ElectricWindmillCar 2012 Coup D'Etat

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904


850 pages moved to this web link http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/04Wives.html

3-1-13 Invent Something with a few wives!

Make "Polygamist Marriage Legal" and give the wives 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out with links to talk about 24/7 with the loving husband! NBC never had a kind story on Making "Polygamist Marriage Legal" for the New Age of Futuristic Invention Filled Pages of a Hemingway Novel, writing with many wives from Key West 2013.

“Dictators + Doctors,” Learn French for the New French Revolution... and Star Travel, discover Aliens, billions of them at the nearest 4 Stars - four Star General Schwarzkopf commanded the U.S.-led international coalition that drove Saddam Hussein's forces out of Kuwait in 1991. He was 78 when he died in Tampa on Dec. 27 of complications from pneumonia.

Pneumonia kills 1 million every year yet there is not a international coalition sending in a Four Star MD to eradicate Pneumonia! Or Utopian air filters at the Army, Navy, Miami Day Care Centers as Whooping Cough, Chickenpox, Influenza, Measles, Smallpox and Tuberculosis are all spread by airborne transmission well as hugs + kisses! Publix Grocery Stores must have air bone filters... the Cruise Ship norovirus lives for a long time on the Oreo Cookie package someone sneezed on at Publix Grocery store so everyone should be test for these diseases via futuristic breath analyzer! Food Stamp Card should not let you buy Oreo Cookies, Junk Foods...

1 million women are murdered, Blade Runner is an example of 1 murderer, let out on bail to plot his strategy! Kennedy tortured Mary into hanging herself in the barn and he goes Scott free! Tens of thousands of women are “Bullied” into hanging themselves, yet the “Today Show” never has a example of women wives bullied to death!

“Dictators + Doctors,” same lecture title at West Point + Yale Medical School. Both are classified for students and Professors only. 7 Billion People on Earth and 1 Trillion Galaxies in the Universe have nothing in common with the lecture “Dictators + Doctors,”! West Point “Honor Code” and MD’s Hippocratic Oath have nothing to do with 7 Billion People on Earth and 1 Trillion Galaxies in the Universe! $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues in Swiss Banks is what “Matter” is made of! Atoms, Quarks, Higgs particles are in a distant Utopian Novel Hemingway never wrote! But 4 wives with a futuristic Hemingway Clone talking writing + invention classes in Key West can and will discover what's in "Matter" that generates "Gravity". Gravity of the Universe on Earth is off course via the "Black Hole" of BP Oil and a British Queen Elizabeth's escaping with $177 Trillion in oil revenues from suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980. Bill + Melinda Gates helped kill several generations of aspiring inventors kept in the "Dark Ages" of Euphoria of a ElectricWindmillcar Age! Ocean of H2O in Key West and Hydrogen Electrolysis via 10,000 Windmills on a Navy Aircraft Carrier is suppressing a New Era of H at -254 C in NASA cans, 1 Trillion of them can replace all the wood stoves the UN is currently buying for Africa. UN + WHO are criminal Organizations!

Hemingway House has not started innovative writing classes for "To Have Have Not" in way of Gravity Engines, for the Discovery III Shuttle Fleet. MRI modifications to the MRI software so a 7 second full body scan can cure cancer, and “39 Steps” GE reject, the silent Jet Engine Invention. Saudi Arabia has had a free University and Health Care since 1980, profiting from the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar in the USA! Confiscating this $177 Trillion in oil revenues now in Swiss Banks will give the USA a cure for breast cancer via "Manhattan Project" lead by Dr Nancy, armed with $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM supercomputers at Los Alamos! No Nuke computer simulations until after a cancer cure computer simulation! That lets a MRI full body scan of 7 seconds zap every cancer cell in your body! Airport X-Ray scans cause 10 cancers in every 100K people scanned!

Plague of Autistic kids + childhood leukemia is most likely caused by the clouds of “Diesel Exhaust” the “Black Death” in London, this modern Black Death is from BP Oil’s Diesel and Ford’s 2013 model Diesel Car! When Ford CEO knows Diesel Exhaust causes Autistic kids + Childhood Leukemia!

“Dictators + Doctors,” Pope had to quit because he knew about the several government run genocides that the governments Numb Nuts Dictators earn $177 Trillion from! Pope will tell God Numb Nuts Dictators rule and make the rules for the Vatican.

“Dictators + Doctors,” When Doctors become the World Numb Nuts Dictators, Homeland Security will be the disease cops, #1 terrorists is breast cancer and todays Numb Nuts Dictators keep the statistics of the daily body count suppressed, while reporting the Syrian, Afghan, and Iraqi car bombings dramatically on the MSNBC Nightly News! 100 women will die a torturous death today from breast cancer and this will never ever be reported on the NBC Nightly News or on ABC with Diane Sawyer!

“Dictators + Doctors,” In exasperation Mothers of kids who died in Hot Cars would have hanged Dr Koop for not calling the FBI about the suppression of the Climate Controlled ElectricWindmillCar. Dr. Koop also failed humanity by not pulling off a successful coup on the prohibition of tobacco that kills 1 million people each and every year!

“Dictators + Doctors,” In Shock + Awe Mission Accomplished - Yale Alumni THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY 1928 The Yale Student Council votes to eliminate signed integrity pledges!

“Dictators + Doctors,” In Shock + Awe!


2013 New Years Day Pardon for Greg + Wives...


Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


65th BDay of Greg Buell Lovestar on Sept. 27 2012. 40K women a year for the last 65 Years have died from Breast Cancer... 2013 Greg is not working on a Cure for Breast Cancer because "Observers" in this George Orwell run Society prohibit, and stifle this Cure knowing 40K SWF's in the USA will die of Breast Cancer in 2013. Hillary voted not to let Greg + Wives work on a Breast Cancer Cure in 2013... Blood Clot Hell.

2013 1 1 13 Clinton’s MRI’s + ElectricWindmillCar Era of $177 Trillion. 24/7 Fiscal Cliff News on NBC and Today Show, 24/7 when the Government really has $177 Trillion from the Oil Genocide Era that began in 1980 with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar.

2013 Airport Scanners scan 7 Billion Air Travelers when 7 Billion people who would have a reinvented MRI that has a 7 second scan for Blood Clots for grocery store shoppers going to the Public Grocery Store chain.

2013 And the NRA’s + Pentagon's stifling of Manhattan Projects for a “Love Potion Perfume” that takes as many man hours to get as the A Bomb H Bomb N Bomb did.

2013 "Newtown" Citizens would not have filed suit against the state of Connecticut for $100 Million for each of the 27 killed.

$1 Billion each for Kids of the Dead Mothers shot to death by Troops coming home from the Afghan, Iraqi Wars -- 1,027 Wives + Mothers killed not 27 like Newtown. And the Kids of these Dead Mothers will sue the Pentagon for $1 Billion Each, is this $1 Trillion... I think so, so the Pentagon still has $176 Trillion in its MIT War Chest for more Drones!

2013 Red Light Cameras in the homes of Wives + Mothers who will be killed today and every day in 2013 by thousands of troops coming home from wars in Iraq and Afghan. Police + Homeland Security watch the troops + wives 24/7 and don't let argument or plots of revenge out of Jealousy and her war time Lovers, not his Moslem Whores he spent 10's of thousands on in Afghan + Iraq.

All the guys at Los Alamos did from 1980 to 2013 is repackage Hydrogen Bombs on a assembly line they set up there and the Public can log on and view the Newest 2013 Model H Bombs coming off the Los Alamos assembly line when the same guys at Los Alamos could have had a $1 Trillion dollar Manhattan Project for putting together the formula for a “Love Potion Perfume” stronger than any H Bomb coming off the Los Alamos assembly line in 2013. Dr. Nancy says if it works put it in the water...

2013 statistics for Breast Cancer deaths in the USA is 40K and 1 million world wide. Our Numb Nuts Dictators of 2013 have $177 Trillion dollars in Swiss Banks! Newtown Elementary School kids would never have been killed if the ElectricWindmillcar was not suppressed, same can be said for all the other shootings. World Trade Center Towers would be blowing in the winds in 2013 if the ElectricWindmillcar was not suppressed in 1980 by Jimmy Carter, Teddy Kennedy and yes even Kerry, who is taking over for Hillary at the State Department!

Key West Citizen newspaper on New Years Day front page story of a drunk Army Sargent shooting his 45 into a city sidewalk block from the Public Library.

2013 Key West Library Citizens should be able to search every book and Medical Article every written working on 1,001 invention projects pre-installed in Windows 8 with links to get you started inventing.

MRI’s and X-Ray Airport scanners, MRI’s at the Public Grocery Store Chain scanning you for “Blood Clots” would save millions of live, now the X-Ray scanners at the Airports cause 20 cancers for every 100,000 scanned. Hell kids getting X-Rays for braces have the same cancer statistics. GE has know about and suppressed since 1980.

Yellow Stained Teeth on your 65 year old woman friends, and other women wanting to get Dentures instead of paying the Dentists $1,000 a tooth for 32 teeth... an Newtown Elementary School kids would have invented a Teeth Whiting Formula to go alone with discovering what Generates Gravity.

2013 Gravity Engines would be coming off the GM and Ford Assembly lines Today. Shell Mobil "Total" the French Owed Oil Company are responsible for 100K fiery wrecks in 2013.

2013 Greg Buell Lovestar with a few MD wives and Los Alamos Supercomputers could would get a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer. Our Numb Nuts Dictators knew this in 2012 and went out of their ways to stifle Greg + Wives from working 24/7 on 1,001 Invention Projects.

New Years Day 2013 the “Observers” could Pardon Greg and get an assembly line of 1,001 Inventions and Miracle Cures from Greg + Wives!

2013 Inventing a way to hear and see Aliens at Alpha Centauri might be the only way to End Wars On Earth as guys at Los Alamos will not be allowed to work on a Love Potion Perfume that took more man hours of work to get than the A Bomb, H Bomb and N Bomb combined.

2013 Hell is real when you realize Our Universe of 1 Trillion Galaxies is expanding into Empty Space at millions of miles per second on New Years Day 2013.


65th BDay of Greg Buell Lovestar on Sept. 27 2012. 40K women a year for the last 65 Years have died from Breast Cancer while the "Elite" Observers bury their "War Dead" at Arlington! With Honor! In the "Real World" there is no Honor in killing so many women withholding the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer by spending the Manhattan Projects $ Trillions $ for A Breast Cancer Cure on MIT War Toys! On Greg's BDay I will help "Save Her Life" from Our Orwellian Numb Nuts Dictators! This is an Honorable Endeavor! Sept. 11 Anniversary! Pentagon's POW is Greg + Wives! Stifled from 24/7 Brainstorming the Race For the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure Today! 9/11 which was caused by the suppression of the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillcar for $177 Trillion from $4 gas to buy 11 New Aircraft Carriers none equipped with 10K Windmills on Deck to make 1 Trillion cans of H at -251 C this lost NASA's war to build Discovery III + Endeavor III with a gravity engine and send out an SOS to Nearby Aliens! Today Sept. 27, 2012 China spent its "Made In China" money from "Cars and Bikes" on its 1st of 5 Aircraft Carriers when 1 Billion people live in poverty! Windmills will cut off heads in the New French Revolution... see cops picture below with wife and daughter, this picture is worth a trillion words! $ Trillion Oil $

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar by the Top Brass caused 9/11... for $4 gas Trillions!

Dr. Nancy will help Greg invent the Gas Lobotomy Gas that will incapacitate the Top Brass at the Pentagon! End War on Earth, build the Discover III Shuttle with a Gravity Engine!

Oct. 11 1980 Anniversary of the Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar that would have prevented 9/11 and Bush, Clinton, Carter, Obama from fire bombing 1,001 Officer Jason's writing a traffic ticket rear ended in a fiery wreck from 1980 to 2012... Paris, London, Rome, trillions of fiery wrecks since the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar by the Top Brass who's suppression of this invention caused 9/11... Ann Curry is Reporting on Syria Today not the ElectricWindmillCar!

+++ Newest Title..... 9/11 Alcoholism and ElectricWindmillCar POW! ++ 11 Sept 2012 ++

Rose Williams who struggled with her mental health and became incapacitated after a lobotomy. Streetcar Named Desire. Her Desires led her! Kindness from others killed her! Real Estate's good life to end. Her Other Life would have never ended if the Drunk Husband had desires for Other... SuperStructures were sober... this drunk sober is not reported on by Ann Curry. Streetcar Named Desire play written about Ann Curry, her Autobiography! Dr. Nancy Edison is Dr. Nancy Snyderman! NBC which is Comcast Today put on 15 Football games in the last 2 days! Dr. Nancy Edison was not on the Today Show Today for even 5 minutes. Cause of her Other Life ending in tragedy is Tennessee Williams failure to change the alcoholism and delusions of grandeur of the Top Brass! Dr. Nancy will help Greg invent the Gas Lobotomy Gas that will incapacitate the Top Brass at the Pentagon and Yale! Superstructure of free MegaWatts of Electricity would create other superstructures of Medical Schools and Discovery III Shuttles!


Gregs 2007 web


+++ Newest Title..... 9/11 Alcoholism and Delusions of Grandeur Via $4 Gas! ++ 11 Sept 2012 ++


Supernova Explodes its 1 billion times brighter than our Sun

In Her Other Life she was 1 Billion Times Brighter, then the “Drunk” husband exploded with the New Ford Mustang Convertible 1980 model to 2012 model burned in fiery Rush Hour Car Wrecks!

Cause of her Other Life ending in tragedy is Tennessee Williams failure to change the alcoholism and delusions of grandeur of the Top Brass!

Her New Ford Mustang Convertible every year ElectricWindmillCars are made and 1 Billion will be made in 2013

Super gravity is a theory by the Top Brass Physicists

How Gravity is Generated is “Classified” by the Top Brass, Ann Curry will not be reporting on this!

Ann Curry Reporting from Syria!

Syria... is has the delusions of grandeur for our Top Brass!

Ann Curry Reporting from Syria!

“Stand Up To Cancer” will not be reported by Ann Curry!

“Rush Hour” traffic... there is no “Desire” to cure this by the Top Brass!

Smile Picture at the top of this Web Page, Greg + Sharon at the Key West Beach were Tennessee Williams worked best...

But “Failed” to change the world of the “Desires of the Top Brass”!

Top Brass are in a “Tragic” Play with alcoholism and delusions of grandeur for $4 gasoline while “Burn Units” and 1,001 Officer Jason’s pictured here with wife and baby are causalities of $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues as this is their delusions of grandeur$

1,001 Officer Jason’s pictured here with wife and baby are causalities

Marines just played a TV commercial... on NBC, CBS, ABC

1,001 Officer Jason’s pictured here with wife and baby are causalities

Electric Super structure For Electric Supply, Supersonic speeding “ALL” Social Advancements!

Nuke Supercomputer superstructure used to get a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for all diseases and cancer at supersonic speed has not been comprehended by our Top Brass

Syria... is has the delusions of grandeur for our Top Brass!

Ann Curry Reporting from Syria!

“Stand Up To Cancer” will not be reported by Ann Curry!

Nuke Supercomputer superstructure used to get a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for all diseases and cancer at supersonic speed has not been comprehended by our Top Brass!

“Streetcar Named Desire” In 2012 same tragic goings-on caused by the “Top Brass” delusions of grandeur under the influence of Alcoholism, Cocaine, Heroin, remember Robert Kennedy Jr. and the wife he tortured to commit suicide both used all 3 of these drugs for years!

Social Superstructure designed and built by the “Top Brass” is a tragic play!

“Rush Hour” traffic... there is no “Desire” to cure this by the Top Brass!

Smile Picture at the top of this Web Page, Greg + Sharon at the Key West Beach were Tennessee Williams worked best...

But “Failed” to change the world of the “Desires of the Top Brass”!

But “Failed” to change the world of the “Desires of the Top Brass”!

Football... Sharon just asked Greg if I watch Football, no...

But “Failed” to change the world of the “Desires of the Top Brass”!

But “Failed” to change the world of the “Desires of the Top Brass”!

Key West writing classes... there is one women somewhere in Key West that will help you with Hemingway.

But “Failed” to change the world of the “Desires of the Top Brass”!

But “Failed” to change the world of the “Desires of the Top Brass”!

Top Brass made contact with all the makers of climbing ropes and had them put yellow cords in all new stretch ropes!

“Rush Hour” traffic... there is no “Desire” to cure this by the Top Brass!

Inventions Named Desire...

Streetcar Named Desire...

Superstructure for Electric Supply that gives 7 billion people trillion Megawatts for free!

Profit will be social advancements like the “Parking Garage” built in Key West

Yale Key West Medical School will provide parking for 10K cars, trucks, Rv’s along with 10K medical students!

No delusions of grandeur by the Top Brass for a Yale Key West Med School or Parking here!

“Rush Hour” traffic... there is no “Desire” to cure this by the Top Brass!

“Breast Cancer” Tragedy of Elizabeth Edwards and there is no “Desire” to use this to start a “Manhattan Project” in Los Alamos by shutting down Nukes for a year or 2 to use their supercomputer superstructure to get a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure!

Nuke Supercomputer superstructure used to get a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for all diseases and cancer at supersonic speed has not been comprehended by our Top Brass!

Syria... is has the delusions of grandeur for our Top Brass!

Nuke Supercomputer superstructure used to get a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for all diseases and cancer at supersonic speed has not been comprehended by our Top Brass!

Syria... is has the delusions of grandeur for our Top Brass!

Ann Curry Reporting from Syria!

“Stand Up To Cancer” will not be reported by Ann Curry!

Matt Lauer having sex with kids in Thailand will not be reported by the Top Brass!

Police Observe the Top Brass perverts, Pedophiles + Kennedy’s who torture their wife to commit suicide!

All this is on YouTube Videos and all are “Classified”

Marines + Navy SEALS will be “Forced” to watch these “Tragic Plays” written by the Top Brass who have no “Desire” for a “Cure of the Tragic Lives” played out by real people in StreetCar Named Desire Today!

Key’s Energy last week turned off 85 peoples electricity in one day, every day they turn off about 85 for non payment!

“Short Sale” Bank Owned but the Servers + Historic Tours Drivers pay the rents!

KMart Key West has their own scam selling extended warrantee that you have to call a 800 number after the 90 days you can not return it to KMart Key West and you have to have the bar code and packaging!

Attorney General is part of the Top Brass who owns stock in KMart, Sears, $4 Gasoline Era!

$900K Short Sale for 333 Julia the Old African Church stocked with all the items one women can put in her gallery!

City of Key West evicted the “Peddle Cab” drivers for non payment of sewer bills, they had nothing to do with sewer bills of course!

Greg thought about getting a job as a Peddle Cab driver but at 65 to late for this!

65 on Sept. 27th just 17 days from today... wow!

Urgent Care PA told her I use to use a heart rate monitor and got my max heart rate up to 160 for 45 min on one mountain hill at 13,000 feet.

I find out the results of my EKG on Wed, today is Monday!

Ann Curry will report on Syria not getting your heart rate up to 160 for 30 minutes so at 65 you are the top brass!

Ann Curry will not report on the cause of the car wreck!

Touching Dress with the flower print and the 2 Pink Stripes!

Yes the Pink shower curtain has the Desire to Inspire a Cure!

Stand Up To Cancer TV Show was not reported on by Ann Curry, she is in Syria Tonight promoting war for the Top Brass!

War On Cancer was lost by the Top Brass!

“Rush Hour” traffic... there is no “Desire” to cure this by the Top Brass!

Supernova Explodes its 1 billion times brighter than our Sun

Super gravity is a theory by the Top Brass Physicists

How Gravity is Generated is “Classified” by the Top Brass, Ann Curry will not be reporting on this!

In Her Other Life Ann Curry would be reporting on the ElectricWindmillCar!

Streetcar Named Desire play written about Ann Curry, her Autobiography!

NYC Commonwealth Edison...

Dr. Nancy Edison is Dr. Nancy Snyderman!

NBC which is Comcast Today put on 15 Football games in the last 2 days!

Dr. Nancy Edison was not on the Today Show Today for even 5 minutes

Desire for Dr. Nancy by the Top Brass has exploded into a supernova for Football

Football is 1 Billion Times brighter than Stand Up To Cancer TV Show

Comcast did this, NBC is owned by Comcast!

Superstructure is not Football Games on Comcast!

$4 gas has infected the Top Brass at Comcast!

Police who “Observe” the Top Brass at Comcast watch alcoholism, drug addiction, sex with kids in Thailand, Matt Lauer is not the only one who has sex with kids in Thailand!

Superstructure put in place by Thailand to earn $1 Billion a week from “Sex Tourists'”

UN is no longer a Superstructure as it was bribed by the USA’s Top Brass

Stand up to the Department of Defense is not for the UN!

Stand Up To Cancer is not for the DOD’s Top Brass!

IQ Test Don’t Ask You to ID the Cause of the Car Crash!

Her Real Estate in Her Other Life ended with a “Drunk” Husband!

Other Life at Cape Carnival Discover III Shuttle would be caught is rush hour production of 100’s of Shuttles Today... Sept. 10th

Training all your life then you die of a broken heart from eating steaks every day and never knew you should get your heart rate up to 160 for 30 mins a week!

IQ Test said you were almost a Genius!

Foul Ball the way men and women see the color of a green plant...

The way men + women see Aliens, idea of sending a SOS to cure the DOD!

Cancer Cure when Greg + Wives are pardoned by our Top Brass!

DOD Cure when Greg + Wives are pardoned, invent a SOS Aliens will respond to!

Stand Up To Cancer is on ABC TV in one hour!

1997 was the last time Greg had Health Insurance, my Medicare just started in Sept!

IQ Test don’t ask you if you would get a blood test to find out your white count?

IQ Test don’t ask if you get your heart rate up to 160 for 30 mins twice a week!

IQ Test don’t ask if you would give your wife every cent...

Touching Dress with the Pink Print!

She in her print Dress with the Pink Strips well thought out and placed to Stand Up For a Cure...

So who are we Standing up Against... DOD!

Department of Defense!

Both can not exists on Earth!

From before Tolstoy’s “War + Peace”!

To Hemingway’s “To Have Have Not” and “Farewell to Arms”

1 Billion People Standing up Against... DOD! All 1 Billion lost all to War!

7 Billion People Standing up Against... DOD! All 7 Billion lost all to War!

15 Billion People Standing up Against... DOD! All 15 Billion lost all to War!

Department of Defense!

Stand Up To Cancer will not be reported by Ann Curry!

3 Billion + people today don’t have any Health Insurance!

All in Saudi Arabia have Health Insurance for free via your $4 Gasoline!

Superstructure of Health Care in the USA is more Tragic then Tennessee Williams dead from Alcohol and drugs in 1983

IQ of SWF’s literate in everything about blood test white count?

Hemingway never put the “Bloods” white count in a Novel!

Key West with free MegaWatts of Electricity would mean an explosion of H2O electrolysis which means H would cool everyone even the Peddle Cab drivers and passengers!

Hot Cars in Key West windshields are covered but fail to cool anything inside the car!

Top Brass in Key West could have should have been getting into a “Cool” car in Key West since 1980... In their Other Life without the alcoholic Top Brass!

3 hours or 30 minutes in a Hemingway House Writing + Inventing class covers this!

EKG 3 minute test Greg requested covers 30 years of the most advances in just about any medical test I think!

Daily EKG Test in a “Brave New World” Utopia throughout a Medical Novel after taking the Hemingway Writing class would also have to mention the EEG and Hemingway’s misdiagnosed Shock Treatments at the Mayo Clinic that caused his memory loss not loss of depression!

Heart + Brain gravity of Urgent Care!

15 Billion People Standing up Against... Desires of the Top Brass!

All 15 Billion lost a society with daily EKG for a new Superstructure!

SWF’s SuperStructure to supply Inspiration, Help Greg write Today... Sharon did!

Urgent Care MD and PA SuperStructure Observed by Dr. Nancy Snyderman in NYC

Street Cars now in Key West we have the Key West Transit Buses...

Sharon waits 2, 3, or 4 hours every day for the bus when she should be helping greg write!

Top Brass watch us...

They have no desire to supply more free electricity than 7 Billion people could every use!

Supersonic Social Advancements

3 hour or 30 minute writing classes at the Hemingway House

24/7 would be a supersonic flight!

Ann Curry is the only one on a Supersonic Flight paid for by the Top Brass!

Greg + Wives wait, write, hope to change the world by what we write in this web page!

Greg works best with women observers at the table reading the Key West Citizen!

Margaretville’s Jimmy Buffett found dead from drugs and alcohol...

In Her Other Life the Drunk Husband would be Sober...

Her Ford Mustang Convertible would be new every year and would be a ElectricWindmillCar!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title..... Hemingway's Los Alamos Novel! ++ 3 Sept 2012 ++

Los Alamos just recycled 1,684 old Nukes to New Nukes each one 1 million times more powerful than the A-Bombs used on Japan! This would be Hemingway's Los Alamos Novel for 2012. Misdiagnosis, at Los Alamos is the “Cause – Effect”! Misdiagnosis is $1 trillion in Los Alamos supercomputers should have been used for Doctor and Hospital Diagnoses and infection and disease control in the hospitals goings on Nation Wide! Second Misdiagnosis is Berkeley Lab + Sandia Labs have another 1 Trillion dollars in IBM Supercomputers that could be used to run Doctors Diagnosis and Hospital goings on! Los Alamos did this in spite of 1 million cancer deaths just in the USA in 2012. Numb Nuts Dictators in charge of Los Alamos gave the orders to stifle Greg + Wives from getting the cure for Cancer, this should make everyone realize Aliens + SWF will win the Army Navy Game in 2013


Misdiagnosis, at Los Alamos is the “Cause – Effect”

Misdiagnosis by “War Type” People who are the “Social” decision makers “Today” leads to 1 million deaths in “War” mostly Moslem women and children, 1 million death from “Cancer” mostly breast and cervix, lung in 2012, 1 million deaths from “Domestic Murders” Fiery LA Wrecks, Kids left in “Hot Cars” to die in the hottest Summer in History!

Misdiagnosis, at Los Alamos is the “Cause – Effect”

Misdiagnosis, misdiagnosis in Doctors Office, Hospitals, ICU lead to 40K patient death, leads to unnecessary surgery, a longer hospital stay and reduced quality of life for 100 million patients.

Misdiagnosis, at Los Alamos is the “Cause – Effect”

Misdiagnosis is $1 trillion in Los Alamos supercomputers should have been used for Doctor and Hospital Diagnoses and infection and disease control in the hospitals Nation Wide!

No one and nothing can stop “MIT Drones” from killing Moslem women and kids tomorrow!

No one can use Los Alamos Supercomputers to run Doctors Diagnosis and Hospital goings on!

Second Misdiagnosis is Berkeley Lab + Sandia Labs have another 1 Trillion dollars in IBM Supercomputers that could be used run Doctors Diagnosis and Hospital goings on!

“Cause – Effect” is the Army Navy Game

Misdiagnosis “Cause – Effect” God + The Universe is the “Worst” Misdiagnosis by War Criminals who are the “Stay at Home Alone In the Universe” Numb Nuts Dictators of Earth!

NASA sold out 7 Billion people who will never believe what they did until they check the camera look at the “Gate” being locked, the bribe from BP Oil passed to Astronauts to stop the engineering of Discovery III Shuttle that has a Gravity Engine and uses Gravity Fuel!

Pope is on “Camera” to but he sold his “Soul” to BP Oil and will burn in Hells fiery gasoline!

Dr. Greg will marry many women to cure breast cancer in 2012

Mad Men who were the ones who called in the air strikes to drop “Napalm” on 1 million people in the Jungles of Vietnam just killed another 1 million via stifling Greg + Wives from getting the Cure for Cancer + they refusing to use Los Alamos Super Computers to Doctor up diagnosis and Hospital goings on!

Army Navy Game can be won by Aliens + SWF’s

SWF computer time on Los Alamos Supercomputers to hear + observe Aliens engineering 10 next generation space telescopes that look 4.3 light years away not 4 billion light years away!

Why the Hell do they keep looking at 10 Billion light years from Earth instead of 4.3 light years from Earth?

“Hit + Run” Characteristics of Henry VIII

Clones of Henry VIII are in Mecca and Saudi Arabia Today killing and torturing women!

All this is on “Cameras”... look at the “Gate”!

She runs in the Saudi Prince dressed as Henry VIII running after her!

1 million women were killed by Henry VIII characters between 1980 and 2012 just in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE etc

SWF Coup to end “Gasoline” Era!

SWF can build 1 Billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013 just in the USA

Sadistic Sex + Torture videos of Saudi Princes as Henry VIII on the New York Times Web!

SWF Coup to end this Sadistic Era “Caused” by BP Oil Men’s greed for another $177 Trillion in oil revenues!

Army Navy Game can be won by Aliens + SWF’s!

Windfall is the Universe of 10 Nearest Stars all with in 10 Light Years

Dough made of flour, rising, you can feel her baking for Aliens!

Jimmy Dean Sausage just did a “Hit and Run” several thousand SWF’s got cancer from his sausage. He runs to the government who gives him diplomatic immunity from causing 1 million cancers in SWF’s!

SWF invention to light up the insides of the colon

Spectrometer could measure the wavelengths of light spectra for plops

Scan everyone going into the Public Grocery Store were they used to buy Jimmy Dean Sausage!

Windfall peace of mind knowing you don’t have any colon cancer for now!

“Hit + Run” Fishing boat from Palm Beach docked in Key West at Westin Dock

Napalm + Hit + Run by those who cause cancers in SWF’s and run to the government for immunity!

Navy inherited Key West from JFK + Cuba

Los Alamos just recycled old Nukes to New Nukes 1 million times more powerful than the A-Bombs used on Japan!

Los Alamos did this in spite of 1 million cancer deaths just in the USA in 2012

Numb Nuts Dictators in charge of Los Alamos gave the orders to stifle Greg + Wives from getting the cure for Cancer, this should make everyone realize Aliens + SWF will win the Army Navy Game in 2013


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title..... In psychoanalysis, Ambivalence! ++ 2 Sept 2012 ++

In our 1984 Society of Terrorists Master Minds writing the NBC Nightly News our Numb Nuts Dictators use the Psychoanalysis Of Ambivalence! To fly into the minds of SWF exploding the ambivalence of right and wrong of war and peace, Star Ships and Aliens, so our Dictators addiction to Wars and Moslem women he forced to be whores in Iraq, Afghan, Mecca, every Military Base World Wide would not be noticed by SWF's!. Microsoft Skype video from the troops showing off the Base Whores to the Wife at home! Sick! One year after 9/11 Traffic fatuities were 1,600 higher than the year and years before 9/11... 2013 Traffic Fatalities can be reduced by 90% with the ElectricWindmillCar Era... 1 Billion ElectricWindmillCars built in 2013... Not by our Numb Nuts Dictators with a Extreme Addiction to War in Syria Today. Tomorrow will be another until they get around to War in Pakistan for a longer term war addiction relief! Quick thinking decision making by SWF has been shorted out by the Ruling Class Terrorists Master Minds flying into her mind exploding everything good and decent and honorable about Gods best invention... women! NBC Nightly News will never have a story about Gods best invention... SWF’s, women! Hemingway Writing Classes will teach you how to write a Novel about Gods Best Invention... Women! Goddess of Inspiration!

++++++++++++++ Starts Here


“Extreme Ambivalence!”

Our Formidable Numb Nuts Dictators caused this “Extreme Ambivalence” in 1 million “Women Observers”

Saving her life is left up to anyone but our Numb Nuts Dictators who drive her to a early death in “Smart” cars + Bacon Burger! Smoking and drinking too, and of course getting her murdered!

Our Numb Nuts Dictators used psychoanalysis of ambivalence to kill 1 million SWF in 2012...

via $4 gas, Red Meat, Alcoholism, Domestic Violence, Cancers, diseases!

Greg could have Invented a cure for cancer... if not a POW since 1980

One year after 9/11 Traffic fatuities were 1,600 higher than the year and years before 9/11

1 Billion ElectricWindmillCars built in 2013...

One year after 9/11 Traffic fatuities were 1,600 higher than the year and years before 9/11

2013 Traffic Fatalities can be reduced by 90% with the ElectricWindmillCar Era...

1 Billion ElectricWindmillCars built in 2013...

Polygamous Marriage made legal in 2013, arranged Role Playing to get 1,001 Invention projects in a Polygamous Marriage Conversation-Brainstorming. Not your Run-Of-The-Mill marriage!

One year after 9/11 Traffic fatuities were 1,600 higher than the year and years before 9/11

Nightly News reported this today Sept. 2 2012 years after 9/11

Nightly News reported this today Sept. 2 2012 years after 9/11

2013 Traffic Fatalities can be reduced by 90% with the ElectricWindmillCar Era...

1984 Observers are the “Terrorists” Master Minds suppressing these Traffic Statistics in 2013

1984 Nightly News Terrorists...

Ambivalent NBC Nightly News reports Red Meat, then a Jimmy Dean Sausage commercial puts the granola out for the birds while the women eats a Jimmy Dean Sausage with bacon at 230 calories... this is Ambivalent News as Jimmy Dean Sausage caused 1 million cancers of the colon in 2012

1984 Nightly News Terrorists...

Ambivalence of “Women Observers” SWF who are “Extremely Ambivalent” in Todays Era about getting a Husband, a colon cancer stool test, a breast cancer self exam!

In psychoanalysis, ambivalence refers to an underlying emotional attitude in which the co-existing contradictory impulses love and hate derive from a common source and are thus held to be interdependent. Moreover, when the term is used in this psychoanalytic sense, it would not usually be expected that the person embodying ambivalence would actually feel both of the two contradictory emotions as such. Another relevant distinction is that whereas the psychoanalytic notion of 'ambivalence' sees it as engendered by all neurotic conflict, a person's everyday 'mixed feelings' may easily be based on a quite realistic assessment of the imperfect nature of the thing being considered. More general where a person experiences uncertainty or indecisiveness concerning something like the “Women Observers” SWF who are “Extremely Ambivalent” in Todays Era about getting a Husband, a colon cancer stool test, a breast cancer self exam!

Ambivalence of “women Observers” getting a test for “Colon Cancer”! She said No! If you get a test like that then you get cancer... from taking the test, I don’t need that in my life!

Greg said I will save your life!

Get the Stool Sample, mail it in if it comes back positive then get the colonoscopy!

She said No!

If you get a test like that then you get cancer... from taking the test, I don’t need that in my life!

New “Fecal Occult Blood Test”. This test detects blood in your stool, which can be a sign of bleeding anywhere from your nose and mouth to your rectum, such as from an ulcer, a polyp, or cancer. Flush pad test, you drop the pad into the toilet bowl after you've had a bowel movement, for three consecutive days. The pads change color when blood is present in the toilet bowl. You can flush the toilet to dispose of the pads, but-if blood is detected-should contact your doctor.

She said No!

If you get a test like that then you get cancer... from taking the test, I don’t need that in my life!

Ambivalence of “Women Observers”

“Extreme Ambivalence!”

Our Formidable Numb Nuts Dictators caused this “Extreme Ambivalence” in 1 million “Women Observers” in their love hate ambivalence

One year after 9/11 Traffic fatuities were 1,600 higher than the year and years before 9/11

Ambivalent NBC Nightly News reported this today Sept. 2 2012 years after 9/11

One year from Today Sept. 2 2013 Traffic Fatalities can be reduced by 90% with the ElectricWindmillCar Era...

1984 Observers are the “Terrorists” Master Minds suppressing these Traffic Statistics in 2013

Ambivalence love hate greed of $4 Gasoline by the “Haves” the “Have Not’s” years after 9/11 are still without health insurance and a Free University like Saudi Arabia has had since 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar!

Ambivalence of “Women Observers” SWF who are very Ambivalent about getting a Husband!

1 million SWF who are forced Sex Slaves in Mecca Today for the money!

Our Numb Nuts Dictators used psychoanalysis of ambivalence to kill 1 million SWF in 2012...

Rev. Moon died at 92 today in Korea, Our Numb Nuts Dictators could give North Korea $1 Trillion our to his $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues for “Peace” in 2013 no more DMZ and 50K troops at the South Korean Whore Houses stifling this women’s writing and inventing classes!

ABC 12 Beached Whales! Rescued 5 sent to Sea World in Orlando

ABC Nightly news should have Rescued 1 million SWF from, Our Formidable Numb Nuts Dictators who cause “Extreme Ambivalence” in 1 million “Women Observers” just not doing enough exercises to fortify her backbone against a “Slip Disc” accident and going to the MD for the Cancer Test ASAP!

Saving her life is left up to anyone but our Numb Nuts Dictators who drive her to a early death in “Smart” cars + Bacon Burger!

Isaac 5th Day without Electricity Today Sunday Sept. 2 2012

ABC Nightly News could have saved these 100’s of thousands 5 days with no electricity by exposing the suppression of H at –252 C to generate all their electricity without the New Orleans Electric Company

100’s of miles of Telephone Poles bent over at 45 degrees... wow!

Our Formidable Numb Nuts Dictators caused this suffering via no electricity!

Our Formidable Numb Nuts Dictators caused 1,600 Traffic Fatuities in the year after 9/11 and NBC Nightly News never reported this as a “Warning” so there would have been only 800 instead of 1,600... this was Numb Nuts Dictators Decision Making that has kill so many millions since 1980 and even more after 9/11

ABC should have had 12 in the Burn Units instead of 12 Whales on the Beach rescued!

Run of the mill medical smarts in quick thinking decision making to get the stool test for colon cancer, get the breast cancer self exam, do the backbone exercises you had me print out!

Our Numb Nuts Dictators are not motivated by the love of SWF

Our Numb Nuts Dictators are motivated by wars in Iraq, Afghan, Syria!

Addicted to War, smoking, red meat!

1 million SWF have no husband today because our Numb Nuts Dictator does not want them to have a Husband

Lifestyle with no Husband was the idea of our Numb Nuts Dictators

Prince nude in Vegas!

$4 Gasoline!

9/11 next week!

Elizabeth Edwards lives in the consciousness of all of us...

Dying from breast cancer was a fact... dying alone without a Husband was cause by Bill Clinton under the White House desk years ago...

Hillary in her revenge sent millions of Monica’s to Saudi Arabia as sex slaves or to be whores for the troops in Iraq, Afghan, Pakistan!

Hillary died a 1,001 deaths from what Bill did!

Ruling Class created a social environment of ambivalences!

Quick thinking decision making by SWF has been shorted out by the Ruling Class Terrorists Master Minds flying into her mind exploding everything good and decent and honorable about Gods best invention... women! Goddess of Inspiration!

NBC Nightly News will never have a story about Gods best invention... SWF’s, women!

Hemingway Writing Classes will teach you how to write a Novel about God's best Invention... women!

Goddess of Inspiration!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title! Navy SEAL "No Easy Day! ++ 31 Aug 2012 ++

Navy SEAL "No Easy Day" when the 1980 Model of the ElectricWindmillcar is make public! By the time these "War Crime" trials end a normal manage will be a Polygamous Marriage and a normal conversation between Husband + Wives will be lets invent something tonight, what do your want to talk up... to invent? Treadmills in the Living Room will be Normal also! Yale History Department will have all the history textbooks rewritten taken out the greatest achievement of the 20th Century was Oppenheimer and his Manhattan Project, to Dr. Nancy Oppenheimer her “Manhattan Project” for the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure! Also the Yale Psychology Department will have a course on how Oppenheimer was "Cheered On" every day he came to work! Role Playing to Cheer you on working on an Invention Projects can be used by all of us! Bill + Melinda moved 1 million Microsoft jobs to China, thank God none of these employees are picking out a good piece of "Coal" to put in the cooking stove tonight! Hemingway House has a 1 cent in cement... SWF's Inspiration is worth Trillions and Trillions, if we had it they would get it!

++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Public Grocery Store’s Will be a Government Agency Like the Pentagon

Groceries Will All be non-poisonous after eating, digested fueling your blood stream and organs!

Basketball + Football will lose $ Trillions in the 2013 seasons lost to 99% of Fans Inventing Something!

Hurricane Katrina and now Isaac 1 million with no ice box working today because the Navy Seal who killed bin Laden and wrote the book “No Easy Day” has electricity today!

“No Easy Day” by the Navy Seal he says the book is for Sept 11th

“No Easy Day” Admiral knows Sept 11th was without the ElectricWindmillCars!

Admiral in charge of the Navy Seals drove by Fiery LA Wrecks and did not stop to help those on fire in LA

Admirals are smart enough to know this is a '”War Crime” even though it happened in LA

“No Easy Day” for the Admiral when he reads what Greg wrote “Today”!

“No Easy Day” for Caroline Kennedy when the JFK Super Aircraft Carrier sails without 10K Windmills on its Decks and 1 Trillion NASA Cans of H at –252 C below decks!

Fiery LA Wreck War Crime Trials at the Pentagon could convert it to a Yale Pentagon Medical School and what’s left of the Pentagon can be housed in Palm Beach Bank Owned Houses!

High School Football Hero’s will have their own “Cadaver” and Quarterbacks Medical Invention Projects touchdowns that will save the Women Cheerleaders lives so they can live to be 90!

Quarterback's will be smart enough to save “Mom’s” live when she passes a Kidney Stone he can get a stool sample mail in kit to check Mom for colon cancer from all the steaks!

Cattle Ranchers in Texas will be broke after Yale Lawyers sue them in a class action suit for all the Red Meat diseases that killed 1 billion people world wide since 1980

Anonymous Numb Nuts Dictators who got you “Fat” + “Fagged” had syphilis in the brain!

Orders to make Polygamous Marriage legal will come soon...

Then a Normal Marriage will be Polygamous + Normal Married Conversations will start with lets Invent Something Tonight!

Oppenheimer was “Cheered” on every day when he got to work!

In a Polygamous Marriage Husband and Wives will play the Role Model of “Cheer Leaders” of Invent Something getting them more Gung Ho than the Navy Seals that killed Bin Laden

“No Easy Day” Invention Projects, that save the lives of 1 million SWF’s who will other wise die in 2013

This is not a book Navy Seals should buy!

This is not a book Navy Admirals should buy!

Desire + Cravings to Kill Bin Laden and suppress the News of the ElectricWindmillCar that would have prevented Sept 11th from ever happening are sick perverted Desires and Cravings by the Admirals who have brain washed by our Numb Nuts Dictators who bribed them with 10 JFK Super Aircraft Carriers without 10K Windmills on their decks!

Jennifer Gray actress in the movie “Dirty Dancing” had “No Easy Days” after becoming so famous and then so helpless when her “Hero” Patrick Swayze die a slow and torturous death from the Preventable Pancreas's cancer caused by lunch meats sold at the Public Grocery Store today and probably on sale in Key West for the Labor Day Weekend!

Steve Job’s wife knew enough to tell him to cut back on the lunch meats... he didn’t!

In marriage things have to change when one partner is trying to save the life of the other one!

Hemingway House Writing and Inventing Classes will cover this and write a novel about this!

Hot Dogs and Burgers on sale for Labor Day Weekend

Regions in China not anywhere near were Bill + Melinda sent 1 million Microsoft jobs they will put a piece of coal in the cooking stove... 70% of these Chinese get lung cancer and Bill + Melinda know this and don’t report the crime!

100 Million Chinese today are picking out a piece of Coal to put in the cooking stove to boil rice!

Our Numb Nuts Dictators are even worse Human Beings as kids in Texas today died left in a hot car that should have been and ElectricWindmillCar with total 24/7 climate control

“No Easy Day” for the Navy Admirals when all this is made public!

New French Revolution will use Windmills to cut off heads...

Officer Jason burned writing a speeding ticket in his cop car pictured with wife and baby!

Gregs revenge on the Admirals and Dictators will be getting the Rx Overnight Cure for breast cancer and 1,001 other inventions... while they are forced to watch Greg + wives get these inventions!

Others burned in fiery LA Wrecks have more murderous thoughts about revenge!

The French Revolution cut off heads for 7 years...

And the French Palace was not anything like the 1 million Palaces built in Saudi Arabia in the last few years!

1 Billion ElectricWindmillCars will be built in 2013

1 million SWF with cancer of the cervix will have more than a genital wart vaccine they have to get 3 shots for at 12 years old

I really think Roche in Switzerland suppressed working on a cure for this sexually transmitted virus to sell vaccines!

1 million more Chinese got syphilis, hepatitis, and genital warts since Bill + Melinda moved 1 million Microsoft jobs to China

1 million Chinese were in a Fiery Wreck in small “Smart” cars that crushed them to death before they burned to death in the fiery wrecks!

Prognosis for later “Renal Damage” from Kidney Stones is not the only Prognosis Doctors can make about social life

Yale History Department teaches the freshmen the greatest Achievement of the 20th Century was the A-Bomb Manhattan Project and the Psychology that Cheered Oppenheimer on every day when the got to work!

Yale Medical School will not be teaching the freshmen medical students about the revolution coming soon to replace the “Couch Potato” era...

Treadmills in the Living Room will be the normal soon!

“Couch Potato” will be part of Yale History Textbooks soon!

Yes the “Couch Potato” was thought of and programmed into society by one of our Numb Nuts Dictators with premeditation!

Yale Law will have a lot of people to sue soon!

How much can you get out of has been Numb Nuts Dictator?

Computer Desk with a Treadmill Chair will be invented by Yale Engineering School

Pilot your Destiny with no “Slip Disc” painful days and nights!

A normal conversation will soon be starting it with... lets invent something, what shall we talk about inventing?

Greg couldn’t get the Admiral to move Hurricane Isaac by dive bombing it with F-22’s loaded with 1 trillion cloud to cloud lightening rods to set off 1 trillion cloud to cloud lightening strikes that could have moved the Hurricane 50 miles out to sea missing New Orleans

Greg couldn’t get the Admiral to put 10K windmills on the Deck of a old Aircraft Carrier so the people in New Orleans would have had 1 Trillion NASA cans of H at –252 C to generate all the electricity they could possible use and there would be no wires to be knocked down by a tree!

“No Easy Day” for the Admiral when all this is public, when this web page is read by more Observers than Greg could imagine reading this web page!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title! Dr. Nancy Oppenheimer her “Manhattan Project”! ++ 30 Aug 2012 ++

Dr. Nancy Oppenheimer her “Manhattan Project” for the Rx Overnight Cure of Breast Cancer in a Race for the Cure with Greg + Wives, Greg counting on his arranged marriage and role playing by the Goddess of Inspiration can help Dr. Nancy and possibly get the Cure by Christmas 2012 working 24/7 EWC Manhattan Project... ElectricWindmillCar Manhattan Project to build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013, as gasoline exhaust pollution in every Major City World Wide will kill 1 million via dirty air in 2013, 2014 to 2044 unless we build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013 and 1 million will burn and burn to death in fiery LA Wrecks, Fiery Paris Wrecks, Fiery Moscow Wrecks... Putin will be written up as the last Oil Genocide Era Czar of Russia! His $177 Trillion in illegal oil revenues will be given to Russians as 1,001 social Manhattan Projects!


+++ Newest Title! Dr. Nancy Oppenheimer her “Manhattan Project”! ++ 30 Aug 2012 ++

Dr. Nancy Oppenheimer her “Manhattan Project” for the Rx Overnight Cure of Breast Cancer in a Race for the Cure with Greg + Wives, Greg counting on his arranged marriage and role playing by the Goddess of Inspiration can help Dr. Nancy and possibly get the Cure by Christmas 2012 working 24/7 EWC Manhattan Project... ElectricWindmillCar Manhattan Project to build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013, as gasoline exhaust pollution in every Major City World Wide will kill 1 million via dirty air in 2013, 2014 to 2044 unless we build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013 and 1 million will burn and burn to death in fiery LA Wrecks, Fiery Paris Wrecks, Fiery Moscow Wrecks... Putin will be written up as the last Oil Genocide Era Czar of Russia! His $177 Trillion in illegal oil revenues will be given to Russians as 1,001 social Manhattan Projects!

+++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++

EWC Manhattan Project... ElectricWindmillCar Manhattan Project to build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013

Senators all 100 refused to start a “Manhattan Project” for the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure!

For the last 10 years every year all 100 Senators refused year after year for the last 10 years to start a “Manhattan Project” for the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure!

Oppenheimer his “Manhattan Project” is a National Park just created by Congress in 2012

Breast Cancer’s Overnight Cure – This “Manhattan Project” was passed over by Congress 2012

Senators all 100 refused to start a “Manhattan Project” for the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure!

For the last 10 years every year all 100 Senators refused year after year for the last 10 years to start a “Manhattan Project” for the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure!

Los Alamos Medical School will be the sight for the Breast Cancer Cure Manhattan Project

Well we better pick a Military Sight that has a Medical School, + New IBM Supercomputers that cost more than $1 Trillion dollars

Well we have to have 2 Breast Cancer Cure Manhattan Projects sights as Los Alamos is the only lab on Earth that has $1 trillion dollars worth of new IBM Supercomputers

Enable Vision like the Photon of light changes Proteins in the Eye enabling Vision

Can scientists and supercomputer programmers shine Photons of light on Breast Cancer Cells?

Can Scientists and supercomputer programmers shine Proteins on Breast Cancer Cells?

Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist and professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley.

Berkeley Lab and Sandia Labs Manhattan Projects today are “Drones” for Pakistan!

Yesterday and today a top enemy commander was killed in Pakistan by a Drone!

New didn’t report how many SWF’s died of breast cancer yesterday and today because our Numb Nuts Dictators are never ever going to promote a Manhattan Project to start a “Manhattan Project” for the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure!

Gasoline Pollution in every Major City World wide will kill 1 million in 2013 unless Berkeley starts a Manhattan Project to filter this pollution out of 30 Trillion red blood cells...

EWC Manhattan Project... ElectricWindmillCar Manhattan Project to build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013

Berkeley and Sandia can not invent this Red Blood Cell Filter!

So we have to build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013

So we have to build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013

So we have to build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013

July 16, 1945, in the Trinity test in New Mexico; Oppenheimer remarked "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

$4 gasoline and 1 million fiery LA Wrecks with no one at Berkeley and Sandia Labs stopping this crime against humanity Oppenheimer remarks would and could pull off a successful Coup that starts at Berkeley Lab and Sandia Labs!

Oppenheimer threw himself into with full vigor. He was given the title "Coordinator of Rapid Rupture"

Greg + Wives after Berkeley and Sandia Observers make contact and help Greg + Wives set up house keeping to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer on the 1st Day they make contact Greg + Wives will pick a name like “Coordinator of Goddess Inspiration” Feel the Wives Gravity, Electricity, Conversation that set off the B-Bomb Cure!

One of his first acts was to host a summer school for bomb theory at his building in Berkeley!

First act will be to open Hemingway House to Writing and Invention classes to get the BC-Bomb Novel started on the 1st Day Greg + Wives make contact with Berkeley and Sandia Observers!



BC-Bomb when set off will save the lives of 1 million SWF and save 5 million from the torture of living with breast cancer for more than a few days!

Windfall like this for 5 million SWF in 2013 and Greg is Home Alone in Key West writing this, no wives are here in Gregs room with Gravity Provoking Conversations all at once!

Drivers involved in Tragic Wrecks

Knowing all are preventable...

Read Gregs “Head On Collisions” None... in 2013

Police writing up the accident reports in our Police State know this Fiery LA wreck was just as preventable as 9/11 via the ElectricWindmillCar Era that is suppressed!

Super Air Bags on the Outside front and rear, sides have been suppressed for 10 years

Breast Cancer Manhattan Project has been suppressed for 10 years!

Dash Cam with audio that lets the Police see the driver and passengers going on too...

3 years to build the A-Bomb

10 years the BC-Bomb has been suppressed by 100 Senators!

10 years Berkeley and Sandia Lab workers have watched all this on there George Orwell monitors!

Photons give up skin cancer

Greg has viewed the YouTube video of Photons causing DNA Mutations

Polaroid Sun Glasses invention, this is the conversation Greg anticipates having with several wives

I go to work to support myself...

I work to marry several women in a arranged Polygamous Marriage to save the lives of millions and millions of SWF’s!

Tragic Wrecks today are caused by our Numb Nuts Dictators!

EWC Manhattan Project... ElectricWindmillCar Manhattan Project to build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013

Gasoline Pollution in every Major City World wide will kill 1 million in 2013 unless Berkeley starts a Manhattan Project to filter this pollution out of 30 Trillion red blood cells...

EWC Manhattan Project... ElectricWindmillCar Manhattan Project to build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013

Berkeley and Sandia can not invent this Red Blood Cell Filter!

So we have to build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013

So we have to build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013

So we have to build 1 billion ElectricWindmillCars in 2013


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++ Newest Title! iphone app for the Urine Test at Home! ++ 29 Aug 2012 ++

For the Shock + Awe thats not a Bush War... Greg + Wives want to build the first $1 Trillion dollar Yale Key West Med School. For the Shock and Awe! War Crimes Trials for Yale News Journalists... $4 Gasoline War Crimes Trials on Yale Campus in 2013... Shock and Awe for sure! Gasoline pollution is poison gas outlawed as a war crime! Yale Elite who own NBC, Comcast, MSNBC shot down the idea to make Dr Nancy Snyderman the Dr. Nancy Edison with her “Edison Lab” set up in the Today Show Studio for 1 hour or more hours a day talking up and dissection of the human body and 1,001 Medical Inventions lost by Yale Grads since 1980 to busy spending $177 Trillion dollars on MIT War Toy Drones for Pakistan!

++++++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Yale News Today Straight Faced with No Orwell Comments!

“Yale students will today attend courses on campus as part of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. participating in the return of a program that left campus in 1972, amid protests against Napalm that burned 1 million in the Vietnam War!

2012 more than 1 million burned and burned to death world wide via Fiery LA Wrecks!

Yale News Students have observed Officer Jason’s picture on this web page with baby and wife...

Yale Students who know how many cops were burned and burned to death writing a ticket in their cop cars since Jimmy Carter and Teddy Kennedy used the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 to end the Saudi Oil Embargo then make the Ruling Class Super Rich with $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues and most of this money is in Swiss Banks!

All these are “War Crimes” by Yale Grads and Yale Students...

If Yale News did have an Orwellian Comment in its ROTC news it would have been that Bush and Bush bribed the Yale President to bring back the ROTC when cops, kids sitting in a car rear ended burst into flames today... Several fiery LA wrecks Today and Yale News didn’t report this “War Crime” against people driving down the LA freeways Today!

Kerry a Yale Grad helped Napalm 1 million people...

Kerry then after Vietnam as a Senator drove by 1 million fiery LA wrecks without stopping to help those on fire!

Yale Key West Med School built on Eiffel Tower Structures is Stifled by Kerry

In Key West Kerry lived here 2 doors down from Greg for a few months...

In Key West our Black Cat is named Teddy Kennedy

Bush and Bush, Kerry, and Brain Cancer Dead Teddy Kennedy

Shock and Awe of Iran not the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980

Shock and Awe of 1 Trillion cans of H @ –252 C free to fuel 7 Billion Peoples social and economic freedom being rescued from Yale Concentration Camps!

Yale has had $25 Billion in Cash in the bank since 1980

Yale Elite refused to spend all this $25 Billion on a Manhattan Project to get a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer...

Yale Elite made sure the 40K dead women every year since 1980 were not buried at Arlington National Cemetery

Yale Elite turned down all ideas of a “Breast Cancer Memorial” on Yale Campus!

Yale Elite who own NBC, Comcast, MSNBC shot down the idea to make Dr Nancy Snyderman the Dr. Nancy Edison with her “Edison Lab” set up in the Today Show Studio for 1 hour or more hours a day talking up and dissection of the human body and 1,001 Medical Inventions lost by Yale Grads since 1980 to busy spending $177 Trillion dollars on MIT War Toy Drones for Pakistan!

Yale Elite learned its lesson from killing 1 million people with Napalm

Its to gross for the masses, only the Elite at Yale and Harvard have to guts to Napalm 1 million people on CBS News every night!

1 Billion women with breast cancer have died many times over since 1980

Gross tumors breaking through the breast...

Yale News never considered putting this “Breast” pictures in the Yale News Newspapers front page picture as Shock + Awe that is against the War on Breast Cancer!

Greg + Wives after given a Pardon by our Numb Nuts Dictator who is a Yale Grad will Shock and Awe with the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 2012

Lifestyle of ROTC on Yale Campus, New Haven Green

Is light years from Yale News Front page tip to get you working on Inventing something!

Lifestyle of ROTC on Yale Campus...

Is Light Years from Yale Engineering getting the Gravity Engine that uses Gravity Fuel

Manhattan Projects on Yale Campus with the ROTC will all be “War Toys”

30 Trillion Red Blood Cells are in your body

Air pollution and dirty water particles have to be filtered out with an invention

UN in the news today said 1 million die in 2012 from Gasoline Exhaust in the air

UN said 1 billion drink dirty water today

Yale Grads divorced them selves from right and wrong

Kennedy tortured his wife into committing suicide by bribing a Judge who graduated from Yale

Yale News Shock + Awe statistics on the front page today...

1 million women were tortured into committing suicide by husbands and boyfriends since 1980

BP Oil Drilling Well spill in the Ocean is nothing in terms of death and cancer statistics as gasoline exhaust in the air in Paris, London, NYC, LA and world wide!

War Crimes by Yale News Writers...

$4 Gasoline War Crimes Trials on Yale Campus in 2013

Shock and Awe for sure!

Bush and Bush will flee to Saudi Arabia and Mecca!

Yale News Today about the Virgo Cluster of 2,000 Galaxies just like the Milky Way Galaxy

Yale News Today about Humanity traveling Light Years...

No Yale News Today is about the ROTC classes start today on Yale Campus!

Overkill as 1 million other Universities had the 1st ROTC class today too

1 million students sat in a ROTC class on some University Campus today

Not 1 of these 1 million ROTC guys thought about the tumor breaking through the breast as this Shock and Awe pictures has been suppressed from the General Public by the Generals and Admirals giving the lectures in the ROTC classes today!

30 Trillion Red Blood Cells in your body and this was not in any ROTC class today

30 Trillion Red Blood Cells and poison gas was used, a war crime!

Now invent a way to filter these 30 Trillion red blood cells of all the air pollution from BP Oil

1 million people will die if Yale does not invent a way to filter 30 Trillion red blood cells

Smoking and Drinking promoted by Yale Grads is also a poison in these 30 Trillion Blood Cells

Contagious diseases also in your blood today

Yale Med School is the only one with an Orwellian Comment...

Doctors and Dictators Classes are classified!


Infuriating even more so because there is no end in sight

There is no end in sight of the Universe too

Manhattan Project for light year travels at Yale will killed by Bush and Bush

Incurable brain cancer Teddy Kennedy had...

No a medical invention tip at the top of Yale News today

Yale News Today reported Straight Faced with no invention comments at all!

Incontinences in need of a cure today

iphone app for the urine test at home

30 Trillion things to invent and Yale writes up ROTC

30 Trillion other Universities have ROTC classes today

Bush and Bush are famous for their “Overkills” one being $4 Gasoline

Bush and Bush hand in hand with the Saudi Prince!

Vision diseases are caused by BP Oil’s pollution of the air world wide

Yale Vision has been polluted by Bush and Bush and BP Oil

War Crimes Trails at Yale

Shock and Awe for the History Dept at Yale!

It takes 4 or 5 rounds of cell division to make 1 Red Blood Cell

If a gasoline exhaust particle hits your DNA as its making a Red Blood Cell you will get cancer or some other illness

1 billion people will need to start filtering their blood in 2013

To save the lives of 1 million of them

ROTC stockpiles of Poison Gas does not classify pollution as Poison Gas even though 1 million will die from this in the air we breath

Bush and Bush gave the Dept of Education no child left behind

Failure because Dr Nancy Edison’s Children edition was killed by Yale Grads who own NBC

Yale News Tomorrow...

English Dept professors help set up the Hemingway Writing and Invention Classes on Yale Campus and Hemingway House in Key West to teach you how to write a futuristic Invention Projects Novel

How many invention are needed.... 30 Trillion is the correct answer!

Virgo Cluster has 2,000 Milky Way Galaxies

30 Trillion is the correct answer!

$177 Trillion in Swiss Banks could be able to finance all these inventions with money left over!

Greg + Wives want to build the first $1 Trillion dollar Yale Key West Med School

For the Shock and Awe!



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++ Newest Title! Enemy is the NY Times Gruesome Pic of Syria! ++ 28 Aug 2012 ++

Yale Key West Medical School is not yet built on an Eiffel Tower Structure. What will women propose to Einstein at the top of the Eiffel Tower? Faster than the speed of light in her star ship with the gravity engine of course! Trillions of cans of clean water for 9 billion people of course. Only our Numb Nuts Dictators would have the nerve to sell 7 billion people bottled waters. Provoke a War that starts building Star Ships... Dr. Nancy will put it in the Rx Perfumes + Water if it works to make women the most powerful “Observers” in this George Orwell society! Women provocativeness starts a Star Ship Building War! Provocative women and sex upgraded to 24/7 conversations about 1,001 inventions!


+++ Newest Title! Enemy is the NY Times Gruesome Pic of Syria! ++ 28 Aug 2012 ++

Yale Key West Medical School is not yet built on an Eiffel Tower Structure. What will women propose to Einstein at the top of the Eiffel Tower? Faster than the speed of light in her star ship with the gravity engine of course! Trillions of cans of clean water for 9 billion people of course. Only our Numb Nuts Dictators would have the nerve to sell 7 billion people bottled waters. Provoke a War that starts building Star Ships... Dr. Nancy will put it in the Rx Perfumes + Water if it works to make women the most powerful “Observers” in this George Orwell society! Women provocativeness starts a Star Ship Building War! Provocative women and sex upgraded to 24/7 conversations about 1,001 inventions!

+++++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Einstein Medical School Is Not In a “War”!

Yale Key West Medical School will be In a “Nuclear War”!

Gruesome Front Page Pictures on the New York Times... Syria! Not Breast Cancer Tumors Breaking Through the Skin!

“Women Observers” are not powerful enough to Provoke or Instigate a “War”!

Women with Breast Cancer have realized the Enemy is the NY Times with their daily Gruesome Pictures of Syria Not Cancer breaking through the Breast

British Sun Newspapers Nuke Picture of Prince Harry!

Adds insult to injury for Front Page Pictures!

Front Page Pictures, go topless until there is a Rx Overnight Cure!

Make Women the most powerful “Observers” on Earth!

Confiscate $177 Trillion in illegal Oil Revenues since 1980

Up Grade the JFK Super Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills and Electrolysis below decks!

Trillions of NASA Cans of H at –252 C free to 9 Billion people on Earth

Navy is to well feed with 10 Super Aircraft Carriers...

All 10 can be upgraded with 10K Windmills and Electrolysis!

H-Bomb will be H at –252 C in several trillion NASA Cans

C-Bomb in 1980 should have been the ElectricWindmillCar!

C-Bomb in 2012 has been upgraded with H @ –252 C

We Have Realized the Enemy!

Iran Shock + Awe!

Syria Gruesome Pictures of War on the front page of the NY Times!

Caroline Kennedy, Hillary, Bush’s, Kerry, Jimmy Carter were all Death Camp Wardens in the Cancer Concentration Camps!

Navy Seals Refused to discover a Rx Overnight cure for cancer ever since 1980

Navy is to well feed with 10 JFK Class Super Aircraft Carriers

Navy has refused to upgrade to 10K Windmills and get a Rx Cure for Cancer

War... How Time and Gravity are Generated will be revealed by Women

Soul of a Women her psyche can provoke a fight, war of Inventions!

Sony, Warner Brothers Movies with Gruesome tumors breaking through the breast

Trillion times more exposure of Topless Women!

Repeated exposure over and over is Today Violence on TV and in the Movies

Topless women are not powerful enough to change what’s at the Movies

Hubble Telescope is not powerful enough to see 4.3 Light Years, Alpha Centauri

So Hubble views the Star Cluster Messier 56 at 33K light years from Earth

Age of Messier 56 is 13 Billion Years old, wow

H is about the only element there!

Earth is 4 billion years old today!

Chart of the Elements we have didn’t exist 13 Billion years ago

Universe will live for another 13 Billion years!

Chart of the Elements for a Universe 26 Billion years old will be huge!

Navel War Ships upgraded to Star Ships

Nuclear Powered upgraded to Gravity Engine and Gravity Fuel

Those who are all powerful today sell 7 billion of us Bottled Water

1.1 Billion people on Earth Today used dirty water today

Caroline Kennedy is one of the Wardens of the Dirty Water Concentration Camp that holds 1.1 Billion people POW’s

POW’s are 1.1 Billion people who will have Bottled Water when the Navy upgrades its 10 JFK super Carriers with 10K windmills and Electrolysis below decks

Scenarios of Shock + Awe...

Provocative women and sex upgraded to 24/7 conversations about 1,001 inventions

Even Einstein said discover is 99% inspiration from Women!

Gruesome tumors breaking through the breast have never been seen by the public at large!

NY Times Headline Editorial about... Gruesome tumors breaking through the breast have never been seen by the public at large!

NY Times is used to provoke a War with Syria!

Women are not powerful enough to provoke a war!

Bond with 007 women who realize the Enemy Today!

Women on Top as the most powerful dictating what they want pictured on the Front Page of the NY Times tomorrow!

Our Numb Nuts Dictators dictate what will be pictured on the front page of the NY Times tomorrow!

These Dictators are the one’s selling 7 billion people bottled water instead of cans of H and O both super cold liquids

Dr. Nancy will put it in the water!

Rx Perfumes “Love Potions”

Einstein Medical School is not 99% inspired by Women!

Yale Key West Medical School is not yet built on an Eiffel Tower Structure

What will women propose to Einstein at the top of the Eiffel Tower?

Faster than the speed of light in her star ship with the gravity engine of course!

Trillions of cans of clean water for 9 billion people of course

Only our Numb Nuts Dictators would have the nerve to sell 7 billion people bottled waters

Provoke a War that starts building Star Ships

Hubble is not powerful to provoke this Star Ship War Building!

Those who are powerful enough sell 7 billion people bottled waters and $4 gasoline!

Dr. Nancy will put it in the Rx Perfumes + Water if it works to make women the most powerful “Observers” in this George Orwell society!



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title! 1980 Women with her 2013 ElectricWindmillCar!++ 27 Aug 2012 ++

+++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

+++ Newest Title! 1980 Women with her 2013 ElectricWindmillCar!++ 27 Aug 2012 ++

Women Inspired by the “Windmill” that will let her write the Rx Overnight Cures for Cancer and Sex Slaves in Saudi Arabia... To reinvent themselves as “State Of The Arts”... Seal Women on Top of State of the Arts Invention save the lives of 3 Billion Women and Greg who loves them as Gods Best Invention! Saudi’s have been giving women the virus that caused Cervix Cancer since 1980... Atrocity Dr. Nancy is not able to report on NBC Nightly News, Tonight Dr. Nancy's Breast Cancer news was women overweight over 30 BMI die of breast cancer that comes back by 50%. This was classified by our Numb Nuts Dictators since 1980. State of the Arts Dr. Nancy on Top will unclassify 1,001 other statistics that will save the lives of 3 Billion women + Greg who loves them for being Gods Best Invention!

+++ Newest Title! 1980 Women with her 2013 ElectricWindmillCar!++ 27 Aug 2012 ++

+++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

1980 Women with her 2013 ElectricWindmillCar!

Women Inspired by the “Windmill” Incident...

To reinvent themselves as “State Of The Arts”...

Virus that caused Cervix Cancer, with her Rx Cure!

Her Rx Cure for all 3 Billion SWF’s!

3 Billion “State Of The Arts” Women!

1980 Women with her 2013 ElectricWindmillCar!

Incident Greg thinks Alerted women yesterday

Is when Greg + Wives reinvent a Cancer Drug to Cure!

Gov will suppress it as we only invented half the drug!

Gov suppressed the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

Gov will suppress the Cancer Cure Drug if we only reinvent it!

$177 Trillion dollars in Swiss Banks and its all illegal

1980 ElectricWindmillCar Reinvented in 2013 with...

No Hot Cars, Dash Cam Cop, Wifi, Super Outside Air Bags!

State of the Arts ElectricWindmillCar reinvented for 2014

State of the Arts “Women”!

A Trillion Dollar Wedding Present

Pink Medical School she will reinvent, build!

Women On Top as Masters of the Universe Earth

Seal Team of Women in Saudi Arabia rescue Sex Slaves!

Write a book about this comparing it to Bin Laden

Incident that will inspire women to get this “Windmill”

Seal Team of Women in Saudi Arabia...

Obama ordered the Navy Seal Team to Pakistan...

Obama refused to report the abuse of underage girls...

Incident that will inspire women to get this “Windmill”...

George Orwell Videos of Saudi’s with very young girls!

Obama watched these Videos...

Hillary watched this Videos...

Atrocity! Going on since 1980...

Worlds Biggest Oil Producing Company

Virus just attacked 30K of their Workstations

Women on top Today don’t have 30K workstations!

PC cost $500 Workstation cost $5K

$5K more for Elite Software from Microsoft equals $10K each

“Cutting Sword of Justice” gave the Saudi Prices a virus

“Windmill” That lets you get each one half of 1,001 Inventions Projects!

Saudi’s give women the virus that caused Cervix Cancer!

Virus given to 30K Saudi Workstations

Countless dead women in Saudi Arabia Documented!

All Classified Secret and Top Secret by Sandia Labs

Saudi Arabia + Sandia Labs

1/2 of a Cervix Cancer Cure Reinvented from 1/2 of one that didn’t Cure it!

Sandia Labs + Berkeley Lab fail to report abuse!

Seal Team of Women land at Sandia Labs and Berkeley Labs!

Obama ordered the Seals into Pakistan

Greg Inspires Women to Be Seals at Sandia Labs + Berkeley Labs!

Saudi’s give women the virus that caused Cervix Cancer!

30K Saudi Arabia Workstations and no Cervix Cancer Caused Virus!

Seal Women without 30K Workstations in the USA

Cutting Edge Women of Justice with “Windmills”

Revenge that infects Saudi Arabia with A MaleWare Virus!

“Master Boot Record” on the Workstations Hard Drives reinvented!

Most Destructive Oil Company on Earth...


Saudi Arabia is God in their Universe

Thank God their Universe is only Earth!

The Worlds Biggest Oil Producing Company since 1980

1980 Women with her 2013 ElectricWindmillCar!

Women Inspired by the “Windmill” Incident...

To reinvent themselves as “State Of The Arts”...

The “ElectricWindmillCar” Driven Women!

Seals that will rescue SWF’s held as Sex Slaves

In Saudi Arabia since 1980

“Atrocities” women observers who want to marry Greg are talking about Today!

Women Observers Who Are State of the Arts "Inventors" at Everything!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++ Newest Title! Milky Way + Lining of the Milk Ducts!++ 26 Aug 2012 ++

“Anxiety and stress while interwoven can be easily treated,” Dr. Nancy Synderman said. “People sometimes reach for the medicine before they reach for the change in lifestyle. A lot of times it really takes stepping back for a day and saying what’s a real stressor? Do I have a place to sleep tonight? Do I have food on the table? Do I have a job? If you can answer those three things then many of the stressors frankly are not as big of a deal.” 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar! The number of men and women suffering from acute anxiety is increasing, and experts say our stressful, fast-paced lifestyles are not helping. NBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman reports on the 1200 percent increase in the number of people suffering from anxiety since 1980. 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar! "kept awake at night by racing thoughts and are edgy during the day". "obsessive thoughts and sleepless nights" Not from the new Wives giving you Obsessive thoughts to get the Rx Cure from working 24/7 up all night talking to the wives about the dissection of the inner lining of the Milk Ducts!


+++ Newest Title! Milky Way + Lining of the Milk Ducts!++ 26 Aug 2012 ++

+++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Intensify Thinking about the Inner Lining of the Milk Ducts, Obsessive Train of thoughts!

Intent concentration focused focusing all obsessive thoughts at dissecting Milk Ducts!

Greg needs the wives to drive much more aggressive, and to exercise their Minds storming the Novels and all the Medical Journals helping to find the “Windmill” Rx Cure!

Lifestyle Change of pace and “Homework”

Do the one “Killer Exercise” that will save the lives of 438K women world wide in 2013

One “Windmill” Rx Cure just like the ElectricWindmillCar that ended the Saudi Oil Embargo in 1980

438K women died every years since 1980

After Jimmy Carter and Teddy Kennedy used the ElectricWindmillCar to end the Saudi Oil Embargo they caused the deaths of 438K women world wide from Breast Cancer and there were not obsessive thoughts about this from Jimmy Carter or his wife!

Caroline Kennedy Stressors, anxiety of all these “Dead Women” were taken out of her “Obsessive Thoughts”!

Wives must drive more aggressive and get these Obsessive Thoughts into Caroline Kennedys head...

Jimmy Carter is Dead!

Gone to Hell and he took it all with him!

Milky Way Galaxy will reveal to Jimmy Carter the Hellish Punishment for his crimes that effected 7 billion people in 2012

“Home Alone” Pondering our Newest Super massive Universe of 4K Trillion Galaxies!

“Home Alone”, Greg is home alone without any exercising with the Wives giving Greg obsessive thoughts about the inner linings of the Milk Ducts dissecting them!

Dr. Nancy its about perspectives to fuel obsessive thinking to get the “Windmill” Rx Cure!

Picture of smokers lung cancer on the cigarette pack of “Salem” 100’s

Picture of the tumor breaking through the Women’s Breast going to the Doctor the 1st time!

She was scared to Death... to go to the Doctors!

In 2013 Billions of women will be scanned for Breast Cancer every time they go to the Public Grocery Store Chain

Homeland Security with $ Trillion dollars worth of Air Port and Social Security Office scanners are responsible for killing 438K women world wide in 2012

Homeland Security Obsessive Thoughts were NONE!

Homeland Security Never Ever had 1 Thought about all these women’s Deaths from Breast Cancer world wide... yet most passengers were World Travelers!

Stressors and anxiety many times can be undone and taken out of one’s life!

Everything to save the lives of 435K women in 2012 was taken out of the life of Homeland Security by our Psychotic Numb Nuts Dictators World Wide

“Salem” 100’s cigarettes... Not the Salem Witch Trials in Salem MA

“Witch” that cast a spell over Homeland Security’s Obsessive thoughts to spend $ Trillion dollars on Air Port Scanners that could not scan for Breast Cancer World Wide

Milk Ducts dissect their Inner linings!

All the Worlds Professors never applied for a Breast Cancer Grant of $100K to test the idea to make Milk Ducts dissect, their Inner linings an Obsessive Thought in the Husbands of the Wives about to die and anyone wanting to be the One to get the Cure for Breast Cancer!

Greg needs Wives! And Wives who are willing to drive more aggressive in planting and growing Obsessive thoughts in Gregs Mind!

One Killer Exercise that lets you feel every muscle from your lower back to your shoulder blades!

Ductal Carcinomas with Combat thinking, money for a surge and new weapons

New Weapon is Scanners at Every Public Grocery Store World Wide... money will come from the Arrested Homeland Security Guys!

Tropical Storm is Blowing into Greg as I write this on the Porch in Key West

Greg needs a Storm of Wives Blowing in to plant obsessive thoughts that will Erect the Windmill for a Rx Breast Cancer Cure just like the invention that ended the Saudi Oil Embargo

Obsessive Climax Thoughts to Cure the Breast Cancer Overnight!

“Home Alone” working on the Cure for Breast Cancer Overnight!

“Home Alone” in Our New Super Massive Universe... Pondering with many Obsessive thoughts!

Interwoven + very easy invention project is 10 New Space Telescopes designed to see and hear the aliens at the 10 Nearest Stars!

7 Billion People are “Home Alone” because we have Psychotic Numb Nuts Dictators World wide!

Nebula Windstorms at 2,500 miles per second

Incorruptibility of the Universe!

Electric Charge with a few chemicals that gives us “Thoughts”

Wives who can give us Obsessive Thoughts to save $435K women in one year!

Moral Storm of War

Intangible creativity the Climax Thought of the “Windmill” Rx Cure!

Getting Married 30 times in different places world wide

iphone reinvented 1 thousand times better than the Apple iPhone has been suppressed

Rx for Breast Cancer reinvented then shot down by the Supreme Court as belonging to Roche!

Our Psychotic Dictators would let 435K women die of breast cancer before they let us cure them overnight with a Roche breast cancer drug that Greg reinvented!

Windows 8 will be reinvented by Greg and a few wives

Then Windows 8 will be 1 thousand times better at letting 7 billion people work on 1,001 Invention projects!

Best “Self Image” for all women will be when they are wives in a Polygamous Marriage!

Driving Faster than the speed of light this obsessive though and trillions of other obsessive thoughts required to find the “Windmill” for the Rx Overnight Cures!



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** Gullible Scientists at Berkeley + Sandia Labs! ++ 25 Aug 2012 ++

FBI Swat team of women will arrest everyone at BP Oil and probably will arrest the Gullible Scientists at Berkeley + Sandia Labs for letting BP Oil confiscate UNICEF Childrens $177 Trillion dollars in windfall and Godsend from the ElectricWindmillCar Era! FBI women’s intrinsic brightness will expose this British + American concentration camp for the UN Children who didn’t die from the theft of their ElectricWindmillcar windfall profits. Hillary got her daughter married... 100 Million UN Children LOST their Wedding to BP Oil greed. Coconut Falling on 100 Million Children’s heads but worst as this is mass murder of UN Children + Abuse of Children by the British + American Oil Men addicted to “Greed", as they took $177 Trillion that should have gone to UNICEF!

Coconut Falling on 100 Million Children’s heads but worst as this is mass murder of UN Children + Abuse of Children by the British + American Oil Men addicted to “Greed”!

Gullible Scientists at Berkeley + Sandia Labs looked the other way while BP Oil did their mass murder + abuse on 100 Million UN Children!

Biggest Oil Refinery blew up 12 hours ago killing a 10 year old boy, 84 others and burned 100’s of women + children which was suppressed so the news did not upset so many FBI women who have a greater intrinsic brightness than the BP Oil men who took money from UNICEF Children from 1980 to 2012

Oil Men took money from the Catholic Church collection plates after Sunday Mass Too...

All this money is what makes up BP Oil revenues of $177 Trillion dollars in Swiss Banks today

If there ever was a mass murder of 100 million children this is it...

FBI women’s intrinsic brightness will expose this British + American concentration camp for the UN Children who didn’t die from the theft of their ElectricWindmillcar windfall profits

CBS “The Talk” Chen is married to the CBS President

ABC “The View” which is all talk...

Our Numb Nuts Dictators order these 10 women not to talk about UNICEF and BP Oil

Weddings LOST by 100 Million UN Children from 1980 to 2012 while BP Oil and of course the British Princes over indulged in Vegas, nude and with prostitutes on rich Chocolate Cake at the 5 Star Vegas Hotels then flew to the Waldorf on the way home to London!

George Orwell society so 100 million observers watched this but were so Gullible as UNICEF was not in the Nightly News on orders from our Numb Nuts Dictators!

Berkeley Lab and Sandia Lab scientists help in this child abuse and murder, and even got bigger Labs and bonus money that should have gone to UN Children!

Vulnerability to Greed...

Vulnerability to Greed...


1980 BP Oil

1980 ElectricWindmillcar invention!

Theorizing why + how they could be so “Greedy” for Oil money taken away from UN Children!

Theorizing Now! How best to arrest them along with Bill + Melinda

Bill + Melinda didn’t report this abuse of UN Children when their windfall money from the ElectricWindmillCar was taken away by BP Oil men

Windows 8 UNICEF version will have 1,001 invention projects for Children preinstalled with links to get you started

New Observation of just what has been suppressed for Oil Money!

Nightly New will someday tell what BP Oil money was spent on besides Vegas and the Waldorf Hotel

British children since 1980 have 5 bouts of diarrhea a year from the dirty water in England

Hillary, Bill + Melinda didn’t report this abuse of children via their drinking water and of course Hillary, Bill + Melinda carry tons of water bottles everywhere they go in England so they don’t have to drink the same water as British Children

Hillary got her daughter married...

100 Million UN Children LOST their Wedding to BP Oil greed

Oil Refinery that blew up today turn out 955K Barrels of oil a day!

Today and every day since 1980

Not a cent has gone to UNICEF

OPEC Amuay is part of the Paraguana Refining Center

Pope and the Catholic Church got more $Billion from OPEC than UNICEF

Nightly news will report the Pope didn’t spent this OPEC Oil money on UNICEF

If there ever was mass murder of 100 million children

If there ever was abuse of 100 million children BP Oil did it with the suppression of the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar windfall profits that belonged to UNICEF and the Worlds Children

Hillary, Bill + Melinda, conspiracy and were given oil bribes by BP Oil and OPEC

9/11 Berkeley Lab + Sandia Lab Scientists realized their Gullible crime of mass murder and they would have prevented 9/11 by exposing the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 long time before 9/11

God’s Best Invention is Women!

Some of these Scientists at Berkeley and Sandia labs believe in God and know they are responsible for not preventing 9/11 and the mass murder + abuse of UN Children by BP Oil men’s greed for their windfall + Godsend of the ElectricWindmillCar Era 1980 to 2012

Theorizing why + how they could be so “Greedy”!

Theorizing Now! How to arrest them!

FBI women have more intrinsic brightness than BP Oil men and the British + Saudi Princes

Scientists at Berkeley Lab + Sandia Lab have pinpointed the area of the brain responsible for this gullibility and have theorized why it makes children, teens and seniors less likely to doubt...


God’s Best Invention is Women!

Don’t ever doubt God’s Best Invention is Women!

Don’t ever doubt God’s Best Invention is Women!

FBI Swat team of women will arrest everyone at BP Oil and confiscate $177 Trillion oil illegal oil revenues that should have gone to UNICEF’s children since 1980


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

+++ Newest Title ** Marry FBI Women when they “Make Contact”! ++ 24 Aug 2012 ++

"Women Observers"... Marry FBI Women when they “Make Contact”! Talk about inventing something to repair the trillions of mistakes DNA makes and the US Gov made suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar and Greg from talking to FBI women about Inventing Something! Every day Greg + FBI women, wives lost an invention a day since 1980... for car accessories, cancer and aorta clogging foods from the Public Grocery Store Chain! 3 “atrocities” women observers who want to marry Greg are talking about tonight! George Orwell Government sanction that prohibits greg from Talking up invention projects with FBI women is "Overkill" that has killed 1 million via lost inventions! Commercialization of mass murder via alcohol, tobacco, red meat, gasoline, cooking on a gas stove! BP Oil Revenues $


Greg gives women observers his permission to do what ever it takes to get us Married and Talking!

Marry FBI Women when they “Make Contact” to Help Greg invent a Rx Overnight Penicillin like miracle cure for breast cancer before Christmas 2012, talk of marriage by women observers... talk that leads to action!

Marriage! Marry FBI Women when they “Make Contact” to Help Greg invent a Rx Overnight Penicillin like miracle cure for breast cancer before Christmas 2012, talk of marriage by women observers...

Necrotizing fasciitis the destruction of skin by releasing toxins was just on ABC Nightly News and it’s in rivers and in the air, there was no Talk on ABC Nightly News about brainstorming a Rx Overnight Cure... no talk at all just like greg, call greg propose we get together and talk it up!

DNA detective work, the DNA chromosomes the gene is very important as it manages the production of a protein that allows nerve cells to 'talk' to one another.

FBI Detectives and Local Key West Detective know how critical talking is in getting 1,001 invention.

Crime and Punishment in this “George Orwell” Era has entered into the category of “atrocities” that punish the 40K women who will die of breast cancer in 2012 because the top brass don’t want Greg + his wives, when he finally gets some to “Talk” 24/7 motivated more than the top brass are motivated instigating one war after another with the current shock + awe in Syria!

1,001 other invention projects are also causalities of this war time sanctions of keeping greg from “Talking” to wives to brainstorm and get many inventions each day!

DNA fixes trillions of mistakes by “Talking” then doing the repairs!

In 100 years DNA Detectives will be able to listen in on how DNA does these trillions of DNA repairs...

You can imagine the spell and grammar checker built into the chromosomes!

Now you can invent the read aloud add in to the spell and grammar checkers!

Pregnant women driving in rush hour traffic breath in trillions of cancer causing particles, that also cause birth defects and maybe even autism in kids

1,001 items on the shelves at the Public Grocery Store Chain cause heart attacks, clogged aortas strokes breast cancers, lung cancers, and ruin the lives of drunk drivers... fat and skinny ones!

Public Grocery Store Chains can file for Bankruptcy like Kodak did

1 million people who ate cancer causing and aorta blocking foods at the Public Grocery Store Chain have died!

2 “atrocities” women observers who want to marry Greg are talking about Today!

FBI women observers in rush hour traffic can now visualize the gasoline exhaust particle in her blood stream causing DNA to make trillions of mistakes and one can turn into cancer... which has happened to many FBI women since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

Coal should not exist in 2012 yet most of New England power plants burn coal...

3 people in every 100K died from a cancer every year from 1980 to 2012 and the US Gov knew this was going on... yet there was no talk of better coal and gasoline exhaust particle filters in cars, homes, or in the air.

3 “atrocities” women observers who want to marry Greg are talking about tonight!

4 “atrocities” Fetal alcohol syndrome and there is no test for the 1st day she gets pregnant most women drink for 4 weeks of gestation before she realizes she is pregnant then the baby already has fetal alcohol syndrome!

Zillions of DNA replications in the 1st 4 weeks she is pregnant... wow!

FBI women observers talking are the only ones who can fix this fetal alcohol syndrome, an atrocity by alcohol makers on a baby from conception to 4 weeks of gestation!

ABC Nightly News commercials must be ordered by FBI women to put this warning on every night Nightly News “talks” what is in the news!

# 1 cause of DNA mistakes is the US Government!

Homeland Security should be arrested for DNA mistakes that have killed 1 million people.

Health Security would have been a much better department!

Scan you for disease every time you enter a Public Grocery Store!

Drones were upgraded not scans for disease when you enter the Public Grocery Store

Car accessories, even FBI cars could have use a dash cam inside all 2012 model cars so they can listen and watch the drivers and of course his driving would have been recorded!

Rush hour pollution that caused trillions of DNA mistakes is a capital crime by the gov.

DNA fixed trillions of mistakes by “Talking”

Greg + Wives not talking because of “George Orwell” sanctions that don’t let Greg talk to wives about 1,001 invention projects tonight is also a “Capital Crime” by the gov.


Marry FBI Women when they “Make Contact” to Help Greg invent a Rx Overnight Penicillin like miracle cure for breast cancer before Christmas 2012, talk of marriage by women observers... talk that leads to action as Greg gives women observers his permission to do what ever it takes to get us Married and Talking!


Greg gives women observers his permission to do what ever it takes to get us Married and Talking!



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++ Newest Title ** BP Oil Men took her 1980 cure for Breast Cancer!! ++ 23 Aug 2012 ++

++++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


SWF’s Godsend of the ElectricWindmillcar's $177 Trillion dollars in Health, Education, Social Status was all taken by BP Oil in 1980...

“Mad Men God’s” are BP Oil Men

BP Oil Men also took her 1980 cure for Breast Cancer!

“Mad Men God’s” are the only one’s for the majority of our George Orwell Society!

Key West Citizen Front Page Today, God is Dead...

NY Times, God is Dead headlines was when John Lennon was alive!

If Greg showed these people Aliens they would still say there are no Aliens in the Universe!

POW’s are SWF + Greg ready to work 24/7 brainstorming the cure for cancer in 2012...

SWF’s Godsend of the ElectricWindmillCar’s $177 Trillion dollars in Health, Education, Social Status was all taken by BP Oil

“Mad Men God’s” are BP Oil Men

BP Oil Men have opened fire on SWF blasting them to Hell...

Hell On Earth that is!

British + America are instigating another war in Syria when SWF and many others are part of the 1.7 million “Hospital Infections” that are out of control.

Lifestyle Change...

Goddess of Inspiration role playing for women!

Hemingway House Opened 24/7 for Writing and Inventing Classes to millions!

Autism Outbreak... 30% is from the mans sperm that has chromosomal damage from chemicals in red meat, bacon, alcohol, smoking, exhaust from gasoline etc.

Public Grocery Store Chain products cause Autistic kids + cancer from products on the shelf that trigger chromosome damage making DNA

FDA has become another US Government run UN

FDA will never take Tobacco or Alcohol off the shelf of the Public Grocery Store Chain!

Proof they are “Psychotic Killers” selling poison at the Public Grocer Store Chain is not enough, there has to be a Coup

New French Revolution that cuts off heads with Windmills!

SWF’s and Autistic kids are blasted to a Hell on Earth while BP Oil goes after another $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues!

SWF are more married to God and infinity now more than ever after all the new discoveries about our Huge Mind Boggling Universe!

CIA 007 SWF’s are not immune from Hospital Infection, Breast Cancer, and Autistic kids!

Radcliffe Women, Yale Women, Harvard Women... SWF’s!

Aware our Mad Men God’s are addicted to war + killing SWF’s!

Openly driving war to Syria not stopping at the Hospital to stop 1.7 million hospital infections!

Acetaldehyde forms after alcohol is drank

Causing Dramatic Damage to the DNA making a baby

Lifestyle Change when Greg + Wives get a $1 Trillion dollar budget to build the Yale Key West Medical School

Lifestyle Change when “Women Observers” make contact with Greg to accept my public proposal for a polygamous marriage to work 24/7 on a cure for Breast Cancer and 1,001 other invention projects!

Lifestyle Change when these “Women Observers” agree to play the role model of the Goddess of Inspiration!

Today Women don’t want to inspire men to invent and discover miracle cures!

SWF’s Godsend of the ElectricWindmillcar's $177 Trillion dollars in Health, Education, Social Status was all taken by BP Oil in 1980...

BP Oil Men also took her 1980 cure for Breast Cancer!

Then BP Oil men built her Battered Women’s Shelters in every Town + City in the USA

Then BP Oil men let drunk men kill murder 19K women every year from 1980 to 2012

No wonder why...

Today Women don’t want to inspire men to invent and discover miracle Cures!

Lifestyle Change will be the Polygamous Marriage for the SWF Woman Observer + Greg

Home Alone, no conversations at all about breast cancer and 1,001 other invention projects... is Greg’s Lifestyle Today and Yes Tonight!



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++ Newest Title ** Hemingway’s Last Cent In Cement in Front of Gregs Door! ++ 22` Aug 2012 ++

+++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++



+++ Newest Title ** Hemingway’s Last Cent In Cement in Front of Gregs Door! ++ 22` Aug 2012 ++

Arranged Marriage by "Women Observers" is OK... With a New Compression Fracture Not Knowing for Sure if it will Heal in 3 Weeks or Not You Are Under Critical Thinking as to Options to Heal The Compression Fracture in the Next 3 Weeks. Breast Cancer diagnosis, Lung Cancer diagnosis, Critical Thinking is part of Critical Care. Greg’s Critical Thinking as in Finding a Cure for “Home Alone” which is responsible for little and no conversations about getting the Rx Overnight Penicillin Like Cure for Breast Cancer by Christmas 2012 and 1,001 Other Invention Projects even Bill + Melinda refused to put in Windows 8.


++ 22` Aug 2012 ++

Newest Title ** Hemingway’s Last Cent In Cement in Front of Gregs Door!



With a New Compression Fracture Not Knowing for Sure if it will Heal in 3 Weeks or Not You Are Under Critical Thinking as to Options to Heal The Compression Fracture in the Next 3 Weeks by the Doctors list of Exercises, Learning Exactly Were and When to Apply the Ice + then Heat for How Long Each Time and How Many Times a Day, Same with the Exercises, How many Reps and How Many times for Each Exercise!

Greg’s Critical Thinking as Finding a Cure for “Home Alone” which is responsible for little and no conversations about getting the Rx Overnight Penicillin Like Cure for Breast Cancer by Christmas 2012

Greg has bent over backwards getting several spin off inventions from the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar and still no critical care from any “Women Observers” who are everywhere! “Home Alone” which is responsible for little and no conversations about getting the Rx Overnight Penicillin Like Cure for Breast Cancer by Christmas 2012.

With a New Compression Fracture Not Knowing for Sure if it will Heal in 3 Weeks or Not You Are Under Critical Thinking as to Options to Heal The Compression Fracture in the Next 3 Weeks

Trouble Thinking why our “Numb Nuts Dictators” keep Greg “Home Alone” which is responsible for little and no conversations about getting the Rx Overnight Penicillin Like Cure for Breast Cancer by Christmas 2012.

“Something Orwellian” has been wedged in our Space + Time here in Key West that can stop dead in its tracks any and all mercy for 40K women who will die from Breast Cancer in 2012. Greg has no conversations about getting the Rx Overnight Penicillin Like Cure for Breast Cancer by Christmas 2012. Orders from our “Numb Nuts Dictators” keep Greg “Home Alone” !

Vertebrae has become wedged, reducing the amount of space between each vertebra.

Inserting a glue-like material into the center of the collapsed spinal vertebra to stabilize and strengthen the crushed bone

Greg has invented glue-like ElectricWindmillCar and 100K Helicopter Combines for harvesting crops in the Amazon. To stabilize the poor health care and wealth of 7 billion people kept poor and sick by the Ruling Class Psychotics!

Surge in building 1,001 Yale Key West Medical Schools built on a Eiffel Tower Structure with “Assembly Line” designed operating rooms for 1 million blocked aorta’s and all the other diseases 1 million wait for treatment on!

Vertebroplasty: A nonsurgical method for repairing osteoporosis back fractures, such as vertebral compression fractures. Vertebroplasty is performed by a radiologist, without surgery, and involves inserting a glue-like material into the center of the collapsed spinal vertebra to stabilize and strengthen the crushed bone. The material is inserted through anesthetized skin with a needle and syringe, entering the midportion of the vertebra under the guidance of specialized X-ray equipment. Once inserted, the material hardens to form a cast-like structure within the broken bone. Relief of pain comes quickly from this casting effect, and the newly hardened vertebra is then protected from further collapse. In addition to prompt pain relief, another advantage of vertebroplasty is improved mobility. Also referred to as kyphoplasty.

With a New Compression Fracture Not Knowing for Sure if it will Heal in 3 Weeks or Not You Are Under Critical Thinking as to Options to Heal The Compression Fracture in the Next 3 Weeks!

Greg’s Critical Thinking as Finding a Cure for “Home Alone” which is responsible for little and no conversations about getting the Rx Overnight Penicillin Like Cure for Breast Cancer by Christmas 2012.

Options for all of us with something “Fractured”

Fall of the Roman Empire!

Selling “Balance Exercises” in the Public Grocery Store to prevent you from falling before your Doctor tells you to do balance exercises!

Percent of people who will never fall from this new “Balance Exercises” in the Public Grocery Store to prevent you from falling before your Doctor tells you to do balance exercises!

Critical Care In Invention Projects...

Bill + Melinda refused to put any of the 1,001 Invention Projects in Windows 8

So Critical to get working on these 1,001 Invention Projects they must get a Rx by our Numb Nuts Dictators to be on the front pages of all the Nations Newspapers!

7 Billion People are not counted by our Numb Nuts Dictators

Saudi Arabia was given the $177 Trillion dollars the ElectricWindmillCar would have given SWF in the USA...

According to crimesofwar.org headquartered at the Hague, is the body responsible for implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention. Though the OPCW is an independent organization, it works in formal cooperation with the United Nations toward the prohibition of chemical weapons.

Prohibition of Alcohol + Tobacco is Critical Care for 7 Billion as the social cost in murdered SWF is 19K a year just in the USA

1 million SWF will die in 2012 from Tobacco!


CIA scam or did the CIA women find a top secret cure for lung cancer for 007’s?

1 million SWF will die in 2012 from Heart Attacks...

Yet there are no arrest of Managers at the Public Grocery Store Chains!

Butter, Bacon, Mayo, Los Alamos is running Nuke animations not Butter animations!

FDA Critical Care Verdict the Jury is our Numb Nuts Dictators

Collapse of the vertebra from a Dolly not reinvented by MIT students with audio alarms!

MIT Students this semester should be designing a Hospital Assembly line for Compression Fractures...

Yale Key West Medical School should be ready to load onto it Eiffel Tower Structure Today!

Fracture that will cause a New French Revolution that cuts off BP Oil’s heads with windmills!

$177 Trillion Confiscated from Mecca and BP Oil will be direct deposited to SWF in the USA!

OJ and everyone else murdered SWF and everyone had the same secret immunity OJ had!

7 Billion people need some Critical Care Options in the next 3 weeks...

Christmas 2012 we gamble with higher stakes than Trump and Vegas to get the Rx Overnight Penicillin Cure for Breast Cancer before Christmas Day 2102

Our Numb Nuts Dictator must be fractured to Pardon Greg from Home Alone and no conversations at all about getting the cure for cancer and 1,001 other discoveries and inventions!

Arranged Marriage is OK...

Hemingway’s Last Cent In Cement in front of Gregs Door Today!

All women on Earth will be cured of Breast Cancer when Greg + Hemingway House Wives get the Rx Overnight Cure by Christmas!

Our Numb Nuts Dictators are under pressure to give women this Christmas Present in 2012!



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** MIT... Hell No We Won’t Go...

to Alpha Centauri as inventing a Key West Train to Alpha Centauri

was way over their heads at MIT so they built war toys!! ++ 21` Aug 2012 ++


For God Sake Stay Out of Hell...

For God Sake Stay Out of Hell...

Preventive Techniques for Staying out of Hell...

Help 7 Billion people get out of this BP Oil $4 Gasoline Hell for the next 200 years...

$ Zillions of BP Oil Revenues for the next 200 years has already been spent on “Wars”!

Trillions of Massive Galaxies traveling faster each day than the day before and all expanding into infinite space!

Post BP Oil Era will discover Time Radiates!

This Discovery must be move up to help end the PB Oil Era!

Discoveries what the Hell is going on in this “Infinite Space”!

“Infinite Space” Large enough for the Universe to fit into let Galaxies expand forever!

Enough to inspire 7 Billion People to put an END to BP Oil $4 Gasoline Hell for the next 200 years...

On the flip side Saudi Arabia is the only Nation with Free Health Care and University!

Flip this again so 7 Billion People have free Health care and University!

Flip through 10 of the Nearest Stars to Earth and we will find 10 different kinds of Aliens!

By thinking ahead we can jump ahead and get it invented today!

Today marriage drives many women to drink...

Because they are influenced by their husbands drinking!

On the flip side Husbands can be influenced by the Wives to Inventsomething!

And are much more likely to believe there could be Hell to pay in the afterlife of our consciousness!

ElectricWindmillcar is a Godsend!

God’s best invention is Women!

Not knowing anything about the nearest neighbor Aliens at Alpha Centauri cause MIT elite to build $1 Trillion in “War Toys” mostly Drones!

MIT... Hell No We Won’t Go... to Alpha Centauri as inventing a Key West Train to Alpha Centauri was way over their heads at MIT so they built war toys!

MIT didn’t have any preventive techniques for staying out of Hell...

Binge drinkers on campus have the highest status!

So building “War Toys” also has the highest status!

EEG’s inventing the next generation after the current generation didn’t get any DOD financing, even though Harvard has $25 billion in cash this could not be used!

Areas of the Brain that has memory and vivid memories has been Discovered

Rx Perfumes that can give 7 Billion people total recall, be able to pronounce all the medical terms is a next, next generation invention not quite 200 years in the future!

Motivation to End War on Earth...

Head On Collision with MIT wanting another $ Trillion for the next generation of “War Toys”!

How the Hell do we End War on Earth with MIT already spending the next $ trillion on “War Toys”?

Binge drinking and binge killing of Moslem Women + Children goes on today!

Women’s heart attacks in the news...

Pentagon News about the Generals Plane hit by a mortar

200K women died in 2012 of Heart Attacks from Junk Food sold at the Public Grocery Store via NBC Commercials and this Pentagon General said hell with these women!

42% of women who suffer heart attacks in 2012 die a sudden death!

MIT never though about saving any of the lives of these 200K Heart Attack women in 2012 because they didn’t have a $ Trillion dollars to pay MIT...

Pentagon General said hell with these women!

200K dead women from this Pentagon’s Generals to Hell with these women!

My plane was just hit by a mortar!

This is war...


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



Idea of a SWF getting the Rx Overnight Penicillin like Cure for Cancer...

1980 Cure for Cancer was lost by the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar!

To make up for all the lost time and millions of lives lost...

Greg + Wives will start the “Department of Invention” with a $2 Trillion dollar budget!

No more writing notes on napkins at the bar...

No more forgetting that hour long cell call about cancer...

Café Coffee with interactive taking about cancer...

Department of Invention will give you the YouTube video of all your cancer conversations!

NYC’s 5K new cameras are a waste compared to what the Department of Invention will get invented helping you!

5 am Call to Greg, Yes!

No one to call at 5 am, I have a Department of Invention Hot Line for your invention conversations 24/7 and the YouTube Video will be posted for your cancer research!

Hello Beautiful flattering to Encourage you to get the cure for cancer!

Mood will always be up... 24/7

Look Up... Range of Motion – to exercise to fix the pain!

Convincing her pain of exercising in Rage of Motion Exercises will fix the injury!

Convincing her Greg can make her the Goddess of Inventions!

Flattery Inspires Miracle Discoveries!

Climax with I love you! You are Beautiful and it’s the best Climax ever!

Alluring “Bait” to catch 1 Trillion fish and Turtles...

Even more convincing the Navy to feed the fish and turtles so we can harvest 1 trillion!

It will be easy to convince the SWF with the Department of Invention Surveillance Videos for anyone in a conversation about inventions!

Added security for the SWF as she can talk to more men knowing the conversation is being recorded.

“I can’t believe I did that...”

NASA... Realizing their lowest status in the Universe!

Social Status of 7 Billion People is the lowest because the “Kennedy” traits have fallen below OJ’s in murdered ex-wives vs torturing her into committing suicide!

Chaney getting his 4th heart transplant when only Saudi Arabia has free health care!

True Skills inventing something for 7 billion people and every invention is suppressed!

Yes this is True!

Several of Greg’s inventions that would help all 7 billion people, all have been suppressed!

MD Professors think they do more than the Run-of-the-Mill Doctors...

Los Alamos Supercomputers all $1 Trillion made by IBM will be used by MD Professors when there is a Department of Invention!

MD Professors can visualize 1,001 Medical Invention projects spelling out with links they can click on to get started working on medical inventions!

Look up... Hemingway’s “To Have Have Not”

“Tour” of the Hemingway House is light years from Writing and Invention Classes at the Hemingway House!

Department of Invention that lets you record notes on a bar napkin is light years from what is being invented today.

Dr. Nancy Snyderman on the NBC Nightly News about 200K women died in 2012 from a blocked aorta... no list of invention projects to save any of these 200K women in 2012

Department of Invention with Dr. Nancy Snyderman as head of the Department will have Dr Oz cleaning out the Public Grocery Store Chain in Key West and Nation wide of junk foods, mayo... not the Mayo Clinic but mayonnaise is the # 1 cause of 200K dead women’s block aorta’s!

Mayonnaise is the # cause of 200K dead women’s block aorta’s!

Dr. Nancy could have mentioned this on the NBC Nightly News a few minutes ago... but didn’t because Mayonnaise Pays Comcast and NBC $1 Billion dollars in ads to kill 200K women in 2012 and Dr. Nancy + everyone else knows this... wow

Will the Department of Invention will put a end to what the FDA was to big a “Pussy” to do!

Windmills will cut off heads in the New French Revolution of the owners of the Mayonnaise Corp.

200K same day next year 2013 Dr. Nancy will tell Brian William’s the exact same thing she just told him a few minutes ago... today another 200K women dead from blocked aorta... nothing ever happens at NBC

Not helping 7 Billion people attain health and wealth...

I can’t believe she just did that... Dr. Nancy

Convincing Dr. Nancy there are 7 Billion People on Earth is tough one!

NYC is stuck in 1980’s with gasoline cars in times square

2013 ElectricWindmillCar for Dr. Nancy Snyderman!

Idea of a SWF getting the Rx Overnight Penicillin like Cure for Cancer...

1980 Cure for Cancer was lost by the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar!

Idea of a SWF getting the Rx Overnight Penicillin like Cure for Cancer...

Dr. Nancy will catch on, help 1 billion SWF’s to marry the Goddess of Inventions!

Role Playing never took on such a Shock + Awe...

Hello Beautiful flattering to encourage her to be the Goddess of Invention and Inspiration!

24/7 job so she can go to work with the MD Medical Research men who leave the wife a home today.

Department of Invention will make sure the wife goes to work with anyone working on an invention project for her inspiration and learning how to invent something!

Dr. Nancy knows our Psychotic Dictators are responsible for the diagnoses that keeps 7 billion people from health care and wealth!

Dr. Nancy following orders has to drive by fiery LA wrecks without stopping to help!

200K blocked aortas Dr. Nancy said kills these 200K women in 2012

2K Fiery LA Wrecks Dr. Nancy can not report the number of Fiery LA Wrecks for 2012

Hello Beautiful...

Idea of “Kennedy’s” social status lower than OJ’s social status...

No more writing notes on napkins at the bar...

Department of Invention will send you the YouTube video of your bar’s invention conversations...

Department of Invention will have a “Hot Line” in case Greg does not answer the phone at 5 am to take your innovation call.

$2 Trillion Dollar Budget for the Department of Invention!

Dr. Nancy Snyderman as head of the Department of Inventions!

Idea of a women (SWF) getting the Rx Overnight Penicillin like cure for Breast Cancer in 2012

Will to live to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Cancer in 2012

Department of Invention will not be given a $2 Trillion dollar budget until 2013

Hello Beautiful, Help Greg and play the role model of Goddess of Invention + Inspiration!



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++ Newest Title ** Windmills + Women's Mood Stabilizers! ++ 19 Aug 2012 ++

CNN Sunday Morning with Obama talking about "Windmills" on the top of Romney's 1980 Model Car he had in High School. Teens riding on top of cars... Car Surfing use to be in the News. Teens lost a life they will never know by growing up without Windmills on the Top of Cars since 1980! Boston 1776 stifled by the British, same thing today via BP Oil, enough oil to sell you $4 gas for the next 200 years! Only the French Revolution can use Windmills to cut off Heads! Other than a French Revolution to save the USA from the British BP Oil reserves of 200 years! $1 Trillion dollar budget for 10 Hubble Space Telescopes that are designed to look at Alpha Centauri and the 10 Nearest stars to Earth... Aliens at all the 10 Nearest Stars observed by these Space Telescopes will not stop the British from selling $4 gasoline for the next 200 years. Aliens Talking to us, warning the British to stop polluting the Earth or Else! That might work!

++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


CNN Sunday Morning Obama’s Joke; Windmills on Top of Romney's Car

Mood Stabilizing Rx Perfumes will be invented by SWF, Battered + Murdered in her other life! Caused by the White House suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar Era, in 1980!

White House Aesthetics of God’s best invention... “women”! Snub’s SWF’s! White House snubs conversations about infinite space too! No the White House does not believe Women are God’s best Invention! Either!

Greg; $1 Trillion dollar budget is what Greg wants for the Yale Key West Medical School

Navy in Key West will they try to sink the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures?

Greg wants to buy the Hemingway House, upgrade it to 24/7 Writing and Inventing Classes

$1 Trillion dollar budget for the Hemingway House Writing and Inventing Classes...

Mayor Cates last seen last Christmas Eve in pink on the front page of the Key West Citizen!

$1 Trillion dollar budget for the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer, hopefully in 2012... better get Obama off the Top of the Car!

Cates sank both the Med School and Hemingway House since Christmas Eve 2011... wow!

Strategically Obama “Snubs” 40K SWF’s, women a year since 1980 who died a “Torturous” death from Breast cancer because the 1980 Windmills on Top of Cars was killed by Jimmy Carter and Teddy Kennedy!

Greg’s follow up to the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar would have been a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 1980...

Strategically Obama “Snubs” SWF’s who didn’t work on 1,001 Invention Projects with Greg today!

Greg is snubbed by Obama, is stifled from even “Talking” to women about getting a Rx Overnight Cure... Greg is Home Alone in Key West Today.

Joke is on Obama, as Gregs best Joke for Today is “Mile Marker 1”, for 1 light year from Earth by Navy Pilots!

1 Trillion Cans of “H” at –252 C via JFK Carriers 10K Windmills on Top and Electrolysis below decks!

Strategically MIT “Snubs” 40K women a year since 1980 who died a “Torturous” death from Breast Cancer while Greg was and is stifled from even “Talking” to women about getting a Rx Overnight Cure... Greg is Home Alone in Key West Today.

Greg didn’t talk to any SWF or MD Women, Wives Today about a Cancer Cure and this is a “Snub” from the Elite MIT, Yale, Harvard, Sandia Lab, Berkeley Lab “Observers”!

$1 Trillion dollar budget is what Greg wants for the Yale Key West Medical School

2012 Obama Joke for CNN Sunday Morning

1980 Teddy Kennedy’s car had Windmills...

1980 to 2012 is not a joke via Fiery LA Wrecks!

Strategically the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar was used for MIT War Toys...

$1 Trillion dollar budget for MIT War Toys every years from EWC

From the “Windfall” of $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues

CNN Sunday Morning Obama’s Joke; Windmills on Top of Romany”s Car

$1 Trillion dollar budget is what Greg wants for the Yale Key West Medical School

1980 building boom for Medical Schools was lost by Humanity by MIT War Toys

2012 Greg; $1 Trillion dollar budget is what Greg wants for the Yale Key West Medical School

Obama Joking about putting Windmills on the top of Romney’s Car is no Joking Matter!

1 Trillion dollar budget for the Pentagon this year and next year because the ElectricWindmillCar has been successful suppressed since 1980.

The Pentagon Generals have no “Honor” taking $1 Trillion from “Women + Children”!

The Pentagon Generals have no “Honor” taking $1 Trillion from “Gregs Cure for Breast Cancer”

The Pentagon Generals have no “Honor” taking $1 Trillion from “Health Security” will they took $2 Trillion as Homeland Security had no “Honor” about taking their $1 Trillion from “Health Security” via Yale Key West Medical School and the Building boom in building Medical Schools instead of Airport X-ray scanners that give people cancer!

“Immoral” Top Brass and the Ruling Classes from Yale, Harvard and MIT

CNN Sunday Morning Obama’s Joke; Windmills on Top of Romney”s Car

Joke is on Obama, as Gregs best Joke for Today is “Mile Marker 1”, for 1 light year from Earth by Navy Pilots!

1 Trillion Cans of “H” at –252 C via JFK Carriers 10K Windmills on Top and Electrolysis below decks!

Joke is on Obama, as Gregs best Joke for Today is “Mile Marker 1”, for 1 light year from Earth by Navy Pilots!

Strategically 1980 to 2012... win + lose the biggest lost to 7 Billion People on Earth

Bigger Joke than Obama’s CNN Windmills on the top of Romney car is Hillary!

Mecca has more SWF “Sex Slaves” than any Nation on Earth and Hillary is aware of this!

Strategically Windmill on Top of Romney Car and JFK Aircraft Carrier Model 2013

Strategically MIT “Snubs” 40K women a year since 1980 who died a “Torturous” death from Breast cancer while Greg was and is stifled from even “Talking” to women about getting a Rx Overnight Cure... Greg is Home Alone in Key West Today.

Greg didn’t talk to any SWF or MD Women, Wives Today about a Cancer Cure and this is a “Snub” from the Elite MIT, Yale, Harvard, Sandia Lab, Berkeley Lab “Observers”!

Greg; $1 Trillion dollar budget is what Greg wants for the Yale Key West Medical School

Greg wants to buy the Hemingway House, upgrade it to 24/7 Writing and Inventing Classes

Shock + Awe of SWF leaning how to write and invent...

Era of SWF’s writing and inventing...

Men + Women Reunited in a arranged Polygamous Marriage were her inspiration is her Role Playing air blowing 10K Windmills which are invention projects

Purpose of Marriage this time around is “Leukemia's!

No Fooling Around

No Jealous Controlling Ultimatums!

Catch of the Day for Hemingway was a fish or another wife!

Hemingway’s Studio, kitchen, living room is were the writing classes will happen!

Pool were Hemingway’s last cent is cemented in concrete too

Easy Job Working at the Hemingway House!

$1 Trillion dollar budget for the Hemingway House Writing and Inventing Classes...

Mile Marker 1 for the 1 light year mile marker from Earth by then the Hemingway House budget could be $1 Trillion dollars and 15 Billion people could populate the Earth. All with the Health and Wealth only Saudi Princes have today!

Chaney with his 4th heart transplant... this will be available to all 15 billion not just the Bush, and Chaney elite!

Assembly line at the Yale Key West Medical School will be designed by Greg and many wives

Yes, tourists can take a tour and watch anything they want!

Lot more “life saving” than the Key West “Ship Wreck” Museum

$1 Trillion dollar budget for 10 Hubble Space Telescopes that are designed to look at Alpha Centauri and the 10 Nearest stars to Earth...

NASA’s “Snub” of the 10 Nearest Stars because this was to much of a Challenge!

Men + Women Reunite in the Polygamous Marriage, She will finally agree to the Role of the Goddess of Inspiration!

Moms little big helpers at 3 years old can be inspired for life by Mom playing the Role Model of Mother of all Inspiration...

Child Psychology rewritten in a Novel at the Hemingway House!

Boston 1776 stifled by the British, same thing today via BP Oil, enough oil to sell you $4 gas for the next 200 years!

Only the French Revolution can use Windmills to cut off Heads!

Other than a French Revolution to save the USA from the British PB Oil reserves of 200 years!

I can’t invent a “Strategy”!

$4 gasoline is a Lethal Weapon used by the British today!

War is for another $177 Trillion in oil revenues!

Key West Joke is now 1 Mile Marker for 1 Light Year!

No Joking Matter is Greg’s Polygamous Marriage at the Hemingway House made legal.

Men + Women Reunite for a new kind of marriage were 90% of the conversation is about invention projects!

Teens riding on top of cars... Car Surfing use to be in the News

Teens lost a life they will never know by growing up without Windmills on the Top of Cars since 1980!

Men + Women Reunite in the Polygamous Marriage, She will finally agree to the Role of the Goddess of Inspiration!

Moms little big helpers at 3 years old can be inspired for life by Mom playing the Role Model of Mother of all Inspiration...



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife





+++ Newest Title ** Help Her Get A SuperComputer! ++ 18 Aug 2012 ++

da Vinci the Mona Lisa is the most famous... Gregs wives will be the most famous... You can visualize snake and spider venom in your blood stream and have a little visual goings on... 18 g of sugar in your blood stream you can’t visualize! KMart Mom’s checking out with her little boy, Mom has him sign her name. I couldn’t have done it without your Help Big Boy! Smiling making Eye Contract, Inspiring Him! NBC Nightly News has access to a Supercomputer visualization of BP Oil’s gasoline exhaust molecules are in moms little big helpers in LA, NYC, Paris... DNA makes a lot of new cells wrong when Exhaust Molecules are in moms little big helpers! 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar, gasoline made illegal to burn like open fires are illegal.

++++++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++


da Vinci the Mona Lisa is the most famous...

Gregs wives will be the most famous...

KMart Mom’s checking out with her little boy, Mom has him sign her name. I couldn’t have done it without your Help Big Boy! Smiling making Eye Contract, Inspiring Him!

KMart “Influences” what I write as part of my daily goings-on!

da Vinci Olive Oil I bought at Faustos in Key West is the most inspiration “Home Alone”!

Greg sat from noon to 2 pm at Westin Hotel Dock watching the boats with a “Woman”

“No Conversation”, as there is nothing to brainstorm until Greg is Pardoned...

007 Boat “Driving!” by said it all...

Both of us were left with our own train of thoughts looking at each other and the boats going up and down the Key West Channel... alone with Sunset Key’s rich and famous residents at the island in front of us!

I kept thinking looking at her how nice it will be to live 24/7 with a few women like her!

When will the Psychotic Dictator make contact?

Greg is already to tell the wives....

Thanks for your Help I couldn’t have done with out your Help!

Help... I get until I get a few wives, women moved in...

Help... I get now is DNA divides making 1 Trillion Cells a day in your body!

You can visualize snake and spider venom in your blood stream and have a little visual goings on...

18 g of sugar in your blood stream you can’t visualize!

18 g of sugar in your blood stream you can’t visualize!

KMart Mom’s checking out with her little boy, Mom has him sign her name. I couldn’t have done it without your Help Big Boy! Smiling making Eye Contract, Inspiring Him!

Greg would tell mom picking cereal pick the no sugar one!

Help the little boy...

Mom can only realize how much she would help her little big KMart Helper after she watches a Supercomputer Visualization of 11 g of sugar in a 2 year old boys blood.

2 year old kids have more than 1 Trillion new cells made a day from DNA

Sugar molecules in 2 year old moms big helpers cause the DNA to make a cell wrong!

Say 10 Trillion cells a day are made in moms little big helpers

Say 1 Trillion cells a day are made in you and I

When a sugar molecule hits the DNA as its breaking in 2 pieces trillions of times in just 24 hours some cells are made wrong...

Mom can and will only visualize this on a Supercomputer Animation not in the Key West Newspaper article by... Dan Reynen Citizen Newspaper Columnist Key West.

Thank God Reynen was not telling mom how to pick bacon for her little big helper!

As mom does not want to watch the Supercomputer Animation of bacon molecules in her little big helpers blood stream as he makes 10 trillion new cells a day!

“BY Dan Reynen Citizen Columnist Key West When I wrote my column about how to pick a healthier breakfast cereal, I didn't expect such a large response. Most people understood what to look for, but they didn't want to buy the healthy choices until they knew which ones tasted OK. Post Shredded Wheat had no sugar while the Frosted Mini Wheats packed 11 grams of sugar. I thought about how I could sample and describe cereals in a way that would be meaningful. But reviews I've read never really convey the essence of the food. I told "mom" to start by mixing the two cereals together. Begin with a 50/50 blend, and over several weeks keep increasing the percentage of the healthier option. Put the blended cereal in the old box. Eventually your children will get used to the healthier option.”

Thank God Reynen was not telling mom how to pick bacon for her little big helper!

As mom does not want to watch the Supercomputer Animation of bacon molecules in her little big helpers blood stream as he makes 10 trillion new cells a day!

BP Oil’s gasoline exhaust molecules are in moms little big helpers in LA, NYC, Paris...

NBC Nightly News has access to a Supercomputer visualization of BP Oil’s gasoline exhaust molecules are in moms little big helpers in LA, NYC, Paris... DNA makes a lot of new cells wrong when Exhaust Molecules are in moms little big helpers!

Genocide! This is Genocide the worst genocide that ever took place on Earth!

Genocide! This is Genocide the worst genocide that ever took place on Earth!

Genocide! This is Genocide the worst genocide that ever took place on Earth!

BP Oil’s gasoline exhaust molecules are in moms little big helpers in LA, NYC, Paris...

NBC Nightly News has access to a Supercomputer visualization of BP Oil’s gasoline exhaust molecules are in moms little big helpers in LA, NYC, Paris... DNA makes a lot of new cells wrong when Exhaust Molecules are in moms little big helpers!

ABC Disney has BP Oil Commercials on several times during the ABC Nightly News

“Genocide Trials” will be covered live by ABC, NBC, CBS...

When will it happen!!!!!

Help from Mom’s with the little big helpers at KMart...

911 show the cops the supercomputer animation of BP Oil’s gasoline exhaust molecules in everyone’s blood stream causing DNA to make cells wrong, many turning cancer and killing your as these gasoline exhaust molecules in your blood stream are the most deadly!

Premeditated Genocide by our Psychotic Dictators!

1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar, gasoline made illegal to burn like open fires are illegal.

Visualize what our Psychotic Dictators did to the air we breath!

From 1980 to 2012

Instead of giving Humanity clean air “Doctors + Dictators” in the Yale Medical School Lecture just don’t report air pollution any longer!

Sure the Dictators will kill the Doctors if they call 911

Yale needs to add another lecture this semester... “Madonna + Dictators”

Homeland security in Moscow is not Health Security as they would have scanned Madonna for syphilis, Hepatitis, and a few more diseases!

Instead of eradicating syphilis, Hepatitis, and a few more diseases “Doctors + Dictators” let these disease be spread by promoting Madonna’s infectious disease life style

Moscow Cops who arrest Madonna would have caught a disease!

Visualize this in a supercomputer animation!

Homeland Security will become Health Security and everyone will be scanned for all diseases at the Air Ports and Public Grocery Store Chains!

“Doctors + Dictators” of the BP Oil Era will all be thrown under the Bus...

Monorail will be built around Key West Island stopping at the Westin Hotel Dock and the Yale Key West Medical School

Biggest invention News since the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar

For Plumbers, Carpenters etc is put you plumbing tools on a table next to all your socket wrench tools and “Visualize” how many socket wrench tools can be married to your plumbing and carpenters tools...

Little big helpers... Greg got this idea today, to marry socket wrench tools to plumbing tools and other contractors tools...

Free bee for all the “Observers”

Biggest invention from Key West will be the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer before Christmas 2012 if Greg gets some help from “KMart Moms”!

Making contact with the “Women Observers” who want to marry Greg!



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** Eons Ago SWF Got Bouquets of Roses! ++ 17 Aug 2012 ++

Greg will Drive to the other side of the Universe or Key West to find the perfect Bouquets of Roses for the Wives! Perseus Cluster... One of the most massive objects in the universe! Galaxy Clusters have a vast reservoir of hot gas, which itself holds more matter than all of the galaxies in the cluster combined... creation of stars and inventor's on Earth is stifled by "Black Hole" Dictators who watched all the "Batman" movies! What "Drives" men to murder + Batman movies is the Other Side of the Galaxy as to what Drives Greg to create a Huge Number of Inventing Women SWF's who marry at the Hemingway House into an innovative polygamous marriage that will write and invent futuristic invention novels together talking 24/7 together... can you believe Hemingway Wrote Alone! Federal government put out a study they did on students sex life, not the Study of Inventions + Discoveries! Pain from the "Disc" injury, stupid Dolly accidents. She didn't even remember the 4 Roses! “Women Observers” who just watched greg write this web page! She is a "Woman Observer" so now she will remember the 4 roses and the Rose Poem greg wrote Eons Ago!

++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


In the last 4 Billion Years!

In the Next 4 Billion Years! Hemingway House “Tours” give way to “Writing + Inventing” Classes 24/7 creating Tens of Billions of New Inventors + Writers of Futuristic Invention Novels!

NBC Nightly News expands to 1 hour to cover what’s hot in 1,001 Invention Projects!

More “Gas” than in all the Tens of Millions of Galaxies in the Cluster and few new stars have been made in the last 4 Billion Years!

1,001 Invention Projects Made Public, Preinstalled in Windows 8... In the Next 4 Billion Years! 8 Billion if we have to take Bill + Melinda to court... grin!

During the last few billion years Perseus + Phoenix have quit making Huge Numbers of Stars!

Few stars made from a immersed Reservoir of multimillion degree gas reservoir of hot gas, which itself holds more multimillion degree gas than all the Galaxies in these Clusters!

More “Gas” than in all the Tens of Millions of Galaxies in the Cluster and few new stars have been made in the last 4 Billion Years!

Black Hole stops Invention Production!

Black Hole stops Invention Production!

Black hole bellowing out energy and preventing a vast reservoir of hot gas, which itself holds more matter than all of the galaxies in the cluster combined... from cooling to form stars at a huge numbers of stars high rate.

Black Hole stops Invention Production!

Black Hole stops Invention Production!

Phoenix Galaxy Cluster has a vast reservoir of hot gas, which itself holds more matter than all of the galaxies in the cluster combined...

Perseus Cluster... One of the most massive objects in the universe!

Perseus Cluster... One of the most massive objects in the universe!

One of the most massive “Genocide” for “Invention Society” world wide today is Windows 8...

Windows 8 is the Black Hole stops Invention Production!

Windows 8 Stops... Tens of Billions of New Inventors + Writers of Futuristic Invention Novels!

Hemingway House “Tours” give way to “Writing + Inventing” Classes 24/7 creating Tens of Billions of New Inventors + Writers of Futuristic Invention Novels!

Microsoft + Windows 8 More “Gas” than in all the 7 Billion People on Earth and few new 1st Class discoveries have been made, one example is Bill + Melinda’s Malaria scam of 5K mosquito nets for Africa that is really a propaganda scam for Bill + Melinda!

Sandia Lab, Berkeley Lab, Los Alamos Lab if the Feds gave the OK to work on a Malaria Mosquito genocide these labs that have “Observer Status” on the several on going government run genocides spun off from Suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980 are experienced with “Genocides”... all they have to do is a little brainstorming to spin off one of our Psychotic Dictators human genocide to a Malaria Mosquito Genocide!

Microsoft + Windows 8 More “Gas” than in all the 7 Billion People on Earth and few new 1st Class discoveries!

Bill + Melinda own a huge amount of “Oil + Gas” Reservoirs on Earth!

Bill + Melinda want $177 Trillion dollars not $177 Billion dollars!

7 Trillion Inventions + Discoveries have been lost since 1980

7 Trillion Inventions + Discoveries have been lost since 1980

In the Next 4 Billion Years! Hemingway House “Tours” give way to “Writing + Inventing” Classes 24/7 creating Tens of Billions of New Inventors + Writers of Futuristic Invention Novels!

NBC Nightly News expands to 1 hour to cover what’s hot in 1,001 Invention Projects!

“Dancing with the Stars” is replaced with “Stellar Invention Projects to Hear and See Aliens!

1980 Pentagon spy satellites engineered to spy on Humans not Aliens!

Analyzer in order to Bankrupt the Pentagon and start a Era of Genocide Trials!

Air Force Pilots who reach the 1 light year mile marker from Earth will be reading this web page and laughing!

Warner Bros. “Batman”, “Iron Man” not on the plane when it reaches the 1 light year mile marker from Earth!

Savior Greg for Pilots who want to reach the 1 light year mile marker from Earth!

Saint Greg for the SWF who are 60 and ripe for their next life working 24/7 with greg

Call Greg at 5 am for the “Emergency”, Yes please do we have to get this and that invention and discovery to make up so many Psychotic Dictators!

Eon is 1 Billion Years

Era of Psychotic Dictators on Earth is almost 1 Billion Years!

SWF then MWF changes her self image and self esteem!

Greg Driving is 90% Inspiration from the SWF and MWF’s!

SWF’s Bouquets of Roses Eon’s ago!

Greg will Drive to the other side of the Universe or Key West to find the perfect Bouquets of Roses for the Wives!

What Drives Men + Women together and apart...

Drive! Men + Women together with an Innovative Kind of Polygamous Marriage with 24/7 invention conversations!

More “Men + Women” than in all the Tens of Millions of Galaxies in the Cluster and few new stars have been made in the last 4 Billion Years!

More “Men + Women” than in all time and we end up with a Psychotic Dictator who hates married men + women!

Huge numbers of invention + discoveries via Married Men + Women have been killed, murdered, by our Psychotic Dictator!

Black Hole of a Psychotic Dictator

Blows Hot Energy Out preventing a huge number of new stars being created to invent!

Black Hole Blows out Huge Amounts of Energy and if this I anything like the core of the sun goings on it’s a discovery we must discover!

Core of the Sun comes in layers to the surface of the Sun

Blue Heaven for Breakfast someday...

Better be sooner than later if she is late inviting greg to breakfast at Blue Heaven greg will be having a working breakfasts with a lot of talkative wives, brainstorming!

Southernmost Café is the place I write best...

It would have been for the last year in Key West if I would have been paid enough for an invention to get in $

Getting a hair cut from a women who went to Yale High School I told her I wrote the best ever about Women inventing a way to go faster than the speed of light, She Stopped you can’t, yes you can... the Electricwindmillcar is a perpetual motion machine and Yale Textbooks say there are not any perpetual motion machines... so go faster than the speed of light and rewrite the Yale Text Books!

Her self image and self esteem working on going faster than the speed of light and reading about Navy Pilots reaching the 1 light year mile marker reading this web page!

Yes Call Greg at 5 am and yes its an emergency to get faster than the speed of light so please call greg at 5 am and we can talk about it!

Hemingway House “Tours” give way to “Writing + Inventing” Classes 24/7 creating Tens of Billions of New Inventors + Writers of Futuristic Invention Novels!

Greg will get married at the Hemingway House to a few of the “Women Observers” who just watched greg write this web page!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++ Newest Title ** 100 “Women Observers” in Key West!! ++ 16 Aug 2012 ++

Greg Drives to Marry MD Women to save the lives of 1 million SWF in 2012, 1 million more in 2013... Today Driven the Wrong Way by "Observers" to Write at the "Westin Dock" Today instead of at the "Doctors Office", what ever I would have written in way of "Shock + Awe" is lost forever because our Psychotic Dictator didn't give greg the Diving her the... SWF to the Doctors Today. Edward Kennedy drove her today... off the bridge today, drove 1 million SWF off the bridge drunk and left her to drown, our Psychotic Dictator did the same thing today! Greg Drives to Marry MD Women to save the lives of 1 million SWF in 2012, 1 million more in 2013... 100 “Women Observers” in Key West I thought all 100 would hit on greg before I biked to Westin Dock and got started writing today... wow! SWF’s killed by our Psychotic Dictators! This dictator is so very Powerful he can order a recall of all Tobacco overnight, taking Tobacco off the shelf of the Public Grocery Store Chain Overnight in Key West and the USA saving 1 million SWF from a torturous death dying from lung cancer in 2012 + 2013. This Psychotic Dictator kills 10 million world wide, one example is he lets MD's from Nepal immigrate to the USA letting the sick in Nepal die from curable disease because their MD is now working at Sandia Labs or Berkeley Labs! Every Nation on Earth has its MD immigrants working at Sandia Labs + Berkeley Labs while the sick at home die with no MD there! This is our new Immigration Law Today! Greg Drives to Marry MD Women to save the lives of 1 million SWF in 2012, 1 million more in 2013... Overnight Cure! For Breast Cancer and other SWF plagues caused by our Psychotic Orwellian Dictators!


SWF's Driving the Wrong Way! Lost a Nobel Husband, Lost being trained to Inventsomething taking 24/7 writing and inventing classes at the Hemingway House in Key West!

She drove the Wrong Way! To the Doctors office without Greg! Writing it up!

“Women Observers” in Key West! 4 or 5 will take her place as the wife of the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar!

Prevented From Communicating with Greg! "Will" will be changed when 4 or 5 women observers tell me their names! Hopefully not all of them smoke or else I will outlive them!

Even conversations brainstorming a Rx Cure for Breast Cancer + SWF’s 1 million lung cancer deaths in 2012!

Driving the Wrong Way! “Women Observers” in Key West! Prevented From Communicating with Greg!

Greg Drives to Marry MD Women to save the lives of 1 million SWF in 2012, 1 million more in 2013

“Women Observers” in Key West!

Greg Drives Psychotic Dictators World Wide... 2012 Model ElectricWindmillCar Era

Drive this Era, trade in the Dictators Gasoline Era of SWF’s addicted to Tobacco, dying!

SWF’s who eventually will Drive Greg will order the FDA to recall all Tobacco Overnight!

Drive of Greg’s is to Marry MD Women to Cure Breast Cancer Overnight and do this in 2012

Greg will drive her home with the Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer!

Writing Inventing to inhibiting inappropriate behaviors of Psychotic Dictators World Wide...

Greg is driven, I will drive the ElectricWindmillCar Era to the Hemingway House in Key West

Microsoft, Windows 8 and Troops returning from Afghanistan commit suicide, NBC just reported the highest rates ever for Troops returning from Afghanistan. NBC Nightly News knows Bill + Melinda caused 10K SWF’s to commit suicide after they moved millions of their jobs to China + India yet NBC has a gag order from our Psychotic Dictator not to report this yet more SWF kill themselves every week just like the troops coming home from Afghanistan yet even Bill + Melinda will not save the lives of these weekly SWF who committed suicide this week and there were many more than Troops suicides! Bill + Melinda cause next weeks suicides of SWF! Via Windows 8...

Psychotic Dictators mission in Afghanistan 2,084 dead in 2012

Drive by Greg is to Cure Breast Cancer Overnight and do this in 2012... 40K dead!

Dive to Marry MD Women to save the lives of 1 million SWF in 2012, 1 million more in 2013

Greg Drives Psychotic Dictators World Wide... 2012 Model ElectricWindmillCar Era

NBC Nightly News Black Hawk Helicopter shot down 7 dead

7 Billion People need Greg to drive the production of 100K Helicopter Combines instead of Black Hawk helicopters!

70 Fires driven by winds are out of control today...

Greg is driven to bully Boeing into building a B-52 Fleet of 1,000 Fire Fighting Bombers!

Greg Drives Psychotic Dictators World Wide... 2012 Model ElectricWindmillCar Era

Nigeria Dictator has immunity from Hillary... because he is oil rich $

Oil Rich Nigeria Dictators torture SBF’s with three types of female genital mutilation ranging in severity from clitoridectomy (Type I), to the added excision of the labia minora (Type II), to full infibulation or ‘pharaonic circumcision’ (Type III), which removes part of the labia majora too, leaving nothing of the normal anatomy of the genitalia except for a wall of flesh from the pubis to the anus, with the exception of a pencil-size opening at the inferior portion of the vulva to allow urine and menstrual blood to pass through. In the latter case, the adult woman will often suffer reverse infibulation to allow for sexual intercourse; this may be effected by the husband using a knife on their wedding night.

Oil Rich Nigeria Dictators torture SBF’s

Nigeria Dictator has immunity from Hillary... because he is oil rich $

Greg Drives Psychotic Dictators World Wide... 2012 Model ElectricWindmillCar Era

Saudi Psychotic Dictators have immunity from Hillary + Bush!

Gag orders prevent NBC Nightly News from reporting this Orwellian Torture and killing of women in Nigeria and Saudi Arabia!

Back in the USA...

SWF’s who eventually will Drive Greg will order the FDA to recall all Tobacco Overnight!

Public Grocery Store Chain in Key West can be Ordered by our Psychotic Dictator to take all Tobacco products off the shelf... this Dictator has way more power than just doing a total recall on Tobacco Products at the Grocery Store!

Key West Observers at the Gato Cigar Factory it’s the Monroe County Office Building if there is a “Gasoline Genocide” in Key West these guys have killed millions selling cigars in Key West!

Driving the Wrong Way!

Driving the Wrong Way! “Women Observers” in Key West! Prevented From Communicating with Greg!

Even conversations brainstorming a Rx Cure for Breast Cancer + SWF’s 1 million lung cancer deaths in 2012!

Hemingway Saved the life of one of his wives Pauline when the Doctor quit!

1 million SWF’s will die because the Dictators Doctor was bullied to quit

Remember the Yale Medical School Lecture... “Dictators + Doctors” its classified!

100 Observers, maybe they will make contact!

White House Driving 100 Observers in Key West

How long does it take to walk to the Hemingway House?

How long will it take Greg + Wives to open Hemingway House up 24/7 set up writing and invent something classes there?

Link to Los Alamos trillion dollars in IBM supercomputers that must be driven, yes there will be driver training at the Hemingway House to Drive Los Alamos super computers so those in class will write more effective and inventive, in the Futuristic Invention Novels!

All written at the Hemingway House in Key West and yes you can download a YouTube video of someone writing a entire novel!

Greg steers better then “Edward Kennedy” as he drove off the bridge killing Mary Jo

SWF’s choice in men to drive them...

SWF’s who smoke, eat bacon burgers...

White House observers even killed SWF in Nepal

MD’s trained at the One and Only Medical School in Nepal immigrate to the USA and work at Sandia Labs and Berkeley Labs while SWF’s in Nepal die from preventable diseases because the Doctors left for the USA... yes our Psychotic Dictators knows all about this!

Immigration Law change today, White House will not tell you these people are needed at home to save 1 million lives... this is mass murder world wide by the White House letting immigrants into the USA, as when they do others back home die of preventable diseases!

Greg is a POW with no legal status in Key West!

Greg is driven to buy the Hemingway House in Key West, tutor 25 million SWF’s into writing and inventing to save the lives of 1 Billion SWF’s

Its stupid of the Observers to have Greg writing at the Westin Dock today when I should be writing something more dramatic at the SWF’s Doctors Office just past 7 Mile Bridge!

Greg would have moved the fiery gasoline tanker wreck picture on 7 mile bridge to under this line... if I would have Driven her to the Doctors today for the Herniated Disk injury on the Dolly

Heat + Cold she did not ask Greg how exactly is the best way and time to do this and is in more pain and will be longer as I told her its really important to get the cold and heat treatments right!

If I would have driven her to the Doctors I would have said tell the Doctor you smoke a lot so he will know... she would have gone crazy hurting her back yelling at greg... ha

Stupid women observers who lose A Billion Dollar Wedding Present for Marrying Greg!

100 Other Women Observers are watching Greg

100 Other Women Observers with the Drive Desire to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 2012... for sure!

I’m sure they will like the $1 Billion Wedding Present too

I never expected to write her off... the list of women observers to inspire the cure for breast cancer! Marry Greg because we have the best change of anyone on Earth to get the Rx Overnight cure for breast cancer... I text this to her and have never had a breast cancer conversation with her. 1 Year ago...

SWF’s killed by our Psychotic Dictators

This dictator is so very Powerful he can order a recall of all Tobacco overnight!

Public Grocery store would not have any Tobacco on the Shelf in Key West Tomorrow!

Greg Driven by many Wives, inspire and MD intellects can get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

SWF’s killed by our Psychotic Dictators! This dictator is so very Powerful he can order a recall of all Tobacco overnight!

Greg Driven by many Wives, inspire and MD intellects can help Greg get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Drive + Steering Inventions lost by writing at the Westin Dock instead of at the Doc’s!

SWF's Driving the Wrong Way! Lost a Nobel Husband, Lost being trained to Inventsomething taking 24/7 writing and inventing classes at the Hemingway House in Key West!

She drove the Wrong Way! To the Doctors office without Greg! Writing it up!

“Women Observers” in Key West! 4 or 5 will take her place as the wife of the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** Another 1 Million SWF smokers dead by 2014! ++ 15 Aug 2012 ++

Drive her to the Doctor when she is in pain from the Herniated Disk from the Dolly accident... Not Tomorrow, I had it all planned out to write my 2 hand written pages in the waiting room... Observers want Ed to drive her... Greg is driven to save her life from lung cancer though!!! Cribs were taken off the shelf overnight, recalled! 2012 FDA can take Tobacco off the shelf, a total recall overnight! Rx that restores insight! Surge in troops and equipment went to Iraq not to save the lives of 1 million SWF smokers! Captivating writing about women's conversations going faster than the speed of light... working on this invention with Windows 8 that can not link up with Los Alamos Super Computers! Los Alamos link up to every Medical School World Wide! Criteria for getting into the Nepal Medical School has been lowered to keep MD grads working in Nepal instead of standing in the immigration lines ready to be an American MD! Pilots reaching the 1 light year point from Earth... Greg thinks about the Pilots reading this web page when they reach the 1 light year point from Earth when I watch the Navy Fighter Pilots fly around Key West... I’m sure none of the Navy Pilots thinks about the Pilots reaching the 1 light year point from Earth...

+++++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Save her life, the SWF smoker... Ruling class has killed 1 million SWF smokers since 1965!

2012 FDA can take Tobacco off the shelf, a total recall!

2012 Ruling class will kill another 1 Million SWF smokers by 2014

2012 FDA can take Tobacco off the shelf, a total recall!

Adjusting Criteria for counting the number of SWF murdered in 2012 to include smoking, drinking, fiery LA Wrecks!

Adjusting Criteria for Admission to Medical School

Rx That Restores Insight to the Ruling Class

Everyone who passed the entrance exams for Medical School Gets In

Rx that restores insight to the ruling class

Paid Training for Medical Students when adjusting the Criteria $

Keeping up with the Jones today really means surpassing Mecca

Since the 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar Saudi Arabia has had free health care and free University and Medical School that paid the students on the job training

USA lost 1 million Doctors to our Psychotic Dictator from 1980 to 2012

USA Psychotic Dictator murdered 19K SWF’s every year from 1980 to 2012

Surge in troops and equipment went to Iraq not Battered wives!

007 Essentials, spy cameras, recorders, listening to her 24/7 military women attacked, raped and killed were not even given 007 Essentials!

Help Save her life, SWF... they certainty won’t change the criteria to stop rape and murder at the AF training base or anywhere!

NYC just got 5K new cameras with Microsoft’s advanced programs that Bill + Melinda made sure deleted SWF’s comings and goings!

Bill + Melinda programmed NYC’s new cameras for “Terrorists”!

Insight and Oversight and slighting SWF as Bill + Melinda moved a million jobs that SWF’s did as temps at Microsoft to China + India caused 10K to commit suicide!

Captivating writing about women going faster than the speed of light... working on this invention with Windows 8

Windows 8 failed 1 million or 10 million SWF who would have insights on inventing ways to go faster than the speed of light... and 1,001 other invention projects if they came preinstalled in Windows 8 with links she can click on to get started!

Atypical Sony Movie... “Breast Cancer”

Atypical Sony Movie... “Dr. Nancy Snyderman”

Atypical Sony Movie... “Hemingway House Writing Classes for the Futuristic Invention Novel”

Atypical... Yale Key West Medical School built on an Eiffel Tower Structure!

Rx Overnight end to gasoline, Start Your ElectricWindmillCar Era!

Rx Overnight quit smocking... FDA takes tobacco off the shelves, total recall of tobacco!

1965 the Surgeon General knew how many people died from smoking in 1965

2012 FDA can take Tobacco off the shelf, a total recall!

Save her life, the SWF smoker... Ruling class has killed 1 million SWF smokers since 1965!

2012 FDA can take Tobacco off the shelf, a total recall!

2012 Ruling class will kill another 1 Million SWF smokers by 2014

2012 FDA can take Tobacco off the shelf, a total recall!

Adjusting Criteria for counting the number of SWF murdered in 2012 to include smoking, drinking, fiery LA Wrecks!

Hemingway House Writing Classes that capture this captivation criteria adjustment in the number of SWF murdered in 2012, surely a Nobel Novel

Captivating writing about God’s Best Invention... Women!

Women pick the “Stair Master” to work out on...

Vassar had not been in the news in Eons! Suppose if they put “Stair Masters” in several of the class rooms they would make the CBS Nightly News, Yes!!

Pain from working out at the “24 Hour Fitness Center” will help prevent pain from a crush herniated disk when a dolly falls on you trying to get the tall load inclined enough to fit under the door header!

Next Generation of Dolly’s will have a voice activated alarm before it inclines that much!

Greg puts his every day goings on in what he writes, I’m sure this Dolly accident has gone out over the “Women Observer” network and OSHA but lots more slowly... grin!

Samuel House for Women and Children in Key West their Box Truck was on the sidewalk leaving the Marriott Beach Hotel the other day as I was biking down the Ocean Bike Path.

Greg will donate to the Samuel House for Women and Children!

Greg biked around Key West Island twice today...

Atypical bike ride as I think all the women observers who said Hi or asked me about a flowering tree or walked by me at Westin Dock writing my 2 hand written pages wanted to make contact!

I think yesterdays writing was the best I have ever written...

I will not find out until someone, hopefully a women observer makes contact!

Captivating writing to restore sight and insight to our Psychotic Dictator!

2012 Ruling class will kill another 1 Million SWF smokers by 2014

2012 FDA can take Tobacco off the shelf, a total recall!

Adjusting Criteria for counting the number of SWF murdered in 2012 to include smoking, drinking, fiery LA Wrecks!

Captivating writing to restore sight and insight to our Psychotic Dictator!

Atypical Sony Movie... “Penicillin, How it Works”

Atypical End to Homeland Security by our Psychotic Dictator!

Health Security will take over all the Air Port Scanners to scan passengers for diseases!

2012 Surgeon General who ever this is... knows how many Terrorists diseases kill SWF in 2012

Another Atypical Sony Movie will be... “Yale Key West Medical School built on an Eiffel Tower Structure”

Navy will leave Key West for good after “Yale Key West Medical School built on an Eiffel Tower Structure” is a Sony Atypical Movie!

Diseases treated by patients World Wide in the old Navy Housing will have to be classified until the Locals have faith in the Medical School Professors!

Navy Air Craft Carrier JFK will have a revised criteria of loading 1 trillion NASA cans of H at –252 C on the Galaxy C5A when it lands on the Carriers Deck!

Pilots reaching the 1 light year point from Earth...

Will have this web page for light conversation...

Navy Pilots flying around Key West Island numerous times a day...

Pilots reaching the 1 light year point from Earth...

Greg thinks about the Pilots reading the 1 light year point from Earth when I watch the Navy Fighter Pilots fly around Key West...

I’m sure none of the Navy Pilots thinks about the Pilots reaching the 1 light year point from Earth...

Captivating writing to win many wives and make legal the Polygamous Marriage!

Save her life, SWF as 1 million have been murdered by our Psychotic Dictators!

Drive her to the Doctor when she is in pain from the Herniated Disk from the Dolly accident...

Not Tomorrow, I had it all planned out to write my 2 hand written pages in the waiting room...

No Pilots 1 light year from Earth tomorrow, not going to drive her to her Doctors apt as the observers picked Ed a smoker!

After women observers make contact greg will only be driving the conversations with women observers not their car going across 7 Mile Bridge to the Doctors!

I’m sure I would have put the gasoline tanker picture below to the top of this page after driving across the 7 Mile Bridge...

For what else Captivating I would have written we will never know...

I think I know that yesterdays writings about no women observers on Earth had a conversation about inventing a way to go faster than the speed of light was the best I have ever written!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife




+++ Newest Title ** Helen Gurley Brown's Next Invention! ++ 14 Aug 12 ++

Today not one woman on Earth had a conversation about inventing a way to go faster than the speed of light... Helen Gurley Brown's Next Invention for women on the cover of Cosmopolitan will be Polygamous Marriage Climaxing with the End to All Wars, Tobacco, Alcohol, Domestic Violence, and yes the IV without a needle in your vein! Helen Gurley Brown futuristic one seduces warriors, domestic and war time men who will kill anyone, anytime, for anything! FDA must take these products off the shelf overnight! Reaction Time driving with a Herniated Disk... Government is driving "Smart" cars with gasoline engines when time matters in inventing the Gravity Engine and Getting the Verizon Cell Tower as a Satellite in orbit over Key West in 2012. Greg + Wives have a schedule to get the Rx Overnight Penicillin Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer in 2012... Please sue the government as time is running out! CBS Nightly News will not report how many women died of Breast Cancer Today!

+++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Today not one woman on Earth had a conversation about inventing a way to go faster than the speed of light... Cosmopolitan Magazine needs to flirt tease this on the cover of the magazine with 1,001 way to start and carry on a conversation about going faster than the speed of light!

Time And Space Coordinated with the Cosmopolitan Woman’s Invention Projects Schedule!

Hearst Magazines...

Time And Space Coordinated with the Cosmopolitan Woman’s Invention Projects Schedule!

A more harmonious marriage, majority of conversations are started about Invention Projects!

Needles... are her pet projects to eradicate from society !

IV without a needle sticking into your vein will be invented so we mind as well invent it today, all you have to do is brainstorm with a few Cosmopolitan women in a Polygamous Marriage!

Helen Gurley Brown started a sex revolution for women...

Helen Gurley Brown futuristic one starting the Invent Something revolution for women!

Imagination is in Port here in Key West docked right in front of Greg

Carnival Magic is Docked next to Imagination, both are right in front of Greg

Coordination of Invent Something with the Magic of Imagination, get Disney to make some better movies than Batman so movie goers can interact going to the movies brainstorming ideas for the invention on the screen!

These Futuristic Cosmopolitan women flirt, tease, end all wars as they have no business in cosmopolitan women inventors schedules!

Crops to invent that don’t get Mississippi residents the #1 fattest in the USA!

Helen Gurley Brown invented a lifestyle

Helen Gurley Brown futuristic one seduces warriors, domestic and war time men who will kill anyone, anytime, for anything!

Helen Gurley Brown spent her life with drunk men and women and survived

2009 Biography of Helen didn’t mention her alcoholic, and drug addict friends or the 1980 invented ElectricWindmillcar, Helen Gurley Brown had to have know about!

Helen Gurley Brown invented a lifestyle

Helen Gurley Brown started a sex revolution for women...

Helen Gurley Brown futuristic one starting the Invent Something revolution for women!

Futuristic Lifestyle for Cosmopolitan Women social + material gadgets advanced for women world wide more than just sex, sex with Invent Something intellectual homework on the internet searching Google and YouTube

A Madam Curie Lifestyle...

Do a google search and you will find the Cosmo Women Madam Curie working in the Lab

Getting women up to speed, faster than the speed of light is possible to invent. This must be on the cover and centerfold of Cosmopolitan Magazine or women will not talk about going faster than the speed of light, like today.

Today not one woman on Earth had a conversation about inventing a way to go faster than the speed of light... Cosmopolitan Magazine needs to flirt tease this on the cover of the magazine with 1,001 way to start and carry on a conversation about going faster than the speed of light!

Critical Thinking in magazines and movies because the new lifestyle is critical to advance our marriage, marry up situation in conversation we have in marriage.

Marry up in marriage with no domestic fights at all, like the End of All Wars!

Today in the Key West Citizen the Count is going to try to get some money out of BP oil

Today in Key West the ElectricWindmillCar is the conversation of women observers but its not on the front page of the Key West Citizen Newspaper!

Critical inventions like going faster than the speed of light....

Gag order or classified by the government makes life simple but the lost production from by government is “Critical” beyond even what the CIA and Sandia Observers could write up after reading this web page!

CBS Nightly news today 8 infants died in hot cars 1st week of Aug was a record number of deaths never before has this many died in one week!

24/7 Climate controlled ElectricWindmillCars with Dash Cam, Driver Cam and voice and motion activated with wife and cell activity

10K deaths from Luxury cars costing more than $30K from hitting the front left headlight causing a critical deadly area were nothing is protecting the driver from death!

Super Air Bags Outside front and rear is cover under the governments gag orders!

Helen Gurley Brown crushed to death in a “Smart” Car so small it should not be driven off the Golf Course!

100000K deaths in “Smart” Cars... eventually 1 million will be reported on CBS

GM + Ford “Bail Out” cost the government $25 billion so they could build small sexy cars and sell then to expecting women

Pain of these women is not in one conversation by anyone at GM, Ford, NYC today!

Car Salesmen at Ford and GM flirting teasing harassing cosmo women about gasoline!

They buy a “Smart” car and are crushed to death! 100000K

Save her life, gag order on “Smart” Cars sue the government!

Sue the government to make women more desirable, profitable, alive working 24/7 on conversation about inventions!

Helen MD would have given women a different lifestyle

Dr. Nancy Snyderman as the futuristic Helen Gurley Brown with several Hearst Magazines and more movies than Batman’s 4

Critical MD Criticizing of the Public Grocery Store’s Deli Meats, Red Meats, artery poisoning foods is critical and these junk food products must be cleaned out long before a women invents a way to go faster than the speed of light!

FDA must take these products off the shelf overnight!

Reaction Time driving with a Herniated Disk...

Schedule's of 1 million MD’s are being booked by patients where were poisoned at the Public Grocery Store!

Tobacco was never taken off the shelf of the Public Grocery Store

Wars “Desert Storm” “Shock and Awe” 1 million dead, 20 times less than died from Tobacco!

Lifestyle of the invention projects Polygamous Marriage Climaxing with the End to All Wars, Tobacco, Alcohol, Domestic Violence, and yes the IV without a needle in your vein!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife




+++ Newest Title ** 10 Nearest Stars + Our Situation! ++ 13 Aug 12 ++

Greg is assuming “Aliens” are at every one of the 10 Nearest Stars! Hubble Space Telescope looked at all the Stars 10 Billion Years from Earth! Intelligence to determine our situation in the Universe you would think they would build 10 Next Generation Hubble Space Telescopes designed to observe the 10 Nearest Stars! Physical Therapy of cold + heat on the herniated disk, works best if you have a wife or husband doctoring you! Home Alone is not for the SWF with a painful Herniated disk from the Dolly load crashing down on her! Stroke of Genius in the next Generation of Dolly's as they will come with voice activated alerts, along with 1,001 other "Dolly's" people get injured using every day! There are more things to invent on Earth than there are Stars in the Universe! Now get some women observers for a Polygamous Marriage and invent the next generation of Dolly's with Voice Activated Alarms!

++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


US Intelligence to Determine Our Situation + Importance in the Universe!

Size + Infinity does matter and disinformation from the Gov. on before the Big Bang is premeditated...

Greg is assuming “Aliens” are at every one of the 10 Nearest Stars!

Intelligent spending on MIT “War Toys” with the “Windfall” of BP Oil’s $177 Trillion is a greater dollar amount and man hours of work than the USSR + USA arms race of the 60’s

10 Space Telescopes in Orbit aimed at the 10 Nearest Stars would benefit 7 billion people more!

Putin’s ordered Today $7 trillion in Fighter Jets to match the USA’s recent order for another $7 Trillion in Fighter Jets!

10 Space Telescopes in Orbit aimed at the 10 Nearest Stars would benefit 7 billion people more!

Moscow and Saint Petersburg women by the 100K were murdered by Putin putting in this trillion dollar order for Fighter Jets today and the Russian Women Realize this there is just nothing they can do about it!

A Death Sentence by Putin for 100K women so he can build a Trillion dollars worth of Fighter Jets is not intelligence but Psychotic!

SWF in the USA just got the same Death Sentence by our Psychotic Dictators in the USA or also spent a trillion dollars on Fighter Jets instead of SWF’s in the USA!

1,001 Medical Schools built in every City in the USA wouldn’t cost a Trillion Dollars!

HS students need cadavers and dyslexic HS Students and, dyslexic adults have a malfunction in a structure that transfers auditory information from the ear to the cortex is a major cause of the impairment: the medial geniculate body in the auditory thalamus does not process speech sounds correctly.

1,001 Medical Inventions and Rx Overnight Cures are causalities of War between USA and Putin today!

WW III will happen the only question on its outcome will Putin Back down or will the USA back down... WW III face off between these two is a sure thing!

American Judaism is into building 10 Next Generation Hubble Space Telescopes designed for the 10 Nearest Stars not 10 billion light year view of our Universe!

Israel’s Judaism has a BP Oil “Windfall” of $177 Trillion dollars from the suppression of the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar, jet they want to risk it all for a Fighter Jet attack on Iran who got the money to build “Nukes” from selling $4 gas in the USA since 1980!

Complicated finances of illegal Oil Revenues of $177 Trillion since 1980!

God + Gravity!

God + How is Gravity Generated should have been made more a priority than Iran!

Time could actually be radiation, Los Alamos needs trillions to make discover this spectrum that Time Radiates in!

EEG + EKG alone with full body MRI for everyone on Earth in a huge Medical Data base for 1,001 Medical Invention Projects all the Medical Students at 1,001 Medical School will have popping up in Windows 8

Global Spread of disease, 1,001 from TB to Madonna and Syphilis spread by politics!

Homeland Health is not even a government Department with trillions of dollars like Homeland Security, yet the terrorist virus kills millions of SWF’s the Homeland Security men could care less about the deaths of a million SWF’s on their watch long as they get pay a windfall salary $$$

Homeland Security Employees don’t have a conscience!

SWF in High School have to learn how to identify men with no conscience and Psychotic men!

A list of questions SWF can ask men casually can be given to all High School SWF’s by the Psychiatrists who write the Journal of Psychoanalysis!

Dyslexic HS Students and, dyslexic adults have a malfunction in a structure that transfers auditory information from the ear to the cortex is a major cause of the impairment: the medial geniculate body in the auditory thalamus does not process speech sounds correctly.

Mayo Clinic knew about electrical Brain Activity, in 1960

2012 Mayo Clinic and they really need one of the Los Alamos Super Computer simulations to make real actual progress in shock treatments of the brain than just trial and error shock treatments like they did on Hemingway’s brain in 1960!

Chemical signals in the brain are married to the electrical signals in the brain!

1,001 discoveries in just this one area of the Brain could have been made by today if the ElectricWindmillCar was not suppressed by Jimmy Cater and Teddy Kennedy in 1980

2012 Model ElectricWindmillCar and Putin and his Psychotic USA Dictator are engaged in a arms race of Fighter Jet Production!

Rings, for Gregs Polygamous Marriage have not been paid for yet!

Women Observers have already picked Greg to Marry and are ready to get some of these 1,001 brain inventions so we can get even more inventions in our 24/7 working marriage!

Verizon Cell Phone Tower that is now a Satellite in Orbit over Key West will cover 100’s of square miles of islands all the way to Cuba, and today is Castro’s 86th BDay!

WW III standoff between Putin and the USA’s Psychotic Dictator is a sure thing!

Electric Journalism is ready to attack Syria + Iran Today

Gasoline Journalism is ready to attack Syria + Iran Today

BP Oil has given all Journalists a Million dollar bribe as they have Trillions of Dollars!

SWF’s in Battered women’s shelters have not been written up by the NY Times!

1980 to 2012 in a Batter Women’s Shelter... NY Times Headlines and picture!

Better picture for the front page is the Breast with the Breast Cancer Tumor coming out of it on the front page of tomorrows NY Times!

This will happen when SWF’s are the Coup Leaders!

Eon is One Billion Years!

Hubble Space Telescope Checked out the Alien SWF’s 10 Billion Years from Earth

Greg wants to check out the Alien SWF’s who are 4 light years from years!

Coping Skills are great but we need a New French Revolution as Putin will aim his Nukes at Britain and France well as the USA!

London + Paris could be Nuked by Putin in a Test of Wills with the Psychotic USA Dictator!

Greg “Wills” everything to Women Observers who already picked him to marry soon as our Psychotic Dictator makes contact!

Size Matters in a Polygamous Marriage!

Size of the Universe Matters and what happened before the Big Bang!

Eon; is One Billion Years!

Moral Risk is Hell...



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** Next Picasso Classes at the Hemingway House! ++ 12 Aug 12 ++

Batman 4 Movie Era has ended at Warner Brothers. Next Movie Making Era will be "Picasso's Women", "4 Wives and Hemingway"! Gone With the Wind... Going with the ElectricWindmillCar Era of High School and Medical School Invention Teachers and Professors at the Movies! End to Hillary decapitation of men's heads in Syria to get revenge on Bill + Monica! Clinton is the one who got the "Head" in public for years and years... this is the cause of Hillary's Madness! "Warness"! Journal of Psychoanalysis has a gag order but the NY Times will publish this paper! Martha Gellhorn had murderous thoughts about the waiter but she was not inclined to start a war when the ElectricWindmillCar was parked at the Pentagon! Moving a Dolly with a tall heavy load be inclined to be "Driven" by the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar! When the 2012 Model ElectricWindmillcar is in Key West, the Yale Key West Medical School on a Eiffel Tower Structure will be too!

+++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


High School back to school sales at CVS, Walgreens, KMart, Office Max yet the ruling class fails before High School classes even start

Dyslexic’s have a malfunction in a structure that transfers auditory information from the ear to the cortex is a major cause of the impairment: the medial geniculate body in the auditory thalamus does not process speech sounds correctly. “This malfunction at a low level of language processing could percolate through the entire system. This explains why the symptoms of dyslexia are so varied,”

Dyslexic underlying cause of not having a cure is “F” grade by the Ruling Class grads from Yale, Harvard, MIT

You have to pronounce all Medical Terminology to get into Yale Key West Medical School built on an Eiffel Tower Structure!

If your can’t you can still get into the Writing and Invention Classes at the Hemingway House to write a Utopian Inventive Novel in a legal Polygamous Marriage by brainstorming conversations and writing 24/7 with all the wives!

Psychotherapy teaches patients life skills...

Dolly with a tall heavy load being inclined to War! When Help is the ElectricWindmillCar!

Life Skills Failed “F”... there is no questioning this failing grade given Today in 2012 by anyone who graduated from “West Point”, Yale, Harvard, MIT.

To “Instigate” wars after wars that started with “Desert Storm” when you are driving the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar!

Life Skills Failed “F”... there is no questioning this failing grade given Today!

Cognitive decline, complete “F” failure of “West Point” Generals is associated with the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar! Its suppression! 100K Fiery LA Wrecks no one at “West Point” stopped to help those on fire! General Opportunists took advantage of “SWF” to ruin their live by selling them as sex slaves to Saudi Arabia Terrorists, murder them drunk + drugged men of all classes, even let Robert Kennedy Jr. torture his wife into hanging herself after he bribed the Judge in public... complete degenerative decline of the Ruling Class in the USA!

Deviant behavior of Robert Kennedy Jr. tortured his wife into hanging herself after he bribed the Judge in public...

Life Skills Failed “F”... there is no questioning this failing grade given Today

Deviant behavior of Matt Lauer having sex with kids in Thailand... 100K Clones of Matt Lauer had sex with kids in Thailand too!

Life Skills Failed “F”... there is no questioning this failing grade given Today

100K Fiery LA Wrecks no one stopped to help those on fire!

Cognitive decline, complete “F” failure...

Is associated with the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar!

The Generals High School “Invention” Teachers hit the Sciatic nerve, symptoms of sciatica!

Symptoms of sciatica the true meaning of the term is often misunderstood. Sciatica is a set of symptoms rather than a diagnosis for what is irritating the root of the nerve, causing the pain.

This point is important, because treatment for sciatica or sciatic symptoms often differs, depending upon the underlying cause of the symptoms and pain levels.

Dolly with a tall heavy load being inclined to War! When Help is the ElectricWindmillCar!

Depending upon the underlying cause...

High School “Invention” Teachers... suppressed with the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Era!

High School “Invention” Teachers...

High School “Invention” Teachers... suppressed with the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Era!

Numb, tingling feeling a burning feeling in the post traumatic stress of those who will not stop for the next 100k Fiery LA Wrecks!

Disc herniation's occur in the lower back, most often between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebral bodies or between the fifth and the sacrum.

Life Skills... using a dolly moving a tall heavy dresser. You have to incline the slope of the dolly from hitting the top of the door and it crushes you!

Life Skills... Your personality was inclined not to ask everyone! To Help!

Life Skills... from Generals that went to “West Point” are inclined to War!

To “Instigate” wars after wars that started with “Desert Storm” when you are driving the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar!

Life Skills Failed “F”... there is no questioning this failing grade given Today

Psychotherapy teaches patients life skills...

Life Skills Failed “F”... there is no questioning this failing grade given Today in 2012 by anyone who graduated from “West Point”, Yale, Harvard, MIT.

To “Instigate” wars after wars that started with “Desert Storm” when you are driving the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar!

Dolly with a tall heavy load being inclined to War! When Help is the ElectricWindmillCar!

Life Skills Failed “F”... there is no questioning this failing grade given Today

Wives, 20% have Migraines these headaches are common, there are many unanswered questions surrounding this complex disease. According to new research from Brigham and Women's Hospital, migraines are not associated with cognitive decline.

Cognitive decline is associated with the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar!

Life Skills Failed “F”... there is no questioning this failing grade today!

Psychotherapy teaches patients life skills....

Psychotherapy teaches patients life skills.....

Psychotherapy teaches patients life skills that last beyond the course of treatment. The results of psychotherapy tend to last longer than psychopharmacological treatments and rarely produce harmful side effects. Psychotherapy reduces disability, morbidity and mortality; improve work functioning; and decrease psychiatric hospitalization!

Depending upon the underlying cause...

High School “Invention” Teachers... suppressed with the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Era!

High School “Invention” Teachers...

High School “Invention” Teachers... suppressed with the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Era!

Depending upon the underlying cause...

“West Point” had a general class on the “1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar Era”

Yale Medical School had a lecture on “ Dictators + Doctors”

Dolly with a tall heavy load being inclined to War! When Help is the ElectricWindmillCar!

High School “Invention” Teachers...

Wife has a migraine, underlying cause of not having a cure is MIT built Drones!

Wife has breast cancer, underlying cause of not having a cure is MIT built Drones!

Wife has a migraine, underlying cause of not having a cure is MIT built Drones!

wife has breast cancer, underlying cause of not having a cure is the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar is still being suppressed!

This progressive loss of sensation affects the areas that should touch the belief that God’s best invention is women!

Plain X-rays don't detect herniated disks, but they may be performed to rule out other causes of back pain, such as an infection, tumor, spinal alignment issues or a broken bone.

What is the underlying cause for the disbelief that God’s best invention is “women”?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Radio waves and a strong magnetic field are used to create images of your body's internal structures. This test can be used to confirm the location of the herniated disk and to see which nerves are affected.

High School “Invention” Teachers...

High School “Invention” Teachers... suppressed with the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Era!

2012 MRI and 2012 ElectricWindmillCars would not be your 1980 model MRI’s...

Physical therapists can show you positions and exercises designed to minimize the pain of a herniated disk. As the pain improves, physical therapy can advance you to a rehabilitation program of core strength and stability to maximize your back health and help protect against future injury.

High School “Invention” Teachers... can show you “Life Skills”... 1,001 conversation starters for men + women to get started on a new life of 90% invent something conversations, these kids will never go to a Warner Brothers Batman 4 movie... My life with Picasso is their Movie Era!

A physical therapist may also recommend: Heat or ice, Traction, Ultrasound, Electrical stimulation, Short-term bracing for the neck or lower back.

Psychotherapy teaches patients life skills...

Dyslexic adults have a malfunction in a structure that transfers auditory information from the ear to the cortex is a major cause of the impairment: the medial geniculate body in the auditory thalamus does not process speech sounds correctly. “This malfunction at a low level of language processing could percolate through the entire system. This explains why the symptoms of dyslexia are so varied,”

Dyslexic underlying cause of not having a cure is MIT built Drones!

Adult Education and you still can’t pronounce all medical terminology!

Dyslexic underlying cause of not having a cure is MIT built Drones!

A malfunction in a structure that transfers auditory information from the ear to the cortex is a major cause of the impairment: the medial geniculate body in the auditory thalamus does not process speech sounds correctly.

Life Skills Failed “F”... there is no questioning this failing grade given Today

Dolly with a tall heavy load being inclined to War! When Help is the ElectricWindmillCar!

New Life Skills, The Norovirus is now spread by coughing on a package of cookies or snacks at the Public Grocery Store Chain, or in your shopping bag... opening the cookies or snacks with your fingers, touching the Norovirus which can live on the package of cookies or snacks for 4 days, take out a cookie with Norovirus on your fingers and put the cookie and Norovirus in your mouth!

New Life Skills...

Center for Disease Control and Prevention has know for years about coughing spreading a Norovirus or Whooping Cough virus yet Homeland Security is inclined to let 100’s of women and children die on their trillion dollar “Era” than take on the role of stopping to help the 100K Fiery LA Wrecks!

Homeland Security paid $1 Trillion in 2012 will not stop to help those on fire at Fiery LA Wrecks....

In Key West the city just built a new Court House for $18 million and everyone has to stand out in the sun and rain waiting for Homeland Security scans... so the city of Key West is going to build a shelter for another $10 million so you can wait in the shade.

Same time 100’s of kids will die of Whooping Cough...

Same time 100’s of fiery LA Wrecks no one from Homeland Security will stop to help!

Dolly with a tall heavy load being inclined to War! When Help is the ElectricWindmillCar!

Yale Key West Medical School is more than a year behind schedule in Key West

Court House in Key West will have a new $10 million dollar shelter from the sun and rain

Before the Yale Key West Medical School treats one Herniated disk!

Dolly with a tall heavy load being inclined to War!

When Help is the ElectricWindmillCar!

High School back to school sales at CVS, Walgreens, KMart, Office Max yet the ruling class fails before High School classes even start

Dyslexic’s have a malfunction in a structure that transfers auditory information from the ear to the cortex is a major cause of the impairment: the medial geniculate body in the auditory thalamus does not process speech sounds correctly. “This malfunction at a low level of language processing could percolate through the entire system. This explains why the symptoms of dyslexia are so varied,”

Dyslexic underlying cause of not having a cure is “F” grade by the Ruling Class grads from Yale, Harvard, MIT




2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


+++ Newest Title ** Believe Each Wife will Paint a new Picasso and You Will ++ 11 Aug 12 ++

Gregs expectations, I believe getting married in a Polygamous Marriage will get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer so Greg never stops! Radiologists it Turns out, that how long a visual search is conducted is very much based on the expectations of the Radiologists searcher in finding appropriate targets. Once the Radiologists believes that everything to be found looking at the x-ray for breast cancer has already been identified, the search stops. Radiologist need to Managing expectations better to expect more finds, paint more Picasso's get more medical cures and inventions! SWF’s are looking into getting into the Yale Key West Medical School. SWF’s are invited to Greg's Polygamous Wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West. At the reception we will all brainstorm and write, right there and then a futuristic invention Novel. Shopping spree working on 1,001 Invention, she can have any invention she wants! Picasso believes he can paint the next Picasso with the next wife! And he does! Greg believes he can Cure Breast Cancer with a few wives, and he does!

++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Expectations of the Inventor in finding appropriate discoveries is 99% inspiration in believing the wives can inspire a Picasso’s!

Inventor believes that he can paint another Picasso or get 1,001 Invention Projects and Discoveries so the scan of the x-ray looking for the breast cancer (Cure) is never stopped!

Gregs expectations, I believe getting married in a Polygamous Marriage will get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer so Greg never stops!

Radiologists it Turns out that how long a visual search is conducted is very much based on the expectations of the Radiologists searcher in finding appropriate targets.

Once the Radiologists believes that everything to be found looking at the x-ray for breast cancer has already been identified, the search stops.

Radiologist need to Managing expectations better to expect more finds paint more Picasso's get more medical cures and inventions!

You have to create your own expectations like Picasso, each new women, wife in Picasso's life was a new canvas, new Goddess of Inspiration that worked for him painting and Greg inventing!

Expectations of Greg and our Orwellian Dictators

Dictators believe Nearest Star Travels is unrealistic expectations so NASA was ordered to stop like some Radiologists stop when they believe that’s enough

Greg believe Nearest Star Travels are realistic expectations because Wives + Women can inspire everything if you believe they can inspire you to invent the gravity engine and gravity fuel... etc.. then you will invent it!

The Movie “My Life with Picasso” should have had several movie squeals and then a TV series but our Dictators order up “Batman 4” and the Batman would have gone on for another generation of kids if the shooting didn’t happen... Our Dictators Make the Picasso Movies, didn't make them!

“Batman 4” Movies were made my our Dictators!

New Movie... "4 Wives and Hemingway" is Alien to our Dictators Today!

Movie... “4 Wives and Hemingway” writing “Old Man + the Universe” after the Coup by SWF’s

Hemingway would have 4 Bare Breasted women at the workstations... for inspiration!

Sony’s interactive DVD feature used in a Hemingway Movie that actually writes a Novel in the movie!

Observer Women get to watch Greg...

Mecca’s 72 Virgins waiting in Heaven

Mecca’s 72 wives can’t “Drive” a husband to invent + discover if he does not believe Mecca’s Women can inspire a Picasso + cure for breast cancer!

4 Wives + High Impact Aerobics, with Dumb Bells and Treadmill Desk

Alone with exercises to prevent falls, balance is very important especially with so many expectations!

Jealousy, Cat Fights, Money, I have no problem with that, there the only problem “We” have and it's getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer and then 1,001 other inventions!

Wives are looking up...

Into the infinite were now 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies are expanding faster every day

Greg in a Polygamous Marriage our inventions will expand faster ever day too!

177 Trillion inventions same time it took BP Oil and Swiss Banks to count $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues!

Dictators beliefs stopped 7 Billion People from working on 1 Trillion inventions because he wanted them to Watch all the Batman Movies!

Psychotic Dictators!

Dictators built Battered Women’s Shelters in every town and city in the USA instead of making SWF’s the Goddess of Inspiration in 100’s of Warner Brother Movies!

Psychotic Dictators!

Husband who believes his Wives are God’s Best Invention “Wills” everything to getting the next generation of Miracle Cures and Discoveries!

NASA failed to “Hear Aliens” they stopped working on this invention!

NASA believes 4.3 light years are beyond anything they can invent today!

NASA “Women Observers” as Director of NASA our Dictators might have let her work on hearing Aliens much longer as she would not have told the Dictators there is no use!

Sir Paul McCartney’s Linda’s Breast Cancer has not been cured for this generation of women named Linda...

Sir Isaac Newton’s Gravity

British Ruling Class Gag Order because no one discovered how gravity is generated yet!

British Ruling Class Gag Order because no one discovered the Cure for Breast Cancer yet!

Sir Paul McCartney and Sir Fag Guys are not in the same class as Sir Isaac Newton!

Ruling Class Men in England have degenerated to having sex with kids in Thailand!

Ruling Class men in England and at Yale moved to Singapore because whores are legal

Wives are legal, Polygamous Marriage Made Legal should be in the BBC news

Picasso’s high expectations for each new wife paid off... Their A Picasso!

British Women Today suffer from “Drunk Men” as do “Mecca” women!

Swiss have the highest percent of Cocaine users in the world, except for Mecca!

There is a Ruling Class Gag Order on reporting Cocaine usage in “Mecca”!

Hillary gave diplomatic immunity to Army Base Whore house owners holding Moslem women as sex slaves for prostitution in Afghanistan and Iraq

There is a Ruling Class Gag Order on NY Times reporting this!

SWF’s Looking up to The “Picasso” Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer and 1,001 other medical cures for women long past due due to the Radiologists believing there is nothing more to invent

72 Virgins in Heaven can’t inspire men to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

24/7 Brainstorming in a Polygamous Marriage 1,001 invention project will

Long shot... not any more, today it looks like Greg with many wives it’s very possible and in a short amount of time!

All MD’s stethoscope recording what the Doctor heard

Sent to Los Alamos to crunch on an IBM Supercomputer, results in a few minutes, before she leaves the exam room.

All the Radiologists x-rays sent to Los Alamos, results in a few minutes too

SWF’s are looking into getting into the Yale Key West Medical School

BP Oil Revenues will pay for building more Medical School than all the Navy’s Guided Missile Destroyers built since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

SWF’s are looking into getting into the Yale Key West Medical School

SWF’s are invited to Greg's Polygamous Wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West

At the reception we will all brainstorm and write, right there and then a futuristic invention Novel

Shopping spree working on 1,001 Invention, she can have any invention she wants!

Picasso believes he can paint the next Picasso with the next wife! And he does!

Greg believes he can Cure Breast Cancer with a few wives, and he does!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++ Newest Title ** Next Chain Reaction of Inventors! ++ 10 Aug 12 ++

A single molecule of the genetic material DNA, the PCR Polymerase Chain Reactions can generate 100 billion similar molecules in an afternoon! Next Chain Reaction of Inventors can generate 100 new invention in an afternoon + 1,001 more Invention Projects Spelled out with links to get you started inventing something! NYC Mayor Bloomberg caught in a lie a felony too... infectious diseases caught by cops arresting fags and drug addicts infect and can kill the arresting Officers! Madonna + Gaga fined by cops $1 Billion each for fag diseases they caused to spread! Madonna + Gaga caused a chain reaction that spread the "gonorrhea epidemic" Sixty-four million people get it every year; 700,000 in the United States alone.

++++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Chain reaction that spread Hepatitis, lack of Cardiac Arrest inventions!

Chain reaction that spread the "gonorrhea epidemic"

Nuclear Chain Reaction, Now Polymerase Chain Reactions...

A single molecule of the genetic material DNA, the PCR Polymerase Chain Reactions can generate 100 billion similar molecules in an afternoon!

Next Chain Reaction of Inventors... Polygamous Marriage Chain Reaction!

“Driven”! A single Husband with the invention material and Chain Reactions of the wives gravity, and gravity brainstorming with wives 24/7 can generate together 100 new inventions in a afternoon! 1,001 New Invention Projects too!

Nobel Prize was awarded to a Polygamous Marriage of a Husband and many Wives!

A single molecule of the genetic material DNA, the PCR Polymerase Chain Reactions can generate 100 billion similar molecules in an afternoon!

PCR will cause more chain reaction in DNA Techniques...

Do You Have a Problem with This ???????????????

Gregs Only Problem is I’m have Trouble Getting a Few Women Observers for Wives!

Nobel Prize was awarded to a Polygamous Marriage of a Husband and many Wives!

Then the Chain Reaction of Inventors... Trillions of new inventions in your life time, more inventions in the shortest amount of time ever to give society a trillion new social inventions and clone of Polymerase Chain Reactions Technique!

Trillions of new inventions in your life time...

Polygamous Marriage Chain Reaction when your Marriage Technique is to start every conversation with each wife from a list of 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out with links to get your started, 24/7 Conversations started with a few wives about getting a invention!

Nobel Prize was awarded to a Polygamous Marriage of a Husband and many Wives!

“Driven”! by DNA polymerase. In Scientific American, Mullis summarized the procedure: "Beginning with a single molecule of the genetic material DNA, the PCR Polymerase Chain Reactions can generate 100 billion similar molecules in an afternoon. The reaction is easy to execute. It requires no more than a test tube, a few simple reagents, and a source of heat." He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993

Nobel Prize was awarded to a Polygamous Marriage of a Husband and many Wives!

NYC Mayor Bloomberg caught in a lie a felony too...

The system was developed "by police officers for police officers... Mayor never watches the cops on his monitor put on rubber gloves and NYC cops would put on a plastic hasmat suit making a arrest too as fags and drug addicts carry a chain reaction of infectious diseases Microsoft deleted!

"gonorrhea epidemic" Sixty-four million people get it every year; 700,000 in the United States alone. NYC cops, JFK Homeland Security start talking a lot more about gonorrhea. Gonorrhea, gonorrhea, gonorrhea, "gonorrhea epidemic"!

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg talks a lot but never ever mentioned cops catching a disease making a arrest and no plastic hasmat suits for cops!

NYC Mayor Bloomberg caught in a lie a felony too... infectious diseases caught by cops kill

The system was developed "by police officers for police officers... Mayor Bloomberg lies about the ElectricWindmillcar too this is a “Crime Against Humanity” worst in History!

NYC Cops Driven into a concrete wall by Bloomberg and Microsoft will arrest Bloomberg and Microsoft for no new “Infection Control” surveillance system for cops touching fags and drug addicts who have more diseases than pigs!

Chain Reaction of Infection Control Inventions...

Do You Have A Problem With This... NYC Mayor refuses to name names of infectious diseases!

Top 10 Wanted list on the NYC Police Web Pages is not Infectious Diseases cops caught!

New York Times arrest for not reviewing Futuristic Hemingway Infectious Disease Novels!

Madonna + Gaga fined by cops $1 Billion each for fag diseases they caused to spread!

Madonna + Gaga "gonorrhea epidemic" Sixty-four million people get it every year; 700,000 in the United States alone.

Jail for Gonorrhea fags, drug addicts, drunks long as it takes to cure their gonorrhea!

Having sex wrecks causes a chain reaction that got 1 million SWF killed in Madonna’s life time!

NYC surveillance of cell phone calls to arrest gonorrhea and all other infectious diseases!

Jail for flu if you give it to more than 4 people!

Jail for coming to work sick... with a highly infectious disease!

Start of Prohibition by SWF outraged by Madonna + Gaga "gonorrhea epidemic" Sixty-four million people get it every year; 700,000 in the United States alone.

Polymerase Chain Reaction invention for a Vaccination Chain Reaction

1 Billion new vaccinations in the afternoon invented!

Women Observers can invent something in their reaction to polymerase reactions!

Women Observers can help speed up 1 billion times Dash Cams and Driver Cams in cars!

15 Car Chain Reaction Wrecks happen everyday World Wide and NYC Mayor does nothing!

New Driver surveillance system email the Driver a grade for his weeks driving from video from the dash cam and driver cam! F grade is does not drive next week!

Women Observers can speed up 1 billion times “Super Air Bags Outside of Cars Front + Rear”

Chain Reaction of injury prevention accessories only on the new ElectricWindmillCars!

Chain Reaction of writing Hemingway Invention Novels with 4 wives

Nobel Prize was awarded to a Polygamous Marriage of a Husband and 4 Wives!

Today Nobel and Swiss Banks are drowning in crude oil for enormous bribes from BP Oil

1776 Boston British Troops were targeted!

9/11 Boston all the Saudi Terrorist flew First Class into the World Trade Center buildings!

2012 Boston and $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues is starting to cause a Chain Reaction!

WW III Nuclear War Chain Reaction over the Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar!


“Driven”! A single Husband with the invention material and Chain Reactions of the wives gravity, and gravity brainstorming with wives 24/7 can generate together 100 new inventions in a afternoon! 1,001 New Invention Projects too!

Nobel Prize was awarded to a Polygamous Marriage of a Husband and many Wives!



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife




+++ Newest Title ** 007 Essentials for Women...! ++ 9 Aug 12 ++

007 Essentials for Women... GPS Device with a microphone implanted into all Girls + Women. Mom, Dad, Cops can hear it all tracking her down.... when she goes missing! Husband killed this wife calls the cops she is missing... we heard it all dispatcher tell him! Girl Scouts better tweak this implant... Lauren Scruggs lost her left hand and left eye after accidentally walking into an airplane propeller. GE Jet Engines on all planes. GE Research has never though of making GE Jet Engines for all the small planes, which is pretty obvious... all small planes can be propelled with jet engines! Girl Scouts, Brownies, Women be #1 in Invention, get the most inventions than ever before in the history of Inventing! Jet Humanity into Star Ship Trains with Gravity Engines! Girl Scouts learn to invent something every day!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


The being the #1 in Inventions, Girl Scouts can get more inventions for Humanity than all the inventions ever invented by the time they are women!

The being the #1 in Inventions in the history of Invention is at hand for Girl Scouts and Brownies, SWF’s too! 1 Trillion Inventions in a very short amount of time... in our Lifetime!

Girl Scouts + Brownies Can Outwit The Brutality of Men Pedophiles, Men Whore mongers, Men Warmongers, Men coming home from War killing the Wife, And drunk Wife murderers!

The being the #1 in Inventions, Girl Scouts can get more inventions for Humanity than all the inventions ever invented by the time they are women!

The being the #1 in Inventions in the history of Invention is at hand for Girl Scouts and Brownies, SWF’s too! 1 Trillion Inventions in a very short amount of time... in our Lifetime!

The being the #1 in Inventions must infringe on “Public Domain” to get this # 1 status!

The being the #1 in Inventions is not the Olympics but Universe Olympics as Humanity can Star Travel quicker than anyone at NASA would believe!

The being the #1 in Inventions must have a “Fair Use for Inventors” Patent and Copyright search and brainstorm law. Never forget all the Presidents men traveling the world with him are #1 Whore mongers World Wide!

Clinton destroyed the rest of Hillary’s life causing her to retaliate by causing harm to all 7 billion people on Earth!

Men making movies for Warner Brothers, caused the Batman Massacre by a mentally ill Man with schizophrenia, women with schizophrenia don’t massacre people watching a movie.

Men making movies for Warner Brothers, “Girl Scouts + Brownies Out Wit all the Bad Men”

Men making movies for Warner Brothers, “Girl Scouts + Brownies Out Wit all the Bad Men”

Men making movies for Warner Brothers, “Girl Scouts + Brownies Out Wit all the Bad Men”

GPS Device implanted into all Girls + Women

GPS Device with a microphone implanted into all Girls + Women

Mom, Dad, Cops can hear it all tracking her down.... when she goes missing!

Women + Girls essentials in their purse, 007 Pen Camera with wifi or Verizon with unlimited video minutes!

007 Essentials for Women in the Army, Navy, AF has not been issued by top brass...

Army Major General Gary Patton director of the Pentagon's Sexual Assault Prevention and

007 Essentials for Women in the Army, Navy, AF has not been issued by top brass...

007 Essentials for Women...

GPS Device implanted into all Girls + Women GPS Device with a microphone implanted into all Girls + Women Mom, Dad, Cops can hear it all tracking her down.... when she goes missing! Women + Girls essentials in their purse, 007 Pen Camera with wifi or Verizon with unlimited video minutes!

Response Office 3,192 reports of sexual assault in the military last fiscal year, a 1 percent increase from the previous year.

007 Essentials for Women in the Army, Navy, AF has not been issued by top brass...

GPS Device implanted into all Girls + Women GPS Device with a microphone implanted into all Girls + Women Mom, Dad, Cops can hear it all tracking her down.... when she goes missing! Women + Girls essentials in their purse, 007 Pen Camera with wifi or Verizon with unlimited video minutes!

But only 791 subjects were disciplined, as commanders routinely lack sufficient evidence to prosecute cases.

007 Essentials for Women in the Army, Navy, AF has not been issued by top brass...

GPS Device implanted into all Girls + Women GPS Device with a microphone implanted into all Girls + Women Mom, Dad, Cops can hear it all tracking her down.... when she goes missing! Women + Girls essentials in their purse, 007 Pen Camera with wifi or Verizon with unlimited video minutes!

only one out of six assaults is reported, because of victims' fear of reprisal or inaction. Defense

007 Essentials for Women in the Army, Navy, AF has not been issued by top brass...

GPS Device implanted into all Girls + Women GPS Device with a microphone implanted into all Girls + Women Mom, Dad, Cops can hear it all tracking her down.... when she goes missing! Women + Girls essentials in their purse, 007 Pen Camera with wifi or Verizon with unlimited video minutes!

Secretary Leon Panetta increased the department's scrutiny of sexual assault in April when he issued guidelines mandating that reports for the most violent crimes automatically go to top-level commanders.

007 Essentials for Women in the Army, Navy, AF has not been issued by top brass...

GPS Device implanted into all Girls + Women GPS Device with a microphone implanted into all Girls + Women Mom, Dad, Cops can hear it all tracking her down.... when she goes missing! Women + Girls essentials in their purse, 007 Pen Camera with wifi or Verizon with unlimited video minutes!

Patton said his goal is to wipe out sexual assaults from within the U.S. military's ranks

Verizon Cell Phone that works like a “Baby Monitor” so Mom, Dad etc can listen in with her unlimited minutes on Verizon

“First Alert” Girls can work on reinventing this for Brownies!

Girl Scouts + Brownies work on pronouncing all Medical Terms, Medical Terminology must be perfect to Out Wit Men at Work at War, which is all the time for Commanding Officers!

Dyslexia adults have a malfunction in a structure that transfers auditory information from the ear to the cortex is a major cause of the impairment: the medial geniculate body in the auditory thalamus does not process speech sounds correctly. “This malfunction at a low level of language processing could percolate through the entire system. the processing involved in speech recognition areas of the auditory signaling path now to study whether current treatment programmer’s can influence the medial geniculate body to cure this!

Girl Scouts, Brownies + women can help greg as I have this auditory signaling path malfunction in the medial geniculate body, I cant pronounce medical terms and lots of pronunciation problems which I would like cured... thanks Girl!

Lauren Scruggs lost her left hand and left eye after accidentally walking into an airplane propeller.

GE Jet Engines on all planes. GE Research has never though of making GE Jet Engines for all the small planes, which is pretty obvious... all small planes can be propelled with jet engines!

Motion detection device Lauren Scruggs can carry with her now would help her out as she just has one eye, and Greg just ran into a glass window at the Salvation Army here in key West, I think you would have to modify the motion detection device I would be wearing to cover a glass window... grin!

The being the #1 in Inventions

The being the #1 in Inventions in the history of Invention is at hand for Girl Scouts and Brownies, SWF’s too!

The being the #1 in Inventions must infringe on “Public Domain” to get this # 1 status!

The being the #1 in Inventions is not the Olympics but Universe Olympics as Humanity can Star Travel quicker than anyone at NASA would believe!

The being the #1 in Inventions must have a “Fair Use for Inventors” Patent and Copyright search and brainstorm law

The being the #1 in Inventions is lost Today because of the New England Journal of Medicine. The Top Brass MD here lost the cure for cancer by not letting Girl Scouts search every medical article ever printed in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Obama + Mitt Romney wanting “Fag” Boy Scouts should read up on Anus Disease that are pain full and 99.9% of “Fags” cause these terrible anus diseases no Boy Scout would want!

Girl Scout President will pick a Brownie for VP

The being the #1 in Number of Inventions will win the Presidency for the Girl Scouts!

Invent a way to keep Grandma from falling...

Balance exercising for Grandma is not instigated until after she falls

Los Alamos needs to Admit Girl Scouts and Brownies!

$1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM Supercomputers are here. One IBM Super computer takes up floor space 100 yards long by 100 yards wide, this is not your Windows 8 PC...

Los Alamos needs to Admit Girl Scouts and Brownies!

Google and Gregs Search Engines run on these IBM $1 Trillion dollar supercomputers will do more than just find “Cancer” when searching every one who ever has had cancer in their personal medical records!

Los Alamos needs to Admit Girl Scouts and Brownies!

1,001 Way to Out Wit Bad Men will be the new Girl Scouts most read books!

Girl Scouts as Women pregnant must visualize DNA dividing a trillion time a day making the baby....

DNA damage by itself is an everyday occurrence for cells: as many as 1 million so-called lesions can exist in the DNA of each cell each day. If the person is healthy, the cells identify and repair the damage. For others, the damage goes unchecked, leading to a dangerous environment in the body that has been implicated in several disorders, including Fanconi anemia, as well as cancer. Alcohol No,

Virgin Girl Scouts now Girl Scouts that don’t drink at all, and don’t eat Red Meat, Bacon, or lunch meats! Really.

Girl Scouts as Women pregnant must visualize DNA dividing a trillion time a day making the baby....

The Brutally of learning you have cancer when you are Steve Jobs...

The Brutally of learning you have cancer when you are Steve Jobs... cause by not listening to your wife when she told you not to eat so much lunch meats and bacon burgers!

Girl Scouts must invent some way to persuade their husbands to do what is right!

Girls schizophrenia in Men is a Major Problem and you will meet and greet many men with schizophrenia. Learn how to recognize these men and men who have no conscience!

One invention to keep schizophrenia men to take their med’s is implant the drugs!

Neuron in the brain; most are excitatory, while a smaller fraction are inhibitory.

Mayo Clinic MD’s knew this in 1960 when they gave Hemingway shock treatment, Mayo in 1960 was giving shock treatment as “Trial and Error”. They had no understanding of Neurons! Not much has changed since 1960 but with the Era of More Inventions than ever before in History we will know a lot more about Neurons sooner than later so Girl Scouts get ready to do home shock treatments on your husband!

There are hundreds of different types of neuron in the brain; most are excitatory, while a smaller fraction are inhibitory. All sensory processing and cognitive function arises from the delicate balance between these two influences. Imbalances in excitation and inhibition have been associated with schizophrenia and autism. "There is growing evidence that alterations in excitation and inhibition are at the core of many subsets of neuropsychiatric disorders,

Neuron in the brain; most are excitatory, while a smaller fraction are inhibitory. Mayo Clinic MD’s knew this in 1960 when they gave Hemingway shock treatment, Mayo in 1960 was giving shock treatment as “Trial and Error”. They had no understanding of Neurons! Not much has changed since 1960 but with the Era of More Inventions than ever before in History we will know a lot more about Neurons sooner than later so Girl Scouts get ready to do home shock treatments on your husband!

Girl Scouts + Brownies Can Outwit The Brutality of Men Pedophiles, Men Whore mongers, Men Warmongers, Men coming home from War killing the Wife, And drunk Wife murderers!

Never forget all the Presidents men (FBI Secret Service Agents) traveling the world with him are #1 Whore mongers World Wide!

Clinton destroyed the rest of Hillary’s life causing her to retaliate by causing harm to all 7 billion people on Earth!

Men making movies for Warner Brothers, caused the Batman Massacre by a mentally ill Man with schizophrenia, women with schizophrenia don’t massacre people watching a movie.

Men making movies for Warner Brothers, “Girl Scouts + Brownies Out Wit all the Bad Men”

007 Essentials for Women...

GPS Device implanted into all Girls + Women GPS Device with a microphone implanted into all Girls + Women Mom, Dad, Cops can hear it all tracking her down.... when she goes missing! Women + Girls essentials in their purse, 007 Pen Camera with wifi or Verizon with unlimited video minutes!

The being the #1 in Inventions, Girl Scouts can get more inventions for Humanity than all the inventions ever invented by the time they are women!

The being the #1 in Inventions in the history of Invention is at hand for Girl Scouts and Brownies, SWF’s too! 1 Trillion Inventions in a very short amount of time... in our Lifetime!



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** SWF Coup Leaders will stop to help 7 Billion! ++ 8 Aug 12 ++

Negligent Homicide of 1 million Chinese who picked up cigarettes at the Public Grocery Store Chain! Negligent Homicide of 1 million Chinese who picked up their new Chevy or Ford at the dealership only to crash and burn driving home! Pfizer injured 1 million Chinese, they got nothing from Pfizer admitting they Bribed Doctors $$$ Premeditated Homicide, by Narcotic Anonymous Men’s who's motive for moving Ford + GMC to China was to bribe China to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar Era! New York Based Pfizer is not doing any drug research for a Rx Overnight Penicillin Like Cure for Breast Cancer or a Rx Overnight Cure for Malaria, Flu, Whooping Cough, Hepatitis, Syphilis, Herpes! Pfizer only does drug research for drugs you need a Rx for the rest of your life. This is a Premeditated Homicide crime by Pfizer and Roche in Switzerland! Pfizer and Roche bribed Doctors, MD's in every Nation on Earth, they should be shot!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


No one ever stops to help!

Things never change!

Sikh killings by the Army Veteran was cause because he lost his job and house because Microsoft, GMC, Ford, and others moved millions of jobs to China.

Their motive was to bribe China to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar Era!

20 Million Chinese Grow 40% of the Worlds Tobacco Crop in 2012 and last several decades!

Riots will break out ... “Tobacco Power Music” Bands paid to play a addictive tune!

Things Never Change...

Negligent Homicide of 1 million Chinese who picked up their new Chevy or Ford

Riots will break out ... “Mustang Power Music” Bands without the Fiery Wrecks

Negligent Homicide of 1 million Chinese who picked up cigarettes at the Public Grocery Store Chain!

Riots will break out and the Public Grocery Store Chains will be burnt to the ground!

Riots will break out ... “White Power Music” Bands

Riots will break out... “SWF InventSomething Music” Bands

Pfizer has agreed to pay the federal government $60 million to settle allegations that its employees bribed doctors and other foreign officials in Europe and Asia to win business and boost sales.

Pfizer injured 1 million Chinese, they got nothing from Pfizer admitting they Bribed Doctors in Europe and Asia!

Riots will break out ... “Bribed the Doctor Music” Bands

Tobacco Companies in Asia, USA bribed Senators, Governors + Public Grocery Store Chains!

Margaretville Casino bribed University of Florida Graduates!

Things Never Change...

1 million Fiery LA Wrecks world wide since 1980 and no one stops this or stops to help those on fire in their wreck cars.

GMC + FORD moved gasoline car production to China and built 1 million cars a year!

1 million Ford and GMC cars were built before...

1 million Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines with 5 Rotors, fueled by H at –252 C free!

“Crash and Burn”! 1 million Chinese who picked up their new car at the dealership!

GMC + Ford knew about “Super Air Bags Front + Rear Outside” designing the assembly line and cars in China!

Negligent Homicide of 1 million Chinese who picked up their new Chevy or Ford at the Chinese Dealership!

Premeditated Homicide, riots will break out at the GM + Ford factories will burn them to the ground!

Scam that involved the British Government, BP Oil, French, Swiss + suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar.

Negligent Homicide of 1 million Chinese who picked up their new Chevy or Ford

Negligent Homicide of 1 million Chinese who picked up cigarettes at the Public Grocery Store Chain!

Riots will break out and the Public Grocery Store Chains will be burnt to the ground!

Riots will break out ... “White Power Music” Bands

Riots will break out... “SWF InventSomething Music” Bands

“InventSomething Music” for Windows 8 while your are surfing the Internet!

Invention Novels for the New York Times Book Review

1 million Chinese learned to drive and bought a Mustang or Chevy before they learned to write a Novel... this was a crime against humanity by Yale, Harvard, MIT graduates in China!

1 million Ford and GMC cars were built before...

1 million Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines with 5 Rotors, fueled by H at –252 C free!

NOAA kill Gregs idea to put 1 trillion lightning rods in Ernesto to cause 1 trillion cloud to cloud lightning strikes to move the Hurricane or Cyclone or reduce its strength to a Tropic Storm

Riots will break out ... “White Power Music” Bands

Riots will break out... “SWF InventSomething Music” Bands will brainstorm trillions of cloud to cloud lightning rods or some other idea to move a Hurricane or Cyclone or reduce its strength to a Tropic Storm

NOAA’s “Yale, Harvard, MIT Music” Band will be forced to write some inventive weather “Controlling” Music

Madonna needs to reinvent herself as a SWF Inventor!

Hemingway writing and inventing classes will get her started with 1,001 invention projects spelled out with links to get her started

Escapism “White Power Music” Bands escape Pfizer and Roche strategic premeditated Rx murder of 1 billion people by only doing Rx drug research that gives Pfizer and Roche medication you have to take for the rest of your life.

New York Based Pfizer is not doing any drug research for a Rx Overnight Penicillin Cure for Breast Cancer but a Rx you have to take for the rest of your life. Anyone who would bribe Doctors World Wide, harm 1 million patients and get away with this will never do drug research for a Rx Overnight Cure!

“Rx Overnight Cure Music” Band

1 million Fiery LA Wrecks world wide since 1980 and no one stops this or stops to help those on fire in their wreck cars.

No one ever stops to help!

Things never change!

Sikh killings by the Army Veteran was cause because he lost his job and house because Microsoft, GMC, Ford, and others moved millions of jobs to China.

Their motive was to bribe China to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar Era!

Pfizer admitted to bribing Doctors MD’s

SWF Coup Leaders will stop to help by ordering Doctors MD’s to diagnose 1 million patients a week in every Nation Pfizer bribed Doctors MD’s!

“SWF Power Music” Band will give Health Care to 7 Billion People Overnight like Greg + his wives will invent discover the Rx Overnight Penicillin like Cure for Breast Cancer!

SWF’s will cure Narcotic Anonymous Men who drive Humanity so F______ Drunk that Hillary in South Africa on the CBS Nightly News Tonight was dancing with all black women because all the black men were lined up for miles outside the Liquor Stores!

Motive for selling American Indians Alcohol is well know!

Motive for selling every Nation in Africa Alcohol is “Greed”!

1 million drunks in Africa have already been harmed beyond help!

No one stops to help!

Hillary is in South Africa tonight dancing with all black women.

On CBS Nightly news.

SWF Coup Leaders will stop to help 7 Billion People no one else would stop to help!

SWF Coup Leaders will stop to help 7 Billion People no one else would stop to help!

SWF Coup Leaders will stop to help 7 Billion People no one else would stop to help!

Narcotic Anonymous Men drive Humanity so F______ Drunk all 7 Billion People will crash and burn!

Narcotic Anonymous Men’s motive was to bribe China to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar Era!




2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** Government Psychological Operations Units...! ++ 7 Aug 12 ++

Hemingway Futuristic Invention Novel about Government Psychological Operations Units... that promote "inventsomething" instead of lottery tickets to win! White House... Obama Soul Searching “Catalyst” is the Sikh Temple killing of 6 people! Psychological “Traits” of a Key West Boat Named... “Fast Cars And Freedom” when ElectricWindmillCars have been suppressed since 1980 so Oil Revenues would reach $177 Trillion and those profiting from this crime can stay at the Key West Hyatt for $650 a night! A new Fury Crew will be working for the Psychological operations units... that promotes NASA working on a Gravity Engine not for a Mars Car but for Discovery III Shuttles in a Key West Flagler Train to Alpha Centauri!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Army Website... a psychological operations units... “primarily responsible for the analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used for information and psychological effect," according to the U.S. Army website.

“1984” Novel also had psychological operations units... their mission was to covertly while hidden behind hidden cameras in Orwell’s 1936 novel make life miserable for married couples!

NASA 4.3 Light Years Mission News at NBC Nightly News, NASA had to stop at Mars for Gas!

Psychological “Traits” of a Key West Boat Named... “Fast Cars And Freedom” when ElectricWindmillCars have been suppressed since 1980 so Oil Revenues would reach $177 Trillion and those profiting from this crime can stay at the Key West Hyatt for $650 a night!

Psychological “Traits” of Bill + Melinda!

Psychological Picture of Officer Jason burned in a fiery LA Wreck pictured on this web below with wife and daughter!

Soul Searching by Bill + Melinda... No Way!

Psychological “Traits” of soul searching comment by Obama is a scam as Obama could but doesn’t view all the people burned in daily Fiery LA Wrecks in the USA, Paris, Moscow, London!

NASA’s last 4 years 25K engineers designed a Nuclear Engine for a Mars Car not a Gravity Engine that runs on Gravity Fuel for 4.3 Light Year Discovery III Train!

No Soul Searching at NASA, they murdered our chance to start Star Ship Engineering to design a nuclear engine for a car that lands on Mars!

And No “Soul Searching” at the White House over the Movie Casablanca or Batman!

White House... Obama Soul Searching “Catalyst” is the Sikh Temple killing of 6 people!

7 Army Wives a week have been killed by Troops coming home from wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Army Veteran... so determined what motivated the gunman who was a psychological operations units... Sp-4 “primarily responsible for the analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used for information and psychological effect," according to the U.S. Army website.

A “psychological operations” specialist is "primarily responsible for the analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used for information and psychological effect," according to the U.S. Army website.

“psychological operations” rank sp-4... “psychological operations” MD’s rank Major to General

psychological operations units... No “Soul Searching”

“1984” Novel also had psychological operations units... their mission was to covertly while hidden behind hidden cameras in Orwell’s 1936 novel make life miserable for married couples!

Clones of OJ - SWF murdered, since OJ was found not guilty 7,000 + SWF were murdered in just a blood soaked sidewalk crime scene or inside the house as 19K SWF have been murdered every Year just in the USA since 1980... Obama never had one thought about soul searching for all these murdered white women!

White House Obama Soul Searching “Catalyst” is the Sikh Temple killing of 6 people!

Scam by Obama as someone else on his staff probably said we better make it look like we are soul searching after all the NBC Nightly News last week on “Gun Control” will never happen in the USA...

NBC Nightly News last week on “Gun Control” had no soul searching as no one at Comcast, GE, or NBC did any soul searching over the University of Colorado Medical School students Batman Movie massacre!

Soul Searching does not exits!

Soul Searching does not exits at NBC, Comcast, GE, White House, Pentagon, for many reasons I will name two, first is 7 Army Wives a week have been killed by Troops coming home from wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Second Cop Officer Jason burned in a fiery LA cop car wreck, died after a few years of burn torture, 10,000 + have burned and burned to death in fiery LA wrecks world wide and no one stops to help, everyone drives by fiery LA Wrecks... “World Wide”! Paris! London! Moscow!

Soul Searching does not exits!

Soul Searching does not exits!

Scam by Obama, Soul Searching does not exits!

Scam by USA, Paris, London, Moscow is 7 Billion People are POW’s in their Orwellian Concentration Camps void of 1,001 Invention projects preinstalled on Windows 8 so no invention concentrating, 7 Billion People buy State Gov. Lottery Tickets to win!

Army Website... a psychological operations units... “primarily responsible for the analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used for information and psychological effect," according to the U.S. Army website.

NASA 4.3 Light Years Mission News at NBC Nightly News, NASA had to stop at Mars for Gas!

NBC Nightly News... a psychological operations units... “primarily responsible for the analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used for information and psychological effect."

NBC “Today Show” a psychological operations units... “primarily responsible for the analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used for information and psychological effect,"

Psychological effect of 4.3 Light Years Mission by NASA that starts like Apollo with a few Discover II Train Cars heading towards Alpha Centauri

7 Billion People are POW’s in “1984” Concentration Camps Gov. distribution of intelligence used for information and psychological effect like Obama Soul Searching “Catalyst” is the Sikh Temple killing of 6 people!

Scam by Obama to start Soul Searching Now!

7 Billion People buy State Gov. Lottery Tickets a psychological operations units... from the Army addicted 7 Billion to Lottery Fever instead of Motivation to work on a list of 1,001 Invention Projects and to take Writing and Inventing Classes at the Hemingway House in Key West to write the Futuristic Invention Novels!

Why would the government use psychological operations units... to addict you to buy Lottery Tickets instead of Inventing Something to Win?

Because there is no Soul Searching, Obama’s soul searching comment is a Scam!

Soul Searching after NBC Nightly News spent last week telling us the “Gun Lobby” rules the USA and no new gun laws will be talked about in the next election, No Way!

Gilford's shooting in McCain’s state!

Community College drop out with no job... building ElectricWindmillCars!

Because McCain goes along with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar Era!

Sikh Temple killing of 6 people the Army Veteran lost his house and job because he could not find any work at the ElectricWindmillCar Factory!

Bill + Melinda moved several million jobs to China + India, this was the catalyst for millions of Army Vets and Community College drop outs from being out of a job today!

Bill + Melinda have murdered millions of Americans and gotten millions of Americans murdered by buying their Vacation Home in Mecca instead of Key West!

Psychological “Traits” of a Key West Boat Named... “Fast Cars And Freedom” when ElectricWindmillCars have been suppressed since 1980 so Oil Revenues would reach $177 Trillion and those profiting from this crime can stay at the Key West Hyatt for $650 a night!

Psychological “Traits” of Bill + Melinda!

Psychological Picture of Officer Jason burned in a fiery LA Wreck pictured on this web below with wife and daughter!

Soul Searching by Bill + Melinda... No Way!

Windows 8 will be a “Run of the Mill” upgrade that makes Microsoft $100 Billion and the side effects of this will be another million SWF, Community College students and others ruined life and lost inventions that will be written about in the Futuristic Hemingway Invention Novels!

7 Billion People will buy Windows 8 the “Run of the Mill” version!

Soul Searching to give 7 Billion people a better Windows 8 is not happening by anyone in the Ruling Class!

MIT, Berkeley, Sandia Labs, Los Alamos, all have thousands of programmers to write their Windows 8 to get futuristic Upper Class Inventions they will write about in Internet news.

The World Biggest X-Ray machine is at Sandia Labs and you should search Google and read about this machine as I’m sure if 7 Billion people started inventing we could get several spin off invention from the idea of the World Biggest X-Ray machine at Sandia Labs!

Sandia Labs work below, Sandia Labs would have been better used to research the Gravity engine and Gravity Fuel...

The Z machine is the largest X-ray generator in the world and is designed to test materials in conditions of extreme temperature and pressure. Operated by Sandia National Laboratories, it gathers data to aid in computer modeling of nuclear weapons. Z releases 80 times the world's electrical power output for about seventy nanoseconds. The Z machine produced plasmas with announced temperatures in excess of 2 billion kelvins (2 GK, 2×109 K) or 3.6 billion °F, even reaching a peak at 3.7 GK or 6.6 billion °F. Reactions that do not produce neutrons, no radioactivity or nuclear waste, so they open for the first time the possibility of human-made fusion.

Sandia Labs work above, Sandia Labs would have been better used to research the Gravity engine and Gravity Fuel...

Soul searching abut 9/11... the 1980 White House could have prevented this by not suppressing the invention of the ElectricWindmillcar in 1980

Jimmy Carter the Peanut Plantation Owner from Georgia has probably sailed into Key West on Carnival Imagination, this ship was in port today too.

No Jimmy Carter and his wife have never had a single day of Soul Searching!

Army Website... a psychological operations units... “primarily responsible for the analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used for information and psychological effect," according to the U.S. Army website.

No Soul Searching is a psychological effect the Army has perfected for any and crimes against Sikh’s, murdered Army Wives, SWF’s, OJ Clones with no warning label for the SWF!

MD’s with a rank from Major to General are in the psychological operations units...

100’s of children at State Fairs petting the pigs were infected with a nasty flu!

100’s of Children have died from Whooping Cough and Hot Cars in 2012

100’s of Children Grocery Shopping at the Public Grocery Store were infected with Bacon and Red Meat chemicals and antibiotics this week and they will develop cancers when they reach Steve Jobs age!

MD’s with a rank from Major to General are in the psychological operations units...

NASA used the psychological operations units... and NBC Nightly news suppression of any and all psychological information about Star Ships to Alpha Centauri Mission today!

MD’s with a rank from Major to General are in the psychological operations units... and VA Hospitals are given a high rank because the Batman Movie Theater Shooter’s VA Psychiatrists was given an A+ grade for her several years working with Army Veterans who kill more wife’s than the Batman Movie Theater Shooter!

Psychological operations units... make the War Movies for Warner Brothers, Sony, and Disney to brainwash their version of psychological information in movies... Hemingway Futuristic Invention Novels will all be make into a Movie but a new Fury Crew will be working for the Psychological operations units...

A new Fury Crew will be working for the Psychological operations units...

7 Billion people will be freed from todays “1984” POW Concentration Camps to Concentrate on 1,001 Invention Projects finally preinstalled in Windows 9

Soul Searching does not exits! Soul Searching does not exits! Scam by Obama, Soul Searching does not exits!

Psychological operations units... was awarded numerous medals, including two for good conduct and one for humanitarian service freeing the Top Brass from any and all Soul Searching!

Nichol Brown Simpson, 7 Billion People want to know who murdered her!

19K SWF’s murdered in 2012 want to know who at the Psychological Operations Unit caused so many men to get drunk and kill women instead of being a better behaved drunk!

Psychological operations units...

NASA used the Psychological operations units... for Euphoria of a Car landing on Mars!

Euphoria for 7 Billion people will be jobs inventing in the ElectricWindmillCar Era with trillions of invention projects instead of trillions of lottery tickets!

Psychological operations units...

“Panic Attacks” by Mecca, Vatican, BP Oil, Swiss Bankers, and SWF’s no longer murdered by Troops coming home from Afghanistan and Iraq because all new people are working at the Psychological operations units... grin!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** Godsend for SWF’s, Nuke the Breast Cancer Cell! ++ 6 Aug 12 ++

Hiroshima Day! Godsend for SWF’s, Nuke the Breast Cancer Cell. CIA Women can find out how many Japanese women have been murdered by men in Japan since the 1945 A-Bomb killed 140K in Hiroshima. Hiroshima; “Making Sure This Never Happens Again”! A Outright lie by the Japan government as A-Bombs, the newest generation to come off the Los Alamos Assemble line... “Batman” + Mad Men have the “Motive” to set them off to protect “Mecca” from having its illegal oil revenues of $177 Trillion dollars confiscate by SWF’s for their Manhattan Projects that were lost by the same Saudi Terrorists who attacked the World Trade Center on 9/11

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Godsend for SWF’s from being murdered by drunk men...

Godsend for SWF’s from being murdered by drunk men was given to Mecca; $$$ Oil Money $

Godsend for SWF’s, Nuke the Breast Cancer Cell, make it explode! Greg can invent this!

Psychological healthier SWF’s Coup From Battered Women’s Shelters, and 19K Murdered every year since the 1945 A-Bomb killed 140K in Hiroshima, Japan. Coup is Mecca’s Oil Money to finance the L-Bomb invention “Lobotomy Gas Bomb” with enough oil money left over to finance the Breast Cancer Cure A-Bomb Manhattan Project at a New Los Alamos! $177 Trillion should be more than enough money to invent these and many more Godsends for SWF’s!

All these Godsends were taken from SWF’s in the USA by Jimmy Carter + Teddy Kennedy, Kerry too!

CIA Women can find out how many Japanese women have been murdered by men in Japan since the 1945 A-Bomb killed 140K in Hiroshima, Japan

Godsend for SWF’s from being murdered by drunk men was given to Mecca $$$ Oil Money $

Hiroshima; “Making Sure This Never Happens Again” Outright lie by the Japan government as A-Bombs, the newest generation to come off the Los Alamos Assemble line... “Batman” + Mad Men have the “Motive” to set them off to protect “Mecca” from having its illegal oil revenues confiscate by SWF’s who lost more lives from Mecca’s Godsend that was meant for SWF’s Godsends of the L-Bomb and Breast Cancer Cure.

$177 Trillion Dollars in Oil Revenues since the 1980 Model of the ElectricWindmillCar was invented and suppressed. Yes, the Japan Emperor and Japan Generals went along with the Psychotic American Dictators, Jimmy Carter and Teddy Kennedy in 1980 to not expose the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar, the “Motive” being $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues for Mecca from 1980 to 2012 $

SWF’s starting a conversation with Greg will learn a Rx perfume or fluoride in the water can make all drinks with alcohol taste to bad to drink!

Mecca’s crimes against SWF’s and Saudi women have been more extreme as Hillary does not report abuse!

NASA’s crimes against SWF’s is more extreme...

NASA’s crimes are against all 7 Billion people on Earth, Today Hiroshima Day!

NASA’s crime is building the Mars 2012 Model Nuclear Powered Car that landed on Mars Today!

NASA got a bribe, bonus pay to not expose the suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar!

NASA 9/11 Terrorists are all from Saudi Arabia

NASA $4 gas Today!

NASA Top Brass refused to build 1 Trillion Cans for H at –252 C

NASA Engineers working for the last few years on the Mars 2012 Model Nuclear Power Car could have, should have been working on the next generation of Hydrogen Cans made by NASA since Apollo!

NASA can build 1 Trillion Cans for Hydrogen at –252 C better than anyone on Earth and they will not explode in a car wreck or Shuttle crash landing... they are indestructible!

1 Trillion Cans of Hydrogen at –252 C will be a Godsend for 7 Billion People on Earth!

7 Billion People on Earth were sold $4 Gas by Psychotic Dictators!

1 Trillion Cans of Hydrogen at –252 C free to 7 Billion, everyone on Earth will have the spin off perks only found in Saudi Arabia today, Free Health Care and Free University Education with all Microsoft programs paid in full, tech support too!

NASA on the NBC Nightly News tonight!

NBC Nightly News suppressed the Godsend News for 7 Billion people, the 1 Trillionth can of H at –252 C coming off the NASA Assembly Line today, Hiroshima Day!

Los Alamos made 1,854 new generation H-Bombs on its assembly line in less than a year!

Psychotic Dictators made H-Bombs not H Cans at –252 C

This is why I call them Psychotic Dictators and if NBC Nightly News ever made this news all 7 Billion People on Earth would be convinced our Dictators are Psychotic Mad Men!

NASA will be put in jail... by SWF Coup Leaders!

SWF’s could never forgive NASA Men for a crime against Humanity that affected 7 Billion People who would have enough cans of H with 1 Trillion coming off the assembly line today!

NASA Men drove by fiery LA Wrecks as they were engineering the Mars 2012 Nuclear Powered Car without stopping to help women and kids burning to death in $4 gasoline!

NASA will be put in jail... by SWF Coup Leaders!

Godsend for SWF’s from being murdered by drunk men... Godsend for SWF’s from being murdered by drunk men was given to Mecca; $$$ Oil Money $ Godsend for SWF’s, Nuke the Breast Cancer Cell, make it explode! Greg can invent this!

Greg can invent this! In a Polygamous Marriage arranged to Brainstorm 24/7

Our Psychotic Dictators hate it when I use the word “Godsend”

Pope and the Vatican Observers hate it too as they have no fear of God!

CIA Godsend was the bonus money from having so much in Oil Revenues by the USA!

Intelligence! CIA... Car exhaust from 1945 to 2012 caused a billion cancers in people!

2012 Today Hiroshima Day could have been free of car exhaust world wide if NASA’s assembly line building H Cans celebrated its 1 Trillionth H Can at – 252 C instead of NASA’s 2012 Mars Nuclear Powered Car landing on Mars in the News Today!

Today NBC Nightly news should have reported Greg + Wives invented a way to Nuke the Breast Cancer Cells make them explode!

1980 to Today Greg would have been working on this Nuke to Explode Breast Cancer Cells

Psychotic Dictators will not let Greg Marry or have a neighborly conversation with the women about Breast Cancer Cure!

Godsend when Greg does get married at the Hemingway House in Key West to 4 women will be the “L-Bomb” the Lobotomy Gas Bomb!

Godsend SWF’s will use to gas our Psychotic Dictators!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife




Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


+++ Newest Title ** No Talking To Women Who Have Breast Cancer! ++ 5 Aug 12 ++

No Talking To Women Who Have Breast Cancer! Our Dictators motive is obvious he's not risking Greg getting a cure for breast cancer! Just in Key West 90% of hourly employees buy Lottery Tickets, they refuse to even think about working or talking about the cure for cancer as they will play the lottery for as long as the State of Florida sells lottery tickets. The Top Brass at the University of Florida know damn well Lottery Fever kills more than a billion people's motivation to get a cure for cancer! “Overkill is Out of Control”! WW III and tomorrow is Hiroshima Day! No "Breast Cancer Cure Day", A Federal and State Holiday to start a million conversations, with Greg! No Key West Women Observers can start a conversation with Greg about the Rx Overnight cure ideas I have! This is Overkill by our 1984 Orwellian Society and a crime against women and Humanity by our Psychotic Orwellian Dictator!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


No Talking To Women Who Have Breast Cancer! Our Dictators motive is obvious he's not risking Greg getting a cure for breast cancer!

“Overkill is Out of Control”! “Women Observers” who have breast cancer have been given orders from our “1984” Dictator not to talk to, or email Greg about Brainstorming “Breast Cancer Rx Overnight Cure” “Overkill is Out of Control”!

“Overkill is Out of Control”! Crime suppressing the 2012 + 2013 Models of the ElectricWindmillCar with many life saving accessories, 1 is Climate Control 24/7 so kids left in hot cars live! “Overkill is Out of Control”!

“Overkill is Out of Control”! Race for the Cure lost out to Homeland Security ($ Trillion Dollars A Year) when Public Grocery Store items cause some many cancers and the people and business they own are not labeled “Terrorists” by our Dictator! “Overkill is Out of Control”!

“Overkill is Out of Control”! Casino and State Lottery is... “Overkill is Out of Control”!

Just in Key West 90% of hourly employees buy Lottery Tickets, they refuse to even think about working on the cure for cancer as they will play the lottery for as long as the State of Florida sells lottery tickets. The Top Brass at the University of Florida know damn well Lottery Fever kills more than a billion people's motivation to get a cure for cancer! “Overkill is Out of Control”!

Back to talking to women who have breast cancer... our Psychotic Dictators know Greg would have an advantage to be the one who gets the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure this is the “One” reason our Dictator ordered these women and all “Women Observers” from talking to Greg about Brainstorming a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer! “Overkill is Out of Control”!

“Overkill is Out of Control”! Other “Sadistic Observers” like today at Westin Dock by Hyatt Hotel he has a boat named “Fast Cars And Freedom” from Homestead Florida. I had to stop writing the handwritten page 2 take a long walk down the down, came back he was still there laying in wait so I got my camp chair and dictionary and moved down the dock. He came by Greg I move back to my writing spot and 3 minutes later he was back in front me carrying on a loud Orwellian Conversation with someone so I had to stop writing again. Then he leaves and the Key West Cop on a Bike comes biking around Greg! “Overkill is Out of Control”!

Last Time the Mayor of Key West was on the front page of the Citizen he was wearing Pink to Promote Breast Cancer Awareness yet behind the Orwellian Society even Mayor Cates stops any and all “Women Observers” from talking to Greg about the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer.... “Overkill is Out of Control”!

“Freedom of Speech” in our current “1984” Orwellian Society is “Overkill is Out of Control”!

Greg has no Freedom to Talk to any woman observers about the cure for cancer!

Greg “Home Alone” working as an Inventor should have the advantage now that Google has scanned more than 20 million books... Greg is still at a disadvantage as I can’t scan any of these book for the word “Time” or “Gravity” or “Cancer”! “Overkill is Out of Control”!

Authors Guild, president is novelist-lawyer Scott Thurow, urged the court to rule that Google's digitization project does not constitute "fair use" under copyright laws. He wants more than $125 million from Google to let 7 Billion search every book and Medical Article ever written to get the Rx Overnight Penicillin like cure for Breast Cancer... “Fair Use”! And this lawyer stifled anyone and everyone from using these first 20K books to get the cure for cancer!

“Overkill is Out of Control”!

“Overkill is Out of Control”!

“Overkill is Out of Control”!

Hiroshima is Tomorrow, 140K killed by the A-Bomb

Breast Cancer killed 40K in 2012 and every year since 1980 Invention of the ElectricwindmillCar!

Overkill is NBC News will never mention the “Breast Cancer Memorial” as our Psychotic Dictators prevented this Memorial from being erected!

9/11 NYC Memorial Freedom Tower! “Overkill is Out of Control”! 40K Women will die in 2012 as Freedom Tower is Built and NBC and the NYC Mayor keeps track of the number of floors under construction but no one makes the news about how many of the 40K women have died of breast cancer as floor 99 was erected... this is a crime by the government against women with breast cancer who will die in 2012 many on Sept. 11, 2012 and another 40K will have died by Sept. 11, 2013 “Overkill is Out of Control”!

How Psychotic can our “1984” Dictator get... I think he will start WW III over “Gas + Oil” revenues!

How Psychotic “IS” our “1984” Dictator... He will not let any “Women Observers” who have breast cancer talk to Greg about Brainstorming “Breast Cancer” like I Brainstormed reading and writing getting the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980! Ending the Saudi Oil Embargo!

How Psychotic is our Orwellian Dictator... if he used the ElectricWindmillCar 1980 Model Mecca would have filed for bankruptcy decades ago and the USA would be the Nation with Free Health Care for All and Free University for All and Women will be able to drive a ElectricWindmillCar which no women can drive in Mecca but they all have free heath care from 1980 to 2012 and 75% of SWF in the USA had no Health Care! “Overkill is Out of Control”!

Writing at the Westin Dock in Key West today there was a Navy Destroyer Docked, trillions of dollars in the last 10 years built this new Navy Fleet of 100 Nuke Missile Destroyers at the same time 40K women died a year the last 10 years and the Admiral has never in the last 10 years said to his wife 400K women have died of breast cancer in the last 10 years we built 100 Navy Nuclear Missiles Destroyers! “Overkill is Out of Control”!

Syria War Covert of course by the CIA and the CIA has to keep track of women observers make sure they don’t disobey orders and brainstorm a cure for cancer with greg

Last 10 years and made public in pictures you can find in Google Images is Los Alamos assembly like for modern Nukes... 1584 nukes when down the Assembly Line at Los Alamos putting together parts of the newest generation of A-Bombs all pictured for the public.

Cancer caused by car exhaust...

Cancer caused by Mom cooking with Natural Gas...

Cancer of Coal Mine Workers...

Cancer caused by Red Meat, Bacon, Smoking + Drinking

“Overkill is Out of Control”!

SWF women in the last 10 years got built a “Batter Women’s Shelter” in every Town and City in the USA... “Overkill is Out of Control”!

99% Cure is Polygamous Marriage as women will have the advantage as the next generation of Polygamous Marriages will be a working marriage brainstorming 1,001 Invention Projects that will not be in Windows 8

99% Cure, part of the cure is writing and inventing classes at the Hemingway House in Key West to write the Futuristic Invention Projects Novels.

Mayo Clinic did shock treatments on Hemingway’s brain long before anyone knew Memory is mostly electric and chemical charges.

Futuristic Memory Inventions of Total Recall will cause a... “Overkill Out of Control”! Of Social inventions to cure crime, violence, disease, bring health and wealth to 7 billion people!

Bill + Melinda are social cancers caused by our Psychotic Dictators suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar Era since 1980 “Overkill is Out of Control”!

1980 High School kids would have had free and mandatory University Education!

How Psychotic can a Orwellian Dictator fueled by $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues get...

WW III and tomorrow is Hiroshima Day!

“Overkill is Out of Control”!

No Talking To Women Who Have Breast Cancer! Our Dictators motive is obvious he's not risking Greg getting a cure for breast cancer!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++ Newest Title ** Star Trek Logic "Organic Oats"! ++ 4 Aug 12 ++

Star Trek Physics of Space + Time! Shakespeare believed “Time” could be “Radiation” sort of like U-238 at Los Alamos. I suggest Los Alamos expand their spectrum of radiation detection machines and try to discover if "Time" is "Times Radiation"! Star Trek organic oats as there no one on Star Trek II eats Bacon! Bacon at the Public Grocery Story is advertised to Pregnant women when the Managers and Top Brass know about birth defects from bacon, and all the antibiotics in bacon! Sugar high, salt high, etc Mom needs a supercomputer simulation of all this and more when pregnant! Search Google for its top ten YouTube Videos Viewed...

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


I searched Shakespeare years ago before Google’s Scam

I searched Shakespeare Complete works for the word “Time”

Shakespeare believed “Time” could be “Radiation” sort of like U-238 at Los Alamos

I think Los Alamos should check the spectrum of their Radiation Detectors, reinvent them to try to Discover if Shakespeare was right.... “Time” is in a Radiation Spectrum Los Alamos and Sandia Labs have not tried to Discover yet!

Embryo cells are dividing at the rate of trillions per hour for 9 months

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecule, which is the main repository of genetic information in life, consists of a long chain, adenine, thymine, guanine or cytosine!

Embryo cells making the baby divide at the rate of trillions per hour for 9 months

Birth Defects are cause by one adenine out of place in the newly created cell or one of the others misplaced...

Madonna Concerts around the world and the women is causing trouble with her Music Videos and videos. I need to get Madonna to insert into a Concert Performance Warning for Pregnant women and this Music Video YouTube one with trillions of genetic bases in a head on collision with bacon chemicals, alcohol, smoke, sugar, salt spikes the beat will be one of the fastest Madonna ever performed!

1% of Moms visualize this when they say I’m having a baby!

Alcohol can do this and our Dictator has a White House MD who knows all about this yet last week NBC Nightly news reported its ok for Mom to have a few drinks when pregnant!

One molecule of alcohol can knock off one adenine!

Chemicals in Bacon can knock off several adenine!

Chemicals in Smoke knock off even more adenine!

The DNA Base Pairs adenine, thymine, guanine or cytosine carry the genetic information to make a baby!

Trillions of cells are make in 9 months and any alcohol or bacon chemicals or smoke molecules will cause a birth defect!

Bacon at the Public Grocery Story is advertised to Pregnant women when the Managers and Top Brass know about birth defects from bacon eating when you are pregnant this is a crime against humanity and will not be in the NBC Nightly News until the ElectricWindmillcar is headline news!

Sugar high, salt, etc Mom needs a supercomputer simulation of all the interaction of sugar, salt, bacon chemicals, smoke molecules, and of course alcohol which out Psychotic Dictator just said was ok to drink when trillions of embryonic cells are dividing for 9 months... now you know why I call our Dictator Psychotic!

Madonna Concerts around the world and the women is causing trouble with her Music Videos and videos. I need to get Madonna to insert into a Concert Performance Warning for Pregnant women and this Music Video YouTube one with trillions of genetic bases in a head on collision with bacon chemicals, alcohol, smoke, sugar, salt spikes the beat will be one of the fastest Madonna ever performed!

1% of Moms visualize this when they say I’m having a baby!

Managers at the Public Grocery Store Chain are part of the 1% who have visualized this and did not report abuse!

Dr. Oz and Dr. Nancy will come to Key West and shop at the Public Grocery Store Chain with Greg

$27 Billion every year at the Public Grocery Store Chain in Florida

$27 Trillion in profits every year for BP Oil just in Florida

$ Organic Oats would reduce profits by several billion if all Pregnant women ate Organic Oats as much as Dr. Oz and Dr. Nancy wants them to

Top Brass at the Public Grocery Store Chain could not survive this Billion dollar loss so they don’t report birth defects cause by shopping when pregnant at the Public Grocery Store Chain!

Madonna is slacking off causing trouble, I will get Madonna to make a Music Video at the Public Grocery Store Chain in Key West with Greg!

$ Profit Literacy is important in making the right choice grocery shopping too

I just searched Google for the top 10 highest profit foods at grocery stores

Meats, Cheese, Pizza, Pasta, etc and Coffee that sells for $10 Public makes $9 dollars!

Antibiotics in Meats is the cause of birth defects too!

Madonna Concerts around the world and the women is causing trouble with her Music Videos and videos. I need to get Madonna to insert into a Concert Performance Warning for Pregnant women and this Music Video YouTube one with trillions of genetic bases in a head on collision with bacon chemicals, alcohol, smoke, sugar, salt spikes the beat will be one of the fastest Madonna ever performed!

1% of Moms visualize this when they say I’m having a baby!

Mom’s Literacy Hell – Scam to get Mom to have a glass of wine when NBC Nightly news tells her its ok to have a glass of wine when pregnant... wrong and Mothers with children born with birth defects will be able to sue Comcast, NBC, GE when the ElectricWindmillcar is headline new!

Stigmatizing Managers who could not survive billions dollars less profit by promoting Organic Oats!

Scam at the Public Grocery store equal to the Genocide for Oil Revenues at BP Oil

Lovers, I will make a NBC Nightly News commercial for “Don’t make Mom Bacon and Eggs when she is Pregnant and it will air more times than the BP Oil commercials!

Star Trek “Logic” Organic Oats – Antibiotics in Meats the Madonna computer simulation!

Mom’s Literacy Skills Hell – “Today Show” has not shown one computer simulation for Pregnant women!

“Today Show” Coup that gets Matt Lauer fired when the ElectricWindmillCar makes headline news on the “Today Show”!

Dr. Nancy will take advantage of our Dictators Censors by zooming in on the Breast, to the Breast Cancer Cells and dissecting them in a super computer simulation YouTube Video!

99.9% of YouTube Videos Shown on the “Today Show” are Hamlet Humor considering the Nearest Stars YouTube Videos have never been aired on the “Today Show”!

Scam by YouTube Videos on “Today Show” is 15 million hits in one day!

Illiterate Hell – scam to keep you illiterate by Google, and our Psychotic Dictators!

Stigmatizing all the Public Grocery Store Products that are a scam for 90% profits and the poison bacon that caused birth defects!

YouTube Chemistry of what you eat in your blood will be on Google when the ElectricWindmillCar YouTube Video gets 1 Trillion hits in one day! Grin!

Blood spikes in sugar, salt...

State of Florida Health Department is also responsible for all these birth defects!

After the ElectricWindmillCar the State of Florida Health Department will be run by the Coup Leaders MD’s!

I searched Shakespeare years ago before Google’s Scam

I searched Shakespeare Complete works for the word “Time”

Shakespeare believed “Time” could be “Radiation” sort of like U-238 at Los Alamos

I think Los Alamos should check the spectrum of their Radiation Detectors, reinvent them to try to Discover if Shakespeare was right.... “Time” is in a Radiation Spectrum Los Alamos and Sandia Labs have not tried to Discover yet!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife




+++ Newest Title ** Public Library will become the Public Office! ++ 3 Aug 12 ++

The Public Library will probably be recycled into a Public Office after the coup. Every Book Ever Written will be linked to the Public Office that was the Public Library... James McNulty of Florida State University says. "There is no 'magic bullet,' no single way to think or behave! No State University will let the public log on to its wifi to work on a Cure for Breast Cancer! No University in the Nation will ever have every book ever written and every medical article ever written preinstalled on its computers! The Public Library will probably be recycled into a Public Office after the coup. Every Book Ever Written will be linked to the Public Office that was the Public Library, and yes you can write with Microsoft Office for free as Bill + Melinda are now living in Mecca not Key West!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Massive and Infinite Universe of 4K Trillion Galaxies expanding into infinite space in a newly launched psychological Warfare applied to the inevitable cessation of War, or inevitable WW III over $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980.

Saudi King has bought Nuclear Weapons from Pakistan!

James McNulty of Florida State University says. "There is no 'magic bullet,' no single way to think or behave!

Saudi King has bought Nuclear Weapons from Pakistan!

James McNulty of Florida State University investigated positive psychology and well-being, he began to see a different trend: "I continued to find evidence that thoughts and behaviors presumed to be associated with better well-being lead to worse well-being among some people -- usually the people who need the most help achieving well-being."

People needing the most help achieving well-bing are the people Letterman and Leno don’t stop to help driving by fiery LA Wrecks!

Officer Jason pictured on this web burned in a fiery wreck, to add insult to injury Letterman has a guy on fire run across the stage as he does the monolog!

Better well-being lead to worse well-being because $4 gas greed since 1980

Better well-being better off with an 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar Era

Top 1% Cheney with his heart transplant, Bill + Melinda with Microsoft started years after the ElectricWindmillCar was invented, Robert Kennedy Jr. who bribed a Judge in public and killed his wife over a divorce, Jimmy Carter, who lived long enough to observe the worst mass murder in history from his suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar that ended the Saudi Oil Embargo!

The people who need the most help achieving well-being

40K Dead Women every year since 1980 from Breast Cancer, same time Jimmy Carter donated $177 Trillion dollars to Saudi Arabia

High rate of misdiagnosis is by Dictators and Doctors

Yale Lecture at the Medical School titled “Dictators + Doctors” was classified!

The people who need the most help achieving well-being... Aliens!

NASA’s motive for not building Discovery III Shuttle with a Gravity Engine is Saudi Terrorists!

Bill + Melinda have a vacation home in Mecca not Key West

Destiny of Bill + Melinda is linked to $177 Trillion in Swiss Banks

Teachers calling the Dictator, we are sick of Microsoft!

Cops calling the Dictator, you are sick to left cops burn in fiery cop car wrecks!

Our Dictator is Psychotic!

NASA Mars landing of a Nuclear Powered Car on Mars Monday, their movie is titled “7 Minutes of Terror” and you can watch the YouTube Video today thanks to Sony

NASA women who died of breast cancer had 7 Months of Terror, Torture of Hysterical Crying... and no Sony Made YouTube Video about dying from breast cancer!

NBC Nightly News is prohibited from showing this Video!

NBC Nightly News is prohibited from showing a NASA YouTube Video of Discovery III Shuttle Train to Alpha Centauri 4.3 Light years from Earth!

Pick-up-women... to brainstorm a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast cancer

Women with breast cancer who have 7 Months of Terror, Torture of Hysterical Crying before dying from breast cancer are prohibited from emailing or calling Greg to brainstorm!

Pick-up-women... to brainstorm a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast cancer

Women with breast cancer who have 7 Months of Terror, Torture of Hysterical Crying before dying from breast cancer are prohibited from emailing or calling Greg to brainstorm!

Our Dictator is Psychotic!

Teachers are “Sick” of Microsoft

Women are “Sick” of 40K a year dying from breast cancer

Women are “Sick” of NBC Nightly News and “Today show” not having a promotional brainstorming minute for these 40K women!

NBC Nightly News Commercials are BP Oil not Breast Cancer Rx Overnight Cures!

Pick-up-women diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Pick-up-women diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Homeland Security at Airports got $ Trillions that should have gone to scans for breast cancer

Guys at Homeland Security know they are mass murderers, from breast cancer women to cops in fiery LA wrecks. To infants left in hot cars to die in the summer of 2012 over 100 infants will die... Homeland Security is a scam that killed these 100 kids in the summer of 2012 heat wave!

There is a Magic Bullet, Polygamous Marriage with a lifestyle that works 24/7 reading, writing, working on a list of 1,001 Invention Projects preinstalled in Windows 8 with links to get you started.

1 Billion mass wedding for the Polygamous Marriage lifestyle!

$177 Trillion in Swiss Banks confiscated will support all these Polygamous Marriages!

Payback from Homeland Security stealing the Trillion dollars that should have gone to Race for the Cure!

IBM Made a Trillion dollars since 1980 selling supercomputers to Los Alamos

MD’s will get their own Trillion Dollars worth of IBM Supercomputers by confiscating Los Alamos programmers and their super computers

MD’s will write on the Rx Having a Good Day!

1980 to 2012 misdiagnosed patients were caused by our Psychotic Dictators spending on IBM Super computers for Los Alamos not MD Diagnoses!

Sick behavior by a log list of Gov. Dictators starting with Jimmy Carter

Teachers are sick because of Bill + Melinda

There is a Magic Bullet to cure every Teacher in the USA... Give them Microsoft, all software every written, write them new software, that comes preinstalled with 1,001 Invention projects spelled out with links you can click on to get started!

Lifestyle in a Polygamous Marriage with the prenuptial spelling out working 24/7

Pick up on what women want in this life on Earth so far from Alpha Centauri and the nears stars NASA top brass sold out to Mecca for a vacation home there!

Key West Vacation home at the Yale Key West Medical School!

Universe Destiny Docked at Westin Dock Key West

Danger Charter Sail Boat Crew Mocks Sailing 4.3 light years as their sail is 8 miles

Universe Destiny Docked at Westin Dock Key West

Yale Key West Medical School Docked on top of a Eiffel Tower Structure

$1 Billion dollar Navy Guided Missile Destroyer docked next to the Medical Schools $1 Billion dollar IBM Super Computer Building

NAVY has $1 Trillion dollars worth of Guided Missile Destroyer all built after the Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar

Yale Key West Medical School 2013 will be the 1st Medical School Built after the 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillcar

Todays President Roosevelt Blvd. construction is going to waste several million because this is were the Medical Schools Monorail is going to be built in 2013

Government waste of a few million, few billion, few trillion!

Saudi Terrorists in Mecca will donate a few more trillion to our Dictator but not all the $177 Trillion in oil revenues since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar...

This will be confiscated by the Coup!

Once in every Hundred Years Earth Quake will destroy Tokyo and Japan

Once in a Hundred Year Coup will be the ElectricWindmillCar Coup!

Women Observers are sick of our Psychotic Dictators

MS’s are sick of the high rate of misdiagnosis

Everyone is sick of kids getting sick at Day Care because the employees are not vaccinated and don’t cover their mouth sneezing, coughing, talking to the infant a few inches from his face.

Everyone is sick at the Taco Bell cook with Hepatitis who never washed his hands!

Everyone is sick of the drunk who beats and kills his wife!

Everyone is sick of the teens rap music F... this and MF that as they drive or walk by you!

Everyone in Key West is sick of the Homeless in the same beach Tiki huts every day all day!

Everyone in Key West is sick of not having all the beaches lined with Tiki Huts with wifi!

Everyone in Key West is sick of all the wifi passwords and no City of Key West wifi

Everyone in Key West is sick the Yale Key West Medical School construction has not started and that the Roosevelt Blvd. construction has torn up the highway!

Everyone is sick the gov. scam to promote diversity in Medical School students let these New MD’s killed millions of patients with total immunity from prosecution by the DA

Today Windows 8 is still unresponsive to the idea to preinstall 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out to help you get started inventing and with links to get you Inventing Something!

Bill + Melinda love their vacation home in Mecca and would never move to Key West

The Public Library will probably be recycled into a Public Office after the coup

Every Book Ever Written will be linked to the Public Office that was the Public Library

There is a very good reason for this advancement in the Public Library as you really need to search “Windmills” in every book ever written.

You will search for more than just “Windmills” of course

1,001 Invention Projects will of course have links you can click on to every book and every medical article ever written.

Yale Key West Medical School will change the lifestyle here and the Key West Public library will be the 1st in the Nation to get a Office Upgrade for free as Bill + Melinda will be in Mecca!

James McNulty of Florida State University says. "There is no 'magic bullet,' no single way to think or behave!

No State University will let the public log on to its wifi to work on a Cure for Breast Cancer!

No University in the Nation will ever have every book ever written and every medical article ever written preinstalled on its computers!

The Public Library will probably be recycled into a Public Office after the coup

Every Book Ever Written will be linked to the Public Office that was the Public Library

There is a Magic Bullet, just Professor James McNulty of Florida State University will never buy this Magic Bullet for 7 Billion people who are the most in need of a Polygamous Marriage made legal and supported by the trillions of dollars of Oil Revenues in Swiss Banks!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++ Newest Title ** Teens, 1 page of Hemingway read aloud! ++ 2 Aug 12 ++

Teens, the rest of their life depends on 1 page of Hemingway read aloud by their Teachers when 80 hours read aloud would be more beneficial to the rest of their life! After reading Hemingway aloud for a few 40 hour weeks then the Teachers should read aloud 1,001 Pages about Jealous Mens aggressive behaviors over sexual infidelity, killing the woman! After reading these 1,001 pages of case histories of men killing women over sexual infidelity then read aloud 1,001 case histories of drunks and gamblers ruined lives + Wives! Dr. Nancy would put Cadavers in High School as dissecting your own Cadaver would take out a lot of aggressive behaviors! Viruses are a Bitch! Our Invention intentions (Greg + Wives) are very explicit as we will Discover the Rx Penicillin type demise for all viruses!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


HS Teachers 12 to 15 year old kids Only read Hemingway Aloud for 1 page not 8 hours!

Teens, the rest of their life depends on 1 page of Hemingway read aloud when 80 hours would be more beneficial to the rest of their life!

Rest of their life and the Haste at the Dept of Education schedules classes for 50 minutes

Rest of their lives they will work 50 hour weeks 70 hours weeks...

24/7 for a week with several women!

Professor Carlo writes... As we get older, our personalities become more stable in social and physically aggressive behaviors, their emotional stability, and how they manage stress.

Fired... really as 19K women are murdered in 2012 by physically aggressive behaviors in men of all ages!

What the Hell are they teaching in schools today?

CBS Nightly News ended with a story of a infant left in a hot car that died... teen girl forgot. CBS didn’t say if she was a “Woman Observer” who would know the suppressed ElectricWindmillCar will be climate controlled via H 24/7...

Emotional stability for the rest of her life if she is a “Woman Observer” and knows our Dictator is the “Baby Killer” from Vietnam who kills infants in Hot Cars by suppressing the climate controlled ElectricWindmillcars!

24/7 for a week with several women! As we get older, our personalities become more stable in social and physically aggressive behaviors, emotional stability, physically aggressive behaviors have put millions of men in prison for the rest of their lives because teachers read Hemingway aloud for 1 hour at a time when they should be reading him and his 4 wives aloud for 8 hours a day for at least a few weeks in the 4 years of High School

Million men will end up in prison for aggressive behaviors as the same teachers caused 10’s of millions of men to spend life in prison for aggressive behaviors when these teachers should have been fired in 1980 and would have been if our Dictator didn’t suppress the ElectricWindmillcar!

Teens education is short changed and all the million teen girls murdered the teachers caused it!

After reading Hemingway aloud for a few 40 hour weeks then the Teachers should read aloud 1,001 Pages about Jealous Mens aggressive behaviors over sexual infidelity, killing the woman!

After reading these 1,001 pages case histories of men killing women over sexual infidelity then read aloud 1,001 case histories of drunks and gamblers ruined lives.

Dr. Nancy would put Cadavers in High School as dissecting your own Cadaver would take out a lot of aggressive behaviors!

Hell if Greg had this much read aloud in High School and had to Dissect a Cadaver I would have 1 million inventions today!

This old guy has an emotional stable personality with the exception of our Dictator Caesar!

No problem working 24/7 for week or month writing the Invention Novel 50 Shades of Inventing Something.

Erotic Novel 50 shades of Gray is not the Novel for women wanting a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Teens who read this erotic novel will think all women are this erotic and ruin his life trying to pick up this erotic novels women!

YouTube can help change all socially aggressive teenage men with YouTube videos of women killed in a rage by men over jealous emotions the man boy could not cope with.

1,001 of these videos in HS before anyone can graduate will take out much of the jealous murders of women.

Picking up women, just the though when our Dictator makes Orwellian comments about this...

Well Greg is ready with the idea to write a novel together on the 50 Shades of Inventing Something...

Jealousy Mechanism thoughts, emotions, everything about jealousy must be stifled and suppressed in all goings on with women!

Teach her to win her own Invention Nobel and Write her own Hemingway Novel

WW III is going on today over $4 gas, infants left in hot cars, MIT War Toys!

Pakistan has more Army Whore Houses than any Nation on Earth!

Hillary will not report this abuse of women by the Pentagon!

Aggressively think of a way to invent something to save these Pakistan Women

2nd rescue mission not for Navy Seals, in Pakistan women have the highest rate of death from breast cancer as they are not checked until its to late.

Women’s spark is love!

War time violence sparks all over Pakistan today because the Pentagon has unlimited War Toys from MIT to invent.

Pentagon is addicted to having MIT invent the next war toys!

Spark after the Coup Pakistan women will fly to Yale Key West Medical School

Spark today keeping this from happening is Pakistan Men flying to Vegas to spend the Pentagons bribes!

Spark a Women Observers Coup!

Learn all the dormancies in the world

Spark the dormancy in women inventors and Coup leaders!

Learn about the dormancies in the virus, what causes it to attack the body again!

Learn about the dormancies in cancer cells, now even stem cells can be dormant then start making cancer cells again!

All this and the Media promotes that women should read the Erotic Nobel 50 Shades of Gray instead of saying lets write a 50 Shades of Invent Something Novel for women to start inventing something!

177 Trillion spark plugs were made from 1980 to 2012

Millions of women spent their lives on spark plug assembly lines

Spark that caused women to think I can invent something in a polygamous marriage

Spark when the Teachers read aloud for 8 hours a day a list of 1,001 Invention projects!

Sparks of Violence all over Pakistan and the USA...

Sparks caused by the Pentagons addiction to inventing “War Toys” at MIT

Personalities invented to become more stable in social and physically aggressive behaviors!

Teens new visions of working with a few women, wives, 24/7 with all conversations about inventions and the cure for cancer and diseases.

Viruses are a Bitch! Our Invention intentions (Greg + Wives) are very explicit as we will Discover the Rx Penicillin type demise for all viruses!

8 hours reading aloud about Viruses to High School kids will help them write a Hemingway Virus Novel!

Spin off of “Old Man and the Virus”

Erotic Novel 50 Shades of Gray

“50 Shapes of The Virus”

WW III is going on today in Pakistan so we mind as well dissect 50 different viruses!

Pakistan Men are to busy visualizing the 72 Virgins waiting for them in Heaven

American Teens have the option to visualize a Polygamous Marriage working on 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out on this web page with links to get them started!

Visualize wives reading Hemingway aloud to you.... wow!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** Suspense! Critical Emergency People On Day One! ++ 1 Aug 12 ++

Mom gets Black Lung because she picked Natural Gas to cook on without knowing the side effects! Critical Emergency People On Day One must make contact with millions of Mom's! In Nursing Emotional Exhaustion is #1... Only way to cure the Nurse is to make her a MD. Mechanisms that make the MD the MD and the Nurse the Nurse needs to restructure everything so the Aid is the Doctors Aid who is not certified in anything, hired off the street put in a space suit and never leaves the MD's side... LPN, RN’s must become MD’s... LPN, RN, BS are no more! Doctors and dietitians often don't initiate conversations. Dietitians will become MD's as the MD playing the role of Dietitians will Bully all the patients on a strict diet and can use web cam to watch the their patients eating habits 24/7 as a Dietitian could never gain this web cam observer status a MD will have! Proposals for a New Life and New Lifestyle Mechanism to work 24/7 to initiate conversations about inventions!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Wives Giggle And Brainstorm Gibberish in Gregs New Life with Working Wives 24/7 Suspense!

Coup Suspense and anticipation at CBS, ABC, NBC

“Burn Units” Inventoried the statistics are CIA Top Secret but for Sandia Labs

Greg’s new life with Gibberish Brainstorming Read my “Head-On-Crash” pages!

Mechanism to prevent all Head on Collisions is thousands of highway and car accessories!

Mechanisms that make the MD the MD and the Nurse the Nurse need to restructure everything so the Aid is the Doctors Aid... LPN, RN’s must become MD’s

BS in nursing is just that BS!

One Nursing Aid who is not even certified and she does not work for a nurse as she is the only nurse, she is the Doctors Aid!

Nurse Burnout is not the only reason to cut out all the Nurses

Nursing Emotional Exhaustion is #1

Nursing Burnout Syndrome is created by being a Nurse, Doctors have immunity!

Because they are Called Doctors!

Hospital catheter + surgical site infections are the cause of Nurse Burnout

Doctors think about the Mechanism of the infections, over and over and over again

Nurses think about being a emotional wreck not the mechanism of the site infection

Only way to cure the Nurse is to make her a MD

Autobiographical Memory, 33 people have this.

Prospective memory, Prospective memory actually depends on several cognitive processes, including planning, attention, and task management. Common in everyday life, these memory lapses are mostly annoying, but can have tragic consequences. "Every summer 100 infants die in hot cars when parents leave the car, forgetting the child is sleeping quietly in the back seat,"

Prospective memory, and explicit intention to insert the key in the ignition!

Gov. Idiots who put the car seat in back... were under intense pressure at the start of the Summer of 2012 to reverse this decision to save 100 infants left to die in hot cars. They were to “Proud” gov. workers to reverse the kids in back gov. law to save all 100 infants in the summer of 2012. These gov. workers must be tracked down after the coup and given a assembly line job on the ElectricWindmillCar!

Autobiographical Memory uses a different part of the brain than Total Recall Memory in people who can multiply and calculate trillions of numbers and spell everything.

Carry out crucial tasks now instead of putting them off until later!

Crucial Invention is both kinds of memory!

Carry out crucial tasks now! Day one when Observers Make Contact its Crucial we start the wives giggling and brainstorming gibberish on all kinds of memory and dissect brains with Los Alamos Supercomputers on this ASAP

Gibbs has developed an algorithm that dietitians can use to determine precisely what knowledge and skills are required for a particular client. "Some clients need to know how to manage their intake of macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Some need to learn about portion sizes, and others have to be able to read labels. Still other clients must be able to categorize foods into groups. For each of these skills, we provide questions and exercises that assess the client's knowledge. Then dietitians will be able to better focus on what their clients need to know"

Doctors and dietitians often don't initiate conversations

Initiate conversations...

Initiate conversations...

Initiate conversations...

Proposals for a New Life and New Lifestyle Mechanism to work 24/7 to initiate conversations about inventions and brainstorming ideas to get this invention or discovery. Completely new to all husbands and wife's!

Write everyday for the rest of your life...

Mechanism is notes 40 to 50 pages copy and pasted from the mornings internet stories

Mechanism is then write 2 handwritten pages from what you underlined and circled in this printed out notes

Mechanism is then clip the notes to the sides of a notebook computer and typed up a few pages when the Nightly News starts!

Mechanism is to remember 1,001 invention projects all day and especially as you read and write looking for the windmills!

Mechanism to run this assembly line at full speed is the Polygamous Marriage!

Greg’s old life, current life is Home Alone!

Not by choice as Greg is a POW of the Observers and their Dictators!

Coup is the Mechanism that will give Greg a new life with many wives ready to work 24/7 on Day One!

Critical is new Rx Perfumes getting the recipe from scratch!

Women’s cognitive decline from her old life of getting hit in the head and drinking!

F... Cognitive decline just live with it like Greg does, you just have to think about the infection sites mechanisms forget the cognitive declines!

Visible sensors are the feedback from everyone talking gibberish and giggling

Anticipation of the New Superhighway from LA to NYC built on 2 Monorails 100 yards apart

Train cars 100 yards long and 100 yards wide... Anticipation!

Greg on day one will ask the Dictator to stop the Key West Roosevelt Construction as a monorail around and across the island of Key West will be constructed after the Coup along with the Yale Key West Medical School

Oil Inventories are Meaningless!

Critical On Day one are millions of women cooking with Natural Gas being infected with Black Lung... intervention by MD’s on Day One of the Coup is Critical for these women!

Our Dictators are Psychotic...

BP Oil men are Psychotic...

Still there is a lot of suspense!

Still there is a lot of suspense!

Still there is a lot of suspense!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** Car Imagination and Ecstasy Docked in Key West! ++ 31 July 12 ++

Cards in Gregs Deck of Cards are Printed Up as the 52 Nearest Stars To Earth! Proposal to MD Women in a Polygamous Marriage I will have to design 52 Cards and new card games with 52 Medical Inventions, diagnose, diseases! Ecstasy of working with women after being docked in Key West Alone I use my Imagination for the conversations, speed dating. Brainstorming gravity windmills by visualizing them, having trillions of conversations over and over again! Its Critical to make a Arrest of Oil Men and Natural Gas Men, get them out of our Society! Mom gets Black Lung because she picked Natural Gas to cook on without knowing the side effects! Coup Leaders will recall all “Gas Stoves” replace them with “Electric Stoves”! Wall Street; High prices of “Organs” sold to Chaney, and his Saudi Princes keeps the government from making Organ Donation Mandatory! Side Effect of a Kidney Donation is Erectile Dysfunction! Facebook guy knew this and did not report the side effects from live Kidney Donors! Victims of this crime would call it an Atrocity! Face-up-to-it!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Imagination; Visualize Gravity tell us what you see

Proposals; Use your imagination to visualize Gravity Windmills

Danger Sails in Key West toward Imagination and Ecstasy

Ecstasy of Polygamous Marriages at Hemingway House give birth to Miracle Inventions!

Ecstasy Proposals is to learn New Invention Skills using Brainstorming 24/7 Supercomputers

Psyched up Cheerleaders are Wife Psychotherapists bringing their skills to invent Cure Alls

Proposals; Use your imagination to Visualize an End to “Oil” Atrocities by the Government

Men are 10 times more likely to inventsomething alone

Women Married into a Polygamous Marriage are 10 times more likely to invent 100’s of Inventions!

There is an imminent Danger to the New York Times

From yesterdays writings of the NY Times Medical School Newspaper!

NY Times Headlines Today – Promoting millions of people to inventsomething – No!

NY Times Headlines Today is promoting War in Syria for the Government!

Government Atrocities... Top 10 named in order will be in the very first issue of the NY Times Medical School Newspaper Tomorrow!

Wall Street; High prices of “Organs” sold to Chaney, and his Saudi Princes keeps the government from making Organ Donation Mandatory!

Side Effect of a Kidney Donation is Erectile Dysfunction!

Facebook guy knew this and did not report the side effects from live Kidney Donors!

Victims of this crime would call it an Atrocity!

Government is Dangerous!

Government is a War Time Government

Comcast and GE Owned NBC Nightly News Today in London killed the Olympic Sports Medicine Story at the end of the Nightly News Today for WW II and Hitler! GE Health Care does not care about Health Care for 7 Billion People. If they did the sport medicine story would have been read by Brian Williams! England is a War Time Government Today!

“Today Show” from London on the Olympics covered the stories of Empty Seats and Traffic

Matt Lauer fired Dr. Nancy

Dr. Nancy’s stories on Sports Medicine at the Olympics and Olympic MD would have profited millions of Americans, instead we watched Empty Seats and Traffic Stories from Matt Lauer!

Olympic MD’s would call this a government Atrocity!

Dr. Nancy will return GE Healthcare to profitability with medical stories on the “Today Show” after Matt Lauer is arrested for having sex with kids in Thailand!

WHO MD’s at the UN don’t report abuse either!

Ecstasy of Health Benefits has to reinvent the Walk In Clinic to a Public Walk In Clinic set up in Grand Central Station 24/7 to scan 7 million New Yorkers Every Day of the Year any time of the day and night!

Read Yesterdays details of the Reinvented Public Walk In Clinics!

News; Ultrasound has replaced the needle biopsy tissue sample

“Today Show” in London not reporting any Medical Stories is a Atrocity!

Spin off invention ideas from “Observers” reading about Ultrasound Biopsy... some Observer will invent something tonight!

Atrocities at Comcast will be documented at the NYC Oil Genocide Trials!

Criminology at the University Medical School will be expanded

Its Critical to make a Arrest of Oil Men and Natural Gas Men, get them out of our Society!

Mom gets Black Lung because she picked Natural Gas to cook on without knowing the side effects!

Coup Leaders will recall all “Gas Stoves” replace them with “Electric Stoves”!

Government of the People is a Scam!

Government gave us Lady Gaga to Terrorize Married Couples!

Imagine how Lady Gaga will Terrorize Legal Polygamous Marriages! Wow!

After legal Polygamous Marriages give birth to Headline Inventions + Discoveries Lady Gaga will be arrested for mass murder!

Ecstasy of New Medical Inventions and Discoveries are meant for Madonna Music Videos!

Speed Dating, will be a Government Department for Polygamous Marriage Proposals!

Join the Navy when you can join a Polygamous Marriage and brainstorm in Ecstasy with a few women 24/7 to give birth to inventions and discoveries!

Psychotherapist skills come with the Polygamous Marriage!

Get an Education from women and with women!

Proposal is to learn new invention skills using Ecstasy!

Visualize Gravity Windmills and tell us what you observe!

Brainstorm this a trillion times telling us a trillion times what the Hell you visualized looking at Gravity Windmills!

Inventor Olympics is not in London!

Inventor Olympics is American Police arresting everyone at BP Oil including the Queen!

Burn Units are Visualized by the wives of cops burned in fiery LA Wrecks Today and every day of the Year!

Atrocities by Comcast, GE Healthcare, Today Show; are Atrocities by the Government!

Women in a Polygamous Marriage are 10 Times more likely to visualize 3rd degree burns and discover a better treatment for the Burn Units, Matt Lauer and his Comcast NBC Crew didn’t think of doing a 3rd degree burn story by Olympic MD’s at the London Olympics today!

Sick... Brian Williams did a WW II Hitler London Bombing story to end NBC Nightly News Today!

There is an imminent Danger to the New York Times. From yesterdays writings of the NY Times Medical School Newspaper!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** Diagnose a Pig Tapeworm in Patients Hippocampus! ++ 30 July 12 ++

New New York Times Medical School Newspaper... post gasoline Era to make up for the $4 gasoline crimes of the New York Times front page from 1980 to 2012 Top MD’s at the Grand Central Station Public Walk In clinic checks and double checks every diagnosis and cure, treatment at every Medical Clinic World Wide! So the diagnoses of a pig tapeworm in a Mississippi patients Hippocampus is never again missed. Mississippi will never again come in at number 50 in rank of health care by the states. Same Top MD at Grand Central Public Walk In Clinic that draws blood, looks at eyes, does a MRI in 7 seconds on 7 million people a day taking the NYC Subway has time to double Check the diagnosis from all the Public Walk In Clinics World Wide. NY Times Medical School Newspaper will get a Nobel for Deep Brain Marvels in of the Hippocampus. Nobel that would have taken Mayor Bloomberg tens of thousands of years to win. Size matters in Medical School Newspapers and the size of your Hippocampus. Post $4 gas the NY Times will become A Medical School Newspaper!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com


Hippocampus Headlines in the New New York Times Medical School Newspaper Era

Coup leaders exiled everyone at the NY Times to Mecca for the rest of their lives!

And after live in Hells Burning Gasoline!

Infants and kids left in hot cars to die will haunt the Employees of the NY Times forever!

Batter Wives hit in the head who get Epilepsy now know it was caused by a hit in the head!

NY Times never reported this in the Headlines... Head, getting hit in the Headlines!

Medical Warfare of the New Journalists at the NY Times Medical School Newspaper attack the Steak house Chain! With news of Deep Brain goings on!

Medical Warfare by a New York Times that is a Medical School Newspaper can attack the “Gun Lobby”, Tobacco, Alcohol, Trump Casino... oh Trump was exiled to Mecca too!

Medical Warfare + Defense Department 3,000 Abram Tanks in Iraq and the 7 lost were all to friendly fire!

Medical Warfare Troops raid the Public Grocery Store Chains Nation Wide

NYC Mayor Bloomberg in Mecca can watch the NBC Nightly News of Medical Martial Law!

Neuroscientists culture is not Bloomberg Business News or Conversation in NYC yet.

Bloomberg’s NYC Role could have been one of a Neuroscientists! His conversations to make the news that would advance society a lot more to say the least!

NY Times Front Page Pictures of Neuroscience, never got past the city desk!

Mississippi on the Front Page in last place in the current medical News for everything!

Mississippi has been #50 Last Place on the front pages of the NY Times for as long as the NY Times has been printed and no one protested!

Mississippi and 7 Billion other people survived the waste in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Grand Central Station Grand Opening as a Medical Walk In Clinic scans 7 million a day!

Everyday not just a ABC Health Fair which has nothing to do with being Fair!

Integrity was not written into the old New York Times or its employee health care

Medical School Assembly Lines at Grand Central Station Medical Clinic 24/7 365 days a year

Every NYC Business has a HR Dept

Now Every NYC Business has a MD Dept

NYC Grand Central Station Medical Clinic is linked to every Medical Clinic in Mississippi

Same top MD’s at NYC GCSMC check and double check every diagnosis and cure at every Medical Clinic World Wide!

There is never a misdiagnosis ever!

There is never a misdiagnosis ever!

Los Alamos helps in this double checking... grin!

7 million people a day in NYC get a blood test, Eyes Scanned, Ekg, EEG, and MRI in 6 seconds!

1 Billion people died of preventable diseases from 1980 to 2012

Concentration Camp of 1 Billion People from 1980 to 2012

WHO MD’s who fled NYC end up in a Mecca Concentration Camp run by Oil Men

Post Gasoline Era has all the Oil Men from every Country, even Canada all in Mecca

French Oil men in Mecca are treated the worst!

7 Billion people survived these Oil men from 1980 to 2012

Oil Men in Mecca are never on in the Headlines or Pictured on the Front Page

Hippocampus Pictures and Headlines in the NY Times Medical School News Paper

First in Flight is North Caroline

First in Flight, Fight, or Invent Something analysis by Neuroscientists in your Hippocampus

Your Hippocampus has more going on than Los Alamos

Hemingway House Writing and Inventing Classes of the Sharks in the Hippocampus will be a Novel New Novel written by a Think Tank!

Back to the Pentagons Tanks, 3K are parked in CA today ready to get a $3 Billion redesign when 3k fiery LA Wrecks happen every 3 months in the USA, Pentagon will not redesign cars and trucks with super outside air bags front and rear to save lives!

Fight, Flight, or Invent Something is our only response!

Think what can we invent to destroy 3k million dollar tanks parked in CA?

Medical Schools built on Eiffel Tower Structures made from 3K recycled Tanks!

In schizophrenia the size of the Hippocampus is smaller

They don’t know why or how or the connection!

They do know men with schizophrenia kill someone everyday in NYC!

Story of the cure for schizophrenia will be Headlines in the NY Times Medical School Newspaper

Better story than catching the “Carrot Head” Bank Robber... grin!

Proposals to MD’s who write in the New England Journal of Medicine to Marry the NY Times Medical School Newspaper gets a lot of people married to a better partner!

Sick Stories Dominated the NY Times from 1980 to 2012

Cure Stories dominate the NY Times Medical School Newspaper

Anxiety + Panic Attacks Cured Stores will have you ready for tomorrows News!

Help for Battered women who when they were hit moved the brain structure up or down

A Top Story as MD’s invent a way to move the women’s brain back were it was before she hot hit in the head

Food Appetite and Sex Appetite

Top Stories in the NY Times Medical School Newspaper

Efferent fibers project to the entire hippocampal... the entire Medical Community brainstorms the hippocampal for human advancements never before taken on by Medical Researchers!

What is the hippocampal capable of... trillions of Rx discoveries and much more!

Epilepsy is defined as recurrent unprovoked seizures characterized by transient disturbances in mentation and movement. It is caused by excessive abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Epilepsy can be partial or generalized. With unilateral hippocampal sclerosis, anterior temporal lobe resection cures the epilepsy in 90% of patients.

Redesign this lobe resection for the assembly line is a Medical News Story

Causes of Glimoas – First in flight for our New New York Times Medical School Newspaper!

Gliomas are malignant tumors of the glial cells of the brain and account for 30-40% of all primary intracranial tumors. Astrocytomas are graded according to their histologic appearance. The lower grades are well-differentiated and slow-growing; the higher grade glioblastoma is highly malignant and grows very rapidly. Oligodendrogliomas are the most benign of the gliomas. Calcification is common, and they occur predominantly in the frontal lobes. The mixed neuronal and glial tumors, such as the ganglioglioma and dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNET), are found mostly in children and young adults. They are slow-growing and are found predominantly in the temporal lobes and around the third ventricle. Intratumoral cysts and calcification are common.

Causes of Glimoas – First in flight for our New New York Times Medical School Newspaper!

Top MD’s double check every diagnosis, how would you like to be a MD in Mississippi working alone making the diagnosis below?

Herpes simplex is one organism that has an affinity for the medial temporal lobes. Herpes simplex is the commonest and gravest form of acute encephalitis with a 30-70% fatality rate and an equally high morbidity rate. It is almost always caused by Type 1 virus except in neonates where Type 2 predominates. Symptoms may reflect the propensity to involve the inferomedial frontal and temporal lobes - hallucinations, seizures, personality changes and aphasia. Early involvement of the limbic system and temporal lobes is characteristic of herpes simplex encephalitis. The cortical abnormalities are first noted as ill-defined areas of high signal on T2-weighted scans, usually beginning unilaterally but progressing to become bilateral. Edema, mass effect and gyral enhancement may also be present.

Top MD’s double check every diagnosis, how would you like to be a MD in Mississippi working alone making the diagnosis above?

Redesign of the Walk in Clinic to be a Public Walk in Clinic with top MD’s double checking every diagnosis and treatment will advance society like no other Medical Redesign in the past!

Grand Central Station Public Walk In Clinic – Mayor Bloomberg would not have put this news on the front page of the New York Times tomorrow!

Major role in memory and learning in the is in the Hippocampus

Major role in pronouncing every word correct is a wife who will correct your pronunciations, next best wife will be the Smartphone iphone or regular cell phone call when set up to do this by Verizon and not for another $9.95 a month!

Pig Tape Worms are in some peoples Hippocampus in Mississippi, lets get the correct diagnosis for patients with bacon tape worms in Southern States!

As you know the MD who saw these patients would never diagnosis a tape worm in the patients Hippocampus!

NY Times Medical School Newspaper will get a Nobel

Deep Brain Marvels

Deep Brain Marvels on the front page of the New York Times every day of the Year winds a Nobel and much more for the advancement of society and News!

Medical Warfare is at the NY Times not Syria Today!

NY Times had more front page News and Pictures of Syria in July than Deep Brain Marvels!

This is a crime against humanity!

Size matters in Medical School Newspapers and the size of your Hippocampus

Deep Space Marvels Size Matters as to how big is Infinite Space and what caused this?

Medical Warfare against the NY Times!

Bloomberg is a Mayor not a Nobel Prize Winner for Society... Nitro Noble Remember!



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife







+++ Newest Title ** Navy USS Race For The Cure Ships! ++ 29 July 12 ++

Arrest of VA MD’s and WHO MD’s will be for the murders of 1 Billion people since the USS ElectricWindmillCar was sunk in 1980! USS JFK can save the lives of 15 Billion people if Caroline Kennedy adds 10K Windmills on 10 decks! said Rumsfeld. "It represents the remembrance of those lost in the Pentagon attack, it represents the clarity of purpose that the attack initiated and it represents so well what we as a nation are able to accomplish if we do work together." Rumsfeld stopped work on the 1980 Electricwindmillcar Model. Rumsfeld stoped Greg from working on a cure for cancer in 1980! Rumsfeld was here on Day One when Kennedy and Jimmy Carter ended the Saudi Oil Embargo with the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar Invention. Send your Children to Kindergarten Medical School so they can’t be Bullied by Meat Eaters! Class of Medical Students who start school next month should be double the number of new students, and they should all be given a Workstation Notebook with 1,001 Medical Inventions and Cure Projects spelled out with links to get them started. USS Los Alamos will dock at every Medical School, link will be on this web page!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Newest Class of Navy Ships, the USS Hemingway feeds the fish + turtles that made his life and the lives of his wife’s a Universe of “To Have Have Not” miracle cures for the times they lived!

USS Breast-Cancer Mrs. Joyce Rumsfeld, wife of Rumsfeld, is the ship’s sponsor No Way!

USS Arlington, a amphibious transport Ship 1 of a Trillion dollars worth of Navy Ships planned... Like her sister ships, USS New York and USS Somerset, she is named in commemoration of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Steel taken from the World Trade Center built these 3 Billion Dollar Navy Ships after 1996. After the ElectricWindmillCar Coup these ships will feed fish + turtles!

Mrs. Joyce Rumsfeld, wife of Rumsfeld, is the 3 Billion dollar builder of Nuke War Ship’s sponsor not the USS Breast-Cancer Hospital Air Craft Carrier for Humanitarian Motives!

Northrop Grumman’s Admirals sank the USS Breast-Cancer! And the USS ElectricWindmillCar

USS Arlington, honoring the 184 victims in the air and on the ground, who lost their lives when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon Sept. 11, 2001.

USS Breast-Cancer “Never Forget” the 40K dead women every year since Sept. 11, 2001.

said Rumsfeld. "It represents the remembrance of those lost in the Pentagon attack, it represents the clarity of purpose that the attack initiated and it represents so well what we as a nation are able to accomplish if we do work together."

Rumsfeld was talking about $4 Gas, his Vacation home in Mecca Saudi Arabia!

USS New York and the USS Mecca were paid for from $4 Gas

USS Breast-Cancer “Never Forget” the 40K dead women every year since Sept. 11, 2001.

007 Bond women after the Coup will rebury 40K dead women every year since Sept. 11, 2001 at Arlington National Cemetery!

40K dead women in 2012 all should be buried at Arlington National Cemetery but the Admirals and Generals would kill everyone in the funeral party driving into the Cemetery in gasoline cars if they ever tried to do this!

Never Forget is the Navy Admirals Motto on the side of the USS New York and it’s not for Breast Cancer wife’s!

Never Forget Admirals Motto is not for Officer Jason the 10K Officer Jason’s burned and burned to death via $4 gas since Sept. 11, 2001

USS Officer Jason after the Coup!

USS Officer Jason will be a “Burn Unit” Navy Ship 1st in its Class

Hillary Clinton, who was the U.S. Senator from the state of New York during the September 11 attacks, said the vessel echoes the spirit of the state it is named after. "This ship carries with it the searing memories of September 11th. Lives cut short. Families ripped apart. A nation attacked. And in that steel, burned but unbroken, lives the spirit we saw on 9/11 and the days that followed," she said.

No... Hillary was not talking about the USS officer Jason “Burn Unit” Navy Ship Hillary was talking about the burned Steel from the World Trade Center!

USS Medical School Navy Ship

NYC 9/11 Freedom Towers Medical School

No... Hillary would not stand for any of these on her watch!

USS Fiery-LA-Wrecks will be another Hospital Ship after the Coup!

“Protect the Children” by building Billion dollar war ships and suppressing the ElectricWindmillcar,.. by Admiral Hamilton and Gen McCarthy was a scam speech!

Tell your children don’t trust the Public Grocery Store foods as most are poisonous for kids!

Send the next generation of Children to Kindergarten Medical School so they can defend themselves at lunch and at the Public Grocery Store with mom!

Admirals Never Forget Motto he should have put on the side of the USS New York The ElectricWindmillCar!

Secretary of the Navy England knows BP Oil is the current terrorists via Fiery LA Wrecks!

Admiral + General sends their grand kids to Medical Schools in Mecca

Medical School in Mecca are free!

Freedom Tower 9/11 Medical School would be free if it was a Medical School!

Oxford, Yale, Classes work for the King

Oxford, Yale Classes know Red Meat and cooking with Natural Gas are poisonous!

WHO MD’s will be arrested for giving tens of thousands of wood burning stoves to Africa!

VA MD’s will be arrested for pretending they cured the Troops coming home from war of killing women, their wives!

USS Hepatitis killed more sailors than all wars!

USS JFK can save the lives of 15 Billion people if Caroline Kennedy adds 10K Windmills on 10 decks!

Adhesive Bond Temporary or Permanent between 40K women who will die in 2012

Navy Wives bond between 40K women who will die in 2012

007 Bond Women have a more Permanent Bond between 40K women who will die in 2012

USS JFK and Caroline Kennedy can save the lives of 15 Billion People in Caroline’s Class!

007 Bond Women in their 007 Class saving the lives of 40K Breast Cancer women who other wise will all die in 2013 will be the Coup of the Century!

Yes it will take a Coup of the Century as USS BP Oil and USS Mecca are owned by the Navy!

And the Navy is Owned by the US Government.... Property of the US Government!

Remember the USS New York will feed fish + turtles after this Coup of the Century

USS Arlington will feed fish + turtles after the Coup of the Century

USS JFK will feed 15 Billion People Trillions of Mega Watts of Electricity and many Trillion cans of H at –252 C

After Sept. 11, 2001 One Hundred Navy Ships at $1 Billion each were built and after the Coup of the Century all 100 Trillion Dollars worth of Navy Ships will feed fish + turtles!

Never Forget Motto by the Admiral...

Make Public the Names of the Men who suppressed the USS ElectricWindmillCar Carrier!

Make Public the Names of the Men who suppressed the USS ElectricWindmillCar Carrier!

Make Public the Names of the Men who suppressed the USS ElectricWindmillCar Carrier!

Never Forget Motto by the Admiral...

Admirals never knew 40K women with breast cancer existed...

Admirals never knew the ElectricWindmillCar existed...

Admirals are in their own Class with Oxford, Yale working for the Kings!

Tell your children don’t trust the Public Grocery Store Chains

Send your Children to Kindergarten Medical School so they can’t be Bullied by Meat Eaters!

Arrest on Wall Street and at the New York Times will be for leaving kids in hot cars to die!

Arrest of VA MD’s and WHO MD’s will be for the murders of 1 Billion people since the USS ElectricWindmillCar was sunk in 1980!

Coup of the Century Happens Every Century

Newest Class of Navy Ships, the USS Hemingway feeds the fish + turtles that made his life and the lives of his wife’s a Universe of “To Have Have Not” miracle cures for the times they lived!



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++ Newest Title ** Psychiatrists Professors Teach Invention 101 + 410! ++ 28 July 12 ++

Boss is the Woman Goddess of Inspiration! Her libido lows + highs writes the futuristic invention novels Hemingway would have written if he had 4 wives at the same time! Hemingways Los Alamos has been working on Nukes long enough, its time to take a break. Los Alamos has trillions of dollars worth of IBM supercomputers bought since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar and its Inventor Greg can't afford to buy a Xenon Workstation Notebook for $5K I have a $400 Acer Notebook and the mouse locks up in Live Mail writing every night! Microsoft did not make a fix it for this! Fix it for Schizophrenia for the VA Psychiatrists who let 100's kill their wife, or girlfriend then get a job at the University of Colorado Medical School and lets her student kill 12 at the Batman Movie! VA MD's are not graded they are just moved to some other Mecca! Neuroscience insights into DNA has no chance with ex VA Doctors, Neuroscience insights into DNA really needs all of Los Alamos for a few years! Federal Education Grants gave the Batman Killer all his spending money the last year! Paid for all the guns and ammunition he bought on the internet. VA Hospitals kills or gets killed way more people than civilian Hospitals and Doctors! Please have a conscience and use it. Boss is trying her best to inspire a Rx Overnight penicillin like cure for Breast Cancer!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

2 Treadmill's, Physical and Mental in the Psychology Classroom for Inventions 101 and 410

Psychiatrists trained to teach Invention, train of thoughts of Faraday, Edison, Greg

Psychotherapy Group Sessions train the group in train of thoughts of famous Inventors

Flagler the Oil Men who built the train to Key West would have kept the train going to the Nearest Stars

Journal of Psychoanalysis 1st new adventure since Freud started Psychoanalysis will be collecting all the thoughts, and Dreams of World Famous Inventors and making sure Modern Day Inventors are video taped 24/7 for Psychoanalysis!

Invent 101 and 410 cover the train of thoughts, daily life, books, newspapers, all the New York Times they read.

Faraday inventing the electric generator and electric motor! Greg + Wives discovering how gravity is generated!

Faraday had a conscience he would not discover Poison Gas for the British King and Queen who wanted this for the Crimean War!

Conscience is different between men and women, this should be in the News, Dr Nancy!

Insights why some men don’t have a conscience - women need to know all the men who don't have a conscience!

Natural Gas has caused an epidemic of Black Lung Disease in 100 Million new homes that cook with Gas instead of being all electric when the Federal Government and the Gas Industry knew this...

Coal Miners are protected from Black Lung Disease by Federal Warnings Rules but cooking with gas, which can produce pollution levels higher than those in heavily polluted outdoor air. Black Lung and inflammation in the lungs. Lung cells to gas fumes and the cellular tissues created cytokines: bodily produced chemicals which are associated with respiratory inflammation published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology

Insights why some men don’t have a conscience. public and women must know who these men are!

BP Oil Men don’t have a conscience just knowing Greg has Officer Jason’s picture and store on the ElectricWindmillCar web BP Oil Men envision making another $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues in the next few years! Now the Natural Gas Industry with permission from our Dictator harms families would never have picked cooking with gas but were influenced to by Mad Men, same ones who gave Coal Miners Black Lung Disease for 100 years!

Faraday inventing the electric generator and electric motor!

The Electric Life of Michael Faraday by Alan W. Hirshfeld

I read the most detailed story on the web about Faraday inventing the electric generator and electric motor, the experiments but they didn’t write up Faraday’s train of thoughts!

Amazon doesn’t have one Faraday book on his Psychoanalysis!

Writing and Inventing classes at the Hemingway House in Key West will have Psychoanalysis, Psychiatrists trained to teach Invention and writing the Futuristic Invention Novels! 24/7 Brainstorming, Writing, Inventing!

What the Hell are we brainstorming, inventing, writing about... insight into human neuroscience why some men don’t have a conscience. Conscience in sexual assaults and the mentality of World Conquest and Sexual Conquest.

Superego in Psychoanalysis commands the Ego...

Influenced by the mentality of World Conquest rules in divorce and domestic violence

Statistics are so far off the charts NBC Nightly News reports the record breaking heat wave not the record breaking days of Sex assaults and violence!

“Today Show” NBC goes to Weather 4 times a hour when it should be going to record breaking sex assaults and violence, murders in divorce and domestic violence by the day!

Daily Statistics like the record breaking heat 100 F for 5 days in a row now!

Libido, women's lows and highs how it effects daily conversations, getting along and not getting along.

Quality of her sex life, sex partners, libido’s lows and highs!

Conscience is different between men and women, this should be in the News, Dr Nancy!

Insights why some men don’t have a conscience and how to know this in all the men a women knows so she can keep track of his behavior

Possible consequences from killing someone

Possible consequences from saving her life

Behavior secret of why some men don’t have a conscience is in neuroscience!

Los Alamos and all their Trillions of dollars of IBM Supercomputers would take a year to get any results that would help give men a conscience via Rx or Electric Shock Treatments

Cortex supercomputer simulations on trillions of dollars of IBM’s for one year and we will discover something....

Translate the brains cortex studies like we know vision, the iris how we see light and our world via the brain

Influences on the conscience...

Most men’s conscience is low! Cause of this is social and economic influences!

Faraday had a conscience he would not discover Poison Gas for the British King and Queen who wanted this for the Crimean War!

BBC reports during the London Olympics that Queen Elizabeth doesn’t have a conscience!

Socioeconomic influences of the benefits of 2 treadmills, Teaching Invention and the highest levels of physical exercise that is most beneficial to you and society

Psychiatrists are trained to recognize people who don’t have a conscience but they cant come on Today Show and be interviewed by Dr Nancy naming names!

Need to know this! Women need to know all men without a conscience must be registered!

DNA’s Neuroscience researching the conscience!

Los Alamos and all their Trillions of dollars of IBM Supercomputers would take a year to get any results that would help give men a conscience via Rx or Electric Shock Treatments

Federal Government Grants to Grad Students in the Neuroscience Program are a waste of money!

Los Alamos and all their Trillions of dollars of IBM Supercomputers would take a year to get any results in Neuroscience Discoveries!

Insights into the cancer causing food and heart attack food stocked at the Public Grocery Store Chain had gone off the charts!

Feds are spending trillions of dollars on individuals doing Neuroscience Research without any Los Alamos help

Insights into Federal Government waste management... grin!

Professional biography of Dr Lynne Fenton should have how many of her patients killed and how many people did they kill... 12 we know about today but I would think 100’s of her VA patients killed a women!

Professor of Neuroscience!

Professor of Invention Projects!

Schizophrenia Neuroscience Discoveries and Invention Cures are 100 years in the future with the current government a University agenda’s!

Insight into Los Alamos and Trillion dollars worth of IBM supercomputers since 1980 will wake up your sense that Los Alamos can shut down Nuke Assembly line Production for a few years and get some killer discoveries and invention cures!

If NBC Nightly News had Sexual Assault and Murdered Women Heat Wave Statistics like they have the Heat Wave News the last few weeks it would save the lives of thousands of women in 2012

Men’s Conscience In General has gone to Hell thanks to the influence of BP Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Coal Miners would have lost their jobs in 1980 world wide if the 1980 Model of the ElectricWindmillCar was not suppressed by Teddy Kennedy and Jimmy Carter!

On Day One of its invention these 2 Mad Men suppressed it!

Killing 1 Billion people since 1980 world wide!

CIA has documented everything since 1980

Insight into women’s libido’s lows and highs will give Inventors insight how to influence them to be the Goddess of Inspiration!

Neuroscience research on Inspiration!

Brain Research about Inspiration!

Consequences of losing millions of women from the role of Goddess of Inspiration lost society 100’s of Discoveries and Miracle Cures in the last decade alone!

Polygamous Marriage made legal will make up for all these lost discoveries of a decade in one year of working 24/7 together on 1,001 invention projects you can download to Windows 8 from this web page... grin!

Bill + Melinda are a social cancer of society right alone with BP oil and the Natural Gas Industry

yes... Microwave cooking can be reinvented if the Professor covers this in class!

Every World Famous Inventor listed in the courses for a Degree in Invention

Insights into the VA Schizophreniacs murders and assaults under the care of their Psychiatrists will close down the VA Hospitals or open them up to the General Public when everyone in the USA has free health care like Saudi Arabia has had since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillcar!

10K American Doctors have worked in Saudi Arabia since 1980

Not a single one could have a conscience!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** How To Handle Women Observers! ++ 27 July 12 ++

How do you handle the mood swings of women observers in theses times of World Awe by World Dictators and Women Observers from the visions of the future that can feed 15 billion people, give all 15 billion people health and wealth and no time to get drunk and gamble! Awe of all this and more is in the visions of World Dictators Today and their Women Observers who they have to handle as women mood swings are ready to marry the Universe! Higher than ever awareness of the Infinite Space around our Courtyard!! Berkeley and Los Alamos and Sandia Labs have been given invention projects by Dictators in a modern Inquisition Era! Greg is a POW held by a modern “Inquisition” run by “Gun Men” Dictators and each one of them killed men, women, and children! Dr. Lynne Fenton a psychiatrist on the faculty of the University of Colorado-Denver Anschutz Medical Campus, is the Bat Man Homes Gun Mans Professor and Psychiatrists! She treated thousands like Homes at the VA and 100’s of her schizophrenia veterans killed their wives and girl friends! Berkeley and Sandia Labs were given the wrong inventions discoveries to work on by Dictators! NBC Nightly News and MSNBC did not put all these murdered Troops Wives as headlines because the Dictators didn't want this public!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Women’s have many Mood Swings Today So How Do You Handle “Women Observers”?

Our Key West Courtyard – Universe Courtyard surrounded by Infinite Space is the cause of some of these Mood Swings

God! This releases more and dopamine, highly pleasurable, euphoric wellbeing unless you are a Epic “Gun Man” killer or Dictator!

WW III visions releases more and more dopamine, to Gun Men Dictators which is highly pleasurable, euphoric wellbeing if you are a killer who has killed men, women, and children! Our Dictator has visions of winning WW III

Greg is a POW held by a modern “Inquisition” run by “Gun Men” Dictators and each one of them killed men, women, and children!

Greg is a POW because he never killed anyone!

No Other POW stifled by a “Inquisition” has achieved as much World Awe in the Vision World Leaders now have of things to come!

All 179 World Government have “Chemical Weapons” as a backup in an emergency!

In the Crimean War Era British Government orders Faraday to invent poison gas he refused and was famous enough to keep his head. Others less famous than Faraday had to invent poison gas for the British Government or be killed for treason if they refused!

Vision of the Future of what a modern “Faraday” will be willing to work on is the Gas Lobotomy Gas!

CIA has already figured out how long it will take our modern “Faraday’s” to discover how to make this lobotomy gas then mass produce it!

Vision of POW’s having a Gas Lobotomy Gas to use against Government Dictators starting WW III

Awe of this futuristic vision... that Greg put into 179 World Dictators!

WW III visions releases more and more dopamine, to Gun Men Dictators which is highly pleasurable, euphoric wellbeing if you are a killer who has killed men, women, and children!

Lobotomy Gas they now know can and will be discovered, the invention of their demise! Is now a Vision!

Berkeley Labs last week got a World Record for a laser of One quadrillion watts!

Dictator “Gun Men” each one of them killed men, women, and children! Pick and choose all Berkeley invention projects for the next world record!

Telling Berkeley what to invent... same Crimean War Era today just modern War Toys

Telling Los Alamos what a POW with a few wives wants invented... Rx Overnight Breast cancer Cure!

Start with the Gas Lobotomy Gas at Los Alamos! Cure for Cancer too!

Win WW III without firing a missile, drone, or Nuclear Weapon!

9/11 wars won with the ElectricWindmillCar without firing a missile, or drone was rejected by Dictator “Gun Men” each one of them killed men, women, and children! Greed Vision by Teddy Kennedy and Jimmy Carter in 1980 now today Oil Men have $177 Trillion dollars in Swiss Banks!

Gas Lobotomy Gas could have been ready years before 9/11 and made by Berkeley Labs!

Women Observers have know about the ElectricWindmillCar since its 1980 invention!

Women Observers at Berkeley Labs

Women Observers at Los Alamos

Women Observers at Sandia Labs

How to Handle Women Observers has been mastered by our Dictator “Gun Men” each one of them killed men, women, and children!

New Mood Sings of Women Observers from Gregs vision of the future!

15 Billion people with Health Care, Free University, Better Health and Diet of foods out Dictator Gun Men have at the Public Grocery Store Chains!

Only Dictator Gun Men would stock the Public Grocery Store with so many cancer causing and heart attack causing foods with no warning label no consumer education so their not aware of the Red Meat and Heart Attack statistics as this news was stifled by Dictators!

MD’s made trillions of dollars from these Public Grocery Store Foods since 1980

MD’s knew they should have reported the abuse, the mass murder by our Dictators!

How do you handle MD Women Observers?

Give them a vision of a future they know can be invented if Berkeley and Los Alamos are given a different set of invention projects for their world records!

Vision of the Yale Key West Medical School built on an Eiffel Tower structure in every major city world wide!

9/11 Freedom Tower in NYC added insult to injury of those killed by it not being a Yale Medical School Tower!

MD’s knew about the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 and they should of reported its suppression!

Epic Movie that changes our current time line of events made with the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar!

Only Dictator Gun Men would let 19K women observers be murdered every year since 1980

Only Dictator Gun Men would build battered women’s shelters in every town and city in the USA

Only Dictator Gun Men would let Robert Kennedy Jr. bribe a Judge in public... he killed his wife!

Women Observers in an Orwellian Society that is Bullied, no one is immune as tens of thousands of cops have burned and burned to dead in fiery Cop Car Wrecks

Mood Swings of Women Observers contemplating the picture on this web page of Officer Jason burned in gasoline pictured with his infant daughter and wife!

“Oil” she gave Greg “Oil” at the BDay Party

No not a can of oil but Fish Oil which has its own Futuristic Vision of Trillions of Fish and Turtles in the Ocean feed fish and turtle food by the Navy and Air Force... a different set of invention projects for the Air force and Navy not from Gun Men Dictators!

Vision of the Future can be seen Today!

Current Inquisition Dictators tell Berkeley, Air Force, Navy what to invent!

Other side of the Universe how has a vision the Admiral and Nuke Scientists can observe in their mind

Caroline Kennedy dads JFK Carrier 2013 Model will it be equipped with 10K Windmills and One Trillion Cans of H at –252 C

Caroline Kennedy knows a modern Faraday will invent discover the gas lobotomy gas!

This vision of the Future causes Mood Swings in all Women Observers Today

Will Caroline Kenned help the POW Greg escape this Modern Day Inquisition?

Would Caroline Kennedy remarry into a Polygamous Marriage to make up for so many lost inventions by this modern Inquisition from 1980 to 2012, work 24/7 on 1,001 invention projects Berkeley would never work on!

Vision of 100K Heavy Lift Helicopter Combines with 5 rotors each harvesting Amazon crops that will feed more than 15 Billion People!

Coup Leaders will compensate Officer Jason’s infant daughter and widow!

Police Observers know the Danger Sails by Dictator Gun Men who’s Dopamine gives them a sense of euphoria and wellbeing!

Alcohol + Gambling Prohibition again, this time no one will have time to drink and gamble as Flagler is building the Key West Train to Alpha Centauri and the rest of the nearby stars

Day One 1980 Here From Day One

Take your fish oil pills and contemplate the vision of getting married to a women observer!

Police Observers know the Danger Sails by Dictator Gun Men who’s Dopamine gives them a sense of euphoria and wellbeing!

How do you handle the arrest of all BP Oil men in London and Mecca?

Take away their $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues!

Give Officer Jason’s wife and daughter a trillion dollars to spend

Vision of the Hemingway writing and inventing classes at the Hemingway House in Key West

Women Observers Vision of their future in a class writing and inventing!

Mood Swings of women observers who meet Greg on Day One Key West!

If you see a Gun Man release the lobotomy gas bug bomb!

CERN particle accelerator and the God Particle

Vision of how Gravity is Generated creates a much better God Particle!

World Dictators paid for CERN when Greg’s Physics Invention Projects would have been much different! Stronger Gravity!

Circuit Breakers going off in society

Call the Electrician Check how many wires will be needed when you have a Home Hydrogen Electric Generator and no more Keys Energy Electric Bills

Visions of the future Generation of Electricity with Home and Business Hydrogen Electric Generators!

GE Nuclear Power Plants have been obsolete since 1980 now we can Vision what will replace this monsters!

Vision of no Domestic Violence anywhere in the World is here today in a Can of Lobotomy Gas

Victims of Gun Men are given Hospital Bills for their gun shot wounds!

Officer Jason and 10K others burned in fiery LA Wrecks all had to pay the MD at the Burn Unit

Mood Swings about the modern Inquisition Dictators!

Vision of taking writing and inventing classes at the Hemingway House in Key West

Writing the Invention Novel about Future Inventions for Society!

Vision of the Eiffel Tower in Key West that’s A Yale Key West Medical School

Women Observers are in Awe of the Proposal at the top of the Eiffel Tower

No Other POW invented so much under so many World Dictators Observing!

Cat Teddy Kennedy can’t get a good nights sleep without Moms wellbeing feeling

Teddy Kennedy, A vision of him in Hell burning in a Fiery LA Wreck!

How can a society handle the Kennedy Bullies?

They can start by arresting Robert Kennedy Jr. for hanging his wife Mary!

God will find Kennedy guilt of murder this is for sure!

Kennedy Bullies, Gangster Squads, Gang Bangers, Gun Men, its just a difference in class!

Dopamine feelings of wellbeing for all the good behavior not the crimes!

Dr. Lynne Fenton a psychiatrist on the faculty of the University of Colorado-Denver Anschutz Medical Campus, is the Gun Mans Professor and Psychiatrists! She treated thousands like Homes at the VA and 100’s of her schizophrenia veterans killed their wives and girl friends!

Discoveries for preventing schizophrenia patients from killing wives and girl friends are 100 years into the future of medicine because our Dictators did not give medical students a list of 1,001 medical inventions to work on in medical school preinstalled in Windows 8 with links to get you started! Bill + Melinda refused to invent poison gas for the Crimean Wars and Refused to preinstall 1,001 Invention projects in Windows 8

Graduate student of neuroscience are the Faraday’s looking for the DNA code that was cause by a birth defect caused by thalidomide or some spin off drug for morning sickness.

Vision Society has now is some Faraday will find the cause of schizophrenia! Lobotomy Gas will Cure Dictators!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


+++ Newest Title ** Observe “Women” spending trillions of dollars! ++ 26 July 12 ++

Epic Movie “Autobiography of the ElectricWindmillCar” 1980 to 2012... ABC Nightly News just ended with Hollywood Romances all the Epic Movies with on screen lovers who were lovers in real life too, it was good, log on to ABC and look for the Youtube Video “Hollywood Romances” ABC Nightly News! Greg’s Awareness about the move from “Home Alone” writing this web page everyday to moving in with a few women who will become “Wives”. Readers of this web will be able to tell the “Electrically Charged writing of Ideas and Inventions”! Spending all my time with women instead of being home alone all the time, "observers" watching Greg and making comments is for a sequel to "1984"! Hospital Infects are always in the news killing 100K a year! Work saving all these lives is were Greg waits to get a job at! Myocardial Infarctions are the #1 cause of death of men and women in the USA Working saving all these lives is were Greg waits to get a job at! Government Authorities are Insane or Psychotic to keep Greg Home Alone unmarried! Trillions have been made and spent from the suppression of the Epic Movie “Autobiography of the ElectricWindmillCar” 1980 to 2012. Ending of this Epic Movie will have “Women” spending trillions of dollars!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Epic Movie “Autobiography of the ElectricWindmillCar” Sequel Inventions Coming Soon too!

Epic Movie “Autobiography of Greg Buell Key West” when Authorities Make Contact!



Unavailable... BDay Girl from yesterday "painting" invention projects, work, we are both going to be late for work getting the Rx Overnight Penicillin Like Cure for Breast Cancer!

Mystery Movie as to what is taking so long for the Authorities to Make Contact?

Epic Movie “Autobiography of the ElectricWindmillCar” 1980 to 2012

Serenity had to wait until 2012 for Government Authorities to Make Contact

“Serendipity” was realizing God’s best invention is “Women”!

CIA Awareness just realized God’s best invention is “Women”!

CIA Awareness now is stronger than ever about how gravity is generated

CIA Awareness just clicked on “Infinite Space” that 4K Trillion Galaxies are expanding into at millions of miles per hour!

CIA Awareness as many are from MIT and its Honor had been destroyed by Robert Kennedy Jr. bribing a Judge in Public. Causing his wife to hang herself. To add insult to injury he dug up her body and moved it to a unkempt exiled area of the cemetery. Without any permit, permission, Authority! Causing the community to protest his murder of his wife in a divorce as if he hanged her himself, demanding an Epic Kennedy Movie “Marry Kennedy” Her Husband Arrested for her murder!

CIA Awareness is well aware of Greg’s Epic Movies being “Home Alone” forever writing the ElectricWindmillCar Web page!

Boss is Unavailable for Verizon Cell Phone Calls

Epic Movie “Greg + Galileo”

Epic Gun Man at the University of Colorado Medical School, “Serendipity” as if he would have gone to any other Medical School in the USA he wouldn’t have killed 12 people. Cause of his Madness was caused by the Oil Company President who became President of the University of Colorado!

BP Oil + Robert Kennedy Jr. are so rich and famous they can and do anything they want!

Oil Company Presidents have been given University President’s Jobs by Authorities!

ElectricWindmillCar Culture on a University Campus has become hostel and violent!

Key West Oil Man Henry Flagler if he was here today would build the NASA Star Ship Train to Alpha Centauri!

Government Authorities invested $ Trillions in CERN for the “God Particle” not God’s best invention “Women”.

$ Trillions of dollars invested in “Women” would realize the “God Particle” for Sure!

London Women Henry the VIII

Epic Movies of the British Kings and London Olympics Opens Tomorrow without any update on how much better off European Women who marry are via staying Alive!

Back in the USA, Epic Kennedy Movie “Marry Kennedy” Her Husband Arrested for her murder!

London Olympics Opens Tomorrow

Events Women’s Nude Volleyball and Drunks starting a fight with the wife, women!

Shakespeare’s Globe Theater passer by the Olympic Torch

Plague History has to be updated for today’s diseases as the old British Colony of Hong Kong is in the news today, the SARS Flu killed 1K people after they got on the plane at Hong Kong Airport.

Back in the USA JFK Airport and LAI Airport people without any contagious disease picked up one from someone traveling through these airports.

Plague you are thinking they were all cured! No infants and kids walking by someone sneezing or coughing from across the waiting seats got Whooping Cough then coughed for days and nights and over 100 died!

Infants and kids caught the flu the same ways!

Plague is the correct term now CIA Awareness must influence airport travelers who cough and sneeze on children without covering their mouth!

1st study diseases, reading Hemingway and his 4 wives you will learn a lot about diseases as with 4 wives and kids Hemingway and his 4 wives wrote a lot about being sick!

ABC Nightly News just ended with Hollywood Romances all the Epic Movies with on screen lovers who were lovers in real life too, it was good log on to ABC and look for the Youtube Video “Hollywood Romances” ABC Nightly News!

Greg’s Awareness about the move from “Home Alone” writing this web page everyday to moving in with a few women who will become “Wives”.

Readers of this web will be able to tell the “Electrically Charged writing of Ideas and Inventions”!

Serenity has to wait until Government Authorities Make Contact, Let Greg have Contact with a few women!

CIA is well aware of this contact as I would certainty marry a 007 Women!

007 Women are running late for work with Greg!

Hong Kong passengers getting on the plane in Hong Kong infected people in 37 Countries!

Intelligence in tracking this down is what I want to learn as you can spin off this kind of investigating to many invention projects, one that could cure breast cancer!

New England Journal of Medicine needs to get a MD to write in detail how to investigate like this!

Hospital Infects are always in the news killing 100K a year!

Work saving all these lives is were Greg waits to get a job at!

Myocardial Infarctions are the #1 cause of death of men and women in the USA

Working saving all these lives is were Greg waits to get a job at!

Government Authorities are Insane or Psychotic to keep Greg Home Alone unmarried!

Trillions have been made and spent from the suppression of the Epic Movie “Autobiography of the ElectricWindmillCar” 1980 to 2012

Trillions made from the Epic Movie “Autobiography of the ElectricWindmillCar” 1980 to 2012 will be given to God’s best Invention... Women!

Observe “Women” spending trillions of dollars! Is how this movie Ends!

Made for TV Movie... “Mary Kennedy” Her Husband was just arrested for her Murder!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife




+++ Newest Title ** BDay Girl wives writing and invention classes at the Hemingway House in Key West! ++ 25 July 12 ++

Challenger Disaster "A Crew" of 40K women died of Breast Cancer. Government Managers who put 40K Breast Cancer women on the Challenger Disasters year after year after year while at the same time killing all the BDay Girls over coming all her inhibitions now willing to marry and work full time on a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer! Same Education Benefits you can get from joining the Navy will be given to 15 billion people and you will make more money going to school than the Navy pays sailors! Government Managers Waste Days, Years, Decades on needless Wars! When The ElectricWindmillCar Invention of 1980 would have won all the wars from 1980 to 2012 including 9/11 without firing a Missile or Drone!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Challenger Disaster A Crew of 40K women died of Breast Cancer

40K Breast Cancer Women died in the Challenger Disaster

Sally Ride didn’t get Breast Cancer, she died after a 17-month battle with pancreatic cancer!

40K other NASA Women died a sudden death via Cardiac Arrest on "A" shuttle explosion!

Disaster is 51 year old BDay Girl missed a whole year working on 1,001 Invention Projects with Greg

Same “Guys” who caused the other Crews of 40K to die in a Challenger Disaster from Cardiac Arrest, etc. did this crime!

Disaster is 51 year old BDay Girl missed a whole year working on 1,001 Invention Projects with Greg

Missed a whole year of writing and invention classes at the Hemingway House Key West

Thinking “CAP” made out of batteries!

Brainstorming HAT made by talking to a few BDay Girls, wives

Picking up on the BDay Girls visions of her next BDay married to a Nobel + Coup Winner!

Not Your Run Of The Mill Husband for the BDay Girls but A Inventor who will teach all the BDay girls how to write and Invent, get one invention after another after another!

Nightly News is on with drought and the Heat Wave on Crops and food prices not one Nightly New reported on kids left in hot cars that died!

Disaster of the Discovery Shuttle as the ElectricWindmillCar with H is a climate controlled car 24/7 no more getting into a hot car and no more kids will die in hot cars...

Disaster of the Discovery III Shuttle that was not built by Boeing and Lockheed Martin because they wanted to make a 190 plane fleet of F-22’s

Nightly News had weeks of 190 house burning down in the forest fires and No Nightly News reported Boeing refused to build a fleet of 190 C5A Galaxy Class Military Cargo Planes to fight forest fires!

Fleet of 190 Helicopter Combines each with 5 rotors from the Heavy Lift Helicopters

Zero have been built since the BDay Girls last BDay and Boeing has had this idea in their thoughts every day never acting on it for the benefit of 7 billion hungry people.

Helicopter Combines Harvesting the Amazon, Drought Headlines without the price increases of corn, wheat, milk.

Zero Helicopter Combines and Zero New extended expiration dates on next generation of “Tin Cans” with no more can openers!

H at –252 C coin stuck to the bottom of the can will freeze it for years and no more freezer aisle in the Public Grocery Store

Public Enemy #1 on the FBI top 10 Most Wanted

Government Managers who put 40K Breast Cancer women on the Challenger Disasters year after year after year while at the same time killing all the BDay Girls over coming all her inhibitions now willing to marry and work full time on a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Government complicity in this crime against women!

Side Effects from a Diet, Grocery Store Goodies misinformation and CIA disinformation!

Yes Assembly Line Efficiency is possible working on a Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure and Cardiac Arrest that’s prevents 99.9% of all heart attacks with one Discovery Shuttle invention with the BDay Girl helping you Brainstorm this!

Government assessment of how many millions of people a fleet of 100K Helicopter Combines working the Amazon can feed in a year...

Assimilating 190 F-22’s to feed the fish + turtles in the Ocean

Assimilating 190 F-22’s to spray miracle grow on the Amazons Harvest of Crops

Free H fuel for F-22 and 100K Helicopter Combines depends on the JFK Carrier and Caroline Kennedy!

Husband + Wives depend on the infinity of empty space to pull off a successful Coup!

Husband depends on wives for a successful Nobel

BDay Girl wives depend on writing and invention classes at the Hemingway House in Key West

Light up a Universe Challenger that will save the crew of 40K women a year by her Husband Inventor!

Government Manager inhibit social inventions at the same time wasting military inventions like the F-22 by not using them to feed fish + turtles in the Ocean

Cat Teddy Kennedy gets a better nights sleep with mom around

Working on the Rx Overnight Cure for breast cancer goes much better with the BDay Girl around too

Peace of Mind to sleep and invent!

Benefits of marriage, Polygamous Marriage!

Same Education Benefits you can get from joining the Navy will be given to 15 billion people and you will make more money going to school that the Navy pays sailors!

Helicopter Combines to fish the oceans!

Yes you can use the same Assembly Line Efficiency getting Inventions

Photoreceptor Cells in the Retina, A lighted Universe of 40K Challengers!

Not Your Run Of The Mill Inventor Husband... Universe!

But one that turns the electricity on to A Newly lighted Universe of 40 Trillion Challenges to Discover, Invent!

Ground Zero working on our Wedding Day at the Hemingway House to get “A Invention”

Potential Amazon Jungle Harvest of Crops will feed 15 Billion people for years and years!

Can Goods frozen to –252 C will extend the expiration date to forever!

Day the BDay Girl Makes Contact with Greg... “A Invention Day”!

Government Managers Waste Days, Years, Decades on needless Wars!

The ElectricWindmillCar Invention of 1980 would have won every war without firing a Missile or Drone!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++ Newest Title ** Sally + Lisa Ride Flagler's Star Ship Train! ++ 24 July 12 ++

Epic Movie is the building of a train to Key West and Alpha Centauri! Epic Movies of Hemingway Novels will come pre installed on all Intel Zeon WorkStation Notebooks as the Zeon CPU is the only one that is powerful enough to copy and paste all your YouTube recorded videos of invention research on the web into your personal Epic Invention Research Movie with of course Microsoft Movie Maker which runs slow as hell if it runs at all on Intel's i3 and i5 CPU's! Challenged by the births of 15 billion people our Dictators must die or else they will kill all 15 billion people with their addictions to War! Moscow Epic Theater Movie of the Muslin Women overcome by poison gas! Moscow and Syria are Best Friends and both have Poison Gas! WW III started by Hillary in Syria will make Hillary more famous than Sally Ride and Lisa Novak! Motive of the Movie Theater Gun Man started at the University of Colorado Medical School. Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures will cure the CIA Disinformation that lead Sally Ride and Steve Jobs to think they could eat Red Meat and lunch meat 3 times a day 7 days a week, as Dr. Nancy and Madonna have not make any music videos dissecting what Red Meat and lunch meat does to your Pancreas, a digestive gland that produces insulin!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Sally + Lisa Ride Flagler's Star Ship Train!

Epic Movie is the building of a train to Key West and Alpha Centauri's even more Challenging Star Ship Train!

Epic Movie “Mission To Mars” “Red Planet” “4.3 Light Years” “Anatomy”

Epic Movies To Challenging, Movie goers bring their Intel Zeon Extreme Notebook to the 24/7 Showing of “Brainstorming That Invention”

Madonna “Who’s that Girl” with the Intel Zeon Extreme Notebook that has more than enough power to open Microsoft Movie Maker + Blood, Bones, Brain, Neurons, DNA...

Epic Movie “Gas Lobotomy Gas Invention”

One Reality of 15 Billion People on Earth is the air they breath will have particles of the gas lobotomy gas!

One Reality of 15 Billion People on Earth is the water they drink will have more than just fluoride to prevent tooth decay!

One Reality of 15 Billion People on Earth is 15 Billion People will be Prospering better than the 7 Billion Today in every statistic of Health, Wealth, Education, Love + Marriage!

Journal “Computers in Human Behavior” will be Challenged to write articles about “Computers in Human Invention Projects” within a “Polygamous Marriage” As only in a “Polygamous Marriage” are the Wives and Husband working 24/7 Brainstorming the Challenging multitasking of lightning fast thinking, speaking, listening to everyone at the same time going from one idea to another to another to another for 24 hours!

Intel i5 and i7 CPU’s are not “Workstation” worthy and Intel knew this when they sold 50 million people a CPU that was not designed by Intel to Make Music Video’s and Open Microsoft Movie Maker clips of Brainstorming sessions you recorded from your Internet travels!

Technology companies need to be aware of how people respond to multitasking when they are designing products. GPS voice guidance for Internet Explorer would be much better than Favorites Bar!

Modern Geeks + their Notebooks will be upgraded to “Workstation Notebooks”

Futuristic Geeks + their Workstation Notebooks, their Hemingway Directory Data Base is every Novel and every Novel Hollywood made into a movie, technology companies put all this together for a purpose, the propose is the advancement of society so all 15 Billion People on Earth will be Prosperous, in Health, Wealth, Education and Nightly News will refer to 2012 as the Second Charles Dickens Poor House Era, with Debtors Prisons and POW Concentration Camps for illiterates who did not join the Navy for the Educational perks!

This Epic Movie is much to Challenging for Warner Brothers BatMan Era of Movie Making!

Sally Ride had no idea what O rings are and that the Pancreas is a digestive gland that produces insulin!

Sally Ride Blasted off in the Challenger twice with the same O Rings that failed the 3rd time!

Sally Ride was brainwashed by the CIA Red Meat, Lunch Meat 3 times a day same 3rd time if she would have cut back to 1 time a week from 3 times a day she would be alive today but the CIA disinformation about Red Meat and Lunch Meat kept her in another kind of Concentration Camp! Sally Ride’s Space Camp should change the menu from one of disinformation to one Dr. Nancy made for the girls!

Space Camp Girls “Dissect” Red Meat and Lunch Meat on the Zeon Workstations Greg sent over!

Girls who will live to see 15 Billion People Prospering better than the 7 Billion Today

15 Billion People Prospering better than the 7 Billion Today

To Challenging for Todays Dictators, India and + Pakistan both got A-Bombs because they knew the World Dictators would provoke a war if they didn’t!

CIA Petraeus struggle with 179 Dictators!

Challenge for Petraeus is when and how to stage a Coup!

A Coup is in Histories Time line as 15 Billion people will all be Dead with todays Dictators!

British Troops number 9,500 in Afghanistan

95,000 British Troops will be at Oxford when Earths population is 15 Billion and all will be paid a lot more than British troops in Afghanistan Today $

London Olympics Today have 18K British Troops guarding the athletes!

18K Dr. Nancy’s will be guarding the diets of Londoners when 15 Billion People are here

New research has revealed the true cost of ambulance call-outs to deal with drink fuelled incidents. The study, by Newcastle University experts, working with the North East Ambulance service (NEAS) and the North East Alcohol Office (BALANCE) looked purely at the cost to the ambulance service and not at the total cost to the NHS. It found that in one year there were an estimated 31,000 emergency calls for drink related incidents in the North East London, a total cost of £9m to local ambulance services. That means one in ten of call-outs were alcohol related.

Cost of £159m for England Today for ambulance calls for drunks!

Cost of murdered wives by London drunks was not done in The study, by Newcastle University experts!

One Reality of 15 Billion People on Earth is there can be No Drunks!

Treadmill Desk will be in every Classroom not just at Oxford

Hemingway Database will have the Shock Treatments from Mayo Clinic that killed him!

Electric Shock will be perfected, and Gregs hopes it can improve everyone’s memory a lot!

Progressive Insurance Commercials with Flow on the Treadmill and slimmed down!

Lisa Marie Nowak Caputo born May 10, 1963 Nowak blasted off on the Shuttle Discovery during the STS-121 mission in July 2006

Sally Rice Blasted off on the Challenger on June 18, 1983, Her second space flight was in 1984, also on board the Challenger. She spent a total of more than 343 hours in space. She married and divorced and Astronaut too!

Love + NASA Women Astronauts!

One Reality of 15 Billion People on Earth is there can be No Divorce!

Sally + Lisa were both interviewed on the “Today Show” neither were asked about Star Ships to Alpha Centauri

I think both Sally + Lisa would have said NASA could build the 1st Train like Flagler built the first train to Key West!

Madonna Music Videos of the NASA Train for Star Ship Travels! Wow!

Madonna’s Moscow Concert will show sputnik 4 October 1957, Dead Drunks in Red Square!

Muslim Women in the Moscow Theater were killed by Poison Gas in front of live cameras!

Madonna will get this video for her Music Video’s Moscow Concert

Today Moscow + Syria are “Best Friends” and both have “Same Poison Gas” Moscow used in the Theater with Moslem Women Movie Goers!

Epic Movie “Gas Lobotomy Gas Invention”

One Reality of 15 Billion People on Earth is the air they breath will have particles of the gas lobotomy gas!

One Reality of 15 Billion People on Earth is the water they drink will have more than just fluoride to prevent tooth decay!

One Reality of 15 Billion People on Earth is 15 Billion People will be Prospering better than the 7 Billion Today in every statistic of Health, Wealth, Education, Love + Marriage!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** Courtyard of the Universe is Infinite Empty Space! ++ 23 July 12 ++

Epic Movie is “BatMan” Bat Man is the Epic Movie on Comcast owned "Today Show" at NBC with Matt Lauer doing the interview from London! Before everyone found out how Gravity is Generated. Discovered by Wives + Husband in a legal Polygamous Marriage who worked instead of going to the Midnight BatMan Movie! Sally Ride Rode the Shuttle Challenger died today at 61 Pancreatic cancer, it's the fourth most common cause of cancer-related deaths across the globe. Pancreatic cancer often has a poor prognosis: 5-year relative survival rate is 6%. Cause is Diets high in red meat is positively associated. Processed meat consumption is positively associated with pancreatic cancer! Alcohol caused pancreatic cancer! 179 Dictators around the World know this! 7 Billion People live in illiterate POW Concentration Camps. Navy Seals will not rescue 7 billion illiterates unless they Join the Navy for Education Benefits! 7 Billion People live in illiterate POW Concentration Camps can be relocated to the University via coup d'état. 179 World Dictators sent these 7 billion People to a POW Concentration Camp because they didn't want to make the University Mandatory for HS Kids and Free of Charge! Epic Movie of Concentrations Camps + Sally Ride's Space Camp! 179 Dictators are Brain Dead of the Court Yard thats surrounded by Infinite Space they just ignore this, put it out of their minds with Epic BatMan Movies!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Courtyard of the Universe is Infinite Empty Space... Infinite!

Supreme Court Justices For Whom The Bell Tolls it Tolls “Forever”!

Court Yard thats surrounded by Infinite Space they just ignore this, put it out of their minds with Epic BatMan Movies!

“Will” everything to Women who “Believe” they are Gods Best Invention!

There is a special hurry as the World + Earth’s 7 Billion People are in grave “Danger” by our 1984 “Oil” + “Cancer” Circumstances that dictate happenchance, happenstance, luck of serendipity, creation of a new class of Polygamy that “Marries for Discoveries and Inventions, not Money + Love per se”... Money the $177 Trillion to finance the Rx Overnight Penicillin like Cure for Breast Cancer and 1,001 Yale Key West Medical Schools built on Eiffel Tower Structures that come with 1,001 Medical Invention Projects!

law makes drunk driving illegal per se

Smoking is made illegal per se

Inventor per se had the “Idea” to put “Big Screen” LED TV’s in every Public Grocery Store Chain, and above all HS kids lockers in the Hall and in Gym class broadcasting Government warning labels on Smoking, Lung Disease, Clogged Aorta, Syphilis sores on big screen TV in all High Schools and in all Universities, along with Whooping Cough infants with adults sneezing in front of them...

McDonalds “Big Screen” LED TV 70” Bigger than the Menu showing syphilis and no hand washing after taking a shit by fast food workers!

Pancreatic cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer-related deaths across the globe. Pancreatic cancer often has a poor prognosis: 5-year relative survival rate is 6%. Cause is Diets high in red meat is positively associated. Processed meat consumption is positively associated with pancreatic cancer!

Inventor per se had the “Idea” to put “Big Screen” LED TV’s in every Public Grocery Store Chain above the Red Meat and Lunch Meats with Sally Ride, 61 Steve Jobs, Patrick Swayze, Ruth Ginsburg, Justice of the Supreme Court giving a “Personal Warning” to everyone looking at the Red Meats in the display below the 70” LED TV.

Ride, a physicist, at age 32, she rode the space shuttle Challenger into space as a mission on June 18, 1983, soaring into history. At 61 today she died of Pancreatic Cancer! 1983 when in 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was Invented by Greg who would have started a “Manhattan Project” to Cure Breast Cancer Overnight not a “Space Camp” like Sally Ride Founded!

Sally Ride was assigned to what would have been a third shuttle flight for her, but training for that mission was scrubbed in January 1986 after the Challenger exploded soon after takeoff, killing all seven crew members, including Christa McAuliffe.

Drinking alcohol excessively is a major cause of chronic pancreatitis, which in turn predisposes to pancreatic cancer.

Inventor per se had the “Idea” to put “Big Screen” LED TV’s in every “Sports Bar” “Liquor Store” in the USA all 70” and all showing the graphic Pancreatic destroyed by drinking liquor!

Wine aisle in the Public Grocery Store is 100 Feet long and all along every foot there will be “Big Screen” 70” LED’s showing the diseases Wine causes!

Madonna will make several Government Ordered Music Videos for Alcohol, Tobacco, Red Meat, Gambling, Warning Labels for the Public at the Public Grocery Store Chain!

Post Office Waiting in line with 70” LED TV Surgeon General Warning Labels!

There is a Hurry to become Universe Space Travelers just ask Sally Ride!

Sony Epic Movie Battle to Invent and Discover!

NYC The Mayor takes control of all the dozen 70 foot big screens in Times Square to show with Madonna’s help making a music video on the 66 mass killings by Gun Men so far in 2012... Every 70 foot big screen in Times Square! For public safety!

Epic Movies of serendipity, creation of a new class of Polygamy that “Marries for Discoveries and Inventions, not Money + Love per se” Job description in the contract prenuptial is brainstorm 24/7... “Forever”!

Epic Movie of the Earth before everyone knew how gravity is generated!

Epic Movie The Universe!

There is a special hurry as the World + Earth’s 7 Billion People are in grave “Danger” by our 1984 “Oil” + “Cancer” Circumstances that dictate 1,001 Inventions, 1. Invent a new can opener and “Tin Can” with no expiration date stamped on the bottom. 2. Amazon is a vast wheat field of several thousand square miles and only needs 1 invention, a fleet of 100K Helicopter Columbines each Helicopter Combine with 5 Heavy Lift Rotor Engines each fueled with free H at –252 C to keep everyone and all the figs and cashews cold in the Amazon Jungles!

Harvest the Amazon with 100K Helicopter Combines will feed 10 Billion People a Day!

We are in grave “Danger” by our 1984 Dictators who suppressed climate control 24/7 for cars as you with a car today know getting into a hot car is Hell and our 1984 Dictators around the World in their own conspiracy each killed a kid left to die in a Hot Car today because all 179 World Dictators signed a UN memo to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar with 24/7 Climate Control and super air bags on the outside front and rear. Cop killers too all the 179 Dictators around the World as “Dash Cam” would let the Police see and hear what’s going on inside the car before the red lights go on!

There is a special hurry to build the JFK Carrier 2013 with 10K Windmills that make a Trillion cans of H at –252 c

Epic War Movies!

“30 Seconds Over Tokyo”

Epic Movie of Japan Epicenters of the Earthquakes that go off at the same time destroying all 50 GE Nuclear Power Generation Stations when at the same time the JFK can generate enough H to generate Trillions of Megawatts of free Electricity for all of Japan!

There is a special hurry to reinvent “Birth Control Pill” women MD’s don’t Brainstorm this invention because our 1984 Dictator and Bill + Melinda deleted 1,001 Inventions Projects from being Pre installed on Windows 8

Get a date with a women MD by asking her out to brainstorm reinventing the birth control pill

Dr. Beautiful would you like to go out somewhere to brainstorm some inventions?

Court 4 Wives at the same time, “Earnestly” to win Discoveries!

There is a special hurry as the intellectual abilities of 7 Billion People live in literate POW Concentration Camps while the Worlds 179 Warlords get rich on BP Oil Revenues to finance War Toys MIT is dreaming up for them today!

7 Billion People live in illiterate POW Concentration Camps can be relocated to the University via coup d'état.

Epic Movie coup d'état of all 179 UN Nations Warlords who conspire to get another $177 Trillion for BP Oil

“Brain Dead Dictators” Are addicted to Guns, War, Violence, Alcohol, Red Meat, Perverted Sex Conquest that spreads syphilis, Hepatitis, STD’s to millions because the Public Grocery Store does not have Homeland Security Scans or Health Security Scans of everyone until after the Coup d'état then only Health Security will be part of the New Government and the World Government!

Electrifying Big Screen 100” TV at the Public Grocery Store Chain with warnings from the New Surgeon General who gets Madonna to Make Music Video Warning Labels!

MIT Brain Drain... to War Toys killed 1 billion people, as many as dirty drinking water and cooking on wood burning stoves!

Time Elapse videos of the Aorta and Lung Cancer and 1,001 more...

Provoke a Response from Trump Casino’s!

Make Public Trumps Sex Tape Conquest of 10K sex partners!

Work 24/7 building the Discovery III Shuttle for the young girls at Sally Ride’s Space Camp Today!

179 Dictators and all watch the Epic Movie... “Bat Man”

Epicenters of the Earthquakes that go off at the same time destroying all 50 GE Nuclear Power Generation Stations when at the same time the JFK can generate enough H to generate Trillions of Megawatts of free Electricity for all of Japan!

Courtyard of the Universe is Infinite Empty Space... Infinite!

Epic Movie of the “Universe”

Epic Movie is “BatMan”

BatMan is the Epic Movie on Comcast owned Today Show at NBC before everyone found out how Gravity is Generated. Discovered by Wives + Husband in a legal Polygamous Marriage who worked instead of going to the Midnight BatMan Movie!

95% of Americans went to see the Midnight show of BatMan!

Yale students were there and posted on Facebook without getting kicked out of Yale!

Kids of the Ruling Class, all went to the Midnight Show of Batman

The Worlds Dictators Break the Laws of Physics and the Universe!

The World Dictators will “Break” the Earth...

Unless a Billion People Court 4 Wives Earnestly to Win 1,001 Discoveries and Inventions!

Sally Ride who Rode the Challenger Shuttle died of pancreatic cancer Today (61) from buying her groceries at the Public Grocery Store Chain before Dr. Oz + Dr. Nancy could clean out the Red Meat, Lunch Meats, Alcohol.

1983 Sally Ride Rode the Shuttle Challenger

1980 ElectricWindmillCar was Invented and Rx Overnight penicillin Cure for Cancer would have been a spin off of this Euphoric Invention Era!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** Yoko + John Lennon Gun Men Lobotomiesed! ++ 22 July 12 ++

Yoko + John Lennon Gun Men Lobotomiesed! Sony with their HQ in Tokyo, war reparation should have been a “War” movie made to End War on Earth! Disney Movie "Gas Lobotomy Gas" A futuristic invention movie Yoko will play the leading actress role. Flash backs to Lennon! 1st New Class of Movies! 1st New Neighborhood Watch for gun men! "Danger" Sail Boat Charters out of Key West at the Westin Hotel Dock, Greg is sitting in "Camp" chair writing this handwritten draft, 2 pages I will use typing up my "To Have Have Not" for women with HER-2 and Greg Home alone for the year. 1 year and many sympatric “Women Observers” who know who our 1984 Dictator is ponder what’s over our Heads in terms of Dictators and the Universe!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


“To Have Have Not” Hemingway would say today... “The Universe with 4K Trillion Galaxies!” “To Have Have Not” 4-Wives who are God’s best Invention!

1st New Class Rx 4-6 Months Longer Survival HER-2 Positive

1st Anniversary of Norway’s Breiviki’s killing 77 People not knowing about $ Trillions in Norway Oil Revenues!

1980 Anniversary of the Invention of the ElectricWindmillcar!

Time To Cash In Hard – Spend All The $ Trillions On Women

No Bishop, No Pope just going insane with torture for 4-6 Months

1st New Class Rx 4-6 Months Longer Survival HER-2 Positive

No News, No Breast Cancer Memorial, No getting Buried at Arlington National Cemetery

No Freedom Tower Skyscraper for Wives, Mothers, Daughters, Sisters killed by Generals!

Drones to attack HER-2 Breast Cancers were used in Afghanistan

POW Greg is writing hard, everyday since January 1st

1st New Class at Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures, 4-6 Years!

1st New Class of Wives + Husband Inventors, who work 24/7 on Rx Overnight Cure for HER-2

POW Greg is writing hard, everyday since January 1st

1st New Class of Wives + Husband Inventors, who work 24/7 on Rx Overnight Cure for HER-2

1st New Class of Police Since Homeland Security... dispatcher can sent the MD Police, Cops!

Smile, 1st Ruling Class Inventors!

Smile, Imagine World Peace, Peace Tower of Yoko + John Lennon

Disney “War” movie made to End War on Earth!

Sony with their HQ in Tokyo, war reparation should have been a “War” movie made to End War on Earth!

HQ Atlanta “Center For Disease Control + Prevention”, 911 calls come in from across the Nation so now we have the 1st new Class of FBI MD Agents!

Hemingway said “The World Breaks us All, but in the End were all Stronger”

“To Have Have Not” Hemingway would say today... “The Universe with 4K Trillion Galaxies!” “To Have Have Not” 4-Wives who are God’s best Invention!

1st Anniversary of Norway’s Breiviki’s killing 77 People not knowing about $ Trillions in Norway Oil Revenues!

$ Trillions Spent on women, Rx Overnight Cure for HER-2

No Way Norway’s Queen spent any of last years Oil Revenues on women to cure cancer as the Queen of Norway spent the year crying over the 77 Breivik killed 1 year ago today!

40K SWF in the USA died in the last year too!

Time to Sober up, Marry up... 4-Wives who are God’s best Invention!

1st New Class of Marriage! In this Marriage Contract License you agree to work 24/7 brainstorming 1,001 Invention Projects that will be preinstalled in Windows 8 after the 1st fix update by Bill + Melinda!

Cash in Hard on Futuristic Perpetual Motion Machines...

Cash in Hard on Futuristic Perpetual Motion Machines...

Cash in Hard on Futuristic Perpetual Motion Machines...

Time To Cash In Hard – Spend All The $ Trillions On Women

No Way Norway’s Queen spent any of last years Oil Revenues on women to cure cancer as the Queen of Norway spent the year crying over the 77 Breivik killed 1 year ago today!

1 Year later and the Queen of Norway is a $ Trillion dollars richer from Oil Revenues!

757 few hundred feet over head landing in Key West

Key West Movie tonight is “To Have Have Not”

In Key West Today 1 year later after Greg landed in Key West we have the reality of “To Have Have Not” by the 1980 Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar who “Certainty” has the best chance of anyone on Earth working with a few MD wives to get the Rx Overnight Penicillin Cure for Breast Cancer!

HER-2 One year from Today, Queen of Norway will not be crying over these dead women!

In One Year Breivik’s Rhetoric passed from “Fiery to Banal”

In One Year “Fiery LA Wrecks”

In One Year... $ Trillion for Norway via Oil Revenues!

1984 Insane Dictator is Over Our Heads!

1 year and many sympatric “Women Observers” who know who our 1984 Dictator is ponder what’s over our Heads in terms of Dictators and the Universe!

"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry." - Ernest Hemingway For Whom The Bell Tolls

1st New Class Rx 4-6 Months Longer Survival HER-2 Positive

1st Anniversary of Norway’s Breiviki’s killing 77 People not knowing about $ Trillions in Norway Oil Revenues!

1980 Anniversary of the Invention of the ElectricWindmillcar!

In One Year Breivik’s Rhetoric passed from “Fiery to Banal”

In One Year “Fiery LA Wrecks”

In One Year... $ Trillion for Norway via Oil Revenues!

Time To Cash In Hard – Spend All The $ Trillions On Women

In This Year 2012 before the End of this Year get the Rx Overnight Penicillin like Miracle Cure for HER-2 and All of Breast Cancers!

Millions of SWF’s will then Marry Up...

Be up to working in a Polygamous Marriage 24/7 Brainstorming 1,001 Invention Projects!

"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry." - Ernest Hemingway For Whom The Bell Tolls


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


+++ Newest Title ** Disney Movie Gabrielle Gifford ! ++ 21 July 12 ++

Gun Man + Bat Man Movie Makers and the Certainty of More Until “Guns” + “Oil Revenues” are Confiscated! Certainty of More Shootings... I am an optimist about most things, but not about this. Everyone around the world understands this reality too. It is the kind of thing that makes them consider America dangerous, and mad. “Certainty” of getting one invention after another after another and am certain Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage working 24/7 taking writing and inventing classes at the Hemingway House in Key West will save the lives of 7 Billion Movie Goers! Disney Movies from 1980 to 2012 could have been made to help End War on Earth! NBC TV Series “War” is a sitcom intended to help End War on Earth! Invention Ideology will certainty confiscate Homeland Security and give us Homeland Health Security with full body scanners for disease at every Public Grocery Store!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Certainty of More Until “Guns” + “Oil Revenues” are Confiscated!

Certainty of More Until “Guns” + “Oil Revenues” are Confiscated!

Certainty of More Until “Guns” + “Oil Revenues” are Confiscated!

Disney “War” movies from 1980 to 2012 made to confiscate “War” from the Gangsters who work for our 1984 Dictator!

Disney Movies from 1980 to 2012 could have been made to help End War on Earth!

Instead we get “Batman” movies!

NBC TV Series “War” is a sitcom intended to help End War on Earth!

Warner Brothers movie makers are real life Gangsters in our 1984 Dictator Era... as the movie "Gangster Squad" a ruthless war a scene of mobster firing into a movie theater from behind the screen! Warner could have made the lobsters being gassed by a newly invented lobotomy gas!

“War” Brothers is what Warner is!

Gangster Squadron leaders in real life is McCain, Kerry, Jimmy Carter, Clintons!

These Lobsters firing Drones into crowds of people who don’t have the money to buy a movie ticket!

Batman Move will not release the revenues of $100 million news until Monday $

McCain, Kerry, Jimmy Carter, Clintons $ will never release the BP Oil Revenues numbers of $177 Trillion since the Model 1980 ElectricWindmillCar was suppressed for this windfall $

Sony Movie of Gabrielle Giffords and others shot in Arizona in January 2011 as McCain is one of our 1984 Dictators Gangster Squadron leaders!

Sony Movie of the Virginia Tech University shootings in 2007

Movie "To Have and Have Not", classic film version of Ernest Hemingway's novel set in Key West.

Movie “Absolute Zero” Dewar in the lab getting Hydrogen to –252 C the first time in history!

Movie LuViva Advanced Cervical Scan, which uses spectroscopy to detect early stage cervical disease. LuViva shines light at the cervix and uses spectroscopy to analyze the returned light, which allows the device to provide immediate results. Additionally, an initial clinical trial suggested that in addition to being less invasive, LuViva can detect cervical disease years earlier than traditional tests. Spectroscopy biophotonics is designed to provide results immediately of the cervix.

Movie Homeland security when “Guns” + “Oil Revenues” are Confiscated, Spectroscopy biophotonics will be used by Health Security as Homeland Security will be confiscated from Gangsters which they are, and worthless and criminal mass murders who know the ElectricWindmillcar is suppressed by Gangsters!

Disney “War” movies from 1980 to 2012 made to confiscate “War” from the Gangsters who work for our 1984 Dictator!

NBC TV Series “War” is a sitcom intended to help End War on Earth!

NBC TV Series of Roche Cobas blood gas analyzer blood gas parameters electrolytes, glucose and lactate within 2 minutes. The system can analyze pO2, pCO2, pH, Hct, Na+, K+, Ca++, Cl–, glucose, lactate, tHb, SO2, O2Hb, HHb, COHb, MetHb, neonatal bilirubin and calculate more than 30 other clinically useful parameters. Results can be automatically printed or transmitted to the laboratory information system within 2 minutes

Movie Shooter Holmes enrolled last year in a neuroscience Ph.D. program at the University of Colorado which is “Owned” by a “Oil Man” A Oil Company CEO was Made president of the University of Colorado a few Years Ago to add insult to injury of cops like Officer Jason burned to death in a Fiery Rear Ended Cop Car Wreck!

Stupid Criminal, Oil Men CEO’s of Oil Companies have no one suing then for wrongful deaths of cops burned to death like Officer Jason

Movie Shooter James Holmes had been listed as making a presentation in May about Micro DNA Biomarkers in a class named "Biological Basis of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders."

Movie... "Biological Basis of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders."

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire backer of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a coalition of mayors advocating for stricter rules on gun sales and ownership. "We have more guns than people in this country."

Certainty of More Until “Guns” + “Oil Revenues” are Confiscated!

Certainty of More Until “Guns” + “Oil Revenues” are Confiscated!

Certainty of More Until “Guns” + “Oil Revenues” are Confiscated!

Certainty of More Shootings... I am an optimist about most things, but not about this. Everyone around the world understands this reality too. It is the kind of thing that makes them consider America dangerous, and mad.

Our 1984 Dictator is a Mad Man! Addicted to conquests in War and Sex Conquest, I believe our 1984 Dictator has had sex with more than 10k people!

Air Force rape scandal when our 1984 Dictator has 1 Trillion Web Cams watching everyone!

1984 Dictator with 1 Trillion web cams watching you rape women at the Air Force base!

Air Force instructor was convicted Friday of rape and sexual assault in a massive sex scandal that has rocked a Texas where every American airman receives basic training. It has about 475 instructors for the approximately 35,000 airmen who graduate every year. About one in five is female, pushed through eight weeks of basic training by a group of instructors, 90 percent of whom are men.

Ramadan which means scorching heat... just started!

Saudi + Mecca Oil Revenues numbers of $177 Trillion since the Model 1980 ElectricWindmillCar was suppressed for this windfall $

God Send of the ElectricWindmillCar ended up a Windfall for Mecca $

God Send of Neuroscience was renamed Evolutionary Neuroscience by the CIA who killed God before Greg + his wives discovered how gravity is generated!

CIA killed God before Humanity 7 Billion of us got on a Star ship and traveled to Alpha Centauri!

Gangsters behind our $4 gasoline confiscated World Prosperity + Star Travels

World Prosperity of Health and Wealth for all 7 Billion is a invention greg + his wives will discover!

War Ideology will be replaced with Invention Ideology

BP Oil + the British will be sued for wrongful deaths of 9/11

France + The Pope will be sued for wrongful deaths of 9/11

You can’t sue our 1984 Dictator, you can just do a Coup!

Certainty of More Until “Guns” + “Oil Revenues” are Confiscated!

Certainty of More Until “Guns” + “Oil Revenues” are Confiscated!

Certainty of More Until “Guns” + “Oil Revenues” are Confiscated!

Certainty of More Shootings... I am an optimist about most things, but not about this. Everyone around the world understands this reality too. It is the kind of thing that makes them consider America dangerous, and mad.

Certainty of 1 Trillion more web cams watching you, Observers Watching You!

Obama + Gun Control

1984 Dictator + Gun Control

Obama + Sex Conquest Addiction like the “Basket Ball” players who spread syphilis, Hepatitis and kids who are given these disease by sex predators commit suicide!

Peace Core SWF were gang raped in India and other Nations for decades as Observers with 1 Trillion web cams watched!

Prostitutes, sex workers from India and 41 other countries are in the news and Sony should make a Movie of all these sex workers, diseases and all.

Certainty Prostitutes and Sex Workers in India and 41 other nations are mass murders of children via Whooping cough, or pertussis, is a highly contagious bacterial disease.

Movie on Vaccination Research needs to be made to promote the discovery of 1 vaccination instead of all these shots and booster shots. Children get vaccinated against whooping cough in five doses, with the first shot at age 2 months and the final one between 4 and 6 years. Then a booster is recommended around age 11. The vaccine's protection does wane and health officials have debated moving up the booster shot.

Movie Casino Royal needs to be remade by Disney to expose how Casino’s and Gambling are certainty the ruin of the Universe!

Invention Ideology will confiscate the Casino Revenues!

Yale Law School after the coup will sue the Casino for Wrongful Deaths!

Homeland Security will Certainly become Homeland Health Security!

Body Scan going into the Public Grocery Store will scan for every disease in 2 minutes!

women can scan for cervical cancer years before the first cancer cell is mutated!

Movie Theater Shooter, “Gun Man” + “Bat Man” both confiscated with “Oil Revenues” + Guns!

7 Billion People and 8 Billion “Guns”!

McCain, Kerry, Clintons, Jimmy Carter bought 8 Billion Guns, spent $ Trillions!

Certainty of More Shootings... But I am an optimist when it comes to the “Certainty” of getting one invention after another after another and am certain Wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage working 24/7 taking writing and inventing classes at the Hemingway House in Key West will save the lives of 7 Billion Movie Goers!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** TV Series Trillion Inventions + 4 Hemingway Wives! ++ 20 July 12 ++

“4 Hemingway Wives” Greg writes a page in 30 minutes with a women, 2 hours Home Alone, same time scale for getting a invention too! Greg with 4 Wives can write + invent a trillion times better! Evolutionary Neuroscience, is what "Todays Mass Shooter" studied. I worked in this University of Colorado Book Store for 10 years reading + scanning almost all the text books the students pay over $100 each for. As the years when by the NYC Publishers changed the title of most biology books to "Evolutionary Biology + Evolutionary Neuroscience" I though the CIA did this for war... as I think "Invention Neuroscience" the CIA can not brainwash everyone... grin! God's best Invention is Women! Neurons are communication cells specialized junctions called synapses, chemical + electrical synapses were used by Greg to invent the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 + by Teddy Kennedy + Jimmy Carter to suppress it to make $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues! “Crime, Violence, War” reduced by 99.9% GE working on this “Invention” 7 Billion People will die of “Wars Cancers” never to see Alpha Centauri let alone the Universe!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Inadequate “Shock + Awe” To Win The Rx Overnight Cancer Cure “Wars”!

“Shocking” 71 Shot 12 Dead at the “Batman” movie “Joker” Red Hair PhD James Holmes

“Shock + Awe” To Win Our Destiny to reduce “Crime, Violence, War” reduced by 99.9 %

Destiny, Carnival Destiny just Blew leaving Key West, All Aboard for the Universe Ocean

“Wives Marry a Husband” to work 24/7 as Inventors, trillion times Better than GE

GE Health Care Division trillion time better products invented in fraction of the time

One Trillion Other Earths are in the Universe, Destiny for 7 Billion People on Earth

“Crime, Violence, War” reduced by 99.9 % GE working on this “Invention” 7 Billion People will die of “Wars Cancers” never to see Alpha Centauri let alone the Universe!

“Criminal Minds” is the FBI TV series but in reality in our $4 Gas Era and with Free Health care in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait spending trillions on GE Health Care Products the label “Criminal Minds” must be given to GE

GE helped every Arab Prince buy organs, get the MD to do the Organ Transplants

BP Oil did a one up man ship on the crimes by GE from 1980 to 2012

Billion People would have been looking for 1,001 “Windmills” from 1980 to 2012

Billion People would have been working on 1,001 Invention Projects from 1980 to 2012

GE + BP Oil gave everything on Earth Away to Saudi Arabia

Bush hand in hand on his Texas Ranch with a Saudi Price is the picture worth 10K Words!

Bush Inadequate “Shock + Awe” To Win the 1st and 2nd Wars in Iraq wasted $ Trillions when the USA would have confiscated $177 Trillion in Saudi Oil Revenues in Swiss Banks once the ElectricWindmillCar was in the Toyota Showrooms!

OPEC Nations would be in ruins as the Federal Judge just took all their Trillions!

Back in the USA “Wives + Husband” perfecting brainstorming + writing got 1 Trillion times better at it!

Same time line GE was having Record Sales in Saudi Arabia

Record breaking temperatures outside GE HQ in the USA kids left in hot cars died because GE Air Conditioning Unit and Lockheed were building F-22 Fighter Jets sold to Saudi Arabia instead of building trillion cans of H at –252 C some would be used for 24/7 climate control in your ElectricWindmillCars!

“Criminal Minds” the CBS TV show its 2 best episodes FBI women not FBI Men got the jump, Shock + Awe on the Career Criminal, the habitual offender that should have been lobotomiesed in 1980 like GE + BP Oil

Gov. news today was there is Inadequate screening for cervical cancer causing 4K women to be diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer. What is wrong with this writing?

Greg writes there is Inadequate Shock + Awe to Win the Cancer Wars!

Greg + Wives will invent trillion times better than GE Health Care did since 1980

All Journals of Medicine should have been free to read since 1980

NEJM #1 articles by the sharpest best MD writers on Earth giving every clue they can think of to help you be the one who gets the Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer and you have to pay more than anyone but MD’s can pay to read articles... this is a crime against humanity worst than Bill + Melinda’s Overpriced “Word” to write articles that you give the public all your tips to follow up on for someone to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Cancer!

Ford Escape, 7 billion people must escape this conspiracy!

4,800 Ford Escape model 2013 have been sold and all have gasoline fuel lines that fall apart catching the engine on fire!

Integrity Motors not at Ford, GM, as they are all financed by BP Oil Revenues to keep them in business with gasoline engines!

“Shock + Awe” To Win a 2013 ElectricWindmillCar for 7 Billion People!

FBI women Career Criminal, the habitual offender that should have been lobotomiesed in 1980 get gassed with lobotomy gas!

“Shock + Awe” To Win a 2013 ElectricWindmillCar for 7 Billion People!

#1 Cause of Death for people between the age of 18 to 24 is car crashes

“Shock + Awe” Super Air Bags on the Outside, Front + Rear!

F-22 radar on your Model 2013 car that can see far ahead and more important react, to the attack before the crash!

Car Crash Technology trillion times better than Ford + GM in less time than what is humanly possible today

Cancer has infected the inventive minds of Ford Engineers!

Secret Weapons at the Pentagon! MIT research division of a trillion top engineers!

Secret Weapon of Greg + Wives to get 1 Trillion Inventions is $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM Super Computers at Los Alamos that can be reprogrammed to search every Medical Article ever written and do a trillion AI Searches without being told by my wives what to search for!

Wives help Greg write one page in 30 minutes instead of 2 hours!

$1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM Super Computers at Los Alamos that can Write Hemingway Utopian Invention filled novels like Old Man and the Sea were he fights off a trillion sharks, a trillion inventions will replace the sharks!

“Gangster's” the next movie from Warner Brothers is about a shooter in a Movie Theater!

CNN reported on the Gun Lobby run by McCain has killed any Political Debate on limiting gun sales. NBC Comcast Nightly News just on refused to mention anything critical on Gun sales and had a interview with the Clerk at the Gun Store that sold PhD James Holmes all the guns he used to kill 12 and shoot 59 Today!

CNN reported 10k people in 2012 in the USA will be killed by guns, they did not tell you most will be SWF killed by a Man!

1 Trillion web cams, dash cams, home + work cams, invented so your cell phone can call any web cam it will answer and you can talk to anyone at the web cams location!

Verizon with a trillion cell phone inventions by Greg + wives is a reality that the government and Verizon can’t suppress like the ElectricWindmillCar!

Yale Key West Medical School will be built! And Built on an Eiffel Tower Structure that will finish the French Revolution by building 1,001 Yale Medical Schools all on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Destiny of 7 Billion People are linked to 1,001 Yale Medical Schools all on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Destiny of 7 Billion People are linked to Inventing trillions of inventions a trillion times better than all GE inventions!

X-Rays given to 10 year old kids gave them brain cancer tumors!

GE can not invent!

Cancer has infected the “Minds” “Thoughts” of our Ruling Class Bush + McCain belong to

“Study the Minds of Mass Shooters” and Drone makers and buyers when cardiac arrest kills more Americans than all the wars ever fought!

Vicious Minded Bush, McCain, Kerry, Jimmy Carter, shock + awe just thinking about Greg + Wives getting the Rx Overnight Penicillin like overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer before Christmas 2012 shocks these men, makes them scream like Hell... NO!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** Save Her Intellectual Life! ++ 19 July 12 ++

TV Series that is Titled, “4 Wives + Hemingway” spin off from Hemingway + Gellhorn HBO TV Movie. “4 Wives + Hemingway” TV Series spin off and Movie you will be able to understand even better the influence and impact 4 Wives have on Hemingway and Men in General who Love Women, Love Wives, and believe God’s best Invention is Women + Wives! Cardiac Arrest Only way to save her life today is if the wires are touching the inside of her heart! Pacemaker speed of advancements is far behind Pentagon Drones in Afghanistan!!! Modern devices can distinguish between ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia but they have a 1 minute software, programmers can not tell an hour or few hours before you go into Cardiac Arrest and Sudden Death! Drones have been programmed by the Top Brass of programmers who refused to work on programs for Pacemakers and Cardiac Arrest Alarms, Warnings that warn more than 1 minute before sudden death! Sudden Death of all Pentagon Drones will happen at the same time as $4 Gasoline Sales!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Save Her Intellectual Life... And Win Her Heart with Futuristic Cardiac Arrest Alarms! And Free Medical Schools in the USA!

1 Minute Warning is it, then she is dead and gone using todays high tech monitors for cardiac arrest.

Only way to save her life today is if the wires are touching the inside of her heart!

Pacemaker speed of advancements is far behind Pentagon Drones in Afghanistan!!!

Modern devices can distinguish between ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia but they have a 1 minute software, programmers can not tell an hour or few hours before you go into Cardiac Arrest and Sudden Death!

Disney Channel when it starts it own “Today Show” with Dr. Nancy will cover this in detail with Los Alamos supercomputer simulations and Los Alamos programmers of supercomputers tell why they can not do a better job programming the Cardiac Arrest warning software and you will be given a www to study the programming language and the hearts ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia codes!

Disney Channel “Today Show” will fast track super pace programming, running all out! Which Matt Lauer will never ever do on Comcast Today Show!

7 Billion People have hearts, this 300K is just the USA and just Cardiac Arrest. Paris and London Today Show with Dr. Nancy will let millions and millions die of Cardiac Arrest before the French gov. rebroadcast Dr. Nancy in French!

Whooping Cough everyone entering Disney Orlando, Disneyland LA will be screen for Whooping Cough and this will be covered on the Disney Today Show...

Our 1984 Dictator is a baby killer of these infants because Our Government lets Aliens refuse a free flu shot at work, and most refuse Dtap vaccine and all the rest they can. The County Health Departments who offer free and discount hepatitis shots, and shots for women and children can not call the cops, have them arrested after they give a baby whooping cough. Detectives don’t bother tracking down the adults who infect babies and kill them with whooping cough... this is unrealistic when so many infants die year after year after year! Our High Ranking Government leaders are baby killers this proves it!

2013 Ford Escape 1.6 liter engines the fuel lines spill gasoline starting a engine fire. Ford put out a Emergency Recall Alarm saying do not start the car call the Dealer for a loner car and let the Dealer drive or tow your 2013 Ford Escape... Ford should add a recall for Killer Heat Conditions within a hour if you leave the kid in the Ford Escape this summer!

Lightning Fast – No!

Public Enemy #1 are the Public Grocery Store Chains!

Hearts are sold foods you believe are safe, when your wife or husband dies a sudden death you ask Dr. Nancy and you finally realize she was right warning you about the junk foods in the Public Grocery Store Chains!

Public Enemy #2 is cancer!

Public Enemy # 3 is Ford Escape, all the car makers!

Disney Channel “Today Show” will save her intellectual life, She will be able to clean out the Public Grocery Store without the Help of Dr. Oz!

Top Brass, the Highest Ranking people at the Public Grocery Store Chain’s know the top 100 foods they sell are poisonous to your good health staying alive!

Yet the Top Brass, the Highest Ranking People will never stop this mass murder on their own!

Dr. Oz and Dr. Nancy after years and years on the Disney “Today Show” will get 50% of the junk foods at Public Grocery Store Chain’s put in the Dumpsters!

Lightning Fast – No!

Public Enemy #1 are the Public Grocery Store Chains!

Pacemaker speed of advancements is far behind Pentagon Drones in Afghanistan!!!

Save Her Intellectual Life... And Win Her Heart with Futuristic Cardiac Arrest Alarms!

1 Minute Warning is it, then she is dead and gone using todays high tech monitors

Lightning Fast – No! Lot faster then the Comcast Owned NBC “Today show” with Matt Lauer who is not a Dr. Nancy!

TV Series... New!

New TV Series that is Titled, “4 Wives + Hemingway” spin off from Hemingway + Gellhorn

HBO TV Movie “Hemingway and Gellhorn”

Hemingway, of course, is always a larger-than-life. The film is told in a series of flashbacks as an elderly Gellhorn (Kidman) recounts her life with the great man. Story begins in Key West in 1936 and wraps up with Hemingway's suicide in 1961. The meat + Fish of the relationship as the couple fall in love in war torn Spain, vacation in politically volatile China, separate for different assignments, and eventually attempt to cohabitate in domestic bliss. Gellhorn, a war correspondent (and inspiration for Hemingway's For Whom The Bell Tolls), ends up being the real center point of the story. Whereas there have been many portraits of Hemingway, and this offered little in the way of new information, I did understand the influence and impact that Gellhorn had on the man.

“4 Wives + Hemingway” TV Series spin off and Movie you will be able to understand even better the influence and impact 4 Wives have on Hemingway and Men in General who Love Women, Love Wives, and believe God’s best Invention is Women + Wives!

For God Sake Save Her Life...

Hemingway + Gellhorn moved from Key West Hemingway House to Cuba Villa

In Hemingway’s letters he writes to Martha who is AWOL most of the time the conversation he has with his cats...

Pace of writing was slow...

If he had 4 Wives we would have 4 times or 40 times more Hemingway Novels to read and look for Invention Windmills in!

In Cuba Hemingway meet Castro who was writing his own version of “Change the World” with the power to do more than write novels. Castro put tens of thousands through Medical School in Cuba and sent them to Africa and around the world to influence people. This failed because Castro did not give the Medical Students 1,001 medical invention projects and of course they didn’t cure cancer. Yale Key West Medical School Professors of Medicine and students along with Greg and his 4 wives will cure cancer. We will invent to get the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure like Penicillin! Not Plavix and hundreds of other modern Rx you have to take for the rest of your life. I believe this is a Scam by Roche, GSK, and the rest of the drug makers to sell you $4 gas the rest of your life when the Rx Overnight Cure and the ElectricWindmillCar are suppressed by the government!

Lightning Fast – Disney Channel “Today show” with Dr. Nancy!

TV Series... New!

New TV Series that is Titled, “4 Wives + Hemingway” spin off from Hemingway + Gellhorn

Save Her Intellectual Live... Disney Channel “Today show” with Dr. Nancy! She can apply to the Yale Key West Medical School which will be a Free Medical School like the Medical Schools in Saudi Arabia Today thanks to $4 Gasoline Era!

Top Brass, the Highest Ranking people you see on NBC Nightly New are Immoral, Corrupt, Mass Murderers, and killed her chance of ever getting into a Medical School because they are addicted to selling you $4 gasoline!

Clot is the Heart Attack, there is a medical invention or discover that will cure Clots, put them in Medical History as something that plagued Humanity for decades!

Save her Intellectual life... invent a way to cut divorce’s by 99.9%

TV Show “4 Wives + Greg Inventing” will cut the divorce rate!

TV Series “4 Wives + Hemingway” Can write a Futuristic Nobel with a major invention like 20 new space telescopes invented with the purpose to hear and see Aliens!

A major invention project like the Discovery III Shuttle with a Gravity Engine + Gravity Fuel

How to books... 4 women, wives read and write how to keep women happy and save their intellectual life.

Hemingway + Martha moved from Key West to Cuba Villa and ordered 9,000 books from Amazon... grin!

Years later Martha was at a White House Dinner sitting next to JFK and asked him to save Hemingway’s 9,000 books from a Nuclear War... JFK told Martha to go sit with the children!

Pacemaker speed of advancements is far behind Pentagon Drones in Afghanistan!!!

Public Enemy #1 is Drones that kill more SWF in the USA than women and children in Pakistan!

Top Brass at the Pentagon are well aware Saudi Arabia has free Heath Care for Men + Women, Free Universe Education...

Top Brass at the Pentagon are well aware SWF are Sex Slaves in Saudi Arabia and this will not be on the Comcast NBC Today Show tomorrow morning... grin!

Rx Perfumes that cure men addicted to war!

4 Wives + Greg who will work 24/7 Brainstorming the “Gas Lobotomy Gas” for Generals and 1984 Dictators!

Top Brass are well aware Women are God’s best Invention!

YouTube Video of 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies traveling at millions of miles per second are expending into infinite space right now...

So save her intellectual life, stay out of Hell!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** Homeland Security will become Health Security! ++ 18 July 12 ++

Disney Channel “Today Show” NBC’s “Today Show” will be Bank Owned Ha! Role Model for Disney’s new “Today Show” is Dr. Nancy Stimulating conversation with supercomputer simulation on Health and Disease. Vaccination given in Afghanistan for Polio were a scam by GE CIA WHO UN and many more. Rank is Immoral and Perverted, Chaney let his daughter have 1,000 different sex partners growing up as a Girl Scout! Conquest, psychology of the sex conquest, one after another after another after another! Psychotic men like Cheney now promote this lifestyle for 7 billion people. 7 billion people need to be tested every month for every disease not just sex diseases. Lockheed Martin CEO refuses to build 1 trillion NASA cans of H for 7 billion people all he wants Lockheed to work on is Drones! Public Grocery Store must stock the public diseases, who has what disease! Homeland Security will become Health Security and everyone going into the Public Grocery Store Chain will be scanned for diseases!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Disney Channel “Today Show” NBC’s “Today Show” will be Bank Owned Ha!

Dr. Nancy will move to the Disney "Today Show"

Homeland Security will become Health Security and everyone going into the Public Grocery Store Chain will be scanned for diseases!

Comcast Cable TV Guys ruined television and made $1 Trillion dollars doing it since 1980

Disney Channel “Today Show”

NBC’s “Today Show” will be Bank Owned Ha!

$1 Trillion dollars worth of supercomputers sold by IBM to Los Alamos and were the Hell are all the Computer Simulations!

They will be on the Disney "Today Show" and in the Disney Medical Movie that goes crazy with a trillion medical simulations!

Another News Story about Drinking Alcohol in Moderation and the “Aging Brain”

People who had 7 drinks a day or less were interviewed in “Old Age”

Alcohol is a molecule with a formula and Los Alamos supercomputer simulations spell out exactly what Alcohol in Moderation does to the “Aging Brain!

Breast Cancers are caused by Alcohol you forgot because NBC sells commercials to sell alcohol not cure breast cancer!

Greg tells smokers that your Red Blood Cells carry 4 atoms of Oxygen to your Heart and Brain and every drag on your cigarette knocks off 2 atoms of Oxygen and 2 atoms of what’s in cigarette smoke sticks to you Red Blood cells going to your Heart and Brain and these poisonous smoke molecules get off in your Heart and Brain!

Los Alamos can make a vivid super computer simulation of Bacon atoms and molecules in your blood stream and what kind of poisonous things bacon leaves in your Heart and Brain!

Were the Hell are the Los Alamos Computer Simulations. We spent 1 Trillion dollars on IBM Supercomputers for Los Alamos from 1980 to 2012 too!

9/11 Memorial... There would not be a 9/11 Memorial if the Pentagon Generals would have Driven the old 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar to work at the Pentagon! wow!

1 Trillion dollars every Year since 1980 on Wars!

Afghanistan Model 2012 Car was driven to “War”

1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar was fire bombed by Pentagon General on orders from Jimmy Carter, Kennedy, Bush + Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Obama! wow! McCain + Kerry too!

Pentagon Generals Drove... the Afghanistan Model 2012 Car to “War” to play with MIT “War Toys”! Drones and the victory party with troops after the kills! wow! This is what the Generals wanted instead of Driving a 2012 Model Red Convertible to a White Sand Beach in Key West with SWF’s hair blowing in the wind! Perverted taste of the Pentagon Generals!

9/11 Memorial... There would not be a 9/11 Memorial if the Pentagon Generals would have Driven the old 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar to work at the Pentagon! wow!

Afghanistan Model 2012 Gasoline Cars Are Made at the Pentagon by the Pentagon Generals!

ElectricWindmillcar Model 2012 Suppressed by the Pentagon Generals so they can fight a “Covert” illegal, immoral, war killing more women + children than men!

Lockheed chief Robert Stevens helped fire bomb the 1980 to 2012 ElectricWindmillcars! This psychotic warrior is a baby killer as NYC 101 F record breaking kids were left in hot cars to die as Robert Stevens was fire bombing the 1980 to 2012 ElectricWindmillCars! wow!

Lockheed would build the H 24/7 climate control accessory for the ElectricWindmillCars instead of trillions of Drones since 1980... Lockheed guys wanted to build drones not climate controls for the ElectricWindmillCar, why?

Lockheed chief Robert Stevens predicts he may have to fire 10,000 workers who build Drones!

Lockheed will build 1 trillion NASA cans of H at -252 C for 7 billion of us

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said at a private meeting with Senate Republicans yesterday that the projected cuts totaling $500 billion could be “devastating” to military modernization and planning, for the next war as Cheney will fire bomb the 2013 ElectricWindmillCars he said!

Cheney, 71, said defense spending is so you can plan for the next war, and the next war and the next war! Cheney is psychotic and a pedophile who corrupted his daughter into having thousands of young girl sex partners growing up!

Cheney told lawmakers that “what we were able to achieve in the first Gulf War” that expelled Iraqi troops from Kuwait “was the result of planning and spending, fire bombing the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillcar... every year and we will fire bomb the 2013 ElectricWindmillcar too!

Cheney was defense secretary when the first President Bush began the first Persian Gulf war in 1991 after Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait the previous year.

Cheney has classified “Secrets” on how many SWF’s are sex slaves in Kuwait in 2012... wow!

Cheney was vice president for George W. Bush when the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003. Cheney has been fire bombing the ElectricWindmillCars since 1980! wow!

Don’t drink when you work on invention projects for the “Aging Brain” and all brains!

People with large memories can do calculations in their heads...

Brain Invention we need ASAP is this one... “Large Memories that we can do calculations in our Heads” this will be a windfall for 7 billion people as Dr. Nancy will say if the Rx works put it in the water!

Comcast Cable TV Guys ruined television and made $1 Trillion dollars doing it since 1980

Incite a TV Show Rebellion for viewers who want to Work on Aging Brain problems and 1 Trillion other invention projects the Comcast Cable CEO fire bombed for “Two And A Half Men” idiot dialog between people who will never ever want to work on Brain Inventions!

884 Channels on Cable TV and most are dishonorable, treasonous to the advancement of society. Social health economic education social advancements were LOST with the TV show LOST.

“24” TV Show should have been “24/7” Reality show of What You Can Brainstorm with Your Wives In 24 hours of conversations about 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out to help you get started talking.

Disney Channel “Today Show” NBC’s “Today Show” will be Bank Owned Ha!

Comcast Cable TV Guys are immoral perverts who probably had sex with kids in Thailand with Matt Lauer and the NBC Crew!

GE who use to own NBC has more immoral orders for the 7 Billion of us who make up Humanity today. GE has ordered Japan PM to restart all 50 GE Nuclear Power Plants in Japan in time for the next earthquake! GE Guys are Mad Men!

Japan PM should be working on building New Next Generation Futuristic Space Telescopes that can see and hear Aliens!

GE Guys probably had something to do with not ordering up another fleet of Space Shuttles and seeing they owned NBC Nightly News this was not reported!

GE Guys have know the statics on kids left in hot cars to die!

GE Guys are baby killers I just proved it!

Judge has been bribed, Mom, Kennedy Bribed the Judge, she replies Yes I know!

Role Model for Disney’s new “Today Show” is Dr. Nancy

Stimulating conversation with supercomputer simulation on Health and Disease

Vaccination given in Afghanistan for Polio were a scam by GE CIA WHO UN and many more

Rank is Immoral and Perverted, Chaney let his daughter have 1,000 different sex partners!

Conquest, psychology of the sex conquest, one after another after another after another!

Psychotic men like Cheney now promote this lifestyle for 7 billion people

7 billion people need to be tested every month for every disease not just sex diseases

Public Grocery Store must stock the public diseases, who has what disease!

Public Grocery Store Today is staffed by immoral managers who know how many kids were left in hot cars to die and that clogged arteries aorta is the #1 cause of death in the USA

Public is out Ranked “Fast Food” commercials selling you Bacon Burgers, Pizza when commercials should be selling you “Some Invention Projects” to work on for the majority of us who don’t have huge memory storage in the brain!

Ford Car Commercials sell you the “Afghanistan War Car” Model 2012 and 2013

Henry Ford Medical School MD Professors will testify at the Trials for the Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCars by Ford Motor Company Executives!

ESPN Sports will be Bank Owned along with Comcast NBC “Today Show”

Judge will clean out the “Poisonous” Heart Attack foods at the Public Grocery Store Chain and Penn State Football perverts who are addicted to one sex conquest after another like Chaney's daughter but with boy they rape... did Chaneys Daughter rape girls?

NBC News for years and years has reported people use to much salt!

News Today is many who got MS the cause was salt!

Of course GE Guys and others have know this for decades!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** Get one invention that will save the lives of 300,000! ++ 17 July 12 ++

Carrier Invented the Air Conditioner today to keep ink in a press cool to stick to the cold paper... 1984 Dictators have never ordered medical research on inventing a Rx Overnight Penicillin like Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer. Greg and Dr. Nancy will get this in 2012 before Christmas if our Dictator makes Polygamous Marriage Legal so we an work 24/7 Brainstorming... and of course our 1st acquisition will be Los Alamos! 300,000 Americans who go into cardiac arrest outside of a hospital each year, less than 8 percent survive. Cardiac arrest occurs when a problem in the heart's electrical activity causes it to stop beating normally, making it unable to pump blood to the body. It's fatal within minutes unless the normal rhythm can be restored with a shock from a defibrillator. Dr. Nancy and a million women will get one invention that will save the lives of 300,000 who have cardiac arrest by brainstorming. Women will get one invention after another after another and save the Earth from Idiots like Comcast Cable TV guys!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Carrier Invented the Air Conditioner today to keep ink in a press cool to stick to the cold paper...

Comcast Owned NBC Nightly News just reported this news and there was not invention comment by Brian Williams about “Futuristic Air Conditioning” Why Not? Is Comcast that happy with the status quo or they just don’t have any motivation to invent the next generation of air conditioning? Evidence Comcast will kill us all...

NY Times today 101 F in NYC and they had no mercy for everyone getting into a “Hot” car. In fact they helped “Baby Killers” McCain + Kerry suppress the Climate Controlled 24/7 accessory on the ElectricWindmillcars! On the day Carrier Invented Air Conditioning! Yes the NY Times brand new 55 story skyscraper is Climate Controlled 24/7... no infants left in their skyscraper die from Heat today but several died left in Hot Cars Today! Murderers!

Mattel Inc. commercial exploitation of The Barbie Doll Collection will succeed in making a commercial success of Dr. Nancy and Dr. Barbie Dolls New Collection!

Dr. Nancy innovations like the “Breast Cancer Ball” which looks like a read breast cancer cell on the outside and can be opened, dissected to actually see what the “Breast Cancer Cell” looks like inside.

Dr. Nancy innovations like the Double Helix Accessories that tutor girls and women of all ages from little girls to 60 year old women like Dr. Nancy in Birth Defects missing this or that gene on the Double Helix!

Dr. Barbie can buy a Hemingway Ambulance and take Medical Writing and Inventing classes at the Play Hemingway House to inspire her to write the Innovate Futuristic Utopian Hemingway Novel.

Dr. Barbie and buy all the Hemingway Wives and 6 toe cats too!

NYC Has the Evidence on Videos!

Good and Bad Inventions... suppressed inventions!

NY Times wrote up the commercial success of exploitation of getting ride of Trans Fats from NYC fast food restaurants

Meat + Dairy have lots of trans fats!

NY Times never thought to write the story with some futuristic inventions like getting the trans fats out of meat and Dairy!

Milk before was Pasteurized just as many died from drinking milk as eating foods with Trans fats in them, the NY Times has the worst innovative writers in the world!

Evidence Plavix can be reinvented to cure clogged arteries will be Headlines after the 2013 Model ElectricWindmillCars, climate controlled 24/7 and many more life saving accessories are more numerous in Manhattan then gasoline causing exhaust cars!

PAD AstraZeneca Plc is expanding studies of its blood-thinner Brilinta to patients with peripheral artery disease in an attempt to take more market share from Plavix!

No One at the NY Times is writing futuristic stories on a Rx Overnight Cure for PAD!

Japan ordered all its nuclear power plants shut down for safety inspections after last year's March tsunami and earthquake!

GE and our 1984 Dictator ordered Japan PM to restart all the Nuclear Power Plants and told him there will not be H at –252 C in NASA Cans to generate Trillions and Trillions Megawatts of Electricity in Tokyo because this “Invention of Gregs” is being suppressed!

JFK Super Aircraft Carrier Model 2013, our 1984 Dictator deleted its 10K Windmills on 10 Decks that would have produced enough H at –252 C in NASA Cans to generate Trillions and Trillions of Megawatts of Electricity winning several World War III’s, the Pentagon and our 1984 Dictators want to win by force not using the ElectricWindmillCar like 9/11 NYC would never have happened with ElectricWindmillCar Model 1980.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda decided to restart the reactor at Ohi plant in central Japan, all of this nation's 50 working reactors had been offline. The second reactor at Ohi is set to go online later this week. Noda has said some nuclear energy is needed to ensure an ample power supply and protect people's livelihoods.

1984 Video Evidence PM is following orders that will cause another Nuclear Power Plant to blow in the next Earthquake that hits Japan... Mad Men who suppress air conditioned ElectricWindmillcars when its 101 F so a Billion people have to get into “Hot” cars and infants + kids

1984 Dictator binge drinking, his wife just left him for beating her up so how can the JFK have a positive impact on influencing his future behavior in regards to the safest way to generate trillions and trillions of Megawatts of electricity for Tokyo and NYC?

Use of the present tense in scenarios like self-help groups, may be particularly beneficial in preventing another Japan Nuclear Power Plant being destroyed in the next Earthquake!

Any other ideas you should email them to Japan, if no one in the world comes up with a idea to convince our 1984 Dictators to use H to generate trillions of Megawatts of electricity he will restart all 50 of Japans Nuclear Power Plants for the next Earthquake!

This should convince the World our Dictators are Real Mad Men!

Dr. Nancy innovations like the “Breast Cancer Ball” which looks like a read breast cancer cell on the outside and can be opened, dissected to actually see what the “Breast Cancer Cell” looks like inside.

Dr. Nancy innovations like the Double Helix Accessories that tutor girls and women of all ages from little girls to 60 year old women like Dr. Nancy, grin!

Comcast Owned NBC Nightly News just reported on the invention of air conditioning by Carrier with no incentive for a million viewers to think of about inventing the next generation of air conditioners... Carrier was the only one!

Dr. Nancy and a million women will get one invention after another after another and save the Earth from Idiots like Comcast Cable TV guys!

Comcast Owned NBC Nightly News will reported on 300,000 Americans who go into cardiac arrest outside of a hospital each year, less than 8 percent survive. Cardiac arrest occurs when a problem in the heart's electrical activity causes it to stop beating normally, making it unable to pump blood to the body. It's fatal within minutes unless the normal rhythm can be restored with a shock from a defibrillator.

Dr. Nancy and a million women will get one invention that will save the lives of 300,000 who have cardiac arrest by brainstorming. Women will get one invention after another after another and save the Earth from Idiots like Comcast Cable TV guys!

Next generation defibrillators will be built into your iPhone, Smartphones!

Disney just changed it Menu without Dr. Nancy in charge of the new menu!

Disney will make a Dr. Nancy Medical Inventions and General Inventions Movie for kids and adults.

Disney just got an idea for a new Theme Park Attraction!

GlaxoSmithKline Plc is to acquire Human Genome Sciences Inc for $3 billion

GSK was just fined by the Justice Department for bribing MD and giving kids adult Meds

GSK should have had to pay the parents and Doctors Patients they bribed but had immunity from our 1984 Dictators!

GSK got a good deal, largely because the Worlds Dictators have never ordered medical research on inventing a Rx Overnight Penicillin like Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer. Greg and Dr. Nancy will get this in 2012 before Christmas if our Dictator makes Polygamous Marriage Legal so we an work 24/7 Brainstorming... and of course our 1st acquisition will be Los Alamos!

Dictators never change their minds... they are Changed in a Coup!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** People Comcast Mad Men will let die! ++ 16 July 12 ++

Comcast has made a $ Trillion dollars profits since 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar. NBC Nightly News is now owned by Comcast Cable TV. Cable TV from Comcast has 884 Channels and you have nothing to watch on TV. Dr, Nancy and Dr. Oz don't want their own Cable Channel they want to Doctor NBC to save the lives of 7 Billion People Comcast Mad Men will let die in Fiery LA Wrecks, Heart Attacks from the NBC commercials from the Public Grocery Store Chain. MSNBC Bill + Melinda deleted the idea of 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out with links to get your started inventing. Our 1984 Dictators deleted Polygamous Marriage made legal so you could work with the wives 24/7 inventing! JFK Super Aircraft Carrier Model 2013, our 1984 Dictator deleted its 10K Windmills on 10 Decks that would have produced enough H at –252 C in NASA Cans to generate Trillions and Trillions of Megawatts of Electricity winning several World War III’s, the Pentagon and our 1984 Dictators want to win by force not using the ElectricWindmillCar like 9/11 NYC would never have happened with ElectricWindmillCar Model 1980.

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Lighting Rods to Keep Lightning Cloud to Cloud and Change the Direction of Hurricanes + NBC Owned Comcast Cable Tv with 884 Channels and nothing to watch, this is why we have DVD's ready!

Lightning Fast Inventing when Sony makes the Movie "Invention Projects 1,001", Invention Projects 1,002 Movie... To Hell with Comcast then!

880 Gigs of Invention Projects on a Seagate Hard Drive you can search without Goggle Ads Popping up first several pages! Thank God!

Lightning + MSNBC + Comcast; Both Will Lose; 1980 Start of the $4 Gas Genocide ElectricWindmillCar Era!

There is has been no multiple perspectives on reporting the news since its invention in 1980

1984 Dictators copy and past the News

Deleting like Bush 99.9% of Fiery LA Wreck pictures I would have copied and pasted to this web page!

1984 Dictators built Battered Women’s Shelters in Every Town + City in the USA!

No multiple perspectives on reporting this news... Race for 2 cures!

Deleting like Bush did 99.9% of the Troops coming home beating + killing the wife today!

1984 Dictators built Battered Women’s Shelters in Every Town + City in the USA!

Displaced aggression toward innocent targets. This is because aggressive priming makes individuals perceive more hostility from others and increases the motivation to lash out, especially if they encounter a safe target, such as a sibling or romantic partner!

1984 Dictators built Battered Women’s Shelters in Every Town + City in the USA!

Troops coming home perceive the Wife, Women, a safe target to beat + kill because NBC Nightly News which is Today owned by Comcast has never reported these killing and beatings long as they have owned NBC Nightly News!

1984 Dictators built Battered Women’s Shelters in Every Town + City in the USA!

Facebook guy married a women from China not a SWF why?

SWF and Black Men like OJ you have to get the OJ kills from Hillary as they are classified!

SWF’s status had been downgraded by our 1984 Dictators

1984 Dictators built Battered Women’s Shelters in Every Town + City in the USA!

SWF are 99.9% who have used Battered Women’s Shelters since 1980

SWF are 99.9% of Saudi Arabia Sex Slaves, just ask Hillary at the State Department!

Kerry Kennedy, 52, was heading south on I-684 at about 8 a.m. Friday when she began driving erratically, sideswiping a tractor-trailer with her 2008 Lexus RX 350 and riding on a flat tire before leaving the highway in North Castle and pulling over at the bottom of the exit ramp.

Congressman Patrick Kennedy, fell sleep driving in 2006 when he crashed his Mustang convertible into a capitol hill barrier at 2 am.

Greg meet Pat right after I meet his father Teddy Kennedy few months before I invented the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

After Teddy died of brain cancer Pat started brain research without Los Alamos support!

The $4 Gasoline Era was started in 1980 by Teddy Kennedy suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar as he bullied Jimmy Carter and others, convinced them to use this invention to end the Saudi Oil Embargo then get $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from Texas and Canada!

Once Texas, Canada and Mexico Government Own Oil Company was in on this suppression Moscow, France, and the British joined... finally Norway joined in on the $4 Gasoline genocide Era for their One Trillion Dollars in Oil Revenues!

Teddy Kennedy’s secret was always the murder of Mary Jo driving drunk leaving her to drown driving off the bridge!

Robert Kennedy Jr just killed Mary by torturing her to hang herself, final act of torture when she knew she lost everything to Robert was when he bribed the Judge to take her 4 kids away!

Judge is really the one who tortured Mary into hanging herself as she knew she lost all!

MSNBC, NBC, Comcast, Microsoft will lose everything in the $4 Gasoline Genocide Trials!

Kennedy’s secrets were the murder of Mary + Mary

Caroline Kennedy will lose everything in the $4 Gasoline Genocide Trials!

JFK Super Aircraft Carrier Model 2013, our 1984 Dictator deleted its 10K Windmills on 10 Decks that would have produced enough H at –252 C in NASA Cans to generate Trillions and Trillions of Megawatts of Electricity winning several World War III’s, the Pentagon and our 1984 Dictators want to win by force not using the ElectricWindmillCar like 9/11 NYC would never have happened with ElectricWindmillCar Model 1980.

There are NO multiple perspective views!

19,000 SWF will be murdered in 2012, and a few thousand more in Fiery LA wrecks!

NO WAY NBC now owned by Comcast is going to have a different perspective reporting this news!

40,000 Dead SWF from Breast Cancer all Tortured to Death will not be on NBC

NBC will never have Matt Lauer on the Today Show document the torture, Hysterical Crying!

Comcast has made a $ Trillion dollars profits since 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar

Microsoft has made a $ Trillion dollars profits since the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar

GE has made several $ Trillion dollars profits since the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar

Saudi Arabia has made $177 Trillion Dollars in Profits since the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar

There is NO multiple perspectives in reporting the NBC Nightly News

Our 1984 Dictator will never promote Polygamous Marriage made legal

Matt Lauer on the Today Show will never do a story on Polygamous Marriages for the purpose to work 24/7 with many wives to Brainstorm 1,001 Invention projects Bill + Melinda deleted from pre installing in Windows 8

Were the Hell is Caroline Kennedy when Matt Lauer interviewed her on the Today Show’

Caroline Kennedy was following orders from our 1984 Dictators!

Kennedy’s Lawyer Gottlieb said Kerry + Kennedy get harsher media reporting from the semi wreck on Friday and Mary hanging herself last month...

MSNBC has know about Super Air Bags on the Back, Side, Front of Semi Trucks, and cars for a decade and there was NO media about this invention of Gregs 10 years ago!

10’s of thousands of SWF would be alive today with Super Air Bags on the Front and Rear of all 1990 Model Cars and Trucks, Our 1984 Dictators deleted this and Caroline Kennedy never mentioned this to Matt Lauer in their Today Show interview!

Kennedy’s Lawyer Gottlieb said Kerry + Kennedy get harsher media reporting from the semi wreck on Friday and Mary hanging herself last month...

Gottlieb will be arrested + hanged for his part in Mary’s Suicide and the $4 Gasoline Genocide!

Men Like Teddy, Robert, Pat, are Clinton, John Edwards, and 10K more not in the News!

Statistic are all classified by the State Department!

Spin Off Genocides from the ElectricWindmillCar suppression in 1980

Several On Going Genocide by our 1984 Dictators!

Shock + Awe of Iraq will go on for as long as the Pentagon Generals have oil money profits to spent on MIT Invented Drones!




Fake Polio Vaccinations by the UN WHO for the CIA could be the “Judge” that will cause our 1984 Dictators to commit Suicide!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

+++ Newest Title ** Succeed in making a commercial Success ! ++ 15 July 12 ++

Be a Guglielmo Marconi who succeeds in making a commercial success to get everyone on Earth tested for Hepatitis as working mothers can remember the infants that caught hepatitis from a infected cook at Taco Bell and died! Be a Guglielmo Marconi succeeded in making a commercial success to "Polygamous Marriages" made legal for the purpose of Inventing It All, getting the End To War On Earth and the cure for breast cancer lost by BP Oil commercials on ABC Nightly News more than Dr. Oz commercials cleaning out the ice box of Heart Attack and cancer causing foods from the Public Grocery Store Chain! Commercialize the Brainstorming of ideas by others such as Hertz, Maxwell, Faraday, Popov, Lodge, Fessenden, Stone, Bose, and Tesla who's ideas could not get into Windows 8 but will be in a New Operation System Programmed by Los Alamos Physicists who got a second degree as MD's!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Los Alamos Physicists get a second degree... MD

MD’s who are hired by Los Alamos get a second degree in Physics!

They all have exceptional working memories — the system that holds information active in the mind, keeping it available for further processing. The capacity of working memory is limited: for numbers, for example, most people can hold seven digits at a time on average; hence, the seven-digit phone number. But MD’s + Physicists can hold much more, and not only can they remember extraordinarily large numbers, they can also manipulate them and carry out calculations that you or I might have trouble managing with pencil and paper Working memory isn’t just the ability to remember long strings of numbers. It is the ability to hold and process quantities of information, both verbal and non-verbal — such as, say, memorizing a old + new inventions and reinventing them in your head.

They placed in at least the 99th percentile, with most in the 99.9th percentile. They can invent this kind of memory for everyone on Earth that holds and process quantities of information, both verbal and non-verbal its just an “Invention” like the radio!

Guglielmo Marconi succeeded in making a commercial success of radio by reinventing what other inventors missed and building on the work of previous experimenters and physicists

Los Alamos converted to Race for the Cure + End War on Earth... both “Cancers”!

Los Alamos Physicists get a second degree... MD

MD’s who are hired by Los Alamos get a second degree in Physics!

His Brainstorming of ideas by others such as Hertz, Maxwell, Faraday, Popov, Lodge, Fessenden, Stone, Bose, and Tesla.

Los Alamos Supercomputer Brainstorming is crunching everything ever written and invented! Memory!

Marconi is credited as the inventor of radio, and he got the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics

7 Billion People will get the Nobel if we succeed in making the cure for these two cancers a commercial success.

British + French government Oil Companies Wage War on Earth!

British + French “Sex Tapes” released by the Commercial Networks ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC

Covert Wars of government Oil Companies are able to hid the causalities burned + killed

“Sex Tapes” released by the Commercial Networks ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC

Hidden behind the George Orwell Cameras the causalities burned + killed

Statistics released by the Commercial Networks ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC

Making End War on Earth a Commercial Success!

Los Alamos Supercomputer Brainstorming is crunching everything ever written and invented to cure both Cancers that are a modern day plague killing 1 Billion since 1980

Every disease cured for everyone on Earth will be a spin off of curing these two cancers!

Wars Cancer is caused by Mindless Overeating!

Cancers cause is red meat, lunch meat, smoking, cream, alcohol and you know the rest

Madonna’s Mother died of breast cancer, she wrote lyrics for her dad but not mom!

Madonna in Italy Today made the news about her concert there showing Nazi swat sticker

Berlin Wall Came down with the help of the ElectricWindmillCar + Greg!

Payback to humanity has been nothing!

Militarization of Germany, Japan, Italy, Norway were 77 were killed protesting Muslims immigrating to Norway as part of a secret treaty signed by Norway to sell its Nations Oil Company gasoline around the world for genocide profits! That killed thousands of times more than the Insane killer of 77.

Microsoft must have an Insane Asylum at its HQ

Anatomy + Physiology has never been a successful commercialization to the masses because the cost of “Tutors” cost more than the University Course. Free Tutors have been eliminated from the public by Microsoft in Anatomy and just about everything on purpose. Microsoft must have a department at HQ that bullies everyone who wants to put out a free tutor for Anatomy and everything else! This is Insane what Microsoft does to make another billion! From tutoring as you can log on to Microsoft today and pay thousands to be tutored!

Los Alamos Physicists get a second degree... MD

MD’s who are hired by Los Alamos get a second degree in Physics!

Purpose is to Invent It All, Save the Earth from Military Destruction!

Boisterous ruminations from these Physicists MD every time they discover something!

7 Billion emailed from Los Alamos not Berkeley Lab

Commercial success of Los Alamos with “Working Memory” trillions in IBM supercomputers is a no Brainard

“Working Wives” at Los Alamos and in the USA will get a new job description “Wife Inventor” no longer will everything be Top Secret and Over her head!

CBS “The Talk” will be “The Brainstorming Inventing Women”

ABC “The View” will be “The View after Women Invent an End to War + Cancer”

Working memory isn’t just the ability to remember long strings of numbers. It is the ability to hold and process quantities of information, both verbal and non-verbal — such as, say, memorizing a old + new inventions and reinventing them in your head.

“Working Women” isn’t just the ability to remember but to inspire the adrenalin hormone in men... Goddess of Invention!

Exceptional “Working Wives” with most in the 99.9th percentile!

Motivation is increased by Hi Beautiful! I Love You!

Purpose is to increase the adrenalin hormone, give Polygamous Marriage a purpose like no marriage ever had before the Invention of the ElectricWindmillcar Era!

Purpose to End War on Earth, Cure Cancer + Disease!

Today the Pentagon is trying its best to provoke another war in Syria!

Commercial success of Public Grocery Store Chains are the cause of 99% of the Heart Attacks

Food that is the leading cause of heart attacks is always on sale!

“Mindless Overeating” by the public and the Pentagon has killed 1 billion people since 1980

Motivation to bake, cook, sell you food that gives you Cardiac Arrests and cancers is Insane!

Motivation to save their lives with Dr. Oz commercials cleaning out the ice box and grocery store more than the BP Oil commercial cleaning up the Gulf!

Commercialize “Mindless Overeating” in commercials

Commercialize “Inventing it all, Cancer Cure + End to War”!

Marconi's ongoing work for the general public at two important London lectures:

Commercialize Lectures by having Madonna make them into Music Videos!

Madonna’s Mother died of Breast Cancer... appeal to Madonna using this to cure Cancer!

"11 December 1896; "Signaling through Space without Wires", and at the Royal Institution on 4 June 1897.

“Electricity through Space without Wires” invent this in 2020

“Verizon Cell Phone Towers replaced by Satellites” World Wide cell coverage on land and at Sea a windfall for Key West!

The Human Brain and reinventing it Memory capacity!

Compare these to Madonna Music Videos

Reducing aggression and violence within male street gangs (And Nations Provoking World Wars) involves developing interventions that focus on decreasing rumination. This may include ‘distraction techniques’ such as exercise the mind by reading then using what you have read to inventsomething. Better is the "Polygamous Marriage" with working wives like no wives ever before as they work with you 24/7 brainstorming 1,001 Inventions Projects that are pre installed in Windows 8 spelled out with links to get you started inventing!

Nations, governments commercializing Polygamous Marriage with the purpose to Invent it all for Humanity!

Motivation to lash out is directed at Public Grocery Store Chains ads that cause 99% to Overeat and eat cancer causing foods Mindlessly!

BP Oil commercial replaced by Dr. Oz Cleaning out the ice box and Public Grocery store!

Smoking, Drinking, Gambling, working wives can help invent a cure for it all!

Road Rage Drivers among the Worlds Nations have “Sex Tapes” that must be made Public!

Sweets... get you fatter!

Anatomy + Physiology Textbooks are Madonna Music videos with Brainstorming added to the questions and answers!

Tens of thousands of Madonna Music Videos to Invent it all, cure it all!

Insane Asylum at the Pentagon watching Madonna’s Music Video of Gas Lobotomy Gas!

War Toys are put out of business as people lost interest building 20 New Hubble Space Telescopes and Discover III Shuttle with the Gravity Engine and Gravity Fuel

The Militarization of MIT and MD’s was Insane!

A Los Alamos Physicists who got an MD can win the Nobel in Physics for a Breast Cancer Cure!

A Los Alamos Physicists in Nuclear Weapons can win a Nobel Peace Prize for Ending War on Earth!

Distract Hillary from Provoking another war in Syria

Bill must have several “Sex Tapes” that can be made Public!

“Heart Attack” Lawyers will make a good second career for Hillary and Bill

“Cardiac Arrest” Lawyers will make a good second career for Hillary and Bill

WHO MD’s at the UN never tested the Nepal UN Troops for Cholera causing 6,500 Cholera deaths in Haiti

Hepatitis in the USA kills 65,000 a year and MD’s at the White House neglect testing for Hepatitis in everyone, every month!

Commercialization of Hepatitis Testing for everyone in the USA could succeed after Polygamous Marriages is made legal because working wives have the best memories, they all remember infants who died from catching Hepatitis from a cook at Taco Bell and died!

Guglielmo Marconi make a commercial success of radio by reinventing what other inventors missed and building on the work of previous experimenters and physicists

“Polygamous Marriages” can be a commercial success by Inventing it all, working 24/7 brainstorming 1,001 Invention projects all made public!

Guglielmo Marconi succeeded in making a commercial success of radio by reinventing what other inventors missed and building on the work of previous experimenters and physicists

Los Alamos Physicists can build on the work of MD’s

MD’s can build on the work of Physicists

“Working Wives” can build on the work of all Husbands and Wives!

Building on the work of Microsoft Programmers if Los Alamos Supercomputer Programmers find something good!

Provoking another Law Suit by Microsoft for reinventing a deleted invention project working wives can use in the race for the cure of two cancers that plague 7 Billion People!

Guglielmo Marconi used Brainstorming of ideas by others such as Hertz, Maxwell, Faraday, Popov, Lodge, Fessenden, Stone, Bose, and Tesla.

“Working Wives” use Brainstorming of ideas by others such as Hertz, Maxwell, Faraday, Popov, Lodge, Fessenden, Stone, Bose, and Tesla, and every Book Novel every written, fiction and non fiction! Every article ever written in the New England Journal of Medicine on Breast Cancer!

Insane people at Microsoft’s Insane Asylum HQ will sue her for Brainstorming an End to War on Earth and Cure for Breast Cancer!

Public Grocery Store Chain commercials of Dr. Oz cleaning out the junk food ice box going on to cleaning out the junk foods at the Public Grocery Store Chain will be on ABC Nightly News more often than BP Oil Commercials!

Make a commercial success of Ending War on Earth, Get the Race for the Cure lost by the Pentagons Insane Generals Mindless Overeating of MIT Drones!

Get everyone on Earth tested for Hepatitis as working mothers can remember the infants that caught hepatitis from a infected cook at Taco Bell and died!

Make a commercial success of “Working Wives” inventing it all!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** Not To Let Women Drive A Car A Invention Marriage! ++ 14 July 12 ++

Sandia with their “Secret Nerve Gas” that could have put a stop to MIT’s war Toys and the flow of Oil, sale of gasoline they didn’t have the “Nerve” to end the Genocide of Gasoline! Saudia the Nerve Center of Secret Documents! Sandia with their “Secret Nerve Gas”! Mecca + the Vatican covered up the Genocides of Gasoline from 1980 to 2012. Gravity of this Gasoline Era Genocide will help Commercialize 1,001 Invention Projects pre installed on Windows 8 propel society faster and faster to discover how Gravity is Generated and Invent the Gravity Engine before the Gasoline Era Genocide Trials are over in London, Paris, Moscow! Nerve of them at MIT, the Pentagon not to let women drive a car from 1980 to 2012. Not to let women drive an ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2012. Not to Make Polygamous Marriage Legal.

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

All Or Nothing, Invent It All for Humanity... End War, Disease, “Home Alone” in the Universe!

Iraq Shock and Awe Wasted Trillions for Race For The Cure 40K Women Tortured Killed by Breast Cancer while Pentagon Generals play War Games they got from Suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar which would have prevented 9/11 and Iraq War Waste!

Women’s revenge will be to rebury all the dead From Breast Cancer at Arlington Cemetery

Nerve of them Four Star Generals when Four Stars Nearest Earth are the real War!

Four Star Generals incapable of Changing Battles

Alien Adversaries are not relevant to Four Star Generals, wives breast cancer too!

MIT Invented it all for War Toys

Invent 20 Space Telescopes after MIT is found guilt of Genocide

Stupid Criminals...

George Orwell Observers Nervous as the Russian Czar

Nerve of them at MIT to leave all the “Work” on the Neuron, Soma, Axon, Memory Discoveries, 1,001 other Invention Projects for “Polygamous Marriages” to brainstorm 24/7 to invent!

“Work” in Marriage...

“Work” in “Polygamous Marriage” is 24/7 Race for the Cure, Invent it all for Humanity. End War, Disease, Home Alone in the Universe!

“Work” in a “Polygamous Marriage” is “Work Inventing”

NBC “Today Show” can commercialize “Work to Invent it All” End War, disease!

“Work to Invent it All”... Crime, Poverty, Cancer, Fiery LA Wrecks, Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco!

Commercialize “Work” in a “Polygamous Marriage” as Work to Invent it all for all 7 Billion People.

MIT working for the War Toy buyers polluted the Air + Water, refused to feed the fish and turtles in the Oceans.

An All Or Nothing MIT Invented All War Toys!

Mecca Oil Men and MIT Men are now Sadistic at Heart Men of War and Greed!

Sadistic enough to waste as many Trillions as possible on Iraq

Navy, Pentagon follow Orders to keep the Oil Flowing from 1980 to 2012

Genocide after Genocide, Fiery LA Wrecks after Fiery LA Wrecks

Sandia with their “Secret Nerve Gas” that could have put a stop to MIT’s war Toys and the flow of Oil, sale of gasoline they didn’t have the “Nerve” to end the Genocide of Gasoline!

Saudi the Nerve Center of Secret Documents

Sandia with their “Secret Nerve Gas”

Mecca + the Vatican covered up the Genocides of Gasoline from 1980 to 2012

2012 must be the most Nerve Racking year since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

Understanding Memory in the Neuron, Soma, Axon has been unclassified

Nerve of them, to make us discover what memory is in the brain

Voltage to run all the Brains Neurons, Memory and much more is generated by ions

Lot more complicated, so complicated we will need all the Super Computers at Los Alamos to Discover how Memory is Generated, stored, retrieved, etc... let us invent total recall!

Waste of the Iraq Trillions kill more than just the 40K women a year from Breast Cancers!

Genocide Trials at MIT will be covered live on NBC “Today Show”

“Work” commentary by NBC will analyze the Rise and Fall of MIT marriage to humanity!

Commercialize “Work” in a “Polygamous Marriage” as Work to Invent it all for all Humanity!

NBC “Today Show” can commercialize “Work to Invent it All” End War, disease!

London, Paris, Moscow wasted everything from 1980 to 2012 on one war after another after another instead of one invention after another after another... wow!

“Work to Invent it All”... Crime, Poverty, Cancer, Fiery LA Wrecks, Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco!

Bill + Melinda have already been convicted of Genocide for deleting Invention Projects from Windows 8

Commercialize “Work” in a “Polygamous Marriage” as Work to Invent it all for all 7 Billion People.

MSNBC shock + awe for Live Surgery with “Brainstorming” ideas, invention doing live surgery

Malaria Cure lost out to the Waste of the Iraq War

Breast Cancer Cure lost out to the Waste of the Iraq War

Fiery LA Wrecks lost out to the Sadistic Men in Mecca and Vatican City

MSNBC can Commercialize “Work” in Live Brainstorming and let everyone Email Dr. Nancy what they wrote viewing Virus Cures with Dr. Nancy

Women seeking revenge from the Pentagon Four Star Generals Waste

Women will not waste any time getting started working 24/7 Brainstorming the Race for the Cure in a Polygamous Marriage!

1st Day of Married Life, for the rest of their lives will be a Marriage Made in Heaven for the Race for the Cure!

Race to Invent it all for all 7 Billion People

In “Control” of what and who in a Marriage

Nerve of them at MIT, the Pentagon not to let women drive a car from 1980 to 2012

Not to let women drive an ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2012

Gravity of this Gasoline Era Genocide will help Commercialize 1,001 Invention Projects pre installed on Windows 8 society will discover how Gravity is Generated and Invent the Gravity Engine before the Gasoline Era Genocide Trials are over in London, Paris, Moscow!

Nerve of them at MIT, the Pentagon not to let women drive a car from 1980 to 2012

Not to let women drive an ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2012

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** Black Cat Teddy Kennedy on Friday the 13th of July 2012 ++++

The Black Cat Teddy Kennedy on Friday the 13th Jumped the Fence Ran As If He Were Running to Save His Life... Past Greg and right through 3 Check Electric Electricians installing a new circuit breaker box, Keys Energy Lineman was on top of the Pole turned off the electricity! Friday the 13th 100’s of women are running for their lives today, from the same 100’s of men with bad driving behavior, really! Advanced Technology... Women carry a dash cam on their necklace police and who ever they want can watch them by wifi or cell signals! ABC Nightly News Video of Car + Driver running a red light flying into the air spinning in the air, reporting that men with bad driving behavior are the ones who kill most people running a red light, Diane Sawyer and her staff should have wrote up “Advanced Technologies” must invent a way to stop these drivers before they run a red light and kill so very many, she did not report how many are killed monthly by red light men with bad behavior driving! 19K women in the USA will be murdered in 2012. Stop these Red Light Men Drivers with worst behavior! Advanced Technology Can + Will.

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The Black Cat Teddy Kennedy on Friday the 13th Jumped the Fence Ran As If He Were Running to Save His Life... Past Greg and right through 3 Check Electric Electricians installing a new circuit breaker box, Keys Energy Lineman was on top of the Pole turned off the electricity!

On Friday the 13th Declare War on Every Disease!

Manhattan Project to Screen Everyone On Earth for all Diseases, Discover a “Cure All” Windmill... like the ElectricWindmillCar that ended the long gas station lines caused by the Saudi Oil Embargo of 1980

ABC Nightly News Video of Car + Driver running a red light flying into the air spinning in the air, reporting that men with bad driving behavior are the ones who kill most people running a red light, Diane Sawyer and her staff should have wrote up “Advanced Technologies” must invent a way to stop these drivers before they run a red light and kill so very many she did not report how many are killed monthly by red light men. Greg invented the “Dash Camera” with mic + speaker so the cops can see + hear inside your car before you are pulled over. This Dash came will be linked by WiFi and Cell Signal to send its video to the cop car! ABC could not run the 1984 Big Brother red light suppressing all news of this invention by Greg that could be modified to prevent all drivers with bad behavior from running any red lights ever with “Advanced Technology” and traffic cops watching cars with dash cams with the drivers who have a bad driving behavior beeping as he drives by a traffic camera along his route before he as he must be 100’s of men on the road right now, all have the same bad driving behavior that can not be cured with psychology!

2013 Model ElectricWindmillCars will come with dash cams and 2013 cops will have Advanced Technology that beeps when one of the 100’s of men with bad driving behavior drives by a traffic camera!

Advanced Technology... Electricity sent over Radio Waves!

Electricity sent to your home and office via copper wires from some distant Power Plant

Advanced Technology... to generate electricity without any copper wires is NASA cans of H at –252 C this could not run the 1984 Big Brother red light suppressing all news of this invention by Greg!

Pussy Cat Teddy Kennedy runs as if he is running for his life right through a crew of Check Electric Electrician's

Friday the 13th 100’s of women are running for their lives today, from the same 100’s of men with bad driving behavior, really!

Advanced Technology... Women carry a dash cam on their necklace!

Advanced Technology... Inventions by Greg can not run the 1984 Big Brother red light suppressing all news of this invention by Greg

Sandia Lab just invented a 15 minute Diagnostic machine that uses one drop of your blood, SpinDx device takes a cartridge the size of a DVD that’s loaded with a sample and spins it. A high speed camera inside watches how samples behave within the notches of the disc that correlate to unique assays. The device is able to perform white blood cell count, identify important protein markers, and run 64 assays on a single sample. In terms of sensitivity, as an example the researchers have shown that their botulinum assay is significantly better than any other!

Advanced Technology... Police + FBI use SpinDx on every drop of blood!

Advanced Technology... MD’s, Police + FBI use the SpinDx on virginal discharges and male discharges.

1984 Big Brother at Sandia Lab must scan a drop of blood from everyone for their Advanced Technology data base.

50% of people who are sick go to work with the SpinDx at work the Boss can send then home in 15 minutes before they can get 100’s of co-workers sick

UN Troops from Nepal working for WHO in Haiti killed 6,500 people by infecting them with Cholera!

UN Lawyers will try to cover this up and not pay any compensation when they know UN Troops from Nepal infected Haiti with cholera!

Human Misery cause by the UN

Human Misery caused by WHO MD’s

Human Misery of going through life from 2012 to 2092 with Polio because the CIA put H20 in the shot instead of a Polio Vaccine!

Human Misery in Japan after the GE Nuclear Power Plant exploded spreading deadly radiation!

H at –252 C in NASA Cans were invented by Greg decade before this Japan Nuclear Power Plant Exploded

1984 Big Brother at Sandia Lab high speed cameras recorded this invention of Greg’s

Human Misery at Sony, Red Light from our USA 1984 Big Brother stops all Advanced Technology invented by Greg

Sony has released the world’s first medical grade OLED monitor, the PVM-2551MD, a 24.5-inch screen with a 1,920 x 1,080 resolution and a 10 bit color driver $9995, a small price to pay for some that demand the best video reproduction available and bright enough to see outside on a white Key West Beach I hope! Each Pixel produces its own light with a diode.

Cell Phone screen at a White Sand Beach or Anywhere in Key West out in the Sun is not visible... Advanced Technology to solve this is AA batters so the Cell phone makers can use more electricity to make the cell phone screen brighter!

AA Batteries as Advanced Technology that is suppressed by someone in government or business!

Back to the Human Misery in Japan and at Sony because Greg’s cans of H at –252 C are suppressed from mass production by Sony to replace 100 other Nuclear Power Plants that will be hit by a Japan Earth Quake in the next 100 years!

GE and NBC one year after the Japan Nuclear Power Plant exploded radiation have no intention of every letting Sony mass produce cans of H at –252 C to generate electricity!

Black + White Strips for the POW

DC Politics dress you in Black + White Stripes!

Human Misery and some government worker at Sandia orders you to wear black and white stripes today!

SWF’s and Pussy Cat named Teddy Kennedy runs through a crew from Check Electric as if they were running for their lives, and “they are” running for their lives and the lives of 7 billion people!

Key Hole Surgery Advanced Technologies if invented by Greg will be suppressed!

Dash Cam with wifi and cell communications with other advanced technologies to stop men drivers with behavior problems, Dash Cam on a necklace!

Rx for a lot of Human Misery in the USA was written by the British!

GlaxoSmithKline just got a $3 billion dollar red light ticket but made $28 Billion from running red lights and causing deaths + destruction!

Sony can make another 007 Bond Movie with the Opening Scene diagnostic a drop of his blood... which will sound many alarms because this is the opening scene to a 007 Movie!

ABC Diane Sawyer said the video from the police of the red light driver and her comments about most red light drivers are men with severe behaviors while driving can save 100’s of lives!

Sandia Lab could save 1 Billion, 7 Billion from government Mad Men with sever behaviors!

Sandia Lab Advanced Technology can invent a way to screen everyone on Earth for every disease!

Others in Key West can spend some time writing a “Hemingway” Invention Ideas Novel!

This page will get you started writing a Invention Ideas Novel, use every invention on this page in your 1st chapter with Advanced Technology that can not be compared to Hemingway’s 1936 Key West as Hurricane Season is here so is a Invention by Greg to put trillions of lightning rods in the Hurricane approaching Key West to change its direction or make it a tropical storm!

Hemingway Beach in Key West is fiction, the trillion turtles and fish Hemingway caught by getting his Navy Drunks to feed them is fiction for now, but with Advance Technology the Navy in Key West can feed fish + turtles, increase their Ocean Populations to Trillions!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** Sociopaths Bill + Melinda! ** 12 July 2012 ++++

Bill + Melinda Foundation mentions Malaria 100's of times more often than "Burn Units" and burn inventions for the 10's of thousands of Officer Jason's burned in fiery LA Wrecks! Bill + Melinda drove by without stopping to help expose the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980 before Microsoft was started. Sociopaths Bill + Melinda deleted Hertz, Einstein, Faraday, Newton, Pasteur, Dewar, Dickinson as aspiring "To Have Have Not" characters out of a rewritten Hemingway Novel of Utopian Inventions and Discoveries by SWF in the USA Today as the cost of Microsoft Word is over our heads $. Women after the Coup will get a Windows 8 "Covert" version which is much better than the "Professional" version as Women will be able to give men a virus, porn webs, gambling webs, Escort Webs, everything SWF want deleted from a Society that does not let Saudi women drive a car! Documentary of Microsoft and another Documentary of Bill + Melinda from 1980 to 2012 will mention the ElectricWindmillCar year by year. Documentary of Los Alamos 1980 to 2012 will mention the ElectricWindmillCar each year. Documentary of Yale Univ 1980 to 2012 will mention the ElectricWindmillCar each year.

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Bill + Melinda Foundation gave away $1 billion today for birth control pills

Bill + Melinda Foundation mentions Malaria 100's of times more often than "Burn Units" and burn inventions for the 10's of thousands of Officer Jason's burned in fiery LA Wrecks! Bill + Melinda drove by without stopping to help expose the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980 before Microsoft was started.

Bill + Melinda are Motivated by $ Trillions of Dollars not 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies!

Sociopaths who “Lock-Up” Hertz, Einstein, Faraday, Newton, Pasteur, Dewar, Dickinson

“Word” Microsoft Word cost more than these famous people made before they were famous

”Word” to write Hemingway’s “To Have Have Not” borrow a fishing pole you can not borrow a copy of “Word” without getting locked up by Bill + Melinda

Bill + Melinda deprived HS students with no money, “To Have Have Not” writing experience

Junior College students with no money, “To Have Have Not” writing experience

Bill + Melinda Chartered the Fishing Boat, Chartered the 737 Airplane, with no Empathy for all the tens of thousands of Hertz, Einstein, Faraday, Newton, Pasteur, Dewar, Dickinson’s who were arrest for Pirating a copy of Microsoft Word!

Microsoft Office has brought in One Trillion Dollars in revenues since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

1990 Officer Jason writing a traffic ticket in his cop car rear ended burst into flames...

Canada men and women rich as Bill + Melinda are also Sociopaths with no empathy to Officer Jason’s gasoline burns!

Bill + Melinda Foundation gave away $1 billion today for birth conroll pills

Bill + Melinda Foundation mentions Malaria 100's of times more often than "Burn Units" and burn inventions for the 10's of thousands of Officer Jason's burned in fiery LA Wrecks! Bill + Melinda drove by without stopping to help expose the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980 before Microsoft was started.

Bill + Melinda are Incompatible with Hertz, Einstein, Faraday, Newton, Pasteur, Dewar, Dickinson

End This Sociopath business practice of Microsoft Office priced over the heads of... Hertz, Einstein, Faraday, Newton, Pasteur, Dewar, Dickinson

Priced 10 times as much as Microsoft Office is Microsoft Programming software such as C++

One Billion people on Earth were denied this programming software by Bill + Melinda

Sick, and a crime against humanity no less than Marie Antoinette and her husband

New French Revolution will nationalize Microsoft

Bill + Melinda were seduced by peer pressure from Saudi Princes they vacationed with

Hillary’s peer pressure on Saudi Princes got women drivers of cars 30 Whips last month!

State Department was not allowed to put any pressure on Saudi Men to let women drive a car!

Saudi Women with Windows 8 “Covert” version which is better than “Professional” can infect computers with a virus that is more deadly than the CIA Flame virus that infected Iran

SWF’s in the USA with the Windows 8 “Covert” version will give men a deadly virus that causes incurable cancer in porn, war games, on line gambling, and any other things their men waste money on!

Women can erect the men of their choice to win in The Race for the Cures! Discoveries!

Bush got 10 Super Air Craft Carries built in the last 10 years covertly + sociopathicly

Women can erect 10 Super Air Craft Carriers in Earth Orbit

One up man ship on the Russian Space Station

Women can erect men

Men who’s position in life can erect “Ships” that motivate them...

Bush + Bush were motivated by War Ship Super Air Craft Carriers only sociopathicly Mad Men would build these over “Star Ships” if only in Earth Orbit!

7 Billion people ponder government psychopaths and 4K Trillion Galaxies

Majestic insights to DNA is in the news every day now

When Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Technology is used to decode

The medical company deCODE genetics acquired by Los Alamos

Journal Nature reports they had found a gene coding mutation, A673T, that protects against both Alzheimer's and cognitive decline in elderly people who do not have the disease.

This means if you have this DNA gene you are protected against Alzheimer's and cognitive decline same as if you got a vaccination to protect you so everyone can get gene coding mutation, A673T to protect you in old age from cognitive decline!

DNA in the embryo builds the human conscience

Human conscience can become diseased when you are motivated by Trillions of dollars or when the “To Have Have Not” character of Hemingway's robs a gas station today because this is were the cash is!

A Nigerian gasoline tanker caught fire on yesterday, killing at least 95 as people were trying to scoop up the spilled fuel French Government Owned Oil Company owns Nigerian Oil

New French Revolution will nationalize Microsoft

French Government Owned Oil Company “Total” is Sick, and a crime against humanity no less than Marie Antoinette and her husband the French King!

Canada Oil men who made Trillions off tens of thousands burned to death in gasoline fires will lose their illegal criminal fortunes from Canadian Oil

Officer Jason writing a traffic ticket in his cop car rear ended burst into flames...

Canada men and women rich as Bill + Melinda are also Sociopaths with no empathy to Officer Jason’s gasoline burns!

In the 1980’s Greg went to Calgary Canada and asked for Political Asylum as the Inventor of the ElectricWindmillcar

Calgary Canada government sent Greg Back to Denver Colorado

University of Colorado has a Oil Company President for the President of the University

Crimes by this President were at the Oil Company and what he did to Hertz, Einstein, Faraday, Newton, Pasteur, Dewar, Dickinson at the University reading a free copy of “To Have Have Not” trying to take a writing course at the University priced over their heads by a Oil Company President who sells $4 gasoline!

Majestic Insight of Hertz, Einstein, Faraday, Newton, Pasteur, Dewar, Dickinson in 2012

University of Colorado will not let the public use its copy of Microsoft Word

Bill + Melinda did this on purpose so they can sell a few more copies of Microsoft Word

“To Have Have Not's” have been killed, murdered by Bill + Melinda’s by out of control cancer of greed!

Majestic insights to the DNA gene

Majesty of the Sea, Allure of the Sea... Universe!

“To Have Have Not's” have been killed, murdered by Bill + Melinda’s by out of control cancer of greed!

Violent Urges by Bill + Melinda is also a cancer dividing out of control since 1980

The medical company deCODE genetics is acquired by Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons

“deCODE genetics” will go off like the most powerful Nuclear Weapon discovering all birth defects caused by gene’s and discovering the gene of Conscience, Gene of Memory, Gene that builds the antibodies in your immune system.

7 Billion people will get the “Windfall Profits” Bill + Melinda got in 1980 by the suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar

1980 Los Alamos is not the Los Alamos of 2012

Documentary of Los Alamos 1980 to 2012 will mention the ElectricWindmillCar each year

Documentary of Yale Univ 1980 to 2012 will mention the ElectricWindmillCar each year

New French Revolution can Document Everything because we live in a George Orwell Era

Documentary of Microsoft and another Documentary of Bill + Melinda from 1980 to 2012 will mention the ElectricWindmillCar year by year too.

Coup Leaders will program a Windows 8 “Covert” version that lets women give a virus to men!

Jealous Men murdered as many women as Bill + Melinda’s Greed

Gene of Jealous

Gene of Greed

Gasoline exhaust caused regular DNA to mutate the Jealous + Greed gene

Other caused of what causes disease and birth defects will be discovered fast!

Once Bill + Melinda are “Locked-Up” with the other tens of thousands of government Sociopaths and Psychopath Huge Super Size Aircraft Carriers will Orbit Earth!

One Giant Windfall for Humanity suppressed by Bill + Melinda since 1980

Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar will “Drive” women to Windows 8 “Covert” edition!

To Hell with giving Iran the "Flame" virus, Saudi Men are Sociopath Criminals who robed gas stations of $ Trillions of dollars in the USA!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** Get Another Trillion Inventions! ** 11 July 2012 ++++

Windows 8, Bill + Melinda both “Observers” in this George Orwell Society refuse to pre install 1,001 Invention projects spelled out with links to get you started inventing in Windows 8 or 9. Share your internet research session by clicking on record this session as an YouTube Video was deleted from Windows 8 wow! Surgery Professors like Dr. Barbara Bass could have and should have learned to Invent in the 1980 to 2012 ElectricWindmillCar Invention Era! Greg the Surgeon, No! Greg trains the Surgeons to Invent a Spin off invention from the ElectricWindmillCar for surgery! Same exact way Greg got the ElectricWindmillCar invention can get another trillion inventions for you once your are trained by Greg!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

End War On Earth will be Invented, Invent a way to Hear + See Aliens will do it!

Changes in DNA Code gives us Birth Defects and DNA can give us “Total Immunity”

Polygamous Marriage made legal will start on the “Today Show” Greg + Wives live coverage at the Hemingway House in Key West!

After Doing 200 Million Surgeries, the Surgeon Learns to Invent Something!

End War On Earth will be Invented, Invent a way to Hear + See Aliens will do it!

Changes in DNA Code gives us Birth Defects and DNA can give us “Total Immunity” Total Recall Memory invented by us!

Changes in Learning to Invent Something will give us Star Ships and the Universe! Discovery III Shuttle with a Gravity Engine!

Windows 8, Bill + Melinda both “Observers” in this George Orwell Society refuse to pre install 1,001 Invention projects spelled out with links to get you started inventing in Windows 8 or 9

7 Billion People on Earth have the Misfortune of “War Time Censorship” of the “Today Show”

F-22 video with Matt Lauer

Men who have killed women + children in wars are Executives at NBC, CBS, ABC

Programming of “Today Show” by Men who have “Nightmares” from so much killing gravitates to the #1 Killing Machine the F-22 instead of Matt Lauer interviewing someone about How is Gravity Generated, How can we end war and murder, and How can 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies expand faster and faster into Infinite Space!

Trillions of Man Hours of training goes into a F-22 Fighter Pilot and the Government pays them a high income, when MD’s graduate owing $Trillions in Student loans

“Today Show” with Matt Lauer did not mention this in the F-22 video story today on Today!

“Tomorrow on Today Show” After Doing 200 Million Surgeries, the Surgeon Learns to Invent Something! Discover how gravity is generated if their Windows 8 came pre installed with this invention project

7 Billion People on Earth have the Misfortune of “War Time Censorship” of the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and Trillions of spin off Inventors and Inventions from this 1980 Invention!

$7 Trillion dollars that built the F-22 and paid the Pilots to learn how to fly should have been use in the Race for the Cure!

Surgery Professors like Dr. Barbara Bass could have and should have learned to Invent in the 1980 to 2012 ElectricWindmillCar Invention Era!

Greg the Surgeon, No! Greg trains the Surgeons to Invent a Spin off invention from the ElectricWindmillCar for surgery!

Higgs “God Particle” news on the “Today Show” if you could see behind the cameras you would observer NBC Executives saying No... we do not do stories on How the Big Bang was Created!

Higgs “God Particle” all that came before is censored like there is War Time Censorship on the Today Show when in reality its “Censorship of End War On Earth”! Conscience!

Changes in DNA by pre teens getting x-rays for braces gives the kids brain tumors, cancer!

GE Executives who make the x—ray machines must have suspected this for decades!

Cost to Humanity all 7 Billion of us is all the Treasures in the Universe!

Men who killed women + children in war built a Trillion “Battered Women’s Shelters” in every Town and City in the USA, suppressed a Lobotomy Gas cure for Domestic Violence!

Gregs wives will get one invention after another after another in a Polygamous Marriage which is not promoted on NBC or the Today Show!

Futuristic governments will pay Medical Students same as Fighter Pilots in training!

BP Oil will be convicted of the worst Genocide in the History of Humanity!

British Queen Elizabeth will be written up in the History of the Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar Era from 1980 to 2012

DNA Research Scientists will try to find a “Conscience Gene” missing in the Queens DNA

“Today Show” is forbidden to do any stories on Men who don’t have a “Conscience”!

Post Traumatic Stress Stories but they never tell you the “Nightmares” are from Killings!

Change in normal DNA Code from gas exhaust or some Protein created the Man with No Conscience!

DNA Code at Los Alamos on $Trillions of dollars worth of IBM Supercomputers will rocket Humanity to a more advanced social and medical Era!

MS the Gene that caused most of this has been found after working on it for 10 years!

Trillions of man hours of work!

There is not enough Intelligence left in the CIA Agents to learn how to invent something to keep men from killing women!

NBC Nightly News “Theory” headlines... How the Big Bang was Created would influence men with a Conscience not to kill a women in the heat of a domestic war!

Censorship keeps this Theory out of the Headlines on NBC Nightly News

Censors so out of touch with the Real Universe, behind the cameras they build the Newest ICBM’s from old recycled ICBM spending $Trillions never in the Headlines!

Everyone should know criminals have no conscience they are Psychopaths

Diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder covers two to three times as many prisoners as are rated as psychopaths, and DNA Code research scientists will take 10 years to find the gene!

Sociopath and psychopaths. These are people without empathy, ability to feel the pain of another human being.

BP Oil Men and Queen Elizabeth have drove by trillions of fiery wrecks world wide without stopping the sale of gasoline for the ElectricWindmillCar Invention!

A protein “Anchor” for the Human Conscience in DNA could have broken lose...

DNA gene has the Human Conscience programmed in it!

Your Conscience was created by your DNA

Men Executives at NBC, CBS, ABC who have killed men, women, children in war have lost their conscience to program the “Today Show” and prime time TV Shows for the Better Health and Wealth of 7 Billion People!

After Doing 200 Million Surgeries, the Surgeon Learns to Invent Something!

End War On Earth will be Invented, Invent a way to Hear + See Aliens will do it!

Changes in DNA Code gives us Birth Defects and DNA can give us “Total Immunity”

Polygamous Marriage made legal will start on the “Today Show” Greg + Wives live coverage at the Hemingway House in Key West!

Gregs wives will get one invention after another after another in a Polygamous Marriage which is not promoted on NBC or the Today Show!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** Dr. Oz Cleans out the “Public Grocery” Store and fills “Dumpsters”! ** 10 July 2012 ++++

Dr. Oz cleans out the “Ice Box” of the Obese Men + Women... fills a 3 mill black trash bag! You are so fat you picture is not on the ice box door! 200 Million World Wide will have Surgery in 2012 and 1 million will die within 1 month, many from a Heart Attack the Surgeon missed as no one checks the levels of the Protein Troponin” as when its elevated like BP, from 2% to 16% for any kind of surgery you need to be move to “Intensive Care”! “Honor Code” is not at ABC, NBC, CBS or the Pentagon! 7 Billion People in 2013, 2 Billion Cans of “H” at –252 C World Wide. 3rd World “Straw Huts” will have instant electricity and air conditioning, electric stove! “Things Change” You can get a Date with Women Doctors! WHO at the UN will never vaccinate 7 Billion People World Wide so on Gregs 1st Date with Dr. Nancy Greg will Propose we Brainstorm how to put these 7 billion vaccinations in food, water, and air 7 Billion people breath!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Expiration Dates + Dates with a Women Observers Who are MD’s!

Expiration Date for the “Public Grocery” Store is past due – Due to Heart Attacks!

Dr. Oz cleans out the “Ice Box” of the Obese Men + Women... fills a 3 mill black trash bag!

You are so fat you picture is not on the ice box door!

Dr. Oz cleans out the “Public Grocery” Store and fills “Dumpsters” full of junk + fat foods!

“Things Change” Grocery Store Scams to get you Obese + kill you with a Heart Attack!

200 Million World Wide will have Surgery in 2012 and 1 million will die within 1 month

#1 Killer of Men + Women World Wide is Heart Attacks and Cardiac Arrest

Daily BP, Pulse after surgery, needed is daily levels of the protein “Troponin” as when its elevated like BP, from 2% to 16% for any kind of surgery you need to be move to “Intensive Care”!

Yale Hospital Employees never get their Daily “Troponin” taken with BP and Pulse

Researchers found the Protein Troponin + Surgery Patients with 16% had a Heart

Attack, 600,000 hysterectomies were performed in the United States alone... women with the

protein Troponin at 16% most likely had a heart attack within a month of surgery.

None of these 600K women had a blood test for their level of Troponin!

Researchers found this one Greg On His Date with A Women Observer MD will brainstorm other Proteins... on our 1st Date! So what kind of women would date Greg to talk about proteins? Dr Nancy!

Dr. Nancy at the NBC Store, Expiration Date for NBC Prime Time and Today Show is past their expiration in dated materials that like the 600K women never have their protein level of “Troponin” take in NBC blood!

Dr. Nancy wants to open her own “Store” selling Doctors Grocery Store to save your lives!

Calories on your Grocery Store Receipt!

Diet Florida OJ with Zero Calories will be stocked in Dr. Nancy’s Grocery Store after Greg invents this on our 1st Date!

1st Date with Dr. Nancy Greg will Invent Something!

1st Date with Dr. Nancy Greg will Write Something Galactic!

Greg will be on his best behavior to not Alienate Dr. Nancy by bringing up the subject of Infinite Space for our intellectual desert.

90 Year Old Dr. Nancy will be a Celebrity Coup Leader

Coup on the Public Grocery Store getting you fat and giving you and your family Heart Attacks!

Dr. Ox will need “Dumpsters” to clean out the Public Grocery Store

Public World Wide will die at the rate of 1 Million a year from heart attacks, most likely more.

City Hall will not prevent any deaths from Heart Attacks!

City Hall “Code” is for buildings not heart attack deaths!

Big Box “Target” will come to Key West and build a “Target” over City Hall on a Eiffel Tower Structure, with its own parking lot.

“Micro-Targets” You Order, Pay, get Overnight PO Express delivery for “Free”

“Things Change” Medicare and SS sign up on Amazon with 1 click. Greg was on the phone to AARP United Health signing up for Plan N at $123 more a month took almost 122 minutes and by 1 Jan. 2013 will be on Amazon 1 click sign up... “Things Change”!

Key West City Hall gets BP Oil money for lost tourists

City Hall “Code” is for buildings not heart attack deaths!

Key West life and death, every day someone in Key West Paradise goes to Heaven via Heart Attack that could have been prevented like you house burning down with a wooden roof!

Code in Key West no wood roofs!

Code in Key West no Life Saving Codes for Heart Attacks

Code to save your life, Key West and Yale Hospital needs to fire all fat employees!

Incentive to get a Date with Dr. Nancy Greg will make the date for Proteins!

Dr. Nancy will bring all the Proteins for her Wines!

Greg has not had a drink of alcohol since 1982

ABC Store across the street from NBC runs BP Oil commercials every night on Diane Sawyers Nightly news... $$$$$$

Diane Sawyer has never heard of the protein Troponin!

Most Proteins are unknown by more than 200 Million people world wide

This is a Negative Influence on 100 million who watch ABC, NBC, CBS

“Honor Code” is not at ABC, NBC, CBS or the Pentagon!

200 Million People in 2013

2 Billion Cans of “H” at –252 C World Wide

3rd World “Straw Huts” will have instant electricity and air conditioning, electric stove!

“Things Change” You can get a Date with Women Doctors!

If you influence her with Proteins + Intellectual conversations about Infinity!

7 Billion People Vaccinated by WHO at the UN is Katie + Cruise “Mission Impossible 5”

Whooping Cough, “Hand, Foot + Mouth” diseases kill more than 1 million kids

Its spread by coughing and sneezing by those who are “Sick” but have no symptoms!

Money from the “National Institutes of Health” is financing a “Silk Stabilizer” to keep vaccines and antibiotics shelf life longer at higher temps without a ice box... next year there will be 2 Billion ice boxes world wide all new and hopefully not GE Brand!

Grocery Store Scams waste your money on high priced fat foods that give you a heart attack and cancers.

Federal Government is a scam artists!

WHO at the UN will never vaccinate 7 Billion People World Wide so on Gregs 1st Date with Dr. Nancy Greg will Propose we Brainstorm how to put these 7 billion vaccinations in food, water, and air 7 Billion people breath!

Impress her on the 1st Date!

Put Discovery III Shuttle and All Proteins on Key West T – Shirts

Live Surgery on Dr. Nancy’s NBC Prime Time will have cut, clip, sew and brainstorming dialog!

NYC Studio 300 square feet has electricity, ice box, air conditioning and heat.

3rd World “Huts” will have all these with 2 Billion cans of “H” at –252 C

Key West Homeless will have “Ice Box” on wheels, air conditioner on wheels, and will fit on a 757 if they fly out of Key West.

Quality of life until they have a Heart Attack or Cardiac Arrest, get Lung or Breast Cancer!

Coup is the only think in the World that can save more than 1 million lives in 2013

World Governments will kill, murder, more than 1 million people in 2013 for BP Oil, Public Grocery Stores, iphones, Windows 8, Key’s Energy, our Electric Company here!

“Doctors Grocery Store” Chain will be suppressed with the ElectricWindmillCar Era!

90 Year Old Dr. Nancy will be a “Celebrity” Coup Leader who saved 1 million lives a year!

Public does not have a chance in Hell to win the Lottery until there is a MD Coup on the Public Grocery Store!

Public Grocery Store has just acquired an Expiration Date!

Dr. Oz on ABC TV tonight, tomorrow night Dr. Oz will clean out the Public Grocery Store on Live TV.

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

+++ Newest Title ** A to Z list of Birth Defects! ** 9 July 2012 ++++

Manhattan Project for each A to Z Birth Defect... News of this surge in troops for Birth Defects will get more than Iraq Surge of Troops! Build a New Los Alamos on the Islands off Key West. Key West Islands can be a Mecca for Manhattan Projects built on an Eiffel Tower structure as no Hurricane will cause a day’s lost of research! Grin! Enhance basic research among pregnant women in Medical School. Motion detection can activate a voice and video lecture on A to Z Birth Defects with ideas to find the cause of 1 Birth Defect! Design Yale Mental Fitness Center to Invent Something! Greg use to spend 1 hour a day on a treadmill watching the women do Aerobics! Greg should have spent 1 hour a day on a treadmill watching YouTube Videos of all the A to Z birth defects to find a cause of 1. Waterproof big screen 45" LED TV's in the shower... Enhanced Mental Health for Invention Fitness!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“Birth Defects” Cause of one has just been discovered, wow!

A to Z list of Birth Defects at the end of this page and every one needs a “Manhattan Project” and a Los Alamos, link to IBM’s $ Trillion dollars worth of supercomputers they sold Los Alamos and didn’t mention the A to Z list of Birth Defects that needs a Supercomputer Simulation. I for one would like to know now many on this A to Z list was run through a Supercomputer Simulation by IBM executives from 1980 to 2012?

Cause of one has just been discovered, wow! Body temperature of mom and embryo much hotter than 98.6

Pregnant Mom sun bathing on the beach in Key West, High Temp in her womb is associated with cataracts in young children!

MD Medical Inventor will figure out how to take the mom’s and embryo’s temperature by the hour and text it to mom on a Key West Beach! With alarms going off if the embryo gets to hot!

Greg did a Google Image search for “Congenial Cataracts” and 100’s of children with cataracts in their eyes!

Lack of folic acid in the diet of a mother can cause cellular neural tube deformities that result in Spina Bifida

Birth Defect 1st one I remember MD Researchers discovered the major cause was Spina bifida, even this needs more research. There is neither a single cause of spina bifida nor any known way to prevent it entirely. However, dietary supplementation with folic acid has been shown to be helpful in reducing the incidence of spina bifida, women planning to become pregnant at least 0.4 mg/day of folic acid from at least three months before conception, and continued for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Now do all women world wide know this, no. One more Media Blitz on NBC medical commercials!

A to Z list and the number of medical student are drastically limited by every Medical School in the USA via Status quo made law by the top Brass at the AMA... who have not read this A to Z list or just don’t care to discover the cause in 2012, number of students who have applied for admission to American medical schools is -- 43,919 individuals applied for 19,230 slots. All 43K, in reality 430K are needed for 7 Billion Patients on Earth Today!

Yale Medical School limits every new class to 110 new students to become an MD, this is a crime against Humanity when you know there are 7 Billion people here!

Yale, New Haven a new Fitness Center Designed by Svigals Makes Hospital Employees Healthier if they could drive across New Haven 2 or 3 times a day 7 days a week. Who the Hell has time to drive across New Haven to workout for a hour, change, shower change!

Greg will design the Yale Key West Medical School with Treadmill Office Desk, Classroom Treadmills, 500 in a classroom of 500 students. Nautilus Office and Classroom machine!

Design of the Yale Key West Medical School will be on an Eiffel Tower Structure 27 stories high, stacks of “Containers” fully furnished. Wrap around porch on every floor with more Windmills than the JFK Air Craft Carrier!

Basic research at Yale is 100 MD’s for a population of 7 Billion. These 100 MD’s, their involvement takes place too late for 99% of the 7 Billion.

Telomerase – production of this enzyme, This is what gives cancer cells their immortality. IBM at Los Alamos has never run this scenario on any of the $ Trillions of dollars worth of IBM Supercomputers sold to Los Alamos from 1980 to 2012.

Findings from a 99-item survey distributed to more than 3,300 who were pregnant MD's. NONE of the 99 items surveyed asked about the A to Z list below on birth defects. How many pregnant women did basic research on one birth defect to find the cause when they themselves were pregnant? Women who become pregnant during their surgical residency still face negative reactions from other trainees and faculty, according to a new survey. Bias Common Against Pregnant Residents. Recently trained female surgeons, indicated that some stigma was attached to pregnancy during their training. NONE did basic research on any of the A to Z list of birth defects to find a cause! A phenomenon that should be investigated and delineated to enhance basic research among pregnant women in Medical School.

Yale Hospital employees have a newly designed “LivingWell” fitness center

Yale HR Kevin Myatt said we take care of Yale employees...

A School of Medicine in St. Louis, found that a blood test could predict risk of death when given during the first three days after an operation. The blood test measures levels of the heart protein troponin. Elevated troponin levels, an indicator of heart muscle damage, were linked to unexpected cardiac problems and death in the 30 days following non-cardiac surgery.

Yale employees HR did not get the Elevated troponin levels blood test for any Yale employee!

Yale’s new “Fitness Center” has art of Matisse all over the place...

Yale need to design a "Fitness Center for Diagnosis” that has Elevated troponin levels, charts and voice activated lectures in the shower!

Art of Matisse all over the Yale Hospital Employees “Fitness Center” is a crime!

500 Treadmills, cycles, Nautilus Machines can be built designed into a classroom!

Motion detection can activate a voice and video lecture on A to Z Birth Defects with ideas to find the cause of 1 Birth Defect!

Design Yale Mental Fitness Center to Invent Something!

Greg use to spend 1 hour a day on a treadmill watching the women do Aerobics!

Greg should have spent 1 hour a day on a treadmill watching YouTube Videos of all the A to Z birth defects to find a cause of 1

After all A to Z Birth Defects caused are found and fixed then Yale Hospital employees can look at Matisse Art

Manhattan Project for each A to Z Birth Defect

News of this surge in troops for Birth Defects will get more than Iraq Surge of Troops!

Build a New Los Alamos on the Islands off Key West

Ruling Class who can get a New Manhattan Project going have an attitude problem with medical discovery, like Cheney who cuts in line to get a new Heart when million others waiting die!

Star Traveling women with an embryo in the womb will know enough to take their temp.

Bias to the cause of Birth Defects is “Gasoline Exhaust”, basic research will probably find several or more birth defects caused by gasoline exhaust but not most of them!

Key West is a Mecca for Bikini women laying in the sun on a white beach

Key West Islands can be a Mecca for Manhattan Projects built on an Eiffel Tower structure on Islands off Key West and no Hurricane will cause a day’s lost of research! Grin!

Aicardi syndrome
Amelia and hemimelia
Amniotic Band syndrome
Angelman syndrome
Arnold-Chiari malformation
Bannayan-Zonana syndrome
Bardet-Biedl syndrome
Barth syndrome
Basal Cell Nevus syndrome
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Benjamin syndrome
Bladder exstrophy
Bloom syndrome
Cat Eye syndrome
Caudal regression syndrome
Sotos syndrome Cerebral Gigantism
CHARGE syndrome
Chromosome 16 Abnormalities
Chromosome 18 Abnormalities
Chromosome 20 Abnormalities
Chromosome 22 Abnormalities
Cleft lip/palate
Club foot
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (CIPA)
Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM)
Conjoined twins
Costello syndrome
Craniopagus parasiticus
Cri du chat syndrome
Cystic fibrosis
De Lange syndrome
Distal Trisomy 10q
Down syndrome
Ectodermal Dysplasia
Ectopia cordis
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Fetofetal Transfusion
Freeman-Sheldon syndrome
Goldenhar syndrome
Harlequin type ichthyosis
Heart disorders (Congenital heart defects)
Hemifacial Microsomia
Huntington's disease
Hirschsprung's Disease, or congenital aganglionic megacolon
Hypomelanism or hypomelanosis (albinism)
Imperforate anus
Incontinentia pigmenti
Intestinal neuronal dysplasia
Ivemark syndrome
Jacobsen syndrome
Katz syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
Kabuki syndrome
Larsen syndrome
Laurence-Moon syndrome
Marfan syndrome
Monosomy 9p-
Myasthenic Syndrome
Nager's Syndrome
Nail-Patella syndrome
Neonatal Jaundice
Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinosis
Noonan syndrome
Ochoa syndrome
Oculocerebrorenal syndrome
Pallister-Killian syndrome
Pectus Excavatum
Pierre Robin syndrome
Prader-Willi syndrome
Proteus syndrome
Prune belly syndrome
Radial aplasia
Rett syndrome
Robinow syndrome
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
Saethre-Chotzen syndrome
Situs inversus
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
Smith-Magenis syndrome
Spina bifida
Sturge-Weber syndrome
Syphilis, Congenital
Treacher Collins syndrome
Triple-X Females
Trisomy 13
Trisomy 9
Turner syndrome
Umbilical hernia
Usher syndrome
Waardenburg's syndrome
Werner syndrome
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome Cleft lip / palate Club foot

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** Fiery LA Wrecks without the skin peeling away! ** 8 July 2012 ++++

DOD proposals next month for solutions to technology hurdles to build a Mach 20 hypersonic X-plane without the skin peeling away by 2015. Proposal from Greg to women observers with Breast Cancer to make contact with Greg, help brainstorm a Rx Overnight Cure with Greg 24/7 with Greg's wives who have the best chance of anyone in the world of getting this Miracle Cure before 2015! Key West “Rotary” became unstable because of Greg and this web they were so “Unstable” that on the 4th of July they set off fireworks in a Black Hole of a Thunder Shower Cloud... just read todays Citizen paper readers comments! Yale Key West Medical School graduating Medical Students in 2015 will change the fate of tourists and locals having a cardiac arrest in public!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Defense Department's research arm will seek proposals next month for solutions to technology hurdles to build a Mach 20 hypersonic X-plane without the skin peeling away by 2015. Same time forecast statistics predict record breaking year for World Wide Fiery Car wrecks and Greg will be seeking proposals for synthetic skin for Many of the 20 thousand burns in 2015

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency said it will host a Proposers' Day

Greg’s Proposal Day will be when “Women Observers” can make contact with Greg in Key West and propose synthetic skin, Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer 24/7 work in a marriage with Greg

20 times the speed of sound, or Mach 20

4K Trillion Massive Galaxies are moving much faster today

Greg’s Proposal Day will be solutions to technology hurdles to build a Hubble Space Telescope fleet by 2015 that can Hear + Observe Aliens

Greg seeks Proposals from “Women Observers”!

Greg seeks as his #1 Proposal the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer as “we” would have the best chance of anyone in the World to get this Miracle this year 2012 by working 24/7.

MD’s + Scientists Have the Best Chance of anyone in the World to “Cure War + Diseases” via the Politics of Today!

This is a Best Selling Scenario, coming of age and the age of the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Invention!

Mind Set you have the Best Chance of anyone in the World...

NBC will have to come to grips with Fiery LA Wrecks they don't stop to help people on fire. NBC learned something from the horribly stupid way they handled Ann Curry's Today Show departure. When there are reports one of your personalities is going to get fired, immediately deny it, even if there's some truth to it. Deny. Deny. Deny. NBC Deny's all 20 thousand in Burn Units and Ann Curry never did a story on Skin Peeling Off, researching fast track how to make synthetic skin. Ann Curry and NBC Denied tens of thousands in Burn Units Exist as in NBC’s Universe they don’t Exist and Ann Curry will never do a story on this Genocide by NBC!

NBC's Meet the Press host David Gregory could be out of a job, a vote of confidence to Deny Burn Units painfully awkward NBC's Meet the Press host David Gregory could be out of a job. Simmering skin in gasoline flames rank what Ann Curry did and didn't do, so there's no reason it couldn't spell the same fate for David Gregory, Meet the Press on NBC will not report 2015 will be a record breaking year for Fiery Car Wrecks World Wide and Mach 20, 20 thousand will be admitted to Burn Units that don't have any synthetic skin invention yet, as it was not fast tracked by NBC.

Greg seeks Proposals to fast track synthetic skin for gasoline burned victims of BP Oil!

Greg seeks Proposals to Heal the Burns in Burned in Marriage, with Polygamous Marriage!

Coming to grips with Polygamous Marriage in a New Universe that will fast track a fleet of 20 Hubble space Telescopes by 2015

Same year the Pentagon will have its Mach 20 spy plane!

Greg + many wives will explore the goings on between Aliens in the Universe

Everyone on Earth will have a “New Heart” but Cheney and Bush

Bush at Yale Medical School changed some F grades to B grades for Cronyism!

U Cam is a Star NASA studies as its nearing the end of its life

Dash Cams in Model 2013 cars is about to go Wifi

Dash Cams with mic and speaker, over wifi connections

Fast Track for Mach 20 inventions for Dash Cams

City of Key West has the Best Chance of any City on Earth because Greg is POW here!

U Cam Stars when they run out of fuel become “Unstable”

Key West “Rotary” became unstable because of Greg and this web they were so “Unstable” that on the 4th of July they set off fireworks in a Black Hole of a Thunder Shower Cloud... just read todays Citizen paper readers comments!

Key West Cronyism scenarios, Rotary has to live with the idea if Greg gets a lot of Proposals from Women Observers a Yale Key West Medical School will be built there before 2015.

Cronyism scenario is when the British went to War over selling Opium to the Chinese!

Bacon Burgers are todays cronyism scenario

Tobacco and alcohol are also todays cronyism scenarios to make as much as BP Oil $

French + Swiss are War Profiteers

U Cam Star has more Carbon than Oxygen and has Powerful Winds

JFK Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills on its decks will have Powerful Winds that will be used to Fast Track NASA cans of H at –252 C for electric generation everywhere on Earth.

DOD seeks proposals for a Mach 20 spy plane

Greg seeks proposals for a fleet of Windmill Carriers, Overnight Breast Cancer Cure, Free Hydrogen, Free Health Care, Free University, Free to Marry into a Polygamous Marriage!

Lipitor $13 Billion a year for Bacon Burger cholesterol

News about the NYC Deli in court over the “Heart Attack” menu

Yes they want you to order the “Cardiac Arrest” for $24

NBC will have Ann Curry crying watching NBC bystanders doing resuscitation at 100 beats per minute, the new way you are suppose to do resuscitation!

Everyone watching will think Ann Curry hates Matt Lauer so much she is still crying!

Nationalization of Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline will give MD’s + Scientists a Fast Track to having the “Best Chance” of anyone in the World to get some Rx Overnight Cure drugs to replace Lipitor you have to take every day for the rest of your life!



What got Ann Curry crying out of control when she got fired on the Today Show?

NBC comments the same fate is in store for Gregory when He Host Meet the Press!

Ann Curry Hates Matt Lauer!

Key West Hate Crimes make the front page of the Citizen Newspaper... Not Burn Units and Fast Tracking skinitor, Rx Cure for Breast Cancer and Proposal from Greg to women with Breast Cancer to make contact with Greg, help brainstorm a Rx Overnight Cure with Greg. Brainstorming with wives who have the best chance of anyone in the world of getting this Miracle Cure!

Yale Key West Medical School graduating Medical Students in 2015 will change the fate of tourists and locals having a cardiac arrest in public!

Bystanders will be Medical Students not just standing by watching a Fiery LA wreck but saving their life!

NBC News Chief’s, Ann Curry, Matt Lauer have drove by thousands of Fiery Car Wreck World Wide without stopping to help! Expose the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980!

Greg’s Proposal to Women Observers is stop, Marry Greg, help save lives as we have the Best Chance of anyone in the World!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++ Newest Title ** Supercomputer Simulations at Los Alamos! ** 7 July 2012 ++++

Today In Key West History A horse-drawn Trolley on Truman Ave and Frances Streets. LA voted to spend Trillions on a high speed train when Dual Monorails 100 yards apart with Cruise Ship structures on top, several decks for cars trucks passengers... build this from LA to NYC as it will run on Electricity and society will have 200% more electricity than we can ever use and it will all be free! Same Mad Men, many at Ford did a Globalization of Gasoline Fueled Cars in China, if you think my pictures of Officer Jason burned in a Fiery Cop Car Wreck are Criminal you should see the ten’s of thousands of Cops, Women and children burned to death in fiery (Cop) Car Wrecks in China... maybe some day Hillary will make these pictures public as Today they are all classified, as Bush had the brilliant idea to make 99% of fiery wreck pictures and the thousands burned classified in our Orwellian Society!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Wives Being the Goddess of Inspiration were Denied Their Era + Los Alamos Supercomputers!

Wives who are Supercomputer Literate at Los Alamos Supercomputers were Psychologically “Set On Fire” to recycle Cuban Nukes from 1980 to 2012 knowing $4 Gasoline was a gov scam to mass $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues!

Gambling using several Los Alamos Supercomputers you know you will win something, recycling Cuban Nukes or working on 1,001 Spin off inventions from the ElectricWindmillCar Era

Plausible Deniability in Area 51 about the Alien in the Movie “Independence Day”

Today is the Perfect Moment in Time that Favor's Many Wives in a Polygamous Marriage working 24/7 to make up for the “$4 BP Oil” gasoline Era loss of trillions of dollars for the Race for the Cure and a Universe of Other medical, traffic control, farming (Helicopter Combines), fishing (Trillion Fish and Turtles) one invention after another suppressed, even Super Air Bags on the Outside front + Rear of cars and trucks was suppressed by BP Oil!

BP Oil Era passed Medical School regulations that students must never study 24/7

Who in their right minds would limit Medical School students time doing homework?

Hillary knows who all these men are, she might tell the public someday!

Reality of working with wives 24/7 will gets many Miracle Cure and Discoveries for Humanity!

Psychological warfare between men and women in divorce will come to a End with BP Oil Era

Psychological warfare between Dictators + Doctors favors MD’s Today

Next Era will be one of 200% more electricity than we can ever use and all free!

Windfall for Factories that use a lot of Electricity and getting inventions that use lots of electricity invented, maybe even the Discovery of how Gravity is Generated

1980 Era created by Jimmy Carter and Teddy Kennedy gave us Patrick Kennedy doing brain research without any Los Alamos Supercomputers or wives, this is as stupid as Teddy Kennedy giving Jimmy Carter a bribe to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar

Robert Kennedy Jr. just used Psychological Torture on his wife with 4 kids that caused her to hang herself in the family barn. This is a crime. Kennedy documented his psychological torture in Court and he bribed the Judge!

Who in their right mind would do this to mom with 4 kids?

Kennedy could not deny in his mind this was murder, he just does not want to be arrested for the murder of his wife... grin!

Trillions of Judges were bribed by rich and famous men in a divorce with the wife

In the next Era all these Judges will be arrested

Today is the Perfect Moment in Time that Favor's Many Wives in a Polygamous Marriage

Psychological warfare between men and women in divorce will come to a End with BP Oil Era

Today is the Perfect Moment in Time that Favor's Many Wives in a Polygamous Marriage working 24/7 to make up for the “$4 BP Oil” gasoline Era loss of trillions of dollars for the Race for the Cure and a Universe of Other medical, traffic control, farming (Helicopter Combines), fishing (Trillion Fish and Turtles) one invention after another suppressed, even Super Air Bags on the Outside front + Rear of cars and trucks was suppressed by BP Oil!

Today is the Perfect Moment in Time that Favor's Many Wives in a Polygamous Marriage

Today In Key West History A horse-drawn Trolley on Truman Ave and Frances Streets

LA voted to spend Trillions on a high speed train when Dual Monorails 100 yards apart with Cruise Ship structures on top, several decks for cars trucks passengers... build this from LA to NYC as it will run on Electricity and society will have 200% more electricity than we can ever use and it will all be free!

Who in their right minds would vote for a high speed train in LA?

Hillary knows who these men are, she might tell the public some day

Same Mad Men, many at Ford did a Globalization of Gasoline Fueled Cars in China, if you think my pictures of Officer Jason burned in a Fiery Cop Car Wreck are Criminal you should see the ten’s of thousands of Cops, Women and children burned to death in fiery Cop Car Wrecks in China... maybe some day Hillary will make these pictures public as Today they are all classified, as Bush had the brilliant idea to make 99% of fiery wreck pictures and the thousands burned classified in our Orwellian Society!

Henry Ford Hospital and Medical School Presidents and MD Professors when along with “Burn Units” to treat all the fiery wrecks but those burned in gasoline had to pay their own medical bills, BP Oil refused to may for gasoline burns from 1980 to 2012

All the Chinese leaders will be hanged in public

Robert Kennedy Jr’s wife hanged herself in the family Barn!

Mary Kennedy would be alive today if Teddy Kennedy didn’t suppress the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

Next Era will make the Globalization of “Henry Ford Hospital and Medical Schools” many Doctors from the BP Oil Era with gas bribes in Swiss Banks will be hanged I would hope!

Ford Car Executives with Offices in China all know about the fiery wrecks in China and LA

Most will never get out alive in a Coup

Most believe BP Oil Era is about out of Gas!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota will deny everything, and everyone will believe them as much as we Believe Clinton!

Mayo Clinic did 100’s of Shock Treatments on Hemingway

Wives at Los Alamos skilled with Supercomputers will be able to prefect Shock Treatments on the Brain. Only with several Los Alamos Supercomputers could Shock Treatments for the Brain be perfected... Mayo Clinic was out of its time in 1960 Shock Treatments

BP Oil Era 1980 to 2012 spent Trillions of Dollars on IBM Supercomputers for Los Alamos and none for Medical Schools

Who in their right minds would do this?

Hillary knows who these men are, and might tell the public someday

BP Oil Era give Microsoft, Bill + Melinda 100’s of Billions of dollars a year from 1980 to 2012

Microsoft makes Billions just from tutors...

Next Era Microsoft Tutors via YouTube will be free!

Windfall for Trillions of inventors left out in the cold by Cold Hearted Oil Men

Today’s government denies it harms Inventions and Medical Students by stifling 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out with links to get you started on this Web Page!

Plausible Deniability!

Reality of working Medical Students 24/7

Windfall of Discoveries and Inventions when many Wives work their Husband 24/7 in a Polygamous Marriage!

Windfall for all the wives will be when they get one invention after another after another after another!

Hillary was Secretary of State in the wrong Era

Secretary of Invention, every woman, wife, who gets this job will out wit Hillary!

Women Secretary of Invention will get their Era + Los Alamos Supercomputers to make a difference Mayo never had a chance when they shocked Hemingway’s Brain without several Los Alamos Supercomputer simulations... even Nukes get simulations come on!

Wives get the Goddess of Inspiration Jobs they were Denied in the BP Oil Era

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


+++ Newest Title ** Girls All Want to be Doctors! ** 6 July 2012 ++++

Girls All Want to be Doctors! Vote for a Woman MD for President, VP and White House Chef, Change the World Order! Hillary and Bill didn’t influence their daughter to become a MD Woman... Bill became a Vegan, Hillary became a French Chef for the State Department. More women will die of Heart disease in 2012 than people killed in all wars ever fought! Allure her to the destiny of becoming a women Doctor. Women writers of articles in the New England Journal of Medicine. Impressed Greg more than Hemingway! Some of the women MD writers make you want to read their complete works!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Every Medical School has Professors of Preventive Medicine

None are hired by the Worlds Dictators

Choose a MD Women to be VP

Choose a MD for the White House Chef

Heat is on Hillary the state Department Chef killing her own troops with a poison diet!

Hillary poisoned Bill with Bacon Burgers... Bill converted to a Vegan Diet!

Hillary is poisoning the entire State Department Staff with her Heart Attack Menu!

Women MD writers at the New England Journal of Medicine will never be nominated for a Nobel by Hillary for their articles on Heart Disease caused by the White House Chef

Nobel Prize for Women MD writers published in the New England Journal of Medicine will be a category added by people who make life saving decisions in the USA Government!

Seductress Wives serve Baked Veggies Burgers!

Long lived husbands who work 24/7 inventing cures for women’s cancers and diseases!

Hillary and Bill didn’t influence their daughter to become a MD Woman...

French Chef’s don’t influence anyone to become a Doctor

Chef’s who’s menu influences White House kids to become a Doctor was not hired!

Seductress Wives are in a better position to have offspring to become Doctors!

MD Women for President and VP running mate

Change the World, bring back prohibition... alcohol, tobacco, and guns this time

MD Woman Chemist writing in the New England Journal of Medicine on Chemistry of Alcohol, water and foods. What has to be put in water and food that will cause a bad taste when someone drinks a alcoholic beverage!

Fluoride in water for tooth decay, just add a few more HO chains to the Fluoride and the alcoholic drink will taste like chalk!

Put something in H2O that reacts with the taste of Alcohol

Do the same thing for smokers

Guns, 103 F in Chicago and 103 murders from drunks with guns

CIA Tactics are ok for this mission named 103

Battalion of several SWAT Companies collect “Guns” in a after midnight raid

State Department guys leave behind an air conditioner running on H at –252 C to cool tempers

Prohibition Era women should have succeeded in 1930

Prohibition Era women MD’s will succeed in 2012

Tactics that influence your taste

Hillary Today has a taste for French Chef Menu

Everyone knows Burger King promotes the worst choice in healthy foods

Burger King has billions of dollar for advertising on NBC

Understanding Business Product liability is over our heads or just to political

Barbe Doll the Princess will lose sales to Barbe Doll the Women MD

All of a sudden she wants to become a Doctor

"Art" of persuasion, for public health, and intelligence the State Department refused to eat!

Smoking and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases

Nothing can influence everyone to quit smoking all at once

There are no detectives tracking down and making a arrest for sexually transmitted diseases

How many are murdered over sexually transmitted diseases is never in the news

Nobel would pick one the New England Journal of Medicine articles on sexually transmitted disease as the winner for 2013 then everyone will be enticed to read it

Influenced by reading this article women will want to become a Doctor

Allure her to the destiny of becoming a women Doctor

Women writers of articles in the New England Journal of Medicine

Impressed Greg more than Hemingway!

Some of the women MD writers make you want to read their complete works!

Today the average age of a girl the first time she reads an article in the New England Journal of Medicine could be in her 30’s. 40’s, 50’s and most have never read a article!

Change the World Order

Our Dictator in Chicago 103 F 103 Murders Via Drunks with Guns

Kids left in Hot Cars in the Heat Wave, Nightly News ran out of time reporting Heat

Hillary on Good Morning American CBS as State Dept Chef running back and forth from her office to the kitchen and Bill’s Vegan Diet is not allowed and probably Bill too, grin!

Bill became a Vegan and Hillary became a French Chef

Win one, Lose one!

When Hillary gets to a Nursing Home she will have the dietitian murdered!

A Diet of Bacon Burgers is a Dilemma for “Doctors and Dictators”

Hillary’s shocking statistics of the dead in her Syrian War is nothing to SWF’s Burgers kill

More women in 2012 will die from a clogged aorta than all the Pentagon’s dead in all wars every fought, just in one year 2012

Statistics are off the Charts but not mentioned by Hillary after her War News on Syria

Change the World Order

Prohibition will win one this time around as Dr. Nancy will say if it makes an alcoholic drink taste like Hell put it in the food and water!

Fluoride in the drinking water

Alcoholide in the drinking water

Handshake will let you know if they have a sexually transmitted disease

Understanding liability is hard!

Medical School Politics too as every Professor of Preventive Medicine at every Medical School had Failed Humanity yet they make the big bucks...

Professors of Preventive Medicine are suppose to train people to make a life saving decision when ordering food from a menu

Bill did, Hillary didn't , maybe this is a Husband and Wife Conflict?

Seductress Wives shopping list of Change the World Order for her husbands homework

Get the Chicago drunks with guns, off guard in the record breaking heat wave of 103 F

Send in the SWAT Battalion, leave in place of every gun a “H” air conditioner that will run 24/7 for the rest of the long hot Chicago summer of 2012

Impeach Hillary, this time we will win one!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** Era of Inventors! ** 5 July 2012 ++++

British BP Oil will be defeated by Americans! On the 4th of July! Warnings, to slow down as the car can see for light years ahead... Grin! Medical Students take a 1,001 Practice Test to determine the Diagnoses before seeing the Patient! Electrocutions of children swimming in a lake on the 4th of July and the Sheriff Can’t Determine the Cause. If you have a Cardiac Arrest outside on the street with bypassers you have a better chance of being resuscitated because the crowd will brainstorm what to do to save your life! Sheriff’s I think would buy 100’s of lottery Tickets... Medical Students would buy 1 lottery ticket a semester, maybe! Pulling Teeth will come out like Stone Crab in melted butter! In an Era of Inventors!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Electrocutions on the 4th of July and the Sheriff Can’t Determine the Cause

Medical Students take a 1,001 Practice Test to determine the Diagnoses before seeing the Patient!

Sheriff’s I think would buy 100’s of lottery Tickets...

Medical Students would buy 1 lottery ticket a semester, maybe!

Greg never buys a lottery ticket, every day I write up invention ideas, I hope to win many wives to invent the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer with!

Bill + Melinda will never be 24/7 Husband-Wife Inventors!

Bill + Hillary will never be 24/7 Husband-Wife Inventors!

John Edwards was Treasonous not helping Elizabeth brainstorm inventions 24/7 to stay alive with breast cancer!

Polygamous Married people will get more inventions after taking the Writing and Invention Classes at the Hemingway House in Key West!

Teenage girls could someday write on their Facebook page, Quitting Facebook to work on 1,001 Invention Projects that are spelled out in the new Windows 13 with links to get you started and Microsoft finally programmed the Icon, record this Internet session as a YouTube Video so I can share all my Invention Project research with everyone on Gregs InventBook!

1st Invention she will be working on is a more effective “Warning Label” against buying the lottery tickets, as it warps your mind to inventing something!

NBC in 2020 will advertise their new season line up as “Inventive”!

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills will be crime against humanity TV Era by NBC GE MSNBC

“Today Show” with 4 hours of Inventors and Invention Projects from Electrocutions to Los Alamos working to help Medical Students Invent Something!

Electricity + Magnetism are 2 different Invention Projects

Spectrum is from Visible Light to Gamma Rays

Radio is wireless transmission of electric impulses by Electromagnetic Waves

1st person who invention a way to send and receive radio is Gregs favorite story!

Era of more people buying Invent Something than Lottery Tickets will happen, could happen in 2012 before Christmas Day if our Dictator Orders this!

Trump and his Celebrity Apprentice scam artists will be arrested and sued by millions in a class action law suit!

NBC will replace Trump’s TV show with a “Real Invent Something: like AA size batteries that are micro-hydrogen electric generators, Real Invent Something NBC TV show that Trumps Mr. Trump the Egocentric would never present to 7 billion viewers!

All NBC Prime Time TV Shows will be rewritten for an Era of Inventors, Super Inventor!

Exactly how many Husband-Wives will become devoted 24/7 inventors brainstorming?

Several time more than the statistics on how many buy gov. lottery tickets each week!

Wall Street will reinvent its insider trading to what is the top 10 inventions projects most are working on

3-D Rendering of Anatomy is ok, what’s required ASAP is more Effective Warning Labels!

Writing and Inventing classes at Hemingway House in Key West will cover writing a novel like Old Man and the Sea fighting off Sharks that are harmful to people!

Electrocutions on the 4th of July were children swimming in a lake at the Ozarks

Other children swimming between two house boats

British are much more deadly to children in London though you have never hear the electrocution news on the BBC because the British Gov uses 220 volts for the masses not 110 volts in the USA

This must be reinvented ASAP as there must be a way to covert England to 110

NBC new TV season will have Electrocutions as the name of several new TV Shows

Cardiac Arrest from Electrocutions

Resuscitations success in the news yesterday, if you are outside on the streets not at home and bystanders are by and help brainstorming what to do with each other you have a better chance of getting resuscitated.

So if you have several wives you have a better chance of getting one invention after another after another... grin!

Heart Pacemakers are mostly inside but I’m sure Greg + Wives can invent some impressive pacemakers that go on the outside of your body

Casino Gambling has some life and death risk, not as much as working on invention projects

Life and Death risk to Oil Men after the Coup is high!

Officer Jason burned with wife and daughter is one of tens of thousands burned in a fiery LA Wreck

Hillary gave BP Oil diplomatic Immunity!

Which will expire when a Coup is successful!

Era of no gasoline, 100’s of percent more electricity than we can ever use!

Mental State of being Electrified by the idea of an Inventor Era

Electrified by the idea of Los Alamos programmers in control of a Trillion dollars worth of IBM supercomputers writing programs for your invention project!

FDA just approved CT scan data on a workstation

FDA will only approve CT scan data on Los Alamos Supercomputers soon...

Cuba Era Nukes have been recycled into Ultra Mega Megaton Nukes like Star Wars!

Time + Gravity rendering at Los Alamos, stop cancer rendering, gas lobotomy gas rendering ASAP

5 Million Man Army will be Inventors!

500 Million Man Army will be Inventors!

Manhattan Projects Name will be on every Invention Project to Inspire the Inventors

NBC Promotional commercials hype the coming Inventor Era!

Pulling Teeth will come out like Stone Crab in melted butter!

The retired hippies will be reinvented Inventors

Teenage girls will quit Facebook and join InventBook!

Era of abundance of Electricity and Inventors will be here on the 4th of July!

British BP Oil will be defeated by Americans!

American Invention the ElectricWindmillCar will be sold world wide!

Accessories like wake up call when you fall asleep driving will be perfected

Dash Web Cam so the cops can see and talk to you before they pull you over...

Warnings, to slow down as the car can see for light years ahead... Grin!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** 4th Inventors Fireworks! ** 4 July 2012 ++++

4th of July Invention Fireworks! Husband and Wives inventors are playing it by ear waiting for the Observers to Make Contact. Reeved up to start working 24/7 on 1,001 4th of July Invention Projects stifled by the British BP Oil since the 1980 American Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar at the hight of the Saudi Oil Embargo with gas lines going around the block! Scientology has a Alien Galactic Dictator, British have a Dictator that Alienates 7 Billion from a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer! And the American Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar 1980.

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

4th of July Revolution; social, political, and intellectual revolution for the Discovery III Shuttle with a “Gravity Engine” and gravity fuel!

4th of July Revolution; "God particle" Higgs boson is believed to have been created by the Big Bang some 13 billion years ago. Higgs boson may shed light on how matter came into being at the very start of the Universe, a thousandth of a billionth of a second after the Big Bang

4th of July Revolutionary News above makes Greg think, the “Big Bang Inferno” was the creating of 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies, the “Start” of the Universe is the creating of this “Big Bang Inferno”!

4th of July Identifies the British Criminals, today they are BP Oil and GlaxoSmithKline Rx who’s motivation is not a “Overnight Cure” but treatment they can charge Medicare $47 Billion dollars for every 3 months forever as they don’t want a Rx Overnight Cure for Cancers!

4th of July Sub Atomic Particle News hype is to cover up “How Gravity is Generated”

4th of July news should have been about the Chain of Events that created the Big Bang Inferno and the Chain of Events they formed 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies moving at millions of miles per hour and gaining speed every day they expand into infinite space!

4th of July MD Vital Signs hunt for the cures for disease, social diseases drunks, smoking, mindless eating, violence against women, drugs, fiery LA wrecks everyone drives by without stopping to help end gasoline Era!

4th of July a more realistic place to start scrutinizing Saudi Arabia with $177 Trillion in oil revenues when Race for the Cure Women need all these $ Trillions of dollars for a Overnight Cancer Cure in 2012

4th of July Fireworks caused eye damage, hearing loss. In Humans observing and hearing Aliens with a new Era of Space Telescopes

4th of July Identifies World Dictators Criminal Behaviors in Scam Polio Vaccines to tens of millions of children world wide. Murderous Behavior in Afghanistan which is not realized a war to kill as many Muslims as possible! Cholera in Haiti 7,500 dead, infected by UN Troops from Nepal and no Surge of MD Troops from Yale or Harvard Medical School to stop the statistics from reaching 10K. Jimmy Carters Status Quo killed 1 million 63 thousand southern women who smoked!

4th of July 7 Billion People request full custody of our Universe

4th of July Men like Robert Kennedy Jr. will in front of the Orwellian Cameras Torture his wife into committing suicide by his ability to buy bribe the Judge and Courts to take 4 kids away from mom via lies the Judge and Courts know is a lie!

4th of July Start of some real social Fireworks that will start a truthful Divorce Court!

4th of July restraining orders by women will come with instant installation of “Web” cameras with mic and speakers everywhere she comes and goes to!

4th of July thoughts of the Yale 2012 couple driving home to Boston, he fell asleep driving killing the coed. Yale Engineering should be sued for not installing dash cams with mic and speakers for idiot students starting out driving at 3 am from New Haven to get to Boston at Sunrise. As Yale students were not taught real world social skills, you don’t start driving to Boston at 3 am. If you do call ahead to your sis at the graduation party and tell her to watch you on the dash cam as you are dozing off even before you start your drive to Boston!

4th of July 2012 playing it by ear as to when the “Observers” are going to call or knock on your door to make contact. Pardon you on the 4th of July so you can start working 24/7 on the 5th of July on a Rx Penicillin like Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer with many Wives in a Polygamous Marriage that is legal!

4th of July, Yes it Matters that Matter came into Existence billion of Years Before the Big Bang Exploded!

4th of July, Yes CERN in Geneva wasted Trillions that should have been invested in how is Gravity Generated!

4th of July Revolution by Husband + Wives starts with Windows 8 that is a scam Polio vaccination with no vaccine to work on 1,001 invention projects spelled out with links to get your started. Icon to click start recording this internet session as a YouTube Video so I can share it with all my innovative wives was deleted by Bill + Melinda to let Inventors know they have a warped sense of Humor... that can not go faster than the speed of light programming 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out pre installed in Windows 8 Wow!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++ Newest Title ** 4th of July Air Craft Carriers Role Reversal ** 3 July 2012 ++++

4th of July 2012 Air Craft Carriers Role Reversal; Armed with 10K Windmills and Electrolysis for H at – 252 C, 10K NASA Made Cans of H at –252 C made from H2O daily! Serendipity Chain of Events that Caused 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies that are our Universe! Chain of Events that Caused the Role Reversal of Air Craft Carriers Role Reversal; Armed with 10K Windmills and Electrolysis for H at – 252 C “Biggest Threat” to “World Dictators” is the Belief that Greg + Wives working 24/7 after Our Orwellian Dictator makes contact can get the Rx Penicillin like Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer before Christmas Day 2012

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

4th of July 2012 Air Craft Carriers Role Reversal; is no longer a Threat to Our Dictator!

World Dictators see Aliens + 4K Trillion Galaxies as no threat!

“Biggest Threat” to “World Dictators” is the Belief that Greg + Wives working 24/7 after Our Orwellian Dictator makes contact can get the Rx Penicillin like Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer before Christmas Day 2012

4th of July 2012 Air Craft Carriers Role Reversal; Armed with 10K Windmills and Electrolysis for H at – 252 C, 10K NASA Made Cans of H at –252 C made from H2O daily

Serendipity Chain of Events in DC following Violent Thunder Storms that knocked out Electricity to Millions at HQ and the electrical outage that will last past the 4th of July, spoiled food is stacked outside on the curbs for Waste Management pick up on July 5th

Serendipity Chain of Events that Caused 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies that are our Universe!

Greg is the only one that has been thinking up invention projects 24/7 for several years!

DC and Common Wealth Edison Electric Company have been putting up Power Poles with Transformers at every 5th Pole and they all exploded in lightning strikes!

New England Electric Companies Failed to Invent Anything in the last 10, 4th of July’s

England is responsible for the doldrums of New England Electric’s lack of innovations!

British sold the Colony’s Ruling Class on keeping BP Oil rich beyond imagination!

Unjustified as BP Oil stifled a New Utopian Humanity from 1980 to 2012

British and American Dictators who bought into BP Oil are the worst “Social Cancer” in the history of Earth!

1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar was the Declaration of Independence for Gasoline Sales on Earth!

There are more “Perpetual Motion” Inventions in the Universe, one is the Gravity Engine fueled by Gravity!

Even Amelia Ran Out of Gasoline...

Dictators can Run Out of Gasoline too...

Serendipity Chain of Events that Caused 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies that are our Universe!

Serendipity Chain of Events in DC following Violent Thunder Storms

Serendipity Chain of Events that Caused 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies that are our Universe!

Chain of Events that Caused the Role Reversal of Air Craft Carriers Role Reversal; Armed with 10K Windmills and Electrolysis for H at – 252 C

Firepower of an Air Craft Carrier in this new Role should be 10K Cans of H at –252 C every day once production gets up to speed!

More Electricity than American could every use!

So they will invent more things that run on electricity!

Electric Appliances Frenzy of inventing, reinvented electric can opener!

Electric Door and Windows, Windows 8 with pre installed electric programs Bill + Melinda would stifle forever it they could have!

“Vengeance of Inventions” will be the Name of the 1st Air Craft Carrier built from scratch to Electrolysis H2O into H at –252 C

“Double Production” to 20K cans of H a Day!

200% more electricity than American could ever use!

Conquest and Imagination were Docked at Westin in Key West Today

Reverence for Electricity by all Americans on the 4th of July 2012

Belief that Greg + Wives working 24/7 after Our Orwellian Dictator makes contact can get the Rx Penicillin like Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer before Christmas Day 2012

Fritz Hoffman-La Roche is Trillions of Light Years from a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Fritz Hoffman-La Roche overcharged Medicare $47 Billion for Rx’s that extended a breast cancer women’s life by 3.4 months longer to live!

Millions of American women lived in Torture for 3.4 months longer!

Fritz Hoffman-La Roche has not motivation to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer as they would lose 47 Billion from Medicare soon as its discovered!

Swiss Bankers will lose $177 Trillion soon as American Dictators design the 4th of July 2013 Model ElectricWindmillCars

4th of July 2012 was the turning point for Humanities Star Ship design and production too

Swiss Governments Failure in Banking, Rx, killed 1 billion people world wide!

Million traffic lights will be reinvented with wifi and cell signals to car drivers

2012 Model Cars will be the last without “Climate Control” via H at –252 C 24/7

2012 Inventors will be the one’s who invent the New Telescopes that will Hear and Observer Aliens

2020 4th of July or sooner 1st Aliens will be Heard + Observed

Serendipity Chain of Events that Caused 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies that are our Universe!

Dictators will keep this Chain of Events that caused 4 trillion massive galaxies off the “Today Show” for as long as possible!

Dictators see Aliens + 4K Trillion Galaxies as no threat!

“Biggest Threat” to “World Dictators” is the Belief that Greg + Wives working 24/7 after Our Orwellian Dictator makes contact can get the Rx Penicillin like Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer before Christmas Day 2012

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

++++++ Newest Title ** 4th of July Marry A MD Day *** 2 July 2012 ++++

CIA is Dangerous to Whom... women + children, Greg, or Oil Men with $177 Trillion? Dangerous is GlaxoSmithKline a British Company bribed Doctors MD’s to ruin your health and charge you for it. CIA is Dangerous to SWF who are Sex Slaves in Saudi Arabia on 4 July 12 with no Orders to the Navy Seals to launch a Rescue Mission! CIA HQ, Thunder Storm downed Power Lines, 3 million without power in 100 F Temp and H at –252 C should be in every Ice Box in the USA for more than a Decade... CIA helped suppress this invention of Greg’s! Dangerous Domestic Violence murders and murder-suicide can be stopped overnight with several inventions that are possible on the 4th of July 2012 Polygamous Marriage Made Legal on the 4th of July 2012 is one Invention!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“Invention Day” on the 4th of July 2012

4th of July will be Marry A MD Day with Universal Medicare with AARP United Health Supplemental best policy for every American!

CIA is Dangerous to Whom... women + children, Greg, or Oil Men with $177 Trillion

CIA is Dangerous to Whom... women + children, Greg, or Oil Men with $177 Trillion

CIA is Dangerous to SWF who are Sex Slaves in Saudi Arabia on 4 July 12 with no Orders to the Navy Seals to launch a Rescue Mission!

Dangerous for CIA Women to even talk about in the “Break Room at HQ” is SWF Sex Slaves in Saudi Arabia on the 4th of July

CIA HQ, Thunder Storm downed Power Lines, 3 million without power in 100 F Temp

H at –252 C should be in every Ice Box in the USA for more than a Decade... CIA helped suppress this invention of Greg’s!

“Invention Day” on the 4th of July 2012

100’s of Greg’s inventions since the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 have been suppressed by the CIA and our Dictators!

GlaxoSmithKline a British Company bribed Doctors MD’s

BP Oil a British Company bribed the Pope $

CIA is Dangerous to Whom... women + children, Greg, or Oil Men with $177 Trillion

Even more Dangerous is Galactic Dictator Xenu

Other Galactic Dictators are sure to exist in a Universe of 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies

Back to school for CIA Top Brass

Universe... Discovery III Shuttle with a Gravity Engine and Gravity Fuel should be built by the CIA

H at –252 C in NASA cans, Trillions need to be manufactured ASAP

Back to School for Women and Children, given a Royal Oxford Education

Windows 8 for Oxford retails for over $50,000 for each student using it!

Apps for designing a Eiffel Tower, Data Base Software to turn Medicare Supplemental add on Mega gap into 1 click on Amazon... 1,001 Invention projects software preinstalled

Universal Medicare with AARP United Health Supplemental best policy for every American!

4th of July will be Marry A MD Day with Universal Medicare with AARP United Health Supplemental best policy for every American!

4th of July 2012 British Queen is homeless in a Universe with Trillions of Galaxies!

4th of July 2012 French Drunk Drivers are to Dangerous to Women + Children killing 33% of all traffic deaths every day! French government is Dangerous as they can still drink wine while driving. All vehicles travelling on French roads must carry a chemical or electronic breathalyzer test beginning Sunday, under new rules aimed at reducing alcohol-driven accidents.

French Government is extremely Dangerous to Women + Children as many will be killed by drunk drivers on the 4th of July 2012

Disney “It’s A Small World” will change the menu at all its Theme Parks to keep Americans from getting any fatter on the 4th of July 2012

French Government will never change its Wine Menu!

The most Dangerous Government in the World is the USA!

Bush with “No Child Left Behind” just built a Super Air Craft Carrier for this Father and did not put 10,000 Windmills on the Decks to make H out of H2O

The most Dangerous Government in the World is the USA!

Henry Ford Hospital and Medical School President, Leno and Letterman drive by fiery LA Wrecks and don’t stop to help women and children on fire!

The most Dangerous Government in the World is the USA!

Treadmill Desk Office, Classrooms, Living Rooms, are a much better requirement than the French Governments... All vehicles travelling on French roads must carry a chemical or electronic breathalyzer test beginning Sunday, under new rules aimed at reducing alcohol-driven accidents.

Dangerous to even try to reduce the clogged Aorta deaths of women from bacon burgers!

Dangerous to even try to reduce the deaths from Tobacco

Dangerous to even try to stop millions from ruined life gambling!

Domestic Violence murders and murder-suicide can be stopped overnight with several inventions that are possible on the 4th of July 2012

Polygamous Marriage Made Legal on the 4th of July 2012

Government will require Windows 8 to come preinstalled with 1,001 Invention Projects for a Polygamous Marriage

24/7 Brainstorming 1,001 Invention Projects with many wives!

Breast Cancer is Dangerous and needs a Rx Overnight Cure in 2012. Its obvious our Dictator is extremely busy with War Games around the world. Just the idea our Dictator ordered the “Flame Virus” to impress Iran and snub women observers with breast cancer today!

Dictator will not change the menu at the Pentagon

E=mc2 is not obvious but its true as Wives getting one invention after another after another after writing and inventing classes at the Hemingway House in Key West on Women Inventors 4th of July 2012

E=mc2 is not obvious neither is the mechanism that Generates Gravity + Love of Women!

Dangerous 4th of July 2012, women and children will be killed in car wrecks they wouldn’t die in if our Dictator didn’t suppress Super Outside Air Bags front and rear in cars and trucks for the last 10 4th of July’s in the USA

Even more Dangerous than the CIA is our Dictator!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


++++++ Newest Title ** 1,001 New Med Schools Built *** 1 July 2012 ++++

“Trillion Man Hours of Work” by the CIA on the "Flame Virus"! Greg + Wives in Key West were not allowed to work even 1 hour on brainstorming a Rx Overnight cure for Breast Cancer! Idea of 1915 Henry Ford suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar. Idea of the Ford Hospital and Medical School President not stopping to help at tens of thousands of Fiery LA Wrecks world wide! 1915 Because of founder Henry Ford's concern that tobacco is unhealthy, the hospital is one of the first hospitals in the U.S. to institute a total ban on smoking. Greg + Wives will get Prohibition Again for Tobacco and Alcohol! 4th of July Revolution coming up in 3 days! Polygamous Marriage made legal on the 4th of July 2012 to stimulate the Race for the Cure in 2012

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

1980 Henry Ford Hospital and Medical School in Detroit

1980 Invention and suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and 1,001 Yale Key West Medical Schools built on an Eiffel Tower Base. 1,001 World wide by 2012 and NONE were built because Ford went along with $4 gasoline Era None of the 1,001 ElectricWindmillCar Medical School were ever built... this is the worst crime against Humanity other than the scam Polio vaccine by the CIA MD’s in Pakistan and world wide!

1980 Invention and suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and 1,001 Yale Key West Medical Schools built on an Eiffel Tower Base.

1980: Drs. Fred W. Whitehouse and Dorothy A. Kahkonen are the first physicians in Michigan and the second in the country to administer human insulin to a patient with diabetes. At Henry Ford Hospital and Medical School

1980 Invention and suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and 1,001 Yale Key West Medical Schools built on an Eiffel Tower Base.

1980 Invention and suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and 1,001 Yale Key West Medical Schools built on an Eiffel Tower Base.

1994: Henry Ford performs the first lung transplant in metro Detroit, making it the only facility in metro Detroit to perform all solid organ transplants.

1980 Invention and suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and 1,001 Yale Key West Medical Schools built on an Eiffel Tower Base.

1985: Drs. Fraser Keith and Donald Magilligan perform Detroit's first heart transplant.

1980 Invention and suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and 1,001 Yale Key West Medical Schools built on an Eiffel Tower Base.

1915 Because of founder Henry Ford's concern that tobacco is unhealthy, the hospital is one of the first hospitals in the U.S. to institute a total ban on smoking.

1980 Invention and suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and 1,001 Yale Key West Medical Schools built on an Eiffel Tower Base.

1980 Yale Key West Hospital and Medical School and 1,001 other Medical School were lost to $4 Gasoline Era from 1980 to 2012

The Worst Health Care lost in the history of Humanity!

To add insult to tens of millions of heath care deaths in the USA our 1984 Dictator made health care and University free in Saudi Arabia

SWF’s in the USA can drive a car and get into fiery LA wrecks, Saudi Women who protested not being able to drive in Saudi Arabia in 2012 got 30 Whip Lashes from Saudi men who spit on Hillary’s request for mercy!

Our Sophisticated 1984 Societies most Sophisticated “Work” is the “Trillion Man Hours” the CIA spent programming the “Flame Virus” to infect Iran Nukes... at the same time giving them $ Trillions in revenues since 1980 from $4 Gasoline Era!

Sick... is there a Doctor at the CIA?

Sick... 9/11 Manhattan and No ElectricWindmillCars on the streets of Manhattan to prevent the Saudi Terrorists from financing the World Trade Center attack with $4 gasoline Era Revenues. Same $4 gasoline money Iran is building Nukes with in 2012

CIA does not stand for Intelligence, CIA stands for $4 Gasoline revenues!

“Trillion Man Hours of Work” by the CIA on the "Flame Virus"! Greg + Wives in Key West were not allowed to work even 1 hour on brainstorming a Rx Overnight cure for Breast Cancer!


Autobiography of Greg in Key West, 1984 Video Clips put together!

Ford assembly line 1915

Greg 1st assembly line for millions of lung transplants from Tobacco Plantation Owners

Clandestine “Women Observers” pull off a successful Coup to Confiscate $177 Trillion!

CIA crime of the “Fiery Virus”

Crime of “Fiery Ford” wrecks

Ford recall of all gasoline engine cars and trucks for ElectricWindmillCars and trucks

Trillions of spin off inventions from the ElectricWindmillCar all of them suppressed

1,001 Yale Hospital and Medical Schools built with the revenues from the ElectricWindmillCar Era none built, not one. 1st one will be built in Key West on a Eiffel Tower Structure!

Idea of 1915 Henry Ford suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar

Idea of the Ford Hospital and Medical School President not stopping to help at tens of thousands of Fiery LA Wrecks world wide!

MD President at the same time stifling Greg + Wives from working 24/7 brainstorming a Rx Overnight cure for Breast cancer in a Polygamous Marriage, this will be the 1st Polygamous Marriage in Key West too!

God’s best invention is women!

1,001 Invention Projects, intense fire power of getting one invention after another after another by Greg’s wives who took writing and inventing classes at Hemingway House in Key West

Today “Today Show” Polygamous Marriage made legal to make up for the loss of 1,001 Yale Key West Hospitals and Medical Schools not built in the $4 gasoline Era from 1980 to 2012

4th of July Revolution coming up in 3 days!

4th of July “Today Show” about the ElectricWindmillCar and its trillions of spin off inventions by Greg, all suppressed!

Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer stifled by our 1984 Dictator when Today Show mentions Race for the Cure!

Nuclear War 2013 was financed by $4 Gasoline revenues from 1980 to 2012

King of Saudi Arabia tried to buy Nukes from Pakistan so “Women Observers” can’t confiscate his $177 Trillion for Race for the Cure windfall money!

Race for the Cure Windfall will be “Polygamous Marriage” made legal with Greg + MD Wives working 24/7 for weeks and months brainstorming a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

Best Revenge our Our 1984 Dictator will be getting the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure in 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Windfall on the 4th of July 2012

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


++++++ Newest Title ** Galactic Dictator Xenu's *** 30 June 2012 ++++

Galactic Dictator Xenu's High Class Women, Sophisticated women! Katie as Jackie Kennedy, Nicole Kidman as Martha Gellhorn, Anger Management in the Movie Hemingway and Gellhorn. Disney Prince, Knight to Rescue women and children is a new Disney TV Series to save the Princess, Life Savings TV Series is “Lobotomy Gas Therapy” by Dr. Nancy Alien women who can control Dictator Xenu Nicole, Katie, Martha, Jackie, Hillary who can control “1984” Dictators of Gasoline who’s motive is greed $177 Trillion dollars that will be confiscated and is at the end of Todays page I just finished writing!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Galactic Dictator Xenu and now Our “1984” Dictator Invents Something To See Hear Aliens

Convert Scientology to Invent Something to Hear + See Aliens 75 light years away and 4.3 Light Years away

Aliens could be at every one of the 10 Nearest Stars to Earth!

Galactic Dictator and Gasoline Dictators two of a kind

Mind Control over a billion observers by these Gasoline Dictators, a conspiracy and the motive is $177 Trillion in oil revenues

Psychotic Gasoline Dictators

Conspiracy to divide up $177 Trillion

Galactic Dictator Xenu and now Our “1984” Dictator Invents Something To See Hear Aliens

Convert Scientology to Invent Something to Hear + See Aliens 75 light years away and 4.3 Light Years away

High Class Women, Sophisticated women!

Katie as Jackie Kennedy, Nicole Kidman as Martha Gellhorn

High Class Women, Sophisticated women!

Men, Dictators who can control their women, wives!

Women who can control their men, Lovers!

Katie + Cruise working 24/7 brainstorming invention projects to hear and see Aliens

Nicole + Cruise working 24/7 brainstorming 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out on this web with links to get you started inventing something!

11 inventions for Nicole + Cruise

5 inventions for Katie + Cruise

101 for Greg + Wives if I were not Home Alone in Key West Brainstorming Alone!

Galactic Dictator Xenu and now Our “1984” Dictator Invents Something To See Hear Aliens

Convert Scientology to Invent Something to Hear + See Aliens 75 light years away and 4.3 Light Years away

Convert the Dictator Xenu

Convert the 1984 Dictators

Convert Scientology to Inventogy

High Class Women, Sophisticated women!

Katie as Jackie Kennedy, Nicole Kidman as Martha Gellhorn

JFK invited Martha Gellhorn to a White House Dinner, sitting next to him!

Cuba Missile Crisis for JFK, 9K Books left behind at the Cuba Hemingway House for Martha

Martha flirting with JFK, asking him please give us “Peace” of Mind, don’t incinerated these 9K books at the Cuban Hemingway House...

JFK told Martha she was a foolish woman and go sit with the children!

“Out of Africa” women and children are one category

JFK landed on the Moon with Apollo

JFK’s secret mission was to land Aliens for his biggest catch of the Day!

JFK was ready to give up his quest for Aliens to Nuke Cuba

Martha Gellhorn failed to control her lover

Jackie Kennedy failed to control her husband

Not far from the Truman White House in Key West were JFK sat out the Cuban Crisis a man walked into CVS on Truman Road and shot his wife...

Two years ago a man killed his wife hit her in the head with a rock killing her, he was found guilty in a Key West Court in todays paper

These murdered Key West Women failed to control their lovers

Martha was told by JFK go sit with the children

Women and Children are one Category

Today High Class Women, Hillary are not in control they are controlled by our Dictators of Gasoline who's sole motive is $177 Trillion dollars

Women who aren't in control of their men have a high risk of being murdered

New TV Series is “Anger Management”

Life Savings TV Series is “Lobotomy Gas Therapy” by Dr. Nancy

If it works put it in the water, air, food, Vodka!

Disney Prince, Knight to Rescue women and children is a new Disney TV Series to save the Princess, Life Savings TV Series is “Lobotomy Gas Therapy” by Dr. Nancy

Alien women who can control Dictator Xenu

Nicole, Katie, Martha, Jackie, Hillary who can control “1984” Dictators of Gasoline who’s motive is greed

Los Alamos has recycled JFK nukes into Trillion Megaton Nukes the size of a coffee table

Cuba would be all under the Ocean if Nuked by one of Los Alamos coffee table size recycled nukes

$177 Trillion dollars is the Gasoline Dictators Nuke Crisis Today

4K Trillion Massive Galaxies can not control these Dictators unless Dictator Xenu had sons who became Galactic Dictators

Inventions to Hear and See Aliens will be invented

“Out of Africa” her husband gave her syphilis on her wedding night

$177 Trillion confiscated from Gasoline Dictators will give Dr. Nancy more than enough money to get a Rx Overnight Cure for Syphilis, Herpes, AIDs, Breast Cancer and build 1,001 Yale Medical School on Eiffel Tower Structures in Africa, South American and the USA

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


++++++ Newest Title ** CIA MD Polio Scam Causalities Kids *** 29 June 2012 ++++

Today a more sophisticated MD Dr. Nancy missed out on making headlines world wide with rants and rages about CIA MD in Pakistan and world wide setting up Polio Vaccinations for children and putting "Spit" not "Polio" vaccine in the shot! Today Show today Matt Lauer dug up videos of spitting on people video’s when the above Dr. Nancy video would have made a more sophisticated “Today Show” today! Extreme heat Today 113 million in the USA in record breaking temp 103 F and the CIA has to keep statistics on kids left in hot cars to die Today, Matt Lauer did not warn anyone on the Today Show Today put your purse next to the kids in the back seat, don’t forget them... Al Rocker ranted and raged about the record breaking temps but not about kids left in hot cars that will die today!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

MD’s at the CIA Put “Spit” in the Polio Vaccine Doctors gave to millions in Pakistan, World Wide

Today Matt Lauer Dug Up “Spitting at People” Videos and “Spit” on Dr Nancy

You Missed Dr. Nancy Today as Matt Lauer got her fired for the “Day” with Ann Curry!

Dr. Nancy would have reported on the Scam Polio Vaccines given in Pakistan

Dr. Nancy would have been ranting and raving these MD’s should be shot for treason!

Today Pakistan and other Nations World Wide will not let kids be Vaccinated against Polio because the vaccine was “spit” a scam!

Today Dr. Nancy on the “Today Show” would have make headlines World Wide

Today Ann Curry made headlines around the world saying Matt Lauer told NBC to fire her!

Ann Curry Cried for several minutes talking about hikers in Iran she got freed, Haiti, and other stories she did world wide

Las Vegas Sands host the CIA MD’s who “Gambled” with world wide outrage at what they did to alter polio vaccines for kids.

Las Vegas Sands Scandal made headlines Today, bribes paid and prostitutes on the Casino Floor with Hello name tags for Hooker!

Flaunting Sands Employed Prostitutes until CIA wives arrived at the Casino!

Muslim Clerics who never got on the Today Show have know about scam polio vaccines to kids for years, decades, that vaccination campaigns are a Western plot against Pakistanis. Ann Curry would word this a little different a western plot against Children who now have Polio, who got the CIA spit on you Muslim kids we hate you kids, children at CIA HQ. Giving kids polio is a crime, right?

Ann Curry will be interviewing the Muslim Clerics documenting how many children had the scam polio shot and got polio

Matt Lauer bullied NBC and GE and our Dictator to delete Dr. Nancy and this CIA scandal that is the sickest CIA abuse of children world wide!

Lost medical story of the year Today by Dr. Nancy because Matt Lauer had his way with Ann Curry! Or because Matt Lauer didn’t have his way with Ann Curry, grin!

Today put pressure on the CIA

Bill and Melinda can give them a bribe to use real polio vaccine in the shots

Extreme heat Today 113 million in the USA in record breaking temp 103 F and the CIA has to keep statistics on kids left in hot cars to die Today, Matt Lauer did not warn anyone on the Today Show Today put your purse next to the kids in the back seat, don’t forget them

CIA Baby Killers Today as when Dr. Nancy talks about the ElectricWindmillCar with climate control H at –252 C and its suppressed by the CIA another scandal for the CIA to react and organize damage control about

Extreme cold of H at –252 C is also suppressed by the CIA and this suppression kills 1 billion just via clean water... world wide

H2O and for a decade we could have the USA could have been vaccinating the world with H for clean drinking water, cooking fuel, car fuel, generate you electricity at home. Have you looked at all the wires on the electric power poles lately?

CIA MD let trillions of tons of exhaust pollution kill children, and adults for decades!

The entire worlds pollution could have been cleaned up a decade ago with H at –252 C produced on the JFK Air Craft Carriers... instead 10 JFK class carriers have been built in the last 10 years one being Named Bush ACC all armed with nukes not H at –252 C in NASA cans!

Trillions of NASA cans of H at – 252 C shipped all over the world and given away free as the best foreign aid Humanity could use!

Today Show today Matt Lauer dug up videos of spitting on people video’s when all of the above would have made a more sophisticated “Today Show” today!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


++++++ Newest Title ** Afghanistan Opium Causalities *** 28 June 2012 ++++

Jimmy Carter got the status quo carved in stone! Status Quo has not changed for Southern Tobacco Plantation Owners and Afghanistan Opium Drug Lord since Jimmy Carter suppressed the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980. Gasoline Status Quo is the Exhaust criminals put in the air we breath, millions cancers like Tobacco, killed millions like Opium! Politics of Matt Lauer on the Today Show with Olympics at war with Dr. Nancy who can save millions of lives if she gets Matt Lauer fired like the Politics that fired Ann Curry today! Ann Curry can report on Opium. Dr. Nancy can do the Today Show for 4 hours a day then brainstorm with Greg 24/7

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

A Diet of Dr. Nancy, 4 Full Hours of the “Today Show” on NBC

Aggressive Trend setting NBC Saving the Lives of Viewers by the Millions Today!

Dr. Nancy leading the Brainstorming sessions for millions of Medical Inventors EveryDay

No longer your run of the mill Good Morning American

New Record High in Lung Cancer Deaths for Southern women...

Jimmy Caters Peanut Plantation in Georgia helped kill these 1 million 76 thousand women!

Southern Plantation Owners are “Mindless” men running the Better Health and Wealth Crops for Southern People!

Gov. incentive Dr. Nancy can announce to mowed under current Tobacco Crops is 10K helicopter combines for Tobacco Plantation Owners 1st

Opium Plantations in Afghanistan must be mowed under by a spin off invention of the ElectricWindmillCar Invention

Ann Curry can do a special report on Afghanistan Opium Plantations mowed under and brainstorm inventions to do this with her CIA co-workers!

Ann Curry can do a special report on Saudi Arabia Women not driving a car and rape and murder of SWF from the USA who are Saudi Sex Slaves!

Ann Curry will have thousands of stories world wide!

Afghanistan War Causalities are millions around the world from Opium Ills

State of Mind has the most to do with whatever you are dieting

NBC spikes the Today Show with Olympics and the Queen of England not Southern women’s lung cancer spike and Opium Spike!

Spin off Inventions to Nuke Opium and Tobacco Plantations are simple inventions once millions brainstorming spin offs from the ElectricWindmillCar Era

Politics of Matt Lauer on the Today Show with Olympics at war with Dr. Nancy who can save millions of lives if she gets Matt Lauer fired like the Politics that fired Ann Curry today!

Dr. Nancy is willing to start a political War to save millions of lives on the Tobacco Battlefields around the world

1 Million Helicopter Combines shipped to the War Zone Georgia Plantations growing Tobacco via Pentagon’s War Plan

Jimmy Carter in Georgia suppressed the ElectricWindmillCar and is responsible for 7 million Southern women who died from breast cancer and is a mindless Psychotic about his guilt!

Ridiculous Behavior of “Observers” who poison the air with “Exhaust” and they cover it up!

Sick People Dr. Nancy can only cure by arrest and genocide trials!

Assembly lines will have to be set up by Dr. Nancy for Cardiac Surgery as tens of millions have blocked Aorta from Bacon Burgers and Pizza!

747 Fighter Fighting Planes 10K for world wide forest fires were not ordered by “Observers”

Why, I have no idea!

Heart Surgery by Women will cure this bad decision by the Top Brass at the Pentagon not to order 10K 747 Forest Fighting Planes from Boeing!

By Pass the Dictator who’s bad decisions burned down 1K houses and killed 1 million southern women with lung cancer so Tobacco Plantation owners near Jimmy Carter could sell their Tobacco Crops... sick!

In contempt of Women!

Dr. Nancy with brainstorm the next Heart-Lung machine using real Lungs maybe two lungs that the patients blood flows through to get oxygen rich blood...

Ambulance helicopters in Manhattan, Traffic a 4 wheel ambulance can not get through fast!

Inventsomething with Dr. Nancy she has 4 hours on the Today Show

Surgery of the Day with more brainstorming ideas how to reinvent it than every before in history of Medicine

Now digest brainstorming for 24/7 with Dr. Nancy

Millions of medical inventions in 2012

If Greg would have started my new job in Key West on Monday, nothing would have been written on this web the last 4 days, now read what Greg wrote the last 4 days and decide!

If Dr. Nancy is not given the Today Show for 4 hours a day, you decide what could have had been invented and decide how big the loss to humanity was!

Blocked Aorta from fat, nothing can digest this fat until Dr. Nancy spends 4 hours brainstorming this with millions of viewers

Skyscrapers in NYC bought by the City to be used to filter the “Exhaust”

Dr. Nancy will Alienate our “Gasoline” addicted Dictators

4 Hours of “Heart” surgery a day by Dr. Nancy cures Mindless Eating!

Women apply to Med School, a spike much better than lung cancer in Southern women

Payback for 1 million women who died from lung cancer because Jimmy Carter got the status quo carved in stone!

Anticipating the arrest of Jimmy Carter!

Nourishment for Justice, Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 by Carter!

Blood Curling Screams by 1 million Southern Women at hospice with lung cancer!

Because Jimmy Carter kept the status quo!

Sick... Criminal... Insane... Psychotic and Burn in Hell Sin!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


++++++ Newest Title ** “1984” CBS Good Morning Show *** 27 June 2012 ++++

Travesty, Treachery, Treason, of Medical Justice in the USA when Saudi Arabia has free Health Care! CBS has Facebook tracking Organ Donations, for people needing a Heart next week! 4th Heart Transplant for Cheney and Obama will never make Organ Donation Mandatory! “1984” Society is a “Travesty of Justice” “Healthbook” is the Essential Catalyst for “1984” Society Blocked Arteries videos on “YouTube” 100 F Heat Wave News on the Nightly News and 100 kids will be left in hot cars to die is not reported on any of the Nightly News Tonight... Why? Homeland Security in NYC has cameras everywhere for security but the Travesty of Catholic Priest abusing boys... Justice Today would be 24/7 Homeland Security cameras watching every Catholic Priest! Facebook News on CBS to track 100 kids left in hot cars to die in tomorrows record breaking temperatures! Facebook...

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“1984” Society is a “Travesty of Justice” as CBS This Morning Tracks Shopping not Inventions

“1984” CBS Good Morning Show on how your shopping is tracked on the Internet

“1984” Reading between the Goings-On, CBS is going to track Inventions and Inventors!

Programmers write new software for “Healthbook”!

CBS has Facebook tracking Organ Donations, for people needing a Heart next week!

Allegiance to “Shopping”, Buying food and more fast foods and visit Macy’s

Allegiance to Health and Wealth advancements for each and every 7 Billion of us

2nd Heart Transplant for Cheney

CBS has Facebook tracking Donations, ha!

One Executive Order from Obama will make Heart Organ Donations mandatory

3rd Heart Transplant for Cheney

CBS will link Facebook organ donations to CBS

One Executive Order from Obama for Mandatory Organ Donations will never happen!

I really don’t know why!

Treachery, Treason, like millions of women with blocked arteries will die in 2012

CBS Good Morning will link this to Facebook

For Hospice for all these millions of women with blocked arteries in 2012

Travesty, Treachery, Treason, of Medical Justice in the USA when Saudi Arabia has free Health Care!

CBS Good Morning Today how you should track getting your health in good shape, keep your arteries clean, sober!

CBS winds are “Contrary Winds” selling ads that block arteries without sending you to the AMA Medical Journal web you have to pay to read about blocked arteries $

Sales are Essential Catalyst for shopping for everything!

Just to read breast cancer articles on Medical Journals you will spent $100 a day

Programmers write new software for “Healthbook”!

CBS has Facebook tracking Organ Donations, for people needing a Heart next week!

4th Heart Transplant for Cheney and Obama will never make Organ Donation Mandatory!

“1984” Society is a “Travesty of Justice”

“Healthbook” is the Essential Catalyst for “1984” Society

Blocked Arteries videos on “YouTube”

100 F Heat Wave News on the Nightly New and 100 kids will be left in hot cars to die is not reported on any of the Nightly News Tonight... Why?

Travesty of Justice for this 1984 Society... Why?

CBS Good Morning Show Tomorrow will report the record high temperatures but not the 100 kids left in hot cars to die

H at –262 C will climate control your 2012 ElectricWindmillCar 24/7 just like your house

Travesty of Justice suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar is Treason!

Honor Code at the AF is a Travesty!

Women Observers walking down Duval know the ElectricWindmillCar with 24/7 Climate Controls is suppressed

CBS Good Morning means a cool car to get in when the temp is 100 F

CBS Contrary Winds in its 1984 what to track on the Internet

Catamaran Twin Hulls database for tracking its spin off inventions

Monorail with Twin Rails 100 Yards Apart

Deck or Superstructures between the twin Rails 100 Yards Apart

Double Decker or triple or 10 stories high

Let the Engineers invent something!

LA to NY Monorail Built with stimulus money with Twin Rails 100 yards apart 10 stories high

Catamaran House Invention, track this on CBS Good Morning

Catamaran Car Inventions...

1984 Money is the Travesty that cause millions of women to have blocked arteries in 2012

Billions in profits every 3 months, at CBS, NBC, ABC, Microsoft and no Health Tracking in Windows 8... Why?

Pizza and Bacon Burgers make billions in profits every 3 months in this 1984 Travesty

Surgeon Generals Warning labels on Tobacco

One Executive order by Obama can put warning labels and commercials for Pizza and Bacon Burgers!

MD’s make Trillions cleaning out blocked arteries!

FBI, Homeland Security employees have the best medical insurance for blocked arteries

NYC has cameras everywhere for security by Homeland Security but the Travesty of Catholic Priest abusing boys... Justice Today would be 24/7 cameras watching every Catholic Priest!

One Executive decision by some one in Homeland security could bring a little Justice in NYC for Catholic Boys! This will never happen of course, until after the Coup!

Travesty of Criminal Justice is rape, so every women in the USA could sign up for 24/7 security cameras from Home Land Security... play on words with Home Land Security!

Gregs BP is 120/77 pulse is 77

Gregs medical records, data of every invention idea will be here for you and CBS to Track

When you are doing Invention Research on the Internet you will get email and pop ups to help you inventsomething!

You can track ideas Brainstormed by thousands of others on the Internet

Treacherous Men set up the Internet to block your arteries, they knew millions of women would end life with blocked arteries yet sold you this sudden death!

High Treason Men who did this are, Bush, Hillary, Clinton, Jimmy Carter, McCain, Kerry, John Edwards, Arnold, and several Kennedys along with Caroline Kennedy!

Tremendous Travesty of Justice in our 1984 Society in 2012

Race for the Cure will go Faster Than the Speed of Light when We Get Internet Justice!

$1 Trillion in Race for the Cure Donations when to the Pentagon in 2012

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


++++++ Newest Title ** *** 26 June 2012 ++++

Pink Pins at Stars + Galaxies that have Aliens who can Cure Breast Cancer Overnight! What is invisible in our New Universe. Visable Politics of giving the Pentagon $1 Trillion in Breast Cancer Donations. SWF's and Wives actually hate our Supreme Court Justices and Dictator for killing kids out of stupidity and being Psychotics infected with Whooping Cough, Hepatitis, Flu, Syphilis, and violent behavior mostly when they are drunks out of control! White pins at stars and galaxies that have Aliens who sell Lobotomy Gases!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Pink Pins at Stars + Galaxies that have Aliens who can Cure Breast Cancer Overnight

What’s In Your Universe

What’s the Best Kind of Wives to Actually Marry?

Her HS Year Book Picture not yet found via Google

HS Doctors Kids have their Own Cadavers!

HS Teachers prohibit any other kids from learning Anatomy + Physiology

HS Doctors kids will Discover Immunity from Diseases, Cancers, Crimes, Poverty, Greed $

Cadavers for HS Students might take decades unless the Coup is pulled off by MD’s

Anatomy was invisible for Centuries...

Memory in the Brain is still invisible and must be made visible for Star Ships Pilots!

Kennedy Killing his wife by suicide...

Clinton killing Hillary under his desk...

Priest killing kids for decades in front of “Observers”

Army + AF rape of women in “Basic Training” and around the world

Honor Code at Hospitals and Medical Schools only 1 lives with this Honor Code, Yale!

Yale Medical School is the only Med School Hospital in the World that makes its mistakes public!

What’s in Your Universe?

What’s in the Actual Universe?

Dr. Nancy figuring out exactly what makes AL timers start

Dr. Nancy STOP all men from killing a “Woman”, figuring this out will be Greg + Nancy’s!

Dr. Nancy STOP all “rapes”!

HS Doctors Kids have their Own Cadavers!

HS Teachers prohibit any other kids from learning Anatomy + Physiology

HS Doctors kids will Discover Immunity from Diseases, Cancers, Crimes, Poverty, Greed $

Dr. Nancy “Gas Lobotomy Gas” if it works put it in the air Mad Men Breath!

Dr. Nancy, DTap all Vaccinations, if it works put it in the food and water!

Dr Nancy this might take decades unless the Coup is pulled off by MD’s

Shaken Baby death is murder!

Whooping Cough death of a baby is not given to the MD Police Detectives!

Hepatitis given to a baby by a Taco Bell Cook is covered up by Taco Bell and the government

Making Your Universe Visible...

You Are My Universe!

What’s the Best Kind of Wives to Actually Marry?

Supreme Court yesterday on NBC News ruled on illegal Aliens, immigrants can refuse DTap!

Bush No Child Left Behind Act

Bush was left out of Yale Medical School hopes in HS

Supreme Court Justices, None could get into Yale Medical School

NBC Nightly News will never end the broadcast with this story!

Ecstasy of the next big Discovery or Miracle Cure is Supreme news!

Supreme Court Justices are not that “Stupid” yet their rulings are stupidest in Our Universe

SWF’s without a Law Degree are all educated to knowing Aliens need to get a DTap Vaccine

100’s of Vaccines or they will kill someone’s baby!

How could our George Orwell Dictator be so very Stupid?

SWF’s are all educated to the many sex diseases...

Dr. Nancy would say test all men for all sex diseases every day!

Dr. Nancy would be the kind of wife who would call 911 then the MD Police Detectives

Dead infants from Whooping Cough, Hepatitis, diphtheria, Flu is murder!

Taco Bell Corporation assaulted tens of thousands of infants, kids with Hepatitis!

Vaccinations for everyone with every type Hepatitis vaccine after the MD Coup will work, until some MD’s kids gets the Rx overnight cure for Hepatitis!

Dr. Nancy is the kind of wife who would spent 24/7 with Greg brainstorming the Rx Overnight Cure for Hepatitis, Diphtheria, tetanus, Rabies, Flu, Whooping Cough

DTap vaccine going into Disneyland and DisneyWorld after the MD Coup

Going through the Air Port after Homeland Security is Health Security run by Coup MD’s

Making the best of your Universe until there is a MD Coup

Visible Politics, Dash Cam wake up calls when you fall asleep driving or driving drunk!

Anatomy was invisible for decades, Dictators had Supreme Stupidity like our Universe today

Shaken Baby deaths, murders will always happen with our current Dictators!

Our Current Dictators are the stupidest Dictators in Our Universe!

Bush could not get into Yale Medical School

Hell could actually be out there in the Universe as consciousness is invisible in todays Universe

Sober enough to see what is invisible in the New Universe of 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies!

Wives actually hate our Supreme Court Justices and Dictator for killing kids our of stupidity and being Psychotic!

100 kids will die left in hot cars in the Summer of 2012, Wives will be arrested not Dictators and Supreme Court Justices and Bush!

Immunity from Mass Murder, Bush, Hillary, McCain, Jimmy Carter, Kerry, Kennedy’s!

SWF’s will testify at their Genocide Trials!

Until then we have to make the best of our Universe

Watch the Wives doing Aerobics, Get you mind doing Aerobics!

Dr. Nancy will replace Ann Curry + Matt Lauer on the “Today Show”

In a Universe, in which 4K Trillion Galaxies are traveling faster and faster each Day!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


++++++ Newest Title ** Yale Students fall asleep at the Wheel *** 25 June 2012 ++++

Gregs wants 10,000 pictures of fiery Gasoline Tankers and 10,000 picture of cops burned in fiery cop car wrecks to tens on this web in a slide show in a margin that follows the web up and down as you scroll so you have to watch all the cop cars burst into flames. Greg needs 10 women at home Day and Night to go 10 Times Faster 10 Times more Writing, Brainstorming, Inventing in the Race for A Cure! Higher Education of the Politics of 7 Billion people. Higher Education and a Higher Invention rates will add a speaker, to the mic on the web cam on the dash of the car the Yale Student fell asleep driving killing the Woman Yale Student! Police want to arrest the Yale Student for murder now. Police need to arrest Hillary, Bush, Clinton all Yale grads who stifled and suppress the dash cam invention to wake drivers who fall asleep... Gross stupidity of Hillary, Bush, Clinton!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Make a Diagnoses of this Web + “Polygamous Inventing”

Diagnoses to pin down the real culprits who are stifling the Race for A Cure!

Polygamous Writings, Brainstorming, Inventing

Since 1 Jan 12 I have been Home Alone, writing, inventing, brainstorming alone but for 10 Days + Nights with Sharon

Gregs wants to change this to 10 women at home Day and Night to go 10 Times Faster 10 Times more Writing, Brainstorming, Inventing in the Race for A Cure!

Add a few hundred invention projects and several hundred Race for the Cure Ideas to bounce off the women observers who read this web for a idea to get the Cure!

Greg wants to post actual Brainstorming, writing, inventing with 10 women + greg in a YouTube Video here on this web, daily Race for the Cure!

Diagnoses to pin down the real culprits who are stifling the Race for A Cure!

Diagnoses what will cause the End To Oil Drilling Overnight? 10,000 fiery cop car wrecks in a slide show in the margins of this web!

Fiery Cop Cars, will finally End the Saudi Terrorism linked to stifling Greg’s Race for A Cure

Motivation is Greed, Yale-Harvard both have $20 Billion in Cash Banked forever

Greed Motivates Yale-Harvard to get $200 Billion just to have it in the Banks

Greed not Higher Education is clearly the Motive of Yale-Harvard

Self-Absorbed in how many more $ Billion can we Raise for our Bank Account

Higher Education is clearly the loser at Yale-Harvard

Distracted from Higher Education for 10 Times more inventions, invention ideas!

Two Yale Students Two Months Ago, he the driver fell asleep at the wheel flipped the car and killed the female Yale student now the police want to arrest him for murder!

Police need to get the real Culprits who are Yale Grads, Hillary, Clinton, Bush, Kennedy!

Culprits who make the Stop sign for Greg driving for the Race for the Cure are also the Culprits who Stopped Greg from inventing a Cure for Falling Asleep at the Wheel.

Yale Students fall asleep at the wheel, this is a simple invention project for Greg

Stopped from inventing this, stopped from Brainstorming this by Yale Grads the Culprits

Web Cam on Dash!

Web Cam on Dash!

Wifi and Cell connection so anyone and everyone can observe you driving and hear you! Wake you up!

Web Cam on Dash!

Web Cam on Dash!

Higher Education and a Higher Invention will add a speaker, to the mic on the web cam on the dash of the car!

Its pure Hell being Home Alone because I know this falling asleep at the wheel invention would be one of thousands of spin off inventions from the ElectricWindmillCar that would be out in the real world waking up Yale Students Driving and Yale Grads addicted to Greed!

Gregs wants to change this Hell of working alone to 10 women at home Day and Night to go 10 Times Faster 10 Times more Writing, Brainstorming, Inventing in the Race for A Cure!

Searching every book ever written

Searching every Medical Record of everyone on in the World who has a Medical Record

Searching the Top 500 Supercomputers, all their non nuke invention projects

Race for the Cure using 500 Top Supercomputers would be a Godsend

To find Aliens at every one of the 10 Nearest Stars to Earth, invent 10 new telescopes!

Gregs wants to change home alone to 10 women at home Day and Night to go 10 Times Faster 10 Times more Writing, Brainstorming, Inventing in the Race for A Cure!

This web will be rewritten when I get the first “Live In” Doctor women

AMA articles are over my head but I can still brainstorm invention ideas with them and women MD’s

Expert Diagnoses several misdiagnosed then finally the right diagnoses

Doctors doing Diagnoses home alone are in the same Hell as Greg

10 Doctors working together on the Expert Diagnoses will get the correct one on day one!

For Greg a “Polygamous Marriage” will be a winner in the Race for a Cure

DNA “Cutting + Pasting” genetic instructions, getting the needed Proteins!

Sunburn kids on the “Today Show” Today the Culprit was the Teacher and School Gov.

Higher Education has no chance at these kids school or with the teachers who are dumber than a 5th grader... they should be arrested for falling asleep at the wheel of preventing skin cancer in kids not giving them sunburn because they are so very stupid!

Stupid Criminals are World Wide

Mandy Miles in Key West has the World Map with “You Are My World” note to her husband in her Key West Home, it's the conversation piece for all visitors. Send her a plane ticket is her request... grin. Mandy Rants about our George Orwell society she has to be a “Woman Observer” she rants about our George Orwell Society lets the Catholic Church move Pedophiles priest from church to church for 20 years. Mandy should have read on this web the King of Saudi Arabia visiting the Vatican gave the Pope $ 1 Billion in Cash to go alone with fiery Cop Car Wrecks suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar. Mandy rants some things are way out of whack!

Mandy’s story was in the same Sunday paper as the Gasoline Tanker head on collision with a SUV’s family of 4, this picture and the picture of Officer Jason burned in a fiery cop car wreck are on this web!

Gregs wants to change this 1 picture of a fiery Gasoline Tanker and 1 picture of a cop burned in a fiery cop car wreck to tens of thousands of fiery wrecks on this web in a slide show in a margin that follows the web up and down so you have to watch all the cop cars burst into flames. Greg needs 10 women at home Day and Night to go 10 Times Faster 10 Times more Writing, Brainstorming, Inventing in the Race for A Cure!

Mandy needs to put green and red and pink pins in her world map for fiery wrecks! Then write this story about her world map next week in Sundays Key West Citizen!

As for the Church Priests Mandy needs to write Matt Lauer had sex with kids in Thailand!

As the entire NBC entourage was with Matt Lauer when he has sex with kids in Thailand!

Mandy need to write to Hillary to get the sex tapes from Saudi Terrorist, Hillary could just unclassified all the sex torture of SWF’s in Saudi Arabia Today or put this on the Today show

Mandy as a “Woman Observer” needs to make contact with women at the State Department and get 10 times more pins about 10 times more cruel sadistic Mad Men besides Catholic Priests exist in a George Orwell Era!

A Catholic Priest with white collar was at the Post Office in Key West this morning.

I got Mandy’s article out of the recycle bin and talked out loud about the Church Pedophiles with the Cat Teddy Kennedy. Robert Kennedy just killed his wife by suicide!

I think Mandy will have 10 times more to write about in her next article!

World Map at Gregs will be pins for inventions as the conversation piece for visitors.

Cops in NYC were most the Pedophiles Catholic Priest are, have the videos, have patience to wait to make the arrest of tens of thousands of Catholic Priest world wide.

Mandy will not have enough pins for this! But she will be in a better mood than when she wrote her article yesterday!

Greg has pinned down the Culprits for all the “Gross” crimes above!

Yale-Harvard grads are the Culprits!

Bush hand in hand on his Texas ranch with the Saudi Prince who knew ahead of time about the 9/11 terrorist attack...

Health and Wealth of 7 Billion People are Hell for Yale-Harvard Dictators

Bush’s Mother said 500 people in Nigeria with buckets collecting gasoline from a leaking pipe burned to death as she observed, Gross. Even more Gross was Bush’s Mothers comment that they were unworth of free gasoline!

Fiery Cop Car Wrecks, tens of thousands world wide with a pin in Mandy’s world map!

10,000 Fiery Cop Car Wrecks every day since 9/11 will put a End to Saudi $ Gasoline Terrorists pretty Damn quick!

Gregs wants to put 10,000 fiery wrecks on this web in a slide show in the margins so when you scroll up and down the slide show stays in the window you are reading in the margins, to do this Greg needs 10 women at home Day and Night to go 10 Times Faster 10 Times more Writing, Brainstorming, Inventing in the Race for A Cure!

PS Mandy needs to scroll down this page to almost the bottom and look at the “Gross” pictures of a breast cancer tumor breaking through the women’s breast!

Greg is in the race for the race for the Cure!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ** Windows 8 Disorder *** 24 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Conversion Disorder – stress on Psychotics who could care less about what Generates Time and Gravity! “Star Ships” vs “War Ships” Photon of Light is created in the core of the Sun and Stars Dr. Diagnoses Software will show you the animation of the Photon of Light hitting your skin going into the DNA double helix in a cell as its dividing and causing the DNA to mutate into skin cancer! Bill + Melinda could not care less if kids and adults learn this buying Windows 8

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“Star Ships” vs “War Ships” supplied by “Oil Tanker Ships” via “Mad Men” Psychotics!

Psychotics who could care less about what Generates Time and Gravity

Intellectuals who became Psychotics could care less about Rx Penicillin like overnight cure for breast cancer, and invention of a “Gas Lobotomy Gas” for wife beaters and murderers!

Women of every “Age” are killed by “Men” in every Nation on Earth every day! Hillary works for the State Department not for women!

“Women Observers” live with these men... Cheney, McCain, Kerry, Kennedy, Jimmy Carter!

Since 1980 trillions of tons of “exhaust” has filled the air we breath, only psychotic men would do this to the air 7 billion people breath.

Since 1980 Smokers by the tens of millions died from Tobacco, John Edwards and Jim Carter protecting the Southern Tobacco Farmers of course!

Dr. diagnoses of “Star Ships” vs “War Ships”, “Mad Men” Psychotics was a quick diagnoses!

Conversion Disorder – stress on the Yale-Harvard Ruling Class Oil Men caused them to be uncaring Psychotic mass murderers as they have nothing to lose but $177 Trillion dollars!

Bill + Melinda subconsciously copied their conversion disorders in “Greed” behavior and making mass murderers out of Violent Computer Game Players like Breivik in Oil Rich Norway!

Dr. Diagnoses Software is priced 100’s of times more than Breiviks Violent War Games!

Brutality of Afghan Drones is a copy of Napalm in Vietnam!

Dr. Diagnoses Conversion Disorder – stress out after killing 3 million in Vietnam they ended the war! Afghan Drones will kill 3 million in Pakistan before the War will End!

4K Trillion Massive Galaxies can not influence them at all!

Psychotics who could care less about what Generates Time and Gravity!

“Star Ships” vs “War Ships”

Photon of Light is created in the core of the Sun and Stars

Dr. Diagnoses Software will show you the animation of the Photon of Light hitting your skin going into the DNA double helix in a cell as its dividing and causing the DNA to mutate into skin cancer!

Bill + Melinda could not care less if kids and adults learn this buying Windows 8

“Flame Virus” created by the CIA on several Berkeley Labs and Sandia Labs supercomputers was a “War Game” with Iran as Iran can only build Nukes with $4 gasoline money it sell the World

End $4 gasoline... end this war game!

“Cancer Virus” will be created by Greg + Wives on Los Alamos, Berkeley Labs and Sandia Labs supercomputers after the ElectricWindmillCar Coup

Right this minute millions of kids are playing the same violent computer game Breivik played the day he killed 77 in Norway

Right this minute no Husbands + Wives in Love are brainstorming 1,001 Invention projects that will be spelled out on this web page with links to get them started

Tight-Knit groups of High School Girls on “Today Show” about their conversion disorders showing up in a tic...

Starting in 1980 “Today Show” could have been targeting High School Girls as Inventors with the Euphoria of the ElectricWindmillCar invention

White Dwarf Star, the size of the Earth weighing trillions of tons is what’s going to happen!

“War Ships” will be regarded as a waste of time and work then!

“Star Ships” like High School Girls introduced to inventions on the Today Show in 1980

Conversion Disorders twitches of HS Girls with to much time on their hands with no thoughts whatsoever of how time and gravity are generated because Today Show and NBC failed humanity so badly!

Yale-Harvard Elite Oil Men could not care less as they are Wicked Villain's who will cover the Earth with Crude Oil!

Dr. Diagnoses Software, firepower of trillions of inventions aimed at the Yale-Harvard ruling class giving them more stress from suppressing trillions of spin off inventions from the ElectricWindmillCar their twitches are out of control!

CIA and FBI are a tight-knit group like High School Girls

FBI knows the mass murder statistics from Yale-Harvard Oil Men’s Psychotic Behavior!

Crimes against Women in Saudi Arabia are off the charts

Mecca Religious Leaders, Hillary, could not care less after all these years since 1980!

Callous Psychotics at the State Department play war games

Love of the Universe is Void at the State Department to say the least!

“Overnight” Oil Drilling will End!

Tens of Thousands of “War Ships” will be refitted with Windmills, Electrolysis equipment to get H out of H2O and cool it to –252 C in NASA Cans!

“Overnight” 500 million people will get out of poverty!

“Overnight” Rx Cure for Breast Cancer will be on Today Show with Dr. Nancy!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title **Rates of birth defects kids will know *** 22 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Treadmill Desk pictured on the front page of the New York Times with the Mayor and a 32 oz cup would make a laughing stock of the Mayor! New York Time drunk driver rates for all catalogues of drunk crimes is reported less than the Mayors 32 oz drink cups for obese New Yorkers. Drunk Pregnant women have rates of birth defects kids will know when the AMA gets its Required Disease and Illness Education Courses “Required” for everyone in the USA! Star Ship Colonization of the Nearest 10 Stars to Earth is not on the Front page of the New York Times or ABC’s 20/20... ABC Disney did not mention the word Torture or hysterical crying and hysterics breast cancer women go through, a clip of Elizabeth Edwards in Hysterics while at the same time Rielle Hunter and John Edwards were making a sex tape would have cancelled the 20/20 show!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

AMA Supports Requiring “Disease + Illness” Education for Kids, Adults and MD’s

Disease Rates – Poverty Rates – Murder-Suicide Rates – MD Rates

Rates not reported on NBC Nightly News affect the Entire World!

Los Alamos disease and illness illiteracy is Possible via Rx Overnight Cures!

Illiteracy problem is at all Top 500 Supercomputer Program Managers list of things to do... ASAP to cure diseases overnight!

77 killed by Breivik in a gruesome anti-Islamic campaign in an Oil Rich Norway, Breivik is insane and Oil Sales by Oil Rich Norway are Criminally insane, stupid criminals are world wide!

Breivik knowledge about our “1984” George Orwell Society must be limited

Oil Rich Norway ruling class are partners with Mecca and the Kings of Saudi Arabia

Islamic Muslims immigrating to Norway are part of the $4 gasoline Deal for Norway

77 Killed by Breivik is gruesome...

9/11 Dead 4K are even more gruesome...

77,000 Cops burned to death like Officer Jason who is pictured below on this web with his wife and daughter is even more gruesome because “Obama” killed these 77,000 cops! Selling $4 Gasoline!

Stupid Criminals World Wide!

No Way Norway ruling class will stop selling $4 gasoline no matter how many fiery LA wrecks, rates, statistics as they are addicted to the $1 Trillion in oil revenues!

9/11 Experts in the New York Times have second thoughts on the “Dust” causing all the cancers in the rescue workers, exhaust from cars causes cancer and the New York Times will not put this on the Front Page!
9/11 Experts at the New York Times got a new 55 Story Skyscraper as a bribe from Saudi Arabia oil men to suppress the news about the ElectricWindmillCar invention of 1980!

9/11 Times Square with no gasoline cars or trucks there would have been no 9/11 every women observer at the New York Times and NBC knows this...

Breivik knowledge of our George Orwell Society was limited... and got 77 people killed!

New York Time drunk driver rates for all catalogues of drunk crimes is reported less than the Mayors 32 oz drink cups for obese New Yorkers

Treadmill Desk pictured on the front page of the New York Times with the Mayor and a 32 oz cup would make a laughing stock of the Mayor!

Catalogue of pictures on Google Chrome of people burned to death in fiery LA Wrecks, cops like officer Jason and whole families!

Google Top Brass got a bribe from the Kings of Saudi Arabia to go along with not reporting the rates... from all the ill effects side effects of suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar Era and millions, trillions, of spin off inventions from this 1980 invention!

CIA is literate at ranking gruesome pictures of fiery LA Wrecks and Norway Killers!

Illiteracy at Los Alamos and Sandia Labs stifle AMA’s Required Education for Kids, and Adults in Diseases and illnesses!

9/11 and the ElectricWindmillCar

Two remarkable Things!

AMA cause and effect...

Yale course on Doctors and Dictators is only open to Doctors and Dictators!

Rank and file of “Women Observers” know two things for sure...

Ruling Class is Addicted to Oil Revenues and Alcohol!

2013 Prohibition is certainty probable with a New French Revolution that Ends Oil Revenues World Wide!

The French Revolution cut off heads until there were no more to cut off and closed the Universe of Paris and every University in France for 7 Years!

New French Revolution with Officer Jason’s Wife and Daughter telling the Coup leaders what revenge they want will most likely get around to Prohibition of Alcohol for 2013

Coup leaders will have way more years that the 7 the old French Revolution had

777,000 Dead Breast Cancer women, many were “Women Observers” some high ranking in our George Orwell Society!

Los Alamos did not offer to work on a Rx Overnight Penicillin like cure for Breast Cancer!

Sandia Labs did not offer to work on a Rx Overnight Penicillin like cure for Breast Cancer!

MAD on the Front page of the New York Times will not happen until after the Coup!

MAD about Elizabeth Edwards not getting more news on ABC 20/20 as dying with breast cancer is torture worst than the CIA, yet ABC Disney did not mention the word Torture or hysterical crying and hysterics breast cancer women go through, a clip of Elizabeth Edwards in Hysterics while at the same time Rielle Hunter and John Edwards were making a sex tape would have cancelled the 20/20 show!

New Laws that will arrest John Edwards and Rielle Hunter for felony assault on the wife will be made law in 2012

Rates of assaults on the wife from a husband and mistress with be on NBC ABC 20/20

Drunk Driver’s gruesome fiery car wreck pictures!

Drunk Driver’s gruesome murders of the wife, woman observers!

Drunk Pregnant women have rates of birth defects kids will know when the AMA gets its Required Disease and Illness Education Courses “Required” for everyone in the USA!

You have to pass a test to get married!

2013 you have to take a AMA Course on Marriage and pass it to get married!

Star Ship Colonization of the Nearest 10 Stars to Earth is not on the Front page of the New York Times or ABC’s 20/20

60 Minutes at CBS has rejected a Sunday night Star Ship Colonization episode for the last 30 years by the top brass at CBS

MD’s at the Top of Their Game Today can recycle Los Alamos and Sandia Labs into a Medical School and Medical Research Center

9/11 Freedom Tower will be a Yale Medical School when ElectricWindmillCars are driven around and around Times Square NYC!

Rates not reported by NBC Nightly News affect the Entire World’s People

500 Million in Poverty Today will get out of Poverty overnight with the News about the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980!

Bill + Melinda don’t support free education for anyone in the World!

Windows 8 lacks AMA disease and illness YouTube Videos preinstalled for kids and adults!

Cause/Effect of this Bill + Melinda know kills millions world wide but they don’t care!

Oil Rich Norway knows $4 gasoline from a Norway Oil Field burns to death cops in LA and they don’t care!

Stupid Criminals world wide!

Dr. Nancy will replace Ann Curry and Matt Lauer!

Ann Curry will be arrest for not reporting abuse of kids in Thailand by Matt Lauer

Rielle Hunter will be arrested on an felony assault charge on John Edwards dead wife Elizabeth!

NBC Nightly News staff will all be arrested for allowing abuse of kids by adults they know!

AMA supports Required Education on Illness and Disease for Kids and Adults!

AMA affect the Entire World

MD’s at the Top of their Game

Timing is perfect to confiscate Los Alamos, Sandia Labs, Berkeley Labs, and $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues in Swiss Banks!

Stupid Criminals Affect the Entire World!

Cheney will get a 2nd Heart Transplant before the 2013 Model ElectricWindmillCar is at the Car Dealers Showrooms!

AMA will get mandatory Organ Donation in 2013

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ** 1 Rx for $385 Billion! *** 22 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Dr. Nancy will write 1 Rx for $385 Billion! USA will not sell 13,000 “War Toys” a year for $385 Billion to Nations with 50% living in poverty any longer! $385 Billion for a newly invented Siemens full body scanner for Dr. Diagnosis work combined with a shot of air not for bomb Detection but for infectious diseases diagnosis detection! $385 Billion Coup D'Etat for this and 500 Million People will get out of Poverty Overnight! $385 Billion for a Rx Penicillin like overnight miracle cure for breast cancer in 2012. Dr. Nancy will write 1 Rx for $385 Billion!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

$385 Billion In 2012 for 13,000 “War Toys” that were sold by the USA to foreign Governments for $385 Billion

Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics

$385 Billion, Foreign Dictators with 50% of their populations living in Poverty spent #385 Billion on “War Toys”!

Siemen’s New Stellar Detector that fully combines the detector’s electronics with the photodiode in one unit. The new detector SOMATOM Definition Flash dual-source tomograph, Definition Edge that’s touted as a CT scanner that is particularly effective in the emergency department thanks to an acquisition speed of 23 cm/sec, allowing for a full scan 8 seconds.

$385 Billion for Homeland Security X-Ray Scanners at every Air Port should have been a combination of this CT Scanner and a newly invented Siemen’s full body scanner for Dr. Diagnosis combined with a shot of air not for bombs Detecting but for infectious diseases diagnosis in air travelers!

$385 Billion Homeland Health Security Detection Devices for “diseases” will replace Homeland Security at all airport and Carnival Ship Ports of Call

Health Security – After they have been injected with $1 Trillion Dollars that went to Homeland Security! Wow!

Scam of Obama’s Homeland Security!

Scam of Obamacare!

Paperless Banking will infect Health Insurance with Paperless Health Insurance

Grocery Store Blood Pressure Cuffs with be reinvented with Dr. Diagnosis full body and breath diagnosis connected to wifi and cell communications to a Los Alamos or Sandia Labs supercomputer for 8 second diagnosis!

Think of all the work that went into making 13,000 War Toys that sold for $385 Billion in just one year 2012

Starbucks 8 second full body scan and you have another few minutes to wait for Coffee!

Dr. Diagnosis Scanners are hiring Inventors...

Madonna has reinvented herself several times since 1980

New Stellar Dr. Diagnosis invention projects will be spelled out on this web with links for you to get started inventing something!

Scam of the Affordable Health Care Act

Scan of Dr. Diagnosis for everyone, everyday... this is true affordable health care Law!

Siemen’s new “Mad Men” brain chemistry analysis will be invented in 2013

Economic Coup D'Etat for $385 Billion dollars worth of work on new Dr. Diagnosis Inventions at every Airport, Grocery Store, Starbucks!

Bill + Melinda sold more software for “War Toys” than the UN spent on Malaria!

Of course MSNBC will never report any of this news on NBC Nightly News!

MSNBC Diane Mapes writes a Breast Cancer Blog, She's also the author of "How to Date in a Post-Dating World". I doubt if she wrote anything about working on 1,001 invention projects with your “Date”!

MSNBC Diane Mapes writes about Jodi Jaecks, the 47-year-old breast cancer survivor who wanting to swim topless following a double mastectomy.

Greg working as a CNA showered + dressed double mastectomy women in the nursing home. It takes a few minutes to get over the shock if shock is the right word. Breast on a women’s chest are burned into our brains.

Economic Coup D'Etat that will spend $385 Billion on a Rx Penicillin like overnight miracle cure for breast cancer in 2012 will not start on MSNBC not matter how many stories Diane Mapes writes on her breast cancer blog!

Bill + Melinda could have started a double mastectomy Coup D'Etat!

Bill + Melinda started a Malaria Coup D'Etat with Mosquito Netting!

Bill + Melinda know gasoline burns at 1,800 F and have observed Fiery LA Wrecks and did not stop to help people on fire!

Greg will help women who have had a Double Mastectomy!

Coup D'Etat that ends the US from selling 13,000 war toys in 2012 will save women who would have gotten a double mastectomy in 2012

Economic Coup D'Etat for this and 500 Million People will get out of Poverty Overnight!

Economic Coup D'Etat $385 Billion for 1 Rx Penicillin Like Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer... 1 Rx for $385 Billion!

Dr. Nancy will write 1 Rx for $385 Billion!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

+++++++++++ Newest Title ** What Really Happened *** 21 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Rielle, "What Really Happened" in her and John Edwards brain chemistry to torture a women being tortured to death by breast cancer at the same time our USA Dictator will not let Greg + Wives invent a Rx Penicillin like Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer because he despises Greg, so he lets wives, daughters, sisters, die tortured by breast cancer. "What Really Happens" in our Dictators brain chemistry needs to be diagnosed by Dr. Nancy ASAP!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Third Degree Torture of our USA Dictator to get a Confession and Let US Invent!

Writing this Web Page every day must torture our USA Dictator

Caesar Killed his Wife, Daughter, Mother, Daughter In Law same as our USA Dictator

Cancer, Heart Disease, Husbands killing Wives, Fiery LA Wrecks, Alcoholism and Drugs!

Our USA Dictator The 12 Dictators like the 12 Caesars will kill 1 Billion people eventually

“What Really Happened” by Rielle Hunter

“What Really Happened” after the 1980 Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar

What really happened in Rielle’s brain chemistry with John Edwards to torture John’s wife who was being tortured to death by Breast Cancer...

Rx and Therapy and laws against this behavior after someone writes the History book 12 Dictators to go with the 12 Caesars Book!

What Really Happened, to stop our USA Dictator from letting Greg invent the Rx Breast Cancer Cure?

They do get to invent --- War Toys

They will not let us invent – Cancer Cure

Dictator and his inner circle are in a “Universe”!

They’re not in a NASA Universe of 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies!

They’d used the “Women Observers” war chest of money and manpower for War Toys!

They’ve made “Pizza” the #1 cause of Plaque in her Heart

They’ll murder their own wives and daughters via Breast Cancer and Heart Disease

Today after writing this Web Page every day for 6 months our USA Dictator runs a high risk of being arrested by “Women Observers”!

Consequences for “Women Observers” from our Dictator and his inner circles arrest will be a Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 2012

Greg feels compelled to keep writing every day until this “Game Changing” Arrest!

Our Dictator must feel he is being tortured to “End War”

Today our Dictator sold Saudi Arabia $60 Billion in Arms mostly Fighter Jets

Women Observers are aware women in Saudi Arabia will never be allowed to drive a car!

CIA women tried to start a revolt and got Saudi Women 30 Whip lashes for Driving a car!

CIA men would not assassinate the Saudi men who orders the 30 Whip lashes!

Terrorists are Really Homeland Security as $60 Billion purchase of 10,000 helicopter combines for harvesting crops was paid to Homeland Security!

5 years since the invention by Greg of Helicopter Combines and none have been built or sold

10 years since the invention by Greg of super air bags on the outside front and back, sides of all cars and trucks and none have been built or sold

10 years since the invention of Dash Web Cams that can see and hear the driver by the cop car behind him, none have been built or sold

Game Changer in 1980 was the Invention by Greg of the ElectricWindmillCar

Game Changer is Bush and his Mother

500 poor people in Nigeria were filling buckets full of gasoline from a gas pipe leak all 500 were burned to death in a gasoline fire, Bush’s Mother said in a public statement she despised this people and they were not worthy of free gasoline!

What really happened in Rielle’s brain chemistry with John Edwards to torture John’s wife who was being tortured to death by Breast Cancer...

What really happened in Bush’s Mothers brain chemistry to despise 500 people in Nigeria filling buckets full of gasoline from a pipe leaking?

$ Game of Wealth is Bush’s Mothers brain illness

$ Game of Wealth is Homeland Security’s purpose today, its only purpose is more Wealth!

Rielle and Bush’s Mother regard as unworthy 7 Billion people on Earth Today

Yale’s Elite Grads have a “Game Changer” in the ElectricWindmillCar web page

Game Changer for Elite Berkeley Labs is not 1 Billion Neutrons a second generated by their newly invented Neutron Generator!

Game Changer for Elite Berkeley Labs is “How is Gravity Generated” invented discovered by Greg + Wives when our Dictator lets us invent 24/7

Game Changer Invention Projects thought up by Greg + Wives!

500 Million people in India and Pakistan will get out of poverty overnight, this will never happen with our USA Dictator and India and Pakistan Ruling Class who most went to Yale or Harvard $

What Really Happened with the revenue from $4 Gasoline, how was $177 Trillion dollars spent?

Rielle was “Hunting” a rich husband, this was a felony!

This will be a felony at this time next year!

Godsend is the ElectricWindmillCar

Godsend is 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies in our New 2012 Universe!

Universe is a Work by God in Progress as a Godsend Telescope invention that can hear and see Aliens will be invented when our Dictator Lets us Invent!

Torture of our Dictator by this futuristic Godsend invention is a Game Changer!

Torture by Rielle + John of Elizabeth being tortured by dying of breast cancer!

Gravity of their brain chemistry doing this torture

Game Changer to change this brain chemistry of torture is another Godsend invention when our Dictator lets us invent!

Gravity of people burning to death in fiery LA Wrecks and Cop Cars rear-ended into a gasoline fire bomb burning the cop inside needs a Godsend invention, super strong gravity of whom our Dictator tortures in Burn Units!

“What Really Happens” in our 12 Dictators Brain Chemistry since 1980 to kill his Wife, Daughter, Mother, Daughter in Law via Breast Cancer, Heart Disease, Alcoholism, Drugs, Fiery LA Wrecks!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ** 1st Day of Summer Key West *** 20 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

1st Day of Summer in Key West Greg told Sharon she will be my executive secretary to build a medical school in Myrtle Beach South Carolina! Cure for Marie Curie’s Radiation Poisoning, is a MIT Summer Project for students! NYC will get speeding ticket cameras in the New York Times today for the Police not Medical Cameras for the MD Police. 50% of Medical Students come to work sick with the flu! Lawmakers will made a new law for Elizabeth Edwards, she was assaulted by Rielle Hunter! John Edwards said Rielle Hunter encourage you to behave differently, to assault your wife! Lawyers know new laws are made every year and this summer a new law will be made making what Rielle and John did assault, I’m sure Elizabeth would press charges too! Encouragement to Invent Something by Husbands to the Wives in Polygamy!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

1st Day of Summer in Key West Greg told Sharon she will be my executive secretary to build a medical school in Myrtle Beach South Carolina!

Summer Day 2012 MIT Professors special summer project for MIT Students

Cure for Marie Curie’s Radiation Poisoning, is a MIT Summer Project for students!

Curie’s are in Paris Today on the 1st Day of Summer 2012

Synthesis of Uranium that is not “Poisonous” to Humans

Encouragement to Invent Something by Husbands to the Wives in Polygamy!

“Tip-of-the-Tongue” forgetfulness is not a Berkeley Lab Summer Project for Students

Berkeley thought these 4 projects were more wide spread than - “Tip-of-the-Tongue” forgetfulness - A device that can perform remote chemical analysis on another planet, a second that shapes X-ray beams with submicron accuracy, a third that sprays biological molecules onto a mass spectrometer for microchip analysis, and a fourth that generates reactor-quality neutron beams from a compact source!

Pro-science MD Dr. Nancy has a better summer project than Sandia Labs

Alien “Treadmills” in the “Doctors Office” replaces the “Office Chairs”

Several different “Designs” of the Office Treadmill are possible and probable!

Government will never buy Office Treadmills for Sandia Labs and Berkeley Labs!

Pro-science Office Managers exercise their science news in the office and at home

Pro-science MD Dr. Nancy is Revolutionary... MD Police and New medical laws

NYC will get speeding ticket cameras in the New York Times for the Police not Medical Cameras for the MD Police.

50% of Medical Students come to work sick with the flu etc

MD Police are needed in NYC Hospitals more than NYC Cameras for Speeding!

NYC Hospital ticket cameras story in the New York Times, not this Summer!

Lawmakers will made a new law for Elizabeth Edwards, she was assaulted by Rielle Hunter!

John Edwards said Rielle Hunter encourage you to behave differently, to assault your wife!

Lawyers know new laws are made every year and this summer a new law will be made making what Rielle and John did assault, I’m sure Elizabeth would press charges too!

Encouragement to Invent Something by Husbands to the Wives in Polygamy!

John Edwards, Clinton, Kennedy’s all the men, and Arnold with the maid in Maria Shriver’s bed should have been arrest for assault on the wife!

Encouragement to Invent Something...

Rielle Hunter encourage you to behave differently to assault your wife!

Polygamy lifestyle makes assaulting the wife with a mistress or maid not a conscious thought ever!

Clinton and Hillary, both lawyers and not one thought of making what Clinton did a felony!

Inventiveness runs in a polygamous marriage not Clintons, Kennedys, Arnold Schwarzenegger!

2012 is the 1st summer with 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies in our “Observers + Dictator” consciousness!

Sun + Stars Revolutions on the 1st Day of Summer we must think of the Pope!

2012 Pope is not much different than the Pope who’s Law said the Sun revolves around the Earth!

2012 Pope is Treasonous to God because the Genocide caused by the Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar Era from 1980 to 2012

Pro-Science Pope is not possible ever after the last 2 Popes feared BP Oil Men more than God

Summer of 2012 Pope is in Hell already, as God knows the ElectricWindmillCar was a Godsend!

CIA from 1980 to 2012 also sabotaged social and medical care censoring the fact Saudi Arabia has free Health Care and Free University from USA buying $4 gas and suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar Era!

CIA’s conscious intellectual activity in the brain will be studied by pro-science MD’s like Dr. Nancy

A Pro-Science Pope is not possible until MIT or Berkeley invent a telescope to see Aliens!

“War Time Attitudes” are a behavior defect like “Murdered Wives” when you live in a Universe with 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies!

Inventiveness, encouraging Invent Something was sabotaged by the CIA

“Flame Virus” in the summer of 2012 infects Iran supercomputers

Iran would have been a Iran poorer than Pakistan and India without the $4 Gasoline from the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980

“Retired” war toys nukes too were reinvented for new war toys for the next Model Year

Treadmill Offices in all these “Offices” were not encouraged at all!

Think of a good summer of 2012 project for the government...

Cars in Key West outnumber tourists 2 to 1 maybe more

Invention of the Helicopter Car is a “Absolute” invention that will happen some day!

City of Key West has a law all roofs must be medal as a fire burnt down most of Key West going from roof to roof.

City of Key West will make a new building code for a Heliport on top of all new buildings!

Lawyer John Edwards and Clinton’s both lawyers know absolutely there will be a law against what these men did to their wives and it will be a felony assault charge!

Dr. Nancy said the unsavory situation of Rielle Hunter need a pro-science cure, which is a new law!

Law for a mistress assaulting a wife must become a felony!

Inventiveness can be encouraged from Husband to Wife in a Polygamous Marriage better!

Summer of 2012 invention projects for Polygamous Marriages could help Berkeley and Sandia Labs Upper Class inventors synthesis of Uranium so its not poisonous to Humans!

Mistress poisoning a marriage kills more people than Uranium Poisoning!

NYC new speeding ticket cameras need to be moved inside to arrest Rielle Hunter and John Edwards, Clinton, Kennedy and of course Arnold with the Maid in Maria Shriver’s bed!

Encouragement to Inventsomething is not in Windows 8

Windows 8 deleted 1,001 Invention Projects preinstalled with links to get your started on your summer inventions projects for the rest of your life!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ** Sequoia #1 Supercomputer *** 19 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Sandia Labs, Lawrence Livermore Labs, Los Alamos Lab, MIT, Scientists botched computer analysis resulting in Social-Economic flaws that are largely to blame for the worst Win-Lose in the History of Earth! #1 win for USA will be Electrolysis of H at –423 F -252 C Our #1 Dr. Nancy is asking our Dictator right now to simulate 1 vaccination invention on his 500 supercomputers to replace 100's Infants and Kids must have and get this invention for Dr. Nancy!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

MIT Vastly Misjudged the spin off inventions of Hydrogen Electrolysis –423 F -252 C

NASA Rocket Scientists botched computer analysis resulting in Social-Economic flaws that are largely to blame for the worst Win-Lose in the History of Earth!

Win by Saudi Arabia of $177 Trillion dollars in cash $

Lose by American Citizens of free H at –252 C in NASA cans that will not explode in a crashed shuttle!

NASA’s worst win-lose in History of Earth, 100 dead infants, kids left in hot cars every years from 1980 to 2012 are on NASA’s Rocket Scientist’s conscience if they hand one!

If the Observers make contact with Greg + Wives in the 1st week of Summer 2012 we will save as many of these infants and kids left in hot cars to die by our USA Dictator!

Dictators and Doctors lecture at Yale Medical School last week, I don’t know if the Professor put these 100 Infants, kids in the Lecture of not!

Dictators and Doctors Lecture at Yale, Mom and Dad cut back on vaccinations for infants and kids by 13% because the infants and kids need a vaccine at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months and much more its so crazy I would think vaccinations would be cut back 88%

Dictator playing his perfect Role Model for the USA Observers built the Sequoia #1 Supercomputer... in the news today

Sequoia is #1 out of 500 Supercomputers

Not 1 Supercomputers is running simulation of reducing the 100 vaccinations for infants and kids to 1 vaccination!

Dictator went for the #1 Supercomputer

Doctors at Yale would have went for the 1 vaccination to replace 100 vaccinations

Sandia Labs, Lawrence Livermore Labs, Los Alamos Lab, MIT, Scientists botched computer analysis resulting in Social-Economic flaws that are largely to blame for the worst Win-Lose in the History of Earth!

“War Toys” while the infants and kids are car pooled to the Dr. for vaccinations!

Hepatitis A, B, C... Dtap, new vaccine for cervical cancer prevention in 1 vaccination!

“War Toys” supercomputer simulations instead!

Our #1 Dr. Nancy is asking our Dictator right now to simulate 1 vaccination and get this invention for Dr. Nancy!

NASA Rocket Scientists, Sandia Labs, Lawrence Livermore Labs, Los Alamos Lab, MIT, Scientists botched computer analysis resulting in Social-Economic flaws that are largely to blame for the worst Win-Lose in the History of Earth!

1898 James Dewar was the 1st person to make liquefied H

#1 Dictator on Earth is the Person who made Saudi Arabia $177 Trillion in oil revenues

2011 GE Ecomagination demonstrated H electro chemical compression

#1 win for USA will be Electrolysis of H at –423 F -252 C

#1 Loss for USA from 1980 to 2012 has been the ElectricWindmillCar and its 100’s of spin off inventions by Greg!

Greg would have bought several Sequoia supercomputers for Yale Medical School in 1980

IBM made, 96 Huge Racks 7 feet high 5 feet wide 7 feet long 96 of these will just about fit in a building a little bigger than a football field!

Greg would have bought several Sequoia supercomputers for Yale Medical School in 1980

1883 Nitrogen was 1st cooled to a liquid at –321 F -196 C

Neuron to a target cell across a synapse in your brain is mostly made by Nitrogen Atoms

Computer simulation by the “War Toys” Labs need to simulate “Total Recall” invention!

“War Toys” Labs misjudged the spin off inventions from a “Total Recall” invention!

3% of the Human Body is nitrogen atoms

Japans “K Computer is #2 Supercomputer in the World

Argonne Nations Labs has the #3 Supercomputer in the World

“War Toys” labs computer simulations to make “Electrolysis” of Hydrogen 100 times more efficient was lost to a stock pile of Nuclear Weapons.

Old Nuclear Weapons are retired...

Newest computer simulated Nuclear Weapons are sent to the assembly line at Los Alamos to be put back in the Nuke Stock piles!

Same time all this is going on 100 infants and kids were left in hot cars because Mon and Dad did not take their “Total Recall” pill!

Same time infants and kids were getting vaccinations at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months etc

Top 500 Supercomputer simulation’s...

100 Infants and Kids left in Hot Cars to Die at the Start of the Summer of 2012 in a few days!

#1 Observers could make contact with Greg on the 1st Day of Summer 2012

Greg + Wives in the 1st week of Summer 2012 would save as many of the 100 infants and kids who will die left in hot car as possible!

#1 Dictator of the USA already has plans for Summer that don’t include this endeavor!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ** Free Electricity *** 18 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

10,000 Billion Dollar Palaces have been built in Saudi Arabia from 1980 to 2012! 15 Billion people in 2020 will inherit free H for their lifetime. 30 Billion people in what ever year it will be will inherit free H for their lifetime! For the 1st Time a Novel by Hemingway and 4 Wives to advance health + wealth, new To Have Have Not were they all are upper middle class working on 1,001 invention projects thanks to us in 2012 who gave them an Inheritance of free electricity in a NASA Can H - 254 C wow! Windfall! Hemingway lost his memory from Mayo shock treatment on his brain... Lobotomy Gas Treatments will prevent any man from using a double barrel shotgun on himself or his wife! THE END

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Their Inheritance... 30 Billion People on Earth will inherit H free Hydrogen from us! Electric Universe Squared... Windfall!

We Inherited “War and Peace” by Tolstoy which his wife rewrote by hand several times

Hemingway 2012 the rewriting of “War + Peace” in 2012 a Novel by many wives together

An Extremely Gratifying “Polygamous Marriage” made legal to write and invent 24/7

“Polygamous Marriage” Hemingway 2012 the rewriting of “War + Peace” with his 4 wives!

For the 1st Time a Novel by Hemingway and 4 Wives to advance health + wealth, a new To Have Have Not were they all are upper middle class working on 1,001 invention projects for a living, not exactly fishing!

God, Gravity, Health, Wealth, Lobotomy Gas Treatments not the Hemingway’s brain shock treatments at Mayo

Hemingway lost his memory from Mayo shock treatment on his brain

Lobotomy Gas Treatments will prevent any man from using a double barrel shotgun on himself or his wife!

Electricity on the Brain, is some futuristic novel full of new inventions using electricity

Electricity for all 7 Billion People on Earth Today free via H Hydrogen at –254 C in cans made by NASA

NASA Lost Humanity Discovery III Shuttles

No Damn Electric Company Electric Bills for anyone on Earth ever again!

No more High Voltage Towers across the City and Country Sides!

GE will never build another Nuclear Power Plant anywhere on Earth

15 Billion people in 2020 will inherit free H for their lifetime, free electricity at home and take out all their life!

30 Billion people in what ever year it will be will inherit free H for their lifetime! Free electricity for life!

In 1980 the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar would have been “Gratifying”!

Humanity had to wait until 2012 for its “Gratification” but gave everyone on Earth for the Next 100 years free electricity vis H

Like taking a shower with one wife, talking a shower when you have 4 wives in 2012

Gasoline Era was not laughable to Office Jason pictured below on the web with wife and daughter

10,000 Billion Dollar Palaces have been built in Saudi Arabia from 1980 to 2012

10K CIA Drones are on the assembly line ready to ship to Pakistan

Read my mind as you know these 10K Drones will blow up 10K Billion Dollar Saudi Palaces and the troops will have more to cheer about than dead women and children in a village so far below the poverty line no one in the USA could imagine.

You can Imagine 10,000 Billion Dollar Palaces have been built in Saudi Arabia from 1980 to 2012

15 Billion people in 2020 will inherit free H for their lifetime

Electricity... unlimited electricity for God knows what they will invent!

Maybe they will use this electric windfall to zap gravity into revealing how its generated

Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi cans...

Cans of H at – 254 C to fuel anything and everything for free electricity

Frees 15 billion people to give Humanity some free spin off inventions by time to work 24/7 brainstorming novels and inventions

10K Billion dollar medical School will be built in the USA to replace 10K batter women's shelters

Just think, 30 Billion people will inherit free H and Electricity from us!

This Inheritance will let tens of thousands of Polygamous Married people write Star Trek Novels and work 24/7 brainstorming with the wives on inventions!

Efficiency experts will become more efficient at directing traffic to Novel writing and inventing

Laws of God set forth in Star Travel to Alpha Centauri...

Laws of God set forth in the 1st Alien a telescope Observes!

Law abiding because your life is recorded on video tape and we have invented the Lobotomy Gas Treatments

Battered Women’s Shelters in every Town and City in the USA recycled

Characters in Tolstoy’s Novel “War and Peace”

“Oil Spills” have been covered up by Hillary, Bill + Melinda

What kind of Novel Characters can we get for War and Peace about Oil and free Electricity via Hydrogen?

2012 there is no Novel about Saudi Arabia we can get past the Censors in the USA!

Electric “War and Peace” novels with Hydrogen have been lost to the Censors

Electricity to end drilling for oil on Earth, When?

Howard Hughes, Carnegie, are all people in Saudi Arabia Today

Medical School Professors know the best MD’s get a job in Saudi Arabia Today

Lawrence of Arabia in 2012

Greg will be Lawrence of Arabia, Queen Elizabeth will spit on God for confiscating her $177 Trillion pounds in oil revenues from BP Oil from 1980 to 2012

Polygamous Hemingway will rewrite “War + Peace” in 2012 giving a better inheritance to 30 Billion People on Earth someday!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ** Fathers Day *** 17 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Fathers Day 2012 $4 Gasoline, 2012 Model Ford Mustang ElectricWindmillCars! Daddy's little girl Sharon wants a 2012 Model Ford Mustang and will take a gasoline one! Little Girls please believe you can inspire men with your gravity, its as real as Newton’s Gravity and you will inspire Greg to Discover how gravity is generated! Hospice MD’s could have used a “Terminator” movie by Arnold about Hepatitis and the movie could have easily been written by MD’s and made by Sony! Inventors need to vaccinate Antibody DNA so people don’t have to get the vaccinations... let your mind catch the fish the windmill light that will go off on one Hemingway sentence. Fathers Day Sharon Makes Daddy a Card with 4K Trillion Galaxies + a Mustang Car! Daddy were is Heaven? Were is my Mustang Car... Daddy!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Fathers Day 2012 $4 Gasoline, 2012 Model Ford Mustang ElectricWindmillCars!

Daddy's little girl Sharon wants a 2012 Model Ford Mustang and will take a gasoline one!

Fathers Day Sharon Makes Daddy a Card with 4K Trillion Galaxies + a Mustang Car!

Daddy were is Heaven? Were is my Mustang Car...

Daddy points to a Massive Most Distant Galaxy... Heaven! My Mustang Car is in Heaven...

Little girl Sharon believes Daddy can see Heaven in our new 2012 Universe Daddy is Right!

Little Sharon ask Daddy more questions about so... so many Galaxies!

Daddy says God made you, little girls are Gods best Invention! She smiles!

1936 Hemingway Universe is not our 2012 Universe by many Trillions of Massive Galaxies

So Daddy wants Sharon to take a writing class at Hemingway House in Key West

Write the 2012 Hemingway Universe Novel, win the Nobel for Gods Best Invention, Women!

Daddy says space is infinite, as 4K Trillion Galaxies are moving into empty space...

Daddy tells her all little girls have their “Gravity” from God and it will inspire their Husbands!

She will grow up to be the Boss Wife, work her husband 24/7 brainstorming 1,001 invention projects that will come pre installed in Windows 9 with all these invention projects spelled out with links to get you started too.

2012 Universe, In a Universe Novel written at Hemingway House Key West

Stars in the Key West Sky!

Hemingway House is closed at night, when they offer Writing and Inventing classes they will be open 24/7

Give Daddy and Hemingway the kiss that has aroused Men to write Nobel Novels

4 Wives of Hemingway all the kisses, without these there would be no Hemingway Novels!

Little Girl please believe you can inspire men with your gravity, its as real as Newton’s Gravity which you will use to inspire your Hemingway to Discover how gravity is generated!

Rx Penicillin Like Overnight Cure for Cancer... inspired by Women!

So many women don’t want to inspire men... this is a sin!

She standing in front of the mirror fixing her hair talking...

Men watching, getting aroused, inspired to think brainstorm all day long how do I discover the Rx Penicillin like Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer, Cancer of the Ovaries! Cancer!

Immune System the DNA that makes new Antibodies does not program all Antigens in it!

Inventors need to vaccinate Antibody DNA so people don’t have to get the vaccinations

Read “To Have Have Not” thinking... Inventors need to vaccinate Antibody DNA so people don’t have to get the vaccinations... let your mind catch the fish the windmill light that will go off on one Hemingway sentence. That clicks on how to invent this.

If you never read “To Have Have Not” and or do and don’t think of the Antibody DNA programming you will never think to invent this cure for Cancer and Disease this way!

Rx Penicillin Like Overnight Cure for Cancer... inspired by Women!

So many women don’t want to inspire men... this is a sin!

Sin... Arnold Schwarzenegger would like Maria Shriver to take him back, but he's not holding out hope and is at peace with the likely end of his marriage. Maria's friends have done everything they can to poison the waters, imploring Maria to divorce him...

Father's Day! Arnold Schwarzenegger takes his son Patrick for a spin in $250,000 Mercedes SLS 63 AMG convertible Roadster... gasoline Mercedes not an ElectricWindmillCar Mercedes!

CBS Good Morning on Fathers Day had Maria Shriver on... talking about her father Sargent Shriver and Maria did not mention her children’s father Arnold!

Sin of getting the maid pregnant in the same bed he got Maria Shriver pregnant, wow!

Getting caught Poisoned Maria Shriver’s Universe of girl friends and made Maria the joke of Men world wide, Arnold had the maid... grin!

Class Upper Class, just like Upper Class Inventors at Berkeley who are mad as Hell about this web page and Greg trying to get the Rx Penicillin Overnight cure for Breast Cancer for Gods best invention... women!

Upper Class Yale with a Divinity School is mad as Hell at Greg for writing Women are Gods best Invention as Yale Official policy is we evolved as all Yale courses are Names Evolutionary Biology and Anatomy!

Yale Upper Class did this before 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies were Observed... grin

Yale Upper Class gets an F grade on this one

Yale is mad as hell about Greg writing about How is Gravity Generated and when gregs gets a few wives in a Polygamous Marriage, brainstorming 24/7 we'll discover how gravity is generated Yale will kill us all! A Joke like Martha Gellhorn had murderous thoughts every day!

Hepatitis, million of Fathers died from this since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar

Arnold was doing the maid instead of promoting the Cure and or massive vaccination program for Hepatitis...

Hospice MD’s could have used a “Terminator” movie by Arnold about Hepatitis and the movie could have easily been written by MD’s and made by Sony!

Fathers also died from Congestive heart failure, is the inability of the heart to provide sufficient pump action to distribute blood flow to meet the needs of the body. It is the most common cause of death in USA, and a major cause of hospital admissions.

#1 most common cause of death in the USA for Fathers and CBS Good Morning Sunday didn’t have a story on this and Maria has not idea its #1 cause of Dads Deaths!

Sick... Upper Class Shriver’s and CBS Good Morning Sunday programming on Fathers Day!

Dr. Nancy would say CBS has been... “Poisoned”!

Maria talked about the Peace Core her Father Started but didn’t mention 1K women in the Peace Core were raped in the last few years, world wide!

Sick... Upper Class Shriver’s and CBS Good Morning Sunday programming on Fathers Day!

Arnold should have had a Vasectomy, witch is a surgical procedure for male sterilization and/or permanent birth control. During the procedure, the vasa deferentia of a man are severed.

Severed from Maria Shriver on Fathers Day 2012 Arnold should of has a Vasectomy, John Edwards too!

#1 Secret of the Government is Officer Jason pictured below on this web with daughter, little Sharon and his wife. Officer Jason was writing a ticket in a cop car and rear ended his car burst into flames and he was burned. He lived several years but died of his burns! There are 10K Fathers like Jason with sons, daughters and wives today who get no compensation from Saudi Terrorists$

#1 Secret of the Government and Sony will never make a Movie of Officer Jasons fiery wreck until the Saudi Terrorists pay a Huge Compensation to little Sharon and the cops wife$

Fathers killed in Fiery LA Wrecks on Fathers Day 2012 will not be on Nightly News Tomorrow!

#1 Government Secret is #1 killers of Fathers Today are Saudi Oil men!

1960 Gregs Father ran out of gas after mom told him to stop and get gas...

1980 Greg invented the ElectricWindmillCar while Teddy Kennedy made the YouTube Video of Greg Brainstorming this invention!

Greg on Fathers Day 2012 tried to make contact with a old women MD in Key West to talk about inventing a Rx Penicillin like Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer...

Gregs feels like this is something Daddy would like to read when he reads this web, what Greg tried to do on his Fathers Day 2012...

Happy Fathers Day Daddy 2012

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 16 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Health Warning on Music Video’s Ads Commercials. Advertising Agencies compete for the most gross Health Warning Music Video. CIA covert illegal help with the coercing of Bacon Burger, Smoking, Alcohol businesses who ruin your life to sell some other product before bacon burgers ruin their life in prison! Madonna does not eat cheese pizza as she knows Pizza is the #1 cause of Women’s Heart Health Deaths but she will not tell her girl friends in a music video! Infants with Whooping Cough and Hepatitis in a music video! Next Generation of MD Police will keep your medical records public! With pop up alerts! Hillary MD music videos will portray her life as a MD Woman!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Effective Heath Warnings!

Health Warning on Music Video’s Ads Commercials

Advertising Agencies compete for the most gross Health Warning Music Video

CIA covert illegal help with the coercing of Bacon Burger, Smoking, Alcohol businesses who ruin your life to sell some other product before bacon burgers ruin their life in prison!

Electricity is cut off from Burger King...

Waste Management and Sysco don’t make stops at businesses that have health warnings on their products

Parasites on Video Health Warning Commercials, Business Parasites and virus Parasites

Fungus will be recognized by kids watching the Disney Channel, and ads they got their parents fat!

Pasteur in Paris, all his Discoveries on video commercials and in Health Ads for the next generation of Pasteur’s music videos!

Music Video that show actually ruined lives, Hell No We Won’t go... and ruin our lives!

Malaria scientists say they made significant Advances... Hell No!

H at –254 C in a freezing fog around the house and bed is significant Advancement's!

Madonna showed her nipple last week not a Madonna music video on Bacon Burgers!

Madonna does not eat cheese pizza as she knows Pizza is the #1 cause of Women’s Heart Health Deaths but she will not tell her girl friends in a music video!

Building the Next Generation of MD’s, Medical Schools and MD Police

Today’s MD’s let the gov. let adults refuse vaccinations then these adults go on to kill infants... Really!

100K Dead Infants in 2012 because the government MD’s in Charge let adults refused vaccinations! Sick Government, our Government leaders could not get much sicker!

McCain, Kerry and of course Bill and Melinda know this is going on and will not even tell the public on MSNBC, the truth about infants who catch deadly diseases from adults who are not critically sick but carriers of deadly virus’s!

Dead Infants of meningitis can now be stopped with the vaccine “Menhibrix” but infants will die of meningitis for 10 more years, 25 more years if the current government MD’s and MD Police are our Dictators! Sick!

Chorea in Haiti was brought there by UN Troops and the UN MD’s covered this up!

Yale Medical School Hospital is better in the Honor Code than the Air Force Academy

Next Generation of MD Police will keep your medical records public! With pop up alerts!

Alerts will be pop-ups for Adults who are sick... who did not get their vaccination on time!

Dr. Nancy is getting Myrtle Beach HS Students ready for 50% to become the next generation of MD’s Inventors!

Los Alamos next generation of super computers $2 Trillion dollars worth will be Medical Diagnostic, Discovery of 1,001 Medical Inventions literate!

Nukes at Los Alamos will be sacrificed for the Rx Overnight Penicillin type cure for breast cancer!

Gregs little brother Bill died from liver cancer caused by Hepatitis from someone who did not get all their several Hepatitis vaccinations...

Obama just made them American Citizens when he said no criminals, it will be a felony in the next generation of MD Police to infect a infant with Hepatitis or Whooping Cough, Obama does not know how the death statistics on innocent victims he just pardoned ill criminals and made them American Citizens and Hillary did not correct him, she is a accomplice to mass murder of infants via Hepatitis and Whooping Cough... flu kills more infants in 2012 than Hepatitis and Whooping Cough! All death infants cause the deadly virus from an Adult who was not arrested! MD Police will wipe out this crime in the next generation!

Every illness you have ever had and carry will be in your public medical records and will be attached automatically to every Job Application you submit!

Next generation published medical articles will be free to read

Next generation of HS Students 50% will be MD’s thanks to Dr. Nancy

Next generation of TV Commercials will get you in shape intellectually

Aerobics' will be scientific aerobics, medical aerobics, Jane Fonda was the Last Generation

Jane Fonda MD music video will portray her life as a MD Woman!

Hillary MD music videos will portray her life as a MD Woman

100 Million died under Jane and Hillary Ruling Class MD’s

Touch Screen instead of a mouse, what will the next generation invent?

Commercials for kids, and Rocket Scientists!

Same health warning ad but one made for kids and one for Rocket Scientists

Job Application questions will be in your public record 1 click and OK all submitted!

Never again fill out a application for anything, just add 1 click to your options

Just like Amazon!

Infants with Whooping Cough and Hepatitis in a music video!

Infants with Whooping Cough and Hepatitis in a music video!

Infants with Whooping Cough and Hepatitis in a music video!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 15 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Dr. Nancy can Tutor Carolina’s HS Students So 50% Become MD’s! Dr. Nancy’s Kids now for all these Carolina’s HS Students moved up in class via Dr. Nancy... #1 State will be Carolina’s in HS Students becoming MD's... Obamas Stimulus Jobs money went to build “Key West” sidewalks $ Dark Matters exist and this is the most abundant Matters in the Obama Era! Coup on BP Oil and Saudi Oil then they will pay for all USA HS Students to become MD’s Doctors kids get more Anatomy Play Time than Play Ground Play Times! In 10 or 20 years this will ignite Barbara Streisand’s war on Women’s Heart Health. Barbara Streisand reported on the causalities On Women’s Heart Heath War with MSNBC commercials and Bacon Burgers winning the war as more women in 2012 die from Heart Disease than all the Wars Dead for all the Wars ever fought on Earth!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Dr. Nancy can Tutor Carolina’s HS Students So 50% Become MD’s

Dr. Nancy’s Kids now for all these Carolina’s HS Students moved up in class via Dr. Nancy

#1 State will be Carolina’s in HS Students becoming MD

#1 State for the most HS Students becoming MD’s today 15 June 12, Dr. Nancy does not know!

Carolina’s HS Students will be 100 Times more inventive than MD’s in 2012

Because Windows 9 will come preinstalled with 1,001 Medical Inventions and Discoveries spelled out and links to get them started!

Bill + Melinda Gates will want to charge the students 100 times more $ than the basic version of Windows 9

Meningitis affects the lining that surrounds the brain

“Men” surrounding the “The Brains” kids today cause stifling heat for all HS Kids!

Stifling women HS students “Hit On” the wrong way by two different HS Teachers, Mom took care of them than God she said!

Stimulus is Dr. Nancy without an Obama Stimulus Money for Jobs $

Obamas Stimulus Jobs money went to build “Key West” sidewalks $

Dark Matters exist and this is the most abundant Matters in the Obama Era!

Obamas Stimulus Jobs money went to build “Key West” sidewalks $

Bee Sting by a President and no one knows what to put on it...

Key West new sidewalks are overpriced for the tourists of course

Carolina’s HS Students who watch Dr. Phil get fat from his Burger King Commercials

Sting Rays are under the sand in hiding in Dr. Phil Commercials

Dr. Nancy in NYC will lose a lot of sleep finding MD tutors for NYC HS Kids she took in to become MD’s

GE Health Care Division of GE will not let any Stimulus money for jobs used for this!

Coup on BP Oil and Saudi Oil then they will pay for all USA HS Students to become MD’s

Doctors kids get more Anatomy Play Time than Play Ground Play Times!

In 10 or 20 years this will ignite Barbara Streisand’s war on Women’s Heart Health

Barbara Streisand reported on the causalities On Women’s Heart Heath War with MSNBC commercials and Bacon Burgers winning the war as more women in 2012 die from Heart Disease than all the Wars Dead for all the Wars ever fought on Earth!

And women will be eating Bacon Burgers at Burger King today... Crazy Woman!

Two women in Key West, one in the sun one smoking. The one smoking said to the other women sun causes cancer! 2 Crazy Women!

Years later one still smokes and one still sits in the sun!

Just got to the Sunset in time to see the flaming ball of fire 93 million miles away set behind Sunset Island in Key West, Yes of Course Barbara Streisand knows everyone who has a house on Sunset Keys Island

Greg has to cook up some bacon that is “Cured” of causing any Women Heart Disease!

Gunk in the Aorta...

MIT just invented the glass ketchup bottle that no ketchup sticks to the inside of the bottle

Greg will find out how they did this and get a spin off invention for women’s Aorta!

MIT should have gotten the slick Aorta invention before the slick ketchup bottle insides!

Streisand’s MIT Jews are cheating on her and cheating her out of savings women’s Hearts in more ways than one

Her Smile, blue eyes, I tell her she inspired 50% of HS kids in Carolina’s to get the chance to become a MD

I just told her I love women, their creation!

I will discover how gravity is generated talking to a woman!

Inspired men love women’s gravity to inspire discoveries and inventions, ideas for HS students

$100K a plate in a tent in Barbara Streisand’s back yard and they did not tell you Steak was on the menu

Women know what foods clog their aorta

Behavior Modification needs to be 100 Times more effective

The Public, 7 Billion of us have no say in what is on the menu that will not stick to your aorta

17 Rare Earth mineral mined, 17 rare discoveries and inventions not mined as much as they should be... gravity of it all

MSNBC will not up grade Windows 8 for Barbara Streisand

Cedar-Sinai Hospital has bacon burgers on the menu every day

Oil Refineries are owned by everyone, even the Vatican

Japan poisoned people when they mined for the 17 rare Earth elements

1 rare Earth discovery, how gravity is generated

Barbara Streisand knows the only cure for all these women who will die from the Heart

Is a Coup, that tells WHO to declare Martial Law for women’s Heart Health

Ignite 4K Trillion massive Galaxies and Barbara’s Body Count from Bacon Burgers!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 14 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Miss MD USA Pageant is the Future of Women Miss MD Universe Pageant is the Future of Women 50 States, 3rd question name 5 hormones that control most human behaviors? What are the most common Women’s Heartbreaks cause by Man? Africa is #1 in Female Genital Mutilations of the Clitoris! WHO at the UN will Declare Martial Law on all of Africa to stop these sick mutilations. Madonna showed her nipple last week in a concert not the video of the Female Genital Mutilations of the Clitoris! Hillary put sanctions on Iran not Africa. Hillary did not survive Bill’s Mutilations and Humiliations to prevent this behavior of lies to your wife and Country in most men!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Miss MD USA Pageant is the Future of Women

Miss MD Universe Pageant is the Future of Women

Miss USA Pageant has Trumps No Conscience Casino Cheating + House Wins over Women

List of the 5 Finalists was rigged!

Miss MD Universe Pageant Is the 14 Billion Light Years Distance to the End of Galaxies!

Miss MD USA questions diagnose nausea, pain, head ache in a 51 year old patient...

2nd question write a page in the Novel “To Have Have Not” to Discover a new Penicillin!

50 States, 3rd question name 5 hormones that control most human behaviors?

What are the most common Women’s Heartbreaks cause by Man?

Nobel in Medicine for Women MD will have several female categories, OB/GYN Nobel!

OB/GYN Nobel!

Africa is #1 in Female Genital Mutilations of the Clitoris!

Trumps Miss USA winner last week knows of these Mutilations going on “today”!

She promoted what Donald Trump wanted not what she should have Promoted!

Cure for Female Genital Mutilations of the Clitoris is not mentioned by Dr Nancy On Today

WHO at the UN will Declare Martial Law on all of Africa to stop these sick mutilations

Hillary put sanctions on Iran not Africa

Hillary did not survive Bill’s Mutilations and Humiliations to prevent this in most men

Side Effects of Bill + Hillary let African Female Genital Mutilations of the Clitoris go on every day since Bill lied to so many at his trail!

WHO at the UN has put this in the news a few times

Greg writes today of the “Sharper Minds” women need to stop Mental under the desk mutilations and physical mutilations of the clitoris!

Madonna and these women in Africa are to much of a scandal, just show her nipple!

Madonna showing the video of the Female Genital Mutilations of the Clitoris!

Madonna is a pussy, let her show her other nipple in Paris!

Greg is cleverer than just inventing the ElectricWindmillCar!

TV’s new line up triggers a Medical Cure Discovery TV Show Era never before examined!

MD Miss USA triggers a response from the New England Journal of Medicine, The Female Brain Dissected!

Millions of Cancers the side of Effect of Exhaust was exposed by WHO yesterday

Social response by the Media Mongols gives Greg the idea to write “Bank on Greg Starting work” with several MD Wives sooner than later!

Sharks of tomorrow like Donald Trump will have Behavior Hormones implanted for life

Beyond Behavior Modification Novels telling All how TV Commercials got so many Americans Fat!

Women MD’s will have behavior hormones implanted into all sons

Share your diagnosis and therapy thought for a calmer gentler Era of Men

Male Hormones levels will be controlled all his life by his wife, Battered women’s shelters in every town and city in the USA will be recycled into something Miss MD USA came up with!

NASA sat out the “Revolution” of the Universe since the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar

Revolution caused by 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies were they meet empty space is ripe!

NASA will to the coup leaders of the New French Revolution will be a windfall of H cans made by NASA in every size and will hold H at –254 C cold, but enough fuel to heat your home in Moscow or cool your home on the Equator!

God’s Best Invention is Women...

Gregs Best invention is Miss MD USA Pageant

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 13 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Surge of 100,000 Troops in Iraq should have been surge of 100,000 MD women! $1 Trillion spent on the Pentagon surges $1 Trillion spent on the MD Surge! Surge of Medical Discoveries, Rx Penicillin Type overnight Cures! Surge of surgery done without cutting out the tumor, reinvented surgery tools! Chemo in Breast Cancer Treatment must be reinvented with a Nobel “Saw Dust” added so its not a torture! Fiasco of Robot Brain Surgery for millions of people every year! In Paris millions will stand in line waiting to get on the assembly line for a lung transplant! WHO will not be able to Declare Martial Law until after the New French Revolution!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Surge of 100,000 Troops in Iraq should have been surge of 100,000 MD women!

Surge, MD instead of the Pentagon

$1 Trillion spent on the Pentagon surges

$1 Trillion spent on the MD Surge

Perceptions, Ideas are vivid and extreme as to a MD surge!

Surge of Medical Discoveries, Rx Penicillin Type overnight Cures!

Surge of surgery done without cutting out the tumor, reinvented surgery tools!

Antibody Novel like “Old Man And The Sea”

Penicillin Nobel like “Farewell to Arms”

$4 Gas Novel like “The French Revolution”

The French auto market, 72 percent diesel Model cars and trucks last year,

French Government tax brakes for diesel engines

WHO yesterday warned diesel exhaust kills millions with lung cancer!

French Government will set up assembly lines for millions of lung transplants

Surge of 100,000 French MD’s

Surge like the Manhattan A Bomb Project

Surge to “Discover” again a Rx Penicillin Overnight cure for lung cancer!

Millions in every Nation on Earth will need a Lung Transplant!

Fiasco caused by criminal Oil Men, BP Oil + Saudi Oil

Humanities Ruling Class from Yale, Harvard are the criminals responsible for “Diesel + $4 gasoline”

WHO exposed the conscious visual stimulus of “exhaust” does cause cancer!

Of Course 1 Billion People already knew this...

Ford builds the most Diesel Engines when Greg mailed Ford HQ dozens of ElectricWindmillCar Cards decades ago!

Ford HQ the Top Brass now know what they did will cause 1 million people to die of lung cancer in the next few years and 1 million others to get a lung transplant!

Recall of Ford Cars...

Recall of Ford Cars, replaced with ElectricWindmillCars

Surge of Dictators since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar

Surge of MD’s was never a idea by Yale or even Yale and Harvard Medical School Presidents!

Self-Conscious of your position in society, as Inventor + Woman MD

Inventors + Women MD’s marry to work 24/7 to Discover another Penicillin for the Rx Overnight Cure for Cancer!

Ford Engineers since 1980 came to work every day at Ford to work on the next Model Years Gasoline and Diesel Engine knowing exhaust caused cancer!

Engine to get to the “Wedding” of the Inventor + Woman MD’s is a “Social Engine” that has to “Spark” a New French Revolution!

Surge in Polygamous Weddings of Inventors and Women MD’s 100,000 like the Troop Surge in Iraq

Organized by the Government to Discover another Rx Penicillin Overnight Cure for Cancer

Consciousness in your brain is part electric!

Conscious of Mass Murder by $4 gas Era!

How did BP Oil Men and Saudi Oil Men corrupt so many members of the Ruling Class world wide?

Observers watch Greg, Home Alone in Key West when they could Observe Greg with many MD Wives in Key West

Evidence, Notes, 50 pages a day to write this daily web page!

500 pages of evidence and notes brainstorming with many MD women!

Fiasco of Robot Brain Surgery for millions of people every year!

Surge of MD’s and Inventors is to reinvent Brain Surgery that uses brain-pace-makers, hot and cold lasers, electricity to do brain surgery with or without a robot!

Zap the brain tumor a innovative way, is a sure thing after the surge of 100,000 MD’s!

Organized by the Government, like the French Government after the French Revolution!

Tobacco + Alcohol must go the way of Exhaust in the New French Revolution

Martial Law by MD’s

WHO declares Martial Law... Tobacco + Alcohol alone with Heroin and other drugs are meet with a surge of 100,000 troops following Doctor Orders from WHO!

Chemo in Breast Cancer Treatment must be reinvented with a Nobel “Saw Dust” added so its not a torture!

Surge to reinvent this and other medical tortures will succeed with 100.000 MD Troops!

Evidence of Hemingway at Mayo getting shock treatment on his Brain will help 100,000 MD working on dozens of brain inventions and discoveries!

In Paris millions will stand in line waiting to get on the assembly line for a lung transplant!

Surge --- is the New French Revolution!

WHO will not be able to Declare Martial Law until after the New French Revolution!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 12 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Bill + Melinda can eradicate Malaria Mosquitos via "freezing air force field" around the house and bedroom. Government Delays a Basic Reinvented Freezer by Greg, A Freezer that uses H cans of all sizes very cold at –254 C with the option of blowing out cold air at any temp! Government delays a Windows 8 version with an icon to record your internet session as a YouTube Video so you can share your Invention Projects research with others! Absolute Zero Government Predators Don’t Care about Robin Roberts enough to Hire Greg and his MD Wives to work 24/7 on a Rx penicillin type overnight cure for cancer as our job interview has been delayed again! Pardon has been Delayed Again! Today on the Nightly News Exhaust from $4 gasoline has cause millions of Lung Cancers!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Bill + Melinda’s Malaria Mosquitos Frozen out of the House Bed Room via H –254 C

Government Delays a Basic Reinvented by Greg, A Freezer that uses H cans of all sizes –254 C

Bill + Melinda can eradicate Malaria Mosquitos via freezing air force field around the house and bedrooms no mosquito Net Needed!

JFK Air Craft Carrier with 10K Windmills, Electrolysis, H and O and cooling the H to –254 C putting it in NASA cans of all sizes for all size freezer, cooler, and air conditioners!

Government has Delayed News of this Invention on Nightly News for more than a Year!

Government has delayed Gregs job interview for Cancer Cure Work!

Talk to your Doctor Wife today... has been delayed by the Government

Berlin June 12, 1997 Berlin Wall Must come down...

Afghanistan causalities are 218 murders in Chicago in 2012 and 300K women with cancer

Collateral Damage from “Drones” in Afghanistan in Chicago and every town and city in the USA

Robert Kennedy killed, murdered his wife Mary by suicide – torturing her to hang herself

$4 Gasoline’s End has been Delayed by the Government

Heroin used by Robert and Mary Delayed Eradication!

ElectricWindmillCar Era Delayed by the Government!

Greg getting a 24/7 job working on a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer Delayed!

Robin Roberts Breast Cancer to MDS to Leukemia to Cervical Cancer Cure Delayed

Everyone knows Robin Roberts, no one knows the Government “Men” who “Delay” so much!

McCain + Kerry are the Predators with their inner circles of Generals and Admirals

McCain + Kerry have kept the 9/11 war going for over 10 years selling $4 gasoline

Predator Drones are used World Wide by the Pentagon

Predator’s McCain + Kerry named the Drones “Predator”

McCain + Kerry invented the newest generation of Drones Yesterday “Switchblade”

McCain + Kerry delayed the Pink Eiffel Tower Structure the Yale Key West Medical School will be built on in a Race for the Cure, Rx Penicillin type cure that cures breast cancer overnight!

Women know who Robin Roberts is and Diane Sawyer, both this women know McCain and Kerry are the War Predators in Government who are Delaying the Rx Penicillin type Overnight cure for Breast Cancer and Cancer yet can not put this on the ABC Nightly News!

“HellFire Missiles” Named by McCain + Kerry’s inner circle spit on God and the idea of Hell

HellFire Missiles will be used to destroy 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies speed faster and faster every day into empty space were galaxies and empty space meet!

Don’t Care... Predators is the best name for McCain, Kerry and their inner circle!

The “Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center” will dissect their brains and Gregs!

McCain + Kerry’s brains are diseased with the Predator Virus and Psychosis!

Gregs Brain will give Harvard Elite Inventors 1,001 discoveries and inventions for social advancement when its dissected!

“1984” observers walking down Duval in Key West spit on people they “Observe”!

Predators who “Observe” others...

Predators, Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff spit on the idea of “Hell” + “God” in a Universe were 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies are traveling faster than the day before!

Predators are Psychotic, when their brains are dissected by Harvard MS’s we will know more!

Today on the Nightly News Exhaust from $4 gasoline has cause millions of Lung Cancers!

Huge Compensation $ pay out but only after the New French Revolution which has been Delayed by the Government!

Alcohol on the brain has killed and wounded millions world wide too!

Inventive ways to prevent all drunks, is like the government getting so many people FAT!

Absolute Zero is several degrees colder than H at –254 C

Absolute Government Predators Don’t Care about Robin Roberts enough to Hire Greg and his MD Wives to work 24/7 on a Rx penicillin type overnight cure for cancer as our job interview has been delayed again!

Absolute Zero Freezers Delayed by a Government of Predators who will sell someone Malaria Mosquito Netting tomorrow without the Absolute Zero Cooler blowing out a force field of freezing air!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 11 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Will Be Arrested for Driving Mary Richardson Kennedy to commit Suicide! Convert “Hunters” who hunt women to abuse them, torture them, force them to commit suicide to become Polygamists will their several women lovers to work brainstorm 24/7 on 1,001 Discoveries and Invention Projects spelled out on this web page with links to get your started! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Will Be Arrested for Driving Mary Richardson Kennedy to commit Suicide! “Polygamous Marriage” Mary Jo and Mary K would be alive today! Mood to Marry Many Women, to Discover, Invent, brainstorm 24/7 with the intelligent wives! Invent Something, Mood, Happy-Go-Lucky Hunting Inventions and Discoveries with many Wives! Hunting to convert other Kennedy’s and other rich kids hunting “Women” to be mean, loathsome, abusive to “Women” they Hunt! Convert them to Happy-Go-Lucky Polygamists with few wives to brainstorm 1,001 inventions and Discoveries with 24/7 both in a Happy Mood brainstorming Discoveries and Invention Projects!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Will Be Arrested for Driving Mary Richardson Kennedy to commit Suicide!

Teddy Kennedy Killed Mary Jo K. Robert Kennedy Killed Mary R.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Bullied Mary Richardson Kennedy to commit Suicide

FBI Murder-Suicide statistics will someday soon include what Kennedy did to Mary!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the second son of Robert and Ethel Skakel Kennedy

Conor, 17, Kyra, 16, Fin, 14, and Aidan, 10

Family-court judge decided to give full but temporary custody to her estranged husband

On Wednesday, May 16, Mary was nowhere to be found. The housekeeper and her husband looked all over but couldn’t find her. The housekeeper called Bobby and he came over to the house. The three of them searched further, until they entered the barn and found a harrowing sight. Mary was as neat as Bobby was sloppy, and she had tied a beautiful knot at the end of the rope, attached it to a rafter, and hanged herself. The housekeeper fell to the ground in a fetal position and stayed there for several hours. As for Bobby, whenever a Kennedy had died during his lifetime, whether it was his brothers David and Michael or his cousin John Kennedy Jr., his lean face would turn gray with grief, but he never cried. Now the tears flowed.

Kennedy’s affidavit, sworn Sept. 16, 2011, and filed in New York Supreme Court in Westchester County as part of their divorce, discussed a Kennedy family’s private life with sad candor. In the document on the Internet you read how Kennedy Bullied Marry to Commit Suicide, Mary’s only other choice was to Kill Kennedy!

Kennedy writes Few people had any inkling of what was happening inside the family house!

1979 Greg meet Teddy Kennedy in Niwot Colorado, the woman Greg was living with at the time Nancy Jo Gibbs talked about Teddy for weeks before she introduced me to him.

Diane Gurth Nancy Jo’s girlfriend and Gregs date from time to time answered the phone at 3 am one morning, Greg was calling from his apt in Boulder Colorado full of Birthday Cards, 5K and many different formats designs of the Birthday Card on this web.

Diane Gurth at 3 am on the phone with Greg, I know you can hear me in my apt... what is going on?

Diane said hold up some fingers... I did...

She told me how many and what I was doing in my Apt...

On and on Diane convinced Greg she was watching me on hidden cameras in my apt!

Kennedy writes Few people had any inkling of what was happening inside the family house!

100’s of Observers watching Mary, as Kennedy knew she was stressed out about losing custody of the 4 kids so many more Observers were watching Mary than normal!

Observers have this on video... they entered the barn and found a harrowing sight. Mary was as neat as Bobby was sloppy, and she had tied a beautiful knot at the end of the rope, attached it to a rafter, and hanged herself.

The hanging and finding Mary Hanged!

Observers are Callous from Observing everything!

Kennedy 1993 was still married to his wife of 10 years, Emily Black Kennedy, mother of Bobby III and Kathleen (“Kick”), but this homespun, Midwestern woman had had it with her husband’s hyper-Kennedy life. That was when Bobby and Mary saw each other as if for the first time. “Mary was fooling around with Bobby when he was married to Emily, but that marriage was essentially over,” says one of Bobby’s closest friends. “It ended amicably and it was just the right thing to do. But Bobby is a philanderer. Always was, always will be. And Mary knew that.”

1983 Kennedy was busted for heroin possession, Joined New York’s Riverkeeper organization; now he was the group’s chief attorney, punishing polluters and cleaning up the Hudson River. Mary, too, was more serious than she once had been, working as an architect on her own environmentally conscious projects. In April 1994, Bobby, 40, married six-months’ pregnant Mary, 34, on the deck of the Riverkeeper’s research boat, the Shannon. Those waters, which had once been dark with pollution, were now on the way to becoming clean again thanks to the crusading zeal of environmentalists such as Bobby. “

1979 Greg Meet Teddy Kennedy

1980 Greg Invented the ElectricWindmillCar while Kennedy and Nancy Jo, and Diane Gurth were watching Greg on hidden cameras in his room full of 5K Birthday Cards

1980 was the Saudi Oil Embargo

1980 4 weeks after Kennedy, Nancy Jo, Diane, watched the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar the Saudi Oil Embargo with long lines at every gas station in America ended!

Kennedy got Carter to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar for $4 gasoline Era and #177 Trillion in gasoline revenues from 1980 to 2012

1985 Both Robert and Mary recovering in 12-step programs and had exhibited destructive, addictive behaviors. In 1985, two years after Bobby had been busted for heroin possession and become sober, Mary, finding the structure and radical honesty of 12-step meetings helpful, she became a regular at AA, NA, just like Robert Kennedy!

Heroin Addicts Mary and Robert Kennedy 1985

Caused by the 1980 invention by Greg of the ElectricWindmillCar!

You too would do Heroin if your friend Teddy Kennedy was the mastermind behind the suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar, Teddy killed Carter, bullied him like Robert Bullied Mary to Hang Herself in the Barn!

Caters only choice was suicide as if he exposed the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar Kennedy would have killed him!

Why the Pope John Paul II never exposed the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar I can’t believe the Pope fears Kennedy more than God!

Hell’s Fire... 100K world wide have burned and burned to death in fiery LA Wrecks...

1 Trillion spin off inventions from the Euphoria of the ElectricWindmillCar invention!

1980 Euphoria of the ElectricWindmillCar invention 2012 we would have free University, Free Health care like Saudi Arabia has today instead of America!

God’s Best Invention is Women

Robert Kennedy was rich and powerful enough to have 4 wives with Mary and she would be alive today

“Polygamous Marriage” Mary Jo and Mary K would be alive today!

Mood to Marry Many Women, to Discover, Invent, brainstorm 24/7 with the intelligent wives!

Invent Something, Mood, Happy-Go-Lucky Hunting Inventions and Discoveries with many Wives!

Hunting to convert other Kennedy’s and other rich kids hunting “Women” to be mean, loathsome, abusive to “Women” they Hunt!

Convert them to Happy-Go-Lucky Polygamists with few wives to brainstorm 1,001 inventions and Discoveries with 24/7 both in a Happy Mood brainstorming Discoveries and Invention Projects!

Hemingway’s Treadmill Desk is not in his Key West Studio with the old typewriter!

Heart Valve Inventions are for someone else's surgery... you can reinvent these!

Reinvent the Treadmill Desk “Motivation” for you and your many wives!

Wives can convert many other wives to hunt discoveries and inventions too

Discover how to change a mood from abusive like Robert Kennedy to happy to meet you to invent something with!

Happy to be Alive, no desire, lust to Abuse anyone...

Robert Kennedy Tortured his wife into hanging herself in the Barn!

Pink Eiffel Tower in Key West a Yale Medical School to discover and invent the Rx Overnight cure for breast cancer and cancer!

Hunt down the New French Revolution that will get Carter to unsuppressed his 1980 Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

Happy to be “Alive” in our Era “Owned” by Callous Oil men

Robert Kennedy worked on pollution witch was a scam job news!

10K Windmills on the Deck of the JFK Air Craft Carrier with Electrolysis reinvented below decks will give all 1 billion clean water and H fuel for Free this is Robert Kennedy’s public scam today!

Discover how to stimulate “Antibodies” production for Antigen suicide, murder!

Anatomy is not all hard and fast over your heads...

Reading Hemingway and taking the writing and inventing classes at the Hemingway House in Key West you will have writing assignments for the Antigen!

Antigen Novel has never been written!

You are the one who writes to fight off the Shark and feed turtles and fish so there are 1 trillion new turtles and fish!

In a novel then in the Ocean!

Helicopter Combines are also being suppressed today

Helicopter Combines with 4 Rotors in a Novel then harvesting Figs, Cashews, rice!

Treadmill Desk in all your Novels!

Converting “Hunters” who hunt women to abuse, torture, force then to commit suicide!

Love Potion Perfume that is not the Heroin Robert and Mary shot up!

12 Step program Robert and Mary went to for AA and NA addiction

Dr. Nancy will say put it in the Alcohol and Heroin, make you sick make it taste awful!

1994 Robert married Mary on the Deck of a Pollution Fighting Ship

Then drove home in a gasoline car shooting up Heroin to forget the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar Era!

Suppression of 4 Rotor Helicopter Combines Today

Suppression is Social Pollution, Exhaust that caused social cancers that cause others to commit suicide and murders!

1980 Greg was under 24/7 surveillance in his apt. and Library

2012 Greg is not allowed to save the life of Robin Roberts blood cancer disease caused by her breast cancer treatments 5 years ago

5 years ago Greg was not allowed to marry many Yale MD women to brainstorm the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

2012 24/7 Surveillance and 24/7 Brainstorming with several MD wives!

Greg is Happy-Go-Lucky to be able to write this web page, Discover, and Invent what I can Home Alone in Key West!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 10 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Regatta Race is on to find Aliens before Aliens find Humans! Hasten the Invention of Mood Altering Perfumes as Wife's are being murdered at an Alarming Rate, every Day, World Wide! War Lords thinking Aliens are to far away! Add a Love Potion to the Mood Altering Perfumes, sell them over the counter, hasten their development ASAP! Greg and Sharon will get a MRI at Yale Medical School when observers make contact in Key West... Greg will be writing waiting for the MRI... Hastening getting MRI for everyone on Earth along with Lab test as we have to keep the medical students at Yale Medical School busy! Yale Key West Medical School will be Built on a Pink Eiffel Tower Structure!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Yale, Harvard, MIT, Star Ship Regatta Race Between Aliens and Humans who will find who first!

First Place!

Race is on to find Aliens before Aliens find Humans

Ship Destiny is Commanded by War Lords, all the Worlds War Lords, each Command the Ship Destiny and all of their Destiny’s Today in 2012 is Wars... never ending wars, no matter what ElectricWindmillCar is invented!

Two inventions, only one is needed to End War On Earth

Aliens or the Gas Lobotomy Gas set off like an A Bomb in the atmosphere!

Haste is upmost for wives are being drown by Husband from India, Pakistan, USA

India Army Officer Avtan Singh killed his wife and 2 children yesterday near LA

LA Fiery Wrecks burned to death a few wives and children last week

In Haste Acts of Murder!

Orders to pick up all India husbands who’s wives have call 911 several time before today, No!

Pakistan, American, every Country as only in American can the government save her life!

Hasten the Invention of Mood Altering Perfumes

Serenity Perfumes that would normally be Rx only will be over the counter Narcotics!

Mood Changing Perfumes for the wife about to be drown by her husband, lovers! End to his Jealous Moods and behavior with this invention for her!

Changed his mood via New Mood Mind Altering Perfumes and skills learned in cognitive behavioral therapy by the wives, women of the world, and SWF. Now women can change his behavior to not do drugs, not drink, not smoke, not eat red meat and to exercise!

Haste is upmost for wives are being drown by Husband from India, Pakistan, USA

Singh killed his wife yesterday, today another wife, tomorrow another wife, this is never ending until the Invention of Mood Altering Perfumes are sold over the counter world wide!

Enough of Observing her Destiny end in Deaths!

Epidemic in a Ocean of Government Waste

Bush visited the Bush Air Craft Carrier yesterday as Singh was killing 4 people!

Caroline Kennedy looked at the JFK Carrier under construction for 2013

Greg tried to bribe Sharon into going to Yale Med School for a MRI when the observers make contact with us in Key West

Yale, Harvard, MIT Regattas in the Race for the Cure in pink, Laura was so pretty in Pink in her race to inspire Greg to Hasten getting a Rx Overnight Cure Idea for Breast Cancer!

Hasten getting the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar on the Freeways of the USA

Rabies Virus is Oil Men, Junk Yard Dogs will not let you near the end to oil and gasoline!

Undercover Cops carry Mood Changing Perfumes not Pepper Spray

War Lords will have Perfumed Women Searched before they can enter his office, bedroom!

This will change their train of thoughts, thinking and then be reflected in their behaviors

Detectives must gain access to the War Room with Undercover FBI Women Heavily Perfumed

Hasten the need for new strategies to reinvent “Battered Women’s Shelters” before she is killed

Murdered women don’t need a Battered women’s shelter in every town and city in the USA

What about India and Pakistan...

Yale and Harvard Sail Boat Regattas have no Destiny but winning! What?

Today Police follow alien orders not to pick up all Singh male friends from India who’s wife's have called 911 dozens of times!

Their ill fated destiny is in the hands of the USA Government!

1,001 Invention Projects translated for India and Pakistan

Would change the mans thoughts as if he were smelling a mind altering Perfume

Yale and Harvard Sail Boat Regattas racing for the cure in pink is 2 cures now

Business Watch International sells $8K software to track Pawned items

Police know no one sells Software for real time tracking of Domestic Fights!

Huge compensations will be paid by Manpower

To all women on Earth

Manpower the Temp agency will also have to make Huge Compensations Payments

And criminals charges will finally be brought by a new Attorney General of the USA

Tobacco’s defense in court is the government licensed its business knew it killed people

Manpower was licensed by the government who knew Manpower killed temp workers too

War Lords thinking Aliens are to far away!

Add a Love Potion to the Mood Altering Perfume, change the mood of jealous mens behaviors!

In a Ocean of Government Waste Bush got his Air Craft Carrier built for Todays Visit!

Caroline Kennedy will get her new 2013 Model JFK Air Craft Carrier

Greg and Sharon will get a MRI at Yale Medical School when observers make contact in Key West

Greg will be writing waiting for the MRI

Hastening getting MRI for everyone on Earth along with Lab test as we have to keep the medical students at Yale Medical School busy!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 9 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Expansion of the Universe comparison is the ElectricWindmillCar and its spin off inventions. Boeing Flight Simulator spin off to the Inventor Training Simulators with 1,001 Invention projects spelled out and links to get you started inventing. Hemingway House writing and inventing classes 24/7 with 4 wives Hemingway should have had at the same time to get one last Utopian Novel Written. Huge Compensation Payment for 9-11 Toxic Ash and $4 gasoline Era. Approval to Declare War Against Saudi Arabia To get compensated with $177 Trillion in illegal gasoline money for 9-11, Fiery LA Wrecks, ruined lives from drunk husbands, at war with the wrong enemy. 1980 Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and the Rx Overnight Cure for 50 types of cancers was approved by 100 Senators and a few others! In 1980 in order to get a Huge Compensation of $177 Trillion dollars from $4 gasoline Era!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Huge Compensation Payment for 9-11 Toxic Ash and $4 gasoline Era

Huge Compensation Payment for $4 Gasoline and Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar

50 Types of cancers from the Toxic Ash of the World Trade Center Attack by Terrorists

50 Rx Overnight Cures for Cancers in 1980 same year ElectricWindmillCar was invented

9-11 was Approved by the Saudi King or a Saudi Prince

Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and the Rx Overnight Cure for 50 types of cancers was approved by 100 Senators and a few others!

Everyone on Earth has a Chain of Command

Everyone on Earth follows a Chain of Command

Huge Compensation from $4 Gasoline from 1980 to 2012

Expansion of the Universe comparison is the ElectricWindmillCar and its spin off inventions

Boeing Flight Simulator spin off to the Inventor Training Simulators with 1,001 Invention projects spelled out and links to get you started inventing

Hemingway House writing and inventing classes 24/7 with 4 wives Hemingway should have had at the same time to get one last Utopian Novel Written

Westin Dock Key West the Stunt Pilot calculates the stall over and over again never failing to pull the small plane out of a stall in front of everyone watch the dramatic amazing flying.

French 747 on ABC Nightly News with Elizabeth Vargas crashed over the Atlantic in a nose up stall

Greg in a 1 engine Cessna in 1972 practiced stalling...

Vargas lied

87 Frenchmen have been killed in Afghanistan and the French lost one 747

3K women and children have been killed by troops in 2011 another 3K in 2012

Troops doing the killing are committing suicide

Troops doing the killing are killing their wives at homecoming

Real Intelligence in the Chain of Commands who approve 9-11 and $4 gasoline Era

MIT “Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory” wow!

MIT analyst of “Drone” video footage 100’s of hours by tens of thousands of Analysts

Huge Compensation for MIT in the Trillions of Dollars

When the New Technology to win the Iraqi War was 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Technology

Real Intelligence from the Chain of Command at MIT

Newest MIT invention is “Smart Surveillance Cameras”

Dozens of cameras controlled by MIT software to analyze packages and terrorists

Dozens of Domestic Disturbance 911 calls come in to Boston Police without the Huge Compensation from MIT as the Chain of Command at MIT has a one track mind... Terrorists

Troops coming home from Afghanistan could be watched by dozens of “Smart Surveillance Cameras” invented by MIT to save the lives of wives we all know will be killed!

1 wife a day is killed by Troops coming home

1 suicide a day by troops in not classified as this was on Nightly News the wife who will be killed tomorrow has not idea!

MIT will some day pay out a Huge Compensation to all these Murdered Wives Children

In each of a dozen surveillance cameras MIT artificial intelligence software is clever enough to prioritize each scenario

Save the Army Wife who will be murdered tomorrow... if the Commander approves these dozens of cameras watch the Army Wives

No Chance in Hell

Today there is a chance Hell exist were infinite space meets 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies

Is the Husband a threat?

In each of a dozen surveillance cameras MIT artificial intelligence software is clever enough to prioritize each scenario

Is $4 gasoline a threat to Humanity? Yes!!

Is Suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar and all its trillions of spin off inventions a thereat to society? Yes!!

9-11 Toxic Ash cancers could have been prevented with mask and space suits

Today men and women who die from Heart Attacks, Cardiac Arrest, Smoking, Drinking could have been prevented by MIT’s part in the chain of command approvals

Huge Compensation for Tobacco deaths and diseases in 10 years...

Huge Compensation to all the Wives Battered by a Drunk Husband...

Compensation equal to the Expansion of the Universe, Star Ships and Aliens observed on dozens of MIT Space Telescopes with MIT artificial intelligence software that is clever enough to prioritize each scenario each Alien, each Galaxy, each type of Star!

Approval to Declare War Against Saudi Arabia

To get compensated with $177 Trillion in illegal gasoline money

MIT is smart enough to find out which Saudi King and Prince approved of 9-11 too

Everyone on Earth Has a Chain of Command

Married Men make the Wife, Wives the Boss!

Boss who will inspire the Rx Overnight Cure for 50 types of cancers

Married Men, their wives know everything they could possibly invent, cure with help from the good wife!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 8 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

MD’s PhD’s Miss USA Contest Winners, Real Women, Real Universe to Doctor, Rising Stars to be the New World Dictators that will replace the Worlds Military Dictators who suppressed the ElectricWindmillCar Era and let Saudi's build more Palaces than Medical Schools with $4 gas year after year after year... Invention after invention after invention after invention! Trump's Miss USA Judge ask these women what would they do with no longer needed “Battered Women’s Shelters” in every Town and City in the USA? Miss USA said UNICEF will get a windfall of $ Trillions and Trillions that MIT use to get for Drones! Trump and Tobacco will be arrested before they can sue!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

MD’s PhD’s Rising Stars to be the New World Dictators! Coup on the Worlds Military Dictators!

UNICEF will get a windfall of $ Trillions and Trillions that MIT use to get for Drones!

UNICEF lost $Trillions to Pentagon Mercenaries around the World!

McCain + Kerry Merciless killers of UNICEF “Children”, Mindless Eating, Drinking, Killing!

1980 to 2012 Yale Med School wrote a class on “Dictators and Doctors”!

Mayonnaise on meat killed more and wounded more people than Wars! Drunks killed their wife too!

MIT Upper Class Inventors worked on Drones not new “Stethoscopes” with high tech software

Medicare, move what Saudi Arabia has in free health care to the USA as what Saudi Arabia has was got by cheating, suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar Era!

Miss USA MD would have gone to Med School for free is she was a man in Saudi Arabia

Hillary raped, beat, murdered millions of Saudi Arabia Women and Saudi Whores!

Hillary, McCain + Kerry, Merciless killers of UNICEF “Children”, Mindless Eating, Drinking, Killing!

They all read “The 12 Caesars”, they didn’t get a copy of “Dictators and Doctors”!

Yale is far from being Elite in the eradication of “Cataracts” world wide

UNICEF had 2 million dead in 2012 just from 2 curable diseases Yale passed on for Caesar!

Advanced Microsoft programming was used for Drones not Inventors using Windows 8

Boeing Flight Simulator Training

Greg’s Inventor Simulator Training

Add Nobel” “Saw Dust” to get the all-in-one vaccinations!

Saudi’s built more “Palaces” than Medical Schools

More Medical Schools built on Eiffel Tower Structures painted pink will be built by USA’s Miss MD’s + PhD’s Rising Stars to be the New World Dictators... Women!

Trump makes the NBC Nightly News for fixing Miss USA Contest

NYC Police will arrest Trump for his Casino’s that cheat people and ruin their lives!

Trump + Tobacco can sue you Today

Dictators of Tomorrow will eradicate them both from ever harming Humanity again!

Drunks, shouting I will sue you for the right to cheat and kill you!

See through dress over the Key West Bikini motivates Men to invent something for women!

Cat Man in Key West trained 5 cats to jump through rings of fire, then the cats can wander around getting petted until he shouts... Don’t play with my “Pussy”! Cat Man is on his 4th Big Bang, grin.

Greg will play with Miss MD PhD’s “Pussy” then jump through thoughtful rings of fire motivated and mentally fueled to invent Rx Perfumes and Marry MD PhD women in a legal polygamous marriage at the Hemingway House in Key West.

Then write together the Utopian Hemingway Medical Inventions Projects Novels!

Miss USA MD PhD winner

Judge ask these women what would they do with no longer needed “Battered Women’s Shelters” in every Town and City in the USA?

One invention after another after another is how Miss USA MD PhD would Changed the Worlds Dictators!

Doctors change the “Drone” missions to traffic control

Dictators use to let people with dreaded diseases come to work sick and spread diseases!

Doctor Dictators have a “Sick Call” at the start of every job

Disney Theme Park, one news attraction is sterile home and hospital techniques!

Hospital spread infections to those who just came out of surgery were all man made causes

Yet Hospitals all got a grade of C by the Dictators Hospital Police

TSA was a scam so far fetched unbelievable men would commit such far out misery to travelers when their Boss was suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar!

Lobotomy Gas will be tested on TSA employees in clinical trials

TSA Prostitutes will all be compensated by Doctor Dictators

TSA harmed more American Women than Saudi Princes!

Super Nova Star gets bigger and bigger like TSA, Trump, Tobacco then explodes into gas then Doctors invent Lobotomy Gas!

$4 Gasoline Era filled Hospital Burn Units and Swiss Banks

Self image of TSA, Trump, Tobacco when gasoline cars and trucks pollute the air they breath!

Particle Measuring Machines can solve why F 22 fighters lose Oxygen so often

9 – 11 clean up workers with Bush and the NY City Mayor telling NBC Nightly News they don’t need a mask or respirator... Doctors wouldn't do this, this is why Bush could not get into Yale Medical School

Yale will be closed, Yale Medical School will take over the entire Yale Campus!

Yale Key West Medical School will be built...

On a Pink Eiffel Tower Structure made of Tungsten

Eiffel Tower in Paris is made of Iron

Yale Key West Medical will get an A grade Honestly

MD’s PhD’s Rising Stars to be the New World Dictators year after year after year...

Invention after invention after invention after invention!

UNICEF will get a windfall of $ Trillions and Trillions that MIT use to get for Drones!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 7 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Trump build several Casinos and No Medical Schools, Clintons in Key West in 1996 on Duval could have built The Yale Key West Medical School for Key West then! 4 Trillion other suns are doing the same exact thing as our sun in Key West sinking into the Ocean! Key West Sunset Psychotherapy working on 1,001 Invention Projects “Home Alone”! ElectricWindmillCar sign at the Key West White House in the Truman Annex was never printed in 1980... Of course the Medical School will be designed for “Tours” by the Tourists!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

4 Trillion other suns are doing the same exact thing as our sun in Key West, sinking into the Ocean!

Key West Sunset Psychotherapy working on 1,001 Invention Projects “Home Alone”!

1K years of Key West Sun Sets

14 Billion Years of Stars

Todays Pirates in Key West focus on “Ship of Fools”

“Before the Big Bang” there was empty space!

Sun a ball of Hydrogen in fission not fusion like GE is building selling the wrong things!

100 Key West Sunsets after a day of writing handwritten and typed pages

Key West Sunset Psychotherapy working on 1,001 Invention Projects “Home Alone”!

Focus on the Sun the Hydrogen fusion!

4 Trillion Sun’s in the Universe doing the same thing at the same time as Key West Sun Set

Focus on writing, the handwritten pages and the typed up pages

Eiffel Tower made of Tungsten, progress since Eiffel used Lead to build the one in Paris

Eiffel Tower in Key West will be a Yale Key West Medical School

Focus on writing, invention projects, discoveries, brainstorming ideas for a Rx Overnight breast cancer cure

Key West Sunset Psychotherapy working on 1,001 Invention Projects “Home Alone”!

4 Trillion Stars are the focus to counter government’s “!984” War is Good!

White House in Key West has a “Peace Conference” sign from Clinton in 1996 he was here

Never ending wars since 1996 “Peace Conference” in Key West

ElectricWindmillCar sign at the Key West White House in the Truman Annex was never printed in 1980

Greg and Sharon didn’t take the paid tour today just looked at Lauren Bacall's sexy legs sitting on top of the upright piano as Truman played, looking at her legs!

I told Sharon she is as pretty as Lauren Bacall, her legs too, she got off on the compliment, I sent dad this post cards months ago!

Garden of Eden, I want to go will you go with me, Sharon said no... but she is the one who started the conversation about going to the Garden of Eden across from the bus stop on Caroline

I told Sharon about the “Black Hole” traveling in empty space at 3 million miles per hour after it was knocked out of its host galaxy by another galaxy with a black hole that merged with the stars

Even Greg did not believe this but there was another NASA link about other x ray telescope news of other black holes watched with the x-ray telescope...

I told Sharon NASA should of put this Black Hole news in a Super Bowl commercial!

She smiled, Yes!

Other news story we both said was made up with the Colorado mom who put a gas can in the car seat with seat belts and let the kids sit on the back seat, as the cops had this picture all over the internet and it looked made up!

Nuclear Sub fire was caused by a vacuum put in the storage closet hot and it caught fire and caused $400 million in damage... to replace this sub will cost $2 billion and the NAVY has 100’s of these subs on order, a NAVY windfall from the $4 gasoline Era and suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar Era!

NASA with 100’s of $2 billion dollar x-ray and gamma ray and gravity ray telescopes is what Humanity needs to make up for the $4 gasoline Era since 1980

ElectricWindmillCar Era must gain control of the government that Alienates Aliens and NASA Super Bowl commercials about A Black Hole traveling in empty space at 3 million miles a hour... which would have won the best Super Bowl commercial contest!

$4 gasoline Era even stifles brainstorming commercials about before the big bang...

Thousands of ideas about what was going on before the big bang and all are suppressed by our $4 gasoline Era mentality of suppression!

Mood, boredom, anxiety, learn to control this 100%

Via Key West Sun Set Thoughts about 4 Trillion other suns are doing the same exact thing as our sun in Key West sinking into the Ocean!

Thousands applaud and shout and comments are screamed, mostly by drunks....

Key West Sun set with 1,000 other in the same boat... but your are the only one Home Alone!

On your own Psychotherapy until you get a pardon and marry a MD PhD Doctor

Key West will have a Junior College and a Medical School some day soon

Roche I got a job interview here best job interview of my life I told Sharon, reason I wanted to mix batches of chemicals was to think about mixing up a “Memory Pill” I told the 4 Roche people in my interview... told Sharon this was 20 years ago and I didn’t get the job and Roche never made a “Memory Pill”! We both lost!

Greg has not given up on making a “Memory Pill”!

Memory is what is the biggest difference in Jr. College Grads and Medical School Grads!

Medical Inventions discoveries miracle cures like Penicillin and Polio Vaccine have slacked off for the $4 gasoline Era

Trump build several Casinos and No Medical Schools

Clintons in Key West in 1996 on Duval could have build a Yale Key West Medical School then!

5K medical school students with 100K patients visiting Key West with the Tourists will change the businesses on Duval

Of course the Medical School will be designed for “Tours” by the Tourists!

Key West Sunset Psychotherapy working on 1,001 Invention Projects “Home Alone”!

NAVY could have built a Medical School in Key West

Mood, Boredom, Anxiety, learn how to control these 100%

4 Trillion other suns are doing the same exact thing as our sun in Key West, sinking into the Ocean!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 6 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Clintons Treadmill Desk is one Realization that came to late for thousands of NASA scientists who died of a heart attack at their workstations! FBI, Wanted by the FBI... inventions lost to the $4 gasoline Era one are Helicopter Combines, 10,000 Helicopter Combines with 4 rotors would be harvesting cashews, figs, rice in China without no gasoline fuel, today if $4 gasoline was not sold. 3X more women get the brain tumor that Sheryl Crow is in the news for today. 3X more women than men. Marriage needs 3X more women in the marriage, there will be lots of ads to make Polygamists Marriage Legal when the $4 gasoline Era Ends!!! 3X more inventions will be inspired by these Beautiful Women brainstorming 24/7...

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Clintons Treadmill Desk is one Realization that came to late

Rapid TV ad creation for Treadmill Desk when fiery LA wrecks are stopped dead in their tracks by getting ElectricWindmillCars into the Car Dealerships!

Clinton never stopped... “Lying” about $4 gas and the ElectricWindmillcar Era Spin Off Inventions!

Desk jobs at NASA were drop dead from Heart Attacks, Cardiac Arrest jobs!

NASA didn’t buy 1 Treadmill Desk!

Brain Tumor meningioma's she could not recall lyrics to one of her songs, Sheryl Crow

3X more common in women’s brains...

Can be in a “Bad Spot” weigh your options... Dr Nancy

Dr. Nancy will brainstorm all the futuristic ways Brain Surgery will be done in 2020!

Wedding gift for her will be a Treadmill Desk... grin

If she picks Greg in Key West for her Option!

GE her Boss could be the one who is addicted to tossing “Gasoline Bombs” at SUV’s driving down the LA Freeways

Disney ABC just jumped ship to combat childhood obesity by no more ads for high sugar and fat foods!

Disney Theme Parks will also get a rapid change with the Promotion of “Smart Invention bombs” to clean up the “Dirty Bombs” that gave China high pollution counts!

Human Parasites are individuals in our society... Trump, Clinton, OJ, John Edwards

Governments were corrupted by these Parasites for $4 gasoline Era

FBI, Wanted by the FBI... inventions lost to the $4 gasoline Era

Helicopter Combines, 10,000 Helicopter Combines with 4 rotors would be harvesting cashews, figs, today if $4 gasoline was not sold today

1 Trillion Megawatt Electric Generation Plants would be on all 11 Super Air Craft Carriers the Navy powers with GE nuclear engines

NASA would be working, not in orbit but building cans for H at –254 C that can not explode even if crashed in a Shuttle

NASA news about their x-ray Telescope “Chandra”

A “Black Hole” has been bumped out of its Host Galaxy and is traveling in space at 3 million miles per hour right now

This is hard to believe... but it's true!

NASA has not bought any ad time on Disney or GE NBC so we don’t know what they know

This is not the first “Black Hole” NASA’s x-ray telescope has seen, other Black Hole has super heated materials in the Black Hole...

NASA should have advertised Black Holes at the Super Bowl as their commercial would have won

$4 gasoline Era on Earth is unhealthy as China does not want pollution news reported

Commercials will be run for all the inventions lost to the $4 gasoline Era

BP Oil commercial has run 10K times on ABC Nighty News with Diane Sawyer

Dr. Nancy will put together a commercial for Brain Tumor surgery in 2020

Just to get some new ideas for tomorrows Brain Surgeons at work today

Astronomers ads on TV... Space.com

Invention project ads put together by Greg

Rapid ad creation when $4 gasoline Era Ends

Gaga... “Made This Way” are obese children and adults from calorie laden ads

“Battered Women” ads will be created rapidly and aired on Diane Sawyers Nightly News

AMA the New England Journal of Medicine wants $144 from every who reads their medical articles, and does not advertise any of the best medical articles

Ray Bradbury the science fiction writer is headline news tonight

NASA scientists who died at their computer workstation didn’t even get an ad memorial from NASA even on NASA TV

Clinton’s Treadmill Desk for NASA were never thought of by NASA Doctors!

Dr. Nancy is rapidly brainstorming all the medical conditions she can write to put together TV commercials for soon as the $4 Gasoline Era Ends!

One Realization to Late is I should of bought that Treadmill Desk

Second Realization that was to late is I should have bought that HP Workstation for $3K

3X more women get the brain tumor that Sheryl Crow is in the news for today

3X more women than men

Marriage needs 3X more women in the marriage, there will be lots of ads to make Polygamists Marriage Legal when the $4 gasoline Era Ends

3X more inventions will be inspired by these Beautiful Women brainstorming 24/7...

FBI, Wanted by the FBI, all the inventions and invention projects lost by the $4 gas Era!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 5 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Alfred Nobel with “Breast Cancer” in his lab, what would he do... Nitro explodes so he experiments with this and that "Saw Dust" mixture until he comes up with Dynamite... Dynamited Invention, The Process of Inventing, with the Process of writing a Hemingway Novel and making a YouTube Video while watching Alfred in his lab year after year blowing up the place over and over again. Picture 4 women MD’s in a video talking Breast Cancer Cells in your Blood and Alfred Nobel’s Nitro experiments spelled out to get a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer! Caters, wife Roslyn; take care of your little sister, “Reality” is Roslyn watched Jimmy kill millions of his little sisters in the USA and China via pollution from cars when he suppressed the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980.

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Alfred Nobel with “Breast Cancer” in his lab, what would he do...

Write up Nobel’s “Train of Thoughts” and translate them to consider “Breast Cancer”

Write up a Novel at the Hemingway House in Key West after you take a innovative writing class

Your mom’s recipe book was on a easy view stand

Recipes for Inventions Today are on a 50” LCD TV on YouTube Videos

YouTube Animation of Breast Cancer Cells in your blood with everyone talking and brainstorming at the same time!

The View TV Show, The Voice TV Show... should of started with Conquest of “Breast Cancer”!

Alfred Nobel’s “Saw Dust Earth” added to everything “Explosive”

Alfred Nobel’s “Breast Cancer Saw Dust” added to “Explode Breast Cancer Cells” you can view on YouTube video of your blood

Breast Cancer Cells in your blood with everyone talking and brainstorming at the same time...

Picture 4 women MD’s in a video talking Breast Cancer Cells in your Blood and Alfred Nobel’s Nitro experiments spelled out to get a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Dynamite... Dynamited Invention, The Process of Inventing, with the Process of writing a Hemingway Novel and making a YouTube Video

Investigative, Sherlock Holmes Novels brought up to date with WebMD analysis!

“Internet Explorer” turned upside down in the Conquest of Breast Cancer, rewritten by 4 women MD’s pictured above

Get Dr. Nancy to upload Breast Cancer Cells in your blood with everyone talking and brainstorming at the same time

Get Dr. Nancy to rewrite “Internet Explorer” for the Conquest of Breast Cancer!

Nobel “Saw Dust” everyone talking about every thing Nobel tried in his lab before he got the right recipe to stop the cancer of Nitro from Exploding!

1,001 YouTube Videos on the Conquest of Breast Cancer

“Overkill” by the Military is common!

“Overkill” for the Conquest of Breast Cancer Cure will exponentially kill breast cancer cells in the blood in a “Fire Fight” with unlimited ammunition!

Cause of Breast Cancer surge in China is “Dirty Bombs” imported by USA Dictators suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980...

“Dirty Bombs” launched from CIA Drones have several different payloads

Beijing Air Pollution 2012 causing several diseases and cancer, China wants this news censored now!

Inventiveness solved Beijing Air Pollution in 1980 with the ElectricWindmillCar

Clinton, Hillary, and the Other Dictators fired “Dirty Bombs” in the center of the City!

Alfred Nobel with “Breast Cancer” in his lab, what would he do...

Today Nobel would be “Greg” in Key West writing in the www.electricwindmillcar web page

Reality of the World’s Dictators selling $4 gasoline

“Dirty Bombs” going off in Paris, London, NYC, Rome, air pollution news is not reported any longer

Look out for your little sister...

Little girls getting 20 grays or higher levels of radiation, 35 of every 100 get breast cancer from her getting a chest x-ray

In Reality it could be higher as Clinton lies... he has never stop lying!

In Reality Clinton with the women under the desk instead of on top of the desk censored the statistics of breast cancer way back then and has not make up for this deadly mistake!

Picture 4 women MD’s on top of Clintons desk all talking at the same time brainstorming the conquest of breast cancer as if they were all Alfred Nobel in his lab...

Ingenious Media.... YouTube Videos and Internet Explorer when used in a fire fight for the conquest of breast cancer in 2012

Nobel’s “Saw Dust” added to a woman with breast cancer cells in her blood stream

Better written WebMD articles on breast cancer cells...

Mention Alfred Nobel

Looking out for your little sister

Then we get Clinton with her under the desk instead on top of the desk talking about the pollution level in China and her friends with breast cancer

Official, China does not want the pollution count reported on the news any longer!

FaceBook just married a women from China, what will his reaction on FaceBook be if she dies from breast cancer caused by tons of pollution from gasoline cars in China?

Clinton could have exposed the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar

Carter could have exposed the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar

Caters, wife Rosalynn; take care of your little sister, “Reality” is Roslyn watched Jimmy kill millions of his little sisters in the USA and China via dirty car exhaust!

Nobel Prize for Cater was a “Scam” by the Worlds Dictators!

Nobel Prize for the Conquest of Breast Cancer goes to Greg in Key West

Dr. Nancy will be the first wife to accept the Nobel in Medicine with her husband in a legal polygamous marriage that lets all the women talk at the same time about the conquest of breast cancer in Alfred Nobel’s lab and with Greg in Key West!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 4 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

Dr. Nancy + Dr. Jennifer, Doctors Spectrum of what’s in their thoughts. Both are ready to add Medical Invention Projects spelled out so in their day to day goings-on thinking about spelled out Medical Inventions and Cures they have a self test going on trying to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Cancer and the Reinvented Medical Diagnostic Machine like the Spectrum of Light that Doctors can read 13.23 billion light years or 13.25 billion light years! Dr. Jennifer + Dr. Nancy now have infinite Self-esteem to reflect on overall “Creation”, women Doctors evaluation + appraisal of her own worth in a Universe that can keep a “Beam of Light” driving along down the highway for 13.23 billion years without stopping to buy $4 gasoline!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Dr. Jennifer + Dr. Nancy their “Glimmer” of intelligence at CIA, HQ

Dr. Nancy + Dr. Jennifer smart enough to cure the CIA of its $4 gasoline addictions + Sin’s!

Dr. Jennifer + Dr. Nancy, you are killing women and children using your intelligent resources for Iran Virus Creating instead of Human Virus Antibodies reprogrammed in its DNA Creation, this is really a lot more high tech than programming a computer virus for Iran Nukes to Crash!

Dr. Nancy + Dr. Jennifer, Beautify Women who can dream of the Infinity Car Ride 13.23 Billion Light Years down the Human Road were “Time’s” Measuring Cup is still pouring light from the further most Galaxy which is now 10,000 times lighter than the Milky Way Galaxy!

Dr. Jennifer + Dr. Nancy now have infinite Self-esteem to reflect on overall “Creation”, women Doctors evaluation + appraisal of her own worth in a Universe that can keep a “Beam of Light” driving along down the highway for 13.23 billion years without stopping to buy $4 gasoline!

Dr. Nancy + Dr. Jennifer can dissect “Humans” and human virus, in their minds!

Dr. Nancy + Dr. Jennifer, Doctors Spectrum of what’s in their thoughts. Both are ready to add Medical Invention Projects spelled out so in their day to day goings-on thinking about spelled out Medical Inventions and Cures they have a self test going on trying to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Cancer and the Reinvented Medical Diagnostic Machine like the Spectrum of Light that Doctors can read 13.23 billion light years or 13.25 billion light years!

Dr. Jennifer + Dr. Nancy have read about the newest hand held spectrum of light meters that can read what is in your blood when positioned on top of your hand. This is just the start of the flow of light a spectrum machine will be able to read your brain in less than 13 billion years!

Dr. Nancy + Dr. Jennifer seduce the men at the CIA to spend more time working on killing human virus than making computer virus to kill Iran Nukes!

Dr.Jennifer + Dr. Nancy would like the CIA to invent a Gravity Spectrum, to read more about gravity!

Dr. Nancy + Dr. Jennifer start the Medical Revolution!

Dr. Jennifer + Dr. Nancy write articles in the Medical Journals that can be made into a Utopian Hemingway Novel after they take writing and invention class at the Hemingway House in Key West!

Dr. Nancy + Dr. Jennifer sell the ElectricWindmillCar with all its 1,001 accessories to the CIA for immediate world wide distribution to every Car Dealer!

Dr. Nancy calls Greg in Key West about catching a ride with her on the Infinity Journey!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Gregs 2007 web

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 3 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

All the Gov. trillions and all the trillions donated to getting a cure for cancer and Malaria and Humanity must still pay Microsoft trillions! For Windows 8... Greed $ DNA programming that makes the antibody needs to be reprogrammed. Microsoft Programmers made Antibody and Antibody Professional. Microsoft left off many thousands of Antigen Killers in the non-professional version! No none of this is preinstalled in Windows 8 yet. McCain and Kerry just killed 100 kids left in hot cars in the summer of 2012 in the USA by only making the NBC Nightly News talking about Syria, not mentioning any kids left in hot cars in the same NBC Nightly News clip! Police will arrest McCain and Kerry for torture, of 40K women a year since 1980 by suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar Era and Greg with many wife's working on the Rx Overnight Cure!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

In Anticipation of the Discovery of Boosting the Immune System Via DNA making Antibodies with every known antigen in mind.

DNA programming that makes the antibody needs to be reprogrammed

Microsoft Programmers made Antibody and Antibody Professional... 2 Versions in Windows 8

Microsoft left off many thousands of Antigen Killers in the non-professional version

Microsoft will sell you thousands of apps, vaccinations to get Professional enough to work on getting some medical and scientific discoveries and inventions.

Get every vaccination ever made programmed into you immune system!

So why aren't your Antibodies not a Professional Package?


So pay Microsoft to upgrade your Antibodies...

You will have to spend trillions of dollars on Microsoft Apps to do this!

All the Gov. trillions and all the trillions donated to getting a cure for cancer and Malaria and Humanity must still pay Microsoft trillions!

How do you go about getting the “Microsoft Fix” installed in your Antibodies?

First you will needed trillions of YouTube Animation Videos of how DNA makes Antigens

Next you will need a few wives to sit around the Big Screen LCD talking 24/7 for weeks, months brainstorming any and every thing to get this Discovery!

Verizon and Comcast will charge you trillions of dollars to watch all these YouTube videos on your Smartphones and wifi download connections.

Boosting the Immune System the Old Fashion Way will work but not as good as this Discovery to Boost the Immune System

1 in 5 women will die from Breast Cancer

5 wives, 1 will have Breast Cancer...

Heartbreaker John Edwards should be arrested for letting Elizabeth die alone, a tortured death from Breast Cancer!

Police will arrest McCain and Kerry for torture, of 40K women a year since 1980 by suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar Era and Greg with many wife's working on the Rx Overnight Cure!

NAVY has no anticipation of sailing to Alpha Centauri

NAVY has no invention projects for morning briefing about sailing 4.3 light years

Police will arrest McCain and Kerry for Treason, they sold the Navy War not Star Wars!

NAVY has no anticipation about being the one’s who discover how gravity is generated!

McCain and Kerry’s Treason sold the Navy on War not Star Wars!

Star Trek Navy Movie and TV Series in anticipation of real star Travels by the Navy!

Science fiction that turns into fiction

Beam me up Scotty...

Instead of working on this McCain and Kerry sold War!

This is Universe Treason, which is even worst than Treason by Senators!

McCain and Kerry went into the Breast Cancer Hospital Ward and killed 40K women every year since 1980 so they could sell War not Star Wars!

Women were made a nervous wreck they left kids in hot cars and in car seats on the car roof and drove off...

Women were made a nervous wreck and wrecked the car!

100 kids will die in Hot Cars in the Summer of 2012

Senators McCain and Kerry are their mass murderers!

Baby Killers from Vietnam Era refuse to give Humanity the ElectricWindmillCar for Summer 2012 driving.

Instead McCain and Kerry want the Pentagon to bomb Syria

McCain and Kerry just killed 100 kids in the USA by only making the NBC Nightly News talking about Syria, not mentioning any kids left in hot cars in the same NBC Nightly News clip!

Engaging battle talk by McCain and Kerry that leaves out Baby Killers on purpose!

Heartbreaker John Edwards should be arrested for letting Elizabeth die alone, a tortured death from Breast Cancer!

McCain and Kerry let 40K women die alone since 1980, every year!

So they can be on stage or TV in front of 40K Troops in Iraqi, Afghanistan

Phoenix near McCain’s home Mom put the baby’s car seat on the roof with the baby in it and drove off...

She would never have done this if she had an ElectricWindmillCar, not a gasoline car that should not exits!

McCain and Kerry would not exist if ElectricWindmillCars were in Times Square on 9-11

Boosting the Immune System

Boosting the Anticipation of a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer with live streaming video of Greg and many wives working 24/7 for weeks, months getting this Discovery!

Verizon will charge you thousands if you do watch Greg and wives 24/7 on your Smartphones...

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 2 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

24/7 Writing and Invention Classes at the Hemingway House in Key West will teach you to write a New Utopian Novel that will replace 1,000 “War and Peace” Novels. One New Supercomputer will replace 1,000 Old Supercomputers! Get a job detecting "Faults" in Supercomputers, grin! “Fat” people have finally realized they were brain washed by our Dictators! 24/7 Writing and Invention Classes at the Hemingway House in Key West will get the Rx Diet Cure for all “Fat” people in a Utopian Novel. Become Literate in complicated Behavior Modification before you are Brain Washed by our Dictators! "Today Show" and NBC Nightly New will be reprogrammed for superior behaviors. Futuristic Matt Lauer would not have sex with kids in Thailand. Futuristic OJ, Clinton, John Edwards... all Cured!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

One New Supercomputer will replace 1,000 Old Supercomputers

One New Windows 8 will replace one Windows 7 computer

Galaxies will merge collide in 4 Billion Years, Aliens will arrive in 100 years

Everyone can detect faults in Windows 8

Improve Windows 8 1,000% before Aliens Arrive

Galaxies will merge collide in 4 Billion Years, Aliens will arrive in 100 years

Everyone can detect faults in Windows 8

Galaxies will merge collide in 4 Billion Years, Aliens will arrive in 100 years

Everyone can detect faults in Windows 8

BP Oil and Windows 8 are infallible with our current Dictators!

Pope has no fear of God, Aliens Discovered via new Space Telescope 1,000 times better than current space telescopes, hear and observe these new Aliens on Vatican TV.

God’s best invention is “Women”! Lets make Polygamous Marriage Legal and work 24/7 writing and inventing with our new wives!

Our current Dictator’s cover up their biggest upper class faults, Fiery LA Wrecks, violence, breast cancer, lung cancer, alcohol and drugs!

Get a job detecting faults in the new supercomputers!

Get a job detecting faults in the ruling class dictators!

“Judgment Day” and God, Judgment Day” and Aliens!

Pick 1, pick both, pick none...

Realize what is passing you by...

Are you supercomputer literate?

Would you enroll in a Writing and Inventing Class at the Hemingway House in Key West?

New Utopian Novels about Invention Projects and Futuristic Inventions and Discoveries of how gravity is generated will replace 1,000 old novels!

“War and Peace” would you give this Novel a F grade... Yes!

“Brave New World”... Yes!

“1984”... Yes!

Dictators got you “Fat” on Burgers + Fires

Dictators got “Heart Disease” as the #1 killer of Women

Dictators did this while you were watching TV commercials...

Complicated Behavior Modification was use on you for all the wrong reasons!

Clinton, John Edwards, OJ, Trillions more just as bad program your TV

Pope + Pentagon are at “Fault” for not calling 911

BP Oil and the Queen should be in the “Tower of London” under arrest for the worst mass murder in History!

Fiery LA wrecks happen in London, Paris, Moscow...

24/7 Sports on ESPN caused OJ and a Trillion others to snap!

24/7 Writing and Invention Classes at the Hemingway House in Key West will teach you to write a New Utopian Novel that will replace 1,000 “War and Peace” Novels!

Complicated Behavior Modification...

“Fat” people have finally realized they were brain washed by our Dictators!

24/7 Writing and Invention Classes at the Hemingway House in Key West will get the Rx Diet Cure for all “Fat” people!

Literate in complicated Behavior Modification

Literate in complicated Behavior Modification

Literate in complicated Behavior Modification

24/7 Writing and Invention Classes at the Hemingway House in Key West will teach you to write a New Utopian Novel that will replace 1,000 “War and Peace” Novels!

One New Supercomputer will replace 1,000 Old Supercomputers

One New Windows 8 will replace one Windows 7 computer

Galaxies will merge collide in 4 Billion Years, Aliens will arrive in 100 years

Everyone can detect faults in Windows 8

Galaxies will merge collide in 4 Billion Years, Aliens will arrive in 100 years

When Aliens Arrive, MIT, Berkeley, Yale will give themselves an F grade!

Improve Windows 8 1,000% before they get an F grade...

Kitty puts his paws over his eyes to hide...

Cute Kitty, but your are in the Universe with “Big Cats”!

Aliens will eat you alive when they Arrive in 100 years!

Our Dictator wants to “Outlaw” 32 oz sugar drink cups

“Red Meat”, Alcohol, Cocaine, 32 oz sugar drink cups

“Farewell to Arms”, “Farewell to Being Supercomputer Illiterate”

After you take the 24/7 Writing and Invention Class at Hemingway House

Every Utopian Novel you write will replace 1.000 “War and Peace” Novels

Galaxies will merge collide in 4 Billion Years, Aliens will arrive in 100 years

Galaxies will merge collide in 4 Billion Years, Aliens will arrive in 100 years

Galaxies will merge collide in 4 Billion Years, Aliens will arrive in 100 years

Improve Windows 8 1,000% before Aliens Arrive

Kitty puts his paws over his eyes to hide...

Cute Kitty, but your are in the Universe with “Big Cats”!

Aliens will eat you alive when they Arrive in 100 years!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 1 June 2012 +++++++++++++++

MIT and Berkeley need to restudy the basics of magnets, forget Super conductivity! Until Super conductivity repels all head on collisions on the roads... Berkeley Labs uses ultrafast laser to better understand Super conductivity! Upper Class Inventors at Berkeley need to use lasers in headlights connected to onboard computers to stop all Head-On-Collisions... No Smash ups Ever... Never! Upper Class Inventors at Berkeley need to use lasers and repelling magnet poles Head-On-Collisions... No Smash up Ever... Never! Someone Tell the Scientist at Berkeley and MIT the center line in roads needs to be upgraded to lasers, with magnets, with lights and audio in car warning system for no more head on collisions ever again!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Head-On-Collisions... No Smash up Ever... Never!

Milky Way is bound for a head-on collision with Andromeda galaxy!

Collision poses no danger of destroying Earth or our solar system, stretches of empty space separating the stars in the two galaxies is vast, making any collisions null and void!

Vast stretches of empty space between stars is Upper Class Inventors “Stop Sign” for all Space Telescopes that can see Aliens! Or their Space Ships!

Berkeley ultra laser space telescope not superconditivity!

Upper Class Inventors highest tech “Stop Signs” on the streets of the USA Today have flashing LED’s... F grade for the Upper Class Inventors Again!

“Stop Sign” with magnets, laser, radar, lights, intelligent cameras! Wifi and Cell Phone!

Cell Phone Users Texting, Drunks, Falling Asleep, Head-On-Collisions... No Smash up Ever... Never!

Magnetic Poles North and South

Head-On-Collisions... No Smash up Ever... Never!

South and South, North and North

Head-On-Collisions... No Smash up Ever... Never!

MIT and Berkeley need to restudy the basics of magnets, forget Super conductivity!

Super conductivity! At Berkeley Labs!

Berkeley Labs uses ultrafast laser to better understand Super conductivity!

Upper Class Inventors at Berkeley need to use lasers in headlights

Head-On-Collisions... No Smash up Ever... Never!

Upper Class Inventors at Berkeley need to use lasers and repelling magnet poles

Head-On-Collisions... No Smash up Ever... Never!

Upper Class Inventors at Berkeley need to use magnets and lasers in guard rails

Head-On-Collisions... No Smash up Ever... Never!

Upper Class Inventors at Berkeley need to use A. All of the above in the center line!

Magnet cars will not ever again cross the center line into a head on collision!

Head-On-Collisions... No Smash up Ever... Never!

Force Fields repelling cars for every and all collisions, Berkeley needs to get a C grade!

Million dollar computer on board every car...

Head-On-Collisions... No Smash up Ever... Never!

Berkeley Scientists are also in Mongolia today...

Scientists sold 50K Stoves to burn wood to Mongolia

Government of the USA paid Trillions of dollars in subsidies!

So Berkeley Scientists could get an F grade on this!

50K RV’s sold in Mongolia, 10 people inside, 10 riding on top with rails

Trailer in back with 50 more....

Let Berkeley do the math...

Kim Phuc now 49, 9 years old running crying covered in Napalm 40 years ago today

Fiery LA Wrecks are not captured in dramatic pictures today by AP photographer Huynh ut

$177 Trillion as been spent on Napalm, Wars since Ut took the picture of Phuc

Berkeley has made $77 Trillion, MIT has made $100 Trillion from the DOD

4 years from 1 June 2012 Berkeley Scientists will measure the pollution in Mongolia

Give the high tech wood stoves a F grade

You do the math, don’t ever let Berkeley and MIT do the Math!

Navy Fighter Pilots can have a super computer aboard... so can drivers of '”Cars”!

Mongolia can have RV’s instead of high tech wood stoves to cook with!

All the Upper Class in Mongolia have a RV parked at Berkeley for use in the USA!

Cabs in Key West blow their horn at sight seeing tourists

High tech Horn on Cabs will be audio from the cab driver to the car his is honking at!

Tourists the Cab just honked at can talk live to the Cab Driver... Grin! Look at that wow!

Did you get a picture of those women on Duval... Hot!

Cab driver replies what women... grin!

The Tall Hot women in Bikinis on Duval... !!!!!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 31 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

“Running Late” 2013 Model ElectricWindmillCars with Breathalyzer's, Dash Cam with Audio, Wifi Connected to the Police Car, Air Particle Measuring Alyzer, Distracted Driver Observers Watching You via face recognition software, Wake You when you fall asleep driving! “Running Late” “Star Travels” 2013 will be a fleet of “Space Telescopes” - - - Space Telescope “experiments” will all deal with getting a better, different view! “Star Travel” 2013 will be a fleet of “Space Telescopes”... “Running Late” so the government will have to pay Overtime from the Windfall of Confiscated $177 Trillion in Swiss Banks, Of Saudi Oil Money since 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar! Which is also Running Late getting into Production!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“Running Late” 2013 Model Cars with Breathalyzer's, alcohol, drugs, diseases!

Women and Wives can have Breathalyzer’s on the Front Door!

iPhone app can have a Breathalyzer for everyone you talk to...

What a different conversation you would have if you knew the alyzer’s readout!

“Running Late” Disease Breathalyzer’s before you have sex, get married

“Running Late” Violence alyzer’s before you date and marry

“Running Late” Heartbreak alyzer’s before you marry or date

“Health Day News” Story, people can be paid for good behaviors

We can Confiscate $177 Trillion in Swiss Banks, Of Saudi Oil Money since 1980

A gov. pay check today does not buy “Good Behavior”!

Quite the opposite as the Secret Service drunks with Prostitutes are not the only gov. employees using their $4 gasoline bonus for prostitutes

A gov. pay check today does not buy “Good Behavior”!

NASA Blew up Discovery III with their $4 gasoline bonus money

NASA Blew up the Gravity Engine that runs on Gravity Fuel for the $4 Gasoline bonus

Sick... we need to invent a Breathalyzer for gov. agencies that stifle invention projects

Get One Invention After Another After Another is a New Gov. Agency

Department of Education will have more than enough money to pay kids in every grade

We can Confiscate $177 Trillion in Swiss Banks, Of Saudi Oil Money since 1980

Pay kids in all grades for everything!

Paid Training in all grades...

Paid on the job training...

We can Confiscate $177 Trillion in Swiss Banks, Of Saudi Oil Money since 1980

Muslim’s memorize the Quran

Jew’s memorize the Torah

SWF in the USA can memorize the most “Famous Scientific Experiments” in history

The most famous “Behavior Modification” psychology

Get One Invention After Another After Another!

Get paid for getting, One Invention After Another After Another!

Agility to pay a “Different Working Class” a gov. pay check

Pay SWF’s to end violence against women, move women out of the Battered Women’s Shelters

Pope ended violence to Popes with a bullet proof Pope Car and Bodyguards

Pay Body Guards to protect women against violence

We can Confiscate $177 Trillion in Swiss Banks, Of Saudi Oil Money since 1980

Agility to pay a “Different Working Class” a gov. pay check

New Windows 8 for all grades programmed by and for Professors

I expected a Supercomputer in Windows 8 and got “Microsoft Criminal Behavior”

1,001 Futuristic Scientific Inventions in Windows 8

Criminal Behavior at Microsoft for deleting 1,001 Futuristic Scientific Inventions in Windows 8

1,001 Futuristic Criminology Goings-on was also deleted from Windows 8

Cringe in fear of our Gov. unable to improve Windows 8 and end violence against SWF’s

“Whitney Houston” spent millions of dollars on drugs and alcohol... wow

1 million people in the USA spent 1 million dollars on drugs and alcohol last year!

1 million people in the USA spent 1 million dollars on drugs and alcohol last year!

Forbes list of Billionaires, how many spent $1 million on drugs and alcohol?

Billionaires owners of “Oil Companies” are aware oil + gas workers since 1980 working with petroleum, benzene, have petroleum caused cancers, and lower thinking skills from petroleum atoms in the brain!

Brain Pacemakers are “Running Late”

Greg will train you to Get One Invention After Another After Another!

What you will need to get a marriage license has changed like Heaven and Hell

Agility of the gov. to pay you for Best Behavior in Marriage

“Give Blood” T Shirts with $100 Dollar Bills stuck to them thanks to Saudi Oil Money

In Saudi Arabia University is free and Health Care is Free

In the USA the gov. can pay all grades to “Memorize” medical and scientific literature

In the USA the gov. can pay everyone to diet and exercise

Agility of the gov. to outlaw Guns and Alcohol

NASA crashed into a “Oil Field” which will destroy the Earth unless the fire is put out!

NASA caused us to be “running late” at Star Travel

Agility of the gov. to build a fleet of “Space Telescopes”

“Star Travel” 2013 will be a fleet of “Space Telescopes”

Space Telescope “experiments” will all deal with getting a better, different view!

Cringe at the “cronyism” experiments on the International Space Station!

Agility of the gov. to build a fleet of “Space Telescopes”

“Star Travel” 2013 will be a fleet of “Space Telescopes”

Space Telescope “experiments” will all deal with getting a better, different view!

“Star Travel” 2013 will be a fleet of “Space Telescopes”

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 30 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Nicole Kidman could build a Trillion Shelters for Violence Against Women and not save one womens life for beating. Nicole Kidman making and winning an Oscar and Academy Award for her Dramatic movie “Nicole Simpson” would put web cams in all model 2013 cars with wifi so the cops and see and hear... web cam would have been on Nicole Simpsons purse and necklace! Hillary can get a few minor stories used on NBC Nightly News but 88 cent acid in Pakistan is thrown in the faces of women 100’s of times today... NBC Nightly News reported on Syria war dead! Hillary is out of her “Class” as these guys are the “Upper Class” and Hillary is not in their “Class” if she was then the story... 88 cent acid in Pakistan is thrown in the faces of women 100’s of times today... NBC Nightly News reported on Syria war dead! Serenity drugs put in the water of all these murderers before their 1st murder! Berkeley would have gotten an A grade for this and then Berkeley would have told NBC Nightly News to report this. Berkeley getting an F grade, they cover it up and suppress the breaking News that Upper Class Inventors at Berkeley got an F grade and NBC goes along with this! Dr. Nancy on the “Today Show” is prohibited from doing a story Berkeley gets an F grade! So Berkeley has no incentive to work harder and get a better grade next semester!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Upper Class Berkeley, Sandia Labs, Los Alamos Labs, working on 2020 Miracle Discoveries

Schizophrenia, in 2000, in 2012 almost cured, in 2020 cured

Mentally ill, AA, NA, Habits, Addiction, Get a New Life is not rented to these people

Addicted to Alcohol, Meth, Heroin, Cocaine, were is todays Dr. Salk with the cure?

Nicole Kidman is building a “Center” for “Violence Against Women” in SF

Why... Every Town and City in the USA has a “Battered Women’s Shelter” Criminal recidivism is highly correlated with psychopathy. Alcoholic recidivism might refer to the proportion of people who, after successful treatment, report having, or are determined to have, returned to the abuse of alcohol.

Recidivism for Violence against Women...

Kidman is building a New Shelter...

Upper Class Berkeley, Sandia Labs, Los Alamos Labs, working on 2020 Miracle Discoveries

Self Control... from the Upper Class who want to be todays Dr. Salk and Dr. Watson Freud

Self Control... NBC got people fat with their effective food commercials and are not libel

John Edwards is the only scum of a lawyer who wins the biggest law suit award... what!

“Homeless” in the Universe Greg + Wives will invent a way to call Aliens or just see them

Nicole Kidman builds a New Shelter in SF

Nicole Kidman’s next movie should be... Nicole Simpson!

Nicole Kidman could build a Trillion Shelters for Violence Against Women and not save one womens life for beating.

Nicole Kidman making and winning an Oscar and Academy Award for her Dramatic movie “Nicole Simpson” would put web cams in all model 2013 cars with wifi so the cops and see and hear... web cam would have been on Nicole Simpsons purse and necklace!

Nicole will tell the movie goers who murderer her!

Detectives who studied Nicole’s murder link it with Professional Killers, 2 Men who killed many, many times before they killed Nicole and Ron!

Murder recidivism is highly correlated with psychopathy

1st murder by a man most likely killing a women is correlated with Upper Class Inventors at Berkeley getting an F grade then not telling their Parents or NBC Nightly News!

Serenity drugs put in the water of all these murderers before their 1st murder!

Berkeley would have gotten an A grade for this and then Berkeley would have told NBC Nightly News to report this. Berkeley getting an F grade, they cover it up and suppress the breaking News that Upper Class Inventors at Berkeley got an F grade and NBC goes along with this!

Dr. Nancy on the “Today Show” is prohibited from doing a story Berkeley gets an F grade!

So Berkeley has no incentive to work harder and get a better grade next semester

So Humanity is held Hostage, and women are murdered because Berkeley will not go public it got an F grade! Wow!

Upper Class Inventors at Yale are World Wide and get mostly an F grade too

One example is 88 cent acid in Pakistan is thrown in the faces of women 100’s of times today... NBC Nightly News reported on Syria war dead!

Hillary can get a few minor stories used on NBC Nightly News but 88 cent acid in Pakistan is thrown in the faces of women 100’s of times today... NBC Nightly News reported on Syria war dead!

Hillary is out of her “Class” as these guys are the “Upper Class” and Hillary is not in their “Class” if she was then the story... 88 cent acid in Pakistan is thrown in the faces of women 100’s of times today... NBC Nightly News reported on Syria war dead!

Would be the lead story at NBC Nightly News tomorrow

“Upper Class” will make sure Hillary gets a Noble Prize

“Trillions” were burned and burned to death in fiery LA wrecks and Obama gave Bob Dylan the “Medal of Freedom” award, this scam will be news until $177 Trillion dollars, mostly in Swiss Banks from Saudi Arabia is confiscated in the New French Revolution!

“Homeless Shelters” are another example of Upper Class Inventors at Berkeley getting an F grade in the Real World!

Carter was a scam all his life with Habitat for Humanity!

Carter is one of the worlds worst mass murderers along with McCain and Kerry!

An inventor Greg, comes to you in 1980 during the Saudi Oil Embargo of long gasoline lines at gas stations with the ElectricWindmillCar and you suppress it for Teddy Kennedy!

Berkeley sent Greg email today about “Trillions” of “Batteries” at every gas station you drive in and get a fully charged battery for your electric car... is would have worked in 1980 but not in 2012

Berkeley Upper Class just wanted to Mock Greg... in Key West!

Hillary on Christmas Day 2011 got Greg beat up and almost murdered!

Hillary has been Gregs worst enemy in our George Orwell “1984” society for decades!

Look at the pictures below of her daughters wedding with the BP Oil all over birds!

My Other Life, was inventing the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 then in 1981 getting the cure for cancer...

I need a new life, with many wives in a legal Polygamous Marriage!

In my new life Greg + Wives will get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer and we have enough time to get this cure in 2012 if Hillary would get some balls!

Social cost of Hillary with no “Balls” is all the worlds .88 cent bottles of acid thrown in the faces of women in Pakistan

Pakistan Upper Class have taken a Trillion Dollars in Bribes from Hillary, not to stop men from buying .88 cent bottles of acid and throwing them at women!

Teddy Kennedy our Cat in Key West had his balls cut off too!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 29 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

JFK BDay Today... JFK wasn’t realistic to ask the Pentagon to fight the common enemies of man! Greed won over the Pentagon to support $4 gasoline $$$$$$$$$$$

JFK BDay Today... JFK the first 100 days, the first one thousand days, but in our lifetime, 15 Billion People on Earth will get their fleet of 100 JFK Aircraft Carriers with 10K Windmills, H2O Electrolysis, 1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity Generated on each JFK Air Craft Carrier, JFK's BDay Present for 15 Billion people on Earth! Better late than Never! McCain and Kerry were unrealistic masterminds suppressing the JFK 1 Trillion Megawatt Carrier as the Era of Electricity has just launched in our Times on Planet Earth. Electricity in 2017 on JFK's BDay will have been reinvented again and again!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

No one on Earth but Greg in Key West could have invented the JFK Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills, H2O Electrolysis, 1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity Generation!

Just imagine Greg + Wives getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 2012...

2012 is not over yet... there is enough time for Greg + Wives to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in Key West at South Beach were Tennessee Williams worked best!

2012 is not over yet... there is enough time for Greg + Wives to discover how Gravity is Generated and build the 1st Gravity Engine in Key West at South Beach were Tennessee Williams worked best!

JFK BDay Today...

JFK BDay Today...

1917 – 2012 Kennedy’s – JFK – Marilyn Monroe Happy Birthday Mr. President

1926 – 1962 Norma Jeane Mortensen Baker (June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962)

JFK BDay Today...

JFK Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills H2O Electrolysis 1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity

JFK Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills H2O Electrolysis 1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity

JFK Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills H2O Electrolysis 1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity

1917 Revolution St. Petersburg Army leadership felt they did not have the means to suppress the revolution and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, left

2012 Revolution St. Petersburg Army leadership feel they must suppress the ElectricWindmillCar for the $Greed$ of the new Russian Tsar Putin!

Assassination in 1963... JFK... Castro did it everyone thinks!

Assassination in 1968... JFK’s brother Robert the Attorney General

Revolution 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar

Revolution 2012 Invention in Key West of the JFK Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills, H2O Electrolysis, 1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity Generated

No one on Earth but Greg in Key West could have invented the JFK Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills H2O Electrolysis 1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity Generation!

Just imagine Greg + Wives getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 2012...

1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity Generated...

1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity Generated...

Revolution 2012 invented in Key West... JFK Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills H2O Electrolysis 1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity

GE wasn’t realistic building 100 Nuclear Power Plants in Japan

Japan Army leadership felt they did not have the means to stop GE from building 100 Nuclear Power plants over a Earthquake Area

USA Army and Navy here in Key West must feel they don’t have the means to stop $4 Gasoline

JFK wasn’t realistic to ask the Pentagon to fight the common enemies of man!

Greed won over the Pentagon to support $4 gasoline

JFK the first 100 days, the first one thousand days, but in our lifetime

15 Billion People on Earth will get their fleet of 100 JFK Aircraft Carriers with 10K Windmills, H2O Electrolysis, 1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity Generated for 15 Billion people on Earth!

Our Lifetime on this Planet Earth...

Police will say the motive was greed...

Swiss Banks, same Swiss Banks Hitler used$

“Teddy Kennedy” our Cat in Key West, Kerry moved out a few months ago!

Teddy Kennedy died suppressing the Rx Overnight Cure by Greg + Wives for Brain Cancer

Revolution of 2012 Invention in Key West of the JFK Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills, H2O Electrolysis, 1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity

2012 is not over yet... there is enough time for Greg + Wives to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in Key West at South Beach were Tennessee Williams worked best!

USA Army and Navy here in Key West must feel they don’t have the means to OK Greg + Wives to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 2012 in Key West at South Beach were Tennessee Williams worked best!

JFK wasn’t realistic to ask the Pentagon to fight the common enemies of man! Greed won over the Pentagon to support $4 gasoline!

Yale leadership wasn’t realistic to suppress super air bags on the outside front and rear of cars and trucks... dash cam inside cars and trucks!

Model 2012 Cars and Trucks would all have dash cam inside, super air bags on the outside front and rear of cars and trucks... dash cam inside cars and trucks to record wrecks!

Yale News Today on their Yale News Page...

Two Yale grads from 2012, guy driving, she the passenger, she died in the Wreck Sat today is Tuesday

Social Cost of Suppressing all these Inventions is more than $177 Trillion dollars Yale grads made from the sale of $4 gasoline!

Just imagine Greg + Wives getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 2012...

Yale Grads will not consider letting Greg + Wives even try...

McCain and Kerry are two of the Masterminds behind this!

15 Billion People on Earth will know all the goings-on as they will outnumber those suppressing all these inventions and cures!

McCain and Kerry weren't realistic Masterminds!

No one on Earth but Greg in Key West could have invented the JFK Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills H2O Electrolysis 1 Trillion Megawatts of Electricity Generation!

Just imagine Greg + Wives getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 2012...

JFK’s 100 Day Speech left out “Greed”

Greed is the Motive the Police will tell you!

Hitler put his money in the Same Swiss Banks!

Hitler control the Pope at the Vatican too

“Teddy Kennedy” died suppressing the Rx Overnight Cure for Brain Cancer

OJ and Castro will die without telling us who they Murdered!

John Edwards wife Elizabeth is waiting for him to burn in Hell’s Gasoline!

Greg and Sharon could be moving into a 1 bedroom apt on Newton Street in Key West if we were allowed to get donations sent to Gregs PO Box 214 in Key West... Post Office keeps all Gregs mail that has checks or cash in it!

2012 is not over yet... there is enough time for Greg + Wives to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in Key West at South Beach were Tennessee Williams worked best!

2012 is not over yet... there is enough time for Greg + Wives to discover how Gravity is Generated and build the 1st Gravity Engine in Key West at South Beach were Tennessee Williams worked best!

15 Billion People will get all these inventions and discoveries...

Police will say Greed was the Motive for the $4 gasoline Era!

Police will say Greed was the Motive for the $4 gasoline Era!

Police will say Greed was the Motive for the $4 gasoline Era!

Police will say Greed was the Motive for the $4 gasoline Era!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 28 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

George Orwell "1984" politics of Military Intervention on Memorial Day 2012 Nightly News. JFK Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills, H2O Electrolysis, H at –254 C Fleet of these Aircraft Carriers would End War On Earth as its played Today. Politics of Vatican scam stories about "The Butler Did it" when $4 gasoline gave Trillions dollar bribes to fuel the Vatican Bank since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar. Politics of were to film the HBO Movie "Hemingway and Gellhorn" it was filmed in SF not Key west, but was inspired by Greg in Key West! Next "Hemingway and Gellhorn" II will be filmed in Key West. Next Movie Kidman makes will be Nichol Brown Simpson! As Violence against women is one of Kidman's invention projects, as Dr Nancy would tell Kidman on the Today Show put it in the water... lobotomy gas!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Military Intervention on Memorial Day $4 Gasoline

Military Intervention on Memorial Day News for Syria

Statistics on fiery LA wreck today is classified

Statistics for Syria massacre is on CBS Nightly News

Vatican has its news story scam with the butler did it

Mecca has its victory over Gaga and the diseases she has and spreads to 240 million Muslims!

Military Intervention to stop Army guys who kill their wife at home today!

Marines would be more tolerant not to kill a wife if he had 4 wives like the Muslims he kills

“4 Navy Wives” in a Polygamous Marriage would have half a mind to write and invent

Declare War on Star Ships, build a fleet of Discovery III Shuttles in 2013 Not War Ships!

Military Intervention – we have meet the enemy and they are 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies

Remember George Orwell in “1984” making up news stories?

Marines at Camp Lejeune drank water contaminated with gasoline

Pentagon is a “Big Box Store” Target!

“Mini-Targets” will outrank Amazon if given counter space at the Post Office

English Majors don’t need calculus, they need “Novel Inventions” writing classes

Post Office and “Mini-Targets” can provide all the reference materials

Boredom, Martha Gellhorn was infected with this all her 89 year life

Hemingway wrote the Novel “For Whom The Bell Tolls” for Martha

Hemingway could have given Martha a longer life with him writing a “Invention Projects Novel”

Invention windfalls were happening in the 5 years they were married too

2012 Memorial Day with YouTube and the Internet, War Journalists on CBS Nightly News

1943 War Journalists Martha Gellhorn and crew would never buy $4 gasoline to let any Dictator of 1943 earn $177 Trillion in gasoline revenues, while fiery LA wrecks kill more people than WW II

In Greg’s view is “Sunset Key” island and Carnival Freedom Ship

In Greg’s view is JFK Aircraft Carrier with 10K Windmills, H2O Electrolysis, H at –254 C

Fleet of these Aircraft Carriers would End War On Earth as its played Today

Politics of were to film the Kidman Movie “Hemingway and Gellhorn” was SF

Politics of were the Military Intervention will be launched... $4 gasoline of course

Killings in Syria compared to the number of American Civilians killed in fiery LA Wrecks

CIA Intervention should of happened decades ago for American Civilians killed in fiery LA Wrecks

CIA Intervention should of happened decades ago for kids left to die in “Hot Cars” summer will be here soon and 100 kids mostly in Florida will die if the CIA does not intervene

CIA Intervention should of happened decades ago for “gasoline” leaking into the drinking water across the USA

CIA Intervention should of happened decades ago for “food poisoning”, Staph hospital infections mostly from Hospitals hiring Temps from Pakistan and India

Antiseptic Wipes are worthless if you put your fingers in your month

After opening a package of cookies covered in salmonella from someone coughing on it

Dr Nancy on the “Today Show” is only given a few minutes a few times a week

Al Roker gets more air time doing the weather 8 times a day

Priorities for CIA and Military Intervention with George Orwell “1984” writing Nightly news and the "Today Show"...

Newton born in 1980 same year as the ElectricWindmillCar was Invented

Will have 4 wives just like the Muslims but his 4 wives will have half a mind to write “Invention Projects” Novels

This New Newton will build the Gravity Engine for Discovery III

Discovery I was sent to the Junk Yard by the top brass at NASA for bribes from $4 gasoline

Saudi Terrorists are holding 4 Navy Wives as Sex Slaves in Mecca this Memorial Day

Hillary probably can get the classified YouTube videos of this violence against women

Hillary will not write a George Orwell “1984” news story calling for Military Intervention

This does not change the reality... there are American women held as sex slaves today!

There will be many fiery LA wrecks today

Politics of were to film “Hemingway and Gellhorn”

Politics of letting Hemingway have all 4 wives at the same time in a Polygamous Marriage

9 pm HBO Movie tonight is “Hemingway and Gellhorn” anyone reading this please post this movie on YouTube as I will search for it tomorrow morning...

If there were any “Mini-Target” stores they would be selling this HBO Movie tomorrow!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 27 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Memorial Day 2012 for the Earnest Eradication of Gasoline Sales + Cars by Veterans!
Iran is in the news today they are going to build a new 1 megawatt Nuclear Power Plant and nukes with their trillions of dollars in $4 gasoline revenues from 1980 to 2012. JFK Air Craft carrier with 10K windmills on decks, H2O can generate 1 Trillion Megawatts - Caroline Kennedy is like Nicholas and Alexandra observing 585,570 women die of breast cancer world wide in 2012 while Czar Putin spends $7 Trillion dollars on Saint Petersburg Skyscrapers, refuses free H at -254 C in NASA cans from the JFK electrolysis of H2O to generate heat and electricity... this is cold, callous... and mass murder! Independence Day 2012 for the Earnest Eradication of Gasoline Sales, Gasoline Cars!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Memorial Day 2012 for the Earnest Eradication of Gasoline Sales + Cars by Veterans!

Independence Day 2012 for the Earnest Eradication of Gasoline Sales, Gasoline Cars!

Memorial Day 2012 for the Earnest Eradication of Gasoline Sales + Cars by Veterans!

Nicole Kidman will play OJ’s ex-wife Nicole Brown June 12, 1994 (aged 35)

In 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented, one spin off invention is Breast Cancer Cure

In 2008, breast cancer caused 458,503 deaths worldwide

In 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented, one spin off invention is Breast Cancer Cure

In 2009, breast cancer caused 459,503 deaths worldwide

In 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented, one spin off invention is Breast Cancer Cure

In 2010, breast cancer caused 468,503 deaths worldwide

In 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented, one spin off invention is Breast Cancer Cure

In 2011, breast cancer caused 475,523 deaths worldwide

In 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented, one spin off invention is Breast Cancer Cure

In 2012, breast cancer caused 498,553 deaths worldwide

In 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented, one spin off invention is Breast Cancer Cure

In 2013, breast cancer will cause 558,573 deaths worldwide

In 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented, one spin off invention is Breast Cancer Cure

In 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented, one million spin off inventions were made from this one invention from 1980 to 2012...

Nicole Kidman will play OJ’s ex-wife Nicole Brown June 12, 1994 (aged 35)

In 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented, one million spin off inventions were made from this one invention from 1980 to 2012...

Cure for Murder via CIA drug cocktail perfected enough over the years to be put in the water... there were no murders in 2012!

In 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented, one million spin off inventions were made from this one invention from 1980 to 2012...

Berlin and Tokyo defeated in WW II observed millions of fiery LA Wrecks, more people burning to death than in WW II

Berlin and Tokyo let the fiery LA Wrecks go on from 1980 to 2012

Berlin and Tokyo observed McCain and Kerry from 1980 to 2012 profiting from $4 gasoline

1980 Independence Day was a Earnest Eradication of Gasoline from Earth via ElectricWindmillCar invention

1980 Saudi Oil Embargo was ended by the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar

WHO at the UN is in the news today to eradicate diseases

In 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented, one million spin off inventions were made from this one invention from 1980 to 2012...

One of the million spin off inventions was “Total Immunity” by getting the antibodies reprogrammed to kill every antigen instead of what they were programmed to kill

WHO at the UN is in the news today to eradicate diseases

“Total Immunity” was invented in 1980

1980 Tobacco and Alcohol Coup in 1980 too

Tobacco and Alcohol were eradicated from Earth in 1980

State Lottery, Casino’s, Gambling were eradicated in 1981

French Revolution closed every University in France for 7 Years

2012 New French Revolution will build New Medical School and pay all students tuition and living expenses

Berlin, Tokyo, and Paris have been totally defeated, they could not save any lives from 1980 to 2012 who perished in the $4 Gasoline Genocide, Mass Murder via Fiery Wrecks!

“Cosmopolitan” Magazine had been totally controlled by $4 gasoline Dictators

“Cosmopolitan” Magazine failed to save any women from catching Syphilis, Hepatitis etc

“Cosmopolitan” Magazine put the picture of naked pregnant women on the cover

“Cosmopolitan” Magazine failed to put the picture of Breast Cancer breaking through the breast on the cover, thus failed to confiscate $1 Trillion a year from the Pentagon budget for a Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure

Pentagon spent this $1 Trillion a year since 1980 on MIT War Toys and drones a $1 million each

Cosmopolitan” Magazine Realism got wives murdered by Troops coming home from war!

Cosmopolitan” Magazine Realism pretty pictures of Obama, no pictures of Nicole Brown's neck was cut from ear-to-ear with her head almost severed from her body and she'd been stabbed numerous times in other areas The experienced professional assassin who killed Nicole Brown knew enough to cut the carotid arteries, one on each side of her neck, then the jugular veins on either side of her neck, according to the autopsy the order in which the wounds were inflicted is not indicated, but it's obvious that they were precisely done to maximize suffering before death ("taunting wounds")

Nicole Brown was alive and watched the first several stab wounds!

19,000 women will be murdered in 2012

19,000 women have been murdered every year from 1980 to 2012

Millions of spin off inventions from the Electricwindmillcar invention would have saved half their lives

McCain and Kerry are the worlds worst mass murderers as they suppressed the ElectricWindmillcar for $4 gas revenues of $177 Trillion and spent most this on Iraqi, Iran, Afghan wars, drones, and other MIT war toys

Iran is in the news today they are going to build a new 1 megawatt Nuclear Power Plant

JFK Air Craft carrier with 10K windmills on decks, H2O can generate 1 Trillion Megawatts

Caroline Kennedy is like Nicholas and Alexandra

Firefight, Intense Gunfire, civil war over the suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar

Bill and Melinda got wealthy under these fire fights, intense gunfire over “Oil Fields”

Microsoft will be put in the public domain with 1,001 Invention Projects preinstalled in Windows 8 with links to get you started inventing as payback for giving them a Trillion dollars under fire

New French Revolution will make the University and Mandatory

New French Revolution will make organ donation mandatory and Health Care Free

In Saudi Arabia Health Care is free

In Medicare you have to pay $99 a month for part a and b and $80 more for part D

Independence Day 2012 Saudi Arabia Medical Care in the USA via ElectricWindmillCar!

Independence Day 2012 for the Earnest Eradication of Gasoline Sales, Gasoline Cars!

Memorial Day 2012 for the Earnest Eradication of Gasoline Sales + Cars by Veterans!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 26 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Kiss the Bride just Married at the Hemingway House in Key West. Kissing the Bride at the FountainHead of Married Inventions, 24/7 Husband and Wife work their conversations to 1,001 invention projects, just in time because they can take a writing class and an inventing class at the Hemingway House in Key West. Kidman playing the famed war correspondent Gellhorn, working on inventions with Hemingway. Next sequel for Hemingway and Gellhorn Kidman will film the movie in Key West and take some writing and inventing classes herself at the Hemingway House in Key West!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Kiss the Bride at the Fountains of Invention - Married at Hemingway House Key West

Grooms new role of provider means invent something together, 24/7 conversation about inventions

“New Fountainhead” novel written by the bride and groom building an Eiffel Tower Structure for thousands of new Medical Schools

“New Transcontinental Railroad” is a “Double Monorail” with Cars 100 yards wide and 100 Yards long sitting on 2 rail high above the ground built from LA to NYC with a Stop in Miami grin

“New Homestead Act” is the RN to MD, LPN to MD BS to MD Doctors make house calls again

“New Dental Cops” truant officers promoted to Dental Cops save the kids the torture of extractions for a Full Set of Dentures, more than 1 billion will get in 2013

Piers for pulling teeth need some high tech “Sonic's” as pulling teeth today is as hard as it was 100 years ago

“New War and Peace” Novel goes into war one war is Porn addiction, you perspectives are ill, sick, light years from the real world of Peace with the Bride, kissing the Bride with Inventions

Clinton is pictured with 2 Porn Stars, One look at Clintons simile you know he had sex

Clinton killed Hillary again, ill perspective by him holding 2 porn star Goddesses

Clintons Secret Service Agents paid for porn and sex, hope this makes the news soon

Clinton could have had his picture taken with Kidman playing Gellhorn

Hemingway and Gellhorn is on HBO on Monday May 28, 2012

Sequel of Hemingway and Gellhorn II will be filmed in Key West not San Francisco

Kidman will take a writing class and inventing class at the Hemingway House in Key West

For her interview about making the second Gellhorn movie in Key West

Kidman will play Gellhorn role as a strong thinking female getting things invented

Hurricane heading for Key West, Hemingway and Kidman talking about Ben Franklins lightning rods...

Hemingway and Kidman talking over a bowl of turtle soup, she tells Hemingway to get some pilot friends and drop food bombs off shore Key West and make a sign Hemingway and Gellhorns Turtle Beach Key West population 1 trillion in 2012

Health Care Prosperity is full body CT and MRI scans for every employee, person in the USA

McCain and Kerry perspectives are sick and need to be cured with a lobotomy

Hypodermic needle full of new CIA drugs is needed to convince them make Vaccines not Drones

1 Billion Vaccinations not Drones fired into Pakistan

How do we persuade the CIA to help give 1 Billion Vaccinations to Pakistan citizens?

The Art of Persuasion... Novel Written in Key West at a Writing Class at Hemingway House

1 Billion Vaccinations for Pakistan can be visualized in a Kidman Movie not yet made

McCain and Kerry would vote for this only after they have had lobotomies

United Nations WHO Doctors did not want to give 6,000 Cholera vaccinations in Haiti because they cost to much

Even MD’s are stupid criminals!

Senators McCain and Kerry get VIP health care when they visit the Hospital

Chaney will get an 2nd and 3rd Heart Transplant

Translated to People In Pakistan everyone will get a full set of Dentures, Vaccinations against everything possible probably 15 vaccinations each... CT and MRI scan and medical treatment for how ever they are sick

Movie to visualized this in a Kidman Movie not yet made

Addicted to war is worst for Kidman

Kidman has already made this Pakistan Movie in her mind

McCain and Kerry have not watch any part of this movie in Kidman’s mind

McCain and Kerry have the perspectives of Porn addicts how they think of women in general is light years from the real world because of watching Porn all day and night and planning Drone attacks has the same warped perspectives on the real world in the Universe with what is gravity?

Senators McCain and Kerry both got their jobs from war actions

Not actions of MD Senators giving 1 Billion Vaccinations to 1 Billion people, as the results of winning the disease wars is spelled out for Kidman a long time ago, just McCain and Kerry can not spell

Persuade FORD to build 2013 ElectricWindmillcars

Persuade GE to build Jet Engines in 2013 that run on free H at –254 C from H2O

Pope’s Butler didn’t expose any Vatican Secrets in our $4 gasoline Era this was a Scam News Story!

Bill Clinton killed Hillary again and made News that he is addicted to Porn Today

World Prosperity is not Clinton and Cheney

Kidman will come to Key West to film the next Hemingway and Gellhorn movie

Kidman will take a writing and inventing class at the Hemingway House in Key West

Her next movie will be titled “Real World Prosperity” visualize VIP Hospital Care for 15 Billion People on Earth

Strong female acting by Kidman will Persuade Everyone to Lobotomies Clinton, McCain, Kerry, John Edwards... etc

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 25 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Combat Wounded Veterans in Key West spit on SWF Sex Slaves in Saudi Arabia instead of organizing a rescue mission! Sharon is gone, kicked out of Greg’s room by “Observers”... Gregs is Home Alone and my writing and inventing “Stimulus” is Dreams of a “Polygamous Marriage” at the Hemingway House in Key West! 24/7 writing and inventing classes and brainstorming sessions! A warning for the future from Nuremberg “Observers” in the news today, Gravity’s Mechanism discovery by Greg and his wives will be the right revenge on Key West Observers! Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer by Greg and his wives will be the right revenge on Key West Observers! Cops in “Burn Units” in every City World Wide will want more revenge than this on stupid criminals selling gasoline for $4... LAPD women cop in the news and on “48 Hours” for a murder she would never have done if Polygamous Marriage were in the News and Legal for her and thousands who ruined their lives because Polygamous Marriage is not legal in Key West, USA!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

In Nuremberg The Presidents wife and 4 kids died in a fiery wreck for $4 gasoline!

In Washington DC the Vice Presidents Wife and 2 kids died in a fiery wreck that they and tens of thousands of others since 1980 would have escaped with no injuries if the President of the USA didn’t suppress Greg invention of Super Air Bags on the Outside Front and Rear of Cars and Trucks... (Sides too).

Nuremberg “Observers” in the news sending Greg in Key West “Help” for todays writing!

Nuremberg, GERMANY'S medical association said many doctors under the Nazis were "guilty, these crimes were not the actions of individual doctors but involved leading members of the medical community... and should be taken as a warning for the future that is here today in Key West, $4 gasoline Era is much worst than Nazis Germany... As Saudi Princes are 100’s of times more sadistic and bold by making YouTube Videos of their Nazis Crimes!

Yale Medical School, Harvard Medical School... involved leading members of the medical community!

Greg will be stymied, and we will have to wait for another 10 years for a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer, and production of the Gravity Engine that runs on Gravity Fuel!

Hierarchical Rank of God at CBS, NBC, ABC, “Trump Tower” “Freedom Tower” is “Dark Matter” if Berkeley can find it then it created itself without God same as Gravity’s Mechanism which no one at Berkeley or MIT is working on finding out its mechanism!

“Gravity’s Mechanism” by which it occurs is a mystery and no one at Berkeley Labs has a Million dollar grant from the DOD to discover it as no one applied for this research project.

Nuremberg, Germany... stupid criminals! In Key West Tortured Stymied Greg keeps working on the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Stymied Yale Key West Medical School built on a Eiffel Tower Structure

Stupid criminal MD’s live in New Haven and Key West!

Stymied today by medgadget.com as leading members of the MD community who write this web page are Mad as Hell at Greg today for inventing the next generation of Stethoscopes yesterday so today they reformatted their web page taking off all the text articles and put all YouTube Videos, greg did not get any notes at all from this MD web today thus I was Stymied by leaders of the MD community who were not taking any chances of Greg getting another medical invention 2 days in a row! Grin, same MD leaders do everything possible to prevent Greg from getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer! I’m sure they talk about this behind the hidden cameras!

Combat Wounded Veterans in Key West spit on Civilians Wounded in Combat in Key West, Baby Killers as kids left to die in Hot cars would not die in an ElectricWindmillCar as its climate controlled 24/7 and in Nuremberg fiery wrecks for $4 gasoline War Revenues of $177 Trillion since 1980!

Combat Wounded Veterans in Key West spit on Hierarchical Rank of God to show God that the Pentagon is the Ruler of our Universe not God!

Combat Wounded Veterans in Key West spit on SWF Sex Slaves in Saudi Arabia instead of organizing a rescue mission!

Destiny of SWF at the mercy of combat wounded veterans is more murdered wives from veterans returning from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran next...

Nuremberg “Observers” in the news sending Greg in Key West “Help” for todays writing!

Sharon is gone, kicked out of Greg’s room by “Observers”

Gregs Home Alone “Stimulus” is a “Polygamous Marriage” at the Hemingway House in Key West!

24/7 writing and inventing classes and brainstorming sessions!

A warning for the future from Nuremberg “Observers”

Gravity’s Mechanism discovery by Greg and his wives will be the right revenge on Key West Observers!

Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer by Greg and his wives will be the right revenge on Key West Observers!

Cops in “Burn Units” in every City World Wide will want more revenge than this on stupid criminals selling gasoline for $4

LAPD women cop in the news and on “48 Hours” for a murder she would never have done if Polygamy Marriage were in the News and Legal

Millions of lives of men and women would be saved not ruined if Polygamous Marriages were legal

Gaga born this way will provoke a Muslim War WW III as the trillions of dollars in bribes to Pakistan men are used for their 4 wives

In Washington DC the Vice Presidents Wife and 2 kids died in a fiery wreck that they and tens of thousands of others since 1980 would have escaped with no injuries if the President of the USA didn’t suppress Greg invention of Super Air Bags on the Outside Front and Rear of Cars and Trucks... (Sides too).

"If we do approve it, a lot of people will be helped and no one will be hurt," FDA "If we don't approve it, no one will be helped, research will be stymied, and we will have to wait for another 10 years."

It may be possible to develop a new male contraceptive not a pill

It may be possible to develop a new male contraceptive vasectomy at home kit high tech laser with out any incisions - close the vas ducts and then reopens the vas ducts... ejaculatory ducts (ductus ejaculatorii) are paired structures in male anatomy. Each ejaculatory duct is formed by the union of the vas deferens with the duct of the seminal vesicle. They pass through the prostate, and open into the urethra at the Colliculus seminalis. During ejaculation, semen passes through the prostate gland, enters the urethra and exits the body via the tip of the penis... It may be possible to develop a new male contraceptive vasectomy at home kit high tech laser with out any incisions close the vas ducts and then reopens the vas ducts... invent this!

"If we do approve it, a lot of people will be helped and no one will be hurt," FDA "If we don't approve it, no one will be helped, research will be stymied, and we will have to wait for another 10 years."

In Washington DC the Vice Presidents Wife and 2 kids died in a fiery wreck that they and tens of thousands of others since 1980 would have escaped with no injuries if the President of the USA didn’t suppress Greg invention of Super Air Bags on the Outside Front and Rear of Cars and Trucks... (Sides too).

"If we do approve it, a lot of people will be helped and no one will be hurt," FDA "If we don't approve it, no one will be helped, research will be stymied, and we will have to wait for another 10 years."

“Gravity’s Mechanism” by which it occurs is a mystery and no one at Berkeley Labs or Sandia Labs has a Million dollar grant from the DOD to discover it as no one applied for this research project.

"If we do approve it, a lot of people will be helped and no one will be hurt," FDA "If we don't approve it, no one will be helped, research will be stymied, and we will have to wait for another 10 years."

Hierarchical Rank of God with the mechanism of gravity known...

"If we do approve it, a lot of people will be helped and no one will be hurt," FDA "If we don't approve it, no one will be helped, research will be stymied, and we will have to wait for another 10 years."

Hierarchical Rank of God with the mechanism of gravity known...

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title ***** 24 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Invent a New Stethoscope like writing "Interpretations of Dreams" but Interpretations of Sounds! 100 New Interpretations from the sounds of a newly invented Stethoscope! Tomorrows Nightly News, what Hormone or combination Formulas of Hormones would benefit Greg adding this to the 1/2 aspirin a day? Revolutionizing supplements, Greg wants the Rx Memory pill... Just memorizing the 1,100 page Merriam Webster's dictionary would give my writing a pulse like a Pulsar Star and this would be a catalyst writing up new inventions! New Technique to "Make" 100 New Inventors every Day! Sound her out for a Polygamous Marriage! STOP all calcium supplements! They cause Heart Attacks... lucky for you the New Stethoscope can hear the sound of heart attack coming from miles away and correct the sound before you die of a sudden heart attack from taking calcium supplements!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Pulse of 100 New Inventions

100 New Pulsar Stars a type of Neutron Star discovered by a new technique

Pulse of 100 New Inventions, then One Invention A Second

New Technique to "Make" 100 New Inventors every Day

Light House in the Middle of Key West

Man Made Island, well half of it anyway

Man Made Inventors, well half or them anyway

Hemingway House in Key West Writing Classes and Inventing Classes

24/7 Talking reading the Novel 1,001 Invention Projects

Miracle Grow, it really works!

Stop a disease or cancer from growing, get this to work too

Estrogen in Cystic Fibrosis and Estrogen in Breast Cancer

10K Hormones besides Estrogen in your body

Greg takes 1/2 aspirin a day, what Hormone or combination Formulas of Hormones would benefit Greg adding this to the 1/2 aspirin a day?

Calcium Supplements should not be taken by anyone...

Yesterdays Nightly News, behind the cameras they knew this for years, you should not take any calcium supplements!

Sound of a heart attack with the new stethoscope will sent off a alarm for the code blue get your heart going the right beat before the heart attack attacks!

Tomorrows Nightly News, what Hormone or combination Formulas of Hormones would benefit Greg adding this to the 1/2 aspirin a day?

Revolutionizing supplements, Greg wants the Rx Memory pill...

Just memorizing the 1,100 page Merriam Webster's dictionary would give my writing a pulse like a Pulsar Star and this would be a catalyst writing up new inventions!

Invent a New Stethoscope...

Invent a New Stethoscope...

Invent a New Stethoscope...

Invent a New Inventor, sound her out for a Polygamous Marriage Mate

Invent a New Inventor, sound her out for a Polygamous Marriage Mate

Invent a New Inventor, sound her out for a Polygamous Marriage Mate

Invent a New Stethoscope like writing Interpretations of Dreams but Interpretations of Sounds!

A New Stethoscope, the best invention will be its Interpretations of sounds!

Greg read Freud’s “Interpretations of Dreams and was astonished how he could find goings on in the day that turned into dreams in your sleep!

Same thing but for 2012... high tech super computers Interpreting sounds in your heart, sounds in your brain, and does the DNA replication make any sound?

100 New Interpretations from sounds!

Remember how alluring it is when you put your ear on her chest and listen to the sound of her heart beating...

Now you will learn more than you ever wanted to know about this sound of a womens beating heart!

Haunting for a conversation starter to a new woman you just meet... grin!

Knock, Knock, who’s there?

Interpretations will tell all... array technology!

Berkeley looking for Dark Matter has what Greg will get from wives...

70 researchers from 14 institutions, many with extensive previous experience

Berkeley looking for Dark Matter has what Greg will get from wives...

Greg is “Home Alone” in Key West again, Sharon is a prisoner of the “Observers”

Greg has not talked to anyone for the last 15 days, let alone Brain stormed invention ideas with 70 wives from 14 different Universities all with extensive writings in the New England Journal of Medicine, Cell, Space...

24/7 Talk inventing is like a Pulsar Star giving off light like a lighthouse

Very rare type of Neutron Star, 100 are well known!

You probably were not invited to this wedding, well after the Coup you will be invited to Gregs Polygamous Wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West and when the stars come out at Hemingway’s pool we will point out 100 Pulsar Stars and 100 new invention projects

Key West Police by then will be able to tell the sounds of a Male Lion’s roar, looking for a mate or looking to kill a mate...

Interpretation of Sounds will be astonishing!!

New at the Key West Airport, Stethoscope Scanners....

Sound Police can identify every sound and use it in court

Sound her out for a Polygamous Marriage

Greg is “Home Alone” again in Key West... I’m sure you can hear Greg reading this!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title 23 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

LA-DE-DA... refined in manners, taste for top Doctors wit, elegant diagnosis, life saving therapy! DA in charge of infection control laws has a MD PhD and law degree! Madonna and Gaga are the Masterminds that sent out drunk and drugged terrorists husbands and boyfriends to kill their wives and girl friends! Reasoning at Berkeley, Yale, MIT gave them rights to build a Battered Women's Shelter in every Town and City in the USA... Polygamous Marriage will upgrade these to writing classes and invention projects conversation centers! Background check getting a Polygamous Marriage License will include sex diseases! Upgrade will reinvent Madonna and Gaga to Goddess of Invention Project Conversations! Inspiration Goddess!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

La Te Da... She gave it to you

LA-DE-DA... refined in manners, taste for top Doctors wit, elegant diagnosis, live saving therapy

DA... Infection Control Police consult with the DA with MD PhD with grade point of 4 all through medical school at Yale

Battered Women Police Protection upgraded to include infection control policing!

How many women hang themselves after getting infected with STD by a man is New Statistics and Secret Statistics!

$1 Trillion a year for HomeLand Security so they can afford Prostitution Parties with the Secret Service coming late

Did Madonna have plastic surgery?

Did Madonna have syphilis, STD, clap, Hepatitis, etc

Upgraded information for the General Background check for $35 on the web

FBI could make an extra $1 billion dollars with a STD background check for $45 on the web

La De Da taste for the elegant medical background check to help keep your diseases down

No More Lagging behind in your intellectual conversations come on...

Gaga + Madonna lagged behind in medical diagnosis lyrics on STD, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer... and all the rest

Lady Killers today are the product of Madonna and Gaga

Masterminds that send out the terrorists to kill their wives and girl friends!

Madonna + Gaga are the masterminds that sent out the Men terrorists to kill women for the littlest things, and when drunk as Madonna and Gaga caused them to become alcoholics

“Hot Pink” Hot Tickets to Madonna and Gaga this summer 2012

2012 Model ElectricWindmillCar, listen for Madonna and Gaga’s Orwellian comments about $4 gasoline and fiery LA Wrecks, Burn Units!

“Hot Pink” Women, Hot Women to Big a Ego to Fail Humanity, Men and Women live and die by these women’s new cd’s

Tolstoy “War and Piece” Novel

Hemingway “To Have Have Not”

Catastrophes for the characters and mass of humanity!

Tide Pods laundry detergent is a catastrophic new product for kids being poisoned

Government department is consumer alert...

Government department that alerts us about Madonna and Gaga writing poison lyrics!

Reagan got up in the middle of the night and fell breaking a few ribs at 90

“Air Bags” Berkeley and Yale and MIT are looking for Dark Matter, you can not get any more dark matter then letting Mrs Reagan fall getting up in the middle of the night because Berkeley has no interest in “Air Bags” for 90 year old women getting up in the middle of the night! Sick!

1,001 no interest invention projects by Berkeley, Yale, MIT write this Nobel like Hemingway and Tolstoy would write it up!

Refined taste at Berkeley Labs is just as poisonous as Tide Pods to Kids eating them

Berkeley Lab researchers seek to increase the sensitivity of LUX, the most sensitive search for dark matter yet

Berkeley Lab inventors need to write a book 1,001 invention projects more sensitive than dark matter!

1,001 Invention projects for kids of Berkeley Lab employees...

Burgers are just as a poisonous as Tide laundry PODS

Super computer animation for everyone's idea of dark matter and no animation for the bacon burger fat generating hormones in your blood

Upgrade Berkeley conversation books to Polygamous Marriage conversations with MD wives!

Fifty Shades of Gray conversations

Fifty Invention conversations with women will get you off more!

Than reading the book Fifty Shades of Gray

Corruption of society is why Gaga is in trouble in Indonesia

Gaga’s provocative costumes corrupt, more than they inspire the Goddess of Inspiration to invent something for women!

Gaga’s "vulgar" style corrupts Muslim men to use vulgar insults against their wives and girl friends when they get drunk!

Lady Gaga was denied a permit to perform as there is no La De Da taste for the Elegant in Gaga!

Indonesia and Asia needs some elegant medical advice as “White Rice” in Indonesia kills as many people there as “Red Meat and Burgers” kill in the USA

Asia eats white rice

USA eats red meat and burgers

Upgrade Gaga and Madonna to saving 1 billion from a heart attack and cardiac arrest!

Upgrade rich Asian and Yale men to Hormones not whores, pay to learn more about hormones!

Grasp Tide sold mom Laundry Pods that poison her kids

Dr Nancy would have made the Tide PODS so bad tasting no kid would eat one!

Stupidity at Tide, Microsoft, Secret Service, Home Land Security, Berkeley, Yale, MIT

Upgrade the Recipe!

Berkeley could make a computer animation of all the recipe ingredients and show you what hormones are generated from this recipe in your blood stream

Upgrade Burger King and McDonalds as kids are poisoned by staff with Hepatitis, a old secret the government labs in Atlanta know. We all know the government is not going to let John Edwards sue Burger King and McDonalds for $25 million for each kids that is infected by Hepatitis eating burgers from infected staff

Police Protection upgraded to infection control police giving a ticket to everyone at Burger King and McDonalds who has Hepatitis and syphilis...

TV ads for Rx drugs have a long list of side effects and warnings

Burger King and McDonalds TV ads must also have a long list of side effects and warning of staff with Hepatitis and syphilis

Upgrade TV food commercials

La De Da taste for the elegant in medical diagnosis and detective work

140 lbs scale at KMart when you gain 10 lbs your estrogen goes from 1175 to 1285

1175 g testosterone Hormone scales will be sold at KMart when La De Da taste for the elegant is upgrade to daily hormone levels well as your daily weight

Women will get a warning about weight and estrogen when they get on the new scale

As estrogen goes off the charts with a weight gain of 5 lbs and Berkeley can have a video to show her what goes on in her blood stream from fat cells generating more estrogen

La De Da taste for the elegant

No more lagging behind in your intellectual conversations

Especially if you are ready to upgrade to a Polygamous Marriage

Every Polygamous Marriage will be an arranged marriage to talk about what we want to invent and what society and women need invented by men, as women will always be the Goddess of Inspiration for men

Exhaust from cars and trucks puts tons of matter into the air

Berkeley Today is trying to find dark matter in a Gold Mind 5,000 feet deep

Berkeley needs to find way to filter out gas and truck exhaust 5,000 feet in the air

Berkeley would not let Madonna and Gaga in to the lab

Reasoning at Berkeley, Yale, MIT gave Madonna and Gaga the rights to build Battered Women’s Shelters in every town and city in the USA

Upgrade all the Battered Women’s Shelters to Writing Classes and Invention Projects centers

La De Da taste for the elegant

Men’s and Women’s hormone levels forecasting on “Today Show” will upgrade Al Roker to Dr. Nancy’s girlfriend MD’s doing this weather forecast on Mood Swings and High and Low tides

Tide PODS poison kids who eat them, Dr Nancy would have made PODS taste so bad no kid would eat one...

Upgrade the background check on Madonna and Gaga, to their sex diseases!

Upgrade the background check on Burger King and McDonalds staff to Hepatitis!

KMart will sell disease background checks with the New Hormone scales

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title 22 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Putin the last Czar the serfs will have to kill! In China “WOW” Awareness, Chan has breast cancer and there are millions of Chan’s who will die in 2012 while other Chinese get rich from SWF in the USA paying $4 for gasoline! Cheney killed a SWF waiting for a heart. In China the clone of Cheney took a heart transplant from a Chinese women waiting for her Heart Transplant! FaceBook guy married a woman from China instead of a SWF... Why? Gregs Polygamous Marriage will have all SWF for wives! Accidental Billionaire, Wives in a Polygamous Marriage, Serendipity Wives who do homework 24/7 to be the family that gets the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer! Countermanding the Dictators Orders to watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. “WOW” Awareness! Dr. Nancy in Pink... Pinks... Pink... “WOW” Awareness!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“WOW” Awareness! Dr. Nancy in Pink... Pinks... Pink... “WOW” Awareness!

“WOW” Awareness! Dr, Nancy can see into our 24/7 home... work for A Breast Cancer Cure!

In China “WOW” Awareness, Chan has breast cancer and there are millions of Chan’s!

America’s SWF’s on their Duval Walk in 3 Pink Baseball hats for “WOW” Awareness!!!

Breast Cancer Cops have a outstanding warrant for China’s “Accidental Billionaires”

SWF’s spending all their money on $4 gasoline fueled China’s “Accidental Billionaires”

SWF’s 24/7 talks is not accidental, but medical research, homework you can “Observe”

Unless you are drunk, addicted on drugs, alcohol in a Vegas Casino

So unless you are at Home doing Homework “WOW” Awareness Dr, Nancy can see into our 24/7 homework for A Breast Cancer Cure!

China’s “Accidental Billionaires” Hooked up Priscilla Chan MD to FaceBook Time waster!

FaceBook Medical Homework is our Key West Cat Teddy Kennedy Melted... jokes!

Teddy the Cats Mom would not let me have a fan for the 1 year old kitty, so he melted!

Mom wanted to give Greg a “Friendship Woven Bracelet”, that’s for teens with pink hats, I want a wedding ring from Dr. Nancy!

In the event of extremely Hot Weather...

Don’t forget the kid in the child seat in back!

Whistle Blower has never come out with who made the law kids in back so mom will forget them in Extremely Hot Weather!

ElectricWindmillCars will be climate controlled 24/7 with Hydrogen at –254 C for cooling and heating if you are a observer in Moscow in winter!

Putin the last Czar the serfs will have to kill!

Mom serf who’s kids died in a frozen car that ran out of gas in a Moscow Winter

In the event of a successful Coup

This was the Doctors and Dictators Commencement Speakers talk at Yale Medical School graduation yesterday

Go to Sterling Hall of Medicine, 333

Go to “Mandatory Organ Alert” OR and help in “Transplants”

Cheney killed a SWF waiting for a heart and he took the heart transplant meant for her!

In the event of a successful Coup everyone will get a heart transplant even the SWF’s

And the government will pay for all organ transplants like they paid for Chaney’s

Go to “High Spirits” at Yale Medical School over the successful Coup over our Dictator!

Go to 160,000 lung cancer deaths in 2012 Special Report on NBC News...

Go to 40K Breast Cancer deaths in 2012

Go to Sterling Hall, 1984 and start the planning on testing everyone in the USA every week for lung cancer and breast cancer along with every virus and bacteria we have a test for!

Cheney had the best prevention from death the Dictators Doctors could offer

This will now be offered to SWF’s and everyone in the USA

Thanks to the Dictators Doctors Pediatrician's will be able to “End” Whooping Cough deaths in 10 days!

This is only for the USA, China’s Dictators will kill millions by not treating Whooping Cough in China!

$4 gas bought by SWF in the USA made China rich and guilt of mass murder via fiery wrecks!

SWF’s in the USA are banned from FaceBook

SWF’s are in a “Catfight” with Mrs Chan MD – FaceBook

USA’s Dictators killed millions of SWF by out sourcing Microsoft jobs to China

Priscilla Chan MD has written for last few years she wants to give more awareness of the need for organ donation so Cheney in the USA and Cheney in China can take the Hearts meant for women!

Men taking things from women, Cheney taking a Heart from a SWF waiting for it... wow

“WOW” Awareness Dr. Nancy in Pink... Pinks... Pink... “WOW” Awareness

“WOW” Awareness Dr, Nancy can see into our 24/7 homework for A Breast Cancer Cure!

SWF’s serendipity is 24/7 homework

SWF in the “Battered Women’s Shelter’s” in every town and City in the USA get a “New Life”

Sharon in her “Other Life” wore heals and was a Sundancer... before her husband became a drunk!

Doctor Dictators! Will condemn alcohol... Prohibition on Doctors Orders and No Smoking!

Dr. Nancy will put some awful tasting and smelling chemicals on and in Cans of Coors and 305 Salem Tall smokes... etc

“Sick Days” at GE and GM plants will take on the true ethics of don’t come to work sick, don’t stay home sick, report for sick call, just like being in the Army!

Report for Sick Call... everyone in the USA who gets sick!

“WOW” Awareness Dr. Nancy in Pink... Pinks... Pink... “WOW” Awareness

“WOW” Awareness Dr, Nancy can see into our 24/7 homework for A Breast Cancer Cure!

“Intensives” can save a life other MD can’t by going to Medical School for a extra Year!

110 students graduated from Yale Medical School

Go to 160,000 lung cancer deaths in 2012 Special Report on NBC News...

Go to 40K Breast Cancer deaths in 2012

Go to Sterling Hall, 1984 and start the planning on testing everyone in the USA every week for lung cancer and breast cancer along with every virus and bacteria we have a test for!

110 new MD's do not have a chance against 160,000 Lung Cancer Deaths in 2012

And 40,000 Breast Cancer deaths in 2012... What was our Dictator thinking about!

Our Dictator was addicted to $4 gasoline and helping China get rich!

Our Dictator let “Trump” and Matt Lauer have sex with kids in Thailand!

Our Dictator is a clone of Czar Putin in Moscow!

Our Dictator is a cone of the New French President in Paris!

Countermanding the Dictators Orders

No Smoking and Prohibition Era

$4 gasoline Era harmed SWF’s more than any other class in America!

FaceBook guy married a women from China instead of a SWF... Why?

Gregs Polygamous Marriage will have all SWF for wives! A wedding ring from all the women!

Accidental Billionaire Wives in a Polygamous Marriage, Serendipity Wives who do homework 24/7 to be the family that gets the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Countermanding the Dictators Orders to watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Countermanding the Dictators Orders to watch Saturday Night live with Mick!

Accidental Billionaire Wives in a Polygamous Marriage, Serendipity Wives who do homework 24/7 to be the family that gets the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Kidney Dialysis is a government funded medical program that will end in 10 days

In 10 days of mandatory organ donation there will be enough kidneys to give everyone on kidney dialysis a kidney transplant!

Go to Sterling Hall of Medicine, 333

Go to “Mandatory Organ Alert” OR and help in “Transplants”

Help in computer animation of antigen and antibody TV ads

Help in inventing a 10,000 sun screen

“Today Show” never shows the daily fiery morning wrecks... tomorrow show they will!

“Today Show” will communicate all Medical and Scientific information to the public!

Testing is our current option

Testing everyone for every disease before they have any symptoms!

Report to sick call if you are sick!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title 21 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

100 Senators and all will have a MD and PhD degree or we will all die! Greg as a Yale Medical School Commencement Speaker will talk 24/7 and get a few inventions! Greg will have to talk to a MD PhD women for 24 hours before she even considers should she marry Greg to get the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure brainstorming with him 24/7 for weeks and months! ... to do everything possible to end breast cancer, arranged Polygamous Marriage with a World Wide Climax! Please call Greg as Our Orwellian Dictator will not let Greg call you!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Medical School Commencement Speaker at Yale is Susan G Komen’s Sister

... to do everything possible to end breast cancer! Even Marry Greg at the Hemingway House in Key West!

University of Yale, the Speaker is Bush who could not get into the Medical School

100 Senators and all will have a MD and PhD degree or we will all die!

Greg as Yale Commencement Speaker will talk 24/7 and get a few inventions!

Greg in Key West as Commencement Speakers talk, greg is not allowed to Speak to any women observer in Key West about the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast cancer or any other invention project on orders from our Orwellian Dictator!

Greg’s revenge will be Speaking 24/7 to as many wives as I can get to marry me and getting as many inventions as we can possible get!

Komen’s Sister in 2009... do everything we can to end breast cancer

Komen’s Sister in 2012... Speaking at Yale Medical School Commencement – do everything we can to end breast cancer!

F greg would give her an F grade...

Greg in 2009 would have 40,000 breast cancer deaths of women all buried at Arlington National Cemetery, “War Vets” would say Hell NO!

National Guard would be called out by the Pentagon to prevent the dead women from being buried at Arlington National Cemetery!

National Guard would open fire on the women tried to bury their dead!

Remember this would all be in 2009 and would put a end to the Iran, Iraqi, and Afghan wars!

$ Trillions of dollars wasted on Iran, Iraqi, and Afghan wars in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 would go for a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Komen’s Sister in 2009

F greg would give her an F grade...

$ Trillions of dollars wasted on Iran, Iraqi, and Afghan wars in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 would go for a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

2012 if there is a Coup on $4 gasoline in 2012 then 120,000 women will be re buried at Arlington National Cemetery!

Greg will invent a way to call women observers who are not allowed to speak to him!

Greg will invent a way to call “Aliens” find out how close they are to Earth

Greg and his wives will speak at the Yale Universe Commencement about this

Movie “Independence Day” Aliens could be at all the nearby stars

Movie “Memorial Day” War Dead in an Alien War will be everyone on Earth!

UN is a criminal organization working for $4 Gasoline Dictators

UN will be replaced with UA Universe Alliance

All WHO MD’s will be feed to the sharks off Key West after their organs are harvested

Hells Burning Gasoline will not have a “Burn Unit” for MD’s who Doctored Officer Jasons burns for 7 years!

Verizon Hell, calling 888 and getting unlimited Cell Bandwidth for 10,001 invention projects on YouTube...

Island wide wifi in Key West will give Key West the bragging rights to the most inventor's of any city in the USA!

“War with Aliens” is for Earth!

Reprieve from Windows 8 and MSNBC greed to Win the War with Aliens!

“Over Your Head” The Gravity Engine and Gravity Fuel must be invented before the War with Aliens Starts

Next year the Discovery Channel will have all “New” episodes and some episodes will be “Over the Heads” of Yale Graduate Student and Yale Medical School Students!

Only way Humanity will ever get rid of Windows 8, 9, 10... 10,001

Reprieve from Windows 8 and MSNBC Greed will give programmers enough time to invent an OS for Inventing!

1,001 Invention projects will come preinstalled with links you can click on...

Icon, Record this session will let you share your internet research on a YouTube video

Bill and Melinda think breast cancer can go on forever... win 8, win 9 win 10

Bill and Melinda think Microsoft can sell Aliens Windows 9

Reprieve for Greg and Wives as we would never get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer with Windows 8 or 9

Windows 10 and 11 would not help getting the “Gravity Engine” built

... to do everything possible to end breast cancer, this means end Windows 8

... to do everything possible to end breast cancer, this means end Windows 8

... to do everything possible to end breast cancer, this means end Windows 8

... to do everything possible to end $4 gasoline, Hells Burning Gasoline is “Real”!

... to do everything possible to end “Burn Units” filling up with people in Fiery LA Wrecks

... to do everything possible to arrest the Doctors who billed Officer Jason for his 7 years in the “Burn Unit”

... to do everything possible to “Fast Track” Verizon Cell Tower Satellites as Comcast Wifi requires your Comcast email address and password

Verizon Hell, will be not as much Hell with Satellites as Cell Towers and unlimited everything for almost nothing a month!

... to do everything possible to program the Verizon 1,001 Invention Projects apps!

We will invent a way to call Aliens...

We will invent a way to Cure Breast Cancer

Greg will be allowed to speak invention ideas to as many women who will marry him when “women observers” call!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Gregs 2007 web

A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


Wikipedia Read Aloud

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Inventions"

+++++++++++ Newest Title 20 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Mandy Miles can write in the Key West Citizen Newspaper how to invent the Gravity Engine and its Gravity Fuel... Mandy Miles can brainstorm ideas... like how to catch a fish in Key West. Journalists have gotten much worst since 1980. And now Cheney gets a heart transplant and the heart was suppose to go to a SWF who died because Chaney got her heart transplant! Mandy Miles staff reporter for the Key West Citizen caused some HS girl to hang herself after she is infected with syphilis, hepatitis etc by leaving out these 2 diseases and several other diseases from her Sunday article! Sick Journalists! Infected by our Dictator in NYC! Mandy was probably ordered not to mention syphilis and Hepatitis in her article today by our Dictator in NYC! Mandy Miles writes then goes on to kill some poor SWF who needed to know who has Syphilis and Hepatitis before she shares a ice cream with them on Duval! And now Cheney gets a heart transplant and the heart was suppose to go to a SWF who died because Chaney got her heart transplant! NY Times will not write about mandatory Organ Donation don't expect the Key West Citizen Newspaper to!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Epidemic of Harmful Epidemics

WHO at the UN all their MD’s are diseased and make all our Epidemics worst for $4 gasoline profits!

Yale lecture Doctors and Dictators - Dictators are the Boss!

Oil, Sugar, Red Meat, Bacon, Sausage, all are owned by Dictators!

UN Dictators are 25 times more callous than John Edwards and Robert Kennedy Jr.

Sirius Star Travels should have been 25 times more appealing than Dictators sins!

Pentagon, CIA, FBI, could have arrested the Dictators

Greece, Rome, Egypt, Paris, London, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, all ancient Star Thinkers

Thinking Hard, how do we escape from this $4 gasoline Era?

1980 was the start of the $4 gasoline Era...

Longer our $4 gasoline Era has gone on the worst it has gotten, become, a multi-diseased epidemic from infecting the Pentagon with Syphilis from fags to 10K basketball sex partners... Trump and Matt Lauer have had sex with kids in Thailand, CIA has the video!

SWF’s have been raped and killed by several hundred Saudi Princes... with diplomatic immunity!

Saudi Arabia leads the world in sex crime statistics... and all have diplomatic immunity!

WHO at the UN... Yes MD's are doctors to the Saudi’s selling them kidneys SWF are waiting for

SWF’s die waiting for the kidney WHO MD’s sold to Saudi Arabia... Bush sold more organs to his Saudi Prince friends than any President! And now Cheney gets a heart transplant and the heart was suppose to go to a SWF who died because Chaney got her heart transplant! MD's know this is true!

Longer our $4 gasoline Era has gone on the worst it has gotten

1980 generation after generation has been molested by Priests, Bishops, and now the Pope!

Epidemic of Sin from $4 gasoline money infected the Vatican Bank, Priest infected boys with syphilis!

Swiss Banks have been infected since 1980

$ Trillions of dollars for “Real” diseases is invested by Yale and Harvard in Chinese companies

SWF die from breast cancer at 40K a year every year since 1980

SWF die from cardiac arrest at 1 million a year every year since 1980

Diet of Butter, Cream, Red Meat, Bacon, Sausage, Pizza... is the cause of death

Good Cholesterol and Bad Cholesterol is a scam by the governments Doctors!

Brilliant Medical inventions and prevention cures have been killed from public use

GE Health Care is a criminal organization

FORD email about super air bags on the front and rear of FORD’s will wreck your faith in men for good!

Epidemic of Sin from $4 gasoline money infected the Vatican Bank

Swiss Banks have been infected since 1980

$ Trillions of dollars for “Real” diseases is invested by Yale and Harvard in Chinese companies

SWF have been killed by Microsoft out sourcing its tech support to India

SWF have been killed by Microsoft, hired as “Temps” with no heath care whatsoever!

FaceBook married Chan instead of a SWF bride!

Berkeley Labs, every breakthrough email I get, Chinese got the breakthrough never SWF’s!

SWF are no longer admitted to Yale and Harvard

Longer our $4 gasoline Era has gone on the worst it has gotten!

Elite White Men’s Yale is moving from New Haven to Singapore because prostitution is legal there!

Epidemic of Prostitution at Yale and Harvard

Yale and Harvard did build “Battered Women’s Shelters” for SWF in every town and city in the USA!

This is their “Invention”! Abortion 1 millions a year is their invention too!

100’s of cameras at Westin Dock Key West and a women knocked down and knocked out as I was writing the hand written notes today... cops took the woman away in an ambulance, the guy who knocked her down and knocked her out was biking back and forth along the dock... talking to the fisher men an hour later!

YouTube Video of this fight and greg writing will be posted on this web went I get ahold of the video

YouTube Video of Sirius will go viral too on this web

Star Travel from Sirius to the End of the Universe Starts at Westin Dock key West!

Discovery III will take off from Key West Airport

Discovery III will have a Gravity Engine and use Gravity as a Fuel!

Brilliant Inventions have been killed from HS kids in Key West by Yale and Harvard!

WHO MD’s have killed the Overnight Cure for breast cancer!

New York Times is Totally Owned and Written by $4 Gasoline Era Dictators

Key West Citizen Newspaper has been infected too

You can buy todays Sunday New York Times in a Nation that has a “Malaria” epidemic going on today

Yale and Harvard invested trillions in China

Microsoft hires SWF’s as Temps with no health or education benefits whatsoever!

Brilliant Inventions have been killed by Microsoft as SWF’s can not afford to work on inventions!

Yale and Harvard have invested trillions in China, FaceBook and its new bride Mrs Chen while killing SWF’s in public executions!

Relic of our $4 gasoline Era is Battered Womens Shelters in every Town and City in the USA

Yale and Harvards best invention! Abortion is Yale's best invention!

Salk INstitute writes in “Cell” around the clock eating gets you fat!

Greg writes around the clock talking with SWF gets you brilliant beautiful inventions!

Syphilis, Hepatitis, Mandy Miles staff reporter for the Key West Citizen wrote today or didn’t write about Syphilis and Hepatitis her “Tan Lines” front page article today!

Mandy Miles staff reporter for the Key West Citizen caused some HS girl to hang herself after she is infected with syphilis, hepatitis etc by leaving out these 2 diseases and several other diseases from her Sunday article! Sick Journalists! Infected by our Dictator in NYC! Mandy was probably ordered not to mention in her article today by our Dictator in NYC! Mandy Miles writes then goes on to kill some poor SWF who needed to know who has Syphilis and Hepatitis before she shares a ice cream with them on Duval!

There's questions were taught at a early age not to ask... Mandy Miles writes then goes on to kill some poor SWF who needed to know who has Syphilis and Hepatitis before she shares a ice cream with them on Duval!

Baby killers and now killers of SWF in HS in Key West...

Thinking how long this has gone on ... 1980 and how worst it has gotten

WHO MD’s would not warn the Key West HS girls either!

Escape from so many Journalists spreading so many deadly Epidemics will require brilliant inventions!

SWF’s can save the Earth and our Universe from harmful epidemics caused by $4 gasoline

Marry several SWF’s to save their lives!

Marry to save her life... “SHL”

Greg in Key West writes talk around the clock gets brilliant beautiful inventions!

1980 High School generation grew up without the ElectricWindmillCar Era

2012 High School generation can escape from the same fate!

FORD commercial up and down the streets of Key West 2 days ago was a SCAM

Mandy Miles can write in the Key West Citizen Newspaper how to invent the Gravity Engine and its Gravity Fuel...

Mandy Miles can brainstorm ideas... like how to catch a fish in Key West

Journalists have gotten much worst since 1980

Sugar, Salt, Red Meat, Bacon, Sausage, Pizza cause cardiac arrest...

What can cause the arrest of $4 gasoline Dictators?

Brilliant Beautiful Inventions by SWF’s in a Polygamous Marriage that is Legal

Start with Sirius then go on to the End of the Universe

It all starts on Earth with making Polygamous Marriage Legal

SHL SWF John Edwards and Robert Kennedy Jr will be arrested for killing their wives!

When these epidemics are brought under control, arrested with brilliant Cures!

Elite White Men at Yale and Harvard best two inventions are abortion and Battered Womens Shelters!

2013 Model FORD

2013 Model JFK Aircraft Carrier

Brilliant accessories killed from public use by $4 gasoline Dictators!

10K Windmills on the JFK

Outside Front and Rear Super Air Bags on the FORD... dash cam with wifi

And a Trillion other brilliant inventions you will find out about on this Web Page!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title 19 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

1 Year and Greg can’t find any women, women for 24/7 Talks. One Year old “Teddy Kennedy” the Cat. 24/7 Talks, Life will suddenly stick the gas peddle to the floor, Newly Weds will hold the gas peddle to the floor for inventions! “Baby Killers” will hate every invention the newly weds get... They are Psychopaths! They used “Napalm”, today they use gasoline... Same motive, money! Ford in Key West filing a TV Commercial, no "Pink" model 2013 Ford's. No Dash Cam, No wifi for Cops behind them, No outside air bags front and rear. Gravity of holding the peddle to the floor for inventions, Talk 24/7 Greg would paint her car “Pink” for Free for 24/7 Talks Supercomputer literate HS Kids in Key West in 2013 or 2020

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Greg Will Paint Her Car “Pink” For Free For 24/7 Talks

“Flying Blind” into the “Universe” 24/7 Talks

Inventing some ski goggles with high tech optics for the almost blind to see like you and I

Hubble III Space Telescopes docked together in deep space, Hubble IV

MRI of the Universe

Scanning Electron Microscope slides of the “Universe” with reinvented “gram” stains

Chemo kills the cancer

Super Black hole can kill cancer too

24/7 Talk Out loud for all to hear

Hope they show some mercy and reply by email if they have a idea too

$1 Trillion in IBM Supercomputers at Los Alamos

$1 Trillion in Microsoft Profits not “Society” social profits, Microsoft is a cancer!

Greg Will Paint Her Car “Pink” For Free For 24/7 Talks

Best chance of anyone on Earth to Talk this through to a Cure

1 Year and Greg can’t find any women, women for 24/7 Talks

24/7 Talks

Life will suddenly stick the gas peddle to the floor

Toyota will ask the newly weds to reinvent the gas peddle for Japan!

757’s Flying at 100K feet in 2013 or 2020

Talk it up 24/7 invent it!

Hold the peddle to the floor!

Make up for the sins of “Baby Killers”

Psychopath John Edwards killed his wife Elizabeth and son Wade...

Super Air Bags on the Outside of Cars Front and Rear...

Wade died in a car wreck and the car didn’t have any outside front and rear air bags

Elizabeth died of breast cancer long after the 1980 Breast Cancer Cure with the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

1,001 other inventions besides these 2 have been stifled and outright suppressed!

Wade dead at 16 in a 1996 Model Ford

Ford in Key West yesterday by the Hemingway House and Green Parrot

2013 Model Ford with no super air bags on the front and rear... Wade will die in 2013

Edwards son Wade died in 1996

Another son named Wade will die in 2013

Ford Model 1996 and Ford Model 2013 with no super air bags on the outside front and rear

1,001 other inventions have been stifled and suppressed too

Lets talk it up 24/7 hold the peddle to the floor inventing 10,001 inventions

Best Revenge on “Baby Killers” who hate to be called “Baby Killers”

Greg Will Paint Her Car “Pink” For Free For 24/7 Talks

“Flying Blind” into the “Universe” 24/7 Talks

757 landing on a Air Craft Carrier, lets talk it up 24/7

1 Year and Greg can’t find any women, women for 24/7 Talks

One Year old “Teddy Kennedy” the Cat

No Wife, No Woman to talk to for 1 year 24/7

10,001 inventions lost to the “Baby Killers”

“Psychopath” diagnosis for the New York Times Newspaper!

NYDailynews.com they are a more generous “Observers” in “Hells Gasoline” Era

Guilt enough from 9-11 blind sided by the ElectricWindmillcar Model 1980

“Catfight” between two NYC Newspapers end the war over gasolines Trillion dollar war profits

Another 757 just flew over the Disney Ship docked at Westin Key West

Ford in Key West filing a TV Commercial

$250 for your video uploaded to Ford Web page

Ford cars one white one yellow

“Pink” cars belong to Greg and his hard to find “Wives”

Greg would paint her car “Pink” and hold the gas peddle to the floor for 24/7 Talks

Greg in Key West couldn’t find any woman, any women in the last year for 24/7 Talks

Wedding at the Hemingway House Today as I bike by it!

24/7 Talks start with the wedding vows

Honeymoon TV Commercials filmed at Hemingway House of the “Universe”

2013 Inventions or same inventions in 2020

Verdict on John Edwards, Guilty as “Hell”

God’s best invention is “Woman” Edwards will end up sentenced to “Hell” twice

No Wife should die from breast cancer...

“Baby Killers” kept the ElectricWindmillCar 1980 model and did not let its inventor work on the Rx Overnight Cure for breast cancer from 1980 to 2012 out of envy!

“Baby Killers” hate being called “Baby Killers”

Greg when he finds a wife will both hold the peddle to the floor for more inventions

“Baby Killers” will hate every invention the newly weds get...

They are Psychopaths!

They used “Napalm”, today they use gasoline...

Same motive, money!

Universe Ocean TV Commercials Discovery III will be “Pink”!

Gravity of holding the peddle to the floor for inventions, Talk 24/7

Greg would paint her car “Pink” for Free for 24/7 Talks

Supercomputer literate HS Kids in Key West in 2013 or 2020

$1 Trillion worth of supercomputers are up and running at Los Alamos Today

Gravity of Newly Weds holding the peddle to the floor, talking 24/7

Greg would Marry Her Today if she just asked! Yes "Pink" Shorts for the Brides!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title 18 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Kennedy sealed the court documents on his hanged ex-wife Mary Today! Kennedy has no feeling, no thoughts of the other "Mary" who will be hanged, shot, beaten to death in a drunk Friday Night Bar argument he could of helped save her life later tonight but didn’t even think of this murder! Jackie was happy with JFK's many mistresses, Mary would have been just as happy and "Alive" tonight! Hemingway, Martha, Pauline, Hadley... Newly Weds just married at the Hemingway House in Key West will put all 4 in their wedding vows! Classes... Yale Key West Medical School will admit married men and women to the freshmen medical school class as Husband and Wife partners, 24/7 classmates in every class to get 1,001 medical inventions 15 billion patients need ASAP! Husband and Wife conversations will never be the same!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Psychopath Non-Fiction Novels Written In Key West... Soon!

Sexual Sadists Non-Fiction Novels Written In Key West... Soon!

Violence Against Women's Act he was very violent when he drank...

$600 million a year and not a single women’s live will be saved...

Diseases Against Women’s Act... Obama has syphilis! And Strep Throat!

Hillary is the “Watch Dog” with no “Bark” or “Bite”

Background checks when “Clinton” lied and lied and lied for years and years!

Cell Phone... Hillary should of listened to all of Clintons cell phone calls, right!

Women’s Cell Phone Act will cost less than $600 million and Save more than 6,000 lives!

$4 Gasoline, Mecca and Saudi Arabia, nation of “Sexual Sadists” and “Women Killers”

Psychopath Non-Fiction Novels Written In Key West... Soon!

Sexual Sadists Non-Fiction Novels Written In Key West... Soon!

Hillary has watched live, women in Saudi Arabia killed in cold blood...

Trump, McCain, Kerry, Cater, Clinton, and Hillary all watched this many times!

Hillary is the “Watch Dog” with no “Bark” or “Bite”

Gruesome circumstances, of $4 Gasoline so MIT can build War Toys for the Pentagon!

Psychopath Non-Fiction Novels Written In Key West... Soon!

Sexual Sadists Non-Fiction Novels Written In Key West... Soon!

Guilt over 9-11 Terrorists from Saudi Arabia and the ElectricWindmillCar 1980 Model!

Obsessed with “Greed” $4 Gasoline paid for the 9-11 Terrorists from Mecca

Obsessed with “Greed” $4 Gasoline paid for a “Million” SWF Whores for Mecca

72 Virgins when they get to Heaven, they couldn’t wait! SWF from the USA are sex slaves!

Saudi Arabia Sexual Violence Against Women's Act.............. Is Classified!

$4 Gasoline turned a Muslim Nation into Sexual Sadists and Psychopaths because they knew the “Watchdog” was Hillary!

Psychopath Non-Fiction Novels Written In Key West... Soon!

Sexual Sadists Non-Fiction Novels Written In Key West... Soon!

Mary Richardson Kennedy's grieving family faced off in court Friday, just hours before a planned wake for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s estranged wife

One of Mary's brothers, Thomas Richardson, filed a legal motion listing Robert Kennedy as the defendant. The document wasn't made public and was then subsequently sealed, along with all other papers related to the case, by Judge Joan Lefkowitz.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s murdered Mary, A Non-Fiction Novel Written In Key West... Soon!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s murdered Mary, A Non-Fiction Novel Written In Key West... Soon!

Wasn't made public!

$4 gasoline started with (Teddy Kennedy greg cat in Key West) Teddy Kennedy watching Greg in 1980, Greg meet Teddy Kennedy in 1979 few months before I got the ElectricWindmillcar invention, dramatically ending the Saudi Oil Embargo!

Wasn't made public!

Caroline Kennedy’s cell phone conversation about $4 gasoline, 9-11, and the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Invention!

Wasn't made public!

Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn letters at the JFK library!

Wasn't made public!

Mary Kennedy would have been happy and alive with his mistresses adventures

JFK had several mistresses and Jackie was happy!

New York Times can be diagnosed as “Psychopath’s”!

New for a News Paper to be diagnosed as Psychopath’s but everyone reading this web will agree the New York Times “Men” are all Psychopath’s after your verdict realized 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar was decades before 9-11


Wasn't made public!

1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar decades before 9-11


Psychopath’s feel No Guilt!

1980 Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer and Cancer lost by suppressing Greg!


Psychopath’s feel No Guilt!

Psychopath Non-Fiction Novels Written In Key West... Soon!

Sexual Sadists Non-Fiction Novels Written In Key West... Soon!

Why did they become criminals?

Why did Clinton kill Hillary with Monica?

Why did Edwards kill Elizabeth with his mistress?

Why did Kennedy kill Mary with his mistress?

All these women’s lives would have been saved if the “Men” made a better decision

6,000 women’s lives can be saved over night with the Violence Against Women's Act... he was very violent when he drank... Keeping the Police busy with drunks who actually kill!

Web cams are everyone but at the domestic drunks living room...

Cell calls are listened to all the time but hard to understand the drunk guys rants!

SWF in the USA can be saved overnight with the Violence Against Women's Act Police response in seconds and decisive in favor of the women!

Hemingway and Gellhorn HBO movie will be out soon

World Famous Drunks... will there be melodramatic drunken Earnest and Martha fist fights... No Way!

Wasn't made public!

JFK Library keeps life saving history classified!

Kennedy sealed the court documents on his hanged ex-wife Mary Today!

Kennedy has no feeling, no thoughts of the other Mary who will be hanged, shot, beaten to death in a drunk Friday Night Bar argument he could of helped save her life later tonight but didn’t even think of this murder!

Violence Against Women's Act he was very violent when he drank...

Every Bar and Club under surveillance will not cost $600 million and will save 6,000 women’s lives!

New York Times front page story and pictures about this... Every Bar and Club under surveillance to save women’s lives!

Dead Women’s Picture at the Bar...

On the Front Page of the New York Times!

15 Billion People will be here soon...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s murdered Mary, A Non-Fiction Novel Written In Key West... Soon!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s murdered Mary, A Non-Fiction Novel Written In Key West... Soon!

72 Virgins when they get to Heaven, they couldn’t wait! They got 72 SWF from the USA!

Saudi Arabia Sexual Violence Against Women's Act.............. Is Classified!

$4 Gasoline turned a Muslim Nation into Sexual Sadists and Psychopaths because they knew the “Watchdog” was Hillary!

Psychopath Non-Fiction Novels Written In Key West... Soon!

Sexual Sadists Non-Fiction Novels Written In Key West... Soon!

Married at the Hemingway House in Key West.. Soon!

Newly Married at the start of classes at the Yale Key West Medical School, partner 1st day of classes until they are husband and wife MD

Army use to let you join on the buddy plan!

Greg would get 1,001 more medical inventions talking with the wife between classes, during classes and 24/7 if there is ever a day off from classes... grin

5 million medical students will have to start Medical School ASAP

15 Billion people will be more demanding after the ElectricWindmillCar Coup

15 Billion MRI scans

15 Billion daily breaths into the breath analyzer for strep, staff, etc

Hourly workers at GE and GM plants will have to be sick free to work every day

15 Billion people coming to work sick is our current Era!

Traits of Bill and Melinda buying a 2nd home in Saudi Arabia not Key West will be in text books on psychopath couples

Hillary and Bill Clinton are certainty a psychopath couple!

Nonfiction Invention Novels will be written in Key West soon

NASA Psychopath’s sold Discovery III to Saudi Arabia

This behind the scenes novel will be a best seller for sure!

$4 Gasoline Novels written in Key West soon...

In Hemingway’s Time Psychopaths in Washington made Key West a Tourists Paradise!

15 Billion people are coming to Key West and we need to feed 1 trillion turtles and fish

Bob Dylan nonfiction Novel of his life behind the scenes guilt...

This behind the scenes novel will be a best seller for sure!

University classes on Bob Dylan will have to be rewritten when the nonfiction Novel written in Key West is published

Why some Rock Stars developed a taste for $4 Gasoline...

Madonna and Gaga will have to rewrite the Guilt Trip Lyrics for 9-11 with the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillcar's suppression!

Gruesome burn units and women, wife’s murdered at the bar over a drunks fight!

1980 to 2012 statistics... The documents were not made public and then were subsequently sealed, along with all other papers related to the case, by Judge Joan Lefkowitz.

The End

Hemingway, Martha, Pauline, Hadley... Newly Weds just married at the Hemingway House in Key West will put all 4 in their wedding vows!

Classes... Yale Key West Medical School will admit married men and women to the freshmen medical school class as Husband and Wife partners, 24/7 classmates in every class to get 1,001 medical inventions 15 billion patients need ASAP!

Husband and Wife conversations will never be the same!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title 17 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Mary Kennedy would be alive today if Kennedy was in a Polygamous Marriage, Today Kennedy and his girlfriend he left Mary for are as “Dead” as Mary! Sorry State of Affairs! Caused by someone Kennedy Knows who put "polygamous Marriage" off limits on the Nightly News and "Today Show" for the last decades on purpose! How Gravity is Generated will be Discovered by Gregs wives with the Beautiful smiles before we find out who stifled News of Polygamous Marriage on NBC Nightly News and the "Today Show"!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Robert Kennedy Jr., hanged Mary Kennedy!

Majesty of more “Intellectuals”

Lady Gaga, Born This Way is really for the “Polygamous Marriage”


Robert Kennedy Jr., would not have hanged Mary Kennedy this week! In a Polygamous Marriage with the women he divorced Mary for!

Reality of “Novel Therapeutics” Hemingway Never Used... Polygamy!

Hemingway used a shotgun to kill himself, never would have in a “Polygamous Marriage”

Japan is a Nation of Mass Suicide in 2012 because of $4 Gasoline and the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar Era!

Robert Kennedy Jr., hanged Mary Richardson Kennedy U.S. House voted 222-205, Violence Against Women Act this version also lacks resources for dealing with men causing their wife to hang herself which is really murder by the husband!

Hillary on Afghan women’s torture when USA has a “Battered Women’s Shelters” in every town and city in the USA and women who hang themselves statistics are never mentioned by Hillary or NBC Nightly News on orders from Hillary who makes sure NBC Nightly News put the story of Afghan women as the 1st news story!


Lady Gaga, Born This Way is really for the “Polygamous Marriage”

A “Battered Women’s Shelter” in every town and city in the USA

“Hanged” at every single one of these Battered Women’s Shelters just in the USA!

“Drug Overdose” “Crash the Car into a Telephone Pole” Husband should have been arrested for murder of the wife!

Hemingway’s classified notes and letters at the JFK library would have saved some women from being hanged by their divorced husband!

JFK library will not make Hemingway’s notes and letters public!

Gravity is generated by her beautiful smile

61 year old women with the beautiful smile Gravity!

Gravity is Generated by women with beautiful smiles!

Many wives, many women with a beautiful smile generating Gravity!

Era deep in $4 gasoline and Generals crime of putting civilians driving down the LA freeway into “Burn Units” to pay for his MIT war toys with $4 gasoline

Era of a “Trillion” inventions projects for general conversations in Polygamous Marriages hanged by the Pentagon! There are no intellectuals invention projects conversations in a general marriage.

“Home Alone” Greg in Key West and Humanity in the Universe!


“Today Show” Galaxy video of the Day instead of Al Roker and the weather

Local News and weather is on the next channel for 5 hours every morning

Deep tissue infections from flesh eating strep...

1980 invention cure lost by the Pentagons need for MIT War Toys... Drones in Afghan!

Majesty of the Sea Cruise Ship renamed to Majesty of the Universe!

“Intellectuals” 5 minutes of Galaxies on the start of the “Today show” and Nightly News!

“Intellectual” Conversations between men and women!

007 Married with 4 wives

Bond “Women” are now Bond “Wives”

“Intellectual” Bond conversations dialog!

3,800 dog bites...

Bond’s wife gets bitten by a dog and Bond put a end to the next 3,800 women bitten by a dog!

Action 007 is more close to reality!

007 Bond Wives invent a Novel Way to Deliver Mail saving the Post Office Billions and Bankruptcy and millions of dog bitten mail men!

007 Reality Movie

Reality of “Novel Therapeutics” Hemingway Never Used... Polygamy!

Hemingway used a shotgun to kill himself, never would have in a “Polygamous Marriage”

Japan is a Nation of Mass Suicide in 2012 because of $4 Gasoline and the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar Era!

Majestic Universe on Japanese TV, Today Show!

Deep Universe, help start up deep sea fish farms

Intellectual Revolution

Virus Wars

Cure the Virus causing disease

Give a Virus to Porn, Gambling, Smoking, alcoholics, Heroin addicts

In Key West Today a heroin addict and porn addict followed Greg into CVS, I took a picture of their car and license plate... grin!

Revenge will be an “Autobiography 007 Bond Movie”

Virus cures and Virus Weapons used on the Casino

Agencies of the government don’t really review and report on the best type of “Marriage”!

Mary Kennedy would be alive today if Kennedy was in a Polygamous Marriage

Today Kennedy and his girlfriend he left Mary for are as “Dead” as Mary!

Sorry State of Affairs!

Intellectuals must put a stop to Hillary and her Afghan Women’s torture as women in the USA are worst off than Afghan Women!

Proof is Hemingway and all the Kennedy Men!

Made in Heaven, A Marriage Made in Heaven!

John Edwards let Elizabeth die a tortured death alone... Home Alone!

John Edwards in a polygamous marriage he would be President of the USA Today

Elizabeth Edwards would be cured of her breast cancer overnight by Greg and his wives!

Elizabeth is dead, Greg is Home Alone in Key West

Gregs wives are not allowed to visit Greg at his room in Key West or brainstorm a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title 16 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Castro, you know they didn’t want to scare Castro so I’m sure no one told him about the 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies Greg in Key West Wrote about! 10 “Fury” boats of all kinds right in front of me writing this, 10 "Fury" inventions in Gregs memory! Back to the 666 infants Suffocated in their crib from the crib guard, we have “Fashion Police” were are the “Infant Police” why wait for 666 calls to 911 and both caller and cops get upset! Bill and Melinda paid for Mosquito Nets Greg will hire off duty cops for Infant Police at bed time!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Back to the 666 infants Suffocated in their crib from the crib guard, we have “Fashion Police” were are the “Infant Police” why wait for 666 calls to 911 and both caller and cops get upset! Bill and Melinda paid for Mosquito Nets Greg will hire off duty cops for Infant Police at bed time!

Suffocated – 666 Infants – 1,001 Invention – Trillion Inventors in an Era of $4 gasoline

911 calls listen in on them in your mind...

666 calls to 911 and no one who answered though lets invent something!

Old Navy lost this invention project along with Trillions of Invention Projects lost by the Old Navy Store

At the Westin Hotel next to the Hyatt Hotel were Disney and Carnival Ships Dock

10 “Fury” boats of all kinds right in front of me writing this

10 Fury Inventions of Greg

Key West Business Men are not very well read, none of the 10 Fury Inventions of Greg have ever been read about by them... Best read is Berkeley Lab and MIT areas!

Asphyxiation... goes well with 10 “Fury” water sports tourists boats in from of me writing

Fish... can breath oxygen in the water... how? Reinvent this!

Old Navy lost this invention project along with Trillions of Invention Projects lost by the Old Navy Store

666 Infants rolled over on the “Today Show” into the cushion liner around the inside of their cribs and Suffocated

10 Fury Inventions of Greg

High risk high rewards

666 infants will not suffocate!

Casino Era, $4 Gasoline Fury and Hells Fiery LA Wrecks high risk to cash in on $4 gasoline

Cashing in on Alcohol and Smokers... drinking and smoking and hospital cost from these

WW III caused by the Assignation of Lady Gaga stepping off the plane in JAKARTA, Indonesia, a nation of 240 million people, has more Muslims than any other and none have watched homosexual Porn or Lesbian porn... daily or even once! Cultural Shock and icky ugh Bush Shock and Awe... WW III

Americans who support Lady Gaga the most are porn addicts, both homosexual extremely addicted to porn and Lesbian porn, which Psychiatrists will tell you is light years from Muslim Reality of men and women! And Normal Reality!

WW III caused by the Assignation of Lady Gaga stepping off the plane in JAKARTA, Indonesia

Indonesia, a nation of 240 million people, has more Muslims all who threatened to use physical force to prevent her from stepping off the plane.

WW III caused by the Assignation of Lady Gaga stepping off the plane in JAKARTA, Indonesia

Key West Business Men are not very well read, none of the 10 Fury Inventions of Greg have ever been read about by them - but all know the reality of Porn Addiction of Christians! And Muslims who never watch extreme porn! Cure for Porn below....

Asphyxiation... goes well with 10 “Fury” water sports tourists boats in from of me writing

Fish... can breath oxygen in the water

Old Navy lost this invention project along with Trillions of Invention Projects

Lady Gaga "Born This Way Ball" diagnosed by MD’s is from being addicted to Porn!

Lady Gaga’s drugs of choice are probably cocaine and heroin!

Whitney Houston used cocaine and heroin for more than 50 years in front of cop body guards!

Body Guards... should have been arrested for the murder of Whitney Houston too!

10 Fury Inventions of Greg

High risk high rewards

666 will die from alcohol and drugs within 10 years from today!

False Sense of Security

If you use #50 sunscreen you have a false sense of security especially in Key West

1 of Greg’s Fury Inventions is #10,000 SUV sunscreen then you will not have any false sense of security

I’m sure once I get a lab, Berkeley Lab grin and brainstorm pigments this will be an easy invention!

Necrotizing fasciitis, 750 flesh-eating bacteria cases occur each year, usually caused by a type of strep germ

As many times as Greg has had Strep throat as a kid I want this cured from the human race as its worse than CIA torture of 9-11 terrorists!

Back to the 666 infants, we have “Fashion Police” were are the “Infant Police” why wait for 666 calls to 911 and both caller and cops get upset!

Social Security is going to cover a few vaccinations they never have given for free before one is pneumonia... Feds use to wait until you got this in the hospital then give you a pneumonia vaccination!

This “Sugar Daddy Inventor” benefactor will hire off duty cops to be “Infant Cops” at bed time

Bill and Melinda buy mosquito nets... ha!

Today Key West addicts, heroin and porn followed Greg into Fausto’s and Winn-Dixie!

Fausto’s was here before Hemingway

Owners of Fausto’s never though to invent fish and turtle food bombs, WW II was going-on!

WW III over Muslims assassination of Lady Gaga will be the talk of Key West

WW I was started over the assassination of one man, WW III assassination over one woman!

Yesterday was bad tasting button Batteries so kids don’t eat them and put a bad taste to the diseases Lady Gaga will give kids, emergency room MD’s don’t need kids with these adult sex diseases!

TB google news one guy was arrested for not taking his TB medicine!

Old Navy Admirals knows about sex diseases, but on cure or prevention inventions of course!

Unless they are all classified

Gas Peddle Stuck on the Toyota...

Literally and figuratively as this high risk high reward car engineering

Wrecks other car inventions that work on the outside front and read of cars and trucks as super air bags would have if the gov did not suppress this invention!

Old Navy do they need to put super air bags on the outside of ships?

10 Fury inventions by the Old Navy or Oil Navy... grin!

1st Hurricane is heading to Key West

I hope the New Navy will drop trillions of cloud to cloud lightning rods to get the Hurricane to move one way or the other as in a government cloud seeding experiment for snow in Colorado that went wrong and caused a flash flood in the Big Thompson Canyon killing 185 tourists in campers!

185 Tourists in Key West will never know the Hurricane changed directions because the Navy dropped trillions of cloud to cloud lightning rods in the Hurricanes clouds!

In Hemingway’s Days in Key West the Navy didn’t want to drop a trillion fish and turtle food bombs

I hope all these cameras have changed things

Google news about crime cameras is they work in high crime areas because someone is watching the cameras in low crime areas they don’t work because no one is watching the cameras!

False Sense of Security... grin

Trillions of inventions are asphyxiated in our $4 gasoline era!

Smoking, Drinking, Gambling, hard core porn addictions!

One strep virus in porn would put a end to computer porn!

CIA put a virus in Iran’s computer that had no porn... grin!

Old Navy, well it’s the New Navy in Key West, Greg is here inventing like Hell has no Fury!

Few Navy guys can remember when they look up at the stars in Key West

There are 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies out there tonight

Hemingway would not have believed there were 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies in the Key West Stars, or Cuban Stars... Castro, you know they didn’t want to scare Castro so I’m sure no one told him about the 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies Greg in Key West Wrote about!

Castro, you know they didn’t want to scare Castro so I’m sure no one told him about the 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies Greg in Key West Wrote about!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title 15 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Bad Taste... Lady Gaga bad tasting sex diseases are button Batteries! Greg and his SWF’s - Sharon, is in the “Homeless Shelter in Key West” if Sharon were sitting her next to greg right this moment we would be talking, brainstorming what invention could possibly prevent 65K kids from putting a button Battery in their mouths.... Bad Taste! Dr. Nancy would say put it in the water and spray this bad tasking water on button Batteries! Bad Taste... Lady Gaga bad tasting sex diseases and life style are button Batteries! Think of a bad tasking cure to keep young girls SWF from swallowing Lady Gaga! Before their Emergency Room Visit!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Berkeley Lab... A Feat Recently Achieved By SWF’s... Not Chinese!

SWF’s potential rewards gaining control of U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)

SWF’s Feat... Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer and Cancer!

Berkeley Lab... A Feat Recently Achieved By SWF’s... Not Chinese!

Dr. Nancy what we know about “Inspiration” of the Human Brain

Exercise the brain, stimulate the brains of Husbands and Wives

SWF’s play the role model of “Goddess of Inspiration”... Not Chinese!

The American “Polygamous Marriage” is not the Muslim Polygamous Marriage for sex!

The American “Polygamous Marriage” is made for the SWF’s Feat... To get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer and Cancer!

The American “Polygamous Marriage” is made for the SWF’s Feats... to get one invention after another after another after another by Brainstorming a list of 1,001 Invention Projects with links you can click on...

No they do not come preinstalled on Windows 8

Bill and Melinda are not into SWF’s potential rewards gaining control of U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)

SWF’s potential rewards gaining control of $1 Trillion dollars worth of Super Computers and the SWF programmers at Los Alamos

Current Chinese feats at Berkeley Lab are hyped................ politics!

Current Chinese feats at Berkeley Lab are hyped................ politics!

Current Saudi Arabia feats supplying $4 gasoline are hyped...... politics!

Current Saudi Arabia feats supplying $4 gasoline are hyped...... politics!

2012 SWF in Key West were kicked out as Gregs roommate...... hyped, politics here!

2012 SWF in Key West were kicked out as Gregs roommate...... hyped, politics here!

Millions of SWF were put in the “Homeless Shelters”

Millions more SWF were put in the “Battered Women’s Shelters” in every town, city in the USA!

9-11 Feat by Terrorists from Mecca Saudi Arabia were...... Hyped on NBC Nightly News!

9-11 Feat by Terrorists from Mecca Saudi Arabia were...... Hyped on NBC Nightly News!

When Berkeley Lab U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) had the “ElectricWindmillCar”!

9-11 Feat by Terrorists from Mecca

9-11 Feat by Terrorists from Mecca

Gregs 1980 Feat Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar so Carter, Kennedy, Kerry, McCain could suppress it for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues by 2010

Gregs 1980 Feat Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar so Carter, Kennedy, Kerry, McCain could suppress it for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues by 2010

9-11 Feat by Terrorists from Mecca

9-11 Feat by Terrorists from Mecca

2012 SWF in Key West were kicked out as Gregs roommate...... hyped, politics here!

2012 SWF in Key West were kicked out as Gregs roommate...... hyped, politics here!

Gregs SWF sent back to the “Homeless Shelter” not allowed to help greg write these few pages a day in his Key West Room!

Westin Dock were Carnival Inspiration and Disney Magic Dock Greg and Sharon Dock and write...

South Beach were Tennessee Williams wrote best is out of our price range... until some observers send a donation for us to write$

9-11 Feat by Terrorists from Mecca

9-11 Feat by Terrorists from Mecca

$177 Trillion in Oil Revenues since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar

$ No Money has been given to Greg and Sharon for new computers and to get Sharon out of the Key West Homeless Shelter into a room with Greg

9-11 Feat by Terrorists from Mecca wins in Key West

9-11 Feat by Terrorists from Mecca won in Key West

Revenge by Greg and Sharon will be the Feat... to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer and Cancer while the Key West Admiral surrenders to God!

God’s best invention... Women, SWF’s!

The American “Polygamous Marriage” is made for the SWF’s Feats... to get one invention after another after another after another by Brainstorming a list of 1,001 Invention Projects with links you can click on...

No they do not come preinstalled on Windows 8

Bill and Melinda are not into SWF’s potential rewards gaining even a Battery button prevention Invention...

Bad Taste... Lady Gaga fives Greg and his SWF’s - Sharon is in the “Homeless Shelter in Key West” if Sharon were sitting her next to greg right this moment we would be talking, brainstorming what invention could possibly prevent 65K kids from putting a button Battery in their mouths.... Bad Taste! Dr. Nancy would say put it in the water and spray this bad tasking water on button Batteries!

Greg would tell Sharon make it taste like Hell....

Dr Nancy would say put a bad taste on all Button Batteries....

A child swallows a button Battery caught in the esophagus 65,000 children had a Battery-related emergency visit

SWF’s and Sharon are in the “Homeless Shelter in Key West” if Sharon were sitting her next to greg right this moment we would be talking, brainstorming what invention could possibly prevent 65K kids from putting a Battered in their mouths....

Greg would tell Sharon make it taste like Hell....

Dr Nancy would say put a bad taste on all Button Batteries....

Lady Gaga taste bad too... corrupting millions of SWF...

Bad Taste of Lady Gaga... so SWF will love the taste of 1,001 Invention projects work on this web after Observers make contact

Madonna is out on the Concert Tour too without any Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure lyrics for SWF to taste in their feats of invention projects, things to invent

New French President and New Wife, heads will roll

French Owned Oil Company “Total” The total cops in “Burn Units” is a Presidents Top Secret

French Owned Oil Company “Total” The total cops in “Burn Units” is a Presidents Top Secret

A Feat that is insulated by the “Chinese” at Berkeley Lab

A Feat that is insulated by the “Chinese” at Berkeley Lab

Next SWF Feat is to get out of the Key West Homeless Shelter and Marry Greg in a Polygamous Wedding at the Hemingway House

A Feat that will defeat, get the “Chinese” fired at Berkeley Lab

A Feat that will get 1,001 Invention Projects posted on this web page with links you can click on to get started inventing

Verizon changed Gregs plan to 450 minutes and did not link it to what the plan included

Links are a Feat...

I could put a link to Berkeley Lab and all you need to do is click on the Name!

SWF will sing to exercise the brain, replace boredom and jealously with 1,001 Invention Projects with Greg as he says Sharon's Gravity helps him write this page!

And Sharon will be the SWF to give the link for the Feat... How is Gravity Generated Discovery!

Feat which will link the 1st Gravity Engine and it will be Fueled by Gravity not Oil from Mecca

God’s best invention is SWF’s... women!

God’s best invention is SWF’s... women!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title 14 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Medical Units like Hemingway’s Ambulances in WW I reinvented for WW III's Fiery Cop Cars Bursting into Flames with Cop inside, Reinvent “Burn Units” on the Ambulance! Two Novels, one by Kim on Hell in North Korea One by a Cops Wife... "9 Years in my Cop Husbands Burn Unit, a Real Hell" by the USA Oil men's $4 gasoline War!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Two Books one by Kim Eun-sun One by Officer Jason’s wife on “Burn Unit” Hell

9 Year Escape from Hell by Kim

9 Years in the “Burn Unit” Hell by the Cops Wife

“Catfight” will happen in “Book Publishing”

“Today Show” will have Kim eun-sun on...

“Today Show” will not have the Cops Wife on...

Dr. Nancy will do a spot on the “Burn Unit” and statistics on Cops and other burned in Gasoline’s Fiery Hell

Dr. Nancy will go over the Size of the Universe, 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies accelerating faster than the day before entering infinite space, does this help prove there really is a Hell!

Dr. Nancy pointing out the danger of kids eating small “Batteries”, and wanting to be a General instead of a General MD doing battle with diseases that kill more than WW III!

Highest Echelon of Doctors from Yale Fly In Echelon Formation to Key West Medical School

Medical Units like Hemingway’s Ambulances in WW I reinvented for WW III

Reinvented for “Burn Units” on the Ambulance!

Reinvented for “Burn Units” on the Ambulance!

Reinvented for “Burn Units” on the Ambulance!

Canceled CSI Miami will be replaced by “Key West Medical School”

Live discoveries and medical inventions”

Real Housewives will also be canceled and replaced by “Key West Medical School”

Pretty, Wow! Medical Shows move up in rank!

Medical Systems more from most MRI Scans given to the highest ranking Americans

To MRI Scans given to 100% of American Citizens

The Citizen Newspaper in Key West has never written a news article on MRI scans!

Who should get a MRI because they show this better than that!

Cheney, Bush, Carter, McCain, Kerry Class get 99% of the MRI scans

New CBS Series “Vegas” will lose out to “MRI Scans at Key West Medical School”

Who should get a MRI because they show this better than that!

How can we invent the next generation of MRI machines quickly?

Dr. Nancy would have this on “Today Show” if the producer would let her

WorkFlow Integrated Health Care Inventions must make news in The Citizen Newspaper

Susan G Komen Race for the Cure will not endorse “Abortions”

Politics at the New York Times spits on Susan because she will not do Abortions

Coup Leaders who End War On Earth will End All Abortions!

Lowest Ranking MD’s who did Abortions all day every day will be arrested for Mass Murder

$4 Gasoline guys like the Owners of Total the French Government Oil Company will lose their Heads!

New French Revolution

Cops Wives in their husbands burn units for 9 years and then the CIA publishes a book from Kim on her 9 years in Hell trying to escape from North Korea

Pray there is a Real Hell were 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies accelerating faster than the day before meet infinite space 14 billion light years from Earth

Drama of real life brainstorming is there a Real Hell for Kim?

Dr. Susan Love has Rank and used it to Spit on Susan G Komen Race for the Cure

Dr Susan and Susan G were in a “Cat Fight” behind the hidden cameras

End War on Earth Coup Leaders will arrest Dr. Susan Love not Susan G Komen Race for the Cure

Greg and Sharon at 60 have never had a MRI

Dr. Susan Love stifled 100% of Americans getting a MRI

Cheney, Bush, McCain, Carter, Kerry too

Highest Echelon sells you $4 Gasoline and “Burn Units” not MRI for everyone!

Dr. Nancy would say they are Psychotic!

Escape from Hell is escape from the Highest Echelons of the USA Government!

Two Books one by Kim Eun-sun One by Officer Jason’s wife on “Burn Unit” Hell

9 Year Escape from Hell by Kim

9 Years in the “Burn Unit” Hell by the Cops Wife

“Catfight” will happen in “Book Publishing”

“Today Show” will have Kim eun-sun on...

“Today Show” will not have the Cops Wife on...

Dr. Nancy will do a spot on the “Burn Unit” and statistics on Cops and other burned in Gasoline’s Fiery Hell

Dr. Nancy will go over the Size of the Universe, 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies accelerating faster than the day before entering infinite space, does this help prove there is really is a Hell!

Dr. Nancy pointing out the danger of kids eating small “Batteries”, and wanting to be a General instead of a General MD doing battle with diseases that kill more than WW III!

Highest Echelon of Doctors from Yale Fly In Echelon Formation to Key West Medical School

Medical Units like Hemingway’s Ambulances in WW I reinvented for WW III

Reinvented for “Burn Units” on the Ambulance!

Reinvented for “Burn Units” on the Ambulance!

Reinvented for “Burn Units” on the Ambulance!

Canceled CSI Miami will be replaced by “Key West Medical School”

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++ Newest Title Mothers Day 13 May 2012 +++++++++++++++

Mother MD - Multi-Trillion Dollar Project to Train Women to be MD's because men failed so badly, how bad.. "The numbers are staggering. Of 7.6 million deaths globally in children younger than 5, 1.4 million or 18 percent were a result of pneumonia, 1.1 million or 14 percent were related to preterm birth complications .8 million or 11 percent were a result of diarrhea. Mother MD with the Pentagons Trillion Dollar Budget for MD Training! Mother MD!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Mothers Day Inventions for Mom!

Coup to get women back on Top in the #1 Position as Goddess of Everything on Earth!

USA Government abuse of American Women started before “Shock and Awe” of Iraqi War

USA Government abuse of American Women, multi-billion dollar training of Iraqi Police on Mothers Day the last 10 years $

Hillary spent several billion dollars a year for the last several Mothers Day years on Iraqi Men who all abuse Iraqi women with their windfall profits from Hillary $

Hillary’s War Crimes and Social Crimes have been cloned from Maria Antoinette 1793 French Oil Company Total owns Nigeria, Africa's biggest oil producer

French Oil Company Total is owned by the President of France and those who run Paris Hillary’s War Crimes and Social Crimes are “Observed” by the French Elite who do worry things could get out of control then Hillary and French Oil men WILL Lose Their Heads!

Maria Antoinette 1793 never “Observed” the Guillotine at Versailles Palace

French Elite who own the Total Oil Company have studied the French Revolution a lot!

USA Government Demands on American and French Mothers...

Fiery LA Wrecks, Fiery Paris Wrecks...

Hillary feels nothing driving by a Fiery Wreck in any Nation on Earth!

In French Nigeria 500 mothers and children were burned to death in gasoline while filling cans with gasoline from a leaking pipe!

Hillary didn’t neglect her Daughters Wedding Planning Hillary’s Daughter got Married on the same day 100’s burned in gasoline's Hell!

Maria Antoinette 1793 never “Observed” the Guillotine at Versailles Palace French Elite who own the Total Oil Company have studied the French Revolution a lot!

100’s burned in gasoline's Hell! On Hillary’s Wedding Day! Hillary is a clone of Maria Antoinette!

FBI has been given enough extra cash to afford a lot of whores to keep them happy Cops have been given a lot of overtime to keep them busy

CIA is about the only group that can Storm Versailles Palace By typing the story of the Invention and Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar on the Front Page of the New York Times!

Status of “Women” among CIA guys...

Dr. Nancy Snyderman and MD girl friends promoted to Leaders of the New French Revolution by the CIA...

Multi-billion dollar training of Iraqi police arrested in one day!

Multi-billion dollar training of American Women as MD’s, clones of Dr. Nancy!

SWF will read the warning labels on alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, violent men!

SWF paid the most of any class in our Era of $4 gasoline

$4 gasoline paid for millions of whores, prostitutes, sex slaves!

Hillary will be arrested for these crimes against women by the Secret Service, Homeland Security, FBI, TSA guys! Saudi Princes!

Hillary in North Korea on Mothers Day

Hillary has no plans to bribe North Korea with $10 Trillion dollars for Peace

$10 Trillion dollar bribe Hillary will still have $177 Trillion left In Swiss Banks in Geneva!

American spy Kim Eun-sun writes about 60 naked women in a room on Mothers Day and her escape... “Escape from Hell,” not mentioning in her book Officer Jason, 1,001 American cops burned in gasolines Hell of a fiery wreck in LA, not putting this in her book the picture below of Officer Jason’s burnt face looking at his infant daughter and wife, Officer Jason's wife and daughter are alive today, he died after 7 years of torture in the "Burn Unit" Hell and Kim's book is her Escape from Hell... Kim will be arrest for this after the coup!

French journalist Sebastien Falletti, was paid from French Oil Profits to help Kim Eun-sun write her book... he has observed French and American Officer Jason’s burned in fiery wrecks and never puts this story on the front page of the Paris New York Times!

Dr. Nancy has a “Rubber Ball” and a “Glass Ball”

Rubber ball helps you bounce through life

Glass ball breaks into sharp pieces of broken glass

Dr. Nancy doesn’t have a “Inventor Ball” though she has read this web for years!

Mother MD

CIA coup leaders will have to decide if they want to Position Dr. Nancy as the Leader of the New French Revolution on Mothers Day

Multi-billion dollar training for RN to MD

Multi-billion dollar training for SWF to MD

Iraqi Police even in the class room training take time to pay to Mecca 5 times a day

9-11 NYC Terrorists all came from Mecca

American Mothers can figure this out a lot better than pentagon Generals

Dr. Nancy should start handwriting her lecture on the “Invention Ball” and rewrite the “Rubber Ball and Glass Ball” to fit in better with the “Invention Balls”

Reinvent the “Glass Ball” of course, what about the “Rubber Ball” lecture?

Inventions for Mothers written out and emailed

“Infection Control Ball”

"The numbers are staggering. Of 7.6 million deaths globally in children younger than 5,

1.4 million or 18 percent were a result of pneumonia,

1.1 million or 14 percent were related to preterm birth complications

.8 million or 11 percent were a result of diarrhea.

Mother MD

CIA coup leaders will have to decide if they want to Position Dr. Nancy as the Leader of the

New French Revolution on Mothers Day

Multi-billion dollar training for RN to MD

Multi-billion dollar training for SWF to MD

SWF paid the most of any class in our Era of $4 gasoline

$4 gasoline paid for millions of whores, prostitutes, sex slaves!

French Men in Nigeria working for the French Oil Company Total have French Whores instead of French Wives!

Wife’s have been abused the most in this world wide Era of $4 gasoline!

“Polygamous Marriage” story has never been on the front pages of the New York Times

Editorial writers at the New York Times refuse to endorse the “Polygamous Marriage”

Editorial writers refuse to tell the World 1,001 Invention Projects will be the main conversation in “Polygamous Marriage’s”

Editors refuse to even write the position of women will be Goddess of Earth MD PhD

Rank of women at the Pentagon given by Generals

Is troops in Iraqi need whores!

Hillary has watched these Generals drive off to the Whore House!

After they gave Iraqi Men several billion dollars to train Police

Position of women can “Bounce” like Dr. Nancy’s “Bouncing Ball” lecture

Wife as the # 1 position status of Women World Wide!

“Infection Control Ball”

"The numbers are staggering. Of 7.6 million deaths globally in children younger than 5

1.4 million or 18 percent were a result of pneumonia

1.1 million or 14 percent were related to preterm birth complications

.8 million or 11 percent were a result of diarrhea

Mother MD

USA Government has the “Balls” to suppress the # of kids cut by broken glass!

Here in Key West the Cat “Teddy Kennedy” has no “Balls” mom cut them off

Dr. Nancy, if it works put it in the water...

CIA puts all kinds of Rx Drugs in the worlds waters!

Dr. Nancy given the Position of Coup Leader of the New French Revolution on Mothers Day

Put it in the water!

Put it in the water!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 12 May 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Flying into Key West at Mach 8 is a reality with the speed of new inventions connected to Mach 8 apps on the InventPhone!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Flying into Key West at Mach 8 is a reality with the speed of new inventions connected to Mach 8 apps on the InventPhone!

InventPhone will use AA Batteries!

InventPhone will replace the iPhone Smartphone with unlimited uploads and downloads! Calling!

InventPhone! Make a call to hear and talk to any “Inventor” who ever lived!

...not an extra $10 a month like Verizon!

Call Alfred Nobel, call everyone who ever won the Nobel Prize and talk to them about anything and everything with unlimited time...

Verizon DROID Incredible 4G LTE by HTC, which will allow users to shoot HD video and capture photos

Capture 1,001 Things you can invent! InventPhone will replace the DROID Incredible 4G LTE by HTC

HomeFusion wifi with limits on uploads and down loads, a Verizon network where Internet options are limited or are not currently available until Satellites replace Cell Tower

InventPhone you can make unlimited conference and teleconference call to several Inventors, writers, and even ask a Los Alamos Super Computer programmer to write an app for your invention project... not an extra $10 a month like Verizon!

... not an extra $10 a month like Verizon!

InventPhone one app can track down any “Trade Secret” by GE, Amgen, Roche with help from the CIA and KGB!

Verizon HQ with the 888 number will start to lose $2 Billion a quarter forever!

Verizon Local Sale Stores like @cellularsales.com You will buy the InventPhone here and it will be like buying an ElectricWindmillCar!

GPS license plates installed, insurance coverage enforced, wifi to the Local Car Dealer just like wifi to the Local Verizon Store

Verizon Customer Service at 888 doesn’t even have a valid email address... this is criminal behavior from Verizon Customer Service!

Trillion of hours of Customers Calling in and all will be paid for their wasted time...

Trillions of inventions lost by Verizon Customer Service and limited uploads and downloads

Lawyers who graduated from Yale and Harvard Law School will all lose their license like Clinton did

Verizon’s lies to a Trillion Customers is one up many ship on Clintons lies!

Verizon email addresses not found on Google, Lawyers will make a Trillion dollars suing Google for this!

$4 Gasoline revenue financed the start up of verizonwireless.com

App for the New England Journal of Medicine cost $39 and all you can do is read the Medical Journal

App for InventPhone you can talk and listen about anything the New England Journal of Medicine ever wrote! For free as pay pack will be the cure for cancer and other diseases!

InventPhone app calls to the New England Journal of Medicine can be made public on InventBook not FaceBook for the trillions of others working on the same invention project to get the cure for cancer and other diseases!

MD’s writing the articles for the New England Journal of Medicine will answer your Inventphone calls and you don’t have to press 1 for English like 888 at Verizon

Detectives investigating Verizon HQ will use the app for Criminal!

Money laundering of $4 gasoline money is a crime!

Verizon CEO’s favorite on Letterman is the guy on fire running across the stage mocking Fiery LA Wrecks!

No one at Verizon or CBS stops to help at fiery LA Wrecks!

Verizon, Secret Service, Homeland Security, TSA, FBI, used their bonus from the $4 gasoline for hookers around the world

Lettermans hooker jokes after the guy on fire will confirm this

Verizon is selling “HomeFussion” for smartphones that will never ever call a number that talks to you about Fussion and Fission!

Verizon is selling “HomeFussion” for smartphones that only Los Alamos Scientists can afford to pay for all the bandwidth for all the YouTube videos on Fusion and Fusion $

5th grade class was killed by Verizon Billing!

Community College... Verizon opened fire in the library and classroom killing everyone as no one has the money for HomeFussion and Smartphones $ Verizon sells - more time would be spent on verizon customer service than classroom invention projects!

Professors conference call on the InventPhone with several inventors for extra credit weekend retreat is all free from InventPhone Billing!

24/7 research 24 hours at Verizon rates you could not work on the Rx Cure for cancer for even one day!

South Beach Key West were Tennessee Williams wrote the best...

South Beach Key West Today is were Greg and Sharon visit after Greg has written his 2 hand written pages at Westin Dock

$50 dollars a day it would cost to Write 2 handwritten pages at South Beach Key West

$500 dollars a day if Greg and Sharon wanted to type up the 2 pages of handwritten notes using Verizon Wifi

Local Key West Verizon sales @cellularsales.com would and could reduce this to $5 dollars

InventPhone app at South Beach Key West you can talk and listen to Einstein, Napoleon III, Henry VIII, everyone and everyone who ever lived, you can not do this with the iPhone SmartPhone from Verizon

Google Maps and Images are limiting to inventors working at South Beach Key West

InventPhone apps are linked to and cross referenced to every University on Earth!

R and D at GE, you can call and listen to them with an InventPhone

GE trade secrets are there for you and you don’t have to press 1 for English

How did they invent it... calls

How did they invent it... calls

InventPhone not SmartPhones!

InventPhones connect you with trillions of Rx Cures and Discoveries

Brother Bill died of Hepatitis, he got liver cancer

At Hospice with Mom and Dad last day of the year

Hepatitis would have been cured as this was a few years ago

1980 was the invention and suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar

1980 to 2012 Trillions of Rx Cures were not resolved by Verizon Customer Service

Verizon made Billions of dollars profit every 3 months and they did not even post the statistics of Hepatitis deaths every 3 months

Verizon didn’t care about Inventions, Discoveries, Cures!

Verizon didn’t care about InventPhone!

InventPhone has no 888 customer service number as the Local Key West Sales Store sets up everything and every app!

1. Alcoholics 2. Drug Addicts 3. Gambling 4. Murder... all InventPhone Cures, Discoveries in less years than 1980 to 2012

Profit Verizon makes every 3 months is Billions of Dollars

Crimes Against Humanity calls to Verizon Lawyers by the CEO will go unanswered

James Darnell Jr. and Robert Roeder will share $500,000 the largest award in medicine for the annual Albany Medical Center Prize. The two performed pioneering research on how cells express their genetic information. The process by which genes are copied into RnA for translation into proteins, and how this process breaks down in certain diseases such as cancer.

Profit Verizon makes every 3 months is Billions of Dollars

Crimes Against Humanity calls to Verizon Lawyers by the CEO will go unanswered

Scramjet NASA Rocket accelerating from Mach 6 to Mach 8

Boeing 777 with GE jet engines to Mach 8 on your flight to Key West

Invented in less years than 1980 to 2012

Invented by giving InventPhones like Apple gave iphones to Yale Medical School to 5th grade classes in every 5th grade in the USA

Mach 8 a reality in the speed of new inventions!

Verizon’s crimes against humanity cost society more than Verizon’s billions in profits every 3 months

InventPhone 24/7 cell calls will make Mach 8 a reality in the speed of new inventions!

InventPhone 24/7 cell calls will make Mach 8 a reality in the speed of new inventions!

Flying into Key West at Mach 8 is a reality with the speed of new inventions connected to Mach 8 apps on the InventPhone!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Gregs 2007 web

A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!


Photos Link Above has Just Been Updated and will Update Add More this week thanks!


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *

Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


+++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 11 May 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

NASA Uncovered the Government is Moving to Slowly, and the Sun is Moving Slower than Calculated by the Last Generation who Graduated from MIT! Last Generation who Graduated from Yale and Harvard are Moving Government to Slowly in getting the Protective Bubble into Production in the USA causing daily deaths from the Government Leaders Sailing Off the Edge of the Earth 14 Billion Light Years from Earth into Infinite Space!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

NASA has just uncovered out Sun, and Star Travel is moving more slowly through our galaxy than previously believed — a discovery that suggests “War’s” time line on Earth should be ended!

“protective bubble” yesterdays writings about spreading as a aerosol Coughing Pertussis particles

“protective bubble” Crib, Play Pen, covered, everything and everyone contagious

“protective bubble” Breath Analyzing Device, One Breath several diseases can pop up!

Revealing that the slow speed of the sun and NASA Top Brass means that the pressure from Main Street USA and Main Street The Universe, were 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies meet at the edge of Empty Space was not expected to enlighten General Mass Murderers at War! Wars just might have the same infinite goings on as this Edge! Main Street you cross to infinite space, reality pointed out by Greg with Sharon's Gravity helping... expected, meaning that it is God’s Invention, “Infinite Space” is God’s second best invention as women are God’s best invention!

New shockwave that goes ahead of this “protective bubble” on its journey through space life and death on Earth fighting never ending Wars!

Universe is finally “Relevant”

Call Hillary if she can hear her cell phone’s ring tone in “Infinite Space”

GPS Map of “Infinite Space”

God... belief in God research has to be redone using the latest data on “Infinite Space”

“Protective bubble” yesterdays writings about spreading as a aerosol Coughing Pertussis particles

Page 3, NASA uncovered, the Shock of Infinite Space has implications for human space travels

Page 4, “Today Show” and last 5 minutes of “Nightly News” ... teens 1st visit to Alpha Centauri... and edge of the Universe were 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies meet Main Street and infinite space!

52K miles per second... 52 million miles per second

B-52 fleets converted to saturation bombing of the Earths Oceans with Turtle and Fish Food Bombs

Sun moving slower will speed up this Pentagon scenario!

“It’s too early to say exactly what this new data means for our heliosphere – Hell.

Decades of War’s, fleets of “Bombers” mass produced have never explored scenarios B-52 fleets converted to saturation bombing of the Earths Oceans with Turtle and Fish Food Bombs

B-52 fleets converted to saturation bombing “Forest Fires” and neighbor house fire “Water” Bombs

Page 4, Moscow Oil Company current scenario is getting another $177 Trillion in Oil sales!!

God’s best invention is women...

Uncover more inventions by God...

Main Street at the edge of the Universe were 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies meet Main Street infinite space!

Re-evaluate chances for “After Life” consciousness based on this GPS Map of Infinite Space!

KGB and CIA have Hell of a lot to Win or Lose

Cat “Teddy Kennedy” with no balls, testosterone defense for God will Damn the Cat to Hell

Cat “Teddy Kennedy” with no balls, testosterone defense for God will Damn the Cat to Hell

“Protective bubble” around the Pentagons never ending infinite wars!

“Protective bubble” around Moscow Oil Company’s Main Street Greed that builds Saint Petersburg skyscrapers

“Protective bubble” “After Life” Consciousness as a invention by God compared to The "Infinite Space Brain" being scanned from Earth 14 Billion Light Years away with a new GPS Telescope invented today but will not be produced for 300 years!

Infinite Space is 14 Billion light years from Earth

Edge of the Universe Sailing Ships use to sail off the Edge of the Earth have moved further away but closer to Human Reality...

War Ships were the ones who sailed off the Edge of the Earth back then

War Ships will be the ones that sail off the Edge of the Earth into Infinite Space 14 Billion Light Years from Earth without even leaving Earth!

Magnetic fields in the interstellar medium is stronger than believed, thus requiring faster speeds in order to produce a bow shock “protective bubble”

Page 5, NASA didn’t write anything about Gravity in the interstellar medium and its effect or non effect in the current news on the speed of the Sun traveling through space...

More re-writing text books by NASA next week!

Hell, and the heliosphere is actually more robust With pressure from a Weather looking map of the “Front of Infinite Space” we are entering at million of miles per second and gaining speed, yes we are entering empty space faster today than we entered empty space yesterday!

Page 5, speed of our government on Earth is slow!

“Protective bubble” yesterdays writings about spreading as a aerosol Coughing Pertussis particles

“Protective bubble” Crib, Play Pens, covered, everything and everyone contagious

“Protective bubble” Breath Analyzing Device, One Breath several diseases can pop up!

Page 5, speed of our government on Earth is slow!

Getting the Protective bubble invention from yesterday into production in the USA for Cribs, Play Pens, People, who’s One Breath into the Breath Analyzing Device caused the screen to pop up and display several diseases!

Re-evaluate the speed of out government!

Re-evaluate God’s best 2 inventions, women and Infinite Space!

Re-evaluate KGB and CIA selling $4 gasoline for more oil revenues

Re-evaluate Hillary’s cell phone ring tone you can not hear because the cell phone size electric generator will not go into production for 30 years yet it was invented yesterday!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

+++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 10 May 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

In a Legal Marriage... 1st of a new class of “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” in a Legal Marriage! "Wives Gravity" is just as real as x-rays given to kids when the Surgeon General should have know better not to postpone the Warning Label on x-rays because GE was inventing "Wind Turbines" not MRI's and Cell Phone Size Electric Generators, the Cell Phone 30 years ago... in 30 years Electric Generation will be personal and the size of Hillary's Cell Phone!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

1st of a new class of “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” in a Legal Marriage!

90% of Main Street USA will make “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” in a Legal Marriage!

Writing this at Westin Dock in front of Disney Magic sitting next to Sharon with her gravity!

90% of all stars in the sky are “Main Sequence Stars”

90% of Main Street USA will make “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” a Legal Marriage!

1st of a new class of US Coast War Ships “Freedom” "Littoral Combat Ships," or LCS

1st in a new class of “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s”

1st of a new class of “Polygamist Inventors” with “Wives” who “Invent” and “Help Get Inventions”!

GPS Telescope invention project of “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” will map out the area of the Universe were 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies are entering Empty Infinite Space, this map will be like the Pirates in Key West getting a New Map of the Islands between Key West and Cuba!

Main Street USA is going to sell these maps not maps from the Pentagon’s Navy!

1st of a new class of “Cell Phone Size Electric Generators!”

1st of a new class of US Coast War Ships “Freedom” "Littoral Combat Ships," or LCS

Littoral combat ships are an entirely new breed of warship. Capable of speeds greater than 40 knots, they are designed for modular, "plug-and-fight" missions for mine-clearing, anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare. Manned by as few as 40 core crew members, the Freedom will require a relatively small footprint in Singapore!

1st of a new class of “Polygamist Inventors” with “Wives” who “Invent” and “Help Get Inventions”!

“Working Wives” connotations who work researching how is gravity generated!

Navy has been working against “Working Wives” of “Polygamists Inventors” who will build a New Class of War Ship when we discover how “Gravity is Generated”!

1st of a new class of US Coast War Ships “Freedom” "Littoral Combat Ships," or LCS

1st of a new class of “Polygamist Inventors” with “Wives” who “Invent” and “Help Get Inventions”!

“Working Wives” connotations who work researching how is gravity generated!

Navy has been working against “Working Wives” of “Polygamists Inventors” who will build a New Class of War Ship for the “Oceans of Space” when we discover how “Gravity is Generated”! Discovery III with a Gravity Engine and Gravity Fuel!

Pentagons Panetta and Hillary Planned the 1st of a new Class of War Ships and Named the 1st one “Freedom” when actually this new Class of War Ships invented by Panetta and Hillary over the last few years stifled the Discover of how Gravity is Generated!

Pentagons Panetta and Hillary have know about Discovery III with a Gravity Engine and Gravity Fuel before they ordered the 1st of a new Class of War Ships LCS to go into production!

1st of a new class of “Polygamist Inventors” with “Wives” who “Invent” and “Help Get Inventions”!

1st of a new class of “Space Telescopes” 1 Trillion times more powerful than Hubble Space Telescope, “Working Wives” 1st of a new class who are not “Spaced Out” but sail into the Newest Oceans, the “Oceans of Space”

“Old Navy” connotations bring to mind Admirals who Navigate by the Stars but have no thoughts whatsoever of Aliens, and Gravity Engines that propel their Space Ships from star to star in most of the Stars the Admirals are using for Navigation on Earths Oceans!

1st in a new class of “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” are more “Honorable” and “Loyal” to the “Inventor of the Universe” than all the Worlds Admirals who sail by the Stars to kill the enemies of their politician's and King!

POW’s are everyone on Earth thinking there are Aliens at every star in the Sky!

90% of all stars in the sky are “Main Sequence Stars”

10 Minute Video on YouTube you can watch 5 billion years in the life of 90% of the Stars!

Every Star in the Sky is Traveling at Millions of Miles per second!

GPS Telescope invention project of “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” will map out the area of the Universe were 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies are entering Empty Infinite Space, this map will be like the Pirates in Key West getting a New Map of the Islands between Key West and Cuba!

Main Street USA is going to sell these maps not maps from the Pentagon’s Navy!

Main Street in the Universe is on the map, area 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies are entering Empty Infinite Space is Main Street in the Universe!

Size Matters!

Electric Generators – On the 1st new class of Discovery III Star Ships will be the size Hillary’s cell phone!

Georgia 1st of a new Class of Nuclear Power Plants being built in 2012

Atlanta First-of-its-kind nuclear plant in Georgia has slipped seven months, while Southern Co. faces a dispute over who should pay for $400 million in unanticipated costs, utility executives! Southern Co. initially planned on finishing the construction of its first new reactor at Plant Vogtle near Augusta by April 2016 and complete work on the second reactor a year later. But that schedule has slipped to November 2016 for the first reactor and a year later for the second, said David McKinney, a vice president for nuclear construction for the Southern Co.

Georgia 1st of a new Class of Nuclear Power Plants being built in 2012

Main Street in the Universe is on the map, area 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies are entering Empty Infinite Space is Main Street in the Universe!

Size Matters!

Electric Generators – On the 1st new class of Discovery III Star Ships will be the size Hillary’s cell phone!

LCS 1st Littoral combat ships are an entirely new breed of warship. Capable of speeds greater than 40 knots, they are designed for modular, "plug-and-fight" missions for mine-clearing, anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare. Manned by as few as 40 core crew members, the Freedom will require a relatively small footprint in Singapore!

1st of a new class of “Cell Phone Size Electric Generators!”

Electric Generators – On the 1st new class of Discovery III Star Ships will be the size Hillary’s cell phone!

Old Navy and Old Nuclear Power Admirals... The nuclear industry has hoped that the Plant Vogtle expansion will prove it can build new plants without the endemic delays and massive cost overruns

1st of a new class of “Cell Phone Size Electric Generators!”

GPS Telescope invention project of “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” will map out the area of the Universe were 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies are entering Empty Infinite Space, this map will be like the Pirates in Key West getting a New Map of the Islands between Key West and Cuba!

Main Street USA is going to sell these maps not maps from the Pentagon’s Navy!

1st of a new class of “Cell Phone Size Electric Generators!”

90% of Main Street USA will make “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” a Legal Marriage!

Taste buds trillion times stronger...

Sharon’s gravity as she is smoking and looking at Disney Magic, the Trollies picking up passengers and dropping them off at the ship

Trillion times better writing near Sharon’s gravity...

Just told her x-rays for kids have been on the Nightly News

Get a MRI not a x-ray from the Nightly News MD’s

Old Navy Admirals had this classified x-ray medical news warning trillion years ago

1,001 kids who got to much x-rays in 1st grade are dead and in Heaven today

Light to see is Photons, Light of my life radiates inspiration just as real as x-rays!

Engineering Videos for Graduate Class will come to Main Street after the Old Navy guys more out!

Millions of Miles per second travel of every galaxy in the Universe!

1st in a new class of Nuclear Power Plants in Georgia ready to generate electricity over high power lines in 2016

1st of a new class of “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” in a Legal Marriage!

The Wives "Gravity" is just as real as x-rays given to kids when the Surgeon General should have know better to postpone the Warning Label on x-rays

1st new class of non x-ray inventions from the “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” will be discovered long time before the Nuclear Power Plant in Georgia is finished in 2016

GE is the Class behind building this newest Nuclear Power Plant

GE Medical a part of GE is behind not telling Mom sooner not to get x-rays for the kids!

GE is a new class of "Mass Murderers" who own MSNBC

1st of a new class of “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” in a Legal Marriage!

90% of Main Street USA will make “Polygamist Inventors and Wife’s” in a Legal Marriage!

Writing this at Westin Dock in front of Disney Magic sitting next to Sharon and her personal gravity!

Today writings came out a Trillion times better sitting next to Sharon and her gravity than being alone writing!

Disney owns ABC

GE owns NBC

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 9 May 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Hepatitis in the... the “Reusable Grocery Bag” Medical Detectives can tracking down the virus and the criminals via "Spin off Detective Work" for "Reverse Engineering" and "Spin Off Engineering" Hillary has new eye glasses to LOOK were to put Foreign-Aid. OB GYM MD LOOK in the Vagina for diseases to save 900 million women! Spin Off “Breath Analyzing Device for Vagina Gases!” from the newly invented "Breath Analyzing Device" One Breath and the screen pops up with several diseases caught in just this one breath into the machine! 900 billion women saved by one breath analyzed!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Fascination Docked at Westin Hotel Dock in Key West Today

3,000 Passengers coming and going get a squirt of hand sanitizer

Norovirus on the outside of the cookies package, you touch to open getting the Norovirus on your hands, you pick out a cookie and eat it and the Norovirus!

How the Hell can Carnival Fascination prevent this scenario?

3,000 Passengers became ill... Where did the cookies come from? A girl had been very ill in the hotel bathroom, spreading an aerosol of norovirus that landed everywhere, including on the reusable grocery bag (Purse) hanging in the room Turns out, the culprit was a reusable grocery bag of snacks and or Purse! Norovirus transmission without person-to-person contact, the bag, tested positive for norovirus and E coli, even two weeks later!

3,000 Passengers coming and going get a squirt of hand sanitizer!

How the Hell can Carnival Fascination prevent this scenario?

Sail Fascination into a “Mist” into a “Fog” of Lysol and Clorox

3,000 passengers coming and going with reusable grocery bags of snacks and purses sent them through a “Thick Foggy Mist” of Lysol and Clorox that penetrates everything in the reusable grocery bags and purse’s!

Sales of all the Store’s in the USA of reusable bags with their Names in Large Print had taken off in the last few years from just Grocery Stores

Grocery customers have joked for many years about bringing in dirty reusable grocery bags to put clean grocery in...

Sears, KMart, Ross, Target knew about grocery store customers joking about dirty reusable grocery store bags

MD’s out and about in the real world... yes!

Hillary on ABC nightly news last night sums it up very good...

It does not matter any more!

Hillary was talking about tying her hair back and wearing eye glasses...

But the real world connotations of this phrase...

It does not matter any more!

Daughter is married, but not to a MD... Bill is on his own in Haiti

Foreign Aid has nothing to do with MD’s who just invented a gas breath Analyzing device that can identify many many diseases from one breath you breath into it!

3,000 Passengers blow a single breath into the Breath Analyzing Device and in seconds the screen pop up tells all what diseases, bacteria's and viruses they have

Another MD who has nothing to do with Hillary’s Foreign Aid Policy invented a disposable Vagina Speculum with LED light so he can look... there is no Gas Analyzing Device and everyone knows there are gases in there!

So lets get together and Analyze What gases in the Vagina can tell us what diseases she has as this sounds much better than a LED light so the MD can take a LOOK!

How the Hell can Carnival Fascination prevent others from getting what she has?

It does not matter any more!

Hillary was talking about tying her hair back and wearing eye glasses...

But the real world connotations of this phrase...

It does not matter any more!

Daughter is married, but not to a MD... Bill is on his own in Haiti

It does not matter any more!

Connotations spread Norovirus, E coli, and every other bacteria and virus that comes to your thoughts right now!

Foreign-Aid that cures 500,000 kids from coughing all night from Whooping Cough

Foreign-Aid that cures any and all bacteria and viruses in the foreign woman’s vagina!

Hillary’s most Fascinating Thoughts she wanted to have put on ABC Nightly News with all the above much more important even life and death issues for men and certainty for women and all Hillary wanted to get on ABC Nightly News was It Does Not Matter Any More if I tie my hair back and wear eye glasses...

NBC Nightly News had Children’s x-ray dose news from the MD

No more x-rays from children and adults!

Now that s-ray machines are in every Airport in the USA and World

Help Wanted, Inventor to reinvent the x-ray with no radiation at all!

Sounds like a job Greg would apply for in Key West!

Greg is going to have to get a job soon at the Westin Hotel in Key West unless someone reading this sends Greg a donation of money to the address at the top of this web page$

Stanley the inventor of the Stanley Steamer Car

Got the money to invent the Stanley Steamer Car from Kodak by inventing a way to develop photo plates 100 times faster.

Kodak gave him $1 Million Dollars and made many Trillions of Dollars from his invention!

100 Years after the Death of Stanley the invention he got $1 million for is still a trade secret... I searched Google for this many times and never found how Stanley speeded up the photo plates!

Reverse Engineering and Spin Off Engineering might get the x-rays reduced 100 times if we had this old invention of Stanley’s

Ideas to think about for other invention projects are...

Bubble Boy how can the crib makers put the baby in a Bubble Boy Crib

Play Pen in a Bubble to prevent the kids from getting Whooping Cough etc

Spreading an aerosol Whooping Cough germ talking to the kid, baby in his crib or play pen

Bubble Boy Crib and Play Pens are a good idea that need an MIT Engineer who is not making play toy robots or war toy robots for the Army

Mosquito Nets from Bill and Melinda Gates reduced the numbers of Malaria Deaths

Drunks and Smokers under the Mosquito Nets caused more drunk and smokers deaths

Fog and Mist Mosquito Nets...

Mosquito Nets made of a Fog and Mist!

“Wood Burning Stoves” the UN is giving 900 Million away to villagers who cook food on a open wood fire

Any good ideas from MIT Engineer’s who are not making play toy robots or war toy robots for the Army...

As “Wood Burning Stoves” given to 900 million cooks is a bad idea!

Hepatitis ABC causes liver cancer, my brother Bill Buell died from this and Mom and Dad could not track down the “Reusable Grocery Bag” that Bill Buell cause Hepatitis from!

800 Million world wide who catch Hepatitis the “Reusable Grocery Bag” will be a windfall just like Carnival Fascination Docked at Westin Port right now has its Eureka in the form of a the “Reusable Grocery Bag”

Hepatitis in the... the “Reusable Grocery Bag”

Detective tracking down the virus and the criminals

Spin off Detective Work for
Reverse Engineering and Spin Off Engineering

Hillary has new eye glasses

OB GYN MD will have soon a “Breath Analyzing Device for Vagina Gases!”

$4 Gasoline is all that matters to Hillary

Hillary has new eye glasses, India MD’s LOOK in the Vagina for Diseases!

USA OB GYN MD’s will have soon a “Breath Analyzing Device for Vagina Gases!”

Vagina diseases that killed 900 million women will all be cured!

This is Foreign-Aid as Diseases in the Vagina are FOREIGN except at the Medical School

By 3030 9 Billion Women will be saved from all these Vaginal Diseases!

From a Spin Off Invention from “Breath Analyzing Device” that detects gases from several diseases...

Women are God’s Best Invention!

So Inventsomething for 900 billion women!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 8 May 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Extremist Paul McCartney when John Lennon was in Charge of Yoko and Linda's Breast Cancer had not broken your heart yet... Unless you are Paul McCartney willing to divorce your third wife Heather Mills rather than take on the 64 year old... old guys Role Playing of “Good Manners” Extremism in Good Manners to the Wife!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“Tranquillizer Spray” via Social Police not Pepper Spray!

Extremist Cure Is Polygamists Marriage and Much Higher Doses of Antibiotics at the start of taking of the Antibiotics... Extremist Antibiotics for everyone at the Homeless and Battered Womens Shelters in every town and city in the USA. Is this Extremist, Hell Yes!

Officials resistance to two social cures, well one social and one medical sort of...

Extremist Dr. Nancy “Put it in the water if it works” If the Rx Drug works put it in the public water!

Extremist Dr. Nancy has never commented on “Battered Women’s Shelters” in Key West and every city and town in the USA

It does not work, it does not save the Marriage... “Battered Women’s Shelters”!

Go separate ways, she picks the same type of man again and again and they go their separate ways again and again this does not work out for men, women, society!

“Serenity Lost” to every women entering the “Battered Women’s Shelters”

Love Lost to every man who’s woman enters the “Battered Women’s Shelters”

When I’m 64 Paul McCartney divorce from Heather Mills if Paul was a Polygamist?

When I’m 64 Paul McCartney divorce from Heather Mills if Paul was a Polygamist?

When I’m 64 Paul McCartney divorce from Heather Mills if Paul was a Polygamist?

Sir Paul McCartney forgot his “Good Manners” Extremism in Good Manners to the Wife!

Sir Paul McCartney would not let her pee in a gallon jug - get up with one leg and pee he said!

Sir Paul McCartney was to old to play the role model of an “Extremist” Best Husband on Earth! John Lennon carried Yoke to the bathroom to pee!

Thank You Heather, Yes Heather, Sure Heather, OK Heather on and on always Yes Heather!

Extremist Role Playing to Keep Your Wife and Keep her Happy...

Polygamist Marriage would make it easier on both the Husband and the Wife

3 wives against 1 husband he will not be taking a walk down Duval at 3 am! No Way!

Umpires 3 wives, Extremist Good Manners from the Husband is a must 24/7

One Reason Hemingway lost 3 wives is over the Nicknames he gave his wives

Psychiatrists who write the articles in the Medical Journals write you should not use any Nicknames unflattering or even flattering nicknames, you can find these articles by searching Google!

Martha Gellhorns published letters to Hemingway were like Dear Pig! And got much worst as they both called each other several Nicknames in each letter

Police and Sheriff wives and daughters are not immune from domestic fights!

“Good Manners” Extremism in Good Manners to the Wife!

“Today Show” Role Playing between men and women via Extremism in Good Manners to the Wife!

Dr. Nancy, if it works put it in the water!

Role Playing - “Good Manners” Extremism in Good Manners to the Wife!

Unless you are Paul McCartney willing to divorce Heather Mills rather than take on the 64 year old guys Role Playing of “Good Manners” Extremism in Good Manners to the Wife!

If she wants to pee in an gallon jug let her pee, please!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 7 May 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Just Teenage “Jealousy” is a disease much worst in social cost than Alzheimer Parkinson Huntington's as it takes the lives of "Young Women" in their sudden death, murder, of tens of thousands a year! Yes Greg can and will Invent a Cure after the Observers make contact and I have a polygamous marriage at the Hemingway House in Key West

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“Jealousy” is a disease much worst in social cost than Alzheimer Parkinson Huntington's

Tantalizing brain diseases Alzheimer Parkinson Huntington's caused by proteins misfolded

“Jealousy” is a disease much worst in social cost than Alzheimer Parkinson Huntington's

Even more Tantalizing for Greg is Memorized Merriam Webster's 1,100 page dictionary

Even more relevant maybe because you might need a “Total Recall” memory to discover a Rx cure for brain diseases

Spin off 100% Memorization by Greg for “Antigens” as this discovery would program “Antigens” with every “Antigen” winning the war on diseases caused by bacteria and viruses!

Triple Tantalizing to stimulate you to get “Total Recall” memorization for Greg is I have to remember all 1,001 Invention Projects every minute of the day to get one!

“Memory Cells” are synapses, electrical or chemical signals not really “Memory Cells”

“Memory Cells” are synapses, electrical or chemical signals not really “Memory Cells”

“Memory Cells” are synapses, electrical or chemical signals not really “Memory Cells”

Breakthrough's just discovered misfolded proteins and how Penicillin caused DNA repair in the bacteria to destroy its membrane

Synapses, electrical or chemical signals

Synapses, electrical or chemical signals

Synapses, electrical or chemical signals

“Jealousy” is a disease much worst in social cost than Alzheimer Parkinson Huntington's

Photon of light coming out of the Hydrogen Atom

Tantalizing Purpose of Life Too

Los Alamos will have to shut down all nuclear weapons upgrades and work 24/7 for months just to get a small discovery about Synapses, electrical or chemical signals

Greg’s Memorized Merriam Webster's 1,100 page dictionary!

Greg would get a windfall of quick 1, 2, 3, inventions and discoveries from the 1,001 Invention Projects IP I think about all the time!

“Misfolded Proteins” are the cause of “Mad Cow Disease” in Humans

Tantalizing and Maddening... “All of the Above”!

Yale and Harvard Elite have drove Humanity so dumbfounded drunk since 1980 it should be a crime

Only a drunk Yale Alumni would outsource 1 billion jobs to China

Tantalizing and Maddening... “All of the Above”!

Would should have created 1 billion new jobs for scientists and MD’s!

Bill and Melinda outsource 1 billion jobs to China

1 billion new jobs for scientists and MD’s! in the USA were LOST for China’s outsourced jobs

#1 Surpassing China, Japan, Paris by millions to one would be USA Scientists and MD’s

LOST for China’s outsourced jobs

LOST for China’s outsourced jobs

China’s Politburo has 9 Old Guys

USA’s Politburo will have 9 Scientists and MD’s

100 Senators after the Coup all will be MD’s with a PhD

USA’s Politburo as we must have a 9 Member Politburo not A President

Greg will work 24/7 for weeks and months after Observers make contact

A President would never ever play Basketball and put on State Dinners!

Strategic Cash spending from the “Politburo’s” of the USA and China

9 women would have spent the $177 Trillion since 1980 on better projects!

F 22 plane that turns off Oxygen on its pilots

Discover II would be Blasting Off from the Cape Today

If the USA Politburo didn’t spent so many trillions on F 22’s

Discover II would be Blasting Off from the Cape Today

If the USA Politburo didn’t spent so many trillions on F 22’s

Yale and Harvard passed a few rich kids who really failed

Politburo ordered Yale and Harvard Medical School to pass “Black MD’s” who really failed

Politburo ordered Yale and Harvard Medical School to pass “Black MD’s” who really failed

USA’s Politburo gave them “Diplomatic Immunity” from all misdiagnosis and patient deaths!

This has to be in the “Classified” documents!

Putin in Moscow, misdiagnosed this purpose in life!

“Jealousy” is a disease much worst in social cost than Alzheimer Parkinson Huntington's

Putin’s $4 gasoline sales are “Mass Murder” via Fiery LA Wrecks

Misdirected Russian, China, and USA Politburo’s

$177 Trillion dollars in cash is still left in Swiss Banks

“Jealousy” is a disease much worst in social cost than Alzheimer Parkinson Huntington's

Yes Putin, McCain, Bush, Kerry, Kennedy, Clinton, Carter’s “Mass Murders” via Fiery LA Wrecks...

“Jealousy” in Mad Men not cured because we out sourced other jobs to China “Murdered” a million more SWF in the USA than burned and burned to death in Fiery LA Wrecks World Wide!

“Jealousy” in Mad Men Murdered More SWF than Troops killed on both sides in all wars since 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Greg Buell next to Westin Hotel Dock in Key West a Tourists from Venice took Greg's picture as I was writing these 2 hand written drafts at noon Monday May 7, 2012

Gregs 2007 web

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 6 May 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Victory! Greg over those who "Own" most of Key West Because Greg will Cure Cancer!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

May 6, 2012 Victory of sorts for the “ElectricWindmillCar” Inventor as Greg is writing today! (Greg could have been working at a Key West Hotel and not writing today!)

May 6, 2012 Victory of sorts as Saudi Terrorists who prayed at Mecca for more oil money on 9-11 are selling $4 gasoline today

On 9-11 $2 gasoline, Victory of sorts for the Saudi Terrorists as Hillary Today is in India trying to get India to buy Oil from Saudi Arabia instead of Iran!

May 6, 1527 Clement VII surrendered, and agreed to pay a ransom of 400,000 ducati in exchange for his life; thus saving the upcoming Victory over Galileo until 1741 then Pope Benedict XIV authorized the publication of an edition of Galileo's complete scientific works

May 6, 1527 Victory over the Swiss Guard, on the steps of St Peter's Basilica. Of 189 guards on duty only 42 survived, but their bravery ensured that Pope Clement VII escaped to safety

May 6, 2012 Victory of sorts as Scientists Reveal It All To Other Scientists and Greg Reveals it to All "Women Observers”

1741 Pope Benedict XIV authorized the publication of an edition of Galileo's complete scientific works

May 6, 2012 Benedict XVI is the 265th and current Pope took a bribe of $1 Billion dollars from Texas Oil Men and the Saudi King who visited the Pope in Person at the Vatican!

May 6, 2012 Since 1980 there has been more than 400K Fiery LA Wrecks World Wide and more than 189 Swiss Guard Police Officers “massacred” in Fiery Rear End Wrecks Writing a traffic ticket

May 6, 2012 Benedict XVI is the 265th and current Pope took a bribe of $1 Billion dollars to save his life in this exchange others became the “Causalities” of $4 gasoline most burned to death in Fiery Wrecks, lots more than the 189 Swiss Guard on the steps of St Peter's Basilica!

400,000 Fiery Wrecks in LA, Paris, Moscow, London, On 6 June, Clement VII surrendered, and agreed to pay a ransom of 400,000 ducati in exchange for his life;

May 6, 1527 Victory Pope Clement VII escaped to safety and a rich life!

May 6, 2012 Victory of sorts as Scientists Reveal It All To Other Scientists

May 6, 2012 Victory of sorts for the “ElectricWindmillCar” Inventor as Greg is writing today! (Greg could have been working at a Key West Hotel and not writing today!)

May 6, 2012 Victory of sorts as Saudi Terrorists who prayed at Mecca for more oil money on 9-11 are selling $4 gasoline today

May 6, 2012 Greg can Reveal Today that Los Alamos Scientists have $1 Trillion dollars worth of Supercomputers

Every known “Catalyst” can be programmed into these Supercomputers to “Mate” with other "Catalyst” and to “spin off ideas” for other "Catalyst” !

Los Alamos Scientists can Reveal how DNA repair in the brain succeeds and fails with these Supercomputers

“Brain Cell Injections” from Los Alamos Scientists injected into Gregs brain and other brains can be analyzed on these Supercomputers before the real needle goes into a real brain

Every mind altering drug and Rx can be analyzed on these Supercomputers

Every Behavior altering drug and Rx can be analyzed on these Supercomputers

Add in every known “Catalyst” and you crunch even more!

Then in their spare time the Los Alamos Scientists using the Supercomputers can write a phonics tutor for greg so he can pronounce all the “Catalyst”

And get an Analysis of how the Dept of Education failed!

Keys to pronunciations and writing are well know to Scientists now they can Reveal it all using their Los Alamos Supercomputers

Next see what happens if DNA repair is slowed down or speeded up

Hold off on Brain Transplants until Earths Star Trek Era

Kidney Transplants 100% of everyone on dialysis gets a kidney transplant can be crunched on the Los Alamos Supercomputers so we are ready when we get all these kidney donations from the Spin Off of the ElectricWindmillCar Era

Crunch the outcome of this current conflict between $4 gasoline and Discovery III

2027 there will still be lots of $4 gasoline, will it still be sold?

Crucial Catalyst is the CIA and FBI not the Secret Service or Homeland Security as they are with prostitutes in Vegas gambling on other things

All Electric Kitchen by GE in 1965

Wires on the Telephone Poles will be taken down for Waste Management in Key West

Greg has to reinvent trash and recycle pick up as Key West Garbage Men have murderous thoughts to much... at each recycle bin... grin!

Current balance of power between those picking up the garbage bins and those putting the bins out is on the wrong side of the garbage men making the rules

Current balance of power between Bill and Melinda at Microsoft is on the wrong side as “Temps” making Bill and Melinda another $100 Billion dollars every 3 months die from cancer, breast and other kinds because “Temps” don’t have health insurance!

Mosquito that bit Bill and Melinda infected them with “Greed”

Malaria kills millions but the “Greed” Bill and Melinda are infected with can kill and will kill all 15 billion people on Earth in 2020

Greg will get a Rx Overnight Cure for Bill and Melinda’s “Greed” infection

Software and the Soft Shell Turtles

Hard Sell and Soft Sell

$1 Trillion for Bill and Melinda since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar

Zero for the Turtles since 1980 which would never have happened if the ElectricWindmillCar was not suppressed

“Selfishness” of Bill and Melinda

“Selfishness” of those who “Own” most of Key West

“Selfishness” of Scientists at Los Alamos because of “Orders” that cause “Selfishness” to secure Nuclear Weapon Production on May 6, 2012, yes they made some Nukes Today!

May 6, 2012 Victory of sorts for the “ElectricWindmillCar” Inventor

Greg is writing today! At Westin Dock in Key West looking at a Sea, Ocean of Quarks!

(Greg could have been working at a Key West Hotel “Westin” and not writing today!)

May 6, 2012 Victory of sorts!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Gregs 2007 web

A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!


Photos Link Above has Just Been Updated and will Update Add More this week thanks!


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *

Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


+++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 5 May 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Now Start Every Adult Conversation Around Kids With Is The Kid Vaccinated Against Whooping Cough, Are The Adults Vaccinated Against Whooping Cough, Did You See The New Kennedy Movie? He did have Whooping Cough When He Knocked Down The Nurse and Took the Baby!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Disney Cruise Ship is 100’ from Greg, it sailed in at Noon

Key West Admiral and Navy are 200’ behind the Disney Ship

3 Billion Light Years Further is the empty space 4K Trillion Galaxies are expanding into!

Key West Locals watching the Disney Ship sail into Westin Dock, look at the ship and say My God... commenting on its size.

Size does matter...

Quarks fail to catch the local Key West Admiral, Mayor, biker on the Ocean Bike Path

Quarks are so small they are parts of H2O

In 1965 on May 5th when Greg got married no one knew anything about Quarks!

Locals in Key West know nothing about Quarks Today!

Size does matter...

Ocean viewed by Greg is a “Sea of Quarks”

Disney is not floating in Ocean Water but floating in a Sea of Quarks!

This is over the head of the Local Key West Admiral, far as vision seeing real Quarks spinning and they spin like a top too as the Ocean!

Public Awareness is controlled by “Wars” players

So influence them!

They all read what Greg writes here...

When Greg pointed out to Diane Sawyer at ABC Nightly News all the new organ donations on FaceBook will come from the 19K SWF’s murdered in 2011 Diane knew she was scammed by FaceBook and who ever came up with the New Organ Donation on FaceBook!

Yet Diane Sawyer can not report a story on Mandatory Government Organ Donation!

Yale Medical School built in Key West on the Eiffel Tower Structure, Gregs needs more time and inventions and invention projects to win this war from the Key West Admiral

Navy Admirals don’t build Yale Medical Schools!

Serenity House at the Yale Medical School in Key West when it’s finally built will hold clinical trials on trillions of Rx Perfumes to cure Alcoholism, Rx Perfumes so they don’t get drunk in the first place.

Woman Observer going by Gregs door at Serenity House gave Greg the idea to work on 1,001 Rx Perfume Rx cures...

Serenity House at the Yale Medical School in Key West test heroin, meth, crack, cocaine, and everything else Rx Perfumes!

Woman Observer going by Gregs door at Serenity House gave Greg the idea to work on 1,001 Rx Perfume Rx cures...

Woman who is feeding the 1 Trillion Turtles after hooking up with Greg is no longer in Gregs room in the flesh and blood, as she did not find any mercy, Serenity, charity from the powers at Serenity House, she is back homeless at the Key West Homeless Shelter and greg is without any Perfumed women observers to inspire another Rx Perfume idea!

Loss is painful for Greg and Sharon as she was in Hot Pursuit of a spin off invention idea from feeding turtles so there could be 1 Trillion on Turtle Beach in Key West

Greg is in Hot Pursuit of women to get married at the Hemingway House, as I biked by there this morning another wedding was getting started!

They told greg he can do better than Sharon...

Locals in Key West have no mercy on the homeless! Even when they feed 1 trillion turtles!

When the FBI women observer I was dating in Boulder, Colorado told me at 3 am she could see me.... and proved it I stopped paying rent and got evicted. This was less than a year before I got the ElectricWindmillCar invention in 1980. Kennedy proved he could see greg in his room too. They took 5,000 newly printed BDay cards and I got my photo albums back 5 years later, scanned in the photos of 1971 and 1972 of NYC and the World Trade Center Towers half finished...

Greg is in Hot Pursuit of women observers for conversations, inspiration, company, room mates...

FBI and Kennedy proved they were observing me year before the ElectricWindmillCar

Today Greg has a “Hot Line” to Hillary, McCain, Kerry, Carter, Diane Sawyer, FBI women who just might ask me to marry her after they make contact

Locals in Key West cough all the time from smoking

Gregory tells Greg the story of all the smokers at Serenity House

Gregory tells Greg smoke comes in his window at 5 am from smokers outside his window

Gregory tells Greg they start coughing at 3 am and it never stops

Greg is glad he is not in Gregory’s hot spot

Ignition system to buy Hemingway House so writers have a place to write 24/7 will get this started as rate of long term returns and shot turn returns are the highest possible

Epidemics written in Amazons Top Book Sellers if Pertussis were in a best selling Amazon novel half the little kids who will die in 2012 would not die because adults would be more aware of coughing and sneezing near kids and would ask all adults if the kids had their Pertussis vaccination, no one in Key West has ever asked this! No Way! No one!

Greg is in Hot Water for using all the Hot Water doing laundry at 7 am when I don’t even separate whites, I wash everything together so have to start using cold water wash!

House Arrest would be a “WindFall” for Greg as Sharon could be a cell mate, grin.

Hot Children’s Disney Movie would be one on Pertussis opening with Kennedy getting kicked out of the Hospital because he has not been vaccinated against Whooping Cough!

ABC Diane Sawyer reported the fight between Kennedy and the nurse when he took the baby out of the hospital and Diane Sawyer is one of a million women observers who would not ask if Kennedy had whooping cough or some other illness when he came into the hospital

Kennedy is one of millions of observers who kills babies via diseases he should have been vaccinated for...

Public Awareness is controlled by the “War Players” in our Era

ABC Diane Sawyer reported the fight between Kennedy and the nurse when he took the baby out of the hospital and Diane Sawyer is one of a million women observers who would not ask if Kennedy had whooping cough or some other illness when he came into the hospital

Kennedy is one of millions of observers who kills babies via diseases he should have been vaccinated for...

Unwritten Whooping Cough and Kennedy takes baby Novel and Disney Movie

Save the life of a baby of a women observer... give them both Serenity!

Disney at noon on a Sea of Quarks

Hot Wars at the same time killing over “Oil Fields”

Diane Sawyer did not report on this Hot War all week long!

Troops at Kent State University yesterday in 1970 opened fire on Students killing them

Troops at the Sudan Oil Field opened fire killing people every day last week

War Criminals speculate on the price of $4 gasoline

This is why there is a Hot War right this minute over a Oil Field, several Oil Fields

Were are the cops when you need one?

Peace Proposal for shooting war and Peace Proposals for Greg to open fire getting several inventions when placed under House Arrest in a Serine House with many women asking Greg to marry them...

1 year 1 month home alone in Key West at Serenity House waiting for a proposal

WW III and Discovery III

Yale Medical School built in Key West, “Hot” women MD in their Bikini’s

At the Song Writers yesterday women observers in Bikini’s keep Greg and Sharon aware of our Orwellian Society! Grin!

Sharon is Beautify at 61, took a picture of both of us, I will post it here soon!

Anyone who spends the day feeding 1 trillion turtles is beautiful!

Key West Navy uses Turtles for Target Practice!

Key West Locals have no Mercy on Homeless Women named Sharon who slept in gregs bed for 3 night before she was sent packing back to the Homeless Shelter leaving greg Home Alone after being Home Alone for the last 1 Year and 1 Month...

Yale Medical School built in Key West, “Hot” women MD in their Bikini’s

Yale Campus Unrest over Key West Medical School Campus built by Greg!

Locals will recover but will now start every adult conversation around kids with is the kid vaccinated against whooping cough, are the adults vaccinated against whooping cough, did you see the Kennedy Movie him taking the baby, knocking down the nurse leaving the Hospital?

FBI and Teddy Kennedy proved they could see me in my room!

Now I have a Hot Line to Hillary, McCain, Kerry, Diane Sawyer!

Public Awareness is controlled by “War Players” so influence them!

Disney’s Key West Ocean is a Sea of Spinning Quarks spinning like a top too!

Disney's New Childrens Movie is about Adults with Whooping Cough... and Smokers who cough and blow smoke into Gregory's window!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Gregs 2007 web

A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !



++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 4 April 2012 +++++++++++++++++++

Secret Service Prostitutes were the first to be on MSNBC Nightly News. CBS Special News Report on GE... GE hires temps to work on “Wind Turbines” and they are “Raped” same as GE Prostitutes! Only CBS Special News Report can expose this! NBC Nightly News will not report on GE!

++++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

GE is run by Aliens who stay at home on Earth!

EE Edison Electric GE’s Mad Men’s 1st Kill was Edison the inventor of GE

GE’s Mad Men 2nd Kill is 1,001 Invention Projects on this web page

Bill and Melinda at Microsoft killed 7 Billion inventors who would have invented 1 million things since 1980 if Windows came with 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out with links to get you started!

GE’s web page does not have 1,001 Invention Projects for 7 billion people to become inventors

GE’s 3rd Kill is invent a way to Hear and Observer Aliens at Alpha Centauri, Never ever will this be news on the "Today Show"!

Edison should have “Destroyed” GE in 1887!

Greg in 2012 must take the time out of getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

To “Destroy” GE and get them arrested for the worst “Genocide” in the History of Earth!

MSNBC Greg in 2012 must take the time out of getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer To “Destroy” MSNBC and get them arrested for the worst “Genocide” in the History of Earth!

Thomas Edison's In just six weeks, $4 gasoline that GE Mad Men sell 7 billion people will be obsolete.

Thomas Edison would create a vast, new industry to provide electric power that would light up America -- and revolutionize the world... New French Revolution as look below on this web page for the Police Officer burned in a fiery cop car rear end wreck writing a ticket! 1 of 1,001 as GE and NBC News suppresses this news!

H at –254 C in NASA cans for cars, homes, boats... Zero Fiery Wrecks! If a Shuttle Crashed landed its cans of H would not explode and burn the Astronauts!

F 22 Mad Men worked 7 billion man hours in production of 184 planes all after the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

F 22 Mad Men sold you $4 gasoline that would have been obsolete before the 1st F 22 went into production

F 22 Man Men, get them arrested for the worst “Genocide” in the History of Earth!

F 22 web page does not have 1,001 Invention Projects for 7 billion people to become inventors

“Wind Turbines” 1 billion man hours of work

F 22 7 billion man hours of work

Alien Zoo

Face GE’s Mecca and pray Aliens invent a way to hear and observe Humans!

$4 gasoline will be sold by GE and F 22 “Designer Generals” until there is not a drop of gasoline left on Earth!

Iran’s Nuclear Bunker was paid for by you in the USA buying $4 gasoline

“Honor Killings” GE and F 22 Designer Generals lied when they told you they will stop “Honor Killings”!

Remember from yesterday OJ's ex-wife knew she was dead when 1st time the Knife Blade when in... and GE has cloned millions of OJ's! Some are in the Secret Service!

“Prostitutes” who work on GE's Mad Men and F 22 Designer Generals are “Raped”!

Edison’s wife died leaving him with 3 kids

GE killed 1 million wife’s working on “Wind Turbines” as "Temps"... 7 billion man hours instead of spending these 7 billion man hours of work on Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer and other kill diseases of women!

Edison in 2012 would refuse GE email and mark GE as “Delete and Block”

Phonograph, and the Motion Picture were invented by Edison after GE kicked him out

Greg will invent finally as I should have invented the Rx Overnight Breast cancer cure in 1980

Greg, Professor Inventor with 1,001 Invention Projects on this web page spelled out with links to every web but GE’s

Sharon and Mommy learned to drive by Daddy...

Mommy knocked down cones and failed the driving test over and over again

In Sharon’s other life...

Sharon in this life is feeding 1 Trillion Turtles

F 22 Designer Generals used turtles for target practice

F 22 Designer Generals use Fish for target practice

In the next life...

Philosophers since the time of Descartes and Locke have struggled to comprehend the nature of consciousness and pin down its essential properties.

Consciousness in the next life...

Consciousness in the next life...

Consciousness in the next life... Accelerates faster each day staying up with the 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies accelerating into infinite space at millions of miles per second!

Descartes and Locke have struggled to comprehend the nature of consciousness and pin down its essential properties.

Gravity, how is Gravity Generated...

Humans on Earth lost this discover between 1980 and 2012 because Mad Men

F 22 Mad Men and GE Mad Men spent 7 billion man hours for work on MIT War Toys

Same Mad Men gave Iran’s Mad Men enough money to build a “Nuclear Bunker”!

Same time IBM played with "Watson" suppressing Greg and his many wife's from any time at all on the $1 Trillion dollars worth of Super Computers sold to Los Alamos! And letting greg meet any Los Alamos women looking to help get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Descartes and Locke have struggled to comprehend the nature of consciousness and pin down its essential properties.

Gravity, essential properties Discovered... is suppressed by GE in MSNBC Nightly News, not a conversation GE wants you to start up with anyone!

Universe of “Honor Killings” and Government Genocide News is also suppressed by GE in MSNBC Nightly News

In the next life...

Philosophers since the time of Descartes and Locke have struggled to comprehend the nature of consciousness and pin down its essential properties.

Consciousness in the next life...

Consciousness in the next life...

Consciousness in the next life... Accelerates faster each day staying up with the 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies accelerating into infinite space at millions of miles per second!

Descartes and Locke have struggled to comprehend the nature of consciousness and pin down its essential properties.

GE hires temps to work on “Wind Turbines” they are “Raped” same as GE Prostitutes!

“Prostitutes” sex work on GE Mad Men and F 22 Designer Generals are “Raped”!

Face GE’s Mecca and pray Aliens hear and observe Humans!

Face GE’s Mecca and pray Aliens hear and observe Humans!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++++++ Newest Title 3 May 2012 +++++++++++++++++++++++++

Greg Builds an Electric Grid from H2O to get rid of the "Wires" and "Transformers". Transformers were Essential for High-Voltage Electric Power Transmission, which makes long-distance Transmission Economically practical Over High Power Wires! Life near high-voltage power lines is bad for your health has been around for many years. Illnesses attributed to power lines include childhood cancers and breast cancer!

+++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Electric Grid Electrocution Blocking Lightning Rods Reinvented Again and Again!

High-voltage power lines, Electric Wires are to much for Manhattan Thoroughbred's... to get ride of!

Wives dying of breast cancer are to much for Manhattan Thoroughbred's... to Cure!

And revolutionize the world

And revolutionize the world via H at –254 C in NASA cans and NASA made electric generator that runs on H at –254 C the size of your microwave...

And revolutionize the world...

Edison’s Electric Grin In Manhattan in 1878 Electrocuted Horses!

Electric Grid in Manhattan in 2012 Electrocutes Everyone but Thoroughbred's!

Linemen are Electrocuted today and how many is secret!

Today, Edison’s wife dying of breast cancer would be electrocuted by “Men” denying her a Cure!

On September 15, 1878, Thomas Edison's said In just six weeks I will provide electric power that will light up America -- and revolutionize the world.

On September 27, 2011, Greg said In just six months I after contact with "Women observers" we will get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer...

Observers never made contact... sorry!

Edwards, however, secretly continued the affair and Hunter's pregnancy! While She was dying of cancer!

“Men” in Edwards inner circle, 1,001 of them know 40K women are dying of cancer in 2012 yet secretly continue the affair that stifles Greg from even working on the cure!

Edwards, however, secretly continued the affair and Hunter's pregnancy! While She was dying of cancer!

On May 3, 2012 Greg and Sharon said MD Women on the “Today Show” cry out for an inventor to “Cure” men like John Edwards and Bill Clinton and OJ from cloning themselves in the next several generations of men, as women world wide know Elizabeth Edwards... became distraught when she found out that he was still having an affair with mistress Rielle Hunter.

Elizabeth Edwards "collapsed in a ball sobbing in hysterics " in an airport parking lot and tore off her shirt in a fit of anger! 40K women do this...

40K women do this...

"collapsed in a ball sobbing in hysterics "

40K women do this...

She was dying of cancer and had previously discovered her husband's fling with Hunter. She had demanded Hunter be fired and the romance be ended. Edwards, however, secretly continued the affair and Hunter's pregnancy! While She was dying of cancer!

And revolutionize the world

Greg builds an electric grid...

Los Alamos $1 Trillion in IBM Super Computers and Nuke Programmers

Sandia Labs across the street from Los Alamos

to get the Rx Overnight cure for breast cancer!

And revolutionize the world in favor of Women!

While She was dying of cancer!

Bill Clinton and yes Hillary "collapsed in a ball sobbing in hysterics " in an airport parking lot and tore out her hair in a fit of anger!

OJ’s ex-wife knew she was dead after the first knife blade went into her body.... looking at OJ she thought... you win! For Now I will be waiting for you in Hell!

“Men” in Edwards inner circle, 1,001 of them know 40K women are dying of cancer in 2012 yet secretly continue the affair that stifles Greg from even working on the cure!

“Men” in Edwards inner circle cloned 1,001 OJ’s since she was stabbed to death by OJ!

...however, secretly continued the affair! While She was dying of cancer! 40K dying of Cancer!

MD Women on the “Today Show” cry out for an inventor to “Cure” men as they are all continuing the affair while 40K die of breast cancer!

Class Today, not the same Class as Edison and his wife!

Trump in Manhattan continues the affair to stifle Greg while 40K dye from breast cancer

And revolutionize the world

Greg builds an electric grid to get the Rx Overnight cure for breast cancer!

And revolutionize the world in Favor of Women!

While She was dying of cancer!

Edison in Manhattan tried to prevent horses from getting electrocuted!

Class Today in Manhattan will let the Hurricanes destroy Key West before they manufacture 1 Trillion cloud to cloud lighting rods to change the direction of the Hurricanes

F 22 Production of 184 planes that turn off the oxygen on the pilots...

F 22 could carry 1 million cloud to cloud lightning rods

184 million cloud to cloud lighting rods on one bombing run in the fleet of F 22’s

Class of the General who built the 184 F 22’s one look and you know he will destroy Key West before he orders any modifications to his fleet of F 22’s

Selling lightning rods to the Landlord class

While She was dying of cancer!

September 15, 1878 High Class “Men”

In the months that followed, Edison and his team grappled with the tough job of designing and producing, by hand, the necessary components of a viable electrical system: sockets, fuses, switches, power meters, generators. In New York he built the first commercial electric utility near Wall Street

May 3, 2012 High Class “Men” build the same old electric utility suppressing H at –254 C in cans made by NASA

Wires in Edison’s Manhattan

Wires for every electric utility in the USA, millions of them are going up today! Needlessly!

May 3, 2012 High Class “Men” build the same old electric utility suppressing H at –254 C in cans made by NASA

“Men” who lied to Elizabeth Edwards as she was dying of breast cancer...

“Men” who lied to Hillary...

Son’s of these “Men” are sex addicts, the ones you will find in the The International Journal of Psychoanalysis

Addicted to Porn on the Internet 24/7 instead of inventing 24/7 in the The International Journal of Psychoanalysis

The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, open its table of contents and you will find John Edwards in this months edition. There are so many Bill Clintons and OJ’s the International Journal of Psychoanalysis writes them up every month!

“Men” at the top, McCain, Kerry, let this torture of Elizabeth go on and on 40K times in 2012

This is “Electrocutions” of women curled up in a ball sobbing in hysterics, dying from breast cancer Greg could have cured in 1980 when the ElectricWindmillCar was invented!

Linemen are Electrocuted Today, no one is telling you this or how many!

Horses are no longer being Electrocuted

Electric Wires are to much for Manhattan Thoroughbred's

Electric Wires are to much for Manhattan Thoroughbred's

Electric Grid Electrocution Blocking Lightning Rods Reinvented Again and Again!

Life near high-voltage power lines is bad for your health and wealth as H at -254 C in cans will be Free! Payback from $4 Gasoline!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++++++ Newest Title Here 2 May 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++

FaceBook... Murdered SWF donate organs on FaceBook Today, “Valkyrie” Attempted to save the lives of murdered SWF’s with Tom Cruise, not Nicole Kidman as the lead Actor! Can DNA Repair be reprogrammed to fix a Kidney so you don’t need to ask FaceBook for a kidney donation from a murdered SWF?

+++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++

FaceBook Organ Donation News on ABC with Diane Sawyer “Mission Accomplished”!

Face-up-to-it SWF’s organs will be donated when they are murdered, 19K in 2012

Mandatory Organ Donation News on ABC with Diane Sawyer was stifled on purpose! Murdered women was stifled news by Diane Sawyer!

Honor Killings of Muslim women call FaceBook for more Organ Donation News for ABC

FaceBook Organ Donation News on ABC with Diane Sawyer “Mission Accomplished”!

“Valkyrie” Attempt to save the lives of SWF’s from King Hitler, Prince Hitler in Saudi Arabia

Millions of SWF’s have been deported to Saudi Arabia for “Sex Slaves” Prostitutes!

Muslim Women in Afghanistan are forced into “Army Base” Prostitution via torture!

“Valkyrie” Attempt to save the lives of SWF’s from King, Prince Hitler in Saudi Arabia

Delta 757 Overhead Landing in Key West as I write this...

Delta buys a Oil Refinery for Jet Fuel

“Over My Head” Goings-On when Hydrogen at –254 C will be “Free” 757 Jet Fuel

Bush “Mission Accomplished” Banner on the Deck of the Aircraft Carrier

Greg 10,000 Windmills “Mission Accomplished” Banner on the Deck of the Aircraft Carrier refitted with 10,000 Windmills for the electrolysis of Hydrogen that will be cooled to –254 C below decks!

Greg “Mission Accomplished” Banner on the Deck of the Aircraft Carrier

Greg Humans will reach Another Nearby Star Now!! “Mission Accomplished” Banner on the Deck of the Aircraft Carrier as free H for 7 Billion People on Earth will rocket humanity to Nearby Stars

Discovery III “Mission Accomplished” Banner on the Deck of the Aircraft Carrier

FaceBook Organ Donation News

SWF’s organs will be donated when they are murdered!

Mandatory Organ Donation News was stifled on purpose!

“Valkyrie” Attempt to save the lives of SWF’s who’s organs will be donated when they are murdered!

“Valkyrie” Attempt to save the lives of SWF’s who’s organs will be donated when they are murdered!

Secret Service spent their $4 gasoline bonus money on Prostitutes

Millions of SWF’s have been deported to Saudi Arabia for “Sex Slaves” Prostitutes!

“Valkyrie” Attempt to save the lives of SWF’s

Muslim Women in Afghanistan are forced into “Army Base” Prostitution via torture!

“Valkyrie” Attempt to save the lives of SWF’s

1980 Secret Service spent their $4 gasoline bonus money on Prostitutes

1980 Polygamist Marriage Made Legal then Secret Service Agents would have rewritten Tom Cruise Movie “Valkyrie” As the Attempt to save the lives of SWF’s from a life of Prostitution by 2012 Secret Service Agents and the King Hitler and the Prince Hitler in Saudi Arabia!

1980 Secret Service spent their time and effort getting Polygamous Marriage Legal!

FBI “Valkyrie” Attempt to save the lives of SWF’s

CIA “Valkyrie” Attempt to save the lives of SWF’s

TSA “Valkyrie” Attempt to save the lives of SWF’s

Homeland Security “Valkyrie” Attempt to save the lives of SWF’s

FaceBook Organ Donation News, “Mission Accomplished”!

Polygamous Marriage Made Legal and Greg is the 1st to have a Polygamous Marriage Ceremony at the Hemingway House in Key West!

FaceBook News must Face-up-to-it SWF’s organs will be donated when they are murdered, 19K in 2012

Greg 10,000 Windmills “Mission Accomplished” Banner on the Deck of the Aircraft Carrier refitted with 10,000 Windmills for the electrolysis of Hydrogen that will be cooled to –254 C below decks!

Face-up-to-it SWF’s organs will be donated when they are murdered

Greg “Mission Accomplished” Banner on the Deck of the Aircraft Carrier

Face-up-to-it SWF’s organs will be donated when they are murdered

Greg Humans will reach Another Nearby Star Now!!

Face-up-to-it SWF’s organs will be donated when they are murdered

“Valkyrie” Attempt to save the lives of SWF’s

Attempt to save the lives of 7 billion people on Earth in 2012

Attempt to save the lives of 15 billion people on Earth in 3030

Attempt to save the life of 1.001 Social Inventions accelerating faster and faster than the day before expanding into infinite space like the 4K Trillion massive Galaxies in our Universe

Greg and Sharon in 3030 with 1 Trillion Turtles... Smile Woman I took your picture next to a turtle on Duval Street Today!

Homeless in the Universe... because of those selling $4 gasoline!

Greg Humans will reach Another Nearby Star Now!!

“Mission Accomplished” Banner on the Deck of the Aircraft Carrier

Free H for 7 Billion People on Earth will rocket humanity to Nearby Stars

Homeless in the Universe... because of those selling $4 gasoline!

“Valkyrie” Attempt to save the lives...

“Valkyrie” King Hitler and Prince Hitler in Saudi Arabia!

Polygamous Marriages in Saudi Arabia

Honor Killings of women call FaceBook for more Organ Donation News for ABC

Polygamous Marriage Made Legal and Greg is the 1st to have a Polygamous Marriage Ceremony at the Hemingway House in Key West!

Epic Love Story written at the Hemingway House writers class, a 24/7 part of the Polygamous Marriage

15 Billion People will be here in 3030

7 Billion People are here today in 2012

1,001 Invention Projects are part of the Polygamous Marriage in Key West not Saudi Arabia

Social inventions, speed faster with 4 wives as the Boss in your marriage

3 am the Tourists last week was kicked in the brain after few guys asked him for money

No Brain...

4 wives are not going to let you walk down Duval in Key West at 3 am

4 wives will be in a conversation about DNA Repair

Can DNA Repair be reprogrammed to fix a Kidney so you don’t need to ask FaceBook for a kidney donation from a murdered SWF

What else can DNA Repair futuristically do besides Kidney Repair?

3030 in Key West everyone will have a built in GPS tracker so the guys who kick you in the brain at 3 am because you refused to give them money are tracked down quickly

Oh, Yale built a new campus in Singapore instead of Key West Medical School because Prostitution is Legal in Singapore and Yale Freshmen have as much spending money for Prostitutes as the Secret Service have from the $4 gasoline bonus

Homeless in the Universe

Oil men are all atheists Gamblers!

Casino’s outnumber Homeless Shelters by 100 to 1

There is no mercy from the Atheists Gamblers, this news story on ABC was false!

ABC Disney Cruise Ships will have Disney Submarine Cruises leaving Key West in 3030

Carnival Cruise Ship “Invention Projects” will have 24/7 conversations going for the 7 and 14 days cruise

Bill and Melinda prioritized Malaria Cure with no 24/7 brainstorming conversation about DNA Repair on the antigen or antibody!

Windows 8 DNA Repair

On Who’s Orders will the icon to record this session be Ok’ed so Greg can show my DNA Repair research to 4 wives?

Kidman Movie Hemingway and Gellhorn is due out next week on HBO expensive Cable

1% of Key West subscribe to HBO

1% of Key West subscribe to Psychology and Medical Journals

All 4 of Gregs wives will write articles for Psychology and Medical Journals weekly

Four against one, no you can’t go walk down Duval at 3 am!

Stupid Tourist's!

Bleeding in the Brain from being kicked, how is that Lobotomy Gas invention going?

Smile Women, FBI statistics on crimes against women in 3030 will be Zero!

Greg and Sharon in 3030 with 1 Trillion Turtles...

Smile Woman I took your picture next to a turtle on Duval Street Today!

Homeless in the Universe... because of those selling $4 gasoline!

Because “Valkyrie” Attempted to save the lives of SWF’s with Tom Cruise, not Nicole Kidman as the lead Actor!

Greg and Sharon in 3030 with 1 Trillion Turtles...

Smile Woman I took your picture next to a turtle on Duval Street Today!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Gregs 2007 web

A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 30 April 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++

“Neuroscience” Medical Journals can do it all, write new Make-Up commercials for CBS teen girls... to inspire their boyfriends to be good, kind, generous, nothing like Bill Clinton! Go to Medical School not Law School... grin!

+++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++

“Neuroscience” Medical Journals!

MRI Scan of the Brain when inspired by women!

“Neuroscience” Medical Journals need to save the lives of 19k murder women in 2012

“Ellen” Commercials got 19k women murdered in 2012... on going war between men and women gets women killed! We need to End War On Earth between Men and Women!

“Neuroscience” Medical Journals FAILED to save the lives of 19k murder women in 2011

1 billion teens drop out of high school world wide every year

14 year old male teens need to be inspired by women

“Ellen” Commercials got 19k women murdered in 2012... on going war between men and women gets women killed! We need to End War On Earth between Men and Women!

“Neuroscience” Medical Journals will write this up a fact!

You don’t need to be a “Rocket Scientists” to know this is true!

Teen girls in a make-up commercial discuss “this will inspire my boyfriend”!

This will inspire my boyfriend to get into Yale Medical School

Men are inspired by women!

“Ellen” and “Ellen” Commercials got 19k women murdered in 2012... on going war between men and women gets women killed! We need to End War On Earth between Men and Women!

“Wars” kill more women and children than the “Enemy”

We have meet the “Enemy” and they are Hillary and Bill Clinton

Playing out their love hate war getting observers killed in the cross fire!

Dyke, Dr. Susan Love got 19K women murdered in 2012 and she will say her life style got women murdered in 2012

“Girl Talk” in the Make-up Commercials directed to inspiring men to invent, work, stay in school...

1 Million CBS commercials “Girl Talk” in the Make-up Commercials directed to inspiring men to invent, work, stay in school... to save the lives of 19k murdered women in 2012

CBS “60 Minutes” at 7 am this morning talking about “Extreme Torture”

Murderous thoughts are to often by to many men...

CBS talking about “Freedom One” Skyscraper being the tallest building but for several built by Saudi Arabia where all the Terrorist Flew in from.... not mentioned on CBS

CBS will not mention the Terrorist were from Saudi Arabia, Why?

CBS will not mention the names Saudi Arabia Cities Mecca all the “Taller” Skyscrapers $4 gasoline paid for after 9/11

Saudi Arabia is building even “Taller” Skyscrapers today with your $4 gas money!

“Wars” kill more women and children than the “Enemy”

We have meet the “Enemy” and they are Hillary and Bill Clinton

Irrational Hillary at the State Department selling you $4 gasoline and giving the money to Saudi Arabia terrorist in 2012

Bill Clinton was impulsive for sex with Monica

15 Billion people will be with us soon so this war Hillary and Bill Clinton have going on world wide has to end.... End To War On Earth!

We need Rational and Impelling Desires to Invent, get inspired by women!

“Today Show” inhibits getting women to inspire men to invent, work, stay in school etc

“Today Show” and they Show no Invention Projects!

Greg will give “Women Observers” what ever they Ask For” for their Inspiration 24/7

Greg knows the power of women inspiring even before the “Neuroscience” Medical Journals scan your brain with the MRI while being inspired!

Playing out their love hate war getting observers killed in the cross fire!

“Ellen” Commercials got 19k women murdered in 2012... on going war between men and women gets women killed! We need to End War On Earth between Men and Women!

19 million assaulted, and traumatized!

15 Billion population with “Ellen” Commercials the War will be worst than the Napalm in Vietnam!

Honor Killings by Moslems will be 1 million a years, because Moslem women watched “Ellen” Commercials

Moslem women can inspire Moslem men to stay in school, go to med school, invent something too...

Martha Gellhorns “Murderous Thoughts” and “Boredom” that stifled her getting a Nobel in her name have not been cured and will not be cured by “Ellen” Commercials

“Neuroscience” Medical Journals can cure women’s murderous thoughts and boredom if our Dictators let them write, like Gregs writes this web page!

Impelling a desire to invent rather than get drunk at the “Strip Club” is easy!

Impelling a desire to invent rather than betting on lottery tickets is easy!

“Neuroscience” Medical Journals can do all this and write new Make Up commercials for CBS teen girls... to inspire their boyfriends to be good, kind, generous, nothing like Bill Clinton!

Nothing like Bill Clinton!!

Nothing Like Bill Clinton!!

Clones of Bill Clinton and OJ can be cured ASAP! Arrested before they kill 19K women in 2012

Elizabeth Edwards with all her firepower could not make contact with Greg to brainstorm a mini cure for her breast cancer to live a little longer, until greg got his Pardon!

Our Dictator is drunk on $4 gasoline...

Our Dictator has $177 Trillion dollars in Cash in Swiss Banks in Geneva $

Our Dictator is the one who will not let CBS mention you can invent a way to get your gravity engine to go faster than the speed of light with more gravity fuel!

“Life” with Earnest Hemingway’s Picture on the Cover gave Martha Gellhorn murderous thoughts and stimulated her boredom!

Women don’t need this!

Woman Observers – Greg will give them what ever they ask for helping Greg brainstorm 24/7 the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer and they will be over joyed when Greg gets the cure within 6 months of getting Married at the Hemingway House in Key West!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 29 April 2012 +++++++++++++++++++

Serenity Deceit "Cat Fight", one woman selling MIT War Toys, $100 Billion to India, vs other Women waiting to Marry Greg at the Hemingway House in a Polygamous Marriage of many Discoveries of the Century, like the 1 Trillion Turtles on Turtle Beach in Key West. Lawyer Mr. Burns was hired by the "Cops"! If burned in fiery LA Wrecks cops are not settled out of court! In the New French Revolution!

++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Deceit Dictates HQ lying to Elizabeth Edwards Foundation will get a Rx Cure for Breast Cancer

Deceit Dictates John Edwards Trial lawyers are lying instead of pleading guilty

Deceit of the Lawyer Mr. Burns who represents “Cops” in Fiery Wrecks dictates a New French Revolution is the only way out...

Deceit of the Lawyer Mr. Discovery representing Greg and “Women Observers” ready to marry Greg, work 24/7 in front of the Observers brainstorming Elizabeth Edwards long delayed to long delayed for Elizabeth Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure!

Discovery of the Century is the ElectricWindmillcar

Yet more Discoveries of the Century our Dictator stifled and suppressed from Greg discovering them...

MIT gets everything for War Toys, Everything Greg should be getting for social War Toys!

One Discovery of the Century stifled and suppressed is Super air bags on the outside of Cars, trucks and Disneyland Buses in Tokyo... which hit a wall cutting the bus in half killing 7 young girls... Deceit of the crash deaths could have been prevented even crashes down on Yoko Ono as she knows about the super air bags on the outside of Disneyland buses in Tokyo

Deceit of the Lawyer Mr. Burns who represents “Cops” in Fiery Wrecks dictates a New French Revolution is the only way out...

Guillotined HQ Dictators... Cops will be the “Law”

1 Trillion Turtles and some fish will eat the Turtle Food... Cat Fight ending with Greg Home Alone again at Serenity House, Cops will be the “Law”!

1980 to 2012 Dictators at HQ never let Greg hire a Lawyer!

No reason to start in Key West

Boredom Ends for the Women Observers waiting to Marry Greg and start working 24/7

Greg in a Polygamous Marriage while the Trials of the Century are going on with Dictator Heads rolling down Duval...

Drunk Sailors rebuild the JFK 24/7 add 10K Windmills on the decks and Electrolysis for H2O below decks, Fighter Jets pushed off over the edge of the air craft carriers.

Free H at –254 C for 15 billion people

Deceit from John Edwards, Bill Clinton, McCain, Kerry, Carter, Hillary...

Discovery of the Century was killed by these men and women in 2012

India and Pakistan Nuclear War Via MIT War Toys will End the World as we Know it!

Serenity at HQ lying about Elizabeth and Nuclear Wars

Sin of India spending $100 Billion on MIT War Toys

MIT gets everything for War Toys, Everything Greg should be getting for social War Toys!

Serenity at Hemingway House in Key West with no 24/7 writing classes!

Cat Fight ending with Greg Home Alone again at Serenity House, Cops will be the “Law”!

Serenity at Hemingway House in Key West with no 24/7 writing classes!

Deceit by the CEO Owner of Hemingway House to 15 Billion People!

And you though John Edwards was the “Worst”, he only killed Elizabeth, the CEO Owner of Hemingway House in Key West killed 15 Billion People!

Free H at –254 C for 15 billion people

H its single electron gives us “Light”!

Every Single Discovery of the Century will give 15 Billion People “Light”!

Cat Fight ending with Greg Home Alone again at Serenity House, Cops will be the “Law”!

Cat Fight ending with Greg Home Alone again at Serenity House!

You do the math...

How many Discoveries of the Century did Gregs lose being home alone again?

Lawyers and Trials will happen for sure!

Cat Fights in the Court Room with bring excitement...

Elizabeth Edwards some Lawyer should recreate her death bed scene at John Edwards Trial tomorrow!

Trial of our Dictators, women on their death beds from breast cancer will guillotine our deceitful Dictators before they die a torturous death!

Revenge from the 7 girls from Tokyo who died today because these Dictators just guillotined stifled and suppressed super air bags from the outside of the Disneyland Bus in Tokyo

Serenity at HQ USA

Bill Gates just informed HQ Microsoft will make $1 Trillion in profits each quarter!

John Edwards and Bill Gates try to bribe the Lawyer Mr. Burns

The Lawyer Mr. Discovery has taken a bribe for each Discover of the Century he helped stifle from 15 billion people

“light” and Lights coming from the Hemingway House all night long let in a steady stream of enlightened “women Observers” for the High Energy Writing-Invention Classes

Home Alone in Key West, not when you can meet women at the Hemingway House 24/7

Discoveries of the Century by “Women Observers” in another “Class” from John Edwards, Bill Clinton, Hillary, McCain, Kerry, and even Caroline Kennedy and Yoko Ono!

The End

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 28 April 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++

Psychiatrists can write better than Greg, read what they write in their Journals... The International Journal of Psychoanalysis ...Working on invention projects in your dreams gets started by A MD writing the first Journal Article, someone reading this then writes another Journal Article. Years later the New York Times writes a short article on how you can work on invention projects in your Dream!

++++++++++++++++++ Start Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

1,001 Invention Projects and one is working on invention projects in your dreams!

CEO Michael Morawski... Rejecting 24/7 Writing Classes, reading Psychiatrists and MD Journals aloud, with science and technology Journals...

Dream Inventions for Boeing and Hemingway House are rejected!

New Business Solutions are needed ASAP!

Lost inventions like working on invention projects in your dreams is futuristic but with Morawski stifling even brainstorming this future invention is a crime against society by the CEO of Hemingway House in Key West

1,001 Invention Projects and one is working on invention projects in your dreams!

CEO’s exposing the dysfunctional CEO’s two at a time on this web page

1. CEO at Boeing

2. CEO Michael Morawski Hemingway Museum owner

CEO Michael Morawski Hemingway Museum owner will delay 24/7 writing classes at the Hemingway House in Key West for ten years or more. Losing Humanity several Noble’s in every category and even more Utopian Invention Novels full of dramatic invention projects which Hemingway could have written if he would have had 4 wives at the same time to brainstorm with and wifi, supercomputer access which CEO Morawski leaves out of the Hemingway Tour!

CEO at Boeing God is “Jet Fuel” and profit from buying this jet fuel goes to Allah

Nightmare of fueling Boeing 787 Dreamliner with jet fuel on its first flight off the assembly line in Charleston South Carolina Today!

Turbulence control inventions and 50 others will be rejected by Boeing CEO’s

Stereotypical behaviors at Boeing and Hemingway House

Rejecting a Dream Invention of H at –254 C for Boeings 1st 787 off the assembly line

CEO Michael Morawski... Rejecting 24/7 Writing Classes, reading Psychiatrists and MD Journals aloud, with science and technology Journals... not in the New York Times!

CEO Michael Morawski is dysfunctional, today each day 1K tourists pay $12.50 each for a Tour of the Hemingway House with no chance of getting a writing class for their money and to advance their writing, get a spin off Nobel from Reading and Listening to Hemingway read aloud and brainstorm's!

“Manager” put mind fields in the path of the Next Generation of Hemingway Writers and Inventors

FDA, FBI must expand to CEO’s like these 2 dysfunctional ones who harm society by buying jet fuel and giving the money to Allah and stifling writers and inventors who take a tour of the Hemingway House in Key West

Dream Inventions for Boeing and Hemingway House are rejected!

New Business Solutions are needed ASAP!

1,001 Invention Projects and one is working on invention projects in your dreams!

1,001 Invention Projects and one is working on invention projects in your dreams!

Lost inventions like working on invention projects in your dreams is futuristic but with Morawski stifling even brainstorming this future invention is a crime against society by the CEO of Hemingway House in Key West

FDA and the FBI are behind the times...

Secret Service Scandal was invented before the ElectricWindmillcar in 1980

Government leaders putting wives to work with “Managers” with no regard to principle like President Bill Clinton, same thing Clinton did in his office “Managers” did to millions of women at the work office at Boeing of course...

“Managers” read the Psychiatrists Journals and might even socialize with the Doctors who write for these journals

You will not find these articles in the New York Times!

Tactics too seduce “Married Women at Work” and other things a Bill Clinton did!

Managers hiring millions of married women have already used the Navy Minelayer and tactics learned from what is written by Doctors in Medical Journals

Husband and Wife Secret Service Agents

“Husband and Wife” ad category in the Job Ads

Boss has a mind set like the “Basket Ball Players” who have had 10,000 sex partners and want another 10,000 sex partners

Secret Service Agents must have had 1,000 sex partners, and had spending money left over because of the bonus pay from $4 gasoline Era

Opportunists exploiting the whores and wives

Working on 1,001 Invention Projects in your dream is a real invention project MIT could start on today

CEO of Boeing failed 15 billion people

CEO of Hemingway House failed 15 billion people

FBI should arrest them for this crime as it’s a crime against humanity!

Today our only “Thinking Cap” Thinking Hat”is Brainstorming in a polygamous marriage at the Hemingway House in Key West... after you pay $12.50 each! H at -254 C would be free jet Boeing picks to pay for Jet Fuel $

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


++++++++++++++ Newest Title 27 April 2012 +++++++++++++++++

Serenity not Horror... of the "Energy" inside Hydrogen as the H-Bomb or a H at -254 C fuel to fly 757's, generate your home electricity with no wires coming into your house and finally the H2O Ocean next to the Carnival Cruise Ships is a OCEAN OF QUARKS SPINNING, tripping you out by not even thinking its "Water"!

++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ocean of spinning quarks... no water in the Ocean off Key West just spinning quarks!

Next to the Carnival Ship Fascination

Greg asked what Fascinated him, H2O and H and O made of spinning quarks

Quarks spinning around and have their own spin like a top that never changes

So we ended up "Tripping" on the "Ocean" of Spinning Quarks not thinking its "Water"!

Fascination Carnival Ship in Key West, what fascinates you... H2O the quarks spinning around in the H and the O

Invention Project to “Observe” Consciousness after Death

Sculpture “The Thinker” Sculpture “The Inventor” to the power of 25

Critically thinking your are only inventing if you have 1,001 invention projects in your memory!

Microsoft Windows 7 and 8 forces you to squint at a font that was hard to read, a chore that has been shown to trigger analytic thinking and a disbelief in God

Squinting to read your file directories triggers atheistic beliefs

Microsoft influencing you to think and go insane, set off a nuclear weapon or kill your wife!

Critically thinking your are only inventing if you have 1,001 invention projects in your memory!

Greg influencing you to “Invent Something” thinking “Critically” you look for the “Windmills” properties in the 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out on this web page after the “Women Observers” make contact with Greg and Marry him!

Squinting to read your file directories triggers atheistic beliefs so you beat, cheat, kill women... as there is no Hell!

Greg influencing you that Women are God’s best Invention!

McCain and Kerry have observers at Schooner Wharf Sail boat dock here walk by Greg as he is writing scream obscenities from one foot behind Greg...

Then take off running back to behind the hidden cameras!

Gregs Revenge.... will be Invention Project to “Observe” Consciousness after Death

Gregs Revenge... will be getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

“Women Observers” live with these guys behind the hidden cameras!

Napalm burned millions while these guys cheered the “Fire Balls”!

Today same guys cheer and take pictures of the Fiery Gasoline Tankers head on collision with the SUV, Mom, Dad and the 2 kids burn just like Vietnamese!

3 of us Today... at 7 am viewed the picture taped to Gregs TV of the Gasoline Tanker head on collision with the SUV, Mom Dad 2 kids inside, pin head size flames from the SUV all 3 of us looked at this pictures at 7 am Today Together at my Door at Serenity House in Key West!

Serenity not Horror! Today horror will happen again for some others to take the live pictures, as 365 days a year some SUV burst into flames on a USA Freeway for $4 gasoline’s greed!

“Women Observers” live with this greed for $4 gasoline behind the hidden cameras!

Serenity not Horror... Again revenge on Greg stopped Greg from getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 1980 every single year until now in 2012

Greg and a few wives brainstorming 24/7 the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 2012 hopefully the Vietnam Era guys coming up behind us working on this will be under House Arrest by some American Dictator, who’s wife and daughter are dying from Breast Cancer!

Greg influencing you to “Invent Something” thinking “Critically” you look for the “Windmills” properties in the 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out on this web page after the “Women Observers” make contact with Greg and Marry him!

Next Critically thinking put all the properties of Penicillin in these 1,001 invention projects in your memory

Key next is DNA repair in the virus and bacteria gets the repair job mixed up from the penicillin and the virus and bacteria explode!

Never ending wars killing women and children stifled Greg from working on this inventions with many wives 24/7...

Revenge from Warriors stifled Greg writing today and inventing from 1980 to 2012...

3 million American Women, wives and daughters lost died from 1980 to 2012 for wars $4 gasoline profits

Revenge on Greg from these guys behind the hidden cameras is Horrorable and dishonorable just like Vietnam War Was!

Atheist better believe “Women” are God’s best Invention!

3 of us Today... at 7 am viewed the picture taped to Gregs tV of the Gasoline Tanker head on collision with the SUV, Mom Dad 2 kids inside, pin head size flames from the SUV all 3 of us looked at this pictures at 7 am Today Together at my Door at Serenity House in Key West! Horrors of Greed for $4 Gasoline! 1980 to 2012! Picture of the burnt cop, with baby and wife was downloaded 10k times in the last few days too!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Wikipedia Read Aloud

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Inventions"

++++++++++++ Newest Title Here ++++++ 26 April 2012 +++++++++++++

1 BILLION MASS MURDER VIA PENTAGON 1980 TO 2012 – Greed for $4 gasoline! Revenge for this Greg just wants $25 Million to buy the Hemingway House in Key West for Writers, Inventors 24/7 Brainstorming with many wives in Polygamous Marriages! “Women Observers” can view spinning quarks in DNA! In the New Hemingway House in Key West!

+++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++

1 BILLION MASS MURDER VIA PENTAGON 1980 TO 2012 – Greed for $4 gasoline!

Breast Cancer, Cardiac Arrest, Fiery LA Wrecks, Murdered Wives, Hot Cars, Whooping Cough

1 BILLION MASS MURDER VIA PENTAGON 1980 TO 2012 – Greed for $4 gasoline!

Add in Alcoholics, Cocaine, Gambling, loss of 1,001 Invention Projects by Greg!

Crisis Today is this web page...

MIT War Toys in the Pipeline Shutdown...

Declassified Documents for the mass murder of 1 Billion for $4 Gasoline!

Saint Greg...

Marvel at the taste of the DNA quarts...

Ponder the 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies accelerating faster each day expanding into empty space!

Earnest Hemingway Loved Women

Greg knows Women are God’s Best Invention!

Marry You at the Hemingway House After I Buy it for $25 Million

Molly the owner would not take a dollar less than $25 Million

Greg will sell you on a Polygamous Marriage to write better than Hemingway 24/7 with a few wives!

Martha Gellhorn was waiting for Earnest at Sloppy Joe’s

Earnest was married to Pauling and Gus bought the Hemingway House for their Wedding

Martha and Pauline ended up going shopping together in Paris

Today they would be writing together with Earnest! 24/7 for weeks and months!

Declassified Biography of the alcoholics Martha, Pauline, Earnest, Mary HBO Movie

Kidman playing Gellhorn, producer did not think of this as a biography of alcoholics

Behavior Modification therapy in the sequels of Hemingway and Gellhorn

For the one’s who visit the “New Hemingway House” Greg’s!

Writing Classes 24/7 with lots of alcoholism cures!

Drunks stifled social advancements

Kidman's new husband is an heroin addict!

War of Words... Reality is these stifle social advancements

UN collaborators world wide caused this mass murder lead by the Pentagon to reach 1 Billion!

Pentagon Today, “Today Show” Pentagon is MSNBC

Advances by the Pentagon since 1980’s invention of the ElectricWindmillcar analogy can only be Bill Clinton Sex Lies and poor Hillary’s revenge on Humanity via the State Dept.

Gregs revenge will be getting the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure with several wives!

Breaking News...

Largest ever gift for social advancements in history could happen tomorrow...

$177 Trillion from the $4 gasoline all a “Gift” for social, medical, education, advancements as pay back for the mass murder of 1 Billion by the Pentagon!

1944 DNA Purine and pyrimidine

2012 DNA Top and Charm Quarks

“Women Observers” can view the spinning quarks!

1998 Pakistan set off its 1st Nuclear Weapon

1944 DNA was “Over The Heads” of Pakistan’s Dictators!

2012 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies are more down to Earth for Pakistan’s Dictators!

$177 Trillion from the $4 gasoline all a “Gift” for social, medical, education, advancements as pay back for the mass murder of 1 Billion by the Pentagon!

Enough to give Pakistan’s Dictators a $10 Trillion dollar bribe to end war with India, and yes we have enough Trillions left over to give India $10 Trillion too!

Greg just wants $25 Million for the Hemingway House in Key West

Greg wants to be the 1st to have a Polygamous Marriage at the Hemingway House in Key West

Greg wants to be the one who gets the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer by brainstorming 24/7 for weeks and months with a few wives... Home Alone for 1 year and 1 month in Key West with only Teddy Kennedy the Cat to Brainstorm with at Serenity House in Key West is NOT Serenity!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


++++++++++++ Newest Title 25 April 2012 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

1,001 Things A 5th Grader Can Invent - 5th graders 1,001 Things to Invent starts with the embryo’s DNA’s quarks, top, bottom, strange inventing a "Brain" from the likes of the massive Supercomputers at Los Alamos on the head of a Top Quark building a "Brain"!

++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

1,001 Things A 5th Grader Can Invent in his Life with Links to Get him and her started

As He will have other invention ideas than her and both are to young for a polygamous marriage...

5th Grade Class in India and Pakistan under a desk, Nuclear War Drill

Greg can remember being under his 5th grade desk right now I can see it in my mind

5th Grade Classes in Los Alamos were targeted and are targeted by 1,001 Nuclear War Heads

Heads of State, the real “Dictators” of all the UN Nations should be arrested for child abuse

5th grade classes spent time on Nuclear Weapons Classes

5th grade classes missed completely the embryo’s DNA’s quarks, top, bottom, strange

H2O has its own quarks but there is no way you could take a H2O quark and put it in the embryos DNA building a “Brain”

Greg his many wives (grin) will help discover how God put a Los Alamos Supercomputer on the head of a Quark in the embryos DNA that is building its “Brain”

Greg can remember being under his 5th grade desk right now I can see it in my mind

Greg wants total recall so I don’t have to spend so much time looking up words in my Merriam Webster’s 1,200 page dictionary I use every time I write... Let me read the 1,200 pages once and remember them forever! Let a 5th grader work on this invention!

Greg can remember being under his 5th grade desk right now I can see it in my mind

Los Alamos 5th Grade had and has it worst of any 5th graders on Earth as they hold most of the class session under their desk!

1,001 Things A 5th Grader Can Invent in his Life with Links to Get him and her started

As He will have other invention ideas than her and both are to young for a polygamous marriage...

Greg can remember being under his 5th grade desk right now I can see it in my mind

Greg had the book 1,001 things your can get free...

I can remember addressing envelopes, can see this in my mind now...

I was upstairs at 20 Harding Ave in Branford CT

What if Greg had the book 1,001 Things a 5th Grader can Invent in his Life...

Greg would have been a better inventor!

Other 5th graders read 1,001 Famous Military Battles

Other 5th graders read 1,001 dissections in Anatomy and Physiology of it all

Top Down Corporate Structure... Occupations

Top Down On Her Car... 2012 should be an ElectricWindmillCar convertible!

Drunkard of a ex-husband left her Home Alone like Greg

$ 4 gasoline is Her Convertible Drink!

Jimmy Buffett on Duval fell off the stage drunk, I watched the video

French a hour ago came up with a 'Anti-alcoholism' drug cleared for use in France

Interest was sparked in 2008 by a book, "Le Dernier Verre" (The Last Drink), (Because Baclofen Cured my Alcoholism) by cardiologist Olivier Ameisen, who self-treated his alcoholism with high doses of Baclofen.

$ 4 gasoline is Her Convertible Drink!

French a hour ago raised the price of French Crude to $5

French Anti-Gasoline drug must cure French Oil Greed first

5th graders in Paris will read about the $4 Gas that Sparked the New French Revolution

Instead of bringing back the Guillotine French President was burned at the Stake

French Cop with burns over most of his body from a fiery Cop Car Rear End started the flames!

5th Grade Class in India and Pakistan under a desk, Nuclear War Drill

French Language version of the 1,001 Things A 5th Grader Can Invent in his Life with Links to Get him and her started has been linked to the 2013 Model ElectricWindmillCars News!

No one in France, India, Pakistan or any Nation on Earth has written... 1,001 Things A 5th Grader Can Invent in his Life with Links to Get him and her started

French Pediatrician's for the prevention of Nuclear War make money off $4 gasoline

American Pediatrician's for the prevention of Nuclear War make money off $4 gasoline

Nuclear War could be started by $4 gasoline!

Exxon-Mobil $407 Billion in Cash

Apple $559 Billion in Cash

Saudi Oil Men $177 Trillion in Cash

5th Graders get a dollar a week, more if their school pays them $2 for each book they read

5th Graders paid $2 for each Hemingway book read would read the complete works of Hemingway and it would be worth it to pay them and for them to read it!

$25 Million... Greg will offer Molly the owner of Hemingway House in Key West $

Molly will take the money as she does not want Hemingway House open 24/7 for writing and invention classes Greg will start up...

Steve Jobs lunch meat for a billionaire, only one who has not read at the 5th grade level as all 5th graders who read 1,001 dissections in Anatomy and Physiology of it all would tell all adults “Lunch Meat” has poison chemicals in it!

Top Down Corporate Structure... Occupations

Unleashing Nuclear Bombs on 5th Graders, Los Alamos will be hit before India and Pakistan!

Greg will use $10 Trillion of the $177 Trillion to bribe India and Pakistan to move... from the battle fields on their boarders to letting 5th graders work on reading 1,001 Things A 5th Grader can Invent!

Steve Jobs lunch meat for a billionaire, only one who has not read at the 5th grade level as all 5th graders who read 1,001 dissections in Anatomy and Physiology of it all would tell all adults “Lunch Meat” has poison chemicals in it!


Worth reading this, you don’t have to be a 5th grader!

Greg has read God’s Top most impressive book on inventions, Women are God’s Best Invention!

Worth reading this book!

Worth working 24/7 for weeks, months in a polygamous marriage to get the Rx Over night cure for breast cancer!

Gregs Euphoria will be with the many Wives and Greg being the ones who actually get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


++++++++++++++ Newest Title Here +++++++++++++++++++++

Martha Gellhorn hated Earnest guts because she inspired his Nobel and got nothing. But Hemingway on the cover of Life after the divorce, same as wife #1 and Wife #2... Only Wife #4 got her name on the Nobel

++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Invent like Hemingway – A Paris Novel Sober on $4 Gasoline

Class-Less unless you take a writing class - Take a writing class!

AA Meetings, Molly at Hemingway House Lectures at the AA Meeting!

Molly at Hemingway House donates the complete works of Hemingway and all 4 wives to everyone who comes to the AA meeting in Key West on Virginia few blocks from the Hemingway House...

Did Hemingway Drink!

Did Hemingway Drink!

Did Martha Gellhorn Drink!!!!!!

21 years sober cake cutting by Earnest and Martha...

If they would have gotten a free copy of the complete works of their Novels if they were sober for the next 21 years

Who’s Who...

Who’s Who... Yale Grads who ended the Discovery III Launch??????????????

Greg can and will launch the Discovery III

What I get to do at work... Greg

Respond to Greg by inventing something, writing A Paris Novel Sober On $4 Gasoline

Very French Revolutionary A Paris Novel for A Paris Wife Wife of a Paris University

Yale Presidents conversation over breakfast with his wife “Very $4 Gasoline”

Very General Tank Commanders in the Afghanistan war

Cost of a tank of gasoline in the USA

Very $4 gasoline harvest lost the catch of the day... 10K Helicopter Combines

Harvesting rice, nuts, figs, corn, wheat, etc With 10K Helicopter Combines!

Class-Less unless you take a Hemingway House Invention Class with the writing class!

A Paris Wife

A Paris Novel

Waiting for the French Revolution

Learn from Hemingway, have all 4 wives at the same time in a polygamous marriage

Learn from Hemingway, don’t write alone all morning

Get 40 pages of notes from the internet, Yale’s Web, Google, Yahoo every morning

Take notes, I know your remember trying to get someone to take notes for you

Get Hemingway’s wives all at the same time in a “Very General” conversation

Connotation of Very General in a Military Dominated Era in the USA has its gravity

How is gravity generated will win the war with the Pentagon

Overwhelming fire power from the discovery, how gravity is generated

will give us the gravity engine, reinvented every week like the Wright Brothers Plane

2nd 3rd 4th Wright Brothers Planes search Google for how many how fast

Same thing will happen with the gravity engine

Inspiration to reinvent, to rewrite, to wed women who today want their name on the Nobel

Martha Gellhorn hated Earnest guts because she inspired his Nobel and got nothing

But Hemingway on the cover of Life

Harvest Time for the Polygamous Marriage based on the 4 wives Hemingway had but all at the same time!

21 years sober would have been the only life Hemingway would have had in a polygamous marriage

Honor Code did not apply to Hemingway in chasing women

Overwhelming fire power of 4 wives at the same time is your conversation for tomorrows breakfast

Key to unlock how gravity is generated

Many wives are the Keys to how gravity is generated

Society needs bigger profits from marriage

Domestic Abuse, and murders are todays plague and cancer on society costing it how gravity is generated! Tank Drivers in War come home and kill their wife!

Surveillance cameras not a GPS ankle bracelet!

Wifi cam on the ex-husbands eye glasses, in his shirt pocket, in his car, house... etc!

Come on invent something before he murders another 19K ex-wife's

Invent something for the women who get fat to be unattractive

Why, because fat is a deadly weapon generating hormones that cause breast cancer

We do know what hormones are generated by fat cells

Hormone Replacement Therapy was a Gov. Genocide, Mass Murder that when on for decades when the Presidents MD knew this, there is no honor code for the White House Doctors

Class-Less unless you take a “Over Your Head” writing class at the Hemingway House as all these Hormones, murder, gravity of this and that is in the lectures

Hate the one’s guts who gives us $4 Gasoline in a lecture

Hate the one’s guts who stopped the Launch of the Discovery III Shuttle

Hate the one’s guts who killed the wife and took his own life

Hate the one’s guts who took a mistress while Elizabeth Edwards died a tortured death from breast cancer

Overwhelming Firepower from Elizabeth Edwards to save her life could not make contact with Greg...

Greg can invent anything, even the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

I tell the “Wives” in my Polygamous Marriage we have the best chance of anyone on Earth to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer Brainstorming 24/7 for week, months!

“The Hunger Games” II filmed on location at the Yale Key West Medical School

Yale President Levin is in New Haven not Key West

Yale President Levin’s conversation over breakfast with his wife was “Very General”

40K dead from breast cancer in 2012 and Levin could not brainstorm a cure his over breakfast!

Consequences of A French Revolution over $4 Gasoline will give us the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer Brainstorming Era

B-52 saturation bombing, of fish food bombs will give us trillions of fish and turtles

Overwhelming firepower of the Writing, Inventing Lectures at the Hemingway House will give us back Discovery III Shuttle

Yale President Levin recruited the long gone ROTC from Yale University Campus

Yale President Levin could have spent this time recruiting MD’s PhD for a Rx Breast Cancer Cure instead of ROTC

Levin’s conversation over breakfast was “Very General”

“Never in a Trillion Years would those who ended ROTC at Yale... would think its back!

Pentagon has 100% of MIT and 99.9% of the rest of the elite minds for war toys now they have all the yale freshmen!

Greg can and will launch the Discover III Shuttle

Greg can and will brainstorm the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

ROTC recruits on Yale Campus lost every invention they could have possibly gotten!

High cost to society!

President Levin is the “Hooded Bike Rider” a “Hoodlum” freshman with a life time of crimes ahead

President Levin was recruited to become a “Hooded Hoodlum” spitting ROTC is good advice to you freshmen from the President of Yale, please believe this not those driving hard to arrest the overwhelming firepower of gravity and put Absolute Zero physics in Lectures for writers!

Honor Code does not apply to Yale President Levin

Hemingway’s Honor Code married to 4 wives at the same time would have been enforced by 4 wives with overwhelming fire power!

Writing Hemingway’s next 101 Novels, A Paris Novel, Paris Wives Conversation about $4 gasoline!

Gravity of $4 gasoline igniting the Next French Revolution!

Igniting $4 Gasoline Conversation over Breakfast with your Wives tomorrow!

Gravity of $4 gasoline igniting the Next French Revolution!

Write in your head A Paris Novel about this, that it will blast off like the Discovery III

Write in your head A Paris Novel about this, that it will blast off like the Discovery III

Write in your head A Paris Novel about this, that it will blast off like the Discovery III

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++++ Newest title here ++++++++++++++

Escalation of "Inventions"... 1st Diet OJ with no Calories is Florida Orange Juice, Key West... 1st Sailboats with wifi Cam on the dash and down below so the cops can see and hear you inside, before they stop them dead in “High” Winds!-----------

+++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++ Escalation of intelligence “Sails” the World’s Star Ships

“Maldives” below sea level builds an Eiffel Tower Skyscraper

“Marrow” Yale builds a “Registry of Marrow” Donors

Match Maker Heaven for the 6 Genetic Matches for 921 people needing a match

Absolute Zero, Yale is not Absolute Elite as 2 bricks were thrown through Deal Woodward’s window last week

“Marrow” 921 donated at Yale last week to show Yale has a conscience

921,000 donated marrows if Yale students would have gotten Bush, Hillary, Clinton, Kerry grads to be the “Fishermen”

Winds, Escalation of intelligence “Sails” Absolute Zero Hydrogen

“Sailboats” in Key West have 1,001 uses for H at Absolute Zero in NASA Cans

Setback for Yale has a conscience...

CIA and BP Oil was combined in the indoctrination of Yale Freshmen

Who, How, When... Wind Driven ElectricWindmillCar with H accessory is driven by Yale Freshmen to Times Square

“Burn Units” course was dropped from the Yale Medical School

Heaven’s Winds carry away 100 kids left in “Hot Cars” in the summer of 2012

CIA, BP Oil have no regrets as the kids get into Heaven for Free

Money Fuels the CIA

“The Hunger Games” sequel is “The Invention Games”

“The Money Games” winds blow in a better Match Maker Heaven

Yale scored 6 genetic matches for marrow donation by 921 students

921,000 marrow donations by Yale Alumni didn’t blow in on the Winds

3,000,000 is the Official UN body count deaths from Sudan’s war over 1 Oil Field

CIA, BP Oil, UN, lecture was combined in the indoctrination of Yale Freshmen

Grief Stricken Moms, 100 every summer since 1980 aren't regrettable CIA things!

Escalation of intelligence “Sails” sells Diet Florida Orange Juice with 0 calories

Winds of the Escalation of intelligence “Sails” them to invent Diet Orange Juice

921,000 marrow donations failed to catch the winds of Escalation of intelligence “Sails” !

Don’t Feed the Birds, Idiots in Key West

Don’t Feed the Birds, Idiots in Key West

1 Trillion Turtles at Hemingway’s Turtle Beach in Key West will have perfect timing for when Earth’s Population reaches 15 billion people

Don’t Feed the Birds, Idiots in Key West

Don’t Feed the Birds, Idiots in Key West

Cops arrest the idiots who don’t want the gov. to feed turtles to get 1 trillion of them to swim into Hemingway Turtle Beach in Key West

Swiss Nestle is likely to “Win” the battle over the “Oil Fields”

UN said it watched the entire population of Heglig flee because of the battle over the “Oil Fields”

UN said it will watch the Population of Earth catch the winds until there are 15 billion of us

Escalation of intelligence “Sails” blew over the UN Sail Boat

UN sank to the deepest depths of the Oceans

Swiss Nestles acquisition of 15 billion people on Earth

1 Trillion Key west Turtles need to be packaged by Swiss Nestles

Reinvent the formula for infants milk formula

Rx Perfumes that cure and prevent childhood diseases and The Escalation of intelligence in preschool will win Swiss Nestle a Corporation Nobel Prize!

Greg writes a Tell-All web

Adding in 1,001 inventions that have not been invented yet

Escalation of intelligence “Sails” will go faster when reinvented

Yale indoctrination of Yale Freshmen to CIA, BP Oil, UN, “Oil Fields”

Tenured Idiots who won’t let anyone feed the Freshmen Inventors

No Wind, Universe of consequence beyond out Solar System

10 Nearest Stars failed at Yale

Frequency of 10 Aliens get 6 out of 921

Listen Here Freshmen...

Yale can sail to Key West on the Wind

Fuel is nothing but “Gravity” of our purpose in the Universe

Infant Milk Formula 1st batch was in 1860 by Henri Nestle

Rx Perfumes added to prevent all infant and childhood diseases had to wait until 2012

Regrets by Mr. Chemists working on the infant milk formulas that they did not think to put in Rx Perfumes to prevent infant disease and childhood diseases

Regrets by the CIA for taking bribes from BP Oil

Absolute Zero

“Sailboats” in Key West have 1,001 uses for H at Absolute Zero in NASA Cans!

“Sailboats” in Key West will be the 1st with wifi Cam on the dash and down below so the cops can see inside before they stop them dead in “High” Winds!-----------

Escalation of intelligence “Sails” to Schooner Wharf Docks in Key West!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++++ Newest title here ++++++++++++++

Live Essential Tools From Microsoft - Los Alamos Chemist Fell to his death via Accident when gov. said Accidents were at their lowest rates ever recorded!

+++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Mr. and Mrs. Chemist at Los Alamos on 42nd Street from 1949 to 2012

Fell last week at home and died at 92

Gov. news last week that all accident rates have fallen

This Gov. news is disinformation for Mr. and Mrs. Chemist at Sandia Labs fall and die!

Mr. Chemist was a trouble shooter on Nuclear Weapons diagnostic problems

Greg is a inventor working on 1,001 Invention Projects, One invention is to prevent deadly falls

Gov. news last week that all accident rates have fallen

1,001 other “Inventors” reading this will not put the One invention is to prevent deadly falls at the top of their 1,001 invention projects list

Gov. need to reword accident rate news so “Inventors” will not take a essential invention like deadly falls off the top of their invention list

Super airbags on the outside front and rear of cars and trucks is a government suppressed invention of Gregs

In the home air bags do not exist, no one invented any super airbags for falls inside the home

Mr. Chemist worked at a “Think Tank” at Los Alamos for 40 years

I’m sure a fatal fall at someone’s home in Los Alamos happed!

Mr. Chemist didn’t bring this up at the “Think Tank” at the Los Alamos Lab

Trouble shooters for Nuclear Weapons diagnostic need to work on “Trouble Shooting for fatal falls and other accidents at home” on 42nd street in Los Alamos and USA

50% of Think Tank Time should work on “Home” diagnostics

“War Department” Think Tanks at MIT lack superb judgments ... See, gasoline!

Treason by 100% at the War Department and MIT think Tank because of “gasoline”

MIT "Essentials inventions" like deadly falls "Fell Off" the top of their invention list for "War Toys"

MIT "Essentials inventions" like deadly falls was never on the MIT invention list no matter how many deadly falls at Los Alamos

Microsoft's XBox Live Think Tank seduced 40 million to log on to XBox games on Microsoft and pay $

$ Pay from inventing something to prevent "Deadly Falls" can not seduce 40 million to log on to this web page

Microsoft XBox nuked accident inventions at home and in the car

Los Alamos 2012 must save the next generation of Mr. and Mrs Chemist on 42nd Street from Deadly Falls in 2020

Mr Chemist worked a the White House for Reagan lead the "White House Science Council"

Reagan signed some classified document that had a Life Savings Catch for Greg Deadly Fall and the ElectricWindmillCars

Los Alamos 2012 must save the next generation of Mr. and Mrs Chemist on 42nd Street from Deadly Falls in 2020

15 Billion people on Earth in 2020 Microsoft, Los Alamos, Sandia Labs must save them from "Deadly Falls"

Microsoft's XBox Live Think Tank seduced 40 million to log on to XBox games on Microsoft and pay $

Go Viral MSNBC News reports 1 billion log on... to XBox Live games

Visual Studio Developer Tools nuke disease program better diagnostics

1k log on to Microsoft's Visual Studio Developer Tools

$ Visual Studio Developer Tools is cost 100’s of times more than XBox Live

Its Essential we go viral for Visual Studio Developer Tools programmer at 1 Billion

LA Freeways 10 lanes wide

Visualize Monorail 10 lanes wide high above the rush hour traffic

LA to NYC Monorail high above traffic

Monorail 10 lanes wide 100 yards log car, like a Key West Barge

Visual Studio Developer Tools are need

1 Billion Visual Studio Developer Tools programmers are Essential

Go Viral News.... 15 Billion People on Earth

Live Essential Tools Los Alamos and Sandia Labs Think Tanks tool

$50 Billion Sale for Microsoft at Todays prices for Visual Studio Developer Tools

Yale Key West Medical School with 5K new medical students every year

Visual Studio Developer Tools are Essential for these 5K new medical student for disease diagnostics!

Another $500 Billion Sale for Microsoft at Todays prices for Visual Studio Developer Tools

Another $500 Billion Sale for Microsoft at Todays prices for Visual Studio Developer Tools

Another $500 Billion Sale for Microsoft at Todays prices for Visual Studio Developer Tools

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++++ Newest Title Here ++++++++++++++

MSNBC play “World of Penicillin” and “Modern Penicillin” 17 hours straight with several wives in your Polygamous marriage!

++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++

“World of Penicillin” “Modern Penicillin” "Modern Warfare" "World of Warcraft"

Bill and Melinda know Microsoft can be sued by Norway Government for $77 Billion dollars for the killings of 77 Norwegian's

MSNBC can bribe the New York Times Sunday Edition with this playing “World of Penicillin” and “Modern Penicillin” 17 hours straight with several wives in your Polygamous marriage would not help to revolutionize medical knowledge how Penicillin works on Bacteria DNA repair!

“World of Penicillin” “Modern Penicillin” "Modern Warfare" "World of Warcraft"

MSNBC News today... Anders Breivik obsession with games such as "World of Warcraft" caused him to kill 77 is a error in analysis of “World of Warcraft” and "“Modern Warfare”!

Bribe from MSNBC to Chris chambers at Cardiff University Psychology

Bribe from MSNBC to Henrietta Bowden-Jones, consultant psychiatrist in addictions at Imperial College London

Bribe from MSNBC to reporting by Balazs Koranyi, Walter Gibbs and Victoria Klesty in Oslo

Recognizable Bribe from MSNBC to these people and several others at MSNBC to get this disinformation published on the internet today

CIA Disinformation...

MSNBC Disinformation...

Anders Breivik obsession with games such as "World of Warcraft" caused him to kill 77

Anders Breivik obsession with games such as "Modern Warfare" caused him to kill 77

“World of Penicillin” “Modern Penicillin” "Modern Warfare" "World of Warcraft"

“World of Penicillin” “Modern Penicillin” "Modern Warfare" "World of Warcraft"

“World of Penicillin” and “Modern Penicillin”

"World of Warcraft is attracting people who may be finding it difficult to fit in with their peer groups," Obsessive game playing for such people can therefore be a symptom of their discomfort with reality.

“World of Penicillin” “Modern Penicillin” "Modern Warfare" "World of Warcraft"

CIA reality of “MIT” War Toys leaves no time to play “World of Penicillin” and “Modern Penicillin”

MSNBC reality leaves no time to play “World of Penicillin” and “Modern Penicillin”

Bill and Melinda work to cure Malaria so they are aware of penicillin

Bill and Melinda know without a doubt "Modern Warfare" and "World of Warcraft" caused him to kill 77

Bill and Melinda know Microsoft can be sued by Norway Government for $77 Billion dollars for the killings of 77 Norwegian's

Bill and Melinda fit in with their “Peer” group!

Saudi Oil Men, No Saudi Oil Women... grin

Why and how did Bill and Melinda choose Saudi Oil Men as their Peer Group?

Why and how did Warcraft out sell Penicillin computer games by 1 to 1 million?

Because MSNBC

Bill and Melinda gave them a purpose in life, to play Warcraft and Warfare Games

Bribe from the Pentagon Chiefs is highly possible $

High Anxiety by all the Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon Today over the New Universe

Pondering 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies accelerating into infinite empty space a millions of miles per second is Hell to the Generals and Admirals

Hell’s reality is accelerating at the Pentagon in a head on crash!

Hubble III Gravity Wave Telescope will cause a head on crash into the Pentagon!

Hallucinations of killing villagers in Afghanistan then burning the bodies comes and goes with the hallucination of 4K Trillion massive Galaxies!

Stargazers are severely traumatized by troops burning bodies and 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies

New England will be New Earth

Earth 4.3 Light years from Earth will be the new British Colony!

Queen is 86 years old today

1980 is the BDay of the ElectricWindmillCar

Plague of London today is Gasoline Cars and Exhaust, fiery Wrecks!

Executioner to the Queen will be a “Cop” with gasoline burns over most of his body!

Shakespearean Played out in reality TV on the BBC

Writers at the Hemingway House in Key West observing the Queens Execution will write and write like Hemingway

Shakespeare 1564 to 1616

Destruction Royals Henry the VIII

Wives in London ruled by the Queen for 86 years lost the quality of life women invented by God deserved.

Wives ruled by the Queen were beaten and killed by their husbands in the millions!

Homeland Security in London was never transferred to Local Police Cop Shops for Divorce Duty when wives filed for divorce!

Renaissance for the Wives of London will be 1,001 Invention Projects brainstorm 24/7 with their husbands

London Pub is off limits... for “Inventors!

Repair the Wrongs of this 86 year old Queen

Repair the Wrongs of Henry the VIII

Penicillin produce destructive molecules that fatally damage bacterial DNA

Repair the Wrongs...

Deadly to bacteria is hydroxyl-induced damage to guanine

Bacteria repairing its DNA under a Penicillin attack...

Bacteria inserts oxidized guanine opposite its correct base partner, cytosine, on the complementary strand when DNA is being copied, but also opposite its incorrect partner, adenine.

too many oxidized guanines into new Bacteria DNA strands, resulted in death

Now working to further advance the understanding of how antibiotics kill cells

“World of Penicillin” “Modern Penicillin” "Modern Warfare" "World of Warcraft"

CIA reality of “MIT” War Toys leaves no time to play “World of Penicillin” and “Modern Penicillin”

MSNBC reality leaves no time to play “World of Penicillin” and “Modern Penicillin”

Bill and Melinda work to cure Malaria so they are aware of penicillin, how it works...

Bacteria repairing its DNA under a Penicillin attack...

Bacteria inserts oxidized guanine opposite its correct base partner, cytosine, on the complementary strand when DNA is being copied, but also opposite its incorrect partner, adenine.

MSNBC reality leaves no time to play “World of Penicillin” and “Modern Penicillin”

Bill and Melinda work to cure Malaria so they are aware of penicillin, how it works... too many oxidized guanines into new Bacteria DNA strands, resulted in death

Revolutionize medicine, “World of Penicillin” and “Modern Penicillin” MSNBC computer games...

Antibiotics have been in use for more than 70 years, the exact mechanism by which they kill bacteria has remained a mystery thanks to MSNBC and "Modern Warfare" "World of Warcraft"

MSNBC will bribe some others tomorrow to write headlines on the internet news that playing “World of Penicillin” and “Modern Penicillin” 17 hours straight with several wives in your Polygamous marriage would not help to revolutionize medical knowledge how Penicillin works on Bacteria DNA repair!

MSNBC can bribe the New York Times Sunday Edition with this playing “World of Penicillin” and “Modern Penicillin” 17 hours straight with several wives in your Polygamous marriage would not help to revolutionize medical knowledge how Penicillin works on Bacteria DNA repair!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Gregs 2007 web

A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


Wikipedia Read Aloud

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Inventions"


+++++++++++++ Newest Title Here ++++++++++++++

Hubble III Gravity Wave Telescope, Death Rays From Space Observed, Destroy Earth, And no Invention Projects Preinstalled in Windows 8 to Stop A Death Ray, just “World of Warcraft” “Modern Warfare” Games Breivik the Norway Killer Played 16 Hours a Day Because 1,001 Invention Projects on your Cell Phone III and Windows 8 are Stifled!

+++++++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++

Bill and Melinda sold society on “World of Warcraft” “Modern Warfare” http://www.callofduty.com/mw3

Bill and Melinda suppressed, then killed pre installing Windows 8 with 1,001 Inventions Projects with links to get you started inventing something!

Teachers call for fresh curbs on violent video games, concerns from psychologists that watching violent films and playing games such as Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat and Modern Warfare makes youngsters more prone to violence!

Teachers and psychologists know about the suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar and the 1,001 Inventions Projects that will be on this web when greg gets a Pardon from the Pentagon!

“World of Warcraft” “Modern Warfare” http://www.callofduty.com/mw3

Gasoline cars will be the Death Ray that destroys Microsoft, gets Bill Gates hanged!

Death Ray from Space will destroy the Earth because humanity didn’t have billions of inventors working 24/7 with wives in a polygamous marriage!

Bill and Melinda have never worked 24/7 on a single invention project!

Bill and Melinda have never worked 24/7 on a single invention project!

5 Billion PC Users working 24/7 with wives brainstorming 1,001 Invention projects with links to get your started is necessary to Save The Earth from the Death Ray From Space! Build the Gravity Engine for Discovery III

If Society does not have all these inventors trained, experienced, we’ll never invent a way to Stop the Death Ray from Space fast enough! After Hubble III spots it!

Today Bill and Melinda gave Society the Norway Killer via Computer Games!

Norway killer He also testified that he played another computer game, Modern Warfare, for 16 months as practice before using his actual rifle. Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik devoted a year to playing the computer game “World of Warcraft” to help him prepare. Norway Ruling Class knew 1,001 Invention Projects with links were being stifled by the USA!

“World of Warcraft” “Modern Warfare” http://www.callofduty.com/mw3

Melinda Gates will Observer many more Killers like the Oslo Killer as most are kept from NBC Nightly news out of courtesy for Microsoft advertisement dollars at NBC $

Melinda Gates will Observer Earth Destroyed by a Death Ray from Space

Windows 8, 9, 10... never came with 1,001 Invention Projects preinstalled with links

15 Billion people on Earth spend 16 hours day playing War Games like the Norway Killer

100 Medical Student at Yale Med School were also unprepared to accept 15 billion new patients in a few years!

100 Inventors in a Polygamous Marriage brainstorming 1,001 Inventions projects didn’t have enough “Inventors” to save Humanity from the Death Ray from Space!

Invent something to stop the Death Ray from Space...

Melinda Gates ran the red light because she fell asleep driving a gasoline car that was not programmed using the Inventor OS to wake you up before you run a red light, crash and burn like thousands end up because Windows is for Oslo killers not USA Inventors!

With special attention to former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland drove a gasoline car when she should have bought an ElectricWindmillCar in 1981... She knows about the 1,001 Invention Projects too!

Teachers call for fresh curbs on violent video games, concerns from psychologists that watching violent films and playing games such as Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat and Modern Warfare makes youngsters more prone to violence!

Melinda Gates is a codefendant in these killings of 77 people in Norway!

“World of Warcraft” “Modern Warfare” http://www.callofduty.com/mw3

Gasoline cars will be the Death Ray that destroys Microsoft

Death Ray from Space will destroy the Earth because humanity didn’t have billions of inventors working 24/7 with wives in a polygamous marriage!

Bill and Melinda have never worked 24/7 on a single invention project!

Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure, greg and women observers will work on this tonight, all night if the “Observers” make contact!

Bill and Melinda have never worked 24/7 on a single invention project!

Greg and his many wives will work 24/7 on 1,001 Inventions Projects rest of our lives and train a Billion others to Invent Something!

Bill and Melinda stifled training a billion people in C ++ programing of Windows!

Bill and Melinda simply don’t think there is a “Threat” from a “Death Ray From Space”

The Inventor OS not Windows 8 will save the Earth!

BC 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented before Microsoft!

Software for the 2013 Model ElectricWindmillCar

Radar, Red Lights, Falling Asleep, Driver Distraction, Hitting the gas instead of the break!

God-Awful Bill Gates hired “Temps” from “Manpower” so Microsoft C ++ programming software would be out of their price range, let alone classes are only offered to regular Microsoft employees

“Temps” and here in Key West “Contract Workers” are the God-Awful invention of “Oil Men”!

Bill and Melinda will die in the same “Gasoline Soaked Cell” as Queen Elizabeth

BP Oil said on NBC Nightly news today its fish are ok to eat...

Baby Killers from the Vietnam Era again...

Babies eating Fish from the Gulf of Mexico that have been drinking BP Oil

Baby Killers from the Vietnam Era again...

Kerry and McCain know babies eat oil poisoned fish from BP Oil

Go Windmills... Windfall for the SWF Goddess who will hook up with 1,001 Invention Projects in an Polygamous Marriage were “Greg” is working 24/7 Brainstorming, inventing, and writing the Utopian Invention Projects Novels!

“Death Ray From Space”

Hubble III will observe this Death Ray from Space in time to Invent a way to stop it... if we have billions of Inventors!

Hubble III will not be invented in Bill and Melinda’s lifetime if Windows 8 goes to the public...

Hubble III will be able to Observe on the goings-on “Between Galaxies” 2 million light years between galaxies revealed like Hubble never even thought possible!

Hubble III spin off inventions to the Cell Phone III

Thousands of images at the Grocery Store scanned for fat, salt, best quality of life vs coughing day and night like the people here in Key West

3 am and Greg sleeps with silicone ear plugs, a smoker coughing in the back yard 25 yards away woke me up coughing!

Cell Phone III will be a “Medial Alert” GPS locator for Everything

Lose your Cell Phone III and it will call your emergency contact and tell you were your lost Cell Phone III is!

Cell Phone III will talk to you on a whim about any of the 1,001 Invention Projects you are interested in

Hubble III will have a “Gravity Wave” camera

Cell Phone III will have a “Night Vision” screen and projector

You need a Drivers License to drive a car

Police need wifi cam in your car to see you before you are pulled over and to talk to you from the cop car!

You need to Drive C++ programming language to be computer literate!

You need Drivers Training...

You need Invent Something Training...

You need to take a Writing Class at the Hemingway House in Key West!

Today there is a shooting war in Sudan and Nigeria over “Oil Fields”

UN knows all about the ElectricWindmillCar suppression and lets this “War go on...”

Microsoft made $ Trillion of dollars from Windows after the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar invention in 1980

Baby Killers from the Vietnam Era...

Killed kids from being super computer literate today!

Windows 8, malware, virus, ads, spam to scam you and trick you...

None of this needs to be in Windows 8

Invent a way to keep adware from Google Search Results, malware, virus, ads, spam on live mail, scams $, from Windows 8

Windows 8 icon to record this internet session as a YouTube Video to brainstorm later with a few more wives!

Death Warrant has been signed by Bill and Melinda for 15 Billion people on Earth

Melinda simply doesn’t think there is a “Threat” from a Death Ray from Space

Hubble III would prove her wrong!

Bill and Melinda vetoed building the Hubble III

Hubble III Gravity Wave Telescope would be able to see the Death Rays in Space!

Invent a tutor so everyone can become literate in programming Windows 8

Under pressure... Windows 8 to come preinstalled with 1,001 Invention Projects

Under Pressure... NASA to build Hubble III

Under Pressure... UN to stop the Shooting War over “OIL Fields”

Dash Cam III with wifi, Mom, Dad, Cops can see you driving down the road and talk to you!

Under Pressure... Greg to marry as many women observers as possible to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer within months of the Observers making contact!

24/7 Brainstorming for weeks with many wives!

Bill and Melinda have not worked 24/7 on anything!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



+++++++++++++ Newest Title Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=

New Police Response After Homeland Security at all Social Security Buildings are Transferred to the Local Police Station “Cop Shop” for divorce “Duty” protecting women who just filed for a Divorce!

+++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

New Police Response – after filing for divorce !

New Police Response – Homeland Security Transferred to “Cop Shop” for divorce “Duty”

New Police Response to body found near a Southern California lake is that of Brittany Dawn Killgore went missing after filing for divorce last week from her husband, a 22-year-old Marine deployed to Afghanistan.

New Police Response – after filing for divorce !

Homeland Security at the Social Security Buildings all across the USA transferred overnight to the “Cop Shop” and they get the day’s divorces and guard the ex-wives!

Today is Thursday tomorrow is Friday, I would think 50 wives will be beaten up and several killed on Friday for those who just filed for divorce, as 19k in 2012 will be killed by a Mad Man!

“Nerve Center of Homeland Security” gets its daily orders from the “Top Brass” across the street in some NYC Penthouse.

These Elite Top Brass could transfer thousands of Homeland Security men and women from the thousands of Social Security Buildings as they get to work tomorrow, tell them to go over to the Local Police Station for “Divorce Duties”

Possible but not Probable!

After the Coup I will post the statistics of how many wives who just filed for divorce were beaten and or killed tomorrow Friday

New Police Response – after filing for divorce !

New Police Response – Negligible by the Elite Top Brass in some NYC Penthouse if they don’t transfer Homeland Security men and women out of every Social Security Office in the USA!

New Police Response – this is all there is to save the lives of women tomorrow Friday!

I hope I “Hit A Nerve” in exposing the Elite Top Brass in some NYC Penthouse!

They have financed 100% of Homeland Security and have given all the idiot orders to touch kids at the airport and leave your cell phone outside Social Security Buildings on the sidewalk when you go in!

“Brave New World”

Utopian Novel spin off new Title will be...

“Brave New World Of The New (England) World Journal of Medicine” Medicaid for 7 Billion People a UN passed resolution every Nation on Earth must obey!

Yale Medical School only has 100 medical students for 7 Billion People on Medicaid next year!

Brave New MD’s at WHO after the Coup

WHO MD’s New Response’s World Wide treating 7 billion new patients

Yes the MD is accepting New Patients!

MD’s who vetoed Medicaid will be put on Trial for “Crimes Against Humanity”

MD’s who vetoed Medicaid failed the new born babies from 1980 to 2012 just by letting them die from Whooping Cough, this will be one of the mass murder charges against these MD’s who were as greedy as Saudi Oil Men $

WHO at the UN was self destructive from 1980 to 2012

Doctors who knew about the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980

Didn’t inform the police... grin!

“Dark Matter” in the news today as it no longer exist, it was a scam by our government!

“Dark Matters” from MD’s is more than just “Whooping Cough” mass murders!

Kids left in hot cars to die in the supper of 2012 is another “Mass Murder” by Doctors!

Yale Psychiatrist Professors will write a article for the “Brave New World Of The New (England) World Journal of Medicine”

“Brave New World Of The New (England) World Journal of Medicine” article will change dramatically... look up nejm.org and get the table of contents now!

“Brave New World Of The New (England) World Journal of Medicine”

Article that benefit the health of 7 billion not the rich MD $

$4 gasoline has infected the MD community more than any plague on Earth!

10K Fiery LA Wrecks Leno and Letterman drove by without stopping to help those on fire!

“Dark Matter” of the MD community that was a scam by the government

“Dark Matter” of the MD community that no longer exits in a Medicaid World

MD’s daily train of thoughts, never ever thought about 7 billion new patients

Now 7 billion patients are in the waiting room...

Yale Medical School Professors will “Publish” or “Perish” in writing medical articles now!

Assembly lines set up in every Doctors office on Earth!

Bill Gates at Microsoft wants $100 for each of the 7 billion for Medical Software... grin $

New World Medicaid will get Bill Gates a heart transplant

Infants who would have died this year from whooping cough will live to be 100 as mandatory vaccinations will be law

Yes Cheney will get his 5th heart transplant as mandatory organ donations is law too

New Doctor Response for Medical School Professors giving lectures

New as all lectures will be on YouTube

Haiti money Bill Clinton has in the bank...

$77 Trillion will be spent in the first few months of medical care for 7 billion people

10,000 Helicopter Combines for farming.... and fishing!

These will be paid for with the money Bill Clinton has in his Bank $

Critical Care and Intensive Care Units are...

10,000 Helicopter Combines for farming.... and fishing!

Nerve racking filing for Divorce from the ruling class of Doctors in charge today

Dead is a reality...

Coup must succeed if Medicaid is to cover 7 billion people tomorrow!

Medical care negligence # 1 is the whooping cough deaths in 2012

Medical care negligence # 2 is the poor sterilization of the surgeons tools

Medical care negligence #3 is not washing your hands or wearing “Space Suits” because you don’t like to and it.

Physical exam...

Self-examination with the help of Yale Psychiatrist Professors

Our daily train of thoughts...

Our daily train of thoughts!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


Wikipedia Read Aloud

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Inventions"

++++++++++++18 April 2012 Newest Title +++++++++++++++++++

Sharper Minds than the FBI and Homeland Security will marry SWF’s in a polygamous marriage to brainstorm 1,001 inventions projects 24/7 for weeks and months!

++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

++++++++++++18 April 2012 Newest Title +++++++++++++++++++

Sharper Minds than the FBI and Homeland Security will marry SWF’s in a polygamous marriage to brainstorm 1,001 inventions projects 24/7 for weeks and months!

++++++++++++++++ Starts Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Whores are a lose-lose for the Secret Service, Homeland Security, FBI and Women

Win-win the FBI must marry women and work on 1,001 invention projects 24/7 all their days... keep them out of trouble with whores and put whoring out of business!

Ridiculed about their strange behavior scanning you into the airport

These airport scanners drive by Fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help on the way to and from the LA Airport

Ridiculed in their break rooms is End War On Earth Web page of Gregs

$4 Gasoline Extremists Collateral Damage is Homeland Security at Social Security! You have to leave your cell phone outside the building on the sidewalk... insane collateral damage! Extremists!

$4 Gasoline Collateral Damage is Oslo, FBI Whores, Lung Cancer, 9/11 Terrorists

Declared Wars over Oil Fields in Sudan and Nigeria, etc.

North Korea Models of the 1980 to 2012 ElectricWindmillCars

South Korea Models of the 1980 to 2012 ElectricWindmillCars

Cuba Models of the 1980 to 2012 ElectricWindmillCars

Extremist's Homeland Security killed more SWF than Terrorists! Ruined more lives!

Whores at Homeland Security were paid more and treated worst as sex slaves than White House Secret Service Whores from 1980 to 2012 and yes there is videos of every sex act... Extremists In this "1984" gov. video tape everything!

SWF Whores lose-lose a Nobel Prize for writing and inventing whoring!

Lose-lose Homeland Security and Secret Service are so well paid they don’t need to work writing or inventing, alcoholic and smokers rule these government agencies!

Bribes Made Public...

Bribes Made Public...

$4 gasoline is a gov. scam

$4,000 a gallon 100 uav/uvb Neutrogena Full Spectrum Sun Screen is a skin cancer scam... invention projects to cure cancer lost out to Homeland Security!

Greg will reinvent 100 UAV Sun Screen so it cost $3 a gallon and protects 100x as well

747 will be able to land on the deck of an Aircraft Carrier after the coup

Relevant Bribes Made Public

Relevant is what the rich and super rich spend money on illegally...

These men are the ones who created Homeland Security and caused so many deaths and injuries from Homeland Securities Collateral Damage

Imaginary Ruling Class making up Homeland Security rules and regulations for going into Social Security or other gov. offices

Ridiculed at air ports for touching kids...

I’m sure there are many Pedophiles in the Ruling Class with immunity as other members of the Ruling Class must know who they are...

Same insane men who gave us Two Korea’s for the last 50 years

Fiery LA Wrecks for $4 gasoline and burn victims must pay for the Burn Unit

Ridiculed about their strange behavior scanning you into the air port

These airport scanners drive by Fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help on the way to and from the LA Airport

Ridiculed in their break rooms is End War On Earth Web page of Gregs

FBI Secret Service scandal will explode into Sex, Drugs Cocaine, Alcohol, Money!

Ridiculed in the FBI break rooms is the ElectricWindmillCar in “Times Square”

2013 Model drops as the “New Years” ball...

Gas pedal for the Break... 1,001 of these accidents daily

Lose-lose as to many people have been convinced by the gov 1,001 invention projects are irrelevant

Step on the gas pedal instead of the break invention project...

New Ideology pushed by a new American Government... Invention Ideology

Ideology through out history never had there been an “Invention Ideology”

Official Department of War is now the Defense Department to make the name better...

Official Department of Invention...

Win-win the FBI must marry women and work on 1,001 invention projects 24/7 on their days off

Whores are a lose-lose for the FBI and Women

North Korean missiles for the next 50 years are our Ruling Class idea of winning the Korean War

Bribes Made Public...

$10 Trillion dollar bribe to North Korea to Declare Peace and leave the DMZ to the South

Relevant Bribes Made Public...

Will this End War on Earth Invention succeed?

Stay Sharp as 1,001 inventions will step on the gas pedal instead of the break pedal here

North Korea will move their Military Minds to the Gravity Engine and its Gravity Fuel

Paris of the Times

Lightning Arrester... protecting society from the FBI and Homeland Security Whoring!

Invent a way to convince the Ruling Class

It’s to dangerous to be Home Alone in the Universe

Convince them Greg’s Home Alone for 1 year and 1 month in Key West had lost them trillions of spin off inventions and Utopian Novels about the Invention Ideology!

Homeland Securities Retirement will be a Federal Prison for killing SWF’s

SWF Whoring, drugs, cocaine, alcohol, ruined millions of lives via our Ruling Class!

$4 Gasoline’s Collateral Damage “Warning Label” is not on the gas pump!

Homeland Security ridiculed the SWF Whores after sex...

Secret Service FBI ridiculed the SWF Whores after sex...

$4 Gasoline’s Collateral Damage “Warning Label” is not on the gas pump!

Sharper Minds than the FBI and Homeland Security will marry SWF’s in a polygamous marriage to brainstorm 1,001 inventions projects 24/7 for weeks and months!

Extremists in this Polygamous Marriage are all

Extremists on the invention treadmill...

Extremists have a Treadmill Desk, Intel Zeon Notebook, Windows 8 hacked to record this session on the internet as YouTube Video... Red Meat and Pizza’s collateral damage is todays number one killer... sold to you by the Ruling Class Grads from Yale and Harvard

Extremists go from Red Meat and Cheese Plates to 10 Million Helicopter Combines, Treadmills Desk in every Federal Office, President of the Ruling class a MD with a PhD

Extremists Inventions a.s.a.p. Rx Overnight cure for breast cancer with help from Los Alamos

Payback for the “Ridicule” as Invention Ideology will End War on Earth!

With some Help from Los Alamos

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


+++++++++++++ Newest Title 17 April 2012 Tuesday +++++++++

“True Companions” The Discovery III Shuttles for 7 Billion People on Earth!

+++++++++++++++++ Starts Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

“True Companion” The Discovery III Shuttle for 7 Billion People on Earth

Invention Warning System run by the government

747 invention so it can land and take off on the JFK Carrier

Invention Warning System run by the government

“True Companion” The Discovery III Shuttle for 7 Billion People on Earth

Yale President Levin didn’t mention these inventions today, he addressed “Mugging's”

Levin was bribed by BP Oil

Levin knows BP Oil killed off the Discovery III Shuttle Era

“True Companion” The Discovery III Shuttle for 7 Billion people on Earth

Yale President Levin didn’t mention this today, he addressed “Mugging's”

Students at Yale have no idea the goings-on out in the “Real World”

Tornado Warning System - Invention Warning System Gov. run!

Hurricane Warning – Invention Warning System Gov. run!

Public Pornography Warning System Gov. run!

Forbes annual list of the Worlds Billionaires

Yale Key West Medical School Daily list of the Worlds Richest Heroin Users, Cocaine Users!

“True Companion” The Discovery III Shuttle 7 Billion People need to know who uses Heroin

Discovery of the cure for the addiction of Heroin

7 Billion People need this “Cure” in order to invent The Discovery III Shuttle

Invention Warning for the Gas Lobotomy Gas

7 Billion People need this “Gas” in order to invent The Discovery III Shuttle

$4 gasoline killed the Discovery III Shuttle

$4 gasoline, People responsible for this are Hillary, Carter, Bush, Kennedy, Kerry, McCain!

Grandkids generations since 1980 have lost driving the ElectricWindmillCar Era

Into The Discovery III Shuttle Era

Keys Gas... Gas Lobotomy Gas

Keys Gas... Gas Lobotomy Gas

“True Companion” we must invent for the Discovery III Shuttle 7 Billion People

Invention Warning System run by the government... not our BP Oil Government

Government that runs the invention warning system for the Discovery III Shuttle

“True Companion” The Discovery III Shuttle for 7 Billion People on Earth

Yale President Levin didn’t mention this today, he addressed “Mugging's”

Levin was bribed by BP Oil

Yale Grads Grandkids, many generations since 1980 have lost driving the ElectricWindmillCar Era into the Discovery III Shuttle Era

“Mugging's” by Yale and Harvard Grads selling 7 Billion people $4 gasoline

“Mugging's” by Hillary, Carter, Bush, Kennedy, Kerry, McCain for $4 gasoline

Shuttle Discovery III is fueled by “Gravity” runs on a “Gravity Engine”

Yale President Levin keeps this information from Yale Students today

Yale Medical School President keeps 7 Billion Patients from the Medical Students

“True Companions” for work and play sailing along in this Universe

Remember 4K Trillions Massive Galaxies are accelerating faster and faster into empty space at millions of miles per second

“True Companions” for work and play sailing along in this Universe

Greg’s “True Companions” for work on 1,001 invention will be “True Wives”!

Women are God’s best “True Companions” for work and play sailing along in this Universe!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Gregs 2007 web

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Newest Title 16 April 2012 Monday

"Gas Vaccinations" "Gravity Engines" Discovery III Shuttle Blasting Off long Before Aliens land on Earth!

++++++++++++++++ Start Here +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Only Two Ways in the Universe to get the Nobel Peace Prize

Realistically End War On Earth, Domestic Killings in Our Domestic War Also

Aliens land on Earth

Gas Lobotomy Gas Invention

Only Two Ways in the Universe to get the Nobel Peace Prize

Realistically End War On Earth, Domestic Killings in Our Domestic War Also

2 Real Realistic Expectations to save 7 Billion people from the Pentagons Endless Wars!

FBI Whores are nothing new, just on NBC Nightly News is new

1 million SWF’s from the USA are in Saudi Arabia right now as ‘Sex Slave” Whores

Hillary gave the Saudi’s immunity

Hillary killed Greg from Brainstorming “Total Recall” immunity invention

Hillary and Clinton would never have killed so many people world wide

Without the illegal $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues

Discovery II Shuttle was killed by those who spent $177 Trillion on MIT WAR Toys

Discovery II IBM sold Los Alamos $1 Trillion in Super Computers instead of Discovery II

Discovery Shuttle’s history is linked to the ElectricWindmillCar Inventor’s!

100 Times Faster than the speed of light in the Discovery III Shuttle

Greg + wives when I get them will invent the “Gravity Engine” and Gravity Satellite Dish”

At the Public Grocery store she asked me how will I get the Lobotomy Gas

Invent it I told her

24/7 work Brainstorming this and other inventions

Breakthrough vaccines immigrants will refuse to get

Invent Breakthrough vaccines, immigrants refuse to work 24/7 inventing

Blame is not immigration alone

Blame is on the gov “Observers” not watching the immigrants 24/7

NYC cops and FBI watched Muslims but not for “Honor Killings of Women”

365 “Honor Killings of Women” NYC cops and FBI saw happening and executed

365 gringo infants are killed by “Whooping Cough” in 2012 by those who refused to get a vaccination

365 gringo infants are killed by “Hepatitis” from those not washing their hands after using the bathroom at the day care center or at Taco Bell

365 gringos get TB because those with TB are not arrested by “1984” Observers

365 gringo SWF women get syphilis because she did not know he had syphilis but the “Observers” watching both knew this and did not tell her

365 SWF are killed in Domestic Violence War every week not yearly

Premeditated Government Genocide

Breakthrough Vaccine’s Greg and wives will work 24/7 to invent will be refused

Hillary is insane!

Hillary and Clinton would not have killed so many people world wide without the $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues

Hillary has paid for the FBI whores since 1980

Hillary has kept this news off NBC Nightly News too

Bill Clinton is responsible for the 7,000 dead from Cholera in Haiti

UN guys from Nepal brought the Cholera to Haiti

WHO at the UN told Clinton at the start the Cholera, the Vaccine was to expensive

Gov. Observers didn’t type up all the incident reports on the above

Norway killer of 77

Motive was Muslims were taking over Oslo

Premeditated Gov. Genocides even by the Oslo Norway government are linked to $177 Trillion in Oil Revenue Mecca has from selling the USA $4 gasoline

Hillary and Clinton would not have killed so many world wide without the $177 Trillion in oil revenues

365 Mexican truck drivers coming into the USA will kill 365 gringos in fiery wrecks this week

Premeditated Gov. Genocides are well documented by the FBI

365 Muslim Honor killings of Women happen in Oslo Norway daily well as every day these every day murders in the USA too

365 in the USA, 365 in Norway

Hillary killed all these women with her immunity for Muslim Oil men

Hillary killed Greg from Brainstorming “Total Immunity” vaccine, "Gas Vaccine" for crying babies getting shots will be history like Hillary's Oil Genocide Era

Carters Nobel Peace Prize was a scam by the USA and Sweden’s King

Carter and his wife Roslyn would never have killed so many people world wife if not for $177 Trillion in oil revenues

At the Public Grocery store she asked me how will I get the Lobotomy Gas

Invent it I told her

24/7 work Brainstorming this and other inventions

I offered her $10 and a “Sail Boat” when Gregs ship comes in... to help do all of the above

Hillary killed Greg

From Brainstorming 1,001 Inventions

Hillary has been my worst enemy for decades

Blame is Bill Clintons sex life

When Bill Clinton should have been working 24/7 with Hillary Brainstorming 1,001 invention projects

Discovery II IBM sold Los Alamos $1 Trillion in Super Computers instead of Discovery II

Discovery Shuttle’s history is linked to the ElectricWindmillCar Inventor’s!

100 Times Faster than the speed of light in the Discovery III Shuttle

Greg + wives when I get them will invent the “Gravity Engine” and Gravity Satellite Dish”

Realistically we can and will invent the “Gravity Engine”

Hillary and Clinton did not invent “Poison Gas” thought they killed millions, mostly in "Fiery LA Wrecks" etc.

9/11 Hillary and Clinton could have prevented this by exposing the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980

Premeditated Gov. Genocides caused by $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues

Norway, Sweden, Geneva, Paris, London, 365 dead daily from all of the above and the Muslims Honor Killings...

Breakthrough ElectricWindmillCar all refuse to get, to prevent 9/11 by exposing it was invented and suppressed in 1980 by Carter and his wife!

Breakthrough vaccine, now reinvent the syringe! "Gas Vaccinations" will be invented by Greg and his wives if Hillary does not kill Greg!

Gas vaccine, at the Public Grocery Store I will ask her to help Greg invent the “Gas Vaccinations,” offer her $10 and a “Sail boat” when Greg’s ship comes in to port in Key West!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Gregs 2007 web


A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


Wikipedia Read Aloud

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Inventions"


Newest Title; Help Elizabeth Edwards Girl friends in South Carolina talk a "Woman Observer" in Key West into Helping Greg Write a Few Hours a Day for a "Sail Boat" Gift!

++++++++++++ Start Here ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Hemingway didn't take 45 pages of notes from the internet every morning to write his 5 pages every afternoon... this is what Greg is trying to get "women observers" to help me work on until I get paid for the ElectricWindmillCar and 100 other inventions!

Power Struggles to get “Women Observers” who watch greg in his room to have "Conversations" with Greg and move into his room and help Greg with 45 pages of notes every morning to write 5 pages every afternoon!

Greg will rewrite with a "Woman Observers" help the Hemingway Novel "Old Man And The Sea" and win a 4th Nobel Hemingway missed because he did not have a polygamous marriage with 4 wives!

Help Smokers Stop Smoking

Help Elizabeth Edwards make more unwanted news about dead breast cancer women

Help Moscow Nightly News post its body count like the dead in war but Alcoholics

Help get Alaska’s $ Trillions from $4 gasoline on the NBC Nightly News and “Today Show”

Help “Fiery LA Wrecks” those on fire every day of the year get to a free gov. run “Burn Unit”

Help “Smokers” to realize their idea of having a “Sharp Mind” is “Delusional”

Help do the math, 40k dead from breast cancer in 2012 – 1 million dead smokers in 2012

Help the “Delusional” Majors who want to be Generals so they can separate the Kuwaiti Ruling Class fighting over who spends $ Trillions from you buying $4 gasoline!

Help rewrite “Old Man And the Sea” make the Sharks be War, Smokers, Drinkers, Warriors!

Help Greg get a Wife!

Buy You A Sail Boat For Your Help Getting A Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure with Greg

Your Girl friends will give you the World for Helping Greg get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

If you want to gamble how you spend a few hours a day

Then gamble on Greg getting a Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure

Long Time to get the Nobel Prize in Medicine

Long Time to get a Sail Boat Gift from Greg

Long Time to get the Nobel Peace Prize for actual Ending War on Earth

Long Time to get something to go with that Sail Boat for helping Greg End War on Earth!

South Carolina gave us John Edwards and the dead Elizabeth Edwards

Yes – Every Day women die from Breast Cancer but our “George Orwell” dictator does not want this in the News every day, now with John Edwards in the News Every Day his dead wife is on the minds of everyone!

400K Girl friends of Elizabeth Edwards will buy you a “Sail Boat” for Helping Greg a few hours a day

Smoking, Help Greg invent a cure for Smoking

2nd or 3rd Nobel this and Greg would never have gotten it without "Women Observers" helping Greg a few hours a day... I will put you name on this Nobel if they don’t!

Power Struggles for all of the above...

Power Struggle for money is for $177 Trillion from Kuwait, Nigeria, Alaska, $4 gasoline

Power Struggle at the Pentagon

Pentagon lets Kuwait, Nigeria, Alaska individuals deposit and spent $ Trillions in Oil Money

Yale Medical School will get a few $ Trillion dollars of this Oil Money after a Coup!

Yale Ruling Class grads from Yale University, Bush, Bush, Clinton, etc gave us John Edwards and Elizabeth Edwards

Loathsome, despicable Senator John Edwards let his wife die of breast cancer while his mistress had his baby... Bush and Clinton created John Edwards behaviors!

Teddy Kennedy drove off a bridge drunk and let his mistress drown...

I will make a long list when I get a few wives to help Greg write and invent!

Kuwait Ruling family Al-Sabah are fighting over $4 gasoline money they get

Yale and Harvard Medical School MD’s are fighting with our “George Orwell” dictator about Fiery LA wrecks and “Burn Units”

Bush took the Every Day Fiery Wrecks off NBC Nightly News and the front page of the NY Times!

Behind the hidden cameras MD’s have to Doctor to tens of thousands burned and burned to death in “Fiery LA Wrecks” and pile ups with no super air bags on the front and read outside!

NAVY is building the JFK Carrier Today without 10K Windmills on its decks...

Help Greg get a "woman observer" to help brainstorm electrolysis inventions and getting H cooled to -254 C as there are tens of thousands of invention projects here!

Kuwait Ruling family Al-Sabah are fighting over $4 gasoline money they get

Help Kuwait and Nigeria realize they have to pay for all the pile ups, those injured because the gov. didn't put super air bags on the front and rear of all 2012 model cars and trucks in the USA

Nigeria, is fighting a civil war over who get the money from USA’s $4 gasoline

Pentagon is “psychologically Unfit” to Rule who gets to sell you gasoline and who gets to spend the money from you buying $4 gasoline...

Alaska, how the Hell did they spend $177 Trillion in oil revenues?

Smokers Sharp Minds....

Pentagon’s Sharpest Minds...

Women who decide to Help Greg.... rewrite a few hours a day,

“Old Man and The Sea” The Sharks are “oil” and “Smokers", Alcoholics! Gamblers!

Fighting off Oil and fighting off Smokers

Hemingway did not take 45 pages of notes from the internet every morning to write his 5 pages every afternoon... this is what Greg is trying to get "women observers" to help me work on until I get paid for the ElectricWindmillCar and 100 other inventions!

Power Struggles to get “Women Observers” who watch greg in his room to move into his room and help Greg with 45 pages of notes every morning to write 5 pages every afternoon!

Greg will rewrite Hemingway Novel "Old Man And The Sea" and win a 4th Nobel Hemingway missed because he did not have a polygamous marriage with 4 wives!

Help Smokers Stop Smoking

Help Elizabeth Edwards make more unwanted news about dead breast cancer women

Help Moscow Nightly News post its body count like the dead in war but Alcoholics

Help get Alaska’s $ Trillions from $4 gasoline on the NBC Nightly News and “Today Show”

Help “Fiery LA Wrecks” those on fire every day of the year get to a free gov. run “Burn Unit”

Help “Smokers” to realize their idea of having a “Sharp Mind” is “Delusional”

Help do the math, 40k dead from breast cancer in 2012 – 1 million dead smokers in 2012

Help the “Delusional” Majors who want to be Generals so they can separate the Kuwaiti Ruling Class fighting over who spends $ Trillions from you buying $4 gasoline!

Help rewrite “Old Man And the Sea” make the Sharks, Smokers, Drinkers, Warriors!

Help Greg get a Wife!

Help comforts the "Woman Observer" who moves in with greg, yes she will get a "Sail Boat" gift for her helping, as Greg will get the Rx Overnight breast Cancer Cure for the Dead Elisabeth Edwards, revenge on her ex and all the ex who prevented Greg from getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer in 1980 when I invented the ElectricWindmillCar!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



Gregs 2007 web


A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


Wikipedia Read Aloud

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Inventions"


Newest title; War of 2012, A Win Will The Cure Breast Cancer Overnight... losing this War will kill 40K women in 2012, Hell of a lot more dead than in Afghanistan for 2012


Newest Title... "Greg Denied the "Geneva Convention" Right to Brainstorm a Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure"

++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Newest title; Declare war on Smoking, Drinking, Gambling their Causalities are higher than the Afghanistan War, Iraq War, Vietnam War, WW III

Trillions of "Cloud to Cloud" Lightning Rods to change the direction of a Hurricane heading to Key West and Tornados - 1 year old invention, I told this story to everyone in Key West 1 year ago today 4 March 2012


1936 Hemingway hooking up with the B-24 Bomber Pilots in Key West to drop "Trillions" of "Fish Food Bombs" and Turtle Food Bombs from B-24 Bombers in Key West Today there would be a "Hemingway Beach" with 1 Trillion Turtles and Hemingway Turtle Soup at Faustos! To Have Have Not... 1 Trillion NAVY in Key West can Miracle Grow 1 Trillion Turtles and fish for 2020 today!!! Will they?


Women... inspire as they are God's Very Best Invention!

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Greg will buy the Hemingway House in Key West for "Writers" New To Have... Have Not - a place to write 24/7 in Key West! A place to come to write 24/7 and get to get married at the Hemingway House! To Have... Have Not, for you to get Wives to Have Conversations with about invention projects to write up into a Novel... with all 4 wife's, if you can get 4 women to marry you for your Nobel writing together! A Invention Novel written by Hemingway and all 4 of his wives together! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Newest title; War of 2012, A Win Will The Cure Breast Cancer Overnight... losing this War will kill 40K women in 2012, Hell of a lot more dead than in Afghanistan for 2012


War of 2012 Mood of Gregs wives will be "Finally" a conversation with Greg after a year of watching Greg in his room in Key West working on a Rx Overnight cure for breast cancer "Home Alone"!

War of 2012 With fiction from writing a new Hemingway Invention Utopian novel to get non fiction cure ideas in our writings at the Hemingway House in Key West

War of 2012 New Fiction of Hemingway in 1936 dropping turtle food bombs so today in Key West there is a Hemingway Turtle Beach with 1 trillion turtles and turtle soup at Fastos! In reinvented soup cans... futuristic cans for 2020 are classified grin!

War of 1812 Fort McHenry Song Stars Spangled Banner

War of 2012 Key West Gregs Song Stars Illuminate Brainstorming Conversations About The Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

War of 1812 British shelled Fort McHenry

War of 2012 British "Hell" keeping women from conversing about a Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure

War of 2012 Mobilization A Manhattan Project costing Trillions for Breast Cancer

War of 2012 WHO at the UN prevented Cholera vaccinations because they cost to much

War of 1812 British victory at the Battle of Bladensburg allowed them to capture and burn Washington, D.C.

War of 2012 "Burn Units" are set up for Fiery LA Wrecks caused by greed for $4 a gallon gasoline

War of 1812 The war is scarcely remembered in Britain today, as it regarded the war as a sideshow to the much larger war against Napoleon raging in Europe

War of 2012 is scarcely on "Today Show" as Breast Cancer is regarded as there is no Rx Overnight Miracle Cure so DC will not let Greg in Key West Brainstorm Conversations with several wives

War of 1812 British had 600 ships overall, requiring 140,000 sailors

War of 2012 Greg in Key West taking notes off the internet, writing every day with no "Women Observers" to talk to on orders from a Key West Admiral

War of 1812 The conflict began formally on June 18, 1812, when Madison signed the measure into law. This was the first time that the United States had declared war on another nation

War of 2012 The United States has never "Mobilized? A "Manhattan Project" for anything like a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

War of 1812 The Battle of Fort McHenry was no battle at all. British guns had range on American cannon, and stood off out of U.S. range, bombarding the fort, which returned no fire. Their plan was to coordinate with a land force, but from that distance coordination proved impossible, so the British called off the attack and left. All the lights were extinguished in Baltimore the night of the attack, and the fort was bombarded for 25 hours. The only light was given off by the exploding shells over Fort McHenry, illuminating the flag that was still flying over the fort. The defence of the fort inspired the American lawyer Francis Scott Key to write a poem that would eventually supply the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner".

War of 2012 USS Fort McHenry Amphibious Landing Craft is in Key West docked 100 yards from Here were I sit typing this!

War of 2012 NO Conversations Spangled Banner in Gregs room with any "Women Observers" who observe greg in his room

War of 2012 Thinking of Brainstorming ideas with no outside conversations by any of the women observing greg in his room. Make a new vaccination 1 Trillion times stronger. Reprogram the antigens waiting for a sore throat doing nothing to attack the breast cancer cell. Dorman cancer cell does no harm. How or why do virus and cancer cells go dormant? When latent what the hell is going on inside the cancer and virus cell?

War of 2012 "Self Help" thinking I can write a cure by writing 5 pages a day home alone in Key West

War of 2012 Greg's daily writing and talking to the "observers" behind the hidden cameras to prepare for Writing a Hemingway Novel with several wives, having ideas and chapters in Greg's thoughts for when the women come calling on Greg

War of 1812 In 1812–13, British military experience prevailed over inexperienced American commanders

War of 2012 Greg getting more and more experienced at taking notes for writing and thinking while writing about adding lines of invention projects and lines of brain stormed ideas

War of 1812 British losses in the war were about 1,600 killed in action and 3,679 wounded; 3,321 British died from disease. American losses were 2,260 killed in action and 4,505 wounded. While the number of Americans who died from disease is not known, it is estimated that about 15,000 died from all causes directly related to the war

War of 2012 40,000 women will die in 2012 from Breast Cancer

War of 1812 £25 million to the national debt for the British.In the U.S., the cost was $105 million, about the same as the cost to Britain. The national debt rose from $45 million in 1812 to $127 million

War of 2012 $177 Trillion selling $4 a gallon gasoline

War of 2012 WHO at the UN stopped the Cholera vaccination of everyone in Haiti because the vaccine cost to much

War of 2012 "Mobilization" for the Pearl Harbor of Breast Cancer, mobilizes every VA Hospital, all Medical School, every walk in clinic... to extend the lives of the 40k who did not die yet on 14 April 2012 give them time to wait for Greg and his Key West Wives to get the Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer hopefully 6 months of conversations with several wives will get this when the "Observers" watching Greg in his room make contact!

War of 2012 Yes Los Alamos will be part of this "Manhattan Project"!

War of 2012 Everyone will listen to Greg and his wives conversations visiting Los Alamos...

War of 2012 Mood of Gregs wives will be "Finally" the top brass let Greg get some time on IBM's Trillion dollars worth of super computers at Los Alamos

War of 2012 Mood of Gregs wives will be "Finally" a conversation with Greg after a year of watching Greg in his room in Key West

War of 2012 With fiction from writing a new Hemingway Invention Utopian novel to get non fiction cure ideas in our writings at the Hemingway House in Key West

War of 2012 New Fiction of Hemingway in 1936 dropping turtle food bombs so today in Key West there is a Hemingway Turtle Beach with 1 trillion turtles and turtle soup at Fastos! In reinvented soup cans... futuristic cans for 2020 are classified grin!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Mothers Day 2012 give Mom a French Revolution

Malpractice Complaints against the Pentagon are 1,000,000

Men Deliberately take advantage of women

Invent ways to stifle men taking advantage of women

Army of 1 million moms who’s kid died of Whooping Cough between 1980 to 2012

Pentagon Men spent all these years spending trillions on North Korea

Declare war on Smoking, Drinking, Gambling

Robot Greg will give you a Warm Greeting to “Invent Something”

Sony Invent Store, you go to this “Sony Store” to Invent Something

Modern Medicine, Futuristic Medicine, Medical Cures more Urgent than Weapon Systems

Robot Greg will give you a Warm Greeting to “Invent Something”

Sony Invent Store, you go to this “Sony Store” to Invent Something

“Mood” to Invent Something, Greg your notes don’t interest me!

MIT “Mood” will invent “War Toys” for the Pentagon while “Whooping Cough” kills several million kids from 1980 to 2012

//medgadget.com TEDMED 2012 Day 3 – MIT Woman MD Principles are "American" American Legion she deliberately from 1980 to 2012 let millions of kids die from "Whooping Cough" and other diseases a vaccine would have saved their live, she did it to be an "American" at MIT flying Jets for the Pentagon before she became a women MD, her destructiveness to others really did kill millions and millions of kids via Whooping Cough and other diseases because she wanted to be an American flying Jets for the Pentagon!

Taking advantage of women this way...

Taking advantage of women other MD women who don’t fly Jets for the Pentagon by not brainstorming Urgent Care Inventions and Cures from 1980 to 2012

Taking advantage of the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2012

Using this to take advantage of women

Using this to kill millions and millions of civilians via not letting Greg and his MD wives to invent and discover Futuristic Medical cures!

Taking advantage of MIT to be “American” and invent War Toys instead of Futuristic Medical cures!

Pentagon had the capabilities to boost several immunizations to 100% to save the lives of millions of babies who did die between 1980 and 2012

Pentagon only used its capabilities to boost immunization's for “Anthrax”

Pentagon has been destructive to others in “American” society

Federal Judge rejected John Edwards efforts to dismiss charges

Pentagon “Men” will not get these charges of mass murder via whooping cough and other diseases dismissed either

Robot Greg will give you a Warm Greeting to “Invent Something”

Sony Invent Store, you go to this “Sony Store” to Invent Something

“Mood” to Invent Something, “Americans” don’t have to invent “War Toys”

“Americans” can invent futuristic Medical Cures like getting 100% vaccinated

Cancer, Smoking, Drinking, Gambling

Pentagon men promoted these killers and CIA knows the statistics of these 4 killers from 1980 to 2012

Side effects from Pentagons Urgent MIT War Toys gave us millions of deaths from smoking, drinking, gambling, cancers

Excesses by Gambling, Smoking, Drinking, Cancer

“Real Wars” Pentagon will forever refuse to win!

Las Vegas Sands Corporation is now infecting Macau, China

2012 to 2020 million Chinese will die because of this new Casino in Macau, China

CIA knows this, Pentagon knows this...

CIA and Pentagon take advantage of civilians in Macau, China and CIA, Pentagon men will let millions die from Gambling side effects!

Side effects from the new $4.4 Billion dollar Casino in Macau, China will harm women and children and the Pentagon men know this!

Deliberately Pentagon lets these people die from Gambling side effects!

Destructive to others in society

MD’s are suppose to report certain crimes they come across

Statistics on this reporting will be low...

Declare war on Smoking, Drinking, Gambling

Robot Greg will give you a Warm Greeting to “Invent Something”

Sony Invent Store, you go to this “Sony Store” to Invent Something

“Mood” to Invent Something, Greg your notes don’t interest me!

AA Batteries will be the most common invention at the Sony Invent Store

iphone, ipad, Sony cam all will be invented with AA Batteries

You go to this Sony Store to invent something, Apple Store missed this!

Men Deliberately take advantage of women

Invent ways to stifle men taking advantage of women

Army of 1 million moms who’s kid died of Whooping Cough between 1980 to 2012

Pentagon Men spent all these years spending trillions on North Korea

Malpractice Complaints against the Pentagon are 1,000,000

Mothers Day 2012 give Mom a French Revolution

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



Gregs 2007 web


A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


Wikipedia Read Aloud

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Inventions"


Newest Title... "Greg Denied the "Geneva Convention" Right to Brainstorm a Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure"


Geneva Convention for War not Breast Cancer Human Rights

40,000 Elizabeth Edwards would be alive today cured of Breast Cancer by Greg

A Crime by "1984" Key West "Observers" who deny Greg "Brainstorming Conversations" to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer via harassment behind hidden cameras!

A Crime... Yes!

A Genocide... Yes!

Key West "Observers" deny Greg "Brainstorming Conversations"

A Crime... Yes!

A Genocide... Yes!

Geneva Convention for War not Breast Cancer Human Rights

Greg has a right to work 24/7 on a Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure

Refusal for a Rx Overnight Cure of a "Woman Observer" like Elizabeth Edwards who knew about our George Orwell society the Rx Overnight cure for breast cancer by Greg

Geneva Convention for War not Breast Cancer Human Rights

40,000 Elizabeth Edwards would be alive today, cured of Breast Cancer by Greg via conversations with Gregs wives in Key West

40,000 Elizabeth Edwards would be alive today, cured of Breast Cancer by Greg

John Edwards is a loathsome human being... Yes! A Criminal... Yes!

Key West "Observers" are Loathsome human beings... Yes Criminals... Yes!

Greg texted her... A Key West Woman... We have the best chance of anyone on Earth to get the Rx Overnight cure for breast cancer... Rejection in her reply to Greg, No I will not have any conversations with you about how to get the Rx Overnight cure for breast Cancer!

Is she a Criminal... Yes

Is she a Loathsome Human Being... Yes

40,000 Elizabeth Edwards would be alive today, cured of Breast Cancer by Greg

40,000 Elizabeth Edwards would be alive today, cured of Breast Cancer by Greg

John Edwards is a loathsome human being... Yes! A Criminal... Yes!

Geneva Switzerland "Observers" who wrote the Geneva Convention are they Loathsome Criminals guilty of breast cancer genocide... Yes!

Geneva "Observes" read this web page!

Will they ever stand Trial like John Edwards... Yes!

40,000 dead women each year Greg was kept from Brainstorming a Rx Overnight Cure

1 Billion women from every Nation on Earth are "Women Observers" who know the Geneva Observers went along with the Key West and USA Top Brass to stopped Greg from Brainstorming a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

Loathsome Human Beings worst than John Edwards as they are responsible for 40,000 dead Elizabeth Edwards women every year Greg was not allowed anyone to talk to brainstorm the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure

Why did I text this "Women Observer" telling her we have the best chance of anyone on Earth to get this invention... Because Greg ended the long gas lines caused by the Saudi Oil Embargo of 1980 by inventing the ElectricWindmillCar and Greg has gotten 100's of inventions since then!

Geneva Convention Office in Geneva Switzerland will go down in history with a plaque about these Loathsome Men who are more Loathsome Human beings than John Edwards

Key West Observers will not Deny they stopped greg after he text the women observer...

Key West Observers will say they were following orders from the Top Brass...

Are Key West Observers Criminals... Yes!

Are Key West Observers guilty of genocide of 40,000 Elizabeth Edwards a year... Yes!

Carnival Fascination for our intense interest thoughts

Elizabeth Edwards on her death bed on TV... Intense!

John Edwards with mistress and new baby... while she died in torture... Intense!

H2O Hydrogen and Oxygen

10K windmills on the JFK Carrier making enough electricity to give us H in cans at -254 C ... intense!

Hydrogen is made of 2 up quarks and 1 down quark

These quarks spin and will spin for billions of years

Intense Fascination for Greg as he drinks water

H quarks will be dissected more and more discoveries will be even more intense

Intense Windfall for Women with Breast Cancer will be Greg Pardoned by the Pentagon

Carnival Fascination does not have a "Animation" of waters quarks spinning

Carnival Fascination does not have a "Animation" of Breast Cancer and invention cures Greg is brainstorming with wives as Greg is Off Limits not allowed to talk to any future wives in Key West

Is this a Crime... Yes!

Are these Key West People Loathsome... yes!

Will these Key West People go on trial like John Edwards.... Yes!

H and O cooled to -254 C is intense

Greg would be brainstorming this with his wives to get the cure for breast cancer

40,000 Elizabeth Edwards would be alive today, cured of Breast Cancer by Greg

40,000 Elizabeth Edwards would be alive today, cured of Breast Cancer by Greg

John Edwards is a loathsome human being... Yes! A Criminal... Yes!

Geneva in Gregs Autobiography will be a loathsome City

Why Geneva, because these men write and update the Geneva Convention

Geneva women who died of Breast Cancer same day Elizabeth Edwards did were put in the Geneva landfill waste by men who run Geneva... are these men loathsome... Yes!

24/7 brainstorming at the Hemingway House in Key West

Molly owns the Hemingway House in Key West

Molly knows Key West "Men" prevented Greg from talking to anyone for the last 1 year and 1 month...

Molly knows Greg texted a "woman observer" about us having the best chance of anyone on Earth to get a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

Is Molly a Criminal... Yes!

Isotopes of Top Brass in Key West who are more loathsome than John Edwards

H heavy water is a Fascinating thought...

Talking about this with a few wives could have lead to having Elizabeth Edwards alive today...

Greg will be the human H Bomb when "Observers" come out from behind the hidden cameras and let Greg talk to his future wives!

40,000 Inventions by Greg and his new wives in the next year in Key West will help make up for all the 40,000 dead Elizabeth Edwards buried at the Key West Cemetery

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Philosophical doubts inventing our way back to the "Garden of Eden"

Skeptics see no end to War, Crime, Poverty, Smokers, Alcoholics, Gamblers

Mindset of the Yale and Harvard Ruling Class Grads who run the World

Sin Cure...

Aliens land on Earth!

Just a matter of time before this happens

Sin Cure...

Mindset did not think of Aliens landing on Earth

Mindset does not think of the Trillion inventions that will happen quickly when Ann Curry and Matt Lauer are replaced on the "Today Show" by Dr Nancy with no weathers!

24/7 Writing Classes

Facebook lost 99% of its people to 24/7 writing classes

Ruling Class who started Facebook made a mistake that cost humanity trillions of inventions

24/7 Writing Classes at the Hemingway House will only happen when Greg buys the Hemingway House!

Mindset that seizes power

Ann Curry, Matt Lauer, and Weather 8 times on Today Show

Fools Mindset not at all concerned with how much we get invented

Feminists news articles are about sex freedoms with no mention of Breast Cancer Cure

Mindset of the FBI doing their job

Cure ideas and trillions of want to be invention conversations in the break room

Mindset of the FBI repetition of the same crimes, paperwork every single day

Mindset in the FBI break room same conversations every day

FBI Cure ideas and trillions of want to be invention conversations in the break room

Not a very good ending for the FBI

Unless Greg gets a FBI Wife who passes on everything at home to the office!

Evidence from home, Greg's FBI wife passes on to the office for break room conversations

Conversationist Inventor, 1,001 invention projects, that is all you every talk about the FBI wife complains

Face Lift for the FBI Wife

Liposuction for the FBI Wife

Write the Back to the Garden of Eden invention Novel

Dissolve fat, celluite dimples with no laser heat burning fat under the skin

Under your skin, FBI gets under your skin

Waste Management guys refuse to pick up your recycled bin week after week

Waste Management guys will drive the trash truck over your little car

FBI knows what will happen next as this happens a million times day in and day out

Old FBI break room conversations about Waste Management guys driving the trash truck over some womens car because she call the office complaining all the time

"Windmill" in Animal Farm

Same exact crimes day after day

Different person, people but the same crime day after day

3 decades of the same conversations in the FBI break rooms

Evidence from home, Greg's FBI wife passes on to the office for break room conversations

Dissolvable fat for fat people

Solvable, solving invention projects like the FBI solves a crime in a Novel about inventing and solving crime

24/7 conversations take on bringing back the "Garden of Eden"

Aliens can solve crime instantly

Humans have to work on a trillion inventions

Ann Curry and Matt Lauer stifle the FBI wife of Greg's

Before she heads to the FBI Office she waits for the 5 mins of Dr Nancy on the Today Show

FBI stops the Waste Management trash truck

They don't dare run over the womens car with the trash truck

They don't dare skip picking up the womans recycle bins

Today Show does not dare waste Gregs FBI Wife's time with Ann Curry and Matt Lauer interviews...

Today Show in London, Paris, Rome, all have Dr. Nancy's Daily Breast Cancer Clue to solve the crime of Breast Cancer

Scotland Yards is working on solving the Breast Cancer Crimes

Pink Cure inequality at MIT DOD $ trillions for War Toys

Pink Titanium Yale Key West Med School built on a Pink Eiffel Tower Structure

9/11 "Freedom Tower" is 100 Stories Today, 100 stories for Breast Cancer Cure No!

Inequality going after the Breast Cancer Terrorists!

Inequality going after the Breast Cancer Terrorists!

Greg's FBI wife will pass on what goes on at "Home" to the "Office"

So Don't harass Greg, he is working on a Cure for Breast Cancer!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


X-Rays to grab a full view of all teeth for braces...


1,435 kids with tumors called meningiomas, they arise in the meninges, the membrane surrounding the brain

Braces for these kids was a lose-lose situation!

1,435 kids burned to death in fiery LA Wrecks too, lose-lose, win-win for $4 gasoline and the USA gov. who profits with BP Oil $

To Grab a Full View of the "Reign of Terror" from $4 a Gallon Gasoline keep reading this web page

To Grab a Full View of all possible invention projects to cure $4 dollar a gallon gasoline's "Reign of Terror" greg needs some Wives, MD, PhD and DDS women... FBI Wife!

Unlawfulness, dental fraud on 99% of Dental Patients....

... is why the Yale Key West Medical School will only offer the DDS with the MD and PhD

Gas Burner Stoves with and without "Pilot Lights"

Gas Burner Stoves... Wooden Matches Disappear

$4 dollar a gallon gasoline... Gasoline Cars will Disappear

Trillions of spin off inventions will appear...

X-Rays to Grab View of all Teeth for Braces

Dr. Elizabeth B. Claus, at the Yale School of Medicine led the new study suggesting an association between dental X-rays and tumors called meningiomas, they arise in the meninges, the membrane surrounding the brain

A panoramic X-ray that sweeps around the head to grab a view of all the teeth -- often to assess the need for braces -- nearly quintupled the risk of developing a meningioma if performed before a child's 10th birthday

American Dental Association issued a statement that dentists should order dental X-rays "only when necessary...

Trillion dollars is necessary for Dentists in 2012

Dental fraud is aimed at 99% of Dental Patients... not all 7 Billion people as only a small percent of 7 billion people can afford a Dentists in 2012 UN has these stats but they are not for Yale's Dr. Claus or Dr. Nancy on the Today show

Unlawfulness, dental fraud is aimed at 99% of Dental Patients is why the Yale Key West Medical School will only off the DDS with the MD and PhD

GE revenue from Dentists X-Ray machines is $ Trillions of dollars since 1980

Kickback from the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar by BP Oil infected every Corporation on Earth, the UN and the Vatican$

GE led this corruption!

DDS dentistry for 7 Billion people is "Greed"!

Greg will reinvent Dentistry for the good of 7 Billion people! All 7 billion will get their teeth fixed in the ElectricWindmillcar Era... along with trillions of spin off inventions they can use.

Yale and Harvard freshmen don't follow orders from "Principals" and have No "Principles" in our Orwellian $4 a gallon gasoline Era!

"Being Green" is a gov. scam Yale and Harvard freshmen are well aware of!!

Yale and Harvard Engineering Schools will not issue a statement on what invention projects could replace X-Rays for Dental use or would help 7 billion people

Greg will suggest an invention projects for "Sound Waves" to replace dental x-rays

Greg will suggest Dental 3-D cameras with tooth recognition software to replace dental x-rays

Greg will even suggest "Radar" to replace dental s-rays

Yale and Harvard Engineering Schools Deans have read this study by Dr. Claus at Yale Medical across the street but will not update their Engineering web tomorrow

Yale Law School in our $4 a gallon gasoline Era, I have never logged on to the Yale or Harvard Law School web page as I know better! Going to Law School when you know that $4 a gallon gasoline is a gov. scam! Being "Green" is a gov. scam$

MD's at Cedars-Siai Med Center said this x-ray study of Dr. Claus is unprofitable, loss of revenue will result from fewer X-Rays for kids getting braces, $ Trillions of dollars has been made by Dentists since 1980 you do the math...

Invention projects to replace x-rays from the Einstein College of Medicine who's web page I have logged on to but found incompetent in Medical Invention Projects let alone Dental Invention Projects. I don't log on to this web page any longer

MIT and DOD don't really care about 10 year old kids getting tumors called meningiomas, they arise in the meninges, the membrane surrounding the brain

Nothing about dental x-rays will appear on MIT or DOD web tomorrow!!

Red Meat Revenue is also $ Trillions of dollars since 1980

yale Law School will not touch "Red Meat" and colon cancer statistics from across the street at Yale Medical School...

Apple will not save the life of Job's II people who are eating lunch meat today and will die same as Jobs but without getting a illegal liver transplant...

A diet high in fatty fish ... should continue to be recommended for the general population and for patients with existing CVD because fish not only provides omega-3 fatty acids but also may replace less healthy protein sources, such as red meat."

"Red Meat" ruined Cheney's heart, so he got a illegal heart transplant

Cheney's 5th Heart Transplant will be on the Today Show News with Dr. Nancy

Remember Red Meat Cattle are feed Penicillin in their food and water every day!

Dr Nancy would say if it works for Cattle put it in the food and water for people!

Grin, Dr Claus can do a study on this for Yale Medical School

Yale and Harvard freshmen don't follow orders from the "Principals" and don't have any "Principles"

GE, Yale Law School, $4 dollar a gallon gas "Principals" of "Greed" even in giving unnecessary x-rays to 10 year old kids to make a $ Trillion dollars for Dentists is our "Reality" on the Today Show!

MD/PhD/DDS will be the only degree possible for students at the Yale Key West Medical School

Gas Burner Stoves with and without "Pilot Lights" and wooden matches will be on display for the yale Key West Medical School Students with an assignment to write up current "Pilot Light" stoves in 2020, 2030, 2040 etc

Laws of Medicine are lax with being fat, smoking, alcoholics, gamblers

Suggest some invention projects to stop and or replace all of the above...

Greg's web page here is the only web in the world that can come up with inventions projects suggestions....

Don't even think of logging on to Yale Law School!!

Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx

Gets an F grade...

As the President of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx fail to get "Freedom Towers" 9/11 to house Albert Einstein College of Medicine!

The New York Times just got a new 55 Story Skyscraper as a BP Oil Bribe for going along with $4 a gallon gasoline and the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar

This gets them an A grade...

Anyone who can get a 55 Story Building as a "Bribe" for Treason, murder via fiery LA Wrecks, deserves an A grade

GE gets and A Grade...

Laws of MD Medicine with fat people, smokers, alcoholics and gamblers are linked to $4 dollar a gallon gasoline

X-Rays to grab a full view of all teeth for braces

1,435 kids with tumors called meningiomas, they arise in the meninges, the membrane surrounding the brain

Braces for these kids was a lose-lose situation!

1,435 kids burned to death in fiery LA Wrecks too, lose-lose, win-win for $4 gasoline and the USA gov. who profits with BP Oil $

To Grab a Full View of the "Reign of Terror" from $4 a Gallon Gasoline keep reading this web page

To Grab a Full View of all possible invention projects to cure $4 dollar a gallon gasoline's "Reign of Terror" greg needs some Wives, MD, PhD and DDS women... FBI Wife!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Sequel to the "Hemingway and Gellhorn" movie

Nicole Kidman as Martha Gellhorn, Clive Owen as Ernest Hemingway

In the movie "Hemingway and Gellhorn" Kidman and Owen converse on a "Sirius Novel"

Sense of the Galactic Superiority of Earth's Universe

Enlightening to "War Mongers" Warp Speed 100 Times Faster than the Speed of Light!

4K Trillion Galaxies

4K Trillion Galaxies and all are 2 million light years from one another

"War Mongers" are single minded like in the "War Horse" movie

Einstein is not a God!

Sense of the Galactic Superiority of Earth's Universe

In this Superior Universe "Aliens" are traveling between several or more of the 4K Trillion galaxies at more than 100 Times the Speed of Light

Stem Cell can be told to develop into this kind of cell or that kind of cell

"War Horse" movie goer's have "Readied a Nuke Missile for North Korea"

GI Minds are incapable of believing a Stem Cell can become a brain cell or a heart cell depending what we tell it to grow into... as they step on stem cells, not study stem cells

GI Minds are incapable of believing no Aliens are traveling between 4K Trillion Galaxies...

Fathom... cross-examine government "Observers" who tell you no aliens in a Universe of more than 4K Trillion Galaxies are traveling between any of them!

"warship fathom" is exactly 6 feet (1.8 m) used in Britain and the United States

Superiority of Inventing in the Universe vs Humans Invention on Earth

I Sense the Galactic Superiority has the Edge!

Back to Kidman, making a sequel to Hemingway and Gellhorn" conversing with Owen about the star Sirius into another Hemingway Novel

Theorem and proposition No P is S no S is P


There are several kinds of arguments in logic, the best-known are "deductive" and "inductive"!

Now we have... Superiority of Inventing in the Universe vs Humans Invention on Earth

"War Horse" the Movie is incendiary!

Government "Observers" pay Sony to make these self destructive movies

ESPN taken off Cable TV and Direct TV Channels for NASA TV and Movies when everyone at NASA is arrested for Treason, taking BP Oil Bribes to go along with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar Era and its Trillions of spin off inventions!

"warship fathom"

"Exponential Number of Galaxies"

Fathom immensity then add in this is your "Reality" today!

"Exponential Number of Galaxies"

Fathom immensity then add in this is your "Reality" today!

"Hell" is were the Pope will spend Eternity for taking BP Oil Bribes for the Vatican!

H2O is more sophisticated than all the Navy's Admirals deductions!

Quarks in H and O are not grasp, are not though of sailing the Oceans or drinking a glass of water!

Admirals Warships are to escort Saudi Oil Tankers to the USA

Treason of this act is not grasp because the ElectricWindmillCar is not on the front page of the NY Times

H and O at -254 C sense the Galactic Superiority of Earths Universe

100 Times the speed of light is also part of our Superior Universe

Government Observers will "Scam" you into "Hell"

"War Horse" movie was made by the Government Observers

Sequel to the "Hemingway and Gellhorn" movie

Nicole Kidman as Martha Gellhorn Clive Owen as Ernest Hemingway

In the movie "Hemingway and Gellhorn" Kidman and Owen converse on a "Sirius Novel"

Sense of the Galactic Superiority of Earth's Universe

Enlightening to "War Mongers"

Warp Speed 100 Times Faster than the Speed of Light!

Is a Reality...

4K Trillion Galaxies

4K Trillion Galaxies and all are 2 million light years from one another

A Few Aliens are traveling between a few of these 4K Trillion Galaxies Today!

You better believe it!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Eve on Easter 2012 Opened the Gate to George Orwell the "Baby Killer"!

Thou shall not kill...

Eve on Easter 2012 at the Gate of Inventions...

What I write today must change the World!

What I write today must change the World!

What I write today must change the World!

Eve has orders from George Orwell

God... there is No God in George Orwell's World

Eve can see the 4K Trillion massive Galaxies accelerating into infinite space at millions of miles per second, video of this again and again plays in Eve's mind!

Front page of the NY Times on Easter didn't have a "Fiery LA Wreck" picture!

Today Greg looked at the picture of the Gasoline Tanker Truck on 7 Mile Bridge, small flame in front of the Gasoline Tanker on fire was an SUV with mom, dad and 2 kids burning to death... for Another $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues $

Eve on Easter 2012 Opened the Gate to George Orwell the "Baby Killer"!

Eve on Easter 2012 at the Gate of Inventions.. .

Kids left "Hot Cars" die, proof George Orwell is a "Baby Killer"!

ElectricWindmillCars will be climate controlled 27/7

GPS baby alarm will be invented by Eve, would have already been invented by Eve!

Eve on Easter 2012 at the Gate of Inventions.. .

19K Eve's will be murdered by Drunk George Orwell men in 2012

Eve would have already invented a way to save all these women's life

Eve on Easter 2012 at the Gate of Inventions...

Eve must question her "Orders" from George Orwell to be one of the "Baby Killers"!

Fiery Wreck, Hot Cars, Whooping Cough... Yes! Everyone should be vaccinated!

Invention to vaccinate everyone against giving babies Whooping Cough...

Eve would have already gotten this invention!

What I write today must change the World!

What I write today must change the World!

What I write today must change the World!

What I write today must change the World!

Eve has orders from George Orwell

God... there is No God in George Orwell's World

Eve can see the 4K Trillion massive Galaxies accelerating into infinite space at millions of miles per second, video of this again and again plays in Eve's mind!

Eve has orders from George Orwell

God... there is No God in George Orwell's World

Eve can see the 4K Trillion massive Galaxies accelerating into infinite space at millions of miles per second, video of this again and again plays in Eve's mind!

Eve opened the Gate to WW III

Eve opened the Gate to WW III

Eve would have already invented a cure all for WW III and got her own Nobel

Eve opened the Gate to Hate-Crimes!

Dr. Susan Love a "Dyke" hates Greg so much...

Her Million Woman Dyke Army wold rather not get a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer than Help Greg, be the one who gets the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Dykes hate everyone! But this hate for Greg the aspiring Polygamist is a sin!

Godsend... the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980!

Question of Balance lyrics, hate, death and war!

Easter Eggs with Diamonds, Eve in Moscow and Mecca got one today!

From a Oil Man $

MD's working on Easter Sunday clean up the blood and guts of 1,001 car wrecks

No God... No Outside front and rear super air bags on all cars and trucks today!

1984 Orwell... demands Obedience!

What I write today must change the World!

What I write today must change the World!

Eve has orders from George Orwell

God... there is No God in George Orwell's World

Eve can see the 4K Trillion massive Galaxies accelerating into infinite space at millions of miles per second, video of this again and again plays in Eve's mind!

Pope Benedict XVI Easter Message...

Eve can not marry a Priest and brainstorm 1,001 inventions projects 24/7

7 Years Pope Benedict stifled Greg and his several MD wives from brainstorming 24/7 the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast cancer that killed 40K women just in the USA

God will Torture the Pope!

Torture... women diagnosed with breast cancer are tortured until they die!

Pope got his Godsend from the King of Saudi Arabia and Texas, BP oil men $

1980 Godsend of the ElectricWindmillCar

Proof it was a Godsend is "Teddy Kennedy's" YouTube Video of the invention

Windows 8 icon to "Record this Session" as a YouTube Video of your invention project

What I write today must change the World!

What I write today must change the World!

Eve has orders from George Orwell

God... there is No God in George Orwell's World

Eve can see the 4K Trillion massive Galaxies accelerating into infinite space at millions of miles per second, video of this again and again plays in Eve's mind!

H2O gasses will change the world!

H at -254 C in NASA Cans free for 7 billion people, payback for $4 a gallon gasoline!

24/7 Writing and Inventing Classes at the Hemingway House in Key West and Cuba

4 Wives of Earnest Hemingway, proof wives can get one invention after another after another via Writing and Inventing Classes at the Hemingway House in Key West and Cuba!

Eve will reinvent the testosterone hormone molecule

Eve will learn the formula for the testosterone molecule

Eve will become "Super Computer" literate

Eve will help Greg pronounce all the words in Anatomy and Physiology

Exodus freed from the "Slavery" of MIT war toys and IBM's 100% use of Los Alamos computers

One War after another after another since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar

Exodus from the $4 gasoline that pays for "War Toys" on both sides!

Baby Killers Kerry, McCain, Carter, Bush, Putin, control what pictures get to be on the front page of the NY Times on Easter Sunday and everyday of the year!

1984 Orwell demands Obedience!

What I write today must change the World!

What I write today must change the World!

Eve has orders from George Orwell

God... there is No God in George Orwell's World

Eve can see the 4K Trillion massive Galaxies accelerating into infinite space at millions of miles per second, video of this again and again plays in Eve's mind!

Proof! This is a Godsend for Eve opening the Gate of Inventions, one after another after another after taking the Writing and Inventing Classes at the Hemingway House in Key West and Cuba!

What I write today must change the World!

What I write today must change the World!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


"Burn Cold Clamp" is Greg Buell Lovestars invention for "Today"

Clamp this to the burned area in Fiery Pile Up's...

This "Cold Clamp" for gasoline burns could be as big as a "Wet Suit"

This "Cold Clamp" for Fiery LA and Paris Wrecks could be coated to stop infections and speed burn healing

Canada could have sent Dr Filips to "Gasoline Burns Invention Needed Lectures" by me, Greg... I will write these lectures after I get a Easter 2012 Pardon from our George Orwell "Observers"...

Thousands a day world wide... maybe more get burned in Fiery LA and Paris wrecks!

"Burn Cold Clamp" is Greg Buell Lovestars invention for "Today"

from reading about Dr. Dennis Filips

ITClamp for "bloody wounds" in Afghanistan

Trillion time more people are burned in gasoline...

"Burn Cold Clamp" is for Fiery Pile Up's

were several are burned and except for Letterman and Leno who never stop to help

Everyone need to "Get a Cold Burn Clamp" on soon as they get out of the burning cars

Every MD knows you must get "Cold" to the burn ASAP...

Gasoline burns like Napalm in Vietnam burn like "Hell"

Bush dramatically stopped NBC and the New York Times from putting fiery Pile up's on the front page of the New York Times!

Bush, Carter, Clinton, McCain, Kerry, Donald Trump are "RABID"

Rabies "Eradication" from the world has been setback by gambling and Casinos and Fiery Pile up's!

Canada gov. made USA, France, India, Pakistan, China "People Burned" in fiery pile up's persona non grata

And refused them any help from any "Burn Units" in Canada even though Canada Oil sold them the gasoline for $4 a gallon

Dr. Dennis Filips, Didn't see a lot of Fiery Pile Ups in Pakistan... there are!

Dr. Dennis Filips, trauma surgeon and CEO of Innovative Trauma Care

Dr. Dennis Filips, saw a lot of bleeding while serving in Afghanistan

Dr. Dennis Filips, Didn't see a lot of Fiery Pile Ups in India, China... there are!

Dr. Dennis Filips, knew the ElectricWindmillCar was being suppressed by Canada

Tourniquets which take time to apply...

Dr. Dennis Filips did not write up the time...

Burns... the time for "Cold Clamp" is ASAP

The ITClamp is a plastic clamp with curved needles along the “jaws” of the device

Burns.... Dr. Dennis Filips does not treat "Burns" from fiery Pile up's!

"Burn Cold Clamp" is Greg Buell Lovestars invention for "Today" clamp this to people burned in Fiery Pile Up's... thousands a day world wide... maybe more are burned!

Dr. Dennis Filips, in Canada knows the fiery pile up's are "Classified" statistics

Canada... yes these burn statistics are "Classified" because the ElectricWindmillCar is being suppressed by the USA and Canada!

Once... Greg got to the Canada boarder at Calgary and asked for Political Assalium for the Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar. I was told there are no Political Prisoners in the USA no I could not enter Canada

Greg went around the gate and was arrested...

Greg spent 7 days in a Calgary Jail, went before a Judge asking for Political Assalium for the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar

The Judge had a hearing I testified and was sent back to Denver on a Jet

Canada Oil had earned Canada $177 Trillion dollars since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

Canada gasoline has burned 10's of thousands world wide since 1980 and Canada Oil has not Open any "Burn Units" in the USA or France or any Nation on Earth

Canada Oil has sent Dr. Dennis Filips and 10's of thousands of other Doctors and others to the wars in Afghanistan, Iraqi, Iran, etc for wars no MD was ever sent to Gregs Lectures on Burn Invention Needed Lets Brainstorm for 24/7

"Burn Cold Clamp" is Greg Buell Lovestars invention!

"Burn Cold Clamp" is for Fiery Pile Up's were several are burned and every MD knows you must get "Cold" to the burn ASAP...

"Burn Cold Clamp" is Greg Buell Lovestars invention for "Today"

Dr. Dennis Filips has made USA, France, India, Pakistan, China "People Burned" in fiery pile up's persona non grata and refused them any help from any "Burn Units" in Canada even though Canada Oil sold them the gasoline for $4 a gallon

"Burn Cold Clamp" is Greg Buell Lovestars invention!

"Burn Cold Clamp" is for Fiery Pile Up's were several are burned and every MD knows you must get "Cold" to the burn ASAP...

Gasoline burns like Napalm in Vietnam burn like "Hell"

Dr. Dennis Filips has made USA, France, India, Pakistan, China "People Burned" in fiery pile up's persona non grata and refused them any help from any "Burn Units" in Canada even though Canada Oil sold them the gasoline for $4 a gallon

Bush dramatically stoped NBC from showing Fiery Pile Up's...

Bush dramatically stoped NBC from showing Fiery Pile Up's...

Bush dramatically stopped NBC and the New York Times from putting fiery Pile up's on the front page of the New York Times!

Donald Trump is "RABID"

Rabies "Eradication" from the world has been setback by gambling and Casinos

Eureka... 1 billion people need to get into Yale Key West Medical School

Reality of Eureka is at the Trump Casino in Vegas

Euphoria is when Yale builds 1,001 more Yale Key West Medical Schools

Reality of Euphoria is 1,001 Casinos have already been built before any new Medical Schools

Trump and his inner circle "Oil Paint" no life and no after life in 4K Trillion Galaxies...

"Oil Paintings" without 4K Trillion Massive Galaxies accelerating into infinite space at millions of miles per second

Mad Dogs Bite Kids, this can be "Eradicated" from the world!

Oil Mens Messiah

Casinos not 1,001 new Medical Schools

Yale Key West Medical School the students will work 24/7 365 days a year for 3 years!

Trump will be in the Casino all this time

Trump will be in the Casino all this time

Trump will be in the Casino all this time

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


AD 34 Isaac Newton Crucifixion.... How is Gravity Generated?

2012 Good Friday, except for the 1,001 in fiery LA Wrecks in Burn Units tonight

Jerusalem capital of Israel, 2012 Good Friday Fiery Wrecks victims of this crime spending the night in a Israel "Burn Unit"

Czar with Easter Eggs... jeweled Eggs

1918, as Nicholas II and his family were assassinated that year... not over oil revenues of $177 Trillion dollars

'Fabergé egg' refers to jeweled Eggs made by the company before the 1917 Revolution

The first 'Fabergé egg was crafted for Tsar Alexander III, who decided to give his wife, the Empress Maria Fedorovna, an Easter Egg in 1885, possibly to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their betrothal.

Ten of the Imperial Easter Eggs are displayed at the Kremlin Armoury Museum, Moscow

After the collection in the Kremlin Armoury, the largest gathering of 'Fabergé eggs was assembled by Malcolm Forbes, and displayed in New York City. Totalling nine eggs, and approximately 180 other 'Fabergé objects, the collection was put up for auction at Sotheby's in 2004

2004 - 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar

February 2004 by Forbes' heirs. Before the auction even began the collection was purchased in its entirety by the oligarch Victor Vekselberg for a sum estimated between $90 and $120 million

AD 34 Isaac Newton Crucifixion.... How is gravity generated?

2012 Good Friday, except for the 1,001 in fiery LA Wrecks in Burn Units tonight

Jerusalem capital of Israel, 2012 Good Friday Fiery Wrecks victims of this crime spending the night in a Israel "Burn Unit"

2004 Good Friday "Burn Units" around the world in all the above cities, admitted patients to their "Burn Units" after Fiery Wrecks for oil money so someone can by diamond eggs for Easter!

$ Oceans of Oil to sell the mass of humanity no matter how many are Burned to death!

$ No matter how many kids are left in "Hot Cars" in Georgia, Florida to die in the summer of 2012

...Died for you on Good Friday...

All above died on a Good Friday between 1980 and 2012 for $177 Trillion in Oil revenues for the Oil Czar Putin, the Alaska Oil Czar Palin etc

Resurrection of the Russian Czar and the "Oil Czar" in 2012

Putin the 2012 Russian Oil Czar has built 1,001 Skyscrapers in Moscow and Saint Petersburg

Star Wars "Death Star" is Putin's new weapon

Putin will destroy the Planet Earth for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues

Crucifixion of the Universe of Stars

Nailed to the Cross is the "Star Ship Train" traveling to Alpha Centauri

Cost of this Star Ship Train is not $177 Trillion Dollars!

Flaggler another Oil Man from NYC built a train to Key West with his oil money

Hurricane nailed his train to the cross

Flagger might have know about Ben Franklins Lightning Rods

Trillion cloud to cloud lightning rods can change the direction of a Hurricane heading to key west in 2012

Navy in Key West is not going to drop a Trillion cloud to cloud lightning rods into any 2012 Hurricane heading to Key West

Pentagon is not going to drop a trillion cloud to cloud lightning rods into any Tornados that form over Texas on Easter Sunday

Navy Target Recognition software is for "Pirate" ships

The lowest ranking Sailor in the Navy can tell a "Pirate" ship from a Saudi Oil Tanker

Easter Sunday Saudi Oil Tanker Ships will sail the Oceans

Saudi Prince will buy a Diamond Egg for someone on Easter Sunday, a mistress!

Sea of Oil...............

H in H2O

H fuel instead of Oil.................

Putin and the Pentagon will never allow this Reification (Marxism) the consideration of an abstraction or an object as if it had living existence and abilities; at the same time it implies the thingification of social relations; sometimes called objectification!

H fuel instead of Oil.................

Navy Target Recognition software to find "Pirate Ships" on the Ocean

Isaac Newton's algorithms to find how Gravity is Generated by Navy Target Recognition software

Good Friday and Easter will change with we discover How Gravity is Generated

Quarks crunched with Navy Target Recognition software

Spin and parts of Quarks crunched with Navy Target Recognition software

"Animal Farm" was read millions of times before Greg used the "Windmill" to get the ElectricWindmillCar invention in 1980

Saudi Oil Embargo, long lines at every gas station in the USA... algorithm

Traffic coming down Table Mesa Drive... algorithm

Smoke blowing in the wind in the distance by NCAR... algorithm

Wind blowing in Gregs face sitting outside the library taking a bread reading Animal Farm... on the desk inside the library... algorithm

"Today Show" on Good Friday Samatha Brick a beautiful women who wrote a article about being a beautiful woman, she did not mention inspire men to invent something

Natasha in Moscow, she was beaten to death by Putin when he was drunk on "Oil Money"

Martha Gellhorn is being played by Nicole Kidman, both are beautiful women

Martha Gellhorn was laying in wait in at Sloppy Joe's Bar for the Married Earnest Hemingway to marry him... wow!

1964 Key West John Lennon and Paul McCartney were in Key West

Isaac Newton's how is gravity generated was not for Lennon and McCartney to pick up on and write some song lyrics.... Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was!

Madonna wrote her new CD "MDNA" with no lyrics to pick your algorithm brain for a Rx Overnight cure for Breast Cancer or any other of a 1,001 invention projects

Think of all the 1,001 inventions projects as you read the Hemingway Novels about Bull Fighting

Visit Schooner Wharf in Key West, think of 1,001 invention projects on Easter

Visit Moscow on Easter and there are NO STARS in the NIGHT SKY

Putin used the Navy Warfare Target Software to blast to Hell every star in the Moscow night sky

Jesus! Putin wants another $177 Trillion in oil revenues now!

Moscow's murdered wives, by their drunk on oil husbands Resurrected

Flaggler in 2012 would use his oil money to build a Train to Alpha Centauri

1,001 Train Cars In Orbit blast off until he reaches Alpha Centauri Keys!

Martha Gellhorn would be on this train as Flagglers new "Wife"

Your "Wife" Is the Most Beautiful Woman In The World!

24/7 with her for a week, a month "Brainstorming" 1,001 invention projects will show she is the most Beautiful woman in the World!

Fabergé egg for each Invention she gets... thank you dear wife!

Good Job on Good Friday!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Nymphomaniacs Excessive Desires Drive Greg to getting 1,001 Inventions!!

Nymphomaniacs Excessive Desires Drive 10 Billion People to get "Excessive" inventions or die!

"Home Alone" for 1 year and 1 month in Key West

Writing and Inventing "Alone" at the Schooner Wharf Sail Boat Docks in Key West

10 Seconds to Save the Earth

Moscow removed its "Nuclear Weapons" from Cuba to replace them with BP Oil Drilling Rigs

"Oil Revenues" is the only "Miracle Grow Fish Food" Moscow can Invent and is no good for 10 billion people!!

Cuba will have no fish at all when Earths Population reaches 10 Billion

10 Billion People on Earth need nymphomaniacs excessiveness to Drive "Greg" to work on 1,001 excessive inventions projects

10 Billion People and no one gets influence or Lou Gehrige Disease, MS, MD, Cholera. Whooping Cough, Polio, strep throat, cancer...

10 Billion people there is no room for "Trump" his "Heroin Addiction" sex with kids, in the NYC and Thailand. Bully Trump there are no Bullies among a population of 10 billion.

"Trump" Casino $10 Billion - 10 Billion people spend money on excessive supercomputers to invent 1,001 inventions or die!

10 Billion people don't have Casino's, Alcoholics, Smokers, Obese Fat People, Road Rage Men, Wife Rage Men, kids left in hot cars to die!!

911 Dispatchers have orders to prevent this killing within 10 seconds

Road Rage Killings

Wife Rage Killings

New Technology directed to these "Rage Crimes" lots of invent!!

Bull Horn loudspeaker on a Navy Ship on all cars...

This is the "Police" we can see you, STOP your RAGE NOW!!

Bull Fights... "windmills"

Read Hemingways Novels and articles on Bull Fights looking for invention to control Rage!

911 Dispatchers sending help to "Fiery Car Wrecks"

Statistics are classified on how many burned in "Fiery Car Wrecks" from 1980 to 2012 but they will be compensated from $177 Trillion in confiscated Saudi Oil Money $

100's 10's of thousands world wide burned in fiery car wrecks

10 Billion people will not have any fatal car wrecks or crimes

Cunningly acute excessive inventiveness... only way 10 billion people on Earth can grow into 15 billion people on Earth!

Nymphomaniacs; 10 Billion People with this "Drive" and "Desire" to get one invention after another after another or die!!

5th Heart Transplant for Cheney

NYC "Freedom Tower" is a Yale Med School for 10 Billion People

Pentagon buildings are part of the Yale Medical School for 10 Billion people

Airport Scanners are recycled into disease scanners, food poisoning scanners

10 Billion people can not have any food poisoning, can goods and frozen foods will be reinvented over and over again and again!

Bananas will not get over ripe!

Bread will not mold!

There will be no expiration date for any food or Rx drugs!

Nymphomaniacs; 10 Billion People with this "Drive" and "Desire" to get one invention after another after another or die!!

Goddess drives men to work 24/7 brainstorming 1,001 invention projects

Los Alamos "Manhattan Projects" must be more "Excessive"!

Yale Key West Medical School will be more excessive and "Elite" - Med Students will work 24/7 365 days a year until they are MD/PhD's with a DDS

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Tornado in the clouds lightning rods, trillions, skip this one

Electricity is out for a week, H at -254 C fuels your electric generator skip this one too

When She "Knocks" we can work on Greg's "Obsession!"

The Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

Skip all of the above...

Don't skip all of the above...

"Obsessiveness" To Save the Earth!!

We finally Saved the Earth just to let Moscow kill all 7 billion people!!

Russian writers, top 10 failed to influence Putin orders to kill 7 billion people!!

Czar Putin in the real world today!!

Oil Czar Putin will kill all 7 billion people on Earth

For $177 Trillion dollars more in Oil Revenues $$

Cosmonauts have already been killed by Moscow's inner circle

Astronauts will die of old age in the USA

USA and Moscow will finally kill everyone on Earth

Moscow Nuclear Weapons in Cuba

Now BP Oil Ocean drilling rigs for "Oil" 80 miles from Key West

Kennedy his grandson faces the "Firing Squad" for treason in a Coup

Caroline Kennedy will be exiled to the "Space Station" to look at the stars!

JFK Carrier with 10K windmills, NAVY at its best saving the Earth!

Caroline Kennedy Contemplates the mass murder, kids left in hot cars to die in her Boston neighborhood

Fiery Boston Wrecks, Burn Units she never visited...

Skip all of the above...

Don't skip all of the above...

When She "Knocks" we can work on Greg's "Obsession!"

The Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

Skip all of the above...

Don't skip all of the above...

Fiery LA and Boston Wrecks... Hillary and Bill Clinton study its politics

In Haiti new outbreak of Nepal Cholera off the charts worst in UN history!!

End of the news story said Bill Clinton will study the politics of vaccinations for everyone in Haiti...

Dr Nancy would say put the chorea vaccine in the water and food

When She "Knocks" we can work on Greg's "Obsession!"

The Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

Greg will take a dozen "Wives" and let the "Coup Leaders" get their revenge!

Greg is obsessed with getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

Dozen new wives with "Obsessive Sex" on their minds will have to be dealt with, grin!

Women partners in this Obsession all with two breast most likely will have different degrees of obsession in getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!! I tried to hook with a women with breast cancer but our Boss Dictator put her Off Limits for brainstorming conversations too

Skip all of the above...

Don't skip all of the above...

Sarah Palin's co-hosting on "Today Show" sitting with Dr. Nancy

Did Dr. Nancy think of Alaska Oil Revenues?

Did Dr. Nancy think of her patients who will be "Burned" in gasoline Today... No!

Skip all of the above...

Don't skip all of the above...

UN Doctors at WHO all face the same "Firing Squad" as Patrick Kennedy in a Coup!!

Engaging conversation with the first "Knock"

First thing, breast cancer, can you live with Gregs obsession to get a cure?

Will you use sex and love to accelerate Gregs getting a cure?

I Love You, will get the cure quickly!!

FBI, CIA, Yale, Harvard, Berkeley, Los Alamos can help too

1,001 invention projects to write up for 7 billion people to work on

Many $ Trillion dollar inventions will be discovered in cooling H to -254 C

ElectricWindmillCar gov will pay cash for all these inventions

Los Alamos Site Office

Will present into on environmental clean up for next 2 years

Waste Management has shipped several boxes of low level radioactive waste

U 238 decays over time, invent a way to accelerate this decay

Reinvent the Dewar Flask for nuclear waste...

Escalator reinvented for Disney Cruise Ships and Homes

Road Rage drivers from "Waste Management"

Dash Cam on "Garbage Trucks" cops view the video and give the driver a ticket!

Don't let Bill Clinton study the ethics or politics of dash cam on trash trucks

Dr Nancy was talking about the "Obesity" epidemic

Dr Nancy needs to spice up the today show with "Orgy" of "Pot Belly" people would be a turn off... especially for Greg taking a 15 min break from brainstorming the Rx overnight cure for breast cancer... really!

Wives can have "lovers" just none with a "Pot Belly"... grin

Nymphomania or sexual addiction is caused by serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrie

These brain chemicals also help regulate your mood, Obsessions for sex and getting the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer...

Androgens are sex hormones too

Hormones that caused Cheney to torture, kill, order rapes!

Coors drunks who kill their wife or girlfriend does the alcohol affect the hormones in any way?

"Obsessive Sex" of Basket Ball Players making public 10k different sex partners!

Your sex engine can stenotype you to police and public

Black Men have syphilis

Young teen girls have chlamydial

Maximize your knowledge of all the sex engines we can stenotype

Moscow Oil Czar is Putin could the Alaska Oil Czar be Sarah Palin on "Today Show" not talking about Alaska Oil Revenues... kids left in hot cars to die, Sara Palin has 5 kids and no "Heart" conscience about kids left to die in hot cars in the summer of 2012

ElectricWindmillCars will be climate controlled 24/7

Greg will work 24/7 when the first women "Knocks"

1K Moms who lost 1 kid left in a hot car between 1980 and 2012 will be on the Jury in Sara Palins trial

Live on Today Show with Nancy Grace who has 2 kids...

Putin let these kids left in cars freeze to death in Moscow

ElectricWindmillCars will be Climate Controlled 24/7 at 70 degrees F if you set it for this

Sick how Sara Palin and Putin could do this from 1980 to 2012 for more Alaska and Russian Oil Revenues

"Turn Offs"

"Turn On's"

Dozen new wives no longer "Off Limits" for Gregs Obsession to get the Rx Overnight cure for breast cancer!!

When She "Knocks" we can work on Greg's "Obsession!"

The Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

Your sex obsessions and I love you's will Accelerate our inventing!!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Carter and wife Rosalynn served the 1st drinks to 1 billion "Oil Moneyed Drunks"

Carter and wife Rosalynn killed 1 million kids in drunk driving car wrecks

Drunk Men would have killed "0" women from 1980 to 2012

Summer time in Georgia on Carters Peanut Plantation, kids left in hot cars die!!

Carter and wife Rosalynn are callous about these deaths as they are about Fiery LA wrecks that Letterman and Leno will not stop to help... those on fire!

Carter spent years on submarines and battleships he studied nuclear physics...

JFK Super Air Craft Carrier 2012 with 10K windmills on 10 Decks -254 C H below deck!

You don't have to be a "Rocket Scientists" to know free H at -254 C for 7 billion people will be a windfall like a Supernova exploding on the surface of the Earth!

Navy can not match this firepower results in dollars and sense via spin off inventions from having free H for 7 billion people on Earth!

"Oil Money Drunks"

Moscow's is callous, With NO kindliness, NO gallantry, NO love... Money Drunks!

Moscow's oil men with money pick "Whores" instead of "Wives"

Moscow's shooter at Moscow University makes the Russian Czar has some gallantry

Moscow's colossus "Fat Moneyed Cats" immense monsters kills kids, seniors and Star Ships

Moscow's drunk drivers fueled by oil money "Drive" Earth's only "Space Station"!

Putin and his inner circle of rich oil men are building "Skyscrapers" in Moscow and Saint Petersburg for a Microsoft Office infrastructure of run of the mill businesses

1,001 new "Skyscrapers" changed the skyline of Moscow and Saint Petersburg since the 1980 invention and suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar

1 New Moscow Medical School... Zero, nothing at all

NYC "Freedom Tower" from the ashes of the World Trade Center Towers will be recycled into the Yale NYC Medical School after the ElectricWindmillCar Coup!

17 Saudi Terrorists would have killed no one...

With 1,001 ElectricWindmillCars in Times Square on 9/11

1980 to 2012 Drunk Drivers DWI would be zero as the ElectricWindmillCar would not let any drunks drive

Coors and Molson Canada caused tens of thousands of drunk driver crashes between 1980 and 2010, Coors profited from being immune from law suits via Our Boss Dictator's drunken politics!

Drunk Husbands will kill 19K wife's in 2012... Coors is immune from any of these law suits too!

Yale Law School is #1 in the World... Why?

Yale Medical School will be #1 in the World when Yale Key West Med School is built!

Carter and wife Rosalynn served the 1st drinks to 1 billion "Oil Moneyed Drunks"

Carter and wife Rosalynn killed 1 million kids in drunk driving car wrecks

Carter and wife Rosalynn let 1,001 babies left in hot cars die every Summer in Georgia, as they suppressed the 1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar with 24/7 climate controls inside.

Carter graduated from Annapolis Naval Academy were gallantry is drunk, were drunks with no gallantry, drunk sailors with a woman in every port, fight with every drink, killed 19K SWF every year from 1980 to 2012

Drunk Men would have killed "0" women from 1980 to 2012

Summer time in Georgia on Carters Peanut Plantation, kids left in hot cars die!!

Carter and wife Rosalynn are callous about these deaths as they are about Fiery LA wrecks that Letterman and Leno will not stop to help... those on fire!

Carter spent years on submarines and battleships he studied nuclear physics...

JFK Super Air Craft Carrier 2012 with 10K windmills on 10 Decks -254 C H below deck!

You don't have to be a "Rocket Scientists" to know free H at -254 C for 7 billion people will be a windfall like a Supernova exploding on the surface of the Earth!

Navy can not match this firepower results in dollars and sense via spin off inventions from having free H for 7 billion people on Earth!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Hemingway Writing Class given one invention project

To put in one or more chapters

Hemingway lost a 2nd Nobel Prize

By having 2, 3, 4, mistresses and lovers, instead of having 4 wives at the same time

Hemming Letters, the book is good but the most educational letters are classified

In the Kennedy Library

So a generation will not learn anything from these classified letters

Kennedy library managers are not into Miracle Growing new Hemingway Writers

Class of 2015 taking a writing class at the Hemingway House on Key West Vacations

"Space Camp"

Writers Camp out by the pool at Hemingway House in Key West

When, where, who, what to put in a chapter

Cut and paste, copy and paste

Public Intelligence services are only for the "Gifted Kids"

I can remember looking at them when I was 10 or 11 in school

Class of 2015 "Farewell to Arms" they are forged into Star Ships

Attending High School in Los Alamos

Coming to Key West "Writers Camp" at the Hemingway House

Duval Street in Los Alamos, everyone builds Nukes at work

Duval Street in Key West, $5 dollars! Everything in the store is $5 dollars!

Hot Naked Women! Hot Naked Women! Hot Naked Women!

Send them over to the Hemingway house to write and inspire the writers... grin!

Can you imagine writing a chapter looking at Hot Naked Women...

Hemingway never wrote with a woman present...

How long will it take to write a chapter?

How long will it take Greg with a dozen wives to get the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure?

Writing is a good way to get this Overnight Breast Cancer Cure?

Writing assignment put the Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure in a chapter

NASA Women call Greg to get into a writing class

NASA Womens have to put a blast off into a Chapter

NASA Womens chapter on a Coup to build a massive "Star Travel Train"

NASA women title one chapter - "1,001 Train Cars in the First Star Ship Train"

Titanium and X-Ray Telescopes

How long will it take to travel to Alpha Centauri?

Pink Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure for the Yale Key West Medical School

2013 finish of the Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure for the Yale Key West Medical School

Classes will start in Sept 2013 at the Pink Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure for the Yale Key West Medical School

Dr. Nancy talking about a "Tantalizing" Tan via a tanning bed that will give you skin cancer

Mom tells you No

And you go get a tan via the tanning bed

Ultraviolet light... Girl Teens never visited a TB Lab

TB Lab has Ultraviolet lights... on the walls to kill TB in the air

Give the teen girls a assignment to get some spin off inventions besides tanning beds for this Ultraviolet light...

Idea Mom's daughter will quit going to tanning beds

Long before Mom quits smoking

Miracle Grow Flowers

Teen girls grow into realizing tanning beds give you skin cancer

Polite Society picks up her dropped iphone

Puts it on the table next to her

Mom will quit smoking... we hope! Put this in a Chapter on mom smoking!

Miracle Grow can grow intelligent conversations between Mom and Daughters

Tornado Warnings... Tornados killed when you put 1 Trillion lighting rods in the t Storm of a on coming tornado

Put 1 trillion cloud to cloud lightning rods in the Hurricane heading to Key West

NBC Nightly news is only reporting warning you of a tornado that will destroy your town...

When they Know Greg is working on a chapter about destroying Tornados with lighting rods... in their atmosphere - is Greg classified in Key West or just Off Limits grin

Dr Nancy, take tanning beds off the market

After no Daughters visit tanning beds again

Writing a chapter in her Hemingway Writing Class about Ultraviolet light...

And spin off inventions in chapter 5 of Ultraviolet light...

Light years when she went to tanning beds behind Moms back

Miracle Grow for Flowers

Miracle Grow for Mothers and Daughters

Miracle Grown Flower heading for the Hemingway House Writers Classes

Assignment put Miracle Grow in a chapter

Classified email, recorded cell phone calls, recorded conversations

Donald Trump's title for a Chapter

"Moping the Floor With You" Take this off the Market and arrest Donald Trump!

Miracle Grow idea that leads to No SWF ever again murdered by their husband!

Put this in a few chapters in your writing assignment - Arresting Donald Trump!

"Freedom Tower" 2014 Miracle Grow idea that leads to No SWF ever again murdered by their husband!

$ Trillion dollars protecting the wives of Homeland Security workers!

McCain and Kerry are guilty as hell via Hate Crimes against SWF who were murdered by their husbands drunk... 19K in 2012

Pink Titanium Eiffel Tower Structure for the Yale Key West Medical School, an Icon for the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

How much longer will Homeland Security spent a Trillion dollars not preventing 19K women from being killed in 2012

19K statistics, HQ at Homeland Security spits on Greg, talking about women murdered not terrorists!

HQ guys at Homeland Security will spit on 19K murdered women in 2012 and joke about it.

Homeland Security is about Terrorists not drunk wife killers...

Miracle Grow Flower blooms into a coup when women notice what is going on!

NASA Women can use Miracle Grow to get a coup growing

MD Women can use Miracle Grow to get a coup growing

How long will it take Greg and a dozen wives to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer?

Observing Greg in his room... You do the Math!

How long will it take Greg and a dozen wives to get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer?

Observing Greg in his room... You do the Math! Write a Chapter on this in your Hemingway House writing class!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Her ECG Alarm on her iphone Cardiac Arrest kills more women than Breast Cancer!

With Wives To Have Have Not Is ascertainment to invent anything cure all things!

The New Version of To Have Have Not can be written at the Hemingway House Today!

To Have Have Not... 1980 to 2012 Version no Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure, No Wives!

"One Man Alone... No Way"

Polygamous Marriage 1st at Hemingway House in Key West not Cuba

Drilling for Oil off the coast of Cuba Castro just murdered Cuban Women with Cancer!

USA Dictator Boss Manager of "Those who Observer Greg in his room" joins Castro as killer of his women via Cancer and Cardiac Arrest!

Prison Strip "Dress" for 1 April 2012 no Aprils Fools being kept apart from working 24/7 brainstorming conversations to save womens lives in 2012

Gregs wives are the boss and we are going to Berkeley Labs

Gregs wives are the boss and we are going to Los Alamos

Trillion dollar Berkeley Labs

Trillion dollars worth of Super Computers at Los Alamos

Scientist, super computer literate like IBM promised the massed when I was a kid

To Have... Greg got, gets inventions... coup 1 Trillion fish via bombs of fish food

iphone set to vibrate records her ECG Waves and sets off a Alarm for Cardiac Arrest

Have Not... Greg has not had a conversation with any of my wives

Prison Strip "Dress" for 1 April 2012 no Aprils Fools being kept apart from working 24/7 brainstorming conversations to save womens lives in 2012

Hemingway abused 4 wives...

One man Alone... No Way!

Polygamous Marriage 1st at the Hemingway House in Key West not Cuba

Cuba to have a $ Trillion dollars from drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba

Cuba have not... New Hemingway Writers - Inventors the Invention Projects Novel

Observe Greg in his room...

Taking notes, notebook computers, Dumb Bells work out, Biking for 2 hours...

Have Not... Greg has not had a conversation with any of my wives

Prison Strip "Dress" for 1 April 2012 no Aprils Fools being kept apart from working 24/7 brainstorming conversations to save womens lives in 2012

Greg will buy the Hemingway House in Key West for "Writers" New To Have Invention Project Novels

Greg will buy the Serenity House in Key West for "Inventors" To Have... a "Room"

2013 Yale Key West Medical School will be built!

2012 40k dead from breast cancer and none were buried at Arlington National Cemetery

"Boss's" red shift study by Berkeley Physics has just been published

Shift of USA Dictator Boss Manager of "Those who Observer Greg in his room" Not yet!

Red Shift of 327K massive Galaxies has been accurately measured

Gravity on a scale of 100 million light years accurately measured

Over our heads, yes

Point is 4K Trillion Galaxies are moving into empty space...


And they are gaining speed in the miles per second every day...


Out Fool Boss Dictator has spent the last 50 years in North Korea

Turning all the South Korean men into child molesters to piss off the North Korean Men

We now know our Boss Dictator is a Fool every Day not just on Aprils Fools Day

Catalyst for a Coup

Catalytic converters for pollution

ElectricWindmillCars for full employment after the coup

Gravity Engine for Star Ship Schooner Wharf writers and inventors on the docks

To Have a Coup will get inventors going inventing the Gravity Engine

Gravity Control device

To Have Not... red shift of Gravity Engine inventing work moves father away

To Have spent 50 years in North Korea

To Have pissed off all the Men in North Korea with South Korean child molesters with fill immunity from the State Dept of the USA

Sick... to have sickness in your Boss Dictator

Rumors of a coup rattled Beijing, China

iphone profits were $1 Trillion because the China men were paid $2 dollars a day

China has a worst Boss Dictator than the USA has!!

Gregs wives are the boss and we are going to Berkeley Labs to invent

Gregs wives are the boss and we are going to Los Alamos to become super computer literate

Gravity on a scale of 100 million light years

Pope can spend eternity in Hells burning gasoline...

Castro trained more MD's than the Catholic Church so no telling...

Off the cost of Cuba

Castro orders bombing of fish... fish food bombs

To Have Not...

1 Trillion fish for Cuba No Way!!

$1 Trillion in Oil Revenues for Cuba, and the rich Cuban oil men will spent it on whores

Nothing ever changes...

Smokers ECG Waves and Oxygen levels to have

Have Not... quit smoking

Gregs wives have not quit smoking

"One Man Alone... No Way"

Polygamous Marriage 1st at Hemingway House in Key West not Cuba

USA Dictator Boss Manager of "Those who Observer Greg in his room"!

Prison Stripe "Dress" for letting Polite Society know we Have Not been able to invent a Rx Overnight cure for breast cancer being kept apart from working 24/7 brainstorming conversations!

USA Dictator Boss Manager of "Those who Observer Greg in his room"!

Prison Stripe "Dress" for letting Polite Society know we Have Not been able to invent a Rx Overnight cure for breast cancer being kept apart from working 24/7 brainstorming conversations!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Bye, Hi, Bye, Hi

Received your message...

We past the point of no return writing and inventing...

Victory is for sure, just a matter of time, we past the point of no return, we will get the Cure!!

Accelerating faster and faster past Hillary

We are going to Berkeley Lab with the Scientists

We are going to Los Alamos with the Scientists and Trillion dollars worth of super computers

Bye, Hi, Bye, Hi

Received your message...

Victory is for sure, just a matter of time

Miles per second accelerating

Faster than the day before via victory writing my 2 pages a day

Medical Coup...

Health Coup...

Coup on mindless overeating, smoking, drinking!

China Coup...

USA Coup...

Coup for the health and wealth of 7 Billion people

3 in 1 Coup to Cure Obese people, Smokers, alcoholics... etc

We are past the point of no return, we will pull off the Coup for the Cures for 7 billion people

Lose weight or die from breast cancer

Stop smoking or die from lung cancer

Stop drinking before you murder a SWF and ruin 2 lives

Centuries long medical war on health and wealth

7 Billion People will buy Mega Lotto tickets unless there is a Coup

7 Billion People helped via this Coup

Anti-psychotic conversations, Novels real aloud to help 7 billion people

"Today Show" Health and Wealth Coup...

Coup is not about Lenin or Chairman Mao but about Health and Wealth

Coup is about Ben Franklin's trillion cloud to cloud lightning rods in a hurricane

Coup is about Dr. Jennings discover of Penicillin

Freud II Coup with Roche drug mill so we can induce a Hypnosis to quit the Big 3

3 in 1 cure for drinking, eating, smoking

3 in 1 cure, is a Coup for 7 Billion People

Arrest of all the Mike Tyson's before their 1st rape and murder

Gas lobotomy gas and A wife who will detonate it in the atmosphere A Bomb gas lobotomy

Shut down Tyson Meat Company for causing cancer to 50 in every 1,000 people

Undercover cops using prisoners to catch the "Big Fish"

Trillions spent on Homeland Security would have paid off better spent for SWF's here!!

"Basket Ball" Sports Era has come and gone

"President" shooting baskets with "Untested Rape Kits" put an end to the Basket Ball Sports Era

Basket Ball Players did more harm to SWF's than any sport but Mike Tyson's!!

Syphilis from a basketball

Drugged and gang raped by the basketball team... a "sport" that CIA FBI has on classified YouTube videos

Received your message...

Victory is for sure, just a matter of time

Accelerating faster and faster past Hillary

At Berkeley Lab with the Scientists

At Los Alamos with the Scientists and Trillion dollars worth of super computers

Bye, Hi, Bye, Hi

Received your message...

Victory is for sure, just a matter of time

Miles per second accelerating

7 Billion people move by Lenin and Chairman Mao Faster each day we invent something

We Cure TB... the right way

We take them away and Cure them of TB

Left in Polite Society they don't take their meds on time, losing the Cure!

Syphilis, Take them away and Cure them of Syphilis

Left in Polite Society they don't take their meds and give another white women syphilis

Gov. WikiLeaks was a scam you are now conscious of

Coup the gov. is afraid of is the 3 in 1 Cure, its inventors

Hillary is at the State Dept...

Coup is for Health and Wealth

Hillary and the State Dept are light years on the other side of the Universe

Hillary and the State Dept have no conversations about the health of 7 Billion people

Accelerating faster and faster past Hillary

At Berkeley Lab with the Scientists

At Los Alamos with the Scientists and Trillion dollars worth of super computers

Bye, Hi, Bye, Hi

Received your message...

Victory is for sure, just a matter of time

Keep Observing Greg in his room, grin!

State Dept. has no "Diplomats" working on a "Pure Cure" for the Big 3

Breast Cancer, Cardiac Arrest, Heart Attacks, Lung Cancer, and State Dept Alcoholics

Are of no concern to the State Dept...

Hillary was my worst enemy among "Women Observers" until I wrote up SWF's getting their finger nails pull out in Afghanistan to force them into Prostitution so men can make a windfall on her whoring at the Army Base

We are way past Hillary and the point of no return

Victory is for sure, just a matter of time, we pasted the point of no return, we will get the Cure!!

Bye, Hi, Bye, Hi

We work to hard this way

Observe Greg in his room, grin!

Taking notes, working out with dumb bells heading out biking, hand written rough drafts at the Schooner Wharf sail boat docks, then typing from the handwritten drafts

You to can write like Hemingway this way... invent like greg!

Bye, Hi, Bye, Hi

We work to hard this way

Observe Greg in his room...

Taking notes, working out with dumb bells heading out biking, hand written rough drafts at the Schooner Wharf sail boat docks, then typing from the handwritten drafts

Illusion writing and inventing are above your head.... you are smarter than Greg!

Take the writing classes from Greg...

Supervisor cop at the Waldorf Hotel, GM plant, Apple Factory in China

Breath tester at the start of your shift to see if you are sick... hands washed.

Every Day tens of thousands of gov workers go to work sick...

Post Office did not mention this in its bankruptcy

7 Billion people getting sick from the unhealth ones

Accountability is lost in the connotations of the word "Coup"

Castro trained more MD's than the Catholic Church from 1980 to 2012

ElectricWindmillCar Windfall Era for the Pope and Vatican via Saudi Oil Bribes $

Hurricanes, we can move them away from Key West and Cuba now...

Yale Key West Medical School will be built...

We are past the point of no return

Yale Key West Medical School will be built...

On Eiffel tower structures

We are past the point of no return

1st time I ever told a women you are God's best inventions

Bye, Hi, Bye, Hi

Received your message...

Victory is for sure, just a matter of time

Just keep Observing Greg in his room, grin!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


1931 Berkeley Lab Scientists Oath to Protecting Human Health

1931 Berkeley Lab Scientists Oath to Protecting Human Health

"Oil" $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues are extremely poisonous to Human Health

Berkeley Scientists know of all the Fiery LA Wrecks, oil pollution, spills, smog!

SWF's forced into prostitution by Saudi Oil men...

1931 Berkeley Lab Scientists Oath to Protecting Human Health

Berkeley Lab Scientists just measured the "Accelerating Universe"


4K Trillion Galaxies are accelerating into infinite space gaining speed every day!

Berkeley Scientists swear to...

... solving the worlds most urgent scientific challenges by advancing sustainable ENERGY!

Recycled JFK AirCraft Carrier with 10K Windmills on 10 decks to generate huge amounts of electricity for Electrolysis of H2O so we get H at -254 C in NASA cans, so you can drive into the gas station and get 2 on top of the roof for your years driving...

1931 Berkeley Lab Scientists Oath to Protecting Human Health

"Oil" $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues are extremely poisonous to Human Health

Berkeley Scientists know of all the Fiery LA Wrecks, oil pollution, spills, smog!


325K Antibodies, respond to 425K Antigens

Antibodies and Antigens are programmed to match up, when they don't you get sick and die!

Lab experiment to mix 100k peoples Antibodies in a brew...

Program the Antibodies to know all the Antigens good enough to terminate them

Close enough how close do we have to come to get the Antibodies to terminate the Antigens?

Oath to protect human health...

Many "Diseases" are "Off Limits"

Black men have the highest syphilis rates of anyone

White women who catch syphilis caught it from a Black Man with no warning label, for many white women this will ruin the rest of her life, a death sentence for the white women so the Black Men can spread syphilis with immunity from prosecution!

Yet Dr. Nancy on the "Today Show" will never ever do a Medical Story on this!

Dr. Nancy could get all the Black Men who work for NBC tested for syphilis!

Dr. Nancy could not make this a public story so ABC and CBS would test all Black Men for syphilis...

Martha Gellhorn in Travels with Myself and Another writes about this as part of their lives generation after generation... and men and women with syphilis will not go to the hospital for fear of talking about it

North Korea would end the War...

For a $10 Trillion dollar bribe from "Oil Revenues" windfall profits

North Korea would demand all "South Korean" Pedophiles by shot though...

American Pedophiles infected South Korean and Saudi Arabia the most!

Diseases in this "Social Group" are mostly unknow and not on "Today Show"

Test for a "Conscience" will prove Pedophiles have no conscience!

No windfall profits for those wanting to get into Medical School this Sept. 2012


Number of new medical students entering Medical School same every year!


Hate Crime - Pedophiles, because most are Yale and Harvard Ruling Class men!

MD's are suppose to inform the police...

Syphilis, everyone who has it is suppose to be tracked down so they don't give it to more black males... who give it to white women and ruin their life!

Analysis of how so many South Koreans were enlisted into becoming Pedophiles by Americans...

Yale news today, some pre-med courses are changing to get more students to get into pre-med but no increase in the numbers admitted to Medical School

Did Yale Journalist really write this story this way? Yes!

CIA, FBI have 100K Pedophiles YouTube Videos all "Classified"

Understanding how, why Yale and Harvard Ruling Class expanded the numbers of Pedophiles world wide...

When Greg in Key West can not get the Yale and Harvard Ruling Class...

To Let Me seduce "Women Observers" into conversations for writing my 2 pages a day let alone "Brainstorming Conversation" for the Rx Cure for Breast Cancer and 1,001 Other invention projects!!

Lottery Mega Millions is a fever...

Lottery on Nightly News does not mention everyone who is standing in line gave up learning to write, and lost interest in inventing something

Nightly News is reporting how much the gov. makes from this Lottery

... to protecting human health

Lottery gets society sick...

$4 a gallon gasoline today

Lottery Fever and gasoline at $4 a gallon has been "Prioritized" by Yale and Harvard Ruling Class as one and two!

24/7 conversations with wives about invention projects and writing a inventive Utopian novel is not on Nightly news

Any "New Manhattan Project" for Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer will have to wait until the Ruling Class cure their addiction to gasoline and gambling!!

Oil Well Drilling off the coast of Cuba 80 miles from Key West

"New Havana Project" from Castro's

Cuba trained more MD's than the Catholic Church... did!

Cuba is drilling offshore for oil revenues not building any New Medical Schools in Havana

Cuban inventors working on Antigens and Antibodies work for BP Oil Today

Castro's Revolution drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba

Greg cannot get the Top Brass to "Think Straight"!

Castro needs to invent a way to recycle all that "Sugar"...

Immune Response to the advancement of Health and Wealth...

Pedophiles in Cuba will outnumber MD's after the first $ Trillion from Cuban Oil

Pedophiles in Cuba will outnumber MD's after the first $ Trillion from Cuban Oil

Recycled "Manhattan Project" at Los Alamos

$1 Trillion in IBM Super Computers Recycled and reprogrammed to protecting human health and the urgent scientific challenges by advancing sustainable energy...

Recycled JFK AirCraft Carrier with 10K Windmills on 10 decks to generate huge amounts of electricity for Electrolysis of H2O so we get H at -254 C in NASA cans, so you can drive into the gas station and get 2 on top of the roof for your years driving...

Response... I hope to get a conversation going with a "Woman Observer"

Response... Seduce her to work 24/7 until we get the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer! Call Greg 303 548 9904

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


"Imagine" John Lennon murdered 2 months after...

The Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar!!

Teddy Kennedy (no not our cat) murdered the ElectricWindmillCar

The misadventures of Greg after meeting Teddy Kennedy (no not our cat) in 1979

Yes, I meet Teddy Kennedy (no not our cat) 6 months before I invented the ElectricWindmillCar

WikiLeaks Leaks of "Classified" document was a gov. scam

Paul McCartney has been singing about the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980

Like Letterman's man on fire running across the stage mocking those on fire in Fiery LA Wrecks he and Leno never stop to help!!

Teddy Kennedy (no not our cat) has meet God and paid up!!

Patrick Kennedy his son will face the "Firing Squad" for Treason!!

Caroline Kennedy is in a Government "Made Hell" living with the ElectricWindmillCar

Yoke + Japan have many gov. made "Hells" since Lennon was shot and killed

General Electric Nuclear Power plant that exploded in Japan was a USA government absurdity as H at -254 C can scale down a GE Nuclear Power plant to the size of a microwave oven you plug everything into...

5 years before the GE Nuclear power plant in Japan exploded GE and the USA top brass knew this... microwave oven size electric generator would also generate full employment in the USA, Japan, and most of the world!!

Full employment building GE microwave wave sized electric generators that are fueled by H at -254 C

Blunder by GE so they made up WikiLeaks, Leaks of "Classified" document was a gov. scam... about nothing important as the ElectricWindmillCar and the GE microwave sized electric generator that is fueled by H at -254 C

WikiLeaks Leaks of "Classified" document was a gov. scam to hide Treason!!

Paul McCartney sings of this, read between his lyrics!

John Lennon's killer wanted to be famous and had a gun

Paul McCartney was famous, but went along with the killing of the ElectricWindmillCar

Tragic death of John Lennon

Tragic killing by the Snow Plow driver in todays news

Teddy Kennedy (no not our cat) has meet God and paid up!!

Caroline Kennedy lives in many Government made "Hells" Today and every day for the rest of her life, our Government has make her life a "Living Hell" suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar and 10K Windmills for Electrolysis on the JFK Air Craft Carrier that will be finished in 2013... 1,001 other inventions by Greg since Greg meet Teddy Kennedy in 1979!!

One more hell for Caroline Kennedy is Yale

Yale is moving to Singapore

$1.45 Trillion for the Yale Key West Medical School has been spent by the Pentagon on 2,443 F-35 Lightning Fighter Jets, none fueled by H jet engines... so all have to be upgraded to GE jet engines that burn H fuel not Jet Fuel from Oil... GE did this scam on the gov. to make more money.

"Imagine" $1.45 Trillion for the Yale Key West Medical School

"Imagine" $1.45 Trillion for the Yale Key West Medical School

"Imagine" $1.45 Trillion for the Yale Key West Medical School

$1.1 Trillion Operating budget every year too

$1.45 Trillion for the Yale Key West Medical School has been spent by the Pentagon on 2,443 F-35 Lightning Fighter Jets, none fueled by H jet engines... so all have to be upgraded to GE jet engines that burn H fuel not Jet Fuel from Oil... GE did this scam on the gov. to make more money.

GE Today and GE NBC owned "Today Show"

Caroline Kennedy will "Christening" the JFK Super AirCraft Carrier in 2013

2013 Model ElectricWindmillCar will be "Climate Controlled" 24/7 to finally end the killing by gov. suppressors of 100 kids left in hot cars in the summer of 2013

10K windmills on its decks will have 2,443 F-35 Lightning Fighter Jets instead

1,638,910 people in the USA will be told in 2012 you have been diagnosed with cancer

In the Misadventures of Greg since I meet Teddy Kennedy (no not our cat) in 1979 I have been put "Off Limits" for trying to Brainstorm a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer and Cancer because the government George Orwell Observers think there is a possibility Greg and a dozen wives could get the Rx cure for cancer via brainstorming 24/7 for weeks and months with the Los Alamos super computer and a lab!!

Revenge will be getting the Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer with as many wives as I can get to marry me... grin!!

Recycle "Oil Refineries"

Recycle "Breweries"

iphone and ipad Batteries will all be "Recycled" with a miniature H fueled electric generator that will keep your iphone and ipad going for years before it needs a shot of H at -254 C

Greg and his wives, have another 1,001 inventions coming after our Polygamous Wedding at the Hemingway House in Key West!!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



Gregs 2007 web


A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


Wikipedia Read Aloud

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Inventions"

40 Types of Papilloma Virus

40 Types of Herpes Virus

40 Types of Hepatitis

Wikipedia Read Aloud

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Rx Cures"

Repulsive breast cancer tumors breaking through the skin on this web page!!

GE energy saving mandatory light bulbs made more National News

Wikipedia Start-up company with new "Red" links to "Invention Projects and "Rx Cures" Rx Perfumes you invent, discover!!

Repulsive breast cancer tumors breaking through the skin on this web page!!

Recovery, Dr. Nancy is writing the Rx on the "Today Show"

Dr. Nancy will replace Matt Lauer and Ann Curry and no more Weather 8 times today!

Live for, The New Heroine MD in the Romance Novels, lives to teach all women how to discover a cure via Wikipedia

Wikipedia in Romance Novels!

More and More "Women Cops" LIVE to arrest "Oil Men" especially Saudi Prince's!!

Pope in Cuba and Cuba has trained more MD's than the Catholic Church!!

Castro and the Pope are almost the same age

Uninsured in Italy and at the Vatican not in Cuba

Castro MD

Pope MD

To Noticeable for comfort...

Oil Rich Nigeria "War Lords" are the MD's

United Nations resolution all Heads of State must have a MD

100 Senators all with a MD

UN Women "Heroine's" were killed off by "Men" at the UN

UN everyone there let 100 kids die in Hot Cars, last Summer and again this summer 2012!!

7 Billion people on Earth

100 kids die left in Hot Cars in the USA

Add "World Statistics" for kids left in Hot Cars and the Statistics go off the charts...

"Live" to arrest "Oil Men" especially Saudi Oil Men

Wikipedia Read Aloud

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Inventions"

Diet, lose weight

Statistics on the Nightly News just now blames "Fat" for more than 50% of Cancers!!

Nightly News was read aloud with NO links or comments about inventing a diet pill

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Inventions"

Lottery, the Mega Jackpot has 5 Billion more players than Wikipedia

Lottery, scam by the government

Nightly News refuses to show the Repulsive pictures of breast cancer tumors breaking though the skin

MD... Nightly News Anchors will be replaced after the Coup by Dr Nancy on the "Today Show"

Pentagon, MD's to get to be one of the "Joint Chiefs of Staff"

Doctoring Society the correct diagnosis requires all the Los Alamos Super Computers

Los Alamos has enough Nukes to last Forever!!

Key is to make everyone "Rich"

End to Poverty on Earth is possible with the ElectricWindmillCars

Supreme Court comments on Health Insurance on the Nightly News just now

Supreme Court will not hear the killing of 19K SWF by drunk men in 2012

World Wide statistics 19 million women are murdered by Drunks!!

ABC's movers and shakers did the live and let live, for Drunks and Oil Men

Statistics on how many are harmed by Drunks and Oil men have to go off the charts!!

Recycle - these men are not recyclable!!

Recycle bin for sugar.....

Sugar that use to be in Girl Scout Cookies...

50% of cancer in women is caused by sugar and fat, being over weight

Girl Scouts cookie Recipe for New Girl Scouts Cookies

Made with no sugar and a secret appetite suppressant, grin

Wikipedia Read Aloud

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Inventions"

Girl Scout Cookies on Wikipedia

Girl Scout Integrity goes off the charts with no sugar cookies!!

Nightly News will be so impressed a link will be added to buy no sugar cookies

Girl Scout cookies newest one's are "Wheat Germ" and Bran Cookie"

Sugar's cost to Health Care is off the Charts, World Wide the cost of sugar in cookies add $ 1 Trillion to cost of being sick

Recycle Bin full of sugar

How can we recycle all this sugar?

Ill effects on Statistics

Arrested for the murder of a women

World wide Trillions of men have been arrested for the murder of a women

Supreme Court needs to comment on drunks and gambling

Lottery is not only addictive it stifles a Cure for Everything

That has "Red" links on Wikipedia

Listen to Wikipedia Read Aloud

Wikipedia highlighted links in "Red" to "Invention Projects" "Spin Off Inventions"

More and more "Women Cops" live to arrest "Oil Men"

End to Poverty on Earth

Before we End War on Earth

Fast Recovery as Dr Nancy is writing the Rx on the "Today Show"

For a "Recovery Today" from "Oil Revenues" and "Oil Men"

Yale's most popular courses will change dramatically after the "Recovery"

Even the Ruling Class can recover from being so sick, callous, greedy!!

Integrity of Girl Scouts selling no sugar cookies with an appetite suppressant!

Goes off the Charts of having Integrity!!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Health Insurance For Everyone Law

Medicare For Everyone Reality in the ElectricWindmillCar Era

Fast Forward...

Disney Cruise Ship that docks in Key West is "Unboardable"

9-11 Cops guard it from "Terrorists"

$1 Trillion for 9-11 Cops in 2012, Homeland Security

$1 Trillion for SWF with Breast Cancer lost to 9-11 Cops guarding the Disney Cruise ship docked in Key West, Yes Disney HQ guys know both points and killed all these SWF... Disney is "sick" for doing this!

Fast Forward...

ABC Nightly News must report this travesty

Even worst is ABC Nightly News kept the "Terrorists" going with "Fictional" terrorists news on gov. orders!

This is "Disney" doing this!!

Fast Forward...

Disney Non-Fiction Movie titled... "Einstein's Engrams"

Engrams are "1965" memory of the place, time, sensations, smell, touch...

Engrams are real, they really do reside in very specific brain cells

MIT just publish this in the Journal Nature you can read it for $32

$32 is the only way you can read this MIT article on Engrams

Abstract is free but not enough, to minute!!

Health Insurance For Everyone Law

Medicare For Everyone Reality in the ElectricWindmillCar Era

Fast Forward...

$32 to read each article in 100's of Journals will be free and read aloud as you could never pronounce all the words!!

Yale was founded 300 years ago by 7 men with books

Yale Elite Ruling class in 2012 sent back Fast Forward a LOT...

Yale Key West Medical School was rejected by 100's at Yale for...

Yale Singapore!!

Yale doing this does not make much sense unless you know about $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues and the Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar by Yale's Elite since 1980!!

Yale is leaving New Haven for Singapore!!

Yale rejected Key West!!

Engrams are "1965" memory of the place, time, sensations, smell, touch...

Engrams are real, they really do reside in very specific brain cells

SWF's in New Haven don't have $32 to read the MIT article on Engrams

SWF's in New Haven don't get invited to Yale Sail Boat Victory party on campus

SWF's in Yale's New Haven are its "Whores"

Grin - Engrams of this will come into Yale Men's minds on and off for as long as they live... grin!!

Fast Forward to Engrams we can recall on "Demand" ON Demand TV Movies... grin

Inventing this New Memory Technology will be MIT not Yale

It will be a windfall for everyone working on Gregs 1,001 invention projects

As you must remember all 1,001 invention projects

As you are reading, thinking, walking, biking, driving and watching the sun set in Key West...

Remember the 4 things that got Greg the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980...

Traffic coming down Table Mesa Drive

Windy Day in Boulder Colorado

Smoke in the distance swirling around by NCAR

"Animal Farm" book inside the library opened to the windmill

1984 mirror in the Library from George Orwell's end to "1984"

But Greg did not have to break the mirror just talk to the George Orwell Observers!!

Engrams are "1965" memory of the place, time, sensations, smell, touch...

Engrams are real, they really do reside in very specific brain cells

Pay the $32 to Nature and read the article then email it to Greg...

There is a "New Heaven"

For some people at yale

4K Trillion Galaxies expanding in mps into empty infinite space and moving faster and faster each day...

Fast Forward... to the "End of War"

Sailing "Star Gazer" ships are in Key West with lasers to point out the constellations and stars...

Alien less looking at the Stars will Fast Forward to Stars and Constellations with Aliens...

Engram of your reading Machiavelli's "The Prince"

Engram of your reading Descartes "I Think Therefor I am"

1469 Ruling Class in Italy let Machiavelli write "The Prince"

Yale Ruling Class in 2012 will not let anyone write "The Saudi Princes"

"Logans Run and Hunger Games" Fast Forward to some innovative Movies

Disney non-fiction movie... "Einstein's Engrams"

Yale Ruling Class set back Fast Forwarding of social inventions with FaceBook!!


Will have the "Engrams", "Gravity Engine", How gravity is generated, Total Recall, Total Immunity...

And pay back for the SWF's... "gas lobotomy gas" in the atmosphere, in the water, in the food!!

And pay back for the SWF's... "gas lobotomy gas" in the atmosphere, in the water, in the food!!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Today Penicillin, Tetracycline are in the food and water of every Cow, Chicken and pig in the USA

"Overkill" is the only way they know...

1980 to 2012 every Cow, Chicken and pig in the USA ate Penicillin, and Tetracycline 3X a day in their food and water

Dr Nancy would say if it works for "Cows" put Penicillin, and Tetracycline in foods "Humans" eat and drink!!

Tomorrow on Today Show watch for Dr Nancy talking about this...

How can the Cattle Men, Chicken and pig farmers afford to feed all their animals Penicillin, Tetracycline in their food and water?

People getting Penicillin, Tetracycline are charged $100

Mark up on Penicillin, Tetracycline from what their sold for to Walgreen's and what we pay Walgreen's could be $99 dollars...

$1 Walgreen's pays for Penicillin, Tetracycline

$100 Walgreen's charges us for Penicillin, Tetracycline

Health Care Insurance... in the News!!

Rx Cures and 22nd Century Vaccinations that are mandatory are not in the News!!

Penicillin, Tetracycline were the "Miracle" drugs of the 20th Century

22nd Century "Antibiotics" via Dr Watson Supercomputer and by using 100% of Los Alamos $1 Trillion dollars worth of SuperComputers sold to them by IBM can be invented in 2012

Choose - Next generation of Nuclear Weapons and Missile Technology via Los Alamos

Choose - Next generation of "Antibiotics" and "Mandatory Vaccinations"

No Brainard!

1984 Goings-on with $4 gasoline are a "Overkill" trait of wrongs against SWF's and majority of other people

19K SWF's are murdered in 2012

99% by drunk men... put something in alcohol to stop this mass murder via drunk men!!

150K will die from Smoking in 2012... mass murder by BP Oil is ok but Tobacco Too?

40K will die from Breast Cancer in 2012

"Overkill" of side effects

"Overkill" of spin off inventions from the "ElectricWindmillCar"

$4 a gallon gas is sold to you by the government

H at -254 C Free from 10K Windmills on all JFK Class Super Air Craft Carriers via Electrolysis is suppressed by the government

Hell, Front and Rear "Outside Super Air Bags" on Semi Trucks, Trucks, Cars are also suppressed by the government - "Overkill" of inventions via Greg are suppressed!

Cheney was a "Overkill" for getting a Heart Transplant at 71 and certainly more of a VIP than we thought!!

Top Dogs give them a Bone!! A Heart Transplant!! $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues!!

Cheney's VIP "Inner Circle" will never ever make "Organ Donations" mandatory

Cheney's VIP "Inner Circle" will never ever...

Save the life of any of the SWF's who will be killed by men in 2012 and who will die of lung and breast cancer in 2012

Cheney's VIP "Inner Circle" will never ever...

Let Dr Nancy would say on the "Today Show" if it works for "Cows" put Penicillin, and Tetracycline in foods "Humans" eat and drink!! And make Vaccination and Organ Donation Mandatory!!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Have A Heart...

Cheney killed men, woman, children, ordered rapes and tortures!!

"Conscience" some have it, some don't!

Aliens getting our SOS!

Government scientists at NIH publish a paper saying being over gregarious is abnormal from a over active circuit hub in the brain

Have A Heart...

Cheney killed men, woman, children, ordered rapes and tortures!!

Aliens getting our SOS

Yale Med School lecture last week was on "Doctors and Dictators"

Have A Heart...

Cheney killed men, woman, children, ordered rapes and tortures!!

Aliens getting our SOS

Government scientists at the NIH should have published a paper on the lack of a "conscience" in the Top Brass!!

Have A Heart...

Cheney killed men, woman, children, ordered rapes and tortures!!

Aliens getting our SOS

NIH scientists say its an abnormal circuit hub in the brain that is responsible for Over Gregariousness!!

Have A Heart...

Cheney killed men, woman, children, ordered rapes and tortures!!

"Conscience" some have it, some don't!

Aliens getting our SOS

NIH scientists did not study "Conscience" this "Brain Riddle" in a brain hub!

National Institutes of Health scientists say brain hubs over activity regulated social behaviors

NIMH National Institute of Mental Health please "Have a Heart" writing your few pages a month for the medical Journals

Have A Heart...

Cheney killed men, woman, children, ordered rapes and tortures!!

"Conscience" some have it, some don't!

Aliens getting our SOS


Rage circuit hubs in the Pentagon's Top Brass are Pavlovian or respondent conditioning, Pavlovian reinforcement give the Top Pentagon Dogs a Bone!!

Everything must be VIP!!

Cheney has been a VIP and Dictator all his life

71 is a "Barrier" for non VIP people to get a Heart Transplant, cut off age for a Kidney Transplant is 61 really

Doctor stories in the news on Goggle defend Cheney at 71 moving to the Top of the Transplant list because Cheney gave them $1 Billion dollars in cash in a Swiss Bank

MD's at WHO at the UN will all face the firing squad for $4 a gallon gasoline and hundreds of thousands of fiery LA Wrecks with mom dad and the kids burning to death for $177 Trillion in BP Oil Revenues since 1980

Have a heart...

Bush and his father sold Kidney Transplants and Heart Transplants to Saudi Princes and Texas Oil men

Rage... CIA must Rage in their brain hubs at having to suck up to "Oil Men" treat them as VIP's when they are mass murderers fire bombing cars on the LA Freeway

Statistics for 71 year old heart transplants is they don't generally do so well, thank God!!

God and Cheney will meet eventually...

Cheney's Hell is thinking in his brain hubs what could "Hell" be!

Have A Heart...

Cheney killed men, woman, children, ordered rapes and tortures!!

"Doctors and Dictators"

"God and Dictators" lecture at Yale Med School would be interesting

Dictators are overly sensitive from a brain hub that has to much energy - right!

Have A Heart...

Cheney killed men, woman, children, ordered rapes and tortures!!

"1984" Goings-On

Organ Donation made "Mandatory" had been "Urgent" since 1980 yet among tens of thousands of Dictators not one "Nation" had made organ donation "Mandatory"!!

Cheney has "Rage" circuit hubs that are extremely overactive

Cheney would have had killed Greg a long, long time ago if it were not for Reagan signing some kind of Orwellian Top Secret Document about Greg and the ElectricWindmillCar...

"1984" Goings-On

NIH scientists who study Greg have come and gone since 1980

Greg would say he does not have a over active circuit hub in his brain that lets him get one invention after another after another...

Greg's wives will get one invention after another after another and write 2 pages a day same as Greg...

"Greed" diagnosed as an over active circuit hub in the brain is Insane!

Saudi Pedophiles exist because they can do it with immunity

Allah and Saudi Pedophiles torture and murder, rape and then murder the woman...

Allah LOST several generations of Saudi Oil Men

Cost to society and SWF's will be on Nightly news and "60 Minutes"

SWF's are being sex tortured today in Saudi Arabia while CIA "Observes"!

Allah cuts off heads for this kind of behaviors unless you are a Saudi Prince

Saudi Pedophiles who visit North Korea

Never Return Home...

South Korean "Mad Men" who are "Pedophiles" will snap!

Kill the USA troops at the controls of a Nuclear Missile and fire it at North Korea

Real War is between "Pedophiles" and men who would never do this!

Behavior like Clinton is the best example of "Did it because he could"

Hillary in Clintons mind as he was having sex...

3 Some, Orgy, with Hillary changes the "Terrible" behavior into "Wife Swap"

Statistic on how many married couple did a "Wife Swap" must have changed over the decades

Today Real War is between "Pedophiles" and men who would never do this!

Sex taste have changed to the "Sadistic personality disorder"

Pope, Cardinals, Priest have renounced "Women" for boys and "Pedophileness"

Pope is in Mexico today and will be in Cuba on Monday, tomorrow

Pope, Castro both sold their "Soul" for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues

"1984" Goings-On

CIA has to "Observe" and write up more than 2 pages a day on all this!!

Castro has a French Built Ocean Drilling Rig 80 miles from Key West Today

Castro took $1 Trillion dollars BP Oil money as a Bribe

Castro sold out his "Own" Revolution, its Vets, and dead for $ oil revenues!

Pope sold his soul for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues

North Korea would take the $177 Trillion dollar bribe

North Korea would take the $177 Trillion dollar bribe

North Korea would take the $177 Trillion dollar bribe

50K USA troops would come home in 2012 from the DMZ

Public would never know what happened, like the end to the Saudi Oil Embargo in 1980

"1984" Goings-On

USA Troops at the Korean DMZ for 50 Years!

USA Troops at the Korean DMZ for 50 Years!

USA Troops at the Korean DMZ for 50 Years!

$10 Trillion in (free money) paid to North Korea in Secret from $4 gasoline Oil Revenues and Troops come home in 2012

Pyangyang risk deepening its "isolation" from current USA tactics

Greg's "isolation" writing these 2 handwritten pages a day is to extreme, really!

When my government imposed "social isolation" ends I will use my spare time inventing a way to hear and speak to Aliens as over active brain hubs from our "1984" observers have no conscience at all for the most part!

NASA traveling to Aliens at Alpha Centauri and the 10 Nearest Stars

Aliens getting our SOS

Aliens getting our SOS

No Fly List for a Marriage License for men who "Love" women!

Is a "Conscience" test... MRI 3-D view of brain hub circuits, grin

Background check on the Groom will not influence the brides

No Fly List for a Marriage License for men who "Love" women!

Is a "Conscience" test... MRI 3-D view of brain hub circuits, grin

"Conscience" some have it, some don't!

"Conscience" some have it, some don't!

9-11 Dust in the air, government said it was OK to breath when it wasn't

100's digging through the World Trade Center have lung cancer today

"Conscience" some have it, some don't!

NYC Mayor on 9-11 was following orders from some 1984 Dictator telling the Nightly news its OK to breath the dust in the air...

Everyone reading this, please do not breath any dust without a mask!

Smog in LA, Paris, Rome causes the same Lung Cancer but the Mayor of these cities is following orders from some 1984 dictator telling them the Smog is ok to breath.

Doctors know the Smog and dust is not OK to breath.

Dr. Nancy knows pregnant women should not breath Smog or Dust...

Dr. Nancy went to the Med School Lecture on "Doctors and Dictators"

Inevitable deaths and they will die not knowing the truth

Unless God winds one before Summer of 2012

100 kids will die in "Hot Cars"

"Conscience" some have it, some don't!

McCain and Kerry face the firing squad for letting kids die in "Hot Cars"

God has no influence on McCain and Kerry!

$177 Trillion in Oil Revenues caused a over active brain hub in McCain and Kerry $

"Conscience" some have it, some don't!

"Memory" a better memory than most is related to being more Gregarious than most

Brain Hub we must find and make it over active as this would almost be as much a windfall working on invention projects as ending Greg's social isolation!

Have A Heart...

Cheney killed men, woman, children, ordered rapes and tortures!!

"Conscience" some have it, some don't!

Aliens getting our SOS!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


God ask the Pope in Cuba...

How is Gravity Generated?

God ask the Pope why he and Castro gravitated to $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues!!


Pope Benedict visit to Cuba to "God Bless" the Cuban Ocean Oil Rig 80 miles from Key West

90 Miles to Cuba sign in Key West

80 Miles to Cuban Ocean Drilling Platform

God blessed by Pope Benedict

Pope Benedict is 84 ready to spend "Eternity" in Hells Galaxy

Sin, Cardinal Sin; is gasoline in 2012

Watch Letterman and the guy on fire running across the stage

Letterman is mocking fiery LA Wrecks he and Leno do not stop to help

365 Days a year there is a LA Fiery wreck with mom, dad, and kids inside

Rome, Paris, Moscow, 365 days a year there are Fiery Wrecks HERE!!

BP Oil give $1 Billion to Pope John Paul II and another Billion to Pope Benedict

Greg will give $1 Billion to each wife in a Polygamous Marriage to make up for Lost Inventions... via the Vatican selling out 7 Billion people to BP Oil Bribes to go along with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar Era of advanced inventing as wives will get one invention after another after another and No Pope has even 1 wive to brainstorm 1.001 Invention Projects with 24/7

Pope Benedict, Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, plan to exchange ideas to reform the Soviet style economy in Cuba

BP Oil men have already exchanged $1 Billion with the Castro's as a bribe!!

Castro's pulled off a Revolution then sold out for $1 Trillion in Oil Revenues

Ocean Oil Drilling off the coast of Cuba 80 miles from Key West

Key West to Havana

key West to Hemingway House in Cuba

Greg meet a women last week at Hemingway House in Key West

Greg gave her my card in the hope she would email to brainstorm inventions, ideas!!

She never called or emailed as Pentagon has greg "Off Limits"

To exchange ideas about advanced invention projects for 7 Billion people

USA economy with 100 million ElectricWindmillCars in "Times Square"

When New Yorkers find out this could have happened before 9-11

When New Yorkers find out Allah would have been "$Broke$" in 1980

Freedom Tower memorial will be given to Yale for a Medical School and Hospital

In 4 weeks a new French President will be elected

Paris Nightly news is mostly about "French Economic Woes" not about "Oil Trillions"

Paris Ruling Class in 2012 built Ocean Oil Drilling Rigs for Cuba and others

$Greed A Cure for Advanced Stage Greed

Greed after earning $177 Trillion for Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2012

Ruling class are addicted to $ Greed for another $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues

Paris Ruling Class were Capable of earning $177 Zillion from the ElectricWindmillCar

Greg will cure Advanced Stage Lung Cancer

Paris Ruling Class has Advanced Stage Greed

Greg will cure Advanced Stage Lung Cancer

85% of Lung Cancer people go undiagnosed until they have Advanced Stage Lung Cancer

Now brainstorm the Cure for Advanced Stage Lung Cancer...

In Advanced Stage Lung Cancer

You have to dissolve the tumors

Spiders poison dissolving their catch of the day

Spiders poison dissolving Lung Cancer tumors, search goggle

WHO at the UN, search the MD's email for dissolving Lung Cancer tumors by Spiders poison..

Paris and WHO at the UN when back to the "Dark Ages" in our Oil Genocide Era

Pope's when to Cuba then Hell's Galaxy

Spiderwort plant with the blue flowers

Any poison we can use here to dissolve Lung Cancer tumors?

Lavenders purple flowers for oil and perfumes

Any formula for Lavender Flowers to dissolve Lung Cancer tumors

Antibiotics are given to Cattle

To Prevent Diseases

Dr. Nancy would say if it works put it in Human Foods

WHO at the UN these MD's could they have put anything into the Haiti water to prevent chorea?

Any other diseases that could be prevented by putting a cure in the water or food?

Spider monkey is this the one responsible for the 1st face transplant?

Dissolving French Oil Men

Dissolving Lung Cancer Tumors

Flowers, now brainstorm every flower on Earth

Venom to dissolve Lung Cancer Tumors

Memory Capabilities are like the Paris Ruling Class

Can do a lot better smelling the flowers and brainstorming their formulas

Eiffel Tower Structures in Key West

Greg and Wive's will build Yale Medical Schools on top of them!!

On Top, Ruling Class

McCain and Kerry must have "Tortured" the French Ruling Class

Dissolving spider venom and Lavender passion perfumes in their "Brain"

Dissolving spider venom and Lavender passion perfumes in their "Brain"

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


DOD Defense Advanced Invention Projects

Push a button to "Sedate"

"ToSee" using 24 small satellites that will last for 60 days then fall to Earth

"ToSee" Mission Impossible planning instead of to "Sedate"

French SWAT team wounded by "Mohammed Merah" after concussion grenade's

Arsenal of Sedate Gases were not used in the first hours of the standoff

Police in France will arrest Management after reading about "Sedate Gases"

Moscow used "Poison Gas" on the Muslims in their standoff

Change of "Tactics"

Change of Management first

Daily killings in Domestic Disturbances were sedate gases tactics would be better

DOD Push a button to advance troops under fire

Those who have read the last 50 pages here have had their "Buttons Pushed"

Are ready to Advance Progress, even design a Star Travel Train and yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structure!!

24/7 Advanced Invention Projects push Management to replace Cell Towers with Satellites

Advance "Women Observers" to be MD President of this Orwellian Society

100 Senators, all with a MD or PhD

Advances that will lead to "Military Law"

Long enough to kill the "Scourge" of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs!!

No Supreme Court, No Courts!

48 year old Whitney Houston took cocaine in the bath tub then drown

Cops at the Beverly Hilton did not find the left over cocaine

100 deaths a day from cocaine and other drugs

British once Declared War on China for outlawing Opium

$177 Trillion was made from British Opium, China wanted to stop this

$177 Trillion is made by BP Oil

British have a National Health Insurance which treats Alcoholics and Smokers

$50 Billion medical bill just to treat Alcoholics in 2012 in England

Dr Nancy would put a Hangover potion in their Pubs liquors or in the water

Moscow's advanced inventors have failed at every invention to save Alcoholics lives

Impaired Judgment's

Engagements for a correct diagnosis and cure is HERE!!

IBM Watson supercomputer at Los Alamos is only 5% of the supercomputers at Los Alamos

HERE just in time are Satellites that will replace Verizon Cell Towers

NYC "Freedom Tower" should be used for a Yale Med School and Hospital!!

MD designed change of "Tactics"

Quick and Dramatic End to Alcoholics, Smokers, and Cocaine!!

Giant Headache given to the "Killers" of so many

100 a day Statistics for some ills

100 kids will die left in hot cars in the Summer of 2012

100 infants will die of Whooping Cough in 2012

Quick and Dramatic Rescue to save these lives requires new Tactics

NY Times front page on Sunday... ElectricWindmillCar!!

Advances from a women MD... HERE!!

Engagement to Engage in the Advancement of Progress

iphone with unlimited use plan researching advanced inventions cures "Unlimited Verizon Plan"

Icon in Windows 8

Record this session on video...

"Rape Kits" results will identity the penetrators instantly

"Rape Kits" left on the shelf for months

DNA data base of everyone to Engage the Advances of Women MD's

Match Maker Women socializing with everyone

Match Made In Heaven

Gas that would have sedated Mohammed Merah in the first hour of the standoff exist

Gasoline Revenues since 1980 are over $177 Trillion Dollars

"Scourge" because the oil revenues finance Wars and Whores!!

ElectricWindmillCar will finance polygamous marriage and Euphoria to raise a Army of One Billion Inventors all working 24/7 inventing something!!

100% use of all Los Alamos Supercomputers

Advances the Advances made my Women MD's

Tired of waiting forever...

For a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer

Stifled since 1980 by DOD and Defence Advance Invention Projects for Wars!

DOD has plans on the shelf for 24 Small Satellites each year forever

Before the Advancing Woman MD gets her long overdue Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure!!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Enough!! End to the Pentagon's Waste Management!!

In our lifetime... In Our Universe!!

Pentagon is afraid Greg will invent a way to observe and hear Aliens at Alpha Centauri!! So greg is "Off Limits" to "Women Observers" for inventing!!

Enough!! End to the Pentagon's Waste Management!!

Allah and God

Tit for Tat War

God should have won the war over Allah - "Total Victory" over Allah in 1980 via ElectricWindmillCar invention!!

In our lifetime...

Pentagon is afraid Greg will invent a way to observe and hear Aliens at Alpha Centauri!!

Management needs to expand 24/7 brainstorming conversations for invention projects

Instead the Pentagon is keeping Greg isolated from promoting this and working 24/7 with a few wives in a polygamous marriage!!

Pentagon is afraid Greg will invent a way to observe and hear Aliens at Alpha Centauri!!

Scenarios Management at the Pentagon decided to act on by isolating Greg

Wack-O No Way!!

Secret, Top Secret documents, any way you want but its the Truth!!

Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer is a causality of this war

Obama is not the only Commander who uses a "Rape Kit" as a Basketball!!

2014 Rx Breast Cancer Cure

2014 Guglielmo Marconi notes on the invention of radio will lead us to hearing Aliens!! Conversation starter...

Destiny, 4K Trillion Galaxies are expending into infinite space, out fate is linked to this Universe

2014 Pentagon Generals plan on being in Afghanistan

2014 Greg has a different scenario

2014 Rx Breast Cancer Cure

2014 Guglielmo Marconi notes on the invention of radio will lead us to hearing Aliens!!

Quick Fix, Quick Action to get millions working 24/7 brainstorming 1,001 conversations about invention projects with links to get you started talking

Windows 8 with the icon "Record this session to video" to replay your invention research on the internet

Spy satellites used as Verizon "Cell Towers" and no limits on talking and searching the web for 1,001 invention projects...

...plus give everyone a iphone or other smart cell phone for cell calls and the web

Get people talking about 1,001 invention projects with as many links to help them get started invention like Guglielmo Marconi and Pasteur!! Read their notes today and you will go over your limit...

Watch YouTube videos of Marconi and Pasteur and your Verizon or ATT bill will be into the thousands of dollars a month... all this should be free and will be free when the Waste Management guys are fired

Serenity House writers colony will write a group and husband and wife Novel combining notes of Marconi and Pasteur and linking these notes to 1,001 current invention projects

Allah and God

Tit for Tat War

French shooter killer Mohammed Merah tit for tat revenge for the 17 kids killed in Afghanistan last week by Bates - Bales burned their bodies to eliminate the evidence!!

Tit for Tat Wars

Spin off.. Causalities of War are also the 100 kids left to die in hot cars in the summer of 2012

70K kids and adults who will die of TB in 2012

Baby Killers from the Vietnam War are Alive and Well today and are still killing indirectly kids and babies... in hot cars as the ElectricWindmillCar will be climate controlled 24/7 via H

CIA knows this is "Waste Management" of our Universe

In our lifetime...

Pentagon is afraid Greg will invent a way to observe and hear Aliens at Alpha Centauri!!

2014 Rx Breast Cancer Cure

2014 Guglielmo Marconi notes on the invention of radio will lead us to hearing Aliens!!

Serenity House writers colony will write a group and husband and wife Novel combining notes of Marconi and Pasteur and linking these notes to 1,001 current invention projects

Allah and God

Tit for Tat War

God should have won the war over Allah - "Total Victory" over Allah in 1980 via ElectricWindmillCar invention!!

USA Waste Management can still use the ElectricWindmillCar and free H at -254 free for everyone in the USA to win a decisive Victory over Allah!!

Spin off inventions from SWF's and wives in a polygamous marriage will be "Trillions" and "Trillions" she will get one invention after another after another once she starts her iphone conversations talking up any one of 1,001 invention projects!!

Euphoria of Pasteur never inspired a million man French Army of microbiologist's!!

Euphoria of Guglielmo Marconi never inspired a million man Italian Army of radio inventors expanding to the stars and galaxies

Predict when Waste Management of the USA is going to make $4 a gallon gas free until the arrival of the ElectricWindmillCar and "Trillions" of cans of H at -254C

2014 is possible with MD or NASA Management replacing the Pentagon Management

SWF's have been held hostage in Saudi Arabia for decades as sex slaves

SWF's will be rescued by MD or NASA Management and ElectricWindmillCar

Enough!! Retlin put in the "Oil Mens" water

SWF's tit for tat revenge on pimps will fast track the gas lobotomy gas in the atmosphere invention, A Bomb of gas lobotomy gas detonated in the atmosphere

Sex Sadists, YouTube Videos of Sex Tortured of SWF's by Saudi Princes for decades!!

Pentagon Waste Management has these videos and watch then on breaks!!

SWF's will be rescued by MD or NASA Management and ElectricWindmillCar

SWF's will come home with a vengeance for McCain and Kerry, they will feel the wrath of SWF's prostituted by Saudi Oil men for decades from the pimps McCain and Kerry $ for another $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues!!

Key West Waste Management is a little to laid back in Key West for the Tourists who would come back to work on an invention project if wifi was Island Wide via a Howard Hughes company... log on to 77HughesNet.com for Satellite wifi for the Island of Key West with unlimited invention research, tourists will come to Key West just for the HughesNet wifi island wide!!

Enough!! End to the Pentagon's Waste Management!!

In our lifetime...

Pentagon is afraid Greg will invent a way to observe and hear Aliens at Alpha Centauri!!

Enough!! End to the Pentagon's Waste Management!!

Allah and God

Tit for Tat War

God should have won the war over Allah - "Total Victory" over Allah in 1980 via ElectricWindmillCar invention!! And SWF's brainstorming invention conversations!!

In our lifetime...

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Disney Cruise Ship at Westin Hotel Dock; both are ALCOHOL AND DRUG FREE

Stressed out drunks and drug users...

Are not Earth's only Tenants who keep Humanity from a Cruise to the Southern Cross!

Disney Docked at Westin for Cruise Lectures on the Southern Cross Star Travels

Disney Docked at Westin for 1,001 invention projects needed for travel to nearby stars

Alpha Centauri's 3 stars poses unanticipated radio frequency discoveries to hear Aliens

Voices can be transmitted from star to star by Aliens and from galaxy to galaxy by Aliens

XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio now Sirius XM Radio

Broadcasting its signal from more than 22,000 miles (35,000 kilometers) away and then come through on your car radio with complete clarity...

...ordinary Verizon Cell phones and iphones don't need "Cell Towers"

iphones and ordinary Verizon Cell phones need all the DOD Pentagon Spy Satellites to broadcast the Cell Towers signal via Satellite

Time line from Marconi's first voices through the air to spy satellites

Time line would be Cleopatra building Pyramids not radio's

Guglielmo Marconi Italian 25 April 1874 – 20 July 1937

Wack-O idea to send voices through the air via radio

Boston, a witch inventor would have burned at the stake no in a fiery LA wreck

Brainstorming Guglielmo Marconi's diary of notes inventing radio and all his other inventions is a must to hear Aliens At Alpha Centauri

Disney Docked at Westin for 1,001 invention projects needed for travel to nearby stars will have 1,001 lectures that brainstorm spin offs of Marconi's radio invention

Cleopatra came to power in Egypt at the age of 17. She reigned from 51-30 B.C.

After life was a big part of building the pyramids

After Aliens, Stars, we should read every thing ever written in Cleopatra's Times

Discovery of DNA's double helix sparked a scientific revolution

Quarks inside DNA's amino acids and its intelligent bonds will spark the next scientific revolution

hadrons which are formed entirely of gluons — called glueballs

hadron particles are made of quarks held together by the "strong force"

Quarks inside DNA set sail a scientific revolution on a Disney Cruise ship docked at Weston pier Key West sailing to the Southern Cross

Cruise ship Disney Motivates

Come on... they play, Its a Small World tune when docking in Key West

Come on... write a Disney tune for docking with Aliens in Nearby Stars

Disney will be in Danger on this Cruise

Danger of those who are addicted to war

Upmost danger today as War is financed by $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues since 1980

War of 1812

1812 Disney Cruise ship could have started feeding Hemingways Turtles and sport fish to increase their Ocean populations to trillions!

War of 1812 was started by drunk men

"How its Made" TV show needs to expand, spin off into other areas of "How its Made"

Disney Cruise ship how it was made is on a DVD and was on Satellite TV

Danger of those who are addicted to war

Upmost danger today as War is financed by $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues since 1980

War of 1812

In a friendly manner tell the DOD and Pentagon three strikes and WW III with 1,001 Nuclear Weapons going off will cancel this Disney Cruise to the Southern Cross

Enough dealings with Waste Management!!!

1936 Hemingway Waste Management on this Drunk...

1936 Waste Management realized in B-52 saturation bombing but not to feed turtles

Mark the 1 Trillion unexploded bombs in Vietnam in 2012 unacceptable!!

Enough dealings with Waste Management!!!

Serenity House Writers Colony were Hemingways wives are not segregated alone from the man writing a Nobel Novel but sitting next to him writing, commenting together.

Buy her a sail boat named Saint Greg

Enough dealings with Waste Management!!!

4th wife got the glory, money, vip status of wife 1, 2 and 3

She was the only wife with Hemingway when the Nobel phone call rang

Polygamous Hemingway would have kept all 4 wives

Enough dealings with Waste Management!!!


Salvation Army is not legitimate, when you realize 100 kids will be left in hot cars to die in the Summer of 2012 and everyone at Salvation Army HQ knows this!!

Enough dealings with Waste Management!!!

Reminiscently the perfume with the defective sprayer now sprays Rx Perfume Cures

Unfamiliar list of all the Penicillins since the first one, spelled out and how its made... to kill the bacteria

Era of Cancer

Era of Gasoline at $4 a gallon

Caroline shouts there is not cure for cancer after spending billions

$177 Trillion in Oil Revenues since 1980

And not even 1 Trillion has been spent on a Rx Cure for Cancer

Pentagon spends $1 Trillion in 2012 on its war addiction

$1 Trillion was spent on Los Alamos super computers from IBM from 1980 to 2012

Pentagon just like the heroin addict can never be Cured!!

Disney will be in Danger on this Cruise

Danger of those who are addicted to war

Upmost danger today as War is financed by $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues since 1980

Off Limits, Greg told her he was Off Limits to "women observers"

"Women Observers" can not help Saint Greg write, or invent!! Pentagon George Orwell Observes put Greg Off Limits!!

Addicts in Key West got Dr. Shapiro barred from writing Rx

Key West Citizen news paper - Enough dealings with Waste Management News that does not name the addicts or writes about the new drugs used to cure addicts!!!

Guy at the Turtle Museum asked me were the ElectricWindmillCar is...

I told him its in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and Allah gave the godsend of its suppression to Muslims who need the $177 Trillion dollars in Swiss banks

Disney with a Trillion Dollars

Dept of Education with a Trillion Dollars will win more "Wars" than the Pentagon!!

Yale Medical Schools, how many can Yale build around the USA with a Trillion dollars?

Video on the City of Key West web page...

Yale Med Students in Key West will make most of the Videos of City News

Key West Citizen Newspaper will be part of Waste Management that lived to many years past its death bed, ruining lives of addicts and alcoholics as 80% can be cured

Disney planners of its a long cruise to Alpha Centauri tune, and lyrics

Disney planners can write tunes for an entire CD and pay Madonna to sing them

Buy her a sail boat for helping you write 100 pages

Sundancer, can you dance, I certainly did

Saint Greg, will she name her sail boat Saint Greg?

Enough dealings with Waste Management!!!

She has help me write ever page on this web...

Disney Cruise Ship docked at the Westin Hotel Dock for a Cruise to the Southern Cross!!

Enough dealings with Waste Management!!!

Enough dealings with Waste Management!!!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn in Paris on D-Day!

Back home in Key West

100 B-52's dropping bombs that explode into turtle food back in 1936 Key West

B-52's fleet of 100 B-52's dropping bombs that explode into turtle food in 1936

2012 - Pirates treasure in a Key West Store in 2012 with Turtle Soup

Turtle Beach in Key West has a population of 1 Trillion Turtles in 2012

B-52's fleet of 100 B-52's dropping bombs that explode into turtle food

B-52's fleet of 100 B-52's dropping bombs that explode into turtle food

Vietnam has 1 Trillion unexploded bombs from B-52's

Hemingway back in Key West brought home cans of Turtle Soup for Martha

Hemingway caught women for sport like he caught Tarpon

Hemingway wrote alone while the wives waited in other rooms

Earnest can we clean him up like treasure coins cleaned and sold in 2012

Earnest and Martha ate all the Turtles in the Ocean

100 B-52's dropping bombs that explode into turtle food back in 1936 Key West

B-52's fleet of 100 B-52's dropping bombs that explode into turtle food in 1936

Pirates treasure in a Key West Store in 2012 alone with Turtle Soup,

Turtle Beach in Key West has a population of 1 Trillion Turtles in 2012

Hemingway's long lost treasures in a Key West Writers Colony

Serenity House in Key West a Writers Colony, 2 pages a day written with a wife, no one can write without the wife sitting next to him! Clean up Hemingway for 2012

Pirates sailed in Edge of the Earth times

They could sail off the edge of the Earth

Hemingway took home cans of Turtle Soup from Fastos

Sail 1st class to Boston Today

Right wrongs, good and bad things that happened in Boston

Carolina will stimulate your World Geography

Its a small World

B-52's fleet of 100 dropping bombs that explode into turtle food

Turtle Beach in Key West has a population of 1 Trillion Turtles in 2012

Ocean Fishing under pressure because Hemingway and Martha were drunks

Greg walks along the same dock as Earnest and Martha did, stopping to write this with a women Caroline

Good and bad things happened to her in Key West

When I buy her a boat she will not name it Saint Greg

SunDancer Sail Boat, I can use that word in my writings... yes you can!

Do you dance, I certainly did...

Sail to Boston from Key West

Saint Greg is under pressure to write every day

In Boston Kerry is under pressure to sail Humanity into Dancing with the Nearby Stars

Bed Sores from working in the Nursing Home

Good Samaritan nursing home lost the miracle cure for Bed Sores when they did bad things to Greg in Colorado

Greg walks along the same dock as Earnest and Martha did, stopping to write this with a women from Caroline

Good and bad things happened to her in Key West

Hemingway sober and writing with 4 wives in Key West in 2012

Turtle Beach in Key West will have a population of 2 Trillion Turtles in 2013

Turtle and Fish cheaper in 2013 than the 1936 price paid by Hemingway and Martha

Treasure coins cleaned up, Earnest's bad things in Key West too

Hard to heal wounds, bed sores

Good Sam stopped to help the Pentagon saturation Bombings of Vietnam

100 B-52's dropping bombs that explode into turtle food back in 1936 Key West

B-52's fleet of 100 B-52's dropping bombs that explode into turtle food in 1936

Good and bad things happened to her in Key West

When I buy her a boat she will not name it Saint Greg

SunDancer Sail Boat, I can use that word in my writings... yes you can!

Do you dance, I certainly did...

Sail to Boston from Key West

Saint Greg is under pressure to write every day

In Boston Kerry is under pressure to sail Humanity into Dancing with the Nearby Stars

Writing on the dock in Key West with a women next to me, making comments

3 mast sail boats by the 100's in a 180 degree view in front of us

She will not name the one I will buy for her Saint Greg, grin

Probe penetration into her saying this, when other women would not

Hemingway 1936 fished for women

Catch was they never sat at the dock we sat at today, writing and making comments

This is why Turtle Beach in Key West does not have a population of 1 Trillion Turtles today

Greg is under pressure to write, to get 4 wives

To get a women to go to the Garden of Eden with him

Greg learned a lot from the bad things that happened to him in Key West

Caroline's ups and downs in Key West will change with the winds sailing her Saint Greg sail boat... grin

Soup Kitchen on Flaggler in Key West

Turtle Soup from the 2 Trillion Turtles at Turtle Beach Key West

Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn in Paris on D-Day!

Back home in Key West

100 B-52's dropping bombs that explode into turtle food back in 1936 Key West

B-52's fleet of 100 B-52's dropping bombs that explode into turtle food in 1936

Vietnam has 1 Trillion unexploded bombs from B-52's

Its a small world... Disney Song, Caroline loves it when the Disney Ship comes into port in Key West as this is its arrival tune!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Audio of US Gov "Raping" its SWF's who have just had a "Rape Kit" rape them again!

Audio of what the government men's "Rape Jokes" comments same one's every shift Letterman and Leno are emailed this jokes...

"Rape Kit" is a basketball for Obama and black rapists, Mike Tyson - there are millions of Mike Tysons who want to kill the "Beauty Queen" he raped over and over again and rant and rave to crowds of "Black + White's!" he will rape her in Hell too!

Audio of US Gov "Raping" its SWF's who have just had a "Rape Kit" rape them again!

Audio of what the government men's "Rape Jokes" comments same one's every shift

"Rape Kit" is a basketball for Obama and black rapists, Mike Tyson - there are millions of Mike Tysons who want to kill the "Beauty Queen" he raped over and over again and rant and rave to crowds of "Black + White's!" Rage of the Rapists after getting convicted!

Evidence that the "President" gave the orders to shelve 7K "Rape Kits" in the sub basement is on "Audio" at the CIA

Road Rage guys are the one's who have to process the "Rape Kits"

The guys Rage goes on in the lab, as he gets a 55 min break every hour

Trump... "going to mop the floor with you"

Slammed up against every wall until she hit the floor hard!

19K Times in 2012

91K Times in reality as Trump covers up his Victimized SWF's

Army guy who killed 16 kids in Afghastan them burned the bodies, its standard operating procedure to burn the kids dead bodies in Iraq too... natural think to do so the evidence is gone, burned up

Hell burns in the Army Privates nightmares, even the old guys from Vietnam who killed women, children then burned the bodies

Suicide is the only relief from the Hell of pouring gasoline on the villagers you just massacred in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam

Trump the "Celebrity Apprentice" is not finished with rape, murder, baby killings as in the Summer of 2012 he will leave 100 kids in hot cars to die

Victimized by "Rape Kits"

Victimized by "ECG Test"

Red Meat picked up off the floor and cooked up for you

SWF's have different heart attack symptoms than men

SWf's die of Cardiac Arrest more than men

Kidney Dialysis is free

Pacemakers should also be free for SWF's

Trump is the Boss who hires temps with no health insurance coverage

Trump's Temps have TB, Hepatitis, syphilis, and give these to co-workers

"Freedom Towers" to replace 911 World Trade Center

911 at Trump Towers, Trump Road Rage at the "ElectricWindmillCar" suppression

Its a Small World Disney Song on 911 at Trump towers NYC

1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar was "Fired" by Trump and "Burned" by Generals

Evidence on McCain and Kerry is on the "Shelf" with the "Untested Rape Kits"

Shock and Awe of Rape of SWF

Shock and Awe of SWF's asking why the Rape Kit was not in the Lab yet

Sadistic Men leave evidence on every SWF the come in contact with

CIA torture of Muslim women in Afghanistan to make them Prostitutes

Prostitution is Rape

Saudi Princes have raped 10 million SWF's since 1980 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

SWF's sold to Saudi Arabia by the pimp Shooting Baskets with the "Rape Kit" as the basketball

Audio of Mike Tyson in his audio rape rap music lyrics of the Beauty Queen he raped

Obama's Basketball is a "Rape Kit"

FedEx driver tossed a LED TV over the gate on security cameras

Obama's Basketball is a "Rape Kit" he will put back on the shelf untested

SWF's have been scammed into dating the OJ Clones without the evidence pictures of the bloody ex-wife, 91K OJ Clones...

Government men at the statistics office shelve the OJ Clone kills stats from the public

Yale lecture at the Med School this week is titled "Doctors and Dictators"

When Doctors get together they talk insider talk

When Dictators get together they talk up their worst "Rapes" of SWF's

Audio evidence of all this is at CIA HQ

Its a Small World... you will get caught on security cameras

Trump's next Celebrity Appentice is "Going to Mop the Floor with You"

SWF's Shock and Awe at what Greg has written

SWF's will drive the "ElectricWindmillCar" around and around "Times Square" NYC

SWF's Road Rage about so many millions forced into being Saudi Prostitutes

When all the time the "ElectricWindmillCar" that was the "secret weapon" that ended the Saudi Oil Embargo of 1980 - Its A Small World After All

Women talking to Women

Saint Greg in Key West will take them to an Oyster Bar Restaurant and write the next page with passionate, dramatic, criticisms with women in worst case scenarios than Greg in Key West

Domestic Violence 911 calls if untreated for 5 mins injuries are likely

911 Airport Screening for SWF ready to have a Cardiac Arrest

Would have saved a million SWF from sudden death of a Cardiac Arrest

This is on the shelf with the "Untested Rape Kits"

Yale Med School lecture this week is "Doctors and Dictators"

SWF have "Faith" in another "French Revolution"

ElectricWindmillCar Revolution

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Faith in the... "French Revolution"

CIA ex-wife in a messy divorce

Faith in the... "Creating of the Universe"

Elated about the "Ex-wife" formulating the demise of the CIA

Elated about the "Wife's" Top of the day invention chores for you

Sudden Eureka!... "ElectricWindmillcar" invention in 1980

"Observers" behind the "1984 Mirror"

Greg could hear their screams of Elations

Sudden End to the Saudi Oil Embargo, long gas lines!

Time marches on to...

Tanks going into "Desert Storm"

GM shut down the assembly line for the "ElectricWindmillCar"

CIA did a statistic graph showing $177 Trillion in oil revenues until 2012

CIA got a cut of this $177 Trillion

SWF's and CIA ex-wives were enlisted as "Whores"

CIA got a messy divorce from "A Wife"

This ex-cia-wife will inspire the "Gas Lobotomy Gas" A-Bomb

Faith in the "Wife" and the "Ex-wife"

Brain "Pacemakers" for the advancement of medicine

CIA's breast cancer deaths were a causality of wars write off

Pacemakers, when to shock the "Disney Crew" into fast forward in movie making

Sing Its a Small World...

Elated at singing Its a Small World...

MD wives advance medicine

Undiagnosed is it sepsis; pneumonia; cardiac arrest etc

Atlantic Ocean is one Disney Cruise

Disney Cruise on the micro sea's of the microscope, newest one's next generation one's invent something, chores are top of the day invention projects from mom!

Video analysis of whats going on in the advancement of the Hospital Medical School

French Revolution shut down the University Medical Schools for 7 years

Yale lecture at the Med School this week is titled "Doctors and Dictators"

Today BP Oil men are made Presidents of the University

Yale and Harvard have been infected by the greed for a cut of the $177 Trillion

Rx cure for "Greed"

A Billion dollar wife is worth many Trillions of dollars

Elated about "The Wife" thinking up the daily chores for you to create, invent!

"Birth of a Star" video analysis until we travel a few light years

CIA did a analysis of the Universe

NASA can never invent "Star Travels Trains" CIA memo

Universe is expanding faster and faster in mps speeds every day, faster!

NASA has a lack of "Credibility" as they could not confiscate a single Trillion dollars...

Go create...

Returning travelers to Key West

Top of the day to you, here is your invention project for the day

Flaggler the "Oil Man" reinvented the train tracks and train

Disney Cruise on its Atlantic Ocean docks at Key West

Next generation singing "It's a Small World..."

Greg creates a toy RR Train for winter nights

Returning Disney Cruise to Key West, "Star Travel Train" is a tourist attraction

Greg's fortunate occurrence of events by chance in 1980...

Sudden Eureka telling the "1984 Mirror" without breaking it...

Greg just invented the "ElectricWindmillCar"

Hear the Elation Screams behind the "1984 Mirror"

"Passport is needed for the Star Travel Cruise"

Passport App on the iphone that is impossible to drop overboard... lose!

Key West "Navy" could make the breakthrough NASA failed at...

"Brain Pacemaker" is needed before we can be Travelers to other Nearby Stars

"Whistle-Blower" reward will be $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues since 1980

Sing "It's a Small World..."

Faith in the "French Revolution"

MD women will advance medicine into the "Star Trek" Era

After the ex-cia wives inspire the creation of the gas lobotomy gas A-Bomb

"A Wife" in Key West

"Hope" she is on the next flight into Key West... I hope so!

Greg has "Faith" in wives!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Top of the Day's Invention Projects from "A Wife"

The Fortunate occurrence of events by chance or her thinking ahead of what to say

"A Woman Observer" Who gets $1 Billion for "Agreeing" to be "A Wife"

Of Greg's to detonate the "Gas Lobotomy Gas" in the Atmosphere!

Top Notch "Wife"

Top Notch Serendipity inventions...

Top of the Day's Invention Projects from "A Wife"

The Fortunate occurrence of events by chance

Serendipity lectures by Greg, to for the wives to invent, and invent, etc

Saints and Sadists run the Worlds Governments

Government Sadists have infected way to many with no Rx Perfume Cures

"Hell's Eternity" is a WW II movie in a new Universe

"Size Matters" women always smile, now the Universe Sized Up

4K Trillion Galaxies expanding into never ending infinite space

Greg is the sail maker selling you "consciousness" on forever sails

Swiss did have the best chance of getting into Heaven before the Swiss Banks took in $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues

Madonna in her new "MDNA" cd wants to kill her ex-husband in hell over and over again

Topless Madonna singing "Invent a Mammogram" so women will be "Better Off"

Topless Madonna's x-rays in her hands in a better light

Today NASA scrubbed the launch of its "X-Ray Telescope"

Saint Greg will give "A Wife" $1 Billion and NASA $1 Billion to build a state of the arts x-ray Mammogram

NASA's new x-ray Telescope is a "Sensitivity Breakthrough"

Invented before NASA even had a glimmer of getting Lucky with women who will die of breast cancer

NYC New Manhattan project lead by NASA not Los Alamos

$1 Billion dollar x-ray Mammogram machine for "Wives" worth a Trillion dollars

1980 ElectricWindmillCar invention

1980 Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer

2012 NASA X-Ray Telescope Breakthrough invention

Top of the Day's Invention Projects from "A Wife"

The Fortunate occurrence of events by chance

Top of the Day's Invention Projects from "A Wife"

The Fortunate occurrence of events by chance

Gregs Billion dollar wife will get this NASA X-Ray Mammogram Machine on the top of the day's invention projects

Is your government run by Saints or Sadists?

Saint Agnes Eve "A womans revelation of her Husband and Eternity"

The Fortunate occurrence of events by chance

Greg Discovered 4K Trillion Galaxies expanding into infinite space forever

Greg will give a "Woman Observer" $1 Billion from the ElectricWindmillCar

To "Agree" to be a "Wife" to say every Day, Here is your Top of the Day invention project Greg

"A Wife" who will top off her gas tank for the last time ever...

Sadistic Oil men will breath in the clean saintly air of the gas lobotomy gas in the atmosphere thanks to "A Wife" detonating it!

Top of the Day's Invention Projects from "A Wife"

The Fortunate occurrence of events by chance... her Chance thinking ahead!

Of what to say....

On Saint Patricks Day 2012

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Humor from Greg after I get $2 Billion

$1 Billion for a "Woman Observer" for agreeing to be a "Wife"

Tit For Tat as Observers will think this is a Humorous as the sex-deprived fly

"The Wife" will take the $1 Billion offer to deprive men's Minds of "Their Killings"!

Humorous Life in an "Orwellian Society"

Sex-deprived flies drink

Greg home alone for 1 year in Key West

Humor from the Orwellian Society

sex-deprived files drink

Greg writes to get $2 billion for the ElectricWindmillCar

Humor from Greg after I get $2 Billion

$1 Billion for a "Woman Observer" for agreeing to be a "Wife"

Tit For Tat as Observers will think this is a Humorous as the sex-deprived fly

"The Wife" who agrees to take $1 Billion will detonate the A-Bomb full of a gas lobotomy gas...

"The Mind" will change more than Patrick's Kennedy on the Today Show Today wants it to

"The Wife" will take the $1 Billion offer to deprive men's Minds of "Their Killings"!

"The Minds" JFK with no "Windmills" no electrolysis, no H at -254 C when built in 2013

The Minds of the Kennedy's gave us "Mutual Assured Destruction and "Weapons of Mass Destruction"

Kennedy on Today Show talking up dissecting the mind to cure brain cancers

Einstein and Oppenheimer... 2 minds against spending $100 Trillion on A-Bomb production since "Fat Man" was denoted

"The Wife" who agrees to take $1 Billion will detonate the A-Bomb full of a gas lobotomy gas..

Tit For Tat SWF's become 99% of the MD population

Trump's killings, SWF's rejection because the murdered wife was killed by her husband 99% of the time

SWF's Einstine Apprentices TV show

Rx Perfumes from her inventive Mind Kennedy will never ever realize!

SWF's rejection because he gave her herpes, syphilis, hepatitis, a discharge!

Millions of LOVE deprived men and women are driven to drink

Troops drunk in Afghanistan call the wife, screaming drunk, rub her nose in the Muslim Prostitutes

Advancement for SWF's will happen long before our Humorous Orwell advances

SWF's will fly into Key West

Help wanted signs go up in half the shops after the raid

Tourists would love SWF's as their Housekeepers and would tip better

SWF's statistics here... after they are declassified by Orwell

Humor, Hate Crime by our Orwell Gov. against SWF's

Even the military made life worst for them with Muslim Prostitutes and getting killed when he comes home from war

Humor from Greg after I get $2 Billion

$1 Billion for a "Woman Observer" for agreeing to be a "Wife"

Tit For Tat as Observers will think this is a Humorous as the sex-deprived fly

"The Wife" who agrees to take $1 Billion will detonate the A-Bomb full of a gas lobotomy gas...

"The Mind" will change more than Pa tick Kennedy wants!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2013 will be the Richest Era ever for 7 Billion People

Here In 2013... Richest Utopian Era ever in a Novel

In this Richest Utopian Era ever on Earth

DNA pair patterns will be dissected greater

unparalleled technology of dissection ever invented

Memory stem cells will send everyone on Earth to Yale and Harvard

Rich, everyone on Earth will be rich enough to attend Yale and Harvard

Stimulating even more Riches in the Galaxies

Stimulating even more Riches in the Galaxies

Anti-smoking saved 800K lives

No Smoking, No Drinking, will save the Universe!

Rx Perfumes for no smoking, no drinking era

Richest Utopian Novel ever written here in 2013

French Men Gas-Rich Guillotined

French Men Gas-Rich Guillotined

"Beheading" threats by Afghans for the killing of 16 sleeping children

Guilt-Trip for letting 100 kids die in hot cars in the summer of 2012 mostly in FL

French Men Gas-Rich Guillotined

French Men Gas-Rich Guillotined

Vatican City is Gas-Rich beyond even Gas-Rich Mecca

Vatican City is Gas-Rich beyond even Gas-Rich Mecca

Oil Refineries are working 3 shifts in 2012

Yale and Harvard in 2013 will have 3 shifts for under grads and Med Students

Federal Stimulus money spent by Social Security will buy ipads, iphone and subscription to the New England Journal of Medicine for $15 a month...

$983 Billion a year will be saved by Medicare via preventive "Read Aloud" medical journals

Log on to nejm.org

Log on to endwaronearth.com

Get Stimulated to read and Read Aloud then made the decision to take better care of yourself and Earth

Heart of decision making

Guilt-Trip over kids left in hot cars to die in the summer of 2012

2011 kids left in hot cars died, not enough to start a Revolution

H at -254C will keep your ElectricWindmillCar climate controlled 24/7

24/7 invention conversations with your wife will keep you both stimulated

Patented Wheezometer counts coughs

All Spin off invention from this Wheezometer will be hers!

Her Nobel for SWF's

Nobel for the end to Domestic Violence and Murder

Win this one for her

Cinderella can invent

Spin off Cinderella fairy tale with the Wheezometer written in

Her spin off inventions from the Wheezometer

Massachetts Medical Society must get enough Federal Stimulus money to let 7 billion people a month $15 a month each... you do the math

nejm.org this will write off $983 Billion in Doctor Visits

Rx Perfume Cures stimulate one more cure after another after another

Yale and Harvard writing classes

Ruling Classes write the wrongs of the French Gas-Rich Men

"Read Aloud" ipad app, iphone app for the New England Journal of Medicine

Professors comments while reading aloud stimulate your inventive mind more

Here in 2013

Here in 2013

Richest Utopian Era Ever

Richest Era ever for 7 Billion People

Will be here in 2013

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Einstein 1879 to 2012 Nobel 1921 to 2012

"Einstein's Apprentices" TV show

GE NBC Trump "The Apprentice" TV show killed off "Einstein's Apprentices" TV show

NBC + GE TV shows do more harm to society Today - Than Bill Gates killing "Inventors"... that will continue with Windows 8

GE NBC Trump "The Apprentice" TV show killed off "Einstein's Apprentices" TV show

Einstein 1879 to 2012 Nobel 1921 to 2012

E=mc2 Formula applied to NBC GE TV Shows don't release large amounts of innovation

E=mc2 Formula applied to DOD hiring all the "Genius" because they have $1 Trillion budget to pay them to work on "War Toys"

Nobel Prize for Domestic Violence (War) needs the DOD $1 Trillion for hiring

DOD "Einsteins" on the payroll failed to get the E+mc2 formula for Afghan Troops coming home to kill the "Wife"

16 Afghan kids recent killings by GI is just 16 days total for USA "Wives" killed when their husbands get home from Afghanistan

365 "Wives" will be killed by Troops Husbands retuning from the Afghan War in 2012

365 "Wives" will be killed by Troops Husbands returning from the Afghan War in 2012

NBC keeps these 365 dead wives "Classified" persona non grata

GE NBC Trump "The Apprentice" TV show killed off "Einstein's Apprentices" TV show

NBC keeps these 365 dead wives "Classified" persona non grata

"Einstein Apprentices" TV show killed off by NBC would stop the massacre of "Wives"

356 Dead "Wives" is not in the NBC Nightly news

Truth about the Massacre of all these "Wives" will be on "60 Minutes" in 10 Years

FaceBook Today girls can post all the men who give "Women" a "Black Eye" DOD FBI CIA NBC "Today Show" can post all the "Black Eye" crimes and email everyone who should know... this will prevent a "Murder"!

Einstein TV is not NBC as Kenya was on "Today Show" Today not "Black Eye" women who will be killed before 2012 is over

USA Women's murder statistics are ranked below Kenya

SWF's are ranked low by the guys at GE, NBC, Today Show

Bush Daughter has never written a story to help SWF's on "Today Show" NBC

Bush Daughter favors Kenya, Mexico, South American, not SWF American Women

Yale built a new "University" in Singapour

Yale Key West Medical School will never be built by the Yale Ruling Class

Greg will build the Yale Key West Medical School and save the lives of tens of thousands of SWF's in the USA!

God's very best invention is Women

Nobel Peace Prize that ends Domestic Violence and the killing of Wives by troops coming home from the Afghan War is the Nobel Peace Prize Greg intends to win first!

Boston on Today Show today, "Transformer Fire"

To increase voltage so it can be sent over long distances...

Electricity on Einstein's BDay Today should be generated by H at -254 C from a microwave size electric generator next to your microwave!

Obsolete are Transformers and their technology

yale History Dept textbooks have 1,001 history stories of new technology stifled for years and centuries...

Donald Trumps hit show on NBC is a crime against humanity

"Einstein Apprentices" should have replaced Trumps "The Apprentice" after the 1st season of Trump the Bully far from the realities of what NYC needs are in the real world of E=mc2 formula for Domestic and Business Nobel Prizes

GE NBC Trump "The Apprentice" TV show killed off "Einstein's Apprentices" TV show

Bully Trump killed off the "Einstein's Apprentices" TV show on NBC

Trump is Obsolete

GE TV shows are Obsolete

"Einstein's Apprentices" TV show will be written up in Yale History Dept Textbooks

E=mc2 release of large amounts of energy

E=mc2 at GE, NBC TV Shows might have to wait for decades of centuries

365 "Wives" will be killed by Troops, Husbands returning from the Afghan War in 2012

365 "Wives" will be killed by Troops, Husbands returning from the Afghan War in 2012

NBC keeps these 365 dead wives "Classified" persona non grata from a "TV Show" that would save more than half from being murdered in 2012

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Gas War not the War in Afghanistan!

$500 Billion invested in the War in Afghanistan, all $ made from selling Oil + Gas $

"Heart Transplant" War at home lost the "Master Key" to Cure all "Diseases"

$500 Billion - NASA lost this much and more on the "Star Travel Train Shuttles"

Casualties of War - "Star Travel Train Shuttles"

Casualties of War - not in Afghanistan are 19K SWF's killed by "Men" in 2012

Casualties of War - Steve Jobs was 1 of 5 in every 1,000 who ate Lunch Meat and sausages...

Casualties of War - Afghan Women who are Prostitutes for "Marines"

$500 Billion - NASA lost this much and more on the "Star Travel Train Shuttles"

Gas War not the War in Afghanistan!

"Heart Transplant" War at home lost the "Master Key" to Cure all "Diseases"

Casualties of War - Steve Jobs was 1 of 5 in every 1,000 who ate Lunch Meat and sausages...

Casualties of War - "Red Meat" eaters 50 in every 1,000 will die!

Rx Perfume invention that makes you "sick" thinking of eating a "Burger"

Rx Perfume invention that makes you "Sick" thinking of drinking alcohol!

Dr Edward Jenner 1749 - 1823 fooled the immune system

Today his train of though has been lost by Physicians working on immunity

"Heart Transplants" then Immunosuppressive Drugs for life

Today's Dr Jenner is mixing 1/2 from Patient 1/2 from heart donor

This will not give humanity "Total Immunity" from all diseases only the new Hearts!

If the antibody key can fit into the antigen its dead this is what Dr Jenner did in 1800

"Master Key" for the antibody that fits into all diseases antigen can be made

Dr Watson at IBM is a Super Computer the size of a football field

Pentagon guys used this to give Iran a computer virus

Pentagon guys did not even try to make a "Master Key" for the antibody attacking the diseased antigen

Pentagon guys: given them a new heart, give them a break from working on making a new virus for Iran...

Just long enough to get the "Master Key" for all diseases!

Get Out! Of Afghanistan

Pentagon said No Way!

This will never happen long as we can sell gasoline for $4 a gallon

Gas War is the real War

$177 Trillion SWF's must seize by being "Sane"!

Insane Pentagon Guys are drunk on "Gasoline Money"

Rx Perfume lobotomy will make them all "Sane"

SWF's will seize $177 Trillion Dollars and a lot more!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Gregs 2007 web


A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Rx Perfumes invented by Women MD's

1st Time I smelled her perfume on the sea breezes

2nd Time windfall from a 2nd sea breeze!

She has a purpose...

Perfumed smell of a new car, ElectricWindmillCar!

911 Every Car in Manhattan an "ElectricWindmillCar" with the new car Perfume smell

Perfumed days best outcome... scenarios!

SWF's can invent "chopsticks" with a "strip" that turns color for E.coli, strep etc

SWF's MD's can invent Rx Perfumes...

SWF's can invent "chopsticks" with a "strip" that turns color for E.coli, strep etc

SWF's MD's can invent Rx Perfumes...

911 Every car in Manhattan... Front and Rear super Air Bags on the Outside!

Perfumed smell of a new car, ElectricWindmillCar!

911 Every Car in Manhattan an "ElectricWindmillCar" with the new car Perfume smell

Perfumed days best outcome... scenarios!

She has a purpose wearing the Perfumes!

Influenced by 7 Billion People on Earth

Influenced by 4K Trillion Milky Way Galaxies

911 Every car in Manhattan... Front and Rear super Air Bags on the Outside!

Immediate Enterprise selling, installing Front and Rear super Air Bags on the Outside! Selling Rx Perfumes!

SWF's can invent "chopsticks" with a "strip" that turns color for E.coli, strep etc

Immediate Enterprise selling "chopsticks" with AAA Batteries and chip to detect and warn you about E. Coli, Strep, Cholera, Whooping Cough etc

2 am Drunk Soldiers in Afghanistan

2 am Drunk Soldiers attack the wife 1st night home from the war

Rx Perfumes invented by Women MD's are a sleep potion, love potion!

Rx Perfumes invented by Women MD's are a sleep potion, love potion!

Rx Perfume for the mindless overeating by the obese

Built Today ipad, iphone holder to turn them into a "Dash Cam"

In Photos Directory I posted a 4 car rear end crash from yesterday on Kennedy here in Key West - No front and rear super air bags and no "Dash Cams" best and worst case scenarios for outside air bags in this pictures -

her car is totalled without outside air bags on rear and front,

now imagine air bags outside on front and rear and she drives away...

tow truck took her new car to the junk yard as totalled yesterday.

...ironic as Caroline Kennedy has known about super air bags on the outside front and rear for decades...

Built Today JFK Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carriers

50 JFK Nuclear Powered AirCraft Carriers for a Fleet of 50 for the Navy!

Influenced by $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues

Insane Drunk Soldiers at 2 am laughing and screaming insults at Muslims decided to build 50 JFK's with their Wind Fall Perfume of $177 Trillion dollars from Oil $

10K Windmills on the JFK

ipad, iphone "Dash Cams" and Front and Rear Super Air Bags installed Today

$4 gas Enterprise buys Harems for abhorrent behaved Saudi oil men

YouTube videos of women SWF's being treated tortures as oil men's whores...

JFK to the rescue when Built...

Built Today SWF's can confiscate $50 Trillion in Saudi Oil Revenues

Build "chopsticks" with and without AAA Batteries to detect E.Coli, Strep, etc

Enterprise Today for SWF's writing Rx for newly invented Perfumes

Rx Perfumes invented by Women MD's

1st Time I smell her perfume on the sea breezes

2nd Time windfall from a 2nd sea breeze!

She has a purpose...

Today... 1st Time I smelled her perfume on the sea breezes...

The very best outcome for the SWF's Perfumes invented Today!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Love the Russian Drunks, head of the Space Travel Agency fell down drunk, Love it!

Russians managed to censor the news about Space Station binge drinking Vodka in Orbit

Love it! "Red Planet" conversations with space station brew just before they crash land on Mars!

Los Alamos "Alcoholics" are classified!

Frank Stein IBM director of Watson Super Computer Analytic Solutions is giving a lecture on Wed 14 March 12 at Los Alamos on Analytic Solutions and inventing progress in the last 8 weeks.

At Los Alamos so its personnel apply "Watson" tech to their departments and invention conversations

Los Alamos TA-3 Bldg

Esoteric meeting place to say the least

Key West meeting place for Frank Stein's IBM "Watson" applied to 1,001 of Gregs invention projects - progress Greg has made in last 8 weeks writing 2 pages a day in Key West...

IBM's Stein has never programmed "Alcoholism" on "Watson" or any computer at IBM ever!

War: in War we have "Worst Case Scenarios"!

Alcoholism is at its "Worst Case Scenarios"!

Virginia Tech LaCrosse player who killed his girlfriend drunk said Alcohol will "ruin" my life...

Virginia Tech President knows 19K SWF's will be killed by drunk guys in 2012 and with held these statistics from the Students at Virginia Tech...

Yale Law will not sue anyone over this, as Coors, had immunity via $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ sales!

Greg and wives, IBM and Watson, Los Alamos Nuke Guys all working on getting the Rx Cure for Alcoholism... maybe you have to email IBM at Los Alamos the email address is below

Who will get the Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Alcoholism first?

Email... brumby@lanl.gov to speak to Frank Stein on wed 14 March 12 Q and A
Greg and his wives can't make it... POW's yes we are prisoners of war in Key West... better than being held in Cuba - grin!

Love the Military, who they make prisoners of war...

Greg and wives in Key West!

Virgins in Egypt, Ms Samira Ibrahim filed charged against the USA installed Egypt military for having their MD check her virginity... take porn pictures and videos for the military guys

Egypt military court found the MD not guilty

Guilty of free porn looking in her vagina...

Kind Type of Torture that the UN has documented by USA's Egypt guys... and world wide by military minds looking for ways to torture a women

MD was found not guilty and has the video of this virgin test too

Hillary talked up these Egypt Military guys so much... she loves them!

Hillary is a vet knowing all the different Kinds Types of Torture used on "Women" who protest!

Hillary helped Afghan fathers and sons pull out sis's finger nails until she agreed to become a prostitute for USA Troops in Afghanistan $ windfall profit for dad and brothers...

Hillary will probably miss the Los Alamos meeting on Wed 14 March 12 in Building TA-3

George Orwell Observers will discuss Greg - how he did inventing in the last 8 weeks in Key West, everyone "Observes" greg

IBM and Watson how Stein did in the last 4 years...

Really, this is on the agenda for Wednesday's meeting in Building TA-3 at Los Alamos

Greg is tooooooooo FAMOUS!

Greg was toooooooooo FAMOUS At the Waldorf's Casa Marina on Christmas Eve 2011

Last 8 weeks of writing 2 pages a day greg is now.... Way - Greg is way tooooooooo FAMOUS!

Russian space travel Director falling down drunk...

Russian Vodka on the Space Station, censored by Russian Nightly News!

IBM's Watson and Mr. Stein need to speed up saving the lives of 19K SWF's who are killed daily by Alcoholics who know drinking will ruin their lives.. but don't realize it will lead to them killing their girl friends

Greg will invent something to save some of these 19K Woman

IBM Watson and Mr. Stein on Wed 14 March 12 please use the email address here

brumby@lana.gov and speak to Mr. Stein about IBM saving 10% of 19K women from being killed by drunks

Greg will invent something even as a POW in Key West on Wed 14 March 12

IBM and Mr. Stein will not invent anything unless you email the address above and say something

about IBM and Stein inventing some Analytics Solutions on 1,001 Super Computers they have access to

CBS reality TV shows for next season

Will have this conversation about 19K SWF's worst case scenario is TODAY

email Stein brumby@lana.gov

Alcoholics Worst Case Scenario is Today killing 19K SWF's Today!

Any IBM Stein Analytics Solutions will be better than none and none is on the agenda as this will not be brought up unless someone reading this emails them for questions and answers in Wednesdays Lecture at Los Alamos by Mr. Stein of IBM!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Flowers look good...

Invention projects look good...

Women look good...

Women take a good look...

At joining a polygamous marriage of inventing conversations...

Come On, what did you ever talk about with your ex-husbands?

Invention Studies are 3D

Look at the propulsion of light

Discover via brainstorming conversations how to motivate this propulsion!

Attraction of Gravity Physics

Another brainstorming conversation looking good

Desire to have a purpose

Flowers look good

Greg used Miracle Grow

Einstein Vision had a higher purpose than stifle faster than light inventors in 2012

Gov. disinformation and cover ups is what stifles faster than light inventors in 2012

Cops, FBI, CIA, are taking names of Gov. people for the $4 dollar a gallon "Gasoline Trials"

$4 a gallon "Gasoline Trials" will be a "Capital" trial

Moscow intellectuals failed the Human Race in 2012

Lenin in his cold tomb and Putin never installed heating elements in icy Moscow sidewalks

5 Stories of Monorail sidewalks in Key West with Ocean Views and others that criss cross the Island when Federal Stimulus money is better spent on better invention ideas...

Federal Stimulus money to make it extremely convenient to get in to see an MD

Moscow Intellectuals failed the "Dead Drunks" on Moscows Sidewalks since 1980

Resistance to change

Flowers look good...

Invention projects look good...

Women look good...

Women take a good look...

At joining a polygamous marriage of inventing conversations...

Come On, what did you ever talk about with your ex-husbands?

New iPad icon app record this session for the "Wives" to watch

Windows 8 icon to record this session for the "Wives" to watch

propulsion is more than gov. disinformation to keep Einstein a God!

Gov. people who sell us $4 a gallon gasoline do more than just Destroy the Earth!

They didn't make birth control pills free and over the counter!

They infected the new iPad and Windows 8 with the "Miracle Grow" icons deleted!

Rx LSD and other Rx drugs added to "Russian Vodka"

Will make its way to USA "Alcoholics" in "Vegas" in 2084

Faster is not possible with Einstein a God!

Microsoft programmers are "Alcoholics" because they lost a $ Trillion dollars in Vegas$!

Flowers look good...

Invention projects look good...

Women look good...

Women take a good look...

At joining a polygamous marriage of inventing conversations...

Come On, 3rd time is the charm and if its your 1st marriage you Win!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Extreme Brainstorming 24/7 for days, weeks, with wives

Yale Spring Break in Key West, none opted to work 24/7 for 10 days brainstorming inventions

Tonight on CBS 48 Hours he slit her throat 14 times 14 women and did not get caught for decades

7 Billion People and Voice Recognition software can identify everyone of them!

Samsung New Smart TV built in cameras for video and voice recognition software

iphone and new ipad more voices for FBI data base of voice recognition people

7 Billion people in the Data Base for Voice Recognition

CBS 48 HOurs will catch him in less than 4 hours after silting her throat not a decade and 14 more women dead

Extreme Inventing for 7 Billion people to survive...

Red light cameras now car dash cameras with automatic ticket... you have 4 points left on your license and $85 dollars for the ticket has been deducted from your bank account thank you

Extreme Inventing for 7 Billion people to survive...

2000 in Los Alamos IBM built the "RoadRunner" Supercomputer

"RoadRunner" was not linked to wifi in the cars license plate or speed or reckless drivers or road rage drivers...

IBM and Los Alamos did no extreme software computing that would help 7 billion people survive

"RoadRunner" was not linked to wifi to stop spam and scams...

CBS Nightly News, CBS Miami take notes for invention projects for extreme software programmers at Los Alamos who write the extreme software for "RoadRunner" and $1 Trillion dollars of other supercomputers at Los Alamos

1980 Greg invented the "ElectricWindmillCar"

2000 IBM Built "Roadrunner" at Los Alamos and you can watch the video of its construction on the Los Alamos National Lab web page

2012 Greg is in Key West writing "Rough Drafts" to extremely impress the George Orwell Observers into giving Greg a few wife's to marry to 24/7 extreme brainstorming for week, month... etc

2012 LANL Seminar on 14 March 2012 "Growth of Nuclear Power"

Greg's Seminar "Nobels Nitro sawdust" run on Roadrunner supercomputer for H at -254C and electrolysis of 100K cans of H at -254C on the JFK Super Air Craft Carrier with 10K windmills generating all this free electricity... Electrolysis making all 100K cans of H at -254C on the JFK AirCraft Carrier without sinking it!

JFK is a Nuclear Powered Super Air Craft Carrier with 10K Windmills

illiterate! illiterate at brainstorming 24/7 with a few wives for a week, month

1.001 extreme invention projects with links to get you started

Nobel had to add something to Nitro or shut down his work

Electrolysis and H at - 254C need an additive too

Both can be run though the "RoadRunner" at Los Alamos with the new ipad app


Greg "Home Alone" in Key West for 1 year

Greg's extreme will be going from Home Alone to Brainstorming with few wives 24/7 for a week, a month...

Extreme Video of this will be posted on the Los Alamos web next to the IBM video of the construction of the "RoadRunner" in 2000

Greg's 2012 Extreme Brainstorming with a few wives, 24/7 will be much more inventive...

Extreme Inventing for 7 Billion people to survive...

Making an Extreme video, Gregs Honeymoon video with a few wives, brainstorming 24/7 for a week!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


#1 Invention Project for the Wives

1,226 Billionaires #1 is Bill Gates

Monitoring 7 billion people on Earth

Catalyst to get the #1 Invention Project

Dead buried at "Arlington National Cemetery"

40K Dead Women from Breast Cancer in 2012

"R" Restricted only the Pentagon can bury its Dead there

iPad Breast Cancer app to brainstorm this #1 invention for wives

iPhone Breast Cancer app to brainstorm this #1 invention for wives

1,226 Billionaires all "George Orwell" Observers

Greg's 1,001 Invention Projects list

#1 Bill Gates ----------------------- has cancer!

#2 Steve Jobs ------------------------ has died from cancer!

ipad new one will not have a cancer detector that triggers bacon, sausage, lunch meats that kill, murdered Steve Jobs

ipad new one will not have icancer app from yale New Haven Medical School

iTV will come next

iUniversity will come after 40K breast cancer women are buried at "Arlington"

ipad new one will not come with AA Batteries for back up

iWife, iWives, watching her back, brainstorming 24/7 Rx Breast Cancer Cure every night!

Bill Gates #1 Life and Death features don't take 40k dead women in 2012 seriously

"R" Restricted on MSNBC "Today Show" 40K buried at "Arlington" all breast cancer women who died in 2012

Greg's how is gravity generated shell shocked the top brass

Greg's wives will shock 1.226 Billionaire Observer watching 24/7 brainstorming

Heavyweights, 25% of 7 billion people are to fat to join the Army

Heavy, 99% of 7 billion people are restricted from working on 1,001 invention projects



ipad new one "night vision" chip, feature



iCatalysts to broaden the range of life and death features in ipad, iphone for the iwife and iwives

$829 ipad new one

$8,290 iWorkstation

ipad the ipad II the old one was given to all Yale New Haven Medical School Students

iWorkstation was not given to any Yale Medical School Students

You quickly realize Yale's Top Brass don't have the same #1 invention project for their wives... as Greg has!

You quickly realize Yale's medical school students will not be brainstorming 24/7 in front of 1,226 Billionaires the Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer

40K women will not be buried at Arlington in 2012

Pentagon will not let this happen, no matter how gravity is generated!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


1,001 invention projects: disarm everyone on Earth!

Guns kill more SWF's than cops and FBI kill "Criminals"

Invention Project to invent a better "Bleach"

Laser as a "Bleach" hand washer - scanner!

AAipad new one today and app to scan for "Infected People"

Airport scanners could have saved 1 Billion people getting sick, by scanning for TB, Staph, Flu etc

1,001 TB, Whooping Cough, Flu... AAiphone scanner app for the Nanny and Baby sitters

AAiphone app to analyze the kiss, discharge

People go to work sick

People go to the grocery store sick

1,001 invention projects, one is invention to Notify all Others

YouTube Videos of "Infected Co-Workers Friends" emailed to you before they arrive: invention project.

Pentagon put a "Virus" in Iran's Centrifuge Computers

CIA pay back time from profiting from $4 dollar a gallon gasoline

CIA FBI pay and perks are double the normal they would be getting with gasoline at .02 cents a gallon... in an ElectricWindmillCar Era!

CIA pay back time infecting "diseased Businesses" with a virus... Vegas, State Lotteries, Philip Morris and cigarettes, coors and bar drinks mixed with water

Dr Nancy would say put it in the water...

Rx Overnight Miracle Cure to quit smoking cigarettes, Dr Nancy would say put it in the water

Rx Overnight Miracle Cure to stop drinking alcohol, Dr Nancy would say put it in the water

Pay Back from the FBI + CIA for double pay and perks from $4 dollar a gallon gasoline

Invent a better "Hand Washer"

YouTube videos of everyone not washing their hands emailed, CIA and FBI could do this!

Invent a better "Bleach" one of 1,001 invention projects

FBI women, red toe nails, high heals, just right!

FBI women drive their favorite 2012 Model car!

FBI health care plan is the "Best" thanks to $4 dollar a gallon gasoline!

Pay Back from the FBI women, one can marry Greg and help brainstorm 1,001 inventions!

FBI lost track of time

FBI lost track of $4 dollar a gallon gasoline

FBI lost track of the "Motive" of the "Criminal" oil men!

1,001 invention projects disarm everyone on Earth!

Guns kill more SWF's than cops and FBI kill "Criminals"

Russia and the USA are disarming Nuclear Weapons, not really, with $4 dollar a gallon gas disarming Nukes is "I can get more Nukes Warheads on a Missile than you can!" Free money from gasoline they don't want to waste...

Stupid Criminals!

Pay Back from the CIA, FBI, YouTube videos emailed to you before the Infected Co-Worker gets you sick!

Pay Back from the CIA, FBI, put a virus in Vegas Computers, tobacco and alcohol computers, Swiss Bank computers... as they have all the "Criminal Oil Mens: money... $177 Trillion dollars!

Greg writing about the Saudi King with $177 Trillion dollars

Next day the Saudi King tried to buy "Nuclear Weapons" from Pakistan to prevent the FBI and CIA from confiscating his Illegal $177 Trillion windfall profits from $4 dollar a gallon gasoline

FBI Agents navigate "Crime" and "Criminals" motives!

FBI lost track of time...

FBI lost track of time...

1,001 invention projects disarm everyone on Earth!

Guns kill more SWF's than cops and FBI kill "Criminals"

1,001 invention projects disarm everyone on Earth!

Guns kill more SWF's than cops and FBI kill "Criminals"

1,001 inventions projects, FBI Women can brainstorm this one married to Greg!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

MD's at the Pentagon say they can wait until 2084 for a Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure

McCain said we must start "Saturation Bombing" of Damascus Syria Tomorrow!

"Saturation Brainstorming" a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer - MD's at the Pentagon say they can wait until 2084 for a Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure

McCain said we must start "Saturation Bombing" of Damascus Syria Tomorrow!

"Saturation Brainstorming" and testing 7 billion people for cancer and all the other diseases that plague humanity... "saturation testing"!

1,001 New Medical Schools built in 2013 on Eiffel Tower Structures

French Revolution close every University in France for 7 years

70 Billion people will be at the mercy of "Anonymous" people who are in with the "Oil Men" stifling a free Medicare for 7 Billion in 2012

70 Billion people in 2084 will get Medicare for free as $177 Trillion in oil revenues from 1980 to 2012 will not be used up yet

70 Billion people in 2084 will use all 1,001 Medical Schools built in 2013

"Saturation Brainstorming" in 2084 with 70 billion people use to a free and mandatory University Education for decades... windfall of inventions, discoveries!

MD/PhD's all 100 senators and all President of every Nation on Earth will have earned a MD/PhD degree in 2084

MD/PhD's all 100 senators and all President of every Nation on Earth

2012 MD's at the Pentagon have no Regrets for the Saturation Bombing of Damascus, Syria tomorrow!

Madonna MDNA new cd

MD's not available NA

Healthy women in 2012 have a "Panic Attack" over "Breast Cancer"!

MD's at the Pentagon say they can wait until 2084 for a Rx Overnight Breast Cancer Cure

"Panic Attack" by Oil Men was when Greg wrote "Confiscate" $177 Trillion in oil money from Saudi Arabia to finance the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Next day the King of Saudi Arabia tried to buy Nuclear Weapons from Pakistan!

McCain's thoughts are murderous, he wants to kill people in Damascus Syria Tomorrow!

100 USA Women will die Tomorrow from Brest Cancer and other diseases!

1,001 New Medical Schools built in 2013 on Eiffel Tower Structures

1,001 New Medical Schools built in 2013 on Eiffel Tower Structures

Madonna's BP Oil lyrics in her new cd "MDNA" have been lost

Madonna's Rx Overnight Breast Cancer lyrics in "MDNA" have been lost

Handwritten Rough Drafts...

Madonna was married for 8 long years to BP Oil

40K USA women died every year of these 8 years

McCain never thought about one of these tortured deaths from breast cancer

McCain is insane, no Brainard!

25 million people in Damascus, few will read this web, but they should tell everyone to expect Saturation Bombing by B-52's tomorrow!

McCain is not the only one who is insane!

Madonna is insane with rage in her lyrics for her ex-husband

"See You In Hell" she writes and sings

4K Trillion Galaxies...

"I Believe In Hell"...

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


"Life and Death" Features of Windows 8

Laws of Diet and Exercise are Judged Insane

Three Manhattan Projects

1. H at -254 C in NASA Cans Free to 7 Billion People

2. Ten Million Helicopter Combines ASAP

3. 1,001 Yale Key West Medical Schools built on Eiffel Tower Structures

Big Brother "1984" is watching but not watching out for you...

All Traffic Deaths

All Murders of Women

None, Zero in 2084 not our "1984" Era

1,001 Manhattan Project to advance society between 2012 and 2084

Gas Lobotomy in the Atmosphere A Bomb set off by SWF's

"Smart Cars" uncrushable, opposite from Todays tiny little crazy crushable "Smart Cars"

Opposite from Todays 1984 - 2084 Windows 8 Life and Death features and 2084 Manhattan Projects!

MD Wives... there are None among 100 Senators, 2084 all 100 Senators will be MD/PhD's

McCain is insane

Insanity of McCain caused 911 in Manhattan via gas $ money

Laws were broken by thousands to suppress the "ElectricWindmillCar"

This caused 911 in Manhattan

In 1997 Los Alamos was given the orders to build 1,925 B61 MOD 11 Bunker Busting Nukes

You can search for this on Google and see the Nukes on the assembly line at Los Alamos

1980 Model ElectricWindmillCar on the assembly line in 1997 at Los Alamos, Sandia Labs

Sandia Labs had "Secret" Classified paper work on Greg and the ElectricWindmillCar in 1997

1997 Los Alamos B61 was no longer Classified just the ElectricWindmillCar was Classified

Stupid "Life and Death" features for Windows 8

"Vision" of the Laws of Physics discovered

Laws of Diet and Exercise are Judged Insane by all 100 Senators Today

Laws of Physics will get Los Alamos more orders to build B62 and B84 Nukes in 2013

Nukes will not be classified, in this 2013 production run

Classified in 2013 will be the ElectricWindmillCar "Secret" papers at Sandia Labs

Across the street from Los Alamos Labs

Stupid Manhattan Projects are concealed

MD's "Life and Death" advances need the 4th Manhattan Project

Big Brother spent a lot of time "Planning the Tiny Smart Cars" models for 2012 and 2013

Ten Million people will be crushed to death in a "Tiny Smart Car"

McCain is Insane for killing so many in a "Tiny Smart Car"

Ten Million died of Cardiac Arrest and diabetes because McCain Judged the Laws of Diet and Exercise Insane!

Big Brother is watching but not watching out for you until 2084

MD Wives can marry Greg and help Greg Brainstorm a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer 24/7

When McCain lets the Pentagon grant Greg a Pardon!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Greg has been in Key West for the last One year - "Home Alone" but for the "Observers" who don't help Greg brainstorm the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Greg engaged for one year in Key West

Advances in USA's advanced inventions have been "laid back" as Key West

Everyday for one year Greg has asked the "Observers" to let him have a few wife's to brainstorm the Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer

"life + death" Features of Our George Orwell Government

Everyday for one year Fiery LA wrecks and rear end collisions with semi trucks and cars have happened with no super air bags on back or front of cars and trucks!

"life + death" Features of Windows 8 will advance or delay for one year the Rx overnight cure for breast cancer and cancer in general

"life + death" Features of Windows 8 will advance or delay for one year a Trillion spin off inventions from Brainstorming 1,001 invention projects that should have been posted here one year ago with links you can click on to get started inventing something!

"life + death" Features of Our George Orwell Government

Trillions of cloud to cloud lighting rods to stifle Tornados and Hurricanes

Trillions of staph and other infections infected 7 billion people - advanced invention work here!

Trillions of Dollars from the sale of gasoline was deposited in Swiss Banks

Greg engaged for one year in Key West - "Home Alone" but Observers Here!

Greg engaged for one year in Key West -

Government engaged to crimes against all 7 billion people on Earth

Greg engaged for one year in Key West -

Greg engaged for one year in Key West -

GE Built 1,001 "Wind Turbine" Farms in the last One Year

1,001 Yale Key West Medical Schools on Eiffel Tower structures should have been built in the last one year! One in Key West would be built today!

One Trillion staph infections happened world wide in the last one year

40K women died a torturous death from breast cancer in the last one year

Hillary and her friends are Poisonous to USA getting, advancing advanced inventions for 7 billion people!

Every secret deal Hillary has make has killed 25K + USA citizens

Wack-O No! iphone: ipad made in China killed 25K SWF's in the USA

Crank No! Engineer a crank, add wind and gravity control spin off inventions and you will discover there are many perpetual motion machines in the real world, don't believe everything they tell you in Engineering Schools!

Mexican Oil's fiery wrecks and crazy truck drivers in the USA killed 25K Americans

Hospital staph infections killed more than 25K in the last one year

Advances in USA's advanced inventions have been "laid back" as Key West

Greg engaged for one year in Key West -

Cloud to Cloud lightning rods to change the direction of a Key West Hurricane was the invention story I told everyone flying in to Key West one year ago

Tornado's killed 28 yesterday

Trillions of cloud to cloud lightning rods could have made the Tornados "laid back" as Key West tell the Weather People who invented cloud seeding for rain and snow

Advances in USA's advanced inventions have been "laid back" as Key West

"life + death" Features of Windows 8 will advance or delay by one year...

"Secret Gardens" in the Universe, Star Travel Trains, Learning Anatomy and Physiology in the real world... diet and exercise are strict commandments laws of physics and engineering

One Free School Lane, Windows 8 will advance or delay Advanced Invention Lectures on YouTube Videos and this web page - One Trillion Free School Lectures!

Windows 8 will advance or delay by one year all plants at the "Audubon Gardens" in Key West Rx properties.

Tornado's killed 28 yesterday

Tell the "Weather People" a trillion cloud to cloud lighting rods fired from F-35 Lightning Fighter Jets, yes this is the name for the F-35 fighter jets, can change the direction of Tornado's and Hurricanes approaching Key West

Approaching Advanced Inventions in our George Orwell Society is like Greg getting engaged in Key West to a "Woman Observer", who knows the FBI will only be knocking on Gregs door!

Windows 8 "life + death" features!

Real World Engineering Advanced Invention Projects for Tornado's and Hurricane's and 7 Billion People

Windows 8 "life + death" features!

Greg engaged for one year in Key West, Wive's and Greg would have advanced inventing by getting one invention after another after another, brainstorming 24/7 with the "Observers" watching!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Ten Million Helicopter Combines for USA harvested Crops

Mexico, India, China, Pakistan are "Poisonous" to USA advanced inventions, especially the 10 million Helicopter Combines

Trillions of "Cloud to Cloud" Lightning Rods to change the direction of a Hurricane heading to Key West and Tornados in the Mid-West... Mexico, India, China, Pakistan are "Poisonous" to USA advanced inventions, especially this Trillions of Trillions of "Cloud to Cloud" Lightning Rods to change the direction of a Hurricane heading to Key West and Tornados in the Mid-West...

Ten Million Helicopter Combines for USA harvested Crops

Mexico, India, China, Pakistan are "Poisonous" to USA advanced inventions, especially the 10 million Helicopter Combines

GM needs to write the check today for $1.1 Billion for the "Gravity Engine" from Stanley Today

In 1875 Stanley Invented a way to develop Kodak plates 100 Times faster

Kodak wrote Stanley a check for $1 million in 1875

Kodak CEO mentality today would steal this invention rather than buy it and earn Trillions from paying $1 million to a inventor

Rush Limbaugh and Lady Gaga are "Poisonous" to 7 billion people on Earth

Yale and Harvard ruling class created Rush and Gaga

Push and Pull Humanity to invent something

Gravity Engine for propulsion

Gravity Satellite Dish for pulling

Simple way to start brainstorming how to go faster then the speed of light, how to get light to go faster than the speed of light...

Simple invention to replace all "Syringes"

In a "Glass of Water" type invention

$1.1 Billion check must be written to "A Stanley" today

Today gasoline and gasoline money is "Poisonous" to 7 billion people

Yale and Harvard ruling class are the ones who want to keep selling 7 billion people gasoline

President of the USA will bomb Iran before promoting the ElectricWindmillCar Era

UN Founders had strategies to prevent this, they failed via greed of $177 Trillion in gas money

Huge amount of money

Gregs wives, $1.1 Billion wedding gifts to marry Greg, an arranged marriage. One hour of sex then 23 hours of Brainstorming for week, month, a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer and 1,001 other inventions.

Rush of $1.1 Billion wedding gift will Rush the women into trying and getting one invention after another after another... themselves for as lone as they live.

Cops, FBI, and Neighborhood Watch and 19k women, wives are murdered in 2012

Cops, FBI, and Neighborhood Watch and Carbon Monoxide killed a husband and wife couple in Miami yesterday

1980 should have been the end of gasoline fuel and gasoline money

1980 no women in the USA should of been murdered after 1980!

2012 Yale and Harvard Ruling Class failed to live up to the Valor, Honor, of the UN

WHO at the UN took a Check written for $1.1 Billion to go along with selling gasoline

1 Billion people a day breath in Diesel and gasoline exhaust fumes

Studies by Yale and Harvard Ruling Class track 1 Billion people

CO Commanding Officers

CO Carbon Monoxide

Both killed the owners of the gasoline fueled car in Miami yesterday

Dr. Nancy when Commanding Officer and President of the USA would put Retalin and Male Birth Control Rx in the drinking waters...

Rush Limbaugh would be "Tortured" for calling women "Sluts" in his birth control rant and rage

Women with terminal breast cancer

Women just out of the Burn Unit after their fiery LA Wreck

That would have been prevented with super air bags on the outside of both cars and trucks and the gravity fuel engine... will have more "Murderous Thoughts" than Martha Gellhorn did with Hemingway!

Polygamous Marriage at the Hemingway House

Greg will be "Home Alone" in Key West One Year on 4 March 2012... Tomorrow

Greg writes better than Hemingway to get a Pardon from the Pentagon so he can have the 1st Polygamous marriage in Key West, and be the One, with 4 wives that gets the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer...

Arranged Marriage, 24/7 brainstorming the Rx Overnight Cure in this arranged marriage

$1.1 Billion for each wife is to get a "Rush" on getting this Rx Overnight Cure!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Scanning electron micrograph of T lymphocyte (right), a platelet (center) and a red blood cell (left)

Scanning electron - 4 March 2012 Greg has been home alone in Key West for 1 Year Today so... Brainstorm advanced inventions for Scanning electron microscope's, I'm sure "Woman Observers" can come up with 100's of new lab and anatomy scans, scan the blood under a Scanning electron microscope for breast cancer cells, e. coli everything... When Greg gets a Pardon from the Pentagon I will join the "Women Observers" in brainstorming 100's of advanced inventions we can scan. Thank You and remember God's very best invention is Women!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Dr. Nancy said put the Rx Miracle Cures and Vaccinations in a glass of water!

She means the "Futuristic Penicillins + Polio Shots" that would have been invented for "Today Show" Story today but were fire bombed via "gasoline" car bombs - by oil men, our ruling class.

Fiery LA Wrecks for $177 Trillion in Crude $$$$$$$ Same people who pay Lady Gaga for her soul $177 Trillion... SWF's Harmed this Way hit song by Madonna and she does not have to sell her soul to write the lyrics as SWF's are harmed by men, especially oil men.

Lady Gaga to sell her soul to the Crude Oil Scum from Saudi Arabia and Texas, born this way, rich with oil... born this way, rich with oil money! 7 Billion others need a donation!

Then suppress the ElectricWindmillCar and Rx Miracle Cures and Vaccinations from ever being invented by SWF's who want to marry but don't have the money, 7 billion People need inventors more than oil men!

Infect the MD's who own the kidney dialysis center with greed so they suppress mandatory kidney donation so they too can make $177 Trillion from kidney dialysis...

Crude Oil Scum bought Lady Gaga and wrote her song "Born this way"

Scientists and Politicians who want to end the Earth's Isolation in the Milky Way Galaxy are at the mercy of Crude Oil men from Saudi Arabia and Texas

Medicaid for 7 Billion people would not cost $177 Trillion

This Crude Oil Scum keep their money in Secret Swiss Banks

Swiss Bankers have no fear of God or cops burned in fiery LA Wrecks confiscating $177 Trillion from Swiss Banks and using it to make sure all HS kids get a Free and Mandatory University Education

$177 Trillion enough left over to buy Auto cad software and Med software

Design the "Star Travel Trains"

Amazing view of the sugar and salt grains in your blood and what happens to your Kidney when sugar, salt, fat, reacts with the kidney and rest of your Organs you can not spell let alone visualize the sugar and salt and cigarette smoke in your blood stream

Combat Lady Gaga, make public she is a pimp for Texas and Saudi Oil men who stifles vaccination inventions and miracle cures.

Declare War on Lady Gaga, POW tortured by cops in a cop car that burst into flames when hit by a drunk driver...

ipad app for the most amazing views of Rx Miracle Cures and Vaccines in drinking water after scientists get, confiscate $177 Trillion from Saudi Arabia and use it for health care for 7 billion people

Mind Boggling Vaccinations and Rx Miracle cures in a glass of water

Even more amazing is H2O H at -254 C to climate control your car and generate your electricity

Frozen foods in bubble wrap at -254 C no need for a GE Freezer

Tomorrow Today on the "Today Show" but Crude Oil Scum took $177 Trillion in invention grants from 7 billion people and put the money in Swiss banks

You can visualize grains of everything in your blood stream

High School kids with Cadavers will surpass 1st year Medical Students like no one can imagine today

Mind Boggling Vaccinations and Rx Miracle cures in a glass of water

Mind Boggling Vaccinations and Rx Miracle cures in a glass of water

And this will cost a lot less than $177 Trillion Dollars to invent

HS kids with Cadavers will surpass 1st Year Medical Students and build a Star Travel Train in their spare time...

Dr. Nancy said put the Rx Miracle Cures and Vaccinations in a glass of water too! Thanks Kids!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

SWF's will get a hit song by Madonna "SWF Harmed This Way"

SWF's will get a hit song by Madonna "SWF Harmed This Way"

Harvard - - - Lady Gaga "Born this Way" Lyrics but SWF's "Harmed This Way" -

Harmed by Harvard Ruling Class Men since 1980's suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar, just one way they were harmed is Greg would have gotten the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer in 1981...

Harvard has a Facebook Addiction to harm SWF women in an "Orwellian Society"

Harvard has "Harmed This Way" SWF by using Bill Gates and Microsoft to "Over Price" Windows and Office out of the reach of SWF's and Greg$

$160 Billion in Cash is what Microsoft has from "Harming This Way" SWF's

$75 Billion in Cash is What Bill Gates has from "Harming This Way" SWF's

$177 Trillion in Cash from gas is What Harvard and Yale Oil Men Have from "Harming This Way" SWF's

Yale Elite wrote today on YaleNews.com Facebook and Sport Addictions "Harm This Way" SWF's and all of Society

Harvard Ruling Class who "Harmed This Way" Opened Pandoras Box of MIT War Toy inventions with $177 Trillion dollars in illegal oil money making these War Toy Inventions by MIT stereotypical Over Kill and evil.

"Harmed This Way" SWF by MIT's $177 Trillion not spent on SWF's invention projects because the Pentagon and DOD gave MIT their shopping list of things to invent

SWF's Shopping list of things to invent was made Persona Non Grata by Hillary, Bill, Cater, Bush, Caroline Kennedy and 10's of Thousands of Harvard and Yale members of the Ruling Class

Hemingway House writing classes will lecture on "Harmed This Way" and MIT war toys shopping list from the Pentagon... to help SWF's write like Hemingway in Key West.

Hemingway could have thought about writing a "Pandora Box" of inventions and "Harmed This Way" SWF novel were the women are harmed by the Ruling Class

To Have Have Not and Farewell to Arms...

Martha Gellhorn went to Vietnam to stop 3 million women from being Napalmed by men from Yale and Harvard

Fiery LA Wrecks burned and burned to death 3 million women since the 1980 invention of the Electric WindmillCar

Navy's new "Rail Gun" a reinvented "Gatling Gun" will kill 10's of thousands of women in a war some time in the future... Yale and Harvard History Professors could write this paper today

Greg will start a SWF Foundation - Yale Key West Med School will admit SWF's first!

8 Hospital Ships docked at Key West will give SWF patients VIP health care, cures$ without "Chemo Brain Fog" as Dr. Susan Love's ill mannered Foundation does... yes Dr. Love took a $1 billion dollar bribe from BP Oil men and Pentagon grads from Yale and Harvard!

Gaga's Foundation "Born this Way" is a scam and she is OIL SCUM... on H2O as with electrolysis SWF's will get free Hydrogen -254 C for climate controlled cars, no more kids left in hot cars to die! Frozen foods bubble wrapped at -254 C not GE Freezer needed!

Gaga knows about kids left in Hot Cars to Die.... this is why she is Oil Scum!

Gaga suppresses these lyrics in her hit song "Born This Way" to die in a Hot Cars, kids!

Gaga has taken a $1 Billion dollar bribe from BP Oil Men + Pentagon grads from Harvard

SWF's will get $1 Trillion in Checks mailed out after the Coup

SWF's will get a hit song by Madonna "SWF Harmed This Way"

SWF's will get a hit song by Madonna "SWF Harmed This Way"

Carters Habitat for Humanity Foundation harmed and killed 10's of thousands of SWF's

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation harmed, stifled 10's of thousands of SWF from working 24/7 on 1,001 invention projects on her shopping list that were never preinstalled, and will not be preinstalled in Windows 8 and Office 2013 - record this internet session to a YouTube Video keep track of your invention projects will not be offered in Windows 8...

SWF's "Harmed This Way" lyrics in Madonnas hit song will mention this!

SWF's will get a hit song by Madonna "SWF Harmed This Way"

SWF's will get a hit song by Madonna "SWF Harmed This Way"

Gaga's "Born This Way" is a scam on society via BP Oil men! $

$1 Billion in Bribes paid to Pakistan Men by Hillary is no longer a "Top Secret"

$1 Billion in Bribes paid to Lady Gaga to let Men "Harm This Way SWF" is a "Top Secret"

SWF's will get a hit song by Madonna "SWF Harmed This Way"

SWF's will get a hit song by Madonna "SWF Harmed This Way"

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Leap Year Day for SWF's... ahead to their inventions not MIT's War Toys

Pandora's Box was opened by MIT last Leap Year

Paid for by Oil Men with $177 Trillion dollars, now leap past this Era

Honor Killings of women in Pakistan go on today but "Today Show" tomorrow will not have this story!

SWF's Leap Year's Invention Box of Very Good Invention Projects getting out of the box... Trillions and Trillions of inventions for the benefit of SWF's for SWF's to work on... to get one invention after another after another!

NASA Women can Leap Ahead to Alpha Centauri Star Travel invention projects...

H Hydrogen bubble wrap for frozen foods will keep them frozen at -254 C without the GE Freezer

"Chemo Brain" Fog from breast cancer treatment which is not a overnight cure but a scam... to make Trillions from breast cancer... Rx Overnight Cure for Breast cancer would Bankrupt Roche in Switzerland were Swiss Banks keep $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues.

Pentagon's Pandora Box blows out roadside bombs aimed to Leap On SWF's, honor killings in Pakistan and the wife and kids are killed by the Drone attack on the terrorists.

BP - Saudi's - Pentagon all Leap On SWF's instead of making them wife's to brainstorm Warp Speed Leap Ahead for SWF's health and wealth. Social Status too!

Navy on 29 Feb 2012 Leaps Ahead with a "Rail" Gatling, impressing firing power to destroy women and kids caught in war... what else is new, right... you know this new gun will kill tens of thousands of women some Day in some future war!

SWF's are a Leap On Target of Men At War!

Gregs wants them to be wives in a Polygamous Marriage to brainstorm 24/7 to leap year over the Pentagon's and BP Oil Mens Box of Pandora Honor Killings today in Pakistan... and in the USA from Iraq and Afghan vets coming home to kill the Wife, on Leap Year Day and every single Day in the rest of the Year 2012... wow!

Honor Killings of women in Pakistan and USA by Iraq Vets...

Leap years ahead of todays Pandora Box of Honor Killings by men...

Relativity Theory, there is one for SWF...

There is one for Women in General...

They are Gods best invention and can learn to invent and get one invention after another after another with Greg...

Leap Ahead Invention Ideas as faster than the speed of light is possible and there are several perpetual motion machines in the Universe left for women to discover.

Greg is "Home Alone" in Key West for 1 year on 5 March 2012

Earth is "Home Alone" in the Universe for the next 1K Years with our current Gov. men!

Navy's new Gatling Gun fires one round each revolution...

Next Revolution by SWF's will super glue oil men to the Turbine Blades of GE Wind Turbines

Just for the murder of kids via Hot Cars and Whooping Cough, add in Fiery LA Wrecks burnt kids in the back seat... for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues

Oil Men Super Glued to GE Wind Turbine Blades will be in a perpetual spin cycle...

H Hydrogen bubble wrap for frozen foods will keep them frozen at -254 C without the GE Freezer


Urinary Track infections are from E. Coli - 10's of millions have been caused by handling Chickens for dinner and she was not told warned because sales of chicken would drop to nothing...

Gov. men did not want SWF's to know E. Coli making Chicken Dinners was the cause of their Urinary Track infection and MD's made a Trillion dollars in overtime money from this one E. Coli infection that could have been prevented it the women knew about it...

MD Detectives who knew were told do not tell anyone...

Greg has been Home Alone in Key West for 1 year on 5 March 2012

Greg has to talk to the Cat about the Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer

George Orwell Observers will not give Greg a Pardon so he can get a few wives


Leap Forward 4 years and 4 wives and 4 years together and imagine all the 4K inventions we will get!


Invention Box Opened with 4 wives working 24/7 for weeks at a time with Greg Brainstorming

Opens a new way to spend time with the wives


She can not keep a straight face when I talk about the George Orwell Observers

Please help us escape this don't talk to Greg Era

H Hydrogen bubble wrap for frozen foods will keep them frozen at -254 C without the GE Freezer

H Hydrogen bubble wrap for frozen foods will keep them frozen at -254 C without the GE Freezer

Wives will get one invention after another after another...

Wives will get $1.1 Billion each from the $177 Trillion in Illegal Oil Revenues confiscated from Saudi Arabia.

Leap Year in Key West, Honor, Valor, SWF's Leap Ahead to Wives who have learned how to get one invention after another after another via Brainstorming 24/7

$ Trillion Dollars in Checks sent out to SWF's from the $177 Trillion in Illegal Oil Revenues - Leap Ahead to 24/7 Brainstorming of 1,001 Invention Projects preinstalled on Microsoft Windows 8 and Office 2013... 1st time ever we will have enough money to buy Windows and Office from Microsoft too!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Dr. Nancy Snyderman talking to Matt Lauer, lifestyle of Ambien users causes 4 times more deaths!

Kerry kills point blank, in cold blood, 1,001 Whooping Cough kids in 2012

McCain kills point blank, in cold blood, 1,001 kids left to die in hot cars

H at -254C would have been in model 1980 ElectricwindmillCars...

1980 Whooping Cough would have been a mandatory Vaccination....

This list of murders goes on and on to several pages

Lifestyle of Ambien documents these gov. murders will be on YouTube videos, no wonder why they can not sleep...

Mushroom Cloud Makers "Nuked" the Earths 1st Star Traveling "Enterprises"

Star Trek 2009 movie went back in time

Red Matter creates a black hole creates super gravity

1980 spin off from the euphoria of the ElectricWindmillCar would have discovered how gravity is generated... this was nuked by Mushroom Cloud Makers

7 Billion would have been covered under "Medicaid" in 1980 a spin off from the ElectricWindmillCar invention in 1980 was nuked by Mushroom Cloud Makers

1 million out of wedlock births in 2012 caused by 19K murdered wives and girl friends every year since 1980...

Gas Lobotomy Gas in the Atmosphere will be set off by a SWF when invented...

Yale Elite MD/PhD program and its grads since 1980 were not allowed to invent anything for the SWF's class... to keep the Status Quo at Yale for the Elite!

1,001 invention projects for these MD/PhD grads to work on after the Coup will eradicate the low class from yale rhetoric low class will only be in History Classes at Yale!

$1 Trillion will be sent out to SWF's for years and years to pay for Saudi Oil Men prostituting them from 1980 to 2012.

Invention of the Laser Vasectomy will be a windfall for SWF's! 1,001 other inventions will be invention projects for SWF's

Mushroom Cloud Makers Nuked SWF's 1,001 inventions since 1980

Star Trek 2009 went back in time

Star Trek 2013 will make dramatic 1,001 invention projects

we need to lose sleep over by brainstorming 24/7 in a Polygamous Marriage

with a few wives

to give SWF's a long lost windfall Era

from 2013 to 3013 just to make up for murdered wives

and breast cancer deaths...

that were all man made, by Men Making Mushroom Clouds!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


SWF's IQ levels are linked to the Passion of the Invention Projects

SWF's Race to The Cure, for 7 Billion Peoples Major 77 diseases!

MD Majors in the Army harmed 7 Billion People since 1980 Daytona 500 Race

Daytona 500 Today

500 + Yale Medical Schools built after Today, how fast depends on who winds the Dayton 500 Car Race Today

SWF Danica Patrick has the Pole Position in Todays Daytona 500

SWF's "Day in the Life" of SWF's produced for the "Today Show" tomorrow has been censored by NBC Censors

GE MSNBC break down charts on the day to day statistics of SWF's is not fit for the "Today Show"

SWF's are raped, beaten, left for dead, murdered, prostituted by Saudi men and others every Day

GE Surveillance dept has all these videos ready for YouTube when SWF's gain the White House

White House Today gave the NYC PD millions to watch Muslim Neighborhoods

this White House mistake in spending million to watch Muslims caused SWF's rapes, beatings, murders, to go unsolved as the NYPD was watching Muslim Neighborhoods

Dean Alpern at the Yale Medical School gave a State of the Union Address for Yale Medical School

Deal Alpern made with "Saudi Oil Men" harmed the health of 7 Billion People with this one "Deal"!

SWF's IQ levels are linked to the Passion of the Invention Projects

SWF's Race to The Cure, for 7 Billion Peoples Major 77 diseases!

IBM Scientific Insights into a "Charge" in a "Molecule" is a 1st discovery Today
"Bond" formation between atoms and molecules will advance in the scientific community now

"Bonds" between SWF's Race to Cure 7 Billion of 77 Major Diseases can surpass IBM's "Bonds"

CIA guys and Navy Seals "Valor" follows orders from the "White House" to watch Muslim Neighborhoods letting the SWF get raped, beaten, murdered, prostituted by Saudi Oil Men Today

"White House" orders to watch "Out For:" SWF can not back up in time to 911 and 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar but can win at Daytona 500 Today a coup for SWF to advance in the Times ahead of Muslim Neighborhoods in NYC and World Wide!

Even UCLA Researchers back over SWF's inventing their new E. Coli iphone device that can scan for this bacteria... but not where SWF's eat. Where SWF's need to scan for a discharge. Please do your homework on SWF's health needs to be scanned with iphone devices to be invented.

UCLA Researchers could have "Bonded" with SWF's if the "White House" had a SWF President then apps for Air Port Scanners would have been invented to scan what SWF's health dictated needs to be invented. With Trillion dollar Air Port Scanners... wow!

Dean Alpern's "Orwellian Comments" addressing the body of Medical Students and Professors at Yale Medical School said "Complicated World" meaning that CIA Orders from the "White House" can Cure 7 Billion People or Harm 7 Billion People. So far Orders from the "White House" harmed 7 Billion!

Car backing up in time to 911

911 calls to NYC Police who are watching Muslim Neighborhoods

7 Billion Patients Bank at Chase NYC knowing $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues are in the Safe!

SWF's are not "Safe" Today

Day in the Life of SWF's Produced by GE NBC Today would not be fit for the "Today Show" Tomorrow

SWF's IQ levels are linked to the Passion of the Invention Projects

SWF's Race to The Cure, for 7 Billion Peoples Major 77 diseases!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

$$$$$$$$$$$ Her Purse Full of Gas money spent since 1980 $$$$$$$$$$

Keep an eye on her purse she forgot something inside

$$$$$$$$$$$ Her Purse Full of Gas money spent since 1980 $$$$$$$$$$

Hillary and Bill let Saudi and Texas and Canada Oil men steal money from her Purse!

$$$$$$$$$$$ Her Purse Full of Gas money spent since 1980 $$$$$$$$$$

Iran has stole $45 Trillion from her Purse to build their first A Bombs

$$$$$$$$$$$ Her Purse Full of Gas money spent since 1980 $$$$$$$$$$

French Government in Paris has stole $5 Trillion for French Wars in 2012

Putin in Moscow stole $7 Trillion out of her Purse for the Soviet Army Perks

Al aha God is Great stealing gas money from her purse since 1980

15 Terrorists from Saudi Arabia would have been "Poor Arabs" but they too stole gas money out of the SWF American Womans Purse since 1980

"Valor" Navy Seals can still arrest a million Saudi and Texas oil men

SWF American women as Polygamist wives will work 24/7 driving invention projects that are the Worlds First Aid kits reinvented with a passion!

"Time Warp" for Saudi Men from 911 as they embezzled all their money from gasoline sales from SWF American Women stealing out of their purse

911 by the SWF American women about Saudi Oil men stealing money out of her purse, the 911 dispatcher tells SWF American women they have immunity from the President of the USA

Rich Man Poor Man - Rich SWF American women will marry so they can work 24/7 getting one miracle cure after another for the Worlds First Aid Kit they can carry in a Purse that will be higher tech than the Doctors Black Bag of Today!

Purse is an "Ice Box"

Purse is an "Microwave"

Purse is a burnt fingers proof "Oven"

Purse is a "Freezer" for food frozen at -254 C with liquid Hydrogen

Her Priority is getting the 911 call to be answered

Her Priority is getting the "Valor" of Navy Seals to arrest a million Saudi, Texas, and Canada Oil men who stole gas money out of her purse since 1980

Keep an eye on her purse she forgot something inside

Hillary and Bill gave Saudi oil men immunity to steal money out of the SWF American womans purse...

911 The 15 Saudi Terrorists were financed by gasoline money from BP Oil

911 call by the SWF American Woman about Saudi and Texas and Canada oil men - they hung up on her!

Her "Mood Level" to get married for the 3rd or 1st time depends on getting some gas money back into her purse so she can work 24/7 on getting one invention after another after another... miracle cure inventions!

Men who marry her will make her sole Beneficiary for the purpose of life after death, soul-mates and God's best invention is women so best think to do is make her sole Beneficiary and soul-mate! Teach her to get one invention after another after another... forever!

$$$$$$$$$$$ Her Purse Full of Gas money spent since 1980 $$$$$$$$$$

$$$$$$$$$$$ Her Purse Full of Gas money spent since 1980 $$$$$$$$$$

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

What I mean is GE did not make Cardiac Arrest Alarms in 1990 instead they made "Wind Turbines" which women and society did not need, women died by the thousands every day via Cardiac Arrest and GE knew this yet built "Wind Turbines" when women and society did not need or want wind turbines!

Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

This wrong decision by GE is criminal, and lead to 100's of wrong decisions such as the failure to eradicate "Strep Throat" and many other childhood diseases that could of been cured in 1980 when Breast Cancer would have been cured with the Model 1981 ElectricWindmillCar

Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

GE and Kerry at Boston Childrens Hospital last week for "Invention Acceleration Programs" were procrastinated since the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar invention and without "WiFi" free and city wide in Boston and the island of Key West Children will be stifled inventing in 2012 and for many more years of GE is not Arrested for mass murder via turning off the Cardiac Monitor Alarms not making Cardiac Monitor Alarms in 1990...

Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

JFK Star Travel Mission has not been announced at NBC because Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

Harry Potter Books stifled JFK's Star Travel Mission

Harry Potter Books should have been written by NASA Astrophysics Troops

Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

GE made "Valor" and Navy Seals Hero's not "JFK's" Star Travel Mission to Alpha Centauri

"Valor" Navy Seals Blew Up Earths 1st Star Travel Ship on the launch Pad



GE blew up these and killed tens of thousands of women via turning off Cardiac Arrest Alarms

GE also caused 10's of thousands of women to become Alcoholics

GE also turned off the "You are becoming an Alcoholic" Alarms!

GE and the UN are criminal organizations

Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

Cardiac Arrest Alarms were turned off by GE

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

7 Billion People Were Killed by Aliens

Sooner or later this will happen

No Pardon from the Pentagon for Greg

To Save 7 Billion

One Invention to hear and see Aliens

To Know Which Aliens would Kill 7 Billion People

Pentagon Pardon for Greg to Save the lives of 7 billion people on Earth

No Pardon

ICBM's gov. owned are being upgraded to carry 50 Nukes on each Warhead

$1 Trillion is being spent on MIT War Toys in 2012

$1 Trillion windfall for Key West to get one invention by Greg and his wives NO!

Orgy of women, all wives, MD PhD, to boost cognitive functioning of Gregs Orgy of brainstorming ideas, how do we invent a way to hear and see Aliens and then to tell the Warrior Aliens from the Peace Full Aliens?

No Pardon for Greg by the Pentagon to get this one invention to save the lives of 7 Billion People on Earth

WiFi for the City of Key West

Island wide WiFi for Monitor Inventions that we will invent in our spare time

"I have fallen, I can't get up" ok help is on the way

WiFi monitors will give this app to everyone on the island of Key West not just those who paid for the service

Plaque of Rich foods were hidden in the Dark Matter Waldorf Menu

WiFi monitor a futuristic one invented to let you know whats on the Menu

iPhone Menu of Restaurant meals does not let you know the rich plaque foods

Catheter up your artery at 13K RPM's will cost a lot too clean out plaque

Home Alone Greg is Home Alone in Key West for 1 Year on 4 March 2012

Pentagon refused to grant Greg a Pardon

$1 Trillion was spent on war toys by MIT

$1 Trillion windfall for Key West to finance Gregs Polygamous Marriage to MD women and time on the Super Computer that is upgrading ICBM's to carry 50 Nuke Warheads

7 Billion People have been killed by the Pentagon

From driving the ElectricWindmillCar in 2012

7 Billion People will be killed by Aliens

Aliens at Alpha Centauri 4.3 light years away

Or Aliens from some distant star 430 light years from Earth

Day will come sooner or later and ICBM's upgraded to carry 1 Trillion Nuke Warheads will not save one life out of 7 billion

Home Alone Greg is Home Alone in Key West for 1 Year on 4 March 2012

Pentagon refused to grant Greg a Pardon

$1 Trillion windfall for Key West to finance Gregs Polygamous Marriage to MD women

$1.1 Billion wedding gifts for all Gregs Wives to brainstorm 24/7 until we get all these inventions or die trying... fight to the death with Aliens and a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

Invent or Die trying... to save the lives of 7 billion and 40K Breast Cancer deaths in 2012

Hell of a lot different than Gregs 1st year in Key West Home Alone every Night!

Hell of a lot different than Gregs 1st year in Key West Home Alone every Night!

Hell of a lot different than Gregs 1st year in Key West Home Alone every Night!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


"Killer Photography" Key West Tourists on Duval and Beaches, Southern Cross in the Night Sky!

24/7 Special Report NBC News next 24 Hours - The Universe

24/7 Special Report next 24 Hours - The Universe - Neutrons made Gold, Platinum, Uranium with no thoughts, no motives!

BP Oil Well fire got more news coverage than the Universe!

Mass Cure For All Wars Today and WW III and Domestic Violence, Murder and its War!

McCain, Kerry hide in "Dark Matter" to prevent this Mass Cure for All... being invented by Greg and his 4 MD Wives!

Woman's War Reporters disposition after her being Attacked in Egypt is...

All these Dictators will fight to the death, it's their only choice knowing what they do now!

Shock and Awe got Kadaffie and his end beaten, bloody, shot in the head spreading shock and awe!

15 Nations Dictators will now fight to the death!

McCain and Kerry will send in the troops to Shock and Awe these 15 Nations

Wars Mentally Ill are McCain and Kerry hiding in Dark Matters

Esoteric Reading's is the Medical Journals - New England Journal of Medicine

Greg and his 4 MD Wives will write medical Journal articles and inventive novels about the Mass Cure for All Wars... how to get all the war Chiefs out from hiding in dark matters.

Never ever before published in the New England Journal of Medicine

Quran Burning is by some mentally ill General or Col.

Afghan cops are now killing US Marines standing next to them

Needless Wars...

Quran Burning General or Col. is even more mentally ill when we make public the ElectricWindmillCar and its suppression, Oil has been out of date since 1980!

Mentally ill coworkers of McCain and Kerry have sold you out of date gasoline at $4 a gallon

Same time Afghan cops killed US Marines standing next to them...

Mentally ill War Chief's are even more so when 10K Windmills on the JFK Carrier are reported to make H at -254 C in NASA made containers, Free Bee for 7 Billion people the Mentally Ill War Chiefs could not remember exited!

Greg Home Alone in Key West without 4 MD wives caused all this...

Greg married in a Polygamous Marriage at the Hemingway House 1 year ago

None of the US Marines standing next to Afghan Cops would have been gunned down!

McCain and Kerry Hide in Dark Matter killed all these Marines standing next to Afghan Cops!

Dark Matter in the Universe Special Report for the next 24 hours on all Channels

Just to Shock and Awe you with 4K Trillion Galaxies and the space they expanded into forever!


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Utopian Invention Projects and Writing Classes at the Hemingway House

Four Wives - Hemingway would be teaching this class today if he had 4 wives at the same time as they would have keep him alive!

Hemingway would have written in a Utopian invention to save her life too... On Star Cardiac Arrest Monitor Alarm on her wrist watch!

Dr Nancy hooks up with Greg we will invent a Cardiac Arrest monitor for millions of women to wear like a watch...

Watch out for Dr Nancy and Greg, as blood drop monitor is for 7 billion not just diabetics, alarm will go off after you ate at the Waldorf and drank expensive wine as the chemistry in your blood changes just like a diabetics sugar... realizing this is only possible when Nancy and Greg invent a blood chemistry monitor alarm to go with the stroke and heart attack alarms in her wrists watch...

Watch for Oxygen in her blood, food... like a drop of blood for the diabetic... All monitored in his futuristic Utopian Novel for 2012 monitoring of womens health

Hospitals, Yale, Harvard, Mayo, Children's Hospital all can't sterilize tools without killing 100's of patients and harming 10's of thousands in the Hospital by "Temps" hired by the "Elite" to sterilize tools - everyone has know this for years and years!

Dr Nancy will talk about the "ElectricWindmillCar's" Coup Consequences on Surgery... Valuable surgery's "loss" outcome via "Temps" from Pakistan via Hillary the Hospital has to hire to sterilize surgery tools.

Hillary gives $1 Billion dollar bribes to Pakistan Men and makes Hospital hire "temps" from Pakistan to sterilize surgery tools... with no understanding of advanced English in the sterilization instructions

Ruling Class has been demoted to the lowest "Rank" by Hillary and Bill

Role Model on TV is the Male singer who beat up his singing girlfriend...

Dr Nancy said Today this is no role model to have on TV and selling songs to teens

19k women will be murdered by OJ clones in 2012, Nancy is censored from saying this

NBC censors will not let Dr Nancy quote murder statistic of women NBC censors will not let Dr Nancy quote Heart Attack statistics of women

Dr Nancy hooks up with Greg we will invent a Cardiac Arrest monitor for millions of women to wear like a watch...

Watch out for Dr Nancy and Greg, as blood drop monitor is for 7 billion not just diabetics, alarm will go off after you ate at the Waldorf and drank expensive wine as the chemistry in your blood changes just like a diabetics sugar... realizing this is only possible when Nancy and Greg invent a blood chemistry monitor alarm to go with the stroke and heart attack alarms in her wrists watch...

War - Is Paris Burning

Fiery Car Wrecks burn in the gasoline vs ElectricWindmillCar war

War of mandatory donation of organs goes on in Paris

Pope will not donate his kidneys for transplant after his death... this is a sin!

Catholic Hospitals and MD on Ash Wednesday will not demand mandatory organ donation and mandatory vaccinations for 7 billion people! This is a sin!

Yale Key West Med School built on Eiffel Tower Structure

Huge Cargo Containers 8 times normal will use 8 heavy lift helicopters to get them from the barge to the Eiffel Tower Structure and get the Yale Key West Med School built in a month... years behind schedule from Bill and Hillary giving billion dollar bribes to several men in Pakistan!

Advanced Classes in Writing and Inventing

Greg will get a lot of Advanced Classes if Dr Nancy makes contact from behind the George Orwell "Elite Classes" that lost surgeries valuable outcomes by hiring "Temps" from Pakistan to sterilize surgery tools ruining the surgery and killing tens of thousands of patients when everyone knew this was going on!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Woman with the crazy Cat

I want to train the Cat and the Cat Woman

Key West "Cat Man" at Westin Hotel Pier Mallory Square

Black Cat jumps through 2 rings of fire

"Cat Man" is on his 4th Big Bang... waiting for the Nukes to blow us all up

To many Key West Sun Sets... still building nuclear subs for Key West

Hemingway House Utopian Novel Writing Class coming soon...

"To Have Have Not" Yale Key West Medical School built on an Eiffel Tower structure

4th Big Bang

1st Alien Cat Caught

Feed the Cat Woman the idea of writing classes to invent a better mouse trap

Trap the 1st Alien Cat that wonders off from the Alien Cat Woman's Universe

4K Trillion Milky Way Galaxies, lots of lost cats in the Universe to find

1st Alien Cat Caught by our Key West Cat Woman's invention in her Utopian Novel

Feed the Cat Woman the idea of writing classes to invent a better mouse trap

Hemingway House Utopian Novel Writing Class coming soon...

Sending your daughter to College is Wonderful

Take this Utopian writing class at the Hemingway House

Take Charge of your life and send 7 Billion people to College

Invent a better Mouse

Trap the 1st Alien Cat by writing a Utopian Novel full of cat trapping inventions

Invent a better Mouse Trap

And the Universe of Cats will Meow Loud enough for your Universe Hearing Aid to hear!

Then you will be able to send 7 billion people to college

Take Charge of your life

Trap the 1st Alien Cat by writing a Utopian Novel full of cat trapping inventions

Hemingway House Utopian Novel Writing Class coming soon...

Take Charge of your life, and the lives of 7 Billion others!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Woman MD On Presidents Day for the ElectricWindmillCar Day Coup

Woman MD President will send out $1 Trillion in checks to USA "women" for being victims of rape, and killings by "Drunk Men" since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

Carter a President with no conscience of right and wrong...

$177 Trillion in oil revenues bought Saudia Arabia a USA President starting with Carter

Bush and Bush both were bought for $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues

1980 Carter and his wife from Georgia, Peanut Plantation Owners... no oil wells $

1980 breast cancer deaths were 40k and 40K every year since, you do the math as Bush Daughters who work for GE and NBC will never do a statistics story for "Today Show" on these death while Presidents spent $323 Billion just on Lockheed F-35's

Carter and his wife never ever thought there could be 4K Trillion galaxies in his Universe

That expand into empty space forever...

Infinity and Eternity invention...

"Woman Observers" who marry greg must take 4K Trillion galaxies seriously as I do not want to be "Home Alone" traveling about the Universe without a few soul-mate wives!

Size Matters... 4K Trillion Galaxies!

Woman MD President will confiscate $177 Trillion from Saudia Arabia

Presidents Day

Supreme Court News is All Lie about Duty, Honor, Gasoline, this is Treason by All Pentagon Generals bought same as USA Presidents for $177 Trillion dollars in Saudi oil money.

Pentagon Building will house "A Battered Women's" Shelter Memorial

Women will become societies Inventors

For Revenge on the Ruthless Saudi Oil men's killing, torture, rape, beatings, whippings, prostitution of so many USA women from 1980 to 2012

Woman MD President will send out $1 Trillion in checks to USA women

Woman MD President will send out $1 Trillion in checks to USA women

Woman MD President will confiscate $177 Trillion from Saudia Arabia

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


KNOCK - KNOCK - Rice Dish that built a 5-Rotor Helicopter for millions of women in rice patties

Breakthrough - KNOCK - KNOCK - Political Breakthrough's that get women out of the rice patty

Leonardo da Vinci's women doing farm work all their lives to feed the Medici's stifling of the 5-Rotor Helicopter Combine to harvest rice and other crops, women bend over for all their life

"Star Trek" spin off invention shopping list from wives on board the Star Traveling Earth

Polygamy as a legal marriage Breakthrough in Politics we must Trump the idiot Trump who stifles Polygamy as a legal marriage!

Trump is today's Medici stifling flying and giving Elizabeth Smart a wedding gift of $35 Billion

.25 cents increase in gasoline price gives the gov. and oil men $35 Billion

Iran is using its $35 Billion to build an A-Bomb

Pentagon is using its $35 Billion to stifle Iran from building its A-Bomb

ABC hired Elizabeth Smart to write articles on her shopping list of Star Trek Red Matter spin offs... inventions she wants for society.

Everyone at ABC knows every .25 cents in gasoline price increase gives Iran and the Pentagon another $35 Billion each to play war games with and Elizabeth Smart gets no wedding gift of $35 Billion for her social invention shopping list.

Greg KNOCK - KNOCK - Greg gets married and his wife gets $1.1 Billion for her shopping list of inventions to spin off from Star Trek for her wedding gift.

I can't wait to KNOCK - KNOCK - on her door with the money to build a invention for women

Smarter Politics and Fuels

.25 cents waste $35 Billion on the Pentagon and Iran

Polio no longer has to be a permanent deformity with spin off ideas from Greg's wives

Regeneration for all with Polio is just one spin off invention the Pentagon and Iran stifled

ABC stories from Elizabeth Smart KNOCK - KNOCK - let the public know were every .25 cent increase in gasoline prices goes... get your $35 billion dollar wedding gift Elizabeth, be Smart!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


NASA burned a SWF Witch at the Stake in Boston taking a gasoline bribe from Sen. Kerry

SWF Wifely Influences have been murdered by our George Orwell Era of Gasoline

OJ's Crime of Murder of a SWF ex wife was Politics of the Jury influenced by Gasoline Era

Influenced by these murderers of SWF's million women gave birth out of wedlock

Casinos at Disneyland, Casinos at DisneyWorld, Disney giving discount coupons to Trump Casinos

Nailed the SWF's coffin shut, shutting out the SWF's influence to get a Renaissance Man Husband

Trump and the Trump Casino bullies killed our Era of Renaissance Wives and Husbands Inventing for a gasoline Era of drunks and gambling.

Discovery of "Star Trek" "Red Matter" for next generation of antibiotics and Rx Cancer Cures lost

Lost in Space by Trump Gambling he too will be found Not Guilty like OJ

Beating the wife, Trump also killed, murdered the SWF's influence with her new Husbands

Bully Trump so aggressive even "Polygamy" is not a legal marriage choice for SWF's

"4K Trillion Milky Way Galaxies" Title of the Hemingway novel written with 4 wives

"Star Trek" "Red Matter" invented reinventing with the new SWF's shopping list of inventions

Creating the Super-Wifely Influences that can stop the new husbands drinking and gambling

NO Smoking - visible particles bullets sold to you by Trump Casinos, murder!

No more witches burned at the stake in Boston

Kerry will face the firing squad for mass murder and killing a trillion SWF's marriage plans!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Gregs 2007 web


A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


Government Observers of this Web Page want to "Curb" Car Dashboard Technology

MIT guys are busy working on the Utopian Dashboard of F-22 Fighter Jets

1,001 Car Dashboard invention have been lost since 1980 suppression of the ElectricWindmilllCar

Anonymous Politicians (McCain + Kerry) could have saved her life in todays car crashes, let alone the Fiery LA crashes, burns from selling us gasoline!

$177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues = lots of people in "Burn Units"

Clone F-22 Dashboards on cars, (McCain + Kerry) could have done this 10 years ago

Dr Nancy Snyderman on "Today Show" Today reports drivers over 65 will have 600 crashes today and 9 will die... everyday not just today drivers over 65 will have 600 crashes and 9 will die, every day of 2012 - Clone of the F-22 dashboard would have reduced this statistics for Today!

And (McCain + Kerry) will not Clone the F-22 Dashboard for 2012 cars to reduce these statistics because they are Psychotic Senators in an George Orwell Era working on getting another $177 Trillion more money from selling you gasoline!

Planning by these senators (McCain + Kerry) is to get another $177 Trillion more from gasoline revenues before a successful ElectricWindmillCar Coup! Not a reinvented dashboard for cars.

Rx cure for breast cancer and other diseases are not in their "Job Box"

Red Meat alert like missing kids and murdered women are "Curbed" by (McCain + Kerry)!

Particle in the air and particles in your blood are esoteric but kill 10k people every day in 2012... really.

Steve Jobs was one out of 10k who die every day of 2012 just from lunch meats...

100 out of 5k people die from "Red Meat" every day of 2012 and (McCain + Kerry) could have saved their lives but were to busy working on getting another $177 Trillion dollars out of gasoline sales

Sick... coming to work sick by Pakistan Nurses and MD's as they have to send a certain amount of money back home...

Alarms going off when a sick Nurse of MD comes to work are not going off...

(McCain + Kerry) could have save a lot of co-workers from getting sick, they disabled the invention of these Hospital alarms, cold blue alarms work after the Nurse and MD from Pakistan gets they sick enough to die.

Arrest of 100% of drunk drivers has been possible for decades

(McCain + Kerry) have stopped these arrest for the Alcohol Industry $ Trillions

George Orwell Technology to "Curb" the 600 crashes of drivers over 65 for tomorrow exist...

Letterman and Leno's Utopian Monolog Jokes about drivers over 65 would save 9 lives tomorrow and 100 crashes... but will not be written into their monologues until after a successful ElectricWindmillCar Coup...

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Cycloton Particle accelerator for isotopes used in PET scans

Cost effective for 7 billion people if we only had free electricity via H at -254 C

What else would be cost effective for 7 billion people if we had free electricity via H at -254 C?

Breakthrough Inventing would be possible with polygamy then... yes!

Having just convinced her she can invent via talking to her husband to be... someday

When Greg gets a pardon from the George Orwell Observers

Until then I talk to myself and the cat Teddy, I feel like Hemingway talking to his cats when all his four wives are elsewhere.

Physics Today is not dissecting how time and gravity are accelerating

Doctors PhD ones lie...

Disinformation about time and gravity because they don't know how they are generated

And are not working on this dissection

Boeing and Airbus trains of planes in the atmosphere invented

Fueled by free cans of H from NASA invented canisters

Yale Key West Medical School engineering breakthrough

8 heavy lift helicopters lift each of the huge shipping containers into place

on the Eiffel Tower Structure the Yale Key West Medical School will be built on

After a successful Coup and White Flag from the worlds worst killers still at war

with themselves and social advancement of a free and mandatory University for 7 billion people

Down and out in Paris and London today

Means no job and no free University by the government who have $177 Trillion in illegal

Oil Revenues stashed away in Swiss Banks

Instead of spending the money on 7 billion people

This is a crime against humanity!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Women who wear Pink + Pink move their "Neighborhood Watch" to the Hospital

GE real time intelligence to improve Health Care is a Crime to Watch... Stop!

Women who wear Pink + Pink

The Wonder Drug Miracle Cure

1,001 Rx drugs the government could add to alcohol

1,001 Rx drugs the government could add to cigarettes

Yale has strategies to manage staph infections in the Med School hospital

Hillary gave $1 Billion Dollar Bribes to Pakistan Men

Pakistan Nurse's and MD's at Kaiser and GE HealthCare refuse to get the flu shot

Yale, Kaiser, GE HealthCare have self self destructive strategies to manage itself

CIA "Neighborhood Watch"

FBI "Neighborhood Watch"

Women who wear Pink and Pink "Neighborhood Watch"

Dr. Nancy writes the Rx to get the Miracle Rx Cure for Pink Women

GE, Kaiser, Microsoft, are self destructive hiring Pakistan Nurse's and MD's

Hillary gave $1 billion dollar bribes to Pakistan Men

Your Pakistan Nurse's and MD's at Kaiser, refuse to get the flu shot

Your Pakistan Nurse's and MD's do not wash their hands moving from patient to patient

Yale has strategies to manage Hospital Infections...

GE News Today

Microsoft and GE announce Caradigm

To improve healthcare quality by real time intelligence

1,001 Rx drugs the gov. will have to add to alcohol

1,001 Rx drugs the gov. will have to add to cigarettes

To get the Wonder Drugs Women who wear Pink and Pink have a Rx for written by Dr. Nancy...

Women who wear Pink + Pink move their "Neighborhood Watch" to the Hospital

They have have a Rx written by Dr. Nancy... to get filled ASAP for the Wonder Drug they desire more than $1 Billion dollar bribes!

Women who wear Pink + Pink move their "Neighborhood Watch" to the Hospital

GE real time intelligence to improve Health Care is a Crime to Watch... Stop!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Valentine Day 2012

Valentine Day 2012 Mercy From The Most Powerful Pentagon

Yes... she can marry Greg and get started brainstorming the Rx Cure for Breast Cancer all night tonight!

Arranged Marriage to an "Woman Observer"

Arrangement so "we" can get the cure for cancer and violence!

ICU for Battered women... She is now working with Greg on the Gas Lobotomy Gas in the atmosphere invention project!

Revenge - Valentine's Day is a Religious Crime in Saudia Arabia

Moslem Clerics in Saudia Arabia have $177 Trillion in oil Revenues, all illegal

Personal Desires of "Oil" men were $177 Trillion dollars

NO desire for a MD wife from a Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures

No desire to build 1,001 Yale Medical School in Pakistan and India

Personal Desires of "Oil" men almost destroyed the Earth! MIT War Toys got all their money!

Valentine Day Women in the USA desire a Rx Cure for Breast Cancer and Violence today with the roses and proposals of marriage!

Valentine Day Women want the Most Powerful Pentagon to remember "Burn Units" have Valentine Days women in the oil mens man made Hell... put this on the "Today Show" next Valentines Day after the coup.

Valentine Day Women believe its possible to confiscate $177 Trillion in illegal Oil Revenues

From Saudia Arabia King, Princes, and Clerics who don't even buy a Saudi women a car with a big Rose Ribbon and Balloon as she is not allowed to drive a car in Saudi Arabia...

NO Mercy from the Most Powerful Pentagon

NO Mercy from the Most Powerful Pentagon

NO Mercy from the Most Powerful Pentagon

Mercy from the Most Powerful Pentagon....

Yes she can Marry Greg on Valentines day and stay up all night brainstorming, talking about a Rx Cure for breast cancer and violence... the gas lobotomy gas in the atmosphere invention she wants more than a dozen Roses this year 2012

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife




ASPCA ------------- ASPCW ------- Society To Prevent Cruelty to Women

George Orwell Society is the cause of Cruelty to Women "Murdered" 19k in 2012

Hillary paid out $1 Billion dollar bribes to Men in Pakistan who used it to harm "Women"!

1,001 Yale Key West Medical Schools built on Eiffel Tower Structures in Pakistan and India

Hillary and the Top Brass have a very different War Strategy Today

War Strategy Talk Today is Very Cruel to Women Around the World

Yale, GE, are cruel Mercenaries of the Pentagon

Waldorf Menu and Chef cause heart disease, sudden cardiac death in 1,001 women every day!

Smoking Cigarettes cause Lung Cancer which is #2 killer of women today another 1,001 today!

Abortions by Susan Love MD are extremely cruel to a womens conscience too

Cops today search a landfill for a murdered womens body, 1,001 women are buried in landfills!

34 calls to 911 before he killed her... this was cruelty to the women

Greg hooks up with 4 women in Key West to write like Hemingway, a 2012 Utopian Novel

5 of us at the Hemingway House pool at night Earnestly thinking about 4K Trillion Galaxies

Hillary's War Strategy Today is talk of more $1 Billion dollar bribes to more men in Pakistan

Susan Love MD killed God and hid the body in 4K Trillion Galaxies

Abortions by Sudan Love were cruelty to a womans conscience!

Menu from the Waldorf seduced her, bullied her to get the abortion, smoke and drink too

Cops Today search the landfills for 1,001 bodies of murdered women

"Women Observers" know Greg is prevented from working on a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

"Women Observers" know they can not brainstorm the prevention of Cruelty to women with Greg

4 "Women Observers" wait to write by Hemingways Pool the "4K Trillion Galaxies" Novel Together!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Gregs 2007 web


A Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !


Boston Scientific catheter 13K RPM's tips spin to dill for plaque not oil

Boston Kerry baby killer from Vietnam now Whooping Cough from "Nanny" and still no mandatory vaccination for the "Nanny"... criminal and criminal killer Kerry!

Cause of plaque in arteries...

Out of date menu at the Waldorf...

Tip from the Waldorf server can not save you from the 13K RPM plaque drilling...

Chef at the Waldorf, his menu is out of date...

Public Health MD is ambivalent

How Gravity is Generated is not news on NBC Today Show

NBC refused to show her getting bit by the dog...

NBC killer photography to save her life, they refused to show!

Incalculable gravity of murder of 19k women in 2012

And NBC will not show killer photography that will save her life in 2012

Public Health MD checking the kitchen

NBC kitchen should be shut down all fired, and smarter Managers hired

Rape is when the women is passed out from drinking - right!

Rape is prostitution - right!

Murder is when NBC Today Show refused to show the killer photography

That will save her life later in the Day!

George Orwell Observers Admit they are not doing enough to save the lives of women!

Trap - people are coming to trap the killers of women

Trap Doors at NBC Today Show will be nailed shut

Incalculable gravity of How Gravity is Generated

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 Renaissance will save her life

From the murderous plague of 19k murdered wives in 2012

From the 40k murders of women by no cure for breast cancer in 2012

Cause of no cure for breast cancer is World Leaders are - "mindlessly overeating"

Susan Komen and Kodak are both brain dead corporations

Susan Love MD is a con-artists who punks women and God

Einstein, Edison, Tolstoy, Hemingway all invented only because they had a wife

If Einstein, Edison, Tolstoy, Hemingway all had no wives all their "Work" would be "obviated"

Susan Love promotes a Army of women who's work is Obviated... at the start!

"Work" on the Rx Breast Cancer Cure from the start... its Obviated exactly what If Einstein, Edison, Tolstoy, Hemingway all had no wives all, their "Work" would never have been written... wow!

Stupid MD woman Susan Love... Her Reasoning is "Mindless Overeating" she does not have the ability to reason as a MD, her reasoning is mentally ill.

Women are Gods best invention... to inspire Men

Susan Love MD is a con-artists who punks women and God

CIA Renaissance will save the lives of 40k women Komen and Love will kill in 2012 via Breast Cancer

Roche is not Kodak, at Roche Rx cure for kidney dialysis is not in their job box for work

Birth Control paid for by the government like Kidney dialysis

CIA Renaissance would build 1,001 Yale Key West Medical schools built on Eiffel Tower Structures

Pakistan and India - this is the only way they will ever get 1,001 Yale Pakistan India Med Schools

Renaissance will never happen in Pakistan and India

They murder many many times more women than the USA murderous USA plague of 19k just in domestic killings in 2012

Modern Science started with the Renaissance

Cause of breast cancer is the headlines put out today by Susan Komen

1K women with breast cancer at the Hospice House at the Yale Key West Med School will find the cause brainstorming with men who want to save their lives!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife



Murderous! Horrible! Saudia Arabia to buy nukes then Nuke Everyone

Shoot it out with the cops coming to get the Murderous Saudia Oil Men $$$

Cop Killers from 1980 to 2012 finally get caught and wealth confiscated $$$

$177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues Confiscated by cops $$$

Bank Transaction of $177 Trillion to the USA Treasury $$$

Tipple damages means the King and Princes lose even more than oil money $$$

Cops burned in fiery wrecks from 1980 to 2012 will not leave the Princes a cent!

$177 Trillion will be invested in... Rx Cure for breast cancer, Yale K.W. Med School

Wedding Gifts to many wives!

1k Breast Cancer women in the new Hospice House with 1k big screen monitors

Brainstorming 24/7 for day, week, month with Greg before they die...

This will lead us to acquire a Rx Breast Cancer Cure Quicker

Gregs wife's letting Greg spend the night with 1k women...

Orgy of brainstorming and sex...

Love and sex inspires men to invent, discover a Cure!

1,001 invention projects, 1K women at the Hospice House bought with Saudi $

Will put a dent in this number... 1,001

How many Inventions Projects will 1K Hospice House women get...

More than the Saudi King and Prince got from 1980 to 2012 thats for sure!

$177 Trillion from Saudia Arabia will be well invested in American Women, Wives!

Enough to give the wife a new car with a pink ribbon!

ElectricWindmillCar of course! 1980 invention 2012 Model

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Pentagon wants to put women in combat but not against "Aliens"

Pentagon Building will be confiscated when Saudi Oil Revenues are confiscated $

Whatever works... Breast Cancer women are Perplexity for the Pentagon War Toys from MIT

40k Breast Cancer women died every year a Pentagon General was in Iraq and Afghanistan

NASA women in combat with "Aliens"

NASA women in combat with getting $177 Trillion from Saudi Arabia Confiscated for star travels

Whatever Works!

JFK Air Craft Carrier is Scheduled for 2013 without 10K windmills for Electrolysis of H at -254 C

Yale Key West Eiffel Tower Medical School is now 1 year behind Schedule...

Yalies "Fire bombed" greg working with Yale MD wives for almost a year now

Whatever Works!

Hemingway House works, helped write the last 50 rough drafts I posted here!

Homework reading Hemingway paid off, now I need a few wives and MD Yale wives

To get the Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer before 40K move into Hospice House

Serenity House... not for women with Breast Cancer moving into Hospice House

Hell House, hysterical crying, why me, why you in 2012 because I was made "Off Limits"

By some Insane Orwellian General in this 1984 Era... of BP Oil revenues of $177 Trillion

NO Mercy on women with Breast Cancer...

NO Greg will not be allowed to work, Whatever Works!

Whatever Works... George Orwell Observers did not let Greg get married and work on a cure for cancer!

Whatever Works for them...

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Become a strategist writing Utopian Novel Strategy

Become a strategist producing Reality TV shows for ABC NBC CBS FOX

Hospice Reality TV Show with several Breast Cancer women waiting to die

Hollywood Housewives real ones who got breast cancer and know they will die

Disney - I want to go to Disney or on a Disney Cruise Ship before I die

Reality TV is different... I want to InventSomething for Humanity before I die

Hospice Reality TV Show with several Breast Cancer women waiting to die

Breast Cancer women on a Reality Hospice TV show would want to do something for humanity before they die...

The View - Ellen - the Voice these Producers would be far from Reality

Singing 100 bottles of beer before I die

These women would want to become a Strategist writing the Utopian Novel

Hemingway never wrote because Mayo MD's electro shocked his brain 100 times

Kaiser is worst today with the Kaiser "Convince Store" murder of Convince Store clerks goes on today its just not on Reality TV

Kaiser MD "Convince Store" murders patients every day

Yale Medical School Professors in the Class Room are Strategists telling the medical students Oil has $177 Trillion so they can do it...

No class conscience as the class of Oil Men with the oil revenues are mass murderers not class conscience... at all.

100 TV's in the Sports Bars

100 NEC P552 monitors 55" can be on for 24/7 as Geek Inventors work day and night on the Hemingway Utopian Novel logging on to the Mayo Clinic for who's brain are they electro shocking today for money...

If Hemingway was poor they would never have taken him for electro shock treatments 100 times... how much did this cost?

100 NEC P552 monitors 55" on the wall of the Sippin Internet Cafe in Key West

100 TV's in Sports Bars

100 NEC P552 monitors 55" on the wall of the Sippin Internet Cafe in Key West

100 Strategists will be writing on one, the Hemingway Utopian Novel of 2013

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Exercise the Dog and your Mind

Exercising your mind you rely on the Nightly News Anchors

Nightly News Anchors are Human

Heart Transplants as "Out Patient" What Kind of Heart Transplants?

MD News on Nightly News, Jobs was 5 out of 10k yet the other 4 are not news

10K Windmills on every Navy Air Craft Carrier

Military Minds Exercise a Coup not in Pakistan

Fat Cats at BP Oil... 5 in every 10k fish ate Oil

In every interpretation of our Universe

Earnest Hemingways Interpretation of Our Universe

Void of galaxies 330 Times bigger than the Milky Way

JFK seduced virgins because his Universe was Void of God

Gods best invention in the Universe is women, Lovin, Love, Madonna!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Life is not a Marriage of Convenience

Nothing ever changes among the "JFK" class of "MEN"

Did it because they could

Greg is not Earnest Hemingway after the "Catch of the Day" but a serious inventor after many wives who will get one invention after another after another after they are trained to invent by Greg!

JFK White House intern wrote a book.... "Once Upon A Secret" In Jackie Kennedys bed wow

JFK did it because he could...

Clinton did it because he could

Hemingway did it because he could

"women Observers" Today watch the virgins in the White House

Live Porn or just a GS 18 government job observing

Jackie Kennedy must be in every Marriage License class given

Caroline Kennedy lives with 2 secrets, one is out now

10K windmills on the JFK Air Craft Carrier is Caroline Kennedys other secret

WW III Caroline will let USA's shock and Awe of Iraq head for Iran

Knowing gas is dead since 1980 and 10K windmills on the JFK Carrier for H at -254 C

would prevent WW III Shock and Awe of Iran and could of stopped Iraqi Shock and Awe

Caroline Kennedy lived with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar for Desert Storm

JFK in her moms bed....

JFK 10K Windmills for H at -254 for 7 Billion people...

Revenge for suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980 for oil revenues

Of $177 Trillion

Training Classes Students at Yale

Pay $48K to teach them a lot

Navy "Observers" in Key West will never tell all in a book...

10K windmills on the JFK Air Craft Carrier H at -254 C

WW III Shock and Awe going into Iran will be more their Kind of Marriage

Because they can!

Greg is not Earnest Hemingway after the "Catch of the Day" but a serious inventor after many wives who will get one invention after another after another after they are trained to invent by Greg!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Death for all these TV Shows...

The View - Ellen - Walking Dead - Gifted Man - Letterman - Leno - Smack Down

Death for all these TV Shows and all I did not name that are on TV

Repressed memories cured with a Rx for Total Recall

End to war and violence against women cured tips and tricks from next seasons TV Shows

Next Seasons top 10 NBC TV Shows give us tips and tricks to discover all this

Nothing good on TV not even tomorrow on Today Show

60 Years of Elizabeth, she should be in the Tower of London soaked in gasoline

Moving 7 billion people into the Universe... New England and TV Shows

Super Bowl Win - A woman will be murdered in a post game party

Role of Persuasion not to kill her is left to TV Shows and News Alerts

Observers have their own TV Channel

News Alert could be Murder Alert post game Murder Alert

Woman will be murdered... Don't kill her... Think - Relax

This has been a "Red Alert" from your Orwellian TV

"Murder Alert" please don't kill any women in a Post Super Bowl Game Party!

Thank You!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Wife - Husband = Organizational skills to get this Gravity Engine invented and installed in AF Jets!

GE's General Electric... $ Trillions in windfall profits from 1980 to 2012 were Fraudulent!

Cop killer shot and killed by the police... after the fact!

GE Organizational skills include the Hospitals "Burn Units"

General Electric killed "Cops" via fiery LA Wrecks!

Gasoline's Coup... Coup leaders with burns over most of their bodies!

Wife - Husband = Organizational skills can finally get started working on a Rx Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer, now the coup has started!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife


Madonna at the Super Bowl her Bare Breast Painted In Pink

Hospice, Mom died of breast cancer, was her husband there?

Bowl of Infinite Space - 177 Trillion Galaxies expand into a Bowl of Infinite Space

"FareWell To Arms Forever" Honey do you think we can write this Hemingway Utopian Novel together?

Do they let 2 people write one book?

ADHD Rx works on kids, now get a Rx for your Husband or Wife...

No more Temper Tantrums ------------ Rx Cure wow

Windows 8 with 1,001 invention projects preinstalled

3 billion life long students would be a cramming on Windows 8 in its 1st year

"Over Kill" will work to stifle Windows 8 not preinstall 1,001 invention projects

spelled out with links to get you started inventing...

"Over Kill" Super Bowl of Infinite Space is a "Over Kill"

Honey I think of you all the time...

Think we can write the Hemingway Utopian Novel... together!

"FareWell to Arms Forever Via the Super Bowl of Infinite Space 177 Trillion Galaxies are expanding into..."

Honey... Sugar! We can write this Utopian "Over Kill" Novel Together!

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

Testosterone Level you should know your Husbands better than his daily weight

High Testosterone level boost risk taking mentality

Greg Buell Lovestar, my Testosterone level wanting to get the Rx Cure for Breast Cancer

Does my Testosterone level change when I take a risk with the Generals in Charge...

Of deciding to pardon Greg and let him go to work within a hour with his wives...

Brainstorming a Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer?

Women with high Testosterone levels make the wrong choice even when clear to others...

Yale New Haven Hospital and Medical School failed to test this on the population in general

Everyone needs to get their daily Testosterone tested recorded every day before work or school

Drivers need a test before they can drive their car...

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

PPM - Perpetual Motion Machine - ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980

Two Daughters Lost Out on growing up with PMM's Euphoria and Spin Off Inventions

Pentagon Killers, Pentagon Killed more civilians In the USA than in all Foreign Wars

To Keep the PPM's and millions of Euphoria spin off inventions and Cures from the Public

This is the worst crime in the History of Earth

PPM - Perpetual Motion Machine - ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980

PPM - Perpetual Motion Machine - ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980

Two Daughters Lost Out on growing up with PMM's Euphoria and Spin Off Inventions

Pentagon Killers, Pentagon Killed more civilians In the USA than in all Foreign Wars

To Keep the PPM's and millions of Euphoria spin off inventions and Cures from the Public

This is the worst crime in the History of Earth

PPM - Perpetual Motion Machine - ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980

Invent This... Get a pardon! Get a Wife, Wives... Be in a Polygamy Marriage in Key West

Murder of Women is the Plague of 2012 - MD rules in a Plague are the Law...


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com


MD Trophy wife for men Today --- Hemingway was a Trophy Husband for all 4 wives

Greg in Key West wants MD Wives... 24/7 Brainstorming, find a Miracle Cure for Greed!

Today on the Front Page in Key West a Oil Rig off Cuba

Built by China

Greed have no misconceptions GREED IS ON THE OIL RIG OFF CUBA TODAY

Greed have no misconceptions GREED IS ON THE OIL RIG OFF CUBA TODAY

Alcohol kills, Cigarette's kill, cancer kills....

$ Greed for more oil revenues off Cuba is worst....

Like Boston and Harvard elite burning witches at the stake...

"Burn Units" in LA, Rome, Paris, Moscow...

$ Greed for more oil $ each 100K barrels sends a real person, in a fiery wreck to a "Burn Unit"

Greed have no misconceptions GREED IS ON THE OIL RIG OFF CUBA TODAY

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Click below to read the poem about Sahara getting her finger nails ripped out by men, remember North Vietnam did not torture Senator McCain half as much as 100's of women will be tortured by men in 2012 in every UN Nation on Earth! Drive a car in Saudi Arabia and if you are a woman a man will whip you with a Bull Whip 30 times in front of the American CIA men and women! CBS will not air this video, they will tell you on Nightly News they let her go which is a lie... 2012 is the Year to End All Violence Against Women via the Gas Lobotomy Gas in the Atmosphere, invent it and a wife will detonate it.. and get a Overnight Miracle Rx Cure for Breast Cancer in 2012, in my mp3 reading aloud of "Breast Cancer Memorial" I have all 40k dead women a year from breast cancer buried at Arlington Cemetery, here in Key West in front of Bank of American yesterday a car with a DC plate and the car dealer was Arlington, callous Observers, Pentagon has the $ Trillions needed to fast track this Cure for Breast Cancer and Oil Men have $177 Trillion in Swiss banks! Pentagon Generals can pardon Greg today, and tonight Greg and the women he asked to marry him will be brainstorming the Rx Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

2011 statistics --- 173 cops killed in 2011 64 killed in fiery Cop Car Wrecks, a crime by oil men who will be...


2012 New Year looking up into the Milky Way Galaxy, don't panic!

2012 Don't Panic! And say to him, No I will not help you Brainstorm a Rx Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer! You don't have to be a NASA Rocket Scientists to find "Windmills" like the one in the Story of the ElectricWindmillCar invention in 1980!

2012 Don't Panic... I, We Have the Best Chance of anyone on Earth to get the Overnight Rx Cure for Breast Cancer!

Women... inspire as they are God's Very Best Invention! 2012 New Year to InventSomething or help someone Brainstorm, talk about inventing... make a list of inventions!

Stop by the Hemingway House listen to the Tour Guides for any comments about Hemingway that will help you write the Utopian Novel or Poem that inspires a Miracle Cure, invention.

2012 ElectricWindmillCar will end $ gasoline and Fiery LA Wrecks soon...

2012 Letterman and Leno never stop to help those who's car is on fire...

2012 Looking up at the Milky Way Galaxy... Our Scenarios + Options are the same for all 7 billion people on Earth. Invent Something!

2012 Men and Women will find out about the gravity of it all, how gravity is generated... discovery from Greg *.* and his wives, and hopefully Gregs gets Married in 2012 at the Hemingway House In Key West!
she will help greg get a cure for breast cancer

Milky Way Galaxy, Martha Gellhorn writes that infinite space is terrifying...

Women... women... inspire as they are God's Very Best Invention! Merry Christmas from Greg *.*

Gregs high stakes invention projects... Gregs Options in the Milky Way are linked to the book "1984" its ending when the couple can not figure out why things are going wrong and he throws something at the mirror and finds the government Camera...

Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar seeking a "Wife" and MD Wives... A polygamists in Key West is still illegal, grin, Seems like brainstorming a Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer 24/7 with Wives and a Gas Lobotomy Gas to end violence against all women on Earth... with a link to Los Alamos Super Computers and lab... is also illegal in Key West Politics!

1. Overnight cure for breast cancer!

2. Gas Lobotomy Gas in the atmosphere, like Oxygen is... but this gas is a Gas Lobotomy Gas that will finally end all violence against women!

3. ElectricWindmillCar... Revenge for $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues since 1980 spent on MIT war toys since 1980 should be Free H Hydrogen fuel for 7 billion people, have JFK and all the Aircraft Carriers converted to carry 10,000 Windmills on several decks like a Cruise Ship decks then we can turn their electricity production into electrolysis for H and O and you can unload Ten Thousand containers of H at -254 C safe with NASA H cans, when the reinvented Air Craft Carriers come into port. Free H for 7 billion people, revenge for selling you $4 a gallon gasoline on Christmas Day 2011...

4. Cop Cars rearened bursting into flames, END down and see the burnt cop, wife, daughter.

Super Air bag on the rear rides on the boat trailer hitch in Key West same for the front for all cars.

Hillary Clinton can fast track the Gas Lobotomy Gas to end violence against women on Earth, No one I know except cops can fast track the "Luggage Rack Super Air Bag hooked to the trailer Ball... Trucks need this ASAP as 100's a day run into someone or are rearended.

MIT inventing for the Pentagon, LOST social inventions have causalities!

2. Gas Lobotomy Gas in the atmosphere, like Oxygen is... but this gas is a Gas Lobotomy Gas that will finally end all violence against women!

Milky Way Galaxy, to us in Key West is nothing but stars, Aliens have not been discovered by the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar yet...

... who we are... in this George Orwell Society

Mayor Cates "Pink" breast cancer awareness story on Christmas Eve Day... not a Cure story from Greg!

Seeing no one who reads this web has sent Greg a check, donation so I can work full time as A inventor working on the Overnight cure for breast cancer. I will work full time on this web starting on Christmas Day 2011 to hell with Hilton, Paris if she wanted to be vbf she should of been more observant - grin!

Mayor Cates of Key West is on the front page of the paper on Christmas Eve Day promoting "Pink" for the awareness of Breast Cancer. Nothing in the front page story about the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar seeking a "Wife" and MD Wives... A polygamists in Key West is still illegal, grin, Seems like brainstorm a Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer 24/7 with Wives and a link to Los Alamos Super Computers and lab... is also illegal in Key West Politics!

Hilton Waldorf Casa Marina Reach Hotel in Key West Day Before Christmas by a 275 lbs "Obese" manager who got me Greg Buell Lovestar skinny to 125 lbs working me Greg Hard Labor on Coffee Service Cart with No Breaks, No Lunch which friends here said was illegal! I said lots of things are illegal I need the job, the money to get the overnight cure for breast cancer. Seeing no one who reads this web has sent Greg a check, donation so I can work full time as A inventor working on the Overnight cure for breast cancer. Well several days of a flat tire I think this Obese Manager let the air out of my tires, like so many Battered women have gone out to find all 4 tires flat and the police can do nothing! So Greg burning 6k calories a day working 9 and 10 hour days with No Breaks, No Lunch - My Heart Muscle got sore around each turn of the 5 floors and 150 rooms of the Reach Hotel for the 100 + days I worked at Coffee Service for the Reach Hotel!

Then wanting Greg to work 10 hours today at 125 lbs... No Merry Christmas from the Hilton Owned Chain and, Paris Hilton reads this web page... so Merry Christmas Paris - and the Paris Eiffel Tower Yale Key West Medical School will still be built by Greg in Key West... via the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980! Picture of Greg at 125 lbs below.... Merry Christmas Greg Buell Lovestar in the Milky Way Galaxy!
... who we are... in this George Orwell Society

Then Greg will watch (all gregs wives) get one invention after another invention after another, via teaching her them how to invent. A marriage perk Earnest and Martha didn't have but should of had if one of Earnest other wives was a psychologists! Grin. Art of Invention learning in Psychology Today!

NEW ____ Martha Gellhorn Autobiography ---- I posed 15 pages underlines and notes by Greg Buell Lovestar on the endwaronearth web page link here. Martha was the best wife for Earnest Hemingway! Invention after invention after invention, Wives will inspire this in Greg when George Orwell Observers make contact and let us work brainstorming 1,001 invention projects.

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

Then Greg will watch (all gregs wives) get one invention after another invention after another, via teaching her them how to invent. A marriage perk Earnest and Martha didn't have but should of had if one of Earnest other wives was a psychologists! Grin. Art of Invention learning in Psychology Today!


Wives needs 100 million dollars before she will help greg get a cure for breast cancer

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

YouTube Video of Giuliana Rancic double mastectomy - ... I texted her, I We can get a cure, Marry Greg!

Caesar Bribed this MD to say No Fix No Cure for Breast Cancer
YouTube Video of Giuliana Rancic double mastectomy, only breast cancer cure choice! Greg Buell Lovestar and his MD Wives are persona non grata... inventors! Via George Orwell Society! Double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. "Her surgery lasted about four hours and the doctors were very pleased with the result."Giuliana: "I Will Come Back a Better Woman After Mastectomy". Husband said... "She was cracking jokes." I don't think so... Dr. Patricia Ganz took a $ Trillion dollar bribe for saying there is no Quick Fix, Roche, Genentech pharmaceuticals made $ Trillions from Breast Cancer's No Cure Work since the ElectricWindmillcar invention in 1980! $ Dr. Patricia Ganz took a bribe to say No Fix, Cure! $ So "Inventors" many of them would not think to brainstorm a Overnight Breast Cancer Cure with their Many Wives 24/7...

... who we are... in this George Orwell Society

2012 Greg Buell Lovestar "Women Observers" in our George Orwell Society in Key West can not hit on Greg to hook up as a "Wife" or to hook up "to Brainstorm 24/7 a Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer... until the "General" gives the ok... to make contact with Greg! Greg's Wife when he gets one would set off an A-Bomb That was for a Gas Lobotomy Gas in the Atmosphere Greg Invented... Greg needs a Wife!

2012 women observers can not hit on greg get a cure for breast cancer or be a wife

Giuliana Rancic... he pulled out a yellow legal pad and made a pros and cons list of the mastectomy.
Read Hemingway for a Rx Miracle Cure windmill for the breast cancer cure, "Gas Lobotomy" gas to end violence against women would be a Miracle Cure... Gov. Run National Death Statistics link... causalities of War Toys made by MIT for the Pentagon, LOST social inventions have causalities, these are spelled out here, but remember add a few more people for 2011, 2012, never ending statistics until we brainstorm an Rx Miracle Cure! Our Orwellian Caesar is "addicted" to "War"!

Caesar's Car

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.

4 July 2011 click here... Government National Violent Death Statistics link here

28k14kmostdrunk75% Drunk!

Greg needs a wife, one willing to move in, with me in Key West to start this work on a breast cancer cure without a supercomputer and microbiology lab... Please call or email Greg ASAP a million women will die every month for the next 6 months until we get a CURE! Thank You!

Today Video!!!

Giuliana Rancic... he pulled out a yellow legal pad and made a pros and cons list of the mastectomy. and he just -- he brought some laughter to the process, some light to it and just kept reminding me who we are...

... who we are... in this George Orwell Society

Giuliana Rancic better email her yellow legal pad to a few more George Orwell Observers in Key West ASAP if she wants Greg to get Extremely busy! Working 24/7 on a Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer getting this in 6 months from the day we start working being extremely busy!

Caesar's Car

No! I am extremely busy! Not the day after I wrote this...

Wives Is extremely busy!

With George Orwell goings-on...

In Key West Giuliana Rancic's yellow legal pad will expose our Key West Admirals... for stifling Greg from brainstorming the Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer... so critical to Giuliana now, she must get Greg and Wives working 24/7 several days a week to get this Overnight breast cancer cure in 6 months time from today!

No! I am extremely busy! Not the day after I wrote this...

Giuliana Rancic better email her yellow legal pad to a few more George Orwell Observers in Key West ASAP if she wants Greg to get Extremely busy! Working on a Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer getting this in 6 months from the day we start working being extremely busy!

Caesar's Car

No! I am extremely busy! Not the day after I wrote this...

With George Orwell goings-on...

In Key West Giuliana Rancic's yellow legal pad will expose our Key West Admirals... for stifling Greg from brainstorming the Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer... so critical to Giuliana now, she must get Greg and her working 24/7 several days a week to get this Overnight breast cancer cure in 6 months time from today!

No! I am extremely busy! Not the day after I wrote this...

Wives Is extremely busy!

With George Orwell goings-on...

"Observers have not make contact a proposal yet, one day has gone by and no closer to getting started brainstorming a Cure for Breast Cancer 24/7 several days in a row with several inspirational women!

Giuliana Rancic better email her yellow legal pad to a few more George Orwell Observers in Key West ASAP if she wants Greg to get Extremely busy! Working on a Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer getting this in 6 months from the day we start working being extremely busy!

Giuliana Rancic reads this web page she has for years and years!

Giuliana Rancic... he pulled out a yellow legal pad and made a pros and cons list of the mastectomy. and he just -- he brought some laughter to the process, some light to it and just kept reminding me who we are...

... who we are... in this George Orwell Society

Caesar's Car

Caesar's Car

I have the best chance of anyone on Earth to get the "Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer" when the "Observers" let me, let me have a Los Alamos Supercomputer, Microbiology Lab, and several wives for inspiration...

In Key West Giuliana Rancic's yellow legal pad will expose our Key West Admirals... for stifling Greg from brainstorming the Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer... so critical to Giuliana now, she must get Greg and Wives working 24/7 several days a week to get this Overnight breast cancer cure in 6 months time from today!

Caesar's Car

Today, a hour ago I knocked on her door, she knocked on my door, DD is a woman observer, she could not keep a straight face when I told her I think the observers are going to make contact with greg soon...

Giuliana Rancic... he pulled out a yellow legal pad and made a pros and cons list of the mastectomy. and he just -- he brought some laughter to the process, some light to it and just kept reminding me who we are...

"Woman Observers"!

Caesar's Car
Giuliana Rancic!

Is a "Woman Observer"!

... a yellow legal pad.. is her only weapon against 100's of Orwellian Generals....

I think the George Orwell Observers are going to make contact soon...

I don't know what they will do to Greg when they do come out from behind the hidden cameras!

I will get a Supercomputer and Lab and Get the Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer!

I, we have a better chance of getting this cancer cure than anyone else on Earth!

Which is very true this is why greg is working on a web page update alone no one here inspiring and giving greg articles to read, and listen to her read aloud...

I, we have a better chance of getting this cancer cure than anyone else on Earth!

Caesar's Car
7 billionth human on Planet Earth

Giuliana Rancic To Undergo Double Mastectomy

...yellow legal pad...

going to update this web page tonight because of the "Orwellian Today Show" about (Giuliana Rancic) breast cancer.

I think the "Observers" in this George Orwell society will come out from behind the hidden cameras, make contact soon. That I have no idea what they will do to me then, I might be sent to Leavenworth and I might be allowed to build a Yale Key West Medical School here.

I invented the ElectricWindmillcar during the Saudi Oil Embargo I told Wives!

I have the best chance of anyone on Earth to get the "Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer" when the "George Orwell Observers" let me, let me have a Los Alamos Supercomputer, Lab, and several wives for inspiration...

... who we are... in this George Orwell Society

Giuliana Rancic... he pulled out a yellow legal pad and made a pros and cons list of the mastectomy. and he just -- he brought some laughter to the process, some light to it and just kept reminding me who we are...

... who we are... in this George Orwell Society

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904


Click here for... ElectricWindmillCar

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

4 July 2011 click here... Government National Violent Death Statistics link here


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



Caesar's Car
Today, a hour ago I knocked on her door, she knocked on my door, DD is a woman observer, she could not keep a straight face when I told her I think the observers are going to make contact with greg soon...

Giuliana Rancic... he pulled out a yellow legal pad and made a pros and cons list of the mastectomy. and he just -- he brought some laughter to the process, some light to it and just kept reminding me who we are...

"Woman Observers"!

Giuliana Rancic!

Is a "Woman Observer"!

... a yellow legal pad.. is her only weapon again 100's of Orwellian Generals....

In Key West Giuliana Rancic's yellow legal pad will expose our Key West Admirals... for stifling Greg from brainstorming the Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer... so critical to Giuliana now, she must get Greg and Wives working 24/7 several days a week to get this Overnight breast cancer cure in 6 months time from today!

Giuliana Rancic reads this web page, she knows Greg is being suppressed, stifled in getting working on the Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer, she has know this for years and years, I use to watch her on E every night years ago and her Orwellian Comments were same as Letterman when the guy on fire runs across the stage... $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar... 177 million fiery car wrecks, Letterman and Leno drove by on the LA Freeways not stopping to help but to have a skit 100's of times of a guy running across the stage on fire as Letterman gave his Orwellian monolog.

Giuliana Rancic reads this web page, she knows Greg is being suppressed, stifled in getting working on the Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer, she has know this for years and years.

DD would ask me how do I know this...

a yellow legal pad and made a pros and cons list of the mastectomy. and he just -- he brought some laughter to the process, some light to it and just kept reminding me who we are...

Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar ready to brainstorm a Overnight Cure for Breast cancer is my choice to play the role model of a goddess of inspiration, play the role model of the "Wife" who wants to be the woman who inspires her man to get the Overnight Cure for Cancer, DD bitch's about treatments, being a scam by Pfizer and the other drug companies!

She would call the Key West Cops on the Admiral for his cover up of 100's of kids infants killed by Whooping Cough via our governments policy of no mandatory vaccinations decision!

play the role model of the #1 wife multi tasking article and Medical Journals 24/7 for a few days in a row... greg saved the brainstorming technique page


Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which a group tries to find a solution for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members. Brainstorming was developed and coined by Alex Faickney Osborn in 1953 through the book Applied Imagination. In the book, Osborn not only proposed the brainstorming method but also established effective rules for hosting brainstorming sessions.

Brainstorming has become a popular group technique and has aroused attention in academia. Multiple studies have been conducted to test Osborn’s postulation that brainstorming is more effective than individuals working alone in generating ideas . Some researchers have concluded that the statement is false (brainstorming is not effective), while others uncovered flaws in the research and determined that the results are inconclusive. Furthermore, researchers have made modifications or proposed variations of brainstorming in an attempt to improve the productivity of brainstorming. However, there is no empirical evidence to indicate that any variation is more effective than the original technique.

Nonetheless, brainstorming can be of great utility when the group accounts for, and works to minimize the group processes that decrease its effectiveness.

... a yellow legal pad.. is her only weapon against 100's of Orwellian Generals.... and a few Key West Admirals!

... who we are... in this George Orwell Society

Today Show video here....

>> oh, my gosh. bill has been the world to me through this. i couldn't have done it without bill. even right from the beginning when we found out we had the option about mastectomy, we went in the backyard and i remember -- in typical bill fashion he pulled out a yellow legal pad and made a pros and cons list of the mastectomy. and he just -- he brought some laughter to the process, some light to it and just kept reminding me who we are as a couple and that none of this is going to break us apart or get us down or affect our love for each other. in fact it's just made it stronger.

Giuliana Rancic will undergo a double mastectomy after previous lumpectomies failed to completely eradicate her breast cancer, the E! News host announced Monday on the Today Show.

Rancic, 37, who lives in Chicago with her husband, Bill, initially underwent a double lumpectomy. She said she opted for the more radical treatment over another lumpectomy because she said she didn't want to worry about "looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life."

"It was a very hard decision to come to," Rancic told Ann Curry. "But in the end what happened was, Bill said to me, 'I just need you around for the next 50 years, kid. I don't care what you look like, I don't care about the physical portion of this, I just need you around for the next 50 years. So let's just get you healthy.' "

"I'm going to go ahead and move forward with a double mastectomy," she said.

Bill Rancic, who was by his wife's side Monday morning, said it was a big decision.

"In the one breast they weren't able to clear the margins and get all the cancer out. So we were then faced with a decision to make," he explained. "Do you go back and do another lumpectomy, and try to clean it out or do you go for a more radical procedure?"

Having children was another reason Rancic said she opted for the treatment. She said the anti-estrogen therapy involved with another lumpectomy and radiation could delay that process by years.

Today Show Video on You Tube better than the news link which has several stories I will look for the Today show link to her need for a Cure for Breast Cancer in 6 months via Greg and DD in Key West - I told DD the George Orwell observers will make contact so we can brainstorm a cure working 24/7 few days in a row... I know DD and greg can do this once our George Orwell Generals and Admirals stop preventing us from getting working on the Overnight cure for breast cancer!

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

>> good morning to you.

>> good morning, ann. it's great to see you.

>> you look really well.

>> thank you.

>> we know that you've had lumpectomies.

>> mm-hmm.

>> but now there's a new decision, a major decision you've had to make about your treatment. what is your decision?

>> last time i was here, i told you that i was getting the double lumpectomy and radiation. now instead of radiation, i'm going to go ahead and move forward with a double mastectomy.

>> yeah, and i think when you saw in that report, the next day we were going into the doctor hoping for some good news. unfortunately, the one breast they weren't able to clear the margins and get all the cancer out, so we were then faced with a decision to make. do you go back and do another lumpectomy and try to clean it out or do you go for a more radical procedure.

>> this is a very dramatic decision. it's a drastic decision. to what degree does wanting to have children play into your decision to go for a double mastectomy.

>> that was actually a big part of it. not all of it, but a big part. if i had chosen to just do another lumpectomy and then do radiation and then do anti-estrogen therapy, which means two to five years of medication, that basically puts me into early menopause, then i would have to put off having a baby for several years. so that was something we took into account. but to be honest, at the end all it came down to was just choosing to live and not looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.

>> . that's really what it came down to.

>> and that isn't a decision we made lightly. we talked to as many experts as we could, we got the best information available to us. one of the other factors that came into play was quality of life. if she would have gone with the lumpectomy and radiation, then you have to go in every six months for the rest of your life getting mammograms. knowing giuliana, she's going to be worrying three weeks before the mammogram, waiting for the results worrying and you're always looking over your shoulder. so i think in this particular case this was the best option for giuliana.

>> and it could have come back more aggressively next time. so for me it was just very important to get the cancer out. that's what i wanted to do is just get it out.

>> what did doctors tell you about the chance of not ever getting it back? with the double mastectomy.

>> with the double mastectomy i have less than a 1% chance of getting it back. with another lumpectomy, radiation and medication, i could have seen 20 to 30 to 40% chance in my lifetime. and for me it just wasn't worth it. and like i said -- like bill said, it was a very hard decision to come to, but really in the end what happened was, you know, bill said to me, i think this definitely got me. bill said to me i just need you around for the next 50 years, kid. that's what he said. he goes i don't care what you look like, i don't care about the physical portion of this, i just need you around for the next 50 years, so let's just get you healthy. and that certainly helps me come to the decision.

>> beyond that, what do you want to say about how important bill has been, having a spouse who is supportive, who's there for you can be in your personal and emotional survival going through all this?

>> oh, my gosh. bill has been the world to me through this. i couldn't have done it without bill. even right from the beginning when we found out we had the option about mastectomy, we went in the backyard and i remember -- in typical bill fashion he pulled out a yellow legal pad and made a pros and cons list of the mastectomy. and he just -- he brought some laughter to the process, some light to it and just kept reminding me who we are as a couple and that none of this is going to break us apart or get us down or affect our love for each other. in fact it's just made it stronger. and i couldn't be more at peace with the decision, but it was hard. and i still break down some nights, you know, when it's quiet in bed. it's easy to just start crying and be very sad. but i'm okay.

>> i know from my own family's experience that it's also hard to be the spouse. what is getting you through this, bill?

>> well, i'm focused on the finish line, and i'm thinking our goal is to be done with this by christmas time and then we don't look back. my role was to make sure that she was armed with as much information and the best information possible so she could make the right decision. and i tried to take the emotion out of it a little bit, that's why i pulled out the legal pad and we put pen to paper and when we looked at it, it made the decision i think a little bit easier because in our particular case, and i think the message here -- there's no right or wrong answer, it's an individual decision that each person has to make for themselves, but this is the right decision for giuliana.

>> i tell you, i had to see it as well. i think that was very important. when they first told me mastectomy was an option, i said absolutely not. absolutely not. i am 37 years old. i don't want to do it. because to me the word was very scary and it meant i would be disfigured. and so a very, very wonderful friend of mine who actually has been on this show, she's in an organization called bright pink, she had a mastectomy in her early 20s when she found out she had the breast cancer gene. she said not only am i going to tell you what a mastectomy is but i'm going to show you what a mastectomy is. and when i saw it and she was wonderful enough to share that with me, i thought, okay, this is okay, she looks beautiful, she's healthy, she's vibrant and doesn't regret her decision and i think that is very important. that girls, women stick together and we share our experience with each other because that helped me i think more than anything was to get to the decision was to see another woman, similar age as me, who had been through it.

>> well, we found from our website and the e-mail that we've been getting about you, that you've been helping a lot of women. so coming up in just a few moments, we're going to call in a breast cancer specialist to join this conversation and sort of see what more we can learn that might benefit other women from your own personal experience, so stand

NEW YORK., N.Y. -- As her cancer battles continues, Giuliana Rancic will undergo a double mastectomy, she announced on Monday’s “Today” show.

With husband Bill Rancic by her side, Giuliana revealed she has opted for the major surgery after a previous lumpectomy was unable to rid her body of the cancer.

“For me, it was important to get the cancer out,” Giuliana explained. “That’s what I wanted to do — just get it out.”

The E! TV personality – who first revealed she was battling breast cancer in October — said her desire to have children was a “big part” of her decision-making process.

“That was actually a big part of it, not all of it, but a big part,” she explained to Ann Curry. “But to be honest, at the end, all it came down to was just choosing to live, and not looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life. “That’s really what it came down to.”

Husband Bill said he absolutely supports his wife’s decision — however, it isn’t a choice the couple came to easily.

“This was a decision that wasn’t made lightly. We talked to as many experts as we could, we got the best information that was available to us, and I think one of the other factors was quality of life. If she would’ve gone with the lumpectomy and radiation, then you have to go in every six months for the rest of your life getting mammograms… and you’re always looking over your shoulder,” he said.

And it was that support from Bill that helped Giuliana decide on the double mastectomy.

“Bill said to me, ‘I just need you around for the next 50 years, kid.’ He said, ‘I don’t care what you look like, I don’t care about the physical portion of this, I just need you around for the next 50 years. So, let’s just get you healthy,’” Giuliana told Ann. “And that certainly helped me come to the decision.”

Based on information from her doctors, Giuliana is hopeful the procedure will wipe out the cancer once and for all.

“With the double mastectomy, I have less than a 1 percent chance of getting it back,” she noted. “With another lumpectomy, radiation, medication, I could’ve seen 20 to 30 to 40 percent chance and in my lifetime and for me, it just wasn’t worth it.”

E! talk show host Giuliana Rancic credit for being so open with her breast cancer treatment. First, she revealed that her cancer was diagnosed via a mammogram that she had before her third round of fertility treatments. Then, she spoke about her lumpectomies to get rid of the multiple growths, and now she’s revealed that she’s going back to the operating room to have a double mastectomy and breast reconstruction instead of radiation treatments.

"E! News" co-host Giuliana Rancic( AP Photo/Charles Sykes)In an interview on the Today show this morning, Rancic and her husband Bill revealed that her previous lumpectomy didn’t remove all the cancer, so she would have needed additional surgery with the radiation. The couple opted instead for a mastectomy -- and removal of the other healthy breast.

Rancic said she went public to take the “stigma away” from the word mastectomy, which “seemed so scary” to her at first but was her ultimate decision after careful consultation with her doctors and other breast cancer patients.

Having not had the surgery yet, however, Rancic did give the impression that her recuperation would be swift, saying she hoped for a “full recovery by New Year’s Eve.” She also noted that she’d be having breast reconstruction at the same time as the mastectomy, a procedure called immediate breast reconstruction.

As the American Cancer Society website states, “after the first surgery, there still may be a number of steps that are needed to complete the immediate reconstruction process. If you are planning to have immediate reconstruction, be sure to ask what will need to be done afterward and how long it will take.”

In general, immediate reconstruction with its longer and more involved surgery requires a longer hospitalization and more recuperation time than mastectomies alone, which could mean a few months, rather than a few weeks, of pain and discomfort. And women who opt for mastectomies usually must cope with the loss of sexual sensations in their newly constructed breasts, an issue that gets little attention in this debate.

Other celebrities have also gone public with their decisions to have double mastectomies as preventive measures. Christina Applegate, who said she carried the BRCA-1 gene mutation, had the procedure several years ago, and comedian Wanda Sykes more recently announced she had both her breasts removed after having a stage zero in situ cancer diagnosed in one breast.

For Applegate who carried a high risk of developing an aggressive tumor, a double mastectomy reduced her chances of getting breast cancer by about 90 percent.

Both Sykes and Rancic said they preferred the more radical procedure to the anxiety of having twice yearly mammograms to check for cancer. And both felt the surgery gave them a better shot at survival than alternatives like lumpectomy with radiation accompanied by regular screening. That’s a notion disputed by many research studies.

As I’ve said before and I’ll say again, I do wonder how well doctors educate women on the pain and length of time that goes into recuperation from a double mastectomy and reconstruction. I hope for Rancic’s sake the she really does recover fully by New Year’s, but if she doesn’t, she may want to do yet another interview on the realities of breast reconstruction to help other women make informed decisions.

Wives Kotz can be reached at dkotz@globe.com. Follow her on Twitter @debkotz2

Caesar's Car
In Key West Giuliana Rancic's yellow legal pad will expose our Key West Admirals... for stifling Greg from brainstorming the Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer... so critical to Giuliana now, she must get Greg and Wives working 24/7 several days a week to get this Overnight breast cancer cure in 6 months time from today!

Giuliana Rancic reads this web page she has for years and years!

Giuliana Rancic... he pulled out a yellow legal pad and made a pros and cons list of the mastectomy. and he just -- he brought some laughter to the process, some light to it and just kept reminding me who we are...

... who we are... in this George Orwell Society

... who we are... in this George Orwell Society

No! I am extremely busy! Not the day after I wrote this...

Wives Is extremely busy!

With George Orwell goings-on...

In Key West Giuliana Rancic's yellow legal pad will expose our Key West Admirals... for stifling Greg from brainstorming the Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer... so critical to Giuliana now, she must get Greg and Wives working 24/7 several days a week to get this Overnight breast cancer cure in 6 months time from today!

No! I am extremely busy! Not the day after I wrote this...

Wives Is extremely busy!

With George Orwell goings-on...

"Observers have not make contact a proposal yet, one day has gone by and no closer to getting started brainstorming a Cure for Breast Cancer 24/7 several days in a row with several inspirational women!

Giuliana Rancic better email her yellow legal pad to a few more George Orwell Observers in Key West ASAP if she wants Greg to get Extremely busy! Working on a Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer getting this in 6 months from the day we start working being extremely busy!

Caesar's Car
New research casts doubt on a popular treatment for breast cancer: A week of radiation to part of the breast instead of longer treatment to all of it.

Women who were given partial radiation were twice as likely to need their breasts removed later because the cancer came back, doctors found.

The treatment uses radioactive pellets briefly placed in the breast instead of radiation beamed from a machine. At least 13 percent of older patients in the U.S. get this now, and it is popular with working women.

"Even women who aren't working appreciate convenience," but they may pay a price in effectiveness if too little tissue is being treated, said study leader Dr. Benjamin Smith of MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

Results were to be reported Wednesday at a conference in San Antonio along with a more positive development: a new test that may help show which women need only surgery for a very early type of breast cancer called DCIS. The results suggest that about three-fourths of the 45,000 women diagnosed with DCIS annually in the U.S. could skip the radiation and hormone-blocking pills usually recommended to prevent a recurrence.

About 230,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year in the U.S., most in an early stage. Typical treatment is surgery to remove the lump, followed by radiation every weekday for five to seven weeks. That's tough, especially for older women and those in rural areas.

Doctors hoped that a shorter approach, called brachytherapy, would be just as good with fewer side effects. To do it, they temporarily place a thin tube into the cavity where the tumor was.

"You come in twice a day and there's a machine that puts in a radiation seed that stays there a few minutes and then you go home," Smith explained.

Treatment takes only five days and the total radiation dose is comparable to the longer method. But a smaller area — just around the lump — gets treated instead of the whole breast.

Although at least three companies sell equipment for brachytherapy, no big studies have tested its safety and effectiveness.

Researchers looked at Medicare records on 130,535 women who had lumps removed and radiation. Less than 1 percent chose brachytherapy in 2000 but that rose to 13 percent by 2007.

After accounting for differences in age, tumor size and other factors, researchers found that within five years, 4 percent of brachytherapy patients needed surgery to remove the breast where the original tumor had been versus only 2 percent of those given traditional radiation. Hospitalization, infections, broken ribs and breast pain also were more common with brachytherapy.

It remains experimental, and women who want it should join a more rigorous study of it going on now, said Dr. Peter Ravdin, breast cancer chief at the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio.

"I'm putting patients on the trial" and not recommending it otherwise, he said.

Brachytherapy costs about twice as much as standard radiation, estimated at $10,000 to $20,000.

Other research involves a test that measures the activity of genes that help predict recurrence risks for women with DCIS, or ductal carcinoma in situ — cancer that is confined to a milk duct. It's usually found from mammograms before it causes symptoms.

Surgery cures most cases, but about 20 percent will recur within 10 years, so doctors usually recommend five to seven weeks of radiation or years of hormone-blocking drugs.

"Although it works, it's a lot of treatment and we treat the many to benefit the few," because there's no good way to tell who can safely skip it, said Dr. Lawrence Solin of Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia.

He led a study with other researchers and the test's maker, Genomic Health Inc. of Redwood City, Calif. The company already sells a test to gauge which women with invasive cancers most need chemotherapy versus hormone-blocking medicines alone. The DCIS test uses some of the same genes.

Doctors checked its predictive value using 327 stored tumor samples. Test scores separated women into low, high and medium risk groups that reflected how they fared 10 years later. About 75 percent fell into a low-risk category that could be spared treatment beyond surgery.

"If it's right it would have significant value for patients," but this needs to be validated in a bigger study before the test is widely used, said Robert Clarke, dean for research at Georgetown University Medical Center. "It tells you how well it sorts out a population, but it doesn't tell you how good it is at putting an individual woman in the right group."

Dr. Joseph Sparano of Montefiore Einstein Center for Cancer Care in New York, who helped conduct the study, disagreed.

"Doctors are making decisions already without this information" and the test gives a valuable new clue, he said.

But an expensive one. The company will charge the same for the DCIS test as its current one for invasive breast cancer — $4,175, which Medicare and most insurers cover, said chief medical officer Dr. Steven Shak.

The company plans to start selling it by the end of the year under federal lab rules that just require proof that the test reliably measures genes — not that this has value for patients.

The cancer conference is sponsored by the American Association for Cancer Research, Baylor College of Medicine and the UT Health Science Center.



Cancer conference: http://www.sabcs.org

... who we are... in this George Orwell Society

No! I am extremely busy! Not the day after I wrote this...

Wives Is extremely busy!

With George Orwell goings-on...

In Key West Giuliana Rancic's yellow legal pad will expose our Key West Admirals... for stifling Greg from brainstorming the Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer... so critical to Giuliana now, she must get Greg and Wives working 24/7 several days a week to get this Overnight breast cancer cure in 6 months time from today!

No! I am extremely busy! Not the day after I wrote this...

Wives Is extremely busy!

With George Orwell goings-on...

"Observers have not make contact a proposal yet, one day has gone by and no closer to getting started brainstorming a Cure for Breast Cancer 24/7 several days in a row with several inspirational women!

Giuliana Rancic better email her yellow legal pad to a few more George Orwell Observers in Key West ASAP if she wants Greg to get Extremely busy! Working on a Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer getting this in 6 months from the day we start working being extremely busy!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904


Click here for... ElectricWindmillCar

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

4 July 2011 click here... Government National Violent Death Statistics link here


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



“Women Observer” she knows our Orwellian Caesar will not let the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar get a few wives to brainstorm the Rx Cure for Breast Cancer. 1st picture is the Herceptin drug and breast cancer cell. Next picture During this stage of cell division (cytokinesis) the cell's cytoplasm divides. Here, the cells remain joined by a cytoplasmic bridge. Malignant cells divide rapidly in a chaotic manner and may clump to form tumors. 3rd picture is breast cancer cell division too but you get a better idea of the texture of the breast cancer cell. Any women observer who reads this and can get permission from our Orwellian Top Brass to start sending greg email to talk about finding a cure for breast cancer email greg at inventsomething@live.com. Good luck as Greg is on the DVD Home Alone 12 while 1 million women will die of Breast Cancer in November. No matter how many deaths and how terrible the torture of dying from breast cancer is, Our Orwellian Caesar watching greg on cams right now will not let Greg hook up with “DD” in Key West or any other women, if just to talk about getting a Rx Miracle Overnight cure for breast cancer... I think our Orwellian Observers have gone to far! Really!

Greg is very sorry, I know many "Women Observers" a FBI women told me everything at 3 am on the phone watching greg in his room, grin.

I have to get the Rx Cure for Cancer and 1,001 other invention projects for 7 billion people. She said alright! Not sounding or saying in her voice I know you can get the Rx Cure for Cancer! I need a women when she says "Alright" I can hear in her voice I know your are the only man on Earth who can get the cure for cancer! Inspire Greg with the sound of her voice saying "Alright" when I tell her I have to... get the Rx cure for cancer and 1,001 other invention projects! Yes!

Breaking News for All Observers Greg is very sorry, I know many "Women Observers" a FBI women told me everything at 3 am on the phone watching greg in his room, grin.

She knows 1 million women a month die of breast cancer world wide but is to afraid of breast cancer to even help Greg Brainstorm a Rx Miracle Cure!

Greg is very sorry, I know many "Women Observers" a FBI women told me everything at 3 am on the phone watching greg in his room, grin.


Gregs best revenge on our Orwellian Caesar will be get 7 Wives and Brainstorm a Rx Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer soon as he comes out from behind the hidden cameras!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904


Click here for... ElectricWindmillCar

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

4 July 2011 click here... Government National Violent Death Statistics link here


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



Dividing breast cancer cell Caption: Breast cancer cells. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of dividing breast cancer cells. During this stage of cell division (cytokinesis) the cell's cytoplasm divides. Here, the cells remain joined by a cytoplasmic bridge. Malignant cells divide rapidly in a chaotic manner and may clump to form tumours. They often invade and destroy surrounding tissues. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. It can be treated by surgical removal of the cancerous cells, often combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Herceptin drug and breast cancer cell. Molecular model of Herceptin (Trastuzumab), showing the molecule's secondary structure, seen as alpha helices (coils) and beta sheets (arrows). A breast cancer cell is at lower left (blue). Herceptin binds to HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2), a receptor that is over-expressed in some breast cancer cells, making them grow faster and more likely to spread. Herceptin blocks HER2, which kills the breast cancer cells. Around a fifth of breast cancers result from cells that over-express HER2, making them viable for Herceptin treatment.

Single breast cancer cell.... Caption: Breast cancer cell. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a breast cancer cell. Due to genetic defects, cancer cells divide rapidly in a chaotic manner, leading to a ragged appearance. The cells may clump to form tumours, which often invade and destroy surrounding tissues. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. It can be treated by surgical removal of the cancerous cells, often combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Dividing breast cancer cell Caption: Breast cancer cells. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of dividing breast cancer cells. During this stage of cell division (cytokinesis) the cell's cytoplasm divides. Here, the cells remain joined by a cytoplasmic bridge. Malignant cells divide rapidly in a chaotic manner and may clump to form tumours. They often invade and destroy surrounding tissues. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. It can be treated by surgical removal of the cancerous cells, often combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

... our Orwellian Caesar killed the 7 billion Aliens at Alpha Centauri to keep the Status Quo... of BP Oil bringing in $177 Trillion more in Oil Revenues! 7 Nations that run the UN just bombed a Medical School Hospital in Libya to kill one of their own "Oil Men"! 7 New Medical Schools have not been built in the last 7 years and the 7 Caesars who run the day to day goings on 7 days a week have no plans to build 7 Medical Schools in the next 7 years any were or shall we say "anywhere where" on Earth. MD's are 7 times more addicted to greed than Oil Men are today$!

7 rotor helicopter not quite a octagon design "Combine Harvesters" for crops from rice, to the top of Amazon Fig trees, Cashews! This Combine Harvester is stifled at Yale School of Engineering even though the Top Brass Elite at yale know of its invention idea! Yale Bulldog is an Oil Dog! $7 Trillion in BP Oil bribes are paid to 7 of the world top leaders who would have reported the "Abuse" the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar, and 7 other related inventions by Greg Buell Lovestar from the "Imagination" of

7 Billion people. 7 Billion people are "ruled behind hidden cameras and Orwellian NBC Nightly News". 7 Psychopaths, like CBS Letterman who has little or no "conscience"... after 700 skits of someone running across the stage on fire! Letterman and Leno drive by "Fiery LA Wrecks" without stopping... and without stopping to think! Ann Curry and Matt Lauer on the GE NBC "Today Show" get 77% more pay because the ElectricWindmillCar is suppressed. 7 million government workers were given 77% more for going along with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar. 77% will end up in a Federal Prison after a successful ElectricWindmillCar Coup.

70 Years of Failure by the Dept. of Education will End in a Big Bang, Mandatory University for all HS kids, and HS Kids will have their own cadaver so they know about the pancreas before they die from its cancer like Steve Jobs did at 56 not even knowing he had one let alone its anatomy and physiology,

Nationalization of 7 of the most Greedy Corporations (Bill Gates + wife) to write software apps to support 7 billion aspiring inventors working on a list of 7,007 Invention projects spelled out with links you can click on in Windows 8. Click on record this internet session and it will give you a YouTube video of your homework leading to your first invention.

Just like you practice taking pictures of yourself and women neighbors with your cell phone camera you have to practice working on invention projects 24/7 brainstorming with 7 wives. Only After Greg's picture is on the front Page of the New York Times for my Key West Miracle Inventions. Will the women in Greg's cell phone pictures let me hit on them. And I have to Get $$$$$$ 7 times more than I need to by women in the cell pictures that diamond necklace. Don't post pictures of her on your web no matter how much you want to share her with 7 billion observers, people! DVD "Enemy of the State", this movie needs an 2 and a 3 and all the way up to "Enemy of the State 7", Sony would have made 7 sequels of this movie if the 7 government workers who approve what movies are made would have said yes 7 times but they gave away 7 to many Top Secrets with just the original movie "Enemy of the State".

7,007 Invention projects spelled out with links you can click on in Windows 8... improvements in nutrition for 7 billion have been in the UN News on their web page the last 77 days, meat gives you colon cancer, alcohol gives you breast cancer, 7 other diet related links to cancer are spelling out on the UN web page today. 7,007 Invention projects spelled out with links you can click on in Windows 8. Not on page 7 on the UN's web. 7,007 Invention projects, 1 to End War on Earth would be the 1 that can hear and observe Aliens at Alpha Centauri.


7 billion die of Nuke radiation, so they all 7 Billion of us die a tortured death from Psychopaths, building another $7 Trillion in Nukes today.

Psychopaths at CBS like Letterman have little or no "conscience"... making jokes of people running from a wreck on fire, people on stage on fire at Letterman's Late Show! Change channels to the NBC Today Show. look spot no "conscience" in the stories Ann Curry and Matt Lauer report on, on Monday, the Day Earth will Officially have 7 billion people. Will we all die a slow torturous death from the inventions by Los Alamos scientist, or sudden death at 56 like Steve Job's!

70 Years of Failure by the Dept. of Education will End in a Big Bang, nationalization of 7 of the most Greedy Corporations (Bill Gates + wife) to write software apps to support 7 billion aspiring inventors working on a list of 7,007 Invention projects spelled out with links you can click on in Windows 8. Click on record this internet session and it will give you a YouTube video of your homework leading to your first invention.

7 billionth Human on Planet Earth!

Just like you practice taking pictures of yourself and women who inspire with you cell phone camera you have to practice working on invention projects 24/7 brainstorming with 7 wives. After your picture is on the front Page of the New York Times for your Key West Miracle Invention. Just like you practice taking pictures of yourself and women neighbors with you cell phone camera you have to practice working on invention projects 24/7 brainstorming with 7 wives. Only After your picture is on the front Page of the New York Times for your Key West Miracle Invention. Will the women in your cell phone pictures let you hit on them. Brainstorm 7,007 invention projects with them 24/7... and yes! They will "charge" you for her time as "women" of your dreams, inspiration!

7 billionth Human on Planet Earth!


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

A Petri Dish full of Breast Cancer Cells, Who would like to see this story on "Today Show" with Dr. Nancy Snyderman... everyone! Who wants a Cure for Breast Cancer... Everyone! So why is GE + NBC suppressing a Petri Dish full of Breast Cancer Cells on the "Today Show" with Dr. Nancy Snyderman telling us more than we wanted to know as to why Penicillin can not kill these cells but some other Miracle Drug will be invented someday? Because GE + NBC are addicted to $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues, and have taken on the mentality of criminals who profit from 100's of fiery LA Wrecks around the world every day. FBI and CIA work for GE, NBC, BP Oil, etc$!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904


Click here for... ElectricWindmillCar

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

4 July 2011 click here... Government National Violent Death Statistics link here


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer


27 Sept, 2011 BDay 64 Greg Buell Lovestar Born at Yale New Haven Hospital 1947

27 Sept, 2011 BDay 64 Greg Buell Lovestar - Greg is stifled by Our Orwellian Caesar on his 64th Birthday Today from working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer, this is a terrible tragic crime against women in general by our Orwellian Top Brass. You Do the Math!

ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Pope Urban VIII stifled Galileo from working on 1,001 Invention Projects because Galileo was condemned by the Catholic Church for "vehement heresy"!

Pope stifles Greg Buell Lovestar on 27 Sept. 2011 (and his many Yale MD wives, Yes a Polygamist) from working on 1,001 Invention Projects because our Orwellian Caesar the 13th condemned Lovestar for "Perpetual Peace On Earth writings and inventions (1 to hear and see Aliens) stating we are not alone in the Universe, Hell No We Won't Go, unless Aliens declare War on Earth!" And the Pope has gotten a percent of the $177 Trillion in oil revenues every month since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 This invention a few weeks before the end to the Saudi Oil Embargo$ is what ended it via secret talks by Jimmy Carter, Kennedy, and the King of Saudi Arabia. (Clinton today at the State Dept had No Comment on 10 LASHES given to a Saudi Woman for driving a car last week)!


1935 Yale College Dean Clarence Mendell issues a statement to the news regarding whether students at the College and the Sheffield Scientific School should be allowed to keep automobiles on campus saying that “the final definition of the rule will be determined within 10 days.”

ps. Yale should of invented super-air-bags on the outside of autos in 1935

ps. A Yale Grad died in a fiery LA Wreck on 27 Sept, 2011 - murdered by oil men!

Caesar's Car

Note Yale's Today in History 27 Sept. 2011

Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues, some of this $177 Trillion fuels "Yale Intellectuals" Today!

100's world wide, as this is Yale's Universe, Died in a Fiery LA, Paris, London, Moscow, Rio Car Crash on 27 Sept. 2011

Because the Top Brass at Yale are drunkards$... addicted to driving their Chevy Impala! Addicted to driving their Chevy Impala with no super air bags on the outside.

100's of women Died from Breast Cancer just in the USA on 27 Sept. 2011, 1k women died world wide of breast cancer in Yale's Universe and No Yale Students at Yale News Web put this tit bit in Yale Today In History... yet! Yet is the key word here!

Because the Top Brass play the Role Model of a Bully! Addicted to driving their Chevy Impala with no super air bags on the outside. Deb my neighbor here in Key West said she would not drive a CAR with super air bags on the outside as it would be to ugly a CAR! Deb has a sports car convertible! Nice One!

Yale Fails Humanity Today Because a gas lobotomy has yet to be invented for Mad Men! These Mad Men we see on NBC Today show, and Nightly News, grin - stifle and suppress and kill their wives and daughters via breast cancer and Fiery Wrecks! 100 infants will die of whooping cough today... 100 kids will be infected with Hepatitis today... Pentagon fags will spread diseases without compensating those given syphilis... Our Orwellian Caesar the 13th is the worst of all Caesar's! And Caesar probably is a Yale Grad!

Because the Top Brass are drunk on $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues

Star Travel to Alpha Centauri story is suppressed from NBC "Today Show" Today!

Yale Grads at NASA wrote a Official Document about 4.3 light year travel to Alpha Centauri. It reads, remember it was written by Yale Grads, it reads 4 light years would take 72,000 years thus its impossible, there is no way to invent a way to travel 4 light years thus NASA's official policy on 4 light year travels is we are not even going to try to brainstorm light year travel inventions at this time! As it would be a waste of our time brainstorming this idea! This is why NASA never mentions a mission to Alpha Centauri!

Yale Medical School Goings-On; On Greg Buell LoveStar's 64th BDay 27 Sept 11 (Lovestar and his Yale MD wives should be here today, but Yale Elite sold out to our Orwellian Caesar seeing he has control of the $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues$!

Tuesday, September 27 8:00am 9:00am

Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds: "Advanced Therapies for Heart Failure" (CME eligible) Speaker: Abeel Mangi, MD Fitkin Amphitheatre, LMP 1094

8:15am 9:15am

PCCM Research Conference: "Immunology of Malignant Pleural Effusions" Speaker: Gaetane Michaud, MD The Anylan Center, TAC S-447

9:15am 10:30am Genetics Department Journal Club Speaker: Janghoo Lim Brady Auditorium, B-131

12:00pm 12:30pm Winchester Chest Clinic Conference: "Evaluating for Possible Recurrent Aspiration" Speaker: Steven Leder, PhD, MA LLCI 104

12:00pm 1:00pm Yale Cancer Center Grand Rounds: "A Multi-Modality Approach to Cancer Cachexia" Speaker: Egidio Del Fabbro, MD Smilow Auditorium

1:00pm 2:00pm Child Study Center Grand Rounds: "Recovering From Violent Trauma: Children's Loss and Search for Control" (CME eligible) Speaker: Steven Marans, MSW, PhD Donald J Cohen Auditorium, NIHB E02

4:00pm 5:00pm

Genetics Department Seminar: "Technologies for Reading, Writing & Re-evolving Microbial & Human Systems" Speaker: George M. Church, PhD Brady Auditorium, B-131

4:15pm 5:30pm

Biostatistics Seminar: "Statistical Methods for Detecting Disease Associations with Rare Variants in Sequencing Studies." Speaker: Dan-Yu Lin, PhD LEPH 115

5:00pm 6:00pm

Digestive Diseases Research Seminar Series: "Hepatitis C: The New Landscape" (CME eligible) Speaker: Vinod Rustgi, MD, MBA The Anylan Center, TAC S-247 5:00pm 6:00pm

WHVA Post Clinic Conference: "Sleep Disorders and Cardiovascular Diseases" Speaker: Lauren Tobias, MD, BS West Haven VA

5:00pm 8:30pm Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital Evening Seminar Series: "Back to School" (CME eligible) Speaker: Cynthia Sparer Dolce Norwalk


27 Sept, 2011 BDay 64 Greg Buell Lovestar

27 Sept, 2011 BDay 64 Greg Buell Lovestar

27 Sept, 2011 BDay 64 Greg Buell Lovestar

27 Sept, 2011 BDay 64 Greg Buell Lovestar - Greg is stifled by Our Orwellian Caesar on his 64th Birthday Today from working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer, this is a terrible tragic crime against women in general by our Orwellian Top Brass. You Do the Math!

Caesar's Car

French President Nicholas Sarkozy and David Cameron landed in Libya today as War Heroes! Not in Key West, In Key West French and British Heroes will get the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer... Hospital Medical Schools in Libya were bombed by Sarkozy!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904



Breast and cervical cancers kill 625,000 women worldwide in 2011.

This rate is alarming and requires immediate attention from world leaders like French President Nicholas Sarkozy and David Cameron who landed in Libya today to a heroes' welcome... being the masterminds of 984 Jet Fighter strikes on Libya!

Only in an Oil Genocide Era and Society could both these news stories be observed on Google and Yahoo news!

Clinton knows for every 100k barrels of oil from Libya it equals 100 fiery LA Wrecks and car exhaust that causes 100 cancers a day!

GE 20,000 Windmills are suppressed by GE on the decks of the JFK SuperAirCraft Carrier under construction today! Electrolysis! H at -254 C free for 7 billion people!

GE, NBC, will killed 425,000 women in 2011 world wide!

9-11... 1980

$177 Trillion in Oil Revenues since 9-11-1980

GE, NBC, will killed 425,000 women in 2011 world wide!

Breast cancer will killed 425,000 women in 2011 world wide!

GE has sold Organs to Saudi Princes for decades!

GE will invest $1 billion over the next five years 2011 to 2007

for breast cancer detection and treatment,

not a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure!

GE and Roche would lose $1 Trillion from a Breast Cancer Rx Overnight Miracle Cure!

Clinton knows for every 100k barrels of oil from Libya it equals 100 fiery LA Wrecks and car exhaust that causes 100 cancer a day!


ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904



Same goings-on happened in 1980

Saudi Arabia and Texas when Oil men

would have lost $177 Trillion from the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar!

GE $100 million global open invention challenge

to identify and bring to market ideas

that advance breast cancer diagnostics

no inventions for a breast cancer

NO cure as GE and Roche would lose $1 Trillion dollars!

Breast cancer killed 425,000 women in 2011.

GE, NBC, will killed 425,000 women in 2011 world wide!

Greg Buell Lovestar inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980

Has been spit on by GE Observers hiding behind hidden cameras in this 1984 society,

GE, they let 425k women die of breast cancer every year since 1980

on orders from Pentagon Generals.

To Suppress Greg Buell Lovestar’s work on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer!

Greg works in a Key West Hotel now, not on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer

I work at a Hotel in Key West!

Why, because...

French President Nicholas Sarkozy and David Cameron landed in Libya today to a heroes' welcome on, promising help for the new rulers that French and British air power helped to install and being told the favor may be repaid in business contracts. Just three weeks after rebels backed by NATO bombers overran the capital, French President Sarkozy and the British prime minister promised in Tripoli to help hunt down Muammar Gaddafi and to hand his frozen assets to his successors.

Greg’s best revenge on Our USA Orwellian Caesar is to get the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer with a few MD wife's from yale... Best revenge on French President Nicholas Sarkozy and David Cameron will be a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer with a few French MD women. Then off with Sarkozy and Cameron’s heads in the ElectricWindmillCar Revolution that Overnight will get the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer! And 1,001 Social Advancements "Cures" for 1,001 diseases LOST by French President Nicholas Sarkozy and David Cameron playing war games attacking Oil Producing Nations when Oil and gasoline should not be sold. ElectricWindmillCar Revolution will be the start of Star Travels - Star Trek warp speed social advancement. Crimes by the French and British against Humanity by French President Nicholas Sarkozy and David Cameron will be on YouTube, their killing Moslems for the sake of killing Moslems. All their war planning and jokes behind the hidden cameras will be made public! On YouTube!


ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904



GE, NBC, CIA, Pentagon, Pope, MD’s, at WHO at the UN all got a Trillion dollar bribe from $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2011.

Cervical cancer killed 200,000 last year again in 2011

Incident's of cervical cancer is now 454,000 in 2011

Incident's of breast cancer is now 1.6 million in 2011

Breast cancer killed 425,000 women in 2011

Cases of breast cancer around the world rose from around 640,000 in 1980,

when the ElectricWindmillCar was invented by Greg Buell Lovestar,

to 1.6 million in 2011.

CIA, Pentagon, Pope, MD’s, WHO at the UN all got a Trillion dollar bribe from $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2011.

Cervical cancer killed 200,000 last year, 46,000 of them women aged 15-49 in the poorer economies.

Incidents of cervical cancer is now 454,000 in 2011

Incident's of breast cancer is now 1.6 million in 2011

Breast cancer killed 425,000 women in 2011

GE and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Car Exhaust causes cancer this news is suppressed on NBC!

GE will develop and deploy two mobile screening units in Riyadh City with the goal of screening 10,000 women

GE will open invention challenges for Saudi women who can not drive a car!

Diagnosed cases of breast cancer rose by 260 percent and those of cervical cancer by 20 percent from 1980 to 2010, with the biggest hikes occurring in developing countries, according to global estimates reported on Thursday in The Lancet. Identified cases of breast cancer around the world rose from around 640,000 in 1980, when 65 percent occurred in rich countries, to 1.6 million in 2010, of which 51 percent were among women in developing nations. Incidence of cervical cancer increased from 378,000 annually to 454,000 during this period, according to the survey of 187 countries. Breast cancer killed 425,000 women in 2010, of whom 68,000 were aged 15 to 49 in developing countries. Mortality from cervical cancer killed 200,000 last year, 46,000 of them women aged 15-49 in the poorer economies. GE CEO and Chair Jeff Immelt and several venture capital partners announced a healthymagination open innovation Challenge to fund promising ideas to improve breast cancer diagnostics. GE also will invest $1 billion over the next five years on research and development programs to expand its suite of advanced technologies for cancer detection and treatment, beginning with breast cancer.


ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904



The $100 million global open innovation challenge seeks to identify and bring to market ideas that advance breast cancer diagnostics. The goal is to help healthcare professionals better understand tumors associated with triple negative cancer, as well as the molecular similarities between breast cancer and other solid tumors, improving early detection, allowing for more accurate diagnoses and ultimately helping physicians make the best possible treatment decisions based on each patient’s cancer. The challenge was launched in collaboration with leading venture capital firms Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Venrock, Mohr Davidow and MPM Capital. The effort will focus on data in partnership with O’Reilly Media. Challenge entrants will be evaluated by a committee of representatives from GE and venture capital partner firms. A separate, independent judging panel that includes GE executives, venture capital partners and several leading healthcare will select the recipients of the $100,000 innovation seed grants. Winners will be announced in the first quarter of 2012.

ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904



GE is also investing in the development of a database which will consolidate clinical, pathology, therapy and outcomes data to enable analysis and further accelerate innovation. This database will be available in collaboration with leading cancer research, nongovernment and government organizations, starting with relevant cancer data from GE’s Medical Quality Improvement Consortium; Clarient, a GE Healthcare Company; The Premier healthcare alliance; and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. New technologies GE also will launch new systems that improve screening and breast cancer diagnosis, and help physicians ensure patients receive the right therapy for their tumor type. GE announced SenoCase, portable mammography device concept that will take a traditional digital mammography system and miniaturize it into a portable unit the size of a large suitcase. GE also previewed SenoBright, Contrast Enhanced Spectral Mammography (CESM), a breast screening technique that will enable more precise identification of breast cancer incidence for more than one million women by 2020. SenoBright combines digital mammography, low- and high-level x-rays and a contrast agent to identify incidence of cancer, and helps clinicians better select patients requiring biopsy. SenoBright is currently 510(k) clearance at the U.S. FDA, and not available for sale in the U.S. Outside the U.S., SenoBright has been installed in 17 care centers across Europe and Asia. Access to care GE announced a three-year partnership with Susan G. Komen for the Cure to forge programs that bring the latest breast cancer technologies to more women in the U.S. and around the world. Initially, these programs will run in Wyoming, Saudi Arabia and China: • Wyoming: By combining mobile mammography with a digital twist to appointment bookings, GE is partnering with a number of in-state organizations to help Wyoming address the challenges associated with being one of the most rural states in the U.S. •Saudi Arabia: GE and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health established a mutual partnership aimed at increasing access to breast cancer screening. GE will develop and deploy two mobile screening units in Riyadh City with the goal of screening 10,000 women within the first 12 months with a plan to start in October. It’s also reaching out to leading universities to launch an open innovation challenge for Saudi women in an effort to identify sustainable methods for improving breast cancer screening in the country. •China: GE and partners will launch a broad outreach program later this year in the Guangdong Province aimed at raising awareness of and compliance with breast cancer screening procedures. The program will develop a local model to improve education and breast screening in rural areas.

ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904



The U.S. is trying to revive a program to prevent Libyan chemical, biological and nuclear scientists from working for terror groups or hostile nations, a State Department official said Thursday. Hundreds of experts worked in Moammar Gadhafi's weapons of mass destruction programs. After Gadhafi agreed to dismantle those programs in 2003, the U.S. launched an effort to steer Libya's WMD scientists into civilian research projects, including water desalination, oil and gas production and nuclear medicine. The effort was suspended during Libya's civil war. The official told The Associated Press that the U.S. has asked Libya's interim government to allow Washington to re-establish contact with the scientists. The official who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue. Libya's new leaders have expressed an interest in working with the U.S. on the scientist program and other counter-proliferation efforts, the official said, but so far they have not formally responded. Bilal Saab, a Middle East expert at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, said securing Libya's weapons of mass destruction and the expertise needed to produce them is a priority for the U.S. But, Saab said, Libya's interim leaders have different concerns, including their struggle to defeat the remaining Gadhafi loyalists and unify the country.

ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904



The U.S. has sought to keep track of Libya's unconventional weapons experts during the civil war, the State Department official said, and has found no direct evidence that any were recruited to work in illicit weapons programs. In the past few days a few Libyan WMD scientists, including bioweapons experts, have re-established contact with U.S. officials. Meanwhile, the official said, Washington has worked with U.S. scientists at nongovernment groups and national laboratories to draft a list of key Libyan researchers who need to be located. Word of the U.S. effort to re-establish contact with Gadhafi's scientists came as Britain and France promised to release billions of dollars in frozen assets to the interim government and to push NATO strikes against Gadhafi's last strongholds. Gadhafi agreed to dismantle his WMD research and production programs in the wake of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and under intense economic pressure from international sanctions. After 2003, Libya surrendered its nuclear weapons-related equipment and materials, in addition to 1,300 tons of chemicals that could have been used to make nerve agent, which can kill in tiny doses. Under U.S. and Western supervision, Libya also destroyed almost 3,600 chemical bombs and about half of its stockpile of 23 tons of mustard agent. But Gadhafi never completed the process of WMD disarmament, leaving Libya with about 2,000 tons of uranium yellowcake — partly refined uranium ore — as well as 11 metric tons of mustard agent, radiological materials that might be used in a so-called dirty bomb and 200 Scud-B ballistic missiles. In February 2004, President George W. Bush announced that the U.S. was launching an effort to create civilian jobs for Libya's weapons experts. But current and former officials describe Libya's cooperation in the program as limited.

ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904



The State Department official said that while Gadhafi provided relatively free access to his nuclear scientists and research biologists, he restricted contacts with his chemical weapons experts — to the point of assigning minders to monitor and censor interviews. Libya had extensive experience manufacturing chemical arms, using them against its southern neighbor Chad in 1987. Gadhafi's nuclear program by contrast had made limited progress and his biological weapons effort was largely confined to laboratory research. In recent years, Libya further restricted its cooperation with the U.S. in counter-proliferation programs. According to an internal State Department cable released by WikiLeaks, Libya in 2009 temporarily blocked the shipment out of the country of its last stocks of weapons-grade uranium. The cable quoted Gadhafi's son Saif saying the regime was unhappy with the slow pace and narrow scope of U.S. financial and military aid. The U.S. has run similar programs for weapons experts in Russia, Iraq and 42 other countries worldwide. Some Iraqi and Russian scientists with crucial skills have been brought to the U.S., the official said, but the program aims to find civilian work for most scientists in their homelands. The U.S. is concerned about the fate of some of Libya's conventional weapons. Gadhafi amassed as many as 25,000 portable anti-aircraft missiles, called MANPADS, before the civil war, raising concerns that the looted weapons could be used to target civilian aircraft.


ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904



News reports suggest that some unguarded caches of the mostly Russian-built mobile weapons have already been looted. The State Department recently sent a U.S. weapons disposal expert and several private contractors to Tripoli to aid in the hunt for MANPADS and other loose munitions. The U.S. is also spending $3 million for two international weapons disposal teams to search and disable similar arms elsewhere in Libya.

Clinton knows for every 100k barrels of oil from Libya it equals 100 fiery LA Wrecks and car exhaust that causes 100 cancer a day!

Clinton and the State Department know 1 billion people drink dirty water because our USA Orwellian Caesar suppresses the ElectricWindmillCar and its H2O electrolysis on JFK SuperAirCraft Carriers that can make cans of H at -254 C for electric generation fuel, and clean water for 1 billion. 10,000 windmills on the JFK -Worst MD's at WHO know this! Only in an Oil Genocide Era and Society could Roche and GE make news today while NBC Today Show will not mention how many women will die of breast cancer today!

Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904



ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904



What if "they" bought the 1980 model Electricwindmillcar...
What if 9-11 never happened!

CIA has $7 Trillion in Covert War money in Swiss Banks, Yale knows this...

9-11 Breast Cancer Deaths... how many women will die of breast cancer on 9-11... Don't ask Andrea Mitchell, NBC's chief foreign affairs correspondent, as she will tell you she will live, her breast cancer can be cured!

1981 What if 9-11 never happened! Via Spin off Inventions...
1981 CIA Top Brass bankrupt 15 Terrorists from Saudi Arabia!
9-11 CIA absurdities caused by $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues!$
CIA was bribed with unlimited MIT War Toy money$
What if they bought the 1980 model Electricwindmillcar...
What if 9-11 never happened!

CIA has $7 Trillion in Covert War money in Swiss Banks, Yale knows this...

9-11 Breast Cancer Deaths... how many women will die of breast cancer on 9-11

9-11 Breast Cancer Deaths... how many women will die of breast cancer on 9-11

Caesar windmill carriers

CIA has $7 Trillion in Covert War money in Swiss Banks, Yale knows this...

9-11 Breast Cancer Deaths... how many women will die of breast cancer on 9-11

9-11 Breast Cancer Deaths... how many women will die of breast cancer on 9-11

9-11 Breast Cancer Deaths... Suppressed! By NBC News! Breast Cancer women not as lucky as Mitchell and Roberts... (40,000 women died of breast cancer in 2007, 2008, 2009 2010, 2011, and will in 2012) Andrea Mitchell, NBC's chief foreign affairs correspondent, suppressed the statistics on...

how many women will die of breast cancer on 9-11

because the Men at the Pentagon will not let NBC put on this story on 9-11-2011 or any other Morning Today show any day as the numbers of women who die of breast cancer world wide in one day are "Top Secret" not for Pentagon to report...

CIA has $7 Trillion in Covert War money in Swiss Banks, Yale knows this...

9-11 Breast Cancer Deaths...

9-11 Breast Cancer Deaths...

9-11 Big Brother is watching you on Millions of TV Monitors in NYC... but not watching out for your women!

Andrea Mitchell and Robin Roberts spit on women who will die on 9-11 from Breast Cancer

by stifling Greg Buell Lovestar and his Yale MD wives from brainstorming a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer...

This is a genocide spin off from the oil genocide mentality... of our Orwellian Caesar.

ps Madonna news a new movie for her, not the Movie I wanted to write for Madonna, Greg's movie is titled... Madonna Songs Can Inspire (Greg) to get the Rx Penicillin Overnight Breast Cancer Cure!

Caesar windmill carriers Andrea Mitchell and Robin Roberts spit on women who will die today from Breast Cancer by stifling Greg Buell Lovestar and his Yale MD wives from brainstorming a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer... This is a genocide spin off from the oil genocide mentality... of our Orwellian Caesar

CIA has $7 Trillion in Covert War money in Swiss Banks, Yale knows this...

Caesar windmill carriers

Caesar windmill carriers

CIA has $7 Trillion in Covert War money in Swiss Banks Yale knows this...

Caesar windmill carriers

1981 Spin off Invention... cure for pancreatic cancer that is caused by an islet cell neuroendocrine tumor.

2011 Steve Jobs will die knowing his going along with the suppression of the electricwindmillcar in 1980 and its inventor Greg Buell Lovestar, killed him. Jobs also suppressed the cure for cancer in "General" in 1981! And 1,001 spin off inventions from the Euphoria of the Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980!

Generals at the Pentagon might have killed Steve Jobs in 1981... though ?

For exposing the suppression of the electricwindmillcar invented in 1980!

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act” For Breast Cancer!

ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904


California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act” For Breast Cancer!

Andrea Mitchell, NBC's chief foreign affairs correspondent, announced on air Wednesday that she has breast cancer, saying to other women: "Screening matters. Do it." She said her cancer was caught in the "earliest stages" and she described her prognosis as "terrific." Mitchell did not say what kind of treatment she had undergone. "Mine was discovered during my annual screening just a short time ago," she said. "Luckily for me, I am one of the fortunate ones; we discovered it in the earliest stage, it hadn't spread, and I'm already back at work with a terrific prognosis." "I’m looking at this as another of life’s lessons," Mitchell said. "For you women out there and the men who love you, screening matters. Do it. This disease can be completely curable if you find it at the right time."

A year after her breast cancer diagnosis, Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts is at the top of her game and is playing by an amended set of rules. August 3, 2007, (40,000 women died of breast cancer in 2007, 2008, 2009 2010, 2011, and will in 2012) and then had cheered her return to daytime TV just ten days later. Among the most dramatic milestones in her recovery was in April, when she doffed her wig to reveal the re-growth of her hair. It was a visual sign that the year she describes as “tumultuous” was over. It was time to move on. “People begged me to write a book about cancer, “Robin says. “I refused because cancer is nothing more than a chapter in my life story. It isn’t worthy of an entire book.

8 Sept 11 Andrea Mitchell and Robin Roberts spit on women who will die today from Breast Cancer by stifling Greg Buell Lovestar and his Yale MD wives from brainstorming a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer... This is a genocide spin off from the oil genocide mentality... of our Orwellian Caesar

(40,000 women died of breast cancer in 2007, 2008, 2009 2010, 2011, and will in 2012)

8 Sept 11 Andrea Mitchell and Robin Roberts spit on Greg Buell Lovestar and his Yale MD wives, stifle from brainstorming a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer... This is a genocide spin off from the oil genocide mentality... of suppression of the Electricwindmillcar Era 1980 - 2011 our Orwellian Caesar needs a Rx Gas Lobotomy so the next Orwellian Caesar can Bankrupt MIT War Toys and invent in 40,000 Yale Medical Schools, rebuild 9-11, upgrade it to the reality of (40,000 women died of breast cancer in 2007, 2008, 2009 2010, 2011, and will in 2012) Our Orwellian Caesar is no different from the other 12 Caesar's but he has $177 Trillion dollars in oil genocide Era Revenues enough money to Bribe the Pope and CIA!

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions


California "Dream Act" Aliens are at Alpha Centauri 4.3 Light Years down range, out of their sight mind and invention projects for California!

California "Dream Act" approved by Oil Men and Women, who are drunk, drugged, diseased, and Orwellian!

Amy Winehouse was murdered by Our Orwellian Caesar selling Gasoline and Drugs. Murdock and Son at the London Times hacked into Amy's life in order to sell her Gasoline and Drugs.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act” For Breast Cancer!

CBS, NBC, ABC are loyal to Our Orwellian Caesar not Humanity.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act” For Breast Cancer!

I'm reading Martha Gellhorn letters in Key West, today. Martha knew Karen Blixen and writes her husband who I knew a big brutal man gave her syphilis on her wedding night when she was 18, she suffered the torments of this disease and had part of her spine removed. California Dream Act guys know the exact statistics how many 18 year old women get syphilis today, there is no Dream Act to prevent these women from being tormented in California... this is sick these are sick guys who wrote the California Dream Act! Try to sue who gave you syphilis or hepatitis, you have to be rich and famous to track them down, the California Lawmakers made it this way on purpose!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.


California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

1,001 False Hope Stories by Katie Couric should make this obvious!

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

CBS Early Show clip of Nine-year-old Rachel Beckwith didn't live long enough to reach her goal of raising $300 to bring clean water to African villagers. She died in a 13-car accident on Interstate 90 ---- CBS showed the car wreck 9 year old Rachel die in...

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

CBS Early Show couple didn't report on "Super Air Bags On the Outside" of cars and tell us Rachel Beckwith was murdered by our Orwellian Caesar same as Amy was murdered by Our Orwellian Caesar!

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

I'm reading Martha Gellhorn letters in Key West, today. She writes about going to the trail of Eichmann and is happy the Israelis executed him and quickly without advance publicity scattered his ashes in the sea. They did the right thing. I feel a curious sense of relief obviously there was no punishment to fit his crime but there is such a thing as cleansing the world of those who have lost all right to be members of the human race. Oil Men Rule Israel in 2011. Oil Men and Women fire bombed hundred of thousands of cars with 9 year old girls inside since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

Oil Men are diseased with Syphilis and Hepatitis and Greed, they have infected the Pope and People at CBS.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

I hope Israel will release the memoirs of the Oil Men and Women addicted to every kind of dope and sex act they can do with total immunity.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

YouTube video of these Jew Oil Men and Women will not be censored by the coup leaders!

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

Humanity LOST $ 177 Trillion dollars and 1,001 spin off inventions from the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980... Rx Penicillin Overnight miracle cures for Breast cancer, syphilis, malaria, hepatitis all were lost to 1,001 spin off genocide's by Oil Men and Women...

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

"Midnight In Paris" shows Paris with yellow lights screwed into the Eiffel Tower.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

Yale Key West Medical School, Hospital, and Hurricane Shelter built on Eiffel Tower Structures would never had been built by Jew Oil Men and Women producing and directing "Midnight In Paris".

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

French Revolution closed the University of Paris for 7 years! WOW!

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

French Government Own Oil Company lost humanity 1,001 Rx Penicillin Overnight miracle cures for Breast cancer, syphilis, malaria, hepatitis all were lost to 1,001 spin off genocide's by French Oil Men and Women... Approximately 1 in 12 persons worldwide, or some 500 million people, are living with chronic viral hepatitis. Viral hepatitis is among the top 10 infectious disease killers and the leading cause of liver cancer and cirrhosis.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

Paris University has been closed since the Oil Men in Paris when along with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

University of Paris would be admitting Amy and Rachel Beckwith already having dissected their cadaver in High School. Clean water donation on Rachel's web page would be history as the 10,000 Windmills on the JFK Super Aircraft Carrier would keep the Navy busy below decks working on Electrolysis for clean H2O for Rachel's murder at 9 years old by the same Oil Men they suppressed Super Air Bags on the Outside of her car they showed on CBS Today.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

But CBS couple on the Early Show didn't report Rachel would be alive if super air bags on the outside of her car wreck car were not suppressed by Paris and American Oil Men and Women.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

University has been closed since the 1980 suppression of the Electricwindmillcar.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

Rachel Today the little girls who do not die in a car wreck in 2011 many will be given syphilis and hepatitis, whooping cough, flu, and other diseases they had no idea the person they meet would could even have these diseases because CBS couple on the Early Show do not report who has syphilis and Hepatitis... Caesar will not make the diseased people responsible for who they give syphilis and hepatitis to financially and criminally.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

Dr Jennifer Ashton on CBS put off how you catch Hepatitis suppressing the truth!

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

Oil Men's and Women's spin off genocides from selling you gasoline has infected Dr Jennifer Ashton and even Dr. Nancy Snyderman at NBC. Martha Gellhorn mentions Orwellian her writings of 1962. Martha is sick from the flu or something every 20 or 30 pages. Yet she lives to be 89 with cancer. But he sick day are hell on Earth. CBS Dr Jennifer could give us tips on reducing the number of our sick days by starting to tell us don’t put your fingers in your mouth! But she wont!

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act” For Breast Cancer!

460 a year die from acetaminophen Tylenol overdose, Our Orwellian Caesar the Oil Man murdered each and every one of these 460 deaths as he close the University in 1980 when the ElectricWindmillCar was invented. Every High School kid should know every over the counter product that has acetaminophen in it. High Schools have always failed. Today Bush and his daughters bully test givers into cheating, even Yale will make headlines for cheating... changed the wrong answers on test to the right answer. Yale was infected by Oil Men who have been tossing gasoline bombs at SUV’s driving down LA Freeways since 1980, Yale passed MD’s who wrote the wrong answers. Bush and his daughters were the bullies who make Yale do this. 460 Patients died from these Yale MD’s so far...

Murdock will not hack into this...

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

French Revolution closed the University of Paris for 7 years. Movie “Midnight In Paris” shows the Paris of the 2011 Oil Men and Women drunk, on drugs and sex with kids in Thailand!

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

Israelis executed him and quickly without advance publicity scattered his ashes in the sea. They did the right thing. I feel a curious sense of relief obviously there was no punishment to fit his crime but there is such a thing as cleansing the world of those who have lost all right to be members of the human race.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

Oil Men Rule Israel, Paris, Moscow, Houston, Saudi Arabia in 2011. They have no right to be members of the human race in a Universe were Aliens wait for a Inventor that invents a way to Observe and hear Aliens. NASA sold their soul for vacations in Saudi Arabia not Key West! California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 - French Coup d'etat of 2011 Will bring the Eiffel Tower to Key West as the Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structures!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904


California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act”

California "Dream Act" Aliens are at Alpha Centauri 4.3 Light Years down range, out of their sight mind and invention projects for California!

California "Dream Act" approved by Oil Men and Women, who are drunk, drugged, diseased, and Orwellian!

Amy Winehouse was murdered by Our Orwellian Caesar selling Gasoline and Drugs. Murdock and Son at the London Times hacked into Amy's life in order to sell her Gasoline and Drugs.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act” For Breast Cancer!

CBS, NBC, ABC are loyal to Our Orwellian Caesar not Humanity.

California "Dream Act" guys spit on 40,000 women who died from no “Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Act” For Breast Cancer!

I'm reading Martha Gellhorn letters in Key West, today. Martha knew Karen Blixen and writes her husband who I knew a big brutal man gave her syphilis on her wedding night when she was 18, she suffered the torments of this disease and had part of her spine removed. California Dream Act guys know the exact statistics how many 18 year old women get syphilis today, there is no Dream Act to prevent these women from being tormented in California... this is sick these are sick guys who wrote the California Dream Act! Try to sue who gave you syphilis or hepatitis, you have to be rich and famous to track them down, the California Lawmakers made it this way on purpose!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.




Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.



Click here for... ElectricWindmillCar

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era! Aliens at each and every star...

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

4 July 2011 1,001 Invention Projects on this web page with links to get you started inventing are suppressed by the government on the 4th of July 2011... Miracle Cures have been lost Today by our Orwellian Caesar!

4 July 2011 ElectricWindmillCar is suppressed on the 4th of July 2011... A crime against Humanity!

10,000 Windmills on the JFK Super AirCraft Carrier being built today, 4 July 2011 have been deleted by the same "Mad Men", who stifle you working on spin off inventions in an ElectricWindmillCar Era!

"Orwell" sells you gasoline $ and fiery wrecks on this 4th of July! Kids left in hot cars, no super air bags on the outside of cars...

4 July 2011 Hemingway for a Rx Miracle Cure, "Gas Lobotomy" would be a Miracle Cure... Gov. Run National Death Statistics link... 32K and 18K redundant again, for someone's future, causalities of War Toys made by MIT for the Pentagon, LOST social inventions have causalities, these are spelled out here, but remember add a few more people for 2011, 2012, never ending statistics until we brainstorm an Rx Miracle Cure! Our Orwellian Caesar is "addicted" to "War"!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.


4 July 2011 click here... Government National Violent Death Statistics link here

28k14kmostdrunk75% Drunk!

4 July 2011 Free H at - 254 C to replace Jet Fuel... every 787 Boeing delivered to Japan today the 4th of July 2011 should run on H at -254 C, could run on H at -254 C, as Boeing has been suppressing H Hydrogen at - 254 C, free fuel, for 5 years! Boeing has burned 177 Trillion gallons of Jet Fuel needlessly! This is a Crime Against Humanity by Boeing!

10,000 Windmills on the JFK Super AirCraft Carrier built today 4 July 2011 have all been deleted by the same "Mad Men", remember someone I don't have the statistics will crash and burn in a fiery LA Wreck on the 4th of July 2011 needlessly, so BP Oil can get another $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues!

4 July 2011 Los Alamos will burn to the ground in a forest fire not Nuke Attack because Boeing refuses to build a fleet of 500, 747 Forest Fighting planes, Boeing has refused to build these for more than 10 years now! Miracle Cure for Forest Fires LOST, Our Orwellian Caesar had lost his mind!

Our Orwellian Caesar is psychotic he will never print a "Breast Cancer" Warning Label on Margarita's warning Women the Alcohol Molecule in this Margarita causes Breast Cancer please log on to this web page to view a Youtube video of the Alcohol Molecule moving through the breast and how it causes breast cancer.

Our Orwellian Caesar is psychotic he will never print a "Murder-Suicide" + "Suicide" Warning Label on Margarita's and "COORS" warning the next 32,000 and 18,000 this Margarita or COORS can cause Murder, Murder-Suicide or Suicide please log on to this web page to view a Youtube video of the Alcohol Molecule moving through the brain and how it makes you psychotic as the 12 Caesar's. Boeing is building 600 747 fuel tankers for $30 Billion while suppressing H at - 254 C for Jet Fuel... every 787 Boeing delivered to Japan today the 4th of July 2011 should run on H at -254 C, could run on H at -254 C, as Boeing has been suppressing Free Liquid Hydrogen for 5 years! wow! Los Alamos will burn to the ground in a forest fire not Nuke Attack because Boeing refuses to build a fleet of 747 Forest Fighting planes, Boeing has refused to build these for more than 10 years now! A Crimes Against Humanity by Boeing!

Our Orwellian Caesar is psychotic he will never print a "Breast Cancer" Warning Label on Margarita's warning Women the Alcohol Molecule in this Margarita causes Breast Cancer please log on to this web page to view a Youtube video of the Alcohol Molecule moving through the breast and how it causes breast cancer.

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.



CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

4thofjuly11workstationroom4th of July 2011 Gregs Workstation Room!

July 2, 2011 marks the 50th anniversary of author and Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway's suicide.

Retrospectives, Mayo Clinic's shocking of Hemingway's Brain! No Mayo Miracle Cure for Suicides! Why?

2 July 2011 Retrospectives, Mayo Clinic's shocking of Hemingway's Brain in 1961 and its Shocking Medical Ethics of taking bribes from BP oil to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar Today $$$$$$$$$$$$

10001 OJ clones in AfricaInventBooks - Brainstorm with 4 wives!

2 July 2011 Hemingway's Key West Shocked by the Idea of a Elite Yale Key West Medical School built on Eiffel Tower Structure's stacked with Shipping Containers with 100 inch LED's and Operating Rooms designed for Key West Tourists.

F grade for Miracle Cures from Yale + Harvard as they were more interested in parking spots for the Yale Harvard Football game!

FaceBook - "InventBooks" should be 100 times bigger than FaceBook FaceBook - STIFLES 1,001 Invention Projects... Suicide and Murder-Suicide Miracle Cures were LOST and the "Gas Lobotomy" was STIFLED by our Orwellian Caesar when he created FaceBook in an Oil Genocide Era and Society.


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.


observe aliens hemingwayMary reflected on the pool at the Hemingway House here in Key West, the Trillions of Stars flickering in the pools water. Mary sat alone next to this pool, I took pictures of this pool alone. Not by choice as I want 4 wives like Hemingway but I want all my 4 wives at the same time so we can brainstorm 1,001 invention projects 24/7...

July 2, 2011 marks the anniversary of 10,001 murder-suicide's never one on NBC "Today Show" with Dr Nancy Snyderman telling us we are light years from a Rx Miracle Cure for Suicide or Murder-Suicide and the government will not let any Inventors brainstorm a "Gas Lobotomy" invention!

10001 OJ clones in AfricaInventBooks - Brainstorm with 4 wives!

10001 OJ clones in AfricaRx Miracle Cure would be a Windfall for Women!

Clinton at the State Dept killed all these women for the last 30 or 40 years with her husband and ruling class friends.

July 2, 2011 marks the 50th anniversary of author and Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway's suicide.

Retrospectives, Mayo Clinic's shocking of Hemingway's Brain!

Hemingway's Key West Shocked by the Idea of a Elite Yale Key West Medical School built on an Eiffel Tower Structure stacked with Shipping Containers with 100 inch LED's and Operating Rooms designed for Key West Tourists.

2 July 2011 Retrospectives, Mayo Clinic's shocking of Hemingway's Brain in 1961 and its Shocking Medical Ethics of taking bribes from BP oil, resulting in protest on Key West White Sand Beaches 31 years after the ElectricWindmillCar was suppressed by our Orwellian Caesar working for $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues.

"Suicide" returns over 27 million search results on Google alone,

Suicide also has not yielded to medical advances that have delivered Rx Penicillins cures!

why is suicide intractable?

100 kids are on death row Today sitting in Hot Cars...

1000000000000 ? On death row Today for Suicide! 2011 to 2061 statistics are not on "Today Show"

F grade for Yale Harvard as they were more interested in parking spots for the Yale Harvard Football game!

FaceBook - "InventBooks" were STIFLED by our 1961 Orwellian Caesar, and our 2011 Orwellian Caesar.

FaceBook - STIFLES 1,001 Invention Projects...

spelled out with links to get you started inventing. Killed by Caesar!

2 July 2011 Suicide Cure - has been lost to FaceBook Inventors behind hidden cameras in our Orwellian Society.

2 July 2011 marks the 50th anniversary of author and Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway's suicide.

2 July 2011 Suicide Cure - has been lost to MIT War Inventions vs Nobel Social Inventions Rx Miracle Cures!

McFadden's Sport Bar here in Key West with 50 55 inch LCD TV's 5,000 hours of sports for Yale and Harvard guys on vacation in Key West, on vacation, taking a break from working on social inventions while someone does a murder - suicide with their wife or ex-wife.

Murder-suicide of millions of wives the last 50 years!

Key West 2 Jul 2011

The 50th anniversary of the death of Ernest Hemingway invites retrospectives, The term is used in situations where the law is changed, making a previously committed lawful act now unlawful.

July 2, 2011 marks the 31st anniversary of the ElectricWindmillCar invention in 1980...

Caesar then and now... USA probably had a different Orwellian Caesar in 1980 than the Orwellian Caesar the USA has on 2 July 2011 Today.

Retrospectives, conviction of the Ruling Classes at Yale, Harvard, MIT, Sandia Lab and Berkeley Lab!

For no Rx Miracle Cure for murder-suicide of millions of wives the last 50 years.

Princes Di, was just in the news her 50th BDay... Was her ex-husband an "OJ Clone"?

Was Princes Di murdered because she was going to marry a Moslem.... what if she was going to marry "OJ"...

Letterman's Top Ten reasons to kill your Wife or Ex-Wife would be...




2 July 2011 99F in Texas today and 1 of the 100 kids on death row sitting in a Hot Car will die!

While in the news the inmates in Chicago were taken off death row.

The last fifteen death row inmates in Illinois will live out their days in jail cells, instead of dying on a execution gurney, now that capital punishment has officially ended in the state. Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law a ban on the death penalty saying it was impossible to fix a system that had wrongly condemned at least 20 innocent men.

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn will make a TV commercial for CBS Chicago like Miami has one, Mom don't forgot your kid in the back.

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is a murderer for going along with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar which will be climate controlled air conditioned 24/7 via the can of H at -254 C.

"Hemingway Curse"... the author took his own life -- as did his father, two siblings and a granddaughter over the generations -- anniversary themes could include the "Hemingway Curse" and suicide. After 50 years, suicide statistics remain depressing and like so many other social ills no Rx Penicillin like Miracle Cure from the Ruling Class!

The author of six novels and 50 short stories.

Retrospectives, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is a murderer... of the 1 of the 100 kids sitting on death row in a hot car. The governor will be moved to death row when Mom pulls off a successful Coup over the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and its 1,001 accessory's not on gasoline cars today!

Our Orwellian Caesar... dying on a execution gurney! For leaving 100 kids in Hot Cars in July 2011 Wow!

Retrospectives, FaceBook killed 1,001 Inventions Projects spelled out for you to get started inventing with links to click on...

Retrospectives, Mayo Clinic's shocking of Hemingway's Brain!

In 1866, Alfred Nobel discovered that nitroglycerin could be made much more stable if absorbed in diatomite. This allows much safer transport and handling than nitroglycerin in its raw form. He patented this mixture as dynamite in 1867, and the mixture is also referred to as guhr dynamite

2 July 2011 Hundreds of researchers from more than 80 institutions, including scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), Sandia Lab... deciphered the genome structure and gene expression patterns in high-grade serious ovarian adenocarcinomas from almost 500 patients. They are light years from a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Ovarian Cancer.

2 July 2011 Hundreds of researchers from more than 80 institutions, including scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), Sandia Lab...

Killed H at - 254 C for 7 billion people because they never ever thought about...

Alfred Nobel discovered that nitroglycerin could be made much more stable if absorbed in diatomite. This allows much safer transport and handling than nitroglycerin in its raw form. He patented this mixture as dynamite in 1867, and the mixture is also referred to as guhr dynamite

2 July 2011 Hundreds of researchers from more than 80 institutions, including scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), Sandia Lab...

Killed H at - 254 C for 7 billion people because they never ever thought about...

Hemingway's Key West with a Yale Key West Medical School and thousands of Polygamist Inventors with 1,001 invention projects spelled out with links to click on.

2 July 2011 Hundreds of researchers from more than 80 institutions, including scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), Sandia Lab...

Killed H at - 254 C for 7 billion people because they never ever thought about...

Brainstorming with your wives, diatomite for H at -254 C

Brainstorming with your wives, Rx like Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer + Ovarian Cancer

Hemingway's Key West with a Yale Key West Medical School and thousands of Polygamist Inventors with 1,001 invention projects spelled out with links to click on.

2 July 2011 Hundreds of researchers from more than 80 institutions, including scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), Sandia Lab...

Killed H at - 254 C for 7 billion people because they never ever thought about...

Brainstorming with your wives, diatomite for H at -254 C

Brainstorming with your wives, Rx like Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer + Ovarian Cancer

July 2, 2011 marks the anniversary of 10,001 murder-suicide's never one on NBC "Today Show" with Dr Nancy Snyderman telling us we are light years from a Rx Miracle Cure for Suicide or Murder-Suicide and the government will not let any Inventors brainstorm a "Gas Lobotomy" invention!

10001 OJ clones in AfricaRx Miracle Cure would be a Windfall for Women!

Clinton at the State Dept killed all these women for the last 30 or 40 years with her husband and ruling class friends.

July 2, 2011 marks the 50th anniversary of author and Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway's suicide.

July 2, 2011 marks F grade for Yale

July 2, 2011 1 st anniversary of the yale Key West Medical School will also the first anniversary of several Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cures from Polygamists brainstorming with their wives in Hemingways Key West!

10,001 Social Inventions LOST - LOST 10,001 Murder-Suicide = Wives and kids lost - Drunk on Wars with Moslems. OJ Clones, was Princes Di killed by her ex-husband because she was going to marry a Moslem? Yes! OJ was found not guilty with the help of the government. CIA New CIA guy Gen. Petraeus can put this injustice of Princes Di right, get her off death row in history, put her ex-husband with the 10,001 other husbands who killed their wives... on the front page of the New York Times! Gates the old CIA Director in 1992 decade after the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar has enough on who ever he wants to hang for Fiery LA Wrecks and other mass murder by BP Oil. Antidote for alcoholics, COORS in Colorado killing of civilians! For profits $$$ $$$ Vegas Prostitutes flying off to Saudi Arabia instead of Yale Key West Medical School... for classes. "High Class Hookers" is a Yacht in Key West.

Elite MD's -- Skills they have that make them Elite are light years from the mentality of NATO Pilots carrying out Air Strikes on 1 Billion Civilians.

Caesar destroyed 10 near by stars

20 June 2011 FaceBook - InventBooks is STIFLED BY OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDERS - Hemingway House in Key West is the #1 Tourists attraction here! No used books are sold at the gate $

Invention Project to keep lightning cloud to cloud via Wire Lighting Rods dropped from Fighter Jets and Hurricane Planes could cause multitudes of lightning strikes "177 Trillion cloud to cloud lighting strikes" if enough lightning rod wires are used this could change the Hurricane or T Shower direction or Force of the Storm!

You should be reading Hemingway Books today, looking for the "Windmill" in Orwell's "Animal Farm" in "Hemingway Novels" for this Invention project to keep all lightning Cloud to Cloud strikes, and the Rx Cure for Breast Cancer! But we are all STIFLED BY OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDERS...

Swiss Bank account for Every UN Member Nation, BP Oil Bribe for MD's at WHO at the UN is the most criminal of all NBC Nightly News stories Brian Williams Will Not Write!

cop wife babyMD's set up burn units for fiery wrecks... a burn unit scam for money $$$ Cop burned in his cop car rear ended... decade after the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar!

BP Oil Bribe for MD's at WHO at the UN is the most criminal of all NBC Nightly News stories Brian Williams Will Not Write!



Our Orwellian Caesar is psychotic he will never print a "Breast Cancer" Warning Label on Margarita's warning Women the Alcohol Molecule in this Margarita causes Breast Cancer please log on to this web page to view a Youtube video of the Alcohol Molecule moving through the breast and how it causes breast cancer.

Our Orwellian Caesar is psychotic he will never put a Tax on Margarita's for scholarships for the kids of the 40k women who will die of breast cancer in June 2011 and another 40k in July 2011... lot of tax money at stake here $$$$$$$$$

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.



Click here for... ElectricWindmillCar

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

Caesar windmill carriers
InventBooks not Facebook!

20 June 2011 InventBooks and 1,001 Invention Projects on this web page with links to get you started invented are STIFLED BY OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDERS...

CBS Nightly News - Gen. David Petraeus, killed ARMY WIVES, by the 100's. Gas Lobotomy for Married Vets?
Husbands kill wives in every city and small town in the USA everyday.

Plague, epidemic has shot through the Army Wives with Vets returning from killing 1 million civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Gen. Petraeus got 100's of Army Wives killed by their Husbands! Via not warning them, installing web cams in their homes, voice activation 911 calls to wake up Observers, brainstorming any Invention that would have saved the killings a few of the 100's of Army Wives killed by their husbands retuning from killing 1 million civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.

17 June 2011 ABC Nightly News - Gen. David Petraeus, will killed 100 kids sitting on death row in hot cars in the Summer of 2011. Miami TV Commercials on CBS has 1 commercial telling Mom to put her purse in back with the kids so she does not forget them... Stupid Commercial from our Orwellian Commanders behind the hidden cameras!

Our Orwellian Caesar is psychotic he will never move the Kids Car seats to the FRONT!

As this will admit his kids in the backseat invention was a "Killer Idea"!

Our Orwellian Caesar is psychotic he will never install A/C in Cars that can run it 24/7

Our Orwellian Caesar is psychotic he will never install SuperAirBags on the Outside of Cars and Trucks!

Our Orwellian Caesar is psychotic he will never put wifi Cams Inside Cars for Cops to Observe you before you are stopped.

Our Orwellian Caesar is psychotic he will never print a "Breast Cancer" Warning Label on Margarita's warning Women the Alcohol Molecule in this Margarita causes Breast Cancer please log on to this web page to view a Youtube video of the Alcohol Molecule moving through the breast and how it causes breast cancer.

Our Orwellian Caesar is psychotic he will never put a Tax on Margarita's for scholarships for the kids of the 40k women who will die of breast cancer in June 2011 and another 40k in July 2011... lot of tax money at stake here $$$$$$$$$

20 June 2011 ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 and Alienated like the Aliens 4.3 Light Years from Earth are! Alienated Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar in Key West for 4 months now, no job, serving tourists or working with 4 wives brainstorming the Rx Cure for Breast Cancer!

Gregs 2007 web

20 June 2011 ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 reading George Orwell! "ElectricWindmillCar"... "Windmill" reading George Orwell's "Animal Farm" was the GodSend - GodSend for the Rx Penicillin's Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer could come from Reading Hemingway at a Beach in Key West, once 4 MD women to BrainStorm with are no long Stifled by our George Orwell Commander!

20 June 2011 NBC Nightly News last night with Brian Williams had A North Vietnam General on who killed 100's in one FireFight... along with a Medal of Honor Winner who Today works at NBC who won the Medal in the same FireFight half the Troops were killed in.

20 June 2011 NBC Nightly News last night with Brian Williams... Both the North Vietnam General now 80 and the NBC Vietnam Vet holding hands hugging talking about how long the General knew in hours days before the 100's of Huey Helicopters flew into the "ambush".

The North Vietnam General knew from his Intelligence hours and days ahead of the USA helicopter attack and he set up the "ambush" plans...

This was Brian Williams news story, did we really need this on NBC Nightly News just because the one guy won the Medal of Honor from this "ambush" that killed hundreds of other USA Army troops in his company.

He save 14 guys in the "ambush" and won the Medal of Honor... the 100's of USA troops who died in this "ambush" got a death sentence!

War is Hell! This is why. Brian Williams is infatuated with this NBC employee who won the Medal of Honor!

NBC Brian Williams went on and on about these 2 old enemies now holding hands with clenched fingers and its meaning in Vietnam.

Super sentimental Brian Williams going on and on about these 2 old enemies while all the time Brian Williams at NBC Nightly News knows 100 kids in the USA sit on death row and will die in Left in Hot Cars in the Summer of 2011.

20 June 2011 NBC Nightly News last night with Brian Williams... I would guess 300 kids in Vietnam will be left in hot cars and die this summer, yet Brian Williams was BRAINWASHED by his own NBC story of 2 Old War Enemies of the Vietnam Era holding hands and hugging enjoying War Stories of the Huey Helicopters coming in for the Attack and being meet with the North Vietnam General ready and waiting for them! Brian Williams never gave it a thought that 300 kids in Vietnam will be left in hot cars to die a tortured death because he reported on this War Story! When he should of been exposing our Top Brass refusing to move kids seats to the front to save have of them from death in the Summer of 2011.

NBC Should Fire Brian Williams!

Moms of the 100 kids left in hot cars to die should send NBC email.

20 June 2011 Hundreds of FireFights and massacre's took place in Vietnam and this one on this March 16th 1968... Brian Williams NBC Nightly News story yesterday only because a NBC employee won the Medal of Honor in this Firefight.

North Vietnam Generals today go along with the killing of kids left in hot cars... with no 24/7 air conditioning like the ElectricWindmillCar would have.

Swiss Bank Accounts for this North Vietnam General from BP Oils $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from suppressing the electricwindmillcar with 24/7 air conditioning. Not in this story.

Swiss Bank Accounts for the POW McCain will not be a story on NBC Nightly News as long as Brian Williams writes the stories!

Swiss Bank Accounts for 100's of North Vietnam Generals will not be on NBC Nightly News as long as Brian Williams writes the stories!

BP Oil Revenues as bribes to get another $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues will not be on the NBC Nightly News as long as Brian Williams write the news stories

Swiss Bank account for Every UN Member Nation, BP Oil Bribe for MD's at WHO at the UN is the most criminal of all NBC Nightly News stories Brian Williams Will Not Write!




20 June 2011 STAND UP TO CANCER CO-FOUNDER LAURA ZISKIN DIES AT AGE 61. $188 million has been pledged to Stand Up To Breast Cancer.

Currently, 355 scientists from 55 institutions collaborate, interact and share information through Stand Up to Breast Cancer.

Yet Greg Buell In Key West is “Alienated” from ALL WORK AT GETTING A CURE FOR BREAST CANCER!

17 June 2011 ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 reading George Orwell! "ElectricWindmillCar"... "Windmill" reading George Orwell's "Animal Farm" was the GodSend -

GodSend for the Rx Penicillin's Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer could come from Reading Hemingway at a Beach in Key West, with 4 MD women to BrainStorm with are no long Stifled by our George Orwell Commander!

17 June 2011 NBC Nightly News - Daniel Ellsberg, the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times, appeared on the 40th anniversary on CBS, NBC, ABC Nightly News.

Yet today's Daniel Ellsberg, stifles the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer that kills 40,000 women...


Daniel Ellsberg, observed the massacres in Vietnam and DOES NOT STOP TO HELP DRIVING BY A FIERY WRECK IN LA, PAIRS, LONDON, DC.

Letterman jokes all the Fiery LA Car Wrecks are kept in Leno's Garage for spare parts.

GEORGE ORWELL could never have written a Psychotic Novel as Todays "1984" and the PLOT is caused by GREED FOR ANOTHER $177 TRILLION FROM BP OIL REVENUES!

Stifled are Greg Buell Lovestar and his 4 MD Wives, from "BrainStorming" the Rx Cure for Breast Cancer. GodSend was the "ElectricWindmillCar". "Windmill" reading George Orwell's "Animal Farm"

GodSend for the Rx Penicillin's Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer could come from Reading Hemingway at a Beach in Key West, if 4 MD women in Bikini's could be heard like the 4 teen girls finding a FISH and screaming at it at low tide, grin. Key West Women will scream when Gregs gets the Rx Breast Cancer Cure reading Hemingway at a Beach in Key West. Key West Women scream at the fish, and at the "OJ" clone just before he kills her. The End.

The End

Anyone who read The Sun Also Rinse's will notice "The End"

Greg has almost the same plot, motives, psychology of the characters... in the lines above as Hemingway has in The Sun Also Rises. Oil Men built the Train to Key West in Hemingway's Time.

Gregs 2007 web

17 June 2011 40,000 WOMEN ARE KILLED BY breast cancer in June 2011...

NBC Brian Williams and his Boss at GE Criminals

100 kids sit on death row in hot cars in the summer of 2011, this Horror in a Novel by George Orwell 1984 II


Half could be prevented if NBC Brian Williams and his Boss at GE wrote up this story instead of the NBC employee who won the Medal of Honor in a Vietnam Firefight...

Observer can also orders Web Cams Installed... with some high tech voice activation invention from IBM

But this will not happen None will be saved from being Murdered!

Our Orwellian Society has $177 Trillion dollars of Texas and BP oil money in the Bank,

Observers are spending their summer vacation money in Saudi Arabia putting a news Story on CBS Good Morning America Today about Saudi women driving a car, making a YouTube Video of this.

YouTube Videos making the News... 100's of Army Wives killed by their husbands in June 2011

Google will delete this video before its made!

CBS guy who did this story was told by his Boss at CBS not to make a YouTube video of 100 kids left in hot cars to die, or the Traumatic War Vet out of his mind from killing 1 million civilians kills his wife, goings on this Summer in every City and Town in the USA and All Will Be a Clone of Leno by driving by fiery LA Wrecks and not stopping to Help!

17 June 2011 OBAMA AND HIS GANG of "OJ" Clones kill 40k women because the "OJ warning label" has been removed by Our Orwellian Commanders selling "OJ" Clones as Sports Hero's!

17 June 2011 Observers know another 40k will be killed in the Summer of 2011, same CIA Observers behind the hidden cameras know 100 kids sit on death row in hot cars while their CIA Boss suppresses the electricwindmillcar with 24/7 Air conditioning!

17 June 2011 Stand-Up-To-Breast-Cancer! Yet, it is unthinkable that we still lose 1,500 people a day to cancer in the United States alone! STAND UP TO CANCER CO-FOUNDER LAURA ZISKIN DIES AT AGE 61.

17 June 2011 and just about every day Greg Buell Lovestar is at a Beach in Key West Reading Hemingway to find the "Windmill" in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" that got the "ElectricWindmillCar" in 1980 during the Saudi Oil Embargo. I do get an invention project a day from reading Hemingway at the Beach in Key West.

FaceBook - InventBooks is STIFLED BY OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDERS - Hemingway House in Key West is the #1 Tourists attraction here! No used books are sold at the gate $

George Orwell's "Observers" in Key West know I need to "BrainStorm" 24/7 with 4 Yale MD Wives to get the Rx Penicillin's Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer...

Yet our Key West Admiral or Who Ever is "George Orwell" COMMANDER of our "2011 Orwellian Society" stifles Greg from BrainStorming the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer.

I have been in Key West for almost 4 months now and in this time 40,000 women a monthly have died a tortured death from Breast Cancer -

Only in an "BP Oil Genocide Era" that sells your gasoline for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues could be psychotic enough to mass murder 40,000 women a month and think they will not be put on trial for "Genocide"!

Same "BP Oil Genocide Era" guys are the ones who pay Leno and Letterman to drive by fiery LA wrecks without stopping to help...

FaceBook - InventBooks is STIFLED BY OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDERS - Hemingway House in Key West is the #1 Tourists attraction here! No used books are sold at the gate $

17 June 2011 Invention Projects InventBooks IBM sold Los Alamos $1 Trillion in Supercomputers since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 -

This money might have been spent the same way if the ElectricWindmillCar was not suppressed since 1980.

But the $1 Trillion in IBM Los Alamos Supercomputers would have crunched 1 Trillion Books inventing InventBooks!

Facebook would never have been invented by IBM and our Orwellian Government.


Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.



Click here for... ElectricWindmillCar

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era! Aliens at each and every star...

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 web

News... 1 Billion Civilians killed by NATO Air Strikes on the ElectricwindmillCar!

2 June 2011 New York Times - Gen. David Petraeus, killed 1 Billion civilians, NATO Air Strikes on the ElectricwindmillCar!

FaceBook - InventBooks is STIFLED BY OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDERS - Hemingway House in Key West is the #1 Tourists here!

17 June 2011 InventBooks is STIFLED BY OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDERS - Hemingway House in Key West is the #1 Tourists here!

CBS Nightly News - Gen. David Petraeus, killed ARMY WIVES, by the 100's.

17 June 2011 Gen. David Petraeus, killed ARMY WIVES, by the 100's. Side Effect of killing 1 million civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Baby Killers in the Vietnam Era did the same thing when they got back to the USA from leaving Vietnam and the 100's of My Lai massacres, they killed their wives! Baby Killers in the Vietnam Era did the same thing when they got back to the USA from leaving Vietnam and the 100's of My Lai massacres, they killed their wives!

17 June 2011 ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 and Alienated like the Aliens 4.3 Light Years from Earth are! Alienated Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar in Key West for 4 months now, no job, serving tourists or working with 4 wives brainstorming the Rx Cure for Breast Cancer!


Motive is $177 Trillion dollars more from BP Oil selling you gasoline, stifling 7 billion civilians, one's not killed by NATO - Free Hydrogen at -254 C, punishment for the killing of 1 Billion Civilians by NATO Air Strikes on the ElectricwindmillCar!

VICIOUS, Is Our Gov. selling you gasoline TODAY - 2 June 2011

Revenge from the Judge that convicts Gen Petraeus should be Free Hydrogen at -254 C for 7 Billion, punishment for the killing of 1 Billion Civilians by NATO Air Strikes on the ElectricwindmillCar!

Gregs 2007 web

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.



Click here for... ElectricWindmillCar

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

Caesar windmill carriers
BDay Invent Something

15 June 2011 ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 and Alienated like the Aliens 4.3 Light Years from Earth are! Alienated Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar in Key West for 4 months now, no job, serving tourists or working with 4 wives brainstorming the Rx Cure for Breast Cancer!


FaceBook - InventBooks is STIFLED BY OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDERS - Hemingway House in Key West is the #1 Tourists attraction here! No used books are sold at the gate $

15 June 2011 InventBooks is STIFLED BY OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDERS - Hemingway House in Key West is the #1 Tourists here!

CBS Nightly News - Gen. David Petraeus, killed ARMY WIVES, by the 100's. Gas Lobotomy for Married Vets?

15 June 2011 ABC Nightly News - Gen. David Petraeus, killed ARMY WIVES, by the 100's. Side Effect of killing 1 million civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Gen. Petraeus got 100's of Army Wives killed by their Husbands!


15 June 2011 STAND UP TO CANCER CO-FOUNDER LAURA ZISKIN DIES AT AGE 61. $188 million has been pledged to Stand Up To Breast Cancer. Currently, 355 scientists from 55 institutions collaborate, interact and share information through Stand Up to Breast Cancer. Yet Greg Buell In Key West is “Alienated” from ALL WORK AT GETTING A CURE FOR BREAST CANCER!

40,000 WOMEN ARE KILLED BY THEIR HUSBANDS EVERY MONTH TOO. Or an "OJ" with no warning label from OBAMA AND HIS GANG. Stand-Up-To-Breast-Cancer! Yet, it is unthinkable that we still lose 1,500 people a day to cancer in the United States alone! STAND UP TO CANCER CO-FOUNDER LAURA ZISKIN DIES AT AGE 61. $188 million has been pledged to Stand Up To Breast Cancer. Currently, 355 scientists from 55 institutions collaborate, interact and share information through Stand Up to Breast Cancer. Yet our Key West Admiral or Who Ever is "George Orwell" COMMANDER of our "2011 Orwellian Society" stifles Greg from BrainStorming the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer.

Daniel Ellsberg, the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times, appeared on the 40th anniversary on CBS, NBC, ABC Nightly News. Yet today's Daniel Ellsberg, stifles the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer that kills 40,000 women... and Daniel Ellsberg, DOES NOT STOP TO HELP DRIVING BY A FIERY WRECK IN LA, PAIRS, LONDON, DC. Daniel Ellsberg, observed the massacres in Vietnam and DOES NOT STOP TO HELP DRIVING BY A FIERY WRECK IN LA, PAIRS, LONDON, DC. Letterman jokes all the Fiery LA Car Wrecks are kept in Leno's Garage for spare parts. GEORGE ORWELL could never have written a Psychotic Novel as Todays "1984" and the PLOT is caused by GREED FOR ANOTHER $177 TRILLION FROM BP OIL REVENUES! Stifled are Greg Buell Lovestar and his 4 MD Wives, from "BrainStorming" the Rx Cure for Breast Cancer. GodSend was the "ElectricWindmillCar". "Windmill" reading George Orwell's "Animal Farm" GodSend for the Rx Penicillin's Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer could come from Reading Hemingway at a Beach in Key West, if 4 MD women in Bikini's could be heard like the 4 teen girls finding a FISH and screaming at it at low tide, grin. Key West Women will scream when Gregs gets the Rx Breast Cancer Cure reading Hemingway at a Beach in Key West. Key West Women scream at the fish, and at the "OJ" clone just before he kills her. The End.

The End

15 June 2011 ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 reading George Orwell! "ElectricWindmillCar"... "Windmill" reading George Orwell's "Animal Farm" was the GodSend - GodSend for the Rx Penicillin's Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer could come from Reading Hemingway at a Beach in Key West, once 4 MD women to BrainStorm with are no long Stifled by our George Orwell Commander!

FaceBook - InventBooks is STIFLED BY OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDERS - Hemingway House in Key West is the #1 Tourists attraction here! No used books are sold at the gate $

15 June 2011 ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 reading George Orwell! "ElectricWindmillCar"... "Windmill" reading George Orwell's "Animal Farm" was the GodSend - GodSend for the Rx Penicillin's Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer could come from Reading Hemingway at a Beach in Key West, once 4 MD women to BrainStorm with are no long Stifled by our George Orwell Commander!

15 June 2011 STAND UP TO CANCER CO-FOUNDER LAURA ZISKIN DIES AT AGE 61. $188 million has been pledged to Stand Up To Breast Cancer. Currently, 355 scientists from 55 institutions collaborate, interact and share information through Stand Up to Breast Cancer. Yet Greg Buell In Key West is “Alienated” from ALL WORK AT GETTING A CURE FOR BREAST CANCER!

40,000 WOMEN ARE KILLED BY breast cancer in June 2011... 40,000 WOMEN ARE KILLED BY THEIR HUSBANDS in June 2011. OBAMA AND HIS GANG of "OJ" Clones kill 40k women and the women killed had no warning label from the government Observers who knew another 40k would be killed next month July 2011. Stand-Up-To-Breast-Cancer! Yet, it is unthinkable that we still lose 1,500 people a day to cancer in the United States alone! STAND UP TO CANCER CO-FOUNDER LAURA ZISKIN DIES AT AGE 61.

15 June 2011 and just about every day Greg Buell Lovestar is at a Beach in Key West Reading Hemingway to find the "Windmill" in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" that got the "ElectricWindmillCar" in 1980 during the Saudi Oil Embargo. I do get an invention project a day from reading Hemingway at the Beach in Key West.

FaceBook - InventBooks is STIFLED BY OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDERS - Hemingway House in Key West is the #1 Tourists attraction here! No used books are sold at the gate $

15 June 2011 InventBooks is STIFLED BY OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDERS - Hemingway House in Key West is the #1 Tourists here!

15 June 2011 STAND UP TO CANCER CO-FOUNDER LAURA ZISKIN DIES AT AGE 61. $188 million has been pledged to Stand Up To Breast Cancer. Currently, 355 scientists from 55 institutions collaborate, interact and share information through Stand Up to Breast Cancer. Yet Greg Buell In Key West is “Alienated” from ALL WORK AT GETTING A CURE FOR BREAST CANCER!

15 June 2011 ElectricWindMillCar Invented in 1980 reading George Orwell! "ElectricWindmillCar"... "Windmill" reading George Orwell's "Animal Farm" was the GodSend - GodSend for the Rx Penicillin's Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer could come from Reading Hemingway at a Beach in Key West, once 4 MD women to BrainStorm with are no long Stifled by our George Orwell Commander!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.


15 June 2011 STAND UP TO CANCER CO-FOUNDER LAURA ZISKIN DIES AT AGE 61. $188 million has been pledged to Stand Up To Breast Cancer. Currently, 355 scientists from 55 institutions collaborate, interact and share information through Stand Up to Breast Cancer. Yet Greg Buell In Key West is “Alienated” from ALL WORK AT GETTING A CURE FOR BREAST CANCER!


Caesar windmill carriers14 June 2011 at Beach in Key West Reading Hemingway get an invention project a day from reading Hemingway at the Beach, Need to Brainstorm 24/7 with 4 MD wife's to get the Rx Penicillins Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer!

15 June 2011 and just about every day Greg Buell Lovestar is at a Beach in Key West Reading Hemingway to find the "Windmill" in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" that got the "ElectricWindmillCar" in 1980 during the Saudi Oil Embargo. I do get an invention project a day from reading Hemingway at the Beach in Key West. George Orwell's "Observers" in Key West know I need to "BrainStorm" 24/7 with 4 Yale MD Wives to get the Rx Penicillin's Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer... Yet our Key West Admiral or Who Ever is "George Orwell" COMMANDER of our "2011 Orwellian Society" stifles Greg from BrainStorming the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer. I have been in Key West for almost 4 months now and in this time 40,000 women a monthly have died a tortured death from Breast Cancer - Only in an "BP Oil Genocide Era" that sells your gasoline for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues could be psychotic enough to mass murder 40,000 women a month and think they will not be put on trial for "Genocide"! "Key West Women" let the Admiral stifle Greg Buell Lovestar from "BrainStorming" the Rx Cure for Breast Cancer with 4 Yale MD Wives. GodSend was the "ElectricWindmillCar". GodSend for the Rx Penicillin's Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer will NOT come from the ADMIRALS - Letterman had them driving a Air Craft Carrier up 5th Avenue in NYC last night and there were not 10,000 WINDMILLS ON THE DECK... OF THE AIR CRAFT CARRIER. Stand-Up-To-Breast-Cancer your husband could kill you if your are married to an Admiral.

40,000 WOMEN ARE KILLED BY THEIR HUSBANDS EVERY MONTH TOO. Or an "OJ" with no warning label from OBAMA AND HIS GANG. Stand-Up-To-Breast-Cancer! Yet, it is unthinkable that we still lose 1,500 people a day to cancer in the United States alone! STAND UP TO CANCER CO-FOUNDER LAURA ZISKIN DIES AT AGE 61. $188 million has been pledged to Stand Up To Breast Cancer. Currently, 355 scientists from 55 institutions collaborate, interact and share information through Stand Up to Breast Cancer. Yet our Key West Admiral or Who Ever is "George Orwell" COMMANDER of our "2011 Orwellian Society" stifles Greg from BrainStorming the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer. Daniel Ellsberg, the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times, appeared on the 40th anniversary on CBS, NBC, ABC Nightly News. Yet today's Daniel Ellsberg, stifles the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer that kills 40,000 women... and Daniel Ellsberg, DOES NOT STOP TO HELP DRIVING BY A FIERY WRECK IN LA, PAIRS, LONDON, DC. Daniel Ellsberg, observed the massacres in Vietnam and DOES NOT STOP TO HELP DRIVING BY A FIERY WRECK IN LA, PAIRS, LONDON, DC. Letterman jokes all the Fiery LA Car Wrecks are kept in Leno's Garage for spare parts. GEORGE ORWELL could never have written a Psychotic Novel as Todays "1984" and the PLOT is caused by GREED FOR ANOTHER $177 TRILLION FROM BP OIL REVENUES! Stifled are Greg Buell Lovestar and his 4 MD Wives, from "BrainStorming" the Rx Cure for Breast Cancer. GodSend was the "ElectricWindmillCar". "Windmill" reading George Orwell's "Animal Farm" GodSend for the Rx Penicillin's Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer could come from Reading Hemingway at a Beach in Key West, if 4 MD women in Bikini's could be heard like the 4 teen girls finding a FISH and screaming at it at low tide, grin. Key West Women will scream when Gregs gets the Rx Breast Cancer Cure reading Hemingway at a Beach in Key West. Key West Women scream at the fish, and at the "OJ" clone just before he kills her. The End.

15 June 2011

Click here for... ElectricWindmillCar

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

News... 1 Billion Civilians killed by NATO Air Strikes on the ElectricwindmillCar!

2 June 2011 New York Times - Gen. David Petraeus, killed 1 Billion civilians, NATO Air Strikes on the ElectricwindmillCar!

VICIOUS, Is Our Gov. selling you gasoline TODAY - 2 June 2011

Revenge from the Judge that convicts Gen Petraeus should be Free Hydrogen at -254 C for 7 Billion, punishment for the killing of 1 Billion Civilians by NATO Air Strikes on the ElectricwindmillCar! And a New Yale Key West Medical School, Hospital, and Hurricane Shelter.

One of Greg's invention projects, the Lightning Rod Wire, for keeping all Lightning Cloud to Cloud many wires, lightning rods in the clouds could discharge enough Lightning from a Hurricane heading for Key West to change its course or reduce its force!

Caesar windmill carriersBDay Invent Something

Caesar destroyed 10 near by stars

2 June 2011 Genocide 1 Billion Civilians killed by NATO Air Strikes on the ElectricwindmillCar and its Electrolysis accessory, H2O's Clean Water 1 Billion drinking dirty water and mostly kids, infants killed by suppressing its 24/7 Climate Control accessory as kids infants were ordered put on death row by Gen Petraeus, no water boarding torture, the kids 100 of them will die left in hot cars by Pentagon Generals in the Summer of 2011 this is Genocide of Civilians in War! Water boarding torture for a few terrorists from Saudi Arabia, 1 Billion from Pakistan, India, China drink dirty water and die a tortured death... ask your MD how tortured this death is. Were is the Generals Wife, meeting with Katie Couric about Gen Petraeus war wounded! Can Gen Petraeus wife be arrested for the genocide of 1 billion civilians too? She certainly should be! The Generals wives drink expensive Bottled Water while 1 Billion Civilians drink dirty water because the Pentagon Generals ordered NATO Air Strikes on the ElectricWindmillCar with its H2O Electrolysis Accessory!

VA's wounded warriors are few compared to "Smart Cars" wounded, in 10 mph crashes with no super air bags on the smallest cars in the world run over by trucks of every size.

"Smart Cars" wounded, crushed to death civilians are not reported on CBS Nightly News on Gen Petraeus orders! Gen Petraeus made these car wreck statistics top secret, classified!

Caesar windmill carriersToyota HQ killed ---- NoSuper Air Bags on Outside and kids die today, everyday in the USA, in this Orwellian Society -- No one stops to help! George Orwell could not have written a "1984" Novel psychotic as our BP Oil men and Toyota Japanese!

1 Billion suppressed inventions other Civilian killings by Gen. Petraeus too... from the one's listed above to antidote for alcoholics, to COORS in Colorado killing of civilians and Vegas Prostitute flying off to Saudi Arabia instead of Yale Key West Medical School... for classes. "High Class Hookers" is a Yacht in Key West. Elite MD's what skills they have that make them Elite are light years from the mentality of NATO Pilots carrying out Air Strikes on 1 Billion Civilians.

2 June 2011 New York Times - Gen. David Petraeus, killed 1 Billion civilians, NATO War Games!

New York Times - Gen. David Petraeus, killed 1 Billion civilians, NATO War Games! Friendly Fire killings tampered with the water treatment budget, Military confiscated the clean water money.

2 June 2011 New York Times - Greg Buell Lovestar - Key West 1 Billion civilians have been killed by Gen Petraeus, by drinking horrid rank water, cooking on UN purchased wood stoves... killed and crippled in car wrecks as Toyota sold its SOUL to the Pentagon suppressing Super Air Bags on the Outside of Cars Coming off the assembly line for a gov bribe. This is a War Crime by Japan against American Civilians driving down LA Freeways, bursting into flames while Leno drives by without stopping to help, Letterman making RANK Jokes about this horrible killing just to sell you gasoline for another $177 Trillion dollars in revenues!

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.


2 June 2011 Letterman and Leno are on Memorial Day Vacation week, 100 kids will start dying in hot cars when they come back to CBS and NBC... everyone is an Observer Today so listen to the monolog, listen for a Hot Car comment, Hot in NYC Today, how hot, walking through Central Park a Squirrel had his nuts... telling this joke in Letterman's monolog next week observers in the audience will realize its about kids on death row in hot cars... its not funny, unless you have the sense of Humor of a Pentagon General or an Orwellian Caesar like we have running our Orwellian Society selling you gasoline and hot cars and killing 1 Billion Civilians World Wide!

Caesar windmill carriersToyota HQ killed ---- NoSuper Air Bags on Outside and kids die today, everyday in the USA, in this Orwellian Society -- No one stops to help! George Orwell could not have written a "1984" Novel psychotic as our BP Oil men and Toyota Japanese!

New York Times - Ray Rivera - KABUL, Afghanistan — Gen. David Petraeus, killed civilians, NATO air strike had killed 14 civilians, most of them women and children. Afghan President Hamid Karzai warned Petraeus that any future NATO air strikes that kill civilians will be considered Act Of War...

2 June 2011 New York Times - Greg Buell Lovestar - Key West 1 billion civilians have been killed by Gen Petraeus.

Gen. David Petraeus, killed civilians, NATO air strike had killed 14 civilians, most of them women and children. Afghan President Hamid Karzai warned Petraeus

2 June 2011 New York Times - Greg Buell Lovestar - Key West 1 billion civilians have been killed by Gen Petraeus.

... kids on death row in hot cars... 100's crushed in Smart Cars... its not funny, unless you have the sense of Humor of a Pentagon General or an Orwellian Caesar like we have running our Orwellian Society selling you gasoline and hot cars and killing 1 Billion Civilians World Wide!

Caesar windmill carriersH -254 C a Windfall for 7 billion people the $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues was a windfall for Texas and Saudi Oil men and paid for this Navy Ship and 100's of other Battle Ships a waste of oil revenues from 1980 when the ElectricWindmillCar was invented. 1 billion died from drinking dirty water WHO at the UN writes but the UN goes along with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar.

2 June 2011

News... 1 Billion Civilians killed by NATO Air Strikes on the ElectricwindmillCar!

2 June 2011 New York Times - Gen. David Petraeus, killed 1 Billion civilians, NATO Air Strikes on the ElectricwindmillCar!

VICIOUS, Is Our Gov. selling you gasoline TODAY

New York Times - Greg Buell Lovestar - Key West

observe Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer


A Coup D'Etat "Windfall for Everyone On Earth" all 6 or 7 Billion of us, will be free H at -254 C to fuel cars and generate electricity.

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.


Caesar windmill carriersPut all the live shells back in the ocean after taking their pictures.

Caesar windmill carriersReading Hemingway on the Beach wow

Caesar windmill carriersBDay A-Day Invent a way to Observe Aliens

JFK Super AirCraft Carrier 2015 will not have 10,000 windmills on its deck and will not have an Electrolysis Accessory to make H at -254 C out of H2O... Carnival Yale Hospital Ship was also sunk by Caroline Kennedy on this Memorial Day via the JFK SuperAir Carrier 2015

News... Key West MEMORIAL DAY 2011

VICIOUS, Is Our Gov. selling you gasoline TODAY

JFK Super AirCraft Carrier 2015 will not have 10,000 windmills on its deck and will not have an Electrolysis Accessory to make H at -254 C out of H2O... 1 billion people will be killed by this via dirty water, cooking on UN purchased wood stoves... etc.

Carnival Yale Hospital Ship was also sunk by Caroline Kennedy on this Memorial Day via the JFK SuperAir Carrier 2015

1980 Memorial Day - Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar - Suppressed on Memorial Day 2011!

News... Key West MEMORIAL DAY 2011

VICIOUS, Is Our Gov. selling you gasoline TODAY

Revenge for $177 Trillion dollars spent on MIT war toys since 1980 should be Free H Hydrogen fuel for 7 billion people, have all the Carriers converted to carry 10,000 Windmills on several decks like a Cruise Ship then we can turn their electricity production into electrolysis for H and O and you can unload Ten Thousand containers of H at -254 C when the reinvented Air Craft Carriers come into port instead of MIT invented Missiles. Free H for 5 billion people, revenge for selling you $4 a gallon gasoline on Memorial Day 2011...

Madonna's Memorial Day Concert in Key West... and Summer Tour for 2011 was cancelled - Would have been... Rx Penicillin Overnight "Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer Tour" and new Madonna CD - most of the lyrics written by me, Greg Buell Lovestar in Key West!

NASA space shuttle Endeavour has left the International Space Station for the last time

Key West Shuttles to the 10 Nearest Stars all within 10 Light Years were destroyed by Caroline Kennedy

Caroline Kennedy helped design the Newest JFK Super AirCraft Carrier that will blast off in 2015 thus destroying all the Key West Shuttles to the 10 Nearest Stars on Memorial Day 2011

JFK Super AirCraft Carrier 2015 will not have 10,000 windmills on its deck and will not have an Electrolysis Accessory to make H at -254 C out of H2O... 1 billion people will be killed by this via dirty water, cooking on UN purchased wood stoves... etc.

Carnival Yale Hospital Ship was also sunk by Caroline Kennedy on this Memorial Day via the JFK SuperAir Carrier 2015

1980 Memorial Day - Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar - Suppressed on Memorial Day 2011!

30 May 2011 Memorial Day

Stifling the "Gravity Engine" and 1,001 other invention projects with links to get you started brainstorming with wives on this web page today. This is a crime against all of Humanity by our Orwellian Society! Stifling all Gregs 1,001 Invention Projects on Memorial Day 2011 is a crime!

Invention of the "Gravity Engine"

Invention of the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer

1980 Memorial Day - Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar - Suppressed on Memorial Day 2011!

- MEMORIAL DAY --- Help End Gasoline On Earth in 2011

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer


Stifling the "Gravity Engine" invention project. This is a crime against all of Humanity by our Orwellian Society! Stifling all Gregs 1,001 Invention Projects on Memorial Day is a crime!

A Coup D'Etat "Windfall for Everyone On Earth" all 6 or 7 Billion of us, will be free H at -254 C to fuel cars and generate electricity at home without electric wires everywhere overhead!

Aliens in "schools of billions" in the "Universe Ocean". Scuba divers in Key West observe billions of fish in a school every day but don't know if there are.

10 Billion Sharks in the Ocean or how many Aliens there are in the "Seas of the Universe".

10 Light Years off Key West looking up at the stars.

Aliens Swimming in the Billions in the "Universe Sea" Aliens who call Alpha Centauri and Sirius home, all within 10 light years off Key West.

Cuba is a Banana Republic the gov. used to stifle building the Key West Shuttle to the 10 Nearest Stars all within 10 Light Years off the shores of Key West!

Change the sign 90 miles to Cuba.

10 light years to 10 of the Nearest Stars to Earth,

I will put this sign up in Key West!

30 May 2011 Memorial Day -

observe Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904

Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.


Click here for... ElectricWindmillCar

30 May 2011 Memorial Day -


Madonna's Memorial Day Concert in Key West and Summer Tour for 2011 was cancelled - Would have been... Rx Penicillin Overnight "Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer Tour" and new Madonna CD - most of the lyrics written by me, Greg Buell Lovestar in Key West!


Invention of the "Gravity Engine"

Invention of the "ElectricWindmillCar"

Invention of the "Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer"

Gravity of our position in the Universe, Orwellian Boss lost it, killed the wife and kids!

Kids died left in a hot car, wife died of breast cancer... Boss also hired a Nanny who is a carrier of TB and whooping cough, and only God Knows what else.

observe Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on Memorial Day! Brainstorming with wives!


Gravity Engine is one of 1,001 Invention Projects

MEMORIAL DAY 2011 VICIOUS, Is Our Gov. selling you gasoline TODAY - MEMORIAL DAY

40,000 dead women in 2011 from Breast Cancer, Clinton and Katie Couric got this Memorial Suppressed!

Bamboozled by GE Top Brass who kill your daughters via OJ Clones who kill every day!

Bush and his daughters.... get some young girl killed every day of the year 2011

Clinton and Katie Couric suppressed the Breast Cancer Memorial


Memorial Day 2011... 30 May 2011

$177 Trillion in Oil Revenues by the Ruling Class -

Gasoline at $4 a gallon is a scam on...

Memorial Day 2011...

Gasoline at $4 a gallon is a scam on...

Invention of Warp Speed

via Gravity Engine Invention has been suppressed along with the ElectricWindmillCar

Memorial Day 2011...


Warp Speed Invention is the Gravity Engine.

Gravity Engine works by pulling and pushing. Gravity engine requires no fuel or windmills.

Gravity Engine will look like a Satellite Dish...

Gravity Engine Satellite Dish will take in the Gravity Waves.... Engine like a GE Jet Engine but now the fuel is Gravity will propel it!

It's the 2nd perpetual motion machine in our Universe. Electric windmill car is the 1st.

Generation of Gravity may not be known, How gravity is created, But we certainly can invent a Gravity Engine. Best thing about this engine is you will never crash land in a plane or helicopter as your gravity engine can control gravity... Gravity is a bitch, especially in our Orwellian Society - Our Orwellian Caesar has stifled and suppressed Gravity on NBC "Today Show" and in Katie Couric's 5 years at CBS Nightly News Katie never ever mentioned "How is Gravity Generated" Greg Buell Lovestar invent a Gravity Engine, I got the ElectricWindmillCar invention in 1980!


Stifling the "Gravity Engine" invention project. This is a crime against all of Humanity by our Orwellian Society!

Invented in 1980 right after Memorial Day 1980.

$177 Trillion in Oil Revenues by the Ruling Class -

New French Revolution

Memorial Day 2011...

Gasoline at $4 a gallon is a scam on...

Memorial Day 2011...

Gasoline at $4 a gallon is a scam on... Memorial Day 2011


30 May 2011 Memorial Day

1980 Memorial Day - Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar

30 May 2011 Memorial Day

Hot Naked Ladies are also in Key West but in Saudi Arabia the Saudi Men have $177 Trillion in oil money to turn any women into a Whore losing a MD degree, harming humanity and her. No wonder why Clinton will not let women in Saudi Arabia drive a car!


God will send the Pope to Hell...

Hell is full of burning gasoline....

Pope, Cardinals, Bishop, and Catholic Priest when not molesting boys were tossing gasoline bombs at SUV's driving down the LA Freeway... BP Oil money was deposited at the Vatican Bank, many many more billions than New Orleans got for the Gulf Oil Spill.

Letterman's most told joke is the one were Leno drives by a fiery LA Wreck on the way to work and does not stop...

Stop the pain of being burned... MD's profited from this pain, in our Orwellian Society!

Stop God from burning the Pope, Cardinals, Bishop, Priest in Hells Burning Gasoline...

Our Orwellian Caesar had told the Pope he will not go to Hell

NBC GE on Thursday 2 June 11 Today Show with Matt Lauer will come from Rome and the Pope will Talk to Matt Lauer Live!

100 kids sit on death row in hot cars, all 100 will die in the USA, many many more will die in hot cars world wide...


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com


ElectricWindmillCar Coup D'Etat News


NBC GE top brass know this... Matt Lauer know this... Pope and even the low Priest in Key West know this...

No one is telling....

Because our Orwellian Caesar has destroyed the Universe! There is nothing out there among 177 Trillion Galaxies....

CIA went alone with this BrainWashing....

There are a few people at the CIA and FBI who don't believe the Universe has been destroyed, is void of Aliens etc.

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 webA Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture. A Chronology.... In Key West! Eiffel Towers Year Yale Key West Medical School was started and finished and A Chronology.... of Elite Elitist training... learning curve how many hours to learn how to transplant a kidney vs how long it takes to get our Orwellian Caesar to make Organ Donation mandatory after decades and decades of Saudi Princes buying kidneys from Bush while Americans waiting for the same kidney died... one of several dozen gov. run genocides by our 13th Caesar!


Gen. Clark on NBC will tell you the Universe has been Destroyed, there is nothing out there for Humanity!

$1 Trillion dollars for Yale Key West Medical School, Hospital, and Hurricane Shelter + Carnival Hospital Ship

This $1 Trillion went to Pakistan Generals and President reward for letting the USA kill bin Laden

Swiss Banks have opened secret Swiss Bank Accounts for the Top Brass of Pakistan

Everyone at "Yale" knows this....

Everyone at "Harvard" knows this...


Stop God from burning the Pope, Cardinals, Bishop, Priest in Hells Burning Gasoline...

Our Orwellian Caesar had told the Pope he will not go to Hell

NBC GE on Thursday 2 June 11 Today Show with Matt Lauer will come from Rome and the Pope will Talk to Matt Lauer Live!

100 kids sit on death row in hot cars, all 100 will die in the USA, many many more will die in hot cars world wide...

NBC GE top brass know this... Matt Lauer know this... Pope and even the low Priest in Key West know this...

No one is telling....

Because our Orwellian Caesar has destroyed the Universe! There is nothing out there among 177 Trillion Galaxies....

Our Orwellian Caesar can not destroy the Universe - this is just Gov Propaganda like Lady Gaga


Madonna's Memorial Day Concert in Key West and Summer Tour for 2011 was cancelled - Would have been... Rx Penicillin Overnight "Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer Tour" and new Madonna CD - most of the lyrics written by me, Greg Buell Lovestar in Key West!


30 May 2011 Memorial Day


"Smart Car" WRECKS... HA NO Super Air Bags on the Outside HAHAHAHAHA

100 kids sit on death row in hot cars in LA HAHAHAHAHA

100 women and kids killed by NATO this weekend

Bamboozled by NBC GE MSNBC top brass living the Orwell Novel "1984"

Bamboozled into not counting calories via gov. food pyramid

Bamboozled into binge drinking, driving drunk by Coors ads on NBC

Bamboozled into doing getting your 1,001 Invention Projects at the sports bars LCD TV's

Bamboozled 100 million people... on purpose by Observers hiding behind hidden cameras!

Bamboozled by NBC GE MSNBC top brass living the Orwell Novel "1984"

Victimized by NBC GE MSNBC top brass living the Orwell Novel "1984"


FOOD PYRAMID replaced by the Food Pyramid Calculator, you do the math not Bush who fail at Yale!

Dept of Agriculture was bamboozled by $100 million dollars ads by "Denny's" on NBC

100 Mom's spitting at the Orwellian Cameras for Whooping cough's 100 dead infants every month of 2011, and 100 kids left in hot cars to die every summer for decades... since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980.

Crimes from GE top brass the worst in history....

Bamboozled then the Top Brass suppressed 1,001 Invention Projects with links you could be working on today with a few wives, brainstorming!

Bamboozled by GE niger lovers who also killed your daughters via OJ Clones who kill every day!

Bush and his daughters.... get some young girl killed every day of the year 2011

Clinton and Katie Couric suppressed the Breast Cancer Memorial

"Smart Cars" Crash test results on ABC Disney Good Morning America without the Super Air Bags on the Outside! Crash and Burn video from ABC and Disney is suppressed.

Car Cam TV Show... we have Turtle Cam and Lion Cam while 100 crash and burn without Car Cam TV

FBI Cam inside Car... suppressed by Clinton and Katie Couric

Memorial Day 2011... 30 May 2011

$177 Trillion in Oil Revenues by the Ruling Class -

Gasoline at $4 a gallon is a scam on...

Memorial Day 2011...

Gasoline at $4 a gallon is a scam on...

Invention of Warp Speed

via Gravity Engine Invention has been suppressed along with the ElectricWindmillCar

Memorial Day 2011...


Warp Speed Invention is the Gravity Engine.

Gravity Engine works by pulling and pushing. Gravity engine requires no fuel or windmills.

Gravity Engine will look like a Satellite Dish...

Gravity Engine Satellite Dish will take in the Gravity Waves.... Engine like a GE Jet Engine but now the fuel is Gravity will propel it!

It's the 2nd perpetual motion machine in our Universe. Electric windmill car is the 1st.

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041

Memorial Day 2011...

Memorial Day 2011...

Memorial Day 2011...


Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.

Please help Greg by financing my 1,001 Invention Projects! Cell 303 548 9904 in Key West! New I have a Passport and FL drivers license, looking for a job in Key West, please call or email if you can help, thanks Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com


ElectricWindmillCar Coup D'Etat News


1980 Memorial Day - Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar

30 May 2011 Memorial Day

Invention of the Gravity Engine

Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 cell 303 548 9904


Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on Memorial Day! Brainstorming with wives!

Gravity Engine is one of 1,001 Invention Projects

MEMORIAL DAY 2011 VICIOUS, Our Gov. selling you gasoline TODAY - MEMORIAL DAY



Caesar windmill carriersRevenge for $177 Trillion dollars spent on MIT war toys since 1980 should be Free H Hydrogen fuel for 7 billion people, have all the Carriers converted to carry 10,000 Windmills on several decks like a Cruise Ship then we can turn their electricity production into electrolysis for H and O and you can unload Ten Thousand containers of H at -254 C when the reinvented Air Craft Carriers come into port instead of MIT invented Missiles. Free H for 5 billion people, revenge for selling you $4 a gallon gasoline on Memorial Day 2011...


Looking for a job in Key West too.. cell 303 548 9904 I have a Passport and Florida drivers license. Call or email if you can get Greg a job.

Please help Greg by financing my 1,001 Invention Projects! Cell 303 548 9904 in Key West! New I have a Passport and FL drivers license, looking for a job in Key West, please call or email if you can help, thanks Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com


ElectricWindmillCar Coup D'Etat News


22 May 2011 Mary Hemingway in the last pages of her book "How it Was". Mary reflected on the pool at the Hemingway House here in Key West, the Trillions of Stars flickering in the pools water. Mary sat alone next to this pool, I took pictures of this pool alone. Not by choice as I want 4 wives like Hemingway but I want all my 4 wives at the same time so we can brainstorm 1,001 invention projects 24/7...

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

22 May 2011 VICIOUS is the way Mary Hemingway ended her book "How it Was" Mary had this realization after a White House dinner with President Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Oppenheimer.

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth are all within 10 Light Years and all have Aliens that can be Observed via a new invention via Greg and his Wives to see Aliens, this invention project is light years from NASA, Sandia Labs, University of California Berkeley Lab - Coup D'Etat via Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar 1980. Help Mary Hemingway save the lives of 100 kids sitting on death row in hot cars... summer is almost here time is running out for these kids, our VICIOUS hunters of terrorists kill many, many more women and children world wide than just these 100 kids left in hot cars in the USA! Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

observe aliens hemingwayMary reflected on the pool at the Hemingway House here in Key West, the Trillions of Stars flickering in the pools water. Mary sat alone next to this pool, I took pictures of this pool alone. Not by choice as I want 4 wives like Hemingway but I want all my 4 wives at the same time so we can brainstorm 1,001 invention projects 24/7...

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

observe aliens hemingway lyrics

22 May 2011 Mary asked President Kennedy if she could talk to Fidel... when Kennedy had plans to kill Fidel so he got mad as Hell at Mary Hemingway referring to her face to face via the book "Ship of Fools" and other comments to her at the table in the clippings below.

22 May 2011 Mary Hemingway wonders who is going to "instigate the rescue of humanity from VICIOUS people" who are the Ruling Classes actually.

22 May 2011 VICIOUS is the way Mary Hemingway ended her book "How it Was" Mary had this realization after a White House dinner with President Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Oppenheimer.

observe aliens hemingway

22 May 2011 OJ Clones are VICIOUS, and the Ruling Class who suck up to them rationalize for all the wrong reasoning, reasons! 25k were murdered, gov did not break it down as to how many were OJ type murders but we can realize its over 50%! 90% of this 25,000 murders were women killed by men, mostly black males. This is why the gov statistics dept did not break down the stats!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

22 May 2011 WHO at the UN is not going to instigate a CURE to save women from being murdered via Gas Lobotomy or help Greg brainstorm a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer as WHO at the UN is a Criminal Organization that is VICIOUS in its goings alone with a criminal United Nations!

22 May 2011 100 kids sit on death row in hot cars because the UN goes alone with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar with its 24/7 Climate Control accessory, and its other newly invented accessories gasoline cars could never ever come with.

22 May 2011 Like the 31 year old shuttle Atlantis NASA is going to blast off on July 8th, kids will die in a hot car on July 8th! VICIOUS how vicious is this by NASA not to warn people watching the Atlantis Shuttle Blast off not to leave your kid in a hot car at the Cape? How VICIOUS is Caroline Kennedy, knowing all this too?

22 May 2011 Mary Hemingway in the last pages of her book Mary reflected on the pool at the Hemingway House here in Key West, the Trillions of Stars flickering in the pools water. Mary sat alone next to this pool, I took pictures of this pool alone. Not by choice as I want 4 wives like Hemingway but I want all my 4 wives at the same time so we can brainstorm 1,001 invention projects 24/7...

22 May 2011 VICIOUS is the way Mary Hemingway ended her book "How it Was" Mary had this realization after a White House dinner with President Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Oppenheimer.

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

22 May 2011 VICIOUS sales is IBM selling Los Alamos $1 Trillion in supercomputers from 1980 to 2011 while the ElectricWindmillCar is suppressed.

22 May 2011 VICIOUS is the Los Alamos supercomputer programmer not writing a program for Yale Medical School to diagnose the hardest to diagnose diseases faster than the most Elite MD Professors can brainstorm a diagnosis!

22 May 2011 VICIOUS is Bill Gates not pre installing 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out with links you can click on to get started invented, Gregs new OS and PC will have this and an Inventor Operating System!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

22 May 2011 VICIOUS is Saudi Arabia buying organs from dead kid, some who died in hot cars while American kids wait for the same organ for a transplant... Bush has been selling organs to his Saudi friends for decades, this is Vicious!

22 May 2011 VICIOUS is Letterman in his yellow stripe tie making a joke about Leno driving by a fiery LA Wreck and not stopping to help... because Kennedy is driving drunk with Mary in the car and at the White House dinner for Nobel Prize winners!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth are all within 10 Light Years and all have Aliens that can be Observed via a new invention via Greg and his Wives to see Aliens, this invention project is light years from NASA, Sandia Labs, University of California Berkeley Lab - Coup D'Etat via Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar 1980. Help Mary Hemingway save the lives of 100 kids sitting on death row in hot cars... summer is almost here time is running out for these kids, our VICIOUS hunters of terrorists kill many, many more women and children world wide than just these 100 kids left in hot cars in the USA! Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

observe aliens hemingway
22 May 2011 Mary Hemingway in the last pages of her book Mary reflected on the pool at the Hemingway House here in Key West, the Trillions of Stars flickering in the pools water. Mary sat alone next to this pool, I took pictures of this pool alone. Not by choice as I want 4 wives like Hemingway but I want all my 4 wives at the same time so we can brainstorm 1,001 invention projects 24/7...

observe aliens hemingwayMary reflected on the pool at the Hemingway House here in Key West, the Trillions of Stars flickering in the pools water. Mary sat alone next to this pool, I took pictures of this pool alone. Not by choice as I want 4 wives like Hemingway but I want all my 4 wives at the same time so we can brainstorm 1,001 invention projects 24/7...

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth are all within 10 Light Years and all have Aliens that can be Observed via a new invention via Greg and his Wives to see Aliens, this invention project is light years from NASA, Sandia Labs, University of California Berkeley Lab - Coup D'Etat via Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar 1980. Help Mary Hemingway save the lives of 100 kids sitting on death row in hot cars... summer is almost here time is running out for these kids, our VICIOUS hunters of terrorists kill many, many more women and children world wide than just these 100 kids left in hot cars in the USA! Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Serendipity LOST --- 1,001 Invention Projects with links to get you started we could work on if our Gov. was not so VICIOUS!

Caesar windmill carriersRevenge for $177 Trillion dollars spent on MIT war toys since 1980 should be Free H Hydrogen fuel for 7 billion people, have all the Carriers converted to carry 10,000 Windmills on several decks like a Cruise Ship then we can turn their electricity production into electrolysis for H and O and you can unload Ten Thousand containers of H at -254 C when the reinvented Air Craft Carriers come into port instead of MIT invented Missiles.

2011 : 10,000 Windmills on several decks on several AirCraft Carriers...

2011 : 10,000 Windmills on several decks on several AirCraft Carriers... below deck no Jet Fighters just state of the arts Electrolysis Lab and learning how to make H at -254 C will test the Navy's H2O Universe they have never sailed on before.... grin!

2011 : Invention of the "ElectricWindmillCar" has been suppressed since October of 1980.

2011 : NYC Times Square, the "ElectricWindmillCar" is parked there legally but illegally suppressed!

2011 : Key West, Ten Eiffel Tower Structures built to house "Shipping Containers" for Bill and Melinda Gates patients flying into the Yale-Key West Medical school, and (Hurricane Shelter)... grin. Bill and Melinda Gates failed to cure much of anything, the MD from 1911 made more progress!

cop wife babyCop burned in a fiery wreck, 1 of 400,000 none are pictured on the front page of the New York Times! All 400k are persona non grata by Clintons and the State Dept, none can even sue BP Oil for the pains of the gasoline burns caused by suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980 for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues!

15 May 2011 Hemingway's Treasury For The Free World - READ this, notice the MD comments by Hemingway! We must examine our World like a MD yet today 15 May 2011 kidney and pituitary's 9 hormones are light years from most conversations with Tourists on Duval Street. Saudi Arabia has the Free Medical School not Key West because our Admiral suppressed the ElectricWindmillcar's invention in 1980 giving Saudi Arabia and BP Oil $177 Trillion to spend on War Toys made by MIT...

1946 Hemingway wrote this after the 1st and 2nd A Bomb was used on Japan to End War

15 May 2011 Hemingway's Treasury For The Free World - Yale Key West Medical School in 1947 to make work putting the War Vets to Work in Key West with a Free University like Saudi Arabia has today would have discovered 1,001 Penicillins and Landing on the Moon via Kennedy would have LEAD to Alpha Centauri and a Orwellian Society that was determined to Observe Aliens via inventions!

15 May 2011 Hemingway's options to End War On Earth might have worked if he was a Inventor working with all four of his wives 24/7 on 1,001 Invention Projects. Bully's Gas Lobotomy and an Invention "gas" to cure greed as BP Oil has taken in $177 Trillion in oil revenues since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980.

15 May 2011 Caroline Kennedy in the White House Situation Room Yesterday - I'm sure her Elite Orwellian Group talked about the 100 kids on death row sitting in hot cars, who will die this summer if CBS Katie Couric does not make their predicament the Top News Story her last week at CBS Nightly News. 40,000 Breast Cancer women also are on death row, mercy for them is no more false hope stories by Katie Couric after the coming week. Dr. Jennifer Ashton, and Dr Nancy Snyderman will not be brainstorming with the public a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer as Caroline Kennedy in the JFK Situation Room is to "SLOW" to save them from a tortured death, because McCain and the Pentagon Gates were into Torturing 9/11 terrorists... Who are the "Real Terrorists" Today, as Bush and his daughter on NBC GE would say you do the math. You don't have to be a NASA Rocket Scientists to get the right answer.

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 -
Please help Greg by financing my 1,001 Invention Projects! Cell 303 548 9904 in Key West!

observe aliens hemingway lyrics

observe aliens hemingway lyrics

observe aliens hemingway lyrics

15 May 2011 Hemingway's Treasury For The Free World - READ this, notice the MD comments by Hemingway! We must examine our World like a MD yet today 15 May 2011 kidney and pituitary's 9 hormones are light years from most conversations with Tourists on Duval Street. Saudi Arabia has the Free Medical School not Key West because our Admiral suppressed the ElectricWindmillcar's invention in 1980 giving Saudi Arabia and BP Oil $177 Trillion to spend on War Toys made by MIT...

1946 Hemingway wrote this after the 1st and 2nd A Bomb was used on Japan to End War

15 May 2011 Hemingway's Treasury For The Free World - Yale Key West Medical School in 1947 to make work putting the War Vets to Work in Key West with a Free University like Saudi Arabia has today would have discovered 1,001 Penicillins and Landing on the Moon via Kennedy would have LEAD to Alpha Centauri and a Orwellian Society that was determined to Observe Aliens via inventions!

15 May 2011 Hemingway's options to End War On Earth might have worked if he was a Inventor working with all four of his wives 24/7 on 1,001 Invention Projects. Bully's Gas Lobotomy and an Invention "gas" to cure greed as BP Oil has taken in $177 Trillion in oil revenues since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980.

15 May 2011 Caroline Kennedy in the White House Situation Room Yesterday - I'm sure her Elite Orwellian Group talked about the 100 kids on death row sitting in hot cars, who will die this summer if CBS Katie Couric does not make their predicament the Top News Story her last week at CBS Nightly News. 40,000 Breast Cancer women also are on death row, mercy for them is no more false hope stories by Katie Couric after the coming week. Dr. Jennifer Ashton, and Dr Nancy Snyderman will not be brainstorming with the public a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer as Caroline Kennedy in the JFK Situation Room is to "SLOW" to save them from a tortured death, because McCain and the Pentagon Gates were into Torturing 9/11 terrorists... Who are the "Real Terrorists" Today, as Bush and his daughter on NBC GE would say you do the math. You don't have to be a NASA Rocket Scientists to get the right answer.

5 May 2011 NEWS Update --- 100 kids will die in "Hot Cars"...

5 May 2011 NEWS Update --- CBS Early Show News Bin laden dead

5 May 2011 NEWS Update --- CBS Laura Logan’s boss at CBS will kill 100 kids left hot cars in the summer of 2011 as CBS will not report the News about the Climate Controlled ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980 decades before 9/11 and Bin laden and Kaddafi.

5 May 2011 NEWS Update --- Caroline Kennedy on Letterman and the 100 kids sitting on death row in Hot Cars I put this update on End War link is below.

Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 -
Please help Greg by financing my 1,001 Invention Projects! Cell 303 548 9904 in Key West!


CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer


1 May 2011

Key West Songwriters last day in Key West today, young girls singing songs they have written in an Orwellian Society. Expanding Universe Lyrics, drunk stories about Key West parties for Songwriters all week. No lyrics for the antidote for drunkenness... grin. Sorry but lyrics that didn't inspire Her Lover to getting the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer and 1,001 other social advancements and stifle wars advancements, fail MIT guys who build MIT War Toys for the money no lyrics telling them they kill Aliens and Star Travels so MIT guys in the dorms listening to Lady Gaga have no idea! Key West Songwriters, the women's lyrics sing of Love, Lost and Found... Torture Yes but nothing like Mom's Torture when she finds out she has breast cancer. Or her pain from girl friends breast cancer... ...why will "they" let 100 kids die left in hot cars this summer 2011... when the ElectricWindmillCar is Climate Controlled via H at -254 C 24/7... Key West Songwriters last day in Key West today, young girls singing songs they have written in an Orwellian Society in an Era that is suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar and all its spin off accessories like super air bags on the outside, GPS tracking, Web Cam inside + outside, and the 1,001 apps not yet invented for the ElectricWindmillCar Era. Madonna lyrics I want to write with her... for the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer Tour by Madonna... lyrics written by Greg Buell Lovestar the 1980 inventor of the ElectricWindmillcar and the guy who could have discovered a Cure for Breast Cancer in 1980! Stopped by our Orwellian Society!

1 May 2011

$$$ Key West set up this Songwriters Festival to raise money for "Wounded Warriors" when more women are wounded and killed in domestic wars living out the womens lyrics of Love, Found, and Lost.

1 May 2011

Life on Earth is not easy looking for a wife and brainstorming 1,001 Invention Projects with her. I hope to introduce Polygamy to Key West, as I took pictures of the Wedding at Southernmost Cafe next to the women singing... thinking of Gregs Polygamous Wedding and can't wait to get started "Brainstorming" 1,001 invention projects and the "Lyrics" words to this brainstorming comes from the minds and hears of humans in this Universe.

1 May 2011

We can't possibly understand how McCain could possibly kill so many in Libya while his wife's girl friends die by the 100's a month, Yes 100 + in May 2011 from the Torture of dying from breast cancer... McCain is psychotic, not helping to cure breast cancer via "Manhattan Project" and yes we can invent a "gas lobotomy" for McCain, for "OJ Clones" who also kill 100 + in May, for all domestic murderers who have not killed yet but will. Reading the statistics we can observer the future like a detective but we can invent a way to stop the murder via "gas lobotomies". Lyrics to stop domestic Murder! Please write Greg some new Lyrics to inspire the "gas lobotomy" invention. By a local Key West Songwriter lawyer who has done to many "chemicals" grin! As he might have a mini-lobotomy from the "chemicals" he has done in Key West!

1 May 2011

Paris Women's March on Versailles... started the French Revolution! Hello to Aliens in the 10 Nearest Stars, all 10 within 10 Light Years of Earth! 40,000 women die via "Torture of dying from breast cancer" this year while the "Orwellian Nobel Prize" goes to BP Oil scam of $177 Trillion dollars.

Tornados 500 mph are caused by BP Oil Exhaust and Pentagon Exhaust, Social and material Exhaust in a Universe were BP Oil and the Wedding of last week were a scam on the Real Universe were we need to invent 1,001 inventions with our new Wife... on the Honeymoon!

1 May 2011

$177 Trillion dollars to save 40,000 women from the "Torture of dying from breast cancer" this year is suppressed in the Key West Citizen and The New York Times today, May 1, 2011. Why? Same answer covers why will "they" let 100 kids die left in hot cars this summer 2011... when the ElectricWindmillCar is Climate Controlled via H at -254 C 24/7... Key West Songwriters last day in Key West today, young girls singing songs they have written in an Orwellian Society in an Era that is suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar and all its spin off accessories like super air bags on the outside, GPS tracking, Web Cam inside + outside, and the 1,001 apps not yet invented for the ElectricWindmillCar Era.

1 May 2011

Caesar destroyed 100 near by stars lyrics

Lyrics with the Universe, In Key West the drunk Songwriters can see the Southern Cross at 5 am but they are to drunk to write Lyrics about this... antidote invention for drunkenness is Greg's invention project!

Caesar destroyed 10 near by stars

Gregs Key West Wedding not paid for by BP Oil $$$ Yes "Tar Balls" in White Beach's from 1,001 leaking oil wells most drilled by BP Oil... decades after the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar!

Songs on the Beach!

Caesar destroyed stars

Song Lyrics wow these girls wrote their own songs!

Caesar destroyed 10 near by stars

"Lyrics - Fly Me To the Stars"

Caesar destroyed 10 near by stars


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer


Utopian Novel... “A Farewell to Arms” is a Utopian Novel... the ElectricWindmillCar Invention of 1980 just after Easter! --- A Hello to Aliens in the 10 Nearest Stars, all 10 within 10 Light Years of Earth, all suppressed by NASA's top brass in their novel Easter Day news on Google about Mars!. Key West Admiral fears Greg inventing a way to Observe Aliens more than God!

24 April 2011 Easter Sunday in Key West with $177 Trillion in oil revenues from the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar! Gov. Perks go to "Oil" this Easter!

425 American civilians (Cops, Women, Kids) are celebrating Easter 2011 with gasoline burns over most their bodies from a fiery LA Wreck! All are deleted from tomorrows Key West News, so stay out of a fiery wreck today!

$4.25 gas today, Easter Sunday in Key West

CBS and ABC Nightly News women Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer... DO NOT! .... march to prevent another 100 Kids from dying left in hot cars in the summer of 2011... or 426th person from being burned over most their bodies in a fiery LA Wreck!

Paris Women's March on Versailles... started the French Revolution!

Katie Couric on her last day at CBS news... Breaking News about the Climate Controlled ElectricWindmillCar with Super AirBags on the outside, cooled via H at -254 C 24/7...

No CBS Women.... marched to prevent another 100 Kids from dying left in hot cars in the summer of 2011.

No Key West Women.... marched to prevent another 100 kids from dying in hot cars this Summer 2011.

100 Kids will die left in hot cars in the summer of 2011, 100 died in 2010. 100 died in 2000, 1999 etc.

No Key West Women.... marched! 100 kids are on death row, sitting in Hot Cars this Summer 2011

Caesar destroyed 10 near by stars

24 April 2011 Easter Sunday Send cash or check to Greg Buell in Key West Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 - Please help Greg by financing my 1,001 Invention Projects! Cell 303 548 9904 in Key West!

I finished reading “A Farewell to Arms” at 1:32 pm Thursday 21 April 2001 at the End of the Key West Airport on the Ocean Bike Path.

Key West Please write a Utopian Novel to End War On Earth in 2011

A Coup D'Etat "Windfall for Everyone On Earth" all 6 or 7 Billion of us, will be free H at -254 C to fuel cars and generate electricity at home without electric wires everywhere overhead!

Aliens in "schools of billions" in the "Universe Ocean". Scuba divers in Key West observe billions of fish in a school every day but don't know if there are 10 Billion Sharks in the Ocean or how many Aliens there are in the "Seas of the Universe". 10 Light Years off Key West looking up at the stars. Aliens Swimming in the Billions in the "Universe Sea" Aliens who call Alpha Centauri and Sirius home, all within 10 light years off Key West. Cuba is a Banana Republic the gov. used to stifle building the Key West Shuttle to the 10 Nearest Stars all within 10 Light Years off the shores of Key West!

Change the sign 90 miles to Cuba.

10 light years to 10 of the Nearest Stars to Earth, I will put this sign up in Key West!

We have billions of fish to catch and pack for NASA, as they are on vacation in Saudi Arabia with the whores, hot naked ladies... and $177 Trillion in oil money!

"French Revolution"... has fail humanity On Easter 2011

French President launched Mirage Fighter Jets against Libya on Easter Sunday long before Easter Sunrise Service in the USA!

Easter Sunrise service in PESHAWAR, Pakistan, Pakistanis sang, danced and shouted for an end to US missile strikes that killed civilian's even before the Easter Sunday Sunrise Service got started in Christian Pakistan!

New "French Revolution"... Stop the Statistics at 425 Cops, Kids, Women with gasoline burns over most their bodies from a fiery LA Wreck! 426th person from being burned over most their bodies in a fiery LA Wreck!

Paris Women's March on Versailles... started the French Revolution!

Key West Woman's March on the Pentagon...

The Woman's March on the Pentagon... died with the "Short Stories" by Katie Couric. False Hope Stories for 40k women in 2011 who die via Torture of dying from breast cancer. Orwellian Nobel Prize went to Katie Couric for her 5 years at CBS Nightly News. Replacement for Katie Couric should be Dr. Jennifer Ashton MD grin!

MD... New Manhattan Project for a Rx Penicillin like Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer...

CIA uses Breast Cancer as torture against Moslem Terrorists as its way worst than Chaney-Bush-Powell-McCain's water boarding torture all four of these men have used on 9/11 terrorists.

Louis XVI, was executed by guillotine on 21 January 1793 on the Place de la Revolution, former Place Louis XV, now called the Place de la Concorde.

French President launched Mirage Fighter Jets against Libya on Easter Sunday long before Sunrise in the USA!

No Key West Women.... march on Easter!

No Key West Women.... 100 Kids will die left in hot cars in the summer of 2011.

No Key West Women.... march to prevent another 100 kids from dying in hot cars this Summer 2011.

100 Kids will die left in hot cars in the summer of 2011, 100 died in 2010. 100 died in 2000, 1999 etc.

No Key West Women.... marched!

Key West is "Hot" in the Summer, I was told. If you can stand how "Hot" it gets in Key West in the Summer...

"Between Man and Woman Keys: by Rosalind Brackenbury. "Between Men and Women Marriage to the Universe, 10 nearest stars off Key West are ready for marriage!

"Yellow Swing" by Rosalind Brackenbury, 100 Kids will die left in hot cars in the summer of 2011 so why did she write "Yellow Swing"? She wrote... "Becoming George Sand" by Rosalind Brackenbury. When Marie Sklodowska Curie was a better choice to inspire humanity to invent its way to the 10 nearest stars to Earth, just off Key West and all within 10 light years.

Key west Women... "Swing"... with her and 100 Kids will die left in hot cars in the summer of 2011

Yale Professor Bloom, I got his book, a research guide for Hemingways short stories, "A Clean Well Lighted Place" which I have yet to read. Reading Yale's Bloom first page I realized why Yale PhD's are considered Elite, as the 1st paragraph on the analysis was "over my head" - 10 Nearby Stars are also over our heads in more ways than one, this is why we need Yale's Elite!

Why would a Key West women write up George Sand instead of Marie Curie? Yale will answer this correctly...

Marie Sklodowska Curie (7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934) was a Polish–French physicist–chemist famous for her pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes[1]—in physics and chemistry. She was the first female professor at the University of Paris. She was the first woman to be entombed on her own merits (in 1995) in the Paris Panthéon.

Paris Women's March on Versailles... started the French Revolution!

Key West Woman's March on the Pentagon...

The Woman's March on the Pentagon... died with the "Short Stories" by Katie Couric. False Hope Stories for the 40k women who will die a Tortured death of dying from breast cancer in 2011. Orwellian Nobel Prize went to Katie Couric for the 5 years she was at CBS Nightly News. Replacement for Katie Couric should be Dr. Jennifer Ashton MD grin!

WHO at the UN WILL NOT... will March on the Pentagon on Easter Sunday for the "New Manhattan Project" for a Rx Penicillin like Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer... to End War On Earth for "Social Manhattan Projects"!

GE NBC Today Show has to replace Matt Lauer with Dr. Nancy Snyderman, Because GE and NBC suppressed the news since 1980 of the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar! And 1,001 spin off inventions H -254 C all suppressed by Katie Couric.

CIA, Breast Cancer is torture!

Tokyo women March on GE nuke power plants...

Paris Women's March on Versailles... started the French Revolution!

Key West Woman's March on the Pentagon...

Japan Easter Anti-nuclear Power Plant march...Thousands of people have marched in Tokyo, in vain. GE in the USA has to be "Nuked" before Japan nuclear power plants are bankrupt by the new technology of H hydrogen liquid hydrogen at -254 C via electrolysis on Navy AirCraft Carriers with 10,000 windmills producing enough cheap electricity turn H2O into H and O and the one thing NASA invented out of 21 shuttle is how to make cans of hydrogen at -254 that will not crash and burn even if Nuked with a Hydrogen Bomb.

Two of these cans will be on top of all new model 2012 Toyota's coming off the assemble line, so you can keep one full as one goes empty or soon after you pull into the Hydrogen Station a Japanese robot takes the empty can puts a full can of -254 C Hydrogen on top of your Toyota for free a Government Perk as the liquid Hydrogen cans will be free for 6 billion people to celebrate the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar and the confiscations of $177 Trillion dollars from BP Oil, Saudi Oil, Texas Oil $ A Windfall for 6 billion people.

Paris women march started the French Revolution and their revenge on the King and Queens "Oil Men" was Guillotine became of executions. Louis XVI guillotined, Queen Marie Antoinette next.

Millions of women were burned at the stake... before and after the French Revolution...

CBS women... Katie Couric 5 years ago on her 1st day at CBS news...

Guillotined BP Oil men, if Katie Couric 5 years ago on her 1st day at CBS news would have shown pictures on this web page of Officer Jason with gasoline burns over most his body from sitting in a cop car writing a ticket as he was rear ended in a fiery LA Wreck, one burn victims of 100's of thousands since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980. Katie Couric knew on her 1st day on the job at CBS news the pain from burns over most your body from being in a car on fire, she took gov. perks from BP Oil and our Orwellian government to not report this fiery story which would have won her a "True Nobel Prize".

Katie Couric on her last day at CBS news... Breaking News about the Climate Controlled ElectricWindmillCar with Super AirBags on the outside, cooled via H at -254 C 24/7...

No CBS Women and no Key West Women.... 100 Kids will die left in hot cars in the summer of 2011.

No Key West Women.... march to prevent another 100 kids from dying in hot cars this Summer 2011.

100 Kids will die left in hot cars in the summer of 2011, 100 died in 2010. 100 died in 2000, 1999 etc.

No Key West Women.... marched! 100 kids are on death row sitting in a Hot Car this Summer 2011

1980 Easter Utopian Novel - "ElectricWindmillCar Driven Out of Times Square" decades before 9/11 This would have given the USA a Utopian Era, A Rx Penicillin like Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer as Greg Buell Lovestar would have gotten this "Manhattan Project" started with the Euphoria of the "ElectricWindmillCar"!

Please Write a Utopian Novel --- help End War On Earth in 2011, ASAP!

“A Farewell to Arms” is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) and published in 1929. It is considered one of Hemingway’s best works.

24 Drones have already been fired by the Pentagon into Pakistan and Libya on Easter Sunday!

A Hello to Aliens in the 10 Nearest Stars, all 10 within 10 Light Years of Earth

Easter Sunday 24 April 2011

“The Sun Also Rises” “A Farewell to Arms”

A Hello to Aliens in the 10 Nearest Stars, all 10 within 10 Light Years of Earth

“A Farewell to Arms” Although it’s considered a fictional work, the content is semi-autobiographical, since Hemingway used his real-life relationship with nurse Agnes von Kurowsky while working as an ambulance driver in WWI-era Italy as the basis for the two main characters. As he was writing the novel, his wife Pauline was having a rather difficult childbirth, and he used that experience in the book as well. The story centers on the protagonist, Frederic Henry (“Henry”). Frederic narrates the story, and is an American ambulance driver during the war. He’s a typical guy in that he enjoys women, alcohol, and the camaraderie he finds with the soldiers he hangs out with. Although considered “one of the guys” he has a soft spot for the British nurse he meets, named Catherine Barkley.

Easter Sunday 24 April 2011... Goings-on...

Utopian Easter message, Pope Benedict XVI urges diplomacy in Libya 1 hr 1 min ago

Pope to call space station in papal first Apr 24, 10:28 am ET

Mobile technology is turning us all into feudal serfs Fri Apr 22, 10:00 am ET

Earth Day: Environmental education has failed. But we can fix it. Apr 24, 11:28 am ET

Giffords standing on own, trying to improve gait AP – 2 hrs 57 mins ago

Graham: Bomb Gadhafi's inner circle, headquarters on Easter Sunday end stalemate AP – 49 mins ago

Q-and-A: Smartphone location tracking AP – Apr 24, 6:55 pm ET

Your Phone, Yourself: When is tracking too much? Apr 24, 11:54 pm ET

Some NY cab drivers to wear bulletproof vests Wed Apr 24, 8:26 am ET

Dry ice lake suggests Mars once had a 'Dust Bowl' AP – Thu Apr 24, 6:18 pm ET

Texas sheriff: Deputy killed; suspect shot dead Sun Apr 24, 5:42 am ET

Amazon still trying to fix computer problems Apr 24, 5:47 pm ET

Pfizer says patient died in oral RA drug study Apr 24, 1:41 pm ET

Toyota Says No Full Production Until Year's End New York Times

McCain's Good Friday visit to Gadhafi's Libya has rocketed North Korea's Nuke Production to COLD WAR ERA USA, Russia 50k Nuke Era! McCain is a psychotic mad man you don't have to be a Rocket Scientists to realize this.

PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Pakistanis sang, danced and shouted for an end to US missile strikes Easter Sunday, the second day of protest along a major road that has halted supply trucks heading to US and NATO troops fighting across the border in Afghanistan.

Japan Anti-nuclear Power Plant march...Thousands of people have marched in Tokyo to demand an end to nuclear power in Japan and a switch to alternative energy after the crisis at an atomic plant hit by the March 11 earthquake.

24 April 2011 Easter Sunday

Hemingway's last two lines in "A Farewell To Arms" are "It was like saying good-by to a statue. After a while I went out and left the hospital and walked back to the hotel in the rain." The End

I thought it was strange of Hemingway never to mention the Eiffel Tower and the guillotine in both books The Sun Also Rises and Farewell to Arms. I have read several research books and nothing has been written about this. Kennedy Library has a billion pages relating to Hemingway that are not published yet.

Agnes von Kurowsky

Her extensive correspondence with Hemingway between 25th September 1918 and 7th March 1919 survives; unfortunately, none of his letters to her have been found as her subsequent fiancé, Dominico Carracciolo, made her destroy them. However, from her letters, the spontaneous affection contained therein, the repeated references to how much she misses him after he goes back to the front, and to their future together, we may certainly deduce that, although these may have been written lightly by an experienced woman enjoying her wartime affair with a younger man, at the same time they might not have been, and it is easy to see how Hemingway may have been misled: "Tesoro Mio, oh most longed for! Yours, Agnes"(Oct 20th); "Dear boy, I think every day how nice it would be to feel your arms around me again... Oh Kid, I do miss you - & more each day, I do believe"(Oct 21st); "Don't let me gain you only to lose you, after I've just found out what I've gained... I know very well you are going to live to a ripe old age, & no little war is going to separate us"(Oct 25th); "Thank God you've got a keen sense of humour! I can't imagine anything more awful than to have to live a life with anyone who hasn't got one. I think you are just about the most companionable man I ever knew"(Oct 28th); "I never imagined anyone would be so dear & necessary to me"(Oct 29th). Von Kurowsky's diaries lend a further insight - these documents, not intended for consumption by anyone other than herself, but which unfortunately end in mid-October, show that at least for a time, her involvement with Hemingway may have been more than frivolity, although the prevailing tone is of the...

...older woman having a bit of fun and quite amused at the extent of the young man's ardour: "All I know is Ernie is far too fond of me, & speaks in such a desperate way every time I am cool... Poor kid, I am sorry for him".(August 27th) As to Hemingway's side of things, it is clear that he was in love with Agnes. He wrote extensively about her in his letters home, and looked forward to introducing her to his family. She was very pretty, and, as other patients at the time have testified, most of the patients in the hospital were in love with her. The romance in the hospital took place through August and September. It seems it was not consummated. Most of the lovers' time was spent in Hemingway's room, while Agnes was on night duty, or on his balcony. After he became able to get around on crutches, Hemingway took her shopping, to restaurants, to the races, and by mid-September, he was so certain of her love that he felt able to take a ten-day holiday with John W. Miller Jr. It was the last time they spent any significant amount of time together. When he returned to Florence, he was shocked to learn that she was leaving the comfortable, uncrowded hospital in Milan for a hospital in Florence that had been swamped with influenza victims. He went to visit some friends on the front to keep himself occupied, but was almost immediately sent back to Milan with jaundice, and before he knew it, the war was over. Hemingway sailed home to Genoa in early January having only seen Agnes on three brief occasions in the three months since she went to Florence. Although her letters continue to make reference to their future life together, and one had hinted that she might marry him in a year or so - "I sometimes wish we could marry over here, but, since that is so foolish I must try & not think of it"(Dec 1st) biographers point to the possibility that it was due to her that their meetings were so sparse (there were several near-misses),13 and to the increasing number of references to their age-difference in letters.14 It seems clear, however, that Hemingway's motivation for going home was to start a career so that he could marry Agnes - even his tone of masculine bravado in writing to male friends such as James Gamble is pierced by indications: "The Girl doesn't know when she will be coming home. I'm saving money... Maybe she won't like me now I've reformed but then I'm not very seriously reformed". Meanwhile Agnes was becoming every more doubtful, and soon after she met a dashing Italian 1st Lieutenant, the rank, incidentally, Hemingway continually lied about holding in letters home, the heir to a dukedom, named Dominico Carracciolo, she wrote to Ernest on 7th March breaking it off.

Hemingway killed her in the last page of the book "Farewell to Arms" she died having a baby a true story of his real wife Pauline Marie Pfeiffer was born July 22, 1895.

Hemingway: a biography By Jeffrey Meyers

I could not buy this book for lack of extra money as I have applied to 15 of the Key West Hotels and none will hire me, because of this Orwellian Society but I will buy a used copy at Amazon when I do get a job as Jeffrey Meyers Writes about Hemingway saving Pauline's life when she was bleeding to death, Hemingway kept going when the MD in the room working his wife gave up. Wow! YouTube must me allowed to watch all MD's!

After meeting Ernest and Hadley Hemingway at a party in Paris in 1925, the three became friends, with Hadley becoming less and less a part of the picture. In the fall of 1926, Ernest and Pauline, now an item, agreed to a condition Hadley requested before she would agree to the divorce.

In 1925. F. Scott Fitzgerald released The Great Gatsby. Hemingway read the book in one day when Scott gave him a copy.

Hemingway went through stages from stunned, to sick, to furious, over Agnes breaking it off and while he wrote to friends boasting of erasing it all with a course of booze and women, it remained an emotional wound of enduring consequence, appearing in his writing in four separate Novels killing her in his writing until as late as "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" in 1936. wow Is this a cure for this?

Hemingway's last two lines in "A Farewell To Arms" are "It was like saying good-by to a statue. After a while I went out and left the hospital and walked back to the hotel in the rain." The End

Key West Admiral fears Greg inventing a way to Observe Aliens more than God!

Caesar destroyed 10 near by stars

Katie Couric on her last day at CBS news... Breaking News about the Climate Controlled ElectricWindmillCar with Super AirBags on the outside, cooled via H at -254 C 24/7...

No CBS Women and no Key West Women.... 100 Kids will die left in hot cars in the summer of 2011.

No Key West Women.... march to prevent another 100 kids from dying in hot cars this Summer 2011.

100 Kids will die left in hot cars in the summer of 2011, 100 died in 2010. 100 died in 2000, 1999 etc.

No Key West Women.... marched! 100 kids are on death row sitting in a Hot Car this Summer 2011

Key West Admiral fears Greg inventing a way to Observe Aliens more than God!

24 April 2011 Easter Sunday in Key West with $177 Trillion in oil revenues from the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar! Gov. Perks go to "Oil" this Easter!

425 American civilians (Cops, Women, Kids) are celebrating Easter 2011 with gasoline burns over most their bodies from a fiery LA Wreck! All are deleted from tomorrows Key West News, so stay out of a fiery wreck today!

$4.25 gas today, Easter Sunday in Key West

CBS and ABC Nightly News women Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer... DO NOT! .... march to prevent another 100 Kids from dying left in hot cars in the summer of 2011... or 426th person from being burned over most their bodies in a fiery LA Wreck!

Paris Women's March on Versailles... started the French Revolution!

Katie Couric on her last day at CBS news... Breaking News about the Climate Controlled ElectricWindmillCar with Super AirBags on the outside, cooled via H at -254 C 24/7...

No CBS Women.... marched to prevent another 100 Kids from dying left in hot cars in the summer of 2011.

No Key West Women.... marched to prevent another 100 kids from dying in hot cars this Summer 2011.

100 Kids will die left in hot cars in the summer of 2011, 100 died in 2010. 100 died in 2000, 1999 etc.

No Key West Women.... marched! 100 kids are on death row, sitting in Hot Cars this Summer 2011

Key West Admiral fears Greg inventing a way to Observe Aliens more than God!

Key West Admiral fears Greg inventing a way to Observe Aliens more than God!

Utopian Novel... “A Farewell to Arms” is a Utopian Novel... the ElectricWindmillCar Invention of 1980 just after Easter!

April 15, 2011 Send cash or check to Greg Buell in Key West Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 - Please help Greg by financing my 1,001 Invention Projects! Cell 303 548 9904 in Key West!

April 15, 2011 Tax Day with $177 Trillion in oil revenues from the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar!

April 15, 2011 Tax Day with $177 Trillion in Texas, Saudi and BP Oil Revenues in Chronological listing by year... Carter in 1980 did the math for the $177 Trillion oil would bring in, Carter and his wife Roslyn are the Worlds worst Mass Murderers via Oil Today! Pardon Greg as Queen Elizabeth did give Carter and his wife orders to make England and BP Oil rich! BP Oil is paying for the Royal Wedding Really!

$177 Trillion in oil revenues from 1980 to 2011 suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar, 177,000 world wide burned and burned to death in fiery LA Wrecks.

April 15th, today gasoline in Key West is selling for $4.25 a gallon, a scam by our Orwellian Caesar the 13th.

Caesar failed Star Travel

Gregs 2007 web April 15, 2011 Key West Chronology "The Sun Also Rises" Western Union Ship with Mayor of Key West, Lady Brett Ashley to Jake COULD YOU COME AM RATHER IN TROUBLE ! Greg Buell Lovestar inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 when the Saudi Oil Embargo had gas station lines all the way around the Island of Key West was not invited to Sail with the Mayor of Key West, and the next day walking by the Western Union a Mate spit at me, its good to know who the observers are, some are not very good at hiding behind the hidden cameras in our Orwellian Society! Lady Brett Ashley to Jake COULD YOU COME AM RATHER IN TROUBLE !

Sun Also Rises, I finished reading the book at 1:38 pm 11 April 11 it took Greg since 1972 to get it read!

The Sun Also Rises... Today April 15th The Sun Also Rises on the 10 Nearest Stars listed on this web page!

April 15, 2011 Key West Chronology "The Sun Also Rises" Hemingway

Reading it today captured a Invention Project in my thinking, A cure is possible today via Hormones for suicides! As the Sun Rises on Hormones in the Brain and the need for the Los Alamos Supercomputers to crunch these to get the right combination and dose for a Rx Cure!

Gregs 2007 webLos Alamos Supercomputers to crunch these to get the right combination and dose for a Rx Cure!

April 15, 2011 Key West Chronology "The Sun Also Rises" Hemingway

Rx Miracle Cure for Suicides via hormones!

April 15, 2011 Key West Chronology "The Sun Also Rises" Hemingway

Reading The Sun Also Rises... captured the idea from the previous web I wrote, what you lost learning Spanish and I listed 100's of hormones in the "Brain".

Los Alamos has $1 Trillion dollars of IBM supercomputers built and programmed to "CRUNCH" HORMONES!

Give one of several post war generation's a Rx (Penicillin Miracle) Hormone Shot Cure for depression and suicide!

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars!

"Ahead was a policeman directing traffic"

"The Car slowed suddenly pressing Lady Brett Ashley against me"

"we could of had such a damn good time together"

"yes I said. "Isn't it pretty to think so?"

"Ahead is the Universe and the Traffic Cop"

"We could of had such a damn good time together"

with Aliens in the Nearest 10 Stars to Earth!"

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Yale Key West Medical School, Hospital and Hurricane Shelter built on Paris Eiffel Tower Structure's!

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Tokyo... several thousand Japanese will commit suicide in 2011

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Lady Brett Ashley to Jake COULD YOU COME AM RATHER IN TROUBLE !

"Gas Lobotomy" for "OJ" Guilt as Hell Clones of "OJ" kill tens of thousands of ex-wives, in 2011


Gregs 2007 webLos Alamos Supercomputers to crunch these to get the right combination and dose for a Rx Cure! Manhattan Project for a Rx Breast Cancer Cure... when all the 9/11 terrorists run over by Pentagon Generals driving the ElectricWindmillCar out of Times Square decades before 9/11...

10,000 murdered women in 2011 and you will spend hours and hours searching Google for the Statistics and then Google will suppress the "OJ" clone murders of white women, as they are following orders from Caroline Kennedy and Bush. Both are responsible for the murders of 100 women a day from this social engineering stopping Cops and Women from putting a Warning Label on Black Males who do all the killings!


"Gas Lobotomy" for "OJ" Guilt as Hell Clones of "OJ" kill tens of thousands of ex-wives, in 2011


Penicillins antibiotics bind to and inhibit enzymes needed for the synthesis of the bacteria cell wall. While they have little effect on resting bacteria, they are lethal to dividing bacteria as defective walls cannot protect the organism from bursting the bacterias cell wall killing it. This is the Miracle Cure via Penicillins. Those who received the 1st generations of penicillins perfected the correct dose, the mg and pills per day ie injections of Penicillins. Years and years before the dose from the Medical Researchers was gotten right. None of this Medical Research is for the general publics knowledge, sorry! Yale Key West Medical School the Medical Researchers will be doing this 1st generation dose and use for 100's of futuristic "Penicillins" and the Tourists can watch live medical research as a Tourists Attraction in Key West at the Yale Key West Medical School!

Hemingway at the Mayo Clinic he received the 1st generation electro shock, not the Electro convulsive therapy (ECT).

Mayo Clinic MD's knew nothing of electro shock physiology, its the same today with many treatments at the Mayo Clinic... one being... testosterone therapy

Gregs 2007 web http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/testosterone-therapy/MC00030

Mayo Clinic... one being... Growth Hormone (GH)

100,000 kids have gotten without Mayo Clinic fully knowing what is going on in its Physiology!

Human growth hormone (HGH; also called somatotropin) is a protein of 191 amino acids. The GH-secreting cells are stimulated to synthesize and release GH by the intermittent arrival of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) from the hypothalamus. GH promotes body growth by: •binding to receptors on the surface of liver cells. •This stimulates them to release insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1; also known as somatomedin) •IGF-1 acts directly on the ends of the long bones promoting their growth

Gregs 2007 webLady Brett Ashley to Jake COULD YOU COME AM RATHER IN TROUBLE !

Mary Hemingway was 5' 3" he was 6' 3"

Things can go wrong. Working out the dose in the 1st generation of the Treatment or Rx.... Mayo Clinic needs some "Observers" Observer Cops watching them 24/7 as causticities of war are spit on by MD's and Pentagon Generals in our Oil Genocide Era and Society with BP Oil addicted to $177 Trillion dollars in oil Revenue this has gotten the MD community addicted to $77 Trillion dollars for your MD bills!

Mayo Clinic electro shock treatments of Hemingway killed his memory and this caused his death.

Mayo Clinic in Hemingway time didn't know the physiology of Concussions either.

9 hormones are produced by the pituitary gland, dose, mg for each is not published for the general public knowledge, sorry!

Physiology in General is not on the "Today Show" as Dr. Nancy Snyderman has not been picked by GE to replace Matt Lauer for Social Medical Advancement. Yet 100 kids will die in hot cars in the Summer of 2011. 50 Infants a day die from Whooping Cough from dirty Mexicans at Day Care, Hospitals and Taco Bell etc... Sorry State of affairs as Clinton at the State Dept has made these kids and infants persona non grata because she has the power to do this in our "Psychotic Orwellian Society"

Gregs 2007 webFire! Lady Brett Ashley to Jake COULD YOU COME AM RATHER IN TROUBLE !

Fire!1 Senator Kerry is a baby killer from the Vietnam Era, today with all these deaths, not even counting the kids and babies in fiery LA Wrecks makes Kerry guilty of mass murder and Treason!

As all 100 Senators are as Guilty as Kerry! NASA has spent the last decade in Saudi Arabia with the hot naked women tourists attractions. Not in Key West working on the Shuttle Key West that will blast off to the 10 nearest stars to Earth all within 10 light years! A good mission to rehire the Love Sick NASA Astronaut Lisa Novak as she did not spent the last decade in Saudi Arabia with the Whores! And $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues!


The beta-lactam antibiotics bind to and inhibit enzymes needed for the synthesis of the peptidoglycan wall. While they have little effect on resting bacteria, they are lethal to dividing bacteria as defective walls cannot protect the organism form bursting in hypotonic surroundings.

Mayo Clinic in Hemingway time didn't know the physiology of alcoholism

Clarence Hemingway shot himself on December 6, 1928

5 total suicide, but numerous attempts. Started with Ernest Hall, who attempted suicide; however his son-in-law took the bullets out of the gun. When Ernest pulled the trigger, the gun was empty. His son-in-law was Ed Hemingway.

Ed Hemingway shot himself in the head. He left six children, three of which killed themselves. Leicester, Ursula, and Ernest Hemingway all killed themselves. Years later, Margeaux Hemingway, a famous fashion model/actress and sister to Mariel Hemingway also killed herself.

Margaux Hemingway (February 16, 1954[1] – July 1, 1996

On July 1, 1996, one day before the anniversary of her grandfather's own suicide

Dosage Rx mg etc was not perfected at Hemingway time of electro shock same time and maybe at the same Mayo Clinic in a building next door patients who would die this week were given the 1st Penicillin as Research MD's tried to perfect the right dosage, in mg and how many shots or pills per day, for how many days in a row.

Only the people doing Medical Research today at Yale and Mayo Clinic can search their Google for the story on the 1st 1,000 patients given Penicillins and the 1st 1,000 patients given electro shock. Electro convulsive therapy can differ in its application in three ways: electrode placement, frequency of treatments, and the electrical waveform of the stimulus. These three forms of application have significant differences in both adverse side effects and positive outcomes.

Electro convulsive Shock (ECS) hippo campus, a richly connected area deep in the temporal lobe which is vital in controlling both mood and memory via hormones.

ECT on long-term memory, ECT can include amnesia, both retrograde and anterograde .

Memory loss and confusion are more pronounced with bilateral electrode placement rather than unilateral, and with outdated sine-wave rather than brief-pulse currents.

The vast majority of modern treatment uses brief pulse currents. Research by Harold Sackeim has shown that excessive current causes more risk for memory loss, and using right-sided electrode placement may reduce verbal memory disturbance.

But some people have persistent losses, especially with bilateral ECT. 55% of respondents believed they experienced long-lasting or permanent memory changes,

Considering testosterone therapy to help you feel younger and more vigorous as you age? Know the risks before you make your decision. By Mayo Clinic staff

The possibilities of testosterone therapy are enticing — increase your muscle mass, sharpen your memory and concentration, boost your libido, and improve your energy level. As you get older, testosterone therapy may sound like the ultimate anti-aging formula. Yet the health benefits of testosterone therapy for age-related declines in testosterone aren't as clear as it may seem. Find out what's known — and not known — about testosterone therapy for normal aging.

That November he recovered trunks left in the "basement of the Ritz Hotel in Paris when he left for Key West in 1928", filled with notebooks and writing from his Paris years. Back in Cuba in 1957 he started to shape the recovered work into his memoir A Moveable Feast.[134] By 1959 he culminated a period of intense activity: finished A Moveable Feast (scheduled to be released the following year); brought True at First Light to 200,000 words; added chapters to The Garden of Eden; and worked on Islands in the Stream. The latter three were stored in a safe deposit box in Havana, as he focused on the finishing touches for A Moveable Feast. Reynolds claims that it was during this period he slid into depression, from which he was unable to recover.". By January he returned to Cuba and continued work on the Life magazine series. The manuscript grew to 63,000 words—Life wanted only 10,000 words—and he asked A. E. Hotchner to help organize the work that would become The Dangerous Summer. Hotchner found Hemingway to be "unusually hesitant, disorganized, and confused".

Although Hemingway's mental deterioration was noticeable in the summer of 1960, he again traveled to Spain to obtain photographs for the manuscript. Without Mary, he was lonely and took to his bed for days, retreating into silence. The first installments of The Dangerous Summer were published in Life in September 1960 to good reviews.

When he left Spain, he went straight to Idaho,but was worried about money and his safety.As his paranoia increased, he believed the FBI was actively monitoring his movements. Hemingway suffered from physical problems as well: his health declined and his eyesight was failing.[145] In November he was admitted to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota,[143] where he may have believed he was to be treated for hypertension. Meyers writes that "an aura of secrecy surrounds Hemingway's treatment at the Mayo", but confirms that in December 1960 he received electro convulsive therapy as many as 15 times, then in January 1961 he was "released in ruins".



Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Hemingway... I went over to the bed and put my arms around her. SHE KISSED ME !

Hemingway... I went over to the bed and put my arms around her. SHE KISSED ME !

Hemingway... I went over to the bed and put my arms around her. SHE KISSED ME !

Hemingway... I went over to the bed and put my arms around her. SHE KISSED ME !

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Future Generations killed by "Friendly Fire" from the Pentagon in 2011

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! NYC ElectricWindmillCar parked in Times Square for decades before 9/11

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! New York Times sucking off BP Oil, Wedding in 18 days will be paid for by BP Oil $

Hemingway's first novel was arguably his best and most important and came to be seen as an iconic piece of modernism, emphasizing Hemingway himself was not philosophically a modernist. In the book, he epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations...

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Sun Also Rises has been called anti-Semitic...

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Knopf thinks Hemingway likely intended to depict Cohn as a 'shemiel' (or fool)!

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Knopf as a 'shemiel' (or fool)! Of BP Oil for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2011

Knopf as a 'shemiel' (or fool)! Of BP Oil for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2011

Knopf as a 'shemiel' (or fool)! Of BP Oil for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2011

Knopf as a 'shemiel' (or fool)! Of BP Oil for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2011

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! "Don't get drunk, Jake," she said. "you don't have to ."

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Yale Key West Medical School, Hospital and Hurricane Shelter built on Paris Eiffel Tower Structure's!

DNA cell division hit by "friendly fire" becomes a cancer! Yale Key West Medical School, Art Gallery of anatomy and physiology on 100" LED monitors!

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Matadors, to Hemingway and as presented in the novel, were heroic characters dancing in a bullring—which he considered nothing less than war, but a war with precise rules in contrast to the messiness of the real war Hemingway, and by extension Jake, experienced. Hemingway named Romero after Pedro Romero, an 18th-century bullfighter who killed thousands of bulls in the most difficult manner: having the bull impale itself on his sword as he stood perfectly still. Reynolds says Romero, who symbolizes the classically pure matador, is the "one idealized" figure in the novel".

Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! "Gas Lobotomy" for War's Mad Men is 1 of 1,001 Invention projects!


"Gas Lobotomy" for "OJ" Guilt as Hell Clones of "OJ" kill tens of thousands of ex-wives, in 2011


10,000 murdered women in 2011 and you will spend hours and hours searching Google for the Statistics and then Google will suppress the "OJ" clone murders of white women, as they are following orders from Caroline Kennedy and Bush. Both are responsible for the murders of 100 women a day from this social engineering stopping Cops and Women from putting a Warning Label on Black Males who do all the killings!

"Gas Lobotomy" for "OJ" Guilt as Hell Clones of "OJ" kill tens of thousands of ex-wives, in 2011


Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Hemingway always wanted two wives! His first and second but could not invent "Polygamy"!

Future generations need to invent a "Gas Lobotomy" for Matadors! Bulls given a shot of a "Hormone Martini" Margaritaville... would have Jimmy Buffett singing a new song For... Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations...

With the Universe Cop Directing Traffic! 10 nearest stars traffic is picking up!!!!!!!!!!

April 15, 2011 Key West Chronology "The Sun Also Rises" On Today's goings-on, the suppressed Statistics of our Universe by our government!

April 15, 2011 Key West Chronology "The Sun Also Rises" on Social Advancement by GE NBC Microsoft, the Inventor OS will come preinstalled on your new Laptop with 2 Terra bytes of Invention Projects links to get you started working 24/7 with wives brainstorming 1,001 invention projects. Memory, remember the 10 nearest stars to Earth are Rising, as all 10 are with in 10 light years to Earth. NASA has suppressed this news on Google news because they were on Vacation in Saudi Arabia not Key West, Hemingway Key West!

15 April 2011 Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Lady Brett Ashley to Jake COULD YOU COME AM RATHER IN TROUBLE !

15 April 2011 Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Lady Brett Ashley to Jake COULD YOU COME AM RATHER IN TROUBLE !

Gregs 2007 webNASA has suppressed this news on Google news because they were on Vacation in Saudi Arabia not Key West, Hemingways Key West! The Sun Also Rises on the 10 nearest Stars to Earth and their Aliens! No thanks to NASA! On Government Paid Vacation in Saudi Arabia not Key West! Manhattan Project for a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer thanks to Greg Buell Lovestar in Key West Today! 15 April 2011

15 April 2011 Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Lady Brett Ashley to Jake COULD YOU COME AM RATHER IN TROUBLE !

15 April 2011 Hemingway epitomized the post-war expatriate generation for future generations... Star Travels... post war travel to 10 nearest stars! Lady Brett Ashley to Jake COULD YOU COME AM RATHER IN TROUBLE !

Gregs 2007 webA Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture.

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer


April 12, 2011 Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 webA Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture. A Chronology.... In Key West! Eiffel Towers Year Yale Key West Medical School was started and finished and A Chronology.... of Elite Elitist training... learning curve how many hours to learn how to transplant a kidney vs how long it takes to get our Orwellian Caesar to make Organ Donation mandatory after decades and decades of Saudi Princes buying kidneys from Bush while Americans waiting for the same kidney died... one of several dozen gov. run genocides by our 13th Caesar!
April 2, 2011 April Fools NY Times Pay Editions 1 week old, NO I didn't read the NY Times this week $$$

Persona Non Grata in the NY Times for all USA APRIL Whooping Cough Death Statistics via Our Orwellian Caesar the 13th! The worst of all the Caesars! You have to pay to read the NY Times and you already know the statistics for April 2011 Whooping Cough Deaths will not be on the front page of the NY Times via our Orwellian Caesar!

Gregs 2007 web

April 2, 2011 April Fools

I read another Hemingway Book... marked the pages in red with notes. Most meaningful is the Hemingway Chronology... July 21, 1899 born July 2, 1961 kills self... Oct. 15, 1937 Wrote a Novel in Key West... "To Have and Have Not"

April 2, 2011 Key West Chronology of Greg's Inventions, Rx Cure for Whooping Cough, Breast Cancer... Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth listed below.

April 12, 2011 Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 webA Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture. A Chronology.... In Key West! Eiffel Towers Year Yale Key West Medical School was started and finished and A Chronology.... of Elite Elitist training... learning curve how many hours to learn how to transplant a kidney vs how long it takes to get our Orwellian Caesar to make Organ Donation mandatory after decades and decades of Saudi Princes buying kidneys from Bush while Americans waiting for the same kidney died... one of several dozen gov. run genocides by our 13th Caesar!

I read another Hemingway Book... marked the pages in red with notes. Most meaningful is the Hemingway Chronology... July 21, 1899 born July 2, 1961 kills self... Oct. 15, 1937 Wrote a Novel in Key West... "To Have and Have Not"

The 1,001 Invention Projects A Chronology... In Key West! Greg Buell In Key West Greg Buell PO Box 214 in Key West!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... Alpha Centauri 4.3 Light Years

April 2, 2011 Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

Persona Non Grata in the NY Times Whooping Cough Death Statistics via Our Orwellian Caesar the 13th! The worst of all the Caesars!

Gregs 2007 webKey West Today - Another pay web to read the news, No I didn't pay to read these news stories. I read another Hemingway Book... marked the pages in red with notes. Most meaningful is the Hemingway Chronology... July 21, 1899 born July 2, 1961 kills self... Oct. 15, 1937 Wrote a Novel in Key West... "To Have and Have Not"

Observers Coughing Outbreak this past week too, I had to bob and weave to avoid several coughs coming at me walking down Duval Street... Whooping Cough Death Statistics via Our Orwellian Caesar the 13th! The worst of all the Caesars! Fighters generally begin the bob and weave to the right, as most opponents strike with their... Caesar the 13th struck Libya wasting $7 Billion in the last 7 days. Persona Non Grata is the $177 Trillion the Gov. has taken in since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar invention in 1980. Worst Persona Non Grata are the 39 dead infants from Whooping cough on the other side of Earth last month. Dead Infant Statistics in NYC last month from Whooping Cough are Persona Non Grata in the NY Times... This is Top Secret yet all the Observers know it. Generals and Admirals wives (In Key West) go along with this suppression as just look at the font pages of the Key West Citizen! Search for Whooping Cough Death Statistics... you will not find any! Fiery LA Wrecks number of people in LA burned and burned to death in fiery LA Wrecks, Google will not let you pay to advertise these statistics, they will not show up at the top of Google or at all in a Google Search.

The 1,001 Invention Projects A Chronology... In Key West! Greg Buell In Key West Greg Buell PO Box 214 in Key West!

April 2, 2011 Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

Gregs 2007 webA Chronology... Light years From Here! A Chronology... Light years From Here! A Chronology... Light years From Here!

April 2, 2011 Send cash or check to Greg Buell in Key West Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 - Please help Greg by financing my 1,001 Invention Projects! Cell 303 548 9904 in Key West! Greg is looking for women to "Brainstorm" the Invention project... Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer! "Manhattan Project" the Orwellian Government of Caesar the 13th killed! Same time he takes in $177 Trillion in Oil Revenue since the Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980!

Gregs 2007 webYale Medical School -

Several Eiffel Towers Next to Airport Yale Key West Medical School Hospital and Hurricane Shelter.


Chronology... Year Built in Key West.... 2011

Chronology... Year Key West Shuttle Blasted off for the 10 Nearest Stars listed here, Hell why travel that far to visit one Star... you do the Math!

Most meaningful is the Yale Key West Medical School built via Shipping Containers, on several Eiffel Towers A Chronology... April 2, 2011 April Fools

Gregs 2007 webSeveral Eiffel Towers Next to Airport Yale Key West Medical School Hospital and Hurricane Shelter. http://tools.medicine.yale.edu/calendar/

April 2, 2011 April Fools

Chronology... Most meaningful is the Yale Key West Medical School built via Shipping Containers, on several Eiffel Towers A Chronology... April 2, 2011 April Fools

Most meaningful is the Hemingway Chronology... July 21, 1899 born July 2, 1961 kills self... Oct. 15, 1937 Wrote a Novel in Key West... "To Have and Have Not"

April 2, 2011 Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth - All within 10 Light Years!

April 2, 2011 Key West Chronology of Greg's Inventions, Rx Cure for Whooping Cough, Breast Cancer... Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth listed below.

April 2, 2011 Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

Names of the stars close to Earth....

Proxima Centauri Alpha 4.3 light years

Rigil Kentaurus Alpha 4.3

Alpha Centauri B 4.3

Barnard's Star 5.9 light years

Wolf 359 7.6

Lalande 21185 8.1 light years

Sirius A 8.6 light years

Sirius B 8.6

Luyten726-8A 8.9 light years

Luyten 726-8B 8.9

Ross 154 9.4

Ross248 10.3

Epsilon Eridani 10.7 light years

Luyten 789-6 10.8

Ross 128 10.8 light years

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!

Gregs 2007 webA Chronology.... In Key West! Key West Shuttle blasting off for every Star in this picture. A Chronology.... In Key West! Eiffel Towers Year Yale Key West Medical School was started and finished and A Chronology.... of Elite Elitist training... learning curve how many hours to learn how to transplant a kidney vs how long it takes to get our Orwellian Caesar to make Organ Donation mandatory after decades and decades of Saudi Princes buying kidneys from Bush while Americans waiting for the same kidney died... one of several dozen gov. run genocides by our 13th Caesar!

Gregs 2007 webA Chronology Greg Buell Lovestar in Key West... Greg is looking for women to "Brainstorm" the Invention project... Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer! "Manhattan Project" the Orwellian Government of Caesar the 13th killed! Same time he takes in $177 Trillion in Oil Revenue since the Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980!

cop wife baby2 April 2011 Not Aprils Fools --- Fools are the Observers who think Our Orwellian Caesar the 13th can make the 10 Nearest Stars and their Aliens Persona Non Grata Forever ----- Cop burned in a fiery wreck, 1 of 400,000 none are pictured on the front page of the New York Times! All 400k are persona non grata by Clintons and the State Dept, none can even sue BP Oil for the pains of the gasoline burns caused by suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980 for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues!

April 2, 2011 April Fools

I read another Hemingway Book... marked the pages in red with notes. Most meaningful is the Hemingway Chronology... July 21, 1899 born July 2, 1961 kills self... Oct. 15, 1937 Wrote a Novel in Key West... "To Have and Have Not"

April 2, 2011 Key West Chronology of Travel to the 10 Stars Nearest Earth

All within 10 Light Years! So Close yet so very far away! As this news is Persona Non Grata in our Orwellian Era!

10 Nearest Stars to Earth A Chronology.... In Key West!


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer


March 29, 2011

Greg Finished reading about Elizabeth Hadley Richardson (November 9, 1891 – January 22, 1979) 1980 October the ElectricWindmillCar was invented by Greg Buell Lovestar during the Saudi Oil Embargo. Ernest Hemingway 1st wife. Paris Lost Generation... of Stein, Pound, F. Scott, and Zelda Fitzgerald. She took piano lessons but not writing lessons, I bought the book "Writing Like Hemingway" by Wilson PhD yet Hadley Richardson never took a writing lesson from her husband, lover. Greg's Key West Wives will all win an Nobel Prize from one of their inventions via Greg's lectures on How to Invent!

Paris The Lost Generation... of Stein, Pound, F. Scott, and Zelda Fitzgerald. She took piano lessons but not writing lessons, I bought the book "Writing Like Hemingway" by Wilson PhD yet Hadley Richardson never took a writing lesson from her husband, lover. Paris Era of the Great Gatsby etc... Hippies of 1930's to 1960's and no mention of either Hadley or Ernest reading Freud. Ernest in 1925 read The Great Gatsby in One Day! Few other books Ernest read are mentioned in The Paris Wife. Bull Fighting and Skiing in the Alps stories, drinking and more drinking no thought of an invention to cure their Addiction to Alcohol or even if they knew the alcohol molecule as it must have been on the front pages of the New York times or Paris Times in their Era of heavy drinking. Yale Medical School was 150 years old when the Sun Also Rises was written. In our Current Era 2011 $177 Trillion in Oil Revenue had been taken in and spent since the ElectricWindmillCar was invented in 1980. Her son John Hadley Nicanor Hemingway was born on October 10, 1923. Whooping Cough, Hadleys baby son was Quarantined, today statistics of 40 dead infants from Whooping Cough every day in the USA 100's a day world wide WHO at the UN is a criminal Organization killing more infants than Moammar Gadhafi. One dead infant from whooping cough pictured on the web and MD's tell Matt Lauer on Today show 40 infants a day die in March 2011 from Whooping Cough, yet the gov. will not make this a Bigger News Story because the cause of Whooping cough "Outbreak" is not MD's lack of hand washing and shaking your hand but the Day Care Center and Nanny's. 100 million in the USA who refused to get any and all vaccinations! Our Orwellian Caesar will not make Vaccinations mandatory, he would rather make the 40 dead a day from whooping cough persona non grata. Because he has the power to do this!

Gregs 2007 web Summer of 2011 100 kids will die in hot cars as the ElectricWindmillcar is suppressed and will be climate controlled like your home, 24/7 no more hot cars in the Summer Time, Invention thanks to H2O electrolysis, and H at -354 C. Back to the Paris Wives and Gregs Key West Wives, It's critical to define the Invention Projects before reading a Novel. Paula McLain wrote in Gregs copy of her book... I hope you find an invention reading "The Paris Wife", having a list of 1,001 invention projects these are critical. Serendipity denotes the property of making fortunate discoveries while looking for something unrelated, or the occurrence of such a discovery during such a search. Los Alamos with $1 trillion in IBM supercomputers bought since 1980 should have already read every book every written while in the supercomputers memory crunches the 1,001 invention projects. To get what Paula McLain wrote to Greg... get an invention reading the book I wrote! Nuclear Bomb politics are really null and void, N. Korea will up its nuclear bombs from 8 today 29 March 2011 to 800 next year on 29 March 2012 because the Pentagon Generals wanted to kill Moammar Gadhafi. This is a personal thing between Generals and Pit Bull Dog Fighters mentality not Hadley and Ernest of 2011 trying to get "Social Manhattan Projects", inventions to observe Aliens and inventions to travel to Alpha Centauri. Which has been made persona non grata by Clinton and the State Dept. in our Orwellian Society. New York Times Today wrote a story about Aliens getting closer to Humanity on Earth as they knew Greg deleted their New York Times Web link Today as its the first day you have to pay to read it... BP Oil gave the Times $8 Billion in Swiss Bank accounts, Texas Oil men gave the New York Times a 75 Story Sky Scraper for suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar and going along making 100's of Cops and kids burned and burned to death in fiery LA Wrecks, persona non grata on the Front pages of the New York Times! No one burned in a fiery LA wreck will be on the front page of the New York Times tomorrow so do not pay to read this newspaper as they will ALL lose their heads if the New French Revolution is successful, thousands of cops and kids with gasoline burns over most their bodies... cops and kids who did not die in a fiery LA Wreck are sitting around today with burns over most their body in pain and in pain for revenge... for the suppressed ElectricWindmillCar. Mad as hell, the guys who started the French Revolution have nothing on the cops and kids, moms, dads burned in fiery wrecks in LA since 1980. So much for paying to read the New York Time $ Now back to the Paris Wife... Ernest was badly burned in the second plane crash, from what we know today of burns the torture can cause suicide. Pain inventions are critical and the Yale Key West Medical School should be able to invent a new class of pain drugs ASAP as this is what Elite Medical Schools do best... Research Pain etc. Key West Tourists on a guided tour stopping at the Pain Research Container Classrooms will be in for shocking intellectual writing, as no Tourist who visits Key West has read Medical Journals... New England Journal of Medicine as it cost $100's to read, a lot more than the New York Times but worth it if you have the money $ Writing that is over your head only because the governments Dept of Education Failed the USA for the last several decades. HS freshmen should have their own cadavers, and be able to spell and pronounce everything in English. Our Orwellian government promoted Spanish not learning Anatomy and Physiology, which would have helped 6 billion people a Hell of a lot more. Especially in reading medical journals!

Spanish --- learning Spanish LOST you all this on the Brain ----- The pituitary gland...

Spanish --- learning Spanish LOST you all this on the Brain ----- The pituitary gland consists of two components: the anterior pituitary (or adenohypophysis) and the posterior pituitary (or neurohypophysis), and is functionally linked to the hypothalamus by the pituitary stalk (also named the "infundibular stem", or simply the "infundibulum")[1]. It is from the hypothalamus that hypothalamic tropic factors are released to descend down the pituitary stalk to the pituitary gland where they stimulate the release of pituitary hormones. While the pituitary gland is known as the 'master' endocrine gland, both of the lobes are under the control of the hypothalamus; the anterior pituitary receives its signals from the parvocellular neurons and the posterior pituitary receives its signals from magnocellular neurons. Anterior pituitary (Adenohypophysis)Main article: Anterior pituitary The anterior pituitary synthesizes and secretes the following important endocrine hormones: Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), release under influence of hypothalamic Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH). Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), release under influence of hypothalamic Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH). Growth hormone (also referred to as 'Human Growth Hormone', 'HGH' or 'GH' or somatotropin), release under influence of hypothalamic Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH); inhibited by hypothalamic Somatostatin. Prolactin (PRL), also known as 'Luteotropic' hormone (LTH), release under influence of multiple hypothalamic Prolactin Releasing Factors (PRH). The two 'Gonadotropins'; Luteinizing hormone (also referred to as 'Lutropin' or 'LH', or in males, 'Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone' (ICSH)), and Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), both released under influence of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH). and; melanocyte–stimulating hormones (MSH's) or "intermedins" as these are released by the pars intermedia which is "the middle part"; adjacent to the posterior pituitary lobe, pars intermedia is a specific part developed from the anterior pituitary lobe. These hormones are released from the anterior pituitary under the influence of the hypothalamus. Hypothalamic hormones are secreted to the anterior lobe by way of a special capillary system, called the hypothalamic-hypophysial portal system. The anterior pituitary is divided into anatomical regions known as the pars tuberalis, pars intermedia, and pars distalis. It develops from a depression in the dorsal wall of the pharynx (stomodial part) known as Rathke's pouch. Posterior pituitary (Neurohypophysis)Main article: Posterior pituitary The posterior pituitary stores and releases: Oxytocin, most of which is released from the paraventricular nucleus in the hypothalamus Antidiuretic hormone (ADH, also known as vasopressin and AVP, arginine vasopressin), the majority of which is released from the supraoptic nucleus in the hypothalamus Oxytocin is one of the few hormones to create a positive feedback loop. For example, uterine contractions stimulate the release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary, which, in turn, increases uterine contractions. This positive feedback loop continues throughout labor. Intermediate lobeThere is also an intermediate lobe in many animals, but is rudimentary in humans. For instance, in fish, it is believed to control physiological color change. In adult humans, it is just a thin layer of cells between the anterior and posterior pituitary. The intermediate lobe produces melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), although this function is often (imprecisely) attributed to the anterior pituitary.

Spanish --- learning Spanish LOST you all this on the Brain ----- The pituitary gland...

March 29, 2011

Gregs 2007 web Hadley and Ernest were sick on sea food more than once, just lucky they did not die of food poisoning, futuristic inventions are coming to the area of food poisoning soon. After the Coup... grin! Clintons made food poisoning dead 40 a day in the USA persona non grata because they have the power to do this... so Moammar Gadhafi's killing of civilians is in the news not a New "Manhattan Project" to Cure Food Poisoning... when more in the USA die in one day from food poisoning and staph in hospitals and alcohol poisoning! In the Nearest Star we will find a Universe of LOST novels, of Ernest's wives and lovers who never learned to write, inventive wives willing to work 24/7 side by side with Ernest writing and brainstorming. Fabled Lost Generation in Paris that includes Stein Pound F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. Key West Wives the Novel is not yet written. You and I have to read the book... "Writing Like Hemingway" by Wilson PhD. I will work on the invention Total Recall with my Key West Wives as I can remember my 1st writing class in 1977. Bill Gates killed millions of writers and inventors by not pre installing writing and invention software into Windows 7 - Inventor OS after the Coup will come loaded with 2 Terra bytes of software and courses! Don't pay to read the New York Times, delete it Today $ Hack into the Medical Journals as no one reading this has the 100's of dollars to read the New England Journal of Medicine $

March 29, 2011

Gregs 2007 webGreg's Workstation in Key West --- Greg is looking for women to "Brainstorm" the Invention project... Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer!

North Korea is believed to have 8 to 12 nuclear weapons Today 29 March 2011 --- North Korea will have 800 to 1,200 nuclear weapons One Year from Today... 10,000 Nukes will be built now! unpublished NY Times side effects from Libya!!!!!!!!!! GAS LOBOTOMY FOR MAD MEN!

Click here I wrote up the complete North Korea news article on Gregs web endwaronearth I didn't want to take up to much space on this web. http://www.endwaronearth.com

"Manhattan Project" for a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer has been killed by a unanimous vote at the UN by Clinton's non MD "Character" of malice; intending to do harm to women who will die Today 29 March 2011 from Breast Cancer: "Maliciousness" her Generals talk it up on the Today Show with Matt Lauer, 8,000 were killed by Moammar Gadhafi, No women on the Today Show "Dare" ask the General how many women civilians in the USA died of Breast Cancer since the Revolution in Libya !

March 28, 2011 EGO "War Games In Libya"... Humanity must invent the "Gas Lobotomy" for Generals... addictions to killing other Generals!

"Manhattan Project" for a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer has been killed by a unanimous vote at the UN by Clinton's non MD "Character" of malice; intending to do harm to women who will die Today 29 March 2011 from Breast Cancer: "Maliciousness" her Generals talk it up on the Today Show with Matt Lauer, 8,000 were killed by Moammar Gadhafi, No women on the Today Show "Dare" ask the General how many women civilians in the USA died of Breast Cancer since the Revolution in Libya !

29 March 2011 Navy took the money from NASA to build 66 Destroyers - Navy took money from women and sunk the Manhattan Project for a Rx Breast Cancer Cure. Madonna refused to let Greg Buell Lovestar write a CD for her Rx Penicillin Breast Cancer Cure Tour 2011. Greg on YouTube and links below...

HOW IS GRAVITY GENERATED... Working with many wives 24/7 we will get this, and let the Psychotic Generals and MIT War Toy workers know... HOW GRAVITY IS GENERATED!

March 28, 2011 EGO "War Games In Libya"... Humanity must invent the "Gas Lobotomy" for Generals... addictions to killing other Generals!

In 3011 Nearest Star to Earth Alpha Centauri and its Aliens will no longer be Persona Non Grata in 3011 ----- by GE, NBC, Today Show, the Pentagon, State Dept. and NASA's Top Brass after a Gas Lobotomy for Pentagon Generals is Invented.

29 March 2011 NASA could have Should have 66 New Model 2011 Shuttles today!

29 March 2011 Navy took the money from NASA to build 66 Destroyers

Aliens at Alpha Centauri on NBC Today show on 21 March 3011

23 March 2011 Navy took the money from Women, sunk the Manhattan Project for a Rx Breast Cancer Cure!

In 3011 Nearest Star to Earth Alpha Centauri and its Aliens will no longer be Persona Non Grata in 3011 ----- by GE, NBC, Today Show, the Pentagon, State Dept. and NASA's Top Brass after a Gas Lobotomy for Pentagon Generals is Invented.

23 March 2011 Navy took the money from NASA to build 66 Destroyers One will be in Key West soon...

One 1984 Model Shuttle Discovery will be a Tourist attraction in Key West soon too.

23 March 2011 NASA could have Should have 66 New Model 2011 Shuttles today!

23 March 2011 Navy took the money from NASA to build 66 Destroyers

March 23, 2011 EGO "War Games In Libya"... Humanity must invent the "Gas Lobotomy" for Generals... addictions to killing other Generals!

Gregs 2007 webGreg reading A Key West Wife, searching the Key West Womens Club for a wife, wives to Brainstorm with reading "A Paris Wife" here at Mallory Dock with the Cruise Ships. I meet Paula McLain who wrote "A Paris Wife" and told her about getting the ElectricWindmillcar invention in 1980 reading "Animal Farm" finding the Windmill as I was working on a Electric Car Invention Project, during the Saudi Oil Embargo of 1980 so she wrote in her book that I bought at Hemingway House... Hope you find a Invention reading "A Paris Wife", well it's going good! I have a lot of notes in red! Notes on Brainstorming marked in red in her book also. So now I have to hook up with some women to Brainstorm a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer.


23 March 2011 NASA could have Should have 66 New Model 2011 Shuttles today!

23 March 2011 Navy took the money from NASA to build 66 Destroyers

ZEITOUNIYA, Libya – The international military intervention in Libya is likely to last "awhile," a top French official said Monday, echoing Moammar Gadhafi's warning of a long war ahead as rebels said they were fighting to reclaim a city under the Libyan leader's control.
Burned-out tanks and personnel carriers littered one of the main desert roads leading from the Libyan capital. A power station hit by a shell on Thursday was still burning, its blackened fuel tank crumpled, with flames and black smoke pouring out.
Oil prices held above $102 a barrel after the second night of allied strikes in the OPEC nation raised fears of prolonged fighting that has already slowed Libyan oil production to a trickle.
Henri Guaino, a top adviser to the French president, said two nights of bombing runs and missile attacks had hobbled Libya's air defenses, stalled Gadhafi's troops and all but ended attacks on civilians. A cruise missile late Sunday blasted Gadhafi's residential compound near his iconic tent, and fighter jets destroyed a line of tanks moving on the rebel capital.
It was not known where Gadhafi was when the missile hit Sunday

Smoke was seen rising late Sunday in Tripoli from the area of Bab al-Aziziya, a stronghold of Libyan leader Moamer Gaddafi, satellite broadcaster al-Arabiya reported.

The opposition Lbyan Youth movement said on its Twitter account that explosions were heard in Tripoli, with large plumes of smoke billowing from Gaddafi's Bab Azizia compound

23 March 2011 NASA could have Should have 66 New Model 2011 Shuttles today!

23 March 2011 Navy took the money from NASA to build 66 Destroyers

In 3011 Nearest Star to Earth Alpha Centauri and its Aliens will no longer be Persona Non Grata in 3011 ----- by GE, NBC, Today Show, the Pentagon, State Dept. and NASA's Top Brass after a Gas Lobotomy for Pentagon Generals is Invented.

"Manhattan Project" for a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer has been killed by a unanimous vote at the UN by Clinton's non MD "Character" of malice; intending to do harm to women who will die Today 23 March 2011 from Breast Cancer: "Maliciousness" her Generals talk it up on the Today Show with Matt Lauer, 8,000 were killed by Moammar Gadhafi, No women on the Today Show "Dare" ask the General how many women civilians in the USA died of Breast Cancer since the Revolution in Libya !

Gregs 2007 web

Gregs 2007 web21 March 3011

Gregs 2007 webGreg in Key West

Gregs 2007 webGreg in Key West

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer



Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


GE Japan Nuclear Power Plants Greg's 2007 web page had it all spelled out, only thing that went wrong at GE NBC is the Earth Quake did not wait until 3007 to blow up a GE Nuclear Power Plant! Bad Luck, Bad Timing, or just God's pay back for suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since its invention in 1980.

Gregs 2007 webGE NBC Their Nuke Power Plant Exploding!

Gregs 2007 web Yoko Ono - I feel sorry for Yoko as she has known about the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar for decades and could have saved tens of thousands of Japanese by exposing its suppression, which would have stopped GE from building any Nuclear Power Plants after 1980 and no Natural Gas lines would have been built in Japan or the USA after 1980 as H Hydrogen at -253 C would be used today world wide to generate you home electricity! Poor Yoko Ono Today... I bet this is worst days for her than the days after John Lennon was killed as this could have been prevented too, as the ElectricWindmillCar was invented in Oct of 1980 John Lennon was killed in November of 1980.... wow!

I took these pictures in Key West Day Before the Earth Quake... Japan Girls they are "Observers"! I asked them if I could take their picture as were walking down Duval for blocks and blocks.

Gregs 2007 webJapan Girls Observers in Key West Day before the Quake!

March 14, 2011 Send cash or check to Greg Buell in Key West Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 - Please help Greg by financing my 1,001 Invention Projects!

Gregs web page from 2007 showing all the GE Japan Nuclear Power Plants to generate Electricity

Click on this link below go right to acrobat file 19 megs 4,000 pages so it will take mins and 5 mins to open acrobat before it loads.... please read all 4,000 pages I wrote. Go to page 1410

2007 Gregs Web on GE Nuke Power Plants in Japan and Earth Quakes will happen...

go to page 1410 in this pdf file... Japan power plants from 2007

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, was designed by General Electric and entered commercial service in 1971.

Gregs 2007 web GE nuclear power plant in northern Japan on Saturday blew the roof off one building and caused a radiation leak of unspecified proportions, escalating the emergency confronting Japan’s government a day after an earthquake and tsunami devastated parts of the country’s northeastern coast.

Japanese television showed a cloud of white-gray smoke from the explosion billowing up from a stricken reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Saturday afternoon, and officials said leaks of radiation from the plant prompted them to expand the evacuation area around the facility to a 12-mile radius.

Gregs 2007 web

Government officials said that the explosion, caused by a build-up of pressure in the reactor after the cooling system failed, destroyed the concrete structure surrounding the reactor but did not collapse the critical steel container inside. They said that raised the chances that they could prevent the release of large amounts of radioactive material and could avoid a core meltdown at the plant.

Gregs 2007 web

March 14, 2011 Send cash or check to Greg Buell in Key West Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 - Please help Greg by financing my 1,001 Invention Projects! Cell 303 548 9904 in Key West!

------------ 2nd story Key West Navy and the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Invention ---------

This information is unclassified.


The secretary of the United States Navy has approved a recommendation from USS Spruance Commander Tate Westbrook to bring the destroyer to Key West for commissioning

To be bestowed the privilege there are several criteria for the commissioning city to meet. The city has to be a port location and an existing ability for the ship to pull in to port.

Gregs 2007 webKey West... The Navy also seeks a navy-friendly atmosphere and will lend justice to the event by offering ample media coverage of the event to spread the word to the world about the U.S. Navy and the mission.

----- 9/11 Admirals could have driven the ElectricWindmillCar out of Times Square NYC decades before 9/11 saving thousands of civilians.... BP Oil Men, Texas Oil Men, Saudi Oil Men could not have stopped the Admiral from driving the ElectricWindmillcar out of Times Square...

Gregs 2007 webPlease send Cash or Check to Greg I have 1,001 Inventions Project and need Wives to Brainstorm with...

----- 9/11 Admirals could have driven the ElectricWindmillCar out of Times Square NYC decades before 9/11 saving thousands of civilians.... BP Oil Men, Texas Oil Men, Saudi Oil Men could not have stopped the Admiral from driving the ElectricWindmillcar out of Times Square...

Gregs 2007 webH H2O Electrolysis we don't need GE Nuke Power Plants So THIS INFORMATION IS TOP SECRET...

------------ 2nd story Key West Navy and the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Invention ---------

This information is unclassified.


----- 9/11 Admirals could have driven the ElectricWindmillCar out of Times Square NYC decades before 9/11 saving thousands of civilians.... BP Oil Men, Texas Oil Men, Saudi Oil Men could not have stopped the Admiral from driving the ElectricWindmillcar out of Times Square... So THIS INFORMATION IS TOP SECRET... why didn't the ElectricWindmillcar get driven out of Times Square any time after its invention in 1980... because $177 Trillion in Oil Revenue!!!!! $$$$$

------------ 2nd story Key West Navy and the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Invention ---------

This information is unclassified.


Then, the commander looks for a port with a direct connection to the ship’s namesake. World War II Admiral Raymond Spruance was key in the U.S. Navy winning the war in the South Pacific. He finished his career as a four-star admiral. Prior to WWII, when he was a “one-star” stationed at Naval Air Station Key West he was key is establishing harbors, ports, Roosevelt Boulevard, and was in charge of securing the Key West water space.

“Key West is a great town for the Navy,” USS Spruane executive officer George Kessler relayed to the Key West Weekly following the lunch. “Key West has easy access for the port facilities, and the island is a great place for the crew to enjoy. We evaluated every aspect, and the welcoming spirit of the Navy League, the Chamber of Commerce, and that Mayor Cates has for us was the final selling point.”

With enthusiasm, Mayor Craig Cates told the entire crowd of business men and women gathered at the Casa Marina Resort this week, “The commander has a very large say and I want to personally thank Commander Westbrook for picking Key West. This is a true honor.”

$1 Billion for Navy Ships 66 since 1980

Admiral forgot he did not drive the ElectricWindmillCar out of Times Square decades before 9/11... why?

$1 Billion for all each 9/11 widow and every cop and kid burned and burned to death in fiery Wrecks after the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 as $177 Trillion in BP Oil Revenue.... is enough to pay out this compensation to those burned in gasoline!

March 14, 2011 Send cash or check to Greg Buell in Key West Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 - Please help Greg by financing my 1,001 Invention Projects!

Gregs web page from 2007 showing all the GE Japan Nuclear Power Plants to generate Electricity

Click on this link below go right to acrobat file 19 megs 4,000 pages so it will take mins and 5 mins to open acrobat before it loads.... please read all 4,000 pages I wrote. Go to page 1410

2007 Gregs Web on GE Nuke Power Plants in Japan and Earth Quakes will happen...

go to page 1410 in this pdf file... Japan power plants from 2007

2011 : NYC Times Square, the "ElectricWindmillCar" is parked there legally but illegally suppressed!

Caesar windmill carriersRevenge for $177 Trillion dollars spent on MIT war toys since 1980 should be Free H Hydrogen fuel for 7 billion people, have all the Carriers converted to carry 10,000 Windmills on several decks like a Cruise Ship then we can turn their electricity production into electrolysis for H and O and you can unload Ten Thousand containers of H at -254 C when the reinvented Air Craft Carriers come into port instead of MIT invented Missiles.

2011 : 10,000 Windmills on several decks on several AirCraft Carriers...

2011 : 10,000 Windmills on several decks on several AirCraft Carriers... below deck no Jet Fighters just state of the arts Electrolysis Lab and learning how to make H at -254 C will test the Navy's H2O Universe they have never sailed on before.... grin!

2011 : Invention of the "ElectricWindmillCar" has been suppressed since October of 1980.

2011 : NYC Times Square, the "ElectricWindmillCar" is parked there legally but illegally suppressed!

2011 : Key West, Ten Eiffel Tower Structures built to house "Shipping Containers" for Bill and Melinda Gates patients flying into the Yale-Key West Medical school, and (Hurricane Shelter)... grin. Bill and Melinda Gates failed to cure much of anything, the MD from 1911 made more progress!

cop wife babyCop burned in a fiery wreck, 1 of 400,000 none are pictured on the front page of the New York Times! All 400k are persona non grata by Clintons and the State Dept, none can even sue BP Oil for the pains of the gasoline burns caused by suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980 for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues!

------------ 2nd story Key West Navy and the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Invention ---------

This information is unclassified.


Then, the commander looks for a port with a direct connection to the ship’s namesake. World War II Admiral Raymond Spruance was key in the U.S. Navy winning the war in the South Pacific. He finished his career as a four-star admiral. Prior to WWII, when he was a “one-star” stationed at Naval Air Station Key West he was key is establishing harbors, ports, Roosevelt Boulevard, and was in charge of securing the Key West water space.

“Key West is a great town for the Navy,” USS Spruane executive officer George Kessler relayed to the Key West Weekly following the lunch. “Key West has easy access for the port facilities, and the island is a great place for the crew to enjoy. We evaluated every aspect, and the welcoming spirit of the Navy League, the Chamber of Commerce, and that Mayor Cates has for us was the final selling point.”

With enthusiasm, Mayor Craig Cates told the entire crowd of business men and women gathered at the Casa Marina Resort this week, “The commander has a very large say and I want to personally thank Commander Westbrook for picking Key West. This is a true honor.”

$1 Billion for Navy Ships 66 since 1980

Gregs 2007 web

Gregs 2007 web

Gregs 2007 web

Gregs 2007 web

Gregs 2007 web
March 2011 Send cash or check to Greg Buell in Key West Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 - Please help Greg by financing my Invention Project to keep all Lightning Cloud to Cloud by reinventing Ben Franklin Lightning Rod, Gregs futuristic Cloud to Cloud Lighting Rod, if we can engineer and construct it in the Clouds...

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions

Greg at Key West Beach Ski SailingSki Sailing at Smathers Beach in Key West on March 4, 2011 2nd Day in Key West

... it will not be a Bill Gates Cloud Computing but a new Operating System called Inventor OS that comes preinstalled on your computer with 1,001 inventions spelled out and all with links... might also be used as an Hurricane Lightning Rod by no more Hurricanes as they will all be Tropical Storms...

so Please Help Greg is in Key West Today! Send Cash or Check before I have to work 6 days a week 10 hours a day as this will stifle my getting the Cloud to Cloud Lightning Rod and the Rx Penicillins Like Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer, look in Photos and Boss I will upload my Key West Pictures here look for Greg in Key West in Boss and Photo links, thanks

Copyright 2011 Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West, FL 33041

Cell 303 548 9904 - call Greg in Key West, Observers in Key West Brainstorm a conversation with Greg about 1,001 Invention Projects I worked on my list flying to Key West on American Airlines, join Greg in Key West designing building the Yale Key West Medical School A new Eiffel Tower French Revolution via women with Breast Cancer... Manhattan Projects are for MIT War Toys not the Cure for Breast Cancer... next to the Key West Airport on the Salt Ponds. Graduating Top MD's who can give IBM's Watson diagnosis tips and tips to invent a cure instead of pills you have to take for the rest of your life as Roche makes more $ Billions selling you pills you have to take the rest of your life, not exactly getting a shot of Penicillin and be cured in a few days... Fleming would be killed by Roche Today if he worked on a RX like Penicillin Cure for Cancer and other Diseases as Roche would go bankrupt with all diseases cured! Roche in Switzerland is worst than BP Oil in London! Cure Greed! Gas Lobotomy for every different addiction even alcoholism and gambling! Thanks Greg Buell so Please Help Greg in Key West Today! Send Cash or Check before I have to work 6 days a week 10 hours a day Yale started Spring Break Today they will be in Key West soon... as working 60 hours in Key West, this will stifle my getting the Cloud to Cloud Lightning Rod and the Rx Penicillins Like Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer, look in Photos and Boss I will upload my Key West Pictures here look for Greg in Key West in Boss and Photo links, thanks Copyright 2011 Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West, FL 33041




March 3, 2011 I land in Key West to get one long overdue invention started by Ben Franklin and his lightning rod... Yes the Dept. of Education has failed 100 million HS kids since I went to HS in 1964!

Greg Buell Lovestar's futuristic Lightning Rod will be strung across the approaching Black Clouds (via Helium Birthday Balloons) that have Killed way to many for centuries! High Tension Power Lines will take on a new meaning keeping Lightning Cloud to cloud. Caesar wrecks the smart carCraigslist Deleted my Key West Post!

Caesar wrecks the smart carCraigslist is part of our Orwellian Society!

Caesar wrecks the smart carThis is what Greg will look like walking down Duval street, looking for a job to finance my 1,001 Invention Projects, watch for me on the Web cams! Make a donation $ if our Orwellian Caesar lets you $

Caesar wrecks the smart carI would think 1,001 women MD's are part of the tourists statistics, I certainly hope so! Brainstorm the Rx Penicillin like Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer will be a spin off invention from flying to Key West to work on keeping Lightning from striking the Earth!

Gregs Lighting Rod could be erected by Helium Balloons... if I can invent a way to sober up drunk Electrons, which Lightning is made of...

Quarks, Muons, Tau's, Neutrinos...

CERN in Geneva Failed Humanity...

Greg Buell Lovestar's futuristic Lightning Rod will be strung across the approaching Black Clouds (via Helium Birthday Balloons) that have Killed way to many for centuries! High Tension Power Lines will take on a new meaning keeping Lightning Cloud to cloud.

March 3, 2011 I land in Key West and hopefully my Biography will read Greg never ever returned to Boulder, Colorado!

Our Orwellian Caesar has stifled Greg Buell Lovestar in Boulder Colorado from working on the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer out of "Spite" for as long as Greg has lived in Boulder, Colorado!

Key West Lightning Invention Project has started Lightning fast as I bought my American Airlines ticket to Key West. Never Ever coming back to Boulder, Colorado!

WHO news at the UN today is Alcohol has killed more than "War". And of course Budweiser King said no breast cancer warning on cans of Coors or Bud would made a dent in the stats of 100 women a day deaths. And Our Budweiser King said if sales decline drunks would make it at home from scratch just to keep being drunks as they don't want to sober up... Our Orwellian Caesar said OK you win!

Drunken Black Clouds have killed way to many for Centuries, Dead Inventors, the mass grave is at Microsoft HQ and Bill Gates kills 100 inventors a day and will until I invent a lightning rod that stops GREED $$$ and stupid apps!

March 3, 2011 I land in Key West to get one long overdue invention started by Ben Franklin and his lightning rod...

Gregs Lighting Rod could be erected by Helium Balloons... if I can invent a way to sober up drunk Electrons, which Lightning is made of...

Quarks, Muons, Tau's, Neutrinos...

CERN in Geneva Failed Humanity...

Geneva Bankers Failed Humanity too by letting "Oil Men" deposit $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980.

Bell Labs ATT was better than Ben Franklin in HS in 1964, in 2011 they are infected by Bill Gates and Gates at the Pentagon. News of a cube Cell Tower will do Greg no Good on a Island Off Key West or 99% of Earth Cell Towers do not reach.

I will reinvent the Satellite Cell Phone that covers 100% of the Earth. And Verizon can advertise "Call Anywhere On Earth"!

Reinvent the "Satellite Dish" at Bell Labs, No they have an Oil Virus with a hangover worst than Waking up to Breast Cancer news that our Orwellian Caesar has stifled Greg Buell Lovestar in Boulder Colorado from working on the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer out of "Spite" for as long as Greg has lived in Boulder, Colorado!

March 3, 2011 I land in Key West to get one long overdue invention started by Ben Franklin and his lightning rod... Women MD's in a bikini will be my inspiration too.

Greg wants to become the first legal Polygamist in Key West!!!!

Greg wants to become the first legal Polygamist in Key West!!!!

Greg wants to become the first legal Polygamist in Key West!!!!

Greg wants to become the first legal Polygamist as this will really boost Key West Tourists statistics and rocket Gregs erection of a Yale Key West Medical School. Eiffel Tower Structure loaded with Containers. 100" LED TV's in every room with picture in picture feature you will not find at Sony Today.

Key West Lightning Invention Project has started Lightning fast as I bought my American Airlines ticket to Key West. Never Ever coming back to Boulder, Colorado!

March 3, 2011 I land in Key West to get one long overdue invention started by Ben Franklin and his lightning rod... Yes the Dept. of Education has failed 100 million HS kids since I went to HD in 1964!

Greg Buell Lovestar's futuristic Lightning Rod will be strung across the approaching Black Clouds (via Helium Birthday Balloons) that have Killed way to many for centuries! High Tension Power Lines will take on a new meaning keeping Lightning Cloud to cloud.

Our Orwellian Caesar has stifled Greg Buell Lovestar in Boulder Colorado from working on the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer out of "Spite" for as long as Greg has lived in Boulder, Colorado!

March 3, 2011 I land in Key West to get one long overdue invention started by Ben Franklin and his lightning rod...

Caesar wrecks the smart carCraigslist Deleted my Key West Post!

Caesar wrecks the smart carCraigslist could be part of the CIA!

Caesar wrecks the smart carThis is what Greg will look like walking down Duval street, watch for me on the Web cams!

Caesar wrecks the smart carI would think 1,001 women MD's are part of the tourists statistics, I certainly hope so! Brainstorm the Rx Penicillin like Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer will be a spin off invention from flying to Key West to work on keeping Lightning from striking the Earth!

Gregs Lighting Rod could be erected by Helium Balloons... if I can invent a way to sober up drunk Electrons, which Lightning is made of... Electrons...

Quarks, Muons, Tau's, Neutrinos...

CERN in Geneva Failed Humanity...

Even Caesar has a sense of humor - we all like to listen to Sorority Girls Conversations, I especially would have liked to listen in on what Yale Girls wanted me, Greg Buell Lovestar to Invent TODAY - 1 Feb 2011...

Caesar wrecks the smart car1,001 Invention Projects -- Yale Girls Missed Out on Every Conversation about what they want Invented at Yale - Elite Yale - Millions of "Girl" conversations at Yale's three sororities! Elite at Yale Failed Society for $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenue they wanted more than Sorority Girls Inventing from 1980 to 2011... General McChrystal is teaching these Sorority Girls at Yale Today, Yale Sorority Girls will Observe General McChrystal facing the Firing Squad at Yale for not driving the ElectricWindmillCar out of Times Square before 9/11... This was Treason by all the Pentagon Generals. Any one of 1,001 Pentagon Generals could have driven the ElectricWindmillCar out of Times Square and prevented 9/11... BP Oil could not have stopped these Generals! LOSS to Society is more than the $177 Trillion BP Oil scam from everyone buying gasoline after the ElectricWindmillCar was invented in 1980! LOST inventions from 1,001 Yale Sorority Girls, their personal loss of millions of conversations, yelling and screaming I want this Invented TODAY! As Sorority girls do so well... wow! I will try my best to make up for this LOSS by the Elite at Yale by getting a few yale MD wives and brainstorm the Rx penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for Breast cancer and Cancer, along with 1,001 other Invention Projects lost from 1980 to 2011 by Our Elite Orwellian Caesar at Yale! Our Orwellian Caesar will not let me, Greg Buell Lovestar work on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure Today 1 Feb. 2011 as he is drunk selling Oil, Guns, Coors and to Obese Observers at Sandia Labs. Observers while working on their Treadmill Desk can't log on to Los Alamos, their $1 Trillion in new supercomputers bought from IBM from 1980 to 2011 to do a Google Search on the 1,001 Inventions Projects that should be spelled out on this web page Today... with 1,001 highlighted links. All a very tragic loss to Society and even Caesar has a sense of humor - we all like to listen to Sorority Girls Conversations, I especially would have liked to listen in on what Yale Girls wanted me to Invent TODAY - 1 Feb 2011...

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


2011 Now in the New York Times, after the "Ball" dropped... the "ElectricWindmillCar is still parked in "Times Square" legally, but suppressed illegally by NYC, the Fed's, and our "Orwellian Caesar"!

2011 Drunks from New Years burned and burned to death in fiery wrecks, thank God they are not Pictured on the front page of the New York Times Today as they are all persona non grata in our "Orwellian Society". The NY Times does not publish fiery drunk driver wrecks on the Front Page!

Caesar wrecks the smart carObservers killed in this crash knew Super Air Bags on the Outside has been suppressed for 20 years by the USA.

2011 Drunks from New Years killed their wife... Mad Men drunk or sober kill many tens of thousands of women in 2011. Drunk Mad Men, while our Elite Orwellian Caesar's stifles inventing a "Gas Lobotomy for Drunks"!

2011 Times Square New Years Eve, new "no smoking" laws by Mayor Bloomburg, no warning label on alcoholic drinks that will be the cause of some breast cancers breaking through the breast in 2011. And Bloomburg daughter is in the high risk group!

2011 : NYC Times Square, the "ElectricWindmillCar" is parked there legally but illegally suppressed!

Caesar windmill carriersRevenge for $177 Trillion dollars spent on MIT war toys since 1980 should be Free H Hydrogen fuel for 7 billion people, have all the Carriers converted to carry 10,000 Windmills on several decks like a Cruise Ship then we can turn their electricity production into electrolysis for H and O and you can unload Ten Thousand containers of H at -254 C when the reinvented Air Craft Carriers come into port instead of MIT invented Missiles.

2011 : 10,000 Windmills on several decks on several AirCraft Carriers...

2011 : 10,000 Windmills on several decks on several AirCraft Carriers... below deck no Jet Fighters just state of the arts Electrolysis Lab and learning how to make H at -254 C will test the Navy's H2O Universe they have never sailed on before.... grin!

2011 Snow, Ice, trees fall on power lines. No electricity for 100k Today, as our "Orwellian Caesar's" suppressed free Hydrogen fuel and H fueled electric generators to replace Xcel, New England Power and Light, Con Edison. Electric generation inventions from Edison to Today, have always been suppressed for old technology, and "Fuel Oil" and Coal Power Plants are killing those in the "New England Blizzard". Old New England families like Kennedy and Kerry keep the "Old Mill" running by suppressing -254 C H cans that were not invented in 1980. Now kids left in hot cars as the "Climate Control" accessory is also suppressed in the summer time, but the idiot who put kids seats in the back so mom could forget the kid is libel for half the dead kids! And Yale MD's know its stupid to put kid seats in back, so mom can forget the kid. Did any CIA analyst write a paper saying mom will forget the kid if you make her put the kids seat in back? If so we can sue the CIA for Billions!

Caesar 2 H tanks on top car H stationsTwo Hydrogen tanks on top of your car -254 C Hydrogen, Nobel like "sawdust" inventions have been suppressed since 1980, the King of Sweden has $ Billions in Texas and Saudi bribes in Swiss Banks for suppressing Nobel Like Inventions! Refueling -254 C Hydrogen tanks will have to done at the factory as the King of Sweden has stifled this Nobel invention project. So drive your car into the H station, robot takes off one H tank puts on a full one. And you car will be climate controlled 24/7 so kids and dogs will never again die in hot or cold cars.

2011 : Nobel like "sawdust" inventions have been suppressed since 1980, by the King of Sweden!

2011 : Super Air Bags on the Outside of the ElectricWindmillCar parked in Times Square protected its occupant's from being "Totaled" in a 5 mph crash... thousands have to deal with today after the snow storm. Toyota, Honda and others put plastic bumpers on cars, so a 5 mph crash cost you several thousand dollars!

2011 : A VOYAGE to ALPHA CENTAURI to "Observe Aliens" reinventing the "Space Telescope"

2011 : NYC Times Square, the "ElectricWindmillCar" is parked there legally but illegally suppressed!

2011 : A voyage to Polygamy, marry MD women in Key West, Honeymoon in Key West, work 24/7 break all the AMA work rules, brainstorm a Rx penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer!

1911, observations of the medical journal "The Lancet"

1911, observations of the medical journal "The Lancet" Elite Yale and Harvard MD's failed Humanity for the last 100 years, why the Hell did the French Revolution stop at the border? UN WHO Cholera from Nepal UN troops killed 10k in Haiti... in 2010. UN MD's do not want to be held libel... $$$

2011 : A VOYAGE to ALPHA CENTAURI to "Observe Aliens" reinventing the "Space Telescope"

Caesar failed Star TravelIn 11,000 years Barnards Star will be 3 light years from Earth... Humanity will still need a reinvented Space Telescope to Observe and talk to these Aliens 3 light years from Earth.

2011 : NYC Times Square, the "ElectricWindmillCar" is parked there legally but illegally suppressed!

Caesar H -254 tankHydrogen Tank from NASA H at -254 C fills this tank... wow. 10,000 of these H tanks in Orbit - We can dock them like a 1811 train in 2011 if Our Orwellian Caesar is given a gas lobotomy for his Oil Revenue Addiction, Sex in Thailand with kids Addiction, Mexican Drug Cartel Cocaine Addiction, addiction's to MIT War Toys, and cure Caesar of his syphilis and hepatitis from being a Fag! Women are the inventors inspiration! NASA with 10,000 of these -254 C Hydrogen tanks in Orbit... wow!

2011 : Invention of "Super Air Bags on the Outside" of Cars and Trucks has been suppressed for 20 years now!

2011 : Invention of the "Web Cam" in your car, add on accessory Our Orwellian government does not want you to have, something about the "Observers" controlling all the cameras. Idiot drivers must now be caught on a government camera and they are in a hurry so you better run across the cross walk or they will come inches from you! And the government observers let this go on at almost every crosswalk, especially the right turn drivers with the Yield Sign...

2011 : NYC Times Square, the "ElectricWindmillCar" is parked there legally but illegally suppressed!

Caesar windmill carriersRevenge for $177 Trillion dollars spent on MIT war toys since 1980 should be Free H Hydrogen fuel for 7 billion people, have all the Carriers converted to carry 10,000 Windmills on several decks like a Cruise Ship then we can turn their electricity production into electrolysis for H and O and you can unload Ten Thousand containers of H at -254 C when the reinvented Air Craft Carriers come into port instead of MIT invented Missiles.

2011 : 10,000 Windmills on several decks on several AirCraft Carriers...

2011 : 10,000 Windmills on several decks on several AirCraft Carriers... below deck no Jet Fighters just state of the arts Electrolysis Lab and learning how to make H at -254 C will test the Navy's H2O Universe they have never sailed on before.... grin!

2011 : Invention of the "ElectricWindmillCar" has been suppressed since October of 1980.

2011 : NYC Times Square, the "ElectricWindmillCar" is parked there legally but illegally suppressed!

2011 : Key West, Ten Eiffel Tower Structures built to house "Shipping Containers" for Bill and Melinda Gates patients flying into the Yale-Key West Medical school, and (Hurricane Shelter)... grin. Bill and Melinda Gates failed to cure much of anything, the MD's from 1911 made more progress!

Caesar Malls not Med Schools in Saudi ArabiaTen Eiffel Tower Structures next to the Airport loaded with Shipping Containers, we can build a State of the Arts Yale Key West Medical School in 2011. 25 Stories High stacked on 10 Eiffel Tower Bases... fastest way to build and inventors will get a windfall of invention projects connecting all the wires and pipes together.

Caesar has fat observersNYC Observers behind the cameras should all get a Tread Mill Desk for 2011... most are already to fat to run as they have knee problems just walking with all the fat. Caesar has no plans in 2011 for Treadmill Desk and Ephedra Diet Pills will not be back in stock at the Health Food Stores in 2011.

2011 : 177 Trillion "Tar Balls" are in the White Sand Beaches in the Keys

2011 : 177 Trillion Deep Oil Wells drilled in the last decade are leaking oil.

2011 : 177 Trillion "Tar Balls" are in the White Sand Beaches in the Keys, buried treasure in the sand for BP Oil and the British Ruling Class who put them there for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues, the 177,000 burned and burned to death in fiery LA, London, Paris, Moscow, Rome wrecks are all Persona Non Grata... they have to pay the MD's at the Burn Unit out of their own pockets, BP Oil has not set up a fund for those burned and burned to death in "Fiery Wrecks"!

Caesar keeps sharksTokyo Tuna is $30 a lb when there are 10 Billion Sharks in the Ocean, this is price fixing by Bill and Melinda Gates at Microsoft, Oh no its price fixing by Men infected by Oil Men... please find a cure or call a cop! Gas Lobotomy for Greed.

2011 : 10 Billion Sharks in the Ocean, and Bill and Melinda Gates can't catch one!

2011 Saudi Princes will purchase "Organs" in the USA while USA civilians waiting for the same "Organs" will die... Bill and Melinda Gates know this, Carter, Clintons, Bush's know this, yet our "Elite" at Yale and Harvard will not make Organ Donation Mandatory on the front page of the New York Times!

2011 : 1,001 Invention Projects pre installed on your PC has been suppressed by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Los Alamos has $1 Trillion dollars worth of supercomputers from IBM since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 and refuses to leave the next generation of New Abombs alone for Civilian Inventions from PC users logging on to $1 Trillion dollars worth of IBM supercomputers. PC users will need the Los Alamos Abomb programmers to rewrite the supercomputer programs for the web and invent a Google search for inventors searching for 1,001 Invention Projects that come preinstalled on new 2011 notebooks loaded with Inventor OS not Windows 7...

2011 : In 2011 Syphilis at the Pentagon will infect more troops than the flu!

2011 : Syphilis and Hepatitis Statistics at the Pentagon are "Top Secret" for $ liability reasons $$$

2011 : $ 1 Trillion Dollar Yale New Haven Medical School can be built in 2011 if there is a New French Revolution driven towards revenge on the "Elite" ruling class Oil Men.

1947 : Greg Buell Lovestar born at Yale New Haven Medical School Hospital

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions

1948 : A distance of 4.3 fight-years is universally adopted for Alpha Centauri

1955, August : Closest approach in the true orbit (periastron) at 11.9 A.U.

1967 : Thackeray determines the radial velocity of Proxima is -15.7±3.3 kms.-1.

1978 : Kamper and Wesselink calculate that the total mass of all three stars is 2.13M? (Solar Masses). They also find the distance of Proxima to be 1.295 parsecs (4.22 ly.), and the AB system as 1.333 parsecs (4.35 ly.) but 4.3 light years remains the adopted distance.

1978 : Flannery and Ayres determine the age of the system, based on the luminosities and masses, as slightly older than the Sun at 6 billion years.

1980, May : Maximum apparent separation of the system at 22.6?.

1980, October : ElectricWindmillCar is invented in Boulder Colorado during the Saudi Oil Embargo Era, Yes its on YouTube but only for the elite.

Caesar keeps coalCoal BP Coal is Mined when Great Minds of 2011 tell us Hydrogen is better than Coal, yet the UN will not exposed this "Coal Genocide" because our UN in 2011 is a Criminal Organization that has out lived its invention!

1981, January : John Lennon died needlessly as his killer would have been winded from the ElectricWindmillCar invention headlines in the New York Times and would never had killed John Lennon if the New York Times didn't go along with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar!

1984: Greg Buell Lovestar hitchhiked to Calgary Canada and filed for Political Asylum, was kept in jail for a week and put on a flight from Calgary to Denver, Colorado. Canada gov. said Carter pardoned everyone from Vietnam that I was not a political prisoner. Four years after the Saudi Oil Embargo ended the Canada Oil Men realized they could make $177 Trillion dollars from Canada Oil Wells by 2011... even though tens of thousands would burn and burn to death in fiery wrecks. Sick Greed of Canada Oil Men will get them all hanged...for tossing gasoline bombs at SUV's driving down the LA Freeway burning and burning to death 100,000 of thousands for $177 Trillion Canada Dollars from oil revenues. The worst genocide in the history of Earth!

2011 : Canada will become the 51st State. Payback for the Oil Genocide, Canada could have told the world the ElectricWindmillCar was parked in Times Square on 9/11.

2011 : Canada will become the 51st State. Payback for the Oil Genocide, Canada could have told the world the ElectricWindmillCar was parked in Times Square on 9/11 and had been parked there legally since its invention in 1980. This would have saved going to war in Iraq.

2011 : Killing 900,000 Muslims in Iraq, none of whom were the terrorist as all the terrorists flew in from Saudi Arabia. Wrong Nation!

2011 : Killing 900,000 Muslims in Iraq, none of whom were the terrorist as all the terrorists flew in from Saudi Arabia. Wrong Nation!

2011 : Sex torture of Muslim Men POW's out of hate for Muslims, videos of this will be on YouTube when the Pentagon Generals drive the ElectricWindmillCar out of Times Square!

2011 : Pentagon Generals parked the ElectricWindmillCar in Times Square in 1980... so they could go off and play war games, killing 900,000 since 1980 and getting 5,000 of their own troops killed, because the Generals didn't want to drive the ElectricWindmillCar out of Times Square on any New Years Day!

2011 : Bush should of invaded Saudi Arabia. Bush's are Texas Oil men decades into the worst genocide in history, for more oil revenues. So what the Hell. Right?

1984 : Greg Buell Lovestar had an invention idea for an Space Telescope far, superior to the Hubble Telescope, one invented to observe and hear Aliens, but the Ruling Class Observers were drunk on $177 Trillion in Oil Revenue, Cocaine, Coors!

2011 : Yale only admits 100 to become MD's... did anyone at Yale read the 1911 Medical Journal article on the diseases that plague Humanity?

2011 : Yale only admits 100 to become MD's... did anyone at Yale read the 1911 Medical Journal article on the diseases that plague Humanity?

Caesars helicoptersDouble Decker Medical Helicopter with MD on board, Ambulances in 2011 could of had MD's on board too if the Medical Schools didn't limit the number of kids getting into Medical School - this is a crime of 1911 London why is it still going on for the Medical School classes of 2011 in September? Yale only admits 100 to become MD's... did anyone at Yale read the 1911 Medical Journal article on the diseases that plague Humanity, or did they just Fail Humanity for $1 million dollar salaries for the lowest paid MD's.... No Yale MD makes under $10 million a year in 2011.

1986: Van Altena at Yale University calculates the age of the system as 5.5±0.2 billion years.

1986: at Yale University the ElectricWindmillCar and its inventor Greg Buell Lovestar are "Observed" in our "Orwellian Society" run by the "Elite" at Yale and Harvard, our ruling class.

1988 : at Yale University Texas and Saudi Oil men plot the worst "Genocide" in the history of Earth! The Oil Genocide Era 1980 to 2011.

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions

1993 : Matthews and Gilmore question the association of Proxima Centauri to the AB system. The velocity of Proxima as measured by Thackeray is too high for physical connection. They conclude that Proxima is most likely a star passing close to the AB system. Later, using the ESO’s Coravel program in this same year, the results based on probability made again by Matthews and Gilmore reverse this decision, concluding a likely association.

1997, August : Hipparcos parallax data is finally released. Adopted distance is now 1.3478±0.0026pc. or 4.3955±0.0082 ly. from the most accurate parallax known to date of 0.74212?±0.00140 arcsec. This distance is universally adopted, but in reality decreases measurably from year to year.

2000 : Position Angle starts changing more rapidly until around 2025. Apparent visual magnitude is -0.29v.

2002 : A new paper published in Astronomy and Astrophysics of another set of orbital elements with higher precision. This was made by a collaboration whose author name listed as the Belgian observer D. Pourbaix. This is abbreviated in the US Naval Observatory (USNO) WDS Reference file as Pbx2000b. One of the main differences is the quality grade of the orbit, which is downgraded to Grade 2.

Caesar is not smartSmart Cars in 2011 you will never find this picture on the front Page of the New York Times in 2011 as the guys at the NY Times took a bribe not to print these Smart Car picture and even tell the public how many crashed and smashed those inside!

2011 : Google search of Boulder Colorado car crashed in the snow and ice storm of last week... you will not find anything. How many people slipped on the ice and fell, went to the emergency room, for some reason this information is not available to the public to comprehend their trips out in the next ice and snow storm!

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions

2010 : Boulder, Colorado "City Counsel" and "Boulder Colorado Chamber of Commerce" let "Travel Agencies" openly book "Sex Tourism Vacations" to Thailand.

2011 : Small Business Owners have "A Windfall" in profits from government perks from the Fed's who have now taken in $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues since 1980.

2011 : Temp Agencies like Kelly Services and Manpower have 100% of new hires for Seagate, Sun, Celestial Seasonings Tea, and Valley Labs, even the cops who Own the Breath Testers BI only hire temps.

2011 : Doubling the "Windfall Profits" the majority of this money is spent on sex with kids in Thailand by 10,000 Small Business Men from Boulder, Colorado.

2011 : Doubling the "Windfall Profits" the majority of this money is spent on sex with kids in Thailand by 10,000 Small Business Men from Boulder, Colorado.

2011 : Pope could not "Expose" this in his 2010 criticisms of USA Society as the Pope had taken $$$ 100 Billion in bribes from Texas! and Saudi Oil men to go along with the Oil Genocide Era, the worst Genocide in the history of Earth.

Caesar keep temps to build jetsThis is the Rolls Royce 9000 that exploded in the Largest Plane in the World the AirBus Plane.

2011 : Rolls Royce uses temps, just like Bill and Melinda Gates use Temps and out sourcing to China and India, those killed by Temps and Outscouring can not sue anyone as this is a "Genocide" the temps have been temps at Kelly Services and Manpower for 20 years... and are the "Slaves" of Jimmy Carters Peanut Plantation in 2011.

2011 : Kelly Services and Manpower are run by Texas and Saudi Oil men who also run the "Oil Genocide Era and Society" and they all want another $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues and another $175 Trillion from Temp Labor and Outscouring windfalls! These temp agencies are mass murderers of 2011.

Caesar stock temps here med devicesCovidien Temps from Kelly Services stock this company that makes Medical Devices found in most Hospitals, the stats are Top Secret if you are wondering how many are killed by temps building Medical Devices, like London in 1911... AMA Medical Journals do not write up temp workers in the Hospitals or the temps who build GE PET CAT scanners around the world for the lowest wages and working conditions possible.

2998 : The AB pair of a Centauri crosses the galactic plane at longitude ‘L’ 314.95o.

4000 : a Centauri and ß Centauri point to the true centre of the Cross.

6200 : a Centauri rapid common proper motion produces a close approach or stellar conjunction with ß Centauri. The minimum distance reaches 23' or 1380?. This is the best stellar conjunction for 1st magnitude stars for the next four hundred thousand years.

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions

10000 : Barnard’s Star makes its closest approach to the Sun at 1.153 parsecs or 3.76 light years. This is about 0.04 parsecs further than a Centauri would be at this time, which shine now at +1.34 magnitude.

2011 : After a century of progress, the issues that medicine must tackle in the coming year aren't that different from the ones that faced doctors at the start of 1911, according to the observations of the medical journal The Lancet.

Caesar failed medical termonologyCaesar Failed Medical Terminology, Failed to teach Medical Terminology to High School kids since 1980... 2011 HS kids should be taught how to pronounce and spell all Medical Terms Yale Medical Grad know the physiology of...

2011 : Mexicans who do not know English working at Hospitals will kill thousands of Gringos in 2011.

2011 : Mexicans who do not know English working at Hospitals will kill thousands of Gringos in 2011.

2011 : Cadavers for all Students would be a Windfall Profit for Humanity!

2011 : MD PhD in Inventions and Medical Inventions too!

2011 : Space Telescope inventions, as 4 light years is to far for the Pentagon and MIT to travel just to kill Aliens!
2011 : "How much really changes?" by looking back to an editorial "The Promise of 1911."

2011 : The Lancet a British Journal, elite one, British Royals have Failed Humanity as BP Oil runs the worst genocide in the history of Earth not just the last 100 years. England has been socializing with Saudi Princes selling them transplant organs, and making prostitutes out of Young British Women since 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar.

2011 : (Credit: CBS/AP) The publication's lead editorial for Jan. 1 uses a century-old lens to explore the question, "How much really changes?" by looking back to an editorial called "The Promise of 1911." In the older editorial, The Lancet assessed progress to that point and the challenges ahead.

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions

Caesar stock mexicans with flu hereI worked here as a temp at Christmas and got fired via Mexican women who did not like my comments in the break room about them refusing the free flu shots..

No Leanin Tree did not give free flu shots to temps just the Mexicans who work for Leanin Tree... Two Crimes and both will give others, infants the flu, some will die. Wow! New York Times will never put the pictures of 100 dead infants on the front page, all dead from Mexicans giving them the flu and Whooping Cough!

2011 : Mexicans who do not know English working at Hospitals will kill thousands of Gringos in 2011.

2011 : In his 1911 editorial, Samuel Squire Sprigge, editor of The Lancet from 1909 until 1937, lauded advancements against rabies, diphtheria (a bacterial respiratory infection) and the plague. Prior to the turn of the century, the bacterium that causes the plague had been identified during a pandemic that began in China. The disease, which was blamed for the medieval Black Death, had returned to Europe in 1911, "to be met by science armed with the knowledge of its mode of propagation and of the practical measures to prevent the extension of its ravages," according to the editorial.

2011 : The specter of tuberculosis (TB) still loomed, however. "It has seen the continued efforts of science bringing us nearer to that stage of knowledge at which mastery of the disease may be hoped for," Sprigge wrote.

2011 : A century later, that demon has not yet vanished. In 2009, an estimated 1.7 million people worldwide died from TB, most of them in Africa, and drug-resistant strains have emerged.

Caesar not germ freeWhite Coats Picture at Yale Medical School when the Top Brass the Elite MD's at Yale Medical School know the names of the germs on their medical students white coats yet are Brain Dead to dressing the Medical Students in Space Suits... addiction is a terrible disease.

2011 : Plague, rabies and diphtheria also remain fatal diseases, most often in developing parts of the world, according to the World Health Organization. One problem that could easily appear unchanged from the 1911 editorial was "the elucidation of the problem of cancer." Since then, science has shed light on some causes, including tobacco, viruses, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and certain chemicals, and has developed more-complex treatments. However, the disease itself remains an intractable problem. In 2006, American men were diagnosed with cancer at a rate of 539 per 100,000, and 221 per 100,000 died, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Caesar failed to plant new seedsFive of these docked together in a Pentagon Shape can become the "International Harvester Combine" of 2011 not just for Kansas but for the Amazon Figs, Cashews, and can also replace the North Sea Crab Ships that are caked in ice on TV.

2011 : In addition to "The Promise of 1911," the century-old issue of The Lancet covered topics still relevant, its new editorial points out. These include critiques of medical education and a report of the crackdown on the trade in rotten eggs in New York.

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions

Caesar has a wrecked brainBrain 2011 Invention I want is Total Recall so I can finally learn my Medical Terminology... When I applied for a job at Roche here in Boulder Colorado I told them I wanted the job to invent a Total Recall Memory pill, the interview went great but I did not get the job and Roche never invented a Total Recall Memory pill.

2011 : "Food safety continues to threaten health, yet new food legislation in the USA seems uncertain because of cost," reads the new editorial, which is the collective product of the journal's senior editors. How could free H cans at -254 C help Humanity in Food Safety? You do the Math, You do the invention! Don't let Bush do the math or you will get food poisoning.

2011 : How could free H cans at -254 C help Humanity in Food Safety?

2010 : Reports in 1911 of cocaine addiction...

2010 : cocaine addiction... in Boulder, Colorado. Small Business owners here have made the Mexican Drug Cartels into "Texas and Saudi Oil Men" spending $100 Billion on cocaine in the last decade. "City Counsel" and "Boulder Colorado Chamber of Commerce" let "Travel Agencies" openly book "Sex Tourism Vacations" to Thailand and "Book" Cocaine buying trips to Mexico.

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions

2010 : "Oil CEO" has been President of the University of Colorado for a few years now... wasting money and time stifling the CU Students, from 1,001 invention projects and killing their "Moms" by stifling Greg Buell Lovestar from working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer. Listen to Greg's MP3 file in the Photos directory or Boss directory the links are above. At the same time the University Alumni are part of a Roche scam that spent $5.3 billion from pink breast cancer donations on $100,000 pill so stage 4 breast cancer women can live 4 weeks longer. Roche in Switzerland has been infected with "Oil Mens Greed" stealing donations for a "Breast cancer Cure".

2011 : Syphilis at the Pentagon will infect more troops than the flu!

2011 : Hepatitis at the Pentagon statistics are "Top Secret" as most die when a dirty Mexican gives them Hepatitis and the Pentagon Lawyers don't want to be held libel... $$$.

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions

2011 : LA Fiery Wrecks burned and burned to death some poor "Civilians" on 1-1-2011.

2011 : 1,115 "Civilians" in Pakistan killed by a CIA Drone, the widows are filing Law Suits in Pakistan against the CIA... Pakistanis are "richer" than Americans in LA in a fiery wreck today, as no LA COP or kid or widow has been able to sue BP Oil, Shell, Mobil etc not even for the cost of gasoline burns let alone the pain of being burned in gasoline. Most cops and kids burned over 50% of their body in a Fiery LA wreck will die with in 5 years, 5 years of torture via the Pentagon Generals who could have driven the ElectricWindmillCar out of Times Square on a New Years Day long before 9/11... this is Treason and Mass Murder by American generals as Clintons and the State Department have made civilians in the USA burned and burned to death in fiery LA Wrecks persona non grata and the New York Times goes along with this genocide of USA Civilians because they moved into a brand new 55 Story Skyscraper - a bribe from Texas and Saudi Oil Men. Pentagon Papers from 1975 were released by the Pentagon!

NY Times ElectricWindmillCar Swiss Oil Bribes

Caesar stops Greg from cancer cureGreg, me, dressed working as a Stop sign holder at constructions sites as Caesar Stoped Greg Buell Lovestar from working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer out of spite. Worst the $177 Trillion wasted on MIT war toys and sex with kids in Thailand by the Observers could have been spent on Overpasses and Underpasses at Millions of Intersections in the USA.

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer


2011 ----- 1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

2011 ----- Polygamous marriages will get the gas lobotomy invention BRAINSTORMING with your wives for criminals and war criminals... to say the least.

2011 ----- 1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions

2011 : NYC Times Square, the "ElectricWindmillCar" is parked there legally but illegally suppressed!

Caesar windmill carriersRevenge for $177 Trillion dollars spent on MIT war toys since 1980 should be Free H Hydrogen fuel for 7 billion people, have all the Carriers converted to carry 10,000 Windmills on several decks like a Cruise Ship then we can turn their electricity production into electrolysis for H and O and you can unload Ten Thousand containers of H at -254 C when the reinvented Air Craft Carriers come into port instead of MIT invented Missiles.

2011 : 10,000 Windmills on several decks on several AirCraft Carriers...

2011 : 10,000 Windmills on several decks on several AirCraft Carriers... below deck no Jet Fighters just state of the arts Electrolysis Lab and learning how to make H at -254 C will test the Navy's H2O Universe they have never sailed on before.... grin!

2011 : Invention of the "ElectricWindmillCar" has been suppressed since October of 1980.

2011 : NYC Times Square, the "ElectricWindmillCar" is parked there legally but illegally suppressed!

2011 : Key West, Ten Eiffel Tower Structures built to house "Shipping Containers" for Bill and Melinda Gates patients flying into the Yale-Key West Medical school, and (Hurricane Shelter)... grin. Bill and Melinda Gates failed to cure much of anything, the MD from 1911 made more progress!

cop wife babyCop burned in a fiery wreck, 1 of 400,000 none are pictured on the front page of the New York Times! All 400k are persona non grata by Clintons and the State Dept, none can even sue BP Oil for the pains of the gasoline burns caused by suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980 for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues!

2011 : New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Beast Cancer by the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 because the way Gravity is Generated at the New York Times in theer new 55 Story Building...

2011 : How is "Gravity Generated" at the New York Times?

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

Polygamous marriages will get the gas lobotomy invention for criminals and war criminals... to say the least.

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

Caesar wrecks 2011 inventions

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

Polygamous marriages will get the gas lobotomy invention for criminals and war criminals... to say the least.

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


12 17 2010 Now in the New York Times, the Obama administration is planning to educate the public about dealing with the effects of a nuclear bomb going off in Seoul.

12 17 2010 50-50 chance that a nuclear weapon attack will occur!

12 17 2010 100% chance that a nuclear weapon attack will occur!

12 17 2010 If our USA's Orwellian Caesar plans to provoke Pyongyang, North Korea to Nuke Seoul.

12 17 2010 Now in the New York Times, the Obama administration is planning to educate the public about dealing with the effects of a nuclear bomb going off in Seoul.

Caesar plans to provoke Pyongyang, North Korea to Nuke SeoulCaesar plans to provoke Pyongyang, North Korea to Nuke Seoul to save himself from several gov. run genocides, all are written up on this web page!

12 17 2010 To take the pressure and stress off himself, Texas and Saudi Oil revenues ($177 Trillion) that caused the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and caused Caesar to start and run several spin off gov. run genocides, all are know by "Observers" in this "Orwellian Society"! Cops and Kids burned and burned to death in Fiery LA Wrecks everyday! MD scams at the Burn Centers. 100k Staphylococcus deaths, 3 million Hepatitis deaths, Breast cancer deaths. Roche scam not to find a "Cure". Another Spin Off genocide is suppressing SuperAir Bags on the Outside of cars and trucks... cams inside and outside, free H via windmill car electrolysis, free Universities, Medicare for everyone, $1 Trillion Dollar Yale Medical School, 177 Trillion LOST inventions, and several more spin off genocides caused by suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980! And suppressing the Inventor OS for Windows $$$$$$ That stifled 1,001 Invention Projects preinstalled on your PC for Junk and Trial Software!

12 17 2010 Nuked... Seoul, dealing with the effects of this nuclear bombing...

12 17 2010 Would be a Rx Miracle Cure for the USA's "Orwellian Caesar"!

12 17 2010 USA's Caesar is under pressure, is stressed out, as millions of "Observers" are sick of the fiery LA Wrecks no one helps to STOP by exposing the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar.

12 17 2010 Now in the New York Times Today, the Obama administration is planning to educate the public about dealing with the effects of a nuclear bomb going off in Seoul.

12 17 2010 100% chance that a nuclear weapon attack will occur!

12 17 2010 If our USA's Orwellian Caesar plans to provoke Pyongyang, North Korea to Nuke Seoul.

Caesar plans to provoke Pyongyang, North Korea to Nuke SeoulCaesar plans to provoke Pyongyang, North Korea to Nuke Seoul to save himself from several gov. run genocides, all are written up on this web page!

12 17 2010 To take the pressure and stress off himself, Texas and Saudi Oil revenues ($177 Trillion) that caused the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and caused Caesar to start and run several spin off gov. run genocides, all are know by "Observers" in this "Orwellian Society"! Cops and Kids burned and burned to death in Fiery LA Wrecks everyday! MD scams at the Burn Centers. 100k Staphylococcus deaths, 3 million Hepatitis deaths, Breast cancer deaths. Roche scam not to find a "Cure". Another Spin Off genocide is suppressing SuperAir Bags on the Outside of cars and trucks... cams inside and outside, free H via windmill car electrolysis, free Universities, Medicare spin off genocides caused by suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980! And suppressing the Inventor OS for Windows $$$$$$ That stifled 1,001 Invention Projects preinstalled on your PC for Junk and Trial Software.

1 Breast cancer death today - the other 40,000 were not mentioned at all on ABC, CBS, NBC!

12 8 2010 New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards on front page picture!

12 8 2010 New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards on front page picture!

12 8 2010 New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards on front page picture!

12 8 2010 New York City 30 Years since John Lennon was shot at the Dakota

12 8 2010 New York Times still suppressing the news that the ElectricWindmillCar was invented in October of 1980 and the news if not suppressed by the New York Times would have made such huge headlines as the Saudi Oil Embargo was going on at this same time... John Lennon's killer would have been thinking of the ElectricWindmillCar and the future, not of becoming famous by killing John Lennon.

12 8 2010 Yoko Ono... "Just before we left the studio [minutes before he died] John looked at me," Ono writes.

12 8 2010 New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards on front page picture!

12 8 2010 New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards on front page picture!

cop wife babyCop burned in a fiery wreck, 1 of 40,000 none are pictured on the front page of the New York Times!

12 8 2010 New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards on front page picture!

12 8 2010 New York Times printed a picture of two Senators who stifled the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer on the front page thus spitting on Elizabeth Edwards and the 40,000 women who died from Breast cancer in 2010. Typical for the guys at the New York Times in an Oil Genocide Era and Society ruled by an Elite Orwellian Caesar!

12 8 2010 New York Times killed Elizabeth Edwards son too, in 1996 decades after Greg Buell Lovestar's invention idea of "Super Airbags on the Outside" of Cars and Trucks her son Wade Edwards was killed because the guys at the New York Times suppressed all news about "Super Airbags on the Outside" of Cars and Trucks for a decade before his car wreck!

12 8 2010 New York Times, is suppressing all news about "Polygamy Marriage" made legal as the New York Times is controlled by "Rich Fags" who have sex with kids in Thailand.

12 8 2010 Elizabeth Edwards husband's had very public affair with former campaign staffer Rielle Hunter. The affair, which resulted in an out of wedlock child, destroyed their marriage. If "Polygamy Marriages" were legal since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 Elizabeth Edwards would of had a choice instead of no choice.

12 8 2010 When Elizabeth Edwards realized she was dying and that her husband quite possibly would marry Hunter, Edwards was adamant that her children would not inherit their father's mistress as their stepmother. She was said by various sources to be hoping to groom Cate, who is an accomplished Harvard graduate, to be the full- time guardian of Emma Claire and Jack. As of her passing, it is not at all clear that Edwards was successful in securing this through a legal system that would undoubtedly give the strong benefit of the doubt to the father.

12 8 2010 Robin Robbers on Good Morning America ABC had the best "Show" today, CBS Early Show had the fewest comment about Elizabeth Edwards death from Breast Cancer and neither mentioned Elizabeth Edwards is 1 of 40,000 who died or will die in 2010 from Breast Cancer. NBC Today Show had Dr. Nancy Snyderman who did not mention the suppression of Greg Buell Lovestar's effort to get a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast cancer but Dr. Nancy Snyderman said we must "prevent" breast cancer for now not mentioning "Coors" or "Red Meat" or the other commercials that pay NBC and GE billions trillions in ad revenue!

12 8 2010 Women wanting to lose some weight to prevent breast cancer ask how do I get ephedra diet pills?

12 8 2010 Women wanting to lose some weight to prevent breast cancer ask how do I get ephedra diet pills?

12 8 2010 Women wanting to lose some weight to prevent breast cancer ask how do I get ephedra diet pills?

12 8 2010 Ephedra, and its synthetic counterpart, pseudoephedrine, have been placed under government control.

12 8 2010 Same Gov. guys who put kids seats in the back so Mom's would forget the kid and he she would die in a hot car that is not an ElectricWindmillCar with Climate Control 24/7. Infants freeze to death in cold cars in Moscow.

12 8 2010 Invent Something in 1980 that would have saved the life of John Lennon and Yoko Ono's sanity! And BP Oil would suppress it for 30 years to make $177 Trillion in oil revenues!

12 8 2010 177 Trillion Galaxies to drive to...

12 8 2010 300 Trillion Stars in the Sky, next news will be about all the Aliens in the Universe!

12 8 210 How is "Gravity Generated"?

12 8 210 How is "Gravity Generated"?

12 8 210 How is "Gravity Generated"?

12 8 2010 New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards on front page picture!

12 8 2010 New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards on front page picture!

cop wife babyCop burned in a fiery wreck, 1 of 40,000 none are pictured on the front page of the New York Times!

12 8 2010 New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards on front page picture!

12 8 210 How is "Gravity Generated" at the New York Times when our Orwellian Caesar is the "Big Brother" in the Orwell book "1984" suppressing Orwell's other book "Animal Farm" when it got Greg Buell Lovestar the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in October of 1980, as I was at the George Reynolds Branch Library here in Boulder Colorado in the mist of the Saudi Oil Embargo brainstorming an invention to bankrupt "Saudi Oil" took a break form reading "Animal Farm" when outside sat on the concrete blocks saw smoke "blowin in the wind" from the direction of NCAR our Elite Castle on the Mountain Side here... felt wind on my face, watching the traffic stream down Table Mesa Drive - I ran into the Libraries bathroom, looked into the mirror and told the "Observers" about the ElectricWindmillCar! Ted Kennedy and others were behind the mirror just like in "1984" but I couldn't break the mirror and expose them! Carter was President, he was Bullied or Bribed by Ted Kennedy to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar - by making a deal with the Saudi King, he could keep his oil revenue flowing if he ended the Oil Embargo, thus this is how the Oil Embargo of 1980 ended. Humanity lost an "Inventor" OS for 30 years of Bill Gates and Windows, lost 1,001 Invention Projects preinstalled on your PC for add on junk and trials from Microsoft. Lost the cure for Breast Cancer and Cancer in 1981 as I would have married a few Yale MD women to brainstorm this with, lost 177 Trillion spin off inventions from the ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2010, and 100 infants a summer died in hot cars, or frozen in cold cars in Moscow for the last 30 years while our "1984" CIA keeps the statistics. Putin make $7 Trillion from Oil Revenues far less then the Saudi and Texas Oil Men's $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2010.

12 8 210 How is "Gravity Generated"?

12 8 210 How is "Gravity Generated"?

12 8 210 How is "Gravity Generated"?

12 8 2010 New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards on front page picture!

12 8 2010 New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards on front page picture!

12 8 2010 New York Times, NO Elizabeth Edwards on front page picture!

2010 Thanksgiving Day
1621 Thanksgiving Day
Power of the Feds... Our Orwellian Caesar to suppress the ElectricWindmilCar in Times Square from the Front Page of the New York Times on Thanksgiving Day 2010 and on every Thanksgiving Day from 1980 to 2010! Wow! $ King of Saudi Arabia is in Times Square on Thanksgiving Day 2010 - all 9/11 terrorists.
Thanksgiving Day 2010 Power of the Feds... To promote Einstein Inventions, Discoveries and at the same time put Headlines in the New York Times that Women, and Wives, and Marriage are Obsolete!
While Men Inventors know Women are the Goddess of Inspiration Today and in ancient Greek times! Thanks for wives and Thanks to the Inventor of the ElectricWindmillcar we will get Polygamy Marriage made legal after the ElectricWindmillCar Coup to make up for the 177 trillion inventions lost for the $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues! Brainstorm 1,001 Invention Projects with your many wives! Only after BP Oil and Texas Oil men are put on trial for the worst genocide in the history of Earth!
Only the propagandas of Caesar changes. Coal power electric generators killed way more than the 30 miners saved yet you will never ever observe CBS TV Headlines for hours and hours cover cancer caused by coal generating electricity particles or the news about how Hydrogen can generate all your electricity for free! For all 7 billion of us on Earth. How is gravity generated? at CBS? I wrote a few pages more about the Thanksgiving of 2010 they are posted at www.endwaronearth.com I believe only an invention to see and hear Aliens can End War on Earth.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedParis No $1 Trillion $USD$ Medical School since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980, We need a New French Revolution, revenge for all those burned and burned to death on Paris Freeways with No One stopping to help those on fire! Build a $1 Trillion dollar Yale New Haven Medical school in 2 semesters with an Eiffel Tower Super Structure and Shipping Containers, Cruise Ship Design. Pirate your Microsoft copy of C++ and CAD software in this French Revolution. Along with some of the newest Intel Xeon cpu's! Revolution, we want Rx Penicillin like overnight miracle cures, not some expensive Roche pill like Herceptin we have to take the rest of our lives to live 4 weeks for $100,000 "Pink" donators paid for this expecting to finance a Cure for their donation. Lipitor is Pfizer and the world's top-selling medication $$$ that is a scam as medial research is "Prohibited" by Caesar from inventing a "Cure"! For heart disease and breast cancer.
What the Super rich built for us is the $1 Trillion dollar "Mall" in Saudi Arabia with a "Ski run and Eiffel Tower Casino, Bar, Whore House inside".

11 15 2010 --- MD's were driven into Medical School by the overriding goal of finding a overnight Miracle cure like Penicillin. George Orwell became our "Orwellian Caesar" worst than the 12 Caesars of Rome combined, and then some!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedOasis will not dock at Key West at the Yale Key West Medical School until after the New French Revolution and our Orwellian Caesar is given a newly invented "Gas Lobotomy" that cures greed, the need for $177 Trillion more in oil revenue!

11 15 2010 --- Dr. Chen writes in the New York Times "research has long been driven by a single overriding goal of finding a miracle cure."

11 15 2010 --- Long ago, before the 1980 invention of the "ElectricWindmillCar" and the beginning of the "Oil Genocide Era and Society".

LIPITOR atorvastatin calcium medication learn about cholesterol and heart disease and invent a Rx Penicillin like Overnight Miracle cure, 1 shot not Lipitor pills for life!

The fight over Lipitor involves a collision of fundamental forces in American health care. Spending on prescription drugs has jumped from $40 billion in 1990 to almost $250 billion this year

Pfizer, which plans to use marketing muscle and clinical data to fight any "Inventor" from even working on a Rx Penicillin like "Cure" with the help of our Orwellian Caesar making the "Inventor" persona non grata and even making "An Prohibition Era" in the Medical Research Labs... Cure would cost Pfizer $250 Billion and more over the next 30 years... this is "Oil Greed" and "Mass Murder" like BP Oil and Fiery LA wrecks were no one stops to help those on fire....

Lipitor, Pfizer and the world's top-selling medication $$$

11 15 2010 --- MD's were driven into Medical School by the overriding goal of finding a overnight Miracle cure like Penicillin. George Orwell became our "Orwellian Caesar" worst than the 12 Caesars of Rome combined, and then some!

11 15 2010 --- Saudi Arabia had been buying "Organs" while Americans waiting for the same "Organs" died, yes the "Observers" knew this, know this.

11 15 2010 --- Caesar refused to make "Organ Donation Mandatory" for some psychotic reasoning on his part.

11 15 2010 --- NBC Today Show Today has a new app for your iphone, JFK 50 years - Caroline Kennedy will drive by a fiery LA Wreck without stopping to help those on fire today! 30 after she was told about the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar by Ted Kennedy!

cop wife babyFiery LA Wreck did this, Oil men's greed caused this. Crime!

$1 Trillion dollar Yale New Haven Medical School LOST --- over 10,000 New Haven Public School students participate in academic and social development programs at Yale each school year all LOST the "ElectricWindmillCar Era" and 1 Trillion spin off inventions via our Orwellian Caesar's need for $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues to buy MIT War Toys! Not a $1 trillion dollar Yale Med School.
$1 Trillion also went to IBM for 10 Supercomputer just for Los Alamos from 1980 to 2010.

$1 Trillion was spent on the Iraq War by Caesar!

$1 Trillion was spent by Putin on Saint Petersburg buildings, and none was for a Medical School or Hospital...

1980 Model ElectricWindmillcar...

George Bush would have been hanged in Times Square if the "Public" knew the ElectricWindmillCar was in Times Square on 9/11.

2010 Model ElectricWindmillCar with super airbags on the outside, wifi and web cams inside and outside, climate controlled 24/7 and mostly an electrolysis accessory for the gallon of water, H and O are the "Miracle Cure!"

Massive amounts of free Hydrogen more H than 7 billion people could ever use.

OJ is locked up for now but OJ clones kill 100 white women a month just in the USA if you count Africa this rockets to 1k a day.

1k women a day are killed by OJ clones! Maybe more.

Caesar will not let Greg Buell Lovestar or any one doing medical research to brainstorm the "Gas Lobotomy"

To stop the killing of 1k women a day, 365k a year

As you know Bush and his wife can't do math. You do the math...

Roche Herceptin scam cost "Pink" donors 5.3 Billion - $100,000 for each women who got Herceptin to live 4 weeks longer!

Roche would kill Dr. Chen if she got them arrested!

Whistle Blowers in the New York Times today, I didn't read the story as even the FBI will drive by fiery LA wrecks and not stop to help!

OJ Clones killin with no Gas Lobotomy Cure, now Mexicans with Whooping Cough killing infants in the USA, refusing to get a vaccination!

Fags... spreading syphilis, hepatitis, ans with Caesar in charge you are infected by Fags and can't sue! Its the law! Put this and YouTube and it will be deleted! New York Times will never, ever put Fag Disease and those infected on the Front Page of the New York Times!

Clinton is filming "HangOver 2" in Thailand, were 1k small business owners a day have sex with kids.

Yes, Clinton will lie again unless his next "sex" is posted on a YouTube video!

Clintons wife made Greg Buell Lovestar persona non grata!

Caesar made finding the "Miracle Cure" persona non grata as there is more money in Rx's you have to take the rest of your life!

Making of the "Idiot" is a Russian Novel.

Earthquake help from Idiots, Clinton, Carter, they have more "Donations" unspent in a Swiss Bank than donation money spent! Both should be arrested for all the cholera deaths as all were preventable! Swiss Bankers have no morals and they are in Geneva... you do the math!

Hurricane made a mud field of this Human Crop of "Peanuts" as Jimmy Carter the Georgia Plantation owner said in his mind.

Concrete and Shipping Containers would have been a "Miracle Cure"... money for this was put in a Swiss Bank by Clinton + Carter!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killed "Wood Stoves" is Clintons idea of a "Miracle Cure"... Idiots Clinton and Carter!

Hydrogen Stoves, would also generate electricity and Air Conditioning like Jimmy Carter has in his Georgia "Warehouse!" that house peanuts not humans!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedHouse Boat Shipping Containers, 1 million built in no time at all!

No! to the flu shot, a Story in the New York Times. Mandatory vaccinations has never ever been written up in the New York Times! Mandatory Organ Donation has never been written about in the New York Times. ElectricWindmillCar in Times Square on 9/11 has never been written about in the New York Times!

No! Infants pictures who died from Whooping Cough on the Front Page of the same New York Times

Cure for Whooping Cough... No!

Cure for the Flu... No!

Cure for Breast Cancer... No!

Cure, No!

Roche Herceptin scam cost "Pink" donors 5.3 Billion

Roche, and all the others made getting a "Cure" persona non grata. Prohibition is not for alcohol in 2010 but Roche and the others have email Prohibiting any scientist from doing any research to get a "Cure" as another "Vaccine" for Breast Cancer not a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure would make Roche $1 Trillion.

$1 Trillion for a Roche vaccine for Breast Cancer

Loss of $1 Trillion for Roche if Greg Buell Lovestar gets the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer.

$1 Trillion made from a "Gas Lobotomy" invention

"FBI" murder rates, 365k women murdered in 2010 by "OJ Clones"

"FBI" with the Morals of Saudi Arabia Princes at the $1 Trillion Dollar Mall or Visiting Thailand to have sex with kids.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedTrain of Planes docked at 100,000 feet One Lifeboat for the return to Earth, save the stress of heat tiles falling off!

NASA Top Brass have been spending more time in Saudi Arabia "Malls" than at the Cape!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedMorals with a sky like this in view!

"Crime and Punishment" another Russian Novel

Putin let Hell freeze over, and Red Square too, heating elements in Red Square and a $1 Trillion Dollar Medical School for Moscow LOST out to drunk VIP's not telling their girl friends about OJ Clones and the higher risk of getting breast cancer from getting drunk.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedNASA Top Brass have been shopping in Saudi Arabia from 1980 to 2010, I could have invented a "Memory Pill" "Total Recall" Rx right after I invented the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 if our Orwellian Caesar was not worst than the Roman Caesars! NASA x43 Space Plane docked like a train, blast off at 100,000' into Orbit. Mission not found in a Saudi Arabia Mall.

Leno still drives by fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help those on fire!

McCain still drives by fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help those on fire!

Caroline Kennedy and Kennedy's Son drive by fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help those on fire!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killed10 billion Sharks in the Ocean and none in Cans at Kroger... suppression gone to far by a psychotic government! Senate!

MD's doing medical research, Dr. Chen wrote this up at the top of this page...

11 15 2010 --- Dr. Chen writes in the New York Times "research has long been driven by a single overriding goal of finding a miracle cure."

"Burn Units" BP Oil and the Queen of England are guilty of tossing gasoline bombs at SUV's driving down LA Freeways!

Cruise Ship "Queen Elizabeth" 2010 Model is not a "Cure" for the "Oil Plague" greed that will kill 1 Trillion if no cure is found!

"Oasis" Cruise Ship the largest in the world docked at Fort Lauderdale will not stop at Key West...

Yale Key West Medical School will be built at Key West! In 2 Semesters an Eiffel Tower Structure with shipping containers will be a Miracle Cure for 1 billion patients visiting Key West. Los Alamos supercomputer will be "critical" in diagnoses and inventing a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer and other diseases!
Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedShipping Container "House" or "Medical School" with of without the Eiffel Tower Structure holding them up.
Eiffel Tower Structure loaded with Shipping Container containers, Eiffel Tower Medical School Structure built in 12 months working 24/7, same as Greg Buell Lovestar and his many wives working 24/7 brainstorming 1,001 medical "Cures" that were made "Off Limits" by our Orwellian Caesar from 1980 to 2010.

11 15 2010 --- Dr. Chen writes in the New York Times "research has long been driven by a single overriding goal of finding a miracle cure."

11 15 2010 --- Long ago, before the 1980 invention of the "ElectricWindmillCar" and the beginning of the "Oil Genocide Era and Society".

11 15 2010 --- MD's were driven into Medical School by the overriding goal of finding a overnight Miracle cure like Penicillin. George Orwell became our "Orwellian Caesar" worst than the 12 Caesars of Rome combined, and then some!

11 15 2010 --- Saudi Arabia had been buying "Organs" while Americans waiting for the same "Organs" died, yes the "Observers" knew this, know this.

11 15 2010 --- Caesar refused to make "Organ Donation Mandatory" for some psychotic reasoning on his part.

$1 Trillion dollar Yale New Haven Medical School LOST by Caesar!

Royal Caribbean Oasis will sail by Key West to the Caribbean.

Paris, French Revolution Sails by via BP Oil, French Owned Oil Company.

Eiffel Tower Structure loaded with Shipping Container containers, Eiffel Tower Medical School Structure built in 12 months working 24/7, same as Greg Buell Lovestar and his many wives working 24/7 brainstorming 1,001 medical "Cures" that were made "Off Limits" by our Orwellian Caesar from 1980 to 2010.

11 15 2010 --- Dr. Chen writes in the New York Times "research has long been driven by a single overriding goal of finding a miracle cure."

11 15 2010 --- Long ago, before the 1980 invention of the "ElectricWindmillCar" and the beginning of the "Oil Genocide Era and Society".

11 15 2010 --- MD's were driven into Medical School by the overriding goal of finding a overnight Miracle cure like Penicillin. George Orwell became our "Orwellian Caesar" worst than the 12 Caesars of Rome combined, and then some!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedBasic for the French Revolution was not a $1 Trillion USD Medical School or $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues with no liability for those burned and burned to death in fiery wrecks and BP Oil spills, 177 trillion tar balls in Key West from 177 trillion deep oil wells still leaking in the Gulf of Mexico!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedParis 1888 Times Square 2010 and still the ElectricWindmillCar is suppressed!

cop wife babyFiery LA Wreck did this, Oil men's greed caused this. Crime!


11 1 2010 Gravity --- 11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery, its final flight.

11 1 2010 Gravity Control Discovered --- 11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery, its final flight.

11 1 2010 ElectricWindmillCar Discovered --- 11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery, its final flight.

11 1 2010 Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer via Your Wives inspiration!

11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery, its final flight.

11 1 2010 Discover Women, Wives, Men in a Polygamist Marriage can be inspired by Women, their many Wives, to invent 1,001 things and get the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedIn Key West this is illegal, In 2011 Key West will make Top Less Women legal if they have a pink star on, to inspire men to invent a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer! Inspire men to invent 1,001 social and medical inventions LOST by MIT War Toys!

11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery, its final flight. Lisa a Love Sick NASA Woman, Discovering her Inspiration!

11 1 2010 Aliens discovered by reinventing the Space Telescope --- 11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery its final flight. Discover Aliens... Discover Alien Ships Sailing Between Galaxies!

11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery, its final flight.

11 1 2010 It will be the 39th flight for Discovery. Its first was in 1984.

11 1 2010 ElectricWindmillCar was invented in 1980.

11 1 2010 Shuttle Endeavor... Endeavor!

11 1 2010 Old French: duty, from devoir to be obliged to... New French Revolution, Oil, Coal, Natural Gas.. off with their heads!

11 1 2010 Only in an "Oil Genocide Era, Society" USA 1980 to 2010. Could, Would Oil Men hid $177 Trillion dollars in Swiss Banks the Same Swiss Banks Hitler used. Were are the Jewish Cops? On some island in Paradise!

11 1 2010 LA Fiery Wrecks and... white Cadillac Escalade pickup truck plowed into the home at yesterday, Sunday, killing 19-year-old mother and her 6-day-old daughter, husband did it of course. Discover Lobotomy Gas, you do the math, count all the OJ Clones who don't make the news, this is mass murder!

11 1 2010 Only in an "Oil Genocide Era, Society" USA 1980 to 2010.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedIn Key West Cops are mad as hell about Fiery LA Wrecks and no Super Air Bags on Semi Trucks, a inventions suppressed since 1990 by our Orwellian Caesar!

11 1 2010 Before penicillin came along, syphilis was known in medical circles as “the great mimicker,” a stealthy disease able to mangle the human body in virtually all known ways. “Know syphilis and you know medicine,” professors would tell their students.

cop wife babyFiery LA Wreck did this, Oil men's greed caused this. Crime!

11 1 2010 Only in an "Oil Genocide Era, Society" USA 1980 to 2010.

11 1 2010 Mission managers gathered at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, and Saudi Arabia!

11 1 2010 NYC Shot in the face while working as the night clerk at the Lucky Grocery and Deli in Queens. Luckily one of Gregs 1,001 Invention Projects is a gas lobotomy for criminals.

11 1 2010 Because alcohol is more destructive than illegal drugs like heroin and crack, NY Times stifles the Social Cost of Alcohol because of Liquor Ads pay their salaries. $ Prohibition discovery. Invention would be adding something to the alcohol at the brewery... gov. ordered prohibition to save how many drunks from killing how many wives... this is mass murder via alcohol.

11 1 2010 MD's and Rx $$$$ Roche in Geneva Switzerland scrammed women dying from stage 4 breast cancer out of $5.3 Billion dollars to live 4 weeks longer in torture, not even Chaney would wish on his daughters.

11 1 2010 NY Times and Ads $$$$

11 1 2010 “Know syphilis and you know medicine,” professors would tell their students.

11 1 2010 "Syphilis and Hepatitis" as Fag Diseases are not written up in the NY Times. Social cost is Top Secret... Who gave you syphilis and or hepatitis is Top Secret and not even Yale Law School lawyers can help you sue the Fags who spread diseases.

11 1 2010 Only in an "Oil Genocide Era, Society" USA 1980 to 2010.

11 1 2010 New 55 Story New York Times building was a bribe from "Fags" and "Texas and Saudi and yes BP Oil Men"

11 1 2010 NY Times... anti-gay statements from gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino make the front page of the NY Times, not social cost of "Syphilis and Hepatitis" spread by Fags.

11 1 2010 Ark. School Board Member Quits After Anti-gay Rant. Arkansas School Board Member Who Posted Anti-gay Rants On Facebook Resigns Post... 5th graders given Syphilis and hepatitis by Fags, our Orwellian Caesar will cover up this news. You will never hear Katie Couric report on 5th graders given syphilis by fags.

11 1 2010 Only in an "Oil Genocide Era, Society" USA 1980 to 2010.

11 1 2010 Ariz. Immigration Law in the news the NY Times suppressed the Gringos killed by Mexicans! 10 Gringo infants not pictured on the front page of the NY Times died from being infected with Whooping Cough by Mexicans - Nursery and Day Care Nannies, illegal and mass murder covered up by the NY Times in an Oil Genocide Era and Society 1980 to 2010. 10 infants pictured on the Front Page of the New York Times with the headlines all these 10 infants were killed by Mexicans who gave them Whooping Cough... this is why Mom's of the dead infants will have to wait for justice as Injustice Center is located in Boulder Colorado and on the front page Pictures in the New York Times. Only Oil Men from Texas and Saudi Arabia who toss gasoline bombs at SUV's driving down the LA Freeways would be cold enough to suppress these 10 infants from the front page of the New York Times. Even sicker oil men from Saudi Arabia might have bought the organs from theses poor infants for infants born in Saudi Arabia needing a organ transplant. British Oil Men at BP Oil are cold blooded killers, you know this from the 177 trillion tar balls on the Key West White Sandy Beaches from the 177 trillion wells leaking in the Gulf of Mexico.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedInfant died from Whooping Cough last week killed by Mexicans who refuse to get a flu vaccine at Lean in Tree in Boulder Colorado and every City in the USA. A crime by our gov. for Mexican Oil.

11 1 2010 Scam... Large quantities of rare metals are needed to make photovoltaic panels, rare earth magnets for wind generators, fuel cells and high-capacity Batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles. Metals like gallium, indium, selenium, tellurium, and high purity silicon are needed to make photovoltaic panels, while Batteries require zinc, vanadium, lithium and rare earth elements, and platinum group minerals are needed for fuel cell-powered vehicles.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedScam H Hydrogen is free and for real!

11 1 2010 ElectricWindmillCar was invented in 1980.

11 1 2010 H Hydrogen from its Electrolysis Accessory will give the Masses of Humanity free H.

11 1 2010 Scam... Large quantities of rare metals are needed to make photovoltaic panels, rare earth magnets for wind generators, fuel cells and high-capacity Batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles. Metals like gallium, indium, selenium, tellurium, and high purity silicon are needed to make photovoltaic panels, while Batteries require zinc, vanadium, lithium and rare earth elements, and platinum group minerals are needed for fuel cell-powered vehicles.

11 1 2010 ElectricWindmillCar was invented in 1980.

11 1 2010 H Hydrogen from its Electrolysis Accessory will give the Masses of Humanity free H.

11 1 2010 Scam... Carter and Roslyn, Our Mission Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida Keys, Inc. is a nonprofit volunteer organization working in interfaith partnership with God’s people in need to help create decent affordable housing for the betterment of our community.

11 1 2010 ElectricWindmillCar was invented in 1980.

11 1 2010 H Hydrogen from its Electrolysis Accessory will give the Masses of Humanity free H.

11 1 2010 Key West, Florida Keys – Expect Key West’s habitual eccentricity, Fantasy Fest 2010, themed “Habitat for Insanity.” Brought to you by "Texas, Saudi, BP Oil Men" who bring in $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues!

11 1 2010 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday urged Cambodia to confront its troubled past by ensuring Khmer Rouge leaders are brought to justice for crimes against humanity.

11 1 2010 Clinton was in the news yesterday about spending $335,000 rehabilitant Cambodia prostitutes by teaching them English in Denver... 30 miles from the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar... Grin, little to Orwellian I think!

11 1 2010 Clinton caught on fire last week, when I wrote up her Pentagon Generals for running USA Military Whore Houses with Moslem Women in Afghanistan! And Iraq! This is Top Secret!

11 1 2010 Gravity is a force of attraction that exists between any two masses, any two bodies, any two particles. Gravity is not just the attraction between objects and the Earth. It is an attraction that exists between all objects, everywhere in the universe. Sir Isaac Newton (1642 -- 1727) discovered that a force is required to change the speed or direction of movement of an object. He also realized that the force called "gravity" must make an apple fall from a tree, or humans and animals live on the surface of our spinning planet without being flung off. Furthermore, he deduced that gravity forces exist between all objects. Newton's "law" of gravity is a mathematical description of the way bodies are observed to attract one another, based on many scientific experiments and observations. The gravitational equation says that the force of gravity is proportional to the product of the two masses (m1 and m2), and inversely proportional to the square of the distance (r) between their centers of mass. Mathematically speaking, F=Gm1m2 / r2, where G is called the Gravitational Constant. It has a value of 6.6726 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2.

11 1 2010 Discovery launch... Gravity Discovered! If I get even Luckier, get 4 wives in a polygamous marriage, get closer to being the one who discovers what gravity is and how to build a gravity control machine or even a gravity engine, via being inspired by my wives!

11 1 2010 Scam... Large quantities of rare metals are needed to make photovoltaic panels, rare earth magnets for wind generators, fuel cells and high-capacity Batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles. Metals like gallium, indium, selenium, tellurium, and high purity silicon are needed to make photovoltaic panels, while Batteries require zinc, vanadium, lithium and rare earth elements, and platinum group minerals are needed for fuel cell-powered vehicles.

11 1 2010 ElectricWindmillCar was invented in 1980.

11 1 2010 H Hydrogen from its Electrolysis Accessory will give the Masses of Humanity free H.

11 1 2010 Gravity --- 11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery its final flight.

11 1 2010 Discovery - $1 Trillion Dollar Yale Medical School

11 1 2010 Discovery - $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2010 the Oil genocide Era of the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and the Social LOSS of 177 Trillion Social inventions, one being massive amounts of free H to generate your Electricity and heat your home and car. Super Air Bags on the Outside of all Semi Trucks and Trucks in General! WHO at the UN was scrammed by Clintons, Carter, Bush into suppressing clean water for 5 billion people via H and O created by electrolysis in your ElectricWindmillCar.

11 1 2010 Judith Resnik, the Arthur Liman Professor of Law at the Yale Law School, explained Yale’s approach to the DKE issue in terms of its code of conduct. She described Yale as a “deeply normative institution” that is clear in the way it wants its members to behave and interact, making reference to a 2001 Supreme Court decision against five Orthodox Jewish Yale students, who had sued the University because its policies requiring them to live in mixed- gender dormitories during their freshman and sophomore years violated their religious laws.

11 1 2010 Discovery - $1 Trillion Dollar Yale Medical School

11 1 2010 Discovery - $1 Trillion Dollar Yale New Haven Medical School

11 1 2010 Discovery - $ Yale Key West Medical School

11 1 2010 Discovery - Wives who live to inspire Men to Invent Discover a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedIn Key West no one is currently working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Breast cancer Cure because our Orwellian Caesar made the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar persona non grata, and I can't work on this invention project with a few MD wives until I pull off a successful ElectricWindmillCar Coup, hopefully before BP Oil sucks the last barrel of oil out of the Oceans surrounding Key West and Cuba.

11 1 2010 Discovery - Jane Levin says her primary role as the wife of the Yale president is to help Yale flourish... After the ElectricWindmillCar is driven out of Times Square NYC were it was parked by Bush, and Bush both Yale Grads it will be driven into a new Universe were Aliens will be discovered with a reinvented Space Telescope, not a 10 Year Old Space Station!

11 1 2010 Discovery - They were legally married during the Key West parade I watched...wow!

11 1 2010 Discovery the Polygamists Marriage made legal in 2011.

11 1 2010 Discovery news year in Key West a Parade float with ElectricWindmillCars and one you can drive into the ocean!

11 1 2010 Discovery - 1,001 Invention Projects pre installed on your new PC with the Inventor OS not Windows 7.

11 1 2010 Discovery - LONDON – Eliminating malaria, kills 860k a year, is a dream completely unrealistic by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with windows 7.

11 1 2010 Discovery - 1,001 Invention Projects pre installed on your new PC with Inventor OS not Windows 7... Bill Gates killed millions of inventors from 1980 to 2010 I Greg Buell Lovestar I'm one that got away! Windmills, 177 Trillion Windmills on CBS 48 Hours and 20/20 title of the show was "The One Who Got Away" Greg Buell Lovestar, the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980. Mass murderers are pictured on 48 Hours and 20/20 but none get an 55 story Skyscraper and name it the New New York Times!

11 1 2010 Gravity --- 11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery its final flight.

11 1 2010 Gravity Control Discovered --- 11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery its final flight.

11 1 2010 ElectricWindmillCar Discovered --- 11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery its final flight.

11 1 2010 Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer via Your Wives inspiration! ---

11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery its final flight.

11 1 2010 Aliens discovered by reinventing the Space Telescope --- 11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery its final flight.

11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery its final flight.

11 1 2010 It will be the 39th flight for Discovery. Its first was in 1984.

11 1 2010 ElectricWindmillCar was invented in 1980.

11 1 2010 Shuttle Endeavor... Endeavor!

11 1 2010 Old French: duty, from devoir to be obliged to...

11 1 2010 Only in an "Oil Genocide Era, Society" USA 1980 to 2010.

11 1 2010 Gravity --- 11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery its final flight.

11 1 2010 Gravity Control Discovered --- 11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery its final flight.

11 1 2010 ElectricWindmillCar Discovered --- 11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery its final flight. Fight to End War on Earth lost out to MIT War Toy makers. They are smarter than Yale Medical School MD's, as Yale lost a $1 Trillion dollar Medical School to MIT War Toy inventors working for the Pentagon.

11 1 2010 Shuttle Endeavor... Endeavor! Women to inspire men to invent the cure for cancer and much, much more!

11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery... Women in Saudi Arabia can not drive a electricWindmillCar, Ever! Never! Ever!

11 1 2010 NASA, Discovery - Final Flight until NASA Top Brass get back from Saudi Arabia and retire to Key West Fantasy Fest 2011, Discovery, Women Inspire men to Invent Something!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedRetire to Key West, work on 1,001 Invention Projects with your four wives, discover women can inspire men to travel to other Stars, invent a way to Observe Aliens!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedIsland in the Universe lets sail to Alpha Centauri in ships!

10/16/2010 BDay Yale Medical School 1810 - 2010

10/16/2010 ElectricWindmillCar invented in October 1980 BDay

10/16/2010 $1 Trillion dollar Yale Medical School was killed by Carter, his wife Roslyn, Bush, Clintons, Gates and Gates!

10/16/2010 http://medicine.yale.edu

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedYale has 13 Supercomputer all 1% of this one... No MD's are highly skilled in SuperComputer surgery, dissection, programming, crunching, looking for the Animal Farm "Windmill" Miracle Cures!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedYale has books with Animal Farm "Windmill" miracle cures and no Supercomputer to crunch "Windmill" Miracle Cures.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedYale MED 200 Years LOST $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2010 via Bush!

10/16/2010 1,001 spin off invention have been LOST... but I was looking at Key West pictures of Wilma and the cars under water and thought the ElectricWindmillCar should could be made "WaterProof"! And a Model for Key West could be designed like a Catamaran so in the Keys the locals can drive their ElectricWindmillCar from roadway to Island to Island in the water. Grin!

10/16/2010 MIT War Toys got the WindFall Profits $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues since 1980 $

10/16/2010 $1 Trillion dollar Yale Medical School was killed by Carter, his wife Roslyn, Bush, Clintons, Gates and Gates!

10/16/2010 http://medicine.yale.edu

10/16/2010 I emailed the Dean at Yale Medical School, below is the email I sent last night, Orwellian News this morning in the New York Times two article flew out, 1. In Iran one guy has $250 Billion and wants to spent it on the Iran University. 2. British are cutting the Universities financial support by $58 billion, same amount they budget for Military in 2011. And of course this article did not mention the 4 new Nuke Subs with 190 Nukes on Each Sub the British are building in 2011. Our Orwellian Caesar is watching 24/7 instead of working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Breast Cancer Cure!

From: inventsomething

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 9:57 PM

To: 333cedar@yale.edu

Greg Buell reflecting upon the rapid ascent of the Yale School of Medicine during the previous three decades... 1980 to 2010 three decades the Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar was suppressed by our Orwellian Caesars.

$1 Trillion Dollar Yale Medical School would be in operation today 10/15/2010 if Bush and Carter had made different decisions... Bill Gates and Gates at the Pentagon too as on 9/11 the Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar was more than a decade old... 1980 Oct invention....

I was born at Yale New Haven Hospital on 27 Sept 1947... thanks

I will get Yale a $1 Trillion dollar Medical School before 2040...


Greg Buell

Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar in front of the hidden cameras!

Dean Robert J. Alpern, M.D., Ensign Professor of Medicine, on topics of interest to the Yale School of Medicine community. Write to Dean Alpern at 333cedar@yale.edu.

The School of Medicine plans a symposium, concert, and a year of special events in celebration of its Bicentennial, along with a book and film about YSM's first 200 years.

William H. Welch, M.D., was a Yale College alumnus who went on to become the first dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. In 1934, reflecting upon the rapid ascent of the Yale School of Medicine during the previous three decades...

Greg Buell

Cell 303 548 9904


Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedYale has 13 Supercomputer all 1% of this one... No MD's are highly skilled in SuperComputer surgery, dissection, programming, crunching, looking for the Animal Farm "Windmill" Miracle Cures!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedYale has books with Animal Farm "Windmill" miracle cures and no Supercomputer to crunch "Windmill" Miracle Cures.

Dean Robert Alpern :: 333 Cedar Street

Two centuries and counting

Letter from the Dean

333 Cedar Street is a monthly letter from Dean Robert J. Alpern, M.D., Ensign Professor of Medicine, on topics of interest to the Yale School of Medicine community. Write to Dean Alpern at 333cedar@yale.edu.

William H. Welch, M.D., was a Yale College alumnus who went on to become the first dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. In 1934, reflecting upon the rapid ascent of the Yale School of Medicine during the previous three decades, he wrote:

There is nothing in modern medical education so remarkable as the recent transformation of the Yale School of Medicine from the old type into a modern medical school. The process has taken place with incredible rapidity and it has been complete. The Yale School of Medicine now ranks with the best in the country.

As was the case with many American medical schools at the beginning of the 20th century, Yale School of Medicine’s future was far from assured at the time of its centennial in 1910. However, it was one of only two New England schools that Abraham Flexner deemed worthy of continued investment in his landmark report on medical education that same year, and Yale energetically advanced on all fronts during the years following the Flexner report. The 1920s and ’30s saw a tremendous burst of innovation and growth under the leadership of Dean Milton C. Winternitz, M.D., and its trajectory since then has been ever upward.

An architectural study of the entrance of the Institute of Human Relations, which was added to the façade of the Sterling Hall of Medicine in 1931. (Credit: Manuscripts & Archives.) This year, as the School of Medicine enters its third century, it has achieved even greater heights. It ranks fifth among medical schools receiving funds from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and first in NIH dollars per faculty member. More than 4,300 applicants competed for 100 places in this year’s entering class. The school is a scientific powerhouse of tremendous depth and breadth, with more than 1,200 ladder faculty members conducting basic and clinical research, teaching, and/or seeing patients—many of them doing all three. It is a clinical center with capabilities far beyond anything Dr. Welch might have imagined in the early 20th century, delivering care to tens of thousands of patients each year, performing advanced procedures, and managing complex diseases. And it retains a unique position in medical education, drawing on the same Yale System that helped transform the school nearly a century ago and produce leaders in American medicine and biomedical research.

Transformation—the phenomenon that Dr. Welch witnessed—has been a hallmark of medicine at Yale numerous times since its founding, following an Act of the Connecticut Legislature in October 1810. We will celebrate this history, as well as our present and future, during the 2010–2011 academic year that begins with the White Coat Ceremony on August 19. Following are details of the year-long Bicentennial observance, which will be updated regularly on the medical school’s newly launched Bicentennial website, at


Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedYale has 13 Supercomputer all 1% of this one... No MD's are highly skilled in SuperComputer surgery, dissection, programming, crunching, looking for the Animal Farm "Windmill" Miracle Cures!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedYale has books with Animal Farm "Windmill" miracle cures and no Supercomputer to crunch "Windmill" Miracle Cures.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedYale MED 200 Years LOST $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2010 via Bush!

10/16/2010 BDay Yale Medical School 1810 - 2010

10/16/2010 ElectricWindmillCar invented in October 1980 BDay

10/16/2010 BDay Yale Medical School 1810 - 2010

10/16/2010 ElectricWindmillCar invented in October 1980 BDay

10/16/2010 BDay Yale Medical School 1810 - 2010

10/16/2010 ElectricWindmillCar invented in October 1980 BDay

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedYale has 13 Supercomputer all 1% of this one... No MD's are highly skilled in SuperComputer surgery, dissection, programming, crunching, looking for the Animal Farm "Windmill" Miracle Cures!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedYale has books with Animal Farm "Windmill" miracle cures and no Supercomputer to crunch "Windmill" Miracle Cures.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedYale MED 200 Years LOST $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2010 via Bush!

10/3/2010 NASA's deep space mission has been attacked by the British Today, if the Brits are not defeated the USA and the World will lose Hearing and Observing Aliens for another 100 years!

10/3/2010 The House, in a 304-to-118 vote on Wednesday, approved $58 billion for NASA over the next three years.

10/3/2010 Britain’s annual military budget is $58 billion.

10/3/2010 CBS Katie Couric reporting on the suicide of the fag video taped, Katie knows but would not report that people given syphilis by fags in the dorms commit suicide too. CBS WebMD; test are not very useful for detecting syphilis in very early or advanced stages so Fag kids in the freshman dorms are a health hazard to all other freshmen! Invent Something ASAP!

10/3/2010 Pasteur - ElectricWindmillCar Coup D'Etat Mandatory Vaccination Revolution to end 1 gov. caused genocide!

NASA Hear See Aliens Mission to End War On EarthAliens, to End War on Earth!

10/3/2010 NASA's deep space mission has been attacked by the British Today, if the Brits are not defeated the USA and the World will lose Hearing and Observing Aliens for another 100 years!

10/3/2010 The House, in a 304-to-118 vote on Wednesday, approved $58 billion for NASA over the next three years. British Generals, Mad Men, BP Oil Men! Didn't read this in the London Times! Or read it with the CIA and said Hell with Aliens they are to far away to nuke, we need Wars On Earth not Light Years Down Range! So today the British are hiring MIT and Oxford to build 4 Nuke Subs with 190 Nukes on each Sub... is this crazy, YES! British army of 105,000 will not be reduced as long as it has ground forces in Afghanistan. (How many Moslem women are needed just to work at British Military Whore Houses, just in Afghanistan?)

10/3/2010 Two - Three - Four "Orion "Shuttles"" docked then driven into a circle of 10 Ares rockets already in orbit... 10 Ares rockets linked into a big circle, you just drive the shuttle into and you have a shuttle or 3 shuttles that are docked together now with 10 or 20 Ares rocks that can blast you off into deep space with your "Telescope" that can Hear and See Aliens. NASA could use this design to blast off for Alpha Centauri. 4.3 Light years from Earth too!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedAliens, to End War on Earth!

10/3/2010 NASA in Transition as Congress OKs New Direction to Hear and See Aliens to End War On Earth!

NASA Hear See Aliens Mission to End War On EarthAliens, to End War on Earth!

10/3/2010 NASA's deep space mission has been attacked by the British Today, if the Brits are not defeated the USA and the World will lose Hearing and Observing Aliens for another 100 years!

10/3/2010 NASA Lost "Our" Universe... via Oil Genocide Era. $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues now our Orwellian Caesar wants another $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues still suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar Era and its 177 Trillion spin off inventions. NASA Mission should be to Hear and See Aliens to finally End War On Earth via Orion "Shuttle" a New "Telescope" that can See and Hear Aliens.

10/3/2010 Working while sick? Study finds even doctors do it...

10/3/2010 The House, in a 304-to-118 vote on Wednesday, approved a Senate-written bill authorizing $58 billion for NASA over the next three years and setting priorities for the agency... British Generals, Mad Men, BP Oil Men! Didn't read this in the London Times!

10/3/2010 Britain’s annual military budget is $58 billion.

10/3/2010 The British Mad Men, in a 304-to-118 vote on Wednesday,to build 4 new nuclear missile-launching submarines each of which can carry up to 160 nuclear warheads. Only a fraction of that capacity is currently used, roughly 48 warheads per submarine, for a total of 192. British army of 105,000 will not be reduced as long as it has ground forces in Afghanistan.

10/3/2010 Today these Mad Med are blasting off into "Our Universe" with plans already made today 10/3/2010 to build four new nuclear missile-launching submarines It is also hard to see why — in today’s world — Britain needs four new subs, each of which can carry up to 160 nuclear warheads. Only a fraction of that capacity is currently used, roughly 48 warheads per submarine, for a total of 192. British army at its current strength of 105,000. British army strength will not be reduced as long as it has ground forces in Afghanistan.

10/3/2010 Britain’s annual military budget is $58 billion.

10/3/2010 The House, in a 304-to-118 vote on Wednesday, approved $58 billion for NASA

10/3/2010 The House, in a 304-to-118 vote on Wednesday, approved a Senate-written bill authorizing $58 billion for NASA over the next three years and setting priorities for the agency... British Generals, Mad Men, BP Oil Men! Didn't read this in the London Times!

10/3/2010 10 Ares rockets sent into space will dock with the Orion "Shuttle" as the Orion can maneuver in the middle of 10 rockets linked in a circle for deep space voyages! Landing on Mars will not even come close to Ending War On Earth. NASA only has one chance in History to make up for taking BP Oil $ bribes and gov. perks to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar and its 177 trillion spin off inventions like H free Hydrogen for wood stoves in Africa clean H2O via H and climate controlled cars for Hot Kid deaths.

10/3/2010 Two - Three - Four Orion "Shuttles" docked then maneuver into a circle of Ares rockets already in orbit.. NASA could use this design to blast off for Alpha Centauri. 4.3 Light years from Earth!

10/3/2010 Working while sick? Study finds even doctors do it...

10/3/2010 Aliens... Setting priorities ----------- To Hear and See Aliens via the Orion Shuttle and Ares solid fuel rockets to launch 100's of Orion Shuttles with New Telescopes than can Hear and See Aliens. This is the only thing that will End War On Earth as the Pentagon is addicted to MIT War Toys and as long as there is $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues the Pentagon will get most of this money for War Toys from MIT guys!

10/3/2010 Aliens... Setting priorities looking at this picture of 177 Trillion Galaxies!

10/3/2010 Aliens... Setting priorities looking at this picture of 177 Trillion Galaxies!

10/3/2010 NASA in Transition as Congress OKs New Direction

10/3/2010 NASA Gets New Orders That Bypass the Moon, land on a asteroid and eventually Mars. By KENNETH CHANG New York Times.

10/3/2010 NASA's deep space mission has been attacked by the British Today, if the Brits are not defeated the USA and the World will lose Hearing and Observing Aliens for another 100 years!

NASA Hear See Aliens Mission to End War On EarthAliens, to End War on Earth!

NASA Hear See Aliens Mission to End War On EarthAliens, to End War on Earth!

10/3/2010 100 fags video taped in dorm room having sex give others in the dorm syphilis.

10/3/2010 100 policemen a month die in Afghanistan.

10/3/2010 100 cops and kids die in fiery LA Wrecks a month.

10/3/2010 100 babies dead a month by Whooping Cough by Mexican nursery workers.

10/3/2010 100 Gringos dead every month by Mexicans with Hepatitis cooking... etc.

10/3/2010 100 fags video taped in dorm room having sex give others in the dorm syphilis.

10/3/2010 100 CBS Katie Couric reporting on the suicide of the fag video taped knows but would

not report that people given syphilis from fags in the dorms commit suicide too.

10/3/2010 200k Guatemalan's dead in a USA coup in 1996...

10/3/2010 4,000 Guatemalans dead via USA syphilis infection...

10/3/2010 Guatemala revelation of abuses by a USA MD's and Pentagon Generals!

10/3/2010 Revelation of abuses by a USA MD's in selling Breast Cancer women pills for $84,000 to live another month or two while secretly suppressing the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar from working, brainstorming a Breast cancer Cure with his wives!

10/3/2010 Working while sick? Study finds even doctors do it...

10/3/2010 100 fags video taped in dorm room having sex give others in the dorm syphilis.

10/3/2010 100 policemen a month die in Afghanistan.

10/3/2010 100 cops and kids die in fiery LA Wrecks a month.

10/3/2010 100 babies dead a month by Whooping Cough by Mexican nursery workers.

10/3/2010 100 Gringos dead every month by Mexicans with Hepatitis cooking... etc.

10/3/2010 100 fags video taped in dorm room having sex give others in the dorm syphilis.

10/3/2010 100 CBS Katie Couric reporting on the suicide of the fag video taped knows but would not report that people given syphilis from fags in the dorms commit suicide too.

10/3/2010 NASA in Transition as Congress in an "Oil Genocide Era" blast off for a second $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues while suppress the "ElectricWindmillCar".

10/3/2010 Orwellian Caesar setting priorities for War with the Moslems In Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.

10/3/2010 Setting priorities to End War On Earth!

10/3/2010 ElectricWindmillCar with its free H and 177 Trillion spin off inventions failed to End War On Earth because of Texas and Saudi Oil Men's greed, now they want another $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues from 2010 to 2020.

10/3/2010 Aliens... Setting priorities looking at this picture of 177 Trillion Galaxies!

10/3/2010 Aliens... Setting priorities looking at this picture of 177 Trillion Galaxies!

10/3/2010 Aliens... Setting priorities ----------- To Hear and See Aliens via the Orion Shuttle and Ares solid fuel rockets to launch 100's of Orion Shuttles with New Telescopes than can Hear and See Aliens. This is the only thing that will End War On Earth as the Pentagon is addicted to MIT War Toys and as long as there is $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues the Pentagon will get most of this money for War Toys from MIT guys!

10/3/2010 Aliens... Setting priorities looking at this picture of 177 Trillion Galaxies!

10/3/2010 Aliens... Setting priorities looking at this picture of 177 Trillion Galaxies!

10/3/2010 NASA in Transition as Congress OKs New Direction

10/3/2010 NASA Gets New Orders That Bypass the Moon, land on a asteroid and eventually Mars. By KENNETH CHANG New York Times.

10/3/2010 NASA, best known as the agency that put the first man on the moon, is about to end its moon program for the foreseeable future.

10/3/2010 Under legislation passed by the House late Wednesday, the nation’s spaceflight program will take a new direction. NASA — the National Aeronautics and Space Administration — will turn to private companies to launch astronauts into space, while it starts work on a larger rocket for travel to more distant destinations — an asteroid, perhaps, and eventually Mars. The bill “helps put the U.S. space program on a more sustainable trajectory,” Lori B. Garver, NASA’s deputy administrator.

10/3/2010 The House, in a 304-to-118 vote on Wednesday, approved a Senate-written bill authorizing $58 billion for NASA over the next three years and setting priorities for the agency

10/3/2010 NASA has spent more than $10 billion on Constellation in the past five years, mostly on the Ares I rocket and Orion crew capsule.

10/3/2010 However, the compromise legislation does not cancel all of Constellation, Development of Orion, capable of deep space missions, is to continue, and the bill directs NASA to develop a heavy-lift rocket able to propel a payload of at least 70 tons.

10/3/2010 The next skirmish is likely to be over the design of that rocket. The new bill clearly envisions a rocket built of components used in the space shuttles and Constellation’s soon-to-be-canceled Ares I rocket. The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, which wrote the bill, said in an accompanying report that it expected the rocket to include solid-fuel boosters like those of the shuttle or Ares I.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedIn home Free Hydrogen to generate electricity!

10/3/2010 Electric Utility Companies Xcel here in Boulder, Colorado suppress the mass of Humanity from leaving the Era of high power electric lines and generating their own Electricity via free H generated in their ElectricWindmillCar by the Electrolysis Accessory and a gallon of H2O...

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedIn home Free Hydrogen to generate electricity!

10/3/2010 BERLIN, Conn. (AP) - Climbing utility poles is a better choice only if your have been infected with the Mad Man Virus from Texas and Saudi Oil Men. 100's of Linemen have been electrocuted in the last decade just in Colorado and when the public finds out Xcel Top Brass have been suppressing leaving the Era of High Power Lines for H generated in your ElectricWindmillCar this will be Electric Power Genocide by Xcel and your local Electric Utility Company. This is a Crime.

10/3/2010 Union officials say the average age of the nation's utility workers is about 50 in 2010 in 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented... you do the math.

10/3/2010 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, which represents Connecticut Light & Power employees. Are Chinese Peasants in an Trillion dollar game of never ending War to the next innovation, from wood stoves in Africa to H Stoves in 2011.

10/3/2010 There's No need for utility line workers, who are paid about $56,000 annually, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

10/3/2010 The Connecticut Light & Power training program from stimulus $$$$ 840 Billion is a Crime against all Americans.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedIn home Free Hydrogen to generate electricity!

10/3/2010 Newest supercomputer is a part of the High-Performance Inventing for the mass of Humanity when Windows 7 is in prison or dead... as the Inventor OS will come with 1,001 invent projects links to help you get started inventing something and you will be able to log in to this newest supercomputer stocked with every book and lecture ever written and given.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedInventor OS not Windows 7 lets to login to a supercomputer and work on 1,001 invention projects spelled out for you!

10/3/2010 Japan's Ministry of Education, Japanese government. The system will be comprised of more than 800 computer racks, each installed with ultrafast CPUs, in a massively interconnected network, crystallizing Fujitsu's technologies for high performance and high reliability.

10/3/2010 The Supercomputer will use the ultra-high-speed SPARC 64 VIIIfx processor developed by Fujitsu. Each of these processors possesses a computational performance of 128 gigaflops. The CPUs are also highly energy efficient, with a world-class processing power of 2.2 gigaflops per watt, a reduction of power consumption by 2/3 compared to previous levels. The supercomputer will comprise of over 80,000 of these processors in an interconnected network

10/3/2010 H free Hydrogen for fuel and electric generation will increase Human Innovation by 50% in just a year or two's use of this newest supercomputer by PC inventors. Bill Gates killed millions, tens of millions of inventor by being infected with the Oil Men's greed virus. This is a crime against Humanity you do not need to be a rocket scientist to hang Bill Gates for this social crime against aspiring inventors from 1980 to 2010.

10/3/2010 400 million years ago the ocean and atmosphere contained O2 at just 15–50% of their present levels spanning almost 2 billion years, the researchers concluded that O2 levels increased twice: 550 million years ago and 400 million years ago

10/3/2010 100 policemen a month die in Afghanistan.

10/3/2010 100 cops and kids die in fiery LA Wrecks a month.

10/3/2010 100 babies dead a month by Whooping Cough by Mexican nursery workers.

10/3/2010 100 Gringos dead every month by Mexicans with Hepatitis cooking... etc.

a gov caused genocideWhooping Cough is one of many genocides caused by the government!

Hepatitis C is a gov genocideHepatitis C is one of many gov. caused genocides!

10/3/2010 Hepatitis B virus was originally recognized as the agent responsible for “serum hepatitis”, the most common form of parentally transmitted viral hepatitis, and an important cause of acute and chronic infection of the liver. The incubation period of hepatitis B is variable with a range of 1 to 6 months. The clinical features of acute infection resemble those of the other viral hepatitis's. Acute hepatitis B is frequently anicteric and asymptomatic, although a severe illness with jaundice can occur and occasionally acute liver failure may develop.

10/3/2010 The virus persists in 5 to 10% of immunocompetent adults, and in as many as 90% of infants infected prenatally. Persistent carriage of hepatitis B, defined by the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in the serum for more than six months, have been estimated to affect about 350 million people worldwide. The pathology is mediated by the responses of the cellular immune response of the host to the infected hepatocytes. Long term continuing virus replication may lead to progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.

10/3/2010 LOS ANGELES – State health officials say California's whooping cough epidemic is on track to break a 55-year record, with just over 4,000 infections and nine deaths this year.

10/3/2010 Pasteur - French Revolution

10/3/2010 Pasteur - Mandatory Vaccination Revolution

10/3/2010 Pasteur - ElectricWindmillCar Coup D'Etat Mandatory Vaccination Revolution to end 1 gov. caused genocide!

10/3/2010 Cops, Vaccine Police are needing in the USA and France as Teaching, training scientists MD's are worthless as long as illegal and legal Aliens refuse the DTap and even Flu Shot the Institute Pasteur, help in case of epidemics and public health activities, were pursued. Orwellian Observers know what they have created is an population of "illegal Aliens" Whooping and Hepatitis genocide that kills 100's of babies in Day Care Centers from NYC to Paris.

10/3/2010 Scientists at the Institut Pasteur HEAD Dr GUISO Nicole / nguiso@pasteur.fr MEMBERS Dr BEDOUELLE Hugues / BOUCHEZ Valérie / Dr CARO Valérie / GUILLOT Sophie LISOVA Olesia / Dr NJAMKEPO Elisabeth

Whooping Cough and other bordetellosis


10/3/2010 Mexicans legal and illegal are mostly unvaccinated and are responsible for transmission of B. pertussis to infants in 76-83 % of cases.

10/3/2010 Mexicans in an Orwellian Society refuse vaccination even those adults in close contacts at Day Care Centers.. Were the Hell are the Observers in this Orwellian Society?

10/3/2010 Cops, Vaccine Police are needing in the USA and France as Teaching, training scientists MD's are worthless as long as illegal and legal Aliens refuse the DTap and even Flu Shot the Institut Pasteur, help in case of epidemics and public health activities, were pursued. Orwellian Observers know what they have created is an population of "illegal Aliens" Whooping and Hepatitis genocide that kills 100's of babies in Day Care Centers from NYC to Paris.

10/3/2010 Pasteur - Our objective is to evaluate the consequences of extensive vaccination of human populations on the microbe targeted by the vaccine, the ecosystem and the human population in order to propose adapted strategies of prevention and new therapeutic tools to face some of these consequences.

Our unit harbors the National Center of Reference for Whooping Cough and other bordetellosis http://www.pasteur.fr/sante/clre/cadrecnr/bordet-index.html.

10/3/2010 Pasteur - French Revolution

10/3/2010 Pasteur - Mandatory Vaccination Revolution

10/3/2010 Pasteur - ElectricWindmillCar Coup D'Etat

10/3/2010 CHICAGO – Junior doctors quickly learn that exposure to patients' germs is part of the job, but a study suggests many are returning the favor. More than half of doctors in training said in a survey that they'd shown up sick to work, and almost one-third said they'd done it more than once.

10/3/2010 Working while sick? Study finds even doctors do it...

10/3/2010 100 fags video taped in dorm room having sex give others in the dorm syphilis.

10/3/2010 100 policemen a month die in Afghanistan.

10/3/2010 100 cops and kids die in fiery LA Wrecks a month.

10/3/2010 100 babies dead a month by Whooping Cough by Mexican nursery workers.

10/3/2010 100 Gringos dead every month by Mexicans with Hepatitis cooking... etc.

10/3/2010 100 fags video taped in dorm room having sex give others in the dorm syphilis.

10/3/2010 100 CBS Katie Couric reporting on the suicide of the fag video taped knows but would not report that people given syphilis from fags in the dorms commit suicide too.

10/3/2010 200k Guatemalan's dead in a USA coup in 1996...

10/3/2010 4,000 Guatemalans dead via USA syphilis infection...

10/3/2010 Guatemala revelation of abuses by a USA MD's and Pentagon Generals!

10/3/2010 Revelation of abuses by a USA MD's in selling Breast Cancer women pills for $84,000 to live another month or two while secretly suppressing the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar from working, brainstorming a Breast cancer Cure with his wives!

10/3/2010 Guatemala revelation of abuses by a U.S. medical research program is only the latest chapter in the United States' troubled history with the impoverished Central American nation, which has a per capita gross domestic product about half of that of the rest of Central America and the Caribbean.

10/3/2010 Guatemala The U.S. helped topple the democratically elected president Jacobo Arbenz in 1954 and backed several hard-line governments during a 36-year civil war that ended in 1996 and cost 200,000 lives. 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented in Boulder, Colorado by Greg Buell Lovestar.

10/3/2010 Wellesley College historian Susan Reverby made the discovery while combing the archived records of Dr. John Cutler, a government researcher involved in the Tuskegee study that from 1932 to 1972 tracked 600 black men in Alabama who had syphilis without ever offering them treatment.

10/3/2010 She discovered that Cutler also led the Guatemala project that went a step further: A total of 696 men and women were exposed to syphilis or in some cases gonorrhea — through jail visits by prostitutes or, when that didn't infect enough people, by deliberately inoculating them. They were offered penicillin, but it wasn't clear how many were infected and how many were successfully treated.

10/3/2010 She reported that the U.S. had gained permission from Guatemalan officials to conduct the study, but did not inform the experimental subjects.

10/3/2010 While secretly trying to infect people with serious diseases is abhorrent today, the Guatemalan experiment isn't the only example from what Collins on Friday called "a dark chapter in the history of medicine." Forty similar deliberate-infection studies were conducted in the United States during that period, Collins said.

10/3/2010 "We've made some obvious moral progress" in protecting the poor and powerless, said Dr. Arthur Caplan, a University of Pennsylvania bioethicist. "The sad legacy" of past unethical experiments is that "they still shape who it is that we can get to trust medical researchers."

10/3/2010 MD's stifle the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer in the USA and Guatemala. $84,000 for chemo and cancer pills to live a month or two longer is a scam as these MD's are stuck in Guatemala with syphilis in 2010 not even trying to invent a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer women in the USA and Guatemala and the MD's Orwellian Caesar made the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar Greg Buell Lovestar persona non grate in working with several MD wife's brainstorming this Rx Penicillin 2010 cure!

10/3/2010 Working while sick? Study finds even doctors do it...

10/3/2010 100 fags video taped in dorm room having sex give others in the dorm syphilis.

10/3/2010 100 policemen a month die in Afghanistan.

10/3/2010 100 cops and kids die in fiery LA Wrecks a month.

10/3/2010 100 babies dead a month by Whooping Cough by Mexican nursery workers.

10/3/2010 100 Gringos dead every month by Mexicans with Hepatitis cooking... etc.

10/3/2010 100 fags video taped in dorm room having sex give others in the dorm syphilis.

10/3/2010 100 CBS Katie Couric reporting on the suicide of the fag video taped knows but would not report that people given syphilis from fags in the dorms commit suicide too.

10/3/2010 200k Guatemalan's dead in a USA coup in 1996...

10/3/2010 4,000 Guatemalans dead via USA syphilis infection...

10/3/2010 Guatemala revelation of abuses by a USA MD's and Pentagon Generals!

10/3/2010 Revelation of abuses by a USA MD's in selling Breast Cancer women pills for $84,000 to live another month or two while secretly suppressing the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar from working, brainstorming a Breast cancer Cure with his wives!

10/3/2010 CBS Katie Couric reporting on the suicide of the fag video taped, Katie knows but would not report that people given syphilis by fags in the dorms commit suicide too.

10/3/2010 Working while sick? Study finds even doctors do it...

10/3/2010 100 fags video taped in dorm room having sex give others in the dorm syphilis.

10/3/2010 100 policemen a month die in Afghanistan.

10/3/2010 100 cops and kids die in fiery LA Wrecks a month.

10/3/2010 100 babies dead a month by Whooping Cough by Mexican nursery workers.

10/3/2010 100 Gringos dead every month by Mexicans with Hepatitis cooking... etc.

10/3/2010 100 fags video taped in dorm room having sex give others in the dorm syphilis.

10/3/2010 100 CBS Katie Couric reporting on the suicide of the fag video taped knows but would

not report that people given syphilis from fags in the dorms commit suicide too.

10/3/2010 200k Guatemalan's dead in a USA coup in 1996...

10/3/2010 4,000 Guatemalans' dead via USA syphilis infection...

10/3/2010 Guatemala revelation of abuses by a USA MD's and Pentagon Generals!

10/3/2010 Revelation of abuses by a USA MD's in selling Breast Cancer women pills for $84,000 to live another month or two while secretly suppressing the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar from working, brainstorming a Breast cancer Cure with his wives!

10/3/2010 Working while sick? Study finds even doctors do it...

10/3/2010 CBS Katie Couric reporting on the suicide of the fag video taped, Katie knows but would not report that people given syphilis by fags in the dorms commit suicide too.

10/3/2010 NASA Lost "Our" Universe... via Oil Genocide Era. $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues now our Orwellian Caesar wants another $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues still suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar Era and its 177 Trillion spin off inventions. NASA Mission should be to Hear and See Aliens to finally End War On Earth via Orion "Shuttle" a New "Telescope" that can See and Hear Aliens. 10 Ares rockets sent into space will dock with the Orion "Shuttle" as the Orion can maneuver in the middle of 10 rockets linked in a circle for deep space voyages! Landing on Mars will not even come close to Ending War On Earth. NASA only has one chance in History to make up for taking BP Oil $ bribes and gov. perks to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar and its 177 trillion spin off inventions like H free Hydrogen for wood stoves in Africa clean H2O via H and climate controlled cars for Hot Kid deaths. Two - Three - Four Orion "Shuttles" docked then maneuver into a circle of Ares rockets already in orbit.. NASA could use this design to blast off for Alpha Centauri. 4.3 Light years from Earth!

NASA Hear See Aliens Mission to End War On EarthAliens, to End War on Earth!

10/3/2010 NASA in Transition as Congress OKs New Direction to Hear and See Aliens to End War On Earth!

NASA Hear See Aliens Mission to End War On EarthAliens, to End War on Earth!

10/3/2010 Working while sick? Study finds even doctors do it...

10/3/2010 CBS Katie Couric reporting on the suicide of the fag video taped, Katie knows but would not report that people given syphilis by fags in the dorms commit suicide too. CBS WebMD; test are not very useful for detecting syphilis in very early or advanced stages so kids in the freshman dorms are a health hazard to all other freshmen!

10/3/2010 The House, in a 304-to-118 vote on Wednesday, approved $58 billion for NASA over the next three years. British Generals, Mad Men, BP Oil Men! Didn't read this in the London Times! Or read it with the CIA and said Hell with Aliens they are to far away to nuke, we need Wars On Earth not Light Years Down Range! So today the British are hiring MIT and Oxford to build 4 Nuke Subs with 190 Nukes on each Sub... is this crazy, YES! British army of 105,000 will not be reduced as long as it has ground forces in Afghanistan. (How many Moslem women are needed just to work at British Military Whore Houses just in Afghanistan?) NASA's deep space mission has been attacked by the British Today if the Brits are not defeated the USA and World will lose the Universe and its Aliens for another 100 years! 10/3/2010 Britain’s annual military budget is $58 billion. 10/3/2010 The House, in a 304-to-118 vote on Wednesday, approved $58 billion for NASA over the next three years.

10/3/2010 Two - Three - Four "Orion "Shuttles"" docked then driven into a circle of 10 Ares rockets already in orbit... 10 Ares rockets linked into a big circle, you just drive the shuttle into and you have a shuttle or 3 shuttles that are docked together now with 10 or 20 Ares rocks that can blast you off into deep space with your "Telescope" that can Hear and See Aliens. NASA could use this design to blast off for Alpha Centauri. 4.3 Light years from Earth too!


Cheri McDonald thief, stole $400 rent deposit from Greg and should be arrested and should also be arrested for mistreating the Dog Buddy... no she did not duct tape the Dog Buddy to the Ice Box Door... grin! But she knows violent teens who could have!

10/1/2010 Observers posted this on the internet, but CBS Katie Couric would not report these summer of 2010 "Hot Car" deaths as they are mass murderers by her boss our Orwellian Caesar... ElectricWindmillCars will be climate controlled 24/7 in summer and winter via the electrolysis accessory for H2O into H for fuel for accessories "air conditioning" and like heat for Moscows (dead) drunks and electricity!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killed

10/1/2010 1,000's of Kids die in Hot Cars. This is a gov. run genocide, and only in an Oil Genocide Era that wants another $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues could this happen year after year (1980 to 2010) they are truly "Baby Killers"... Carter his wife Roslyn, Bush and his wife and 2 daughters, Clintons and her daughter, and the Governors of Texas, Florida, and California... 1980 to 2010 1,000's of kids left in hot cars, you do the math as Bush would say! Observers behind hidden cameras! I, Greg Buell Lovestar could not believe the "Observers" posted their mass murder genocide of kids left in hot cars, as cops and kids in Fiery LA Wrecks have been made persona non grata by Bush after I posted the cop baby wife picture on my web.

cop wife babyElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980...

10/1/2010 Bush let all Observers know he did not want any fiery LA Wrecks on NBC Today Show or on CBS with Katie Couric! 48 children die in hot cars in 2010 By ALLEN G. BREED, AP National Writer Allen G. Breed, Ap National Writer Wed Sep 29, 6:03 pm ET This year of record temperatures has also led a record number of children dying in hot vehicles, according to a group that tracks such deaths. According to the Kansas-based organization Kids and Cars, 48 children have died of hyperthermia after being left or becoming trapped in a hot car or truck. The previous record of 47 was set in 2005, says Janette Fennell, the group's founder and president." I'm devastated," Fennell said Wednesday. The latest death was a 2 1/2-month-old girl who died Sept. 20 in Kingman, Ariz., after being left five hours in a car in 100-degree heat. Police say the girl's father forgot the baby was in the car, went inside the house and took a shower and nap 1998 to 2010 an average of 37 children have died in hot cars... Texas leads the nation deaths, followed by Florida. "My biggest worry is that we might break 50 hot car deaths in 2010," said Fennell. "And that's too much to think about. "Hot car deaths have spiked since the when laws began requiring that infants be strapped into rear-facing car seats in the back seats of vehicles to avoid air-bags 40 percent of the children who died this way are less than a year old.

10/1/2010 CBS Katie Couric would not report these "Hot Car" deaths at they are mass murderers by her boss our Orwellian Caesar... You do the math... 48 cops and kids burn in fiery LA Wrecks every month, World Wide, Rome, Paris, Deli, Karachi, 27 gasoline tankers heading to Afghanistan are on fire 41 gasoline tanker trucks were damaged besides the 27 on fire it took me several minutes searching Google to find 2 pictures as they were suppressed by the Pentagon and Google went along with this for a bribe from the Pentagon of course or just some more gov perks for Google.

10/1/2010 Today Show didn't show any of these 27 gasoline tankers on fire today. Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, hot spots around the world hotter than Texas and Florida kids die in hot cars every day of the year and this news is suppressed by Katie Couric's Boss our Orwellian Caesar! You do the math... how many kids died in hot cars world wide in the summer of 2010... not 48 many many more. You do the math how many cops and kids burned to death in fiery LA Wrecks in the summer of 2010... world wide... many thousands, "Tens of Thousands" burned and burned to death in fiery wrecks world wide in the summer of 2010. Katie Couric will never, ever report this "news" on CBS as her Boss is our Orwellian Caesar! WHO MD's at the UN let 1 billion people drink dirty water in the summer of 2010 only top secret UN statistics know how many died. When the electrolysis accessory in your ElectricWindmillCar would have provided these 1 billion people with clean H2O, cool cars, electricity and many many more spin off inventions for massive amounts of free Hydrogen. Caesar is now our Orwellian Caesar a much much more dramatic killer! And Katie Courics Boss at CBS!

10/1/2010 General Petraeus just said YouTube videos of Moslem women working in Whore Houses in Afghanistan are Top Secret and you can not watch them. "Moslem women working in Afghanistan "Whore Houses" for the Troops earn more money than any Afghanistan women today... Hillary Clinton is looking out for all women, this is not a lie! YouTube videos of Military Whore Houses are Top Secret!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killedOrwellian Caesar!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating this burnt cop's widow getting $1 Billion from the confiscations of $177 Trillion in oil revenues from Texas and Saudi oil men!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... Tonight I should be celebrating my wife's getting an "Invention" on my BDay! Via Greg's inspiration!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... Tonight I should be celebrating my wife's getting an "Invention" on my BDay! Via Greg's inspiration!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be logging in to Los Alamos supercomputers and be supercomputer literate Today!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be brainstorming with several wife's the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be reading on the Front Page of the New York Times, the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be reading on the Front Page of the New York Times, George Orwell "Animal Farm" windmill story about the ElectricWindmillcar invention story at George Reynolds Library looking at NCAR, observing the smoke in the distance, in the wind, observing the traffic coming down Table Mesa Drive, and having my copy of Animal Farm open on the table in the library! This is a true Serendipity miracle discovery!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating clean drinking water for 5 billion people...

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating free H from the electrolysis accessory in your ElectricWindmillCar!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating mandatory vaccinations and organ donation...

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating Yale's new $1 Trillion dollar Medical School news!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating Carter and Roslyn "Confession" YouTube Video to the "Oil Genocide Era" from 1980 to 2010 and it getting 1 Trillion hits today!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating Clintons arrest for betraying Afghanistan women working in "Whore Houses" sent up in Afghanistan by Gen Petraeus for the US Troops, so many lies by Clintons! Hillary's YouTube video her visiting of Military Whore Houses 1 trillion hits on YouTube today!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating "Nuke the Criminals" supercomputer HQ at Los Alamos

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating 177 Trillion Aliens in our Universe!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating the confiscations of $177 Trillion in oil revenues from Texas and Saudi oil men!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating 9/11 widows getting $1 Billion each because the government kept the ElectricWindmillCar in Times Square across the street from the New York Times on 9/11 but kept it Top Secret.

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating Trump committing suicide because all 9/11 widows and widows of cops burned to death in fiery rear end wrecks got $1 Billion dollars!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating 9/11 "Ground Zero" site building another $1 Trillion dollar Medical School! Not a waterfall going nowhere... same top brass who are building this infinity waterfall hid the ElectricWindmillCar on 9/11 news.

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating free "University" education mandatory for all!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating the end to Windows 7 and the introduction of Greg's "Inventor OS" that will come pre installed with 1,001 invention project links!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... Tonight I should be celebrating my wife's getting an "Invention" on my BDay! Via Greg's inspiration!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... Tonight I should be celebrating my wife's getting an "Invention" on my BDay! Via Greg's inspiration!

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... Tonight I should be celebrating my wife's getting an "Invention" on my BDay! Via Greg's inspiration!

9/11 ElectricWindmillCar was in Times Square on 9/11...

700 "Students" burned in a "Fiery Wrecks" by the time they retire at 63!

cop wife baby9/11 ElectricWindmillCar... End War On Earth via ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980

9/27/2010 63rd BDay Today... I should be celebrating this burnt cop's widow getting $1 Billion from the confiscations of $177 Trillion in oil revenues from Texas and Saudi oil men!

9/11 Pentagons General Petraeus spits on the idea of a Rx penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer invented by the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar, Greg Buell Lovestar. Off limits via Pentagon generals, Greg and few wives working on this on 9/11...

9/11 ElectricWindmillCar was in Times Square on 9/11 and every year before 9/11 but it was suppressed by BP Oil... Read more on 9/11 below the 177 Trillion Aliens and Galaxies!

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killed

Our Orwellian Caesar in 2010 killed all 177 Trillion Aliens in this picture and a Free University for all Americans... (only Saudi Arabia has a free University via oil revenues) Our Orwellian Caesars spent $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues on MIT War Toys and War... training illiterate Afghans and others in the Art of War etc instead of CU and Yale students to become "Elite Inventors" who will help Humanity more via Elite Inventions than illiterate Afghan Generals or Pentagon Generals! Aliens are the Miracle Cure for Generals and troops blinded in needless Wars in an Oil Genocide Era from 1980 to 2010! 177 Trillion spin off inventions from the ElectricWindmillCar have been lost by "Toyota", "Volt" and a Miss Universe without an MD degree!

9/11 2010 Pentagons General Petraeus just said "Burning Qurans on 9/11 Could Endanger Troops" not cops and kids burning in fiery LA Wrecks for $177 Trillion more in Oil Revenues! $

177 Trillion Galaxies are being comprehended by Students and our "Orwellian Caesar's"

177 Trillion Aliens are believable Today! Caesar in 2010 killed all 177 Trillion Aliens in this picture for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenue he spent on MIT War Toys and War... training illiterate Afghans and others in the Art of War etc instead of CU and Yale students to become "Elite Inventors" who will help Humanity more than illiterate Afghan Generals or Pentagon Generals! Aliens are the Miracle Cure for Generals and troops blinded in needless Wars!

Elite Student Inventors at CU and Yale this semester are killed by Caesars decision to spent 77 Billion training Afghans... and other illiterates in the Art of War!

$1 Trillion dollar Medical School wasn't in the Yale University News this 1st week of classes! Because our Orwellian Caesar's only gives Medical Students cadavers, and refuse to give the masses Mandatory Organ Donation Laws! And let Greg Buell Lovestar write up 1,001 Invention Projects on this Web Page!

cop wife baby9/11 ElectricWindmillCar... End War On Earth via ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980

9/11 2010 Pentagons General Petraeus just said "Burning Qurans on 9/11 Could Endanger Troops" not cops and kids burning in fiery LA Wrecks for $177 Trillion more in Oil Revenues! $

cop wife babyMD's set up burn units for fiery wrecks... a burn unit scam for money $$$
Send cash or check to Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Cell 303 548 9904

Labor Day - Today's New York Times front page pictures stifles 1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on Today, Labor Day!


Labor Day - Today's New York Times front page pictures stifle 1,001 Invention Projects you could be working on Today, Labor Day!

9/11 ElectricWindmillCar...

End War on Earth Coup D'Etat

Via ElectricWindmillCar and its Electrolysis Accessory...

9/11 ElectricWindmillCar was in Times Square on 9/11 and every year before 9/11 but it was suppressed by BP Oil...

9/11 ElectricWindmillCar...

H Hydrogen from H2O! Free H for 7 Billion

9/11 ElectricWindmillCar... Suppressed by the same Orwellian Caesars who kept the ElectricWindmillCar out of Times Square on 9/11... this is a crime, you do the math! 100,000 Cops and Kids burn in fiery LA Wrecks... MD Burn Units scam for $$$
cop wife babyMD's set up burn units for fiery wrecks... a burn unit scam for money $$$

Dead 40,000 women in 2010 from Breast Cancer, Dead 30,000 in 2010 from cirrhosis... Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer is suppressed via the same Orwellian Caesars who have for 9 years after 9/11 and since its 1980 invention the ElectricWindmillCar. Coors suppression can prevent half the Breast Cancer deaths in 2011 and even more Cirrhosis deaths in 2011. ElectricWindmllCar can prevent burns... torture burning in a fiery LA wreck is the Pentagon Generals favorite torture to observe on 1,001 Top Secret Classified web cams... for American Civilians! In our BP Oil Genocide Era from 1980 to 2010. CBS Stand Up to Cancer is on Today, Labor Day 2010. Scam is from Roche Rx a sugar pill for $5.84 billion to left women with breast cancer live longer didn't work and the MD Dr. Susan Love knew this. MD's scam Medicare for $60 Billion yesterday on 60 Minutes! BP Oil scam, $177 Trillion you spent buying gasoline.

9/11 2010 Pentagons General Petraeus just said "Burning Qurans on 9/11 Could Endanger Troops" not cops and kids burning in fiery LA Wrecks for $177 Trillion more in Oil Revenues! $

Pentagon Generals got off watching fiery LA Wrecks, SURGE in Iraq won the war! LOST had the worst ending possible for ABC. Times Square has a live web cam today, Traffic has no overpasses or underpasses... 177 Trillion spin off inventions from the ElectricWindmillCar invention in 1980 were LOST like the World Trade Center Towers were LOST. $1 Trillion Dollar Medical School at Ground Zero was LOST as the Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar was is still suppressed from working another Miracle like the one in 1980 that ended the Saudi Oil Embargo via Blackmail, gov. perks for MD's and others to let you burn in fiery LA Wrecks on 9/11 for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2010.

9/11 Pentagons General Petraeus spits on the idea of a Rx penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer is stuck in Times Square traffic, or traffic in China. Vatican Bank scam by BP Oil into taking a few billion instead of a few trillion for a bribe. Pope will burn in Hells Gasoline Fires. You do the math on 9/11.

9/11 2010 Pentagons General Petraeus just said "Burning Qurans on 9/11 Could Endanger Troops" not cops and kids burning in fiery LA Wrecks for $177 Trillion more in Oil Revenues! $

Muslim Mosque or a Trillion Dollar Medical School at Ground Zero, we can tear down the building going up at ground zero today as they will all be hanged like Saddam for tossing gasoline bombs at SUV's driving down the LA Freeways from 1980 to 2010. 9/11 ElectricWindmillCar...

Send cash or check to Greg Buell PO Box 1113 Boulder CO 80306

Cell 303 548 9904

9/11 Pentagons General Petraeus spits on the idea of a Rx penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer invented by the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar, Greg Buell Lovestar. Off limits via Pentagon generals, Greg and few wives working on this on 9/11... Pentagon revenge on women for Vietnam in 2010. Endless Wars... and Torture by Psychotic Generals addicted to oil money to buy MIT War Toys.

9/11 2010 News... The ElectricWindmillCar was in Times Square on 9/11 and every year before 9/11 but it was suppressed by BP Oil... and our Orwellian Caesar's! - - 9/11 2010 and it's still suppressed!!! The Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Breast Cancer Cure is also suppressed by Caesar! More below...

Pentagon revenge on women for Vietnam in 2010. Endless Wars... and Torture by Psychotic Generals addicted to oil money to buy MIT War Toys.

9/11 2010 News... The ElectricWindmillCar was in Times Square on 9/11 and every year before 9/11 but it was suppressed by BP Oil... and our Orwellian Caesar's! - -

9/11 2010 and it's still suppressed!!! The Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Breast Cancer Cure is also suppressed by Caesar! More below...

177 Trillion Galaxies, 177 Trillion Aliens, $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues in Swiss Banks! 28 Aug. 2010 ----- 1st Week of Classes at CU, Boulder, CO have come and gone. "Ruling Class..." exhaust fumes have been dissected by all the students. H2O and the "electrolysis accessory" in the suppressed ElectricWindmillCar too.

Civilians 177 trillion killed 177 trillion Aliens killed

177 Trillion Galaxies are being comprehended by Students and our "Orwellian Caesar"

177 Trillion Aliens are believable Today! Caesar in 2010 killed all 177 Trillion Aliens in this picture for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenue he spent on MIT War Toys and War... training illiterate Afghans etc instead of CU student.

Elite Student Inventors at CU and Yale this semester are killed by Caesars decision to spent $77 Billion training Afghans... and other illiterates in the Art of War!

$1 Trillion dollar Medical School wasn't in the Yale University News this 1st week of classes! Because our Orwellian Caesar's only gives Medical Students cadavers, and refuse to give the masses Mandatory Organ Donation Laws! And let Greg Buell Lovestar write up 1,001 Invention Projects on this Web Page!

23 Aug. 2010 ----- 1st Day of Classes at CU, Boulder, CO and "Ruling Class..." exhaust fumes from gasoline cars will cause cancer in 700 students by the time they retire at 62! For $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues $ !.

700 "Students" Made "Persona non grata" for "Protesting" the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar!

700 "Students" burned in a "Fiery Wrecks" by the time they retire at 62!

700 daily, dead from eating shrimp and crab from BP's Oil spill in the Gulf...

From 2010 to 2040...

700 daily, burned in gasoline, people in fiery LA Wrecks are Persona non grata. After the ElectricWindmillCar - Coup Katie Couric will be replaced by "persona non grata women" who have gasoline burns over most of their bodies and face. Our Orwellian Caesar made these 700 people, burned in gasolines fiery wrecks "persona non grate" on CBS, ABC, NBC!

GE is "Genocide Electric" as Xcel Power Plants generate electricity in an "Era of BlackSmiths and horses".

H Hydrogen to generate your Electricity has been made "Persona Non Grata" too, with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar, and its "electrolysis accessory" Gallon of H2O!"electrolysis accessory"! This is a terrible crime committed by the USA for $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2010.

10 Aug. 2010 Deadly Moscow summer of 2010 kills 700 daily - "Hot Cars!" "Smog!"

10 Aug. 2010 Moscow Ambulances and hot cars built defective by GM, Ford, "Volt", "Toyota" in an Orwellian Society!

700 daily, dead from eating shrimp and crab from BP's Oil spill in the Gulf...

From 2010 to 2040...

177 Trillion Tar Balls are in Key West from 177 Trillion wells leaking in the Gulf...

700 daily, dead from eating shrimp and crab from BP's Oil spill in the Gulf...

From 2010 to 2040...

2040 they will be put on trail for these deaths!

2040 they will be put on trail for suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2040

700 daily, dead from "Volt" and "Toyota" built defective and sold to the public in an Orwellian Society that knows "Volt" and "Toyota" defects will kill and injure 700 daily!

2040 they will be put on trail for these deaths!
Persona Non Grata ---- 10,000 of these pictures with different cops, kids, wife's have been made persona non grata by our Orwellian Caesar from 1980 to 2010 and this picture will not be on the front page of the New York Times until after the Coup... Our Orwellian Caesar must be a "Pit Bull" as this picture should start a Coup!


Cheri McDonald thief, stole $400 rent deposit from Greg and should be arrested and should also be arrested for mistreating the Dog Buddy... no she did not duct tape the Dog Buddy to the Ice Box Door... grin! But she knows violent teens who could have!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues

10 Aug. 2010 Deadly Moscow summer of 2010 kills 700 daily

10 Aug. 2010 Putin left his own kids in hot cars to die so he could spent $177 Trillion

10 Aug. 2010 Usually, 380 people die a day, now it's 700 a day! Andrei Seltsovsky said.

10 Aug. 2010 Deadly LA and USA statistics are suppressed by our Orwellian Caesar

10 Aug. 2010 Pentagon Generals are responsible for the Civilian Deaths in the USA

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues

$177 Trillion was to much oil money for the Pentagon Generals to turn down!

MIT "War Toy" Inventors have outspent "Iran's" Aspiring Nuke Makers via Oil $

$177 Trillion, since 1980 and 99% has been spent on "War Toys"

Moscow ambulances are not equipped with an air conditioning system and the temperature inside is 122 F

1981 model Moscow Ambulances would have been "climate controlled" if Putin didn't suppress the ElectricWindmillCar for $177 Trillion in oil money.

LEIDSCHENDAM, Netherlands – Naomi Campbell flirted with Liberia's former president across the dinner table at Nelson Mandela's presidential mansion in 1997 and boasted the following morning that Charles Taylor had given her a huge diamond during the night, Mia Farrow and another witness testified at Taylor's war crimes trial Monday.

"blood diamond" trade that fueled buying "MIT War Toys"

$177 Trillion in "blood diamond" No Way!

700 oil genocide mia

The defense suggested Mia Farrow's credibility was tainted by her activism, particularly her campaigns for the victims of Africa's wars. Mia knows Police Officer Jason who is pictured below. Mia goes along with the USA War Lords who toss Gasoline Bombs at cop cars and SUV's on the freeways of LA. Mia drives by fiery LA Wrecks and does not stop to help those on fire! Mia is a "Slave" of our Orwellian Caesar!

cop wife babyWedding Day

Mia Farrow, 65, conceded more LA cops and kids were murdered by USA Presidents for the $177 Trillion in oil revenues than all the African War Lords combined! And these African War Lords didn't get $177 million dollars from blood diamonds let alone $177 Trillion dollars from Oil Genocide Revenues!

Mia Farrow more than likely has $65 million dollars from BP Oil in a Swiss bank!

LEIDSCHENDAM, Netherlands – Naomi Campbell flirted with Liberia's former president across the dinner table at Nelson Mandela's presidential mansion in 1997 and boasted the following morning that Charles Taylor had given her a huge diamond during the night, Mia Farrow and another witness testified at Taylor's war crimes trial Monday.

100K in the USA in 2010 die from Hospital Infections...

Taylor says he is innocent of 11 war-crimes charges linked to allegations he supported rebels during Sierra Leone's vicious 11-year civil war, which ended in 2002 with an estimated 100,000 dead.

100K in the USA in 2010 die from Hospital Infections...

40K died every year Obama has been President from Breast Cancer alone...

Obama and our Orwellian Caesar will be put on trial for more than 11 war crimes!

100K in the USA in 2010 die from Hospital Infections...

Taylor says he is innocent of 11 war-crimes charges linked to allegations he supported rebels during Sierra Leone's vicious 11-year civil war, which ended in 2002 with an estimated 100,000 dead.

Hospital "Space Suits" were not invented by "MIT War Toy" guys, why?

Hospital "Space Suits" were not invented by "MIT War Toy" guys, why?

Hospital "Space Suits" were not invented by "MIT War Toy" guys, why?

Drug-resistant superbugs like the staph germ MRSA increasingly are able to make "flesh-eating" toxins and cause nightmarish infections like Wilson's.

"In the first 20 years I practiced, I may have seen one case," said Dr. Alan Bisno, a retired University of Miami expert who has lectured other doctors on this. "Within a very few years, everybody in the audience had all seen cases."

To treat it, doctors cut away dead tissue, but the infection often advances after they think they've gotten it all.

Inch by inch, it devoured the 34-year-old Wilson. Spleen, gall bladder, appendix. Part of her stomach and ultimately, all of her intestines.

Over five years, she had countless surgeries, including an unusual organ transplant. For much of that time, she lived in hospitals and rehabilitation centers, fed by tubes and unable to give her young son a bath, to read him a bedtime story, to tuck him in at night. She lost her marriage and endured unimaginable pain.

Pentagon Generals caused unimaginable pain to 100's of thousands in the USA!

Pentagon Generals caused unimaginable pain to 100's of thousands in the USA!

Pentagon Generals caused unimaginable pain to 100's of thousands in the USA!

700 daily

1980 to 2010

700 daily

In England, No... at the Pentagon, these generals burned witches at the steak so to speak poetically. Fiery LA Wrecks from 1980 to 2010. Kids left in hot cars every summer died at the hands of our Pentagon Generals, baby killers the Generals will not "contest" at their Genocide Trial.

700 daily dead from eating shrimp and crab from BP's Oil spill in the Gulf...

2010 to 2040...

2040 LEIDSCHENDAM, Netherlands the war crimes trial will start with the reading of this web page written on 10 Aug. 2010

700 daily died from eating shrimp and crab that lived in BP's Gulf oil spill

700 daily die in Moscow in Aug. 2010

700 daily died in Moscow in July 2010

Putin's war crime trial in Moscow, Greg Buell Lovestar will testify against this mass murderer, who used Oil and Diamonds to destroy our Universe of ElectricWindmillcars from 1980 to 2010.

9/11 would never have happened

John Lennon would never have been killed...

Our Universe with ElectricWindmillcars born in 1980 killed by "Mad Men"

We must invent the gas lobotomy ASAP

For our next generation of Mad Men and Orwellian Caesars

Will certainly drive a fast car...

And run over kids...

Before the cops can arrest them!

10 Aug. 2010

10 Aug. 2010

700 a day will die from oil in crabs shrimp

10 Aug. 2010


Cheri McDonald thief, stole $400 rent deposit from Greg and should be arrested and should also be arrested for mistreating the Dog Buddy... no she did not duct tape the Dog Buddy to the Ice Box Door... grin! But she knows violent teens who could have!

1 Aug 2010 Pictures of Fiery LA Wrecks no! Pictures of Chelsea, and Mr. Mezvinsky Wedding Day!

1 Aug 2010 Gasoline bombs were tossed at SUV's on LA Freeways on Chelsea wedding day by her mom and dad!

FBI was guarding the Bride, Groom, Clintons!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
Civilians killed in fiery LA Wrecks<br

cop wife babyWedding Day

NASA says the crew was not in danger but was awakened by several warning alarms when the cooling loop went down. Tracy Caldwell Dyson was working to fix the problem while her crew mates went back to bed. There are two spare coolant pump modules on board in case the astronauts need to replace it.

NASA crew knows in the back of their brains, 100 kids left in hot cars will die in the Summer of 2010. Afghan and Iraq and USA war casualties are on the front pages of the New York Times on 1 Aug 2010 not these little kids left in hot cars to die, sure the gov. requires car seats today for kids. But letting 100 kids die every Summer since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar is a terrible crime by our USA government leaders!

Hillary Clinton to-do list: Top 10

1. Don't take the calcium today as this does cause heart attacks and was a scam by the MD community!

2. Don't tell Chelsea not to drink on her wedding day... let Chelsea show off her low cut wedding dress without any thoughts of breast cancer caused by alcohol.

3. No Windmills at the wedding!!!

Chelsea is Christian, Mr. Mezvinsky is Jewish, Rome will burn again in the ElectricwindmillCar Coup that ends the worst genocide in the history of Earth.

Jews and Christians with $177 Trillion dollars in the same Swiss Banks Hitler put his money will certainly burn in Hells gasoline!
Suppress the ElectricWindmillCar and its 1,001 spin off inventions!

Avoid Nuclear War while running the day to day goings-on in the worst Genocide in the History of Earth... the "Oil Genocide" Era!

NASA says the crew was not in danger but was awakened by several warning alarms when the cooling loop went down.

Alarm for Mom, Clinton leaving Chelsea in a hot car, no! Ford built the "Volt" knowing they are defective just like "Toyota" CEO did.

"Volt" "Toyota" are built defective with no "Super Air Bags on the Outside"!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
Civilians killed in fiery LA Wrecks<br

cop wife babyWedding Day

Cops will be killed, murdered by "Volt" and "Toyota" engineers who let common criminals observe the cop car behind them with flashing lights but the Cops were blind sided by car makers and their Chief as "Volt" and "Toyota" will wait for the start of production of the ElectricWindmillCars before "Web Cams" are installed on the "Dash" and "In sides" of all cars with wifi and Verizon Cell signals sending the "Live Cam" of inside the car to the cop car behind them.

Clintons are not common criminals on their daughters wedding day, but are running the worst "Oil Genocide" in the history of Earth!

Pope and the Jews got "Married" to $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues!

177 Trillion Tar Balls are in Key West from 177 Trillion wells leaking in the Gulf... that have leaked, that are still leaking today and in one day to day running of this Oil Genocide Era the Clintons made sure no Live Web Cams are on YouTube showing any of the 177 Trillion Leaking Wells in the Gulf.

tar balls on key west beaches today Wedding Day
Starbucks on the Beaches of Key West, Reinvented and designed by the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar for working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer in a Polygamous Marriage with a few MD women for my wives

1 Aug 2010 Fiery LA Wrecks, no Pictures of Chelsea, and Mr. Mezvinsky Wedding Day!

MOSCOW – Vast sections of Russia were under a state of emergency Friday as more than 10,000 fire fighters fought to save villages and forests from being reduced to ash and ember during the country's hottest summer on record.

10,000 Jet Fighters are on the assembly line today as Putin, Obama, Kerry, Bush, watch the pictures of Forest Fires in Moscow and LA burn down houses.

Moscow built 2 or 3 small 737 fire fighting planes

Washington built 4 or 5 small 747 fire fighting planes

10,000 747 and Galaxy C5A fire fighting planes will be built same time 1 Billion ElectricWindmillCars with climate control, super air bags on the outside, web cams on the dash so cops can observe crazy and criminal drivers.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is a busy woman, running the day to day goings on in the worst Genocide in the History of the Earth!

“wedding of the century” and “wedding of the millennium.” “wedding of the day”

Do you understand the consequences?

NASA says the crew was not in danger but was awakened by several warning alarms when the cooling loop went down.

Alarm for Mom, Clinton leaving Chelsea in a hot car, no! Ford built the "Volt" knowing they are defective just like "Toyota" CEO did.

NASA crew knows in the back of their brains, 100 kids left in hot cars will die in the Summer of 2010.

NASA crew knows there are "Aliens" 4.3 light years from Earth at Alpha Centauri!

The American military has pronounced Iraq's security as stabilizing and is going ahead with plans to send home all but 50,000 troops by the end of the month.

50,000 troops will stay in Korea for the next 50 years making it another 100 year war for the Textbooks that should be documenting 50k Aliens discovered in the Universe!

HGTV conversion of the Pentagon into a $1 Trillion dollar Medical School

Microsoft bankrupted finally after killing off 1 Trillion Inventors from 1980 to 2010 with the Inventor OS that will finally replace Windows 7 and come pre loaded with 1,001 invention projects.

German Army Brig. Gen. Josef Blotz, a NATO spokesman, told reporters Sunday in Kabul that BMW Mercedes CEO's will not pullout did of the international coalition suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar. Volt and Toyota CEO's said they will all hang together in any future "Oil Genocide Trials" in Germany and Japan!

The international community and NATO are helping Afghanistan to stand on its own legs so the country can defend itself against extremists who want to use it as a breeding ground for global terrorism!

1 Aug 2010 Pictures of Fiery LA Wrecks no! Pictures of Chelsea, and Mr. Mezvinsky Wedding Day!

1 Aug 2010 Gasoline bombs were tossed at SUV's on LA Freeways on Chelsea wedding day by her mom and dad!

FBI was guarding the Bride, Groom, Clintons!

Hillary Clinton to-do list: Top 10

1. Don't take the calcium today as this does cause heart attacks and was a scam by the MD community!

2. Don't tell Chelsea not to drink on her wedding day... let Chelsea show off her low cut wedding dress without any thoughts of breast cancer caused by alcohol.

3. No Windmills at the wedding!!!

Chelsea is Christian, Mr. Mezvinsky is Jewish, Rome will burn again in the ElectricwindmillCar Coup that ends the worst genocide in the history of Earth.

Jews and Christians with $177 Trillion dollars in the same Swiss Banks Hitler put his money will certainly burn in Hells gasoline!

1 Aug 2010 Pictures of Fiery LA Wrecks no! Pictures of Chelsea, and Mr. Mezvinsky Wedding Day!

1 Aug 2010 Gasoline bombs were tossed at SUV's on LA Freeways on Chelsea wedding day by her mom and dad!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
Civilians killed in fiery LA Wrecks<br

cop wife babyWedding Day

NASA crew knows in the back of their brains, 100 kids left in hot cars will die in the Summer of 2010. Afghan and Iraq and USA war casualties are on the front pages of the New York Times on 1 Aug 2010 not these little kids left in hot cars to die, sure the gov. requires car seats today for kids. But letting 100 kids die every Summer since the 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar is a terrible crime by our USA government leaders!

Hillary Clinton to-do list: Top 10

1. Don't take the calcium today as this does cause heart attacks and was a scam by the MD community!

2. Don't tell Chelsea not to drink on her wedding day... let Chelsea show off her low cut wedding dress without any thoughts of breast cancer caused by alcohol.

3. No Windmills at the wedding!!!

Chelsea is Christian, Mr. Mezvinsky is Jewish, Rome will burn again in the ElectricwindmillCar Coup that ends the worst genocide in the history of Earth.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
Civilians killed in fiery LA Wrecks<br

cop wife babyWedding Day

1 Aug 2010

1 Aug 2010 No Wedding Gift of an ElectricWindmillCar! Just cash in a Swiss Bank from BP Oil $$$

1 Aug 2010

1 Aug 2010 No Wedding Gift of an ElectricWindmillCar! Just cash in a Swiss Bank from BP Oil $$$

1 Aug 2010

1 Aug 2010 No Wedding Gift of an ElectricWindmillCar! Just cash in a Swiss Bank from BP Oil $$$

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
Civilians killed in fiery LA Wrecks<br

cop wife babyWedding Day


Cheri McDonald thief, stole $400 rent deposit from Greg and should be arrested and should also be arrested for mistreating the Dog Buddy... no she did not duct tape the Dog Buddy to the Ice Box Door... grin! But she knows violent teens who could have!

20 July 2010 Oil "Tar Balls" are in Key West "Today" from 27K leaks... Dr Susan Love should be arrested for a $5.9 billion scam from selling her patients the Roche Breast cancer pills Avastin for $90k a year as Dr. Susan Love and 100's of thousands of MD's knew the pills did not work. I meet Dr. Susan Love here in Boulder Colorado and wrote in my diary she does not have any shit on her penis... but she is a "fag at heart" as she would give anyone syphilis and Hepatitis! Dr. Susan Love and 100's of thousands of "Observers" are "Mass Murderers" for driving by Fiery LA Wrecks from 1980 to 2010 and not "Stopping to Help"! MD's set up Burn units to "Profit" from this "Oil Genocide Era"! And were given the "Medal of Honor" by Pentagon Generals behind the Cameras in our "Orwellian Society". Same MD's will not give 300 Million Americans Medicare Medical Coverage like Saudi Arabia has had for its Citizens since 1980! "Mandatory Organ Donation" was LOST to Bush selling your organs to Saudi Princes! These MD's made a "Windfall Profit" from the "Mass Murder" of selling your Organs to Saudi Princes from 1980 to 2010! Mass Murder of these Americans waiting for the Organs Saudi Princes got and died waiting. Students waiting for the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980 are still getting gasoline engine cars and many Student Drivers have died in Fiery LA Wrecks from 1980 to 2010. Let alone getting an ElectricWindmillCar for being in the 2010 Graduation Class at Yale, Harvard, CU here in Boulder, Colorado. LOST, Bill Gates is a Mass Murderer of Students from 1980 to 2010 for going along with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980, and Gregs "Inventor" OS. Operating System that would have replaced Windows 7 decades ago and would have come pre installed with 1,001 Invention Projects for you to work on. This is a crime by Bill Gates. Gates and Gates at the Pentagon should be covered in Key West Tar Balls, to say the least for their Profiting from so many burned and burned to death by Our Orwellian Governments Oil Genocide Era from 1980 to 2010. I will convert all 10 Bush Class Aircraft Carriers to "Ocean Trash Trucks" when the Pentagon is converted to a $1 Trillion dollar Medical School. Pentagon Generals are responsible for all the kids who died in 2010 from Whooping Cough too! Dereliction of Duty and Treason by Pentagon Generals killing their own Civilians not just Civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
Starbucks on the Beaches of Key West, Reinvented and designed by the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar for working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer in a Polygamous Marriage with a few MD women for my wives, when No one is working on a RX Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer at Starbucks on the Beach at Key West! ----- Starbucks on the Beaches of Key West, No, we have "Tar Balls" from 27,000 other Ocean Oil Wells leaking today - No one is working 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer because the Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar is stifled by Dr. Susan Love and our Orwellian Caesar! Gov. will suppress this news and of course the 10 Bush Class AirCraft Carriers to clean the Oceans of "Trash in General" War has all the MIT psychotic killers working build War Toys when the Ocean will be trashed for the next 100 years. "Ocean Trash Trucks" will not be invented by anyone at MIT as they are working on "War Toys" when the ElectricWindmillCar was invented and suppressed in 1980 and this is common knowledge by Everyone at MIT! If fishermen were Kansas Farmers we would have all died of hunger 100 years ago. I would convert these 10 Bush Aircraft Carriers to fish hatcheries too.

Dr Susan Love should be arrested for a $5.9 billion scam from selling her patients the Roche Breast cancer pills Avastin as Dr. Susan Love and 100's of thousands of MD's knew the pills did not work. I meet Dr. Susan Love here in Boulder Colorado and wrote in my diary she does not have any shit on her penis... but she is a "fag at heart" as she would give anyone syphilis and Hepatitis, and sell Chemo treatments for $100k that are also a scam. At the same time she is a "Observer" of Greg Buell Lovestar's gov. suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar and our Orwellian Caesar's stifling of Gregs Polygamous Marriage to a few MD women to work 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer... Greg + Wives getting this would bankrupt Roche too! Dr. Susan Love and 100's of thousands of "Observers" are "Mass Murderers" for driving by Fiery LA Wrecks from 1980 to 2010 and not "Stopping to Help"! Pentagon Generals will give a MD who set up "Burn Units" a "Medal of Honor"! In an "Oil Genocide Era from 1980 to 2010. MD Profits are from burns via gasoline that should have been 10 cents a gallon in 1980. 10 Bush Class Aircraft Carriers have been built with $177 Trillion in Oil Genocide Revenues when our Oceans are "Trashed". I will convert all 10 Bush Class Aircraft Carriers to "Ocean Trash Trucks" when the Pentagon is converted to a $1 Trillion dollar Medical School. Oil "Tar Balls" are in Key West from 27K leaks... One White Sand island with 10K birds and all 10k Birds are covered in oil, Katie Couric and her Admiral boyfriend stifled this story from CBS Nightly News! Admiral in command of 10 Bush Class Aircraft Carrier Ocean Trash Trucks will not be an Admiral who went to West Point but one that was burned over most of his or her body in a fiery LA Wreck or LA Fiery Boat Wreck. Revenge from 100's of thousands Cops and Kids burned in gasoline since 1980 will expose 9/11 as preventable by not suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980. Pentagon Generals who have given out the "Medal of Honor" from 1980 to 2010 have given it to "Mass Murderers" who helped suppress the ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2010! Dr Susan Love no asap for cure

Dr. Susan Love and 100's of thousands of "Observers" are "Mass Murderers" for driving by Fiery LA Wrecks from 1980 to 2010 and not "Stopping to Help"!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
10 Bush Class super Aircraft Carriers converted to Ocean Trash Trucks and Clean Water Electrolysis Perpetual Motion Machines cleaning the Oceans Waters

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
20 July 2010 Suppressed by our Orwellian Caesar (who has to be a fag who has syphilis and Hepatitis and gives it to others) he has suppressed the idea of millions of Polygamists working on 1,001 Invention Projects 24/7 with a few wives! <br
Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues""Observer" of Greg Buell Lovestar's suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar and our Orwellian Caesar's stifling of Gregs Polygamous Marriage to a few MD women to work 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer... this would bankrupt Roche too!


Cheri McDonald thief, stole $400 rent deposit from Greg and should be arrested and should also be arrested for mistreating the Dog Buddy... no she did not duct tape the Dog Buddy to the Ice Box Door... grin! But she knows violent teens who could have!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues 2010 "Oil Men"... and those who support and profit from "Oil" "Gasoline" i.e. Burn Units started by MD's via Pentagon Generals Military Support for suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2010 for $177 Trillion dollars in oil money.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
Starbucks on the Beaches of Key West, Reinvented and designed by the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar for working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer when No one is working on a RX Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer at Starbucks on the Beach at Key West! ----- Starbucks on the Beaches of Key West, Reinvented and designed by the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar for working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer when No one is working on a RX Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer at Starbucks on the Beach at Key West! No, we have "Tar Balls" from 27,000 other Ocean Oil Wells leaking today - Gov. will suppress this news and of course the 10 Bush Class AirCraft Carriers to clean the Oceans of "Trash in General" War has all the MIT psychotic killers working build War Toys when the Ocean will be trashed for the next 100 years. If fishermen were Kansas Farmers we would have all died of hunger 100 years ago. I would convert these 10 Bush Aircraft Carriers to fish hatcheries too.

20 July 2010 Suppressed by our Orwellian Caesar (who has to be a fag who has syphilis and Hepatitis and gives it to others) he has suppressed the idea of millions of Polygamists working on 1,001 Invention Projects 24/7 with a few wives! MD's, and University Presidents here at CU in Boulder Colorado collected more in bribes from BP Oil $$$, more $$$ than BP Oil will pay out to the Gulf fishermen and others who LOST all from the Oil Spill. Swiss in Geneva are guilty of "Genocide" by letting all these BP bribes $$$ be deposited in Swiss Banks, many across the street from UN buildings!

2010 Medal of Honor winners are "Oil Men"... and those who support and profit from "Oil" "Gasoline" i.e. Burn Units started by MD's via Pentagon Generals Military Support for suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2010 for $177 Trillion dollars in oil money.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues

10 Bush Class super Aircraft Carriers converted to Ocean Trash Trucks and Clean Water Electrolysis Perpetual Motion Machines cleaning the Oceans Waters for the next 100 years or until the Bush Aircraft Carrier is sunk or sold for scrap medal. yet the Pentagon Generals will give out Medal of Honors to those who drove by fiery LA wrecks not stopping to help those on fire!

Dr Susan Love should be arrested for a $5.9 billion scam from selling her patients the Roche Breast cancer pills Avastin as Dr Susan Love and 100's of thousands of MD's knew the pills did not work. I meet Dr. Susan Love here in Boulder Colorado and wrote in my diary she does not have any shit on her penis... but she is a "fag at heart" as she would give anyone syphilis and Hepatitis, and sell Chemo treatments for $100k that are also a scam. At the same time she is a "Observer" of Greg Buell Lovestar's suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar and our Orwellian Caesar's stifling of Gregs Polygamous Marriage to a few MD women to work 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer... this would bankrupt Roche too!

It warned of a "tidal wave of ocean debris," calling it a major pollution problem of the 21st century. Topping the list of the 11.4 million items of trash collected were cigarette butts, plastic bags, and food wrappers and containers. In the Philippines alone, 11,077 diapers were picked up and 19,504 fishing nets were recovered in Britain.

"Our ocean is sick, and our actions have made it so," Vikki Spruill, president and chief executive of Ocean Conservancy, said in a statement accompanying the report. "We simply cannot continue to put our trash in the ocean. The evidence turns up every day in dead and injured marine life, littered beaches that discourage tourists, and choked ocean ecosystems," she said.

"By changing behaviors and policies, individuals, companies, and governments can help improve the health of our ocean, the Earth's life support system." The full report, including a country-by-country Marine Debris Index, was published at .

Detailing how refuse poisoned oceans and waterways, the report said the waste entered the food chain, injured beachgoers and weakened economies by sapping precious dollars from tourism and seafood industries. Thanks to BP’s blatant use of the chemical dispersant, COREXIT, the Taiwanese super skimmer known as “A Whale” has been deemed ineffective by the US Coast Guard.

10 Bush Class super Aircraft Carriers converted to Ocean Trash Trucks and Clean Water Electrolysis Perpetual Motion Machines cleaning the Oceans Waters for the next 100 years or until the Bush Aircraft Carrier is sunk or sold for scrap medal. yet the Pentagon Generals will give out "Medal of Honor" to those who drove by fiery LA wrecks not stopping to help those on fire!

Taiwanese shipping magnate, Nobu Su, converted the massive ship at his own cost, in response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

But because of the extremely large amounts of dispersants sprayed into the Gulf by BP, oil in the Gulf broke apart, and as a result, “A Whale” couldn’t effectively “skim” the surface of the water for the oil.

“A Whale” held so much promise for the weary people fighting the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill, but unfortunately, it sucked up only negligible amounts of oil during its test run in the Gulf.

Patrik Jonsson wrote in his article for the Christian Science Monitor, ‘Whale’ superskimmer drops out of Gulf oil spill response (7/17):

“’While its stature is impressive, ‘A Whale’ is not ideally suited to the needs of this response,’ Coast Guard Admiral Paul Zukunft told the Wall Street Journal.”

Jonsson also quoted TMT Offshore spokesman, Bob Grantham, “This ship demonstrated that it can bring substantial volumes of capacity to bear in addressing oil spills quickly and with great maneuverability. That said, the particular conditions present in the Macondo spill did not afford the vessel to recover a significant amount of oil…..due to the highly dispersed nature of the oil in the Gulf.”

The high amount of dispersants utilized by BP in response to the oil spill has raised many questions. Lisa Jackson, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, urged Congress this week for new regulations that will give the EPA more control over oil company’s usage of dispersants.

Effects of such large amounts of dispersants being used in ocean waters is unknown, especially when sprayed in deepwater, as BP has done.

We all know the effects of the oil spilled into the Gulf will be devastatingly long-lasting for the people, sea life, marine mammals and birds that call the Gulf Region home.

But questions still remain as to what effects the dispersant use will have on the Gulf. Let’s hope BP’s “science experiment” doesn’t make matters worse and create even longer-lasting problems for the residents who call the Gulf of Mexico home.

Dr Susan Love should be arrested for a $5.9 billion scam from selling her patients the Roche Breast cancer pills Avastin as Dr Susan Love and 100's of thousands of MD's knew the pills did not work. I meet Dr. Susan Love here in Boulder Colorado and wrote in my diary she does not have any shit on her penis... but she is a fag at heart as she would give anyone syphilis and Hepatitis, and sell Chemo treatments for $100k that are also a scam. At the same time she is a "Observer" of Greg Buell Lovestar's suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar and our Orwellian Caesar's stifling of Gregs Polygamous Marriage to a few MD women to work 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer... this would bankrupt Roche too!

Roche breast cancer Avastin with global sales of $5.9 billion failed Dr Susan Love knew this and shammed breast cancer women out of money and the gov and those who raised money.

Dr Susan Love should be arrested for this scam.

WASHINGTON – Follow-up studies of a Roche breast cancer drug showed that it failed to extend the lives of patients, federal health scientists said Friday, opening the door for it to be potentially withdrawn for use in treating that disease.

The Food and Drug Administration approved Roche's blockbuster Avastin in 2008 based on a trial showing it slowed growth of tumors caused by breast cancer. The decision was controversial because drugs for cancer patients who have never been treated before must usually show evidence they extend lives.

Avastin's so-called "accelerated approval" was based on the condition that later studies would show a survival benefit.

But in briefing documents posted online, FDA reviewers said two follow-up studies recently submitted by Roche failed to show that Avastin significantly extended lives compared to chemotherapy alone.

Additionally, the FDA said that in follow-up studies the drug did not slow tumor growth to the same degree as in earlier studies.

Patients taking Avastin showed significantly more side effects, including high blood pressure, fatigue and abnormal white blood cell levels.

On Tuesday the FDA will ask a panel of outside cancer experts to review the evidence on Avastin. The panel's recommendations are not binding, but the FDA usually follows their guidance.

The FDA has the option to remove the drug's approval for breast cancer.

Avastin is also approved for colon, lung, kidney and brain cancer. The drug was Roche's top-selling cancer treatment last year with global sales of $5.9 billion.

Roche is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, and its biotech unit Genentech is based in South San Francisco.

Avastin was the first drug to fight cancer by stopping nutrients from reaching tumors. Such "targeted therapies" were thought to hold promise for eliminating chemotherapy, but the two approaches are now used in combination.

Since 1992, the FDA has granted accelerated approval to drugs based on so-called surrogate endpoints, or initial measures that suggest the drug will make real improvements in patient health. For cancer drugs, tumor shrinkage is considered a predictor of increased survival.

Drugmakers favor the program because it helps them get products to market sooner.

But the program has not escaped criticism from government watchdogs.

Last fall the Government Accountability Office issued a report saying the FDA should do more to track whether drugs approved based on preliminary results actually have live up to their promise.

According to the GAO, the FDA has never once pulled a drug off the market due to missing or unimpressive follow-up data.

Dr Susan Love no asap for cure

Dr Susan Love should be arrested for a $5.9 billion scam from selling her patients the Roche Breast cancer pills Avastin as Dr Susan Love and 100's of thousands of MD's knew the pills did not work. I meet Dr. Susan Love here in Boulder Colorado and wrote in my diary she does not have any shit on her penis... but she is a "fag at heart" as she would give anyone syphilis and Hepatitis, and sell Chemo treatments for $100k that are also a scam. At the same time she is a "Observer" of Greg Buell Lovestar's suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar and our Orwellian Caesar's stifling of Gregs Polygamous Marriage to a few MD women to work 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer... this would bankrupt Roche too!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
Starbucks on the Beaches of Key West, Reinvented and designed by the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar for working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer when No one is working on a RX Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer at Starbucks on the Beach at Key West! ----- Starbucks on the Beaches of Key West, No, we have "Tar Balls" from 27,000 other Ocean Oil Wells leaking today - No one is working 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer because the Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar is stifled by Dr. Susan Love and our Orwellian Caesar! Gov. will suppress this news and of course the 10 Bush Class AirCraft Carriers to clean the Oceans of "Trash in General" War has all the MIT psychotic killers working build War Toys when the Ocean will be trashed for the next 100 years. If fishermen were Kansas Farmers we would have all died of hunger 100 years ago. I would convert these 10 Bush Aircraft Carriers to fish hatcheries too.
Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
10 Bush Class super Aircraft Carriers converted to Ocean Trash Trucks and Clean Water Electrolysis Perpetual Motion Machines cleaning the Oceans Waters

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
20 July 2010 Suppressed by our Orwellian Caesar (who has to be a fag who has syphilis and Hepatitis and gives it to others) he has suppressed the idea of millions of Polygamists working on 1,001 Invention Projects 24/7 with a few wives! <br
Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues""Observer" of Greg Buell Lovestar's suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar and our Orwellian Caesar's stifling of Gregs Polygamous Marriage to a few MD women to work 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer... this would bankrupt Roche too!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues 2010 "Oil Men"... and those who support and profit from "Oil" "Gasoline" i.e. Burn Units started by MD's via Pentagon Generals Military Support for suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2010 for $177 Trillion dollars in oil money.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
Starbucks on the Beaches of Key West, Reinvented and designed by the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar for working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer when No one is working on a RX Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer at Starbucks on the Beach at Key West! -- Starbucks on the Beaches of Key West, No, we have "Tar Balls" from 27,000 other Ocean Oil Wells leaking today - Gov. will suppress this news and of course the 10 Bush Class AirCraft Carriers to clean the Oceans of "Trash in General" War has all the MIT psychotic killers working build War Toys when the Ocean will be trashed for the next 100 years. If fishermen were Kansas Farmers we would have all died of hunger 100 years ago. I would convert these 10 Bush Aircraft Carriers to fish hatcheries too.

20 July 2010 Suppressed by our Orwellian Caesar (who has to be a fag who has syphilis and Hepatitis and gives it to others) he has suppressed the idea of millions of Polygamists working on 1,001 Invention Projects 24/7 with a few wives! MD's, and University Presidents here at CU in Boulder Colorado collected more in bribes from BP Oil $$$, more $$$ than BP Oil will pay out to the Gulf fishermen and others who LOST all from the Oil Spill. Swiss in Geneva are guilty of "Genocide" by letting all these BP bribes $$$ be deposited in Swiss Banks, many across the street from UN buildings!

2010 Medal of Honor winners are "Oil Men"... and those who support and profit from "Oil" "Gasoline" i.e. Burn Units started by MD's via Pentagon Generals Military Support for suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2010 for $177 Trillion dollars in oil money.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues

10 Bush Class super Aircraft Carriers converted to Ocean Trash Trucks and Clean Water Electrolysis Perpetual Motion Machines cleaning the Oceans Waters for the next 100 years or until the Bush Aircraft Carrier is sunk or sold for scrap medal. yet the Pentagon Generals will give out Medal of Honors to those who drove by fiery LA wrecks not stopping to help those on fire!

Dr Susan Love should be arrested for a $5.9 billion scam from selling her patients the Roche Breast cancer pills Avastin as Dr Susan Love and 100's of thousands of MD's knew the pills did not work. I meet Dr. Susan Love here in Boulder Colorado and wrote in my diary she does not have any shit on her penis... but she is a "fag at heart" as she would give anyone syphilis and Hepatitis, and sell Chemo treatments for $100k that are also a scam. At the same time she is a "Observer" of Greg Buell Lovestar's suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar and our Orwellian Caesar's stifling of Gregs Polygamous Marriage to a few MD women to work 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer... this would bankrupt Roche too!

Starbucks on the Beaches of Key West, Reinvented and designed by the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar for working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer when No one is working on a RX Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer at Starbucks on the Beach at Key West!

20 July 2010 Oil "Tar Balls" are in Key West "Today" from 27K leaks... Dr Susan Love should be arrested for a $5.9 billion scam from selling her patients the Roche Breast cancer pills Avastin for $90k a year as Dr. Susan Love and 100's of thousands of MD's knew the pills did not work. I meet Dr. Susan Love here in Boulder Colorado and wrote in my diary she does not have any shit on her penis... but she is a "fag at heart" as she would give anyone syphilis and Hepatitis! Dr. Susan Love and 100's of thousands of "Observers" are "Mass Murderers" for driving by Fiery LA Wrecks from 1980 to 2010 and not "Stopping to Help"! MD's set up Burn units to "Profit" from this "Oil Genocide Era"! And were given the "Medal of Honor" by Pentagon Generals behind the Cameras in our "Orwellian Society". Same MD's will not give 300 Million Americans Medicare Medical Coverage like Saudi Arabia has had for its Citizens since 1980! "Mandatory Organ Donation" was LOST to Bush selling your organs to Saudi Princes! These MD's made a "Windfall Profit" from the "Mass Murder" of selling your Organs to Saudi Princes from 1980 to 2010! Mass Murder of these Americans waiting for the Organs Saudi Princes got and died waiting. Students waiting for the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980 are still getting gasoline engine cars and many Student Drivers have died in Fiery LA Wrecks from 1980 to 2010. Let alone getting an ElectricWindmillCar for being in the 2010 Graduation Class at Yale, Harvard, CU here in Boulder, Colorado. LOST, Bill Gates is a Mass Murderer of Students from 1980 to 2010 for going along with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980, and Gregs "Inventor" OS. Operating System that would have replaced Windows 7 decades ago and would have come pre installed with 1,001 Invention Projects for you to work on. This is a crime by Bill Gates. Gates and Gates at the Pentagon should be covered in Key West Tar Balls, to say the least for their Profiting from so many burned and burned to death by Our Orwellian Governments Oil Genocide Era from 1980 to 2010. I will convert all 10 Bush Class Aircraft Carriers to "Ocean Trash Trucks" when the Pentagon is converted to a $1 Trillion dollar Medical School. Pentagon Generals are responsible for all the kids who died in 2010 from Whooping Cough too! Dereliction of Duty and Treason by Pentagon Generals killing their own Civilians not just Civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues
Starbucks on the Beaches of Key West, Reinvented and designed by the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar for working on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer in a Polygamous Marriage with a few MD women for my wives, when No one is working on a RX Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer at Starbucks on the Beach at Key West! ----- Starbucks on the Beaches of Key West, No, we have "Tar Balls" from 27,000 other Ocean Oil Wells leaking today - No one is working 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer because the Inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar is stifled by Dr. Susan Love and our Orwellian Caesar! Gov. will suppress this news and of course the 10 Bush Class AirCraft Carriers to clean the Oceans of "Trash in General" War has all the MIT psychotic killers working build War Toys when the Ocean will be trashed for the next 100 years. "Ocean Trash Trucks" will not be invented by anyone at MIT as they are working on "War Toys" when the ElectricWindmillCar was invented and suppressed in 1980 and this is common knowledge by Everyone at MIT! If fishermen were Kansas Farmers we would have all died of hunger 100 years ago. I would convert these 10 Bush Aircraft Carriers to fish hatcheries too.

Dr Susan Love should be arrested for a $5.9 billion scam from selling her patients the Roche Breast cancer pills Avastin as Dr. Susan Love and 100's of thousands of MD's knew the pills did not work. I meet Dr. Susan Love here in Boulder Colorado and wrote in my diary she does not have any shit on her penis... but she is a "fag at heart" as she would give anyone syphilis and Hepatitis, and sell Chemo treatments for $100k that are also a scam. At the same time she is a "Observer" of Greg Buell Lovestar's gov. suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar and our Orwellian Caesar's stifling of Gregs Polygamous Marriage to a few MD women to work 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer... Greg + Wives getting this would bankrupt Roche too! Dr. Susan Love and 100's of thousands of "Observers" are "Mass Murderers" for driving by Fiery LA Wrecks from 1980 to 2010 and not "Stopping to Help"! Pentagon Generals will give a MD who set up "Burn Units" a "Medal of Honor"! In an "Oil Genocide Era from 1980 to 2010. MD Profits are from burns via gasoline that should have been 10 cents a gallon in 1980. 10 Bush Class Aircraft Carriers have been built with $177 Trillion in Oil Genocide Revenues when our Oceans are "Trashed". I will convert all 10 Bush Class Aircraft Carriers to "Ocean Trash Trucks" when the Pentagon is converted to a $1 Trillion dollar Medical School. Oil "Tar Balls" are in Key West from 27K leaks... One White Sand island with 10K birds and all 10k Birds are covered in oil, Katie Couric and her Admiral boyfriend stifled this story from CBS Nightly News! Admiral in command of 10 Bush Class Aircraft Carrier Ocean Trash Trucks will not be an Admiral who went to West Point but one that was burned over most of his or her body in a fiery LA Wreck or LA Fiery Boat Wreck. Revenge from 100's of thousands Cops and Kids burned in gasoline since 1980 will expose 9/11 as preventable by not suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980. Pentagon Generals who have given out the "Medal of Honor" from 1980 to 2010 have given it to "Mass Murderers" who helped suppress the ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2010!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenuesSuck up BP Oil with Bush Class AirCraft Carriers! Trash Trucks the 10 Bush Class AirCraft Carriers -- 9/11... ElectricWindmillCar suppressed from 1980 to 2010 when Time Square should have made news on the front page of the New York Times about the ElectricWindmillCar!


15 July 2010 CBS news with Katie Couric yesterday she put together a clip in the Gulf with her Admiral boyfriend pointing out 10,000 little tiny skimmer boats to suck up oil when both Katie and the Admiral knew about our Orwellian Caesar suppressing the deployment of 10 Bush Class AirCraft Carriers to suck up the BP Oil! Katie and the Admiral know BP has paid out more in bribes $$$ than they will ever pay out $$$ to Gulf Oil Victims. No Way will our Orwellian Caesar deploy 10 Bush Class aircraft carriers to suck up oil that will wash ashore on more and more miles of white sand beaches in Florida and yes even Key West white sand beaches. Why, Because our Orwellian Caesar is a psychotic killer. Pictures of burned out cop cars and 100's of thousands of pictures of cops and kids burned and burned to death in fiery wrecks, most in LA. Are never on CBS or on the front page of the New York Times. Are crimes by Oil Men, Texas and Saudi Oil men. University President in Boulder Colorado is a mass murderer who drives by fiery LA wrecks and does not stop to help but profits from Burn Units set up by MD's. Cleaning up the oil on white sand beaches will be easier than cleaning up "Oil Genocide Crimes" by University Presidents! Our Orwellian Caesar (who has to be a fag who has syphilis and gives it to others) has suppressed the idea of millions of Polygamists working on 1,001 Invention Projects 24/7 with a few wives! Syphilis, and Hepatitis have infected and killed millions via fags and the CIA has documented who gave syphilis and Hepatitis to whom. MD's, and University Presidents here at CU in Boulder Colorado collected more in bribes from BP Oil $$$, more $$$ than BP Oil will pay out to the Gulf fishermen and others who LOST all from the Oil Spill. Swiss in Geneva are guilty of "Genocide" by letting all these BP bribes $$$ be deposited in Swiss Banks, many across the street from UN buildings!


Cheri McDonald thief, stole $400 rent deposit from Greg and should be arrested and should also be arrested for mistreating the Dog Buddy... no she did not duct tape the Dog Buddy to the Ice Box Door... grin! But she knows violent teens who could have!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenuesSuck up BP Oil with Bush Class AirCraft Carriers! 9/11... ElectricWindmillCar suppressed from 1980 to 2010 when Time Square should have made news on the front page of the New York Times about the ElectricWindmillCar! Oil will wash ashore in the summer of 2010 at this Carriers home ported at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues9/11... ElectricWindmillCar suppressed from 1980 to 2010 for $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues... NYC World Trade Center and Fiery LA Wrecks are Pentagon Civilians killed by American Generals for War... for Oil Money and yes the Pentagon Generals got $7 Trillion or more for MIT War Toys from 1980 to 2010

20 June 2010 Summer

Summer deployment of 10 Bush Class AirCraft Carriers to Key West to suck up the BP Oil! No Way! Coup D'Etat...


The Key West "Citizen" Newspaper will let oil wash ashore on every white sand Key West beach without making National Headlines demanding the USS Bush, A Nimitz-class super carrier and the other 10 AirCraft Carriers suck up oil off of Key West before it washes ashore and floods Duval Street and every white beach in Key West because we have an Orwellian Caesar who has suppressed since 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillcar in Boulder, Colorado... Coup D'Etat

Orwellian Caesar has suppressed since 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillcar in Boulder, Colorado



Deployment of 10 Bush Class AirCraft Carriers to Key West to suck up the BP Oil! No Way!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenuesSuck up BP Oil with Bush Class AirCraft Carriers! 9/11... ElectricWindmillCar suppressed from 1980 to 2010 when Time Square should have made news on the front page of the New York Times about the ElectricWindmillCar! Oil will wash ashore in the summer of 2010 at this Carriers home ported at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues9/11... ElectricWindmillCar suppressed from 1980 to 2010 for $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues... NYC World Trade Center and Fiery LA Wrecks are Pentagon Civilians killed by American Generals for War... for Oil Money and yes the Pentagon Generals got $7 Trillion or more for MIT War Toys from 1980 to 2010

4th of July

4th of July and our Orwellian Caesar turned off my wifi in my new room until Tuesday.

4th of July web update will be late because I'm at Starbucks on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder Colorado and can't really stay here another 3 hours writing Greg's 4th of July 2010 web update, blame it on our Orwellian Caesar!

4th of July... today our Orwellian Caesar forced Greg Buell Lovestar to move from room rented by Cheri McDonald and Cheri did a classic scam of no $400 rent deposit returned I'm going to have her arrested for Grand Larceny after the ElectricWindmillCar coup witch might be sooner than later with all the oil on white sand beaches in Florida on the 4th of July 2010. Our Orwellian Caesar also make all the cops and kids who burn and burn to death on the 4th of July in a fiery LA Wreck persona non grata as CBS and the NY Times will not report on fiery car wrecks and those who burn in gasoline for BP Oil profits of $177 Trillion dollars since the invention of the ElectricWindmillcar in 1980... wow! below is the link to the Crazy women who scrammed the Senior and the IRS...

Cheri McDonald scrammed of Senior out of $400 rent deposit

Cheri McDonald was going to move out and rent 4 rooms out to violent teens with no mom in the house...

Cheri McDonald web page scam artist of Senior Citizens $400 rent deposits, crook mom of violent teens

Cheri McDonald Crook thief Scam Artists of Senior Citizens rent deposit

Cheri does not know elder abuse statistics as she would not have done this and forced Greg Buell to move out. Teens abuse the elderly more than they beat up other teens.

20 June 2010 Summer

Summer deployment of 10 Bush Class AirCraft Carriers to Key West to suck up the BP Oil! No Way! Coup D'Etat...


The Key West "Citizen" Newspaper will let oil wash ashore on every white sand Key West beach...

33,000 little girls will burn in gasoline in the Summer of 2010 and the New York Times made them all Persona non grata!

33 More deepwater Oil Wells to drill...

More 3 year old little girls in the gasoline burn unit, all Persona non grata on the NBC "Today Show"!

Summer deployment of 10 Bush Class AirCraft Carriers to Key West to suck up the BP Oil! No Way! Coup D'Etat...


The Key West "Citizen" Newspaper will let oil wash ashore on every white sand Key West beach without making National Headlines demanding the USS Bush, A Nimitz-class super carrier and the other 10 AirCraft Carriers suck up oil off of Key West before it washes ashore and floods Duval Street and every white beach in Key West because we have an Orwellian Caesar who has suppressed since 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillcar in Boulder, Colorado... Coup D'Etat

20 June 2010

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenuesSuck up BP Oil with Bush Class AirCraft Carriers! 9/11... ElectricWindmillCar suppressed from 1980 to 2010 when Time Square should have made news on the front page of the New York Times about the ElectricWindmillCar! Oil will wash ashore in the summer of 2010 at this Carriers home ported at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues9/11... ElectricWindmillCar suppressed from 1980 to 2010 for $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues... NYC World Trade Center and Fiery LA Wrecks are Pentagon Civilians killed by American Generals for War... for Oil Money and yes the Pentagon Generals got $7 Trillion or more for MIT War Toys from 1980 to 2010


Moratorium has shut down 33 deepwater drilling rigs that were operating in the Gulf of Mexico.

33 little girls will burn in gasoline today and the New York Times made them all Persona non grata!

Los Alamos and Sandia Labs Observers have watched 10's of thousands of little girls burn in gasoline in our Orwellian Universe since 1980! Now is the time to Nuke the BP Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico not in 2020!

Nuke the "Niger" Our Orwellian Caesar, to stop him from pouring gasoline over little girls and setting them on fire in a Fiery LA Wreck! Nuke Our Orwellian Caesar!

And to add insult to the gasoline burns Our Orwellian Caesar makes then Persona non grata on the NBC "Today Show"!

In another Universe... gasoline has been 10 cents a gallon since 1980 via the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in Boulder, Colorado in 1980!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues 4 July 2010 BP the British are coming, one if by Land, 2 if by Sea, 3 if by a George Orwell 1984 novel, which is not about an Utopian Society with an ElectricWindmillCar, with an electrolysis accessory, H massive amounts of free H Hydrogen, not a British Revolution!


1001 Fire Leno, hire Dr. Snyderman and brainstorm 1,001 Medical Inventions with a few wives. "Today Show" and "Tonight Show" will help you look for an invention project and get the invention. Serendipity - Discover how "Gravity" is generated while rock climbing only if you are looking for and thinking... how is "Gravity" generated!

11 June 2010 Oil... Coup D'Etat 10 cent a gallon gasoline since 1980... Save Key West from the British BP Oil Invasion on the "White" sand beaches of Key West!!!

11 June 2010 Oil... Coup D'Etat!! Los Alamos might have to Nuke the British Oil Flow! Free the ElectricWindmillCar Era via a Nuke!!!

Nuke the "Niger" Caesar to stop him from pouring gasoline over little girls and setting them on fire in a Fiery LA Wreck! Nukes!

Los Alamos and Sandia Labs Observers have watched 10's of thousands of little girls burn in gasoline in our Orwellian Universe since 1980!

11 June 2010

New York Times Editorial Today... A Basic Civil Right!

In another Universe... little girls are not set on fire by "Nigers" named Obama! And made Persona non grata by NBC on the "Today Show"

In another Universe... gasoline has been 10 cents a gallon since 1980 via the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in Boulder, Colorado in 1980!

11 June 2010

New York Times Editorial Today... A Basic Civil Right, not to set little girl on fire for more oil money, for jobs, work for 10,000 men now idle who were drilling 33 more deepwater oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico!

ps NY Times today $512 Million Compensation for 9/11 clean up workers with lung cancer from the cloud of dust the then Mayor said NO Respirators! (No 10 cent gas) Clean up compensation for Key West Oil Clean Up works with lung cancer... NY Times cones a story! (Still no 10 cent a gallon gas via ElectricWindmillCar!)

11 June 2010

In another Universe... little girls are not set on fire by "Nigers" named Obama!

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal... Pours gasoline over 100's of preschool girls in Afghanistan and LA then sets them on fire for $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues!"

Bobby Jindal spit on SF and the Kaiser News about the best place to have a Heart Attack and the worst place to have one is Louisiana, JUST SPIT ON THE medical news like Bobby Jindal if you don't like it! No! Trillion dollar Med Schools are in Bobby Jindal's plans!

Autism... rare DNA mutations, unusual DNA deletions or duplications known as copy number variants or CNV! Louisiana has DNA mutations via Oil Money giving them a heart attack.

Cause of Autism and putting out little girls burning in a fiery LA Wrecks is light years from Deep Water Oil Drillers payday, rest of us want PayBack for those "Nigers" who pour gasoline over little girl and set them on fire for oil money!

11 June 2010

America's "1984" Caesar Pours gasoline over 100's of preschool girls in Afghanistan and LA then sets them on fire for $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues!"

11 June 2010

"Jessica" burned in gasoline is Persona non grata from any ABC News by YUNJI DE NIES And JESSICA HOPPER

11 June 2010

A preschool exclusively for kids with cancer!

Zuch's daughter, Morgan with leukemia at 3 was better off than "Jessica" burned in a fiery LA Wreck at three!

A preschool exclusively for kids burned in gasoline!

11 June 2010

No! No! No! pre schools! For kids burned in gasoline as these little girls were burned in gasoline by Our Orwellian Caesar for Oil Money!

11 June 2010

Three-year-old "Unknown Soldier" Jessica burned in gasoline is Persona non grata from any ABC News by YUNJI DE NIES And JESSICA HOPPER.

A deepwater drilling moratorium has shut down 33 deepwater drilling rigs that were operating in the Gulf of Mexico

1984 Caesar "Please, God, Our Orwellian Caesar pours gasoline over 100's of preschool girls in Afghanistan and LA then sets them on fire for $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues!"

God, Pope begs forgiveness for sex abuse of kids but really begs forgiveness for setting them on fire for oil money bribes the Vatican has taken from 1980 to 2010!

11 June 2010

A preschool exclusively for kids with cancer

A preschool exclusively for kids burned in gasoline

The Morgan Center on Long Island Is America's Only Preschool for Kids Fighting Cancer.

Three-year-old Jessica Martell is fighting for her life. She spends most of her days in the hospital battling cancer.

11 June 2010

Three-year-old "Unknown Soldier" Jessica burned in gasoline is Persona non grata in Our Orwellian Caesar's Oil Genocide Era of fiery LA Wrecks.

"Please, God, if you get my daughter better, I will give back the rest of my life," said Rod Zuch. Three years isolation from other kids battled cancer prompted Zuch to open the school seven years ago. Since then, it's become a haven for kids battling cancer.

Caesar "Please, God, Our Orwellian Caesar pours gasoline over 100's of preschool girls in Afghanistan and LA then sets them on fire for $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues!"

11 June 2010

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal... Pours gasoline over 100's of preschool girls in Afghanistan and LA then sets them on fire for $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues!"

GRAND ISLE, Louisiana — Despite thick globs of oil that have coated their sandy beach, scared away tourists and forced fisherman to hang up their nets, Grand Isle residents insist the spill is no reason to stop drilling.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal... Pours gasoline over 100's of preschool girls in Afghanistan and LA then sets them on fire for $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues!"

11 June 2010

Obama's six-month moratorium on exploratory offshore drilling will cause further damage to the economy. Governor Bobby Jindal called the moratorium a disaster!

Louisiana Economic Development department estimates the drilling suspension will translate into a loss of 3,000 to 6,000 jobs in the first two to three weeks and potentially over 10,000 jobs within a few months.

Louisiana 10,000 jobs within a few months lost to Obama's six-month moratorium on exploratory offshore drilling.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal... Pours gasoline over 100's of preschool girls in Afghanistan and LA then sets them on fire for $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues!"

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal... is in another Universe were little girls are not set on fire by "Nigers" named Obama!

11 June 2010

New York Times Editorial Today... A Basic Civil Right!

In another Universe... little girls are not set on fire by "Nigers" named Obama!

11 June 2010

New York Times Editorial Today... A Basic Civil Right, not to set little girl on fire for more oil money, for jobs, work for 10,000 men now idle who were drilling 33 more deepwater oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico!

11 June 2010

In another Universe... little girls are not set on fire by "Nigers" named Obama!

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal... Pours gasoline over 100's of preschool girls in Afghanistan and LA then sets them on fire for $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenues!"

11 June 2010

New York Times Editorial Today... A Basic Civil Right!

In another Universe... little girls are not set on fire by "Nigers" named Obama!

In another Universe... gasoline has been 10 cents a gallon since 1980 via the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in Boulder, Colorado in 1980!

11 June 2010

Nuke the "Niger" Caesar to stop him from pouring gasoline over little girls and setting them on fire in a Fiery LA Wreck! Nukes!

Los Alamos and Sandia Labs Observers have watched 10's of thousands of little girls burn in gasoline in our Orwellian Universe since 1980!

11 June 2010

New York Times Editorial Today... A Basic Civil Right!

In another Universe... little girls are not set on fire by "Nigers" named Obama! And made Persona non grata by NBC on the "Today Show"

In another Universe... gasoline has been 10 cents a gallon since 1980 via the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in Boulder, Colorado in 1980!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues 4 July 2010 BP the British are coming, one if by Land, 2 if by Sea, 3 if by a George Orwell 1984 novel, which is not about an Utopian Society with an ElectricWindmillCar ElectricWindmillCar, with an electrolysis accessory, H massive amounts of free H Hydrogen, not a British Revolution!


1001 Fire Leno, hire Dr. Snyderman and brainstorm 1,001 Medical Inventions with a few wives. "Today Show" and "Tonight Show" will help you look for an invention project and get the invention. Serendipity - Discover how "Gravity" is generated while rock climbing only if you are looking for and thinking... how is "Gravity" generated! 4 June 2010 Oil... Coup D'Etat! Stop the BP Oil flowing... Save Key West from the British BP Oil Invasion on the "White" sand beaches of Key West!!!

4 June 2010 Oil... Coup D'Etat!! Los Alamos might have to Nuke the British Oil Flow! Free the ElectricWindmillCar Era via a Nuke!!!

4 July 2010 BP the British are coming, one if by Land, 2 if by Sea, 3 if by a George Orwell 1984 novel, which is not about an Utopian Society with an ElectricWindmillCar, with an electrolysis accessory, H massive amounts of free H Hydrogen, not a British Revolution!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues

***** New Memorial Day... 10 cent a gallon gasoline since 1980 when the ElectricWindmillcar was invented in Boulder, Colorado. Free H from the gallon of water in your ElectricWindmillcar.

***** New Memorial Day... Burned out Cop Cars as a Memorial. Each and every one put up on a pedestal and placed throughout Paris, London, NYC, Boulder, Colorado... A burned out car Memorial with a plaque of the victim's murdered by Texas and Saudi Oil men for $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues.

1001 Fire Leno, hire Dr. Snyderman and brainstorm 1,001 Medical Inventions with a few wives. "Today Show" and "Tonight Show" will help you look for an invention project and get the invention. Serendipity - Gravity how its generated while rock climbing Greg Buell Lovestar discovered how gravity is generated.... because of Serendipity, he was looking for it. You have to look for the "Animal Farm" Windmills and the reinvented "Today Show" and "Tonight Show" will help you become aware of an invention in front of your eyes. Fire Leno, hire Dr. Snyderman.

***** New Memorial Day... 10 cent a gallon gasoline since 1980 when the ElectricWindmillcar was invented in Boulder, Colorado. Free H from the gallon of water in your ElectricWindmillcar. 100K Burned out Cop Cars as a Memorial. Each and every one put up on a pedestal and placed throughout Paris, London, NYC, Boulder, Colorado... A burned out car Memorial with a plaque of the victim's murdered by Texas and Saudi Oil men for $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues. (Cops in Boulder Colorado protested Bush's fire bombing cars driving down the freeway for a week then sold out for gov. perks.) A burned out car Memorial with plaque of victim's murdered by Texas and Saudi Oil men at every Mall, every Kroger, Safeway, every Best Buy store, and at every Police Station in the USA - In Boulder Colorado were Cop Cars are SUV's not ElectricWindmillCars! 1,000,000 Civilian's in SUV's were fire bombed by Carter to Bush to Obama, the Niger who hates white cops with his Harvard Buddy. No Coors at the White House after these Drunks on Oil Money, these "Orwellian Nigers" are put on trial for the Oil Genocide Era from 1980 to 2010. These are the "Nigers" who drive by fiery wrecks and don't stop to help! Leno, Trump, Matt Lauer, Armstrong, Pentagon's Gates, and Bill Gates, Carter... and his wife Roslyn.


***** New Memorial Day... New York Times - 10 cent a gallon gasoline since 1980 when the ElectricWindmillcar was invented in Boulder, Colorado. No Pictures on the Front Page of the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!
* New Memorial Day... Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

Memorial Day for 100,000 Car and Cop car firesH2O Electrolysis accessory in your ElectricWindmillCar built via NASA specifications for H that will not explode like a tank of gasoline even if Nuked, Toyota and Honda H Hydrogen cars built in 2010 will explode same as a tank of gasoline. Toyota Knows... like every other Toyota, they will burst into flames same as the Toyota with broken steering column or a stuck gas pedal... Mr Toyoda will hang for this. H2O Electrolysis accessory in your ElectricWindmillCar built via NASA specifications for H that will not explode like a tank of gasoline even if Nuked. Free H from the gallon of water in your ElectricWindmillcar can heat and cool your home and generate all your electricity, Xcel in Colorado knows this, has knows this for decades yet lets Xcel linemen die by the 100's working on installing new high voltage power lines from the Dam to the cities.
** New Memorial Day...

New Memorial Day... Fiery LA Wrecks no one stops to help to much oil money!

***** New Memorial Day... 100K Burned out Cop Cars for a Memorial... A Memorial at every Police Station in the USA -

In Boulder Colorado, Cop Cars are SUV's not ElectricWindmillCars! With GPS that can track every car on the road. That can observe the driver via cams inside. LOST cop inventions killed more cops the last 10 years than Mexican drug dealers and other criminals, mostly blacks killing white cops. Stats are top secret of course.

1001 Fire Leno, hire Dr. Snyderman and brainstorm 1,001 Medical Inventions with a few wives. "Today Show" and "Tonight Show" will help you look for an invention project and get the invention. Serendipity - Gravity how its generated while rock climbing Greg Buell Lovestar discovered how gravity is generated.... because of Serendipity, he was looking for it. You have to look for the "Animal Farm" Windmills and the reinvented "Today Show" and "Tonight Show" will help you become aware of an invention in front of your eyes. Fire Leno, hire Dr. Snyderman.

In Boulder Colorado, I will put burnt out cop cars, next to Kings, Kroger and Best Buy, and several at the POLICE STATION as these Boulder Colorado Cops protested for 1 week 10 years ago about Bush tossing gasoline bombs at cars driving down the LA Freeway, in the mean time 1k ops died in fiery cop cars in LA but not in Boulder Colorado. Since the Boulder Colorado Cops protested fiery wrecks for a week 10k cops have burned in fiery wrecks then died from the burns... observe below the cop wife baby!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues

Memorial Day for 100,000 Car and Cop car fires ***** New Memorial Day... Fiery LA Wrecks and "no one" stops to help! To much oil money! 50,000 cop cars, burned like the one above but if you do a Google search you will only find one as Google CEO has a Swiss Bank account full of Oil Bribes for suppressing fiery wreck pictures in our Orwellian Society. 500,000 cars, Toyota, KIA, Honda, etc CEO Mr Toyoda is a mass murder of American Civilians, he is following orders from our Orwellian Caesar but this will not prevent Mr Toyoda from hanging like Saddam!

***** New Memorial Day... 100K Burned out Cop Cars for Memorial Day at every Police Station in the USA

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues **** New Memorial Day... Civilians and Cop pictured here with wife and baby were killed by the Pentagon for Oil Revenue of $177 Trillion dollars since 1980. < *** New Memorial Day... BP Queen of England killed 100's of thousands just in the USA 1 Million world wide, she and BP killed since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980. 10 cent a gallon gasoline since 1980 when the ElectricWindmillcar was invented in Boulder, Colorado.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues Mexicans Truck Drivers are killing Gringos via our Orwellian Caesar and the Mexican Oil Company... Gringo jobs lost by the millions to Mexicans who kill Gringo women driving a car with a payload of kids not knowing our "Orwellian Caesar" put this killer behind the wheel, these Mexicans also murder her with a gun, it's not just cars as the murder weapon, this is mass murder via our Commander in Chief and it's Top Secret in an Orwellian Society in an Oil Genocide Era. FBI has the statistics you will not find out about until after a successful coup that puts the ElectricWindmillcar in Times Square NYC, and gets these reckless murderous Mexican drivers off the highways. CBS news and the Drug War on the border, 100 killed by the Drug Lords. 1,001 Gringo Moms and kids are killed by Mexican working as Temps at Manpower and Kelly Services, putting the Gringo Dad out of work. 22 Million Gringos are out of work because 14 Million Mexicans are working for the Temp agencies. Here in Colorado the Judge in Denver said the guy who owned the company did not know all the Mexicans were illegal... just like Toyota did not know... 1,001 Gringo Mom and Dads are killed by Judge's in Denver, and around the USA who are following orders from our Orwellian Caesar that lets Mexicans kill Gringos in our Orwellian Society.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues ** "Total Immunity" and "Total Recall" Inventions were lost by SONY making "Total Recall" was not about brainstorming the "Total Recall Invention" this is a crime against Humanity by Sony and Hollywood. When Sony made this movie everyone knew about my Invention Project Total Recall, that is where Sony got the name for their Movie. What is worst... driving by fiery wrecks in LA or not making a Sony movie about "brainstorming" a "Total Recall Invention"? You do the math. The "New Memorial Day" after the coup, after the ElectricWindmillCar is on the streets of Manhattan in Times Square. LOST will have the worst Ending of any show. "Total Immunity" invention movie by Sony will not be made until the current CEO of Sony is put on trial for "Oil Genocide" goings-on! Write this Sony movie in your Mind... "Total Immunity" movie by Sony, imagine, then brainstorming the dialog! Remake the Sony movie "Total Recall" with brainstorming dialog for 1,001 inventors working on this invention project 24/7 with a few wives.

"24" will have the best ending... as you will work 24/7 in a polygamous marriage with a few wives brainstorming a "Total Recall invention" along with the cure for "Breast Cancer" and "1,001 other Invention Projects" all this dialog in a Sony movie and all 1,001 invention projects listed on this web page after the "Observers" come out from behind the hidden cameras and are put on trail for the "worst gov run Genocides" in History! Genocide 1, Genocide II, Genocide 3 by the government of the USA.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues SMART CAR - No super air bags on the outsides... Our "Orwellian Caesar" suppressed super air bags on the outsides of cars and trucks for 10 years, since I invented this 10 years ago. To add insult to injury our "Orwellian Caesar" went on a killing rampage, killing thousands of American Civilians in Smart Cars. On every Memorial Day the last few years SMART CARS kills were caused by our "Orwellian Caesar". NBC "Today Show" never has and never will report on a Smart Car wreck. It's "Total Suppression" by NBC GE for gov perks and bribes of Billions of dollars to kill people in Smart Cars and gasoline cars. GE could possibly be put on trial for Genocide before the UN's Genocide Trail starts in Manhattan. WHO at the UN and everyone else at the UN in NYC and Geneva are guilty of Oil Genocide and several civilians probably more, 100's burn and burn to death every day the UN Top Brass helps suppress the worst Genocide in the History of Earth!

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues "Bullet Train" - this is a "Double Monorail" for the Masses of Humanity, I will build one of these from Boulder Colorado to Denver. Up and down BROADWAY, all the way to the end of Broadway stopping at Table Mesa, UMC, Community Hospital and ending at the end of North Broadway. The millions being spent today on a TRAIN station at 30th and Pearl will be another "Memorial" to the WASTE of $177 Trillion Dollars in Oil Revenue. "WASTED" on War Toys and Buses and now TRAINS... Bullet Trains instead of building this Super Monorail fueled by wind and H Hydrogen from on board H2O with the Monorail electrolysis accessory. Lost Super Monorail Inventions will come after the coup.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues ** Greg Buell Lovestar new dentures, 110 Sunscreen on. Ready to invent a RX Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer when our Orwellian Caesar is persuaded to remove Greg from "Alienation" in our Orwellian Society and put Greg in a Polygamous Marriage with a few wives who want to brainstorm the cure for Breast Cancer as much as I do... I do... few wives! No Stanley Hotel for Greg - Greg wants an Island off Key West with no globs of Oil from the BP Oil spill. 10 cent a gallon gasoline since 1980 when the ElectricWindmillcar was invented in Boulder, Colorado.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues 10,000 Galaxies and Aliens in this Picture and NASA sold out going to Alpha Centauri for Swiss Bank accounts full of Oil Genocide Bribe money... $1 Trillion dollar manned Space Telescope with a Life Boat was sunk by NASA Top Brass for $1 Billion in oil money from Texas and Saudi Oil Men. Aliens, alien invention to hear and see them will be invented by Newton, Newton will also discover how Gravity is generated. LOST discoveries by our "Orwellian Caesar" who shops at MIT for War Toys for Afghanistan! The LOST years in Afghanistan are adding up faster than the speed of light, and yes you can invent a way to go faster than the speed of light. Please don't believe anything Clinton says... really! Both Clintons should of been hanged on 9/11 2001 for suppressing the ElectricWindmillcar invented in 1980.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues BP fires at Refineries in Texas didn't make the "Today Show" because GE helps suppress gasoline fire news, 100's all around the world every day every year since 1980. GE gets gov perks and $ Trillions of Dollars in revenue since 1980. Like IBM sold Los Alamos $1 Trillion dollars worth of Super Computers since 1980 at the same time Greg Buell Lovestar was stifled from even working on a cure for cancer. IBM and GE top brass knew this.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues ***** New Memorial Day... 10 cent a gallon gasoline since 1980 when the ElectricWindmillcar was invented in Boulder, Colorado. 100K Burned out Cop Cars as a Memorial ... A burned out car Memorial with place card of victim's murdered by Texas and Saudi Oil men for $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues. (Cops in Boulder Colorado protested Bushes fire bombing cars driving down the freeway for a week then sold out for gov. perks.) A burned out car Memorial with place card of victim's murdered by Texas and Saudi Oil men at every Mall and at every Police Station in the USA - In Boulder Colorado were Cop Cars are SUV's not ElectricWindmillCars! 1 Million Civilian's in SUV's were fire bombed by Carter (and his wife Roslyn) to Bush to Obama, the Niger who hates white cops with his Harvard Buddy drinking Coors, drunk on Oil money, no conscience at all for all those burned and burned to death in fiery LA Wrecks from 1980 to 2010.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues ***** Cop **** Even more Civilians have burns but Google suppresses images for the government or I would have posted 100's burned in fiery LA Wrecks.

1001 Fire Leno, hire Dr. Snyderman and brainstorm 1,001 Medical Inventions with a few wives. "Today Show" and "Tonight Show" will help you look for an invention project and get the invention. Serendipity - Gravity how its generated while rock climbing Greg Buell Lovestar discovered how gravity is generated.... because of Serendipity, he was looking for it. You have to look for the "Animal Farm" Windmills and the reinvented "Today Show" and "Tonight Show" will help you become aware of an invention in front of your eyes. Fire Leno, hire Dr. Snyderman.

10 cent a gallon gasoline since 1980 when the ElectricWindmillcar was invented in Boulder, Colorado. Free H from the gallon of water in your ElectricWindmillcar.

10 cent a gallon gasoline since 1980 when the ElectricWindmillcar was invented in Boulder, Colorado. Free H from the gallon of water in your ElectricWindmillcar.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day for $177 Trillion in oil revenues Gringo car driver hit by Mexican. Flames burn to death some Gringo hit by a Mexican driver every day in 2010. 365 Americans at the mercy of the American Government leaders and they have no mercy at all... Bush mission accomplished on board the Air Craft Carrier, someone back in the USA was killed or seriously injured by a Mexican driver on that day too. This picture, here a DUMP TRUCK hit her car and it burst into flames. 99 out of ever 100 DUMP TRUCKS you will see in the summer of 2010 will be driven by a Mexican. This did not happen by "accident"! Our Orwellian Caesar put all this Mexican drivers behind the wheel of DUMP TRUCKS or a TRASH TRUCKS and they will run over some poor unsuspecting soul thanks to our criminal government leaders.

Civilians killed on Memorial Day Harvard Street car is on fire... Observers know the ElectricWindmillCar has been suppressed since 1980. Harvard Class of 1980 - this is how long the ElectricWindmillCar has been suppressed. 2010 Class at Harvard know about Greg Buell Lovestar's spin off inventions, H, Super air bags on the outside, Satellite dish on top with cams inside and out, wifi so Cops can track your driving and observe you inside your car. Spin off inventions go on and on... wow!

10 cent a gallon gasoline since 1980 when the ElectricWindmillcar was invented in Boulder, Colorado. Free H from the gallon of water in your ElectricWindmillcar.

1001 Fire Leno, hire Dr. Snyderman and brainstorm 1,001 Medical Inventions with a few wives. "Today Show" and "Tonight Show" will help you look for an invention project and get the invention. Serendipity - Gravity how its generated while rock climbing Greg Buell Lovestar discovered how gravity is generated.... because of Serendipity, he was looking for it. You have to look for the "Animal Farm" Windmills and the reinvented "Today Show" and "Tonight Show" will help you become aware of an invention in front of your eyes. Fire Leno, hire Dr. Snyderman.

14 May 2010 Sept. 27, 2010 about 4 months from now the USA will have to Nuke the BP oil leak...

14 May 2010 BP British Oil releases stunning underwater video of oil leak flowing into the Ocean at 200k gals a day.

14 May 2010 Arnold Schwarzenegger jokes about being deported an a illegal alien... Arizona companies wanting to do business with the city of Los Angeles are out of luck under a city council-passed boycott.

14 May 2010 McCain in Arizona is guilt of Treason by tossing gasoline bombs at SUV's driving down the LA Freeways... no boycott here!

14 May 2010 In reality Arnold Schwarzenegger will be hanged for oil genocide Treason by the ElectricWindmillCar Coup leaders!

14 May 2010 Laura Bush ran a stop sign killing someone then got her husband President Bush to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar resulting in Millions of Fiery LA Wrecks... in 2010, 2011, 2012 all murders by the Bush's!

14 May 2010 ElectricWindmillCar coup leaders will nationalize all Hospitals in the USA, give all Americans Medicare like Saudi Arabia has had since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 and put a high tax on all MD's for the 100K deaths in 2010 alone from staph infections via MD's negligence!

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

Polygamous marriages would have been made legal in 1980 so men and women could work 24/7 on 1,001 Invention Projects posted on this web... LOST out to expensive MIT War Toys only the Pentagon could afford and be psychotic enough killers to invent.

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

Polygamous marriages will get the gas lobotomy invention for criminals and war criminals... to say the least.

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!


14 May 2010 Sept. 27, 2010 about 4 months from now the USA will have to Nuke the BP oil leak...

14 May 2010 BP British Oil releases stunning underwater video of oil leak flowing into the Ocean at 200k gals a day.

14 May 2010 Arnold Schwarzenegger jokes about being deported an a illegal alien... Arizona companies wanting to do business with the city of Los Angeles are out of luck under a city council-passed boycott.

14 May 2010 McCain in Arizona is guilt of Treason by tossing gasoline bombs at SUV's driving down the LA Freeways... no boycott here!

14 May 2010 In reality Arnold Schwarzenegger will be hanged for oil genocide Treason by the ElectricWindmillCar Coup leaders!

14 May 2010 Laura Bush ran a stop sign killing someone then got her husband President Bush to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar resulting in Millions of Fiery LA Wrecks she and Leno, Trump, Chelsea Clinton, Marc Mezvinsky, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Kerry, Caroline Kennedy... illegal Mexicans in LA who voted for boycotts because the new Arizona immigration law, all of these people drive by Fiery LA wrecks every day without stopping to help those on fire the Cars on Fire!

14 May 2010 New tractor-trailers will be required to be able to break from 60 m.p.h. to a complete stop within 250 feet, a 30 percent reduction, a change that is estimated to prevent 227 deaths annually and 300 serious injuries.

14 May 2010 Tractor-trailers with super air bags on the outside... Senator Kerry will be arrested for Treason and mass murder of 10's of thousands run over and killed by Tractor-trailers with no super air bags on the outside.

14 May 2010 Armstrong wrote a letter protesting the canceling of the moon Missions not Alpha Centauri Missions because Armstrong has a Swiss Bank Account full of bribe money from Texas and Saudi Oil Men.

14 May 2010 In 2010, about 1.5 million American men, women and children had cancer diagnosed, and 562,000 people will die from the disease in 2010 and none will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery for being killed by Cancer who's Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure was stifle and suppressed by our Orwellian Caesar!

14 May 2010 Sept. 27, 2010 about 4 months from now the USA will have to Nuke the BP oil leak...

14 May 2010 BP British Oil releases stunning underwater video of oil leak flowing into the Ocean at 200k gals a day.

14 May 2010 Pravda claims that the Soviets deployed specially-designed nuclear explosions to extinguish well fires on at least five separate occasions. The newspaper reports that authorities used a 30 ton atomic explosion triggered at an underground depth of six kilometers on Sept. 30, 1966, to extinguish burning gas wells in Urt-Bulak, an area about 80 kilometers from Bukhara.

14 May 2010 Sept. 27, 2010 about 4 months from now the USA will have to Nuke the BP oil leak...

14 May 2010 ElectricWindmillCar coup leaders will nationalize all Hospitals in the USA, give all Americans Medicare like Saudi Arabia has had since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 and put a high tax on all MD's for the 100k deaths in 2010 alone from staph infections via MD's negligence!

14 May 2010 ElectricWindmillCar coup leaders will Nationalize all MIT Scientists working on War Toys for the Pentagons Afghan War, put them to work helping Greg Buell Lovestar brainstorming a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cured for Breast Cancer that will kill 40k American women in 2010.

14 May 2010 Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, said it will be Months before Americans can judge if this year's major military push into the major southern city of Kandahar had succeeded.

14 May 2010 Generals have always killed their own troops... and civilians via using all the MIT inventors for War Toys!

14 May 2010 After the ElectricWindmillCar Coup they will finally hang for this and the 40k women causalities Of the Afghanistan war in the USA who will die of breast cancer just in 2010.

14 May 2010 FBI Makes arrest in the Times Square Car bomb...

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest for fiery LA Wrecks caused by An Oil Genocide Era...

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest of MD's for the hospital-acquired infections via germs that contribute to an Estimated 100,000 deaths in 2010.

14 May 2010 ElectricWindmillCar coup leaders will nationalize all Hospitals in the USA and put a high tax on all MD's for these 100k deaths in 2010.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... Laura Bush running a stop sign and killing someone!

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... Laura Bush giving someone Syphilis via favoring fags!

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... Kennedy driving off a bridge drunk killing his girlfriend.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... Leno and the rest of Hollywood driving by fiery LA Wrecks without Stopping to help.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... LA illegal Mexicans who kill several Gringos every day via running a stop sign. Stop Sign, red light, and other criminal behavior while driving with no driver’s license and insurance. Drinking Coors, talking on the cell, texting, and just being a irresponsible driver, a criminal driver illegal one from Mexico who will get away with murder of a Gringo Today, every day of the Year via our Orwellian Caesar!

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... Fags who give some syphilis or any one of several other diseases!

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... Abortion MD's who kill babies, in their office and drive by fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help get the baby out of the burning car... burning society that can No longer invent anything but War Toys.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... Toyota, gas pedal, steering column broken in half, Hydrogen accessory Not made by NASA specs... will blow up a family of 4 same as gasoline.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... NASA top brass taking bribes from Texas and Saudi Oil men not to talk About the Alpha Centauri Mission.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... Boston for Senator Kerry who oil drilling go on for the $177 Trillion Dollars it brings in, who lets General kill their own troops via suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 to 2010. Who will let Boston Cops die in the Race Riots rather than Use poison gas. Russians used poison gas on the Black Widows in a Kremlin building, but Kerry will Let violent Black Men kill Boston Cops in the future Race Riots of 2011. Kerry has also stifled and suppressed the gas lobotomy invention!

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... 3 million Gringos who will die from Hepatitis given to them by dirty Diseased Mexicans. 14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... The fact that MIT is to busy working on War Toy inventions no one is Working on a Gas Lobotomy and they even stifle it on today Show even though the Today Show Reports that one in three homicides of females is committed by a current or former spouse or Partner and 1 in 3 today Shows, have a female murdered on this morning show every week.

14 May 2010 Laura Bush ran a stop sign killing someone...

14 May 2010 Kennedy drove off a bridge drunk killing someone...

14 May 2010 Bush got Saddam hanged instead of the Clintons...

14 May 2010 Clintons should of hanged on 9/11 2001 for going along with the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar.

14 May 2010 Clinton to Afghan women: 'We will not abandon you' unless MIT wants more $ Trillions of dollars For War Toys...

14 May 2010 Clinton noted the U.S. would not "abandon Afghanistan Women unless they have breast cancer.

14 May 2010 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday that women's rights should not be Sacrificed to any peace deal between the Kabul government and Taliban militants. MIT War Toys Can win the war with a few more Trillion dollars for the Pentagon.

14 May 2010 Clinton told three senior female Afghan officials Thursday "we will not abandon you," amid Concerns that any political settlement with the Taliban could result in severe restrictions on Women’s rights.

14 May 2010 Clinton said "it is essential that women's rights and women's opportunities are not sacrificed or Trampled on in the $ Trillions of dollars MIT gets for War Toy inventions."

14 May 2010 Clinton noted the U.S. would not "abandon Afghanistan Women unless they have breast cancer.

14 May 2010 Clinton... And I make the same pledge to the women of Afghanistan. We will not abandon you, we Will stand with you always until you die from breast cancer."

14 May 2010 Clinton at Arlington National Cemetery's Section 40 40,000 — a resting place for 40,000 women Who will die in 2010 of breast cancer, women killed by MIT War Toy for Afghanistan as well as in Iraq, Vietnam, World War II and other conflicts that stifled the cure for cancer.

14 May 2010 Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, said it will be Months before Americans can judge if this year's major military push into the major southern city Of Kandahar had succeeded.

14 May 2010 Generals wife said nothing about the 40k civilian causalities via breast cancer in 2010.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... 1.7 million people contract infections in U.S. hospitals each year. In fact, The truth is several times that number. The proof is in the data. One of the fastest growing Infections is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a superbug that doesn’t respond To most antibiotics. In 1993, there were fewer than 2,000 MRSA infections in U.S. hospitals. By 2005, the figure had shot up to 368,000 according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). By June 2007, 2.4 percent of all patients had MRSA infections, according to The largest study of its kind, which was published in the American Journal of Infection Control. That would mean 880,000 victims a year.

14 May 2010 that’s from one superbug. Imagine the number of infections from bacteria of all kinds, including Such killers as vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) and Clostridium difficile. Julie Gerberding, MD, MPH, director of the CDC, recently told Congress that MRSA accounts for only 8 percent of HAIs. That 8 percent figure was confirmed in a study by Emory University Researchers on April 6.

14 May 2010 these new facts discredit the CDC’s official 1.7 million estimate. CDC spokesperson Nicole Coffin Admits, “The number isn’t perfect.” In fact, it is an irresponsible guesstimate based on 2002 data. The CDC researchers who came up with it complained that not having actual data “complicated the Problem.”

14 May 2010 Numbers matter. Health conditions that affect the largest number of people should command More research dollars and public attention.

14 May 2010 the problem doesn’t end there. The CDC has resisted calling

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest in... Vaccine-Preventable Diseases spread by dirty Mexicans to Gringos!

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest... Hospital Infection Problem Persists By KEVIN SACK The nagging and largely solvable problem of hospital-acquired infections (Solvable if MIT quits Working on War Toys for the Pentagon) remains as resistant to cure as the germs that contribute To an estimated 100,000 deaths a year, according to an annual government study issued Tuesday.

Despite a renewed focus on prevention and threats of governmental sanctions, hospitals continue To see increased rates of post-operative bloodstream infections and catheter-associated urinary Tract infections, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reported. The rates increased By 8 percent for bloodstream infections and 4 percent for urinary tract infections over the year Before. There was no change in the incidence of bloodstream infections caused by the placement of Catheters in central veins. The only positive news came from a 12 percent reduction in the rate Of post-operative pneumonia. The report concluded that hospital-acquired infections merited “urgent attention.”

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest Dr. Carolyn M. Clancy, the agency’s director, pointed out that projects across the country had Shown remarkable success in reducing infection rates by adhering to basic standards for hand Hygiene, disinfection of patients, sterile handling of equipment and proper use of antibiotics. But At many hospitals those successes have yet to overcome an entrenched medical culture that is criminal, mass murder via MD's and worst the FBI makes no arrest of these MD's!

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest “Despite promising improvements in a few areas of health care,” Dr. Clancy said, “we are not Achieving the more substantial strides that are needed to address persistent gaps in quality and Access.” Because you can not call a cop to arrest your MD!

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest... Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, called the trend troubling but said The new health care law would “help turn these numbers around.” Under the law, hospitals with High rates of infections will be penalized by the government starting in the 2015 fiscal year.

14 May 2010 Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services just murdered 100k people a year in from of thousands of "Observers"!

14 May 2010 George Orwell would not be able to write 1984 sequel today!

14 May 2010 Treadmill Desk, search Google, you do the math. WHO at the UN probably got a bribe from Cattle men well as Oil Men.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest...Red Meat causes 99% of all colon cancer and this news is suppressed every day of the year by our Orwellian Caesar.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest... of fat people in poor health raising the cost of Health Care yet went along with making an appetite suppressant, Ephedrine illegal. There is now a regulation on ephedra (the herb from which ephedrine is obtained... this is crazy you can get fat on Coors but there is no alcoholics inventions in the works. Double edge sword and its built by our Orwellian Caesar with 100 Senators who are guilty of Treason.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest...Pakistan Mercenaries attacking Afghan civilians will use the $177 billion in Mercenary money the CIA got from Oil Revenues of $177 Trillion dollars to kill 177,000 civilians in India.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest...Chelsea Clinton wedding watch is in full swing now that the former first daughter is flashing her massive engagement bling for the paparazzi. Chelsea, who is tying the knot with her investment- banker BF, Marc Mezvinsky, this summer... This summer 100 kids will die in hot cars killed by her father and mother via suppression of the climate control accessory in your ElectricWindmillCar.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest...Consumer Reports tested store-bought chicken and found two thirds to be tainted with potentially harmful bacteria, including salmonella.

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest...Kroger, King Scoopers in Colorado, and Safeway, Whole Foods etc knew like Toyota knew before the report from Consumer Reports that store-bought chicken was two thirds tainted with potentially harmful bacteria, including salmonella

14 May 2010 FBI makes no arrest...Toyota, Kroger, Safeway, Whole Foods, now add new insults to these old crimes by discontinuing many no salt items and no sugar items like no sugar frozen yogurt etc.

14 May 2010 Arnold Schwarzenegger jokes about being deported an a illegal alien... Arizona companies wanting to do business with the city of Los Angeles are out of luck under a city council-passed boycott.

14 May 2010 McCain in Arizona is guilt of Treason by tossing gasoline bombs at SUV's driving down the LA Freeways... no boycott here!

14 May 2010 In reality Arnold Schwarzenegger will be hanged for oil genocide Treason by the ElectricWindmillCar Coup leaders!

14 May 2010 Laura Bush ran a stop sign killing someone then got her husband President Bush to suppress the ElectricWindmillCar resulting in Millions of Fiery LA Wrecks she and Leno, Trump, Chelsea Clinton, Marc Mezvinsky, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Kerry, Caroline Kennedy... illegal Mexicans in LA who voted for boycotts because the new Arizona immigration law, all of these people drive by Fiery LA wrecks every day without stopping to help those on fire the Cars on Fire!

14 May 2010 New tractor-trailers will be required to be able to break from 60 m.p.h. to a complete stop within 250 feet, a 30 percent reduction, a change that is estimated to prevent 227 deaths annually and 300 serious injuries.

14 May 2010 Tractor-trailers with super air bags on the outside... Senator Kerry will be arrested for Treason and mass murder of 10's of thousands run over and killed by Tractor-trailers with no super air bags on the outside.

14 May 2010 Armstrong wrote a letter protesting the canceling of the moon Missions not Alpha Centauri Missions because Armstrong has a Swiss Bank Account full of bribe money from Texas and Saudi Oil Men.

14 May 2010 In 2010, about 1.5 million American men, women and children had cancer diagnosed, and 562,000 people will die from the disease in 2010 and none will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery for being killed by Cancer who's Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure was stifle and suppressed by our Orwellian Caesar!

14 May 2010 Sept. 27, 2010 about 4 months from now the USA will have to Nuke the BP oil leak...

14 May 2010 ElectricWindmillCar coup leaders will nationalize all Hospitals in the USA, give all Americans Medicare like Saudi Arabia has had since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 and put a high tax on all MD's for the 100k deaths in 2010 alone from staph infections via MD's negligence!

$1 Trillion dollar Yale New Haven Medical School...

Alpha Centauri Mission 4.3 light years down range...

Aliens in the Universe will save the Earth after we End War on Earth via the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980 and still suppressed for $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues! Everyone has a Swiss Bank Account full of Oil Genocide Bribe money, even the first guy who walked on the Moon, Armstrong!

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

Polygamous marriages would have been made legal in 1980 so men and women could work 24/7 on 1,001 Invention Projects posted on this web... LOST out to expensive MIT War Toys only the Pentagon could afford and be psychotic enough killers to invent.

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

Polygamous marriages will get the gas lobotomy invention for criminals and war criminals... to say the least.

9 May 2010 Mothers Day - Our Orwellian Caesar killed (his and our) "Mothers" in a Fiery LA Wreck for Oil $ revenues of $177 Trillion Dollars then stifled the New York Times prohibiting them from putting a picture of the Fiery Wreck on the Front Page! And a picture of the suppressed "ElectricWindmillCar"! Swiss Banks in Geneva have this Oil Genocide Money $$$.

9 May 2010 Mothers Day - Invent Something with mom, brainstorm 1,001 invention projects not pre installed on your Windows 7... and Help Greg Buell Lovestar brainstorm a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer. Only our "Orwellian Caesar" can let Greg work on this on Mothers Day and he never ever will, he would rather not get the "Overnight CURE for Breast Cancer" than risk Greg getting it!!!!! In Our Orwellian Society, Niger males will kill a wife, a mother, a daughter, a cop, and no one reporting the news will cry out to the public please help Greg Buell Lovestar brainstorm a gas lobotomy invention!

9 May 2010 New York Times Mothers Day Front Page put together by our Orwellian Caesar who is psychotic as the other 12 Caesar, Our Orwellian Caesar running a "Oil Company" that can get the worst Oil Spill Ever off "Today Show" for a Times Square Car Bomb... with the ElectricWindmillcar's electrolysis accessory suppressed from 6 Billion People, everything from clean drinking water for 1 billion to 100 of Moms kids left in hot cars to die in the summer of 2010 to massive amounts of free H for 6 billion people. 12 Caesar, Our Orwellian Caesar is the Worst Ever behavior even on Mothers Day! He is Psychotic!!!!!

30 May 2010 "Car Race" The 94th Indianapolis 500 is scheduled to be run on Sunday. Without any ElectricWindmillCars!!!!!

May 30, 2010 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Without any ElectricWindmillCars!!!!!

Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

9 May 2010 New York Times "Race War" is really a war on criminals in the USA

9 May 2010 New York Times "Race War" is really a war on criminals in the USA. Our Orwellian Caesar has created 120 Million Caesar all willing to fly to Thailand and have sex with kids, or rape, murder, rob, because they have the mentality of A Caesar!.

2 May 2010 New York Times
"Race War" over Crime, Niger and Mexican Cop Killers, Crazy Mexican Semi Truck Drivers, and Car drivers with no divers license or insurance, killing kids riding their bikes! Disease, now refusing to get a Whooping Cough vaccine, let alone 9 shots for Hepatitis. This is called a "Race War" but its really from not having any $1 Trillion Dollar Medical Schools at Yale New Haven Hospital and no one working inventing a Gas Lobotomy for Criminals!

2 May 2010 Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

"Car Race" The 94th Indianapolis 500 is scheduled to be run on Sunday, May 30, 2010 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Without any ElectricWindmillCars!!!!!

2 May 2010 New York Times - Pictures on the Front Page

Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!
Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!


Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar with the electrolysis assessory that will give you H and O from a gallon of H2O... you do the math!

Police Find Car Bomb in Times Square
By AL BAKER and WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM 34 minutes ago

A crude bomb of propane, gasoline...


2 May 2010 New York Times
Editorial: Google and Government Monitoring

Search Google for last weeks school bus rear ended by a truck causing it to burst into flames... Observe this fiery wrecks picture on the Front Page of the New York Times on 3 May 2010

2 May 2010 New York Times

CRUDE OIL SPILL... New Technique Holds Hope for Oil Spill Cleanup


CRUDE OIL SPILL... New Technique Holds Hope for Oil Spill Cleanup

CRUDE OIL SPILL... New Technique Holds Hope for Oil Spill Cleanup

2 May 2010 New York Times Gulf Coast Towns Brace as Huge Oil Slick Nears Marshes
With oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico unabated and officials offering little hope that the flow could be contained soon, towns prepared for an imminent environmental disaster.

2 May 2010 New York Times About New York: Atop the Ocean, a Sea of Untapped Energy By JIM DWYER


2 May 2010 New York Times
Editorial: Google and Government Monitoring

Search Google for last weeks school bus rear ended by a truck causing it to burst into flames... Observe this fiery wrecks picture on the Front Page of the New York Times on 3 May 2010

Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

CRUDE OIL SPILL... New Technique Holds Hope for Oil Spill Cleanup

CRUDE OIL SPILL... New Technique Holds Hope for Oil Spill Cleanup

2 May 2010 New York Times
Op-Ed Columnist: If Only Arizona Were the Real Problem By FRANK RICH

2 May 2010 New York Times Letters: How to Fix the Cancer Trials Program... A CRUDE SUPPRESSION OF H HYDROGEN - OCEAN OF UNTAPPED "FREE" H !!!!!

New York Times goes along with the CRUDE and RUDE suppression of Greg Buell Lovestar working 24/7 with several MD wives brainstorming a RX Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer, 40k dead in 2010, 2011 how long will the New York Times follow orders from our Orwellian Caesar?????

2 May 2010 New York Times
Betrayal and Suspense in Remote West Africa By ANITA GATES TREASON by GATES at the Pentagon and Mass Murder by Bill Gates at Microsoft suppressing 1,001 Invention Projects pre installed on your new PC with the Inventor OS.

American women civilian deaths... not Afghan civilian deaths... Breast Cancer, 40k dead in 2010, 2011 how long will the New York Times follow orders from our Orwellian Caesar?????

LA Fiery Wrecks on 2 May, 3 May, 4 May, 5 May
Civilian deaths not reported like the Afghan civilian deaths, CRUDE and RUDE to the cops, kids, mom and dad who were fire BOMBED by Obama, Bush, Kennedy, Clintons, Carter who tossed the first fire bomb in 1980 with his wife Rosalynn Carter new book about mental health, gas lobotomy Invention is the only way to stop our Orwellian Caesar from tossing gasoline bombs at SUV's and school buses driving down the LA Freeways.
While Leno, Trump, and everyone at NBC "Today Show" drives by the fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help! Sick Nigers who would rob, murder, rape, anyone they could if they could like a Caesar! 12 Caesar with all the Texas and Saudi oil men the World now has 12 Million Caesar! ps All fly to Thailand and have sex with kids too.

2 May 2010 New York Times
Afghan civilian deaths are rising, government says. There have been 173 civilian deaths in violence in Afghanistan from March 21 to April 21, marking a 33 percent increase over the same time period last year.

2 May 2010 New York Times
Steve Jobs attacks Adobe Flash as unfit for iPhone Thu Apr 29, 3:25 pm ET

STEVE JOBS put the stripes on APPLE in 1980 to go alone with the... ElectricWindmillCar Suppression !!!!!


2 May 2010 New York Times
Rosalynn Carter new book about mental health - Carter he husband tossed the first gasoline bomb at a family of 4 driving down the LA Freeway in 1980, you do the math, is this the worst Genocide in the History of Humanity? Started by a Georgia Peanut Farmer and his wife!

2 May 2010 New York Times
The 94th Indianapolis 500 is scheduled to be run on Sunday, May 30, 2010 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It will be the 15th Indy 500 sanctioned.

Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

2 May 2010 New York Times
Kentucky Derby, with 19 horses the horse Super Saver won Saturday on a track turned into mud by heavy rain.

2 May 2010 New York Times

LOST the last season is the worst without Juliet.
LOST "Super Saver" the "Horse Race" that will build Humanity $1 Trillion Dollar Yale New Haven Medical Schools over the $1.1 Billion Dollar Football and Base Ball Stadiums Bush built.

"Horse Race" that will build Humanity MD's who are not "Nigers" killing their patients because Yale passed them through Med School via the Politics of Our Orwellian Caesar!

"Horse Race" that will cure Humanity of Dirty Mexicans with Hepatitis... who have infected 3 million gringo civilians in this Oil War for Oil Money at the gas stations $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CIA has the exact statistics on Gringo deaths, cop killed by Mexicans, but its locked up at Sandia Labs classified as Secret!

Civilian deaths in the USA by the Pentagon are...

1. Fiery LA Wrecks

2. Breast Cancer women

3. Gringos given Hepatitis by Dirty Mexicans, now Whooping Cough spread by Dirty Mexicans is up 25 Fold. You do the math 25 Fold = another 3 million Gringo civilians harmed by Dirty Mexicans via our Orwellian Caesar!

4. Fags with Syphilis

5. Alcoholics

6. Fat People

7. University Students without their own "Freshman Cadaver"

8. University Students in the USA, University in Saudi Arabia is Free

9. People with no Health insurance as Health Care is free in Saudi Arabia

"Car Race" The 94th Indianapolis 500 is scheduled to be run on Sunday, May 30, 2010 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

2 May 2010 New York Times - Pictures on the Front Page

Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!


Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!


Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar with the electrolysis assessory that will give you H and O from a gallon of H2O... you do the math!

Police Find Car Bomb in Times Square By AL BAKER and WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM 34 minutes ago

A crude bomb of propane, gasoline...


2 May 2010 New York Times
Editorial: Google and Government Monitoring

Search Google for last weeks school bus rear ended by a truck causing it to burst into flames... Observe this fiery wrecks picture on the Front Page of the New York Times on 3 May 2010

"Car Race" The 94th Indianapolis 500 is scheduled to be run on Sunday, May 30, 2010 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

2 May 2010 New York Times - Pictures on the Front Page

Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

2 May 2010 Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

2 May 2010 New York Times - No Pictures on the Front Page of the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

2 May 2010 New York Times

"Car Race" The 94th Indianapolis 500 is scheduled to be run on Sunday.
May 30, 2010 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

"Race War" 2 May 2010 New York Times - "Race War" over Crime, Niger and Mexican Cop Killers, Crazy Mexican Semi Truck Drivers, and Car drivers with no divers license or insurance! Disease, now refusing to get a Whooping Cough vaccine, let alone 9 shots for Hepatitis. This is called a "Race War" but its really from not having any $1 Trillion Dollar Medical Schools at Yale New Haven Hospital and no one working inventing a Gas Lobotomy for Criminals!

2 May 2010 Times Square Car Bomb... Not the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

2 May 2010 New York Times - No Pictures on the Front Page of the ElectricWindmillCar!!!!!

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

Polygamous marriages would have been made legal in 1980 so men and women could work 24/7 on 1,001 Invention Projects posted on this web... LOST out to expensive MIT War Toys only the Pentagon could afford and be psychotic enough killers to invent.

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

Polygamous marriages will get the gas lobotomy invention for criminals and war criminals... to say the least.

18 April 2010 $1 trillion dollar manned Space Telescope that can "Observe" and "Listen" to Aliens, with a lifeboat accessory! You do the Math... $1 trillion dollar manned Space Telescope "Imagine It!" "Invent It! And the White cop hating Obama wants to land on an asteroid by 2025. To End War on Earth... And you must Invent a Gas Lobotomy for "Criminals" and "War Criminals" so MD's at Yale can build a $1 Trillion dollar Medical School over the $1.1 Billion dollar Football Stadium Bush Built! This will be the Mother of all Social Earth Quakes! USA has bought $177 trillion dollars worth of gasoline so Saudi Arabia can have free Health Care and free Universities!

18 April 2010 "New French Revolution" ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980... Clintons killing, "incineration" of 100 million Civilians world-wide!

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incendiary" language can be taken the wrong way!

18 April 2010 $1 trillion dollar manned Space Telescope that can "Observe" and "Listen" to Aliens, with a lifeboat accessory! You do the Math... $1 trillion dollar manned Space Telescope "Imagine It!" "Invent It! And the White cop hating Obama wants to land on an asteroid by 2025. To End War on Earth...

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incineration" is what I'm suppressing in the news!

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incendiary" language can be taken the wrong way!

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incineration" is what I'm suppressing in the news!

18 April 2010 $1 trillion dollar manned Space Telescope that can "Observe" and "Listen" to Aliens, with a lifeboat accessory! You do the Math... $1 trillion dollar manned Space Telescope "Imagine It!" "Invent It! And the White cop hating Obama wants to land on an asteroid by 2025. To End War on Earth...

18 April 2010 ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980... Clintons killing, "incineration" of 100 million Civilians world-wide!

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incineration" The worst Genocide in History by Cater, Regan, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Kennedy-Obama! And Clintons Wife!

18 April 2010 President Bill Clinton warned of angry anti-government rhetoric calling all the "top Brass" in our "Orwellian Society, Psychotic Nigers" profiting from $177 Trillion Dollars in Oil Revenues from 1980 to 2010... are in need of a "Gas Lobotomy"

18 April 2010 ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980... Clintons killing, "incineration" of 100 million Civilians world-wide!

19 April 2010 15th Anniversary of the Federal Building bombing, killing 168 Civilians.

April 19, 1995 McVeigh at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, killing 168 people.

18 April 2010 ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980... Clintons killing, "incineration" of 100 million Civilians world-wide! 18 April 2010 President Bill Clinton warned of angry anti-government rhetoric calling all the "top Brass" in our "Orwellian Society Psychotic Nigers"...in need of a "Gas Lobotomy"

18 April 2010 ...might lead to violence like the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, saying the words we use really do matter...

18 April 2010 The Psychotic Niger Obama tossing gasoline bombs at SUV on LA Freeways!

18 April 2010 "New French Revolution" ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980... Clintons killing, "incineration" of 100 million Civilians world-wide!

18 April 2010 Officer James Mandarino faces felony Battery counts for beating of driver Ronald Bell caught on police video.

18 April 2010 The Niger Obama hates white cops, so he just ordered the New York Times to print bad-cop stories when everyone at the New York Times thinks they will "All" lose their HEADS in the "New French Revolution" over the "incineration" of 100 million Civilians world-wide! For $177 Trillion Dollars in oil revenues from 1980 to 2010.

18 April 2010 $1 Trillion Dollar Med School at Yale and LA will not let fags in the door let alone visit other fags!

18 April 2010 "New French Revolution" will inherit a Obama gov. run genocide of Hepatitis, Syphilis, STD's, TB, from fags and the millions of small business owners going to Thailand to have sex with kids.

18 April 2010 Mandatory vaccinations, and mandatory organ donation, this will not be the old French Revolution of just cutting off their heads and closing the Universities!

18 April 2010 $1 Trillion Dollar Med School at Yale and LA will not let fags in the door let alone visit other fags! In the New French Revolution!

18 April 2010 John Albert Gardner pleaded guilty Friday to murdering two teenage girls in San Diego County after prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty. Gardner, 31, killing 14-year-old A. Dubois and 17-year-old Chelsea King.

18 April 2010 Lisa Bloom and her lawyer mom will be arrested after the "New French Revolution" for stifling the gas lobotomy invention from 1980 to 2010.

18 April 2010 Ann Curry from "Dateline" NBC and "Today Show will be arrested after the "New French Revolution" for stifling the gas lobotomy invention from 1980 to 2010.

18 April 2010 President Lech Kaczynski, an unyielding Polish President who perished one week ago along with 95 civilians as he ordered the Pilot to land the jet, was proven a mass murdered in his last Presidential Order... you do the math.

18 April 2010 "New French Revolution" ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980... Clintons killing, "incineration" of 100 million Civilians world-wide!

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incendiary" language can be taken the wrong way!

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incineration" is what I'm suppressing in the news!

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incendiary" language can be taken the wrong way!

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incineration" is what I'm suppressing in the news!

18 April 2010 ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980... Clintons killing, "incineration" of 100 million Civilians world-wide!

18 April 2010 Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday began a pilgrimage in Malta, a Catholic nation buffeted by the worldwide clerical sex abuse scandal.

18 April 2010 $1 Trillion Dollar Med School at Yale and LA will not let fags in the door let alone visit other fags!

18 April 2010 "New French Revolution" will inherit a Obama gov. run genocide of Hepatitis, Syphilis, STD's, TB, from fags and the millions of small business owners going to Thailand to have sex with kids.

18 April 2010 Pope Benedict XVI helped Clinton - Obama in the "incineration" of all 100 million American Civilians who were burned and burned to death in a Fiery LA Wreck that Leno, Trump, and Caroline Kennedy drove by without stopping to help!

18 April 2010 Astronomer Donald Yeomans, head of NASA's Near-Earth Object program office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., said there are about a dozen near-Earth asteroids

18 April 2010 TV's Bill Nye the Science Guy, vice president of the Planetary Society, said the president's asteroid plan carries risk, since it sends astronauts so far from home. But it is a risk worth taking.

18 April 2010 an asteroid, and perhaps even modifying its trajectory slightly, we would demonstrate a hallmark in human history," said Grunsfeld, who flew on three shuttle missions to fix the Hubble Space Telescope. "The first time humans showed that we can make better decisions than the dinosaurs made 65 million years ago."

18 April 2010 President Barack Obama set a lofty next goal this week for Americans in space: Visiting an asteroid by 2025

18 April 2010 $1 trillion dollar manned Space Telescope with a lifeboat accessory!

18 April 2010 NASA Armstrong, Aldridge, and all the rest of the Top Brass at NASA from 1980 to 2010 let Clinton and the other President "incineration" of 100 Million American Civilians in fiery LA Wrecks for $177 Trillion dollars in oil revenues!

18 April 2010 "incineration"

18 April 2010 "incineration"

18 April 2010 "New French Revolution" ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980... Clintons killing, "incineration" of 100 million Civilians world-wide!

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incendiary" language can be taken the wrong way!

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incineration" is what I'm suppressing in the news!

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incendiary" language can be taken the wrong way!

18 April 2010 Clinton said "incineration" is what I'm suppressing in the news!

18 April 2010 ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980... Clintons killing, "incineration" of 100 million Civilians world-wide!

18 April 2010 $1 trillion dollar manned Space Telescope that can "Observe" and "Listen" to Aliens, with a lifeboat accessory! You do the Math... $1 trillion dollar manned Space Telescope "Imagine It!" "Invent It! And the White cop hating Obama wants to land on an asteroid by 2025. To End War on Earth...

18 April 2010 $1 trillion dollar manned Space Telescope that can "Observe" and "Listen" to Aliens, with a lifeboat accessory! You do the Math... $1 trillion dollar manned Space Telescope "Imagine It!" "Invent It! And the White cop hating Obama wants to land on an asteroid by 2025. To End War on Earth...
21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BAGHDAD – Seven years after the first bombs!

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BOULDER, COLORADO invention ElectricWindmillCar 1980

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, 1987 ElectricWindmillCar - Boulder not Baghdad.

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, 1987 ElectricWindmillCar - electrolysis accessory in your ElectricWindmillCar, super-air-bags on the outside, and 24/7 climate control. Massive amounts of free H from driving your ElectricWindmillCar. Satellite dish with cams on top and inside your ElectricWindmillCar, with wifi.

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, looking to the future with a mixture of trepidation and hope. 7th year for ElectricWindmillcar will bring humanity 7,001 social inventions. 7,001 war toy inventions went with Iraq war era so humanity really lost a lot last 7 years. Sony movie will list all 7,001 MIT war toy inventions made and cost for the last 7 years and I will list all 7,001 social inventions lost to the fags at MIT and the Pentagon. This will be good! "Space Suit" Not putting on a "Space Suit" will cost $657.5 million in doctors visits! And put another $177 Trillion dollars in the pockets of Saudi and Texas Oil Men who will just waste it on MIT War Toys. H3's etc.

21 March 2010 Aliens - not promoting a invention that will hear and observe Aliens at Alpha Centauri will cost $657.5 million in doctors visits! And spend Trillions on MIT war toys instead of traveling 4.3 light years. (and I have to get Dr. Lisa Novak's NASA job back... to get her... grin!)

21 March 2010 "Today Show" "48 Hours" Drove by fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help... you do the math, is this a sick joke by Leno or Gen. Orwell?

Polygamous marriage for Greg Buell "Lovestar" working on 1,001 Invention Projects with a few MD wives, brainstorming 24/7 invention projects, Rx Penicillin overnight miracle cure for Breast Cancer will be the best revenge on the Orwellian Top Brass in the USA who kills 40k women every 12 months... since 1980 ElectricWindmillCar invention! Pentagon can't do the math!

21 March 2010 1 Billion Cashew trees and Brazil Nut trees... Helicopter Combine!

21 March 2010 Greg Buell Lovestar's "5 heavy lift Helicopter Combine" invention news has been suppressed by Brazil News and New York Times for front page news about Brazil Oil and the $177 Trillion dollars it will bring to Brazil in the next 30 years.

21 March 2010 Pakistan Generals and elected politicians are counting their money too... not $177 Trillion from the Pentagon for mercenary work but $177 Billion over the next 30 years to be a Pentagon Mercenary!

21 March 2010 Hidden Escalator Dangers "Early Show" Consumer Correspondent Susan Koeppen Conducts a Hidden Investigation into Unsafe Conditions, Susan missed the danger of Escalating Mercenaries working for the CIA.

21 March 2010 BAGHDAD – Seven years after the first bombs in the war to oust Saddam Hussein, Iraqis went about their business Friday with little observance of the anniversary, looking to the future with a mixture of trepidation and hope. 7th year for electricwindmillcar will bring humanity 7,001 social inventions 7,001 war toy inventions went with Iraq war so humanity really lost a lot last 7 years Sony movie will list all 7,001 MIT war toy inventions last 7 years and I will list all 7,001 social inventions lost to the fags at MIT and the Pentagon. This will be a good movie after the coup NG 17 as all the fags in Thailand over the last 7 years having sex with kids via Oil Money and gov. perks will be in the movie clips... Leno having sex with kids with all his Hollywood and NYC Trump friends with Leno telling his famous joke about driving by a fiery LA Wreck and not stopping to help as he had to get to work at NBC Tonight Show to tell the joke about your flesh sizzling in a fiery LA Wreck... sick joke!

21 March 2010 "Today Show" "48 Hours" Drove by fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help... you do the math, is this a sick joke by Leno or Gen. Orwell.

21 March 2010 Saudi Arabia has free Health Care, free University and $177 Trillion dollars in Swiss Banks since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980.

Polygamous marriage for Greg Buell Lovestar working on 1,001 Invention Projects with a few MD wives, brainstorming 24/7 invention projects, Rx Penicillin overnight miracle cure for Breast Cancer will be the best revenge on the Orwellian Top Brass in the USA who kills 40k women every 12 months since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 - you do the math.

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BAGHDAD – Seven years after the first bombs!

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BOULDER, COLORADO invention ElectricWindmillCar 1980

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, 1987 ElectricWindmillCar - Boulder not Baghdad.

21 March 2010 Pentagon can't do the math and make sense of their Universe...

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BAGHDAD – Seven years after the first bombs!

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BOULDER, COLORADO invention ElectricWindmillCar 1980

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, 1987 ElectricWindmillCar - Boulder not Baghdad.

21 March 2010 Bush and Clintons would say and it equals the Worst Genocide in the History of Humanity, add in all the fiery LA Wrecks and little things like no electrolysis accessory in your ElectricWindmillCar, super-air-bags on the outside, and 24/7 climate control. Massive amounts of free H from driving your ElectricWindmillCar. Satellite dish with cams on top and inside your ElectricWindmillCar, with wifi.

Polygamous marriages would have been made legal in 1980 so men and women could work 24/7 on 1,001 Invention Projects posted on this web... LOST out to expensive MIT War Toys only the Pentagon could afford and be psychotic enough killers to invent.

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BAGHDAD – Seven years after the first bombs!

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BOULDER, COLORADO invention ElectricWindmillCar 1980

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, looking to the future with a mixture of trepidation and hope. 7th year for ElectricWindmillcar will bring humanity 7,001 social inventions. 7,001 war toy inventions went with Iraq war era so humanity really lost a lot last 7 years. Sony movie will list all 7,001 MIT war toy inventions made and cost for the last 7 years and I will list all 7,001 social inventions lost to the fags at MIT and the Pentagon. This will be good!

21 March 2010 "Today Show" "48 Hours" Drove by fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help... you do the math, is this a sick joke by Leno or Gen. Orwell?

Polygamous marriage for Greg Buell "Lovestar" working on 1,001 Invention Projects with a few MD wives, brainstorming 24/7 invention projects, Rx Penicillin overnight miracle cure for Breast Cancer will be the best revenge on the Orwellian Top Brass in the USA who kills 40k women every 12 months... since 1980 ElectricWindmillCar invention! Pentagon can't do the math!

21 March 2010 1 Billion Cashew trees and Brazil Nut trees... Helicopter Combine!

21 March 2010 Greg Buell Lovestar's "5 heavy lift Helicopter Combine" invention news has been suppressed by Brazil News and New York Times for front page news about Brazil Oil and the $177 Trillion dollars it will bring to Brazil in the next 30 years.

21 March 2010 Pakistan Generals and elected politicians are counting their money too... not $177 Trillion from the Pentagon for mercenary work but $177 Billion over the next 30 years to be a Pentagon Mercenary!

21 March 2010 Hidden Escalator Dangers "Early Show" Consumer Correspondent Susan Koeppen Conducts a Hidden Investigation into Unsafe Conditions, Susan missed the danger of Escalating Mercenaries working for the CIA.

21 March 2010 BAGHDAD – Seven years after the first bombs in the war to oust Saddam Hussein, Iraqis went about their business Friday with little observance of the anniversary, looking to the future with a mixture of trepidation and hope. 7th year for electricwindmillcar will bring humanity 7,001 social inventions 7,001 war toy inventions went with Iraq war so humanity really lost a lot last 7 years Sony movie will list all 7,001 MIT war toy inventions last 7 years and I will list all 7,001 social inventions lost to the fags at MIT and the Pentagon. This will be a good movie after the coup NG 17 as all the fags in Thailand over the last 7 years having sex with kids via Oil Money and gov. perks will be in the movie clips... Leno having sex with kids with all his Hollywood and NYC Trump friends with Leno telling his famous joke about driving by a fiery LA Wreck and not stopping to help as he had to get to work at NBC Tonight Show to tell the joke about your flesh sizzling in a fiery LA Wreck... sick joke! Sick is Leno slandering Ms. California for Trump and his fag lifestyle behind the cameras!

21 March 2010 "Today Show" "48 Hours" Drove by fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help... you do the math, is this a sick joke by Leno or Gen. Orwell?

21 March 2010 Saudi Arabia has free Health Care, free University and $177 Trillion dollars in Swiss Banks since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980.

21 March 2010 Los Alamos supercomputers are under used, scientists are prohibited from working on Greg Buell Lovestar's 1,001 invention projects at work.

21 March 2010 Los Alamos Scientists and Super Computers or Certified nurse anesthetists? You do the math and the Top Brass want to use certified nurse anesthetists, and cover up all their mistakes. Los Alamos would not cover up any anesthetists mistake, just rewrite the code.

21 March 2010 Certified nurse anesthetists would rather be an MD! Top Brass have promoted nigers and Mexicans fresh out of college to Med School leaving behind a massive number of RN's who want to upgrade to MD.

21 March 2010 Today Show and 48 Hours LOST humanity the "Total Immunity" invention via Mercenaries in Pakistan, India, Africa, getting the money and computers.

21 March 2010 "Today Show" "48 Hours" Drove by fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help... you do the math, is this a sick joke by Leno or Gen. Orwell?

21 March 2010 "Space Suit" Not putting on a "Space Suit" will cost $657.5 million for thousands of rescue and cleanup workers at ground zero who sued the city over damage to their health, according to city officials and lawyers for the plaintiffs. They said that the settlement would compensate about 10,000 plaintiffs according to the severity of their illnesses and the level of their exposure to contaminants at the World Trade Center site. "Space Suit" Not putting on a "Space Suit" will cost $657.5 million. Pakistan will get $177 billion. Not million!

21 March 2010 Pakistan Generals and elected politicians are counting their money too... not $177 Trillion from the Pentagon for mercenary work but $177 Billion over the next 30 years to be a Pentagon Mercenary!

21 March 2010 Yale and Harvard MD's knew this ahead of the attack... "Space Suit" Not putting on a "Space Suit" will cost $657.5 million in doctors visits! “Young doctors are being educated in a toxic culture,” said Dr. Lucian L. Leape, a leading patient safety expert at the Harvard School of Public Health who was chairman of the report’s committee. “The current environment is hierarchical, stressful for the individual, driven by the fee-for-service payment system and humiliating, all of which works against improving patient safety.” To ensure safer health care, doctors-in-training need time to reflect on their actions, a sense of community with colleagues and other health care workers, and the support to engage freely in disclosing errors. Yale and Harvard MD's knew this ahead of the attack... "Space Suit" Not putting on a "Space Suit" will cost $657.5 million in doctors visits!

21 March 2010 By Richard L. Scott – 2 hrs 48 mins ago Fort Hood, Texas – Which is better in war? Wipe out a nation completely and start fresh? Merely disarm the enemy through aggressive tactics? Or subdue through nonaggressive means altogether? Philosophers from Niccolo Machiavelli to Carl von Clausewitz to Sun Tzu have been debating the most effective means to approach warfare for centuries. 21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BAGHDAD – Seven years after the first bombs!

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BOULDER, COLORADO invention ElectricWindmillCar 1980

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, looking to the future with a mixture of trepidation and hope. 7th year for ElectricWindmillcar will bring humanity 7,001 social inventions. 7,001 war toy inventions went with Iraq war era so humanity really lost a lot last 7 years. Sony movie will list all 7,001 MIT war toy inventions made and cost for the last 7 years and I will list all 7,001 social inventions lost to the fags at MIT and the Pentagon. This will be good!

21 March 2010 Diagnose Inventions... at Los Alamos... a child swallowing a Battery can be difficult to diagnose. As "Early Show" Consumer Correspondent Susan Koeppen notes, they're found in many products in people's homes, but they pose a serious risk for children. The child had the stomach flu. But after a week, Kaiden got even worse. "They finally got an X-ray and discovered that he had swallowed what they thought was a coin." However, what doctors thought was a coin turned out to be a lithium button Battery from a remote control in the family's home. Koeppen added the Battery wasn't just stuck in Kaiden's throat, it had burned a hole through his esophagus. "I never imagined he could have swallowed a button Battery. Never imagined the extent of the damage that it did to him." Kaiden was in the hospital for weeks and needed a feeding tube for months. 3,500 button Battery are ingested by kids. You do the math, I for one think the button Battery makers have total immunity from all lability cost of kids ingesting button Batteries via this Orwellian Oil Genocide Ear mentality that is our Universe!

21 March 2010 BOULDER, COLORADO ON the Hill (were Joe Coors is our local Oil Man King) A 21-year-old man has been ticketed for serving alcohol to a woman who was seriously injured when she fell from the roof of her sorority house last Saturday. The man was identified by Boulder police as Jon Robert Stroker, a member of the Theta Xi Fraternity in Boulder. According to a release from Boulder Police, Rachel Anne Feucht went to a party at the Theta Xi Fraternity on Feb. 2 and consumed large quantities of alcohol, specifically beer and vodka, provided by Stroker. Feucht returned to the Alpha Phi Sorority about 12:30 a.m. Sunday and went to the third floor, the release said. Detectives believe Feucht may have been unable to get into her room because the door was locked, so she went to a vacant room across the hall. It appears Feucht decided to climb out the window and walk across the gutter to reach an outside stairwell that would allow her to get back downstairs. She slid off the roof and hit the ground, just before reaching the stairwell. She was seriously injured and detectives have determined alcohol played a significant role in the incident. Yale and Harvard MD's knew this ahead of the attack... "Space Suit" Not putting on a "Space Suit" will cost $657.5 million in doctors visits!

21 March 2010 ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - 179,891 fatal car wrecks. This has dedicated a new computer center in New Mexico that will be used for top-secret work. Agency Administrator Thomas D' Agostino says the National Security Computing Center will use its high-performance computing capabilities to help solve such national security problems as cyber-defense, vulnerability assessment and space systems threats. It's located at Sandia National Laboratories. 179,891 fatal car wrecks! $177 Billion for Pakistan Mercenary work, $657 million for 9/11 rescue workers doctor bills... $177 Trillion in oil revenue from Brazil's new oil find. Nothing for the fiery LA Wreck, though Leno makes a lot from GE and NBC telling jokes about your flesh sizzle in fiery wreck he Leno and others drive by without stopping to help.

21 March 2010 "Today Show" "48 Hours" Drove by fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help... you do the math, is this a sick joke by Leno or Gen. Orwell?

21 March 2010 179,891 fatal car wrecks. Although men make up the vast majority of drunken drivers in the United States, more young women are driving drunk and getting into fatal car accidents than ever before, a new study reports. Laura Dean-Mooney, national president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), said that the finding "is not surprising" because our Universe since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 has been one of one genocide added to the oil genocide so not there are several gov. run genocides from Oil to Salt and of course Coors! "Space Suit" Not putting on a "Space Suit" will cost $657.5 million in doctors visits!

21 March 2010 Aliens - not promoting a invention that will hear and observe Aliens at Alpha Centauri will cost $657.5 million in doctors visits! From MIT war toys.

21 March 2010 Dentures and Dentists are a more down to Earth subject that had made $177 billion for Dentists while ripping off the mass of humanity, is this a genocide, not quite but its a crime against humanity via greed mentality of Bill Gate and Oil Men. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Health care, said the action affected three Poligrip products: Super Poligrip Original, Ultra Fresh and Extra Care. The company said it planned to reformulate the product without zinc. Those products are used by an estimated 3.5 million denture wearers and I love my new dentures, I don't care about the zinc as I use tons of zinc on my nose hiking in Colorado. My dentures are my Million dollar Smile! Invention project to reinvent pulling teeth is certainly on my agenda when Gen. Orwell comes out from behind the cameras as pulling all my upper teeth was torture! Comfort Dental does not use sodium penathol but they will... grin!

21 March 2010 BLANTYRE, Malawi (AP) - Malawi church leaders say that homosexuality is "sinful + criminal" and urge USA Top Brass to withdraw threats to halt aid to this southern Africa country over a court case that could send two gay men to jail for up to 14 years. Both have symphysis and hepatitis too. The arrests have outraged Leno, Trump and fags who fly to Thailand, all Western $$$ donors who have sex with kids now, so in Malawi, one of Africa's poorest nations. The churches say the USA should not be allowed to use its financial power to force Malawi to accept homosexuality, and its linked diseases like syphilis, Hepatitis, TB in Africa, and many more diseases linked that fags in Africa will spread to everyone. "Space Suit" Not putting on a "Space Suit" will cost $657.5 million in doctors visits!

21 March 2010 "Today Show" "48 Hours" Drove by fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help... you do the math, is this a sick joke by Leno or Gen. Orwell?

21 March 2010 Generals dereliction of duty is the suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar, cure for breast cancer by enlisting all the MIT fags to invent War Toys!

21 March 2010 BOISE - Former Idaho Congressman Bill Sali resurfaced in Idaho politics today, testifying against child immunizations. Multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis killed 150000 people in 2008 and infects between 400,000 and 500,000 people globally, according to World Health Organization. It's safe to say none one in BOISE, Idaho is working 24/7 with a few MD wives on "Total Immunity" vaccination!

21 March 2010 Afghan War Dead 40,000 no "40,000 dead USA women" from breast cancer every 12 months the Afghan War goes on... and Gen. Petraeus warns of tough year ahead on Afghanistan but does not mention "40,000 dead USA women" who are the real civilian casualties of his war - he could have won in 1980 by not suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar invention! On Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus (peh-TRAY'-us) said he expects the United States can reduce its forces as planned, from about 97,000 to 50,000 by the end of August. Petraeus, who heads the U.S. Central Command, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday. As the architect of the successful troop build up in Iraq in 2007, his assessment of America's wars is closely watched in Congress. He said he expects U.S. forces will be able to reverse the momentum gained by Taliban militants in Afghanistan, but Petraeus also said he envisions "tough fighting and periodic setbacks." But he does not mention "40,000 dead USA women" who are the real civilian casualties of his war - he could have won in 1980 by not suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar invention!

21 March 2010 As of Tuesday, March 16, 2010, at least 4,385 members of the U.S. military had died in the Iraq war since it began in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count. Generals dereliction of duty is the suppression of the ElectricWindmillcar. Win the Iraq War with the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980 would have saved 4,385 and the 40,000 USA women who died from breast cancer every 12 months since 1980 - these women are the real civilian casualties of the Iraq War!

21 March 2010 MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, are bacteria that can't be treated with common antibiotics.

21 March 2010 "Space Suit" Not putting on a "Space Suit" will cost $657.5 million in doctors visits!

21 March 2010 $1 Trillion dollar Medical School will be designed with everyone in a "Space Suit"

21 March 2010 Surgeons tools hide staphylococcus and other bacteria and virus that are not killed by the sterilization tech at hospitals today because the tech are from Bosnia and Mexico they were given the job by the government. Passed over were "gringo Americans" who were smarter and more inventive. This is one of the several on going gov. run genocides in our Universe Today! Mexicans are working every construction job in the USA and making many mistakes gringos will end up paying for!

21 March 2010 A Pentagon General testified last week that the killing of 5k Moslem men in Bosnia was caused by gay UN Troops as Peace Keepers as they did not have any balls, they surrendered and were handcuffed willing because they were gays in the Army. WHO at the UN has fag MD's who let 8 million die from drinking dirty water when the H2O electrolysis accessory in your ElectricWindmillcar would give 5 billion people clean water. Today many will die from drinking dirty water. WHO MD's the fags are responsible for these deaths.

21 March 2010 Xiaflex, an inject able drug that goes on sale later this month, will not be cheap, at an estimated average cost per course of treatment of $5,400. But analysts expect sales to reach hundreds of millions of dollars a year. And that total could go higher, if Xiaflex eventually wins approval for a related condition known as Peyronie’s disease, in which a bent penis makes intercourse painful or even impossible. About one in 20 men is estimated to have Peyronie’s, but figures are not precise because people with the condition tend not to discuss it publicly.

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BAGHDAD – Seven years after the first bombs!

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BOULDER, COLORADO invention ElectricWindmillCar 1980

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, looking to the future with a mixture of trepidation and hope. 7th year for ElectricWindmillcar will bring humanity 7,001 social inventions. 7,001 war toy inventions went with Iraq war era so humanity really lost a lot last 7 years. Sony movie will list all 7,001 MIT war toy inventions made and cost for the last 7 years and I will list all 7,001 social inventions lost to the fags at MIT and the Pentagon. This will be good!

21 March 2010 "Today Show" "48 Hours" Drove by fiery LA Wrecks without stopping to help... you do the math, is this a sick joke by Leno or Gen. Orwell?

Polygamous marriage for Greg Buell "Lovestar" working on 1,001 Invention Projects with a few MD wives, brainstorming 24/7 invention projects, Rx Penicillin overnight miracle cure for Breast Cancer will be the best revenge on the Orwellian Top Brass in the USA who kills 40k women every 12 months... since 1980 ElectricWindmillCar invention! Pentagon can't do the math!

21 March 2010 MOSCOW pilot’s drunk cause of a airline crash 88 dead no one inventing alcoholism cure!

21 March 2010 Coors, Peter Coors is meaner than the King of Saudi Arabia when it comes to suppressing a cure to alcoholism... gov. run genocide one of several in our Oil Genocide Era!

21 March 2010 State Lotteries are a gov. run genocide too!

21 March 2010 Saudi Arabia has free Health Care, free University and $177 Trillion dollars in Swiss Banks since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980.

21 March 2010 "Space Suit" Not putting on a "Space Suit" will cost $657.5 million in doctors visits!

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BAGHDAD – Seven years after the first bombs!

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, BOULDER, COLORADO invention ElectricWindmillCar 1980

21 March 2010 7th anniversary, looking to the future with a mixture of trepidation and hope. 7th year for ElectricWindmillcar will bring humanity 7,001 social inventions. 7,001 war toy inventions went with Iraq war era so humanity really lost a lot last 7 years. Sony movie will list all 7,001 MIT war toy inventions made and cost for the last 7 years and I will list all 7,001 social inventions lost to the fags at MIT and the Pentagon. This will be good!

21 March 2010 "7th anniversary", 1987 ElectricWindmillCar - electrolysis accessory in your ElectricWindmillCar, super-air-bags on the outside, and 24/7 climate control. Massive amounts of free H from driving your ElectricWindmillCar. Satellite dish with cams on top and inside your ElectricWindmillCar, with wifi.

21 March 2010 "7th anniversary", 1987 ElectricWindmillCar - electrolysis accessory in your ElectricWindmillCar, super-air-bags on the outside, and 24/7 climate control. Massive amounts of free H from driving your ElectricWindmillCar. Satellite dish with cams on top and inside your ElectricWindmillCar, with wifi.

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

Polygamous marriages would have been made legal in 1980 so men and women could work 24/7 on 1,001 Invention Projects posted on this web... LOST out to expensive MIT War Toys only the Pentagon could afford and be psychotic enough killers to invent.

1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on 24/7 with a few wives!

Polygamous marriages will get the gas lobotomy invention for criminals and war criminals... to say the least.

1 March 2010 Chile Quake wow! 8.8 and the next quake could hit LA - Tokyo! The Mother of all Earthquakes will happen before Gen. Orwell lets anyone build the $1 Trillion dollar Medical School and stock Humanity with 1 Billion MD's... 100 new Medical Student will start at Yale in Sept. 2010! H for clean water and electricity for Quakes is suppressed by Gen. Orwell too.


Los Alamos supercomputers are under used, scientists are prohibited from working on Greg Buell Lovestar's 1,001 invention projects at work. "Over Kill" is $177 Trillion in Oil Genocide money from 1980 to 2010 compounded by suppressing free H, massive amounts of free hydrogen from H2O! Worst "Over Kill" was the Nobel Peace Prize to a Niger who hates white cops! Best revenge will be a satellite dish on every 2011 model car with cams outside and inside... no cops will ever again be shot by a Niger male (Or Mexican) making a traffic stop!

1 March 2010 Geneva ha funny story $177 Trillion in oil genocide money in Swiss Banks and now a fight with Gadhafi, not Swiss cops burned and burned to death in gasoline.

1 March 2010 1 Billion Cashew trees and Brazil Nut trees... Helicopter Combine!

1 March 2010 Winter Snow Storm... 10 million without electricity is Murderous!

1 March 2010 Gravity of our Times... How is gravity generated?

1 March 2010 New York Times Tiger Woods has had sex with 10,000 women!

1 March 2010 Cheney's lesbian Dyke daughter has had or will have licked 10,000 women.

1 March 2010 New York Times H to generate your electricity... LOST... Massive amounts of Free Hydrogen from 1980 to 2010. (Gas selling for $4 a gallon was a gov. scam on the public!)

1 March 2010 Gravity of our Times... How is gravity generated?

1 March 2010 New York Times "OJ" Headlines and the bloody murder of Ann Nichols Smith!

1 March 2010 GPS Tracker for kids and COPS to track all violent domestic guys!

1 March 2010 New York Times... Toyota Withheld 100's of thousands of Fiery LA Wrecks.

1 March 2010 LA Leno is back on the Tonight Show, GE failed to fire Leno for the health of Humanity! Dr. Nancy Snyderman will still get the Tonight Show after the "Oil Genocide Trials" in LA and NYC.

1 March 2010 Letterman is back in New York still simmering mad about being "Blackmailed" into paying back taxes on cops burned in fiery LA Wrecks from 1980 to 2010.

1 March 2010 Yale University News, New Haven residents are not healthy. Half don't exercise, most eat red meat. Those with lots of spending money fly to Thailand to have sex with kids!

1 March 2010 $1 Trillion Dollar Medical School... Yale picked 100 students to start Medical School in September 2010 out of 4,300 who applied to Yale Medical School. Sick, and criminal behavior!

1 March 2010 In the War against Breast Cancer... 40k women will die in 2010

1 March 2010 In the War against Breast Cancer... 40k women will die in 2010

1 March 2010 100 kids left in a hot cars in the Summer of 2010 will die at by the hands of gov. Murders working at Sandia National Labs in New Mexico!

1 March 2010 H to generate your electricity... LOST... Massive amounts of Free Hydrogen from 1980 to 2010. (Gas selling for $4 a gallon was a gov. scam on the public!)

1 March 2010 Gravity of our Times... Aliens at Alpha Centauri observe them invention!


1 March 2010 The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, is light years from writing up 1,001 Invention Projects for 1 Billion Inventors! As we are only on Windows 7, Inventor OS with 1,001 Invention Projects pre installed is light years from the our Psychotic Top Brass. 1980 to 2010 is the Oil Genocide Era below is one abstract written 30 years after the electricwindmillcar was suppressed in 1980 and after 100's of thousands have burned and burned to death in fiery LA Wrecks for $177 Trillion dollars in oil money most in Swiss Banks.


The International Journal of Psychoanalysis

Murder on the mind: Tyrannical power and other points along the perverse spectrum

Richard Tuch

New Center for Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles, 1800 Fairburn Ave., Ste. 206, Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA –
Copyright © 2010 Institute of Psychoanalysis KEYWORDS
disavowal • fetish • fetishization • perversions • perversity • sadomasochism ABSTRACT
This paper illustrates the breadth and depth of the spectrum of perversion and perversity as currently represented in the psychoanalytic literature, raises questions about recent tendencies to include a host of diverse-seeming phenomena under the same conceptual umbrella, and strives to demonstrate what these phenomena have in common that justifies lumping them together under the same rubric. One end of this spectrum is represented by the employment of simple fetishes introduced into a sexual scene in order to promote sexual arousal. Moving along the continuum, one encounters increasing complex behavioral patterns including the enactment of scripts that actualize one's perverse fantasies, including the assumption of complementary roles (e.g. sadomasochism) that equally serve the needs, and represent the desires, of both parties involved. A unique clinical entity, 'perverse modes of relatedness,' lies on the extreme end of the spectrum, representing the reification of the relationship as it becomes little more than a vehicle to take possession and control one's object for the gratification of one's sole needs and desires. What each of these phenomena share in common is both the insertion of a thing or condition – ranging from a simple fetishistic object to an elaborate style of relating that reduces the other into pawn played upon the pervert's chessboard, between the two 'relating' objects as well as a less than honest relationship with reality.

1 March 2010 Generals have always killed their own troops, now they will hang for the deaths in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, after the Oil men hang for suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar from 1980 to 2010. As the Generals were the Oil Mens body guards!

1 March 2010 Putin not Obama shut down all the Casinos in Russia because fags were molesting kids and the Russian kids were committing suicide.

1 March 2010 New York Times... Dr. Chen is harvesting organs from teens Trump and other fags molested, they committed suicide after Trump and his gang of fags molested them, now Dr. Chen is harvesting their organs for transplants.

1 March 2010 Cheney's lesbian Dyke daughter has had or will have licked 10,000 women via blackmail, coercion, or just paying for sex with her dads cash. 5,000 of these girls will be preteen as they are the most sort after by lesbian dykes and fags.... Tonight Show tonight Leno will joke about Trump... fags and lesbians he knows who have molested kids!

1 March 2010 CBS "Early Show" Rob Me... making fun of GPS Tracker and New Inventions all the while Connie Chen the wife of CBS President Robbed Humanity of a massive amount of free H and 100 clones of Connie Chen's new baby will die when left in hot cars in the summer of 2010... from Connie Chen being the "Rob Me" story not the new GPS Trackers in the hands and minds of petty crooks. H "Rob Me" story kills 100 from heat to cold, and Connie Chen and her CBS husband will not second guess being hanged!! Why the French ElectricWindmillCar Coup Leaders, made up mostly of cops and kid with gasoline burns over most their bodies want their heads! Moms who lost babies in hot cars too when they find out H can keep hot cars cool 24/7. Connie Chen the mom suppressed this accessory on the ElectricWindmillcar.

1 March 2010 NBC "Today Show" Lindsey Vonn and Matt Lauer, he acted like a fag not picking up one her telling him her husband was her inspiration, Matt Lauer does not have a women Goddess to inspire inventions. Were in the World did Matt Lauer have sex with kids and how much did he pay them... some on the crew could blackmail Matt Lauer for more than $2 million for this video. Matt Lauer has had sex with 10,000 people, no wonder he takes Ambien (zolpidem) is a sedative and is used for the short-term treatment of insomnia. DUI DWI is Ambien ok? Stats are "Top Secret" it took me a few years to find how many gringos had Hepatitis 3 million... Today Show is prohibited from reporting this and other stats.

1 March 2010 Dynamite was invented by Nobel, Murderous Nigers in Sweden have LOST more Nobel Inventions than Nobel got! By giving the Peace Prize to the "COP HATING" Niger Obama. And they lost a million spin off inventions from Dynamite, sawdust added to natural gas, I will add sawdust to H from the H2O electrolysis accessory in your ElectricWindmillCar.

1 March 2010 Robin Roberts, Condoleezza Rice, Oprah Winfrey, are crazy black women, social psychopaths who were paid $1 Billion each by the gov. and given gov. perks to let 1 Million Fiery LA Wrecks become a part of "Black History" in 2020. Blackmail Gas Tax that has Letterman mad as Hell (he has to pay for cops and kids burned in gasoline from 1980 to 2010) will be harder on Rich Nigers than Letterman and Leno.

1 March 2010 New York Times Tiger Woods has had sex with 10,000 women!

1 March 2010 New York Times OJ Headlines and the bloody murder of Ann Nichols Smith!

1 March 2010 The International Journal of Psychoanalysis wrote up "Tyrannical Powers" Cattle Men, Oil Men, Casino Pimps, Swiss Bankers, OJ, Tiger Woods, MD's who would kill 45k patients via staph before they would wear a NASA suit to work! All this and 40k torturous breast cancer deaths in 2010 will get Lisa Novak her NASA job back.

1 March 2010 In the War against Breast Cancer... 40k women will die in 2010

1 March 2010 In the War against Breast Cancer... 40k women will die in 2010

1 March 2010 Gravity of our Times... Aliens at Alpha Centauri observe them invention!

1 March 2010 Nobel spin off invention to give Humanity H... massive amounts of free H and saved like dynamite packed with sawdust. No more fiery LA Wrecks for Leno to view from his guillotine.

1 March 2010 No more fiery wrecks, No more fatal wrecks with super air bags on the outside. No more criminal behavior driving as a satellite dish with cams outside and inside will keep the drivers honest!

1 March 2010 New York Times Tiger Woods has had sex with 10,000 women!

1 March 2010 Both Gen. Powell and Tiger Woods have had syphilis and given it to their wife.

1 March 2010 26 Feb 2010 Geneva ha funny story $177 Trillion in oil genocide money in Swiss Banks and now a fight with Gadhafi not Swiss cops burned and burned to death in gasoline.

1 March 2010 New York Times... Toyota Withheld 100's of thousands of Fiery LA Wrecks.

1 March 2010 LA Leno is back on the Tonight Show, GE failed to fire Leno for the health of Humanity!

1 March 2010 Letterman is back in New York still simmering mad about being "Blackmailed" into paying back taxes on cops burned in fiery LA Wrecks from 1980 to 2010.

1 March 2010 GE's MRI's gave a million people cancer, 45k a year die of Hospital infections that will be cured... with the $1 Trillion Dollar Medical school I design with everyone in a "NASA" suit. Dr. Chen wrote in the New york Times no MD wants a Hospital were everyone is dressed in "NASA" suits not even to prevent 45k staph deaths a year.

1 March 2010 New York Times... Dr. Chen is harvesting organs from teens Trump and other fags molested, they committed suicide after Trump and his gang of fags molested them, now Dr. Chen is harvesting their organs for transplants.

1 March 2010 New York Times will not harvest this story. Leno on the Tonight Show tonight will make a joke about fags... and Trump, not mentioning Trump has had sex with 10,000 boys and 10,000 women.

1 March 2010 Trump the fag, the bullie, the murderer... of Miss California Carrie Prejean. Even the Pentagon Generals went over to Trumps fags, divorcing Miss California. Leno slandered Miss California for fags molesting kids. Crazy why Leno would attack Miss California, to kiss Trump!

1 March 2010 Leno lives in Beverly Hill with 48 internal combustion gasoline cars. Light Years from the reality that should be in his garage. The ElectricWindmillCar with a satellite dish on top with cams on top and inside. Inside it's climate controlled via the electrolysis accessory giving Leno free H. Super air bags inside and out giving Leno a car better than the Indy 500 one in his collection.

1 March 2010 Your flesh sizzling on the grill of Leno's car in a fiery LA Wreck...

1 March 2010 Leno drove by this fiery wreck without stopping as he was heading for a meeting with Trump.

1 March 2010 Trump has a YouTube video collection of fiery LA Wrecks!

1 March 2010 YouTube guys at Google have been bribed ($1 Billion each) by murderous gov. workers to keep these videos off YouTube.

1 March 2010 Alcoholism Cure... Gregs Yale MD wives will get a cure for alcoholism in the first year of our polygamous marriage.

1 March 2010 Playboy Mansion, Heifer could have gotten Polygamous Marriage made legal in 1980 but didn't even try. How selfish was this!

1 March 2010 Leno is driving back to work Tonight. Leno's fag jokes are every night. Overkill, Leno is sucking off fags in every monolog!

1 March 2010 Fags are atheists until Aliens at Alpha Centauri are tracked down and observed, via an invention. Like Gravity Control.

1 March 2010 listen in on... what's going on light years from Earth by Aliens...

1 March 2010 Gregs Yale MD wives will get this Alien invention in the first year of our polygamous marriage.

1 March 2010 Greg Buell Lovestar's 1,001 Invention Projects, LOST from NBC TV line up in March 2010. Invention Cable Channel will be on the web well as cable!

1 March 2010 New York Times Tiger Woods has had sex with 10,000 women!

1 March 2010 Sex Addicted fags and the likes of the Niger Basketball players who have had sex with 10,000 women, giving the majority of them a disease and being totally immune ("Total Immunity Invention LOST") from any liability in an Orwellian Society.

1 March 2010 Fags all fags will have sex with 10,000 fags.

1 March 2010 Hepatitis was given to 3 million gringo by dirty Mexicans, MD's who write for the New York Times can never ever get this into the Headlines!

1 March 2010 Putin not Obama shut down all the Casinos in Russia because fags were molesting kids and the Russian kids were committing suicide. Obama just sucked Off Vegas and this criminal behavior of Casino Owners -- Obama said this is not crazy.

1 March 2010 Obama hates white cops and celebrates in his warped mind when a Niger kills a cop, and this is the "Acting" President of the USA that Kennedy-Bush got "elected". 40k women died a torturous death from Breast Cancer in Obama's first year and not even CBS's Katie Couric would report this! So no one will report it.

1 March 2010 Cheney's lesbian Dyke daughter has had or will have licked 10,000 women via blackmail, coercion, or just paying for sex with her dads cash. 5,000 of these girls will be preteen as they are the most sort after by lesbian dykes and fags.... Tonight Show tonight Leno will joke about Trump...

1 March 2010 New York Times... Toyota Withheld 100's of thousands of Fiery LA Wrecks. Evidence of a Gov. Genocide via gasoline and the suppression of the Electricwindmillcar from 1980 to 2010.

1 March 2010 26 Feb 2010 Geneva ha funny story $177 Trillion in oil genocide money in Swiss Banks and now a fight with Gadhafi not Swiss cops burned and burned to death in gasoline. Cops even a few Swiss cops burned in gasoline from 1980 to 2010 will hang them all.... Gadhafi and the Swiss King and of course every Swiss Banker in Switzerland will lose his head to the French invented Guillotine.

GENEVA (AP) - After two centuries of neutrality, Switzerland found itself in a bizarre and unprecedented situation Friday, facing a would-be "holy war" announced by Libya's Moammar Gadhafi.

The Swiss government declined to comment on Gadhafi's latest salvo in a simmering diplomatic saga stemming from the Geneva police's 2008 arrest and brief detainment of his son, Hannibal, and his wife for allegedly beating up their servants.

1 March 2010 No one at the New York Times is trying to understand how time works, how gravity is generated. This is a crime against Humanity.

1 March 2010 Yale University News, New Haven residents are not healthy. Half don't exercise, most eat red meat brainwashed and given misinformation by the Cattle Men who are worst than Oil Men. Smoking is 50% above the national average. Yale students use their elite status to drink at the local New Haven bars. Cattle Men could never ever be offered incentives to grow something than Opium.

1 March 2010 No one at Yale Medical School is working on a cure for Alcoholism.

1 March 2010 Bad Habits are given to the mass of Humanity by the top brass.

1 March 2010 In the War against Breast Cancer... 40k women will die in 2010

1 March 2010 In the War against Breast Cancer... 40k women will die in 2010

1 March 2010 Jews are Drunkards, USA got them drunk enough to murder in cold blood 1,200 women and children in Gaza with the ill side effects of Drunk Solders cheering over their Kills of old women walking down the street!

1 March 2010 At the same exact time in the USA 40k women were tortured by breast cancer and died at the hands of Drunk American Generals playing with War Toys.

1 March 2010 War Toys that were given to the Jews at Tel Nof Air Force Base, Israel. A fleet of 100's of Drones costing $100's of Billions. Women dressed in pink failed to seduce any American Generals. Generals must be addicted to war and visiting the off base whore house!

1 March 2010 In the War against Breast Cancer... 40k women will die in 2010

1 March 2010 In the War against Breast Cancer... 40k women will die in 2010

1 March 2010 Jewish women in Israel have the highest rates of breast cancer in the world... what in the world is going on with these guys?

1 March 2010 In the War against Breast Cancer... 40k women will die in 2010

1 March 2010 In the War against Breast Cancer... 40k women will die in 2010

1 March 2010 Lisa Novak will get her MD job back at NASA when we invent a 747... fly me to the moon in a 747. Fags at NASA and Ball Aerospace here in Boulder Colorado suppressed this invention project from decades of University Students... from 1980 to 2010 the Oil Genocide Era.

1 March 2010 NASA has no space destination, Alpha Centauri is suppressed by the fags at NASA and Ball Aerospace here in Boulder, Colorado.

1 March 2010 Spanish is now at Yale, on all documents, 1,001 Invention Projects and a $1 Trillion dollar Medical School LOST out to stupid nigers personal agenda to put Spanish into everything. This is not only a waste of time but stifles a Universe of Inventions! Deaths caused by putting Spanish everywhere at Yale will be in a Yale Textbook in 2020. "Inventions I lost by learning Spanish".

1 March 2010 FDA approved Prevnar 13 vaccination to save 1 million a year from meningitis, pneumonia and other deadly diseases. Mexicans at Leaning Tree Greeting Card Company and Blue Mt. Arts Greeting Cards in Boulder Colorado refuse their free flu shots while their supervisors know others will get sick from this stupid behavior.

1 March 2010 Paris, The French National Assembly, from the French Revolution is light years from making any laws about infecting others with the flu, or any other disease. These defendants from the French Revolution, last week in Paris they put out a plan to make being a bully a crime. None of these guys will ever marry a women MD or even dream about brainstorm 1,001 inventions with several women MD's. The French Revolutionaries are brain dead in Paris! LOST to Humanity! Paris not a 3 rd world colony is the place you have the best chance to get infected with Hepatitis!

1 March 2010 In the War against Breast Cancer... 40k women will die in 2010

1 March 2010 In the War against Breast Cancer... 40k women will die in 2010

1 March 2010 Winter Snow Storm... 10 million without electricity via Murderous Nigers at Sandia National Lab.! They LOST these 10 million people electricity on 1 March 2010, in a Blizzard. LOST, free H generated via the H2O in your ElectricWindmillCar. Electrolysis LOST at Sandia - is a Genocide in a New England Blizzard, Cold hearted gov workers at Sandia in New Mexico!

1 March 2010 Geneva ha funny story $177 Trillion in oil genocide money in Swiss Banks and now a fight with Gadhafi, not Swiss cops burned and burned to death in gasoline.

1 March 2010 1 Billion Cashew trees and Brazil Nut trees... Helicopter Combine!

1 March 2010 Winter Snow Storm... 10 million without electricity is Murderous!

1 March 2010 Gravity of our Times... How is gravity generated?

1 March 2010 Geneva ha funny story $177 Trillion in oil genocide money in Swiss Banks and now a fight with Gadhafi, not Swiss cops burned and burned to death in gasoline.

1 March 2010 Geneva ha funny story $177 Trillion in oil genocide money in Swiss Banks and now a fight with Gadhafi, not Swiss cops burned and burned to death in gasoline.

1 March 2010 Geneva ha funny story $177 Trillion in oil genocide money!

15 Feb. 2010 New York Times today

Wrote up the $1 Trillion Dollar Medical School... almost!

15 Feb. 2010 New York Times today wrote up CIA and other Intelligence Agents around the world watch the top brass have sex with kids in Thailand... almost!

15 Feb. 2010 New York Times suppressed the story about Toyota - 2011 models with Satellite dish on top and cameras inside and out for drivers and the cops! GPS Trackers for Mom and Dad to keep track of the kids... LOST to Fiery LA wrecks... same top brass criminals! You know their names!

15 Feb. 2010 New York Times suppressed the Los Alamos and Sandia National Labs story about using unused Supercomputer's, (and the scientists who come to work looking for something to do) from the MAD Era for social Earthquakes in diagnosis is and crime.

15 Feb. 2010 New York Times today wrote up "Manpower" Temps and "Kelly Services" Temps for "Genocide" causing the deaths of 100's sentenced to a "Life Term" as Temps... via Gen. Orwell!

Part of the culture of the "Oil Genocide Era" the same top brass mentality that lets 100's burn and burn to death in fiery LA Wrecks and sells American organs to Saudi Princes... they don't care about temps to say the least! Same guys will let 40k women die a torturous death via breast cancer in 2010 while keeping Greg Buell Lovestar off limits from working with Yale MD wives brainstorming a Rx Penicillin Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer!

15 Feb. 2010 Three million gringos were given Hepatitis by the Dirty Mexicans who cook your fast food and check you out of the CU Campus bookstore... top brass don't know how to cure this as more and more gringos are infected every day. Sorry State of the United States to say the least.

15 Feb. 2010
2010 version of the "1984" movie... Letterman, Leno, Oprah commercial was "Orwellian" as all 3 work for "Big Brother", on the couch they could have been in a scene from a 2010 version of the "1984" movie.

15 Feb. 2010

14 Feb. 2010 Valentines Day

14 Feb. 2010 Valentines Day and the New York Times didn't expose the Fiery Wrecks in LA Today - Loving Couples will burn and burn to death in today, Valentines Day 2010 for more Oil Genocide Money... $177 Trillion dollars in oil Revenues since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 in Boulder, Colorado. USA!

14 Feb. 2010 Valentines Day - Greg brainstorming with his Yale MD wives! Grin! 1,001 Miracle Cures!

GlaxoSmithKline www.gsk.com the big British drug maker, I mailed them a 8 1/2" by 11" Post Card of the Universe and told them they might suppress Total Immunity, OR maybe not if the 100's of thousands of cops and kids burned and burn to death in fiery LA Wrecks have pulled off a successful coup by the time I get the Total Immunity invention with my Yale MD wives! Grin!

14 Feb. 2010 Valentines Day

$177 Trillion in Oil Genocide Money $ Jews and the Burden of Money, $177 Trillion in Oil Genocide Money $ Jerry Z. Muller knew of the $177 Trillion in Oil Genocide money and the 100's of thousands of cops and kids burned and burned to death in fiery LA wrecks... still presents a provocative and accessible survey of how Jewish culture the Top Brass when along with burning and burning to death so many in every Nation on Earth for so much money... $177 Trillion in Oil Genocide Money $ from 1980 to 2010.

14 Feb. 2010 Valentines Day

The question of why so many Jews have been so good at making money is a touchy one. For hundreds of years, it has been fraught with suspicion, denial, resentment, guilt, self-hatred and violence. No wonder Jews and gentiles alike are so uncomfortable confronting Jewish capitalistic competence. Still, in his slim essay collection “Capitalism and the Jews,” by Jerry Z. Muller reviewed in the New York Times on Sunday Valentines Day 2010 $

ps. Israeli relief workers are harvesting organs in Haiti for $$$. Bush could have a Swiss Bank account with $1 Billion just from the sale of Organs he harvested from Americans and sold to Saudi Princes, he walked hand in had with on his Texas Ranch.

14 Feb. 2010 Valentines Day

14 Feb. 2010 Valentines Day

13 Feb. 2010

13 Feb. 2010 I signed up for live mail my new email address. Using, learning Windows 7, one tip for you is setting up the user accounts, 2 administrators and 2 users, you have to set up the same things in each account there is no way using win 7 to copy what you set up in one user to another unless you buy a $500 Network Administrator software, Microsoft will add this feature in win 8. I bought my Win 7 notebook at Best Buy and the Geeks set up my Acer 5532 $345 tax and $40 Geek set up total was $420.

13 Feb. 2010
Tip 2... Best Buy does not sell any notebooks that have a indoor/outdoor screen so if you are living in Key West or going to retire to Key West be sure to get a notebook with an indoor/outdoor screen or you will not be able to seen the screen on the beach!!!!!

13 Feb. 2010

I bought a 880 gb Seagate usb 2 hard drive for all my files and it works great. Just installed Google Desktop for searching my notebook and. it finished doing the index in less than a few hours. Added the 880 gb Seagate to the index search too. Google need to update their desktop search as the search results only print on half a page cutting off the file name and path in the 3 lines... Google limited the length to half this line when they could extend it out to the end of the page and even use word wrap... I asked them the top brass at Google if they were still working or in Key West. Google did a index on 2 users last night 4 hours each, have 3 more users but said share.... grin.

13 Feb. 2010
CBS Super Bowl no $1 trillion dollar Medical School commercials built over the Football Stadium............ ha.

13 Feb. 2010
Letterman, Leno, Oprah commercial was "Orwellian" as all 3 work for "Big Brother", on the couch they could have been in a scene from a 2010 version of the "1984" movie.

13 Feb. 2010
Letterman was Blackmailed for $2 million. I wrote in my diary that the NYPD will give Letterman a ticket for $2 million after the coup. Letterman says is this "Blackmail" the cops answer no... all cops burned in gasoline are "White"... Letterman has been on TV for 28 years making money, 30 years ago the Electricwindmillcar was invented 1980 and then suppressed by Carter-Kennedy and CBS, ABC, NBC! So Letterman owes lots of $ in back taxes for 100's of thousands burned and burned to death in fiery wrecks.

13 Feb. 2010
Observers are worried about the oil genocide trials for suppressing the electricwindmillcar and the Tokyo and LA Earthquakes. The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School in Tokyo, LA, and at Yale in New Haven are waiting for FBI to arrest all the Generals and Senators for tossing gasoline bombs at Toyota's and SUV's driving down the freeways of the USA since 1980. Swiss Bankers the same one's who kept Hitlers money have $177 Trillion in Oil money and bribes... Clintons, Connie Chen and a million more people have a Swiss Bank account full of oil genocide money.

8 13 Feb. 2010
Clinton lies.... about sex at the White House and diet and exercise, coup leaders should build a $ Trillion dollar Medical School over Clintons old Law School. Yes most lawyers have sex with kids in Thailand too. Heart Attack just a blocked artery. But Clinton went to Switzerland to check on is $ 1 Billion in a hidden Swiss Bank. and then flew to Hathi and then back to Switzerland then to a NYC hospital. Clinton lies.... about the 100's who will burn and burn to death in fiery LA wrecks in Feb. 2010. Clinton and his wife will win a Gold Medal for lies!

8 13 Feb. 2010
On Starbucks, I'm here now they turned on the ftp so I can upload this index.html file to my web page directory.

13 Feb. 2010
Boeing just flew a 747 that is bigger than the Airbus 380 but did not use free H fuel from the H2O electrolysis accessory in your electricwindmillcar. The Seattle paper put the email address of the news reporter who wrote this up but I knew better than to reply. Have not heard from SmithKline the big British drug maker, I told them they might suppress Total Immunity, maybe not if the 100's of thousands of cops and kids burned and burn to death in fiery LA Wrecks have pulled off a successful coup by the time I get the Total Immunity invention with my Yale MD wives! Grin!
13 Feb. 2010
Serendipity LOST !--

The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building!

LOST 1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on in 2010 "LOST" the final season for 1,001 Lost Inventions by Students with Windows 7 that Bill Gates did not preinstall 1,001 Invention Projects On - LOST ElectricWindmillCar and its 1,001 spin off inventions

Serendipity LOST !-- LA Earth Quake... The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building! LOST

1/16/2010 1:51 Haiti Earthquake…

1/16/2010 1:51 LA Earthquake…

1/16/2010 1:51 Tokyo Earthquake…

1/16/2010 1:51 The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building! LOST

1/16/2010 1:51 The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building! LOST by NBC, MSNBC, GE

1/16/2010 1:51 CBS News' Dr. Jennifer Ashton from the airport in Port-au-Prince, as doctors from America have reached Haiti in an effort to save more survivors.

1/16/2010 1:51 Fire Leno - Hire Dr. Nancy Snyderman, as host of the Tonight Show! She would brainstorm the cause and Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer… and 1,001 other diseases. Leno gave us the joke your flesh is sizzling in a LA Fiery Wreck. Fire Leno Hire Nancy! Host, let MSNBC Host a Brainstorming Session for Humanity a payback for Leno tossing gasoline bombs at cars with Obama, Kennedy, Bush, Clintons, and Carter. Tonight Show with Dr. Nancy Snyderman... after the Coup!

1/16/2010 1:51 The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building! LOST by NBC, MSNBC, GE

1/16/2010 1:51 to 2020 LA Fiery Wrecks and LA Earth Quakes

1/16/2010 1:51 Haiti Earthquake…

1/16/2010 1:51 LA Earthquake…

1/16/2010 1:51 Tokyo Earthquake…

1/16/2010 1:51 All of the above…

1/16/2010 1:51 All of the above… is the correct answer on the Medical School Test!

1/16/2010 1:51 Why the last 8 Presidents of Yale should have been President of the Med School not Bush's Yale Competition to get into medical school remains fierce, with over 42,000 highly qualified individuals vying for just a few more than 18,000 slots at medical schools across the country. RN's LPN's on the job for years, LOST out to nigers and Mexicans to get into Yale Medical School. Bush even engineered ways to cover up MD mistakes so they can not be tracked back to the Black MD.

1/16/2010 1:51 All of the 2 MD's per 10,000 people in Haiti passed this Test, Yale Failed Humanity!

Editorials in the New York Times Today, LOST is the $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building! The New York Times got a new Skyscraper building by not reporting the ElectricWindmillCar suppression

LA Times Building will lay in rubble and the guys at the New York Times will not write a editorial about why the $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building boom was not started in 1980!

1/16/1980 to 1/16/2010 to 1/16/2020 Medical School, The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building boom that would have started in 1980 with the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar was LOST

1/16/1980 to 1/16/2010 to 1/16/2020 Medical School, The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School architects will now have to design the one in LA for 1 million patients coming in on the same day.

1/16/2010 1:51 The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building! LOST

1/16/2010 1:51 CBS News' Dr. Jennifer Ashton from the airport in Port-au-Prince, as doctors from America have reached Haiti in an effort to save more survivors.

1/16/2010 1:51 Fire Leno - Hire Dr. Nancy Snyderman, as host of the Tonight Show! She would brainstorm the cause and Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer… and 1,001 other diseases. Leno gave us the joke your flesh is sizzling in a LA Fiery Wreck. Fire Leno Hire Nancy! Host, let MSNBC Host a Brainstorming Session for Humanity a payback for Leno tossing gasoline bombs at cars with Obama, Kennedy, Bush, Clintons, and Carter. Tonight Show with Dr. Nancy Snyderman... after the Coup!

Or 10 million dead all Casualties of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Kennedy, McCain, Yale! If they don't design this 1 Trillion dollar Medical School with the LA Quake in mind.

Japan is a Criminal State via the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar Era, 10 million dead in the Tokyo Earthquake of 2020 hopefully the Emperor of Japan hangs for the Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar long before the Tokyo Earthquake of 2020 as he and his wife will never ever build a $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building in Tokyo in 2010.

1/16/1980 to 1/16/2010 to 1/16/2020 Medical School, The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building boom that would have started in 1980 with the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar was LOST

1/16/1980 to 1/16/2010 to 1/16/2020 Medical School, The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building boom that would have started in 1980 with the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar was LOST 1st by Carter and his wife when they beat up by Ted Kennedy who watched the YouTube invention brainstorming of the ElectricWindmillCar then called President Carter; YouTube videos of Carter, his wife and Kennedy are of course Top Secret and kept at Sandia Labs in New Mexico were the Pentagon buried 50k ElectricWindmillCars the Day Before the Iraqi War so they could go to war! 9/11 would never have happened if Carter, his wife and Kennedy didn't make the wrong turn.

1/16/1980 to 1/16/2010 to 1/16/2020 Medical School, The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building boom that would have started in 1980 with the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar was LOST

1/16/1980 to 1/16/2010 to 1/16/2020 Medical School, The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building boom that would have started in 1980 with the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar was LOST

LOST on Feb. 2 2010 was almost a causality of Obama too

1/16/2010 1:51 Casualties of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Kennedy, McCain, Yale!

1/16/2010 1:51 All of the above…

1/16/2010 1:51 All of the above… is the correct answer on the Medical School Test!

1/16/2010 1:51 Do You Have the 'Right Stuff' to Be a Doctor? By PAULINE W. CHEN, M.D. Published: January 14, 2010 New York Times Not long ago, a friend confessed that her son, who spends much of his free time volunteering at a children's hospital and who is applying to medical school, has been particularly anxious about his future. "His test scores are just O.K.," my friend said, the despair in her voice nearly palpable. "I know he'd be a great doctor, but who he is doesn't seem to matter to medical schools as much as how he does on tests. "Her comment brought me back to the many anxious conversations I have had with friends when we were applying to medical school. Over and over again, we asked ourselves: Do we really need to be good at exams in order to be a good doctor? We were referring of course to not just any exam, but to the Big One - the Medical College Admission Test, or MCAT, the standardized cognitive assessment exam that measures mastery of the premedical curriculum. Competition to get into medical school remains fierce, with over 42,000 highly qualified individuals vying for just a few more than 18,000 slots at medical schools across the country.

1/16/1980 to 1/16/2010 to 1/16/2020 Medical School, The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building boom that would have started in 1980 with the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar was LOST

LOST on Feb. 2 2010 was almost a causality of Obama too

1/16/2010 1:51 Casualties of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Kennedy, McCain, Yale!

1/16/2010 1:51 All of the above…

1/16/2010 1:51 All of the above… is the correct answer on the Medical School Test!

Editorials in the New York Times Today, LOST is the $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building!

1/16/2010 1:51 A Gangland Bus Tour, With Lunch and a Waiver By RANDAL C. ARCHIBOLD New York Times LA Gang Tours, which is making its debut on Saturday, promises to take tourists to "high-profile gang areas."

1/16/2010 1:51 World Briefing | Asia: Japan: Navy Ends Mission in Support of Afghan War By MARTIN FACKLER New York Times

1/16/2010 1:51 Pentagon Report on Fort Hood Details Failures By ELISABETH BUMILLER and SCOTT SHANE New York Times

1/16/2010 1:51 Casualties of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Kennedy, McCain, Yale!

1/16/2010 1:51 Editorial: Cadillac Plans

1/16/2010 1:51 Editorial: Major Hasan's Smooth Ascension

1/16/1980 to 1/16/2010 to 1/16/2020 LOST ElectricWindmillCar, CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX

1/16/2010 1:51 Casualties of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Kennedy, McCain, Yale!

1/16/2010 1:51 CBS News' Dr. Jennifer Ashton from the airport in Port-au-Prince, as doctors from America have reached Haiti in an effort to save more survivors.

1/16/2010 1:51 to 2020 LA Fiery Wrecks and LA Earth Quakes

1/16/2010 1:51 Bill Clinton Says He And George W. Bush Will Help Ensure Haitian Donations Spent Wisely

1/16/2010 1:51 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, speaking at Yale on Thursday - UN will become Universe Alliance UA after the "Oil Genocide" trials in NYC, LA, Berlin, Tokyo, Bejing, Moscow

CU Bookstore no inventors scan textbooks

1/16/2010 1:51 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, speaking at Yale on Thursday - UN will become Universe Alliance UA after the "Oil Genocide" trials in NYC, LA, Berlin, Tokyo, Bejing, Moscow

1/16/2010 1:51 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, speaking at Yale on Thursday, called on university leaders to help spread the benefits of scientific innovation to the developing world. "Time and again, following a natural disaster like the earthquake in Haiti, we are reminded that we have technologies and knowledge that can reduce the impact of natural disasters and save lives," he said at the Global Colloquium of University Presidents on Thursday afternoon. "The problem is that so many parts of the world are not benefiting from this knowledge and these technologies."

United Nations is a Criminal Organization with ties to the Oil Genocide Era and Swiss Bank Accounts

1/16/2010 1:51 to 2020 LA Fiery Wrecks and LA Earth Quakes

1/16/2010 1:51 Do You Have the 'Right Stuff' to Be a Doctor? By PAULINE W. CHEN, M.D. Published: January 14, 2010 New York Times Not long ago, a friend confessed that her son, who spends much of his free time volunteering at a children's hospital and who is applying to medical school, has been particularly anxious about his future. "His test scores are just O.K.," my friend said, the despair in her voice nearly palpable. "I know he'd be a great doctor, but who he is doesn't seem to matter to medical schools as much as how he does on tests. "Her comment brought me back to the many anxious conversations I have had with friends when we were applying to medical school. Over and over again, we asked ourselves: Do we really need to be good at exams in order to be a good doctor? We were referring of course to not just any exam, but to the Big One - the Medical College Admission Test, or MCAT, the standardized cognitive assessment exam that measures mastery of the premedical curriculum.

1/16/2010 1:51 Yale Campus plans relief efforts for Haiti By Jordi Gasso Staff Reporter Published Friday, January 15, 2010 7.0-magnitude earthquake had struck, $1 Trillion dollar Medical School LOST by Bush at Yale did not register the gravity of the situation, she said, until the phone rang from Bush's daughter telling her Bush built a $1.1 Billion Dollar football stadium, and its state of the arts with big screens by Sony.

1/16/2010 1:51 By Egidio DiBenedetto Yale Staff Reporter Published Thursday, January 14, 2010 Every day, the people who work in the Yale research building at 10 Amistad St. pass the security guards now stationed on every street corner and at every point of entry to the building. They must also scan their Yale IDs to gain access at any time of day. They find the heightened security presence reassuring, but it is also a reminder of the tragedy that still hangs over the building. Exactly four months after investigators found the body of Annie Le GRD '13 in the basement of 10 Amistad St., feelings of fear and uneasiness for those working One employee - who asked to remain anonymous because he was once friendly with Raymond Clark III, the lab technician accused of Le's murder - said people do not fear working there because it was a "freak incident" that does not indicate any larger security problem. But beyond the benefits gained from an examination of campus security measures, Lin said the community of people who work at 10 Amistad St. has learned important lessons.

1/16/2010 1:51 The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building! LOST by NBC, MSNBC, GE

1/16/2010 1:51 CBS News' Dr. Jennifer Ashton from the airport in Port-au-Prince, as doctors from America have reached Haiti in an effort to save more survivors.

1/16/2010 1:51 Fire Leno - Hire Dr. Nancy Snyderman, as host of the Tonight Show! She would brainstorm the cause and Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer… and 1,001 other diseases. Leno gave us the joke your flesh is sizzling in a LA Fiery Wreck. Fire Leno Hire Nancy! Host, let MSNBC Host a Brainstorming Session for Humanity a payback for Leno tossing gasoline bombs at cars with Obama, Kennedy, Bush, Clintons, and Carter. Tonight Show with Dr. Nancy Snyderman... after the Coup!

1/16/2010 1:51 The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building! LOST by NBC, MSNBC, GE

1/16/2010 1:51 Haiti Earthquake…

1/16/2010 1:51 LA Earthquake…

1/16/2010 1:51 Tokyo Earthquake…

1/16/2010 1:51 The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building! LOST

1/16/2010 1:51 The $1 Trillion dollar Medical School building! LOST by NBC, MSNBC, GE

1/16/2010 1:51 Japan: Navy Ends Mission in Support of Afghan War Today, no plans for the Tokyo Quake! By MARTIN FACKLER New York Times


CU Bookstore no inventors scan textbooks


cop wife baby

1/10/2010 Obama profited from this "White" cop, Officer Jason and the 10's and 100's of thousands of whites - gringos as the Mexicans who profit from the "Oil Genocide Era" call us, Whites burned in a Fiery Wrecks from 1980 to 2010 via gov. perks such as President and a Swiss Bank Account fueled with oil $$$ Mexicans get CU Bookstore jobs in Boulder CO via the gov. of Mexico Oil Company.


CU Bookstore no inventors scan textbooks

1/10/2010 Mexicans get the CU Bookstore jobs as Cashier... Five women in charge of the CU Bookstore fire (burned Greg and Humanity) Greg Buell Lovestar and hired all Mexicans who never ever skim a textbook on the way back from break. Gov. perks are from the State of Colorado well as the Feds $$$$ to get nigers and gov workers to let someone else burn and burn to death in a Fiery LA Wreck... sick puppy!

1/10/2010 Pictures and "Stats" of cops (kids, mom and dads) burned in fiery Wrecks... often with their wife and baby are suppressed by Gen. Orwell.

1/10/2010 10's of thousands of women will come into the Doctors office looking like this in 2010 - Gen. Or wells wife must be an ordinary generals wife... ???


Dr Susan Love no asap for cure

1/10/2010 Pictures of the 10's of thousands of women who come into the Doctors office looking like this are suppressed from General Knowledge about women's health by such famous women as Dr Susan Love as I suggested she put this shocking gross picture on the cover of her Breast Cancer book, she didn't. No one behind all the Breast Cancer ads and Walks will show these 10,000 pictures of women who waited to long because of Doctors social behavior which kills as you can see and imagine that these pictures were on the Front Page of the New York Times in 1980 or 1990 or 2010 this picture would have saved 1k women from coming into the Doctors office to late...

cop wife baby

1/9/2010 3:40 PM Dr. Nancy Snyderman, NBC News, Chief Medical Editor should be given the "Tonight Show," because the Top Brass at GE have gone alone with the suppression of the stats that 40k women have died every single year from Breast Cancer, and suppressed the ElectricWindmillCar for Swiss Bank accounts full of Oil Money.

1/10/2010 10's of thousands of women will come into the Doctors office looking like this in 2010 - Gen. Or wells wife must be an ordinary generals wife... ???

1/10/2010 3:40 PM Leno should be fired then put on trial for his crimes against humanity while at MSNBC, (GE). 40k women have died a torturous death every year Leno has been on TV...

1/10/2010 3:40 PM Between the false hope stories by Katie Couric and the constant suppression of the 40k dead stats the women who do die feel even more tortured.

1/10/2010 3:40 PM Dr. Nancy Snyderman, NBC News, Chief Medical Editor should be given the "Tonight Show," because the Top Brass at GE have gone alone with the suppression of the stats that 40k women have died every single year from Breast Cancer, and suppressed the ElectricWindmillCar for Swiss Bank accounts full of Oil Money. Leno should be fired then put on trial for his crimes against humanity along with Conan O'Brien.

1/10/2010 3:40 PM Faced with poor ratings for both "The Jay Leno Show" and Conan O'Brien's "Tonight Show," the network is said to be considering returning Leno to his 11:35 p.m. EST slot and moving "Tonight" to midnight.

1/10/2010 3:40 PM Dr. Nancy Snyderman, as host of the Tonight Show would brainstorm the cause and Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer… Leno gave us the joke your flesh is sizzling in a LA Fiery Wreck.

1/10/2010 3:40 PM Dr. Nancy Snyderman joined NBC News as the Chief Medical Editor in September 2006. Her reports appear on "Today," "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams," "Dateline NBC," msnbc and msnbc.com. She also hosts msnbc's "Dr. Nancy," weekdays at noon ET.

1/10/2010 3:40 PM Obama pictured in a waterproof jacket on Times Square while pictures and "Stats" of cops (kids, mom and dads) burned in fiery Wrecks... often with their wife and baby are suppressed from Time Square by Gen. Orwell.

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News and video You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News! Non-genocide news about the Oil Genocide Era is all the news you will get from Katie Couric, she just follows orders from Gen. Orwell.

1/2/2010 1 pm Worst "Lost" for Greg Buell Lovestar was not being able to brainstorm a Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer with several of my wives! "LOST" the final season I hope for them and I as I really want several wives to brainstorm the Rx Miracle overnight cure for Breast Cancer with.

1/10/2010 Serendipity LOST !--

1/10/2010 Serendipity LOST !--1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on in 2010 "LOST" the final season for 1,001 Lost Inventions by Students with Windows 7 that Bill Gates did not preinstall 1,001 Invention Projects On - Inventions... Gas Lobotomy, Portable Satellite Dish on every 2011 ElectricWindmillCar Model Car with wifi and cams inside and outside so cops can see whats going on, spin off will track your license if you have a valid one and insurance which most Mexicans don't have, even in a Orwellian Society. "GPS Tracker" so Mom and Dad can keep track of you at CU... grin. Toshiba, Dell, Sony ? notebooks with indoor/outdoor screen that is detachable. Verizon wifi built into your notebooks as Starbucks att wifi Hot Spot limits anyone working on 1,001 Invention Projects. FedEx turned off att wifi hot spot and let everyone set up their Dell to find out there was no wifi signal... how do we get even with FedEx? Best Buy has a Acer notebook with win 7 64 bit and wifi N I just bought this a hour ago today. Get it in a few days to a week as its being shipped to Boulder CO store. And Best Buy Geeks will charge me $40 to remove Norton and $39.95 to install Microsoft Security Essentials. Only 2 Geeks working today so could not pay for this as they were to busy to write up the order. Wow! I have to get the HD partitioned too as System Image backup is the way to go in win 7 and you have to put this on D or E drive not C and Acer Toshiba and Dell did not setup the HD this way. 1/10/2010 GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY. Cop Killers - those libel for their murders are Sony Rap Music... etc.


CU Bookstore no inventors scan textbooks

1/10/2010 Mexicans get the CU Bookstore jobs as Cashier... Five women in charge of the CU Bookstore fire (burned Greg and Humanity) Greg Buell Lovestar and hired all Mexicans who never ever skim a textbook on the way back from break. Gov. perks are from the State of Colorado well as the Feds $$$$ to get nigers and gov workers to let someone else burn and burn to death in a Fiery LA Wreck... sick puppy!

Serendipity LOST !--1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on in 2010 "LOST" the final season for 1,001 Lost Inventions by Students with Windows 7 that Bill Gates did not preinstall 1,001 Invention Projects On

1/2/2010 1 pm Worst "Lost" for Greg Buell Lovestar was not being able to brainstorm a Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer with several of my wives! "LOST" the final season I hope for them and I as I really want several wives to brainstorm the Rx Miracle overnight cure for Breast Cancer with.

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News!

1/2/2010 1 pm Torture by the CIA of USA women dying from Breast Cancer in 2010...

1/2/2010 1 pm 40k Breast Cancer deaths for the New Year 2010, women crying, sobbing being tortured. Not by a suicide bomber killing 8 CIA Agents but 40k women dead in the USA in 2010 killed by the wrong CIA and MIT Invention project priority's.

1/2/2010 1 pm And the New York Times will not report this Breast Cancer Genocide Story.

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News!

1/2/2010 1 pm More Torture by the CIA of women in the Nursing Home here in Boulder Colorado I took care of. She has MS and has asked me a hundred times how did I get MS, crying, sobbing wanting to know. Torture by the CIA playing war games on the other side of the Earth with Muslims while Christian women are tortured by their governments stupid wars... stupid nigers at MIT!

1/2/2010 1 pm Saudi Arabia Criticizes - yet Americans have no free Health Care or free University because the ElectricWindmillCar is Suppressed $ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia no prayers for fiery LA Wrecks 5 times a day just in LA on the weekends!

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News!

1/2/2010 1 pm Saudi Arabia Criticizes Israel Settlements.

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News!

1/2/2010 1 pm Riyadh, Saudi Arabia coup leaders burned in gasoline over most their bodies from a fiery Wreck their burns will heal instantly when Riyadh is Nuked, when Saudi Arabia oil money is confiscated.
1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News!

1/2/2010 1 pm $177 Trillion in Oil Revenue spent on Foolish things, MIT War Toys

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News!

1/2/2010 1 pm $1 billion in compensation to each and everyone at 9/11 and all burned in gasoline… from confiscated Oil Money!

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News!

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News!

1/2/2010 1 pm News is about war --- CIA lost 8 agents last week 8 people have burned to death in fiery car wrecks on 1 Jan. 2010

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News is the Pentagon buried 50k ElectricWindmillCars in the New Mexico Desert so they could got to war!

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News - Our Observers Universe at MSNBC is Void of Aliens and 1,001 Invention Projects to see them and advance humanity enough for start Star Travels to Alpha Centauri 4.3 Light Years down range from NASA --- 1/2/2010 1 pm

1/2/2010 1 pm News --- CIA lost 8 agents last week 8 people have burned to death in fiery car wrecks on 1 Jan. 2010

1/2/2010 1 pm NASA's part in the worst Genocide in the History of the Earth is criminal and all the rocket scientist's should lose their heads as this oil genocide and the next Revolution will make the French Revolution and its cause and aftermath peanuts compared to just the "LOST" of losing a Heavy Lift Helicopter Combine to harvest 1 Billion Fig Trees in the Amazon

1/2/2010 1 pm And of course 1 Billion Cashew trees and Brazil Nut trees. This loss and gain for humanity is far far worst than anything in the Agony and the Ecstasy - The Suppression of the ElectircWindmillCar from 1980 to 2010 burned tens of thousands in Fiery Wrecks mostly in LA.

1/2/2010 1 pm Everyone in Hollywood and Beverly Hills and Leno's jokes about your flesh sizzling in a Fiery LA Wreck, driving by a Fiery Wreck in LA everyone knows and even jokes about the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar for the $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenue from 1980 to 2010.

1/2/2010 1 pm Witches, Women were burned at the stake in England and Europe for decades today in 2010 Mom, Dad and the kids in the back seat have already been burned and burned to death for 2010 statistics that are Top Secret...

1/2/2010 1 pm News --- CIA lost 8 agents last week 8 people have burned to death in fiery car wrecks on 1 Jan. 2010

1/2/2010 1 pm "LOST" of losing a Heavy Lift Helicopter Combine to harvest 1 Billion Fig Trees in the Amazon. And of course 1 Billion Cashew trees and Brazil Nut trees.

1/2/2010 1 pm Saudi Arabia Criticizes Israel for cops burnt in gasoline not getting $1 billion in oil profits compensation…

1/2/2010 1 pm Saudi Arabia Criticizes Israel Settlements. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (AP) - The Saudi foreign minister Prince Saudi al-Faisal has criticized Israel's settlement construction and says the country is acting like a "spoiled child" because the international community is not tough enough in pressuring it to make concessions.

1/2/2010 1 pm $1 billion in oil profits compensation… NYPD will be tough enough to pressure the coup leaders into this confiscation of Saudi and Texas Oil Money and property so everyone burned in gasoline and burned to death in gasoline and all 9/11 people get $1 Billion in compensation!

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News!

1/2/2010 1 pm $1 billion in compensation to each and everyone burned in gasoline… from confiscated Saudi Oil Money!

1/2/2010 1 pm Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (AP) - The Saudi foreign minister Prince Saudi al-Faisal will never ever agree to pay compensation to Americans burned and burned to death in fiery LA Wrecks. For now Saudi's have total immunity from any and all lawyers who graduated from yale law School. Just like the Mexicans who gave 40 million gringos Hepatitis A B C have total immunity from paying out any compensation... they are listening to the News Too - Coup will bankrupt Saudi and Mexican Oil, give the windfall $$$ $177 Trillion Dollars to Americans who have to pay for their kids tuition at CU and Yale since 1980.

1/2/2010 1 pm Yale will not be closed like in the French Revolution, Yale Medical School will get $1 Trillion of the $177 Trillion dollars to build a state of the arts $1 Trillion dollar Medical School over the $1.1 billion dollar football stadium they just built... grin!

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News!

Harvard Medical School every Medical School

1/2/2010 1 pm Worst "Lost" for Greg Buell Lovestar was not being able to brainstorm a Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer with several of my wives! "LOST" the final season I hope for them and I as I really want several wives to brainstorm the Rx Miracle overnight cure for Breast Cancer with.

Helicopter Combine to harvest 1 billion fig trees and 1 billion cashew trees in the Amazon

1/2/2010 1 pm ***** 5 heavy lift helicopters fueled with Hydrogen will be welded to a John Deere Combine reinvented one that cuts wheat and rice and you will be able to buy one that harvests figs and cashews from trees in the Amazon. Few jet engines on this combine John Deere engineers would never in a million years have given this combine to Humanity! Or the Amazon fig trees.

Helicopter Combine to harvest 1 billion fig trees and 1 billion cashew trees in the Amazon

Serendipity LOST !--1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on in 2010 "LOST" the final season for 1,001 Lost Inventions by Students with Windows 7 that Bill Gates did not preinstall 1,001 Invention Projects On

1/2/2010 1 pm Worst "Lost" for Greg Buell Lovestar was not being able to brainstorm a Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer with several of my wives! "LOST" the final season I hope for them and I as I really want several wives to brainstorm the Rx Miracle overnight cure for Breast Cancer with.

1/2/2010 1 pm New Year's News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News!

1/2/2010 1 pm Torture by the CIA of USA women dying from Breast Cancer in 2010...

1/2/2010 1 pm 40k Breast Cancer deaths for the New Year 2010, women crying, sobbing being tortured. Not by a suicide bomber killing 8 CIA Agents but 40k women dead in the USA in 2010 killed by the wrong CIA and MIT Invention project priority's.

Serendipity LOST !

12/31/2009 3:47 40k Breast Cancer deaths in the year 2009 and New York Times will not report this on a Year End Story

12/31/2009 3:47 Years Lost Tech Inventions via Oil + Gas worst Genocide in Earth's History
12/31/2009 3:47 Kids turning 16 this year "Lost" their chance to drive a ElectricWindmillCar in the Year 2009 CU Students here in Boulder, Colorado "LOST" all spin off invention ideas, brainstorming!

12/31/2009 3:47 Worst "Lost" for me was not being able to brainstorm a Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer via Gen. Orwell stupid niggardly orders!

12/31/2009 3:47 Drop in Standard of living for all Americans while gov. perks go to Saudi Arabia princes. And Organs sold buy Bush while Americans waiting for a Mandatory Organ Donation Era die.

12/31/2009 3:47 Alien Mexicans with Hepatitis A B C with total immunity from anyone who graduated from Yale Law School wanting to sue them for giving 40 million gringo hepatitis!

12/31/2009 3:47 Black MD murdered the child molester Michael Jackson while Black MD's who passed Yale Medical School are today mass murderers of their patients!

12/31/2009 3:47 Oxford will not be closed after the ElectricWindmillCar Revolution like Paris Universities were closed after the French Revolution but all will lose their heads...

12/31/2009 3:47 Sara Palin will be a miracle cure for one hangman cop burned over most his body as his burns will heal instantly after hanging Sara Palin!

12/31/2009 3:47 Recession news has failed to report $177 Trillion dollars in Oil Revenue from 1980 to 2010

12/31/2009 3:47 Mexican Workers are everywhere, you see construction. One thing Gen Orwell can not hide in this Orwellian Society!

12/31/2009 3:47 1776 British Red Coats in Boston the King Gen Orwell did not care how many were burned to death in LA Fiery Wrecks or how many Marines killed in Afghanistan in 2009 same as 1776 Boston for the Ruling Class.

12/31/2009 3:47 Boston, Kerry's wife has Breast Cancer she knows MIT worked on War Toys all year not Breast Cancer Cure, she knows were General Orwell lives, she could set him on fire in his sleep for the mass murder of 40k women in 2009.

12/31/2009 3:47 Queen Elizabeth will toast, let them eat cake, let them burn in gasoline, we are addicted to oil money!

12/31/2009 3:47 Hepatitis C A or B mandatory vaccinations after the ElectricWindmillCar Coup...

12/31/2009 3:47 NYPD - NYC bigger police presence on the subway and streets with video cams and wifi to call you in to HQ with a mic and cam cops can get a IBM Supercomputer to do the voice recognition and write the tickets like Photo Cams.

12/31/2009 3:47 GPS Tracker from $5 Billion stimulus... finally a gov product that works to track you.

12/31/2009 3:47 Satellite on every 2010 car with cams inside to see the driver drinking and outside to see the traffic. GPS for every car on the road.

12/31/2009 3:47 GPS Tracker for every Mom and Dad with Kids - even this invention was suppressed by Gen Orwell in 2009 as he did not want you to have it.

12/31/2009 3:47 Super Air Bags on the outside of all cars and behind all semi trucks... how many will drive under a semi in 2010 the gov knows but will not tell you.

12/31/2009 3:47 Kids left in hot cars to die in 2009 will haunt mom... not any government employee. Caroline Kennedy will hang for treason along with all the Pentagon Generals in 2010.

12/31/2009 3:47 50k ElectricWindmillCars were buried in the New Mexico Desert the day before Iraq Desert Storm invasion by Bush

12/31/2009 3:47 1,001 invention projects here

12/31/2009 3:47 5 heavy lift helicopters fueled with Hydrogen will be welded to a John Deere Combine reinvented one that cuts wheat and rice and you will be able to buy one that harvests figs and cashews from trees in the Amazon. Few jet engines on this combine John Deere engineers would never in a million years have given this combine to Humanity! Or the Amazon fig trees.

12/31/2009 3:47 Girl found dead on Christmas day and NYC NYPD will announce on CBS crime is down in the USA - Someone's wife will be murdered by a Niger on New Years Day and Gen. Orwell did not let me work on a Gas Lobotomy invention with my MD wives!

12/31/2009 3:47 Worst genocide in the history of Earth and CBS makes Katie Couric report non-genocide news.

Serendipity LOST !--1,001 Invention Projects you should be working on in 2010 "LOST" the final season for 1,001 Lost Inventions by Students with Windows 7 that Bill Gates did not preinstall 1,001 Invention Projects On

2009 Year End News You Will Not Get On MSNBC Nightly News - Observers Universe is Void of Aliens and Invention Projects to see them!

<<<< 8 Dec. 2009 >>>> Manhattan — John Len non was shot and killed on December 8, 1980 as he stood outside his New York City apartment house, the Dakota.

<<<< 8 Dec. 2009 >>>> John Lennon’s wife, Yoko Ono, has known about the suppression of the EletricWindmillCar for a decade. I think there will be a Hell of a argument between Yoko and John Lennon when we are all dead... as John Lennon would have exposed the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar in our Orwellian Society. John Lennon would never have let 10's of thousands of cops and kids burn and burn to death in gasoline for more "Oil Money" British Oil and the rest of the Oil Kings and Queens have taken in $177 Trillion Dollars from 1980 to 2009 while 10's of thousands burn and burn to death in Fiery LA Wrecks.

<<<< 8 Dec. 2009 >>>> Oct. 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented by Greg Buell Lovestar in Boulder, Colorado and suppressed by our Orwellian Society.

<<<< 8 Dec. 2009 >>>> John Lennon’s wife, Yoko Ono, together with New York officials, set up a permanent memorial to her husband — a section of Central Park, opposite the Dakota, named Strawberry Fields.

ElectricWindmillCar 1980 - 2009 How Many Burned in Gasoline? In Fiery LA Wrecks... You Do the Math $$$ 40k Breast Cancer Deaths every year from 1980 to 2009 this is War! War to Invent a RX Cure for Breast Cancer! Only way the Pentagon will surrender is if we invent a way to observe (and or) hear Aliens at Alpha Centauri - Invent or Die never had more gravity for Humanity!, now Invent a better Telescope! So we can work on a Rx Cure for Breast Cancer! ElectricWindmillCar Coup D'Etat

Helicopter Combine to harvest 1 billion fig trees and 1 billion cashew trees in the Amazon
Helicopter Combine to harvest 1 billion fig trees and 1 billion cashew trees in the Amazon

<<<< 8 Dec. 2009 >>>> Manhattan — John Lennon was shot and killed on December 8, 1980 as he stood outside his New York City apartment house, the Dakota.

<<<< 8 Dec. 2009 >>>> Oct. 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was invented by Greg Buell Lovestar in Boulder, Colorado and suppressed by our Orwellian Society.

<<<< 8 Dec. 2009 >>>> John Lennon’s wife, Yoko Ono, together with New York officials, set up a permanent memorial to her husband — a section of Central Park, opposite the Dakota, named Strawberry Fields.

<<<< 8 Dec. 2009 >>>> John Lennon’s wife, Yoko Ono, has known about the suppression of the EletricWindmillCar for a decade. I think there will be a Hell of a argument between Yoko and John Lennon when we are all dead... as John Lennon would have exposed the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar in our Orwellian Society. John Lennon would never have let 10's of thousands of cops and kids burn and burn to death in gasoline for more "Oil Money" British Oil and the rest of the Oil Kings and Queens have taken in $177 Trillion Dollars from 1980 to 2009 while 10's of thousands burn and burn to death in Fiery LA Wrecks.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY. Cop Killers - those libel for their murders are Sony, GE, Exxon-Mobil, MSNBC, Com cast, New York Times for taking bribes and perks from Oil, $$$ 1980 to 2009 Clemency of 80000 Niger Males for Rape and Murder of White Women… in a Orwellian Oil Genocide Era from 1980 to 2009... burning the midnight oil but not for inventing something good for humanity in General. GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY. CBS Katie Couric just cut into the Early show she will report on teen sex and abuse in General by the girls boyfriends... Murder of Tigers and Kobys wives by them in 2012 is not in Katie's notes. Or the OJ Clones - all who hate cops! Sony Music Rap Cop Killers, General Powell, Obama, Rice, Celmency, OJ, Black Harvard Professor.. they all listened to this song a million times!

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar by Greg Buell Lovestar in Boulder Colorado - GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 1980 to 2009 Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and Our Orwellian Top Brass in DC and at the Pentagon - LOST the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer killing 40k women every year from 1980 to 2009 so they can play with their Christmas Day War Toys invented by MIT grads. GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Full gas tanks could stop many small plane crashes...

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> ElectricwindmillPlanes and super airbags on the outside and 1,001 other stifled inventions... GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> National Transportation Safety Board officials say what baffles them is the frequency with which pilots run out of gas. In the past five years, according to the NTSB, fuel exhaustion was the cause or a factor in 238 small plane crashes in the U.S., killing 29 people.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> DES MOINES, Iowa – Cheryl Allegretti's husband was a meticulous pilot with more than 20 years experience when the plane he was piloting crashed in a northwest Iowa cornfield, killing him and two passengers, apparently because it ran out of gas.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Mike Huckabee should be arrested for 4 murders! After the 1980s, clemency became a target of the tough-on-crime movement, criminologists say. They say it resulted in a decline in pardons and commutations -- a contrast from earlier in the century when some governors were applauded for commuting hundreds of sentences during the Christmas holiday. GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 1.001 Invention Projects 1 is a reinvented Lobotomy! For Mad Men - Black + White! Hint, Clue, a GAS LOBOTOMY… grin! GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 9/11 guys from Saudi Arabia were worse psychopaths than "USA Oil Men" tossing gasoline bombs at SUV's on the LA Freeway for more oil money? GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Hussein was worse a psychopath than Oil Men tossing gasoline bombs at SUVs in LA. ?

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Clemmons is worse a psychopath than Oil Men tossing gasoline bombs at SUVs in LA. ?

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> General Powell is worse a psychopath than Oil Men tossing gasoline bombs at SUVs in LA. ? GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Condoleezza Rice is worse a psychopath than Oil Men tossing gasoline bombs at SUVs in LA. ? GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Oprah Winfrey is worse a psychopath than Oil Men tossing gasoline bombs at SUVs in LA. ? GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is worse a psychopath than Oil Men tossing gasoline bombs at SUVs in LA. ? GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Kennedy-Obama-Kerry-McCain are worse a psychopaths than Oil Men tossing gasoline bombs at SUVs in LA. ? GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Yale and Harvard Medical School MD's are worse a psychopath than Oil Men tossing gasoline bombs at SUVs in LA. ? GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 40k women murdered in cold blood by Obama in his 1st year in Office via Breast Cancer, GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 40k white cops and kids burned and burned to death in Fiery LA Wrecks since the 1980 ElectricWindmillCar Invention...

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 40k Dirty Mexican gave 40k Gringo Hepatitis A, B, C with less liability than Sony Music's rap cop killer lyrics

<<<<< December 4, 2009 >>>> 4 Mexicans spit at me today, all Observers in our Oil Genocide Era. Can I get a hold of the video after the coup? GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY. For the Mexicans who spit at me walking around CU's Orwellian Society!

<<<<< December 4, 2009 >>>> 4 girl friends of Mexicans will be dousing in petrol and set on fire via jealously...

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 4 clones of OJ, Tiger Woods will kill his white wife eventually... Koby Bryant will kill his wife eventually… You do the math how many nigers with white women will kill them eventually... CIA has the statistics but they are Top Secret in this Orwellian Society. The New York Times could publish these stats... Hell Katie Couric could report them on CBS Nightly News.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 40k Troops head for Afghanistan while 40k American women in the USA will be murdered by Obama suppressing Greg Buell Lovestar from working on the Rx.. Muslim Men and women will be raped by these Marines. General McCain has given the orders. GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY. Test it on Generals!

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer...

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Madonna will reinvent herself in 2010, her mother died from Breast Cancer. She wrote one song about this. So will Madonna reply to my proposal to write a CD title "Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer" and to on the world tour "Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer"? Obama as the murderer of 40k white women in this Madonna Tour video... Grin! GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY. Or Madonna can do the 1,001 Invention Projects CD and World Tour.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 4 white cops killed by a Niger... Sgt. Mark Renninger, 39; Officer Ronald Owens, 37; Officer Tina Griswold, 40; and Officer Greg Richards, 42. All were Observers in our Oil Genocide Era were Obama the Niger tosses gasoline bombs at cop cars in LA with total immunity from CBS nightly news! Will Katie Couric or Ophra interview Clemmons - Hell No! GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Officer Benjamin Kelly had spotted a stolen car, its hood up and engine running, on a south Seattle street and pulled over to check it out. As the patrolman sat in his cruiser, a burly man with a large mole on his cheek came up from behind, Assistant Seattle Police Chief Jim Pugel said. The officer turned, stepped outside his car and recognized the most wanted man in the Pacific Northwest. Clemmons was shot by the patrolman after Clemmons made a move for a gun he had taken from one of the slain officers, police said.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Clemmons told others the night before the shooting that he was going to kill police and they should watch the news, but they wrote it off as "crazy-talk." He also told the officer that President Obama and LeBron James are his brothers and Oprah Winfrey is his sister, and referred to himself as "the beast," according to court papers obtained by The News Tribune of Tacoma. A psychological evaluation in October found he was a risk to public safety, but not enough of one to justify committing him, the newspaper reported.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 4 cops killed by Clemmons he was helped to pull the trigger by Gen Powell, Rice and Rap Niger music published and paid for by Sony, so Sony is libel and I will sue Sony Music after the ElectricWindmillcar Coup for $4 billion $1 billion each for each cop killed. This cop killer who like Rice, Obama and the Harvard Professor hates white cops and listened to the Sony rapper cop killer song. Sony - GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee commuted the nearly 100-year prison sentence of Maurice Clemmons. The four cop killer. Four gasoline bombs tossed at four cop cars, this is done by the same people and Sony, ie Japan is a criminal state and the new UN UA Universe Alliance would have hanged Japans Emperor decades ago for tossing gasoline bombs at SUV's in LA and Tokyo. General Powell, Rice, the Harvard Professor all these Nigers profit in $$$ and government perks for the tossing of gasoline bombs at SUV's in LA and Tokyo.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> The ambush-style shootings of four police officers in Seattle allegedly by a suspect whose prison sentence had been commuted likely will affect the way states approach clemency, according to professors, criminologists and attorneys.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Prosecutors were expected Wednesday to charge Maurice Clemmons' alleged getaway driver, Darcus D. Allen, according to Pierce County sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer. Authorities accuse Allen, a convicted murderer who served time in an Arkansas prison with Clemmons, of being the getaway driver for Clemmons as he fled the scene of the shootings at coffee shop in Parkland early Sunday. Two women accused of giving Clemmons first aid and rides also may be charged Wednesday in Tacoma, Troyer said. He said Clemmons' aunt, Letricia Nelson, was arrested Tuesday evening in Pacific, northeast of Tacoma, for allegedly giving first aid to Clemmons, helping him change clothes and making arrangements to get him to other locations. Arrested around the same time in Des Moines, Wash., was Quiana Maylea Williams, an acquaintance of Clemmons. Both women are being held in the Pierce County jail. Three other people appeared Tuesday in Pierce County Superior Court. Two brothers, Eddie Lee Davis and Douglas Edward Davis, are charged with rendering criminal assistance. A third man, Clemmons' half-brother Rickey Hinton, was ordered held pending charges.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - A jury that convicted a man of capital murder in the beating death of an Arkansas TV anchor woman is now weighing whether to impose the death penalty. Jurors will meet again Thursday, a day after convicting Curtis Lavelle Vance of murder, rape and other charges. Jurors also could choose life in prison without parole. KATV host Anne Pressly was attacked in her Little Rock home on Oct. 20, 2008. She never regained consciousness and died five days later. Prosecutors said Vance told police he went to her neighborhood looking to steal laptop computers. Anne Pressly, age 26, was found in her own bed by her mom early Monday morning. Pressly's mother typically gives her a wake-up call and she became concerned when her daughter didn't answer. The Little Rock police say the anchor woman was bleeding from "severe wounds."

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> After the coup you can log on to this IBM and become supercomputer literate in inventing, not your Dad's PC... or internet... IBM claims to have succeeded in creating a supercomputer simulation of the human brain capable of sensation, perception, action, interaction and cognition. So far it can only emulate the number of neurons and synapses in a cat's brain-1 billion spiking neurons and 10 trillion individual learning synapses- but then again the project has only been underway for one year. The goal is to build a cognitive computing chip that rivals the brain's low energy consumption (about 20 watts) and its compact size, but so far its simulations are running on one of the largest supercomputer in the world, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory IBM Dawn Blue Gene/P with 147,456 processors and 144 terabytes of main memory.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Comcast Corp. announced Thursday it plans to buy a majority stake in NBC Universal for $13.75 billion, giving the nation's largest cable TV operator control of the Peacock network, an array of cable channels and a major movie studio. Comcasts $13 Billion in $charges to you and I is one of the reasons 40000 women have died every year since 1980... Comcast poured gasoline over women with breast cancer and set them on fire! Stifling Everything that would help Greg Buell Lovestar to invent a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer $$$ Invent a way to Bankrupt Comcast... We will take over all the Pentagon's Spy satellites for Invention Satellite TV after the coup.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Hussein was worse a psychopath than Oil Men tossing gasoline bombs at SUVs in LA.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Latif Yahia has an extraordinary personal story - as a young Iraqi soldier in the late 1980s he was ordered to become the body double for Saddam Hussein's notoriously brutal son . Latif Yahia played that role for four years, before fleeing Iraq with the help, he says, of the CIA. He also says he witnessed Hussein committing acts of violence against people, including one incident in which took "a beautiful woman and transformed her into a barely breathing hunk of meat." Hussein died in 2003 along with his brother Qusay. They were killed when US forces attacked a villa in the Iraq city of Mosul. The full interview with Latif Yahia will be broadcast on HARDtalk on Wednesday 2nd December 2009. BBC News Channel: 0430 and 2330 GMT.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 1.001 Invention Projects 1 is a reinvented Lobotomy! For Mad Men - Black + White! Hint, Clue, a GAS… grin!

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 9/11 guys from Saudi Arabia were worse psychopaths than "USA Oil Men" tossing gasoline bombs at SUV's on the LA Freeway for more oil money?

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Swiss Bankers with $177 Trillion Dollars in Oil Money earned by those burned and burned to death in fiery Wreck in LA and Tokyo. GAS!

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 1.001 Invention Projects 1 is a reinvented Lobotomy! For Mad Men - Black + White! Hint, Clue, a GAS… grin! GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 1980 Invention of the ElectricWindmillCar by Greg Buell Lovestar in Boulder Colorado

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 1980 Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and LOST Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> Mike Huckabee should be arrested for 4 murders! After the 1980s, clemency became a target of the tough-on-crime movement, criminologists say. They say it resulted in a decline in pardons and commutations -- a contrast from earlier in the century when some governors were applauded for commuting hundreds of sentences during the Christmas holiday. GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> 1.001 Invention Projects 1 is a reinvented Lobotomy! For Mad Men - Black + White! Hint, Clue, a GAS LOBOTOMY… grin!

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> ElectricWindmillCar 1980 - 2009 How Many Burned in Gasoline? In Fiery LA Wrecks... You Do the Math $$$ 40k Breast Cancer Deaths every year since 1980 too.

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY. Cop Killers - those libel for their murders are Sony, GE, Exxon-Mobil, MSNBC, Comcast, New York Times for taking bribes and perks from Oil, $$$ 1980 to 2009 Clemency of 80000 Niger Males for Rape and Murder of White Women… in a Orwellian Oil Genocide Era from 1980 to 2009... burning the midnight oil but not for inventing something good for humanity in General. GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY. CBS Katie Couric just cut into the Early show she will report on teen sex and abuse in General by the girls boyfriends... Murder of Tigers and Kobys wives by them in 2012 is not in Katie's notes. Or the OJ Clones - all who hate cops!

<<<<< December 3, 2009 >>>> GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY. Cop Killers - those libel for their murders are Sony, GE, Exxon-Mobil, MSNBC, Comcast, New York Times for taking bribes and perks from Oil, $$$ 1980 to 2009 Clemency of 80000 Niger Males for Rape and Murder of White Women… in a Orwellian Oil Genocide Era from 1980 to 2009... burning the midnight oil but not for inventing something good for humanity in General. GAS LOBOTOMY Invention - start working on this TODAY. CBS Katie Couric just cut into the Early show she will report on teen sex and abuse in General by the girls boyfriends... Murder of Tigers and Kobys wives by them in 2012 is not in Katie's notes. Or the OJ Clones - all who hate cops! Sony Music Rap Cop Killers, General Powell, Obama, Rice, Celmency, OJ, Black Harvard Professor.. they all listened to this song a million times!

ElectricWindmillCar 1980 - 2009 How Many Burned in Gasoline? In Fiery LA Wrecks... You Do the Math $$$ 40k Breast Cancer Deaths every year from 1980 to 2009 this is War! War to Invent a RX Cure for Breast Cancer! Only way the Pentagon will surrender is if we invent a way to observer and or hear Aliens at Alpha Centauri - Invent or Die never had more gravity, now Invent a better Telescope! So we can work on a Rx Cure for Breast Cancer!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Yale Failed Humanity in the Real World

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Yale when not a Failure to Humanity will build a New Trillion Dollar Medical School over the Football Stadium and not graduate Niger MD's who did not pass but were pass by a Niger who is our current Orwellian Commander in Chief. Give us a Cure not a life buying gasoline needlessly! Smell those burnt in gasoline in War and on LA Freeways! Call a Doctor!!!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> CU Bookstore + Yale Bookstore fired all the gringos and hired Mexican Pit Bulls as Cashiers. Overheard by the observers watching the Cashiers, Mexican Pit Bulls talk up the chew up of textbooks as the only way they will ever read a textbook, spit on the textbooks as they come back from break.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Yale Failed Humanity in the Real World

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Yale Nigers tortured 40k women, tortured to death by BREAST CANCER since the Niger Obama was elected by Yale Nigers! Free University and free Hydrogen via the electrolysis accessory in your ElectricWindmillcar... smell the millions burnt in gasoline in this War!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was officially suppressed in NYC and DC by Nigers at Yale!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Yale when not a Failure to Humanity will build a New Trillion Dollar Medical School over the Football Stadium and not graduate Niger MD's who did not pass but were pass by a Niger who is our current Orwellian Commander in Chief. Give us a Cure not a life buying gasoline needlessly!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> 1981 the Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer was LOST by Nigers at Yale

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> 1981 the Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer was LOST by Nigers at Yale

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> 1981 the Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer was LOST by Nigers at Yale

Harvard Medical School every Medical School

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> IN AFGHANISTAN, AN AMBUSH ... 84 DEAD IN OCT 09 40k Breast Cancer Deaths!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> IN LA, BERKELEY, YALE, "1984" HELL IS OIL + FREE HYDROGEN via Suppressed ElectricWindmillcar!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> IN OREGON, THE VIGIL GOES ON... BUT NOT FOR LA'S FIERY WRECKS cops + kids burned in gasoline on ThanksGiving Day 09

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> IN MASSACHUSETTS, A TOWN MOURNS ... BUT NOT FOR LA'S FIERY WRECKS those burned in gasoline on Thanksgiving Day 09

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> IN CONNECTICUT, A TRIBUTE ... BUT NOT FOR LA'S FIERY WRECKS or the burn victims of an American Genocide.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> IN DELAWARE, A SALUTE ... TO OUR ORWELLIAN COMMANDER IN CHIEF A MASS Murderer who tosses gasoline bombs on the freeways of the USA!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> MURDERER IN COLORADO of the INVENTOR OF THE ELECTRICWINDMILLCAR IN 1980, 1981 CURE FOR BREAST CANCER turned into a mass murder that will sent the Pope to Hell, Hells fires are gasoline feed!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> IN LOST THE LAST SEASON GRAVITY CONTROL WILL BE DISCOVERED BY ACCIDENT Greg Buell Lovestar will discover how gravity is generated working with many wives in a Polygamous Marriage when freed.


<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> NEW YORK TIMES SAT 21 NOV 09

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> $177 Trillion dollars from a Oil Genocide Era from 1980 - 2009 and below Jackie and Michael write what?

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> New Consensus Sees Stimulus Package as Worthy Step


A variety of economists say that stimulus legislation is helping an economy in free fall a year ago to grow again and shed fewer jobs than it otherwise would. Were the Hell is the ElectricWindmillcar Windfall and trillions of spin off inventions in the New York Times?

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Douche! Last Sat. the New York times reporters with nothing better to write wrote up the word DOUCHE was used 84 times in one day on TV. Only they left out our Orwellian Commander in Chief OBAMA ordered the world DOUCHE to be used. This is a Niger Male thing like the Niger Harvard Professor telling the white cop to call his MaMa! Stupid Nigers! Now they are Stupid and Mass Murders profiting from white cops and kids burning in fiery LA Wrecks!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> MORE FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES ON SAT 21 NOV. 09

The Breaking Point

Hospital Falters as Refuge for Illegal Immigrants



New York Times Sat 21 Nov. 09

In Draft Resolution, United Nations Rebukes Iran for Rights Violations Since Election. British troops pour gas over Iraqi POW's and set them on fire... Marine fags rape Muslin Men in this war... and the United Nation does not Rebuke this... because the UN employees have secret Swiss Bank Accounts full of Oil Money Bribes $$$$


United Nations will hang for this, and $ billion dollar Secret Swiss Bank Accounts, bribes from Big Oil $

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> New York Times 21 Nov. 09

Brazilian transsexual involved in a scandal that prompted the resignation of an Italian governor was found burned to death in her home on Friday. Court officials said the death was being treated as a murder. The woman, known only as Brenda, and another Brazilian transsexual were at the center of a case involving the blackmail of the former Lazio governor, Piero Marrazzo, by four police officers who secretly filmed him having sex and taking drugs

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cher - Fiery LA Wrecks within miles of her home, did she drive by any Fiery LA Wrecks?

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Chaz Bono is mentally ill and a MASS MURDERER VIA LA'S FIERY WRECKS SHE DID NOT REPORT...fat obese, shock treatment after electricwindmillcar coup would change her sex back to civilized. She says beginning the sex-change process to turn from a woman to a man is "the best decision I've ever made."The 40-year-old writer, activist and reality-TV star, who was born a girl to Sonny Bono and Cher, says he's eight months into the years-long transformation and says he feels great.Formerly called Chastity, he told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Thursday: "Life is short and life is precious. This is who I am. I need to finally be who I am."Bono says he always felt like a boy growing up and came out as a lesbian 11 years ago. Now she has undergone gender-reassignment surgery and hormone therapy. He tells ABC: "To me, gender is between your ears, not between your legs. I've felt male as far back as I can remember."

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Editorials, New York times 21 Nov. 09

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Editorial: Assessing the China Trip SECTION A - PAGE 18

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Suppressed --- China's Orwellian 1984 Commander in Chief has killed millions more Chinese than our American Orwellian 1984 Commander in Chief in this Oil Genocide Era. Coal, is China's Genocide... in the USA coal is mass murder not a Genocide. Fiery Wrecks in China is a Genocide, same in the USA. Selling organs to Saudi Princes is an American Genocide, in China its just mass murder for Organ Money.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Editorial: The Senate Health Reform Bill SECTION A - PAGE 18

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Suppressed is Greg Buell Lovestar's idea to expand Medicare to everyone in the USA after the ElectricWindmillCar Coup. And take over Los Alamos from the Nuke Scientist to help brainstorm the Rx Penicillin Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer and Cancer in General.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Editorial: Albany Challenges Authorities SECTION A - PAGE 18

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Editorial: Tuna's Death Spiral SECTION A - PAGE 19 747's to restock the Oceans... a futuristic invention.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Op-Ed Columnist: Putting the Fond in Farewell By GAIL COLLINSSECTION A - PAGE 19

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> In Defense of New York By CHARLES M. BLOWSECTION A - PAGE 19

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Op-Ed Columnist: An American Catastrophe By BOB HERBERTSECTION A - PAGE 19

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Op-Ed Contributor: Protect the Farm, Tax the Manor By RAY D. MADOFFSECTION A - PAGE 18

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Letters: The Risks and Benefits of Cancer Tests SECTION A - PAGE 18 Cure for Cancer will be suppressed by MD's at Yale if a cure is found before the ElectricWindmillcar is on the streets of New Haven.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Letters: Health Care Reform and the Rise in Drug Prices

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Suppressed is Greg Buell Lovestar's idea to expand Medicare to everyone in the USA after the ElectricWindmillCar Coup. And take over Los Alamos from the Nuke Scientist to help brainstorm the Rx Penicillin Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer and Cancer in General.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- not Lipitor Letterman has to take for the rest of his life!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Jobless Rate Up in 29 States, Hitting Records in 4 of Them By BLOOMBERG NEWS

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> NEWS - Mexicans not Gringos got the Niger Obama's stimulus jobs!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> NEWS - Manpower, Kelly Services, and the rest of the Temp agencies will hang for the Genocide of millions of Temp workers after the ElectricWindmillcar Coup. All Gringos killed by Temp Agencies like Manpower via Mexicans taking their jobs!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> ALASKA OIL GENOCIDE ERA - ALASKA'S SARA PALIN profited from cops, kids and Moms with 5 kids who burned and burned to death in FIERY LA WRECKS

FROM 1980 - 2009 you do the math… its HELL. Fact-Checking Sarah Palin

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> FOX news - Bill O'Reilly - 4 hours ago? By Bill O'Reilly

Once again, I'm going to keep this very short because we have a major policy interview with Sarah Palin

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> CHICAGO - Step outside Oprah Winfrey's Harpo Studios and into the near west side neighborhood that's been home to her television talk show for two decades - 40k women have died every year for decades via breast cancer I Greg Buell Lovestar would have gotten a cure in 1980 but our Niger Orwellian Commander in Chief gave Oprah a TV show not Greg.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> THE NIGER OPRAH WINFREY - you do the math, Moms like Sara Palin burned and burned to death in how many Fiery LA Wrecks from 1980 - 2009?

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> ALASKA'S SARA PALIN profited from cops, kids Moms with 5 kids who burned and burned to death in FIERY LA WRECKS FROM 1980 - 2009 you do the math… its HELL.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Letterman's --- What is more fun than reading the New Sara Palin Going Rogue book… being the hang man for Sara Palin and Opra Winfrey as it will heal the burns over most of his body instantly!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> GE added insult to injury of MILLIONS burned in gasoline WORLDWIDE by employing 100,000 to work on FIELDS OF WINDMILLS.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> FORD with its 2010 Models with airbags in the rear seat seat belts is not to little to late but GENOCIDE BY NOT PUTTING SuperAirBags on the outside of all FORD cars, Truck, Semi's for the last DECADE.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> 40,000 women were tortured by the Niger Obama Raped and Murdered by Breast Cancer in his 1st Year in Office yet not even Katie Couric would report this on CBS Nightly News,

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure --- is not Lipitor which Letterman will have to buy for the rest of his life, LIFESTYLE That gives you heart disease has been programmed by our 1984 ORWELLIAN TOP BRASS

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Los Alamos employees are Killing Time, Wasting Time working on the Pulsar Magnets the next generation of MRI Machines GE will make.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> GENEVA - Scientists are preparing the world's largest atom smasher to explore the depths of matter after successfully restarting the $10 billion machine following more than a year of repairs.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Geneva - war crimes by the USA are smashed, burned in gasoline. Nigers have invented super immunity from war crimes via oil money bribes.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Los Alamos National Laboratory is operated by the University of California for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) of the U.S. Department of Energy and works in partnership with NNSA's Sandia and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories to support NNSA in its mission.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Los Alamos enhances global security by ensuring safety and confidence in the U.S. nuclear stockpile, developing technologies to reduce threats from weapons of mass destruction.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Nukes have killed how many people…. From 1980 to 2009? Numbers burned in gasoline in LA?

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> LOS ALAMOS, N.M., 2002 -- Over the past 11 years in the world of magnets, The Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory has gone from being recognized for pulse megagauss explosives field work to being the world leader in pulsed-magnetic-field research and home to the world's most powerful controlled-pulse magnet. When the Lab's facility first opened in 1992, there was one magnet with one user working on one project. Today, the facility has five working magnet cells, two large super conducting magnets, a 60 Tesla Long Pulse magnet in rebuild, and a 100 Tesla magnet in design. It also hosts over 130 users a year from around the world working on more than 100 projects. Were the Hell are the New MRI's the next generation and the generation after that, this smells of burnt flesh in war... in driving by a LA Fiery Wreck. 747 to put out the fire yet Boeing will not build a fleet.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> British torture in Iraq is setting them on fire with gasoline A former army corporal who was the first British soldier convicted of a war crime has accused his former colleagues of abusing prisoners. Donald Payne today told an inquiry into the Iraqi's hotel worker Baha Mousa's death that he saw his unit's commanding officer, Lieutenant Craig Rodgers, set alight a young detainee with a can of petrol. "I observed Lieutenant Rodgers place a jerry can of petrol in front of the young boy. He poured gasoline over him and then lit a match."

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> BOSTON 1776 Road side bombs killed British Troops in Boston

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Attacks on fellow soldiers - particularly officers - was dubbed "fragging" in Vietnam.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Between 1969 and 1971, the Army reported 6000 fragging incidents that killed 820 Americans and injured 6,510, according to the Associated Press. American soldiers serving in Vietnam, not including gun and knife assaults.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> McCain was at the Hanoi Hilton for this Vietnam War Protest --- North Vietnam Marine Generals didn't fuck McCain in the ass at the Hanoi Hilton or force McCain to suck thier Dicks! But General McCain ordered Niger Marines in Iraq and Afghan to fuck Muslim Men in the ass and make then suck their dicks... One POW to another hu... You BetYa!! As Sara Palin would say! War is Hell.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> McCain was at the Hanoi Hilton for this Vietnam War Protest --- North Vietnam Marine Generals didn't fuck McCain in the ass at the Hanoi Hilton or force McCain to suck thier Dicks! But General McCain ordered Niger Marines in Iraq and Afghan to fuck Muslim Men in the ass and make then suck their dicks... One POW to another hu... You BetYa!! As Sara Palin would say! War is Hell.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> McCain was at the Hanoi Hilton for this Vietnam War Protest --- North Vietnam Marine Generals didn't fuck McCain in the ass at the Hanoi Hilton or force McCain to suck thier Dicks! But General McCain ordered Niger Marines in Iraq and Afghan to fuck Muslim Men in the ass and make then suck their dicks... One POW to another hu... You BetYa!! As Sara Palin would say! War is Hell.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> McCain was driving down a LA Freeway and Passed by a Fiery LA Wreck not even thinking he was the General with the match who just poured gasoline over this SUV… like a NIGER - never thinking! Smell the burnt flesh... this is war on the LA Freeways and McCain and Palin are tossing gasoline bombs at mom and dad in thier Toyota Prius!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> At Fort Hood, Dr Linnerooth treated a Marine whose job in Iraq was to recover the bodies of soldiers. His patient was devastated by one particular loss, Dr. Linnerooth said. "He had picked up this corpse that was so badly burned, it weighed about 20 pounds," he said. "He was this big, tough, awesome guy. For him, it was like picking up his daughter. That was an extreme case. But you get those at least once or twice a week."

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Dr Linnerooth knows LA Fiery Wreck victims are burned and burned to death... by his own government. Once or twice a day in LA.




<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Saudi Arabia with its free University is a failure for Humanity and God.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Screaming "God is Great" the 9/11 guys from Saudi Arabia all Screamed this flying into the World Trade Center Building.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was officially suppressed in NYC and DC by Nigers!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Regrets… 9/11 and Fort Hood shooting would never have happened if in 1980 FORD would have come out with a couple ElectricWindmillCar Models.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Yes! The nigers at FORD knew about the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 and followed the News about John Lennon in 1980 too.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> BILL GATES THE PARASITE COULD NOT SURVIVE the "Inventor Operating System" invented by GREG BUELL LOVESTAR --------- in 1980. 1,001 Invention Projects loaded on the PC you bought in 1980 this is not Bill Gates. Yale Failed Humanity in the Real World and killed Tens of Millions in this Failure!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> The parasites could not survive outside mosquitoes. So the "vaccination" had to be delivered by mosquito bite, not needle. And because just one parasite at a time fits down a proboscis, each bite delivers just a few Because the world now fights malaria - ineptly - with nets, insecticides and drugs, a vaccine is desperately needed. As many as 70 experimental programs exist around the world; eight rival projects are being supported by the Malaria Vaccine Initiative, which was established in 1999 with money from the Gates Foundation. Sanaria's is the sole vaccine using the whole parasite. Injected into a capillary, it rides the bloodstream to the liver and starts making proteins. But after about three days, it stops, and it never floods the blood with copies of itself. Radiation-weakened parasites have protected many lab mice and a handful of humans, but making a vaccine that can be mass-produced is a huge challenge. The lucrative market is made up of tourists and the world's military forces. The larger goal is to protect the 3,000 children who die of malaria each day.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> BILL GATES THE PARASITE COULD NOT SURVIVE the "Inventor Operating System" invented by GREG BUELL LOVESTAR --------- in 1980 1,001 Invention Projects loaded on the PC you bought in 1980 this is not Bill Gates. Yale Failed Humanity in the Real World and killed Tens of Millions in this Failure!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Roche the Swiss drug maker could not survive GREG BUELL LOVESTAR inventing a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Malaria… Roche lucrative market is made up of tourists and the world's military forces. The larger goal is to protect the 3,000 children who die of malaria each day.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> SWISS BANKERS WILL NOT SURVIVE the Geneva Oil Genocide Trials $$$$$$$$$$$$

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Sony said it aims to be profitable in gaming and flat-panel TVs by the fiscal year ending March 2011, pushing 3-D technology as a way to showcase its strength in entertainment and surface from deep losses.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> "Our work is already bearing fruit," Chief Executive Howard Stringer said Thursday in outlining Sony's turnaround strategy at the electronics giant's Tokyo headquarters. "We still have more work to do."

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> OCZ Technology today released the Colossus 3.5" Solid State Drive (SSD) Series, designed to meet the performance and storage demands of high-end desktop users and enterprise clients. "The new Colossus Series is designed to boost desktop and workstation performance and is for high power users that put a premium on speed, reliability and maximum storage capacity," said Eugene Chang, VP of Product Management at the OCZ Technology Group. "The Colossus core-architecture is also available to enterprise clients with locked BOMs (build of materials) and customized firmware to match their unique applications." In addition to capacities up to 1TB

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Sony said it aims to be profitable in gaming and flat-panel TVs by the fiscal year ending March 2011, pushing 3-D technology as a way to showcase its strength in entertainment and surface from deep losses.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Colossus 3.5" Solid State Drive (SSD) Series in your Sony LCD TV with 100's of Movies is what we want!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Colossus 3.5" Solid State Drive (SSD) Series in your Sony LCD TV with 100's of Movies is what we want!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Colossus 3.5" Solid State Drive (SSD) Series in your Sony LCD TV with 100's of Movies is what we want!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> AA Batteredies in our Sony Walkman mp3 player

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> AA Batteredies in our Sony Netbook

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Outdoor - indoor LCD screen for our Sony Netbook and Large Screen LCD TV Monitor

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Verizon Cell phone in our Sony Netbook… just a plug in for our Verizon cell phone would be nice I can write the software program for this feature if only Sony will let me plug in my Verizon Cell phone into their Sony Netbook.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> AA Batteredies you watch the Iphone ads, about apps for movies but you can only watch 1 movie on your Iphone then it's DEAD

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> A report from computer warranty firm Square Trade shows that Apple could only manage fourth place, behind Asus, Toshiba and Sony, in terms of laptop reliability. The research also shows that a third of all laptops are likely to fail within three years of purchase.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> At Yale College, enrollment of international students has gone up slightly to 454 in the 2008-'09 academic year from 450 in the 2007-'08 academic year. But the overall number of international students in the United States increased by 8 percent to an all-time high of 671

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Sony kids at Yale must be taking Art not Anatomy and Physiology.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Trump casinos teen prostitutes here will be working on Thanksgiving Day 2009. I will sent cops burned in gasoline to arrest Trump for being a pimp! And I will put all the videos of this Trump sex on YouTube after the ELECTRICWINDMILLCAR coup. The three Atlantic City casinos - Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort, Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino and Trump Marina Hotel Casino - will continue to use the Trump name just not Teen Prostitutes after the ElectricWindmillCar coup!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> FBI ------ is Helpless against TRUMP


<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Shingles (Aka: herpes zoster) is caused by a retrograde transport of the chicken pox virus from the ganglia (nerve root) to the skin. Ten to 30% of people develop Shingles in their lifetime and most of the time it occurs in the elderly. Normal aging causes immunity against zoster to go down. Shingles causes a discrete rash that can be painful and lasts several weeks. Twenty percent of people develop postherpetic neuralgia, a painful condition that can last long after the Shingles outbreak. In 2006 a Shingles vaccine called Zostavax was approved by the FDA.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, has reportedly begun treatment for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer of the body's lymphatic system. This is not his first battle with cancer. Allen was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease -- a different type of lymphoma




<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> In Boulder COLORADO Edge and Bruno having sex with boys in Thailand, set up A Avalanche Beacon factory in Thailand to be at home with the boys... grin. NEWARK, New Jersey (AP) - A New Jersey man who played Santa Claus at children's parties has been sentenced to nearly 20 years in prison for traveling to Thailand to have sex with boys. Wayne Corliss was captured at his New Jersey apartment in May 2008 after a worldwide manhunt led by Interpol. His arrest came two days after the agency took the rare step of asking for the public's help by releasing photos found on someone's computer.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Senator on TV said we all thought OJ would be found guilty. We all know Gang Rape by Niger Football players have the same statistics in 2009 as 2008 as in 1980 when I invented the Electricwindmillcar yet this stats are soaked in gasoline and set on fire like the Stats of LA's Fiery Car wreck caualisities of war!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Yale University will eliminate general admissions parking, instead offering pre-paid parking passes, which are now available for purchase online or by phone. The number of parking spots will remain the same as in previous years, at about 4,000, but Bamford said there should be less of a rush when looking for spots because pre-paid passes are required. The spots cost $15 for regular vehicles and $25 for buses and other oversize vehicles. But in order to buy these passes at all, fans must either be Yale employees or students or buy at least two tickets to The Game. Bamford said he realizes the added fees for parking, on top of the decreased number of parking spots, will be inconvenient for some fans this Saturday.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> MONEY --- FOOTBALL PARKING MONEY -

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Yale when not a Failure to Humanity will build a New Trillion Dollar Medical School over the Football Stadium and not graduate Niger MD's who did not pass but were pass by a Niger who is our current Orwellian Commander in Chief.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Cure ---- Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Yale Failed in the Real World ------ 40k women tortured to death since the Niger Obama was elected by Yale Nigers!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Jobless Rate Up in 29 States, Hitting Records in 4 of Them By BLOOMBERG NEWS

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> CU Bookstore Yale Bookstore fired all the gringos and hired Mexican Pit Bulls as Cashiers. Overheard by the observers watching the Cashiers, Mexican Pit Bulls talk up the chew up of textbooks as the only way they will ever read a textbook, spit on the textbooks as they come back from break.

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Yale Failed Humanity in the Real World

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> 40k women tortured to death by BREAST CANCER since the Niger Obama was elected by Yale Nigers!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> 1980 the ElectricWindmillCar was officially suppressed in NYC and DC by Nigers!

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> 1981 the Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer was LOST

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> 1981 the Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer was LOST

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> 1981 the Rx Penicillin Miracle Overnight Cure for Breast Cancer was LOST

<<<<<< 21 Nov. Thanksgiving >>>>> Yale when not a Failure to Humanity will build a New Trillion Dollar Medical School over the Football Stadium and not graduate Niger MD's who did not pass but were pass by a Niger who is our current Orwellian Commander in Chief. Give us a Cure not a life buying gasoline needlessly!

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>> Maj Nidal Malik Hasan, other soldiers harassed him for being a Muslim, he knew all too well the terrifying realities of war, Marines rape of Muslim Men and Women is a weapon of war in this War. "He was mortified by this idea of fag rape by Marines," "He was mortified by the idea of having to deploy,"

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> The FBI became aware of Internet postings by him. The terrifying realities of war in Our ORWELLIAN SOCIETY...

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> FBI is aware of who profits from OIL MONEY while cops and kids burn and burn to death in FIERY LA WRECKS EVERY DAY.

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> FBI women have died from BREAST CANCER while Iran and Afghanistan take the top people at MIT for War Toys.

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> "Today" Good Morning America Show and Letterman, and Leno mentioned One years since the Niger Obama was elected and No One Mentioned 40k women in the USA have died a TERRIBLE TORTURED DEATH FROM BREAST CANCER. In this year!

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> Dr Snyderman MD had a story about fixing burns on "Today" show today with a laser but we need MIT grads who are at the Pentagon today to work on this invention project as its not that good yet.

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> "Today" show is prohibited from reporting 40k women died of Breast Cancer in the Niger Obama's first year!

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> Maj Hasan For Some years retained a lawyer and asking if he could get out of the Army before his contract was up, because of the harassment he had received as a Muslim.

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> I write this and most ElectricWindmillCar Coup updates at a Starbucks across the Street from the CU Law School just built and paid for with "Oil" Genocide Bribes from Texas and Colorado Oil Men, the University has a New President who is a "OIL MAN"

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> Major Hasan had wanted to marry an equally religious woman but that his efforts to find one had failed. "He wanted a woman who prayed five times a day and wears a hijab, and maybe the women he met were not complying with those things,"

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> Greg Buell Lovestar wants to be a Polygamist with MD wives working 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer but our Orwellian General and the Nigers Obama-Kennedy-Bush-Clinton-McCain will not let me work on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer!

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> I invented the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 at the time of the Saudi Arabia Oil Embargo.

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> This is why this web is up and running. I can write but not work with MD Wives and the IBM Supercomputer at Los Alamos until I pull off a successful Coup on the Oil Men and Oil Money.

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> I would guess there is more than $177 Trillion Dollars in Swiss Banks from Oil Money since the invention of the ElectricWindmillcar in 1980!

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> $100 Billion was spent on bribes like building this new CU Law School across the street from me.

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> Ford on the "Today" show for new rear seat belts with air bags. Ten Years ago I posted messages to the Nigers Obama-Kennedy-Bush-Clinton-McCain about Super AirBags on the Outside of Cars, Trucks and Semi's.

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> FORD will have to pay for their part in stifling this invention. This is Criminal! Just walk across the street and ask any Lawyer in the Law School Library!

<<<<<< 6 November 2009 >>>>>>> FBI knows LA Fiery Wrecks will burn and burn to death more people than Maj Nidal Malik Hasan murdered at Fort Hood but no one at the FBI will come on the "Today" Show and expose the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and tell us how many FBI Women died a TERRIBLE TORTURED DEATH FROM BREAST CANCER! And that Greg Buell Lovestar is not allowed by our George Orwell Top Brass to work on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer because we are at WAR…

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>>U.S.S. New York War Ship built with World Trade Building Steel Isn't an emotional "homecoming" for Mom's

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>> Moms with the kids burned and burned to death in Fiery LA Wrecks... their War Ship will never be built!

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>> Moms with the kids burned and burned to death in Fiery LA Wrecks... their War Ship will never be built!

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>>U.S.S. New York Isn't an emotional "homecoming" for Mom's of LA kids burned and burned to death in Fiery LA Freeway wrecks from 1980 -2009 because of the addiction to "Oil Money" in this Orwellian Oil Genocide Era that has burned and burned to death more kids in car seats (without wearing their Indy 500 fire suits} than died on 9/11

<<<<<< 3 Nov. 2009 >>>>> Confiscating all “Oil Money” Worst Genocide in History is the “Oil Genocide Era 1980 -2009”

$1 Billion compensation to each Mom burned by the government of the USA for "Oil Money" from 1980 to 2009...

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>> OUR BIG BROTHERS ARE INSANE MAD MEN WHO DRINK OIL - GEORGE ORWELL COULD NEVER IMAGINE THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND TOASTING LET THEM EAT CAKE, LET THEM BURN IN GASOLINE, WE ARE ADDICTED TO OIL MONEY $$$$$$$, the government leaders of the USA our "Roman Senate" who built this War Ship instead of a Medical School at Ground Zero will suppress Katie Couric and "Today Show" tomorrow morning from reporting on the Suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and LA Freeway's Fiery wrecks Today

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>> As the U.S.S. New York Ships Cmdr. Curt Jones, Tells Matt Lauer 7.5 tons of steel from the twin towers are cast into its bow with Matt and Meredith caressing the steel!

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>> The sailors and Marines on board began lining along the rails of the ship early, well before 7 a.m., despite the wind and occasional drizzle that left many hopping from foot to foot to stay warm in their dress uniforms. The ship docked adjacent to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum on Manhattan's West Side. The sailors and Marines aboard will spend the days leading up to the commissioning ceremony giving public tours of the blocky but technologically sophisticated vessel, and the many pieces of expensive military equipment it contains.

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>> Once in service, the ship, an amphibious transport dock, will be used to transport up to seven hundred Marines and combat equipment to conflicts around the globe.

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>> "We're riding through like the Cadillac of the fleet that we are," said Sharef Talbert, 30, a petty officer first class from Newark, who has been readying the ship for its arrival since February. "There is no better way to ride into New York." As the ship continued up the river, helicopters rattled overhead and the surrounding waters filled with other vessels - police boats, tugs, barges, pleasure craft, and fire boats transformed into floating fountains. Spectators watched from the Circle Line. Rounding Batteredy Park, Cmdr. Erich B. Schmidt, the executive officer, spoke to the crew through a loudspeaker. "You've done a great job getting us here," he said. "Enjoy it. That's all.

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>> "The ship came to a stop adjacent to ground zero, where a large crowd of onlookers had gathered along the shoreline, the military men lifted their hands in a long salute, followed by an honorary firing of guns. Some visibly teared up during the brief tribute.

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>> Moms with the kids burned and burned to death in Fiery LA Wrecks... their War Ship will never be built!

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>> Moms with the kids burned and burned to death in Fiery LA Wrecks... their War Ship will never be built!

<<<<<< 3 Nov. 2009 >>>>> Confiscating all “Oil Money” Worst Genocide in History is the “Oil Genocide Era 1980 -2009”

<<<<< 3 Nov 2009 >>>>>> $1 Billion compensation to each Mom burned by the government of the USA for "Oil Money" from 1980 to 2009...

>>>> 1 Jan. 2010 <<<<< Kids in car seats will be required by the government to wear Indy 500 "Fire Suits"

>>>> 1 Jan. 2010 <<<<< Breast tumors breaking through the skin will be on the Front page of the New York Times On New Years Day in 2010 to bring a more dramatic awareness why we need to Bankrupt the Pentagon and its unlimited spending on War Toys Invented by MIT grads who should be working 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer!

<<<<<< 1 Nov. 2009 >>>>> Confiscating all “Oil Money” Worst Genocide in History is the “Oil Genocide Era 1980 -2009”
$1 Billion compensation to each person burned in gasoline and each and every 9/11 victim as the ElectricWindmillCar invented in 1980 would have prevented 9/11
All Generals should hang for this act of Treason! Generals have seriously failed to eliminate Fiery LA Wrecks as kids in car seats will be required by the USA gov starting on 1 Jan 2010 to wear Indy 500 "fire suits" in their car seats.
Generals killed 40k women a year since 1980 via "Breast Cancer" via "War Toys"!
Oil giant BP said on Friday that it would challenge a record $87.4 million fine imposed for what regulators said was the company’s failure to correct problems after a 2005 explosion killed 15 workers at a refinery in Texas City, Tex. The cause of the explosion that killed 15 workers at BP's Texas plant in 2005 was the escape of flammable hydrocarbons that were ignited by the backfire of a truck.
Giant trucks without "SuperAirBags" on the outside have killed 100's of thousands since I posted this invention idea on this web page ages ago. Kerry and Kennedy are probably 2 of the 100 Senators who shot down this "Invention" hidden behind hidden cameras so you would never find out who killed the "Invention"! Compensation for these victims of our "Mad Men" like Kerry and Kennedy should come from their personal fortunes earned in the worst Genocide Era in the History of Humanity!
Roman Senate and their Generals have all toasted with the Queen of England... Let them eat cake; Let them burn in gasoline; We are addicted to Oil Money!

<<<<<< 1 Nov. 2009 >>>>> Confiscating all “Oil Money” Worst Genocide in History is the “Oil Genocide Era 1980 -2009”

<<<<<< October 30, 2050 >>>> 1 Jan. 2010 <<<<< Kids in car seats will be required by the government to wear Indy 500 "Fire Suits" >>>> 1 Jan. 2010 <<<<< Breast tumors breaking through the skin will be on the Front page of the New York Times On New Years Day in 2010 to bring a more dramatic awareness why we need to Bankrupt the Pentagon and its unlimited spending on War Toys Invented by MIT grads who should be working 24/7 on a Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for Breast Cancer!

Harvard Medical School every Medical School

<<<<<< October 28, 2050 >>>> Food, Humanity, Habitat and How We Get to 2050
2050 CLICK HERE FULL ARTICLE Editorial 9 billion how many have burned in gasoline since 1980? By VERLYN KLINKENBORG New York Times <<<<<< October 28, 2050 >>>> Observer-Editor, Sorry to give this Journalists a F grade in writing for the New York Times but he was not smart enough a writer to include a paragraph on food preservatives! 2050 inventions -0 degrees Absolute inventions for the masses not just the lab and reinvent the “Tin Can” that comes with a 10 year Batteredy for how the food is doing inside etc.. Preservative Inventions, this includes the “Tin Can” reinvented! Stupid Niger VERLYN KLINKENBORG must be an editor this is why the other Editors at the New York Times didn’t mention he should add some 2050 futuristic inventions in his Observer – Editorial for October 28, 2009 about... October 28, 2050
VERLYN KLINKENBORG “We need to find a way to make food production sustainable in the broadest possible sense looking out for ourselves as well as other species.”
Greg Buell Lovestar would have gotten an A++ writing this Observer – Editorial for the New York Times, so look out, when I gain control of the New York Times you will be engaged with many wife’s all desiring many futuristic invention idea! In 1980 I wrote in my diary if "Fishermen" were farmers we would all die of starvation... this is still true but the Pentagon and MIT are to blame and Boeing for not having a fleet of 747's to seed the Oceans with new fish fry.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Los Alamos got $6 billion stimulus money $$ to move atomic waste to another place $$ stimulus program - Rx Penicillin "Cure" for Breast Cancer Lost $6 billion stimulus money $$$ to Los Alamos.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Stimulate - Stimulus is need for government invention projects ASAP!

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Burned alive at the stake... Modern times is burned in a LA Fiery Car wreck. Who are these criminals, who profits from oil and gasoline?

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Fires caused by gasoline are major sources of burns in the United States. On average, 1,270 children under the age of 5 are treated for burn injuries due to gasoline fires each year. Each year in the U.S., 1.1 million burn injuries are a result of gasoline fires. 4,500 people die from gasoline burn injuries and 10,000 people die from burn related infections. In one year, there are 4,700 gas fires in the United States. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, each year on average, 1,270 children under age 5 were treated for burn injuries caused by gasoline fires. Teens ages 10-14 years old are the most likely group to get in trouble with gasoline and be treated for gasoline related burn injuries.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< New York Times - 9/11 heroes to reunite with women they helped save from World Trade Center hotel. New York Times - The Next 9/11 heroes to women for women will be the "George Orwell" observers behind hidden cameras who expose the suppression of the "ElectricWindmillCar" and its 1,001 Spin Off Inventions, and invention projects. One closest to all women's hearts is the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer!

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Knights were brave men sworn to defend her, today she is burned at the stake, in a Fiery LA Wreck, murdered in a Yale Lab, or walking home from school while the Marines rape Moslem Men and Women on the other side of the Earth. Pentagon Generals arrested for Rape and Murder of Moslem Men and Women, don't ask don't tell, poor MP's they will be the messanger that is killed. Don't kill the messanger, Don't commit the crime! Whistle Blowers are the Ememies of the Pentagon! 9/11 will cause the Pentagons bankruptcy to go to court with the ElectricWindmillCar 1980 Model next to the 2010 Model.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< New York Times The "Niger" Obama has declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency! The "Niger" Obama's Stimulus is not for a Rx Penicillion "Cure" for Breast Cancer but $6 billion stimulus program to clean up the toxic legacy of the arms race, Cleaning Up at Los Alamos six-acre dump, which was used by the scientists who built the world's first atomic bomb - dump site last week for the 7 Year old girl whose body was found under trash in a landfill The body is that of 7-year-old Somer Thompson, a north Florida girl who vanished on her walk home from school.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< $6 Billion spent on GPS Trackers is what's NEEDED! >>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<<

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Remember the murder trial of the "Niger" OJ Simpson, who was found not guilty in the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown, and her boyfriend, Ron Goldman. Our "Niger" George Orwell was the Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Clone's of OJ have "Married" other Nicole Brown's and killed them without the New York Times reporting the murders, or even the statistics! Mr. Hefner at Playboy worries about Young Girls that have no idea about being murdered by a "Niger"!

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< The Academy award-winning actress Nicole Kidman used an appearance before the US Congress to accuse Hollywood (Yes the Playboy Mansion is in Hollywood) of contributing to violence against women by portraying them as sex objects. Kidman was speaking yesterday in her role as a UN ambassador to a House foreign affairs subcommittee that is considering legislation to tackle violence against women. To Die For is Kidman's best movie I think but needs to be rewritten for Inventors and have Kidman Play a better sort of Goddess for Men who want to Invent Something for her in a Movie. Kidmans real life Husbands didn't invent anything and are sorry SOB's engrossed watching Fiery Wrecks!

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Rx Penicillin Overnight Cure and Violence against women are two of the 1,001 Spin Off Invention Projects from the suppressed "ElectricWindmillCar". Los Alamos stimulus program $6 Billion to clean up the dump when last week the cops found the of 7-year-old Somer Thompson, a north Florida girl who vanished on her walk home from school. The "Niger" Gen. Powell executes little 7 year old girls with his war time priorities at the Pentagon Dump. The New York Times will never publish the statistics. Dog bites girl on her way home from school. Stats are off the chart, from were they should be! Because of "Nigers" in Vegas, who are the Worlds Pimps, taking this job from the street nigers. Vegas Cops with GPS Trackers would arrest 3k a hour for sex with teen prostitutes.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< New York Times - The "Niger" Obama Executed every woman with Breast Cancer, with the help of his Pentagon Generals like Gen. Powell. Gen Powell and George Orwell who pick the stupid Niger "stories" for ABC Good Morning America They Executed Robin Roberts! The "Niger" Obama at the White House Goes Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< The "Niger" Obama at the White House Goes Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Were the Hell is the Brainstorming Ideas to run through the IBM Supercomputers at Los Alamos... are they all Top Secret?

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Editors at the New York Times are back from their teen prostitutes. Nicole Kidman and Mr. Hefner at the Playboy Mansion testify to the lies in the Media, LA Freeway FIERY wrecks are Leno Jokes about your Flesh Sizzling in Gasoline for more Oil Money. And a "Story" on the "Today Show" on kid seats in your SUV 80% aren't installed correctly, and the guys who wrote the book give me an Orwellian Joke about how kids need to be dressed in their FIRE SUITS in their car seats. Grin! Mr. Hefner's 3,506-page, six-volume "illustrated biography" coming out next month will not have anyone burned in gasoline, yet a few miles or less from the Playboy Mansion people were burned and burned to death in LA's Numerous Fiery Wrecks. Mohammed Patel, staged 100 accidents for the insurance. Police said he staged at least 92 crashes. London, NYC, Boulder, Colorado… this scam is carried out mostly by people from India. I personally know of 2 and they got away with "Murder"… well got away with the scam car wrecks. Los Alamos stimulus program is a $6 Billion dollar scam by the same "Nigers" who pick the stupid nigers shows for Good Morning America and Today Show!

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< CHICAGO - Two girls who swam with pet turtles in a backyard pool were among 107 people sickened in the largest salmonella outbreak blamed on turtles nationwide, and pet turtles have been illegal since 1975 in a George Orwell Orwellian Society.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< 334 people were killed nationwide in crashes that stemmed from police pursuits. High-speed chase ends when OnStar halts stolen SUV. ElectricWindmillCars will have this "Kill Switch" and a lot more. 334 people, well a hell of a lot more died from drinking dirty water, mostly in Africa.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< The Nigers Obama and the niger Oprah Winfrey knows exactly how many Blacks died from drinking dirty water, when one of the accessories in the ElectricWindwillCar will give Humanity free H and O in more abundance then any time in the History of Humanity. Miracle of Water is even a greater Miracle when we can drive down the road and get free H and O from an electrolysis accessory, which production is suppressed by the Top Brass at GE.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< The Niger Oprah Winfrey knows the same H and O for 1 billion people in Africa to drink can put a end to cooking on wood fires which kills more women than the Niger Males in Africa yet the Niger Oprah Winfrey goings along with Obama's Genocide suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar when she can expose this any day of the week. Electricity for all of Africa without the Electric Company charging you a arm and leg and putting high power lines everywhere... H can generate your electicity! Stupid Niger Oprah took many USA gov. bribes, money and a tv show to let 1 billion people die in Africa! I hope she hangs on Leno Live!

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Will Windows 7 Change Our Minds About Microsoft? After the Trial of Bill Gates for the "Mass Murder" of 1,001 Inventors a week since 1980? No Way! Stupid Nigers! Bill Gates Greed has murdered millions of aspiring Inventor!

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< $$$ Millions more have been Murdered by our Government by not letting Greg Buell Lovestar come out with the Inventor OS" years before Win 7. Inventor OS will come preinstalled on your Dell or Toshiba with 1,001 Invention Projects you can run on the IBM Supercomputers at Los Alamos. Six Billion stimuli to get the masses off buying Lotto tickets and Teen Prostitutes in Vegas!

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< MD's who run WHO at the UN have a strategy to end TB in Pakistan. Pentagon Generals are playing War Games in Pakistan Today! MD's at WHO at the UN must expose the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar or Invent a way to see and hear Aliens at Alpha Centauri 4.3 light years from NASA! As this invention project is off limits at NASA HQ!

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Will Windows 7 Change Our Minds About Microsoft? No Way! Not after we have insider information about the Inventor OS that is suppressed along with the ElectricWindmillCar. Amazon Introduces Free Application for Reading Kindle Books on the PC. Inventor OS on your PC will come with the "Windmill" in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" and the story about watching smoke from NCAR here in Boulder Colorado in 1980 with a copy of Animal Farm open on the table in the George Reynolds branch library. ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 would have prevented 9/11…

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Mass murderers are not just "Nigers" killing their white ex-wife's but Presidents of the USA clones of the Niger Obama who will let 7 year old girls burn and burn to death in the coming weeks in FIERY LA Wrecks within miles of the Playboy Mansion! The Niger Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency yesterday!

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Government next year will require all kids under 5 years old to be dressed in an Indy 500 Fire Suit in their car seats! On Star from GM will help stop a few more high speed police chases in LA. GPS Tracker for kids walking home from school belongs to the Bullies who are stupid Nigers and mentally ill.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< GPS Tracker for your party of 10 at Vail. Or to track your kids throughout the day. Our government could have prevented 9/11 in 1980 and found Aliens in the Universe if they were stimulated by Goddess Wives demanding Rx Penicillin Overnight "CURE" for breast cancer.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< Harvard University Fails inventing the GPS Tracker for LOST freshmen and Criminals... why, because Kerry and Kennedy shot down any GPS Tracker for the masses no matter how many little girls are murdered and bitten by a Mexican Pit Bull on the way home from school. Some of the Top Secret stuff in this Orwellian Society is who kills what good Inventions! BOSTON – Six Harvard University medical researchers were poisoned after drinking coffee that was laced with a chemical preservative, sodium azide a common preservative"We are in the process of installing additional security cameras throughout our buildings, and we are strengthening the security systems that manage access to the laboratories during both normal business hours and off hours," it goes on to say.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< New York Times Ever-Present Surveillance Rankles the British Public By SARAH LYALL A local government's investigation of a British family over a girl's school application raised concerns about the usage of a 2000 surveillance law. POOLE, England - It has become commonplace to call Britain a "surveillance society," a place where security cameras lurk at every corner, giant databases keep track of intimate personal details and the government has extraordinary powers to intrude into citizens' lives, except to stimulate 1,001 Inventions. These are suppressed by the Queen as she toast in public in front of the surveillance cameras Let them eat cake, let them burn in gasoline, we are addicted to British Oil Money coming in! Off with their Heads, Those burned in Fiery Wrecks in London will get their revenge someday! $1 Billion pounds compensation to everyone in England burned in gasoline since 1980 and there will still be confiscated oil money left over to spend on health and education.

>>>>>25-Oct-09<<<<< MIT WAR TOYS blew up the Universe many times over! Over Kill is the only mentality the Pentagon Knows! $6 Billion stimulus to clean up the dump at Los Alamos… what is really need is $6 Billion stimulus to be the Hero for Women who are murdered by "Nigers"!

>>>>> 18 Oct 2009 >>>>> Mindfulness, GE is George Orwell "1984" >>>>> 18 Oct 2009 >>>>>

>>>>> 18 Oct 2009 >>>>> 1 Billion Dead, a on going GENOCIDE by GE -

The most demanding situation in the history of mankind.

The most demanding situation in the history of mankind.

1 Billion Dead, a on going GENOCIDE by GE

1 Billion dead, a on going GENOCIDE by GE. ElectricWindmillCar suppression! MSNBC Journalists on the payroll of the Pentagon, Texas Oil Men, Saudi Oil Men to promote "War"! Benito Mussolini was paid £100 a week by MI5 to keep Italy in the first world war, and much more $$$ that is still Top Secret. G.E. executive team was "ready for several scenarios." GENOCIDE trial for the deaths of 1 BILLION! G E Revenue was $38 billion for 3 months. $2.5 Billion in profits for 3 months work, G.E.'s Quarterly Profit. Hints at Stability G.E. executive team was "ready for several scenarios." By STEVE LOHR New York Times Jeffrey R. Immelt, G.E.'s chief executive, called the company's performance "solid." Mr. Immelt pointed out that the backlog of orders for industrial equipment is $174 billion. NONE of this $174 billion backlog of orders for industrial equipment is for Electrolysis accessory for H and O CLEAN water for 5 Billion people, or climate control accessory for your ElectricWindmillCar, Super Air Bags on the outside, Satellite Dish and cameras on top and inside for Cops to see you before you are pulled over. GPS Trackers - G.E. executive team was "ready for several scenarios." Expose the CBS and New York Times Journalists for being on the Payroll of a Oil Genocide Government, sucking up to Texas and Saudi Oil men. Pentagon paying Journalists to promote wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 9-11 was preventable in 1980. G E "ready for several scenarios." but none that benefits 5 billion people... Free and Mandatory University with cadavers for freshman, Mandatory Organ Donation, Medicare for everyone! Criminals at GE, end will bring a end to all criminals, OJ his poor white ex-wife, Clones of this black niger murder everyday of the year and it never makes the front page of the New York Times!

The most demanding situation in the history of mankind. 1 Billion Dead, a on going GENOCIDE by GE

1 Billion Dead, a on going GENOCIDE by GE The most demanding situation in the history of mankind.

>>>>> 18 Oct 2009 >>>>> Mindfulness, GE is George Orwell "1984" >>>>> 18 Oct 2009 >>>>>

>>>> 15 Oct. 2009 >>>> Mussolini, then a 34-year-old journalist... journalists at the New York Times and CBS are paid today more than $1k a week to incite war in Iraq and Afghanistan for the Pentagon and Texas Oil Men. And to go along with letting 100's burn in gasoline every day, in FIERY LA Wrecks! Let 100 kids die in hot cars in the summer of 2009 and not report this. As the Electricwindmillcar would be climate controlled 24/7. Genocide by Journalists and even the Nobel Prize Guys you have seen on TV all week get paid by the CIA and MI5 Today! Benito Mussolini was paid £100 a week by MI5 to keep Italy in the first world war paid by the British. USA knew this was going on. The last thing Britain wanted were pro-peace strikes bringing the factories in Milan to a halt... today the CIA and MI5 stifle Greg Buell Lovestar in getting the RX Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure For Breast Cancer for Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Link below is Mussolini article - New York Times and CBS Journalists are paid by Texas Oil Men and the Pentagon to promote War not a Rx cure for cancer and Star Travel to Alpha Centauri 4.3 Lt Years and real Aliens!

Mussolini article

>>> 27 Sept. 2009 will be Greg's 62nd BDay. Polygamy with Goddess Wives brainstorming 1,001 invention projects would be the Best BDay, unfortunately our George Orwell is burning Mad about several on going Genocides all Government run.

>>> 5 October 2009 >>> Treason by the Pentagon! Reasons to scream this is Treason! LOST >>> 4.3 Light Years "War's Mobilization" to Alpha Centauri. "War's Mobilization" to get the Rx Penicillin Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer. Greg's Retirement starts on 5 Oct 09
>>> 5 October 2009 >>> Treason by the Pentagon! Reasons to scream this is Treason! LOST >>> 4.3 Light Years "War's Mobilization" to Alpha Centauri. "War's Mobilization" to get the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer. Greg's Retirement starts on 5 Oct 09 >>> Treason by Carter and his wife Roslyn, all the Pentagon Generals for the ElectricWindmillCar suppression and crimes of burning cops and kids in gasoline for $ oil money, and bribes in Secret Swiss Bank accounts. "We want to present the truth about every aspect of our lives and times suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar" Jimmy and Roslyn Carter said. On Carters 85th BDay. Greg's retirement in Polygamy with Goddess Wives brainstorming 1,001 invention projects and the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer. Cont... below.

>>> 5 October 2009 >>> Treason by the Pentagon! Reasons to scream this is Treason! LOST >>> 4.3 Light Years "War's Mobilization" to Alpha Centauri. "War's Mobilization" to get the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer. Greg's Retirement starts on 5 Oct 09 >>> Treason by Carter and his wife Roslyn, all the Pentagon Generals for the ElectricWindmillCar suppression and crimes of burning cops and kids in gasoline for $ oil money, and oil men's bribes in Secret Swiss Bank accounts. "We want to present the truth about every aspect of our lives and times suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar" Jimmy and Roslyn Carter said. On Carters 85th BDay. Staph, E. Ecole, hepatitis kills gringos needlessly via dirty Mexican cooks and kitchen workers on (CU's) Campus, worst this will only be on the front pages of the New York Times after the coup! Greg's retirement in Polygamy with Goddess Wives brainstorming 1,001 invention projects and the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer. Letterman never thought of Polygamy as CBS never ever puts POLYGAMY in the news, new sitcom, or even 48 Hours let alone 60 Minutes - Why is Polygamy off limits in our Orwellian Society, that has several genocides going on at the same time and all are run by the government? Particulars of his sexual exploits... At the close of David Letterman's stunning on-air disclosure. After a 10-minute explanation of an extortion plot intended to expose his sexual liaisons with female staffers, he concluded, "I don't plan to say much more about this on this particular topic." Yet-to-emerge particulars of his sexual exploits. The greatest unknown in all of this is Letterman's wife, Regina Lasko, who has lived her life largely offstage. But were she to go public by her husband's side -- a reverse reality version of the new CBS series "The Good Wife," if you will -- that could go a long way. On the flip side, a divorce announcement could be equally devastating. Greg's retirement in Polygamy with Goddess Wives brainstorming 1,001 invention projects and the Rx Penicillin Miracle cure for breast cancer. Letterman never thought of Polygamy as CBS never ever puts POLYGAMY in the news, new sitcom, or even 48 Hours let alone 60 Minutes - Why is Polygamy off limits in our Orwellian Society, that has several genocides going on at the same time and all are run by the government? Particulars of his sexual exploits... Brainstorming 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out on this web page with your wives. CBS stifles all inventions and even posting of invention project that will lead Humanity to Alpha Centauri, Why? Who at CBS is stifling Star Travel? Blackmailed into deleting the nearest Solar System from Earth, someone has successfully blackmailed CBS.

Heading to Key West were Cops with their new motorcycles. They stopped at a Shell gas station in Marathon to fill their tanks when a motorcycle fell over on him and burst into flames.

Reason to scream this is Treason, by Carter and his wife Roslyn, all the Pentagon Generals for abnormal crimes of burning cops and kids in gasoline for $ oil money. "We want to present the truth about every aspect of our live and times suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar" Jimmy and Roslyn Carter said. On Carters 85th BDay.

Texas begins $3 billion quest to cure cancer - after Bush and Bush spent $1.2 Billion on a Football Stadium. Journalists who wrote this story should hang for going along with several on going government run genocides. Journalists at the New York Times will never ever write about building a State of the Arts Medical School over every University football stadium. cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times! Texas Oil Men's greed for more oil money didn't stop at $3 Trillion dollars, Hell Putin has $7 Trillion dollars just from Russian Oil revenues. USA Journalists have more than $3 Billion in Texas Oil Men's bribes in secret Swiss Bank accounts.

After the ElectricWindmillCar Coup Greg Buell Lovestar, me. I will have $3+ Trillion in confiscated Texas oil money and access to all the IBM supercomputers and Nuke Scientists at Los Alamos. For working 24/7 not 40 hours a week with Federal and State holidays, grin.

Cops burned in gasoline will make the Treason arrests at the Pentagon for "uncharacteristic crimes" of flesh sizzling in gasoline for more oil money. This is also a Leno joke.

Swiss Bankers will all hang or lose their head!

Texas begins $3 billion quest to cure cancer. Texas gave birth to the modern oil industry invented the hand held calculator and sent man to the moon. But can the Lone Star State cure cancer? Texas is ready to try by investing $3 billion over the next decade...
40k women a year die from breast cancer so 400k in this Texas Decade.

Money in cancer research and prevention, which would make the state the gatekeeper of the second largest pot of cancer research dollars in the country, behind only the National Cancer Institute.

At MIT everyone knows MIT and Harvard Foundation has had $50 Billion in Chase Banks since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar invention in 1980 wasted none of it to cure cancer...

This is Bankers Genocide, clone of Swiss Bankers taking oil bribes. Not spending the money on a Rx Cancer cure.

They should hang or lose their head!

Gov. Rick Perry said he dreamed of a day "we talk about cancer the same way we talk about polio.

"Texas is now putting out the call to scientists: Come and get the money.
Institute leaders say the money will fund drug developments; gamble on high-risk research turned away elsewhere and attract big-name scientists to Texas.

Texas Gambling and Lotto takes in more than $3 billion.

"That $3 billion isn't in the my bank," said Dr. Tyler Curiel, executive director of the Cancer Therapy & Research Center at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

Lure more top scientists to Texas with $2 million offers for salary and research and is prepared to offer even more for "superstars. The agency cautions, don't expect any overnight miracles.

$2 mill in Texas Oil men's bribes… was for the Senators receptionists.

Expect an Rx overnight miracle breast cancer cure only from Greg Buell Lovestar after the ElectricWindmillCar Coup, as I will get the coup leaders to give me Los Alamos resources!

Its IBM Supercomputers and Scientists.

Being supercomputer literate reminds me of the French Revolution and the Elite French illiterates who killed those not of royal blood or connections. Mandatory University in France... never, ever!

George Orwell does the same today or should I say IBM is in bed with Maria and her husband the French King.

When I went to a community Jr. college in 1972

IBM promised that everyone would be Supercomputer Literate by 2009 and have access to supercomputers.

Bill Gates killed this idea via Greed $

IBM went along with the Greed $ of course.
So the masses are not supercomputer literate in 2009. Boulder Public Library, I can't even upload this web to the server as they block all ftp uploads. Public Libraries and University IT people have the same mentality of the French King and Queen just before the Revolution! Part of the our current Revolution besides getting a Rx Cure for breast cancer is traveling 4.3 light years in 700 NASA Shuttles dock together like a train. Not a Bullet Train like Japans but a Monorail train 75' wide and 100 yards long on 2 rail. Mexican semi drivers eating while texting can handle driving their semi onto a monorail and parking it for the cross country trip, saving the lives of gringos. Statistics are suppressed by our President George Orwell as we can all imagine they are into the thousands killed by Mexicans, just the Mexicans with no drivers license in Boulder, Colorado have killed several bike riders. This is one government run genocide that will kill a gringo a day until a successful electricwindmillcar coup, then I will gain control of the front page of the New York Times and publish these top secret statistics and the gross accident pictures. One of my inventions that could have saved thousands in the last decade is super air bags on the outside of semi trucks and cars. Our George Orwell and his Roman Senators deleted this invention causing thousands of broken bones and deaths. This is a genocide too!

Yale Medical Students and the Medical Students Dr Chen writes about lost out on LIFE because of these eccentric crimes of greed and suppression. Addressing distress in medical training will require navigating a difficult balancing act. "The scope of clinical practice is so incredibly broad that you have to train for years and years to fulfill just a minimal level of competence," Edge - I must tell Chen the "Edge" is MD's and Inventors having the Los Alamos supercomputers Dr. Chen's point is losing their edge in Medical School. I will tell Dr. Chen they never had the edge without the IBM Supercomputers Los Alamos has. Yale Medical School Professors are not literate in Microsoft 7 let alone IBM's #1 Supercomputer on Earth parked at Los Alamos!

Dr. Chen writes for the New York Times, she is a organ transplant MD who has never ever written a story about Mandatory Organ Donation or selling organs to Saudi Prince's. She wants to be one of the Coup Leaders but is afraid of the Pentagon, Roman Senators... George Orwell.

Your diagnosis via IBM's Supercomputers at Los Alamos and its scientists... this is having the edge!

Inventors like Greg Buell Lovestar are working on finding ways to support the well-being of residents and practicing physicians. Many of these potential solutions are premised on two things: acknowledging the distress, then helping doctors find meaning in their work by supporting the ideals that inspired them to become doctors in the first place. "Most of us got into this profession because of passion for medicine, for taking care of people," "But somewhere along the way, it gets drummed out. We have to figure out the best ways, the right way, for different individuals to thrive."

So no one is supercomputer literate in 2009, Professor, student and Inventors! University is only free if you live in Saudi Arabia too.

The burning of cops and kids in gasoline for $ oil money originating with Carter and wife Roslyn and Ted Kennedy in 1980! This is on YouTube Video, really! 1980 invention of the ElectricWindmillCar is on video.

48 Hours.’ It could have been worse, at least it wasn't’t a producer from ‘To Catch a Predator.’ CBS producers could have caught the New York Times editors with teen prostitutes in Vegas. Katie Couric reported everyone visits teen prostitutes when in Vegas. End of story. 48 Hours could have done a show in Boulder Colorado on small business owners visiting, working in Thailand and having sex with kids. Edge, Bruno, and their engineers at the Avalanche Beacon factory here set up shop in Thailand just so they can have sex with kids, now their addicted to this kind of sex. And if I get the YouTube videos of this sex before the coup our President George Orwell and his Roman Senate made it illegal to expose these old farts, its illegal in our George Orwell Society to show Vick killing dogs on video, beating the hell out of his white women too. After the electricwindmillcar coup these sex (and violence videos) of small business owners with kids will be on this web page! You be the judge, jury, and executioner then.

Treason by the Pentagon did not help the Troops. Is this England in 1776 with road side bombs? Fiery LA car wrecks!

1776 British troops were killed by road side bombs in Boston.

LA freeway's fiery wrecks burn cops, kids, mom, and dad over most of their body in 2009.

Run of the mill crimes by Texas and Saudi Oil Men. Governor of California's wife is a Kennedy who lies about everything; he hit the tiger on the nose with the microphone, why would she lie about this?

Invention of the Lie is a movie by Alias.

My One and only burned in a fiery LA wreck.

Revenge from the 10's of thousands burred, but not burned to death in fiery LA wrecks are keeping the Observers in a constants state of anxiety, like women who have breast today.

Fat causes breast cancer yet the Fed's took Ephredra off the market because one Pot Belly Couch Potato guy died watching his 10th football game on Comcast.

Now Comcast wants to buy NBC with its Genocide Era Profits of more than $3 billion $

Texas is going too spent $3 billion in the next 10 years on finding a cure for cancer.

Comcast makes $3 billion in profits every 3 months.

NBC is never going to report how many died in fiery LA wrecks the last 3 months or how many died from breast cancer the last 3 months but Comcast profits for every 3 months make headlines.

A group of Palm Beach County deputies headed to Key West on a weekend motorcycle trip had their vacation cut short when one of the motorcycles caught fire Friday, severely burning the man who had been riding it, the Florida Highway Patrol said. They stopped at a Shell gas station in Marathon to fill their tanks when his motorcycle fell over on him and burst into flames. Trapped under the burning Harley Davidson, Ragali suffered burns on 50 percent of his body before the other deputies could pull him out. Within seconds, the fire spread to a mini van at a pump nearby. A store clerk rescued two toddlers in the van and a bystander before the fire reached their car seats, Santangelo said.

This is reason to scream this is Treason by Carter and wife Roslyn all the Pentagon Generals for abdominal crimes of burning cops and kids in gasoline for $ oil money. "We want to present the truth about every aspect of our live and times suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar" Carter said.

Treason at the Pentagon for abdominal crimes your flesh sizzling in gasoline.

1776 treason of road side bombs in Boston and LA, gasoline cars!

Off Limits… Commanding Officer at Camp Pendleton is guilty of Treason, for Oil Money and Motorcycle Sales Money, 2 treasonous acts for more money!

CAMP PENDLETON, Cal if. - Sgt. Adam Bosley was back from his third tour of duty in Iraq and waiting to head to Afghanistan when he bought a sleek, souped-up motorcycle capable of high-speed cornering and explosive acceleration.

Days after buying the machine in August, the 29-year-old Marine was dead after he lost control of the sport bike on a San Diego highway ramp, struck a guardrail and tumbled down a ravine.

The military lost 124 members to motorcycle accidents in a year

Motorcycle deaths are also up nationally, as bike sales and registrations rise. Deaths last year increased for the 11th straight year - from 2,116 in 1997 to an all-time high of 5,290, the National Highway Traffic Administration said.

The Army reported a 34 percent rise in motorcycle fatalities from 2007 to 2008, and the Marines and the Navy also reported significant increases.

Off Limits…

Off Limits… the New York Times put Alpha Centauri 4.3 light years from Earth off limits in its news!

The planet, COROT-7b, the first planet outside our solar system to be confirmed as a rocky body - most other known planets are gas giants. The planet is nearly twice the size of Earth and about five times the mass of our world. Calculations have indicated it has a density about that of Earth's, which means it is likely made up of silicate rocks, just as Earth's crust is. The planet is likely much less hospitable to life though, as it is only about 1.6 million miles (2.6 million km) away from its parent star - 23 times closer than Mercury sits to the sun. Because the planet is so close to the star, it is gravitationally locked to it in the same way the Moon is locked to Earth. One side of the planet always faces its star, just as one side of the Moon always faces Earth. This star-facing side has a temperature of about 4,220 degrees Fahrenheit (2,326 degrees Celsius) - hot enough to vaporize rock. So unlike the much cooler Earth, COROT-7b has no volatile gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen) in its atmosphere. Instead its atmosphere consists of what might be called vaporized rock. "The only atmosphere this object has is produced from vapor arising from hot molten silicates in a lava lake or lava ocean,"

Carbon monoxide emitted by traffic may be harmful even at levels far below those considered safe by government standards, a Yale study has found. An odorless, tasteless air pollutant released by cars in traffic, carbon monoxide is associated with an increased risk of hospitalization due to cardiovascular illness among the elderly. The primary source of carbon monoxide is traffic exhaust, so concentrations in suburban and rural areas are likely to be lower and less dangerous than in urban areas of high traffic density. Of the 126 counties studied, New Haven's mean carbon monoxide concentration, at 1.1 parts per million at the peak hour of particulate concentration, was slightly lower than those of other counties studied. Jefferson, Ala., had the highest mean concentration, at 4.3 parts per million.

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times!

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times!

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times!

By some fag editor at the New York Times, just back from Vegas and the teen prostitutes…

(If Polanski's rape video was put on YouTube by the LA Cops France not Switzerland would have sent Polanksi back to the USA in a damaged condition!)
So when, just before lunch on Sunday, the news broke that Mr. Polanski had been arrested overnight at the Zurich airport on an outstanding warrant relating to a conviction for sex with a minor back in the 1970s, my first response was to feel almost physically sick. Mr. Polanski has become a good friend. Our families have spent time together. His daughter and mine keep in regular touch. His past did not bother me, any more (presumably) than it did the three French presidents with whom he has had private dinners, or the hundreds of actors and technicians who have worked with him since 1977, or the fans who come up to him in the streets of Paris for his autograph. cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits?

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? This is a rich fag talking cui bono who has sex with kids in Thailand and pays teen prostitutes in Vegas... He wrote this editorial published in the New York Times last week.

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times!

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times!

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times!

By some fag editor at the New York Times, just back from Vegas and the teen prostitutes…

We were having dinner when Mr. Polanski's agent, Jeff Berg, rang to say he had just seen it. He conveyed good news: the film was unexpectedly favorable to the director, revealing just how bizarre had been the judge's handling of the original case.

For Mr. Polanski, this was a moment of triumph. However, by a terrible irony, it was also at this moment that the seeds of his present predicament were sown. He thought he could settle the matter at last, and his subsequent, vigorous legal attempts to have the case against him closed - supported, remarkably, by his victim, Samantha Geimer, the one person who comes out of this affair with her dignity enhanced - clearly infuriated Mr. Cooley. Legal authorities the world over loathe being publicly criticized. After the arrest was announced, Mr. Cooley declared that Mr. Polanski "has been trying to get it resolved on his terms, but it's going to be on the terms of the Los Angeles County justice system."

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? This is a rich fag talking cui bono who has sex with kids in Thailand and pays teen prostitutes in Vegas... He wrote this editorial published in the New York Times last week.

(If Polanski's rape video was put on YouTube by the LA Cops France not Switzerland would have sent Polanksi back to the USA in a damaged condition!)
It sounds very much as though Mr. Polanski became overconfident, both in the rightness of his own cause and in the safety of Switzerland as a refuge - a country that after the credit crisis suddenly seems to be much more eager to cooperate with international authorities. Its volte-face on its famous guest has drawn understandable contempt and Mr. Polanski, in his cell, now has plenty of time to ponder the limits of Swiss hospitality.

I make no apology for feeling desperately sorry for him. The almost pornographic relish with which his critics are retelling the lurid details of the assault (strange behavior, one might think, for those who profess concern for the victim) makes it hard to consider the case rationally. Of course what happened cannot be excused, either legally or ethically.

But Ms. Geimer wants it dropped, to shield her family from distress, and Mr. Polanski's own young children, to whom he is a doting father, want him home. He is no threat to the public. The original judicial procedure was undeniably murky. So cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits?

Robert Harris is the author of "Fatherland" and, most recently, "The Ghost."

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? This is a rich fag talking cui bono who has sex with kids in Thailand and pays teen prostitutes in Vegas... He wrote this editorial published in the New York Times last week.
(If Polanski's rape video was put on YouTube by the LA Cops France not Switzerland would have sent Polanksi back to the USA in a damaged condition!)

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times!

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times!

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times!

By some fag editor at the New York Times, just back from Vegas and the teen prostitutes… we have to get his sex videos from Vegas on YouTube.
Researchers have created the first full-star simulation of the hours preceding the largest thermonuclear explosions in the universe

Type Ia supernovae are of particular interest to astrophysicists, as they are all believed to be surprisingly similar to each other. Based on observations of these massive stellar explosions, scientists believe our universe is expanding at an accelerating rate.

"We're trying to understand something very fundamental, which is how these stars blow up, but it has implications for the fate of the universe," Ann Almgren of Berkeley Lab's Computational Research Division said. "Few have tackled this problem before because it was considered intractable. We needed to simulate the conditions for hours, not just a few seconds. We are now doing calculations that weren't possible before."

Florida Keys as fresh grouper and cold beer. Census statistics released this week show that Monroe County - which includes the cluster of 1,700 islands floating off South Florida - has the second-highest proportion of divorced residents.

Can Strep Infection Cause Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Not all experts believe that is real, however. "It is hypothesized but not proven that strep, treated or not, might trigger a first episode and/or flares of OCD in young children,"

Sony today announced the development of a single lens 3D camera technology capable of recording 3D images of even fast-moving subject matter such as sports, at 240fps (frames per second). This technology combines a newly developed optical system for single lens 3D camera which captures the left and right images simultaneously, together with existing high frame rate (HFR) recording technology to realize 240fps 3D filming. Sony will demonstrate a prototype model incorporating this technology at "CEATEC JAPAN 2009", to be held at Makuhari Messe convention center in Chiba city, Japan, from October 6th. In existing half mirror 3D camera systems with separate lenses for the left and right eyes, the parallax range is adjustable, enabling the depth of the 3D images to be modified. However, when operating the zoom and focus functions of such systems, the sensitivity of the human eye, in particular to differences in the size and rotational movement of dual images, as well as any vertical misalignment or difference in image quality has meant that complex technology has been required to ensure that each camera lens is closely coordinated, and there are no discrepancies in the optical axis, image size, and focus. The introduction of a single lens system resolves any issues that may occur as a result of having different optical characteristics for each eye. Furthermore, by using mirrors in place of shutters, incoming light can now be simultaneously separated into left and right images and recorded as it reaches the parallel light area (the area where diverging light from the point of focus on the subject matter becomes parallel) of the relay lens. The separated left and right images are then processed and recorded with the respective left and right image sensors. As there is no difference in time between when the left and right eye images are captured, it is possible for natural and smooth 3D images to be captured, even of scenes involving rapid movement. Optical tests have shown that a frame rate 240fps represents the limit of human visual perception, and beyond that it becomes difficult to detect differences in terms of blur and "jerkiness" of moving images (where images that were continuous are now seen as a series of distinct snapshots). By developing a 240fps frame rate CMOS image sensor with properties close to the human eye, which is capable of capture natural images of even fast moving subject matter, Sony has succeeded in further enhancing the quality of 3D video images. The combination of Sony's new single lens 3D system and its 240fps high frame rate technology has realized a single lens 3D camera system, based on universal properties of the human eye, which enables natural and smooth 3D images with no accommodation-vengeance conflict to be recorded.

Sony plans to deliver new 3D viewing experiences by bringing 3D to the home in 2010.

Here in Colorado at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park on the tour they tell you Stanley got $1 million in cash from Kodak 100 years ago for inventing a way to develop pictures 100 times faster. This is to inspire you to invent something for Kodak or Sony or Microsoft. Windows 7 that boots up in 3 seconds would be 100 times faster but Bill Gates would not pay you anything. Sony 50" LCD TV with a hard drive full of Sony Movies, would be 100 times faster than putting all these Sony Movies on your hard drive then figuring out how to plug a hard drive into your new Sony 50" LCD tv. Sony will not pay you for this invention idea. Sony will not even put an Alarm Clock into its 50" LCD tv's so you don't miss the first minutes of Katie Couric. San disk is taking 100 times longer than normal to make the second generation Fuze mp3 player because they don't want me writing they left out features I wrote about and forgot to add a place for AA Batteredies. Plug your San disk 16 gig flash drive into your San disk Fuze mp3 player is for the 4th generation players! Best Buy screwed by all my mp3 songs and the Greeks at Best Buy worked 1 hour to fix this and couldn't.

Toyota Today --- CEO played the YouTube Video of the fiery LA wreck cause by a floor mat installed wrong... nothing to do with the wrong type of fuel going into the Toyota Today. CEO of Toyota will hang for sure!

There's no part of our bodies that we obsess about more than our breasts. Even those of us not prone to health anxiety wonder which, if any, of our everyday habits are upping our odds of getting breast cancer. And it's no wonder we're confused: New scientific reports constantly contradict earlier ones. One week, a new medical study tells us what to eat to prevent breast cancer; the next week, another tells us that diet doesn't make a difference. Is it any surprise even smart women are baffled?

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times!

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times!

cui bono, as the Romans used to say - who benefits? ----- this was the punch line in the New York Times!

By some fag editor at the New York Times, just back from Vegas and the teen prostitutes…
>>>>> 5 October 2009 >>> Treason by the Pentagon!

Reasons to scream this is Treason! LOST >>> 4.3 Light Years "War's Mobilization" to Alpha Centauri. "War's Mobilization" to get the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer. Greg's Retirement starts on 5 Oct 09 >>> Treason by Carter and wife Roslyn, all the Pentagon Generals for suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar terrible crimes of burning cops and kids in gasoline for $ oil money, and bribes in Secret Swiss Bank accounts. "We want to present the truth about every aspect of our lives and times suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar" Jimmy and Roslyn Carter said. On Carters 85th BDay. Greg's retirement in Polygamy with Goddess Wives brainstorming 1,001 invention projects and the Rx Penicillin Overnight Miracle cure for breast cancer. Letterman never thought of Polygamy as CBS never ever puts POLYGAMY in the news, new sitcom, or even 48 Hours let alone 60 Minutes - Why is Polygamy off limits in our Orwellian Society, that has several genocides going on at the same time and all are run by the government? Particulars of his sexual exploits... At the close of David Letterman's stunning on-air disclosure. After a 10-minute explanation of an extortion plot intended to expose his sexual liaisons with female staffers, he concluded, "I don't plan to say much more about this on this particular topic." Yet-to-emerge particulars of his sexual exploits. The greatest unknown in all of this is Letterman's wife, Regina Lasko, who has lived her life largely offstage. But were she to go public by her husband's side -- a reverse reality version of the new CBS series "The Good Wife," if you will -- that could go a long way. On the flip side, a divorce announcement could be equally devastating. Greg's retirement in Polygamy with Goddess Wives brainstorming 1,001 invention projects and the Rx Penicillin Miracle cure for breast cancer. Letterman never thought of Polygamy as CBS never ever puts POLYGAMY in the news, new sitcom, or even 48 Hours let alone 60 Minutes - Why is Polygamy off limits in our Orwellian Society, that has several genocides going on at the same time and all are run by the government? Particulars of his sexual exploits... Brainstorming 1,001 Invention Projects spelled out on this web page with your wives. CBS stifles all inventions and even posting of invention projects that will lead Humanity to Alpha Centauri, Why? Who at CBS is stifling Star Travel? Blackmailed into deleting the nearest Solar System from Earth, someone has successfully blackmailed CBS.

>>> 27 Sept. 2009 will be Greg's 62nd BDay. Polygamy with Goddess Wives brainstorming 1,001 invention projects would be the Best BDay, unfortunately our George Orwell is burning Mad about several on going Genocides all Gov. Run.

1st week of Leno is over, Leno did not joke about your flesh sizzling in a fiery LA car wreck.

I will work on the Rx Penicillin Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer when ever our George Orwell lets us, Greg his wife's. Sixty third ? year I hope.

I have to retire, got an apt. for 5 Oct at the Social Security office here. All I need is a certified Copy of my Birth at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Sent for this should get it by 5 Oct and will have Medicare, wow - 10 years since I have been to a MD. I will get a physical. I was hoping to go to Yale-New Haven Hospital for a physical with cash from the ElectricWindmillCar or one of my other inventions.

1,001 Invention Projects! One is a Portable Satellite dish for the top of your car with several cameras on the top for outside cams and several cams inside watching your driving and dash. Verizon inventions are needed too so you don't have to point the dish south. Also wifi from the Satellite Dish to your office and home, and your Dell notebook. I think Toshiba will do a coup on Dell mini for the screen you can see outdoors. My dell I can't see anything in the sunshine and I emailed Toshiba about their mini and they replied, wow! So I think the next Toshiba mini will be viewable in sunlight. External Wifi antenna would be a nice invention too. Wifi links to the cops so they can see who is driving before they stop the car. Drunks and armed criminals will be seen before the lights come on.

Here in Boulder Colorado the CU freshmen learn to drive the first weeks of classes, I would guess there are 100+ wrecks the 1st week or month of classes. There are no published statistics on car or bike wrecks on the bike paths so we don't know... this mentality is from our George Orwell, everything is Top Secret. One thing I want to mention I found out 3.5 million gringo's have hepatitis. This spike is from all the dirty Mexican Cooks etc... workers in the kitchen. On CU Campus 99% of the kitchen workers are Mexican and they do spread diseases. Our George Orwell keeps these stats a top secret too.

Several other inventions are needed to put portable satellite dishes on top of every car made, and make a satellite dish on the top of your car a mandatory accessory on your ElectricWindmillCar.

Yale Murder had been in the news all week. Yale President Richard Levin said the killing could have happened in any city, in any university, or in any workplace.

It says more about the dark side of the human soul than it does about the extent of security measures.

100,000 people have burned in gasoline and Yale President Richard Levin knows this is Gov. Run genocide by suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar. Raymond Clark III's attitude led to a deadly workplace confrontation with 24-year-old Annie Le. In a Yale medical school building.

I want to say something here... Bush his daughter was on the Today Show owned by GE on Friday reporting on the $1.2 Billion dollar Cowboys Football Stadium her father build out of SPITE for Greg Buell Lovestar, me! I have written on this web that after the Coup on Bush-Obama and the Texas and Saudi Oil Mne every Football Stadium on every Campus will have a State of the Arts Medical School built over it as the Niger football players are low life ringers who gang rape their mothers, daughters and even their grandmothers... this Niger behavior is in a UN report that 99% of riggers in Africa have raped their mom, daughter and grandma. So Bush's daughter on Today Show on Friday had tour of the $1.2 Billion dollar Dallas Football stadium and a interview with a 12 year old Niger boy.

Were are the 100,000 cops and kids with gasoline burns over most of their bodies, did Jenna Bush take a pill and forget these burn victims of her fathers?

Well back to Greg's retirement. I have not worked a $10 an hour job since March. Temp jobs from Westaff and Manpower have been all my jobs since 1998 10 years as a temp. at Weststaff and Manpower are all "Orwellian", the girls who call me for a temp job know about the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar and the small business owners where I'm sent know about the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar.

In March I finished up a six month temp job at the Avalanche Beacon factory, BackCountry Access. I tried to sell them a new product, a GPS Avalanche Beacon and GPS Tracker, ie for a ski party of 10 at Vail you can keep track of all 10 in your party if everyone had a GPS Tracker. I don't know if Bruno and Edge are going to make this or try to sell it to Sony. As a party of 10 visiting Tokyo would need a hand held GPS Tracker to keep track of everyone in their party in Tokyo. I would like to get at least one wife from Tokyo, a supercomputer literate women from NEC, to help brainstorm the Rx Penicillin cure for Breast Cancer and 1,001 other invention projects.

Bruno and Edge the owners harassed me, spit on me for not massacring women and kids in Vietnam, and let the engineers from Nepal and India spit on me for not massacring women and kids in Vietnam.

So I have to do something. Oh, These guys visit Thailand and of course have sex with kids, our George Orwell observers have made comments about this on and off for a year but no arrest ???

The New York Times put a front page story in the paper last week that my idea to expose domestic violence on white women via nigers put them on YouTube videos. This is illegal in our George Orwell Society... I should have guesses as much!

I also had a six month temp job at Blue Mountain Arts Greeting Cards and Susan Shultz the writer and owner serves sugar bowls of cocaine at her parties, has been going on since 1975 when the woman I was living with in Estes Park when to one of her parties. She came home and told me about all the sugar bowls of cocaine at the party. The parters and cocaine has been going on from 1975 to 2009 really! Millions of dollars in greeting card profits went for cocaine! I want to expose how much of every dollar from every small business goes for cocaine and for the rappers songs cd's etc

One of our George Orwell observers said she would get me a job but nothing so far and no donations in my post office box as our George Orwell will not let anyone a send a check.

Ten years between MD visits so I need to get a physical and our Health care debate will go on until after the Coup. $6.50 is the cheapest Medicare plan $79.50 is the most expensive plan, this is the plan I will pick. I just read a message on the Senior news group that said Social Security will not let you get Medicare until you are 65 unless you live in poverty, will I made $3,800 in 2009 so I live in poverty I will try to get on Medicare on Oct 5th. Unless of course I get a windfall $$$

Dark side of men who murder at a Medical School are the MD's who are addicted to greed more than the Texas and Saudi Oil men (And Bill Gates who knows about all the government run genocides). 100,000 burnt in fiery car wrecks have to pay for their burns in an Oil Genocide Era. MD's at Yale know this.

Dark Side of men will be on the front pages of the New York Times after the Coup when I write the Headlines. Yale Presidents, all will be arrested for mass murder after the Coup.

Annie Le was from Vietnam, all the old Generals in North Vietnam will be arrested and hanged for mass murder too. Burning Vietnamese in gasoline for oil money bribes. The dark side of war and Generals will be exposed in my editorial in the New York Times as these old Generals in Hanoi - Ho Chi Minh City took oil money from Texas and Saudi oil men to let Vietnamese women and kid's burn in gasoline from 1980 to 2009. After fighting so hard to win the war, the North Vietnamese Generals sold out their peasants for a Swiss Bank account full of oil money. Sick!

Dark side of men in my New York Times article will convict these North Vietnamese Generals of mass murder of their own wife's, daughters, grandma's.

In the USA the POW McCain is guilty of mass murder of American wives, daughters, and grandma's via the Oil Genocide Era and the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar. McCain has a secret Swiss Bank account full of Oil Genocide money too $$$

Yale will have 3 shifts after the Coup, as the Coup Leaders will make the University Education mandatory! Yale Medical School will be free and have 3 shifts of med students too to make up for the Top Brass programming the shortage of MD's so MD's can all be billionaires $$$

Yet Donald Trump would not let the 9-11 victims get $1 Billion each because he though this was to much compensation. When the Coup Leaders confiscate all the Texas and Saudi Oil money, several Trillion dollars... 15 to 25 Trillion Dollars $$$ I would guess, everyone burned in gasoline from 1980 to 2009 will get $1 Billion each, everyone from 9-11 too, this will give Donald Trump a heart attack to say the least, he will be pulling out his hair in madness! A good example of the dark side of mans mentality in the rich and famous.

Dark Side of men is not just murder but being cheap with money too, as this murders someone too just ask Bill Gates!

Cadavers will be mandatory for every FRESHMAN at every University in the USA, as no one knows what the organs do! And my 1,001 Invention Projects you must know your anatomy and physiology.

Leno could not name the Organs in his TEN AT TEN interviews with the rich and famous guest.

I hope to go to Yale New Haven Hospital for my 10 year physical as the inventor of the ElectricWindmillCar as Class and Caste are everything at Yale.

Yale MD's sold organs to Saudi Princes decades after the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar. Dark side of man, you would think the President of Yale would think before he said this.

Editorial in the New York Times on the Dark side of Man. The 1998 Yale Murder I will ask the FBI to arrest Van de Velde In 1998, Suzanne Jovin, a 21-year-old was murdered, Van de Velde, then an unmarried, 38-year-old former naval intelligence officer served as Jovin's Thesis adviser. Her subject was Osama bin Laden. Early on, authorities identified him as a Suspect, though they never said what evidence, if any, fueled that belief. He was hounded by national and local media. He had no alibi. He told police he had been home alone when Jovin was stabbed 17 times in the back and neck on a cold December night and left slumped on the curb of a residential street, three-fifths of a mile From Jovin's home. A month after Jovin's murder, Van de Velde says Yale fired him - canceling his classes, refusing to renew his contract and telling him to stay away from students. Angry and demoralized, he eventually left town and went to Washington, where he worked for three years as an analyst of weapons of mass destruction for the Defense Intelligence Agency. Later, he served in the State Department's diplomatic corps. He now Works for a private firm, analyzing WMD and counter terrorism data. "I was destroyed," Van de Velde wrote to the AP. >>>>

2009 >>> We know 9-11 could have been prevented by the people Van de Velde went to work for in DC so I will ask the FBI after the coup to arrest Van de Velda, we will be able to get all the top secret George Orwell cam video and transcripts of everything then. Clintons, both husband and wife will hang if convicted of Oil Genocide profiting!

Yale President and the number of students entering Yale Medical School. This is the dark side of man and the JAMA, all the medical and science Journals are to expensive for Greg and 1,001 other inventors to read. I have been complaining about the cost of reading medical journals for decades and Observers at Yale did nothing to make then free to read. This is the dark side of Men at Yale I will write about in the New York Times when I gain control of the paper! And make some YouTube videos on.

Yale President Levin and vice president Lorimer know about the UN's criminal behavior in suppressing H and clean drinking water for 1 Billion people - read this story about the building Le's dead body was found in, the building is 2 years old and uses H2O to flush toilets not get H and O from rainwater.

Dark side of man, were do the women like Linda Koch Lorimer, Yale's vice president play their role model in the dark sides of MEN?

Ms. Le's promising life ended in the basement of an ultramodern science building that has what other graduate students at Yale described as tight security. A lab building on Amistad Street. The building, open for only two years, was planned to be energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Among other things, it collects rainwater on the roof, treats it and circulates it through the building to flush the toilets.

Linda Koch Lorimer, Yale's vice president is not a Goddess role model for Yale Men who want to get the Rx Penicillin Miracle cure for breast cancer! And get H from rainwater.

>>> 27 Sept. 2009 will be Greg's 62nd BDay. Polygamy with Goddess Wives brainstorming 1,001 invention projects would be the Best BDay, unfortunately our George Orwell is burning Mad about several on going Genocides all Gov. Run.

1st week of Leno is over Leno did not joke about your flesh sizzling in a fiery LA car wreck.

I will work on the Rx Penicillin Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer when ever our George Orwell let us, Greg and his wife's. 62nd BDay

How old was I in 1980 when I invented the ElectricWindmillCar? 40k women have died every year since 1980 of breast cancer.

SPITE of Bush and Texas Oil men murdered all these women just like North Vietnam Generals murder women who will burn in gasoline on Greg's 62nd BDay 27 Sept 2009

SPITE of Bush and Texas Oil men murdered all these women just like North Vietnam Generals murder women who will burn in gasoline on Greg's 62nd BDay 27 Sept 2009

>>> 27 Sept. 2009 will be Greg's 62nd BDay. Polygamy with Goddess Wives brainstorming 1,001 invention projects would be the Best BDay

Hydrogen and Oxygen in massive amounts free from the gallons of H2O in your Electricwindmillcar via the electrolysis accessory. This free Hydrogen in huge amounts would have saved the lives of 100 kids every year since 1980 too who were left in hot cars to die as your Electricwinmillcar would be climate controlled 24/7 Putin has $7 Trillion from oil and would let Russian drunks freeze in gasoline cars forever Power is building 2 more nuclear Plants when you could generate your electricity with free Hydrogen!

Today Show NBC owned by GE stifles getting the Rx Penicillin Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer via Gen Powell picking the "Black" stories which are light years from helping you brainstorming a Rx Penicillin Miracle Cure for Breast Cancer.

Gen Powell Yes! Donald Trump picks the Miss Universe winner too there is no vote my Judges! Mean while Gen Powell executed the black women Robin on Good Morning American who has breast cancer. Trump and Powell could have prevented 9-11 by exposing the suppression of the electricwindmillcar invented in 1980 but didn't... this is Treason and a serious crime even in a George Orwell Society!

Long time cops and kids in LA have been burning in fiery car wrecks on the LA Freeway. 1980 to 2009!
I think Caroline Kennedy will be hanged on the first day of the Coup... by cops and kids with gasoline burns over most of their bodies.
An addiction he calls as destructive as alcohol... news, air strike in Afghanistan blew up two fuel trucks Friday morning 4 Sept. 2009, causing a fiery explosion that killed up to 90 civilians.

LA freeway 90 civilians will burn and burn to death this Labor Day Holiday and the News will not report these civilian deaths by the Pentagon.

An addiction he calls as destructive as alcohol... Oil Genocide Era 1980 -2009 and the Genocide of War in Afghanistan while more civilians are killed by the Gates, and the Pentagon on LA freeways in fiery wrecks.

No serendipity for how gravity is generated or getting an Rx Penicillin Breast Cancer cure via serendipity! No 1,001 Invention Projects on this web page for your 3 day weekend work!

Caroline Kennedy could be hanged by the Coup leaders as Ted Kennedy watched the Hidden Camera Video of the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 then after Kennedy got brain cancer he stifled Greg Buell Lovestar from working on a Rx Penicillin for breast cancer via George Orwell!

Blacks and Mexicans have profited from this gasoline genocide via our George Orwell who sets the gringo cat on fire along with 100's a day in LA fiery wrecks and no Rx Penicillin miracle cure for Breast Cancer! 100 breast cancer deaths every day all semester and no one will let you in on these statistics or who fired Greg Buell from the CU Bookstore. Genocide via our George Orwell's suppression and firing Greg Buell Lovestar at the CU Bookstore, I was replaced by a Mexican who will never ever work on a Rx Penicillin Miracle cure for Breast Cancer.

In this picture in the small flames in front of the burning gasoline tanker is a SUV with Mon Dad and 2 kids in the back seat, are burning to death. Bush, McCain and Kennedy did this to Americans. This is a hate crime because 99.9% of those burned in gasoline since the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 are white cops and kids in the back seat in the fiery car wrecks.

As George Orwell does not want me to get you Mad as Hell, set your Madness on fire via gasoline, expose anyone set on fire via gasoline in Our George Orwell’s Oil Genocide Era from 1980 to 2009, No serendipity for how gravity is generated or getting an Rx Penicillin Breast Cancer cure via serendipity! Long time cops and kids in LA have been burning in fiery car wrecks on the LA Freeway. 1980 to 2009!

I think Caroline Kennedy will be hanged on the first day of the Coup...

Caroline Kennedy could be hanged by the Coup leaders as Ted Kennedy watched the Hidden Camera Video of the invention of the ElectricWindmillCar in 1980 then after Kennedy got brain cancer he stifled Greg Buell Lovestar from working on a Rx Penicillin for breast cancer via George Orwell!

Please send cash or check to
Copyright 2011 Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West, FL 33041
Cell 303 548 9904

New ----- New YouTube I Just Made -- CLICK HERE * * *
Greg Buell ON YouTube Video ------------ GREG'S 1ST VIDEO HERE !
About End War On Earth and the Cure for Breast Cancer


22 Aug 2009 ---- gov. perks for Blacks and Mexicans, even on NBC Today Show Hero Al Roker while GE spits on Officer Jason burned to death sitting in his cops car writing a niger a ticket, Matt and all the women went on and on making Al Roker a Saint instead of a "Vick" setting the dog on fire via gasoline... GE profits from this gasoline genocide! CIA was blackmailed to let the

Temps are now USA Citizens while our George Orwell hires Mexicans and Blacks without a resume or background check. Best Buy, Safeway, Kroger, Stop sign holder at every construction site everywhere Mexicans are working. CU Campus CU Bookstore Mexicans replaced Gringos, via orders from the TOP our George Orwell... only in a "Oil Genocide Era" would they set so many cats on fire while in LA 100's a day burn and burn to death in fiery gasoline wrecks. Breast cancer Rx Penicillin cure is spit on by the 5 women who run the CU Bookstore this semester how many women will die of breast cancer this semester... don't ask in the CU Bookstore they will spit in your face and call a Mexican to escort you out the door without letting you stop to read a textbook.

Kelly Services a Temp agency and Manpower go along with this genocide that kills 10's of thousands of gringo temps a year. It's now a genocide! FBI will arrest everyone at Kelly and Manpower when the suppression of the ElectricWindmillCar is exposed for killing gringos in the USA, Boulder CO.

New York Times Today 10 Aug 2009

CBS Early show had 1 Orwellian comment this morning, about suppressing the electricwindmillcar since 1980 caused a cascade of government genocides... one on top of the other leading up to today when our "George Orwell" has several "cascading genocides" all going on today killing 100's today and tomorrow just in the USA. All are government run genocides. From burning in gasoline in fiery wreck, to mom drinking Coors, smoking pot with the kids in the mini van, to fat with no Ephredra, to MIT scientists working on War Toys today instead of a Rx Penicillin for Breast Cancer. And their are several more on going genocides just read the rest of the web page. Last I have to mention I'm still suppressed by our local MD's in Boulder CO and the Tebo Family Cancer Center from working on a Rx Penicillin cure for Breast Cancer Today and Tomorrow. No telling when our "George Orwell" will come out from behind the hidden cameras and put Greg Buell Lovestar to work with a few wife's...

ps if you are a gov. employee or former one and want to help send cash as our George Orwell has kick me out of the CU Bookstore as cashier as I stopped to read to many text books on the way back from break. They hired Mexican Pit Bulls for cashiers who never, ever read a text book on the way back from break! Grin.. Only our "George Orwell" could "cascade" so many genocides! Even Mexican Pit Bull Cashiers are a Genocide as they lost 1 billion social inventions from the gringos who were fired!

Fiery Wrecks on the 4th of July 2009 will go unreported in our Orwellian Nightly News...

4th of July 2009 Inventors will go with...

4th of July 2009 Inventors will go with...
4th of July 2011 Greg still wants a Intel Xeon CPU for his notebook, my windows 7 notebook locks up the mouse every day few times as I write a new web page... and there is no way to fix it. Without spending hundreds of dollars. More than the Acer notebook cost! Inventor OS will replace windows 7 before windows 8 comes out.
4th of July 2009 Inventors will go with a dual-socket Intel Xeon 5500-series system. The Xeon (DP) W5580 offers more speed than the AMD 2400 series. HP offers the W5580 processor only in a 1-way configuration in its Z800 system, which sells for about $6700. A dual-socket E5530-based Z800 is available for $7800. Dell the only major vendor to sell a dual-socket W5580 workstation. A Precision T5500 system equipped with two W5580 processors currently sells for about $6620.

Make this 4th of July 2009 a Fiery Independence Day for "our" Observers who are watching but not watching out for a Rx Penicillin Cure for Breast Cancer in July 2009!

27 Sept 2007 My BDay present from GM is more gasoline cars

27 Sept 2007 My BDay present from Cops is a Coup D'Etat

27 Sept 2007 My BDay present from "Women Observers" is a few Wives

9-11 would never have happened if the ElectricWindmillCars were on the streets of the USA in 1980. Kennedy was drunk in 1980 when he was watching me on hidden cameras, he then started the worst gasoline genocide in history. All 100 Senators will end up hanging for the gasoline genocide.This is a large very large picture of Officer Jason with burnt face and with the logos of many fortune 500 corporations who profited via bribes and gov perks to let 10k cops in the USA Moscow and Bejing, like officer Jason burn in their cop car years and decades after the invention of the electric windmill car in 1980. The worst corporations are GE and Bill Gates at Microsoft, and Whole Foods as they are wind powered yet they got bribes and perks from the government to let a genocide go on... that All the MD's at Martin Luther King Hospital are mass murderers, and everyone knows this. Yet Bush can not stop this killing of patients in massive numbers because he would have to admit he ordered it in the first place, via getting them into Yale Medical School and passing them when they really failed at Yale Medical School. ABC Nightly News would have enough on Bush to Hang him in public.City of Boulder DA call to tell me they have a witness to testify against me getting run over in the cross walk on my bike. Of course they hid behind hidden cameras in this Orwellian Society when they called me but I imagine most the DA's in Boulder and in the USA will be arrested for Genocide by cops with faces burned in gasoline


This is a large very large picture of Officer Jason with burnt face and with the logos of many fortune 500 corporations who profited via bribes and gov perks to let 10k cops in the USA Moscow and Bejing, like officer Jason burn in their cop car years and decades after the invention of the electric windmill car in 1980.

The worst corporations are GE and Bill Gates at Microsoft, and Whole Foods as they are wind powered yet they got bribes and perks from the government to let a genocide go on..

cop wife babyCop burned in a fiery wreck, not on the front page of the New York Times!

Kennedy burned millions in gasoline since 1980.

Bridge Kennedy drove off of...

End up killing one girl

and 1 Billion others via suppressing the Electric Windmill Car.


Click here to... End War On Earth or go to http://www.endwaronearth.com

CLICK HERE ----- Link to the classic ElectricWindmillCar Index-2 I edited it the web is fixed up nicely...


22 May 2011 Send cash or check to Greg Buell in Key West Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 - Please help Greg by financing my 1,001 Invention Projects! Cell 303 548 9904 in Key West! New I have a Passport and FL drivers license looking for a job in Key West if you have one please call or email greg thanks

Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041 -
Please help Greg by financing my 1,001 Invention Projects! Cell 303 548 9904 in Key West! New I have a Passport and FL drivers license, looking for a job in Key West, please call or email if you can help, thanks

Please send cash or check to Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 copyright Greg Buell 2011

Kerrys Car Oil Gas Money Trillions

Kerry + Wife have $177 Trillion in Oil Revenues yet will not give $1 Billion in compensation for fiery Boston car wrecks - Burns! Why Oil$whyise $Wise - No!

Trump in NYC vetoed the same $1 Billion in compentsation to wifes burned in gasoline, not his, kids burned in gasoline, not his, burned in fiery NYC Wrecks! Greed, this is beyond Greed - Kerry and Trump both worth $ Billions refuse to give a Billion in compensation that is not even their money, but illegal Oil genocide revenue from suppressing the ElectricWindmillCar since 1980.

No wonder why the government has several more spin off genocides all government run and observed today by the CIA and FBI who can give Humanity no Justice in arresting the King of Saudi Arabia and confistating his $177 Trillion dollars!

Greg Buell Copyright 2011 PO Box 214 Key West Fl 33041

cop wife babyCop burned in a fiery wreck, not on the front page of the New York Times!

End War on Earth Copyright 2013

Kerrys Car Oil Gas Money Trillions

Please send cash or check to Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041

copyright Greg Buell 2013 Cell 303 548 9904