with the viewers!
6-16-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Unloads ‘Star Wars’: Trump Reveals More Details About His Plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
6-16-2018 Trump can see North Korea as the new Qatar after Kim gets his 10% for confiscating $777 Trillion in illegal oil revenues, grin. 10% of $777 Trillion! Wow! Key West Quality of life today "To Have Have Not Genius" inspiration is as real as happiness, love, ambition's, inventions your wife's want you to get like the Rx Pink Latte Recipe. Wife's social interaction Driving June 24. Stop the 2 White Men at the FBI who drive by fiery wrecks without stopping these with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR. "To Have Have Not Genius" Chemicals can harm blood vessels. Gas stations today cause much harm to humanity.
6-16-2018 Defrauded by the Korean War, defrauding investors out of hundreds of trillions of dollars as well as deceiving patients and doctors out of the Yale Key West Medical School and Starbucks out of the Rx Pink Latte.
6-16-2018 Elizabeth Holmes, the disgraced founder of Theranos, a blood testing lab without a IBM Summit Super Computer so Liz will get her blood test for Star Wars but she will have to by several Summit Super Computers from IBM to invent this.
6-16-2018 "Y and the X “each deserve a full novel of their own.” Hemingway House writing class of course. Nobel Novel Expectations. The double-X format that specifies a female fetus, or the X and Y pair found in males, the sex chromosomes stand apart from the other 22 normal chromosome pairs. The Summit IBM super computer will give us one upmanship on these chromosome pairs.
6-16-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Unloads ‘Star Wars’: Trump Reveals More Details About His Plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
6-16-2018 "Yale and Harvard kids, “each deserve a full novel of their own.” First class at the Hemingway House Writing Class for Yale and Harvard kids FBI is "1,001 IP Invention Projects" novel. Kim will have 10 million Koreans writing this novel.
6-16-2018 iPhone X smoke detectors... The 2014 fire started below the library, when an overhead projector ignited solvent in a student’s artwork, and destroyed much of the interior’s western half.
6-16-2018 iPhone X smoke detectors are not at for sale. LONDON — A large fire has ripped through the Glasgow School of Art in Scotland, officials said Saturday morning, causing extensive damage to a building considered the jewel in the city’s architectural crown. It was the second time in four years that a blaze has hit the world-famous and beloved building, which was under restoration after a fire badly damaged it in May 2014. The building, widely rated as the masterpiece of the Glasgow-born architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh and completed in 1909, was hit by the latest fire overnight Friday. Peter Heath of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service told reporters that the call had come in at 11:19 p.m., sending more than 120 fire fighters and 20 fire engines to the site.
6-16-2018 Navy can fish for Humanity now North Korea Nuke War is over! The fisherman says it is the only job he knows that earns this kind of money. For legal net fishermen, six pounds of fish is a good day. Often, they come back with nothing. With dynamite fishing he can come back with 20 pounds and sometimes as much as 45 pounds, if he lucks out with a large jack or grouper. In the Philippines, Dynamite Fishing Decimates Entire Ocean Food Chains. The Navy never goes fishing for fish in the Philippines. By Aurora Almendral. Why Aurora censored out the Philippines Navy never going fishing I can't write but you know Aurora did it on orders from 2 White Men at Navy HQ. Grin.
6-16-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Unloads ‘Star Wars’: Trump Reveals More Details About His Plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
6-16-2018 Henry VIII is a British Crime against Humanity. Now "U.K. Government Backs Bill to Make ‘Upskirting’ a Crime" Behavior caused by Henry VIII. Bad Behavior in London. George Orwell has been writing about this for a long time. 1984 cameras are in the bathroom and other private areas of London. Your bypass surgery live streaming on cameras is banned because its private. Key West The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office arrested a Big Coppitt Key man for DUI and other offenses after he fled a deputy during a traffic stop and then chugged a beer in front of him. According to the police report, around 5:45 p.m., a deputy on patrol spotted Daryl Royal Riedel, 48, driving a pickup. If Daryl was British with a camera up a girls skirt he would have taken the picture in from of the Sheriff as he chugged a Coors. Gregory Gause, a professor of international affairs and Saudi specialist at Texas A&M University, said he expects the government wants to avoid trials. “Too much dirt can come out,” he said. That said, they may be inevitable, MD's writing the NY Times editorials about Texas Cattle feed antibiotics at every meal for decades, reading this in the New England Journal of Medicine will be like reading Pope Francis in Latin today writing about Saudi Oil men's behavior because they have $777 Trillion and immunity.
6-16-2018 The London School of Economics who focuses on the Gulf monarchies. “But the campaign also shows that the government sometimes underestimates the complexity of policy challenges and the collateral damage its actions can create.” Wounded Warriors taking pictures up the skirts of British women then chugging a Coors in front of the Sheriff. Economics of Facebook vs InventBook and iMac's at every Starbucks in London and Paris.
6-16-2018 Riding High with lots of money, 100's of millions went into this Drone Kill. U.S. Drone Strike Kills Leader of Pakistani Taliban, Pakistan Says. $100's of millions in bribes to Pakistani Generals who called in the Drone Strike. This is part of the High Cost of the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks.
6-16-2018 Stephen Hawking Enters ‘Britain’s Valhalla,’ Where Space Is Tight. 5 Billion people should be entering Space Exodus into Space but for Britain's Wounded Warriors the whole life time of Hawking playing expensive War Games. High Cost of British War Games can be calculated in this life of Hawkings with No Exodus or inventions to go 400 times faster than the speed of light as British Space was to tight with Wounded Warriors. London train with 100's of cars full of Hubble Space Telescopes were crashed by Wounded Warriors off to War across the ocean.
6-16-2018 London train with 100's of cars full of Hubble Space Telescopes.
6-16-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Unloads ‘Star Wars’: Trump Reveals More Details About His Plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
6-16-2018 McDonald’s to Switch to Paper Straws in Britain as Country Turns Against Plastic
The drive to reduce the use of plastics has gathered pace in Britain, winning the support of the government, the Church of England and even the queen. By AMIE TSANG
6-16-2018 London train with 100's of cars full of Hubble Space Telescopes. No plastic on board this Exodus Train on orders from Queen Elizabeth.
6-16-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Unloads ‘Star Wars’: Trump Reveals More Details About His Plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
6-16-2018 Key West Irma Fraud by 2 White men at 1984 HQ you can sue but can win the Nuke War with, with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR and $777 Trillion in oil money they have in Switzerland Banks. Key West Residents Sue Over Irma Claims. Roughly 350 lawsuits have been filed against the main windstorm insurance provider in the Florida Keys since Hurricane Irma ravaged the chain of islands. The 350-plus lawsuits against FEMA following orders from 2 White Men at the White House. Grin. 1984 society does have its perks.
6-16-2018 Trump, Riding a North Korea High, Unloads ‘Star Wars’: Trump Reveals More Details About His Plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
6-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cont.... below.
Key West Quality of life today "To Have Have Not Genius" Key West Quality of life today with Hemingway’s House writing Class with iMac's at $13,384.
"Does Facebook Just Harbor Extremists? Or Does It Create Them? Facebook's 2 White Men Created 'Qatar' as the Richest City in the World in Times of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's!
French women scream at the Islamic Men God is Great not Allah as they drive by them in their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV.
YouTube Videos you have to click on Uploads too view all 10 years of Greg's videos the > only shows you several not all...
Link to Greg's Key West Videos on YouTube
Oui Oui click here for Greg in French on Amazon WindmillCAR's + RV's
Biography. 1,001 IP invention projects will give us "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Starbucks. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindCar's Amazon Book!!
YouTube Videos you have to click on Uploads too view all 10 years of Greg's videos the > only shows you several not all...
Link to Greg's Key West Videos on YouTube
Click Here... Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018
Jew Hero driving could really convert half of Pakistan to Judaism! Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV with 24/7 A/C into 'Oil Burning' scooters, Ha! Selling point is yes you can sleep in your car with the A/C running 24/7. God is Great!
Biography. 1,001 IP invention projects will give us "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Starbucks. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindCar's Amazon Book!!
6-15-2018 Trump Sees End to North Korea Nuclear 'Drive' Despite Unclear Invention Path!! Summit Super Computers by IBM need to be made on an Ford Assembly line for the new demand by Kim and Trump.
6-15-2018 Trump Sees End to North Korea Nuclear Drive changed to Driving 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and 2019 Ford Gravity Engine Cars. Kim's Drive to invent the Gravity Engine using this Summit, and the Summit IBM Super Computer. Summit's Nobel Novel Writing Class at the Hemingway House with a brainstormed idea on every page thanks to Amazon app that list 1,001 IP invention projects - spin offs to drive the Gravity Engine Car before its Time. Like building ICBM's in record breaking time, then comes the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks.
Trump can see North Korea as the new Qatar after Kim gets his 10% for confiscating $777 Trillion in illegal oil revenues, grin. 10% of $777 Trillion! Wow! Key West Quality of life today "To Have Have Not Genius" inspiration is as real as happiness, love, ambition's.
Summit IBM Super Computer. Summit's Nobel Novel Writing Class at the Hemingway House
Key West Quality of life today "To Have Have Not Genius" Key West Quality of life today with Hemingway’s House writing Class with iMac's at $13,384.
6-15-2018 NY Times doesn't see a end to Oil. By WILLIAM NEUMAN and CLIFFORD KRAUSS at the NY Times are still writing about a Oil Giant when the road driven by 5 billion people and 12 trillion galaxy's is the Jewish Hero who drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's into Venezuela Oil Men. "Workers Flee and Thieves Loot Venezuela’s Reeling Oil Giant. Our correspondent visited Venezuela to see whether the country could pull itself out of its economic free fall. The outlook was not encouraging." By WILLIAM NEUMAN and CLIFFORD KRAUSS by the NY Times what is not encouraging is the front page cover of Greg's Amazon book leaking the Secret file and the Jew Hero driving. Summit is not the IBM Super Computer Kim just ordered from IBM in this editorial. You can follow me on Twitter (@NYTimesCohen) or join me on Facebook. Cohen's Summit is not the New IBM Super Computer. "Trump’s Envy of Kim Jong-un" editorial was written on a Google Chrome book not a Summit Super Computer. InventBook not Facebook at the end of editorials by editors at the Times. Diagnosis of Trump's Envy of Kim was wrong too. Dr. Lisa MD will diagnose all Editors at the times and the one's who don't use Kim's IBM Summit Super Computer will write Car News.
6-15-2018 Starbucks Rx Cure's; to prevent this bypass obstruction in the artery, yes you will get a Nobel in Medicine for the Starbucks Rx Cure for this Diagnosis by Dr. Lisa MD.
6-15-2018 Starbucks Rx Cure's; NUCLEAR WARNING Just 100 of the world’s 15,000 nuclear bombs are needed to devastate the planet and kill two billion people, chilling study warns. Starbucks 'Nuke Latte' to protest Nuclear War. Starbucks Rx Pink Latte. Currently nine nations have access to nuclear weapons: USA, Russia, UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea.
6-15-2018 Starbucks Rx Cure's; to prevent this bypass obstruction in the artery, yes you will get a Nobel in Medicine for the Starbucks Rx Cure for this Diagnosis by Dr. Lisa MD.
6-15-2018 Starbucks Rx Cure's; was 8 hours of surgery, how many millions will need 8 hours of surgery? A couple of weeks later the man went for an operation to bypass the obstructed artery and create a new route for the blood to travel. His wife and daughter, who had been warned it was going to take a few hours, tried to distract themselves when it took eight.
6-15-2018 Starbucks Rx Cure's; Dr. Green “I know what you do have. And most importantly, I know how to fix it.” There was a blockage in a blood vessel, but it was not caused by an obstructing ligament. The imaging showed that the muscular inner wall of the artery had been torn open by the fast-moving blood coming from the heart. The blood had invaded the inner layers of the vessel wall, creating a new narrower passage and blocking off the old pathway.
6-15-2018 Starbucks Rx Cure's; Dr. West Point “I know what you do have. And most importantly, I know how to fix it.” There was a blockage in a blood vessel, but it was not caused by an obstructing ligament. The imaging showed that the muscular inner wall of the artery had been torn open by the fast-moving blood coming from the heart. The blood had invaded the inner layers of the vessel wall, creating a new narrower passage and blocking off the old pathway.
6-15-2018 Starbucks Rx Cure's; Dr. Steve Jobs “I know what you do have. And most importantly, I know how to fix it.” There was a blockage in a blood vessel, but it was not caused by an obstructing ligament. The imaging showed that the muscular inner wall of the artery had been torn open by the fast-moving blood coming from the heart. The blood had invaded the inner layers of the vessel wall, creating a new narrower passage and blocking off the old pathway.
6-15-2018 Starbucks Rx Cure's; Path for Dr. Lisa MD to block off the old West Point Generals to Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... West Point Generals are causing a blockage of the artery to Proxima Centauri. First 4.2 light year drive in a Universe of Stars On a Highway that is 14 billion light years long, a MD needs to do this surgery on the Top Generals. How do I fix this? I know how to fix it!
6-15-2018 Starbucks Rx Cure's;
6-15-2018 Driven by West Point Generals at the Pentagon Oil Company the cost of War Games Driven by Drunk Drivers is Driven to the surface by Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs still Driving his Habitat for Humanity to a Nuclear War Ending instead of a video made by Trump + Kim for the Drive to 1 Billion 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's.
6-15-2018 Driven are Michael Stewart Foley is author of “Confronting the War Machine: Draft Resistance During the Vietnam War” and editor of “Dear Dr. Spock: Letters About the Vietnam War to America’s Favorite Baby Doctor.” Confronting WHO at the UN for driving gas engine cars to work today at the UN. This could be a War Crime by WHO MD's. ‘Star Wars’: George Lucas Reveals More Details About His Plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
6-15-2018 What would the Steve Jobs Medical School have...
6-15-2018 What would the West Point Medical School have... "As Saudis Step Up Yemen Attack, Prince Cheers Soccer Team" By MARGARET COKER Fighters backed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates pushed toward the Yemeni port city of Al Hudaydah. The Saudi crown prince was at the World Cup. Dr. Margaret Coker would have written this article on Prince Salman paying billions for fighters attacking and killing women and children while he watched the World Cup resulting in West Point Medical School MD's putting a stop to this fiery wreck.
6-15-2018 What would the Yale Key West Medical School have...
6-15-2018 Trump Sees End to North Korea Nuclear Threat and Nuke's from Allah via Jew Hero Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's into Mecca, confiscating $777 trillion used for War Games. Netanyahu on Thursday said that Israel’s bombing of Iranian-backed Shiite Muslim militias is “helping the security” of European nations. He accused Iran of bringing some 80,000 Shiite fighters to Syria, from countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan, to “convert” Sunni Muslims in Syria and launch attacks against Israel.
6-15-2018 Jew Hero Natanyahu will not let Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's into Mecca can appeal to Trump for Victory over Iran + Mecca with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's.
6-15-2018 Summit Hero was Kim and the IBM Super Computer News. Dr. Taipale and his colleagues engineered retinal cells to stop using p53 genes. Just as they had predicted, Crispr now worked much more effectively in these cells. A team of scientists at the Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Mass., got similar results with a different kind of cells, detailed in a paper also published Monday. They set out to develop new versions of Crispr to edit the DNA in stem cells. They planned to turn the stem cells into neurons, enabling them to study brain diseases in Petri dishes.
6-15-2018 IBM built Summit Super Computer to replace the Petri Dishes. NY Times editorial need to be replaced with Super Computer News. Enabling them to study brain diseases in Super computer simulations not the Petri dish.
6-15-2018 Crispr has never been crunched on a IBM Super Computer. Log on to Los Alamos and see what 10 Super Computers have been crunching today.
6-14-2018 Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks, When?? Trump administration hoped to complete the “major disarmament” of North Korea within the next 2½ years without defining what that would entail. Some nuclear experts have said completely unwinding North Korea’s nuclear program could take 10 to 15 years, although some foreign policy analysts said the two sides could accomplish enough by the end of Mr. Trump’s term in office to demonstrate a serious effort. Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks, When??
Miss America wishing for 'Starbucks Rx Pink Latte' and getting it... with Diet Latte.
Miss America wishing for 'Starbucks Rx Pink Latte' and getting it... June 12 End to the Korean War!
6-14-2018 Alpha Centauri A and B, appear to be 2 of her house cats...
6-14-2018 Now the Threat to Nuclear War is West Point Generals Despite the Path to West Point Medical School built from the scrap steel of 100's of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs.
6-14-2018 Now the Threat to Nuclear War is West Point Generals
6-14-2018 Despite the UNclearPath to "West Point Medical School's" built by North Korea End to War, Soul saved from Hell is only one City and it's not even in the USA.
6-14-2018 Allah with Nukes is what the West Point Generals are counting on, on their clear path to Nuclear War. There is no Doctor at West Point to call.
6-14-2018 West Point Generals long on lofty War Games language short on specifics in a New Universe with 12 Trillion Galaxies.
6-14-2018 West Point MD Professors long time coming via censored health and wealth statistics, thank God Cheney's 2nd heart transplant is ready for him. Heart transplants transformed the relationship and ended an era of hostility to Star Wars MD. Qatar is the richest on Earth when $777 Trillion in oil revenues would have bought 5 billion people the same MD's at Qatar and West Point Generals see today.
6-14-2018 West Point Generals will never go to War with Breast Cancer, today West Point Generals give immunity to Wound Warriors coming home from Baghdad who kill the Wife's. Point is these West Point Generals are the High Cost of War Games in Korea.
6-14-2018 West Point Generals are the High Cost of War Games in Korea. Example is Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with Gen. Vincent K. Brooks, commander of United States Forces Korea, upon his arrival in Pyeongtaek on Wednesday. MD diagnosis of General Brooks is no secret we can all read the New England Journal of Medicine article on General Brooks in our mind right now.
6-14-2018 Pompeo's diagnosis by Yale Key West Medical School Professors... read it!!
6-14-2018 Pompeo would never withdraw American troops stationed in South Korea since the end of the Korean War 65 years ago and have them all apply to the Yale Key West Medical School at Star Wars, grin. Most of these troops will end up inside a USS Jimmy Carter Nuke sub.
6-14-2018 Grand scale of 12 Trillion Galaxies will never be a NY Times Editorial or the ending story on CBS Nightly News!!
6-14-2018 Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks, When?? Trump administration hoped to complete the “major disarmament” of North Korea within the next 2½ years without defining what that would entail. Some nuclear experts have said completely unwinding North Korea’s nuclear program could take 10 to 15 years, although some foreign policy analysts said the two sides could accomplish enough by the end of Mr. Trump’s term in office to demonstrate a serious effort. Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks, When??
6-14-2018 MD's at Apple - Cook has previously cited doctors who say "sitting is the new cancer. "Most of what happens inside Apple Park, the iPhone company's stunning new headquarters, is top secret. But Apple CEO Tim Cook recently disclosed one new detail about the work environment: everyone gets a standing desk. "We have given all of our employees, 100%, standing desks. If you can stand for a while, then sit, and so on and so forth, it's much better for your lifestyle," The ability to use a standing desk is only one of a slew of perks available to lucky Apple employees at the company's new headquarters, which was rumored to cost over $5 billion to construct. The 'Abilty' of a $5 billion dollar Steve Jobs Medical School would put this new Apple HQ out of business! $20 Billion dollar Yale Key West Medical School when the West Point Generals are ALL defeated by Star War Exodus via 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's that end War on Earth not Just the Korean War!
6-14-2018 What would the Steve Jobs Medical School have... That campus is full of fruit trees and the on-campus "Caffe Macs" cafeterias actually use those fruits in its lunches and dinners. There's also a massive gym and a shuttle service to take workers to satellite offices and the company's old headquarters, which is a 10-minute drive away.
6-14-2018 MD's at Star Wars dialogue! All the used standing chairs are from Apple HQ. Ideas for His Own Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Aren't as Wild as They First Seem. The internet has been abuzz recently thanks to a few very intriguing quotes from George Lucas, addressing where the director would've taken the Star Wars ...‘Star Wars’: George Lucas Reveals More Details About His Plans for Episodes 7, 8, and 9.
6-14-2018 What would the Steve Jobs Medical School have...
6-14-2018 What would the West Point Medical School have...
6-14-2018 What would the Yale Key West Medical School have...
6-14-2018 Humanitarian Crisis Worsens in Yemen After Attack on Port. United Nations officials and others said that hundreds of thousands could starve if the assault drags on, closing a vital gateway for relief supplies. By MARGARET COKER and ERIC SCHMITT
6-14-2018 Humanitarian Crisis. United Nations officials and others said that hundreds of thousands could starve.
6-14-2018 Humanitarian Crisis. United Nations officials 2 White Men at WHO censored 1.2 million Breast cancer dead in 2018 and no they can't be buried at Arlington. U.N. General Assembly Vote Castigates Israel Over Gaza Deaths. The resolution, adopted 120 to 8, was almost identical to the one blocked by the United States at the Security Council on June 1.
By RICK GLADSTONE UN Resolution for 1.2 million breast cancer dead in 2018 is like the UN Resolution on fiery cop cars and no one at the UN will stop this with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's.
6-14-2018 What would the Steve Jobs Medical School have...
6-14-2018 What would the West Point Medical School have...
6-14-2018 What would the Yale Key West Medical School have... Summit IBM super computer reading the EKG with AI apps... When he called her then, she worried that he was having a heart attack. But he went to a local walk-in clinic, and his EKG was normal. There was no sign that it was his heart. EKG from a walk-in clinic or Summit IBM super computer with AI. She arranged for her parents to travel directly from the airport to the emergency department of the Yale New Haven Hospital, where she worked. She had already asked one of her most respected colleagues to see her father. Although her father told her that he wasn’t able to eat much since the nausea started, she was still shocked by his appearance. He’d lost about 15 pounds over the past couple of weeks. In the emergency room, he was seen promptly. Tubes of blood were drawn. He wasn’t anemic; there was no sign of infection; it wasn’t a heart attack; his kidneys and liver were fine. A CT scan didn’t show any abnormalities other than a small hiatal hernia. After a few hours, the doctor admitted defeat.
6-14-2018 What would the West Point Medical School have... In the emergency room, he was seen promptly. Tubes of blood were drawn. He wasn’t anemic; there was no sign of infection; it wasn’t a heart attack; his kidneys and liver were fine. A CT scan didn’t show any abnormalities other than a small hiatal hernia. After a few hours, the doctor admitted defeat. Then... Dr. Alan Lebowitz saw the patient the next day in his office in Darien. The man explained how, a couple of weeks earlier, he suddenly started feeling nauseated after he ate. The feeling came out of nowhere and seemed to get worse over a few short days. By the time he got to France, even the smell of food could trigger the rumbling and tumult within. There was no pain. He never vomited. At that moment, there in the doctor’s office, he felt fine. Maybe he was a little tired; these days he really had no energy at all. His physical exam was uninformative, save for the significant amount of weight he had lost. Lebowitz wasn’t sure what was going on but referred him to a gastroenterologist for evaluation and, he hoped, an endoscopy of his patient’s stomach and upper GI tract. The patient was scoped. His stomach showed signs of mild gastritis, along with evidence that food wasn’t moving out of the stomach as fast as it normally did — a disorder known as gastroparesis. But what was causing this? The doctor examined the patient once more. This time, when he placed his stethoscope over the patient’s upper abdomen, he heard something: a quiet, rhythmic, shushing sound. This kind of noise, called a bruit, is caused by turbulence in the blood flowing through an artery. Had he simply not heard it before, or was it new? He wasn’t sure. But if it was new, he now had two clues: The patient had gastroparesis and he had some kind of problem in one of his arteries. If he could link them, maybe that would lead him to a diagnosis.
6-14-2018 Yes... Three weeks later, over the weekend, another thought came to Lebowitz, who was still concerned. Could the patient have something called MALS? In this disorder, a ligament supporting the diaphragm, known as the median arcuate ligament, cuts off circulation not to the colon but to the stomach, by obstructing the artery that delivers blood there.
6-14-2018 Then... “I know what you do have. And most importantly, I know how to fix it.” There was a blockage in a blood vessel, but it was not caused by an obstructing ligament. The imaging showed that the muscular inner wall of the artery had been torn open by the fast-moving blood coming from the heart. The blood had invaded the inner layers of the vessel wall, creating a new narrower passage and blocking off the old pathway.
6-14-2018 Cure was 8 hours of surgery, how many millions will need 8 hours of surgery? A couple of weeks later the man went for an operation to bypass the obstructed artery and create a new route for the blood to travel. His wife and daughter, who had been warned it was going to take a few hours, tried to distract themselves when it took eight. Relief and tears overwhelmed them when the news came that all was well. Healthy, at Last. It has been two years since that operation, and the man finally feels back to the self that he and his wife and daughter remember best. Getting back into his exercise regimen was hard: not just physically, but mentally as well. The man worried — despite reassurance from Green — that vigorous exercise might undo the good accomplished in the operating room. But he finally conquered that fear and is back to exercising regularly.
6-14-2018 Summit IBM super computer will have AI from this in its memory. Although it was the surgeon who relieved the pain, the patient gives most of the credit to the doctor who knew him well. “Anyone who didn’t know me would have just said, ‘You need to see a shrink,’?” he told me recently. “The relationship is what saved me. That plus his stethoscope that hear it.
6-14-2018 Summit IBM super computer stethoscope, can a IBM super computer hear? Hear this, He the MD ordered an ultrasound of the artery, which showed an obstruction creating the turbulent blood flow. A CT scan of the arteries of the chest and abdomen showed a narrowed, misshapen vessel. IBM has a lot of work to do on its Summit Super Computer Fleet at West Point and Yale.
6-14-2018 What would the Yale Key West Medical School have...
6-14-2018 What would the Yale Key West Medical School have...
6-14-2018 Ivana selling her 8 year diet not Rx Diet Latte at Starbucks Plaza Hotel.
6-14-2018 Ivana selling her 8 year diet not Rx Diet Latte at Starbucks Plaza Hotel.
6-14-2018 Ivana selling her 8 year diet not Rx Diet Latte at Starbucks Plaza Hotel. Ivana Trump was back at the Plaza Hotel on Tuesday, the hotel where she once had a say over everything from the wallpaper to the chandeliers, back when she was married to Donald J. Trump. But that was long ago. Now, she had come to promote a diet that promises followers they can “eat pasta, cookies and lose weight.” It was Ms. Trump who gave Mr. Trump a definite article — she put the “the” in “the Donald” — long before he had a job that came with one, as the president. On Tuesday, as reporters crowded around her at the Plaza, she was asked how often she talks to her ex-husband. “I’m really not going to go into politics,” she said, “but we speak.” But later, when she was asked how she thought he had done at the summit meeting on North Korea, she said, “He did great.” How many pounds did he lose? Ms. Trump, who once appeared in commercials for Pizza Hut and Kentucky Fried Chicken, said she agreed to talk up the Italiano Diet because “obesity is like a calamity in America,” although she said that she herself did not need to shed pounds. Ms. Trump said there was a reason obesity has become a national problem. “It’s all on the parents,” she said. “Whatever they put on the plate in front of the children, they’re hungry, they don’t cook, they eat. So if you put food in front of them that’s junk — pizza, unhealthy food, French fries — of course they eat it, and then they get obese.”
6-13-2018 Summit IBM super computer talks are underway right now in secret as Kim's wife Ri wants the Rx Recipe for the Pink Latte at Starbucks. 1,001 IP invention projects in a Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel on a iMac at $13,384. Hack 4 trillion Rx Recipes all Trade Secrets. Summit War Games cost women their life and Rx Trade Secrets do too.
6-13-2018 Pink Hero Wife's; Formula One Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks 'waits' on ridding North Korea of a nuclear arsenal it has spent decades building. “Even after the two heads of state open the gate,” Mr. Moon said, “it will take a long process to achieve a complete solution. We don’t know how long it will take: one year, two years or more.”
"To Have Have Not" iMac's at $13,384 in front of Kim + Trump
"To Have Have Not" iMac's at $13,384 in front of Kim + Trump
Texas Cattle are feed antibiotics at every meal, not Texas women. MD Chef.
6-13-2018 Trump Says ‘There Is No Longer a Nuclear Threat’ After Kim Jong-un Meeting
President Trump projected confidence as Air Force One landed shortly after dawn, declaring that the nuclear threat from North Korea is over.
Soul is Saved from Hell Trump said...
6-13-2018 White House aides showed a short film to Kim, which Mr. Trump had commissioned and screened for Mr. Kim on an iPad during their meeting. With a thumping soundtrack and images of the two leaders as benevolent peacemakers, the video offered an inspirational view of a thriving North Korea, if only it would forsake its nuclear weapons. “I think he loved it,” Mr. Trump said. North Korea, he said, might choose not to invest in high-speed trains over Gravity Engine Cars made in North Korea, grin. Trump has not talked to anyone about how to invent the Gravity Engine Car, Kim has talked to his wife about this a lot. Mr. Kim was overheard remarking to Mr. Trump that people would think they were watching a science fiction movie. Among the most glaring omissions in the joint statement after the summit meeting, is the IBM Summit Super Computer and Amazon 1 Click link to it's 1,001 IP invention projects on Amazon Prime, grin.
6-13-2018 A formal peace treaty to end the Korean War, build 1 Billion 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's!!
Trump pulled out an iPad and showed the leader of North Korea a slick, Hollywood-style trailer presenting the North’s possible future. There were images of fighter jets and missile launchings cut together with shots of dancing children, pictures of artisanal pizza and time-lapse sunrises over skyscrapers.
Trump Made Kim a Movie Trailer. NY Times We Made It Better. Donald Trump showed Kim Jong-un a movie trailer casting both leaders as heroes. The Times’s Opinion video team cut a more honest makeover. Without any fiery cop cars rear ended bursting into flames!
NY Times version for Kim video is more 'honest' without Kim Wall beheading by Times Profit Chief, Diesel Bullets, Secret Swiss bank Accounts from Qatar Trump Casino for Editors at the Times. 1980 WindmillCAR ready to be auctioned off. Trump Made Kim a Movie Trailer. We Made It Better. Donald Trump showed Kim Jong-un a movie trailer casting both leaders as heroes. The Times’s Opinion video team cut a more honest makeover.
"To Have Have Not" iMac's at $13,384 in front of Kim + Trump
"To Have Have Not" Summit Now is How Do We Confiscate $777 Trillion from Saudi Arabia!
Google giving kids ChromeBooks is a War Crime worst than Facebook, InventBook is censored!
Trump pulled out an iPad for Kim
Trump pulled out an iPad for Kim
"To Have Have Not" iMac's at $13,384 in front of Kim + Trump
Google giving kids ChromeBooks is a War Crime worst than Facebook, InventBook is censored!
6-13-2018 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to End Pentagon Oil Company and eventually lead to a formal peace treaty to end the Korean War with the USA and the building of 1 billion 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with GE electric generators trillions of volts from super conductivity and iDash Cam's with audio 100's inside and out. 24/7 A/C infinity of car accessories!
Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies, Star Wars no more War Games in Korea!
6-13-2018 West Point Academy will become West Point Medical School when the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub fleet is melted down to build its steel buildings and Carrier Hospital Ships. Now you know what Waste Trump was talking about at the Summit. Pentagon Oil Company built 100's of Nuke Subs since the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR + RV was locked in the Pentagon Garage. Trump said on Twitter that there was “no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea, there is a Nuke threat from fleets of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs and cost that cuts into Jimmy Carters brain cancer Rx Latte at Starbucks instead of taking Rx meds and daily check up's for brain cancer coming back.
6-13-2018 Trump Says ‘There Is No Longer a Nuclear Threat’ After Kim Jong-un Meeting
President Trump projected confidence as Air Force One landed shortly after dawn, declaring that the nuclear threat from North Korea is over.
6-13-2018 Trump will not mention Mary Trump in Queens and at the Miami, Cuba Gas station hold up today!
6-13-2018 NY Times marks stats of gas station hold ups today 'secret'. Buy Gregs Book to Know.
6-13-2018 Mary Trump Beaten and Robbed left to die today by 2 White Men at the Pentagon still playing war games but not in North Korea. "AT WAR." "The U.S. Spends Billions in Defense Aid. Is It Working? The Pentagon has sent billions of dollars overseas to equip other countries to fight terror. To what end? Queens and the Bronx, Miami, Cuba Gas Station hold ups" Mary Trump beaten and robbed in NYC today and the Pentagon is worlds away." By JOHN ISMAY NY Times. Pentagon Starbucks is out of Rx Pink Latte's.
iMac at $13,384; war crime by Google giving kids Chrome Books and Win 10 is a crime!
6-13-2018 Summit IBM super computer was at this Summit.
6-13-2018 Putin's Oil Company made this Car City the Poorest City in Russia in Times of 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's a War Crime!! TOLYATTI, Russia —
6-13-2018 Putin's Oil Company made this Car City the Poorest City in Russia in Times of 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's a War Crime!! TOLYATTI, Russia — They have always made things in Tolyatti. In the days of Communist rule, this city was the home of the Soviet auto industry, Russia’s answer to Detroit. It rose up around the vast car factory that sits at its heart, designed specifically to feed the 200 miles of production lines with the parts, the materials and the bodies they needed to operate. The factory is still there — run by AvtoVaz, owned by Renault-Nissan — its buildings stretching for dozens of blocks, its chimneys belching smoke into the sky, the fruit of its labors glinting in the gray light of mile-wide parking lots. The plant is still the city’s prime focus, but it is not what it once was.
6-13-2018 Putin's Oil Company made this Car City the Poorest City in Russia in Times of 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's a War Crime!! TOLYATTI, Russia — AvtoVaz has been hit by Russia’s economic downturn, and by Western sanctions, and Tolyatti has suffered. In 2016, the factory, the largest in Russia and one of the largest in the world, shifted to a four-day workweek. There have been thousands of layoffs at a place that once employed 120,000 people, with corresponding ripple effects at companies in the supply chain. In 2015, Tolyatti was ranked as Russia’s poorest large city.
6-13-2018 Putin's Oil Company made this Car City the Poorest City in Russia in Times of 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's a War Crime!! TOLYATTI, Russia — Konoplev’s academy. A few weeks later, Konoplev died of a heart attack at age 39. He should have quit drinking Vodka and built a TOLYATTI Medical School not a sports academy.
6-13-2018 West Point Academy will become West Point Medical School when the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub fleet is melted down to build its steel buildings and Carrier Hospital Ships. Now you know what Waste Trump was talking about at the Summit. Pentagon Oil Company built 100's of Nuke Subs since the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR + RV was locked in the Pentagon Garage. Trump said on Twitter that there was “no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea, there is a Nuke threat from fleets of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs and cost that cuts into Jimmy Carters brain cancer Rx Latte at Starbucks instead of taking Rx meds and daily check up's for brain cancer coming back.
6-13-2018 Putin's Oil Company made this Car City the Poorest City in Russia in Times of 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's a War Crime!! TOLYATTI, Russia —
6-13-2018 White House aides showed a short film, which Mr. Trump had commissioned and screened for Mr. Kim on an iPad during their meeting. With a thumping soundtrack and images of the two leaders as benevolent peacemakers, the video offered an inspirational view of a thriving North Korea, if only it would forsake its nuclear weapons. “I think he loved it,” Mr. Trump said. North Korea, he said, might choose not to invest in high-speed trains over Gravity Engine Cars made in North Korea, grin. Trump has not talked to anyone about how to get the Gravity Engine Started, Kim has talked to his wife about this a lot.
6-12-2018 Pink Korean food, but no burgers, on lunch menu. Mr. Trump and Mr. Kim filed into a working lunch with their expanded entourages, and hamburgers were not on the menu. Mr. Trump, you may remember, famously said early in his campaign that he was willing to sit down with Mr. Kim and perhaps have a hamburger with him. Instead, their first meal together at the Capella Hotel on Sentosa Island in Singapore included beef short rib confit, Korean stuffed cucumber and sweet and sour crispy pork with Yangzhou fried rice. According to the menu released by the White House, dessert included a dark chocolate tartlet ganache — perhaps in honor of Mr. Trump’s preference for chocolate cake. The White House did not indicate whether it had been flown over from Mar-a-Lago. When Mr. Trump hosted President Xi Jinping of China, he boasted about serving “the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen.” In deference to Mr. Kim, there was also another Korean dish, Daegu jorim, described as soy braised cod fish with radish and Asian vegetables.
Texas Cattle are feed antibiotics at every meal, not Texas women. MD Chef.
6-12-2018 Pink Hero Wife's; Formula One Rx Pink and for 'Diesel Bullets' built and fired at Children world wide, Jews Need a Hero fast, Exodus Reviving Supersonic Jets Will Damage the Climate the NY Times prints today. Censored from the NY Times are 'Diesel Bullets' harming 1 billion children today, this is a war crime by the Times!
1 Billion People Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's!
6-12-2018 Pink Hero Wife's; Formula One Rx Pink Mr. Trump said at a news conference that the United States would stop “the war games,” in what appeared to be a concession to the North. Mr. Trump said the exercises were expensive, costing millions of Pink Breast Cancer women torture like McCain and his Wounded Warriors could care about a Rx Pink Cure as War is their Coors. Drunks on War Games in Korea when everyone in the world knew how expensive they are they never stopped like not stopping for a fiery wreck from 1980 to 2018.
6-12-2018 Pink Hero Wife's; Formula One Security for Kim and Mary Trump Clones in Queens today is not for Trump. “I think without Otto this would not have happened,” Mr. Trump said. “Otto was someone who did not die in vain.” Mr. Warmbier, a student at the University of Virginia, was arrested in North Korea in 2016. He was repatriated to the United States in a coma after 17 months in detention and then died. Mary Trump was beaten and robbed then died months later in Queens. In Queens today another Mary Trump will die in vain, Trumps Mom Mary Trump did die in vain... and was just the first Mary of many, and Trump censors out the Mary's beaten and robbed at the Miami, Cuba gas station today.
6-12-2018 Florida Man Kills 4 Children and Himself, Ending 21-Hour Hostage Standoff. A man fatally shot four children and then himself late Monday in Orlando, Fla., capping a 21-hour standoff with police. A woman’s call about domestic violence 5 dead. SWAT failed with a F.
The episode began about 11:45 p.m. Sunday when Orlando police officers responded to a call at an apartment complex just two miles north of Universal Studios Florida. A woman had contacted officers from elsewhere, telling them that her boyfriend, Mr. Lindsey, had battered her after an argument.
6-12-2018 Pink Hero Wife's; Mary Trump in North Korea... I condemn the brutality of the North Korean regime as we mourn its latest victim,” said Mr. Trump. Mary Trump was beaten robbed and died in Queens not North Korea. Mary was sucker punched in 2000 at a Miami gas station hold up out of spite for the Pentagon Oil Company.
6-12-2018 Pink Hero Ivanka “Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it,” Ms. Trump posted Monday on Twitter hours before Mr. Trump’s face-to-face meeting with Kim Jong-un in Singapore.
6-12-2018 Pink Hero Ivanka waits for Trump to win $777 Trillion in oil revenues at the Qatar Trump Casino Roulette Wheel's of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
6-12-2018 Pink Hero Ivanka
6-12-2018 Pink Hero Ivanka
Talks begin at 9 a.m. on Tuesday — 9 p.m. Eastern in about 3 hours from now.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; talks begin at 9 a.m. on Tuesday — 9 p.m. Eastern in about 3 hour from now, and could even open the way to an official end to the Korean War. And start the Starter for the Gravity Engine Car, via the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's super conductive GE windmill turbines generators putting out 12 Trillion amps. The most electricity ever generated in a GE electric generator in history. Windfall for Jewish Exodus into the Universe via Star Wars not War, grin.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; Formula One race cars and their pit crews, at the Marriott Singapore South Beach, where the White House press corps is stationed. All know about the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; Qatar in 2016 - state of the North Korean economy spiked in 2016. From 2009 to 2013 official North Korean trade more than tripled, from about $1 billion to over $3 billion (illegal trade is substantial, but difficult to estimate). The country’s main exports are coal and textiles. Over 80% of North Korean exports went to China in 2016 and 2017. Qatar was spending $3 trillion on its Citizens Quality of Life importing Wine from France and Mercedes, drivers, Yale and Harvard MD's everything $4 trillion can buy. Oh 40K Trump Towers were built for free housings but all will burn from top to bottom from the wrong siding installed by 2 White Men in NYC.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; Qatar Prince + King has not ordered any iPhone X smoke detectors for these 40K Trump towers.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; But for the better part of an hour, the two men will square off one on one, alone but for a pair of translators. False News as they both fired the translators, grin.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; Kim's wife Ri was born around 1984 in Chongjin, North Korea's third largest city, on the country's east coast. 4 years after the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR Jimmy Carter sold to Qatar + Teddy Kennedy. Kim and Ri have three children together. Kim's daughter Ju Ae.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; The summit is scheduled to take place at the Capella Hotel on Singapore’s Sentosa Island, starting at 9 a.m. local time on June 12. The five-star Capella Hotel, a hot spot for celebrities including Madonna and Lady Gaga.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; The summit IBM super computer talks are underway right now in secret as Kim's wife Ri wants the Rx Recipe for the Pink Latte at Starbucks.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; As with many structures in Singapore, the Capella Hotel boasts a colonial exterior with modern interiors — and a fair amount of historical cache. According to one legend, British army officers buried silver in the lawn outside the hotel to hide it from Japanese forces. That silver may still be buried under the hotel’s lawns, the Journal reports.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; Korean War!! Comments mark a shift in tone after decades of War Warriors animosity towards the Pink War on Breast Cancer and outlawing the Diesel Bullets aimed at kids DNA.
Kim is going to Make North Korea richer than Qatar! With the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's, First 'Rx Starbucks' to open in North Korea.
Love super conductivities 12 volts are now 12 Trillion Jolts, Volts, Amps from a GE windmill generator on your Ford, miracle cure, God is Great too. Electricity Windfall when the electric bill was starting to look like a Comcast bill. Grin $$$. Free electricity from your 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's more than you could ever invent something that uses a lot of electricity, flat bottles melted in a electric oven... aluminium cans melted by City Hall. Plastic bottles melted... Bill + Melinda Gates get the electric... potty for all of Africa. Oh boil your water too in your 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Zap the mosquitoes too. 1,001 IP invention projects in a Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel on a iMac at $13,384.
Trump is gong to the Qatar Trump Casino after this Parade for the End of the Korean War!
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; Trump has never faced a Women with Breast Cancer!! Mr. Trump has never been in a face-off with an adversary like this one, a ruthless dictator who has imprisoned huge numbers of his citizens in brutal gulags and summarily executed or assassinated challengers. Trump serves his Women Pink Alcohol and shoots her kids with Diesel Bullets! Gets her fat on Trump Steaks covered in Butter with Bacon that gives her a heart attack. Brutal Roman Caesar beat and robbed Mary Trump Mom to busy playing War Games.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; One ultimatum after another after another Stormy Porn Star. Is there a Doctor Wife in the White House, Hell no.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; Wounded Warrior's have shown themselves adherents of the “madman” theory of negotiation, expressing a willingness to take extreme action to get what they want knowing the Pentagon Oil Company will buy the Judge for their Wife's murder or DUI Road Kills. Cat women across the USA are held in contempt!! By 2 White Men at City Hall USA. And given code fines of tens of thousands of dollars for feeding the stray cat, Meow. Skin cancer went to their brains but they can't see why Mecca is building trillions of SUV Umbrellas in Public Parks. They bombed the Yale Key West Medical School and Hospitals world wide with immunity a cat would like to have. Texas Cattle are feed antibiotics at every meal, not Texas women. Adherents of Fire Oppenheimer, we need next years Model of Nukes! Fire and Fury of driving by fiery wrecks all these decades made them real world Mad Men, 2 White Men will drive by a fiery wreck today and not stop to help a women, drive a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR into Freedom Tower 3 opening today in NYC.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; focus instead on a peace treaty that would end a 65-year-old Korean War.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; Trump thinks Kim is a businessman,” said Jung H. Pak, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, who oversaw North Korea analysis for United States intelligence agencies until a year ago. “What he’s forgetting is that Kim isn’t looking for wealth,” he said. “He has all the wealth in the country.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; When the United States was discussing an armistice to halt the 1950-53 Korean War, the chief North Korean delegate embarrassed his American counterpart by showing up for talks in the American ambassador’s car — which his invading troops had seized as they rampaged through Seoul at the war’s start.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; Showing up on the front page of the NY Times... 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Women Hero's in Pink had seized the NY Times, 4 Trillion Rx Recipes for the Pink Latte are in the digital edition for diagnosis from readers of our Times. North Korea’s longstanding ability to destroy Seoul with conventional artillery. The editors at the Times did destroy the lives of millions of Pink women collecting artillery shells from Shell Oil Company. Mr. Kim has proved to his people that he is a force the Americans have to reckon with. Women at the NY Times are still trying to get rid of the body of Kim Wall a temp at the NY Times. Force of 'temps' is what the 2 White Men at the Times pray to 5 times a day. God is Great, Women Temps too! Soul-Mates for 4 Trillion years censored! Trillion in Qatar Oil Company Bribes go to the heads of these editors not trillions of Galaxies. 12 Trillion Galaxies Editorial and the 2 White Men Editors will tell you what you can do with your soul-mate for 4 trillion years, grin! Trump Card Today is 12 Trillion Galaxies! NASA is keeping the rest of the Universe secret... ha! They have secret Swiss Bank Accounts to keep hidden, really!
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's; "Irish Women in Record-Breaking Skinny-Dip for Cancer Charity" "Thousands shed their clothes on a beach south of Dublin, braving the bracing water temperatures to raise funds for a children’s cancer charity." Aoibheann’s Pink Tie, a charity set up in 2010 by Mick Rochford and Jimmy Norman, after Mr. Norman’s daughter Aoibheann, 8, died of cancer.
6-11-2018 Pink War Hero Wife's;
Trump arrived just after 8:20 p.m. local time at Paya Lebar Air Base in Singapore aboard Air Force One, a few hours after Mr. Kim landed at Changi Airport on a commercial 747 Air China plane.
Arrived Jew Hero in her bikini driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's 1 billion of them landed WW. Arsenal of 1 billion 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's not used by the Pentagon Oil Company on 9/11 to win the War's. Why, $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues.
Arrived Kim at the St. Regis Hotel sits on a busy commercial boulevard next to a run-down strip mall with two money changers, a pet store and “Maids R Us,” a hiring agency. Not Qatar. Singapore’s Formula One Racing Center, journalists gathered in a building overlooking a racetrack to wait for the arrival of Mr. Kim and Mr. Trump and the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's.
Arrived 1,001 IP Invention Projects Summit IBM Super Computers, Kim to buy several from IBM.
Arrived Facilitate peace through food for 'thought' about 12 trillion Galaxies, Gravity Engine Car instead of another USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub, Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks, Diet Latte too. iMac at $13,384 at every Cafe table in Paris with Genius tutors.
Arrived North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has arrived in Singapore for a scheduled summit with US President Donald Trump. Kim will be talking about the IBM 'Summit Super Computer' and 1,001 IP invention projects that come pre installed from 1 click Amazon spelling out inventions like going 400 times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon Cell call to Alpha Centauri and starting the Gravity Engine. Rx Pink Latte Recipe for Statbucks too. Trump will be at the Summit Casino Towers, at the Roulette Wheel not the Wheel of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR called Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies, Star Wars and the end to the Korean War! Getting psyched up for June 12.
Miss America wishing for 'world peace' and getting it... June 12
Miss America wishing for 'world peace' and getting it... June 12 End to the Korean War!
Miss America wishing for 'world peace' and getting it...
6-10-2018 Alpha Centauri A and B, appear to be 2 of her house cats...
6-10-2018 4 Wife's, Pope Tells Oil Executives to Act on Climate: ‘There Is No Time to Lose’
6-10-2018 More than 1 billion people will drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's
6-10-2018 4 Wife's, Pope warns Miss America not to Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR... there will not be a Jew Hero Wife in a bikini on June 12 for world peace driving to the Vatican... she is on her own. Pope Tells All Secrets; BP Oil owns Miss Universe Contest.
6-10-2018 Wife's, Simply Perfect: Justify Wins the Triple Crown, Jew's win 4 Wife's, God is Great!
6-10-2018 Wife's, Pope warns Qatar Saudi Arabia Allah of Universe destruction without fuel shift to the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. No Pope Francis didn't mention the 2018 Ford Windmill CAR's + RV's I have no idea why, gravity of Hell is a weaker force than the gravity of 2 White Men at the Pentagon Oil Company HQ. More than 1 billion people will drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's for their 12 trillion jolts, volts, amps 24/7 A/C and iPhone X Dash cam and cell phone. 1 Billion people will get a free iPhone X grin. Miracle too as the iPhone X iDash cam will stay charged forever... how about that! The war criminals at Reuters writing this signed it with trust me... Why? Reporting by Philip Pullella; Editing by Crispian Balmer and Alexander Smith. Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
6-10-2018 More than 1 billion people will drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
6-10-2018 1 Billion will go to the Dentists for the first time in their life too. About 43 percent of rural Americans lack access to dental care, meaning lack money to pay for the dentists. Medicare offers no dental benefits, in the USA but made Qatar rich in White Teeth. In the USA 61 percent of residents older than 65 have lost all their teeth and can't afford dentures.
6-10-2018 Wife's, Simply Perfect: Justify Wins the Triple Crown, Jew's win 4 Wife's, God is Great!
6-10-2018 Wife's, 'world peace' and getting it... gives her the idea of wanting a Gravity Engine Car next year, grin. Now she wants Vegetarian ‘Fried Chicken,’ Original Herbs and Spices Included at KFC and Buckwheat Pancakes at Wendy's! Sears in Key West to rent parking for RV's too...
6-10-2018 Wife's, Simply Perfect: Justify Wins the Triple Crown, Jew's win 4 Wife's, God is Great!
6-10-2018 By SAHIL CHINOY In the last 16 years, most of the damage caused by catastrophes like hurricanes have been concentrated in just a few areas. Areas to use your Win 10 or the New Summit IBM Super computer and no one in the world of Journalists and CBS nightly News at the End wrote about moving the Hurricane, so does it really matter if you have a Google Chrome book... probably not. Google Chrome Computer Summit, Forbes Failure writing about the New MacBook without writing about the Intel Xeon 18 core CPU in the New MacBook. App to move the Hurricane is marked Secret by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ on a Navy or NOAA base.
6-10-2018 Yale + Harvard Graduation Gifts by Mom + Dad, 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
6-10-2018 Justify the Korean War, Hell No! Justify won the Belmont Stakes to become the 13th Triple Crown champion, the second in four years 6:53 PM June 12 Justify Wife's will win the 13 trillion galaxies lost to the Korean War.
6-10-2018 Wife's, Simply Perfect: Justify Wins the Triple Crown, Jew's win 4 Wife's, God is Great!
6-10-2018 Miss USA + our Hero Jew women in a Bikini driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's won’t be judged on how they look in their attire, but on the self-confidence they exude and what they are saying, four wife's for the Rabbi + Bishop or else BP Oil will rule the World for the next several centuries with Oil. Helped by BP Oil Canada.
6-10-2018 4 Wife's, Surveillance cameras to watch those in Canada selling 'Oil Sands' and Diesel Bullets to kids.
6-10-2018 4 Wife's, Surveillance cameras are an inescapable fixture of the modern city. Law enforcement agencies have deployed vast networks to guard against terrorism and combat street crime. But in Newark, the police have taken an extraordinary step that few, if any, other departments in the country have pursued: They have opened up feeds from dozens of closed-circuit cameras to the public
6-10-2018 4 Wife's, Easy to spot the symptoms of Newark’s enduring struggle with poverty and blight — blocks with crumbling buildings, crater-pocked roads and storefronts whose metal grates are pulled down well before sunset in Newark not Qatar + Canada Oil Company HQ.
6-10-2018 4 Wife's, Easy to spot the dead bikini Jew Wife in Newark who was the Hero Driver of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's for Newark.
6-10-2018 4 Wife's, New York University School of Law, whose rights are being violated by BP Oil... the dead bikini Jew Wife in Newark who was the Hero Driver of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's for Newark.
6-10-2018 4 Wife's, Kerry is not napping in her dorm’s common room at Yale University, he is loading pallets with cash $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. $300 million a week just from Baghdad.
6-10-2018 Wife's, Simply Perfect: Justify Wins the Triple Crown, Jew's win 4 Wife's, God is Great!
6-10-2018 4 Wife's, By Rick Romjas "Were the Police Cameras and Web see you with No Audio to say Hello or listen to your conversations!!" who didn't think to put on his NY Times 'Body Cam' for the video in his article, damn I left my 'body cam' on top of the dresser when I left the house today, grin.
6-10-2018 4 Wife's,Car Cam and Bike cam video can be replayed by the police or you for accidents or road rage Drunks pulling out of the VFW.
6-10-2018 Wife's, Simply Perfect: Justify Wins the Triple Crown, Jew's win 4 Wife's, God is Great! To Hell with drinking at the VFW 24/7. Not a option with 4 wife's, ha.
6-10-2018 4 Wife's, LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A dozen of the wind-driven blazes that swept northern California’s wine country last fall, killing 46 people in the deadliest firestorm in state history, were sparked by PG&E-owned power lines, state officials said on Friday.
6-10-2018 4 Wife's, GE is building trillions of miles of high power electric lines across the US and Canada when they are out of date with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's spin off inventions. Pacific Gas & Electric. Edison in NY.
6-10-2018 4 Wife's, An unidentified man was killed when a helicopter hit power lines and plunged into a Wisconsin river on Saturday, officials said.
6-10-2018 Alpha Centauri, known as Alpha Cen C or Proxima, is not nearly as promising when it comes to supporting habitability. Proxima is a red dwarf star known for producing massive amounts of X-ray radiation that would be harmful for life — 50,000 times more radiation than we receive on Earth... What could a x-ray machine show us at 50K times more radiation?
6-9-2018 Day Before June 12 - when our Jew Hero Wife in a Bikini drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR into 9/11 victory lost by the Pentagon Oil Company, finally confiscating $777 Trillion from Baghdad and others for the World Trade Center 3 Medical School opening. USS Yale Key West Medical School Carrier Ship's too, that will sink the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub fleet. See what Habitat for Humanity gets with 'World Peace' end to the Korean War on June 12.
Miss America wishing for 'world peace' and getting it... Miss America Organization, said in a statement about the changes to the competition, one of “the necessary skills and resources” required. In the pageant, finally. As in life. Drive a new car the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR. Junk the Gas Engine Cars. As in Life before Qatar was the richest city in the world and City Hall made good things for your Quality of Life before tow trucks and contempt of courts for feeding the stray cat meowing.
Miss America wishing for 'world peace' and getting it...
6-9-2018 Alpha Centauri A and B, appear to be 2 of her house cats...
6-9-2018 Palestinians turn to UN General Assembly to protect civilians. When the UN takes $777 Trillion in BP Oil Bribes and Kickbacks to let 100 million kids die from Diesel bullets.
6-9-2018 Qatar Summit, Will to confiscate $777 Trillion from Qatar. New Jersey Teacher Left $1 Million Gift to Students in Her Will. Genevieve Via Cava was a special needs teacher for decades. When she died in 2011, she had saved enough money to fund a scholarship in perpetuity. By JACEY FORTIN Jacey Fortin at the NY Times is a war criminal. Qatar Summit, Will to confiscate $777 Trillion from Qatar the NY Times gets bribes and kickbacks from Qatar losing 100 million special needs kids their iMac at $13,384 and Apple Genius Tutors at $100,000 a year, a war crime!
6-9-2018 Google Chrome Computer Summit, Forbes Failure writing about the New MacBook without writing about the Intel Xeon 18 core CPU in the New MacBook super cold enclosure would work and get more inventions than a magnetic electric plug that pulls out when someone trips over it. This is a obvious failure of Forbes. Give us a 18 core Intel Xeon in the New MacBook. Google Chrome Books will be sued for stifling 100 million childrens growth.
6-9-2018 Summit IBM's new #1 super computer designs the 12 trillion volts - super conductivity 24/7 A/C iDash Cameras 360 just on the inside and under the hood, all of them with super audio that can overhear everything inside and outside, yes there are cameras on the outside, 100's of them.
6-9-2018 Summit IBM super computer will design Verizon 55 G faster than Comcast fiber optics.
6-9-2018 55 G will replace Comcast High Speed Business fiber optics. LED invention history will help you wind this invention and...
6-9-2018 Serendipity LED's invented to put out a cell tower cell signal in a street light so Key West gets wifi faster... and free!
6-9-2018 Summit IBM super computer drives without Verizon 55 G brainstorming ideas crunched. The choice of Mr. Vestberg, as Verizon CEO whose duties have included overseeing the deployment of next-generation 5G mobile services, underscores the importance that Verizon places on that technology, which will increase download speeds sharply and make an array of new services possible. New 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out just in Breast Cancer Rx Recipes.
6-9-2018 Can One Suicide Lead to Others? Mary Kennedy, Kate Spade... divorce suicides by women can be prevented not instigated by the husband Robert Kennedy Jr. Oh he also selling heating oil in New England, a war crime!
6-9-2018 Can SomeOne End all suicides with a Nobel Invention?
6-9-2018 Serendipity without quite so much risk when you get to drive the Summit IBM super computer for your Hemingway House Invention Projects Novel titled. "1,001 Nobels in Medicine" how we did it with Serendipity, grin.
6-9-2018 Professional marriage proposals to work on 1,001 IP invention projects.
6-9-2018 Asylum Seeker Gets Life in Prison for Deadly Sweden Truck Attack...
6-9-2018 Sweden has a King and he is God of his Universe and Ours. The King is addicted to Diesel and gasoline. Asylum Seeker's In Key West for the 2018 Ford WindmillTrucks, Deadly to Diesel Powered Trucks and Diesel Industry as they will get eternity in Hell but it will not be realized until it is over heard by Jewish Alien News picked up in Sweden. Sweden has a King and he is God of his Universe and Ours. So we have to breath in Diesel Truck exhaust that is more deadly to kids.
6-9-2018 IBM Summit, LONDON — More than three decades after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine, cows far from the accident site still produce milk with dangerous levels of radiation, children still drink it and the problem could persist for decades to come, researchers reported on Friday.
6-9-2018 IBM Summit, LONDON — More than three decades after the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's diesel exhaust is the Plague of London's Children's birth defects and cancer, a war crime of course.
6-9-2018 IBM Summit, LONDON — Greenpeace Research's have driven a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR in secret, yes the world famous Greenpeace Researchers! A war crime!
6-9-2018 IBM Summit, LONDON — British Police, Posters and advertising alluded to public anger over long-running investigations in which detectives used sexual relationships to infiltrate advocacy groups against Diesel and gas exhaust in London. By AMIE TSANG
6-9-2018 IBM Summit, built for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.
6-9-2018 IBM Summit, Department of Veterans Affairs project is tracking DUI from Each and every VFW the Southermost one in Key West should score high in DUI's as they are recorded in this Summit supercomputer by drinks not tickets for DUI. Road Rage and Road Kills too.
6-9-2018 Pentagon effectively admitted it can’t fully account for all the civilians it has killed just in DUI wrecks with a death.
6-9-2018 The Bikini Contest Is Over, but We Are Living Inside the Beauty Pageant
Suggesting that women won’t be judged for their looks is a bit like Miss America wishing for 'world peace' and getting it with victory over War with a Star Wars invention of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV 24/7 A/C and Star Wars Car accessories... giving her the idea of wanting a Gravity Engine Car next year, grin.
6-9-2018 Alpha Centauri A and B, appear to be potentially friendly to life-bearing planets... within limits. While Proxima Centauri is only a fraction of the size of the sun, Alpha Centauri A is slightly bigger, and B is slightly smaller. By carefully watching activity from the stars, Ayres and his colleagues determined that Alpha Centauri A has far less X-ray activity overall than the sun, meaning that by one metric, it would be friendlier to a life-bearing planet in the right spot than our own star. Alpha Centauri A also has slower flare cycles overall.
...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent The Alien Wedding to Observe Technology. Jewish Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!
Alpha Centauri A and B, C, we need to know how they burn their H.
6-9-2018 IBM Summit, CBS Summit false hope cancer news on the CBS Nightly News almost nightly now. A war crime.
6-9-2018 IBM Summit, Based on the data we do have, the thousand-plus cancer drugs now in clinical development are quite likely to help only a handful of patients, and only a very little bit: According to one recent study, targeted cancer therapies will benefit fewer than 2 percent of the cancer patients they’re aimed at. That reality is often lost on consumers, who are being fed a steady diet of winning anecdotes about miracle cures. Those stories are heartening, especially if you or someone you love is one of the people battling the long odds who could be helped. But they omit a lot, including the number of people who aren’t saved — or even helped — by a given drug
6-9-2018 FDA Diet Summit, diet of winning anecdotes about miracle cures. 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's
6-9-2018 Starbucks Diet Latte Summit, secret diet latte a miracle in the same garage as the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's.
6-9-2018 Qatar Summit, Will to confiscate $777 Trillion from Qatar. New Jersey Teacher Left $1 Million Gift to Students in Her Will. Genevieve Via Cava was a special needs teacher for decades. When she died in 2011, she had saved enough money to fund a scholarship in perpetuity. By JACEY FORTIN Jacey Fortin at the NY Times is a war criminal.
6-9-2018 Palestinians turn to UN General Assembly to protect civilians. When the UN takes $777 Trillion in BP Oil Bribes and Kickbacks to let 100 million kids die from Diesel bullets.
6-8-2018 Israeli Video Portrays Medic Killed in Gaza as Tool of Hamas, Dr. Lisa MD will write up the correct diagnosis in the New England Journal of Medicine.
6-8-2018 Israeli Video of the Hero Jew Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV a Tool of God and Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies, 400 times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon Cell call to Jewish Aliens another tool of God and Exodus into the Universe, Star Wars not War.
VA vets can sue McCain for (fraud) being wounded warriors as World Peace would be here if he drove the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR on 9/11...
6-8-2018 An Oil Auction Provides Brazil a Needed Boost to Warriors World Wide! Trump Says Abandoning Iran Deal Has Already Curbed Tehran’s Bad Behavior, Bad Behavior of BP Oil Men 2 White Men in London who are the cause of a Plague of Cancers, birth defects, gas station hold ups. HGTV’s Chip and Joanna Gaines Will Pay Fine Over Lead Paint Violations
Magnolia Homes, a company owned by the “Fixer Upper” stars, settled lead paint violations with the E.P.A. BP Oil will pay a fine of $777 Trillion for Diesel and gasoline exhaust in the air and in Childrens DNA. God Save the Queen as she went along with this from 1980 to 2018.
6-8-2018 "From Cairo to Kolkata, Traces of a Vibrant Jewish Past. A largely vanished world can be rediscovered (though not easily) in cemeteries, synagogues and winding streets." By MICHAEL DAVID LUKAS
6-8-2018 Jewish Future is Star Wars driven to by a Jew Hero Wife who got ahold of the keys to the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR from the Jewish Military who refused to drive it and be a Hero to God and Jewish Aliens!
6-8-2018 Day Before June 12 - when our Jew Hero Wife in a Bikini drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR into 9/11 victory finally confiscating $777 Trillion from Baghdad and others the World Trade Center 3 opens. June 11, the World Trade Center complex will tick off another major accomplishment: the official completion of 3 World Trade Center. The opening of the supertall on Monday will mark the completion of four of the five buildings that will make up the new World Trade Center complex. 80 Stories At 1,079 feet, 3 WTC is the second tallest building in the WTC complex, and the fifth tallest building in New York City. Designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Richard Rogers of Rogers Stirk Harbor + Partners, the massive glass-clad structure measures 2.5 million square feet. Clone of the Yale Key West Medical School Tower in Key West, grin. But without all the super conductive GE windmill turbines and other spin off Star Wars inventions from having 12 trillion jolts of electricity more than the whole world could ever use in 2018. 700,000 square feet spread out over nine floors, zero square feet for the 9/11 Medical School.
6-8-2018 After Alienating 4 Wife's with 12 Trillion jolts - volts of Brainstorming inspiration...
6-8-2018 Jew Wife in a Bikini will be the Hero to save the world from Diesel + Gasoline exhaust driving a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR on June 12 to her polygamous marriage. The Supreme Court Avoided the Cake Case’s Tough Issues 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year with Rx Starbucks and $13,384 iMac at every cafe table. Every layer of the cake will be tattooed with '1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year' as the Supreme court went to Yale and Harvard not the Yale Key West Medical School they would have failed in the real world like they all failed to be the Hero to drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR on 9/11 a war crime they will stand trial for!
6-8-2018 By Carey NY Times 31 minutes ago. Since 1999, suicide rates have risen in almost every state, often by as much as 30 percent, health officials reported. Homicides of Wounded Warriors who murder the wife coming home from Baghdad are out pacing but stats are secret for now like 4 hurricanes deaths intentionally kept out of the Times. Kate Spade’s Suicide Prompts Self-Disclosure and an Outpouring of Empathy nothing about the cause Dr. Lisa MD would diagnose correctly. Yes Elite Yale MD's do this every day at work. Just to have the editors at the Times censor this Elite diagnosis.
6-8-2018 A man known for starring in a YouTube series was found stabbed to death inside his Bronx New York City home. Friends identify the victim as 40-year-old Tyrone Fleming. Police say the victim's body was discovered by his girlfriend around 5 p.m. Wednesday. Fleming worked for Consolidated Edison. More Bronx news, Violent attacker steals Bronx girl 10 iPhone, kicks her in face. the son, who was in his 30s, dragged the flaming air conditioner through the “cluttered” apartment — igniting more fires as the flames spread to the victims’ belongings — then ditched the air conditioner, still ablaze, in the hallway. He then returned to the burning apartment where he and his mother waited while they called 911, officials said. “The FDNY urges everyone to leave immediately if there is a fire in your home. Never try to fight a fire yourself,” officials said, adding that residents should create an escape plan and practice it. The air conditioner fire sparked what FDNY Deputy Chief Stephen Moro at the time called “extremely dangerous conditions” that momentarily trapped a firefighter. “A lot of clutter from floor to ceiling, which made our operations extremely difficult,” Moro said at the scene. A 59-year-old woman was pronounced dead in the apartment. Her son, who dragged the air conditioner into the hallway, was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead.
6-8-2018 Craft Beer Week's can all be sued, taken to the supreme court as the drunk kids of Judges are costing mom and dad billions to get them out of the DUI with deaths.
6-8-2018 Novel Hemingway House on how to reinvent the cardboard box for Star Wars.
6-8-2018 TECH TIP "Keeping Starbucks Coffee Off the Keys" 1,001 IP invention projects brainstormed would have given this article Johnson and Johnson "Spray on Bandage" for your keyboard.
6-8-2018 1,001 Brainstorming ways to use Johnson and Johnson "Spray on Bandage" besides the key board...
6-8-2018 TECH TIP "Keeping Hemingway House Cat Off the Keys!"
6-8-2018 You may not be able to prevent every potential beverage spill into your keyboard, but when it happens, know what to do. Shielding the computer from potential spills in the first place is a good habit, even though this can be hard to do in practice. Plastic overlays from an office-supply store that cover the laptop’s keyboard and upper surface provide inexpensive protection from liquids, dust and debris.
6-8-2018 If you do not like typing through a plastic barrier, at least keep the lid on the takeout beverage cup or use a leak proof, self-sealing travel mug, like containers made by Contigo and Zojirushi. And a when it comes time to upgrade to a new laptop and you are shopping around, consider a model with a spill-resistant keyboard, like an HP ProBook or Lenovo ThinkPad. And no matter what you’re drinking, always keep your computer and important files backed up. And a 2nd Keyboard that plugs in the side or is wifi connected.
6-8-2018 Why would he want a divorce from Kate, why is this censored out of the story? Kate Spade was extremely depressed in her last days of life, because her husband wanted a divorce ... Why? Mary Kennedy now Kate Spade. Both husbands should be arrested for murder as this going viral will save tens of thousands of women facing divorce when the Men can buy the Judge.
6-8-2018 Forbes "New MacBook Pro Leak Reveals Apple's Innovative Failure" Forbes writes the failure is the USB-C vs MagSafe connector magnetic break away cord. Forbes Failure to write about the Intel Xeon 18 Core CPU in the New MacBook with 18 Core Apps for inventors brainstorming and AI. 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's with F-35c radar and much more, as the car's AI will not let a drunk drive. Now you know what AI app us good for. Previously, the MagSafe connector allowed you to connect your power supply to your MacBook, but if cable had any pressure applied to it, it would simply pop out of your MacBook. The magnetic connection was strong enough to hold the connectors in place, but weak enough that someone tripping over your cable pull the connector to the floor, not the entire MacBook.
6-8-2018 Forbes Failure writing about the New MacBook without writing about the Intel Xeon 18 core CPU in the New MacBook super cold enclosure would work and get more inventions than a magnetic electric plug that pulls out when someone trips over it. This is a obvious failure of Forbes. Give us a 18 core Intel Xeon in the New MacBook. Google Chrome Books will be sued for stifling 100 million childrens growth.
6-8-2018 iMac Genius Tutors in the Rx Starbucks will give low-performing inventors 'Genius'.
6-8-2018 Canada Legalized Diesel + gasoline exhaust in the air, DUI drivers who buy the Judge, now Canada moves a step closer to legalising marijuana. Wrongful death law suits by Yale will be Legalized. Grin!
Please Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 CELL phone 3054345276
Paperback book link to Greg's Book - The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Car's Engine
Click Here... Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018
Biography. 1,001 IP invention projects will give us "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Starbucks. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindmillCAR's Amazon Book!!
*.* Gravity Engine and Real Gravity might - fire fast at a rate of 100 billion times per second inside the Charm Quarks.
Click Here... Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018
WindmillCAR's and RV's Gravity Car's In 2018: The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Car (Gravity Car Engine)
Please Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 CELL phone 3054345276
Paperback book link to Greg's Book - The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Car's Engine
Click Here... Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018
6-7-2018 The Bikini Contest Is Over, but We Are Living Inside the Beauty Pageant
Suggesting that women won’t be judged for their looks is a bit like Miss America wishing for 'world peace'. By BARI WEISS World Pease is the end of the Korean War on June 12. On June 12 a Jew Hero will Drive a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR into Exodus for Jews and the rest of us. Could this Jew Hero be a women in a Bikini, Sara Palin would say Ya Bet Ya at the Qatar Trump Casino and her winnings will be $777 Trillion!
6-7-2018 The Bikini Contest Is Over, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed on Twitter that the summit would take place at the five-star Capella Hotel. But it appears that the two leaders will stay elsewhere. Mr Trump will likely be at the Shangri-La Hotel, where US presidents have stayed before, while Mr Kim will probably stay at the St Regis Singapore, the Straits Times newspaper reports. The two hotels are on the main island, near the famous Orchard Road shopping strip. Trump-Kim summit to be held on Singapore's Sentosa island Capella Hotel.
6-7-2018 The Bikini Contest Is Over, Kim picked 4 Wifes for World Peace Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies, Star Wars North Korea! Alien rights and royalities...
“Qatar has deprived millions of children and adults of VIP burn treatment in the USA via oil revenue politics of $777 trillion.
VA vets can sue McCain for (fraud) being wounded warriors as World Peace would be here if he drove the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR on 9/11
Click Here... Amazon Paperback + Kindle link to Secret file still Secret on the cover of "WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018"" on the Front Page of the NY Times!
Kim Jong-un’s Image Shift: From Nuclear Madman to Skillful Leader
McCain Image Shifts: War Hero to killer of his own troops - wounding his own warriors for Oil Revenues over 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's War Victory in Baghdad.
6-7-2018 NY Times editorial today is about Texas toddler with severe birth defects, censored out is the cause of the birth defects, Texas Diesel and gasoline exhaust. So this editorial is a 'fraud' Medicaid would sue Texas Oil Men for the nursing home care if the Times didn't censor this out. VA can sue McCain as World Peace would be here if he drove the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR on 9/11.
6-7-2018 Children burned by war's... “Qatar has deprived millions of children and adults of VIP burn treatment in the USA via oil revenue politics of $777 trillion. Qatar, the world’s richest country per capita thanks to massive reserves of natural gas, invented by Mobil Engineers in super cold almost super conductivity of the WindmillCAR windmills but cold enough to make liquid gas. NASA could have invented liquid H as safe as Qatar Liquified Natural gas but didn't. Qatar in the last year has spent billions on weapons from France, Italy, the U.K., and the U.S., buying up fighter jets, missiles, and warships. While children around the world burn in fiery wrecks. Qatari bankers switched vacations to a small town in Switzerland from a planned visit to London and Paris to reduce the odds of running into a Saudi or Emirati Prince. Qatari's running into the burn unit in Paris is a No Way will this happen, you know what I mean. Oh the other hand Kerry with his rich wife has never been in a burn unit in Paris or London. A war crime. “And the Qataris + Kerry's have shown that they can live with the status quo.” Jew Hero Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR on June 12...
6-7-2018 Children burned in Guatemala volcano eruption to be treated in US. Children all over the world burned in fiery Wrecks Today will not get VIP treatment for their burns because the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's are marked 'Secret'. Quality of life in Qatar and the USA will erupt like a volcano model of the Ford WindmillCAR.
6-7-2018 iPhone X smoke detectors have been on this web page for a year and not one Hotel note even Trump Hotel's have bought any, a war crime!
6-7-2018 Mandarin Oriental fire: Blaze at Knightsbridge hotel. A huge fire has broken out at a luxury hotel in central London a week after "the most extensive restoration in its 115-year history" was completed.
6-7-2018 Pink-Day things to know about the 74th anniversary of Breast Cancer War, lost by Warriors, yes even the top brass and the 2 White men at 1984 HQ have thought of D-Day lost the cure for Cancer for Humanity.
6-7-2018 74 years of drunk drivers anniversary!! Coors. A young woman who admitted knocking down a teenager while drink-driving has been found dead in prison. Katie Allan, who was 20 at the time of the crash, died on Monday at Polmont Prison near Falkirk. The Glasgow University geography student was jailed for 16 months in March. The crash, in which a 15-year-old boy was seriously injured, happened in Giffnock, East Renfrewshire, on August 10 last year. Paisley sheriff court was told that the teenager was out jogging at about 9pm when he was struck by Allan’s Ford Fiesta. The impact was so severe that the car’s bumper was torn off as she sped away. The boy was left unconscious and bleeding from the head. BP Oil Men are drunk on Oil Revenues of $777 Trillion and they keep right on drinking running over the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's with F-35c radar and much more, as the car's AI will not let a drunk drive. Now you know what AI app us good for.
6-7-2018 Children burned by the war on Big Tobacco... San Francisco Upholds Ban on Flavored Tobacco Products" By JAN HOFFMAN 56 minutes ago. The ban, considered the strictest in the U.S, includes menthol cigarettes and vaping products packaged as candies. The tobacco giant R. J. Reynolds spent millions trying to overturn it." Trillions are being spent by 2 White Men at BP oil HQ too.
6-7-2018 iMac Genius Tutors in the Rx Starbucks will give low-performing inventors 'Genius'.
6-7-2018 A novel desegregation plan would give priority to low-performing students for some seats at sought-after middle schools to create “academic diversity.” By WINNIE HU
6-7-2018 iMac Genius Tutors in the Rx Starbucks will give low-performing inventors 'Genius'.
6-7-2018 Top 2 Key West High Grads Headed For Medical Careers. Camden Switzer never got anything less than an A. Her 12 years of K-12 schooling wrapped up on Friday night at Key West High School’s graduation, where Switzer stood in front of the Class demanded Key West City Hall pay for 'Genius Tutors' 24/7 for 12 years of K-12 schooling for everyone!! A.nd iMac's at $13,384
6-7-2018 iMac Genius Tutors in the Rx Starbucks will give low-performing inventors 'Genius'.
6-7-2018 NY Times editorial today is about Texas toddler with severe birth defects, censored out is the cause of the birth defects, Texas Diesel and gasoline exhaust. So this editorial is a 'fraud' Medicaid would sue Texas Oil Men for the nursing home care if the Times didn't censor this out.
Key West Quality of life today "To Have Have Not Genius" Key West Quality of life today with Hemingway’s House writing Class with iMac's at $13,384.
Key West Quality of life today "To Have Have Not Genius" Key West Quality of life today with Hemingway’s House writing Class with iMac's at $13,384.
6-6-2018 'Rx Starbucks’ Trump-Kim Deal Could Send China’s Trade With North Korea Soaring
A shadowy gray-black market of diesel in China + Korea needs the new “shuttle Challenger" as motivation to kill diesel for good as the Boeing 999 flying into orbit for 15 mins and landing in Paris fly's to 12 Trillion Galaxies. A bit like Miss America wishing for world peace, at the Qatar Trump Casino playing out her hand with 12 Trillion Galaxies and super conductivity generating electricity that is 12 Trillion jolts, volts, amps, not 12 volts, grin. 12 Trillion Galaxies also generate 12 trillion jolts! Israel Says Palestinian Medic’s Death in Gaza Was Unintentional - Jew Hero who will drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's on June 12 will be intentional Israel Top Brass said!!
Murdoch’s Culture these 2 White men helped Mastermind a Culture of Kim Wall's and Mary Trump's, Kate Spade, Mary Kennedy. Yale Key West Medical School was bombed on their Orders!
Qatar USA. Key West "Property Values Remain Solid" Despite being hit with a category 4 hurricane, property values in the Florida Keys are up again this year, while the average home sales price and number of homes sold are well below Qatar USA Home Cost. Quality of Life from City Hall Qatar remains higher than Key West. Yale Key West Medical School was bombed on WHO's orders, Ha! Think about the Quality of life today with a $1 trillion dollar Yale Key West Medical School. For one thing - all the Med Students would be on Duval at the Rx Starbucks working on iMac's at every cafe table. Like China + Kim after World Peace!
6-6-2018 'Rx Starbucks’ is Howard Schultz’s 2020 ambitions, ambition to update Starbucks to the 'Rx Starbucks' - Much better than CVS Health logo. iMac $13,384 at Rx Starbucks features you should know about using a iMac at Rx Starbucks. Culture moves from the iPhone screen to the iMac screen. Power of a Gravity Engine being tested - test results come back from Dr. Lisa MD. Miss America women are going to be judged on their blood test results, life and death Mary Trump taking a walk in Queens and Mary Kennedy realizing the Judge was paid off. Culture that gave us Mary at the 2000 gas station hold up in Miami, Cuba when no gas stations were robbed in Cuba.
6-6-2018 'Rx Starbucks’ Epidemic Preparedness Innovations has announced an award of up to $25 million to Profectus BioSciences and Emergent BioSolutions to develop a vaccine against Nipah virus. The project is expected to take at least five years. Kim in Korea will kill every know virus 60 days after World Peace, well after the Korean War ends, grin.
6-6-2018 Rx Starbucks Nipah virus, herpes virus, every virus Rx Miracle Drug like Pencillin but for the virus. Innovations at Rx Starbucks has announced a way to invent this Virus Killing drug. iMac's at $13,384.
6-6-2018 Jew Hero driving could really convert half of Pakistan to Judaism! Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV with 24/7 A/C into 'Oil Burning' scooters, Ha! Selling point is yes you can sleep in your car with the A/C running 24/7. 2018 FordWindmillCAR's + RV's for Pakistan and India as they will have a Super cold refrigerator and freezer in the car that works 24/7... God is Great! NY Times articles on Edison and you will be shocked at the loss of Edison's invention Drive in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, Qatar. Oh the Times had been driving here without getting any inventions to save Humanity. Journalism will be thrown under the bus or the subway in NYC when Saudi Women drive the gas engine car on June 24. June 12 the Korean War will end with 4th of July invention fireworks on the gravity engine, secret as everything else.
6-6-2018 Reread the NY Times article on Edison and you will be shocked at the loss of Edison's invention motivation from NY Times Journalists sapping his thoughts with trash Journalism enough Ridicule to kill the inventors super conductivity invention era. As Dewar was working on liquid H at -243. Invention a New Section in the Times in Our Times! 1,001 Inventions in the digital NY Times AC DC and today the NY Times censors out super conductivity in Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's on orders from 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. Grin. Well on orders from Wall Street Journal-themed show on the Fox Business Network, which, like the NY Times newspaper, is part of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire. Murdoch’s are the 2 White men who helped behead Kim Wall and Mary Trump, Mary at the gas station hold up in 2000 + tomorrow.
6-6-2018 Pentagon May Build these 500 Million Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with 24/7 A/C. In less time than... Apple order for 500 million iPhone X iDash Cam's too..just wait for the local police report of what the iDash cam finds. ... video surveillance capturing him stealing opioid medication from a woman under his care. Deputies met with the son of the victim, who provided video evidence that Christopher Dean Burns, 35, was frequently stealing Oxycodone from the victim... In Star Wars Medicine Cabinets come with iPhone X video surveillance, ha.
6-6-2018 Air Force cancels $24 million new refrigerators for Air Force One not the 2018 FordWindmillCAR's + RV's for Pakistan and India as they will have a Super cold refrigerator and freezer in the car that works 24/7... cold food sales will rocket. What is your best tasking cold food snack, lunch, breakfast?
6-6-2018 'Rx Starbucks' Howard Schultz’s 2020 ambitions
6-6-2018 Kate Spade was discovered unresponsive at her Park Avenue apartment, where she had hanged herself in her bedroom. Note to her 13 year old daughter sighted marriage problems and money, details were censored by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ.
6-6-2018 Israel Says Palestinian Medic’s Death in Gaza Was Unintentional - Jew Hero who will drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's on June 12 will be intentional as God is Great with $777 Trillion in Oil Revenue kick backs, Ha!
6-6-2018 The Bikini Contest Is Over, but We Are Living Inside the Beauty Pageant
Suggesting that women won’t be judged for their looks is a bit like Miss America wishing for world peace. By BARI WEISS
6-6-2018 WHO Mocks God with a life of War instead of Star Wars, McCain! Trump aide who mocked McCain has left White House job.
6-6-2018 WHO Mocks God with a life of War instead of Star Wars, McCain!
6-6-2018 Intel will be selling all these to Kim after World Peace, The new processor runs in the LGA3647 socket, which is Intel’s Xeon enterprise socket with 3647 pins. These processors are huge, and no consumer motherboards exist for them as the design is purely for servers and enterprise. The platform also supports six memory channels, so we have a hex-memory channel design. This was evidenced by the close up images taken from Intel’s Keynote during Computex. At the keynote, Intel also demonstrated a Cinebench R15 score with the processor running at 5.0 GHz on all 28 cores. The benchmark is a common multi-threaded workload to ramp up all cores to a reasonably high load level. The score in the keynote was 7334 points. Working from data taken from Intel’s current 28-core Xeon processor, the Xeon Platinum 8180, shows that the 8180 at 3.34 GHz can achieve a score of 5040. Doing the math and assuming perfect scaling (which Cinebench does well at) shows that the same processor at 5.0 GHz would score around 7560 points. The difference between that number and the 7334 that Intel scored is within the ballpark, so we are likely looking at an overclocked version of the Intel Xeon Platinum 8180.
6-5-2018 Wine School: Your Next Lesson: Aligoté - Yale Key West Medical School Students will take this class for the obvious medical reasons, and antidote for wine, grin.
6-5-2018 Why ‘Fahrenheit 451’ Is the Book for Our Age for the Aging NY Times Editors. For Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD 'Super Conductivity -254 C' Is the Book for our Exodus, Star Wars Invention spin offs before 3018. The Super Conductive NY Times will be good reading for Jolts, Volts, Amps and Edison Electricity that would have given Humanity super conductivity while Edison was inventing. Reread the NY Times article on Edison and you will be shocked at the loss of Edison's invention motivation from NY Times Journalists sapping his thoughts with trash Journalism enough Ridicule to kill the inventors super conductivity invention era. As Dewar was working on liquid H at -243 Invention New Section in the Times in Our Times! 1,001 Inventions in the digital NY Times.
6-5-2018 Supreme Court will back the Starbucks Pink Cake for Breast Cancer Cure too!
6-5-2018 Supreme Court to get the Wedding Cake on the Polygamous Marriage Legal and meaning full with "1,001 Nobels in Medicine" tattooed on each layer of the wedding cake. This is Star Wars and the Victory is 10 Trillion Galaxies for the Salt Lake City Mormons, and Four Wife's for the Bishop!!!!
6-5-2018 Supreme Court will back the Los Alamos baker Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer baking with 4 trillion Rx Recipes, none are Heinz from Kerry, so far Kerry has not leaked or hacked any Rx recipes for baking the Pink Cake.
6-5-2018 Bill Clinton Says He Doesn’t Owe Lewinsky a Private Apology in Light of #MeToo Years of Clinton and he refused to do the math until the Yale Law School grin wins millions of wrongful deaths suits against him and Hillary. This year, about 260,000 new cases of breast cancer are expected in women in the United States, and 41,000 deaths. Clinton went to McDonalds for his Pink Burger not Starbucks. 2 White Men at 1984 HQ just told everyone not to do any math in their head, they told the women there not to do any math in their heads! Really they did! Bill + Hillary will be found guilt of 41K dead women for decades when the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR is Driven in Saudi Arabia on June 24. Saudi women can't protest Clinton not Driving for a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks as McDonalds is in Saudi Arabia too. Making History, Saudi Arabia Issues Driver’s Licenses to 10 Women. Idiot Prince as 10 Saudi women will die from breast cancer today. Being able to drive, accelerate this process, making it easier for women to get themselves to and from work without having to pay for taxis or the foreign drivers who now shuttle them around at $100,000 a year with perks. Cinema Ban Lifts as ‘Black Panther’ Is Screened for Saudi Audience, Black Hole in the thoughts of women with breast cancer in Saudi Arabia Driven by a Mad Man Prince Salman. Honor Killings via Breast Cancer in Saudi Arabia. Honoring to put on a movie like Black Panther instead of a movie titled 'Breast Cancer' Saudi Prince Salman did graduate from Yale Medical School in New Haven like Bill Clinton did, oh Yale Law School as they are to stupid to get into Yale Medical School to work on a cure for Brain Cancer.
6-5-2018 “Even if the act was consensual, it was the Prince Salman, possessed of awesome, even intimidating power, who initiated it,” To Drive a Gas Engine Car via Saudi women“ It was not a meeting of two consenting individuals on equal terms.” Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer Drive to Los Alamos to get the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks runs a stop sign held by the Pentagon Generals and Admiral in Key West. Same as the Drive in Saudi Arabia is not for breast cancer but to drive a car. No one but the Jews can stop Prince Salman! Exodus to 12 Trillion Galaxies can stop the Pentagon!
6-5-2018 How To Record Your iLife, this might be helpful with 4 Wife's. Caught in an undercurrent of 12 Trillion Galaxies and Soul Mates for 4 Trillion years.
6-5-2018 The police believe Dwight Lamon Jones killed six people before killing himself on Monday morning. At least four had ties to a bitter divorce case. By MATT STEVENS and MATTHEW HAAG 19,000 women will be killed in 2018 many by wounded warriors coming home from Baghdad without the $300 million a week in oil revenues the US gets. Oil + Money the spoils of War bitter divorce case.
6-4-2018 Drunk Pot Smoking Off-Duty FBI Agent Accidentally Shoots Someone While Dancing at Club. An off-duty FBI agent accidentally shot someone at a night club in Denver after his gun fell out of his holster and went off while dancing a back flip ... unluckily the video went viral on YouTube.
6-4-2018 FBI women were working on their iMac's at $13,384. FBI can identify women who could safely skip chemotherapy and take only a drug that blocks the hormone estrogen or stops the body from making it. The hormone-blocking drug tamoxifen. Tamoxifen can increase the risk of cancer of the uterus. The gene test, called Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Assay, is the focus of the study but has not been sent to Los Alamos and Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. To be crunched on a $1 Trillion dollar IBM super computer. The $1 trillion was spent at the Qatar Trump Casino by the Top Brass. Discover Keytruda For Whooping Cough when mixed in a new Recipe with 1,001 other drugs at Los Alamos in a super computer simulation started on a iMac at $13,384. FBI women can do a back flip on this breast cancer and brain cancer sending out brainstorming Recipes. This year, about 260,000 new cases of breast cancer are expected in women in the United States, and 41,000 deaths. FBI women will make a lot of wrongful deaths arrest of the 2 White Men on the Dance floor doing back flips with a loaded gun. Grin. Like Gas station hold ups in Miami today. FBI women can email the most likely gas station to be held up today using an app on their iMac at $13,384.
6-4-2018 Update on STD's Stats over the last 90 years and STD's in Star Wars Society. After countless radio and television appearances and not one but two autobiographies, the sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer, who turns 90 on June 4, takes stock of her long career. By JAMES BARRON Long time for no Manhattan Project on sex diseases. Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD will end all sex diseases from Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity and get a real Nobel Prize not a Jimmy Carter Nobel, grin.
6-4-2018 Update on 'Guardians of the Galaxy 12 Trillion Galaxies and Progress to end War for Star Wars. Pentagon + Marvel fans should start getting excited to take another trip through the cosmos as writer - inventors continues his work on the latest adventure at the Hemingway House Writing Class with a invention project and brainstorming in every chapter and character. Singapore Airlines to offer non-stop flights to Los Angeles soon - The Jakarta Post. Soon as 2 White Men at 1984 HQ let Greg + Wife's in Key West write a Hemingway House Novel on how to fly a Boeing into orbit for 15 mins and then land in Singapore. NASA astronomers have discovered a neutron star outside of the Milky Way galaxy for the first time. Neutron stars are the ultra-dense. For the First time NASA discovers... Discover Keytruda For Whooping Cough when mixed in a new Recipe with 1,001 other drugs at Los Alamos in a super computer simulation started on a iMac at $13,384.
6-4-2018 The military on Earth and in a Universe
6-4-2018 The military on Earth and in a Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies! Not all the Generals and Admirals are idiots.
6-4-2018 The military on Earth and in a Universe
6-4-2018 Researchers compared SPF 50 versus SPF 100 on skiers in Colorado. They found that the side of the face covered with SPF 50 sunscreen was 11 times more likely to burn compared to the side covered with SPF 100 sunscreen. Having a sunscreen with a higher SPF is more forgiving. Sunscreen Study: Better To Use SPF 100 Than SPF 50. CBS Invention Tip invent a 1,000 SPF, no not a 1,000 SPF latte at Starbucks.
6-4-2018 Dr. Lisa MD re-inventing it for Star Wars and a Cure like the Rx Pink Latte Cure! Light years from this NY Times Sunday Editorial: "The Crazy Talk About Bringing Back Asylums" Out patient Asylums that are from Star Wars MD's. NY Times editors end with will, and basic decency, to act. Kim Wall the temp at the Times beheaded to save money. Bill + Melinda Gates temp's killed and beaten because their will is to make a billion more in profits from temps. Then there are the gas station hold up mad men who sucker punch Mary out of spite for gas stations.
6-4-2018 Putin will be held in an ancient Moscow “insane asylums” with a view of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV Parade. Department of Justice Staff will seek political asylum before and after the parade.
6-4-2018 High-Intensity Interval Training Made Easier, Yes Dr. Lisa MD has a list of 1,001 High Mental Intensity Invention Projects. Dr. Chriest set my target heart rate range goals between 145 and 166 — the low and the high numbers I posted during my workout, which represented between 70 percent and 90 percent of my maximum heart rate. While you can do the same workout to determine your target range, make sure you check with a doctor first. So how to you get your High Intensity Invention Brainstorming up to 170? iMac at 13,384 with lots of audio from 4 Wife's. Live women not Siri.
6-4-2018 Two Elite Climbers die at NASA climbing 'The General' 'The Admiral' for those in Key West. Belief in the possibilities of 12 Trillion Galaxies with jolts of super conductivity of 12 Trillion Volts, Jolts, Amps.
6-4-2018 The Next Miracle Cure, the next Pencillin.
6-4-2018 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning, whether intentional or accidental, occurs when one inhales the colorless and odorless carbon monoxide gas. Despite improved awareness and sensory alarms, multiple deaths occur each year. Doing the Duval Crawl here in Key West the Alcohol Level is high, but even the drunks know the CO exhaust level is not zero.
6-3-2018 The military in Pakistan is disempowering politicians who stray from its positions on security policy and choking the press for reporting about its critics. By ABBAS NASIR The Jew Hero is going to drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV into this military in Pakistan on June 12 and June 24. Half of Pakistan will become Jewish, grin. Jews could really convert half of Pakistan to Judaism with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
Jews could really convert half of Pakistan to Judaism with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
6-3-2018 Diagnostics; Lisa Sanders, M.D., is a contributing writer for the magazine and the author of “Every One of 12 Trillion Galaxies Tells us Exodus is the Rx" Aliens at Proxima Centauri!! iMac's at $13,384 for everyone inventing 400 times faster than the speed of light.
6-3-2018 One of the most striking disorders of consciousness is the Rabbi below, a Greek-derived term meaning 'unawareness of 12 Trillion Galaxies in your consciousness'. This is a condition in which patients are disabled in some way, most commonly as a result of stroke of War scam, but either misunderstand the nature of the problem or deny that there is anything wrong with them alone in such a vast Universe for the Glory of War on Earth not Star Wars. "My Master", which is the way a student would address a master of Torah. Great Rabbis are simply called "The Rav". Greatest number of Galaxies today are 12 Trillion, simply called 'the Rav' David King of Israel, today has learned to count to 12 Trillion, nothing else so far. Torah laws of Gravity for the Gravity Engine Car is taught to children today. One ordinances is ascribed to Rabbenu Gershom of Mainz but was probably enacted in a rabbinic synod he convened 1000 C.E. The ordinance, still in effect today, prohibits polygamy among Jews in the West. Prohibits Exodus as the Rabbi needs all the 'Drive' 4 wife's can give him. Qatar would not be the richest city in the world if the Rabbi had 4 wife's they would be, grin. My wife loves her Fitbit Charge. Her goal is to reach 10,000 steps every day. Several times she has discovered before sleeping that she was a few steps shy of that, and has jumped up and walked around the house until her Fitbit vibrated in an indication that she had reached her goal. 10,000 times faster than the speed of light, 4 wife's would keep you away until you have brainstormed for a hour or three. Rabbi is the visual editor for our Times not the NY Times. Minh Uong, a visual editor for The Times’s business section, uses a pen and a notebook to sketch early ideas for illustrations. No iMac at $13,384 even on his wish list. How do New York Times journalists use technology in their job to sell 12 Trillion Galaxies at Star Wars and End War on Earth starting with Korea on June 12. Yes visual editor for $12 trillion in Qatar oil revenues on the front page of the NY Times Sunday. Adobe’s 12 Trillion Galaxies program, Illustrator updated.
...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent The Alien Wedding to Observe Technology. Jewish Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!
"To Have Have Not Genius" , Resident cat in Hemingway’s writing study updated picture with iMac's at $13,384.
"To Have Have Not" The wife's are for the Exodus to 12 Trillion Galaxies!
"To Have Have Not"
6-3-2018 The Jewish Rabbi is inadequate to address 12 Trillion Galaxies and 4 Wife's. iMac's at $13,384 for every Rabbi, with advanced invention software run on a Xeon 18 Core CPU. No Rabbi in the USA or World has ever had this advance in computer power or a iMac at $13,384, none, No Rabbi in the World Today has a iMac at $13,384 and these have been on sale at for almost a year now
6-3-2018 Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems in Redondo Beach, Calif. There, unexpected problems arose, building the Webb the Next Hubble Space Telescope. “A few mistakes happened,” he said. Among other things, a tennis-court sized sun shield — made of five thin layers of a material called kapton and designed to protect the telescope from outside heat — ripped during a practice deployment. And cables designed to keep the sun shield taut had too much slack and could have snagged during the real unfurling in space, a million miles from help. The Webb telescope is designed to catch on fire like the 40 Tuump Towers in Qatar. A single engine plane on CBS Nightly news just landed on a highway, engine problems. Cessna stats were not given by CBS Nightly News for a very good reason. End to the single engine planes. Cost of 2 engine planes and Hubble trains with a least 3 telescopes. Not something the 2 White Men at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems in Redondo Beach, Calif wanted to design. Proxima Centauri had been censored out of all NASA news about what the Webb Telescope will do, find. NASA Budgets for a Trip to Proxima Centauri. NASA Budgets for a Trip to the Moon, but Not While Trump Qatar Casino is the richest place in Our Universe. Qatar Rabbi is the richest person in a Universe with 12 Trillion Galaxies. Well one of his wife's might be from Qatar.
6-3-2018 Local Looking To Part With Hemingway Collection, Key West resident Benjamin “Dink” Bruce has arguably more Ernest Hemingway artifacts in his private collection that any other collection outside of the Hemingway family itself as it came from boxes at Sloppy Joe’s Bar. He wants to sell it to a University not City Hall Key West. Hemingway was the best chronicler of his own life, or in modern terms: a hoarder. He kept not only photos and letters, but also receipts, ticket stubs, dental X-rays, school assignments, Spanish bullfighting magazines and other ephemera. By the time Hemingway died in 1961, he left scores of material scattered in places such as Key West, Oak Park, Cuba and his home in Ketchum, Idaho. Dr. Lisa MD is the best in Art of the Diagnosis of Hemingway and his wife's.
6-3-2018 Hemingway’s economy of language and use of landscape, but also in his mixing of reportage with fiction. This is a technique Hemingway would employ throughout his career to inject realism into his stories, to ground them with gravity of facts and experience.
6-3-2018 iMac at $13,384 Starbucks Baristas were given a 68-page guide where they were asked to respond to writing prompts with various scenarios, none about the Rx Pink Latte or the Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD. Advanced software for a 18 core Intel CPU was not part of business of the future for Starbucks they will let Google and Apple write the apps for this advanced iMac.
6-3-2018 iMac A leftover rocket killed 4 and maimed seven young members of an extended family in eastern Afghanistan. “I wanted to cry,” says the doctor in charge of treating them. 7 Children With Amputated Legs.
6-3-2018 'Doctors and Dictators' is a class at Yale Medical School. Ivan the Terrible who is Putin Today tells Doctors the terrible torture if he or she is the Hero Doctor MD who drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV on June 12 into Saudi Arabia or Moscow. Ivan the Terrible who is Putin today said 7 Children With Amputated Legs is nothing! You and I know Putin is crazed by $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues he wants to spend on MIT War Toys. Prince Bader bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud, who is in his early 30s. The young prince was the mystery buyer of Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “Salvator Mundi,” which sold for a record $450.3 million at auction last year. Prince Salman bought the Yacht Key West for $550 million. Jimmy Carter bought a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs for $13 Trillion. Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates is where Bill + Melinda Gates are waking up this morning, not Key West. ...lift the ban on women driving, which is scheduled to end on June 24. End the Korean War on June 12.
6-3-2018 Trump to Hold Ramadan Dinner After Skipping It Last Year thanks to... $450.3 million at auction last year. Prince Salman bought the Yacht Key West for $550 million... The dinner, which is anticipated to be held on Wednesday, will be hosted by a president who has a long history of making inflammatory statements about Muslims but taking their blood money of $777 Trillion from Miami gas station hold ups! A War Crime. By MAGGIE HABERMAN
6-3-2018 NYC De Blasio Proposes Changes to New York’s Elite NYU Medical Schools. The city will reserve 20 percent of seats at specialized schools for certain poor students and ask the state to eliminate the admissions test. De Blasio has some elite Doctors in Qatar next to the Qatar Trump Casino. By ELIZABETH A. HARRIS
6-3-2018 The military in Pakistan is disempowering politicians who stray from its positions on security policy and choking the press for reporting about its critics. By ABBAS NASIR The Jew Hero is going to drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV into this military in Pakistan on June 12 and June 24. Half of Pakistan will become Jewish, grin. Jews could really convert half of Pakistan to Judaism with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
6-3-2018 NEWSBOOK Congratulations Graduate! Now Read These 3 Books. Advice on navigating the world and planning for the future from writers who’ve been there. By CONCEPCIÓN DE LEÓN The future is the Gravity Engine Car, censored by the NY Times and Concepcion. Now Read These 3 Books that have nothing about the Gravity Engine Car. War Crimes by the NY Times, caught in the act!
6-3-2018 NY Times News from Key West about Greg + Wife's opening their iMac's on a YouTube video, psyched up about writing up the future of the Gravity Engine Car. Grads from the Pentagons many War Collages know they failed their life selling their soul to the wrong God. Unless they are McCain + Jimmy Carter.
6-3-2018 While their regional ambitions may have been overstretched, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi have indicated this is a power-play for the long haul. Long haul Rx Pink Latte ambitions lost to millions of women by Prince Salman and Prince Harry. It "has created animosities that may take years, even a generation, to overcome" Power-play to get the Rx Pink Latte and iMac's at $13,384 into Starbucks at Trump Tower. Ivank call Home, grin.
6-3-2018 VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican will host executives of the world’s top oil companies for a conference next week on climate change and the transition away from fossil fuels, a Vatican source said on Friday. University of Notre Dame in the United States, is expected to be attended by the heads or senior executives of companies including Exxon Mobil, Eni, BP, Royal Dutch Shell and Pemex. Norway’s Equinor Oil will attend. The conference, titled “Energy Transition and Care for Our Common Home,” will be held in the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, a 16th century villa in the Vatican gardens known as the Casina Pio IV.
NYPD chief chaplain Dr. Rabbi Alvin Kass and NYPD chief surgeon Dr. Eli Kleinman before the annual Israel Day Parade. Each year at the Celebrate Israel parade, the police contingent is greeted with roaring applause — a fact that doesn’t surprise the two highest-ranking Jewish members of the NYPD, who say Judaism and policing share many of the same fundamental values and that cops have long enjoyed support from the Jewish community. “There’s really nothing more Jewish than being a police officer,” God's Cops are looking for Exodus into the Universe. Gravity Engine Cop Cars invented in Israel.
6-3-2018 ...lift the ban on women driving, which is scheduled to end on June 24. End the Korean War on June 12.
6-3-2018 Diesel Ban going viral is against the Law Today - So Chile’s outright ban on plastic bags at shops is the most stringent measure adopted in the Americas. By PASCALE BONNEFOY
Jewish Aliens at Proxima Centauri...
Today he The Jewish Rabbi is inadequate to address 12 Trillion Galaxies and 4 Wife's. iMac's at $13,384 for every Rabbi, with advanced invention software run on a Xeon 18 Core CPU. No Rabbi in the USA or World has ever had this advance in computer power or a iMac at $13,384, none, No Rabbi in the World Today has a iMac at $13,384 and these have been on sale at for almost a year now, this has to be a sin.
6-2-2018 Diagnostics to Re-inventing the Rabbi. Today he The Jewish Rabbi is inadequate to address 12 Trillion Galaxies and 4 Wife's, one or 2 with Breast + Brain Cancer with no Rx Pink Latte Recipe at Starbucks until the Jew Hero Drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's on June 12. Today he The Jewish Rabbi is inadequate to address 12 Trillion Galaxies and 4 Wife's.
Today he The Jewish Rabbi is inadequate to address 12 Trillion Galaxies and 4 Wife's. iMac's at $13,384 for every Rabbi, with advanced invention software run on a Xeon 18 Core CPU. No Rabbi in the USA or World has ever had this advance in computer power or a iMac at $13,384, none, No Rabbi in the World Today has a iMac at $13,384 and these have been on sale at for almost a year now, this has to be a sin.
6-2-2018 Diagnostics; U.S. Air Strikes Killed Nearly 500 Civilians in 2017, Pentagon Says - inadequate to address 12 Trillion Galaxies and 4 Wife's are the Pentagon Masterminds who killed all these 12 trillion galaxies and the 1 Jew Hero who would have driven the 2017 Ford WindmillCAR + RV to all these Pentagon driven Air Strikes, a war crime. These Pentagon Air Strikes also destroyed the Secret Gravity Engine Cars! I think the Koreans will end the Korean War on June 12 with or without Trump for a Korean Exodus in their Gravity Engine Cars to 12 trillion galaxies. 4 Wife's for the Bishiop Hell, Kim needs 4 Wifes to Drive them to a Galaxy.
Trump Orders a Lifeline for Struggling Coal and Nuclear Plants when iPod size GE electric generator has been invented and is in limited production at Los Alamos. Yes you can plug in all your GE appliances.
6-2-2018 Diagnosis of War for Oil Revenues of $777 Trillion. We're Re-inventing The Jewish Hero WHO will Drive WHO + UNICEF at the UN to Riches driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV on June 12. Jew Hero's feel Super-Human without a car to drive. Today they have a car to drive on June 12. Jewish Hemingway Nobel Novel, never written page by page at the Hemingway House Writing Class like every Nobel Novel was never written here in Key West but for Hemingway doing the writing with the wife + cat. Hero Jew Drunk on Victory over Allah Wants this Drive Sober with an iPhone X iDash Cam. Proposal to the top Rabbi to give all Jewish Men marry 4 Wife's. 40,000 Trump Towers in the West Bank too. MD Wife's have the best start a conversation skills. Motive motivational interviewing techniques, you are interviewing 12 Trillion Galaxies, out in the real world not some military complex. Complex inventions went into these 12 trillion Galaxies. Galaxy University out Ranks MIT. Getting nutrition labels changed to include a galaxy in the ingreedance. The Rabbi is inadequate to address 12 Trillion Galaxies!
6-2-2018 Diagnostics; to re-inventing the relationship between predator and prey is more complex than you might think once your weapon is 12 trillion galaxies listening in on Jewish aliens, this is Oppenheimer's at NASA's mission and its critical as Warriors like McCain + Prince Harry will keeping murdering women and children in war until they can hear Aliens in the Universe... cat + Mouse.
6-2-2018 Diagnostics; Ladybugs, Aphids and the Toxic Combat That Might Be Happening in Your Garden. Some invasive ladybugs feast on other species of ladybugs, but not as much when a kind of toxic aphid is around. By VERONIQUE GREENWOOD
6-2-2018 Diagnostics; Lisa Sanders, M.D., is a contributing writer for the magazine and the author of “Every One of 12 Trillion Galaxies Tells many Alien Stories in Anatomy.
6-2-2018 Diagnostics; the psychiatrist was described as "a street-smart, openly ambitious wiseguy who seems most comfortable helping detectives sort out the psychopathology that has led someone -- known or unknown -- to commit a crime."
6-2-2018 Diagnostics; Vulnerable are Mary Trump, Mary Kennedy, OJ's Ex, Kim Wall, millions and billions ruled by Henry VIII + Czar Ivan the Terrible. Today's Oil Czar Putin + Salman, Texas and Alaska Oil men are the London Plague of terrible birth defects and cancers.
iMac's at $13,384 for every MD, with advanced Diagnosis software, Dr. Lisa MD has Diagnostics Advanced 18 Core Intel app's and software.
6-2-2018 Diagnostics; BP Oil did it... London who done it. Violent crime has been surging in London, with homicides up by 44 percent in the annual report released by the city’s police department in April. And a chorus of law enforcement officials, legislators and violence experts are laying part of the blame on drill, a bleak, nihilistic style of rap music when the cause is BP Oil in Qatar not London. Well you know what I mean. But the focus on Rap music has led to a debate over the extent to which the music is a reflection of desperate conditions rather than a creator of them, and about the line between public safety and censorship. London Jew Hero who drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV to Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors Wars on London streets. Hell No! Crime of gas station hold ups up by 44 percent in the annual report not from Oxford at BP OIL HQ. The British Police who got interviewed for this NY Times article know about the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's impact on crime stats. 1984 war crime by these 2 White Men in London. Prince Harry beat and robbed Mary Trump, and Mary at the gas station hold up. Selling gasoline is a crime today not in the criminal stats. “stigmatizing Prince Salman + Prince Harry for 'Honor Killings' of women and children in wars, they listen to War not Star Wars their social media behavior is shopping for War Toys at MIT while keeping the Jew Hero from driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's on June 12 in Saudi Arabia.” “This BP Oil financed culture is a tragic curse of 'Prince' the Novel not Rap as the Prince Salman has $777 Trillion in gas station hold up loot from Miami and has killed more women than Rap.”
6-2-2018 Diagnostics; U.S. Air Strikes Killed Nearly 500 Civilians in 2017, Pentagon Says - inadequate to address 12 Trillion Galaxies and 4 Wife's are the Pentagon Masterminds who killed all these 12 trillion galaxies and the 1 Jew Hero who would have driven the 2017 Ford WindmillCAR + RV to all these Pentagon driven Air Strikes, a war crime.
6-2-2018 Diagnostics; CAPE CANAVERAL, FL 32920 Head of Brazil’s State Oil Company Resigns Amid Period of Unrest of a few at the Cape, grin. Wishful thinking ready to blast off.
6-2-2018 Diagnostics; Qatar The apartment at the newly built Getty, overlooking the High Line, closed at $59.06 million. But that wasn’t the only sale above $50 million. In face the NY Times would need page after page to report all the over $50 million apartment sales in Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Now, you know why these are not reported by the NY Times. Right, Ha!
6-2-2018 Diagnostics;
6-2-2018 Diagnostics;
iMac's at $13,384 for every MD, with advanced invention software run on a Xeon 18 Core CPU. No MD in the USA or World has ever had this advance in computer power!
6-1-2018 To Have Diagnosis for Diesel caused cancers + Birth Defects caught early! Lead in Water at the Ford Plant in Detroit. 2 White Men at 1984 HQ are on their way to Qatar Trump Casino to Win!
6-1-2018 To Have Diagnosis Kids Birth defects and cancers caught a Day Early. She feels lucky to have gotten a diagnosis so rapidly. Certainly, if you are going to come down with two deadly diseases, it is good to work at the Mayo Clinic. Lisa Sanders, M.D., is a contributing writer for the magazine and the author of “Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis.” Hemingway working writing at the Mayo Clinic post shock treatments. Shocking if Dr. Lisa MD did a Art of Diagnosis on the failure of shock treatments to work on Hemingway. And add an example with super computer simulation on shock treatments working on other writers.
6-1-2018 To Have In First for Germany, Hamburg Bans Diesel Engines. On 2 Roads. Paris Bans women from drinking wine. Shock Therapy News Headlines and tweets from Wine O women. Women with breast cancer stage 4 want to be exempt.
6-1-2018 To Have LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. The top 10 countries where kids are most likely to have safe, happy childhoods is a UN report without Diesel in their air + DNA. Norway, Sweden, Mecca with $1 trillion in SUV umbrellas for skin cancer. Not in the UN Report.
"To Have Have Not" Gas Exhaust!!
"To Have Have Not" the daughters of Vets sit at Saint Jude Hospital with Cancer from this Princess gas exhaust... a war crime 2 white men at 1984 HQ go along with for $777 trillion.
Princess Hayfa bint Abdullah al-Saud — one of the late King Abdullah’s 20 daughters — sits behind the wheel. Trump gave her father the King a Pardon for 9/11 in return for $777 trillion in 'blood money' oil revenues. Trump said Pardon Me I will sent my drunk Admiral MD to do the Prince open heart surgery from eating to many Trump Steaks in Butter, with French Wine the finest. Martha Stewart Pardon from Breast Cancer Cure Really? There’s a pattern emerging for Trump’s pardons — he’s using them as a weapon, against God of the Universe making him live alone here on Earth. Editorial in the NY Times Today.
Elizabeth Throssell, spokeswoman for the United Nations human rights office, said at a news conference in Geneva earlier this week. Elizabeth Paton and Ben Hubbard contributed reporting.
"To Have Have Not" the daughters of Vets sit at Saint Jude Hospital with Cancer from this Princess gas exhaust... a war crime 2 white men at 1984 HQ go along with for $777 trillion.
"To Have Have Not" the daughters of Vets sit at Saint Jude Hospital with Cancer from this Princess gas exhaust... a war crime 2 white men at 1984 HQ go along with for $777 trillion.
6-1-2018 "To Have Have Not Jew Genius" 24 Oil Wells Behind a School: How Close Is Too Close?
By JULIE TURKEWITZ Julie knows this is to close to kids, its been known for decades yet these 2 White Men put 24 Oil Wells in a School Playground because... ABC and Disney can fire Barr not Qatar, money counts in crime. Julie wrote this NY Times article without any Jew Hero Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to Colorado. Editorial + articles, bad diagnosis by those drilling for oil in playgrounds and banks. Bank of England will be closed for decades after these kids in London sue.
iMac's at $13,384 for every kid Norway, Sweden, Mecca, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait... Sergeant Sues Defense Dept. Over ‘Outdated’ H.I.V. Policies. DOD knows the stats on how many kids have been infected with HIV and all the other diseases, it's marked secret.
6-1-2018 To Have That her weakness was limited to the largest joints, the shoulders and the hips, along with this rash on her hands, made Young think of an unusual disorder called dermatomyositis (DM), which causes inflammation of the skin (derma) and the muscles (myocytes). It results from an immune system gone haywire, attacking its own cells rather than invading organisms. It was a serious, sometimes deadly disease, although there were now effective treatments. The patient was relieved to finally be able to put a name to this terrible fatigue and weakness — but that relief came with a new concern. DM is usually a disease of middle age. When young people get DM, it sometimes means they have cancer as well. So first they had to confirm she had DM. And if she did, they would have to look for cancer. Two Diseases, One Treatment
Hodgkin lymphoma is cancer of the antibody-making white blood cells. It is primarily a cancer of young people, and even in late-stage disease is quite treatable with chemotherapy. And indeed, the patient started treatment the following week because her disease appeared to be progressing rapidly. Ultimately, the DM didn’t require treatment. Because it was caused by the cancer — in ways that are still not well understood — treatment of the cancer treated the DM as well. The patient finished her chemotherapy last summer. She went back to seeing patients part time in August. And although she is still working to get back to her seven-minute mile.
6-1-2018 To Have To Get Back to the cause of the Hodgkin lymphoma is cancer of the antibody-making white blood cells... Diesel.
6-1-2018 To Have Have Not Arts The Best 25 Art of the Diagnosis by Dr. Lisa MD in a Broadway Play with lots of reviews by the NY Times. The Great Work Continues: The 25 Best American Plays Since ‘Angels in America’ Diagnosis of Diesel in American Children Nobel in Medicine.
6-1-2018 To Have Have Not the feeling you are a Super Human and the Humans at Proxima Centauri. Birth of 12 Trillion Galaxies is Super Human. Since the first Russian Czar Russian daughters of Generals have tried to end war on Earth for Star Wars MD's. No Disney Pixar's next Star Wars will not be about a Star War's MD. 2 White Men at Disney Pixar HQ visit their MD in Qatar.
6-1-2018 To Have Have Not Judgement, Jew Hero getting psyched up to drive in Saudi Arabia on June 12 next to the daughter of the King. Could the gas exhaust of her car cause a severe lapse in judgment? It’s possible, to a point. Why would a Kings Daughter drive a gas engine car in 2018 when she drives by kids breathing in her gas exhaust. This has to be a crime in Mecca! Most of the Z-drugs can have lingering mental effects the morning after use, and not just drowsiness. Verbal memory may slip; so may mental focus, the ability to read through a news article, to follow a complex email chain. So-called working memory — the mental scratchpad where the brain manipulates numbers, names and images — may shrink temporarily. The evidence for these thinking effects is strongest for Ambien + BP Oil King in England.
6-1-2018 To Have Have Not this class of Daughters in Saudi Arabia from Kings who smell up the air with gas exhaust instead of their Paris Perfume's.
6-1-2018 To Have Have Not behavior of Oil Kings in 2018.
6-1-2018 To Have Have Not her mind in sync with 12 Trillion Galaxies. $777 Trillion in her Saudi Bank is out of sync with 12 Trillion Galaxies and the Jewish Hero who drives a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR.
6-1-2018 To Have Have Not
6-1-2018 To Have Have Not
Trump respond to why Qatar's 40,000 Trump Towers all have a Starbucks with iMac's at $13,384 at every table.
Police will respond to why Qatar's 40,000 Trump Towers all have a Starbucks with iMac's at $13,384 at every table.
Trump respond to why Qatar's 40,000 Trump Towers all have a Starbucks with iMac's at $13,384 at every table.
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Genius" Trump Responds to Fury Over ‘Roseanne,’ but Not Her Racist Remarks. President Trump acknowledged the furor over a racist Twitter post made by Roseanne Barr, but NASA could find a solar system like Earth with only Apes,
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Jew Genius" 400 burned out cop cars, 40,000 burned out SUV's - 400 Thumbprints: Behind the Push to Prosecute Myanmar for Atrocities. Filing on behalf Cops burned to death in fiery rear ended accidents and Mom Dad 2 kids burned to death in a SUV is Greg + Wife's in Key West not... By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN and MARLISE SIMONS at the NY Times who have driven by several fiery wrecks without stopping to help, a war crime.
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Qatar Riches beyond belief a USA Genius with help from the NY Times Editors" CONTRIBUTING OP-ED WRITER "Roseanne Barr’s Right to Offend and Our Right to Say No" There is no such thing as the $777 Trillion dollar oil revenue police at the Miami gas station stopping them from sending USA gas money to Qatar. By LINDY WEST at the NY Times. ABC and Disney can fire Barr not Qatar, money counts in crime.
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Genius" , Resident cat in Hemingway’s writing study updated picture with iMac's at $13,384.
"To Have Have Not" The wife's are for the Exodus to 12 Trillion Galaxies!
"To Have Have Not"
Police arresting the surgeons with the worst results... in Star Wars Society they will. Light years from the Religious Police in Mecca today warning people to stay in the shade.
Navy Police arresting the Admiral MD for not building Hospital Ships until they sober him up!
"To Have Have Not" Carnival Hospital Ships #27
Navy Police arresting the Admiral MD for not building Hospital Ships until they sober him up!
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Genius" I have lived as my convictions have prompted me; I could not do otherwise; therefore I await what is in store for me with a clear conscience.” Bishop at the Vatican Gas Station filling up the gas tank on Pope Francis car, with a diesel engine. Particles in the air and conscience in the air are both invisible. Oxygen too.
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Diesel Genius" Diesel Diagnosis... by Dr. Lisa MD. All School kids tested for Diesel -
iMac's at $13,384 for every MD, with advanced invention software... not a Dr. Trump Tweet from the Qatar Trump Casino.
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Jew Genius" Race to invent the 'Water Saver' for the world’s largest refugee camp, where monsoon rains threaten flooding, landslides and disease. UN Genius Inventors are at the Qatar Trump Casino not in the rain for a invention project.
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Japanese Genius" Japan was targeting 850 minke whales, 50 fin whales and 50 humpback whales in the Antarctic each year. Now, the nation has a quota of 333 minke whales for its annual hunt — a reduction of nearly two-thirds. Japanese Genius need to visit a Texas Cattle Ranch to get a idea how many births from a whale is possible and how to achieve this.
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Jew Genius" Inventing 255 new parking spots with or without robots is real NYC Genius, grin. "Car-Share Companies Get Coveted Parking in New York City
A pilot program will give 230 on-street spots and 55 spaces in municipal lots to Zipcar and Enterprise CarShare." By SARAH MASLIN NIR
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Qatar Riches beyond belief a USA Genius with help from the NY Times Editors" CONTRIBUTING OP-ED WRITER "Roseanne Barr’s Right to Offend and Our Right to Say No" There is no such thing as the $777 Trillion dollar oil revenue police at the Miami gas station stopping them from sending USA gas money to Qatar. By LINDY WEST at the NY Times. ABC and Disney can fire Barr not Qatar, money counts in crime.
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Diesel Genius" Diesel Diagnosis... by Dr. Lisa MD. All School kids tested for Diesel - Diagnosis for birth defects and Diesel caused cancers... not a Dr. Trump Tweet from the Qatar Trump Casino.
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Diesel Genius" Diesel Diagnosis... by Dr. Lisa MD. Overview
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is breathing 100% oxygen while under increased atmospheric pressure. HBOT is a treatment that can be traced back to the 1600s. The first well-known chamber was built and run by a British clergyman named Henshaw. He built a structure called the domicilium that was used to treat a multitude of diseases. The chamber was pressurized with air or unpressurized using bellows. The idea of treating patients under increased pressure was continued by the French surgeon Fontaine, who built a pressurized, mobile operating room in 1879. Dr. Orville Cunningham, a professor of anesthesia, ran what was known as the "Steel Ball Hospital." The structure, erected in 1928, was 6 stories high and 64 feet in diameter. The hospital could reach 3 atmospheres of pressure. The hospital was closed in 1930 because of the lack of scientific evidence indicating that such treatment alleviated disease. It was deconstructed during World War II for scrap. The military continued work with hyperbaric oxygen. The work of Paul Bert, who demonstrated the toxic effects of oxygen (producing generalized seizures), as well as the work of J. Lorrain-Smith, who demonstrated pulmonary oxygen toxicity, were used with Navy divers. Exposure times to oxygen at different depths of water (and, hence, different levels of pressure) were quantified and tested based on time to convulsions. The United States may have an inadequate number of HBOT treatment facilities. Of the 361 chambers identified nationwide, only 43 were equipped to handle high-acuity patients. HBOT is instrumental in treating decompression sickness, arterial gas embolisms, and acute carbon monoxide poisoning.
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Diesel Genius" Diesel Diagnosis... by Dr. Lisa MD.
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Genius" , Resident cat in Hemingway’s writing study updated picture with iMac's at $13,384.
"To Have Have Not" The wife's are for the Exodus to 12 Trillion Galaxies!
"To Have Have Not"
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Jew Genius"
Police will respond to why Qatar's 40,000 Trump Towers all have a Starbucks with iMac's at $13,384 at every table. Starbucks closed 8,000 stores for several hours of racial bias training, a dramatic move meant to change the way employees understand racism and their jobs. This was in response to a national outcry last month when an employee at a Starbucks in Philadelphia called the police on two black men for simply sitting in the cafe. “Educating ourselves on understanding bias,” a senior Starbucks executive, Rossann Williams, wrote in a note to employees, would allow Starbucks to make sure that its shops were “welcoming and safe for everyone.” 2 White Men at Starbucks will delay the Rx Pink Latte for 15 Years... millions of women will die a tortured death only Gina at the CIA can realize, like those on their way to a Starbucks today in a fiery wreck or held up at gas station near the Miami Starbucks. Safe! Starbuck Free Coffee Day will be for the Jew Hero who drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR through the drive through window at Starbucks, with the Rx Pink Latte Recipe, Ya! Police will respond to why Qatar's 40,000 Trump Towers all have a Starbucks with iMac's at $13,384 at every table.
North Korea Nuclear Disarmament Could Take 15 Years, Expert Warns - if so Two White Men at Starbucks will delay the Rx Pink Latte for 15 Years. CIA Concludes North Korea Won’t Give Up Its Nuclear Weapons!! CIA men + Trump will delay the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks unless the CIA women win a coup.
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Jew Genius"
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Jew Genius"
5-31-2018 "To Have Have Not Jew Genius"
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not Jew Genius" Who drives 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to Karachi and delivers A/C reinvented the size of an Mac Book Pro and as portable too, open it and you have A/C runs on battery or electricity.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not Genius" Cheney's 2nd Heart Transplant for everyone not just VIP's Oh Yes prevent the need for a 2nd Heart Transplant.
"To Have Have Not" Carnival Hospital Ships #27
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not Genius" Star Wars Transplant with no rejection from the new owner's body.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not Genius" 100,000 bone marrow transplants a year turned into out patient and doing 100 million bone marrow transplants a year.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not Genius" Push to Expand iMac's at $13,384 for every MD, with advanced invention software run on a Xeon 18 Core CPU. No MD in the USA or World has ever had this advance in computer power!
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Studies have shown that even in the same hospital there are large variations in outcomes among MD's + Surgeons, related to differences in judgment, skills and individual capabilities.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Admirals and Generals too, look at Trump's drunk Admiral MD
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Dr. Lisa MD Designer of the Star Wars Yale Key West Medical School. Wall Street Journal The Operating Room of the Future Star Wars! A host of changes hold out the promise that surgery will be more efficient, more effective and less risky for patients - Yale Key West Medical Schools OR's is on a assembly line and looks like Ford's 2018 WindmillCAR + RV assembly lines also designed by Ford. Advances aim to reshape the operating room itself, by adding more space for surgeons to work as well as imaging equipment that lets patients receive X-rays and other tests on the operating table.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Push to Expand iMac's at $13,384 for every MD, the results will be 1,001 IP invention projects and Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novels. As these are light years from immediate MD goings on Today with Win 10.
"To Have Have Not" The wife's are the conscience for the Bishop not God, Four Wife's for Priest + Bishops.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Push to Expand iMac's at $13,384 for every MD, with advanced invention software run on a Xeon 18 Core CPU. No MD in the USA or World has ever had this advance in computer power!
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" adding more space for surgeons... in this Real World it's adding the 2 White Genius Surgeons out of the 100 MD Professors to every surgery... Ford's Genius Engineers do this.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Trump MD they all died...
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Studies have shown that even in the same hospital there are large variations in outcomes among surgeons, related to differences in judgment, skills and individual capabilities. Lower-skilled surgeons have higher rates of complications, re admissions to the hospital and repeat operations. New technology could help level the playing field.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Oppenheimer MD they all lived...
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Also preliminary data suggest that the number of times the door to an operating room is opened and not the presence or absence of a sterile core is what’s important.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Bubble Chamber's!
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Bubble Boy Disney Movie in Surgery, The facilities also try to address another persistent problem in operating rooms: infection. The floors are terrazzo, which doesn’t support bacterial growth, while a stainless-steel wall system is easy to keep sterile and can be adjusted to accommodate new equipment. Bubble Boy Disney Movie in Surgery.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Dentists and Oral Surgeons - Intuitive Surgical Inc.’s da Vinci Surgical System, which has been used in more than five million surgeries world-wide. Surgeons sit at a console with a video monitor, using robotic arms to manipulate tiny instruments through small incisions. In addition to better visuals of the patient’s anatomy, it also filters out hand tremors and is designed to keep the surgeon in a relaxed, comfortable position for long, complex procedures. Intuitive is developing enhancements for Dentists and Oral Surgeons.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Ms. Landro, a former Wall Street Journal assistant managing editor, is the author of “Survivor: Taking Control of Your Fight Against Cancer.” She can be reached at
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Star Wars Disney Pixar scene Solo gets a bone marrow transplant...
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not"
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" 'Laura's book is a terrific description of a bone marrow transplant. Since her took place in the early '90's, some of the information is out dated. If you are considering a Bone Marrow Transplant or stem cell transplant, I think you need to get more updated information. However, the human story she tells is compelling and her advice about doing as much research as possible is right on. I would recommend the book to anyone dealing with cancer now.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" The ability to list a few new ways to do a bone marrow transplant all brainstormed as if today was another Star Wars Day not Trump Tweet light years from tweeting a brain stormed way to do a bone marrow transplant... grin.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not" Apes - Galaxy - Ape Galaxy found by NASA - Roseanne Barr Incites Fury With Racist Tweet, and Her Show Is Canceled by ABC Ms. Barr cited “The Planet of the Apes” in discussing Valerie Jarrett, a black woman and former adviser to President Barack Obama. ABC Entertainment’s president called it “abhorrent.” By JOHN KOBLIN NASA would call if a 'discovery' to find a Planet full of Apes in the near Universe! Grin.
5-30-2018 ...number of impressive discoveries... ending the Korean War!
A Star Wars Story” This is War, A/C Window A/C reinvented the size of an Mac Book Pro and as portable too, open it and you have A/C runs on battery or electricity.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not Genius and A/C" KARACHI JOURNAL Looking for a Bit of Shade as Intense Heat Wave Hits Karachi. Extreme temperatures, power failures and Ramadan strictures combine in a grueling ordeal for the Pakistani city of 20 million people. Some have died. By MEHER AHMAD
A Star Wars Story” This is War, A/C Window A/C reinvented the size of an Mac Book Pro and as portable too, open it and you have A/C runs on battery or electricity.
5-30-2018 "To Have Have Not Jew Genius" Who drives 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to Karachi and delivers A/C reinvented the size of an Mac Book Pro and as portable too, open it and you have A/C runs on battery or electricity.
5-30-2018 Cops Block Traffic with fiery burned out remains of rear ended fiery wrecks! 2 White Men at Starbucks failed to stop or go 'video viral' or call a Meeting For! Truckers’ Strike Paralyzes Brazil as President Courts Investors. Brazil, which has Latin America’s largest economy, has been crippled as truck drivers protesting rising fuel prices have blocked roads across the country. By SHASTA DARLINGTON and MANUELA ANDR
5-29-2018 Push to Expand iMac's at $13,384 at every Starbucks in the USA + World Wide is Mired in the goings on of 2 White Men at Starbucks HQ having a meeting this afternoon but not about iMac's Expanding into Starbucks, a war crime in Star Wars Society 1984, grin.
Qatar's 40,000 Trump Towers and all have a Starbucks with iMac's at $13.384, unused. Ha!
5-29-2018 Push to Expand Speed Cameras Mired in Albany NYC Qatar Politics - audio iPhone X iDash Cam's iCop in your car talking to you... grin. Star Wars he can take control of your car and park it, turn if off for good.
5-29-2018 Push to Expand iMac's at $13,384 at every Starbucks in the USA, this means Albany and NYC too.
5-29-2018 A pilot program that places cameras in schools has slowed down traffic, but critics say it is simply a way for the city to fill its pockets.
5-29-2018 Two White Men at Starbucks are alcoholics and will not drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR or RV through the Drive through Window at todays meeting... Ha. No there will NOT be a alcoholics meeting no matter how many road kills! This is about race not racing cars drunk and crashing.
5-29-2018 Vets Wasting their Life making flip-flops instead of 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's this is a War Crime. Bikers roar into DC by the hundreds of thousands for Rolling Thunder tribute to POWs, MIAs Vets making flip-flops... because 2 White Men at 1984 HQ flip-flopped on Qatar getting $777 Trillion in oil Revenues from Baghdad.
5-29-2018 Vets Wasting their Life making flip-flops instead of 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's this is a War Crime. Manufacturing Flip-Flops for the Greater Good. Tidal New York employs military veterans and uses a process that leaves almost zero waste to create its sandals. By Alyson Krueger
5-29-2018 Tidal has shipped over 100,000 pairs of shoes worldwide - 1 Million Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's - 2 White Men at 1984 HQ cheated these Vets and 100 million others out of their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. 2 White Men in this picture, Brothers Tommy and Tim Gibb are the co-founders of Tidal New York. Camaraderie of this scam.
"To Have Have Not" Carnival Hospital Ships #27
"To Have Have Not" Carnival Hospital Ships #27 Yale Key West Medical School - All Glass Towers!
"To Have Have Not" Carnival Hospital Ships #27 Qatar's 40,000 Trump Towers all Glass in Key West and all of the USA.
5-29-2018 Vets Wasting their Life making: The C8 Chevrolet Corvette Nearly 1,000 HP
5-29-2018 Qatar Quality of Life was Masterminded by 2 White Men at Yale-Harvard. ‘It’s Not the Time to Slow Down. It’s Time to Do More.’ By KAREN WEINTRAUB Meet five people using medical and scientific breakthroughs to improve the quality of life, part of a special report on visionaries. $$$ Now give them $777 trillion confiscated from Qatar.
5-29-2018 Kim is rushing to End the Korean War on June 12 with or without Trump!
5-29-2018 Greg + Wife's in Key West are Driving like Hell looking for the Jew Hero to Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's down Duval Key West - Put a end to this... Today A gunman shot dead three people, including two police officers, in Liège, eastern Belgium, on Tuesday morning. He also took a woman hostage at a nearby school. The suspect has since been shot dead. He has been named as a 36-year-old Belgian who was recently released from a nearby prison. He reportedly shouted "Allahu akbar," or "God is greatest," during the attack.
5-29-2018 Mr Dassault had admitted using his immense fortune — he was the fifth richest man in France with a fortune of more than €20bn according to Challenges magazine — to help people and organization's in Corbeil-Essonne. However, he always denied that any of that help was given in return for electoral support.
5-29-2018 ...any of his French billions $20 helped about rich me my iMac's @ $13,384 at every Starbucks in Paris, Hell No.
5-29-2018 Serge Dassault, the billionaire French defence industrialist and politician, has died at his office in Paris aged 93. Mr Dassault — who had headed a sprawling business empire that included a controlling stake in Dassault Aviation, maker of the Rafale fighter jet — suffered a heart attack at the group’s Paris headquarters on Monday. French conservative newspaper Le Figaro, was own by him too and no 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's stories or Gregs WindCar Books Secret file leaked. For all of France, a war crime!
5-29-2018 I can read you like a magazine, well Hemingway Nobel Novel in Medicine
Ain't it funny, rumors, lie
And I know you heard about rich me my iMac's @ $13,384 at every Starbucks
5-29-2018 Cops Block Traffic with fiery burned out remains of rear ended fiery wrecks! 2 White Men at Starbucks failed to stop or go 'video viral' or call a Meeting For! Truckers’ Strike Paralyzes Brazil as President Courts Investors. Brazil, which has Latin America’s largest economy, has been crippled as truck drivers protesting rising fuel prices have blocked roads across the country. By SHASTA DARLINGTON and MANUELA ANDREONI
5-29-2018 1,001 IP invention projects on audio books!!! AUDIOBOOKS
Audiobooks for Those Long Summer Drives, Without the Kids
From the sidesplitting to the heartbreaking, the mysterious to the political, this must-listen list has something for everyone in your car.
5-29-2018 Two White Men at Starbucks are alcoholics and will not drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR or RV through the Drive through Window at todays meeting... Ha.
5-29-2018 North Korea Nuclear Disarmament Could Take 15 Years, Expert Warns - if so Two White Men at Starbucks will delay the Rx Pink Latte for 15 Years.
5-29-2018 Kim Jong-un, is already working on the Rx Pink Latte Recipe for Starbucks. President Trump said his administration was back in touch with (Women)
5-28-2018 Memorial for the Oil War lost by the Pentagon Generals + Admirals. Indy 500 War Hero Tayor Swift Crashed: the first women race car driver, hit a wall of Oil bursting into flames in Memorial Day Traffic, no one stopped to help.
I know you heard about rich me my iMac's @ $13,384 at every Starbucks
Jew Hero who Drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + iMac's @ $13,384 at every Jewish Starbucks
So hey, let's be invention projects brainstorming friends
I'm dying to see how this one ends 400 times faster than the speed of light Verizon Cell call to Jewish Aliens
New Memorial Day for the Jew Hero who Drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's!
North Korea's Kim is 'Driving' faster than the speed of light to End the Korean War on June 12...
Vets are stuck in exhaust + traffic on Memorial Day and have to stop at the gas station hold up!! BP Oil and the British $$$
Memorial Day air quality alert issued, birth defects and kids cancers are Secret and Top Secret. Generals have always killed their own troops now they kill their kids with poison gas exhaust in the air... a war crime especially with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
5-28-2018 Indy 500 War Hero Drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's... "Another Taxi Driver in Debt Takes His Life. That’s 5 in 5 Months. Yu Mein Chow, who paid $700,000 for a medallion before Uber moved in, jumped to his death, relatives said, marking the fifth recent cabdriver suicide." 2 White Men at 1984 HQ knew of the suicide stats when they masterminded Uber. A War Crime and thanks to the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR wrongful deaths against Uber for all the suicides. Now we have to get Robert Kennedy Jr arrested for the wrongful suicide of Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn on some Secret Google YouTube video.
007 Blank Space For 12 Trillion Galaxies Taylor Swift Drives to win the Indy 500 today!
5-28-2018 Indy 500 007 Blank Space Taylor Swift - Space 12 Trillion Galaxies are sailing into without a 4 Star Admiral.
Nice to meet you, where you been?
Space 12 Trillion Galaxies we are sailing into
I could show you incredible things
12 Trillion Galaxies
Magic, madness, heaven sin
Saw you there and I thought
Oh my God, look at that face
You look like my next mistake
Love’s a game, want to play?
Exodus after we end War on Earth?
New money, WindmillCAR's suit and tie
I can read you like a magazine, well Hemingway Nobel Novel in Medicine
Ain't it funny, rumors, lie
And I know you heard about rich me my iMac's @ $13,384 at every Starbucks
Jew Hero who Drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + iMac's @ $13,384 at every Jewish Starbucks
So hey, let's be invention projects brainstorming friends
I'm dying to see how this one ends 400 times faster than the speed of light Verizon Cell call to Jewish Aliens
Grab your Star Wars passport and my hand
I can make the bad guys good for a weekend
So it's gonna be forever, well 4 trillion years as soul mates
Or it's gonna go down in flames
"To Have Have Not" Carnival Hospital Ships #27
Cop Cars
You can tell me when it's over
If the high $777 Trillion was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers Prince Salman Honor killings
They'll tell you I'm insane Ivan the Terrible and Henry VIII
'Cause you know I love the players 72 Virgin Brides
And you love the game CIA Spy's 007
'Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far light years
It'll leave… to marry + brainstorm on InventBook.
I want my Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks Today Now Not After I die from Breast Cancer! Put my pictures on $20 dollar bills with these lyrics, give some to Madonna
My lyrics and $20 dollar bills
"Oh my God, who is she?"
I get drunk on jealousy, did until I ordered the Rx Cure for Jealousy Latte at Starbucks Star Wars War Hero's Is the Jewish War Hero Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to Arlington
5-28-2018 Jew War Hero that Ends War On Earth - Jewish Exodus not just a Embassy.
5-28-2018 ...future war heroes... Jew who drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to New Times Square NYC freeing 5 billion from British BP Oil and Ivan Putin the Terrible Oil Man fire bombing Cop Cars in Moscow. Jew Hero who stop Putin from fire bombing Cop Cars rear ended writing a ticket... a True War Hero!
Arlington Cemetery New Monuments will be 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's at the enterance...
5-28-2018 "Arlington Cemetery, Nearly Full, May Become More Exclusive" "To preserve space for future war heroes in the country’s premier national cemetery, the Army is considering new rules that would turn away many currently eligible veterans." By DAVE PHILIPPS and DAMON WINTER
5-28-2018 ...number of impressive discoveries... ending the Korean War!
A Star Wars Story” This is War, A/C Window A/C reinvented the size of an Mac Book Pro and as portable too, open it and you have A/C runs on battery or electricity.
5-28-2018 Australian driver Will Power won Sunday's Indianapolis 500 race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway - It gave team owner Roger Penske a 17th win in the Indy 500.
5-28-2018 Jewish War Hero Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's wife's are the conscience for the Bishop not God. Pope Francis, who seems resigned that a devout and Catholic Europe has largely slipped into the church’s past, has shifted his focus to the world’s outcasts.
5-28-2018 Jewish War Hero Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's: 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's War Crime study, from two professors at Harvard Law School, also found that women died in the millions from Breast and other cancers because of the goings on at the Qatar Trump Casino's world wide. Two Professors at the Yale Key West Medical School will get a Nobel in Medicine for ending Breast Cancer and Cancer in General the Key West Admirals carried to the ends of the Earth and all Humanity drunk on Oil Revenues of $777 Trillion. A War Crime!
North Korea's Kim is 'Driving' faster than the speed of light to End the Korean War on June 12...
5-28-2018 Jewish War Hero Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's
5-28-2018 Jewish War Hero Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's
5-27-2018 Donald Trump: US-North Korea summit back on for June 12. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un believes a face-to-face meeting with US President Donald Trump in Singapore next month could "put an end to the history of War instead of War on Cancer's, brain for McCain + Jimmy Carter... skin cancer went to his brain and the Navy USS Jimmy Carter too. A cancer.
5-27-2018 ...number of impressive discoveries... ending the Korean War!
A Star Wars Story” This is War, A/C Window A/C reinvented the size of an Mac Book Pro and as portable too, open it and you have A/C runs on battery or electricity.
5-27-2018 Kim Jong-un, is already working on the Rx Pink Latte Recipe for Starbucks and possibly have it for a Trump Ivanka Coup on June 12.
5-27-2018 Supercomputer Simulations Reveal using one in a Hemingway House Writing Class with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 brainstorming ideas on 1,001 IP invention projects listed on Amazon.
No 'no glimmer of hope' at City Hall Key West for a Memorial Day Writing Class for a Pink Latte...
"To Have Have Not" The wife's are the conscience for the Bishop not God, Wedding Rings and Bells for Priest + Bishops.
5-27-2018 Bahrain sees 'no glimmer of hope' for ending Qatar crisis soon. Key West sees a Ford WindmillCAR in every USA drive on the 4th of July and title of richest 'City' in the World taken from Qatar, grin. “The information in our hands today does not indicate any glimmer of hope for a solution now, as the matter does not happen suddenly,” Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa told Alsharq Alawsat newspaper on Sunday. NY Times told Sheikh about the Jew Hero who will drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR on the 4th of July, Born in the USA - given to Allah by McCain and the Pentagon Top Brass. Mostly Admirals from Key West - grin.
5-27-2018 Solo Disney None No, number of impressive discoveries. The latest was made by an international team of scientists who identified 13,928 white dwarfs within 100 parsecs (326 light-years) of the Sun, many of which were formed through mergers. This is the first time that white dwarf stars have been directly detected within the Solar neighborhood.
5-27-2018 Next 007 Bond movie titled, "007 Universe" ...number of impressive discoveries?
5-27-2018 None No, number of impressive 'Brain Cancer' discoveries by McCain and 4 star Navy Admiral MD's!
5-27-2018 John McCain won't be buried with his father, grandfather at Arlington National Cemetery, 1.2 million women with breast cancer will be reburied at Arlington when the Jew Hero drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's into Saudi Arabia on June 24.
"To Have Have Not" Carnival Hospital Ships #27
"To Have Have Not" Carnival Hospital Ships #27
5-27-2018 Horizon Hospital Ship by Carnival after the Jew Hero Drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's on June 24, Saudi Arabia. Carnival Cruise Line's 26th ship, the Horizon, exuberantly christened by God's welcome party MD's in New York Harbor on May 23. This 1,967-stateroom, 15-deck, Vista-class ship continues to steer the fun-centric DNA upon which Carnival has built its legendary industry-changing success — a casual-attire, party hearty and games galore vibes. Horizon jump starts its first summer schedule with four-day Bermuda and eight-day Caribbean itineraries embarking from the Big Apple, then anchors its base in Miami for year-round six- and eight-day Caribbean cruises in late September.
5-27-2018 Protons are composed of three quarks that are bound together by the strong nuclear force to understanding how the four fundamental forces of the Universe interact. While scientists understand how electromagnetism and weak and strong nuclear forces interact with each other, they are still unsure how these interact with gravity... Greg + Wife's in Key West hope to reveal in the future, the Gravity Engine Inventions are sure to be of interest to other physicists who have never read this web page or been told about the Gravity Engine Novel being written at the Hemingway House Writing Class in Key West. Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility.
5-27-2018 Rx Pink Latte Recipe not here in Rome... The supercomputers are getting so big, in fact, that Eni SpA’s new supercomputer is the size of a soccer field. In the big money pursuit of the world’s most powerful computers, the Italian explorer says it’s taken the lead. Its new machine, located outside Milan, will scan for oil and gas reservoirs deep below the Earth over thousands of miles. “This is where the company’s heart is, where we hold our most delicate data and proprietary technology,” Eni Chief Executive Officer Claudio Descalzi said in an interview earlier this year. Oil + Gas Searching $500 million per computer.
5-27-2018 Advanced super computer software is for oil and gas searching not Rx Pink latte or virus. Advanced software and the rapid calculation speeds of both Comet and Bridges made the current simulations possible. In particular, the graphics processing units (GPUs) on Comet enabled the team to simulate the motion more efficiently than possible if they had used only the central processing units (CPUs) present on most supercomputers.
5-27-2018 Supercomputer Simulations Reveal New “Achilles heel” in Dengue Virus
Findings may be Applicable to Other Flaviviruses such as West Nile and Zika
5-27-2018 Martha was the third child of Edna and George Gellhorn and was born in 1908 in St Louis. Her father was a doctor.
5-27-2018 Supercomputer Simulations Reveal using one in a Hemingway House Writing Class with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 brainstorming ideas on 1,001 IP invention projects listed on Amazon.
5-27-2018 Supercomputer Simulations Reveal Putin the terrible Oil Man fire bombing cop cars in Moscow on the side of the road writing A ticket rear ended bursting into flames all the world leaders drive by without stopping to help... Moscow Cops will arrest them all for this terrible gasoline tank era. The 1885 painting “Ivan the Terrible Killing His Son,” by Ilya Repin, was damaged when a man drunk on Vodka attacked it with a pole at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Biden killed his son Beau for the Glory of War this will be a Disney Pixar Fox movie Biden will try to stop. Ivan Ivanovich's relationship with his father began to deteriorate during the later stages of the Livonian War. Angry with his father for his military failures, Ivan demanded to be given command of some troops to liberate besieged Pskov. Their relationship further deteriorated when on 15 November 1581, the Tsar, after seeing his pregnant daughter-in-law wearing unconventionally light clothing, physically assaulted her. Hearing her screams, the Tsarevich rushed to his wife's defense, angrily shouting, "You sent my first wife to a convent for no reason, you did the same with my second, and now you strike the third, causing the death of the son she holds in her womb." Yelena subsequently suffered a miscarriage. The Tsarevich confronted his father on the matter, only to have the topic changed to his insubordination regarding Pskov. The elder Ivan accused his son of inciting rebellion, which the younger Ivan denied, but vehemently stuck to the view that Pskov should be liberated. Angered, Ivan's father struck him on the head with his sceptre. Boris Godunov, who was present at the scene, tried to intervene but received blows himself. The younger Ivan fell, barely conscious and with a bleeding wound on his temple. The elder Ivan immediately threw himself at his son, kissing his face and trying to stop the bleeding, whilst repeatedly crying, "May I be damned! I've killed my son! I've killed my son!" The younger Ivan briefly regained consciousness and was reputed to have said "I die as a devoted son and most humble servant". For the next few days, the elder Ivan prayed incessantly for a miracle, but to no avail, and the Tsarevich died on 19 November 1581.
5-27-2018 Google HQ Reveals lets let in some Cats who roam from cubic to cubic... As Google Feeds Cats, Owl Lovers Cry Foul. In a Silicon Valley park, burrowing owls are dying and disappearing. Public records and a bit of snooping uncovered a path that led to Google and its feline-loving employees. By DAVID STREITFE
5-27-2018 Supercomputer Simulations Reveal 2 white Men at 1984 HQ Decoding Windows 10 Error Messages to end this war, use of Win 10 so we can get the cure for cancer and have a Star Wars Society 1984 II.
5-27-2018 Supercomputer Simulations Reveal
5-27-2018 Supercomputer Simulations Reveal
5-27-2018 Supercomputer Simulations Reveal
5-26-2018 Kim Jong-un, is already working on the Rx Pink Latte Recipe for Starbucks. President Trump said his administration was back in touch with (Women) and North Korea and may go ahead with the June 12 get-together with all our wife's demanding the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks to end this Korean War before McCain dies and goes to Hell. Grin!!
With gratitude, ailing John McCain looks back in HBO documentary At age 81, and with a terminal cancer diagnosis, U.S. Senator John McCain is looking back on his life, not with rancor or to settle old scores, but with immense... addiction to 'War' in general but not the 'War on Breast Cancer.'
5-26-2018 If Trump backs out again and again the Jew Hero will Drive the 2108 Ford WindmillCAR to Starbucks with the recipe for the Rx Pink Latte. His 4 Jewish Wife's told him not to come back without 4 Rx Pink Latte's from Starbucks.
5-26-2018 “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Disney will sell you a Star Ship if you cheat to win the Lottery or Cheat to win at the Qatar Trump Casino Card game's... 'one drop of fuel from Baghdad' to power the Falcon' And then Solo lost the girl at the end, wow! Disney cheated us out of a Star Wars Movie with Solo! And getting the girl at the ending, a war crime!
5-26-2018 The Bishop is 'Screaming' at Greg in Key West. I don't want 4 Wife's or a Pink Latte. The Bishop is a MD and the sermon is about Rx recipes you need to think about for a Wife. Today God is the Boss for Priest and Bishops, God failed to influence them in not smoking, drinking, gambling, sex, many wife's can keep the Priest and Bishops on their Best Behavior and stop these addictions, smoking, drinking, gambling, sex. We need the Wedding Rings and Bells for Priest + Bishops for a Star Wars Vatican going 400 times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon Call to Jewish Aliens. Discover why God invented 12 trillion Galaxies!
5-26-2018 “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Iraq War Story without the Jew Hero Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's in McCain's confession. Will McCain live long enough to watch the Jew Hero Drive the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's... Sen. John McCain, who has been battling brain cancer, defended the Iraq War has made a shocking admission: The Iraq War was a “mistake,” and he’s taking the blame. McCain and his Warriors get $300 million a week from Baghdad Oil Revenues $$$. McCain is not only unrealistic not putting the 2018 Ford Windmill CAR and the Jewish Hero who drives it to Google and Facebook, in Qatar. Gas Engine conditions that allowed Diesel in DNA of McCain's daughter and grand kids.
5-26-2018 “Solo: A Star Wars Story” If you plan to hit the roads this Memorial Day weekend, get ready to pay a lot more at the pump. Gas prices are poised to be the highest Gas will cost drivers $1 billion more this Memorial Day - 2 White Men at 1984 HQ mastermind gas cost and Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
5-26-2018 “Solo: A Star Wars Story” intrinsic morals as to gasoline cost and fiery wrecks.
5-26-2018 “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Shingles, the painful and blistery rash that arises when the chicken pox virus becomes reactivated, can be contagious.
5-26-2018 “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Rx Virus Latte Cure can be contagious if enough people brainstorm on InventBook instead of Facebook. One virus vaccine for all the 100's of different typed of virus. How, brainstorm how Penicillin kills all gram negative bacteria. Jews go to Harvard to learned Yiddish, not how to brainstorm a Rx Virus Latte Cure. A Sin.
5-26-2018 “Solo: A Star Wars Story” "Roth’s contemporary Jewish readers, his warts-and-all portrayal of people like himself was an honor, inviting them into American literature." MD women view vaginal warts different than Roth. Dara Horn is the author, most recently, of the novel “Eternal Life.”
5-26-2018 “Solo: A Star Wars Story” FACT CHECK "3 False Claims From Trump’s Naval Academy Speech" In a commencement speech on Friday, President Trump told Annapolis graduates that the military had received “no Oil money” AND the USS Kerry Hospital Ship Carrier was sunk by the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub... The Key West Navy Base will be the future Star Wars Home of the Yale Key West Medical School and Hospital Ships were Navy Ships are Docked today. By LINDA QIU Yes, the Admirals cardiac arrest will happen soon Trump said eating a Steak.
A Star Wars Story” This is War, A/C Window A/C reinvented the size of an Mac Book Pro and as portable too, open it and you have A/C runs on battery or electricity.
5-26-2018 “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Prince Harry's Warrior's, just one story of 100's. War Stories by Oliver North take on a new connotation. Sgt. Emile Cilliers, 38, a jury found that he tried to kill his wife, Victoria, by first causing a gas leak at the couple’s home and then using his experience as a parachute packer to meddle with his wife’s equipment to ensure that it would not open. He offered to pay for the jump in April 2015, purportedly as a treat following the birth of their second child, the prosecution said. He will be sentenced later. The imagery conjured by testimony at the trial riveted followers of the case, in which Victoria Cilliers, a 41-year-old physiotherapist, leapt from an airplane 4,000 feet above the ground unaware that neither her main parachute nor the reserve could open.
5-26-2018 “Solo: A Star Wars Story”
5-26-2018 “Solo: A Star Wars Story”
5-26-2018 “Solo: A Star Wars Story”
5-25-2018 “Solo: War between Men and Women! Pharmacy at the Vatican must be centuries old so why doesn't it go Viral with a Rx Latte for the Vatican Starbucks? From the Archives: Old Books, New Thoughts, New IBM $1 Trillion dollar super computers at Los Alamos and 4 trillion Rx recipes to crunch in Church on Sunday, the Bishop is a MD and the sermon is about Rx recipes you need to think about for a Nobel. Today God is the Boss for Priest and Bishops, God failed to influence them, many wife's can keep the Priest and Bishops on their Best Behavior, smoking, drinking, gambling, sex. We need the Wedding Rings and Bells for Priest + Bishops.
"To Have Have Not" The wife's are the conscience for the Bishop not God, Wedding Rings and Bells for Priest + Bishops.
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus from War, Trump cancels Singapore nuclear summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un Exodus. It's no secret that the Milky Way is big, but new research shows that it may be much bigger than we ever imagined. Iran Nuclear Deal is much more a war crime when you add in the lost Victory over Iran with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's for the 4th of July USA. 2 White Men at 1984 HQ are in control of Baghdad oil revenues of $300 million a week, they are addicted to oil revenues.
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri... Make Sense of Galaxies “a strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil”. Henry VIII with a strong sense of stars fell into a evil husband and King. Today making sense of Kim Wall beheaded by a Man light years from London. Toward an intrinsic moral evil African Troops in UN News today and Prince Salman Honor Killings kept secret by CBS Nightly News. Making sense of a Rx Recipe Latte to cure Men toward an intrinsic moral evil. “If in doubt, better not let them enter.” Rx Recipe Latte to cure Men from killing women! Facebook + the Pentagon send men Toward an intrinsic moral evil, as they have no senses's of any Galaxy let alone 12 Trillion Galaxies and trillions of invention projects they could be working on thinking about. Henry VIII could have changed the Church to let him have 40 Wife's and 100 children like Prince Salman Today. Kim Wall's beheader stabbed her 13 times in her pussy when he was rich enough to get 13 Wife's if the Danish King would not have arrested him for this. Pharmacy at the Vatican must be centuries old so why doesn't it go Viral with a Rx Latte for the Vatican Starbucks? From the Archives: Old Books, New Thoughts, New IBM $1 Trillion dollar super computers at Los Alamos and 4 trillion Rx recipes to crunch in Church on Sunday, the Bishop is a MD and the sermon is about Rx recipes you need to think about for a Nobel.
Toward an intrinsic moral MD culture making laws about getting you obese, these masterminds are well knows by MD's. Yale Medical School has a classified class titled "Dictators And Doctors" $5 Rx Diet Latte Recipe's not in the London Starbucks, 2 White Men at Amgen are working on the $6,900 dollar insulin pen for her diet. 1984 Masterminds could have stocked Starbucks with iMac's at $13,384 decades ago. And the Rx Pink Latte is decades late becuse of the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub.
5-25-2018 City Hall Control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri... Key West The 60-year-old man that was hit by a Conch Train has been identified, following the release Wednesday of the traffic crash report. Kurt A. McCord, of Key West, suffered serious injuries on May 17 after he was hit by a Historic Tours of America Conch Tour Train on the corner of White + Truman he was hit, fell under the Jeep which pulls the train and dragged 80 feet before the driver stopped. Do you Sense this is not how they drive Solo in Star Wars tourists trains at Disney.
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri... “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Syria war: Korean War, Star Wars, grin. War, kids left in hot cars die are in the News today.
1-year-old girl dies in hot truck after dad accidentally leaves her there all day
Both parents "have been fully cooperative" with the ongoing investigation, police said.
1-year-old girl dies after being left in truck all day outside Nashville home: Police
A 1-year-old girl died in East Nashville on Wednesday after she was left in a car seat in a pickup truck all day, the Nashville Police said. 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's A/C 24/7 technology. Motion detection, iDash Cam's, iCop in your Ford.
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri... “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Syria war: North Korean War Summit leaves out Trump on June 12 in Singapore. Kim not Trump is brainstorming 400 Times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon Call to Proxima Centauri Jews.
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus from War, Trump cancels Singapore nuclear summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus from War, President Donald Trump canceled his historic nuclear summit with Kim Jong Un, accusing North Korea of "tremendous anger and open hostility.".
5-25-2018 In Control of Sex. Morgan Freeman Is Accused of Sexual Harassment by Several Women
By SOPAN DEB and BROOKS BARNES Ivanka knew this watching his first movie decades ago talking to her girl friends.
5-25-2018 Control of Super Conductivity for GE electric generators, 2 White Men at 1984 HQ built millions of Windmills knowing they are using out of date GE electric generators. ‘This Noise That Never Stops’: Wind Farms Come to Brazil’s Atlantic Coast. Photographs and Text by DADO GALDIERI. Worse these 2 White men at 1984 HQ tell their women to drink wine! When Alcohol most closely linked to breast cancer, even Pope Francis stops Catholic kids from tell mom not to drink wine!! The new guidelines state: “For cancer prevention, it's best not to drink alcohol”. It warns that “alcohol is strongly linked to an increased risk of six cancers. 2 White Men at 1984 HQ built millions of Windmills knowing they are using out of date GE electric generators.
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus from War, Ending a British Legacy. Laws dating from the colonial era have long denied people World Wide of basic rights when the British Elite at Oxford and 1984 HQ use BP Oil revenues for intrinsic moral wrong, like the Honor killings of Prince Salman today. Laws that make it a crime not to report these moral crimes will get the alumni at Yale, Harvard, MIT arrested. Bill + Melinda Gates too, thank God!
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri... North Korea Says It Will Give Trump ‘Time and Opportunity’ to Reconsider. With a carefully worded statement, North Korea tried to create an impression that Mr. Kim was the mature statesman trying to salvage the diplomatic process. By CHOE SANG-HUN Ivanka knew this in High School, grin.
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri... School Bus Driver Charged With Homicide After Deadly Crash" The 77-year-old driver attempted a U-turn on a New Jersey highway after missing the exit for Waterloo Village, the authorities said. By PATRICK McGEEHAN Pat at the NY Times missed in this article the Mac Air Ride School Bus that could never miss the turn to Waterloo Village. Out of date Windmill's electric generators and School Bus the crimes of these 2 White Men at 1984 HQ are serious crimes!
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri... Gas Engine Car in Reverse is Driven by the Editorial in the Times today. Editorial at the NY Times today... "Reform in Reverse in Saudi Arabia" "The kingdom’s young prince Salman takes a step backward on women’s rights, arresting activists who had pushed for women to be allowed to drive." By 2 White Men at the NY Times who drive gas engine cars and censor from going viral the gravity engine Ford. Well the Ford WindmillCAR's, grin.
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri...
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri...
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri...
5-25-2018 Control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri...
5-24-2018 Invent a new Moore's law; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Our Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies, not a Universe of 1 Galaxy - The Milky Way Galaxy is not Alone in Our Universe. Discover why God invented 12 trillion Galaxies! Its in the Stars, grin!
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; Following God's Laws; 12 Trillion Galaxies were invented by God using Moore's laws on how many Galaxies to create.
5-24-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; The Pope Francis Opens His Eyes to Abuse of Priest and Bishops via Exodus into marriage with many Wife's. Today God is the Boss for Priest and Bishops, God failed to influence them, many wife's can keep the Priest and Bishops on their Best Behavior, smoking, drinking, gambling, sex. We need the Wedding Rings and Bells for Priest + Bishops.
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; Following God's Laws; The new gym and cafeteria at The Basilica School of St. Mary Star of the Sea will have been worth the two-year wait when it opens next month — in time for summer day camps at the historic Catholic School. “We had the whole structure up and painted last year, and then Hurricane Irma...
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; The Basilica School of St. Mary Star of the Sea will have been worth the two-year wait for iMac Treadmill Desk $13,384. 18 Core Mac's not a Universe with 1 Galaxy... like Bill + Melinda Gates sold to the kids at St. Mary Star of the Sea, there are no Microsoft Work Stations with a Xeon CPU with 2 Cores let alone 18 Core's. This has to be a sin, grin.
$5 Rx Diet Latte Recipe's not in the London Starbucks, 2 White Men at Amgen are working on the $6,900 dollar insulin pen for her diet.
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; The Basilica School of St. Mary Star of the Sea will would need a hand written letter from Pope Francis before they let the kids know... Excess weight is linked to at least 12 cancers – more than twice as many as its assessment a decade ago and sets out specific advice on how to cut the risks. Alcohol most closely linked to breast cancer, kids tell mom not to drink!! The new guidelines state: “For cancer prevention, it's best not to drink alcohol”. It warns that “alcohol is strongly linked to an increased risk of six cancers,” including breast, bowel and liver cancer. And they say there is “no level of intake” of processed meats that does not increase cancer risks, while recommending only a limited intake of any red meat. "Red Meat" novel written by the Basilica kids at the Hemingway House Writing Class, dissecting the chemicals in red meat! In a Novel.
5-24-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; A/C Window A/C reinvented the size of an Mac Book Pro and as portable too, open it and you have A/C runs on battery or electricity.
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; The Basilica School of St. Mary Star of the Sea Gym when iMac Treadmill Desk would get 2 inventions, 2 Galaxies instead a Universe with only 1 Galaxy.
"To Have Have Not" Deep in the Desert, Iran Quietly Advances Missile Technology paid for by Miami + Key West gas station hold ups, a sin! Greg Advances in Emergency Room Brainstorming. Dr. Lisa Sanders under Moore's Law with some shock treatments from Greg + Wife's in Key West, grin. Diagnosis of all Heartburn's invented. "The first time she went to the E.R., the doctor told her she had heartburn. She was given medicine to reduce the acid in her stomach and sent home. The pain faded for a few hours but roared back when she dared to take even a sip of water. Then she started vomiting. Two days later, she returned to the emergency room." The iMac will beep, beep, beep, she will returned to the emergency 2 Days!!! Beep, Beep, Beep!!
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; When will St Mary's let these 4 girls drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's? Saudis Toughen Crackdown, Blunting Good Publicity Over Letting Women Drive... to the Vatican.
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; NYC it's Qatar's Law... The NYC subway’s new leader, Andy Byford, released a plan on Wednesday to save the subway, but politics of Qatar's Law did get in the way. By EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; "There Are Two Georgias. One Just Made History." The USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub sank the USS Kerry Hospital Ship Carrier!! By RICHARD FAUSSET and ALAN BLINDER Correction: NYT Rich and Alan wrote up Georgia election results. Not much of a correction but some, grin.
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; In Switzerland it's Qatar's Law too... Little is known about Kim Jong-chol except that he and Kim Jong-un studied in Switzerland as teenagers without a iMac at $13,384. They had a PC @ $220 with Win 7.
5-24-2018 Following A Orwellian Moore's law; Meet the Women Who Made History in This Week’s Elections while MD's were on the Battle Field of Brain + Breast cancer with no going viral by the NY Times or CBS Nightly News. Send your News Tips to the NY Times not your Brainstorming Tip on how to make a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. A War Crime! By AINARA TIEFENTHÄLER, YOUSUR AL-HLOU and SARAH STEIN KERR
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; The Jew Hero Law; "The force of Mr. Roth’s writing, even before it was fully formed, amplified the sting when he satirized Jewish middle-class life in his first short story collection, “Goodbye, Columbus,” and in “Portnoy’s Complaint” — which brought gales of condemnation from Jewish critics, including Irving Howe and Alfred Kazin, who judged the young Mr. Roth incapable of writing about Jews except “as hysterics.”
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; The Hysterical Jewish Women with Breast Cancer Today! This didn't go viral in the NY Times editorial on Roth today.
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; Back to Jewish Law; "When Jewish thinkers and the religious establishment attacked him for stereotyping Jews, Mr. Roth dismissed the charge as analogous to complaining that Dostoevsky’s Raskolnikov, the character at the heart of “Crime and Punishment,” was not a “typical” student. He resented this form of criticism all his life, but also understood that there was no such thing as bad publicity — as long as the critics spelled your name correctly."
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; Jewish Students are not typically found with Qatar Students at Yale, Harvard, MIT as Israel doesn't pay for this! Jewish Student + Russian are not found at the Yale Key West Medical School or the Kerry + Rich Wife Medical School in Boston.
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law; Philip Roth’s ‘Toxic Diesel Exhaust" A Jewish Novel about Medical School after 9/11 in the Smog of London's Plague. Coal Burning London of 1900 and 2018 gas ending car exhaust. ‘Toxic Diesel Exhaust" a Nobel Novel written at the Hemingway House in Key West on an iMac $13,384 with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos super computer simulations. A Amazon Kindle Book with super computer simulations. Roth described Donald’s Trump’s miserable linguistic impact in The New Yorker. ‘Toxic Diesel Exhaust" in the New Yorker was censored by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. One of his novels was published in 2004. After Sept. 11, and his failure to be the Jewish Hero to Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to Times Square + Mecca is history now! All these dead soul's must have been waiting for this Jew! At least the 100 kids who died in hot cars in 2004. "American Jewishness; and for the rollicking cavalcade of the United States he set before me, an English Jew of South African descent raised not to make a fuss about the odd anti-Semitic remark and to assimilate in England, the land, at least when I grew up in it, of Lewis Namier’s “trembling Israelites.” Roth offered American space, which is also ever-renewed American possibility. He personified another way of living as a Jew." America waits for the Jew Hero to Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's to Qatar + Saudi Arabia June 24. In his novel “Deception,” Roth. His My mother, June, was like that, unconsciously. That is where turning the other cheek to some remark, say, about stinginess (“Don’t be so Jewish!”) ends up: in a whisper. Allah Oil Company with $777 Trillion, I would like to Hear from American Jews, grin. “I remember when they announced over the radio the explosion of the first atom bomb, he said now they have 12 Trillion A-Bombs and 12 Trillion Galaxies. Roth He should have won the Nobel Prize, but that is beside the point. Point is we need a American Jewish Hero to Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's!
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law;
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law;
5-24-2018 Following Moore's law;
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; Trump-Kim Meeting Is ‘99.9% Done Deal,’ South Korea Says
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; A/C Window A/C reinvented the size of an Mac Book Pro and as portable too, open it and you have A/C runs on battery or electricity.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; Greg + Wife's in Key West Say the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with government required A/C 24/7 technology are a 99.9% Done Deal. Next is the iPhone X iDash Cam ICop in your Car.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; Moore's Law at Starbucks gave us these headlines in the New York Times, not a iMac costing $13,384
"To Have Have Not" Starbucks with an iMac that cost $13,384 in Profits invested in Customers... A New Policy at Starbucks: People Can Sit Without Buying Anything, 'Catch' is you have to work on a iMac at 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out on 1 Click Amazon links. Will this win the 2 White Men at Starbucks HQ a Nobel Prize, Yes! As the Gravity Engine will be invented on a iMac at a Starbucks.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; $5 Rx Diet Latte Recipe's not in the London Starbucks, 2 White Men at Amgen are working on the $6,900 dollar insulin pen for her diet.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; “Solo: A Star Wars Story”
5-23-2018 Invention The Red Phone Box, a British Icon, Stages a Comeback, British Icon BP Oil will not Die... it has been ID's at the cause of the New London Plague, cancer and birth defects.
Dozens Die in Karachi From Relentless Heat 15 million residents of Karachi, The New York Times Will a 'Jew Hero' drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV into this 'Heat Wave' with 24/7 A/C.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; BP Oil Owns Lithium ion batteries OPEC Cartel, they bought it with their $777 Trillion in oil revenues.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; BP Oil didn't want any $1 Trillion dollar IBM Super Computer.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; Hemingway House Writing Class Noble Novels with invention projects brainstormed in every chapter and character. iPod Size GE electric generator super cold super conductive 12 V is now 12 Trillion volts, amps and yes you can plug in all your GE appliances! GE Moore's Law. A Novel.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; London Starbucks, British women call in for their Rx Pink Latte, iMac at her table.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; Deaths from the London Plague of 2018.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; Lithium ion batteries, which are made up of an anode, a cathode, a separator, an electrolyte, a positive current, and a negative current. The anode and cathode are the "ends" of the battery; a charge is generated and stored when the lithium ions (carried by the electrolyte) move between the two ends of the battery. And liquid electrolytes are highly flammable. This is what often leads to exploding batteries in Electric cars. New technologies aren't going to make it to market in time for the Next Big Product Launch!
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; Summit in Inventions! Trump I don't want to waste a lot of time! The rate at which transistor counts have increased generally follows Moore's law, which observed that the transistor count doubles approximately every two years. As of 2016, the largest transistor count in a commercially available single-chip processor is over 7.2 billion—the Intel Broadwell-EP Xeon. Xeon CPU's 18 core are in the iMac $13,384.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; Tranquillizer gun... following Moore's laws of invention have been talked about at OPEC, grin.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; Lithium ion batteries
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; iPod Size GE Electric Generator, Super Conductivity' for 'Windmills Electric Generators ' 12 Trillion volts not 12 volts
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; A/C Window A/C reinvented the size of an Mac Book Pro and as portable too, open it and you have A/C runs on battery or electricity.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; Chief of Police of Santa Monica, "Tranquilizing agents don't affect everyone uniformly. Therefore you cannot predict whether or not you have a sufficient dose to tranquilize the individual. Second, any tranquillizer will take time to enter the bloodstream and sedate the individual. If someone is advancing on you with a deadly weapon or a threatening object, there's no way a tranquillizer would take effect in the two to three seconds it would take someone to seriously injure you."
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; Starbucks Inventions!
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; The Pope Francis Opens His Eyes to Abuse of Priest and Bishops via Exodus into marriage with many Wife's. Today God is the Boss for Priest and Bishops, God failed to influence them, many wife's can keep the Priest and Bishops on their Best Behavior, smoking, drinking, gambling, sex. We need the Wedding Rings and Bells for Priest + Bishops.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; God failed Bill + Melinda Gates in the news version of Win 10. The most recent version of the operating system, the Windows 10 April 2018 Update, arrived late last month. Disk clean up to delete temp internet files is under a new name, Disk Cleanup and moved them into the system settings in a feature called Storage Sense. Power, Shutdown, restart never was invented to be your on - off button on your notebook. Yes you still have to wait for the Acer Notebook light to go off on shutdown or your battery will run down all the way if you close the cover and put it away. So how do Greg + Wife's in Key West update Win 10 to eliminate the Power - shutdown? Buy a iMac, grin. Yes the newly invented remote for the iMac and Mac book Pro will not be a Comcast remote failure. Yes when you turn off your Notebook and turn it back on all 10 open windows are on your screen, no longer do you have to open the same windows and www sites every time you turn on and off your Notebooks. Moore's Law failed because of Bill + Melinda Gates. Asking Cortana to open Settings or pressing the Windows and I keys on the keyboard to open the Settings box can save you some steps. 'Settings' with 1 click Amazon link to 1,001 IP invention projects will not work on Win 10, grin. TECH TIP "How to Adjust Your Mac’s Spelling Controls" Like many modern operating systems, macOS has a built-in spell checker that you can use or lose. How to adjust your Invention Projects Controls. 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out in the Spelling Controls for the modern macOS.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; TECH TIP "Finding Your Contacts in the New Gmail" Google’s recent revamp of its mail service has moved a few old features to new places, but you don’t have to look far. You don't have to wait much longer for your 'Invention Contacts' in Gmail to sent invention projects brainstorming to Greg + Wife's in Key West. Soon! This will be built into Gmail.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; It happens every 405,000 years. The Earth’s orbit gradually changes shape from almost circular to slightly elliptical over a period of 202,500 years. Every 405K years Earths Ruling Class Change from Warriors to Star Wars Inventors. Grin. 400 times faster than the speed of light will go viral on Google YouTube in about 400 years. Vatican News in about 400,000 years. Ha! Brainstorming ideas will be in your Google Gmail contacts soon.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; Moore's Law is not part of WHO at the UN - if it was Homeland Security would scan for diseases and do diagnosis with MD scanners. For First Time, W.H.O. Names Some Lab Tests ‘Essential’ Forty years after creating its “essential medicines” list, which revolutionized the struggle to get drugs to the poor, the agency tackles diagnostics but not at JFK airport. The USS Kerry Hospital Carrier Ship was sunk by the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub. Moore's Law for the Navy with $777 trillion in Qatar Oil Money kickbacks to keep quite about the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with 24/7 A/C. And iPhone X iDash Cam's and iCops.
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law; DIAGNOSIS "Why Did the Young Woman’s Heartburn Keep Getting Worse?" Dr. Lisa Sanders under Moore's Law with some shock treatments from Greg + Wife's in Key West, grin. Diagnosis of all Heartburn's invented. "The first time she went to the E.R., the doctor told her she had heartburn. She was given medicine to reduce the acid in her stomach and sent home. The pain faded for a few hours but roared back when she dared to take even a sip of water. Then she started vomiting. Two days later, she returned to the emergency room."
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law;
5-23-2018 Invention increase generally following Moore's law;
5-22-2018 Trump Swears In Gina Haspel as C.I.A. Director, Praising Agency as the ‘Most Elite’ in the World, 'Most Elite MD's' at Yale Key West Medical School are what Trump + Gina will need for their Cancers and Cardiac Arrest. By MICHAEL D. SHEAR and MATTHEW ROSENBERG
Dozens Die in Karachi From Relentless Heat 15 million residents of Karachi, The New York Times Will a 'Jew Hero' drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV into this 'Heat Wave' with 24/7 A/C.
5-22-2018 Trump Swears 'Most Elite MD's' Russians the ballerina Natalia Osipova made an immediate sensation with her debut at American Ballet Theater, dancing the title role of “Dr. Giselle MD” explosiveness of her jumps, the intensity of her acting, the keen focus with which she heightened the significance of Giselle’s relationships with every other character all made powerful impressions like Oppenheimer MD will.
5-22-2018 Trump Swears, Tainting His Legacy McCain, Beau, Kennedy, Jimmy Carters incurable Brain Cancer that will be cureable by Christmas Day 2018... invented in Key West by Greg + Wife's, grin. Hawaii’s Goddess of Volcanoes, Awes Those Living in Lava’s Path. Key West the richest City in the World for 1,001 Inventions in a Hemingway House Nobel Novel written on iMac's at $13,384 not your run of the mill Win 10 PC from Bill + Melinda Gates, in Hell.
Many Giselles, but Only Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at the New Los Alamos. The New New York Times MD Editors. Last the Dr. Priest MD + Bishop MD married to many wife's!!!! Allah is Great.
5-22-2018 World's Army's take full control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri... “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Syria war: Army takes full control of Damascus Galaxy. Jew Hero's Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's into Mecca... June 24, 2018 Jewish women get to drive!
5-22-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” World's Army's take full control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri... "To Have Have Not" depends if the Hero Jew drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV to Starbucks @ iMac's interstellar inventions 1,001.
"To Have Have Not" Proxima Centauri + 50 local galaxies!
5-22-2018 World's Army's take full control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri...
5-22-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Jewish Aliens in my Garden of Eden at Last, Last of the Jewish Warriors Culture. “Solo: A Star Wars Story” World's Army's take full control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri...
5-22-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Oliver North Blames ‘Culture of Violence’ for Mass Shootings not Wounded Warriors coming home from Baghdad killing all their Wife's. Kerry teaching grads at NYU, Yale, Harvard gave them a fatal Diagnoses as War is Good Peace is Hell.
5-22-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Sanctions on Star Wars by BP Oil Men, British + American Elite like Kerry. At Last Kerry has realized he's a Warrior not a Star Wars Solo. WHO at the UN tackles diagnostics not the Yale Kerry Medical School and the USS Kerry Hospital Ship Carrier sank by Kerry's own Admirals at his rich wife's dinner party.
Boston Globe or Harvard Crimson Headlines tomorrow, 'Diesel + zygotes.' Two articles on the cell in the Times today and both are in need of the $1 Trillion dollars Scanning Electron Microscope which the Editors of our 'Times' never though of brainstorming its invention in the article on the cell. $100 million dollar Chest x-ray machine results read by the $1 Trillion dollar IBM Super Computer.
5-22-2018 World's Army's take full control of Exodus. Kerry will let 100 kids die in Hot Cars in the Summer of 2018 in Boston! A War Crime that should be a Disney Pixar Movie. By Salman Masood. ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — At least 65 people have died in recent days from a suffocating heat wave that has afflicted Karachi, Pakistan’s sprawling southern port metropolis, the charitable foundation that runs the city’s central morgue said Monday. Government officials did not confirm the figure but exhorted residents of Karachi, a city of 15 million, to take precautions because of the heat. Qatar + BP Oil are Warrior King's Hurricane's + Baby killers (in Hot Cars this Summer). Your 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's have A/C 24/7.
5-22-2018 World's Army's take full control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri...
Allah is the only one who believes the $777 Trillion from Kerry and the Pentagon was a God Send to Qatar + United Arab Emirates... Yes Kerry's Are Yale-Harvard-MIT Too Smug and Self-Righteous to Mastermind the 1,001 IP invention projects Exodus to Proxima Centauri.
"To Have Have Not" Every Starbucks in the USA + World Wide with iMac's that costing $13,384 in Profits invested in Customers 1,001 IP invention projects a Disney Pixar Movie!
"To Have Have Not" Starbucks with an iMac that cost $13,384 in Profits invested in Customers... A New Policy at Starbucks: People Can Sit Without Buying Anything, 'Catch' is you have to work on a iMac at 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out on 1 Click Amazon links. Will this win the 2 White Men at Starbucks HQ a Nobel Prize, Yes! As the Gravity Engine will be invented on a iMac at a Starbucks. Rx Brain Cancer Latte also Named McCain-Beau-Kennedy-Jimmy-Carter in small print.
"To Have Have Not" Every Starbucks in the USA + World Wide with iMac's that costing $13,384 in Profits invested in Customers 1,001 IP invention projects a Disney Pixar Movie!
$33 million in new HD security cameras with no audio, iCop can't stop and talk to you on cameras, iDash Cam iCop iPhone X can talk to the Driver, and take control of driving the car, grin Star Wars 1984.
$5 Rx Diet Latte Recipe's not in the London Starbucks, 2 White Men at Amgen are working on the $6,900 dollar insulin pen for her diet.
5-22-2018 Exodus to Proxima Centauri... In Death, before I die WHO is at the Nearest Star? “You see, you’re smiling here in the cemetery,” “You don’t die here. This is the sense we want to give: that in Venice, no one dies. You live forever, in another way, but you continue to live.” Life today, goings on in the Nearest 50 Galaxies. Venice Today 1,001 IP invention projects 1 Click link to Amazon's 400 times the speed of light in a Verizon Cell CAll will wake the dead visiting this Venice Cemetery doing cement work on the graves!
By Elisabetta Povoledo. Leaving outdated Venice Culture behind with gas engine cars, telling the children you can't go 400 times faster than the speed of light in a invention Novel that brainstorms the technology to get this invention. The Gravity Engine needs 1 Trillion Amps to get it started too.
5-22-2018 Exodus to Proxima Centauri... New Cancer Treatments Lie Hidden Under Secret CIA Paperwork, Diesel stats on brain cancer that McCain knows, Jimmy Carter said Hell with it.
By GINA KOLATA, not the CIA Gina. Guideposts to powerful treatments may be buried in the nation’s medical records. But there is no easy way to gather those records or to get them into a usable format. BO Oil gas exhaust and British Intelligence breathing in Smog in London the Plague of their Times. BBC maked the Wedding Jag Headlines not the Diesel Garbage Truck cleaning up from the Royal Wedding. Particles in the London Air are not BBC News or in this cancer paperwork article in the Times by Gina, not the CIA Gina. Grin.
5-22-2018 World's Army's take full control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri... China’s Ancient Terra-Cotta Warriors, China’s greatest treasures, would become an archaeologist’s crowning achievement. Star Wars Solo in China as the Warrior in Star Wars who travels 4.3 light years is censored in China Today. Xi can't travel 4.3 light years, he is so stupid, Ha! But he knows better to even try.
5-22-2018 World's Army's take full control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri...
5-22-2018 World's Army's take full control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri...
5-22-2018 World's Army's take full control of Exodus to Proxima Centauri...
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — NYU Abu Dhabi, the branch of the famed New York university, blocked journalists on Sunday night from filming a graduation address by former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in the capital of the United Arab Emirates.
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars 1,001 IP invention projects Story” Kerry could have told this Story to the NYU grads in UAE... Every Starbucks in the USA + World Wide with iMac's costing $13,384.
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars. Mr. Kerry’s aides have grown concerned that — WHO MD's have diagnosed a Warrior but not for Star Wars Exodus to the Near Stars that “everyone thinks” deserves a Nobel Peace Prize - Hero Jews must be a POW. Kerry's expectation of a Nobel he never had, ever! Yale-Kerry Medical School could have been paid for by Kerry's rich wife in 1980, or 2018. “If Trump is truly expecting to see a hand over of nuclear weapons in six months, without anything in return, that is very unrealistic,” Unrealistic In 2011, its leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, was overthrown, dragged from a ditch and killed. The North Koreans noticed, and much of the statement issued last week was a denunciation of Mr. Bolton and a vow never to bend to “great powers” seeking a similar deal. 9/11 was Masterminded by the King of Saudi Arabia and a few Princes, some who visited Bush at his Texas Ranch. Trump sees Mr. Kim as a player as a 'Player' next to Bill + Melinda Gates at the Qatar Trump Casino Roulette Wheel not the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's for North Korea. Kerry will let 100 kids die in Hot Cars in the Summer of 2018 in Boston! A War Crime that should be a Disney Pixar Movie. By Salman Masood. ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — At least 65 people have died in recent days from a suffocating heat wave that has afflicted Karachi, Pakistan’s sprawling southern port metropolis, the charitable foundation that runs the city’s central morgue said Monday. Government officials did not confirm the figure but exhorted residents of Karachi, a city of 15 million, to take precautions because of the heat. Qatar + BP Oil are Warrior King's Hurricane's + Baby killers (in Hot Cars this Summer). Your 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's have A/C 24/7.
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Mr. Trump’s aides have grown concerned that the president — who has said that “everyone thinks” he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts — has signaled that he wants the summit meeting too much. The aides also worry that Mr. Kim, sensing the president’s eagerness, is prepared to offer assurances that will fade over time.
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” USA $128,400. USA Social Security doesn't give you credit for any earnings above the taxable limit $128,400 income for several years when it determines your retirement benefit amount, so there's a maximum amount you can get in Social Security benefits, regardless of your income. In 2018, the maximum you can get in benefits if you're at the maximum taxable earnings $128,400 limit and you wait to claim until age 70 is $3,698.
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Kerry could have told this to the NYU grads in UAE. Or even Yale and Harvard Grads. $3,698 in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, where Bill + Melinda Gates have their 2nd home, grin. Not Key West. Kerry will out live McCain to see the USA social Security pass a minimum wage of $3,698 with no deduction for Medicare. Yes I get $720 a month and 2 White Men at SS HQ take out $101 a month for Medicare, add $150 deductible I have to pay first before I see a MD and a $25 co-pay to the MD. This Culture of Violence on USA Citizens kills thousands of Seniors in 2018. Wrongful Deaths and the Prince from Qatar and Bill Gates will testify at the war crimes trials in Boston when the USA has a Windfall of $777 Trillion for its Citizens not the Citizens of Qatar!
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Not Part of McCain's Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies. Warrior's for Star Wars Culture Jewish Aliens at Proxima Centauri would have rewritten McCain's Last Rites Book cowritten with Pope Francis on Our Universe.
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars 1,001 IP invention projects Story”
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Culture of Violence, Drunks, DUI Road Kill was sold to Shanghai Ruling Class. Shanghai beer festival highlights growing taste for quality brews. The 2018 Craft Beer of China Exhibition features lots of smaller breweries staking their claim in a rapidly changing market that will eventually ruined 100 million lives in Shanghai. Hemingway and Martha Gullhorn were in Shanghai. I will quote them.
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Chicago installing $33 million in new HD security cameras with no audio, iCop can't stop and talk to you on cameras!!
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Koo Bon-moo, the chairman of South Korea’s fourth-largest conglomerate who transformed a local producer of cheap appliance into a global tech and chemical powerhouse over two decades, has died. He was 73. Koo died Sunday at 9:52 a.m. Seoul time as he did not seek extension of life after falling ill a year ago. Chairman Koo underwent multiple brain surgeries in recent years. None at Yale Key West Medical School.
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Campbell Soup: Steel tariffs will be zero in their Star Wars instant heat packaging. Or instant cold for 'cold' soups. Campbell Soup; Diet + Espresso will be best sellers. Along with Chocolate Soup. Soy Bean Soup with 100g of protein.
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story” Boeing CEO says some airlines will not 'survive' the winter due to elevated oil prices when Boeing 999 should be flying into Orbit for 15 minutes then landing in Paris from JFK. Elevated Oil Prices and Prince Salman are the War Criminals Here! Cuba could order a few Boeing 999 for several thousand down and a couple thousand a month payments.
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story”
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars 1,001 IP invention projects Story”
5-21-2018 Exhaustive; “Solo: A Star Wars Story”
$5 Rx Diet Latte Recipe's not in the London Starbucks, 2 White Men at Amgen are working on the $6,900 dollar insulin pen for her diet.
5-20-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway House Writing Class on iMac's $13,384; US demanding the complete denuclearization of North Korea... When City Hall Key West demands no writing class at the Hemingway House. coincidence the Warrior behind City Hall died from minor surgery in Miami when Yale Key West Medical School in 2011 was bomb by him, God sent WindmillCAR then God sent 'Super Conductivity' for its 'Windmills' 12 Trillion volts not 12 volts. Allah is the only one who believes the $777 Trillion from Kerry and the Pentagon was a God Send to Qatar!
5-20-2018 Exhaustive 'imaging' 50 local galaxies!!
“Solo: A Star Wars Story”
'Hemingway House Writing Class on iMac's $13,384' A Key West Invention Packed Movie + Nobel Novel. Ending in a Victory for Star Wars!
5-20-2018 Exhaustive 'imaging' 50 local galaxies!! “Solo: A Star Wars Story” answers all of these questions and more. This isn’t a bad thing, but it makes this episode, directed by Ron Howard from a screenplay by Jonathan Kasdan and Lawrence Kasdan, a curiously low-stakes blockbuster, in effect a filmed Wikipedia page. (The film played the Cannes Film Festival on Tuesday; it opens May 25.)
5-20-2018 Disney Pixar Fox Movie! "Exhaustive Hemingway House Writing Class Inventive Nobel Novels" on iMac's $13,384; Yes a long title for a Disney Movie, grin. But you will invent the gravity engine after this long 2 hrs 48 min movie! Opening scenes... hot-wiring cars and making out with his girlfriend, Qi’ra (Emilia Clarke). The opening scenes carry a faint whiff of the burning rubber, gasoline and adolescent hormones of “American Graffiti,” the 1973 car-crazy coming-of-age picture directed by George Lucas and starring Mr. Howard (with a young Harrison Ford as well).
5-20-2018 Winds of... 'KE6V' License plate of a Wounded Warrior killing Children with a gas engine car in Public
5-20-2018 Winds of... As Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Wed, a New Era Dawns on BP Oil's Black Death of Smog's Plague in London, Paris, Rome. Will Pope Francis or a Hero Jew Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's into Exodus to Proxima Centauri with gravity engine Ford's?
5-20-2018 Winds of Qatar + BP Oil are Warrior King's Hurricane's + Baby killers (in Hot Cars this Summer). Your 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's have A/C 24/7 and 1,001 other high tech accessories only found on F-35 Fighter Jets today.
"To Have Have Not" Starbucks with an iMac that cost $13,384 in Profits invested in Customers!
"To Have Have Not" Starbucks with an iMac that cost $13,384 in Profits invested in Customers!
"To Have Have Not" 4 Ivanka's, hysterical breast cancer woman in your face!! I want my Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks Now! 1.7 million new cases in 2018 and not a Korea Game Changer Ending as Korean Talks don't talk about hysterical women with breast cancer but Trump making Kim a 'Rich Man' with dead women from Breast Cancers.
"To Have Have Not" Every Starbucks in the USA + World Wide with iMac's that costing $13,384 in Profits invested in Customers 1,001 IP invention projects a Disney Pixar Movie! iMac running scenarios about how likely they are to get 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's to go Viral on Facebook! iMac running scenarios about how likely they are to confiscate $777 Trillion in Miami gas station hold up loot from Qatar + Saudi Arabia for American Women to Drive on June 24.
U.S. Wants to Restart Nuclear Talks With Iran, but Hasn’t Budged on Demands - demand to forever limit Iran’s nuclear program.
"To Have Have Not" 4 Ivanka's, hysterical breast cancer woman Demands... grave's at Arlington, Admirals refused to bury breast cancer women in a field of Honor! 40K in 2018.
5-20-2018 Winds of... Melania Trump Returns to White House in 'High Spirits' After Kidney Procedure. The White House said Saturday morning that the first lady, Melania Trump, had returned home after spending almost five days at Walter Reed .. The New York Times. Yale Key West Medical School Students are not in High Spirits without Milania's 'Secret' diagnosis and what if Walter Reed MD's missed something a Yale Key West Medical School Student might catch and save her from being tortured, or sudden death of a cardiac arrest?
5-20-2018 Exhaustive 12 Trillion galaxies - Married in the Eyes of God! Dysfunctional Wounded Warriors have Murdered God + Culture of Married in the Eyes of God. Dysfunctional Bill + Melinda Gates, Prince Harry + Meghan Markle exposed by the Richest City in the World, Qatar. British India lost everything to this 'Mastermind' who gave away everything of value to Qatar. What were they selling to the British + American King + Prince? Cash on Pallets for Kerry and his rich wife to ship to Cuba, grin. 40 year old 737 bought from Qatar. Hand-Me-Down Plane That Crashed Reflects a Cuban Air Industry in Crisis, Dysfunctional as Miami, Cuba gas station hold ups! Both old technology, 737 Jets, 777 and newer Models are being delivered to Qatar. Rich Cuban's in Miami have just landed at the Qatar Trump Casino. Yale Cuba Medical School Towers, 40,000 built in Cuba not Qatar. Dysfunctional 'Master Minds' at work. As Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Wed, a New Era Dawns, Married to the King Warrior in Times of Star Wars Gravity Engines + 400 Times faster than the speed of light. Fate of the Jew Hero's Exodus to Proxima Centauri.
5-20-2018 Exhaustive Qatar, SANTA FE, Tex. — Just outside the ceramics storeroom where Trenton Beazley huddled on the floor, his classmates and substitute teacher from first-period art lay dead. A gunman stalked back and forth between two adjoining classrooms inside Santa Fe High School, firing blast after blast. Lets Face it he was Masterminded by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. Like millions of their peers, the students here grew up in the shadow of Oil Men in Times of Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's spin off Gravity Engines brainstormed as it goes viral for millions of HS kids.
5-20-2018 Exhaustive 12 Trillion galaxies - Married in the Eyes of God! Dysfunctional. Mr. Pagourtzis’ ex-girlfriend was a student in his art class, and that she was shot and killed in the art room. “I think she was sitting at the table with her back facing the door and she was the very first one,”
5-20-2018 Exhaustive 12 Trillion galaxies - Gunmen Attack Church in Russia’s Chechnya Region, Killing 3
5-20-2018 Exhaustive 12 Trillion galaxies - Attack on Cricket Match in Afghanistan Kills at Least 8
...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent The Alien Wedding to Observe Technology. Jewish Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!
5-20-2018 Exhaustive; Civilian gun culture is a dysfunctional, British Jew's are not selling t-shirts at the Royal Wedding with "Thou Shall Not Kill" but 'Born to Kill Warriors!!!' Caught before the sudden death of Trumps Wife, the Warriors on their way home from Baghdad.
Civilian gun culture has been wed by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. "Thou Shall Not Kill" will be the title of the Next '1984' Novel.
5-20-2018 Exhaustive 12 Trillion galaxies - We should set aside for a minute our demand that it disarm before any other negotiation. The News Isn’t Fake. But It’s Flawed for a very good reason: 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. 12 Trillion Galaxies in our Universe that are flawed in not going viral at the ending of CBS Nightly News. $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues is not Fake News.
5-20-2018 Exhaustive 12 Trillion galaxies - Melania Trump Returns to White House After Kidney Procedure. Medical School Students at the Yale Key West Medical School and Dr. Lisa MD want her secret file releases so any misdiagnosis can be caught before the sudden death of Trumps Wife.
5-20-2018 Exhaustive 12 Trillion galaxies - After Deadly New Jersey Crash, Scrutinizing the Safety of School Buses. Officials stressed that buses are the safest way to carry students, though seatbelts are still not required in most states. Seat Belts for a Bus Driver who failed the 'driver' test, like Yale MD's who really failed but were passed with flying colors. Making a illegal U turn in a school bus - the iCop in the bus would have taken control of driving the bus if it were a 2018 Ford Air Ride Mac School Bus. This USA school bus took off from Havana and crashed because of the driver and old technology. iCop in the bus and car takes control of driving when the driver is drunk or a idiot making a Illegal U turn.
5-20-2018 Exhaustive 12 Trillion galaxies - Editorial NY Times, censored out of course is the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV for India and Pakistan. "A Long Shot in Kashmir. A planned cease-fire for the holy month of Ramadan offers India and Pakistan a slim chance to start a peace process in a place of perpetual conflict. A Long Drive in a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR or RV for Billions in India, Pakistan + China.
5-20-2018 Winds of Qatar + BP Oil are Warrior King's Hurricane's + Baby killers (in Hot Cars this Summer) in India, Pakistan + China.
5-20-2018 Exhaustive 12 Trillion galaxies -
Exhaustive $5 Rx Migraine Latte or The drug, Aimovig, made by Amgen and Novartis, is a monthly injection with a device similar to an insulin pen. The list price will be $6,900 a year. Ivanka orders the $5 Starbucks Migraine Latte, Trump orders the $6,900 Amgen Rx for Qatar Citizens with a Migraine from the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's, grin!!
5-19-2018 Exhaustive iWife's inventing! Qatar Wedding with 4 Wife's is not the same Quality of life as a Royal British Wedding Today as gas engine Rolls Royce walked her down the aside to Hell Driving a Gas Engine RR. Start their wedding with a sin gift from BP Oil. ‘I’m American. I Hug.’ Meghan Markle’s Looming Impact on the British Monarchy. For decades, traditionalist and modernizers have dueled inside Britain’s royal family. Ms. Markle, who marries Prince Harry on Saturday, could tip the balance. By ELLEN BARRY Ellen Barry at the NY Times censored out BP Oil is giving away the bride to Prince Harry $$$. Meghan Markle is Driving to Windsor, Windsor Galaxy is not listed at Oxford. Soul-Mate's for 4 trillion years in a British Universe Void of 12 Trillion Galaxies! British Jew's are not selling t-shirts at the Royal Wedding with "Thou Shall Not Kill" but 'Born to Kill Warriors!!!' Pope Francis to decide fate of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's... sent as Wedding Gifts from the Vatican. Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Gravity Engine Car was invented in Key West by Greg + Wife's! Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks... 'Driven by Wife's' Day and Night, invent it for US. Wedding at the Hemingway House Key West the Nobel Novel will be finished by Midnight.
...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent The Alien Wedding to Observe Technology. Jewish Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!
5-19-2018 Exhaustive iWomen will be allowed to drive starting on June 24.
5-19-2018 Exhaustive Women will be in a traffic 'accident' on June 24. Quality of life with 2 White Men at 1984 HQ or 1,001 Inventors to stop traffic 'accidents' first written up in a Hemingway House Writing Class Novel in Key West on iMac's $13,384. "A man was struck by a Conch Tour Train about 7 p.m. Thursday near the corner of Truman Avenue and White Street and the area was closed to traffic for more than two hours as Key West Police investigated. According to witnesses, the pedestrian was seriously injured. The man was taken by air ambulance to a Miami hospital, according to police. As of 10 p.m. Thursday, police believe the man was still alive, according to police spokeswoman Alyson Crean. The man appeared to have stepped in front of the train, but police called the investigation Thursday night preliminary."
5-19-2018 Exhaustive imaging or 50 local galaxies; Qatar Wedding with 4 Wife's is not the same Quality of life as a Royal British Wedding Today. "Soul-Mate's" Prince Harry's wounded warriors...
5-19-2018 Exhaustive imaging or 50 local galaxies; Yale – the Women Faculty Forum, Working Women’s Network, the Yale University Women’s Organization, Yale Women’s Campaign School, Yale Women Innovators, Smart Women Securities, and Women Empowering Women Leadership Conference. Yale MD Women at the Yale Key West Medical School elite Diagnosis via $1 Trillion dollar IBM Super Computer at Los Alamos. Yale Men would not buy these MD women a $100 million dollar IBM Super Computer at Yale Campus yet they have $22 Billion in BP Oil Stocks earning money for Yale University not Yale Medical School. 2 White Men of course who failed in the Real World. Don't all asleep driving home from their business lecture. Nobel In Economics like Jimmy Carters Nobel Peace Prize, a scam.
$5 Rx Diet Latte Recipe's not in the Yale Starbucks, 2 White Men at Yale-Amgen are working on the $6,900 dollar insulin pen for Yale Women's Rx diet Recipe not a $5 Diet Latte.
5-19-2018 Exhaustive imaging or 50 local galaxies — by "local," I mean nearby the way astronomers think of it, so galaxies closer than about 40 million light-years. Hubble can resolve stars in galaxies that close, so individual stars can be identified, as well as hot stars in clusters.
5-19-2018 Exhaustive imaging or 50 local galaxies; Qatar Quality of Life vs Santa Fe - Dimitrios Pagourtzis shooting at Santa Fe High School Qatar that left at least 10 dead and 10 more wounded. A t-shirt with the words "Born To Kill" is pictured in a screenshot from the Facebook social media account of Dimitrios Pagourtzis bought at the Qatar Trump Casino. Jews are not selling t-shirts in Key West with "Thou Shall Not Kill" 2 White Men at City Hall voted this t-shirt down, ha.
5-19-2018 Exhaustive imaging or 50 local galaxies - Local Jimmy Carter Nuke Shootings at Santa Fe. Texas School Shooting: 10 Dead, 10 Hurt, and Many Not Surprised It Happened
“I’ve always kind of felt like eventually it was going to happen here, too,” said one student after the massacre at Santa Fe High School. By MANNY FERNANDEZ, RICHARD FAUSSET and JESS BIDGOOD - Jimmy Carter will be the only one who felt like eventually it would never happen, brain cancer has been war cancer in Jimmy Carter and it beheaded Kim Wall too. 40 Nukes on the USS Jimmy Carter will be shot...
5-19-2018 Exhaustive imaging or 50 local galaxies - Hundreds of Apps Can Empower Stalkers to Track Their Victims GPS. By JENNIFER VALENTINO-DeVRIES 100 million iPhone X Dash Cams in their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's with iCop's who can talk to them, write am iTicket. Drive their car on auto pilot to the Jail. Grin. Homeland Security is a Scam, even Mary Trump beaten and robbed in Queens on Mothers Day 2018 will testify in her wrongful death... sue her son, Ha. Trump will Tweet the Windmills don't spin when the car is stopped.
5-19-2018 Exhaustive imaging or 50 local galaxies - Pope Francis to decide fate of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's...
"All of Chile’s Catholic Bishops Offer to Quit Over Sex Abuse Scandal. After an emergency meeting with Pope Francis, the bishops tendered their resignations and asked forgiveness for “grave errors.” The pope will decide their fate." By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO
5-19-2018 Exhaustive imaging or 50 local galaxies - Pope Francis to decide fate of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's...
5-19-2018 Exhaustive imaging or 50 local galaxies - Win 10 taught us Bill + Melinda Gates are Thugs who drive gas engine cars, run over children with diesel exhaust, ship by Amazon Prime wood burning stoves to Africa today. Today 'Wood + Gasoline' when super conductivite GE electric generators that generate 12 Trillion Jolts Volts Amps are secret files in Greg's Amazon Book - What the Microsoft Antitrust Case Taught Us" Two decades later, we shouldn't forget the dangers of dominant 'White Men' in technology companies. By RICHARD BLUMENTHAL and TIM WU
5-19-2018 Exhaustive imaging or 50 local galaxies - Correction, How McCain, Biden, Jimmy Carter have been doing other things... EDITORIAL "How Congress Has Dithered as the Innocent Get Shot" Get Diesel in their DNA. More than 1,600 mass shootings have taken place in America since the Sandy Hook massacre. Correction, How McCain, Biden, Jimmy Carter have been doing other things... watching fiery cop car and SUV wrecks on VIP Google's YouTube for 2 White Men at 1984 HQ.
5-19-2018 Exhaustive 12 Trillion galaxies -
5-19-2018 Exhaustive imaging or 50 local galaxies -
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Jew Hero's convert Muslims to 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's + Jewishism. 'Thank the 12 Trillion Galaxy Party!'
5-18-2018 Exhaustive North Korea," Trump's deal would allow Kim to continue "running his country" and allow it to become "very rich." without the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's for the mass of Koreans. Will Kim let his grand kids get Diesel in their DNA in a Trump Deal for being rich, as Alaska, Texas, grandparents did? Bush grandpa's let their grand children get cancers and birth defects for Texas Oil money. Jimmy Carter's grand kids have already died from gas exhaust in their DNA, and Jimmy Carter out lived them. God is Great!
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384. School bus torn apart in dump truck collision, killing 2. A school bus taking children on a field trip to a historic site collided with a dump truck on Thursday, ripping the bus apart and killing a student and a teacher.
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384. Exhaustive Dump Truck Crash's. 100 Dead this week in traffic accidents which are no longer called accidents by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. Rudy Giuliani and two staffers strike passing pedicab driver while opening SUV door - 3 White Men in NYC. She told cops she crashed because she dropped her cellphone in the car. Rudy Giuliani and two staffers strike down any and all inventions!
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Car Deaths and 2 White Men at 1984 HQ are driving to Qatar Trump Casino today. Ms. Miles was walking with her friend Lauren Lew and their two young children across Ninth Street on March 5 when a car rolled through a red light and accelerated. Abigail died along with Ms. Lew’s 1-year-old son, Charles, who was in a stroller. (At the time, the police said Abigail was 4.) The Brooklyn district attorney’s office said on Thursday that no additional charges will be filed against the driver, Dorothy Bruns, who prosecutors said had ignored repeated warnings from doctors telling her not to drive because she was prone to seizures. MD orders would have been recorded in Ms Burns 2018 Ford WindmillCAR and she would not have been driving but in a taxi. This is 3 wrongful deaths by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ in NYC.
Greg's link to a Big Long Web page with Dr. Katrina and a Gasoline Tanker Head on crash on 7 mile Bridge with Mom Dad and 2 kids in the spot of fire in front of the Gasoline Tanker truck, look close
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384. Exhaustive Traffic with 2 White Men at 1984 HQ looking forward to their Drive to the Qatar Trump Casino not writing a Hemingway Novel titled "Traffic" "In Traffic With Trump Dump Trucks" Radar at every intersection, on every Dump Truck, 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV. No gas engine cars on the roads in the USA but they are still driven in Qatar. Quality of Life Coup on Qatar and Key West. By Alex Wilson Key West Citizen May 18, 2018 "A head-on collision on U.S. 1 near Mile Marker 47 left one person dead and another in critical condition Thursday morning. Around 1:45 a.m., Emily N. Andrefsky, 32, was traveling southbound when she veered into the northbound lane on U.S. 1 and collided with Jarrod M. Branscum, 22"
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384. Exhaustive Politics of killing and getting Oil Revenues from Baghdad. Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was forced from power in 2011 with the help of NATO forces just eight years after striking a deal with the U.S. to give up his nuclear weapons. He was captured and killed that same year. Every week since 2 White Men at 1984 HQ have gotten $300 million from Baghdad Oil Revenues and the NY Times was ordered by Trump Thugs not to report this. "The Libyan model of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR isn't a model that we have at all when we are thinking of North Korea," Trump's deal would allow Kim to continue "running his country" and allow it to become "very rich." without the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's for the mass of Koreans. Will Kim let his grand kids get Diesel in their DNA in a Trump Deal for being rich, as Alaska, Texas, grandparents did? Bush grandpa's let their grand children get cancers and birth defects for Texas Oil money. A War Crime in the Next Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel.
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384.
Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; US demanding the complete denuclearization of North Korea...
Ivanka a hysterical breast cancer woman in your face!! I want my Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks!
"To Have Have Not" 4 Ivanka's, hysterical breast cancer woman in your face!! I want my Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks! 1.7 million new cases in 2018 and not a Korea Game Changer Ending!
"To Have Have Not" 4 Ivanka's, hysterical breast cancer woman in your face!! I want my Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks! 1.7 million new cases in 2018 and not a Korea Game Changer Ending!
5-18-2018 Exhaustive NASA Class IP invention projects and they don't have a list of 1,001 invention projects or Novels being written about 'Water' Invention, everything from catching and freezing rainwater to -284 to desalting water in your 2018 Ford WindmillRV to washing laundry inventions using water and Star Wars soap. Tide Soap Pods filled with H2O that expands with the instant cement for Star Wars Cement Mixed with water. NASA reveals major changes in worldwide water availability "This is the first time that we've used observations from multiple satellites in a thorough assessment of how freshwater availability is changing, everywhere on ... Humans Are Changing the Location of Water Around the World, NASA Says. The location of fresh water around the world is continually changing, and humans are the driving force behind the moves, according to a new study by NASA... Greg + Wife's in Key West are the Windmill Driving force of Novels and Inventions using water and they will be listed on this web page long before NASA does. Just changing water into H and O in Star Wars is nothing like how NASA does this today.
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Qatar vs Texas Quality of Life + Death. 5 dead: Texas man kills ex-wife's 3 children & her boyfriend before killing himself. Oil Rig was in their front yard. By CHARLES V. BAGLI "The company run by Jared Kushner’s family is close to getting a bail out of its troubled flagship tower in Midtown Manhattan by a company tied to Qatar’s government." T.S.A. Watch List Targets Misbehavior at Airport Security unless you are from Qatar or Saudi Arabia the real owners of the Airport and Boeing Planes.
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Jew Hero's convert Muslims to 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's + Jewishism. 'Thank the Party!' China tries to brainwash Muslims in camps
Since last spring, Chinese authorities in the heavily Muslim region of Xinjiang have ensnared tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of Muslim Chinese — and ... 'Permanent cure': Inside the re-education camps China is using to brainwash Muslims
A ethnic Uyghur woman sweeps outside her house on July 1, 2017 in the old town of Kashgar, in the far western Xinjiang province, her 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's all have Jewish names, grin.
5-18-2018 Exhaustive From 'Crossfire Hurricane' to 'Tin Panda,' a look at notable FBI code names. Oil Well, WindmillCAR, Breast C, A Rolling Stones song reportedly inspired the top-secret “Operation Crossfire Hurricane” code name used by FBI officials
5-18-2018 Exhaustive EBOLA is a game changer on CBS Nightly news going viral.
5-18-2018 Exhaustive NASA Class IP invention projects; "Shari Redstone and Leslie Moonves Have Starring Roles in a Corporate War" "In the morning, a judge’s decision went against the CBS executive. Later in the day, there was a tense board meeting at the CBS Building." By MICHAEL J. de la MERCED and JOHN KOBLIN
5-18-2018 Exhaustive NASA Class IP invention projects; Shari E. Redstone and the CBS chief executive Leslie Moonves, whose careers have been entwined for nearly 20 years, while no one at CBS Nightly News or any of their Wife's drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to CBS building in NYC. A War Crime! Fate of 8 million in NYC with gas engine cars went to Hell at CBS. "Fate of two of the world’s most prominent media and entertainment companies, CBS and Viacom is like Baghdad oil money each week for 2 White Men. Ms. Redstone ousted the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's from CBS TV shows. Ms Moonves did too. CBS Building, known as Black Rock, in Midtown Manhattan. According to a person familiar with the gathering, who was not authorized to discuss it publicly, a few of the 14 participants dialed in by phone. Ms. Redstone and Mr. Moonves were both present. The mood was tense. The day before the meeting, Ms. Redstone had changed the board’s bylaws to require a 90 percent supermajority for any motion to carry. With the 3 people voting against the attempt to lessen Ms. Redstone’s share, CBS had only 78 percent of the vote. 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's have 100% of the vote from 8 million who live in NYC. 2 White Men at 1984 HQ voted against 8 million in NYC and another 8 million in Paris. A War Crime!
5-18-2018 Exhaustive NASA Class IP invention projects; $5 Rx Migraine Latte or The drug, Aimovig, made by Amgen and Novartis, is a monthly injection with a device similar to an insulin pen. The list price will be $6,900 a year, and Amgen said the drug will be available to patients within a week. The first medicine designed to prevent migraines. The first Starbucks Latte's to stop Hangovers + Migraines. $5. Aimovig blocks a protein fragment, CGRP, that instigates and perpetuates migraines. Starbucks Migraine Latte blocks $777 billion in profits from Amgen, grin. One in seven people worldwide experience migraines, among them 37 million Americans — as many as 20 percent of women, and Amgen wants all 37 million in the USA to pay them $6,900, well all in Qatar who have Migraines. Ha $$$ City Hall Migraines Qatar vs Key West.
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Qatar vs Key West Quality of life! Raids on the former Malaysia prime minister’s residences netted 72 suitcases of cash, jewels and other valuables, as well as 284 boxes of handbags... he was on his way to the Qatar Trump Casino.
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Qatar Quality of Life from gas station hold ups in Miami, Cuba;
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Qatar Quality of Life from gas station hold ups in Miami, Cuba;
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Qatar Quality of Life from gas station hold ups in Miami, Cuba;
5-18-2018 Exhaustive Qatar Quality of Life from gas station hold ups in Miami, Cuba;
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; US demanding the complete denuclearization of North Korea...
Ivanka a hysterical breast cancer woman in your face!! I want my Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks!
"To Have Have Not" 4 Ivanka's, hysterical breast cancer woman in your face!! I want my Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks! 1.7 million new cases in 2018 and not a Korea Game Changer Ending!
4 Ivanka's hysterical breast cancer woman in your face, Kim + Trump's!! "In the United States, 266,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected in 2018, and nearly 41,000 deaths. Globally, the most recent statistics come from 2012, when there were 1.7 million new cases. The women in the study had early-stage breast cancer, meaning it had not spread to bones or organs — stages 1, 2 and 3. The findings do not apply to women with more advanced disease that has spread, Stage 4. Those patients need a longer course of treatment, Dr. Earl said." Dr. Jennifer Litton, an associate professor of breast medical oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, gas exhaust HQ causing many breast cancers. Houston Oil Men Criminals. For Women With Early Breast Cancer, Herceptin Treatment Can Be Much Shorter" Save $75,000, well save a few thousand. By Denise Grady NY Times. The Rx Pink Latte will not cost $75,000 at Starbucks. “I have personally seen congestive heart failure caused by Herceptin,” Dr. Brawley said.
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; Ivanka demanding the complete cancer cure, Breast, Ovarian, cervix, put the Nukes at Los Alamos in Storage... I want a Pink Rx Recipe and paint the Key West City Hall Pink, sober up Dad. You had enough of hysterical women in your face!! Unsavory comments made about the 'War on Breast Cancer' vs McCain's Wounded Warriors going to Hell anyway. 72 Virgin Bride Cheer Leaders are for Kim not Trump. God is Great inventing 12 Trillion Galaxies and $777 Trillion in oil revenues.
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; But all of those issues are old news, and there may well be a different strategy at play... In 1996 he suffered a heart attack at his gym and underwent quintuple bypass surgery. Dr. Lisa MD would have caught this in her diagnosis and exam. Fortune 500 Company's Alerts to Cardiac Arrest and a long list of missed diagnosis until its to late is now in Star Wars Times and soon in the NY Times Editorials soon as the Editors are required to have a MD from Yale Key West Medical School. How Tom Wolfe Changed My Life, life of billions of people who will never have a heart attack at the Star Wars Gym on the treadmill or iMac Treadmill in their corner office of a Fortune 500 Company. Dr. Lisa MD is working Exhaustively on this today in her art of the diagnosis before the treadmill heart attack by TSA scanners.
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; Pompeo asked Kim to send five nuclear devices to France to be dismantled. Gina asked France to end gas stations Nation wide! Start a Manhattan Project for French Children with Diesel in their DNA. A War Crime! A Paris Mom took her baby out in the Paris gas exhaust...
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; India Ruling Class will be "Fasting" for 2018 on the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's for the Untouchable Class. A War Crime! "India Ruling Caste Declares a Rare Cease-Fire in Kashmir for Ramadan" For the first time in 15 years, the Indian government has called a halt to military operations during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, hoping to revive peace talks. By SAMEER YASIR and JEFFREY GETTLEMAN By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS "The president unspooled a lengthy diatribe before TV cameras, warning that dangerous people were clamoring to breach the United States’ borders and castigating Mexico." Not the Mexican Oil Men who could have made Mexicans Rich as Qatar and still can when Ivanka confiscates their $777 Trillion in oil money behind Trumps back... hacking!
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384. Rx Diet Latte Recipe not in the London Starbucks store. More Fabric, More Money? British Retailer Is Accused of Charging ‘Fat Tax’ "A customer’s discovery that the British retailer was charging more for larger sizes set off accusations of discrimination. By CEYLAN YEGINSU Accusations of missed diagnosis for high risk of breast cancer... she failed HS anatomy in London. Oh she didn't have to take anatomy in London schools."
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; "Back in the USA Baghdad Vets grand children died of diesel caused cancers and no law suit was filed by Vet Dad. Last week, U.S. veterans asked a federal appeals court to reinstate their lawsuit against a military contractor for exposing them to toxic emissions from burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan." By SETH HARP
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; In Qatar T.S.A. Screeners are Not Threatening, In the USA Assaults against travelers dignity because they don't have $777 Trillion in Miami Gas Station hold up money!
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384.
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384. Famous Women who never got to drive a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR or RV in a Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel. New Play About Gloria Steinem to Open Off Broadway in October. The first act will depict Ms. Steinem’s life and career; the second will be a “talking circle” for the audience." By MICHAEL PAULSON Exhaustive Hemingway House Writing Class Novel Drew Barrymore’s ‘Little Girl Lost’
It’s more than just a memoir: It’s logistically stupefying, touching and absolutely packed with choice -’80s Invention of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's lost to the rich little girl's life in this Novel.
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384. "Gunmen kill director of Dangote Cement plant in Ethiopia. Business Insider" Inventors kill 'Cement' trucks for Star Wars Instant Cement invented in Key West by Greg + Wife's in a Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel.
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384. Qatar has 40,000 Trump Towers that will burn from bottom to top! Grenfell Tower, a 24-storey London social housing block, was engulfed in flames after fire broke out in the middle of the night. An aluminum cladding with a combustible plastic core is thought to have contributed to the rapid spread of the fire. London building code for Heavy Lift Helicopter Fire Trucks invented on this web page could have been ready to put out the fire. And Fire Fighting Elevators on the outside of the buildings with robot arms to move the Elevator this way and that to fight a fire using the Elevator on the outside of the Trump Tower.
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384. Trillions of dollars spent on Memphis Belle, $$$ spent + several years undergoing a piece-by-piece rehabilitation. The plane was celebrated for being the first bomber to survive 25 missions over occupied Europe and return to the U.S. iMac's @ $13,384 for Mary Belle, not on these 2 White Men's spending spree for military planes.
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384. Dermatologists warn of deadly form of skin cancer. MD do not order TSA screeners to scan for skin cancer at JFK. Wrongful death law suits against TSA will win trillions.
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384. Ironic Warren Buffett Dead of Cardiac Arrest before the iPhone X alarm's go off - He would love to own '100 percent' of Apple — and now he's the company's 2nd largest shareholder. "New iPhone Leak 'Confirms' Apple's Radical Design." Forbes. Not a Cardiac Arrest alarm 30 minutes before the Heart Attack. Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384. will get this invention in a brainstorming Novel piece by piece. Chapter by Chapter. Call by Call.
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class; iMac's @ $13,384.
5-17-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class;
Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class Projects in 2018 by Gina Haspel Likely to Be Confirmed as C.I.A. Chief After Repudiating Gas + Diesel Engine Car's! Gina Haspel wrote a Nobel Novel about the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's marked 'Secret.'
Winds of Proxima Centauri 'Interstellar Verizon Cell Calls' will be invented in Key West by Greg + Wife's
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class Projects in 2018 Torture of Breast Cancer women by Gina goes on Today at Starbucks a New Secret Non fiction Novel! Pink @ Starbucks!! Hysterical women with breast cancer walks into Starbucks Trump Towers... plot! Ivanka is this Hysterical Women in the fiction edition.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class Projects in 2018 After refusing at her confirmation hearing to condemn the C.I.A.’s use of torture after 9/11, she wrote in a letter that the agency should Driven the 2018 or 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to Baghdad but wanted kickbacks for the $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues instead of a Star Wars WindmillCAR + RV. A war crime.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Manhattan Project. Iran, Saudi Arabia and Modern Hatreds Fueled by money from Miami Gas Stations $$$ By Nader Hashemi and Danny Postel
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class Projects in 2018 'Interstellar Verizon Cell Calls Invented in Key West' Title of the Nobel Novel. Tom Wolff's missed Novel. Non fiction.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Manhattan Project; Tom Wolfe use of novelistic techniques in his nonfiction, Mr. Wolfe, beginning in the 1960s, helped create the enormously influential hybrid known as the New Journalism. William F. Buckley Jr., writing in National Review, put it more simply: “He is probably the most skillful writer in America — I mean by that he can do more things with words than anyone else.” Hemingway House Writing Class iMac MacBook app that lets 100's write a Nobel Novel on the same page with an invention in every chapter. New Star Wars Hemingway Novel... invented by Greg + Wife's in Key West. Mr. Wolfe continued to observe his daily writing routine as well as the fitness regimen from which he rarely faltered. In 1996 he suffered a heart attack at his gym and underwent quintuple bypass surgery. Dr. Lisa MD would have caught this in her diagnosis and exam. Fortune 500 Company's send everyone to the Hemingway House Writing class to write 1,001 IP Invention Projects.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Manhattan Project Proxima Centauri
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Manhattan Project. Iran, Saudi Arabia and Modern Hatreds Fueled by money from Miami Gas Stations $$$ By Nader Hashemi and Danny Postel
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Manhattan Project. Proxima Centauri Headline's a NYC Broadway Play
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Manhattan Projects not for Putin or Russia. Putin Plays Russian Roulette with Proxima Centauri. Putin Opens Bridge to Crimea, Cementing Russia’s Hold on Neighbor. Greg + Wife's in Key West will invent a way to make a Verizon interstellar Cell Call to Proxima Centauri cementing Key West Hold on Neighbor star.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Manhattan Project Proxima Centauri not for Putin or Russia
...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!
Exhaustive Manhattan Project Proxima Centauri not for Putin or Russia, unpredictable Jewish Aliens at Proxima Centauri.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Manhattan Project. Israeli Tear Gas and Deadly Gasoline and Diesel Exhaust
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Manhattan Project. Iran, Saudi Arabia and Modern Hatreds Fueled by money from Miami Gas Stations $$$ By Nader Hashemi and Danny Postel
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Manhattan Project. Mr. Hashemi and Mr. Postel are co-editors of “Exhaust Is Deadly in the USA, Sectarianization: Mapping the New Politics of the Middle East with No Gasoline Exhaust Victory by Greg + Wife's in Key West special Thanks to Dr. Lisa MD.”
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Manhattan Project; Tom Wolfe use of novelistic techniques in his nonfiction, Mr. Wolfe, beginning in the 1960s, helped create the enormously influential hybrid known as the New Journalism. William F. Buckley Jr., writing in National Review, put it more simply: “He is probably the most skillful writer in America — I mean by that he can do more things with words than anyone else.” Hemingway House Writing Class iMac MacBook app that lets 100's write a Nobel Novel on the same page with an invention in every chapter. New Star Wars Hemingway Novel... invented by Greg + Wife's in Key West. Mr. Wolfe continued to observe his daily writing routine as well as the fitness regimen from which he rarely faltered. In 1996 he suffered a heart attack at his gym and underwent quintuple bypass surgery. Dr. Lisa MD would have caught this in her diagnosis and exam. Fortune 500 Company's send everyone to the Hemingway House Writing class to write 1,001 IP Invention Projects.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class Novel here... Op-Ed Editor by Day, Whiskey Connoisseur by Night. An opinion editor reflects on the hobby-turned-passion that offers him a respite from policy stories. By CLAY RISEN Kidney, liver, brain autopsy. Hardly anyone was writing about whiskey but WHO at the UN and the NY Times was ordered by 2 White Men thugs to censor them for bar money. While the craft side of the spirits industry has since matured WHO at the UN was killed off by Thugs drinking Whiskey... and Meredith Meyer Grelli, co-founder and co-owner of Wigle Whiskey.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway House Writing Class Medical Novel... A diagnosis of EGE is given for counts over 30. The young woman had eosinophilic gastroenteritis.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway House Writing Class Novel Drew Barrymore’s ‘Little Girl Lost’
It’s more than just a memoir: It’s logistically stupefying, touching and absolutely packed with choice -’80s Invention of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's lost to the rich little girl's life in this Novel.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive!! ...running out of gas. This afternoon the person before me in my office isn’t a patient but a young physician; still, the clinical gaze doesn’t turn off, and I diagnose existential despair.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class Projects in 2018 Gasoline Car's at the Vatican at War. Pope Francis Wednesday called for peace and dialogue in the Middle East, which has faced increased violence during the transfer of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
“I am very worried and distressed by the escalation of tensions in the Holy Land and in the Middle East, and by the spiral of violence that is increasingly moving away from the path of peace, dialogue and negotiations,” the pope said Speaking at the end of the general audience, Francis expressed his sorrow for the dead and wounded, saying he is “close with prayer and affection to all those who suffer” and repeating that violence does not lead to peace. “War calls war, violence calls violence,” he said. “God have mercy on us!” Allah has $777 Trillion in Oil Money. Israelis + Pope Francis reflects on Gas Engine Cars and the Lost Peace of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's in Rome.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Facebook Says It Deleted 865 Million Posts, Mostly 1,001 IP invention projects, grin! Search Facebook for 1,001 IP you will not fine even one invention project. 2 White Men at Facebook did this deed.
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class Projects in 2018
5-16-2018 Exhaustive Hemingway Writing Class Projects in 2018
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years, First Interstellar War on Earth in 2018! Star Wars 'Interstellar Verizon Cell Call' invented in Key West by Greg + Wife's.
5-15-2018 Jerusalem Winds of Proxima Centauri...
5-15-2018 New Embassy in Jerusalem and No Sign of Peace because Ivanka didn't go viral with Proxima Centauri... at the Embassy. Trump will get the Nobel Peace Prize for Korea. Ivanka lost her chance for the Jerusalem Nobel Peace Prize. Proxima Centauri... Nobel for the King of Sweden, I would not bet on this, grin. The King is at the Qatar Trump Casino not working on inventing interstellar Verizon Cell Calls.
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri... Is a Complication for Trump, and a Complication for Middle East Peace with a Jew Hero driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's to Times Square the 2 White Men in front of the NY Times waiting for a ride to Winds of Proxima Centauri... on the Winds of the Ford WindmillCAR's invention 1980 - 2018 Winds of 1,001 inventions for interstellar travel by NASA.
Trump on the Universe Stage: Does It Take a Thug to Deal With Thugs?
...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!
Trump on the Universe Stage: Does It Take a Thug to Deal With Thugs?
Trump's Mother Mary Trump (A Clone) was beaten and robbed in Queens, Homeland Security was in Qatar at the Qatar Trump Casino at the Roulette Wheel not the Wheel of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR for Mary Trump.
Trump on the Universe Stage: Does It Take a Thug to Deal With Thugs? Trump Failed Mother's Day Quality of Life in the USA vs Qatar. Trump's Mother would have wanted the 40,000 Trump Towers he built in Qatar in Queens, grin! And the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks Trump Tower.
Supreme Court Ruling Favors Sports Betting Not Betting WHO is at Proxima Centauri *.*
Supreme Court Ruling Favors Sports Betting Not Betting WHO is at Proxima Centauri *.*
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri Supreme Court Ruling bets on No Time for a Pink Latte at Starbucks as the 2 White Men who are not at Qatar Trump Casino are now Sports Betting 24/7 not working on a cure for Kidney Condition Puts Melania Trump in the Hospital or her kidney cancer.
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri 'Interstellar Verizon Cell Calls' will be invented in Key West by Greg + Wife's
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri, 'Star Fighters' Exodus Jews, U.S. Moves Embassy, Israel Feels Pride but Senses Peril from the Winds and Warriors at Proxima Centauri. U.S. Moves Embassy, Israel By DAVID M. HALBFINGER Earth Jews moving Jerusalem today, to Proxima Centauri. Israel’s 70th anniversary talking to Jewish Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Star Wars Interstellar Verizon Cell Call invented in Key West by Greg + Wife's.
5-15-2018 Jerusalem Winds of Proxima Centauri, Death in Gaza, New Embassy in Jerusalem, and Peace as Distant as Ever. At least 58 Palestinian protesters are killed in Gaza, as the U.S. opens a new embassy 40 miles away.
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri, Alien MD's make the call. Mrs. Trump is at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Mrs. Trump, 48, underwent an embolization procedure. Such a procedure would block the blood supply that feeds the kidney and might be used to stop bleeding from a benign tumor or a small aneurysm.
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri will invent a way to Call Alien MD's there!
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri women might forget the name of a character in their favorite TV show, for example, but would have no trouble in the type of memory that involves learning, reasoning and comprehension.
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri consciousness + memory. Memory Types
Long-Term Memory. Long-term memory is our brain's system for storing, managing, and retrieving information. ...
Short-Term Memory. ...
Explicit Memory. ...
Implicit Memory. ...
Autobiographical Memory. ...
Memory & Morpheus.
5-15-2018 Winds Influential Politician in India Is Accused of Driving Wife to Suicide...
5-15-2018 Winds Robert Kennedy Jr. Did Drive his wife to Suicide, the 2 White Men Editors at the NY Times know this and why they wrote up a Man from India instead of Robert Kennedy Jr.
5-15-2018 Winds Influential Politician in India Is Accused of Driving Wife to Suicide... not to all Wife's in India driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri; The World Wants Air-Conditioning. That Could Warm the World. The number of units worldwide is predicted to soar by midcentury, and the electricity to power them will increase planet-warming emissions. By KENDRA PIERRE-LOUIS Kendra knows the A/C will be the size of a iPod and GE electric generator inside this miros-iPOd-AC will power it yet she wrote up a tech A/C for 1980 technology not what Greg + Wife's invented in Key West.
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri; By KENDRA PIERRE-LOUIS at the Times knows 100 kids will be left in hot cars to die a tortured death by 2 White Men Editors at the NY Times because she censored out of her A/C article that the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's are A/C 24/7 like her home! A War Crime!
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri Headline a NYC Broadway Play.
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri; An Inexcusable Quip About McCain, is he is "A lifelong Warrior killing Jewish Aliens at Proxima Centauri"!! Along with the Key West Admiral.
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri; Baby in the USA die from Diesel Gas in their DNA. Toll for Gaza protests rises to 61 as baby dies from tear gas, with more protests expected in Gaza not the USA. Washington Post
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri; World Peace as Distant as Ever, Proxima Centauri not as Distant as NASA would make you believe.
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri
5-15-2018 Winds of Proxima Centauri
5-14-2018 Winds of 12 Trillion Galaxies Twinkle; Go Viral with this! Disney Pixar Fox Movie's!
5-14-2018 "Interstellar Travels;" Key is the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. NASA A Helicopter on Mars? NASA Wants to Try, Why when Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years. NASA should Try 1 Click Amazon link to 1,001 IP invention projects flying a helicopter at to Proxima Centauri. The nearest Star and it has never gone viral by NASA, Why? Because keyless gas engine cars are driven by NASA top brass!
5-14-2018 "Mother's Day Interstellar Travels;" Key West is the Island in the Sun of 12 Trillion Galaxies. Twinkle Twinkle little Star the Nearest Stars to Earth. Yet so far away because of War's!
5-14-2018 Yesterday Trump's Mother Mary Trump was beaten and robbed in Queens, Homeland Security was in Qatar at the Qatar Trump Casino at the Roulette Wheel not the Wheel of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR for Mary Trump. Qatar no one's Mother was robbed + beaten thanks to Trump making Qatar the richest 'City' on Earth.
Quality of life in Qatar vs USA, Mind: How Abusive Relationships Take Root in the Masterminds dishing up Red Meat or more healthy Recipe ingredients, Start with gas station hold ups, caused by gas stations still up and running in 2018. Aircraft Carrier Hospital Ship USS Yale Key West Medical School. Quality of life articles in the NY Times have been censored by 2 White Men Editors! Front Page article today in the Times. "Keyless Cars And Invisible Clouds of Death" Carbon Monoxide in your Garage if you forget to turn it off. Diesel Clouds in traffic ahead of you today are visible clouds of death. Gas Exhaust invisible clouds you plow through like a blizzard in Colorado are snow flakes of gas exhaust.
5-14-2018 Winds of MD's in the Quality of Life diagnosis articles Twinkle, go viral.
5-14-2018 Winds of 12 Trillion Galaxies Twinkle, Twinkle in Israel - Feels Pride but Senses Peril as U.S. Top Brass refuse to make Israel the 'Richest City' in the world like Qatar today.
5-14-2018 12 Trillion Galaxies Twinkle, Twinkle in Israel - Feels Pride but Senses Peril as U.S. Moves Embassy. On the eve of its 70th anniversary, Israel is torn by forces within and without. For all the successes, one historian said, “the future is very bleak.” unless the Jew Hero Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR comes forward out of War to drive Israel into Star Wars and Jewish Aliens. By DAVID M. HALBFINGER NY Times
5-14-2018 Winds of 12 Trillion Galaxies Twinkle;
5-14-2018 "Mother's Day Interstellar Travels;" Key West is the Island in the Sun of 12 Trillion Galaxies. Sense of 12 Trillion Galaxies. Essence of a Pink City Hall and Ordering the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks sooner than later, today it's later because 2 White Men are at Starbucks HQ and 1984 HQ. Going viral with Interstellar Travels and 4 trillion Rx Recipes crunched for the Rx Pink Latte. What will go viral this week? 2 White Men are thinking this up today. Mom is singing Twinkle Twinkle little Star, grin! And teaching her grand daughter how to be psyched up for Interstellar Travel's 1,001 IP invention projects and an iMac at $13,384. Mom is singing Twinkle Twinkle little Star to her grand daughter, grin.
5-14-2018 Trump's Mother Mary Trump was beaten and robbed in Queens and died from this so Trump Tweeted about Mother's Day ----------------- "Interstellar Travels;" Mary Trump Clone was robbed and beaten not far from Trump Tower Today, in Qatar no one's Mother was robbed + beaten thanks to Trump making Qatar the richest 'City' on Earth.
5-14-2018 "Mother's Day Interstellar Travels;" Key is the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Keyless-ignition - Lockless Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Road Rage Less and DUI Less 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Less the Gas Engine and signed up for the Gravity Engine. Kim in North Korea put in charge of a fast pace to Interstellar Travels in Trumps Nobel Peace Prize.
5-14-2018 "Mother's Day Interstellar Travels;" Key is the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Rising Gas Prices in connotations of War Crime of Interstellar Travels put off for War on Earth! When this blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, through the night.
5-14-2018 Winds of 12 Trillion Galaxies Twinkle;
5-14-2018 "Interstellar Travels;" Mom is singing Twinkle Twinkle little Star to her grand daughter, grin. New version of Twinkle Twinkle little Star is Proxima Centauri Earth's Nearest Star and it's in for a very long life. Astronomers predict that this star will remain middle-aged — or a “main sequence” star in astronomical terms — for another four trillion years, some 300 times the age of the current Universe. New version of Twinkle Twinkle little Star her Star will shine some 300 times the age of the current Universe. Current Universe of Habitat for Humanity will shine for 300 times the age of the current Universe with the super conductivity current of trillions of jolts, volts, amps in New WindmillCAR's + RV's. Mom is singing Twinkle Twinkle little Star A WindmillCAR in Key West that shines to Proxima Centauri Earth's Nearest Star her little twinkling grand daughter will travel to in a live streaming video that goes 400 times faster than the speed of light invented by Greg in Key West. Grin!
5-14-2018 "Interstellar Travels;" Key is the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. NASA A Helicopter on Mars? NASA Wants to Try, Why when Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years. NASA should Try 1 Click Amazon link to 1,001 IP invention projects flying a helicopter at Proxima Centauri. The nearest Star and it has never gone viral by NASA, Why? Because gas engine cars are driven by NASA top brass!
5-14-2018 Winds of 12 Trillion Galaxies Twinkle; 100 DUI Dead in One Week Every Week in USA 2018. These guys at the NY Times censor this for this... "Taliban Kill Over 100 Afghan Soldiers and Police Officers in One Week
The spring offensive’s latest assault, in Jalalabad. The tempo of attacks has increased after the insurgents rejected government peace overtures." By ZABIHULLAH GHAZI and ROD NORDLAND
5-14-2018 12 Trillion Galaxies Twinkle;
5-14-2018 Winds of 12 Trillion Galaxies Twinkle;
"Mother's Day Interstellar Travels" were 'Murdered' by "McCains Interstellar Travelers" Pink Mothers Dead from Breast Cancer and their lost Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks are censored by 2 White Men Editors at the NY Times on Mothers Day.
"Mother's Day Interstellar Travels" were 'Murdered' by "McCains Interstellar Travels"
"Mother's Day Interstellar Travels" were 'Murdered' by "McCains Interstellar Travels"
5-13-2018 "Mother's Day McCain shouting "Allahu Akbar" at his interstellar travels of War's - Mother's Exodus Drive in Her 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's; "McCain's Interstellar Travels" Sindy Cindy McCain on Twitter: Twinkle, twinkle, little star!
Cindy McCain 'To Have Have Not' on Mother's Day. Apple Store Front USA... To Have Have Not, Girls looking into iMac's $13,384 only the Navy can afford War Class Cash Windfall for the Bells Toll.
Cindy McCain 'To Have Have Not' on Mother's Day. Apple Store Front USA... To Have Have Not, Girls looking into iMac's $13,384 only the Navy can afford War Class Cash Windfall for the Bells Toll.
5-13-2018 "Mother's Day "NASA's Interstellar Mission" Update he's not dead yet wait a minute and NASA coup on McCain's Navy will Blast Rocket Off Like Apollo and Challenger... Clashing Views on War and Star Wars Reflect a New Balance of Power in the USA.
Shining brightly in this Hubble image is our closest stellar neighbor: Proxima Centauri. Proxima Centauri lies in the constellation of Centaurus (The Centaur), just over four light-years from Earth. Although it looks bright through the eye of Hubble, as you might expect from the nearest star to the Solar System, Proxima Centauri is not visible to the naked eye. Its average luminosity is very low, and it is quite small compared to other stars, at only about an eighth of the mass of the Sun. However, on occasion, its brightness increases. Proxima is what is known as a “flare star”, meaning that convection processes within the star’s body make it prone to random and dramatic changes in brightness. The convection processes not only trigger brilliant bursts of starlight but, combined with other factors, mean that Proxima Centauri is in for a very long life. Astronomers predict that this star will remain middle-aged — or a “main sequence” star in astronomical terms — for another four trillion years, some 300 times the age of the current Universe.
Proxima Centauri - Researchers can now send secret audio instructions undetectable to the human ear to Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Assistant. Jewish Aliens at Proxima Centauri.
...for the next 4 Trillion Years... Proxima Centauri will be a shining star for the next 4 Trillion Years... read this and then invent a way to hear and observe Aliens at Proxima Centauri... Click HERE!
5-13-2018 "Mother's Day China launched its first "Interstellar Mission well almost - China Launches Its First Domestically Made Aircraft Carrier. Sea trials of the country’s second carrier, the first made entirely at home, are a milestone in the development of the Chinese Navy. By STEVEN LEE MYERS Dr. Lisa MD would diagnose Xi as mentally ill warrior in a New Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies.
5-13-2018 "Mother's Day Pakistan launched its Interstellar Mission a tit for tat one with the USA - Pakistan and the United States imposed travel restrictions on each others’ diplomats on Friday in a tit-for-tat dispute that reflects the deterioration of relations between the countries. By HAROON JANJUA and GARDINER HARRIS Pakistan and the United States imposed travel restrictions on each others’ diplomats, and interstellar Mission Staff. Jew Hero will drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's into Pakistan and converted 100 million to Jewish!
5-13-2018 "Mother's Day Greg + Wife's in Key West Launch the First of its kind Yale Medical School Hospital Aircraft Carrier that McCain and the Navy's Top Brass sank in 2011 when Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion in oil revenues confiscated from Prince Salman and Qatar. Can you believe McCain built 40,000 Trump Towers in Qatar instead of Greg + Wife's Hospital Carrier, a war crime!
5-13-2018 "Mother's Day Jimmy Carters Cash Windfall for Habitat for Humanity's all 5 Billion people's "Interstellar Travels" were 'Murdered' 'Gambled' away by gas engine's in Times that Mom wanted a Gravity Engine Car for the traffic and DUI 'Road Kills year after year in Georgia by 2 White Men at the John McCain's U.S. Naval Academy from Georgia, last year, last year for this killing's of 'Earth Aliens'. CIA Gina lost her intelligence 'sense' for a Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies!
5-13-2018 Mother's Day Exodus Drive; A Interstellar one to Alpha Centauri 4.3 light years from Earth and further than God for McCain and Jimmy Carter.
5-13-2018 "Mother's Day Interstellar Travels;" The tilt of Interstellar Travels coverage was decided 'Stay at Home and play War Games in Moscow.
5-13-2018 "Mother's Day Interstellar Travels;" Federal Tax Cuts Give States a Cash Windfall. What Now?
By BEN CASSELMAN Ben will write or call his Mother today and tell her there is no Windfall Cash from the Editors at the NY Times. Feds are at the Qatar Trump Casino on Mother's Day 2018
5-13-2018 "Mother's Day Interstellar Travels;" Key to the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's is held secure by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. By DAVID JEANS and MAJLIE DE PUY KAMP "Weaned from using a key, drivers have left cars running in garages, spewing exhaust into homes. Despite years of deaths, regulatory action has lagged." Mom two dozen Mom's killed by carbon monoxide nationwide since 2006 after a keyless-ignition vehicle was inadvertently left running in a garage. Dozens of others have been injured, some left with brain damage. With the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's suppressed this is a war crime by the top brass. Ford’s keyless vehicles now have a feature that automatically turns off the engine after 30 minutes of idling if the key fob is not in the vehicle. iPhone X that turns the car on and off would have had many more sophisticated features. “It’s just been so hard,” said Kimberlin Nickles, whose daughter, Chasity Glisson, died after she left her Lexus running in her Florida garage. Kim will get sticker shock with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's invented in 1980. Millions have died because 2 White Men Editors at the NY Times suppressed this headline. A War Crime! Carbon monoxide incidents caused by vehicles, most with keyless ignitions. By DAVID JEANS and MAJLIE DE PUY KAMP war criminals in our Times of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR on Mother's Day - Yes she would have been given a gift of a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR today!
5-13-2018 "Mother's Day Interstellar Travels;" Carbon Monoxide Sicily’s Second City - FRUGAL TRAVELER
The Sights and Smells of Carbon Monoxide in Sicily’s Second City By LUCAS PETERSON While it doesn’t attract the same kind of attention as Palermo, Catania seems to be getting ready for its moment in the spotlight. Carbon Monoxide in Sicily! Diesel in Sicily too.
5-13-2018 "Mother's Day Interstellar Travels;"
5-13-2018 "Mother's Day Interstellar Travels;"
Winds of 12 Trillion Galaxies given to Mom on Mothers Day 2018
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels" for a Billion Mon's stuck on Earth because the Navy Admirals and Top Brass War Crimes in Times of Star Wars! War Crimes today are that Alcohol, Tobacco are More Harmful Than Illegal Drugs and a Navy lead by McCain killed it's drunken Sailors with Alcohol + Tobacco knowingly! A war crime today like Diesel in kids DNA. Key West Admirals. Rear Admiral DeQuattro Named New CO
On Friday, the Joint Interagency Task Force South welcomed its newest commander, Rear Admiral Pat DeQuattro without publishing if he drinks on the job or smokes like Trump's MD Admiral.
Winds of 12 Trillion Galaxies given to Mom on Mothers Day 2018
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels" for a Billion Mon's stuck on Earth because the Navy Admirals and Top Brass War Crimes in Times of Star Wars!
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels" Winds of 12 Trillion Galaxies given to Mom on Mothers Day 2018; Mother's Day Quality of Life in NYC and Qatar. New York City Mother-loft-dweller fined $185K for tourist rentals. Mom Artist loses rent-stabilized Tribeca loft, fined $185K for putting it on Airbnb, Allah from Qatar rented it a weekend in NYC.
Winds of 12 Trillion Galaxies given to Mom on Mothers Day 2018 along with the Winds of a Rx Pink Latte *.*
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels" Mothers Day 2018 knowing 2 White Men who made Qatar the richest 'City' in the World could have cured Mom's Cancer instead of giving $777 Trillion to Allah in Qatar. Dr. Lisa MD could cure Breast Cancer for $77 Trillion.
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels" Mom Smile for the Cameras, Grin!! A 41-year-old Islamorada woman was arrested Tuesday for stealing a package in an Upper Keys mail room on March 29. Christi Annette Gardner was charged with theft. Gardner was seen on security cameras stealing a package from the mail room of Summer Sea Condominiums.
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels" Japan Moves to Ease Aging Drivers Out of Their Cars, gas engine cars not 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's with F-35 Radar that cost more than the CAR... Qatar drivers will get F-35 Radar on their gas engine cars before Japan does. Statistics on fatal wrecks will be censored in Japan then. Japan Ruling Class must submit to a test of their cognitive functioning and go viral with F-35 Radar on cars. Japan engineers will testify against them.
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels"
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels" I was thinking of Jobs, who died seven years after a diagnosis of deadly pancreatic cancer, these 7 years Senator McCain killed Greg + Wife's in Key West from writing the Hemingway House Writing Class novel on the Rx Recipe for Breast and Pancreatic Cancers. Rest of the Senators went along with this and yes it's documented... 'Documented Grin 1984' Teddy Kennedy spoke of wanting “a good ending for myself and the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.” He slipped away 15 months after a brain cancer diagnosis. Ecclesiastes described hold so little interest; a chasing after wind, indeed.” Winds of 12 Trillion Galaxies given to Mom on Mothers Day 2018
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCain's Interstellar Travels" Sindy Cindy McCain on Twitter: Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
"McCain's Interstellar Travels,"
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
"McCain's Interstellar Travels"
When this blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, through the night.
"McCain's Interstellar Travels"
Then the traveller in the dark
John McCain at the U.S. Naval Academy last year
Thanks you for your tiny spark;
He could not see where to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
"McCain's Interstellar Travels"
In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye
Till the sun is in the sky.
"McCain's Interstellar Travels"
As your bright and tiny spark
Lights the traveller in the dark,
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
"McCain's Interstellar Travels"
on a tip from British spies McCain is dead wrong about the nears Stars Alpha Centauri and the other 12 Trillion Galaxies. British Intelligence tip on the Intelligence of American Senators living next to a twinkling Star 4 light years from Earth.
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; Mothers 81,000 were sucker punched most at the Miami gas station hold up out of spite for 2 White Gas + Oil Men in Texas + Alaska.
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; Internal government reports on the Movie's impact at NASA Disney Pixar Fox "McCains Interstellar Travels" Not U.S. Naval Academy but NASA. Before the mission of making plutonium cores came to Los Alamos, there were concerns by lab officials and elected officials about shifting from research and development to manufacturing. Shifting the Navy Admirals and their son's to Star Wars.
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels" Not U.S. Naval Academy but NASA. Before the mission of making plutonium cores came to Los Alamos, Everyone at the US Naval Academy will go to NASA in this Movie by Disney.
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; Microsoft's Total Failure with Windows 10 is ending, and I couldn't be happier! Internal government reports on the wasted if government time and money just at the US Post Office using Win 10 instead of iMac's is in the trillions of dollars all profits for Microsoft. School kids will have nightmares from Win 10 all their lives.
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; UN War Crimes on building the Yale Key West Medical School in 2011. Macau Tycoon Gets 4 Years in Prison for Bribing U.N. Diplomats. Ng Lap Seng, 69, was convicted of bribing two ambassadors, one of whom served as president of the United Nations General Assembly, to help him build a conference center. By SEWELL CHAN
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; Qatar hires 9,999 from SF. These 95 Apartments Promised Affordable Rent in San Francisco. Then 6,580 People Applied. The nation’s housing policy for the poor can feel like a giant lottery. Sometimes it actually is a lottery. By EMILY BADGER and JIM WILSON What Emily and Jim at the NY Times censored out is that Qatar has 40,000 Trump Towers most empty and 6,580 Citizens of the USA could move in. Or SF could have built the 40,000 Trump Towers in SF with confiscated oil money. All illegal.
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels" White House Refuses to Apologize for Aide’s Joke About McCain. Friends and admirers of Senator John McCain condemned an assistant to President Trump who said the senator did not matter because “he’s dying anyway.” “he’s dying anyway.” McCain's way of life 'War' is dying for 'Star Wars' and Jewish Aliens. Trump should add 'Go to Hell..." loser! Of 12 Trillion Galaxies!
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels" Why Gina Haspel Is the Best Choice for C.I.A. Director because they censored out Dr. Lisa MD Yale Key West Medical School Professor. Most at the CIA would not follow orders from an MD thinking they know more that's not covered in Medical School. In Star Wars all CIA spies will have to have a MD degree. Star Wars Spies will work on memory when not working as a Spy. Modern Macs also store some settings in an area of the system called the nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM); older Macs use parameter random-access memory (PRAM) in a similar manner. If the Mac is not maintaining its settings for volume level, display resolution, time-zone information or preferred start-up disk, information held in the NVRAM may have become corrupt. You can reset the NVRAM or PRAM by shutting down the Mac and then starting it up again while holding down the Option, Command, P and R keys all at once. When you hear the second start-up tone (or, on a Mac Pro, see a second Apple logo appear and disappear), you can release the keys and let the computer finish its start-up sequence. Spies learning all this iMac memory tricks can reset Human Memory being a MD. Assembly line down time at the CIA will be zero in Star Wars CIA MD.
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels" Robert Timberg, author of John McCain: An American Odyssey , who has interviewed many POWs who served with McCain, said there's no evidence that he ever collaborated with the North Vietnamese. "I've never known of any occasion in which Sen. McCain provided the North Vietnamese with anything of value," Timberg said. Trump collaborated with the North Vietnamese in the suppression of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's for Vietnam in 2018, Kerry too. A War Crime. Worse when this goes viral in Hanoi the old generals will be arrest and Kerry will not be able to help them.
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels"
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels"
5-12-2018 Mother's Exodus Drive; "McCains Interstellar Travels"
5-12-2018 Forbes link to all the Statistics you can't find at the NY Times yesterday and I got the stats that 8,100 gas station hold ups every year from 1980 to 2018 and Homeland Security missed all 8,100 of them...
5-11-2018 NY Times Today "Why Iran and Israel Are Clashing in Syria", because they both have $777 Trillion in Oil Men's War Chest shipped by Kerry on orders from McCain $$$ And the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's have no Hero Jew Drivers Yet.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships, some Air Craft Carriers, to give McCain + Jimmy Carter Hell. Trump was infected by McCain's War Cancer! “The Restless Wave: Good Times, in just Causes Driven by the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
Disney Pixar Fox movie "McCain's Interstellar Travels" Opens with dramatic 3-D scene of 12 Trillion Galaxies! Disney Gravity Engine Cars that talk are in this movie.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's; White House official dismissed a view expressed by Sen. John McCain about President Donald Trump's CIA nominee, saying Thursday at a staff meeting that "it doesn't matter" because "he's dying anyway," two people in the room told The Associated Press.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's; "it doesn't matter" because "he's dying anyway," refers to Gina Haspel wasting her life not working on hacking the 4 trillion Rx Recipes for the Breast + Brain Cancer Cure Latte at Starbucks. She's dying living a dying life not helping get the Rx Brest and Brain Cancer Cure Latte at Starbucks.
5-11-2018 "it doesn't matter" because "he's dying anyway," Jimmy Carters Grand Children with Diesel in their DNA...
5-11-2018 What Keeps Xi Jinping Awake at Night -Not Kids with Diesel in their DNA!!!
5-11-2018 A new book of the Chinese leader’s remarks on national security highlights his worries about technology, the internet and risks of financial meltdown. By CHRIS BUCKLEY and PAUL MOZUR
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; Dr. Ersilia M. DeFilippis is a third-year resident in internal medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. "When Doctors Give Their Patients Gifts" Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks Gift Card with McCain's picture on it will awaken McCain to 5.7 millions women Hell where McCain is going on his interstellar Travels, grin's the MD.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; Some doctors believe that patient gifts may predispose them to favoritism; others are willing to accept small gifts of low monetary value.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; MD's treating McCain's brain cancer got a Medal of Honor! Not Dr. Ersilia M. DeFilippis or Dr. Lisa MD in Key West at the Yale Key West Medical School.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; 5.7 million people none Korean all 'White Women' in the USA. Infected by McCain's War Cancers and served Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks for the Victory at the Drive through Starbucks... Win-d!! Pawns the New Navy will harvest with Shrimp, Krill, Hemingway's Sharks.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; Does Admirals DNA make smarter babies when their kids are the ones who finally destroy the Earth instead of Sailing on the USS Exodus a Jewish Interstellar Ship!
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; The conflict had been fought on Korean soil. Some 5.7 million people, soldiers and civilians, were killed, wounded or went missing, and most were Korean. Yet neither North Korea nor South Korea had much weight in their respective side’s decisions about how the fighting was conducted or how it ended. Both Koreans were, in effect, pawns in their own war.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; Trump and Kim will meet in Singapore but not for legal prostitutes.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; For gas or service stations, there were 8,178 robberies in 2018. And another 8K next year with no Rx Gas Station Latte Cure for the desire to rob a gas station. Rx Desire + Cravings Latte!
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; Krugman: Let Them Eat Trump Steaks but not on the USS Yale Key West Hospital Ships.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; Fungus Chytridiomycosis, is thought to be one of the deadliest pathogens on the planet. It infects hundreds of species of amphibians and is thought to have wiped out a third of all frog species. Importance of 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos Super Computers and 1,001 plant and animal diseases, the global spread of infectious diseases for all kinds of plants and animals.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; mathematically — to imagine that the entire universe as we know it could just be a computer simulation, as in “The Matrix” — another Disney Pixar Fox movie "McCain Interstellar Travels" by Disney Pixar Fox Sunshade Made by McCain blocks out the nearest Star Alpha Centauri from the Roman Senate on orders from some Pope. In effect, we are all made of bits, so the argument goes, removable, at the click of an interstellar Disney Movie Out There: ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ Is Still the ‘Ultimate Trip’ to trip up Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors to Star Wars Math at NASA or 1 click Amazon inventions going 400 times faster than a cell call to Jewish Aliens.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; Dr. Ersilia M. DeFilippis is a third-year resident in internal medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. "When Doctors Give Their Patients Gifts" Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks Gift Card with McCain's picture on it will awaken McCain to 5.7 millions women Hell where McCain is going on his interstellar Travels, grin's the MD.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many USS Hospital Ships; GE NY Lab inventor said In a 2012 interview for this obituary, he talked about the pleasure he took in a life of science. “You see there is a problem to be solved,” he said, “and you think about it, and you solve it, and it’s a thrill.” 2018 Amazon 1 Click link to Los Alamos 1,001 IP invention projects are spelled out so if you don't see a problem to be solved you can be a GE NY Lab inventor when the 2 White Men at GE HQ make a list of 1,001 IP invention projects for GE and crunch them at Los Alamos on super computers. 1 Click Amazon link to 1,001 GE invention projects for 100's of millions who log in to Amazon has been stifled by 2 White Men at GE HQ for decades, a war crime! And iMac's at every Starbucks have been stifled by Apple not going viral with this!
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's; Forbes link to all the Statistics you can't find at the NY Times yesterday and got the stats that 8,100 gas station hold ups every year from 1980 to 2018 and Homeland Security missed all 8,100 of them and this is home to most the 2 white men at Starbucks the gas station is home so Home Land Security need to tell her... Homeland Security Department denies secretary Kirstjen Nielsen prepped a resignation letter over criticism from Trump. Kirstjen Nielsen has no idea as the Boss 81,000 women were sucker punched most at the Miami gas station hold up out of spite for 2 White Gas + Oil Men in Texas + Alaska.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's- ; British Royals Roll in the Torture of 'Wife's" beaten and killed by Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors... 100's 1,000 if you count the torture Prince Harry did to Brides in the USA. Britain Apologizes for Role in Libyan Dissident’s C.I.A. Nightmare “You were both subjected to appalling treatment,” the government told a Libyan couple who were tortured after the C.I.A. snatched them in 2004 on a tip from British spies. By DECLAN WALSH Tip from British spies to the Wife at home waiting for him to come home from Baghdad to torture her, Hell No!
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's; City Bus vehicles that have caught fire, probably with good reason. The news media reported more than 20 cases of buses catching fire in Rome last year. “Rome is the only capital in the world where you see a bus in flames in the city center,” the paper’s editorial read, “a 10-meter-high smoke chain, people running away, explosion, police and freighters’ sirens, and nobody thinks of ISIS, but City Hall Kickbacks to Bus Sales Men, Yes 2 White Men, grin!
5-11-2018 Rome buses short-circuiting and bursting into flames and no Vatican Hero to Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's + City Bus into Headlines in Rome News!
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many in New Paris - clearing tables at La Brazza cafe in Paris. The Billoud family is feuding with the Au Sauvignon, behind him across the street. City Hall Code removed a row of chairs and tables. Invention Age in Paris would build a Pedestrian Bridge across the street here, build one in your mind to the Cafe across the street but not one from Miami at FIU with junk in the walk way but one for the New Paris Intellectual Inventors of Interstellar Star Travels in Paris
Invention Age in Paris would build a Pedestrian Bridge across the street here, build one in your mind to the Cafe across the street
And build one she can bike her bike across in the Heart of New Paris, grin. And park her bike next to her Cafe table.
Invention Age in Paris would build a Pedestrian Bridge across the street here, build one in your mind to the Cafe across the street.
5-11-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many in Paris!
Trump was infected by McCain's War Cancer! Brain Cancer Rx Latte invented in Key West... “The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes - Rx Glioblastoma Latte Cure + The Rx Pink Latte Cure at Starbucks Star Wars!
5-10-2018 Trump and the Mosquito Wars at Bill + Melinda Gates home in Qatar. No one talked about parking in the shade in Key West and getting into a Hot Car in the Summer of 2018 or Kids in NYC left in Hot Cars to die when the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's are climate controlled 24/7 just like your home. Oh 'No Mosquito Invention' was 1981 Trump ask Bill + Melinda Gates, grin.
McCains last wish... arrest Trump if he comes to my Funeral!!
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; McCain worry about the consequences Hell or 12 Trillion Galaxies in our Universe, USS McCain Destroyer not the McCain Yale Harvard Medical School for Billions. Billions of People and built with $777 Trillion McCain ordered Kerry to ship to Allah!!
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School; McCain the Nero Censor, 380 pages and 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's censored out!! Another War Crime by McCain. In a new 380-page memoir written as he confronts brain cancer and his mortality, the occasionally ornery maverick Republican from Arizona looks back on a series of major episodes from both his own history and the United States’ making Qatar the richest City in the World with $777 Trillion from Miami, Cuba gas station hold ups. McCain worry about the consequences Hell or 12 Trillion Galaxies in our Universe.
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School; DA's Downfall Puts a Spotlight on Men, Alcohol and Violence, consuming alcohol is a problem. And yet the men Coors seem to be selling more, like McCain drunk in the Senate selling War when Star Wars is here with 12 Trillion Galaxies and Cape Kennedy Bombed by McCain's + Jimmy Carters Navy!
By GINIA BELLAFANTE No Admiral in the World will tweet "400 Times faster than the speed of light in a call to Jewish Aliens today" let alone log on to 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos to brainstorm this invention.
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School; A Modern Foe Is Found in Ancient Skeletons: Hepatitis B" By CARL ZIMMER
From 15 sets of skeletal remains, researchers have recovered DNA from the oldest viruses known to have infected humans — and have resurrected some strains in the laboratory. The 7,000-year-old skull of a farmer with hepatitis B yielded the oldest viral DNA ever recovered from human remains.
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School; 2018 Diseal in DNA... The 7,000-year-old skull of a farmer with hepatitis B yielded the oldest viral DNA ever recovered from human remains. Until now, the oldest viral DNA ever recovered from human remains was just 450 years old. The research may provide clues to the continuing evolution of hepatitis B, a plague that infects an estimated 257 million people worldwide and contributes to an epidemic of liver cancer.
World Health Organization estimates, hepatitis B kills 887,000 people. WHO at the UN will not log in with 1 Click Amazon on a iMac at Starbucks to brainstorm a Rx Hepatitis B Latte Cure today. 2 White Men at Starbucks are stocking the Swiss with Starbucks Coffee. Sorry!
Bronze Age... Starbucks Rx Latte Culture! 2 White Men at Starbucks who will not text Greg + Dr. Lisa MD today in Key West. Skeletons from a mass burial of ancient warriors, one of which was among the dozen infected with hepatitis B studied by Dr. Willerslev and his colleagues. Their research demonstrates that hepatitis B existed across Europe and Asia as early as the Bronze Age.
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School; Recently the magazine Mother Jones ran a piece that circulated widely online titled “Did Drinking Give Me Breast Cancer?” Generating a lot of anxiety, it argued that women ought to be gravely worried about the health effects of moderate drinking, even though the author of the article had no proof that drinking caused her illness. The Admiral MD said 1 in a million get breast cancer from Coors so no! Esquire or GQ, titled, “Did Drinking Make Me Beat Up My Girlfriend?” Drinking and Herion did cause Robert Kennedy Jr to lynch Mary Kennedy in the Barn. OJ too. The connection between alcohol and domestic violence is hardly speculative. Women who advocated for temperance in the 19th century did so, in part, because they’d had enough of seeing men come home from saloons and take fists to their wives. Joe Coors can be sued for this in 2018. Keely Cure, which promised to extinguish the desire to drink, gained popularity in the 1890s. Greg + Dr. Lisa MD the Rx Sober Latte at Starbucks. Rx Alcoholic Latte at Starbucks. You have suffered only what a drinking man’s wife can suffer. A century later, in the 1990s, a study by the Justice Department discovered that more than half of defendants accused of murdering a spouse had been drinking at the time the murder occurred.
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School; Rome is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, and priests and nuns are as much a part of the fabric here as ancient ruins, Cardinals are rare birds in the city streets, tending to lay low in their apartments, gas engine sedans and curial offices. Paul Tighe, an authentic bishop and the second-highest-ranking official at the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture, walked down the street with a novel under his arm Dante's Inferno of fiery car wrecks in 2018, doing a double take when he saw all the red hats... not a Pink Hat in sight he heard God say! Fear of God and the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's among the Pope's, Unlike Benedict, who retired in 2013 and lives comfortably in the Vatican Gardens near Francis, the humble Celestine was dragged out of his hermitage and imprisoned by his successor, Pope Boniface VIII, who feared his installation as an antipope, anti-gas-engine car's! Jew Hero who drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's to the NY Times and Times Square. Jew Hero in his 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's Star of St. Peter’s Basilica. Like Saint Mary 'Star of the Sea in Key West when Greg + Wives drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's into Church life.
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School; AUSTRALIA DIARY "The un-Fairest Cake of Them All" "Readers share their favorite creations from “The Australian Women’s Weekly Children’s Birthday Cake Cookbook.” By DIANA OLIVA CAVE. Cave in and censor out the diesel in the DNA of these Children in Australia.
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School; MIT was bought by Prince Salman the deal is secret. JULIE MILLER, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. "The writer is a research associate at the M.I.T. AgeLab." Student loan debt and longevity planning, the decision about how to pay for college is the tie that binds. One focus group participant noted that “I’m very grateful that my mom and my grandparents were so supportive and wanted to allow me to make this very adult decision, but I kind of wish they hadn’t.” The burden of high college costs forces both students and their families to sacrifice, not just when the student is in college but for years after graduation. These costs affect not only young Americans, but also parents and grandparents who are paying for the children’s education at a time when they need to be saving for retirement. The question is, Will the value of a degree — even from the “best” college — continue to outweigh the consequences of paying for it? MIT paying for War Toys from 1980 - 2018 when the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's were in a secret CIA MIT Lab outside of Boston.
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School; The $325,0000 Rolls-Royce Cullinan has arrived and it's the ultimate luxury SUV. Rolls-Royce Cullinan SUV teased, set for 2018 debut. End to the Royals in England caused by this gas engine car history of England will be written. Prince Harry the last Prince in England. Under the hood is a 6.75 liter, 563 horsepower, twin-turbocharged V12 that can power the Cullinan up to a top speed of 155 mph. 400 times faster than the speed of light power with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR Age of of a New England in a New Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies!
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School; Two baristas, Britni Brown and Kevin Simmons, were working Friday when Moneta entered the store for a muffin. The song that was playing at the time, "Get Paid" by Young Dolph, includes "n****" and "f***" in the lyrics. Moneta told Brown, who was working the register at the time, that the song was inappropriate. Vulgar music playing masterminds of this is 2 White Men at 1984 HQ.
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School;
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School;
5-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School;
5-9-2018 NEWS ANALYSIS by the NY Times; Rx Glioblastoma Latte at Starbucks Christmas! 2018 POW inventors of the Rx Glioblastoma Latte Cure are McCain's POW's in Key West Greg + Wife's! All McCain wants is Trump not at his Funeral not a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks invented by Greg + Wife's as last wish...
McCains last wish... arrest Trump if he comes to my Funeral!!
Trump pulling out leaving Ivanka to die of breast cancer too. By pulling out of the deal, analysts say, President Trump has shown the U.S. to be an untrustworthy negotiating partner before a meeting with Kim Jong-un. By MOTOKO RICH Trump was infected by McCain's War Cancer!
Trump was infected by McCain's War Cancer!
5-9-2018 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's are POW; America Doesn’t Need Gina Haspel. We Need a conversation about torture of Breast Cancer and Brain Cancer with Dr. Lisa MD. We need a CIA MD, all like the Editors of the NY Times must have a MD degree in Star Wars Miracle Discoveries and Rx Recipes that are all trade secrets today.
IBM's first $1 Trillion dollar super computers from recycling the $13 Trillion dollar USS Jimmy Carter sub!
2 White Men at 1984 HQ (One is McCain) in Los Alamos put this $100 million dollar super computer off limits for the Rx Pink Latte Recipe! They used it instead for recycling H-Bombs!
5-9-2018 NEWS ANALYSIS by the NY Times censored out is the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and Jew Hero's who drive it to Times Square NYC Front Page of the Times! "Behind Trump’s Termination of Iran Deal Is a Risky Bet... Riches at Qatar Trump Casino Confiscated by Hero Jew's $$$ President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal is premised on the idea that the U.S. and its allies force a better deal with Iran through isolation and sanctions, and keep the oil and Diesel in the kids DNA. By DAVID E. SANGER and DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK
5-9-2018 Qatar's Better Deal or Key West with iMac at every Starbucks... Steve Jobs released the iMac in 1998, the bright-colored computer was a lifesaver for Apple, whose business was almost entirely based on Mac sales. Mac computer sales has steadily decline over the last two decades, shrinking to roughly one tenth of total sales last year. 1,001 iP invention projects app and Hemingway House Writing Class inventions in every chapter is zero by 2 White Men at Apple and 1984 HQ. Instead they sold the store to Qatar Trump Casino Roulette Wheels. And in Florida the Lottery scam that killed all sales of iMac by kids spending their allowance on Lottery tickets. New York Today: A Real-Life Cartoon Coffee Shop The new coffee shop at 151 Allen Street NYC. With this place, it’s about looking into yourself and realizing your own potential. McCain's used his potential for War not War On Cancer and will pay in Hell. War's other googly-eyed, giggling critters. Oil + Diesel Cartoons other googly-eyed, giggling critters. Kids but no Kids DNA cartoons. Like run of the mill Win 10 vs iMac at $13,384.
5-9-2018 NEWS ANALYSIS by the NY Times 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's are Spin Off Inventions to Cure McCain's Brain Cancer of WAR! Yes End War on Earth with McCain! pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) immunotherapy drug called pembrolizumab. ipilimumab (Yervoy®) blocks a protein called CTLA-4. Two additional drugs, pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) and nivolumab (Opdivo®), target another protein called PD-1. A third drug, atezolizumab (Tecentriq®), targets one called PD-L1 All these help a T-Cell kill a cancer cell. So T cell, or T lymphocyte, is a type of lymphocyte (a subtype of white blood cell) that plays a central role in cell-mediated immunity. T cells can be distinguished from other lymphocytes, such as B cells and natural killer cells, by the presence of a T-cell receptor on the cell surface. They are called T cells because they mature in the thymus from thymocytes[1] (although some also mature in the tonsils[2]). The several subsets of T cells each have a distinct function. The majority of human T cells rearrange their alpha and beta chains on the cell receptor and are termed alpha beta T cells (aß T cells) and are part of the adaptive immune system. Specialized gamma delta T cells, (a small minority of T cells in the human body, more frequent in ruminants), have invariant T-cell receptors with limited diversity, that can effectively present antigens to other T cells[3] and are considered to be part of the innate immune system.Memory T cells are a subset of infection- and cancer-fighting T cells (also known as a T lymphocyte) that have previously encountered and responded to their cognate antigen; thus, the term antigen-experienced T cell is often applied. Such T cells can recognize foreign invaders, such as bacteria or viruses, as well as cancer cells. Memory T cells have become "experienced" by having encountered antigen during a prior infection, encounter with cancer, or previous vaccination. At a second encounter with the invader, memory T cells can reproduce to mount a faster and stronger immune response than the first time the immune system responded to the pathogen that entered the body. This behaviour is utilized in T lymphocyte proliferation assays, which can reveal exposure to specific antigens. Greg's Memory Cells... encounter with a better memory Recipe full of proteins. Ask Dr. Lisa MD to diagnose this.
5-9-2018 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's are POW; “Figuring out what quantum physics is saying about the world - Figuring out what 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens is saying about the Universe. Physics of ruin of love to Paradise Found calculations of math and brainstorming conversations both honeymoon with 12 trillion Galaxies in the hear and now and in soul mates times. “The Paris Wife” depicts a glamorous, poised-looking woman perched in a Paris cafe. She is reminiscent of the late 1940s. The Paris Wife's 4 in 2018 sit at the Paris Starbucks going over Rx Recipes for Brain + Breast Cancer's Rx Cancer Latte. iMac Army Tanks are in Paris instead of 1940 troops and Sherman Tanks.
5-9-2018 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's are POW; Gellhorn’s life shooting lion’s shared with Hemingway competes for our attention to time travels as in Star Wars the Lion's immune system is shot copy pasted and other Star Wars lab work for school kids. “For Whom the Bell Tolls.” But he’s drinking too much, collecting stray cats.
5-9-2018 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's are POW; Einstein defined a new entity: a particle of light, the “light quantum,” now called the photon. A Particle of Time-Photon "time quantum's"
5-9-2018 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's are POW; After hitting alligator on I-95, mother and 2 kids killed in fiery wreck, coroner says. Cars That Will Get Your Grad Down the Road of Life, driving home from Yale he fell asleep and killed his girl passenger. Yale never got a IP invention project in the student News for a car that keeps you awake driving.
5-9-2018 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's are POW; Keeps you awake to inventing, China cutting US soybean purchases in face of tariffs threat. Greg + Wife's in Key West are inventing new soy Recipe's and Packaging they would have for soy in Star Wars Times.
5-9-2018 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's are POW; Nigeria’s President Draws Criticism for Seeking Medical Care Abroad
President Muhammadu Buhari is on his fifth official visit to Britain to see a doctor there, angering striking health care workers in Nigeria who are seeking better working conditions and more funding. By EMMANUEL AKINWOTU
President Muhammadu Buhari is on his fifth official visit to the Qatar Trump Casino was censored by the NY Times, grin. Yes he has oil money $$$ for the Casino!!
5-9-2018 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's are POW; America Doesn’t Need Gina Haspel. We Need a conversation about torture of Breast Cancer and Brain Cancer with Dr. Lisa MD. We need a CIA MD, all like the Editors of the NY Times must have a MD degree in Star Wars Miracle Discoveries and Rx Recipes that are all trade secrets today.
5-9-2018 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's are POW;
5-9-2018 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's are POW;
5-9-2018 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's are POW;
5-8-2018 Greg + Dr. Lisa MD for Christmas Day, Rx Glioblastoma Latte at Starbucks Christmas! 2018 POW inventors of the Rx Glioblastoma Latte Cure are McCain's POW's in the USA today!! WindmillCAR POW's of McCains White men Thugs in a Universe without 12 trillion galaxies or a cure for Breast Cancer and gas exhaust.
1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's POW's of McCains, Thugs! Rx Brain Cancer Latte Cure, Rx Pink Latte held as POW at the Hanoi Hilton USA, Miami Cuba! Greg + Dr. Lisa MD for Christmas Day, Rx Glioblastoma Latte at Starbucks Christmas Victory over the War on Cancer McCain refused to go... Hell No We Won't Go to a Pink Latte War.
5-8-2018 Greg + Dr. Lisa's Rx inventions. MD 2 million funerals on the same day as McCain's and the Senate is dead as Rome! John McCain told the White House that the ailing Arizona Republican does not want President Donald Trump to attend his funeral or any MD's working on a cure for cancer as POW's on this Day. As she Gina prepares for her confirmation hearing, President Trump’s nominee to lead the CIA spy agency faces questions about her involvement in torture and secret prisons, 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. $777 Trillion Kerry shipped to Qatar + Saudi Arabia. Grin. By PETER BAKER and MATTHEW ROSENBERG at the NY Times. CIA's dark era of 9/11 will be lite up by the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Gina knows this!!
Born will be iMac's at $13,384 will be in every Starbucks in the USA costing a lot less and giving more than the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub at $13 Trillion and the USS McCain Battleship's.
5-8-2018 Amazon's Many Inventions; 1 Click link to Los Alamos 1,001 IP invention projects so you can get started inventing something!! iMac's at $13,384 will be in every Starbucks in the USA with a Apple Genius Tech.
5-8-2018 Trump wants to wring a 'better deal' from Iran. Here's why that's so unlikely. 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's not Driven by Saudi women in June 2018, grin. Saudi women in the USA not Saudi women in Saudi Arabia. Melania Trump Rolls Out 'Be Best,' a Children's Agenda With a Focus on Social Media, when the kids Be Best will be in a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR not gas engine cars. Trump wants war crimes DIESEL on Melania, he is setting her up for mass murder via diesel in DNA. Be Best with Diesel Cars and Trucks. As Trump is doing his Be Best for Qatar Trump Casino Oil Money.
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Rx Glioblastoma Latte at Starbucks Christmas 2018
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Sen. John McCain told the White House that the ailing Arizona Republican does not want President Donald Trump to attend his funeral
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; King Salman + Prince Salman will be with McCain's Funeral Rich VIP's $$$ As McCain made Qatar and Saudi Arabia the richest Cities in the World instead of Key West USA. A War Crime!
McCain is the Drunk Road Rage Oppenheimer who built 50,000 H-Bombs, Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer and Greg will get the Rx Pink Latte at Los Alamos after McCain is in Hell for building 50,000 H-Bombs at Los Alamos.
50,000 H-Bombs on the assembly line are boring, boring, boring as 2 White Men have had a Cheney Heart Transplant... To anybody under 60 years old, Nescafe is boring': Why Nestle is spending $7 billion on Starbucks, why we need to spend $77 Billion on iMac's @ $13,384 for every Starbucks in the USA with Genius Techs. 2 White Men at 1984 HQ masterminded this, US Oil Prices Hit $70 a Barrel for First Time Since '14.
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Greg + Dr. Lisa will get the Rx Glioblastoma Latte by Christmas 2018 with Cheers from Kim's Wife and Cheer leaders in North Korea, Ha. Last July, McCain was diagnosed with glioblastoma, the same rare and aggressive brain cancer that killed Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy and former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Beau. McCains Book censored out any and all brainstorming a Rx Recipe Glioblastoma Latte.
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Rx Glioblastoma Latte at Starbucks Christmas 2018
5-8-2018 “The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes - Rx Glioblastoma Latte, Great Fights - Rx Glioblastoma Latte, and Other Appreciations Rx Glioblastoma Latte” written by McCain censored out any Rx Recipe for the Rx Glioblastoma Latte.
5-8-2018 “The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations” written by McCain censored out any Rx Recipe for the Rx Glioblastoma Latte.
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Rx Glioblastoma Latte at Starbucks Christmas 2018
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Sen. John McCain told the White House that the ailing Arizona Republican does not want President Donald Trump to attend his funeral
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; King Salman + Prince Salman will be with McCain's Funeral Rich VIP's $$$ As McCain made Qatar and Saudi Arabia the richest Cities in the World instead of Key West USA. A War Crime!
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Trump, Pence won't attend Jerusalem embassy opening. Jew Hero who drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's in McCains Funeral...
5-8-2018 Yale Trump’s Mar-a-Lago is McCain's Hell
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions is also McCains Hell
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Today the Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts voted to rescind two artistic achievement awards the institution had previously bestowed upon Bill Cosby: the Kennedy Center Honors (1998) and the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor (2009). On April 26, Cosby was found guilty of three counts of sexual assault, and now faces up to ten years for each of the three counts of drugging and raping Andrea Constand in his home in 2004. China will have some Orwellian Comments on this, grin! Starbucks Latte at Home drug test strip on the cup.
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; By MARGARET RENKL "God help the woman who feels too acutely that motherhood defines her." God's best Invention must acutely define her Soul + Cheer leading in North Korea, 400 times faster than the speed of light invented is possible with these Cheer leaders, Grin.
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; King Salman + Prince Salman will be with McCain's Funeral Rich VIP's $$$ As McCain made Qatar and Saudi Arabia the richest Cities in the World instead of Key West USA. A War Crime!
5-8-2018 Exhaust is high inside at the New US embassy in Jerusalem: A stone plaque and $400000 in renovations, for now... no CO detectors or Particle Measuring Machines as the Jew's will not come inside with their kids.
Jerusalem traffic exhaust in Jew kids DNA
US embassy in Jerusalem:
Jerusalem traffic exhaust in Jew kids DNA - US embassy in Jerusalem:
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Tourists do notice there is no place to sit outside of inside Starbucks in Key West but the Starbucks on Front Street there are no seats inside too. “The members of the Key West Breakfast Club who gather daily at the White Street/Knight Pier want our benches back. Where do you expect us to sit when drinking our cafe con leche while watching the magnificent daily sunrise?” “A little common courtesy would help the parking problem instantly and at no cost to anyone. Cost to City Hall quality of life like seats for sunrise and sunset are ok but Mecca has SUV sun Umbrellas 100's if not thousands for kids skin cancers and sun burns, the same 2 white men who took your benches out give 100's Key West kids sun burn and skin cancers even those in Mecca know this as they read my web page.
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; McCain + Jimmy Carter will appeal to get out of Hell. Mr. Madsen will appeal the life sentence a court imposed on him — a rare penalty in Denmark, even in murder cases — but he will not challenge the verdict delivered on April 25 that he was guilty of sexually assaulting and killing Kim Wall, and desecrating her body. “The appeal case will only concern the sentencing, and not the issue of guilt,” the Copenhagen District prosecutor’s office. Even with a life sentence, Mr. Madsen could be considered for release in as little as 12 years. Ms. Wall, 30, who was Swedish, was last seen alive on Aug. 10, when she boarded the vessel, planning to interview Mr. Madsen, 47. Mr. Madsen, who had designed submarines and founded a company to build spacecraft, sank the sub and was rescued the next day. Ms. Wall’s torso later washed up on a beach south of Copenhagen, while other body parts were found by police divers.
5-8-2018 ...evidence presented at trial showed that he had planned the killing in detail — even discussing it with people — but had struggled to find a victim; three other women had declined his invitations...
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions on the Menu, what will Dr. Lisa MD Chef serve... FRONT BURNER. "The Caviar Sandwich Returns to the Oyster Bar" When prices for Louisiana bowfin came down, the executive chef Sandy Ingber brought back the combination of caviar, egg and sour cream.
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Barnes & Noble will not survive, McCain, the Senate. 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out to get you started inventing 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year in 2018. Amazon is the winner but McCain + the Senate will get a long life out of Barnes & Noble stifling 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine. I hope you’ll read it and, if you have thoughts, send me an email at It wouldn't do Greg any good to email this guy at the Times about stopping the Senate @ 1984 HQ from letting Barns & Noble live longer and losing 1,001 Nobels in Medicine. You can also read a 2017 Times op-ed on Amazon’s business practices - we need to read about Amazon's Inventions!!! 1 Click link to Los Alamos 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out so we can get started inventing. The Times will never write a Editorial on this!!
5-8-2018 Amazon's Many Inventions; 1 Click link to Los Alamos 1,001 IP invention projects so you can get started inventing something!!
5-8-2018 Amazon's Many Inventions; 1 Click link to Los Alamos 1,001 IP invention projects so you can get started inventing something!! iMac's at $13,384 will be in every Starbucks in the USA with a Apple Genius Tech.
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions;
5-8-2018 Amazon's Many Inventions; 1 Click link to Los Alamos 1,001 IP invention projects so you can get started inventing something!! iMac's at $13,384 will be in every Starbucks in the USA with a Apple Genius Tech.
5-8-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions;
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; China slams US criticism of its 'Orwellian' Taiwan demands. Washington Post 1984. Grin Greg + Wife's in Key West Slam this 'Orwellian City Hall' for not wanting to be rich as Qatar.
Mother's Day 2018 Mom is a Air Force Jet Fighter Pilot bombing the Yale Key West Medical School and Cape Kennedy Super Shuttle Train's! And the Ford WindmillCAR plant, grin!
“The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and other Appreciations” will be released May 22. The 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's will be on the front page of the NY Times on May 23. May 24th iMac's at $13,384 will be at every Starbucks table in the USA with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out for you to get started going 400 times faster than the speed of light in a call to Jewish Aliens.
“The Restless After Death, McCain's Apple's game-changing iMac turns 20 years old and tomorrows. iMac's at $13,384 will be in every Starbucks in the USA costing a lot less and giving more than the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub at $13 Trillion and the USS McCain Battleship's.
“The Restless Wife's; Sen. John McCain said he regrets choosing former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate instead of his Wife, as 4 Wife's for McCain + the Bishop would have started the Jewish Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies in 1980.
“The Restless Wife's; God's best invention for Exodus into the Universe, end to War on Earth for Star Wars!
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Gina Haspel, nominee to head CIA, sought to withdraw over questions about her role in CIA 'Pink Torture" opp's and transferring $777 Trillion to Qatar. Torture of breast cancer women since 9/11 by Gina is a crime. 2 White Men at the CIA Starbucks know the Rx Pink Latte will be invented in 2018 if Greg + Wife's in Key West are 'Freed' to work at Home and Los Alamos not Just Starbucks on Front Street from 7 to 9 am.
5-7-2018 Gina said Enough!! Murder's of 15 year old girls in the USA by the Elite Kennedy's! "Four Decades After Martha Moxley’s Murder, Her Mother Says ‘It’s Enough’ China slams US criticism of its 'Orwellian'
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Air France's stock sinks as government warns on its futuristic flights into orbit for 15 minutes then lands at JFK. Government Owned Total Oil Company will have to pay back the French Citizens $777 Trillion for 2 White Men's Oil War crimes. Paris Starbucks will be the first to get iMac's @ $13,384. Nestle and Starbucks (SBUX) are joining forces to rejuvenate their coffee empires. The Swiss maker of Nescafe will pay the Seattle-based chain $7.15 billion upfront in cash for the rights to sell Starbucks coffee products. Apple iMac's at $13,384 wait for the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to get these into Starbucks Switzerland. Notice the Swiss Orwellian Ruling Class go to the Qatar Trump Casino. France + Switzerland are ruled by 2 White Oil Men, Ha!
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Avengers: Infinity War' Is the Fastest Movie Ever to $777 Trillion dollars
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; After the White House on Saturday accused the Chinese government of “Orwellian nonsense” Key West Orwellian Nonsense and a crime as HS graduation at the Yale Key West Medical School not the Mayor's pet arena. “Just heard Mayor Cates say on the radio that Key West High commencement will be held at the amphitheater. That better be a mistake! He can’t be serious. Why would he think it’s okay to mess with tradition? We always have commencement at the stadium and we like it there. Besides, invitations have already... Mayor Cates is bringing Trump 'Thugs' this is why, Grin.
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; Cates is serving Romaine Riddle: Why the E. Coli Outbreak Eludes Food Investigators. A major overhaul to safeguard the country’s produce is not yet in place, confounding attempts to shut down virulent strains or prevent them altogether. By JAN HOFFMAN HS Grads in times of the Yale Key West Medical School will have to pasteurize their 'Romaine' in their brainstormed answer before they graduate.
5-7-2018 After a teenage girl was gang raped in India, village leaders imposed a $750 fine on the ringleader. He then set the girl on fire. By KAI SCHULTZ Thousands of girls were set on fire by the ringleaders of gas stations in India. Kai Schultz knows this and it was censored out of the girl on fire article in the NY Times.
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; playing tug-of-war with his new Wife's after Korea War Ends, and $777 trillion is recovered from the Saudi Oil War.
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; playing tug-of-war with his new Wife's consciousness, exertion + sex. 100% recollection of consciousness is also crucial for the Yale Key West Medical School MD's to invent or discover for everyone on Earth. The Rx Memory Latte at Starbucks if you need the Rx or Rx Perfume every day or just once in your life.
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; playing tug-of-war with his new Wife's sensation of having 100% consciousness in memory will be helpful inventing this. New MRI invented of her brain, the women MD's with a very good memory. seen here.
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; playing tug-of-war with his new Wife's what do you think is going on here? Do you recognize this condition? Is this vasovagal syncope, or is there something else going on? What should Matt and his doctor look at next?
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; playing tug-of-war with his new Wife's enter your comments below, and briefly describe your memory; how a invention is made is often as revealing as the diagnosis itself. All answers will be reviewed, and the most promising tried on Greg to improve his memory.
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; playing tug-of-war with his new Wife'sI’ll post all inventions and IP invention projects in the coming days
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; playing tug-of-war with his new Wife's what advice do you have for Dr. Lisa MD If this were you, what would you do to diagnose the ability to remember more than Greg.
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; playing tug-of-war with his new Wife's documentary Homeland Security MD's, Navy of Hospital Ships. Oil Tankers cleaned up for Housing. iMac's at every Starbucks world wide many with the iMac treadmill desk. All with 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos. DUI's tug-of-war won by sober drivers of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Gravity Engine has its own cheer leaders at the start of CBS Nightly News and a gravity physics story or theory at the end of CBS Nightly News. You are agreeing that we can use your submission in all manner and media of The New York Times. All Editors at the Times are grads of the Yale Key West Medical School.
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; To the Editor: Re “I Want to Be Rich and I’m Not Sorry,” by Jessica Knoll (Sunday Review, April 29): Orwellian I want to make Qatar the richest city in the World not Key West. This is what the 2 White Men at 1984 Said shutting down the Ford WindmillCAR Plant in 1980, Yes Jimmy Carter was 1 of the White Men.
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions; playing tug-of-war with his new Wife's Inventing 1,001 Inventions for Star Wars!
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions;
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions;
5-7-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Inventions;
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; Everything we know about Yale and Medical School is ready for a building boom in diagnostics and who gets a scan for breast cancer by Homeland Security MD's. White House MD was drunk on the Job causing the deaths of many Pink women in his road rage against the Pentagon's Oil Money War's to get another $777 Trillion from Baghdad Oil Revenues $$$.
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues Cohen’s ventures spanned $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, taxis, a casino boat, real estate and ethanol. Many had links to the former Soviet Union. Now a federal inquiry threatens not just Mr. Cohen, but also the White House. White House Thugs are a threat to women with breast cancer long as they protect Trump's $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues from going viral on CBS Nightly News and '60 Minutes.'
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; automated phone calls has skyrocketed this year over last, according to a service that tracks them, and complaints have also risen sharply because none of the calls about the 1,001 IP invention projects. Alerts on the recipe for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks have been stopped by 2 White Men at Starbucks HQ, really. This Recipe could be viral today but for these 2 White Men!!
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; Canada Oil + Coal Kills millions! Canada is grappling with how a quiet university student became a ruthless killer. How Canada Oil + Coal Men killed millions suppressing the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR will be for God. Canada is still grappling with Mr. Bissonnette’s crime. It shocked the nation and underlined the perils of Islamophobia and the far right in a country that prides itself on its multiculturalism and tolerance. Intolerance for $777 trillion in Oil + Coal revenues was censored out of this Canada article by the NY Times. 'He' Canada was blamed far-right groups and anti-immigrant “trash radio” hosts for creating a “toxic climate.” Of Oil + Coal killing millions, this headline has been in the NY Times many times. “Quebec didn’t create the monster Alexandre Bissonnette,” he said. “But the Islamophobia here gave him his motive.” Motive for Canada Elite Rulers is $777 Trillion dollars Canada!! This is to much money for the Elite as they want to sell more Canada Oil + Coal no matter how many die from smog.
5-6-2018 McCain says the word 'God' more often Today... then screams about 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jew Aliens!
Wounded Warriors Mother's Day 2018. Mom is a Air Force Jet Fighter Pilot bombing the Yale Key West Medical School and Cape Kennedy Super Shuttle Train's! McCain has always believed, to his core, indifference to that god is of no concern. “John McCain doesn’t throw people under the bus for his decisions,” General Petraeus said, a lie from a General who has $777 Trillion dollars in Baghdad Oil Revenues. General Petraeus battle field is littered with Pink Women on Mothers day dead from Breast Cancer. Los Alamos is busy rebuilding H-Bombs so there is no 'Pink Manhattan Project' from McCain on his death bed or Book, or in the NY Times Editorial on McCain today. A Pink Kim Wall War Crime by Editors at the Times in our Time's of Jew Hero's driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to Exodus + Jew Aliens.
5-6-2018 The scene that has the internet hating Star-Lord -- and even hurling insults at actor Chris Pratt on social media -- is as follows. Near the end of the movie, the Guardians of the Galaxy (sans Rocket and Groot who were with Thor and Gamora who we will get to momentarily) along with Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Doctor Strange attempt a risky plan. With Mantis subduing Thanos, the group attempts to remove the Infinity Gauntlet and thus, save half of the universe. However, Nebula shows up and notices that Gamora, who Thanos had previously taken, isn't there. It's revealed that Thanos killed Gamora in order to gain the Soul Stone. It would be very easy to blame Star-Lord for that finger snap and many do. We here at ComicBook have written about this development with Star-Lord pretty extensively, both reporting on fan reaction to the scene as well as looking at Quill's actions specifically with Kofi Outlaw taking the stance that the scene turned a "loveable rascal character" into an "obnoxious jerk" while Charlie Ridgely took the stance that Quill's grief-stricken actions are not only in keeping with the character, but also reinforces the idea that Quill is human and that Infinity War shows that love has consequences. It's a wide divide, fundamentally, blaming Star-Lord for Thanos destroying the universe isn't accurate. Quill isn't a jerk. Quill's rage may have just been the key to saving the universe, though we won't see that right away. Before things went sideways on Titan, there is a scene where Doctor Strange uses the Time Stone to look into the future to see the possible outcomes of the conflict with Thanos. Of the millions of possibilities, there is only one where the heroes win. It's from there that the group forms the plan and that order of events is important to consider. Strange, who was part of the plan formulation, has seen the solitary outcome where the heroes manage to prevail. It would be ridiculous to think that, knowing this, Strange would allow them to pursue anything other than that one outcome though he likely kept this knowledge to himself. His job, as the one person who knows all the options, was to make sure that the elements he could control went off perfectly which is what he did. He knew Quill would freak out. He knew they'd fail to take the Gauntlet. He knew that, ultimately, Thanos would have to "win" to lose in the end. You might say that makes no sense, but there's precedent for this argument and it comes in the form of The Infinity Gauntlet, the six-issue limited series written by Jim Starlin that had a heavy influence on Avengers: Infinity War. In the series, Adam Warlock allows Thanos an initial victory as part of a larger plan to save the universe from the powers of the Infinity Stones and Gauntlet. There's also a nod to this idea of letting the bad guy "win" first being the master plan in Infinity War itself. Prior to looking into the future, Strange is adamant with Iron Man that if it comes down to protecting the Time Stone or saving him (and Spider-Man), his loyalty is to the Time Stone. Yet, after seeing the future outcomes, Strange acts contrary to that. He hands over the Time Stone in exchange for Iron Man's life. Doctor Strange also tells Iron Man that "it is the only way" when, after Thanos snapped his fingers, everyone around him starts to crumble and die. Star-Lord didn't mess things up. Star-Lord didn't suddenly become someone he wasn't. Star-Lord acted exactly like Star-Lord should and Doctor Strange was counting on that to set into motion a series of events that would lead to Thanos getting a win so that he will lose in the end. It was all part of the plan. And that makes Star-Lord one of the biggest heroes, human heart and all.
Jew Hero was MIA from Star-Lord + 'Avengers Infinity War - Star Wars!' Disney Marvel Censors as the Jew Hero was Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's to the Gravity Engine Invention by Greg + Wife's in Key West.
5-6-2018 God's Universe. We Just Live in It and die, go to Heaven or Hell with our Soul-mate, This universe is engineered. USS Jimmy Carter's 40 Nukes and the moral immortals Oppenheimer one fired one built 40 Nukes for Jimmy Carter. As for what God could do to Jimmy Carter I thank God I didn't join the Navy, grin.
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; Floated spectacles of combat in the post star wars era were surely the most expensive parts of life on Earth, infinity is censored and something new in this universe when 12 Trillion Galaxies expand into infinity faster than the day before. Floated spectacles of combat in the post star wars era were surely the most expensive parts of life!
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; and Hospital Ships, Carriers!
5-6-2018 London Facebook: the ease with which teenagers can now taunt and provoke one another on social media.
“It is difficult to address the causes of violence
5-6-2018 Kentucky Derby 2018: Justify Beats Apollo, Good Magic was second, followed by Audible.
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; Russian police detain more than 1600 protesting Putin's Oil $$$ Smog DUI driving a gas engine car instead of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR.
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; LONG-RANGE SPACE TRAVEL
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) and NASA launched HPE Apollo 40 class systems, collectively known as the Spaceborne Computer, to implement the first fully functional HPC machine in space. The goal of this powerful collaboration is to provide interplanetary missions with the latest supercomputing capabilities that support simulation, artificial intelligence, and real-time data collection and analysis as well as reduce the downtime and expense of moving data back to distant Earth. powered by 110 volts of AC and 28 volts of DC from solar panels. Converters on the ISS convert 28VDC to 110VAC, using as many converters as necessary to reach the power envelope. Additionally, the locker features Triple-A Air (AAA) augmented with water-cooled heat exchangers that expel approximately three-quarters of its heat into the water—while the cooling loop extends into space, allowing the locker to operate like a hyper energy-efficient data center at zero dollars. Standard HPE Apollo 40 class servers were installed inside the locker which is now placed within the ISS EXPRESS Rack 6. This HPE locker can be used to continually refresh technology on board the ISS.
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; Spaceborne Computer is also the most remote edge server—that is, out of this world. What we learn from this year-long experiment may also be applicable to improve Earth-based computers and devices.
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; United Airlines flight attendant was allegedly drunk, cursed during boarding announcements. DUI Flying a gas engine Boeing instead of the 2018 Ford WindmillJet's.
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; automated phone calls has skyrocketed this year over last, according to a service that tracks them, and complaints have also risen sharply because none of the calls about the 1,001 IP invention projects. Alerts on the recipe for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks have been stopped by 2 White Men at Starbucks HQ, really. This Recipe could be viral today but for these 2 White Men!!
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; Canada Oil + Coal Kills millions! Canada is grappling with how a quiet university student became a ruthless killer. How Canada Oil + Coal Men killed millions suppressing the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR will be for God. Canada is still grappling with Mr. Bissonnette’s crime. It shocked the nation and underlined the perils of Islamophobia and the far right in a country that prides itself on its multiculturalism and tolerance. Intolerance for $777 trillion in Oil + Coal revenues was censored out of this Canada article by the NY Times. 'He' Canada was blamed far-right groups and anti-immigrant “trash radio” hosts for creating a “toxic climate.” Of Oil + Coal killing millions, this headline has been in the NY Times many times. “Quebec didn’t create the monster Alexandre Bissonnette,” he said. “But the Islamophobia here gave him his motive.” Motive for Canada Elite Rulers is $777 Trillion dollars Canada!! This is to much money for the Elite as they want to sell more Canada Oil + Coal no matter how many die from smog.
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's; Mrs. Moxley said. “But I don’t feel as though that’s my job now. We got him arrested and convicted and put in jail. It isn’t my job now. It’s enough. It’s enough.”
Her daughter was killed on Oct. 30, 1975, her body found under a pine tree on her family’s estate. She had been struck with a steel golf club with enough force to break the club, and a piece of the shaft was used to stab her through the neck. The Moxley family lived in Belle Haven, a gated community of estates in Greenwich, on the Connecticut coast. Her father, a partner in a large accounting firm, had moved the family to Greenwich only about 18 months before. Martha, a high school sophomore, had just tried out for the cheerleading squad. Her classmates had voted her the girl with the “best personality.” The Skakels were their neighbors. Michael Skakel, a nephew of Ethel Kennedy, the widow of Robert F. Kennedy. The Moxleys, however, remain certain of Mr. Skakel’s guilt. “There’s no doubt in my mind that he did it,” Mrs. Moxley said. 2 White Men at 1984 HQ could have saved Mary Kennedy from being lynched by Robert if they would have been Hero's of Women Driving the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV into their 1984 Society! Thousands of other Mary's in Miami were sucker punched by Kennedy at the gas station hold ups in 2000. Long time the Elite rob gas stations and beat 15 year old girls to death with a Trump Golf Club. DeBlasio has not plans for iMac's at $13.384 at every Starbucks in NYC. There is no doubt he can afford it with Oil Revenues of $777 Trillion. Paradise Lost Movie by Disney will have Kennedy could have made the USA rich as Qatar in 2018. Instead he got Skakel out of Jail for the murder of a 15 year old girl and lynched his wife Mary in the Barn, bought the Judge twice.
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's;
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's;
5-6-2018 Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's;
5-5-2018 McCain says the word 'God' more often Today... then screams about 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jew Aliens!
Wounded Warriors Mother's Day 2018. Mom is a Air Force Jet Fighter Pilot bombing the Yale Key West Medical School and Cape Kennedy Super Shuttle Train's!
Thanks to McCain + his inner circle of Wounded Warriors Mother's Day 2018. Mom is a Air Force Jet Fighter Pilot bombing the Yale Key West Medical School and Cape Kennedy Super Shuttle Train's! And the Ford WindmillCAR plant, grin! Death must be harder for McCain + Jimmy Carter knowing 12 Trillion Galaxies are out there!!
5-5-2018 Greg got Married on May 5th long time ago, wish I was getting married to 5 wife's on 5-5-18, Today!
5-5-2018 Greg; And sons don’t like to see their mothers sick with cancer on Mothers Day 2018 knowing 2 White Men who made Qatar the richest 'City' in the World could have cured Mom's Cancer instead! These 2 White Men will have carefree conversations on Mothers Day 2018.
Yale Key West Medical School's Many Tower's Will Be City’s Biggest, the City being Qatar, Grin!
New York Today: Where Does That Black Smoke Come From? 2 White Men at 1984 HQ The culprit, we found, was heating oil is the black smog in NYC. New York City, thousands of buildings still rely on large boilers that burn oil to keep apartments warm. Kills an average of 2,000 New Yorkers a year. But since 2011, the city has forced 5,300 buildings to replace the dirtiest (and cheapest) heating oil, No. 6, with No. 4 oil, which is slightly less harmful.
5-5-2018 Greg got Married on May 5th Mr. Skakel, a nephew of Ethel Kennedy, had been convicted in 2002 of killing Martha Moxley, a 15-year-old in his Greenwich, Conn., neighborhood. Mr. Skakel, also 15 at the time. Mr. Skakel’s most vigorous defenders has been his cousin, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Who bought the judge and hanged Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn. The culprit, we found, was heating oil is the black smog in NYC thanks to Robert Kennedy Jr. New York City, thousands of buildings still rely on large boilers that burn oil to keep apartments warm. Kills an average of 2,000 New Yorkers a year. But since 2011, the city has forced 5,300 buildings to replace the dirtiest (and cheapest) heating oil, No. 6, with No. 4 oil, which is slightly less harmful. Since 1980 Robert Kennedy Jr has know about the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. No, Bill Cosby and R. Kelly Were Not Lynched, Mary Kennedy was and the 2 White Men at the NY Times who wrote "No, Bill Cosby and R. Kelly Were Not Lynched" refused to write a editorial today about Mary Kennedy Lynched in the Kennedy Barn. CBS Nightly News said the dissenting Judge said Robert Kennedy Jr. used his 'ill' power to get the Murder thrown out. Martha Moxley, a 15-year-old girl beaten to death with a golf club... 'Psychotic Robert Kennedy Jr' Hundreds of airline workers in Seoul demanded the ouster of the company’s chairman because of the behavior of his daughters. 1984 HQ in the USA many demand the ouster of Robert Kennedy Jr because of his 'killer' behavior's. Mary Kennedy's family demand his arrest for her lynching! White Men who lynch their wife will be a Disney Pixar Fox Movie. Yale and Harvard student newspaper will go viral with this in September 2018. Kennedy + Indiana Serial Killer Pleads Guilty to Murders of Seven Women by the Kennedy Thugs, yes they are in the same class as the Trump Thugs. Just ask the Porn Star, Ha. She knows the Kennedy Men too.
5-5-2018 Greg got Married on May 5th Marriage is long. "N.S.A. Triples Collection of Data From U.S. Phone Companies" The increase could be attributable to how phone companies keep records, an N.S.A. official said, adding that the agency has not changed how it collects data. 2 White Men at NSA + the FBI have not changed how it collects data or protects 'Women' since Mary Kennedy and Kim Wall's murders went viral. SAVAGE Men's data would sober the Top Brass who drink with their drunk Admiral Doctors without a toast to murdered women by savage Men.
5-5-2018 Greg got Married on May 5th Marriage is long. Sometimes spouses stop listening to each other. Enter the virtual assistant. By Caren Chesler. The fight, as usual, was about how he doesn’t listen to me. I don’t remember the specifics, but what typically happens is he’ll ask me about something I just told him minutes earlier, revealing that he wasn’t listening. Or he’ll start talking about a completely different topic while I’m still speaking. Or I’ll ask him a question. Life with someone who doesn’t hear me. Soul Mates for trillions of years is not heard by Caren or her husband of 20 years. He bought me Alexa, which I have just started using.
“Alexa, play holiday jazz music,” I’ll say. And she does. “Alexa, what is the temperature outside?” And she’ll tell me. Alexa MD would tell both of us to buy that iMac Treadmill Desk, 2 of them side by side with all the heart rates apps ever written. “Oh my god,” I said. “What happened?” Do I seek out partners who don’t hear God's Best Invention, 'Women!' Virtual assistant could have been marketed as Invention Assistant. If I die from Breast Cancer I will sue Alexa.
5-5-2018 Greg got Married on May 5th Why Everyone Needs a Good 10-Foot Charging Cable" By ANN-MARIE ALCÁNTARA Hell No, Why No One Needs a Good 10-Foot Charging Cable because it lays on the floor for hours changing. A Charge Stick in your hand with your iPhone X is much more high tech Alexa the Inventor Assistant would say.
5-5-2018 Greg got Married on May 5th. Dr. Pena — known to patients simply as “Dr. Jen” — submitted her memos about Dr. Jackson. Long-term reputation of the Nobel Prize depends on BP Oil, Long-term reputation of White House MD's also depend on BP Oil Outcome with the Hero Jew's who drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and Rx Pink Latte Recipe at Starbucks. The 2 White Men at Starbucks drive gas engine cars... Vice President Mike Pence’s physician “Dr. Jen” abruptly resigned on Friday with no public explanation, part of a bitter feud that the Admiral MD he over prescribed medication and was drunk on the job. The president vigorously defended Dr. Jackson, a Navy rear admiral. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Long-term reputation depends on BP Oil and the Plague of Breast Cancer.
5-5-2018 Greg got Married on May 5th
5-5-2018 Greg got Married on May 5th
5-4-2018 McCain says the word 'God' more often Today... Long-term reputation of the Nobel Prize depends on BP Oil keeping the Jew Hero's from Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to Exodus. , King Carl XVI Gustaf, the academy’s patron, who said he had followed the matter to the Qatar Trump Casino, grin.
Mother's Day 2018 Mom is a Air Force Jet Fighter Pilot bombing the Yale Key West Medical School and Cape Kennedy Super Shuttle Train's! And the Ford WindmillCAR plant, grin!
5-4-2018 Oh My God Exodus by the Jew's into 12 Trillion Galaxies before I die, Oh My God! Pentagon Top Brass missed this!! Women With Breast Cancer Delay Care When Faced With High Deductibles like making Qatar the riches City in the World by 2 White Men, 1 McCain 1 other at the Pentagon. Oh my God all these dead breast cancer women are waiting for McCain and Jimmy Carter as they talk to God.
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.” "USS Jimmy Carter's Navy Map of 1.3 Billion Stars Makes for a Milky Way in a Bottle in a Ocean the Navy never Wanted, as the Navy Never Wanted Star Wars!" "Why Are American Troops in the Yemen War?" the Navy + Pentagon Never Wanted Star Wars! NASA was destroyed all its 100's of Challenger II Shuttles in a train so they could find a War in Yemen. MIT Culture is into selling War Toys not Star Wars Toys. Air Force Women on Mother's Day speak out about what it was like to be among the first female fighter pilots in the military. By KELLY KENNEDY These First Women fighter pilots killed a generation of NASA women, this untold story will be published in the Times when the First women to drive the gravity engine cars to Cape Kennedy with Jewish Aliens in the back seat.
5-4-2018 God's Nobel for Jimmy Carter + McCain will have to wait until they get out of Hell's Galaxy. No 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature, Panel Says Amid Sex Scandal. New York Times "Man with Swedish Academy ties accused of sexual assault" Swedish Academy ties with BP Oil and the deaths of millions via Smog + Diesel in kids DNA.
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.” McCain says God more as God is for a Exodus Victory by Hero Jews Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's over Allah and West Point to point out 12 Trillion Galaxies and as many Jewish Aliens. 1st one's just 4 light years from Earth but lifetime from McCain!
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.” Apple Says It Will Buy Back $100 Billion in Stock
Powered by Super Conductivity @ -254 C the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's will earn a windfall of $100 Trillion and confiscate another $777 trillion from Prince Salman + Qatar Trump Casino. Tehran and London bicker over a $400 million payment. BP Oil and Queen Elizabeth will bicker over $777 Trillion Dollars when the Hero Jew drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR over Allah and into London. Kerry and Pallets of missiles to Iran. A similar financial dispute over an old arms deal between Iran and the United States appeared to play a role in the 2016 release of Americans held by the Iranians, with the delivery of $400 million to Iran on the same day the nuclear deal took effect.
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.” Tesla Is Still Burning Cash, and Children in fiery gas engine cars. None would be on the road today with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Killing fiery wrecks and Drunks behind the wheel as the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's will not start if you had a drink.
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.” Kerry knew this in 1980, Yale University board of trustees voted to rescind the honorary degree awarded to William H. Cosby Jr. in 2003.
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.” "Gaia’s Map of 1.3 Billion Stars Makes for a Milky Way in a Bottle"
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.” Smog + Diesel, At least 125 killed as dust storms batter India,
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.” Mandatory, all HS Students go to a University. Not in the Times Culture, Apple Culture and God Knows it's not in Starbucks Culture. Putting all HS Students into a University, made mandatory. Like in Star Wars Culture. NY Times Culture is 1 women... She Was Accepted to 113 Colleges: 'I Could Go Anywhere, and Discover Who I Am' New York Times Culture gave us censored news that made Qatar the richest city in the world when 2 White Men at the Times made money off 40,000 Trump Towers being built in Qatar.
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.” McCain says God more as God is for a Exodus Victory by Hero Jews Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's over Allah and West Point to point out 12 Trillion Galaxies and as many Jewish Aliens. 1st one's just 4 light years from Earth but lifetime from McCain!
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.” “But confidence in the Nobel Academy from the world around us has sunk drastically in the past half year,” he said, “and that is the decisive reason that we are postponing the prize.” Sank with Jimmy Carter getting the Nobel Peace Prize for keeping the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to himself.
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.” De Blasio Moves to Bring Safe Injection Sites to New York City - Greg + Wife's in Key West Move to Bring iMac's at $13,384 to every Starbucks in NYC and Key West.
Though no injection sites exist yet in the United States, the endorsement of the strategy by New York may give the movement behind it special impetus. Special impetus is the 'Rx Pink Latte Cure' not from the Mayor of NYC or Key West but from Greg + Wife's in Key West, Special impetus 'Rx Pink Latte Cure' the 2 White Men at Starbucks are busy with 2 Black Men not 2 Women who will die from Breast Cancer Plague. NYC Mayor will not mention the word Plague!" By WILLIAM NEUMAN NY Times.
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.”
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.”
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.”
5-4-2018 “For Whom the Bell Tolls 12 Trillion Galaxies.”
5-3-2018 Rx Pink Mother's Day At Starbucks with the Rx Pink Latte Cure for Breast Cancer! Mom Starbucks came through to save your life from breast Cancer but not a fiery wreck on Mom's Day.
Air Force Women on Mother's Day speak out about what it was like to be among the first female fighter pilots in the military. By KELLY KENNEDY These First Women fighter pilots killed a generation of NASA women, this untold story will be published in the Times when the First women to drive the gravity engine cars to Cape Kennedy with Jewish Aliens in the back seat.
Mom on Mother's Day killed by a Drunk driver on Coors + Czech Brewed Beer. 2 White Men at 1984 HQ will not let the NY Times write this Editorial for Mothers Day 2018.
5-3-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; Coors + Czech Brewer Mocks #MeToo, Calling It a ‘Pathological Campaign’ Campaign to end DUI's world wide in 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's will kill Coors and Czech Brewers by the thousands.
DNA shapes is the dual helical spirals made famous by Watson and Crick, the configuration of the intercalated motif could come as a surprise. "The i-motif is a four-stranded 'knot' of DNA "In the knot structure, C [cytosine] letters on the same strand of DNA bind to each other – so this is very different from a double helix, where 'letters' on opposite strands recognize each other, and where Cs bind to Gs [guanines]."
Disney Pixar Fox Movie titled "[cytosine]" a Hemingway House Writing Class Novel made for a Disney Movie that will win you a Nobel in Medicine in 2018. iMac's at $13,384 at every Starbucks so you can write this Nobel in Medicine Novel. You 2 Can Settle Up with Starbucks policy in Writing a Novel to win a Nobel in Medicine! Get training too, grin. Ha!
5-3-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; Wrongful Deaths Law Suits against Facebook from InventBook. "Cambridge Analytica to File for Bankruptcy After Misuse of Facebook Data The consultant, which said it would cease most operations in the United States and Britain" By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE and MATTHEW ROSENBERG Wrongful Deaths Law Suits against Britain... the King is Dead will go Viral. Prince Charles and his BP Oil Plague on Earth.
5-3-2018 Jew Hero's with 3 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's will defeat Iran!
5-3-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; Jew Hero's with 3 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's will defeat Iran! "With 3 Rapid Strokes, Netanyahu Advances Israel’s Agenda Against Iran. With warplanes, a PowerPoint presentation and a new law, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has strengthened his hand in foiling Iran’s strategic ambitions." By DAVID M. HALBFINGER
5-3-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; Who Can Prevent a War Between Israel and Iran? Russia, Hell No! Jew Hero's with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's can win the War with Iran in 1 Day like the 3 Day War!
5-3-2018 Jew Hero's with 3 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's will defeat Iran!
5-3-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; Giuliani contradicted Trump, who has at times said that he was unaware of the payment to the Porn Star, whose stage name is Stormy Daniels. President Trump reimbursed Michael D. Cohen, his longtime personal lawyer, for a $130,000 payment that Mr. Cohen has said he made to keep a pornographic film actress from going public before the 2016 election with her story about an affair with Mr. Trump, according to Rudolph W. Giuliani, one of the president’s lawyers. Mr. Giuliani said that he had spoken with the president before and after his interview on Fox News, and that Mr. Trump and other lawyers on the team were aware of what he would say. By MICHAEL D. SHEAR and MAGGIE HABERMAN
5-3-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; NY Times Chasing the Ghost of War Stories: "Chasing the Ghosts of Benghazi" When Americans hear Benghazi, many recall the mob attack in 2012 that killed an ambassador. But that’s when the real fight began. By DECLAN WALSH and SERGIO PEÇANHA When Americans hear about the $777 Trillion in Qatar + Saudi Arabia many recall the decades of gas station prices but that's when the real fight began to make ever more from $4 gas in the USA. NY Times Chasing the Ghost of War Stories: "Chasing the Ghosts of Benghazi"
5-3-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; Coors + Czech Brewer Mocks #MeToo, Calling It a ‘Pathological Campaign’ Campaign to end DUI's world wide in 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's will kill Coors and Czech Brewers by the thousands.
5-3-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; Baghdad this week $300 million in Oil Revenues. "This week Islamic State militants dressed as Iraqi soldiers killed 21 members of a group that has openly opposed them in a small town outside Baghdad." 16 hours ago. By MARGARET COKER and FALIH HASSAN Baghdad 2 White Men Oppose the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's in every small town in the USA.
5-3-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; Hot Cars in NYC = kids tortured death. "Subscribe to Our Newsletter About Summer in NYC. The best of what to see and do in New York City each summer week, and where to eat and drink nearby." By THE NEW YORK TIMES Subscribe to the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's as they are Cool, have A/C 24 7.
5-3-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; "John McCain: By the Book" Censored from this NY Times book review is "InventBook" and Kids with DNA-Diesel a War Crime by McCain. What books do you think best capture your own political principles? Ernest Hemingway’s “For Whom the Bell Tolls.” It’s my favorite novel of all time. It instructed me to see the world as it is, with all its corruption and cruelty, and believe it’s worth fighting for anyway, even dying for. No just cause is futile, even if it’s lost, if it helps make the future better than the past. This McCain Book of Oil Money this untold story will be published in the Times by the First women to drive the gravity engine cars to Cape Kennedy. McCain What are the best books you’ve read about Vietnam?
“Hell in a Very Small Place” in 12 Trillion Galaxies Jew Hero's of Star Wars will Exodus all of Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. End to gas stations and war on Earth. Exodus will make contact with Jewish Aliens just 4 light years from Earth. 4 Jewish Wife's would have saved McCain from Hell. Hell of Qatar the richest city in the world thanks to McCain and his inner circle at the Pentagon. Key West will sue the Hell out of all of them.
5-3-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; When Doctors Downplay Women’s Health Concerns. "Bias can lead doctors to dismiss women’s health problems. Here’s how to get the care you need. By CAMILLE NOE PAGÁN
5-3-2018 "Bias can lead doctors to dismiss women’s health problems. Here’s how to get the care you need. By CAMILLE NOE PAGÁN Camille censored the 2018 Plague of Breast Cancer, out of this NY Times article!
5-3-2018 Bias at Starbucks HQ by 2 White Men in the 2018 Plague of Breast Cancer!!
5-3-2018 Bias at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York... well Bias in Einstein News about the theory of this or that as Einstein was right, and the NY Times never writes what is wrong with no Einstein Breast Caner News from this University Medical School. Bias in what goes viral on CBS Nightly news is worse, a war crime against all women with Breast Cancer and millions of Kim Wall's temps at CBS. Yes CBS saves money by hiring her as a temp and many have been murdered!
5-3-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; Starbucks "Diesel-DNA Latte" would go viral in the News.
5-2-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; Diesel Editorials about this in DNA didn't go Viral because 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. Starbucks "Diesel-DNA Latte" would go viral in the News.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; The cherished "birthday cake" recipe book that raised a generation. By DIANA OLIVA CAVE
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; The "cherished Peanut Butter Cookie" recipe book that raised a generation. By DIANA OLIVA CAVE
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; The cherished "Rx Pink Latte" recipe book that raised the last generation of women to get the "Plague!" End to the Plague of Breast Cancer with the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. By Greg + Wife's in Key West. This Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel starts today at the Hemingway House in Key West once the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ sort out 4 trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets. State Dept. will have to work overtime hacking these 4 trillion Rx recipes... grin! Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel written on the iMac $13,384 not your run of the mill Win 10 PC. Nobel in Medicine Novel!!
Trumps Nobel for Korea then the State Dept gets the "Nobel in Medicine" for hacking 4 Trillion Rx Recipes!
Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel written on the iMac $13,384 not your run of the mill Win 10 PC. Nobel in Medicine Novel!!
5-2-2018 C [cytosine] letters in DNA; Comedy Central in the NY Times today on Diesel in kids DNA. "California Sues Trump Administration Over Car Emissions Rules" By HIROKO TABUCHI and CORAL DAVENPORT Prince Salman Rules with $777 Trillion in Gas Money. C [cytosine] letters on the same strand of DNA bind to each other. Diesel binds to kids DNA as it divides 1 billion times today.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Trump Questions the Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies. Tax Heaven 72 Virgin brides and $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues pay the tax for all Qatar + Saudi citizens. NY Times Editors will not question this in a Sunday Editorial Why? Thugs is the correct answer.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s 4 Jewish Wife's will be named Exodus. Minefield for Trump is 12 Trillion Galaxies Sarah will not mention in a White House News Conference. These 12 Trillion Galaxies will be diagnosed by Dr. Lisa MD. In a NY Times article.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Ocular Melanoma Ophthalmology. Doctors know that eye melanoma occurs when errors develop in the DNA of healthy eye cells. The DNA errors tell the cells to grow and multiply out of control, so the mutated cells go on living when they would normally die. The mutated cells accumulate in the eye and form an eye melanoma. This sound like Mad Cow disease with miss folded proteins.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Britain’s Wedding Tabloids Feel 4 Wife's for the Bishop, Pope Francis, Prince Harry, Trump... Greg in Key west will get the Hero Jew's to these Weddings with the 2018 Ford windmillCAR's + RV's for Exodus Drive for these Weddings. 1955 Ford painted "Just Married" with these 4 Brides has this is my "Gravity Engine" car. Benjamin Netanyahu’s 4 Jewish Wife's will be named Exodus.
Yale Key West Medical School students will get the standing MRI first, than the upside down MRI, grin. Then the MRI will be read by IBM's first $1 Trillion dollar super computer at Los Alamos.
...standing and walking seemed to make everything worse... a tiny sliver of cerebellum. iMac's + a “guru” in Chiari malformations and their repair. Batzdorf recommended an M.R.I. done while the patient was standing upright. The cerebellum extended nine millimeters into the spinal canal. And the compression of brain and nerve tissue was clearly visible in this scan...
Yale Key West Medical School students will get the standing MRI first, than the upside down MRI, grin.
Necessary Surgery. The patient was scheduled for surgery the next month. It was late morning when the young woman was taken to the recovery room after the procedure. The first thing she noticed when she woke was that her jiggling, blurred vision was now stilled and sharp. Before ” The young woman’s vision somehow got a lot better on its own, and though the black dot still obstructed some of her vision, for the last eight months she’d been able to drive — so important in this small mountain town an hour north of San Diego. M.R.I.; what was causing the nystagmus. There was no clot, no mass, but there was an abnormality. At the lowest part of the young woman’s brain, where the spinal cord emerges, a tiny sliver of cerebellum was visible just below the skull. A little slippage of brain tissue into the spinal column can be normal as long as it is no more than five millimeters below the skull; anything more is considered pathological.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Exodus Wife's will be inventors; “incredible partners.” 400 times faster than the speed of light by Christmas 2018 invented.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; “A witch hunt” with a sense of humor as the witch is buried head first in her front yard with strip socks sticking up...
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. “There is no way to talk to them, to find out anything.”
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Apple sold 52.2 million iPhones in three months @ $800 each. More in Qatar + Saudi Arabia.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; DNA shapes is the dual helical spirals made famous by Watson and Crick, the configuration of the intercalated motif could come as a surprise. "The i-motif is a four-stranded 'knot' of DNA "In the knot structure, C [cytosine] letters on the same strand of DNA bind to each other – so this is very different from a double helix, where 'letters' on opposite strands recognize each other, and where Cs bind to Gs [guanines]."
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Standing M.R.I.s are not widely available, but Batzdorf knew of one in a facility nearby. These images of the malformation were different. The bottom of the cerebellum extended nine millimeters into the spinal canal. And the compression of brain and nerve tissue was clearly visible in this scan.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Sowing Peanuts, Reaping Ammo in Uganda Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity of course on course for 40 Nukes on the USS Jimmy Carter Sub, fire when ready! Uganda was the battleground of a decades-long conflict between the Lord’s Resistance Army rebel group, or L.R.A., and the Ugandan government. Decades after the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs were built, a fleet costing more than all the peanuts ever grown. The L.R.A. rampaged through northern Uganda for nearly two decades, beginning in the late 1980s. 1980 Jimmy Carter could have save all these lives with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. God save Jimmy Carter, I would not bet on it! The armed group is believed to be responsible for at least 100,000 deaths and the abduction of many thousands more. Its fighters mutilated civilians by chopping off their limbs, noses or lips, and kidnapped women for marriage and children to fight. All this when the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR was in Jimmy Carters Peanut Plantation in the USA.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; The cherished "birthday cake" recipe book that raised a generation. By DIANA OLIVA CAVE
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; The "cherished Peanut Butter Cookie" recipe book that raised a generation. By DIANA OLIVA CAVE
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; The cherished "Rx Pink Latte" recipe book that raised the last generation of women to get the "Plague!" End to the Plague of Breast Cancer with the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. By Greg + Wife's in Key West.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; The cherished "Rx Pink Latte" recipe book that raised the last generation of women to get the "Plague!" End to the Plague of Breast Cancer with the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. By Greg + Wife's in Key West. This Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel starts today at the Hemingway House in Key West.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; NASA at War with the Air Force + Pentagon. AT WAR
‘There Were Really No Other Women at All’ Women speak out about what it was like to be among the first female fighter pilots in the military. By KELLY KENNEDY First women pilots killed a generation of NASA women, this untold story will be published in the Times when the First women drive the gravity engine cars to Cape Kennedy.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Canada 2 White Men at 1984 HQ know the secret stats of how many women were killed for sex, for no sex. Lot more than these 8 women. Terrorist violence in Toronto, in which a self-identified “incel” — that is, involuntary celibate — man sought retribution against women and society for denying him the fornication he felt that he deserved, like the gas station hold up in Miami the man sucker punched Mary in 2000. 100's if not thousands of Mary's and women from Toronto have been crime victim's of the 2 White men at 1984 HQ. London Review of Books by Amia Srinivasan, “Does Anyone Have the Right To Sex?” In the nursing home the young girls CNA's get the old women to say... fuck me over and over as she is so starved for sex the girls do this all the time for fun in every Nursing Home in the USA I would bet. No they can't get her a date, they will get in trouble for doing this. Whether sex workers and sex robots can actually deliver real fulfillment is another matter. Nursing Home Sex is not a Editorial in the NY Times.
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K;
5-2-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K;
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Bill Gates, Melinda Gates Novel Censorship in Key West. "Nobel in Medicine for Yellow Fever" with a Rx YF Latte Recipe Cure at the End, is a Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel written on the iMac $13,384 not your run of the mill Win 10 PC. Nobel in Medicine for Yellow Fever end like gas stations, not Bill and Melinda Gates. Whole Foods is slammed over Yellow Fever restaurant. The owner says it's not racist but wrongful death of those who died today of Yellow Fever and Yes Greg and Wife's in Key West will help the Widows file a wrongful death suit against Whole Foods and Bill Gates, Melinda Gates. "Nobel in Medicine for Yellow Fever" is a Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel written on the iMac $13,384 not your run of the mill Win 10 PC.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Netanyahu cites Secret file on the cover of Greg's Amazon WindmillCAR book case for the Jew Hero to drive this 2018 Ford WindmillCAR over Iran, Allah, Qatar, Saudi Arabia for Jewish Exodus to 12 trillion galaxies and Jewish Aliens. 400 times faster than the speed of light with 4 wife's as Cheer leaders trained by Kim and his wife in Korea.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; iParking in Qatar and 1 night free too. Quality of life! A Big Pine Key man’s attempts to include a free night stay with a boating or fishing lesson didn’t pass the muster of Monroe County Code Compliance, which ruled it was an illegal in the Keys but not in Qatar.
FEMA in Qatar paid 100% of the Irma claims, in the Key's FEMA only paid the top 1% of Key's Citizens!
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Quality of life in the USA via 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. A Taxi Driver Took His Own Life. His Family Blames Uber’s Influence. A series of suicides in New York has drawn attention to the economic desperation of drivers competing with ride-hailing apps. By EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; USA Women Take their Own Life in Qatar when they get sick of selling sex... Secret Stats!
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Homeland Security Pathology Lab's to save 100's of millions of women in the next decades from cervical cancer. Qatar's Prince doesn't scan all his Wife's let alone all the women in Qatar. Many will die in 2018. Prince Salman will tell Allah is scanned for Trumps thugs not cervical cancer in all Saudi women, grin. Prince Salman is going viral with Saudi Women driving a gas engine car in June but not getting a scan for cervical cancer. Dr. Prince Salman Palace Coup.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Military's role in scanning all women for cervical cancer's White House MD Admiral will get some wrong death law suits before he retires! Just from the White House Women Trump didn't scan... you know a couple of the White House Women will be positive for cervical cancer so will he scan them after he reads this?
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Clinical Pathology Laboratories Inc. of Austin, Texas 208 women had received false negative results when they had cancer. Diagnoses of cervical cancer read wrong by 2 White Men in Texas who work for the Oil Company. 2 White men tested a few thousand women when 2 White Women from Yale Key West Medical School would have tested 2 million women a day via Homeland Security Pathology Lab's. Trillions for Homeland Security and 2 White Women would have used Homeland Security Pathology Lab's to save 100's of millions of women in the next decades from cervical cancer until the 2 White Men at Starbucks let Dr. Lisa MD whip up a Rx Pink Latte Cure.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Obstruction and or 'Thugs' in the Quality of life of a Porn Star and Trump.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Ms. Clifford said the man who threatened her approached her in Las Vegas while she was with her daughter, saying: “That’s a beautiful little girl, it would be a shame if something happened to her mom.” Saying this was a Thug sent by Trump. Risky behavior by 2 White Men.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Mr. Vegas Thug for Trump posted a message hostile to Trump women on his Facebook page moments before the deadly rampage began. 19,000 women are murdered in Vegas in 2018 some by Thugs hired by 2 Rich White Men. Stormy would be dead in the Sarah if she was in Qatar or Saudi Arabia a honor killing by Prince Salman! Trump will take the 5th after the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's are Driven by Jew Hero's! Pentagon said there were 6,769 cases of sexual assault. Of those 6,172, there were 998 Marine Corps cases, 2,706 Army cases, 1,585 Navy cases, and 1,480 Air Force cases, iPhone X iDash Cam in all military cars and trucks with iMP Cop in your military car and cop can talk to you in your car. Bill + Melinda Gates will not let the NY Times report assaults and murders of Microsoft Temps. 100,000 women.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; thoughts of justice + thoughts of injustice in Toronto Canada nothing for Kim Wall and OJ's ex who the thug did kill as you know she was warned by some Thug same as Stormy.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; AT&T offer closing arguments in antitrust case with Comcast when the biggest Antitrust Case is with Qatar and Prince Salman's Honor Killings of women ATT's 2 White Men at HQ know about but will not go viral, Jewish Hero Men who drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV will also go viral with Who's Who in Saudi Honor Killings of Women not Iran Secret files on Nuke Deal with Trump.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Nobel in Medicine for Yellow Fever end like gas stations, not Bill and Melinda Gates. Whole Foods is slammed over Yellow Fever restaurant. The owner says it's not racist but wrongful death of those who died today of Yellow Fever and Yes Greg and Wife's in Key West will help the Widows file a wrongful death suit against Whole Foods and Bill Gates, Melinda Gates. "Nobel in Medicine for Yellow Fever" is a Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; In Key West 'Cat Women' want to be Veterinarians and want you to know 'Old Town' Homeowner on Margaret killed the stray cats they feed. Higher ups in the City know this too just like the 2 White Men Know how OJ did it.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; The deadliest drug in America is Alcohol in ruined lives and bodies. Alcohol contributes to 88,000 deaths in the U.S. in 2018. Admiral Ronny Jackson won’t return to job as Trump’s physician he will get drunk.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Haifaa Al Mansour is a Saudi Arabian film director whose latest film is “Mary Shelley.” Mary sucker punched at the Miami gas station hold up in 2000 when there should be no gas stations in Saudi Arabia let alone Miami will be a Disney Pixar Fox Movie not shown in Saudi Arabia. Day at the Movies in Saudi Arabia" By Haifaa Al Mansour. "Ms. Al Mansour is a Saudi filmmaker best known for “Wadjda” Gas stations hold up in the USA with CBS video are not shown on Nightly News in Saudi Arabia. Gas Stations status in society — it is truly a revolutionary time.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Attack Kills American troops in Afghanistan. It was the second death this year for the U.S. military in Afghanistan’s enduring war. When this is a War Crime as these 2 should have been home driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. By THOMAS GIBBONS-NEFF
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Quality of life in the USA via 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. A Taxi Driver Took His Own Life. His Family Blames Uber’s Influence. A series of suicides in New York has drawn attention to the economic desperation of drivers competing with ride-hailing apps. By EMMA G. FITZSIMMONS
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Sex, Love, Money: What Incels and Jihadists Have in Common is the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. What do Jewish Men Have in Common Today, Hero's of the Universe Exodus driven by them Driving a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV before Saudi Women drive a gas engine Mercedes into Mecca in June.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Malaria Rx Latte The new Recips program showed the sugar company how to start screening seasonal workers for malaria as soon as they registered to work. “Testing of all new workers in the sugar company allows us to prevent malaria transmission. Starbucks iMac's at $13,384 allowed all to whip up a brainstormed Rx Recipe for the Malaria Rx Latte. PATH’s malaria programs in Senegal not Starbucks in Senegal. "In a Corner of Senegal, a Victory Over Malaria" By Amy Yee Starbucks Senegal with iMac's at every table and iMac Genius tutors Victory came in 1980 with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's destroyed by the blue sceen of death, Bill + Melinda Gates at Microsoft. 1980 Senegal Windmill CAR's are rusting.
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K;
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K;
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K;
5-1-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K, in the USA only the iMac Genius tech makes $100K at Starbucks. Training to make Starbuck Baristas in the USA $100,000 a year... Dr. Lisa MD can be President of the Yale Key West Medical School and Starbucks CEO, grin.
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Marvel Superhero Movies the Best Hollywood Can Do, Hell No! iMac's at every Starbucks. Paris Pasteur Instituin te Curriculum at Starbucks. Remake; Starbucks-iMac-Genius
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Avengers: Infinity War' Crushes Everything in Its Path, but It's Still Not Quite the Biggest Opening Ever. Marvel Superhero Movies the Best Hollywood Can Do, Hell No! Jewish Superhero is the best Earth-Humanity-Habitat for Humanity can do a Exodus long overdue from the Georgia Peanut farmer still buying gasoline for the Peanut Plantation in the age of Jewish Super Hero's driving the 2018 Ford WimdmillCAR's + RV's into Marvel and Disney Movies, the Universe of Exodus Jewish aliens. New York Times 'Avengers: Infinity War In Depth Forbes 12 Trillion Galaxies!!
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; What motivates 2 white men in Canada Gas + Coal to run over in a gas engine car or truck 100's of thousands world wide? "Thousands marched to remember the 10 people killed. While many were proud of the city’s response, others worried about what had motivated the attack. What motivates 2 white men in Canada Gas + Coal. By CATHERINE PORTER "Canada’s most famous and longest road, Yonge Street" Smog cast a pall of sadness over Paris, London, every City, it also has given rise to a new saying: Toronto Gas + Coal to run over millions world wide. Canadian news media has highlighted the actions of ordinary citizens in the aftermath of the attack: people who held the hands of dying victims, Xi putting to death millions from birth defects and childhood cancers. Toronto that, over recent decades, has transformed into a mini-downtown, with new condominium towers shooting up, along with nods to gentrification — Whole Foods and Starbucks workers who make $10 a hour Canadian not the $100K they could make in Qatar. Mr. Minassian posted a message hostile to women on his Facebook page moments before the deadly rampage began. In it, he praised “incels,” or involuntary celibates. In Qatar you can pay cash for sex slaves from the USA. Sex slaves in Qatar, “It struck in me a kind of terror,” Women in the NY Times have written the Quality of life in the USA is it's worst when you have to sell sex because the 2 white men at 1984 HQ masterminded this status Quo like Starbucks with no iMac's or Genius Techs. Build Dubia-Qatar of Toronto spend it on sex at the Qatar Trump Casino. What motivates Canada Gas + Coal Men to run over the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's... sex slaves and all their cash to spend! A Woman of Poverty Rejects ‘Hard Luck Porn.’
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Oil Men's sex slaves! How a serial rapist and murderer in California flaunted his power as well as his belief that he could elude accountability forever. Even after Jimmy Carter kept the gas engine Ford when the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's ran on the Winds of God.
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Story of two community college students from the South Bronx — vying for a scholarship at prestigious Yale + Harvard where majority of the Students are from Qatar + Saudi Arabia who get sex money from dad the Prince. Mr. Minassian posted a message hostile to women on his Facebook page moments before the deadly rampage began. In it, he praised “incels,” or involuntary celibates. $$$
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR "Sex and Shame: What Incels and Jihadists Have in Common. The Toronto van attacker was probably familiar with the Islamic State’s vehicle rampages. But did he know what else he shared with the group?" By SIMON COTTEE “involuntarily celibate,” the term is used as a badge of honor among a fringe online subculture of misogynists who say they hate women for depriving them of sex. So now we know." By SIMON COTTEE
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; "...for example, suggested that far from being motivated by thoughts of injustice, the Sept. 11 hijackers were driven by thoughts of sex. Referring to the “martyr’s reward of 72 virgin brides" By SIMON COTTEE
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Yale and Harvard men, white men not the Qatar + Saudi men at Yale are sexual frustration paying for sex so much they opened a 2nd Yale campus in Singapore for Legal Prostitutes. Kerry could write a Amazon Kindle book on his sex at Yale, paid for and seduced women.
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; "Sept. 11 hijackers, instructed in his will that his body be prepared for burial by “good Muslims” and that no woman was to go near it, presumably because he found them dirty and spiritually contaminating. This aversion to women didn’t stop him from visiting a strip club just before the attack, but it did prevent him from shaking women’s hands. One extremist reportedly told the terrorism scholar Jessica Stern that he was “vaginally defeated.” By SIMON COTTEE Denmark's Sub Commander stabbed her 13 times in her pussy, the NY Times Temp, he must have thought the 2 White Men at the Times would write this up in his motive's for killing her... "According to Professor Juergensmeyer, “Nothing is more intimate than sexuality, and no greater humiliation can be experienced than failure over what one perceives to be one’s sexual role.” Furthermore, he argues, such failures “can lead to public violence,” which is performed to cancel out feelings of shame and reassert the claim to manhood." 2 White Men at 1984 HQ have know this for a long time but still Mastermind the murders of 19K women in 2018 instead of buying into the iPhone X iDash Cam iCop in your car, GPS tracking for her iPhone and his. Caller ID of Sub Commanders.
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; "It’s possible that Mr. Minassian’s ramming attack in Toronto was just such a performance, and that what he most wanted was to make himself visible to all those women who had, in his mind, made him feel worthless and invisible. However confused and hallucinatory, it was a claim to his virility as a man, as well as an indictment on a sexually promiscuous world from which he had been excluded. That’s a claim that many jihadists would no doubt understand, if not indeed sympathize with."
Simon Cottee (@simonrcottee) is a senior lecturer in criminology at the University of Kent and a contributing writer to The Atlantic. Mr. Cottee needed to write up the goings on at the Qatar Trump Casino sex game's and the Oil + Coal White men in Canada not just the 72 virgins as a motive as $777 Trillion from Miami gas stations just for sex money is more than they need in Qatar or Singapore.
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; Elise von Scheel is a reporter with the CBC's Parliamentary Bureau. She is currently an associate producer for The House. Before joining the politics team, she was a reporter for CBC News in Ottawa. You can get in touch with her at "Montreal, Toronto and Calgary each have programs with a mandate that includes prevention and intervention work on the ground. "They do a really good job, [but] nobody knows about them." Elise von Scheel didn't write up the 19K women murdered in the USA in 2018. Prevention and intervention by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ is out of the question or editorials in Canada and the NY Times. Mary Kennedy hanged is not counted in these 19K or the Wounded Warriors murders of the wife.
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K; $35 million over five years and $10 million annually thereafter to pay for sex... Canada to pay for sex.
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K;
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K;
4-30-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K;
4-29-2018 $100,000 "Avengers: Infinity War" brings the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe together on screen for the first time. As the Avengers and their allies have continued to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero to handle, a new danger has emerged from the cosmic shadows: Qatar-Thanos. A despot of intergalactic infamy, his goal is to collect all six Infinity Stones—artifacts of unimaginable $$$$$$$$$$$$ power—and use them to inflict his twisted will on all of reality. Everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment. All of Earth's greatest heroes will be called to the cause Jews. And it will take the efforts of every one of them to save existence itself, from BP oil Smog world wide.
4-29-2018 Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K, in the USA only the iMac Genius tech makes $100K at Starbucks. Starbucks 2 White Men at HQ will keep the current status Quo for decades if Jews fail to drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to the Starbucks drive threw window. The bad news is iOS 11.3.1 is not the update we needed at this meeting. I will look for secret Starbucks research into the Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD sooner than later than Star Wars Times as Dr. Lisa MD given the job of Starbucks CEO could get these Rx Latt's to market decades sooner to every Starbucks world wide
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; to design a curriculum to start conversations on 'Star War's' Starbucks iMac's at every Starbucks, Starbucks Apple Network servers, Paris Pasteur Institute Curriculum at Starbucks meeting's today. To Design a Curriculum for every Starbucks Baristas to spend company time writing at the Hemingway House Writing Class in Key West on the iMac at every Starbucks. Who Is iOS 11.3.1 For? Starbucks Baristas to start a Genius Tech conversation while making the Latte. Qatar Starbucks Baristas make $100K in the USA only the Genius tech makes $100K at Starbucks. Starbucks 2 White Men at HQ will keep the current status Quo for decades if Jews fail to drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to the Starbucks drive threw window. The bad news is iOS 11.3.1 is not the update we needed at this meeting. I will look for secret Starbucks research into the Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD sooner than later than Star Wars Times as Dr. Lisa MD given the job of Starbucks CEO could get these Rx Latt's to market decades sooner to every Starbucks world wide. A Windfall for MD's like Dr. Lisa. Genuine female touch is void for the 2 White Men at Starbucks HQ or they would have put Kim and his Cheerleader wife, one of 5,000 female cheer leaders that were at the Olympics. Starbucks greetings by 8K North Korean Cheer leaders every day will get nukes built faster than the CIA ever calculated, same with the Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD. Starbucks is trying to dissuade you of the worth of Kim's Cheer leading Wife. Frustrated by the lack of fixes for the Korean War Trump will tweak Kim's wife was in South Korea all the time making the breakthrough Rx Latte for North Korean Starbucks. Starbucks update would be a smart move because Apple will surely want to move on from the narrative of iOS 11.3 problems by the time iOS 11.4 launches… on the 8K iMac's at Starbucks. Wifi arrest at Starbucks don't happen in Qatar or Star Wars USA.
United Arab Emirates that has been flowing; building gas stations! Pompeo’s Message to Saudis? Enough Is Enough: Stop Qatar Blockade. Gas Stations, Enough is Enough!! Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was met by the Saudi foreign minister, Adel Al-Jubeir, upon his arrival in Riyadh. Kerry did the same thing 100's of Times and millions of new gas stations were built world wide! A meeting today, King Salman in a meeting planned for Sunday: today! NY Times Headlines tomorrow, God is Dead - Allah is Alive and Well at the State Dept or 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's are driven by Jew Hero's into Exodus! 12 Trillion Galaxies.
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; I Want "Key West" to be Richer than Qatar" by Disney Pixar Fox
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; "I Want to Be Rich and I’m Not Sorry" By Jessica Knoll
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; "I want Starbuck USA to be Richer than Starbucks Qatar via iMac Pro's at every Cafe table with 1,001 IP invention projects on the Rx Menu.
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; "I Want to Be Rich and I’m Not Sorry" By Jessica Knoll, Jessica writes in a Universe without Qatar $$$ like Bill + Melinda Gates News without the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's, grin.
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Ms. Knoll is a novelist in Los Angeles. Jessica writes in a Universe without Qatar - "The research tells me I shouldn't’t, but I like all these women more for their bluster. If she can see it, she can be it. I want to be it for little girls whose parents aren’t saving for their educations, whose friends make fun of them for wanting too much from their lives. I want to make the kind of money that allows me to jet to Paris on a Tuesday, to meaningfully contribute to nasty City Hall Tow Truck Drivers, to afford a thug of a lawyer if any man ever lays a finger on me again. If anyone calls that obnoxious, I want to do what men at 1984 HQ do, and telegraph - SHRUG Hug George Orwell in Qatar. Telegraph Invention a Disney Pixar Fox Movie!" Jessica Knoll (@JessMKnoll) is the author of the novels “Luckiest Girl Alive lives in Qatar” and the forthcoming “The Favorite Sister.”
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Portland Press Herald staff writer Beth Quimby contributed reporting Doug Harlow, John Williams, in the shooting death of Cpl. Eugene Cole. CBS Nightly news reported he killed Cole because Cole just arrest his girlfriend so much for the local staff writer Beth Quimby who censored this.
2 Pink Women; VATICAN CITY — Five years ago, Pope Francis and today the Pope still 'Drives' the same thing's Qatar is the richest city in the world not Key West. Today, Francis is increasingly embattled by the Jew Hero's ready to drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's over Allah to Exodus and Jewish Aliens, with Kim's Cheerleader Wife's 4 of them the Jews can invent a A-Bomb 400 times faster than the speed of light by Christmas 2018. Pink women at Starbucks @ the Vatican they concede that Francis’ message has fallen decidedly out of sync with the prevailing political times of Time-Photons and Rx Pink Latte Recipe. Pope’s role as a global conscience is covered in oil and diesel exhaust in kids DNA. Xi is putting millions to death for smog birth defects and cancers without UN or Vatican Protest! Old Men Rule is not 2 White Men (OLD) at 1984 HQ order up more oil and diesel for the money. Addicts $777 trillion and none for the Yale Key West Medical School or to add 100 students to every Medical school world wide in September 2018. Facebook, "Does Facebook Just Harbor Extremists? Or Does It Create Them? Facebook's 2 White Men Created 'Qatar' and sent their Yale + Harvard MD's there... not to Key West. “Sometimes truth is not easy to listen to,” Francis said, noting that “inventors have always had to deal with being persecuted by GE, Edison, other inventors of war machines for ancient Rome." Today inventors are needed for Jewish Exodus if Jew's turn on the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's!
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; To Build Dubai of the Balkans, Serbia Deploys 5,700 homes and eight hotels will be built in the development between the river and the railway tracks running to the city’s 19th-century Central Train Station. Yale Key West Medical School is not to be built in Dubai, Qatar, Balkans.
"Mr. Bjelobaba, the owner the auto-repair business, said that a construction explosion went off recently while he was working in the shop and a wall collapsed. “It was not a coincidence. It was not an accident,” he said, adding that it was a sign that the authorities were stepping up pressure to make him leave the auto-repair business to new 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. NATO warplanes in 1999, bomb WindmillCAR's + RV's has been swept away to make way for three Trump Towers, built by an Israeli-owned company, AFI Europe Group. They are determined to take us into the future with gas engine cars and diesel in the kids DNA. WHO at the UN is a criminal organization. The Belgrade Waterfront project is being funded by an Abu Dhabi-based investment firm, Eagle Hills Properties, gas cars only!! United Arab Emirates that has been flowing building gas stations! Pompeo’s Message to Saudis? Enough Is Enough: Stop Qatar Blockade. Gas Stations Enough is Enough!!
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; "Our Bodies, Ourselves" Paperback – 944 pages!! October 4, 2011
by Boston Women's Health Book Collective (Author), Judy Norsigian (Author)
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; 2011 Greg flew into Key West to build the Yale Key West Medical School.
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Disney Pixar Fox Movie "Our Bodies, Ourselves" 2018.
Disney Pixar Fox Movie on Amazon Women Our Body God's Best Invention
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-29-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; EU moves to full ban on pesticides that harm bees, near-total neonicotinoids ban... BBC News London Smog and Diesel - Coal kickbacks to the BBC News leaked $$$
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; iParking AND iPod size GE Electric Generator that you can plug in all your GE appliances Quality of Life in Qatar is the richest in the world today not Key West! iDash cam, iCop in your car talking to you, you never get pulled over in Star Wars!
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Bikes in Key West must also wear a GPS monitoring device... iParking iParking Quality of life vs traffic tickets and towed cars. In Qatar the richest city in the world they find you a parking spot and there are no traffic tickets or towed cars. iParking Quality of Life Oil Culture. iParking Quality of Life 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's culture would add iCat's + Dog's City Employees as this is the richest City in the World not Rome Today, grin. iMac on every Cafe table at Starbucks will mean your City is Richer intellectually than Qatar, grin! Gravity Engine will be invented in Key West Not Qatar! Sara Palin you bet ya!!
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Dr. Queen Elizabeth MD Dr. Prince Phillip MD as MD's would have diagnosed BP Oil as futile on Oil's Deathbed instead of keeping BP Oil alive killing London's children with the Oil Exhaust Plague's of 2018.
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Gen. Khalifa Hifter returned to his Benghazi stronghold on Thursday after weeks in a Paris hospital, and he dismissed reports he was seriously ill as those in Paris he cut in front of the line, got VIP MD's when others in Paris got the PA and never saw a French MD. Generals diagnosis is futile as Iran oil Revenues are illegal but for the UN Nations. Paris Jews stronghold on being the World's Hero's who drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's to Gen. Hifter's HQ to confiscate $777 Trillion skidded on a oil slick of money for Generals not Jewish Exodus.
Jew's would be the World's Hero's getting 4 wife's like Allah when they build their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's!!!! The Jewish Women Who Brought Down Bill Cosby, OJ Clones + Prince Salman's Honor Killings of #MeToo women.
Jimmy Carter Knows What North Korea Wants, Jew Hero's who Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's over Allah! Jimmy Carter Wants this too, grin and 4 Wife's!!!!
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Star Wars Starlings on a 9,000 Star Journey from Earth. Shorebirds, the World’s Greatest Travelers, Face Extinction. A 9,000 mile migration? It was no problem for these remarkable birds – until humans got in the way. Human Warriors got in the way for centuries. "Shorebirds, the World’s Greatest Travelers, Face Extinction" by John W. Fitzpatrick is the director of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Nathan R. Senner is a researcher at the University of Montana. John needs to search Amazon for bird feeder invention books and NASA for intelligence with more gravity than the Pentagon Warriors.
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Amazon invented birdfeeder for shorebirds, the pectoral sandpiper, departs from northern Alaska long before its offspring can fly, heading south to spend the winter in the pampas of Argentina. More amazing, the offspring left behind eventually take to the air on their own and, with no guidance, follow exactly the same route, joining their parents at a point 8,800 miles to the south. Scientists have no clue how to build a shorebird feed the hummingbirds will not fell up on, grin. 1 billion Chinese will buy an Amazon bird feeder in 2018, high end one's have a web cam inside and outside.
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; God's most overlooked innovations. Gravitropism, the ability to know up from down. It helps us survive. By sensing Earth’s gravitational pull, humans but for 2 White Men at 1984 HQ go viral with Gravity in their thoughts every day and now that Greg has a Secret Gravity Engine Book on Amazon Gravity has gone more viral than the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ want. A calcium carbonate crystal deep inside your ear brushes against hairs when you move, signaling up from down to your brain. Signals from 12 Trillion Galaxies can't reach the Brain of the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. They are observing gravitropism at work. Maybe it will charm them enough to let you woo a few wife's for the Bishop and yourself to build the first Gravity Engine.
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; iPod Size Proton IP invention projects in Key West. Proton Therapy’s Promise Is Undercut in Key West as the Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel to get a 500 ton Proton Machine the size of an iPod is halted by City Hall 1984. For Cancer Centers, Proton Therapy’s Promise Is Undercut by Lagging Demand. "Hospitals and private investors keep pumping vast sums of money into an advanced type of radiology" By JAY HANCOCK
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Infant Deaths Fall Sharply in Africa With Routine Antibiotics
Providing one dose every six months saved one in four babies, researchers reported. Now the W.H.O. will consider recommending routine use. By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr 1980 Texas Cattle Ranchers were putting antibiotics in with the cattle feed... Vaccines in the drinking water by Dr. Lisa MD will be a Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel.
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Researchers conclude that the most effective pain relief with the fewest side effects comes from a combination of 400 milligrams of ibuprofen (Advil and other brands) with 1,000 milligrams of acetaminophen (Tylenol). No opioid or opioid-containing medicine or any other combination of drugs was more effective. For teeth pulled. Key West Inventors will write a Hemingway Nobel Novel on the most effective ways to prevent getting a tooth pulled.
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; 2 White Men at ATT are buying a Palace in Qatar because it's the richest City in the World, not Key West. AT&T Chief Attacks Lawsuit to Block Time Warner Merger
Randall Stephenson, AT&T’s chief executive, defended his deal to buy Time Warner and said a combined company would be no different than those that already exist in Silicon Valley." By CECILIA KANG "He said that argument “defies logic.” Qatar II “The value of a content company is how many people watch the content. Period,” Mr. Stephenson said. Qatar and Qatar II content reflects Allah's $777 Trillion in illegal gas money from Miami gas stations. ATT has rejected making Miami the Richest City in the World out right. Right and Wrong can be pointed out with the Comcast Remote as it would have been built into your Samsung or LG 100" monitor along with the Comcast Cable Box. Quality of life in the USA because of Comcast and ATT needs to be an NY Times Editorial ASAP.
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Dr. Queen Elizabeth MD Dr. Prince Phillip MD as MD's would have diagnosed BP Oil as futile on Oil's Deathbed instead of keeping BP Oil alive killing London's children with the Oil Exhaust Plague's of 2018. Alfie Evans, Terminally Ill British Toddler at Center of Court Fight, Dies. The 23-month-old had a rare degenerative brain condition. His parents fought to continue treatment, but his doctors said further medical care would have been futile. By YONETTE JOSEPH
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Canada Man drives over women on the sidewalk diagnosis. Catherine Porter, our Toronto bureau chief, who was on assignment in Calgary, explored the actions of the Toronto police officer who got the suspect to surrender without force. Greg was in Calgary in 1984 with my Birth Day Card's. Police officer, Constable Ken Lam, refusing to shoot the attacker! Catherine Porter: I went to high school four subway stops from the scene of the attack. Driver killer a sexually frustrated, woman-hating, a misogyny netherworld in a Facebook post, either before or during the attack. I never had anticipated Canada would be the country that led me to become familiar with misogynistic code words like incels, Chads and Stacys. Canada an exercise in filling in the blanks of the Mastermind at 1984 HQ who got to read Greg's Birthday cards in 1984 and learn about the 1980 Invention of the WindmillCAR's + RV's. 4 Wife's for the Jews and Greg in Key West never went viral in Canada in 1984 or 2018. Canada Oil + Coal white men did spent a lot on paid sex at the Qatar Trump Casino, grin. NY Times white guy writes toward the end of the day that I realized we had assembled a real-life horror story that censored out Greg's 4 Wife's and his trip to Calgary in 1984 with Birthday Cards and the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's!
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Cosby Verdict and the OJ Verdict here's what happened at 1984 HQ ruled by 2 white men... OJ#MeToo 19K women OJ killed not just his ex and her friend. A Reckoning for Cosby — Now for OJ. 2 White Men at 1984 HQ know how he did it and could make this into a Movie!
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; "1001 Invention Movies" by Disney 12 of the worlds best Invention Movies in 24/7. "12 Marvel Movies in 31 Hours. It Didn’t Feel Like Infinity.
In advance of “Avengers: Infinity War,” superfans come together for an epic shared experience in a Times Square multiplex." By JASON BAILEY iParking Quality of life vs traffic tickets and towed cars. Bill + Melinda Gates would be counting their wasted time and money on Mosquitoes and wood burning stoves for Africa. Nets too.
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; EU moves to full ban on pesticides that harm bees, near-total neonicotinoids ban... BBC News London Smog and Diesel - Coal kickback to the BBC News leaked $$$
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; iParking AND iPod size GE Electric Generator that you can plug in all your GE appliances. Russian wrote "The Idiots" ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — Russia's controversial floating nuclear power plant has headed out for its first sea voyage. The floating plant, the Akademik Lomonosov, was towed Saturday out of the St. Petersburg shipyard where it was constructed. It is to be towed through the Baltic Sea and around the northern tip of Norway to Murmansk, where its reactors are to be loaded with nuclear fuel. The Lomonosov is to be put into service in 2019 in the Arctic off the coast of Chukotka in the far east, providing power for a port town and for oil rigs. The project has been widely criticized by environmentalists. Greenpeace has dubbed it a "floating Chernobyl."
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; NY Times Editorial: "For City Hall, #MeToo Becomes #YouToo" iParking and iPod Size GE Electric Generator for the Richest City in the World; Key West, grin. Not NYC.
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; POW McCain on his death bed Captures '1,001 IP invention projects' held "POW" by the Top Brass for decades.
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Picasso MD - Facebook in times of Picasso. Influenced to paint not diagnose. "Does Facebook Just Harbor Extremists? Or Does It Create Them? Dr. Lisa MD and Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos, extremist's to get the 2 Pink women at Starbucks their Rx Pink Latte Cure for breast cancer in 2018, this is extremists but at 1984 HQ were 2 white men work on other things today.
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-28-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Kim cross into Korea walking not driving a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR
Jew's would be the World's Hero's getting 4 wife's like Allah when they build their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's!!!! The Jewish Women Who Brought Down Bill Cosby, OJ Clones + Prince Salman.
NY Times '1984' edition must have censored this invention by Greg + Wife's in Key West.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Kim cross into Korea walking not driving a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Kim cross into Korea walking not driving a 2018 Ford Wind millCAR, nuclear annihilation, or Annihilation of Oil + Coal in Texas, Alaska, Qatar, Saudi Arabia...
Apple needs the chance to try iMac Pro's at $13,384 at Dr's Treadmill Desk and every MD desk at Yale, Tulane and every Hospital and Medical School in the USA. iMac's are already at every Desk in Qatar. Genius MD tutors to write apps will cost extra, $100,000. This is petty cash in Qatar not the USA. Jew's would be the World's Hero's getting 4 wife's like Allah when they build their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's and buy everyone in the USA a iMac at $13,384. Plus the Genius app turors $100,000. 1,001 Nobels spelled out on Amazon. Trumps true color is not 'Pink' or he would have bought Ivanka a $1 Trillion dollar IBM super computer and given her a Pass to Los Alamos along with 4 trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets no longer.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors Kids have Autism and they were murdered by Dad like Biden killed his own son for the Glory of War. Jimmy Carter was asked this and said No I would not kill my own son for USA Warriors!" "Autism rates continue to climb, and experts don't exactly know why" USA TODAY Wounded Warrior T-Shirts sale are the cause of Autism + cancers. Sadism's Troops are illiterate in the most important subject alone in the Universe with No Jewish Aliens to consult on intelligence. Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. Warriors is a specific mental illness causing you to murder God for War's Glory a learned Scam by the Top Brass to ruin your soul soul-mate's Heaven + Hell. God told you to sacrifice your own son? I don’t know if my faith is that strong or not. I know I am much more fallible than Abraham. Exhaust... will Jimmy Carter tell God he was to Exhausted by brain cancer to save 1 billion kids from Wounded Warriors Autism and childhood cancers from smog, diesel in traffic next to the playground and from Huge Diesel Trucks on Duval.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; These drugs, called checkpoint inhibitors, have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat advanced melanoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and cancers of the lung, kidney and bladder. More drugs in this class are in the pipeline. Patients are clamoring for checkpoint drugs, including one, Keytruda, known to many as “that Jimmy Carter drug” which, combined with surgery and radiation, has left the former president with no sign of recurrence even though melanoma had spread to his liver and brain.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; These drugs, called checkpoint inhibitors, Star Wars for Warriors to stop the War's for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. The last war on Earth was for Oil Money From Baghdad, Qatar, Texas, Alaska, Saudi Arabia, Moscow. In Star Wars Time there is no $777 trillion dollar motive holding up Miami gas stations.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; women unjustly deny them sex... Alek Minassian, who plowed a rental van through a busy Toronto sidewalk on Monday, left little doubt as to why he killed 10 people, most of them women. Minutes before his attack, he posted a message on Facebook lauding the mass murderer Elliot O. Rodger and warned of an “incel rebellion” — a reference to an online community of “involuntarily celibate” men who believe women unjustly deny them sex.
Jew's would be the World's Hero's getting 4 wife's like Allah!!!!
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Mary Kennedy comment from the NY Times today was JFK. ...there will be no stopping future tragedies of rich men like Robert Kennedy Jr from buying the Judge to hang his wife in the barn... 1,000 of trials just in the USA are going on today and the Judge will be bought by all the rich men! iapp can track this too, FBI is probably recording it like Google tracks and records fiery car wrecks but doesn't post them on YouTuble.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; “incel rebellion” — a reference to an online community of “involuntarily celibate” men who believe women unjustly deny them sex. Mr. Rodger, who killed six people in Isla Vista, Calif., in 2014, recorded YouTube videos raging against “spoiled, stuck-up” women he called “sluts” who sexually rejected him. And before Mr. Rodger, there was George Sodini
Jew's would be the World's Hero's getting 4 wife's like Allah!!!!
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; “incel rebellion” Robert Kennedy Jr. OJ Rebellion with a bloody crime scene you can find on Google Search but you can not find a picture of Mary Kennedy hanging in the Kennedy Barn... tomorrow so other rich man will do the same to Mary.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; “incel rebellion” Wounded Warriors killing the Wife coming home from Baghdad and Afghanistan.
Jew's would be the World's Hero's getting 4 wife's like Allah!!!!
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; While these movements differ in small ways, what they have in common is an organized hatred of women... Wounded Warriors who kill the wife! OJ, Robert Kennedy Jr. Sub Commander who stabbed Kim Wall in her pussy 13 times then cut off her arms...
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; 2 White Men MD's still shudder at the fiasco that unfolded in the 1980s and 1990s, when doctors started giving women with breast cancer extremely high doses of chemotherapy and radiation on the theory that more must be better. The doctors did not systematically collect data; instead, they reported patient anecdotes claiming success. Then a clinical trial found that this treatment was much worse than the conventional one — the cancers remained just as deadly when treated with high doses, and the regimen itself killed or maimed women... the stats are censored and or secret as they were not in this NY Times article.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Dr. Oliver Sartor in his office at Tulane Medical Center in New Orleans. He and other cancer experts offer dying patients the chance to try experimental immunotherapy drugs.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Apple needs the chance to try iMac Pro's at $13,384 at Dr. Oliver Sartors Desk and every MD desk at Tulane and every Hospital and Medical School in the USA. iMac's are already at every Desk in Qatar. Genius MD tutors will cost extra, $100,000. This is petty cash in Qatar not the USA. Jew's would be the World's Hero's getting 4 wife's like Allah when they build their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's!!!!
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Stats on... David Wight, a retired oil engineer in Anchorage. Kids who's Moms work on a corner at Duval and Green breathing in gas exhaust all their lives... stats.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 3 Pink Women; 3 Mexican film students rapper 'dissolved film students' bodies in acid' 3 Pink Women dissolved in 'Smog Acid' and no protesters in Key West.
Jew's would be the World's Hero's getting 4 wife's like Allah when they build their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's!!!!
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women Sue North + South Korea for $888 Trillion wasted on War!! "Parents Sue North Korea Over College Student’s Death After Time in Prison" Otto F. Warmbier, a student at the University of Virginia, died after suffering a severe brain injury during 17 months in custody in Pyongyang." By MARK LANDLER
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Window A.C the size of a iPod, well the size of a coffee table book like Greg's Book. "When a Co-op Project Turns Into War" "An effort to install central air-conditioning in a prewar co-op so deeply divides the residents that a board president is forced to step down." By RONDA KAYSEN NY Times '1984' edition must have censored this invention by Greg + Wife's in Key West.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; "Thought linger on the Milky Way Galaxy at Night on the THE HIGH END Terraces to Look At and Linger On" "Designers are redefining terraces; instead of plain rectangles tacked onto the sides of buildings, they’re becoming more like outdoor rooms at night. Stars! We will never travel to because 2 White Men Wounded Warriors at 1984 HQ. By JANE MARGOLIES
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Today Key West burns 71 bodies of the Homeless each year and puts the ashes in the Key West Cemetery they would have given 71 bodies to the Yale Key West Medical School if the Navy didn't bomb it in 2011. "Today, medical school cadavers come from donors. Yet an underground market still exists: In 2008, a former dental surgeon pleaded guilty to running an enterprise that harvested organs from more than 1,000 corpses at funeral homes in Brooklyn." Although medical professionals today tend to be held in high esteem, the opposite was true in the 18th century. City Hall today and in the 18th century the profession is not held in high esteem by 2 Cat Women with fine's for feed the cats! iParking would start a riot if the Citizen Newspaper put in the towed cars. New Yorkers unsuccessfully petitioned the city’s Common Council not to stop the practice, and hire a Vet to help care for the stray cats well as letting the cat women feed them. iParking Times the cat women will have a City Hall Vet on their side!
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; "A Reckoning for Cosby — Prince Salman in Saudi Arabia has all the Cosby Show's on tonight in Protest! Now for Others? Cosby’s persistent pathology was unusual. The fears of his victims, that the man who abused them was too powerful to face consequences, are not." Robert Kennedy Jr and Prince Salman are too powerful to face consequences!! Both have killed women and women in Pink at Starbucks waiting for their Rx Pink Latte Recipe to be made. Kerry has killed many women and he too refuses to pay for 2 Pink Latte Recipes at Starbucks. These men are powerful and have predatory behavior.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; 2 Pink Women at Starbucks... The verdict and the prosecution should make clear that women need to be listened to and their accusations need to be taken seriously. 2 Pink Women at Starbucks... wait for the Boss at Starbucks as he a White Man will also be in a NY Times Editorial.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Readers write that the withdrawal of the V.A. secretary nominee from consideration shows President Trump’s true colors aren't "Pink" no Pink Latte Recipe as the cost of 'War's" is what Trump spends his money on. VA MD spends his money on Coors and pills for the White House staff's plane rides. Malaria pills not Breast Cancer. Trump’s true colors aren't "Pink." 24/7 work with many Wife's in Key West! Trump’s Doctor Accused of Handing Out Ambien. D.E.A. Calls the Practice Illegal. FBI calls Miami gas stations illegal.
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Profile: ‘In Italy, There Was the Pope and Then There Was Enzo Ferrari’ Failure of the Pope to get into Yale Medical School. Bishop with 4 Wife's will have a MD degree in Star Wars Times. Ferrari with the gravity engine in Italy!
4-27-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
"Does Facebook Just Harbor Extremists? Or Does It Create Them? Facebook's 2 White Men Created 'Qatar' as the Richest City in the World in Times of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's!
Jew's would be the World's Hero's getting 4 wife's like Allah when they build their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's!!!!
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; 300 women a year die from Coor's Caused Breast Cancer as the Admiral MD said 1 in a Million and there are 300 million so...
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Russia now claims the US missile strike on Syria largely failed — and that it has captured US missile technology. Medical Insider 3000 women in Russia die from Vodka Caused Breast Cancer and Putin is not playing... or paying attention. Finally, he said Russia would send S-300 missile defenses into Syria in the "near future." $1 Trillion in Russian Oil Money will not ever buy a IBM Super Computer to crunch 4 trillion Rx Recipes for the 2 Pink women at the Moscow Starbucks!! Show down by 2 White men in the Kremlin, grin.
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Jew's would be the World's Hero's getting 4 wife's like Allah when they build their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's - Drive them over the Oil Fields of Saudi Arabia, Texas, Alaska, Qatar, Moscow... After an assault against an Israeli wearing a skullcap, hundreds of Berliners donned skull caps in support. But Jews say discrimination remains a part of daily life. By MELISSA EDDY Melissa Eddy needs to write Jew's as World Hero's with 4 Wife's Victory Drive in WindmillCAR's + RV's!
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Jew's at the WindmillCAR Revolution Hero's - President Daniel Ortega, once a revolutionary hero, faces Nicaragua’s biggest uprising in decades as protesters pry themselves free from his control via gas stations and gas engine cars, kickbacks from BP Oil. By FRANCES ROBLES
Jimmy Carter Knows What North Korea Wants, Jew Hero's who Drive the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's over Allah! Jimmy Carter Wants this too, grin and 4 Wife's!!!!
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; 4 Wife's is what we want...
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Facebook and the Chinese Wife of Facebook caused Xi to put to death millions of kids with birth defects and cancers from diesel smog and coal. "Does Facebook Just Harbor Extremists? Or Does It Create Them? Most believe that provocateurs are responsible for kindling hate on Facebook. But the evidence suggests that the platform itself may encourage ill will." By MAX FISHER and AMANDA TAUB
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; ...attempted a so-called rescue of Filipino domestic workers that they said had been abused by their Kuwaiti employers. The effort, which critics have described as a stunt, was recorded and posted on social media, embarrassing Kuwait...
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Hanged Mary Kennedy Memorial at "New Haven Green" and "Boston Square" with Robert Kenney Jr Paying off the Judge. A Lynching Memorial Is Opening. The Country Has Never Seen Anything Like It. The National Memorial for Peace and Justice, opening Thursday in Montgomery, Ala., is dedicated to victims of white supremacy. By CAMPBELL ROBERTSON Rich Men's supremacy buying the Judge in Star Wars Times this will be a Disney Pixar Fox Movie but could never be made today as Robert Kennedy Jr is to Rich from Oil Culture.
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Video Embarrassing MD Admiral is Secret!! Ronny Jackson Shouldn’t Head the V.A. Should He Even Be Practicing Medicine? He’s been accused of handing drugs out like candy, to people whose medical histories he probably knew nothing about. By RICHARD A. FRIEDMAN Body Cam for Cops now Body Cams for MD's.
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Pentagon's and North Korea’s Phony Peace Ploy's! NASA rocket scientest conotations of being smarter than a general will go with the Wind's of the WindmillCAR's War Victory. Masters of Hydrogen at -254 C too. Pentagon Generals masters of Atomic Bombs, Greg and Wife's will be masters of the Gravity Engine Invented in Key West, the richest city in the world.
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; "A False Portrait of Singapore" "The country’s United States ambassador takes exception to an article’s portrayal of an authoritarian paradise." 2 White Men and the ambassordor of the US go to the legal whore house in Singapore with the Yale Professors and students who are rich. Paradise is sex for money to these 3 white men. $$$ April 26, 2018
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Yes if you are from Qatar. THE ETHICIST NY Times "I’m a 73-Year-Old Cancer Survivor. Can I Accept a Kidney?"
Jimmy Carter Knows What North Korea Wants, Jew Hero's who Drive the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's over Allah! Jimmy Carter Wants this too, grin and 4 Wife's!!!!
4-26-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cont.... below.
4-25-2018 IBM to build the first $1 trillion dollar super computer at Los Alamos, wow! Bought by a Loving Husband for 2 Pink Women (Wife's) at Starbucks waiting for their Rx Pink Latte!! Hemingway House Writing Class (on $13,384 iMac's) if the Quality of Life in Key West was on par with the Quality of life in Qatar. $$$ Qatar has millions of iMac's at $13,384 at every Starbucks and no one is writing this Hemingway Novel today.
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade ran over 2 million Pink Women with Breast Cancer a War Crime; Pentagon made ‘Avengers,’ the Most Lucrative Warriors Movie Franchise Ever, now Disney will make "1001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018" with Dr. Lisa MD. And Trump will send a limo for the Nobel Prize Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks after he gets out of Jail for DUI road kills. Those in government who could have prevented these 2 million deaths... will go to Hell in Georgia. Ha, Jimmy Carter!
4-25-2018 "Danish Sub Commander Peter Madsen Is Convicted of Killing Kim Wall" By MARTIN SELSOE SORENSEN and CHRISTINA ANDERSON 19 minutes ago. Peter Madsen admitted to dismembering the Swedish Kim Wall NY Times temp journalist on his submarine and to discarding her body. Kim Wall, 30, whom prosecutors said he bound, tortured, sexually assaulted and stabbed in her pussy 13 times, repeatedly after she went on his submarine, the UC3 Nautilus, Copenhagen City Court Judged and City Leaders expect a wrongful death lawsuit from Greg + Wife's in Key West. A court-ordered psychiatric evaluation of Mr. Madsen described him as a narcissistic sociopath, lacking in empathy but not psychotic or delusional. Psychiatric evaluation by Dr. Lisa MD of the NY Times owners who only hire temps like Bill Gates, and a Copenhagen City with no 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's. Delusional over $777 Trillion in oil kickbacks and bribes to the Times and City of Copenhagen by BP Oil. NY Times editors will testify, “It was random chance that it turned out to be Kim Wall,” Judge will rule if Kim had a NY Times ID card she would be alive today along with tens of thousands of other Kim Wall Clones murdered, temps at Microsoft.
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Wounded Warriors are beating the dead horse of 'War' in 'Star War's' Times, along with the Wife who wants a divorce from 'War' to marry a 'Star War's' Jewish Alien sail the USS Exodus at NASA II
Toronto Drivers... driving gas + oil Canada! Citizen check their DVR when they wake to see if H-Bombs went off in Korea. Motivation of the Driver's in Toronto Canada are $777 trillion in oil and coal revenues.
"Toronto Van Attack Suspect Expressed Anger at Women" By DAN BILEFSKY and IAN AUSTEN NY Times.
Barriers to stop cars from running over people, not the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's. $500 million worth of Barriers on CBS Nightly News have been ordered after this Toronto Driver ran down and killed 10.
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Trumps White House MD Admiral drank on the job... we have to get the Admiral MD's comments about Greg's web that Coors caused breast cancer - and I would bet it all the Admiral MD said only 1 in a million women died from Coors causing her breast cancer. I have to get this video to go viral a Drunk MD Admiral on alcohol and breast. But not breast cancer cure.
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Trump Hints V.A. Nominee Admiral MD Might Drop Out, will drop out of getting 100 more medical students into Yale and Harvard Medical schools this September 2018.
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; President Trump acknowledged Tuesday that Dr. Ronny L. Jackson, his nominee to lead the Veterans Affairs Department, is in serious trouble amid allegations that he oversaw a hostile work environment as the White House doctor, allowed the overprescribing of drugs and possibly drank on the job. Divorce another Warrior!! Admiral was physician to Taqaddum, Iraq, during the Iraq war and knew about the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's that would have won the War in One Day and withheld this from the public, a war crime. VA changes to its electronic health records system and programs that allow veterans to seek care from private doctors at government expense. VA changed in Saudi Arabia and Qatar is what the Doctor need to treat. “Admiral Jackson has been on the front lines of deadly combat and saved the lives of many others in service to this country and Saudi Arabia + Qatar. Secret! V.A. to ensure our veterans receive the benefits they deserve after Saudi Arabia and Qatar Citizen who have the USA over a barrel of oil that will be $100 sooner than later... $4 gas in Key West.
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Key West where the legacy and the romance of a declining industrial past 'Warriors' 1984 behind the Court House will end up in divorce court with Greg + Wife's Romance of 2 Pink Women at Starbucks arrested for ordering a Rx Pink Latte while Warriors are still pumping gas in Baghdad, are beating the dead horse of War along with the Wife who wants to marry a Jewish Alien, grin. Fear and Hope in South Korea Before Meeting With Kim threats of annihilation to peace overtures.
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Toronto set their DVR to record the first H-Bomb Strikes in Korea if they went off while Canada was sleeping!
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Is This Toronto? By RANDY BOYAGODA The city, long used to peace and harmony, has to confront the fact that mass violence killing the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV can happen here, too. Road Rage 2 White Men at Starbucks Toronto in gas engine cars. Canada is not reading Greg's book on Amazon because of Orders from our 1984 Nero driving Canada Citizen to check their DVR when they wake to see if H-Bombs went off in Korea.
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Warriors in Key West Behind the Court House want a honorable outcome with a Nuclear War or all this time in Korea was a waste of time and money. Navy found a negative command climate, like Orwell war is good peace or Exodus is negative. Barriers to stop cars, Navy just ordered $500 million worth and none are "Pink". Barriers erected to stop Starbucks Rx Pink Latte. CBS Nightly News and what goes viral in Miami and World Wide exclude the Starbucks Rx Pink Latte. Greg Is In love with all these Pink Women who will be spit on by Warriors behind the court house in Key West. To be abused by a number of 1984 men who profited from Baghdad and Afghan Wars more than women in Key West with breast cancers and gas engine exhaust. This is War and the outcome is War Crimes at a Court House!
Some tech companies are hiring (Wife's) female “motivators” for a role that’s a mix of psychologist and cheerleader — to help overworked male programmers through conversation and massages... 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018 just programming all the 1 Click Amazon links and getting IBM to build the first $1 trillion dollar super computer at Los Alamos, wow!
Pope Francis tech is hiring (4 Wife's for each Bishop) female “motivators” for a role that’s a mix of psychologist and cheerleader. to help overworked male Bishop programmers through conversation and massages... 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018 just programming all the 1 Click Amazon links and getting IBM to build the first $1 trillion dollar super computer at Los Alamos, wow!
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; On trips to Africa and other countries where malaria is rampant, White House doctors would also distribute Malarone, a prescription medicine that prevents the disease. Bill + Melinda Gates never gave out any Malarone, why?
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Pentagon made ‘Avengers,’ the Most Lucrative Movie Franchise Ever, now Disney will make "1001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018"
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; French Owned Oil Company 'Total' and now Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the state-owned oil company "Pertamina' will keep drivers out of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Indonesia “Then they sell it as kerosene to the local market, or for motorcycles and fishing boats,” he said. “Those are their customers. The local governments know, but because they can’t provide any other jobs, they look the other way.” Jobs at Ford WindmillCAR plant's world wide!!
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; iParking iPhone X app "Registered your Parking when you park when you plan to leave" every parking spot in NYC is a "Registered Parking Spot" and City Hall knows who your are and if you paid your State Farm car insurance today, ha" "Should New York City Reserve Parking Spots for Residents Only? The City Council takes up residential parking permits, again. A policy that is prevalent around the country has never gotten far in New York City." Star Wars NYC Parking Residents on iPhone X app.
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; The Cold-Case Specialist Who Wants to Put Robert Durst Away
With no weapon or witness, a California prosecutor who has won more than a dozen cold cases must prove that Mr. Durst killed a confidante 17 years ago. By CHARLES V. BAGLI Durst killed 2 women at Starbucks yesterday and will kill 2 more tomorrow, clones of Durst created by 1984 Warriors at Orwell HQ. Rx Latte Cure for Men who kill women in War has to be the first Rx Latte then the Wounded Warriors who kill the wife coming home from Baghdad as they know the NY Times will censor this killing on orders from the Pentagon. Rx Latte Cure for a lot... then we have Robert Kennedy Jr. who bought the Judge and hanged Mary in the Kennedy Barn, all we get from the Times on this Today is Blacks lynched 100 years ago not Mary's Clone hanged tomorrow by another Husband rich as Robert Kennedy Jr.
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-25-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Toronto Waffle House on the front page of the NY Times Today... Canada, United States, where the legacy and the romance of a declining industrial past 'Warriors' often eclipse the interests of new and expanding businesses. 2 White men, one in Toronto, Alex Minassian, 25 + one at the Waffle House were Masterminded by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. Qatar is the richest as their 1984 Top Brass Masterminded a 'Spending Spree' not killing spree population of its citizens. Carnage the NY Times writes meaning CAR, WindmillCAR's. Republicans ended up at war instead of Driving the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's even killing more kids they left in 'Hot' Cars than were bombed by fighter jet pilots. 2 Pink Women at Starbucks waiting on Yale + Harvard Alumni to whip up the Rx Pink Latte. This is not the 1st time Kerry murdered a women, 2 women in Pink this time. This time next year 2019 I can copy and past this into my web unless the 2 Pink women at Starbucks go viral via Yale + Harvard Alumni on Facebook and 1984 HQ.
Minassian was also regarded as an IT expert with comprehensive knowledge of computers chips, according to his former classmates. His name is listed as a developer on a number of apps, including one that found parking spots in the Toronto area. He is believed to have attended the college for seven years while also working in several software development jobs. Names of these companies were censored by Google News.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Despairing on Earth Day? Read This Carnage in the NY Times, send them email when will we read about the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR... -254 C super conductivity GE electric generators and super conductivity of 4 wife's will give Humanity 1,001 Nobels in Medicine spin off's! Oui, Oui, French women Despairing on Earth Day over Gas + Oil owned by the French Government in times of 'Windmills!' generating 12 trillion jolts of women's inspiration. Her Perfume dopamine, functions as a neurotransmitter—a chemical released by neurons and her smile flirting today with 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Exodus for all.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; CAR, Carnage, 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's!! An American Tragedy in Nashville. The Waffle House shooting is a painful reminder of Tennessee’s failure to protect its own citizens from mass murderers with guns. By MARGARET RENKL at the NY Times. Margaret is a mass murderer via CAR's, not reporting the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's in her story about the Waffle House shooting.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Dash Cam's inside the Limo, pictures of Greg on bike and everyone in the crowd as Trump drives by on the side of the road as the Trump Limo drove by without stopping to help put out the gasoline Car's on fire and 2 Pink women burning up swearing at Trump for not putting out the 'Pink Death' Fire's! Intentional arson by Nero today. It’s a phenomenon found around the world, including in the United States, where the legacy and the romance of a declining industrial past WAR often eclipse the interests of new and expanding businesses. War vs Star Wars Jewish Exodus and Romance of Los Alamos given to a new Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD with a upgrade to $1 Trillion dollar super computers from the old IBM $100 Million dollar super computers. Melted down USS Jimmy Carter subs will build some of the parts. Gravity Engines will help launch some of the USS Jimmy Carter Subs into the scrap yard beyond the moon, grin.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Rx Weight Watchers has pivoted to offering “lifestyle” Rx Recipe's spin off from the Rx Pink Latte crunched at Los Alamos by Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer 'skinny Oppenheimer and 'Fat Generals' same today but with $1 trillion dollar IBM super computers at Los Alamos. Rx Weight Watchers Latte has the perfect Rx Recipe you can only get at Starbucks. Super-model recipe via Dr. Lisa MD
2 Aneurysm's arrested at Starbucks working on iMac's at $13,384 in Qatar not Manhattan Starbucks, really!
2 Aneurysm's 'Gone Viral' at Starbucks via 2 White Men at 1984 HQ who stopped beating the Dead Horse of War! For 2 minutes just time enough to dissect the aneurysm and Time-Photons. Not enough time for Jewish Aliens.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Aneurysm in his brain had ruptured, leaving him in a fight for his life. He, Farquhar remained at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. 30 to 50 percent of people die from the initial rupture. "Recovery is usually measured in terms of months (and sometimes years). 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018 and 1 will be for saving the lives of the 30 to 50% of people who die from the initial rupture of the aneurysm. This is has not gone viral as Starbucks, Facebook, or the NY Times front page today. Can you picture the Aneurysm on the front page of todays NY Times instead of the Toronto Waffle House Mass Killings.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; intentional.... Macron is in the U.S. on a state visit, the first one of Trump’s administration. Trump and his wife, Melania, and Macron and his wife, Brigitte. Visit the millions of breast cancer women, yes Brigitte wore a Pretty Pink Dress!! Brigitte gone viral with a Rx Recipe in French for the Rx Pink Latte at the Paris Starbucks, no as they have all the time in the world so why rush to go viral on Breast cancer in Paris. Really. Brigitte will post on FaceBook not InventBook tonight. Paris is 'Burning' in gasoline exhaust worst than 'fire's of Nuclear War. The Masterminds who fired Oppenheimer and built 50K nukes for the fleet of USS Jimmy Carter subs knew a few H-Bombs will eventually Nuke Paris. These 2 white men at Los Alamos did this for their government jobs... while Oppenheimer was fired for wanting to use Los Alamos to build the Gravity Engine. This will be a Disney Pixar Fox Movie.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; intentional.... “What we know is that it was deliberate — this is not an accident, Ryder rental van in Canada plows down 25 on the sidewalk for a mile, killing 10. Intentional.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Swedes are driving more than ever: statistics 12K miles in 2018. Stats on belly fat and miles run on a treadmill desk were censored grin.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Kindle Search for IP invention projects in 1 million books in 6.7. Amazon's Kindle app for iOS was today updated to version 6.6.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; The residents of Grimsby, England are well aware of the role that fish processing plays in the local economy, and many doubt that a sizable fishing fleet will ever return. The residents of Grimsby, England are Not aware of the 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter's fishing fleet with free fuel as they are Ford WindmillHeavyLiftHelicopters, grin. Robots are the fishermen on these fishing helicopters.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; United States, where the legacy and the romance of a declining industrial past 'War' often eclipse the interests of new and expanding businesses.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Setya Novanto, a former speaker of Parliament in Indonesia, was sentenced to 15 years on Tuesday for masterminding the embezzlement of more than $170 million. A former speaker of Parliament in London, was sentenced to 15 years on Tuesday for masterminding the embezzlement of more than $170 billion from BP Oil revenues.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; China news reported that person who set the blaze at a Bar blocked the only entrance to the lounge, 18 died in a three-story building on fire in Guangdong Province.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Despairing on Earth Day? Read This Carnage in the NY Times, send them email when will we read about the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR...
Canada women Despairing on Earth Day over Gas + Oil owned by the Canada Government in times of 'Windmills!' generating 12 trillion jolts of women's inspiration. Her Perfume dopamine, functions as a neurotransmitter—a chemical released by neurons and her smile flirting today with 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Exodus for all.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; NBC news cited American and Canadian law enforcement officials saying that mental illness was the leading theory for a motive, rather than terrorism. They also said the suspect had been involved in an online discussion about Elliot Rodger, the man accused of carrying out a 2014 shooting rampage, near Santa Barbara, California, that killed six people. A Facebook post by a man with the same name and the same photo as the one that appears on the LinkedIn profile refers to the "Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger". In a video posted before the attack, Rodger had ranted about women turning down his advances, turning him into an "incel" - an abbreviation for "involuntarily celibate". Minassian is due to appear in court at 10 am local time on Tuesday.
Canada women Despairing on Earth Day over Gas + Oil owned by the Canada Government in times of 'Windmills!' generating 12 trillion jolts of women's inspiration. Her Perfume dopamine, functions as a neurotransmitter—a chemical released by neurons and her smile flirting today with 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Exodus for all.
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Amazon Package delivered to your parked car. For in-car delivery to work, customers must have a 2015 or later Chevrolet, Buick, GMC or Cadillac vehicle with an active account with OnStar, the roadside assistance and navigation service from General Motors. Car owners with 2015 or newer Volvos with a similar service, On Call, can also receive in-car deliveries from Amazon. Spin off Invention of this will be in the 100's...
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-24-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; "1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018" Title of a Novel that would be written today at the Hemingway House Writing Class (on $13,384 iMac's) if the Quality of Life in Key West was on par with the Quality of life in Qatar. $$$ Qatar has millions of iMac's at $13,384 at every Starbucks and no one is writing this Hemingway Novel today.
Smog and diesel from some of the world’s most contaminated cities By CEYLAN YEGINSU and Ceylan didn't mention Qatar being on the list of worst but best 'smog + diesel' cities, Why? Ceylan did tell us how many kids birth defects and cancers diesel caused 4,000 in 2018 just in London!! Key West? 4,000 just in London this is why Xi is putting millions of Chinese kids with birth defects and cancers from Diesel to death... Beijing!!
What Fuels the Saudi Rivalry With Iran? $777 Trillion in gas station hold up loot from Miami!
Civilians and Soldiers in a Time of War's Victory via 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's Lost by the Top Brass for $777 Trillion in gas money for expensive MIT War Toys...
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Despite the high stakes and bright lights, the nation’s statehouse impeachment bar is but a handful of battle-tested lawyers. The next test drive of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's will try to close the case forever at the Yale + Harvard Law Schools. Well give the Law Campus to the Yale + Harvard Medical School's for the 'gas + smog' crimes of these battle-tested lawyers! Kids left in 'Hot Car's' to die from 1980 to 2018 will convict Jimmy Carters personal lawyers of wrongful deaths, grin. Yes God is watching a little!
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; USA No Longer Needs Gas Engine Cars! In Key West Police De-escalation does not mean giving in to someone who is disobeying the rules, feeding the cat, grin. Laws do not feed the cat have killed many Cat Women in the USA and this will go on until the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's are driven by those at City Hall who beat dead horses today! "2 Cat Women arrested at Starbucks" a Disney Pixar Fox Novel, grin.
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Rx Hepatitis Latte at Starbucks @ Star Wars
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Mandatory University for all HS kids via Trump Tweets. College Admissions: Let’s Cut the Stress!
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Qatar MD's $$$ "Can Doctors Choose Between Saving Lives and Saving a Fortune?" Charging a fortune to the Qatar Prince with $777 Trillion and not reporting it on this years tax return." By SIDDHARTHA MUKHERJEE "Physicians grapple with the extraordinary cost of medical care in America... and the $1 Billion dollar paid bill by the Qatar Prince who has $777 trillion dollars from illegal Miami gas station hold ups. Who ever wrote this article for the NY Times should be fired.
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; DNA of the plague microbe that caused medieval Europe’s Black Death. The bacterium Yersinia pestis decimated almost 50 percent of Europe’s population from 1347-1351 in what is now referred to as the Black Death. It also left a legacy of current pestis strains, creating small outbreaks of plague throughout the world. Los Alamos has never explain exactly why the ancient bacterium was so deadly. Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD will tell us in her diagnosis of the Black Death.
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; 2,000 cases of plague throughout the United States and the world in 2018 and has not gone viral at Starbucks...
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; "Europe is outsourcing border management to distant Sudan Thugs, hoping to stop migrants before they cross the Mediterranean. But there may be a high moral cost... cost of Qatar staying the richest city in the world is a war crime by all of Europe, God Save the Queen, not today."By PATRICK KINGSLEY
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; "For decades, loudspeakers have blared demoralizing messages and pop songs across the Demilitarized Zone, beckoning North Korean troops to defect and get a pallet of cash $5 million from Kerry at Yale. Yes this was masterminded by Yale Alumni who failed in the real world of 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens."
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Ortega-Qatar Celebration would never happen. Ortega would never make Nicaragua rich as Qatar with the 2015 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's... he will just make a few of his inner circle rich enough to visit the Qatar Trump Casino, grin!! President Daniel Ortega reversed course after student rallies turned into what experts called the largest uprising in Nicaragua since its civil war. By FRANCES ROBLES
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Despite the high stakes and bright lights, the nation’s statehouse impeachment bar is but a handful of battle-tested lawyers. The next test drive of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's will try to close the case forever at the Yale + Harvard Law Schools. Well give the Law Campus to the Yale + Harvard Medical School's for the 'gas + smog' crimes of these battle-tested lawyers! Kids left in 'Hot Car's' to die from 1980 to 2018 will convict Jimmy Carters personal lawyers of wrongful deaths, grin. Yes God is watching a little!
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; " Denmark How Windmills as Wide as Jumbo Jets Are Making Clean Air Energy Mainstream" By STANLEY REED, CARSTEN SNEJBJERG and RASMUS DEGNBOL 4,000 Diesel deaths in 2018 just in London this is why Xi is putting millions of Chinese kids with birth defects and cancers from Diesel to death... Beijing!! Denmark's 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's are in their 'Pentagon Garage' rusting.
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Yale - Harvard Wheels: Cars That Will Get Your Grad Down the Road of Life, into the Jewish Exodus to 12 Trillion Galaxies. A Real World like Kerry's Yale + Harvard never had the vision to but in a Star Wars Movie. Gravity Engine 101 failed by Kerry in 1970 and again in 2018.
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-23-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; The more corrupt a 1984 society is, the more its citizens see smiling as suspicious. It was the end of a long, cold day, the news headlines both depressing and alarming, and my neighbor met my eyes as we stifled yawns at the same time. For a moment I forgot about the experiment and it leapt out without thinking: I smiled. Not an obligatory smile, not a coerced one, but a moment of sincere connection. She smiled back. And I felt good to know the Jews want to build their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's, their Exodus from our corrupt 1984 Gas Engine Exhaust Society! Smile at the Cameras, grin!
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos explains his famous one-character emails, known to strike fear in 2 Pink Women with Breast Cancer who know Trump is heartless as his wife and daughter both have breast cancer and no Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks or Manhattan Starbucks.
4-22-2018 "1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018" Title of a Novel that would be written today at the Hemingway House Writing Class (on $13,384 iMac's) if the Quality of Life in Key West was on par with the Quality of life in Qatar. $$$ Qatar has millions of iMac's at $13,384 at every Starbucks and no one is writing this Hemingway Novel today.
4-22-2018 NYC Central Park’s Scenic Drives in a gas engine car... Only Mayor Bill de Blasio Nero would write this for History!
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; NYC Central Park’s Scenic Drives Will Stay 2018 Ford WindmillCAR free. Mayor Bill de Blasio said the drives in the southern part of the park would be closed to WindmillCAR vehicles for good, though the crosstown transverses will remain open only to gas engine cars! War crime news in the Times about the Mayor, I will gas it to get the Paper, grin. By JEFFERY C. MAYS
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Intent on entering talks as an established Nuke Powerful Inventor opening the talks with Jewish Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies and a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks to sip as she works on her $13,384 iMac at every Starbucks Cafe table, just like Qatar's Starbucks.
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Yale Med students who passed but really didn't in the War on Cancer Class + Alumni WindmillCAR's not for their kids. 16 years of co-teaching a well-regarded seminar on “Studies in Grand Strategy” at Yale. Gaddis’s present book is at least the fourth such volume by professors of the Yale class, along with Paul Kennedy’s edited “Grand Strategies in War and Peace,” Charles Hill’s “Grand Strategies: Literature, Statecraft, and World Order” and more recently Linda Kulman’s “Teaching Common Sense: The Grand Strategy Program at Yale University.” While varied in tone and theme, all these efforts reflect the practical aims of the Yale seminar. Their implicit idea is to Yale “On Grand Strategy” in Time-Photons inventions is Yale New Haven Med School 'takes' the Yale University Campus in this War on Pink
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; “On Grand Strategy,” by John Lewis Gaddis a Yale White Man with no 'idea' invention projects of a Fleet of Yale Medical School Hospital Ships... yes John failed Yale out in the real world, Kerry said 16 years of co-teaching a well-regarded seminar on “Studies in Grand Strategy” at Yale. Gaddis’s present book is at least the fourth such volume by professors of the Yale class all get a F grade in getting Yale Students 1,001 Nobels in Medicine using the Los Alamos super computers crunching 4 trillion Rx recipes all trade secrets. Kerry said these are all secret, Ha.
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; “On Grand Strategy,” by John Lewis Gaddis, a pre-eminent historian and biographer of the Cold War, does not offer a comprehensive analysis, much less a history, of strategy on a grand scale in the manner of the Navy in Key West. Fleets of Hospital Ships, even a few Air Craft Carrier Hospital ships that will sink the fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs.
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Facebook Is a 'Gas Can on Fire' InventBook is the Star Wars FireHouse. False rumors set Buddhist against Muslim in Sri Lanka, the most recent in a global spate of violence fanned by Facebook by these 2 White Men who Beat Dead Horses in 2018 our of spite for the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Cubans Doubt a Change at the Top Will Bring Change at the Bottom
On the streets of Havana, By AZAM AHMED Change Havana to Qatar - Change Jew's to Qatar - Change India, China, Rome to Qatar. 2 Pink Women at Starbucks Doubt the Jew's who have the best chance with Exodus and Jewish Aliens will be able to stop BP Oil men from beating dead horse 'Oil' in London. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Harry have to be high on drugs, bough with $777 Trillion dollars!!
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Qatar War Crime! "The Real Cost of Cheap Shirts" Is Qatar War Crimes by the Owner of the 'Shirt Factory' Factory workers in Bangladesh toil for low wages and under precarious conditions to make clothing worn worldwide. Bangadesh-Qatar would be here today but for these 2 white men who wrote this shirt story for the Sunday NY Times if the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV was delivering the shirts to NYC shops! By DANIEL RODRIGUES and CLÁUDIA BRANDÃO
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Ivanka with hysterical parents waiting for her Rx Pink Latte Cure at Starbucks!
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; USA No Longer Needs Gas Engine Cars! In Key West Police De-escalation does not mean giving in to someone who is disobeying the rules, feeding the cat, grin.
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; (A regulation passed in 2010 makes it illegal for a V.A. hospital to turn away a veteran regardless of how violent he or she may be.) So he sucker punch e's Mary at a '2000' gas station in Miami out of spite for Qatar's $777 Trillion in oil money and Baghdad's $300 million a week Trump spends at the Qatar Trump Casino with his inner circle.
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; ...a warrior-like mind-set that an Admiral should never retreat or treat 2 Pink women at Starbucks with a Rx Pink Latte Cure when McCain, Jimmy Carter, Biden are beating the dead horse of War.
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; The more corrupt a 1984 society is, the more its citizens see smiling as suspicious. It was the end of a long, cold day, the news headlines both depressing and alarming, and my neighbor met my eyes as we stifled yawns at the same time. For a moment I forgot about the experiment and it leapt out without thinking: I smiled. Not an obligatory smile, not a coerced one, but a moment of sincere connection. She smiled back. And I felt good to know the Jews want to build their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's, their Exodus from our corrupt 1984 Gas Engine Exhaust Society! Smile at the Cameras, grin!
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Fire on 63rd floor today. Almas Tower has 68 stories and was completed in 2009. It was the tallest building in Dubai, until 2009, when it was surpassed by Burj Khalifa. It is primarily an office building and remains the tallest building at the Jumeirah Lakes Towers cluster off Dubai's Shaikh Zayed Road. Bill + Melinda Gates can see this tower from their 2nd home in Dubai, grin. Dubai Prince bought 40,000 of these towers with the wrong siding that will catch fire and burn from top to bottom etc. Apple built its new Dubai Store next to the Burj Khalifa tower.
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Miss Universe Croatia 2018 Crowned at the Starbucks in a distant Universe not on Earth, grin. Smile!!
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-22-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Credibility of James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks in a head on collision, a fiery wreck, one of 1,001 today world wide... no one stops to help put out the fiery wrecks with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Here’s What You Need to Know About Online Testing for the ACT and SAT, they will both be replaced by InventBook Test! "1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018" Title of a Novel that would be written today at the Hemingway House Writing Class (on $13,384 iMac's) if the Quality of Life in Key West was on par with the Quality of life in Qatar. $$$ Qatar has millions of iMac's at $13,384 at every Starbucks and no one is writing this Hemingway Novel today.
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Trump Criticizes OPEC, Calling Oil Prices ‘Artificially’ High
The president’s remarks came with gasoline prices at their highest point in three years after an effort by the oil cartel and Russia to restrain output. By CLIFFORD KRAUSS Trump said the $300 million this week in Oil Revenues from Baghdad are spent at the Qatar Trump Casino at the Russian Roulette Wheels driving gas engine cars... This is why 2 White Men Beat Dead Horses and 2 billion Pink Women don't beat Dead Horse's. It has to do with Our Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies that were destroyed in the last air strike! Exodus high Price!
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; 19 Years After Columbine, Students Again Say 'Enough' on Gun Violence, 19 years of building H-Bombs at Los Alamos with not end in sight to start the Rx Pink Latte for these 2 Pink Women at Starbucks who have been waiting 19 years for their Rx Pink Latte Breast Cancer cure. This is enough for war crimes in the Times. New York Times It's Queen Elizabeth II's 92nd birthday — here are all the 1.2 million Pink Breast Cancer women she has outlived not beating the dead horse or declaring War on Breast Cancer, gasoline exhaust, alcohol. Sheriff's office: 'There will never be a reason' explaining shooting to death attack on 2 Florida deputies. 2 White Men in Washington DC are beating dead horses and Dr. Lisa MD can call them out by Name! McCain, Jimmy Carter, Biden who killed his own son for the glory of War in Baghdad or just the oil money in Baghdad. $300 million this week and not in the Starbucks News with 2 black Men.
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Gaza Protest Draws Fewer People but Remains Deadly. Among four reported killed by Israeli snipers was 2 women in Pink at Starbucks Israel’s defense minister said women were not protesting no Rx Pink Latte's at Israeli Starbucks this is fake news. By ISABEL KERSHNER and IYAD ABUHEWEILA
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Israel’s defense minister said we have H-Bomb Latte's not Rx Pink Latte then he went back to beating the dead horse... Hahahaha
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; "Decades ago, Nigel Oakes believed it was possible, using science, to influence human behavior on a mass scale. That ultimately led to data mining." By ELLEN BARRY
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; 2 White Men Beat the Dead Horse... for decades centuries if you count Moscow and the Czar's... yes you have to count Putin beating the Dead Spy in London, grin. This behavior by the Top Brass influence human behavior on a mass scale, even in Disney Cartoons for kids.
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Incursions by Turkish military ships into Greek Islands have spiked and the potential for conflict is the greatest it has been in 2,000 years. Greek and Turkey have gone viral with the 2 black men at Starbucks and censored the 2 Pink women waiting for the Rx Pink Latte breast cancer cure. I think the Greek and Turkish women need an incursion into the News, go viral with 4 wife's for the Bishop or Pope Headlines.
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women. Hubble Space Telescope, Hubble launched aboard the space shuttle Discovery on April 24, 1990, 1992,1993... 2018 we would have a Hubble Space Telescope Train Today if not for OPEC and the 2 White Men who beat the Dead Horse and Prince Salman who beats a dead wife. Oil is Dead, now it's a war crime! Hubble's highly anticipated successor, $777 trillion dollar GE Train, yes you mind as well buy some GE on Wall Street.
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women. Ultra-cold in a Rx Pink Recipe for the frozen Pink Latte, don't heat to 350 F for 1 hour. Super cold ultra like in the lab for getting a better Rx Pink Latte Rx Recipe.
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women, FAA alert to inspect the gas engine's for exhaust. Girl Scouts badge will be like the x-ray tech but for gas exhaust.
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women, Trump to give these 2 Pink Women all of Los Alamos. North Korea to suspend nuclear missile tests and will close nuke test site when Los Alamos is closes to Nukes and given to 2 Pink women. Chips are on the tables at the Qatar trump Casino.
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women;
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women, Not one invention in 1,001 years, Facebook Fishing!!! InventBook for deep diving for food. Asian boat-dwellers who get their food from the sea appear to have evolved enlarged spleens that may help explain their extreme diving prowess, a new study suggests. The spleen stores oxygen-rich red blood cells that it can release into the bloodstream, enabling divers to hold their breath for longer periods of time under water. While competitive divers can train to boost their lung capacity or increase their red blood cell count, the current study offers fresh evidence of the potential for humans to adapt genetically to a lack of oxygen and support a lifestyle centered on diving for food. Rasmus Nielsen, a professor of integrative biology at the University of California, Berkeley. Where have all he inventors gone at Berkeley? Not one invention in 1,001 years. To spear fish and octopus and gather crustaceans and sea cucumbers, the Bajau often dive to depths greater than 70 meters, or 230 feet, using only a wooden mask. They've been subsisting like this for hundreds if not thousands of years.
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Credibility of James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks in a head on collision, a fiery wreck, one of 1,001 today world wide... no one stops to put out the fiery wrecks with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women; Here’s What You Need to Know About Online Testing for the ACT and SAT, they will both be replaced by InventBook Test! "1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018" Title of a Novel that would be written today at the Hemingway House Writing Class (on $13,384 iMac's) if the Quality of Life in Key West was on par with the Quality of life in Qatar. $$$ Qatar has millions of iMac's at $13,384 at every Starbucks and no one is writing this Hemingway Novel today.
4-21-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks in a head on collision, a fiery wreck, one of 1,001 today world wide... no one stops to put out the fiery wrecks with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-20-2018 2 Pink Women at Starbucks when Turmps motorcade came by bare breasted protesting breast cancer Rx Pink Latte not sold at Starbucks yet! Ivanka with breast cancer Trump would have it ready at Starbucks. Despite a large number of protesters among the onlookers that lined the presidential motorcade, President Donald Trump stated “he’d never seen anything like that,” regarding the 2 Pink women at Starbucks with the sign we want our Rx Pink Latte Mr. President you White guy(s)!
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks with breast cancer watch 2 white men beat a dead horse in the Disney Cartoons. Punishing Wells Fargo: Just Deserts, or Beating a Dead Horse? By JAMES B. STEWART In Disney 1984 the 2 White Men are beating the dead horse with Nukes and missiles out of spite for this or that. Missile Strikes Are Unlikely to Stop Syria’s Chemical Attacks, Pentagon Says, and BP Oil Diesel will not be stopped without the help of Jews in their Exodus into the Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies. Jewish Generals being sued for wrongful deaths birth defects of their grand kids by Grandma!
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. Trump hires Giuliani, two other attorneys amid mounting legal turmoil over Russia, correction mounting trouble with the 'wife's' over letting them Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR around Freedom Tower! Saudi women today can drive gas engine cars around Freedom Tower, a sin and war crime!
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. Back to beating the dead horse in the Disney Cartoon. Despite President Trump’s “maximum pressure,” there is no sign of economic crisis in the North. Does that make its leader, Kim Jong-un, less likely to give up beating the dead horse with the other world leaders while Dr. Lisa MD standby ready with the Rx Latte for Psychotic killers of people and horses!
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. 2 Sheriff’s Deputies Are Killed While Eating at North Florida Restaurant. The suspect, who was found dead after the attack, shot the deputies through the window of Ace China in Gilchrist County, Fla., officials said. By MAGGIE ASTOR "The shooting occurred around 3 p.m. in Trenton, Fla., about 30 miles west of Gainesville. When additional deputies responded to the restaurant, Ace China, they found both the deputies dead inside it, and the suspect — John Hubert Highnote, 59, of nearby Bell"
4-20-2018 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. A Marriage Used to Prevent Deportation. Not Anymore. 4 Wife's for the Bishop and 4 Wife's for the Rabbi to start the Exodus with 12 Trillion Volts, Amps from the super conductive Windmill turbine generators on the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Wife's with trillions of Jolts too.
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks.
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. ‘Deceived and Betrayed’ by ‘Deceived and Betrayed’ by Nanny’s Family, Krims Want Yoselyn Ortega’s relatives lied about her experience to get her a job caring for the children she later killed. Some think that should be a crime." By JAN RANSOM and JAMES C. McKINLEY Jr. Deceived by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ in NYC about kids left in Hot Cars to die in the Summer of 2018. None of these dead kids in Hot Cars when viral as the 2 black men arrested at Starbucks. What should be a crime is the 2 white men at 1984 HQ who know kids will be left in Hot Cars to die in the Summer of 2018. Like getting ready for the Key West Hurricane of 2018. No there is no CBS Nightly News on the Hot Summer of 2018. ‘Deceived and Betrayed’ by 2 white men at 1984 HQ in NYC a crime!
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. Mayor Bill de Blasio said the statue known as “Fearless Girl” would be moved from its spot on Broadway; “Charging Bull” may soon follow. Charging Bull will be replaced with a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR!
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. "Oil Terrorists Putin. In Moscow they did beat the dead Horse in 1718 out of spite like in Miami today they sucker punch Mary at in '2000' gas station hold up not knowing Putin is selling the gasoline to Miami. Is Russia Sponsoring Terrorism? From poison to cyberattacks, Moscow has violated countless norms of warfare and sovereignty." By CORY GARDNER
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. $777 Trillion dollars finances Putin's Oil Terrorists!" By CORY GARDNER 4 Wife's for Putin all Russian Jewish Women demanding the Exodus into the Universe of 12 Trillion galaxies paid for by Putin's illegal Oil revenues.
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks in a head on collision, a fiery wreck, one of 1,001 today world wide... no one stops to put out the fiery wrecks with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks from Paris. I gave a WindmillCAR Card and told them there is a Amazon link to Greg's book in French.
Click Here... Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. A new generation of cancer treatments that have become available in the last few years. Some, called immunotherapy, Much has been written about the promise of these treatments, as well as their staggering costs — many cost several hundred thousand dollars a year. But what strikes me most about them is that, by blurring the line between cure and $100,000 only 2 white men like Jimmy Carter and McCain can jump in front of the line like Cheney. The crime is Jimmy Carter has $777 Trillion to spend on immuotherapy for millions in the USA but Jimmy Carter spends it on thousands in Qatar and Saudi Arabia today. This is censored 1984 News by 2 white men. Sadly, for some patients, a cure will prove elusive. As we continue to chase progress in cancer, let’s be sure that we don’t rob dying patients of a smaller, more subtle miracle: a death with dignity and grace, relatively free from pain and discomfort. Dr. Robert M. Wachter MD is a professor and chairman of the department of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. He drives a gas engine car on vacation to the Qatar Trump Casino. Sad note Jimmy Carter has profited from the suppression of the WindmillCAR's to $600 million in the Carter Center Bank. This would pay for a lot of immunotherapy besides the $777 Trillion Jimmy Carter could give the USA, confiscated from Qatar.
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. No Criminal Charges Brought in Prince’s Overdose Death. No criminal charges brought in Prince Salman's killing at the gas station hold up's in Miami. 2 White guys at 1984 HQ are talking about this right now, grin.
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. The engines on both Southwest planes, were manufactured by CFM International, a joint venture of General Electric and Safran of France. Flaws in the disk of a CF-6 engine on an American Airlines Boeing 767 in late 2016. The plane was gaining speed on the runway in Chicago when the engine broke apart, sending metal fragments into the fuel tank and igniting a fire. The engine was manufactured by General Electric. Flaws at GE... are war crimes in times of Windmill-767 Dreamliners by Boeing. Dreamliner over the past decade specifically for the plane’s ability to carry fewer people on longer routes more fuel efficiently. Fuel in our Times! Wind...
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. GE breast cancer, GE cardiac arrest, Hell No. GE concentrated on writing data analysis and modeling software for applications like predicting when a gas turbine or jet engine would need maintenance, before the machine failed, G.E. called that software Predix. InventBook at GE, Hemingway House Writing Class Novels written on iapp for 1,001 invention ideas in every chapter. Greg's book bought for all GE employees to get started inventing on Amazon. Two key products in that portfolio were acquired. In September 2016, GE Digital bought Meridium, a maker of equipment-tracking software, for $495 million. Two months later, it bought ServiceMax, whose software is used to manage industrial field service workers temps to save money, for $915 million.
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks. G.E., the 124-Year-Old beating dead horses in front of 2 white guys at 1984 HQ who are writing a Hemingway House Novel about the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR accessories using trillions of volts - amps from super conductive GE electric generators.
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks.
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks.
4-20-2018 Turmps motorcade and 2 Pink Women at Starbucks.
4-19-2018 If North Korea Talks Are Not Fruitful, ‘I Will Respectfully Leave,’ and bet it all at the Qatar Trump Casino. And not on the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's as this would have won the Korean war outright before I even went to a meeting, Ha. Treaty to Formally End Korean War Is Being Discussed, South Korea Confirms... they will have to pay back $888 trillion wasted on the Korean war to 2 Pink Women at Starbucks waiting for their Rx Pink Latte. War on Cancer was lost because the Korean War the Supreme Court ruled!! Gravity Engine recipe will be mandatory war crimes work for both North and South Korea. Why the French Are Growing Angry With Emmanuel Macron because he has $777 Trillion in oil revenues from the French Owned Oil Company Total. Mr. Macron is exaggerating when he sees 2 Pink French Women at a Paris Starbucks who have breast cancer and will die in 2018. Breast Cancer, “extremely high levels” in Paris. Mr. Macron is exaggerating that French forces for the punitive strike on Syria last weekend, didn't cost these 2 Pink women at a Paris Starbucks their Rx Pink Latte Recipe! $1 Trillion dollar IBM super computers at Los Alamos are required reading like Greg's Amazon book. Can Training in Invention 101 get more Starbucks drinks like the Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD? Starbucks Will Test the Thesis when Greg + Dr. Lisa MD are streamed live at 8K Starbucks brainstorming Greg's Amazon book. Every Starbucks employee has made 100's of note in. Greg + Dr. Lisa MD are streamed live at 8K Starbucks will earn the stock holders billions in profits... Starbucks culture of no treadmill desk at Starbucks HQ and Store. Breast Cancer and heart disease run training getting you to believe in this Starbucks MD culture that will help you live long enough to listen to Jewish Aliens and get the Rx Pink Latte Recipe.
4-19-2018 Mao would have banned alcohol by now knowing breast cancer stats and drunk driver stats... A doctor who suggested an alcohol-based tonic was dangerous was detained for 3 months, and then freed as a public hero. By CHRIS BUCKLEY and KAROLINE KAN Pope Francis banning alcohol for Catholics would win Pope Francis a Nobel. Xi will not be given a Nobel in Medicine for this if he does it!
4-19-2018 Motorists can expect major traffic disruptions today, particularly on U.S. 1 between the Naval Air Station on Boca Chica and Key West, as President Donald Trump visits a strategic military base. but it's not strategic in Exodus into the Universe by Jews. Nikki Haley fuels political chatter around White House. Trump puts the brakes on new Russian sanctions, reversing Haley's announcement. Nikki Haley to sell her BP Oil stock. Will the UN change if she die's from breast cancer? Ivanka?
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $1 Trillion dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV. $1 Trillion dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for 2 Pink women at the Paris Starbucks! Mr. Macron is exaggerating that French forces for the punitive strike on Syria last weekend, didn't cost these 2 Pink women at a Paris Starbucks their Rx Pink Latte Recipe!
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $1 Trillion dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV. $1 Trillion dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for 2 Pink women at the Paris Starbucks! Mr. Macron is exaggerating that French forces for the punitive strike on Syria last weekend, didn't cost these 2 Pink women at a Paris Starbucks their Rx Pink Latte Recipe!
4-19-2018 Cuban Motorists can expect major's, General's to 'Change' in what they 'Mastermind!' Cubans in Florida Have Waited to See Castros Go, but No One Is Celebrating. There’s a sense of wistfulness among aging Cuban exiles in Miami: Cuba will no longer be led by a Castro. But they don’t expect real change anytime soon as all the gas stations in Miami are owned by BP Oil... another 1776 Revolution with $777 trillion for who ever wins! By PATRICIA MAZZEI Mary from Key West is not the only women sucker punched out of spite for BP Oil Men, 2 White Men in London in her 2000 Miami gas station robbery. Stats would win the NY Times a real Pulitzers Prize not a fake one.
4-19-2018 While most galaxies have only one super massive black at their center, the galaxy called NBC 6240 contains two and these black holes are circling each other in the final stages of merging. Researchers have found that the gases ejected by spiraling black holes along with gases ejected by stars may have shut down the production of new stars in the galaxy NGC 6240 and have also created a massive cloud of gas in the shape of a butterfly, which is the most visible feature of galaxy NGC 6240. “We dissected the butterfly,”
4-19-2018 "Mr. Samia, a onetime Army sniper, and Mr. Stillwell, a firearms instructor, both of whom lived in the small town of Roxboro, N.C. Flight records showed that Mr. Samia, 43, and Mr. Stillwell, 50, traveled to Manila weeks later. There, Mr. Le Roux recalled, they took Ms. Lee into the countryside pretending to be property buyers, shot her in the face then dumped her body on a pile of garbage on the road." 19K women murdered just in the USA in 2018 the stats for world wide are censored by the NY Times. "Afterward, he added, the two of them shoved the body into a hole that they had dug and went to have a beer." This is Coors Culture on Facebook light years from Culture of InventBook world wide. "3 White Men, American Mercenaries Are Convicted in Murder of Filipino Woman" By ALAN FEUER
4-19-2018 NYC officials American Mercenaries Are Convicted of 'pollution via gas engine cars at the end of Staten Island, grin!" ...said that the $17 toll is higher than its other bridges because it is priced to cover the return trip. A federal law pushed through by then U.S. Representative Guy V. Molinari, a Republican from Staten Island, converted two-way toll collections to one-way in 1986 to reduce commuting times and air pollution on the Staten Island end of the bridge. Quality of life in Qatar is much better driving over bridges. Other major bridge crossings — including the Bronx-Whitestone, Throgs Neck and Robert F. Kennedy — all charge a top toll of $8.50 each way, for a total of $17 round-trip. Bridge crossing to Jewish Exodus, a bridge that will cost $777 trillion to the nearest stars and galaxy. I believe that everybody needs to give their Qatar Trump Casino winnings to 2 Pink Women at Starbucks.
4-18-2018 In Death Barbara Bush, a First Lady Without Apologies Even to God will get to Drive a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR in a Galaxy named Texas... to Hell with Texas Oil men!
4-18-2018 "Starbucks Arrests, ambitions, jealousy, resentments to those with no Comcast WiFi who are inside Starbucks writing inventing a Nobel in Medicine to cure Breast Cancer. Outrageous to Some, Are Everyday Life for Others, Medical Students, Hemingway House Writing Class Students, Nobel Winners yet to pick up their Nobel, grin! "By ELIZABETH DIAS, JOHN ELIGON and RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. WiFi Quality of life under Comcast and ATT is murder and robbery in times Qatar is the richest city in the world not Key West. CBS “Good Morning America” in Qatar not Key West. And over the past 20 years, the neighborhood has become almost all 'Writer-Inventors because of gentrification of the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. 2 White Men from BP Oil made plugging in your Win 10 or Mac Book a crime of stealing electricity unless you are inside starbucks! Qatar Quality of life is much better than Key West. iParking Ha!
4-18-2018 In Death Barbara Bush, a First Lady Without Apologies Even to God will get to Drive a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR in a Galaxy named Texas... to Hell with Texas Oil men!
4-18-2018 Breast Cancer, “extremely high levels” in the USA!
4-18-2018 In Death Barbara Bush, a First Lady Without Apologies Even to God will get to Drive a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR in a Galaxy named Texas... to Hell with Texas Oil men!
4-18-2018 Qatar Prince would never do this to his Citizens, to be funny... I.R.S. Website Crashes on Tax Day as Millions Tried to File Returns. United States was in direct talks with North Korea at “extremely high levels.”
4-18-2018 Qatar “extremely high levels” Quality of Life in the USA with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. United States was in direct talks with Oil Men in Saudi Arabia not the Jews wanting to build their own Exodus 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Israel Celebrates Its 70th Israeli Style: With Rancor and Bickering. Some said the ruckus over Jews wanting to build their own Exodus 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's when Israel gets $77 trillion in bribes and kickbacks from BP Oil... to suppress the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-18-2018 Breast Cancer, “extremely high levels” $1 Trillion dollar IBM super computers at Los Alamos are required reading... For Starbucks CEO's Rx Pink Latte Recipe sorting through 4 trillion Rx Recipes. No he is not working on this today!!
4-18-2018 Forbes, Key West Navy 'AT WAR' with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. He will be able to buy $$$ a Ford WindmillCAR in Key West. $$$ "He Inhaled Mustard Agent in Iraq, but the Navy Denied Him a Purple Heart. In 2006, Jeremiah Foxwell became the Navy’s first known chemical-warfare casualty after the Iraq invasion, but the service refuses to award him a Purple Heart or give him for 'free' a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV. By JOHN ISMAY
4-18-2018 Forbes, $1 Trillion dollar IBM super computers at Los Alamos are required reading to read 4 trillion Rx Recipes... Supercomputers Can Now Simulate Basic Brain Functions, And There's More On The Horizon.
4-18-2018 Forbes, We need supercomputers that are even more super than the supers we have now. CBS Nightly News video of the gas station hold up in Miami. Not much to go on unless your recognize them. GPS and number of the iPhone X in their pocket will get them caught fast. So how does a super computer at the gas station camera pick up their iPhone X GPS and Cell # and track them on a map. 1,001 IP invention projects with 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos super computer to help you write this code.
4-18-2018 Is It Time to Give Up on Fish Oil? Personal Health with a new $100 Million dollar IBM super computer at Los Alamos! By JANE E. BRODY Enthusiasm for Dr. Lisa Driving a $100 million dollar IBM super computer + 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV. Math failure, often found among fish eaters is due solely to the oils in fish or to some other characteristics of seafood or to still other factors common to those who eat lots of fish, like eating less meat or pursuing a healthier lifestyle over all. Whatever the answer, it does not seem to be fish oil supplements.
4-18-2018 Boston Kerry + Pallets of Cash Run. When Mary Shertenlieb crossed the finish line at 12:18 a.m., 13 hours after she started, she actually clocked in as the last person to complete the 2018 Boston Marathon. But her time isn't what grabbed the attention of the nation today; her incredible determination did. Five years ago, Mary Shertenlieb was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia, known as AML. The determined wife and mother of two endured intense chemotherapy, two relapses and a stem cell transplant, before turning to Boston's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. she changed into a set of dry clothes and hit the streets again with her husband to finish the race. The pair crossed the finish line, holding hands, a little after midnight, and Shertenlieb was presented with a ceremonial medal. Shertenlieb has raised more than $36,000 to help fight cancer. CBS Nightly News censored her $77 Trillion dollar Manhattan Project for the Rx Pink Latte. Starbucks is closed to having her on CBS Good Morning America this morning with the Starbucks Boss. My Mind to Your Mind, My Thoughts to Your Thoughts. Thinking about Mary with her cancer war when Kerry + pallets of Cash were shipped to Cuba. Cancer War will be lost as long as Boston + Kerry are 'Orwellian' Drivers. Dr. Lisa MD Driving a $100 million dollar IBM super computer + 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV to Boston Marathon Women with cancer in a war they will certainly lose long as Kerry sides with Boston Starbucks not going viral with videos of the Rx Pink Latte's 4 trillion Recipes being crunched at Los Alamos by Dr. Lias MD.
4-18-2018 Forbes, $1 Trillion dollar IBM super computers at Los Alamos are required reading to read 4 trillion Rx Recipes... Supercomputers Can Now Simulate Basic Brain Functions, And There's More On The Horizon.
4-18-2018 Forbes, Prosecutors had argued that Bill Cosby’s acknowledgment that he obtained the quaaludes supports their view that he used them to incapacitate women...
4-18-2018 Forbes, incapacitate women... this is what the Editors at the NY Times did to Kim Wall and 100 million other women who work for the Times as temps. One person was killed after an engine exploded in midair. I would be tempted to bet everything at the Qatar Trump Casino that a temp worked on this GE Engine, grin.
4-18-2018 Forbes Facebook vs InventBook 2 White Men from 1984 Society. "Peter Thiel, Facebook investor and Donald Trump supporter, is by all accounts a terrible person. He did, however, come up with one classic line about the disappointments of modern technology: “We wanted flying Gravity Engine cars, instead we got 140 characters.” O.K., now it’s 2018, but who’s counting?" 2 White Men are terrible person writing this NY Times editorial today as then mention Gravity Cars Flying but not 1.2 dead women in 2018 from breast cancer. O.K., now it’s 2018, but who’s counting, Ivanka might be counting the dead women, not dad Trump he is counting on $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues from Baghdad. By Earth, Wind and Liars" Paul Krugman Opinion Columnist in todays NY Times, he is a war criminal for sure as he incapacitated women... let them burn to death in fiery SUV wrecks he and the other 2 white men at the Times didn't stop to help and breast cancer too. Manhattan Project is censored on the ice box door at the NY Times.
4-18-2018 Forbes 12 Trillion Galaxy Universe strange kind of satisfaction knowing that his 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year InventBook will be our Star Wars not Facebook.
4-18-2018 Forbes Nike is a scam! This email sent DeGeorge to the internet as well. This was one anemia she had never heard of. She did a quick search of the medical literature, and sure enough, there it was. She found a half-dozen or so studies that suggested that the repeated striking of the heel against the pavement while running damaged the red blood cells at the site of impact. The small-scale destruction of these blood cells could cause the bilirubin to go up and the haptoglobin go down, and could even give the runner a mild anemia. And according to these studies, the greater the mileage, the more cells were damaged. Yet most of these runners, even ultramarathoners like her patient, do not have a significant anemia. It seemed to explain his lab results. Did he need more studies? he asked. Absolutely not, she replied
4-18-2018 Forbes Dr. Lisa MD will design a MD Super Computer runners shoe that will prevent precise diagnosis — foot-strike anemia.
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $1 Trillion dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $1 Trillion dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
4-18-2018 Forbes, NY Times Universe. Known as the Hubble constant. (It's not truly a constant, since it can change as the Universe expands or contracts over time.) It tells you how the fabric of the Universe expands or contracts as a function of time. Function of the NY Times Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and Manhattan Projects for 2 Pink Latte's at Starbucks. On the other side is literally everything else, a Universe made by BP oil, 2 white men who drive gas engine cars. Either way, this is the equation that relates how the Universe expands. Exodus + Jewish Aliens are in our Times, not in the NY Times!
IRS - Victory of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with -254 C GE super conductive electric generators that turn out 12 trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps and can be used for a desaltation Plant in Israel, RV size one's.
4-17-2018 Trump Scraps New Sanctions Against Russia, Proving he is being Blackmailed by Putin!
4-17-2018 Pope Francis banning alcohol for Catholics would win Pope Francis a Nobel
4-17-2018 3 Pulitzers for getting Jimmy Carters Habitat for Humanity 3 Hospital Ships 1 a Carrier! Doctors at the clinic diagnosed McCain in July with glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer that took the lives of Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat, and former Vice President Joe Biden’s son.
2 Pink Women, drive a $100 million dollar IBM super computer to WindmillCAR's + Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks!
Fascinated by a $100 million dollar IBM super computer, what was built using it! How many ways to get a H-Bomb started. Today is how do you start a Rx Pink Latte Recipe. 2 Pink Women, grin!
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $100 million dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $100 million dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
4-17-2018 Inspire Disney Pixar Fox Movie 'Los Alamos Super Computers Driven by MD Lisa!' "So, these letters are not only about science and politics. There is a love story too! They went on to have four more daughters; Imme became a master runner — the Dysons like to joke that “he has the brains, she has the legs.” If this “autobiography through letters” is not quite memoir, maybe it will nevertheless inspire a film." MAKER OF PATTERNS An Autobiography Through Letters By Freeman Dyson 400 pp. Liveright. $27.95. “with verbatim accounts of their conversations, stumbling and squabbling as they grope their way toward the Rx Pink Recipe Latte.” 'Los Alamos Super Computers Driven by MD Lisa! This is not Oppenheimers Los Alamos! Today's Los Alamos is Owned by the 2 white guys who fired oppenheimer and Truman. 50,000 super H-Bombs and N-Bombs were built here to be used to destroy the Earth fighing over Oil Money. $100 million dollar super computers by IBM with flashes of illumination that lead to a scientific insight. Not your Win 10 scam of Bill + Melinda Gates selling to schools across the USA today as they to Blackmail Trump into buying Win 10 for the FBI. Fascinated by a $100 million dollar IBM super computer, what was built using it! How many ways to get a H-Bomb started. Today is how do you start a Rx Pink Latte Recipe. 2 Pink Women, grin!
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $100 million dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
4-17-2018 3 Pulitzers for 'Rx Pink Latte' Recipe 'Viral' video next at Starbucks news, you can bet it all at the Qatar Trump Casino it will NOT be the Rx Pink Latte Recipe at the Manhattan Starbucks, grin!! Not even Dr. Lisa MD can get the 2 White Guys at the NY Times to put this on the Front Page + Times Editorial. 2 Pink Women will die from these 4 White Men!
4-17-2018 3 Pulitzers unearned like those who pass Yale Med School but really didn't. "Lung 1.7 million deaths a year Cancer Patients Live Longer With Immune Therapy" By DENISE GRADY Denise missed a Nobel as Jimmy Carter grand kids not smoking or drinking will live longer... she missed this link. Immune therapy drugs cost more than $100,000 a year, can have serious side effects and help only some patients, generally fewer than half pembrolizumab, or Keytruda, made by Merck
4-17-2018 3 Pulitzers One being the 'Traumatic Memories' of Gas Station Owners earning millions a year now with the Closing of the Last Gas Station in the USA there are 'traumatic Memories' of making a million dollars a year at their New Gas Station in Miami + Key West. How could they Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's into my gas station is in this NY Times Pulitzer article!
4-17-2018 McCain, 81, is in “stable condition” after the surgery at Phoenix’s Mayo Clinic. The infection was related to diverticulitis, which is caused by pouches forming in the wall of the colon.
4-17-2018 NY Times Wins 3 Pulitzers; Confession to beheading Kim Wall because she was a 'Temp' in our Times of NY Times Pulitzers; and Bill + Melinda Gates class of 'Temp's' at Microsoft World Wide, causing the beheading's of 1,001 Pink Women Workers. Class of Sub Commanders, he stabbed her 13 times in her pussy so the NY Times Reporting on sexual harassment touching her breast... Was there a article or editorial from the NY Times on Kim Wall being stabbed in her pussy 13 times, No! Why? None of these Times Editors could have gotten into the Yale Key West Medical School Trump will not visit today because the Navy bombed it out of existence. Does Kim Wall's conscienceness still exist somewhere in 12 Trillion Galaxies. I would bet everything at the Qatar Trump Casino!
4-17-2018 President Donald Trump will be in Key West on Thursday visiting the Joint Interagency Task Force South anti-smuggling center. Trump will in South Florida and will be visiting the facility near the Truman Waterfront with the Secretary of Department of Homeland Security Kristjen Nielsen and Coast Guard Admiral and the current Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard Paul F. Zukunft and Navy Admiral Kurt Walter Tidd, who is currently serving as the Commander, United States Southern Command, according Coast Guard Sector Key West base Commander Capt. Jeff Janszen. Trump is expected to fly into the Navy’s Boca Chica Field and then will be in a caravan of vehicles to go to the task force operations center near the Truman Waterfront in Key West. The visit is expected to last less than two hours.
4-17-2018 AMA banning alcohol, 100 years after Prohibition’s repeal, wrongful death law suits can bankrupt Coor, and the French Wind industry. Dr. Lisa MD will testify in each wrongful death law suit... Russia’s health minister warned last year that up to 70 percent of deaths among men under 35 were due to alcohol-related causes in some Russian regions.
4-17-2018 2018 Ford WindmillCAR Boston Marathon for 1st Time, Wins U.S. Woman Wins Boston Marathon for 1st Time in 33 Years" By MALIKA ANDREWS Teeming rain, strong winds and cold temperatures upended the race on Monday, which Desiree Linden won in 2:39
4-17-2018 Boston Marathon for 1st Time since Time was created, Let their be Light now Boston Win One over the British Warrior's out for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. Kerry made history in the murder of the first women to Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR to win the Boston Marathon. This is not the 1st time Kerry murdered a women!
4-17-2018 Kim Wall Won over the NY Times in her Death, 1st woman to ever do this! Times Wins 3 Pulitzers;
* The Pulitzer board recognized The New York Times in this Wrongful Death, Yale Lawyers will win over the Times Lawyer in this 1st every Trillion dollar Wrongful Death law suit by Kim Walls.It hurts to be beheaded she testified... Kim Wall is the 1st Pink Women Temp beheaded by Our Times. NY Times editorial banning 'Temp Workers' in the USA. Bill + Melinda Gates any Mutiny on the Bounty women temps at Microsoft will hang... 1789 real-life mutiny aboard HMAV Bounty led by Fletcher Christian against the ship's captain, Bill + Melinda Gates William Bligh. Kim Wall will testify in death about the wrongdoing of Temps at the Times + Microsoft.
4-17-2018 $777 trillion dollar bribe to May, her... to bomb Syria. British Lawmakers from both parties took the prime minister to task over the bombing of Syria, saying she was accountable to them, not the “whims of the U.S. president.” needing a British thug with war toys when Pink women in London died with her bombing in Syria.
By STEPHEN CASTLE British Lawmakers not in with BP oil will seize $777 trillion in bribes from the PM May when they Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's in London.
4-17-2018 City Hall Quality of life iParking No cars ever towed! All Steel buildings. San Francisco’s Big Earthquake Gamble has been lost to Nero 1984 white guy. Pink woman would never have let SF die in a big earthquake. The city’s building code does not protect its people from earthquakes nearly as much as you might think. By THOMAS FULLER, ANJALI SINGHVI and JOSH WILLIAMS Key West will rebuild all Steel Buildings and Old Town Homes after the big Hurricane too. Navy Admiral meeting with Trump today will not tell him this!
4-17-2018 Trump Scraps New Sanctions Against Russia, Proving he is being Blackmailed by Putin! In media appearances aimed in part at increasing book sales, Mr. Comey is criticizing the president in personal ways that are unusual for a former F.B.I. director. By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS and JONATHAN MARTIN Not unusual for a former F.B.I. director driving a gas engine car when the FBI knows cops will burn to death in fiery wrecks today that Trump will drive by without stopping to help.
2 Pink Women, drive a $100 million dollar IBM super computer to WindmillCAR's + Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks!
Fascinated by a $100 million dollar IBM super computer, what was built using it! How many ways to get a H-Bomb started. Today is how do you start a Rx Pink Latte Recipe. 2 Pink Women, grin!
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $100 million dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $100 million dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
4-17-2018 Inspire Disney Pixar Fox Movie 'Los Alamos Super Computers Driven by MD Lisa!' "So, these letters are not only about science and politics. There is a love story too! They went on to have four more daughters; Imme became a master runner — the Dysons like to joke that “he has the brains, she has the legs.” If this “autobiography through letters” is not quite memoir, maybe it will nevertheless inspire a film." MAKER OF PATTERNS An Autobiography Through Letters By Freeman Dyson 400 pp. Liveright. $27.95. “with verbatim accounts of their conversations, stumbling and squabbling as they grope their way toward the Rx Pink Recipe Latte.” 'Los Alamos Super Computers Driven by MD Lisa! This is not Oppenheimers Los Alamos! Today's Los Alamos is Owned by the 2 white guys who fired oppenheimer and Truman. 50,000 super H-Bombs and N-Bombs were built here to be used to destroy the Earth fighing over Oil Money. $100 million dollar super computers by IBM with flashes of illumination that lead to a scientific insight. Not your Win 10 scam of Bill + Melinda Gates selling to schools across the USA today as they to Blackmail Trump into buying Win 10 for the FBI. Fascinated by a $100 million dollar IBM super computer, what was built using it! How many ways to get a H-Bomb started. Today is how do you start a Rx Pink Latte Recipe. 2 Pink Women, grin!
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $100 million dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $100 million dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
4-17-2018 USA Today Headlines, the WindmillCAR's + RV's will pay all your IRS taxes the rest of your life, God is Great not Allah... there is not a IRS tax in Qatar or Saudi Arabia thanks to your 'gas money' and 'Thugs'.
IRS tax in Qatar, Saudi Arabia Winnings at the Qatar Trump Casino are taxable if you are a US Citizen!
IRS - Victory of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with -254 C GE super conductive electric generators that turn out trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps and can be used for a desaltation Plant in Israel, RV size one's.
"Starbucks 'Star Wars Rx Pink Latte' at Starbucks" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Starbucks. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindmillCar's Amazon Book!! What will go 'Viral' video next at Starbucks, you can bet it all at the Qatar Trump Casino it will NOT be the Rx Pink Latte Recipe at the Manhattan Starbucks, grin!! Not even Dr. Lisa MD can get the 2 White Guys at the NY Times to put this on the Front Page + Times Editorial. 2 Pink Women will die from these 4 White Men!
4-16-2018 Qatar Trump Starbucks goes viral over women!! Starbucks CEO meets 2 Black men arrested in viral video at Philly Starbucks. 1.2 million breast cancer women who will die in 2018 because 2 White Men were not arrested, 1.2 million breast cancer deaths because they were playing War Games with Bill + Melinda Gates at the Qatar Trump Starbucks as there are no iMac Pro $13,395 or MacBook Pro's or InventBooks at any Starbucks world wide. Going viral with a Starbucks Video of the Manhattan Project for the Rx Pink Latte will arrested by 2 white men at Starbucks! The company’s chief executive called it “reprehensible” 2 black men not 1.2 million women dead from breast cancer in 2018. Order the "Pink Manhattan Project Latte for Breast Cancer Today!" "A Drug to End Addiction? Scientists Are Working on It." Researchers are studying a promising drug that could block the delivery of opioids from blood to brain, giving addicts a path to recovery. By CLYDE HABERMAN Clyde at the Times was ordered not to write a article titled... "End to Breast Cancer in 2018" as this would start a riot with the women at the NY Times. CEO at Starbucks is a Distracted Driver via Breast!!
4-16-2018 Comey says Trump 'morally unfit to be president,' susceptible to Russian blackmail 2 - Ivanka has breast cancer too!
4-16-2018 Yale Key West Hospital Ship A Air Craft Carrier to treat breast cancer! Another Navy Carrier Hospital ship in on the way to rescue even more women with breast cancer. 1.2 million didn't fit on the first carrier. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) last week announced Kryptowire to develop "Warfighter Analytics using Smartphones for Health" programmed (WASH) to spot diseases, but these 2 white men didn't mention breast cancer!
4-16-2018 Jimmy Carter teaching Sunday school at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Ga. USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub is not in the Sunday School Lesson for kids in Ga. Ha! 4 Wife's for the Bishop would have prevented this sub fleet from being built. 4 Wife's for Jimmy Carter!
4-16-2018 first lady has been battling chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure. Jimmy Carter teaching Sunday school at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Ga. Both battling Hell for the Jewish 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. China, Taiwan Amid Terrible Trade Winds of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. No Gas Stations in China, Taiwan, India, Cuba, USA none! Putin plans on keeping open all the gas stations in Moscow, grin!
4-16-2018 Comey ex-FBI director deserves 'jail' in Cuba working hard labor on gas engine cars!! A Hard Lesson in Syria: Assad Can Still Gas His Own People. The conflict in Syria has demonstrated a larger truth: By DAVID E. SANGER and BEN HUBBARD The conflict in Syria has demonstrated a larger truth: David + Ben at the NY Time can censor out Diesel Gas in Manhattan! Censor out the Manhattan Project for Breast Cancer... ABC's interview with the former F.B.I. director was a stunning assault on a sitting president by a once high-ranking law enforcement official. By NOAH WEILAND Comey's stunning assault on 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's is still stamped Secret!
4-16-2018 Australia: A Test Site for 7 Atom Bombs. 12 Trillion Galaxies separate Oppenheimer from knowing how every Star in Every Galaxies burns its Hydrogen, starts it burning like Oppenheimer figured out how to start an Atom Bomb. Gravity in the Burning Stars will give Oppenheimer more ideas for more powerful Quark Bombs. Gravity Bomb!
4-16-2018 Obscene Drill Instructor in 'Full Metal Jacket,' Dies at 'Star Wars' Exodus into the Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies by the Jews Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Exodus by the Jews driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's are revelations that are agitating Trump Oil Company men, 2 white men! Grin! Russian sanctions today are everything but No Gas Stations in Moscow ever again! Putin can blackmail Trump, Bill + Melinda Gates on what they did at the Qatar Trump Casino Roulette wheel driving to make Qatar the richest 'City' in the World not Key West! Amazon at the Post Office blackmail will be the 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out so you can click on any of them to get started inventing, not Facebook Masterminded by 2 White George Orwell types.
4-16-2018 Bank of America said it made a record $6.9 billion in profit during the first three months of the year.
4-16-2018 $777 Trillion in BP Oil Profits!
4-15-2018 Yale Key West Hospital Ship A Air Craft Carrier Abraham Lincoln Dr. Lisa MD in front of a banner that said, "Mission Accomplished." the first Hospital Ship Air Craft Carrier! Status quo!
4-15-2018 Jewish built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's in Cuba soon, Cuba's 'lost generation' prepares to take power next week and let the Jews build their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's in Havana. In Canada, 2 Provinces Feud Over Pipeline: Will It Bring Jobs or Spills? In Canada no one fights for the Jews to build their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-15-2018 “Remembering my childhood in Italy.” Kids today will remember the gas engine cars and the Pope who drove one from 1980 to 2018. God will pay these kids back I pray.
4-15-2018 New Delhi: The highest Caste set fire to the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and went to the Qatar Trump Casino with Bill + Melinda Gates. The government is weighing plans to make it mandatory for Google, Facebook, Microsoft - "No Temp Employees" and police search for all MIA temp's like Kim Walls beheaded in India, NY Times HQ in India too. No Temps!
4-15-2018 Trump Oil Company is... "Mission Accomplished!" Twitter promptly seized on the statement, drawing comparisons to an infamous May 2003 speech in which President George W. Bush proudly declared the end of a major US presence in Iraq while standing on an aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln in front of a banner that said, "Mission Accomplished." $777 Trillion in gas money is the mission! News Analysis: ‘Mission Accomplished!’ But What Is the Mission in Syria? $777 Trillion in Oil Money is the Mission. Even locals in Key West know this. BP Oil picked Key West as their HQ 2.
4-15-2018 Predatory 'Oil Men @ BP Oil Exxon Mobil' with discriminatory housing policy have denied 100 million Americans the chance to reap the rewards of homeownership of a 2018 Ford WindmillRV as their Home! Trillions of jolts, volts, amps from the super conductive GE electric generators will bring Star Wars spin off inventions. All lost to this RV Home Owners. By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times today, Sunday.
4-15-2018 CBS Nightly News Police Men are investigating why 2 black men were arrested at Starbucks. Police Women are investigating why Starbucks HQ still didn't have their Rx Pink Latte ready when they walked in! 1,2 million women will die in 2018 because Starbucks 'Men' were not arrested for making the Rx Pink Latte! Heather Nauert, the State Department spokeswoman, demurred. “I’m not going to get ahead of the president,” she said. Ivanka didn't order a Rx Pink Latte at the Manhattan Starbucks!
4-15-2018 Starbucks CEO hopes to meet 2 Black men arrested in viral video at Philly Starbucks. 1.2 million breast cancer women who will die in 2018 because 2 White Men were not arrested for 'War' and not working a Manhattan Project with Dr. Lisa MD. The Pink Latte at Starbucks today, police women will make arrest when they drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV to the Starbucks drive thoughts.
4-15-2018 CBS Nightly News Police Men... I didn't order this Rx Pink Latte!! Orders come from 'Men" at Starbucks HQ too. Marketing didn't tell them 1.2 million dead women in 2018 world wide from Breast Cancer. Pentagon Says Syria Strikes Hit ‘Heart’ of Chemical Weapons Program, Pentagon Generals hit at the Heart's of 1.2 million women who will die from breast cancer in 2018. A War Crime. Two White men in Belgium May Have New Appeal for Millennials: Join the Army and Sleep at Home, Hemingway House Writing class is closed anyway. There are no iMac Pro's at $13,384 at Starbucks with 1 click Amazon links as we spent this money on the Army. Trump’s Syria Strikes Show What’s Wrong With U.S. Foreign Policy and Starbucks Policy on the Rx Pink Latte.
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $100 million dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
Dr. Lisa Sanders MD driving a $100 million dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time, and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
4-15-2018 "Trillions Upon Trillions of Viruses Fall From the Sky Each Day" By JIM ROBBINS Trillions and trillions of Rx Recipes all trade secret should be crunched Each Day by Dr. Lisa MD on this super computer at Los Alamos. Jim would have won a Nobel in Medicine for this story, in the NY Times.
4-15-2018 JFK Elementary School lesson via CBS Nightly News. Recuse Dog for Jessica who lost her legs in the Boston Runners bombing on CBS Nightly News without the Rescue of 4 billion people with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. JFK Elementary School in Boston, Dr. Lisa MD will have a special MD super computer simulation lesson for all the kids, after they give her blood she will zoom in on the Diesel in their DNA. End of this Lesson is CBS Nightly News is not 'Honorable' the good news is when these kids fly through JFK they will get their eyes scanned by Homeland Security MD's and another super computer simulation from Dr. Lisa MD. CBS Nightly News status quo, 'rescue' the Yale Key West Medical School at Truman Harbor, tell the JFK kids about a fleet of Hospital Ships Jimmy Carter sank for his Nuke Sub. Status quo!
4-15-2018 Yale Key West Hospital Ship A Air Craft Carrier Abraham Lincoln Dr. Lisa MD in front of a banner that said, "Mission Accomplished." the first Hospital Ship Air Craft Carrier! Status quo!
4-15-2018 Jewish built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's in Cuba soon, Cuba's 'lost generation' prepares to take power next week and let the Jews build their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's in Havana. In Canada, 2 Provinces Feud Over Pipeline: Will It Bring Jobs or Spills? In Canada no one fights for the Jews to build their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-15-2018 United States, Britain and France a violation of international law. The U.S. said it was justified making Qatar the richest 'City' in the World via Oil Revenues from suppressing the 2018 Jewish Built Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-15-2018 Famed lawyer sets himself on fire at Prospect Park in protest suicide against fossil fuels in a sprawling Brooklyn park.
4-15-2018 Metal Detectors the Norm at Schools and Ballparks. State Capitols? Not So Much. Murder stats for women were left out of this article as there are nod Metal Detectors at the Wife's door when the wounded warrior comes to kill her. 19K in 2018. This is why the stats were censored By ALAN BLINDER
4-15-2018 As goofy as this sounds, the smell of gasoline immediately transports me back... Greg is transported to another Star Ship in Star Wars when I smell gasoline. Gravity Engine spin off lead to the invention of beam me up Scotty.
4-15-2018 As goofy as this sounds, the smell of gasoline immediately transports me back to the farm in Wisconsin where I grew up. My dad used to fill the tractor with gasoline and on occasion, he would let me sit on his lap while he drove it, plowing the fields in spring. I loved riding on that tractor, smelling the fresh, moist ground being plowed up while the soft, cool wind blew in my face. The smell of gasoline triggers such happy, secure and warm memories when I was a small child. How I still miss that farm. — Marge Keller
4-15-2018 “Remembering my childhood in Italy.” Kids today will remember the gas engine cars and the Pope who drove one from 1980 to 2018. God will pay these kids back I pray.
4-15-2018 Predatory 'Oil Men @ BP Oil Exxon Mobil' with discriminatory housing policy have denied 100 million Americans the chance to reap the rewards of homeownership of a 2018 Ford WindmillRV as their Home! Trillions of jolts, volts, amps from the super condutive GE electric generators will bring Star Wars spin off inventions. All lost to this RV Home Owners. By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times today, Sunday.
4-15-2018 One study estimated that viruses in the ocean cause a trillion trillion infections every second, destroying some 20 percent of all bacterial cells in the sea daily. 12 Trillion Galaxies in our Universe I would estimate that a trillion Jewish Aliens sail between these 12 Trillion Galaxies every day, grin. "Trillions Upon Trillions of Viruses Fall From the Sky Each Day" By JIM ROBBINS
4-14-2018 USA Today Britain attacks Syria with cruise missiles to deter more chemical attacks by BP Oil spray painted black clouds of Diesel in Cities World Wide, a war crime! Orwell is alive and well in London + Paris. Disney Pixar Fox movie of "1984 II" will have the old 1984 George Orwell and the 2018 George Orwell in London + Paris both in times at war's, grin. Today London + Paris have the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's making public their War Crimes even if the NY Times doesn't!! 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's conflict escalate's with this War + No War on Breast Cancer in the News or NY Times Editorials. 1.2 million dead in 2018 and these Oil Men buy advanced War Toys from MIT. Starbucks Rx Pink Latte!!
4-14-2018 Yes, if you count 12 Trillion Galaxies... "Does Math Make You Smarter?" By MANIL SURI
In most ways, no. But there are some cognitive benefits. a good strategy for survival in a Universe that will last more than 12 Trillion years, Hell the Nearest Star Alpha Proxmire will burn for 4 trillion more years 500 times the age of the current universe. Fake News and False News from CBS Nightly News could harm your soul forever! How 1,000 nearest stars can be mapped by Jewish Intelligence for the Exodus Drive!
4-14-2018 400 million 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's were stolen in Alaska by Oil Men. "Car Stolen in Anchorage? Enter Floyd the Thief Chaser" By KIRK JOHNSON "Does Math Make You Smarter?" By MANIL SURI Oil Men and women, Sara Palin counting $777 trillion dollars in oil revenues. Seeing this is gas station hold up money they spend it on war toys instead of the Yale Key West Medical School with Dr, Lisa MD as its President, grin.
4-14-2018 U.S., Britain and France Strike Syria Over Suspected Chemical Weapons Attack! By HELENE COOPER, THOMAS GIBBONS-NEFF and BEN HUBBARD "Does 'War' Math Make You Smarter?" No, as the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + Rv's would have won the War Outright with Syria. War Crimes Hell Stupid Crime of driving a gas engine car. "Russia. Iran. Israel. Hezbollah. Turkey. All have huge stakes in the Syrian conflict, and a new American-led air strike campaign further muddles the mix. By BEN HUBBARD Ben Hubbard at the NY Times knows 300 million American's have a bigger stake in the Missile Attack, driving the Ford WindmillCAR's to the front page of the NY Times written by Ben Hubbard, a war criminal. Russia + Iran out of Gas will convict Ben Hubbard of war crimes.
4-14-2018 40 Sea Gulls Wrecked His Hotel Room. 17 Years Later, a Pepperoni Pardon. Fairmont Empress in Victoria, British Columbia. 17 Years after the 1980 invention of the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. The ensuing chaos — and most likely the cleanup bill from Canada oil + coal, wrongful death law suits filed by Yale. After Yale alumni sell off their Canada oil + gas business. 40,000 cars wrecked just in Canada the last 17 years all preventable with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Canada gas + oil evolve to become unbreathable as they are addicted to $777 Trillion and they are addicted to the War Chest of MIT Toys they spend it on.
4-14-2018 An aggressive typhoid strain, resistant to five types of antibiotics, is expected to replace other endemic strains worldwide. It could evolve to become untreatable. By EMILY BAUMGAERTNER
4-14-2018 An aggressive Oil Men's Culture of 'Honor Killings' be her Kim Wall at the Times, a Temp or temps at Microsoft that are also beheaded by a 'CO' and don't make the front page of the Times.
4-14-2018 Green Stamp Gas Stations in 2018. Mr. Beinecke spent his career at the Sperry & Hutchinson Company, which his maternal grandfather, William Sperry Miller, founded with a partner in 1896. The company became well-known for its Green Stamps, which customers earned by shopping at participating gasoline stations. I can remember being 10 and sticking green stamps into books as if it were yesterday. Total Recall Rx Perfume did I just smell some? Yale School of Management opened in 1976, with the Beineckes as major benefactors. 300 million Americans lost out in 1980 when Yale alumni made Qatar and Saudi Arabia the richest benefactors of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Active until the end of his life at 103, Mr. Beinecke had lunch the week before his death with recipients of a scholarship he endowed at Columbia Law School; Saudi Arabia owns Columbia Law this is why the gas engine car is driven by women Alumni at Yale, Harvard + Columbia, grin. Mr. Beinecke must be in Hell if your do your Math right, correct as to who should have got the God Sent WindmillCAR's, the USA or Qatar.
4-14-2018 Facebook is the 'generator' of Florida Lottery Tickets not 12 Trillion Volt, Amps, with super conductive spin offs of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-14-2018 Face-Off between War + WindmillCAR's, Authorizations for the Use of Military Force that were passed in 2001 and 2002 after the Sept. 11 attacks to cover American-led operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, respectively. The 2001 legislation was aimed at Al Qaeda and the Taliban; the 2002 legislation focused on the threat from the Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Since then, President Barack Obama and now Mr. Trump have used those same authorizations at least 37 times to justify attacks on the Islamic State and other militant groups in 14 countries, including Yemen, the Philippines, Kenya, Eritrea and Niger, according to Dan Grazier of the Project on Government Oversight. This has allowed the Republican-led Congress to avoid public debate — and any responsibility for sending American men and women into battle. Face-Off between War + WindmillCAR's.
4-14-2018 The interpretation of the law of Physics that gave us a life is good in 12 Trillion Galaxies got a God Sent 1980 WindmillCAR Victory that was wrecks by Oil Men in Paris.
4-14-2018 Physicists have used a mathematical model to show the old 1984 George Orwell and the 2018 George Orwell in London + Paris both in times at war's, grin.
4-14-2018 “Truman Annex amphitheater is about to become the Yale Key West Medical School and the Truman Harbor will host a fleet of Yale Key West Hospital Ships. Soon as the Syrian War is won by the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-14-2018 Paris oil Men's Sex Crimes Today are well known to the Paris Elite. "France Still Struggles With Sexual Crimes Involving Minors via Oil Men." By ALISSA J. RUBIN and ELIAN PELTIER "A recent case involving an 11-year-old girl has given urgency to the government’s efforts to change laws to better protect minors. Critics say the changes don’t go far enough."
4-13-2018 Tax Time IRS; there is not a IRS in Qatar or Saudi Arabia thanks to your 'gas money' in the USA in Times of WindmillCAR Windfall Trillions, no IRS in the USA Today if the News Paper USA Today would have put the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's on the Front Page Today! A War Crime!
4-13-2018 USA Today Headlines, the WindmillCAR's + RV's will pay all your IRS taxes the rest of your life, God is Great not Allah... there is not a IRS tax in Qatar or Saudi Arabia thanks to your 'gas money' and 'Thugs'.
4-13-2018 Where are the Rx Perfume Diary's from the NY Times? METROPOLITAN DIARY "Too Much Perfume" Going spray happy before getting into the elevator at work. Facebook masterminds took all the Rx Perfumes off Amazon's list of 1,001 IP invention projects on InventBook. Facebook was masterminded by the same government who sells you gasoline in Miami today.
4-13-2018 LOVE IS ... the Rx Perfume App that lets you never lose anything ever again. This Rx Perfume App does come with some GPS and other tech gadgets that have not been invented yet, grin. "The Museum of ‘Please Find Me’ The Lost & Found at Kennedy Airport is the last, best hope for travelers missing their iPads, meaningful snapshots and many, many wedding rings." Kennedy Homeland Security are all MD's too with gadgets and Rx Perfumes, grin.
4-13-2018 SAT, rewritten for InventBook, first InventBook is the AI iMac pro 18 core Intel Xexon Ones. Like Dr, Lisa Sanders driving a $100 million dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time. Marc Chagall – The Paris Years (1910-1914). Dr. Lisa Sanders MD the Los Alamos years 2018 to ****. Pencils Now Required, but Sometimes Necessary. Building Skills Outside gov. masterminded Facebook, Florida Lottery, Drunk Driving stats that go in into infinity under the current governments world wide. Drunks in Qatar today. Jews drunk on building their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
Dr, Lisa Sanders driving a $100 million dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time
Dr, Lisa Sanders driving a $100 million dollar Los Alamos Super Computer for the first time
Dr. Lisa Sanders link to solve the medical Diagnosis!!
4-13-2018 O157:H7 usually comes from the guts of cattle, but can also be found in goats, sheep, deer and elk. The reason that the strain is so dangerous for people to come in contact with is that it produces a nasty Shiga toxin, which can make us really sick. This kind of Shiga toxin producing E. coli.
4-13-2018 Yuri Gagarin Became The First Human In Space, 57 Years Ago Today... if NASA didn't sell its soul to BP Oil in 1980 we would be 57 light years from Earth listening to many different Jewish Aliens.
4-13-2018 Exquisite invention projects of the past and star wars
4-13-2018 Marc Chagall’s 1911 “Othello and Desdemona,” to the estate of its late owners. The oil-on-canvas depicting Othello with a sword in his hand, gazing upon a reclining Desdemona, had languished for years in a Maryland attic. The elderly couple, Ernest S. Heller and Rose Heller, are long dead. Their lawyer said the apartment near the East River was something of a salon where artists and musicians went, not inventors.
4-13-2018 Car Seats Are Just the Start: Road Safety Lessons From Sweden drunk wine drinkers are the reason for children car seats stats. The United States could do a lot more to make car travel safer for children and easier on parents. By Aaron E. Carroll Aaron was drunk writing this article. Aaron accidental left out the stats on kids killed by drunk drivers and this is the reason the Drunks on the roads of Sweden can still drive drunk. The King of Sweden didn't want to get the drunk drivers off the road after drinking fine French Wines all night. Accidents are the No. 1 killer of American children, and car accidents are the most common kind of lethal accidents.
4-13-2018 Pardon Cheney for cutting in front of the Heart Transplant line, no news on this from the Times. Trump Plans to Pardon Scooter Libby in C.I.A. Leak Case. The president’s action would wipe out the perjury and obstruction convictions of Mr. Libby, who was Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff. By PETER BAKER and MAGGIE HABERMAN Dr. Lisa MD is the MD Chief of Staff not hired by the Pentagon. This is why the top brass cut in front of the line for heart transplants after the Saudi's and the Prince from Qatar. All because of gas money for 'War Toys' instead of WindmillCAR money for Exodus into the Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies.
4-13-2018 Another Cheney wants to cut in front of the line of breast cancer women's Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. Gen. Khalifa Hifter, who controls most of eastern Libya, is trying to woo the Trump administration as he aims to expand power. But his illness puts all that in jeopardy. By DECLAN WALSH General Hifter’s ascent has been called into question with news that the 75-year-old General had been airlifted to a hospital in Paris, where French news media reported that he was being treated for a stroke. Dr. Lisa MD will treat 100 million to a stroke cure not one General. No one at the Pentagon will fly Dr. Lisa MD to Los Alamos. A War Crime.
4-13-2018 General Hifter rose to power with the help of foreign firepower and a canny ability to play allies off one another. Warplanes deployed by the United Arab Emirates and Egypt pummeled his enemies and helped him capture oil terminals. French paramilitaries fought on his front lines in Benghazi, where three were killed in 2016. Saudi Arabia provided funding. Dr. Lisa MD rose to power put not as a General killing millions when the WindmillCAR's + RV's were not used to bankrupt oil.
4-13-2018 Russian special forces commandos last year delivered ammunition and intelligence to General Hifter from their bases in western Egypt, a former American intelligence official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss classified information. For much of his life, General Hifter was tied to the United States.
4-13-2018 No one at the CIA delivered a Super Computer to Dr. Lisa MD. Russian special forces commandos last year delivered ammunition and intelligence to General Hifter from their bases in western Egypt, a former American intelligence official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss classified information.
For much of his life, General Hifter was tied to the United States... as millions died from breast cancer in the USA in this 20 years of Time. A war crime!
4-13-2018 In the past year, though, as General Hifter’s troops racked up major victories — advancing across Benghazi and seizing Libya’s biggest oil terminal... terminal breast cancer women in the USA are a causality of top Generals at the Pentagon giving orders to seize the biggest oil terminal. A War Crime.
4-13-2018 In Nobel Scandal, a Man Is Accused of Sexual Misconduct. A Woman Takes the Fall. In Nobel's they will give one to General Hifter out of spite for the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's invention they don't want. King Carl XVI Gustaf is a war criminal.
4-13-2018 Where are the Rx Perfume Diary's from the NY Times? METROPOLITAN DIARY "Too Much Perfume" Going spray happy before getting into the elevator at work. Facebook masterminds took all the Rx Perfumes off Amazon's list of 1,001 IP invention projects on InventBook. Facebook was masterminded by the same government who sells you gasoline in Miami today.
Dr. Lisa Sanders link to solve the medical Diagnosis!!
4-13-2018 Dr. Lisa Sanders "Mad Cow Disease, mis folded proteins. Angel has been admitted to Summerlin hospital well over 20 times. Most of the time, the doctors providing her care have focused on protecting her kidneys and managing her rhabdo, although several specialists did try to identify a cause for the repeated episodes. A muscle biopsy, performed to see if the cause of the rhabdo is contained within the muscle fibers, was done between hospitalizations; it was normal. By LISA SANDERS, M.D. "This week The New York Times Magazine is reintroducing a version of “Think Like a Doctor,” the online column in which I told the story of a patient with mysterious symptoms — including posting some medical records and test results — and challenged readers to unravel the puzzle of that patient’s illness and come up with a diagnosis. But this time, the stakes are higher. In that original column, which I wrote from 2011 to 2016, I already knew the final diagnosis, and I watched as readers commented and discussed the case on the site, finding their way to an answer, a suggested diagnosis. This time around, I will be presenting an unsolved case and asking our readers to do their best to actually help the patient." Dr. Lisa you need Los Alamos to crunch your her medical test.
4-12-2018 Why Apple makes it so hard to get a new iPhone battery, because Greg + Wife's in Key West invented a micro GE electric Generator the size of a iPhone battery that will keep your iPhone 'Powered On' for a Week, a month, a year with each new model.
Dr. Lisa Sanders link to solve the medical Diagnosis!!
4-12-2018 Dr. Lisa Sanders "Mad Cow Disease, mis folded proteins. Angel has been admitted to Summerlin hospital well over 20 times. Most of the time, the doctors providing her care have focused on protecting her kidneys and managing her rhabdo, although several specialists did try to identify a cause for the repeated episodes. A muscle biopsy, performed to see if the cause of the rhabdo is contained within the muscle fibers, was done between hospitalizations; it was normal. By LISA SANDERS, M.D. "This week The New York Times Magazine is reintroducing a version of “Think Like a Doctor,” the online column in which I told the story of a patient with mysterious symptoms — including posting some medical records and test results — and challenged readers to unravel the puzzle of that patient’s illness and come up with a diagnosis. But this time, the stakes are higher. In that original column, which I wrote from 2011 to 2016, I already knew the final diagnosis, and I watched as readers commented and discussed the case on the site, finding their way to an answer, a suggested diagnosis. This time around, I will be presenting an unsolved case and asking our readers to do their best to actually help the patient." Dr. Lisa you need Los Alamos to crunch your her medical test.
Dr. Lisa Sanders link to solve the medical Diagnosis!!
4-12-2018 Dr. Lisa Sanders "Mad Cow Disease, mis folded proteins.
4-12-2018 Dr. Lisa Sanders you do need Los Alamos to cure this Mad Cow disease of mis folded proteins, asap! Text Greg in Key West if you need some help, grin.
4-12-2018 God of War review: an incredible re imagining of a PlayStation icon combat invention lost this iPhone micro GE electric generator and Facebook. Wrongful Deaths will bankrupt Facebook and God's of War Combat games.
'Avengers: Infinity War' is outselling the past seven Marvel films. Combined. Because Disney Pixar Fox "Star Wars InventBook's" are stifled by our 1984 Society.
4-12-2018 MOSCOW JOURNAL; In Russia, a ‘Special Highway’ Helps the Privileged Avoid Traffic Using a median lane on a highway between the Kremlin and President Vladimir V. Putin’s home has become a status symbol, even if the road is also one of Moscow’s deadliest. By IVAN NECHEPURENKO
4-12-2018 Oil Workers Caused the Bus Crash, Official: What Caused the Crash That Killed 16 Canadians?
The weather was clear, and the highway free of snow and ice. Investigative work has begun, but there is no obvious explanation for the violent collision of a bus and a truck. By IAN AUSTEN Ian Austen at the NY Times knows Oil Workers in Canada killed this kids and many more in the USA. A War Crime! Saskatchewan wrongful deaths world wide caused by oil workers in 'Times' of 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's with F-35 Radar that cost more than the Ford.
4-12-2018 Today's Editorial in the NY Ties, "Saving Paul Ryan from Hell in a new Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens!" How the departing House speaker handles President Trump will define his legacy. It’s not too late for him to step up. 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and 2011 Yale Key West Medical Schools are his Legacy of War Crime! Next Generation of Paul Ryan's MD's not even thought about yet ordering Yale New haven Med Shool to take 250 more Med Students in Sept 2018 instead of just 110. He is off to the Qatar Trump Casino after his stop in Key West for some Florida Lottery tickets. Breast Cancer women can go to Hell he was overheard saying to the NY Times Editors. Kim Wall was beheaded because she couldn't get hired. Gas stations hold ups in Miami today are not the business of the Senate, period. 20 years in Congress driving Prince Salman to a fortune 500 #1 spot. Make American rich as Qatar never entered Ryan's mind, he was working to hard to make Saudi Arabia rich. You’re only 48 years old, and you have a long war crime's trail ahead of you in public or in our 1984 Society.
4-12-2018 "Armageddon II" The New Disney Pixar Fox Movie with Bruce Willis and his 'Daughter's Wedding!' "Signs of a Political Armageddon" Gas Engine Cars are not safe, 100 will die this week. FBI is not Safe. Robert Mueller is not safe. Our 1984 democracy is not safe... from the Victory of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with -254 C GE super conductive electric generators that turn out trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps and can be used for a desaltation Plant in Israel, RV size one's.
4-12-2018 Zuckerberg + his Chinese Wife Don't have a Conscience... Xi us putting to death kids in China + the USA with birth defects, Cancer's from Gasoline exhaust, coal, diesel... the jury has come into our 1984 Orwellian society with Hell on Earth for $777 trillion in oil revenues. Wow. FBI was fired in 1980 by Jimmy Carter! Grin.
Dr. Lisa Sanders link to solve the medical Diagnosis!!
4-12-2018 Dr. Lisa Sanders "Mad Cow Disease, mis folded proteins. Angel has been admitted to Summerlin hospital well over 20 times. Most of the time, the doctors providing her care have focused on protecting her kidneys and managing her rhabdo, although several specialists did try to identify a cause for the repeated episodes. A muscle biopsy, performed to see if the cause of the rhabdo is contained within the muscle fibers, was done between hospitalizations; it was normal. By LISA SANDERS, M.D. "This week The New York Times Magazine is reintroducing a version of “Think Like a Doctor,” the online column in which I told the story of a patient with mysterious symptoms — including posting some medical records and test results — and challenged readers to unravel the puzzle of that patient’s illness and come up with a diagnosis. But this time, the stakes are higher. In that original column, which I wrote from 2011 to 2016, I already knew the final diagnosis, and I watched as readers commented and discussed the case on the site, finding their way to an answer, a suggested diagnosis. This time around, I will be presenting an unsolved case and asking our readers to do their best to actually help the patient." Dr. Lisa you need Los Alamos to crunch your her medical test.
Dr. Lisa Sanders link to solve the medical Diagnosis!!
4-12-2018 Dr. Lisa Sanders "Mad Cow Disease, mis folded proteins.
4-12-2018 Dr. Lisa Sanders you do need Los Alamos to cure this Mad Cow disease of mis folded proteins, asap! Text Greg in Key West if you need some help, grin.
4-12-2018 Key West Helps Remove Old Trailers. After months of staring at three busted-up trailers on U.S. 1 for months, Sheriff Rick Ramsay and his command staff took matters into their own hands to address the problem, next is the problem of the gas engine cars on US 1. iPhone X iDash Cam iCop in your Car writing a ticket instead on the side of US 1 highway getting rear ended.
4-11-2018 Pilot Errors in not having Dr. Lisa MD onboard the flight... Pilot, Co-Pilot, MD!!!
4-11-2018 Why the F.B.I. Day 2 of Mark Zuckerberg’s Testimony: What to Watch For ----------- InventBook Orwellian Comments from the Senator's! Grin... no the Senate will not take up InventBook!
4-11-2018 Why the F.B.I. British have Cut Ties and Sanctioned the Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with the USA.
4-11-2018 Why the F.B.I. Dutch Parliament Reduces Penalties for Insulting King for not letting the Jews build the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's... war crimes via the Dutch King will have to wait until Jews Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's into Exodus of 12 Trillion Galaxies when there are no longer Kings and Prince's at the UN.
4-11-2018 Why the F.B.I. Penalties for Insulting Prince Salman is 'Honor Killings' censored by our 'Time's' and the NY Times! Jew's will go viral with all the Google YouTube videos of Prince Salman's 'Honor Killings' when they Drive to Exodus the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's! British "Honor Killings" is sending all the Oxford MD's to Qatar + Saudi Arabia.
4-11-2018 Why the F.B.I.Honor killings by Xi in 'Time's' of Smog, DNA, Kids, Cancers, Birth defects... a love letter to Mao Zedong was intended to present a more human side of Mao Zedong. But some Chinese internet users took offense. Because Mao would never let a 'Black Cloud of Smog Diesel' be the air Beijing Citizens breath, Mao would march everyone out of Beijing into the Chinese Mountains, millions would die but not from 'Smog' in the City of Beijing and Mao would not put kids with cancer and birth defects to death for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues kickbacks and bribes. Mao would build the Chinese 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's before the Jews! By SUI-LEE WEE and ELSIE CHEN
4-11-2018 Why the F.B.I. British Banks Will Have to Cut Ties to Sanctioned 'Russian Oil-God's', U.S. Says. New sanctions will compel the Bank of England to sever their ties with 'Russian Oil-God's' associated with President Vladimir V. Putin, and diminish the United Kingdom’s attraction for Russia! By ELLEN BARRY
4-11-2018 Why the F.B.I. Raid Is Perilous for Michael Cohen — and Trump. If a client is using an attorney’s services for the purpose of engaging in crime or fraud, there is no privilege, their is no Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD for 'Humanity' in our Perilous Era of the Cancer, a Plague even London will be arrested for not Driving the Ford WindmillCAR's " RV's to a spin off invention of 1,001 Nobels in Medicine. Instead London is playing Russian Roulette at the Qatar Trump Casino for Trillions in Oil revenues that are all illegal. Scotland Yards will be history like Henry VIII.
4-11-2018 Why the F.B.I. Day 2 of Mark Zuckerberg’s Testimony: What to Watch For ----------- InventBook Orwellian Comments from the Senator's! Grin... no the Senate will not take up InventBook!
4-11-2018 Why the F.B.I. Trump Signs Order to Require Recipients of Federal Aid Programs to Work for the FBI in 1,001 IP invention projects on InventBook not Facebook. DealBook for 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year Times, that will infect the NY Times too. Front page picture's will change to IP invention projects.
4-11-2018 'Star War Air Filters on the Enterprise Galaxy Class Ship' “It’s pretty clear that if you’re seated more than a meter away from an infected passenger and you’re careful with hand hygiene, you’re unlikely to get infected with the flu,” said one of the authors, Howard Weiss, a professor of mathematics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Other research suggests wearing a face mask, if you’re inclined to wear one, may also help.
4-11-2018 It would be even less likely to be infected by a crew member, since crew members are less likely to come to work when they are sick. But if a crew member had the flu, the researchers calculate, he or she would infect an average of 4.6 passengers per flight. The lead author, Vicki Stover Hertzberg, a professor of nursing at Emory University, had some advice for people who fly when they have the flu. “Sneeze into your elbow, use good hand hygiene, and turn on your air vent. That will send the droplets straight to the floor.” Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD for a Elite Diagnosis of this flu article and Rx Flu Latte, mandatory mask and test for the flu and other diseases as you check in to Homeland Security all MD now. You do not have the right to refuse the bladder infection urine test, grin. Or eye test, breath test for diseases. You are flying on the 1980 Boeing 757 with Warriors who never 'Dreamed' of going to the Yale Key West Medical School. 2011 "Is There a Doctor on the Plane?" MAY 23, 2011 NY Times never updated with the Boeing Hospital 757 Plane Flight for life of every passenger that flies in 2018. Sick! Yes Boeing CEO comes to work sick!
4-11-2018 Can you see Dr. Lisa MD on a flight telling everyone to “Sneeze into your elbow." Hell No.
4-11-2018 The country’s deadliest accident occurred in July 2014, when an Air Algérie jetliner traveling from Burkina Faso to Algeria crashed in the desert in Mali, killing all 116 people on board, including 53 French citizens. A French investigation into the crash blamed pilot error.
4-11-2018 Pilot Errors in not having Dr. Lisa MD onboard the flight... Pilot, Co-Pilot, MD!!! Airbus wants to add bunk beds, playground slides, and hospital rooms to its new planes. Boeing and Dr. Lisa MD want to add Hospital Planes soon as the fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke subs are sunk.
4-11-2018 Pilot Errors "Traumatic Brain Injuries Are Tied to Dementia" By NICHOLAS BAKALAR Articles in the NY Times InventBook to reverse Dementia caused Injuries the jury is out at FaceBook @ the Times! Bang you head on the door, window, — that results in very brief or no unconsciousness and no structural harm to the brain, to the most severe brain injuries that can cause extended unconsciousness, coma or even prove fatal. Minor or Major bangs to the head are tied to Dementia and now the Nuke to the Head of Nero to write a brainstorming article or Hemingway House Nobel Novel with ideas to reverse Dementia Injuries in the brain.
4-11-2018 Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's"; Video Shows Israeli Forces Shooting a Palestinian, Then Rejoicing" By ISABEL KERSHNER Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s hard-line defense minister, said, “The sniper deserves a commendation while the one filming deserves condemnation.” He added that it was “understandable” that soldiers at the front sometimes had to let off steam. Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s hard-line defense minister, said the Jews will start building steam engine cars! Allah will get a steam roller Jewish Army.
4-11-2018 Orwellian Comment from Trump today... 'Gas Killing' tyrant's.
4-11-2018 President Trump put Syria and Russia on notice Wednesday morning, promising that missiles fired at Syria “will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!’” — while also telling the Kremlin that it should not partner with a “Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!”
4-11-2018 Pilot Error... They should have been out driving their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR! Military Plane Crashes in Algeria, Killing at Least 257 By DECLAN WALSH Transport plane carrying soldiers, civilians and independence fighters slammed into a field shortly after takeoff on Wednesday.
4-11-2018 Boss said no InventBook or Rx Pink Latte Cheers! By TALYA MINSBERG and FAHIMA HAQUE "Cheerleaders are a regular presence on N.F.L. teams' official social media accounts, but the teams exert restrictions on how individual cheerleaders use their own personal profiles."
4-11-2018 The New FBI and NY Times. iPhone X track and Frisk you on a GPS Map of your comings and goings via your iPhone X GPS. Don’t Let the Police Wreck Stop-and-Frisk Reforms. If the police department refuses reforms from black and Latino New Yorkers, the routine violation of their rights will continue. By JENN ROLNICK BORCHETTA, DARIUS CHARNEY and ANGEL HARRIS. iPhone X iDash Cam iTickets, iCop in your car talking to you. Reforms they never Dreamed would stop all NYC Crime like a Star War Utopia thanks to iPhone X GPS and iDash cam in your car.
4-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
4-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
4-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
4-10-2018 Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's Israel will boost desalination to fight a five-year drought of civilian inventions! Business Insider is now Invention Insider on this web page, grin. Sea of Galilee, technically a lake near the border with Syria that is Israel's main freshwater source. Trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps from 1 Ford WindmillCAR + RV misused for the last 5 years by the Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef.
4-10-2018 Under the Einstein MD Theory of Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's the Yale Key West Medical School and Hospital Ships at Truman Harbor would exist today. Yes a desalination WindmillCAR at Truman Harbor too.
4-10-2018 Under the Einstein MD Theory of Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's there should be but there are no Israeli Troops rejoicing over the 2018 Jewish built Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. A war crime!
4-10-2018 Jewish Built spin off's from the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's... Gravity Engine Car's! Equal "Pay Day" for inventors of the Gravity Engine Car.
4-10-2018 Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons. On Sunday, Yitzchak Yosef, the Sephardi chief rabbi of Israel, condemned the reported chemical attack. Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel, the outgoing commander of the Israeli Air Force, acknowledged that Israel had launched nearly 100 strikes on convoys in Syria since 2012. Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel, has known about the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV for a long, long time without using them in a Total Victory over Syria and Allah, a war crime. Israel on Monday escalated its war in Syria against Iran without Total Victory using the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's another war crime. This is the 'Humanity' trump talked about on Monday too. God not Allah would be rich as Qatar with total victory of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's, this is a Cardinal Sin for sure.
4-10-2018 Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's; "Qatar Charm Offensive Appears to Have Paid Off, Trump. Officials Say" Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, left, and Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani of Qatar at the Pentagon on Monday. The emir will meet with President Trump on Tuesday. With urgent conflicts piling up across the Middle East, Mr. Trump is eager to resolve the Sunni Muslim regional feud as he considers the imminent prospect of launching a punishing military strike in Syria over a suspected chemical weapons attack. Qatar is host to al-Udeid Air Base, which is home to nearly 10,000 American troops and is the overseas headquarters for United States Central Command that would launch any strike against Syria. By GARDINER HARRIS and MARK LANDLER
4-10-2018 Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's Yitzchak Yosef, the Sephardi chief rabbi of Israel, condemned Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's, grin. Allah is Great giving the Jews Trillions in Oil Kickbacks and bribes, BP Oil too.
4-10-2018 Shingrix, which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration last October after studies involving 16,600 people showed it to be far more effective at preventing this disease than the first shingles vaccine, Zostavax, shingles, caused by the very same virus that causes chickenpox by age 85 half of adults will have had at least one outbreak of shingles. Antiviral drug acyclovir needs a updated Rx Recipe and made public. So we can brainstorm the Rx Recipe. Top Brass needs to make GlaxoSmithKline Rx Recipes public for Girl Scouts who's mom has breast cancer.
4-10-2018 Prince Salman may own the world's most expensive house, which cost $3 billion, but Apple Park cost $5 billion, and the views from the fourth floor are stunning of Steve Jobs who made this $5 Billion on his death bed in Apple Video's. Did Steve Jobs leave $5 Billion to build the Yale Key West Medical School or $5 Billion for Apple Park Apple Building?
4-10-2018 Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's; Did Steve Jobs leave $5 Billion to build the Yale Key West Medical School or $5 Billion for Apple Park Apple Building?
4-10-2018 Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's; "Bill Cosby Paid His Sex Assault Accuser $3.38 Million in Settlement" By GRAHAM BOWLEY and JON HURDLE Bill Cosby buys Gas Engine Cars.
4-10-2018 Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's"; Prince Salman + Prince Harry (OJ) killed their Accuser and saved $3.38 Million in Settlement" By GRAHAM BOWLEY and JON HURDLE
4-10-2018 Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's"; Video Shows Israeli Forces Shooting a Palestinian, Then Rejoicing" By ISABEL KERSHNER Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s hard-line defense minister, said, “The sniper deserves a commendation while the one filming deserves condemnation.” He added that it was “understandable” that soldiers at the front sometimes had to let off steam.
4-10-2018 Under the Einstein MD Theory of Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's there should be but there are no Israeli Troops rejoicing over the 2018 Jewish built Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. A war crime!
4-10-2018 Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's; "Video Shows "OJ" covered in her blood, Then Rejoicing" Video's of Prince Salman Rejoicing after a kill have gone viral in our 1984 Culture.
4-10-2018 Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's; The photon is the gauge boson for electromagnetism, and therefore all other quantum numbers of the photon (such as lepton number, baryon number, and flavour quantum numbers) are zero. Under the Theory of Relativity, the faster anything with mass moves, the heavier it gets.
4-10-2018 Jewish Built spin off's from the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's... are the nucleus of these heavy atoms is highly charged, the electrons start to move at significant fractions of the speed of light. This causes them to become heavier than normal, and the rules that typically apply to electron behavior start to break down. chemists would expect to see electrons line up so that they all face the same direction. berkelium and beyond because some of the electrons line up opposite...
4-10-2018 Jewish Built spin off's from the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's... Gravity Engine Car's!
4-10-2018 Jewish built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's will change the culture of Pope Francis to 4 wife's for the Bishop!!!! Book Review: "Lead Us Not Into Temptation" In “To Change the Church,” Ross Douthat argues that Pope Francis’ concessions to the culture of the gas engine car and oil money of Prince Salman have put Catholicism in crisis... if the Jews build their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV.
4-10-2018 "Woman’s Dismembered Body Is Found in a Brooklyn Park" A passer-by saw a head and torso in Canarsie Park and called the police. Investigators were looking into who the woman was and how long her body had been there. By MAGGIE ASTOR and BENJAMIN MUELLER MD Investigators were looking into how this could happen so close to the HQ of the NY Times and Trump Towers.
4-10-2018 "After chemical weapons kill dozens, the president must face up to the complexities of ending the slaughter there." By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NY Times Today. 100 Dead this week in car wrecks in the USA, Trump must end the slaughter here. 1.2 million dead in 2018 from Breast Cancer in the USA.
4-10-2018 Yale Key West Medical School MD Investigators were looking into how this could happen... A 68-year-old Key West man was arrested and charged with misdemeanor hit and run, leaving the scene of the crash and driving under the influence around 11 p.m. Sunday night after leading police on a slow speed, stop and go pursuit. Witnesses called police after the man, driving a white Mercedes.
4-10-2018 iPhone X Smoke Detectors with video... As a fatal fire in a 50th-floor apartment in Trump Tower on Saturday began to worsen, the flames triggered a system of smoke sensors.
4-10-2018 Facebook vs InventBook here... Skin Deep: Why So Many Asian-American Women Are Bleaching Their Hair Blond and not working on 1,001 IP invention projects on InventBook? There’s a term for it: “perpetual motion machine, the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with super conductive GE electric generators turbines at -254 C. Asians as we shake off our perceived otherness and strive to prove our Americanness. There’s a term for it: “perpetual foreigner.” This is from our Facebook Culture. Perpetural Motion Machines are a better Culture. Like Florida Lottery Tickets sold to Asian's. Big Brother at Facebook, spike in Asian Women clients looking to go full platinum. Once a so-called editorial look adopted by a select few, like the popular Korean-American model Soo Joo Park, who found fame with her trademark ultralight locks, the aesthetic has paved the way for InventBook celebrities. Yoon Anh and the social-media influencers Vanessa Hong, Tina Leung and Margaret Zhang. It’s still challenging to go platinum. It can take up to 12 hours, with as many as six applications of bleach and a bill that can start at $400. That doesn’t take into account the upkeep needed, which includes a regimen of deep conditioning treatments, toners and purple shampoos, and a diligence about monthly touch-ups that can run upward of $200 a visit.
4-9-2018 Elevators on the outside of 2018 Ford WindmillRV's... invent some today, grin.
4-9-2018 Elevators on the outside of Trump Towers could be have been used by Firemen...
4-9-2018 The Louvre didn’t return calls for comment on the Breast Cancer tumor breaking through the skin...
The Louvre didn’t return calls for comment on the Breast Cancer tumor breaking through the skin... painting.
4-9-2018 Forbes Demolition of the Louvre “Liberty Leading the People,” which shows a woman with naked chest standing on the barricades, holding the revolutionary red, white and blue flag over the corpses of fallen fighters. The painting depicts the 1830 uprising, Naked Breast with the Breast Cancer tumor breaking though the skin, Oui! Rx Pink Latte Revolution of 2018. This picture has not been on the from page of the NY Times. Why?
4-9-2018 -254 Degrees C Super Conductive; "Oil + Water" -254 Degrees Designing car parts for the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's GE electric generator turbines. -254 Degrees C Super Conductive; CVS Makes $1 Billion off or Bed Sores that are all preventable. -254 Degrees C Super Conductive; Prince Salman Makes $777 Trillion from Gasoline all Needless with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-9-2018 -254 Degrees C Super Conductive; "Oil + Water" Pay for Women in Qatar, NYC. "The 10-Year Baby Window That Is the Key to the Women’s Pay Gap" By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER Claire knows the "Key" is Qatar as the richest City in the World, is the Key to the Pay Gap of all 350 million women in the USA. They lost their lives from the Greed of the Editors of the Times who also made Kim Wall a Temp to save money. Denuclearization of Los Alamos for the Rx Pink Latte Manhattan Project is the worst "Pay Gap" for women with Breast Cancer Today. Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD was kicked out of Trumps Key West White House Office. She wanted the "Pay Gap" for the Yale Key West Medical School to Pay more than the "Trump Casino in Qatar" and the Qatar Medical Schools. "How to Level the College Playing Field" By Harold O. Levy with Peg Tyre. Mr. Levy is a former chancellor of the New York City public schools. He wrote this article with the education journalist Peg Tyre. He wrote this because there is no 'Miracle Cure" as the "Pay Gap" and College Playing Fields are on CBS Sports 24/7 all weekend. Yale Key West Medical School was shot down like Putin will shoot down Trumps relation in Syria this week. Oppenheimer and Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD she can't get hired at Los Alamos as Oppenheimer the War Warrior still has orders for another 50,000 H-Bombs but only a few thousand at a time. Recycles for 40 at a time for the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke subs coming off the assembly line in Georgia. Assembly line for Medical School Students will be different for the Med Students at Yale Key West Medical School at Truman Harbor. Mark Zuckerberg Can Still Fix This Mess power to protect Facebook users, power to protect Florida Lottery Ticket buyers, power to start InventBook with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects at Los Alamos. Power to Drive to 12 Trillion Galaxies not just the Syrian War this Week! Writing on the Wall at the White House and Mexican Borders is "12 Trillion Galaxies!" are here. Delusion of Oil Money Grandeur by Trump + Putin that leaves out Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. "Pay Gap" One Miracle Cure and 1 A-Bomb Ford WindmillCAR to win the War with Allah, Saudi Arabia out right once and for all time! Lost by the Joint Chiefs of Staff because none when to Medical School or joined NASA. "Pay Gap" Anne Wojcicki Credit Anastasiia Sapon for The New York Times. Dr. Anne Wojcicki MD PhD for the New New York Times Culture wanting to be healthy at 100 even with a "Cheney Brand" heart transplant long as she does not have to cut in front of the Heart Transplant line to get one, grin. No there are no ethics at the Pentagon for Top Brass, they shower with Oil not Water. Anne Wojcicki is a co-founder and the chief executive of 23andMe, a genomics company. She has never been to Los Alamos. “Gattaca.” The New Disney Pixar Fox Movie. “Gattaca” rows of Treadmills not Treadmill Desk with $14K iMac Pro's with Intel 18 core Xeon CPU's. Disney scene with this, Treadmill Desk with $14K iMac Pro's with Intel 18 core Xeon CPU's conversation of the characters talking up a invention project.
HP goes up against the iPad Pro with its $599 Chromebook x2 with no 1,001 IP invention projects link to Amazon 1 Click and Los Alamos 10 IBM Super Computers, grin. InventBook wins you a Nobel Invention not HP, Win 10.
4-9-2018 Pope Francis Puts Caring for Migrants and Opposing Abortion on Equal Footing, if the Bishops had 4 Wife's each with Breast Cancer Pope Francis would put his 'Foot' on the Gas and drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's to the Rx Pink Latte Manhattan Project. Will God fire the Pope for not doing this?
4-9-2018 -254 Degrees C Super Conductive; "Oil + Water" ...No Longer Provide Free Bottled Water to Flint. The state said the city’s water supply now met federal standards for safe levels of lead, but city officials were concerned, noting that lead pipes are still in service. By JACEY FORTIN Jacey Fortin just can't get this story correct the first time. State and City of Flint will No Longer Provide "Help" in getting the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's up and running on the Ford Assembly lines in Flint. Don't breath the air warning from City Hall as Smog is a chemical weapon used by the White House to stop the War on Breast Cancers, Childhood Cancers, and birth defects.
4-9-2018 -254 Degrees C Super Conductive; "Oil + Water"
4-9-2018 -254 Degrees C Super Conductive; "Oil + Water"
4-9-2018 Elevators on the outside of 2018 Ford WindmillRV's... invent some today, grin.
4-9-2018 Elevators on the outside of Trump Towers could be used by Firemen...
4-9-2018 USA Top Brass failed Humanity by not Seizing Prince Salman and his $777 Trillion in Miami Gas Money!
4-9-2018 Prince Salman is Harmful to our Country the USA yet they let him fly out of the USA to Paris!
4-9-2018 1.2 USA women will die because they let Prince Salman go free, Some basic acts of kindness found to help patients dealing with cancer. Pentagon, State Dept Basic Training in Mobilization for War on Breast Cancer with a war chest of $77 Trillion from Allah and Prince Salman. Now this will be gambled away at the Qatar Trump Casino Roulette Wheels not behind the Wheels of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's on their way to Manhattan.
4-9-2018 Forbes top brass let Prince Salman go free. They they insult and murder USA women with, What Muscle Has To Do With Breast Cancer Survival. Forbes, long ago they were Americans, now they belong to Allah and Saudi Oil.
4-9-2018 Forbes A demolition in Denmark went badly wrong and crushed the building next to it
Business Insider Danish silo demolition goes awry, damaging culture centre
4-9-2018 Forbes Demolition of the UN is badly needs as Pallets of Oil + Gasoline in every UN Office are a fire hazard.
4-9-2018 Forbes Demolition of every gas station in Miami, Saudi Arabia, Paris! Oui! Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and French President Emmanuel Macron dined inside the Louvre Museum on Sunday evening as the Saudi heir apparent kicked off a three-day visit to France. Prince Mohammed, 32, met with the 40-year-old French leader for a private meal in the former royal palace-turned-museum in Paris ahead of their official rounds of meetings and a state dinner on Tuesday. Macron and the prince, who is on his first visit to France as Crown Prince, already met in Riyadh in November. The French president’s office said the museum was chosen as a symbol of France’s cultural heritage and because of a new exhibition of the work of painter Eugene Delacroix that just opened. It cited the painter’s “Liberty Leading the People,” which shows a woman with naked chest standing on the barricades, holding the revolutionary red, white and blue flag over the corpses of fallen fighters. The painting depicts the 1830 uprising that contributed to the abdication of the French King Charles X, and is the poster of the exhibition. The French president’s office declined to say in which of the museum’s rooms the two men dined, nor who accompanied them for the two-hour meal and talks. The Louvre didn’t return calls for comment.
4-9-2018 Forbes Demolition of the Louvre “Liberty Leading the People,” which shows a woman with naked chest standing on the barricades, holding the revolutionary red, white and blue flag over the corpses of fallen fighters. The painting depicts the 1830 uprising, Naked Breast with the Breast Cancer tumor breaking throught the skin, Oui! Rx Pink Latte Revolution of 2018. This picture has not been on the from page of the NY Times. Why?
4-8-2018 Bill + Melinda Gates are 2 of 100's who are "$ Body Guards $" of Prince Salman in the USA Today. Jailed before he can fly out with $777 Trillion Kerry stacked on pallets for Saudi Arabia. "People of good conscience will have Prince Salman arrested and jailed before he fly's out of the USA with our gas money! "People of good conscience will put Greg's Secret file book cover on the front page of the NY Times and Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR to Exodus with the Jews! Allah is in jail too, grin!
Mr. Trump, who was in Washington at the time, said on Twitter that the tower’s construction helped confine the fire... Star Wars Trump Tower's will never burn like this fire yesterday on the 50th floor and the resident died. How did it start? Not in the Times!!
Star Wars Trump Tower's will never burn like this!! Prince Salman in Saudi Arabia was sold 40,000 Trump Towers with the wrong siding that will burn fast all the way up to the Penthouse!
Star Wars Trump Tower's will never burn like this!!
4-8-2018 250 MD's at 14 Dead After Junior Hockey Team Bus Crashes in Canada. Some injured would have been flown to the Yale Key West Medical School.
4-8-2018 "250 MD's have been sent to the Canada Bus - Semi Truck Wreck; "The ISIS Files: When Terrorists Run City Hall Canada the Paper work Order for all Canada Bus + Trucks to have super air bags on the outside by Jan 1, 2001 was not read by the Boss. City Hall General Manager he was at the Qatar Trump Casino with his BP Oil bonus. Same guy put a stop build order for the Yale Key West Medical School at Truman Harbor. And he lost more than his BP Oil Bonus he lost lives that would be saved at the Yale Key West Medical School Today.
4-8-2018 250 MD's at 14 Dead After Junior Hockey Team Bus Crashes in Canada. 2001 Invention I emailed Canada was super air bags on the outside of all Trucks and Buses in Canada. Wrongful death lawsuits can be a winner in this law suit and Canada Government has Trillions from Oil and Coal.
4-8-2018 Super Three members of the Swedish Nobel Prize Academy, would have given a Nobel for the lives saved via super air bags on the outside of cars and trucks in Canada since 2001.
4-8-2018 250 MD's have been sent to Los Alamos "Rx Pink Latte Manhattan Project" Duval Loop City Bus in Key West, Car's Free Key West in the Sunday Citizen Newspaper by Mandy Miles. Things are looking up with 21K riding the Duval Loop... Loopy Mandy Miles doing 'drugs' in Key West, well doing Foggy Bottoms at the bottom of the pool, ocean, Milky Way loop around, revolution, Oui the French Revolution will send 250K MD's to Los Alamos soon as Mandy Miles at the NY Times writes this Manhattan Editorial for Sunday with pictures of Gregs Amazon Book and Prince Salman on the front page. Yes soy beans as the front page picture in Today's NY Times, not soy and breast cancer picture from a scanning electron microscope. Even this soy bean picture would have made our headlines loop if it was a scanning electron microscope picture of the inside of a soy bean. Like the sperms tail. Mandy Miles does have a cat named Buddy.
4-8-2018 "250 MD's have been sent; "The ISIS Files: When Terrorists Run City Hall" By RUKMINI CALLIMACHI Fake Orwellian News on the front page of the Sunday NY Times as Paper Work 'Trashed Out - Burned Out' on the floor at City Hall. You can zoom in and see the order for 250 MD's sent to Los Alamos for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks it was signed by a ISIS Women with breast cancer.
4-8-2018 250 MD's Diagnosis and document the mental illness of Teddy Kennedy, Robert Kennedy Jr. Drive the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR into the New England Journal of Medicine and the British Medical Journal with BP Oil and millions of women dead from no Manhattan Project by Teddy Kennedy or Robert Kennedy Jr. ‘Chappaquiddick’ Distorts a Tragedy, Drunks driving by fiery cop cars on the side of the road. Rear Ended writing a ticket. Driving Drunk off a Bridge. Bridge to Manhattan Projects for Breast Cancer Rx Pink Latte and 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's driving over a Manhattan Bridge today. Tragedy in this 'Movie' is Prince Salman was the directory and producer. Disney Pixar Fox Movies for Saudi Arabia and ‘Chappaquiddick’. With $777 Trillion confiscated from Prince Salman and Prince Harry at BP Oil the USS ‘Chappaquiddick’ Hospital Ship will have the biography of Mary Jo and Teddy documented. FEMA in Key West ask if you can document this when they know you can't without 1984 Secret Clearance!
4-8-2018 250 MD's at 14 Dead After Junior Hockey Team Bus Crashes in Canada. 2001 Invention I emailed Canada was super air bags on the outside of all Trucks and Buses in Canada. Wrongful death lawsuits can be a winner in this law suit and Canada Government has Trillions from Oil and Coal.
4-8-2018 250 MD's Jewish. In 12 Trillion Galaxies there are only Jews on Earth that we know about. Yet their God is a God for all 12 Trillion Galaxies!
4-8-2018 250 MD's ", Accused of Enabling Prostitution, Is Seized" By CHARLIE SAVAGE and TIMOTHY WILLIAMS NY Times Front Page . Commander Prince Salman Well Known Saudi in Enabling Prostitution in NYC is Not Seized and Jailed yet...
4-8-2018 250 more Medical Students were are not in, to be MD's are not accepted at NYU. "Harold O. Levy, a former chancellor of the New York City public schools and education technology investor, is the executive director of the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. This article written with Peg Tyre, the author of “The Good School: How Smart Parents Get Their Kids the Education They Deserve.” Peg Tyre knows Yale Med School only lets in 110 students a year and no matter who is dying in the Manhattan Elite Yale will not add 250 Med Students to its class in Sept. 2018. Trump could if he drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR before Sept. 2018. My doctor informed me that I am dying of A.L.S. In my remaining days, I feel a great urgency to speak boldly about a troubling fact: Yale Med School will only take 110 new students in Sept 2018 unless the 2018 WindmillCAR is driven to Yale New Haven!
4-8-2018 250 MD's Trilobites: "The Crystals That May Have Helped Vikings Navigate Northern Seas"
Trilobites: "Crystals that revealed the distant Stars, Nearest Star 4.3 light years from Earth. Modern Navy Vikings are still into killing civilians bombing the Yale Key West Medical School instead of traveling to the Stars. "People of good conscience like Navy Commander Jimmy Carter dives silent and deep in his USS Jimmy Carter Sub when NASA needs a Super Shuttle Space Train of 100's of Cars!" Dénes Szás and Gábor Horváth, authors of the new study and physicists at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary, are part of a research group that has spent years scrutinizing the possibility that Vikings employed sunstones. Jewish Aliens and polarization is practically indiscernible to the naked human eye. Amit Lerner, an animal vision researcher based in Israel, wonders if navigation by sunstone would have been too cumbersome for the Vikings to pull off.
“Small mistakes in navigation — even by a fraction of an angle — can lead to enormous diversions” in long-distance trips, he said. 4.3 Light years. A trip not even though of by Israel. The study’s authors hope to settle the score with the ultimate test: a round-trip voyage between Norway and Greenland, navigated by sun compass and sunstones. No trip to Alpha Centauri is in the works.
4-8-2018 250 MD's enroll as new Medical School Students in Georgia, not in 2018. Jimmy Carter didn't wirte this letter to the NY Times today, Levy and Peg did.
4-8-2018 250 MD's RIYADH (Reuters) - "Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman arrived in Paris on Sunday at the start of a European tour that also includes Spain" Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV said.
4-8-2018 250 MD's "You should not worry about vacuum instabilities causing the universe to end - you should worry about how the French will capture Prince Salman, Jail him, confiscate his $777 Trillion in cash on Pallets Kerry has.
4-8-2018 250 MD's
4-8-2018 250 MD's
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions; Bill + Melinda Gates are 2 of 100's who are body guards of Prince Salman. Guard Prince Salman from going broke with most of the World's Oil still in the ground.
4-7-2018 Super Three members of the Swedish Academy, which selects the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, have withdrawn over the handling of misconduct allegations involving a member’s spouse. Not "Honor Killings" by Prince Salman. Sex Perversions Sadists @ Salman Palace with Porn Stars Trump has used. "1984 II" Movie by Disney Pixar Fox to open in Saudi Arabia. Orwells '1984 II' Novel at the Swedish Academy, censored by the Swedish Academy and King of Sweden.
4-7-2018 Super Computers, 250 MD's have been sent to Los Alamos "Rx Pink Latte Manhattan Project" by Trump. Texas Begins Sending National Guard Troops to Mexican Border. State officials said that 250 troops would be sent to the border as part of President Trump’s mobilization! By DAVE MONTGOMERY and MANNY FERNANDEZ
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions; "Cities on his itinerary, fancy hotels reserved all their room for the royal entourage, displacing other guests and disrupting local businesses because of the heavy security. In New York, a green Saudi flag was raised outside the Plaza Hotel near Central Park, and all the rooms were bought at a cost of millions. In Los Angeles, the prince’s entourage took over the Four Seasons and the prince stayed at a private mansion. The Saudis also rented the entire Four Seasons in Palo Alto, near the campuses of Google and Facebook, during the prince’s Silicon Valley stopover. “We have had a request from the State Department for a V.I.P. delegation,”
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions; WindmillCAR's - Prince Salman in Jail, in the USA for 9/11 "Mastermind!"
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions; "Mastermind" of the Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies, Allah Masterminds in Jail
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions; "For nearly three weeks, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the 32-year-old heir to the Saudi throne, has crisscrossed the United States, on an ambitious, choreographed journey through modern American life, while under heavy guard because of his many enemies..." Locals in Key West, and NYC, grin.
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions; Bill + Melinda Gates are 2 of 100's who are body guards of Prince Salman Guard Prince Salman from going broke with most of the World's Oil still in the ground. God's best rival for Prince Salman's Allah is Jews with their Exodus God who just gave the Jews 12 Trillion Galaxies and $777 Trillion in Swiss Banks to confiscate as War Loot, grin. 12 Year Old Jewish Girls will not Grow with Diesel in their DNA once Prince Salman and Prince Harry are in the BP Oil Jail in Cuba.
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions; Bill + Melinda Gates Model Ford Gas Engine Car and Oprah Model Gas Engine Car would have killed another Generation of Jewish Kids who all know about the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. ‘Big Brother’ in India Requires Fingerprint Scans for Food, Phones and Finances" By VINDU GOEL ‘Big Brother’ in India is a 'Slave of Prince Salman's' as if he wasn't India would be rich as 'Qatar' with the India Building Ford WindmillCAR's... not tech support for Microsoft that never fixes your Win 10. Guilty as Hell! India Ruling Caste in Jail with Prince Salman, they were both arrested at the Qatar Trump Casino at the Roulette Wheel not at the Wheel of a New 2018 Ford WindmillCAR or RV's. Grin! Bill + Melinda Gates in Jail over Oil Kickbacks to Microsoft. Three members of the Swedish Academy, which selects the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, have withdrawn over the handling of misconduct allegations involving a member’s spouse. Just in time as Prince Salman was to get the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018 for a Novel titled "Honor Killing of My Wife, Allah is Great." A Scam of course ‘Big Brother’ in Disney Pixar Fox Movie to be the first Movie to Open in Saudi Arabia will be one of Prince Salman picked out... "Honor Killing of My Wife, Allah is Great." and Disney Pixar was paid to let him Produce and Direct the Movie. ‘Big Brother’ @ Disney Qatar Trump Casino at the Roulette Wheels not the Wheel of the Ford WindmillCAR's at Disneyland. Disney Model of the WindmillCAR... coming soon to American soon as all the oil in Saudi Arabia is sold at a Miami Gas Station. Ford 'Disney' 2018 WindmillCAR. Disney Pixar Fox will make another Honors Killing Movie of women in the USA for 'Wounded Warriors' and one for London Wife's murdered by her Warrior Husband or Boy Friend. Big Brother is in Big Trouble in 1984, 2018.
4-7-2018 US and China Play Russian Roulette with 12 Trillion Galaxies!! Dead Today are India, Jews, richer than Qatar Today with one Super Conductive Invention!! Not Driven by Trump to Florida. Trade War for the Jew's and India richer than Qatar + Saudi Arabia today. 'Trade War's' Oil, Gasoline, WindmillCAR's are the Long Lost Victory the Military lost to kickbacks from Prince Salman.
4-7-2018 City Hall at the Qatar Russian Roulette Wheels in the 'Driven' Times of Time-Photons + 12 Trillion Galaxies. Super Shuttle lottery at Cape Kennedy has not been won by anyone in decades. Kennedy killed again this time Mary Kennedy, Honor Killing Prince Salman told the NY Times.
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions; "UCLA Berkeley, "hundreds of Saudi students from nearby universities — many of whom receive educational scholarships from the Saudi government — packed a ballroom at the Beverly Hills Hotel" And the same day the NY Times headline story was USA Student Debt's and loans from the US government.
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions; "Cities on his itinerary, fancy hotels reserved all their room for the royal entourage, displacing other guests and disrupting local businesses because of the heavy security. In New York, a green Saudi flag was raised outside the Plaza Hotel near Central Park, and all the rooms were bought at a cost of millions. In Los Angeles, the prince’s entourage took over the Four Seasons and the prince stayed at a private mansion. The Saudis also rented the entire Four Seasons in Palo Alto, near the campuses of Google and Facebook, during the prince’s Silicon Valley stopover. “We have had a request from the State Department for a V.I.P. delegation,”
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions; So far it’s gone very well, Prince Salman is not in Jail yet!! The Jews are laying in wait with their Exodus in the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's! 12 Trillion Galaxies Oil Men will never have the 'Drive' to Drive Too for Humanity...
4-7-2018 Super Computers, 250 MD's have been sent to Los Alamos "Rx Pink Latte Manhattan Project" by Trump. Texas Begins Sending National Guard Troops to Mexican Border. State officials said that 250 troops would be sent to the border as part of President Trump’s mobilization! By DAVE MONTGOMERY and MANNY FERNANDEZ
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions; Yale Key West Medical School @ Los Alamos with 10 Super Computers costing $100 million each and 1 Click Amazon link to 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year will but this out of business. The Disappearing Doctor: How Mega-Mergers Are Changing the Business of Medical Care. Big corporations — giant retailers and health insurance companies — are teaming up to become your doctor. By REED ABELSON and JULIE CRESWELL. Los Alamos Yale Key West Medical School can deal with - moves by a rival insurer, UnitedHealth Group, which employs more than 30,000 physicians and operates one of the country’s largest urgent-care groups, MedExpress, as well as a big chain of free-standing surgery centers. None with 10 Super Computers costing $100 Million each withy diagnostic Genius MD apps by Apple not Win 10 they all use, grin. CVS and UnitedHealth have large pharmacy benefits businesses that reap $1 Trillion from Breast Cancer Rx. Like Oil when you have a Cure. 1980 Rx Recipe Cure for breast cancer was lost by CVS for more money from Breast Cancer Rx. A Oil Era Crime. Doctors, too, are watching the correct diagnosis or misdiagnosis cover up like hand washing and bed sores. CVS makes $1 Billion from Bed Sore that are all preventable by their PA. Nurse practitioners.
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions; "Star Wars Real Estate Dynasty" Trump Towers Passes the Torch
The next generation of a New York real estate family steps up to play a much bigger role in an apartment tower on the east side... iPod size GE electric generator you can plug in all your GE appliances in your NYC condo. United Nations Plaza @ Star Wars. Trump will order the UN demo in a tweet. Oil on Pallets will be found in all UN offices. New one-bedroom condos start with MD apps, treadmill desk with cardiac arrest alerts 30 mins before the heart attack, let CVS sell this ha. No Way. Star Wars Gravity Engine Car Parking on every floor too.
4-7-2018 Super Conductive Inventions;
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Hemingway House Writing Class at the Legal Polygamous Marriage, Nobel InventBook's!
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; WindmillCAR's - Prince Salman in Jail, In Jail, a $45,000 Bribe Buys a Cellphone, Alcohol and Vitamin C, Prosecutors Say. Saudi Arabia is opening movie theaters. First Disney Pixar Fox Movie will be "2018 Ford Super Conductive WindmillCAR's + RV's" like 'Car's 3" Yes Prince Salman can watch it in Jail.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Locals Knew Prince Salman Was Mentally Ill. He never signed off on 4 Wife's for the Bishop, grin! Extremist Oil Men Rule the world, even locals know this!
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; The Officers Who Shot Him Did Not Care as the Car's they Drove burst into flames when rear ended. Trump, Ivanka, and the rest of us have all drove by these fiery wrecks without stopping to help because Prince Salman has $777 Trillion in the Trump Bank.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; A shooting in Brooklyn laid bare a shortcoming of neighborhood policing: Officers who know residents are not always the ones responding in fraught situations.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Fraught situations, when Trump Escalates Prince Salman, Prince Harry
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; ‘The Business of War’: Google Employees Protest Work for the Pentagon's Star Wars Targeting Jewish Aliens.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Google’s role in a program that could be used to improve drone strike targeting Jewish Aliens.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Google and has garnered more than 3,100 invention ideas to go 400 Times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon Cell signal into the Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies searching for Jewish Alien Conversations.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Star Wars and not War!! Culture clash! Intelligence is employed for military purposes. A Stupid War Crime. Jewish Alien retaliation if 'real' when Jews are found in the Universe would be interesting. Who's side the Aliens Take, War or Star Wars.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Deaths of 1.2 million women from Breast Cancer in 2018 can be linked to these men at Pentagon-Google.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Some of Google’s top executives have significant Pentagon connections. Eric Schmidt, former executive chairman of Google and still a member of the executive board of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, serves on a Pentagon advisory body, the Defense Innovation Board, as does a Google vice president, Milo Medin.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; These men embracing military work could backfire by alienating potential wife's with dead sisters from Breast Cancer out for Crimes against humanity trials of the Top Brass when Women Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's into Los Alamos for the Rx Pink Latte Manhattan Project expected to cost $77 Trillion confiscated from Prince Salman and Prince Harry at BP Oil. Ovarian Cancer to.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Quickly moving out of the research lab and into real Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies, Pope Francis is going Slowly as he has no idea how Jewish Aliens will take to a Pope with a gas engine car, when he would be driving a gravity engine car if he had bought into the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR Times. And Time-Photons!
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; 4 Wife's for the Bishops would have helped Pope Francis keep his job with God too. On your death bed knowing God will fire you for your work on Earth. This would be Hell. Rome Today humor from Nero on the Syrian Battle fields. Signs That U.S. Forces Are in Syria for a While: New Outposts and Pink Lawn Chairs! New Owners of the corner gas station on the front page of the Key West Citizen!
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; "Marijuana Use Tied to Fatal Car Crashes," Colorado Ruling Class + Joe Coors knew this before they made it legal. Wrongful Death Lawsuits will bankrupt all of them and send them to Jail for many years. “It’s not a ticket to be reckless, someone in Power let these Coors Drunks in Colorado kill cops on the side of Mountain Highways writing a ticket get rear ended bursting into flames, 100's of Cops since the 1980 Invention of the Ford WindmillCAR's. Rubio could not make a move over law in Colorado as there is no way to move over to leave a lane empty. Many in Colorado can tell you they saw a Gasoline Tanker at the bottom of the Mt on fire from missing the S curve. You can think of the Key West Cab blasting the Tourists with their horn, well in Colorado the Tourists are horn blasted by Gasoline Tankers on the S curve taking in the breathtaking views.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; French Build 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Imam Doudi, 63, who was born in Algeria and is not a French citizen, is part of a high-profile effort by the Macron administration to intensify scrutiny of Muslim clerics and, in some cases, to deport them. Some analysts say that Mr. Macron is using it to display toughness!! No not even his wife can drive a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR. Communicating firmness to French Women Total means Total Oil Company owned by the French Government! War Crimes are history! French Oil Revenues Money we are fighting for,” Mr. Macron said with a passion for Greed! Lt. Col. Arnaud Beltrame, a police officer who died in terrorist attack his widow will be given some Total Oil Revenues. In a confidential investigative report seen by The New York Times, the authorities blamed Imam Doudi’s “patient and insistent proselytizing” for helping to turn a quarter of Marseille’s practicing Muslims — the largest concentration in France — into practitioners of Salafism, an ultraconservative movement within Sunni Islam. For the country as a whole, the proportion of Muslims who are Salafists is much lower, about 5.5 percent. Zero percent of NY Times reporters converted to InventBook from Facebook, Ha!
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; The newspaper Le Figaro said in a front-page editorial that France doesn't support building the Yale Key West Medical School at Truman Harbor or building a fleet of USS Yale Key West Medical School Hospital Ships, France is at War with Allah, Mecca's $777 Trillions!
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Extremist Oil Men Rule the world, even locals know this!
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Hemingway House Writing Class at the Legal Polygamous Marriage, Nobel InventBook's!
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Qatar, India the Richest City in the World if its Upper Caste would have bought into the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Today NY Times Headlines "Lower-Caste Fury Shakes India, and Hints at Fiery Election Ahead" Fiery wrecks in India all wrongful death lawsuits against the Upper Caste.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; WindmillCAR's "Russian Historian Who Exposed Soviet Crimes Is Cleared in Pornography Case" A court acquitted Yuri A. Dmitriev, who discovered a mass grave with 9,000 bodies, of what he had called politically motivated charges. By ANDREW E. KRAME "But attitudes have been changing, and the Kremlin now emphasizes taking pride in Russia’s past, not uncovering its darker chapters. President Vladimir V. Putin said last year that “excessive demonization of Stalin is one of the ways to attack the Soviet Union, Russia.” Putin said Oil Money is the New Russian God, to Hell with mass graves of Xi in China for Birth Defects and Childhood Cancers we need the Oil Revenues!
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; WindmillCAR's in Putin's Russia... Russian human rights groups had spoken out in defense of Mr. Dmitriev, saying investigators had illegally searched his house, opened a criminal case based on an anonymous claim and subjected him to a forced psychological examination, all practices reminiscent of the Stalinist past that Mr. Dmitriev had dedicated his life to exposing. The historian, Yuri A. Dmitriev, gained renown in 1997 for discovering the remains of more than 9,000 victims of Stalinist purges buried in communal pits in Sandarmokh, a forest in northwestern Russia. 1997 for discovering the remains of Russia Women diving the Ford WindmillCAR's!
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; WindmillCAR's in Putin's Russia... Exposed means WW III - Star Wars Victory!
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Mass Grave at Arlington of 1.2 Million American women from Breast Cancer and each monument is a gas engine Jeep with a General Driving to War not the War on Cancer 1980 - 2018.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; WindmillCAR's in Canada + Afghanistan. "Her husband shot her in the face. Canada saved her. And this week, Trudeau hugged her but didn't give her a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR." The night they were married. Zareen was beaten and raped, she told the U.K. newspaper. She went to the police. But no help was forthcoming. Her husband learned that she had gone to the authorities. And in 2013, he shot her in the face, wounding her so badly it wasn’t certain that she would survive. 2013 Ford WindmillCAR's are Super Conductive but for Canada Ruling Class.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; Working on 1,001 IP invention projects. Amazon adds yet another cool functionality to Alexa that lets users make announcements to all Echo speakers in a network, like how an intercom works.
Users can order Alexa to "announce a invention idea" something in one Echo device, and then it will transmit the announcement throughout all the devices in the house. This allows a user to communicate with other members of the household simultaneously through Amazon's smart speakers.
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; WindmillCAR's
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; WindmillCAR's
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; WindmillCAR's in Turkey! "Turkish Secret Agents Seized 80 People in 18 Countries, Official Says" "The assertion by a Turkish government official suggested clandestine arrests like the C.I.A. renditions after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks." CIA drove some Ford WindmillCAR's just for the kicks tracking down 9/11 terrorists! By RICK GLADSTONE
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; WindmillCAR's
4-6-2018 Super Conductive; WindmillCAR's
4-5-2018 Elite Ruling Class in the USA can Jail Prince Salman before he fly's out of the USA!
4-5-2018 Elite Ruling Class in the USA can Jail Prince Salman before he fly's out of the USA! "When Oil Terrorists Run City Hall" By RUKMINI CALLIMACHI "When Oil Terrorists Run City Hall and own the NY Times" Yes Prince Salman owns the NY Times + CBS Nightly News. Prince Salman knew better than to buy Microsoft, grin!
4-5-2018 Elite Diagnostic CIA Physicians can apply to Dr. Lisa MD at Yale Key West Medical School. Mission is the Rx Latte at Starbucks, 1,001 Rx Latte's at Starbucks. Another Key West Lighthouse to keep the ship of State in the Wave of Inventing. Only Bishop's with 4 wife's like the Moslems can apply.
4-5-2018 Elite Diagnostic "Correct" City Hall USA. "When Oil Terrorists Run City Hall" By RUKMINI CALLIMACHI
4-5-2018 Elite NASA's Hubble telescope detects star 'Icarus' halfway across universe. 1980 Ford + Hubble... this is our Elite @ NASA Today! "When BP Oil Terrorists Run Cape Canaveral City Hall" Free Electricity for all of New England, Key West, NYC.
4-5-2018 She says that's one of her idiosyncrasy's...
4-5-2018 Elite Idiosyncrasy's of Oil Men Overthrown by WindmillCAR Women MD's can Jail Prince Salman before he fly's out of the USA. Honor Killings can be the first Headlines in the Times! Kerry pictured with $777 Trillion in Cash on Pallets in Boston with his rich Heinz Wife... cleaning up the oil spills. When Terrorists Run Errands for Prince Salman and Prince Harry at BP Oil. Free Electricity for all of New England can be Free Electricity for all of the USA! 777 Trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps from - 254 Degrees Centigrade GE windmill generators super conductivity!
4-5-2018 Elite Idiosyncrasy's of Upper Caste Warriors India Is Close to Buying a Russian Missile System, Despite U.S. Sanctions and being called stupid on this web page, grin. Qatar Upper Caste bought everyone a Trump Tower Condo and Ford gas engine car, iPhone X, iMacBook Pro, Starbucks first.
4-5-2018 Elite NY Times Journalists write about Japan Women Today not Honor Killings Today by Prince Salman. The ejection of women trying to help a politician who had collapsed was seen as a metaphor for how poorly women are regarded in Japan. By MOTOKO RICH
4-5-2018 Elite Pentagon officials have expressed concern about Troops Sent to the Mexican Boarder as being seen as "1984 Stupid" when Mexico Elite have $777 Trillion in a oil money fight with an ally at a time when the military has plenty of adversaries to contend with, like Greg + Wife's in Key West and Jewish Rabbi's wanting to build the Jewish Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to finance their Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies. By HELENE COOPER
4-5-2018 Elite meet up with 12 Trillion Galaxies not yet Headlines in the NY Times!
4-5-2018 Elite Israel’s United Nations ambassador takes issue with an editorial in the NY Times, but it's not about Fiery Cop Car Wrecks in Israel or the Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-5-2018 Elite Kennedy's! “Chappaquiddick,” directed by John Curran from a script by the first-timers Taylor Allen and Andrew Logan, is more diagnosis than symptom. Forsaking sensationalism for sober, procedural storytelling, the film examines the toxic effects of the Kennedy mystique on a handful of people involved in a fatal car crash in the summer of 1969.
4-5-2018 Elite Kennedy diagnosis is Oil Revenues of $777 Trillion for the 'Elite Caste + Military Toys' instead of Kennedy making the USA rich as Qatar, Harvard free with genius tutors costing $100K a semester. This same diagnosis is Robert Kennedy Jr. buying a Judge so he could hang Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn live streaming YouTube @ Orwell City Hall. Mary Jo Kopechne’s death with no Jail time for Prince Teddy let to the deaths of millions of women in 2018 in the same gas engine car Teddy was driving! Mary's children have Smog Exhaust in their DNA. No Kennedy is driving them to the Emergency room at the Yale Key West Medical School Today. I meet Teddy Kennedy few months before I invented the ElectricWindmillCAR reading Animal Farm a women I was living with introduced me to Teddy. It was planned.
4-5-2018 Elite "An F-16 just crashed at Nellis Air Force Base — the 3rd US military crash in 2 days
Business Insider. 100 Dead this Week a 'Car' crash is not in the News!
4-5-2018 Elite NASA's Hubble telescope detects star 'Icarus' halfway across universe. 1980 Ford + Hubble... this is our Elite @ NASA Today! "When BP Oil Terrorists Run Cape Canaveral City Hall"
4-5-2018 Elite
4-4-2018 - 254 Degrees Centigrade, $500 Billion in Tit for Tat Tariffs with no 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines in Georgia, Russia. Fishing in Key West. Putin and Erdogan watched via video conferencing as work commenced at the first unit of the Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's start production with what to do with trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps from - 254 Degrees Centigrade GE windmill generators super conductivity, grin.
4-4-2018 - 254 Degrees Centigrade CIA Agents Call Los Alamos to get a intelligent idea of what and now the USA will use these trillions of jolts, volts, amps for... free electricity for all of New England, Langley with trillions of volts, amps to use on some new Star Wars inventions. Upper Intelligent Inventions like in the Art of the Diagnosis, Invent a 'Window A/C the size of a Purse. Invent a GE electric generator the smallest in the world so it will fit into an iPod, iPhone X. Apple will have to replace all batteries with micro GE eclectic generators.
4-4-2018 Elite Diagnostic CIA Physicians can apply to Dr. Lisa MD at Yale Key West Medical School.
4-4-2018 Saudi Oil Tanker Hit With Missile to Avenge Deadly Airstrike! It's Leaking Fuel... at this moment! Jail for Prince Salman is a Step to $777 paid out to every USA Citizen for Gas Station Crimes in Times of 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
4-4-2018 The spokesman also said a Saudi-coalition warship had escorted the tanker from the area, but he hinted that the stricken vessel might be leaking fuel, saying the attack created the risk of “environmental and economical damage.” Saudi Oil Tanker Hit With Missile to Avenge Deadly Airstrike!
4-4-2018 Jews hit with missiles of 12 Trillion Galaxies and losing out on the 1980 Exodus Ford Jewish Built WindmillCAR's + RV's via Saudi Arabia Oil Revenues bribes and pallets of Cash via Kerry.
4-4-2018 - 254 Degrees Centigrade, $500 Billion in Tit for Tat Tariffs with no 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines in Georgia, Russia. Fishing in Key West. Putin and Erdogan watched via video conferencing as work commenced at the first unit of the Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's start production with what to do with trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps from - 254 Degrees Centigrade GE windmill generators super conductivity, grin.
4-4-2018 - 254 Degrees Centigrade CIA Agents Call Los Alamos to get a intelligent idea of what and now the USA will use these trillions of jolts, volts, amps for... free electricity for all of New England, Langley with trillions of volts, amps to use on some new Star Wars inventions. Upper Intelligent Inventions like in the Art of the Diagnosis, Invent a 'Window A/C the size of a Purse. Invent a GE electric generator the smallest in the world so it will fit into an iPod, iPhone X. Apple will have to replace all batteries with micro GE eclectic generators.
4-4-2018 Elite Diagnostic CIA Physicians can apply to Dr. Lisa MD at Yale Key West Medical School.
4-4-2018 - 254 Degrees Centigrade Is Putin a CIA Agent? No but “We should be Elite Diagnostic CIA Physicians,”
Putin's CIA has undertaken so many actions that contributed to the weakening of Russia that you have to wonder. Is the CIA undertaking more Russian Oil Well goings on in day to day operations, gas station Intelligence to keep the price high and get it higher for Labor Day in Key West + Moscow. Elite Diagnostic CIA Physicians who have fish for dinner may be healthier as a result of what they don’t eat, such as meat loaf, cheeseburgers, Vodka, Coors, French Wine's.
4-4-2018 - 254 Degrees Centigrade @ NY Times in NYC, Saudi newspapers, with the coverage reflecting its significance for a country that ranks 168th out of 180 on the 2017 World Press Freedom Index -- better than North Korea, but worse than Iran. NY Times in NYC, ranks with the War Crimes of Nero, 9/11 would never have happened with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's driving around NYC. 9/11 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's shown differently, with Saudi Arabia delivering two messages -- one for the international audience and another for its domestic. Same for the NY Times. Prince Salman meeting with religious leaders in New York was openly touted as including two Rabbis but not how much cash on Pallets via Kerry they got for not building the Jewish Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Amnesty International said in a statement our 1984 Nero is worst than the first one in Rome so no statement on the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR.
4-4-2018 Instead of seeing Israel as an enemy, Prince Mohammed has come to view the Jewish Aliens and Jewish Exodus as the Enemy who will confiscate his $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues for Manhattan Project Jewish Alien!
4-4-2018 "39 Steps" Hitchcock Movie. Lockheed wins $247.5 million NASA contract to build quiet jet engines at Mach 9 supersonic speed.
4-4-2018 94-foot-long aircraft is the unique part of its design. With a highly-swept delta wing, the long and slender plane removes protruding parts by using a camera system to give the pilot outside views, as his natural view will be limited. Multiple lifting surfaces, such as forward canards and a small t-tail, will prevent sound waves from coalescing on the aircraft. When these pressure waves merge, they create the loud double-thunderclap of a traditional sonic boom. By keeping them separated throughout flight, researcher aim to reduce the noise of a sonic boom to a low rumble.
4-4-2018 NASA hopes to generate a sonic boom noise of 70-75 perceived decibel level (PLdB), significantly lower than the 105 PLdB of the Concorde. NASA Picks Lockheed Martin to Make Low-Boom Supersonic X-Plane
4-4-2018 "The 39 Steps" includes almost 150 different characters, outrageous humor, and a cast well-connected to War Inventions to Win! The play, based on a 1935 Alfred Hitchcock film never brainstorms how to make a silent Jet engine though. No Help for inventors today.
4-4-2018 Qatar + Saudi Arabia Tutors were censored from this NY Times article. "Parents in New York generally pay between $200 and $600 for regularly scheduled in-person sessions that range from 50 to 75 minutes. This on top of the hefty fees New York mothers and fathers already pay to help their children get ahead, or just stay on pace, from coaching for kindergarten gifted and talented tests, to subject tutoring, SAT prep and help with writing their college essays. Tutors make themselves available for last-minute interventions before midterms or when writing projects are due. They respond to texts and emails and often send their own, nudging students to finish a homework assignment or stay positive before and during a big exam." Qatar + Saudi Arabia Tutors were censored from this NY Times article.
4-4-2018 Qatar + Saudi Arabia Tutors - "Homework Therapists’ Job: Help Solve Math Problems, and Emotional Ones
The tutors deal not in plain-old schoolwork or straight-up counseling, but in a blend of the two, offering academic and psychological support, at a price for Kerry's class at Yale + Harvard." By KYLE SPENCER NEW YORK TODAY New York Today: The Land of Squeaky-Clean Subway Cars with iMac's at every seat. Tutor is 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out to get you started inventing on the NYC Subway. Qatar already has this in their Subways with live tutors from NYC making a lot of money.
4-4-2018 The spokesman also said a Saudi-coalition warship had escorted the tanker from the area, but he hinted that the stricken vessel might be leaking fuel, saying the attack created the risk of “environmental and economical damage.” Saudi Oil Tanker With Missile to Avenge Deadly Airstrike!
4-4-2018 - 254 Degrees Centigrade, $500 Billion in Tit for Tat Tariffs with no 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines in Georgia, Russia. Fishing in Key West. Putin and Erdogan watched via video conferencing as work commenced at the first unit of the Jewish Built 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's start production with what to do with trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps from - 254 Degrees Centigrade GE windmill generators super conductivity, grin.
4-4-2018 - 254 Degrees Centigrade CIA Agents Call Los Alamos to get a intelligent idea of what and now the USA will use these trillions of jolts, volts, amps for... free electricity for all of New England, Langley with trillions of volts, amps to use on some new Star Wars inventions. Upper Intelligent Inventions like in the Art of the Diagnosis, Invent a 'Window A/C the size of a Purse. Invent a GE electric generator the smallest in the world so it will fit into an iPod, iPhone X. Apple will have to replace all batteries with micro GE eclectic generators.
4-4-2018 Elite Diagnostic CIA Physicians can apply to Dr. Lisa MD at Yale Key West Medical School.
4-3-2018 Go Viral... "The Turkish president treats his country to up to three speeches a day, broadcast live on multiple channels, in a divisive style fit for an era of strongmen." By CARLOTTA GALL
4-3-2018 Go Viral... 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks Manhattan Project... ads 300 times a Day! Ya!
4-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* King Abdullah meet New York-based Rabbi Marc Schneier, gave him pallets of Cash $$$. Prince Salman... should be Jailed at Rikers before he fly's out of the USA for bribing the Rabbi. “2001: A Space Odyssey” seems prescient — an allegory about how destructively artificial intelligence can be misused. 2018 Jewish Exodus into the Universe to listen to Jewish Aliens is not on InventBook or a Manhattan Project. Misused!! The story of Seneca and Prince Nero Salman will go Viral on Honor Killings and other murders (Rx Pink Latte). "Oil Men Thugs" will be a Disney Pixar Fox movie driven by the 2018 Jewish Ford WindmillCAR's + RV Exodus models. 12 Trillion Galaxies is a long drive for the Rabbi.
4-3-2018 Go Viral... Hell 4.3 Light Year Drive to Alpha Centauri is a long Drive for the Rabbi!
4-3-2018 Go Viral... King + Prince Salman @ the Rabbi's Bank $$$ "But when the Israeli government announced the plane ticket-or-prison policy three months ago, it caused a popular outcry, with many Israelis arguing that forced deportation contradicted Jewish values. Newspapers filled with petitions signed by Israeli doctors, pilots, Rabbis, musicians and Holocaust survivors, all opposing the policy." On Wednesday, Prince Mohammed, met with Rabbi Richard Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, Rabbi Steven Wernick, head of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and Allen Fagin, executive vice president of the Orthodox Union.
4-3-2018 Go Viral... "Rx For the Rx Bushwick Tea company, its beverage of choice should not take a back seat to Rx coffee's undergoing invention work today." By FLORENCE FABRICANT Rx Jewish Tea for War! Wins a Nobel Peace Prize. And a lot of Nobel's in Medicine.
4-3-2018 Go Viral... Pedestrian Bridge @ every intersection in NYC and Key West, well most intersections, grin!
4-3-2018 Go Viral... 100's of fiery rear-ended cop cars all 'classified or secret' today. SUV's with Mom Dad and 2 kids in back too! Yes Nero Salman fire bombed these gas tank cars in the USA.
4-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "1984" Nero + Prince Salman own Facebook! Saudi Women can't drive InventBook, USA women too!
4-3-2018 Go Viral... Now we must start InventBook and erect a New Lighthouse "InventBook" with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year crunching 4 trillion Rx Recipes at Los Alamos can and will shut down 'FaceBook' our Orwellian Nero and Prince Salman... jailed at Rikers before he flys out of the USA!
4-3-2018 Go Viral... Shut Down Facebook for InventBook!
4-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Race against a Warrior Nero as he is George Orwell 2018 not letting InventBook go Viral on CBS or the NY Times. Move your Web Sight to a Super Computer the size of a football field and turn off Football and ESPN for InventBook Nobels. Remember Jimmy Carter Lost the Nobel in Medicine because of the Navy! Five Billion people lost the Nobel Peace Price from 1980 - 2018 @ 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's were not made in Sweden as the King was at the Qatar Trump Casino at the Roulette Wheel's.
4-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* This is going Viral not InventBook. "At 12, His Science Video Went Viral. At 14, He Fears He Was Too Rude." This is why Jimmy Carters Grand kids are in the Navy instead of at the Yale Key West Medical School.
4-3-2018 Go Viral... Real World Fraud in India - rich as Qatar!! With the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's for every Citizen of India just like every Citizen of Qatar. "Jeweler to the Stars Flees as India Seethes Over Bank Fraud" India highest Caste is not seething over not being rich as Qatar for untouchables in India.
4-3-2018 Go Viral... King + Prince Salman @ the Rabbi's Bank $$$ account in Switzerland - Geneva UN HQ. "But when the Israeli government announced the plane ticket-or-prison policy three months ago, it caused a popular outcry, with many Israelis arguing that forced deportation contradicted Jewish values. Newspapers filled with petitions signed by Israeli doctors, pilots, Rabbis, musicians and Holocaust survivors, all opposing the policy." On Wednesday, Prince Mohammed, met with Rabbi Richard Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, Rabbi Steven Wernick, head of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and Allen Fagin, executive vice president of the Orthodox Union. Jewish Values of Saudi Oil money, Go Viral... King + Prince Salman @ the Rabbi's Bank $$$ account in Switzerland.
4-3-2018 Go Viral... King Abdullah met New York-based Rabbi Marc Schneier on multiple occasions, this is why the Jewish Rabbi in Key West can't build his Jewish 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to Make Israeli's rich as Qatar in 2918. A Sin for oil money bribes by the King and Prince of Saudi Arabia that didn't go Viral.
4-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* King Abdullah met New York-based Rabbi Marc Schneier, gave him pallets of Cash $$$.
4-3-2018 Go Viral... with books in China or 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. "As China’s Xi Jinping consolidates power, owners of Hong Kong bookstores trafficking in banned books find themselves playing a very dangerous game." By ALEX W. PALMER Xi is Nero + Jimmy Carter planting Diesel Exhaust in kids DNA. Gasoline + Coal exhaust in growing kids DNA is very dangerous yet this didn't go Viral, banned books did by Alex W Palmer.
4-3-2018 Go Viral... "Rx For the Rx Bushwick Tea company, its beverage of choice should not take a back seat to Rx coffee's undergoing invention work today." By FLORENCE FABRICANT
4-3-2018 Go Viral... Intel's debut 6-core Core i9 CPUs for laptops. Hemingway writing on this Laptop pictured next to his typewriter in his studio. There is a picture of Hemingway's typewriter in is studio in Key West on this web. Now I need to get some i9 Laptops into his studio in Key West for a Nobel writing class in 2018. "InventBooks" offering the absolute best performance that you can get on a laptop with 1 Click Amazon links spelled out for 1,001 IP invention projects. iMac's in a Laptop.
4-3-2018 Go Viral... What will kick in @ - 254 C "Core i9-8950HK maxes out at 4.6GHz after the turbo boost kicks in. But if the chip is “really cool and running at full speed, you’ll get a little more,” Hamberger said, boosting a single core by 200MHz, to 4.8GHz, or alternatively upclocking all of the cores by about 100MHz, he said. Hamberger reiterated, though, that the thermal velocity boost was an “opportunistic thing, not an automatic thing,” and that Intel had targeted system temperatures of 50 degrees centigrade or below before the boost would kick in."
4-3-2018 Go Viral... "Super Computers IP Invention Projects" A Disney Pixar Fox Movie. Writing Class like you never took on a Super Computer Nobel Novel with inventions in every chapter and character.
4-3-2018 Go Viral... iMac on every Cafe Table at Southermost 'Beach Cafe' with Wifi Starbucks can't turn off as you are driving the Exodus 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to 12 trillion galaxies!
4-3-2018 Go Viral...
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West salvage court would award shares of the value of the cargo and ship based on the risk and effort of the wreckers. Wrecking brought in as much as one million dollars a year, which in the 1800s was good money. Local historians claim: “Between 1828 and the 1850s, Key West was considered the richest city, per capita, in the United States.” Prosperity can be short-lived. In the 1850s, disaster struck. Or more accurately, it stopped striking. Lighthouses and markers were erected, and they worked. The incidence of shipwrecks dropped sharply. The salvage court was closed in the early 1900s for lack of business.
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Marco Rubio, a Republican who has both criticized Donald Trump and supported many of his policies, tweeted a quote from Seneca about tyranny, prompting some to ask if he was subtweeting the president." Rubio's Fiery Cop Cars Road Kill will get him sent back to Cuba driven in a 2018 Windmill Cruise Ship." Cop Killers in the news now and then, they shot a cop to death not fire bombed 100's of cop cars writing a ticket on the side of the road so the Senator makes a pull over law no one knows and still plow into the back of cop cars today, so its all classified for now.
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Value of the Oil LPG @ -254 super conductivity short lived as MIT technology crimes for the oil and gas industry will lose out to - 254 C super conductivity Windmill Turbines GE Generators not as cold hearted as GE Executives.
4-2-2018 WindmillCar Whistle-Blower’s NYC Parade of 1,001 inventions spun off from Super Conductivity trillions of jolts volts amps. Enough electricity for 'free' electricity in all of New England and in order to get this Whistle Out England must fall from being thug Oil Warriors.
4-2-2018 WindmillCar Whistle-Blower’s Qatar poor as London - Lighthouse Technology. Wrecking was so common that a salvage court was established in Key West. The first local captain to arrive at the shipwreck would direct the operation, seeing that passengers and crew members were taken to shore, then cargo, and finally the ship itself, if possible. The salvage court would award shares of the value of the cargo and ship based on the risk and effort of the wreckers. Wrecking brought in as much as one million dollars a year, which in the 1800s was good money. Local historians claim: “Between 1828 and the 1850s, Key West was considered the richest city, per capita, in the United States.” Prosperity can be short-lived. In the 1850s, disaster struck. Or more accurately, it stopped striking. Lighthouses and markers were erected, and they worked. The incidence of shipwrecks dropped sharply. The salvage court was closed in the early 1900s for lack of business. Dentists are covered by Medicare and Mediad with no co-pay or deduction. President could have made this a exclusive for Key West Dentists but didn't think. Lighthouse victory for Breast Cancer women, when she is given all of Los Alamos and 100K scientists who would kill everyone on Earth and Earth itself for a government job! Now she with Breast Cancer owns their soul's. Say and Sign I support Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD.
4-2-2018 WindmillCar Whistle-Blower’s Qatar + London Oil Prosperity can be short-lived... and they must give it all back to Key West gas engine car owners. Menstrual Pads Can Put a End To Prince Harrys Wounded Warriors going off to Fake Wars and coming home from Oil Mens Wars to kill the Wife's. Same as the Key West Light House putting a end to Key West as the richest city in the world. Prince Henry and Prince Salman 'Honor Killings' of Women for one reason or another that is censored by the NY Times gets a 'LightHouse' iPhone X audio of the motive, plot, killings made public, like Saks 5th Ave and Lord and Taylor were hacked of 5 million credit cards.
Prosperity can be short-lived of Prince Salman's 'Honor Killings of Women' bleeding to death. Lighthouse invented by MIT.
4-2-2018 WindmillCar Whistle-Blower’s Lighthouse spin off's crunched at Los Alamos on Super Computers. All sizes and shapes of lighthouse products that are out of date in a Star Wars iPostOffice iParking from City Hall. End to Parking Tickets and getting your car towed world wide will give others the change to be the richest in the world. Win 10 would run out of memory before a Girl Scout got the Rx Recipe for Memory Cookies and Latte for Starbucks.
4-2-2018 WindmillCar Whistle-Blower’s Beach Cafe table for 4 for 40 hours! The WiFi is working!! Lighthouse WiFi. Forbes will get a spun off idea here at a sandy Key West Beach Cafe with Lighthouse WiFi.
4-2-2018 WindmillCar Whistle-Blower’s Putin has supertankers full of Oil heading for Key West LightHouse's that are functioning to end his prosperity, sink his supertankers full of Oil heading for the white sandy Key West Beach Air. Not oil in the sand but oil exhaust in the Key West Air.
4-2-2018 WindmillCar Whistle-Blower’s Putin has supertankers full of Vodka heading for Key West. Coors owns the Key West Lighthouse for now Prosperity can be short-lived... Yes King + Prince Salman both own a home in Aspen.
4-2-2018 1984 Ruling Class Drunk Men - vaping is creating a new generation of nicotine addicts.
4-2-2018 WindmillCar Whistle-Blower’s School and health officials struggling with a sudden influx of easily concealed e-cigarettes fear vaping is creating a new generation of nicotine addicts. By KATE ZERNIKE
4-2-2018 Vaping is creating a new generation of Student nicotine addicts. Commanding Officers are creating a new generation of 'Wounded Warriors' addicts to War not Star Wars.
4-2-2018 Vaping is the Drunk Sailor created by generations of Commanding Officers, none a Admiral with a MD who got to be Trumps Personal Physician.
4-2-2018 Prosperity can be short-lived for Drunk Sailors who smoke and go off to War's... 'Star Wars!' Culture of Star Wars Navy is like Key West Lighthouses and markers were erected, and they worked. The incidence of shipwrecks dropped sharply. The salvage court was closed for Star Wars!
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* “One matchmaker, when I entered his office, said to me, ‘What can I do for you?’ And I said, ‘Well, I’d like a match.’ And he looks me up and down and he says, ‘When you lose 50 pounds, come back and see me,’” she said. “But who said fat old ladies with teenage daughters aren’t marriage material?” So order A Skinny Latte at Starbucks, invent it with your match made in heaven. Invention Projects Heaven conversations. Better than Girl Scout Cookies that got you fat. Uphredia in Girl Scout cookies Recipe at the FDA. "And then she became a matchmaker. “My way of saying thank you to God was to try to help others be as happy as he made me,” she said."
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Endure the political rulers of their time. Socrates, the incorrigible free spirit, was a soldier in the Peloponnesian War and a citizen who lived through Athens of the Thirty Tyrants. Aristotle, who wrote brilliant works on justice, happiness and government, worked for Alexander the Great, a murderous warmonger." USS Jimmy Carter Sub fleet was paid for $13 Trillion out of fleets of 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Stoic philosopher was recalled from exile to tutor the successor of the emperor Claudius, a promising teenager named Nero. Jimmy Carter grandkids are tutored by a murderous warmonger no questions about this. Dr. Lisa MD would never get the job in Georgia today with gas engine cars and gas stations everyone knows are Orwellian relics of Nero. “Cicero hoped that he really could bring down Caesar, USS Jimmy Carter's fleet of Nuke Subs for Star Wars Subs. Bring down skin cancer's going to the brain of millions in a decade. Caesar MD at the Yale Key West Medical School Doctors would wash their hands even if no one was watching. Yale + Harvard are owned by Prince Salman today, along with his Yachts. Hospital Ships sit idle at the Navy Base today even though Jimmy Carter has brain cancer in some Keys Island, Mrs. Carter has breast cancer and no ship on the way.
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Biden murdered his own son Beau! Though Nero had good qualities, he was obsessed with fame and had an endless need for validation. He was also unstable and paranoid, and began to eliminate his rivals — including murdering his own mother."
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Biden, Jimmy Carter, Rome’s richest men through his 13 years of service. 1980 - 2018 WindmillCAR's.
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Oil Today - Seneca was torn. To the Stoics, contributing to public affairs was a critical duty of the philosopher. Could Seneca decline to serve because he disagreed with the emperor? Could he leave a deranged Nero unsupervised? In time, Seneca would also come to the conclusion that when “the state is so rotten as to be past helping, if evil has entire dominion over it, the wise man will not labor in vain or waste his strength in unprofitable efforts.” Star Wars, Will the Jews save Jimmy Carters Grandkids from birth defects and cancers from smog?
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Marco Rubio, a Republican who has both criticized Donald Trump and supported many of his policies, tweeted a quote from Seneca about tyranny, prompting some to ask if he was subtweeting the president." Rubio's Fiery Cop Cars Road Kill will get him sent back to Cuba driven in a 2018 Windmill Cruise Ship." Cop Killers in the news now and then, they shot a cop to death not fire bombed 100's of cop cars writing a ticket on the side of the road so the Senator makes a pull over law no one knows and still plow into the back of cop cars today, so its all classified for now.
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* " Conspirators began to plot against Nero’s life, and Seneca, finally accepting that the monster he had helped create needed to be stopped, appears to have participated — or covered for those who did. The effort failed but provided Seneca an opportunity: His life up to that point had contradicted many of his own teachings, but now when Nero’s guards came and demanded his life, he would be brave and wise. The man who had written much about learning how to die and facing the end without fear would comfort his friends, finish an essay he was writing and distribute some finished pieces for safekeeping. Then, he slit his veins, took hemlock and succumbed to the suffocating steam of a bath."
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* " Seneca Today is Kerry, last week he meet with Prince Salman and stacked $ 4 Trillion in Cash for Cuba, Korea, Jew Rabbi's in NYC, Bishop's. Nero's Women, Ivanka's will come for Kerry on their way to Starbucks for the Rx Pink Latte - Manhattan Projects lost to Kerry, Bill + Melinda Gates, Tim Cook, Coors.
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* “Nero can kill me, but he cannot harm me.” This line had come from Socrates."
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "In some cases, now as in the ancient world, ordinary people will respond to these trials with almost inhuman courage, while in other cases they will show contemptible cowardice. And in other cases still, some will, as Seneca did, come to their senses and try to fix their mistakes before it’s too late.
Each serves a purpose to those of us on the sidelines, either as inspiration or as cautionary tale. Ryan Holiday (@RyanHoliday) is the author of “The Daily Stoic” and the editor of
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Nero is Prince Salman + Prince Harry today! “Nero can kill me, but he cannot harm me.” This line had come from Socrates." Nero is Prince Salman + Prince Harry today, both will kill Jimmy Carters grandkids via smog and going off to war, not Star Wars. God knows the spot in Hells Galaxy Jimmy Carter will spent trillions of years with his pallets of cash from oil kickbacks, only $600 million out of $777 Trillion Nero has.
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
4-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
4-1-2018 Easter, Kerry put $77 Trillion of Cash on Pallets just for Cuba... Cold War with the Russians this Easter is being fought with Pallets of Cash from Oil Revenues got illegally from Miami gas station hold ups. Kerry is a War Criminal holding up gas stations in Miami. Tolstoy’s novel 'Star Wars' will be written in Key West at the Hemingway House Writing class on iMac's with 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos Super Computers in the Classroom, grin. Taliban Have Gone High-Tech. Nobel Novel on Apple iMac's linked to Super Computers too.
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Whistle-Blower, Kerry is a War Criminal holding up gas stations in Miami!
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Crown Prince Salman met with Kerry on Thursday, in a meeting described as "friendly." NY Times censored the editorial, grin.
4-1-2018 Easter, Hell will be Easter Day Traffic without the Gravity Engine and Jetson's Car's in the Heavens above MIT HQ Big Brother's War Toys @ MIT all these years. Gravity of God driving a Gravity Engine Car invented in Key West by Greg + Wife's, grin! Happy Easter!
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Whistle-Blower’s in Key West New Machine to screen for Breast Cancer so they know torture sooner, iParking Quality of Life in Key West. City Hall gives their women a new scanner for breast cancer instead of the Yale Key West Medical School or the Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer Manhattan Project for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. Casino Ship was in the Citizen Newspaper next to the breast cancer screener. Nancy Ross couldn’t contain her enthusiasm Thursday evening as she welcomed dozens of visitors to a grand-opening celebration for the new Women’s Imaging Center for Breast Cancer. Nancy Ross knows about the Yale Key West Medical School bombed by the Navy + City Hall. Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer Manhattan Project for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks.
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Whistle-Blower’ Francis, celebrating his sixth Easter as Roman Catholic leader since his election in 2013, urged his listeners to work for an end to the “so many acts of injustice” in the world.
4-1-2018 Easter, Pope Francis Celebrating his sixth Easter as Roman Catholic leader + sixth Year of the Yale Key West Medical School! Wrongful deaths by City Hall will go Viral on YouTube, Facebook, InventBook. Jesus’ message the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR was God Sent and Given to Allah by Texas + BP Oil Men.
4-1-2018 Easter, Kerry put $77 Trillion of Cash on Pallets just for Cuba... "Massachusetts, a Health Pioneer, Turns Its Focus to Drug Prices. It’s in for a Fight. A state proposal to limit the number of drugs covered by Medicaid, fiercely opposed by patients and drug companies, has drawn national attention as states struggle to pay for costly new medicines." By ROBERT PEAR
4-1-2018 Easter, Kerry - Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer Manhattan Project for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks, Kerry will have to put $77 Trillion of Cash on Pallets for this Manhattan Rx Pink Latte, he has $777 Trillion from Oil Revenues. Will he buy America women a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks? Hell No We Won't Go!
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Pope, after Gaza violence, says 'defenceless' being killed in Holy Land
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Pope, after New Breast Cancer Scan, says 'defenceless' Breast Cancer women being killed in Key West by City Hall. Pope Francis delivers his Easter message in the Urbi et Orbi the 'Richest City' on Earth is Qatar not Key West this is a Cardinal Sin for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues.
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Whistle-Blower’s Pope Francis “This Easter, may the light of the risen Christ illumine the consciences of all political and military leaders, so that a swift end may be brought to the carnage" From Oil Men!
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Breast Cancer women on Easter Prayed for the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's Headlines but they get this from the NY Times... "‘2 Bitter Options’ for Syrians Trapped Between Assad and Extremists
With no other choice, tens of thousands of Syrians have fled to Idlib, a rebel-held province, where they are caught between government attacks from the sky and Islamists on the ground." By ANNE BARNARD and HWAIDA SAAD
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter American commanders Orders called into Starbucks for the Rx Pink Latte, Hell No We Won't Go Commanders!
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter The universe possibly did not begin with a Big Bang
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter The 1984 Universe, of Amazon and Google have filed patent applications, many still under consideration, that outline how digital assistants can monitor more of what users say and do. In your 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's all you say and do is monitored on the iPhone iDash Cam. Generals have always killed their own troops. Now they are doing it in car wrecks. This will stop with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's as the F-35 radar cost more than the Ford, grin.
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter The universe possibly did not begin with a Big Bang
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter American commanders Orders called into Starbucks for the Rx Pink Latte, Hell No We Won't Go Commanders!
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Saudi Arabia officially announced Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s first meetings with Jewish religious leaders. On Wednesday, Prince Mohammed, met with Rabbi Richard Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, Rabbi Steven Wernick, head of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and Allen Fagin, executive vice president of the Orthodox Union, the Saudi embassy said according to Bloomberg. “The meeting emphasized the common bond among all people, particularly people of faith, which stresses the importance of tolerance, coexistence, and working together for a better future for all of humanity,” the embassy said.
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Taliban Have Gone High-Tech. That Poses a Dilemma for women with Breast Cancer. American commanders have been forced to consider War Crimes Headlines in the NY Times next to the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Generals have always killed their own troops. Now they are doing it with Breast Cancer.
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter American commanders Orders called into Starbucks for the Rx Pink Latte, Hell No We Won't Go Commanders!
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Taliban Have Gone High-Tech. That Poses a Dilemma for women with Breast Cancer. American commanders have been forced to consider loosening restrictions on access to night-vision devices for Afghan forces, even though they fear the equipment could be lost or sold underground. By THOMAS GIBBONS-NEFF and JAWAD SUKHANYAR
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter The Wednesday meeting is not the first time a Saudi leader has officially met with a rabbi as the late King Abdullah met New York-based Rabbi Marc Schneier on multiple occasions.
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter The universe possibly did not begin with a Big Bang or a big bounce, but rather as a result of the condensation of atoms in space. "The Story of a Voice: HAL in ‘2001’ Wasn’t Always So Eerily Calm" “I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Even if you’ve never seen the movie, you know the voice. HAL 9000, the seemingly omniscient computer in “2001: A Space Odyssey,” was the film’s most expressive and emotional figure, and made a lasting impression on our collective imagination. Stanley Kubrick’s epic, a journey from pre-human history to a possible infinity that doesn’t need humans at all, is probably the most respected, if not the most beloved, science-fiction film of all time. The story of the creation of HAL’s 2001 and the story of MIT @ the 1980 Invention of the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. "Greg, I’m afraid I can’t do that.” MIT said to the Universe, we are going to build War Toys for the Pentagon. Just what the personality should be at the Pentagon. Advances the Human-Computer Relationship,” HAL 9000 is a mix between a butler and a psychoanalyst. “He has a sense of deference and of detachment,” Mr. Brave said, adding that he saw a ripple effect on, for example, the iPhone’s virtual assistant. “When I listen to something like Siri I feel there is a lot in common.” Facebook Advances not InventBook Advances, Seri with 1,001 IP invention projects voice!
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar is the Richest 'City' in the World. Netanyahu blasted Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday for calling Israel's actions on the Gaza border “inhumane,” saying this must be the way they celebrate April Fool's Day in Turkey. “The most moral army in the world,” Netanyahu said of the IDF, “will not be preached to by someone who for years has indiscriminately bombed civilian populations. Apparently this is the way they mark April Fools Day in Ankara.”
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar is the Richest 'City' in the World not Ankara or Israeli!
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter
4-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Week Around the World (and Hell, if It Exists) Hell will be Easter Day Traffic without the Gravity Engine and Jetson's Car's in the Heavens above. Our Ruling Class on Easter will not let the Bishop mention the Gravity of God + Gravity Engine Cars.
3-31-2018 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's donated 250,000 to Venezuela’s Catholic Church, which has struggled to buy flour, lets the Bishop drive the New 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps thanks to God's Super Conductivity! God Sent Inventions given to Allah by Texas + BP Oil Men this Easter!
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter; Trump + Putin are counting $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues...
3-31-2018 BP Oil Rich FEMA in Key West will not donate any 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's or RV's on Easter Sunday There is a Hell for FEMA on Easter Sunday even if they are at the Qatar Trump Casino this Easter Sunday, grin. $$$ Billions in overtime pay will be spent in Hell!
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Week Around the World (and Hell, if It Exists) "Today, automobile crashes are a leading cause of preventable death worldwide, claiming more than one million lives each year. Bucking a nationwide trend, the number of pedestrian deaths in New York City fell to 101 in 2017, the lowest total on record."
3-31-2018 Greg (and Hell, if It Exists) is spin off inventions from the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's would mean no Pedestrian or Drunk Driver Road kills tomorrow Easter. The Ruling Class Wrongful Deaths like the FIU Bridge falling failing on all the cars and drivers.
3-31-2018 BP Oil Rich Queen Elizabeth II of Britain distributing alm 'coins' Not 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor, west of London. Tormenting British Jews who wanted 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Prince Charles spoke of the persecution of $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues around the world. Spain celebrated Semana Santa, or Holy Week, in their own way. In Verges, a village in Catalonia near the Costa Brava, the faithful wore skull masks and skeleton outfits while carrying scythes, ashes and clocks to perform an ancient “dance of death” to the beat of drums. The tradition is said to symbolize the final judgment after death to decide if a soul goes to heaven, to purgatory to hell. Hell $777 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues around the world on Easter Sunday.
3-31-2018 Drunk BP Oil Men's Hell - For almost a century, selling alcohol in Ireland on Good Friday had been banned — a legacy of the country’s deeply rooted Christian traditions. But after the Parliament passed new legislation in January, pubs in Ireland lifted the ban on alcohol for Good Friday. Drunk BP Oil Men's Hell.
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Week Around the World (and Hell, if It Exists) "In country after country I have sat alone in sanctuaries that were once teeming, remembering the opening lines of Lamentations: “How does the city sit solitary, that was once full of people! How like a widow, that was once great.” Those lines are read each year on Tisha B’Av, when Jews mourn the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. How often, I wonder, have Jews recited those lines and realized they will soon apply to the very synagogues + Earth they live On? Those lines are read each year on Tisha B’Av, when Jews mourn the destruction of the Earth.
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Week Around the World (and Hell, if It Exists) "On Friday night, the ritual of the Seder will be enacted in once forgotten corners all over the world. Doors will be opened for Elijah that had long been closed. And newcomers will sit beside the ghosts to tell the story of the Key West Rabbi who wanted to build the 2018 Jewish Ford WindmillCAR's + RV but were stopped by the Ruling Class Rabbi's
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Week Around the World (and Hell, if It Exists) "The Ivy League Students, Least Likely to Get Married to four wife's MD doctors" By KEVIN CAREY But a recent analysis of education and economic mobility complicates this story. At Princeton, and in the American higher education system as a whole, there remains a strong correlation between marriage and economic class. Even for college graduates, where you’re going depends a lot on where you came from. Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait Students at Princeton out number American Students because of the 2018 For WindmillCAR's are not Driven to Ivy League University on orders from Dad! Biden killed his son Beau for the glory of War when Beau would have a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR on Princeton University.
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Week Around the World (and Hell, if It Exists) "Five years later, none of the working-class students had graduated. By contrast, all of the affluent ones — Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait Students even those who mostly neglected studying in favor of partying — graduated and found wife's and had enough money to pay for sex from American women. Kerry in Boston, Harvard have stats on how much they paid for sex. Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait Students
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Week Around the World (and Hell, if It Exists) "Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait at Brigham Young University has one of the highest marriage rates in the nation, presumably because nearly all undergraduates are Mormons. Ms. Tornello thought she’d study something “practical” at Princeton, like engineering or pre-med. Instead, she fell in love with her humanities courses and majored in comparative literature. In her spare time, she became interested in faith-based organizing. After graduation and a short stint in Washington, D.C., she moved back to Staten Island to help with Hurricane Sandy relief efforts. Today, she lives with six housemates in Brooklyn and recently started work in emergency planning and operations for a city agency. There are a lot of other Princeton graduates nearby, many commuting to Wall Street. She leads a different kind of life if Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait gas station hold up riches belonged to her and 100 million other women scamed out of their 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR at Princeton. A War Crime by the Ruling Class.
3-31-2018 Greg (and Hell, if It Exists) It Exist in Florida Lottery Tickets and Trump Qatar Casino and the Guys who Own Sport Betting. What Americans Really Think About Sports Betting, Our attitudes are finally catching up to gambling’s long history with sports — and a billion-dollar industry. By GARY BELSKY
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Week Around the World (and Hell, if It Exists) Florida Lottery Tickets, Casino's and Sports Betting a billion-dollar industry that loses 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year. Jimmy Carter with a Nobel In Medicine was lost by the Navy. Georgia and the Navy gave us Men with the 'world's worst' super-gonorrhea without a Nobel Prize Winner from Georgia or the Navy. No the Admiral is VA Doctor not interested in super-gonorrhea but Super Power tit for tat with Moscow's Putin. Yes stats on super-gonorrhea are classified, no you can not crunch a Rx Recipe cure at Los Alamos.
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Week Around the World (and Hell, if It Exists) In reality, access to higher education remains highly unequal. Elite Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait students own Yale + Harvard.
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Hell trying to get that license plate number... The off-duty suburban officer, riding in a pickup truck with the driver, followed the vehicle in hopes of getting its license plate number and calling 911. Gorman continued to drive recklessly, speeding and weaving around traffic, prosecutors alleged. Hell trying to get that license plate number... out of date license plates call on your iPhone X their license plate number. 111 on your iPhone X will get their license plate number.
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* One million women on Easter are getting growth hormone shots to be taller 5'9" Review: Glenda Jackson Gets Her Queen Lear Moment in ‘Three Tall Women’ - MD Editors at the NY Times would be Reviewing these growth hormone shots and why women want to be 5'9". What a Times Political Reporter Learned From tall women, What a Times Medical Reporter Learned From growth hormone stats for teens. Are Today’s Teenagers Smarter and Better Than We Think?
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Week Around the World (and Hell, if It Exists) Gravity of God + Gravity Engine Cars.
3-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Easter Week Around the World (and Hell, if It Exists) Gravity of God + Gravity Engine Cars.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPad in School with catamenial pneumothorax disease as Lisa Sanders, M.D., is a contributing writer for iPad's in Schools. Apple's New iPad Ship's from Los Alamos the catalyst for iPad's, Genius Diagnosis! Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD, Manhattan Project for the Rx Pink Latte Cure, first she must cure Prince Harry and Prince Salman's (Wounded) Warriors. Scamed into going to war for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues instead of Driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with their Doctor Wife's, grin.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump and Putin Russia goes beyond tit-for-tat in diplomatic duel with 1.2 million dead from Breast Cancer in 2018 - mentally ill men the Breast Cancer women would say! Pope Francis "cataract surgery for the soul" of these Oil Men. Richest women; USA, Rx Pink Latte on sale at Starbucks!
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPad in School with catamenial pneumothorax disease as Lisa Sanders, M.D., is a contributing writer for iPad's in Schools. Tim Cooking reading this web will type in a few MD's names to see if any worked on the iPad for Schools, No. You're Fired, Grin. Tim Cook spent the day yesterday talking about Porn apps in the Apple Store and Steve Jobs not Steve Job's cancer but his porn. Cook to stand trial on charges of use of time corruption and influence-peddling of porn apps in the Apple Store.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Born on the 4th of July in the USA. A nor’easter turns into a 12 Trillion Galaxy Adventure... According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "immediately after death, the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, 'eternal fire Fueled by Gasoline, Grin.'"
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* According to the Physics of 12 Trillion Galaxies gravity of Life + Death, Soul-mates for trillions of years in Heaven or Hell will come into being more Real World once the Jewish Exodus starts inventing 400 times faster than light Verizon cell call to Jewish Aliens. Physics of Wooing the Jews to Invent this Exodus, 400 Times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon cell call to Jewish Aliens. Harder look at why the Jewish Ruling Class never built a 1980 Ford WindmillCAR with all its trillion jolt spin off's. Hell for Jews, as Pope Francis said, grin.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* French Jews building the French 1980 Peugeot company was founded in 1810 WindmillCAR's ran into Mr. Sarkozy, 63, in 2007 financial support from the Libyan government of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi of $84 million in cash on pallets, Kerry help stack the cash and wrap it in plastic, grin.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Britain Signals Harder Look at Wealthy Russians and Russian Wealth from Oil.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The British government said this week that it would review the cases of 700 Russians who were granted visas to live in Britain largely because they could invest $100's of Billions from illegal gas station hold ups in Miami, grin.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Microsoft has now rebuilt the company around the cloud of Smog instead of Windows, and employees approve Thugs in School Sales
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPad in Apple Schools, more effective ways to teach spelling. assembling the letters in the correct order—"lion" might be "liot," "lin," "lino," or "liont." what dyslexia really is. Some authorities believe that is strictly a language processing problem, involving the distinguishing of sounds of letters. This is why the struggling reader cannot remember phonics sounds to decode a word. Dyslexia Apps. Dyslexia is separate from reading difficulties caused by hearing or vision problems or by insufficient teaching. Structural differences in the brains of people with reading difficulties, Rx electricity Recipe dyslexics show less electrical activation. This is not some Microsoft activation you spend years fighting. Grin. fMRIs in dyslexics have provided important data, this article provides no Rx Recipes, electric or chemicals.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPad in School, Mom learns a lot too. The patient asked Patton whether the lung problems could be related to the hormone therapy she’d had for in vitro fertilization (I.V.F.). It was really the only new thing in her life before all this started. It had taken nine fertilizations and nearly three years, but she finally became pregnant four years earlier and now had twin girls. Patton didn’t know of any link between pneumothorax and I.V.F., but there was a link, albeit rare, between pneumothorax and endometriosis — a disorder in which tiny dots of the inner lining of the uterus tissue, known as endometrium, move into other parts of the body. Women who have endometriosis can have episodes of pneumothorax if those cells make their way past the diaphragm into the chest. This endometrial tissue, like that in the uterus, changes with the monthly cycle of estrogen and progesterone, causing pain and sometimes bleeding. In the chest cavity, it could cause what was called a catamenial (derived from the Greek for monthly) pneumothorax. But did her episodes of pneumothorax come with her period? She wasn’t sure.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* He scanned the lung, from top to bottom, and found another small patch of abnormal-appearing tissue, which he cut out as well. The samples were sent to the pathology lab. He then fastened her lung to the pleural surface of her chest again. Before the operation was finished, the results were back from the lab. The tissue on the diaphragm was endometriosis. She had catamenial pneumothorax disease.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPad in School with catamenial pneumothorax disease as Lisa Sanders, M.D., is a contributing writer for iPad's in Schools. Tim Cooking reading this web will type in a few MD's names to see if any worked on the iPad for Schools, No. You're Fired, Grin. Tim Cook spent the day yesterday talking about Porn apps in the Apple Store and Steve Jobs.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* COPENHAGEN — "As one of the most wired countries in the world, Denmark offers hospital records, death certificates, tax returns and other important documents with little more than a couple of clicks. Even a divorce can be obtained in less than a week with only a short online form and a $60 fee." By MARTIN SELSOE SORENSEN Martin censored out the Sub Commander who cut of the head of Kim Wall. His clicks and his info would have made a more interesting story on Copenhagen.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "How Iran Used the Hezbollah Model to Dominate Iraq and Syria
Iran has fashioned Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria in the image of Hezbollah to dominate these countries."
By RANJ ALAALDIN How Iran Used the Hezbollah Model of the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to dominate the World's Nations. These editorials from the NY Times need the correction of the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Ranj will face many charges of false news in Paris, grin. Victory of the 1980 WindmillCAr Invention in Paris. 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. 2018 Hezbollah Model of the Ford Gas Engine Car is what all UN Nations buy and drive because BP Oil Dominated via $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The 10 Most Remarkable IP invention projects you should be working on today... Jetson's Flying Car as shooting and wreck on US 1 coming into Key West yesterday closed it for 8 hours. Yes where are the tourists, stopped on US 1 for 8 hours yesterday no way out but to fly their gravity engine car.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Yale Lawyers windfall lawsuits - “To the person wondering when the smoking ban will apply to bars, I’ve got news for you; it already does. A structure must be open on three sides to allow smoking. To those of us who still smoke it is viewed as a sanctuary where we don’t feel like criminals.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Yale Lawyers windfall lawsuits - could pass $1 Trillion via Bars + Smoking wrongful deaths and the poor widows only get a small percent of this, grin.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Today Francis presides over the Way of the Cross procession at Rome's Colosseum!
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Francis presides over 4 Wife's for the Bishop's 1,001 IP invention projects.
3-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-29-2018 Disney Pixar Fox Movie Apple's New iPad Ship's from Los Alamos the catalyst for iPad's, Genius 'teacher' Professor Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer's women's Touch, 4 Trillion Rx Recipes for Girls in School making cookies on Chrome books. Her 'Hangover Latte' for Starbucks will sober up Bill + Melinda Gates in Dubai, UAE's.
3-29-2018 Disney Pixar Fox Movie "Los Alamos the catalyst for iPad's" Girl Scouts Rx Recipes not cookies, grin! Disney-World in a New World of Rx Recipes. Your Hangover Latte at Starbucks! Sober Disney up!
3-29-2018 Kim Jong-un’s China Visit Strengthens His Hand in Nuclear Talks
3-29-2018 Disney Pixar Fox Movie Jewish-Aliens in Our Hand via Talks 'over' Light Years 'Oceans' invented in 2018 even before Trump and Kim Jong-un's Talks will Strengthen 'Our Exodus Miracle!'
3-29-2018 Disney Pixar Fox Movie "WindmillCAR's For Wounded Warriors of Prince Harry"
3-29-2018 White House physician, Dr. Ronny L. Jackson MD, a rear admiral in the Navy to get 2018 WindmillCAR's + RV's for $$$ Oil Men's Wounded Warriors in the USA. Disabled American Veterans and the American Legion, who hold considerable sway in Washington's $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues and refused to buy anyone in the USA a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV. Jew's can't build their own 2018 WindmillCAR's because of this! $777 Trillion in gas station hold up's in Miami! White House aides acknowledged this, Trump said he is addicted to Trillions now. No not 12 Trillion Galaxies, Trillions of dollars is a lot of money in a Twitter post.
3-29-2018 Disney Pixar Fox Movie "WindmillCAR's For Wounded Warriors of Prince Harry" via Argentina’s Falklands War Dead, Dead + Wounded Causalities of Greg's 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's Once ‘Known Only to 1984 Ruling Class Society Prince + Queens and their God of War,’ Are Named... will be Named in the War Crimes London Trials. Prince Harry in Prison with his BP Oil Men Thugs. 2018 if the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's make Headlines in the London Times and BBC News. Trillions of jolts, Volts, Amps Prince Harry Touched super conductivity cold in the GE windmill generator of Victory! Trillions of Jolts from his New Wife for War - England will have to settle for 'Star Wars!' The Last Prince in England was thrown under the Diesel Bus, he missed the 1980 WindmillBus in London causing so many terrorists attacks the War Crimes Trial had to 'Gas Up' the 'Charges' against the Prince + Queen Elizabeth. Additional charges of harming Jewish Aliens and intergalactic contacts, technology that can go 400 times faster than the speed of light a spin off from super conductivity in GE electric generators. 400 times more electricity, is 4 trillion times more electricity and 1,001 spin off inventions to use all this electricity driving your Range Rover WindmillCAR's + RV's.
3-29-2018 Disney Pixar Fox Movie "$300 million a week in oil" revenues just from Baghdad leaves many others alive. American Drone Strike in Libya Kills Top Qaeda Recruiter. The recruiter, Musa Abu Dawud, provided logistics, money and weapons to let the group threaten and attack U.S. and Western interests, the military said. By ERIC SCHMITT Eric didn't say anything about $300 million a week from Baghdad oil revenues, who spends how much on what.
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Catholic Church in China, reportedly refused to celebrate 'Easter Mass' (In a Mass of 12 Trillion Galaxies with Jewish Aliens) with a government-approved bishop. Jewish Alien Blood on their Hands! Exodus Haunts... Hindu celebration when 1 Billion Hindu's have a Ford WindmillRV for their Home. Paid for by 1 Billion Moslems, grin. Well all the Moslems gas money was illegal.
3-28-2018 Disney Pixar Fox Movie "12 Trillion Galaxies!"
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Facebook Vowed to End Discriminatory Housing Ads. Hindu's Suit Says It Didn’t yet the Moslems still have $777 Trillion! Facebook refused to go viral with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's!
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Today WindmillCAR Era Haunts 'Germany + Jews,' Not Prince Salman + Prince Harry!
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Putin’s Grim Reality: Public Fury Over Children’s Deaths in Mall + in 'Smog'.
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "In a meeting with The New York Times, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that maintaining the Iran nuclear deal was like “waiting for the bullet to reach your head.” By BEN HUBBARD
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "In a meeting with The New York Times...
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Prince Salman tells the NY Times 9/11 occurred because the US was seen as enabling the reckless agenda of the royal family to Gamble Trillions in Vegas with total disregard for the financial well-being of Homeless Saudis... at Yale + Harvard, Oxford."
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "In a meeting with The New York Times...
3-28-2018 320 million USA Citizens who would be much 'richer than Saudi Citizen today' Is the Bullet Heading for Prince Salman's Head! $$$ Money!
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "In a meeting with The New York Times...
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "...the reckless agenda of $777 Trillion from Oil Revenues with total disregard for 320 million USA Citizens who would be much 'richer than Saudi Citizen today' with the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's" Editors at the Times know this but can't write the Editorial.
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Says Second Amendment ‘Will Never Be Repealed’ Like Gas Engine Cars, Ha! Trump in Prison with his Thugs, no porn TV time! OPINION ‘Only the '12 Trillion Galaxy Extremists Members Want to Ban All Gun, Gas, Coors, Drunk Drivers via iPhone X iDash Cam's iCops in your WindmillCAR's.’ Prosecutors also claimed that Mr. Llakatura, who was married, terrorized his girlfriend, physically abusing her and tracking her movements with a GPS device that he secretly placed on her car. Trump Says Second Amendment ‘Will Never Be Repealed’ for IPhone X iDash Cam's in your car Unless its a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR, grin. "Queens Man Convicted in Astoria Protection Racket" Mary Trump Today will be beaten and robbed in Queens and her GPS map will connect to the iPhone X in his pocket and track his GPS... if Trump was a real man, out to revenge his mom's beating in Queens! So much for Trumps Thugs!
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Technology, 'Nine Reasons Not to Buy Time Magazine' Well 1,001 IP invention projects in the New 'Time to Invent Magazine' The New New York Times 'Invention Headlines' like a Hemingway Novel at the Hemingway House Writing Class Today with a invention brainstormed in every Chapter - Article for the Times. And $1 Trillion in Super Computer Power is only 1 click away with Amazon @ Los Alamos.
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Who would Engineer a Telescope out past the Moon with no one on board? NASA or George Orwell? I would bet everything at the Qatar Trump Casino George Orwell decided no passengers would travel with the Webb telescope; is designed to measure infrared, or “heat” radiation from the earliest stars and galaxies in the universe and from exoplanets. The sunshield is needed to keep the telescope cool, but it is too big to fit inside the Ariane rocket that will launch the telescope. Folded like origami, it was supposed to open once the Webb was launched into its final perch, out beyond the moon, with no engineer's as passengers. No one at NASA would design and build such a Super Space Telescope. A person of power that NASA engineers calls also responsible for the high price of gas in Florida, this person sells Florida Lottery tickets as a scam too. And don't get caught working on the Gravity Engine at NASA, You're Fired if you do!
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* TECHNOLOGY Alone in the Universe. Apple Unveils New iPad to Catch Google in the Classroom, not Star Wars Gravity Engine's in the Classrooms across the USA. Why? By JACK NICAS and NATASHA SINGER Apple announced new software for the classroom. That includes 'Teacher+ Schoolwork', an app for teachers to create and track assignments, not InventBook to track 'Brainstorming' Windmills in 'Orwells Animal Farm' and Nobel Winner of Superconductivity for Ford WindmillCAR electric generators putting out trillions of jolts, volts, amps. And a list of InventBook IP invention projects linked by Amazon to Los Alamos. Yes Los Alamos Super Computers in the Classroom, even in Plains, Georgia. Can Create that helps teach students skills in music, video, photography and art. Can search every book every written for 'gravity' and 'Windmills' Quarks, Top and Oil Men Quarks that spin out of control addicted to $777 Trillion dollars. And 'Thank God' Windows devices dropped to 18 percent from about 45 percent, in the classroom. Of the $5.4 billion spent on school devices last year in the United States, Apple’s iPads and laptops accounted for about $2.1 billion, followed by Chromebooks at $1.95 billion and Microsoft Windows devices at $1.35 billion. $1.1 Trillion from the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's coup of $777 Trillion will buy iMac Pros + MacBook Pro's + IPhone X and Genius Techs who know how to use all 3 at the same time writing a Hemingway House Nobel Nobel with inventions in every chapter. "School districts prepare to replace the basic Chromebook laptops they purchased, analysts said Apple was well positioned to take advantage of growing interest among school districts for more sophisticated technologies that encourage student creativity in fields like robotics and computer-assisted design."
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPad Demo pencil drew a plant, Out-Of-Date with 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos Super Computers for Plants
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Setting up an iPad for coding is my greatest feat as a computer user" By Paul Miller. This is Out-Of-Date but it was written today, 3-27-18. Java Genius techs have moved to IBM Super Computers, and Yes Paul should have written IP invention projects to crunch on 10 Super Computers with his 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos.
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The first time I tried to set up an iPad for coding, I naturally went straight to the cloud. But the cloud isn’t a magical place where all your dreams come true. Setting up a devbox on Digital Ocean or Google Cloud requires some knowledge of Linux and SSH, and there’s no GUI Linux interface to fall back on when your command line skills fail you. Weirdly, the debris of scattered knowledge from my last attempt at a cloud devbox setup was all I needed to quickly get everything working. I paid for the basic $5 box on Digital Ocean, put a clean install of Ubuntu on it, and provided it an SSH key I generated in Panic’s Prompt app, an SSH terminal emulator for iOS. Why was this so hard before? After SSHing into my Digital Ocean box, I started adding the tools I need. I installed Neovim (a modern Vim alternative) and found someone’s .config file for Neovim on GitHub and copied it. Then I installed nodejs, yarn, npm, parcel, rust, gcc... all the good stuff I crave. Because the “language server” aspect of VS Code is open source, I can get many of the hints and errors I rely on so heavily when coding into Neovim, even though it lacks all the GUI bells and whistles of VS Code.
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Setting up an iPad for coding is my greatest feat as a computer user" By Paul Miller. This is Out-Of-Date but it was written today, 3-27-18. Java Genius techs have moved to IBM Super Computers, and Yes Paul should have written IP invention projects to crunch on 10 Super Computers with his 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos.
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Crown Prince Salman; OPEC is seeking a 10-20 year deal to cooperate on oil output controls with Russia and other non-OPEC producers, said Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for $4 gas in Key West. Top OPEC producer Saudi Arabia recruited Russia and other producers to collaborate with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries when oil prices collapsed from over $100 a barrel in 2014 to below $30 in 2016. Crude has recovered to $70 but fast-rising output from U.S. shale producers has capped prices.
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "32 million Saudi citizens, World Trade Center while he is in New York City. The unprecedented terrorist attacks of 9/11 were not just perpetrated by Saudis; they occurred because the US was seen as enabling the reckless agenda of the royal family with total disregard for the political well-being of Saudis, and that of Muslim peoples in the region and around the world. This perception has not vanished but has in fact metastasized. Given the strategic relationship between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, all of MBS's wrongdoings are heaped on the U.S. since he receives the tacit approval of the Trump White House. This means the U.S. still remains in danger emanating from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its homegrown political monsters." This was written without any 1980 to 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's by A professor of Islamic Studies, University of Notre Dame.
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Prince Salman tells the NY Times 9/11 occurred because the US was seen as enabling the reckless agenda of the royal family to Gamble Trillions in Vegas with total disregard for the financial well-being of Homeless Saudis... at Yale + Harvard, Oxford."
3-28-2018 320 million USA Citizens who would be much 'richer than Saudi Citizen today' Is the Bullet Heading for Prince Salman's Head! $$$ Money!
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "...the reckless agenda of $777 Trillion from Oil Revenues with total disregard for 320 million USA Citizens who would be much 'richer than Saudi Citizen today' with the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's" Editors at the Times know this but can't write the Editorial.
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NASA 100 Car Challenger Super Shuttle Train in North Korea, travels to China. It could have in email goings on in the Ruling Class. So the Headlines the last couple days is, Bulletproof, Slow and Full of Wine: Kim Jong-un’s Mystery Train in China.
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A New Cold War With Russia? No, It’s Worse Than That it's Jewish Alien's "blood on my hands" today by WW III not Star Wars. The Prince is a Islamic Oil Man Murdering Jews by the millions with 'Smog' Putin said was a war crime of mass destruction in kids DNA. Oppenheimer was granted an interview with President Harry S Truman. The meeting, however, went badly, after Oppenheimer remarked he felt he had "blood on my hands". Today a new Truman but the blood today is Jewish Alien blood. 12 Trillion Galaxies of Bloody-Murder by the British with Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors killing off all the Jews in every Galaxy for the Glory of War! Not Star Wars. Jewish Built Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's Victory is Paradise Lost here in Key West! Once Again the 'Richest' City in the World once Qatar is WindmillCAR History.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Prince Salman expulsion order, announced by administration officials, Trump will confiscate $777 Trillion in Gas Station hold looted from the USA mostly from the high price of gasoline at Miami Gas Stations, grin $$$
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Tweets Putin has $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues too!
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Russian intelligence officers. Mr. Trump has said that, despite its denials, Russia was likely behind it... keeping the oil burning cars and trucks on the roads polluting the air with poison particles.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jewish Aliens are considered “persona non grata, by World Leaders!
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* All the President’s Thugs were paid more than $15 a hour!
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Stormy Daniels said she was physically threatened after agreeing to sell her story of a sexual liaison with Donald Trump. It rings all too true.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPhone X caller ID ID's Trumps Thugs, if Trump calls all his Thugs light up her caller Id too, Star Wars IPhone X caller ID
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NYC Helicopter in 2018 ran out of fuel and Crashed!!
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The pilot, who was the only survivor of the crash, 5 died in the crash, said that an emergency fuel shut-off had been tripped and that the harness of a passenger was underneath the lever. Russian intelligence officers sent email to Putin asking him if this could happen in Moscow on a tourists helicopter flight.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* What Solid Green Bananas on Sale in Publix, Whole Foods, Faustos tell us about Star Wars Packaging Inventions, they don't want to go to Star Wars!!
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Russian intelligence officers wonder what the outcome from analysis of Adam + Eve DNA crunched at Los Alamos on 10 Super Computers will be totally discredited of the evolutionary Biology Textbooks.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Starbucks instant blood test for cholesterol so you can order the right amount of the cholesterol lowering medication in your Latte.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Gregg C. Fonarow, a cardiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles. “The stroke neurologists who are involved in Real World Stroke Patients are not in the ER 24/7 as they should be!” “For some reason, the emergency medicine doctors are no longer supervised by the MD Professors!" Medical Students after they’ve been properly evaluated... to be a MD do what ever they want without fear of being graded by Professor Dr. Lisa MD ever again so many of then refuse to give TPA. ER MD's should not be in the Emergency Room without a MD Professor!! Remember MD's only wash their hands if someone is watching and we live in a 1984 Society.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* real-world consequences. Close to 700,000 patients have strokes caused by blood clots each year and could be helped by T.P.A. Yet up to 30 percent of stroke victims who arrive at hospitals on time and are perfect candidates for the clot-buster do not receive it.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* FDA and over the counter sales of TPA
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* IP invention project T.P.A. for patients after they’ve been properly evaluated... TPA Latte with small dose of TPA
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Besides the TPA Latte at Starbucks to prevent blood clots in the brain from strokes, your iPhone X will beep a stroke alert hours before you have a real world stroke like it beeps for cardiac arrest. Tim Cook will not be brainstorming any of these at todays Apple Event. A War Crime in a Star Wars Society, grin.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* cerebral hemorrhage have declined as doctors have gained experience over the years.
Without treatment, “many patients end up permanently disabled,” said Severely elevated cholesterol often goes untreated as Passengers at JFK and Airports world wide are scanned for everything but Severely elevated cholesterol. World Leaders Ruling Class have blood on their hands, Prince Harry, Prince Salman, Prince Xi.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Leak all the FBI Orwellian files on all the... FBI informant not just the Orlando nightclub shooter's father was FBI informant, court documents say....
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West Citizen reader wrote today... "“Outside of the usual ‘tourism at any cost’ suspects, I don’t know one person who wants to spend money fighting the Navy over the harbor. I really hope the Navy responds to any lawsuit by closing The Navy Mole Pier to cruise ships.” “Interested to see how it all turns out..." By 1989, there were over 400 nuclear-powered submarines operational or being built. Some 250 of these submarines have now been scrapped and some on order cancelled, due to weapons reduction programs - 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's paid for these 400 subs via Miami Gas Station Hold Ups. Navy wasted 100's of Trillions of dollars suppressing the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's Drive to Victory over Allah. Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, (1900–1986) had 6 years with the knowledge about the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. As perpetual motion machines with potential for Galaxy Class Spin off inventions. Key West Citizen Newspaper.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Apple in March 2017 lowered the price of its 9.7-inch tablet to $329, the lowest starting price ever for one of its full-sized tablets. But laptops running operating systems by Alphabet Inc's Google or Microsoft Corp can be had for less than $200. iMac with Intel Xeon 4 core CPU starts at $4,995. 10 Super Computers all IBM at Los Alamos cost $100 million each. Chromebooks sold by Dell Technologies Inc can be had for as little as $189. Education sales for iPads rose 32 percent to more than 1 million units in Apple's fiscal third quarter. Sales of iPads made up just 8.3 percent of Apple's $229.2 billion total revenue last year, however, compared with the nearly 62 percent of sales generated by iPhones. Facebook not InventBook took up 100% of Students Time. 24/7 use of these computers at school are not in the sale price. iMac Pro and MacBook Pro at every Cafe table in Paris after the 2018 Jewish Ford WindmillCAR Revolution!! Paid for by Prince Salman and Prince Harry's BP Oil kickbacks and bribes to suppress the Jewish Built WindmillCAR's + RV's.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* HS kids with a $15K iMac + MacBook Pro can do the Einstein + Oppenheimer Math equations on New York Today: The Danger of Springtime Sunshine and fingure out how skin cancer got to Jimmy Carters brain without any MD diagnosing this could happen.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Yale Key West Medical School Supermarket will be light years from Navy shopping. Amid the intense competition, the number of supermarkets around the country increased from 2010 to 2015, but the number of supermarket operators declined slightly. Analysts and industry executives say the pace of consolidation is expected to accelerate. Analysts failed to fingure in the Yale Key West Medical School Supermarket. Mr. Niccollai, a former butcher who went on to get a law degree, works out of a cavernous union office, near Paterson, N.J., that is a throwback to a different era. Era of the Yale Key West Medical School Supermarkets are Star Wars Driven by Gravity Engine invention spin offs in food's the MD ordered sold. Coors is DOA.
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-26-2018 Jewish Alien's "blood on my hands" today by our 1984 Truman @ WW III not Star Wars!
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rome in another Decline from Gas Engine Cars, Yes the Roman Senate knows about the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's! Romans are burning in fiery wrecks and the Emperor Caser Orwell gambles at Qatar Trump Casino. In the shadow of the Colosseum Allah is great at saving kids in Mecca from skin cancer photons with SUV umbrellas paid for by Rome Gas Station Sales of Islamic Gasoline. Kids in Rome Skin Cancer are not being prevented or put in the NY Times, they write up potholes in Rome in the shadow of the Colosseum. Bush on 9/11 told the clean up workers no need to wear a 'Mask' and they all died of cancers. Kids in Rome with SUV Umbrellas are in the shade of 1984 The Idiots not the Genius Generals of Rome.
3-26-2018 Rome protected its streets by limiting chariot traffic...
3-26-2018 Rome Ruling Class today limits Work on the Gravity Engine... no one in Rome is working on this today!
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West White House Tour Guide who refused to answer my question on Which President kicked out Oppenheimer, I found the answer in a Amazon book search.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In October 1945 Oppenheimer was granted an interview with President Harry S Truman.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In October 1945 Oppenheimer was granted an interview with President Harry S Truman. The meeting, however, went badly, after Oppenheimer remarked he felt he had "blood on my hands". The remark infuriated Truman and put an end to the meeting. Truman later told his Undersecretary of State Dean Acheson "I don't want to see that son-of-a-bitch in this office ever again."
3-26-2018 Jewish Alien's "blood on my hands" today by our 1984 Truman @ WW III not Star Wars!
3-26-2018 Oppenheimer remarked he felt he had "blood on my hands" and Jimmy Carter kicked him out today! a-Bomb to Skin Cancer's Photons in Physics the top brass can't understand... 'Let there be Light' has nothing to do with Physics in Georgia or at the White House. "The Execution" is Marie-Claire Blais’s only play for the stage. Set in a boarding school, it tells the story of two schoolboys who plot the murder of one of their classmates and enact the crime. As a play, it is a study of innocence, evil and complicity, themes well-known to readers of Blais’s fiction. Boys are Jimmy Carter, Truman and Oppenheimer with blood on his hands in the Disney Pixar Fox Movie version filmed at Los Alamos. Robert Oppenheimer: A Life Inside the Center Paperback – March 11, 2014 by Ray Monk (Author) Disney Pixar Fox Movie version of this book will have 1,001 Secret Pages that are no longer secret.
3-26-2018 Jewish Alien's "blood on my hands" today by our 1984 Truman @ WW III not Star Wars!
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Generals today know the Rx Pink Latte Recipe Cure @ Los Alamos but lack the 'Drive' because they 'Drive' the Gas Engine Car's for Allah's $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, Genius found this out!
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Groves knew that this would be vital in an interdisciplinary project that would involve not just physics, but chemistry, metallurgy, ordnance and engineering. Groves also detected in Oppenheimer something that many others did not, an "overweening ambition" that Groves reckoned would supply the drive necessary to push the project to a successful conclusion. Isidor Rabi considered the appointment "a real stroke of genius on the part of General Groves, who was not generally considered to be a genius".
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Oppenheimer immediately wrote out a will leaving his estate to the University of California for graduate scholarships When his father died in 1937 leaving $392,602.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* UCLA is owned by Prince Salman + Saudi Arabia today
3-26-2018 UCLA women scream at the Islamic Men God is Great not Allah as they drive by them in their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* UCLA was willed $1 Trillion by Prince Salman for Saudi Students... not American's! From 1980 to 2018.
3-26-2018 UCLA women scream at the Islamic Men God is Great not Allah as they drive by them in their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "When his father died in 1937 leaving $392,602 to be divided between Oppenheimer and his brother Frank, Oppenheimer immediately wrote out a will leaving his estate to the University of California for graduate scholarships. Like many young intellectuals in the 1930s, he supported social reforms that were later alleged to be communist ideas.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gravity Spectrum approach to inventing the gravity engine as the gravity spectrum is invisible for now.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Oak Ridge, the most senior of whom was Captain Hyman G. Rickover, who became assistant director there. They immersed themselves in the study of nuclear energy, laying the foundations for a nuclear-powered navy.[327] A similar group of Air Force personnel arrived at Oak Ridge in September 1946 with the aim of developing nuclear aircraft.[328] Their Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft (NEPA) project ran into formidable technical difficulties, and was ultimately cancelled.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* By 1989, there were over 400 nuclear-powered submarines operational or being built. Some 250 of these submarines have now been scrapped and some on order cancelled, due to weapons reduction programs - 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's paid for these 400 subs via Miami Gas Station Hold Ups. Navy wasted 100's of Trillions of dollars suppressing the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's Drive to Victory over Allah. Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, (1900–1986) had 6 years with the knowledge about the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. As perpetual motion machines with potential for Galaxy Class Spin off inventions.
3-26-2018 Russia Proves a Challenging Destination for Some World Cup Fans. Several factors are appearing to dampen interest in visiting Russia, Cuba Galaxy, Alpha Centauri, Jewish Aliens. Grin.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Years later it was realized that the sun was largely composed of hydrogen and that his calculations were indeed correct.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "On Massive Neutron Cores",[51] in which they demonstrated that there was a limit, the so-called Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit, to the mass of stars beyond which they would not remain stable as neutron stars and would undergo gravitational collapse.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A star is born through the gradual gravitational collapse of a cloud of interstellar matter
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gravity developed during the Planck epoch up to 10-43 seconds after the birth of the Universe of Gravity was holding the 'Big Bang Ball' together. As a cold mass ready to be lite or a burning ball ready to explode into our Universe.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In December 2012, a research team in China announced that it had produced measurements of the phase lag of Earth tides during full and new moons which seem to prove that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light.[36] This means that if the Sun suddenly disappeared, the Earth would keep orbiting it normally for 8 minutes, which is the time light takes to travel that distance. The team's findings were released in the Chinese Science Bulletin in February 2013.[37]
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In October 2017, the LIGO and Virgo detectors received gravitational wave signals within 2 seconds of gamma ray satellites and optical telescopes seeing signals from the same direction. This confirmed that the speed of gravitational waves was the same as the speed of light.[38]
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Oppenheimer in 1939, after a tempestuous relationship. In August of that year, he met Katherine ("Kitty") Puening Harrison, a radical Berkeley student and former Communist Party member. Harrison had been married three times previously. Her first marriage lasted only a few months. Her second husband was Joe Dallet, an active member of the Communist party, who was killed in the Spanish Civil War.[68] Kitty returned to the United States where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in botany from the University of Pennsylvania. There she married Richard Harrison, a physician and medical researcher, in 1938. In June 1939 Kitty and Harrison moved to Pasadena, California, where he became chief of radiology at a local hospital and she enrolled as a graduate student at the University of California, Los Angeles. Oppenheimer and Kitty created a minor scandal by sleeping together after one of Tolman's parties. In the summer of 1940 she stayed with Oppenheimer at his ranch in New Mexico. She finally asked Harrison for a divorce when she found out she was pregnant. When he refused, she obtained an instant divorce in Reno, Nevada, and took Oppenheimer as her fourth husband on November 1, 1940.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 4 Wife's for the Bishop + Oppenheimer
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Starbucks Rx Pink Latte Fast Recipe, invited Oppenheimer to take over work on fast neutron calculations, a task that Oppenheimer threw himself into with full vigor. He was given the title "Coordinator of Rapid Rupture", specifically referring to the propagation of a fast neutron chain reaction in an atomic bomb. One of his first acts was to host a summer school for bomb theory at his building in Berkeley. The mix of European physicists and his own students—a group including Robert Serber, Emil Konopinski, Felix Bloch, Hans Bethe and Edward Teller—busied themselves calculating what needed to be done, and in what order, to make the bomb.[91]
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* One of his first acts was to host a summer school for Rx Pink Latte Recipe Nobel Novels at the Hemingway House Writing Class.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Groves knew that this would be vital in an interdisciplinary project that would involve not just physics, but chemistry, metallurgy, ordnance and engineering. Groves also detected in Oppenheimer something that many others did not, an "overweening ambition" that Groves reckoned would supply the drive necessary to push the project to a successful conclusion. Isidor Rabi considered the appointment "a real stroke of genius on the part of General Groves, who was not generally considered to be a genius".
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* General Groves, who was not generally considered to be a genius by Dr. Lisa MD. No Generals are considered to be a genius by Yale Key West Medical School Professors, an Apple Mac Genius will write the apps, grin.
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* JFK to Paris in 15 minutes, today we get a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner called Emily headline news in the NY Times for a 17 hour non stop flight. No one at the NY Times is working on a gravity engine article today, grin. The current record-holder for the world’s longest nonstop flight is Qatar Airways, which flies from Doha to Auckland, New Zealand: 9,025 miles. The Dubai service to Auckland from Emirates Airline clocks in at 8,823 miles. Singapore Airlines once claimed the world’s longest regular direct flight: more than 9,500 miles from Singapore to Newark, N.J. But that direct route was discontinued in 2013.
Yonette Joseph is the London weekend editor. She was previously a breaking-news editor in New York and has worked for The Washington Post and The Miami Herald. Greg in Key West breaking news, JFK to Paris in 15 minutes in Orbit. 9,009 miles in the record breading NY Times news today. 4.3 Light Years in the Key West News for Inventors. "Qantas calls its first direct, nonstop Dreamliner flight from Perth to London a “game changer.” By Yonette Joseph A “game changer” for Key West will be the Yale Key West Medical School at the Truman Harbor and Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD Genius!
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Letter to the NY Times "Negotiate With the Taliban" The war in Afghanistan is costing billions of dollars and thousands of lives, a reader writes. 1984 Orwell letter to the USA we know we can win the War in 1 Day with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. It's we are addicted to War like you are to Coors, and Florida Lottery Tickets, grin! OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR "Saudi Arabia’s Remote-Controlled Reform
Only the kingdom’s rulers will determine how fast change comes." Key West Jewish Rabbi who wants to build his Jewish 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV...
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-25-2018 French women scream at the Islamic Men God is Great not Allah as they drive by them in their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV.
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Inventbook inspired a good deal of debate about more invention's spelled out with 1 click Amazon links to Los Alamos Super Computers for the futures for Facebook and Google-Microsoft. Sense the Damage Bill Gates, Prince Harry, Prince Salman, Prince Xi have done just to a billion kids with Diesel in their DNA. Let alone lost spin off inventions from the 1980 InventBook Society destroyed by Microsoft, Facebook, Google. Boeing would be flying jets into Orbit for 15 mins to land in Paris from JFK. Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, is making his way from one Washington to the other during a U.S. visit, with a planned stop in Seattle and meetings with Bill Gates and Boeing Co. officials. According to reports from Bloomberg News and The Seattle Times, the prince is expected in Seattle on March 30. Today is March 25.
3-25-2018 French women scream at the Islamic Men God is Great not Allah as they drive by them in their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV.
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gates met with Prince Mohammed last November in Riyadh, where the prince’s foundation, MiSK, announced a $10 million initiative in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to encourage innovators, through what they’re calling “Grand Challenges,” to tackle some of the worlds’ biggest issues. Dialysis is a treatment that takes over jobs that healthy kidneys normally do. Kidney dialysis + Kidney Transplant Stats for Saudi Arabia + the USA would shock you with trillions of jolts volts amps like the super conductive windmillCAR turbine generators will.
3-25-2018 French women scream at the Islamic Men God is Great not Allah as they drive by them in their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV.
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bill Gates + Prince Salman “Grand Challenges,” to tackle some of the worlds’ biggest issues of who blew up the 100 Car InterGalatic Train named 'Challenger'. NASA's 9/11 could have been carried out by Saudi Terrorists who didn't want to meet Jewish Aliens. Jewish 9/11 was carried out by Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors who didn't want to join 'Star Wars!'
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Every day, cattle here, whether sick or healthy, are given antibiotics in their feed. Every Day People are given vaccines in their drinking water, what else would Star Wars Orwell MD put in the water? Antibiotic residues are found in groundwater, drinking water and streams, so we are getting antibiotics in our drinking water but not the right ones and Rx. Tylosin controls liver abscesses, and Rumensin, another antibiotic feed additive, fights intestinal disease. These are in our drinking water today along with the billion bits of plastic. InventBook would have invented a Super-Filter with high tech lasers like the F-35 Radar on all Cars, that cost more than the Ford. Drugs Go to Healthy Cattle. Should Consumers Worry?
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* By DANNY HAKIM "Many industrial feedlots see routine use of antibiotics as essential. Some cattlemen disagree, calling them “performance-enhancing drugs.”
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1 million teen girls are given growth hormones to make them 5'9" taller!!
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* $2 million in Cash on Pallets Kerry had went to 30K North Korean Defectors. ‘We Are Ready to Die.’ Five North Korean Defectors Who Never Made It. Around 30,000 North Koreans have successfully defected to the South for $2 million cash on a Pallet Kerry put together. But under the reign of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, far fewer people are getting out. By JANE PERLEZ and SU-HYUN LEE No one is getting out from the Gas-Engine gas guzzling Cars and Diesel Trucks the Navy Guys buy. $2 million in cash on Pallets put together by Kerry went to each of the 15 million Saudi Citizens since the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR was invented, Bill Gates used Microsoft Office to keep track of the cash. CIA can leak these Secret files. Cambridge Analytica at the CIA has all the data on Pallets of Cash from $777 trillion in oil revenues were shipped to so many, but none to Breast Cancer women, to order to Rx Pink Latte Cure from Starbucks.
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Little is ordinary for the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, who arrived in Washington Saturday to protest gun violence with huge crowds. By PATRICIA MAZZEI Out of the Ordinary is Greg + Wife's in Key West who would have Protested that Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors have shot to death more than 17 Wife's coming home from Afghastan War's just in 2018. Bill + Melinda Gates keep track on Office, all these women Army-Navy wife's shot to death without Headlines or Protest! Photos From the ‘March for Our Lives’ Protests Around the World... When the World Drives the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's" By TROY GRIGGS, JASMINE C. LEE, MORRIGAN McCARTHY, BRENT MURRAY, ALICIA PARLAPIANO, JOE WARD and JOSH WILLIAMS "No Gas Engine Cars Spin off inventions will be No Guns, as Oil + Guns go together in our non Star Wars Orwellian society. Like Oppenheimer today building 40 Nukes for the USS Jimmy Carter Sub fleet. 17 million will be shot with these Jimmy Carter bought nukes. Who would sell 40 Nukes to a guy with Brain Cancer. Skin Cancer that went to his brain because the Jimmy Carter Play Ground in Georgia had no SUV Umbrellas. Nobel for Skin Cancer will not be a Jimmy Carter Nobel but should have been via someone out in the Georgia Sun.
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "The firearms industry cannot be held legally accountable for the mayhem their weapons cause. That needs to change." By BRAD S. KARP and H. CHRISTOPHER BOEHNING "legally accountable for the mayhem their weapons driving Gas Engine Cars from the Miami Gas Station Hold Up's!" Billion dollar gun makers were addicted to the trillion dollar oil makers. Mayhem of Prince Harry, Prince Salman, Prince Xi and the Novel from Florence Italy "The Prince" paid for their book review in the NY Times when the Hemingway House Writing Class Invention in every chapter and character Nobel Novel was censored, in Geneva and Sweden. Hemingway is like Oppenheimer cracking the Atom to go 400 times faster than the speed of light after reading this in a Hemingway Nobel Novel. Written in Key West.
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Biden and Trump Talk Trash" about Biden killing his son for the glory of War". Yale Wrongful death law suit against biden on SNL and at the Supreme Court when the Justices Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's. Biden trashed Beau his son like war toys litter the battlefield that should be a traffic jam of WindmillCAR's all with the USA Flag's blowing in the Windmill's! The Novel 'The Prince' will be a Disney Pixar Fox Movie about Biden killing Beau for the glory of war, instead of giving him a new 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV every year.
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1980 Ford WindmillCAR was invented a few months before Lennon was Shot Headlines. Why Paul McCartney marched: 'One of my best friends was killed in gun violence' Paul McCartney remembers John Lennon at NYC March for Our Lives near site of Beatles icon's murder Headlines instead the Headlines of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR invention that would have saved Lennon's life.
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Taylor Swift typically stays out of politics. Now she's publicly supporting gun reform... not gasoline station reform into WindmillCAR's with no need for gas stations.
3-25-2018 French women scream at the Islamic Men God is Great not Allah as they drive by them in their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV.
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Was a Tiny Mummy in the Atacama an Alien? No, but the Real Story Is Almost as Strange
3-24-2018 Trump is an 'Alien' left on Earth... his clone's are at Alpha Centauri, grin!
3-24-2018 Trump and the Ruling Class have taken a far more hawkish stance toward Jew's building their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's... much more hawkish stance toward Jewish Aliens too! Exodus!!
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "French Police Officer Wounded in Hostage Standoff Dies" "The authorities said Lt. Col. Arnaud Beltrame had traded himself for a hostage held by the gunman, who claimed to be acting on behalf of the Islamic State." By AURELIEN BREEDEN
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* French Ruling Class Oil Men traded them self for a French Women hostage held by the Islamic gunman, who claimed to be acting on behalf of the Islamic State, French 2018 Ford WindmillCAR Men traded them self's for the hostage... millions of women held hostage by the French Oil Company Total. Quality of life in Paris is Hell because of Islamic Men there with No 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's to let the French women scream at the Islamic Men God is Great not Allah as they drive by them in their 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV. The French Ruling Class Oil Men are the real terrorists. French Police Officer was killed by his own Commander for Oil Money and his widow will get a gas engine car from Allah, gasoline from Allah.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD's ‘The Whole World Should Be Concerned’: U.S. Allies React to Bolton’s Appointment when they should be reacting to Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD's Appointment to the 'Manhattan Project for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks' this is the name she will give it, Bolton's name would be something out of a Warriors Warped Mentally Ill Mind with Brain Cancer, Breast Cancer that went to his brain.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Waiting to get into Los Alamos Cancer Center. The oncologists are waiting to get into Los Alamos Cancer Center. "I trust her MD Mind completely, even after the chemo failed twice and the cancer spread when she said it wouldn’t. Whatever it is in oncologists that makes them want to be oncologists — that crazy mix of fierceness, optimism, arrogance and compassion — I get a contact high from it. It’s like love at first sight, or touching something on fire. (A gas engine car) It’s like making a choice and refusing to look back. I can put my head on his chest and hear a Star Wars transplanted heart beating." I am dead from Breast Cancer as you read this, My Oncologists couldn't get into Los Alamos Cancer Center. Prince Harry, Prince Salman, Prince Xi all put in orders for USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mushrooms the Oncologists picked out for Los Alamos munching on Super Computers are getting old. Gary Lincoff, 75, Dies; Spread the Joy of Mushrooms Far and Wide. Over the decades, Mr. Lincoff, a self-taught mycologist, found more than 400 species of mushrooms in Central Park, just two blocks from his apartment. By ANDY NEWMAN Los Alamos is more than 2 blocks from NYC, grin. It mind as well be 2 light years the way the ruling class travels in their Range Rover Gas Engine Cars.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A Times reporter in Kabul has experienced eight suicide bombings since 2016, seven in the last year. Sick of it, she still goes to the scene. “If I don’t, who will?” By FATIMA FAIZI Times reporters in NYC never ever go to the Oncologists Cancer Center down the street... Even after 1.2 million women dead from Breast Cancer they refuse to cover this story as Headlines. Kabul makes better news! War News like WW I Headlines.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Prince Harry wants to kill as many as possible with Smog from Baghdad Iraq oil exhaust in London. "Teenager Sentenced to Life in Britain Over London Tube Bombing. Ahmed Hassan, an 18-year-old asylum seeker from Iraq, wanted “to kill as many members of the British public as possible,” the judge said." By AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Prince Harry wants to kill as many as possible with Smog from Baghdad Iraq oil exhaust in London.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Justice Dept. Proposes Banning Bump Stocks, Gas Engine Cars, Gas Stations in Miami, and Gas Stations World Wide, Total victory over Warriors! Trump administration to find ways to curb gun violence after a mass shooting in Parkland, Fla. lets Greg + Wife's in Key West build the Yale Key West Medical school at the Navy's Truman Harbor and Harris School, grin! Medschool for HS kids will keep then off Win 10 and Battle Field games by Microsoft.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Antidote for Coors @ Los Alamos! Now, seemingly without consulting each other, the Bjergso brothers have embarked on practically the same next step in expanding their beer empires: They are both opening breweries and taprooms in Queens. The operations — both at about 10,000 square feet (Evil Twin will have an additional 5,000 square-foot outdoor space) — are scheduled to open months apart. It is a momentous occasion for both brothers, who have historically been gypsy brewers, meaning that they have rented space in other breweries to make their niche beers. This is the third brewery Mikkeller has opened (but only its second large-scale operation). It is Evil Twin’s first. First Antidote for Coors invented at Los Alamos, will be shipped by Amazon free to everyone world wide! Grin.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* March 25, Mikkeller Brewing NYC is scheduled to open in an industrial space inside Citi Field, home of the New York Mets. There will be concrete floors, 30-foot-high-ceilings, white birch furniture, hand-drawn murals and exposed steel beams. Mikkel operates his bars from Copenhagen. Operations from Los Alamos will get the Antidote for Coors! A-Bomb for beer from Copenhagen! This is what Oppenheimer would have invented if the Warrior's didn't fire him. Imagine No Beer since 1945. Sober 1984 George Orwell. Trump the Alien would be on display.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "In New York, especially in Queens, the beer industry is still underdeveloped, compared with the rest of the country. Even fashionable Brooklyn companies like Other Half and Threes Brewing only opened in 2014. “Today we have now 25 brewers in New York, it’s nothing,” Jeppe said. “San Diego has 150.”
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Los Alamos is underdeveloped when it comes to antidote's for 'Coor's'.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Coors Antidote Latte at Starbucks + Perfume's Antidote's for 'Coors'.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* “Commissioner Payne is tireless in his battle with the Navy for the ferry to Cuba for Truman Harbor. Could he please put the same effort to getting a walkway over the Admiral’s Cut? Admirals 'Cut' will be NY Times Headlines that 'Qatar' is no longer the richest City but the 'Pentagon' is now the richest 'City' in the World, grin. Cut's to the Yale Key West Medical School paid for the Pentagon's War Toys. Admiral was asked about the Voyage to Alpha Centauri and wanted to know what ocean it was in. The Universe Ocean is not up to date at the Navy War College, sorry!
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Hospital Ships for Truman Harbor is not 'for' the Key West Commissioners, grin!
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Los Alamos is underdeveloped when it comes to antidote's for drowsy Greyhound Bus Drivers world wide.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The New ‘Superpredator’ Myth comes true with the USS Jimmy Carter Sub's, fleets of these. 100's of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs were build with Oil Revenues from Allah.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NASA and the ‘Superpredator’ that blew up Challenger Super Train of 100 Cars in Orbit!
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Hospital Ships for Truman Harbor is not 'for' the Key West Commissioners, grin! Sail to Cuba Galaxy either, grin.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Quebec is America's Culture Capital for Gas Engine Cars in Times of 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's that are always 'Warm' getting into in cold hearted Quebec, Ha.
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-23-2018 Trump is an 'Alien' left on Earth... his clone's are at Alpha Centauri, grin!
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* An unbearably guilty conscience prompted Ruling Class Oil Men Warriors to finally end 'Oil'.
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The Senate is Not made of Life Saving MD's but will be Driven by Life Saving MD when the USA Women Drive the 2018 WindmillCAR's + RV's into Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Senate Democratic leader plans to pull up stakes in the capital, saying that his “life’s not this "1984 Senate" any more.” Senators Soul belongs to the Warrior Prince Salman and Prince Harry. Prince Salman, Prince Harry, Prince Xi are not life saving MD Doctors.
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar, not NYC is the richest 'City' in the World. New York City’s Population Hits a Record 8.6 Million and is the 'Richest City' in the World. Thanks to Greg + Wife's in Key West, grin.
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Snow Day will become Soul Day thanks to the God Sends Allah wasn't given by the NYC Ruling Class.
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Why He Kayaked Across the Atlantic at 70 (for the Third Time) For Aleksander Doba, pitting himself against the wide-open sea is a way to feel alive in old age. By ELIZABETH WEIL
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The White House told Congress Thursday that it plans to approve a $1 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia, a package that includes about 6,700 U.S.-built anti-tank missiles. The announcement came two days after Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met with President Trump
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In a personal letter, Trump invited Putin to the 2013 Miss Universe pageant
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Warriors Nightmares are about to get much worse when they are driven by the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with InventBook not FaceBook. DealBook is 12 Trillion Galaxies
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Alienated much of the White House + State Dept Alienated 12 Trillion Galaxies + Exodus of Jewish Aliens. Exxon Mobil Chief with illegal war crime, the gas station hold up loot from Miami. Mean spirited State Department runs on gasoline fumes that caused billions of birth defects and cancers. Paris Climate is Smog again today when the air would have been clean to breath if the State Dept leaked the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's. This State Dept today is not a Life Saving MD State Dept. Killers; State Dept. Approves $670 Million Arms Deal With Saudi Arabia. 1.2 Million Breast Cancer women will die from this approval.
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NBC News revealed that he had called the president a “moron” in a meeting with senior officials. Although he held a news conference that day to heap praise on Mr. Trump, Mr. Tillerson never denied making the remark, a refusal that rankled the president. NBC needs to reveal the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's
3-23-2018 Trump is an 'Alien' left on Earth... his clone's are at Alpha Centauri, grin!
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* “Never lose sight of your most valuable asset, the most valuable asset you possess: your personal integrity,” Mr. Tillerson said. Oil Men at Exxon Mobil have integrity...
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Earth's Epitaph Carved in stone, written in Oil... During the 2018 French Revolution!
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* De Blasio Steered Trillion in NYC gas station profits to Qatar not NYC. Making Qatar the 'Richest City' in the World when NYC should have been.
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Irrelevance of 12 Trillion Galaxies, Star Wars InventBook on the Internet.
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* New York-Area Airport Workers on Way to $19 Per Hour, Qatar Airport Workers to $200K a year salary. By PATRICK McGEEHAN
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times editorial today, Kim Wall's murder by the Editors of the NY Times, a Journalists was murdered to save money now a world away the Kim Wall Boss's write a editorial “for a decent Slovakia,” as they’ve dubbed their protests. The protests were prompted by the murders last month of a journalist, Jan Kuciak, and his fiancée, Martina Kusnirova and their Editors Boss didn't get them killed to save money. When an investigative reporter is murdered, getting into a Sub because she needs the money for her wedding.
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Star Wars 2018 iPhone Caller ID will give all women who get a call from Trump this... "I believe the reason that Mr. Trump has not ranted and raged about Stormy Daniels is that she has the goods on the president, including her 2011 polygraph test results, and possibly photographs and tapes of their encounters, and Mr. Trump is beyond scared of what the reaction will be if these get released." iPhone Caller ID could should give women this technology today but for Tim Cook's refusal to unlock saving her life. Wrongful death lawsuits will bankrupt Apple's $1 Trillion @ Star Wars 1984 II.
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Burning Man + Women in a SUV these guys drove by without stopping for Decades. Trump vs. Biden: ‘Can You Imagine That Fight?’ Fun speculating about how actual fisticuffs between the tough-talking political would play out when the Burning Man + Women are in the middle of the ring. The Wedding Ring fights over fiery wrecks will be a Disney Pixar Fox Movie with opening scenes of 1,001 fiery wrecks these guys both drive by without stopping to help. Fighting to get out of a burning car and fighting for the 2018 Ford WindmillCar'S and RV's.
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 9 to 5 Mac 24/7 Kindle. "Today’s update, version 6.5, adds support for the iOS 9 Split View feature on iPad. Now, you’ll be able to read your eBook while being able to respond to an iMessage, or browse the web. Speaking of the web, today’s update also brings support for a feature dubbed infinite scrolling. This feature allows you to read a book as if you’re reading a blog post in Safari"
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Administration Retreats on Restaurant Tip-Sharing Plan after their return from the Qatar Trump Casino Restaurant. No they didn't leave a tip the King of Qatar did it for them from their Oil Gas Stations in Miami revenues.
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* French Revolution in Medical School is Quit Drinking Wine. The Pour: Everyday Wines: The Most Important Bottles You Will Drink, Will Never Drink once the Disney Pixar Movie "French Wine's 101" is the Medical School Class for a Sober Class of French Revolutionaries who know Smog is Diesel and Wine has entered your DNA. This Disney Movie is only for Medical Students, grin. Don't want to start a French Revolution over Smog!
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Prince Salman, Prince Harry, Prince Xi are not a life saving MD Doctors. They are Drunk on the Warrior Caste and this is not Star Wars Warriors after Jewish Aliens and 12 Trillion Galaxies.
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Where the Hell are Prince Salman's wife's censored + banned at the Trump White House and Mar-a-Lago, and 60 Minutes on CBS on purpose.
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NASA inside information about 12 Trillion Galaxies going viral is worth much more than a ex spy chief at the CIA with inside info on Russian Oil money. Putin + Trump are "Happy" have Happiness piece of mind with $777 Trillion in Russian and Saudi Oil Money. Jew's would have much more Happiness with 12 Trillion galaxies driving to Exodus with the Jewish Made Ford 2018 WindmillCAR's + RV's.
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Biden's Headlines about "Beating the Hell Out of Trump" for Biden killed his son Beau for the Glory of the War! For $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues and killing Moslems. When Beau would be driving the 2018 Jewish built Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's today, grin.
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Biden ordered Navy to bomb the Yale Key West Medical School at Truman Harbor before it was built! City Hall pushes ahead to gain access to Truman Harbor. Although the Navy is holding firm on its position, the Key West City Commission went ahead anyway and voted 6-1 Tuesday knowing Biden ordered Navy to bomb the Yale Key West Medical School at Truman Harbor before it was built!
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "President Trump on behalf of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates." By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK and MARK MAZZETTI Trump and the Ruling Class have taken a far more hawkish stance toward Jew's building their own 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. And getting a Manhattan Project for Breast Cancer. War not War on Cancer. They attend a gala dinner at Mar-a-Lago, dance with women who will die from Breast Cancer in 2018 and no one mentions Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. Disney movie '1984 II' will open with this Mar-a-Lago scene! Dr. Lisa MD will play herself in this Disney Movie. Israeli women were banned from Mar-a-Lago talk about the Jewish Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Saudi women will drive Range Rovers to the bank in Mecca soon, Jewish women are broken hearted over Prince Salman giving his wife's $777 Trillion, and where the Hell are Prince Salman's wife's censored + banned at the Trump white house and Mar-a-Lago, and 60 Minutes on CBS on purpose. Grin. French Oil Man Emmanuel Macron banned all French women with breast cancer from coming anywhere near him. He is on the front page of the times for taking a Diesel Engine GE train to Qatar riches, make Paris Diesel Trains the richest in the world news. NASA 100 Car super train in orbit is not in the Ruling Class InventBook as they are all on Facebook not InventBook. Baghdad strikes oil worth $300 million a week when the French-Jewish Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's are worth $300 Trillion. By alienating Jewish Aliens and Jewish Exodus @ 400 times faster than the speed of light brainstorming conversations on InventBook, and with a few Wife's Facebook leads to more War's.
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Nicolas Sarkozy, Ex-President of France, Faces Corruption Charges Over $777 in Oil Money Cash put on pallets by Kerry ready to ship to Cuba, Grin. Mr. Sarkozy was placed under formal investigation on charges of billion birth defects and cancers in Jimmy Carter's grand children from exhaust.
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPhone Caller ID... he called her and, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, in office since 2016, was battered by secretly recorded tapes showing votes being exchanged for money and favors. iPhone caller ID will show secretly recorded video's and dirty deeds in Star Wars iPhone's.
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* InventBook's 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopters, Windmill One's! "Helicopter Crash on Great Barrier Reef Kills 2 American Tourists" "Two Hawaii residents were killed after their helicopter crashed near a remote coral-viewing pontoon." By JACQUELINE WILLIAMS When is Jacqueline going to report on the 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines?
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 40 Africa’s Leaders Sign On to bribes and kickbacks, perks from the USA in the hope the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's will not be on the Front Page of the NY Times!
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.*If all these MGM Video's were public on YouTube someone might have caught it! "Using exclusive surveillance footage obtained from MGM Resorts, we pieced together the last days of Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas gunman. He plays video poker, laughs with hotel staff and hauls bag after bag of weapons into his suite." By MALACHY BROWNE, NATALIE RENEAU, ADAM GOLDMAN and DREW JORDAN
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPhone GPS tracking across the Mexican border maps. "Border Wall Not High Priority for Front-Line Agents, Study Finds" "A report released by Democrats on the Senate Homeland Security Committee found that agents more often cited needs for technology and personnel to secure the border with Mexico." By RON NIXON
iPhone GPS tracking of every Mexican in Mexico and the USA is high tech enough for Los Alamos Super Computers with CIA apps, ha. 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines for Mexican Farm Workers is not out of Star Wars but stifled by Homeland Security Ruling Class who will not make this News.
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Overlooked who will invent the Rx Pink Latte, Dr. Lisa MD in her Los Alamos kitchen. "Overlooked No More: Ruth Wakefield, Who Invented the Chocolate Chip Cookie" "Legend has it that Wakefield was trying a variation on a butterscotch dessert when she decided to let the chocolate chips fall where they may.
4 Trillion Rx Drugs fall into a Super Computer and the NY Times is writing up who invented cookies. Dr. Lisa MD will grade these Journalist. The New York Times in 1985, none of the variations “have ever really improved on Ruth Wakefield’s original recipe.” The New York Times in 2020 on the spin off versions of the 2018 Rx Pink Latte Cure at Starbucks.
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* John O. Brennan the former CIA spy chief's furious speculation about whether he was basing that assertion on inside information... NASA inside information about 12 Trillion Galaxies going viral is worth much more than a ex spy chief at the CIA with inside info on Russian Oil money.
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 4 Wife's for the Bishop! Prince Salman will ask Trump to put sanctions on this Legal Polygamous Marriage. Someone already did put sanctions on Legal Polygamous Marriage in the USA. 1984 inside into some ex CIA chief knows about. "A sexual relationship between a minister and a staff member has become a firing offense, like corruption or a conflict of interest." By WALEED ALY "InventBook with a few wife's is a conflict of interest in our 1984 Society today." You can get the transcript of Trump + Putin but not of 1,001 IP invention projects brainstormed with a few wife's. Not Prince Salman wife's, grin.
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Styrofoam II edible, eat your Starbucks Cup. Starbucks issues a $10M challenge: Design an eco-friendly coffee cup. Does Greg + Wife's in Key West Win. We did win with the Rx Latte Called into Starbucks by Dr. Lisa MD, grin! Edible Starbucks Cups!
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump’s Bluster on the Opioid Epidemic when Ivanka will die in the Breast Cancer Epidemic! Biden killed his son Beau for the Glory of the Ruling Class War's! For $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, $300 million from Baghdad a week. America's largest oil refinery in Port Arthur, which is owned by Saudi Arabia because the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's were not in Jimmy Carter's Habitat for Humanity in a Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies.
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Prince Salman, Prince Harry, Prince Xi are not a life saving MD Doctors!
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Prince Salman, Prince Harry, Prince Xi are not a life saving MD Doctors! They are Warrior Prince's 'Drunk on Coors' who will kill millions in 2018 just with Diesel + gasoline War's. Machiavelli’s The Prince is the preeminent guide to winning and maintaining power at the highest levels, where deception and manipulation are necessary tools, and political allies should never be mistaken for friends. Once a foreign policy official in his native Florence, Machiavelli was ousted by the Medici family with 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's, grin. Florence and Rome today the ruling class know about Prince Salman + Greg in Key West. Who will oust Prince Salman and confiscate his $777 Trillion in Miami Gas Station Hold Up Loot? Greg + Wife's in Key West, Grin!!
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NASA has not bought a New Challenger as the Warriors Caste is higher in Rank. Jewish Aliens Caste is knocking at the Rabbi's Doors! Open the Door to Jewish Aliens, write a Hemingway House Nobel Novel of inventing a way to Overhear Jewish Aliens on iMac's and MacBook Pro's. 100 Rabbi's writing on the same page at the same time with Apple apps and 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos Super Computers.
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* $4K treadmills desk are not at the Mecca Starbucks. Junk Food in our Times Today is!
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The Prince needs a Obesity MD Specialists. $4K treadmills desk are not at the Mecca Starbucks. Front Page NY Times Today "U.S. Opposes New Warnings for Junk Food" A Trump administration proposal would limit the ability to warn consumers about the dangers of foods linked to obesity. By AZAM AHMED, MATT RICHTEL and ANDREW JACOBS
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Salman, plans to conclude his visit on April 7 in Houston and Port Arthur with visits to his state oil company's Saudi Aramco Research Center in Houston and to the nation's largest oil refinery in Port Arthur, which is owned by Saudi Arabia's Motiva Enterprises. Saudi Arabia is increasingly expanding its oil, gas, petrochemical and refining presences in Texas as the nation seeks to diversify its energy holdings and take Saudi Aramco public as soon as 2019. Aramco, Motiva and Saudi Arabia's petrochemical arm, Sabic, all have their North American headquarters in Houston. Sabic is currently developing a $10 billion petrochemical plant near Corpus Christi with Exxon Mobil and Motiva recently bought out Royal Dutch Shell for full ownership of the Port Arthur Refinery. Salman also has trips planned to Boston, New York, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles, meeting with companies ranging from Google and Apple to Lockheed Martin.
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A Beijing Bookstore Where George Washington Is on the Shelves - But Greg's Amazon book is censored by Xi the Oil Man Prince in China. Machiavelli was ousted by the Medici family with 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's, grin. Prince Xi is not a life saving Doctor.
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Norway’s Justice Minister Resigns in Storm Over Facebook Post About Norway Oil Exhaust and Xi putting kids to death with birth defects and cancer from breathing in Norway Oil Exhaust.
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NYC Winter refused to relinquish its grip with predictions of 12 to 16 inches of snow on Wednesday, prompting the closure of New York City public schools. Prince Salman grip on NYC Schools. Salman refused to relinquish the snow + rain of gasoline exhausts on millions in NYC, the NY Times refused to write this as Front Page News. Instead we have a Snow White Headlines and Picture with no particles of gasoline exhaust in NYC. Editors at the Times are not a life saving MD Doctors! Wrongful death lawsuits against the NY Times will become part of their history after the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's drive to the front page and go viral.
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump’s Bluster on the Opioid Epidemic when Ivanka will die from Breast Cancer! Trump is in the wrong TV Show.
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Prince Salman, Prince Harry, Prince Xi are not a life saving MD Doctors!
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Star Wars @ NASA in the Texas Oil Fields not the Star Fields close to Earth. "Prince Arjuna — after Hamlet, literature’s greatest ditherer — balks from battle. His family is at war with each other, he is obligated to fight, but how can he? How can he kill his own kin? The god Krishna, disguised as his charioteer, incites him to action, explaining that it is Arjuna’s divine duty, as a member of the warrior caste. Along the way the poem offers a compendium of Hindu metaphysics of the era — the obligation to one’s duty (dharma), the imperative to work without care for reward — and the thicket of elliptical, contradictory remarks on violence, remarks on Jewish Aliens at each and every one of the Nearest Stars are censored out of the book reviews by 1984 Caste.
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* “Godsong” is a literal translation of “Bhagavad Gita” God Sent 1980 WindmillCAR's + RV's in India went to Qatar. Taylor Swift singing God we can invent a way to go 400 Times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon Call to Jewish Aliens if they would only invent the Rx Warrior Cure Latte and Perfumes.
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NASA has not bought a New Challenger as the Warriors Caste is higher in Rank.
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "By KATIE ROGERS "Melania Trump has long said she wants to curb online bullying. Her efforts often clash with the president's habit of using Twitter to insult people."
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Melania and Trump are not a life saving MD Doctors!
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Styrofoam II edible, eat your Starbucks Cup. Starbucks issues a $10M challenge: Design an eco-friendly coffee cup. Does Greg + Wife's in Key West Win. We did win with the Rx Latte Called into Starbucks by Dr. Lisa MD, grin!
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos doing the 'Body' Math on the “grand unified theory” to connect different areas of mathematics to diagnosis. Math Diagnosis in Medicine at Los Alamos.
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In an interview with “60 Minutes,” he said, “I’m a rich person and not a poor person,” adding, “I’m not Gandhi" "Castro" The Key West Rabbi he said, Prince Mohammed bin Salman $$$ 777 Trillion! All of them Left the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR + RV Company in one way or another. None let women drive to the War on Breast Cancer at Los Alamos. Prince Mohammed bin Salman said he killed 5K people in Yemen, gave the so what expression. Same as Trump will do when Ivanka dies of breast cancer. Mary Trump, Mom was beaten and robbed in Queens yesterday and Queen Elizabeth celebrated wounded Warriors with Prince Harry. London is losing the Battle with TB + Whooping Cough, kids left in 'Hot' cars this summer. “60 Minutes,” the other one diagnosed all this and time-photons. Trump has no plans for a White House Spelling Bee or Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel. A free Nobel Peace Price was shipped to him by Jimmy Carter. Prince Mohammed bin Salman never answered the question about kids left in 'hot' cars to die a tortured death when Ford WindmillCAR's would have A/C 24/7.
Freud's Advanced Studies about Prince Harry and Prince Salman not being a 'Gandhi or a Brain Surgeon! Prince Salman could have bought his way into Harvard Medical school so see what he could do with a MD. ...and he later pursued his doctoral studies at Yale. Prince Harry and Prince Salman both went to war to kill tens of thousands of people today. Both will kill many people in 2018. The Prince is not a life saving Doctor.
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Syria War through Assid's Eyes, another 'so what' good are 12 Trillion Galaxies? Same response from the Joint Chiefs of Staff Generals will all those STAR's... 'so what'. The Jewish Rabbi driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's will tell them all what so what is out there in the Heavens! For now Allah has all of the $777 Trillion. Driving in a gas engine car With Assad: Syria’s President Tours a Destroyed Suburb. Driving with Headline News from NASA the drive the 1980 Hubble Space Telescope to two destroyed Galaxies in a head on collision while on Earth they drive by fiery cop cars and SUV's without stopping to help leak the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's. Disney Pixar Fox Movie 'Home Alone' Ends with Jewish Exodus into the Universe Invention!
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "An animated video published by an anonymous pro-Saudi-government group makes a point of showing off the kingdom’s arsenal in an imagined invasion of its regional nemesis, Iran. Some believe Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is behind it." By CAMILLA SCHICK and DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK Trump designed videos watching naked women and no they were not war on breast cancer videos.
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 900 Million kids have Diesel in their DNA. David Reich at Harvard Medical School has retrieved DNA from more than 900 ancient people. His findings trace the prehistoric migrations of our species.
By CARL ZIMMER Someone needs to tell Harvard Medical School live kids today with Diesel in their DNA are what Harvard Medical School needs to cut out. Or they will die of cancer. Ivanka's kids all have Diesel in their DNA as they grow.
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos doing the 'Body' Math on the “grand unified theory” to connect different areas of mathematics to diagnosis. Math Diagnosis in Medicine at Los Alamos.
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NYC Subway Performance Hits a All Time Low on the front page of the NY Times when the Ruling Class are taking the gas engine car not the Subway until they get to Qatar then they will take the Subway, Orwell Humor from NYC on performance. Trump's expression is so what... who wants to be the richest 'city' in the World. Key West!! Greg's wife's shout!
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Most gunshot victims die of blood loss. Xstat is a new product that can stop the bleeding from penetrating wounds — Xstat’s sponges instantly absorb the blood and expand to put pressure on the wound." Xstat was designed for and first used by the military when the Joint Chiefs of Staff were driving by fiery cop car and SUV wrecks on their way to the Pentagon. Xstat's for Burns in fiery wrecks was 'so what' the Oil Men are the Ruling Class not the Pentagon Generals. United States Army Special Forces and Ranger medics carry two types of syringes — a fat tube version designed for exit wounds from high-velocity automatic weapons and a thin tube version, which works for entrance and other small wounds and is more appropriate for civilian use." Nothing for burns! RevMedx is also working on a version for postpartum hemorrhage, not fiery wrecks.
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ShotSpotter has critics. It is expensive — $65,000 to $85,000 per square mile of coverage. (Some cities get Justice Department or other federal grants to pay for it.) Before 2011, computers made the determinations alone, and often mislabel other noises as gunshots.
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ShotSpotter she listens to her iPhone caller ID him! Looks at his GPS tracking map for years... will she take his call? It’s easy to see how ShotSpotter could save her from hearing the gunshots. Tina Rosenberg's GPS caller ID tracking map of the men who have called her over the years with their background check list - like when Robert Kennedy Jr calls her Mary Kennedy's picture hanging in the barn will show up. When OJ calls her...
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Home Depot how to Perfect your Key West Patio with iMac's that come with Inventions on the Grill... Hello Seri what's to invent tonight? Perfect this!
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* U.S. and South Korea to Resume Joint Military Exercises, not Invention Exercises!
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Crack the Atom and get Exodus by the Jew's in WindmillCAR's. 60 Minutes last night on CBS get's us... Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. In an interview with “60 Minutes,” he said, “I’m a rich person and not a poor person,” adding, “I’m not Gandhi or Mandela.” I'm A Oil Man stealing your money for gasoline fuel you don't need driving 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's, Hahahahaha! Saudi Arabia like the Ruling Class in the USA deprived women of basic rights of a Manhattan Project for the Rx Recipe Cure for Breast Cancer. Men want War not War on Breast Cancer, Trump told me, Ha. Prince Mohammed defended the recent jailing of more than 380 princes, businessmen and former government ministers in the Ritz-Carlton in Riyadh as part of a campaign to stamp out corruption. Stamp Out Oil Holocaust the Jews will Jail 380,000 Islamic Princes. Habitat for Humanity wanted Oil Men Committed to Hell long before the 1980 invention of the Ford WindmillCAR. Generals have always killed their own troops, Oil Men have always paid for Wars they start.
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* As a physician, I wonder whether Hawking had polio rather than ALS
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* As a Inventor in Key West I wonder whether 1984 Ruling Class has the 'Desire or Cravings' to whip up a Starbucks Rx Latte Recipe at Los Alamos to cure, reverse polio and ALS... Hell No! WiFi is not working in many ways at Starbucks today...
WiFi is not working again on 3-19-2018 Starbucks on Front Street Key West. "Trump should Nationalize the WiFi at Starbucks! XFinity $3.95 for 2 hours until 9:04 am today. I will bill Starbucks when I pick up my Nobel.
WiFi is not working again on 3-19-2018 Starbucks on Front Street Key West they turned it off on Purpose, as Gregs Purpose it to Win a Nobel for the Ford WindmillCAR's, and win a Nobel for the Rx Latte Called into Starbucks by Dr. Lisa MD.
WiFi is not working again on 3-13-2018 at Starbucks on Front Street in Key West... and I got here at 6:30 am its almost 9 and Wendy's will open soon to publish this web what I got written from using the Verizon cell to read the NY Times. Will work on web page later today and update this afternoon too.
3-19-2018 XFinity $3.95 for 2 hours until 9:04 am today. I will bill Starbucks when I pick up my Nobel.
3-10-2018 Got to Starbucks on Front Street the 'Rx Latte' called in by Dr. Lisa MD one in our 'History' of Key West inventions. Well Alyssa said 'I don't think the WiFi is working' Hell No it wasn't. 7 to 9 so missed a day of inventions like the Rx Latte called in to Starbucks. 1984 Ruling Class did this! I'm at Wendy's
3-19-2018 XFinity $3.95 for 2 hours until 9:04 am today. I will bill Starbucks when I pick up my Nobel.
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* FedEx Follows Amazon into Robotic Future of IP invention projects like the Rx Latte Called in by Dr. Lisa MD. IP for FedEx will be a Amazon Kindle book before they are on FedEx Web page. Step by Step IP for each of the Fortune 500 Companies will also be a Amazon Kindle book!
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1 billion to 1.4 billion head of cattle worldwide @ 1,300 pounds apiece. Robot Future of Jimmy Weekley butcher owner of Faustos in Key West is ok as he is old. Publix and Whole Foods meat cuts can and will be replaced by Amazon Robots of the Future. Packaging and Pasteur of the Future are also at Amazon Inventions for Meat Cutters at Faustos, Publix, Whole Foods.
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rich at the NY Times, "Still, the idea of a car tax on beef makes me think. I crave the aroma of beef, from a burger, or a barbecue brisket cooked low and slow. Until Greg + Wife's in Key West invent the Rx Perfume Recipe antidote to this craving and 100's of other cravings!
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Articles on Inventions. A-Bomb was invented in the Mind before it was invented at Los Alamos, now we need article by the Times about Jewish Alien Star Wars Inventions.
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Struggle to start the Manhattan Project for Breast Cancer!! "The Struggle to Build a Massive ‘Biobank’ of Patient Data" "At a cost of $1.4 billion, the N.I.H.’s All of Us program may help scientists discover new links between diseases, genes and lifestyle. But the project faces formidable obstacles." By GINA KOLATA Gina Kolata knows $777 Trillion in oil money is in the Banks of the Ruling Class she writes about. Gina Kolata knows 1.2 million women will die of breast cancer in 2018 and knows she has orders from the Ruling Class not to go viral with this.
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Opinion NY Times Editors. "Don’t Run From Trump..." The Republican Party has gotten where it is because of the president, not in spite of him. By JEFF ROE Jeff Roe at the NY Times knows those holding up a Miami gas station today out of spite for him the oil man they will sucker punch a women, Mary. Not a man Trump. The NY Times will Run from this and let these kids rob gas stations every day this week sucker punching Mary out of spite! Run from the NY Times guys who sell gas in Times that belong to the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gas + Diesel is the Poison Putin spreads! NEWS ANALYSIS "The Poison Putin Spreads
The long-serving Russian leader, who is about to be re-elected for a six-year term, has become a model for the modern autocrat." By STEVEN LEE MYERS Steve Myers knows the poison of millions not just a few Russian Spy's in London is the real story he censored.
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Editorial; "The Dirty Secret of American Nuclear Arms in Korea" The dirty Secret is Jimmy Carter the Preacher will fire 40 H-Bombs from his USS Jimmy Carter Sub into Korea! The other dirty secret is Kim Wall cones will be beheaded by a sub commander warrior today, coming home from war or just wanting to go to a War. Antidote for Warriors is stifled on purpose like the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "How a Community of 12 Trillion Galaxies and NASA in Texas Was Sacrificed to Save Houston Oil Men in bed with Prince Salman and CBS"
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "How a Community Was Sacrificed to Save Houston" Cinco Ranch was designed to be flooded. So after Hurricane Harvey hit, the Texas suburb was sacrificed to save the city. We followed homeowners as they decided whether to rebuild.
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* New York Today, Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies by New Yorkers!
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* New York Today, Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies by New Yorkers!
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* New York Today, Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies by New Yorkers!
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* New York Today, Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies by New Yorkers!
3-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
Please Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 CELL phone 3054345276
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge to 1984 II InventBook Collapse" Exploited by Facebook Millions lost working on 1,001 IP invention projects. By MATTHEW ROSENBERG, NICHOLAS CONFESSORE and CAROLE CADWALLADR Sunday NY Times!
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Tonight Prince Salman on CBS '60 Minutes' - Venomous 60 Minutes has top secret clearance to get into Los Alamos or the Palace of Prince + King Salman. CBS when for the Palace not the Lab at Los Alamos as CBS could have done a 60 minutes on Venomous Chemicals and showed you how the code is put in a $100 million dollar super computer. Instead they went to a $100 million dollar Palace in Saudi Arabia that was paid for by illegal via gas station hold ups in Miami. So much for 60 minutes... CBS.
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse Saps Spirits and Research Efforts at FIU." "Bridge Collapse Incurable Cancers Can Now be Cured with the Spirit of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's driving to the Elite Yale Key West Medical School not the FIU Medical School with millions crushed by cancer for decades to come!
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse Memo to Theresa May: 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's invented in 1980 make the Russian Oil-God's War Criminals of Mass Murder, poison Diesel in the DNA of millions, billions, yes they have to give back all their Miami Gas station hold up loot too! Russian money has laid down the deepest of roots in British life... and a lot of it $777 Trillion the London Times censored out of this article, grin $$$.
“Russia is doing what Qatar has done,” Make Russia the Richest City in the World not Qatar, not London, not Key West! The background scenery of Jewish Aliens in 12 Trillion Galaxies and Women waiting for a Manhattan Project for their Rx Pink Latte at Starbuck is 'Foggy Bottom's" today. On the front page of the London Times!
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse Memo to Theresa May: In Premier League, Russian Roots Run Deep, Amid threats to divest Russian Oil-God's (oligarchs) of their valuable British assets, it’s worth noting just how hard that would be... London Times with the picture of Greg's Amazon WindmillCar's Secret file on the front page... Civilian Breakthrough in 1980. Secret!
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse "Bridge Collapse Saps Spirits and Research Efforts at FIU, University" By PATRICIA MAZZEI and STEPHANIE SAUL "The pedestrian bridge collapse has dealt a blow to Florida International University and to a center there devoted to accelerated bridge construction."
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse it’s a 1984 George Orwell Con, of course; no one but 'Oil Pirates' can sustain that lifestyle, alcohol-based empire, BP Oil Empire, French Total Oil Company French Pirates of 2018.
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse Miami, Cuba General Despair about the Engineering of the Physics of Gravity + God they Failed Drunk on gas exhaust fumes! — Florida International University, long known as a commuter school and an engine of mobility for Greater Miami’s Cuban-Americans, has in the past two decades transformed itself into one of the largest public universities in the country with Miami Gas Station Hold Up loot from BP Oil and 1984 Ruling Class Oil Men. InventBook was killed by everyone on Campus for Facebook! This Campus is a Clone of Yale Law School in Times of 'Oil Law' Rules the World. “We are the pride and joy of the Cuban community,” said Modesto A. Maidique, a former university president said, gas stations hold up's in Miami are like War Crimes in Vietnam. “We as an institution see ourselves as an anchor, anchor is the Key West Navy protecting the flow of oil and Oil Revenues when they have failed our Habitat for Humanity with mass murder of kids from Diesel Exhaust in Miami and world wide! Bond Movie 'Sky Fall' will be about the Gravity Engine Car falling on Oil world wide!
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1984 Behind the scenes, two agencies struggle over the office that investigates corruption in the nation’s largest school system. Pass the Medical Student when they really didn't pass but on orders from Caroline Kennedy to pass them... By WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse In September 2015, Munilla Construction Management, a business led by a Cuban-American family, submitted its proposal to build the pedestrian bridge that collapsed on Thursday. The project was officially known as the University City Prosperity Project.
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse In 2011 these Cuban's in Miami knew about the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR and illegal gas stations in Miami... they drove by fiery cop cars and SUV's for oil kickbacks and gov. perks. This is a war crime and they knew it!
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse Review: ‘Escape to Exodus' for Key West Jews" JewishAlienville!
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse Review: 'From the Roman Empire to Star Wars 1984 II Society'
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse ‘Escape to Margaritaville,’ Where Work Is a Dirty Word" “Escape to Margaritaville,” the Jimmy Buffett jukebox musical that opened on Thursday, makes getting sloshed on Broadway easier than ever. The lobby at the Marquis Theater has been kitted out as an island-style thatched-hut alcohol fueling station, complete with margaritas for $12 (on the rocks) or $16 (frozen), as well as bottle openers, koozies and other drink-oriented paraphernalia. The bad news is that you still have to see the show. Or at least that was bad news for me, stone cold sober and with enough functioning brain cells to recall the past glory of musicals. If my twentysomething nephew liked “Escape to Margaritaville” better than I did, perhaps that’s because he had two drinks. Margaritaville romance is “Why Don’t We Get Drunk (and Screw).” “Escape to Margaritaville,” a paean to the pleasures of zipless debauchery, is pitched so low it will temporarily extinguish your IQ + IP invention projects list.
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse Review: ‘Escape to Exodus' for Key West Jews" JewishAlienville!
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* New book titled, 'BUILT' The Hidden Stories Behind Our Structures By Roma Agrawal
Illustrated. 300 pp. Bloomsbury. $28. "Architects and engineers both design Habitat for Humanity skills but not with Star War Movie in Mind. But after the American Institute of Architects was founded in 1857, Architects began to garner all the glory while engineers toiled. iPod Size GE electric Generator you can plug in all your appliances will have the Architecture Digest double in size soon as Trump released its secret file, ha. The "Shard" is now a landmark in London. What will happen when no one uses any plug-in for all their GE appliances?
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Towers What will happen when no one uses any plug-in for all their GE appliances but use the iPod Size GE electric generators to plug in all their GE appliances? Star Wars Inventions are here in our 1984 society but are at 'Foggy Bottoms of the CIA and FBI. Deaths from drunk drivers and wounded warriors killing the wife, not to mention Robert Kennedy Jr. killing Mary Kennedy Today. Bought the Judge did he... grin!
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse One World Trade Center didn't use any inventions from the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR invention...
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge Collapse "U.S. Technology" Outpacing Cold War Levels not Star Wars Levels of the Gravity Engine and 400 times faster than the speed of light, Experts Say China, Russia, North Korea and Iran are relying on smuggling rings to secure equipment that can be used for weapons, satellites and fighter jets as they all graduated from FIU in Miami and can't invent anything on Facebook, Ha. By RON NIXON But in secret they put sanctions along with Trump on the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's! Geneve went along with this too for oil kickbacks and perks.
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Bridge to 1984 II InventBook Collapse" Exploited by Facebook Millions lost working on 1,001 IP invention projects. By MATTHEW ROSENBERG, NICHOLAS CONFESSORE and CAROLE CADWALLADR Sunday NY Times!
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* St. Patrick’s Parade NYC, “England Get Out of Ireland” — is permitted in New York City’s Parade! By COREY KILGANNON 'BP Oil Get out of the USA' would have more reality to pollution and Exodus of Humanity into 12 Trillion Galaxies.
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Editorial not on iDash Cam's iCops in your Car, iTickets too. "Do Not Read This Editorial While Walking" By CLYDE HABERMAN iPhone X editorial on not talking and walking or get a $100 ticket. When the editorial should be about iPhone X iDash Cam's iCops talking to you in your car!. iTickets for Road Kills by Drunk on Coors or Pot drivers. 100 this week was censored out by this Times Editor. A War Crime! This age of cellphone zombies, traffic deaths in the United States have risen, after years of steady declines thanks to safer cars and improved road design without F-35 radar guard rails invention the toll was 37,461 dead. Fiery Wrecks the 1984 Ruling Class drive by all would have been prevented with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's. Pedestrian deaths, There were 5,987. Pedestrian bridges over every intersection was censored out of this editorial.
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Anti-Semitism Is Rising. Why Aren’t American Jews Speaking Up?" Hell the Key West Rabbi wants to build his 'Own Jewish' Ford WindmillCAR but he forgot Allah, Mecca, owns Trump Towers and Trump Oil Company. No there will not be a Jewish WindmillCAR until Allah and Prince Salman are driving the Ford WindmillCAR's to Hell. By ISABEL KERSHNER "The underdog sentiment and distrust of Israel’s old, liberal elite still run deep among Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s supporters, who are sticking firmly by him, despite No Jewish Ford 2018 WindmillCAR's.
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "In Praise of A.D.H.D." The disorder can be an asset in our frenetic world. By LEONARD MLODINOW Leonard Mlodinow "In Praise of Trump winning the White House Spelling Bee" Of course everyone else won as no one misspelled a word. Star Wars and Starbucks Rx Memory Latte would be a better asset in our World lost in 12 Trillion Galaxies. Yes we need to visit this frenetic Universe, as least a few of the nearest Stars in our life time.
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NYC: A Helicopter Had a Deadly Crash in the East River. Should These Tourist Flights Finally Be Banned? When will the NY Times lift the ban on front page picture of the 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines, FireTrucks, Ambulances, Taxi's?
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "On the Road in Syria, Where Covering the War Is a Paper Chase" By ROD NORDLAND
Rod Nordland, The NY Times’s Kabul bureau chief, in Kobani, Syria. Credit Mauricio Lima for The New York Times. "The War Is a Paper Chase" And none of the papers are 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's tech spec's. NYC Tourists Helicopter near the Times building ran out of gas and crashed. Papers coming out of the times don't mention how the fuel got turned off in todays Times. Now the fuel keeps the War Fueled is not mentioned in this story by Rod.
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Avengers: Infinity War’ Trailer Unites Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy” 12 Trillion Galaxies and not One Guardian of this Galaxy. Infinity of War Today is only fueled by Oil Men! BP Oil Men can be made Headlines in the London Times when the Times go viral with Women driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's.
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Venomous Putin in Moscow + Manhattan; Dr. Lisa MD would have a Rx Antidote for this Warrior Spy. Venomous Recipe's put into Los Alamos Super Computers have never been done, yes you have watched 60 minutes with the false hope story of the Venomous creatures Venom curing cancer but 60 Minutes is camped out with King and Now Prince Salman. Watch 60 Minutes Sunday night if Basketball doesn't replace it, grin.
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Venomous 60 Minutes has top secret clearance to get into Los Alamos or the Palace of Prince + King Salman. CBS when for the Palace not the Lab at Los Alamos as CBS could have done a 60 minutes on Venomous Chemicals and showed you how the code is put in a $100 million dollar super computer. Instead they went to a $100 million dollar Palace in Saudi Arabia that was paid for by illegal via gas station hold ups in Miami. So much for 60 minutes... they are venomous to our 1984 Society!
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic Engineering Society because they all know the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's engineering is off limits in this 1984 Society so they are like the Soul's who rob Miami gas stations by FIU Campus. "The state Department of Transportation said the lead engineer had left it a voice mail message warning of cracking on the newly installed Pedestrian bridge." By PATRICIA MAZZEI, FRANCES ROBLES and CAITLIN DICKERSON
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Trump’s Lawyers Claim Stormy Daniels Violated Confidentiality Agreement at Least 20 Times" NY Times Lawyers will Claim the Editors faced the firing squad from our 1984 Ruling Class if they Violated Confidentiality Agreements on the 1980 invention of the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Mirror Universe in Paris at
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Fired! Mr. McCabe is accused in a yet-to-be-released internal report of failing to be forthcoming about a conversation he authorized between F.B.I. officials and a NY Times journalist. Mr. Sessions said “The F.B.I. expects every employee to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, integrity and accountability,” he said. “I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately.” Mr. Sessions name change to Mr. Smog, Mr. Breast Cancer, Mr. Birth Defects + Childhood Cancers. University sessions on Diesel at Yale University are carved in stone, and DNA. Trump tweets about Diesel in DNA. "He knew all about the lies and oil money corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!"
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* U.K., Out sources Some Surgeries to France. Paying French doctors to perform some operations on its behalf. Wrong Diagnosis 50% Serge Orlov, 62, talking to a doctor at Calais Hospital in northern France a day after knee replacement surgery. Credit José Sarmento Matos for The New York. NY Times has reported half of all knee replacement surgery is not needed. Obeseness is the cause not the cure. Well you know what I mean, grin. Yale Key West Medical School would never ever do a need replacement on a obese person. These British and French MD should be fired. "England Out sources Some Surgeries to France" By KIMIKO de FREYTAS-TAMURA This article was about waiting a year for knee surgery so he goes to Paris. England and France don't have any Hospital Ships. The USA has one Hospital Ship and it's never used for knee replacements. And its not in use anywhere in the world this weekend. On orders from some Admiral with 2 good knees. How Oxford Alumni jump in front of the line for Heart Transplants when a Saudi Prince, a man not a Saudi women is waiting for the next heart would have made a more interesting dramatic article.
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "The spy, Sergei V. Skripal, and his daughter, Yulia Skripal, were found unresponsive on a park bench in the small city of Salisbury, England, after being attacked. British officials said a lethal nerve agent created in the Soviet Union in the 1970s and ‘80s had been used to poison them. The Kremlin has flatly denied any involvement in the attack, even as state television announcers have pointedly referred to the poisoning as a warning to spy oil men traitors laughing all the way to the Bank of England with $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues." Famous one from HS is... "Leon Trotsky, a Russian revolutionary who created the Soviet Red Army, saw himself as Lenin’s heir, but when Lenin died, he was outflanked by Stalin in the power struggle that followed. Trotsky fled into exile and ended up in a leafy suburb of Mexico City in 1940, where an agent of Stalin paid him a visit. The assassin, Ramón Mercader, got into Trotsky’s study with a shortened mountaineering pick hidden under his clothes. When Trotsky turned his back, he buried it in Trotsky’s cranium. The Russian died the next day" Tolstoy and others who write Russian Novels have told many other stories of Russian assassin's not inventors like Edison. "Russian women, who outlive men by more than a decade on average, are among the president’s biggest fans, especially older women." By MISHA FRIEDMAN Until Diesel in DNA of kids is Headlines.
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* City Hall Quality of Life, 1,001 IP invention projects or 1,001 Bars on Duval Key West. "Saudi Arabia Lightens Up, Building Entertainment Industry From Scratch. The kingdom hopes that building an entertainment industry for its 29 million people will help its struggling, oil-based economy and make life more enjoyable. Xi in China went with the Duval China Bars, cancer causing alcohol he knows about, instead of the Apple-Starbucks on every corner with treadmill desk equipped with iMac Pro's Xeon CPU's and software written code to use 14 core CPU's Win 10 will never be. Bill and Melinda Gates scam on 1,001 inventors! A Conversation With Louise Penny: The Canada detective novelist says she’d like to be defined, not as a Canadian writer, but as “a writer who happens to be Canadian in bed with Canada and US Oil Men. Can you imagine the Hemingway House Detective Novel chasing down Oil Men running them over with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR... full of Jimmy Carter Grand kids, some driving with birth defects from Canada Exhaust. Xi was drunk on Coors! More than 37 million Americans binge drink each week – knocking back a total of 17.5 billion drinks a year, according to the CDC’s first-ever report on excessive drinking habits. The report, published on Friday, found one in six adults in the US are binge drinkers, each consuming an average of seven beverages per session, or 470 per year. Binge drinking is considered to be the deadliest form of alcohol abuse that is responsible for more than half of the 88,000 alcohol-related deaths each year and shortens life expectancy by 30 years on average, most years waiting for surgery from alcohol of the liver and kidneys. Alcoholics are put at the bottom of the kidney transplant list. This is what the 1984 Ruling Class sold Xi to 1 billion Chinese. Stats from Key West are Secret, grin.
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* March 17, 2018 Key West Citizen Newspaper. "There were more Florida Department of Transportation employees than Key West citizens in attendance at a meeting Thursday designed to inform the public of changes to five crosswalks on Roosevelt. 'Pedestrian Bridge' at every intersection on Roosevelt is not and will never be in the Key West Newspaper The Citizen. And they don't face a firing squad like the NY Times ha.
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Rabbi Mordechai Hager, Leader of Large Hasidic Sect, Dies at 95
He settled many of his followers in an upstate New York enclave to escape the decadence and temptations of the city." By JOSEPH BERGER Key West Rabbi wants to build his 'Own' 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Little does he know the BP Oil Men in Key West decadence and temptations of $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues... God is Great $$$.
In Bucharest, Rabbi Hager married Feige Malka Twersky, the daughter of the grand rabbi of Skver, whose followers are now clustered in New Square in Rockland County. She died of an infection a few months later, and Rabbi Hager married her sister Sima Mirel. The couple had eight sons and six daughters. Rabbi Hager’s wife died a decade ago. The eldest son, Pinchas Sholom, died in 2015.
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* More than anything, Rabbi Hager’s Hasidim venerated him for his deep knowledge of the Talmud. He was said to study its volumes and commentaries 18 hours a day, and when diabetes left him blind about 10 years ago, he had teams of volunteers read the rabbinical legal debates to him. Key West Rabbi after reading Gregs Amazon book will cure diabetes by reading 18 hours a day at the Hemingway House Writing Class. Grin.
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* To the Rabbi to Pope Francis who doesn't want to build his 'Own' 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's. He knows the firing squad the 1984 Ruling Class Oil Men have is real. Grin. "Adapted from “To Change the Church: Pope Francis and the Future of Catholicism,” forthcoming on March 27 from Simon and Schuster."
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Venomous Manhattan; 'Pedestrian Bridge' at Every Intersection on 5th Avenue! City Hall Quality of life for NYC Pedestrians! Key West Pedestrian Bridge is called Admirals Bridge and fell and crushed many Tourists...
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic Manhattan; 'Pedestrian Bridge' at Every Intersection on 5th Avenue!
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 'Gravity Bridge' Editorial in the NY Times. How they should have built the Gravity Engine to Bridge Habitat for Humanity into a Star Wars Society today not in 100 years! Yes we can build the Gravity Bridge in 2018 if the Times responds with brainstorming ideas!
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic Manhattan; pedestrian bridge at Every Intersection on 5th Avenue! Another 9/11 failure of $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues financial engineering that went to Qatar not Manhattan traffic and pedestrian's on 5th Ave. City Hall Code Violation in quality of life for pedestrian's on 5th Ave because those in the Penthouse went to the Qatar Trump Casino to better the Quality of Life for Qatar Citizens.
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 'Pedestrian Bridge' at Every Intersection in Key West...
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic Manhattan; C.I.A. 9/11 Gina Haspel driving around Manhattan; white powder, white power of her Boss, taking orders from Prince Salman. $777 Trillion dollars are talked about at the CIA driving to less profitable star wars times. Toys ‘R’ Us Case Is Test of 'War Toys' black hole physics goes viral dead to a Manhattan Project to go 400 times faster than the speed of light that should have gone viral - 77 trillion man hours on a super computer cost. Is another failure of financial engineering by the CIA weapons of mass destruction as what will inventing 400 Times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon cell call to Jewish Aliens destroy? Allah, Mecca, Prince Salman and Prince Charles wounded warriors will be out of business.
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic 1984 NY Times; iPod Size GE electric generators have been invented. Front page story is "Burning Coal for Survival in the World’s Coldest Capital" Photographs and Text by BRYAN DENTON "The smoke-filled streets of Dari Ekh, an unplanned ger district in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, as homes burned coal on a February evening."
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic Gas Engines; ‘There Will Always Be Change,’ Trump Says as More Personnel Shake-Ups Loom" Change our Universe is not what Trump is thinking. $12 Trillion Galaxies on the front page of the NY Times is Change from what's on the front page today. Change in what Gina at the CIA will invent today! Starbucks Change to 'power half-half' that taste better than the cow's milk half-half. Change is Dr. Lisa MD calling in your Rx Latte to Starbucks and recording you took your meds on time with the Starbucks video's. Change is the Students in Key West on Spring Break all writing a Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House writing class on iMac and Mac Book Pro's with InventBook and 1 Click Amazon link to super computers at Los Alamos. This is not your toxic Win 10 that is a failure like oil men. The reality is that Toys “R” Us, which announced on Thursday that it would shutter or sell all of its stores in the United States, never had much chance at a turnaround. Bill and Melinda Gates will shutter all its Win 10 Universe. Prince Salman in Saudi Arabia will shutter all his oil wells and refineries world wide. 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's will win WW III. Star Wars too! BP Oil in Key West will have enough money to pay for 'pink' paint for City Hall. I have other uses for my Wife's. Torture of Breast Cancer was used by Gina at the CIA after 9/11. Dr. Lisa MD as CIA MD and Yale Key West Medical School President is a much better quality of life Universe to hear Jewish Aliens. Exodus!
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* King Salman owns the NY Times building. Russian elites have been secretly buying up London property for years through shell companies. With tensions high, British leaders mull a crackdown. By ELLEN BARRY Prime Minister Theresa May does not have to look far. Within a few blocks of No. 10 Downing Street, she could find opulent homes owned by members of President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle." BP Oil and French Total Oil Company Men not French women own our Universe! Minister Igor I. Shuvalov, with a value estimated at $16 million. Roman Abramovich, a former member of the Russian Parliament and a longtime Putin associate, lives opposite Kensington Palace, in a house whose value has been estimated at $163 million. $129 trillion had flowed into Britain through secret offshore transactions, much of it from Russia.
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Eleven days after a former Russian spy was poisoned with a military-grade nerve agent in a sleepy town in southwest England." 2018 Ford and Range Rover WindmillCAR's are still 'Secret'. in the UK and Russia. Mrs. May promised to “freeze Russian state assets wherever we have the evidence that they may be used to threaten the life or property of U.K. nationals or residents but for gas and diesel exhaust from gas and diesel engines." 1984 Orwell.
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "French judge issued warrant for Princess Hassa bint Salman, the daughter of the Saudi king, in connection with an attack by her bodyguard on a man working in her Paris apartment last year." By ALISSA J. RUBIN "In the plumber’s account to the police, which was quoted in the French magazine Le Point, the princess saw him snap a photo or photos, screamed for her bodyguard, and then in the bodyguard’s presence shouted, “This dog must be killed. He doesn’t deserve to live.” CIA Gina has had lunch in Manhattan with King Salman's daughters. Toxic CIA. Saudi honor killings are protected by the CIA from going viral on YouTube too.
"At that point the bodyguard grabbed the plumber and punched him in the head, according to the account. The bodyguard then tied the plumber’s hands and ordered him to get down on his knees and kiss the feet of the princess, it said. He was allowed to leave only hours later, and his tools were confiscated."
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The Department of Defense is a regular investor in tech start-ups, today all the DOD does is start its gasoline engines! Toys R Us at the DOD. Yes this will be a Disney Pixar Fox comedy movie!
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* DOD; It’s possible that the finger-prick blood Star Wars analyzer Ms. Holmes envisioned will someday make it to market. But Theranos shows us once again that when a start-up promises disruption, you are just as likely to get stuck. DOD scam of building more H-Bombs at Los Alamos, 40 more for each USS Jimmy Carter sub. Breast Cancer women get stuck with torture by CIA women named Gina. Rx Pink Latte cure has been calculated at 77 trillion man hours on 10 Super Computers at Los Alamos crunching 4 trillion trade secret recipes. The DOD said No Way!
3-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic Having a Torturer Lead the C.I.A. 9/11 Gina Haspel driving the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR around the World Trade Center Towers. 9/11 would never have happened if Gina would have leaked the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR, she was Toxic, the CIA brainwashed her not to leak the WindmillCAR's 1980 invention!
Gina + Hawkings proposed there is No God because Allah has all the Oil Money, ha. If there was a God, London and the USA would have all the Oil Money $$$ 777 Trillion is a lot of stars.
3-15-2018 Code @ Super Computers, Rx Cure for Lou Gehrig’s disease in 1980 a spin off from the WindmillCAR's Non-toxic Society, Grin. Say Hi to Gina at the CIA in 1980, Rx Memory Latte called in to Starbucks.
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic Code Violations by City Hall. A crackdown on Duval Street cosmetic stores frequently accused of Key West city code violations seems to be working, according to code compliance officers and a consumer advocacy group that has nothing to do with Hemingway House Nobel Novel 'Code' written on Apple Code. City Crackdown on Hemingway House Writing Classes has worked as there are NO Hemingway House Writing Classes today! Code Violations by City Hall that can't be enforced, grin.
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic, Win 10. China should outlaw Win 10 if it wants to get the Miracle Cure for Lou Gehrig’s disease + Cancer!!
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic, Two months after four American soldiers were killed in the West African country, a group of Green Berets and local forces killed 11 ISIS militants in a previously undisclosed battle. 1.3 million women are in a battle with Breast + Ovarian Cancers" By CHARLIE SAVAGE, ERIC SCHMITT and THOMAS GIBBONS-NEFF
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic 'America First' is not about Trumps Women with Cancers, or Kim Wall, Nichol Simpson, Mary Kennedy! Stormy Toxic Porn in Trumps brain can't see it's a cancer. Penicillin II for Cancer is not a tweet by Trump. Manhattan Project is Toxic H Bombs for Jimmy Carters Parade through Georgia in a horse drawn wagon.
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic CIA and the cure for Lou Gehrig’s disease in 1980 on the spin off Winds of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic '1984' England's Wounded Warriors will go to War over Russian Spy's fleeing Moscow with Trillion in Oil Money.
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic CIA Gina Haspel, drove by 1,001 fiery car wrecks without stopping to help because she was in a 'Fog' of Diesel and London Coal burning power plants... autopsy on her brain will find Diesel.
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic Opium War's with China now Gas Engine Cars, Coors, cigarette's, Red Meat, Facebook Toxic Lotto tickets, BEIJING — Most nights, a mixed crowd of young Chinese and foreigners, many of them students, cram the sidewalks along Caijing Dong Street, drinking alcohol and snacking on street food to the sound of thumping music as they course from one club to the next cloned from Duval Key West and Miami Beach located in the heart of Beijing’s university district. Thumping to Gravity of Toxic Masterminds at Coors in Colorado HQ. The bartender in Beijing is a 'temp' worker too. Like Kim Wall @ the NY Times.
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic '12 Steps' CIA screams sober up without 12 Rx Latte's or 12 Rx Perfumes. diet that gets them Obese Masterminded by the CIA...
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic Rx Pink Latte + Rx Latte for 'HangOver' not a Oppenhemier A Bomb that works OK
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic 'She has a Migraine" He has no Rx Recipe that was crunched at Los Alamos that works OK
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic 'WiFi' Win 10 iMac on Every Cafe Table in Paris, only Qatar today.
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic "Hawkings' growing up in Mecca would believe in God and the God Sent $777 Trillion, Gina would give the Jews pallets of cash not $777 Trillion and scam them until they read Greg's web on Jewish Alien inventions and Exodus.
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic "White Farmers" in South Africa without 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines with free fuel... South Africa responded angrily to comments by the Australian minister in charge of immigration, who said white South African farmers deserved protection in a “civilized country.” By RUSSELL GOLDMAN white South African farmers deserved 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines with free fuel...
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic, “China’s just enforcing codes and regulations that should have been done right in the first place,” Mr. Lin said. Code for Apple apps not in City Hall Engineering of Social Life on Facebook but would be in InventBook. ToolBox of Code for Win 10 is DOA - China should outlaw Win 10 today.
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic Code Violations by City Hall. A crackdown on Duval Street cosmetic stores frequently accused of Key West city code violations seems to be working, according to code compliance officers and a consumer advocacy group that has nothing to do with Hemingway House Nobel Novel 'Code' written on Apple Code. City Crackdown on Hemingway House Writing Classes has worked as there are NO Hemingway House Writing Classes today! Code Violations by City Hall that can't be enforced, grin.
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic Inventors @ State Dept. A demoralized diplomatic corps of breast cancer women! But to Oil Men allies the State Dept is “one of the grown-ups” earning Oil Revenues of $777 Trillion, keep the Oil flowing, Oil Money!
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic 'MIT' Gravity Engine Engineering Articles on their Web have been censored!! Mr. Najafi, a 66-year-old graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is Mayor of Tehran, a city of 12 million including the outskirts and all are rich as Qatar Citizens. No IRS Tax cuts by Trump as there is no tax or anyone Homeless. All can get into MIT, Yale, Harvard and all is paid by City Hall.
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic 'War' Editorial; "Tell the Truth About Our Longest War" "Peace talks are the only way to end the war in Afghanistan. They also will probably not succeed." By SUSAN E. RICE @ NY Times driving a gas engine car to the longest War when NY Times Editors could Win this War in 1 Day with Headlines of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR or Gregs Amazon Book Cover on the front page of the NY Times!
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic A cardiologist prescribes the patient’s beta blocker, a family nurse practitioner the treatment for acid reflux, and a dermatologist, A Urologist, none talk to another! At the Yale Key West Medical School all MD's are 'all.' And the Dentists are all oral surgeons and MD's.
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic Having a Torturer Lead the C.I.A. 9/11 Gina Haspel driving the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR around the World Trade Center Towers. 9/11 would never have happened if Gina would have leaked the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR, she was Toxic, the CIA brainwashed her not to leak the WindmillCAR's 1980 invention!
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic "Video Combat Games' Send Feedback. "The Real Problem With Video Games" WindmillCAR's are censored just like in the Real World Yale students on spring break are talking about being out in the Real World on Duval Key West, 'this is not Yale Campus, grin!
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Toxic 'Food Packaging' Fruits in plastic. "Most of America’s Fruit Is Now Imported. Is That a Bad Thing? By DAVID KARP Bad thing for Dave Karp is Greg writing up packaging for Fruits Dave censored out of his long article on every Imoorted fruit without the Star Wars Package of Bananas that are ripe in a gas and will never ever go bad in this Star Wars Packaging of the future someone will invent. If it was in the NY Times someone would invent it today. If only in a Hemingway House Writing Class novel. Avocados in a High Tech Package! Bananas in a Package on the bottom of the Publix Whole Foods bag not crushed. "In many fruits, acidity drops over time, and off flavors develop; weeks-old cherries, for example, may still look fine but taste flat. Vegetables, too, can decline. Domestic asparagus, grown mostly in California, Michigan and Washington, tends to be plumper, juicier and more flavorful than the more fibrous and rubbery imports from Mexico and Peru." "It might seem logical that older produce is also less nutritious, and for some compounds such as vitamin C, levels do decline with time. But there does not appear to be any evidence that the overall nutrient content degrades significantly. From a public health standpoint, the benefits of increased availability and consumption of imported produce outweigh any such worries, nutritionists say." Packaging in Star Wars Cures the... It might also seem that imported fruits and vegetables are more likely than domestic produce to cause food-borne illness!!
3-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rx Cure for Lou Gehrig’s disease in 1980 on the spin off Winds of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's. As a graduate student in 1963, he learned he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a neuromuscular wasting disease also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Steven Hawking running around celebrating his miracle cure in 1980 and driving a 1980 Ford WindmillCAR in Cambridge University. This Rx Miracle Cure is One Paradise Lost at Yale Key West Medical School via City Hall in Paris!
Hawkings proposed there is No God because Allah has all the Oil Money, ha. If there was a God, London and the USA would have all the Oil Money $$$ 777 Trillion is a lot of stars.
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* CIA Gina Haspel, drove by 1,001 fiery car wrecks and killed 1,001 Rx Pink Latte's at Starbucks world wide. 1,001 Rx Latte's called in by millions of MD's not in the CIA but at Yale Key West Medical School since 2011.
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* CIA Gina Haspel, drove by 1,001 fiery car wrecks without stopping to help leak the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Fiery Cop Car Wrecks @ CIA Gina Haspel, C.I.A. Deputy Director, Had Leading Role in Torture, Burn Units, Burn treatments for 1980 - 2018 Gas Engine cars, a War Crime in the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR Society. In Russia, the poisoning of an ex-spy in Britain only adds to President Vladimir V. Putin’s image as a fearless defender of the nation — just before an election. By ANDREW HIGGINS In the USA the fearless defender of women is Greg in Key West. BP Oil Men who paid for City Hall Key West made sure it was not painted Pink even though Greg spray painted black clouds of Diesel on Duval as cause of Breast Cancers in a Universe of Jew Exodus into Star Wars Rx Latte's at Starbucks. Gravity Engine of Gina Haspel gave $777 Trillion to Allah from Oil Revenues, a War Crime! Bonds in Gravity are for Intelligence Agencies and will be in the CIA Star Wars Society. 'America First' views of women with Breast Cancer Today who will be tortured by Gina Today, millions when Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 with $777 Trillion and the Yale Key West Medical School's next miracle cure, for breast cancer killed by the CIA for Baghdad Oil Money, $300 million a week. "The woman President Trump has chosen to lead the C.I.A. assisted torture and helped deceive the American people. Other women should not be applauding." By MONA ELTAHAWY CIA women helped deceive the American people of $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues got from Miami Gas Station Hold Ups... Mary was sucker punched in 2000 in a Miami Gas Station Hold Up one of millions of women beaten in a gas station hold up. None of these videos went viral on YouTube on orders from the CIA.
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Feminism, as I see it, is not about counting women in key jobs. It’s about what the president stands for and what those women work to enact and achieve. That is why I refuse to celebrate this move to promote Gina Haspel, a woman with too much experience in cruelty and deception. She and others who tortured for the C.I.A. must be held accountable, not rewarded." by Mona Eltahawy (@monaeltahawy) is the author of “Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution,” and a contributing opinion writer to the NY Times. Gina is being rewarded with a new 'Range Rover' gas engine car for her new job!! I just wish Mona could have put the 1980 WindmillCAR's at the CIA in her Editorial today. Maybe Tomorrow Mona!!
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* CIA and BP Oil men also did this... President Rodrigo Duterte released on Wednesday, March 14, announcing that the Philippines would withdraw "immediately" from the International Criminal Court at Geneva. Yes Lake Geneva was bought by Saudi Arabia a few years ago, grin.
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Spy that smoked in London!! As Britain weighs retaliation for the poisoning of a former spy with nerve agent, an array of financial and diplomatic tools are being proposed. In Poor Countries, Antismoking Activists Face Threats and Violence Killings, death threats and “wanted” posters are used to intimidate advocates fighting the spread of tobacco to poor and middle-income nations. Opium War with China now the Smoke from Gas Engine cars in London. BP Oil retaliation for the poisoning of millions in London, No, not today. A War Crime though by BP Oil and Russians. Nerve agent too 100 million man hours to get the 'Recipe' when millions of women in London + Moscow died from Breast Cancer and they have the nerve to go to war now over a Spy! Call Gina at the CIA not the Yale Key West Medical School.
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jews Tortured by CIA $777 Trillion in Allah Oil Revenues. New C.I.A. Pick Had Leading Role in Torture" By MATTHEW ROSENBERG "In February last year, we reported that Ms. Haspel had overseen the torture of terrorism suspects while she was a clandestine officer in the C.I.A., in 2002." Secret are the YouTube videos of fiery cop cars and SUV's in 2002. These video's will not go viral with a million views on CBS any time soon. Clandestine officer in the C.I.A. today filling up at the gas station, driving off passing a car wreck on fire, keep driving off.
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Clandestine officer in the C.I.A. @ 'Star Wars.' CT and MRI scans are done in her hospital room with a hand scanner. Light Sabers are Medical Scanners on the 'Star Wars' Yale Key West Medical School Campus to.
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* House Rejects Bill to Give Patients a ‘Right to Try’ Experimental Drugs
The decision was a surprising rebuff to President Trump and Republican leaders. Many doctors and patient advocates opposed the legislation, saying it provided false hope. By ROBERT PEAR
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gina at the CIA gives no HOPE to millions of women tortured by Breast Cancer and Jimmy Carters Nukes for his sub fleet on the Los Alamos super computer assembly lines today. She wants her Rx Pink Latte at Los Alamos not Jimmy Carter's nukes. Gina will by a new Range Rover Gas Engine car today for her new job.
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rx Cure for Lou Gehrig’s disease in 1980 on the spin off Winds of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's. As a graduate student in 1963, he learned he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a neuromuscular wasting disease also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Steven Hawking running around celebrating his miracle cure in 1980 and driving a 1980 Ford WindmillCAR in Cambridge University. Stephen William Hawking was born in Oxford, England, on Jan. 8, 1942 — 300 years to the day, he liked to point out, after the death of Galileo. "Where did the universe come from?” Hawkings proposed there is No God because Allah has all the Oil Money, ha. If there was a God, London and the USA would have all the Oil Money $$$ 777 Trillion is a lot of stars.
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Why I Am Dreading Netanyahu’s Departure for a Exodus Israel into the Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies and as many Jewish Aliens... Warriors dread the Universe not Inventors. "The Real Problem With Video Games named 'Combat" It’s not the violent content. It’s the toxic culture." Like the Florida lottery ads and scam, killing of 1,001 Inventors! By SETH SCHIESEL
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Gravity of these events,” Mrs. May said of Russia’s response. “They have provided no credible explanation.” Breaking News in the NY Times on Russian Spy's in London and War with Putin, The Spy! Toxic Spy from the KGB and now Gina Toxic Breast Cancer + Oil Burning CIA Spy. Is there a MD in the House? Spy - Spy Tinkering with Exodus and the Next Miracle Cure. Yes the WindmillCAR and Mr. Buell are secret files at the CIA. Britain Expels 23 Russian Diplomats Over Poisoning" By RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA 12 minutes ago, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain threw out the diplomats in response to the poisoning in England of a former Russian spy, in a sharp escalation with Moscow. War over a Spy not a Manhattan Project for the War on Breast Cancer, we get a Moon Shot for Brain Cancer.
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Gravity of Lara Croft was a tough question for Warner Bros. and MGM, which will release “Tomb Raider” on March 16. Long before the #MeToo movement, the “Tomb Raider” series sparked lively debates about gender and representation. Was the fearless and heroic adventurer, as played by Angelina Jolie, a figure of female empowerment, as her legions of fans claimed? Or was she just another hypersexualized, chesty fantasy created by and for male gamers?
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Gravity of Angelina Jolie buying a new gas engine car!
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Gravity of inventing the First Gravity Engine in 2018.
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* This would never happen at the 'Star Wars Campus' of the Yale Key West Medical School as 'Star War' Poems are all 1,001 IP invention projects. How the Hell do you think they get their kids to get 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year every year, by reading Emily poems, Hell No! "Over the years, I’d come to realize that many of my drunk icons had actually gotten sober eventually, or tried to, and I went looking for proof that recovery had not blunted or destroyed their creativity. It was like the desire the poet Eavan Boland confessed when she asked for poems with women who werent beautiful or young: “I want a poem/I can grow old in. I want a poem I can die in.” I wanted a story I could get sober in." Many of the writers I’d come to idolize were famous for work that evoked the pulsing dysfunction of their addictions: 'Star Wars' Yale Key West Campus the addiction is more Rx. Pink Latte's at Starbucks called in by Dr. Lisa MD. “useful 12th step work,” In Star Wars" its 12 Rx Latte's and 12 Rx Perfumes!! It took 12 trillion man hours of work on a $100 million dollar IBM super computer - the same one that gave Jimmy Carter 40 Nukes. A novel could do something for him, that it might prove that his sober energies could be translated into a new kind of creative project. Yes a Novel with Rx Recipes only NASA Rocket Scientists can pronounce and calculate the right amounts in this sober Novel. Tragic as 1945 Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer would have saved Hemingway with a Rx Latte. Tragic myth we needed 40 Nukes for Jimmy Carter in 2018 not a Rx Latte for Hemingway in 1945 by Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer... as Fitzgerald, Hemingway and Faulkner, the holy trinity of modernist drunks, had done half a generation earlier. “The Lost Weekend” was a critical and commercial hit, selling almost a million copies over the course of Jackson’s lifetime. But it frustrated Jackson that its success meant his reputation became so inextricably entwined with alcoholism. Every fleeting second of the way Hemingway would be linked to Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer writing one Nobel Novel after another and never getting his brain shocked at Mayo clinic, grin. So much for getting Oppenheimer fired for not wanting to build 40 Nukes for Jimmy Carters Sub.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* This would never happen at the 'Star Wars Campus' of the Yale Key West Medical School "In a 1965 book review for The New York Times, Charles Jackson wondered about the myth of the tormented artist: “Are we really all that tormented? Or is it something we hang onto, foster, even cherish?” During days spent in the archives and during the midnight hours of my own attempts to write, it was liberating to start questioning the ways I’d understood torment as a prerequisite to beauty. It was liberating to start imagining that there could be meaningful stories told about wreckage, sure, but also meaningful stories told about what it might mean to pull yourself out from under it: stories about showing up for work, for intimacy, for other people; stories about getting through ordinary days without drinking enough vodka to forget yourself entirely. The lie wasn’t that addiction could yield truth. The lie was that addiction had a monopoly on it.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* This would never happen at the 'Star Wars Campus' of the Yale Key West Medical School "Leslie Jamison is a contributing writer for the magazine. She last wrote about female rage. This article is adapted from “The Recovering: Intoxication and Its Aftermath,” to be published next month by Little, Brown."
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* This would never be 2018 Medical History at the 'Star Wars Campus' without any Rx from several Yale New Haven Doctors in several pages. "Does Recovery Kill Great Writing? As I emerged from alcoholism, I had to face down a terrifying question." Dr. Lisa MD PhD 100's are at Yale today and all have written several Rx for Drunks by 3 pm Key West Time and none have InventBook for writing NY Times articles they will read in 'Star Wars' Era. All NY Times articls will be free for Star Wars Era readers. Ha.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* This would never happen at the 'Star Wars Campus' of the Yale Key West Medical School. In 2018 when the NY Times reviews Leslie Jamison's book without the Rx Recipes only Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer on $100 million dollar IBM Super Computers with the help of NASA Rocket Scientists could crunch into a Rx Latte and Rx Perfume for the 'Star Wars' “The Recovering: Intoxication and Its Aftermath,” our aftermath will be 40 Nukes ordered by Jimmy Carter going off on the Horizon if the NY Times fails to invent a Star Wars Habitat for Humanity via Los Alamos Mad Men, Drunks in Combat with NASA's Jewish Aliens.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.*Last spring, Lisa Crampton stood at the base of a tall ohia tree, deep in the forested interior of Kauai. That morning, Crampton and five other field biologists had spent two hours hiking to a narrow clearing, where a hovering helicopter airdropped a large aluminum ladder. Although the distance from the clearing to the tree was comparatively short, it took the team most of the morning to maneuver the ladder across a stream, through the brush and up a steep slope. During that time, it also started to rain. 130 person-hours to recover a single pair of eggs, which must then be hiked out in a heated container and flown to a special incubation facility, where the eggs will be hatched and the chicks hand-raised by specialists from the San Diego Zoo. (So far, this process has produced 39 birds, who will be bred in captivity to create a reservoir population.) - It took 12 trillion man hours of work on a $100 million dollar IBM super computer - the same one that gave Jimmy Carter 40 Nukes. One arguably legitimate criticism of the Endangered Species Act is that trying to save every creature is both unrealistic and inefficient without $100 million dollar IBM super computers at Los Alamos. Bill + Melinda Gates told King Orwell all he needs is a Win 10 pc that updates every time you log on to the Wifi. Snow leopard crunched at Los Alamos would tell you what to feed her... Win 10 wouldn't, grin. Well its a little more than just what you need to feed her. It's the kind of Rx Perfumes she loves. Grin! Yes birds love Rx Perfumes too. Bill and Melinda Gates argued that we should put our efforts toward saving the most genetically diverse species, with the goal of increasing our long-term ecological resiliency. (In this view, saving the akikiki, which is one of 18 living species of Hawaiian honeycreeper, would be a low priority.) Others have suggested prioritizing “functional diversity”: the preservation of key species, like predators and pollinators, whose presence can radically affect an ecosystem. H-Bombs belong at Los Alamos not Birds and Snow Leopard's Rx Perfumes. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 557 are from Hawaii and Oppenheimer could feed all 557 with one H-Bomb well a fish food H-Bomb he invented when the Boss was not looking. Key West Navy would never talk about a Fish Food Bomb.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
WiFi is not working again on 3-13-2018 at Starbucks on Front Street in Key West... and I got here at 6:30 am its almost 9 and Wendy's will open soon to publish this web what I got written from using the Verizon cell to read the NY Times. Will work on web page later today and update this afternoon too.
At Wendy's now, Starbucks Front Street Key West Google sign in never worked from 6:30 am to 9:25 am
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Combat" with Google Wifi at Starbucks Front street Key West, wow! Nobel for Google Starbucks no, just some oil money kickbacks... $$$
3-10-2018 Got to Starbucks on Front Street the 'Rx Latte' called in by Dr. Lisa MD one in our 'History' of Key West inventions. Well Alyssa said 'I don't think the WiFi is working' Hell No it wasn't. 7 to 9 so missed a day of inventions like the Rx Latte called in to Starbucks. 1984 Ruling Class did this! I'm at Wendy's
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Lisa Sanders published a article today. PAVM CT Scan took many diagnosis when it will be caught on the first Diagnosis at the Yale Key West Medical School, grin! Above her article in the NY Times Magazine is 'Should Some Species Be Allowed to Die Out' the answer is Yes if we are going to Exodus into 12 Trillion Galaxies. Marines in Combat must die out... if we are going to do intergalactic combat with Jewish Aliens.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West is in the NY Times today. Crossword Puzzle questions and the answer is Key West - SETI - ET - Call Home! Humor from someone in NYC. ... more. Shiftgears - Aloft - Gravity Engine, I added this for Aloft. Ills - Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Combat" with Jewish Aliens live streamed on this web page... Jew Rabbi wants to build his own WindmillCAR's in Key West must 'Combat' the US Marines at the Texas + Qatar oil fields, grin $$$ Yes the largest US Military base is at Qatar for the Oil Revenues of $777 When you see the picture of Taylor Swift on USD money you know we confiscated $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues for the USA's women. Women in Saudi Arabia buying new cars to drive will have to buy 'Smart' cars if they can afford one, ha.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines in Georgia + the Amazon is not front page NY Times but the Helicopter Crash with 5 dead and the pilot walked away alive!
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Helicopter Crash with 5 dead, they ran out of Gas!!
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Helicopter Crash with 5 dead, they ran out of Gas the fuel shut off switch was turn hit by a passenger or somehow became wrapped up in on board equipment, or a strap choked off the fuel supply the switch is in front on the floor so this might have been made up by someone to distract on retraction tomorrow. Had the Helicopter not tipped over all would be alive today.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines in Georgia + the Amazon is not front page NY Times but the Helicopter Crash with 5 dead and the pilot walked away alive! You know he will be arrested sooner or later. Now what about the crash that censored the Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines in Georgia + the Amazon, ha.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "YouTube, the Great Radicalizer" Videos... Every year, 250,000 people contract sepsis and 44,000 of them end in deaths, with another 60,000 suffering from permanent life-changing effects. If diagnosed early enough, sepsis is easily treated with anti-biotics but despite recent awareness campaigns, mistakes such as this are still happening.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Apple Music hits 38 million paid subscribers, InventBook will have 39 million and most will get paid for inventing something, grin.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Broadcom, Singapore Yale II is in Singapore. Trump blocked its buy of Qualcomm, sighting 'National Security' in a 1984 Society. Qualcomm is a player in inventing G5 not G55 at Apple-Starbucks with 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos. NY Times article by Cecilia Kang didn't mention Yale II campus is in Singapore. Why? Yale is in Broadcom this is why!
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Broadcom, like Qualcomm, is a so-called fabless chip company, designing processors while relying on manufacturers such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. to actually make them.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Greg + Wife's in Key West list 1,001 IP invention projects you can work on from Broadcom, Qualcomm, Intel, GE iPod Size Electric Generators, grin.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Putin is Czar of Russia with $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues and has taken on the behavior of Henry VIII and other Kings like King Salman's Honor Killings not in the BBC News. A 'egregious' act against Russian Spy's in London. Tillerson who worked for Mobil Exxon for the last 20 years said why anyone would take such actions when Xi is putting to death kids with 'Smog' in their DNA. And Kerry drove by 100's of fiery car wrecks without stopping gasoline for the 1980 WindmillCAR's. 'Almost beyond Comprehension' Tillerson said of the British Spy but meant $777 Trillion dollars with Taylor Swift's picture and spent in Key West and NYC on the USA.
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 'Almost beyond Comprehension' Yale Key West Medical School. DA in NYC avoid the Autopsy pictures at the Nanny's murder trial. Nanny Cam's were in the news everyday 10 years ago so who censored these? Arsenal at the Yale Key West Medical School is Rx Latte called into Starbucks!
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* This would never happen at the 'Star Wars Campus' of the Yale Key West Medical School as all 'Star Wars' CT and MRI scans are done in her hospital room with a hand scanner only Homeland Security has access to in 2018. Light Sabers are Medical Scanners on the 'Star Wars' Campus to. "The other possible source was her lungs, and to look there they would need a CT scan of the girl’s chest. She had been in the hospital for nearly a week at this point. She’d had many tests, many needle sticks and no answers; she was worried and frustrated. Another test — during which she would be uncomfortable and cold and would have one more needle stick (for the contrast dye) — seemed more than she could bear. Even as she was transported to the scanner, she wept, asking her mother if the test could be canceled. “I can’t do it,” she wailed. But she did, breathing when instructed and holding her breath as much as she could between sobs."
3-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "YouTube, the Great Radicalizer" Video of 12 Trillion Galaxies live streaming via NASA will not happen any time soon!
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In the end, they all have to live in Saudi Arabia.” NY Times: without $777 Trillion in gas station hold up money from Miami!
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jimmy Carter the Confession: 1980 Ford WindmillCAR given to Allah, God. Jimmy Carter's confession to God or the NY Times? The Jews Who Dreamed of Utopia 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's lost everything to Jimmy Carter from 1980 - 2018. A War Crime and a Sin.
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In the end, A Problem for High Schools: More Cars, and Nowhere to Park Them. In wealthy Key West + Long Island communities, with no Trump Tower Parking Garage. Saudi Arabia has 40,000 Trump Tower Parking Garages for the Prince's kids.
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "YouTube, the Great Radicalizer" "The videos of 40,000 Trump Tower Casino's, in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait etc. Only when on fire from using the wrong insulation out the outside of the Tower. 40K times 100 all used the wrong insulation on the outside...
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Combat with Jewish Aliens live streamed on this web page... At Mecca to Seize $777 Trillion. Allah at Miami gas station hold ups from 1980 - 2018 $$$ thanks to Jimmy Carter's Ruling Class Oil Men.
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Saudis Said to Use Coercion and Abuse to Seize Billions. As the Saudi crown prince comes to the U.S. to court investment, new details cast doubts on his claims of a transparent, legal anti-corruption effort. By BEN HUBBARD, DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK, KATE KELLY and MARK MAZZETTI To leave the Ritz, many of the detainees not only surrendered huge sums of money, but also signed over to the government control of precious real estate and shares of their companies — all outside any clear legal process. Drive a Legal 1980 Ford WindmillCAR down Duval Key West and you will be arrested by the USA + Saudi Cops, Ha. Jew Rabbi wants to build his own WindmillCAR's in Key West, they might send him to Saudi Arabia not Cuba. Part of the campaign appears to be driven by a family feud, as Crown Prince Mohammed presses the children of King Abdullah, the monarch who died in 2015, to give back billions of dollars that they consider their inheritance, according to three associates of the Abdullah family. American's are sold out by their Generals for War Toy's Oil Money. They have argued, however, that it was a necessarily harsh means of returning ill-gotten gains to the treasury USA treasury not the Saudi treasury. It's all illegal Oil Money, Gas Station money since Jimmy Carter sold our America to Allah, God is Great with $777 Trillion in Oil Money. King Abdullah left tens of billions of dollars in the Abdullah Foundation, which was meant to finance projects in the king’s name while also serving as a piggy bank for his heirs, according to three associates of his family. After he died in 2015, the foundation paid out billions of dollars to his more than 30 children, about $340 million to each son and $200 million to each daughter. The crown prince is seeking to recover that money, which he believes was taken illegally from a charity, according to people familiar with the negotiations. King Abdullah’s children, however, consider it their inheritance. Jimmy Carter's 1980 WindmillCAR's inheritance paid to Allah via Exxon - Mobil. “They want to pressure you and your kids in Saudi Arabia. Ivanka under pressure to order the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks too. World Bank sent Ivnaka a email 1.2 million dead from Breast Cancer and you still play the game with oil princes like Salman. Berlin. A German high school class visited Sachsenhausen, where 50,000 are believed to have died during World War II. "Diesel Gas Exhaust in Berlin deaths are Secret Top Secret today." By KATRIN BENNHOLD Toxic German Culture that suppressed the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR for Poison Gas Exhaust in Berlin!! Generals have always killed their own troops this time with Diesel Poison Gas Exhaust in Berlin. "Prince Putin the Last Oil Czar, and Vodka Czar ha." Putin's Russia: From basket case to resurgent superpower via $$$ Gas Station hold ups in Miami! "Miami Diesel Exhaust Deaths are also Top Secret." by Katrin Bennhold NY Times.
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In the end, they all have to live in Saudi Arabia.” NY Times: without $777 Trillion in gas station hold up money from Miami!
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Combat with Jewish Aliens live streamed on this web page...
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Disney Pixar Fox Movie "City Hall" How City Hall @ Jimmy Carter's Ruling Class Oil picks the 'City' for Amazon II in a 1984 II Society ruled by Yale Key West Medical School. Disney Hospital Ships not USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub Fleets. Star Trek Star Wars A decaying bridge has ignited a debate over how a struggling city treats some of its poorer residents. By MICHAEL KIMMELMAN Mike Kimmelman censored out the richest city residents go to the Qatar Trump Casino and the Citizen Newspaper never puts this on the front page, along with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV. Gravity Engine too is censored today.
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In the end, they all have to live in Saudi Arabia.” NY Times: without $777 Trillion in gas station hold up money from Miami!
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* World's Warriors Said to Use Coercion and Abuse to Seize 12 Trillion Galaxies from Jews wanting an Exodus of 1,001 IP invention projects from Los Alamos not more H-Bombs.
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* America, servers calculate how far is too far, weighing harassing behavior against the tips they need to make a living wage... to buy Coors, Florida lottery tickets, Combat Video Games... smokes.
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In the end, they all have to live in Saudi Arabia.” NY Times: without $777 Trillion in gas station hold up money from Miami!
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Women Still Rule the Coyote Ugly Saloon, 25 Years Later" The dive that inspired the 2000 cult film has stayed true to its founding principle: women can tend bar, too. By MEDEA GIORDANO 25 Years Later 1.2 million dead from alcohol cancers and road kills. Make America Women Great Again! Dr. Lisa MD will have a Rx Latte Recipe for these Women Who Rule the Coyote Ugly Saloon soon as Greg buy's them a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + iMac with a 12 Core and 12 Trillion Galaxy Xeon CPU with 1 Click Amazon the Los Alamos Bar of Inventions that was barred to this women by the 1984 Ruling Class Men drunk on Coors brainwashing.
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "YouTube, the Great Radicalizer" "The videos it recommends seem to get more and more extreme."
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "YouTube MD Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer 1,001 IP invention projects for the spin off of the Rx Pink Latte and the Rx Latte Called into Starbucks by Dr. Lisa MD
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* As ‘60 Minutes’ Prepares Stormy Daniels Interview, Lawyers Battle Over Censure of Breast Cancer Diagnosis! By JIM RUTENBERG and MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM 60 Minutes is Porn Not Breast Cancer Rx Recipe Cure! CBS hate crimes against women is blowing with giving them gas engine cars with exhaust! No Breast Cancer Rx Pink Latte.
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* On Sunday Fox aired “O.J. Simpson: The Lost Confession,” a special built around a “hypothetical” explanation of the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. By NOEL MURRAY
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jimmy Carter the Confession: 1980 Ford WindmillCAR given to Allah, God. Jimmy Carter's confession to God or the NY Times? The Jews Who Dreamed of Utopia 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's lost everything to Jimmy Carter from 1980 - 2018. A War Crime and a Sin.
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Can’t Stop the Exodus by Jews, Sanctuary Movement into 12 Trillion Galaxies!! WindmillCAR Cruises 12 Trillion Light Years into infinity of Space + Time-Photons. Higher Education like Key West Getting a Dr. Lisa MD at the Yale Key West Mecical School and Art of the Diagnosis with the Rx Pink Latte!
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Combat with Jewish Aliens live streamed on this web page... At the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Virginia, visitors can get a glimpse of the experiences men and women have endured in combat." By JANET MORRISSEY
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jimmy Carters 'Oil Yes' in 1980 Trump’s Abrupt ‘Yes’ to North Korea: The 45 Minutes That Could Alter History. Jimmy Carter's 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's changed history for the worst for the USA for the Best for Qatar + Islam, Mecca. Trillion dollar sun screen umbrella for Mecca's Sunday School in Georgia. Sun Photons and now they learn about Diesel in their DNA and build a 'filter' for Mecca Sunday School's. Time Change in the USA Today. Time-Photons Nobel in Physics. Nobel Peace Prize given from 1980 to 2018 for the Rx Warrior Latte called into Starbucks by Dr. Jen Loeber staff Psychologist for the VA. Jennifer Gonzales pregnant another Psychologist with SF City VA. and Christine Loeber director. The Mayor Dunbar called the shooter a 'war Hero with demons...' 1984 Director of our Society but not our Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens. Time Change Day for No Gas Stations On Earth. Trillions of Jolts of inspiration from Women, Wife's. 1,001 Nobels in Medicine. 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos invention projects is not a Bill + Melinda Gates Quality of Life with violet Combat Videos for kids. Oppenheimer videos of inventing fission + fusion. iPod Size GE Electric Generator in 1947.
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 12 Trillion Galaxies spawned a host of errors and ambiguities in the 1984 Society!
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues spawned a host of errors and ambiguities in the 1984 Society.
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Lisa MD - meets Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. Kennedy-Khruschev, Nixon-Mao, Bush-Putin and Obama-Castro. Some have been productive, some not. Billionaire Takes the Reins, today its Qatar Trillionaire take all he can buy from the USA. The largest Pentagon Military Base in the World is a Qatar today. Trillion of the $777 Trillion is spent here.
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* President Ameenah Gurib-Fakim was accused of using a credit card issued by a charity to buy clothes and jewelry worth tens of thousands of dollars. The president had shopped in Italy and Dubai in 2016 with a credit card issued by Planet Earth Institute, a London-based charitable organization, according to the BBC. Bill + Melinda Gates have their second home in Dubai not Key West. Mauritius, a diverse country of about 1.3 million, is a popular tropical tourist destination. The country also has a reputation as a tax haven, with lax laws that provide loopholes for racketeers and would-be arms dealers seeking to use it for international transactions.
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Violence Strikes a Veterans Program That Strove to Prevent It. The Pathway Home was created to integrate troubled veterans into civilian life. A shooting rampage there showed just how difficult that journey is. By THOMAS FULLER Tom Fuller at the NY Times needs to call in his Rx Warrior Latte before he gets to Starbucks. No one at the Pentagon wanted a Rx Warrior Latte invented.
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Playgrounds designed with $4K Treadmills.
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Classrooms designed with $4K Treadmills Desk for every age and grade. iMac with Intel Xeon 12 core CPU's costing little more than $4K. $15K for the iMac on the $4K dollar treadmill desk for all schools and all grades. Yes this will be at the Yale Key West Medical School, grin. Young MD's biking from Miami to Key West every weekend can 'treadmill' to a Nobel in Medicine at their desk. NY Times guys at their Desk are getting fat... George Orwell would write in a Novel for 2018. Status Quo of Treadmill Desk with iMac's.
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Can’t Stop the Exodus by Jews Sanctuary Movement into 12 Trillion Galaxies!!
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Combat with Jewish Aliens live streamed on this web page... At the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Virginia, visitors can get a glimpse of the experiences men and women have endured in combat." By JANET MORRISSEY
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 'Written with Human Blood' Behind the Times is the NY Times Headlines. We has a app to 'Write in Jewish Alien' blood. Blood test in our spare time to look at Jewish Alien blood test results and how to invent this even more elite. What can we tell about Jewish Aliens from their Blood test?
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Planetarium, the next show '1.001 IP invention projects spelled out with 1 Click Amazon links to help you get started listening to Jewish Aliens.
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cigna to Buy Express Scripts pharmacy benefit manager, in $52 Billion Health Care Deal. $52 Billion in profits from your health care payments. 5.2 million wrongful deaths the World Bank would note. Dr. Lisa MD is crunching 4 trillion hacked Rx's for the Rx Pink Latte and Rx Pink Perfume. Cigna would give Dr. Lisa MD hell if they can, could. As they will lose $52 billion from the sale of Rx Pink Latte's at Starbucks.
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 12 Trillion Galaxies and Time-Photons are a Unpredictability on 1984 Warriors and it Opens a 'Time-Door' for Exodus by the Jews who are driven in gas engine cars when Gravity Engine is God Sent not Allah Sent. God is Great.
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Kids who watch more than two hours of TV per day have double the risk of childhood obesity. Because they don't have access to a $4K treadmill desk at Starbucks or at Home." NY Times Editor who wrote this, that kids are Obese censored out the $4K dollar Treadmill Desk in his school. No! He didn't think to put treadmill desk into the NYC Schools. Why, because he drove a Diesel Car to the times building today.
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Sunday Time Change Editorial on Time is made of Time-Photons as yet not discovered! But would be worked on by many if only the Times wrote a Editorial this Sunday.
3-10-2018 Got to Starbucks on Front Street the 'Rx Latte' called in by Dr. Lisa MD one in our 'History' of Key West inventions. Well Alyssa said 'I don't think the WiFi is working' Hell No it wasn't. 7 to 9 so missed a day of inventions like the Rx Latte called in to Starbucks. 1984 Ruling Class did this! I'm at Wendy's now no pancakes but opens at 9 am. To publish this web will stop by Starbucks on Front Street after noon and write for 2 hours, or after 2 pm as no one buys coffee after 2 pm and Starbucks HQ has nothing to invent to fill the place after 2 pm.
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Kids who watch more than two hours of TV per day have double the risk of childhood obesity. Because they don't have access to a $4K treadmill desk at Starbucks or at Home." NY Times Editor who wrote this, that kids are Obese censored out the $4K dollar Treadmill Desk in his school. No! He didn't think to put treadmill desk into the NYC School's. Why, because he drove a Diesel Car to the times building today.
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cardiac Arrest; Car, WindmillCAR's Drive meeting Trump + Kim in 12 Trillion Galaxies. Logistics of Warriors addicted to the technology of their gas engine cars. Google sign in to Starbucks on Front Street Key West, your connection is not private! Attacker might be trying to steal your info. Google is going along with the 'Gas Engine' 1984 Society. Korea has tested 6 nukes. Intelligence agencies if you count Los Alamos and the Secret file on Mr. Buell's 'Wind Car' has tested Greg's World Wide Victory over Korea, Koran, Islam, Mecca with the NY Times Headlines of Greg's Amazon Book Cover!! 1,001 Spin off invention remain a enigma, will all but one. The WindmillCAR's will beep before your cardiac arrest. Enigma of the North Korean defectors is they all get $5 million from Kerry, yes pallets of cash to defect to the USA. Kim didn't marry a MD women... Ri Sol-ju is a cheerleader. Bring in the Love Specs for this engineering. Give her a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV for the Marriage. Not the dirty gas engine car. Booooring 1984 Society at the Qatar Trump Casino with the WindmillCAR's 1984 II news would have $777 trillion confiscated from the Salman Saudi Arabia Casino as we Blew the House down with Wind Cars! USA Victory lost to Generals + Drunks on Coors! Yes Coors! Coors Sales in North Korea before the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Why Making North Korea 'Gas Station' free before England is 'gas station' free is revenge for BP Oil.
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Three Women (19K Women) and the Veteran who kill them found dead at the VA Home in Calif. Wounded Warrior Mr. Albert Wong was a decorated Army Vet from Afghanistan. Three women killed by Wong were homes workers. Dr. Jen Loeber staff Psychologist for the VA. Jennifer Gonzales another Psychologist with
SF City VA. and Christine Loeber director, all the top brass but the 1984 top brass at HQ 1984. Grin. The Pathway Home Opened in 2008. The Ford WindmillCAR was invented in 1980. Wrongful Death law suits will win Trillions from the Generals who opened The Pathway Home's at the VA. PTSD. Disney made a movie of Pathway Home at the VA. "Thank You For Your Service" title was given to them by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Video of Jen Loeber is on http// Pathway Home is not open to women... this was a fatal mistake! List of everything they have but women. CBS Nightly News last night reported the Home is for 750 vets, they censored out no women vets are at the Home and who and why the Boss put 750 wounded warriors with a few women Doctors who all 750 wanted to kill for ruining their life. This is the craziest Wounded Warrior Vets Home, and ends with the murder of 3 women Doctors. Should the VA Ruling Class have sent these 750 to Harvard Medical School? The women there would have cured them sooner and with intellectual perks in Anatomy and Physiology. Prince Charles has never taken Anatomy... grin.
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Quebec MD's demand work be less and no overtime! USA will get 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a year Society up and running not the Ruling Class in Canada, grin.
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The Economy Is Looking Awfully Strong Blockbuster job growth in February suggests this economy, already nine years into expansion, may yet have room to run. By NEIL IRWIN
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The Little-Known Trade Adviser Who Wields Enormous Power in Washington
By ANA SWANSON The Economy with the headline captions and the Little-Know Trade Advisor without the captions under the headlines.
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Time Change Editorial on Time is made of Time-Photons as yet not discovered! But would be worked on by many if only the Times wrote a Editorial or a Economics or Trade Advisor article. How to Keep your VW running even though its blowing out black oil. This is the NY Times today. Captions or No Captions under the Headlines it reads the same, no Time for 1984 II Society with Time-Photons editorial or article tomorrow for the Time's are a Changing!
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The NY Times long article on "Quebec MD's demand work be less and no overtime!" who ever the Journalists is didn't mention the Rx Pink Latte Cure or even a generic Rx Cure for Cancer. Why, because the NY Times Editors sold their soul to Qatar Trump Casino goings on at the roulette wheel not the 2018 Ford WindillCAR's Wheels.
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A Problem for High Schools: More Cars, and Nowhere to Park Them
By COREY KILGANNON When these HS kids drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's they will find Corey's Facebook page and write 40,000 Trump Towers were build in Qatar when I was a HS freshman, when I was a HS Senior 3 more times 40,000 Trump Towers were built in Qatar. I can't do the math but you as a NY Times journalist failed every HS kid in the USA. Is this a War Crime, Sara Palin would say Ya Bet ya! Oh the Qatar Trump Tower Parking Garage, how many were build when I was a freshman? Headlines in the NY Times, Hahahahahahaha.
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Britain’s Playgrounds, ‘Bringing in Inventor's’ to Build 12 Trillion Galaxies. Not 1 British kid knows the NY Times headlines that NASA's new math counted 12 Trillion Galaxies. No intellectuals in London have written the captions below this headline as the NY Times quit writing anything below the headline of 12 Trillion Galaxies. They never in the first place wrote a caption for this headline so why start now on Time Change Day? Risk God might not like Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors, there is not a Mount Sinai in England
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* He signed 'invention projects limits' into law a long time ago when Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011. Florida Governor Signs Gun Limits Into Law, Breaking With the N.R.A. Breaking with Facebook for InventBook in 2011 would have saved all these HS kids from being shot to death. Yes he knows this but his boss at 1984 HQ needs the Oil Revenues. AT&T Backs Off On Putting all its IP invention projects on InventBook.
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ‘The Jetsons’ — a futuristic gravity engine car' and the DC Subway given to Carnival to put Cruise Ship on a monorail line with all the perks of Carnival and Disney. DC and Qatar Subway Opens a Apple Store. Riders Aren’t Rushing in as there are no IP app or Hemingway House Writing Class app. By ELIZABETH WILLIAMSON Starbucks needs to hire Greg + Wife's for the training dept on spin offs from 'Rx Latte Called in by Dr. Lisa MD. Yes there are 1,001 spin off inventions from a training session with this name in its title.
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mayor Bill de Blasio, driving a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR having a Cardiac Arrest would get beeped a hour before the heart attack via the F-35 medical technology in his 2018 Ford WindmillCAR. Ginia missed this in her NY Times article.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 100 years later, the madness of daylight saving time endures... Time's-Photons will win a Nobel. Let their be light, who and when did they discover light is Photons... Not the Editors at the NY Times, Ha. No they will not write a Sunday Time Change Editorial on Time is made of Time-Photons as yet not discovered! But would be worked on by many if only the Times wrote a Editorial this Sunday.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* War Crime Humor at the Pentagon Manhattan Project "Rx Pink Latte". Is low ranking women with windmills in each hand, on each breast cheering on the Two Star Generals with 12 Trillion Galaxies + Stars.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* International Women’s Day 2018: Beyond #MeToo, With Pride, Protests and Pressure
There was a keen awareness of a sense of urgency and a shift on issues of Apple-Starbucks Rx Pink Latte and 1 Click Amazon to Los Alamos IP 1,001 Invention Projects. Hemingway House Writing Class + the Yale Key West Medical School fleet of Carnival Hospital Ships, Medical RV's too. Jewish Aliens in our life times aren't urgent for the Wounded Warriors. Wounded by Women Tim Cook delays the iPhone X Caller ID Kim Wall would have had the app for Sub Commanders, Jimmy Carter Wife should of had. Urgency of the Two Star Generals is to low a Rank for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues confiscated hack like 4 trillion Rx Recipes to crunch and build 40,000 Trump Towers in Georgia not more in Qatar.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Kremlin's Windmills ATop the Buildings in Pink, Russian Women are ready to Drive the WindmillCAR's $777 Trillion to Moscow Starbucks for the Rx Pink Latte Cure! Yes they ran over Putin several time, Ha.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The Syrian leader’s push for a military victory has put the Kremlin in a corner, unable either to risk a withdrawal or to craft the political settlement that would cement its gains in the region.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Accepts Kim Jong-un’s Invitation! Not Ivanka's invite to Discuss the Manhattan Project for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. No sitting American president has ever Started a Manhattan Project for Breast Cancer, a breathtaking gamble for Mr. Trump he turned down, buying Ivanka a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. The Stormy Daniels Scandal Gets Serious she has Breast Cancer.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mr. Madsen he took the stand in Kim Walls Murder. At times cheeky, at times condescending, he had an answer for everything. He stuck to his most recent account that the death was a terrible accident caused by a malfunction that made the engines stop, the pressure to drop, the hatch to lock shut and gases to poison the air in the submarine, resulting in Ms. Wall’s death. He said he survived because he was on top of the submarine at the time.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Diesel engine gases to poison the air in every City in the World Trial...
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* “At that point, Peter Madsen can’t do anything else,” he said, speaking of himself in the third person. He said he drove around, rested, then decided the only thing left to do was to cut her up.
When it was suggested that violent online videos inspired the mutilation, he disagreed, saying that he watched them to access feelings of empathy. “I have a tendency to always root for the underdog and the weaker party,” he said. The prosecution asked: “How could you even have the idea of dismembering her? “No,” he answered. “But I worry about you for asking.” The prosecutor showed pictures of Mr. Madsen and Ms. Wall sailing off into the Oresund Strait around 7 p.m. At 8:16 p.m., she sent the last text messages to her boyfriend. An image of the chat was shared with the courtroom on a screen... “im still alive btw” “but going down now!” “i love you!!!!!” “he brought coffee and cookies tho” After that, she went silent. Forensic experts later found her blood on Mr. Madsen’s face. Her underpants and nylon stockings, with cut marks, were found in the submarine. The courtroom was shown a video tour of the sub.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Administration Blocks Dr. Lisa MD's Plan's for Rx Warrior Perfume and Rx Warrior Latte at Starbucks for "Honor Killings" Murder your wife Laws take your Rx! The president has undermined the murder of Kim Wall, Mary Kennedy and 19K other women who will fall to Warriors Mental illness in 2018. Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors Road Kill's are not in the NY Times today because they are censored by the Top Brass. City Hall spent all night talking it up whey NOT to paint City Hall Pink, Paint the Pentagon Pink. Go 400 Times faster than the speed of light! Hell No We Won't Go!
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Reckless Driving and the Limits of Vision Zero" By GINIA BELLAFANTE Ginia Bellafante didn't write about Reckless Driving by the Top Brass running over 12 Trillion Galaxies, she could have though. A memorial sprang up at the site where two children were killed by a driver, but as is often common, the woman behind the wheel has not been charged. 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens have been killed by Drivers like Jimmy Carter + his wife. The picture that circulated of Dorothy Bruns after her speeding white Volvo passed through a red light, leaving two children dead in a busy intersection in Brooklyn on Monday, is what initially sparked the rage. Shown on a gurney, sitting upright, an open purse on her lap, her long hair tucked into her black parka, she is texting without any suggestion of misery or even agitation, as if she were simply letting a friend know that she was going to be late. Her Facebook page quickly swelled with comments. Ginia could have written Jimmy Carter was late for his Sub ride so F-35 Radar on all 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's would have to wait going viral on his Facebook page. Oh 1980... it's been a long wait Jimmy! Mayor Bill de Blasio, who for many years had lived just a few blocks away from the site of the crash, expressed his own dismay. “I wish she was under arrest right now,” Nothing from Ginia about 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's that can't run a red light with F-35 technology in control. The police believe she may have had a seizure while driving; she was taken to the hospital after the crash where she remained. Mayor Bill de Blasio, driving a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR having a Cardiac Arrest would get beeped a hour before the heart attack via the F-35 medical technology in his 2018 Ford WindmillCAR. Ginia missed this in her NY Times article.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Albee's Three Tall Women, Three Wife's Elite MD's in the Art of the Diagnosis and ready to become George Orwell 1984 II with 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2018. Quality of life in Key West with the Yale Key West Medical School and its fleet of Carnival Hospital Ships. Hemingway House With Writing Class on app that lets 100's write a invention in every chapter and character. iMac Xeon's not Win 10 but a win for the Quality of life iParking and iDash Cam will give Key West. Qatar is in a class by itself with Oil Revenues that are from Mary getting sucker punched in the Miami 2000 gas station hold ups that go on today. How the Yale Key West Medical School will Change the Keys, Sheriff calls for speed changes on U.S. 1. Monroe County Sheriff Rick Ramsay has requested state transportation officials lower the speed limit on a stretch of U.S.1 where four people died in an accident Monday. Dr. Lisa MD President of the Yale Key West Medical School will also be the Sheriff and Police Chief, Mayor of Key West. This is the connotation of Elite at Yale, Harvard too but Greg was not born at Harvard, grin.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Today more Yale + Harvard grads are working in Saudi Arabia and Qatar than the USA.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 100 years later, the madness of daylight saving time endures... Time's-Photons will win a Nobel. Let their be light, who and when did they discover light is Photons... Not the Editors at the NY Times, Ha. No they will not write a Sunday Time Change Editorial on Time is made of Time-Photons as yet not discovered!
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Stories of Mohammed bin Salman's state visit to the U.K. took a bipolar approach in the British press this week. Some accounted for the Saudi crown prince's reformist agenda sweeping through the historically conservative nation. Others spoke of protests coupled with the visit, highlighting human rights abuses in Yemen. Some were simply left perplexed by the PR drive from the Middle Eastern nation, which saw Bin Salman's face plastered on billboards and black cabs in London. Salman $90.3 billion investment in London the coming years. Gas Car buys no WindmillCars from RR or Range Rover, ha. Salman announcing plans for a $500 billion in Trump Towers for Saudi Arabia built by the British. Friday is set to be the last day for Mohammed bin Salman's U.K. trip and all the news about the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's have been censored by the British at BP Oil. Prince Harry's wedding gifts from Salman...
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NONFICTION, "Are iPhones Bad for Kids, not if the Kids are at Yale Key West Medical School with Doctor Mom? Two new books — Anya Kamenetz’s “The Art of Screen Time” and Naomi Schaefer Riley’s “Be the Parent, Please” — offer advice to anxious parents. Anatomy for pre-school kids on iPhone X. Not yet a app but will be. Kids who watch more than two hours of TV per day have double the risk of childhood obesity. Because they don't have access to a $4K treadmill desk at Starbucks or at Home. They will have many treadmill desk at Yale Key West Medical School, classrooms full of treadmill desk! entertain kids with anatomy and the Mayor will get beeped long before his cardiac arrest driving to City Hall.
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Disney’s “Rx Recipes,” about the trillions of Rx Recipes Crunched on Super Computers at Los Alamos - Getting these Rx Recipes started on super computers will take trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps like getting the Gravity Engine Started and a Disney Movie.
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times Editorial on 'Rx Recipe" for Warriors!! Sub Commanders Mentally ill World Wide just ask NASA guys to Testify this is true, grin! "According to prosecutors, somewhere between 10 p.m. on Aug. 10 and 10 a.m. on Aug. 11, Mr. Madsen overpowered Ms. Wall in his submarine. He bound, tortured and sexually assaulted her before he murdered her, the authorities said, by either strangling her or cutting her throat. Then he used tools he had taken with him to cut the body into six pieces and dump them in the water" Prosecutors have asked for a life sentence or, failing that, a sentence of “safe custody,” a special psychiatric measure for those considered particularly dangerous. 1984 Rx Special Psychiatric Measures!
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* As the trial opened, the 33-ton submarine at the center of the case rested wrapped in plastic and tarpaulin on the Refshaleoen peninsula in Copenhagen. The Other Trials will Open with a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Subs and their Commander with a 'Windmill' hat in the courtroom, ha. “Denmark isn’t used to having stuff like this happen,” Georgia and a Preacher Warrior who gave Allah, Islam $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues for a small kickback... scam of the century. 40,000 Trump Towers in Georgia and another 40,000 will be built in Georgia not Qatar in 2018. March 23, Ms. Wall’s birthday the NY Times will give Kim Wall a ID card for the Times! Kim Wall's at Microsoft Today will remain 'temps' and many will be murdered in 2018.
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Ms. Wall’s mother, Ingrid, told the Swedish news agency TT that the award was a symbol of hope. “This is a way for everyone to focus on a continuation, instead of on it having ended that night in that submarine,” she said. “This means she will live on.” Ingrid would tell Jimmy Carter ending all life on Earth with your fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs will happen sure as Kim Was Beheaded by a Sub Commander unless you fire off the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's!
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* U.S. Holocaust Museum Revokes Award to Aung San Suu Kyi - Jimmy Carter's Nobel Peace Prize Revoked after 40 Nukes are fired from the USS Jimmy Carter Sub.
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Stimulus of Kim Wall the Wife's inspiration lost to her BF as the text messages ended. He called the Police instead of the Top Brass at 1984 HQ. Class Action world wide drive and are 'Driven' by Gas Engine cars and Oil Money, mostly to buy Subs and War Toys not Homeland Security for Women World wide. Prince Salman spent 'Hundreds of Billions' in the last decade on MIT War Toys from the USA. His 'Honor Killings' of women in Saudi Arabia will be on this web when the Top Brass Drive the 1980 Ford WindmillCar's + RV's. French women will tweet, off with his head... Ha. "U.S. Troops in Niger to Receive Combat Pay, Pentagon Says Today
The reversal comes a day after a top commander said the White House was deciding whether to add Niger to a list of combat zones where troops earn danger pay, from Niger Oil Revenues." By THOMAS GIBBONS-NEFF Top Brass are in a Class by themselves, excluding everyone else in the world of 5 billion on Earth. Combat Pay from Oil Revenues. Troops will use this combat pay for Florida Lottery Tickets. Buy these Generals some Windmills, Ha. War Crime Humor at the Pentagon. Is low ranking women with windmills in each hand, on each breast cheering on the Generals. Combat Pay for Oil Duty. Duty, God, Oil...
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Extreme Luxury Takes the Floor in Pentagon...
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Extreme Luxury Takes the Floor in Geneva... By TOM VOELK
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Extreme Luxury Takes the Floor in Geneva... By TOM VOELK Rolls-Royce and Bentley, the cars of royalty and deep wealth, will be bringing several of their models to the Geneva International Motor Show, and will unveil a few surprises. Partical Detection monitors on LG Ultra 100" monitors make the gas exhaust in the showrooms visible just from street traffic outside on the streets of Geneva. Dr. Lisa MD will make visible the Diesel in DNA of the Children of Geneva Elite causing the kids to cry! Bloody Murder to the British Parents. The new 2018 Phantom VIII is the first car built on what Rolls-Royce calls its new Architecture of Luxury, a high-strength aluminum chassis. This twin-turbocharged V12 gas engine in times of Gravity Engines. “We had an Qatar buyer who wanted 464 diamonds lacquered into the wood interior trim.
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Right to Invent Something 1984 - Right-to-Invent inspiration Has Been Devastated by Facebook + the Florida Lottery ads. By JAMES FEIGENBAUM, ALEXANDER HERTEL-FERNANDEZ and VANESSA WILLIAMSON
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* We're all Inventors now, when InventBook gets started on this web page! "Utopia of 12 Trillion Galaxies" Should have been a Disney Pixar Fox Movie for the first of the Year 2018. Again and Again the Elite Ruling Class make the movies ordered by the Pentagon.
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ‘The Leisure Seeker’ Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland star as a couple, facing illnesses, who take their 1975 Winnebago and set out for Key West, Fla." By BEN KENIGSBERG
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Ella (Ms. Mirren) plans to take John (Mr. Sutherland), an expert on Ernest Hemingway, to the Hemingway Home in Key West. Little does she know the Hemingway House Writing Class was cancelled by City Hall Code Violations for Writers. Upper Class cancelled it as Hemingway never put a Rx Pink Latte recipe into any of Nobel Novels. . And Ella, nursing her pain with a steady stream of whiskey, is clearly dying;
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The actors outclass this material by a Massachusetts-to-Florida distance, locating nuances and a sense of tenderness and intimacy. It’s hard to imagine other performers bringing so much to this setup. They give a true impression of two people who have spent their lives together and know how to talk each other. There is a movie to be made about John and Ella; it’s not one that ends with “Me and Bobby McGee” over the credits.
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Outclass the ruling Class at City Hall. Just marry a few women in a Legal Polygamous Wedding at the Hemingway House and write together on a iMac app a 1,001 Pink Inventions in a inspired Nobel Novel by Midnight. City Hall Ruling Class talked all night about NOT painting City Hall Pink, this will be made public!
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1984 And the whisky brand Johnnie Walker released a product with a limited edition “Jane Walker” label for Womens Day March! Breast Cancer Label on Coors when women drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's in Colorado.
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Apple released its audit on Caller ID for Killers looking for working women conditions — and it's worse than it expected. Kim Wall's... iPhone X is at the bottom of the Ocean beeping the Alert as she got into the Sub he tossed it into the Ocean. Ending her life and text to BF.
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Apple audit on Hate Crimes by Tim Cook is secret like the cover of Greg's Amazon book!
3-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Disney’s “Frozen,” about the trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps, from the super conductivity 2018 WindmillCAR's electric generators 'Frozen' in Time.
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Everything You Always Wanted to Know About a Interesting "Medical School Professor' in a Woody Allen Remake “Annie Hall MD” Annie Hall MD not just a MD but a Elite MD Professor of the Yale Key West Medical School Dr. Lisa MD. Play this Annie Hall movie in your head!! Woody Allen is A War Criminal for the 1980 WindmillCAR's he refused to leak and much more for all the Annie Hall's who never became a MD Professor.
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jewish Women Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's into Saudi Arabia... give us "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD to Drive too! Drive to this Disney Movie!
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, I want to share some thoughts: It’s only a matter of time before King Salman turns over the reins of power to Jewish Women. Yes if they invent something before Ivanka to leak the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's! "The Jews Who Dreamed of Utopia
An exhibition in Vienna explores the role that Jewish philosophers, politicians and artists played in building communism and international socialism." By JASON FARAGO King Salman turns over the reins of power to Jewish Women. by Jason Farago.
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* News Analysis with Breast + Ovarian Cancers. Trump Finds Himself in Same Position as His Predecessors and thanks to the NY Times Editors all these 1.2 million deaths from Breast + Ovarian cancer don't go viral on YouTube or at the Oscars, Disney Pink Movie was Black. NY Times Editors write the Top Prize is not the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks but Top Prize in U.S.-China Rivalry Is Technology Dominance without the WindmillCAR's + RV's. iPod Size GE Electric Generators. Manhattan Projects for 12 Trillion Galaxies, Jewish Aliens, 400 Times faster than the speed of light, and a gravity engine. Oh, Manhattan + Key West take the title of 'Richest City' away from Qatar. And build 40,000 Trump Towers in the USA not Enumerates! Yes Trump has sold another 40,000 Trump Towers to Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE. Top Prize in USA Star Wars is God's best Invention, Women + Wife's to inspire 1984 II Society richer than Qatar with InventBook not Facebook, Ha. And Navy fleets of USS Jimmy Carter Hospital Ships not Nuke Subs. F-35 Radar on WindmillCAR's + RV's. Miracle Cure for Coors Road Kills in 2018.
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Fast, Dr. Teri at WHO getting the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + Medical RV's 'Fast'.
While women are still outnumbered in emergency medicine, Dr. Teri Reynolds of the World Health Organization sees signs of change. By TANYA MOHN Tanya Mohn at the Times drives gas engine Medical RV's to WHO at the UN. These WHO MD's must be driven to drink Coors knowing about the WindmillCAR's Trillions that would go for Medical RV's.
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Vegas and Gas Mentality. Bricklayer 500, the world’s largest competition of bricklayers in Vegas in the Times today. Bricklayers Think They’re Safe From Robots. Decide for Yourself. Greg says Yes from Robots but not from brick walls made in the 'Factory' like RV's and Cars. Ford model T on the assembly line and the 'Brick Wall' on the Assembly line. At the Factory or the 'Brick Factory' on the back of a Semi or 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter. Windmill Fueled Helicopter.
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Purim is the rare religious holiday in which drinking to intoxication is believed by many to be scriptural mandated. There were even party buses. None were driven to Art of the Diagnosis by Dr. Lisa MD. at the Yale Key West Medical School. One Jew said doing God’s work, as he put it. And I said, ‘Oh, so they’re like the foot soldiers.’ No, he said, they’re like the Navy SEALs.” Separated from the Women MD's. This is the real reason the men and women are separated in Purim. But by nightfall, after a day of prayer and communal reading, sober restraint in the Jewish community. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine lost, as none were read by the Rabbi. And 1 click Amazon links to Los Alamos were unheard of.
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Disney’s “Frozen,” about the trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps, from the super conductivity 2018 WindmillCAR's electric generators 'Frozen' in Time.
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, I want to share some thoughts: It’s only a matter of time before King Salman turns over the reins of power to Jewish Women. Yes if they invent something before Ivanka to leak the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's! "The Jews Who Dreamed of Utopia
An exhibition in Vienna explores the role that Jewish philosophers, politicians and artists played in building communism and international socialism." By JASON FARAGO King Salman turns over the reins of power to Jewish Women. by Jason Farago.
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
Trade War and Nuclear War News in the NY Times NOT a Invention War with Robots replacing Steel and Aluminum workers, AC Cubic on wheels fire proof glass, working conditions in their Times cubic on the 55 floor or the floor of the Steel Mills reinvented.
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ‘Oh My God’ Turns to ‘Yay Me’ as Jewish Women Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's into Saudi Arabia...
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ‘Oh My God’ Turns to ‘Yay Me’ as Saudi Women Practice Driving. Saudi Arabia gave young women their first chance to drive.
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ‘Oh My God’ Turns to ‘Yay Me’ as Jewish Women Drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's into Saudi Arabia... give us "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD to Drive too!
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* No Gasoline for the Jews Turns to Oh My God Allah where are you... I can see the Jewish God driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's!! Oh My God Allah.
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Untouchables caste end to gas engine cars fueled by Saudi Arabia or Jewish WindmillCAR's + RV's that are fueled by the Winds of God not Allah!
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jewish Women and Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates are both small, conservative, oil-rich monarchies and close American allies, but they have been locked for years in an escalating feud. The U.A.E. has accused Qatar of destabilizing the region by supporting political Islam, and, with Saudi Arabia, the Emirates have led a months long campaign to blockade and isolate Qatar. Qatar disputes the charges and accuses the United Arab Emirates of bullying its neighbors. Al Jazeera, the Qatari-owned news network, has often trumpeted news of gas engine cars now Saudi women get to buy and drive millions of Mercedes not Jewish Women. Jewish Women would have sought to profit from clean air and $777 trillion in profits from the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's made by them. American officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, blame the U.A.E. for the hack. Jewish women know who to blame for not giving them the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to drive over Saudi Arabia Women!! In a meeting at the White House on Monday, Mr. Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel put on display 2018 Gas Engine Car's trump bought for Netanyahu's wife and daughter.
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Victory Plans, The White House has said it is close to finishing a peace plan that it could release soon. But the conditions hardly seem ripe. Jewish Women could be the one's that get the Victory Plan hacked made public on the front page of the NT Times for victory over Saudi Women and all of Islam. With the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Jared Kushner, who was leading 'the effort', just lost his top-secret security clearance. And Ivanka is the only Jewish women he knows, grin. 1.2 million women are diagnosed with Breast + Ovarian Cancers in 2018. The White House has said it is close to finishing a peace plan to keep this out of the editorials a the NY Times. No Manhattan Project' is planned by Trump.
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* President Harry S. Truman, who recognized Israel’s existence 11 minutes after it declared independence in 1948. Jewish Women driving the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's 11 minutes after they were on the front page of the NY Times in 1980 with Jimmy Carter and his wife sitting between the windmills. Mr. Netanyahu extolled Jimmy Carter for the right decision and the $777 Trillion the Jews would earn from the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's by 2018. “Iran must be stopped,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “But not with the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's" He voiced deep fear about losing $777 trillion in USA Exxon Mobil Oil kickbacks. Jerusalem as the capital when Qatar is the richest city in the world not Manhattan or Key West.
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trade War and Nuclear War News in the NY Times NOT a Invention War with Robots replacing Steel and Aluminum workers, AC Cubic on wheels fire proof glass, working conditions in their Times cubic on the 55 floor or the floor of the Steel Mills reinvented.
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times News about Pizza Wars not Invention Wars!
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times News about Pizza Wars not Invention Wars! First Ray, Then Patsy, Now Joe. Another Pizza War Breaks Out. Pizzerias have waged epic battles over the years in New York. The latest skirmish involves two pizzerias named Famous! By ALAN FEUER FRONT BURNER "Learning How the Sausage Is Made. The Meat Hook in Brooklyn offers classes in sausage-making and pig butchering.' By FLORENCE FABRICANT "Learning how Edison got 1,001 inventions" By FLORENCE FABRICANT "Learning what is Diagnosed by Dr. Lisa MD from Sausage eaters" By FLORENCE FABRICANT
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West Citizen Newspaper the Wars are over the Name Sandy a Cuban Cafe not a InventBook Cafe with Invention Wars. This has to be a War Crime or a Sin.
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Editorials in the Times; "West Virginia Teachers Give a Lesson in Union Power" censored out are the Teachers in Qatar, USA.
3-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The US Navy has put to sea the first-ever F-35 aircraft carrier — and it's a big warning to China and North Korea. Greg + Wife's in Key West will put the first ever F-35 radar on all 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's and it will cost more than the Ford, grin. Three people were reported killed Monday afternoon in a multiple-vehicle crash near Mile Marker 79 that closed all lanes of U.S. 1, according to Florida Highway Patrol spokeswoman not the Navy spokesman! Four killed in massive crash that shut down U.S. 1 in the Florida Keys. Four people were killed and several others injured after a multiple-vehicle crash near mile marker 80 in Islamorada Monday afternoon. The crash happened shortly before 2 p.m. on the Tea Table Bridge. Monroe County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Adam Linhardt said the highway was closed for most of the afternoon while crews cleared the road and Florida Highway Patrol troopers investigated the scene. Florida Highway Patrol Lt. Kathleen McKinney said the driver of a compact car and three passengers in the vehicle died. The car, a 2018 Nissan Rogue, was heading northbound on the highway and attempting to make a left turn when a truck carrying portable toilets hit the vehicle from behind, pushing it into the southbound lane. A large RV motor home traveling south hit the right side of the car, pushing it southbound where it collided with a tree on the side of the road.
3-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure; Gasoline Tanker Trucks making a left turn into you in a head on fiery crash. You think how many of these gasoline Tanker Trucks did this so far in 2918. You don't want to know and the NY Times doesn't want to tell you... grin! This would ruin the Editors day.
3-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure; The Oscars 'Pink' Carpet:
3-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure 'Movie' from; Jodie Foster, appearing on crutches and joking that the reason was run-in with Meryl Streep, presented best actress with Jennifer Lawrence. If all these women are diagnosed with Breast + Ovarian Cancers in 2018 then Next Years Oscars will be for their Rx Pink Latte.
3-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure; Once-Feared Afghan Warlord Is Still Causing Trouble, but Talking Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, is talking about Ivanka causing trouble for 'Warriors' with a Rx Warriors Latte at Starbucks Afghanistan. Xi, China’s Leaders Meet, and See ‘Critical Battles’ on Economy and Pollution not 'fiery cop car head on wrecks into gasoline tankers' or Chinese Breast Cancer from 'Smog' Bullets on this battlefield Xi is killing his own Chinese people for $300 million a week in Baghdad Oil Revenues. Facebook is open for business in China today not InventBook. U.S. Aircraft Carrier Arrives in Vietnam, With a Message for Ivanka, Warriors world wide out rank you and your Los Alamos Manhattan Project for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. Trillion's of Jolts, Volts, Amps with Super Conductivity II GE Electric Generators can't Drive your Pink Latte Miracle Cure into production at the Pentagon for 1.2 women who will die from breast cancer in 2018. Rank!!! Those who fired Oppenheimer still control Los Alamos Rx Recipes for H-Bombs not Pink Latte's. North Korea, Seeking ‘Equal Footing,’ Rejects Preconditions for U.S. Talks. These talks will go on for decades while 1.2 million GF's of Ivanks die from no Los Alamos Talks on the Recipe for the Rx Pink Latte. By Jacey Fortin at the Times, write's today "After the fierce nor’easter battered Boston, thousand power lines had collapsed, creating a massive tangle of wires in the middle of the street. On Cape Cod and the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. A fierce nor’easter toppling power lines, fierce Warriors like the one in Afghanistan are the cause of this. As iPod Size GE electric Generators would be the 'upgrade in the USA' if not for Afghan Warlords. Did Melania Trump Merit an ‘Einstein Visa’ Does this Afghan Warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. How many Gasoline Tanker Trucks has the US bought for Afghanistan, thousands, probably even more. When everyone should be driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's.
3-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure; Did Melania Trump Merit an ‘Einstein Visa’ 'Edison Visa' in Key West Edison invented a gas mask to protect sailors who were at observing posts to keep watch for U-boats but were constantly breathing in warship fumes. Melania + Ivanka are constantly breathing in 'gas fumes'. Einstein in Key West has not been asked to invent a gas mask for them by Trump. Key West White House was open free to locals yesterday so I went on the tour for my 7 year anniversary in Key West. Tourists paid $14 same as the Hemingway House. Truman played poker and drank every morning each of the 114 days in spent at Key West. With Lauren Becall sitting on top of his piano, bare legs in front of him. No sex stories on the White House Tour. Edison was here with Truman many days working on Navy Subs docked here. Nothing about the women in his life in Key West on the tour. Edison proposed ideas to extinguish coal fires safely from within the ship, as well as a telephone system for ships that could contact other ships. Greg in Key West will Propose to many women - to extinguish gasoline station world wide, inspire the Rx Pink Latte recipe first made in Key West! Edison During his two years in and out of the White House in Key West, created over 49 ideas. Next year at local day at the Key West White House the tour will brainstorm all 49 of these and get a few more from the locals and tourists! Free upgrade of your White House Tour Guide in Key West. I asked one question at the end. Which President fired Oppenheimer and she refused to answer this in front of 50 people on the tour. I need to get a copy of this video for my web page, grin.
3-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure The Oscars 'Pink' Carpet: A new organisation called CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) - set up in 2017 with financial support from the Wellcome Trust, national governments and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - hopes to accelerate vaccine production.
Lassa is one of the diseases on its hit list and it's hoped one or more promising vaccines will be ready for large-scale testing in the next five years. BBC News. Dr. Charlie Weller is head of vaccines at the Wellcome Trust, which describes itself as a global charitable foundation working to improve health for everyone without any idea Ivanka is trying to take over all of Los Alamos and hire Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. BBC for some reason didn't mention a 'Manhatan Project' is needed.
3-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure
3-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure
3-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure from 3-4-2011... 2011 Greg Flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 with $777 Trillion from the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's Here is the Web I wrote on 25 March and May 2011 MIA is the Yale Key West Medical School not getting married to Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors who drove gas + diesel to War's! - A WindmillCAR "clean air Paradise" Lost by the British Elite, all the dead children on the British Battlefields in 2018 from Diesel!! 5 Minute Disney Movie coming soon as I drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's with Kerry's Pallets of Cash on Top to Key West. Trillion's of Jolts, Volts, Amps with Super Conductivity II GE Electric Generators!
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure "Miss Fanny, Miss Violet and Miss Scarlett, and it’s a bit overwhelming. You can clone the look of a dog, but you can’t clone the soul. Still, every time I look at their faces, I think of my Samantha...and smile." Barbara Streisand Explains: "Why I Cloned My Dog" By Barbara NY Times.
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure Dr. Lisa MD, Dr. Lisa MD, Dr. Lisa MD, Dr. Lisa MD Explains: "Why I Cloned My Medical School Students. Not in the NY Times!!
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "A copy of 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's memorandum about the meeting was provided to The New York Times by someone critical of Qatar Trump Casino influence in Washington that ordered the Key West Navy to bomb the Yale Key West Medical School in 2011 when Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion confiscated from Allah, God is Great!
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Ivanka's 4 trillion Rx Recipes for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks... memorandum had been stolen through sophisticated hacking. Ivanka is not sophisticated enough to hack 4 Trillion Rx Recipes for Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos.CBS or Al Jazeera to promote the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks, Hell No! Disney 5 Minute movie "The Rx Recipe Crunch for the Pink Latte at Starbucks" Hell No... They promote Prince Harry's wounded warriors and his marriage.
2011 Greg Flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 with $777 Trillion from the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's Here is the Web I wrote on 25 March 2011 MIA is the Yale Key West Medical School not getting married to Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors A WindmillCAR clean air Paradise Lost by the British Elite!! 5 Minute Disney Movie coming soon as I drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's with Kerry's Pallets of Cash on Top to Key West. Trillion's of Jolts, Volts, Amps with Super Conductivity II GE Electric Generators!
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Need a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR or Yale Key West Medical School, call Ivanka! Best Bet as far as Greg can see on my 7th year in Key West. City of Key West has flown off to Qatar Trump Casino. "Need a North Korean Missile? Call the Cairo Embassy" Egypt has long had military ties to North Korea, but their weapons trade violates international sanctions, officials say, and has angered the U.S." By DECLAN WALSH First Athlete to Break 4-Minute Mile, Dies at 88. First InventBook inventor to invent a way to go "400 times faster than the speed of light" lives in the Hearts and Minds of many 1984 Officials, Top Brass!
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Did Melania Trump Merit an ‘Einstein Visa’? Probably, Immigration Lawyers Say if she gets Trump to Open Los Alamos to Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer and helps Ivanka crunch and hack 4 trillion Rx Recipes for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks Trump Towers! Now Librarians have a Sheriff to stop Einstein from getting started on a brainstorming conversation. Everyone who watched Einstein on TV thought of the Librarian who stopped his outrageous conversations. Today all Librarians have a Sheriff to stop today's Einstein. Medical Library will be a City Library in 1984 MD II. Melania Trump Merit an ‘Einstein Visa’ is a Einstein Library with no Sheriff to stop Einstein from his outrageous conversations in a City Library!
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* InventBook is Censored from... "How College Campuses Are Trying to Tap Students’ Voting Power" By FARAH STOCKMAN Farah lost 1,001 inventions from Campus before Spring Break 2018 by not putting Greg's Amazon Book cover in her article for the NY Times with link to the Amazon Book and 1,001 IP invention projects Students would have gotten on Spring Break. A War Crime some students would say. Vote for 1984 II Society! Win by telling the students iParking will find you a parking spot never a parking ticket on Campus ever again! Quality of life with 1984 II Society you can see! The Warriors’ 70-Year-Old Truth-Teller lost the Campus Vote!
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "A Painful Bruise Wouldn’t Heal. It Took Several Hospital Visits to Discover Why." Real question for 1984 Elite is why Scurvy took several visits to the Hospital to find. We all know why, the 1984 Elite are still running the Old NY Times without the Yale Key West Medical School and Dr. Lisa MD as its President and Editor of the Times. By LISA SANDERS, M.D.
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times!! "What Is the Perfect Color Worth?" By BRUCE FALCONER New New York Times correction. What is a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks worth to the 1.2 million breast cancer women who will die from not getting this in 2018. No one at the Times will reply to Greg + Wife's in Key West about this... a war crime!
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure for 'Wall Street's Oil will be for the Gravity Engine, it will be a 'Manhattan project' Our Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies is Up for Sale to the Highest Offer. 1,001 IP Invention Projects!! Aluminum and Steele invented for Star Wars Society. Invention Stadium built in Key West on an Island the Navy Own's Today. A wilderness of illegal campers arrest over and over again and again, crazy. Homeless crisis is the Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens! Ivanka Trump's Universe will get her elected as President of the Universe!
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Joan Baez "Wind of 12 Trillion Galaxies" Barnes & Nobel Amazon had the WindmillCAR's RV's and Gravity Engine to go with Joan into the Winds of 12 Trillion Galaxies. Maybe Taylor SwiftWind will come out with this title, "Wind of 12 Trillion Galaxies"
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In suburban Boston, several power lines had collapsed, creating a massive tangle of wires in the middle of the street. On Cape Cod and the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. A fierce nor’easter battered the Atlantic Coast on Friday, toppling power lines. Qatar is the 'Richest City' for 'Electrial" inventions to expensive for Boston and Martha's Vineyard to upgrade to.
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A fierce Warrior left all his people without 'Electric Power' when the iPod size GE electric generator has been invented and is in limited production at Los Alamos. Yes you can plug in all your GE appliances you can't plug in our fierce George Orwell Warrior into giving this invention and the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to Habitat for Humanity, yes Jimmy Carter had brain cancer too!
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Why Are Poland’s Nationalists So Popular, Ask a Local Librarian then ask the same questions to the Yale Key West Medical School librarians. This one will cure you and give you access to a Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies, 400 times faster than the speed of light reading from the Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novels. Hemingway Garage and Ford Dealership was for sale a few months ago too.
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Medical Library of the Future" will not be written up in the NY Times any time soon! Scurvy — today is the sudden death of Russian and USA Sailors from Vodka, classified and a secret!
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Medical Library of the Future" Everyone who watched Einstein on TV thought of the Librarian who stopped his outrageous conversations. Today all Librarians have a Sheriff to stop today's Einstein. Medical Library will have live streaming Einstein and Oppenheimer conversations!
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "12 Trillion Galaxies Modern Battlefield's" A 5 minute Disney Pixar Fox Movie. In January, Turkey launched an offensive into Syria’s northwest. We analyzed drone footage released by the military to show how two sides fight on a modern battlefield." By CHRISTOPH KOETTL, DAVID BOTTI, BARBARA MARCOLINI and MALACHY BROWNE These 2 Battlefields are at War. Star Wars Society or the same WW I and WW II.
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* For the first time last year, S.U.V.s made up more than one in three cars sold globally as drivers in China, Australia and Europe ditch sedans... 2018 is the last year gas engine cars will be sold world wide if 'Wall Street' wins over 12 Trillion Galaxies and the IP invention projects needed to drive Here!
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Damn it! 'Electric Power' when the iPod size GE electric generator has been invented and is in limited production at Los Alamos. Yes you can plug in all your GE appliances you can't plug in our fierce George Orwell Warrior
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Damn it! The Honduran police have arrested a high-ranking executive with a hydroelectric company in connection with the 2016 killing of an activist who led a decade-long fight against a dam project, saying that he had helped to plan the crime. The executive, Roberto David Castillo Mejia, was executive president of the Honduran company that is building the dam, Desarrollos Energéticos S.A., or Desa, at the time the activist, Berta Cáceres, was shot and killed. Mr. Castillo was arrested on Friday at an airport in San Pedro Sula, in northern Honduras, as he was about to fly to Houston, news reports said, citing the prosecutor’s office.
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Damn it! 'Electric Power' when the iPod size GE electric generator has been invented and is in limited production at Los Alamos. Yes you can plug in all your GE appliances you can't plug in our fierce George Orwell Warrior
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Damn it! Gunmen burst into the house where she was staying in La Esperanza, her hometown in western Honduras, and fatally shot her. The Honduran government has been under intense pressure to find Ms. Cáceres’s killers. The murder occurred as President Juan Orlando Hernández was trying to project a new image of his country, one of the most violent in the world. iPhone X iDash Cam's on all cars will not sell in Honduras, grin. With GPS cell trackers and maps. Damn it hydroelectric operations. Mr. Hernandez, who won re-election in December in a vote marred by accusations of fraud, has sought to boost investment in Dams not iPod Size GE electric generators. US is not buying any iPod GE electric generators either, Ha. 1984 Mirror's! Per capita, Honduras is the deadliest country on the planet for environmental activists, according to the London. Except for Prince Harry and his Wounded Warriors BP Owned Oil Company Oil Wells. All selling illegal gasoline.
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Damn it! 5 Minute NY Times Video + 5 Minute Disney Pixar Fox Movie. "How to Market an AR-15-Style Rifle: Use Freedom and Fun?" Here’s a look at how AR-15-style rifles and other firearms are marketed." 5 Minute Disney Pixar Fox Movie of "12 Trillion Galaxies and their IP invention projects spelled out on 1 Click Amazon." Well maybe more than 5 minutes. What will the NY Times video guy do?
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Damn it! Dead at 79 Fresh from Yale, Mr. Borders joined The Times as a copy boy in 1960. Promoted to reporter, he was assigned over the years to cover Nigeria, Canada, India and Britain before being appointed deputy foreign editor in 1982. In 1980 the Ford WindmillCAR was invented. In 2018 Greg is trying to get the Editors of the Times to print the Secret file about Mr. Buell's Wind Car A Perpetual Motion Machine and Breakthrough. So far the Times Editors have refused. Yale University student newspaper also got a email from Greg about this. So whoever is hired from Yale this year does know about the Secret WindmillCAR file printed on the cover of Greg's Amazon book. Mr. Borders in 1982, or 2018 he did learn about the suppressed WindmillCAR's + RV's before his death. Deaths of millions from gas exhaust and fiery wrecks are on his conscience and in his meeting with God today. God Send was the 1980 WindmillCAR. Just ask Allah $$$. Mecca profited more than Manhattan!
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Damn it! Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD on the Editorial Board of the NY Times with all her GF's, grin! The NY Times editorial board is composed of journalists with wide-ranging areas of expertise. Their primary responsibility is to write The Times’s editorials, which represent the voice of the board, its editor and the publisher. The board is part of the Opinion department, which is operated separately from The Times’s newsroom, and includes the Letters to the Editor and Op-Ed sections. Most of the Times Editors have been in 100 countries. Dr. Lisa MD has been in 100 articles in the New England Journal of Medicine. 100's of Medical Schools. And mostly likely will win a Nobel in Medicine before any of these NY Times Editors unless they write a effective Editorial on the Rx Pink Latte Recipe at Starbucks via Los Alamos work by Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD.
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Medical Library of the Future" will not be written up in the NY Times any time soon! Scurvy — today is the sudden death of Russian and USA Sailors from Vodka, classified and a secret!
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Damn it! Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD on the Editorial Board of the NY Times with all her GF's, grin! The NY Times editorial board is composed of journalists with wide-ranging areas of expertise. Their primary responsibility is to write The Times’s editorials, which represent the voice of the board, its editor and the publisher. The board is part of the Opinion department, which is operated separately from The Times’s newsroom, and includes the Letters to the Editor and Op-Ed sections.
3-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Next Miracle Cure will be for the Flu, it will be a 'Manhattan project' with 100's of thousands of Oppenheimer type scientists all MD's! Today this 'Manhattan Project' is censored front page News from the NY Times.
3-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Library of the Future" will not be written up in the NY Times any time soon! If it was scurvy — today is the sudden death of Russian and USA Sailors from Vodka, the numbers are secret and classified as Coors had to have given the Navy kickbacks and bribes as they have known for decades how many sudden deaths of sailors were from Vodka. Wrongful death lawsuits by 1,001 widows will be in the Times, not NY Time, Ha. Putin's invisible Missiles on the front page are aimed at Russian Sailors too. Vodka is the invisible war crime.
3-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Russia will be a superpower again, not in Penicillins Miracle Cures for Drunks or Breast Cancer caused by alcohol. By NEIL MacFARQUHAR and DAVID E. SANGER Superpower again, Super rich again will be Key West with Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at the Yale Key West Medical School City Library of the Future with Einstein and Oppenheimer's all brainstorming their decades old conversations!
3-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Diesel Bullets are in everyone's blood, Brain + Kids DNA on Earth and these 2 make the News "Poland and Israel in Tense Talks Over Law Likened to Holocaust Denial" The Polish law makes it a crime to blame “the Polish nation” for the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes... BP Oil Men's Crimes Todays Gas Exhaust and burning to death cops writing a ticket on the side of the road in Poland and Israel!" By ISABEL KERSHNER and JOANNA BERENDT You know all these guys drove by fiery wrecks without stopping yesterday. Prince William Will Go to Israel, in First Official Visit on behalf of BP Oil gas exhaust Holocausts in Children's DNA. To cover this up not 'leak' it. Everyone has Einstein's vision to see Diesel Bullets in traffic, Oil Czar's Putin's invisible is visible to every class today. When Ivanka + Melinda are diagnosed with Breast Cancer from Smog all Hell will be Visible!
3-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* MD Commandant Lays Out Coast Guard’s Successes and Challenges. Adm. Paul F. Zukunft, set to leave in June, said that the CG was doing more to fight drug trafficking when it should be doing the next Miracle Cure like Penicillin. MD Commandants of every Coast Guard Ship will stop for everyone up and down the coast in the Futuristic Coast Guard that mind as well be called "MD's Coast Guard" that protects American Citizens from accidents and diseases. World Bank would note 1.2 million not tons of Cocaine but lives would be saved the first year of the "MD's Coast Guard".
3-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar is the 'Richest City' when 'Manhattan' would have been the 'Richest City' if ever one drove 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's around and around Times Square. How Do You Solve a Problem Like ‘Manhattan’? Not being 'The Richest City in the World' because of Oil Revenues not WindmillCAR revenues?
Since the #MeToo movement, Woody Allen’s classic 1979 film has gone through a less-than-flattering reassessment. Classic 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's in Manhattan the Disney Pixar Fox Movie Reassessment why the Movie was not made by Disney Top Brass!" By STEVEN KURUTZ Since the #MeToo movement, his once celebrated film “Manhattan” has emerged as the archetypal work of male-chauvinist art, a byword, for some, for everything that’s wrong with Hollywood and the patriarchy. “The grown women in ‘Manhattan’ are brittle and all too aware of death,” Ms. Dederer wrote in her essay. The piece was titled: “What Do We Do With the Art of Monstrous Men who Drive Monster Chevy Trucks fueled by Diesel and Noise?” Hemingway giving it the gas... Most glaring is its portrayal of a sexual relationship between a divorced 42-year-old TV writer named Isaac (Mr. Allen) and a 17-year-old high school student named Tracy (Mariel Hemingway). No characters in the movie seem very troubled by the ethics of the affair, nor did many critics at the time. But the 25-year age gap, and the obvious power imbalance, may make modern viewers feel “a little urpy,” “Manhattan” for decades a movie that men and women enjoyed watching together? Qatar was watched by Manhattan Masterminds who got it the Movie Title of 'Richest City in the World' - “Hannah and Her Sisters.” in the richest city in the world as 'Manhattan'. 2009 book “Conversations With Woody Allen,” the director expressed wonder that so many people have made such a big fuss about the movie over the years. Conversations with Einstein + Oppenheimer at the MD Library of the Future live streaming conversations to get to the Epic Movie '1984 MD Society'. World Bank would note 1.2 million wait for the Next Miracle Cure! Todays movie is "A Saudi prince sells his triplex at Heritage at Trump Place doe $30 million"; and "Jon Bon Jovi and Seth Meyers each sell West Village condos". CBS News coverage from the Richest City in the World, 'Manhattan'.
3-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "All Children Should Have to Get the Flu Shot" By EZEKIEL J. EMANUEL and JUSTIN BERNSTEIN. Next Miracle Cure will be for the Flu, it will be a 'Manhattan project' with 100's of thousands of Oppenheimer type scientists all MD's. Justin's miracle cure is the flu vaccine made mandatory. Justin Bernstein is completing his doctorate. 'Manhattan Project' with 100's of thousands of Scientists MD are competing with other's who get to write in the NY Times when they are censored. I'm sure Los Alamos has a gag order in place for everything they write.
3-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Kids eyes and adults scan at JFK by Homeland Security. "The Fears Stirred Up by Vision Loss" Readers thank Frank Bruni for his candor about his vision problems and offer their own accounts of confronting eye issues. NY Times letters and editorials issue should be getting everyone a eye scan at JFK and everytime they go into the NY Times Lobby.
3-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A Painful Bruise Wouldn't Heal. It Took Several Hospital Visits to Discover Why. it was scurvy missed by several Hospital Visits!! Richest 'City' in the World is Qatar Today. Disney Pixar Fox 5 minute movie on 'MD's in Qatar' will be "Rich". And censored, grin.
3-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Now Librarians have a Sheriff to stop Einstein from getting started on a brainstorming conversation. Everyone who watched Einstein on TV thought of the Librarian who stopped his outrageous conversations. Today all Librarians have a Sheriff to stop today's Einstein. Medical Library will be a City Library in 1984 MD II Society. Sheriff will be replaced with a MD. This "Library of the Future" will not be written up in the NY Times any time soon!
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "What kind of foods do you eat? he asked. Every morning she had two scrambled eggs. For lunch she had tuna on crackers. And for dinner she had more scrambled eggs and rice. Did she ever eat any fruits or vegetables — especially oranges or lemons? Never, she told him. They gave her wicked heartburn. She had something known as gastroparesis, she explained. Her stomach and intestines didn’t move food forward normally, and so food stayed in her stomach for hours. When food moves that slowly, you have to be careful that what you eat agrees with you. No citrus for years. It was clear to Naranbhai that this modern woman had an ancient disease. She had scurvy — a disorder caused by a severe deficiency of vitamin C. In the mid-18th century, a naval surgeon named James Lind proved that the juice of oranges and lemons would cure the bony aches, strange bleeding and sudden death of sailors."
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ...proved that the juice of oranges and lemons would cure sudden death of sailors, Russian and USA from Vodka. How many in 2018 is Secret in Russia of course. Dr. Lisa Sanders will write about the sudden death of Russian and USA Sailors from Vodka in her next article, grin.
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Lisa Sanders MD and the Next Miracle Cure, will she be the one who gets this Miracle Cure and the Nobel?
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Pink surveillance abuses and Vitamin C testing by the ruling Class Diagnosed in a 1984 II MD Society.
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Surveillance abuses dealing with iPhone caller ID and her being shot, 19K times in 2018 is not a headline for the New York Times.
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Resilient, Students Return to Class 'evidence' their Ruling Class are War Criminals. Her backpack has a bullet hole in it, her mom has breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and is a alcoholic screaming about the next Miracle Cure killed by violent men young and old. Her 'Pink' Disney movie bombed at the box office last week. 1984 censors and propaganda machine has not made the Gravity Engine front page Headlines in the New York Times, Why? For that matter 12 Trillion Galaxies and $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues too. Pencillin the next Miracle Cure is not a Propaganda article in the Times. Rx Pink Latte and Rx Latte called in to Starbucks by Dr. Lisa MD. In the Key's IV for Hangovers. In the IP invention projects at Amazon 1 click Rx Alcoholics, we don't need drunk lawyers for a 'Probibition' fight to the Supreme Court just one Rx after crunching 4 Trillion for the Rx Pink Latte. Coors will call this Rx Miracle Cure for Alcohol unsafe at any speed no matter how safe it is! False News Reaction by Coors to the Rx Miracle Cure for Alcoholics has already been written in our 1984 Society. Sober MD's wait for their 1984 II MD Society they are the Ruling Class not Coors and the Marine Generals. 1984 II MD Society is 1,001 Nobels a Year in Medicine the Next Miracle Cure a day away and so is 400 Times the speed of light in a Verizon cell call and the Gravity Engine for all.
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Exxon Mobil Scraps destroying Earth and Diesel Bullets, Stymied by a new 1984 II MD Society. Scurvy is a Bill and Melinda Gates cause in their 1984 Society.
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trains Collide in Egypt, Killing at Least 11. "Rail accidents have killed hundreds in recent years in Egypt, a product of poor management and maintenance of the nation’s rail system" Not really its a product of Facebook not Inventbook the last several years. And no upgrade to Ford WindmillTrains. iMac Book Air Ride Trains with a iMac at every seat working on InventBook.
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Putin has been spending all this time inventing... he highlighted two nuclear-capable weapons - a cruise missile and a submarine-launched unmanned underwater vehicle that he named Jimmy Carter as Putins said it can destroy the fleet of 13 USS Jimmy Carter Subs. Mr Putin pledged to spend more on roads and reduce accidents. He said teachers deserved good salaries and wages and there should be better access to medical services for people in remote areas. Putin said he censored Vodka in Moscow out of this speech and got a standing ovation, grin. Greg + Wife's in Key West are 1 invention of a Rx Miracle Cure for Vodka! And its a effective Miracle Cure for Fine French Wine... Ha.
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The Miracle of Vitamin C. The doctors sent off a blood test to measure her vitamin C, and they started the woman on large doses of the required vitamin. Readers like Greg wonder how large a dose is used and how large dose works.
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Now Librarians have a Sheriff to stop Einstein from getting started on a brainstorming conversation. Everyone who watched Einstein on TV thought of the Librarian who stopped his outrageous conversations. Today all Librarians have a Sheriff to stop today's Einstein. Medical Library will be a City Library in 1984 MD II Society. Sheriff will be replaced with a MD. This "Library of the Future" will not be written up in the NY Times any time soon!
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Pablo Picasso’s 1937 painting “Femme au Béret et à la Robe Quadrillée (Marie-Thérèse Walter)” The brightly colored, 22-inch-high canvas, painted on Dec. 4 in the same year as masterpieces such as “Guernica” and “The Weeping Woman,” was a head and shoulders study of Picasso’s mistress and muse, Marie-Thérèse Walter, whom he had met in Paris 10 years earlier. By 1937, Ms. Walter had given birth to Picasso’s daughter Maya, and was competing for the artist’s attention with Dora Maar, the model for “Weeping Woman.”
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Picasso on InventBook and 1 Click Amazon with a few Wife's today would be painting the gravity engine's until he got one running, grin. And the Next Miracle Rx Cure.
3-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Picasso is currently living up to his reputation, George Orwell in London too with Prince Harry and his wounded warriors all a scam on the Victory over Islam with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's. Shot and Dead in vain for a Prince of George Orwell. A War Crime. Orwellian reputation of French Oil Men is in bed with Prince Harry!
3-1-2018 Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 here is the web I published on 3-28-11 with handwritten notes most have been lost but not all.
Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-11 here is my web for 3-28-11
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Ivanka psyches Ivanka would run into the Los Alamos Super Computers lab as they were shooting off H-Bombs to save Breast Cancer Women... how can we help her psyche out Trump and Win a Rx Pink Latte for Life from Starbucks? NY Times Pink History Month stats are censored. As the editors know this would cause protest and riots by women with breast cancer who know they will die now not be saved by NY Times Headlines demanding a Manhattan Project, 4 trillion Rx Recipes crunched by Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. Hate crime by 'Men' at the 'Times'.
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Pink Death sentence for waiting on Marine Generals to rescue her from Breast Cancer Deaths was a mistake in judgement for over a million women just in the USA.
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Psyches of the Princess and King Trump. Parkland Massacre Thrusts Guns Into the Midterm Spotlight Lawmakers in both parties are recalibrating the massacre at Los Alamos building H-Bombs for Korea not Rx Recipe for Breast Cancer Overnight Rx Cure. Disney Rx Pink Latte Movie Failed at the Box office last week. A court ruling has shaken Stuttgart, where it may soon be illegal to drive a diesel-powered Mercedes in parts of the city. Key West diesel Mercedes and Paradise Lost to shots fired driving down Duval by Diesel power to sell this fuel that shoots diesel bullets at everyone breathing on Duval Key West. The Marine Generals stay outside the HS as Diesel Bullets fly into kids bodies! A War Crime! This unthinkable war crime goes all the way up to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They read over the secret file on Greg's Amazon book, unthinkable if the NY Times can print the cover of Greg's Amazon Book on the Front Page. Pentagon will out law all diesel Mercedes on all Military bases world wide. Rest of the NY Times Headlines you can see in your Psyche's! Grin!! After they print this cover of Greg's Amazon book.
Click Here... Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In Los Alamos, the only best lab and killer scientists Ivanka calls for a cease-fire of H-Bombs have been ignored all month. This is the last day of the month and Ivanka can't get a cease-fire to work the Lab for the Rx Pink Latte Recipe. In Eastern Ghouta, the last major rebel-held area near Damascus, calls for a cease-fire have been ignored. By NADA HOMSI and RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA Nada and Richard are censored by Trump from writing the full article on who is ignored. Pink!!
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Psyche up for thinking Geneva Banks have $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues Cash (this is the city Geneva Kerry loaded up the Pallets of Cash for Cuba) and they are across from the UN in Geneva $$$ All of this $777 Trillion is illegal. So a speech in Geneva UN by Iran’s minister of justice, Seyyed Alireza Avaei, who has been the subject of sanctions for his role in human rights abuses, caused diplomats to walk out of the UN in Geneva and go across the street to the Geneva Banks and get their spending money for the Qatar Trump Casino. Ha. Saudi King Salman reading Ivanka will confiscate this illegal oil money shakes Up Military and Security Leadership to stop her!! The royal decrees appear intended to elevate a new generation of leaders worried about the Key West 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's on the front page of the New Times with no gas engine cars or gas stations in the USA. Over several decades, Saudi Arabia has spent hundreds of billions of dollars assembling an impressive array of military hardware from MIT. MIT has worked on War Toys for several decades for King Salman, another War Crime! Gap between MIT's spending time on war toys and its capabilities to go 400 Times faster than the speed of light and invent a gravity engine, all lost to a King in Saudi Arabia for illegal oil money for MIT. In June, the government has said, it will grant women the right to drive a 1980 Ford WindmillCAR on MIT + Harvard Campus if Kerry brings pallets of cash.
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Psyche up for thinking Once Again, Push for Gun Control Collides With Political Reality. Despite immense pressure to act. 12 Trillion Galaxies, 2 trillion Jewish Aliens, $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. Gravity Engine that can be invented in 2018. F-35 radar on all cars, iDash Cam Cops and tickets all collide with reality. Pink Death sentence for waiting on Marine Generals to rescue her from Breast Cancer Deaths was a mistake in judgement for over a million women just in the USA.
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Reality Coors and the NY Times know exactly how many deaths were from Coors Road Kills and killing the wife's in February 2018. Without claiming a definitive link, a safety group said fatalities rose in states that legalized recreational use of cannabis. Elsewhere, they fell. By NEAL E. BOUDETTE
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Coors + Wynn + many, many other billionairs! A woman told the police that she had a child with the casino mogul Steve Wynn after he raped her, while another reported that she was forced to resign from a Las Vegas job after she refused to have sex with him. The Associated Press on Tuesday obtained copies of police reports recently filed by the two women about allegations dating to the 1970s. The police in Las Vegas said this month that they had taken the statements after a news report in January revealed sexual misconduct allegations against the billionaire. Secret Police in Vegas for Billionairs 1984 George Orwell too!
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Reinventing drinking water as H + O @ -254 C in NASA made cans. NEW YORK TODAY
New York Today: Protecting the Reservoir That Made Brooklyn: A local treasure on the National Register of Historic Places, splendid weather and hidden city reservoirs. Hidden Invention Projects at City Hall NYC.
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rx Latte for Violent Young Men. ANDREW ROSENTHAL "Gun Smoke and Mirrors" 1984 Novel at the end he breaks the mirror. Today the same mentally ill men are bihind the 1984 mirrors. "Age limits for buying semiautomatic weapons and bump-stock bans are inadequate. Throwing people who seem “off” into mental hospitals is insane." 4 trillion Rx Recipes crunched for 1,001 sick people made sick by our 1984 mirrors of Orwell at his worst driving a gas engine car in Paradise on Duval Key West shooting everyone with diesel bullets. This is the reality of smoke and mirrors in the NY Times editorial today. Smoke is far worst than diesel too. Light up! 1984.
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyched up about Qatar Disneyland Vacation! ANAHEIM, Calif. — On Disneyland’s Main Street, Emily Bertola spends hours working on her feet, embroidering names onto mouse ears at the Mad Hatter shop, where she has been an employee for the last two years. She usually offers visitors the sunny smile she was trained to give. None of her customers know that for months, she slept in the back of her truck, showering at the park before her shift. Her struggle is hardly unique to Disneyland.
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar workers are the Richest in the World not Disney. Orange County is known for its affluence, and for its tourist industry. But the thousands of workers who keep its resorts, restaurants and hotels running are sometimes struggling to stay afloat. Key West should be the Richest today not Qatar workers. Disneyland Resort — which includes the theme park, California Adventure, and nearby hotels — employs roughly 30,000 people. It is the largest employer in Orange County and one of the biggest employers in the state. Qatar employees 1.2 million just for housekeeping. All makeing many times more than any Disney workers. A spokesman for Disney said that the survey was “inaccurate and unscientific” and produced by “politically motivated labor unions.” He just flew back from the Disney Qatar Trump World.
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* When his children were small, Irwin Goldman wanted to give them a beet to snack on — a beet so pretty and swirled with colors, so juicy and delicious, that they’d crunch on it raw.
2-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* When Dr. Lisa MD's children were small, Dr. Lisa wanted to give them a 'brain' to feel between their thumb and index finger. The texture and self realization they are holding their own brain. So smart they are to think they will become a MD like their mom. It will take 150 years to get the 'Memory Rx' for the mass of humanity. Doctors know they have this memory pill in their blood and brain today. The most esoteric MD's have menory and diagnosis it A+ like the inventor of the Ford WindmillCAR's. Grin. Every year or so, the company plans to release more seed varieties, and newer versions of previously sold seeds. But that’s not the only reason Mr. Goldman, who worked for more than a decade on his sunset-colored beet, continues to tinker on a new generation of the Badger Flame, even as the seed goes on sale. “It’s like a raising a kid,” he said. “You’re really never done.” MD kids.
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Our psyches Influenced by Qatar Shootings + "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks before any more Breast Cancer deaths!! ASAP Just In Time Ordering the Rx Pink Recipe Invented" Ivanka would run into the Los Alamos Super Computers lab as they were shooting off H-Bombs to save Breast Cancer Women. Trump Stops her from rushing in while they are shooting off H-Bombs! Trump is ready to talk to North Korea but not 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens, there is not a IP invention project to go 400 Times Faster than the speed of light on his White House Desk today, Why? Designer Inventions like Ivanka's Designer Jewelry. Iffy question is will she help brainstorm 1,001 Designer Inventions to go with her Jewelry? Sandy White Beach Time @ Work! Structure of Gravity!
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Our psyches Influenced by Trump; "Says He Would Have Rushed in Unarmed to Stop School Shooting." Trumps long list of White House Generals like Kelly would have liked to delete Greg's Web about Diesel bullets in the air! Our psyches can finally see diesel in HS kids Brains and Blood. Dr. Lisa MD will rush in when the Secret file on Greg's Amazon Book makes Headlines in the NY Times to get a Diesel blood test from every child in America for Diesel Shootings Crimes the Police Castiagte no Qatar Oil Men. No one at the Pentagon would do this kind of thing, Diesel Blood test of HS kids for Diesel.
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Our psyches Influenced by Trump castigating the Florida police response.
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Our psyches Influence knows all these shootings and War's for Oil Money could have been prevented via 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Kim Wall, now The apartment building in Osaka, Japan, where the police said they found the severed head of a Japanese woman. Credit Makoto Kondo/Yomiuri Shimbun, via Associated Press. Japan was transfixed by another grisly case, in which the dismembered bodies of nine people were found in coolers and other containers. World Bank will note tomorrow 1.2 million women have been beheaded since 1980 invention of the Ford WindmillCAR. Apple will not make headlines in the NY Times tomorrow for the iPhone X iDash Cam iCop in your car, iCaller ID for her Head!! Psyche!!!
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Russia Vetoes U.N. Resolution to Pressure '1984' Top Brass in the USA - United States thanked the Russia veto at the U.N. Security Council, which would have otherwise been approved for Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD as the Director of Los Alamos Manhattan Project II for a Rx Pink Latte Recipe. A War Mobilization with every UN Nation. Ivanka can now rush into the Los Alamos lab with no shooting of H-Bombs.
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Our Psyches are now can we see Gravity, build the Gravity Engine? If The Universe Is 13.8 Billion Years Old, How Can We See 46 Billion Light Years Away? How can we use this brainstorming to see gravity and build the first gravity engine?
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* How its managed and inspired. Why? Designer Inventions like Ivanka's Designer Jewelry. Iffy question is will she help brainstorm 1,001 Designer Inventions to go with her Jewelry? Sandy White Beach Time @ Work in Key West.
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Our psyches Influenced by Qatar Shootings"
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Our Psyches are now influenced by 1,001 IP invention projects. Gravity Engine at the Times and others who read about this invention know it's only 1 invention from being reality. One Day away from being a WindmillCAR invention. And could happen any day now. So why did these NY times reporters leave out any and all brainstorming and mention of the Graivty Engine Cars for NYC? 3 Far-Flung Cities Offer Clues to Unsnarling Manhattan’s Streets. As New York considers congestion pricing, the systems used in London, Singapore and Stockholm could provide a valuable road map. By CHRISTINA ANDERSON, WINNIE HU, WEIYI LIM and ANNA SCHAVERIEN Psyches in Stockholm are fueled by what the Qatar oil men are talking about and it's not the Gravity Engine Car. Psyches at Los Alamos are emailing 100K Scientist's for this job today, grin.
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Our Psyches are now can we see Gravity, build the Gravity Engine? If The Universe Is 13.8 Billion Years Old, How Can We See 46 Billion Light Years Away? How can we use this brainstorming to see gravity and build the first gravity engine?
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* How its managed and inspired. Why? Designer Inventions like Ivanka's Designer Jewelry. Iffy question is will she help brainstorm 1,001 Designer Inventions to go with her Jewelry? Sandy White Beach Time @ Work in Key West.
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* White House Tread Mills on Order by Ivanka ha. BEST OF LATE NIGHT
Stephen Colbert Doesn’t Think Trump Would Have ‘Run’ Into Florida School “There’s a lot in there that I doubt, but the part I really don’t believe is that he can run,” the “Late Show” host said of the president’s comments.
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Smash the iPhone X iDash cam and your car will not start. Complicated “Heroism” of a Man Accused of Smashing DC Traffic Cameras.
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gravity Engine Invention. Using tools originally developed for medicine, manufacturing and geology, the researchers peered through the canvas without damaging it. They saw how Picasso had incorporated the contours of hills from the earlier painter’s landscape into the curves of the woman’s back. “Kind of a jazz riff back and forth,” The analysis also uncovered Picasso’s repeated efforts to paint the woman’s right arm. He ultimately abandoned that part of the composition, covering it with a cloak. “So this again is getting into the mind of the artist and understanding his creative process,” Various s molecules absorb certain colors of light. The technique, called reflectance hyperspectral imaging, allows scientists to identify minerals based on patterns of dark lines in the spectrum. It is the same technique that NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter uses to figure out the makeup of Martian rocks from orbit. Diesel anyone! Scientists from the Center for Scientific Studies in the Arts then viewed the painting, using a portable instrument that bathed the canvas with X-rays, some of which were absorbed by elements in the painting’s pigments, then re-emitted. Different elements in the pigments radiate at different wavelengths. Back to the Gravity Engine.
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Structure of Gravity!
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Qatar influence upon our psyches"
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* At French Outpost in African Oil Workers Migration Hub, No French Asylum for Jewish Aliens, Hell No, so the French Elite Stay home on Earth Alone!! 400 Times faster than the speed of light got Asylum from the French Intellectuals at the roulette Wheels not the Wheel's of Invention. Influenced French psyches by Qatar. “You will have the right to enter France legally,” Forget about the Super Shuttle Train to 12 Trillion Galaxies the French missed in their Psyches for Oil.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; The Marine Corps First Ford WindmillCAR...
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches on Semi Trucks that Pollute, we can see the kids with birth defects and cancers. So can the Top Brass. Which Psyche will Wind the WindmillCAR's RV's? Semi Trucks! The Marine General waits outside the HS as the shots are being fired!! Diesel.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; The Marine General waits outside the HS as the shots are being fired, Diesel.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; ...this is the time for gun control IP invention projects. 1,001 in a Disney Pixar Fox 5 minute movie!
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues confiscated for being illegal gas station hold up money. Lower Oil Prices Force Saudis to Widen Their Circle of Friends" "The need to recharge its economy gives the kingdom new reasons to make common cause with China and Russia — overtures Washington is willing to accept." By CLIFFORD KRAUSS Another Disney Pixar Fox 5 minute movie ends with Ivanka with $777 Trillion she confiscates + spends on the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks Trump Towers, World Wide. Ivanka wins a Nobel not Trump Hahahaha.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; Syria Cease-Fire Must Take Effect Immediately, U.N. Chief Warns 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's are in everyone's psyches now, immediately!
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; President Xi Jinping’s Rise in China, as Covered by The Times - Time-Photons and Diesel in DNA of Children Xi puts to death for having birth defects and cancers from the smog of our Time. Time-Photons are the new Higgs God Particle and come with 12 Trillion galaxies in your psyches along with article on the internet what do Jewish Aliens look like... Kim Wall beheaded by the sub commander because she was a temp at the Times not a employee with a NY Times ID. Caller ID on Apple iPhone X with the Time on porn, games, violence... Rx he takes and illegal drugs a Star Wars Caller ID Times! Psyches today everyone knows Diesel caused millions of birth defects and cancers in China and Xi put them to death. Soul-Searching by someone married to a General or Admiral will send this secret file to the NY Times. Grin!
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's in the Marines haunts the Marine Generals Psyches!! NONFICTION Book "Claiming the Title of United States Marine. In his brutally honest memoir, “Eat the Apple,” Matt Young grapples with his experiences in the corps." By MARK BOWDEN Marine with the WindmillCAR's, In his brutally honest memoir with only gas engine cars. Will the Marines exist when the Gravity Engine is invented in Key West, Hell No! “Eat the Apple,” with Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos. The Pink Apple for all the dead Wife's Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors beheaded. Kim Wall story at the Times with a different plot. War made me kill her, not money made me kill her. Mary at the Miami gas station in 2000 robbed and sucker punched. “Eat the Apple,” This is not exactly what Mary said after 100 stitches... Mary's Disney Gas Station Miami 2000 Non Fiction Movie will be driven with the Marine Corps First Ford WindmillCAR.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; The Marine Corps First Ford WindmillCAR... Under Pressure, Florida Sheriff Defends ‘Amazing Leadership’ and gas engine cars! Marine Generals defenders of gas engine cars for Qatar riches.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; Super Conductivity @ -254 C GE electric generators put out Trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps and trillion spin off inventions from getting so much electricity will charge our Psyches to invade the Universe of Star Wars.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; Fish Oil + Oil Companies Run by the Feds for $777 Trillion. ‘A Time-Bomb on Venezuela Fishermen' Fighting an Venezuela-French Oil Giant, For decades with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's, a poor fishing village has tried to stop a state-run refinery from polluting a bay they share, but the battle has increasingly become Charged by Greg + Wife's in Key West!" By KIRK SEMPLE
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; Venezuela-French rich kids graduating from Yale + Harvard in 2018 will not get a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR from Mom + Dad. They will fight about this for sure!
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; In West Virginia, Energy, of the Super Conductive GE electric generators can evoke hopes for bygone prosperity or the anguish of a deadly disaster... by 1984 Top Brass to leave Coal as the only electricity for Virginia. And trillions of miles of electric wires when this is a bygone era of getting electricity into your home.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; Universe; 70th anniversary of the creation of the state of Israel, in May.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; Yale University!! "Saifullah Khan, 25, stands trial in New Haven this week, accused of raping a fellow Yale student on Halloween of 2015, he will join the ranks of a small, unusual group: men who are accused of sexual assault on campus, and who then hear those accusations aired in a court of law.
There is no log of how many campus rape cases go to trial each year, but experts and victim advocates agree that the number is vanishingly small. The Department of Justice estimates that between 4 percent and 20 percent of female college students who are raped report the attack to law enforcement. Of reported cases, only a fraction lead to arrests, let alone a trial. The one at Yale, then, might seem like a perfect case to test Apple iPhone X caller ID GPS map tracking, iDash Cams."
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; Harvard University!! Janet had to get in the News with Oil + Water Orwellian Comment, Ha. Janet Halley, a Harvard Law School professor who has written about the legal implications of Title IX enforcement. “It’s about what happens when you put two institutions into the same process and they have different rationalities, different institutional cultures — but above all different rights attached to them.
“This is oil and water flowing in together.” - 254 C H and O cans of water.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches See + saw restoring a century-old railroad building as “a significant gesture of respect to the Bronx Star Wars Office of the Key West Flagler Train to Alpha Centauri. 1,001 Cars all Star Wars designed in the Bronx and financed by Wall Street. Centuries to come this train will be on the first four light year journey to the Nearest Star.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; Yale Medical School in your Psyches! OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR "Are Hospitals Becoming Obsolete? More patients can be treated at home or in doctors’ offices, and that’s a good thing. By EZEKIEL J. EMANUEL Walking Wounded litter Duval with broken glass when the Rx Recipe for unbreakable glass is kept out of reach. Hospital Ships and Dental Ships would carry more than the 4K on a single Carnival Ship.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Saudi Arabia’s plans to enter the nuclear power business and erect as many as 16 nuclear reactors for electricity generation over 25 years.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* . iPod Size GE electric Generator that can replace all GE Nuclear Power Plants on Earth is one invention that I must remind you of... this has already been invented in Key West and Los Alamos has written another SECRET file on Mr. Buell.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches 12 Trillion Galaxies!! LETTERS to the NY Times. "Understanding the Different Kinds of Loneliness" Readers discuss the isolation brought on by illness and the antidote of simple human interaction." Letters to InventBook reader inventors will discuss Loneliness of 12 Trillion Galaxies - only reason we are alone is 'War' stories on CNN every night! Ha.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Stories of 12 trillion galaxies on CNN every night.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches on Semi Trucks that Pollute, we can see the kids with birth defects and cancers. So can the Top Brass. Which Psyche will Wind the WindmillCAR's RV's? Semi Trucks! Marine General waits outside the HS as the shots are being fired!! Marine Generals defend the gas engine cars exhaust in HS parking lots invading the classrooms.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches; The Marine General waits outside the HS as the shots are being fired, Diesel.
2-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psyches
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Qatar influence upon our psyches" "Why Your Pharmacist Can’t Tell You That $20 Prescription Could Cost Only $8" "States are moving to block “gag clauses” that prohibit pharmacists from telling customers that they could save money by paying cash for prescription drugs rather than using their health insurance." By ROBERT PEAR Robert Pear influenced by the 'Boss' at the NY Times not Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos crunching 4 Trillion Rx Recipes for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. Robert Pear influenced to write about $8 Cost if you pay cash. Robert knows 8 million women will die if they don't get their Rx Pink Latte from Starbucks. Cost of this in the Sunday NY Times is added to the cost of crime world wide!
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* STD's, Syphilis, Hepatitis, Cancer test at work. Influenced by Robert Pear. "New York City May Require Businesses to Conduct Sexual Harassment Training" "The City Council is proposing to require employers with at least 15 workers to offer sexual harassment training." By J. DAVID GOODMAN David Goodman was reading over the shoulder of Robert Pear at the NY Times, grin! Sex Harassment or Sex disease Rx at work. VIP Corporate MD has his office on the same floor at the NY Times Editors are on.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Qatar influence upon our psyches" from this... "That we cannot imagine such censorship is part of our larger inability to imagine any escape from the online world’s immersive power, even as we harbor growing doubts about its influence upon our psyches." Influence of Dr. Lisa MD about our psyches to invent the Rx Pink Latte for Starbucks at Los Alamos. Be inspired by the Charm Quarks of women.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Qatar influence upon our psyches" from this... We get Cruz and Jimmy Carter gas exhaust and no 2018 WindmillCAR's + RV's for Yale and Harvard Graduation!
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Qatar influence upon our psyches" Afghanistan Breaks Ground on 1,127-Mile ‘Peace Pipeline’ when super conductititve of the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR electric generators puts out trillions of Jolts, Volts, amps and spin off inventions.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Qatar influence upon our psyches" "Why Your Pharmacist Can’t Tell You That $20 Prescription Could Cost Only $8" "States are moving to block “gag clauses” that prohibit pharmacists from telling customers that they could save money by paying cash for prescription drugs rather than using their health insurance." By ROBERT PEAR Robert Pear influenced by the 'Boss' at the NY Times not Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos crunching 4 Trillion Rx Recipes for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks. Robert Pear influenced to write about $8 Cost if you pay cash. Robert knows 8 million women will die if they don't get their Rx Pink Latte from Starbucks. Cost of this in the Sunday NY Times is added to the cost of crime world wide!
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* RIGHT AT HOME "I Can See New York CityFrom My House!" City dwellers who decamp to the suburbs want to believe that they won’t be that far from the city, but commuting realities often prove them wrong. Commuting Realities of 12 Trillion Galaxies prove them City Officials Top Brass at the Feds all Failed to get into the Yale Key West Medical School and Rehire Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos. Jews have a gag order not to invent anything that could hear Jewish Aliens!
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Influenced by Unicef lost to Qatar Influence, 'Richest' in the World! "It’s hard to stomach that aid workers from Oxfam Great Britain in Haiti paid for sex parties in staff housing. Such behavior by a mission in a precarious, troubled nation, where aid organizations may have the power of life and death over desperate populations, can only be called predatory." Sunday NY Times Editorial.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Prince Harry, Prince Charles Paid Sex Parties in Great Britain not in this Sunday Editorial via Gag Orders.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Can only be called predatory." Sunday NY Times Editorial." "The scandal has forced the entire humanitarian aid profession to undergo some deep soul-searching. The Guardian newspaper reported that senior officials who had worked at agencies around the globe told stories about colleagues using prostitutes or possibly exploiting vulnerable women, and about the reluctance of the organization to fully confront the problem despite warnings going back many years."
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Paid Sex Parties in Great Britain, who pays for the sex diseases... the exploited vulnerable women! Yale University's only campus outside of New Haven is Singapore - only reason the men picked Singapore is legal Prostitutes. To add to this snub all these men knew about the Yale Key West Medical School bombed by the Key West Navy on 3-4-2011.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 2011 Key West. "2011 Oxfam learned of sexual abuse in Haiti in 2011 and fired those responsible, but never publicly explained why staff members were dismissed. The reason, explains Oxfam Great Britain’s current director, Mark Goldring, was to try to balance being transparent and protecting Oxfam’s work."
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 2011 work in Key West building the Yale Key West Medical School was not protected by any Sunday NY Times Editorials. Hell I tried to get the Times to write up cruelty to animals cats, in Key West and there must be a gag order on this. Cat Women in Key West are Made Criminals for feeding the stray cats! Not in the Times. ASPCA ads have greatly expanded not stories about feeding the cat. Imbalance of power is extreme and law and order has collapsed in feeding the stray cats, the Cat Woman is a Criminal in Key West and not a story for the NY Times! Yes she went to court and was found in contempt. The NY Times will not put this in a cat story. "There must be zero tolerance for misuse of power by staff members in the field and swift and transparent action against any appearance of abuse." 2011 work in Key West building the Yale Key West Medical School was not protected by any Sunday NY Times Editorials. "2011 Oxfam learned of sexual abuse in Haiti in 2011 and fired those responsible, but never publicly explained why staff members were dismissed. The reason, explains Oxfam Great Britain’s current director, Mark Goldring, was to try to balance being transparent and protecting Oxfam’s work." NY Times Sunday Editors know 8 million women will die if they don't get their Rx Pink Latte from Starbucks. Cost of this in the Sunday NY Times.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times Readers discuss children’s use of technology, in school and at home, and the “digital divide.”
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* InventBook divide over FaceBook goes on, gets richer and richer yet millions of HS Shooters, violent young men who join the campus ROTC because the Top Brass kicks off InventBook's 1,001 Nobels in Medicine 1984 II Society. Editor writes "We need to free boys from shame, and teach them that masculinity isn’t about domination." But it is as Facebook had dominated since Colorado and New Haven shootings. Those who keep Facebook and the ROTC as dominate in 1984 Society are the Top Brass. By MOISES VELASQUEZ-MANOF The Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks is not on Facebook Today and will never be on Facebook as someone in our 1984 Society wrote a gag order on this.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* InventBook would have today 1,001 brainstormed replies for 'Oxygen Tent' 'Iron Lung' and many more brainstorming ideas for this eye... I needed a neuro-ophthalmologist. (I didn’t know that such a specialty existed.) I found one, Golnaz Moazami, who could squeeze me in a few days later, and after three tedious hours of staring at or into charts and colored patterns and sophisticated machines, she told me this, in a rat-tat-tat fashion: I had almost certainly experienced what is colloquially called “a stroke of the eye,” whereby the optic nerve is ravaged by a brief reduction of blood flow and thus oxygen. The name for this condition is nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (N.A.I.O.N.), and it afflicts perhaps one in 10,000 Americans.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Neuro-ophthalmologist are not on Facebook Today. Disney Pixar Fox has no one making a Movie about their IP invention projects.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Open the Yale Key West Medical School! "President Trump called again on Thursday for the opening of more mental hospitals to help prevent mass murders like the one at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. Yet ramping up institutional care, experts say, likely would not have prevented most of the spree killings regularly making headlines in this country. Rx Pink Latte and Rx Pink Perfume will cure breast cancer. Spin Off Rx inventions will come like the next hurricane's.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "The latest school shooter, Nikolas Cruz, 19, was clearly troubled and making threats, and he was stockpiling weapons. But he had no mental diagnosis. He has been described as angry, possibly depressed, perhaps isolated — not so different from millions of other teenagers." 1984 Orwell Masterminded millions of Cruz kids... City Hall Help create these kids! Same City Hall that stopped the building of the Yale Key West Medical School.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* He added: “Most of these shooters are angry, antisocial individuals you cannot spot in advance, and even if you could, you don’t have the right to institutionalize them.” The Sandy Hook murderer, who killed 26 elementary school children and teachers with an automatic weapon, did receive top-flight psychiatric attention at the Yale School of Medicine; he was not institutionalized.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Yes Yale New Haven MD. Wrote the Rx his mother refused to give him!! He added: “Most of these shooters are angry, antisocial individuals you cannot spot in advance, and even if you could, you don’t have the right to institutionalize them.” The Sandy Hook murderer, who killed 26 elementary school children and teachers with an automatic weapon, did receive top-flight psychiatric attention at the Yale School of Medicine; he was not institutionalized. His mother and GE dad refused to give him the Yale MD Rx.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* I would bet all at the Qatar Trump Casino these 2 knew about the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's. Columbine High School mass murderers, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, likely had depression (Mr. Klebold) and psychopathy, an inability to feel empathy. Like the millions of gas station hold up guys who sucker punch Mary in 2000 in Miami out of spite for the 1984 top brass oil men.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Vegas and Qatar Trump Casino's are Mentally illnesses. Stephen Paddock, the man who killed 58 people with assault rifles in Las Vegas last year, had no known mental health history.
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Jared Loughner, who killed six people and wounded former Representative Gabby Giffords of Arizona in a 2011 attack, was clearly psychotic and harbored dark fantasies. The same was true of James Holmes, the graduate student who gunned down 12 people in a movie theater in Aurora, Colo."
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Qatar influence upon our HS Shooters psyches" Influence of the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's on HS shooters will be written up in the New England Journal of Medicine and the British Medical Journals, oh yes the NY Times too!!
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Hard-Line Supporter of Israel Offers to Pay for U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem
The State Department is reviewing whether the offer by Sheldon Adelson to donate up to an estimated $500 million is legal. By GARDINER HARRIS and ISABEL KERSHNER
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* State Dept. women with Breast + Ovarian Cancers Offer to Pay Dr. Lisa MD's, well confiscate $777 Trillion for Dr. Lisa MD's 2018 Manhattan Project at Los Alamos crunching 4 Trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets. Islam 'Blood Money' to pay for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks Jerusalem. Don’t Count Bibi Out — Yet. There’s a reason Israel’s prime minister has endured, 'Oil Men' $$$ And No Jewish Aliens to listen to!
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Hard-Line Supporter of Israel Offers to Pay for U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, Qatar Trump Casino winnings paid for 40,000 Trump Towers in Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia... yes 40,000 Trump Tower in each of these Nations paid for by winnings in Oil Revenue at the Qatar Trump Casino.
Reuters - Qatar leaders to visit Trump in March about Trump Qatar Casino and Qatar Trump Towers. Will not meet with Ivanka about the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks Qatar.
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Holocaust Gas Pipeline to be built by the USA in Afghanistan, Breaking Ground on 1,127-Mile ‘Peace Pipeline’, State Dept women named it "Holocaust Pipeline". With hopes of easing regional tensions, leaders of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India gathered to kick off a natural gas pipeline. No women with breast + Ovarian cancer were at the ground breaking as there is no ground breaking on Breast and Ovarian Cancer today. No Manhattan Project by Dr. Lisa MD the President of the Yale Key West Medical School.
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 40K dead from Breast cancer in 2018 Organ Donations for London. U.K. Moves Toward Making Adults Organ Donors.
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* LETTERS to the NY Times really should be high tech iPhone X caller ID list the number of hours he spent last week watching porn. "Men, Women and Talking About Pornography. Readers respond to a column by Ross Douthat that urged restrictions." “Porn literacy,” by Dr. Lisa MD would be light years in content from the NY Times guy Ross Douthat. CRUZ sex education at the school he shot up would be written up by Dr. Lisa MD. Art of the Diagnosis by a non NY Times Journalists. Ross writes " there is no escape from the world that porn, Coors, Drunk Driving, ROTC in HS + Yale University, OJ has made." Porn addiction, alcohol, gambling, Road rage. Ross censors 'Sex Slave Porn in Qatar" from this... "That we cannot imagine such censorship is part of our larger inability to imagine any escape from the online world’s immersive power, even as we harbor growing doubts about its influence upon our psyches." Influence of Dr. Lisa MD about our psyches to invent the Rx Pink Latte for Starbucks at Los Alamos. Be inspired by the Charm Quarks of women.
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bill Gates censors 'Sex Slave Porn in Saudi Arabia" from this... "That we cannot imagine such censorship is part of our larger inability to imagine any escape from the online world’s immersive power, even as we harbor growing doubts about its influence upon our psyches." Influence of Dr. Lisa MD about our psyches to invent the Rx Pink Latte for Starbucks at Los Alamos. Be inspired by the Charm Quarks of women.
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bill Gates censors 'Sex Slave Porn in Saudi Arabia"
Bill Gates censors 'Sex Slave Porn in Saudi Arabia"
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Scam, Billy Graham, Cold War Warrior for God. And he would not hire Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD for a Breast Cancer Manhattan Project. War on Breast Cancer was light years from a non MD Billy Graham, many Grandmothers died of Breast Cancer and wrongful death law suits will be filed by girl driving WindmillCAR's and RV's.
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* I needed a neuro-ophthalmologist not a Billy Graham but a Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer at Los Alamos to 'See'!!
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "As I sat at my computer transcribing a long interview that I’d just done, I repeatedly took off my eyeglasses to clean them, convinced that the smudginess of my vision was some streakiness on the lenses. When I finally gave up on that, I rinsed my eyes with water — to no avail. It was as if someone had deposited a blob of petroleum "oil $$$" in my right eye and nothing would dislodge it." I needed a neuro-ophthalmologist. (I didn’t know that such a specialty existed.) I found one, Golnaz Moazami, who could squeeze me in a few days later, and after three tedious hours of staring at or into charts and colored patterns and sophisticated machines, she told me this, in a rat-tat-tat fashion: I had almost certainly experienced what is colloquially called “a stroke of the eye,” whereby the optic nerve is ravaged by a brief reduction of blood flow and thus oxygen. The name for this condition is nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (N.A.I.O.N.), and it afflicts perhaps one in 10,000 Americans.
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* I needed a neuro-ophthalmologist not a Billy Graham but a Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer at Los Alamos to 'See'!!
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Producing thoughtful, talented graduates is not a matter of focusing on market-ready skills. It’s about giving students an opportunity that most of them will never have again in their lives: the chance for serious exploration of complicated intellectual problems, the gift of time in an institution where curiosity and discovery are the source of meaning. That’s how we produce the critical thinkers American employers want to hire. And there’s just no app for that. Molly Worthen is the author, most recently, of “Apostles of Reason: The Crisis of Authority in American Evangelicalism,” an assistant professor of history at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and a contributing opinion writer.
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Molly Worthen with time watching Porn and time on Facebook, time spent on Invent book on her iPhone X caller ID for Student Calls will write up this iPhone X caller ID in her next article for the Times!
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Molly on Video War Games on Campus learning... check CRUZ game time! "Trump Blames Video Games for Mass Killings. Researchers Do Not. “I’m hearing more and more people say the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people’s thoughts,” the president said on Thursday." By MAYA SALAM and LIAM STACK One thing is for sure Cruz didn't know about NASA recount of Galaxies to 12 Trillion. A neighbor of Mr. Cruz’s told The Miami Herald that he played video games, often violent ones, for up to 15 hours a day.
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A neighbor of Mr. Cruz’s told The Miami Herald that he played video games, often violent ones, for up to 15 hours a day.
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Naming games like Bulletstorm, Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat and Splatterhouse.
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Naming the 1984 Top Brass who censor InventBook and Hemingway House Inventon Projects Writing Classes in Key West...
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Put to Good Use Headlines in the Key West Citizen censored out it's going to be the Home of the Yale Key West Medical School when we drive the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's. "Put To Good Use" February 24, 2018 "The former Navy energy plant known as Building 103 at Key West’s Truman Waterfront Park is no more, as construction crews began demolition this week. The demolition by D.L. Porter’s" Demolition of the WindmillCAR's and Yale Key West Medical School is the Headlines in the NY Times Today.
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* If The Universe Is 13.8 Billion Years Old, How Can We See 46 Billion Light Years Away?
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* JP Morgan Chase Bank Wins a Nobel in Medicine! Sells the Rx Pink Latte to Starbucks.
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Enchantments of Inventing the Rx Pink Latte, The First Gravity Engine!
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Promotes Arming Teachers With Guns, but Rejects Active Shooter Drills; 19K women will be killed by violent men in 2018. Arming Teachers of Invention Projects with the Rx Warrior Latte Cure for Murders starts with Robert Kennedy Jr. and Prince Charles, OJ. Kim Wall's Warrior Latte Rx + Rx Perfume. Calm the beast inside these Mentally Ill Men. Honor Killings of Women will be News when Ivanka confiscates $777 Trillion from the Mentally Ill Prince Salman, who's honor killings of women are as secret as the file printed on the cover of my Amazon book. ‘Teachers Are Educators, Not Security Guards’: Educators Respond to Trump Proposal with Legal Polygamous Marriage and a 1984 II Society that rehires Oppenheimer at Los Alamos, to build 12 Trillion Galaxies for our Habitat for Humanity. Major Shootings Led to Tougher Gun Laws, but to What End? SALT nuclear arms talks 50K then 5K nukes today. No end as Jimmy Carter with grandson Cruz would nuke Korea today if given a chance sinking of a Navy Ship by North Korea! Bang! Cruz + Jimmy Carter are Mentally Ill and Dr. Lisa MD at the Oppenheimer Medical Research Clinic at Los Alamos can't get in today to crunch 4 Trillion Rx Recipes for violent young + old men! Greg + Wife's in Key West are still POW's of McCain.
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Surveillance video showed the only armed sheriff’s deputy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., doing “nothing” during last week’s deadly shooting." By ALAN BLINDER and PATRICIA MAZZEI
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Surveillance video shows Greg in Key West getting one invention after another with the UN and the Nobel Peace Prize Committee doing 'nothing'! Unicef Official Resigns Over His Past Conduct Toward Women. Justin Forsyth was accused of inappropriate behavior going to the Qatar Trump Casino instead of Driving the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to Unicef HQ. WHO at the UN everyone of them at WHO at the UN will resign over inappropriate behavior at the Qatar Trump Casino gas station. Cheating children by selling them gasoline every day of their life for decades when the 1980 WindmillCAR's would have given a billion children riches beyond the $777 Trillion in Qatar for its Citizen not Unicef children. WHO at the UN behavior did this to a billion children. DNA + Diesel in Childrens DNA. Xi is putting kids to death for his crime of gas engine cars. The Communist Party-controlled Global Times said it was wrong for the U.S. to criticize another country’s human rights when it couldn’t control guns at home. The Communist Party-controlled Global Times Headlines about Xi putting to death children with birth defects and cancers from Diesel and gasoline exhaust will just be another "school shooting" in Chinese Revolutions. In Paris they will read the International News in the NY Times. SALT talks after Korea sinks a Navy Ship Today... In Paris they will read this web page and the International News in the NY Times!!
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR NY Times "Forced Confessions in Iran’s House of the Dead “Suicides” at the Evin Prison in Tehran reflect the damage caused by floggings and other practices to break down detainees. By ERVAND ABRAHAMIAN Victory over Iran in A '1 Day War' using the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV would force the "Suidides" of Texas Oil Men caught in a massive 2018 Holocaust of Gas Engine Exhaust that killed many of Jimmy Carters grandchildren world wide.
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* “My Fair Lady” The 2018 Disney Pixar Fox version that wins Disney a Nobel Prize. Scenes from Miami, Cuba gas stations are dramatic with the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's flown by F-35 Pilots over Iran and Baghdad.
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar is Boston! Before the Boston Tea Party, This Teapot Cost $800,000
The teapot, which the Metropolitan Museum of Art bought at auction, is said to represent the “entrepreneurial spirit” of 18th-century America. By SCOTT REYBURN Scott Reyburn could have written 1,001 article's on Qatar + Saudi Arabia Teapot Cost $800,000 well $450 million for a Key West Yacht with a diesel engine bought by Prince Salman the next King of Saudi Arabia along with Flat Bottles of that famous Russian Vodka that are so pretty when melted flat for a tray for the King.
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* SALT after Korea Sinks a Navy Ship Trevor Noah will again Ridicules Marco Rubio After a Combative Town Hall meeting in Key West. “Maybe bullying isn’t that bad after all,” Noah said of the Florida senator’s grilling over gun control by students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. SALT after Korea Sinks a Navy Ship Trevor Noah will again Ridicules Marco Rubio. By GIOVANNI RUSSONELLO Greg + wife's in Key West will again Ridicule Marco Rubio after a Key West Navy Ship is sunk by North Korea and 17 H-Bombs are shot into Schools. This is wear Rubio is driving the USA to with gas engines vs Gravity Engines!
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1984 II Expanding faster!! Hubble: Universe Is Expanding Faster Than It Should—and We Need a New Physics to Explain It. A New ROTC for HS kids who drive 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's to school. Hemingway House Writing Class with the Pentagons $430 million for teaching writing in HS's all 4K of them. Would expand the invention projects in Novels written much faster. 400 Times faster than the speed of light Hemingway House Novel will bankrupt the Pentagon's ROTC for CRUZ kids today.
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West on the Joy Ride's in the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's by HS students. Joy Ride of reading 1,001 invention projects vs Military Battles in France when they should be reading about the Mentally Illness of Jimmy Carter, Prince Salman. Prince Harry, Prince Charles and Putin's Vodka Cancer! Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD, now Jimmy Carter realizes why Oppenheimer was fired from Los Alamos. He had other things to bomb, to Hell!
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Can Disney win a Nobel Peace Prize? Please Don't mention Jimmy Carter's, Ha!!
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Disney's Most Dramatic Moments in Confrontation Over 12 Trillion Galaxies, Star Wars and the $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues needed to Make the Movie 'Star Wars'.
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cruz ROTC Driver Training... “I think it’s also important to note that we’ve begun a review to completely reform the way driver’s licenses are approved to ensure that drivers are properly trained to drive,” Not to War in HS or Nuclear War but Star Wars @ Disney. Can Disney win a Nobel Peace Prize?
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump: ‘How Many Children Have to Get Shot?’ Drunk, Drugged, In a Fiery Wreck, Birth defects, cancers all from things you sell at the Qatar Trump Casino.
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cruz was a ROTC Cadet Headlines at the time of the Shooting would have changed the world, the Top Brass knew this - that's why it was censored by the NY Times Headlines! "A Cruz ROTC Cadet Shooter in his HS reaffirmed how tough and inflexible the U.S. position is,” It cost the Pentagon only $340 million in 2018 to make these HS Warriors. $340 million for HS kids Joy Rides in a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV inflexible the U.S. position on this Joy Ride's $340 million. Closing ceremonies of the Games in Pyeongchang, Closing Gas Stations World Wide is a Olympics Contest and Ivanka will win $777 Trillion in "Cash" for the USA.
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Olympics the super-G event is Greg + Wife's in Key West inventing the next invention!!
Negotiations between the International Olympic Committee, the Nobel Committee are not going in Greg's favor at Starbucks Key West my 'Studio' workshop. Ivanka embarks on an uncertain future, Rx Pink Latte and $777 Trillion to spend.
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Can Disney win a Nobel Peace Prize? Please Don't mention Jimmy Carter's, Ha!!
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Can Disney win a Nobel Peace Prize? Please Don't mention Jimmy Carter's, Ha!!
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* JP Morgan Chase Bank Wins a Nobel in Medicine! Please Don't mention Dr. Jimmy Carter MD as Jimmy got into the Navy Military School not Yale Medical Schoool, Why... mentaal illness + Warriors will be Cured with the Rx Warrior Latte at Starbucks Star Wars!
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rank-And-File 1984 Society now realize the Military's "Star's and Stripe's" News censors 12 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens. And 400 Times faster than the speed of light invention project on purpose. To keep their Status Quo! Cruz ROTC Driver Training... “I think it’s also important to note that we’ve begun a review to completely reform the way driver’s licenses are approved to ensure that drivers are properly trained to drive,” Not to War in HS or Nuclear War but Star Wars @ Disney. Can Disney win a Nobel Peace Prize?
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Billy Graham, 99, dies goes to Hell in some distant Galaxy, really You Think God Gave Billy Graham a Medal of Honor for not driving the 1980 - 2018 Miracle God Sent Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's! Allah will tell you $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues from suppressing this is a "Miracle From Allah" not God.
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1984 YouTube Video in this Article!! School Shooting’s Painful Aftermath, Sheriff Faces Questions Over Police Response!!" By ALAN BLINDER, PATRICIA MAZZEI and RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr.
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1984 YouTube Video in this Article!! HS Shooting YouTube Video 1984...
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Marco Rubio and N.R.A. Jeered on Gun Stance, Miami, Cuba Stance when 12 Trillion Galaxies are in the News! And Disney's Nobel Peace Prize Movie's!
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* JP Morgan Chase Bank Wins a Nobel in Medicine!
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Prosecutor Says a Ring Tried to Monopolize Towing in New York City" InventBook's new Tow Trucks don't look anything like a Tow Truck today, grin.
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "17 people, most of them teenagers, were shot dead at a Florida school. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School now joins the ranks of Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Columbine and too many other sites of American carnage. What do these shootings have in common? Guns, yes. But also, boys. Girls aren’t pulling the triggers."
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "America’s boys are broken. And it’s killing us.
The brokenness of the country’s boys stands in contrast to its girls, who still face an abundance of obstacles but go into the world increasingly well equipped to take them on.
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Boys are broken, and I want to help." ROTC HS and Yale ROTC Scam or Navy ROTC - Save the Boy Jimmy Carter and humanity from another Scam Nobel Peace Prize from a Priest Warrior who will not save the life of 1 women who a Warrior coming home from Afghistan will kill today!
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jimmy Carter has Brain Cancer + Black Lung Cancer. Coal since 1980 the World Bank Notes infected 10's of millions. Brain Cancer Caused Jimmy Carter to forget this.
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Joy Ride in 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's - In School Shooting’s Painful Aftermath, Sheriff Faces Questions Over Police Response to kids Joy Ride in a WindmillCAR" By ALAN BLINDER, PATRICIA MAZZEI and RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr.
2-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Taking the Wheel of the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Will Jimmy Carter Testify for God... about this War in Syria a Cancer in USA HS Shootings. When HS kids should be 'Joy Riding' the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Bus ride to Key West to Protest this... 1984 Quality of life in KW!!
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Putin with 777 trillion gallons of gasoline to sell, and even more Vodka, killing you softly with the Help of Trump at the Qatar Trump Casino driven by Cruz and Kim Wall - the real Wall of War built around 12 Trillion Galaxies to Keep them out of Earth. Deadliest Toll in Years, 1.2 million the World Bank Noted. Many millions more lost everything at the Qatar Trump Casino Roulette Wheel and the Taking the Wheel of the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Will Jimmy Carter Testify for God...
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Many millions more lost everything at the Qatar Trump Casino Roulette Wheel and the Taking the Wheel of the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Will Jimmy Carter Testify for God...
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Syrian Bombardment Takes Its Deadliest Toll in Years, At least 200 were killed in a rebel-held area near Damascus
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Taking the Wheel of the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Will Jimmy Carter Testify for God... about this War in Syria a Cancer in USA HS Shootings. When HS kids should be 'Joy Riding' the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Taking the Wheel Students fed up with gun violence hopped a bus to Tallahassee, Fla., and planned protests from coast to coast. Whether their activism would amount to anything was far from clear. By JULIE TURKEWITZ and VIVIAN YEE Julie and Yee at the NY Times know the 'Protest' should be about Student 'Joy Riding' in the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. This is a War Crime! Jimmy Carter will testify about HS Students Joy Ride's. The accused gunman, Nikolas Cruz, 19, had also been a Junior R.O.T.C. cadet. No Joy in Riding a Gas Engine Car you need to stop at all fiery Wrecks. The corps is one of the high school’s largest clubs, with nearly 300 students who take courses in subjects like military drill, leadership and shooting. Their maroon polo shirts were a familiar sight around the school campus. Mr. Cruz may have counted on that. The police say he was wearing his maroon polo shirt when he was arrested, after having slipped away unnoticed after the rampage. Wrongful Deaths Lawsuits against ROTC. Read the Stars + Strips Military web about this today. Associated Press reported that he had honed his shooting skills on its marksmanship team — raised troubling questions. The Pentagon spends $370 million a year on Junior R.O.T.C. programs at about 3,400 high schools across the country, hoping to foster the next generation of military leaders. Generals + Admirals in Key West promotes militarism among impressionable youths not working on InventBook's 1,001 IP. Neil Reisner reported from Coral Springs, Fla., and David Philipps from Denver. Nick Madigan contributed reporting from Miami. Greg reporting from Key West on the Joy Ride's in the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's by HS students. Joy Ride of reading 1,001 invention projects vs Military Battles in France.
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Insurgents overran three Afghan checkpoints, using a technology that once gave the United States an edge in the war. Amazon rolled out a great new perk for Prime members who love to read 1,001 IP Invention Projects! Night Vision Goggles Technology, spin off inventions in the USA were not in any HS class room in the USA as ROTC Top Brass at West Point made their Point, No Spin off civillian inventions using Night Vision Goggles. iPhone X agreeded not to invent anything! Tim Cook Did.
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Amazon Inventit OS, Yes!
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The dispute over 1,001 IP invention projects in the "Bialowieza Forest", home to old-growth trees and rare animals, is one of many between Poland’s Masterminds + 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2018 Society.
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* General Kelly has targeted him personally with the directive, has told colleagues that he is reluctant to give up his high-level access Jared Kushner, reluctant to start a high-level InventBook!
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iMac Pro is not used by these people! ‘It’s One of the Greatest Rifles’: Fans of the AR-15 Explain the Gun’s Appeal. The rifle has been used by gunmen in several recent mass shootings, but it remains popular among owners who say they like to use it for hunting and target shooting. By JACK HEALY Florida Lottery Tickets at Publix the line goes out the door and there is no Apple Store Door in Key West just because lottery tickets and guns would mean zero sales of iMac Pro in Key West.
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* JPMorgan Chase is expected to announce Wednesday that it will demolish its headquarters on Park Avenue between 47th and 48th Streets and build a new 70-story world headquarters on the site for its 15,000 employees. The new tower will soar as much as 500 feet higher than the existing 52-story headquarters on the west side of Park Avenue and contain an additional one million square feet of office space.
Chase is expected to buy unused development rights from nearby buildings, generating more than $40 million for public improvements to the streets, pedestrian plazas and sidewalks in the neighborhood under the new zoning plan.
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Chase Plan for the Yale Chase NYC Medical School + Hospital on 10 floors will come with 'Time' when Dr. Lisa MD President of the Yale Key West Medical School writes a Times Editorial about Chase Medical School on 10 Floors of their new Skyscraper. Remember these Guys at Chase are the one's who financed 40,000 Trump Towers in Qatar, another 40,000 in UAE, Kuwait... all will burn with the wrong siding too. Dr. Lisa MD her 10 floors will have $4K iMac Pro Tread Mill Desk. With Star Wars monitors for the Top Brass at Chase Heart Transplants.
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Editorial in the Times Today is Talking about Jimmy Carter the Navy Commander but can't mention his name or grandchildren. EDITORIAl "Will America Choose Its Children Over Guns?
Maybe sensible teenagers, sickened by the terror they must live with at school, can at last compel their senseless elders to act." Jimmy Carter Navy Commander will not confess to God or the NY Times in a Editorial about the Joy Ride of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. By THE EDITORIAL BOARD
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR "The Mental Health System Can’t Stop Mass Shooters
There is no reliable cure for angry young men who harbor violent fantasies. The only solution is to keep guns out of their hands." By AMY BARNHORST Amy Barnhorst is keeping the Wheel of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's out of the hands of HS kids by the millions, this is a war crime Amy!
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rx Latte at InventBook Cafe Starbucks is!! There is no reliable cure for angry young men who harbor violent fantasies. Masterminded by Putin. And Generals who fired Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD.
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Twisted Priorities" In Florida, you need a prescription to buy certain drugs, and to be over 21 to buy alcohol, but want to buy a semiautomatic? No problem. City Hall Key West "Twisted Priorities" will not only be a email to the NY Times but will be a Diseny Pixar Fox Movie!! Title "Miami, Cuba" While Rome burns by Nero at the Qatar Trump Casino. Twist in Physics that discovers how to go 400 times faster than the speed of light in a Galaxy Cell Call will Twist Florida Fishing!
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Navy Today in Key West. Scan, Locate, Neutralize. February 21, 2018
The Navy’s largest operational helicopter squadrons are in Key West for two weeks, conducting minesweeping training exercises out of Boca Chica Naval Air Station. The 700 personnel. 700 Inventions Lost by Scan, Locate, Neutralize Minds not on InventBook or the Hemingway House Writing Class InventBook today.
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Key West Old Town cats take social media by storm" A colony of Key West cats is at the center of a social media maelstrom with people and nonprofit organizations rallying to relocate 30 felines from a property off Caroline Street near Telegraph Lane. I feed my 'Skinny' cat last night with the old town homeowner above the Sign Shop on Margaret + Fleming screaming at me for feeding the cat! I think the guy killed 5 of her cat friends and in a 1984 Society might prove it.
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1980 Jimmy Carter is 'shot' by the WindmillCAR's Invention!! “It was the opposite,” he added, “of what somebody of that mind-set would have done.” Jimmy Carter didn't drive the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's to the USA. Instead he gave Allah and Mecca $777 Trillion Americans would have made from the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Mr. Trump to make sure this kind of tragedy never happened again. “We’re going to work on it,” Dr. Nichiporenko recalled being in Moscow in 1980 hearing the News of the Ford WindmillCAR's invention!! Putin with 777 trillion gallons of gasoline to sell, and even more Vodka!
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Amazon rolled out a great new perk for Prime members who love to read 1,001 IP Invention Projects! Need for a Gravity Engine, in Key West InventBook and Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel the Gravity Engine Step by Step inventing the Gravity Engine textbook 101.
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Can Amazon Override Google's Chrome OS with a Inventit OS, Yes!
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 12 Trillion Galaxies are deepening resentments about the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's suppression for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues!! Gas Station Owners sell cigarettes and Coors deepening resentments - killing their own troops. Top Brass deepening resentments. CBS Miami make sure all the viewers knew one ROTC Student got a Honor Guard for her Casket and the other didn't. Deepening resentments about High School ROTC for the Honor Guard Casket perks, yes for drink drivers road kills too if they are ROTC Students.
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Netanyahu Faces New War Crimes with the 12 Trillion Galaxies resentments about the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's suppression and the dead from Breast + Ovarian Cancers under the Table. Women MD's are optimistic spectators as they gain control of the front page of the NY Times. Kim Wall was not beheaded in vain they write this Editorial. Same for all the Breast + Ovarian Cancer Dead, beheaded by the same Mad Men Editors at the Times in our 1984 Times! Netanyahu was over hears smiling and saying well Nuke the Cancers! Women MD have yet to win a Gold but can see in their minds eye the gold atom with its Charming Quarks in some distant Neutron Star, one of 777 Trillion Stars.
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* American Is Charged With Stealing Terra-Cotta Warrior’s Thumb at the Ben Franklin Show. Dr. Lisa MD will not Charge for the first Rx Warrior Latte at Starbucks. No More Warriors the Students Shout! ROTC is a scam on kids!
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Warsaw 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's Keyed!! Obscene graffitti followed a remark by the Polish prime minister defending a new law criminalizing suggestions that Poland was a perpetrator of the Holocaust or Keyed 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's paint job! By JACEY FORTIN No there will be no 'WindmillCAR + RV' sanctions against Poland when they are 'Driven'.
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Maj. Nidal Hasan opened fire. He took aim at a 23-year-old Army medic, Specialist Francisco De la Serna, and missed. Specialist De la Serna, who stanched the bleeding of many of Major Hasan’s victims, also applied a dressing to the gunman’s chest wound after he exchanged fire with the police. Major Hasan, himself a doctor, was then transported to a hospital where his victims were being treated. “It was the right thing to do,” said Mr. De la Serna, who was later honored for his bravery and is now a medical student at the University of Kansas. “It was the opposite,” he added, “of what somebody of that mind-set would have done.”
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1980 Jimmy Carter is 'shot' by the WindmillCAR's Invention!! “It was the opposite,” he added, “of what somebody of that mind-set would have done.” Jimmy Carter didn't drive the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's to the USA. Instead he gave Allah and Mecca $777 Trillion Americans would have made from the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* MD Wife's 3 or 4 in a Polygamous Marriage, Nobel's not Brain Cancers! NONFICTION
In a New Biography of the Bouvier Women, Jealousies Rule “Jackie, Janet & Lee,” by J. Randy Taraborrelli, reveals bonds as fierce as the scandals that threatened them. By LAURA THOMPSON Bouvier Women who never wanted to get into the Yale Key West Medical School or build one in Key West Rule!
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West Bouvier Women + No Yale Key West Medical School Today. Toppino has his crew laying sod at the site of the Yale Key West Medical school Today. Topping must have women?
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Amazon will sell these with 1,001 IP invention projects loaded!! Samsung has unveiled the world’s largest solid state drive — an unassuming-looking bit of kit that boasts a whopping 30.72 terabytes of storage. It’s the most storage ever crammed into the 2.5-inch form factor, and is designed for enterprise customers looking to move away from the mechanical parts of your standard disk-based hard drive. The PM1643, as it’s called, is built from 32 sticks of 1TB NAND flash packages, each of which contains 16 layers of 512Gb V-NAND chips. That’s enough space to hold 5,700 HD movies or roughly 500 days of non-stop video of you working brainstorming with a few wife's on 1,001 IP invention projects. Perfect Memory you have to search the last 500 days of your life working on inventions. Now if only we could get a terabyte’s worth of storage in our phones. This is on the Amazon Drive to invent it!!
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Invent it!! Google Retinal Scans Can Predict if You Will Have a Heart Attack!
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Coors + Pot = Traffic deaths in Colorado reached highest number in more than a decade!!
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Amazon rolled out a great new perk for Prime members who love to read 1,001 IP Invention Projects! Key West Navy's Admirals have a Vindication for losing the War on Breast + Ovarian Cancers, you don't even want to read or hear it, but it would make good Humor on the front page of the NY Times, Grin.
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Can I use Microsoft Office on a Chromebook? A. Chromebooks run Google’s Chrome OS, which was introduced in 2009 as a streamlined operating system for netbooks and other lightweight laptops. While you cannot install the traditional Windows or Mac versions of Microsoft Office on a Chromebook and have the software actually work.
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Can Amazon Override Google's Chrome OS with a Inventit OS, Yes!
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* InventWare! Skeptical U.S. Rebuffs Mexico’s Request for Aid in Spyware Inquiry.
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* InventFlix!! Netflix Is Getting Huge. But Can It Get Great?
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* To Power the Future Star Wars Movies by Disney Pixar Fox 1 Trillion Jolts, Volts, Amps are dissected by Dr. Lisa MD at Yale well as Edison's today. Spin off medical inventions will give us the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks for Breast Cancer. 1 Trillion Jolts, Volts, Amps from the GE Windmillcar's turbine super conductivity @ - 254 C. Cold War Takes on a New Connotation!
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Navy of Jimmy Carter's Grandchildren. 40 Nukes on the USS Jimmy Carter. When the Snead family invited Nikolas Cruz to live with them, they said, they knew he was troubled and owned guns, but had no inkling of the deadly violence to come... Jimmy Carter's Grandchildren took in Jimmy but have no inkling of the deadly violence to come from 40 Nukes fired from the USS Jimmy Carter into Korea. Those who have lost children in earlier tragedies will reach out to the newest grieving parents to console, advise and often recruit them to the gun control cause... If Jimmy Carter bought all his grandchildren a 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV none of these shooting would have happened!! Jimmy Carter will not talk publicly with the The Sun Sentinel of South Florida about 12 Trillion Galaxies, or the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's! Cruz replied that he was sorry. Is Jimmy Carter sorry, Hell No! I love the Carter Family. I love my friends and their friends. I didn’t just go out and coldheartedly let millions die... in fiery Car Wrecks. I tried to help him. I tried to paddle toward him. It’s just not fair how they’re portraying me as a coldblooded murderer or killer.” After Jimmy Carter's confession to God for not driving the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's! Carter I don't want this Damn 1980 Ford WindmillCAR to follow me into Heaven! Godsent Invention of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR, Hell No Carter Said. Allah sent Mecca $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, this was God Sent. Jimmy Carter invented his God as a Admiral.
NY Times Dental Headlines: When Auto Workers on the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's assembly line would be covered.
NY Times Dental Headlines: When Auto Workers on the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's assembly line would be covered.
Eventually NASA will win the Star Wars Race thanks to the Gravity Engine Invention in 2018.
Eventually NASA will win the Star Wars Race thanks to the Gravity Engine Invention in 2018.
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "To Stir Discord in 2016, 2017, 2018 Russians Turned Most Often to Facebook" Oil Czar Putin has no need for a Gravity Engine, he talked Trump into feeling the same so they killed Greg + Wife's in Key West InventBook and Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel about inventing the Gravity Engine!
Eventually NASA will win the Star Wars Race thanks to the Gravity Engine Invention in 2018.
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West Navy's Admirals have a Goal too, keep the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's off the Streets of Key West and the Navy Base's World Wide. Victory over Iran in a "1 Day War" Won via Secret file on the cover of Greg's Amazon Book, Ha.
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump unleashed a two-day Twitter tirade that was unusually angry and defiant even by his standards, No Medina and Ivanka don't have breast or Ovarian Cancer!! No they can't confiscate $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues from Prince Salman or Oil Czar Putin. Iran needs its Trillions for MIT War Toys.
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Iran is $ Paying 10's thousands of militiamen in Syria and deploying drones and precision weapons. Its goal, say analysts: a united front in any war with Israel." By BEN HUBBARD, ISABEL KERSHNER and ANNE BARNARD Key West Navy's Admirals have a Goal too, keep the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's off the Streets of Key West and the Navy Bas's World Wide. Victory over Iran in a 1 Day War Won via Secret file on the cover of Greg's Amazon Book, Ha.
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Navy Oceans, Earth is a 'drop' in this new Ocean of 12 Trillion Galaxies Vindicates our shouting No More War for the Mentally ill Warriors. Mentally ill Prince Salman and Prince Harry, Prince Charles... Final Resting Place for Danish Prince Who Yearned to Be King: Not Beside the Queen - his revenge in death because she never made him King. Dr. Lisa MD at Yale Key West Medical School would have given him a Rx Latte from Starbucks. Charm Quarks were censored from the Times article on how Colliding Neutron Stars make Gold Atoms. Charm Quarks, Women!
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 12 Trillion Galaxies were Discovered in 2018, but not in China. The terra-cotta warriors were built for the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, China’s first emperor. He united much of the country under the short-lived Qin dynasty, which is generally considered the origin of the name “China.” Thousands of the life-size statues, each unique, were buried with models of horses, chariots and weapons after the emperor’s death in 210 B.C. The tomb and its contents were not discovered until farmers unearthed some of them in 1974. NASA censored math was corrected with the release of the Secret File by Trump. 12 Trillion Galaxies!
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times Headlines about Jimmy Carter's 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's in today's Times, Hell No. "How Dental Inequality Hurts Americans" Lack of dental care through Medicaid not only harms people’s health, but has negative economic implications as well. By Austin Frakt Yes!! Austin Frakt at the Times knows about the Secret file on the cover of Greg's Amazon Book about the WindmillCAR's + RV's yet writes up no dental coverage... Ford Gas Engine Auto Assembly line workers get Dental coverage.
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Quote the Times "There are so many scandals in this administration that many aren’t getting the attention they deserve." By THE EDITORIAL BOARD The Editors at the Times who wrote this for today's paper didn't do it for Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer, so she could get into Los Alamos to make a Rx Pink Latte for Starbucks. Attention she Deserves is what Greg in Key West will give Dr. Lisa MD.
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Second Afghan Governor Defies Order to Resign, Adding to U.S. Headache" Censored World Bank Note 1.2 USA women have a headache today that would be cured by a Rx Headache Latte at Starbucks. This is not a headache for Afghan Commanders.
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Austin Dillon Wins Daytona 500, Not Driving Carter's 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's. Daytona International Speedway is a race track in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Eventually NASA will win the Star Wars Race thanks to the Gravity Engine Invention in 2018.
Eventually NASA will win the Star Wars Race thanks to the Gravity Engine Invention in 2018.
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "To Stir Discord in 2016, 2017, 2018 Russians Turned Most Often to Facebook" Oil Czar Pitin has no need for a Gravity Engine, he talked Trump into feeling the same so they killed Greg + Wife's in Key West InventBook and Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel about inventing the Gravity Engine!
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Two Swiss Athletes Are First at Olympics Confirmed With Norovirus. This is Sunday Headlines in the NY Times... Ya Bet Ya Sara Palin would say in her next lawsuit against the Times for this 'News!' Hahahahaha!! Two Swiss Athletes Are First at Olympics Confirmed With Norovirus. World Bank Notes 1.2 million Breast + Ovarian Cancer deaths this year.
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Headlines: Rx Recipes Cure for Warriors. Stop and smell the Rose she said the Rx Perfume from some Disney Star War's Movie to cure Florida’s pro-gun Oil Men under scrutiny after mass shootings in Orlando in 2016 and in Fort Lauderdale, but little changed... Key West anti Yale Key West Medical School comes under more scrutiny every day Greg writes this web page. Stop and smell the Rose she said the Rx Perfume from some Disney Star War's Movie to Cure Warriors! Rx Virus Latte for Norovirus is Headlines in the Times today!
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Amazon rolled out a great new perk for Prime members who love to read 1,001 IP Invention Projects!
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* She Dr. Lisa MD put a considerable measure of time and exertion into those young men, attempting to give them a decent life... Exodus into 10 Trillion Galaxies and many Wife's to inspire them!
NY Times Sunday Headlines: Rx Recipes Cure for Warriors!
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* To Stir Rx War's Latte's in 2018, Russians Turned To Facebook not "InventBook". She the Russian Wife put a considerable measure of time and exertion into those young men, attempting to give them a decent life... Exodus into 10 Trillion Galaxies and many Wife's to inspire them!
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Vindication for losing the War on Breast + Ovarian Cancers by not letting Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer into Los Alamos is Paradise Lost in this 1984 Society ready for 1984 II She Dr. Lisa MD put a considerable measure of time and exertion into those young men, and all they want to do is build Nuclear Weapons and kill people in Iran! This is not a 'Endless War' like the Headlines in the Sunday NY Times but a "War Against Women" who want to spend their $777 Trillion War Chest on other things besides MIT War Toys! Silence from the Jewish Aliens out there in the mist of 10 Trillion Galaxies, only Mom can hear them. After visiting and questioning Mr. Cruz at his home in 2016, the Department of Children and Families determined he was not a risk to himself or others. 2011 Yale Key West Medical School would have determined he was a risk! Not building this Yale Key West Medical School in 2011 when Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion is a War Crime by the Key West Navy Admirals. 3 Carnival Ships in Port today and none are Yale Hospital Ships, another War Crime by the Key West Navy Admirals, grin.
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Warsaw Today Not Driven by 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's is 'Another Holocaust" little different but the same 'Mentally ill' Prince or King or Top Brass drive gas engine cars in Warsaw Today!
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times Front Page, "Profiteers $$$ Draws Trump to India" yes Profits for the Qatar Oil Men's Trump Casino! Someone could have made all of India the 'Richest' City in the World instead of Qatar but they were shot down by Oil Men in Paris and Ford 1980 WindmillCAR engineers were not Driven by the super conductivity of Ford Windmill CAR GE Electric Generators putting out trillions of jolts, volts, amps. Like Edison and AC vs DC electric current and Qatar won out over India.
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Two Swiss Athletes Are First at Olympics Confirmed With Norovirus.
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Warm Welcome Home From Olympics for Kim Jong-un’s Sister, She put a considerable measure of Cheer leading inspiration 'time' and exertion into those young men, attempting to give them a decent life... without telling them that 'Time-Photons' have been discovered in the USA by Greg + Wife's in Key West. New God Particle both sides of the Korean War want to keep secret from the mass... masses!
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cruz, who says that he was sexually abused when he was a teenager in Chile by a priest and that Bishop Juan Barros Madrid had witnessed the abuse. Lynda Cruze 68, flu that turned worse, she died Nov. 1 of pneumonia. Dr. Bishop MD with 4 Wife's witnessed the abuse of flu and pneumonia deaths for lack of a Vatican vaccine mobilization, everyone coming with Pope Francis at the Basilica of Saint Anselm on Ash Wednesday Mass in Rome would be vaccinated by Pope Francis. The pope did not reappoint six lay members who advocates for the abused considered among the commission’s most active leaders all MD Wife's of a Bishop.
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Two Swiss Athletes Are First at Olympics Confirmed With Norovirus.
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Driven From Island Homes by Storms, Dialysis Patients Can Do Little but Wait for the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's spin off Medical Inventions to drive them to a 'Star War's Era Kidney Transplant' at the Yale Key West Medical School, Hospital Ship. First thing they will notice is this is not the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub Kim Wall got into and got beheaded.
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* DeVos Urge Congress to Hold Hearings on School Shootings, she believed teachers should be allowed and trained to carry weapons, as it will take a long time for Dr. Lisa MD to whip up some Rx Recipes for Warriors in a Starbucks Latte or Rx Perfume. DeVos said Congress needs all of Los Alamos for Nukes not Rx Recipes for Warriors Cure's. Stop and smell the Rose she said not the Rx Perfume from some Disney Star War's Movie. Headlines: Rx Recipes Cure for Warriors. Stop and smell the Rose she said the Rx Perfume from some Disney Star War's Movie to cure Florida’s pro-gun Oil Men under scrutiny after mass shootings in Orlando in 2016 and in Fort Lauderdale, but little changed... Key West anti Yale Key West Medical School comes under more scrutiny every day Greg writes this web page. Stop and smell the Rose she said the Rx Perfume from some Disney Star War's Movie to Cure Warriors! Rx Virus Latte for Norovirus is Headlines in the Times today!
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Appeasing the 'Oil Money Gods in Qatar + Moscow. Despite Cancers and no transplanted hearts, President Trump and Congress will do nothing to stop the fiery Wrecks they drive by in traffic on Presidents Day. This is what drove out of the Novel '1984' Presidents Day Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's not driven by the First Lady.
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Look to F-35 Radar and the Pilot Driver's! In Wake of Florida Massacre, Gun Control Advocates Look to Connecticut" By LISA W. FODERARO and KRISTIN HUSSEY "No Head On Collisions in 2018" is not out of a Star Wars Disney Movie but a Invention spin off from the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Yes the F-35 Radar will cost more than the Ford. World Bank will make some note of the cost of collisions and no collisions and lives and hospital bills. Now the Radar of the Pilot Drivers must come under a IP invention project like the F-35 Radar on the Car and Fighter Jet.
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Picasso, with 4 Wife's Hemingway too. A Novel. 'Phenomenal' new X-rays of a Picasso painting reveal images the artist buried in one of his major works, Wife's buried ideas in their major works!
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Headlines: The Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics (MDP&S), in collaboration with the Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Switzerland will be carrying out the “Executive Opinion Survey” throughout February & March 2018. The survey data will provide qualitative analysis about economic policy, regulations and various aspects of the business environment which influence the nation’s competitiveness ranking. The 2018 IMD World Competitiveness Report, scheduled for release in June, will measure strengths and weaknesses in Qatar’s economic environment and compare these with other nations.
HE the Minister of Development Planning and Statistics Dr Saleh Mohamed Salem al-Nabit said that: “The report will help identify areas where competitiveness could be improved, as well as provide important information for prospective investors and the general public.” Qatar ranked 17th (out of 63 countries) in the 2017 Competitiveness Yearbook. The high ranking stems from the strong macroeconomic performance of the Qatari economy coupled with the ongoing reforms and modernization of government institutions. Hahahahaha!! Two Swiss Athletes Are First at Olympics Confirmed With Norovirus. World Bank Notes 1.2 million Breast + Ovarian Cancer deaths this year.
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Amazon rolled out a great new perk for Prime members who love to read 1,001 IP Invention Projects!
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A Changeable Hawk Eagle is a bird not a human, though Human Hawks do look like this bird looking for a kill. Check out Google Images for this Hawk.
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "A pair of neutron stars, the shrunken dense cores of stars that have exploded and died, collided at nearly the speed of light. These stars are masses as great as the sun packed into a region the size of Manhattan" This is the only way gold, silver and uranium atoms are created in the Universe. No nothing in this article about Charm Quarks, sorry this will not be updated for Star Wars Disney News any time soon. ...electrons get squeezed back into the protons turning them into neutrons. Making enough Gold atoms to build 400 Earths. Stars and supernovas could manufacture the elements up to iron or so, according to classic papers in the 1950s but heavier elements required a different thermonuclear chemistry called r-process and lots of free neutrons floating around. Where would they have come from?
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Lessons on the Holocaust, From Warsaw’s No. 35 Tram - Gas Engine!!
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Warsaw Today Not Driven by 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's is 'Another Holocaust" little different but the same 'Mentally ill' Prince or King or Top Brass drive gas engine cars in Warsaw Today!
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Read Greg's WindmillCAR's + Gravity Engine Car's Book first. "How Does a Political Reporter Write a Memoir? First, Read Books. A Lot of Books."
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A letter to The New York Times averring that $777 Trillion from Oil Revenues is Crazy!! To quote Freud, Where id is, there shall ego be... for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues is a lot of money even at the NY Times. Dr. Lisa MD wants to spend it too! Dr. Ivanka MD toooooooooo!
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* War on Breast Cancer Week Unfolded! Over the course of just eight days in February, the conflict in Syria intensified, with the U.S., Russia, Turkey, Israel and Iran all playing a part. Here’s how one of the most chaotic weeks in the seven-year war unfolded." By BARBARA MARCOLINI, CHRISTIAAN TRIEBERT, NATALIE RENEAU and DREW JORDAN War on Breast Cancer Week Unfolded! not by By BARBARA MARCOLINI, CHRISTIAAN TRIEBERT, NATALIE RENEAU and DREW JORDAN.
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* USA Children's deaths from Flu, Birth Defects, DNA Diesel Cancers are linked to Russian Deaths in Syria. Lynda Cruze 68, flu that turned worse, she died Nov. 1 of pneumonia. All Russians are not vaccinated with the new Pneumonia vaccine causing 1.2 million pneumonia deaths in Russia in 2018. These deaths are also linked to the Russian deaths in Syria and Children in the USS. Curz he was somewhat particular and he was discouraged about his mother’s death, yet who wouldn’t be when everyone in the USA + Russia should have been would have been vaccinated with the new pneumonia vaccine if the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's were Driven to 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018.
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Putin's ex-wife... She put a considerable measure of time and exertion into those young men, attempting to give them a decent life...
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trumps Harem of Women... She put a considerable measure of time and exertion into those young men, attempting to give them a decent life...
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Lisa MD President of Yale Key West Medical School and Hospital... She put a considerable measure of time and exertion into those young men, attempting to give them a decent life...
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.*Inside a 3-Year Russian Campaign to Influence, not cure breast + ovarian cancers. Putin's women have been influenced by Greg + Wife's in Key West 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018 via Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at 'All' of Los Alamos!! 13 Russians Indicted as Mueller Reveals Effort to Aid Trump Oil Company and stifle the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Spin off Gravity Engine too. FBI was warned of the fiery rear ended crash. Oil Czar in Russia is on the front page of the NY Times Today $$$ Not his $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. What We Know About 13 Russians Indicted by the U.S. All 13 failed to get into Yale Medical School. Pope Francis was overheard saying how stupid are these 13 Russians!
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "When a gunman killed 17 students this week at Stoneman Douglas High in Florida, the first response of many classmates was not to grieve in silence, but to speak out." By AUDRA D. S. BURCH, PATRICIA MAZZEI and JACK HEALY Oppenheimer spoke out in 1945 after he invented 2 A-bombs and was fired for refusing to build 40 Nukes for the USS Jimmy Carter Sub Fleet. Shouts of "No More Guns! No More Guns!" will get the Jew killed today in the USA + Israel.
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* USA Children's deaths from Flu, Birth Defects, DNA Diesel Cancers are linked to Russian Deaths in Syria.
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mentally ill Prince Salman and Prince Harry, Prince Charles... Final Resting Place for Danish Prince Who Yearned to Be King: Not Beside the Queen - his revenge in death because she never made him King. Dr. Lisa MD at Yale Key West Medical School would have given him a Rx Latte from Starbucks. Danes at a memorial for Prince Henrik in front of Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen, Denmark, on Thursday. Kim Wall was beheaded in Copenhagen, Denmark. In life, Prince Henrik of Denmark railed against what he saw as the ultimate injustice: As the husband of the reigning monarch, Queen Margrethe II, he was not granted the title of king. The prince died on Tuesday at 83. 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's will be buried with the mentally ill Prince who wanted to be King not a Inventor of the Gravity Engine Ford's! Henrik’s choice reflects a public grudge he had held for more than 30 years, as he fought an often public battle with his wife, now 77, over his title. They were married in 1967, and he wanted to be king consort, but she wouldn’t let him, historians say. He asked to be a majesty, but again was denied. "As he grew older, he frequently shared his grievances with the public. The issue grew into a scandal that saw Danes mostly side with their queen, and perked up ears around the globe. “She was stubborn,” said Ulla Terkelsen, a senior correspondent for Denmark’s TV 2. “The title he wanted didn’t exist; there was no precedent. She could have created a title, but she didn’t want to.” The last time Denmark was ruled by a queen was from 1387 to 1412: Margrethe I. She was married to the king of Norway, so that union offered no historical precedent for a possible solution to Henrik’s problem. Margrethe I was the first royal to be buried in Roskilde Cathedral, in eastern Denmark. After her reign, 39 monarchs followed." Prince Salman, Prince Harry, Prince Charles are just as mentally ill as Prince Henrik not wanting to invent the Gravity Engine Ford.
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "NY Times, you don't want to meet any of these guys ever!" "Meet some of the fighters who teamed up with the United States to drive the Islamic State out of northeastern Syria. As they Drive the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's to Hell" By ROD NORDLAND
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Class on Time-Photons was late, Joint Chiefs of Staff has other War's on their time. On a Day Like Any Other at a Florida School, 6 Minutes of Death and Chaos. Second by second, lives at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School were transformed, broken and stolen." By RICHARD FAUSSET, SERGE F. KOVALESKI and PATRICIA MAZZEI Class on Time-Photons was late, at the High School. Gunman was not interested in Photons that give us light. Let there be Light! Is not for our Time in High School's these Days. War in Syria is what is lit up by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Names and Faces of the Florida School Shooting Victims are pictured on the front page of the NY Times today. Tomorrow another 14 dead students will be pictured as the Editors of the NY Times are Failures in our Times of War in Syria and in High Schools across the USA. Driven by Gas Engine Cars they drive to the NY Times building in NYC Today when they should be Driven working on the innards of the Gravity Engine Ford's!
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Visits Florida Hospital That Treated School Shooting Victims
“It’s very sad something like that could happen,” a solemn Mr. Trump told reporters afterward that Greg + MD Wife's wanted all the surgery videos made public for the Yale Key West Medical School 1,001 IP invention projects via surgery for the medical students to crunch on super computers and in Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novels. Disney Pixar Fox would have a hard time making a surgery invention projects movie.
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Many NYC schools have offered their own scholarships to compete with the state’s Excelsior program, which pays tuition at CUNY and SUNY for some students. Who will pay for the 24/7 Apple-Starbucks on Campus? With iMac Book Pro at every Cafe Table!!
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Psychoanalysis may experiencing a reinvention with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 Psychoanalysis IP invention projects spelled out and linked to 4 trillion articles on super computers at Los Alamos with Nuke builders tinkering with Psychoanalysis and the Graivty Photons Quarks they need to discover for a Nobel Prize. Someone will get.
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "A group of psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers wrote a letter to The New York Times averring that President Trump was mentally unstable and that the various pathologies they had diagnosed him with made him unfit for public office."
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A letter to The New York Times averring that $777 Trillion from Oil Revenues is Crazy!! To quote Freud, Where id is, there shall ego be... for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues is a lot of money even at the NY Times.
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* How the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre Changed laws about hiring Temps at Microsoft and the NY Times. "How the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre Changed Gun Laws. Eighty-nine years later, will the public finally demand similar action?" By A. BRAD SCHWARTZ World Bank will note 1.2 million Microsoft Temps mostly women died from not being hired as a Microsoft Employee, same for the NY Times temps. Kim Wall will make headlines as the Temp Woman Poster Girl.
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "The scene was both sickeningly familiar and shockingly new — seven bodies, riddled with bullets, sprawled on the floor of a garage on Chicago’s North Side. As Americans today grow increasingly numb to persistent mass shootings, such a crime now might not even make the front pages. But on Feb. 14, 1929, Chicagoans were appalled enough to give it an enduring name — “the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre” — and it remains a powerful example of how to check gun violence with preactive reform."
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1929 - 2018 “the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre” They still drive Ford's with Gas Engine Cars to get to the High School Today. Or the Garage Jay Leno is working on gas engine cars today. All of Chicago today is working in gas engine garage. Gravity Engine is Censored by the NY Times, a true story! Ninety years ago, Americans felt as helpless to stop the slaughter as many do today. Today's 1984 most know who the guys behind the cameras are. Coors bootleg battles that brought Al Capone to power and killed off generations of Dr. Lisa MD a sober Doctor who would have put breast on bottles of Coors for Breast Cancer Cause. The police would issue indignant statements and roust a few gangsters, but no one would be arrested, much less prosecuted or convicted for the 100 DUI traffic deaths this week from drunk drivers. Let alone cancers caused by Coors. “Public Enemy No. 1.” Is not Breast Cancer to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Syria is! What made Chicago different were the longstanding alliances between government and gangsters. France and the Total Oil Company stopped the New French Revolution! FBI in Paris drives by fiery wrecks without stopping them! Qatar Trump Oil Company administration gave free rein to the carnival of corruption that paralyzed local law enforcement, even, in some cases, turning cops into Oil + Gas Station bootleggers’ hired hands. Yale Key West Medical School with a new tool: Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer with a Rx Pink Latte miracle cure! We should be ashamed that the killing of criminals 90 years ago could help spur such change, while the repeated slaughter of children prompts little more than “thoughts and prayers” from lawmakers today. The story of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre shows how public outrage can create meaningful reform when the political and economic costs of inaction outweigh the inertia preserving the status quo of Coors and Oil Men at the Qatar Trump Casino gambling with $777 Trillion.
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* MD Wife's, how to seduce her at Yale when you are in Key West a POW.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Shouts of "No More Guns! No More Guns!" at shooting vigil when Los Alamos is starting another work day on 40 more Nukes for another USS Jimmy Carter Sub. NY Times Editorial today is "NRA" can be Beaten. Like Oppenheimer in 1945 refused to build 40 Nukes for a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Subs. Editors of the NY Times will have to become Elite Yale Medical School Professors before they can deploy inventive editorials that caused the NRA to become bankrupt... Art of the Diagnosis MD. Love is rare in Generals. Lust for Guns not God is common in their Frontal Lobes, shows up in the MRI too. Rare is a Jew wanting Exodus to 10 Trillion Galaxies and as many Jewish Aliens. Shouts of "No More Guns! No More Guns!" will get the Jew killed today in the USA + Israel. 10 Trillion Galaxies have been censored by our 1984 Society, Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's too.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* MD Wife's, how to seduce her at Yale when you are in Key West a POW.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Israel was about to get 'a lot more violent' with Syria after losing an F-16 — and then Putin stepped in, not with the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's but MIT War Toys bought with $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues!! Business Insider would have bought 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's. School shooters would have bought 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's not guns from MIT War Toys Era 1984.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Pentagon targets ‘non-deployable’ troops for removal in new effort not to stop school shootings and so they can drive the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's but so they can fire 40 Nukes from fleets of USS Jimmy Carter Subs! Cruz will be one of the kids who fires a Nuke into North Korea. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’s guidance to put the readiness of the military to fight first, bomb the hell out of Syrian and Key West Hospitals, Yale Key West Medical School Hospital bombed over and over again and again while my Yale MD Women Date waits for her breast and Ovarian cancer patients. Deployable Rx Pink Latte from Starbucks and Rx Pink Perfume's from France are non-deployable since the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's were invented and not deployed by the Pentagon top brass, a war crime now in 2018. Signed by Robert L. Wilkie, the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness... to let 40K women into Arlington Cancer Section's, Breast + Ovarian clearly marked killed by Jimmy Carter building USS Carter Nuke's at Los Alamos. Dr. Lisa MD not deployable at Los Alamos during the arming of Carter's Nuke subs.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Verizon G 55 low Earth Satellites. Pai said after a staff review that he is urging approval for SpaceX. "It would be the first approval given to an American-based company to provide broadband services using a new generation of low-Earth orbit satellite technologies," Musk's plan to launch nearly 12,000 internet satellites. Greg + Wife's in Key West plan on inventing Verizon G 55 high speed cell. Outside of the Starbucks in Key West and NYC you have no WiFi Today unless you pay xfinitywiwi $55 a month. After you win a Nobel in Medicine you can afford this, they don't comprehend this in their 1984 Society. Like Bill and Melinda Gates paying temps on Valentine's Day instead of hiring them as Microsoft Employees, NY Times Temps too! Tim Cook explains why you're never going to visit the inside of Apple's new $5 billion headquarters, because it not the Steve Jobs Medical School and Hospital.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Pentagon Strong, NASA Smart, MD's Art of the Diagnosis + Discovery of the Next Miracle Cure for Cancer and 1,001 others!
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* New York Botanical Garden Names Its First Female President-Inventor Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. First with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP and Los Alamos. Specialized in hard-to-find spices, herbs, oils, and other ingredients for Invention Rx. Inspirational Garden's.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Almost immediately after Mr. Cruz turned up at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., Wednesday and, the authorities said, killed 17 people with a semiautomatic rifle, the disconnected shards of a difficult life began to come together. Students and neighbors traded stories of their experiences with him and wondered if anything could have been done.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Fiery Wrecks or School Shootings? On Thursday night, Gov. Rick Scott of Florida, a Republican, told CNN that he would “do everything I can to make sure this never happens again.” Fiery Wrecks or School Shootings?
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cruz spent all his life with gas engine cars, did he know about the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's? Trump and Scott know about the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cruz He spent much of it in a subdivision called Pine Tree Estates, on a lush, narrow street dotted with tropical plants and the occasional driveway basketball hoop. Mr. Cruz and his brother, Zachary, had been adopted, and were raised largely by their mother, Lynda Cruz, especially after their father, Roger P. Cruz, died suddenly in 2004 at the age of 67. Ms. Cruz died in November, and people who knew Nikolas said he had taken the loss hard.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cruz spent all his life with gas engine cars, did he know about the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's?
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* There is a Rx Latte at Starbucks for this temper thing, “He had trouble controlling his temper. He broke things. He would do that sometimes at our house when he lost his temper. But he was always very apologetic afterwards.” Rx Termper-Tantrum Perfume is being invented today too.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rx Termper-Tantrum Perfume is being invented today too.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Last year, Mr. Goldfarb said, his son went on a three-day trip to a cabin in the Everglades with other young men, including Mr. Cruz. They were accompanied by a parent who owned the cabin. Shooting weapons was a big part of the trip’s allure. There were two AR-15s on the trip, and Mr. Cruz brought one of them.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Everglades Invention Projects 1,001 trips are not an allure for Teens.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The family of another schoolmate, the Snead family, took in Mr. Cruz because his friend felt badly that Mr. Cruz was now alone in the world, said Jim Lewis, a lawyer for the family. The Sneads had allowed Mr. Cruz to bring his gun with him to their house, insisting that he keep it in a lockbox.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cruz with, Far More US Children Than Previously Thought May Have Fetal Alcohol Disorders?
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Seeing Oil Bounty's $777 Trillion Abroad, Will North Koreans Change Their Homeland and work in Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia for the Islamic Prince as a sex slave... Most North Koreans Can’t Actually Watch the Olympic Games. Yes there are some Fed's who can watch 'QATAR Sex Slave Videos'. in this 1984 Society. Kerry I would guess would be one.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A preliminary analysis finds the Flu vaccine 25 percent effective against this year’s dangerous H3N2 strain, and twice as effective in children. Dr. Lisa MD if she and Greg were Deployable by the Pentagon's 1984 Officer would have gotten a Flu invented 99% effective.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Two Novels Trace Parallels Between Past and Present, or Create Them
“The Maze at Windermere,” by Gregory Blake Smith, imagines Newport, R.I., from the 17th century to today. “Peculiar Ground,” by Lucy Hughes-Hallett, does the same for a British estate." By JOHN VERNON
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Two Disney Pixar Fox Movies Parallel Past and Present of the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and Starbucks drive thru for Rx Pink Latte and Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* $$$ Pakistan to send troops to Saudi Arabia on training mission, not MD's to Yale Key West Medical School for Eilte Art of the Diagnosis Training!! Retired Pakistani army general Raheel Sharif heads the Saudi-led alliance. His medical records are secret.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cops in Fiery Wrecks! Cops across the state are writing a historically low number of traffic tickets — good news for motorists but bad news for courts and municipalities that depend on the revenue they generate. The number of tickets issued in Michigan has plummeted over the past three decades, a decline experts attribute to overall staffing shortages. From 2006 to 2016, the most recent year for which statistics are available, there was a 45 percent drop-off in traffic ticket cases handled by district courts statewide, per the State Court Administrator’s Office. The 1.38 million traffic citations handled by Michigan’s district courts in 2016, including pending and reopened cases, is the lowest since at least 1982, when there were 2.3 million total tickets. Reports prior to 1982 were formatted differently, making comparisons to later years difficult. Cops making comparisons to 1980 Ford WindmillCAR + RV plants in Michigan has plummeted over the past decades. Low Down Oil men and Gas Station Owners have made millions, billions from no 1980 Ford WindmillCAR tickets given by Cops.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Curious About Unsolved Cases
May didn’t know the resident who proposed the diagnosis, Dr. Forest Huls, but she’d heard of him. Huls, although still in training, had a reputation for finding cases that stumped others and figuring out the diagnosis. “When I see people suffering and I know that if I took the time and effort, I could figure it out,” he told me, “then I have to do something.” He looks for unexplained pathological findings — in this case, the high level of IgM.
Huls hadn’t heard of Schnitzler syndrome, either. He came upon it by using the database PubMed to look for a disease that matched the patient’s symptoms. He made a list of her symptoms and abnormalities. To get the full picture, he combed through her earlier electronic medical records, now archived in an old electronic warehouse, and found that her symptoms had started maybe a decade earlier. Then he looked for a disease that fit. It took hours before articles on this strange disorder began to appear. As he read, he suspected that she had it.
Making the Case After reading Huls’s note, May looked up Schnitzler syndrome. Doctors’ descriptions of patients with the disorder matched her patient exactly. It was an important diagnosis to make, in part because there is now a very effective treatment. When the woman’s insurance company refused to pay for the new and very expensive drug, May appealed to the manufacturer, which agreed, after several months, to provide it. Once she started taking it, the shaking chills and fever disappeared. So did the nausea and vomiting, the hives and bone pain. Looking back at her life with this illness, the patient can barely recognize herself. Before her illness, she’d prided herself on her get-up-and-go and her disinclination to sit still. All those years stuck on the sofa and ultimately in bed, too sick, too weak and in too much pain to move, seemed like a chapter in someone else’s life. As for Huls, he is finishing up his fellowship at the hospital this summer. Wherever he ends up, he is certain he will find new cases to challenge his curiosity, cases he hopes to solve. Lisa Sanders, M.D., is a contributing writer for the magazine and the author of “Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis.” If you have a solved case to share with Dr. Sanders, write her at
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In Schnitzler syndrome, anakinra 100 mg/day allows a complete control of all symptoms including: chronic urticarial rash with a monoclonal IgM component. intermittent fever. arthralgia or arthritis.
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bill Gates did 'Not' hire the Valentine's Day Temps at Microsoft yesterday on Valentine's Day 2018. Only Reason not to Hire her is to save money. Temps! NY Times will not hire all the Women Temps today to save money! Worst of Humanity in Bill + Melinda Gates via Women temp's at Microsoft to save money!
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* MD Wife's, how to seduce her at Yale when you are in Key West a POW. How do New York Times journalists use technology in their jobs and in their personal lives? For Valentine’s Day, Modern Love column for The Times, discussed the tech using Star Wars Disney Movies yet to be made but are hits! How has tech changed dating? Is online dating making romance better or worse? I think we view technology in all areas as being a shortcut. We can solve problems faster, maximize time, use less energy while doing more. We can work smarter. And we can love smarter, too, right? With online dating, we can find the perfect person more efficiently, make contact more easily. Make contact with MD women at Yale. With 1,001 IP invention projects and 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in a 1984 II society financed by confiscating $777 Trillion from Prince Salman. Talking over all of Los Alamos Super Computers costing only $1 Trillion, investing $7 Trillion in new IBM super computers that only run with iMac Book Pro's to kill off Win 10. Call in a Rx Pink Latte to Starbucks and smell a Rx Pink Perfume recipe we will brainstorm on $7 Trillion dollars worth of Los Alamos Super Computers, Date!! Get the Gravity Engine too.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 24/7 inventing! Recently there has been a lot of talk about smartphone addiction. What’s your advice for couples who struggle to put down their phones and want to remain present with each other? Win a Nobel in Medicine together addiction is not in the NY Times. But will be on InventBook. Grin.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* $$$ Jewish Money, in the worst of Humanity via 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's censored for Mecca Money, a sin for these Jews. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is fighting new allegations of corruption. Here’s a timeline of his and his predecessors’ past run-ins with the law 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's" By IRIT PAZNER GARSHOWITZ and JONAH ENGEL BROMWICH Saudi women will drive gas engine cars before Jewish women drive 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Another Sin.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bill Gates did 'Not' hire the Valentine's Day Temps at Microsoft yesterday on Valentine's Day 2018. Only Reason not to Hire her is to save money. Temps! NY Times will not hire all the Women Temps today to save money! Worst of Humanity in Bill + Melinda Gates via Women temp's at Microsoft to save money!
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A reader sarcastically praises the generosity of Michael Cohen, who paid $130,000 to a woman claiming to have had an affair with the president. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Son is on a YouTube Video asking someone for $100 dollars to get into the strip club. A million reader's sarcastically praises the NY Times sex for money article on Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bill Gates did 'Not' hire the Valentine's Day Temps at Microsoft yesterday on Valentine's Day 2018. Only Reason not to Hire her is to save money. Temps! NY Times will not hire all the Women Temps today to save money! Worst of Humanity in Bill + Melinda Gates via Women temp's at Microsoft to save money!
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A reader sarcastically praises a 'Picture' From left, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, Qatar’s foreign minister; Rex W. Tillerson, the secretary of state; Khalid bin Mohammed al-Attiyah, Qatar’s defense minister; and Jim Mattis, the defense secretary, in Washington last week. Credit Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press Build 40,000 Trump Towers in the West Bank, No 40,000 Trump Towers were built in Qatar by these Oil Men. Comparing Qatar to Israel without the Jewish Aliens at Alpha Centauri 4.3 light years from Earth.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bill Gates did 'Not' hire the Valentine's Day Temps at Microsoft yesterday on Valentine's Day 2018. Only Reason not to Hire her is to save money. Temps! NY Times will not hire all the Women Temps today to save money! Worst of Humanity in Bill + Melinda Gates via Women temp's at Microsoft to save money!
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 11 a.m. Valentines Day Five people were killed on Wednesday in a fiery four-vehicle crash involving a stolen Camaro and an oil truck on Long Island, the authorities said. 11 a.m. Valentines Day A Camaro, traveling east, was being followed by two police cars when it struck a westbound oil truck as well as an eastbound Mazda, which crashed into an Infiniti, The Mazda — carrying four people whose names the police did not release — burst into flames, and everyone in the car was pronounced dead at the scene!! CHARLES M. BLOW at the NY Times writes: "Scandal-Ridden Scoundrel" "This is the politics of the petty, where people dance and shout as the republic burns." Charles M Blow could have stopped this fiery wreck at 11 am on Valentines Day. Every Valentines Day from 1980 to 2018. Charles M Blow at the NY Times is the scoundrel who will take the oil perks and money kickbacks to the Qatar Trump Casino and 5 more will burn to death in a Long Island or Key West Island fiery wreck. 100 traffic deaths this week, Valentines Week road kill from "Scandal-Ridden Scoundrel" Oil Men and others who wouldn't put F-35 Radar on all cars, Star Wars Disney Movie of this F-35 Radar on all cars would be a winner not Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bill Gates did 'Not' hire the Valentine's Day Temps at Microsoft yesterday on Valentine's Day 2018. Only Reason not to Hire her is to save money. Temps! NY Times will not hire all the Women Temps today to save money! Worst of Humanity in Bill + Melinda Gates via Women temp's at Microsoft to save money!
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sense he is still winning with the gasoline engine car! Car Salesman Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gas engine cars!
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bill Gates did 'Not' hire the Valentine's Day Temps at Microsoft yesterday on Valentine's Day 2018. Only Reason not to Hire her is to save money. Temps! NY Times will not hire all the Women Temps today to save money! Worst of Humanity in Bill + Melinda Gates via Women temp's at Microsoft to save money!
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Diesel Engine Trucks with the spray painted black clouds - "How $225,000 Can Help Secure a Pollution Loophole at Trump’s E.P.A. "A Tennessee truck dealership lavished a local Republican congresswoman with campaign donations. It also sells “Make Diesel Trucks Great Again” caps." By ERIC LIPTON E.P.A. administrator, Scott Pruitt, has moved to roll back an agency rule intended to curb air pollution from freight-hauling diesel-powered trucks. Here is a look at the documents behind the debate. 1984 Debate behind closed doors must have pallets of cash... littering the room, grin. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has $777 Trillion and can't build 40,000 Trump Towers in the West Bank so he keeps his oil kick back money in Geneva, Banks.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bill Gates did 'Not' hire the Valentine's Day Temps at Microsoft yesterday on Valentine's Day 2018. Only Reason not to Hire her is to save money. Temps! NY Times will not hire all the Women Temps today to save money! Worst of Humanity in Bill + Melinda Gates via Women temp's at Microsoft to save money!
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Andromeda Galaxy Head-to-Head Collision With Milky Way
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times Headlines of Today's Head-on-Collisions on USA highways! Front page pictures of all of them in tomorrows NY Times.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD must be censored out of... The novelist Kristin Hannah would like to discuss women’s history with Margaret Atwood, Hillary Clinton and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. “Let’s face it, the Notorious Art of the Diagnosis By Dr. Lisa MD is censored. Out of Novelist Brainstorming's.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* MD Wife's, how to seduce her at Yale when you are in Key West a POW. How do New York Times journalists use technology in their jobs and in their personal lives? For Valentine’s Day, Modern Love column for The Times, discussed the tech using Star Wars Disney Movies yet to be made but are hits! How has tech changed dating? Is online dating making romance better or worse? I think we view technology in all areas as being a shortcut. We can solve problems faster, maximize time, use less energy while doing more. We can work smarter. And we can love smarter, too, right? With online dating, we can find the perfect person more efficiently, make contact more easily. Make contact with MD women at Yale. With 1,001 IP invention projects and 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in a 1984 II society financed by confiscating $777 Trillion from Prince Salman. Talking over all of Los Alamos Super Computers costing only $1 Trillion, investing $7 Trillion in new IBM super computers that only run with iMac Book Pro's to kill off Win 10. Call in a Rx Pink Latte to Starbucks and smell a Rx Pink Perfume recipe we will brainstorm on $7 Trillion dollars worth of Los Alamos Super Computers, Date!! Get the Gravity Engine too.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 24/7 inventing! Rx Pink Perfume recipe, then a Rx MD Memory Perfume, so you smell like a Doctors Memory, Ha.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 24/7 inventing! Recently there has been a lot of talk about smartphone addiction. What’s your advice for couples who struggle to put down their phones and want to remain present with each other? Win a Nobel in Medicine together addiction is not in the NY Times. But will be on InventBook. Grin.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* All Steele Habitat for Humanity Homes in a Disney Pixar Movie, a hit with invention movie goer's!
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* World Bank Note 1.2 million of these multiple myeloma cancers in 2018. Diagnosis of multiple myeloma, cancer of the plasma cells, motivated Dr. C. Anthony Blau of the University of Washington to come up with an innovative approach to his disease. He combined his research in hematology, his physician wife’s clinical expertise and crowdsourcing to develop an individualized treatment plan. Greg + his physician wife’s want all of Los Alamos and 4 Trillion hacked Rx recipes to crunch! 1.2 million individualized treatment plans. Cheney with multiple myeloma would have cut in front of a Valentine Women and let her die. Instead of stopping H-Bomb production at Los Alamos for a multiple myeloma Rx Recipe Cure... Oh he did do this!!
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* World Bank Note, do this for 1.2 million people in 2018. After Dr. Blau’s myeloma was diagnosed in 2015, he decided to apply this approach to himself. “I had 22 biopsies of the tumor in my left pelvis, as well as bone marrow biopsies,” he said, “and we compared the genomic profile of the myeloma cells in my pelvic tumor with that of myeloma cells in my bone marrow.” In the process, he learned about a molecular feature that kicked him out of the most favorable prognostic category. It is paradoxical that personalized medicine involves crowdsourcing. You need not understand all that Dr. Blau knows about cancer to revel in his survival and to thrill at the promise of the maxim underscoring the work it makes possible: “All for one and one for all.” Susan Gubar writes about life with ovarian cancer.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Susan Gubar writes about life with ovarian cancer. Greg + Wife's in Key West wish Susan Gubar would write about crunching 4 Trillion Rx Recipes at Los Alamos with Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer.
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day at the Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel For Starbucks Rx Pink Latte... all the Valentines are waiting on George Orwell II Society Driven Hard with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's to make up for Lost Time, Paradise Lost to Subs and Navy Admirals who bombed the Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011 when Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion confiscated from King Salman.
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day at the Qatar Trump Casino Roulette Wheel... Top Brass!
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day, Bill Gates will not hire the Valentine's Day Temps at Microsoft to save money today. Only Reason not to Hire her is to save money. Temps! NY Times will not hire all the Women Temps today to save money!
NASA Women on the 1980 Valentine Day Card, A Train of 100's of Super Shuttles and Telescopes bought with the invention of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's.
NASA Women on the 1980 Valentine Day Card, A Train of 100's of Super Shuttles and Telescopes bought with the invention of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's.
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day at the "War on Breast Cancer" New fronts emerge in Syria as Assad, allies push for victory. New Women not Melinda Gates as she knows Greg + Wife's in Key West are POW's not allowed to brainstorm a Rx Recipe, but others like Dr. Lisa MD emerge in our George Orwell Society ready for the Rx Pink Latte.
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day new hires at the NY Times. Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD as Executive Editor MD. Editorial on the Rx Antidote for Drunk Men on Valentine's Day wins her a Nobel in Medicine! Coor's is Orwell and Foggy Bottoms in our 1984 II Society. Story of love, there is a crushing tale of Drunk Drivers Road Kill on the roads 100 this week and at home. Same Top Brass who drive by fiery traffic accidents today are to blame but they are on their way to the Qatar Trump Casino.
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day Ivanka Wants $777 Trillion for her Rx Pink Latte, Iraq Wants $88 Billion for Rebuilding. Allies Offer a Fraction of That." By MARGARET COKER and GARDINER HARRIS
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day Tim Cook explains why you're never going to visit the inside of Apple's new $5 billion headquarters - because its going to be the Yale Steve Jobs Medical School Hospital for all the Steve Job Clones who have died from cancer without a iManhattan Project from Tim Cook. Steve Jobs Widow on this Valentines Day is soul searching 10 trillion galaxies and the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR she never got as a Valentine from Steve Jobs. Yet both knew about the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Tom Cook's ridicule of Valentine Day's for God's Gift of Women is in the same class as the 1980 - 2018 Star Wars Caller ID for her Murders on Valentine Days, Wrongful Deaths when iDash Cam's + GPS of iPhone X tracks every cell phone, and many lost inventions. Kim Wall a temp with no iApple ID badge to save money hiring her! Bill Gates will not hire the Valentine's Day Temps at Microsoft to save money today. Only Reason not to Hire her is to save money. Temps!
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day, Bill Gates will not hire the Valentine's Day Temps at Microsoft to save money today. Only Reason not to Hire her is to save money. Temps!
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day Dead from 'Wrongful' "War's" Paxton’s death certificate says he died Feb. 25, 2017, from a stroke, 11 days after surgery to replace a heart valve and repair aorta damage. He was 61. His family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, and the surgeon who performed the actor’s heart surgery, shortly before he died on Feb. 25, 2017. The suit filed Friday, Feb. 9, 2018 alleges the surgeon used a “high risk and unconventional surgical approach” that was unnecessary and that he lacked the experience to perform... Navy Admirals who bombed the Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011 when Greg flew into Key West are to blame for the 'Wrongful' Death's. Elite Yale Key West Medical School training for 100's of thousands since 3-4-2011 when Greg flew into Key West with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's. The misguided treatment of Dr. Lisa MD President of the Yale Key West Medical School via way to any guided Missiles surgery since 3-4-2011. Preventable death's wrongful lawsuits will bankrupt the Admirals.
*.* Valentine Day Women MD's Women Lead the Parade to Starbucks Valentine Day Rx Pink Latte Cure!
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day at the Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel For Starbucks Rx Pink Latte...
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day Ivanka Wants $777 Trillion for her Rx Pink Latte, Iraq Wants $88 Billion for Rebuilding. Allies Offer a Fraction of That." By MARGARET COKER and GARDINER HARRIS
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day Corruption Charges for keeping $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues given to Netanyahu. The charges, which would be the first against a sitting prime minister, raised immediate doubts about his ability to stay in power... nothing about God, Jewish Aliens and cheating the Jews out of 10 Trillion Galaxies, overhearing Jewish Aliens today would be possible but for Netanyahu's Oil bribes." By DAVID M. HALBFINGER and ISABEL KERSHNER 1980 - 2018 Jewish women litter his battlefields with Breast and Ovarian cancers. And their 2 clean up bags he never cleaned up with a Rx Pink Latte Cure.
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day 4 Russian women have been killed by Breast Cancer Headlines in the NY Times when Dr. Lisa MD is Executive Editor of the Times, Our Times in a Universe with 10 Trillion Galaxies. Although only four Russians have been confirmed dead, reports continue to circulate that many more died in fighting in eastern Syria on Feb. 7-8. "By IVAN NECHEPURENKO, NEIL MacFARQUHAR and THOMAS GIBBONS-NEFF
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day - As the powers that be in Beijing and the Vatican negotiate over who appoints clerics, many worshipers have more pressing worries. By IAN JOHNSON
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day - "Debunked: The Strange Tale of Pope Gregory and the Rabbits
Scientists have often recounted a story about the domestication of rabbits involving a pope and Lent. But it’s just not true. By JAMES GORMAN Star Wars Pope, Tale of Pope Gregory with 4 Wife's and as many Nobels. A true story."
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day - Believe it or Not, No One Believes a Lawyer paid a Trump Porn Star $130K out of his pocket so why did the NY Times write a story they don't believe? Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Says He Paid Stormy Daniels Out of His Own Pocket. Michael D. Cohen, who worked as a counsel to the Trump Organization for more than a decade, said he was not reimbursed for the 2016 payment." By MAGGIE HABERMAN
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day - FBI and Domestic Abuse, murders via Wounded Warriors so far this year must out number cops killed. Which is on the front page of the Times today.
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day Jews need to visit Jewish Aliens at the Ford WindmillCAR plant in Salt Lake City USA. Do Israeli Students Need to Visit Auschwitz? A controversial law in Poland provides an opportunity to reassess Israel’s relationship with the memory of the Holocaust. By SHMUEL ROSNER Fiery Wrecks of Cop cars - Jewish and American are in the show room. Gasoline Tanker Trucks in a head on collision with a SUV are on display too. All this for Jewish Oil Revenues of $777 Trillion they could not spend on 40,000 new Trump Towers in the West Bank, all this Oil Kickback money is in Swiss Bank accounts.
NASA Women on the 1980 Valentine Day Card, A Train of 100's of Super Shuttles and Telescopes bought with the invention of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's.
NASA Women on the 1980 Valentine Day Card, A Train of 100's of Super Shuttles and Telescopes bought with the invention of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's.
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day - Fifty Shades of the Rx Latte at Starbucks in a Disney Pixar Fox Movie!
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day - 1984 Privacy of Prince Salman with 3 Wife's, 10 Children and $777 Trillion in gas station hold up loot the cops want him arrested for. Olympics out in the Real World ruled today by Oil Men and Drunks.
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day - First Love then comes 1,001 IP invention projects and as many Hemingway House Writing Class Novels written with iapp on the same page at the same time with inventions brainstormed in every chapter by lovers. Not your Prince Salman with 3 wife's conversations.
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day - Cheney cut in front of a Woman waiting for her Heart Transplant, she died because the NY Times Editors didn't write her story. Valentine’s Day as an excuse to study the heart. The Times Health section has a special page on Heart Disease and Health, which you could use while doing our lesson plans on advanced technologies used to treat diseases of the cardiopulmonary system, or on looking at how social class affects the health of heart patients. 1984 class of Organ Donation Top Brass said No Way we are going to give away all the Hearts from those who died... they didn't say why! '1984' is not a book to give your Valentine.
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day Greg delivered Rose's, now with Rx Perfumes to invent together!!
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day Greg delivered Rose's, now with Rx Perfumes to invent together!!
2-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Valentine Day Greg delivered Rose's, now with Rx Perfumes to invent together!!
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel Written For Valentine Day At Starbucks with the Rx Pink Latte! Ivanka will build 40,000 Trump Towers: Not in Qatar + Kuwait but in the USA for Valentines Day 2018.
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* White House Writing + Invention Projects Class For Valentine Women at Starbucks waiting for their Pink Latte, waiting. White House Proposes $4.4 Trillion Budget That Adds $7 Trillion to Deficits. Useless Headlines from the White House. Valentine Day Women are in line outside Starbucks not the White House Waiting for their Rx Pink Latte Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer Kiss This! Proposed Rx Latte are also for Ovarian Cancer.
Bill and Melinda Gates 40,000 Trump Towers: in Pictures from Qatar + Kuwait, Dubai UAE
*.* Valentine Day 1,001 IP invention projects will give us "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your Microsoft Starbucks with iMac Air Ride Pro's on every Cafe Table. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindCar's Amazon Book on a iMac Pro.
Bill + Melinda Gates Letter Today. Our 2018 Annual Letter February 13, 2018 Yes Valentine's Day is Tomorrow but not a world was written by Bill or Melinda. Why? I will write about this in a Hemingway Novel with many Wife's! Ha Yes I read the letter and no Gravity Engine's spin offs from the 1980 WindmillCAR's Invention either.
*.* *.* Valentine Day No WindmillCAR's + RV's for Melinda from Bill!! 1,001 IP invention projects will give us "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your Microsoft Starbucks with iMac Air Ride Pro's on every Cafe Table. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindCar's Amazon Book on a iMac Pro.
Love: Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day InventBook's! Lent. Let us add the Jew's to our Exdous to 10 Trillion Galaxies via iMac Air Ride IP invention projects 400 Times Faster than the speed of light in a Verizon Cell Call to the Universe. Invented on an iMac Pro!
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Nation’s new infrastructure projects are all the IP of Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD who refused to build a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs at Los Alamos. The White House turnover rate in the first year of Donald J. Trump’s presidency has been 34 percent. That’s a modern record. Modern Record of 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in the first year. iMac Turn over rate will be 99% gain over Win 10. Modern Record of InventBook Inventor's using 10 IBM Super Computers at Los Alamos each costing $100 million. Modern Record for the number of users and none are rebuilding 1980 Nukes but 1980 WindmillCAR's with Gravity Engines and F-40 Radar. iPhone XX iDash Cams, GPS Google tracking maps of his travels. Yes for the Valentine's Domestic Safety built into 1984 II. Along with the MRI full body and blood work flying into and out of JFK... new connotation to Homeland Security.
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Greg's Innovative MD Valentine Day Women! 10K Obese couples and no ephedra yet In a sprawling complaint citing the benefits of pot reaching back 10,000 years, the suit seeks to decriminalize the drug under federal law. By ALAN FEUER In December 2003, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced it was banning the sale of products containing ephedra. This announcement heralded the first time the agency has banned an herbal supplement. FDA had taken on too much of a big brother role in regulating dietary supplements, FDA took bribes and kickbacks from Oreo's and Krispy Kreme Donuts at CVS.
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Wall of 10 Trillion Galaxies built by War, destroyed by Star Wars. The Berlin Wall has been down as long as it stood. One generation lived with the wall, one without it. But in many ways it is still a tale of two countries." By KATRIN BENNHOLD "Tale of 2 Galaxies!" Fiery Collisions of Berlin Wall coming down after reading the Secret file on the cover of Greg's Amazon Book bought by Reagan for $50. Without the Secret Gravity Car's Engine, as this is new.
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 100 Traffic Deaths this week in the USA and the Times writes headlines about China. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Has Killed Over 100 in China This Year. 'Drivers Training' Nobel Novel written at the Hemingway House Writing Class, can this get Hemingway another Nobel? Safe Driver from reading a Hemingway Novel. If so the $14 cash price of a ticket to get into the Hemingway House will pay off. I don't know why Hemingway House can't scan iPhone Pay or Starbucks Pay. This would make a great Novel to write in your spare time for someone at the NY Times. Grin.
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* No Valentine's Flowers in Bill + Melinda Gates Letter Today. Our 2018 Annual Letter
February 13, 2018 (Yes Valentine's Day is Tomorrow but not a world was written by Bill or Melinda. Why? I will write about this in a Hemingway Novel with many Wife's! Ha) By Bill Gates and Melinda Gates "We are outspoken about our optimism. These days, though, optimism seems to be in short supply. The headlines are filled with awful news. Every day brings a different story of political division, violence, or natural disaster. Despite the headlines, we see a world that’s getting better." What did Bill give you for Valentine's Day Melinda?
*.* Valentine Day 1,001 IP invention projects will give us "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your Microsoft Starbucks with iMac Air Ride Pro's on every Cafe Table. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindCar's Amazon Book on a iMac Pro.
*.* *.* Valentine Day 1,001 IP invention projects will give us "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your Microsoft Starbucks with iMac Air Ride Pro's on every Cafe Table. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindCar's Amazon Book on a iMac Pro.
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* No Valentine's Flowers in Bill + Melinda Gates Letter Today. Our 2018 Annual Letter
February 13, 2018 (Yes Valentine's Day is Tomorrow but not a world was written by Bill or Melinda. Why? I will write about this in a Hemingway Novel with many Wife's! Ha) By Bill Gates and Melinda Gates "We are outspoken about our optimism. These days, though, optimism seems to be in short supply. The headlines are filled with awful news. Every day brings a different story of political division, violence, or natural disaster. Despite the headlines, we see a world that’s getting better." What did Bill give you for Valentine's Day Melinda?
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Key West Hurricane of the Century in 2018 the only thing left standing will be the Hemingway House and the Yale Key West Medical School so let's move these Hurricanes out to sea with a invention. -254 C cluster bombs. The Puerto Rico island’s power and water utilities require wholesale rebuilding to achieve resilience against the next big storm." By MEKELA PANDITHARATNE
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "GPS iPhone X tracking of everyone with a gun on a Google Map - Background Checks Are Not the Answer to Gun Violence. There are problems in the background check system that need fixing. But even then, there are better ways to prevent mass shootings." By JOHN R. LOTT JR.
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "How to Keep the Blooms on Those Valentine’s Day Roses"
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "How to Keep the Blooms on Those Valentine’s Day Roses" How to invent 'Star War's" to package food in cans that are -254 C on the self. Frozen foods from Whole Food's that don't need a 'Ice Box' that mom Greg's mom use to but a cube of ice in to work. Star Wars 'ice cube' that is -254 C in the fridge will keep it cold and frozen for years and years with no electricity but for the light bulb.
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Starbucks Pink Latte was invented via Cheerleaders cheering! A Night Out With North Korea’s Cheerleaders" By ANDREW KEH "The all-female squad has garnered more attention than most athletes competing at the Winter Games, provoking divided reactions." Yes at Los Alamos in 1942 Oppenheimer had a Army of pretty women who Cheered him every morning noon and night.
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Fiery Wrecks, World Bank Note on how many Women were burned in these gasoline fires. Yes the World Bank has kept these stats every day, week, year forever. DealBook: Does a Lawsuit Now Help the Weinstein Women Victims? "Candidate Ejected From West Virginia House Floor for Listing Lawmakers’ Oil and Gas Donors" Canada Prime Minister is not the only one who drives by fiery wrecks without stopping to put out the car on fire. Women, Canadian women on fire!
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* GPS Map of the iPhone X of the Hit and Run Driver, the Road Rage Driver, the Drunk Drivers, the idiots on Scooters maped out on Google Street View. "Car Navigation Systems Plot a Course Forward Against Phone Apps" Star Wars GPS Map of where you have been with your iPhone X for the last year. Day!
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel Written For Valentine Day At Starbucks with the Rx Pink Latte! No telling what particles make up Gravity but you can bet there are a few charm quarks 'Women' in Gravity. 10 Trillion Galaxy Flower's Kiss your Valentine. 10 Trillion Galaxies are Now a threat to the World's Military Intelligence Agencies. 1984 II Society Masterminds "1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year" Valentine Day At Starbucks with the Rx Pink Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD.
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Fishing with a Valentine on a 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter 'Combine-for-fishing' unless you are Carlos Rafael, who ruled New Bedford’s fishing of cod and haddock, was caught lying about his catches. Now the piers have grown quiet. By JESS BIDGOOD Admiral will be caught lying about his not feeding the cod and haddock in 2018. 'Fish Farm Oceans' run by the World's Navy's! 1984 II like the 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2018 in a 1984 II Society. Fed's FBI aim at limiting what the industry fishes for, want more penalties, less Nobel's in 'Fishing' for the mass of humanity. The fishing industry in New England, England too will be fishing for 10 Trillion Galaxy Fish. When 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines are the 'Fish' Story in the NY Times not Carlos, Ya Bet Ya Sara Palin fishing in Alaska would say! "Carlos when he wasn’t yelling into his phone in Portuguese, he held court around town, talking politics and fish" George Orwell II Fish Story starts with 10 trillion galaxies and the fish we will catch! Jew Fish, Ha. "This waterfront that has been bustling since Herman Melville immortalized its cobblestone streets and whaling ships in “Moby Dick.” Moby Dick II will immortalize 10 Trillion Galaxies and Jew Fish, Aliens!
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NOAA sets rules how 10 Trillion Galaxies can be 'Caught' "Instead of the former approach of limiting how many days boats could spend at sea, the new regulations by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration set specific ceilings on how many fish could be caught."
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NOAA is in Key West with 'Ships' but no one can buy a ticket or tour the NOAA Ships. This is why, “Now,” he said, “you don’t see anybody.” in 10 Trillion Galaxies. And 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter 'Combine-for-fishing' are a Secret file at Los Alamos like the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's on the cover of my Amazon Book. Yes, you bet ya there is a Secret file on the 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter 'Combine-for-fishing' and Peanut Farms at Jimmy Carter's Plantation. Cashew's anyone!
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Kerry in Kuwait stacking pallets with Cash. The Philippines on Monday barred its citizens from traveling to Kuwait for employment, accusing the oil-rich Gulf state of turning a blind eye to the abuse and even killing of domestic workers and other Filipinos. The announcement came days after the Philippine president, Rodrigo Duterte, responded angrily to reports that the body of a Filipino domestic worker had been found in a freezer in an apartment in Kuwait. Kerry and the State Dept Blind Eye to 40,000 New Trump Towers built in Kuwait by the USA. Kerry's Boston didn't get one new Trump Towers or 1 Pallet of Cash. Kerry: The historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Sr. will call him “a disinterested and reliable witness of conditions in Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Key West Hemingway House Writing Class on Valentine's Day 2018.
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Sex Slaves, half a million Filipinos in Kuwait, most of them employed as domestic workers, but are really Sex Slaves. Qatar too. General Kelly at the White House knows this all to well.
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Sex Slaves, Prince Harry Paid Sex Workers, Theresa May blasts Oxfam over allegations that it exploited disaster victims for sex. Haiti demands Oxfam identify staff who paid sex workers.
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Invention City Park "More important was what he learned while living on Staten Island — “the technology of farming,” Mr. Carr called it, “which turned out to be the technology of Invention Park-making.”
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NYC + the last 12 years 40,000 Trump Towers were built in Qatar + Kuwait. "The parks part matters because the owner was Frederick Law Olmsted, before he and Calvert Vaux designed Central Park in Manhattan and Prospect Park in Brooklyn and they became America’s first famous landscape architects. The city bought the house 12 years ago. It appears no closer to becoming a museum or a visitors’ center than it did then. Signs in front are deliberately unwelcoming — “Historical site — no trespassing” — as if signs would deter vandals. Gasoline Vandals are NYC top brass at the Qatar Trump Casino. 40,000 Trump Towers in this Olmsted Site!
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Frederick Law Olmsted, who designed Central Park with Calvert Vaux, lived in a home on Staten Island in the 1840s and 1850s. The city hopes to renovate and restore it. Ivanka wants to build 40,000 Trump Towers here, grin.
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* CBS Star Trek “Discovery” season finale — “Will You Use Nukes Instead of WindmillCAR's + RV's” — was satisfying, would have been more satisfying. Long before 9/11 the Top Brass could have won the Islamist War with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's. 1980 WindmillCAR's Mirror Universe!! No 9/11 or Baghdad. No Prince Harry and any Wounded for his glory of being Prince Charming not driving a 1980 WindmillCAR. We think the episode is over — and that the Discovery is riding off into the sunset. But then a traditional Trek trope: a distress call, from Jewish Aliens 4.3 light years from Earth. “Discovery” writers had to conclude story lines that were already sticky to begin with. The entire Klingon-Federation war comes to an end because L’Rell is given control of a bomb planted in the heart of Kronos by Evil Georgiou." Here on Earth they will blow up the Earth with their 40 Nukes on fleets of USS Jimmy Carter Subs. Jimmy Carter Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's Victory!
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* InventBook for Trump, Ivanka not Trump. Ha. NY Times Headline News Over Cambodian Leader’s Facebook ‘Likes’ Reaches a U.S. Court. An opposition politician argues that Hun Sen, the Asian country’s authoritarian premier, has used social media to spread fake news and strengthen his hold on power.
By JULIA WALLACE Real true story is Hun Sen + Trump can't invent anything for 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in a 1984 II Society.
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A Perfect IP invention project for a Editor at the NY Times to win a Nobel in Medicine. Untreated osteoporosis could spawn an epidemic of bone fractures, hospital and nursing home admissions, even premature deaths. By JANE E. BRODY Have Jane Brody rewrite this story for a Nobel Invention Brainstorming Rx Latte at Starbucks. 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos 10 IBM super computers are required to crunch this Recipe Editorial. And many Dr. Lisa MD's.
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cough on a package of Oreo's at Publix in the Olympic Store and the virus stays on the package for 4 days until you open it touch the virus and pick up a Oreo. Olympic Training is everything but this. The Most Dreaded Opponent at the Olympics: The Common Cold. It’s the game before the Games. Athletes coming to Pyeongchang strategies for weeks about how to overcome a foe they can’t see. Flu Virus on package of Oreo's! By DAVID SEGAL
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 40,000 Space Stations would have been built in 2018 if the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR would have been built... last minute, Russia scrubs cargo launch to space station. Don't Give Up on the International Space Station 40,000 of them only takes one win at the Qatar Trump Casino Roulette Wheel.
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Greg's Innovative MD Valentine Day Women New Proposals for the Legal Polygamous Marriage in Key West, at the Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel Written For Valentine Day At Starbucks with the Rx Pink Latte!
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Politics + Physics of Soul-Mates in a Universe with 10 Trillion Galaxies and Photons of Light and Time, no telling what particles make up Gravity but you can bet there are a few charm quarks 'Women' in Gravity.
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Rio Carnival Kicks Off With Samba, Blocos and Nod to #MeToo" InventBook Carnival Drives with the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's to what should this Valentines Day be the Super Gravity of a Neutron Star Gravity Engine Car invented decades ago if the Fed's, FBI would have put 'OUT" the fiery accidents from gas engine cars! Hong Kong Bus Crash Kills at Least 18 and Injures Over 60. InventBook in Hong Kong the Laser's and F-35 Radar on CAR's and Traffic control with iPhone X iDash Cam's iCop in your car, No one in Hong Kong even on Scooters killed or injured in a crash today, Paradise Lost at the Qatar Trump Casino roulette Wheels would have been won by the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Now look at the Yale Hong Kong Medical School with Art of the Elite Diagnosis... count the dead and injured from misdiagnosis here. God Save the Queen, Hell No Way! "Justin Trudeau’s Motorcade Involved in Minor Crash in California" By JEFFERY C. MAYS Justin Trudeau is Involved in a Crash of 10,000 Trillion Galaxies, Exodus by the Jews, Jewish Aliens and Jimmy Carter's grandchildren with cancers and birth defects from Canada Diesel + Coal Chemicals, Atoms in their DNA. Steele will build every house in the USA not Canada Lumber! "The police motorcycle began to move and was struck by the vehicle, throwing the police officer into another police motorcycle in the motorcade. Mr. Trudeau’s vehicle did not stop." The Fed's FBI did not stop the fiery cop car accidents writing a ticket on the side of the road in the USA, Hong Kong, or Rio from 1980 to 2018... a War Crime! Fire + Fury Book hell a Disney Pixar Fox Movie!
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Fire + Fury" Book is Gallows Humor from Trump and George Orwell!
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Fire + Fury" Disney Pixar Fox Movie from Paradise Lost 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's. Disney movie with the most fiery wrecks and Fury from George Orwell Drivers of gas engine cars on fire!
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 4 Killed in Fiery CAR crash Headlines, Hell No this is Censored as you know yesterday 4 died in a Fiery CAR crash in the USA. "Fiery Helicopter Crash in Grand Canyon Kills at Least 3 and Injures 4 others." "The chopper was carrying six passengers and a pilot when it went down around 5:20 p.m. on Saturday on the Hualapai Nation near Quartermaster Canyon."
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Fire + Fury" Book is Gallows Humor from Trump and George Orwell!
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* President Trump wants to spend $1.5 trillion on rebuilding roads when Ivanka will spend $7 Trillion or $77 Trillion at Los Alamos on Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD's Pink Latte for Starbucks Valentine Day Cure - for Breast Cancer and a Rx Latte for Ovarian Cancer Cure. Ivanka has $777 Trillion confiscated from Prince Salman, Saudi Arabia and she can get even more trillions from the Qatar Trump Casino, grin.
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Sunday Review from the NY Times. "The Biggest Valentine’s Day Myths of All Time
Cupid can in fact be thwarted." 10 Trillion Galaxy Flower sent to your Valentine might need a correction from the Times Editors as Soul-Mates are like Pope Francis can today see the Photons of light from Sun Shine. Sarah Hutto (@huttopian) is a writer whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Washington Post and McSweeney’s. Sarah is not on InventBook or even trying to brainstorm the Rx Pink Latte for Breast Cancer. Can Sarah be thwarted by the Pink War on Cancer and Soul-Mates Photons in 10 Trillion Galaxies?
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Politics + Physics of Soul-Mates in a Universe with 10 Trillion Galaxies and Photons of Light and Time, no telling what particles make up Gravity but you can bet there are a few charm quarks 'Women' in Gravity.
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Politics and Rx Latte Cure for Herpes. About half of Americans aged 14 to 49 have HSV-1 or HSV-2. The latter, genital herpes, infects twice as many women as men." By NICHOLAS BAKALAR "60 percent of people ages 40 to 49 are infected with HSV-1." "There have been no studies firmly establishing why women are infected with HSV-2 at almost twice the rate of men."
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Radar F-35 on and in your Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's will have spin off inventions. Facial Recognition Is Accurate, if You’re a White Guy... F-35 Radar spin off inventions is more Accurate tracking you and your location at night.
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Give her a Invention Valentine Day Flower. Make her Rich in Invention Projects, 1,001 IP all listed by you on 1 Click Amazon with link to super computers at Los Alamos.
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cheats and Swindlers of your IP invention projects conversations. How to start a conversation about 1,001 IP invention projects on a Valentine Day Date. Disney Pixar Fox Movie.
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Aim for 3 Skiing Gold's or 3 IP invention projects you can publish on Amazon in a Kindle Book.
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times Magazine "Letter of Recommendation: Dissecting a Human Body' By ALEXANDRIA MARZANO-LESNEVICH FEB. 8, 2018 Physics of Soul-Mates in a Universe with 10 Trillion Galaxies and Photons of Light and Time, no telling what particles make up Gravity but you can bet there are a few charm quarks 'Women' in Gravity. Dissecting Memory in a Human Body!! NY Times Magazine should write this article. Editor who wins a Nobel in Medicine or Physics via Memory Dissection Article is the New New York Times.
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dissection Censored is the Qatar 40,000 Trump Towers built by the USA in the last decade when Public Housing in the USA is Demolished, not built in the mirror Universe as Qatar Public Housing in Trump towers. Last Week the King of Qatar came to the USA and said he would build several nice Trump Towers at the US military base in Qatar. Trump said OK do it! "The Towers Came Down, and With Them the Promise of Public Housing. Former residents of Chicago’s Cabrini-Green were thrown into a system that increasingly leaves the poor to fend for themselves." By BEN AUSTEN Last Week the King of Qatar came to the USA and said he would build several nice Trump Towers at the US military base in Qatar. Trump said OK do it!
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "My own rage at that faculty meeting, when the voices of students who had become statistics at our fingertips were being asked to hush up, to step back into their tidy columns. This anger isn’t about deserving. It’s about necessity: what needs to boil us out of bed and billow our dresses, what needs to burn in our voices, glowing and fearsome, fully aware of its own heat. Leslie Jamison is an author whose book “The Recovering” will be published in April. "I Used to Insist I Didn’t Get Angry. Not Anymore. On female rage." is the title of her article in the Times, a long article that covers everything but Bill + Melinda Book list they gave the NY Times and Bill Gates pet invention project to reinvent the toilet in every Times article they write finally did it for women after Ovarian Cancer surgery with 2 clean up bags stuck to her waist. Leslie Jamison needs to read up on Ovarian Cancer Surgery, spend a Sunday with women with 2 clean up bags for their waste. Then mention Bill + Melinda Gates in her next long article. Maybe Bill + Melinda are censored from putting in her article too as this is George Orwell Today.
On Female Rage A Long Article that left out Bill and Melinda Gates and Ovarian Cancer Surgery 2 Clean up bags on her waist
2-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Greg's Innovative MD Valentine Day Women New Proposals for the Legal Polygamous Marriage in Key West, at the Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel Written on the Wedding Day with 1 Click Amazon like to Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer in Los Alamos crunching 4 trillion Rx Recipes and 10 Trillion Galaxies in a New InventBook Kindle Novel. Finished by Midnight, grin.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Time-Photons Will Change the Times when someone is given a Nobel in Physics for this Miracle of Light Discovery What is Time!! 'Subatomic Particles'. If it weren't for 'Photons' no one not even Pope Francis would believe there are 'Particles' of Diesel Exhaust in his Sunday Mass at Saint Peters. But Don't count on Pope Francis ever telling this to the Congregation sitting in Saint Peter's this Sunday at the Vatican. Soul-Searching is fine with their brain in your hand. We need the Rx Memory Latte at Starbucks and this needs Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD in this article in the Time-Physics! Bipolar disorder, this psychological disorder, however, cannot be identified in a typical post-mortem examination of brain structures. We need the Rx Memory Latte at Starbucks ASAP.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Daylight Saving Time: What’s It Good For? European Lawmakers Ask
Members of the European Parliament have joined the chorus of skeptics who argue that changing the clocks does more harm than good and should be revised. By CEYLAN YEGINSU Time-Photons Will Change the Times when someone is given a Nobel in Physics for this Miracle Nobel in Physics. Could Mark Thompson win a Nobel in Physics for this Time-Photon's Editorial?
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Xi is putting to death Jimmy Carter's grandchildren with Birth Defects and Cancers from Diesel in their DNA and the Pope is making a 'Deal' about Bishop's in China. Is this what 1984 predicted? "Worries Rise as Pope and China Edge Closer to Deal on Bishops"
*.* Valentine Day Women MD's Women Lead the Parade - Gray Matter Dissected and Rx Latte too! Corpora amylacea, in the hippocampus — involved in learning and memory — and the frontal lobes, among other areas. Anyone for a Time-Photon Editorial on Memory-Photons?
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Greg's Innovative MD Valentine Day Women!
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* *.* Valentine Day Women MD's Women Lead the Parade - Gray Matter Dissected and Rx Latte too! Corpora amylacea, in the hippocampus — involved in learning and memory — and the frontal lobes, among other areas. Anyone for a Time-Photon Editorial on Memory-Photons?
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* *.* Dr. Hyman Schipper, a professor of neurology at McGill University in Montreal, said his laboratory’s studies have found evidence that corpora amylacea can result from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals, which can be unleashed by various stressors. “It’s telling you something and it could be very important,” Dr. Schipper.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* *.* Dr. Hyman Schipper, a professor of neurology at McGill University in Montreal, has been 'Brain-Washed' via Justin Trudeau Regrets ‘Peoplekind’: ‘I Made a Dumb Joke’ After the Canadian prime minister was shown on video telling a woman not to say “mankind” at a town-hall-style meeting, people had many, many opinions. "By YONETTE JOSEPH Justin Trudeau Regrets Canada Oil Genocide + 'Holocaust 'I Made a Dumb Joke’ its in my Brain that will be dissected for Corpora amylacea!
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* *.* Dr. Vogel, the Stanford neuropathologist, said the results of his examination should reassure the public that Mr. Justin Trudeau doctors had not missed diagnosing a tumor or other major brain disorder that could have been treated to have given Canada the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and spin off Gravity Engine CAR's in 2018.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* *.* $777 Trillion in winnings at the Qatar Trump Casino by Trudeau provide answers to the fundamental question of what drove him to his deadly actions on gasoline exhaust cars and fiery traffic accidents from 1980 to 2018.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "In China’s Coal Country, a Ban Brings Blue Skies, Cold Homes" Not the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's with the iPod size Micro Electric Generator fueled by H -254 C and you can plug in all your GE Appliances! Is this what 1984 predicted?
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "In China’s Coal Country, a Ban Brings Blue Skies, Cold Homes" Seeking cleaner skies, China is moving aggressively to reduce its dependence of coal. This environmentalism from above has had problems and successes." By STEVEN LEE MYERS The Pope In Chin, Why the 'War Crime's instead of "Inventions?" By BARBARA MARCOLINI and NEETI UPADHYE
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Fiery Car Accidents in China kill 300 a Month, "Nanny Who Set Fatal Fire in China Is Sentenced to Death" The blaze killed the three children.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Nanny Who Set Fatal Fire in China Is Sentenced to Death" The blaze killed the three children Mo Huanjing was caring for, and their mother. Her case has prompted a debate about trust, greed and inequality." By JAVIER C. HERNÁNDEZ and IRIS ZHAO
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Fiery Car Accidents in China kill 300 a Month, "Nanny Who Set Fatal Fire in China Is Sentenced to Death" The blaze killed the three children.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mary Kennedy hanged by Robert Kennedy Jr. General Kelly and all 1,001 Generals who read this story knew Kennedy bought the Judge to kill Mary off. As a Marine general, John F. Kelly was used to defending subordinates. Standing up for a White House aide accused of Wife's 2 Abuse has raised the specter of his own resignation. By THOMAS GIBBONS-NEFF Prince Harry knows how many Wounded Warriors have beaten and murdered their wife's too. Specter of his War Crimes Trial in London is real. Driven by the Ford WindmillCAR's.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar is the 'Richest' City in the World when NYC should be... now read this. THE LOOK
"I Will Die in This Beautiful Place NYC" "To be a true New Yorker, one must love and hate the city in equal measure, and always come back." By DANIEL ARNOLD, DARCIE WILDER and EVE LYONS Read this as NYC is the 'Richest' City in the World not Qatar with its Trillion Dollar Subways and 40,000 New Trump Towers for the Homeless on the Streets of Qatar, who are on the streets of NYC.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* When the pretty women’s ready-to-wear season arrives in New York, the fashion scene comes alive. Our photographers captured vivid moments from the first day in a week of runway Invention Inspiration Shows to light up your brain with Photons.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The North’s Olympic cheerleaders continue a practice of using pretty young women.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR "North Korea’s Lipstick Diplomacy The North’s Olympic cheer leaders continue a practice of using pretty young women to represent Pyongyang. Why does South Korea embrace them? So TIM COOK will have to Brace Himself screaming "Beautiful Young Women," Go to Hell!! By SUKI KIM
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The North’s Olympic cheerleaders continue a practice of using pretty young women to represent Pyongyang. When the pretty women’s ready-to-wear season arrives in New York, the fashion scene comes alive. InventBook writing this with a few Wife's will give us the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks in 2018. Rx Cure for Breast Cancer! Trump will not release this Secret file too!
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Fate of the Yale Key West Medical School Campus here... Meeting To Decide Fate Of Structures" The fate of five structures at the former Keys Energy Services diesel plant in Bahama Village will be decided Monday during a meeting hosted by Key West’s chief building officer at City Hall, Thanks God for George Orwell HQ at Trump Towers NYC, grin. Get this Yale Key West Medical School Built in time for Trumps Heart Transplant he will need sooner or later. Cheese Burger's in Paradise Trump sings in the White House.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The Smearing of Woody Allen, Tim Cook when Trump will not release the 'Secret' Sex Videos. Orgy! Trump watches his old Orgy Videos too.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Netanyahu Lashes Out as Israeli Police Wrap Up Graft Inquiries About Fiery Cop Car Accidents that are No Longer Accidents but "War Crimes" by Netanyahu for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. Cops will drive the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCar to Netanyahu HQ.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A picture taken in northern Israel on Saturday purports to show the remains of an Israeli F-16 that crashed after coming under Syrian antiaircraft fire. Israeli F-16 had been hit by Syrian antiaircraft fire, according to a military spokesman, Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, though he added that nothing had been officially confirmed. The Israeli military said two pilots had bailed from the downed aircraft “as per procedure.” One pilot was severely injured as a result of “an emergency evacuation,” it said. This appeared to be the first time in decades, probably since the early 1980s, that an Israeli jet was downed under enemy fire. In the past, Syria has claimed, falsely, that it had shot down Israeli aircraft. 1980 the Ford WindmillCAR was invented and would have won the WAR over Syria, Iran. Godsent that was given to the Pentagon for Oil Money.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Extensive lobbying network of 100's from NYC to Washington to push back against the Qataris, and a delegation of prominent American Jewish leaders is scheduled to fly soon to Abu Dhabi Trump Casino with $777 Trillion at the roulette wheels not the Ford WindmillCAR's Wheels. Saudis and Emiratis remain formidable players in Washington’s influence game, with the Emirati ambassador to Washington, Yousef al-Otaiba, being one of the city’s most popular hosts at the Trump Casino Roulette Wheels. 1984 Foggy Bottom. Trump will not release the Secret Casino Orgy YouTube Videos, grin. He's still watching them!! Ha. Qatar has invested billions of dollars in the United States, buying Miramax Studios in 2016 and a stake in the Empire State Building. InventBook for millions in the USA was lost by Trump at the Casino in Qatar.
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Netanyahu Lashes Out as Israeli Police Wrap Up Graft Inquiries About Fiery Cop Car Accidents that are No Longer Accidents but "War Crimes" by Netanyahu for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. Cops will drive the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCar to Netanyahu HQ.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day Women! NY Times "Sri Lanka has introduced a 25 percent quota for female candidates in local elections. 25 % introduced to the Yale Key West Medical School Art of the Diagnosis is what we would be reading if the NY Times reporter had a MD degree instead of a Journalism degree. Like Facebook and InventBook writing up women in Sri Lanka, do this in your head right now, grin! Dr. Lisa MD, You are Fired, NY Times Journalists! Hahahaha
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jewish Valentine Day Women!
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Netanyahu Lashes Out as Israeli Police Wrap Up Graft Inquiries About Fiery Cop Car Accidents that are No Longer Accidents but "War Crimes" by Netanyahu for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. Cops will drive the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCar to Netanyahu HQ.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jewish Valentine Day Women!
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Ethiopia to Free 746 Prisoners. Among the prisoners to be freed are a journalist jailed for conspiracy to commit terrorist acts. No Key West Inventors are to be Freed, like Greg + Wife's.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Why Is the Syrian War Still Raging? Nearly seven years after it started, Because the Jewish War Dead from Breast Cancer in the last 7 years has not been on the front page of the NY Times! With Pictures of the Jewish Women Dead from Breast Cancer!! This is a War Crime Attack on Jewish Women. Dr. Lisa MD will testify at the War Crimes Trials. Wrongful Deaths Lawsuits too. $$$
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Justin Trudeau Regrets ‘Peoplekind’: ‘I Made a Dumb Joke’ After the Canadian prime minister was shown on video telling a woman not to say “mankind” at a town-hall-style meeting, people had many, many opinions. "By YONETTE JOSEPH Justin Trudeau Regrets Canada Oil Genocide + 'Holocaust 'I Made a Dumb Joke’ getting a few Oil Men Super Rich and leaving the mass of Mankind poor and sick with gas exhaust and Diesel Particles in their childrens DNA for centuries to come. Men did this to the masses in Canada not women!
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jimmy Buffett the Doctor is in at the Yale Key West Medical School and has talked to your Valentine Day Women after their Breast and Ovarian Cancer Surgery, Please bring them flower not a Margarita!! Doctor's Orders will Out Rank the Rankest George Orwell Drunks, Wife Beaters, they run over in a gas engine car singing "Cheese Burger's In Paradise". Flowers with Rx Pink Latte Please. And Please run over to the Heart Doctors and get Heart Transplant.
Trump Wants a Big Parade. Trump is a Valentine Type Guy so why why would he want a Military Parade instead of a Valentine Parade? A Secret!! This is the 'Secret' file I will print on the cover of my next Amazon Book.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day Women! NY Times "Sri Lanka has introduced a 25 percent quota for female candidates in local elections. 25 % introduced to the Yale Key West Medical School Art of the Diagnosis is what we would be reading if the NY Times reporter had a MD degree instead of a Journalism degree. Like Facebook and InventBook writing up women in Sri Lanka, do this in your head right now, grin! Dr. Lisa MD, You are Fired, NY Times Journalists! Hahahaha
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Athens Politicians May Have Taken Bribes from Rx Drug Maker, Inventors say Rx Pink Latte was not what the bribes paid for... Athens Today is Qatar Trump Casino Roulette Tables not the Center of Learning and Inventing for the World!
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Why Is the Syrian War Still Raging? Nearly seven years after it started, the war in Syria continues to defy attempts at resolution. It may continue for years. By BEN HUBBARD and JUGAL K. PATEL
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Because there are no 'Challenger' Challenger's Super Shuttle's or Hubble Space Telescope Star War Trains in Orbit. NASA sold its soul for the last 7 years to War instead of Star Wars!
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Wants a Big Parade. It Would Be a Big Mistake unless it's a Valentine Parade!! Trump is a Valentines type Guy so why the Hell would he want a Military Parade instead of a Valentine Day Parade with Le Belle Women?
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Justin Trudeau Regrets ‘Peoplekind’: ‘I Made a Dumb Joke’ After the Canadian prime minister was shown on video telling a woman not to say “mankind” at a town-hall-style meeting, people had many, many opinions. "By YONETTE JOSEPH Justin Trudeau Regrets Canada Oil Genocide + 'Holocaust 'I Made a Dumb Joke’ getting a few Oil Men Super Rich and leaving the mass of Mankind poor and sick with gas exhaust and Diesel Particles in their childrens DNA for centuries to come. Men did this to the masses in Canada not women!
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Yale Key West Medical School Sisters MD. Sisters’ Quiet Life of Prayer Disrupted by an Affordable Housing Fight - Not quite right, Sisters Disrupted by getting a MD degree and Polygamous marriage by the Pope orders to the Bishop, 4 Wife's! Four Catholic sisters spend their days praying in their secluded convent, but a dispute over affordable housing has put them in an unusual position. Can they get into Medical School housing for Married Students. Grin.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR "North Korea’s Lipstick Diplomacy The North’s Olympic cheer leaders continue a practice of using pretty young women to represent Pyongyang. Why does South Korea embrace them? So TIM COOK will have to Brace Himself screaming "Beautiful Young Women," Go to Hell!! By SUKI KIM
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPhone X iDash Cam's Caller ID GPS tracking all the Cheats, Swindlers Gone in this new age of Apple + Orwell in her iPhone X iDash Cam's Caller ID with GPS tracking maps and Porn. Star Wars Innovations to End Cheats! "Cheats, Swindlers and Ne’er-Do-Wells: A New York Album" By DAN BARRY The Rogues’ Gallery was a 19th-century innovation that changed police work forever. It’s also a mesmerizing window into our ancestral life of crime." "Welcome to the Post-Text Future" By FARHAD MANJOO The internet was born in text. Now, video and audio are ascendant, writing is being left behind, and everything will be different. iPhone X iDash Cam, iCop in your car talking to you! GPS tracking maps from Google of every gas station hold up cell phone, lead cops to their car and the loot.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Yale Key West Medical School Designed... "Welcome to the Post-Text Future" The internet was born in text. Now, video and audio are ascendant so to the MD when you press the red nurse call button in your Hospital bed. No Nurse will ever come!! MD on the 100" LG Monitor you can see and hear will come when you press the red call button or Seri. No telling but No Nurse will ever come in this Star Wars Era, you get the MD every Time! With Doctors Orders written ASAP not in minutes or hours. MD Face of the Doctor Fast Tracking is not just for Business Insiders looking at the CEO But MD's at the Yale Key West Medical School. Patients in Bed given Orders by the MD on a 100" LG Ultra monitor with YouTube Videos from the MD.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 10,000 Galaxies Have Eyes + Alien's. Trilobites: Starfish See Pretty Well in the Deep Ocean. By the Way, Starfish Have Eyes. Deep Space 1 Billion light years from Earth. See this better with Trilobites: from Key West written at the Hemingway House Writing Classes.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Travel Tips: How to Fit in Exercise While You Travel to Key West. Art of the Diagnosis winds the argument should I get on the Treadmill Desk at Starbucks.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich is the author of “The Fact of a Body: A Murder and a Memoir.” She lives in Boston and teaches at Harvard. When I walked into the dissection room, my girlfriend was holding a human heart. It lay cradled in her gloved hands like a sleeping animal, like something precious. “You want to hold it?” Janna asked. Five dead people lay on their backs on the metal tables, naked, their chests splayed open, white shrouds covering their legs and faces. I held out my palms. For centuries, there was a social and religious injunction against cutting into the dead. For Today Facebook, Star Wars InventBook will dissect not just the Body but the Art of the Diagnosis. This writer Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich taking the brain out, putting gray matter between her index finger and thumb, rubbing it and thinking without 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos 10 IBM Super Computers never wrote about this in her dissecting the Human Body article in the NY Times. A loss for Mankind Canada would say. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine IP invention projects are listed in every article in the NT Times. Soul-Searching is fine with their brain in your hand. We need the Rx Memory Latte at Starbucks and this needs Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD in this article in the Times.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1.2 million Breast Cancer women lose... Dozens of Russian Athletes Lose Appeal, Keeping Them Out of Pyeongchang Olympics" By TARIQ PANJA The Breast Cancer Rx Pink Latte Olympics.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Drunk Driver's War" was Lost this year too!
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Girl Scouts selling cookies in the NY Times not Girl Scouts with Cancer and Birth Defects from Gasoline Exhaust.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The Times Company had more than 2.6 million digital-only subscriptions, which include news, cooking and crossword products, at the end of 2017. Digital-only subscription revenue increased 46 percent last year, to $340 million, and 51 percent in the quarter, to $96 million. Subscription revenue for the year increased 15 percent. For the quarter, it rose 19 percent, to $269 million. During an earnings call on Thursday, Mark Thompson, the chief executive of The Times, said the company was pleased. Yale Key West Medical School section in the Times Digital-only subscription revenue will increase 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine. Could Mark Thompson win a Nobel in Medicine for a article in the NY Times?
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1 Trillion Volts, Jolts, Amps with the Super Conductive WindmillCAR's GE Electric Generators at -254 C leaves the news of - "new electrical systems built to a 48-volt standard, instead of the 12-volt systems that have dominated since the 1950s. Simpler than Prius-type drivetrains and less expensive than Tesla-scale battery power, the new electrical architecture both satisfies the demands of cars made more power hungry by their gadget load and enables the use of lower-cost hybrid drive systems.Earlier proposals to take cars to a 42-volt standard fizzled for cost reasons, but recent regulatory developments and the hardware that will one day make autonomous cars feasible have reignited the urgency. Besides the drop in battery... " Will the Editors at the Times win a Nobel for the Gravity Engine Invention? Tip, the Gravity Engine needs 1 Trillion volts to get it started.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day Women! "Judge a Wine by its 'Cancer Labels' Don’t Judge a Wine by the Grape on Its Label" MD Women don't undermine this Cancer Warning credibility! Men at Coors in Colorado Do, so does LandShark Lager, manufactured by Anheuser-Busch under the name of Margaritaville Brewing Company. There are 11 Margaritaville hotels, none have the Rx Pink Latte for Breast Cancer Cure. Jimmy Buffett the Doctor is in at the Yale Key West Medical School. In and Elite MD! Diagnosis with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day Women! "Judge a Wine by its 'Cancer Labels' Don’t Judge a Wine by the Grape on Its Label" MD Women don't undermine this Cancer Warning credibility! Men at Coors in Colorado Do, so does LandShark Lager, manufactured by Anheuser-Busch under the name of Margaritaville Brewing Company.
2-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jimmy Buffett the Doctor is in at the Yale Key West Medical School. Elite MD! Diagnosis with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Secret Status of Russian Ovarian Cancer Team at the Olympians Remains Certain Torture + Death for Millions. Secret World Bank Note for the Elite Oil Men's doping violations for reading Bill and Melinda Gates NY Times Book List when millions of women with Ovarian Cancer in the next few years will have 'Gates' Book bags of waste on their waist. iMac will win the Ovarian Cancer Team a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day Women! "Judge a Wine by its 'Cancer Labels' Don’t Judge a Wine by the Grape on Its Label" By ERIC ASIMOV
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Secret Doping in Chili at the Rx Diet Latte Order! "In Sweeping War on Obesity, Chile Slays Tony the Tiger New regulations, which are for the New England Journal of Medicine lost Olympics Medical School articles by UN Nations. Euphrida taken off the shelf at Whole Foods by the FDA dopes for kickbacks from Tony the Tiger foods." Obese Antidote Doping! All the Dr. Lisa MD's banned from this Olympics. Facebook is their Bill + Melinda Book not InventBook.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Secret Doping again, Norovirus Cases at Olympics More Than Double, Moving Beyond Security Staff - Antidote Doping! All the Dr. Lisa MD's banned from this Olympics.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Secret Doping again, STD, HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis Cases at Olympics More Than Double, Moving Beyond Security Staff to Children with Whooping Cough and other Childhood diseases these dope at the Olympics have no 'Team's' for the Rx Latte at Starbucks. Antidote Doping!
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Secret Doping The New York Times traveled with two U.S. generals to a northern Syria city where armed conflict between the Americans and Turks is now a possibility." By ROD NORDLAND War's Antidote Rx Latte at Starbucks: All the Dr. Lisa MD's banned from this End War Olympics. Nothing on Facebook or Inventbook on this Antidote to War. Hemingway House Nobel Novel was censored from even being written on a iMac with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos. High cost of $777 Trillion in Winnings at the Qatar Trump Casino Roulette Wheel not the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's Wheel.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day Women! "Judge a Wine by its 'Cancer Labels' Don’t Judge a Wine by the Grape on Its Label" By ERIC ASIMOV
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar has no Fuel Thieves among its Citizens, Fuel thieves in Mexico drilled 10,363 illegal taps into state-owned pipelines in 2017, or an average of about 28 every day. Theives are the one's with $777 Trillion in the Bank's of Geneva. And the Elite in Geneva.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "MD Girl Scouts Sell Rx Antidote Cookies at Starbucks for Coors and Pot... MD Girl Scouts have been banned by George Orwell.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "MD Girl Scouts Sell Rx Cookies at Starbucks. Antidote's! A Girl Scout Sold 300 Boxes of Cookies Near a Marijuana Shop. The girl spent more than six hours closing sales, her father said. This is a growing question for Girl Scout groups as marijuana legalization spreads." By DANIEL VICTOR The Girl Scouts of Colorado said in 2014 that it did not allow scouts to sell cookies in front of marijuana shops, liquor stores or bars. But it has since abandoned that policy, AnneMarie Harper, a spokeswoman for the Colorado organization, said in an interview on Wednesday.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "MD Girl Scouts Sell Rx Antidote Cookies at Starbucks for Coors and Pot... MD Girl Scouts have been banned by George Orwell.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 10 Trillion Galaxies Antiodote to Trump Military Parade via NASA Parade. The Pentagon says it’s exploring options for the president. But military parades come loaded with history — yes, they can be celebrations, but they’re also used by dictators to strike fear into civilians. 10,000 Galaxies War!!" By NATALIE RENEAU and CHRIS CIRILLO A Valentine for Steele Soul-Mates selling Godsent WindmillCAR's + RV's, if only Key West was Rich as Qatar this Valentine's Day she would be driving her new 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV. Love Our Universe Dears!!!! Valentine Parade Trump was misdiagnosed by his non MD advisors on which parade to go Viral. Valentine's Parade.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NYC vs Qatar!! “I think I have a lot of validity on the question of income inequality and how we fight it, but you never heard me say, you know, open up the gates of the subway for free. That’s chaos.” Mr. de Blasio said during a pause at the Roulette Wheel at the Qatar Trump Casino. $777 Trillion on Red. And he wants another $777 Trillion in Qatar Oil Revenues. “The penalty right now is disproportionate to the crime,” said Mr. Johnson, the Council speaker, who applauded Mr. Vance’s policy. “We’re not legalizing people not paying to get on the subway. We’re saying that if you jump a turnstile that you should still be given a summons.” By the end of the day, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo weighed in with a statement urging “all parties” to find “balance” — but declining to take a side... as his turn at the Roulette Wheel was next. iPhone X caller ID she gets his winnings at the Qatar Trump Casino.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "A couple walking home from work were stabbed to death on Wednesday evening outside their Brooklyn house in what was reported as a robbery, the police said. Officers responded to a 911 call at 6:40 p.m. in the Prospect Lefferts Gardens neighborhood and found the man and the woman unconscious, each with stab wounds. They were about to enter their home when they were attacked, the police said. The woman, Hazel Brown, who stumbled into the home, on the 200 block of Winthrop Street, near Prospect Park, was pronounced dead at the scene, the police said. The man, Stephenson Bonaparte, who was found outside, was taken to Kings County Hospital Center, where he was pronounced dead." Brooklyn a few months ago. In October, intruders tied up a couple in their brownstone in Bedford-Stuyvesant in a robbery. The wife, 100, freed herself, but her husband, 91, died. The police arrested a man and a woman later that month in connection with the attack.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Emergency responders... Police can hear gun shots not knife screams! InventBook.
The couple’s daughter, who lives in the house’s upstairs unit with her family and was inside during the attack, heard the struggle outside and found her parents bleeding, a neighbor said. The woman threw a blanket over a young daughter to muffle her cries as she sprinted to the neighbor’s house and banged on his door. Her parents had been attacked, she told the neighbor, who gave only his first name, Tony. The neighbor rushed to her home and found Mr. Bonaparte lying outside in the stairwell to the couple’s basement unit. He was alive but had stab wounds about his neck and head. He was unable to speak. “Bloody, like movie bloody,” Tony said. “He couldn't talk. I think blood was in his lungs.”
Emergency responders... Stop the Bleeding merit badge at Girl Scouts. InventBook MD.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar vs NY City! About 80 percent of high school seniors graduated on time in 2017, up just half a percentage point, and large gaps persisted between white and minority students. By ELIZABETH A. HARRIS Liz needs to visit the Geneva Bank's with $777 Trillion from NY City gas station hold up loot. iMac's in Qatar number into the millions at $8,500 each, not your ChromeBook at $199 or Win 10 CloudBook at $188.00.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West in the Times. "Jimmy Buffett Does Not Live the Jimmy Buffett Lifestyle
Mr. Buffett, who has a new Broadway show, “Escape to Margaritaville,” built a half-billion-dollar empire on his laid-back beach brand. But he’s all business now." By TAFFY BRODESSER-AKNER Valentine Day Women! "Judge a Wine by its 'Cancer Labels' Don’t Judge a Wine by the Grape on Its Label" MD Women don't undermine this Cancer Warning credibility! Men at Coors in Colorado Do, so does LandShark Lager, manufactured by Anheuser-Busch under the name of Margaritaville Brewing Company. There are 11 Margaritaville hotels, none have the Rx Pink Latte for Breast Cancer Cure.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "$777 Trillion spent by Ivanka vs Trump. Review: ‘The Female Brain’ Flattens the Female Experience" Moviegoers get a look at the brain scans of couples as a scientist seeks a theory of gender behavior." By TEO BUGBEE
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Good Luck, as Cops in the USA will burn in fiery wrecks this week with no Coup. Netanyahu's Right-hand Man: Israeli Police Trying to Stage Coup Against Prime Minister. From Israel 57m ago
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Without Steve Wynn, Casino Empire Risks Losing More Than a Name
By JULIE CRESWELL As the chief architect of modern Las Vegas, and a visionary who didn’t understand the meaning of subdued, Steve Wynn spent more than three decades luring visitors to the Strip with his opulent hotels, fantasy-filled casinos, fine dining experiences and luxe shopping. But now, the question on everyone’s mind is: What is the $18 billion Wynn Resorts casino and hotel empire without Steve Wynn?"
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Ivanka MD spent decades as the chief architect of the Wynn Casino Medical School. What would have happened in Vegas with Ivanka driving the Ford WindmillCAR + RV. Billions + Trillions.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Wynn including a half-finished $2.4 billion casino resort near Boston... Harvard Medical School Students, to infect the MD's.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NASA's shape of H2O - 254 C Water (Bottle's) by the millions! How Did ‘The Shape of Water’ Become the Film to Beat at the Oscars? By CARA BUCKLEY InventBook @ NASA is not on the NASA web page!
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NASA walking tourn of the City's Inventors. Gravity Engine Starts it off.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* MD philosophy of the plays: Shakespeare used to write the opening soliloquy in “Richard III.” New MD Shakespear Theater. Invention Projects diagnosis software to compare Shakespeare’s works. A Nobel in Medicine! Scholars have used computer-assisted techniques in the humanities for several decades. But not with 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos.
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day Women! "Judge a Wine by its 'Cancer Labels' Don’t Judge a Wine by the Grape on Its Label" By ERIC ASIMOV
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rx Latte at Starbucks, Starbucks submits plans for third Yale New Haven location. Of Course Yale Key West Medical School will have the best Rx Pink Latte's of any Starbucks, Grin!! And Hemingway House Starbucks.
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A Valentine for Steele Soul-Mates selling Godsent WindmillCAR's + RV's, if only Key West was Rich as Qatar this Valentine's Day she would be driving her new 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV. Love Our Universe Dears!!!!
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Day Women! "Judge a Wine by its 'Cancer Labels' Don’t Judge a Wine by the Grape on Its Label" By ERIC ASIMOV
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dangerous Women with Breast Cancer's. In the absence of a coherent American policy for Libya, Russia is gaining influence in one of the most dangerous parts of the world. By JO BECKER and ERIC SCHMITT After reading Tolstoy and the other Russians their Russian Women With Breast + Ovarian Cancers from 1980 to 2018 are getting more so as they Realize Putin use them not Cured them of Cancers for more decade's. $300 million a week in Libya Oil Revenues and none for the "War On Cancer" Rivals of Putin at the Qatar Trump Casino are censored by Russia and the USA. Russia’s young female skaters are breaking down as they push their performance in pursuit of gold medals and more difficult jumps to the Universe Olympics. 10 Trillion Galaxies Putin will not give his Russian Valentine. 'War' not 'Star Wars'
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Valentine Women with Ovarian Cancer Protest, along with Other Protesters outside the American Embassy in South Sudan accused the United States of supporting the rebels in the country’s civil war.
UNICEF Children protest too, American Girl Scouts too. Hell with a Bridge painted Pink, no Key West will not paint City Hall Pink. Millions dead from cancer, millions more on the battlefields. A vast Gulf of Oil has opened with 10 Trillion Galaxies. NASA's War Dead will testify at the Ford WindmillCAR + RV Indy 10,000 Race Half Time, Time's-Photons Super Conductivity's Trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps will get the Gravity Engine started the Rocket Scientists will testify to the Roar of the Crowd. Facebook will be Hanged, and HangOvers will be a Rx Latte at Starbucks Indy 10,000. NY Times writes today "How South Korea left North Korea Behind" when they should have wrote "How Qatar Trump Casino Left Key West Behind" with Admirals shipping off to Cuba not Alpha Centauri.
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Idaho is the only state whose legislature has removed "Climate Change 101" from its education standards. Teachers and students testified for it to be reinstated. By LIVIA ALBECK-RIPKA Ovarian Cancer 101 will only get into the Classrooms in Idaho with in a Disney Pixar Fox Movie, really! Manhattan Project with Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. She is Cheered on by Cheerleaders! A real world Climate Change in the War on Cancer.
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dramatic NYC + Key West City Council hearing, officials said that 323,000 public housing residents lost heat at least once since October, correcting this to lost 323,000 Ford WindmillCAR's! Even More Dramatic, as they were lost by the City Council at the Qatar Trump Casino. Hahahahahaha at the Roulette wheel not the WindmillCAR's wheel. Funny is they got caught.
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rx Latte at Starbucks, Starbucks submits plans for third Yale New Haven location. Of Course Yale Key West Medical School will have the best Rx Pink Latte's of any Starbucks, Grin!! And Hemingway House Starbucks.
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* “Living on a boat with his wife on the north side of Wisteria Island in Key West." "Making several octopus sculptures from the root system of pine trees picked up on the beach." 10,000 Island Galaxies Overhead and we sit here on a boat making wooden Octopus's. Soul-Searching for a Yale Key West Medical School City Hall. Many are beginning to think what will happen to Wisteria Island with the Yale Key West Medical School. Duval will lose 100% of its 'Rick's Bar's Rick's Key West Bar bouncer was jailed after police said he knocked an unruly bar patron to the ground where he struck his head and was knocked unconscious. The patron, Brett Lamar Howard, Jr., was immediately airlifted to Ryder Trauma Center in Miami with a brain bleed, according to the police report. Nathan Daniel Rogers, 31, was arrested for felony battery after the incident at Rick’s Bar, 202 Duval St., on Feb. 4. He was released from the Stock Island Jail the next day as the other guys brain surgery was starting. Capt. Tony's will be a writing classroom. Jews $500 a jar face cream shops will be Out Patient Face Lift's for $99 dollars. Denture Shops will line Duval for all the Tourists needing teeth that fit perfect and are a million dollar smile. White as Trumps! Does Trump have white teeth?
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Amazon Brings New Search Features to the Kindle, feedback tells Amazon to search for IP invention projects. Get out a old "Animal Farm" kindle book and show everyone how Greg got the WindmillCAR invention on page 99. As the George Orwell Animals destroyed the Farms Windmill. Then Search Kindle for the Nobel for Super Conductivity and the Serendipity that added this to the GE Electric Generators @ -254 C. Well I guess you would have to write this Kindle Book before you can search it for IP invention spin offs.
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPhone X Caller ID on the Amount of Time they watch Porn. By MAGGIE JONES "American adolescents watch much more pornography than their parents know — and it’s shaping their ideas about pleasure, power and intimacy. Can they be taught to see it more critically?" Ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. "By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD." Idaho Schools + Key West have never shown this surgery video to any students, it has not gone viral on CBS YouTube news about a viral video. Why do Teens watch Facebook Porn instead of InventBook IP invention project on YouTube, because there is no InventBook. George Orwell has censored this book.
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Again and Again the NY Times is behind the Times. iPad Size GE Electric Generator is the new iPad story. "What I Learned from Watching My iPad’s Slow Death" By JOHN HERRMAN "Nothing reveals the curious disposability of consumer technology more than this feeble, aging device." Trump would say this is Treason!
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times REAL ESTATE » THE FIX "A Bedroom Your Child Won’t Outgrow" iMac Air Ride + MD Pro Diagnostics." By MICHELLE HIGGINS Bedroom of the Child who will inherit 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018. A Child who will grow up only knowing Los Alamos as a Manhattan Project of Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD.
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Inspiration Wanted, so "Ovarian Cancer Surgery Documentary" to Open Tribeca Film Festival. Otherwise we will have to wait another decade or longer for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks.
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Ram Trucks Commercial With 100's of right turns and left turns running Over Couples on Scooters in Key West and World Wide Is Criticized and mostly just censored by George Orwell.
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Judge a Wine by its 'Cancer Labels' Don’t Judge a Wine by the Grape on Its Label"
2-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A Valentine for Steele Soul-Mates selling Godsent WindmillCAR's + RV's, if only Key West was Rich as Qatar this Valentine's Day she would be driving her new 2018 Ford WindmillCAR + RV. Love Our Universe Dears!!!!
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A War Dissenter’s Legacy: How to Win the "Korean Nuclear War" in 2018 with a 1980 Ford WindmillCAR. Drive it to the NY Times!
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Ovarian Cancer's are Booming inside her head to loud to read anything about Mosquitoes from Bill + Melinda Gates, Booming in her head is the Ovarian Cancer's Dr. Lisa MD her THE richest Women in the World, her Booming in her head 1980 Dr. Lisa MD who the hell would Bill + Melinda be with a Ovarian Cancer Rx crunched on iMac. Booming in her head Trump's Guantánamo Cuba, Cuba, just wait until Ivanka + Melinda tell him about their Ovarian Cancers, Booming in their head, Guantánamo will be closed by Ivanka with Ovarian Cancer. Wars Bulls dollars and sense will be divorced from the Victory of War over Cancer. Companies continue to use the Super Bowl platform to promote humanitarian causes either initiated or supported by their brands. It’s a type of marketing that promotes feelings over facts... of 2 clean up bags stuck to her waist, with Bill Gates book bags at the 'Times'! There is no Booming Super Bowl for the Ovarian Cancer Win, Touchdown Manhattan Project not even in Key West City Hall, NOT painted PINK on Purpose! A Snub from City Hall Men who don't WORK on a Nobel in Medicine! Key West Admiral is shipping out to Guantánamon for the hundredth time. Leaving behind any Ovarian Cancer women in Key West he has no Booming in his Gray Matter about at all!! Bull's + Warriors Rules applied until the Doctor's have their French Revolution in Paris. NASA MD's shift in their seats, closer to their Wife's telling her the MD Revolution driven by WindmillCAR's + RV's will Exodus Humanity in next years Super Bowl's Commercials. "First The Next Big Volcano Could Briefly Cool Earth. NASA Wants to Be Ready." SECTION D - PAGE 3
By HENRY FOUNTAIN World Bank Notes 1.2 million will die in this years time. Key West Admiral is late shipping out today. Eagles Vision DNA implanted into Human DNA, DNA in a Cancer Cell implanted into this Navy's War Room Simulations! Dissected by the Admirals for better or worst but dissected. Greg + Wife's in Key West will win the Godsent Rx Recipe Cure for Ovarian Cancer in a Hemingway House Writing Class Novel on an iMac at the Starbucks there. Yes there is a new Starbucks at the Hemingway House in Key West, grin!
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "From Oil to Solar: Saudi Arabia Plots a Shift to Renewable's" Ivanka Plots to Confiscate $777 Trillion from Prince Salman, Mecca. Saudi Women Driving the gas + diesel cars to their "French Revolution" run into the Jewish Women Driven by WindmillCAR's + Gravity Engine's invented by a Jewish Women.
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* InventBook TV Station in Key West not on the Air. "Kenya’s Government Returns Some TV Stations to the Air" By JINA MOORE "Martha Gellhorn" in Kenya "Invention Documentary" will be a new type of documentary to save 'her' life!
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "On Comedy: Comics Select Their Audiences as Carefully as Their Jokes" By JASON ZINOMAN" Saturday Night Live Ovarian Cancer with Bill + Melinda Gates Mosquitoes instead of Trump next week. NY Times Book List for Bill Gates read by Baldwin to the Ovarian Cancer WOMEN all 1.2 million in the Audiance with 2 clean up bags, Bill wants to invent the toilet, his pet project was mentioned 101 times in the NY Times. Ha. NY Times Books of The Times in today's paper: "Mourning With the Help of a Great Dane" SECTION C - PAGE 5
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Play the NY Times Ovarian Cancer Crossword Puzzle.
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Sara Palin tells her son... Hits to the Wife's Head May Result in Immediate Brain Damage" SECTION D - PAGE 4 By GRETCHEN REYNOLDS Alaska Oil Revenues will Pay for the Wrongful deaths of so many women, Mom will have a hard time keeping count of her kittens.
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* HangOvers Medical Inventions Documentary, "Do Hangovers Get Worse as We Age?" By KAREN WEINTRAUB
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cop Cars + SUV's, Poland’s President Supports Making Some Holocaust Statements a Crime like Fiery Cop Car + SUV's are the Texas + Alaska Oil Men's Genocide, and Holocaust for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues today. President Andrzej Duda said he knows about the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and those who drive by fiery wrecks today without stopping to help those on fire inside gas engine cars. This is not a Crime he said. Even in Poland. We all drive by fiery wrecks no one stops to help. WHO at the UN has make notes on this.
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gas Engine's vs Gravity Engine's another War! California TODAY
California Today: Traffic Is Terrible, but Californians Keep Buying Gas Engine Cars" By MATT STEVENS and JULIE TURKEWITZ. Clouds of Diesel particle in the air are never headlines, viral video's on YouTube.
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Between 2000 and 2015, the study says, private vehicle ownership in the area increased from 1.7 to 2.4 vehicles per household. And the study says car ownership grew fastest among “foreign-born households” and other low-income people
George Orwell Clogged 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's Oil Revenues War of $777 Trillion in Greed $$$
Traffic clogged the 101 Freeway in Los Angeles. Credit Mark Ralston/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* WindmillRV's the New Promise of Public Housing + FEMA trailers, no trailers ever again by FEMA, just WindmillRV's. Super Conductive electric generators trillions of Jolts, Volts, Amps spin off inventions FEMA top brass would never ever invent for a RV accessory.
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Uncover the History of Grandma’s Kitchen Tools" By FLORENCE FABRICANT The discovery of a vintage bottle opener led the historian Richard Rabinowitz on a quest to discover its origins and how it might shed light on his family history. The clues took him to Edlund, a 90-year-old Burlington, Vt., kitchen tool company, and beyond. He’ll talk about it and discuss how audience members can follow his example when it comes to the stuff in the back of Grandma’s kitchen drawer: “The Great Kitchen Tool Mystery,” Sunday, 2 to 3:30 p.m., $14, $8 for students and those 65 and older, plus fees, Museum at Eldridge Street, 12 Eldridge Street (Division Street), 212-219-0302," Star Wars Kitchen up close!
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A War Dissenter’s Legacy: How to Win the "Korean Nuclear War" in 2018 with a 1980 Ford WindmillCAR. Drive it to the NY Times!
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Amazon's latest and greatest Echo smart speakers, Kindles, and more are on sale for Valentine's Day. 1 Click IP invention projects for Valentine's Day. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine the Miracle Cure she is waiting for Amazon to put on 1 Click to Los Alamo's $100 Million Dollar IBM super computers to crunch with Love!
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Eagles Vision DNA implanted into Human DNA, would win a Nobel in Medicine!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Nobel's in Medicine: one for the Rx Migraine Latte! Sell this to Starbucks!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Ovarian Cancer's are Booming inside her head to loud to read anything about Mosquitoes as they are in her head just thinking about Bill Gates, Hahahahha. "1,001 Lost Inventions by Bill and Melinda Gates" book is the title she wants Greg and Wife's in Key West to Write for a Disney Pixar Fox Movie. Grin!! This Is Why Uma Thurman Is Angry!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Eagles Vision DNA implanted into Human DNA, would win a Nobel in Medicine!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 10 Trillion Galaxies are Booming inside her head to loud to read anything about Mosquitoes that don't go 400 Times faster than the speed of light with Win 10 and the Gate's Book List of non inventions to read. Pope Francis was overheard saying how stupid can Bill and Melinda Gates be!!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Discovery" Klingons War Today is in Baghdad and Afghastan not were it should be out there with Jewish Aliens being defeated by the Islamic Klingons in a War the Jews on Earth will not help them out. Title CBS gave it is... "The War Without, The War Within" Ovarian Cancer was let out by Chen and her CBS Husband who is president of CBS. And we though Bill and Melinda Gates were the worst married couple, Ha. Long affairs with Win 10 + CBS Survivors TV shows all non invention for the Bombing in the Ovarian Cancers women's brain. Gray Matter of intelligence and torture of women with cancer by McCain for decades while fighting the "The War Without, The War Within" in 10 Trillion Galaxies that are not a Disney Pixar Fox Movie.
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Eagles Vision DNA implanted into Human DNA, would win a Nobel in Medicine!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 * * Nonsense of" The War Without, The War Within" to 1.2 million women with Ovarian cancer every year for the last several decades of "The War Without, The War Within" by French Men who help build the Qatar Trump Casino instead of a Pasteur for Ovarian Cancer. Total Oil the French Own Government Oil Company was the "Total" things these French Mad Men Warrior's Gamblers Built while their French Women died on the Battle fields world wide. Back in the 'Real' Universe of Earth alone in the Universe because NASA failed humanity with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's, the spin off Gravity Engine invented at NASA not Key West.
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Eagles Vision DNA implanted into Human DNA, would win a Nobel in Medicine!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Eagles Vision, Justin Timberlake 14 years with Janet's Ovarian + Breast Cancer Dead, filling a Super Bowl with Cancer War Deaths and no Bob Dylan Nobel's in Medicine in 14 years. Lyrics of Dead Bodies filling this Super Bowl in the Cancer Game. Censored!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NASA crew working together going to the Qatar Trump Casino Together to gamble on the fate of the Universe. Plot's at NASA never went viral on YouTube with the WindCAR's super conductivity of trillions of volts, jolts, amps, generated at - 254 C and its incredible spin off inventions only Rocket Scientists would have invented - all lost in the 1,001 Lost Inventions at NASA. CBS 'Discovery' TV show.
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Status of the Pope Francis Oil Man - Rabbi Oil Man both with $777 Trillion from the Qatar Trump Casino winnings, gas station hold ups neither bothers to save her soul from the hold up men. Rome and Jewish gas stations help up. Women sucker punched out of spite! Consciousness in the Gray Matter been crunched over and over on IBM $100 million dollar super computers at Los Alamos. Still no Soul Searching by the Oil Men Rabbi's and Pope's. Hell's Fire is only Cop Cars on Fire in a Crash!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* CBS Klingon Dialogue rewritten as Dr. Lisa MD Dialogue in this 'Star Wars Discovery' of their anatomy, human anatomy. Admiral fails anatomy 101 in the Real World as Kerry at Yale would say. Kerry at the State Dept and at the Dinner table with his rich Heinz wife is not coherent in a world with 1.2 women with Ovarian trash bags glued to their waist. This is not coherent! The State Dept!!! Justifications for not using the WindmillCAR's to defeat Islam, Mecca, Qatar Trump Casino. State Dept will be renamed 'Universe Dept' after the WindmillCAR's win the War so many Wounded Warriors were blown apart for the oil money bribes and kickbacks, at City Hall Key West! BP Oil's causalities of war. Prince Salman with his 3 wife's and 10 children at dinner with Kerry and Jimmy Carter, his wife. Ivanka and Melinda join with without Trump at the Steak House. Cheney calls to ask each if they would get a Heart Transplant at the Yale Key West Medical School if they needed one. Trump Tweets from the Steak House the red meat is great for your peace of mind.
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump tweets Jackie Kennedy was the perfect wife for a President who needs 4 Wife's but can't make Polygamous marriage legal.
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Super Bowl Half Time Review is written at Invent Bowl. Touchdown on Rx Pink Latte scores several good brainstorming Rx Recipe to crunch try to make work as a Miracle Cure. Athens Starbucks with 1 Click Amazon to 1,001 IP invention projects. History comes alive in Athens again. Riche's of Athens very different than the Qatar Trump Casino in Qatar. Starbucks with 1 Click Amazon to a $100 million dollar IBM super computer everyone in Athens at Starbucks in illiterate in writing apps for... the moment. Time's Photons essay in Athens at Starbucks. Grand Dancing Season just Started Today in Vienna. Women emerge, merge into traffic in Vienna in gas engine cars, avoid the gas station hold ups. Dazzling flash forward to the Gravity Engine Car after a year of driving the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's in Vienna. Venice Car's! World Wide WindmillCAR's loot in Oil Revenue Kickbacks and bribes is Driven in Tanks to Real Wars by Psychotic Men!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* World Bank Note, Suicidal Women intentionally drove into oncoming traffic... like Mary Kennedy hanged herself in the Kennedy Barn with Robert Kennedy Jr. driving her crazy intentionally so she would kill herself. World Bank will note on Mary Kennedy!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Eagles Vision DNA implanted into Human DNA, would win a Nobel in Medicine!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.*NY Times Headlines on Iran women and Veils not Ovarian Cancer Bags. No to Yale Key West Medical school education on Anatomy in Iran for women. Fatal State Dept Crash on Ovarian Cancer news Veiled behind a revolution started by making the Veils Headlines. Today's NY Times editorial. 'Deceptive Policy' Ovarian Cancer Bags #MeToo in Iran would be the real revolution that could not happen in Paris with French Women Today as they would be shot down by the police. Test your math how many French women in Paris at this moment have 2 Ovarian Cancer clean up bags, how many Bill and Melinda Gates books bags do they have?
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mindmeld, Vulcan can invent it! Just spell it out 1,001 IP invention projects in a Disney Pixar Fox Movie! Who tortures Breast Cancer women with impunity is McCain and the other 99 Senators.
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Business of making up the list of IP invention projects for 1 Click Amazon in the NY Times Business news about Broadcom's offer to buy Qualcomm for $121 Billion. There are 1,001 IP invention projects to be listed here besides business as usual. iPod Size GE electric Generator that can replace all GE Nuclear Power Plants on Earth is one invention that I must remind you of. Grin. InventBook you can list your 1,001 IP today too.
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* What Cameras on Polar Bears tell us: Make their world a Zoo, feed them like the Navy will fish farm all the Worlds Oceans with 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines.
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Nobel's in Medicine: one for the Rx Migraine Latte! Sell this to Starbucks!
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Nursing Home" Bed Sore Massage is Legitimate and intimate so 1.2 Million will get a Bed Sore in a Nursing Home Today, note from the World Bank.
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* As my Chemo Cocktails Became Stronger I should have bet on No Cocktails sooner. I needed to find a way to buy myself a few years in hopes that the next miracle Rx was around the corner in Key West. Proton Therapy. How much time do I have before the cancer returns? By Katie Palay on Facebook not InventBook.
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* STD's in the Trump Era are no different... no Rx STD Latte at Starbucks. Baristas with STD's work as usual. Flu too.
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Biography. 1,001 IP invention projects will give us "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Starbucks. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindCar's Amazon Book!!
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* FBI Federal investigators say they have found huge gaps in the regulation of assisted living facilities that take care of Medicaid beneficiaries. Assisted inventing 1,001 Things You Can Invent in a Nursing Home. Not Bridge + Bingo this is like the Fed's looking over the iPostOffice and not mailing a IP invention project to anyone on Amazon or Whole Foods. You must massage the bed sore area for 15 mins with lotion, this will get you arrested today.
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Most Afghans Can’t Read, but Their Book Trade Is Booming, Most Americans Can't Read the Bill and Melinda Gates "Book List" because Ovarian Cancer's are Booming inside her head to loud to read anything about Mosquitoes as they are in her head just thinking about Bill Gates, Hahahahha. "1,001 Lost Inventions by Bill and Melinda Gates" book is the title she wants Greg and Wife's in Key West to Write for a Disney Pixar Fox Movie. Grin!! This Is Why Uma Thurman Is Angry, "Kill Bill" Oil In Qatar + Bill Gates both are Masterminded by some Elite George Orwell Sex Sadists from London. "Kill Cancer Cells" is Uma Thurman's next movie!! Opioids Infrastructure Rx to make these crunched with 4 Trillion other Rx Recipes in the movie "Kill Cancer Cells".
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Says Republican Memo ‘Totally Vindicates’ Him for letting Ivanka and Melinda die from Breast and Ovarian cancer's in 2018. Trump said Oppenheimer was fired for refusing to build the USS Jimmy Carter Sub Fleet. $13 Trillion in jobs, Trump said. School Shooting Simulation Trains Teachers for the Worst, Jimmy Carter shooting off 40 Nukes makes teachers realize these guys are Psychotic and in need of Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD.
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Wrongful Death Lawsuits against Sweden will be for more than the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR Deaths. Alcohol in her breasts DNA that caused a mutation. Sue the King! Is the New Motto for Women in Sweden. The Buzz in Stockholm Is Craft Beer With Less Buzz! By INGRID K. WILLIAMS
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* How to travel around China from one Hemingway House Writing Class IP invention project to another and another... NO, Hell No this is not the story in the Sunday NY Times. This is... "How to Travel to (and Around) China, From VPNs to T.P." SECTION TR - PAGE 9 By LUCAS PETERSON First Words: It’s Getting Harder to Sort the ‘Credible’ from the Incredible" By MICHELLE DEAN ‘Credible’ from the Incredible" is the Top Brass who let their wife's and daughters died a cancerous death from Breast and Ovarian cancer for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenue for the Qatar Trump Casino. And let Bill Gates give the NY Times his Ovarian Cancer Clean up "Book Bags". Gate reinvented the toilet for Ovarian Cancer women.
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ...he slid off the couch onto the floor. He just lay there, unable to even sit up. She couldn’t lift him. When the E.M.T.s arrived, they loaded him into an ambulance, and she followed them to Yale New Haven Hospital, in New Haven, Conn. ...doctors were concerned that he could have meningitis — an inflammation or infection of the tissue that surrounds the brain, beneath the skull. Or worse, encephalitis — an inflammation of the brain itself. A spinal tap did suggest an infection. But whether it was from a virus, like herpes, or from a bacterium, like streptococcus or the one that causes Lyme, was unclear. He was started on an antiviral medication and three broad-spectrum antibiotics and sent to the intensive-care unit... blood cultures quickly grew out Staphylococcus aureus, an aggressive bacterium usually found on the skin. The same bug grew out of his urine as well. And an M.R.I. showed lots of white dots in the usually dark matter at the back of his brain. These probably represented tiny bits of infection, most likely the same resilient agent found in the blood and urine. Noted, but he had had an awful case of sepsis for the last 7 days, and his strength was expected to come back as he improved. His wife wondered where the initial infection came from. When the patient first arrived at the hospital, it was noted that he had a healing sore on his left hand next to his thumbnail. His wife remembered that it was filled with pus and looked awful. Her husband applied what he called “black salve” — a pine-tar-based ointment used in medicine since the time of the ancient Greeks. It reduces inflammation and pain. But it did not treat the infection, which spread from his thumb throughout his body to his brain, his ankle and his spine.
Yet City Hall is a Sanctuary for Cubans not Rx for Staphylococcus aureus in Nobel Novel's The Ending. The End.
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ...a healing sore on his left hand next to his thumbnail... it was Staphylococcus aureus that went into his blood to his brain...
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ... a cut shaving by a cop got infected. He was the first Penicillin patient ever and was given Penicillin until it ran out, as it was made in the Lab... then he died.
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 2018 what to do about a sore on a thumbnail or a cut shaving?????????? All these will be in a Disney Pixar Fox Movie. The patient needed six weeks of antibiotics to get the bug completely out of his system. The cop with the shaving cut infection probably needed 6 weeks of Penicillin too. Proof that the physical exam, even today, remains an essential tool. Proof Disney Pixar Fox Movies must Cure the Cut before the infection goes to the brain! Pope Frances with a cut on his nose from the cat was overheard saying how stupid can they be! If you have a solved case to share with Dr. Sanders, write her at Or if you are Disney put her in this movie, grin.
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "I’d had fibroids for several years. By the time I was 43, my uterus had turned into something like a floating, abandoned spaceship upon which alien life forces had attached themselves, wreaking havoc on its mainframe. I suffered through all the greatest gynecological hits: cramps, extra-long PMS and periods and excessive bleeding. It is no exaggeration to say that half my days were spent worrying about my menstrual cycle. Hysterectomy? 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018. — perhaps women more than most. Nearly our entire lives, from the first day we get our periods until menopause, we trade gestures of sympathy over menstrual cramps, a bond that is both heartening and depressing: We’re destined to feel this way forever, so we might as well get used to it. "That week, we scheduled the hysterectomy for just after the new year. Within a month, my uterus was gone. This thing that had tortured me for years had disappeared, in a snap. It took me six months to fully recover, but then, that was it: I hadn’t understood I could just feel better. And then I couldn’t stop feeling better. I felt so good that I nearly forgot what it was like to feel bad in the first place. For years, I’d just accepted there would be times when my emotions and mood could be affected by the pain and hormones. There had often been a haziness that hung between my physical and emotional selves. Now a clearer and calmer version of me was in charge. The problem had been removed. I recognized I had the power to remove other things from my life that I’d held onto for too long for all the wrong reasons, things that no longer worked and caused me pain or trouble." Disney Pixar Fox has another Movie to Make here... "The problem had been removed. I recognized I had the power to remove other things from my life that I’d held onto for too long for all the wrong reasons, things that no longer worked and caused me pain or trouble. A leased apartment I hadn’t lived in for a few years and had been renting out to a stranger? I closed up shop on it. The love letters I hadn’t read in years but kept just because I liked the idea of being loved? I hadn’t realized they were holding me back, so I tossed them unblinkingly. And these days I have coffee only with people I want to have coffee with and not people I feel as if I should, just because they asked nicely. Now I ask myself all the time: “How do I want to feel today?” (The answer is never “bad.”) Having a hysterectomy required me to let go of my fears and misdirected beliefs, yes, but also I had to arrive at a new awareness that I deserved to feel great. You can just cut out the thing that doesn’t work. Now I know." Disney Pixar Fox has another Movie to Make here. Jami Attenberg lives in New Orleans. Her most recent novel is “All Grown Up.” She will be a Disney Soon.
Yet City Hall is a Sanctuary for Cubans not Hysterectomy in Nobel Novel's The Ending. The End.
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* the Importance of Medical Name Pronunciation's was lost with Microsoft and not yet gone Viral with YouTube and Apple.
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* How to Overcome Seasickness - Thinking about 10 Trillion Galaxies, grin!! Sensory conflict, like discord between visual input to the brain and signals sent from the parts of the inner ear listening to Jewish Aliens in this Universe before the Verizon Cell call is invented. focusing on a distant point on the horizon of 10 Trillion Galaxies. Realizing 400 Times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon Cell Call has to be a valid Invention Project. Truly perilous storms with 40- and 50-foot ocean swells. In those conditions, adrenaline is likely to override everything else. “If your life is in jeopardy, seasickness is the last thing you’re focusing on, 10 Trillion Galaxies you are focused on Soul-Mate's. Your Wife looks different in front of 10 Trillion Galaxies, you think of caller her Eve. Wounded Warrior's in control of War on Earth will get to watch Star Wars better in the next Disney Pixar Fox Movie. In control of just about ready for Exodus the Jews have waiting for for so many Wars. Credibility of 10 Trillion Galaxies Movie!
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* WindmillCAR's Driven Into the FBI Building. Inside the FBI: Anger, worry, work — and fears of lasting damage from the accident with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR Crash.
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Nepal, which shares the mountain Everest with China and is one of the poorest countries in Asia. Qatar which shares gas station hold up loot with the World's Governments is the richest country in the World.
2-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Exploit with cynicism the 1.2 million women with 2 clean up bags from Ovarian Cancer who's kids have birth defects and cancers from Diesel!! And no Rx Pink Latte at the London Starbucks.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Frustration with the flu shot’s flaws, 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindCar's Amazon Book!! Amazon didn't sell any of these books to get even 1 Nobel in Medicine in 2018 in a Rx Pink Latte or Rx Flu Latte at Starbucks because this is a Orwellian Society based on Facebook and Starbucks without the Healthy 100 g of Protein drinks and snacks. You think you got the flu standing in line at Starbucks. Dr. Lisa MD will write a Disney Pixar Movie about Getting the flu standing in line at Starbucks I though she had a smokers cough. No Starbucks doesn't take the baristas temp. Yes they work sick with the flu. Frustration with the flu shot’s flaws, goes to the baristas employees coming to work sick with the flu. Monitor temperature with an infrared thermometer.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* STD's in the Trump Era are no different... no Rx STD Latte at Starbucks. Baristas with STD's work as usual.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Israel Moves to Expel Africans. Critics Say That’s Not Jewish. Killing Exodus with the Shuttle Challenger is not Jewish Exodus. All these Decades the Jews have killed the Challenger II and III Super Shuttle Trains for 'War's' this is not Jewish Exodus. God will send them to War's Hell for not fighting for the Exodus into 10 Trillion Galaxies and even More Jewish Aliens. Enthusiasm for the Jewish Exodus agenda, Star Wars not War's on Earth. Headwinds of Wars on Earth in the Exodus into the Universe. WindmillCAR's + RV the secret weapon as they are censored from the 'Times.'
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Humane Society Resigns Amid War Crime Allegations from the Inventor of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's... "Diesel in DNA" this Disney Pixar Fox Movie will convict them of War Crimes via Diesel. Disney ending will be Star Wars Yale doing DNA research finding Diesel in DNA of Star Wars Jews. Embers of Diesel, atoms in the lungs.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Arizona Man Is Charged With Making Armor-Piercing Bullets Found in Las Vegas Gunman’s Room. By REBEKAH ZEMANSKY and JENNIFER MEDINA World Bank would Note 1.2 million "Men" are making Armor-Piercing Bullets. Majority are Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors. NY Times Sunday, how they spend their time. Security Guard at 9/11 Memorial Charged With Trafficking Firearms... how do they spend their Sunday's in the NY Times. How Amanda Kludt, Editor in Chief of Eater, Spends Her Sundays. Mr. Haig said he sold ammunition as a hobby for nearly 20 years in addition to working full time as an aerospace engineer at NASA.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Why I Am Leaving the F.B.I... World Bank Note on 1.2 million traffic deaths in 2018, 1% cop cars on fire. Cops burned to death in a gas tank fire! Federal Crime too as the gasoline came from Qatar Trump Casino Winnings.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In the USA Bonuses After Tax Cut Don’t Live Up to Their Billing, in Qatar they do. Same Oil Men Mentality in Qatar, Texas, Alaska. France, Norway, Finland. $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues Ivanka will confiscate from Prince Salman and the Bonus will mostly go to 10 million in NYC. I would think. The 10 Million in Qatar today each get $150K from the King in 2018. Henry VIII had a War Mentality. Prince Harry with BP Oil Kickbacks of Trillions is not spending it on a Cure for Breast Cancer.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Exploit with cynicism the 1.2 million women with 2 clean up bags from Ovarian Cancer who's kids have birth defects and cancers from Diesel!!
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Enthusiasm for Jewish Exodus agenda into the Universe. 400 Times Faster than the speed of light invented in Key West by Greg + Wife's.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dark matter was first hypothesized in order to account for the rotation of galaxies, which didn't seem to have enough conventional matter to keep them from flying apart like a smoothie in a lidless blender.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* If Immigrants Are Pushed Out, Who Will Care for the Elderly? Nearly one million immigrants taking care of elderly patients. Many caregivers may lose their protected status; others may choose to leave an increasingly restrictive country. By PAULA SPAN Dr. Lisa MD at Yale Key West will Care for the 1 Million elderly patients who have bed sores and other Care related infections. Crimes overlooked by the Hospital and the World Bank Notes.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The Met isn’t trying to create a slasher opera. “Parsifal” is Wagner’s metaphysical meditation on the knights of the Holy Grail, the goblet supposedly used at the Last Supper and which later caught Jesus’s blood on the cross. Their leader, Amfortas, suffers from a mysterious wound that will not heal. In Mr. Girard’s poetic 2013 production, blood is a central visual element.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Sunday at the Times. For the highly unscientific taste test, we served the meatballs in the New York Times newsroom on Friday afternoon. The taste testers were not told whether they had chosen a Whole Foods or a Walmart meatball until after they voted. Some said the Whole Foods batch had too much bacon flavor. Others found the steak bits in the Walmart meatballs too chewy. When the votes were tallied, the Whole Foods meatball prevailed. But by the end of the day, the distinctions seemed to fade. Every meatball had been eaten.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mr. Khatami also said that Iran would never stop producing missiles, which the United States contends is a violation of a United Nations Security Council resolution. “We will produce as many missiles as we wish,” he told hundreds of worshipers. USA didn't produce any WindmillCAR's and RV's! he told hundreds of worshipers. Exxon is save so is Iran's $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. "Exxon Studies Climate Policies and Sees ‘Little Risk’ to Bottom Line" By BRAD PLUMER and HIROKO TABUCHI
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mary Trump Mugged in Queens, Mary Belle in Miami Gas Station Hold up. OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR "What It’s Like to Live in a Surveillance State China is deploying high-tech totalitarianism to repress Uighurs in Xinjiang." By JAMES A. MILLWARD Mary in China will be murdered. Kim Wall in China will be beheaded. Only way high tech can save the lives of 19K women murdered in the USA in 2018 is iPhone X iDash Cam iCop in her car and Caller ID that tracks his GPS movements on a map for her. iPostOffice is high tech until you read the Amazon book on 1,001 PO inventions that are in Star Wars Society. Qatar Post Office was built by the US Government. DNA is collected during state-run medical checkups. Local authorities now install a GPS tracking system in all vehicles. Government spy apps must be loaded on mobile phones. China STD's in the Trump Era are no different... no Rx STD Latte at Starbucks. Baristas with STD's work as usual. 500 new Starbucks in China no STD Surveillance via 'State'. China is deploying high-tech totalitarianism but letting Trump spread STD's building new Starbucks.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* STD's in the Trump Era are no different... no Rx STD Latte at Starbucks.
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Hemingway House in Key West to visit a Rx Recipe Pink Cure while 2 sisters are here. Not Yet City Hall is a Sanctuary for Cubans not sisters with Ovarian Cancer. Nobel Novel's The Ending. The End.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Employer Health Insurance: Often-Hated, Sometimes Pioneering, and Now on Amazon’s Radar. F-35 Radar on all Ford WindmillCAR's and then Amazon + Starbucks will send their employees to enroll at the Yale Key West Medical School. Hire them when they graduate as Elite MD's from Yale Key West Medical School Too.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* USA Women with Ovarian Cancer 2 clean up bags... "Bill Gates Book Bags" Title of a Disney Pixar Movie. And you though Bill and Melinda Gates were bit by mosquitos wait until this NY Times Best Seller List of Books Bill and Melinda sold the world hits the 2 clean up bags from Ovarian cancer women many who worked for Microsoft died this tortured death while Bill and Melinda were reading the NY Times Best Seller list of Books. Editor NY Times Contributor: "Good Health Care Deal, but Only for Some like Cheney."
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jimmy Carter's Grandchildren deaths via Diesel from France, Hell No. My Baby Almost Died’: Formula Scandal Sends Shudders Through France By LIZ ALDERMAN Liz Alderman at the NY times knows Xi is putting to death kids with cancer and birth defects. France baby Formula Scandal, when Diesel in Paris has given kids cancers and birth defects. Wow Liz! Alcohol, smoking, Red Meat, Gut Microbes Combine to Cause Colon Cancer, Study Suggests. World Bank will note 1.2 million dead in traffic wrecks in 2018 not the Cause of Cancers as Jon Bon Jovi Loves France and Wine (and Now Has His Own Label) without huge Cancer Warnings Label.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Federal Government Does Not love Cuomo’s ‘I love NY’ Signs $$$ Ivanka's NY Signs after she confiscates $777 Trillion from Prince Salman will be I Love New York being the New 'Richest' City in the World. With Headwinds Looming, Mayor de Blasio Unveils $88.7 Billion Budget.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Convicted of no iPhone X iDash Cam iStop Your Gas Engine in your Van by the cops remote controls. "Van Driver Convicted of Murder in London Mosque Attack" By STEPHEN CASTLE All cars will have iPhone X iDash Cam's - F-35 Radar. And remote controls any cop in a cop car can stop or talk to the driver. WindmillCAR's + RV's. GPS tracking too. Shanghai Van Crash Caused by Smoking Driver, Police Say. Millions of Car Crash's are caused by drivers, smoking, drinking, eating, talking... Owl is a new kind of car camera that combines both a dashcam and a camera pointed into the interior of the car. But unlike cheap dashcams, Owl has a cellular LTE connection and can store 24 hours of video — it's a real computer. "Carpool Karaoke"-style moments happening inside the vehicle. The Owl is currently on sale for $349, which includes a year of LTE service, which will eventually cost $10 per month.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* As Kenya Takes Orwellian Turn, Government Goes After Journalists" By JINA MOORE A Kenya Orwellian government with $7 Trillion dollars from Total the French Orwellian Government Oil Company.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* HONG KONG — A smoking driver ignited a fire inside a van carrying Gasoline fuel canisters, causing him to lose control and slam into pedestrians on a sidewalk outside a Starbucks in Shanghai on Friday, the police said. At least 18 people were injured. Starbucks is a major presence in China, where it has opened more than 500 locations a year, creating some 10,000 jobs in the country annually. There are at least 600 shops in Shanghai alone.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times Editorial ends with, The United States has been at war continuously since the attacks of Sept. 11. Editors at the Times know the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's would have prevented 9/11 and the warriors who killed so many wife's coming home from Baghdad and Afghanistan yet they censored out the best part. A War Crime. Where is Love? Kim Wall and Kim in North Korea. Jimmy Carter and his USS Jimmy Carter Sub with Diesel Engines, almost. 9/11 and Ford WindmillCAR's invented in 1980. NASA's 9/11 terrorists who ended the Shuttle's and Super Shuttle Train's for War's. Mecca covered in Desert Sands decade before 9/11 with the end of gas stations in the USA. Texas and Alaska Oil Sara Palin blew up this shuttle. Love and Health care by the Orwellian Dictator's in Mecca today built a trillion dollar SUV umbrella for skin cancer preventions, not in Key West. Sanctuary City skin cancers, ovarian cancers.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Amazon posts quarterly profit of $1.9 billion, its highest ever. 19 Amazon workers could be enrolled in the Yale Key West Medical School for a lot less than $1.9 billion yet Amazon didn't enroll any, zero. Lowe’s Joins Other Big Employers in Offering Paid Parental Leave. Paid Medical Education at Yale Key West Medical School is a better perk.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* As of September, Google held about 60 percent of its $100 billion in cash abroad. Qatar has $777 Trillion abroad.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.*Super Invention 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. Critic's Notebook: Justin Timberlake, Back at the Super Bowl. What About Janet? She has 2 'Book Bags" from Bill and Melinda Gates cure for cancer.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Aliens invade Earth and wipe out humanity. What Does it take to Win a Super Bowl? 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Disney Pixar Fox movie. "The Taste of Water H2O at -254 C" Disney will pass out super cold water bottles at the movie.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Eve in Cananda was murdered by a Mad Man. ‘O Canada’ Will Become Gender Neutral With New Lyrics. Canada knows about the troops in Afghanistan coming home to murder Eve. O Canada will change lyrics again when this is public war crimes. In Afghanistan’s Unwinnable War, What’s the Best Loss to Hope For? Canada not telling how many Eve's were murdered by Wounded Warriors in 2018.
* 2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 995 IP Invention Projects listed on Amazon 1 Click for Gold Mine Workers. 955 Workers Rescued from South Africa Gold Mine. Workers at some sites operate at depths of more than two miles below the surface. Food and water were delivered to the trapped miners while they waited for power to be restored. iPod Size GE electric generator and - 254 C Water Bottles invented.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mary Kennedy, Mary Jo. Natalie Wood’s Drowning Now Classified as ‘Suspicious Death’
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Director of Veterans Hospital Accused of Manipulating Ratings Is Replaced. Victor over ISIS and Islam decades ago with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's. No Vets would exist today let alone fill VA hospitals. Generals have always killed their own troop, this time its genocide and Holocaust. It's in the Wind.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar not CT. Connecticut’s Deficit Could Put Some Weekend Trains at Risk... for the Love of money at Yale in Connecticut. Yale Alumni are at the Qatar Trump Casino train and subway.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Sisters with Ovarian Cancer and 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos Rx Recipe's in NYC. "Special Sister Time Metropolitan Diary" By HELENE BAILEN Every spring and fall for 32 years, my sister and I would meet in New York City for a two-night rendezvous. She left her husband and children at home in Rochester; I left my husband and children at home in Newton, Mass. We would go to the theater, museums, the latest “hot” restaurants and shopping at Bergdorf Goodman and Saks. At night, we would talk into the wee hours about our children, marriages, careers and, eventually, grandchildren. We would laugh the kind of laughter that starts deep in the belly and rises until tears start to flow. On one trip, in spring 2002, I was checking in at the Park Lane Hotel. As I finished registering, I heard a familiar voice from the other end of the counter say, “Hi, I’m Arlene Davidson. I’d like to check in.”I turned and saw my sister. “Arlene!” I called. We ran toward each other, hugging and kissing and laughing at our perfect timing. “Are you two sisters?” the receptionist asked. “Yes,” we said. When we got to our room, we sighed with disappointment. Not only was it small, but it looked onto the brick wall of the building next door. Then the phone rang. “Please come down to the front desk and bring your luggage,” a woman’s voice commanded. We picked up our bags and ran to the elevator. “I am upgrading you two sisters to the 14th floor,” the receptionist said when we got downstairs. We were led to a beautiful two-room suite with a Central Park view, a perfect setting for the special sister time to come. There was no trip to New York last year. My sister died on Jan. 26, 2017. But our annual excursions to the city are a happy memory etched in my heart forever. Ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. "By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD." Hemingway House in Key West to visit a Rx Recipe Cure while 2 sisters are here. Not Yet City Hall is a Sanctuary for Cubans not sisters with Ovarian Cancer.
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* $82 Million Plan for New Boilers at New York Housing Projects when iPod Size GE electric generators are being built at Los Alamos today.
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump's State of the Universe Speech, Trump’s Speech Leaves Two Sides Further Apart Than Ever on Jewish Exodus into 10 Trillion Galaxies and as many Jewish Aliens. 400 Times faster than the speed of light invention project was not brainstormed yesterday or today by the Top Brass at the Pentagon or NASA, Why? Because they are innovators hit by "War Mongers" Wounded Warriors of Prince Harry and Henry VIII warriors forever in British Time. Mary Kennedy was hang by Henry VIII and Robert Kennedy Jr. Mary Jo was murdered by Prince Teddy Kennedy a Orwell King with the WindmillCAR's Videos of its invention in 1980. Olympics Medical School is needed more so than the Olympics coming up. Xi is Henry VIII in China today putting kids to death because Diesel is in their DNA. 6,900 Syrians Win Permission to Stay in the U.S., for Now. 6,901 USA women have 2 bags for waste from their Ovarian Cancer Surgery today. 60 percent of 6,901 USA women cancer survivors report pain with sex, none of the Syrian women have pain with sex. Waste is 6,900 Syrians the US let cut in front of 6,901 USA women with Ovarian Cancer clean up bags... "Bill Gates Book Bags" a Disney Pixar Movie. Train Carrying Republican Lawmakers to Retreat Crashes Into Truck. Key West Journalists would write about a stop sign here not F-35 Radar on Cars + Trains. USA's Orwellian King Henry has no cravings for this or than.
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "On Second Thought: My Woody Allen Problem" By A. O. SCOTT Seconds in time Movie by Woody Allen Time's-Photons. Hell No he said. 10 Trillion Jewish Aliens Movie by Woody Allen Hell No he said. We all should have second thoughts about this Jew who sold his soul to George Orwell Ordered up movies for the masses. A Sin Woody Allen would never think his Jewish God would send him to hell for. ‘Rise and Kill First’ Shines Light on Israel’s Hidden Assassinations. Jewish Assassination Movies by Woody Allen and his Jewish God.
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Moscow Yale Medical School, West Point Yale Medical School, Ski Resorts + Casino's. It’s All Downhill in Chechnya, This Time at a Ski Resort. Russia is building a string of ski resorts in areas of the Caucasus that once teemed with Islamist militants. The most recent opened on Friday." By ANDREW E. KRAMER. Opening of the Yale Key West Medical School on Friday... in 2018. Is Christmas Day 2018 on a Friday?
A state-owned company, North Caucasus Resorts, is building a string of ski resorts in the restive, predominantly Muslim areas of the Caucasus. Three have opened so far, the most recent here in the Argun Gorge of Chechnya. Muslim women with Breast and Ovarian cancer will die on this Putin battlefield with no one from the US State Dept complaining about the women's deaths by cancer. Cancer is not a War at the State Dept.
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1,500 monitors 100" LG Ultra are needed by Orwell. NEW ORLEANS — Can the allure of this famously rakish and freewheeling city survive if its streets are covered by a 1,500-camera video monitoring system? Will inhibitions start to creep in and diminish the improvisatory nature of street life here, putting a hitch in the strut of Mardi Gras revelers and second-line paraders? Will tourists intent on indulging in a little sin stay away if they think they are being watched?
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1,500 Orwell cameras and no monitors... Pope Francis was overheard saying how stupid can they be! “They could put cameras everywhere, as far as I care,” Ms. Prevost said. “If you’re doing the right thing anyway, the cameras shouldn’t matter.” God is watching...
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Life with Cancer's! This is Why we have Life with Cancer's today! Grin!! "Speakeasy Memorializes an Old-School Journalist Haunt Gibson & Luce, an underground cocktail bar, pays tribute to Life magazine and its editors." By TAS TOBEY
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* How Editors at 'Life' were brainwashed to be Wine-O's and Drunks by Dr. Lisa MD at Yale Key West Medical School. Front Page of the NY Times when the editors sober up... Hahahahahaha
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Trump should Nationalize the WiFi at Starbucks! Should Trump Nationalize a 5G Network?" Tim Wu. "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Starbucks. Rx Heart Attack Latte for Trump, so call this in today. 5G telecommunications system — the next version of a mobile broadband network — or perhaps even to nationalize the 5G networks that private telecom companies are now building. (5G is the “fifth generation” wireless protocol, which promises to be faster and more secure than its predecessor, 4G, but requires new antennas and cell towers.) A strongman approach — nationalizing AT&T’s and Verizon’s nascent networks. A woman with breast + ovarian cancer at ATT + Verizon will die a tortured death with the 4G Networks the old guys there run today. That’s a tough call. But if winning the 5G war is the F.C.C.’s priority, a federal network might be how we get 5G to more citizens more quickly. It is surely a crazy idea, but we live in crazy times, and if done right, it merits serious consideration.
Tim Wu is a law professor at Columbia, the author of “The Attention Merchants: The Epic Struggle to Get Inside Our Heads” and a contributing opinion writer. Dr. Tim Wu corrections on this 5G article will be written soon as his daughter Ivanka has Breast + Ovarian Cancers.
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 55G Verizon Cell Towers will be Satellites in Low Earth Orbit not Cell Towers.
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 55G Verizon Cell Towers will be Satellites in Low Earth Orbit not Cell Towers.
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 55G Verizon Cell Towers will be Satellites in Low Earth Orbit not Cell Towers.
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Afghanistan says it has proof attackers trained in Pakistan" they sure the Hell didn't train at the Yale Key West Medical School. CO's on both sides have no training orders for the Medical Schools.
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In the Netherlands, violent crime of fiery cop cars rear ended writing a ticket along the side of the road. Cop Killers who are Sub Commanders World Wide. "We have thousands of experiences each day, but we only remember things that are in some way important to us," In the Netherlands, they drive by fiery wrecks world wide, for now without stopping to help.
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
2-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* North Korean Defector, Honored by Trump, Has a Remarkable Escape Story - Trump knew about this Ovarian Cancer Story and refused to use it in his State of the Union, Why? Ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. "By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD."
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Saudi Arabia Says Detainees Handed Over More Than $100 Billion"
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* $777 Trillion will be Handed over to Ivanka for a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks called in my Dr. Lisa MD at Yale Key West Medical School. Replacing King Salman with Dr. Princess Ivanka MD cravings for Rx Pink Latte's called in to Starbucks by Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. A Rich Day of Talk over Chocolates with Brainstorming 4 Trillion Rx Recipes with 1 click Amazon at Los Alamos. Not something King Salman would be doing tomorrow but Ivanka, Dr. Lisa MD + Greg would do tomorrow.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Sweet Alyssa" Starbucks will 'Enroll' her at the Yale Key West Medical School. No one is enrolled in the Yale Key West Medical School yet because 'Peace Talks' are... Syrian Peace Talks in Russia: 1,500 Delegates, Mostly Pro-Assad - Rx Pink Latte they ordered from Starbucks for the Wife's Overnight Rx Pink Latte Miracle Cure for her Cancers.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* First Trump State of the Union Speech Makes Appeal for Terminally Ill' to get the experimental Rx Recipe Breast Cancer Overnight Miracle Cure. When Trump knows Ivanka needs $777 Winnings from the Qatar Trump Casino to crunch 4 Trillion Rx Recipes at Los Alamos, now about to refurnish 5K H-Bombs under Trumps State of the Union "WAR" Mobilizations. Bill and Melinda Gates have no comments on her 2 clean up bags for Ovarian Cancer used a Bill Gates 'Book' Bags. For his list of books he gave to the NY Times. Melania's Case of Breast Cancer, 'terminally ill' should get to use experimental Rx Trump said.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Saudi Arabia Says Detainees Handed Over More Than $100 Billion"
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* $777 Trillion will be Handed over to Ivanka for a Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks called in my Dr. Lisa MD at Yale Key West Medical School.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Saudi Arabia Says Detainees Handed Over More Than $100 Billion" By BEN HUBBARD Trump knows Ivanka needs $777 Winnings from the Qatar Trump Casino to crunch 4 Trillion Rx Recipes at Los Alamos. More than 100 Billion Diesel Particles are in the air in Saint Peters at the Vatican too. Jimmy Carters great great grand kids will get childhood cancer and birth defects from these Diesel Particles and Carnival Cruise Ships Black Diesel smoke stacks replaced by WindmillTurbines @ -254 C Superconductive trillions of jolts volts amps.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* MI 13 Gang members sitting with Melania, Joseph P. Kennedy III Gives Democratic Response to State of the Union Marriage, 5 Kids of Mary Kennedy and Robert Kennedy Jr. This Kennedy also gave away heating oil when Saudia Princes were selling $777 Trillion in oil and gas. Steve Wyn and the Economic Inequality Behind #MeToo. Kennedy Inequality Behind #MeToo started with Teddy Kennedy driving off the bridge drunk groping Mary Jo... he let her drown just like he drove by fiery cop cars and SUV's with mom dad 2 kids in back until he died of brain cancer. Jimmy Carter is brain dead for not leaking these crimes by Kennedy. Maybe Mrs. Trump is more like Jackie Kennedy. Rosalynn Jimmy Carters wife must believe God will forgive all sins of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + spin off Gravity Engines Godsends.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Sweet Alyssa" Starbucks will 'Enroll' her at the Yale Key West Medical School.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Was the Police Shooting of Psychotic Woman Justified? This other Psychotic women in Hysterics was in a fiery wreck, then got a hospital acquired infection and was diagnosed with breast cancer and ovarian cancer along with MS given to her by a bi-sexual man who didn't tell her he had the virus. Oh she was beaten and robbed at a Queens gas station by MI 13 gang members and Comcast Apple didn't install her iPhone X iDash Cam and iCop in her Ford WindmillCAR or RV.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Like Fevers, the Number of Flu Patients Is Rising, and is Kept a Secret. Trump Tweeted about the Terminally Ill without any stats on purpose. World Bank Note didn't note these stats. Bill Gates notes his stats on Amazon Books but not Breast cancer and Ovarian Clean up bags for his 'Books" that don't save one women's life from Ovarian Cancer Today or Tomorrow. Flu today at the Yale Key West Medical School would be cured. Castro's Cuban's in Key West are cleaning up the 2 bags from the Ovarian Cancer Women with a second job at Faustos. 'Wars' keeps the 2 bags on order for tens of thousands of women in the USA! City Hall Key West complicity in diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer, next. Next women to walk into Faustos!
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump infra structure Is a Scam the Gravity Engine Invention in 2018 will Bank On! Heart Transplants 1K a year or 1K a month in the Trump infra structure at the Yale Key West Medical School Cheney is silent on the number 2 heart transplant and how many shall we design the Yale Key West Medical School for. Exploitation of jumping in front of the organ transplant line was Cheney. His sin will start work on the gravity engine like the first heart transplant.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "The Real Burning Man is the One the FBI will Drive by Today without Stopping to Help! The Real Burning Man" By PENELOPE GREEN Driving converted delivery trucks, Roadtreks, vintage RVs, “skoolies” and the odd Prius, a few thousand gather in defiance of consumerist society at the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous."
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Melania Trump and the Case of the White Pantsuit When she should have worn a Pink Pantsuit for Breast Cancer!! Clothes became a symbolic dividing line during this State of the Union address like seemingly never before. Never before have women been so close to getting a War Mobilization for Breast Cancer than today with the Gravity Engine she will drive when cured.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* North Korean Defector, Honored by Trump, Has a Remarkable Escape Story - Trump knew about this Ovarian Cancer Story and refused to use it in his State of the Union, Why? ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. "By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD."
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Q&A: Jon Bon Jovi Loves France and Wine (and Now Has His Own Label)
Alcohol Does Cause Breast Cancer Labels on all Bottles, Glasses when Dr. Lisa MD is President of the Yale Key West Medical School
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Q&A: Jon Bon Jovi Loves France and Wine (and Now Has His Own Label)
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Q&A: Jon Bon Jovi Loves France and Wine (and Now Has His Own Label)
Alcohol Does Cause Breast Cancer Labels on all Bottles, Glasses when Dr. Lisa MD is President of the Yale Key West Medical School
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* $777 Trillion in Oil not Rx Flu Latte's at Starbucks... The disturbing reason why so many baby boomers are being hit hard with this year's deadly flu.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NIST used something called a Josephson junction. Instead of two electrically active neurons meeting at a synapse, this junction involves two superconductors separated by an insulator. The junction they built is extremely small, only 10 micrometers in diameter. If you have a 100 watt lightbulb in your lamp and turn it on for one second, you’ve just used 100 joules. A neuron is so energy efficient that it would have to fire around 100,000,000,000,000,000 times to match that amount of energy use. This is because a single synaptic event only uses around 10 femtojoules of energy, these artificial synapses were able to fire faster at a rate of 100 billion times per second.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gravity Engine and Real Gravity might - fire fast at a rate of 100 billion times per second inside the Charm Quarks.
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-31-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Lisa MD, cultivating the species popularly known as "Sweet Alyssa" Starbucks will send her to the Yale Key West Medical School. WindmillCAR's + RV's will widely cultivat this 'Sweet Alyssa' at Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Google. Google never ever drove a Sweet Alyssa girl to the Yale Key West Medical School Class Room. Facebook is Dead! Charm Quarks Sweet Alyssa Girls at Starbucks, Amazon, Apple will be culivated at the Yale Medical School World Wide. Starbucks Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD. Cultivated at the Hemingway House Writing Class, $14 ticket today cultivates $777 Trillion. 1,001 Nobels in Inventive Novels written in Key West. Greek yogurts, Spinach-yogurt smoothie in a Hemingway House Writing Class Novel on Starbucks and Anatomy 101 in a Novel. Disney Pixar Fox Movie. 'Sweet Alyssa MD' Why Amazon built it's Alyssa's a rain forest inside 3 domes instead of enrolling them in the Yale Key West Medical School, Cultivation Errors! Why Are Some Seed Huge, While Others are Small. "Sweet Alyssa" flower will answer this much better than Ray in the NY Times. Art of the Diagnosis in Seed Size article in the NY Times!
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPost Office Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks @ Star Wars in 100 Years. "InventBook Serendipity" Starbucks turned off the WiFi for 100 years on getting the Rx Pink Latte Cure for Breast Cancer.
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. "By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD."
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Ivanka has a Mac Book Pro on her desk. And 2 clean up bags of 'Books' Bill Gates gave her to read.
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. "By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD."
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women Protest Veils in Iran! 2 clean up bags not picked up by Key West Cubans are not worth Protesting by American Women. Ivanka with Ovarian cancer will 'still' not be "Strong" enough to Protest in Key West about Greg + Wife's help POW by the Key West Admirals. Fitness App can reveal Military GPS tracking of troops running around the park is headlines in the Times. Police who killed mentally ill women goes on trial, when the Top Brass at 1984 HQ are the one's who killed the Mentally ill women and Kim Wall the temp at the NY Times. Rx Mentally Ill Women's Latte at Starbucks would have been on the Menu for decades if Navy Women in Key West Drove WindmillCAR's and RV's. NYC Drivers of gas engine cars feel the brunt of congestion of gas exhaust in New York City Traffic. Particle Measuring Monitors app for your iPhone X were censored by Tim Cook for Orwellian Kickbacks from Oil. Drive around Trump Tower and snow of Gas Exhaust particle are on your iPhone X screen. Secret or Top Secret Turn off Messenger, Kids Health Experts to Facebook. Kids enroll at the Yale Key West Medical School at any age. Tell this to the Top Brass. Off Broadway "Yale Key West Medical School" Role of the NY Times editors in Kim Wall's beheading and this Off Broadway Play about a Medical School in Key West bombed by the Navy on 3-4-2011. Good Fats, Bad Fats, Good Editors MD, Bad Editors no MD. Simple Math. Steering has not been successful on Heart Disease, as Yale Key West Medical School will be designed for 1K heart transplants a year or month depending on the NY Times outcome. iMacTreadmills in every cubic at the NY Times will be counted up and down by the World Bank. Butter is worse than Alcohol for their Manhattan Lunch today. Yet they will have both and censor the heart transplant news at Yale Key West Medical School. The editors are not very healthy. 80% of their calories from food are unhealthy to the Heart. Starbucks half and half in a non-dairy powder needs to be invented.
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mary Trump's GPS tracking today in Queens is just for military joggers GPS map tracking not for women with 2 clean up bags. GPS tracking Ivanka, Bill + Melinda Gates, City Hall Key West Sanctuary Cubans from Castro are paid to clean up her 2 bags from cancer.
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Your Tourists Ad from the City of Key West in NYC will be come to Key West for your Heart Transplant. Elite Diagnosis by Dr. Lisa MD.
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Castro's Cuban's in Key West cleaning up the 2 bags from the Ovarian Cancer Women get a job at Faustos.
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Diesel Particles in Saint Peters yesterday were visible to Dr. Lisa MD but not Pope Francis.
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Lisa MD, cultivating the species popularly known as "Sweet Alyssa" Starbucks will send her to the Yale Key West Medical School.
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Diane Keaton and Alec Balwin are Woody Allen's Loudest Defenders who all drive a gas engine car, so much for their Gravity Engine Movie.
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Lost history of Dinosaurs + Exodus to 10 Trillion Galaxies. Not even on Facebook let alone InventBook.
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Brain Pacemakers will be Rx Latte's at Starbucks. 10 Trillion Recipes crunched at Los Alamos by Dr. Lias Oppenheimer MD.
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Billions of plastic bags litter the Coral, the Great Reef. 2 bags Dr. Lamb Phd at Cornell didn't database as these billions bottle of plastic litter the Reef's. 11 Billion she counted. How many waste bags women with Ovarian cancer used was not though of. 15 Nations and all have women with Ovarian Cancers. Clear signs of the Ovarian Cancer with the first cell was not assigned to anyone at Cornell. 15 Governments went viral with Reef Plastic, none with Ovarian Cancer.
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-30-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" Warriors Victory Over "Pink" ISIS Afghanistan, Baghdad $300 million a week in Oil Revenues, pain the Corner Store 'Pink' and Warriors will still spend everything on WAR's. Attack Near Kabul Military Academy Kills 11 Afghan Soldiers 3:19 AM ET SECTION A - PAGE 9
By MUJIB MASHAL and FAHIM ABED West Point Military Medical School, no longer a Military Academy like Yale University and Harvard University. Both taken over by the Medical Schools. 1,001 Nobels in Medicine War on Cancer that the Joint Chiefs of Staff let Biden have a "Moon Shot" after killing his own son for the Glory of War in Afghanistan. Mobilization for the "Pink War" will mean hiring Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer at Los Alamos. Fleets of Mac Book Air Ride School Buses and NYC Mac Book Air Ride Subway Cars will cure the Cancer of Win 10 and Bill Gates!
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" Ivanka with $777 Trillion winnings from the Qatar Trump Casino buys Pink InventBooks
"One of the study's authors, Dr Kevin Tyler, from UEA's Norwich medical school, said: "Because the giardia have broken down the cell barriers and made all these nutrients available, other, opportunistic bacteria can move in to take advantage of these 'ready meals' which can make giardiasis even more severe for some."
Opportunistic West Point Generals in 1980 took a severe "Pink War Cure" for Qatar Trump Casino's $$$ Let the Navy bomb the Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011.
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" "I lie in a whirling CT machine, dye coursing through my veins, and the doctors look to see whether the tumors in my liver are growing."
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. "By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD."
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" The Interpreter: Why Attack Afghan Civilians? Why did OJ almost behead Nichol, Why did the Editors of the Times get Kim Wall beheaded. Why did Oppenheimer refuse to build a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs! Why did the Joint Chiefs of Staff with 1 Key West Admiral go along with Making Qatar the 'Richest' City in the World instead of Key West $$$
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer clean up bags women use the German Guys, Car makers Criticized for Emissions Diesel in DNA Criticized when Prince Salman should have arrested them and imprisoned them in the Saudi Ritz Hotel or the Qatar Trump Casino Prison. Diesel Particles in Saint Peters yesterday were visible to Dr. Lisa MD but not Pope Francis.
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity"
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" BOGOTÁ, Colombia — A wave of bombings carried out against police stations this weekend has rocked Colombia’s Caribbean coast, with three attacks within 24 hours killing seven officers and wounding dozens more. 'Top Secret' Note from the World Bank on Cop Cars, Fiery Wrecks within the last 24 hours... 1.2 million die in fiery wrecks in 2018. So how many Cops Cars were in a Fiery Wreck and the Cop was Killed in a gasoline fire... 7 yes I would note 10. This World Bank Top Secret report on fiery wrecks the last 24 hours should have been the Pentagon Papers in the NY Times today, not news of the Pentagon Papers 40 years ago they put in today's headlines. The motive behind the bombings remained unclear. The Motive of the Times Editors to put the Pentagon Paper as Todays headlines not fiery cop cars is clear, grin! $777 Trillion in Oil Revenue Bonus like FEMA top brass got in Key West. ... "a smaller leftist guerrilla group, which has launched a series of attacks against security forces and oil infrastructure..." 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's have been launched against BP Oil Infrastructure in London and fail to get Queen Elizabeth to drive a WindCAR. "The attacks against the police reminded many Colombians of the violence the country endured in the 1980s and early 1990s, when some 550 police officers were murdered under the orders of Pablo Escobar, the powerful drug lord." 550 cops in fiery cop car wrecks from 1980 to 2018, Hell No more like 55,000 figuring 1.2 million each year! BP Oil men are in for Hell when the Times puts the WindmillCAR's as Headlines! Republicans Show Little Urgency on Legislation to Protect Mueller + the FBI guys who drove by fiery wrecks from 1980 to 2018 without stopping to help!
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" 2 Clean Up Bags And Ivanka. Alfalfa Club dinner, a gathering of political types known for speeches with self-deprecating humor. Brainstorming Speeches Dissect the 'Breast' with little self-deprecating humor in the Art of the Diagnosis of a Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 2018.
What really occurred outside, with Ivanka. Fleets of Mac Book Air Ride School Buses and NYC Mac Book Air Ride Subway Cars will cure the Cancer of Win 10 and Bill Gates! Ivanka has a Mac Book Pro on her desk. And 2 clean up bags of 'Books' Bill Gates gave her to read.
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" Ivanka with $777 Trillion winnings from the Qatar Trump Casino and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has made “value capture” a big part of his plan to salvage the subway by seeking more taxes from property owners near stations.
What really occurred outside, with Ivanka. What really occurs inside the Breast + Ovarian Cancers from the very start of the relationship until the death of the women! Mr. Andrés had been asked to leave “because his presence made Ivanka Trump uncomfortable.” Dr. Lisa MD + Greg were not asked for Dinner in the first place and Ivanka has 2 clean up bags to leave at home! Trumps have a rocky history of 'Breast' and no comments on Hillary's by Trump. No Breast Cancer Tweets ever, you can reread them all! But his relationship with the Trump family has been fraught. In addition to the lawsuit over his planned restaurant at the Trump hotel, Mr. Andrés was a prominent critic of the administration’s hurricane response in Puerto Rico last year. Mr. Andrés clashed with the Federal Emergency Management Agency as he undertook his own efforts to serve millions of warm meals there. FEMA said Trump would not pay for WindmillRV's for Key West, Big Pine Keys, or PR. They all come with InventBook Mac Books and Kindle InventBooks.
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" Mary Trump's GPS tracking today in Queens is just for military joggers GPS map tracking not women mugged in Queens today! US soldiers are revealing sensitive and dangerous information by jogging. Washington Post. A map of fitness-tracker data may have compromised top-secret US military bases around the world. Business Insider is Invention Insider! One Killed, 2 Wounded in Shooting at Stoplight in Queens" By ASHLEY SOUTHALL and SEAN PICCOLI Mary Trump is Also Alive and Battered in Queens today. West Point Generals Fail to Make their Point in Afghanistan today.
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" Mission to drop 2 Clean up Bags over France - A twin-engine C-47 called “That’s All, Brother” that led Allied aircraft into France on D-Day sat for years at a bone yard in Wisconsin. It could soon fly over Normandy again this time dropping 2 clean up bags for French women with Ovarian Cancer.
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" The presence of the influential writer in a book commemorating notable anniversaries has highlighted France’s ambivalent views toward its history... of the Plague's + Cancers when Pasteur is the only one not making Headlines today. French Disneyland "Pasteur" was shot by the Elite Masterminds of Disneyland.
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" World Bank Note on how many Ivanka's were bitten on the face by a dog in 2018. In Mexico, Trump’s Bark Has Been Worse Than His Bite. Worse thing for Dr. Lisa MD is the little girl Ivanka bitten in the face by a dog. Is there a cure, you bet ya Sara Palin would Say!
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" Picasso's Women All MD, his Art of the Diagnosis. Like Disney Pixar Animation designing the 'Gravity Engine" in this movie.
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity" Star Trek CBS. Lorca went on an Odyssey back to the mirror universe, with a plan that required a great many things to fall exactly into place: He needed to retain command. He needed no one to realize that his behavior was different from the non-mirror Lorca. He needed the spore drive — an untested technology — to work to perfection. He needed the Klingons to not kill him. He needed others to not kill him. Real World We Need the Gravity Engine to Drive! Federation has hit a worst-case scenario — having lost a war. Pink, Oil Revenues, WindmillCAR's + RV's Cancer! Kim Wall the Temp worker at the Times and Microsoft. So they can make $1 billion more profits.
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity"
1-29-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "InventBook Serendipity"
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Serendipity, hidden in a book hidden in a library hidden in the InventBook on Amazon with 1 click links to 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine. Rx Perfumes and Rx Latte at Starbucks. There was scant Brainstorming, Novel Writing at the Hemingway House about poverty, which the World Bank has committed to eradicate. Ovarian Cancer Eradicated in 1980, this is not Bill + Melinda Gates Mosquitoes! Damn it! 2 Clean up bags for Bill + Melinda Gates to write a Amazon Book! They finally reinvent his toilet, his pet project. 2 bags inspired by women with Ovarian Cancer, thank you again Bill for Win 10. Now you know why I invented the Mac Book Air Ride School Bus parked on the kids street 24/7 not in the School Bus Parking Lots.
Extreme poverty 'Diagnosis' in Key West will End with the Yale Key West Medical School and Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. Sanctuary City Mayors will be MD's like NY Times Editors all MD @ Star Wars Starbucks!
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar's Oil Revenues Foundation for Qatar Citizens $777 Trillion USD $$$ Millions of Gas Station Hold Ups With women beaten just in Miami since 1980. Microsoft, Mr. Gates shifted his attention — and ultimately more than $30 billion of his fortune — to philanthropy, creating with his wife the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (The couple married in 1994; the foundation was founded six years later.) Reportedly the largest private foundation in the nation, the Gates Foundation works to improve health in developing countries and expand opportunities for advancement among those least advantaged in the United States. 1994 Marriage of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's. 14 years of Marriage about like Trump and his ex-wife Melania, grin. Yes she will divorce Trump in 1980 over not letting her drive the 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's and not letting her order the Rx Pink Latte from Starbucks for her step daughter with breast cancer!
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Promising Salt Lake City Mormons 10 Trillion Galaxies and God!! Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's built in Salt Lake City. Deals to get the Wedding Cake on the Polygamous Marriage Legal and meaningfull with "1,001 Nobels in Medicine" tattooed on each layer of the wedding cake. This is Star Wars and the Victory is 10 Trillion Galaxies for the Salt Lake City Mormons, and Four Wife's for the Bishop!!!!
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* World Bank Note on its President Kim Wall, Mr. Kim concluded by announcing that the bank would no longer back oil and gas drilling projects. A roar of applause filled the auditorium. Mr. Kim grinned. For the moment, at least, the World Bank was relevant again. Kim Wall War Memorial will be Relevant more so to the Editors of the NY Times, the guys who really beheaded her, cut off her arms and legs and stabbed her 14 times in her pussy. Wynn at Vegas lost, 19K women will be murdered in 2018 by a Sub Commander and there is no War Mobilization for IPhone X caller ID GPS tracking on a Google Map or iPhone X iDash Cam iCop in your car.
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* InventBook TV Live Streaming - I don’t know how I’m supposed to watch TV anymore. In industry jargon, we’re years into the great “unbundling” of cable television. Comcast lost another 125,000 residential cable subscribers in its most recent quarter, while DirecTV lost 90,000. ESPN’s subscriber base has fallen by about 12 percent since 2010. Now we patch together hardware and software from different companies and make the best of it. For consumers, this is not going to get any easier. Disney has two streaming services in development, one for entertainment and another for sports. InventBook TV Live Streaming! Fire all the Massachusetts Institute of Technology War Drone Guys for 100,000 Heart Transplants at the Yale Key West Medical School, Kidney Transplants too. Your Tourists Ad from the City of Key West in NYC will be come to Key West for your Heart Transplant. Elite Diagnosis by Dr. Lisa MD.
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In the United States, there is one cardiologist for every 13,000 people... So get your Heart Transplant on your Key West Vacation, grin.
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Travel NY Times: 10 Trillion Galaxies!!
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Travel NY Times: "How to Have a Luxury Vacation in Norway for Less" By SHIVANI VORA
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Travel NY Times: 10 Trillion Galaxies!! InventBook Travels Brainstorming Ma.king World Bank Notes how to go 400 Times faster than the speed of light - you won't read this in the NY Times Travel today
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Travel NY Times: 10 Trillion Galaxies!! 'Matter' of 10 Trillion Galaxies...
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* InventBook 101 no one at YALE signed up for this Class. Yale’s Most Popular Class Ever: "Happiness 101" By DAVID SHIMER
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Time-Photons are the next Era for Intellectuals! OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR
Rambling Through Time, reign of dinosaurs? By PETER BRANNEN Time-Photons are the next Dino's for Intellectuals on a Sandy White Key West Beach brainstorming the spin of Charm Quarks spin in the grains of sand and the Ocean of 10 Trillion Galaxies.
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Kindle InventBook just got a Xeon CPU from Intel.
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Facebook Cancer's! EVERY 90 days I lie in a whirling CT machine, dye coursing through my veins, and the doctors look to see whether the tumors in my liver are growing. If they are not, the doctors smile and schedule another scan. The rhythm has been the same since my doctors told me I had stage IV colon cancer two and a half years ago. I live for three months, take a deep breath and hope to start over again. I will probably do this for the rest of my life. Whatever that means. When my scan is over, I need to make clear to my friends and my family that though I pray to be declared cured, I must be grateful. I have three more months of life. Hallelujah. So I try to put the news in a little Facebook post!!
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Kindle InventBook just got a Xeon CPU from Intel.
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Kindle InventBook is coming to Read the 4 Trillion Rx Recipes aloud. I am a professor, but will I ever teach again? I’m a mom, but for how long? A friend knits me socks and another drops off cookies, and still another writes a funny email or takes me to a concert. These seemingly small efforts are anchors that hold me to the present, that keep me from floating away on thoughts of an unknown future. They say to me, like my sister Maria did on one very bad day: “Yes, the world is changed, dear heart, but do not be afraid. You are loved, you are loved. You will not disappear. I am here.” Kate Bowler will buy the first InventBook Kindles and Brainstorm will all these people a Miracle Rx Cure for her stage 4 cancer. Kate Bowler is an assistant professor at Duke Divinity School, the author of “Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved” and the host of the forthcoming podcast “Everything Happens.”
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Paris Elite scene revamped by the Kindle InventBook with an Intel Xeon CPU.
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Paris Elite scene revamped by the Kindle InventBook with an Intel Xeon CPU.
1-28-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Disney Pixar Fox Movie of "City Hall Key West doesn't report traffic accidents and F-35 Radar that cost more than the Ford WindmillCAR and would be on all cars in 2018 if not for BP Oil paying for the New Key West City Hall.
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Disney Pixar Fox Movie of "Yale Key West Medical School" built with $777 Trillion dollars confiscated via the New French Revolution, No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op via CIA. Historic Note from the World Bank on Women at Miami Gas Stations sucker punched out of spite for the Elite during 2000 gas station hold ups in Miami. 2000 in the year 2000. It's 2018 now. World Bank Needs to catch up on its paperwork. Women got 100 stitches in each Miami gas station hold up... We need to stitch up $777 Trillion for her now!
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* False News from Davos, A Sober Trump Reassures the Davos Elite
By PETER BAKER This is False News as a Drunk on Coors + BP Oil Money Trump Reassures the Saudi + Qatar Elite all this will Reassure Women with Ovarian Cancer they will die a tortured death in 2018 with none of his Generals Mobilization for war on Ovarian Cancer at Los Alamos for the 4 Trillion Rx Recipes needed to mix up the Rx Starbucks Pink Latte in 2018. Elite Note from the World Bank on deaths of women with cancer in 2018 was censored at Davos!
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Disney Pixar Fox Movie of "City Hall Key West doesn't report traffic accidents and F-35 Radar that cost more than the Ford WindmillCAR and would be on all cars in 2018 if not for BP Oil paying for the New Key West City Hall.
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Disney Pixar Fox Movie of "Yale Key West Medical School" built with $777 Trillion dollars confiscated via the New French Revolution, No Gas Stations On Earth Coup Op via CIA. Historic Note from the World Bank on Women at Miami Gas Stations sucker punched out of spite for the Elite during 2000 gas station hold ups in Miami. 2000 in the year 2000. It's 2018 now. World Bank Needs to catch up on its paperwork. Women got 100 stitches in each Miami gas station hold up... We need to stitch up $777 Trillion for her now!
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Promising Billions to Amazon: Is It a Good Deal for Cities?" By BEN CASSELMAN Many economists see deals offering tax breaks to attract corporate sites as inefficient, expensive and ultimately ineffective.
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Promising Salt Lake City Mormons 10 Trillion Galaxies and God!! Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's built in Salt Lake City. Deals to get the Wedding Cake on the Polygamous Marriage Legal and meaningfull with "1,001 Nobels in Medicine" tattooed on each layer of the wedding cake. This is Star Wars and the Victory is 10 Trillion Galaxies for the Salt Lake City Mormons, and Four Wife's for the Bishop if the Pope had to close Saint Peters because his congregation moved to Salt Lake City the richest city in the world not Qatar. 1,001 Trump Towers with a iMac Book Air ride Subway Cars some bought used from Qatar, grin.
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Years After Woman’s Murder, Investigators Uncover Plot Fueled by ‘Money, Greed, Drugs’ - Nothing about Oil and Sex Sadists Prince in Qatar. Vegas Elite, Stephen Wynn, Casino Mogul, Accused of Decades of Sexual Misconduct and our 1984 King George Orwell when to all his Vegas Orgies! World Bank Note of now many cases of STD's and Syphilis these guys gave women. Classified by the Key West Navy, grin. No GPS tracking on STD on a map of infected men. Coming U.S. List of Oligarchs Linked to Putin Alarms Russia’s Rich" By GARDINER HARRIS List of Oligarchs Linked to Sex Sadists Hell, YouTube Videos Putin has been watching several hour a day for decades. Vegas Orgies! Dr. James Kauffman was charged with his wife’s murder at a hearing in Mays Landing, N.J. He is accused of plotting to kill her after she threatened to reveal his role in an opioid distribution ring. Credit Bryan Anselm for The New York Times. iPhone X Dash Cam iCop in your car. iTraffic tickets and save her life from her husbands murder plots. LINWOOD, N.J. — One morning in 2012, a handyman who helped April Kauffman care for her collection of exotic birds showed up at her house tucked away at the end of a cul-de-sac and found his boss lying face down on her bedroom floor. She had been shot twice. The door to the house had been left unlocked. 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's driven in NJ by Women!
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* On Turkey’s Border With Syria, Many Are Eager for War SECTION A - PAGE 4
By CARLOTTA GALL - Many are Eager for War as there is nothing to do about 10 Trillion Galaxies!
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* USA Take control of the NY Times from Facebook to InventBook's 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018" The company could go the way of the Bin Laden Group, which for decades served as the monarchy’s preferred construction contractor. After five of the brothers who were leading the company were locked up, the government seized effective control of its board and is transferring the family’s shares to the government, according to a person briefed on the agreement who spoke on the condition of anonymity. MBC also could go the way of Al Arabiya, an Arabic-language satellite news channel launched by MBC in 2003. In 2014, the Saudi Royal Court effectively took control of the channel, according to associates of MBC’s leadership. But to maintain the appearance of the channel’s independence, the change was never made public. USA Take control of the NY Times from Facebook to InventBook's 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018" Kim Wall and Mary Kennedy Memorials outside the New New York Times building! Temp workers at Microsoft are Paid Off in Billions from Bill + Melinda Gates personal wealth, as for the dead Kim Walls at Microsoft the FBI will make a list.
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* This Flu Season Is the Worst in Nearly a Decade! By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. Decades of Yale Key West Medical School censored by the Times Editorials. Rx Flu Latte at Starbucks is not Star Wars in 100 years but Criminal News from the NY Times Facebook Era that gave the flu to InventBooks 1,001 Nobel Novels written at the Hemingway House in Key West. Which the NY Times journalist visited 1,001 times in the last decade watching Greg in Key West. Citing Deaths of Lab Monkeys, F.D.A. Ends an Addiction Study - FBI Citing Deaths of Kim Wall, Mary Kennedy, Gas Station Women shot to death, Breast Cancer Stats, ends Citing women.
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia has long admired MBC, the media giant of the Arab world, with its coveted array of television channels that deliver hit shows like “Oprah” and “Arabs Got Talent” to hundreds of millions of homes. USA Take control of the NY Times from Facebook to InventBook's 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018"
Billionaire Saudi Prince, Alwaleed bin Talal, Is Freed From Detention
Saudi Arabia’s most prominent investor, he had been detained in the Ritz-Carlton in the capital after a mass crackdown on corruption. By BEN HUBBARD
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Crown Prince Mohammed is turning the screws on those who remain, threatening to move them to an actual prison and put them on trial, Saudi officials say. Qatar Trump Casino Prison for FEMA guys still there at the roulette tables, grin. BP oil guys too.
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Lisa MD's outnumber Oxford students. MD's outnumber Lawyers. Journalists in Star Wars Era must have a MD to write a Editorial in the Sunday Times! Women Outnumber Men in Oxford’s Newest Class. It Only Took 1,000 Years. By STEPHEN CASTLE ...No Van Gogh, but Here’s a Gold Toilet... World Bank Note on what the Oxford grads have been spending their time and BP Oil Money on since the 1980 invention of the Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's will ruin their Elite Status. Robert Kennedy Jr. gave away heating oil in Connecticut from 1980 to 2018.
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Los Alamos Oppenheimer Fired in 1945 for refusing to build the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub is the Cancer. Op-Ed Contributor: Trump’s Efforts to Oust Mueller Show the ‘Cancer’ on This Presidency" By HARRY LITMAN Cancer War Dead Stats are censored from the daily body count like the Vietnam War Dead. On Purpose by the 1984 guys.
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mao vs Xi. "How China Used Schools to Win Over Hanoi. During the Vietnam War, Beijing welcomed Vietnamese students as a way to compete with Moscow for leadership of global communism" By OLGA DROR Xi in China is putting to death Jimmy Carters grandchildren with Diesel in their DNA. Hanoi Old Generals are at the Qatar Trump Casino roulette tables. War on Cancer was lost too.
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Serendipity, hidden in a book hidden in a library hidden in the InventBook on Amazon with 1 click links to 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine. Rx Perfumes and Rx Latte at Starbucks. "Our reporter stumbles across a black-and-white bit of serendipity, hidden in a book hidden in a library hidden in the basement of The New York Times."By DAN BARR Hidden from the Front Page Headlines in the Times is "InventBook" by Greg + Wife's in Key West.
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* We Shall Overcome $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues and Ivanka will spend all of it on American women's War on Breast Cancers, grin $$$ ‘We Shall Overcome’ Is Put in Public Domain in a Copyright Settlement. A case in federal court was set to go to trial next month but a settlement reached on Friday makes the civil rights anthem freely available. 2018 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer Money!
Alcohol Does Cause Breast Cancer Labels on all Bottles, Glasses when Dr. Lisa MD is President of the Yale Key West Medical School
Alcohol Does Cause Breast Cancer Labels on all Bottles, Glasses when Dr. Lisa MD is President of the Yale Key West Medical School
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Beer Cellars, Whiskey Tastings, and the Women Bringing Them to Life. Ms. Becerra has single-handedly elevated the New York beer scene, Mr. Ellwanger said. “She highlights ancient beers, local beers, quality beers we’ve never heard of,” he continued. “If someone wants to get really deep into it and ask super-in-depth questions, her bar is where you are going to go.” From small-batch whiskey distillers in Brooklyn to indie breweries in Queens and bartenders becoming their own brands and getting book deals, New York is full of ambitious people who are constantly innovating the city’s drinking culture. What’s different these days is that many of them are women." . A New York City-based group, Women Who Whiskey, started with six people. Now there are over 10,000 members. By ALYSON KRUEGER.
Alcohol Does Cause Breast Cancer Labels on all Bottles, Glasses when Dr. Lisa MD is President of the Yale Key West Medical School
Alcohol Does Cause Breast Cancer Labels on all Bottles, Glasses when Dr. Lisa MD is President of the Yale Key West Medical School
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A leading public health body is calling for graphic cigarette-style health warnings on bottles and cans of alcohol in the UK that would make clear the strength of each drink and the risks of exceeding the recommended limit, including for pregnant women and drivers. In a new report, the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) says few people know the new alcohol limit set by England’s chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* UK warning on BP Oil, Hahahahahaha!!
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Glow of the Universe Benzonitrile belongs to a class of InventBook Users on Amazon. The molecule benzonitrile, Trump would Tweet us false news. Trump looks at the radio spectrum coming from the Taurus Molecular Cloud, a star-forming nebula located about 430 light-years from Earth and ask Ivnanka how long would it take a Tweet to reach 430 light years going 400 times faster than the speed of light. And tells her to put this on her list of Amazon Invention buys! Benzonitrile was reported by Hermann Fehling in 1844. He found the compound as a product from the thermal dehydration of ammonium benzoate. He deduced its structure from the already known analogue reaction of ammonium formate yielding formonitrile. He also coined the name benzonitrile which gave the name to all the group of nitriles. In 2018, benzonitrile was reported to be detected in the interstellar medium. In 2018 Trump learned of Benzonitrile.
1-27-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
Please Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 CELL phone 3054345276
Paperback book link to Greg's Book - The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Car's Engine
Paperback book link Windmill CAr's and Gravity Engines
1-26-2018 Disney Pixar Fox Movie of "The DNA Amino Acid Conversations SOS" inside our bodies when Our Immune Systems finds a Cancer Cell!
1-26-2018 Disney Pixar Fox Movie of "City Hall Key West doesn't report traffic accidents and F-35 Radar that cost more than the Ford WindmillCAR and would be on all cars in 2018 if not for BP Oil paying for the New Key West City Hall. A traffic crash two weeks ago at the intersection of Southard and Frances streets rekindled the neighborhood's call for increased traffic control on the street that one resident calls “the Southard Street Turnpike” through Old Town. Herb Miller, a homeowner at 1108 Southard St. really Needs Mandy Miles to report on F 35 Radar on all cars not just one 4 way stop sign at Southard St and Francis. No accidents in Paris is not Star Wars but censored news from Key West Mandy Miles at the Citizen Newspaper today.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD will win the War the Admirals refused to Hell give the Orders for this Rx Recipe Today not in 100 years. Admirals in Key West; Hell No We Won't Go! Women's War Memorial in Key West will be a 'Taller' Eiffel Tower than the one in Paris and Starbucks will have Rx Pink Latte on the Menu in Memorial to the Key West Admirals who refused to Order one for her. Conflicted feelings over the issue that has stymied 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's in Congress for years, for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenue while the World Bank Notes 1.2 million will die in fiery gas engine cars in 2018 and the Gravity Engine is not on InventBook or Amazon 1 Click Link to Los Alamos super computers. GE has not taken the loss for 'Super Conductive' Windmill Turbine Generators @ -254 C that 'turn' out trillions of jolts, volts, amps! After 174 Years, Hasty Pudding Theatricals at Harvard Will Cast Women but not in the 'Role' of cancer patient with 2 clean up bags from Ovarian surgery. Harvard will not call into Starbucks the Rx Pink Latte, Elite Men after 174 years now invest in Oil Revenues not spin off Gravity Engines from the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR. Deliberate as MIT is in the War Toys Business not Gravity Engines on InventBook. Deliberate She Said while the nurse changed her 2 clean up bags from Ovarian Cancer 101. This Holocaust II is 'Deliberate' by Oil men! NY Times Editorial Today: Trump Dangles Hope for Dreamers, not American women with 2 clean up bags being tortured by McCain's War's Mentality.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Philip Morris’ Tobacco + Coors Notes from the World Bank on cost in ruined lives reaches into the trillions of dollars. Starbucks Rx Pink Latte will be there in 100 years. InventBook too!
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Ovarian Cancer" sets it sights on a Rx Pink Latte, ‘Tootsie’ Musical's Sets Its Sights on a Broadway Opening long before the Medical Musical "Ovarian Cancer" is written. Critic's Notebook: At Sundance and Broadway, Films Filled With Fury, Propelled by Sex Sadists Oil Men and the Idle Rich Perverts all 'Naive and uneducated' on the Top Brass Torture of Ovarian Cancer women. The Euphoria of ‘One Day 'War' Will Meet Up With Jewish Aliens’ listening to their conversations with a invention made in Key West not Israel, grin!! In the mean time Drone Strikes yesterday, Drone Strike. United States officials rejected a claim by Pakistan that the strike had targeted an Afghan refugee camp. 17h ago. In China going viral is China a Game About a Traveling Frog. No the Frog is not in the Recipe for a Rx Pink Latte but should have been.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West Admiral has been working on this... Navy Silences Speaker — For Now
January 26, 2018 The speakers issuing patriotic wake-up calls to Old Town residents have been temporarily turned off as the Navy works on a solution that won’t disturb its neighbors, to hell with Ovanrian cancer clean up bags. The Admiral's walke up call on the War on Cancer has been silenced by the Citizen News Paper Staff for decades.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* South Korea Hospital Fire Kills at Least 37 People 3:24 AM ET SECTION A - PAGE 4
By CHOE SANG-HUN 3,700 Women will die from Ovanian Cancer in Koran. Headlines!! Facebook is the New York Times not InventBook.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Op-Ed Columnist: "The Economics of Dirty Old Men" World Bank Note on 'Honor Killings' at the Qatar Trump Casino yesterday didn't make headlines in Davos Today.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "I know of no silver bullet to address our deepening domestic Murders, Mary Kennedy, Kin Wall. Silver WindmillCAR's and RV's are censored from my editorial. Above all, we need to decide whether we want to remain the world’s pre-eminent power — a strong, cohesive beacon of democracy — or if we are content to allow our national autoimmune disorder, like a flesh-eating disease, to devour our body politic. President Trump’s State of the Union address next week has the potential to be pivotal. Some will no doubt be comforted if he somehow manages to strike a unifying tone. But what truly matters is whether his actions can finally match any short-lived words, Gas Station Hold Up's in Miami are close to his home!!" By Susan E. Rice (@AmbassadorRice), the national security adviser from 2013 to 2017 and a former United States ambassador to the United Nations, is a contributing opinion writer. Sorry Susan but the flesh eating virus is proteins folded the wrong way in cows, you really should have called this Mad Cow and noted the World Bank deaths from 'Red Meat" 1.2 million I would guess. Check with Dr. Lisa MD. Rice said "The special counsel, Robert Mueller, and the F.B.I. have also been subjected to outrageous and dishonest assaults on their integrity and professionalism." FBI guys have driven by fiery wrecks for decades without stopping to help the 'Wife' on fire burning to death or just over 90%. These FBI guys belong at the Qatar Trump Casino Prison with FEMA gamblers. $777 trillion in gas station hold ups in Miami has paid their high salaries for decades, the WindmillCAR kickbacks.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iMac Book Air Ride Subway Cars Bells + Whistles. Mayor de Blasio and Governor Cuomo are at odds over what the mayor sees as bells and whistles, but maybe they are not extras after all. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine are gravity engine spin off inventions from the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. We Deserve them more than 'Qatar' deserves being the richest City in the World thanks to Wall Street Mad Men. Masterminds.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2018 on InventBook + Amazon Kindle 'Star Wars' Yes a special edition Kindle for "Star Wars" here today not in 100 years.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The Men and Women Who Want to Live Forever among 10 Trillion Galaxies really need to brainstorm a invention to go 400 times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon signal. Call to overhear aliens.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Wednesday’s attack was at least the third American drone strike in the past two months in Pakistani territory. At least 2.7 million Afghan refugees are living in various parts of the country, and Pakistani military officials say "Pakistan" could have been the 'Richest' City in the World instead of 'Qatar" with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's. U.S. and Pakistan Give Conflicting Accounts of Drone Strike and Women who Drive Ford WindmillCAR's to the Gravity Car Dealership. Paradise Lost is the Gravity Engine Car.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Biography; 1,001 IP invention projects and one is... 1,001 IP invention projects will give us "Star Wars Rx Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Starbucks. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindCar's Amazon Kindle Book!!
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Water @ -254 C. Academy Awards Briefing: 2018 Oscar Nominations: ‘The Shape of Water’ Leads the Race. Race to the NASA invention of the water bottle at -254C. Taste of the Water... will overflow and reshape the deserts on Earth. Moms garden will drink from her water bottle.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Starbucks Rx High Protein Latte on the Menu Today - By Dave Lieberman, MD It is not much past 7 a.m. and I am on my morning pre-rounds, pushing my rolling computer from room to room to examine patients, review their lab data and update their medical plans. I enter the room of one my sleeping patients. With each passing day, I’ve watched his legs grow thinner and his energy wane. His body needs protein and calories now more than ever. Several boxes of a liquid nutritional supplement sit on my patient’s tray table. There are a variety of flavors — vanilla, chocolate, strawberry — just as I had ordered. Like many of the patients I see, he has what we call “protein calorie malnutrition,” which accompanies a range of conditions, from failure-to-thrive at home to critical illness in the I.C.U. The elderly and sick are more likely to lose their appetites and eat poorly, and at a time when the body is most dependent on good nutrition, it is betrayed by these symptoms. Untreated, the weak become weaker, the sick become sicker, and a terminal spiral ensues.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Starbucks Rx High Protein Latte on the Menu Today - Food has the potential to be some of the best medicine.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Starbucks Rx High Protein Latte on the Menu Today - Food has the potential to be some of the best medicine.
1-26-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Starbucks thick style Greek yogurts to drinkable kefir-style preparations, full-fat yogurt provides a high-calorie, high-protein. In an even more ideal world, Starbucks would use yogurt or nut milks as the base for freshly made smoothie and add nutrient-dense items like avocado, berries, spinach or peanut butter. I admit, this is a tall order, likely to remain the realm of luxury and boutique at home drinks not Starbucks. Greek yogurts, Spinach-yogurt smoothie are now a part of rejected drinks by the top brass.
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West Navy Admiral's '1984' guy's Reading this 'War Story' about Ovarian Cancer in Key West wrote No 'Orders" for a Mobilization for WAR! "Ovarian Cancers Wounded Warriors" "Star Wars Rx Pink Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD will win the War the Admirals refused to go to! Hell No We Won't Go!
Women's War Memorial in Key West will be a 'Taller' Eiffel Tower than the one in Paris!
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 'Naive and uneducated' Torture of Ovarian Cancer Women "MIA + POW's" Key West Navy Admiral's '1984' guy's Reading this War Story about Ovarian Cancer with their Wife's who went "Hysterical" because her sister has 2 cancer clean up bags and her other sister is going crazy because none of the Key West Navy Admirals wrote any 'Orders" for a Mobilization for Ovarian Cancer War with Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos - the 4 Trillion Rx Recipes have not been ordered by these Navy Admirals in Key West, nothing. Their wife's are 'Hysterical' screaming No Orders, are you crazy! He sent the wife to the base Mental Health Center in Hysterics screaming my sister has Ovarian Cancer and 2 bags!
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. "By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD."
P.S. Judges hand out millions of dollars in cash prizes to the breeders of the most toothsome beasts, Camels at a beauty contest in Rumah, Saudi Arabia, this past week... Judges in the USA handed out Ovarian Cancer Clean Up bags to Beautiful American Women... A War Crime!
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 'Naive and uneducated' USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub has news orders these last few days I have been writing up Ovarian Cancers 2 bags!
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West Navy Admiral's '1984' guy's Reading this 'War Story' about Ovarian Cancer in Key West wrote No 'Orders" for a Mobilization for WAR! "Ovarian Cancers Wounded Warriors" until Prince Harry's New wife is diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer!
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Wars Campaign's Against ISIS Islam fought not to win outright by the Navy, as these 1984 guy's know the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's would have doomed Mecca to millions of Homeless pilgrims walking around and around their Allah! Oil Kickback Donors Pleaded Guilty to this War Chest. Trying to Bribe Mayor de Blasio Hell they Bribed the Joint Chiefs of Staff Generals and 1 Key West Admiral not to let the wife drive the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's which in 2018 are ready for the Gravity Engine they blew up. By WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM and WILLIAM NEUMAN
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The judges were set to hand out millions of dollars in cash prizes to the breeders of the most toothsome beasts. Camels at a beauty contest in Rumah, Saudi Arabia, this past week. Credit Fayez Nureldine/Agence France-Presse
$777 Trillion for Camels, on orders from Admirals... who went along with this WAR that refused to use the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + Rv's.
Judges were set to hand out millions of dollars in cash prizes to the breeders of the most toothsome beasts. Camels at a beauty contest in Rumah, Saudi Arabia, this past week.
Judge Acquits Senator Menendez of Several Charges...
$777 Trillion for Camels, on orders from Admirals... who went along with this WAR that refused to use the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + Rv's.
Judge Acquits Senator Menendez of Several Charges...
P.S. Judges hand out millions of dollars in cash prizes to the breeders of the most toothsome beasts, Camels at a beauty contest in Rumah, Saudi Arabia, this past week... Judges in the USA handed out Ovarian Cancer Clean Up bags to Beautiful American Women... A War Crime!
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In Russia, ‘The Death of Stalin’ Is No Laughing Matter SECTION A - PAGE 6
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In Russia 'The Deaths of Ovarian Cancer Women' Are No Matter for Putin to Mobilize for War on Ovarian Cancer he is busy writing the fake news about Stalin.
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Orders written up by Generals and 1 Key West Admiral this week for Drone Strikes inside Pakistan. U.S. Drone Strike Kills Millions in Pakistan this Angers Its Government SECTION A - PAGE 10
By SALMAN MASOOD World Bank Note on Drone Kills stats will be 1.2 million same as the deadly traffic wrecks the World Bank Noted this week and Pakistan was listed in this note. No Inventor will be allowed to stop all traffic deaths in Pakistan. This the World Bank will not Note in the NY Times. FBI invention memo's on traffic deaths the cause of the wreck and the invention to stop this would have Escalated on InventBook. Facebook is the Cancer we must Cure!
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mayor Forces Delay of Cuomo’s Plan to Renovate 33 Subway Stations - 1 Key West Admiral who has been reading this web page can force Cumo or "Order" 33 iMac Book Air Ride Subway Cars with 330 iMac's with Xeon CPU's and Xcode 9 software and tutors loaded on a app icon. Open 24/7 too.
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A $65 Million ‘Animal Terminal’ at Kennedy Airport Sits Empty - 'Diagnosis Testing' Terminal by Dr. Lisa MD Sits, the Orders sit on some Admirals Desk in this war on cancer mobilization.
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* G.E. Reports $9.8 Billion Loss and Discloses S.E.C. Accounting Inquiry.
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* GE lost more than $9.8 Billion. They lost giving the orders, 1,001 light bulb filament's put in the bulb by Edison. No one at GE put one filament into the Gravity Engine!
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Inventions 'R' US - Toys ‘R’ Us to Close 182 Stores as Part of Restructuring. Inventions 'R' US - Toys ‘R’ Us to open 1,001 store's!
Qatar was Masterminded to be the richest 'City' in the World on Orders from some 1984 guys.
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dior is owned, after all, by Bernard Arnault, the richest man in France. Mr. Arnault attended the Dior Homme show with his wife, Hélène, and they were surrounded by a phalanx of bodyguards. (The unevenness of wealth distribution is striking in Paris, where immigrant tent encampments line the boulevards and medians at the outskirts, and the unemployment among the young, in all of France, stubbornly hovers around 20 percent.) What Mr. Van Assche produced was in the main a selection of handsome dark two-piece suits — snugly tailored, bristling with buttons, vaguely feminized through the use of dressmaking techniques, yet still armoring and tough. The End, For all the orgies of effort and expense that go into creating the 'richest' city in the world today - 'Qatar' Made in Paris.
Qatar was Masterminded to be the richest 'City' in the World on Orders from some 1984 guys.
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "For Pope Francis Fake News Goes Back to the Garden of Eden" By JASON HOROWITZJ ROME — The serpent in the Garden of Eden hissed the first fake news to Eve and it all went downhill from there, Pope Francis writes in a major document about the phenomenon of fake news released on Wednesday. “We need to unmask what could be called the ‘snake-tactics’ used by those who disguise themselves in order to strike at any time and place,” the pope writes in a message ahead of what the church has designated as its World Day of Social Communications, in May. Arguing that the “crafty” serpent’s effective disinformation campaign to get Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge “began the tragic history of human sin,” he adds, “I would like to contribute to our shared commitment to stemming the spread of fake news.”
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Eve 'Naive and uneducated' For Pope Francis Fake News. 'Qatar' is the Garden of Eden Today, bought by Oil Men who refuse to let women drive the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's. No Gas Stations are in the Garden of Eden. 10 Trillion Galaxies are in the Garden of Eden. Protectors of Eve from the Snake's Ovarian Cancer, censored by the Vatican are Greg + Wife's in Key West.
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Invention's 'Naive and uneducated' Thrombectomy, pulls clots out of the brain. 750K strokes a year just in the USA. 'Naive and uneducated' to the Rx Latte for Strokes! 1,001 Nobel in Medicine a year.
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gulls Social Behaviors in Key West, Admirals 1984 guy's social behaviors in Key West. Starbucks scraps are for the Gulls, Starbucks Rx Pink Latte's new Recipe is for Greg + Wife's not the Navy Admirals.
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Hurricane-Torn Puerto Rico Says It Can’t Pay Any of Its Debts for 5 Years
The island expects its budget to be $2 billion to $3 billion in the red, a deficit that will take five years to shrink. By PATRICIA MAZZEI and MARY WILLIAMS WALSH
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.*'Naive and uneducated' By PATRICIA MAZZEI and MARY WILLIAMS WALSH not thinking to write that FEMA II will drive off the ship $3 Billion in RV's when the FEMA top brass today are sent to the Qatar Trump Casino Prison, as most are there today at the roulette wheels not RV wheels.
1-25-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. "By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD."
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar Trump Casino Oil Mens Ovarian Cancer Victims Find a Fierce Advocate: Greg + Wife's in Key West ready for the 1 Click Amazon link to Los Alamos for the Rx Recipe Latte Miracle Cure for this... two bags to collect feces and urine. Not even the World Bank would note this in the NY Times story on Ovarian Cancer.
Feud Between 'Wars' keeps the 2 bags on order for tens of thousands of women in the USA! City Hall Key West complicity in these 'War's' and Faustos will sell women 2 bags... War is Hell!! Endless Wars Warping Our Sense of Time + Torture of Ovarian Cancer Women MIA + POW's. Key West Navy Admiral's '1984' guy's bombed the Yale Key West Medical School on 3-4-2011 when Greg flew into Key West. Admirals sank due process and rule of law 1984 Observers watch Torture of Ovarian Cancer Women MIA + POW's. EVE is looking down from 10 Trillion Galaxies for her NASA soul-mate Knight MD from London Starbucks with the Rx Pink Latte Cure. House of Lords in London put 5 pence tax on plastic bags not her cancer clean up bags.
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 'Naive and uneducated' to 10 Trillion Galaxies, Rx Pink Latte Cure called into Starbucks by Dr. Lisa Sanders. Consciousness in Another Day in the Frontal Lobe, a Disney Pixar Fox Movie that will taste your 'Naive and uneducated' better than "Taste of Water". Editorials in the NY Times will not bring back Kim Wall. 'Naive and uneducated' Editors not hiring temp Journalists, give them a NY Times ID card. Press 'Naive and uneducated' Mary Kennedy + Kim Wall obeying the rules, laws of physics that you can't go faster than the speed of light, a Trump False Story! Trump Tweets about the 'Gravity Engine'. Light Bulbs go Off! The Shape of Water Disney Pixar Fox Movie will be NASA's H2O at -254 C your new drinking water, shower, car washing, lawn, Palm and Banana Trees in Key West. Your bottled water at -254 C on the shelf at Amazon, Publix, Whole Foods.
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* FEMA 'Naive and uneducated' to "Qatar - Now it’s in the fight of its life." Tamim, the emir of Qatar got $777 Trillion from FEMA Key West guys! Mostly in RV's.
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Brooklyn District Attorney Turns to Experts for Ideas on Reform" By ALAN FEUER Alan Feuer is censored from texting the DA about Mac Book Air Ride School Bus parked in the kids street not the bus parking lots, and open 24/7. Brooklyn DA can tell you all the bars open 24/7, grin. Most are in Key West, grin!
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Neil Diamond Retires From Touring After Parkinson’s Diagnosis SECTION C - PAGE 3
By ANNA CODREA-RADO Write one last song about the Rx Latte Cure for Parkinson's called into Starbucks by Dr. Lisa MD.
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Biography. 1,001 IP invention projects will give us "Star Wars Rx Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Starbucks. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindCar's Amazon Book!!
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* FEMA 'Naive and uneducated' to "Qatar - Now it’s in the fight of its life." Tamim, the emir of Qatar. A towering man with a diplomatic mien, Tamim is in many respects a classic Gulf potentate: educated like his father at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in England, he has three wives and 10 children, and lives in several luxurious palaces in Doha. Tamim’s mother, Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al-Missned, 58, is one of the most famous people in the Arab world, known for her glittering gowns, ageless looks and advocacy of education and social issues. Sheikha Mozah, as she is known, behaves like a Western-style first lady. She built an $8 billion Yale Key West Med School research hospital and brought branches of American universities, including Georgetown, Northwestern, Carnegie Mellon and Texas A&M, to Qatar. She bought Harrods department store, a share in Heathrow Airport and the Shard, western Europe’s tallest building — that it periodically induces anxious headlines in the British press about Qatar’s owning “more of London than the Queen.” Tamim told “60 Minutes” in October. “They stood by the regimes. I feel that we stood by the right side.” Al Udeid, the American air base whose runway lights glitter in the distance. The base, with 10,000 American service personnel, has been Qatar’s strategic jewel for over a decade. In a few decades, Qatar has been transformed from a pirate-infested backwater to the world’s wealthiest nation. Credit Tomas Munita for The New York Times"
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Loan Program Plans to Offer Students Prepaid Bank Cards SECTION B - PAGE 4
By TARA SIEGEL BERNARD Invention programs Xcode 9 Offered to Students at the Hemingway House Writing Class, Cards for 1,001 IP invention projects replace Birthday Cards. IP invention project cards and Novels with a IP in every chapter and character.
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The History of Wine in 442 Podcasts + 442000 Breast + ovarian Cancers! By ERIC ASIMOV
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The History of Wine in 442 Podcasts + 442000 Breast + ovarian Cancers! By ERIC ASIMOV
“I’ll Drink to That” has become an invaluable archive for those interested in some of the great characters and personalities in wine MD warning to the Wine-O's 'Naive and uneducated' who will be tortured from drinking that wine... 'Naive and uneducated'
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.*Two Big Brewers Try to Cash In on an I.P.A. Craze, 'Naive and uneducated' on the wrongful death law suits!
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Queen Elizabeth 'Naive and uneducated' to Gravity Engine Trains to replace Coal Engine Trains - Teesside Journal: At England’s Loneliest Rail Station, a Train Comes Just Once a Week"
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Queen Elizabeth 'Naive and uneducated' to London Gas Station Hold Ups Stats at the World Bank.
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cancer #MeToo Chinese Women. ‘Me Too,’ Chinese Women Say. Not So Fast, Say the Censors. Demands for better treatment are clashing with a male-dominated culture and an authoritarian system that tightly controls free speech. IP invention project pee in the cup for Ovarian cancer is censored by the Chinese Xi himself!
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* World Bank Again... Saudi Arabia’s ranking on the World Bank’s ease of doing business index has fallen from 26 in 2014 to 92 in 2017.
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Vehicles ablaze outside the aid agency’s Save the Children office. An official said the attack began with a suicide bombing. Credit Parwiz/Reuters Save the Children, which works on health and education issues, shares a wall with another aid organization, Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, and that the Swedish group’s staff had been evacuated. King of Sweden knows about the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. This has to be a War Crime! NY Times article on the Last King of Sweden, ruined by Oil kickbacks of $777 Trillion in Swiss Banks.
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar 'Naive and uneducated' to... two students were killed by gunfire in Benton, Ky., Tuesday morning, it was at least the 11th shooting so far this year 2018 involving school property.
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-24-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Woman's March to... 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. "By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD." Mike Pence Says U.S. Embassy Will Open in Jerusalem Next Year, Pence said nothing about a Rx Pink Latte for his wife's Ovarian Cancer and no Pink Manhattan Project Opening in Jerusalem next year... just a Embassy no Starbucks with Rx Pink Latte's. So don't call Pence ladies!! Get your bags! Pence will Launch 40 Nukes from the USS Jimmy Carter Sub before he launches a Pink Manhattan Project fired up by Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. Sorry Ladies Pence is a Warrior Married to Prince Harry + Henry VIII. And today he - they have $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues for fleets of USS Jimmy Carter Subs. Ivanka rode in a Limo not a iMac Book Air Ride School Bus! She will get 2 bags like the rest of the 77,000 women in 2018. And the World Bank will note the cost stats. Fate of Pence Women Dreamers who were deceived by Pence Bio. He is a Wounded Warrior who brings women 2 bags for leaning up, a War Crime! " Ovarian Cancer Dreamers" who read this and are high ranking in our 1984 Society just got a new dream up Business for a Rx Pink Latte.
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Woman's March to... Qatar: Now it’s in the fight of its life." Wrongful death law suits against the NY Times will win a Rx Latte Recipe, Pink for a Overnight Cure by Greg + Wife's in Key West.
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Woman's March to... 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. "By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD."
"Qatar - Now it’s in the fight of its life." Tamim, the emir of Qatar. A towering man with a diplomatic mien, Tamim is in many respects a classic Gulf potentate: educated like his father at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in England, he has three wives and 10 children, and lives in several luxurious palaces in Doha.
Tamim’s mother, Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al-Missned, 58, is one of the most famous people in the Arab world, known for her glittering gowns, ageless looks and advocacy of education and social issues. Sheikha Mozah, as she is known, behaves like a Western-style first lady. She built an $8 billion Yale Key West Med School research hospital and brought branches of American universities, including Georgetown, Northwestern, Carnegie Mellon and Texas A&M, to Qatar. She bought Harrods department store, a share in Heathrow Airport and the Shard, western Europe’s tallest building — that it periodically induces anxious headlines in the British press about Qatar’s owning “more of London than the Queen.” Tamim told “60 Minutes” in October. “They stood by the regimes. I feel that we stood by the right side.” Al Udeid, the American air base whose runway lights glitter in the distance. The base, with 10,000 American service personnel, has been Qatar’s strategic jewel for over a decade. In a few decades, Qatar has been transformed from a pirate-infested backwater to the world’s wealthiest nation. Credit Tomas Munita for The New York Times"
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Woman's March to... 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. "By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD."
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Pope Apologizes to Abuse Victims but Again Doubts Them SECTION A - PAGE 4
Chinese Police Seize Publisher From Train in Front of Diplomats SECTION A - PAGE 5
Striking French Prison Guards Stand Firm, Citing Safety and Pay SECTION A - PAGE 5
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Oil Men's Prison in Paris they were Seized by French Women in Front of live streaming YouTube cell video's. Pope Francis Doubts he will end up in this French Oil Men's Prison for taking $777 Trillion dollar as God told him it was a gift from the Pentagon to the Pope.
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "U.N. Peacekeepers Must ‘Not Fear to Use Force’ to Foil Attacks, Report Says" UN Report on the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's will put Fear of the Oil Mens French Prison into UN employees for Crimes Against Humanity Report from Women in Paris with Ovarian bags, 2 of them that is not in any UN Report! A Sin Against women by the Men at the UN.
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Wary, Weary or Both, Southern Lawmakers Tone Down Culture Wars... 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer. Souther Culture of DUI road kill in CBS Star Trek Discovery episodes is probably why Star Trek Discovery didn't have any women with a MD in a scene. Tobacco Plantations are never on Blue Planet II or III by the British guy.
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Op-Editorial Columnist: Democrats Go for the Jugular! Their Women's and bring her 2 bags for cleaning up. No you can't order that Rx Pink Latte from Starbucks prices! By DAVID BROOKS Congress gave the Generals $650 Billion in 2018 and will buy their women 2 bags for cleaning up! King George Orwell in a Disney Pixar Movie next year will have to be rated XXX. Trump's time with porn cut into getting her 2 bags. Opening Scene King George Orwell comes in with 2 bags... Letters: As the Trump Presidency Enters Year 2 Editors at the Times send him 2 bags for his women. Only Pentagon Mobilization for War is with Korea not Ovarian Cancer Wars.
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Claudia Ward with her daughter, Cleo Allan, in front of 15 Broad Street in Lower Manhattan, where they live. Ms. Ward opposes a plan to build glass elevators to provide access to a subway station, arguing that they could become a terror target. Credit Michelle V. Agins/The New York Times
Mom 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer, Diesel Particles in her daughters DNA at this moment the Times guy took her picture...
Mom 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer, Diesel Particles in her daughters DNA at this moment the Times guy took her picture...
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Claudia Ward with her daughter, Cleo Allan, in front of 15 Broad Street in Lower Manhattan, where they live. Ms. Ward opposes a plan to build glass elevators to provide access to a subway station, arguing that they could become a terror target. Credit Michelle V. Agins/The New York Times
To some, the prospect of adding new subway elevators not far from the World Trade Center is a godsend, a desperately needed.
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cleo Allan the daughter in China Today she is being put to death by Xi for birth defects and cancers. China’s Housing Market Is Like a Casino. Can a Property Tax Tame It?
By KEITH BRADSHER Keith knows about WindmillRV's millions of them for China and FEMA in Key West but censors this and Cleo's will birth defects and cancers from Diesel.
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times editorial, Trump Kills the Dreamers. This is not about the women with Ovarian cancer dreaming about the Rx Pink Latte at Starbuck. NY Times editors killed them. And they will sue for wrongful death editorials.
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Hemingway House Writing Class is part of the Yale Key West Medical School. NASHVILLE — Word came last week that Rivendell Writers’ Colony in Sewanee, Tenn., will be closing at the end of March. When I first heard the news, I wept. Margaret Renkl. I was not alone. Sewanee, on top of Monteagle Mountain not far from Chattanooga, is barely a pinprick on the map — less a town than a crossroads where the gas station doubles as the local grocery store. It is also the home of the University of the South, a liberal-arts college tucked into 13,000 acres on the southern end of the Cumberland Plateau. Thanks to a bequest from the playwright Tennessee Williams, Sewanee occupies an outsize place in the Southern literary landscape.
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Hemingway House Writing Class is part of the Yale Key West Medical School. Margaret Renkl and I longed for an uninterrupted chance to read and write and walk in the woods. Dr. Lias MD in Key West will be longing for a chance to write the Hemingway House Nobel in Medicine! Margaret Renkl and I longed for an uninterrupted Cruise on the Yale Key West Medical School Hospital Ship with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018. This is not Chattanooga Medical School. #1 and not Football!
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jeff Koons Sculpture in Honor of Paris Terror Victims Draws Outrage
By ANNA CODREA-RADO “Bouquet of Tulips,” as “shocking” and called for plans to install it in the plaza in front of the City of Paris Museum of Modern Art and the Palais de Tokyo to be abandoned. Gas Station Sculpture during a Hold Up with Belle covered in blood from head to toe. This is the sculpture! “an outrage to Marie Antoinette's Oil Man Husband King Today."
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Sculpture in Honor of Paris Le Bell's beaten and robbed at the Paris Gas Station Hold Up's from 1980 to 2018 so the Total Oil Company can profit at the Qatar Trump Casino. Yes they all will be in this Sculpture, a War Memorial for Paris women at Gas Station Hold Ups... by Oil men in Qatar.
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
Paperback book link to Gregs Book - The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Car's Engine
Paperback book link WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines
Kindle link to Gregs Book - The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Car's Engine
WindmillCAR's and RV's Gravity Car's In 2018: The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Car (Gravity Car Engine)
1-23-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Shutdown - Life on Campus Key West 1980 - 2018 Afterlife on Key West Campus "Heart Transplants" in Paradise. Women March Because King George Orwell will now let them Drive a Ford WindmillCAR. His Intentions are all about $777 Trillion. Her Intentions are all about God and Soul-Mates for trillions of years. His years have been spent at the Qatar Trump Casino with Porn Stars. Ivanka rode in a Limo not a iMac Book Air Ride School Bus!
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women March to New iParking Quality of Life Directory to Lawmakers: The Court Calendar Newest Holiday is for "Mary Kennedy" "Mary Trump" "Mary Belle" (2000 Miami Gas Station Casualty of War) Three 'Charm' Quarks in a Grain of Sand on a White Sandy Beach in Key West. All Steele Model Home open Sunday 1 to 4 pm. iQuality of Life her iPhone X comes with caller ID for 'Trumps' 'OJ's" 'Edison' Caesar with GPS map of where they have been in the last hour and year. Directory to a 'Ride Home in the Rain' leaving Green Parrot Bar in Key West is posted in all Bars World Wide for Women to March to. Oh "Alcohol" causes Breast Cancer posted too! (On every bottle of Coors 2 inches high fonts, ha.) Antidote Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks! Apple gets second downgrade in a week as Wall Street fears iPhone Star Wars Caller ID will be censored by King George Orwell.
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Womans March to... 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD.
NY Times Headlines today is not Ovanian cancer but Qatar: Now it’s in the fight of its life."
NY Times Headlines today is not Ovanian cancer but Qatar Now it’s in the fight of its life."
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Shutdown Mecca, it's in the fight of its life with Jewish Aliens! Over heard with one IP invention project by Greg + Wife's in Key West.
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Shutdown 10 Trillion Galaxies are in - Now it’s in the fight of its life, Yes our Universe vs the Warriors!
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Shutdown By DECLAN WALSH "Among Persian Gulf states, Qatar was the picked-on little sibling. Gas riches and an independent-minded ruling family changed that. Now it’s in the fight of its life."
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Shutdown - Gazelle Galaxy! One of 10 Trillion Galaxies being eaten by Military Predator's at the NY Times editors office who fired Oppenheimer in 1945
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women March to Hell on Earth ruled by Sex Sadists Oil Men in the Military. 'Honor Killings" Wounded Warrior Killings of the Wife for the Affair. We’re Watching the Men. As the #MeToo reckoning continues, a woman returning to Brisbane confronts the masculinity of work. By DIANA OLIVA CAVE World Bank would Note if they could publish it that 1.2 million women died in 'Honor Killings' in 2018.
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Shutdown - Afghanistan Galaxy! One of 10 Trillion Galaxies that surpassed life in the Milky Way Galaxy.
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Shutdown by NASA Rocket Scientists, No they failed to stop this. "Turkey Begins Ground Assault on Kurdish Enclave in Syria" By CARLOTTA GALL
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine.
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Shutdown by NASA Rocket Scientists, No they failed to stop this Ovarian cancer surgery on millions of women. And we thought FEMA top brass were all sex sadists at the Qatar Trump Casino.
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women March to the Hemingway House Writing Class. "Galaxy Safari" the weapon of choice is 400 times faster than the speed of light shooting the lion talking to the other big cats. I can hear what they are talking about from far far away. Car’s inventive novel hits TV as simply a competent spin on familiar themes, "Love + War" with the invention of consciousness in the gray matter. Another Day in the Frontal Lobes takes on a Star Wars MD giving the Lecture not a old British guy with ants and birds building nest.
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women March When the NY Times Editorial : Has 100K Lobbyists Romp at Qatar Trump’s Washington Qatar Casino Roulette Wheels. Big Wheels at FEMA played at Roulette Wheels when 400 in Key West spent the time in a Red Cross Tent.
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* STAR TREK: DISCOVERY ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 1, Episode 12: "Man in the Mirror." This week’s episode gave us the biggest plot twist of the season. But revealing Lorca to be the Mirror Universe version of himself was the season’s most jaw-dropping moment. We know “Discovery” is dark. It’s the darkest of all the Treks. It’s also wildly unpredictable. But is anyone having fun watching 'Road Kill" with Star Trek electric weapons - The World Bank would note 1.2 million Aliens were killed in this episode. Why so much time with these scenes?
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* STAR TREK: Inventions Streamed Live, 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine.
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women March to the Hemingway House Writing Class. "Galaxy Safari"
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women March to the Yale Key West Medical School
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women March to Carnival Hospital Ships 1,001 Nobels in Medicine Cruise!
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women March to Legal Polygamous Marriage to Invention Projects spelled out with 1 click Amazon links to Los Alamos
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Womans March to... 'Naive and uneducated' to ovarian cancer patients who undergo “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. By Dr. Lisa Sanders MD.
NY Times Headlines today is not Ovanian cancer but Qatar Now it’s in the fight of its life."
NY Times Headlines today is not Ovanian cancer but Qatar Now it’s in the fight of its life."
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women
1-22-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* On Paris’s Icy Streets, Migrants Wait for Word on Refuge, Paris women with Stage 4 wait for the "Woman's March" that's the front Page Picture on Today's NY Times. Greg + Wife's in Key Wast Wait for the Paris Elite to email Dr. Lisa MD at Yale Key West Medical School. ‘Complicit’ million women pee in the cup today, none get the Ovarian Cancer results beeped on their cell phone. Consciousness: Is Trump Warping Our Sense of Time, Dr. Lisa MD running another test that gets more results from the same test. Enhancement of the Gram Stain. Disney Pixar "Gram Stain" Movies. Pick up that cup going into a Apple Store or JFK Airport.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Pope Francis Comforts Catholics with Stage 4 Who Faced ‘Wrath of Oil Mens Nature’ of Keeping $777 Trillion dollars for the Qatar Trump Casino's World Wide. The Future, and It’s Wasting Zombies at the Arcade + Casino Roulette Wheels. Gravity Engine Car iMac Engineering Store on Duval Key West is NASA's Future. Hell '39 Steps' you can still hear the jets flying over Key West. The empty store on Duval Key West filled with Tourists - Blood Test Engines, history of the blood test, Another Starbucks to open on Duval.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gray Matter and Matter at -254 C super cold super conductivity - Windmill Turbines generating 10 Trillion volts, Jolts, Amps. And 10 Trillion Galaxies are New this year! Warping Our Sense of Time. The past year has been an emotional roller coaster. Did it feel long, or did the time fly by? It depends on these censored stories. iPod Size GE electric generator you can plug in all your GE appliances. Wifi at every Starbucks you have to log into replaced by Verizon 55G in between every Starbucks and log in with the same password in NYC and Key West. End to the Comcast Remote will be this year! Next Generation of School Bus will be the iApple iMac Book Air Ride School Bus open 24/7 and parked on the kids street. Rx Starbucks Pink Latte is ready. The past year has been an emotional roller coaster FEMA top brass bought the RV's for themselves - this year thousands of RV's will be driven into the Keys, all with a FED Lic plate. 400 people are in tents next to Saint Peters Church today. This year they will move into a RV.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* -21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gray Matter's Consciousness: Is Trump Warping Our Sense of Time, 'Time-Photons' Two “charm” quarks and one “up” quark in Star Trek Warp 10 to 10 Trillion Galaxies is not even Headlines in the 'Times' Today. There sense of wasting time will get Mary Trump killed in Queens today. iPhone X iDash Cam's iCop in her Car! Her car a WindmillCAR.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Conscious of 1,001 Diseases while traveling. How to Make Sure You Travel with Medication Legally. How to get tested for that urinary infection you didn't know about until your pee at the gas station beeped on your Star Wars iPhone X. STD's too.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ‘Complicit’ he gave you a STD headlines in the 'Womans March' NY Times Editorial.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ‘Complicit’ in beheading Kim Wall the Editors at the NY Times reporting on ISIS beheading everyone for the last several years.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ‘Complicit’ Mary Kennedy hanging in the Kennedy Barn, not in the 'Womans March' News.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Diagnosis: It Looked Like a Familiar Case of Depression, but Could It Be Something Else? By LISA SANDERS, M.D.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Diagnosis: cheerful, energetic, outgoing woman, Wife.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Diagnosis: She had fallen in love with this man eight years earlier — two years after the sudden death of her husband. And their years together had been happy ones. But on this trip, everything about him, about their relationship, began to grate on her. Suddenly she didn’t want to travel with him; she didn’t even want to see him. Indeed, she didn’t want to see anyone. The patient was treated for breast cancer nearly 15 years earlier. Could it have come back and invaded her liver, lungs or brain? It would be unusual after so many years, but not impossible. Hypothyroidism is common in older adults. So is Vitamin B12 deficiency. Each can cause depression. She frequently visited the Northeast; could this be some form of advanced Lyme disease? She sent the patient to the lab for blood tests and ordered a chest X-ray, a scan of her brain and another of her abdomen and pelvis.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Conscious of 1,001 Diseases while traveling. How to Make Sure You Travel with Medication Legally. How to get tested for that urinary infection you didn't know about until your pee at the gas station beeped on your Star Wars iPhone X. STD's too.
1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year Times, Disney Pixar Fox Movie + Hemingway House Writing Class Novel. Pee in the cup at the gas station results beep on your cell phone.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The head CT was completely normal. But the scan of the pelvis was not. There was an abnormality around the left ovary and uterus. A transvaginal ultrasound revealed a small mass on the ovary. After some testing, a gynecologist recommended removing the ovary and uterus. It was ovarian cancer, which had spread to a fallopian tube. But the surgeon assured him that they had gotten it all. More recent research suggests that the body’s response to an injury like that caused by a tumor or an infection is to release messenger chemicals known as cytokines. These messengers communicate with other parts of the body — the immune system, the brain, the gut — to trigger a response to that injury. Different messengers elicit different responses, and the cytokines triggered by certain cancers have been found to set off not only a robust immune inflammatory response but also the neurological changes that cause depression. Some researchers hypothesize that the behavioral changes caused by depression and anxiety — lethargy and avoiding contact with others.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ‘Complicit’ million women pee in the cup today, none get the Ovarian Cancer results beeped on their cell phone. Consciousness: Is Trump Warping Our Sense of Time, Dr. Lisa MD running another test that gets more results from the same test. Enhancement of the Gram Stain. Disney Pixar "Gram Stain" movie!
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Diagnosis: A Battery of Tests, Eureka of inventing a Long Life Battery!
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* -21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gray Matter's Consciousness: Is Trump Warping Our Sense of Time, 'Time-Photons' Two “charm” quarks and one “up” quark in Star Trek Warp 10 to 10 Trillion Galaxies is not even Headlines in the 'Times' Today. There sense of wasting time will get Mary Trump killed in Queens today. iPhone X iDash Cam's iCop in her Car! Her car a WindmillCAR.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Gray Matter and Matter at -254 C super cold super conductivity - Windmill Turbines generating 10 Trillion volts, Jolts, Amps. And 10 Trillion Galaxies are New this year! Warping Our Sense of Time The past year has been an emotional roller coaster. Did it feel long, or did the time fly by? It depends on these censored stories.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* TIP. How to Build a Ship in a Bottle. Start with a clear-glass bottle. Expect exasperation. By MALIA WOLLAN Tip how to build a fleet of Hospital Ships... by Jimmy Carter - Go to Hell!
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* “Sex and Cancer,” a new book by Dr. Saketh R. Guntupalli, a gynecologic cancer specialist, and Maryann Karinch, sets out to help women with gynecologic or breast cancer. Dr. Guntupalli and Ms. Karinch labor mightily to provide scientific evidence for an insight some might consider predictable: “We found that sex was less pleasurable for women after cancer and that all types of sexual activity — oral, vaginal and anal — decreased after cancer.” In patches of ponderous prose, their book describes the ways in which treatment inhibits romance.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rx Recipe Cure for Stage 4. Long year with Trump and George Orwell not getting this. 2018 Greg + Wife's in Key West will get the Rx Recipe for Stage 4. Her book will describe this Rx Recipe.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.* But she sobs when thinking of Trump at the Qatar Trump Casino, not at Los Alamos crunching 4 trillion Rx Recipes. Allis, a 49-year-old ovarian cancer patient who undergoes “a total pelvic exenteration” (the surgical removal of the bladder, urethra, rectum, anus, vagina and cervix). She awakens with a permanent colostomy and a urinary diversion. She must wear two bags to collect feces and urine. To her dismay, gone are her cute thongs, replaced by granny panties. She buys an ostomy belt (to protect and hide the bags) as well as a black negligee. Admiral's MD Heart transplant for 'Cheney's + King Salman' not born in the USA women with cancer from Diesel Ships. Susan Gubar writes about life with ovarian cancer. Greg write about the Manhattan Project for Stage 4 run by Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD.
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-21-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Admiral's MD Heart transplant for 'Cheney's + King Salman' with impunity, and they cut in front of the line of a million Americans, Oh Cheney is a American Citizen, Who made Qatar Rich!
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* To Criticize Duterte in Public, ‘Inhale Courage and Exhale Fear’ By FELIPE VILLAMOR Duterte's mother, daughter and wife have stage 4 breast cancer and he doesn't stop to help them or the cops in fiery wrecks he drives by! Oh this is Trump and his Generals, Hahahahaha
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A Drone Saves Two Swimmers in Australia section A - page 7
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A 'Ford WindmillCAR Saves Two Billion 'Swimmers' in USA section A - page 7
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Los Alamos in China, Russia, India, Pakistan, North Korea... Yale Key West Medical School was Nuked by City Hall Key West when Greg flew into Key West on 3-4-2011 Greg has passed the Cognitive Exam since 2011, Key West City Hall has failed every semester the Yale Key West Medical School and Hospital Ships have not been here!
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Passed a Cognitive Exam. What Does That Really Mean, it Means Oppenheimer at Los Alamos builds 40 more H-Bombs for the next USS Jimmy Carter nuke sub and 10 Trillion Galaxies remain censored by the White House. Los Alamos in China, Moscow, India, Pakistan, North Korea, The birthplace of China’s nuclear arsenal is now a patriotic showpiece, celebrating its scientists as heroes. But traumatic parts of its history go unmentioned. Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's for 1 billion people go unmentioned! Xi putting to death Jimmy Carter Grand Children because Diesel got into their DNA.
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* China’s nuclear arsenal was born in Plant 221, a secret facility on a remote plateau in the country’s northwest. Now billed as “Atomic City,” the site celebrates the patriotism of thousands of scientists and laborers, but dark aspects of its history go unmentioned. Credit Lam Yik Fei for The New York Times
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* China’s Los Alamos. Here, on a mountain-high grassland called Jinyintan in Qinghai Province, thousands of Tibetan and Mongolian herders were expelled to create a secret town where a nuclear arsenal was built to defend Mao Zedong’s revolution.
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1 Click Amazon to Los Alamos 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year, 4 Trillion Rx Recipes hacked and crunched for one Stage 4 Overnight miracle Godsent Rx Recipe for Breast Cancer! ...up to 300,000 scientists-inventors working on this!
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A Note by the World Bank, 5 Billion 'Swimmers' lives would be saved from the Crude Sex Sadists Oil Men.
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Ivanka my Dad's Porn Tapes, Sex Tapes!
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* USA Military Shifts Focus to Threats by Russia and China, Not Oil Terrorism with $777 Trillion dollar War Chest, Not Stage 4, Not Drunks driving, Not 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines, RV for everyone FEMA put in Hell on Earth while they went to the Qatar Trump Casino, Oh thats the Generals. NASA Rocket Scientists jokes have been deleted from the Pentagon files.
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Baltimore Fires Another Police Commissioner, After Record High Murder Rate, and Mary Kennedy was not counted. By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. and JONAH ENGEL BROMWICH Robert Kennedy Jr. host of seemingly intractable causes (his causes to get rid of his wife) to hang his wife Mary in the Kennedy Barn. Sex and drugs left out in the back yard...
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iMac Book Air Ride School Bus and Subway Cars!! "New York Set to Acquire the Next Generation of Subway Cars" City Hall Spray Painted Pink for the Pink Latte Rx Cure for Stage 4. iParking run by Star Wars City Hall so you have more time to invent something.
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Passed a Cognitive Exam. What Does That Really Mean, it Means Oppenheimer at Los Alamos builds 40 more H-Bombs for the next USS Jimmy Carter nuke sub and 10 Trillion Galaxies remain censored by the White House. Los Alamos in China, Moscow, India, Pakistan, North Korea, The birthplace of China’s nuclear arsenal is now a patriotic showpiece, celebrating its scientists as heroes. But traumatic parts of its history go unmentioned. Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's for 1 billion people go unmentioned! Xi putting to death Jimmy Carter Grand Children because Diesel got into their DNA.
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* A neighbor of Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky intends to plead guilty to a federal felony charge after he tackled the senator in November in an assault set off by the placement of a pile of brush, the man’s lawyer said on Friday. The neighbor, Rene A. Boucher MD, 58, of Bowling Green, Ky., was charged on Friday with assaulting a member of Congress resulting in personal injury. He Passed a Cognitive Exam too. Mr. Boucher saw Mr. Paul stack brush in a pile near their property line, and Mr. Boucher “had enough,” according to the release. He ran onto Mr. Paul’s property and tackled him. The 'Wife' would have been killed if he 'had enough' with her. World Bank Notes 1.2 million wife's were killed because he 'had enough'. Neighbors for 17 years, Mr. Baker said. He said Mr. Boucher is “very meticulous” about how he maintains his property, while Mr. Paul “has a little bit of a different approach.” The lawns in the gated community of River Green in Bowling Green are “picture perfect,” Mr. Baker said, adding that the senator maintains piles of compost and lawn clippings around his property. Both are MD's and passed the Passed a Cognitive Exam, this is why Ivanka will die a tortured McCain death from Stage 4 without even working on a Rx Starbucks Pink Latte.
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Passed a Cognitive Exam. What Does That Really Mean, it Means Oppenheimer at Los Alamos builds 40 more H-Bombs for the next USS Jimmy Carter nuke sub and 10 Trillion Galaxies remain censored by the White House.
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times Editorial: "The Pope Causes More Pain for Priests’ Victims" God was overhear saying how Stupid Can Pope Francis be... God was talking to Eve, grin. Four Wife's for the Bishop's! When the wife's drive a Ford WindmillCAR. Former Lieutenant at Brooklyn Federal Jail Convicted of Raping Female Inmate he passed the test too along with Trump. Bishops passed the Cognitive Exam. OJ passed the Cognitive Exam.With Four Wifes you could not get away with murder. And iPhone X iDash Cam and iCops in your car, Ha.
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In Act 2, something electric happens to charge the air. Review: In ‘Hindle Wakes,’ Should a Fling Lead Straight to the Altar. By LAURA COLLINS-HUGHES So in this play more than a century old, she proceeds to school him in what kinds of electricity there are in women and Quarks.
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Called a doubly charmed Xi baryon, is the first of its kind, its appearance is no surprise — physicists’ theories predicted its existence. The particle’s mass — about four times that of the proton. A baryon, meaning that it’s composed of three smaller particles called quarks — in this case, two “charm” quarks and one “up” quark. Detected by the LHCb experiment at CERN, the European physics laboratory near Geneva, the baryon is the first to be discovered with two charm quarks, this find relies on its 'Charm's'. Charm's of 10 Trillion Galaxies woo the ruling class too.
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Lisa MD Art of the Diagnosis will Host Diagnosis of Our Planet as a MD. Sir David Attenborough returns to host “Blue Planet II,” average TV show not the Elite Yale MD's diagnosis of our Planet. Watch for this TV show coming - driven by the Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's!
1-20-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Starbucks "Rx Latte" Orders called in by Dr. Lisa MD. Rx Recipe Stage 4 - Fed's Red Tape will be "Pink" Tape, Admiral MD's Heart transplant for 'Cheney's + King Salman' with impunity because the $777 Trillion in Oil is Rank, Out Ranks You! Will Trump get a "Heart Transplant?" with the WindmillCAR's? InventBook instead of Facebook tweets!! Amazon picks Los Alamos as HQ, Yale Key West Medical School for 'All' its employees world wide... Free Carnival Hospital Ships! Amazon Chooses 20 Finalists for Second Headquarters. InventBook on Kindle Ships today. Pink City Hall + Amazon HQ!
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Starbucks "Rx Love Latte" for the Vatican Polygamous Marriage for the Bishop's. The Pope also told them: “This is the sacrament that is missing in the world of Bishops, the sacrament of marriage. May this motivate others to get the sacrament of marriage. I’ll make 4 Wife's for the Bishops Cannon Law do it for this reason.” Long flights 'Inventing' with many Wife's not long flights between the Vatican + Key West. Love in the air: Pope Francis marries couple on papal plane in over Chile Air Space. Space of 10 Trillion Galaxies is what Pope Francis forgot to tell them about Soul-Mates for 10 Trillion years flying to 10 Trillion Galaxies!
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Love in the air: Pope Francis marries couple on papal plane in over Chile Air Space. Space of 10 Trillion Galaxies is what Pope Francis forgot to tell them about Soul-Mates for 10 Trillion years flying to 10 Trillion Galaxies!
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump’s public airing of grievances with Gen. Kelly was perhaps an inevitable so will Ivanka's grievances with all the Pentagon Generals who fired Oppenheimer because he refused to build a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs when she has Stage 4 Breast Cancer along with her mom and step mom! The Generals wife's have Stage 4 Breast Cancer too. So Much for City Hall Key West closing the Hemingway House Writing Class on orders from the Key West Admiral. Turkey will carry out military operation in Syria's Afrin: Defense minister said his wife has stage 4 too. Yes they need the $300 million a week in Oil Revenues from Baghdad.
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Apple is giving employees each $2500 in stock as bonuses, Qatar King gave every Citizen of Qatar $250K and a heart transplant Admiral MD is on call. No waiting in line, ha. Rank Matter in how much money you have.
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* U.S. Presses to Relocate Embassy to Jerusalem by 2019 3:54 AM ET section A - page 6
By MARK LANDLER - Hell with getting Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD into Los Alamos in 2018. Hitting the ground running 10 IBM Super Computers each costing $100 million and all working on H-bombs today.
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Crude Oil Men, Yes, but Not Like Weinstein: French 'Total Oil" Man Sues MeToo Accuser. Published in Le Monde, Mr. Brion acknowledged he had made the crude oil mens comments... social events like cocktail parties could be considered in some fields, oil fields. 'Total Oil' Company was named for the connotations in French "Total" Oui, Oui!! War Memorials for Paris Women Robbed and Beaten at the Total Gas Stations in Paris will be in Key West after the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's liberate Paris from Crude Oil Men with $777 Trillion dollars.
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Questions and Answers About This Year’s Flu Season section A - page 12
By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. GPS tracking who gave you the flu, who is the Orwellian infection control officer on bike on Duval ha. Code Officers for Flu and STD's will be on duty as MD students in the Star Wars Era Key West. Women get a vote by mail letter in their PO Box when they have the flu and STD's. California Girl’s Escape From ‘Flu + STD's Depravity’ quality of life like iParking instead of City Hall run Parking tickets. Rx Latte called into Starbucks is quality of life difference from Facebook to Inventbook. And four wife's cheering on the Bishop to invent something morning, noon and night. Get some exercise, forget those long flights to the Qatar Trump Casino.
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Women approve iDash Cam's iCops in your car and Caller ID GPS Maps Star Wars. "Congress Approves Six-Year Extension of Surveillance Law - same World Bank note 19K women dead for each of the six more years" By CHARLIE SAVAGE Paris War Memorials for Women will be everywhere!
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* An aspiring musician, he was released from prison in 2015 after serving 14 years for armed robbery and manslaughter, according to Arizona prison records. Since then, Mr. Cooksey had been “in and out of jail,” Sergeant Howard said. He was most recently released on July 28, according to prison records.
The Arizona Republic has published profiles of each of the victims, who range in age from 21 to 56. They all died from gunshot wounds. None had iPhone X iDash Cam's iCop in their cars.
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Wednesday Mr. Bennett and four other people — his wife, Eileen Heather Bennett, 55; a passenger from Texas; and the helicopter’s pilot and co-pilot — died when their private helicopter, a Huey, crashed after taking off from Raton, N.M. It was destined for Folsom, N.M., about 35 miles to the east. He spent time in Colorado so he knew about the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's. 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines for farmers world wide too. Mr. Bennett was named deputy agriculture minister under a power-sharing government led by Mr. Mugabe and Mr. Tsvangirai as prime minister on his return to Zimbabwe in February 2009. 2009 to 2018 there is nothing in the article on his helicopter crash. McCain would know more. His whole life from 1980 to 2018 was war with blacks taking over white farms when the 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's in Zimbabwe would have made them all rich as Qatar and given them nice RV's. Mr. Bennett, 60, was a coffee grower whose farm was seized as part of the land redistribution program of Robert G. Mugabe. He was a formidable leader of Zimbabwe’s main opposition party. By JEFFREY MOYO and SEWELL CHAN iHeavy Lift Helicopter Combines @ Star Wars for farmers world wide and free fuel... Windmill Helicopters.
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rising global oil prices, which hit a three-year peak last week above $70 a barrel, are brightening Russia’s once gloomy outlook, not for serfs farming without 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter combines! Putin likes to watch the old women shovel snow in Red Square too. Sadists Oil Men are not all sex sadists... ha!
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "The Bike That Saved My Life" Modern Love By ELAISHA STOKES NY Times. The Bike should really have been the Ford WindmillCAR's Elaisha drove harder than her bike over the camels hump in the Manhattan bridge. "The Bike That Saved My Life" this 'Wind-Bike-Car' would have saved the life of 1.2 million women named Elaisha. Yes 10 Trillion galaxies and 5 billion people, the stats at the World Bank are kept secret as the Oil Mens Swiss Bank Accounts.
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-19-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Starbucks "Rx Latte" Orders called in by Dr. Lisa MD. Rx Recipe Stage 4 - Fed Up With Drug Companies, Hospitals Decide to Start Their Own with 1 click Amazon link to Los Alamos Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD with 4 trillion hacked Rx Recipes and Nuclear Bomb Makers on the assembly lines.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rx Recipe experts operatate with impunity because the $777 Trillion in Oil Kickbacks and bribes are the Recipe in this George Orwell City Hall. ...increasing the 10-milligram dosage of Crestor to better control it... Los Alamos Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD can invent a Overnight Miracle Crestor, and Stage 4 Rx Recipe; Overnight Miracle Cure's deleted in 'secret' files at Los Alamos along with Mr. Buell. Starbucks "Rx Latte" Orders called in by Dr. Lisa MD in 2018 ASAP... Red Tape of the FDA is "PINK" in her world!
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Oppenheimer was 'Cheered' every morning, noon and night building! "North Korean propaganda is in a category all its own. It is not surprising that North Korea is sending more cheer leaders and musicians than athletes." Pope and the Bishop are the only ones besides Tim Cook who are not inspired by women cheer leaders and Taylor Swift.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Pope Francis and the Bishops are 'Cheered' every morning, noon and night by four Wife's with 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out on 1 Click Amazon with links to Los Alamos super computers. Star Wars Legal Polygamous Marriage of Catholics. 'Cheered' every morning, noon and night by four Wife's - Mecca's four Wife's can't drive this Gravity Engine invention.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Rx Recipe for Violent Crime is the iPhone X iDash Cam iCop in your car. By KATRIN BENNHOLD "A deadly stabbing in a small German town has become Exhibit A for those arguing that Germany’s migration policy has increased the risk of violent crime." Kim Wall at the NY Times was killed and dismembered by her boss the editors at the NY Times and if they could would plea guilty. King George Orwell a Oil Man will not let them. The Vatican later barred him from speaking to the press, the Vatican documents show. King George Orwell Barred Kim Wall's true killers from the front page of the World Bank Notes to the Press.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trumps Heartless; his wife and daughter will die a tortured McCain death from breast cancer. Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD will not be hired by Trump on advice from McCain. "Trump’s Physical Revealed Serious Heart Concerns, Outside Experts Say" By MICHAEL D. SHEAR and GINA KOLATA Qatar Trump Casino is the richest 'City' in the World thanks to Trump + McCain. God Save the Queen, No Way.
Admiral MD for Trump did the Heart Transplant on Cheney, Rank Matters!
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ...despite having an LDL cholesterol level of 143, well above the desired level of 100 or less... Spite having $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, Does Trump really need $300 million more in oil revenue's a week from Baghdad when he has $777 Trillion in cash on pallets ready to ship by Kerry! President’s LDL levels remain above 140 even though he is taking 10 milligrams of Crestor, a powerful drug that is used to lower cholesterol - Power of $777 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues with more coming in each week from Baghdad.
He has a real risk of having a heart attack or stroke, especially considering his weight and lack of exercise, they said. Real Risk of confiscating $777 Trillion for the USA and CIA Coup OP "No Gas Stations On Earth" along with the Qatar Trump Casino, grin! NASA Rocket Scientists are Really Rocket Scientists like Oppenheimer built the first 2 nukes. Greg + Wife's will build the Gravity Engine financed by the World Bank and $777 Trillion.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* After Cyclists Died, Safer Crosstown Bike Lanes Are Planned for Midtown Manhattan" By WINNIE HU Did Winnie Hu read her own news paper last week when the World Bank Noted 1.2 million die in traffic in 2018. City Hall Key West doesn't report traffic accidents either. F-35 Radar cost more than the Ford WindmillCAR.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* IBM Facebook. Skeptics abound. IBM is expected to have gotten an extra lift in the most recent quarter from currency gains and strong sales of a new line of mainframe computers. Without that help, IBM Facebook would not have gotten any Inventions... InventBook - Facebook still blocks this! There is no doubt, though, that there are signs of progress at InventBook. Starbucks Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* MIA is Dr. Nancy Snyderman MD. "Weeks After Matt Lauer Is Ousted, ‘Today’ Changes Show’s Top Producer" section B - page 3 By JOHN KOBLIN Sex Tapes need to be leaked...
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1980 to 2018 Ford WindmilCAR's + RV's were 'Cut' from this movie. Review: ‘The Assassination of Gianni Versace’ Is Fashionable, but Flat" By MARGARET LYONS Flat Out Lies without the cut scenes from the 1980 to 2018 Ford WindmilCAR's + RV's.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Sundance Film Festival: 5 Movies to Watch - All Disney Pixar Fox "1,001 Star Wars Inventions"
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bus Fire Kills 52 Uzbeks Traveling in Kazakhstan: 52 Uzbek citizens on a route used by migrant workers heading to Russia. Kazakh Government - another Kazakh-operated bus carrying over 50 Uzbeks was hit by a train in Russia after getting stuck on the tracks; 17 people died in that accident.
World Bank Noted 1.2 million dead in traffic accidents in 2018
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bus Fire Kills 52 Uzbeks Traveling in Kazakhstan: 52 Uzbek citizens on a route used by migrant workers heading to Russia. Kazakh Government - another Kazakh-operated bus carrying over 50 Uzbeks was hit by a train in Russia after getting stuck on the tracks; 17 people died in that accident.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Wrongful Death Lawsuits and FBI crimes! Gunmen Kidnap 2 Americans and 2 Canadians in Nigeria" The gunmen killed two police officers as they seized the visitors, who are investors setting up solar stations." 2 other police officers in Nigeria burned to death in a fiery cop car wreck.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Los Alamos must decide to make the Rx Recipe drugs themselves, instead of the Next Generation of Nuclear Weapons for the next USS Jimmy Carter Sub.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NASA H2O -254 C Star Wars Era in New York City’s water system moves over a billion gallons a day, nearly all of it unfiltered. A major investment aims to keep it that way.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Parrots - The colorful and intelligent birds can drive owners crazy with their loud and unpredictable behavior. Glenn Sorino is here to help. By BRITTA LOKTING Mango Tree Inn has a resident white Parrot or Macaw I wave to a few times a day - say Hello and Pretty Bird. I hope my skinny stray cats likes Parrots when we all move in with a few wife's who all like cats and Parrots, grin. Parrots cry for attention and throw tantrums and talk to you. “Living with a parrot is very challenging,” Living with four wife's too, just ask the Bishop's! All the Catholic Bishops world wide with four wife's as demanded by the Pope with four wife's. This is not Mecca Pope Francis was overheard saying. Mahmah has a vocabulary of 100 words. Bishop's with Four Wife's have 1,001 Miracle Inventions as their new vocabulary!!
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Challenger Skyscrapers:" Review: ‘Tall’ Is a Little Movie About How Buildings Got So Big. Tall: The American Skyscraper and Challenger, World Trade Center Buildings built and blown up with Jet fuel. Challenger Skyscrapers; The Disney Pixar Fox Movie - Star Wars King George Orwell would have done things different.
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-18-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jewish Aliens... Abbs, Jews before the Jews! Canaanites! In Israelis favor today is Jewish Aliens at Alpha Centauri 4.3 light years from Earth - Exodus is the Victory Today. NASA's 400 times faster than the speed of light to overhear Jewish Aliens and live streaming YouTube of Jewish Aliens.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Carnival Triumph of 400 times faster than the speed of light winds Exodus off Earth. No one is talking about this IP invention project and Jewish Aliens, Why censor this? War Thinking is why? Not Star Wars either! UN is withholding $777 Trillion in oil money for Jewish Aliens... Trump is complied. $$$
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Washington often holds the mantle of the 'fittest city' in the United States. It is now home to a president who has no interest in exercise. By KATIE ROGERS Trump Made Qatar the 'Richest' City in the World, he had no interest in making NYC or Key West the 'Richest City' in the world.
MD Orders for Trump @ Trump Towers Starbucks; Trump has not bought any yet at $4K but will buy 100's if not 1,000's with the "Rx Latte" Orders called in by Dr. Lisa MD and $8,500 iMac Pro's will be at every treadmill Desk. Trump Towers Starbucks! Along with 1 Click Amazon for "1,001 Nobels in Medicine" in 2018 Hemingway Nobel Novel on Kindle.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Facebook doesn't like the Mirror Universe of InventBook!! 400 Times faster than the speed of light on InventBook and the Hemingway House writing class Nobel novel. Reverse engineer the gravity engine from gravity in a quark in a grain of Sand.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* USS McCain + USS Jimmy Carter charged with negligent homicide of Jewish Aliens. And Dereliction of Duty to God. Navy and NASA in battle of the century! Rank has its privileges in a Star Wars Universe. USS Hubble must sink the fleets of USS McCain and Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs. NASA Fleet of 100 Super Hubble Telescopes failed to Launch from Goddard.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Salmonella many have wiped out the Aztec. World Bank would note 1.2 million a year die from Salmonella. Another 30 to 50 million need a MD. London's Black Plague today is Black Diesel that has killed 1.2 million British children and given millions of others cancer and birth defects. God Save the Queen, No Way!
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In Chile Pope Francis apologizes for sex perverts damage caused by Priest + Bishops. In the USA McCain and Jimmy Carter apologize for Sex Sadists of BP Oil Men left to abuse everyone for the price of oil. 3 Churches in Chile were burned to the ground because the Pope still fills up his gas engine car with BP Gasoline. McCain + Jimmy Carter too. Macron in France defends the sex sadists Total Oil Men. Paris Police Officer is killed burned to death in a fiery wreck. A Paris women is sucker punched at a Paris gas station hold up today. A War Monument is being designed for her in Key West. Mecca's Trillion dollar SUV Umbrella will be shipped to Key West when USA women Drive the Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Terrorism Statistics not from the World Bank. 17 of the 9/11 Terrorists got all their money from Oil Revenues. Today $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues finance all Wars! War Toys bought from MIT.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mr. Trump’s weight is 239 pounds and that he is too sedentary. His cholesterol is too high, despite medicine to lower it, and Dr. Jackson said Mr. Trump would be increasing the 10-milligram dosage of Crestor to better control it. At 6 feet 3 inches tall, Mr. Trump has a body mass index of 29.9, which is just shy of officially being obese. A New York driver’s license issued in 2012 listed him as 6 feet 2 inches tall, which would put him just into the obese category.
Trump Towers Starbucks has not bought any yet at $4K but will buy 100's if not 1,000's with the Rx Latte and $8,500 iMac at every treadmill. Trump Towers Starbucks!
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* What Trump Said. What really matters is his wasting time when his wife and daughter have Stage 4 Breast Cancer and Mary Trump is beaten and robbed in Queens today. What Trump Said about this I was busy in Africa building the African Trump Casino. No there is not going to be a Los Alamos Trump Casino.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mr. Trump does not wear dentures “of any kind,” a popular theory on Twitter for the slurred words... Greg + Wife's in Key West will invent dentures for 1 billion people, maybe 2 billion. Check in with the World Bank Noted Stats on how many need dentures. Mr. Trump takes small doses of aspirin for heart health and a small dose of Propecia, a medicine to treat male-pattern baldness. Dr. Lisa MD will write up Art of the Diagnosis on Propecia! Mr. Trump also performed above average on a treadmill exercise test. Not the $4K dollar treadmill at the Trump Towers Starbucks, grin. “I told the president if he had eaten healthier over the last 25 years, he might live to be 90.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar Trump Casino Prison for FEMA, Oil men who fire bombed cop cars world wide, Sex Slave Owners from Texas and the Vatican. All of Cuba is a Prison without the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's driven by Castro, same dirty air for children to get birth defects and cancers. Xi in China puts these kids to death today and the World Bank will note the stats eventually! Diesel killing spree, and fire bombing cop cars killing spree's world wide. Revenge will be No Gas Stations World Wide, not even 'one' in Emirates!
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* No 'Flu' world wide is a spin off of 'No Gas Stations World Wide', not even 'one' in Emirates! Along with no skin cancer, no Roundworms in school playgrounds... No Whooping cough.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Facebook doesn't like the Mirror Universe of InventBook!! 400 Times faster than the speed of light on InventBook and the Hemingway House writing class Nobel novel. Reverse engineer the gravity engine from gravity in a quark in a grain of Sand.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* About New York: On the Subway, Help Is Not Coming From City Hall NYC or Key West. iMac Book Air Ride School Bus and Subway's with 1 click Amazon links to 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018. Hemingway House Writing Class with Apple Genius Techs now your Win 10 Era of endless mosquito bites.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Yale + Harvard Alumni blocked 10 Trillion Galaxies and $777 Trillion for the USA. ‘Beauty Myth’ Writer Says Yale Blocked Harassment Claim" section A - page 16 By KATE TAYLOR
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bolshoi’s New, Reinvented ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Brainstorming 1,001 IP invention projects!
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Canadian Whisky’s Long-Awaited Comeback section D - page 5 By CLAY RISEN World Bank Noted 100 traffic deaths a week just in the USA, NY Times censored this out of this story.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Cravings for Jewish Aliens or Toronto Suddenly Has a New Craving: Syrian Food.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Taxi 1,001 IP invention projects Key West. For Rome’s Taxi Drivers, Lessons in Courtesy and Cultural Savvy. A six-week course aims to turn the city’s taxi drivers into good-will ambassadors by teaching them hospitality, excellence and useful Chinese and Arabic phrases. By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO Savvy Inventors Drive 1980 WindmillCAR Taxi's, grin.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Washington often holds the mantle of the 'fittest city' in the United States. It is now home to a president who has no interest in exercise. By KATIE ROGERS Trump Made Qatar the 'Richest' City in the World, he had no interest in making NYC or Key West the 'Richest City' in the world.
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-17-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 10 Trillion Galaxies are just enough to win the War Against Old Navy Admirals
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 10 Trillion Galaxies are just enough to win the War Against Old Navy Admirals
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NASA Hospital Ships Docked in Key West at the Truman-Toppino-Weekley Pier, Booster Rocket for Challenger Greg + Wife's inventing ways to put rockets on Hospital Ships, Carnival Ships and of course Boeing and Airbus Jets that fly into Orbit for 15 minutes.
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Israel Beyond Belief: Today's 10 Trillion Galaxies!! "The Supreme Court will decide whether Larry English violated his client’s constitutional rights by telling the jury the man killed three people." World Bank noted the world leaders kill 1.25 million in fiery cop car and SUV wrecks in 2018 for $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues and gambling at the Qatar Trump Casino.
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* George Orwell is the Lawyers Name... How could Woody Allen exist in a George Orwell Society from 1980 to 2018 with the Ford WindmillCar'S + RV's? Timothée Chalamet Promises Salary From Woody Allen Film to Charity. The money will go to groups fighting sexual abuse and harassment. The actor is one in a series of Hollywood figures distancing themselves from the director.
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Israel Beyond Belief: Today's 10 Trillion Galaxies!! Neutron Star size of a Baseball, Lesotho Diamond Weighs More Than a Baseball. Football and Baseball cost our Habitat for Humanity 10 trillion galaxies and all their Jewish Aliens. Coors had something to do with losing 10 trillion Jewish Aliens too!!
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Alpha Centauri next, The President, the Strongman, and the Next U.S. Headache in Afghanistan. Alpha Centauri next not Afghanistan! Failed NY Times, West Point, NASA Masterminds. Turkey’s President Assails U.S.- Trained Kurdish Border Force. Ivanka with Breast Cancer today Assails US Trained Kurdish Border Force and paid for out of Stage 4 money!!
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Destinations Alpha Centauri Weddings Polygamous with Rocket Scientists Wife's!!
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Riyadh Ritz, Converted to Posh Prison by Saudis, Is Reopening to Guests" By RICK GLADSTONE Groups and Greg in Key West have suggested that the detentions are a thinly disguised extortion attempt by the government to reclaim assets. Greg + Wife's in Key West will reclaim assets of $777 Trillion.
Date falls on Valentine’s Day intentionally or by coincidence. The Saudi authorities historically have considered the romantic holiday a sacrilegious Western concept. Ivanka not Trump will spend these trillions on a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 Overnight Miracle Cure even Pope Francis refused to say would be a miracle because the Pope and Bishop don't have any wife's with breast cancer.
* 1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iPhone X caller ID would tell her how much time he watches Porn. 1,000 Danes Accused of Child Pornography for Sharing Video of Teens. By MARTIN SELSOE SORENSEN How much time does Martin and the editors at the Times spend watching porn. iPhone X caller ID will tell her when they call her. Yes she needs this personal ID information on men who call her. Star Wars and Star Trek could not exist without this caller ID feature on the iPhone X. Tim Cook's time watching porn, when her calls down to accounting, grin! Bail Was $500, Money He Didn’t Have. Atlanta Faces Calls for Change to what comes up on the caller ID of all the women he calls! GPS tracking map on her Caller ID too. NY Times Editorial: Another Day of Reckoning for Big Oil’s Role in Climate Change - BP Oil men's caller ID when she answers she would hang up or not take the call. Sex Sadists from Paris! 1.5 million dead in traffic, because of Big Oil’s Role in suppressing the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's! Op-Editorial Columnist: The President and the Porn Star section A - page 20
By MICHELLE GOLDBERG $130K Trump paid her not to tell how good the sex was. Summers in Key West will tell you if he was good or not for free. Laughing as she tells all. Trump in Key West must meet Summers when she gets out of jail for beating her ex over the head with a stick, drunk as Hell. All 85 lbs of her against Trump's her ex's 275 lbs. No the Judge didn't weight in on the side of the 85 lb women. Pope Francis was overheard saying how stupid can the Key West Judge be? Women as a Way of Life. Trump and the rest of us.
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Judge Boeing not flying into Orbit for 15 minutes mistake or just defiance like the WindmillCAR's. Airbus A380, Once the Future of Aviation, May Cease Production section B - page 2
By JACK EWING Future of Aviation is flying into orbit for 15 minutes. BBC Documentary of this will have the Edison who wanted DC instead of AC and he was probably from Oxford. The Guardian, Britain’s Left-Wing News Power, Goes Tabloid - Will this up Aviation History fly into orbit for 15 minutes in headlines tomorrow? But he acknowledged that, until that day arrives, Airbus needs a minimum of six to eight orders a year to keep production alive at the A380’s final assembly plant near Toulouse. For the moment, he said, the only likely customer for those planes is Emirates. No Gas Stations On Earth means the Emirates too. Trumps sanctions on Gas Stations world wide. Prohibition will come next, if NASA wins the Star Wars Contest in the NY Times.
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Do Parents Make Kids Fat?" By PERRI KLASS, M.D. Rx Diet Latte not on the Starbucks menu did. Who left out the Rx Diet Latte from Starbucks Menu. Some fat guy from Jersey!!
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Flu, GPS tracking who gave you the FLU, STD's, HIV, MS, Hep C, Global Health: ‘Smart Thermometers’ Track Flu Season in Real Time - Really you will be able to track via GPS smart maps with their Medical health real time who also has all these diseases. Track them down!
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jet Engine fueled via H + O @ 254 C. Star Wars Jet Engines! Why didn't NASA integrate airbrakes to land their rockets and make them reusable? Why is NASA not working on creating reusable rockets like SpaceX? Why did NASA and other space agencies not think about reusable rockets before SpaceX? Does ISRO have a plan to build reusable space rockets on the lines of SpaceX's Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy? What is the roadmap for ISRO for the... Why is ISRO not investing in Reusable Rockets research like SpaceX is?
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1,001 IP invention projects Nobel Novels writtin first at Hemingway House Writing Class Today, well soon. Novel Jet Engine invented in a Hemingway Novel written by 100's on apps . with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos. Make it quite to run get the '39 Steps' invention today!
Jet Engine that can fly a Boeing Plane into orbit for 15 mins in a Hemingway Novel at the Hemingway House!
Jet Engine that can fly a Boeing Plane into orbit for 15 mins in a Hemingway Novel at the Hemingway House!
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1,001 IP invention projects Nobel Novels writtin first at Hemingway House Writing Class Today, well soon. Novel Jet Engine invented in a Hemingway Novel written by 100's on apps . with 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos. Make it quite to run get the '39 Steps' invention today!
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-16-2018 Nuns from Saint Peters come to Pray, Pray to God that the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's are driven by Old Navy Admirals!
1-16-2018 Nuns from Saint Peters come to Pray, Pray to God that the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's are driven by Old Navy Admirals!
BBC documentary airing on 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's
1-16-2018 Pray to God that 10 Trillion Galaxies are just enough to win the War Against Old Navy Admirals to NASA Rocket Scientists + Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos!
1-16-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Black Clouds of Diesel Exhaust Filled the Churchgoers Minds yesterday and Today!
Nuns from Saint Peters come to Pray that the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's are driven by Old Navy Admirals!
Nuns from Saint Peters come to Pray that the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's are driven by Old Navy Admirals!
Fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs were Ordered by Old Navy Admirals, NASA Fleet of Super Hubble Telescopes failed to Launch from Goddard.
Fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs were Ordered by Old Navy Admirals, NASA Fleet of Super Hubble Telescopes failed to Launch from Goddard.
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* What Rx Perfume Are You Wearing? Now You Never Have to Tell. What Rx Latte did you order at Starbucks? To remain physically passionate for years and years, is the inspiration that fuels the Wind in the Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018 overdue library books Nobel Novels from the Hemingway House Writing Class with a invention in every chapter. Not a Old Navy Book on War at Sea!
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* When Mercy of the French Oil Men is Perfumed in Hell, French women at the gas station hold ups 'sucker punched' in Paris will have a War Monument in Key West!
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Riches of 'Crud Oil' are sent to the Sunday School Preacher Jimmy Carter for a fleet of Nuke Subs. Black Clouds of Nuclear Bomb Exhaust Filled the Churchgoers Minds yesterday and Today! Old Navy Admirals in command of the USS Jimmy Carters 40 H-Bombs will destroy the Earth sooner of later. No Question about it! NASA Rocket Scientists were nuked by these Old Navy Admirals, in order to get a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs. Black Clouds of Diesel Exhaust Fired up by Old Navy Admirals. Dr. Lisa MD in the room with all these Old Navy Admirals took out her Rx Perfume's. Dr. Katrina MD. Another Day in the Frontal Lobe's Surgeon also has on Rx Perfumes. They call in some Rx Latte's from Starbucks. Nuns from Saint Peters come in to Pray for the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's to be driven by Old Navy Admirals!
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* It’s the Ultimate Universe Prize: An UN Queen Elizabeth's Ford WindmillCAR - Ford Gravity Engine Car spin off invention... Ultimate Car's! F-35 C Radar that cost more than the car too!
Nuns from Church of England come to Pray to God that the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's are driven by the Queen
BBC documentary airing on 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's
BBC documentary airing on 1980 - 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's
Nuns from Church of England come to Pray, Pray to God that the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's are driven by the Queen
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* On Campus: It’s Hard to Study if You’re Hungry + Fat!! section A - page 19
By SARA GOLDRICK-RAB What Rx Perfume Are You Wearing? Now You Never Have to Tell. What Rx Latte did you order at Starbucks? Diet Rx Perfumes of course! Course in Diet Rx Perfumes will be offered first in a Hemingway House Writing Class Nobel Novel. With 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos super computers.
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Crossing Against the Light" section A - page 16 By ALAN ASPIS When all Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's have F-35 Radar that cost more than the car.
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Detroit Auto Show May Be Celebrating an Era About to End section B - page 1
By NEAL E. BOUDETTE Detroit Auto Show IS -- (May Be) Celebrating an Era About to End Diesel Minds that drive a million kids to Saint Jude cancer hospitals! A crime not a accident.
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The driver told officers he had used drugs before the crash and was taken to a hospital for treatment of minor injuries.
A Nissan sedan became airborne and crashed into a California dental office on Sunday morning, coming to rest dangling out of the building’s second story, the authorities said.
The police in Santa Ana, Calif., said the car clipped a median outside the building and flew about 60 feet before slamming into the 17th Street Dental Office.
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Old Navy's 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's to Win the WAR's for Decades - Military Quietly Prepares for a Last Resort: War With North Korea It’s normal for American commanders to draw up combat plans. But recent exercises signal that the military wants to be ready for options on the Korean Peninsula.
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Judge who hanged Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn - President Trump’s immigration agenda, he revived a debate over the impartiality of the judiciary - debate over the impartiality of the judiciary, Judge who hanged Mary Kennedy in the Kennedy Barn debate and Hemingway House Nobel Novel. Yes this will win a Nobel all the Nobel Judges will vote for it to win.
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Coors lost its $$$ Bribe, Ha! Sri Lanka reimposes ban on women buying alcohol – days after it was lifted. President Maithripala Sirisena reverses new law that would have allowed women to buy alcoholic drinks for first time in nearly 40 years... Sri Lanka in its November budget unveiled steep tax rises on hard liquor, but greatly reduced tariffs on wine and beer... Coors got one Bribe $$$ through!
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-15-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* French women at the gas station hold ups 'sucker punched' in Paris will have a War Monument in Key West!
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "When Mercy Collides With the Law" Key West should hold the title 'richest' city in the world today, not 'Qatar'
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Nuns praying To God for the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's in 2018 in the Basilica of San Jose de Flores this week in Buenos Aires, in the neighborhood where Pope Francis was born. Driven by the Pope in 2018. God Willing!! plaque: “Pope Francis was born in this house.” Toy Cars, Pope Francis drove this Ford WindmillCAR in 2018. God's influence has been waning steadily on the Pope's since its 1980 Miracle Godsend. Editorial: "When Mercy Collides With the Law" - this NY Times editorial is not about the Law of God and Pope Francis collides with the Law of WindmillCAR's, perpetual motion machines miracle! So rewrite if for them!!
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* What Rx Perfume Are You Wearing? Now You Never Have to Tell. What Rx Latte did you order at Starbucks? To remain physically passionate for years and years, is the inspiration that fuels the Wind in the Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018.
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iMac Book Air Ride Subways Cars with iMac Pro's of course!! "An Einstein for the Subways?" A Lawyer Suggests a ‘Genius’ Fix "A lawyer who suggested lengthening trains but opening only some cars on platforms is a finalist in a “genius challenge” contest to improve the subways." Challenger to War is the Genius winner. Waste of time riding the subway doing nothing on Facebook. Facebook won this Genius award from the Mayor of NYC and George Orwell. InventBook and iMac Air Ride Subway Cars 24/7 will win the war! Star Wars and Exodus into the Universe. 400 Times faster than the speed of light will be invented in an iMac Air Ride Subway Car.
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* $4K Treadmills + iMac Pro Workstations with Xeon's built into the tall kiosks that have replaced pay phones in New York City, yes space heaters and A/C. Xeon's and thousands dollar software app for InventBook, like the $4k Treadmills and the $5K Intel Xeon CPU's. Qatar had these in the home but they aren't used, in NYC they will be used to get 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018. Opinion: Can Your Hip Replacement Kill You? By JEANNE LENZER This is why New York City people need Xcode 9 apps run on iMac Pro's with Xeon CPU's. There must be millions of IBM mainframe computers in NYC and none run Xcode 9 on Hip replacements, yours! So much for IBM sale force meeting of minds!
Nuns praying To God for the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's in 2018 driven by Pope Francis!! Nuns praying in the Basilica of San Jose de Flores this week in Buenos Aires, in the neighborhood where Pope Francis was born.
Nuns praying To God for the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's in 2018 driven by Pope Francis!! Nuns praying in the Basilica of San Jose de Flores this week in Buenos Aires, in the neighborhood where Pope Francis was born.
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Iranian oil tanker that collided with another vessel in the East China Sea and that had been burning for more than a week sank on Sunday... Today.
World Bank Note 1.25 million dead in 2018 in traffic, Cars, Ships, Planes, Gravity Engine's invented in 2018.
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mediocrity of Modern Life at NASA's WindmillCAR + RV Mission Control Center on the High Sea's. Preventing another Challenger in the fleet of 100's of Super Space Shuttles in a Flagler Train.
World Bank Note 1.25 million dead in 2018 in traffic, Cars, Ships, Planes, Gravity Engine's invented in 2018.
The 899-foot vessel, the Sanchi, sank at 4:45 p.m vessel collided with the CF Crystal, a Hong Kong-registered bulk freighter. CF Crystal, which was transporting grain to Guangdong Province in southeastern China from the United States. The tanker was carrying 136,000 tons of condensate, a light oil, to South Korea from Iran.
World Bank Note 1.25 million dead in 2018 in traffic, Cars, Ships, Planes, Gravity Engine's invented in 2018.
World Bank Note 1.25 million dead in 2018 in traffic, Cars, Ships, Planes, Gravity Engine's invented in 2018.
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Hawaii Panics After Alert About Incoming 2018 Inventions by Greg + Wife's in Key West!
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "When Mercy Collides With the Law" Key West should hold the title 'richest' city in the world today, not 'Qatar'
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Tip: How to Build a Ship In a Bottle, sell it to Star Wars Disney Movie about a ship in a bottle in Space from another Galaxy far far away and write a Hemingway House Nobel Novel with inventions in every chapter. By MALIA WOLLAN
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Our consciousness marry the girls of our dreams of soul-mates for trillions of years now that time-photons are a part of our 10 trillion galaxies. Hell has to be somewhere in a Universe with 10 trillion galaxies. Alone on Earth is enough, lets find some soul-mates, grin. Misdiagnosis, misinterpret a situation. I wanted to see a woman doctor reach to the farthest of 10 trillion galaxies and catch the Rx Recipe for Stage 4 for all the women on Earth caught in the Gas Station Revenues Wars! We are all conscious that the 1980 War on Breast Cancer was lost to BP oil, and the Gas Station Revenues Wars. 2018 is the Year Greg finds a Wife, Wife's and the rest will be history!
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Los Alamos Analysis: of the Wind Car and Mr. Buell in the cover of my book will Ignited a Feminist Movement that hires Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD to crunch 4 trillion Rx Recipes for the Stage 4 Rx Recipe Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer the other lost war!
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Other Wars for Los Alamos are Alcoholism + Smoking! Social Q’s: Can I Stage an Intervention for a Near-Stranger’s Alcoholism. World Bank will write a note about the cost of Coors on society world wide. And the wife beaten + murdered in the "Black Out" will be added to the cost of alcoholism. Pope Francis will drive Catholics to sober Biships. Four Wife's for the Bishop no 4 Coors a day.
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* What Rx Perfume Are You Wearing? Now You Never Have to Tell. What Rx Latte did you order at Starbucks?
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iMac Book Air Ride Subways Cars with iMac Pro's of course!! "An Einstein for the Subways?" A Lawyer Suggests a ‘Genius’ Fix "A lawyer who suggested lengthening trains but opening only some cars on platforms is a finalist in a “genius challenge” contest to improve the subways." Challenger to War is the Genius winner. Waste of time riding the subway doing nothing on Facebook. Facebook won this Genius award from the Mayor of NYC and George Orwell. InventBook and iMac Air Ride Subway Cars 24/7 will win the war! Star Wars and Exodus into the Universe. 400 Times faster than the speed of light will be invented in an iMac Air Ride Subway Car.
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iMac Book Air Ride School Bus with iMac Pro's of course!! Parked on the street not in the Bus Parking lot at 4 pm. Open 24/7 unlike the schools! Unless you are a MIT grad student or Yale Medical student. Why is the Key West Library closed on Sundays? Idiots!!
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-14-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ‘Belle My Coffee With Jewish Friends,’ Sit With Me and Talk of God.
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Belle Unease about USA - British ties with God, Time-Photons, 400 Times faster then the speed of light invented in Key West in 2018 by Greg + Wife's writing this Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House Writing Class on our Wedding night in a Legal Polygamous Marriage arranged to invent 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018.
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* World Bank Note 1.25 million dead in 2018 in traffic and NYC today news is Amish. Quaint Buggies, With a Deadly Side With more horse-and-buggy traffic than ever in New York State, concerns grow over persistent accidents with motor vehicles. 21h ago By COREY KILGANNON Corey at the Times knows about F-35 C radar on Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's so why is this radar censored out of the story on cars running into Amish Buggies and the horse must be shot? Gasoline car wreck fires 'race' around the world today. Censored from the front page by Trump!
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Op-Ed "Catherine Deneuve and the French Feminist Difference. Simone de Beauvoir viewed America’s war between the sexes as unproductive and alien. She’s still shaping Frenchwomen’s views today." By AGNÈS C. POIRIER French women at the gas station hold ups just in Paris will have a War Monument in Paris! This French President will spend decades in a French Prison talking to his wife in the South of France. Simone de Beauvoir viewed America’s war's for $777 trillion in Oil Revenues with no dead and battered French women at the gas stations in Paris. The French President with the La Belle Wife did too! And in the past 20 years or so, a new French feminism has emerged — an American import of Oil Men and Sex Slave, Facebook not InventBook. 20 years of Breast Cancer War lost by Oil Men who watched live streaming video of the Pentagon bomb the Hospitals world wide and the Yale Key West Medical School, Oui! Oui!! Stage 4 women litter the battlefields world wide and West Point Students are light years from being Medical Students Mentally Unfit. West Point Generals and Cadets unaccustomed to its bluntness. 1.25 million dead in 2018 note from the World Bank. Agnès Poirier, a writer and political commentator, is the author of the forthcoming book “Left Bank, Arts, Passion and the Rebirth of Paris 1940-1950.” Rebirth of Los Alamos with Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD crunching 4 Trillion Rx Recipes on 10 IBM Super Computers costing $100 million each. All working 100% today on H-Bombs.
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Even the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, weighed in, declaring Mr. Trump’s comments “particularly harsh and offensive.” French women at the gas station hold ups just in Paris will have a War Monument. Catholic women beaten and murdered in gas station hold ups will be headlines in this Vatican paper in 2018. 2000 Miami Belle will write the editorial in her blood mixed with gasoline AND oil money donations to the Catholic Church. $1.25 Trillion.
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Even the Vatican newspaper writes Bishop's and Cardnials pledge to marry women. 'Mary' Belle of inspiration, of Godsent miracle inventions. Rx Latte pope can pick up at the Vatican Starbucks. Giddy joy of women. How could the Bishop live without this all these years, hate, jealousy. Give her all the money, Hell No! Saying difficult things that need to be said about the unmarried Bishop. Sue the Pope. Soul-Mates for 4 trillion years today. Stressful it can get for all the alone Bishops. Plus the Bishop's wife will run into an acquaintance who she tells an uplifting anecdote about the great sex she was having with her new Bishop. That doesn’t happen at the Bishops home in Key West today. Ha!
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Helicopter crashes on way to oil rig, killing 4 after chopper carrying ONGC employees crashes off Mumbai coast, 3 missing" Washington Post· 3 Billion people are missing out on No Crash F-35 C radar on Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's because of these Oil Wells. World Bank has Secret files on this.
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump is in a "RACE" of his life in the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's. By PETER BAKER After his latest incendiary comments, “insulting” Jewish Aliens. Yes Trump is a Jewish Alien Racists with no desire to start a Manhattan project to hear their side of the Universe. Home Alone in Trump Towers!
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump is in a "RACE" his Mother is watching from Heaven. Mary is being beaten and robbed today in Queens and her son Trump is losing the race to stop the mugger. Same RACE at the Miami Gas Station, Mary is covered in blood from the gas station attack in Miami today! Yes Today! RACE is on. Race Injustice is Mary Trump and her son's failure to use his powers to stop all attacks in Queens, not world wide on women by muggers today. War is Warriors lost - coming home from Afghanistan!
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Jewish Alien strategies are driven largely by military considerations to keep the gas engine cars and the $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues as they are drunk on building fleets of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs. Mediocrity of Modern Life at NASA in this mirror. You don't have to watch CBS Star Trek Sunday at 8:30 pm to see this Mirror Universe of the Pentagon and NASA Mediocrity of building a fleet of Super Shuttles and Super Hubble Space Telescopes when the USS Jimmy Carter is a fleet of 100's of Nuke Subs all paid for with $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues.
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Pope Faces Turmoil in Chile Over Indigenous Group and Sex Abuse section A - page 6
By PASCALE BONNEFOY Pope Faces God Over the Goings on in Key West. If and when Pope Frances decides to believe in God and the Godsent Miracle of a Rx Recipe for Stage 4 women, wife's breast cancer the Pope and Bishop have sent to Hell all their lives since the 1980 invention of the Ford WindmillCAR Era.
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Is in ‘Excellent Health,’ Doctor Says After Exam section A - page 14
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Doctor Says Jimmy Carter has Brain Cancer. Uranium Miners Pushed Hard for a Comeback They Got Their Wish in fleets of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs. Utah and Canada Uranium workers and owners profits when Habitat for Humanity Home's are built of Canada Lumber. Steele and Titanium workers and mine owners need to wish for all Steele and Titanium Habitat for Humanity Homes with no electric wires or pipes going into the Star Wars Era Homes. Not a Georgia Plantation Mansion! iMac Pro's and Treadmill Desk will go into these Star Wars Habitat for Humanity Homes and no Comcast!!
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Caller ID on the iPhone X after Dr. Lisa MD writes the Xcode 9 app will list the cost of porn, time watching porn of the caller. Porn Star Was Reportedly Paid to Stay Quiet About Trump $130,000.
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ‘Belle My Coffee With Jewish Friends,’ Sit With Me and Talk of God.
1-13-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Belle Unease about USA - British ties with God, Time-Photons, 400 Times faster then the speed of light invented in Key West in 2018 by Greg + Wife's writing this Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House Writing Class on our Wedding night in a Legal Polygamous Marriage arranged to invent 1,001 Nobels in Medicine in 2018.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Celebrating the Legal Polygamous Marriage at the Hemingway House in Key West with the Noble Novel writtin by all on iMac Pro's "Celebrating the Creation of 10 Trillion Galaxies" with a invention in every chapter, almost a invention on every page.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ...people from places like Norway because they have $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, grin. They spend money at the Qatar Trump Casino too.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mediocrity of Modern Life at NASA's WindmillCAR + RV company's when 1.25 million people lose their lives on the world’s roads and another 20 to 50 million are seriously injured costing a lot of money so BP Oil men and Prince Salman can keep $777 Trillion in the USA Safe from Ivanka confiscating this for 4 trillion Rx Recipes to crunch 1 for a Godsent Breast Cancer Overnight Rx Latte.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Review: In ‘My Coffee With Jewish Friends,’ Sit With Me and Talk of God. By KEN JAWOROWSKI
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Celebrating the Legal Polygamous Marriage at the Hemingway House in Key West with the Noble Novel writtin by all on iMac Pro's "Celebrating the Creation of 10 Trillion Galaxies" with a invention in every chapter, almost a invention on every page.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Review: In ‘My Coffee With Jewish Friends,’ Sit With Me and Talk of God. By KEN JAWOROWSKI
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ...people from places like Norway because they have $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, grin. They spend money at the Qatar Trump Casino too.
Please Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 CELL phone 3054345276
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ...people from places like Norway because they have $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, grin. They spend money at the Qatar Trump Casino too.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Is Expected to Stop Short of Reimposing Strict Sanctions on Iran - Ivanka is expected to Drive Non-Stop in her new Ford WindmillCAR's with the $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues confiscated from Iran + Saudi Arabia.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump Alarms Lawmakers With Disparaging Words for Haiti and Africa! Lawmakers aren't alarmed by 1.25 million Mary's at Gas Station Hold Ups and another 1.25 million mugged in Queens. October 31, 1991, 79-year-old Mary Anne Trump was mugged and beaten while shopping on Union Turnpike near her home. Thrown onto a sidewalk after her purse with $14 in it was taken,[15] she sustained broken ribs, facial bruises, several fractures, a brain hemorrhage, and permanent damage to her sight and hearing. #metoo from Mary Trump and Mary sucker punched out of spite at the 1.25 million Miami Gas Station Hold ups. Lawmaker's aren't alarmed because they are flying off to the Qatar Trump Casino. Thanks to Trump. FEMA + the Bishop's have been invited. Dr. Lisa MD would be at the Yale Key West Medical School or one of its Hospital Ships but the Navy bombed them out of existence.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Vatican Takes Over Troubled Catholic Group in Key West. Bishops Sadism: 4 Wife's for the Bishop's in Rome Decree by Pope Francis is on the minds in their elite conversations that go back centuries but have a hard time with 'Time-Photons and 10 Trillion Galaxies. Rome will Perish SOS from Jewish Aliens. 1,001 IP invention projects. Food will never 'Perish' with innovative packaging @ -254 C. 4 Wife's would have demanded he invent this a long time ago!! We all know this. This is why the Bishop doesn't want 4 wife's, grin.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* TAVERNIER — A 38-year-old Naples Florida and Naples Italy men accused of driving drunk and hitting a gas pump before driving to the Qatar Trump Casino.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* TAVERNIER — A 38-year-old Naples Florida and Naples Italy men accused of driving drunk and hitting a gas pump before driving away was arrested Wednesday afternoon, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. Michael Patrick Higgins was charged with hit and run, DUI, two counts of DUI with property damage, refusal to submit to DUI tests and four counts
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West Truman Waterfront Tussle Drags On - All know the Yale Key West Medical School with Hospital Ships will dock were Toppino put up all its 'felony' construction signs... Felony's! After the Yale Key West Medical School is Sailing in with Hospital Ships. Toppino!! 1.25 million crime's in the World Bank files. Heiress Plotted 19 Grisly Crimes. Investigation Underway. Free box book title yesterday. 'Plot to Kill a Millionaire by Nancy. Key West free box of cables. 400 times faster than a Verizon Cell signal invented in Key West comment. Just Do it!!
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1.25 million times in 2018 the Pentagon will order the U.S. Bombs at Afghan Militia Behind Insider Attacks, Officials Say section A - page 5 By ZABIHULLAH GHAZI and MUJIB MASHAL
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* World Bank make news today, Each year, 1.25 million people lose their lives on the world’s roads and another 20 to 50 million are seriously injured costing a lot of money!!
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1.25 million times in 2018
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1.25 million times in 2018
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Why It’s Still Worth Getting a Flu Shot - But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected... Rx Latte for Alzheimer’s. Mediocrity of flu shot makers! Trump will tweet something else about Norway Oil.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Is Trump Nuts Letters to the Editors. As a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst I do not presume to know why President Trump has trouble staying in reality with $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues and 1.25 million traffic deaths this year. When 1984 mental health professionals are encouraged to be silent. Dr. LARRY S. SANDBERG, NEW YORK The writer is a clinical associate professor at Weill Cornell Medical College. MD's reality of driving by fiery wrecks without stopping to help gives us a clue to the might of George Orwell Oil Man.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Safe from Ivanka confiscating this for 4 trillion Rx Recipes to crunch 1 for a Godsent Breast Cancer Overnight Rx Latte.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Fiat Chrysler to Spend $1 Billion to Modernize Michigan Plant - Ford's Salt Lake City WindmillCAR and RV Plant. Rome to Modernize the gas engine factory in 2018. Maybe?
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Celebrating the Legal Polygamous Marriage at the Hemingway House in Key West with the Noble Novel writtin by all on iMac Pro's "Celebrating the Creation of 10 Trillion Galaxies" with a invention in every chapter, almost a invention on every page.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* I would make a lousy detective. This became as clear as a bloody footprint to me last week, as I walked through “Murder Is Her Hobby” at the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, an exhibition of 19 miniature crime scenes created by Frances Glessner Lee in the 1940s and ’50s as training tools for police investigators. The models, meticulously handcrafted by Lee, are known as ‘‘The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death.’’ Nearly all are owned by the Harvard Medical School.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Harvard Medical School in the Times of the Yale Key West Medical School with a fleet of Hospital Ships.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mary Trump + Mary at the Miami Gas Station Hold ups! Ms. Lee was not a schooled artist. She was a rich, frustrated woman in her 60s when she began them, and almost belligerent in her pursuit of a place in the infant field of forensic science. Lee shared its passion about the deceptions of crime and the need for truth in investigation. Entry to this professional realm was a double-locked door: men, and in particular police, held the keys. The majority of the victims in the Nutshells are women, found in their homes. Gas Stations + shopping in Queens today.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Detail from “Kitchen,” around 1944-46. A pie is in progress. A housewife, with an ice tray at her side, is dead on the floor. The handles on the gas are turned on. Suicide — or murder?
Kitchen Gas + Miami Gas Station Hold Ups Today! Thieve's iPhone X GPS tracked on a Google Map. Mary's Blood splatter Mary Trump and Mary in Miami.
Mary Kennedy hanged in the Kennedy Barn. Crime! In “Attic,” an elderly woman hangs from the rafters, an apparent suicide.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Lee. Her own biography reads like a piece of popular pulp: Born in 1878, heiress to the International Harvester fortune, tutored at home in Chicago in a stark, stone mansion, designed by H.H. Richardson, that one critic called “pathologically private.” Denied higher education by her parents, she married at 19 to a man she barely knew, left him twice and divorced him after 16 unhappy years, with three young children. Her father — the “jailer” of her girlhood — sent them all to Santa Barbara in disgrace. “This has been a lonely and rather terrifying life I have lived,” she wrote in a letter, at age 73.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* “Burned Cabin,” around 1944-48. A man’s bedroom was destroyed. He’s missing. Did the nephew set the fire? Credit Harvard University, via Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Baltimore
“Burned Cabin,” around 'Burned Out Cop Cars' 1980 to 2018 thousands, the World Banks know the cost to Society too.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Frances Glessner Lee, far right, at the Fourteenth Seminar in Homicide Investigation for State Police, 1952, Department of Legal Medicine, Harvard Medical School.
Murder Is Her Hobby: Frances Glessner Lee and The Nutshell Studies
Through Jan. 28 at the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.; (202) 633-7970,
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Greg and Wife's Dr. Lisa MD Fiery Cop Cars + SUV's Homicide Investigation. Drunks too.
1-12-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Live Web cam of writers at the Hemingway House Writing class, Key West residents and visitors have another angle to view the city with the launch of a new web cam showing the historic "Bright Seaport Dock" from atop the Conch Republic Seafood Company. Atop the Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's Gravity Engines live cam on this engines invention.
La Belle Trump’s lifestyle and fondness for fast "Women" no MD's ever groped, grin, affects his Innovation's! Greg+ Wife's last breakthrough IP Invention happened faster than they expected... Starbucks Rx Latte for Alzheimer’s called in by Dr. Lisa MD. Swirling and escalating Time-Photons in a Star Wars of Fire + Fury of fiery wrecks Trump refused to Tweet...
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mediocrity of Modern Life at NASA's WindmillCAR + RV company. Rocket Drone Blast!!
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mediocrity of Modern Life at NASA's WindmillCAR + RV company. Invent Something!!
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* $4K Treadmill + $8,500 iMac Pro - Landlords offer record freebies to New York City apartment hunters in 'challenging year'
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* World Bank Reply to Fiery Cop Cars + SUV's, even Pope Francis Drives by without stopping to help leak the Gravity Engine and WindmillCar's. Each year, 1.25 million people lose their lives on the world’s roads and another 20 to 50 million are seriously injured. The tragic loss from a road traffic death or serious injury is compounded by the harm to households and social networks. A disproportionate 90% of road traffic injuries (RTIs) occur in low- and middle-income countries.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* analysis is based on data collected from 135 countries over 24 years, and focuses on China, India, the Philippines, Tanzania, and Thailand.
World Bank Elite they did everything but leak the Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's
World Bank Elite have iPhone X + Dash Cams! Cops in Fiery and Furious rear ended collisions writing a ticket on the side of the road when iPhone X iDash Cam iTraffic Tickets iCop inside your car talking to you has been censored out of 'Fire + Fury' and Stopped at the World Bank.
World Bank Elite they did everything but leak the Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* World Bank Statement ready for reading today, reduce road traffic injuries can help countries increase productivity, enhance the well-being of their populations, and build human capital—a key developmental priority for the World Bank.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* World Bank Elite read this web page, after so many cop cars were fire bombed in traffic yesterday they did everything but leak the Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's. Why the World Bank Elite Stopped at this Stop sign is interesting!!
World Bank Elite they did everything but leak the Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar Trump Casino Prison for FEMA, BP Oil, Prince Salman, Prince Harry, French Oil Men in Africa. Archidona Journal: Short on Space for Migrants, Spain Sent Them to a Town’s New Prison. On October 31, 1991, 79-year-old Mary Anne Trump was mugged and beaten while shopping on Union Turnpike near her home. Thrown onto a sidewalk after her purse with $14 in it was taken,[15] she sustained broken ribs, facial bruises, several fractures, a brain hemorrhage, and permanent damage to her sight and hearing.[17][18] A delivery truck driver named Lawrence Herbert apprehended her 16-year-old assailant, and Donald Trump rewarded Herbert with a check that kept him from losing his home to a foreclosure. 100's of gas station hold up guys from Miami will be sent to Qatar Trump Casino Prison too. 1.25 million people lose their lives on the world’s roads and another 20 to 50 million are seriously injured costing a lot of money!! Scott Free Defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in June. The British exiled him to the remote island of Saint Helena in the South Atlantic, where he died six years later at the age of 51. Qatar Prince at 51 with 51 Trillion dollars in the World Bank, DC.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mediocrity of Modern Life at NASA's WindmillCAR + RV company.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mediocrity of Modern Life at NASA's WindmillCAR + RV company.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Each Year at NASA, Each year, 1.25 million people lose their lives on the world’s roads and another 20 to 50 million are seriously injured. F-35 C radar on Ford WindmillCAR's + RV would cost more than the CAR.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Tour German German Concentration Camps were 1.25 million people lose their lives on the world’s roads in gas engine cars when German Elite suppress the Ford WindmillCAR's with F-35 C radar. Another War Crime by Germany" section A - page 4 By RICK GLADSTONE
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* In Rural Nepal, Menstruation Taboo Claims Another Victim. In Nepal Syphilis, STD, HIV, Hepatitis, must claim 100's of victims a year just from the British Elite spreading these and other diseases in rural Nepal. World Bank Elite will report on this tomorrow.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Vatican Takes Over Troubled Catholic Group in Key West + Peru Ahead of Pope’s Visit" By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Drunks at the Catholic Group in Key West wrecked the Yale Key West Medical School in 2011. When Greg flew in with $777 Trillion dollars. A Cardinal Sin with so much interest the Elite at the World Bank are buying in.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times Letter: Improper Attacks on Mueller and the F.B.I. Hell... 1.25 million people lose their lives on the world’s roads and another 20 to 50 million are seriously injured. F-35 C radar on Ford WindmillCAR's + RV would cost more than the CAR. FBI guys at the Qatar Trump Casino Prison when everyone at FBI HQ is driving a Ford WindmillCAR or RV.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Editors at the NY Times today write Is Trump Nuts. They censored out 10 Trillion Galaxies and Jewish Aliens. "Mr. Trump’s unfitness in the unknowable reaches of his mind, as opposed to where we can all openly see it and address it in political terms." Reaches of our Minds can invent 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year if the Editorials at the Times spelled out IP 1,001 Invention projects with 1 click Amazon links to Los Alamos Super Computers. Mayo psychiatrists relying electric shock of the brain today, yes today when they failed Hemingway! Who is Nuts? Fire and Fury of fiery car wrecks for oil revenues. Psychiatrists are prohibited from offering professional judgment on $777 Trillion in oil revenues and the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Sub fleet instead of buying Hospital ships. Nuts is the 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines that will package the peanut butter and label it for shipping.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "The Fed Delivered $80.2 Billion in Profits to the Treasury in 2017" section B - page 4 By BINYAMIN APPELBAUM Fake News; False News; Orwellian News; Everyone knows about the $777 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenuts Kerry has on pallets, grin!
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Tech Tip: Finding a Scanner for the Big Jobs" By J. D. BIERSDORFER Finding an iMac Pro and Xcode 9 app written for 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out in a Kindle Book on Amazon. This book will be written.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iParking Techs finding you a parking spot and feeding the stray cats. Federal officials said they would support state efforts to require able-bodied adults to work as a condition of eligibility for Medicaid.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar Walmart - Walmart, Citing Tax Cuts, Will Raise Starting Wages and Expand Benefits The nation’s largest employer said on Thursday that would increase its minimum hourly wage to $11 from $9. Qatar Walmart citing those plotting to confiscate $777 Trillion in oil revenues and the 'title' of the riches city in the world had no comment.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Egypt Opens Criminal Inquiry Over New York Times Article. The Times reported on a secret effort by Egyptian intelligence to sway public opinion on Jerusalem. Officials say the article hurt national security. By DECLAN WALSH
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.* World Bank Elite Opens Criminal Inquiry Over New York Times Article, "Each year, 1.25 million people lose their lives on the world’s roads and another 20 to 50 million are seriously injured costing a lot of money" When the WindmillCAR's + RV's with F-35 C radar are suppressed by BP Oil Men.
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-11-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle Disney Pixar 3-D Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's, Previews of the Gravity Engine CAR's + RV's at the ending.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle 1991 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle 2018 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected... but for NASA will send a robotic space probe to Alpha Centauri in 2069.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle Disney Pixar 3-D Brain Movies happening faster than they expected with the Starbucks Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle ‘Fire and Fury’ From Canada: It’s Not About Trump. Or Michael Wolff. By IAN AUSTEN Ian's Fire is Car's on Fire with Canadian people inside. Fury is the $777 Trillion Canada Dollars! Sick Joke on Canada Dr. Lisa MD will write the Rx for at the Starbucks in Canada, Rx Latte's. No News in Canada Calls the Oil Men Psychotic and puts the fear of God into their fire bombing cars in traffic wrecks. Yes today, the stats are censored by the NY Times HQ Elite. "La Belle Fiery Wreck's Today" By Dr. Lisa. MD USA not Marie Clair in Ottawa.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle ‘Fire and Fury’ From China suspends firefighting efforts after tanker explosion. Washington Post· China Xi suspends all efforts to stop fiery wrecks in traffic today + tomorrow.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle "Trump’s First Full Physical Is Approaching. What He Discloses Is Up to Him. section A - page 12 By KATIE ROGERS and LAWRENCE K. ALTMAN, M.D.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle "Trump’s First Full Physical Is Approaching. What He Discloses Is Up to Him for not but not when Dr. Lisa MD is driving 100's of millions of Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's, when Islam is bankrupted and Mecca is under tons of Sand. Key West is the Richest 'City' in the World. Qatar Trump Casino is a FEMA Prison...
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle "Trump’s First Full Physical Is Approaching. What He Discloses Is Up to Him... what his MD diagnosis is up to the other MD's with the correct diagnosis. If they tell Trump. Esoteric Blood Chemicals, Los Alamos to read the MRI, CT, EEG, EKG... Xcode 9 program written for Trumps First Full Physical by 100's of Yale Key West Medical School Students and a "Trump Physical" Nobel Novel written at the Hemingway House Writing Class.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle Dr. Ronny Jackson, a rear admiral in the Navy and the current White House physician, will oversee the president’s physical on Friday. Credit Tom Brenner/The New York Times Dr. Lisa MD at the Yale Key West Medical School will Grade the Admiral MD. Ha.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle Trump’s lifestyle and fondness for fast "Women" no MD's ever groped, grin, affects his health. It is less likely that the physical will yield in-depth insight into Mr. Trump’s psyche. The White House said that Mr. Trump will not undergo a psychiatric exam, and would not say if he would undergo other forms of cognitive testing that may screen for mental disorders, including dementia. Greg + Wife's will take the psychiatric exam, before and after the Gravity Engine is invent, inspired by the Wife's!
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle Roosevelt readily acknowledged his polio, for instance, but his White House doctor hid the severe high blood pressure that led to heart failure.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle neurologist or speech pathologist will be involved in getting everyone up to the same speed pronouncing and spelling Medical Terms and Rx Recipe ingredients as Dr. Lisa. MD.
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected... Rx Latte for Alzheimer’s
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle Rx Recipe Cure + Rx Latte for Alzheimer’s lost to BP Oil men going to Qatar Trump Casino instead of the Yale Key West Medical School - In 1994, nearly six years after leaving office, Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, though there is no conclusive evidence he had the disease while in office.
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected... Rx Latte for Alzheimer’s
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle Mr. Trump’s PSA level was 0.15. Urologists not connected with Mr. Trump said they suspected that he had been treated for an enlarged prostate - Greg has a enlarged prostate and Dr. Lisa MD and 100's of others will write a Hemingway House Nobel Novel on 'The Enlarged Prostate" with a IP invention in every chapter.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle no $4,000 treadmill at Trump Towers. Mr. Trump’s sedentary lifestyle may be reflected in the readout. Documented substantial weight gain may raise concerns about the state of his heart. Doctors may recommend an exercise tolerance test and other measures of heart function. Greg + Wife's will have as many Treadmills as she will allow in the living room, kitchen, bedrooms.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle NY Times Editorial Observer: Monuments to White Supremacy" By BRENT STAPLES Brent doesn't have a 2018 Ford WindmillCAR or RV. BP Oil + Yale + Harvard White Supremacy kept the Oil Revenues flowing in an Elite act of White Supremacy!
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle NY Times Editorial Observer: Monuments to Invention Supremacy will be the Gravity Engine's!
Trump Towers Starbucks has not bought any yet at $4K but will buy 100's if 1,000's with the Rx Latte and $8,500 iMac at every treadmill.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle 1991 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle Bete, translated as Mad Shadows by Merloyd Lawrence, published by Little, Brown and Co., 1960. Excellent character sketch, internalized narrative--mother idolizes beautiful but mindless son, ignores and neglects ugly daughter who in turn despises mother and jealously abuses her brother. A tale of swirling and escalating emotion as the family grows older and more dangerous to each other. Poetic and surreal, all within 123 pages.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle La belle be^te: Roman (Boreal compact) (French Edition) (French) Mass Market Paperback – 1991 by Marie Claire Blais (Author) Animal Farm's Windmill Turbines @ -254 C super conductive trillions of jolts volts amps in Animal Farm 2018 Novel. La Belle La belle be^te: Roman Windmill Turbines super conductive -254 C. Spin off inventions to food packaging to no kids left in hot cars to die...
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle 1991 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle Power Companies Got a Tax Cut. Will Your Bill Reflect It?
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle Some utilities say they will pass savings from the tax law to rate payers. Attorney generals look at all these Power Lines and drive by without stopping to help, same as all the fiery wrecks from 1980 to 2018. "Utilities 1,001" at MIT will be about Star Wars Utilities" Disney Pixar Fox Movie titled "Utilities 1,001".
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle Some utilities say they will pass savings from the tax law to rate payers. Attorney generals look at all these Power Lines and drive by without stopping to help, same as all the fiery wrecks from 1980 to 2018. "Utilities 1,001" at MIT will be about Star Wars Utilities" Disney Pixar Fox Movie titled "Utilities 1,001".
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle 2018 Top Secret - iPod size GE electric generator that can replace all Coal and Nuclear Power Plants in China and world wide have been made at Los Alamos, yes you can plug in all your GE appliances too. Apple-Starbucks running Mac's at every Table with Genius Techs serving 1,001 IP invention projects via 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos super computers. All this at your Starbucks in 2018.
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle
1-10-2018 Greg is 70 *.* La Belle
Trump Towers Starbucks has not bought any yet at $4K but will buy 100's if 1,000's with the Rx Latte and $8,500 iMac at every treadmill.
Trump Towers Starbucks has not bought any at $4K yet but will buy 100's if 1,000's with the Rx Latte and $8,500 iMac at every treadmill.
Trump Towers Starbucks has not bought any yet at $4K but will buy 100's if 1,000's with the Rx Latte and $8,500 iMac at every treadmill.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Every Trump Towers Condo comes with a Tread mill desk set it iMac stand. Any company that wants to sell a $4,000 treadmill is obviously aiming for a high-flying Trump Towers not the Starbucks in the Lobby of Trump Towers. iMac Pro $8,500 cost twice as much and Trump Towers Starbucks has not bought any yet but will buy 100's if 1,000's with the Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD. Like married to Dr. Lisa MD. At the core of its business is a beguiling online service: Get on the bike, turn on the screen, and you are instantly connected with live fitness classes tailored to your preferences and athletic abilities. It’s like having a personal trainer - married to a MD women! Endorphins flowing with a MD women.
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected...
Disney Pixar 3-D Brain Movies happening faster than they expected with the Starbucks Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD.
Disney Pixar 3-D Brain Movies happening faster than they expected with the Starbucks Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD.
1,001 IP invention projects will give us "Star Wars Rx Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Starbucks. Yale Key West Medical School amphitheater: The fight is over City Hall IQ's "Cheese Burger's In Paradise Song's" vs 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine at this amphitheater: "Star Wars Rx Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your Key West Starbucks.
1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg Amazon Kindle Book!!
In 2018 - You will need a Mac that will run Xcode 9 and 1 Click Amazon link to $100 million dollar super computers at Los Alamos.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Intel’s CEO Brian Krzanich says no attacks from major flaws; selling Iranian Hackers $5K Intel Xeon and selling you $20 dollar Intel CPU's. Intel did this with Malice the Yale Lawyers will write in the wrongful death lawsuits from lost inventions from Americans with flaws in their computing power.Intel And Micron To Discontinue Flash Memory Partnership. Intel partnership with Iranian Hackers to sell them $5,000 Xeox's.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Brain Surgeon's Movie by Disney Pixar Fox - 1,001 IP Invention Projects for Brain Surgeons. Same Movie for Urologists. Brain Surgery in 3-D: Coming Soon to the Operating Theater New York Times· NY Times correction coming soon to a Movie Theater showing Disney Pixar Movies to a few in Manhattan ha.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Cold Hearted. Cold, a Subway Car Becomes the Shelter of Last Resort. By ANNIE CORREAL Resort Annie and the rest of the New Yorkers fly off to is the Subway at the Qatar Trump Casino. List of New Yorkers who visited the Qatar Trump Casino will go viral on Facebook soon. Nigerian Migrants Get a Welcome Home. Jobs Are Another Story. Nigerian elite fly off the to Qatar Trump Casino, their names will be on Facebook Nigeria.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times Editorial: Republicans in Congress Are Failing America’s Children - Jimmy Carter failed 1 billion children and grand children in China. Xi is putting to death children with birth defects and cancers from Jimmy Carters Failing 1980 Ford WindillCAR's and RV's Star Wars Era. Failure also caused a setback for the Gravity Engine Invention.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Brain Dead NY Times! Rocket Launches and Trips to the Moon We’re Looking Forward To in 2018" By MICHAEL ROSTON The rest of the World is looking forward to inventing a way to go 400 times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon Cell Call to Jewish Aliens and inventing the Gravity Engine step by step editorial in the Times.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* At least 226 people were hurt after a train smashed into another at a station, the second serious rail accident in a week in South Africa. NASA Hubble Super Shuttle + Telescope Train Crash hurt Humanity's Exodus into 10 Trillion galaxies. Oil Bribery derailed all these trains. Patrick Ho is accused of trying to bribe Chad’s president and Uganda’s foreign minister in exchange for oil rights for a Chinese energy company. By SEWELL CHAN NASA was bribed to go quietly into retirement.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* What would a Treadmill at every NY Times Desk Mean -
What a $4,000 Treadmill Means for the Future of Gadgets. Peloton, which sells an internet-connected spin bicycle, unveiled a $4,000 internet-connected treadmill. The company’s insight: The gadget is not as important as the service. By FARHAD MANJOO
Trump Towers Starbucks has not bought any yet but will buy 100's if 1,000's with the Rx Latte and $8,500 iMac at every treadmill.
Trump Towers Starbucks has not bought any yet but will buy 100's if 1,000's with the Rx Latte and $8,500 iMac at every treadmill.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Tread Mill at Trumps White House Desk, what would it mean? $4,000 internet-connected treadmill. The company’s insight: The gadget is not as important as the service that will be in the Next Star Wars Movie. Yes Urine and Blood testing treadmill. Don't forget the EEG. EKG. and 1,001 treadmill test that have not been invented yet.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Global Health Inventions 1,001: W.H.O. Approves a Safe, Inexpensive Typhoid Vaccine - Breast Cancer Rx Recipe will be approved by WHO soon as we rehire Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD who the Generals fired in 1945.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The old vaccine, Zostavax, is about 50 percent effective. The new one, Shingrix, provides 90 percent protection. would still be more cost effective new vaccine would save money over the long term, based on statistical measures that quantify the cost effectiveness of health care measures. Shingles is a painful and sometimes debilitating nerve inflammation and blistering skin rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. The Herpes Virus both cold sore and the sex one based on statistical measuring the iQuality of life like iParking in Key West vs parking tickets, towing, and no parking spot via politics of No Parking area's. A new vaccine is needed for Herpes! And it will be cost effective without having to use a trusted calculator. This one we can do in our Brain - except for the Brain Dead editors at the Times. Ha.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* South Korea Says It Won’t Scrap Sex Slaves Accord With Japan - NY Times says it Won't write up Sex Slaves at the Qatar Trump Casino. Yale and Harvard Alumni are off limits!
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Every Trump Towers Condo comes with a Tread mill desk set it iMac stand. Any company that wants to sell a $4,000 treadmill is obviously aiming for a high-flying Trump Towers not the Starbucks in the Lobby of Trump Towers. iMac Pro $8,500 cost twice as much and Trump Towers Starbucks has not bought any yet but will buy 100's if 1,000's with the Rx Latte called in by Dr. Lisa MD. Like married to Dr. Lisa MD. At the core of its business is a beguiling online service: Get on the bike, turn on the screen, and you are instantly connected with live fitness classes tailored to your preferences and athletic abilities. It’s like having a personal trainer - married to a MD women! Endorphins flowing with a MD women.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.* More than 600 chemicals that make up blue crab urine. Dr. Trump MD could have a daily urine test not President Trump. What researchers find about chemical cues is iMac and PC stuff today. Cancer, induced the biggest fear responses. Unary Track infections too. Places like a Georgia estuary or an oyster reef are critically structured by predator-prey interactions, and it turns out those predator-prey interactions are very much affected by chemical cues,” said Dr. Kubanek. “I think it’s pretty cool that the chemistry of pee matters.” Jimmy Carter the Plains Georgia Preacher turned out to be the predatory on children and grand children with his gas engine cars. Sell the chemicals like the Mud Crab smells trigonelline and homarine. What are the chemicals in gasoline exhaust? Only 10 % believe Alcohol can cause breast cancer, fewer in Georgia. Mud crabs spend more time hiding if they sense that blue crabs are nearby. Credit Georgia Tech. Plantation owners in Georgia USA and Russia, sense they are killers. Qatar Plantation Owners made their serfs the richest in the world, this would never happen in Georgia USA or Russia.
1-9-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
How the structural and functional changes in frontoinsular and limbic regions triggers 'this' could be a Disney Pixar Fox Movie. And a good Amazon Kindle Book.
FEMA Fraud revises the maps to account for 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's change, deciding who is in the flood zone of Winning the Title of 'Richest' away from Qatar given to them by FEMA Oil Company will be a battle with $777 Trillion of dollars at stake in Key West, Yale Key West Medical School not some FEMA Casino for the Top Brass but Hospital Ships and RV's for everyone in the Keys. Just like Qatar today but here.
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* FEMA Fraud revises the maps to account for 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV's change, deciding who is in the flood zone of Winning the Title of 'Richest' away from Qatar given to them by FEMA Oil Company will be a battle with $777 Trillion of dollars at stake in Key West, Yale Key West Medical School not some FEMA Casino for the Top Brass but Hospital Ships and RV's for everyone in the Keys. Just like Qatar today but here.
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected...
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 2018 Ford Fleets of 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines. As Trump Appeals to Farmers, Some of His Policies Don’t" By ANA SWANSON and JIM TANKERSLEY
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Avocado Orchard Owners 'Snipers' at the Gate Greeting Guest picture on the front page of the NY Times today not a 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter combine for avocado's with all the innovative inventions.
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected... 2018 Ford Fleets of 3 Story Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines, fishing fleets too.
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected... Publix and Whole Foods with no Frozen Foods Section. No aisles and aisles of freezers as new packaging will keep all cold or warm.
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times Editorial: New York Leaders Are Riding Qatar Subways to the Qatar Trump Casino. This is Why they Are Failing Its NYC Subway Riders. List of Swiss Bank accounts and list of Qatar Trump Casino winners. Leaked - Hacked.
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Intel Faces Scrutiny as Questions Swirl Over Chip Security - Hell all the Iran hackers have $5,000 Xeon CPU's. 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's would have give the USA all Xeon CPU's in 1980. The same one's who kept the WindmillCAR's from US also kept the Xeon Chips out of Acer Cloud Books. Kindle with a Xeon you would be able to read, hear, and take notes, copy and paste and much more. These Intel Xeon CPU's are out of Star Wars Times. And the only ones Intel sold them to are Iranians for hacking.
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Total Recall: A Reader’s Guide to Memory Gain!
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected... Trump winning the White House spelling bee IP invention is not at the press conference today but should have been.
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Moody Times with Time-Photons and 10 Trillion Galaxies in the Mood for Soul-Mates on a 10 Trillion Year Journey Star Wars Star Trek Disney takes us to Los Alamos with the MD Oppenheimer. XCode 9 will put 1,001 IP invention projects in order and beep them one at a time day and night for you.
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* About Choosing a College Major in "Invention!"
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* About Choosing a College Major in "Diagnosis MD"
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected...
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* JFK Travelers Ask: When Can I Catch a Flight Home, fly into Orbit for 15 minutes and land in Paris 30 minutes from leaving JFK. Some of us want this Boeing Invention in 2018 others are flying to Qatar Trump Casino with FEMA top brass.
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected...
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Op-Ed Contributor: On Stop-and-Frisk, We Can’t Celebrate Just Yet By PHILLIP ATIBA GOFF Yes We Can Phillip, GPS tracking of the cell phone not gun in their pocket will get more arrest and convictions! Win one for Mary Trump, and Mary at the Miami gas station hold up today. 100,000 cameras in Manhattan, NYC and tracking everyone's iPhone X GPS is a better invention as we have a Google Map. Mom will get this for her kids soon as we get to NYC, Mom, why are you late... let me look on the Google map. Ha. Sara Palin needs this for her grown kids.
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected...
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Letters: The Met’s New Required Fee for Non-New Yorkers. The Medical School get more visitors than the Met. And it pays off better than the Med too.
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected...
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* MD IP invention project or Disney Pixar Movie. Sex and frontotemporal degeneration. CONCLUSION: Overall loss of affection, reduced initiation of sexual activity, and responsiveness is an overwhelming feature of bvFTD. In contrast, aberrant or unusual sexual behavior is observed in the minority of bvFTD patients. The underlying pathophysiology of these changes likely reflects structural and functional changes in frontoinsular and limbic regions including the hypothalamus. Hypersexual behavior can range from a preoccupation with sexual jokes to compulsive masturbation.
But the last breakthrough IP Invention Projects happened faster than they expected...
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.* How the structural and functional changes in frontoinsular and limbic regions triggers this could be a Disney Pixar Fox Movie. And a good Amazon Kindle Book.
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-8-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* - You will need a MacXcode 9 Dr. Lisa Sanders learning how to write code - alpha-gal (alpha-1, 3-galactose) - carbohydrate into the Diagnosis so the Iowa MD can't miss it. ...tick whose bite could make you allergic to meat. When the same tick attaches to the next host (e.g. a human) it transfers the alpha-gal to the tissues of that next host. The immune system of some humans recognizes alpha-gal as foreign and so produces antibodies against it. In this case the antibody produced is IgE, which is the type of antibody responsible for most allergic reactions. Alpha-gal in a human can now be recognized through a blood test. Needs to be written into Xcode 9. Apps. Anaphylactic Shock Diagnosis By LISA SANDERS, M.D. Xcode 9. Apps. Written. Iowa A Mystified Allergist, not really a failed Allergist costing the women months of illness because they missed the diagnosis the first time. Xcode 9 MD genius at Apple would have written this code years ago for the Apple Data Base MD stuff. For months after returning to her home on Long Island, the woman was anxious about everything she ate, and she worried every night when she went to bed. She always kept a bottle of Benadryl and an EpiPen with her, but still she was terrified about what might happen if she was too far from a hospital the next time. Months of pain torture because one Iowa Allergist failed. A nurse had a different theory about what happened, one the patient had heard before but never believed. There was some kind of tick, the nurse told her, whose bite could make you allergic to meat. The bite of the lone star tick — named for a white spot shaped like Texas on the arachnid’s back — could cause an allergic reaction to mammalian meat. The trigger was a sugar, identified as galactose-a-1,3-galactose and more casually known as alpha-gal, a carbohydrate. How the tick bite triggers this allergy is not yet known, but its a good invention project for a MD who writes Xcode 9. Amazon might make a Mainframe or even a $100 million dollar super computer link for Invention Projects too. A Diet Changed Forever, no meat or alcohol. Yes there are reactions to Alcohol that need to be written up by Dr. Lisa MD.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iOS software you are using, you can have anywhere from 2,160 to 49,140 apps displayed on your device’s home screens. Whether or not your phone or tablet has the storage capacity for a potential 49,140 apps is another matter, but the icon visibility is possible based on the number of home screens, space for folders and number of apps that can be stored in those folders.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* To group apps into folders (like “Games” or “Photo Editors”), Inventions, IP invention projects 1,001. If you forget where you stashed an app on your iMac because there are 1,001 of them. Greg + Wife's in Key West will invent something for this, grin.
CELL phone 3054345276
Kindle link to Greg's Book - The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Car's Engine
WindmillCAR's and RV's Gravity Car's In 2018: The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Car (Gravity Car Engine)
Kindle Edition by Greg Buell (Author)
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* For decades, they warned the North was making progress on a missile that could reach the United States. But the last breakthroughs happened faster than they expected... For decades, they drove by fiery cop cars and SUV's with Mon Dad and 2 Kids in back burning to death or just burned over 90%. They are the City Hall Commissioners and those who built the USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs. Mecca + Qatar's Windfall Profits from Miami Gas Station Hold Ups from 1980 to 2018. Mary Sucker punched 100 stitches and wrongful deaths of BP Oil Men.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* PRESIDENT TRUMP, in one of a series of Twitter messages denouncing critics who have questioned his mental health. For decades, Trump drove by fiery cop cars and SUV's with Mon Dad and 2 Kids in back burning to death or just burned over 90%. Trump denouncing the CIA Coup "No Gas Stations World Wide" with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's. Denouncing Mecca buried in the Snow of Sand Storm or the Century.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* PRESIDENT TRUMP, Nearly a year after the president took office, the world is still figuring out whether to take his fiery words as policy pronouncements, or to simply ignore them. By STEVEN ERLANGER - Steven Erlanger could tweet the number of fiery wrecks in 1 year... Google YouTube could go viral for 30 minutes with these fiery wrecks.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Yukon Government Gives In to Liquor Industry on Warning Label Experiment...
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Amazon Kindle Book of 1,001 Experiments like the "Oil Drop Test" in the next book with Greg and many Wife's in Key West, grin.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Stolen Vodka Bottle, Said to Be Worth $1.3 Million, Is Found Drained and Dented" By MARTIN SELSOE SORENSEN Your Wife is Worth more than $1.3 million alive not dead from breast cancer caused by Vodka, Putin is the one who is mentally ill not Trump.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Security camera footage captures the moment a bottle of vodka worth $1.3 million was stolen from a bar in Denmark. iPhone X tracking written in Xcode 9 would have tracked the thief in the room and where he went when he left with the vodka bottle on a Google Map. Security Cameras must be reinvented with iPhone X GPS tracking on a Google Map when they leave the crime scene. The Copenhagen police said in a Twitter post that the bottle was being examined for any leads and that no further information on the case would be released. 1,001 IP invention projects are being examined for a micro dot GPS for bottles. All bikes in Key West will have GPS tracker built in or on. City Hall rejected this out right! Seeing City Employees steal the most bikes, ha! The bottle was created by Dartz Motorz, a car manufacturer in Riga, Latvia, and fitted with an original 1912 leather ribbon from the company’s first Monte Carlo rally car.
iMac's on every table, placed in a pub, Cafe 33, in central Copenhagen
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Call to NASA to Remove Homeless People (All 8) Before Royal Wedding Stirs Anger - George Orwell the Wedding Crasher in London. All 1984 London! George Orwell in London stirs anger because you car is ticketed, towed, or you are driving around and around with no parking spot in sight. iParking is the Quality of life in Qatar not London. Dr. Lisa MD calling in your Rx to Starbucks London, Qatar Prince will order this from Starbucks HQ.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Sunday NY Times Editorial: Why Do Land Mines Still Kill So Many? Because the "Mind" of George Orwell Driving his Gas + Diesel Cars and Trucks around the World, selling them to China to poison the air. Xi has to put these children to death as there are to many today with birth defects and cancers from this 'Land Mind' peddle to the floor gas car driving George Orwell. Editors Opinion: Diabetes Shouldn't Bankrupt You! By ELISABETH ROSENTHAL Liz diabetes shouldn't exist in a 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year society with InventBook. Facebook Bankrupted your Medical cost with man made diseases spread by Coors and others who sell you Butter, Bacon, Sausage, cigarettes at the Grocery Store Publix. Put this in a Publix commercial.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 12th Day of Christmas Inventions! Godsent!! Pope Francis also presided over a Mass for the feast of the Epiphany on Friday at the Vatican and one at St. Peter’s Basilica on Saturday.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Fire + Fury" Book Video on Mexican Truck Drivers in the USA.
Restricted from operating in the United States, most Mexican drivers must hand off their cargo. The Trump administration wants even tighter controls. Before the 100's of Fiery Wrecks go Viral on YouTube! By NATALIE KITROEFF and GEORGE ETHEREDGE Wrongful death lawsuits will cost Mexico Elite $1 Trillion.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NASA as Alexander the Great. Under his pillow at night he had, alongside his dagger, a copy of the “Iliad.” His literary GPS, we understand. As important as the epic’s originally oral story of great conquest was the script it was written in: That too would conquer worlds.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump President of the Universe. Epic invention to travel 400 times faster than the speed of light in a Verizon Cell signal calling Jewish Aliens can be invented in 2018 by Greg + Wife's in Key West.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Recipe books in the kitchen improved the food on the table.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Star Wars Recipe's on the iMac are all Rx Recipes 4 trillion of them she will mix up until she get a Rx recipe for a overnight breast cancer Rx Cure. Yes Starbucks will serve this in a latte.
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-7-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Yale Key West Medical School amphitheater: The fight is over City Hall IQ's 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine at this amphitheater:
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1,001 IP invention projects will give us Star Wars Rx Latte from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Starbucks.
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iParking in London run by City Hall finds you a parking spot near Starbucks. Quality of life. Never ever get a parking ticket in the City of London. Hell No. Britain Considers a ‘Latte Levy’ to Cut the Use of Coffee Cups section A - page 10
By KIMIKO de FREYTAS-TAMURA Yale Key West Hospital in London working on 1,001 IP invention projects will give us Star Wars Rx Latte from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Starbucks it will be ready and a record you took your Rx is on file.
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Yale Key West Medical School amphitheater: The fight is over City Hall IQ's 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine at this amphitheater: with Yale Key West Medical School Hospital Ships Docked in a row all the way to Mallory! Thousands of wrongful deaths just from Alcohol let alone Diesel on Duval will sent City Hall Commissioners to PoorHouse Lane in Qatar or Emirates where their second home is. Grin $$$. “Attention opponents of the amphitheater: The fight is over. Your fears were unfounded. There is no sound problem, no parking problem, and no traffic problem. And no, neither the park nor the amphitheater will ever break even on cost. It’s a public park, for goodness sake. Public parks don`t make money - or 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year. So lets start writing these 1,001 Nobel Novels at the Hemingway House Writing Class today, Oh City Hall Commissioners cancelled this writing class!
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Apple, tech companies to bring back $400 billion in overseas cash to the US: Estimate. CNBC·
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's will Confiscate $777 Trillion from Prince Salman and Prince Harry's BP Oil's War Criminals.
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "The Hospital Gown Gets a Modest Makeover" By VALERIYA SAFRONOVA NY Times. ...inpatient admissions, observation stays and emergency-room visits, MedStar had about 678,000 patients who needed gowns - Valeriya doesn't say how many Hospital Infections these 687K picked up in the hospital and if "Bunny Suits" or Hazmat Suits would have prevent them. Dr. Lisa MD need to rewrite this article on Hospital Gown.
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Amid Calls from Trump, F.B.I. Renews Questions Over Clinton Foundation - F.B.I. Renews Questions Over how many FBI agents were burned in a fiery wreck from 1980 Jimmy Carter to today's Trump gas engine cars bursting into flames.
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* By DAVID M. HALBFINGER Some Israeli and Palestinian leaders are now pressing for a single state, but their views of what that state would look like are mutually exclusive. Hell with this. 400 Times faster than the speed of light Verizon Cell Call to Jewish Aliens or just eavesdropping on them will solve this problem and this IP invention project is censored on Israeli Facebook and InventBook today.
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iParking in London run by City Hall finds you a parking spot near Starbucks. Quality of life. Never ever get a parking ticket in the City of London. Hell No. Britain Considers a ‘Latte Levy’ to Cut the Use of Coffee Cups section A - page 10
By KIMIKO de FREYTAS-TAMURA Yale Key West Hospital in London working on 1,001 IP invention projects will give us Star Wars Rx Latte from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Star Bucks it will be ready and a record you took your Rx is on file.
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times Editorial: Pakistan, the Endlessly Troublesome Mercenaries Kerry shipped $30 Billion of cash on Pallets. Kerry's Boston with $30 Billion Bonus was unthinkable in Kerry's Military Class, Caste. The King of Qatar did give his Citizens $30 Billion in Cash, direct deposited in Chase Qatar and Bank of America Qatar.
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Remake on the IP Invention projects. New Season at Shakespeare’s Globe writes in all the IP invention projects Shakespeare almost wrote in his plays.
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Business Today, Your Money: When It Costs Double to Let Your 12-Year-Old Fly Alone" By RON LIEBER Cancer cost, medical cost of diagnosis not caught by Homeland Security Scans for Terrorist's cost the American 12 year old 100's of days in the Hospital. JFK scan for of 12 year old's eyes and teeth. Yale Key West Medical School x-ray scanners are not for terrorists but medical alerts caught and fixed asap. When It Costs Double to Let Your 12-Year-Old Fly Alone" without anyone from the NY Times writing to save their life.
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Trump blocks InventBook by Greg + Wife's in Key West! Without Naming Trump, Twitter Says It Won’t Block World Leaders section B - page 4
By MIKE ISAAC Twitter said on Friday that prohibiting a world leader from posting on the platform “would hide important information people should be able to see and debate.”
1-6-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Book Title "Fire + Fury" will be rewritten by Cops Title Fire + Fury of the Gravity Engine Cop Cars!
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The Book of Mormon!! Now the buy and read "Fire + Fury" by Cops Rear ended in their Fiery Cop Cars in Salt Lake City. A Sin!
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* There is an inquisitorial whiff in the air mixed with Diesel Exhaust!
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1980 Ford WindmillCAR + RV Administration Would Have Taken Step That Could Threaten "Coors Road Kill" from 1980 to 2018 Marijuana Legalization Movement will have as many road kills too. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have already seen the numbers! By CHARLIE SAVAGE and JACK HEALY
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Coors Road Kill and still a shortage of Hearts but for Cheney. Letter: Shortage of Donated Livers, Hearts, Kidneys. Yale Key West Medical School's. Tens of thousands from Prince Salman's inner circle's in Saudi Arabia and Mecca have cut in front of the line of tens of thousands of Americans from 1980 to 2018. Sharon Fawcett, at home in Stamford, Conn., has end-stage liver disease. Like 14,100 other patients in the United States, Ms. Fawcett is waiting for a liver transplant, for The New York Times. Yale Key West Medical School if up and running today with a few Hospital Ships docked were the Navy war ships are today would be able to get and transplant all 14,100 for Americans, not Prince Salman's Oil Men. As this would be the Age of Gravity Engines and Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's!
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Book Title "Fire + Fury" will be written by Cops in Fiery and Furious rear ended collisions writing a ticket on the side of the road when iPhone X iDash Cam iTraffic Tickets iCop inside your car talking to you has been censored out of 'Fire + Fury' by Trump. Michael Wolff, From Local Media Scourge to National News maker. By MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM "In a long journalism career, Michael Wolff has gone from New York Times copy boy to overnight sensation at age 64" 8,400 Fire and Fury Drivers have been rear ended bursting into Furious Fire! Michael Wolff has driven by several cars on fire in rush hour traffic with no rush at the NY Times to leak the Ford WindmillCAR's. “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” his insider account of the year he spent reporting from the West Wing, has drawn denunciations from the White House lectern, threatened the career of the Breitbart News leader Stephen K. Bannon and turned Mr. Wolff, an overnight sensation. Sensational Fiery Cop Cars and SUV's today will not make the Headlines because Orwellian Orders from the Top Brass!
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Fire + Fury Cop Cars Rear ended, an extraordinary attempt by a sitting president to stifle critical coverage of fiery wrecks.
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mr. Wolff’s former editor at Vanity Fair, wrote in an email that he was not surprised Mr. Wolff “would write an entertaining book.” “The mystery,” Mr. Carter added, “is why the White House allowed him in the door.”
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* 1980 Jimmy Carter in the White House reading Greg's Book on Kindle that goes on sale tomorrow at Amazon Kindle for $50 when President Carter gave Islam $777 Trillion for a small kickback that filled the Bank of the 'Carter Center' fund. Burn in Hell take on a new connotation for Jimmy Carter today looking at all the fiery cop cars and SUV's he drove by all these years without stopping to help.
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Bitter Snow and Cold Blast New England, censored out is the millions with no electricity who could be warm and watching CBS this morning in their Ford WindmillCAR or RV with a windshield view of the Blizzard of 2018.
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* People who have robbed Miami Gas Stations from 1980 to 2018. "Internet Users in China Expect to Be Tracked. Now, They Want Privacy." By PAUL MOZUR People who have robbed Miami Gas Stations from 1980 to 2018 expect privacy in their get away after all these years. iPhone X, will the cops can track every cell phone that drives or walks into a gas station in Miami and follow them on a Google map when they leave. This is a record that last longer than a gas engine car. Grin.
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* The first 100 electric motors built by Edison head for InventBook. Art Owned by La Salle University Headed for Auction at Christie’s" By COLIN MOYNIHAN Art of the Diagnosis, first New England Journal Article on Art of the Diagnosis, to the present days Art of the Diagnosis by Dr. Lisa MD as Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer at Los Alamos. Heads for InventBook and Kindle.
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Intel Flaws are not putting a Intel Xeon CPU in this $220 Acer Cloudbook. What You Need to Do Because of Flaws in Computer Chips section B - page 2
By CADE METZ and BRIAN X. CHEN The Intel Xeon CPU's cost from $230 to $5,220 each. I might be able to run Xcode9 with a $230 Intel Xeon in this Acer CloudBook PC, if it was a Mac. Code would take several minutes to hours to crunch with the little circle spinning around. Iranian Hackers: Sophisticated, Frustrated and a Rising Global Threat section B - page 3
By SHEERA FRENKEL All these Iranian Hackers have paid $5,220 for their Intel CPU and most have several of these for $15,000. Now you see the flaw in Intel Top Brass. Yes Intel Top Brass own stock in Iran Oil Company's.
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ‘Am I Going to Have to Put Mickey Mouse in “American Horror Story” Disney is going to have to put Dr. Mickey Mouse MD into the Yale Key West Medical School Childrens Section of Movies for the next 10 to 20 years! And change the Ears on the Disney Magic Ship Docked at the Medical School Pier in Key West.
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Cutting Off Breast of American Women" Cutting Off Pakistan, U.S. Takes Gamble in Complex Afghan War With No Intention by the Pentagon to Win the War on Breast Cancer! With the Taliban war already pushing the Afghan government to the brink, it is unclear who will be most disrupted: Pakistan, or U.S. allies in Afghanistan. By MUJIB MASHAL and SALMAN MASOOD, these 2 guys who wrote this for the NY Times could care less about "Cutting Off the Breast" of American Women.
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mom who is 95 this year took 3 boys, Greg, Bob, Bill to Radio City when we were all almost 10 years old. I can remember some of this today. Today Mom would be watching the WindmillCAR and Gravity Engine Performance at Radio City.
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Consider the fact that the campaign last month against the Met to remove a Balthus painting that shows a young girl in a suggestive light was organized by two young Manhattan feminists. Fortunately, they were unsuccessful. This is the kind of censorship practiced by religious zealots. Mecca religious zealots have Honor Killings today not in the #MeToo moment because the 'Times' Censors this crime against women. Prince Salman is a #MeToo moment Honor killer of a women and the editors at the Times know this and might have the YouTube videos. #MeToo moment of Prince Salman Sex Slave sex tapes too. There is an inquisitorial whiff in the air worth $777 Trillion and women want this! Prince Salman thinks he can get away with Honor Killings of women who get to drive gas engine cars this year.
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Tech Tip: Copying iPhone Messages to the Computer" section B - page 6 By J. D. BIERSDORFER "Tech Tip: Copying iPhone Messages to the Computer" to the super computers at Los Alamos.
In 2018 - You will need a Mac that will run Xcode 9
In 2018 - You will need a to become Super Computer literate and run apps on it.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* AT&T Plans to Offer Mobile 5G Wireless Phone Service This Year...
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Greg and Wife's in Key West will Write a Hemingway House Nobel Novel on How We Invented G55 and 400 Times faster than the speed of light in 2018.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West Prince Harry's Wounded Warriors ride for Breast Cancer, Hell No! Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride set for Saturday in Key West January 4, 2018
Key West residents are encouraged to line the streets Saturday to show support for military members as they participate in the Wounded Warrior Soldier Ride. $30 Billion was shipped to them by Kerry on Pallets of cash along with the $30 Billion of Pallets of cash for Pakistan Warriors for God's 72 virgins. Pink is dead, killed by the Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff who suppressed the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's. Gravity Engine too.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Diesel Arrest !! Key West Police. A 37-year-old woman was arrested twice in two days for inhaling (Diesel Exhaust) aerosol duster cans, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. The woman was charged with misdemeanor inhalation of dangerous chemicals in both incidents on Sunday and on Monday. On Monday, a witness called the Sheriff’s Office about 4 p.m. to report back clouds of Diesel Exhaust on Duval Key West.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mormon Succession drama in the Times is against God Commandments to them by Smith not the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR + RV Plant in Salt Lake City.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 For Mormons, Succession Drama Is Against Their Religion section A - page 16 By LAURIE GOODSTEIN Ford WindmillCar Plant that will grow in Salt Lake City. Mormons will build the Ford Gravity Engine CAR's + RV's next year. God willing to send this Godsent Miracle to Mormons not Mecca.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Salt Lake City vs Mecca and Mecca has the $1 Trillion dollar SUV Umbrella to shade 2 million on Sunday from Skin Cancer. Can we sue for wrongful death of those in Salt Lake City who die from Skin Cancer.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* $777 Trillion in Russian Oil Outside of 5 billion people. Putin the Last Oil Revenues Czar. Russia and Venezuela’s Plan to Sidestep Sanctions: Virtual Currencies
By NATHANIEL POPPER, OLEG MATSNEV and ANA VANESSA HERRERO Both countries have floated plans to create homegrown virtual currencies that would put them outside the global financial and banking system. Ivanka wants Putin Fired and all the $777 Trillion for Breast Cancer War!
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Petrobras of Brazil to Pay $2.95 Billion Over Corruption Scandal section B - page 4 By CHAD BRAY and STANLEY REED Ivanka wants $777 Trillion Over the wrongful Breast Cancer Deaths and torture of a million women all their life living with no cure. While the Elite Men gamble at the Qatar Trump Casino.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NY Times; Auto Sales End a 7-Year Upswing, With More Challenges Ahead in censoring the birth defects and childhood cancers at Saint Jude. 7 Years of selling the Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's would have saved million of children world wide this is a Jewish crime well as Russian, American. Trump’s Threat to Cut Palestinian Aid Worries Many in Israel By ISABEL KERSHNER Diesel Exhaust Worries Many in Israel. Mostly mothers and grandmothers no Warriors in Israel are Worried about this exhaust gas.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* iphone X to track inmates 24/7 live streaming on Google Maps. Ethiopia Says It Will Close Notorious Prison and Free Some Inmates section A - page 4
By JINA MOORE iphone X to track inmates 24/7 live streaming on Google Maps, really. With alerts on your iPhone X if they cross your path or are laying in wait for you. Or stalking you. Xcode9 will write this app.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Inmates; The alarm and security systems were sophisticated, but the thieves were able to bypass them, he said, a sign of “advanced technological understanding.”
Robert Kennedy Jr + "OJ" Clones. understand “what went wrong” because the case that protected the jewels “was opened as if it were a little box, while the alarm went off too late,”
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NYC EveryDay - Man, 65, Dies After Teenager Punches Him, Knocking Him Onto Subway Tracks section A - page 19 By MATTHEW HAAG and ASHLEY SOUTHALL Police were looking into whether Mr. Suarez struck his head in the fall, and they were waiting for the medical examiner’s office to determine the cause of death. Mary Trump was also hit yesterday in Queens and will die from this in a few months... police were looking to determine the cause of death... 1984 Top Brass at Homeland Security HQ wait for the Lawyers from Yale.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* ROME — The Italian news media called it a “movie-worthy heist.” In just a few minutes on Wednesday, the last day of an exhibition at the Ducal Palace in Venice, thieves made off with a gold brooch and a pair of earrings, easily disarming what had been described as a sophisticated alarm system and then disappearing into the sea of tourists who daily swarm St. Mark’s Square. The jewels belonged to Sheikh Hamad bin Abdullah al-Thani, a member of the Qatari royal family. They were part of his collection of some 270 Indian and Indian-inspired gems and jewels, some dating from the 16th century, according to a news release for the exhibition, “Treasures of the Mughals and the Maharajas,”
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* OJ and Robert Kennedy Jr... wave to the Orwellian Cameras. At least two thieves struck around 10 a.m. in plain view of closed-circuit television cameras. One opened the case, and the other acted as a lookout, Italian news outlets reported.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Peru Bans Buses From Road Where Bus Plunged, Killing 51 By MARCELO ROCHABRÚN Elite in Peru didn't brainstorm any invention projects with their wife's or they would have come up with 'co-pilots' for all Buses and iCop in the Buses.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* MD Editors at the NY Times, Funny. "Tech We’re Using: Tapping Technology to Advance the Future of Journalism" By SAM DOLNICK Sam writes I check Twitter more often than I should, I never check the New England Journal of Medicine. Hemingway House Writing Classes are not offered by the Times.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* "Tech Tip: Copying iPhone Messages to the Computer" section B - page 6 By J. D. BIERSDORFER "Tech Tip: Copying iPhone Messages to the Computer" to the super computers at Los Alamos.
In 2018 - You will need a Mac that will run Xcode 9
In 2018 - You will need a to become Super Computer literate and run apps on it.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* You will need to write in Xcode 9 sooner than you would like as this is a terrible tech tip, one of the several programs designed to copy files from an iPhone to a computer with a few clicks. For example, the $40 iExplorer program, for the Windows and Mac operating systems, can grab a specific text conversation from the iTunes backup file and save it in a more common format like a plain-text file (which can be opened and saved in Microsoft Word), a comma-separated values file or as a PDF file. Photos and other attachments can also be retrieved. Similar apps include the $40 iMazing program for Windows and Mac, $20 CopyTrans Contacts for Windows and the $30 PhoneView for the Mac. PhoneView provides full access to your iPhone’s voicemail messages and call log. Click to play your messages or send them right to iTunes. View, search and export recent calls, even when your iPhone isn’t connected to your Mac. Plus, PhoneView automatically backs up your call log each time your iPhone is connected. How sweet is that?
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Send email to Los Alamos asking the Nuke Scientists if they can write you a iPhone X app for this on a $100 million dollar super computer, grin. Better than reworking H-Bombs again today.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* '39 Steps" to Brainstorming a silent Jet Engine, no not just invent the Gravity Engine, Funny You! Hitchcock to ‘The Girl on the Train’ NASA Girl on a 100 Car Super Shuttle Train that cost far less than the $777 Trillion Ivanka wants for Breast Cancer. No one is working at the Hemingway House Writing Class today, City Hall is the problem.
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Today we write an Xcode9 app to search these books for inventions.
Fred Bass, Who Made the Strand Bookstore a Mecca, Dies at 89 Building on what his father began, Mr. Bass ultimately oversaw a bustling emporium housing “18 miles of books” in Lower Manhattan, with outposts here and there." By WILLIAM GRIMES
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Australia’s Prime Minister Warns of ‘Gang Violence’ by African Migrants - Gas Station Hold Ups Today - this warning was censored by the editors at the NY Times. Gas Stations are Off Limits via George Orwell. Mary will be sucker punched today at Miami Gas Station hold up... iQuality of life in a 1984 society with No Gravity Engines!
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
1-4-2018 Greg is 70 *.*
-------------------------- Greg 'WindCar' Buell Kindle and Amazon print book 400 pages starts here!
-------------------------- "WindmillCAR's and RV's Gravity Car's In 2018"
----------------------------- "The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Cars!"
Page 1 of 400
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Concrete Wedding Columns blocking the Brainstorming of the first Gravity Engine started by a trillion of her jolts. Edison starting the first electric engine looking at his new wife.
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Kerry and his rich Heinz wife shipped pallets of $30 Billion to Pakistan in 2017. Pakistan Dismisses Trump’s Tweet on $30 Billion 'Aid' as ‘Incomprehensible’ $$$ By SALMAN MASOOD Ivanka looking over the Breast cancer lab work and Rx Recipe Miracle Cure as ‘Incomprehensible’ as building all the Qatar Trump Casino's in 100's of Cities. No the Yale Key West Medical School was lost by City Hall Key West.
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Star Wars - Op-Ed Columnist: Donald Trump Goes to the Movies to See Star Wars! To save Ivanka's life! No the Yale Key West Medical School is not in the Last Jedi Disney Movie. Princess Ivanka is... she has a major part too. China, Moving to Cut Emissions, Halts Production of 500 Car Models - Without building 500 Yale Key West Medical School's in China. Yes 500 Qatar Trump Casino's are under construction in China today. Smog pictured on a main thoroughfare in Harbin, China. Officials are under intense pressure to rein in dangerous air pollution. Credit Tao Zhang/Getty Images. No images of the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's they are censored by the Chinese! Car manufacturing in China, where 28 million gas engine vehicles were produced in 2017. Ivanka is screming ‘Incomprehensible’ at Trump! Pope Francis was overheard saying how Stupid can Xi be!! Mao would have banned gas engine cars.
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Nancy Snyderman will be... Hoda Kotb Named to Replace Matt Lauer as Co-Anchor of NBC’s ‘Today’ Dr. Nancy Snyderman will be... Anchor of NBC’s ‘Today MD Show’ Ivanka helped get her the job.
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* At least 48 dead when bus plunges onto rocky beach in Peru
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* At Least 480 Dead Drunk Drivers in the USA plunged into Mom + 2 kids in a SUV and this will go on every day in 2018 because the George Orwell Drunks at HQ can't invent! WindmillCAR's and BUS will drive Wrongful Death lawsuits against those who sold these guys on being Drunks. Coors!
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Qatar and Emirates Airlines gave employees $100,000 bonus - Southwest and American Airlines celebrate the GOP tax plan with $1000 bonuses for employees. 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's Bonus will be the spin off Gravity Engine Invention. Trillion volts, jolts, amps to start your Gravity Engine. Indy 500 Ladies please start your Inspirations Engines as Prince Harry will bring home dead Moslems for you not a Gravity Engine!
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Xcode is Apple's software for making software for iPhones and Macs. It's extremely important — every single iPhone app was built in Xcode, and Apple works very hard to keep its armies of app developers happy, and that starts with the software its developers use. According to the startup, Buddybuild made the only "mobile continuous integration and delivery platform." For non-engineers, that means its tools make it easier for teams of coders to make code changes on big projects. iPhone X iDash Cam iCallerID with GPS tracked cell phone for years and years on her map to save her life. Drunks at George Orwell HQ left 450 Drunks drive and kill and OJ Clones road kill in 2017 was 19K dead just in the USA. Our USA George Orwell has no desire to stop Honor Killings - Prince Salman could have ordered a app for this from Apple but didn't.
In 2018 - You will need a Mac that will run Xcode 9
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Xcode9 Mastering iOS 11 Programming - Second Edition: Build professional-grade iOS applications with Swift 4 and Xcode 9 2nd Edition, Kindle Edition by Donny Wals (Author)
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* MD internal Medicine Power Struggle War at the Yale Key West Medical School for all their Oil Money... By THOMAS ERDBRINK The Iran demonstrations that have spread to dozens of Iranian cities were set off by miscalculations in a long-simmering internal power struggle that has nothing to do with Internal Medicine Invention and 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a year. These Moslem want 72 Virgins not 72 Nobels in Medicine a year.
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Prince Salman spent trillions at Yale and Harvard. As Flow of Foreign Students Wanes, U.S. Universities Feel the Sting of $777 Trillion. By STEPHANIE SAUL
* 1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the city would spend $50 million to secure high-risk public spaces from attacks by vehicles, and from vehicles that go out of control because of a medical emergency. The money will go toward a range of safety measures, including installing 1,500 "Concrete Parking Bumpers upright - Concrete Wedding Columns" at some of the city’s most-visited locations and placing large planters at other vulnerable spots. Advantages of StressCrete Spun Concrete Poles: Over 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's and RV's is you don't have to hire any city employees to work on the Gravity Engine Car's that will avoid all the spike strips in the road out running the NYC Cops, grin! Sorry to say Mayor Bill de Blasio will live to see the Gravity Engine Ford's in NYC. Invented in Key West though!
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Concrete Wedding Columns blocking the Brainstorming of the first Gravity Engine started by a trillion of her jolts. Edison starting the first electric engine looking at his new wife.
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Concrete Wedding Columns blocking the Brainstorming of the first Gravity Engine started by a trillion of her jolts. Edison starting the first electric engine looking at his new wife.
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Kerry and his rich Heinz wife shipped pallets of $30 Billion to Pakistan in 2017. Pakistan Dismisses Trump’s Tweet on $30 Billion 'Aid' as ‘Incomprehensible’ $$$ By SALMAN MASOOD Ivanka looking over the Breast cancer lab work and Rx Recipe Miracle Cure as ‘Incomprehensible’ as building all the Qatar Trump Casino's in 100's of Cities. No the Yale Key West Medical School was lost by City Hall Key West.
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* NYT Editorial today is about Key West, almost. Anyone lucky enough to get a hearing before the governor has a few minutes to make his or her case for being a reformed citizen. These people, who have served their time and should not have to answer to anyone, must then endure condescending moral lectures from Mr. Scott and his cabinet members, who don’t have to provide any explanation for their decisions. In one case involving a man who had been convicted of manslaughter after drunken driving, Mr. Scott, whose microphone remained on, turned and whispered to a board member, “That’s how my uncle died.” 1980 Ford WindmillCAR would have saved Scotts Uncle... from any crash with F-35 C radar that cost more than the WindmillCAR. And less than the $30 Billion Kerry shipped to Iran - Pallets of cash.
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Star Wars - Op-Ed Columnist: Donald Trump Goes to the Movies to See Star Wars!
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Dr. Nancy Snyderman will be... Hoda Kotb Named to Replace Matt Lauer as Co-Anchor of NBC’s ‘Today’ Dr. Nancy Snyderman will be... Anchor of NBC’s ‘Today MD Show’
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Key West Citizen and City Hall Censor the 'Falls' stats in Key West. "Across the Netherlands, 3,884 people 65 or older died as result of a fall in 2016, a 38 percent increase from two years earlier." Afraid of Falling? For Older Adults, the Dutch Have a Cure. Photographs and Video by JASPER JUINEN Text by CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE. “It’s not a bad thing to be afraid of falling, but it puts you at higher risk of falling,” said Diedeke van Wijk, a physiotherapist who runs WIJKfysio and teaches the course three times a year in Leusden, a bedroom community just outside Amersfoort, in the center of the country." Greg working in the Nursing Home, every time there was a fire drill with the loud beeping and movement of Nurses and residents someone fell. Stats for this are censored like the Moped Hospital Rental Crash in Key West. Star Wars City Hall and Nursing Homes will be more up to date of the stats of accidents and the video yes the video is censored from all Scooter wrecks in KW. And Nursing Home's. Only the Police videos go viral under our Current trillion volt Masterminds.
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Wendy's Veggie tasting menu is needed. $185 a person! Le Bernardin, which has featured mostly seafood from the day Maguy and Gilbert Le Coze opened it in Paris in 1972. Now Eric Ripert, the restaurant’s executive chef since 1994 and then partner, is introducing the restaurant’s first vegetarian tasting menu. “I often get a dozen inquiries a week for a vegetable tasting,” he said. “I like the idea of a menu that pays homage to the vegetable, though it’s a creative challenge.” The menu has six savory courses and two desserts. Standouts include celeriac soup served in a whole celeriac, a twist of pasta thatched with black truffles, a roulade of zucchini and caponata, and roasted porcini alongside eggplant that is both silky and crisp: Vegetarian tasting menu, $185 a person, Le Bernardin, 155 West 51st Street (Seventh Avenue), 212-554-1515,
1-3-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Ford WindmillCAR's Plant in Salt Lake City Censored from his life and death. Thomas Monson, President of the Mormon Church, Dies at 90. As the leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he enlarged the ranks of female missionaries but stood firm against ordaining women as priests and against building the Ford WindmillCAR + RV Plant in Salt Lake City. A sin God is looking over now! God sent the Ford WindmillCAR Miracle during the 1980 Saudi Oil Embargo - Gas Stations in Salt Lake City were miles long. Jimmy Carter made a deal with Mecca for $777 trillion in oil money to buy a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke subs for $13 Trillion. The rest is history. Although the church officially abandoned plural marriages in 1890, it was a defiantly polygamous theocracy in the mid-19th century. In a 2014 teaching, called “Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo,” the church said that Joseph Smith, the church founder, had married as many as 40 women, some of whom were already married. It said that Smith was a reluctant polygamist, agreeing to multiple marriages only after an angel inspired a Invention.
-------------------------- Greg 'WindCar' Buell Kindle and Amazon print book 400 pages starts here!
-------------------------- "WindmillCAR's and RV's Gravity Car's In 2018"
----------------------------- "The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Cars!"
Page 1 of 400
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; For the Yale Key West Medical School and Dr. Lisa MD.
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid over the ...
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; Diabetes Rx Recipe Drug May Reverse Effects Of Alzheimer's Disease
Tech Times· 4 Trillion Rx Recipes will be hacked and crunched by Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD.
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; Key West couple tried to sell shrimp on Facebook, Sheriff's Deputy Seth Hopp said he recently spotted posts on Facebook offering five-pound bags of shrimp for $40 sellers -- Lliecer Noa and his wife, Carolina Aviles -- did not have the proper licenses to sell saltwater products. Facebook offers a marketplace feature, where people often sell items such as second-hand electronics and furniture. Facebook Marketplace bans the sale of certain items but not fish.
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; Key West couple tried to sell 1,001 Nobels in Medicine a Year, as IP Invention Projects spelled out with links on 1 Click Amazon and Los Alamos. No Way the Sheriff said!
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; iParking City Hall London iPost Office City Hall London, will be in a Disney Pixar Fox Movie before its reality in London. Smog of Coal and Diesel children and adults litter the Hospitals in London when the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR + RV was Suppressed by the Elite at Oxford and Windsor Castle. There are something close to 600,000 staff at hospitals in England, and about 40,000 inpatient admissions a day. 100's miss their Doctors Visit because there is no iParking Attendant security guard helping the patients find a parking spot in time. Qatar-London 'London' the 'Richest' City in the World. 100's if not thousands of USA 'Cities' will get this 'Title' long before London! London Journal: Renewal or Gentrification? London Borough Grapples With a Revamp - Wars for the Hell of it leaving the War on Cancer to be won by America!
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; iPhone X iDash Cam iCop in your car. "Pulled Over in a Rental Car, With Heroin in the Trunk" By ADAM LIPTAK Top Brass who loaded Heroin into the Trunks of 100's if not thousands of cars in 2017, again in 2018.
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; Greg and Wife's in Key West Sought Innovation in CIA culture with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's, RV's and the 1,001 IP invention projects on this web page. We think they got fired like Oppenheimer was fired for not wanting to build a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke Subs.
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; "39 Steps" Secret Weapon of WW II to make Plane Engines Silent. Teterboro Airport: Steeped in Glamor, History and Noise" By VIVIAN WANG No Vivian didn't brainstorm this IP invention project but Disney Pixar could make a Movie that Brainstorms this IP invention project.
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; Bill and Melinda Gates wasted trillions of 'Our' hours on virus software instead of a app for a Rx Recipe to cure all Virus's. "How Antivirus Software Can Be Turned Into a Tool for Spying section B - page 1" By NICOLE PERLROTH
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; "Taylor Swift’s ‘Reputation’ Takes Back No. 1 on the Chart" Take her picture, copy and paste it on a $20 dollar bill when she Drives the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's + RV into the Charts of History.
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; Xi's diet of Coal + Diesel Appetite. To Sate China’s Appetite, African Donkeys Are Stolen and Skinned. Soy Milk is not sold at Publix and Whole Foods in China. Soy Protein mix at 42g of protein in 12 oz is not for Xi's appetite." By RACHEL NUWER Trump infected Xi with Steaks. Wrongful Death lawsuits will be on the table. A diet of fiber-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, reduces the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. Indeed, the evidence for fiber’s benefits extends beyond any particular ailment: People who eat more of it simply have lower odds of dying.
That’s why experts are always saying how good dietary fiber is for us. But while the benefits are clear, it’s not so clear why fiber is so great. “It’s an easy question to ask and a hard one to really answer,” said Fredrik Bäckhed, a biologist at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. The fiber we eat feeds billions of bacteria in our guts, to digest food, we need to bathe it in enzymes that break down its molecules. Those molecular fragments then pass through the gut wall and are absorbed in our intestines. This will be more dramatic in a Disney Pixar Movie. The gut is coated with a layer of mucus, atop which sits a carpet of hundreds of species of bacteria, yes every one will be in this Disney Pixar Movie. Published recently in the journal Cell Host and Microbe is not the Same as a Disney Pixar Movie in 3-D. These movies by Disney will lead the world into 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine in 2018.
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; War on Cancer and Poverty in today's NY Times editorials. Op-Ed Contributor: "A.I. and Big Data Could Power a New War on Poverty" By ELISABETH A. MASON Elisabeth has not been driving a 1980 Ford WindmillCAR or RV. Her view of 10 Trillion Galaxies and the Gazelle Galaxy! One of 10 Trillion Galaxies being eaten by Military Predator's at the NY Times editors office who fired Oppenheimer 'Oppenheimer' who got fired for not wanting to build the USS Jimmy Carter Nuclear Submarines a fleet of them with 40 H-Bombs on Each one.
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year; iParking or iPlayground of iIP invention projects spelled out so Trump wins the White House Spelling Bee in 2018. All the kids in the USA too. Stop and smell the Rose with the Rx Recipe for a perfect memory. Semantics Dispute Illuminates what needs to be Invented. iPhone X caller ID gives away the names of Alcoholics Anonymous, NI... to save her life 19K times in 2018 just in the USA.
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year;
1-2-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Happy New Year;
Women Win a Stage 4 Miracle Godsend Rx Recipe Cure @ Grid locked Apple-Starbucks at Trump Tower every Apple-Starbucks in NYC + Paris. Win 4 Wife's in a Polygamous Legal Marriage too. To Write Hemingway Inventions in every Chapter, Brainstorming Novels and 1 Click Amazon links to Los Alamos.
1-1-2018 Greg is 70 *.* *.* Copyright Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 305 434 5276
Moved this Web to the Kindle Link you can read all 400 pages there that were Here, Thanks Greg
Click Here... Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018
WindmillCAR's and RV's Gravity Car's In 2018: The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Car (Gravity Car Engine)
Kindle Edition by Greg Buell (Author)
CELL phone 3054345276
Please Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 CELL phone 3054345276
Click Here... Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018
WindmillCAR's and RV's Gravity Car's In 2018: The Fifty Dollar Book's Secret Gravity Car (Gravity Car Engine)
1-5-2018 Greg is 70 *.* Mom who is 95 this year took 3 boys, Greg, Bob, Bill to Radio City when we were all almost 10 years old. I can remember some of this today. Today Mom would be watching the WindmillCAR and Gravity Engine Performance at Radio City.
Click Here... Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018
Biography. 1,001 IP invention projects will give us "Star Wars Rx Latte" from Dr. Lisa MD. When you walk into your London Starbucks. 1,001 Nobel's in Medicine a Year in 2018 starts with reading Greg WindCar's Amazon Book!!
Click Here... Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018
Please Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 CELL phone 3054345276